he fittobtooll &mitt. ITINUSIIim 'mg aims mums 1180CIITION. Wg1:01B8DY,1 - iikra-, Annantkis-Tbe; Legislature of thfß State Minimised the ;Dessau:n(onel Amend: menu by a unanimous vote, tad *ll nt last accounts engaged upon a bill disfranchising .e.ll who hold commissions in the rebel army. That Stele Seems iae fallolag inehe steps of Mhsourt anitTennossee, and will Edon be reconstructed. -:THE PRENC4.,4O.VatVIsIENT It Ii bne *whales tosee 'and study the Siding of the French government—we do s . the peeple— towards the Malted 8 ! AL him read 'tlui ,Anbitit,,ii: litany bear eli"4l,:aii: °tie • •Freneit , MOttalie - An an AmendmentU:l.We eddies . - a torbit throne expressive of sympathy for theca of the Union. The amendment um by a vote 0f195 - to 24. We think UM as a bad day's work for Kunio, /fial li n d M ii , / #4 45r8 .;, -i, ! . : !f : A WORD TO SHALLOW THINKERS. Itleivtage: :41sctutalcon ; going on in slime. p , thblapiniof tlia"toiintirdie the' 'sizbJect Lithe Providence of God in the calamity MIK* thisl:o94 l / Arfe Attahted-. is the desth of the President. Some of them take exception to the position that the hand of inCeignisedin 'Ala, and try to argue that if the Almighty willed that 4skunew Ltorcous shoald die by the, /wad aai isiassinAhht ihat"astuissin*ii . gttiltleea, because he was only an instm nut to carry out an irresistible divine be heat!..-ThiSabausditi Of such rassidtitegieiso' obvious that It Is hardly worthy of notice; arid Indeed it was with some surprise that we read what some men, who ought to know better, have written on the subject. Melds we admit that Mr. Ltscome died in accordance with the will of Hist wrio rules mil all, and without whom asparrovi cannot hal t ':must come to the.mon sirens conclusion that either he was indif ferent whether that man lived or died, or that hie'vras unable preserve him from the stroke of the . assassin. It were bias. .phemy to entertain either of these posi tion& All we know of Gott and his government of the world is what he has told us. Ern phaticallyhe-has informed na that a spar sow cannot fall to the ground without him. He does not say 'without his notke, as some erroneously quote it, but without his will, his decree, his purpose. The great truth kers taught is, that nothing, however Wite t krimspires fortuitously, or by chance. NOMelet us turn to some examples and am* 'declarations. Joss:errs brethren, actuated by as mean and -wicked a passion• as cis find a iedgmesit in the Iniman breast. soldVulato - slavery:. Afterwards under the prelim° of adversity, the bitter con froplois;:isad as tare, as bitter, was wrung froatffinutt:: -:!'We' me verily guilty con eerntog.eaw,hrother, in that we saw the andoliatifiliz sad. when .ho beeough as, gad we would. not hear." WV/ their own cruel att; , .end . they teas 'guilty. Their sjudgment upon themselves was correct, for they were free :agents, Mad they knew It. Wow let us hear what Josteu says about it. "Godson{ see- &Tore :ion- to preserve you poitfrety ,In the earth. * * 3 * * vosz--toot you Ogit sent me hither, but Goti,!!k1)111 this remove or even mitigate the Atitiltotf Mai men?. Certainly not. They; had .one purpose, GOD had auOther; They acted freely, as, their enVioes and ma- , lignaist beans prompted ; and if the result . W1114,1%7 41steakd orn rikaPPY, no thanks to item fork. , Take another examßie : "The Bon tirldart4cieticar gi" , ieuitlen him; but 1m Unto Chit man by whiairtttio' Eon of Nan slarbetrayed i It bad -, been. ,good -for tbat Whin' if belid not - been borrun, This meets the cage under discussion exactly. Again : On the day of Pentecost PETER said lathe people of Jerunsaierty !Trate-. lag &tiered by.the determinettesoussel and fore knotoloko of aid, ye taker!, aid' by Ticked Sandstorm crucified and slain." We 4 . 414 Aesa are sufficient to Thulium at once the Providenas of God In the airstuat Mea l the freedom.of human ac tions Iroweier'itieked, and the complete. ACM of human 'respenlsibllity tit' ac tions, Imaever. Abey xuayhe.overruled for guet!. Buttleg Scene in the , Orel:Wt Legtda. /es. ; ... . , 'Tads COlTNipoudence 01 /aO/0100 news. April IT, It is a =lout Coincidence, that on this 13th of April, when the news of the fall of RichmoEd' arrived In Paris, the Corps Leg . islatif should be discussing an.. amendment of the opposition deputies thus worded : "Weirave from the' beginning. our symitalbfee for Nerth A merica. Thanks to heroic efforts, slavery is abolished. ',We shall be? happy to see reetieridln Its former' power the republic of the United States, which is the luttortahliyat Pratte, and wo 'shall hail With Joye triumph which will. hue cost - liberty 'nothine:' Of course If. DotdsetarDi Oppose this amendment, bat it itlikely that the great news of the day will have eantelledi if not altered his speech. During - the debate the amendment was =mated word f thortl Ettletaew ehminein y s which *ill* rem ni atted on the otleareide of :the'Atiantin. ai well at. the coarse and insalting interruptions of the, ingoVZ I *. 4042: a 1 11 9 1 4 1 . 1 m of tyo —ln the present stag Oita* t:Should be very cruel ta'.the siworollfff:seul still more to myself; If I were-tordinke• a speech/in tefismis the dohtle=berC (as I fear df oar last amendment:: • (Lsaghter.J •I had lnk. a wordlejsay lts'Asipair aturomistitnt.: sneeciattign the 'tkrOnepirekid our Amer, lea trumbrarre;: your draft address maintains • the firliii,:yeraryti; the yellow :brilk ,Itsalt. contains entidsaubject nothing ntt la - Pure. whiltarrt. it seemed ,to theAthe Ame *question Was true of Manton:lie, porta cilll'Ats he' treated at.etherwisa than.by nub elks , However, there is now no occa-' slom,l4tdiSiMesion, llccauie, white 'I eta spealWA/on - the news arrives that the vWertent swords/of- Greet and-Sherman' hate settled theqqestion.,': ItithinOnd taT- Imm. Alatermeptionl.. • • • - • - • A.Voice—So much•the worse. pro-slavery rebellion is outbid and the American republic is re storeddrtio e j t! its majestic unity. , [Further ' in ,Uirreptn. • _ Prink:text Schneider (lentlemse, by your Interruptions , you only lenothen the • Pelietin,:--The not murmur wind, I conjurer youobez may hear us on tho other aide , the 'Atlantic. [ff sehunstions and noire.4 Several voices—Make an end of it. Mr...PeUeum—For, the last four years North America has borne the burden of the most gambler civil war that ever ravaged a. nation;and during the whole course of this cruel tdsl 1111331 Ever for a single instant en tartained, the' idea - of suspending liberty.. (Alt, never,dreamed of invoking the principle at public safety or Impelling . that dearthroirgla which; all political crimes make ,way.: But more; it his renewed executive power under—we:May almost qu-tha very tire of the' enemy, ' and lhat nlthotit 'Helene° and without disturbano 0-- Linterrap - tkerj:-=aid tit has done ' this- no orderly end calmly that this page of Amer ican hinary la the page of honor of the nineteenth- century: - Conthsedi suit irs- - anrasing - • • • Pelletati.;-Tditident .Linoohi—fdries of "Divide, divide.'.o• - • Other Voices—near theapatter: M. Palletan-•-Prerddant -Lincoln &DOA: be held the tato of the New World in his haadh,..dadLhe lifted. up .his -bean , to' 2 • thin helght,of his destiny; he has abolished rely—tretioubted ale: "Dtrldo" j —and ho has restored the-glorinna American ' re /4W ntrldVlridn." l / 4 Confttiod and titmilinnta riintse .1 ?1, *nbe.c(*Eitbnxt oile* fit-P. P get resident Schnelder—Let the speaker try to a_baLdog... _ IL Gamier agee—lf people would only lieteri.the speech would have been done by this time. Several vole--Divide M. Schneider—l Minuet depprsreM.Pelle fat ohAt right to, go on. It. le :for the chamber to listen—[exelamaUentO brit at the same time, ilia Tor him to smite in such a way him. as to induce the auditors to hear M..Pellatin—The President asks a mira cle of me which Ima not able to work. It did -appear' to 'lne that 'whereter In the world anything great and noblo wak deno, Prance triusincesent and an ennobling par ty and rwould that this day my Telco cOtdd be heard on theother side of the At lantic with an address. of. congratulation to the President of the. United States. ITa. mations exclamations of dissent.) I can not straggietigairtst your determination not to hear me, and I shall sit down. Tho emendatept rallied ,tyrentpfour. votes—et reepeotabh) minorityreohildfkleg flat only fifteen toted &pipet the 'ahem 1111 a* hole. ' , 'tie Slarklealtin et the diaitau on the \ - Slitadselopt: • ,- • Felon thiffieserati Itaifitei: The al wsoperEtisltana, Captain-Mason, ar rived , from , New Orleans bat • night, - .thts ith. 2fith / about %Weibel:mild two hundred . 'pe ple on board, orte thousand nine hundred an stay-Ono of When), were — exelesiged Iniscittera frem Vicksburg, the hal- Lan being refugees and regular passe:age& fro 'imitnts 'points along. the river, pro-• g toward Si. Louis. She lett. the coal .p loabout 1 o'clock this morning, and had Made some eight or ten miles, when. An ex plosion ed.one. of her bailers occurred. The boat with its mass of living freight, took Brain the vicinity of the engines, and In a short time she. was burned to the water, and now lies one sandbank near Foglemen's Landing, nothing visible but her charre I remains and jackstaff standing erecL The scene following the explosimrwasheartrentl ing and terrible In the extreine. -Hundreds of people were blown into - he air, and de scending into the water, _some dead, some with broken limbs, ;some 3 icalded, were borne under by the resistlesa current of the greet river, never to rise again. The inirvi. yore represent the scream as agonizing be. ,yond precedent. Some clung to frail pieces of the wreck as drowning men cling to straws, and sustained themse.ses fora few me qtnents, bet finally became exhausted and sunk. Only the beat swimmers, aided by fragmenEtt-,of the wreck, were enabled to reach the\Woods, and there take refuge trn• til rescued by boats sent from the landing here to their assiVance. There were about fifteen women and children aboard, and as near as can be ascertained, not more than two or three had been found . at the hour when this account was written. Some of the wretched people were borne by the cur rent as far down as the levee at this city, and this was the first intimation the officers of the boats in port received of the terrible disaster. A yawl was immediately sent out from the Marble City, and in a few minutes several persons were picked out of the water and brought ashore. Two were af ters% ard rouncl . cliaging to the wheel, and they were also saved. U ..n being brought to a realization of the ca ..ity, the officers of the boats In port, under notification of Captain Senior, of the River Guard, steam. .ed up, and in a short time wore Attila burn. ing steamer where hundreds of people were picked up and brought to this landing, ar riving about daylight. They were met by a number of citizens and ladles, who sup plied them with abundance of dry clothing front the Quartermaster's Department and from rations stoma. At this time It Is impossible to give a cor. rem statement of the cause of the accident, and number or names of the lost and eared. Everything is In the greatest con fusion. Hr. Hawberry, the first mate, was on the watch,..and standing. in.. the, pilot. house with Captain George Clayton, who was at tee Wheel at the time of the °apt°. sion. He only remembers the. ahock, that he was blo*n into the and was after wards taken from the water. Ho saw the lower deck inflames, and intones no more. He can give no lde: of the cause of the ix 'tide:lt, and says the boat wa4 going et or ' dinary speed, and aliseemed well up to the moment the explosion took place, that. the second engineer; a sober, reliable man, 'named Clemens, us at the engines„ and . that nothing snore 'than common was in. progress.: 'Captain Ceylon watt also hurled' Into the - wreck among the' broken hollers andlubbleh, stistaining slight injurtes., He imniediately jumped overboard with a door,' which be was enabled to ranch the Atitintais, .sbore, three miles. below where, striking a sapling, he seized and c:nng to it until eared. Clemens, the en gineer, was badly burned and scalded. and can hardly recover. Among the soldiers on board were thirty commissioned - offieer: The troops wore of various regiments, and nearly all exchanged prisoner:- They' belonged principally to Wes.ern regiments: F.CPPICION rxrDos'tox W-4-5 CAUSED sit A TORPEDO. (From me Mee:labia /Ural Mate Faberru says the .steam was not near as high on the Sultana is it was usually carried. He thinks a torpedo shaped like a lump of coal must have caused the ex plosion. Both engineers were saved, but the second engineer, Clemens, will proba bly die.- Tho guns of Fort Pickering no reported to have fired on the boats of the EMS while picking up the purvivora Whatever status may have been claimed, heretofore, for the rebel cruisers that have 'commuted such depredations on commerce, 'there can be no difference of oplaima now. If they were ever to . be treated as belliger ents that time is paned: If they ever,had a coautry to represent, that country is now under the rule of Federal authority. It they' ever had a flag, that flag haa.been lowemd before the-starry banner of the traion. If they ever bad a muter to dem that-Men ter today is ss. oompletely alligitive as ever Booth 'was, limning for his life, with,the aggregate spoons of tichmond _ln .his pocket. If they ever hid i goverithent, that government is scattered all over 'the South, 'Will/mita local habitation or a name., 'Bow then, if never before, these rants My, come simply pirates, la the plain onlltrul acceptation Of the; term and should- bo so :dealt wlth. Their numbers are so reduced that they a re no longer-of vent much copse . quence, but a stroke of,the Breceitlet Will now sink erred-y - I**hr afloat. OM . etellecleratlon of their true stela:lElU now be recognized indlrapietid _by Avery 'a la the world ihtivasatiailtiral ad ledger 'be given to traltort. , ) It %armee as much' rho duty, Of an Zmalsli of ?much - ship M . sink & plTato flying the. iftntederete tog, AS 1f eke were'ttutatonln_g lite commerce ' or ;Bngbied or 'France. The "Stonewall" sea' probabirresaled the Weal Indies by this, time, where aluiwilliear of the collapse of :the kehellieWaird it "would be well It could" bear‘toe the ultimittuni alum Gov ernment; solemnly declaring that there le but One . puelshmentin store for pirates, and thatdeath without mercy.: , Ggir. PILLOW oiFItES TO TAKE TEE A.ll. =s r/ OATIC.—Brig. Gen.. Gideon 1 Pil• low; of Tennessee,is Sabi to have mutant ed perritission 'to be albswed to Tetum to his borne st,-Columbnt, and offers to take the amnesty oath and give bonds for his future good conduct Gen. Pillow has, or had, a largo plantation near Columbia, and was joint owner with hill sister, Mrs. Governor Aaron V. Brown, Jasanother still more ex tensive one near Melons, Artisans. Ho has lost over 700 slaves by the tallureor the re. hellion. . - TIM FALL Or . RICILVOiD /LIM . 7ing Erma. Lost.—The Lombard:- street capitalists initial'. feet to believe thatAlte rebel loan Is worth some. thing.- It was quoted at 11 iflerthe SOWS of ti t ° Mehl. from Itlehrooad Mailmen well 'digested. Bow lont vill'appearbti the London market; .even.at Ildallmtnyit. Would lie-dlfilenit to eon. jeettire, after, all the Imposture , of which the Mihail der hu se readily made him self the: team Ju bolaterlng.up the. Monied- Gosawson emuntooes:plantatlon 'of BOTO2; hundred acres, on Bull'a hdsad, South Carolina, woe sold at auction last Week at Port Royal., for $27,00, to llmon Cameron,' ' Badentin; Wade, and Janes . 'This ls the plantatkut 20 celebrated fDoolittle or,lts superior. grotrth. of Sa Island cotton—epoted of it having been spun in Wancluetec lido a, Aread flftpelz,mlits, A wax la rtilibdeiphis. 'ft,wediesuji wk.: distributed to ttie ., peoolet to the streeta Cps of align with Lbw walla prLotal on itteay. • Vat. - r dosi ,Itlik - Alxikun woota... • .. ~ , PVIIIINV NOTICES. aiLso. c0.1.--.4, - G *T E M Tr t baß AND Y ooaucrrrE al. a ftlit Stril'', l ttb d ?Welealley i t i ra ute COMBUTTEE ZOOM . 'Prompt attendance is desited.• as there will be bualswas of impel tante before the Board. - ylnd By order of the - OTAIRIIVCR; m RT.SECOND WAND (AJLLEGIFIENE) BOT.RITY_EIMIL,The_nom • • • • lioribivelfi saga fund earl have an opportunity of mumaining it at D. Illasferron's (My Treasurer's) office, and tornottne say errors lathe Itsterlatedi will remain to .aid °Moe for ten delta. etter,which tune it will be published for one week to - the ally TATTZT , BT 0r4M",.. ' s • • aPegatrd • • ••• • • - saam IrdEETILIO.• meeetriercr.urrios vozivairriox— ,The'loyal men of Allegheny sou aft, ann. prising the Union patty, are requested to assemble at the plates of holding elections is their Wards, BorouglikToweshipe sod Prectoets reepeotively, on SATUEDAhr r inno si, ISM. and elect &decides to E a re t se ea& district afereasJd in • UNION CU ?lON, to be held la 'the Court House In Nelms:o4 on..TUESDAIf. :Tone grin et tO o'clock for the purpose of noriloarial Union ticket. and trcUCottng such other busier= Al may t i. s . .Aro ki reriLb i ro t before . The e l e el all of fy 7.r-alds'end Bor. -ours pf four . nod. MIMI. o'clock ri:x., and ".in the Toinahlpi be. Defeo the Icounsi filar end ilk o'clock r -ri. 11l order of AM Union Ititscutive poonnittee,- A.. H. BROWN, Chairman. Atria Ilium*, D. USlenst., ;I, *Ai eadrnizhfrEs. IDOL. L.• B. BUVW WILL DB A eanaldsto for the °Moe of merriewr AT. TOMCAT, betontha Union OoofitY,Vithveattoo, which meets Aerie atoms. say2xiiw'rth t arCOUNTY COINNINNIONEII. THOMAS rratausoti, et Temporizes. MOO W ill be a amuLtlete, subject tads eatteloa of the Wales County Lemmatize. Wide arIDIRTIUCT Arms. ST.-41011V IL ALRILPATICION. la a eardidate for re.a6al - slim to 3ho ofaae fillHAtlet.Attorney. Wilmot to the action of the HeLoa ilopubileaa Downy CooreotWo whteh, will IR et t upool'oeaday. the oth day of hoe oezt.' Dela:data, ereotloo on Amor day afternroo, June 34. erAidedawF, I WILL BE A CANDIDATI, Fon. tho office. of nuirsicrr ATTORNEY, noblest to the DOMitulatall of the next Raton County Ccrientton. artil:to ALEX. WATSON. JrE fr .1 DrE IRTIS EJNEXTS. LECTURE.' wirt.ciar. mrcrmaats CERTRJLL, THUBSDAT AND SATURDAY IiVENINGS, Sr naCCT -'' FRENCH, triGLISII AND ANDEL !CAN BLUNDERS!' /Omission 50 cants. Clommeaca at 8. Ortter oar rlaava at 2 alf-pnet 131,2:11. 44,t'N DUIRS ON CONSIONM NNT. •.• ece bb e Prime Poach Blow Potatoes; 70 do White Ear... 6 do Extra Pickles; In do No. 1 Liars Largo Mackerel; 10 bni; bbl No. 2 Mickerel; 10 bbla Champagne eider; 00 do nod half bbas tinoalaz Tobacco, 10 In Lobrsdor Herring; Loxes W. R. (Mew; 2e,0c0 Floe Segal"; 10 boxes 801 l Butter; 2 bbi. Eye Flour; 10 bogs Buckwtett Flour; do Onto; 6 kegs &pole Butter; for isle by BEESLEY 6; VAN °ORDER, 1:273 No. 'lOl Liberty street BAILEY,' FARRELL a CO., No, 129 FOURTH STREET, PT1T51351/Gll, Pa., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, Gas Fitters and Steam Heaters, TheeMaio attest with Watee or au In the beet stylsion short notice. Oil lietteeriee etted with care a4el dispatch. TUBS OR CISTERNS Med •ith Sheet L.M. Peals. blast I. afar Orders respectfully solicited. all CINCINNATI LE &D Pin AND SHEET LEAD WOISKM. WCORDEICIE & GIBSON. No. .1.81 Elmore 2.41.13.tia. CIAVINWIT/, OHIO Psis t. order PIPES AHD HELMS of is 'tautend weight sad etas. Skeels _per sturrs foot, lbs., arid Itywardk Pipes, es fibre tack to 3 Inches. Mao, very 410 s keit. IIT PIPE or Hydra RAW sad for drabs • • Ws would especially ask tbs attontloa of Phan be sad Proprietors of 011 Vents amid HU Walls eihktakad NOTICR—BOOKB OF' 61111901111 k A. , TION TO THE CAPITAL STOOK of the KAT/IDEAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, •111 be opened at t he Rooms of the Resider Trade, in the Udy of Eittebsokb, on MONDAY., tbs Ind at May, at I a'AIDOk A. 11., and kept open ea re yuired by the act of tocorpotation. W. N. LYON. B.F. )(Acre W. E. NINNY, A. Mt ADLZY Oontudoloaers. J. H. finftEffEEEOFE, - J. IL.' JONES, sry I NCIEK H4313/LUGH. seminal McCORD s CO., Wltolatals Dealers to lists, Capa_and Straw Goode, RR re ofnow stone Ma latirost sad work ownpleto stook GOODS FORFALL SALES, Ever Offered in the wart. Mer 44 an requested to ova sad a+adas oar gni,. VS wIL ba sold at very low taros sot AVM) STRIPE EXCHATOI3•7II. 07 717277171.011,, Prrreetreau, A 011 fhb, XOTICE lIERBBY GIVEN 11( AC t wlth the Act of Assembly, rote. Ord . 4 11 e Att etch Wig the Books of thU 0001.1000- 7071 th to .60002 s• asersdaUom tar thepars: Rankles , under the Low. of the Vallee “ that the Stoekholdess of Um EXSBARQE ff mrsinnumt, at against ottotleg thU day, hare voted to favor of beeoselatt suelies Amoeba. Moo, tied that the *meet otthevwserrottoore Was two•thlAhl of the abareehee hese. fleitteed as rsoolthd byttt• law. of the fatted States. . lig4oio . attlitSAT; Chtehter; 44108.=The pgbllo pie tezeby notified .that so mash of th• ofuutaal cif tha Blom:wok? bele River ad rims" Detract thaiwoood and third piers, from the Railroad Itridiskuow setae erected -by the Pearurylvanla Itallroltd Modems over that River, below the Ong dew bathe troaktp of she* will be tutoessartly otrintetest puttlag up the stiperstrueture of the bridge, for. about eta weeks Deaths Mgr OP KAT, A. DANS. J. H. Linirgax., Zwitnear aptelentataw W. JOZDAN,,. rowna. JOITEI4I#i' so TER CO., Consintiostins 'Merchants, . %t t . , Hials MOM GRAIN RAY. GRASS s LARD , HUNTER soak augur Al. Luaus akazsr, raw burgh, _ • Itefeielleii4 Ket4st;,Pßtfbtattiy,LßG. Ira parr - • gps;Syd" .N lux tnuLtirchasers. or the 1 4 sitat i tergitriff era or ~' tb• tat Of Maw 00, at 10_&oloisk A'. it.; Um Meer of SPAIIIO,OW.I O ItWr 6004 Wil*' stmt. otty or emegtotexth • ortsAlso 4 elect. Titaldeat and Six biroctoti tp Iwo mem Eqe "tirt Monday of May. talit. . NATUAIII4I. 001.1161; • SOHN W. taumaiir, nada- JAmr.4l 0. LZWIS. CARRIAQICS AND PR'S. 4 1 Ilitm&ToEs. - BABY 'YTS, FANS; • VAUMELLKS. FANCY 00005, TOYS, - Wholeialt. and rata% at J. C. LAUER'S, Nn..101 Market At. BOA HMO. No. 175 SANDUSKY STREET. Tito too= eau be bad by the :BOARDERS FURNISHING THEN apinkimpd IVIfLLTN,ERY AND DRESS MAKING AND . STAMPING AND BRAIDING, ! DORE TO ORDER. Olfa.M. NOBLE, 00711111. of Blnglom sod Oforroneostratts. apokivrd ')n .BELB CHOKE BRANDS FAN- L , rily notrui - ; t,Coo bush 'Stets; - " • ' • ' 1,000 bush Ear Core; . • . : 4 eat; Baled Ilan I Pup Pasch Blow Potatotsls I wile Hotter. In clothe; . ~ et beweleoreen Appian . . . 1 14 1...„, #t" "d to' say ii . CO . • MIL,— elm It ' Peini St.. ....VA new binkibLi. , Qtkilitif lad EABIIVALS' . SUA.Piti.i-4 1 ' e.., ire been ones SAWYER'S HABEREis , SO for ovOr Are yaw s ... A ...... watio , bfel nos that It Is suspeilbi r io Soy ot%ar OW / ha reef neenlot Toilet tea Shawls," puttio44l4' JOHN S. CATLIN. Abetting Saloon. No. Ili c Uoc ed;' , U)eltturni 9itY• . - • ELIICL 44 JON -tit -Prisidetit,iult4 blialet' - blnotars 'of ,the LLZOIFIENT Oita OUIDA NT u m% kw; 'K Ltalr *Mee, will ONO ATOM, eV. 4148:ZAWS Ag.V•JORTISIA'aILo , Ltacia ersiuui ircteatbu _.IN .lEhrisav IBTO 1 / s kur ll deofirett ^traria of "PE j i GENT., pazhble oh or after TUESDAY, the eth tut. he united Suites tax Intl be uidAy the • 11.- - Nt: DIFIDIAT, viewer: 41 73 3i Dane • .Prreeetracr,/ vs , May Id te4s. 'HE — PRESIDENT - 104130214T0 have thl• day derlarettilhe regale, Dividend of Die Donk bele/L.I , OTE IP g aralr ea Da Capital Steck, out of the mete Of the last • aixasonthe, which will be patd•tothirSaeoltltoldese or their kcal repeeecatattveN oa or after the tint tot, free ot °overawe, tax. • „ areaditdattwr JOHN Hi/MEL 'Cashier. LINEN DAMASts.I3, [arm Neelrms; LINEN DOYLIES. ALL KINDS OF•LINEN poops. I ayS BATES t BELL, l' FlfthStreet. I WASHINGTON STRNST,—AII porsons .atereeted are aettdedtlat the unaendstked Therm, appointed te view, sad wen damages and banana for the apeman of W.Llthra Mast, youtth Waal, Allegamy, fraa Ncirt street to ratat-Laae, will *eel , Ql2 the yremtata, TWES. DAY, May la, D4O, at leM *Walk A. PL, to Dam the Cates of their appointment. JAMES RIOILIST. W lI,LIAN DILWORTH, S. M. HATMAN.. FAST COLORED PRINTS 11'01110 coati BLEAUttED mumirts FOB 112!4 CENTS ny: DATES & SELL, #1 Fifth Stnet. D IVIDEND: Oman Wwsrumr Ineettsicoa Co., f Pretwounu tc. Kay The Board of Inseams of his Co soy hare this day dechsred a dividend or FIVE BOLUSES upon each abase of the Capital stools. out of the named proem of the lest six months, free of Gov ernment and State Tares. TWO DOLLARS par share of which to be appließas a credit to Stock amounts, and TEBBE DOLLARS per snare to be paid in cash to ateeicholders on awl after the Bth last. WE. P. HERBERT, • myadwd Secretary. )RbM do SLACK, bate on lancet a lame assortment of 111 OWIN CF MACHINES, mr.cmerms .wca-ssolas. Straw Cullen, Scythes and Hay Rakes, No. 28 and 80 OHIO BTRFET, LL',EEIRENT. \- A LLTA BLE PRIV ATE LIBRARY' 11 Y t•ATA LOO Tr F_—SATURDAY ETENCriI, 11a, 4th, at 7.4 Otelack, will le sold by eatologle on woonc floor of Commercial Balm Rooms, lce bonitteeld otteeL opposite the Post Oilcodeattanew in rear of Room immentotely from Filth street, in addition to inside entrance from drat door Sales Rooms) the valuable Privet. Lilimry of a gentle man of Literary culture removing frosethe city, whtch me included ireict works on Theology, History, Tsang, defame., Belles Lorin& kc.,_auste as be ran old English Divines, SrillingileeL idril ory, works of UhillingWorth, 3 vole.; Viscelmum knot, a vole; Wettings Of Armildris, 3 v 01..; Borne , * Introduction to the Scriptures, 3 vole Library of the Christian Fathers; Meander's Lilo of Chrict; Andrews LarierEctillah Dictionary; Orates 41iden Time; sir Waits, Raleigh's Ristory of the World, 3 vols. Werke of John Haire, vela; Cobbett's Writing.. 2 volori Collection of English Epitome I ..in ; Hamilton and Rodin:m . 6 Federalist; Blot Manual of Colas of all Nations; Precedents in Milltaly Law; Montaiine's Zoos ye; Burton's Anstom y; tiListorr of Congress, ka. estairtited now ready lot dlstribotioil, and the .nooks on view all day Batartlay myl ideILWAINIL Auctioneer. • Best Oil Leases in the City, 11031133 WHOLESALE. AND•RETAIL, XYERS, WROTE:I * CO.. Pool Huiluta( ' 10 ►tim street IT P. CUSTOM HOUSE, Port op Porraminan, Suave/Lon Oraion, May tat, ISO Mollie Le hereby given that filt/LLED accompousiel hy prone? guano tots, &mon ist to mats to be furnished or appilestnn to this (Mire, will be received Mowed, moll 52 o4look. PG. nine, on the 4 - at Tuesday icrJuaa net this the L u ig l ike •r a t rtior ollrgarrnll4 near °ray.: enumerated la said forma. Thiquantitles stated are extiosted with rotenone to the usual number of piotrato In the hospital, but the Vatted Stang renames the right to take more or tau of sold suet slea anordlootly,os they May be actually requited. I. It the ordain 4Olversd sr the lionoptial ars not, theudgOrl4. of t i e Physician of On beat prat. ity, and adapted to the Hospital, toe will be at lib nip to reject thesame. to. pontoon other attain to their stead, end to charts the contractor with sei eons to the cost Donne contrast prim. lie Vetted Suttee reserves the right to anept the n d. Gs atant, for whole or any portion of the arUens ignite . UtIARLI:I3 10. BANIU.EGIL. mlimalorld Nurveyar and vat Tun ASSASSINATION. LESLIE'S 'NEWS, for this week conteine portraits of the late PRESIDENT LINCOLN, PRESIDENT JOHNSON, • Mt. SECRETARY SEWARD; Mr. FREDERICK SEWARD, complete and accurate scrim of illastratiotie or ill the places, scenes Andincideatn connected with The Murder of President ,Lincoln, AND THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF SECRETARY SWARD, Aloe view of the roam and ceremonies to the White House In Washington and the principal • Otter of the country. Aka lIARPtIt'S WEEKLY, :ma F. Orr' 13. s;ef FIFTH HT, uesortio HALL. S . B. BRYAN, 11101E11 IN STEICU, BONDS & MIL ISTITE, WILL BST SAD SELL sroora Herecand In New York or Philadelphia Without rattan dutisit We MO unacriaa co)11:4185Idlia. EZ=== Prrreinttai axne B -0. Stooks the market' TRIM of 'Ptah • 10 la or under, al per sent.; 0000 Cartra P tO W Erti l a At r n s triali ost 9" raft i P a sh 'SIM 0011000ki IN/4ft MVO so orer, osurfolualrog 9' ; Gli n * rains of.lo Is $9 oe 110414 Fril colas per shar e ;. mar tbst L ona& PHILADELPHIA EATPIEL- 1 4114 and 19 0601 011ie Hours i 8 a. al: to', 8 o'cieek p. m. Ito; 59 IVII/ITH STRUM api SECOND lATIONAL BAND OF ALLEGHENY wee. a Eltaxtioaci.ti, dia6illith7, ?ENNA Preeteent—JOHN BROWN_, Si. Irlce Prerieest—NlONOLAS VODITLY, .11. Directors: Jona VOZOTLY, /1., 1 WILLIAX IhnEZR, JACOB Karr, Loess LOCICHAUT Huns e oNaIL, A. anornitima. L. Unnerves, t Thu Dank Ls now fully organised Lod prepared to transact all brevet:tea of the Banking bantam's. Particular attention pals to the nate of U. S. Honda sod fiecurltlew, Subseriptions to the 7 240 boon. old aiut new issetsrealved Sands dells. end pa melee of aubearlptloes. interset on lame 11404 on Junelelai payable Lb that ego la allvaneo. 7.. N. DAVIDSON , spUllint 1 1- 118 DALTON relinT AND ritercurscrrtmum 'KNITTING MACHINE, Tre 0111Wiellt Ind 14011 t effeethe Matting Maohtee semi Iseeeted: Instructions free. Cell 'and pee he hi operation, °resod for ditrtglieji lad ante ' .thiltftin3ol. • ' astissalr actistcr, nirra • • • • 111 # 8141 .' ; • r64041ik wrzsr dD rznivis=tiu4xi,s. (NW* I = ri cciirinsalat y eacimaFriatical , U. April It• Asm are invited now WEDNES DAY, May ad, at 17 o'clock M., for Watching thcF.Subaletence Department with . OF vr.otf{. - . The proposalswill be for what is lasOWn - st Mr? NO L 1 and 3, andbldi will anted/kb,- ed toy quaauty less than the whole. ...-Dida-scacW.ba-to-dupitease, and for each geode on separate sheets of paper. TW rielbrery.ot. the Flour to commence five - days from the opening of the bidaVand must be delivered In such quanUMet,..dally, as the Gov emment may directielther at the Government ware honsetz. "-Iraq-Mown, at the when ar railroad depot L - Worthington, D. G. , •• „- • • The delivery of all Flour awarded to be complet ed-within twenty days from the soceptanee of the bid. Bide will be remised hir Fleur to bo'deliveced In sew oak barrels, head lined. Pettnent will be made 1041141 funds as the Gov erment may hero toe disbursement. The mod Alarernthesit Impaction will Se nude just before the Flour le received, end none will be secepted which le not fresh VOUlid, and of a soya rioresudityi •• - • • • , , . An oath of allegiance must acceicepany the bid of each bidder who hew not the oath on idle in this. office, end no 1,14 will -be entertatned.from parties who bevel- previemely fatied - te 'comply with their bids, or from bidden not prima to respond. Government swarm the right to reject any bid few my ostlee. .• 3 . 3 • Bids to bo addremed tr the undersigned, et No. erd G street, endorsed "Prepouls (or Flout." castled ; ,S. D. SIEBEN, tlapt. 0. 13. v. ' .8. - 761-RSHAL'S.BALE OF wrz AM %- TT • BOLT "GOTTACI No. R..: District Court of the 'lliad states for the Dis trict ol West, Virginia,S rinisTerm, FM, at Wheel ies. . Edwin O. Pedee. • 1 vi., , .. , ~ ; 11. In Admiralty. Stemboat . "Uottege NO " In obedience to a deer • Mei mild Oicert, pro nounced end rotate!. on 11th day a Apri,y test, In the above entitled e=N.' shell sell at Pabile Auditors on WEDNESDAY TIM tarn DAY OF MAY, 18114, commandos lii o'clock a. w., at the Public" Leading. to tha /It of Wheeling, the Steen. boat "COI TAGE No. 2, her ensines,taskimput It jit and funtliore, as she limed !kapott Of Wheel ing. Mlle . RALi IK : Cloe-helf the punka money in east. the re minder In two equal ttallments, psyalolii three and six month/ afterdst with Lir/nest from data; the purcham liming bon ds with good personal se. aunty, to be apyroyed by me, for said delembl In stallments. EDWARD Mt. NORTON, apitiLit V. S. Marshal. .. . 0 1 / 1 , 1011. A.LGIOMINT 00., PA., Piggentruou, Apr 11414,1864. L PURSUANCE A. THE 21st 85C . TiOlt of an Ast relating to dilsgheny county, passed-klay gist, 1861,1 L David Aiken, Ir., Ties. uret of said county, hereby give not* that I will posoosally or by deputy attend for the purpose of PECNIV log taxes In the asuerel Wards Boroughs, Townships and POOCiIICIO of salo county, at the place of holding general okettons thereto respect ively, on the following days, kern 1e o'clock A. until I o'cicck r, Y., tO Wit : Filet Ward, Pittsburgh; FLsc Ward, ii`egheni; Feat Birmingham, Shari.aura and Elizabeth bor. Gimbel Elizabeth. Neville, South Fayette, •Inow. deu, Penn, Mamball, ROI. and Fawn Townships, ON MONDAY, MAV 22d Second Ward, Pittaburgh; Second Ward, Al ahrny; South Pgtsburgh, West Elisabeth sad Du queen* .I.loroughd; Cres..ent, Upper St. (lisle ' Franklin, AUG% ailing, Plum and liareson Townshis, ON TUr.RDAY,MAY 2.14 Third Wsni, Pittsburgh; First Precinct :Third Ward, Alirgheng; Monongahela and Tarsuatum &drought; Noon, :teat, Lower St. Olsir, Jefferson, Patton, Sewireiriey, Pins and Reserve Townships, UN WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th. Fourth Ward, Pittsburgh; Sixth Ward, Pitts burgh; Second_P_recinat, Third Ward, Allegheny; West Pittsburgh, Sewickley and Manchester Bor oughs; Fludley, Union, Versailles, Mtllllo , Wit kiask, Richland &MEW Deer Township., ON THURSDAY, MAY 480. • FDA Preehist, Fifth Ward, Ptttsburgh; Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh; Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh; First Precinct, Pout Lb Wartkitiley,beny; first Precinct, Dlrminnghhem• Vint, Ward, Lawrenceville, sad McKeesport Botsught; North Fayette, Chartlers Liberty. Veiling, Ohio, Hampton and West Deer _oiltnahipa • ON FRIDAY, MAY SOth, Second Precinct, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh; Eighth Ward, Pittsburgh; Tenth Ward, Pittsburgh{ Sec ond Precitutt, Fourth Ward, Allegheny; Second Precinct, Rimlngham; &wand Ward, Lawrenee yUle and Temperaneerilla Bore nem Robinson, put, Peebles, McClure, Mulder and Winne Tom!, atom ON SATURDAY, MAY 2"th. Taman be paid at the Tgeesurei's °Moe, within three months from the dote Seal La the foF armeta subjeets to FIVE PIM OVlT7ird- COUNT, 10e prompt payment to any person pay ing the whoW amount of their taxes. ■Ntamltt AVOID THE DUST AND SMOKE. nhowsrs inutic WRA?II STRIP'S Iff'indoto Runde, Thews ta.elusble grips lo summer totally ex. elude duel...sole* and odor from door. and woulows. tore your carpets and household goods from noise oat annoyance o( *fagot...or boil, and rat. tlieg when. The above ettipa will be 6mpletely fitted on by WHMS a AIIEXANDER, No. 1/0 and 171 Leo. anek geed, Allegheny elty. lbe ebore Era laving the exclusive - NOLL to Allegheny Openly. • BOY/nod - NV It ITIS BOMBERS AND CONTRACTORS, Raving Lately Removed TO 169 and 171 LE&COCK STREET, '8111.0632.40rkar Cary, they me reedy to furnish all their costomers sod public) itetterolly with rLotntitto BUARDS, omit!, DOOMS, .PRAmES, VENITI&N mid PANEL 8H y, MOULDINGS acti OIL TANKS made Io otan. add ctoultAttltrOn head. Sorblt as 4 aracketallolaked complete. aptoSmd HOUSE SURNISIUNG 00‘,D& GEO. W. ROBLEY, Cs FEDERAL STREET,ALLEGREPiIe, la now prepared to offer to his customers and the points scuerally the most templet, assortment of everything comprised in the line of House Furnishing Gooda, which hat ever bean offered in tale city. In addition to his reputation am a manufacturer oL 'and dealer* In TIIN, COPPER AND SHEET BIOS WRWATER E, BETITABLIA WARE, - BEYER& ERATOR A S, COOLERS, BIRD(MMES, etc., ato, ha bus just returned Irma Uss Eastern oltiis, with a toll Lane of - WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,. TABLE AND W .DO L O B I lIMSES L IBE L S' ANDI.IP3II IRe, OHILDII2 , S OARS, V TEA AS aurrEE SkfTS (-warm BOOM a TOILET SETTS, tt TABLE CUTLERY, .... A. Witt la calms Mist/,0 1 articles, composing all In Om house Rtrniabinis lino, watch cannot 6e toad Silanwhena Ha deltas the attention of the public, end will be pleased to ahoy Ids goods. GEO. W. SUBLET, spii4aad lB PEDERAT:. ffr., ALLEGHENT. T I3IITED I'A.RTNICRBI4I7..;—We, the la subscribe* hare this day entered Into - a Inn. tied pertnerthip sirmably to Ihelkst of desmobie of the Oemaienwesith"orennasylvenle, M uted Marsh 11, MS, Nada , honeirreectilye - • LI hat • the name cad et he tithurteish math ,Psrthershir is to ee d,, Is .“Flill,llP WEISENSWIES.” - • ,11..Thit'theiromerat native' - of th e Witham to. tended to bel-trienals the bushmaster Hanley .oarbos or :dextral UL umu totaui promisee situ. ,Pth On :la Allesheme Weer tr Ai lt r i township, Al. Vitt sillioter. sad maw 01 grantee., , rat Owitsewilleetthere Sr. BILK was.. ; FYI ERGER, whisked/we of maiden" le Labor. ous Lasironceedile, AllefdlenY 'theorti. inwi* VA- , nrif ..FrerMalivania • and wauxa. ' whore _oleos of residence Is lb. .oororigh, whiny and HMIs athiessid land the Howled runners * , NIUILUL/%8 3. 111014.ZT, Whose Jetthe of rest dende 1 Lower. St, else, townshipan the .17 1 14 and State -stemmata, and .lAMIFS •O'OON whale. place wade= te • the Four th Want, . the City of ii1t44014 in the eutnif. sad State aforesaid: 4. That the imibut at aitpltel whichwhtchoathepeafel nattier has contributed to theadramoo etoth is as follow*. visa said, tellibcdas J. List y, has contrib. Mid Ten Thousaad - Ddlare In coon. and sat4threas vu onnor. ** sonthibuka Tem Thouithe Sob 0. That the period at whlati aald Putneteldp u to commute la the FIRST DAY fit AMU D. 1865, and the period at which fetolleenttnete Ir the 11.1,11ST.DAY OF.JABOART, , A. D. tete, West eald Patthetilllo *hall be some teemetaated by tea Jab i notice Itt.tiriting of his alettlon to dha toles said De Mlnttblo, which each of add pert nen shall have the right to give Me et...partnere whereupon, and' after public pollee of each them. lotion shalt batro'been Bled and recorded and pub; Ilahod. In accordance with the pro ot the.. fah: section of the Art of .Auentbly March fat • 3 7 . 41 8 l a l l llrra l talatit . r, d1"4"4 ?•,, .JOHN . • , canners. LAI adiridrDl,NEl4 Dpeea Partner. april 1 • TN TUE MATTER - 1 .a. o f the application of • the omen Cabello St. ,„, ~. Mk eels iletiencLitliko ...... 0 rune term . clot? of Blnoisighant... • , Ati cc livir courar to • Moline le hereby earn in plininance of an onter . , of sold Court of.Uoutmois Pleas of Bald cohnty, ' nude thliellad .day of April /la D. 1844, that appal oathineoui been made toaaut Clout ,tor au . Aliertitiiitc.:.aid . Amendineni of tkcbarter of the iyheiti CorporattOnt init tub ba erii o m a good repeal to the contrary la shown, the Drat Will be pitted at the nest term or told (loot, , •.. • 4. —*JACOB H.:WALTER* ' ' apre :Peg Prothonotary: , •• --' OINKS 0.41.1114111 !Inuit aid it, witite Ate • ki tram irgoik` mkt Mid •Eglainity as ~eimY" arairigi . 1 • - wrripr - opPEJRTISJE.VEXTII. UNIT I taw _ . 7-30 LOAN. Cif authority of tie Secretary of the Tnaisury, the eeeeleieee d be e eileme4 the .Senkl__so. anipa,ir „jimmy for. Um sale of Mated Illtopio Treason' ifoitit, beams' tetra oat:three tiatlio per ma. Writ" per aitutuuduirini as the Seven-Thiity Loan, SUP Notes *a. limed under date .01 Jaffe URA tea, t. an pada, threw rears frOm that m Nei. *mien st ti. optlas holder Late IL ft. IRO EU Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, These bends as worth • prod= width hi erases the actual rent es Ms tie Remy sad Its warkes 'rya Stet. sad wontefrato butshesookiell seer raw ea to three per mt. were. strosuits N tyLS ate bested on stem Revert,. The Murat ie .pylbls oriaktioatullY by awes ettsshed ask moat wttrasli lay be at off sad 1014 to say beaker balsa The Mena meats to One sent per day ass $59 note. Two ants " " " • 4100 " Taa 641 - a u 41 $5OO • 20 " Gm fa II 21000 " $5OOO " Notes of all the desondnattans named mill be promptly furnished upon receipt of eubserlptlons. him is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and It. Yu cond. Gently expected thet Its se.pertor advantages will =We It the Great Popular Loan of the People! Ls. than mOnAOO,OOO of the Loan authorized by the last Gongress remain In the market. This mama I at the rata at whlsh It Is being absorbed, will all be subsadbed for Within four months when the nodes wflt undoubtedly command a urea:Mu:a, aa has uniformly been theme on aloalmy c the subanliMions to other Loan. In order that the shines ot every town and wen ion ot ths tionntry may be afforded Whittles I Gar Wang the loan. the National Bank., State Beaks. and Private Nankai throughout tha emus. try have generail agreed to receive attbscrlpttons at par. Bubsarthers will wawa that! owe agents, la atom they have winficlatath sal who only ate to be reapondble for the delivery ot the notes fo Width they resolve orders. JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, Philadelphia, Subscriptlerui will be reieived by tie PIN !sites last, PtltsbinTh Otwolll w. • Punk • • Mai% " PlO4 lissafts Mama wr. fttsieftli, ft rigid•Pili Wawa DU PrOtenacww• • Ira oar •" •41 Mamma •• farmer% Devout " • Iceboats • -at • allwelway Moist' " tact imam • • wr ILWegkeas. Wwwiewl•wl. rum/ NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTIIBURCH, U. S. onnafflarr Britisrraat Parmesans, April, leak Quarterly report of this Rank published la • sae tensity wAtAt the Alt of Om:green establishing ria• ttonal Henke. Capital Stook • 1010311.80 CtrouLitton 100.•011.0 Doe Depositor' Dividends unpabl (1f payable on de .l4) • - • leas will Nat e Liinwoontarail- Aialtlonal Contingent gund7ree7rr — ek. 5 '. 671118 ' by special Revolution at Board ot Fri and ia,scua • ASS eny311.16 IST& ..aans and Maw .6 163,866.11 Due by Bemis anilankers.--- 209.181.74 Itte b rot a lSl l l=Vs a illlo l t= S l am Is Remitters:ol nom !Maks In transikesill 99 , 619.91 O. S. Legal Tammy ',MBank Notes.... 104, 4 711.110 Draft modAMU/ W. S.'Neesstry . • U.S. IMO Gold*WEN U. B. 1040 0054801ds ...... Prrresszez, April 3419 n OTT OR Pl7ll=lllllll, (301117 T OP A.LL'T j rA, tiTeVa os PNXISTLVAITA. flj . Personelry appeared berms,lei a Neter Publio duly eoeuelideaed and mom :Allen Dunn ,ft Crib. ter • of the Routh National. Beni- of Pittablugb who, bung duly swum, deposes and etatatke above Iltatesient b eormt. sad ,true, Co lb* beet of Ate ka?ltledde !Mist. ALLEIIKMUNN, I &Worn and aubseziatd beloea mm the day and data' Motu wrlttes. S. BRYAN NOTARY ?MM. , i3ClrlvTurlC .AKERIOAN , THEE SPEAKS Ur THE WheelerarWilson Sewing Machine, Wbtch ihould be constdered by those who deelse to purchase the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACNEIL We are hating ► peat many inottlehm tot EieW- Mg Neckline' trom rations parte of the country, end pia we cannot conveniently tepty to them all by mail, we hare thought It preper to state our opin ion In regent to them in ILls puling manner. We have and Wilson's patent, manuhtetneed by the Wheeler & Wilson Mantifectudag Comp►nyiaol we can say In regent to it, thin it is Ethel pivot. It to simple, not put 'ant orordor, =Nth point of effeetticcumo sad Aldan, no *tail Lachine stands amid Of It. W. Asti ell numb In regard to tie exeellent notelibco upon ont Ownl responaibility. TN' Company km, made aad oa. daring the last three anattaa 1A415 xaohaaao, sad are now peahen;, mud !Wan( Aso per day nal •a l 7l* seal taxa all to aldlktha madam Weed' ones mil pLakbaahupai thus la over 1 . 00 14 1 001.0. varted, and MIT kap tesomastramibudy agagovat. atisinfaatarlag rasa/dna& The Matra Domed 6 Out pans a. lhat aaoPtea taa 'Sr allarf Oa* 1 11 UM. 1 10 _ 4 4 141 0.1 int aims quiatly tha was at any- ataablas aurae trans. 'woad slut than at nether /*Mile !VAN' sum Ws) or adultan sadden% 664, the btOlieo part 44* aPa/air r t i. -4 . 1 ....*74 1 : a n ii414, 4 94. „ , • ildiel : lort /kir , klith Pittaxizet. .t.r) 11444LEAUP 8TA.1713 ; 7-30 • 1-.-- 1:16 a, tr.__. Imo Linettek area i! TN4 Sind and Tice& 1114 VISUAL AG M ENT OF VHE ITNITED EM vut SPECGAL AGENT a /al Osaka, U. O. Arm for the galls of the Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF TIE 1110114 Only Loan in tUe Market CONVERTIBLE INTO 1/. 6-SO SIX P.M fIEXT GIOIA BEUUMG .:,.wed i. dogayes. /a -Liberal J. B. L;vizrcmpals. Cadttes mobaltt GERMAN NATIONAL BA N K, Of Pittsburgh, COR. RCKTE AND WOOD STREWS. 4111411181113 UOTELER, President. SPIiaNGEIC HAELBAVGR, Vies Presicista. GEORGE A. WRIT, °satin. ERM;ia;ME;;= nEEiSi=M;MMI As SPEOLU. AGENT of Joy • Cook., esbeerip• Ilona will be reeelved for the Po -- 04ar 7-80 Loan, This loan Is now being absorbed se the rate 8,000.000 iffier hay. and Meg convertible IntO live-twentybends which annirt &preadult of 'over ARM_ PER CENT. I node itself ROM seperihr &dean. cage■ to o seek s este and scintillas West. neat. Liberal •oettalseteas Oa this loan Will le .flowed to all dealers to Govertuaent seeatitlee, OEO. it. ENDLY,-Oadiet. frtio PAM= NATIOXAX. Prrrserzeu, February NOTICE. 11.1Y1N6 BEER ASIPOINTED Special Agent JAY COOKE. U. S. Agent for the 740 Loan, We efts tale deeirable tamtmettt It tams to nit parstuurri. The notes an la sums ot $6O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. MID AU Tranferrable Aug. 1516, 1847, 10r . ‘13-1:w rarr Y GOLD BOND Awr ra4LiEs, ribose dutiable oeotuitfes U. oellloo of the sato of 64,000.000 Pr,R DAY, AIM Iff ♦ YERT SHORT 1131:11 Iffrin be at a P'resisiusis. a-r. likteks, Banker% Brokats, Trutt Mao packs, lawataogo oowpaates, sad all who paw down to Nal opts. L tommitsioa Will be hid ia~ au It Is hoped weary ta b u loved thlshighl desirable, sate sad p 'entity. ' /ABU O . O6WHOR, President. m&ti ALLEN DIJNN. Cashier. ea II N TRY BANKS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK II : Goverammt DepcomarA retitUar7 /Ms Uft. milk taritce iheet COUNTRY lellEtti /IMi.OMELS Ikeda azi Furorable Funl44 BO= MI lII:GLUM ummarr oar a'sr.Axeis' Furnishing U. - 8. 7-80'2 Lucca olimirtort, Amax own". Visabler. SPECIAL NOTICE. FOURTH NATIONAL, BAH, v. S. Gorerisr,etit perefigarly; PITTBBURGU, rebertary Rid, . Et& This Bank Is sutliorbsoltS mein sumn, PETABLII AT 10 Dill NOTICE, (After; 80 Days.) Bearing 6 Per Cent. interest, AND moult smut= wrnt HON; IP. E. liPTZUniara (w. s. ntuesitani) IMMICATIC 'lllll 1:1113it. na l Amid that MI NNW AND DE R.& arrangennont wID swot witit the favor of Ms Wirt anasanalt sad on savannas, ol obtaining nix .gor Own. oa aionogoslnbio'as 'boys, soft. Ansi timing ibtagaial WlAbs Pat 41 2.1 01 1 1 , 11 4"riallatk IMILEB*OI I .O4OII, ftsident • - maw Otiiidarif vim woos's. LUCKW OOD'B Cloth Lined and all Paper Collars. LLTOS. -at Wag. 17 fib 19 31•11.fth 1111t.4--' BOLE . / . I.OISIXT9 FAR LOCEWOOD'S WiLIMILMID Patent Cloth Lined and all Pigeorrciptak The wades meets en hind eiebriwit wrntioriott.:' went of ail . • • r • • ,yrrz -• ; r The twute will be repotted In sof icomkßor'atr • L LOCKWOOD% PRWE By &los their Or let. to no, pun:boom willwe Book Relpland Ousts. , - • • iidt : All 01111111 promptly abtf odoi Co. r uliU P°/14•Nti S. M. BUB CLOSIXO Orr Colored Striped Peptise FANCY SELZ& Plain 13lackWig. WHITE ERILLLANTES WRITE P. COLORED P. IC's. . n, N. B. Dinar Fur* and INiuket Ni.l .1,25 NEW GOODS, JUST ARRIVED, MW TO BE BOLD '6t PANIC PRICES! . . . Good Orator .No foe Loaf's at iggs per. s tet' Hem-stltolied Linen Eaaket chiefs, 26 °ante 17 eneb Methinks eines, et 15 perpsfri 1 it. Alexander's KW Glorevoll Per VOL.. - - • - i We bare Klee a splendid stook of •• ' ; , ' - i WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. Guipure and Valentin Leeety Spam' 13 telaßonttet I:Unbolts; lah Dam Ttimmings and Otnateitetet Spring end Summar Haslaw "pi TOM: 4 Of Fancy Goods, liotiou, Bittas;-L-.1 we have &deadly the largest and best aasoebnent in the atty. Also. the , . z . Novelties of the iiMMI; • • • Ma itlde Flatting and iluildea,Vate , tah• dies Silk Scarfs, the Queen Elizabeth Oolla Vi saw sta is of nowt/lam eta. eta. • 'full ttair GENTLEMEN'S PURE wane GOO= vales spins kali us u• IFTffieretsals sad Rotailets will eseLe very WWI usqgtatiPtits sad . Prices tionpeliiiipay IL , MDR, JOEL HORNS t CO.. as►nsss nr STRAW , ANDMILLIEM QOM; Ribbons aiidlloisait ealki;runieriaaTthiarisc Embroldief" Lade Gobi% Ilaalkitiedelk - Putar' Goodo, Damnl Skitta. niahlnit Goods, — Deed Gimpsl. - Auld Ponta& SW/Mr Ala Glas, Iteineiitlsta, t/ 084 01 / basil W. Ae% 4M14/4041 1, T, lltst mastatiaintell • ' • ASTI" SPRIAG 114001DX which will be haul nausiotally attrialtriV Haviair tom parehmed is LOW GOLD WWI • , wa mone smut. INDEONIIXOTB .TS BIY4EE.B. Oar M. . iptLeZi • 3:fOrpabrta:MOax,s will at all tined Da fo - tutt/ asIPP I 4!Id.' Wir opiteit a call trona Nerchints,ll4l4dmkfto4s, and tiii,4161(4: befog confident Mit' vs em suit SD: . . 3081011 n '.; *gad To KARIM tratir, T HAVE - JUST ARRIVED•PROM THE , . ' .... EAST with a carefully_sellated asaertaawk or: FANCY AND STAPLE. 000113, amour width: .. wilt beloved, • fine Una of Hosiery in cotton sad . • lisle. Gloves, Bibbons..llowent, Crapes, Searfe, , . Collars, and all - the mew styles, itieludind Rabbet . Collars, to which i particular. y met the attention - , • of tbe Wise Llfrulaine Demoseethr Diesex ii rear: Hoop Skirts. Laos ant Linen Handkarekte AA ~, ktads of Cuffs, neerSwinsSele,LaSS OaPa. Barba and Coiffeurs - , Brnkfast 'Cape; Mewl' :' Shawls, 'Wain, Arlaw,) Lae* lo , Crotelatk. Lineni'f unrp Ootton, Thread Valenciennes and PotatA one, Wide Linen L ice for Pillow V Bs 7,- of al kiadallatlinVsltolaw,of all k saw ~.. , Bhuketa for infants; LadnieLitdny.forivta's .. Magee Blasi Ckhil&Aip Stall " 149 fr s =, . Seta, Debts'. lsom., and Tussah? Ballow; la several new etyleal Malys La Jet,,StM Straw and Obryatal Chenille ; /lanai, Silk .Clurstal Rim" Straw iiaillUATlllailitl Blif.;:i 1 tufa!! in 'Lace, Applique. Jet, 911 k, Go Loaf .and Pearl, Fans Combs, Chrldid Deo" Pofica. aids an/ Foils, and a .vutety •1 other. goods, 1,9 . WIWI I Would eall the attenUan of my Mad Cristo. -..,,.: Lau""Aembr n MA;iiii.;41,4.4.:-. : IpirALVBI3IOILTAN . .114111' -LA- will Wow eke falling•lt kakis AM 'civertatotis :,1111PALLISLIS HALVE 011INIUM) laciaß °Whist, n - Dr Hoonautum elawssAumas,: w yg il=f, . 7 ; 114 0.. it • .-"su" C '"Wgrati ft : isaeIePALMER%OB ^ - .ku.aNN e See Imiewookesi , ofbi .1 IVOI4I.OIII4_CaI sad measly ip me . Iftiair;ineigheato. Rsummu..roa-Tho lecipt %scats:: will* this woadedul • '-'• Lae lainstizt.e beitnid &Juba list It Is Ma artiste that will molars GkLT OB FADIISID NAM to Ita,orldltud color, and owed Ital: frost bdusie eta r sad sass /Wapitis daslo•Ill *lean and beidthy soadiuog,..ted.• paid,/ vegeta- Ids sac mu ha used with conWasse orStitnees. litiajliA o 4oo7 l *l sold . earner avatilibil sat 40 vat . • • H. p.ENGEII.I3II,E, and GErn 3 RAL..naivairi*e, 4) ivior. MP , 'PATENT Ao.uNay. No. is ST. CLAM NT., mar Szypendon e n act. Zossldm edgetava, ilows for Otalat Menet saseamory getlicraNT. • Pius Ind irtmelleatioto tor lisauladation, Benzenes 'lnd Aentdtactozal IZ: t w i t= el Geological &Irma eanztußir * No.. MUT stmt. • • • • • ••' j Fit3yßE TOti/411f2dBRELLA— }'OWE 8 PinZirt43lllloB7 . z&A r tOOX ' -"TAW - • Prig i t'lM4Enttaital • ••• i 1 4101131 1 P 1 1 • A M •Ithl B tw a e t i g . in • .17"15c1 7" 15c CA em e 8 V IY81.8; v =erre '4B 4 ,,- 1,414—"°tur."44 -tiorse utiiiitOnciatikayteg imam.- • iialirizissisorr:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers