Wit WitiOursh (Witt. _ VERY LATEST NEWS BY 'Z'ia:GTUI4i. TEE LATE TRE3IEENT LIIWOLN. *it ; , et ) ;;, c , ^ 100,5.EhIlliat „MIMED: - :ilk hillittfilek: 1410, 4, • 4; h~n • - lurid thee eantitie Ceniaiit Volcano, Key 11.--llntlln late hour last night ceowds continued to Fish through Ate Cocci Wane inntidspnip: 7 4Xiasyywhiaieitino tondo the sestaina of the.late President were enable to, on seam% of tbepreesuro. Daring the 'Menton and evening a large kody of singers were retained bi the rotten /n ptafeaurakePpr . eptiale Ora 't of sacred ip to alai hoist. TO4if long hires of peopie lan ix= - ambit towirds the Ccout MUG, entdtc the dooebstbi 4 .l ,siphon, "Ildnolans clasp their bosoms their slain but gkaided soy " and retiring by 'z th e one Co flit - Winn ildai'"aiiiiiad - od by the weeds—" The beauty of Israel is slain." Around She, coffin.were evergreens and Gke chatted literal; Taiseritllied with`-roses; cloWses • of dowers, a Greek cross of white carnellaN with a green, back, ground on , On ,white satin lia of the cab; intiev ririi num With now . en and rywreath of camellia and whlte hllos bbided.//IMnr"'", ruin [ on the the end Interspersed among all these were 9• • ' rare bouquets of white doyens, wreathe of cm, and wrea th s of evergreens and .moSacs. Missies* entirely 4unkit6M 'bete rater; "• day, and la onlypartWly resumed to•day. It la ; seasrwhero, . that never before has *onside, to - ho' compared, with that of YeettrdaY.fo.-orsholyolsz. solemnity of • the occasiba, w hich thronged the thoroughfares in aurparetog splendor, the day could not bo panectwith say other tbatcccr danced Om the city. ‘tfo'publlc berenieme'ut was ever so deeply net feliby the people. - There were not only citizens from d t parts of Illinois; but man, from !Kates; to take their that farewell of the mTn libiaL AbramA Liimaii ;Ira no foe the Prostaancy, the first story of.which is occupied as stores,posseases much in treat to all 'Liters, and the erection or en leo • ArArtwitortiolaisbroetria %Alto ‘hotang of the limitary Pair reminds sus of the fact that d West ' dent Lincoln bad partly promiso to be present r - at its opening. All Ail poly Alien and- Petty .his been' mtlrrlyc aid ovintoichlteh caOlent , tbeirosthead of the niftily' tcithoib heavily at the portals of the tomb. • - Cnicano,tbfej dug:. %ea- ie. I• -: ' ce/Ti teat t t f :t u a L e CaPudn motha ' a luiberi _ est i tiVoilk g `ta g . . 'Cameos at , Berlin:de r ; q l, n bo Gee' pecraineut bar; place of his father. This wilt be-complied The court Bono war t elesal at eht o'clock teas everting; irbin the remani'inbWidlineted to Wrenn ad station. The members of the Com - _mon Council acted as pall bearers. , The cortege iput, flanked by, torch bearers In lime onm - Vt'etioiyiy,pitsai *ore osz,. '7l **lc& at the depotto %loos* tho,deisrttifo of the train, which will arrive at • Eptinzilcld to. 1110tTOR morning at 8 o'clock. The funeral will 1" " takf 0f.00.0.911".,...7V.F*0..10.V.A.3 11JEIERING on IMTLATED, , General Jail Deliverk OieFe'd. Aral% anattaipiettriuslinistoirare The yErt.dlo.Tt./asidence IRE AT REDUCTION OT THE ARMY. WAstrmaTox, Nay idimbeie of ..iingitti; , jiloyed generals will,be, sumitert:d 4 out of the sm. Ilea In • week or twa. it ii titended to retain yoktAg!t. 44,401.0cktiel)dri k . ItAliti[AiliVai. lleis#Dd 0041 alpill:Fdafid fifty pukatels. - ..., ' T r u ji*:i.kripictaiioilifiri - :_igid zialiiie.i Jobniot biiproo a jr atera : #ll , geltirm!'or, all politica indttnte trbtoners: in the-011 Gap. ltol -piisedi indlottietrafrittitidAlctiesuY;;, : • Gen. Grant announces that tho headquarters b -pf thise gaw 11ks of:1lin12, gtonl(filptt - lil . aket sell:4l4 , es- ablhed . Wal • Fkmetary ,Ijiiisr,has..-gauchulod not ..to.!leavlb, 'Washington until theJesmination of kis official -, •earser, when: he width:: -succeeded . by Semstor • Sedan. . The Totes spcetal aryl : President theViiltir • Bowe until It is the:mighty palntmt a n d retur niehed. It is - not expectedehls lirchk, w i11.... c o nt -- . plead till the first of July. From estimates Made - seam days; ,11,.. was walculated that we hate 51XLIXXI addle. the tary service, and ,it, IA befieved jhat Within a month one half or thli forceatalte'dlsperdted with and the aten urcustped qat.,. -' New lmr,Altfity 2.= . -%The 'eMflewrcfal Aline , itser's 3VaskiruftM?. speclaLasys,:-.ldayor Wel. 1 laCk has hem; appetite& Frosidedi of the asso• elation lot then; Mellon - :of; - alsibtiatimit MU* latea.Presidect; b ; this- city. , 7 Mr., 90Prfie.:W• Itigle,banknr, is Trektaferi • , ~ - . Captain Robert - Lb:cola lam roue to Illiziols tc; ie preceectt at the' Internient',of latil father's ta• %mina iii:Edarinytkild. , - :. r.. • : - : Tim; Para.' Washington, special - says: - The trial apemen luiplicated In the isiaishistlow lOW .Itcrumlence in - .thit chy early 'act week. Sellaparter,cOrresPeladetati will he a4mittel,. , • iingtaliT,LlNttillitTAPOS: -.ltetil'Arifitiiiiit: l 4lo l io.. ' es : is iuil . : -t-- ,-• ',', . ."-,`: '. I eitniIiPPOWELS DOL'ilgg Plitint, .1 ' 4 Niv: TOM 31 efIr - ?rt it Tra;ove 4 Wetlited tonsee'etal said: #ll the private rad (Metal -plaperi pf Priildtart liaeolti Itare' lieetr care telly ' t 43 ° 44 1 " Sled ' Pp' i aud Potanieg4 o ?Rig° ~ I , 44CAT giciAilnitoo , /a1i0.;. ,,, Ego. E. B f/ 1 !, -p low Las. mignatltgslittr , AusittAilP:4l. ME* 71mpartablad atm wa wa the t'!ii!OPOrtit 464ol . 4 ,* 1 the Wae it Leavereatbydlie ga ld,..dy:i ilitaCbeadgeartars itill be , . A put" or ,iliterebatbOieit filiiitlelk, *rim eragl ist44 l *** Pg4"C•PitalPriaqa i 040 ate seat us*: a Atanoug Faro* La lotizi...J "WA Mewl:, , ,?; rLA v 4 ..; P.. ~.., — ,l ,:. 4 e? 4 , :i. l ; IngbeiS letailted Inca wen; sent torkelts." Tye War Departratie ha ' deelderltutt' ill Etaillans &atria* Valli* rottrqsq llrgee, City ;Point WI Radwdd mutt g .. ? by ya!tbikore ThePreildiat 41 freparing n procLtmatioa I di., diotie Y"l' ela s olllp g lutatl4 Kiit cgmfAergor , jag tele 'lbef were to, pa pea,agd, Ind jf impulsed treated as sada. • sar.t fLeaTo9 °maw I 'olt4iiAttc!ii t4i1.4)1164/3211 -Wile iceow 2.-The . Nary Der,irunesiv. 17.. & bin recefrcd d com j an Li « itin n from Commander . %Y. B. lltComb, shiptrdate of April 19, at nyt' a, N. C.. U which be sayar-igeS heYr.7estel:- illyhto the e Heti Mel the rebel:shad undo floating It battery down , the Roanoke tad that it was then Snit 'boleti& pipetsidltee;ofilateir from • I ',Pinion In the,Wlblernese; ind'afere last 4 2 : IMAM. I then found that Commander rablljAr 22 Ltd ant a PAM sip, under ,Lient. Franklln,of fi the Tames; width party. bid 'earned thatthe bet:- Sent had been sunk near Janesville by one of their own torpedoes. • Lieut.: FrmiM, ant As to all of bet that Was lama water - ' sherd two feet' and it, supposed that dm is prettythorongai' etestaoyed. WAssucerolt, may e.—,iifeetter filejalt beea calPtiliur:tgv_r;',g.eut.oro4 Iterpelieneoek liTtal l umd butt, by A l to ; 1 14 P :t e s t 1= !`.9m , - watttort aeSerretary Bewara and sici n. . , ... . . I:, ~, laroiatotrwyw, May 9,:1905?-11:a: M. : i ' - .1 -'•' : •• • ...' I bane the honor to report that the Secatitry 1 of Bate Is &alias Ter, well thl3 morning.' ' Mr; k T. sortarra condition Is more eueouraglae. I • , Ve . ry respectfully your obedient servant, 3. IL BAF'or BFgeoltgeeteFel, • •.,, - Waswnorrow, May 3,1885-9 r. M. / - e /Tem O(4111.14:454 1 10 Mlle War: b aTe •o o boyar io report that the &cratary 43f aim tati bad; IFil apparatus sated to the low. i1.43-Asaf;imblek.mucilici to sower there: i Ivrjav , i, 4 011 142 Perle o6 .. .• :3(l%Y.,".BeirarA: la; Aorta as -:• well min rooms seport.. , .. • ~. -... -•-, ,- ' I en'lty,youret;ediesteerage;.• :.-,•- •-• : 1 fi• I gas fl4;sity-091,attimikc, . .i, • . A isp.o r. H . t, ....%. T. .E EiM=nEl PROPOEntitliti tittitfialit I MIAMIAN " nun WHOM '4 , 144 qcddgresamia' [REPORTS . COMENNG NAPOLEON ANO dIERI4. OE PLOT ...WWI • tmn, -[' laggliadred Ciiispinibirs ihiylot. Asfaseiturrrow, May 2.—An association has beets formed barn for the purposo erectifig ta Mont Merit Mine metes/ Of' toe -late President Lincoln. It is proposed to raise 2100,000 by entwalptia,llmited from one to ten dollars per individual contributor. Bach .1a the,garral solicitude, to alatibutofor such purpose - eta not * . ao'4ted - imotha're quired can be promptly raised and the_ moon- Mert erected. 'Veliorni l thriratait the country desiring to contribute are Mated to sand their einidAllenthxdi tothey.reasyne of the afase,cls4a. Oectgd tP Rigeg" ne Court Martial, of which Major Gen. Fos thr Is Prealeinttomw M 1011/011' demi:or Mistrial .ofß. J. Harris, Member of Coe from Booth 'On Maryland, who Is ch with persuading, the rebeteialdia& hot' Vs' 'the crated' idle ce and urging them to return South and Magata.as soon ,sit.Amshrigusli will riot, It la deratia, be dlisolveditpun the each/eloper this trial, but will be continued for the trial of Booth's accomplices. The Star of this evening says : The dram a/11M under which the plot to buret phln Warrilaisoreridtere atw.,iloutaa ScliOir,S 1 On Ptidsletenlighst Bdrgeanca Sixth street wharf discovered two suspicious looking Indieldnalw lerhat 040.'90 Saturday Owning these tWo men again made them appear. teat the tilted. Sergeant blelfonny, seeing Melded - 1C hateriatiosi,iftiCeloheiresatigh4o' hear ens of them inquire of the other, " Do yciu a:Lek they will meettonight t" ...The reply was plot heard.. aid-the men - - again Started off. 13er &ant: -MeXtrintry overtook :Mau,' What 'OlO-of the men, seeing they were Ibllowed; dreir Ole tM and tired at the Sergeant, the ball taking Cffeckithids right breast,eatusiog tt Might wound, aidmidethareseape. Betgeant mlcennit dig.. covered- a, letter. upon. the ground, which:the • man who had fired the shot had polled from his; yenta-with the Weapon: This letter was sent tO Col. Ingham, and resealed 'a deliberate plot to burn Philadelphia - ler which a large number of conspirators,wcre to takera part: . • : Col: Ingham thamedlately dispatilied ofdears to the railroad .station, when It was ascertained that two men aisircring the description Of. Shcore who assailed the sergeant bad taken passage on the train afew minutes before.... ItOnnation of the &cheery of the plot was then telegraphed td General Cadwallader at Philadelphia. Facts am .. .within AIM. Li - tattled& of the authorities !w,Lich slow that there are. some eight hundred ;conspirators bailed :together for bursting Phila delphia and other northern Claus. Tba affair is adergairle thotoughtiSottigation, FROM .OBLEVIS, Sestrur,tiOu brat .WebtE Confirmed. PIII,TICIiLIES OP THE ORISE CIPTOiE. frobable &nadir' . of Kirby Form. __.- • (:AS kasszi - ED FOR dlayborne Ala., CaptigelA by Our Form. 12ATEI ADVICBB PROM VERA cntrz. I I , it:lm Tonic, 3tcy 5.,-The Steamer Gelding - Star has arriied from New Orleans, With. The tlie 4ebeitaufw.Welitigarbily ! dkatinftind ori )ftl - med. Sho plumed New Orleans under heart On. ROM= voids- The ibicksworka ttisaTtiag tent a two htmtrred and SRI - Pountitsl4 through her bows. Only one Vend, the ilealyinsek., Lt. !eisrnenandar.:•Gherardiii lirgs •eao.7). ti)A .014ike - Eic;k:'ili,in'ttieifaik 'Of tue: webb, MAR twenty-eight miles below the city. The rebels saw the 'filoop. 3 kwar, tAlchmond, ready for action and turned hi the shore, the Holly hock going straight for her. The Rabb% alliceralcodcraiellred her In sev eral Pisces and then lied into the swamps. Some of the crew from the Hollyhock boarded her firsaved one man. abmidosted asleep on board, t were unable to put out the firefrom the In liemmable nature of the cargo and fear or theme . pktsiop of. tbnuutne. -tr - -t : Tbu'Vebtrwas'ermed with thre e ""sr, Sit pounder. !There were 21T bales of cotton , aboard besides turpentine. ilt terms that the pilot of the Richmond knew ?Twu of thenreil;Sive fvesnp. I'M! New Orleans rnis of the 25th, reports that the at erorter Oan.rVedges MgoflraBe. ; ag - falt;) of riiv of sigired er en 0234 ultdel• a nag tor th 6 pirpcve of negotiating with Col. Sprague, Chief of Stara ..Ges. rope, forpse surtender. at Oen. „Kirby Emith iiid liii Kyrie. "Col. SPrioui left ICalro for the purpose of meeting Gen. lodges at the mouth . of. Red,river. Amd there L eas be little dodellefrailth - hal suirendeied Iturch titc km. The terms of surrender See those . Pindlited by; Oen. Grant ; tchGen.,lAm. , ,The 1..ex..t imam aucl-Radges wcrei;st.lastL seems/al an. ehored at Hayes Point. a few anted; belbor the , miatth of tied liver. The surrender of the , rebel , liectet 3 7,l l o l °7 • anPefaitioll is banflimed4 ii/ i' , i::..: .. >,l ' • ; Eight millions of greenbacks 'had arrived at New prisons to pay our troop s , and • .as much more Vvii eat Iti way': " ... "' ' "-., . 'Claybctinie, Alabama,' hag been occupied sy. , our cavalry, under General Lewis, after a rict i /MT eTtna'/Weileill:-afr Marth, Of ;Mount Fleas/Mt, die rebels losing ten kllibi, fifteen ..wirmdtd, and twenty-two prisoners. Oar lota wits throcklited and riMO.Wou'eded. Five huts. ;1 died !mks of cotton were secured. ; :Vera Cron dates of thet2th say: The !lenient, .1 news is not Important. The Imperialists are said la have bloodily repulsed an attack on Ilartalls, /aid balm Apia defeated,tiacAame fop.- after. a pnrialtOffourleagues. 'the Ilevehttionistvhad• defeated a squadren of Imperialists at °also. Idorellia, a town of Fernandina In the State of .listchoacaa, surrendered folitikats. Tio news from Cults. :i gara_,,oldiii—Alitnilltere l agtV ot Baton angels !Inman eftittinfplAnAliant tin the West side are Inundated. gimstellagn,yonAhn. mAasnGylmais ow :the 8701; h 4iriftett vrifh'CaN.alif heed - said ;ttilenty six of his crow. mem-Webber/O. iMPlared, blehe Tenth f .. II nofeeivilty kb Wit broughttn lildw Orleans o the 261.1 ts I steatarsl4.slamtsalm& was samkALKohllo; 'll .Is sow being raised. be steamexlimailtpo. frwt/ImOriatina with th 3d Miehlgio*.aitalfli stftelbausrpeilesinflor 5 boilers In lower gap channel entrance at -; , ld bile, on the 25th, making ,completa wreck of thlit part of the beritTAUliiirslid wounding `tbhteea persona. The Quartermaster Imme diately tuned an Orliel that all stamens mate the faitani:etalanellter*if of Teti& Meal'. ; m ilr.lng the distance to and from While twenty or hlrty miles fusilier. - .. .., .......,t,.1 Pet el. . eee I , r. I' iOPOSALIS Y FOI 11181 8311111131IFSDEL i r 015.,..; 4A. Li liebel General Chalmers Murdered. . , fi AT OFIAINLIZAIIIN MICNG THE, REBELS. .l.qi .-s- ., ..ct........i i.. r Loots May I.l.—Th _Democrat's Calm 1 al. soyei....lLa.trt-,1..,:...nt ... ~ - r:-.. —, _ • 4 e *critphis,Solitlt&eivaat,,,,,ettudny• /pet, `,,it betty 11.1 tit hid. "ntgotlitrois "prOgreArng a Ave milltabedow Reditivest,hotameoGol.Apraguk ...cef of stair of . Major Geri. rope and the au. th cities of the TransMltutisslimi deptu r rinenti for' the surrender of Kirby Amlthreforces. . ' The Republkeirs OnGookiciajaays PO; Chater wad Mitrdexed `by 'parsoni unknown i bit' more reliable inprinutioa says It was done by - rebel deddleiti.t ....... ‘.., -- t ,i t ...,t - , t.:ta. It ~' A. refugee from Tompkinsville brings a report that the rebolGenetal Maori% late commander 'at Motile,' has been isitpereeded bY Glbstm, who coinmanded a brigade at tiparrtih Fort. Tie says thti deraoralliatlon 'among. the *inbels'of that vltinity let very great. The rebel gunboats Mor gni autt,ltioslatille :Fre alstrepigrAols l . denTteld by- , Matanis,Apnl3o.—Via calm—The Talletin ha,4 a special 'which:says 1 -lb Is reported that Sell General Dlek Taylor sent Gen. Makes to it ft General ‘ Dana ,of the surrcadeeptdohn- fe skiOniiinaristad liferni lam ot• Miami-Ma of .. l ft tim er.eag Gan. Dana linmedistely gave full eto DicigTaylov r aiSetementemdarringed • an 'armistice with Midges which was an edOiro cessation of hitoOljtk. II t; eCb req lsia l tad vlr de guntstrgueMilkkrtistdurbgalsolott add th I.:' .. course continuing nadir very liberal construe- Mobs. This anitikatViebittabuirdabiti tartango• meets on the same plan as those Prnizilleil by allerman. „Unless; repuMaldA P rbT- 061 1. "D' '1 "itierkirOftitert ibtimmisthsitnu ensimmettapeti • 29,hnly to be terminated on fort/tight:hours' Tian . / * *4l/ Y A Sin' :1-.._ _Ttiiitle4hilitilt 3lt. ; 4C9gammumg. .0 -, `,,,,i,i 4,, , . -- rigw, iiiitz;. isayls."-;ResiAlcgra.44*e.i Paulding yestadai l retired freavihe command 'of the thooklynOm, Tardem _ d tumed.lS over , to Acting,ibeatA.ftind.Orate - a; IleWhitanem weeding the Facile squadron.• Admiral ?said. 'big} has beta Commairidea r or I.U-' tat:4lolW, Aaty lard beady four yarn.. . at. 2- G , .: Our tin4iii nrsiglit ge Portugal lair 'ME-NEW 1O DEFAULTING GAMER VIOW OF .OUR , WAIL • _ The. I•coreigza 21SAmirls..ot.st. : • NEN,- reek, •miri tieitai•e'leotla from Uperpool on the 2.24, vta Queenstown cm tie We ' 903G®91. for money. Zia t.star Niash amitunes,dangoratuily .12- -at Via Czar, puami.throgili Patio and had an in- . 9i ./', 4 r{ aP 0 k 00 • . WesdiiL . Dan Woo, iucessenl. ' 4ti!h9.. 