rrwiJM:S. fmuipaiTßD.—taipttiArma, st. , way 4 • 6 =ea . ea Nth e .• staati 1 , • ". axzerta Oirr!at!..l: 7tttioB`..l et < - 1 :•saErrie•To omits= • Pier sm '4,0,4;1111dt sod psylag laiesiloss .1?!. , NNW Aglidearepantirele elansg. iron Pet Clagesatlctuly is duel ospits=t Isoiedisseeehigsmot be disabled sad d settliges,, Pee.les .oa. PAWL ' Roes see id. Made* /Lobel, in on smelt, • . . IlitaiTSili.-Air-$150: PER legigilie. iILICLUIALtitaIeVASSZB,ta apretp , town asilcounte, tot THE USLSE /,.11D 1:11.14- tits' idetansittaglisek ever published, elehissing the stidendo ii..roaan. la t oe tides, sitarsie gum* if esat. - add 14% glaring a isseet.vtrettonse C ad , l l:llltelwat. ' , Waxers Ageats Oddity gala sothorldeia any dill 'prove to say doub .. Seat- ate - eliculars. ilildress.To6llll4, • -6 , 00.•Nit:100 - 111testani staid, Phased, vipahov. 1--Wtot Ir;r1 - A . BItUINB Alt tines it Welke em, width they_ , CAPON 1141131' plow mays them; trip that htei tort 1,4 prlte , allbted; before the teth etlyvit I .l l lacith Waluboshr et Meant - WerelL&W Isawrel,"!#l4lll;ll.:teet.frittebeigth-her ie. VANTED.,-,a OUNGILLN - work' ta,tatiumatiT. , • •Warat ILEWLlberty.atesist. IP I - W. PI Mall a 00. 'POS 1114L71.1P01L IUNV'T. TOLVV.42 . ' , MICR ea the aecoad emit, efeekrieresto iste Seeeteeletarts. f ap,Q.. roux L noursis VAR Silia="11,111.;-Sitnnted Mani A. towns id p; Atteliftes, aou att. mutat td eg to soNIB A. eetee soda tea* the remainder timber . Wit m iierbi ot.eat. Sequhe of. 4881184 8. B. CIILL, No. OS Plitt street. . Fin BALI "1-41iathergOTEGIUMSTOR? IMICK OWICIMINO muss, No. le Pottrth Matt, rittgbarsh: • Posseupsi titypa a ewlatof JO ODELI4i Attimterataapw, • Oa: u• Foattli divot TW(V:BTORT'BRIOK - HOUSE FOR of pound imeatritonr feet. teoLt l i ft i odn iteigt o siit ro, ins and finished zttla 10 S. &Sag: ritZ"git ALIIABLB SMITHFIELD STREET I • ' PitOPEIFFT FOR SALE.—Facty feet front , ttl hip to *payed alley, 43 feet, wide; a brick toms staid!,- (poseeetten Oetoberr. Irst) ft bet* and two three story, brick dwellings. , art• 8. CITTIIIIERT ir,SONt3,6I Market St. F°B ItAIAANIEKE:-AAIUME Housz. U reanovediat CO. .SitllAtad i Irwin andWeatern Lemnos Ewthe - of. 4liegat 14464 r: _ 'lir & PATTO - MOO Noi . 112 sad 114 Seeondst, Pittsbnrgh. timbrOß SALR-150 Acres of Conl,:a . W - 2 - sante °Client coal in pool No. 2 ; abloom . of Coal *ad railroad, sod. other lienlov In good working opted n pool leo. a ;one treat on the ) Youghlogbeny river and f'onneliarthe .Railroad. , Empire of _.. '4771.1.1431 WARD 1 . ant diet doer •re elfin on Grant street. . . . 1' F OR BA LE:- COAL. LAND.--Sltuatod au the Pittabrugh sad Wiiktdogton Turnpike, 1 three sites Trees' Pittston:sty eotdaleteg twenty ..I two sem and illtpatee ?etches. • _Surface Te - n. high 111.111411,41 g. contralti:re, suitable no garden . " The teal will belitUdn resekot,the Atenbenvll.le Whelk iopsoelL Appiy soon- to • __ j' RaraM xLimra.T.. a OlEtep92t, agli2w4 'MOO Ghia St-, Piusbantit, Po. 1 FOR SALK — • • • • • ("Zia Q496d3=0. 4 - Wa Oil Osaka, avetagiaL t..• .: .> two to Aya bar. raiz top,t.he . ,ask.._ . For Watc, BURKE CO., . _ earner Dll4llOlllO Way and Planaoak street. A GONFORTABLZ 1101781 di leeteNillsArtl#ll OM dad a hal:squares of the Eing=i, not slayln ApaiNgoer. Good water and every. eoarauleat. POISMIIIOII given isomedta t id y. ror apt=siric PAsayliVedersirtro*, et it WWII:WM flavor street, stolid& METROPljtlttai HOTEL No. le ST. axa , CLAM Mr& %YOB semr..—Osaidatiox of tie more fatultore of the house, lama and goW arra; The house - loth a Torpeentral location, US and to now dWin a large and proltebeebox, nese. To , partite withlon to exchark In !might:mi. set% theaboen• present, tae opportunity the at attar a - rental. e Investment. , Fosiession De elven at °nee: , For peke awl tonne apply to epee B. KoLAU & 00., IUI Fourth street. pOR SILLIDThree new steam En= bulk porposely for Oil wells; IX Isiah OS hisk stroke; "trout. Egret& isktit, krsrlet antscoroecting rilt wrought, Ina; •:.::',.,. 11...10eaditir boxes. , • V..‘ Botlers fit* ISlbet terse, Mt babes diameter, with sir a . W e.h luny eliteuiey.lo In. by 10 fir hot .M ~.;.. . , trdawrwgr _P.,11•012,01111 Bitltly, ~, seism rant Ik7 nit Duovianas deli*, t'4 , :c. lenkocalleelgair stns. roar Qs Point. .deStAZ VOR TRIMS'S I3TORY BRICK . DIWELLE7G, metal:any slx rooms stile iora. plate onkel situate or street. near Nor. ria, Meth Ward.. Lot tatty 11R - teet. AlsootT WO STORY MAX DWrs.r.mUi otT room, new as& to complete toed*, with a lot 70 by tti feet, felt.lmprorod: 'Tor terms, /1034. apply at the Beal 31tate and 41oranee 9210 e , ahiLler West, am" Mai; psvneaoivi*e, - p)R SALbealS.—Ono IiNCOND - HAND uaa--•-: IBOILET.,r sew St feet 10et; 35 if!e/sec Oalr.Sa - inglee•thehee - dhneter e • Om 24 tett !oagpat dupler„sa Lai ' Use MI batrefirrevatit leas TanW k. ORKS . • 4 ragatr.aithil INDu STRIAL, HUGH. X. BOLE St (XL, OCT.:4a play - liadthLwalus Way, tan', pi ' • ~. FOR BALB.---DlterG - STORE .--On .. ae - mesa% of 11IneaRb.-1 wish ttb &rpm/ of the 414DODW1LI.y__ corner!IX,TURES .AND isriltox OF am ti pao STOKE, 'Of Matt And rolizth strata: .. IF de is the ' vielatty Of the Market House and adlotens the depot of the Oakland and Lot Liberty and- IllnersviLM Paseenfer RA/bran. tasking it so excavtlngly &amble. location.- The STONE IS ~. • EARINSuMELT FITTED UP, the BUSINESS 1 ~ ...::4,-.."....:. EXTENSIVE War rapidly Ismael:4, And _will ,:t• • prove • - profitable Investment to a , parehaA or with ,' t•,•. a knowiedge at thebtaineas. __ , • - ' Z..' • • . 3. _ ~„ JAMES . .liteeFARR, apelliMl eorner 4 tth and Market-street. ;;:.‘. • . :•.' `lt - - FO R BALE.. • . . . • *!!..,.;:::, • t — '. - "BSLiAnti I*A7misrserrtys - , ::- eor!pstsm;,citygN . "APRIL ' ' FIRST A ileidnible propert , y In McClure township, sieli ''-- improved, onezillit feom Allegheny. Also, no -'-' -,-ElegantFWeiclembei ,zi i in Aiorteldop. 'For :roMii: titan enquire on • the . preidam of .f Li. -fDAAIVAGEAtt, or of- - ' T. - EMPLE, Real El4oAlMolcir. 4' • •-• itreat. Atl nUPELI6.24S', .* BMA:, OF. VA oAxT LOTS THE- EIGHTH. WASD PTIMISSIIUIII...2Ito - aaderrlaseeto by order of = lutes Come, of allele*. y tereatZeolatua' the War* &nets of David Oreerfieed vitt offer of Public Astra VDU= 110197.„. la lb. Clltr.—of •Oa -BATIIIiDAT. nap, sta.. Ink at-2., tau; follow' log lerotaff. clot. ; la: las :-.1:1091' elti of - ..ate: b lab oa 'tau sonar Ilfek ffee sad .fferbes.etrooto, ale fee; tola of il Asa fl iod la la sold flteore tolare Is. t ,0 4 ,14 flofferat'l lot' tat LOW ;street,Ol= graltr.salltitald&Alla. lead to Ilf la said gees 1110tett i t0k, ,, ,_....4 by 41t)Olode.talaff Waal! 4.0 , 1111 n bad plait awl a lota ea tao mew of Mt Lad Bluff waft A SO ant, Maw Nee. I *Matti le= ot.taapo: Ww= 2ll9l efit i f.• ll" ' WM as latiorpooffotvar . all together, .4;14 cm way . *Me of paystlett. 4. W. r.--wkirrs, aptem . Flak et. FOR viffßisible 'FARM in ei .‘tesurnihip,.westmorrlandeolutty, Pa:; • eon shoot on eerie, well ' toptond, su .ln . • 01 adtluttoo...' • "..• • • A ARM OP FIFTY-Iwo !LORIS IA es Sla tit. I li ire r Tra i t t r fl a t t i n " Ut n b c ew . „ w i roe& • A steams unentill nutty eorapleted with-ail i. ', She h o d axes .11inditaf wall oft the premises, .L 4 the hod la of t sod, wad and , Untestone fa abewhows, sod good indicate= of 011. , •Vill ' le sold cheap. Also VI scros adiedning the Tillage ; ik„.ll New Derry. us4the very best/ Water he eultive. ;on. non alannisswe of fruit of rinay' description. •• Also. a }ARAI OP WS ACIUDR MYR othar own /pp,. Westanotelwid eounty, Pa., - nth . "4.4Ureei,aboint one wile trees the Peon's Railroad. The imorosementa ste • good frame house, and large frame Rent Baru. Ai" I SOW{ acres in Peril township, Westrooraland tkuudy,' ..th• nue of the e. Pennltit. R.- - - • Also. • Farm of aboutßie acres toTalrleid town. , ego:not Mures to Fairdeld - township, Westmoreland county, Pa. • 4 Also. • very valuable farm of =I uses. near the 4 town or Bolivia, in Ysisheld township, Wedmore. • 4 land youth and about one end a half miles tom the Pennsylvania Railroad.. Iftre hapforio welds are a huge utak holm, spring hour, smoke pause, a large frame stable ' s large frame barn ifs en water saw mill, • large apple orchard, with s fruit , WNW', It .11 - endridald with• tool. a firewent of brick clay and shout one hundred acres t.l ?Co. riddle oak . rossession given ins. • Wamter tlronvlD 4 1 " M IM S, faX lots, with • lug* bitch house. Ales fesideose in' the' borough of - Ligosier.' Will be Sold cheep. , also. IS urea 81.1%4 with a lON fadjing sante plsee. Alto WA astaa of, Lad, adkdszleg some slam • Also, • Farm of about rig acres in .1611sabeth ttowneldp, Allegheny cousty. - "Ps. edisloisa &U. both Werra ,Thalsaprovemeets are good, mat, ihe ifind . o the hert Trap . tr.: Will bo sold at goy,. • 1 Alsoallk 13111 COM IttnttitElbtrin acres; tidjeln. tor " 10Plev"`"44" mice t•Roj ff Flares lewd; nele ,- the lbws of .Rigdater,'Wertworeland - conntyrnt.yyryWdtrip I. ra I gout/1w pastienises (tL T9 . 15'314 1( WSW; " .t.seuszarEArrs s LIECTCI7ICB. pITTE43,ITfiGH 'nit - ATHA - • - Fl/171 STEEST_AITAII • WOOD. Liwirsa 'mu" HElliggatiON FaUlta.efat tR thecligt TOSigAPtreN - 17. •whoi win - oppow ite two ot OW - lett* ettirssion. RAIELET MID MtGxissamtss.44 THIS NVEMIAG,weI/.14 Orb:alit/I tail elites • insideidtakite Nualet, theßtaar ' :Emma . orozogill -76 modals Id* :GOIrMARRILILING. =M!!! prepanabs, wtt.b. , sww. lootilarf,lbe Wrist meraldraissof [MOLE TOWS (IlluLN. TENNISON CLUB LECTURES. AT • • LAFAYETTE HALL. . ALP. OURNETI, THE. GREATEST LtVING .HUMORI9 I . POSITOSLY THREE NIGHTS omit' -w.EoPfispkltilujittitit.iNo FlitAi EVENINGS. CARAT 34 CU And • _ . 4.2orttr il , kg=ll 4 kooko Oh= eac h. Recitation. ; Pre.citer ftto Be or; rilobold mad 017 Tetle Palko_te); 170:7 trod a Little Lank • Sberldan's .71144pioloAlosir.frOur l ot la tot , "I". .tg 21"4": ~Sv at. Rind 4141, it. Y, tot 29 :Tiotets50 culla. Doors op.. alt o'clock ; per. JorollafdtrircoansioorMill. - • 'Paha LE'S VARIETIEb THEATRE. Ir. O. SMYTHE Lima* 4uad Mie lava. Mamma AT 8 obr.coor.. i TO•IITGIiT I . TO-NIGICT II - STARTLING t STARTLING I not Simmons two set rerstotpaf SIT - STEPS OeIITOE Test Atnetitiut Prizoi Donna, MISS SILUD STANIAIST, The won:totNl Famile I'ersanator. FpI,I 4 IMSDO -IMT.IIRT. . Ethloplen. .I).:greag HART, WEAVER, OLIFF'oItD AND JAOK. 20 Verautlle Artistes 10 Pretty Lady Dancer!! Double Show and'Double Troupe! .Thundny night FU g Simmown two got Milo!! Dransa t FALL OF RICRSiOND SURRENDER OF GI.N. LEE! - VONOENi' lIALL.—MONDAY AND TUESDAY, May Ilth and 9th.' DE KATOW. 'WEIELL MAX STRAKOSH Ass the honor to anuounoe to the eft Oros 01 Pittsburgh and vicinity that when Id Europe ha nueeeeded to mob in&errangemeuts for n bele! Concert Tour with the WON DERI DL O tUSSIAN VICILINCELLIST, • ISPIIe. HELENE DE K.A.TOW, - - and the renowned PIANO FORTE VIRTUOSO AND CODIPOSER, Mr. JAMES M. WERLT, who will~ive In Pittsburgh TWO-OlibliD (lON C.I.P.TS, as shove. Moth thu se Artists have met with unpree.danted success in New York, Boston, PhlladelEdats, sod other.ettkes, where they have giTell over hut 7 eerie during their short stay in the Vatted States Mad. ILLIIRIETTA. BEHRENS, the Young and Popular American Prima Dcrntut,• will assist on the occasion. hiuslcml Director and Oenductor— .St BEHRENS. These will positively be the only Oanserta in Pittsburgh by these Mutual Celebrities, as they shortly return to Europe. Admission. ittoluding Reserved Seats, el. Tick et. and seath may be secured for the thamerts coa TIPURSDAT ISORWING,sb at a 0 MELLOR'S AIIISIC STORE. Orders from the country-for Reeethed Seats will be promptly at. tenet,' to. JElPChickering's Grand Plano will be nsei on the minion. Doors open at T. to eminent* at S &cloak. epinittd GRAND - FAIR FOR -BENEFLT •OF W. 13.0 01Q NEcolislconal. at CONCERT .g .LL, one Friday and Saturday of this week PfM . Qn Monday. Tuesday and Wednee. day evenings , of next weer Splendid Refresh. mem. , Tables, Ornamental. Needle Work, Emmy Atabroldary • and Piston Framm, a chance foe • manntfleerd SILVER TEL SERVIOE, and Graph% and Anioning Tableant. A 'full Band In attendance e• evening., OrrSATIIRT AFTERNOON A MATINEE commension eta o'clock. X•14.11p8, AIrFTSIC. F4tlios Aim . AXERIC.AN ORGANS. - • SRA MIST. Near York. • SCHOMAILER. as CO., Philedelp_hle, in& BOALRONAN S ORAY B. D. a It W: Smiths' American Organ, WITH rATICETTIUDIDLO ArTSCUBIST Just.. received • sew lot of taw abort eelebretall tustrumersts, together +with GOOD-CHEAP. PIANOS frost other nroneforthrers. All warmth' for airs WAXELINK & BARR I iilnlo Neat ST. OLLIE SEREST. PI) Splendid Pk ift 4:;fit AT A BARGAIN! 67S LESS THAR FACTORY PRICE Two full dead Saran Octave PlanceNeantlfol- Ira k m= e trttl . b=ne ti v seratraff ed le4B, mod will. be bold at, IS less than • aat a ori price to .stake room for new stoat. Each One Warranted for Five Years, CHARLES C. KELM, slam ln WOOD sreEr.r. ROFFMAN, HOENE & CQ.,AII - 16 113 MIMI STREET. ri .I:Mocar..e:r•• .IPlazacram 'Mr Bed Mans In Aininlia. _,_nano msLopplis. - $55. $7O. $B5. TDBZL SEOON. D HAND MELODEONS aC &boys prim. WILULES C. MELLOR, 215.87.13-PIAIIOB. Pintb MELOPFAISS ANSP V 7 JAWS. She bed In the irerl4. Fer sale ally by omuturrrr. srz.v?tz PIM ,asst, Bads *prat. 4ucrio.r saLigs. AUCTION .BALN Or _OOTIDANNED 44.varriailLsvia . oginnuirs chrsru, Ftr.er Dmsiod, Warrivreserrof Omv,April SS, IBA c - • Will be iold, pobile,anstioa, to the highest • bldder; at the Mite and Placed awned below, vitt Berandosr, mairmaw, 'FBBRESAT, No 4 . OW. CARLISLE;-PEITNSYLVANLL. THURSDAY, May th - • !WILIRINGTO!, 'DELAWARE,. TRUBSDAY . MaT 10. PITTSBURG/I. PENNSYLVANIA, FRIDAY - ' May 26,1e86. . TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES, at each ylsee. These horses bays been eoloisianed as nedt tot the cavalry service of the army. Formoney and farming parynses, man good bar gains be had. • HOTSCI singly: SAWA* edminenee at 12e. S. • Tendtalt, In United Spree erreeg iirt, Brevet Brigadier . General, In charge First- Di vision Q. M. Us. 0. ritrittirw SEA SHELLS, SILVER 'PLAT ' D WARE, WATCHES, oe-WEDNESDAY. MORNING AND AFTERNOON, May id, at tO and 2 o'clock, to be continued every etentne at 134 (Muck, until all Is closed. wilt be sold. al..Oom menial Sale 3 Rooms,. lee Ihnithileld street;.oppo• alto the Peet-oMco, I large and aptendld collection. or sea Shells Rout all peea of the world, etebraelng. valuable vedette' Interesting to students tnOonch• olegy. Snell Raid Dresses, llalr Pins . Bracer lets, Az, Negetablia. Ivory Goads; Silver Vase Lever and Vega Watches; Sliest Plated Tea and M Codes Bets, ugs;'//so. The attention of ladles la narticulatly invited to 'Ulla gala of 'mantles and wonder of the deep, adapted for elegant household ornaments. The sums. and natural libitum Lab iii to cash Well : n3yt . MaILWAINE, Awdlotteet. VIIRNITURFA, -CIGARS, ibc., 'AT Al3 l O-. norti-on• ifeuusDaY: .11a ki et - 10 lack, at Alsaisolo hull Audios 14 CUM MA stroet,sillbs sold a quantlt4 HostiolbStdlf us spate, °Serfs. Also to NO ars. SO boxes Ca& tile teapot, boxes Indigo, a esueltlisciATas,S boxes' Tobaaeo, iS Tee Usalotem ens . PlitAreps, Sos taboo Desk; _ _ toy: T. A. MeOLT.E.I.APia Anetionerr, -.IIOIEXI'IB TR 11. - . j'OBEPH ADMdi=cz, 4PECIWL wrorircES. ',ARE hirrozutoso , Cooper Ell end SmeltitigWertie PrITSBUSOH. _ PARK, MeCAOROY & CO., NanatosaresaottlaßlalUNtaillitaZlNSS , BOLT oorrv:R,±PICESSIGIr COPPER - BM, TOMS, _NAMED WILL NOTIONS, EWALT= sOLDMvL ADNIt n aporter• and &Warm fa ems TM I'LA. , Sh3ST. MON • 4. Canskutluan hand. MOMS' INA am! .TOO %. WarebonaqNa.l4oFlßST and tlO SRO. OND t:CrttENTS,- Mabutitti. .14,8011. mama at Alcppee•tatelitry'lloahrt pattern; nradlydavrT ALutainaluwa co.. • Boiler Makera & Sheet Iron Wir)lerar oc 26,20,.1 and 2s pr,rrs sruzET • Haring Bearded a large witaid furnished with the most Improved ntarAilr . fri tlnkraft , ed to osanifacture erny description ofllol la the basuatisaw.asa marranted *Oat to any FIREIn the country. (THININETN, FIRE SZDS, 10NA.% - PI LOGON.QT/Ing. BOILERS, 0 (INDEX SER SSALT PANS, ANKS, OIL STII.I.24,_AGIIATORR,_ SW, TLING PANS.- DOILER.TRON., SUGAR PANS, _and aide manufasturers of EARN HILL'S PATENT. BOLLSR4I.„ the aborted. notice. "111/sligr ortITTSISVEIIeIt INAW WOILKti. BBARDi BRO.* CO. PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS. Warranted CAB? 15TIIRD - SAWIL All, ern Y. serlpthn. MIA, Malay; Orciss Oat, Ging, sad all other varieties. • All kladantlNlVlSliidSPß . TWCfNosittle from 'Sbees.Oast Steel t Entre. Reiland ase.rsa AND MOWIRG EDITD, &a. Sir-Waren° sad Works, toner WAXER-and NUODT . .lioburgh. Particulars ttention -Ores to Detordhlac Ganz .ntlng and Stranpreular Dawn alaa, pars of ng and Drilling deco ist reasonable rates. - wady atom). arrrim..7:.W..D.}1131.1[8..../. w Yo GLAND LA BELLE - STEEL • , • • TO4; ; IGHT ! it REITKEI 4t CO., (successor. to R 1117211, TLIBTIItAIS & C 0.,) Manufacturers •of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTLII STEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, f ar. ..Fa•Worka„ FIRST WARD, Vallegken. Post Mace addrena PITTSBURGH. jalßay EOBIABON, REA & CO.. (succemori to Ronmarot, Mn. 6. MttLonl Washlng - ton VVorks. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PirtasEttnt. Manufacturers or BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE", BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, MARINO. SHAFTING, OAST INGSof alidescriptlons, 01 L TANKS la STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. lir Agent. for GI VIAND'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding bottom TO NZISTOUN NUFFESIERS OF I BOTH SEX.F.b,-A reverend gentleman has log been restored to health to a few dam after un . dergoing the usual routine and irretp.Lar expensive male of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to Ida &gilded fellrup restores the mesas of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will Bead, free, a copy et the prescription total. Direct to Dr. JOHN hL DAONALL, 18e Fulton reset, N. Y. mbilartharT JOHN COCIIIIAN & RICO.. Manatee , tun,. of IRON VA ULT.,: AND VAULT DOORS IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, W INDOW GUARDS, ke., Nos. SI SEM OND and Be THIRD STREET, between Wood end Market, base on hand a 'variety of new papans, fancy and Oran, sultable for all purposes. Sir Particular attentlon_paLl to enclosing Grave Lou. Jobbing done at short notice. sue THE DISMAL VHAMIZT.U. AN EFS. SAT_OF WAPNINO AND INSTRUO TION. FOR YOUNG HEN. Also, new and treatment of the Urinary and Senna' Sr stems. Address Dr..l. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Row an, Association. Philadelphia, Pa. apiriy MERRY P. COLLINfe, FORWARD ING AND COMMISSION MEROHAPFI and wholesale dealer In 011Ea..E. BUTTER. SEEDS. FISH. and produce generally, No. n 6 WOOD STREET Mohacs!, nol • 47701LNET8. . _ G. X. X. 02.21.. J. X. CO., M eSIASTER, GAZZA.7d CO., ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS, Licensed U. S. Agents, for prove hag PENSION?, BOUNTIES, AR REARS OF PAY, PRIZE MONET, OOMPEN w AXIOM 'FOR IiORSES, and other property loss or deetroyed while in the service of the United States bTOPPAOLS OF PAY ANT) OFFICER., OFPItANCE AND MUARTSRMASTEE'S Ath COUNTS ad,Placti sad cartificsiss 01 indebted new piaci/wit. pplications by Mall attended to ss if wide p A erm, NO (MAMIE MADE UNLEas SOO la - OES: OFPgi r JSo. 98 RESET STREET PITTSBURGH. 5 WAR ULAIBI 11. PENSIONS, so•33llies. 33euoiz. l''siar and IMAMS Or ALL KINDS PROCURED PROMPTLY. W. a. *HAIL PATTERSON, Attorneys - at - Law, W OUNDED SOLDIRRII. $lOO Bounty to all Wouided Soldiers, L now bang paid to all with a "DMet .” uirge Ac charge mode until the mone y WALTER lleeted. • T.DAT, Ldeentbe U. S. Uovomment jto. MTH newmd door below - the Olothedmi myrdysw4 17 A. I.I,TTEIFIALD, OAZZM.Tt CO., .411114i1AZT 8 AT LAW. FRANKLIN, PA., lassrsen k (Jo" Pittsburgh.) Collections mane, Titles examined, and all other legal business attended to In Western Pennsylvs nil, Eastern Ohlo sad Weld Virginia. Reemerge,: Messrs. Leak/at atil Frew, John Marpat. Eetle Pdarehnll Os Brow.. a. • SOLDIERS' CLAMS, BOUNTIES PATiSioliS AND ARREARS OF PAT, _se. *sic raurra.st, Pittabt9o. deMstagliorY _ , ANDREW STEVERESON, 1.431717 CIarIFICYZI. No. 144 Fourth Street, ...- - f.7rsiirifirt, w$Ll I radian In the Taidoun : oonrta of Ansgbecky . and Waning counties. t apttdyd ■76 - .lii.ATaiica — ' S. A. muluboi WOKS:ELL &JOHNSON, • • eocrnit en tiV f e rw o p ciids4 Soldiers eollactal Is ken ilit-Ofttoe Itllsairr Man . Pittintinh. WI with allehalts and two irttlieues. deb 4y - - -MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, .1...11011R1110, swig PAY aad MILITARY ,t3LAIMS •ot amery,dmeMptlom:oolleetad by tb. subscriber, at tb. folrowtag Wee, : Purina Mk all otbet elatms RAO*, • O. TAYLOR, Attorespat.Law, ItO.II Otaat Meet, Pat/burgh, Ps. R. lI—NO charges aid made Rae eLsbn doe% Vat naceat and all Information given Crafts. 1.111 OAR W. eIi&FER w ATTOVWEY-AT-LAW, No : tsiiirea !Huts?, rlttaynugh, Pa . . . Claims for PREUONS. ROURTT, PRIZE MONEY, &0., vigorousay proateataL TyIViDEND NOTICE.—At the annual meettes of the Directors of the ALL 'U GHENT OAR COM.PANY, bed May Ist a dtsl• dend of FOUR PER OEN V. was declara out of the profits of the last stx months, exiable oe and after Msj Mb, ISM VI mrlitd J. N. DAVIDSON, Treasurer. FIRST NATIONAL Baer, Pr May tat. ISO. THE DIRECTORS OF THE F IRST NATIONAL BANK, OF prrrssnucie, bare .ttda day declared a dividend of FIVE PER VENT. on the (Japltal Meek, out of the profits of the pest Hx months, payable to .the Stockholders, free of Gown:lntent Tax. • tayndsrd JOHN &JOLLY, Oaabter. DIVIDEND. .SECO3II NATtOIAL B.tiriPivvenotton, MONDAT, May I.t INI6. The Hoard of Dereetere of this Hank have Its day declared a dividend of SEVEN PEE !JEST. on tbe Verltal Stock Out of the-profits of the last sin mettbs, payable to the stockholders or ttuth leaLrepresentativti4 on and after the tOth Lust. my2ssrti H. ILICKIS. Cashier. . 01IIKAA NLTIONA.t. Baez, Prrraannon, May tit. 19(13. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Ibis Bank have declared a quarterly dlvldind et rifUR PER OENT., - free of Government Tax, payable on and alter May 6th. . myl:t wd..„ A.OSVlDLlMciashiat., • Ulfloll i1181:111.11110.111 PerreatlZOH, gay let, lee& .1 ) • .nri r IDEND.—AT..; ILEETING F ?-1 the Board of Directors of this Company, held .ithts day, a dirideral wow declaims out /Ostia profits .of rho lilt year, of TEE DOLIARN PER WOMEN opon each *hare of !hill Capital Stook subeartbist, pa able f orthwllh "> The Ounipllll4 MOO SAMMY the psyment or the Illeillwearatt lied State Tessa eon said illetteadi ' - zweiwt ;MT= THIRST, ktiteCilti% w*ldtAtimk 4aztite. ~. ON thsw.. 11 • 769 ail .111 Twatlwee. :•1 10 , IN • . • Throe tlms .1* • 911; Pour tbri 190 1 1511 I ilvollNes. 110 1 40i 1 Ow week.. 150 1 401 INI NI Two metal 4t o 1101 0901 •1 70 Threew'k 5 I II 00 3SO 4OU 110 - line month' 760 600 600 170 Two w 0.5.1 II 15 OIN 760 4SO nate mo'l It 75. 17 010 965 470 E. l O NON* 10.751 is to! 13111 : 0:00 Nine mot , s 17 NI 15 MI IS 00 10 741 One Tear.. INI *I Et NI 11'13 .111e ' 0001 inpnth \ 6 0451, $603 ,6 4 Itti $ 1 4 00 Three itionths.:: 17.20 .it 46 660; 11 001 six Mnthe...... 24 00 lO 00 .15 75; 10 60 One rear 40 00 28 00 It 60 01 00 4 } t.t Notices do Uhl° the ober. rate*. Death Notices; each inatirtiOs 0 60 Mitrrisis satinet, 76 Steamboat adrorttsementa, p.m trip 6 Ce htinarttorso or .Adraillatrators , Moth.. 9' 76 I.oeat notices, under sp•nini head CO ... ~ In toast eoluatn.. l 23 114 FOURTH STREET elromptly attended to by ARTHUR& & DI rIDEXD 8. _ . -WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1.111',' GAZETTE ADVERTISING RATES I w , •11.1.717 , kir. si intAirollimun Aurnarrenaroarx. • • • ^ ree one square,l hougonblo ono Woe eftots,wook, • to .llko Ito,busiciOu tho .411 • r., ~Imrei'44lntlialsoleak 14 mut proper. • tloasT2 theta( t time I 'Daily. la weekja week.i a week (ITT AND stattnißaN. • 1101 k yr-gra:DAV( ilraina• Attempted Suicide This morning, between three and four delack, a man named Harlow B. Kibbe Was brought to the Mayor's office, with a terrible gash la throat, and very much prostrated from toss of blood. Dr. Tindla was Immediately called in to attend the men, sowed np and dressed the wound in a very expeditious and skillful manner, and ha a now doing well. We learn that Kibbe had bee■ boarding at the Drover's Home, In the Ninth Ward, and bad been unwell and out of work. Ills mind had become deranged, and ho Imagined that there was a mob after him for Die purpose of taking Ills life—lt having. been alleged, as he imagined, that he abused a young girl so that she' died. Ills fears so preyed upon LIB mind that he thought he would be caught and instantly billed, and he escaped from the Drover's Home and tied to Lawrenceville, an Monday evening, where he stooped at the house, of Mr. lhrt. Ito. twee three and four o'clock in the morn ing he waked Mr. Hart up, and handed him a abort letter, addressed to Ms wife at "Palmer Station, Massachusetts." His throat had then ham rut, and his beard wee died with coagulated blood, and be War very much pros- trated. The door of his room was also covered wdL blood. In this condition he was conveyed . . . . tie ,handily as piaasible. In the note to his wife ho arias-owls-tided ilfteeu dollars from her, and stated that by bad been sick, but wan now bet ter. No mention was made of the attempt upon bin life. The knife was found In bin room, and the dullness of tin blade alone prevented him from never log the jugular vein and thus placing himself beyond the reach of surgery. Hla mind is still wandering, but he appears much com posed at times, and with proper treatment will probably recover, Ile will be sent to one of the hospitals, Home for Soldiers' Orphans. ate base already alladed to the institution of a Home t nnidlera' Orphans in this city, giving a detail • statement of Its organization, loca tion, ere. The emporium's held a. meeting on Mcniday, and after receiving a report of the management since. its °mini:nano, prooontin3 to an della' of officers. The following gen tlemei. were elected: Pre6ldent,. Charles Kaap; Vice Prealdent, James P. Barr; Treasurer. Gem W. Cass;!Secretary. Grace. %Pe glean from the report that the in stitution Is to a flourbhing condition. and contains at peseta thirty live orphans and des titute children of soldiers, who are well fed, clod.] anti educated. Oter one hundred appli cations haVe been made which the managers have been Obllged to refute. No more -can be t .„. aceommod Led in the building. The Sol hust* Otphan Home hi intended to afford sup rt, shelter and inttruflion to the children the United States roldters, who have died in the service of their country. as well as to the children of those 'soldiers who have l.ver, maimed In the name tswvice as to be Intl,- pabh of ea - trotting to awlr little ones th 4 assist ance which they would otherwtasteh,erfolly eve them. It b , also intended to giro a temporary hoere to th.v children of .Idiere whoa pa , mete., (breech temporary <likability, maybe ena ble to.afronl them a propel' support.. . .- The rlu lwrßh, Vint lifityne and Chicago Railway. Tte falowing 4 a ropy or a letter addressed by 64 octal CAPO. President of the l'ittaburget. Fort 'Wayne & Chicago Hallway, to J. F. D. Latin, Esq., of New York, chilmon et the committee for (baser , of new Sack UPI , SEU ; The Dillard of Directors of the Plitell umb, Port Wayne & Chicago Railway Compaq, has decided upon the class of lin. procure:As, and the extent of expenditure for construction and equipment to be made between this date and the next annuli meeting - of stoct and bondholders. The whole amount thus to be expended, including payments on work done since January 1,155 a, will In no event ex ceed $1,000,000. All of the not* necessary to be soli, In nid °rearrange of the road, to meet liabilities in caned and to be incurred. has already been dis posed of, and no further Issue of new stock will be made for any purpose, until after an seeonnt lambert rendered of the operations of the yoar, - to Ike Sack and bondholders, at their annual meetlrg In !lamb, ism. . It le now quite certain that the cradle of The road will yl.ld, after paylnz operating expeneee, elnliirT fund, and dividends, a Imre rum, to hi' estitell to paying for eoustmetloo and - ad itional equipment. • Tsui) yowl, G. W. Cass, President. In Luck. oOr 1. G. Sproul, James Ken nedy, It. G. Watson, James W. Kennedy, and Jame* M. Snowden bare struck Re. Some fow wet ha since they bought eight acres'efland on ffu• gar Creek, VettlttlgO Co.; at what sorened a pretty large have. in less than neck after. the great 13b1pven well was earn& on land . adjoining, ca . . batwing the fable of this purchase enormously. A proceeding to equity was taken against the purrba,crs by Memo. W. D. and E. Rtnehart, John Dots and others, cooteettng the title, and special injunction prayed for. -A hearing on the con was bad on Thursday, at Yranklin, before the Court of CoIECOOII Pleat of if-mango county, and the injunction was refused. / Probably over 00,000 worth of property -was Involved In the ease, which was signed by C. Eit7drick, for plain tiff, and by .1. D. Hancock, late of this city, for the defendant. The day before the • actfornent; a well was struck on the land in dispute, which It le acid will produce ninety barrels per day of the lineitylobriciaing oil, equal in value to three times the same amount of the ordinary al. We call this lack. TIMIT&Y, 'May 9.—Defaro Judge M'Comdless. Cctut met at tan o'clock, whoa the Grand Jury was fully instructed In regard to their duty. Idler which they retired to their room. David Baker, of Kittamilig. tOwnship, Arm. strong county , Was arranged on a charge of ob. eructing James Lowther, an officer of the United States, while endeavoring to 111114 t Oeo. 'liefiletinger a non .reporting drafted man. The factrofthis ? caserwere . tally _reported la ,otCAu union at thatimeiorthe arrest of llefilefinger, in October last. The case b million trial. The Grand Jury found true bills in thewase of Joini, (Immo* - alias llttorcuth..ehruged with counterfeiting Gnited.States Treasury Doke, and against F. IL Austin , for passing counterfeit Need currency. Recruiting , In the 231. District. It appears from the edictal figures In. Captain itirker's office, that the number of men put Into the service to that district, under the last ea,. was 1,208. The quota of the district was 1,770 men, and the deficiency at the time Militant ceased was only 572. We doubt whether any other district In the State can show as„ clever a record as this. The business of reerulting Wad adtaleably managed In every detail, and It ,is quite probable that if a draft bad beennidered, the 231 District would have filled her quota and esceped entirely. The result, as above stated, is creditable alike to the Board of Enrolment and the people of the district at large. Confleaten.—Among throe who were most perskitent in their demands for shay cents per pound fur butter, In the Allegheny market, this morning, ou a young from one or the northern townibipet - Ile wouldn't sell-for I emit Atris• than sixty! conts—thst was his price, and there Who didn't llito to .pay that needn't buy. The ,weigh-,malto happened along, and testing the young man a weight foupd it light, and 'conaca ted no lesa than eight pounds I it is usually the case that those who have the ligitral nnnlerPlit ontheheaviest price: *timorous Le - dorm—Prot Dubols. • kn. morons Sad eccentric rtsactusiaft,'Who has Ws dolivechijg imbues : with witicr4l,.susees• the' eastern clam. Is announced( to ere two of bts - mirthful enturiainkients this city, o; Coon* Ban, on Thursday and Ssenrday eiettiusof thfs week. For further partionlars, sou card tin der amusement:kid. • • Kirctliotlsn! Dleettag. The annual roMring'athselitilthadurs of the p4rmingtiaarreeiCompan7 war hel&trir Xo der siffereooo, May let, at which the President, Mr.' John P. Pears, read the following report, after artddi an elect:lot - for Directors Wati•leht, &M A. tog in the choice of the following persons John P. Pears, P. Bauman, A. flays, J. K. Morange, A. Trautman, Chas. Arbuthnot, Geo. Kuhlman, John G. Elshes, q,Robleson, After adjoirritinetk oittajdAinoiders' leir tho how board met and chose the (Wowing 'Deets : Prceldent-7-John.P. Pears. 13coreter7.and . Treasurets,D.Robhmon. Buptriatetident- , -Phlllip,P 4 intrl'e Cleeh—J. , W. Watery.' *-- - ANNIYA.L.gaNTO the 'Neeekhoidere 'ef' the ItiseeietAaT, sail Seed , * lanbmit:to 7oei abriefteport ofclaa a of the cototanidtal gig the past . Thearorkaid the nonipank In usual good ordri Alba bait brim'. kepi to ar non( any.9stni-.. :ordinary etpeadltnia beyond the enhanced cost of labor and material. Yon will notice that the sta!ce and coal accounts very much exceed thoie .of ftmer feast. This tarp increase compelled us to maktra small advance In they pica of gal, which will be reduced again as,the cost of labor !and material dcrlirms. We halo laid about five hundred feet oftdpe during the year, and have Increased the nnmber of consume' from three hundred to three hundred and thirty-five. We shall, as usual, have to put in-scene new retorts this summer, but will be able in Juno to declare a fair dividend. I present the tonal/log &craned of the ratalpta and expenses during tbo past year Receipts and Expenditures of the Birmingham, East Birmimghato sod South Pate/ush (ire• Us. Itlt the year chars April Seth, Mi. recollected hills of former sears-...1......11 201 66 Net terelpts for gas sold tAlle Sa • coat t0r .... 415 93 ‘+' coke . . ... 1,117-110 I:teeired from servire 69 .• St. 20110 Ch. in airs nee- 43 54 Oses a week 1 Pir i 40.4 126 i 45• 145', 25 2 001 I 111 215 155 S 2•o 465 215 IL ISSO SOO 515 1070 `OOO Wages nceouut (Jonl •` . - • 41917 Limo ." 2341P7 Ext4ll9lon Nrw retort nna pipe ...... -...... ........ 1,r3 00 litette, Count) and Borough Tase6... 491 C1:1 litate tnx on esoltnl 386 73 National foreman tns - 661 el/ PittsbarOh Subelntenee Committee_.. 200 nu 11;cuttc1enL 09 le Not profits for We year .. 4,921 67 •16.31123 et hi lrl Atatelonnt of the Treasuror's ac• Cash ba!anec, May let tnct Total Rea:oV,, Leila us paid bllla (zoom_ r arrant a (wages, etc .) ... r Ital. di videlid, 1! 4 3 LIT Wends Pint • I rsa amount UMITAWII ' Cash on hand Respectfully submitted. 30.1 P. 11.st+, Prcaident Major Thoma% Glbnon In February last, Major Thomas Gibson, of the Yonrteenth Fennel:War:la Cavalry, from this city, with n detachment of mounted men, was sent ou an expedition from Gen. Bheridan's camp, in the Shenandoah valley, towards Up perviile. After having successfully accom plished the object of the expedition, the com mand. in returning, were attacked In a gap of 'the mountain by a force of rebels, nod our men not being priperly armed were rooted. Our loss was revert killed, sixteen wounded, and forty six misting. The Sew Tork Tribune and other papers In 'giving an account of the affair. relive ted unjustly upon Major Gibson, who demanded a Conti of Inquiry which was granted. Tho evidericeta the case not only exonerates 3111 x G timely:m(6li censure, bat reflects credit upon his skill mud bravery In the action. 'rib) finding of this court, which wo append, we are gratified to ace, is highly commentintory of Major Gib son: Come SECOND CAVALRY DIVISION. Sean WINCIIIIIITICH 4 VS., March 23, 1663.. The-Court of Inquiry convened by epeeist or. der No." 40, Headquarters 3d Division, March 6th, 1665, having matart,lY considered tho effi. der ce adduced. do rot attach way blame to Major Gentrel Gibson, or the failure of the expedition of which betted command, on the 16th and 19th of February. That the defeat of his party was occasioned by circumstances over which he had no control. and his condriet In the Elea arse ail .that could be expected of him en any officer commanding a party who were not property armed. It is the opinion of the Court that, had Ma jor t.ilo , onbi omens been properly delivered and carried out, the expedition would have been very `sayeesiefel. All of whirl: le respectfnlly enbutlited. Joan F. Vines.' Lies% Cot, Preakteut. Cats. G. OTIP, Major 21st N. T. Cal. Tiros. D. Cane, tst Lieut. A. A. D. C. Recorder} To. M:.)cr WILL MIMI. ottabd mpy :—Tour. D. Ganz, A. D. !e. livcorcer. Aceidentw.-A German named Christian Grim, employed at Liradl...v's Stove worts, In the Fifth Ward, bad a leg broken yesterday, by beteg eaw,td la the belt attached to the tly-whnol of the engine. A carter named John Devine, in the empley of Dickson. 6tzewut Co., had a leg broken at the Fort Pitt Works, yesterday, by being run over by a cart which he was driving. The hone frightened and threw DeTitleott the cart, the wheel of which paned over his leg. He resides In the Ninth ward. A Paper in IliatiltTiliC.—We Welt lIIITC} ably surprised to find on our table a copy of a paper calicd .77. r Era," Issued to Malie-, rille on last Thursday. It has a neat appear. once, is Indepcadt et In politici, and seems to hate tally committed Itself to the task of "wak ing the elFrpers" of that neighborhood. Telegraph to Itrownuillo.—Bmwmrille, Fay,tne COPULT, 111 now PS telegraphle communi cation with Illtaborgh. The telegraph °glee cot/meting with We United Statue Telegraph CotovapY, WOO opened at Moe o'clock lut menlng, the tine working well. Congratulatory and complimentary rettiaagta were Itettied at each end of the line. Aggravated Assamlt.—Edward O'Donnell was arrested and held to bail to-day, by Mayor Lowry, to answer a aurae of striking Thomas Twceny with a prking - ston'e; on the head, dar ing a tight as the corner .of High and Wylie streets,on Monday altsrnoon. Shen) Pria4.—A eery MIMI! ftollt trin tie thmugliont the comity this esorning. On some Or the low grounds lee, was formed. The day. heivever, opened up cloudy, and the (roil dleappeared qultoirtedtially. 114.ECIAt LO6AL.IIIOTICES. _ „ TUNAS W. FAIRY, insetted taste Roarer; dry Dealer In Amerkan It.le a l warkraa orders. Ofilet at Vecander La at 4l,'neatthe Walter Works; Plttebergt; Pa. enee; No. TS Ilk* street. Orders twonewal seceded to. All - work warranted water . Sepairing.. doe22 . it the shortest notice. No ebarge tor repairs, the rote Is lot slued after It ts Fe 0117.7. Reduction.-41m Idea, hfx. deb* Wider No. ,120 'Street' Allegbouyi weak th ; CIO oben the glorious neva of WI capture of Richmond and the surrisidev'of the rebel Getter; al Lee- rear' reeelved.: end tithing. adrantige of the penis produced, and tattooing the re-action that would follow.' made very-berm mamma .of the finest spring and macaw goods at about _ono-half of the old 'prima: Some of the Roost cloths, easelmeres and Timings are Included In his stook, whir& he ia prepared to talks'up to' arder r on short notice In the latest styles, and •at correspondingly low rates.. A choice assort ment of furnishing goods and ready-made cloth. log wSU also bo found at his ,clegant 'establish ment Our Allegheny friends mould give him a call. , XEIWM•IXT 7411.088. BISSELL'S BLOCS. W. a MoaKi. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET' Wcmiti eiill the attention of bums to hie stoek t goods. It has been selected with grest care,sis I *entail's all the NEWEST STYLES or 000 n. to be found In first elms homes. Omits wishing it suit of. clothes made to order, will please eall and examine our goods and prime. Also, a full and *owlets stack of alstkrzalissislimi dish 'Ollll, W. 11. MeGEE. Nizazu,ir T♦nun, JUST RECEIVED. • A max SUPPLY. OF 3Boys' Clothing. FOR THE PRESENT SEASON, At, preatly Seduced., Prices - noors Atirz) bLIOEM. ,NZNV .G9ODS; AT ',.:BOBLAtth'S' SHOES. ' • B.ILNO*ALS. • . . of army Mete and desorlptrba IneVtioeire4 M sill be .sold VI the kerma oednoedlrrhant , ' Pal" &table bar goods at tbe lowest Merkel grioeeertf are able - to sell the beet erttele aeoheep ea day. caber howls In the atty. Iron% bit to exaertne our stdck before pnrehaelog elsewhere. Gall soon and mauve good bargatar, at .T• . Be Market Street. td door from PHU BOOTS AND 8110B9.—We aro receit lag out • Spring and Summer Stools BOOT, DOES AND 9AMTERS, - . The Xactoor *mit I..ric,oess. SilrAU work wnrts ntb 'EW STOCK OF BOOTS AID SHOW& —1 some lust returned from the East with Ism ard well Wetted stock .• • BcKYTS, SHOES, 01.1TESIS, SLIPP.ERS, I. Which 1 luwepurchased at meetly redoesd prices en weft of Um paido, sod oonsoqtentlyout Superior Inducements to my old customer* generally. Remember that I hare remorild rum% tog/ rod, mat lames,* doors below, where I will le pleased to show my stook of go od* to all who may twat ma with • Galls W. B. mocri.irrrooK. RPM • 01 Federal street, Alleitheoy oily. JAMSB ROBB, SELLS THE BLS Of any honse Is the atty. He hu just received ...gnu:lcent SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK lIIMMI TEE "STAR" WORK, .611,443 76 JVST RECEIVED BY GEORGE ALERRE, SON k An. ID WOOD STREET. $4,9% V 3 la& 60-4,850 Bey.' ssd Youth's Biel Balmarals; Oxford Ti..; Bootees; • (31ildren's Goat awl Kid Soes. Tbeee roods are made.to oar vernal order, and re warranted unequalled custom work. Dora C.4IPLTS. OIL CLOTHS. Sc. GREAT RSDUCTION is prim of CAAETS. • /1"1114 ft the pablte An opportunity of purchasing goods at POPULAR PRICES, corresponding with the • Decline In Goid, And th e Impending tumble In Iderotiandlee generally, We have this day Marked down prtees, Throtietwout our entire Mock, anti offer the largest And most tangelo emortment Of new sad 'Yoke patterns, Telesis, Two end Three Ply Ingrain, '„..) Floor 011 Olothm, doh ll hoc At • recitation of Tweetptive to Thirty-three endow-third pm cent Next doer to Outten' Holm .124 P. O. ma* 1\ &W GOODS. AT ALMOST PEACE PRICES We Are DO receiving Our Second General .lacorlineeti fro thlestytson. bought at the ELE,DUCT lON. We out to purchseen the greatest advantars of the The Newest swell and Lowest Prices - ElrrEntimst ATWOOD, RALSTON It 'CO., lanufacturas tad Commuafoa lierthents CARPETINGS, Oft Clotho, Xcitlinga, Rugs, Sc. No. 619 CNESTI7in STREET. !Man PEILLADELPHIA r i It 4 SOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore between the undersigned,ender: th e drat wevrol CIatINIPTON es CO., for the nukanfeeture of Sliver Pearl and other Seeps, has this day been dissolved by =Metal soviet. . ROWEL M. 0. RUM 2/ JOUn FOSTER. • Pittsburgh, Sept. eth,llll4. WU. 11112111ZDY K. sins Wll. HICENZDY & CO. • (Stwc,ltort t. CRIMP TOY *.630.) Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps, W+ LIBERTY smor, mrsenah deparl COPARTNERS w• rum &updated with us la No N u ord&A sad ran um nirrZtls . sd wins 11 3. nd RIIABY Index Oh crif i t a Mtlg n i gal' Aim moms.. NEW BOOKSI NEW 1300.151 Husband and Hos., the new ' neve!, bJ Mir 'ion Harland • it 73 Parana sad People or, Dieldenta in the every , day Lift of a Clergymon;_bylter. spoor Derri air,ck Vi sad DCA car of Weston, Middlesox 1 • , 7 I .0 TrivelsAh• Coning Asia, IHrAtmlans. Tam. bevy iig Luttrell of Arran, by Charles Lever t oo Mule :Magi a, tale of Bor. ram Bough . 10 Christian's Mistake, bl author of John Hali fax... 1 50 The Litilvar's sad the Burton's, by Kingsley.. 170 . Under the Ban (le Handitl.. A novel 1 75 Reminiscence. of Glesamealn& by Jarvis—. I 75 A new map of Palestine. colored 75 A new petrel mop of Bible Land, colored. 75 DAVIS, CLARKE & 0 0.. a I - • , Nan Wood street. BUST OUT.-_IIALLOWED SONGS, it M. A. most iserellent Stork, me. MUSICAL LEAVES. 40 Amts. 40,000 were sold the lint month or Re . puMeallon. THE. MOTHER OF THE WISLEYS. 112 Ott Just issued. A biography. • • • THE• CHRIST OF THE GOSPELS. 111 OS. Lectures on .qtertzes Lire or Seam." PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Wholesale and Retail ALBUM OARD&, BTATIONERM spit. J. L. READ, 76 Fourth! Street PEHOVA?. have romovort their extensive Whip_ Siete and. }scurry to No. ItS WOOD STREET cornet of Virile Alley. alum they are prepared to till all: orders for WHIP LASHES AND owrroazs_ promptly at the More& Nines. • . - Dye'. ' It tit 1: 0 * A L CRAWFORD; ; oosuutiat Nadia. ia Fla imaisoneens, a s p. Lea - rerneved ritaceorrom Na to wATICR , 3T; to OORNED.ORMOOD , and FIRST SIMMS, over Peoples. National Ranh. - The Iron UMW& alai tau theta earrlsoroolziall its branobse. Cub inloaneei made. Donolgootentotioltotten. DOT/tOrfro •to tits .Iron itismfitstaters -- or this No. tO Si. CLAIR BTREET.6 GZ&T A-100A1.1 st - outlis srusr noniamPs, irtileh we /114) Virethlg st fietPill a Ross. 43 MARZET STBSEX. Re. SO Market Street TUE lITATZ9T FITTERG, And THE MOST DURABLE, XoTAILLAND & COLLINS. 11 lad 13 FIFTH STSESI. Cni•pet.ig w. D. a U. PICALLIIII, 87 F.OUIITH STREET zufssoLvriemrs, at. BOOKS. ALBUMS. Sc. RIE.TIOFWLS. WELLS, RIDDLE tc I figidOVAL.••••Wo.have trua day removed 1i0..11 Rai dtieef r bi - 16:41116 . 1446 ONO. Sootth Dew . bitlldlic as Cleve land ank ttibursb ..• PrriOninitiV A 4 114 1' 71= "* D ' ilr Ails 2 7l : . ..r ---- P.A.R1.0 --- ilPA.KEtiti a aaatuvi. • ma vripekm,Ro. 31 1 7 Man a emit 1 11 Xci(010 --- - - - 6.4-rar9 9R.4.7117ER5, I'JUSANIZIEi7 Crywicon Colu-raoWrlttolTets C mmmmm cry, 2sab. ems' WlmEms sozarAmon- • -ade44. pteieated eci the =i1r.049,04.4t.ittP.: THE MANGE willow BANK Of PITTSBURGH, net binitY I k eft! of I tha °sante of ALile., ghrorMd Siete 'of Peoarylraats, hos Uwe duly 'organised ander and vocerdtrogto the eqedreakeata . efth• ads of -Omitted', eatltteel .A.ttl.ot to pre. vide • Natiottla Carteney, mowed by • *Leap of treated Motes Bondi, Fad to 'provide lbr the Woo. lams asi rideeapttow toeieof, ,, approvealase f 4. 1966, arid has complied with ell 'lle orovisietle of rid act reqatred to be emptied with before eoxa. , inenclog the business of baakieg alai* wail see. I, Farm air . Or.6.ass, Ootoptroller elf the Otte+ reccy,.do hereby that aTtie-Mtehaage No: Lionel Back of PitttbittglaM la the direr Plttl bargh,, la the ime si t= i Al k ieftunr, am Stated o P :=P=1 11 , 1 : ander the aoksforeaala. - I . _ (hammy Bureau. to tenth: My Vikerebt Seal of Um Winer m) amt Oomptcolker of the seal of enee. this INlth Curlew. sal of April. LOS. Tecanu7 Deputment. FBEEP6Aff aL&RXII, apstead Oomouoller of thotforreacy T HE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, -.- Of Pitt i sbug,h. Chartered by tba tapitallthaanised ender Stated Pa., MC. sl,ooo,ooo.llatal Law IP6i. This Bank has trees designated& DEPOSITARY OP THE United States Treasury, and app•lnted agent rot the sale of the 7.130 LOBN . ties porehoeEvery foollit for y broale• ffire4 to invaders or psi llit veoli • H. M. DiORRAY, Cashier TEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL $1,000,000. wink pTlVllege of 52.008.0110 Woking' House CORNER FIRST AND WOOD SIREETe. This Bank, organized under the National Rank ing System is now prepared to transeiet business at its Banking ROLM COTOer of Wood and First streets. Collections made on all Aocessible points on the most favorable terms. Spode! Agents for JAY COOKE, Cor the sale of the • V. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. Nsaur.L SEA. Pre■ldeat F. M. GORDON, Cashier. MIME= BAIMING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS REOEIVED fl PAR FITEDS &ED avynazri CY. Otaleattoas . United States and made on all the princ Canda& ipal petnta of the STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEOVBITIE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Portionlat intimation paid to tie Mahon sad sole of MUD STATES SECURITIES INOLI7DING Vane. Sala Blue of MIA Do. do. 6.206: Do. Thos. 14.4011 Do. llooto-Thhileo I Do. CarDirates of ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT SR COLLECTED skims crcotroon. &LINN nun President Cashier. FOCILTu NATIONAL BaNN or PITTABOZON, U. S. Gonerassrat Depoeftery, Prrrentraott February tst, IN N OTICE--WISHG TO FURTH R the design of the NATIONAL BANK LAW. TO PROVIDE A Uniform System of Currency' FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURG% Tiff ea and atter Februuy tit, saw, receive La regular Depositors, Mato:omen and ileciere, cvßits.wer P4R. By this nouns the public will obtain PAR MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE In exchange for their currency. By order et the Board. ALLEN DUNN, Cashier TIOLLAR bLViiios MUM., 160,; 85 D kotavre Slum CHARTER= IN 18155. . Open daily irom 9 to 2 o'clock, also on 'Manes. day and Saturday evening, from May Ist to No. vember tat, from to 9 o'clock, and from November tat to May lot from 9 to 9 o'clock. Depbsits seined °fall sums of ant le.. than Owe Dollar, mad a dividend of the profits declared twits declared Mote and December. Interest hes been gentloonnally, in June and December, aka* the Rank mu organized, at the rate of all percent. a year. Intdregt, LT cot drawn oat, le Sued to the wean nitthe dAtor se principal, and bean the game rest the eat dog or Stlne and DeeeMber, comp° twine e 'per with Out troubling the depgaltor to call or evekto present Ids pass book. At %Ida rate Naomi *il • l 60able la Isis Quin twelve Y ears. Bonita, eontaining the Charter, BTU Rules and Regulatbaas, feruialted gratis, on Oa at the office. _ PaiterOMIrr—ORORGE •ALBRICL William I. Andenron, wlnnrta A. X. Pollock, M. D., Jelin O. Sultana Delbert Robb, Beni. L. Fahneirodr., ' John H. ShOemberger, James Herdroan, ,Insao fliddie, - James MeAule7, , A .I Speee, .. Due Ti. Pennock, Chriitiatt Yaeger. lti Catein MIMI, =.7. Zemeh„ lUD Alonsin n airiar, NW a l i l e a = Charles A. Colton, alma.' i Wzgl• Dotettal, ohn 0 11 2 John liveas . lull re R01t 1 04 1 7 ' Sohn .7, vetuegpm lirlillem R. Somerre. as, • William B. Raven, Alenumufire Media, Peter EL • Hunker, William V Rlcharl Rem Wm. P. W=D Jam.. hash Whittler, accrefery—JAMl2l B. D. =B. TEICAMITLY L DEPASTILENT,, Origin O 001tIttiOLIXR 01 TT= , OURIZINOT, Waihingten, March 120,-1815. WBREA 8 BY BATIBFACTO Y evidence jireeented tio . the uadecrigned, It has beee made to appeal that. Fula wawa BANK OF Butmnima, in the bonier Of Eltminghato, ha the county of Allegbenyon State of Penotreiirania,basbeendrily °moulted under end accordlug laths requirement& of the Aets of eongrese ""An. Act to pro. Tide a.Natlodal Currency, secured by • Pledge , Of United States Botta% and to provide for the dom. lotion and redemption thereof,. approval June ad, 186/, and has complied with all the provlsiorm of said act required to be complietiwith beforecoue. mincing the rmal:mu of booklet under cu d actt.c Now therefore, I, ruaneuat OD Less, Oomptroi. ler of the Ourrew, do hereby itertUy that i , The Thu fio_tional,BWL of Btrroinghion,o ln the boo • °ugh of ourloolithalii, in the coructy of Allegheny, An Stale Of Panuaylvanla, Ls authorized to coos• men°, the hustings of Deag under the act afora 1.. . thtT nay St mu, la tettm .._ oay whaoor VY l ' ftrr'rie..A et.. Ahleteed radial . Tkeisnryp . .ll ,' t.sent. . ' ' . FREEMAN Ottatr,' Eth"gierad Clcrmptrollor of the Currently WT11.713Z, AND DANE AND WOOD 04AIES, Ec l;i I III 7 C WHOLMILE OltIMAM:: WOM.):WELT4 Nes.; •• 1 iitTlDSD•tritM OPPoitte E. Musaimos s CoN,liirt JP*l. Qa . 11l.IDU$TH OTBillOrt mEnrc." . ...40Y, ;.; '.! tr t r., I, tS . , -, .`,...... :- .1 BEEOPATIO SPECIFICL- -- - --,'.,,,../ ~ , 4 r f" . ... e. ' I t ran strtur art .. .. „ t W' HA SlitreilieliSS ' VO 4 • ~ AND THOUSANDS HAVE N SW - ( °UMW BY TUNIC READ rao - raErr ov s . 14.1-o.,,lre,,coomges - Mooed isithieohalliO . _ ... . the Unita and (administer, disease. 2ISSItSIin , rto.l.oires Forma ?GPM WOMOCaIt V '',.. Odom APPatlie, tirdtiaLtis epais Ma. r `• No. a-purse Odie,Teothle46 UaThill lost= • felons, Slaw tlomth sad ireableomie tie, TRU* as seats. No. 4- 1 13crell Diarrhea. of Obildroit Ot. AIM ~.. Molar& Libidos and SantmarOodAsi= l . VMS 2 0 4 . 4 * Ol . &IMMO TOM Wes eitOhrolli SW , No. tr-thires Drawler( et Morelli new ladg„ ._ . 22tags, Billom eolith To ll Dalmatia! Prate* No. -Per Cholora, Marra litodose- . a. L aaci Vomiting, Asthmatic West/dog. lIS mato. • No.l-4amal Omit^ Oolds, HoarsonOlN l Vlt't data., Winans& aad Sore Throat. Priam Si • TWA And No. I nary.: WI to cure the wont . mat Conch& No. e-tarn'Pooth.aohe, fkograeho, Norm sob turd Tic Doklreca. Prloo LS exam .. ~ .- No. e : -pares Headache, Sick Hoodsobo, TwitAic , . Nash Of Blood to the Head. Priee r Vi team Ea addition with No. to, it nano &LW to Me tie No. HI-Cures Itimietsta, Weak. /Aid OrDirli:::.: ad Stoma Cnetpotton,.. Lives Oomph/MA 0r.,,, ~ Dittoes Condition. Pace 15 011 ti - -la ) lireattsam for all cams arvirenlic Attietlili aim , - Sit IBtlimat Uotarddnia. • N. li-Oants Suppressed Dreases. re saw& its: et 1 Painfig or , DetsTIAL Orate Hidalgos. IS cad& I, ..., •• , , , No. T3--Cures Lauombe& or Mask OWN' ~,-;, 4 Dortoo Profuse lammes. Shama& • . c , '., • IS-aeaOrottit, awn of Ctemiiiit ,'” INILmIt and OvprMMW Nrootlitott. II seal& - r c.„-' No •Pl-4:7lareo. Silk Uttettra cram , Erspennoi 4 , 4 , 1 , t tan E V elm. 'non—saVnea llemd. . Birk"'"' 1t4414161" .11 ' No. ia-Oueirithettmatisra, 'pan, imnesene,, IN Soreness in the Chad, Bock, 814 e, or Limb% Or '' ' '"• - - • No. to--Ours Peres and Agile, IntermittleagellW vet., Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate Ague. . - . No. it-Gures Piles, internal or Externed,lllMat :t - or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. en oeota. This remedy ha. cured thousands ti the triegil ales 7 possible easel. No. le-Cktres Opththalmia. Weak or Isiiimeel Eyes or Eyelidafrailing or Ihreak.sight. i 0 e 5) , II may idwayabe tolled upon for a cure. , No. Bi--Cares Catarrh, acute 'Warm:tie; go- 0/1 flowing, Cold in the Head, SnSuonza. 10/ cents. No. IM-Oures WhooptcfrOOtigh, itioreindog gitg" , , • ; 21-,oores Asthma, Cipptriod,:DUllenit,Ye bored Breathing, Gough and ispeOfration. r WO cents. Hundreds have been cured by lie _ No. 11-Cures Ear Diecharges, Noise in Ike Head, IMpaired Hearing, Earache. , No. es-Curea,Scrofula, Enlarged Glawla, Toilets. Swellings and Old Mao. GO tents. Mu; cured the worst cues. • Na. 24--Ilures General Debility, Physical or Mee ; sous Weakness. .40 mate. No. M-Onres Droply, Fluid Ascrinnulstlorw„: tale Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. 110 . N is-Onessapstalatets,itostration, Veal Nausea. Vomiting. &Locate. No. 2 - 7-enreg Urinary Diseases, Graved, Gaisuli, Difficult or Painful Urination. twat IL cures old eues of Kidney Distant. • No. 29-For Seminal Emissions, tavola& • Diwb a ltal Resu rges and lts of Evil consNuerit Prostration Si 00. and DOM , ty, Habits. Price TM. most efficient remedy known, and tad gig" &lad upon as a sure Cure. rf0.29-Uuiea Sore Mouth or Eliorsaah,Gankeragu outh of Adults Cliidre n, also Hausa ::-.: and Vomiting of Pregnan d t Pemalse. and Ml amts. , ...- Gores at once. . -No 29.-tlinos Urinary Incontinence, Wettleir the bed, too Frequent, painful, or Haal 4 M Bon. No. it-Spas Painful Menstruation, opela 7lid.c Po= - don of or 00. It acts like • sham. No. fa-Cares SuOttiag at. Deane_ el Life, : ularitiee, Flushes of Hest, Piodtatioa, end • : Disease of the Heart. -it 00. tl-Cores Diptheria and Uteetrahle runt Sore Throat. , Pl cents. Pio. ct-;Ourea Convulilonsoi Simi= of Wag or Adults, and Cramps,ofell kinds. _ No.Se-Cares Biliousness, aeWaid.of .- Lawness of Spirits, Jstuullee, Oonatipatioe, Liter Complaints. - . . _ No. WI-Gores Bolls,Clarbungles, and any Nei of the kind. - _ • No. ei-Uures all Acute skin Ereptions, as Seat letVever, Meetales, Chicken Pas. kw No. sr-eures-Ohronte tkmighs, Nervous Coop 4,1 Drt , Cough, mul-Cough with expectoration._ _7l - 7 ; No. 10-eduree Snuffle. or Catarrh to tho 11,114 SG , Infanta, Rattling of Mucusin the Throat. No. 7P-Cures Llano Motional Disposition Quest Attacks of•lleadaobe. No. s0•-Curd (loustitattenal Divewittaa IS. Asthma ea VIM bonny case • AM el, .7 so vial family case, m0r0cc0......51L,; , is, awe, plate. g as 16 sinless* 00 vial Physician% ease • .151 0, ,.': POND'S SZTR.wr OF F '77 ' Poi Barn& Scelds,fir •- . Welt EV" I PL 74' Sores cod -.moot Bo to onto D sewage e Aiwa: The Bode supplied at New York was Iltensedies' by AWL " irled MR' Loot over the lid, Sake up este st , you . *book; and imbue the Amuse let • SOITIOU cote or stampe, by nail to ay address. sag ..; radiathe will bit duly returned by resit I. H. rtrurort PHU 8 &reit, Beltilsys Second dodr bdloW the Post o,llsek Wholesale sant for Pittsburgh sad vialtdigi tale , COUGH NO mpnr. TRY SYRICRMUMII IaLUFLUOIIS COUGH 'BALSAM OTRIOKLMUN imismoous. °civets BALSAM la warranted to ours flougho,oollo ,"- Hoarseness, Asthma, 'Whooplag trough, - Mt' Throat, Conoco:44l°l4 and all althottom et MP foot snd Ltutge. 4 . 16111 or sale ar a DiTtate mos. Ctamoral • the Manua men ivul the Welt ISKRIMIM , DR. STRIUKLAND'S ANTI-0414UL P D U et ß aa E t as the only eestaht temedrfor adl Abeots-* , eonthirietlon at Asittaq . , , i r w his to ti=lartigad, Cartiathria. •.:I! , A rot tale DT= klemat Depot; •• 1 1 / 6 14 Fourth street, . mama) , Ito `RELY. ~, :. : :7. • BE. BISIOLLAJTERI PILE umemm.m.,„., oared thousands at the Wont eases or BUo Bleeding PIRA.- Eleven ,wort - teete • eted ranenecure. Try it directly. 'mpg end Per Wit u by all Dragglets. Gedersl DepdytEill Potirthatreet, Clincinnati;e: Dyspepsia; __ Be!vMu"h DL STEIIWS TONTO. , eta •Velawinewl time Snider WlrkilatAl r>, ter on or ' - 1 - Orrecros bali r i blntl,to`l l l 4 It Y an a Tegetakke preplandloogres , boat i gra =hem th Otte wha • le ,enteneg row sad Peiioei . INtrA VIA IRMA% M eu aittt=ol2 ood West • end • , : • • Foe te tir DR. 081 W.. 7” 11004 totes/ Ogle! ; bytthrß4OZA*E , ‘ 4, c ', ; " l. rzZtattelowdei „ MAIL. OF,A THOUBAND.-4. OMR 1 SUttPTIVE oußzEto-Dr.H.J.10121121.w.ver , .. 1 tired phymillanolgreagendnesne,dietoreolgergtdigo to It. Feet Indiee, - at acetate cure for Cleneneen d .11m Asthma, rnenehltio'OengboOoldo end :-The renede.ona dlaimagated wriest- , , 4 when hL only child,s doubter, wee die. Nis child eta , cured. and Is new allre MVO well.- Dethrone et,beeeetting his fanow , he will send to those wbo,wiah lt, yenta= e-• directions fez welder and ruweauttems witetriest remedy, (noon receipt:ol , Qlll/ stow Visa ninn - etelepe. to _pay, nape" Thew It not a adeller.; 'Topton oreoatumption that It dote net ea meg take hold of sad :dial pato Night -sweets, meow r lahness, Irritation of the cameo [alters*/ gore t Audea,,, dlineult expeetendino:sharppt in !the 1 hews:, chilly,. tense., at nentee..34.' , atemaeh., tenth= of the bowels, wasttegeWerst ear Tee =nee please state the asoreif the :paper they see thtiednettletanent In. Address, . tlb North freed Street, PhLledelphis, •' , fessmatsweseowwr..-.. IVIANROOD: MOW -LOST ISOW wa• RRB TOREDN-last puttlietted.tn a Price, Six °into. A Lecture on the Nsiattei , tmen‘and Radical Ours- of 13 of Seminal WeaLlNgli. LLlVOltillterr Per = Sexual -Debility, and , impedimenta to - Minima 1 %.1 ' renerallyr _Nennmsneas, eronsairpti , and Film Mental and Physical ineeY • fine rem t3clS.Abase,. in. - By .Borse„ ,$ • .!' W 162, Si. 11,author of the Green BoolaAte, .ellh. BOON TO• THOUSANDS ;OP ' • .•BIWW ,- • ',Sena, tinge inali sermip pl aint. envidepe, stir a4' *etn,, , part - veltl, on - el ale motion. Messr; • rew ta t e r=ati l etYl i e l WATS= I. TRAMON ":4", Citriasria ii . kaidataatid ir f a a 4 3 0 . 1 .1 1 11 4 1 1 4 A tj; -add: Ally Wag =we In. this eitZ 11•1 t ' amont patftnits treated AnattanY "Ls" SP HIM or SPAULt And all Wilma" &dant thandritna. an 9. much . shatter time than -beldam, by umnaramt.l TIMETABLE, BZIKEDIMS.. .3041dDas Ana OR any pall alba All letters ausf maga • : sw amp to pal mini rests•L___Cloterpopaiiil o aa sacred. 7 OS* Si 911177Morral IMl* astal:ll44,oBo J.Arantailr I. pFaYalr, Obi* STIIIEBT...ktasr fort eeonofofldlisiieeofCvihCMaottovekloti toot. two to tototo.y.titor_u,ootitottoow i tmosiv latat*oitt...;2 l sellalaa WilrisM r silA 'Mgr! diseOmos of the %al annum, awl panillekik A am olk MO= tet • .r -mama
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers