fittsinnigh Otimeife. itiBLZORID IfIZITTE POLII9WIO SATURDAY:, MAY 0, 1865 TUE GREAT CALAMITY. 'The ample details of the late terrible die -aster,- occasioned by the explosion of the boilers Of tins Sultana, are in honible ea to 'render comment unnecessary, impertinent, Ifnot impossible. Hen, after reading them, feel neither like talking tiny writing, The salmi flits from the &or rid scene osihi dark and turbid river, back to the rebel prisons , trbenCe most of the victims had just come, and then forward• to aho thousand Immo', - *here that Uottai unei bid 'wept over and prayed to; and now awaited 'with Impatient" to le almost agony Itself; and then; all at once, plunged late sorrow at their awhal fateso.deep, so dark, so unspeakable, that langn,ge, howevel upon& would die long before it can give It expresuon. There are some blows which Alike the heart 'finatb, and Abli is one of them. But what shall be done with the wretch by whose triers , more than : two thons 'Men wore ibrced wpm 'a boat the proper - capacity of which wet not *Ter tire Inn ,' aired? Justice and outraged humanity de• mama tkat be aball be made to answer for ids meeperime. . The friends of his victims, the peWe and the press ought to demand It at lb. bands of the proper authorities. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMEN T IN TEE MANUFACTURE OF IRON. Mr. Jon D. Vi ria.tams, an Intelligent practical iron worker of Manchester (one of the suburban manufacturing towns of Pittsburgh) called at our office and showed : lathe piece orison spoken of in the annexed _ noto Wane.; Jr., of the Fort Pitt FoisnctrY, the works wlierekithe great tampon are made, and ono of the most • extensive and perfect establishments in the country. 'lir. WADE writes : FORE PITT , FODEDRT, Prrrenenou, May sth, 1865. I. • - Tong; , Esq.—Dear Sir : 'The teen wrought iron submitted by you or testing on May lst, 1865, was sub jected to a tensile strain of 166,900 pounds per square lath teithota breaking. This is . greatly in excess of any endurance ever shown by nay iron ever tested that .I have - ever seen, heard or read of. The greatest endurance ever shown by any iron tested at this foundry was from 0,000 to '15,000 pounds per square inch. The standard given by the "11. 8. Ordnance Manual" for the best "Swedish" Iron is 72,000 pounds per square inch. The same authority 'sets down. "cast steel" at 128,000 pounds per square • Inch. The ultimate strength of the speci men submitted by you is. nal Jim; as the -weights of our testing machine were all ex . latusted when the above result was inched Very respectfully, . . Wx. WADL,AID. Mr. WILL - isms informs 111 that the pro caw bp which this . sinexampled tenacity and strength is impa rted to iron will, add but about two dollars per ton to the cost of its manufacture. It is impossible . - to esti . mate the value Of this improvement It , add nedrly.lsoPer cent to the- strength of ' steam boilers,, the thickness of plate being the lame. Chains of equal tractile strength can be made;of less e tipus half the iron now used. For, inspenelon bridges it will be in valuable. The minimimi . stringth of the best Bwed . tali iron is '12,000 pounds per squire inelq . but here is inn which did not break under ' - strainf_ of ` 160,990 pounds. .It was stretched and elongated, - and of course re '_ vinced in di ameter, just as wa or .candy when is a sett State,- is elongated and re. (laced in - diameter when pulled. this, conditlon‘another. grip was takes,--when it broke. -.lil Da strength was not racer ' A paient has been secured for this provement. It is chemical in its nathre - , . and is applied boiling firreaCe. ' The Iron; off Which the piece which was tested IClllllllOi, was.prinoipally .anthiseite pig, With a small quantity of charroaliron. . • Mr.Wmt.t.sms exhibited some specimens of hoop ',iron, -made direCtly frocci tke •`muck billet,"which for smoothness sad sp.- parent toughness we Defer SAW surpassed. Also an inch square bar, bent cold, so short • and do:pls.-that ..was' perfectly . doubled, the slightest- appearance of fr ee. lbe Chitialan Columbaaos ind•Clen :Lee. &orgy) H. 8 - uirt., ;sq., Presldeat of the Chriw SUM Oommleelon, to i Card to the New Tort Triketee, diselalms all rapotudbilityon the Com m:ham for_ the late That of some of Its deitastes - to GeoeraLia to pay thiir resieeti.'"ffe rays, . Not:Con or agent of this commission, or any authetimel person, has ever called on General LEL" The Dr. Parker, who - figured in that *bimetal affair, was not even a delegate of the Christian Commission, but was i repamittialre oNirhst, is called the Union Cominhakon. Some - delegates of the ChrlstlanCoMmission; luisowsr, accomps hint to' the mingint-piteence. ,, nen Ingitidaattr; inst toe the - conithlsaloa, art' 7 0 Pirmibie.. • Mani Gssarrm—Thls sterling : Old paper 'ea been parelmiest 'and will terearter be by_ )!ifeaars. ISMannTe du Gleae retire: -The tbrmer his been connected 'that paper for many .years, and alms enjoyed` the esteem and confidentsi pfb). patrons and oflale *untie= of the prid; „gay eienlng ES . ) serene sicd happy._ • - Vero DOW. .4reland,) tf7,4" be it4cll-18tIt coattails ArtvartieloorldOstly . nver the p*lif Profeasoreaitice,ik tte pbtotirote to;the VlXtlngtitep, of 'award and. Ireland VW: ttuf dose or glio:wir oPcos lllOlO5lllO tarritoci to Oak Vona t`ibolostat s -plarto of slaver'' , 4* . tii Row keit olombliblathlg their fkoottrxxv Tin -that Air samba of-the-rebel. Coogroo.. has roomed tome to Mitotattoli ant donxtueerJelLithis old Ids *tirßecimnet irs • a mosmNisking• vim at 0 14, 06 ed ,td &Dec mbilo iictress. tot 'fah tkotoooliwith mob via Tan beef_ Yoeklikeitsg Post ail '` Amite* 47obasoa, atore Vats say ma in the nation, *anal the alWee Alielstettre of. free • kw, sad Waring dames." lir. Johasoa; was the unbar mad tresS - advocate la Molts:me' -Kale nataestteLtele, • 400toritot,nromettlii ifintelta, Ohio * brought to her. mhdact Ara dollars. lt Wu . the eat 11101101•111Gillid era- earned. She wanted It to begin a monument for 'Abraham Lincoln, she Auld. wlebbat , :-Whom she would hire remained . nothhrs bpd a din. - - ?Rs Tonatio ',Wider hi motualeg far *db, the assarahr. It says "the shooting ofßnoth was a cold-blooded murder," and adds that he "died like one whO loved his country dearly." The Caudle:as really seem Who In need. of a Una Tom Warm Veor.-112e wheat crop through out the cciestria mod pemperoos, gulag prom ise of so obtmdant crop. Nothing shod of cgs. lorttme vagrant. the larged growth of 'bead we bare had,/h WA' .Yallecf tat retAlir—Deniton "Para and • little brother Willis have gone Itthne," epbbed • the Jai' Preeideet's yonegest ourdeieg _Bon. 10 friend of the bereavol faWI -who enlleO the White. House on the looming neerenthleasuotedtrom Washington. , Omit rehudris bet Ova States la 00.0 Wes _ let tams aces - 1114.-the capital' of whleh have s ut bee:k i , i ll ikaa bislar d fo c u i Lze u ari, and Goy. • Wok ThaillitOlloo6l4 Wsner Abs_tewcsotAkei seuseader et Lew ' Teethed SDeekta•N Vl.the oiler was ' nya insicievr.doraiti taMde_pleted the Star-BpsopeallaNaK, _ 'l • 444ol?POse, sad Atm up,i;v4.4la.t tar the ===i o 44-i= souk •.','6';;-4t'w.'z;:?f:;-:..:.-.l` ; 4 ~:1- . 7 , ' ,, i - : T A,- z:•21.A!..5_'.1,10'i;:t.i;,,-gq,'-''Ai.' TRPI t Viginif OP TIM PREi.dolitilt, The kdkriring lean extract from the reply of f*lident,loiraeoir to the Pennsylvania delegation, who waited upon him for the purpose of assuringldm of the cordial sup port of Pennsylvania in his great work of puttMeen end to rebellion, sad to that out ofwhichrebellien sprung. The president's reply will, we tbink, the most ardent lover °final:ice., and the most timid comer rator of the public safety, that the work ii in the sight hands. And what is better still, we know that he is attesting his faith by his work'. The President, in the course 'of his remarks; seld : The words you hare spoken are most ful ly and cordially accepted and -responded to by me.. I, too, think the time has suited when the people of this nation should un derstand thatiressoir Is a crime. When we nun to the.catalogue of crime. we flnd 'hat -most of . those - contained in it are under. - stood; but the mime of treason bee neither been generally understood nor generally ap preclatedas . 1 think it should be; and there has been an effort, since this rebellion cont. menced, to make the Impression that it.was a mere political struggle, or as I see it thrown out in some of the papers, a strunie for amendency of certain principles from the dawn of the Government to the present time, end new settled bythe triumph of the Federal arms. If this is to be a determined, settled idea and opinion; the Government at an end, for no question can arise bat they will make it a, party issue; and then, to whatever length they carry it, theparty de. Tested will be only a party defeat 4 endue crime attaches thereto. But I say treason is a crime, the highest crime known to the law, and the people ought to understand it, and be taught to know that unless it be so considered there can be no Government I do not say this to indicate a revengeful or improper spirit. It is simply the enunci ation of deliberate consilerntion and tem perate Judgment. There are men who ought to snfferthe pen alties of their treason; but there are also sours who have been engaged in this rebel. _lion who, while technically speaking, they are gaily of treason, yet who morally are not—thousands who have been drawn into it„ involved by various influences, by con scription, by dread, by force of public opin ion in the localities in which they lived— these are not so responsible as are those who led, deceived, and forced them. To the unconscious, deceived, conscripted—in short, to the great mass of the misled—l would say mercy, clemency, reconciliation, and the restoration of their Government. To these who bare deceived—to the con scions, influential traitor, who attempted to destscl the life of a nation—l would say, on you be Inflicted the severest penalties of your crime. [Applause.] I fully understand how easy it is to get up an impression in regard to the exercise of mercy; and if I know myself and my own heart, there is in it as great a disposi tion to mercy as can be manifested on the part of any, other individual; BUT MERCY wrrnorr alert= Is • cants. In the ex ercise of mercy, there should be deliberate consideration and aprofound understand ing of the case; and I am not prepared to say but what it should often be transferred to a higher court, a court where mercy and justice canbest be united. The Flight ,of Jett. Dayla—ahe Price Set on Ble.illearl. The news that Stoneman's cavalry had got on the track off Jeff. Davis, on his way to Charlottesville, S. C., was promptly fol. lowed yesterday by a proclamation of the President,-declaring the existence of proof which implicates the fugitive rebel in the assassination of lir. Lincoln. and offering a reward of one hundred thousand dollars for his capture. The proclamation links to gether in the murderous plot the names of Davis, Jacob Thompson, Clement C. Clay, .George N. Sanders, Beverly Tucker and W. C. Cleary, rewards amounting to two hundred and ten thousand dollars being offered for bringing to trial the fire agents of the Sonthern .Confederacy in cluded in the list of conspirators. We can not doubt the , proofe on which this official announcement is made are all-sufficient; otherwise. their existence would not have teen proclaimed. The public will hardly be' that the murder is to be brought home dire y Wilke leading rebels. - Any one who hascarefruly folkwretithe progress of the conspiracies for burning down the Northernoffiles, for making indiscriminate havoc of all the , railways of the North,' and for'doing secret murder by every- available agency, will` be forced to the conclusion that the Kennedy, the Bealle , the Boothe Ind the Harroldo weniall the hired and der perste Instruments of rho Bielumond . conspi. redors-;•orgiusized and drilled for the ger- T.OO by ; the. "Peace Missionaries" in the xvieltbornig prOvinc6B. The rewards offered for the apprehension of Ditrig...hirritelf hill shartien the maser of hundreds of his late victims.. They will be on his heels like so many ruthless even:era. And if he escape hy any possible. charm, It will at least be, stripped of his plunder and hounded from every refuge the wide conti nent might have afforded him but for his complicity in.the horrid crime of ttwassas. Steamers far 14U. An enterprise is on form a line of steamers between this country and the. Med. iterrabean coast. The company has been chartered by the Blatt Legislature, and the incorporators include the- imam of Charles M. Wilkins, George Mackay, 'Bram Dixon end William E. Hagan, of New York ; 14. B. Bryant, of Boston, and James Pollock end J. IL Walton, of Philadelphia ; and IL I). Foster, ex• Governor of Pennsyliranla, and Hiram Sarver, Osborne Mar:denial G. F. Beech' de Cassell and E. E. Kendrick, of New York. The Itsllin government, desirous of ex tending its relations with this company, has given a special great for the formation of :this line, guarantees four liter oemt. on the eleten million daunt 'capital, strul_will pay the company a &It *rate for• the transmis. -sign of mailer • .