itte fithiburgit Cut*. WEDMMSD. ATL MAT A 1865. gooa, mcrasß s-00., ~~ , _.. . Is. 7111 1 44;64b - Pist•buralu s aw. nettled Vita FUNDS 4 4 4 - .• Oal lealassam s ilaaal arta Ma V 1 061 Jiar NW W a a.k. 1 0.. 13 : 41 . 4 i 4 tzenMl4 pet. do , a. • ! te ll agMi ty o er N lSla ladaitidaasa awl 13ELE - ON COMMISSION Phlladalpbta, sad Plttabarek alr Wadi Connonaat Securitlas, WPM. • Gold ba, , tali samasi cominuAL 111111:11I illP_ AID BAKILILIP HOARD zotiftitlemeort soetet,lrezekalteg OW - —,, - , , , _ . raver 1147 S. 1/1111. . eitiegaily Climair Os - _.11.40 - , AlieoaaptiliziPs. sidieir«......- iftesettsvilleboadi a - . 100 ....., Zia. Qs * . ' . • lip ' -•-• • =Ormillipt o t ome r. 2,... i . ..... Mr , Vtr o IL Illeauths..., - ;:::.....:-11,110 '--- -- r i M b i4 Many Rua & /—atl,o.-6-7- . =-.—...4 1:--1--. • - 4 es ruemsasec; IPPese—.l. ..- — : --- uel = -'?,a:.'al7VWet9k.....-.=: j*, MAD ....... *.........:. = 1.411 .......- 1,00 . . The lS r aatata geld ataek et opead . waakat 441,but - indeed* laspeorred towards aftetatme, closing at 1,11,W Minuet rates eurithathig between. l,O 044 1,10. Coupons for Mora and Mayotte per elliresitier.' Goverment Dds inner. ' Fire .- . twenties (ex lat.) quoted M evi Totdcit 1,01gk... , . Wits/ fa this market slant Sipar cent lower. - ...Ilse dispoultien lb micuritles Manifests itsettlaeh poling goal at the Morning and .• liming hoard, though Urnitter not to the Wean.' tegaist Offriii Om - Soles Made fiuit prenlagand . - --, NAME thedayi We generally beenat ar sacrifice fetiln.llll,loas rate,. - -.The' report mentioned yes. heetty In nigird to the Erteksbure Compeer, was today emigrated bye - private lettectewn 'us, dolly endorsing the goal-news, hereto - hire nus.. .11 statement of thee:mat condition and future peimperts of the Tarr, Story a Cherry Rua Oil Oompany. ha beeriplgublished In pamphlet form • - sad Ii tow in the tangs of the direetors for dist*. butimilunoag the: stockholders. : r , The o.llClty la rittsbuingh 011 Company announ. ore sinantlay dividend of °never cent: The following Stock salsa were made on Taesday evening, Nip Id, at the Commermal Sales Rooms, / 64 Sedthneld street, by A. ..McElwain', Auctioneer: Thad Nationatllauk of FLltaburgh—e 110 00 - - _ermine ha11way......„.....-. 1911 60 The transtetions at the Stock 130arti this imsoing were fully up to those of Mood availing:as was also the attrindanoit.filit . prices still rule eery low, alfhoughlha majpriti of the operatOrs are of the . I. *pinion „that the bottom. has been teethed. The . asks lireniter follow: •,' • leo ,Oentrel May 0..:... • SO euo do do ' 10 me elberry Rim at mood 300 06, Cherry Run k Fla H01e—...-.--- at err Metehards-ixt lote-,...-. 4o Rai lutolue .........,._ • .. 200,Mer WeUe-.. ~. .. , . --.....-..... so =lO4 story 6. Cke1ti . .R9a.................4.... • TS tOO 40 .do do do ........ - T 3 . 100 ,En10it'Lubrit............:--..........,........ 50 ThWitlitilitellnd bid, Aka as Mawr - • AlitgbeiTiarl ....c. .t....-. ,-.- 9a) ' 26 10 Blood Farm at Ohio ' = . 1 1 le - Cherry Etta tlestreu. .196:_ __-1 so (Merry dun & Plttsbursh__,..; ---• • las Columbia.. :...—.— 49 Olt 5e r e Duck i)reekaa • Duck cheek faiiey,'.....-.:.... -- : --,- 100 , Eldotado - - • ....,--.............. ...- -er Pedegat......_:.......4.......•- 1 to 1 05 Fterßohn la 8100 d.—.--. -..- 225 es „W e t s tal ,.,.._ -.....--.. .. .. l e 3 1 Natlonel Oil elk; of Mdledelphia • --- "00 • Ott ylilakrurgb Oil Cr Wrerryitun...:....... - kill .4NI s 46, .Pattlar....." : -....-....-............... 2 AS- . Pitta ilamisit & New , Tort • 16 . mo Paastausti a Phil* i 60 t ur -- - thaem.... , ...01....-.. -...--... sU FI/..00..... ....... .-9 90 sin Mar r/06- . .... - - . - *-- ... 19 00 .--.1,, 2' .441rThattaleum, othiew York,. •,,: U•M I 61 Weill= Penosslvazda.--, .... .7 - 13 qor ' The,Ampott7 Morin aE:Sew - rodiaciL•theyaat: weekftegliming the dry grouts return amount is "Awe." .gainst the total entries or •-•771,233 Bsultleordt 41 1 09 , 114'., , The export dee:sr:cm of ' _. *Woe ItePsedncei: amount t0.42,1M14943, .agairut 111Milen1ersente: Meek -last. gnat ' The airport of omit amounta49 istmot,:itiftlast:4l,2lX•oo same vie r t aV e f l 7, - . 1.230 .C. lei th e wee s are 41t, ..The 'ticSiete Of.. cotton, coastwise and • • by rogread, arel,ol2 bales- - - A telegraPida dlipitiat has been receiredltt ital.. seelphis frow.Frasdiths, stating - Cut a au barrel • . Welt of label - eating oU batmen strok on the Creek two mites below that place, on property belonging to the McCormick k .51oEbnock_ 01.Compsur. A weli'or aco timid, woo etrick'oe the Mth last. on tarrigidin.tarab Farm," 00 Cherry Itun,-abere • the gecd3Tell. It Is called the "McFadden Well," ' and Is worth about itfoopori I .Mr. Mathew *Ana ilea Own. about two-third; of it, and the !Ann Cheery Ilan Oil - Company owes tht balance. This • la thelittgett welt ever_struck ou„that run, and will steidly enhance the valueof sif the .properti ' in. that locality. ItedPktieharent.ln national expenses hit eon,• I.Kllolll:o644raest, and thi limitofaur debt.: kris hemeesolied._•llerealte.r,the figure wilLgratt itallt decrease, end it remains for us to say 'Meth; 'etthetteireaseinsit be gradual or, rapid. It Si Wittiasted Nays the Philadelphia Prod) by poisons high in antbolltY.. that oat:debt,: when the Any, id requistUoas are included, will Taub about 43,001,- -0000113,7 with mainmast Interest of about 11150,000,-- WO. „12 . 14 mutual riper:sea of the 0 premunent Will PrObiblibe mutant to sioo,ooopoo MOM' We can. ' saki, , chkrialate ea go,cee,vco vi customs duties from - - Use Wei - Wild erindition of trade and commerce and the Mani of searseipplag Intimate. -The Internal • .Revenue , now-in thorrugh - 'oDerithish . WM yield s lloo , ol l444.oR,Mrtre. leaving at ieast,llloo, t.e. app/1.4 to.dhp.rednitlan or the ustiriaid.,indeld-. Mem.' At the close of the colonial war for lade Widgo%WitiOts,4ll9,47s wheitihe nieoupl , . l!1; Ofilintie Were 'undeveloped:and the • Willfatmit taxitUrn. mu oppressive. , the moult , . 'eternity's b 2,221,626, o rate of 4-26, per:amt. I. .. : leak lareii doee'Orthrei years war, the 'debt , was. • . • aumart,ers, with an annual Interest at 4 ft per cen•-, 9,41,012,1 Er. ' Them debta were boiltextint , gulaheinlithe Ithuity or the 'repaid* *bee the ' • great wealth of Rue fathomteas 1 mines maleutallir erer * ePdla t 4 te . ,:bo.:.aa dlt s , • - Tra in ee sar a pPaeer AAI 4tft iiilk'WO.i'eler no tional, awlMA.heolemoveata I t t time tram tireyhdtilitild.' .:. The • C.lllBatl'Ciril4 esti: rEmPtitabh&F ite4l relefir r ire 19kflawilr 'beau 41w 4.qaps,each, An". - eh _ Klssehatelloiradits- , 09 :oettlair.lM defraud the Mamma, They are rinse w ith whiskr. . lora_ tuld. th inrundet the ..old that ot. , - xte " 'wl44 ‘te k lie 4's n ieluairsi de - to - - d .l l 4llloll 9 4 9Mitgliqh, ,I. stem 1.. _ ~... o hiv e guards Nitta orecyrom.:: ,r mom fraud. are being committed, and to 7 - thearypeao be more yliellume Una Due heen.exer., • • ailed , .f Mot and More accent Pingetioutat ha ekkla WWI* 11*11114 are detected.':-•:3 _... - i ' • •.- :: 1 Tbandlitsees - Joanna aye : ....11anntrattirets who , have Rostock', only tate a ow err two at a titan ta'. neflcioationed a:still further (Mitzi thornier- The. price stoma has fallen, considerably, - end it -Is•ea , tielpeent lint It srlU fail lower before renewed lm. : petutaas berAdven to-' . the:trade, wage., and the rates partition must be seduced. lt di:i vied dimities 'tern estkatter announceirwrit and , stop wperailoas,,:the tesponalblUty of depriving r themeNtreyed work for theLtitall w i ll Wit upon their sernithoolders.., Atpresent, prepared coal cannot tra sold to quantity at ItS • ton, and much of the aselebessut Mr market unsold,' wlll.not net the ' produrgsgt. per tok. , -..llEnch of the coal going to market; not sold to the Government, la being plied opal ifortaltlohnond, LW Ins short time it is an. • . " r ' ll i ed " . 2l %is Clll have a te a ndeze l y l" , or cOT iatal t i o keep Weds lower., To sum op, the:trade Is prow •'. titled 'and a . bill a reduatian e a w il ed ra .7. 4 l.l pr.: c,..=,,, it again ten #4loinore Market; May 1. Coeds—No aides today; we quote Slo steady Guam-, heat—Tht wantonly WOO bithels of. feted twday, with sale. of IVA bush white at (KA mod POO bush red at 112,24 per bush. - Cern tICIS bush remised. with sales of - 700 bash white at 111,06 L9llodegood at 111,0, and 710 bash yellow at. 111,16‘11,10.per date—thily s few hundred_ lust teeelve.tand sold at TM measure. ProvialOns—Aze _held steady at our quotation vi.: nierjrlr, ISO per buts bum sh o uld. go mate; sidesiS ;hams to pickle ifialSlie. Bacon. shoulders' c, - aides. aid—Western, hams soilpto ft . l.lwLlit - sad sugar cured. - Lard—Western, Mils , Baltimore tanned 234 In tags. - 717;;;;;The trade being Well Supplied by' the AVet =I =MIT :ft Zia el lirc!irq r i l rolgi c b %II 1 (tuba had reglish far to good relining ttilingslittdon7 doilnaltei and prime do. Iticit . i ni pests, Bleu, common, to good grocery; 13ditei .Imertettholosjll)4olbe petlh. - • der Weyer this market is quite bare,,smsli Mend elleityso. "Timothy U sea*, iSitk ruse libtinhy•Flan, we. carehr to. la/,. • 11•04e . 1101, Cattle Market, May l. . The eatde market Is very ilull.•thin week and sloes bare deellnediftemper lb.. - About IWO held' attired and sold at from tegooge for e4r*. l alelS 3 • for fair to good, and per lb for eornmbn, tonuallty. Sheep—AreAull -and roweij'aboUt ONO beid ar; - rtred sae sold at from .I%fiao for ollppwl, end 1t lie pee lb for wool sheep, • •,-- .oowil.Are ratherAulliabootlll hearliotdat front artv foratnizon, an444lruki.rsor . head seer lll4o Cat • •-- sots :rho iterketli vert dull en,igrtiostjt sfea feaen algiabeet 27001hisid kNsfregarel aolAlitTlre alliteat yard; it ftvit WOO the (Nibs; afi. , - ' II . EVIER OP Pirranualtne Testoatr, - Kay 2, VW, Tb• genera marketaareaathely daroliol.lll* aiaahosaton, theogh mono coaadensaili *tallest. gee the :demand for all the kadlaigartlelaiLog. grodoot to very Ilea, bated reatristad to thalami,. &ate entail VI consumers. _ itelaes, thus his beta ao change worthy ?Nodal cantos. OILAIN-Wheat la tray With rienslderable 64,11- en sad we cote wen of BM. from Lomat 24, 11 . ItarLey dull and toadutagad. Oms la good espies. Put toe Gamma Mmou to be laamyrum r and the market Is *shade linter; sal. pt imam flow start M 14t Vgra—eate •of t oar, la ears, at r.liettfl doe,"stelgd. , • YEUVLSIOI.IS—Urooa I. more salvia and Arlo erftilth aut toward teadtoey; we note rates to fait extent at 'long . for Hamadan; Ildls' for Itibbettraaatittgest% tar Plma newt/ono Hams, mei Zan nor tor Osavaseddo. Lard Is Octet sad rattier Mat; ‘mall maw at 11410,, FL01.111 , -.2hcre Lo no imyroelartent to non la the demand ler flour, nor la there say material Mamma to mike In quantum. Hatra inantly• le maple la the &mail way from More, at 4400,24,06, —limy brand* MIL• HIiTTE/1-4.loattauea Ana. and la 200 d *apply, though there Ls no further amain to plum of strictly whip at meat, and taffeta, to vonamou 4 =-1; demand and seszcopalco to • talr ' a - a. tent at . drotad has fallen off oottitiarably whale the put taw dam and with pretty (re* at•-••• ,*bail, Hake may be quoted dull al, 2.100• M ye t man to prime ltmota y. pogaLogao—Thera Is acr.O•amad maively lot • eesononqua/Ittra, am! It is atillealt to aall Waver. Macau land. Vrtme 'Teach aVorri" are seine( et tarelp ter bbl,aWuctay. Im,legono, 0111:adb—/sId tulaheaged. z • as u.t.rtaar-saft Ca a Aolta AltddlAngl e 4.1 46 1- per cot, sad 4 tons mmondsat 11,00. dultoald Mainly:2oM. &al,' at 'leg cents tor small lots. 313reacors, PITTSBURGE PETROLEUM MARKET Tirana?, Mat : ll, ISO 6. Then la a continued fair demand, and the trans itellosa to-day would hart been more liberal only teethe, extreme vlews•ot hoiden, same of whom, ►re asking 21,11,6 retutned, and. no. blob tortuded,L ,The sake were as follows: 600,in bulk,`s totted and 140 at ?I, bbls rat taped; Se at IS, bbla lasluded, :ma Ito 37 34; It addition to, thewailla to) bbls Horse Creel 911 (gravity 3,412140,) was report• ed et lb, bbli retained. lhapatollea tram Oil City today, report Crude firm at that point at 1 7 , 74 0 8,04 per bbl—knir gravity Op. There le still COll - titulary for Reacted, In bond, but the ex Racine IriftWlloi holderwi has a teaderws to retard operation. to the spot, we quote at 46(447; sale of too bbt., •'l.lty^ broad, for June deltreq, at SR, cents. leapthe la quiet and =chanted. Eteelduum Is in demand and nein, with isles or n:o bbla at 38.60 per bbl. The receipts of Crude by the Allegheny River since our bun report, are as follows: isa Bleohinney..... 905' C. B. hrOullough.... It White A.8r0....—.-. It !J . in hielieley & Co LW:Clerk h. Co ise L 'rhtuam—.--. IM3l.fittees Wilkie. 70 IA tebtotati h. Co • Wli Rohm. h. 800 RI A. "D.' Miller ' ttel .. L. Linton 106 T0ta1....._...._. .. ..... .. - ......... TM PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. .2.4;eciel Dispatchto the PiltainarghGszette. PHILADELPHIA: May . 2, 11362.. The market for Olt Stooke math:Mei dull and ir regular, with more disposition to realize; prices gerierally are tending downward. The closing duo tatlons were u follows Ma Tank-- , 2011 St. Nicholas C 2 Dalrell-: ...... —. Ot2 Ittet3llntoek:--..... 110 Caldwell— - 425, Egbert; .. 312 Ohnstead.,,,-- .. 100 Densmore .: ......... VP Philadelphia lc01.1:... - illlaphs made:.:...:. 'Dee Creek— 100'011 1.. r eek -....-.—__ 601 312 Junction .. —.-.... 430 Royal ' 121 Ilubhard-e. .......-- too Sherrt.lnman ' teeel 112, Hyde Far m ..::...... ...... 211 thi tiEW TORE PETROLEUM MARKET'. Special Diapritch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pew Toe; Kay 6, - I.3SS. The Petrolem market-is heavy, alai price. are n ;bade lower, Ciude 68, Rail ned, to bond, 63, Free 76. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET Reported Esprnetp for Pittsburgh Ortzeittot • ALLTAIIINAY .CRT, MAY 4.1845. CATTLE—Themarkirt for Cattle continues dull and weak, thedentand being remitted almtlid en their to•ripplybigAhe immediate wants of the re tail trade, yet there was but little cliangelo prices. Had the supply been up to the usual average; there would most undoubtedly have bean a Intik douris,", and suit wY,areatdllCault7liras esytili eared in sustaining the rates current /aft sleek, and to °trite was the ontalte firma (or the !very best Cattle in market. Government contractors, wbo a few weeks aloes,-were VISIng 1:411461f„ .now refuse, and contend that they - cannot 'afford under the present contracts to. Yay orer,7l o ,iao. BliteketsaintillYing sPnring.G, and the demand for •hipment to limited, andall;indlcatlons at, present point to a itlll further reilnetion to eaten Wa std.- Jolla a full report of alt the laadtas irides: . . Eotebilik lk.Eokeit,Ottialesaled to it Wholes Clary, 46 headol good Ilitnola steers et s+, gate:kelt &Co. Wholesaled tshead of extra Ohio twin, aystagsg 1650 Ibi, to Latterly Is Co. at P. Sassier wholesaled 10 head of extra stock to Lafferty & Co. At to . Ilszlessood ts. Dolan wholesale:lTO Reis & Uo .61 Del.' of extra 1111oots steers, At 10 eta. & tetilled66llead of "mixed Steak 1 at . 5010. Crouse & rota 'wholesaled 40 bead of fairish deer* averaging 11001ba, at ONSJ: and retailed 33 head of common at 73r,fr34, IL A. Merrick retailed or haul oi nice fat 1 n 012424.15, at 6!44310--martly Orem o.lle tr. h lie . - etalled 60 head of email Weetenz steers. at. 6/111 cents., - : Dierks. Greenwald at Co., soli to all about too head of Western htock—we wino unable to learn the priers. Myers Bro. retailed 49 bead of mixed stock, at €4 t,,, r 6 t atwutt7l Lad of if. itid Oien; ' 4 s 4 MP 'osi de G r eni 'l a t o r tror t 7. l dislas of stook coo. liana light, and the market rules dull, with a grouping tendea The lbilerkilite isles were re ported: B. Taylor soldl6 bead to Wm Daft; ay. eragniglo lb., at 40,16 per ewt. D. ft Taylor void to Kimberlin, 60 bead sheared, •sierstiing 63 lbs, ar • .11 A Merrick - 71 bead wooled to Adam gender, 'avenging Si lbs, at DX:and Eitierlek &Co. retailed blibeul of wooled, for Rine, st prices ranging from . to 9. - . 'thinsilOg mullet cottinne exceedingly tight, the demand being re. striae.] entirely to supplying the retail trade, and prices here again deelised, and we now quote at l 2 cents, no to quality. imuirre BY TELEown. ' tirar YoUR, May 2.-Ootton-tpened dull and deellzaing tout clued &met with - sue demand at 42Stre - . r tcnn-licary and leapt& /ousts a11.150g7,10 for pun, State; sl,7s(iSforcommos 10 good airipping brands' extra It. if: 0:, and 113,050.1* for trod* ' brands; market cloalag.tmary with no buyers at outside quotations, weiregir-Without de ri ded change. .. Western Ve.toeimil. . . 1 . Gasilx - Wheat-lieuy, and common grading IW/slower; Cement% to Choice amber Alletaion, . ,11, 186; in ,83;• Camo* Winter'Sed Western, St,O*o 'l,Stld. ye-Qntet for !Western. Oats-Dull and noMinaft Vafif - ric for Western. Corn Scarce and relylnn; small isles I.l'oe Yellow at fl,aajg,aq, PstuOtxtra-Quiet; no Sue Grade, lit forftedn. :.ed In Ecnd, aridlleda Free. - • ' ': .. 'Zwetaww , -Corrilatll and notairial. 'Sugar met in2o - tower MusetriadollellV g e. :Pfau. Dull; Porto Rho tic:: = " - lizerna maw-Pork • 'Oiened.' heavy a nd lower, lin rioted with 'morn Orme= at 1127 SO for = 2, Mesa, eloidegAl4s2.3l nub, e atter thin and 'el do cash; sae.tOO,hoSea for Prime Mgrs. and. twee:Se° fisePtime ; ithar, - I,OCO bblo - Wow attar toe May and Junesatytioyesa and ;seSeill option at -heVOKIW. Pee . tinitaAerate Je4!sest_ for abOuld fillatkd IllliteAc forGarin., Baeon-011nts" at ll -.1c.3e; Ctimbeasad.Out pesry et 10 , , , Mtp - Ma. Hut. - tlt tr-Ctobt, at , 16024:4pr ;Ohio, and.WOO9 far State. ChPese4autet,l4..lsftle: , ... - .... ..--' . j Neer YetirLlZdttle Market: 1. , Ea Ton.X,WI e...eitentat prices for the F.: el, liiParille W :7'4 ' 4 0N0C1T1.14.• , Jifsea, en ism; ± e 'co good, di w ~ . r. IVO! Inir o or, itlie_Mall i . ...fxt,it ;fir ' "_ • ,,, .... .,- -. to, ow . =its.. si w ir er iimuz i r s i o ',o ; ex, . ', lttt . ntm—PlriViii , i l O 1 _,Per a 114' ''ii bar dil-ry, Wheel oommOn3Mos ...crier:Sada L . Innate mai LAlte4 , - ti,per head, intali3oll - SMOLS OO I ardia.,7,' 0 5 , 60 0 10 , 00 iw004n011, 11 , 443 8 ,5 0 ; iesior, Kaew,00...-. 'swum-Helm, gonwroa,:per a, IlettUarltild, and amtlum.lary, le; litill4t3,llelMs. .- - "'The market for Beef tlattle ruled Iteary.uptin tr week, and prices were Hate per blower-The Cattle were of a fate average quality; Itlettle per a 'lns the medium rata this.weele; at that lignre; Primes ruled '; 0 laGiso, while air_ to Medium ranged Wow lb to WW. Uots - hav been plenty Ma's =Wants demand at otwoWotatloos. . 'Gm total receipt' of all stooks at llihe various yalealtthis weekend loot week 4 were,ss follows; inter of Seel - MI.4AM; C0w5.139; Onlvesi , 3,018; Sheep and Lambe, 8.010; Swine, 8,147.. Tots, - ntUnbet last week-Seem:44ll; Cows. 82; Veal - Valves, 2,818; Sheep and Lstabs,7,6loo; Swine, veg, . New Turk Stock and Money Market. • Now Your, May 2.-Noney market easy at 606 percent' blerllng steady at !maim% geld nut edema bills. Gold heavy and lower, opening at 14114, declining to 140',,,' 'advancing to its 34, and closlng at 141 % . Government Stocks attire and order. - Procks—Heary. Fort Wayne 11631 i Cleveland and Toledo, 110; Rock Island ,00.ig; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 71).5; New York CeniraliWyd Elle, Hi ' Hudson, 109. Rending, 100 H ; Mariposa,- 11; Quicksilver:al; l43 Ounibetladd, Ihrilg Otto and 1111sL sisal ppi Carta eare a 034; Ktuoad vs, or; H. 6-20 Coupons, 1a1y,04910/aupons, new fasue r jodyi, Gallagher's Parliange.—Gold, 1411gi Fite wan ales, Will New 11111 s, lai%; New York Central ddli; Rrie, 71,5;1./e,ntralllkli; ritteburgb,7-71; ed. =X oo F bi l -n O d rW 4X ar ;So . f 'l tohW * eOlh tomr,n a nsdo ; d i o ta pre s lr p r l •Cettlicatei. Hll Mater ; 40;:thn.erland, 4 p 4• quicksilver, @ Harpala,lOU Stocks salve an d Irthgulec but improved a little - later ;frail. Gold not active; closed aaabare.. • • ChldStiall Mirket. • curctrivn, may i=rwass r —superea• °trend At 55,76; UMW rat/4,14 ::Cootaxx—Primoltad "heat dull;at dt,l3. Oats not *anted. • Watsnr-Dail at ..PXOV76IO/11111i Pork arerii, amino' "mom. ilvat BoLk Meats Mak, at le, lerjtee. Lunt du • - Gatormame—golet and market getrerally b l4 . l ‘ ll ;kr -- Arkd, Ikkoketrittoretekt, staple leeat i l laro.t!« A Tit kr.—Ooomr—Brtik an . 2 ffl# highe'; LOW at ken kltdellsg, r!r; unwary, Ille. ~..Ftoon—Superlloo, le* += 1 • Okoolaiim—tingarstatloami. KeLaires; matt ;111/daPfht •Markao2 Mak: , Inatorrir—reaulag vomit Net Ow York am( PotAottisigs gone WNW P PLASM ETS. . For e I,g hi or passage apply on hoard, or to 4 4 _..,.JAN. COLLINS, Agent. MATaraTACKE. AAVSDPAREERS- LUAU P LINE —.REG- be 2 I:LAR PAShhLSGER STEADIER. FGH. Z 4 -"MO, [.'UN FIND, SISTEKsviLLL.utyLL CREEK, MARIETTA AND PARK ERSEWRII. The new and fast side Thal passenger RAY- A.RD, O. La Aiwa. Hager MOND A Yre. Olert. Lewes Pittwurgh c relya THURS DAY, 0111 a. x. eves Wheeling at 6 r. x. some days. F m aces .M. izsg, 2 r. Jesters Parkersburg TU.U. DAY and Leaves Marietta at 3 r. x. tame &qt. - Lraves Wheeling at 7 a. x. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For fislght or pas age, haring unstirpagred ao conimotiattons, apply j ar i a r tr a irat JAM VOLLEV. agents, or ielr.rtf No. SS Water street. Pittsburgh. 111:(1,117 tIlkt it IfIn LYP E ( it i f i llT; a li f tlE4 PACE.ET.—The nue passenger steamer GOLD • 1.31 A, 4r.. H. Kerr; taxater; 11. Bryan alert. Eros es Plttalonrgh every NATURPA 1, at tio'closh m y and Portsmouth every •MONDAY, at a o'clock p. tn. The tiolden Era =lke oonnectious at Porta. mouth with apleralkl . steitutes Boetaat NO• 'foe Cincinnati, and trill' receipt freight sad pusen gera through to that city. lay w ALEXANDER WHILLDIN & SONS :Now Occtriiyin - g.Theirliew Stores, & 21 !felt In* N. gad 11 127 Wilts It. antra .L Raving been thirty faun In Matra& And know. to all the wanufactunirs In this vicinity, would so licit ertistgontents o WOOL ' WOOLEN YARNS, and COTTON YARNS ,a nd wait CASH advancing, if deaited, on a - i:Ablyinents,, as pld rate orstx pet eatt. per annum tessomd 9 s ILiNDRIES. • • 100 SUM Mudison Tiny MOS family Flour. W do Extra Supergns do; ' 100 dr: Primo Anne Bemis; 10 do nine Hominy; 60 do DO d Appian; g do FreMi Roll Button 10 do do Eggs; _ do' bloke Sorghum Syrup; i so do Ohmapigne Ofieri 3"10 pounds OgunSey *Mon Items; DOS bush:Primo Peach. Blow Potatoes: .260 . do :Cidiforttle Mods do; 160.Nere Oil Hams* I'b store mid for isle by ' FETZZR 4 ARMSTRONG, MSI corner Market, sad SUM streets HEWITT'S. • EPcoxiorgrxxxcrcriitt FOR ;THE HAIR. The best awl . @heat LuneOBEB SEW AND RES TORATIVE in the market. Preparedoenly by . S. W. .FOX 14..00.,1114Tec1eml at., Allegheny, sod for gale by 10 4 mgte generally. R,EhD POTATOES.—The Cuzco Pota- N , Am.., the test of several hundred Tamales, ratted from the seal•ball by :Mr. tloodrloh en d well ads =to the' eorristry, matures perfectly, White skin and Bash, geed qvallsy and th e mos t ;malice potato In use. nee frdos rot. Fat by .prole . Is. IL Voll.ll` O. AWYER'S BARBERS , 80Ap8.—i ••-•, hive for the past four yenta nsedle&WYEß'S BARHERso SuaP, and eonadder suvrior to any other I hero aver used, either for the toilet or for aluvrtng. IDl_ A. W. Intrit.A.P. splint( • • - Fourth - Streetehovlorr Sodom. C , 1113E6 AND —J o st a smile of Choice Mesaltui Oranges and Lesions, for ssle by the boa or retail, by JOHN It. - RENSHAW, mon Weser:Mart, and - Hand Wats. fiOFITIE BAGS PIM urge lot Os (loft. Saab, Rood'. new, are OgrArea sot we low. by the sublemar ' • A. ILINSHA.Ar, • • .weary Mat, and Hand wrest". ..m.,purAt... PLOD R 11 - - PLOUItt tl-400 - s a a • bb b", k:a1170 L 0 6e top s e u l tor. Ge and ,Water street. - Ifit EBIL , BIIXTER RiSclan.tiff ---A; Monday, by 'mare* by 4 1 1,01.11TLE MON, 1/0 and Water sued. - is - USICENT.;-100 harreb *m ELIDERY R: CALLUM. rgil d ratte! , - C liMANr—lorbarilirkelir Yoe - 4 - Ibl' N.".0i10 17 MAI 111. MAW 'UPON 0% niumitoAo. :p, n n s unons Font — ( W I Ina; Coo deeT mR .Hess In' rro do do, tlinionior le Lengl>e bbls Jae 11111,1 1 dr, do, Watt & Wilms is bits aloobal, J oder' co ken putty 3 U Menai It Obis tern, t homaker kLain, 1 Cal basca. l k apple bolter Halpin • VCogorderi let agricultural lm pirerma, Beam 4 Loam I oar core. I do Odle, U Wallace; le boy potatoes,' can t o, rilheaki I ear metal, Jobb :Moorhead& 111 •111 dna', liitair • tB A ructrooniskgsglaseWer• Wat bleCulley &soy bsa swat, rSollan •on VI bits p0w.... g• VOlgt &Cott bbla wrap itoo, 11 1 MWa & 0031 lobl bit' a 111.ek & Anastroar 11/ 140 thaatkyored,lite. Clarkin' Unroll • 001012 re oats, bbl eggs, Don. rington & co. Cxxvitseiro •111) Prrroarann A. H., ;Hag 3.- 1 Cat lumber, 0 OOLNIIMI; 3 bales butter, s 1,1,11 egge, li Leto' I bbl apples, U. J. sheerer' in sin oele, W. H. &whir I Oar stares, liemphill & tun 346 bdie rupee, Pittsburgh Paper 00'4 bro s u n boodles, !bale broom cora, IL Campbell, lot sun. dries J. A. Atotllsliaad; Da ski 0%0.13 do core, Owens and Recants' 16 pkgs produce, Join 111**; t tirba lard, Juba liirrOcrti I OaMP, 8,1111 .. 50n and co, YaltaNI:NT STATION, Ke lob bbls eggs, 1.. U. ft; °boxes abecon latter, T. C. Jen kins' 10 boxes ohewe, Schultz, Sox• 00, an lOW bop, ()co. Rubs; 1.14 Ilkeit LT. lealtedf 66 Ural iro bblidour, Eirwaker & Lorton at bags pota- toes, L. 11. Volgt Ir cop con rota, D. K. l/ourtc , Pyt 10 kegs butter ,3. U. tinkles' 4 bone. Lithographs, A. A. Carder, US bags wheat, R. T.lreanedy • Bro. •• ' ' Flour Coutnkets at Washington. toplaln Ittittiteo. Q S. V. op.aed tho bids torture 'l.hinktheUoreromentwithtour ammo day. ma • weiatriertartheissami Ibreo bundre4 bone a were hid lot exclustroly by Utothrotown cod Millman werchstits, at gitlooli naagtoli fnm 135,73 to h 9.4" pet Warily &bind OM Was taken at OF-c7s. Inn IItTELLWENCE. • The river is again receding at this point, altbOugh there Is still an .bondsmen of water for all marts. Ale purpows, tba plemaarke last evening lad Wat. big eight feet three inches. rho weather yeitentay was clear and pleaastit, sad all that could he pout, big deated for Ile transaction of outdoor business. There Lan not beta eialngle velvet from below Unmoor laat report, and the Minerva, from Wheel ing, Is the only boat doe to-day. The trod d for Parkersburg with a mmier►te trip, and the Ea' ama Graham left for Zanreville In the evening. Ths Petrone No. 1 got to from Melly yesterday and the No. 2 cleared for that point last avealng. The Argonaut and Leonidas arrives! at Chula nail on ounday, and the Armadlild and Yorktown were advertised to leave titers for Pittsbugh on Monday. The Minneela, Captain Dickerson, Clerk Monis Dorsey, will peatti rely leave for St. Louis nod St. Paul this edternooo and passengers Omuta bear this in wind. She will be followed by the Empire City, Captain Etaslep.. The Lorena, Captain Conway, and Capt. Chas. Wilkina In the office, will positirely leave for Cin cinnati and Loldwille t6eldy about noon. The Star, from Memphis, ant the Camelia, from St Leal; plated °alto ea Friday loot enrouto for Pittiburgh. The Mingle ThlYo - low O'lverthini to leave St. Louis for this city on Monday. The St. Lonhe Dersocral of Mee day Says "We tare a letter horn Me le , dated 19" ti sprit, from which we learn that the bite Cloud No 2ww the drat boat at , the landing fter the city was taken. The St. Louis boys onboard are Captain Napkin, doe Carroll, Pilot, Elias Owens, engineer, I. Mc- Laughlin, steward, -Win. Stolle, striker, and Jos. ray, clerk. The writer says 014 on loan are in doe spirits, although having had a cough time. la thin bay. The White Cloud, on the 19th, was about to start up the Alabama river. The Lockwood, Om, told Devenny, was also at Mobile!' TEaMBOa TS. VOR CIXCIYNATI & LOUIsJAE— VII LE.—The splendid pnaseneer ter LORENA, Linde Conway, will lasi* as ' above oa THIS DAY. - - - For freight or passage apply t} oa Mani or to OLLOfWOOD, my' . JOHN FLACK, .. FOR ST, LOUIS, KEOKUK, err. DURUICE, BURLINGTON AND • ST. PAUL. DIRECT -The new nod "plerial. palgenger McAleer. SIMNEL/LA, Capt. Dickson, will leave for the stare sad Intermediate ports op THIS DAY. For (Welt or minlemno . board Sr to 4 ' 1 , 27 J. D. COLLINOWOOD. All."'" 'REGULAR PITTBBITROR %Mg YAIMEHSBURGR PACKET. - V* Lem e d llgkt deauctt stemact xxucosr CITY, John Nets. Mister., I. L. /Istlisery, clerk, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday and. Friday, :eleirn o t elork A. N., for firEURE*VILLE, "WEIRELINGV,ISUNF/SEI, HULL UktEEli, MA RIETTA and . PA Maas BUNG, sad All Interne dive porta Returning leases Parseranurg as !VERN EiSI.AY sadisaio RDA r, at !o'clock r. a. For freight or protium. apply on board, or to • " Knife F Even. JAMES COLLINs, 1::OR ST. LOUIS.—The fine parArger strata, EMPIRE CITY, Capt. JRCOb liallep,,wol leave far..t.heZ;"..c" . 7, 1.111 IntertheMate parts, ou THIS DAY, at 4 Oj'ock 1.. sc. SIONIiIENTb. batzeloireschillow Potation. . boxeoXesosolg/rottges; SS do • do - tenons; SO ttairlizaa Whits 'Beatti; 10111411'.Teser notch; 50 den Elsa Poaches. 4 btill T , •401 4 . • •-•', . I boxes Maple Sugar; 1 01 / 4 1.C.A1d0 4.pla•Botteiv ; „ 28 .boxes W. R. Obeemi store azd for,solost 10 Liberty street.- 11- PUTTEE. A/KEN k SIIIIPAILD, • iWiCkirat I - 1777 r - . . CREAN - AND ANDER mas, Phtmix Steam pretverw, PrITSBIIROH. I•rsllß...wur. - PAID IN 46 YEA,RS $17,000,000. Net Assets,Jeknuarv,lBos. ea.crr7Aest riai AND INLAND' NAMATION 11818. sr Agencies In an Um prbtalpaY Ulu.. ash Towne la the UMW! Malec applicattocka lor Insurance wttl be promptly at• tended to sad Panel's taeuld by A. A. CARRIER &BRO., Agents, ei 11 , 01YRTH STREET. PERPETUAL ARTER 1829 . mairsuer FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. a/MleiS On .innoary 1. MM. 1 12 . 457 . 319 I. Capital. acooll Aeerued Pf 621111113. MIMS Infested Premiums I,osivali ilimettleitelaLms E,41111 Income tor 1661 app,cai Loaves Paid slow leg ' 14,CdOd0e Ertyclual and Temporary Polities on liners tdrum: DT Ii EC TO a, Charles N. Rancher, Isaac L. Tobias Wagner, Edward d. Date, Samuel Oran t,, R. Rath, George W. Hie lards, Prim W. Lewis, M. D ILTRA.R.LEs N. BANOKER, President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vie. President. JAS. W. hicALLISTER, See. pre. tern. J. G. 130111 Ni Agent, nada corner Wood and Third atreets, rait ALND MARINI; Insurance Co. of north America, 14:44ff.ii):•M4:1t.i Hanford Fire Insurance Company. ifirltatt-ition ran be seemed In Ike %bon nsaac4 ono ramble companion W. P. JONES, Amor?, Bagalty's IlWidinga, Ert W at. ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURUH, R.KILLER., Jr., Prrahked, WX. P. HERBERT, Arcragary. Mee, No. 111 Water tree[, 4404 k Co.'. Warw Enure up guars, Pittsburgh. P sti twurr ea ilia& of Farr and Marko Rags. 4 Home ou assiumqvil by 'As are sett knows ha the coosortity, owd ulho an dam raised by. prooptaur cud hibrratay, to assiistots Me cituraukr rah* [Rey ham ~mod, at Vars. Os hod FoassoOkoi to Nose too drain to lie tangrod. 1::1211cT010 : Annnow Annleg. Annum let Spew, Myna 211 Long Ma I. Moon; Obsg. 3. Mrk, JOtua H. Miller, Jr., Jame., McAule, Nathaniel Holmes, Alex. Ntrack, Ocuror Morale, tburtplrell a Herron. U. v.. /Usk lave "a' N, L ( ‘ITIZEN'S INSURANCE COEFANY s•-•'DP PITTSIBUROH.—OnIos, caner Market and Water Wave., seeped floor. WM. lIAOALEY, Perrier.. WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Insure. Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage In the navies. Hon of tho Southern and Wsatarn Moen, Lak. and Bayous, and the navigation of the Sesa. Insures afgalast tons and damage by firs • • W. Bags'lei, thence/ ken, John Shlrton, Jen Park, Jr., James al. Cooper, W. 0. Johnston. • S. ISmbengh, H. F. Josen .1. Oftldwill. Jr., Hon. T. M. Hoar., John 8. Dilworth, Harelay Preston, W. A. Holger. geom. Itlnithors. dearart pEOPLEB' LICSURANCIS Co.lll',lNt udire, 'N.M. tomer of Wood and Fifth St. FIRE 1D MART /35IIBANCE ur.... mum., Pint :mom i Olga.l. John L. Khootta John Watt, tiontuti P. Ruiner, John E. Parke, U. Musson I•o7tt Chariot 8. filesell, UhiirleoArlitier Win. Van Kirk, John F. Kirk Oak James D. Verner John ellyilo. WM. PHILL.IPti, Prtrident. JOHN WAIT, Via Freildeal. WM. F. GARDNER &reefer.. iiiiiiiir ALLEGHENY NT OF PITTSHUROIL—OdIes,itio. SI Fifth aunt, Hank Meek. Auks.lawn. against oil kinda of Fire anti Marini ViAAO JONES, Pratldeet. JOHN D. MAJOB.D, PGA. * Prattled. D. X. BOOK, Senrfary. Dia 2 h= olo Error Jones, U. L. If uari, Harvey Childs, Capt. B. U. Orel, lobo Irwin, Jr., a L. Fahoestark /ohs D. McCord. 4.4anc - Jeo.rte, Prol li tagi u. MOrter, Robert H. Davis. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, ace. - Wake h hereby given to all owners of Drays, Corte, Vantages,Haggles, nu, whether rearaeot of nolsrtaident In the City of Pittabargh, to pay their Lissome at the Tzeasursea ofiloe of the eft o Pittsburgh. forthwith, In ;warden°e with an lat of 4 ne embly, approved diarek JO, leek and an Ord& n of the Donll* of the Pity er Plttabtirgh, 1.101116.16fra 411 Licentre not paid on or before May IS, ISIS, etill be placed In the bands of the Chief of Polue, for collodion, uddect to hie fee of 00 orate for the eolvetion threv4 and' all periods ado &elect or uftua to take ont Lieeneeewill be subject to a madly, to be recovered. before tturNayrkr, &obis tM ankosat of the I,lraft. The old,Wetal elates of previous years meal be rat MI K at DA UM Lftbste ace taken out, or par ad Plata tbstelor. • 11.61223 OP LIDIMVSp„.• pet; one nom webi 11 cle. • 4 1 pip horse u tour hem • Mich lob horse beim ' r .011 tti Lour Omnibuses Inel , Tlollbr Wheels draws by two • Pones. 'Schloss dolls's" each. roe saoleaddlumsh :hossesass wir of the above vehlolesge=sub , irrrimirsow. leet=totT l iC Y lona PATE , MOIMIL !4orr FINISII 4merican. Spool Cotton. ALSO,. • . AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON These threads are warranted of superior quallty and guaranteed to. Measure 203 yards In. /ftstk, Oso be bed to all colors and numbers. blanufacturecl by the PORTSROUTRRFEAK FACTORY, and for sale by the trade generally. CHABLEB 4.1191111". SELLING AGENTS. • ae Murray street, New York; lee Devonshire street, Huston; 205 Church Street, Philadelphia. retertameod Gaa and Steam Fitting, . - Is AI Its Downes, carefully attended to, by expel rlreeed,prectical workmen. p€l aeao e tmeat of 81NRS • SHO TUBS, WE . , R BATHS; WATER ULOSETS, ILYDRANTb, kg. Ueastaatly on hand and made to order., TATE & SEVILLE, DI lla TEDLItAL,STRELT. A/40am WthlithiSTßlSErrPiltoblelb STEEL& BAILEY, STOOK BROKERS, WILKINS WALL. :Arsettealar attentioi - pabl to the ptuthasi'ead soya stooks RATES' OfIC9IVIMIIMON : ' stooka slog of and azobit. %per tom& gedot. Oh 109 rrey k a r t pc mt. aidor,tcrotetvirictis. se. Vrrrstsu - Ron eouriDur. 13711== A. GABRIZoN & CO. okim m mee. W Batlase, Garitioo, t Go.) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS of OblliNl Salts of all dues, for btww nowdo. iROII. steel, Riess, ayer Zhao. popper Silver,orks Gold, mai Lodi& Robber W stars Rolling KM Cutlass of all dreapous, Dirk Mills, titi Patent Double Grinder, with s varie ty of other patterna, always oa hood and fitted to order so short pintos and favorable terms. Office and Warebotos, lilt SWtbddt stufet, Pittaburgh. ready _ R . a LECKY, 11ANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS •AD •LL ?U VILICTITMAA 17f11D Sinkfag Oil and San Ines Pert Sider attention ti lurks] to his late tm: prove:rents In JARS and JOINTS, whoa ars of. feted u the best la the world. They are sU made ofdurea Sl(po ant Low Moor Don, hammered ery for these tools. These tools see rude to St ArIbARD SIZES, is that the Pins sad Sockets of say one will ,spec with sod fit thou of any ether est of his Unaufsetare, besting the same unbar. STEAM MOINES and Machine Work duo:* is or" " 0510 STREET, our the P AJlegkeny fatty. Ponbotr slow goods. nrsl aqua «Lst ! ! . • peace and walrel aid 190 awl la S r feltryd pATENTkD OTODER 8, 1981. DIRTII DOM PATLINT Oral La p Chititnept, IIIaNTITADTI74IIII OP XX /FLINT OMR These tlitinineyt are tnlendeo for the Ant flan* Denting nil parts of the glass equally, does not al pine it to cracking. E Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, applPlttshurth, PennsW. O. YLACKIIIITOON ..J. IKON CITY WORKS. CLACICINTOIB, lIENPHILL * CO FOUNDBItS AND ISIAORINISTS Carnet of PIE:E and O'IiARA, and • • PIK - Efind WALNUT STREETS, (Near City Water Work.,) Mannfacturara of atatloaary and other ENGINES, ROLLING LULL OASTTNOS and ILWILINE. RV, of rill kinds, and general Jobber. Ttsalpt atMaticna Oren to malting ROLLING MILL NIACRINTAY _ ROBERTS, BARNES t CO., •4a00,000. No. S 9 Third Street, Plttiburgli. TL' AND SKEET IRON WORKERS, and Manufsenters of .1,253,04X4 JAPANNED TIN WARE. We hart now manufacturing and hat, on d !.thin{ Apparatno or all kind., Toilet Ware In tsetta, Water Coolers, Otorers. Too and Spice Cao, latrra, Clash eu Boxesa Tumbler Mainers• Spittoons, ke. , ka. A large lot of flint °ages for sale low. Cana of all alma and pattern.. Tin Booting, Coaduetont, and all kin& of Jobbing Work done to order aunt PLATED WARE ATA%SgI:7II I JILCITC/01 , 1.1r. 7s.ttera, Cator,... l e z. t. ; ;Vr a tte i for the Trade. WJLER & NOM 225 South DM it, 'PHHADELPHIL tatter :maw a. minx ■L R dI S ►O w Pd JO/IN 11. HERRON tt CO., Eitcrireo 71/Essaraufaot - saineror, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Or. and Salta Ffow,, kin No. I7IL.IFIEHTT STREET, . NAOLIINE . WORKS AND POUNDP.E. . u. WIGIITNAN, ENGINE MILDER AND MACHINIST, Lac,* .runt, twetWVILII Federal and Sendusy, A.LLVIIMRXT ClTir, PA. Illnoubw tyre: of WIOHT M A N'S PATENT PoIITABLE inteiLlsATING STEAM. EN b haft log, Pulleys, ao. Repairing of all Mods attended to jel-1y SCTIOONIMA.KER, YAIIILVACTIMIR OF itlifte Lead, 111 Lead, Bile ltaa, Litho , ILO rldlitn, Petty, We., and Dealer to LoyszEu OIL, TA H, J.I.PANO,PAINTLIIH , KATI:RIAU k WU* 04.± Warehouse, No. 114 Wood attest. Illdyd SEVERANCE, NO. 58 Water. - St. kJ. Putoumt, a.ourAoturer of 11012 Ea BIV LTS, WBOLAMT SP110:3, 00.918101kaad tallsoad W i e =r 4 lttr.hapedsPlllasadaryrts lane err woad, wade to order at alma kaiak A l° assentawnt ootsetantli on beads wawa nw. BENNETT, itesnfatiniers s L. pa Importers t . HIIEENSWAIIE. • Ho. II DIAMOND STREEP, between Wood and Market Weida. Pittsburgh, Ps, nal OIL co.iiAikikTs, sc. pETRULEUI. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL 31POta-colipum Clozzarmax3r ORGAIS/ZEIY LINDER THE MINING AND MAN OIACTURING LAWS OF TILE STATE OF New YORE. OAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE nvii OILED 71101711.101 D Susan% AT slt P ER sub.:rumen ae, nre Dollars , per SbArs, Noy OP FLOES • No. 94 EMPE BIDILDING. Re. 91 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK. PIOT , 011109; ADDRESS, BOX. No. 6,2 w. N.Y 'ovrtersun : Den. DANIEL &DICKINSON, Preelient. wp. T. FLUPPS,Nicelleeldent. DOSEtitT NASSETT,Secretary. yja.isturrrs, Motu& Superintendent, Titus. , re. • ATLANTIC BANK, N 0.1441 Broadway, N. 1., Tramaury. . - • The teeth' or the Company ero.4ow prOdnoter all. reirsient 707 stook.toex be =ids ta &CIA. eeq-Pb. terrdootht or Oovernmeot bombe end seounttee, wkielt•boodi hod aletrlttee 'will be token at their tostket TOW —, • •I • ttelotttanceo oft , bOaddiessed to t he Llcneeny, P.O. Na 6,2e Ne w York City, or to “attehtite Zink. Treaeury of the NOW Nor* sod Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. tie Brood war, New . 'HE NATIONAL ' ' ' REYIRIN6 AND STORING Coll2ol' is cow fully organised, and • hae coninienced.bual• newitt their temporary office, Nc0.....19 /BAUR STREET, (up stalra)Pittaburgh, Pa, and are now prepared tato a gerteral,busluess, in Buying, Belt ing, Kenning, Storing and Porwarding Oil. 'The Works are on the banks of 'the Allegheny river, above the city, and will inn short time be seeable of to enu fnel uring EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFIRED 0114 PER WEEK' which will beet the best quality and i n prime pac kages.. It to the design of this Company to make a Int-class brand batxport, and no pains will be venal to glve it character. They will also give the forward ing of oil to point. east or west, particular eaten. lion, and In this branch of the huelnese will have Unrivalled facilities, as the Oil bo taken from the boats to the cars by machinery, and thus avoid all wharfage, drayage .or delay. Parties <benign. Ind their' Oil to us can rely on having it' gent through.with promptitude and dispatch. , '(ho Company has a Capital of 6100,000, with the following officers • pestdmit—A. MARSTIAEL. retary—C. BERINGER. reasurer—J. R.IIOOI.INE. ; . • Directors—A. 'Satchel), J. P. Itanna..7ll3llSl Old. J. T. Kincaid Arthur Rick, M. tattle IS IL • • Keller, David Kir k and Wm. Ilasellton. • tairtn"nat and idualania*aana!:—Pa•YXl,) Correspondenooltal ordertaollelted.andallootti• muntestlons to be takkeikaal to , - . n . ~ Nntional Storing aidl44i Compant: PrrpsitriZOTA PA., Q,AW'YER'S . BARBEII/3'.80,W8.-=-Thet I- I :IUSUry of a good shave, and the pleasure of the toilet are great y enhanosetAy lathe ► superior Boep.'."IIAWYNR'S + AMBROSIAL SILAVING AND TO/LET. OOMPOOND" I Aut beta to confese,makes the oldest lather for shay log. and , le the 'quest for . toilet purposes, that I Dare for ,Sears had :the pleasure ht Woe_ to e.g bottom'. ' ' NATRANTB4 ALLEN.- Of the MatuDerittietit'Muse Skating Ifuomega '• ' '.L . ' ...4111ULL111 wort 0084800TT, . iscirr oiristsrtramam i, ..,_- Dinuite. amine Oilitfiet et Grua OW SOTO& aitallta. Plttabarat. Neu 112111 6c. (111411tP/014 GOMPai Y • - A., • li. Protlawn. of Ciude *ad Maaidocturets of 8e12184 Carbon Oil. Denim anilabrioatthg COL OM R h. fl KM dint, MIMI. Pa. W. D. MID:MAN. Ehipt. BREWER, BUR -E C 0.,& 1:401)1MISSIoN BEERCIRANTS. Globe, Paeifie and Idtorty Oil Works on. a. W•LL.41,011 WILLWIL CURTISS ALLACR.I CURTISS, No trouble to optimal SL WORSB Clttr.DA AND REFINED =ROLM% BENZINE AND LUBRIOLTING, No. ttil SOUTH' WHARPTS, PEIRLADSLPHYA, PA. STS nt liapaelty (tinder corer,). for 111,000 barrels. A expellent facilities wha rf ing to American and Foretell porta, at our on the Schnylklll'Elvar, near the plate= of the P. EL B. OAST. STEEL, Masa. Warrant. .41644:ed la tht RIOHARDSON, BARLEY & CO., Motu's, Nos. 113 sod 161 Ptio, ND STEXLIII, Pittetlll4ll. Conualwaion and Forwarding BEcratianti le CR - lIDE AID REFINED PKTROLEITM, itgg - Ltberni cash advances on consignments Coe Pittsburgh or Emitern Tlneketn. PlTSPlstrtiall nerinserossi. Rimers. J. S. Dilworth & Co., Sprinr , lisrlotugh, Esq., Thompson Bell, Esq., Prost. Commercl&l Bank. mhlS.Sin STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY. INIE= Office In Pittsburgh, Di WOOD STUFF?. Telke works' here the leaved capacity In the country. The brand stands the highcet itt this country and In Europe, for quality and Ere _ text., and the oil is l y is well seasoned barrels, preared e specially for e port. Manufacture 111 s of BOILERS. STILLS, TANKS, and IMPROVED DOR LEG IDOLS for OifWells. feiga7 BONDEDIVAREHOUSE OF Phenix tarehonsint Coisipany, Feot of BALTIO k ILIhRISON Ste., Brooklyn. J, ttifif. FOR IrIRDING 42VD MOCHA:AT, ILLUMINATING, LITIMICATING, CRUD! Ph.TEOLEUM OIL S, fro., conatantly on hand and for sale at the lowert market pilooa Gonalgre meats sad orders aolleitoL ap74m R... WAR.IIIO - .ART IL CIRO WAR/NG tt KING PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS Am! &skis In Refining Materials. odt-ty o. If MARKET ST. Pittsburgh. jADIES KLNS; 1 1 / 1 01E1e 11m lIKALKZ MIME AND REFINED OILS Furry Mock. Dmi.elos. Way, Plitalfth ettentlem given to the SALE AND SIRIP3=T OF PETROLEUM and ILB products. Comlgnments respectfully sollcitsiL Pittsbumh Agency for TENANGO OIL ABM TRANSPORTATION COM:PANT. Mir- POST OFFICE BOX it 2 • WO- y 1101.11119 JAitias_tiiwuk JAMES IRWIN & CO., Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 MARW St PITTSSITIRGII. PA. LUCENT OIL WORKS No. 2B LIBERTY STREET. not WILIAM. TM.. BUST S. LAYIILS ORION OIL REFINERY. 011 Brener, and dealers In Petroleum, Benzine, Lubricating and Paint Oils. Office, No. 7 RANCOU R STRY:ET, h 21 : 1 Pittaburgh, Pa. OSTOOliii.—Tee undersigned will . OIL salt or plytkular attenUon to the putolmse nut Stocks of ALL RELIABLE Companies. I Lot Re buitrl and getters to wall. • 1 . J. M. ECHILAINGE Jam No. KR Foment STREET fIIL WELL STEAM 11Li cI INEB —bur prepared toluintsl • • ' , STEAM-ENGINES, So mesh appewred of • wells and Abet pus. pewee, on the shorted Haying Warted! sired Engine' on h finishing others, the nubile esti be seen= with throat any stze they want; the mock /oriteelf. wmtanit am, Fifth Wird. z - between Itechaide and Hartienn Matteis Piltelnura - STEAK WEEKLY TO . LIVER -Al POOL, totodurat at QUEENSTOWN,ANNI (Pork Harbor. The well-known - Btearraws of. the . Liverpool, New York and Phlladelpltia Stoaroalripi COtoPooY (Um= Line.) carulng they.,fri. Na 4 1 41" alintended tout!, as tollcorki c•,,,,,,, .- -, 4 Vll or IVASNINGTON:.Satuuay, *ay .. . ITT OF LOIMON." - • ' itatOnlity, Way tl. l • PITY or MANCHESTER ..SettiolayidaY No. 'had Wrerunteeeediag sunnier, it ik*"4.:Ple to North Sleep 6 Payable Ihsobt, of Its oqtd an in our:am • ' Filet tlablzu.:.-......h0s tOltiteene-4 4 :4-11 4 0 al -... to L00d00 . .. 14 OS ..4 . 4 to Londeo... /4 10 . i. m 'tO TOIL ..' 100 CM '.. a; to PatiL..”. 44 at ~.I . ' id Thudtotiii.: 115 VC ' 1 - d : . t.• Habib di 57.00 . . T ootudly haw akwagertardam, Ant al werpro' fOrte , Uara ed.,. ,to Rant, weave . t !I at rates. , arektront Liverpool. or Qtteenatownet QOM Sm. • Steerage , 444. , Throe who,triatt to , ,end - or nett. Meads .eon buy . tketets boa at tbalat . For further Itaformattou Avg, at tha oh ent . 94ke• JOHN 0 - DALE, Fro: . O r ttiVaeld l arraet, Attr"Hougia CA/ T AR D L I N . IC.-{ito4nfromi LIVERPOOL AND faMSENSTOWX, - • • 1130.1 n trold;or its equilaleal to atirraney. raom NEW TOES, 4rarrakey. Saila every Week. Apply to THOXAS RATTIGAN; /p.m% • , 47 Stalthdell street, between Vd aud abg atioattaie • . . .pitubv,p2, JANES 'lt: LONG. .401 IX DOXABBT L' °, .4Arik...t 00., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, No: 60 Snitthfielli St.. Pittsburgh. LETTERING OF. ALL -RINDS exocutod -promptly and with unsurparsed elegance. 101 U BEAUTIFTL SINJW CARDS on enameled payer of all colon/hand GILT SIGNS ON GLASS mode to order mid sent to all parts of.the country. DES/GNS executed lit • kiguti Celle manner. Bout3E,PerNriisci ' dohs with s regard to dtl rabllity; harmony of dolor. and neatness of fluleh.' AU work at telmonable rate* =SAY ifiLLSE, ELL'BROWN, (Late ofthofirmot Biome t Kowtow a ' 1 • :11017910 AND SIGNPAINna., girth tea comer of ULM ml tang, rtrilistntoi• aIQEB 3L imra, .. . . ..4%-r042.1.14a0ce, VTExtarr: DRAWiis Ergra lll e ral. le a Vide Of " 4 . - tn b erNi 6lnl oI t A2iDASOI STBbtwi Lmmteotaanoro wiuu oPresn'T. sumulunrso. Liberal sub adnume• Dade oa aoludgesuntaof Refitted or Crude Pdro Car. DETQUESNIg. IVA need HANCOCK" ri=7:lMß COMMISIrON MICECHANTE, Na 19 - IRWIN STRICITT, PITTSRU'afJEL CLARK d SUMNER. Works and Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP eios•os OP REFINED PETROLEITX, In Tanks And Bute See Clreuisti. WIN., No. 95 8E.A.E.15. Tod% Com, , • . Zia /. 4IIL Jllll. BT.. Plitsbargb. AM DEALER IN OILS COMMLSSION MERCHANTS, £llO 711P3K1:16 Ut DONCI3, DIINLA.1 1 & CO., lILLPIVFACTriSIUS Or Pare While Refined Carbon Oils. TITS it I..A.•ELY. (Setrattorl to Smith f Potterson,) SMIPPIJOVI. PALNTERS. - GICOURRIEs, PRODUCE, etc T.JRll 4 till: Commimaion Merdhaat. 'Bl3O X.a 1.13 Irt X. 11" tE3 'IL% AND IPORCHASING.AGENT, PIPCSIIPEUIR, Dealer al Itcra..Grate, Seeds, Batas, Maeda, pcedisymed 111-Pcino Products. Haat brands Parr a.s. Owarrantede always an hand Also, irePi- &ninths' given to ennsifenneuts sad •oncipondence. Weekly Pore Ouivats at ta Iloasignors. Orders and antrunsaiseata saindlod. aornydawr B. F. QUIMBY COMMISSION MERCHANTS. •lfw HY BOVTH WATZE ST.. CUICLQU, Giro sped lot ottentioa to pOrobod.l2l *lour, Grain, Provision?. le. • For Eastern anannut. a F. QUIMBY Crk.X). T. !MOWN rehlrAs W. D. FILITERSON, JAMES Joamort. ADAM AMNON JOHN suLuscatei. PATTERSON, AMMON & CO., COMMUNtiOri Merchants, EYour, Oran and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. 880 mil !Si PENN MEE= Sirwtt.s Now Building, opposite o. t P. IL R. - Newt , W. W. .... 11.1210114 118a1t024 & Corner of Penn and Wayne eta., (learAerrare Butindirth) PITTSBURGH, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANZa For the purchase of GRAIN *fell kinds. AO" wholesale dealers in BALED HAY. Western drake. will rind it to theiradvantsgetooorrespond with our Howe, as we have pester facilities' fOr Storoge, and putting goods Into this and Eastern Markets than roost of the desiers in this city. The best of city re:emotes given when required. Jallamd . Ala Kw lOhnatourn Accommodation Mai a. at. First WAIF' &nth= ncosimodation:. ale a. a. Record Wail's Station Accommodatioi l a a. a. flint Wall's Station Acconnocriation..• SAS p. ma Fourth Wall's Statiori AccomitodaUma ' 5.66 pp.. aL lialtimore express mill anise With' Exuma at 3.30 p. sr. on Moods" ..... - • ' ' PiCYITCIE.—In , mole alloys, the otimpany. mg hold themseiressrosponalble for personal louses only, and for so amount not maid WM, . . 11. 'RCK Asaa. - At the Pmusyleania Elmira{ Raailroad r I Station. on Liberts end Grant areas. ' mi Flour, Crain and Produte, : pi ALS/. Y BANE J . A WEI MIBANE & ANJEII, Commission Merchants. AND DX•LXIIII IX SFLIOND ST., between Wood & Smithfield, •11-17 PITTSBURGH. THOS. 11•07TTR...7.1f0, ATICIN..STIMIEN affspium PUTTER, AIIiEN 8; SHEPARD,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign sod Douses*le Frans. Flour, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Potatoes, and produoe generally. No. MI LIBERTY STREET, felB Opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. N. EOtfAr L. WILCOX WM. M. MI.MILLY ft CO., Commission Merchants, and dealer]; in CRUDE AND REFINED PETRO. BEEZINE, he. air kin • faeWtles for storing oil and empty barreb• Vaiehouss and art eePtIII4TJESN.E WAY. near Hand street, Pittsburgh. , spl2l3mo R . Fi JACK, 0, Pt. CP 40 .IEI MIL • Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond., apsay RanIMOH, Pd. Lmitairr, (scrocassos To MACEEOWN Das.= to Produce and Commalesion Aderelioul, tei•ly • No 151 Liberty's. PM/burgh. F. C. DOOLITTLE D. N. /ME. . Geneial Ciaamissbri Meeban — b. Nos. 69 and WI, Water street Plttaburgb, Pa. for the male of /lour,- Cbtalt . S.Jaeeie„ Butter, Dried FroltarkroNalana Prodttneot a/11PD All orders for Carbon 011 filled at the lowest mar kat prices. . Aral - Cousirguarnts 0: 0. 111LPLET ' - /RAISE VAN 0010302. jPtALSLEY S. VAN GORDER, Produce Jr , slid Commission Nereharda, Warehouse, No. eOl Llteory et., Pittsbrirgh..Psi. 'Wholesale deal, are in Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Porn, Deco; Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brow:Lc . ..Potatoes, Hone. lnY. Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Ordain, Flour. Grata, Clover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flan. Suds, Game mad Poultry. Particular attention even to Produce Consignments. jolt I ITTLE, BAIFiD PATTON, Whole. -SA sale Grocers and Commission Meretuucts, deal ers in PRODUCE, FLOUR, ISAVON_, _•• uPcE, CARRON AND LARD OIL,'" IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON :YARNS, scut 'Pitts burgh soucilfacturea geserally,ll3 sad 111 Second street Pittsburgh.. - • OliN B. CANFIELD, Commission and u I'oeveardingiderchant and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES SALERATUS, LIN SEED AND LARD OIL. DRIED FRUIT, and Produce iyaberelly, Noe. I anA 11l Front street,- Pittsburg oelt L._ w crie CMS BUSTARD: CLP 15c BREPARD_ Commission Mer dates sod dealers - In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. 347 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. .Choice brand/Ler Flour for - Balm' and Faintly we - constantly on hand. Partlenlar attention paid to filling orders for AlerehandLeo generally. oat:ally • VETZER & ARMSTRONG, Forwarding and Clconmisslon Merchants. for the sale of FLOUR, (}RAIN , BACON, LARD, BUTTER, SLEDS, DRIFJI FRUIT, and Produce generally. No. 16 Market street, corner of First, Pittsburgh, Penne. fe2sdy WM. T. BMX THOS. XITMIELL IVM.- P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Liberty T Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Groom, COmmtrelenAlerchanta,etal dealers to COUNTRY PEOUCEp-PROVSIONS; BACON, LARD, NUTTER, EGOS, 'CHEESE, FISH, L. PRO UPI • E FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED SALT and LIME. jytO • GIORGI - P. ILIAD EFEOBON XV/ZOAIL, - 11 'LAD at IdgrZGAR; Grocertand coma Count m r i y s sPrno dMec h arid t ' s P , i nd bun ll iterall L a ll f ki c nd , of No. co Liberty stmt, opposite head of Wood street, Pdtaburgh. • ap3-ty aci - xan_ »..t.a starstsa....w.s. PEYMEW "& 'BROTHERS, (successors AN to Royrner k Aadersoe,l Wholesale Diadem Rs' _FORERUN FRUITS, NUTS mat SPIIIES, G S .00N FECTIONERY, SUARS, FIRE WORK, Nes. las and 1 . 4 Wood Ms eokabore }'U h, Fitts. „ • . ,jyall•ty - • WALLACE Commission Ale _repin t, ,• and Wbbless leDealer in noun & 011.131i_ 14. 3.53 Liberty street, opposite .Pennsylvania Paasenger trepot; pittsburgh, Pa. Storage l. Warehouse, corner Wayne and Pennetrecte. hull•ty , s i t mann.Wi •\ z( LINDSAY S. LIGGETT CO.:CITY.FLOIUIt :• ING. Dams; earlier Liberty' and . ii..dnaa attests, Pittsburgh. Pa. 40P . Uspncitr; 00 barrelr pre gay. •- •-ape , • q uir .. ' IK VFOXAKIR —WE. P. LA34I CIIOMAKER & LANG, Commission Merchants and:radii:dere In GROOM, 1401 RIMIUMR~toveIIIS , cd t dber y street,pl ~„..„:„ , ~•,• son -My -I.l*f WAIT „An,itclivirso4„lyt k oksaim i tii ro ';Pcers, Ocinkratsidon Merchants, and denials In uss and_ Pittabrugh..naanufastuses, Ao-163 rtt street: Pittsburgh:, , , juM 1411. . ststreggistog. sit .33110TELE1Vinad4 g ul season toltrbisit • Hirkpatrielti WHOLE b t ..gLE . OHOOEIWZOis.4IOI , abd 153 Llbettir 'Pittsburgh. ... Rs- . DALZELL . d6%SON ltanufht,; turers of LARD 01L; and .90moileston Nen chant* for the purchase Ann -*Me OtnUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos. 69 nun 70 Water *truer, Plttsborgh. Advances =de on 4914107 ftHEESE WAREHOUSE—HENRY COLLINS, Forivereding suU Coainuisslen Pler: chant and dealer In CHEESE, BUTPEReIsd.N.Es FIVIL end Produce generally, NO. XI Wood street, abers, Water, Pittsburgh.. • - mpg - • JOSINI. 11008 k. L'ORAltti VOrralL _TORN L ROUSE a CO, Whoieskile GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, earner e -Smithfield and Water street, EADIRT DALZI&LL A. T. D.SISCL. ...1.?0 • BERT 'DALZELL 4k . CO, Whole tale Cfrocers, Catemfs4on. and Forwerdinir .merchants, , ercluints,nod dealers In Produce end Pittsburo. • manut4etura. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • awl,. :Lora tvQ ct MOTT , JOHIPPLOYD;Zt CO.; Wholdamle Orm, fetiaid tlataatairoa Merchant*, Nos. 172 Wood and ap3'Llberay streets, Pittibtuah. ititARLEB .7 I.. - CALDWEL - 171F — m ccessor teitanti Hamer la (30.. PORK' riOXER and dealer in . ,raorisioNs, corner of D.rafrk‘ 4 , rout street, Pittsburgh: ' • f/A.FLEL 611171.31 11.007 E :IL, CO., successors to Is G. Gnat PRODUCE AND COMMISSION geadbettlereetrPittsbulg• = 'flErom Lalestrawr—rourr LAMBERT, -611IPTON:At WhO)/5* y e a o" xer . AO Produce Deslyto, No:11 BUM street. PlitabureL , ' - IBAIAHDICKEY. dz -GO.;, M v rT. 4l 9l l l' ' 're2- " at b rVattr i r,...t in ' P stlraitu.tu - sb• • • - - - xtrILLIAM - BAGALE'Y, WHOLES/LLB; j►f GROCER, No. I ;Mood WO*. Piriaburgh. tyVID.. EDGERT__ .011 _Moles* prow esuumo.kateria4ator wool Stteet, ntubtio.PAN • smut s . A PSTONE. —GO barrels Powdered: sfaS rittil/r is WWI% izalLß 041, 1884 'b s r syx..vAbus. 010111/JIG R. —WIWI'S* AIttASOII —TEN panA.Ttyy_m_3._ Os tad after BONDAY. (Maker Bat. 014,thilas ml/1 lases tbe li.ftat al featOws. ' ran sAlL,dally e i M3aaday, at L Sae. etaypang only at rind statics!. sod ',Aka* dteam coaoactions at Per= T. I,r . liartimore an Waabtagton. and es rot New York, Balton and intsnorallate points. HARBINBCDO ADOOMMODATIBB,daIIy wk. oept Samna'', at a D a. ca.. Miopplas st ait Made matioas Octanes - Pittmesußti and kilt malaise don camasotion whit trains os • draacki Wed Banagtrania ft.' iftud ito a m 4 . a9readt 1 43'1 ; 1 448 till/1111 d ° EIIeXT-7/ 0235 .•kt . ; t eat =rat t4h . r it laa w r in l g art a maki eonsectioo with Mika On the bark aod 8., 8., Tyrone aa4 Oloartlakt net Bag O . Brancato wiNtsTOWN ADOOYMODAVON, lialtir elf cePt Barady, at a.OO y. In stopping at. Moat Ow doom Wyman PittaborenadTotuiatcran=ak... alk st = lama% and. Welt ri.aaaimaata EXPltialk4 - I. T. '• : 11 = .1 fstrta r, tt I) ,d'A.Mitatir e t =mire . 41 tOb lUityL=ter,sa4 ' I t andabury auto, ennordr o a o aro , muds ha dadimonk Waahlnataa awlyogit at maitelphla, hx• ITew York. Boman sad New ham seedistepointa. Balsam' Vara ran Wombat WU . train from Pitrabnit6 to Baltimara, viduaw i e . and N.w York. by Ow Allentown routs. FAST.usx, **Dept Banat, _lt, ai LO, at., stopping only at Ooaarmassa. tralltrass Akan na, Ituntladdco. Lamination. blaryna u ltaeriabtue. aLiddionnon; - Mt won. coy adasonmear lad Dew d itigtoynk connectioar artramka Bearic 4kaiLWeatthookshilithg:-. dcifdda, fat iganr Yet; BOHOL. 4114,11.• Fiat dateninad &don Train for WalPs Blatt** leans dal,y (rieept Sunday) at SW la: • Bacoo4 Accommodation Train for Wail% &MISR leaves dai y (akiept Sunday) at a. is. Thir4A(oocamodalloa ..en. for Wail's SWOP ' ^ eaves dal4=atfitualay) at nap., Fourth' sien Tniln Maim eaves dad unapt Bunday) at AN - • 1. The eh learea Watt% Suala i i CB& retarnuoy leaver 01,11 ._ a. _ Seta:Wes arrt,. ls 1104.44bPif Pittaburgh Erie Eaprca . Baltimore . .. . . . ' idle is. . . --r— , OITTSBURGH FT. WAYNE ti ORIOAO - -. RAILWAY 'AND. - OLEVEL AND' & . FITS '-' Buzau ximitoAD. WINTER AREANGEMMT. . : : Oa sad altarneeember Ritb.loß, trains wit - I run no . . 1 For I For I. Poe , . _ .. Nsburghloldesgo. lelerolsad. I WbosUAd. i 1 NAPr055.........i.M.10 o. m. .2.10 , s. JUL' .240 111. UN - Expre55A.."....14.00 T. as. 2.43 p. in. lAA 1: as. '. • DW111.40 a. or. ... a --- , UO a. II a: , . For Now. casuwand zete 6.8• & la. 'Arrive at Allegluelky—P.' F. W. *. , , Q. Hauna a. m. &VOA m"^..40 a. se: and 4.46 p. as. to.oolk. RGE, PABBlicr• +Ube. , Onion Yaasencer Station, Pittabi4t f A. Q. 04113aLLBEILILY. A • • 0c4254 P.R. IdIrERS. Geittl 7 & - ar 4401:11.1 PITTSBURGH' AND E ggiumir OONNELLSWILL RAILROAD. WINTE/I On and alter MONDAY.NOT:III eq. s will leave the Depot , corner-144501i aid vas Pittsburgh. Prtasidik. Mail to and trim 'Uniontown. iitS a. sa. , llAClpt Er. • i . Pin Eress . SOO a. xp McKeesport A.CcOnett.'..llAo a.• arl. l pa 10s00O I. a a. . Second p. m. SAS 0. 0. First Braddock . % 1 ,, " • 790 a. in. :Jeans. ask •.,'" Sewed " - ." dna p. as. - FON ass , Sunday Ohnnsh Testa to and •• - . Own McKeesport 1.0 For : ttoketf apply 7. SHANK. ACeat W. U. STOUT. Superisteret. AL L R LEGHENY EE AILRO AD,- tA , m. - mt_. CILtECIE IMEE.-01 /04 aifter-7 1 IONDAIX.._ - Mn ink titter the teneethill fittleith -. e, met. eir klim• .; 4 will take meet. hi.A.M.MAJM—Leger intamo - ot enttlettht EhthehiAt at MOO A. ar.. - LeamtatE4' ;; t waft"' 44' 4A14. s6,artlna eittsbusgb at 1..; , EXPIiMs TI AlM — Ceara Elttamyos 60 {% a. m..,atmvaa at. Pittsburgh at LW a. a. ~ Z adnw • Pitur O!' l , 4ol. 4 4 te.t.ten,leit Y ab '!" , it7e4 m. A 111 M0DAM0N.2241.11!.- Letitia Works at 6.10 m anielagattuttiburaaatms m.,Learea .Pittabiltati at Loop., sa, amtlYthe At Sod Works atLa a. . ler mete . . w r ipthin'sui.editagiam.' , irpn X' GOODS. - - - .1110. WIUSON. :max lot Caira,'.o*lllxkleo4?ritiste," IATILSON, CARR& • - • • . . . (LATH 'WILSON, PAOLI Alpo4). Wholesile dealers la riAliattAtru TIC DDY GOODS, •Fro.. - st wood - ,street, house above GOODS, filer. Pittsburgh., - *of VATON,.M.A.CRIT3t . .II‘ CO. — Wholesale -.4 and Jintall ,Dealforn fn. frumatufGls,llll. 111101DERIES and DRY GOOD' of every deseelp, Retall De Y.A DRY kIOODS, TRZLALINGS E i,IIO.72 Markst ., I met, between Diamond and Fourth, Pittainutimrn ..... J . i ti m ptf e lylLFlE I iWliblaile GO,„ riam er.2,l - sTAZ l ,E.,max,zuccrr eAstrequi, . aa4 /.!4/1.! JOSEPH' 'HORNE, 'Wholesale . =di:kit/117, Dealer fa all kln.a of TIIISQUAGS,-DWL GOODS, 84., rfoo:17 sad 11l frarla.t. alsolL • za , riure.sJme --- - TORN 1088, Agent of the Equitsblebk;: Er nuance Rensinitton Fire.buctrance Chwi. end the Pana Mutual Lilo Luurance dolphin. N. W. nor. Woodard Third sterol -Pitts.. • • GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for thin* • Franklin, Philadelphia and Dahlman Tam. anee Umlaut Notthaut corner WOOD and ": P. J ON - E, Agent for North , . Arnett aoa r State of Peacusilvaula,a ..,-,-:;•nd Hartford lop Ooropoda di,W4I.TEId. a CAE= rsl QAMAISL REA. Secrets DS tliss e, hem: r" 1 1 . 7 azois Oomptay, earlier HABYf.T and WATER ; • . . . . .. p,OLP I SOAP I I SOAP 1 I I—The MUM- * S lOAL °LITZ Elta.BllTE BOAPis taernifse. • Mired by IL- (X tr... EL SAWYER, is acknowledged , to be the most servlotiable of-Amy kind vat oterea, .3. i to the public.. Its superior advardMtrn ere genet , - '', in its cheapness. saving of labor, and leo edientry i in removing steam...l:mint, tor.: sad .withoot in. ', Palos the sitlM'or in the lesit'wise d laming the , linen Auslity . of goods . : It. mut he .4ed with Mt.- , Stridence la smideiith plesiettrei tb the riiii}ohiiie 66 tonnage, emmistiag trade gentlemen well wawa k., , inelis tOmmunity. and who ,hsd *siflailtlf as z ' ' I forded of seeing it Asap stulfstrly'i__ . _ , ' ,4,, c , " - ' QM:rime's/eels Dipertassukr4es."lke",.'sbrwse''' eudArstiomill Agit/tents Pa. jribil.: %-:, x ~ - ' ,SlV.W7aril %taiga OliTe Arian Zr i '- i tiiftir '''' t kite% Ten eztexuarely.lit oar; Wiry . ' :I. i lore yahoo *fton to:terUfoing ttuu. It rourlosO r. , t I adisdrebly , odapted to the welof tbri soldlinellst is { .4etidsdly, thezmost mentor Clospirldshollda.,o ''''d I 'Procured br the lettelce, .. ~.,; V.:, 47 1 r . .{ L.,...4 124.. en . 141,,V.. 14 -1 4. j A M it li l iVi f ik4 4 4 2"Snialtir i r Mr lig t: ' t ''''' ...4,4' . it 4', M. N 4 KOOSUMAIn Ut."4B:l2aft.t .18481. ' .. 4 ‘ 4 ' I hani: used Salrieel Ingnakti'llf"" aft. 1 ".4 .; 1 ten the past; twelve moothS;OXld. bellsre.ll ~ '.-.. 'Lei:last economical • sod ,seittilfsetory eel*, teh)F 4 _'. - Aka} bets Co the Ainertssa Peooll6r 7. '. 4 :? .....,•::•- • - ,-, :• - E l /.:IIELCILLICNataut4 4 , i ',: ,, -.. lialtiritlerb /to=aleelltraaidik : , r, . 3 ._ 't -- , • 4 .-,.. rte c- :1 , seats: B. t. 4- A Ff. Sarrysr--11Sy lowly luriiict - ,. used your Chemical Oltre Ensairssoap for lielsW, r I mcsitem, grid hare; round It tip triwbst it hasnisa , , I t reiirecento... For Axing 4n. luta wat.or a f 7Vgai ! . ..., .- 1 it in 111 Pekloi 4 41 1 40 1 T In um . • • '-" t '''",', ."' A. G. 1..4..rxD, bib. All, Vs" , - ' ,;,„..... 's''''. , '' '' ~, ' , ,"'., `:..• ;',. 1 . :(I 4 . , I 4: A .4 , .4.' . ' „Itr •tvitr i . :wera) . /ma . r vroilm-.1.., TRIBO--.E. TOUR OWN JUDOE.....RANYLi cr*Gidodt sees.--Giarrsaiun satitllelof th.ssartir ••• laa.ratiel .ate- . pant $a - "dead'.! ea Rwere, where oessubterioN had se mead/ Ahmed me,. • Your Elrop;Pilla .and Olat. meet. du done for me tenet nothing Ohs did 00 , could -do—restored me to health. and lite, what I d hnd resigned myself to Ate ' , mortar seiestraM <ia elot.e4 la $lO for another supply, 'Yodes„, • • - - • • WILL.tArd hi...BROWN. • •r• eirmaKaila, Lincoln, Maine, Map ld, lad , - " • Ti.. alone to vete/atom en/ Lot cone Of the, many we receive. Dr. H/ JAMES , .thiNNADLUiI DIOA la the only remedy that will_poeftively ante- CONSUMPTION. ASTLUILe. and We ask Ow tale/ of a mingle bottlif i x It will sat. late the moat theptkal. bapor ttlo, pato,. ; bottles, iti Da Me and OIe CRADDtWIL /a aebal, eaciri,••• Address • 7 • , ance street . PhiladelWrk forearecoeMnr - intewerr r" spOBTEAIENT, HEADQUARTERS; j !131 woon.sfriirr. #'4lll4rEs- 32114t*tittrZi'j larltei of lapurtstgiil'aid Otiggit IV= higtgodlel stock of GUIL,.s .I , 9WDER 3U0)) Br.LTS £O4 POOUILIO9,II4Agg wand and ammunition of army kiatL storklit Great ever brought to Mfg market. +.l . . Korgso,w.opro..L.ent, R gazacq.;?l,:, j ; ' ' f Real Estate . Agenta,:f ,':,'• .4 aiam , ' 1Et':011: AND - 004%.4 LANDS In ... .rtAti*.przali", Ob SI! .. and yiraiata. - . . ..,..... , . -. ...4,:y..-p67110 .' fi7ls Ligsizir 6' talrit i . .:: I rasa" ; , , P.I77IBMIGh. PA, - ~, i OV-Vg ;11A11t.r49I1jg3RS, These who ?Trailer, Oils for Islets attar oisiairi.;l I doJettee..thaa esti- ea us tor:TALLOW , • Tallow 011 Plessattha telt -and cheapest lubricator cols to he had for rottlaselevi I wschirety.. , C,/ : t. Insattrietarro-elfaelortoown Of would Inter-: mate • ea Tsllow or = to call on as before purobsalarri apes 1.343A1L DIOIU6T A ea J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers