I fi t , g,..4.4,4„.. ty iity km ,LL.,- not be, so long as it remains a dopendont7 'g ' 44twourg“, v i n cww . of Cli , est Blitan. Canada Neat Is almost • evr!marrly an nerienltona *nnnivvand la tl. s ! ' , ....' i=''M '..-.. ic:f4ft - grain ha: tot 4 appal to Ensle.ad to Sad a marl of on =pease which loaves the predum.r but a - poor ranruserr.ticut for his tall, and from E..- A land It ufast draw. nearly I all it f applies of cierytddiig else. The ef fect of ell this Is just what is above stated; and the inexorable relations of cause_ and. cifect. arc seenin this condition of things as Vainly as that a child could never grow to healthy, - well-developed manhood with every limb confined except one, , Canada, like the United States, must grit become Independent before - it can become prosTperous; and for the Simple reason that to its provincial relation'it cannot protect and foster its own home industry. Theso, l colonies, prior to thellevolution ; were kept poor just in the same way. They were not allowed to manufectura anything.that ttould compete with the trumufactmas cif—the mother cotintry, not eves iron. if. the col-. cadets attempted it, vompetitionand adverse laws combined to crigh them' Olit This policy of Greatßritain towards her Amer. , ican - prothces is, to be sure, more just 'Lind generous now than it was in the inidde of the last century; but still, their inability to protect themselves' against their trans. A tlantic competitors bas hitherto kept them poor, is no* doing so, and always will, so long as they remain in their &Tangent con. dition.: , - - ' • : - _ - - r.razatiss PT • sze gica-rx nautili; =6lw .1!"31tD14, APRIL 58, PRIMARY: MEETINGS -- - . We publish }his' morning the call of the Vnion Republican Executive Committee of Allegheny countyUpon,thh'peopleto hold primity ineeqpcs 10 thane .dOltgatell to represent tlgink in . County Convention.. In politics, as is most:other things, ilia the list step that telia, - , and determines the character of ail that follows. We often `hear people complaining that unsuitable men are nominated for office; but if they neglect or refuse. to attend these primary SneeUnga, What right ham they to com plain I , ' If,the - men who ought to control ' these 'primary, meetings *won't do it, men Who ought motto do so wilt This year at roseduting Attorney and a County Comptroller are to be elected: These are both' offices of great importance to the people - oi the county, , - , . -The choke of, men to'remammt the coun ty* the Legislatero—boththe ' Seruste and the fitumo—l'torithi time, i mttter of Seri ous Importance; and one'that claims tle at tentkin of evert goof citizen. " Tide is a cue in which the "Mhos should seek the "men not the-Men"- the office: Good 'men . ought to ix solicited 'and Urged to It. We might go on and speak of other . por tant Told lion a that ere to be tilled, titlei these mace for this time.;, - - Ono word mortc - ' citizen' has hot done his duty when:lic metal) , goes to the place, Of balloting or meriting, and; vrithout Wall knowing what begs abent; casts , hie 'iota' for whoever ism bappen %to, be up. .Let him have something to do with the still more primory ;noit: nr selecting' the men who arc to he Imilotted or marked ter an the representatives of the election distriet In the county e4lEvutioe,... . . FINANCIAL DISTRESS The Montreal Witrietss gives the following beta touching :the valrie c . .r . piopertY the Indebtedness of.the people, 'and the distress that threat& nt the Catuttlian provinces: , A few facts wills - haw:the di stressed eat:t alon of ROOM portions; at least, of Cana-. • da, batter than any general reasoning - lbw durz ag6, forty young men left the Glengarry d istrict-for Idaho. They saw or believed they:taw; Mi . enterpria; or advancemeohotne; and .determined to :weak their Mune beyond 'the Rocky Mountais. Nor Is'tich emigration a new thing foe Glengarry, 'although it may be on the Inmate. Thos region has long given some of its enterprising 57123 to-Calibrate or other reglons.of .the. West, lilor is Glen garry alone in this sort of emigration-. The eastern townships IMvo suffered by, it se verely, and Indez:ff - , emelt ererY part Of . Canada has 10.,t teme Of Reheat blood for the benefit of the Weetertt.l3tates; - :';',Werit the hada opened . up' end Ofihred-gtatis by the, Canadian GovernmCnt of a quality to tempt settlers, thesi yOUirg men, or mow of them„ would doubtlos" settle in flan:nisi but it is, only strangers Who- can be, tempted, and that to their Solo diSCATllfattre, . to accept free grants of such land as is found along . the Goremment , roads, remote from'neigh-. bore and marketi: , Tits no longer a practi •gal question heir to Promote - Immigration Into Canada, butfratherhow to prevent cal-. igmtion from it. ; The emigration from -Canada, combined with other causes; .reduchtg the value of property. A. few instances will _suffice to show this. .. .. • . A merchant toot: a village lot with soma kind or a house on it , In st village of 43. W.; in payment of .a' debt some years ago, anti Us been urging'his;agent' to sell it ev:r since. The proPerty.was taken for 'four or five hundred donate; and the best offer he can get is $3O. A gentleman in a town-of Canada West helped some 6: 'thenimera in the vicinity with loans of mane} on their farms to en able them to pay yr pressing debts and prevents executions. These fermi' he his been compelled to take' in payment,' and cannot now hose them for-:two per cent. on his advance, nor sell them at all. • A Western merchant -had .properties. which he , ralo , :trat $lOO,OOO fn-1850, and mortaged for the - sinount lie owed, which was about vnv.11::11:. lie has since sung- ' glad on, paying interests andixtstalmentson this debt to ILL amount of - upwards of $1;0,- 000, but the mortgage • and unpaid Interest now amount to nearly the same Imm:nr.3. the whole propt.rly is not value mom than $50,000. A wealthy. , uglat property at Wing village of Canada West -in 1851, ellen a railroad was to go through it. The rathostl has gone through, thevill /age has increa,cd. the property has lain waste, subject to aniude'of dcpMdations; he lien paid Mari" tira - es all that time, and of coorse, hoerert, and after expending in this way some. *ARO; besides - the Original cost, he nat urallt4 ril ties to rel his proper ty. 'Last year he,. was offered 82,000 for it; this year Its canneltAl it at alt.- • The amount ordag.ttpmt property through. out Canada Is, in the um - legate very great. This general indeptedntss was occasioned by. Alm nominally' ht value of, property: and speculative r.tant arOCIEC(.I - 4orro ten or twelve years ago.',.; The' country was then fall of money on .account of the .aerCanlic-- tion- of. railroads., in 'every direation, and other improvemesti. ,41Theat.was two dol lars a bushel, and:every farmer wantedan . additional farm, atrkftter tense, better oda mitten for his children, 'and ' au- Improved' ..style of living geberally.:' TO attain - these objects, or to pay ' to 'altericiV ; provements,. what .MollS-Obvi m enti resource • than to raise money rhytnortgage..Mxin their farms; and this through, the -means of loam , enormities, insurance oriapinlesesnd ether societies, and priv de lenders, • was . easily accomplished, though. at--high - rates of haj tercet. But the !Mimed!' - wen- completed.' The reign of extravagance - and 'correfttlori • came, of necessity,' 'ii attend.' There were no more wealthy ithnifsCritteriMidrigtectim" countryto buy preperty-nO, gets' loans ha. Britain to be spent , among the ItcoPle, here , —bat indeed, intermit, 'lnterest, interest to pay on all hands, and most of that going out of the country. Add to. Ili thew muses of depteation de the:: fall off.c wheat • to btu' , price, and the preciation in - the Tait* itaf property is fully accounted 'for. The' fathom who have 'Mortised .thelr farms can neither pay interest; their families become die' - *imaged la 'working upon what they see roast paws away i and go to the West; sellers utproperty 'at, every: where plenty, hat :huyem sere scarce,: tea merchants know nei l wiat, to dein theway of giving credit. '.; . „ To frustrate the?_Tifirgi thlir.44‘or. tint class, we will rgtieteirinetances: ' The first Is that of a Merthitit who shows and good debts . .tis llie'atitannt of t10 e ; t1 000, and landed' pretierty, 4 whle.h values at 820,000, i l l l itidng,l* P 9,000.; Ali he owes is $2, - -bet he, cannot:PST that. lie says there s'io zonne7 Bur Pm" dUco among hie customers, ; :11e , might, in deed, ruin them generally thy ening and , selling their farms, , if , even "that could be. done, but It would bo;'i tedious mode of raising money. 1 - 16;',therefore, :can nothing, and, of eourse",:min buy hothing this spring. Anotlier,'Who'nied to..payf all he owed in his sentlamanal visits to Xon, treal, and who usuidly: took shoat MVO worth of dry goods.:each , time,' takes only $l,OOO worth this spring, and is obliged to leave some of his debts unpaid " lie says the people in this region have nothing. to ,pay with, and he 18 1 dedintibred to sell nothing on credit. He has; therefbm,tetice his usual stock on hand at this seasos, and_ willif les. buy.= more gehtli, exeept,thei Merest tr From all t wo easy draw a lemon" rt practical wledo ; , • Wbyls C 14 - ,thls:amditiorit Why' ita money why: IN Madness protdrstet Bear mind that",,ail sald at Canada 'West, a regiotriptlto: *Oat , . o Western Now Yort./orp4lpa In climate and in There Is no_finer whescworytirbald'otk: the continenthile f to the rearing "of steep other ,spiSk."'j Why, then, is It notP paperiwit The reason is iserfor.llY plairu v There go manfactuies • •,,,;•,-,er.;:-••: “." p t. 4- ' • • ' 7 " ; • • ,• • • Almost thole material adruata,7 of po liticed indcpentlence.ikthat it gives toe na - thin the - power to regulate co;nmorce with -:the( world-:without, and to Omit orexclude 'Commodities as may best subservelts own interests. •: This it does by developing its own natural resources; by patting into proiltisble activity its own population; and by creating • the largest possible( diversity of etnployntents among ita people.. By dcdng so it gives to the farmers a _home market; to its mechanics and artisans plenty of good customers; to its Manufacturers a market athome for their wares ; and to all a Sound 'and'ibundant circulating Modium—its coin tot being carried abroad. Of all these things Conde is destitute ; and we see the consequences. Of ' all these thipgs we hive at times, (through the controlling influcnce or slayebolding . polit !elan) I;e* destitute; and now; when we are Passing.rapidlyfrom the abnormal; feverish condition'ofvi to the calm and natural pulsation of peB ce,, ;ntilceswc.exereisethisgieat prercgatirrof sovereignty wisely and vigpronly, we shall soon find ourselves in the conction of poor Canada, with an enorMousnatitmal debt'su Foradded. Great Britain,` Prance and songs other• Bo ropean countries. can ailbrd adept' the policy of free trade, - beat** Iceinense, capital, tbsir redundant population and con seqttent low scale pf wages enable their to but wo cannot afford it, ; and'no "seed manteould•:muh to see theAsy . Wan we cosh/ . ' = • SIIEBNIAIifIi STIIeIINGIE'tOIIIIIOIICr. . . .„ The e x traordinary bailatitaireemenbbetWeeit Orertf47Phtemart the rebetneiielidlri•fs wrorr and his arsoilafer, *deli we gi a today by telegraph,. will bereiditatienlalitient and indignation. 'lt Was i beautiful scheme to Aare tho rebellion frail utter ainuthilation; to preserve to the great leadersof the rablditoW. their power in the Maki, and 'jive them arms wherewith to maintain the/. wirer; - to iestore what Is left of the Institution of staiery; and rivet anew its thtters;' to restore to the disio.fal elm:omit:the role of the South;. Aver JET? llama ariopportinitito tempo from the emu try with•tho Vendee derived from the-robbed The prompt and' emphatic disapproralot Ude agreetneit on the . partnf the Proficient . and his 'scirisem, and the order to fame hcestllitics forthwitkapolis this Pretty game In all Repasts except that list mentioned. • JIM DAVIS ceZI notoprobably be cerebra goescape. Rad Smotattres '.`basis" been ratified in `Tiehingtois ha could -.11 . av0.* bodylinarl'_cif mbell'soicliirs to conduct him to the, capital. of. Texas, and mob ship...twills banks of the Rio Grande, with nose toencleet him or Snake' hill itfraid: AS it is, ‘he Witheeasonable Eas4City, beL able tote out somewhere.." , • : • - Tlitsis trulra hunt extraordinary icom la af fairs: /batsman his rendered the couu try-such brilliant and subitaLtial remeices as hail • Gen. Basnacim, should .• prey to the:soft =blandishments of a set of discomfited traitor., Tandleilalmerif down all at oisee in a lord lair& Shen we care to characteilso •In wonis. it an af • fair only . lecs 'deplorable than the late tragedy, which will glie to the condemhation'of his con ' dal, when viewed from the same standpoint, a A: qopp tium,mstios 4 . corrtiliOitilent of The New York Eeid lag. Post , suggests tluit:',ll4 liTeited States pistrictAttokney for Eastern l'Annuryltanin shot:o 'prepare an indictment for treason egainat Gen.. Lms and his eiders and abet , torsfor having levied waregainst the `pay: eiceirinnt In fighting the. battle of. Getty s ,. - . a' geed suggestion and we hope it still lu4cterl 0n.. . That , battle was. bmglit, Within the trounds•of the -Eastern District 4 0f 'f .. .cnrisilirinia, and there can be nti diffi dully In proving ' the tact or .Lire's cennee, sion with it; If a ,roan trituit. be indicted the. 41114'kt In Isticir the crime tiar . ; committed, -.the tisttiiii 1:661d nt Vein _szirtnin Li. t4e proper place %in - which to 'commence preetedingsiend we ire in Skier of commencing thereat once, as Welt for the Purpose of, brin -110 . guilty : r tf , Punish meat es to teat the 'degree of determination "thareilits to , deal with traitors astiter; do. 0.11101NAN)8 TREATY. ''• • • Tbt • •b bat cif ittaldi; ' ono 'fueling i In thisiv*zinbity In.xecerence, the "lads :orarent . feenr entered Into bitween'Rea: 'Enwarrtst and 'the ZOtiert oolomtiot iebtainingfraginCnt the rebel forces east of the Misiisiippionrithat wit Wallin:4:lk: . Von; Indfittition, dlagust, - ncoiii morit. - 'llcaticti;" Let us ; hope thatwas ,the Isar: 'Laiol.l,Oiring of the knea t0,.04 - dirk Aid* Of 131aire that We. Sha l l ham We read or &Aragon: "whose deadly' wound Was' ;4 4 40 1 end it 6 0 . 17. bninnun ..could have. had ma way * the`do4dir wound WidChll34lfeiy: told . vecitired in . tido War - would have beeihesled.; - ft I s ' th a est, moitatitekpeCted and tutaccountable In; admitor 60 Wan 'Xe.lett n li nnlni4ednni traitors and stricken to the' airth,:some of '.Our Mencansioi get over their old habit of Mining and cowering Mean haugiity ; :Bauthrons. : They can fig* them bravely ate distance; but their Inunedlittopreience is ton much for them. . . THE !LAST_ DIIOOU. We haveheand and laughed a good deal abo4t, dileh 4 ?, of the rebols, and have often, iutiled•Oni, brains to Ind out where It was• , But lid knOw hoar: is . their unfaesitnaie tfirpudenee. ~ Without - without a , government, -without' homesodnumt•trithont food—pro ieling Shoat, Jukes fugitive ,and Vizabondi, tbsy-ysttiike ,• it on themselves to dictate term, M their cMtquirere, and they Seeni tOiitilongfeet.'; ter at thafthaiithey . did nt , lol:mttnF.' The. lUffkst =kindest legtOrnir;ttpoMns tat' -.Buxom* idler Inskinglhe greatest Mir& reioni,Pinadered into their "Itetdlich"j, ?iind broke his .1 • f;" Batnprich islandtstaittonel theetrugluses, credal by the • people theznOttli at iktoi of )150,000. &ngo 'of them arev 111w1We d4able, - The and at. Slnnolhih .101i#11t.of. cra. l, t o : ll-11 .d 1113 / . .. gun4 11 .)r tOnti , Tqe V.r.dicat•ql in.tit.t. 'n, ;,1114.' ..f et:lw. Gieli.fttOrt at. io'N -fait - bat the .-•lid:agecale ct 100 ...pttlett of lihe hour ? is equity the essential element of preventative as well as rctribu th e justice ? or Is that majesty which men tremble at as a vicegerent of Deity in the EOlll, to wilt, like the effrontery of a bully, before g;gantic crime ? In short, is the law 01 (Titre outs, or God's! By what =dhoti.- ty dare we take, what authority dare we forbear to take, life for Questions like them press upon the 'mind, when false consaeneelese philanthrophy sets up the catch-wcird , "no more bloodshed," as murderers soaked to the marrow with inno cent blood are falling within reach of tardy - justice: They are the questions which are to have an answer from the men of this na tion now. The plea of "no more bloodshed" is touch ing and potent, yet who thinks of appealing to It whin we see the muniereton the drop. overwhelmed with the anguish of his fate ? Plo one wishes to see his execution. Few -like to witness his end. Every right, hearted man would fain see justice recon ciled with mercy to him here, if possible, and gladly finds the least ground for hope in sovereign mercy for him hereafter. &Uwe are made the sad submissive ministers of a certain measure of justice here, with a fatal penalty upon ourselves If we neglect It. There are high reasons for this, but highest of all is the necessity of keeping the soul'of society alive to the sense of justice, without which disorganization is sure. JefE Davis and the other original con spirators have committed the most mon strous crime, and in its consequences, the most' terrible ever' witnessed. If - justice . ever made a debit on earth, it claims 'these men for- punishment Of coarse the blow would be terrible, and no humane man could help a degree of commiseration. What then ? Shall we therefore spare oar selves? Which la the nobler the neces. Eery sacrifice - justice to feeling, or feeling to justice.—N. Tribune. The ovitten to 'Gen. Lee it Rte!mond. If anything 'could heighten the disgust •and indignation.of loyil men in view of the . recent military_, administration at Rich: mend, itis to ba "bread In the - description ,given in our despatches, this morning, of thereception of Gen. 'Lee cn his arrival at RiChmond on Saturday last If the tele. graph is to be credited, the defeated Com. manderin•Chlef of the rebel armies was accorded such an oval' as belongs to a conqueror, rather than a captive. And -yet, at' the .etry moment these proceedings were taking jilace in the late rebel capital' in honor of a man wluzlewl; for four years past, been employing erery energy to over throw the , Government, President Lincoln luga cold and lifelturs'eariwe in Washington, a eWthn to that rebellion of tehieh, General Lee was the head. For the moment, at least, - it was the trlUmphofrohellion ever loyalty, - slavery over trrelom, treason over just government, the rebel Gen. Leo over • the . prostrate'; and lifeless form of Abraham Lincoln. It remains for loyal Men' to say whether it shall be such permanently. We cannot signify our disgust in view of these proceedings more empluttleally than by stating the simple feet. Oh, for ono hour .of Ben. Butler's nde in Richmond Can such things be, And own:erne us like/Liam:um cloud, 'Without our. apselal wonder, '"How - long, Oh, LOrd.-1 how. long ?" Sprinectd Journal. , . Waf Sid this remarkable paragraph In a 'vsleni paper. "About . eightsmiles from Indiana, is the little town of Idarietta, a place noted for nothing In par ticular, save the virulent type of copper headismprevailing there. The reception of the dreadful news, from Washington set the honest Democrats thereabouts crazy with joy.. In the absence of a cannon they load ed end - fired an anvil repeatedly, shouted, danced, sang, and in every possible manner gave expression totheir demon Lie Joy, after Which they constructed an effigy of Presi dent Lincoln, with a rude representation of -the bullet-hole in his head; which they ear tied about the streets, a big ruihlan follow lug, and ringing rt bell. The elllgy was af terward burnt.' PVBLW JrOTSt E TY EJ tar - lbe -vbityel men o?fiiegh ill y count ° eta; relent l ace VIII= rentie ' :ted tom - Usable at the s of on baaby, babe; elections 12 their Wards, IforocutiTograshlpa and Preclacts trmecthel7. cm SATI/A.Y, tine 14. MOS, and elect. dells - a -ea nt eaeh district aforesaid br UNION , t ellt z 3VTION, to be hen In the Court Nonce, In Pitt/tour - eh, ea 'TUESDAY, June Rh, at 10 n' lock a. te, for the purpoce of nomiantlrree talon ticket and transacting Noah other 'manes as maybe progeny hronght Odom It. Ihe election of &legates In the Welds and Bon . mese shell be by ballot betarern the tohrs of roar and &Ilea Odor* r. a. , and le the Township. be. terra, the hoarser four sod eta rrolnek r. • 133 order of the Unhan Faeoutire Committee, - - A. M. LUIDWIT„ Chairman. n. AxxX. Ilibanns,l 0•10sar- s B eare t ar lq ,aril Dniturrona ok7 OIL BASIN' PETROLLI7X COMPANY bare deelatrd a MyMend of TWO PLR emfr: on thole eapftAlStoek, payable May lat. ISM, At the oaks of the Compaay- MAX. Soula io rink Moat, Pfaladalplala. WYX. 13.1 AMT., flentatary. DE A CANDIDATE FOR tbe Chet or-Disvuor ATTORNEY, cadent jo the ttindnetton of the next Union Countycenvention. ip24.14 - ALEX. M. 1471.T130 . 1P. • - WEIN atD rEnrlsx.ffzirrs. - - - )'ANTED 1 WANTED !--AIDENTS ! AGENTS hA 1110 to GOO pot dty. to take rubreriptions for or self Sartain , . beautiful eo• gratin. ct Abraham Lineolo, !nail Matsu can of tiblo. It our Is int *Stool Sample. seat by null on reeelpt of ID centre Addrera 13411TLaiStrit M U, 411.Cheitnut street; secant: floor, Philadd. rhia. ' • • • ' atAntrdrod • ,r 4 OR SALE--COLE. LAND.—Situated eD the ratehtirCb Witabineton Turaptite, three. miles - 'how P/Ittburnii, eoetalnialS tereatre tuo.acres nod &Urbino parched. _Samoa in a hick 'tote of cultivation, suitable for garde.ing. The coal warbd within 'nosh of the Steubenville Salina, when opened. - Apply anon to ..Y.AOI2,ELL a. JOHNSON, SiSern Na el Qrsat r,tteiturth e STBAI. 'MUNK. r.. . . ~12, sew piltaaists, gimlet& at tbs,law etarst Of 11...101.XELL14 k JOHNSON, es Graaf. street, Ptteibutetr, as r , stardandpril Thsawaer Ls ttednitltat?aVir tigrtfri:P.ealri4l74.ll2l:tag .00tatt to law. .1 •-• atallata TABER ENG E POREALA • ONR. 13SCONI} EL/4rD I)4EIVE IN :roivii,.EAGEi ENGINE. 'With Awl nutty tittie t at $ bargaln.i A. A. HUTtiti INst)N, ‘.1010:11. • Wood Mot» c' fi.L.REA.ODED TO THELISTTF.F. ._ - Stocks air •Wy adriiitteed to bei sold Tata 'EVENING TUESDAY,' litkosat'N Welock,• ,on wooed Soar oft Contituntol:Soles - oste lOC lmat Medd, street, /adman* , st tear of Rooni, it, , ! rectlitront Ptah *ton, In "iddltlon to Inside to. trate, from VW floor Sales Room,/ . . , : delherekhretchintrutod Idsourorturenra tnk; , - -Ito do. Pittsburgh aro" Sicilian title IL'S.] - ~• zott„..do .. cclrdit Ca Oust •, ' 1, , • ..• - ltit do . ;Pittsburgh endritiledelphte 011 Co.t_ .auti "do Cherel e ttun and Momi Paces do •WO; he - Tack ttelirun Ob. . ' opria— • , ..11oUsWAINE, AuCtioneer. TlissoLvnozi-- OF ' PARTNERSHIP.. A.. ',' • , ..The Akrtee_rokip'_ heretofore eirdattng aid ' 'known Al the ••=t4IZABETH.- OIL szroAay. 1 T ata IS 1. . . 1318' . At ? 'DIEISCOLV)).I 1 4'7,4hg7 42 . - . ciCa**P•tic:. -. 'Mr:-T. 0: Elngau.. de - hiving. ottrahseeettii in:: tercit af the ot herruirt,....Au shogam.... t h. Ihr!PseY will bee ditrXr,llingtmon, and 411 /ii.' , bilittto of the Com apypaid :cm, . , , ST ram v. 7, noIAAAA ..,.. ~ • . ..., : . i . SAMUED 111 011 E; • ~ , . JOHN E: SEIAPFE. • Aran:Mb itsa.l , ' . ..4-. , - *Maul —...... .w...w. J 1 : 11 A1 1 ....10L1.12:T/4..•.To. II;TOWIta. J94P44• 4P _ppm, comenf f sHoo 17117erehihits, fnillule sale of St , o4Atrir, isiy, Gaiiis LlMElpiliti, BUTT R, 'PACK GREEN A?; t - ,: r w:pz.". !. ,, ,, i r ial4cry =EMT, Pitts. B eferet wei 4 er4tlffetzisi,'Pittibi WU. apra1,01474130.,P1 unm. • - j:' , eptt:lpt . . 300 B MB. i CHOICE-,BWD,S-rem ,,i,k,i;t:::::64' .igr o ,„ , . - --. 7i 1"1- Amm i oii Lo ' ,. ' : - .-. '' 24 3 *di:imitation Pe a t.,,Et00tp...„ 1 ,.„, __ _ _ AW,Y4III, BARBMB' SOA.PEL—I hairAttP the tan Jen !MI Mad SAWYER , • BARBEREP SOAPS ad have no heetatton mai ler that O ts 00 0 4 S'al , A iffrmTor aso Ruing Pe ' 4l '• gr °!"1114. !IttX,t4"l rth:Stra.Ohitirnt Saloon, Pit ti A 011cd b ngtE.• A.ND ortizirt "iIF-41;;;'7. EiMill RZAULL Y XY.LP At Hunt's, ATL.tNTIO RIONTELT. RUT IuUNG FOLKS. MAG •)!!AT. PORTRAITS Or ABRAHAM INOOLN. • THE EMANCIPATION PROOLAALATION, ' • luolaomely•eograved. ZNIPEROR NATOLROWS CIESAR. HEADLET , S LIFE or GEN,SHERHAL. ALL THE LATE PAPERS MAGAZINES FOR MAT NEW BOOKS, • /OHM P. HUNTS.. 1- ap2ll FIFTH Sr., MASHNIO HALL i for rule by IRISH POPLINS T. M. BURCHFIELD'S cLosixa OUT &ILE Colored Striped Poplins Cho&P. FANCY SILKS. Plain 131ack. Sills ',ward nitrtaumra WHITE P. Ws, COLORED P. IN fity. 7t,, 11 . B. Coma Fourth and . 11uket apl6 So l ii.l" SOAP L I t i l v ' 1 8 1 I—The 011! r hi- Lured by B. It J. I.S . S Ylift,lo acitt:i n w z retitel tithelle mon serviceable of any kind yeaoffered . public. Its superior advantages tips found to Ito chcaporm, saving of labor, end its enmity to removing greats, paint, tar , and without tre luring the s hin, or in the least wise Summing- the. limit quality of goods. It can be used with eU kinds of Refetenee is made with Plegrogre to the subjoined certificate, emanating from gentlemen well UOCIWA In this community, and who had every facility of. lorded of seeing it fu.ly and fairly _tested quarfewartsterts Depeernwar of the Toettlll, IlthleenZt and Folefewili Regiments Pe. Fors: Sawyer's ()headed 0111e.Eragive Soap having bean used very extensively to our regiments, we have no hesitation In writhing that It was found admirably adapted to the use of.thosoldbtew and decidedly the most superior Rosy which coidd be procured for the Cervices" JAMES A. EKIN, rrMastsr 12th Bag. .ALES. FORSYTH. dartermasterlith Beg. ' )I. K. 11100.111L12AD, • uartaxmaeter Mb Reg. • grid: - e ,have twed m onths, s Erulr deep fer the past twelve n end believe It to be the moot economical and satisfactory soap that .has been Introduced to the American people. P.D. P.IOIIEIVIIALiI.. Begierldere lintel. Seder Township. :Allegheny county, Pa.' • Nam. R. 4' d'auloo--5f7 fatally hove trod cur Chtml:al Oliva Erosive Jain f at month, lon bar° found It up to what It has boos retoosentod. For luting to •hani orator they think tt tuperior to ask num. to d. (i. Ltirtl. Etna, All given)_ go. . - 15LUB LECTUES.• AXEL SI 400 XV C/ ME A. Za Xe REV. DR. a K. CRAM et Neeir Volk, the greatest of Ptelptt Orator', Tat 'octet* on lirtdnesiday Evening, dtprli Bcn+rci64•TlLE OLD AND THE RM.^ Tickets Si cents. To be tohl se the Deo* sta MosJe rttobbh or at Qs door. Doors open. at 7 o'clock lecture torment* at 8. JIM Tqz REST. Oil Leases in the Oity, Diaries for 1865, - Portfolios, Pocket Books, Oold Pens, Counting House Stationery, rot sale by 111YERS, 80111:1YEB. & CO.. arellklt Poilltuildinyilla Filth street. - PRO CLA MATION.—BT VIRTUE oB Connell*on passed by the lieleet and Om. won et their meeting on thd eth that, 1- hotel.) , *the notice that an election in the lit and hd precincts of the Fourth ward, Alledbeny, will be held on TX:ESL/AY, 'hearth day of the prevail month, to non!, the place made vacant to the Common Council, by pie death of Phillip The qualiSed electors of said ward ON. and l td precincts) will hereby take notice, that an election will be beld on tho day stated, between the hours off anal o'clock, at the usual plate of holding elections, then and, there totted to all atteinrs. 'coney in the Common Council. ry the recent action of Councils, the place ot • boldiug eleet lone In the Id precinct has been elms. ed, and the election will now be kelint the Sahool Rouse, on Ostial street. JOSS MORRISON, Mayor. ' 'CITT or ALLIGORUNT, April Is, IBM ___—___......._____. ___ _ _-_-_ _ IN.,THE MATTER - . ..... of thes appecatlon oli 4be Roman (I Mello S t. - 3 ,,,,..., BeDeacti , so. SO. 110, Jona terui,liti.. ilkly al illrelnabato. ' ALL= Htlir. coml.. ne, . . Notice le herebyktyan In minute* of an otior of add Court of Vommon Pleas of said county, made this Ilil Clay of April A. 11.1801, that ajtpU. cation Itaabeen Mad! to mud .ooutt for as Alteration .and. Amendment of the chaster of the oboes Oetporetloo; - lees 101 tie good' mien to the contrary le eholrn, the ease 01.11 be; greated..at the next tent ot tate l:ourt. - TAMS 111.,WeLTER. eptl2red •'. Prothonotary. SPENcER •/tIcE.Y '8 PALE; CBE4Z, AND ADIDIMALES, Phanaz :Ste,dgist' Brewery, PITTSBURGH Aws bIaLLIAN 'FLAIR HEN EWEIT win atoit tbs foklog, out at tho Latr to a (Off D:• CAVANAGH'S - 111"PALLISLE ALyroottl cure the 411Cst obutaratte Dr. RDOPLAND'A G SILVAN nrrrtus, - tora /.Ivor Clotoplatatpuptanonatly. AL , Larrsliori g p44,s . .tsr,, , tot ,tEL,7 ; tit 4et of 4. , L 0 I; Dr if :Hint' DRESSING; . , arlirl atm. Hair to Ha oligfgaj Rolm PALMER'S CUSMETIO LOTION,tHU remora 'tootles; Blotches, la, front tha akin. , Ltanigts w.,0*.u421,m, toattD4l4 l Pre.. tic tbahair. .. Rep coastattUr on b aud 4 Uts . HEMAL DRUG SUMP, • ; 1.12 thik:Xistket. Ulm% Amegbanzi x . •-•— • • 1 11EJtVElq.A4OR.- 'rho receritiestalo HAMM ,ItElerrortEn" -- I) , en subhitad,estattlettia beyandi doubt that ft le the' only nrtldle , tho wlll motors GEAT• OH FADED. DALE toll'e orlslunt oolor L ootl prevent heir from filling out, Aid Alio hoop the 'only to a clean andlealthy eonllllloo. ' It Li purely vegeta-, bin mu top be used.yrlth cOulttleacte' or atteiest. MAKIN lOILITSTON,• • *mint Siolthfloldhoilithete, UM .1 . 711611 f i tr i f 01 %Maw . salt,} , 80. icE IS itßuzat &mt. I N Act-, _..,08110E th e' Art of amiably, cab thed.Aa be =Oll Snake or Mb Dotantett, =LT *looms Wont tor the papaw of ' ander tha Laapt the trotted awed e that the Eltooktroldsta of tia&Niag wit, OF PITIIIIIIIIKM; at a meattog this day, ...bate Toted la bear el becoalag sualtaa tlast and that lb. at Oa ovum apt.o than twoUltda 0 the Oates WA beta a aa tedalrid bit Qs Mot the tralUd Italia • • ' ,: I , apldlattl ' , 13. - ItoldultrllVZ7dhoditat„ SAWYWB .t 5 A1"1 . :. , A a km boas an "eivirrzys.wAg ' SOAP tat lOW are pane, in.:yews. / inusott . Is hteltattoa that. it invenicaln agy agar -that! bays Illra used for din mut Shwas introo m , , Sha i Llaf u llaloot4 N • llt D i eN. diii" lIIITTER. , AA rtuattWo 25 • 1 1Wr i raZ• .... - . •r" , 41434: Z:EA, .. : ~=~.iw,.:iL, w >..n.. r ..,rr+....y ..~ t - ~....+ ...,iw ~zn ...._.....w.-+:.v.J u g.;;k, ~ -~......_ _,.,,. ,+.x.._ . _ Tillialnl l : 7oo—' • Pricrintrasiss -Aor t glaT. ' it / jrzairatia..mri, ;ust , , i4 Did . 4 o f fisT fate} 111 / 1 31 , 1/6 ALIVB: M, &then, An, lull of sold county, limtby gfronotim th at will personally or by deprrty attend foi the Earpose of rewiring times In the wyetal Warns, horought, Townships and Precinct. of snit counts, at the' place of bolding general elections therein reapect [stir, on thelollowing gat - a, from to o'clock A. tf.. nnta B o'clock p, sr., to vhEr Find Ward, Pittaborgh; first irard, Aliezberty East Birmingham, SharpeSorg and Elizabeth bor ongb_ bane, Elizabeth. Nerlile, South Fayette. thow deriirlmn, Marshall, Roo and Fawn Townstilps ON MONDAY, MAY 2'2d - stiona. Ward, Plttshugh; 4 Second Ward, Alle. gherty; B TRU Pittshargh, West Saitshoth 3 Du gursne B roughs; Crussa, tpper St. Cl:dr, Bald lain, Fui kiln, bloUstolless, Flom and hiscrison TuWurld s, • ON TUESDAY.IrAY 23d Third; Ward, Pittsburgh; Filet Precinct Thlrd Ward, A.ll. gheny; gr o llOngiln an/ Tseentlim "Impugns; Moon, Fro Et, .11 t. Oinir,Sofrerson, F"t"?Scrrlckley, r• M S ssickley, P. and ZeKry rowasnins, ON WEDNESDAY, lIIAY 24th Fourth 'Want, Pittsburgh; Sixth Ward, Pate- - burgh; Seem,' Preeinst, Third Ward, Allegheny; :wed, Pittsburgh, Se*lekley and Blanchester lids; oughs; Finzley, Union, Vasil,'Des, Biddle, Wit; kiss, 'titbit:od and East Dear Townships; ON THURSDAY, HAY 25th. First Freels:lt. Fifth Ward, Plitsburgh; Seventh . Ward, Pittshurgh; Ninth Ward, Plttaburgtu First Preelnct,'Fotii thWard, Allegheny: Pint Precinct, Firmingium: Flret Ward, Lawrenceville, end L clisport Foratuhs; Worth Fayette (Wart le tte ce ty, trolltas, rAdo,,liampton and , West Deee s, Toirtuldps, ON FRIDAY, MAY 201 LL Eaton Prrcinct, Fifth Want, Pittshurgh; Eighth Wasik Ptillinurb; Trani Ward, Pittabarghl Sao end Preelt.or, For ch Ward,lntiogheni; Sallow! Precinct.' tilinsiugharo; Scoond Ward, Lawrence. villa an& Tempt, narerillo eon ugiss; Robinson. Pitt, Perithi, McClure, Studer and Indiana Town aura, • • ON SATURDAY, MAY 21t h. • Taxer canto paldat the TreneetrottsoMes, within three months from the Atte Oxen In the foregoing dt.triet■ sobjecte to I.IVE 'Pitt omr. pt COL NY,•for prceopt payment 'to any person ply. ingibe wbola =taunt of titstr toes. HOUSE PU J IMISHING GOuDS. GEO.' W. HUBLEY, GE. FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGUENY, lo now ',woofed to onr to hie cottomera nod the pail: gem:roll) , the moot complete seeurtment of everythlog eomorlocd to tho lino of /101.1.50 Furnishing Goods, width beg seer been °Eared In this Wig. In addition (o hie reputation as a manubsetstrer et and dealer, In TIN, COPPER &ND IRON BRITTANIA WA_ R E ,, 'REteR ERATORS, WATER COOLERS . BLED UelfiES,- ete., it. be bib lust returned mom the Bantam chic( with 'a full line of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 'TABLE AND DOOR HAPS , , ' BROOMS. WHIoKS, muisaEs. uuanEs maim AND PINS, UIII LAMER'S ORLIN, TEA AND COFFEE BETTS, LINING ROOlter. TOILET SETTS, • TABLE CUTLERY, erlth en endless earbity of ankles, composing all good. In tLe home fume/dog line, welch minor be found elrowbem Ho invites the attention of the public, an.t YQ be pleeeNt to 11/10W Ltrgoods - GEO. W. HURLEY, W.W.Sitid OS FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY S . B.BRYAN, lIBOIXR IN STOCAN, BONDSE BB9b EST/Tl3, - 4wrra. ivy suv anta. amass Here aid In New York or Philadelphia Without tu'her charge than the Rickman COMITSSIONS, estebllshidby the Boards of the respective eittes, to wit: PITTSVCRCITI RATES—on Stocks Ilia market value of width is I n M. under, fl per cent.; over 12 and up 10 it 2. t per cent. On Stocks selling front 112 to 160 the sum of t 24 ants per share, and poner stecks ael/Ing et 560 or orore , ,osod . ontilt of on cen t. , Illk:W YORE ItATIM=On Stocks, the market value of which le Id or under, Dee cents per share; over that 10 tents. ItATM-4.4 and U - twt It same meas. ea- Oldest toUclted. Office Hems: 8 la. to 8 o'clock P. EL Is No. 59 FOURTH STREET, SECOND NITIO3 sae ! .. at L BANK WILLEGHBIT ICll.lamo.coadl. ALLEM:LENT, PEYATA. pntreeat..„3innflutowN, Ja Wk. pmcdent—NltlttOLAS POEGITLY, Director,: JOHN VoiaTT.T. It., ILLIAM iseon JAMIM LOCW81.11; Huse a cnlnt.t. A. anosrmann. L.ALubrroen,! , Think la non. fully organized and prepared tO transact all hvirchca of the Balking hilliness. ..Partlonlar attention pal, to titer sale of IJ. S. Floc ds end Steatitic*. Ciabeeriptlone to the? 11.1.0 Loon, old and nee tune, rearire.l Hones dells, met on receipt of subseatatone. Inhered caftans dated on J ur.tin in, payable to that date In advance. ! W. DAVIDPON; Cashier. AVOID 'THE DUST AND saiditE: BROITIE'S SETALLIC WRITUIIR STRIPS AND - Window Bands. These . lnesiluedlet stripe ltt enterner totally en elude dust, Attlee and odor ham doers nod shadows. ' Safe Tout sallute and household goods hoes • stoles ant annoyance of stages. ear bells and rat. Clog pushes. • Mtn stare Strips will be enntyletely titled tut by UNIT& & ALLT.ANDER, No. ue end ISI tea t:exec stmt, Allegheny City. the above firm heeler the est hath a fight In Allegheny County. . AI'X,XANDER - 131TILDBILS rAIYD CONTRACTORS. • Havingtately: Rt moved TO 169 aod 1111.LEICOCK STREET', "'• - "l l iDislif.lo.t.t*. • Abel men.* tq threlkh all their enstenters end public ten , tatir with PLOCILING UADS, SASH, DOCHALIVRANEB,_ .VENITIAN- end •I PArikVISINTITY.N.S. 310 s LANN()I3 and Ott. TANKS:made tat order and tanatmith , oe hetet, littrottliewlearand tlreekete thalshetleoluntste.. -; apeorn4 CHILDREN' GAMMA ES AND qAskEtS - : . Of livery diticiiptlon„ • A.lsrge viatrty tf Finley iioodr e • r ' LAtikitisi; Idt Minket. St: RAWtEltrts rtatimits' • tipAps Johan WO good e; met the plrestlte or the tole ere !MIK yi enbancert by Wax ,n impeder '14111441 at-r!rap.l V tlta4.' %iiittoßlAti SkiatilNG. LW c TWLET UVdL PU;.11 . (11 , • 1. net 'rata tdenerees. thekretho eicest lather tar ghat , tog, dad ter U. nacat for toilet purposes,' that I have torl oars' hail the Flaunts of ushag tn. InT 7 06 11 0110. ) NATUANIEL ALLEN, of the Aloatalpheia Roue Shaving Saloo; • NOTIOB.--ITIle public are hereby noUftea. .LN thatlOueb erthi'ehium the seche Mottos bele River s e nets • beteeea theond and t ,elua, from the Railroad Dri ft % now Lelog erect by the Peansylrivale Reilroad.Ootataby over that River. below the lirsteleta.,ta theeountrefAlloti eerie, 7111 be neefelatity.otetruated Inputting up, 440 eltreratrecturd of the brldo. rat &beet, six . wtelettrani the F I TSVOYSIATi A. 0.10111: - - ,J. ,r4prvic4 . ls, Regiueer ki: smog slim •4 . _ solpir SIE.Par ) Wiri •• • stpck - BrPlOrl and APnt3 • atooks . bought addvs ' Id'atalusively on 4 1 14.01Ace.iSTLIthal 13.41. . • ELECTION 31' 4.:4!TJECTION NOTIOE.,—The Btockhol den of A NDIRINGAif, EAST' .Itt MOHAIR' sONTII.I.I2TsBURGH 048 COMPANY, its. nested to most at the *Moe of lbs .oompap7, on {MONDAY Ms let.Att o'clock P. Y., ler t4to purpose — gr. of btrerotore to - wife 'atdetted' ;•• 1, 7 LVIIOI3INdON, Santa). • : :11:4 34 / 8 ,4444 1,111 4 . trimmed ••• • • • EitlAntais, lot • -. •Satembabeir woo arde . .. am. aci.. • sasaiverskerrAtetwear . 04 . 24. • ._.4k.ueositorat t ( .1124 E AD : . F.OTA=. l ;LTheilgatcc p o tt h therm*, rsersiarbutiend •gettetta," xid,achp ak .11th by glehdrigh. r adit tretr adept,e4 wlto.eouhttgOoettUert iterfectlyc. WhltAt'ettla - ligd tr. good goldit7 and the Most . .prottggEgrtatebt tree from rot.Foy late ty_ c.;• WA. .00.. 89.81 , 43.4. .t. 3. here for the mit tour yoire laced 'XIAIIBEEES , 2(I,II ,- . end eove(4./ aupleot tort IMI - (ithtft hityg prpettecl o vither tOrthe toilet Or. !or ehtvtrig., 1 - ••• A. :Fourth SCLMT,44r.4I4 Saivatt. • • MMil=3 .I"EIPf ..Car.EIZTISEATEdr7S. BTA.TES 'd.SV tElr7 estazie O 144 seelr.dersee' r !irwery, F;67aized a . ...ipticat lona for the gala of United States Treasury Notes,beatins seven and three tenths Dar cant. Interest, per won, IttLown. artrir' Seven-Thirty Lon, These Notes are iseneetinder date of Tuna itith, 1865, are payable Moo years from that time, In currency, or aro convertible attic option of the bolder into 11. 8. rta Bh Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, , ''.:.Theee bends are worth a presetunt whleh greases the actual profit on the 1.33 lean, and Its eneeprieet from Sears sad wuntelpo tarceten, entice NM frog acme to three per cent. were. amorally to the rate levied on other property. The interest Is payable 11ea1141121111104 by ooupona attached see Mete, which may be out oft and sold to soy 'maw banker. The Istterea mounts to One cent per clap ar a $5O note. Two cents " " " $lOO " Ten ar is $5OO 64 20 " " " " $lOOO " sls6ooo " ?totes of all the eltrumalnatiorur named will be Promptly fotalaked upon larefptnt autanylptionn Thls is bit; ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now stared by.the Goverrunent, and it is sena tinily sapeeted that it, superior ralvantseres will seakeit Great Popular .Loan of the People' Lew than 120000EVMO qtjhe Loan authorised by the ,last Gongreas remain. In the market. This amount, at the rats at width it Is being absorbs!, Will all be ambieribed for within four months when the notes will undoubtedly eommand a premium, ea be. uniformly been theeese enclosing Rio suiseriptioni to otheiLoan. In order that the eitionw of evert , um/nutria sectioe of the *mitre Lay be afforded hwillilea for taking the loan. the National Minks. Mato Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the...mus ky have meta agreed to receive rabactiptione it par. flawrilbera will select their owe arnme.. to whom ttter have confidence, and who only are SO be responsible fOr the delivery of the notes to Which they:train orders • JAY . COOKE, IMm;dittion Agent, Phihdelphin. Elotowlytioni l will be 'valved by dor An Ninon rfttsbiultb. Second " Tiara lowoi Cithies & "nails Itattand Mak. rp, rr ?Mamma Natletal task of Coalmen% " Ina CUT " ITfatfaltffi -. ." Norm" DtvilaN " Ifirelsalla false Aneidgra mow genesis Yin& SellannitarT - - if meow. FOIIItTEI NATION - AI, BANK, OF PITTSBURGH, U. S. lIINERNICEn DENBEIMIY Prnaltrnatt, April, tam Quarterly report of this Bank pubtlaked In eon mot with Aet of Bowes' eitablinking Na• oust. ~reas~ Capital Stook. Dante.ao tnteulatioa totitoo.es Doe Depositors Dividends unpaid (If pqable ' ll", — e.;. l ' 4449 4) Contingent ratgreaere . ed In conformi- rata ty with National Bank 1,611.33 Additional Oontinput rund reserved Its special 'Etiolun et Board of _Di teeters— —... a 4,000.. Pmdt and Lou (Mane Nev. p, ta,sizsa es,am,atus Loans and Dimoonta • SMARR Due br Itousks and 1161,U11.74 Des 61,11anks (spsclal) payable inold, 5,4.59.4 S Gold and Vain in Vault of Sank 115,10n.09 Remittances Ems Ranks In tranalt,casti litfirmat V. S. Legal Tender and Bank Rotas.... • 104,741.00 Draft and. Obookt 46,1{U.S$ S. Ireaslikly Rotes ' • V. S. 540 Gold • '11111,C71.381 U. 5.1040 Gold bonds —........... Premiums, April md, teal • Ctrs. or Persimmon, Qum= Or du.% Pe, . . STATd. PLR VITZTAIrTA . Personsisv appeared betOrit'lne lifoter du' conasiesioned and ewers. Allen Donn oi Oath. ter W. the Fourth &Maul Bent of Plttabeirmi silo, ban" duly swum deposes and state theabose .B tatstuen IS e end tram to the, h em* of Ws tutoriedre and eL • • ' LEEN DIJNN • , C:4033:1i1L • Sworn and rubs)esibedbifore melba da 'and . slave written. • ' , "l4 B. S lIRYALN NOTARTPUBLIO: 1. 113 C AMERICAN SPEAXS rtr•Trris _ _ . Sewlcig Waciable,-7 Vf EU, p«.....,,,,rornablertal by those who deft."' EST 'VANUA We ere haring al pest elanY inquiries for Elem.., My Madden f mei vetlour Potts of tie iodoiry; aml as we ean not ehaverdently reply to them all hi metli ire Were tho lit s lt primer toi state our opt*. 16421 0"eirsad_t 0 th re tif tlifi petal° manoer. • We have use wpm a. patent, manufartured try . the . .tylmilm. & Walton blemsfactfulat OomPaby, and We 0512 514 i.:154 511 4 5 2 , 5 - 50'145/les le 111 wither , 'Uhl._ ft li ample, hot *mils put out of order; arid. In. petit of elfmtlienem 9nd dahih, no other *chine 'taus allied alt. Stre state' this Ida& e nerte twat, ezcoUent meahlee liiloll OW 04551: . • r , _. . ~ ; h i , : IThlas °wallaby lie visas, snit ti.: 4 01'1 1 4 Um ' last !threw WI oat 10,475 emottines, sisal al• war. irwitieliet-itteis hi s teOiessiay They irst7 la PM* frodWAXIt ll 4 l ttillietituat piped ones sail boat' 14 theti't'al , ail' Oita , tiom , 1,(0,000 the , 'vistedye i taktilh;rl k p Loop mem reaukii7 niPlalred ' awiutetitititet a s ism: Thwaystam pi:dieted lel ' tlt t iwil/p-, RC that j o saopteitin the metrafteinte dr .'isms emu pieta . made to a guage n itact °wise:, .4 111 mtlY Pe . pada :of isai - htuhlailwil , be 'ttaiii lr _,....d with those another iii,g4.s of s . 4l.i'" Ake I, or:total as achleht *l . , pit.ro'plip,ii.t.. au , itulsole.ol, b rei*.c 4 °2l•*TiluPil 0 Oa•. Salelidorti No, 27' firth' r:E.t, 'P.ittslia' r!'11 , tr.==.tt• :-- 1 ' .. ' ' 11.4rXxiCs a:no B.f.TKER.S. a , ( Ts, MD HAMA UR earner 41 Wood Strut and Virgin AREA FISOA -AGEICT OF THE UNITED STATES and SPEOTAL AGENT of Dip Cooke, U. d. Agent foe the ludo ol she -- Seven-Thirty Loan, POPELMA LOAN OF TUE - PEOPLE] AND THE Only Loan in the Market CONVERTIBLE ENTO W. 8. 11-20 SIX PER CENT [v;.}r airLlbaral Ootaxatueloas allowed to doilies. mho If X. IL LIVINGSTON. Mistier GERMAN Wing BANK, • Of Pittsburgh, Con. antra A.ND WOOD STRUMS. £VOUSTUS HOTELEl4Prest.lent. MUNGER HAUB/LUG% Vice Pruitt:tut. GEOHGE A. EMMY, Oall4er. This Bank Invites the mounts of Banks, sent ems sad others. Government Securities or all kinds bought and sold at current rate.. As e SPECIAL AGENT or gay Cooke, subscriP- Ikons wilt b received for the Popular 7-80 Loan. his Wan L how being abenbed at the rata 0,000Naos" rior Taorse. sad Defog eenvirtible, Into livatirents bands CENT .srbleh AM at superior of over NINE &dy d PIM . It s Mitt .. tares to at seeks 'atm and pratitnbla Invent. Liberal emu oilaaloos on this loan will be allowed to all deal= in Gevaronaoat murales. . fella GEO. A. 'SEXILY, C :rairwrA PfATIVINAL ? ." & CiffIPPIUMILt Preriplusely litlonarf HATING BUSH APPorerrp Rpecial. Am nt. JAY cqoico. U. S. Agent for the It We offer this desirable inirsitmealt in te snit purchasers. The notes mote some of $60,4100, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000 • JOH 113.15 Trani/Amble Aug. Mb, 187; FIVE-TWENTY GOLD BOND ALIF . These desirable stouritles aromatic( st the ntAl st e 4,000.000 PER D L, AND IN A VERY sacuriTIIIIE MU be at a Premium. 112.T0 Beata, Backers, anleers, Trust (kiss. panics, Instuusse companies, sad sU 'retort. stamp to sell Katz, I Literal Cam alsamu Will b. Paid lal las . . It is Impact eiiry one ir liven AWs hlgU desirgibls, lo u g h and profitable socuritp. MIMS O'CONNOR, President EttialN Di:RUM, Cashier: T ° - COUNTIVI BANKS FOURTH MORAL BASK, U chweiroxeent Depositary; 14 . g*!. Vat BUM lay sornaspoadasse tat tearads , • • tOlUnrnille BANN jam! orrns Special andi Favorable Faol.Uaiti iMk*lr ea s~cagae. lerniu4st ON mugs riiinishii4g U. EL 7-80" - 7PCX.WIL #:,AWD3 o'oo/P1074 PrOlddent•' was 'mut k • . con SPlrpia!NoTip levant , rtittorriii oveernicrt rrivslivans, reiniiint 234 umtv Thla Bank IS AUmind to noeinialum PAYABLE A 10 DAYS . NOTIOII, ; (Mtqr 80 Dairs.) Bearing 6 e'er tea t . lira Wireslll4lol‘Yril!l HON. F. E; =Man " I (114 , fig TREASIMZED - . : • • • r ittlingATE FOff :11/B AggyrAltrl DEStEaRra 'arm t will steetinut the fever 'Attie =USW tom , sad la:Um Admitaga , obtaLolntati per out.th cIP mar Midge as abanvoom • nteada itsol4 We, t o am, denasoo zpax, Wii" " bta " l ' re 'SL - • ' •• . , AltthelOTOrtiati President. traxtz Dtrim - mgr. par eceavg. p NERCHAiNtIt AN DiaLrx,3 IMITJZt* .s uLTON, ZaCEIIII CO.. 'ATcosi. Vi ctr ILO Zw.t.ttia, Write the atteetion a City and Country rderchants to our , comploto stock ot- Ti helpings, Embroideries, Laces. - Hosiery Glove., Ribbons, H00d... Harr hets, Bath and Sun Umbrellas, Shuts. Collars, Tics, Bradley's Duplex Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Buttons, Spools, Oombo, 'pithrend Yszlidi FANCY 000!)* AND . Ger purchases hero been all made slim thetas; great deities nod we now oche good ladttoemeete to cuss trairEns. _ epee NEW STOCK Calicoes, Miudinsr Bilk Shawls, Maki, _ . Ladies'& lasses Mantles, NEW GOODS Ct3raexi.A.,rig: BATES 64 BELL'S, ri FIFTH STILE= W GOO S, JUST A IjVED. _ . PAN LCL-PRICESI ood Oottos. Ewe fdeLadles at I per pears liescootltched Linea Hanka:able, 25 coats &Mom French Ifeehinka Co It 15 per pair; Ilidooi k AlexamderaXtd Mores. OS per pith. We lave also a splendid stook of WHITE GOODS AND•EMBRIDERLES. Guipure and 'Valentin Lu , , is; .. SP.ing 13_1 , 1ilionnet Itiblions; : )3dok Drasa Trimmings,and Ornaments; Opting and Summar Ho:Meg and Gloynn Of Yam Cloodi,4lAlc4-1 we have deeldedly the Unmet sail bat aosostarmil Novelties of the Sesion. aueh - aa Wide Belt's, and.l3noklaa Satz ECM; La, dleeSUkSear* the Quirta . Elltabetheolla-A new" Alto - or Flouncing, eta.* ate. - Alma a tait.itaa dr CiIMMMa!n MatM=G 00 Whtte teem W. up.' Air Merchants 'end Retalleft wjfl Wriiiiter Price* that .11ely 47osipefUitpis KURT" * GLYDE, le IIL&BSZT STEELS JOB. HORN - A & CO:, DEALERS llf smiubb2lminni.etlummasnumutral"")ll" ::: ~ . . Embroideries, LsomOoods, _andkerchief; Yaw Goods, Balmoral Marts, Ladies. and Gesta row 4 Walton Goods, Bead Gimps and Ornamarbsi - Worsted Hollierf nod Gloves, hoop warxiso Ni. , • Moos arm Small Wares, am now romleing WO _ Int assortment of • . • Errßi r eliti• G ODi; %Vett will be found nentenally atteaetha• • • Having been pnrehaaed at LOW GOLD RATES we one °Mr. B.PEOLLL INDEGERpESITS Notacosa. c•za twetasowmt.* win at all time. be wen rtippumi. We solicit s from &Wm*, Millinep, Palm, and .111 i Fablic being eonedest that we can sole sIL . • 3 . 08 noprz* co,' - ;h and XL&BICir ISTRTIEZ A rum .Assomtpart orr.inni: TONS, Dram and Olank. "Oen mratill2s , Gimps, Chenille and Bova Fringe, ,Idaak V Ihniatileerves .LllldEl 'Seta ;NI tho mon quality, '- , Lomond Linen Collars and Thmdimeablidr Olor . Haderyi Balmoral and Hoop. Warta; Shawls-and Barques, or ail Mtn; Hathxel3si waded Collars and Oast, for halo and • Wash Leather Gloves, to all elan; .T0ind...... (Borah to light colorist Mahon ' Sole, fringed to. rodeo toyether with a new lot - or Wald Wart : Ealleand Flower& Will 16 found at ~ ALIVE MO WitT , S TBDENLyfOBTORB,, . arEourth Meet. near Farri t atnatt. Partlrolar attontiOn gm to Omani ...m ild Ina all other W 1"1 adi Of LII .. Also Illoalt :Ma GREW .13A;141,41#131.:::: toij . 81 Market •.: th 1.13 Dil*EutinD ; 41*Thi. et.dt,#4 . . Ti o niatan tu. eil 140- is.k notvidtrim, u. 14,.. also, Point fait*, Kpbots,... cIMITED • A-4 subscriber., lure this day entered into. lidt iced partoersidp agree to to the Asa of of Use Ocounenwe4l4, PARAITI,net IDDINMAIV I biareh tl, tern, 1.4a . Ct0 eat,' • 1.7 ha t n, the , game Sal . etyie under Iv Partrwserbiltils to do aenaluetely dU' • tP . That the itediernl nature of th4;:beistrievelf• of tended to boMinera pl ed, trans 11.12p ii ou thi-bwaei lneu deprinu of ReArdog. , ++ °Oben or tde Myr • ate on the Attestor/4141er ttr Pitt .. ccoonchip, A , " Vim county. and State of Pent/Sykrilmitil; That thegenend partners ans PRIMP Ingo. , ElVllSBGE:R,scliesceplice of resteedellS lbi *Ruth rof Lire retunwrille, Alloghstocritz&-wd_ State •Of Fenustrants, and J. et. gak 1.7 whose - place +Of resident/3s ' ugh, teddy and Bate • aforesaid I .ad the Special nand" a raolley.ett J. PIGLET, whose place el red dew* Is Lower lat Clair toveruthitatwtlus eotei: sad Etats Mres o/Ltd, and 3,92+101 , 0+001114 whine • plata: of residence 'ts ,the Fourth Ward, the City of Pittabtugh, the carintly'lled'StataC'. iforeuli 4. That theaMonnt'ai - eapjeaiiftikbeiah ipot4l • oce.r.ceto. contributed - too* sommottoteek Is is' • follows. vIA4 said Nichols]. J.-041•7 DaaV.Z 4 rib• r ' ; ' , taut Teo Thousand Wilang in east,. Alla 031(1,7=0e* (Moaner his so contributed Ten yhouisna iyotw.. • Ora in cad,. • • a. net the period at which said Pa2Sta to commence is the FIRST DAY 1463. and the period at which It lc CO to I i Um FIRST DA'Y OF ° s JANURY, A. D. ISSI, mama sate Partnership...ball be ocatertorntinated by tea days - notice in writing of his decticartodie. • solve said have nershiprubta,,ach slid pin net" shall the right tollie his eoltaAtierir ' ' wg.geopon. and alter public, petite of sub ,halt Lane been tiled and recorded liodDebt Dished, In vAcsoldance.' alto the provide:trot thee' - Pith section of the lot of Assembly :Mandl ".„ • Said Partnership dell be Cassolood.., . , . .. I . l P +++o7 E ll3 =ll3lrfilintft,t • + -+ /- Artners. • ,1017dFS WE =Iny,, - „ 3,IIIiILET: Partaelt 'STEELSpeitr,Y4 STOCKBROKERS, • • 1 1 --. lw Ka . 1)?.. paritraurattvytaadtpala,Wthtirltddisill 1111114;'''' • I ,qr. RATES OR ;01:61111111SION OUst 9 ct. 'Benin; -ik aft ' di • • do.i.. .• a sod up to 9151:1- .I , dozn.t, , "cjORGli - I,) [`tirAccic-tt ite.i4vl.4 • ••r r ANUSTR.6.I4 nc ~rJ4 ~ ~h>..L'~ y ~ ~e MICM
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