- - 'The steamers of this line will run between this city . ,.3ladeirs Cadiz and Genoa. Tom=` ists and others will thas be enabled to pro ceed direct to Spain or Italy , without pilot ing through England or France as hither tr. For Americans going to Rome,. Naples and the East, this 'will be in Avery respect the most advantageous route, while it must prove influential in largely Inereatring,our commerteiri the South of Ear/ilia. A meeting of the company' was heldyes. terdaz at the Astor Ronne: lt Was dedded that the first trip shard& be madessorno time during the combegiummer4-4r.- r: Hem frig A Sayannatz correspondent of the Now York Times writes • `Macon surrendered too= forces on the AOlk :without opposition, and up lathe time . that Crit t: ' Hosea left it had not been found.. Cobb, U . *est ta,destey any of the public prop. Mato. :Om Cr/Cowell' 'W. Mobertiam; McCall And:Mon:et fell Inkk our hands. - • - The total cantatas made by Our Miceli In the cantle of tbis data:dolling sweep Alabama end Weitenz- Georgia are thirty- Awe ma la pesttion, and. two hundred la • arsenals, nearly two hundred Maimed balis of Cotton (destined), nearly fear handred can,: tidrlrfenr. locomotives, heaides an' Immense amount' f miscellaneous military wldle, as before stated, out losses In all the engagements metes* than 1550 men. ; In every respect the expedition wawa wasKm , cess, and demonstrates—lf further proof of tbit fact were needed Ile utter hollowness of the 'Confederacy. • . There is not much general news or Inter est here at present Everythmg is as qubst as If the country had never been" at war, and society seems to be settling down inns the old ways of peaceful business and en joyment. The news of Johnston's surrort rier eves ;iinivental satisfaction, for even secessionists are growing weary of the war, and are glad to see the daysp of hrub w eta oi peace and. prosperity,. , . Tnzilanktif Pottstown Issued a mare dollar'', note which contained is'vignettenf• 'Thschastan. -- On the forehead el the picture, as It appeared on these notes, the name, "Traitor 'Judas," • 'illetrayer," were inscribed, so that each bUI was enthol. lithed in this manner by one or the of these opprobrious tttlea. . TheThthkeilleer , have now called la _these another with the vignette o r Old llickoty the saute immortal Jackian an attempted to betraye—Thertris stn4lllo.: deuce an this which "Is blitorical. 111 !few York Dibasic' teps &Meta peril : "It wad beeonverileot If otir,poblie furicilenariee'could'be provided with i Ust of UM day, width are not morinkdalbeTbredr‘ wing, asd by,.the_Abw*el ,pfarevoid. !(S •_piropi lad Cetbobe) do Wet lb4rln _Mara : avoid collislowand sot Shil Obliged to *leer their ',4o,ollAPleldsl4lo.ll,,MbidgialVt- -;;;~': prßLit I•••mtra wiLLiiiiit Vow/0M D-D:1 ow, ',Witt/le/WM sdAndowisseocatessors I rebe the tlfe had Labe?' of the bite Iblihs P. fbetti• D. b., le the Fleet Presbyteetem (A.A. Alleabear, OAS Mid= NEXT, /IL•4ltlt, barbing sailana arm tag. • =T CHVECIII, Al. Leone:Ng Orrr, EXCELSIOR HALL. corner of Pedant and 'Lanark atraetr. -Pastor, JOSEPH KING. Services st 10A a. in. and 1 D. m. Prayer Meeting on WEDNESDAY HYMN IRO. The potato ass oortnatly Invited to attend. airing COUNTY 1112110/1f CQII TEXTRON— The loyal men of Allechene eousty,ems. prising the Union party, are rignaged to assemble at the places of holding' elections to their Wards, Boroushs, Townships and Precincts' respeetlyely, on SATUED&T,JariaIIa, riffs and elect delegates t each district aforesaid lnc TICLON t all7M eu TION, to be hell In the Omni to PitUnargh, on TUESDAY, June irth. i t i % &clock A. w., for thep - of nominating a Unlon ticket sad t saeh other badness ai may be properly hroughttatore Lt.. . The election of delegates in the Wlds and 800 mops shall be by ballokhetireen the hours of four and. germ Odor& r. r., end la the Townaldps hi. twain the hours of four and sin &clock r. By order of the Union Itsemitivallontialltes, A" ' aA.°BA; X. BROWN, Ohalrea T. Seareterle • &Pet JPEif^ dDPERTINWIEE.ff'TII. INBEED OIL.-10bbls to arrive, for mile ►y • ISAIAH DICKEY b TALLOW OIL-15. Ws now landing per ntouner Yorktown, for We by LSAIAIt DIOKBY 4 CIO PEACHES.—Dried Peaches reechoed thin day. - & barrels halves; " lo do cannon; for sale by nye L. IL 'MOH? a CO. "POTATOES I POTATOBB I—Rocelced •h• this day from Lake Show, 1 orr load cholas Seedling Harmers' I do Jackson White., to barrels Buckeyes, (ektrash 300 do Paaok Blows; Now In Mon and for sal, by my@ L. H. VOMIT at 00. P. lENN STREET RESIDENCE FOR BALE.—Two lots of ground cash 04 Bret trout; lane three story brick house with two story boot bnlddieg well painted and papered and In good order; hall, thirteen rooms an t ouneated cellaty; gas and tenter Mauro", stable, carriage house, eta. riarnedlate ocriseceloo. Apply to • 8. CUTHBERT t SONS, nun el Market greet. ;DACE CURTAINS, TESTIBVLE LAC IL NOTTCNOHAM LALE. I 11) BATES & BELL, It FUTh Street. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. —TUESDAY EVENING, May ith, at S o'clock, will be Sold on the woad floor of the Uemmeratal Bales ROOOl. 108 Smithfield strwt, opposite the Post Office, (entrance at rest. of the Looms, directly from Fifth street, In additior, to inetdaentrmace from first floor, Sales Rooms,) 00' shares Birmingham Deposit Co.; 10 ." Merchants and Manufactureratanki rye A. 81eILWAINE, Auctieneer. An. NA — BE'S PIANOS, splendid .NoS. now stock. Also, HAIRE'S 1180'8 PIANOS, ♦Nb PRINOE'S MELODEONS t ORGANS, CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Flft street. Sole Attent. IT A DOM D,AMAB2IB. S LINEN NAPKINS, LINEN DOTLLES. 1 i 1 ALL KINDS OF LINEN GOODS. 07-6 BATES & BELL, r Fifth Street. i pEmir INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, ON NAP/COME STE EAT, PITTSBURGH.— Several nsruly pupils saving been dismissed, few additional - ones of proper charastar Will be received. Application need be made only for times who are disposed to be students and of cacti.- manly deportment. The antecneer Lavin had seven' wears expert. once as Professor of Langusites In the Ohio Uni versity, and afterwards In Jeffersott Oollage. Pa., propoms to give special aitent loci to OLILS.SLOAL SITUi./EATe. mylkiwt A. WILLTAMS. Principal. IN THE COIIRT OF CuMMON PLFAIS J " for knolbool Ooltlity, Mary Prismalintbaway by ber next beet Mend Wl am Widteablea Wil/lam Hathaway. No. 4A, December term, M. Libel to Dam from the Bulk of IlitrimAY So . IFllllara Hathaway, the respondent above name, yea are hereby testified to ea and Fleas, before the Judges of the Court of Ooramott Fleas, of • Ileghear VA, at a Court to be held ha the Utty of Pitt.barab. In uld county, es the FIRST MOM TAT :OF JUNIN A. D.' MU, (Ith day of Pura, tree...) It ingsWer thilreasupialat of friary Prince. Hathawsy, In the above ease ye•twdoarr JOklrl H. STEWART, Sh•rttf. EEL'S 1201, Toad to A meld% and wish cheaper. COICta Xa113.4111.111311:10, Blank Books and Stationery, _BOB ELL! DT FTXR&SCROYER & CO.. MIMTIrt CIIICINNATI Lls&D , PIPS AND aLEST LISAD o►uxnt. - BI'CORNECIC & W33130N. Na 2.9 . 21twarlt Math at.. CINCHINATI, OHIO Mate to order PIPES AND SEEM of soy" mulled weight sad arse. p=r,...treg o t t , alf s. Lialtriv riot Ilyd.roaatsare sad for =r i a• N w r=hil especially ask the attention of Plow beer arid Proprietor" of OH Worts awl Ott Wells ordadedred SUIiDRIEB. 101 bbls Madbonen, BUIL /as* 1 1 10111. 50 do Istra Bowaileen@ do; 100 da Prime Whiter sta; 10 do Flint liomtan, 60 do Drl , ll Rookie; . f I do Preili Roll Butter; 10 do do - , - , 15 do Meda Scirtheat Syrup; 'do "Obuspave Misr; . LOW p ods & Ootottriliseoz Room, ' e(01 'bush MUD Peach Blow Potatoes, i do Reds do; /0 store asul foe sale by • „-• 15. - 4111111RTRICIAG, t s - 'MOUT Kaska sod fleis streets. SD xo D bb E 1,02( a Prime peagigEtriblLENT. 20 do wbutuians. w ?"4"6" is te - 'Extra Plekliest o do No. l'Extr*Largiliaskeindi • 0 h.h bbll No.* Kuketil; 10 Dbl. Chia siedde Older; 11: g : i b t ri t i ti tobd . voields.Toblloo2, or lierelag; texl.4l; lAwOOOl 10, Find • - 10 040 bons Noll &Ude; bbla Rya !Jour; 0 NIP Nodt,rrbest 1 1 2• or; do :a wn. kIP.'A Better) for b 7 . . mama, sus No. 101 , 14berty stmt. _Qrifil BBLS OHOIOS - BBANDS.BA - K 401JM ELY PL01714 , - - -• ' ' ' - f I Web 01401 . . Mull /Sas mesi • t . i Pin Hilleilthal; . I eat Pesti iwatesi I Apola dettuil. = . • - 1 60 laurels Wealistirr. n *mini . _. . lir i tf i ts um l. f rAglak, 'MIXON ai 004 Nei. - . aul NI Pins It.. Smith bow building. , b i HtNGTON iiTREET.,III perms oat astllSod tau* Ai aalonsigaO4 • litta =tied to view sea autos assays 'sad cu tost,rag ot,W . aolatostasi slava, Toast Ward; i• troy Ytotta Wait to -...., , w i lt .. ai ler om mr , oa Till:S. DAY, y all s i at 105‘ o oolta. • ir, te Mali MO 1 11 1 of thar oppobstoussa. I n,. . .... JAMICH RNY, ' ~. i WILLIAM ILWORTH, Int S. 11. - .IIAIISMAY: • - 150. 175 EUMDECIIKY STREET. Tireteems can be had by the !' IabAItDEIIS rumaisiNci isme. avenuwa . M $ INERT AND KU MAENG.AND STAMPING AND MUNN% , I IMIIII To ozana, -- , - . - br ient, m. a., NOBLE, caner of Bingham semi Jr Gragi . stmts. ' spifird _al l 1 It , .airef ISAIIBKIIB' BOAP&—I it rigtr A pt a ter . years zd tt IAWIIIR'S clt Is tbe lbeat gorily* Xd a tt: Btillet ins log Bawl. • -11 ENT.—WAREHOOBISTRIlt abousii;itaass4LlßEßTr ukwin be 'MAW: Toaimitiai.giff# nowitunays. Liberty. street: . '-. , L.;D -/k LADIIO3' 'PORTMONA.rE, ing a few dollete lai on %Male of Jew lea NI wd by enuceiption t"y. V. Y po01101;1.44 BUTBR,II/LpFAVIICI SBY 97°!frw'--attrietaiii Mx% • ;•-) • : 0 1 # 14 1 0 11144* stmt. ouworagt at sows PIATICOM, - The .Best Pianos Made. PROV. 111011110C1014 OPINION .'A a experience of over twenty guars with they Ohlehming Pianos, has given me ample °pions. mit* to judge of tbeir qualities, sad I treelp i e r toot I have slimy, found them to be the B PULNOS, both for instrumental performing* and &aeon:waging the %sloe: . Tee Piano s made now for to say t ol l thei s r?forls!r 4 =llre, ra2rf of mach pl7=olffirldaion is every rut, lose, touch andd. wroz Idp, that nothing more can be de sir Professore IttillllooK., Mule Pittsburgh ream. ()our e. New Lot nr tlitekering's Pianos, JUST iIEOSIVED BY caugas C. Kula% el WOOD STREET ____ LESLIE'S Illustrated News FOR MAY 13tA, CONTAINS—, Portrait of Sergeant Beaton Corbett; the 3(llbeg ' of tkate, the Assassin; the PresidiaPs Funeral Car, oontaining the Remains of President Lincoln; interior View of the President's Funeral Oar, Containing the Come and °earn of Honor. Escapee( Booth, the Assassin, from the rear of lord's Theatre. • Funeral Ronan to President Line°in • the Ostia. Calque passing up Broadway, Now Tern; ete. The PeeßO of the !Amon. aegotiatiess between Gen. Sherman and Johnson. . . . - Flees of the eoltin containing. the remslne of President Lincoln; Small Door leading to the President's Box at Ford's theatre; lir. lencoln carried from the Theatre to Mr. Petersen's Rouse; Booth's Stable to the rote of Ford's TAlotte, etc., A Large Supply Received FOR SALE AT THE USUAL PRICE, BY JOHN P. HUNT, eyi M FIFTH Sr., MASONIC HALL. HOUSE FURNISHING GOtA3S. GEO. W. ROBLEY, GS FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, fa sow prepared to QMr to his ontotaars wad the potato &wally, , the most complete saaottowat of are semprisad la the IDA of House Furnishing Goods, witch has ma been offered hi thL atty. In addition to his as a mannlbsterer of, and dealer la COPPER AND SIIEET IRON WARE, BRITTANIA WARR. REPRIG ERATORS, WATER COOLERS, BIRD CAGIS, eta, eta , he has just onward Dom UM Instal Maim, with a MI line of WOOD ADD WILLOW WARE, • TABLE AND DOOR was, BIOOIds, WHISKS, BRUSHES. CLOTHO-I LIN= AND PINS, CHILDREN'S TElt initm ANS Rou CtlY le k To leLM surrrs. TABLE CUTLERY, with an endless moiety of articles, aomposlng =ln the haute formatting Rae, month eaansi and elnrwhets. U. invitee the attention of the pablis, sad will be pleased to show Ms ( 0041 . GEO. W. =LET, spleetad M FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. L . 8. CUSTOM HOUSE, Doer or Pirreannum Struverou'a OTTICS. May let, MD Holies la hereby given that SEALED PEOIIO - accompaoisd by proper ithermitars, amend the to Mena to be fitmlahed on applieation to this office, will be received thereat, until IS o'clock Ma rupee, on the 11 et Tuesday in Jtme next, ter the supply of the Marine Hospital, aces Ws city, with the articles of ProvlArine, Medielami, as, enumerated in said forme. The quantities stated are Wheeled with refereace to the usual number of pulsate le the hoepitab but the Vatted States nettles the Myth to taken/tone or kat of mid arth ides accardithly, as Hwy may be eitinany malted. It the ensues delivered at the Hospital are not, in thejudgewat of the Phytlthin of the hest qual. ith, sad elapted to the Hospital, be will be at UM erry to mint the same, to pureheao other athletes in their stead. sad to charge the ton l ractoc with may asses In the men over the °entreat ;Hie% b limbed States reserves the right to thel. proposal wedged.s SOT the whole or any portion 7: r. ... CHABLIS W. BATcranint. mytaiewtd Surveyor and Agent. DRUM. & SLACK, hare on hand • lune •••ertnutat at MOWING MACHINES, rt4lll-11:19s. Rfraw Cullers, Scythes and Say Lakes, • No. 28 and 30 OHIO Bnumr. ALAMELENT rALVABLR , CITY PROPERTY— MARY= STREET ANT. EIGHTH WARD. —On TUVIDAY EVENING, Kay Ott, at6dolOc h. will to mold en woad floor of Comen•rolal Sake - Rooms. Ito Smittifteld Street, op am to the Pea. 061 (entrance at rear of the Room directly from street, In addltlem to Inside onerous from Rest floor. Salim Roome,) the Num story brick wantenna, No. 18 Markel Orion, next Kewanee of [lnt street, hating SI feet front. and 110 feet to depth to an eight foot altey. Also three lot. on Pennsylvania ATentle, IA Might! Wart. between IlleeldissailleXisittoglraininettej,s6olll.:r a nd is Alec • I•Mre tot on Boyd , ' 11.111, fronting ROLM on t. ChnitStit stmet, anel foot Ls &On, bounded by Violin and hinds street& Thaws or ttar..—Oash. toy 4 A. MoILWAINS. Auctioneer. ISAAC! CRAIG'S SMUT SAW =IN AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, Medway. aptlslit ZZONATON O*7 Or • 1 t ir r ninle t wain f NOTICE IS ERSE tfod gEtr i NOE iirttla i llo s taUt of u •serbir ck, olut wet Ith to totem , aat taa ottattost fat tam nkttg nada litif Laws of tho Uottfatt P = l that tao Stookhollats of tie.KIIIMANOS far& OF:PIXT1181711G11, at • goakoral aukatag fhb dot, bars tatid to tsiot of beeoislAo soh as .Asioxis. tioo, gmf that tha comsat of we owners of moo. than two•thlngs of. Qs alatechaa bon otastaad aa regal:ad by tio laws of Oa flatted Static • aptopotil fL DIL 3171.1tRAT. Mohler. NEW. DRIED' REHEAR ?Neu% rfooa• Xuaea Now 811vor tot Itaa& - ; Lasf g. • Pratt YVAN sod $ an a . of alit lads. Fut up to the bast btflia rtuttoe _ MIN mid Byrom at the People'. Candy 810111: • . Ito. 111 FEDERAL BISECT, f " . Allstate) , Ott,. -- OTIOE.—Tbo purchasers of tho g irep. EBII rilitivoNav Ina day of atay,ll, 04104 k A. at tatontes of Mtn% ONALTAIIIT it 00., Wane awn, Is City In Pattatogb, to cumin Awl rest • Penland and an 14nxtois to own mull the ant atonlay of 81ay.19114. ' • • irxramntkt trokaigs, . 3011 N 'W.. offetoraNr, -nplatd i -11X , LZWIS. - r.• •9; t ; • HE • Mill sal 3(00'4431mA Engineer. GENERAL naAtiaanno oracia- AND PATENT AGENCY. Sim It GT. MAIN ST.. sear Spilost Dri4a Drawlmo Dona tar •Mom Eagan awl maablaary genazally. Naas And opeattlaatlaai fay Idaautaatarlsa, SiGT ied Arahltastmal Dewlap, mtve and GOO cal SosiwyasasstullyiriasataC - 'Baddeaot N 0.114 ay ease.. • mat SPORTSMEN'S HEALVIA ERB, ; tat Wm) sum. • ..atLiktottur Emmy= InvitesDia sttsattoa et rem end onion to ids mplepnld *Kook of GUN POWDER FLUIRI BROX' ;ALV TS and POD Ittl, DRAM FLARES sad sonianaition el ovary this r kind. RD - stook to the west mar Siouan!. to marled sou. MO* BM& - Jett Daywar! gieek Wien. Sad Real/Mite AgOs stog l ibrOit 'mak Mid szilushity . ea «44._ - MOT STEEL I•SIaidi LTEETH., for liollm gay sal , 111 mi, of say ship= liar 'ad utsurßiksa mmuikatimea , on , krea, 41,nist!n.u.' VLEOTION NOTIOIO.—AN •• - GISC4 - TIM!, tor Preableet ead - MabC_DitTOCCITS of th 066 00111PCIR will be held At that *glee, os 77ONDAT, may wow 1A6.. 9ALiwPtWtest; 7 • NEW WANES, DECORATKON;.-eal. A.` hellie OM Gold, Sleek sad Do% roe ehle -41 1. 0 • ' 7-Ir. {. ~`;. x r 4*,";'~~c>x.^ , r ~+w',~~.~ax:..~i;ai~'T~~4~..,~.du.s.r - :-~:>.: -.4 , W: 51- • .tto *worts ki.ux.rrs FO4 1644.4.- OIL LANDS AGRICULTURAL PRICES. & Tract of GOO Acres of Oil Territory, enlists en Deekeee Creek, near Morgantown. West lambda, within a few wiles ed the Elves end B. er O. 11411 road, ale:muff:4 In COAL, IRON ORE, LIMESTONE, BURNING SPRINGS. will be wild at • bargain, If applied for soon. There are OIL WELLS being bored la the im mediate eleinity, with goad prospeota Of Cu eel'. No property in the market oilers better prospene to enterprising Oil Commode. VIM be Sold in Pee. Title Indiapntable. EL B. BRYAN, Broker, insb S No. 60 FOURTH STREET. SOLD BY 'GENTS ONLY. LIFE OF •ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Presenting hL early history, political' career wd speeches, In and out of Congress I also general clew of his policy as Prealdent of the United State/frith nig Mess es, Proclamations, Letters, etc., od. a ,00ncise history of the War. BY J'dilglPEl H. BARREMT, Commissioner if Pensione, Washington. D. O. Ihe work to new printed in Onto., pp. 6 , but it to be reproduced in an Bro., enlarged to ut 7UO pares, embellish* with the best portrait ri liehod, roo numerous illinstrstions. One Vol ~8r olotn. Price la or. PART L--Contains Mr. Ltneoln's eariy Life and Politico I History. PART IL—tmbodles the events of the drat three years of his Administration. PART 111.-.4lif °masts. the hisiory of the 1.. t ear of his Administration, and the partieulsrs of to tingle and.lamented demise. MOORE, WILSTACH & BALDWDSr, 3ric7xstux6sisru9. 215 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. *l - M., W. et 8., publieb In tint, on plate paper, It ey It Inches, the moat meat, accurate and per fectly engraved PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN to the market. Himself, family and friends pro nounced It the finest fineness that tut been pre pared. Retell price, CO carte. /61 - Agent' wanted evetywhero for Book and Portrait, who. should apply to Brooch MEN), 114. Fourth atreeiX Plattsburgh, Pa. ones hoar* from t toe o'clock. isytawd MORRIR.E. WARD, Manager. 18SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIPS. 11 —The llnu of HERMANN a PHIPPS, "Iron Ott, Forge," has this airy been dlssolred by tos. lull rodent, esker patty to use the Eros's ussee In ettllsmeat. lINDREW KLOPtLeNN, HENRY PHIP S PPreemusteu, ay I, MR. PS's. TOE CYCLOPS MM. COMPAPIT has this dsy been dissolved. Thos. N. 111111sr, former Plus- Want, will attend to all unsettled business. ... Taos. N. intadlic, ! ANDREW ()ARTIE, PIPPat 4 81111 FL If.. .1. CF. MArrtiEW Member. of Ms Cyolopi Iron Oo party. 4:1 vd • GIMBAL NOTICX. THE IRON CITY FORGE, ww.■ Molt. netsinaiii. Mee Doe Mises% /lift ItimPiallsauesi W 4 malmargS, nteibirg% lisibutal BM if Oinuesna, Ira fati " • • *Mem= rarmes base Illodkaals Mallon . . MOW Somas 141 • NM alhoglms. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS I ftiall=0"1" Cyclops Iron Company, bun this iiisy been sonerolldstedoutd a new Goer piny termed, unties the general: mnanlastining law ofPeolllll,llltia. OA MAL. The Denis and Wien! the nevi company to be VINTON IRON MILLE. ANDREW CARNEGIE, President Untos Iron Milts. TUOSIAD N. OARNIRIIP., Yin President. ANDREW ELOALAN; Treasurer and General Einperistendest. soyedwil CkbiE - UT °BEAT VAItIETT, At the Oakland Greenhouses. JNO. R. & A. MURDOOFI, (Ilkseeeseets to John Mutedloeb,Jr.) airbaktaad aad East Liberty Street Onn rut to the Ones Yams dna= sleazes. snyllOwdewrzaa • Die. SWAT AS ALLHEALIN 0 OINT • *ENT, erns Tatter het all Eraptlooe oaths Fere hod Skis. bOTODONT, for oleenstag sad preserving the Roth had (Sates. THE LOADS R HAIR RESTORER AND DRE R. AMS°. , will restore Gray Hair. D SHALLENBGER'S ETER AND LOUIS ANTIDOTE , for ER the spear T . W. Ladled. Mal et re et Fever and Ague. JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND, for the rtfretal mot of Itheatestism. DR: JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, a /WO riennis for donate or COSIMOU Coughs, always on kohl and for WS IS Ow oarram. DUG 5T01115,, conker Ohle sod Federel street; la the litatket Beam; Aliehheor. my 4 CIZORGE A. WALT. W RITE & ALEXANDER BUILDERS ABM CONTRACTORS, Having Lately Removed ri TO tee aad 171 LEANER STREET, . . AlialAtiShen,'Cisp • MAN FRATa ~ O g,, thR V IC ISTIT t I I FW " saI PAN BB MOULDINGS sad. OIL TANIIII Roes to o sr sad constantly. en head. Beirtke end Briskets kneeled couplet& Ix ITICH mArrrat • of she application of lb. SOnall SL Ne. 110,Jans term Niehaseis Decade% day B gpingra t UlSTl Notice Ia heteby glees la pommies as order ol t a: Court OF Mamma Plead of said county, made t his dar of April A: D. that appli es basket audit° said drat ,tor . Alteration and • Amendment of thiLdiartsr of the Mere Ompartiost Mid ta kes . good mom to the coarser-as themom will be granted at the mod teem - of paid venni • d JAOO/1 R. WALTZ apteelvoa NATI mil be thei a( Itaj sir 1011.--f3OOllB - , OP [011• TO TES AMPITAI °NAL TBANSPORTATI Mit&LIM Room a tii rattowigh,, op. I deg it dela& A. N., sod 1 bill/11ru74e of to.xnporat W w I • 1.1 , 14 ON 4 it. ram N. A.rNEADLET • }Oossintrtlonius. Jif f BNOENIIEROIII, 'J. . XONNEJ,_ . 0 INONN.„11112BAITOII. 3b - RIP: STOOK Of Su oßutte lcowtraMAarT, IN ONSLY, the tl,l ept open re• INiWiil IsCoasirirXlLXcii:rlaa FOB. THE'IIAIN,_ The bit and chevigAHAlß DBES. s;trio AND ••••RATIVE tAn l a lt eL vr, P = l oo.Tiritirderal Mlegbany, AM fat gas Dy. Drurrids Warn- STEEL & BAILEY, STOOK BROKER ' thlsuits MILL. fartioular attenthas pig to the purchase and Wear steaks: IHATES OF COMMISSION ;I Stoitka oolllog at IS and . 1,4 pot omit. do.. . do. .112 sad up to RS, I do. do.' do. did do.. . dad, two it slurs do. 'do, deo mad oTey gor *eat. I Ca- The pub o are hereby notified t • eel moth of the Outlet of the Illebous. bole It on u rues bet.eett the seated and %bled g_7 l 7Pie . thi lett i rgil l =t:gr g ete en itre 'tune. • tow " the but daubs the tawny or gbeu, Win be neeemaelly obettetted toe patties up stlr thit atorutote ot t- the bridge,; toe suet, ai r , leaks eteleittie nit= Or MAT, D. Lou.t ~Dtl j i vetia J . ; li. LthYILLS 11/Dier Ita; • girt R 8 BARBERS' 80&pid—.1 Da ears noel: witet - SAIIITEWS :116.1111118, SO C AP e et tom a,. Teen, one CLI ear without , hull& ,thst it atipenerto iter °tea that hats -red lot Toilet and Sheets& penmen: • 1 - . JOSS a, 04T1411 &timid deirdt**b4tatmk Alkehev bbl .Peach Blow Pots; • 1111711ER7I9MILM UNITED EiyA:FFS_, 7-30 LOAN. suihoelty of the fleeretary el the Treasury, tie saderslgned has serruned the Omani flals wising Aims" (or the sale et Ileßik . 34ll ?seamy Notes, bead= awes sad three teals per sutt. Mated, per lams, known as the Seven-Thirty Loan, These Notes us loved sada date of Jose tatty MSS, n us payable Mee Yews from that tball, to eatreaoy, or are coavatlibts at lad optical of the kilter tato U.S. 1-20 Inc Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, These bonds are worth a premium which ht areseeenbe actual refit ea the Us less, sad Re ccogiten from Mak and stinky. Glarus, skid Ws heat Ise t • One ear each awe, according to the rate Whit as .thee propene. Tba tittered ■ [Wahl* seinhaanalay by imposts attached oath sots, whldi my be let off end Bela to ay beaker beaker. One cent per day an a $6O note. Two cents " " " $lOO " Ten " " " $5OO 20 NI Co *I NI 21000 . $1 MOO " litotes of an the denominations noised will be PrecePtif futunnen upon receipt of subsatiptions. This Is F . "FMI3"t`Wi7:TFEIT,7':EIII sow Wend by the Government, and lt l eons• Gently expected th►t Its sweder advantages will make It the Great Popular Loan of the People! Lea this Uoo,oooabe of the Loan authorized by the last Outgrew Malik In the laarket. Thle amount, at the rate at whisk It to belay absorbed, wW aU W malaria:pal tor within raw "tenths woes the aides will undoubtedly eannined a premium. as has =Mewl) been theme ea sloahug the nheniptiona to other Loan. Ls titter that the animas et every lowa eati ealitott of the eetantrr may be Worded floSitter for taichur the lama. the National Sankt, State Beak.. sad Prrrate Bankers throashott the 00110. In have preerall agreed to receive rabsertptiens at yet. gsbeniters will 'sleet sheds owe Meats, is whom they bare coalldeaes, sad who sell MI to be responsible for the Whirl of the motes to welsh they melts orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Ilubsceptleas mill be rebelsed by tits :Is/ Li; k (*ILIA zi (~Y.1.1 TllO3 SPEAKS Hp THE Wheeler ar Wilson Sewing Machine, Wlkb should be oaaiddoroil by those ',toastu to motto's* the BEST MILT SEWING MACHINE. We an having a greet many Inquiries for Sen to/ Machlnea front ratline paste of the country, and se we eau not conreniently reply to then all by mall, we hare thought It proper to data our opts tin In reined to then fa MU puha." ntanner.. We have used Wilson's patent, manufactured by the Wheeler & Wino& Manufacturing Oompany, and we can clay In regard to 11. that it to willies rival. IL is ohorle, not easily. pot out of order, and, td point of erreettmunts awl Saha, no other naehins stands ahead of It. We state .this such to reirud to the eneellant =whine upon our own reeponettalty. Shin Cionspany hdre mad* lid cm, during the Lit gime months, 10,171 randibms, and are now producing and belling Maw day They Taro in price front ON to up; the medium mined ones sell bed. la Wit busked then .1s over 1,000,5 M neded, and they keep 1,100 mentegularlyembleted IMO CLAICRIMDI manhines.: maim pursued la Iten salsa na that adopted Ake Mannikalure oI arms I wino piece Is made to a grows, and 01111/1. ql/011147 the pasta of any . sulfas may be Mann. deed with thou of another maahlas of the Ram ate t or should an ambient odd, the broken park ran triunakedely be repiadd on applindion at Um odlce4 I • • Bald:ream Zo. 27 Tifth St., Pittaburgh S . it BRYAN, 1801931 IN SWIM, BONN k SBIL MITE, !WILL WIT LED SELL STOOKS Here aid ts New York it Indladelpkii Without nuttier ahoy Win the . . . ELDOMAR CONIMIINIONS, established by the Boants of the respecilve r 7R PI OH PATZ&-Cla Medal the mute{ veto, t which "tile or under, 1% peceeol4 ever tat ao Up Is. 111.1 per seath. Ori Moan mentas Iteme IS to NO tyasom of IS% mate perdue" &oda Meek@ eell/sgmkt Imo et over. sommfeartb of i NS YORY.RATIN-Cla t4taelco, the militia% rate* f wbteb iii 91' or =ash riv• cents Pfr 0 1141 1 over at td emote. PII DELPIEL/L RATES.-1 1 4 and Is seat at la artless. Ofs3ll Haas: 8 a. m. to 6 o'clock p: in, owl No, 59 FOUR= STREET. ; . _ To DALTON AND iiitruidiirrtnutrit KNITTING MACHINE, The greet sad nest effeettra s Hattilag Kea en* (he ated. - Untruth:ow tree. Oen awl see them opeestlau, ee wad fee ebeelats and rasa Po. • E.T. C i IAILPENTEB. egNisajajiiiggfrOrt TUTU ST. INBVRE lIMBItELL6. - • FO T 8 6 rATEmr miugara.a. Loot mil from 61 coaadivrvis oi rat i m mitt ARRIVAL OF.' • tkILDRINS MIMES. MX PERAMBULATORS. dn ' ettmest . Now • oteplets 'hi .tart, ua pito% violisate andretssi; et . "z J. Ci. IGALVEn% .0 7 4 466.66 aLltetatlft. • ~-...- A#+-FttiU. _ • M=Ml Jim Jai rEssrissArig.mi.: STATES 7-30 LOAN. rid' highlF SAFE. PROFITABLE AND PAT. RIOTIO sal:marry, la for HU to atm of $5O, MO, $5OO and $lOOO AT TICE FOURTH NATIONAL BIRK, Fancy Silks, Victoria Glace 11,1 Paris Mohair, Organdie la . French Lawns, Jaconette Lawns, - % Mocambique. Mantles, Shawls, end one of the haadaoatest Meek. of all Niels of Goode In the atty. ars SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. I LOCKWOOD'S OF PITTSBURGH. U S. Government Depositary, FISCAL AGENCY. St Ls bored every min and woona wbo the good of tba country and to atd the government, will promptiv purchase U. S. TREASURER'S furntabed to Investors, payable at ten days bake, bearing Interest allowed oa otaitt lad time deposits am agreed cm. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS Ite ugh. at Highest Market Pries. This bank offers every facility for All money btu loess of the publio, &tut astetehr to her regular de positors etai diaconate. JAMES O'CONNOII, Priorldea. AMEN DIIWW. Comblmr. TB 3 GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. COR. SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS. AUGUSTUS HOTELER, President APHLNGII2I. HARBAUGH., Vies Preside At. GEORGE A. ENDLY, Oashies. nits Bask !settee the sweets of Banks, Bank. . . Geyer:meat &mantles of ail Wads bought sad sold at Gummi. rates. As SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cooks, sabsstip. Woos Will be rsootrod for Ms Popular 7-80 Loan. Thus loan la now being absorbed at the side 8.000,434:1400 E•eir and Wag oenvertibla Into aradventy bonds whiskarobsW • pranduth of over R PE OEN T. nifs Itself Milts superior &Ivan. nava to al) seek • safe and amaranth invest. amt. Liberal eoisiallsoriona on this loon will be allowol to en imams La Goverommt oescultloo, GEO. A. ENDLY. Cashier. UNITED BTATEB 7-30 Loan. THIRD NATIONAL Bin Cornet od Wood Illreet and Virgin kllq TISOAX. ASENT OT TEE MUTED STATES %ad SPEOL&L, AGENT et Jay Oooke, V. S. Arta tee the of the Seven-Thirty Loan, Foetus LOU OF . THE PROM, EMIZEI Only Loan in theDlarket, CONVERTIBLE INTO E. a. 11-20 SIX PER SEXT GOZO !SWUNG BONDS. St:Lhasa Clawassas aaaed ti haw& Z. a TRE. SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Comer or Hand and Liberty innate, Special Agents of Jay Cooke for Me Ws of • NEW 817 EN-THIRTY LOLL This 1 still:al, the People's Loan, and is being sheathed et tho fete of about Eire talltiosut per toy. These bongs tear an Interest of Two , Ce.satax lasi" Dr lvey" mock hundred dollars, and are convertible at mate, My into O. 8. lilve•Tweaty Sin Par Cent Gold Boated Bonds. . FW ememistione will be allowed le' Rank% Bataan and Bankers, who purchaiw .lor rooale. C. H. RIGGS, Cashier tavd.rm _ . _ Taaurraaa's Ownos. Maxon:air Oa, / ri Priassota, April wt, UMW PURSUANCE JP- THE llst SEC. 'ZION-of an Ad relating to.Alligheny oonsty, pawed May fin, 1961, I. David Arkin, Jr., Trek*. sues of said causal : lcdy giva nottoolhat I will pettenalt/ or bi uty Mood lb. Ihe reasidag :Miss Is moral Wanda PownikipsProducts of skig.screuatv, at the oy place; of bolding paced ekrotipal thereto, reirpo t. st ivelyi oft the fohowing days, toed le o'abrok A. until! o'cloak r,r., to . wit t - }llitt Ward, Plttlibuzgh; min bast Dbadigham, SharpstruT sod Tatubitth tea; cue* Whabeth.. fhputh FayeittoOraow, desaeille Kanh4 ll . Bees - and rderetTerroshirs.: ; . DN 'MONDAY, MAY; 201. leeeeent Ward, PlUsberal; SOMA 'Ward,' . 1.1le• abeam Smith Plttabcush,Mest lialsabeta and Dm. guns Damasks; aseseestilJaper 1,3151 r, Said - win, 11? ranklis, Neoeadisee, Ras &ad Merriam !* 1 4 1 4 i• ON TI/1181SAT.ICAT 43d. TYl~d_ Weed , rellebeetaT Prselnet " wraufewYl ../aSsonystiela eM Twist= Ben el eon, Scott. Lower St MU. Memos, • Patti*. Sewickley, Me aad Sleseeve towasklps, N WEDZIESDAT,.kaIi, 24th. Pe Wsed_,_.lrlitebse; SIAM Wad; Pitt..burgh Soloed' Yrfttaef,Mded 15rsed, - Alleybesy; oath Seie Yoris West llsben, lakley sad llke, 3faacheeter Bo r. • Main, Mae, ebleadsod,ioo J:/ewerownehiPs. . !ON TEIT.IPISDAYi 1114110 f Yirit Pree Flit& Ward, Pltteburghl Seventh Ward; Prttaberild Math Ward, 'Manama; .Flint Prerldrt,Fow th Ward AJJeghenyt Flint ermined Blrscian h ase M etWard, Lawrenceville, and ,11:gort Fayette , onaraina °own% mato, Hampton , and Wage, Deer ON FRIDAY, KAY 20t1: . . . Elwood Pros Intl,. Fifth Ward,Plltsbargh; BOA Wew .Phtsbursh{ Tenth Wald, Pnosbnewhi Os* andPreelnet, Fourth Ward, Allostunts Setxnut klirmlegksm; Seoond Ward, Lserrosse 4..Totaperancovilla Bore list Robinson Pitt, Peebles, McClurg Shake we dodiaaa Town. ow sAitriplAlG HAY 4'th.. /Urn. be Wait tholluntiot% Mots not* oaths fl'oll Us vista Ol The tortivir Cote tOtdix to' to:OTVIS Aka , warr. DLit COUNT, for prompt paysotit, 1. fug Pertogi Psi tog tb whole atiquat_of ttoirt!tot,k• „ AV ID THE .DIIDT AND MOICIL Bainfoi Emma WFATIMI ~ .• -••• '', VfNlistiiiiv '..Bankda. --- : - 1 : ,„ :ftiiiituseic MP , la lilu ll4 , it i g a l a r idt cutdd t, bane and odor from doom and nom gar roux comas and household_ gnods Gnat nobs / asta o ,1, 14 . 0- .4,,P, t 4 6- . 6 fi rIM P 47. 'lt 11 : 1 . - ;61j 1 1,:iiii... fitt4i4 no hr ;ca/TX a 4 11 . • nri) , , " No. le. and M, Lea. con r s Alintbdiry My. tlut above fit* itartng ins tellignittivididsbor Ogiuttril 4 • t- L=r-TML - millt. l =t -47 XBW DREBS GOODS arcrair O a. BE BITP.OHFIELDIC Ito. n, N. E. briar MA iii luta Mc Plaid Silks, Cloth Lined and all EATON, IL&CRII 1.*7 .I f ' LOUWOOD'S 0 Patent Cloth Lined and The eottelernments on head meta of all elms. f . c 11;eliale will be sop II LOCKWOOD'S PHIOE ! ° their orders to tim ßy e, freight sad charges. , AU ord-rs promptly atu NEW GOODS JUST ARIUVED. AND TO BE SOLD At PANIC PRICESI Good . Oottoo Rose for Ladies at lirga pee Wrs Hentched Linen Hanka chiefly 95 coats Welly ' , tench Mechanics Owlets, Si *per pair; agar k Alsziusdar's Kid Gloves. 03 per pair. We have also a splendid stock of WHITE GOODS iND EMBROIDERIES. Guipure amdlmatta Laces; Sprpog Sly It Bonnet Ribbons; • Elgh Dieu Tit:Emil:qv and Cheiazdeeday Spring and Sumner Hockey and Cliand.- Of Fancy Goods, R otions, Buttons we have decidedly the largest sad best ilsodetesesi to the city. 41.4 a. the Novelties of the Season. such as Wide Belting and Bookies, Batt ToSIA Lap Oles 811 k Sear* thifiluesm - Ellestoth MAW,* saw of Flouselnif. eta., eta. Also • fall 11•• IWhWe Marta from WI up. Xi-Merchants aad Bataan' will . Wiz raw large sametawat, .ad- Prices thatly CoripelUion ITAC*IIK /VGLYDIC; JOB. HORN& & CO., STRAW AND MILIXID3RY GOODS. !taboos sad BotioetEdikkrtowssarst.TtlaudoirS Embroideries, Lsos Goods hisadliarstdoGy roost Goob. Balmoral EMMA, 'sod =t. 'wishing Goods,,llded GissPs Worded Eiostory sadwin s ome loras. KOOp *de; Ho. tioso Bowl - sawwistrkg ear Jiriffr NPRZJIG GOODS, which Will le Dual wou bDtesattra Beetqr ben pwhatDow GOLD RATES we eta olw BPDA e Li mutrasouzits . Caddet 202'iotlioz: will et all times be towel well 1111 , 141 et. eelbdt From Nathants, Ili!liners, Podlin, gad thliblis, being aiquuknit gnat w• tan snit JOS HOREB & co., 77 Saari ni.tiurar avuorr. nAvt JEST ARRIVED FROM THZ ST. with -a carefully selected saiertment of FANG'S' AHD STAPLE GOODS, "among whisk will be - found • fine line of Hosiery in cotton and Ude. Gloves, Ribbons. 'Flowers, Omen'. Searle, Collars,and all the new styles,thcluditin Bulbar Collars, to which particular y call . he attention of the ladles t Madame Demoted , ' Corm Hoop Skirts. Lace - and Linen Handkerclde At kindle( Ong*, new SwiesSets, leseeoapt, Barba and Ocdffeint, Breakfast Alapis, .Tidisel•-jecw,) Laos in Crotchet, /Anon. Cotton. Thread, yalenclennes and Point Applique, Wide Linen - Lace for Pillow Oases, Eintrolderine of all IdndstlnfasiVe Bohm, of all y , nds; Mora Blankets for isfantiu Ladles' K Jouvicit Moses' Xidex Gimp scar Steel -Bead Seta. Sets, liable Cord, Void and Tassels; Tenets and Buttons In lateral new styles; Gill's in IntaSts6 Straw and OluTital Chenille.; Boot, 'Sun _ I.Yoryatal Frites, Straw HatsandTrimmings; Bev tallies In Lose,' Applique. Jet, Sliir.:Go/d Leaf 'are ftarl, Fancy Combs, • Ohrystal Drops, Polon. arts and Foils, and a variety of other goods, I* which I would tap the attention of iny kind auto: al Fourth Street. T INIT&D - PAItTNERSIGPS4e, the, 1-4 subscribers; have thla day entered tato • lied partnership agreeably to the Ast or Aaaimabi - of the COMMILIMIWimI ilk of Peamylealliai VW* • MaralA ink and do hereby pettily: . Partners: W _ Mud the teendini asine and style under Whial said_ ee under U qta,r• , . . . . 2. Tut , the •dowel nature of thelostames fre . tended to transacted. ts the busloads pro of liellalas .Tha Catena' or Mineral Oil moon' eintota mises do,: - ate on the Allegheay River in Pitt ionships.P- - • • ihrmY t tom% and State of soda zo . Volgtenotal partnersroP WEIS. ENBERGENi shose . ph Au ge r eala ishigebat• giugh •of lAlotebeeTtllheny .roottity_ ant( Ttatgr of Ponsehraills, and .Mlt. .whom Of re 41442104 le the bomogh. poets, • and Altateohl and thollpeclid Partners a MOHE.-whoa • plan. of NO: dean , if Lower Ht. Mar township, to the and that* 1111gteoldd, lad 11E4 uvolan - whole place of sesideare • the rotirtig Ward. the RitinriTtßohwili, ea the:county Old BUM ; 4. That the amount of capitol ottithenth pedal tortner ba rootribated to the 444aaton POW ,tollows.irtir old It Wolin J. Higley ha estitefb. tate Ten Thotuond Dollars eh esah. and gild Same (Molitor has so .sootritoted;TealagrnisoWl Deb. 6. That the period at whinhasid Partztership to coremence is .the_F/ItST DAY OP 411615k1. ; D. ISO. isul the vniod at which Ti e t* FJBST. DAT OF JANUART.I N. D.. 1664. . finless call Paitnership shall be sooner I eradiated , by ten day. notice in writing of hls Ascalon - Hs die.' solve Bald Pi rtneraldp, which each of sa34 pan nets shall hate the right to give Ids ect-parthere wherenpon, - and atter public notice et sae& dims !Winn shall have been died and-monied and pan limbed: In absordasee 'to ith the in del/lona of the. estn - sections the - Ant of Assettibly Maroti See ISA acid Partnership shall be dissolntd.. • - PNI-UP WEI S ENAERPER. 1 N (TWA Partners. JOHN WilallaN46;. - Ttk.M IG CPOONLEY,NEN. special Partners. e Partners. H . , Nc moB 10 OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, &o. Nalco Ls heire . tg u iriTllll tO all owners cot Dram nois Clria 'reilden • CMY 0 tett.bung h torais.....,..% Li. g Treasurer'a °thee - the o Parisian* forthwith, ta seeordsace With in - approved *arch So, MO, Lod ar0:11:' push tbi-00 - oWls .of the Oily et fitt i 6. tart s stairsh. - All Llam April a's not Inld or or before . Miy 15, frac will be gyred to tho hands of Matilde( of Polies. for eellectonisubject to his fee of SO- matt for Mir reolieetrolf Meteor. sad ell Tenon" who meted err -; rerose to ; take totit Idesases trill be 'althea to a Ipootolly, to be, rooorertil betoti tits Mayor, doobis ; , IQ* mamma of the Lines The Old metal Warta'of preview' mrs'atust be returned st the tiatelieenses ate Wren Our, at pay tAaeata -- ALT= 'OP . *Ortmr.... Each hap luau Tech foorhorso ieli s, .... . .... Lush trio torte hack. tatadteavvi she Timber Wheels drawn br -_horses, efabteeridediarieloir.= Tor ceicksilditto her,, asad,Ut.a. l to. ens above vehisiekertidoih tawinsunr- out realism'. mow" tea; Paper Oollare. .12112. Paper Collin. braes a full emit- to 'ay gaudier of , putotiseers vitt aim AM to. Wed PIIENISI&G GOODS la saga= srausEr BELLI:ES M.
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