2 botan hiloyint, with 111 8 111 11 Rata . ditusee oeqd " ore ao Use. Breadstuff, quiet and steady. • Proiditons qidet and steady. , The Iforufrip4tdurritesr asserts that on receipt . of cti . ;sli the bf Al r elstdad;Nattoteetr' ProPoned - to laird Cawley, Matilda Entbaesador• to Paris, that Englund and Franco should by treaty, oftentisliCand tisake"commot. cense and assiat each other with all the land and sea threat, lif,thetivent of attsek • bitner OS' Cbnada or Mexico. The Adroefiee.ifenounece the rehouse, an&: trnsts enquiry will ho made into it on the re-as sembling otrarilament. Thle statement tunet. be taken for what it la worth, as it Is not referred to by am other lohmal. :The belief In the straggle bring over in the South continues to gain. strength. American Seenritles,!nied Even gotten, ato red leioytat. The Armyand Nary Cactus thinks it items- Able that , rganised resistaucc.can be prompted. • The king , of the lie:glans on hie return to . Brustels was taken with illness. iLonna, April Central, Osqo MN . ; Erie, .1t1.4,5,x;'5.20,,,, he latex and some other pro.southern Jenr ette still 'protein Le loolt hopefully upon the second act of the war,which they argue is about to open. . Mt. liatvey, United States minister to Porta gilomblisbes a letter In the Mein giving . his var don of the tiring into Lae tetagara and Sac ramento at Lisbon, showing that they seers en tirely blaraeless, and aceenrding high pral , e to Commander Craven for his forbearance at the err e; ?1.,.0 case of Windsor, the defaulting Csshler of the Mercantile Bank of New York, bad been before the Court of the Queen's Bench, and was postponed fore week .• The Bank of France lost ono and three qua4er million franca - in specie iivring the Week. • The Timm thinks unless . thm South consents tOrc-enter the Union the end of the.war lifer oft. The North Shona evidence of liberality, anti an Slavery is half extinct,* on Inkiest doom • lhe Times thinks reconciliation possible. ~ Bat. , come what may, England wW await the issue with' the ,stcadi forbearance of neutrals, hut with en earnest wish for a. speedy ,and lasting Nut 'AMMER FROM BAUM N. C •NERVAN CONE Ti) CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STOSITION - - OF' *SHERMAN'S ARTY LW YORE, May I.—The Part says: General-, Bil Try and linjor George Ward 4fielmels,, s of. Ellerrean's staff, Nlajor Ludlow, of the engineer edrps,,Captaln Marshall and Lieutenant Ver'la l „ ofr, of General Barry'; staff, arrived in el y lett etenlog: Thej lefritaleisirtin Friday morning at ten oleloelt , by . war. of thelnaraat. ..Birampsanal, and have made, It will In secn,,a ':qtick passage. e r uer ioth al Et . he d l i an , hl o ns ir g , o w n i o tt jr.. to Sa up T . a tri nti dL ish ,s - .,, in v d . f C arleston to look after his command. ~ - al y, arc to remain in garrison is the Catolinas, w Ile thelathera are on their way home by Way ad itiehniond and Alexandria. ,Nett York Mock and Money flatten. r• New Took, May ii—.At....the stock exchanges , Ware was a stiong pressure to sell tall way. &keret, and the markct was trent .I. to 3 yv . 'Udine... Theid.Was. aiSme . heaiy bnylng at ' 7 The market wan Ulmer at the second 'lxiard, and strong at the last board, and all better. Government Sixarttles were all firm and hammed. State bonds were steady and stlght- IY2ietter- GO*Mid'illikeeilatieopit aerial tante generally MANI and "Toiree; 'et - palely on tim b4land, Quicksilver and Mariposa. the price of gold fell off to-day 1132 per cent., i towards noon the market improved and was :at dy and uniform throughout the afternoon, w• b gmlyeallghltArstnetionais.-J.korti ;Is very lit le Ititemill ' ntiitManifEstet lii OM *Ocala ti s. Ti e supply of gold at thus point is mu tt vtly on the increase, and the ..amount In the ba ks and In the sublreatinry Is over forty mli I re , lions. The money market mains extreme ly sty. wales Of - PetroleurtilMoiks were: Excel tick, -4ko; Ormaale,- - 2Viv 'Germattla, nil; Tack, '.."1G0; Bacteria* 'Fermi' 251 r Meydriek, 4411. . . Carryall or; Richmond. Contempt elan ; Voinink frorth—ltehel Michange Cuba. , 4 retraloner Arrest en, , • • • jraw Toni, May ...,•••Theltiralcre..lltchmond correspondent Nye:-t. Many of Cu eitixens of Virginia comemplate copying:v*oi; from th !mon . ..felon that they can .injoy Mom - freedom thetro than here. They httieyo that being Uwe mined in.with the generalpopulation,they could enloy the ,priyileces accorded to all, and not turret!, special objects of attraction by the an t rides, while here they apprehend POtnceatton to some Went of the. rights and , •petrilegea ?haw ronletly coloytd. •-•'• - '.• ••-• • Captain Match; tite`Wnititinr:,agetrt', fir cr••• chnege ;nada Judge 001:hei been are4ltdarel pomtq(tted to .14,N10r rrieon upon charges of the - gr ed. character, conecentagthe affairs or both -th Union and rebel prisoners of Wrir 'rectired ranger his jertedietton. • ' ' Reiiietion en Export;Rin of Hay Re 1 ! i , •, - max I*.tirtainirr. ' t , ...51rAdAnfeqofi PM. APrIl. '4'186 1 S. a ho,Exesutiya mar of an 80..1t85 pro. bltdcfmartheerpnatation of haVoimacdndad, , taa9l and aftettbeliat" do - orm ar,lets,s..„, y.,; ..,•-„ 11 '" i ' a& g ,t11- wni el ii.l . r 6 A t c 3, iiC 4 7 d \V‘i. I , =••• .' 4 - -'' ', P. ' ' %i - LA " TDEPAR TMGNT, It;;i' n! IYAssmovort, Slay 1, 1805. j puii „ i4tl.7ofello terms of the atovo order, anr;4"l44,d4oltlDuitPlitoodtg.this Onset, toen the exportation of bay are berebytro. : ed. (SlgncM: rTzt;.:7s A IIiVuLL OOO, oceretary oldie Treasury. , . rn neanostOperations...Cavatry Atter J• Da. Is. ltmos.trui.n, Tara., May 2.—A man who was on lone ot.thurallmadtsains captured..ll.4l/sual . m 's carealry-belatriarP-Ort Linillimths , • bu says, that Jeff. Darts vas on the same tr and on his way to Charlotte,. hat that I ing the rallitild *u Mitsalierre aid below th he, with the other pauengers. escaped and mt ed to Greensburg. fkoneman's cavalry aro 'Pe a t 1 . 1 4 Pi, ILI Vpirdadi, rigor, ..$lOlO--brid.: q sat Annerson, Soil% Carolina, and arc s Ming frOm there towards Augusta, Georgia, wit instructions If they can hear of Jeff. Da. tia,and his treasure to follow him as long as there Is a hostunlefti ". :TIM lhfintry mike:a StAbleman's 'command Is engaged In clearing the mountain of bushwhackers guerrlLlas and .hone tttleyee, and th ey. seatralognimuc work. Seven-Thirty Loan Subscriptions. P,1117./DYLPIII A, Bia6 2,—The subscriptions to ds3l to the i-201ean atnenuted t 0,45,231 ,1 00, Th 6 lamest. single Western lutticription , was 8100,000 for Cincinnati. The largest Eastern snliteriptinn was 61,000,000 each fray the First National Bank, New York; Flak &Mitch, New. York, and Verseilge & New York. The Imo:they of individual saliscriptions thr • vitas' under 16100 'was 11,652. • • . • :Status of Political parties to the Souab. Pow Your:Oda) . 9.--Tbe Iferatel'r WeeldeZ• tonapeidelaapp. •Lettere from New Orimme al: legi tbab awe Mu iadieslirwm of a , Juumaaa af tbe;pro.ilautulltdpe luau tberembb the seces sion ky m IA 0.0 i ,:is Jig olzpi t tbe unconditional ae, tt-slarcry Vuldu yatiy, -nit ls ,roprotootogi to be Rho' probable` - status _of .iplitiptd, parget Oa ueMblibelkaar. " / - , . • t:laats.+ol - ant .. fil 11 , 1dladetpitfir..' - ' ' _ .., it.trormiu; ller . 1. 2 -Omani' Otratit ar: ?Iv id Ude gly fbbiAfteracon;' Mid went' to . Bu loutoto....}lOmM return toMorrow - wlth:l4i 714, ottd.tatot possoodoi of Abe oplitillid . ash igaPti Pit:rooted by the rigiodelphisoot :,... - i - -'-r -i .- • 4 44 104 'WerititioLtOtta lioitufbrt. ,iiialiiv.rottx, May 44-Tile United Btatcollos , . ottionthlp. 4. ; ll.74lpouidint . ortirra from' '/} ' r ° 4 . North cfiroliott, =ain't the :trip `ln -Ai l!Pt. l,o l4l. lF iqi 4 0 okii $l4-Wwondod.--, , . - ~... ... ..,,,...........it„,,,;,,,,u,•„iti0z.. coot y, bad bla sanatb slapped by a lady, fur ex lag.bla joy v eoodtator'' li t ga h b er da"Ali a! W il e a laO an lu d al t f lo a o ; O3 al tralkor was pal off. p , - 1 , f; -,, •.- .. .‘... . .; to :: ~:,. ~ , Jeff , Davis' Movements. THE AIMTIES 01P',GE.DIMIA ANIDTUN. , 11010714 1. 4 1311 ALEX. ANDIIIA. THE ASSASSINATION lAA • 'NATIONS. More Arrests CohtianaUy Being Limn DOI7 . OI*ELI7 . PROMOTED the Wu &tweet Emil sad Uruguay CHIEF AISTICE CTIABR GONE 801111 Arrest of Ex-Gotrernor Aiken. 1 EROBABLE CIIANGES IN THE cAlortr. Now Yong, May I.—The Herald's oorrotapond. eht soya Davis remained in Danville ale days • under great suspense, tablets to hem [cool Lee, . who was expected to reach that plies - and make the Stanton 'tiger his tittle' of defence,. The news of the surrender finally came, brought In by sconli, hat vran disiOeved. It vihs kept secret however, its long , as possible. When It became knows there was a panic. The nest morning - there was a general exodus. • 'Stoneman's Tacit tictWeen Danville and Greensboro and flied n the train that carried Davis runt his Cabinet away. - A Herold correspondent Wet The armies of Get:aniseed the - Tennessee, commanded resPect iveiy by Generals Bloc= and Howard, mote under orders on the 28th ult. to move North, via Richmond to Alexandria, where they will' be dis handed or sent to mere'-important motive gelds of the rebellion, if any can be said to exist. ' The_rtmel', Washington special sa3ho , In the [Maer 'progress of th e preliminary examinations ail to the assamination .conspiracy, arrests aro cOntinually being inadt , and thus far the whole number taken into et:A.odg will reach nearly three hundred. The trial of these conspirators will be commenced, ' hOwever, before a military commission, rind if, upon the hearing, the saute facts aro brought out that, have been disclosed In the prrlimlnary examinations, the magnitude of the plot will astonish the whole country. It Is not true, FS reported, that Harrold has been tried. Ills trial is set for tomorront., ilex& Dougherty. who commarided the de tachment of the Itith New York cavalry, that 'mimed in the capture of ilawh, has boon pro. meted to a captaincy, by commission of the • Governor of New Torte. The 11, Add' s Buenos. Ayres correspondent of the 11th of March, repOtts very fully the conclu ding comes of the war, between limit and Urn g-aay, and also' -furnishes a copy of the peace conv7ntlon concluded at Montevideo ,he which Gen. Flores was Inaugurated ea Peckham:tit President of Uruguay. . Flores' new cabinet Was made up 'of , men of experience and talent and met with * very gee. had approval. Buenos Ayres still maintained her course in "toe path of social progress and solid improveratm., , The /ftrahre Washington special says Chief Justice Glose.hsa gone South to reorgauiro the United States Courts. The Tinto' Charleston correspondent says ex- Gov. Aiken was arrested by order of President Johnson, and that the arrest was based epee his re_f ant to take the oath of allegiance. The iforld'r Washington special • ISYSt...Ie is under...lood eriat Messrs. Seward, Stanton sad Welles hove indicated a desire to be relieved .of tlxir trepective pen Mine on the Ist of July. The (We former will probably beset, 4,1 by Meesii. Chariot Francis Adams and Preston end the )attar by J. W. foamy. The Ikrata's Washington Special says Wadi Hampton was the only General , whia'refuteA to be included lu Johnston's surrender. Johustou promptly relieved him,' nutting . (len. Raker In commend of all his cavalry,. Hampton Went of with Davis and Ifteckvaridge. antleslotlog to reach Mexico, It la thonght. • • Motu Cailfornia.rlione Thieves LymePod' .—lrfht with ladiaaa—.The Crops, Ate. Es:* T of r,sco, May I.—The Ortv — n pane — re 1214116.7.1 the handing of erten horte•thierva and I:;4brvaya,en In Walla-Walia and 11•11 ac CCTIL Lit A, by both l.w, within a short time. Viz limo, committed had a list of ,fl,,littaddit and fifiv reviles. Who Will 1, driven out of the coun try or itinithed. hr: ona odvioas to the llth of April :mention anoiber flaht wlth the Apachles. let wblehtwtlra ; dtdiam were killed tad ono soldier killed and 'one wonndisi. The lodtattstied. • , Gdert ‘V. neiPkwie, si member of the Arizona gislature,-Carly Becilth.tmo of thecodleere of that body, and etiveral•otted whltev had lately Into worth:m.4l,y the Indians. and huslatita' is dry prosperous. The • roe: , in California look well. The deyollta at. ,the Mint dru l?g last tiatatalit were.sliotit ta • ; • - he steamer Sierra Nevada, from l'ortlaad„ and T VI: tkeiw, , areived 'ban last evening with 11114, 000 In gold. • .^---"" • -, , The Trrrlble l Calataltlea lu the, flour of ...Triumph.. • The :=cured triumph of the nation, the liftinc of alithe:.clonaO of (lota . 4espoodeitti 3 Ot tbo lost:foor.yostre. loltlkd withlortf 4 . 3l 4 lal l by ariakiliati4si •4 , 1 by' ca: dg;Aarml Jai** of our returning boMlire'by stir*rted and opts: 4 1 the dangers of tranelt both by landamt col • iscein to hove Alit:Mated to kilt the' whited. 'lobo hale a..eared tbe , d,qtr. of batqe and tho runt of B,utliern imprisonment. Whit a multi tude ,or..4omttm Lope., pot boundlog with lho assurance of speedy fruition; What a awe of yeszaleS• aribctien parents, wires, chlldrcn and all the hared ones—separated by - 1 rears of aheence e terrad tbronah a thousand cad thevroSpect of swift" -TrUll!op, serer or:re to , part—were In a moment bra:obi Into the Ditdcacq of despair and death - it Its racist horrible shape, isrlicalifteca hundred . of our:returning soldiers wan destroyed, by the otaamenToltana ' ' .. • •-• • `, • What widespread grief does' this catattrOPhe carry to families in tbe,Northf a pia; aiAthuto of trot the stern solace that pertains' to.death. on the battlefield t'it la but It little while slope a sluallar elaurrhter: , slims, thtinthl.bnyllAe . as estannlindethougbhuts dirddelis Of OA, ocenired by the lessor an maritistouner.,l Win frednelleY of accidents to railroad trains .cdartylpg our bOlelltoe'retremUy •deltrered hod &anthem cruel , banldnge, must 'hare 'attach tho' Sublia 0 4 0 014. 110 * 14.PuSeeiolOn• fatillthas. regalia; irresistibly a system. surissethod: And there LE. ertrytidog In concurrent circumetances, of in the toMoustleottlhOS diaislAltion, and In c prerion6 attempts, to glee force to the ant., . r pieto ; ~I.lr. . . '• ••• • • he dtstructlob pf, petaeuirz• Oiqirn . if. l / 4 1,T Stied • aystan Snatberte; nedd noCreaull tbh that hieit • ,v frotuF,OtrfMaitdliSit Oseetittoit sips'. 'Tables pangs in passenger.stesinerster, the eters and Ulm% to Ilse dad overpowir fire' , 'crew And' destroy The saiselaieuile tOositandt',. . other plreeles,bar beco acknowledged* di! ," Sureent leader Datisto he done by his warrant, ~ Bo bake , aisslobbericeof Northern Tiller's; by t.- . guts" organized la Conde. ' Scr also the sperm: .1 • obstruction of rallrumb, to preelphsto peettenter r '1 trait . IP. dPtri1eti0n...,14.44.4. several eases arrant are announced,: as trams to paraded rebel r i soldiers.. Aran Wks organtr.od to fire Northern .. 1 kosaesination adtbe,tieeds , eminent, *a *bleb it' *as ti.teldc4,ttiolude; .slegoaltingtenerale, Isbnattlthit - Intoplar Li re Ord oyvvcconea defeated croser, ,-; ; II It not , In accordance , ' kith 'all thle.7.4belso . deeds 'andllibroin,xtouSehisrlieter, - that these; ni• surgoOlkshonld "consplre , ter pink.-explode 4C, areit l 4o4o4 e.'nett'reyttig oar edurnlng tioldlorst. Are we-to t, making the Urea of =throve sot.. dices wholes*. Conquered I titelie da'regns .iti the ; ;field, dud the fired nod 'prop:fly - Of lora eltbanli' le north and,ln,the , Aa!ply ; Airier Ste ei,; eheep.'hf Our 10* WAY el( turning theta: - o le . twrlurod, aline= loose into society upon„ , parSlei Wo entreat our rontberritles. to' mrie — Adige of the authttret. mercy lei the sit is, of the brave - then whti bore 'Bared the rind !Or the loyst , inlitahltauts wislllare over, Iron true to the Goveniment, - , and, ho.. In the border Stairs hare faced constant perils Witt& Otteltiy;l A &bet Theelogiettr. g .I;adi Tim , Presbyterbut Theological ael'at CDC lurnhia, South Carolina, of which the late.pr, Thomwell was the shining light, and. of which Dr. Xalmer, hardly less able and,-egnitily 111be14 bee recently boon chief Professor. ;lc" inns bad. way, fluanclaily. ,The_Tresmarcirra 'report. 'Moire that the Invested' (Undo, of.'thd .11emlbert amounts, in round ntimbers,totwohluldP44 llo .. slaty-two thousand dollars.7ticarly, ono, hiut•:; - dreg and - thousand .arif•lnveated Art . 'the borida of the Confederate States, about elatte, twoithorisind in. the banks-or , South , Ceti:Mos and Georgia,. Len thotteand hi .the Cobinb lja Bridgehlacirally burneilif we ifilathltisiltiot,' .the balance in TITICIUB Southern, railroad_ , bonds: . andatocks,unti State and Cny bonds; 'min Only, bliTatment in SedMitice Magda sir ,the. speeded Staten.litihOtAltirtPihreahunrired dollars 111 14wIncire bank. • • LTiniety LOAN accordion' to tht latestquotitions, Ithlhh Publinhible months 64 -nenhiondlNC ,b*lt ae 1315Nitt the lobilen ntarkiit. VA is otpl , Cpar Ont. leppelaw =oak We serter;it - bliould. be obsenrod,Aa4 net been lspitted at the ditto op./W/141W thine . WWI" Voce are given, • c • c A etico ellf* IR thrilled - 1 1 resbyte.- man L'ltateby Allekb,U7 ins Regard . to the Amta t iduat/au efrxesrideitl WiMithii, The gieeileney, AbrabaniLlneolu, the sixteeath `P resident of . the, Ilicited • kat,ml, ibrty days after his inanittratien: th e second term of hileffie c ti;.wes aisapainatedty J. Wilkes Booth, at thellailontl Capital, on the 14th of leVantidied the fikt - daY;'ifierefore; „ Reretved, That In the brutal end dowardly tel.shorby Which our honored Chief Magistrate BE, made to drop bis noble head so - euddoltlY pereteful breast, we Bed the appropriate and natural espreasion of those principles Which' 'mimeos , tbe slavohOlders' •emispitaq, awl reoel=: aloe, belie/Ong Itt:perjiiry, tarriedd oafot fon: yearabAloody war,tuld culminating to the as sassination otono al the beet of men by one of the Worst. !Renters!, Thai:Wale f terrible calamity we airy ill be able Yet .'to penetrate the design or Hira , wbo Is as truly the Governor among the ,zationa to he is the Redeemer of sinners, our • eenthience In the peepetuity of thn republic la uhsbaken. The chosen bred—the Idol of the '*ple—ttay perish once and 'agate, but the Ile. yublit sell/ livea, and, by the favor of Heaven, I,Twill tied qn: . t tnioler That In the death of out well loved .Prerident man so honest, so goad: so Judd ' cloys and so Marone-60,1rue to his conutry, and we mat believe so true to the truth of clod; as well na SO the Inalienable rights of man—we recognize a sitertyr la Freedom, and a victim to the losolesetrand reringo of &awry: ...ffnufreN at as far as any jetties, any where, IL,tiOut of tletrulted States,baro Oran aid orsymyetby to. the cause of ttleyebels, to that extent are they guilty of the tabu the sor row and trat sacrifice of human life' which . , t his cruel cruel war bali brought all over th e land. ' i,firsoinid, That white we bow, is dumb anguish beforU'dtbovah's awful throne, over the pre cious corpse of - the great sod good patriot- Martyr now being borne through rivers of. tears tcr,its last reeling place In rui new Moan( Yr, nem In a Western prairie, we do solemnity pledge ourselves, (as the church to which we it tee the boner to teloriglits liven pledged for sixty-flee yearn) not to cease trout the'' irrepressible con flict" until Ottry vestige of conspiracy of slavery and secession Is extirpated from our dear laud. Ahd to the end we do promise oar cordial sup- - per. to Excellener Andrew Johnson In the post of honor and duty to whirr Clod in his wis dem and providence has lately called him. Arid meth than this, we will daily boar rho as our Prmident, en our spirits to tine throne of heavenly grace, that be may receive wisacim from above. to guide the antra of our country In tutee tibleollattiave fallen upon us. ' .I:catelred,,That , we will ate td It for °tropical,. mid fat the sake of the generation that Is rising to,tebe onk . place, that while Washington shall toi laded and remembered as tba 'Father who ?hid for his country, Lincoln shall be loved and retnembeted as the• Father who not only lived., bet died thr his country, after he had signed and sealed and, psbliely proclaimed. and so secured, the freedom of four millions of slaves. Peroirai,. That white sea "weep with these tbetweep," tweause a hatband and a father bus beim taken nom them, we commend thorn to so and the word of Ills grace as the only and all nffidcnt consolation of all who put their vest in Hite, In evety time of trouble. psoh , rd That Metre resolutions be recorded in tbithin It utesat thla Batten ; thatthoy be pub'. , td the Pittsburgh GA.:sera, and thatsionlos I I. For aurdtd to Mine. Lincoln and President J4insoh, ( tt on behalf of StISIftO.) • 11 !. -D' • Jolla Siolltuaw s . Moderator. . . . J. 111.0 P. FIXIILNIT, Clerk. Heel, y, Nay let, '1865, ' I Important Deaden. . . I ft tlcel,qs, , rt Inverting the liability of a railroadl I cant.any • fur the baggage of a passenger. lost In p*sing over connecting " roads for which th q ticket was -old, has rockily been decided . for the ectopany. The caey was th ß at of Bararzolbergeri a last the tenisyleartin ' ailroad Company; '1 an gl was an action fur the recovery of damage fo the inns of a carpet bag iont flirting clothing .to herniae of lI2S. In gold, and a watch and cidtin valued'lit 111:I3.. The plidntlesorti liassage Ihid that the defend at I t ii tt i 4 llla cei f tr or .l4 :l , u J,) rln h e ca ti an s are not common carriers except between P ladelphio and Pitubuegh.. They were under no obligation to 'carry the plaintiff beyond the teflninattoe of their route, or to transport hls Imigune. "It la true they received the tore fur the whole dlstanto (etas Phticalulptda to Cincin nati, and ittidllt - were , all,-11 xn%ht ratan spec.' ausaption of an agreement to carry OVT tha.en tire mine between the two cities. But content poinneously with the receipt of the fare, and so erinenta of the contract Into which theyentorad,• th.ty gave to the plaintiff a ticket, informingblar 1 th I. they assumed bo responsibility for - biterf.t. 41 r,-and of course for Ike carriage of Itla lu gs e.; beyond Pittsburgh. 'They nodded Adis - - that they acted only as agents for the carriers,- otiose mate extended Westward hem Pittahnegit; and not at all for iltEroselres, ,Wlth this ex- Inn* dleelalmer of pal liability, there la no ratatttlgry of implying an agreement . The plain. tip remedy Is nntegnlntt tltcmbut against the cottony which ltedertoOk' for that portion of thd route upon which the carpet bag was lost. 1 A Veteran Bank. As se 111 ha ,uun by the dividend notice In an 014r column, thu Bank of Pittsburgh declared yesterday its r.....0r..tra r n 7. 4,0,.. eit'ith . a.t. This is ere of the oldest and most reliable banks In thci country. since this termini 'onapensioa of sta le pay mentoat the. beginning of,thai war, It ha paid Its drpoirttriiide p o lar to that 'time andlts circulation to gold, bolos niece thou a million of dollara. It Is, the'eOly - tbtl b bank fu thu United States Matta& t.O.paid both depetati en dronlatlon. It. wets organised In 1010, ntt den the title of tho.” Pittsburgh Manufacturing Company,' , and Ito onjoet was to natlst the ba ron manufactures of tin:city. .In IBIS It , rti eel 141.1ti'preiteht thirtiwOut 4.10 i fistik4f iPitts. burgh, and In 1815 .It made Ita drat ,dicidund. Its i trot nominal' Capital Was - Stloo,ooo, and itbatt kti.VD,COD .wao , paid in. :Kha capital IFOS t.boi, after IM:retied `to" the firbscittt' antonuf, s l ,t o qo . 309 ? . - - , .. t . Mr. Weill's 1140.tiout. AreerdingXo all acconets, ?dr. yrehll'F , per; fbrinar.Ce. iritii -111S' I led baud 'hint; must 'be' something • extraordinary. , The • Now York 142,/ Faye Mr,_Wehll'a ranks Alas for the left bask are il'e Mein' fan'eltdr cliti.trap arrange. •nacits kit , utlf.tnade, Wholekaiie '''studlce,' , tlikiklY set with mechanical ditlicyltieS: Which', xit 1 6 the greatest possible cue he reaolves into lc ing beauties. This hand is gifted irltb ttby ' x ..01xer, fauhti so, buttlyi ipiekitiolila dull ly t, and is trained to all the Intereatinir de rie known to tbo most time.: Own.. Off ore 4r Milli, by any lamentable mishap, to lose Is A rGghX, t It As •a0,J0k0.19.40, .o#. rwid, ~ I , impumcy- ednue.6 to play lb pub c with Miler invaluab)p impttel!, , : ~. ~ "--/ , ,• • i 1•/ -, t ,'i o Depiiii Thronlidstioner - or' tfib - ftiatiiii it 49/0 tt alk 13/040. 40 MkriiingdeciAkfrki' '-- --= ' --' sco 1, , , ,Cre1 31 1„ ta 4 0 _ 4 1 1 04 03, 4 19 Z 1 ?tv'i wh 11.114 oceirth coeueetioix:wlll6i bobtail fril 'Which locoibe is ,dart Ted. 'lf i building irbl lib- retdriCli.destioyed oa inland bY•lirei the tint spent in re-buUdlng may, be deducted,. Ikea Mc atioant received na rent; hut when:the i , bu leg letkcapted by the Owner, only Si much; can d‘Aneted an does stet pawed Alto.averalicc nded In repairs 01 such building the pro.. ;did g Ova years. Where tousi , arededucted' as epees above given, Inenrance, moncys,v Awl 'rang borirturvad hi halm& b ; i i.li o:. , i _.... ;FittaburgltThelltnevi - sMDlLWalter'laitemeo 'feat evening was a splendid 'fleeces. We have • nay nyet seen the play" of "Romeo and Juliet", brolght out to advantage on the stage. It le' . one tof than is a aterly.prodnetions rhieh :t11•Y rea4 froto' the beck 'WIMP pleasure 'Whin etilled for the convenience ef the stage, loses, its '.ehitif beauties mid' prnsents'hut n threndbins . plot. Ita,chief IA the, language that ta les* it. Tp..nlght Mrs. Waller personatea - .. l flarniev , anch'deg tilerrilesn—eharnetera It which she ttlernays her hlatrionle talints advantage. Welanticipnte tfn reception 'for ‘ . , ... . - , i Western Insurance thmpauy.—lly rear 'Mice to advertisement In another column, It will he even that tbe Western Insurance Company, orals fit/. Imo tindarefl. a : Alvldoml of liter. ,dollaM than each or As, capital atOck. , out, of tfienrolltwortha wit iii mcintlis; fres of all tax .wTwo dollars per share of this wilt be. on °Tea it ertdit to`stoOkOrlillo:.tporelaalolnk twO 11l bc4alo In clish :to istOokhol4e* .'Xlip, ft co any la hi ti thitirlstlnu_ condition, and Its seer tart', Mr. William r. ilierloft, is one of our best business mei • ` thottdps , 'cilia*" la 4ha co any • ;meat of die muesli'', . , vr.i-7.ti fellow.known by.tho titiL tot am And}, and 'who for tbmo 'tbno Net had Imade ble home on or about Ilia wharf, at Wheel. ,ing,imirning aim:Carious Ituottby Wring by ihn' bout 45 assist In discharging cargoes from steam. ' bora.. concludod •lostooeek. to tnetto :o trip to Chllinniti aD Or* bind og steamer . long On the, return oreMoord rud iros'Airownea. - _ ,-abasmYt lu faraiatlon bolbre .Ma. Taylor, ebettring Vled . arty* Daman litiaidlipdalog.til igla , gretit wilt* rate Inten,qop,otxtrecondlog end defrauding qlf; "iraditanVlbtakaWer was anweably *Oiled To tcader by the claim being Ilpildated. ~., ; ~- . ; k ~~ ~ _~. "`~ 1 s i -x AU. isnysett Mr Itemett opmas a series of entertainments to-night at Lafayette Hall e under the auspices of the Teanytion Clnb. The prografutte centime of math, 6ittlOry, Mimicry, ;aughehle None or , chiracter. cotuic ' Be is well knocm as the most accomplished humorist sad versatile elocutionist of the times. Hs but recently concluded an• engagement of thirty nights at Taidworth Hall, New York, where he met with unbounded fmccesa. The pleas of that Once teem with encomiums, a d ocetnowleg Coates attests-the verdict or the people. We make the following mtract from the New York : 'Alfred Burnett at Dodworth Hall. 'llls an flartainment ls•a great saltness. u n born angel of feature are positively ms. He hen w - face liciable as John 047611 and humor imiong4 to tiTil Artefaus Wanl. At one me inenLhe Mart old -Irishman, the- nex- a sweet ;Miss attired In Gill's, and sat - 10g. 5 MB preacher of Hepeldam extlles the Most uisnistions laugh ter.. Mr. B. has made a hlt In: New roric and will rapidly aequire a reputation - 0U the most talented humoriat we have had in or city for' , • years... - . New Vela roporter. givi ng a, reportrif a very select and recerche dinner party given . In. Filth Avenue recently, does it up in poetry and closes hla account. with the, followinp,- feolind ta snza: • Bat strange to OAF whatere 81d psis. • • woe it soap, heti, tart or Sittig. Beware each course they quaffed figlass Ot I. rd. o. K. Bitten. • Pinkerton'a Wahoo and Callsava hitters are .the beat appedLelng iambi in the world. Try them, dyspeptics, pad you will be convinced. k. E. Sellers ~Out for Pittsburgh. ' 11Worderly Conduct.--,VArgatet- fitilatair bod a ticairlog ytshzday at the. Mapes office, charged by Margaret Lin4rmaa with dhorderly conduct.. It Deems that the two had Aquarrel, Which brewed Into a tight, ant, the consequence was that the latter had her hair pulled. r . The care was discharged on the payment of coats. Auction Nate on Thursday at ten, a. ar.,Com prising turaltute, segans, tobacco, indigo, pill. torm scales, dace desk, ton barrels of fish, &c., at T. A. al'Clelland, Auctioneer. Sale positpro to close cotirrnetita. • - The Fall of Hltbmond The first act of the American war has close, with a tremendous fi.nak. For three days to gether the Confederate General maintained him self In fierce and even doubtist battle against the combined forces of his adversaries, but at fast ho succumbed to nutr.bers and resigned to the ene my the strongholds which he has defended so long. Richmond and Petersburg are In the lianas of the North, and though Lee, even In these des perate straits, hail retired In good order with the remnant of his army, It Is impossible t 3 antici pate that his resistance can be effectually pro longed. The South retained but one great army, and that has now been half destroyed. Tho hiss - of Richmond might In Itself have been, perhaps, sustained, bet, poupled with the defeat of Lee, .It reprments a veritable catastrophe. The event has been anticipated not only in A Merleukinklia Ms country,Ror some ttme, and yet it did Sot beeerldednformity with - the prev alent speculations. Farramit bad no part in it, nor tibernmanither , , Them la no flotilla, no bombardment; no Combined stack by land or weer. It is 05,, , to Gm. errant that his military ehairirs !Asada be .yeroffai.:ad and hit aneeras ao- I:ow-14M.it was /1111,1111313 r which In the end gummed Richmond. Re did "fight it, out on 'that line," as be bad pledged himself to do, not only through all the summer, but though the winter ear.theifolliiisingranting. - Often. and Mien was he repulsed with dreadful losses; but he clung with unconquerable tenacity to LIS work,and never onto relaxed the grin that Imbed obtained. Ile forced Us adversary intoltichmond. and sat down kerma Its ramparts with the res- Mellon, which lid has .well maintained, tbst . teener or later the city should be his. It is true thit. he had the assistance of Sheridan, and that without that, ecenporation thefinal assault tentild. probablyllot hilnatleeni attempted: ' The MIAMI of the fighting indeed fell to Sheridan's share, and he seems to' have displayed much of that g , nitia WWII Iron , him- 'So remarkable a victory In the Shenandoah Valley.) Ad Ow ;Molt mark, *Oaf. tia!), vela the werkSlf 0 enal—. 4 a 1' , .. 1 Ms crvot for IrSit:l he umittd in rali,net gad coo fidelin- through warty-.rave mousse of dixeoldretge-, • irrl, Ift lota Liz foal. Chimed of the Nora ens, plictia to rivorpize , &fol, and the rePotrio.c . for: 4441o:11145. at -`t. ,-,,Li'ltdok meet , April 1, tents 'in Abundance . l?orthe dial tinie elite the 'suspenion. of sini 2 tie 'payments, the supply of cents at the mint evieds ; ten demand. . -Though tfio ; coinage of , . Theta went on nneeadnely, and though two-ooat iveten wni:ll made iti large nntiikbe. ii.,)11,6 demand; : ?lith rum, exceeded Um supply, and t times the • sea city erai . each that articles never reamed of ' lai eurrrtcy were often nal,lin bar m ts.:llwas 'to impel thing for carrots, onions, turn . s, and . 41:pies, to he aced 41 making change. ',The sear city no eotcht arose In part from hoarding and speculating In cents, for the premium on them was often - as high as tea, and Wren tWelvo per cent. The ecarcity me rise to the nee pf tick ets Ka checks by Atop-keepers. and In Stime parts of the city they are yet, giren„se 'substitutes. Thin need no longer be, for we learn from an of &ILO scarce that carts 'can noirbooleadiied at , the plot by any person who wants them, in en illange for Treasury bills. The three cant coin• ge.:(new) will be rtady for distribution in a few ayis.—Phaadqphia Lefler._. , . , ON N'!.yr lork A'reors irlsys the ; following praise to the oindact or trio black American soldier In Ricitcoutt.t. <t -, 0,., ... The ne;ro troops of la yedcad,forcet is Rlehmond ,ii',FroLe..4..ot y i gentleman of that city? In lefint of , pariatist praise.. Ifrhet deuort , meat Ist truss colkad,,sol 'era rtm been marked 1 1 delleide reaPenSfbr the datum or the fallen strongholde, , So orderly w - stile in theti con . duct tar adding.the city,; 4 ttkeiphec.ked all diqiosUlot IA licciiq, ;tad cx6i.. , 5A01)9e 4 an at , temOtiN , DieriL , ply:tiller on. :the 'pert of the rlsrp mob of the eity.-Ire reel-tSw duty orjas tice.!tothu bit& goldlits "of, hie' •,:doisi druid, and to dater* Welltol maw, • tadociarehrio dud Shelf' conduct toward the people of Aloha/old was each asio hart riddled credit not Onijoa th 'q °Ma a r. b t it. 9 , fte3l..ol4'red *a. In API: : „ coriect sPeimilg . .. . 11: world s 'lt tie.ail Ick ut ir , .*. PitlO:A.vlici4. ip e IOW; ihil, habit of correct speaking , and ;alng,•tthd to abasilkin'ait'da* 6 'i.04,11.4. say t sae of, /long - words and phrasal. ,Tho Danger y'dn Prt elim mots. afttleolt, Om sc. airemeni, of co t languatii *tithe,. and If 'the Olden age of y nth, thoppawspomplor i theraostedattif:aA ni t lap age, bb paid in its abuse, the niiiiittiante - - likt ,it neglected. la very properly doomed:to ulknbmg tor Illeo -Money is , noi ateeessul to prodnreihts eldestiot. , :lttetai use Imoteln 143 : powir..,,se ,bO, moidy to. use...the ,lINCEtt whialteretullai mstead of the slang,lideh beats; to focus his taste from tbe beet:, li9M9toca . supi*ltiltk axe; connti7l to tredstirettp - shotee ~.19;bialnettot7.Itad 'habituate hinuain.o, they A= es 'oollrig at the piton atop that gain old ittid,tinsibenit.whlch above:the wftk-.. of vain ambition rather than the polish of iiik nested_d.' ,• ‘'- 1 , t . . :, ~ ... ' Tits TimitelittnieCchMiine.—The atiMe eventing lir idaryland-,Cdttulso, rtinee George's,. Nand t, Mary's --Ibleh have tame design:4o.l4 i '* tart' ettnuou-sa - the r -retage did '.hrund of l f ,ilral re and gnerr il las, lie in the op& 'of the tri: ang 'between the Potomac river and the Chem.: 'Op e Be,Y4i - They lad to be slave/a:Mb= alma- 1 lies ANC I Rave lilrocg pro•slavery votes. ~.:9,t Abe Jest presideVtial election, the commas voted as , follows : For Lincoln,Charles 27," Pr 11163" 'o_,eoare'!, 107, 1 1k.iMor 99. For McClellan, iUh es, 967, Priam:George% 1,550; Bt. Mary's, ' , 07., The fads are algulfleaat, as showing the: • ttnnettlity of pro-slavery comninnitles to the gov crnoient. Tin Ranee Mlburn Trioone.—tt appears tnatithe forty of fifty negro aoldiers ,eniletcci.ilf the 4ebels under their act, of Congress, and who . 4 , comated Richmond with Lee's army, going to.' wans Amelia, dropped off at the rate of about one for every mile travelled., nod, yrhsectate ren7, • denies was reached, cheviots Captain and col 'Om% =FM , ' Riot! , FtmluFleiz ' ilium has it .frkaarlb ULM 3he:Stnprous gvtla Is about to write a life. of Marie Atu ' top tut; - some lll4tatured Teeple say 'hat no cI4Y fer, the toilette and. for Bitting 'o ll, a Immo graognilj,prinr pceslding .torr n JOCeP, :Wm.! Ono Of her ladles .of• hirtmehat Ilt4 erfrt skill to do the wort, and Iter.lrd4reas tottre the credit. Ton inns' orlbtoron At.uutilAirs—vnie - .sondnuanee of the draftlog system will tolleye :from duty a force of itersona s AlSS number - of, -1,21141 la "Wrgi!ed 141 9"7".lf• A pax latelg went tR pen Tgomak, asking heel net exoeuMaMoted Ettesrlfla,,,givlng USA Tcallatt that Ilia ItiotVill at ES 'end, 'X gnus weattall hatti fbny7lo - 1 4411 Ablktir,":_rtipundml: Itto tunitrid. , . , , "1, • Ao y, ow Toxic, had bias= blow& 'dr liEdElE4rdd&Winkrbli& be was portseioes . &Ed AdEd;PF. 4444! ElVdded frEdikiii_P&Eftt*, , 11 ti iyyl { t4 Iceitlud,been s seni to; sae iperatenliiul for Ihre& months, fat atesling gp&E¢lxig claim& 6949. & %can. TICILMIES.—On Sendsti •rytil.Wth titer • Pr.:41166W tlt•e••:' MAWWARM"' F. The fuhesei will take :gate tomorrow. Wes. HyspAT, at,' o'clock, from: the' realdeam of her brother.inlaor,Vailiera leak, near Oakland. Cot. Have will. leave ransom IC Saiialaa's; reiveer.of Seventh and. Snilthlleld etreeta;st oce o'clock T. V. 'The friends of the Wally are Lucite's to etteral. Services at the holies punctually' at the hour. WATSON Tnieday moreing, Kay s, at 6 o'clock, IOU& WATSON, In the 5,4 Teat of his etc. Funeral from his sate Veeldence, Locust etroet. Idancheeter, iv-marrow, Weersanar, at S oblock it. The friends of the family are reepeattally invited to attsod. . . • Pr.. . • ...... • _ , .... . . IioNpAggn..WASSING MACHINE, Patented and manurial:tired by O.l.lCLEttr, KELT IWO New York. This hlectine has beetrbefolar the 1,06114 @Moe Apr% We, Ms noW in cardinally& usattualdaghwaV the loyal States 1/14 expectance' low demonstrated that it la the enly,tallable Washing Alsetdoe to ew 1 it Se e.SCLUIgaZEVGNAIIIfINI3,strongIy made, ' aimple rod easy, in it isperetion, onot liable to get ont'of order. It eonstnoted atrletly _me. ehaedcal printelples,and solely with a view to utility and durability., ,_ . . A girl or boy cast operate tt ostisfastorily, and It Mop knifed onlCdnisit the wont withend spiritism freer heed tabbing. it is guaranteed not to injure the finest-garment. • - The Agent hen* has ideality@ in submitting the ~ following etttrwts from Trot:toweled': • "I have no hesitation in sallied - that it Why fee the beet machine of which I have soy knowledge, and about as perfect as any,thing of the kind can he.,--Dr. P. : ft Kerr." • • “In every respect K gives entire itatitfnalea.— Dr.las Paden" President Weelmissier Cdr." . _. "The totting of the machine in not more labor!. cue than Vtat of an ottilway grind-stone: 'Wrist bands, collars hems of Summits, and. the twat 'loom can beAhoroughly washed without. injury, se It does not nos e but aptness" the alothes. den laid M. cnomical of time, r and soap, audi t d tte; 'become,- y,'s domestic indltni that —Dr.John Don tiger First Btformsit Prow @torten Church,l'd "Its seam 1 'use all to give satisfaction to all.—Dr. Robert , Pastor Antra_ V.• P. 11l Church, Pidteburyll." . • "It has been In y for several months— performs all that h claimed for it well, and la a great, oaring o I . labor and elothes.— A. Jolla G. Brown Pastor t ird U. P. Church, .Pitta, bursh.” d0e".1"..1_wri,714.th.:=,12-6.l'„—"Plt t 1", Prone." Machine. and filmdom containing all neentary information, ean be had from r 11. J...11t0111110C11. Affent. Untird Presbyterian Office, No. 74 Third street, sea and rinor, Pittsburgh Pa. TO acluno. and Circulars can be had . also from S. HI TTON h CU., Ilsrdwaro Merchants, New Care the, Pa. aptsaweard VOREION FRUIT, NUTS, &c. A . " 24 mate Seedlerm Relents; ' 100 tuxes M &Linos; • 20 kegs Plurals; 25 boxes Prllllol 200 dr WWl. s " Bora; Figs—fansy; um Pig 100 boxes Layer Balnim; 6 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 25 bags Slang and /ilea Almonds; 15 do English Blilnuts; 10 do Filberts; 15 do Brazil Nate: 00 boxes Shelled Alinonds; 2,n00 Cocos Nuts; 110 bags Pea Nora; In store and landlng, and for sale by BLYMEJL BEGS., 1620 Not. 126 and 028 Weod street, - - - pRODVCE CONSIGNMENTS. -•ICO barrel' Peed) Blow P ;Atom; 30 do Prime Dried ;Pelee; • 30 seek. / Shelldo., IW Maheed Corn; 6.3) do White Desna, pilule; 30 do Timothy Seed; 63 boxes Western Reeerve Chorale . 30,,. do do Go Butter , - 10 barrel. Roll Butter; tube Cookfrig Dotter; I Orklos do do; In store esal for isIDOOLITTLE D & PEOK. 69 eadlo Plater street. A. nuow.ri,, v • _ Aionnactoser of Poriabto ltlndow 111.1 alls. OP TEE LATEST WrYLEE WIIRAIGHT & CISCUIf &IS CORNICES .124 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG/3 A. Urge assortment of 17111TETIAlt BLS the latest Myles' IVancy and SilkV4l l MINOS of , diderent styles.. (lid Max repaired. Tenanted and rimmed at short notice- . • sot A DittrNISTRA.TOII3 NOTICE.-Let •• em testamentary moon the estate of r Jisha. P Swift, D.D., dec'd, late of Allegheny City, Aye.de.my eounty, timing - been gemmed to the under.. signed, all. penults le&bted-to said - estate .aee hereby notified to make immediate payment, and: thole having claims.adainst said estate are notified to jze tent them , nothentleated,, Settie. atee6weem .E.LLIOTT,,SWIP.VAdok. - 'RENATE OF ntrillY A. SHAlettn, DEOEA.4.I.EII-Letters testamentary upon the estate of Henry A. ehntrer, der,d, having' been granted to the uneersidnod,a l l persona Indebted to ield estate, will plems maim payment, and the having claims against said estate present, the to .• Executor, WYL 0. HAWY.IISI3. lit, I:+edoew No. Mt Grant St,. Pittsburgh. -___._ • _ • TP RP I'"4TORS. ' . nuassts FOR SALI3:• . . . Ope TATLOIL trilaktO.F.R, l;ea . 4650 iictiffii. Obe TATUM DOUBLE thL72:l)Elt—lw..4 st thaws; all in good working otter. - VIIII•be .old at a Dor gelnntre of or addle sOnfett Gazwrry.... Pitt.biwk. P. tIEACBES TOMATOES, ax.. a 30D dozen Fresh Peaches in tans; ' 1 • ROD do Tomatoes do; ' . 60 do Blsekberzies - do; 3D do Corn . do; ' la store and na Sale by • • BEYMER es BROS., W 431 ' Nos. 126 and Ina Wood screew T4' — E ' • , . QR SAL 1. • • ' I. Ids bbls Extra Labrador ttertiog, very das; 1 6 bbls Extra.No.t Large bbora narketyli 30 bait bbla Large No. 3 rt1.373/311111 , •• ;16 quarter bbls Na 2 do; ' • ' 1000 pounds Codfish; • -- .et Irwprices bffaz . t ~', • . sixy VII! GORDit ,•• , 16 '-, ' ... • Noilot Liberty stmt. RI3ALE 16'bblo•ZoglIsti,Veidttan Rkil; •2 0 , elo• Posabi , Walttstg; • • • •• 0 O&M tJhrono Yolloyd:. ••• ; , d . CO:lboEdd.Peracument.Green; ot , • ••T. ISCHOONEdIacEIVS, 43 Wood St. . 110 ... Vt/7 i(Do ,111 011; ' .:Puro Duck Greek Lubrleittlng Oil; • In tote foe jta SOY ,ko27' . • w And Witei strect.." I SOO - trash Valifoltda ' ; Pianb Blows; • : a Pete/lied IWO , for tale by.,. • , • rErzutA6istrioN6, ants' :" corner Market and Pint streeil.. D.POTA.TOES.' ' _ „ ' btds;Thickeyta and Peyton plow,a;' I 40 auks OhloPaanb BIWA; •• At tea Llbqkty Moat. : • - - ' 4141 BEd*. &W. 110TATCMS, -. ; - S. • . tirsaclis lloottichindus Potitoca; fai est 186,Libitty W .sue. 1. Antin • . 'APF,AL P.-DEM.& CO. AUBAOOO.—. ter'°sl7., jss7l4B"l4:Vblsetnitairula,Beirite.Bl JOLBERralle,-2.0p • balt.bblLL9,lli idg4f—x,,,gitir.akaratra%ll=i44; 44-4- !MX allitt Übfail ASA. L: RELTLItIii - AT RUDIIOIII} Intim otook of the best quality A th s a th ted to give sattifionion, at NOS. 2g Mid aPr ••Je 11;314 PIIELLIPS., Tit Ali SPARE NT AND OPAQUE Hai ftrades` Ibr gaiety" A • . W. r . MARSELILLI. isarreis' ntsh receiTe 2 1212mogut BEIANB.--31“11112 Prime , "Whit? 13efuy!, , .o,atcrid.D. LlPiiLß—i"l•etnnjd itan , d somo.ro4.t.2o. g makaitmt war/ 14 h bY . eatnints k ACE. Lze.TUBILA' ettp6zior gu!alit for isle at 2e'sr.dW ?At:Clair street. .7. is U. PRILL'EPS., q'S I --HOPS !J—RecolTed this day 15 ''amtatcn , M * l, Vtll Vra t l 7 k CO. VICE( WALL ..PAPARE,..—VeIvat and -3-1 ` tit Id, swarm and. PrtetadPamer W s. cor litf y ' Sk L pp N t h 45.7_ JITE bbh for We at IEC ` BEM : Vr-TENEL. DECOULTBION-130. Jae end Chad, Black and tiold. For sale tot • - W,P.-MARSHILL.L. GLTE.-50 Aix 1. for ertio 1)3 , mi2t. HENRI' tr. UOLtINS. ;-20 beck for sale b PC(I'ATOSI3.-450 btla Itsch*Blow Pot* v E e N t l y- - Ili . LUIE itTROLRUAL..e4MbentIs, 41 Ore:thy. UEHRT:IL (10GLINS. OIL:-.) barrels very riPerlor. ' ,105.141tY vot.LTets.- 011.70bbis Lassoed Oil, for side trr stet, 1. S. AXIFLIILD. _ ;,~_ ~. BUSHED IN 1786. MiSeEl.l..4JrNOig9. Ca- A. 71r W., 7R. SI $2OO far. best Losttsh Listhut, Bilk Men. :WO Heel and fine goods. • bpleadid Gaiters aalabove..;: .. " Mtltbeatt Slopes. Bora Slays' Nest% Boots.. ..... ...... All Kinds of Gonde: AT ALL MM)I3 Cheaper , itt the Slrtortd t BEST NOS dr, LOWEST PRIONI Spring Goods in Endleqii Variety! • CHEAP ! *CHEAPER CHUPESIR Concert IWI Shoe Store.. 60 FIFTH STREET, irm GRYAT PiIRLFLE.R. HEItAPANAKA , • . Since the introdMition et modicum thitrW4altt... disease has pertuits been the subjeot marrala.- Mous and scleittlic consideratlon by tie learned of the profession than any other - with the laws of the Great Creator; riot a cortended that all diseases have their origin in stomach; others, the solids , of the body; spun, and by far tne greatest number, contead emir reason that thee:Loon itself is the eery founts* life,that if U become& tmpure,_thandiosalalatan wont forma—Scrofula, Dewier - Emir& hcts MhZ: • auto Indeed 4 experience in sthin 41411 `woes by purifying the blood and ,thereoy.esintiest.,.. - 1 their-meditation. and cure; playa this to - tieL blar' correct theory: noting upon which theory, the sail trine now known as swasrssixs; was cromprits and brought ntolpractice, predating the sat < ilimitgT II gush' 8020/1.11.1t, 0ft • lILGERATIO a IiA . P yam PACE; TETTPER,ST RHEUM LIVER OtirdPl.Ja..- LOSS Gs APPETITE,' DYSPEPSIA.... be.. be.. be. M to We. from the time it is first titian, &gement to the patient, by Making both r felt. the good It In about to secompllah. Itwr thought best to out it au in bottles at 60e. wagtail . • esen,--as many persona are disposed to try tR OMR , cle but are oilm deterred at the expensft-acktba • trial here can be made at Med/ante or r as; spa -5 Satisfy the' purchaser that the • ' What_is claimed for it, to be, sit:. the ansewoca,, arras era brou g ht before Ms papa: Ms aa . .reaudes itnl Ind ti the mentatais need . That the public May forM some Idea ankle. - • list curative r.rttattresubjohisilist of thaw:lad pal artteles of whlod it is composed, with drat dessription of, the non and adaptation of e= ibis I ken from the highest, authority SISIOWA to d erase.' EOHDUJLIB fidESAPAJILLLA t• • . Is tied with II benetMal Whet in Itraftw nI Rhelail . :-` Ecendulou. Ai v re e clogtit, Outaufoodi mid other dtprared . %too, orb:with: - • Is,tortio, diuretic,mcd aperterti. It kis a action appetite liver exalting It when hutgaill•lW seareSion. It has beim much word liteeredgirilt ef . dideStiTO orpas. , . . lODIDE. POIISSII7M „ . There ate row &wages ha witch It has oot Pang Jerielleial; MIA used in Scrofulous Affections MOW .;- i greet beneliti It has also been used with much ime. , piss in treatment for IndarnassUon of the Ws; ' I 4 ''' 3 'generally Insreasea the appetite and AWL . ~ .- • 4iriip;# FLOWIZI weearomatia, toala, torigeratbe of Narrow Debility. Is especially valusele-ta easel of Saari:lle 'lei illagumatisaa. othiohuLz 'Lorna: Are adrzatageduly used is Gun :LC att t o , tb i rlf i re t ,exing&appltaable to oases mrzeptEoY BARE. re' sets ilteisdre to kß:rividi4:;',..` .. footiomoiebroato .17.becunstlan: onsl. otithioto lb • , The Deilancii of the foistola ■ 'madam Man : tootion ogoilultfr!o 4 - 4, For sale : •' = SIMEON , • • •- t 'aci-exiyour las l op togimf,- 14 . tette above recipe. . . . . . _ ... ~ _. , •. 'll , l' TUE -• 010-TRICTCOURT :.OF, Alre- - 2 - ;!s .a. LEGlttatif..lXlflitrro Pens, No. St llekle.'i is , S). o f Alti ;No: o•Aprif Terni l leSS. ..• ' ; ~ ' 1 anate.Denahnoa .. . ,. -,... Bill ii 1%1114 pie ',., .' no .. , .t. din/ Deralii4l4 iletialllen. 2 . l,- Ser,tbi set,-' Jane AL, his 'Batiste Jane Et. De ter Of said Andrewliadlat and P!. 41 ' '4llllwife,late Lydia anddaughtet MIN .. • K Andrew; : ;George C. Den a.., son- of.:11014 .F . , 1., Anditlll l" ' ames , Atwell Dennistait loth of aide Andre . n Nancy. Z..; daughter at said Andrew ~ drew y„llatdaton, a•rnisor aorkof saIdASMOIPPetv f'<" ~ Calvin L. Denniston, &minor senor said Areirsoffi , ..,.r ~ Pamuel•Derialttclog Uttar eon of sald • •AnderWe. ..- - Statuel ..N.lthards and - ljtitistdaria /Ettatiss= ~'" ' ' (ThristianseDennistorii Co erce I) .‘.l':f - L , ltieriants and &wand J. I, Of SiliNt y ,„. ' OhrilUstus./lithartisi Andtiteoologiy andleapory . - r • Jane, his LIMN-tate Nancy:Jana ,Bialtanlai" *ILO ; - .1 daughter ofsaidehristiann IticluudaiSuaanaßleton ~ , ,,i arts, widow of john El.l3lchat4 deed: Who wia(a . •.,. valit....eVil.Ohristlana• Dichal•- • Clathartal , Ili.q“• - XFOsalagtori Eaufsaan and •Nanair,lll,.. , V , 111.i.70ate..liancy . IC ,Denniston; George, H., ., .1t illiadold.; John A.' and Haranellf...Kaiitouuksogal` .„... 'or said , T. surf M.. Baulkaan; and Kate 8., Naaely' '' 'lts ocet.-Blth-..r.r. daughters! of -said ..Natioy. . Kitutattio; all ,et whom, except soul ,;step I ).. v. are ininors: - and -- of whose estate Itentanda..? „,, O.' Boswerth, of 'Allegtmoi count, is 6 2 •Nliaf and .William H.,' Joseph, F. and! 4r:dm .. ..... Denniston, sods of said J a m es Dennitton. Am. 1.-4-, , , plaigant, of whom Tatar /1. is n minor. 'Devisees ' , or George Denniston, fats of the cap bt Pitts. burgh, Allegheny county, rennsylvania, doe_ . .4. , ..; ..,,, February. la, NO: It is ordered by the mart ..,, • that notice be given of the etitetance of said bilt, '• • once a week ter six successive weekein the Patti i - id • ' burgh .thrafterto all tenor,' upon. whom actual; ~. ', • 'Service - cannot be given, aocoidiret to law, hy, • , reason of their residinz out of the co-to of Lt.. : ' ',.. 'legheny linct7llleteer, - Pennsylvanta, .and also vie: . i 'Mattingly each of Ahem a printed copy of ',shim. ..,..,.; 'eke, directed to their present place of abode, w'hoa_. known. or to their last niece of residence w foug ;, ..,necks beforeltio hcarimit - this ease....-.; . ' . . ~: rumens to said nue said defendants-are toe "..• spired ,to take notice that. aald Dill tax tieoa did; • Pring •the "Irßte'.:ll4l=tt'artitiontansonitsahl t _ p P arto n, !sp, o f all be t e nts, piece 4 9 1a l o s el ia l;i i :2 . _ ._ . _:diot 7 . ; ing ' ness Lib' Ay, legally nettnty; containing t . 1 „ . ...; VAUgnalltlVV4A2l 6 4tgrreit.- - : hi,t, DUI toe proportions to which, it 1,1 al coat ',of 'aid parties ls entitledow . der ttealu i M :.••; of Oetrlte Deang= ate i t forth; e =t o se".. , Mat ItteliaS .OF ;IBM, land,comsaandllt.. - ; each' , Witold netendante then to .appess • th mpg • ;Court NiaasiVer the premises of, north.. lamer ...- ateries-Siineted In, said 11/11,71.t1 1 1 to dead to ma - abide the outer sad deem, of 10 1 4 _Court themes. ; , . • - r-JOIVILNIZVARTfOdthDeDrI,I't:: '." Z. BRADFORD ; T .', , '' ,! N_.:114 Fourth. stre, Pitiasarmw , ‘'ti ' • : GEO: V. OILLMORE, Pitudnintia, '-i.n... ialtonwease.:' '" 00trusel for Uomptiunagi; ";,l. -- CAlir.rati :c,ARPETI3 I 044tgliT117, -4 cazrispri GOODS STOKE • : 'MAP. LUKER :188 Federal Street, Alleg110174,;: • tee etrel taw largest Ots3olt of ' Areg4,'OlL Clo Th.. ever cffired to4tio pobIVIA OtfiAk:o; oluotpotot of DRY GOODS AND 'whim wro Do ottertois groitig , wool sabstassol . -• • • "!' • bbls lbr Web ., " ft. moll emracr. 7 .4-= lEEE] ... .. i C)'7 / ABOVE WOOD STREIT. fAx4,quotr - WINTER OREFS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers