~, ,;,.,: . . sif v.:4I4AL , Liz 11:11L 1151 - INIT. YNa unfatalshed room fee n mut mad wife. clizorrtx Orvior. itivrr.• tr,cnruer t ' E -" 1- be second of r sad hrf • _hflcM Wert& . JOHN I. 111/INE & 00;; ' ,: 13 ALE.—FAilli.—Situated In Plum prasto, Aticiamar _county. confoloing Irlictca uoucr fence! the rocnatudep.timber IC &act of tee.'Noquirc of Iwd N. A. (JILL. No. Efi Fifth street: t ELLE—That his!,TERSE STO AGE DWELLING DOUSE, N 0.% Fourth ,grcktsbergh. rawest tt glean on the Ist of Wt. 1.114' tan o 50EN W. RIDDELL, •tnthey.ei-Lew. - No. ins Fourth greet. BALE CEEAP...,. A FRAME j trurgz U removed at OrIK Masted eer ie,' and 7( item hareatieB, Allegheny city. ' - LAMM BAUttl at PBTTOZW, - as rem itiaad i 4 tfacondst. Eutabciarh• SALII:—YALUABLE FARM— Jontiantog 2411 . actes, 19 uf otlch Is ileared; 30 Oolf /natural otoadow. Good honer, of otelt, .ay Urge Oink two, 40 by 04 SID baulk , fetal 11 ,1 0Loce la wort watered{{ front 7 to 0 fod rein 11 . ,tuated near tbo Picot Rood, wo sotto, Bidtentnwn. 1 °Cored watoßio not as ea 4,7-1 . 1 1 °LAIN ft CO. la rout!' street. Il=i 000 NIM No.l pit IiARRRE.4 . . • CAP,. ItteliSLVIG ' Y. . alleghcoy lltretbankieioni to liAilla st w4 irek spita• , 1 R FINE LARGE DRY pEri...&A, tygood ' , prints* tot Rotating end 13terfog tottt!,°"•"•' Za q yaft .. N; Jo Mittens' lOsnronas Ocoee, corner of Mirka .. ater Witt; Rook ro Roildtue. .ottkaw BIEI . . .... , tOa auk; Inewki Jai from two to ttro. hat. 4020 cook. - Pa sale hyy tcmidßßEwen, BURKE it: oat cOmar Doonerno W y and klitotoctr.attet.t. • • • . • . A EIRICIEI3OI3I3II,' . - • ... S&Wag wren, rt.e'qualid fit/111'40d attic, 'situ-. ea IrVesteili Xvtlitlecrl4l6l, ud . Atinherkr, 177?IjIfIPILII 13111TIN1142::.i31:1`nr._i A nalfr AllegbODY .Icquire Eft.Avecur. eptaawd l. BALE, . •" . 2 A 00.71VoRTAHLr: = tar Vithin atip 4a3 a L 11: Nuxrra tlthe t @man &Debater. Good wht*r And evem. ecniscateat. Poteeenon Immediately; Z , crals apply to learnt Par.r.llrolcrel itreeti jThogata Harper% Tylio!‘ Shpp r Bearti attest, BALE—A THRIi B BT.OII BRICK r7S.I.LING, centifelei els roocurall In ennl.. order; ritunte on Serell.t.nrtrzet.nearMtn, ' Loth Ward, Lot 18 by 184 feet. -Also; a Two: RT FRAME DWELLIIICY, DI 7 *)OM,Ir. new: in complete other, waft it lut . Se by UT tret;." aprored. For terarei'&24 - apply at thtateat' le and /1151.1tailiOOtlir et ' 4rtler atm; cno_. Allei•XoTWn9C. -.' .- BALE —i'he late residence, of. the • • cr. E.T.t...11A. P. SWIFT. D. 1)., eltoctei Ok, Accent, or NorlititToniftne, id .the-Thtnt , ~,.. Alkgheny city. The lot coastste-ef- one, Of ere one, on. crbieeP Imo telegrams Goa.- • • _us brim houre. , Trli .la lute or the eking 'lllnl and - tlettra4c lorAtions In All, heir , For psi ticu/ars ennelmer.Rev. EIA.IOTT i 7 IT, on the .nremiset..No_244.Sorth Are ~ .,r o c r er." V i e ' t N r cet,,l ja' th°l3 . . .14, ,13.1'....,11".,,,,rnlYpaU'Ithiked"r , . 0 ESA 1,,E,—• ow ' zn - En es, :.i.tt - , ‘ltt. purposely lonall welts; 1 1 4 itaa ti tter, • fo stroke; very-strong. Basin*. mak. ~. .it needing; rod of wrought Iron; ~-. , • 'llt ,• trera t 4 to If !notions, 12 lean§ diameter, with • '., p -Inch flues; chimney Win. by 2'l feetthot and . A - Ater prunes. Everythinvorni4ite and ready . ..: ~ ip on eight. .. - Etißli t i l tnn. 1101. , E AL , ?...-•:1 , corner Petit' allejr,amtihteyteeme Wrest, Alleghenyrirer, near thwrown. -.Wendt i" "Al SALE.—One' SECOND , HAND . 4 . . NZILER, near l y now, Bi telt 1e:403 Indies Sld inch ß4 Lott iongi SO Bickel 'diameter; 2-13 Inch ei. 4.. , :;.: 14 feet iong,42,lne.hes thwarter, 046 Inch ' .2 .... • . . ....'.050 tret Wrilitt tron.Trualc. _ . .• • , , ...t..- ' ~dre at the IND STRIXL WORKS. . - s , ' ' ' 11tBItt X. BULB &IX, . • ... . :*.i 4 l Po int Alleyttodßuquesue p7sy.,,lttahlt. - . , ' If _ . , ..... , . , BALM ESSION GIVEN AF.',;kll— . } FIRST, t Lraldo propertp In lieClurelownstilp,Nrell ono mile from Alkivierf. Also. an , • J. • - of .L, ClA.UrfAftllAlti, or of , - 1; !. T. T. g 0. A11 . 1 , V ,s ait Elute • ~ . - 1 '•• 0' " i•et •e : , . , • TY.—The utolotikli ". ed. mat offer at Publl ' • the prrmirckylo Alkssfseny city.onelt.TU • ~ • . , Mak of April, lag, at 2 fetlock:Pr-is., th •• : Where 3lre. FURL nos , lives, ow Pasture .. • enteny ci t y.-adjOinint- tire .Tannery• at . :-... e l Ene " and e xt m e i nds h eric at i o( i=kl 2°C) f 2t! 1 1 , o of Joint CPllem's plan of Monet Relief, !•.: dln Mau BM& vol. 41,42 e us and :cum., i„ , to of soil prim, being lots numbered •to l' Lu a comfortable. frame. house, •and tft l• •, a are pLantod mit/stood. fruit. trace, be. I ,• ' ' eirtat Into aeveml goal b trading tots, or . .-k ema sea whole, IL froUld makc.adellyb • : .. se. It is offend tor saki as • •-hole, or 12 ..7.• , loto to suit inutilutarre L and the terms o ' '44 Jiat. will bo mule 2 07. • Fortzslull•eatt be Man Ma Mkt of May =Mr -.• • . z . • • .•."_ r,- -J. tr. F. NFLIFFE, • . le, " • d • • lcs Fifth s*- , ILI() BALE .— The sobseriber 'offers ...., lisle his Farm, fn Oh lo township, Ansel:Lacy • Pa.,as Lad our Leto- lots—suitable for -:."° Bus. Thertrithe• id Serra 'l4ll out" Into !:'.. IraA%flroltt';2.2l=tioillie,elrALVlllr,'lltels i t It hoots ...: & Chicago ailtway; sad Jr situate neer Tar ? • ut Stating, shout four miles from the F • '•; Dehoti Alletheny or .Thb Leath o ii ~" ,t)t. - quality for Meer orrapec, MAIN' well r i: by several never...falling 'pris s y' ; ths land 1:-• Seel; bar a southern exposub, sod a and eseleW for Wks IV and down the river. sod 'lipspeels the situation Is one of the 11, est on ~ I po Ith - sr, "It is believed to be the best prop., country Beata ever offered for sale In Alla.. rowdy. The lots atUllbe Offend at Publist. -• the premises, on , rairaSDAT, the '2lth 4,. . Apsll,leo„ at 10 o'clock A. IL Teresa of to-totutheastduvi the balance's' payments .. ..• t pp . Vv .. % l iar fU n tr ff r( 4 o4lllAlll[l l ll4. t b_ Or of the subscriber; on the premiss,, - ' • JACK MAIL . . -splindd• ••• .- EN • ' •'• S' COURT BALR' OF •' A . _. NT LOTS IN THE EIGHTH Neap : IYEGEL—The nudersignedj-try..eirder of ' the ellront= e f a nt ° LI ,a u r...4 .. G utt :.,. _at Publ'o_ritle,:satkur ciLOHT abi%).4 l . . Must . ,P 2 I t o ab i tzh, p ri . 44l. t r g HaZ : 42. t kl i gn U. 0 iSth ward, dlty . Forbes st4l4, 4 1 , ' lee' t ° , 7430te azta 15 In laid plan In ' ok roL I. War 1 lot co ecnniat Weise, hh fc. • I feet. be " rot, No. SS lamp plan; HP lota . . anat.= eiM feet. lece silo INI, • , title a viiSiSoill Streik ' WC, being allams in le nig phia l -: on the corner of Magee and Blur feet, befog 1 4 0 00 Aiililta and stOM• 3 , Inn altogether 110 lota.. dame of these i . reel desirable as bilk loll 4 allelotr a rh , di -,. Mashie [artistic/sr illiarrtein.' will lenaratalp Cr all together, lad aid easy , nagnient. ..r , e4 - 1 J. 971,4';' WHITE, ~ .• '•+ r:Cleeillth tr. 1 / 1 .1,1--,5. ve ry _ valuable -.FARM in 47. tewasettr,'Weltatoretiodemnitr,Pa4l thous as "swilampil ,tisagoVedi and .ta. "...a ot eurtivathui.,, , •,r .. ~,,,.^ • ` ' bit STE= Mpg= nut isF -wa, with the fat ow othi ! , ~s sail dor in alt 'al s ,4 a . 1171 r i , str:ke. 'estot ihriiioll4.ll.-/get 1.. , .. „.''. In dimming 141,,itt foot ordirt la',' ; hi of t Arm : Fl i k retla t ise a fai sad:fotitti.l4l; $4 t r y ”! b • "''','" ' iit . iiiiii. ii ' . ' I , was l 4:lV4MeM.aa' e t a -Pena ATouty s about two . ';,...5t. asir;StElow, oi a. --",..'" vir leili warm molded ',lib. all! i n nsr ifsaei ate ria ' . 4, *oar s' cds ugd Iffeirti ld nos. ....• la a..."at i. tood Jan: Won* Id Mit, Will ' ---1 , IS, soaps ad Oetatte the idlialOr :Mary. is the very best mote et softies, - ii" t Alrfr Il ' 6 1 ,1 riat 1281111-47t.11=%"':4-1-. Ad...m eountr, PL. S. Tub Mill ;boot one s mile Cram the PeaseaLßallroad. :movements area good frsme house, ,and' mall Farm oral arra in - Deri - richii.o4; • • rels 4 l4 0014 447. Pa.; near the lice °tills 1 1 . B. beet "tpr i ..,..tikrsix), W. kJ 1, ' 1 : . arm a sea acres La FAraiT6Wiialllp; ry %midair fa rm It, sunk WOW: ' leer, in Fsbaskttowaship, Wonsan,- = i aad is alvar_and a half miles, . 0 stL The Improve, . as Wars One& Image, garbs heal% snake . j luxe frame stable, a tram. lowa 441 . r saw mill, • Ipso. 6, 3 aikageggigg: All trees.. It is main aid with, coal, ,a. ,Its brisk slayUM aishoodred tiaras: t y. WkBO oak- 4L;V,IJitre2,J,V. Ts acres 11=IteLiggialerteWilsidpP fr nd "mx4.1 22 1 `11,!°_,... _ .. ex ..-'- t k i ? o lrA - ,° ; . - . , ;:k 10t . % witi - sit ' fitiorrair mant4W , ken. , Lin tho bo!Ottet , of LiFeeter; Wit! to sorts of I staiiiiti a bite taintag fain, k . , same plea.. —.- ;a Ise ;vs c f land, Ofotalos alma . 0114.44" 1!" :- ' r - W. ,- ir. i irwl i zrzil t....,..., • rio. 164 ro m arth sing. - s. 1 .4.11 Z INiE l l'il nsf7l 8' LE 1 i ITTilaUr t Gli TILEA.T WC. • .74. WA.T.5,7:1.7747...1 ikZitri•irr 4 . 1 Z. 'MEW I -. • • . CT/driPrlZ ti" NBA 'rubric grlizirss or .tr.ve- 1... ex mt; ism iireiiinte.l rat drama, iffieven arta, as played In all the principal cities, entitled the Slieds of mires rori'! • Tlrrt—Pretrzuch nt, lat—S - ooklyst IVArht-s Act thd—itoriw or the ltmrher Act 31---•tre lon Square, New York, the Snow Storm. - An: 4th The rise Points. het 6th —The Ftra. Ae: Ch— Vrehlth anti Pride at Rome. AZA=The Crafts CoMp•ny,la the cant. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES .TELBAT.It ‘w. C. srtn.THEP'N " 27 1'=d 4 .7' CO/MIEN= AT 9 il'or.octr.. Mat week 0f.£117. Sin/SON'S , new (Iran:man two ear, entitlQ' 7202 CAD.„ TICE TAIIIIANT: OR. THE CONYTOTU SKULL! Ile nee Seim DRu /CARD sTARLET . • • FERNANDO • ADD WEAVES, WALTER. WENTWORTH. NEW - ACTS ST THE OLD-FAVORITES! canPErs. OIL morns, sc. GREAT - RED - VOTION tiggie of .511 at ". La t t ° et umban a hr 1E4;o - de at PO.PITLAit YElOln. • Oarterranding with Cho And liTir ii "eld timblo . in Mengtandlso /carnal', We iin tau day, • - down i .":"' Led snoot. - :omptee hl r of new and Canino pattering, Yelroti, - ; . Two ar-d Thre. Fly In_nrata, Floor gill paths, Window Shades, lca. , Tticoeptio ' s to Th L l t st a yrittli t t u ndO t awala per Cent , . Lt!, ..niwrzerribrii sTatmr,. Wont door to Clutha Ho*" anti P. 0 lIRTH STREET! c.e.R.etiret nAVE PILILIXED DOWN . _ our present stock, rezutiless costy.,to colrespowl to the LOWEST POINT OF GOLD, M ne in rioat listeners upwards of rzr ry PER CENT. MILER TILE PIIICIES OF LAST ISERSON. wearedaqyreeOrlne goods levoteed'actoruing to the ratleof gold at the date of aldpment, we wilt affarl to ur eeetomeeo the bertolt - of • EVERT DEOLII,11:: , tv.D.dll.Neil4.LLull. , 5 ._errouuto_SlTEET. ENTERPRISE - M!firsk : - ATWOOD, RALSTON dr,-. CO MtCllifacterers and Ccumnlxsign Ider:hants CIARPETIN'GS; - oa aoths, : 1 0istOrsio; Rugg, •. N 0.64.9 l.swyaiiva STZEBT,' PHILADELPHIA. aticrlox AUCTION SALE OF ;CONDVINED. HORSES: ' lartArrsturasellia Ghtrznnivatlerca, _ From Dmaraa "Waltman:mom rrr, April " er r sway at pop, auction, to tlis,laigimat Nailer, at Hilumore,maryleuitt, • : THURSDAY, April 13, 1805,' • HyNDRED - •ldAttli9 many of them weibbred ihd lei goild .• THURSDAY,ApriI 20, DMA ' ..TWO MINDRED OAVALY/Y-HORt3E3. • _ On THURSDAY, April 27, '••• ' ON'E HUNDRED MARE: WITH. FOAL AND. ltbiß HUNDRED OAVAERY•HOILIES.- These .borsas bare been condemned as meat for the cavalry service of the array. • • , • For road and fernablet Rtirpasas, many good bar gains may be bad. • • • Azdenanisold gluey. Side to CIOIDICeIIOO at a, Z., and will be held at Philiip.s Oosemincat Stables, corner of Fremont and Ramsey streets. "TitiMi7 , 4lsatt, In Vatted States entrenciy Q. • 4travittiTiteigadtert ..qcsicrat4n . altarge, ints4 Elk vision 1.1-0- - • • nretatl23 ALITAIILV STOOKS' AT - AIICTLOY: - -TUESDAY EII:NM% Aprit 2eth„at.7 l ,4 d'ad - cli; Witt 'he 'told on Ste arch• d iloorof the tkratnereial Sala, Boonia. 105 Saltatleid - stre. oppailte the Porid Mice itintiance at MU...at the Rooms, directly .from Fifth street, la addition to lurid, entrants. trorm,find Boor, Sales Roe suo the - . ..tollowlerr,valnelde steeker , .•. • , , 15 . •sionns Peoples' le acre Co.; .. So Chirmen. do do; • ; ; • .:. glftheny and Pitternrat 011 00; . North American 011 C 0.;.. • •. • SOP a, - Look Creek d 47 , 41Ctii .. :. EI Dorado dot . sel ••• Pittsburgh and Neer York Oil Oo . • nro•• : • .1. - renklin er. Setray Coat thl CM. .002 aAfuek:nrom. Sorif-gPotro IP (o 600 ' o. Linden teed Mining kStOeltiogao ; pg 24 A;IIIcIIMAJNE. Auotto2ote; • PROP'OS.ILS. 'O OPO — R c A A P oFOoR *- wBiT U e MeNOdU a the °Mee of the Philadtahla Gas Works, No. 'lO, South Seventh street, until noon of Friday, 27th of lea, for supplying the whote er part of ser nly thousand tots ot alturtthour tthato suitable for she menu fact ure of Ulu minnting gas; tote 'red on the railroad tracks of tne gag work!, at the Twanty.alain and Ninth Weill Swathes, in the lowito quantttlear seven thousand-Bre hundred tone in. each of the months of June, .Tuly, August, - inSS, and January. February Marc.,Apt - II and lday, • - The coals most be delivered fesh, dry and er'a quality approved by theEnginier of the Goa Works on cruel to the illtakte on which the contract-a "rt,Thc .propoials millet describe the Paitituhar vitri• rip of coeds intended go be supplied and the taxa tion and name of the mine ore pis from which they - are to he Nand, If they are' of a kind not now or ' rthently teed at these works, samples for trill of not le st ban City ; tons must be delivered at the _worts elior before the 7th of April next. - The grog ton of 2dtelbs will beconsidered ar the • weight Intended iiid.he ptopotals, unless the Goa. • linty he expreaslyetatot.- . • •• - .The Trall tete reserve the to ateliptany ,Tosels Ilia:hole or to part, no to reject all, as they • ...may deem best for the interests of the Trust: and In event of fallurlion the part of any contradtOrto 'deliver the opals, aceOttling told/ agreement, both fir quantity and quality, the 'f'resteeereierre the-, right to buy elsewhere; whatever quantPy may bli .regulsod to meet the &Scanty, and shame' to the'. contractor any lots Or . damage arising from enab litattw ee , Payments will Se reads-monthly, in two NUM:. Inetalownta, nt font andisinotontiassfterthe spec; inMPlPtieof dollyern the 16th Grotto month bel, hag taken na the livernge . of the menthlydelivelts4; or ot the option of- Trustees, will Ink nlindeld earlier dates, wlttilerA ittereat.iper. Should nontrastore prefer to make dells/rifest - esflerthentequir they may bereteired, so far 'Aa fifty conj. o co vecdently stored, but manta will be mandato deterrent the-tie glso• Lathe" contract. &corny for the rl'nst gref,dl=p i r r o j Etr e clout "jai, the .. amount itifddsd t :::EMite Met, .. ZARI*4I I OODg; WrLB 011'...11/4711 .1/441.1Jt 41VidIVOLliaLF111 WILSON, CAPS?, it z (LaTa Plal a 00..► !.. - . • , N AND PoitES oles RIP 4LValnli .• ••• - • 11(.1 MSS,' 'AM ittine — c atoll end Arley; Pittsburgh. - apt, MAC 'a , CO. t . 3Tholcsale E A lu r t; C i r ii.all Dealers in THENImuI'US. 'll2ol.ol3llESand DRY GOOD:S . oferery &mat*. M ee, Vor. I, sad ze Flltb stmt. ratabluxh• • • Iip:CRITI Cal Mk :Wholesale and ibetalt , Deedemts , thilar AND STAPLE' , BY OIXILLS. TElTmAnhia.Si kg.; No. 78: Market :fleet, between • Ditmond sod Youth, Pittsburgh. _.l - :,*-11.4iIIRCJILFIELD,'Whoicissie bud. .- Retail Deal* to •STAPLE,AND. P.OlOlO tr n s troots,Pietabu .00Dg,Northenart onus li7otfrth- 'and ISM.f4 atet, .: •,, ,; „. JOSEPH HOIMP.,, 'Wit°innate and Retnil Ge;M!U. an •of ' THRIINOSOiRT eL _ stud 191 do, at t. SOOK4.'4LItIIIIB, kEW )3001* NEW BOOkii Armband add ,Ifcnita;llo stkir- arrel, by 54- '''' lion Ilirland.. .1. '' ' ' '• • V '75,, i ParBOD and Peopl edor, Incidents lathe every ' day Lifb of a 01 rgyoan; by fiar.l,:. Sopa... L . 7 p er. Vies: of W too, $1,441..x . ioetrick and Dein. 1.00 'I bl\T OM in Mame 4.0*, by &Man= .Ificci- 4 , bery 'Luttrell. Of Arrol4Y . .bilrfotLoitte.wia....., 1 fO. 'Uncle slbut,. , _ &Seiko( Bey 714 a afoncb::: - 4 .. .., ...la 11 Cl '' l4,ol liturtaxe,Matathor,l'oftTostiJialie ;4' !. • fax... • the Ebtlyar's and she Surton , O, tir Kingsley.. 576 Tinder tbs Ban flo.Niudft). • A novel. 1 :.41/0' IleadolVesateb or filastmaktak•br Altins—''," ....a..asw map of Palomar:, st&tomed,»:..' „oil. ` ls ' llo *Eobaralasap of EtibielouNt,tablored.i.: , .,=7ls ....... Ole (D A - V/ 8 1. 1 2. 24 4tE8, ...„:, 41st ti, r 1: ~ ',' Pl_fo pa, WOW - . t` , I ILTUBT - 0 UT.-KILLie:WEEI,AIM) Gt 3, -m. • In. oir.7: . 11 ..mottssolktot work, now. • R ,„,..1.... 174. tagatta, 1 /1 1 V -l tkir; :sold th e ens moat of iti libtlestfon: .._.' ' TILE , MOT or - r wr.sr.ary* , us' ?so ~ 4 ,THE , . ausurr. 1 r 11E GOSPELS. In 35. •Lsetnreava..ReauwesiLifootlesticH • ,• - ; -I'.4tsr,fxkaAku 'ALB !Ms., - _ NYfiblei . ate ..kaa - ALaru7g. cAiints, STATIONLIVS- - ! asp , •. i Ti U1LE4115,.-7s FonrlMStesel 3 : • 14oshiDAL3r (..VAMENT.'77—Ttt, - liiiirela , for salaby 7 zuwErz E. 9 . oymris,_ isri-mazon. Sinfl.: 4 , ;.• - • ...E. MEE • ' 1 1 . 4 15144 M'CUROY & CO, pAussyposmis of issariaTeudeltt.. OCIPP'er" -"" TONS. BOTTOMS, SALTER SOLD Also Importers and dealers In NET. ALE. TIN PLA.'i'Eutir IRON, _WIRE, ne. tip on band. Kara( was' M.A.OmmIS sad TOOLS. - Wareboture,No.l4oFEßST and !WSW OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper sot to any desired pattern. nybßlydayT , • WiTTISIUMUII SAW WORM.. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. IP'ATI3NT GROUND CIRCUMAIti, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de. leription. PAIli-Mulay, Moo Out, Outg, and all Other varietlef. All klada of KNIFES and SPRINGS . _, made front Sheet Cut Steel ; Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING KNIW.S., Sc. ifs'Warehouse and Works, earner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Putieulaz attention given to Retoothing, dam ming and Straightening Oirenlar Sawn aria, re. pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drillin g dons at reasonable rats*. * Boiler !Wren it Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. to, x, u and I* PENN MEET. Raring secreted • I.:l=d, and, taralahod • with the mit Improved err, of ed to mantriseture every description of BO In the hest manner, and warranted equal to any made In -tho country. CHIMNEYSBRICGIEN FIRE nEns,STe&EI PIPES; Lciamonril BOILERS, tiON'llo ENSER S, SALT PANS, TARR% OIL STILLS,- AGITATORS,_. SET. S TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES; WAB PANS, and sole Menurattoren of BARN DMUS PA.TENT BOILERS. Repeating done ,on the 'shortest . - delent ammo mailtLki...J. P. HOLLAND rm....LA:BELLE NTCIEL W 011118,4 ••••?,°' RE= et co., (Sctoodeoni to norm, !UVULAS ba. GO4 - Mazitateictisiers 'of OAST STkEL_Lsrstora, PLOW - amt BLISTER STEEL; SPEURIS, LES,GRONSARS, he. arP• Works, MIST WARD, 1 . ,.k0ky. Pod °Mee addred, PITTSBURGH.' : -'• TO NSA vista surrrizons or BOTIISEXIM-A revaresulgentionanhav - log been restored to health In alcOrdeysi after tor rtdrXlog the usual routine and Irregular expensive 1 of treatment without semen, eons:dell It his sacred duty to communicate to his adlictod creatumm the means of cure. Berme, on the receipt of an addressed envelop; he will scnd,free, • copy of the prescrietiell Used Mee. to or..r,ourt okOniett.; 11l FLltot trect. N. Y. midtayAsier 12r- , Rettl.NDON, ILEA dr, CO,(stuxestorlt - ' to Itoptirsott, Mims fr. IttstrasE.. _ -Alltshlagton Works. - ruvNnits AFIrMACIIINISTS, Alanufactilrers of BOAT AND STATI(nfARY STIAM ENCIMIES,...I3I.A.ST4[I-tiL 'MACH/NE.l' tr, GELDING. (7ltSlt INI3S tall atm:110:1one, OIL TANKS& STILLS, _BOILER AND SILMT, IRON , WORIC:. 1 161..frzents fortIIPPARD'S FAZE:a Pi.JECTI : - 'OR, for (ceding boners. 0, ; _ , 1.,--soluccocira &N & BV.o.44.lantamt. .S.M7t; -town of IRON VAULTS AIM VAULT • DOORS: FROM RAILING, -WINDOW. MUM. TERS, WINDOW - GUARDS. 6,-, Nos. It . SEC AINDtindLITUIRD STREET, beam= Wood and Mutat., hare °Lassa rariet.7 of. new pattern; Alm"' sntildran,lnltablo fockall on:poses. ..- • • • . 411 ifersiticulsenttention paid to.onalo.slog Gran ..ToMlngdonnatid4ortnQUoq. au! • - TIM €l - IAMBIEIII. AN SAY OF OF NrAFNING Alin-tristEtro- TIONFEIR•VOIMO MEN. AlllO, Map andreltV ble treatment er the , Urinary and Sexunl System.. Address - Di: J.:SKIM:EN 11010011TON;q1tnii.. art digoetation.l.l3lbidelphisaa, •• • • APltir, wm-raIIMNILY H.• COLLINS. POIMARD COMMISSION MEACHAM re dealer in CHEESE. 111TITLM.; i SEEDS, FFSB, .end products • woon at .srrolui 7 zrs. - - - ocrra tf.:enitax azurear Y. trgastrzit 31c.14.A.STER t , GA 7 7 AV. romorrors or dl,Allllg AND PA.TENTgi AND ATTORP*43..LT-D.AW-. Ne. - 08 GIiAIIIT STREET, .Pltiaburgh. Licensed by Government to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY • ALA all other or Naval Claims • dealart the VoltitiStedee. • e/sfE I.ll.llelhcED DOL.I.ARS, doe soldier, ettArgod unonot of its meised in battle* ualeeted tter.edlshtly. . .ero‘t:atl safe GRANT STU EST. oppeette the Cathedral. ! :CLAIM ACENOI. PENSIONS, maixoss. .rDavy, tr.al CLAIAT.S Ll£ ALL KINDS PROUIIHIID W. J , *gALL PATTEMM, Attorneys-at-Law. lu lymwru sTn*Cr. ElipLDTpla, sips 14)Enty 0 . '14 Wounded tioldlors t to n• . w- wing paid to an wall Inielditil." C-Mt.'"e4 Ur ' ll i tha . ta° 47v l ll27,l l. ll l 3 . A.T ibe S. S. Sovernaimit. tt tro. 1 4 11/1111 SISAL onto! floor below the _ _ OLDIERS' ;CLAIM . k• BOUNTIES przvsiu* Alai ; *.rarmut s 1 1 . .romptly atteided • - . ItIOTIELT., 01711TH ST, Plttsburgb, ItOes . ktla.wr , :Arb42Mr.i6 . EVENSON, NO. 3:44"S'onti . tit •Street, .;. - , , ;.; PITTSBWHIff,' . , ractice.fa' the • blore.o d. Al. c C/ - .RIILL 1 ft.J.Wp#ON, v:ll.ramarqsa, *amazes , s;l4,tl:z i A.cpDtm , ' ik4a. - tod hinded som;il;;leelied ko inn; 1141.1 t irerr t r Y ol chs(}QUlTurr I w T o N w lSr it ly n is ttilvith daorgo lwil t uo ly IW7 I,LITARY CLAIMS PENSIONS c - iat i rin i nfeerr'' B tetti l A !a subscriber, of the aollowik rig t_Pni t ‘in •• O. TAYLOR, Attarney-ateLaw, • '; ;I_ TS Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . shaman ars 111‘40 4oss sot attuned, and all Damnation . • W-) 3114 FEA,,, • -ATTORNEY-AT:IAM . . Ho. totrarr ST4EXT. Pittiburstri Vor rignorrs, rscr.s MONEY. Aw. , viz. pmseestait. Wl= SAN - 123 N. %ONO- Oinrtkii?!..ii.!o!Fo63l49l; C1NG,4424.1; , -pg.,: slog ARTISTS &ROME tilntati, NO:, 40 iudtmout Bt. Pittslmrsh. • -1-; • lEWERMI•Or ALL Aarms• ekiecßtAA 2;l fin t ir and ~ St ratiL Auow TPs a.sna lP r •poper of all colons; ao4 GILT SIGNS ON. GLASS made Z. order and antra an pluti of the conotty. P/OTRELA.LDT/GAS astoutalLontilear HOT: PaIIiNTXNG &Mil with re 4 ar4 to at.., WWI harmony Of color, and noatnese of Lath; - Sr work at teasonablo rates mbedy WILLIAM anis frinat Miami si Iffolsor4 42101:434 AMD WM; PAZIMM. r t k r.oo * ,, l 4l ; / d*A 43o itg, , L , Awooi ====, 1101., Tre,aprma , istingi.inigir: . " 11 - i-:--- ,. .. RIPL__ --.-4—•,+ 4 10451,14.4mit mismitEnt..,.... -) MI EESS I ,44 1 P,01 11 4..,.A.;:_ --... , 1 1:1/ p - , 7#0 7.#7* /I,,4,VlL,ji,feisild_feriew a t ass tlirl 4i o,6ll 4e4nisnalswinltlAfeisitt*vetsf', tree 44# itgr est, 0 / 181 1.1gicstkonto Lk? Pflasi Ini ! l. ' - 4 ItEiriiitii ieilifirit acarlawklthwT l . PlTrirgntaß.PA... • IFIREEN APPY.F.S.;-150 bbls Romanitps Pipphis, 4k0., for iqsio at IBS rdbortt •ttcot. spa • • MAIITTPAOTIIIISSJI OF ; • oi l The Death of the Deesident—fifeeting Pennsylvanians at Washington City. A .. large meeting of citizens of Feeneylvania, row In the Dittriet of *durable, held oa klocday evening, tho.l7th.ol: April;lB6s,,ln the Ilaii•of the Union League, for the purpose of 'eking expression tether 'Mateo emelt this na tTeealbereavement that has befallen the asentry . , In the death ofAhranam Lincoln, late President, (tribe United States. The meeting organized by appointing the Ron.; Joseph Casey,! Chief Justice of ,• this - Court of Cialins, presided, and A. L. Wenner/hole, Esq., secretary. AIMz nppraprlate prayer by the nee W. A. Copt, and au eloquent 'and impres sive address' by the presiding olßeer, on motion, Brig-General James A, Ektn, ftets., John Co , vette, Hon. Joseph J. Lewis, non. Edward Mc- Pherson, Re. W. A. Cook; .lidtin M. Statism, Iton. J. E. Brady; Major D. L. Eaton, and 8. W. Pearson, Esq., were appoluted a coined tee to.prepare atm report riztolettions expends, of the sense of thr meeting. The committee re, tit ed, and alter a brief Interval—during which. the nudiug was - addressed - by Mr. Joseph J. Chase—reported ihniugh their chairman. Geo., 'Edo, - the following . preamble and resolutlecus, which Verqanaaltiklusly Wurnres, By theetiwi l tilyetef of an assassin, our itenort-d Chid- Manistratee.,,Annerout Les- GOLr:, Wag suddenly stricken 'doted nt a Mae' oaten. the numb:Sous reed:set hirtgreit and pat riotic takers gave fall nissurrade - Of ttleiroody dennfall of the rebellion, and of. the imetaliate reiteration of cettoefol authority thrboghout the ;retire Union; and whereas, by this appalling na. .tional elatedly, our belove d country kat last first chime; end our ghtriotur Union its.ciderdo, fender,'w bile a irh.de nation is bowed down In unutterable; ana wags-ink; br lilt trite states; r waddler; by blstnirialterixte derotrids ;tribe great . ,i.tense of htunau liberty, by Ids ardent affection for the Uolon of the States, by the purity of his too. . - tiete_and the kindness of his heart, President Uueele commit ded the teepog„.,the Jure,: and the admiration of the loyal people of Aostrita to degreetrecqualial alike tbe days of the • Illeatri sus Warkdegetua; and wherrets, we, citizeas .01 •Tennayivania, null residents ore° Nat West Me tr4olls, are desirona to attest the profoand ear roW whith . llll our nestle in the aintemplitlon of this greateubte berearetnent; . Therefore, be . .Jjesolete. That In the deatirnf his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, the nation - mourns the loss of a wise statesman, a true , patriot, and an honest man; that his honored name will forever Ulm in the affections of loyal Peunsyleanians, as well as those of the whole loyal American people; that dale will . shine brighter or gaze' rite the • annsde of a na tion which he succerafally guided thintigh the furious storms of a nannies e and wicked rebel lion; that in him we saw personified and Illus trated the noble principles. which hays made Pennsylvr.abs great and powerful; great, because her corner-mono' was laid in equity and Janice toward all men; powerful because labor has corer been hes wealth, and thopugh all her tordui the laborer is held Worthyof his hire. 14.0fred, Thistle thlirmear terrible 'calamity we see but andkindrittstratlett of Site diabolical spirit of Americas' slaves*, and lithe sacrifice of him, our beloved friend, tent the latest victim of that. malignant bate wbletu has made our land it house of menrolog,swallowed up eursuUtenee, theoged many far fields into a wilderness, and written upon the - pi'nest of our history a bloody nod palette record of war sod desolation with out parallel la the book of time. . Resolved, That, we tender to thii . famtly of the dletinguielted deeCased onr sincere condolence in this their hour of inexpressible anguish, Invoking for them the kind and mercifu t -dispensatione of a beneficent Preerideuee. Tharwe will attend In a bole the funeral of the lamented deceased. Ir.:so:ve r nal, our warmest sympathies are hereby tendered to the distinguished citizen of our Meter date of New Pork; the lion. Mamas i 3, Seward, Secretary of State, and also to his respected eon, the lion. Frederick W. Bowed, Aralsient Ilecnolary, inthe gram ettilferiagendeb hea..befeßetn_them, through the foul spirit of the asestainvend wo fervently express the fume that they may loon be restored to their country ard their friends:. Raobrd, That we hare in abiding confidence in the wilidam, patriotism and thinness of Free- Idcht Andrew Johnson, and wo "promlio - to him the cordial soppart of the loyal people of the State 61,11=1,111°4 in, carping opt,, to fell complettor. the noble Work stow so-nearly fin " Lthcsi—lhe re•evtabliahmeat of the national an• t:aority ha every State of the American Union; that his: determination to -visit with condign Vol Ishmael, the guilty anthers and loaders of this rebellion meets with adr unonalified appro bation, and we promise to :stand. the new PrealdeittWith'ila name devotion we attended' to his ifinstriouagiredecessor. Bettasa. That a certified copy. of the foreg o. tug preamble and-resolutions be forwarded to the Ildow of the late President - at 'the Vol. .tt rt. Edges to PresidentlJabraoetiandth e - on: Secretary of State. • Reaolked, That w. wi l wear tha usual bags , of mourning for nistydayta , - • Alter the reading of the( above meolutiods sad ekhneistremarkal 'Voycidzi:rai ward McPherson; :.Lewls;anti ottiesi.llDij. D. 1.. Paton, of flttstaugh, being loudly sailed tor, made same, retuarks,•a - sith tch of WhlcNfot At such a time 'militia IV - Would' altaist seem" that silence was the true eloquence—that If' •4*.th he silver silence is golden ;'^ that the ,gbastty cup which has shocked the very heart otillia nation Is Its own orator, paralyzing . all niktanco but that of that - gaping wound which plrads— "Trumpetdentnted ttataat um dap danutstlott of • hie tashtg.otr.” Agd yet.at tech times tbeheart yearns topnt Its ' emotions Into tirtlctilatfzlairpage, tirsugt•it broken with sobs and tears: '.; Tbongia.tble man was Ito firests'and known for- his virtues wide as the..world; yet his . -sincerest tomitneri are to be found among the poor; the apprised and thedown4hAdett;' thetiti who, t 1 Abreitam;LincolliSnose like a sum Atte. night elf one 'national degradation., waro held to have •Lati 'rights which' whin+ A m in was Wand , to respect.!' -Look Ithmingh this 'city and you' 'will see everywhere the pltsgrest cabins:or lbs. .weak and lowly draped-In - the ,babilimenta of woe. Many where It has required. , doubtless., the mews :of hday,.or -perhaps of bard Ishor ia . purehaselthamittettil , RWch to isepteee.ihelegilerZlhie le.:XI:Am% the *lda, aw's vibe. Thetongues. egbie.h .noetdo ;noise., - 111nrarettottbliselbcard In the high-placeanftbs7 world; but gliben Whose- ,comniclidditiona, add', nothingie ;MI ,/t l iz thiefilAte- 7 : 1 10 *4 O , bath done it "suite thoratait lif Diego, 'bath done, it unto me." '•,-"- IlijaerTittorttbought wo should. not reel any "surprise - SIMI doleful, tide dastardly Aced, for we only taw it:lain new, in/1141Y the lateat,ll - the sPirit of that lout liand.from the botteaultess - pit—Antericart.filavetT. at; It'll*. which bia'dranched the land in fratridklalltstakh; which Gm years halt timited-Iti'lottn - yolto into, our necks; has Placed. Its pollatol- finger Mimi the life of the teacher, the paschar and themesl bag - stricken 'down the ticuatog at .1211,044. plunged us iut*ation oce an '0404 mid'' , new bas hign ebllSh•failltAllYirstkainat tha We •Atrtio adhesive and downright honest num , °So calla, satonstant to We rectitu d e,; - * ^That, by hts lore Menet Wro know u.sid feel how Urns at tells • • • 71 1 ••Awitaue-a• , • 'Thutilh sot • dent*, we. ratty trtnyt.3l aafaty .anti calf:l44;W vv,* add: floktti rejokethaVipt 4eatith pset%a;, :0f.. - 15kfliSh011eal Piot 4 1 00.1 1 4;thIif:Yata1014 4( -, statteinan,•Mr. betvard eock,:hb 40;4004,00ir "still Itve, and! that that brave and upright pillar of th e, elate; thaiketeterr war t: acithiss thitifigh thianlel - tb.,fiAt iminp. • aids. 1.10131,54 spare It*lgus-4 thosetountrat and th4*"..ntat,b4ng:theniSit lengtlifit -peace - to tkethavenot-itternalream=r. Lincoln on complatad,lonteuttmlation."-: ThecolttdaeFhle Elam cligfipleto'befole world ; big record se - sled mp-fottitistogy; put his, manory hifilosted and consecrated by the bap tise3 af- dank; The idattertiMittald , trattniP “Well'tirlim good and faithful ear:mitt enter• thou into, tho joy of the Lem."- ire Fat'faltett this 'good end just man up higher and CrOirrita Itita with u. !hiltless -Immortal IV: -P- -- ~~- - : - to RWittall TUEGDAY, Ml?ru i eAzETTE. AIriTAIT/SING RASZ;i.I,.= STASIDLIre XATTEN "4 :::;. a i Orla* a win .qr 15.1 It ^l , I One time.. Two times.l Three time _Four times Fire tines. Ono week..l Two weeks) Three 10k s One month Two m0 9 n.1 Three, mo'al Six months Nine mot', Ono Year.. • 1 261 70 7 5. 4 0 40 , ISO 951 190 i loi 2 201 10 2 501 40 1 701 4 651 501 5 901 I 00 1 30, 4 03 7 BO 001 000 II :IS 00; 700 13 76 1 001 .9 15 1 pa 751 12 co l la WI .2700{ 15 60 19 00 32 03, 6 001 21 32 95 65i 45 1 713 145 sa 20 100; 110 170, 17.5 . 135 4 00i 11 , 75 20) 4 701 455 135 00. • 9 00 300 100$I 000 515 12 901 10 70 000 CIRAXONAHLE LOvrn For Ono equate, shengenble itl: aed, to the immedlete bu • Alt talker advertLea:m. a oo time wtoh woof, Inns of the atter . to In exact propot- - • 1 tletea.l ti 1 ) '2"l t "M. . D.t l Y- la Week week.. week. . . . Me:Booths Ft h z3 i I 6 DO $ 4 101 $S 00 Tiara months.— t 7 tr.as • 8 G 600 Sixmonths 2 4 00, te 00 II 7t 10 00 One Year 00 001 23 00 20 00 14 00 -------- Li , Fist Notices double tiro above rates. Death Notleca, each insertion 211.sta:inc. notices, Steamboat advertiaements, par trip Eaconters , or Administratora' Nottees.— Locmi notices, under special head • " • " •In Local 4:cinema • • CITY AND SUBDRIVIN. ram TierrzarkCM ;TIMM' CIAIEITE) ;Le Vard 7'. Cl:sr:l4 AV:c 41 . .eny jc„--pr titer Th'Nl T. 133 2.34,-,-r. !mt: - .:Est t. 3 tha cozr,72. recce. cr..,,t1914 (t ;29a.ty-f,....e G. - 71:11 , 1*, V.:a en mite ;hip or tea hundred and fifty-six. The accessions during the past year hare been eighty, old thd doom nation Is now In a most prosperous and Aaarlsh leg condition. The Sabbath . School has also been largely augmented,durlag the year, and the Interest manifested Inits welfare Is of the most gratifying character. On 'the afternoon of tho same dtv thz delivered a dimmrse on the death of :4 dent, from the words: "Full of utalvy g., prcesive—teaching thn lesson, In bald all fear. less terms, that stern and Inft.,,xibio j should be meted out to, all uarepontmt. rah s, while mercy should be al.own only to thu.t who sincerely repent of their crimes, and prove their loyalty by renewing their oath of &Hari. once end sustaining the laws or the a matey. In a word, that forearm Is a crime descrying of death. The sermon was listened to with close atten tion by pahans the largest audience ever a.iem bled within the walls of the church. Eve's seat had been occupied a considerable time begs,, the hour of service, the aisles were filled with ante from rho Sabbath School room, and yht all maid not be accommodated. A number remained standing during the gervieett, while twiny vrerd unable to gain 'admittance to the body of the church. Te 224 U.,23. Colored Troops. TWA regiment, which Wok part In tho fhaeee obsequies (.1' the Prseldont, was prtisrndi : , inston for th at purpose by efaior derail Wale; eel. It left camp April I.7imarehen to City p i o t that cussing, and arrived only In tide to taro Its plada In the protlSEJOrli hxis be ta lying, before Richmond sines tho 15th of Jane, . . , 1964, end was ono of the first Nemants miter :that Mr.:lt has been engaged—and always with honor—lu fire 'different enmements since its organization, and la one of the best colored rep Invents In the sarrlce; - The regiment was bron„nht to Its present high standard • through , the. skin ohd brayer? ofite commander, C.ll. J. B.' Rif • doo, who has been absent from them forams (Imo, in consequenco of a revere wound rout' , cd In battle, and w1i0,13 now In otti midel "go. lag about on crotches." - The Colonel may well fed proud of the dhltietlon'whle:t hfs regiment' has earned , • A littaln. Seyt , e , In Allegheny.- ' It le new pretp , limier:4lY Midentood that-the ,Permayiyanla caned Will hereafter beabandoned. eo far as navigation' eondiined_sod an old eitLeeir of illegheny suggests the propriety of taking mere foi the meetion of.a.tmin sewer,' aiong the bed of, the Canal, as the basttiaa whi c h' can possibly be Made of that portion ly ine withtn the city.llMl6l-.; The, 'Cooteuipli&d: . eower (mai the g.att - pttedmin titteit mOde tonntor WO' tFa Dian icirer,* 3 ordl i r.; th o sewer down ?eV' ern) atreat,i and that front' the penitentiary and -tbe West Cementer. The entire uppe.rporelon of ' the city cent,' be tufty drained by [big - nmeann; , andthweuggeatton la one worthy the careful enbeidetation of %he eigzena and their repreien &sans In COPECUL.- illtie'Clttatilidoll' would hew to he, made, and no expytte red for damaged, it Is plain that , , , kr-pobilt iot ..ccouguly, no better plae cou ld devised. On Intelligence. _ The Clarion Biusier states that In cons..racoca of the deidpietion thef:ddiricks tandienglne bounce, and the tilling of weks with sand, bc• cialoned‘ by the i'coleinestetrthe 'veloilmlint is rather slow In that region. - TheAlunt well. ) Vireo , from the . Ale. attly, Is now oar four hundred and fifty feet;• with good signs, gad a number of engines will boon the ground In elite dayt.' From too Alum Rockwell his only nowt ten nines across to Saltßandy, where soma Brie- wills' hare on. costly been -earn*, which very eneOnrAgikt to oil seekers ori:the Cibudon. A great deal Of undesitioned territory yet remains front Aleut Rock to DessiCreek; and this, we learn, Is now being rapidly planed in market. New wets are going down on the Clarion..near Deer creek, and alto on Bearer genal'erlaartam. We have had: a COGltersatlon with Adam Woertz, a farmer; realding la the vidnityef Can field, o_blo. Ile ,states that a bow owned by him gave birth to a :calf, some three weeks ago, *Web Is a monster. Ii Ls black- 7 0w). black, ,all over, CM:Clan a white Mar on the forehted, lad akw small white . epobe en the legs. The ears matt back too Car on • the head, almost on the neck; the tall i ts abort and thick, like that of a dump, andtle gnadroped lacorered allover with fi ne, curly, Jassy woof, down to the knees. The wool la mow: come two Inches In - length, haling stolen about an loch and is half since its fionte our, the owner thinks, hoe tmen tenting the troth of Jaccdes physiologleal expalmenta; only that, Instead of "casting peeled tabs' , be fore the reaternalAncecor of this quid/wed, ■ black altar, had startled the raminating mother. . . • Sacred Coxieert.--The muted cOnMut for the benefit islet. 'Peter', Church come off on Tnerday exesileg.the 25th inst. The most lib eral arrangements have been made, and the Icrr em of sacred musk, if well as the public gmcr ally, will donbtleM 9nd the entertainment feily up to their highest expectations. The' proceeds of the concert will be act apart for thu tromilt of the church. Latc PublleatJona.—Mr. J. P. Hod, M. weir lialh.Plitti 6trea t has Just- received the following late, otiblicatioton Ladles' Natlooal lifacaidne, for Men Wig Me Nick, No. 87 of M mace's Tee Celt Novels; Waverly' .Ifairarine„ thtc May Cth ; Tree Flativ.ilag of Oar. Onion American ring, aid Ned -Btiotitao's Otrit.;' , ... , . Church, the gt*at /andeeettl painter, it going nt to daalcaeic.-lie he h to reside among the mountains al' atonmac. Until hie return, the Atlanne,..Tia - .Monthly, Godere, and the other: Moralises can be had at. Yittock's oppotlte the Post idllce. ~ ' - . , iciv Music...lllra. C. Intone, No. 48 Fifth street, has ha' Just received 1301 song and chorus, arranged iibr the 'piano; ;add entitled "Ilene you Bulk Also' • the pi ar pul sang, .IVbim 8h rman Arched • Down to the &a," . , . . • nap°Hey of drew Johnson Is , to punish trahots aecordln o the terms of thaConattta , Uon. , Thaint Stock Is, to have all the Maga zina, and Easter* papers on hand as soon aa published. AL woricso.'e 1 Slaw, of micas °Mau Vti n ce e NTlTlV: lily Wooded to. All imik :.L &poking don° At the urge Tor rgelnk - Priridel alter It is tort on. lIME .o.llco at Alaxand Wollgl'lttsbttrg atrect. Onion • EME;I the root IEI4 at Reductlon.—(Mr` No. 126, Federal * eist when the 41011. 1 Richmond and•th is . al Len WM: MIMI the Made ti , 'tbstt wattldTotrow - ~' of the Miest spin a oteNtedrof • then elorlifi kelpiratres an , %Is itecl4:l4l4!). gp ;contr. on eliert;:ned - st correepondingbi 10; mud oTim tdelthut ~. 1 Ipg via also be roue .1 meet :Ottr 4114thc trend:. Mrs: .A.liskteni, was In the. . 21616 of the militant nr citader of the rebel Gam -1 and taking advalnagene ad knowing:the' se tiation. ade very heitiy.:puralisses .4 summer goods atilluitir : Flees. airnet,uf rest necing's are Inalo ed !..,prqi4.tii•make UP*. kr t h e latest'styles; and ; 1 . rata. A choice assort , ds aud ready-mado at his elegant estahltsk-I. y mends atiotatgril him PULS. . 'Allqh.F.3lol7A . . DAY: .0114. WED - 11D; linsatisksi)thiretaist ,rig Ike; reveried rm. isaIVATER 4T. ;16 CORNER ` WO D and - TIRST STRETTFIr tern Peoplearlkation Bnk. The Iron' Uenterer• rurineaa carried • • Sardine Oman* - Cask advance. rend.. • a gnmenta '• geyrs.to, • roe ,rdenntaottuere of . tiont ILI biOVAL.—W. havo this &tyros:Lai • • !`..'! 4,1; 11003 , 1* Etna to No. :so , Mut:litrett, - geotvi tuirir rbanding. . .payer riike iiirerdierdiend4 •Wriseerere :A • ripithi.lBlD , AMU. ; =Z&= 4 :l; f". Remington Fins lasutnnee Oo.; glifottontrancatha - otpang. Wood andTkintstrinitsTitto -, Way COFTlligt ladelg,tda and Baltimore Nartbn ent;ROAnneFlWO9,2anit, • 1,, . . ,„ . 7 ODD ad W Y. JONE ; And Itte North FAlnerC ofea r State of • ; astinpAA !"Atissztamt Ur_ Analysis a. et..yr • Exam . 'SAX ITZIP XIX • I'l•••ah r tliteina '• Igibe .Indlit4rlak IS2 4 R,V, TOSEPIT ADAMS, Delatid, Bol:dlog. cor.tfo• of blitttONl SBA 01.1it..'4 ,, ttteetoMltttho 1 4 1.. , roct—Dr. t. Pollock. .Dr. IL alltakahcaom VuottAgot ROOtall Mont,' • t .. I:OVTS .I. l ral SiMEL" ( ;11 . EAT 1011TERYLION IN PRICE OF i;;;-;'" Qtr fYA, a:e' .. • ^t P t im4taictar"tii igvNty; rAegpen-4•11:74,ax with tdo Rit.sus in itsni, BOOTS AND SINES WHOLESALE & RITIL. Now is the time to secure bargains while we are selling our entire Auto* at eon Oat soon at aptl. 98 Market Skye!, 21 door from Filth. 134:11TSrAND SIIOES.—We are roair- Spring and Summer Stock OF • SOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Welch we are oaring at T. h. CO Z.ll co var co is t Qriooen, rarlill work warranted. 14017T1E ft BORN. arra at MARKET S TREET. XTBW STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES, +. • —I lave hut litunled from I.se Egui Wttk 4 lart o and well sekated stook of . BOOTS, ISUQE7a. aLPTERR, ' . eaarrEss, 4+3, rdlek I Itsveptuoloutol at vastly telfile iirLeil q!!).‘Fosinkor tie Pink, sod soling ueotly CA3 offer Superior Inducements to m m i c W mb th&t crorgstor4l t@bo,24oo a ' x et i iw.e t t , o w ry stook Of goots to alroho ' may Omer ins w4th a sell NALINToit. rocral street, AUectieDY JAMES ROB B. • No. SO tro'rlcOi Btreel SELLS THE BE.TC'' THE NEATEST FITTING, 00wsi dTTa isitvwmmi Or ll ' ay house - fatty 4;lty. Larkin' received a magnirlaant, Tall Stztak. THE a gr4ll' 7 VHEltt SttBT 11 .E0EIVZIVEY • .; GEORGE ALBUM. SON & CO 4 „Ito. n WOOD ,STftEET, •.. :Sty* , and 'Youth's Ileci " Children?, Ctorda.l4. KN. • • Tbesazooda are made to our speeLil order, site ate wortontedemodueliot ooatpm.pnrk. Pij :.101 - USIIC. le. .TWO ELEGANTLY 9ARVE D Weber . ',Equaicis, 0 . 5 LESS 1111A1C FACTORY FECES; nese laitrreepte smirk beatitlful dark raw wood ewe "with, erred , kg's; pedal . and mule ,deez t lroa frame, °retaining has, km, aryl will be sold law Mali Ike Kew Teri pries. - GI task! way fur steak. -.• , They ere Bargains at that Noe. 141ABLEs C. =molt, pIANOS AND AMERICAN ORGANS. IItiIDBURY, NeerY rk, 8 pkno 1.11.0111.A.Z.K600., el GRA y 019, 8. S. D. AIL W. tba' American Organ, rAisirrnstioliAtisittnn. Jug remind • taw lot of the above ealtbrate4 lastrtuncra•, together with 000 D CBpAPppW(4l . hula other eistielaititren. AS warranted roe flee ;Tam W I APEELINX • lk BARR. tt.. IS ST: main 'tram: ifonmui, HONE et co., „ i alli t6 53 rilr?•1 MUM; rtrre Gaza untris 3ros . 1 0 , 00lart.croo.is sa- Eon Plano' In Anietbia:; • ► RABE'S PIANOS, , t • ~ . PILINOE O BIIELODEON9 AND uectiatifS, thii best Sn.tho world. For sale only by t;ou&nt.orte,.srAnti, 44 Fifth'etteet,' Bole Ai*lt. , JMEB BOViT, 136 Wood Street, Buinmscrrtniss or .11111110VED, BORING: Sinking OH, Sal and s f f • Togs worninted Elide tbotrula w it wzia, nostpur a innunenieir' , . ar.,to , lalirolort Wish Nii.lotatis, Witk stoat *Moist is to OOO4itatipitoj . t 'Arriit NA= BUZ° AiretblleSMl4. , ritIVLS, mei ROPE, tEATEIR, ABB comme m7nreratetro4,“ - thlD;; -,44ottatoitt MajrNITATF . sunrr /. 2,11 ! WO • .1V; ••••, ••••••:I.l'n EI I CORN:TOK' ArG/EISON,, -;;;- ' W . 4il4 ' 2 me .34a.eke 24.urs,tta...Etta, CINGIVYNATI 1 • . Make I to order PIPES Atni ..=aters esy #2l,v ir wel g. ht.and .p.ranu. '1 5 114!, ea] bre, .t Inetkeo.. Ale°, eery-. PIPE or ydta Hinstand.for . 1 4'eAVOtddludienialii. noir the attention of Plodi 141,, and,Woprietots of eu Weeks and Olt Welk •.:,•••626Sind ,• •' , ; „gtryitorgt2;,44n)::..: 4. ate,t ,; i. : 1 . ~ :- - 2 - : • - „ ' - -``;-,AIT WOOD:CHAIM .--!-- t , ',.. 1 ''.'f;' ',',:: so 'flrrrni ;. , t:;;, , s a r, r:' ,, i • n0r,„.,....- M,c9. I7 TP '' LH ;. ,2-1 `- ;;,Ti, iii f,:: ! 441p.WWQ0-",-,:-.-.4.5;11K !..;..:-:' .' 'llihtlemanbonleno In ','_'..-?:. 44i7,..iiiiiiiii) .-:;'‘. L:l"i'zu i: l ; 4 ;4 l 4.4iiiiiiifraikoi.;..4:;2, ~;:.:- .;, .:-,,- ::, , - .;, ..,.. ;, ,‘.;;:, - gave now In dont Olt. - I'fr' W -1111', i(jUR.TIC411110Z4:. . •stook.of litin - 00L..1 'manias soPTE , h ' "' .G ' 4 ri faa IIS, 443 C yO T ntT.e, ” ' I , V. l , i', . •uu,mci.r ~7ie woits - . Dihrmwo rsund! . iiir of ciii.s,ice Revanth streato, Puce nonLAiirws, :And THE MOST DURABLE, iitonuon , ,P?iitt to . t : Ike pturlaseand EMI STATES SECURITIES, ORDELS'ANO *obtiiins 430130iT'OR DOLLAR ti.vallog 13ANIC, Oil • Open daily from 9 to S o'clock, also on•Wedinsii• day and Saturdsy evealog, Alay:110 :to No , vember tot, from to 9 o'clock, and.frompforember, tat to May tat from et to 8 o'clock. • • Deposita received of all Bums of not tenths): One . Dollar, and a dividend of the profit& decimal twice. a year. la June and. Dentosber. intenistitacheen declared stinbannually, _lune • end • Deanne* Months Tank- was organized" ist..tha rate Mats late:W.lf trot dawn out, tesdaeed RS theme= of the depositor 11/ principal, and bears theaune interest from the trot dap of Jimfalid - Doceniber„. compotusiLreg twit* si.-yenr without bonnie,' At to call. or even to ntemint tits. Pon At Oda tate money will double in It u years. - inn twelve . . • Books, tantalising the Oharter, By-Laws,'lteles .at the office. and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application _ Paiiiiim4.4llEOßGE • cure rasetbanae.•. , William J. Anderson, Pollock, D.l 'John o,llackafen. Robert Robb, , . Benj. Fahnestock; Jahn Shoenberger,• Vanua Heldman, James Shldle,— • • ' Jam" McAuley, ' - .dirixemler Sneer, Lino 31. reanock, Chrinianyeager . Catlin titans, - - H t'nlla enry 3,Lyneh, Joha O. Rindley, . . Yeter A. Madira, Became Meek, John Marshall, IDS BUStrata, Walter P. Marshall, AloonA. Carrier, Jokers H.- D. Mesas, Mari A. Colton" Joh n Iticriddeo, , Wm. Douglas, , John Orr John Evans, ricnry John J. 011 E.. 1 =t, Williams. Have, A tee 1. 1, r TIAM4I; Peter H. Rur.ker, Vankirk, Richard Rays, . lean 1' Jamn D. Kelly, lean 11R.W, , Treararat—CßlAS. A. COLTON • " Scastery-38.91LLR B. D. NEEDS.. " -• atlidsto M WOOD STREET ' ' TREASURY DEPARTIIENT, . Dynan' as tbastr - tnotaza or Tan CIVRIENCT; • • • Washington, Illarch2td, tem; - .11r HERBAB -BY - SATIBFACTO Y 1 .. evidence preftented ta Mound. .4, it hav beta made to appear that ` NRSTBATIGNAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, In the borcug S ta t e Birming In the county or Allegheny and of Peaus^',.inla, hasbeenduly ermwdzwi under add necordbag to the requirements of the Acts of tiongnms entitled "An Act to pro4' video National tint:in:my, secured by • pledge of United Staten Roods, and to provide for the stratV !Salon and redemption thereof,. sparoved . ,Tone!l . 34, WM, and has complied with all rUm provisions' of udd net required to be compiled with before coos meneing the business of banking under said eats Now therefore, I, Fineman CLARIC, COniptaol. ler of the Correnty, do hereby certify that" The Fun Nations! Balk of Birmingham,. In the bor.. ough of Birmingham, to the county of 'Allegheny, and State of PentsTivania, is authorized to - cons meneesai the bunions of Esnlang under the sot afore- . I. chTgr o li tl e f ,u, in teeth:way whereof wituen my hand and seal Ocouptrolter Oil the f (Mee, this Wil day of Siuneney. Mush, UM Trelumry Departroent • - FRHEXAINT OldatS4 mLfe~m4 pomptroller of the Ourreney . . ISBELL'S BLOCK. W. H. proGEB. 'lO ST. GLAIR S'I7REEI . would esti the atteettoti of borers to Ids stoe.k. goods. It hes beta se.leeted_lqtl, great Core, - es. ± ocotillos all the NEWEST OF 000Iti to be tomato ant Mess houses. Gents Wishing d suit or clothes made to order; wW game call end ermine at:W . "OO4 sad Woes. MIN a tali and . complete I ;!TOOLS , JUST rtozlyisp. .avrilfsu enIaTLY OF • ' 136 Y 8 ''CI-othing, • TOTES nom Grea j /tedi.wed- Prices. WR " - - - - Dll3BoLuTio • or:. :00 , PARTIMIV as SHIP.—The • • • roi hretofore hrE - between tha t _ uati s taett b. end ldp ee e the tth et 01113MPTONfr, for raimuftetureis nano of sure , Pearl and other pa, hae-thls -day teen Absolved by mutual consent.' SAMUEL K. RIB Some a. O rsgß PI Wlt i' 4 '''"Lth,iiL at taaa- WM. 3441EIMB.DYAI)ii-, KATIT/5 . 17 , 71Mair•01t !Bilvei Pearl aragapoiiiikiiiiiSozipa r morn sptest,'Prrtszußob, .610P4.B.DarailtilP. • hare arsixtin with us lithe four, grain and Hera!pratiteeu JAMES JOHMON sad ORN SOILLELMIN, pattnerati detiwir FEB. RITANY tst, uudef,the name of Patterson, Ammer! A Co. W. D. PATTERS'ON' r ADAM AMMON.. w )01, ! Ar A . AND:1111 Now 044 P4nt Thckgemr. SP?rq l 4. Veit su, ud II lk 12 LeUHa It. . _ Howlageow years in . ti t g u lotte, know. nil !ittwitigastwww.F. wid consignments _ 1A51,1 and -ocrip and will make • Odlai Wnnow', deem; ahipmgmt," ha -tits , of Ws Per t• Pet odulliiiC' COOED Cb. p .Whldessia Dialers nftini o 4lgtor• larreet tad satootopouipieti . stook.f - . • • : . _ . 6:mM FOR FLLISAL.M-z , - •s , riairked In the Sorest. tie met and =Oran° Our titp,dt,Z.`,:t • • wl4 be sold at very 201! toes. -1' • ' - .. . _ 1 EnI.Y2TB . 4 . 1 *Z.P.R.1XE".?.07 8. . _ .. J/1,11. Cr.;l7ft•it. 6. D. IMIZON. 6+,......... •i....... 4... , rigil ti.lia... -, ii i E '-:.," De ta.5.... - t—...m.t. PL‘f.,l ay eriv=rix=„4 , Dr. ii. thannwast 1 Pramrasa a. retl=. Mi. T4iyius. j--3178'HINO TO riazacit -V 4 tho design 0 . 1 . the • NATIONAL BANK LAW. TO PROVIDE A Uniform System of Currency FOURTH 'NATIONAL BANK OP PITTIMMOH:, will; on and altar retinas, lit, jegh randy* bar regular Depooltors, meta/nets and dealer.. cußnr..x. - cr ear Pink: ; Bj thls Gonne the public will obtala PdII MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE L ersahange for theft anuses! By older ♦f the Board. ALLEN Dina , Caahler BANIUNG 1101788. 'HUES' 8z SONS, Ao. 57 7114rket _Streft, Pittstargh. DEPOSITS HET/EIVED PIINDS AP E D iwpoi,od4.4l • Crolfeetioas made ea all - thettiatitial palatief the sTooms, torais BEHICHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION OCCLUDING Talk. Maks Sixes ofISM; O. 4.2011 I Fireas 10 -401 i Ih3. :riles; Do. , Certlllcalco Of latahteaans. >Ur #l , •et' Mr) rf:l '43rtaca,:3all. w. NetazE, Mtimmrr Zumaz, sr. Man envy:era 3ntatlr it-Loomr, , . ft xOLaIR STREIT. gre. === ~<~r, . .._.. ...._ _ - 'VI 1;;•111 . 12 fly , 3 .. 4 ...1,7-,.. , .r.4 re.eL,..... • .cT7•:::,.AIS Ell_ Ix' . - g'2 II gIITTLIT lan rag, Ii..F.T HAVE BEEN IN USE FOR Tat= AND THOUSANDS HAVE Dif.Ll4 . r 0 unto) Br. T HEM E.„,, READ TEM, LISTOVER. No.l--Curea Perer„Congsalon owl hillanmeatha .L.. Heat. Pain - , thenute and Inttammatory Mum. Thin td 111 .1 No. 9--Cures Foetus Terre, Worm bolls and TO ' ' Woos Appetite. Watt].-,, the Bed. price SS mat f No. S-Cures Colts, Vething, Crying and teak fulness, slow Growth and Feellanes of Infant Price II mu . I ' I No 4-Ourea Diarrhea. of Mildews or i dtall Cholera Initiation and Sumner Co nnata/Us. Pi* SS cents. Nos. 4 and I con the wont eamilof Obranli 1) No. I-Corn Dnentery or akente Pluz. OM atp top, BlBour Collo, Pall Dysentery. Prise II . ' . No. e -For Cholera, Cholera Mortars, Manse and Vomiting, Ludhmatta Breathrog.ln ann. - No. 7-Units Cou .°Olds, Hoarsenicsolese stints, Induensa sad Sore Throat. Price SS ante This azuLNo. s. I never fail to mire theiworat Col, end Cough No. 8-Curea Tooth.ache, Pace-scha, Norma ” nem and Tie Dolormut.• Price= centa. No. a-thins Headache, Sick Headseireetlge Bush Of Blood to the. Head. Price ZS ..a. 2n addition with No. 10, tt serer WU to oure the ad Dorepais, 'Weak, dad or Demo tt Stekft!elConstipationi Liver Oorinclakit, ow anon" conditi.oz. , Mao Manta. _. "I Invatianzi for all wag of Weak =gram alai No. It-Cures Suppreeeed Hecate, or Sta= 4 tar Painful. or Delaying, Great Sickness. SS No. p-Ourea Letteontea or Whitey seidne Down too Proton Menem .Se ante. I No. li.-Oures Camp, Hoarse. Croupy Coq* , Difficult and Opprmed Miathing.,B3"Ba No Lt.-Cures Salt Rheum; Enrcipelas, Scald Mod, Barbtre PII:HE7= ; No. DS-Cured IthMunathne, Pain, nese erg ' - Benson in the Chest, Back, Stir, or /dads, qii ' &Utica. IS orate. INo. le--Gates ri'ar and Ague, intermittni. a: s cr, Dumb Ague, old Inveterate Agues. No. 17-Cturea Wm, 'Mensal or Paternal, BUM or Bleeding, Iteoent or Ohstinate. so coma Thta remedy has ,eured tlumaanda of the wont No. le-Coral Opthttlahote, Weak or IoSSUSOI - Eyes or Eyelids, Falling or 'Weak sight. SO oust& It may always' be felled 'warrior • nue. No. le-thirea Catarrh, acute or etirente, der if flowing, Cold In the Had. T" n ...,. • GO costa. No Ml.-Eures Whooping Conga, ahonening and palistingit, or Spasmodic Cough. en cents. I; It la infallible. and always relines and ewes. No. 21-Cures Asthma, 03prened, Dlitlault, Lan bored Breathing, Cough an Expectoration. prise Htutdreds !taro been cured by lt. No. s=cars Ear. Dinharges, Noise ,In- a o Had, Impaired Bearing. Earache. , No. i3-Oures Scrofula, EriCsigett Glom* 101 l , ~ „ TonsihiSirellhms and Old Oscars:V .4111.41: NO. 11-017C5 General Debility, Purteater Nor leo. 25 -43urti Dropv,Pluld iloatisonleAloria, Oils Swelling', with .Scsaty Secretions. RI N Yil.-Cares Sea.Slekticsa, Prostration, Vert Nausea. Vomiting. in Genic - • • - - . . . •• No. ti-PAires Prlnary'Dimeitami Mare, • •Diricult s Difficult or Painful Urination.- Winne- , • It cures old natal Of Kidney Diseases. No. 18,7 m Seminal..,Undue& -.-. • .Oisehnrons and consequent Pro t to n and Dettlli 'ty, Bad Remilts of Evil Habits. co ft 00. , The Most 'efficient remedy. Imo and - lan -be .. - .Nold-OursiSor;i3lorztb. lat Sto ach, red,':,_: o;raii Emai -Month- orAduitl or 13hildren• and alao if *Hot - and Vomitintof Poonant - Tcloaltla.. lie ocitta... .. • qtwes at once. ' „ -- __ . .. . . • I ."' lle N betl e" , 7thi too lrefire° U Utot na t:P7litii' ln id, "m o tia r " ' W g iltlr.:l . J.: . , .. . /No. al-Dimia rattan] Illea'atrillition, Proems. ' Chimp or'timtofPrfn paanui Prerytta, Halting, and tler/tas - NO. ' , "dismal Sntrestos at %noway of Idly nickelling, .rhashen of Heat, Iliaidtatloui Ind ' • - " ' " - ' . Maniac( of tlio Heart "ii On " ' ... • 'NO. ii.:4,'" 'flea Diptheria and Dicers tote,, . .. . • . - -Ito. Ica-Cures Contaihdonsor Spasms of labia- : ' on Adults, and Cramps of all Mods. - -. . . No.a4-.otirer Bilbeiumess, aiWaat otAppetiti ' I. . owners ot.Splrlta, ?Tanadlothr Constipation, an ' ' •rd cereomplaluts. . • - No. 36 , -Uures Doili,Carbunolei, and any Set No. ac-Cuter all Acute Skia troptiona, as Sou let Farce. Measles, Chicken Poz, ir.4.' - • - - No. It-Corea Chronic (loughs, Nervous Cough, : Dry Cough. and Douel with moderation. No. ito-altirci Suntans or Catarrh in the head of ••Infants. Rat Mono( Mucus In the Throat. No. so-Cures tionatitutlonalLl2ivoattlon to Ire 'fluent Attacks of linadacho. • • Asthma- No. tO-Cures tleastitutional plaposftloa to . ' '26 vial family case DO /*family came, morocco .to vial one, plain /I OA . IS vial case el vial PhydelaWs case ' sa / 1 . 00 .. . pONVB - -EXTRACT OP, HAILIIIIIIB For Thant, &alai, Oita, Embus Soisnein Lame - nem, Spin, Rheumatism Boils, .171oess, 081 -. Sara and oll:nabs. if eatable a clam. Fhb* GO cents. The trade supplied at NOW York Pcbals . Our Steasedlealtry NAIL - < • • Zook over the Um, make up a case of what Ida you choose, aid I=lollo the .amcunt. In a amnia mlte or damps, by mall to my &Wren, and th =Maine will be duly retuned by mall orator . . ..L. it. FITL'ZON, 171 lite stteiet, (Df • .• &mead door helow the Pod alttee s - Wholesale neat tor Plttebtuth see Wotan% COIIGH . 2io ROM. ray snaramsaws KEEMEITIOUS COUGH BALSAM sTsitoluarrira hIELLEFLUOVEI VOOGD BALSAM. la wurganted to cure Douh; Odds l eous,' 41.stbms, Whooping Cough, Bon Throstlind Lun 'Mt, Coussonpthin, and sdi eons at Mil gs, _ - For im.lo by Druggists. °curs; DS , Pots EU, north s Dinannatt, O. A.ll tbo Nidleal tam" mut the peca Metonnoas DR. / 3 TESOKLAND73 ANTI -oGOLER& =DE u the only certain remedy forDlantuasand • Dpimiery. ,It is a combination of Astrimgentk A.Wrbahla, . Stimulants and Garminathree mod .warranted to tricot a core after all other means - For:Lave Wkd . Fourtlistreet, Cancionatr,o. ..STRIOKEIND'S TILE IiEMEDY; grammeanys PILE szatairr tom `owl* 'thousands of the wont oases of Blind lad • Bleeding Pilot. It eirealmmedlate . relkk i tml el. .• late a termanent olitc••:•Try tt dllectl7. Walt ranted For sale by all Draecteti General Depoto •rourtb weatmtmlitniu.o.• • • - • • eqtazzt * • •• • •••-• "•• Dyipepraa r . , eitnme_ wi . tr , arias& nmalinniect sutra swam( =tit% r t flAM l Ca r l .P u glr t ilttgoasste& „ N 1.1 112,4 /I to a vegetable , preparation, Ire* loon Oldobo ,4h2 liqUargt it Afton-thong the wholeservievo opiate T Il oneaVie a good appottte,'nod'lsorFromgg wed, . prepad'Add r t rin ..... * .dridOsDtblittr• - • 4te;it Lettqottkl%' rod DR. ma Pm:Mb iO.reete " _ ":.• ' • -roe sato by,II.;CFEO. - Voider OF' Woottatteet and Curtin alley sad &It Maar • • tiM acuns t r a. Wd°4•4 „2. :one ELES,,ft Anr,r-xl, 2401 *troetthflocaeas4 - . • ". XiNtn"."'AT3IOIJI3AND.-A' OOR ' SDZePTIVE CURED.- Dr. treed pbyeleinnof great elntnenea,diaeorezedortille • la the Dist Indielos 'tertian mart for Contain} tlon L Astbnia, Bronchitis; Oetighlf. Oolds, end ChIll• ;Ural Debility. The remedy was discovered by when his only &dad, a daughter, was Wein apt. die. child. was cured . ana Is now idles and well. 'Desirous of beneetting_ hie fellow moilsis be will send to those olio wan it, eentelssing _— directions tor making and suceeisfultl.esteg this • remedy; reenlist' their names; wlt two etemdle .eslowilles. There ls Oct 'A Angle 11 YmPteseol censulnfitlon that it does sot as ono**" lithe bold of end distruste. 'Night swisatitilwer. '- Winne.. irritation of the nerves,fellura of ntesuwg, • dieleolt - .expectoration, et.arti loins . 1 4 the/ Sere .thesist;' &illy sensations, nausea -at a litoniSeb twigless of ,the bOwelei wasting swayed AWTbiswilterwill plisse state the name of the penes they Ile 1.1 hi advertisement in. Address, ()HADDOCK re OD, dta North Beeond street, Phtladolptits,'Pe. fatamtfamonedowwr. ; Wad/300D: ii/L111300D: OW LOST OW RE E. TOHLID-,yust oubllahed; !n a sealed eanl .opa. Price, $ll Cent& &Lecture on then aleatutentotad Malta Corn of Spermatorrhaa. ' lor Seminal Weaknessincroluntary ,Sexual Debility, end, pelinienta to l!derrtniot andrally; Nercoues, Oontutittatnu, ' end Flea; Mental awl nnu Pivoted Incapacity, tug _ftoin Felt-Abase, On. 137. Dorn J.e vie. yen':M: nuthttrofM.D. the Green Elcit,lL • BOON :TO TuuesArats oF vsaati - van , toil, ill's plain entralespe, Warty ea &nth ,DOet paio i Lrooeipt ol air eentir,or postage itthnips, , wl.4.o.Krailisat= Now YoNs..'paat boatel*. nal ,n 4 1,4 Sox IVRTI ThARB PRACTIOh_ - • • r oiN giEXErsi. DriBLISIES. tt""i Gives ran a know/ nein= dectolrod r Pay* • '- -1111.111 iOng Ima B 41111 of lad^ UM ri • .4114 "amount of Dotson treated anandly oy amm e IA -e grEIMUL ..1 . 3. 5 to And ... all musses adobes. deacedeoly idee mod fo •,;.• r InnePeolforter Unto that( nsetOtore ley my WNW VEGETABLE 4 " tES. XllOO4lllll mat anyliartoftbetr. • All lettere unit • - . stainPf•We • • • 1114IdalL loonn. Addrifi .W. twat, • • . 1. • ace, •I I 2Y 'J 1h Pri/VATB D r: ; Jl4 Wage liras STIlatZT.f/44/44•116 2, 61 'For the care or 41 , 1 ,,,„„ 44* '" * „ Of •gro•Dmare, ____ two to _or 4, an It y rm. and sit • , tmikto mt. Aloc., Bettina Wenknono,oadoll oth• • dinosaur of the gonitnl lupe', and elev. mon theirp•ll4ll. ewe worrantod or moony rotnn , , .< 1144reskinver a Fr.ui Gurgle. mania, e*•.,, r - - L. ,I' • •• - •hi /111 t 1 ,:::~,;, ~ ,~ ~ ,a>, - ) -1$ / rti ! ',. ‘ ; ' ' ''... i .' : ..'- ',... q: :! ' ,A ,:., , ,l , t- 4.' -'1 ~..,,,L1;1'
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