-- . . . ..... .. .. .1' i:V0LVD1E : ::::14.1.i..V111.7.7-NO; '..-. .111 . :. '''- gixitt rERY LAIT. T- NEWS BY 211;MMIMEkii. OFICIAL FROM ANTON ifipatth - from Cenceaf 6ltormin (LOON Hill]) BY OUR FOROES .V.Y . O*bll Cobb'- clapturol araasa NTWO OPPIZZA is .Wan . ..:. . t amcua,..3., , - , .!. •'" - i - -. 1- . Wan Dreaswentrk T 1 ' " _' ... . ' ` Wald autos, Agri/ 24, 1855, 611 Mk* oret•al Val ..: IL &patch town; Inuit-man gates thit iicateral. Vlbow held Macon on the 20th, with FloweAl _ IC G. W. eolith aed ettostwit prisoattnt, bet :, i _Odfied the bcettrot thaiimistWand lui' lima tedestaitted Me through the rebel lines ghwallota. I hat •aastrered him. trache mat ;dial mit. of Ma and hold ble`emexpantrfoi Oil* o Tderrq up h1k.. 1 0 7 ., &Cal.§ 1 . 44 . 1 ** Id/ libels ate ' gUs gates tar our preju. et t I litle Demmer !Xtieldeed'e marl it: tree haoriniition ttuitAtio • Was organized 1?1, Canada ebanond. Ono of the amain' cprosed : br 11! prison, ! ankle belleied 1114 - (Sign •, atlemplatl to kill Mr. Saw , • one of ilia - ILO—Albans raid , siarrox, • tiAkhary or war „PROCLAILITION `_PRESIDENT -DIMON - ttioN AL ILIATIoXiM)MUREX T7iurd y;'llr,n.y. 26 r• , ‘"AP 3141 2 . z ra Crf.rsA4a4 2 ley the rystdisit the ogled Stefkr , k By •y dlremlonetlitrAethm . 43eo- • *elan of Mate; a polka to the ymblle on the. 7 th of 1.111111 to assemble on she 19th of April, the occasion of the obseinleis .of Abraham — cols; late , • - dent of the •Uelted - Iltates„ d to obsesse ••• !lune ,Tith .aepeopdate eite . ,oadoit cod a • -hr, our co u ntry ARO great bow Of zeorgavryhens She_ hesd , f the family • - and be; ;Wag that a ,JigEled again bta Armies in order - tip be : cttled.to ii In or. i ter to naltigat ..a wbleh (tali rY be agelay,eta •, —.dation with our Father bearers, and lit eonapluanee with the wishes ot ; or• i -masters and Illau eintiliteir its 'Congress dm:" animated to tau . by i isolation adopted at the • adonal Capitol, I, MinntrwJonintox,Preeltlent •• the United States, do-hem . appolnt,TartW ALT. MAY Ail, nest,` to ho oilieriid :41acturer In tho Crated States the flag of the 4"3tunzY may hejc±Pdeted. Asl 41' 4 ,4 . tailmnk• :,:sort and mournlxT a nd 2 recommend any fell 11 ,1 ,:Olzetta there to emble In their respeetlre ••=4it o of•surehlp here to matte In solemn ser-, Al:Welty. God In memory of the - gixt4 1.0 .. who bas been *nosed, so that all shalt bo as at the sued, Gore . hi' eaatiotigaloyalif -), Timm' and sortair for his sudden and TlO - and In wltaesa whirea, r bait bereento Bet my laid sea =used Ilia seal of iitte Illattedliattes be attired. p:, •,..,,, a, ~.: , kiDone at the City of Weeldiutton, April , 95th , 1 • ti.. D. 1885, and pr iii liskepaulaiiesuf thLint:'] .44 !States the eighty-ninth. .. _...._ .% . . - t (6/ g et4) %-,; --.- '. ' A3z " zil !: :°l cFieN ,- ;;. 1 - fltrAlie Preeldaat,:::....;: :. , i . i s 'L,,i l V. B u iiT F, '. .-1. / ..,4 lD tg:_ tWn . t r ia j;!,i' •••_;:: - •-•': :-.1 . . ON TUE AIIIIII'.OF TILE POTOMAC. tu. Men Repqrto--linzdered. l '., • !B incamomi /RD Di TILLS 111111101 D. ~ 1 .7.----c' : . .--•- - . i titiou from the Preshient tuulNireetan. .. '. Ilatogenrammi.eneev or l'ontwao,, ;- •": • -' . ;:n. ,1 ••:, ;:April A 1.815. 5 Z ..7 . • •ris are current hero thetas many as, four , • have, been found murdered:li the vicinity . • ' houses thee:Flab the , congitryi-. bed no_t*t.th „,..- ......_._ .: -eliding the strictest monies have been made, ~ 4 onfirMatlon of .them'esii:he . 7 obtahawL /c -,of envalri i •- • laewever, ' have been - sent' t d '•', • lo soner the couittry , end bihrieg' In no Fin -• who are found with arm 'Di: their Binds, '.• ether elaimingfe be paroled pilot.' - ' `;`-. cleiration of -- tdtlains cogi - pti k vEtio..4tai, •,. mid gh to headqiuirterieyesterdal with a pets". • .thri President:' And z s tri - ontarn4 Din' , and ThiSiTitte- rtallnisd; aakintlWirK . ....itslon to mopes tbehyoad;:isailic that 'lithe i‘t i,,ticg stock was at ;D iis lll, akkykA . t . o:i:4,fo44- coo:mammal° wail telipap ed to Grant. 1 .: •• • replied that the requestivridd be Lminted;_ •:: ded they would t e the, eath of ince - eat:CH Government retains the right to take purees ` of tho road any time they, Iwo imaper...ll is --- -.1. .. the ears captks route *dile numing in ;;• of Owed, days, as the track Is airiest to as order au before fee's retreat., •._. ~.- ....„ • ... 7.. ' ' was lamed from these gentlemen •:•' In bad been - in Dauvilleceoree tun oe'three '•,-,. , shier, but that he had lett, and lils ) preacial, ,i' bouts is noliiititoria t1ieet.,......41,,i,.. ..........i number of clifitna appeared daily at the , ) 4•,•• •or the Prorost Minted-10i _ la s e • the oath of olleglanaki4A4:4 ii,tfiss, -•••••' Deusca and Pinfigretbe,_ ..,•:-. ~,,,,,1 the tarmac solicitation of the eithemeAf. Janie, for proteetien, tgsr , datrt-VitiLlrOtit• bare beartidetaLledna guaoffor-lhat , ").:. .;and will wenn* VeicerualllthitegiVea-iiiui '',... •' . - Mg i. C4^15M , ! . . , , ,, , , .... ~ ..1.”. . -..•••/11 ‘-: • 0-army stlllv gouda" Illytbe •!Irtelaltr Wr s •• orrllle Jaactlt4 Mb* tattateitahiage wilL .. • , ade In itirdispoiddenAmlil tidlobil : boars le:: red ( nun 8 h4lDIP;;• /16.:ai,oastohoin at. ~' ly hare Etna towards Min, as it is ballade i. fully able lei itteir.Viltdealfiblilejibl,.ssb . lsol. . ' . I ._ - 11 at Pment Str a kiliNsie • ;ii.;:; - .-.e-- ~ kkallined,) - ....1: 1 ,.--;...eiree!v.. 8 491SIMIOnev, ' i parzurr Arottp„, ,se , l ; _ 1 f. .ort Or .surtitierikiiiiiittirii* E ^ ci - . . firacuc6 Gaustaall'Otnrtcs i'.' , . ' 1 tVesnultreteei: 2 A P** 3• ': 044: E. Ar: gm t i4;*m.r st , 0 wail ),. - _ - . irre the hopor,te reportttutp.gt 0;5;437 ttteia free frouriaraaniliAteetriat strong ' .1k; imorothg. Ir. 1' te4t!ek' . 1 1A0 131 r grO 0 a Ter i"soeiPitlit. -- ; ;- ..... '•- - I Very nePeetielly, ~ .. . ~ i Your,4itadifiCriai4:- ... .. I- _r'''J?k,.."illaamiti 1 . '..'..-:-= l !Frzegn - Gtmerfq• i W 4 3.. . 44,§4; AP43N 1 . 3 4. .. 1.E.11E-SateancAlawatimy!flrqr-i.L.',l --,„ State have the tihii:ei-Pfie*,tl4lbefieeii.:: oafStato eat ttpftic effetitylit*ti!-Afg ;AS Web irevcoved.7 .jr.. PritE - feKtiairard. lir; ,or and"yeareiobidiriur tlitiniat. azty,tt,t , t his injw.y. Arn , i , tu.."1..f4:41;' , veri rospeettall.T. Ytlue eta- nett, • ''t , '. - ,Ell3l - il 64.14.25:Mtinitak' 1 7 - ele46°4 GAT,,W41.454 " I,l' Amu ' itlitildstgab4l. l lth .tioniu), (11L,> aprit 24.—T00 Comm, 'Arrangements anniigoot MOLD fhtbre , hx " nled Pri S l o l 4-Wffit take, PL O cO lags h tahutaY. 3617"011L` lad./ will Ile ite in the hall oraiout° or p reuto• it= 10 o'eokk cn weanesdaynatl Jr on Batooloh - - - • • • . • . . ;kat and Gold-Soar& Aopout aea,, ,, .. , _, __ 1r Tom; 4G ll 4."Tlii &ads and. Gold ~e; hare coo!.1-adjoorned until Wednesday ing of •l 0 o'clott. EIMIMM - • ' " ' . Y • i "S < PIESIDENTAIIKOMOB - OgSFQ,UIN • , DEPARTU FROM PHILADELPHIA, The Rercuthis"in Jersey City. NEW YOB OIIY REAOHXD The Corpse Esooited lo City Hall; APPROPET:Erg 1)1&4E8 VAAilin Appparapse of Presi4at; . , Tilo44* TAKIN“iiiiT 4tlo. fsi' the frog - dion‘lin'ititsdiii. " . I - .1144,..L8N0T11 IthLanimrstm, April 51.—The body of Pees.: 'Mein Llucolzireamined In state- till one rt'clie r k, utortab4. At three o'clock the line math was,taken to the Trenton Railroad beriot. , The train oadislated of elegant. cars furnished by the Camden ind Amboy ItailtOad, 411 44 1 - 3 thfa ll .l' draped. - 1*;• • , - 'The fancral cu Int night Irks additionally decorated, belay silver frinitma-leing pineal at the end of the blast covirriiii of the several panels, and the festoon belng fathared with slant and tassels of delft" tionerial: materiali itare contsibtdott, by th e dthroos of rbilsdelphia, Gocernoi Parker came on. -Ifoird'iciiliAto ,,tant JiMierallStoCktorr, ilusrteniiAstet and others Gills stair. Theintie ucompinfed EesatM J. P. Stockton, and were rceeiredii4 ttoiernor Cuoilit; Of sash, vim kid Joined the ftherid-pinty erns!: TlBbarS- . . ~!/11.133701% (N. J.,) April 2-I.—The "funeral . train reached Itere at 5:39 this MOrrallT:' (31.71 , - tnocr Parker: and suite, of ,Nete - Jeritiy,' - weref taken en boaid at the dividing line. ' - New Beareswiagi (S. J.,)• April 31.=-Ttte, funMul train arrived hero on time. An immense crowd was at tlesdepet,em9d,sdreito guns -were fired while it was Isere and until It lea. The train consistel of nine cars. and left at Itiei a. m. 'Welani in sight of Newark. tThe - prieate rest deecerwymbllc buildings, mores 'and irorkxhops are tome of - them elaborately driiiisdl gags M half-mast, and other evidences of sorrow am ex hibited: • 'Amen; lbw ZOOM' prombient featurelP , 'sits the 11.64tiespital whieb wee -snits* decd.' ' Mini; In front were a large ,rlumtLer of soldters , ieteanof them offermettea. • All. the pilleate who maid move were drawn np. In _double &ail, every one of them steed nucovered.a.ad imitated; -Co beileli affected by thenrur.htng. spec:Mile. At 10 o 'clock wet arrived et Jersey Cityr-liete'l the arrangements seemed to be perfect; nothing bad heenneglected which could give duo effect to the cetentonins of the:.oonsicto. - - The,-eofeee was removed from the !Mane car by eight sal ' _Akre. It wag partially covered with the Ameri can Rag and with dowers. le the mamma of telittaryyted elf eitilians,tineltulhig the wort which had followed the remains from Washing -toe. it was.. Slowly carried between the open make, while many male Totem snerisetimetrai I,hyorti.,. All beads wan emeoyered when the corpse was Raving the elation agaln. The Hare feeble and Haoken quartetteclubs, forming st - chores'Of abeint two hundred voices. sacra" fnitererdirget.'t At Jersey City the Joint. committee or the_ New -York. with the entire Common Council, His Honor, the Mayor, and a IddegitioneCho officers pf the State, had met, previous tit the 'arrival of the train. The, re, males were reeeived, on beltialf of the State of - leeerYetit;tyMei lion. Chauncey M. Depew, Secretary of S:ate„ and 4here conflemel to thm care of the committee. Thelotersawasitten pieced ' - oo the feint-beat, and taken In charge by-Major Gentled - Iti. I-As the boat neared the city of :New York the bells were chimed and tolled, and On Atte; ordeal of the remains to Delltosa street,t-the'-‘venni Regimeat of National Guards ante ap the -guard W h0n04.- : teekslit&l 4: the cortege th ugh several of the streets to the City - Hall, where the united German „societies, numberkg ni e le hundred voices an 4 clectippieg the steps an '.places in front of City Hall, chantedAirg appropriate to the occasion. - - The remains were evert shereatter expestetto , - ibepubile - !eleir. , •Thoimantit'of pewits elated' the eatable° ter view the body. Nnw Yourt., , ,April 24.—Ilusluess „In,tbis .city.. • was 'generally; suspended s on 'the arrival of the* ' funnel cortege. Broadwaywas crammed to the ,en caret by people anxious to inseam. tlettimend ear-and the accompanying exert. Windows and lemeetope were filled with people. The ettMeet'f (Inlet provaikel, ;Mid the: - time - mane(' 'rem eitted.nneeverisd as the prbeceidon slowlY , weeded Its way to the City Hall. The hearse, whiih was drank, by six, bones, qourrhing In 1 fnretor City Nall was relieved of the coffin by eight soldiers, !eho conveyed it to the Governor's I ,ream.. - A. thonsand slngers .stuagelt moneafel,t ..dirge an It TYLI4 borne to' !Le leatpargry resting pines _ The -City' Hill,ln Its: - Interior, to elaborately dialed and festooned withemourulog emblems: ' 'The• moms ini which the remains of the nest:- dent ere delimited Is thoroughly dram - Min black; ' the centre •of the ceiling, Is dotted with silver„ ' etare relieved bi. black. i ••The dripery is finished. with Leavy , silver fringe; the cartains are of 'Meek' silk velvet; Ringed with silver and grace-; _fully leered. tl'he eoillti'restiOn ri deli.; oelii:: - c!lrea plain; The Inclination' Is such - that tete face of the departed patriot is In view of the elfin - re while pealing lit-stvo orfferedthlantas;'l The coffin was then laid - on the d ate, In the Temperer Generals Dix, lernalde, Van VI let, .1 Peck, Ullman,: Sandford,. - TefOnsiocf,'Admiial-- Sandeard, Commodorct Mend and. Rice, mere,. ben of the press; ace -- a number of eminent chillatur,„?Thembalesers then rearranged the body, oldeblmet been disturbed by the jourgey,, after which -the lid Was removed, affording, a l view of the face atteetha'nfp'erparfef theibreast. • Wreathe olitintortelles were placed oat he cOffin ' bY Menus preen& - -- . At.one o'clock the guards were, pieced, and ..tlns genet el'iniblie allowed ingress to „VieWitbe ,1 rimitiMV: , i .-:t r, f ~ .: Theopptearaoete of Die dediriksldetitinsiirsMo I . iner)ts . of- pain. tut the eyes are sunken ; the, rice is eminerlOttdiscolor* aedeselfeter.abtentf the lerver i pan, iand. elarke the - grit' -etteeloyetneklipsivery tightly compressed. - The remains Will not.agela be expeseti,toeleer, . until- nly arrived ar Sleingeleict.'Tliciuttiiiderire he the Atter:UP etralting an opportunity to view , for the lan time the fag* er:Atirehaull i but the 'arrangements for this parpoto have been so poorly, conceived and wretchedly, eanicel out, , Ulm theusaads grid bo-Misayipotezted, netw ) tMe' Pi-tiding they w be on view all night and until neon oikateniw; The nrraogemOts for the processfbirToOniigi , :ttincere an 'WY Immense scale, and it will from ;Present ,Sdvlcesi comprise fiLm lorty, to, fifty thousand - PeuPlouu 'ot!: - .':Itie stiemaltiiiingh witich.it is allils are noto cleared of all vo: I Nees, nodpersons in thp iwocOaSten Will be restricted to the walks. Thi viiskir"otthil i ph-3cm - lag irill be formed twenty deep. Min. asegnes will Is& fired disfitc4als Psotagtv:And.._ bells lolled. '''ltie militift v itdfildirivill coca. "PlitttiOlt thbussbd soldiers. Additional decora. ?.110111 Or-XCiOnllllPg have been placed impels all hotels sad thebuild ings throughout the city,and !MI day•wllliri "prelusively devoted by our corn. '-flaisnity top bat : - ttlintteasffsolcoht 11 4,10bta SP': lithe rtnoldue.Of the greet departed. 72ifiss.-li.orethimitners had prepared, the brAy I ' Lprl.tiblielpspeel ion, andrwislieCtheibe . I :wall reitetill.epen, a (cal -lengthJoholograph 15, ~f 'WO Opals. 'll, - as taitautbsl346. or - Viplic - atplr• g 7 .o l kra. -Ifenuitwenty.tive minutes was mos mimed In theadfort, &Keg, to the sutalti,ealiglar ~The lid Vat tben'slosed erect* toeliow the face of therifete:tjV p Meat. The crowd watliali allowed' to - en • Many,ef.the alaltortCleere it outittS a•-iirilio asfawhirsti:ireprititt . tsrly, AO one: o two esdearored to kiss the cot toe but-were prevented,: .-..- ......- sr, ~,, .•. 1 - " - As' the' theism 'cable' bp' *lth noiseless - *Cepa nedstrentuingepea, It, WWI a most impressive - sight. Ilse guard °Moor istdchlsdividba inks Aw.elve-watehes or two hours In length each, comprises POMO seventy akrrly iin'fitiewt oftleon,.;' - hie - hiding Generals Pe.t, Van Vie• Slcagher, ' ,:ewcenc,4- Ander-Son, Merritellnet, I.bookeijfiter: ~„,flenry. Warren,:Sallellefil."Yete4.. AVtuiselullii onna. Detserilel- Id Tylerr Admirals Spaulding, and , jltter.d.-Cork adores Bagleyl•llenolsits mid, !Pao - gold: ~I _ ;',;- : - 7 ,. --- - -, -,-. •-• • / 1 .• lasi'. tegie,- , A;pril li d, 11 7. le.-4otnense. I:lewd!' itie SlifliboAttlf:CildelKallA' Walt! n ie l ,3' ll 4nelFlo" lit,'', remains of President Lin "1t1.. , 'C•rowallt l 4Pagsklg Atftall4 ,rfattagi tat .liiiilrliiig.Atdte s number of - males were brought • out l le: a ;bitable couditleme=" lll ria* ttpt bpett'Al pig* wadi Ill'botia , posed to viesOuntil ten o'clock too-morrow. - - • "rllLindlieu Noir _New Tens, 4.ll,24 s .,—..Thereja„a r ttiso lt truieas In alll oimotatabt, anii firs thp Bluelßoard as to adjourn till Wednesday uctergag..l , ThaPetroletna....Boarda.ad.pted—thitl tame course The (lloLt*lnt.edjOurtnitt *owl Sideriday to%Vedllpdai`;,,lThate.llWaratlattrata. , ACtiOntil Mocks ID tbegereetertheyttatelltere Ifni:maned and . altatealfinitieleti . to a . basis for quotations. A few seine of Gold have been rands at 149 (@149%. The feellog In stocks /a decidedly groat and nuotationt are generally above those of Saturday.. 'To-motvow Arid be observed In business circles . .sa a" elate r holiday In conseqttemce of the obsequies of tee late Pre sident. There was little or no danund : for, money today; rates of . Iniezeei are uri- . • .. 11 LATESt iIiIIOPEAX INTELLNEXCE4 The 7E431 Crilicer Etenandcali; MB. kASY.TORT POLICY. French' Policy •in Mexico. THE POBTUGESE M&TTER. Manta r i ckro3g3n. 314trawlzotra. Nrw - Tour, April 24.—The steamer City of w..bivgto..:frons, faverLiool •at,. Moon - ion um `l2th sod Qu4sistowp tho ngt,:arrlied hero_ Melbourne ethical, of the 231.Febnutry detail _ Abe troubles between , t he gOVerrIMCUt read cruiser', ehni - Undoedt. AppliCation to la pilli' was voted,' and the - iesect was . phicad ou the slip, aid thci smirk pionactted. ship Would. bi) orders(' to icain port lathe ear .thitt date. Considerable axcitem a ne Ind' at tendtd.tbe , .„ na,London Muer points to too hardaldus In- MOtedtu dhipi'Nera byeeward'a order, thatnerrels attiring 3a Atnerlea with auy pnroeneerr noptw. "151 - ctl'uith passpart, are :toot allowed - to att.. - elargo their, trtozwa. It charm.* the At:Lerman (l ocal:mint frith a' pate." atisolatlon on corn - Incrclal weary,. Ile•Frencb: Chamber deluded the amendment to the addrtoil appeorleg the Trench pulley In lleitleo. ".-31r.ltoutter. eneneedeatly. repelled tbn anticipation of a war between 'Frani= and the : Untied &alai; told'ilatinid Altit" Trance but 'matelehted a strict neutrality. and Mr. Lincoln's* messages indicate a desire for the tnetnter.aneo of pilaw. Frditte tinder a regard foihdr'Seenri. 47, has Oat Ideated the ithblees wish - that - civil wawarsCl dm- &retinae.. He maintained that the 1:114t . lhat id no Interest le annexing next. tn...diatl the idea of wax and -atoning . the ntaxialty r the. Freach flag rentalnlog a fearmontha More In Mexico. The amendment Ens retitled. i The Calcutta correspondent of the LOtidon _Tours giants corns startling facts in the progress , 'of Ruastaforinis India. The '4egllsh fmads math:meet firm and'ad artofitkigi.Amtenahe 11th a slight cheek was ex• - perienced from the tenor of tha mins from cons da Or the thly of Linden. 318oey cootlitemi abcudant at nixlmaged ralea. Them is rather more demand for dLsoount. Trade at Ste:Abet ter Chown no improvement la any respoct. The an ival rt the Tallahassee at Liverpool artis reported in the latest telegram per the Per sia. She still rennalymed; there. it, la reported that sails re-christened the flmelia, and wilt shortly be niined la la - merchant service: She continues, howev „ea to filial - Confederate 'rho Times putialem -.a letter from tYdullician, .thclato American tabileter to Portri,pl, on the dale of the Nteguraand Sacramento at Lisbon. - )2e refutes theidea that' there wee any backlog . 'down 011 tho part of-Portugal, and asserta that. that geramment acted with unimpeachable dig nity and promiety - thrcmghont. It waa boned 'to samlogUe for the firing from the fort after the vessels all/nide& the acknewledguteat of the summons. (PEnaltint says a friend at LlSlorei infiirmed - him that the Stonewall remained _at Lisbon In Ca t cots Say permalliemre 'neva .the : legal twenty-four, In the vain hope of being followed by the Federal vessels. She wishes - Captain Crayon well mit of the 'attack. at, Ma northern peers for hay* deemed it illadety to de:Seethe, pioffered challenge of a little Aron..clad, whose alept he scenes to be dodging at a Vigilant and, re•teethel astern*. The 1111 - Ips'is news ha 3 not much effect. but' &20s .Itoproviti, while the Confederate loan - slichtly &dicta. , Tlie.Zmea sits efforts were makie . to resets. eltato Ll ,4ade running. Ls' Mayes= eels of new class ere tiros:tag for beachlizon . the Florida coast. _ .... Lildoisi. 4fpril 13.-Consols 'for monoy at . 1113;,; United States ti 20's, 50,tiCd,60; Illinois Central s 511g61,14; Erie, 2:3341g34. - Lireryool d I 13.—The sales of cotton, Gir Ste days wee ,000 tales, includg 2,000 . to speculators an 5,500 to exporters . Prices ,da elleed , l(fiti for all descriptions. The nu- IhnrAl qu lions are, fair Orleans 163 id; ludd do I ; fate - nplands 1.134; Walling do 185:. 114 sales - to-day a ,en :Al 000 ba7ea, the market el ng dull with downward tendekey. The etc& of American ti 62,000 bolos, iterwtthiga.-011111 - brittliatt; - facing aiattlii tbn market was very datti - L r itteliantiotra 'Ca: ~Jldit/ Blglaltd,.:4 Co. report Flour doll and lower; 'Extra dtate/ls. Wheat dull; little basilica& wu dm'e end price, were nominal; Red Wettest' 7e. 1 id•Clst. sd. pc - masa. Corn steady at 27e. sd.ett7e. 9172 per 8401644 Silted Westent, 275.' 1n1.6..,::1t5. Waltedeld. Sfasif',t tti. report Deaf ,and-rorr„elost and unchanged. Bacon very Arm. Butter doll. Lard nominal; gm - datives nominal. l'etrolenm quiet atd Arm; Relined .ft.IS2S. hi.: -', TiSIT OF SUMMERS TO THE PIESIDENT. The President's Respii-nse WASELUCGM. X, Air : morning is del. egntion ogles al Santherners called on Presldent ',tappet blitniolitttnent. 'lrery'Soutbern State was rrpresettid. _The, delegation dsccd by. , Tudge:tintlitiwood,of who salt the leitor 4rere for the most sot miles. bat they hof-cd bburtly hi return, n 3 the recent utterances of ibe Prtikent bad creouraned that hope, sad that thy would not advise the hanging: of au, bet the leadas of the rebellion-should be pan - . . ... . . . _ -.. •'-• rift-hint Joliet*); In ' responir,. eald lira feel.' It.gs fully accorded with Iliotte of the delegation., - :that justice stop d he' Mettd out to the leaders of ' this nefarious rebellion - .' Un miscount of them; calla - circpsnateritte tender whletrbe tradasstimed the reins df ,t4tlce.,lll.S 'postai:4A "vii jOrlieWhat cmburersing, and inc. therefore thanked ' the . vlsitors : for the :etwoumseracut offered: He - could only' reiteiata what he had said upon for.. mer revisions. 'rethought hirknewwbat mercy ard the oardooing - poWer waS:for Ladled hem. wrote cecuuleri 'imp executive Ip)sltion and was emu ....d of !caulk too much to the Mc oftnercy; 3mt,:trid.pardonlng power : should hat cxercind 66l mM-a start and Ititieriblejestite; ' , rte . time - has come ashen the'ditseritatu Pc:Oplettiould: understand trut true tcharectorTof lan. trlnni:of iticastin. , :;ThOhlea'Atad,been , pmantliated, end by the lenders of tbarebellion thentiolVen, 'that tiemon would: becollse-"Jancleletirjuftietlf: "Il'hiee men u•crti thbarlatetrierof the SoUth.t . . th,d prott..st the people from such an aristocracy as that. , ~. ... Is. , ~ ,t 7 ,; , i r. ~.v, .. Ifertiiiiisg . ico the assasaidatlon of Afr.ltni4ln be (President .Tphnertn)..attrlbyted It to the fell !erre pervaditm the rebeflicni: President Lbw co'n was iv di viditelly Mg %Mea t Mid no. Mitt: woald hesitate tfutile *lie 'ciilhe life Of one man idionld sled forfeit. life. Then how much more should they be punished - whr.havc.taho,ath their impiona Muds and' tam:anted' by asses ! - tratlecfr.4ltel rw,ay _WWI@ ottbs nation. t *u may g rime 411 atenesti - amt . extend - clemerF cy to the mimes who were forced Into re• %ellen; but thesis who went Into. It Intelligently. to them Stern justice shoal be meted out. camclusloti theiree4d, 'aft "Safd...thaphi. 4 hoti*lie time Would Speedily come when trea son would he dr!en from the land. ire should do ail In his pow r to causet tat. return 1 , I ttitAgilitql , -.111,1gIc;:it,111%/04 . 111311 . 0 1 - 41izigns of 'the Neiv York Press. tn-n ix v- -lfrr•-, vn,l -- Nitroug, 24.-14.11 - fttelnarrang ;we Ignaknalitor yof General Sherman's ar. „:, Zr-r: 41. tre Triberite. Lays: "We can hardly guess whether - tltdmstoa was to surrender to Sherman 6 - heinitha to Johnston." The Mies says: r "Jphrstan evidently he•-• Aetna' liltu eel ridi Sale 'inel.rather:r. than 're-' ceiving then), a d laying the basis of a new governinent 'usac¢ on tbe theory or State Rights -es 2 labrolnte end: complete'. as , Gallium; over drrnmed of.. 4"lnyti himself viever coneelved ' plan , t . r. thee for rettethott shpcilor ,to this, Sherman's arc, irkwed in Oral 11 4 1 11Ary bearings; mimic' be regarded 'es one of t!ln 'mutt dai nerana luaubordlnatlors." - The Rerbts oSliertnan, who ts guithed as au nelmirabioroldier haufatallyenm pri inked bILIIEIifi we tear,ln entering truefor , " idden th id of deplmnaey as. tuyeaeo•malter. I . oB , o lSendlitltarrn 4n:tee!.:lsa oadod.• astaht. will vt tire under nellind from hArlyggruierjaheas, boatjtmaide of Ills legitlinateephere.2, Tee - World diiiirtiveg 'of Sherman's course, AirdeliaiDly retie - es Et . ..cretzgy pianton . (or as k ] nallinglibtrao vi elys, the Germ*. ' mot with its Intdetlons 'and ifbmtnlttalit; 54ald :got bolo adopted' Lianas' rain or aeltiertilitatil but It owed to hi semileti'and• • Initrlcafelriten• ' .0% ),, n0t , n with rix:rh •babilderatiblitand • ••,;•••.4 %twit lniin 1 ft ot/3hreltums-itasumed loon mugh lothotillr atougik,l4 Get* MO *WWI= to' to thti2RMis Prop jalo '` Eriana jettitivis.4ol l m 40, biwt Ordishl, Ear4ettut, ttgetj OAT IL ftwatar torgivvnielthltut penalty. on the simple =di thau orgolng, horn. for thh present to repair' damages and reernlt their rerotures . f o ratillate Nem Yens. AMU 54.-n6ilimlais to the Thrard, ?tribune and Tinue. terns or General SherinaVE urreirtire ma with general reproba• lieu and unit trial txprwrious et surprlte gIIAL I. trti -Loci] tor a /2ioll/cat Ctlit.M.llll curl MMil 1.-...-..• pi riPrr,"pf, A, Z G • 11 . el --40-„ b - 4?5 ETTE. ITTFBUDGIL TUESDA Y, APR NATIONAL IBLIINING: AND. . EAST lag.. ~_l. -.. OTERWRELMING PROSECUTION OF TR inn. late wBd'vfcc3 fl•ont Georgia. INFECTED ,;YELIAIW FEVER CLOTHING. New Your, Api 94:—The Gonunersldt Aa •Yerlt. Wathington special cap It boa been determined to appoint a day.of national tumult- Lug dud Taiting, l'resident Johnson will Luce the proclamation this evening designating the The l'otra special nye Arrangements hare been made for , prosecuting the war with oser, wheimh4 energy. A reepsenge.r' from. Caporal Sherman's army . says that Sherman la encamped about Raleigh end siohnston'at - ChapeliM, 80,090 strong. Late 13aranstah papers any. that 'the news of Lees sirrendir passed over tho telegraph Rau at Wien. Geor4a, on Weduoiday,the 9144 and bailed hYlmany with irkr. The railroad be tween Macon and Columbus - was • cut the same day, by ottr coruleg Ascii .Dalten, and going toward Macon. - The . Angurpi - Constilafiewitfitt of ' tho 19th 1 4 511 Jetljnrfahesgone either to the Trani dcdiartaneut or toTairope, taklak with him half a ut4lion of dollars In species The Lake City, Florida. Columbian, initionneos that Goscroorlliiiton. of Florida, has committed suicide by shooting himself with a ClBlOl. - Curtain euktb, of the brig .I..Tltna, from' Enintela.'reperfs that the United StafetConsul Urns-had_lcarncd that one Or: Blackburn, of Williirgton. Y. C., had collected font bales of infected clothing frarn.the • hospital.% which be Intended to !Alp to Nen , York for the. lure of spreading tr yellow,fercr city. Thu. clothing was bed and was to be Lamed. OperatiOns--tn(ormaura . tempo Rebel Sources. CztarrssrocP A, • April N.—The - Chattanooga arra.e has rebel news fmm Gen. Wilson np to the =lt Lust.' Wt,t Polnt r eolasibul, ant It Is beilteted Iladorc :fell Into onr The rebel Gen. Tyler was killed, and 143 men were uptured at West Point; two - bridges. the duct and all the rollltiz stock' of tho West P.dnt ar.d MOntgomery Itallmad_wein destroyed at the firmer place. ;1,000 rebels were raptured to Co. leen and pattoled. eTtrnor Dime, of Georgia, Las called crat all the mllltla between the ages of sixteen and • slaty. On thelllth 'wt., a body of the raiders were on the West Point and Atlanta Itillroad, forty tbrreSidlcs south of Atlanta. Nilsen appaared tribe headme to the Westward. probably for Savo:mall. Rebel papers Orono dam. The Atlanta papers know of the assarsinallen of President Lscelo,hut make 120 COmmtni. They deurthe sturender of Leo's - army, and say ho waSall rhsht on the 10th lust., and that Grant lost 0,000 men in the battle' at Amelia 00214 Senator Darien and . the Secretaryship of the Interior WASIIINGTOZ, A itrll94.—ln an laterriew with the President today. ftntator Harlan, after roan. tlo.lng noadnation by President Lincoln and the coulrmatlee by the Senate to be Secretary of the Interior tram the 15th' of May 'next, etated Me desire to dleemberraas Presides( /*ha- Pen by plating tits • teed ; Whitt Mermaid. The Preellkwit remaikedthat niched the arrange ment mad? by Ids predecessor to =dame. Eta!seat Episcopal Divlois Deatl—Jelr. Vaal& ' I , :ess Toms. 'April 211,-The eminent Deism:o ral dirine William Creighton D. D.. died at Deeshwood nee Tarrytown, yesterday, la tha Iph year of Pais age. , This Pest's Washington special says: Jeff. thrris was at iblisboro, N. C., daring the coo lerramebraween Sherman Johnston and Breslau - , Seen. ThIRY Loam Subserlptiosuk Psinioimmu, April 24.—The auharrietions to.day . to the T.Z'.:) loan amount to t4.2 7 1.1/50. The lemma simtle Western setweriptions were ill.:00,000, from Memphis; $130,000, from Clara LlZact.o.; $lOO,OOO, from Detroit. Toe largest Eastern andsertptions were S IIO O,OOO,DoM !few MTh; $/.00,000,. from Baltimore and 9,903, le, Ilirlfivalsubserkptions:. PParooll Federal Prlaosterar , • Cupp. Afoll:24.—This rammer Hoare Aurw. from .lirve •Orleaus to St. Louts.- =IAA wnk. 1.3C0 wonted Federal prisoners from camp near 'Vicksburg. The men beicurg to.llllnols. lowa. Wlseousla sad fintiesota. Tyro hundred bales of cotton puled fix Evansville and Ciaernnati. I, New Yoga. April 24..—Thein 4n no session of Oullgther's board to-night. The tinning ez. ttencoVlll'be open to-morrow erealog. Gold' closed this afternoon at 151 g. _ . _ Tea Ass.testmattern3 of friday night begin to be developed in the proportions of quite a con e dracy, which had for its object, On : comma with a rebellion 'ltself, the destruction'of the 'nisi glide. The conapirators moot hatehal .... , so c powerful Motive of action, and no other , be Imagined than the belief that Mateo:des , 2 h .of the President and members of the Cabinet would oterthnow the,GOverliment, and .pormit. - rebellion and treason to flourish over it. It Man, no doubt, thought by the traitors, as It :was for merly by the rthel leaders, that this Government mold be destroYed by Northern-faction, aympa, tbizlng with the Southern 'arms. Too hop, might also have arisen in their ;Muds; that the : sudden blow whereby the personnel of thittEx ecutlre Administration would be destroycd, would reimite the expiring elements of the ec he-filen in the Sopth. ' No dm of lets Importance . than this could tie .adeenate to to great aortae. The facts exhibits a remarkable degree of fano ranee of American character and Institutions on the fart of all Who have been concerned to the 'rebellion. ' Treason baa drawn its conclusions Scam a yery erroneous estimate of the character of free society, upon which our Government la bared. Upon any,othci hula them might-hare been shaken by txcaton and rebellion, arising In. . . ' Ther,e grotto Monarchies and no absolute goy ,rni-mmts that Mould have %withstood the nhoelti of such a Wit is :the fetes titre - waxed 'egotist. 'the Union: .Thtre are few,. goveraments that, , Wettld nett have elm shakes, - ern by the tree.' .K 4 14 *Mire Chief „Executive. -Howl common It has for: , Earopean politicians •_and presses to a ' revolution; lathe strongest governments In theold. world; - oven from the necidentel and untimely death, int 'should ocettr,l or room minable Potentate. °Guilt has been iireslitnesi... that, If by any mischance the present . Emmett. of4the IFreneh should be cut off by' smite death, notonly. France, but all. Europe would. be coon/10d. ‘ Let rebellion add to:noon' know, let the wOrld know, the great truth, that' OA,. Government I deoende for Its exiateneenpon - the broad Mid firm basis of the constitution and, We law& 11.01 r, Becchereloquently cxelsimod, In the Fort /Minter orattelfiA•There ls"the C.. a titutlon, there nee the lawairArts la the Govern', _nienit.. , ....Thaj risoiup like mountains of strculgth t that shall not be inoven."-tNational Intel.' ' ' A.sencian telegotint.lo the London .2"uner, tad Berlin, Apt 110, am " plague The plag detainees , al, Et. J'stersburg.i alinteritk'numtior of eaten to ~10, 0 056, ..i 1h lc d eathii9 , 000:.,Tliiere`)iii- 1 04sopi a daY. FortY barracks aro con :extol Into a hospltaL P,meati• . . „ ltanareMeisurea rettiketiliXOWnirfterattie: 'Aida andlotlx I nusior;the, hibriddgrclim isk ;4 1- c - 4b"' spaded by the ttelltd:!:lr,lxltot,Amderai but: .plegue,,arith,dhattd mamas:aid pee , ttimiljet htibo. 11t , ha..udibosti,of •theLondatr.,• re i reellosPlhat oleticr.V ll o :TOttiiatt#4o.o. imblie need be audei'lltltt ,!EppixthertalostsfaaitS: the Importation tar thg Vrairso etddetete nto . , Englaud:rSbd more 'formidable of the two Gs. 'ales oropiNsitig Is theta already.. •Darl't the tact three yenta trite typhus hoe beeti,bre, palling among thd poor or London to an extent - rarely. If ever helbrehicaown... yhd)3 . rltlsh Gorr, .ernmesit- baying tereniiphod to Its oftizinli im Russia for Lutritle°, reltatt49 ,therephismie In -I.44sountry, the Ambassador at kt, Vetere% a.tetegrsth dated the nth Instant, hap t -r;The Lue,r. Is..cotita&ta, aid:An:England la; :Mined the, rOatielim.:ttei raangict Lucretia° th e: "rtvulttant or blillobartypitottldhatir, 'wearriteo , 4"!1!Vtl,R11',A!!;411:‘,111P''-,:-'"' - A Vitorrisrrithr '6"AStl.tashte:eiLuiguattr, -ettlhanArthletto , who WW }Whitler:NZ Von* ..ththetlf the K. G. '.l.lrage,To - thbi - diy, trAcciikli tIB ait &bows t n onion% .;Apr IS, 18 1 35.-4111iff to "iin bilalor4 4°-Thal % . 1 Ic k4 r ' J 7lll 4 t r, . 801 **40Gt.Y..., inm -1341 dO l laP . t i na •tY. PtP D AI 4 4 • Itirearemblairmi portal Imo tmit ed to the sr Dausthabt;ag• aisbtomob,:x: apvcrybkirXta4maikh` ribeltbOXloo tos z, ;LAO WsubbtiG4-40, , iikairliftgiti` Anal bayemat spar 'title of doubt the tau osigiaatel with. Auld wea 'fteratid by tbb au of:Llbeity.nn • A AAA= numbs{ or pangod. rsbelellleers ar. riseekla lialtkaareph . Wedfie*lay finer Ironic:4 Monroe. They repseent nearly etei-ei3tate lu the South, and several ireaccomparded by their Annetta. One of shear walked tato Mr. Joints Wilmer's _hotel, and linfulred..ll* ha was "ilur father of. Majer Ilan,. -Gilmer.. M. Giletnar 1,0 i re t t u .1 c i :A ril 0 1. b r a e :. n h d a hur w a s e ci n i et. xi a l a r d v: L ht: re 4 t h i a n n tl le i e s d v.s . d pad sat rilaire lu tho mbtl army, Tite.rttp3r, MEM L 1565 EITNINGGRETTE TELEGRAMS. THE TERM 'OFFERED TO MOSBY. RAZ ,Of AGfIEEME!tTIIMILAR TO JOHNSTON' I . 'ri±oled Rebel. Ofxtawi/ig the Railroad REBEL PRISONERS IN WASHINGTON. .t iftwTOnw.,Aprilßl.---The TFacr' Washington 'Special nye': Mne.by'obtaitu•st obasis of agree ment similar to that, obtained by Johnston. A person Who was present at the consultation in forms the correspondent that the memorandum . . or basis otagreament was drawn up by General Chapinan, In presence of twenty-two federal and twenty rebel °Memo, and provided that Mosby shonldeutunder upon the same terms as John ston, If titelatterOotild Bartender; that two days' aradoke should he Snowed to submit the agree- Merl to: Bina-el IflanoOck for his approval ; that If Hancock approved, then ten days were to be allowed Meisby, to get a reply from Johnston, .and In the mrantlanlitto marauding should take plum In Bauquler lad 'Laudon 'counties; that If Johnston thiled to Surrender or got whipped, Mosby would surrender on the terms upon which Lee suryendired. ' The -Wirkf's Washington special says a ' , letter from IlultheavUlti, Va., Vides that some of the paroled Min from Lee's 'array have been de tearlfig up the. Railroad between - that 'placia'and Richmond. The parties were not draught, bit It arrested they are liable to be tried' and, tilsoola ly shot for., violation Of MEW Iserole. The same letter Edda that the last remnant • of Lees away, composed of some dozen regt tarots and ono old ambulance, had the day be fore taken thehliclaneholy departure for home. Rdeil many lof. Lee's old oldeem declare that they can 'never live In the _south Or the north, mad that theyl shill either go to Europe or to Mexico, Omagh they prefer to join the north and enforciii the l'onroe doctrine on the latter, The TrOuno.'s Washington special says .thatr ro many. paropd whet pri.oners have arrived there from their Ramer place. of . residence, that. the Gerernme t *ill hive totake acme action to rld Cho Of ,tbehr Ortithee. It has been dusted proper to place a guard around the resi dence of Chief Justinia Chase. About twelve per end of the clerks in the Bureau of Downers have been dismissed as ea- Vie name of the diamies - ed hospital steward who committed mtielde and was suspected of complicity In tho assassination Is George B. LoTc.. FRO 1111,TON-11EAD, AND.--SAYANNAL The Fell of 'Montgomery Confirmed. NEWS OF THE ,OFiESIDENT'S DEATH Tho Oily 1221. 3Kov++-•+lnlg- Haw Toez, Aprlll4.—The steamer Black stone. from Hllics . Head on the 20th. befogs Savannah papers Of the 19th. , • The Savannah Heed of the-18th says: In telligence wee tato4vol4tters on the 15th um- Brian the news •of the fail orlfontgemery. The place wan evacuated by the rebels and co. copied by the federal troops ott the 11th. The noels retreated In the direction of Columbus. • The Governmenk atonal - were . being rearmed hem Columba, the fall•of which place was ca. peeled by the next news from Augusta. A Sseanuab idler of the 19th says: • The re ceipt of the latelligmee of the sad calamity that besbefalcu the Itatkilli. bases:Blhp profoundest gloom over the city. .The Avis :: a &wended at half mut, sod other emblems ofmatuntag are wen CTel y w Lem . . A meeting was be at Hilton Head, at which rerolnikins eandollo wllb the Dukes and the' family of the Id and cell g for a more vigorous yinsctution the war, w v adopted. 4 On the :Hth 4eenn Acres . tie ware Ma o at Hilton cad. • . Oa ?reels of the sad Intelligence In • ocut Grovels requested the Wets to J It titan the o morning and doubled c , rt.: loam I , itx. thonaghtitA ity. . : 1 . s BiscWaepassod the \ Admiral Duptuttladea .Pith ;mops on the attar:axes of tbc 'Bekaa Tv eithee. . GENERAL StoNEIIIN'S OPERATIONS Trophies of tho Nxpledition, Kroxreisx, (Term.,l Aprlll3.—Among the bobbies of Stoneman's expedition are twelve battle-11ms 'and banners, and one old United States - flag, found in the bailie of a loypl citizen at Salisbury. The (among :pen. where many unfortunate Ifelon PriSOnMil were placed, was burned Mithe A few U. Ls, lirbonat 4tra found. They wait Pat geletors of their former selves. blest of them - died on their way to Knoxville.. They,pre, (erred dying under the Stars and ad* Lbw to. be leftlu the loiximome hospitals of Ilisllsbury.. From Ne*.Cirleins....l.lark Capsized—deft' A Darla erosa Mae :Illtialsaippl.—hilrhy *saltlea Army Disbanded.- eye. - • _ New OT.LEANF, April I S, Ma Cstuo:April —Captain Tows*, two matte and Ave seamen of the bark Louise, from New York, wore repor ted dwrioned by theboat cap4riag on a bar at the mouth of Itlo Grande river. on March :-oth. • Jeff Davhi crossed the' dim at the , head of thirkerßeutt, oil:pled by Tutus cavalry, ou the Malt dr tbe.l6th r eseaptog the observation of . the navel forms: - °corral Canby I Meted in 'order proldbltlne all perscens net connected with the array - from going to 310:11e. It is.Mimited that Kirby Smith has diebanded his array and they arc returning heron. •Ther.Mfranmaithe Monitor Milwaukee, which was rank mildly in Mobile Day, will prove a total kw- Her guru hare beau taken oft Her Machinery cad be laved, but the hull Pt already breakingto Mecca. The Oonnes guns run being , Wilo*rir"* ,lll geed_ prospect .of ultimately Laid:rim against two plies, making very large toles In thebuU, and - sinking her - In stud lowiwetrr. Bbe wili , be saved—. •-••-- • The Ida, a stuall-WM propeller; Stroc`k a torpo r .:do, and bletratp.; Ibecaptain and', two• others 'lt is sale tho ',lker*llle. was •blowu ritilly n toniedch ychich . is motion annediand tbo .'ltlpssoni, Diver and a yin.elled 'forti-eight'ivero Abe destriited. , Ho r'Plaitenlars. The gunboat &lota, recently knout' as gunboat NO. 1, , stink: lot bltteeis Itetmeter. Six of the grew lost, and aixwouidol. All the ineliltors eiricefif.thaiLlialtuta — tGattv'up . • to the city, under Commodore Palmer. Tbe launches from the monitors lent the_rirer; csoturetraltdockadd ruiiiier.leadekb with' one thousand bales °gleam'. It Is stated on good - authority that Gelb. Hurlbut 741 lenity° Granger in command at 30oblIdae lifers 00eP,AlSolfs as Nei Orleans.- 4 : • -‘ Con. Stulth'e Came; on Pridnfiii mien, here race abase Blakely ); Ample gur Mont+ matatoopts'ealSicti to the. eisIAL haves 'brim received. Cortinea had Menses areroretientO. al hUilpg *font Ore* thousand Mem lainslo tent a forgo apleek..tlrerm.-it la oxpacitm ed thn liberalf *ill attack Alatemorar stmn. ' ern+. 4toUpodAbrokidays Banded Atsil Maltilnurm by order Of 3USali.:Virtta' Oedema inStuniatol add 'placed them aloortherrot.d to clear It bf guerrillas., .! Sit Dayton, Mile,' Liellog.Dapr ustrOcd. brain ttklii • momlfg. TAta abut:47oo4. p34urcd for 833,001 .EIXITIVIS.NOTETo Mn. JOHNSON INTEND/1646' /111SICAMB BIM V( TUN MUltDia......WhAt 4ikobloO t irtHootti Inisoelting intorvidir With leci on - Friday., moraog T Noctamil , hhoilor that would foil tho other at:: lispietuur nittplodp the whole entstplracy;!-Waiii lt not AD YOIVO I tho Vito 'Pp:slam:4; aid 'Mat 'ansidalon ouXm ijTo gatblot tO.Wilutap4s4a rdinplirrespoolia toi lily card would—"l shall bo homily to hare an lassie Width iMr i .:lliSath on Thls drookicil ion tho secs° 'of murder.. Nrisutd ba an orldeaco.rit willualon with Mr: ictintfileitlinSd'sti C cesehr-411sballow davica, but finfllEfthn !Diskaop of . lain.dioa lt:l4 l ,3l..thhrjAeotraecotiolif' Inc the Tratt; : roliosqui,thopoteg thatteittlrirlitcylatrl4444.o. %Trams, tgorkor - fr: ,1 1, 4=a1 1 444#41,040 Idosol.! iiitirea-thqrd ..tials.V.lco:lProgliiim44l soetos the Only . "hujr„._ , Tairikutaltievilliettiptittiati.,*? Pt !, ..btlOnt#lfted;' ) #tid34oo44 Wahl - imam w : r Lip kadvatELM.; MAU* Z i e Pal .1D of IlhaVtlittliorltlos;V: f t w ,,.. wiet ilt alt *a t 71 11 L'ilreidy,lieti., ~ Nail*, CbtliVr.lgow TOW • .•;•e - Liani -- ei.": oisiihian in,itro:l- litattcm:' , Col.' Abri..‘riliflterio Nem , ' rorki his 6140 * 11.1, e'c swing bre° cumbantionkt VoL Voni•titisang . a eon•la•livr at 0111 IratlitrltltChld, bailleeki tir, Embenscs;diseloses tbat there were 'ten atei.: tipiratots an the plat; that at a. meeting held tie Memphis they . "elected by lot' the:assassin br :the President. - Onr nutlimitlealtatte h letter which sap, "It baronies your happy lot to.lll - thin tyrant. Yaa can anlect the cup, the. ne the pellet larfnabi4n4 UP , 6 %0 Onee tried, and fagtit.-L- - ,l'i;a7c. (kr. 117..1 7 . Trib.' EITV AND SITERBAN. Printer NI - anted...A good newspaper eom .posltor can obtain a remanent situation In this office by applying soon. Meeting ut City Councils A rrifslar monthly meeting of City Councils was held en Monday evening, April 21th. In Selert—Prew ar, llecere. Ilsrekley, Brown, Co fan, Conrelo,. McLaughlin, McMillan, Mor row, Phillips, Quinn, Reed, Thompson, White, Nt BPS; and 10.Auley, President. Tire minutes of the preceding meetings WM> rend and approved. Mr. Phillips - presented a petition front Ifeesrs. 0. Phillips, B. Bakewell, and others, asking for tire reconstruction and repaleof the sewer along Patesylvanla avenue. Read and referred to the Street Committee. A rceoindon was passed, authorizing a war. rant in favor of. Capt. Pratt, for *25,25, for ex ponies Mewled le draping the Connell Chain- Mr. MeLaughlizt submitted a petition. of a large number of hnsinese men, calling attention to the present ifilihy. rind obstructive condition of Exchange alley, and asking that the proper calker - be eompolitat to abate the nuisance. Mr. McLaughlin explained to Councils that the Street Committee bad been unable to get the Street Commissioner of tho' First District to at • tend this matter, and suggested that some action should be taken which Would seenre his removal, or compel him to do his duty. Mr. Cefliu stared that the Commissioner bed Cleaned Exchange alley In the latter part of March, and that it was impossible for Mtn to watch the waenn owners who each evening de posit their Vehicles there. On motion the petition was referred to the Street Committee; with' Instructions to see that tite•Strctr. Conlmisaloner does his duly: The Street Committee submitted a report, with au ordinance establishing the grade of Penn street from Wayne to Wawa street. Read three times and passed. Also, the bill of C. MeGowin, annonntlng to 6819 50, which they recommen ded to be paid. The bill was et& red to be paid. Mr. Morrow presented a resolution for the err mien of a gee lamp on Van Brum street, and apother on Bittff street, which was referred to this Committee on Ges Lighting, Mr. Thompson moved to consider the vote on the ordinance by which the Select Connell ro tated to concur with the Common Colwell-In creasing the rate of water rents twenty-five per cent. He felt satisfied that the city expenditures required this increase, and hence his motion. The motion was eeconder!, and the yeas and nays being called, resulted—yeas. 9; nays, 6, So - the motion was declared reconsidered. The ordinance then came up on third reading amd final passage. The yeas and nays were called, and resulted as follower Yeas—Messrs. Brown, MfLaus,hlin, Morrow. Phillips, Reed, Thompson, Whis t Young and president si'Am ley —9. Nays—Messrs. Barekley, Cab, Cunt , MD. )1'2111:Ian, Quinn. Whits-6. Mr. Reed submitted a communication from the City Solicitor, J. W. F. White, Esq., setting forth that the County Commissioners have tilled a bill in equity against the proposed alteration In the grade of Fifth and - Roes .streets, alleging that said alteration will endanger the Court Donee and Jail. The Solicitor recommends tine appcietteent of viewers to assess daawees. Toe aommucleaticn was referred to the Street Com mittee, to prepare en ordinance is aocordance with the recommendation. The ordinance increasing the salary of the Su painter:dent of the Water Works to 91,500 per annum, wet called no by Mr. Thompson. Mr. Centel' moved to amend by larzeasing .tLo salary of the City Assessor to 6501. Mr. .111eLeugUln moved to amend the amendme byifaine the Salary of the letter officer at MO. List. The amendmcot was also lost by a tie vole. -The original ordinance Ives then passed by a Teen otayeas to 3 nays. In C. C. laid over. In Common Cornea: Present. Ileum. Arm strong, Deck, Boggallole,Down, Darla, 'Freder ick, 'lase. Ilan* IltuabimMt. King, Leon Irdt liewhlnney. SVCandlcas;Welelland, ll'Eeown, O'Nelll, (Mabee, Tomlinson and President Steele. The en:notes of the last meeting were read and aproved. Messy!. Tonalltwon and 31'Quevran were ap- T.intid on the pert of the Common Counell,ned ft!MPlan on the pars of the &Net, as a coramhten to anat . the accounts - of the; Guar dians of the Poor. • C. C. re.vrdect !iota action oflut meeting - m= refrrrcre to ordinance for repairs on the ItUe ctony F.:otine Boma and concurred In action of CocionsileaCtto float Om' Quiz°Ur wu re.l4l,,cootafoloa Ili' lull .of C. ItichpUr. City Rernbrilfi El 1440,. (robated- and abarred tt0011..0. IA Fund; also, t4ll of F. if. Belt 'fa F 077 2.. Thotrit *Oa ordered to and the latter referred to &net Committee. Mr. O'Neill called up the Ordinance granting ?trails/16n to Mr. &INNS to Mel a wooden 'boring, and motid thallt b, Kati and passtd, which motion was lost. ' -- Mr, ld'eandlart called up the ordinanee In creaaing the salaries of Monongahela and Alle gheny Wheel - masters and other (iken, A motion taking np caett atom for en Increase separately was adopted. • • - nu' el :u -6 Inca awing the' salaries of Wharf toasters was then taken np. and on a motion to lay.on th 6 train . the yeas and nays were called, rendtlan Yeas 11, Nays 10. as Mows; Inu— Meters. Bole, Bowe: .11arrla, King; I.cenard, 3lawhinney. M'Keowo, O'Neill. Oltish6t and President Nteeln. Xerr:—Mesers: Armstrong, 4ecir.. l3 oirgus DAvtl i s Frederick, Mere, Efirutleutt, kleCandeats,,Mo. QUeWila and Tomlinson - - . Tho dances increasing the salaticaof theMrp. As. lessor tied attics : of Col:wells wore then erpnr attly taken up and lord._ t3a the entiroUrdirmnea . . -. . . - , ~ . . The ordinance to increase the water rents V per cent:; adopted In 8.V., was concurred In b C. C. bye Cate of rail VI, nays 8, aa 'follows : .IraW.--lteeara. Armstrong, Beck,'ltojpes,Tfare, Howie, King. I.,mnard, Illawhluncy, McClelland, _Mclinewan, O'Neil.- Tomlinson and. President Bole, Sown, DavlS,'Fraderfelt, Ilonniccat. IttcCandicas,WeNcown and Obisline., 'ln all anginas not otnerwlao note.], Mac wu a nintnal trincnrrenne, when Councils adjouruen.' Darning . ef the Iron City Spice and Coffee • • BiLlts.v.Phtlllps and Heat's Glasshouse Partially peatroyed. • ' 7 At about bait-past three o 'clockyesterday slim= • pro broke out In the threeetetyliriek noildiegi meek In connection with a- wood® iirncinre, for the manufacture of gresswiro by Philllpe fi , Nat, located OR the corner of Accond and Toy- etreett. The tipper mei!, Aline; thir Are originated, was know es the "Iron City Spice and Corm, pile," owned by, Ludwig Brown by the exertions of the firemen. who were tromplly.untAnspot, the Are , sionfinetwes - Coto ' the 47er - front - atm, Thleh woe eompletely des -.' .4• 01 ;01: Ludwig' Dim ere Insured for the element of their lois, which , is• collimated at Lev, tyres% 112,000 And' fll, o oo-"TOr dwried -an • baldness harink: hid • croneklersble theirsoachloory en a new.balldlng -which Lebo-' leg trot ready ler occupation, •On'ltllis'entleyl- : yenta Arcane. ; • • •• • ' • „ , 114ciare. Phillipe Lt But, had considerable eisis• warn tracked Llp 19 the back room, bat It sus tained ne damage. Their loge Is about $..nKl and' coneletslntlie damage enatsieed to" ebb bend.: leg; whieb,.l4 amply liteneet. This- .0110. id% :here particlairly unforinuato.le etrurd to Arca,. ,Lretitig ahoady boen .vhitcd -;by4te7crof since their. cc muiteremoot la -The ingot. that wart Oceupied by • LitAWIlLe t "411oLiriuvri& rented' td theurt.rtille firm. The boraces car ried Odbyt beta consisted le Inching coffee out of grein, principally tudinroctul purpose kW-Re hoveldlnilpkh,holdrog nearly one hundrodlealbel*, was treed. A colored man an— perintendcd the bcowelng Fecal: The Are li uttribeted 'Go .tbe ; upsetting ot,this apparatne •vabile Tiling it off the oven, the. Intense East of the grain communicating with combtretlbles In.Lbo mom, whieh burned rapidly: This as the second time these "milieu. have, caughtltre. remltlng froth thee/km.3 calif' each time.... MEM;l==l &ifoni•dadree ISlnllon and Itro . . . 'Cam nionvrealtb ve James Colwell - 1' dettroybrg . &contract. From' the teetionanh.4.,aperna the defendant watered Into a contract . s4 Chao. - 41.E...1201t00 on the ;Eh ; of luv Ntiventb4; ; hif. 'Stoll / dile (Col. tall) serried taaeli Mr. thalkai Ii i t lilp aomn.twoulj-onisargoKlautun, oludiaran interest:ln the tindon oil wth,le:Yeti . ' bb la S tiOr#'o l r flY*UmißlV 3 'Mel of; evota , Mutt days aTtai is aptly 1 merit as afsnera, the defendant same Into KG:, ,ththeile`aofiloeia i te n, l asked to see the contre e en , b• 'lhksbitdekto M when 110 eat dwn. en ovetr; Aided it op and pat o fir e , This - de4.4l,saleed a point that4ak en ak vold,,tbent..belng Ino revue s I:idot"coarsiticd., 4nry out: ‘Art acilimenii9aUh Ts. MsfilneetVoldiiii;Ajt . o? ing:,asolan.wrods. Not path): v.t.lonstnattwaahtt ya. Albert Musk., reeditui.. stolen goads. Not galley,. .e -.1 nee ..flatinionirealth Th . Juliet 'Wrlghti l Matta' (Or a new. triArand 'Wittman dartteilittllBatheday, Vio alioady report, ad tLu elreotheinirces or this Aarka.;.. Wright, teas a coloreVierrant at tbo Monongahela Haute. and ritiplelon having fallen on blot by tho Pr.:i nflator of riesling. a onixther 'of articles his home was Fearebeci and noviher of hoteekeye ,ere forted; also three pairs blankets, tine bolos • of vine ono their, a box of clews and s num • ter cf 1114.1 ii rankle. IV ettmintster College—Resolutions of Con- A meeting of the students of Westminister College and. chin - Can of New Wilmington, Law rence county, Pa.. was held to the College Chapel, on the day after the ne'wd cf the assassination of Abraham Lincolri reached thatplace, at which the following preamble and resolutions wore unanimously adopted: Wrtnansa, The mithuslastic Joy which filled our land over the downfall of the rebel capital, and the many other glorious victories which heaven has granted {ikons arms,has Wes changed to a teclicg or third cepest sorrow-and anguish by the perpetration of the roost fiendish crime re, corded in the o ttnals of history, viz: The assas sination of Atiraham Lincoln, the twice chosen President of the United States; therefure,resolved. 1. That we, the faculty and students of West. Minster College, Pa, are overwhelmed with grief at the loss of our beloved chieftain, who has t er th leell e Case per: gilded oar ship of State in safety through the last four years of bloody war, and that the nation is now called opus to mourn death of ono of the l gr n eates at w t e m i e in n e t erel he y wo h rl o d pe hlus tha ev petrator of • this idroetins deed, with all his sympathizers and accomplices, wiry be arrested and speedily brought to the punishment which the megnlttide of their nefarious crime deserves. 3. That the name of Abraham 'Mania de serves the highest.place In the great heart of the American people, and the most exalted elation in .the Hit of ratth's great benefactor,. 4. That we tender our heartfelt sympathy the family of our deceased President in thl sad bereavement. .. • . . . . 5. That we offer our petitions to a 'throne' of grace for the pramaation of the Hid of Bee.' retro" Seward; and that the noble intellect, to which thenntlen now looks for_ assistance, fa, the settlement.. of - the great 'questions wich' will arise dnrlsg the ,procesa of; restoring the Union may remain unimpaired. O. That Andrew Johnson, upon, whom the - duties of the rte.:Menai office now' davoire; shall receive from to the lame cordtaL support. which' wits given to our fallen and lamented, chief, and that we feel thankfal that one who will mete ant to traltonr, both north and south, that condign pianbshment :which their atrocicras crimes demand, has been raised up in place of the honored dead.. 7. 'That although this great and good man had fallen, yet we place our trust implicitly luAlm who &wilt i things well, and do firmly be lieve that the - same God who has so pcomered no In former times, agate smile upon ns, end overrule th is terrible calamity for the good of the nation, and yet bring us through this fiery ordeal, purified and free indeed. 8. That the faculty and students of this col lege, in token of the profound sorrow at the loss sustained by our nation: in the death of its Chief Ifeeistratoi , will wear the usual badge of grief, and drape the Collego Hall with the em blem of mourning for thirty days. 9. That a copy of these resolutions be dent to Mrs. Lir.ctin,; ono to Secretary. Bevrard, one to . Pretidert Johnson, and one, with a request for publication, to the United Pre.byferiaa, Prarby. tartan Bohner, Washington (D. C.) C7ironiale, - Pittsburpl. Commercial, Lawrence loternal, Meg. cot Whip and Zotsprtets and Pittsburgh Gazette. Raw. Jaunts - Partssrow, D. D,. President of :Westeidalstew Collage. Wm. 8. Owens, . Lissle Moore, John J. Preach, Jane - Morrison, ' George P. arrei, Jecdtle D. gindisy. Action of thel. b. 0. F. of Penitsylnalla. rdi A o spc ws cla or lsce nie si s on tate of o l f b r e ain Gran sii d i r s _ , e w t s. fl h Od eid d at their hall en Friday afternoon .' The meeting , ~ was well attended. The lin:tit - Net:tags were ee ry , „. Impressive, - and the action taken entirely , nun!- mous. After ties sr:salon 'Wan„ °PPS - i i by P. Grand Sire Nicholson ll , who edited the objeet, of . . . , the special ca. a - committee - was was appointed, • , . conalsting of Pt G. Meeters,D. Washburn and J. Ahrander Sp:apron, Grand Treasurer 11. 11, Murkle. and Reps. ft N. Poster, J. G. Morey and P. G., - Sire 4. B. Nicholson, who repented' -the felining preamble -and resolutions, which ware adopted: . Wmtnass, 'lhe Prmident of the United States has been basely; assauluated, the 'Grand Lodge of Peanqtranla therefore feels it to be a duty that It owes to itself, to the great brotherhood that It represcate, and to the sentitnents of ha -1 inanity that it ificuleatee, to formally dale% iti• detestation" of tlleappallingerime, and to mingle its expressieni of heartfelt sorrow with the. peo pie throughout the land .at the, calamity which his befallen thtination. Therefore, let it be Risolrecl, Thrit In the murder of - Abrahams' Lhamln,:lbesident .ef the Gaited. States; we: recognise a fotai blow against humanity;o 'gime disgraceful to the, age; war against the ' lions of the country; Ito clued, mamentarY trium ht. ph_ of violence against law- order :end rig 1 .• .. !, .-..!' -- , t 1 Resotral,.That the Grand Lodge of Penney l -.. unlit, barb grt gently' with pointed. fall of systems, atonal tr. uit were, by the open grave Of - the reinflervg c...4 e ! . I , 4l ' 4 `lrets . can but _tie: • More the Itsi br lion - htiii &ad at II; and:' meat when unearth* circumstanCe4 - tinttel 0' intcst Lim with Abe power to gratify his 'disito ellen of rester! g way, , peace and fratermty 'Throughout the n eprdthe.. . - ..- • iltrolted, Tb Ito kindly;figgiring,,conellik tory disposition manifestNl by Abraham Lincoln , . i t redeem his came and memory to allfutureriam,' and rowberet ea' they be more fittingly ellshrig; Ld than within tbe temples of our Order,-deco. Led at it is to the inculcation of alarit p. or the 'fullness of Lore; - Neseect, That in token of our appreciation of • the personal treeth end distin,guisitel position-of - the tete rag!..teat., ea well set is feeble eipression - of cur deep ~°Oail w at: bin- nutinseir.death; that; the about mOl - 41 one be entered - upon the Jour , val.:111e Ott d I..odge, weepy thereof tie far , ' ritherf to tee fatally ef 'the.deceased, and the:. Vali Le draped With rnorrningfor the apace of tii mortise. - • . -- . • A eknooritdgmenta of Contitstay, • • . The l'ennellrania Ralitosul Cocepany,throool • the k Indents of id!. Pitcairn; Soperiatendetit * or the Western Division, were courteous enema to, (smith prempti,t,lipon request, h esr-klito‘of their best—end 'placed,. handsontelj MA ito ' caning'''. drapeA. at' the of the delidds.' 'lon visiting II ardsburg to,•paitielpste lothetob• t ar sequins of the let hunented President. Oa their way home; with a proper appreciation of the Ycry gatoretia,c ..a memincwas held by• calling his lion •Mayer. Lowry, to the .Cltalr a . • and the ciection o W' 'C Anithinhatisti, Vat as ,On motion. ik ripaabaonaly •••• ...' • .L. 1., Ilisolecd, Teat e thanks of the demicaUmiarei hereby tendoveliV a the Pennedvanti Railroad, y; O 'Companho a set promptly andletieniiiidy placed at onr/li this. ear,•to• be toed:by ntle la such wayNts ma be deemed iteneesst7 for..thil. ..ilects of onejobroey,.eitid In 'be toosadngly. 1 and .ap . oroprlatelz dyitpkut and deediatlng:thot saint: Davis,After the adoption of the forettolatr-W-= 4). r Esq', of the Ninth Weed, was. oalled.^to: tho Chalk, and. the foUtowlngoddltlonal resolg; lion ,was adopted briteelamattou : ' • , /1....,1eed, Tbet the thanks' of- thlideterptloti• are hereby tendeied, api c are aminently due; to; Mon. Ames LOw, Zr., for his courtesy and al% , tention.in antlelp nientl the went; Of the ddb - cotton, Inddentt "Moir Journey to and from's* sojourn In the tlta(e wild, and twigs olmtrabla amuigctudir of ill the doU.Sof travel eonactied .. - . . with' our protest "Isle) w _ t.:.1 ..:• •t• - • ,• - . . • The ploy tin tohorof the Atlentle hfo4ol,39.tihtl r the foltowlag stir re tahleof OoOtentt; ' , With the Blots, y Jahn Bnmetorluit Gold'itn; '4 dream repthtS. 7 Junco Rosell A..owbll; Oat of,tho Be., by the tither Or "1.0°14 the iron l'Ilitel" hitetrylettle et • • Irottill,-by Robert' `7Yale ,Orni3,,Tbe eittiy.the.Loke, tsYlotet 01 - 15'1,1Weraisr.and qb!mans. yi by pi:A. Nvai.. soot }foto of o riptd rtr; , - by - Luits s ,m: potis:' e b d i n . Dirionmeyot the fterototton,- br Prof.' I , • 0 eb. - W.' Grt eitr; tujiattLe Upraise.. by 011Vor: Wendel golmes; r. Johtl, IV, by Death/ 0. IlltchellOrtterChl hey Cotner, y0uNri..4.14. Stow; .Vccelo tug Gardal6 -- Vitaabsi r by,. B; Alai kb ; Fatr Pb 1 34 0 . 1.9 OellAe.r.diglabil 01L.T.. W. I:l4gbacon. o i4 - - , - • • • .... : Fop dale byJ P.liiiioteideisiNiatiliiiii. struts. • t th:11:1‘. :- . ! : .I;:r.t n.... A Waring In ssPbeltell-balt CditE;Lifslil. or Lowry 11011. a bearing In the ease mentioned. • diky or two eitite, loroletn a poeXerbeidr , lerdeheras lost near tho elothlog:store ofllsides 'Atobtur, aernesra street c It. seeps theCeiraz• Vrtl=ti t a4 el p d a`4 l 26llal 3 l ,Tn .'eVa s i Motives Ault% Nu dAtte hien: taldthe mhztallhai' Z : bad:lost It f.r.* wo d. bar a. co* hts ;Todd, tr , E , , -hint arlarattrullt. Th e hate . trod alsi.lited yn.-. ta the SIVIee lib pbiktaleitle:' Irbii Is iflosi,a• • 1 Ilth . : l J'eni,,. .4.., I, Attguni, whim Li will:with to '-bat 'aptOt -Gd- us ea , t howic,.:. the 4), .Inly„ Ib6iWil Mk 14041 It -r ldri , Atehariahlies us 10 titatidjharliti . 1 , ) ad Wtt(Lttoiti at the dick ` . 4l, oXeek*thie L AifteWtragtle4selea*ct:p(, • ..' . tfigiVem e Yet =Frill SKe,e3. 41 . .. uie3 . o# ...... u d a......• ... A . - .:,..... ova .ia it lj Clef ar. i d rata ' utile .4 7 40%4 0 1.110140 it whim ' • initliiiretiWar;brNit 'tebeamPeer eli WIWI; km untraditatilt 9 , , , ; collie thq Peat Cam ... ,; , ,,,It r.,:id ir,l Itiiikaaiit . t* Nres.—Dr. E. 11. Ohm:411,1 the dlstingtdahedwid eloquent divine, well d neer • lecture on : gas raubtoot on Drat Wodeet— • difisirenind ittllesotile Hall. •,', .' ,•:,- , .. ... i • llfinsbandi 'and Homes."' 'ls She - 0640 magnificently written novel.: by Startup TIN , nblch le now for sato at Pit oppo- OM the Post 01 ' . The Atlontic Mantblyfor May, mad Met-8430s 'Ladies' Vationed ASK:nine hove been :ceelved end ere for sultby Calleatenoty, No. 45 etrett. ESTABLISHED TN tigu. An Interetting Sed .Letter. , . f We solleited.and obtained permissitiii to copy ' ithe following letter from a !Oldies In the'Army of the Potomac to hisinother in'Alleghiinicity. Taken in connection with the events hare lately ieen transpiring In, the army,' It Is inter- EE ling - and suggektive,, •,The writer line fought all through - the ; tvari and lan man of sterile) character. ~, .- . .. - , -,.• r , ' A i PrOT,O3IAX . COURT 1101:1146,1 . I '_ ' ' . April 1ff,, , 1835, , , ' Dean BROTFER :—SIIICO my last letter toyott I have expert cod more war—in these lest ulna. days-•thau I ever did all through the war; and ' front all appearances the 'worat is le corns yet. I.e are at pre"ent living on parched concert& coffee, with beef oftho poorest quality. I would gire ten dollar" an preetrut for one good'meal of rituals. Lee Itutendered all otdds forces that r i m ' were here; an after Us surrcrtdar, Rename, the traltorvatole o tar Melina with- abbot 3,000 Malty and cad upon cur waged train and burned It, anise aralinnmanner starring. Net the same time they peroled allot. Lee's army and sent them borne with 'Mi. days* rat one In their ' haversacks.. .. -.-.. !r! !:',;:' , l.- r.l ..!': -,;!.. ' ~, ,!, ! I . can't see hat Gran 'awls. lus lute even tone so far es to rohibit. foraglog under a pen , _ ally of loaing hie P h , taxiaths' pa/and oda'yeari' hard labor on he : fordileatiOne. •;• 1 -- 1 - - ' They say atco rps headquarters that theta cl mad will be i ranting order by to-morrow. If that be so our utteringeldli Coleco' but I can't believe it. - ----, ----, 3' .) 1:1 ' This mornin teroi bit . parole was given out. The rebels tin ed - tire greater - of their art 31eili but ono of •ti •rldan's scouts bapperieff" to be helping _them, and. It swat.. .too good for him to keep, se he blosred it: There rwere 33 pieces dug Out.. 'They are' met all over. Twenty of them were bras guns e 4 marked !:U...8.• They say they ate NiiineMses guns, and that they captured them in 431Trom us. , • • I think this Willetosothe thhitiabout no. The Johnnie' all say they epsilon' of It, and If they ever Ike to geti home they have, lirrapttheir. Last :gun at the old.ing.:" Their offleemare as spusky as ever. .They think it latiet o'er yeti/mt. the - sap-heade, I would like soma of -them to tell me where they wil midertkke to organize,another army, unless they go North or to Mexico. ' It U nererin the Bohtli they will dolt. --- ` ' - - Robert, this to a beautirta country Mound here; but the peoplei both rich and poor are In fact starving to denth. There are ram:hero worth thousands of dollars who .. have to live off our cotnmlssary, UM reba having taken. their last . ear of corn; anl their last chicken. _ Ton ought to hear these rich old lads; Wfur, need to 'uphold them, bow they do cersorth6timoye forrobbers. Yesterday the Mayor Of Lyuchlrtinclead to corns here to Gen. Out's headquarters , and beg him to send a division of troopethere Le:ire:ea the place from the ha, who were robbing every body alike; tiff our 'division started thee° yester day. They will cot respect the 'Tokenie parole much If they fool with them;/ tell you , " .`,,,, * * * i .9 00 d-hYe thisheprdeet. . . . A Meek Piceded 'lmprovement. .", Vite are rejtkerxi to notice that the diva =te• 'mitts° of the Allegheny Councils lumiadvartised • for proposalsir 'paving oif Prem old street, ' „.. wherehy the prMent. waned will"beertanded to. the terminus' of 'the Allegheny and Now BrightnaTunipike, et the city line, than render.. We practicable the route to the : two beautlfhl cemeteries in thb Palmitin" " of Allegheny; and the wealthy and pcpulans colony Just beyond them. .No improvement of this kind in either 'city can be raid to be so peceesary, and none Will madden to much to the comfort and convenience of the' citizens of Allegheny, as nearly every family Its that city, as well as many in Pittsburgh, Bir mingham, the., has their place of sepulture in f• Mount Lnion ,or .'s.Hilldrde.'!:, ft , is hoped that no considerr.tion se sordid or =mental as a little ixtra cost Will 'cause these terrible MM. str.eis to be longer entailed on- the people. The sewer en East Common, so long deferred, we arc glad ,to ere !is also to be "let'," This Im p:oven:eat is only le. 'seeded, aniLdetutuided by pone convenience than" the other ; Let them both be made, during tho coming summer, by allmeana. 'Those upon whom the tax must tall will find that although the present cost . may ap pear high When expressed in dollars, it will Ws& no morn in quantity of their wares and inerchan dize, .thia year,ltbare , one, 'two Or, three years: Committee The. Ploneek Boy and, how be Became Preddent.being an caccodittalylntereeLing Ere of the late Abrenato. Lincoln. gratident of the United States , utailte had at Etta** oppnlto igrri4 'Joni 9arrii;e3;..c l l4o. e'Ava• n • _nlikirday, iihe-I. -,, ..,, . Wm the . , • Talbd: a Mass di ng of freedmen, and we-, 'lrina of Charleston. -By eleven ';',;• dock folly . ten s tinnasand had issentbled'opun Pltadel Square : and in Zhitt's Church . .. „ ~. ~ ~ ... ''' I walked to the. aqtans , Wilit-Whilani: Lloyd. Garrison: Think of the great ploneer.Abolition , at Of Boston In the ,unseal Al ..Clitatledon I - As . •MT:Gin:lsm ente-rett.the„ bquare, he was intro.' A -- - - -.lto.aont ilea twinsand.abam children by ttie.- .....9,,,a; E10pi.„,,,,• 4, todent of Public. Mr.- James .a.:..,, ' ~.......treit who Inetrnetton. - When the ea..— • ....- .•...,...,- .., Mr. Garrison was 'they surrounded now, t0,..,er imp their 'hats or !cans, caught hold of. him, fell down and over qaett other,,and. Bent alp snout-: after shoat of.such, mrnieouse and greeting as I may safely say wire .never -before witnessed on the sellof Bonthrorolina. The eathusliam of :the children waslblifshared by the thousands :et - assembled edits. We worked one,way to -Zlon'B Church,here'time Main 'meeting was • held". It was es timated that four theist:ad - ow.' plc were..within the k . ainihkg, and that three. Joianits,were s fornierly shares...l:. ..• •:, , • , .. , _ _ Geri:Baxtonpresid • ediassinedby-Misjor ]tilt,. . • • : Ink, ~; A: :Deieltr(eolured)i Gen fasten was very warm. . • ...:,a,... 1 .4 , 0 ly greeted by the kolored people. and a rwognis- , ~ :atta•a ,tern'' ' edbY them tui thole protector and friend. AaMr. - ta - .?Garrisini went upon the.platform. :he tris Pre - :„,. a,,, D , canted by,Willlait Egekeison,,,throu,,,,lt Mahood, . , ~.,, .„ j f, v r of his two danghtem, - withlwo Tea beautiful' . .. t ~ a v.ni lioqiettrof-flowers. ' MT. Dickerson was a slave '. ' : ,”, ,• ~ 1. no&..r the new dape • nation; also his Iwo dough.' • : '7' • 7 ' l - • ; „turf. who had been Sold. lkom , 'him, : but now; -- ."• --• ." •-, t t . P 116 through the printery ' instrumentality of -Mr.' .- ;.. '.- 7, ` u, vlrti • Ganser' • ho - bellensihad been , restored to.him., :. •-• . ~,,,, •,, bun, - withl s te4leaffer all. The ;presentation wu.aea a ..• ";•,:-. rvai '•10. compardcd by a biter Alb r a4 l l2 l ."*.b lAWRI'leCit. 1 -.. , ii ':'0,1413 . ' end astiantshal e e ry Ifoithernek whp heard it. - ',‘ -. 3 .:1,... if , tll ' Esar names:, ail ty andileenenceit egad. not' • '.., ~,:,,,sien- have benaewcell toy *Sy grad4htd:alf Harvard..,. ,-. ••• . 1....„.1, - pc inch material have the ' chicaley niade slaves -: ' 1 ' ' ' '' . ""--... 4-a man lif - whoneJladge Rielly of l'idlidelphisl' -: ' • ' ' . : 4 ''' ''' u l ''' Iltly,ranked in oils/attic - ability Isis ai s tainpeersof ; •-' ; e' ,.,,,,, '..TU (. ..). ,Cattarao...,Air. D c.kerson, lt" , secua;•tas ikon' 7 I tt .;"•! •1 '.;!••••AA hitherto s alisibignishixt as a save rafter dares; '„ ,'-• - i , ' • '• - r:G S ? 3 / , Ibt Ms Pervinfinid elequeneensa.swakat, .., • --.; , ": : , ••,:i: - .ira-11. - Mr. flelrtsOn spoke, hrialy Ilia reception by, . - 4. ofifil s 4 t`' the immense.. .fleetin g alf,,Reed r p,wpie was. • • . re •1 'tarl tcrarti'd by-bn almistlatetiite;cordla li 4of ' feel- •,,,. .7 •, nu! OE 1 ing; andpriant4' such ' a 'Beebe, las:Will • not'. " .„,. - „, 1 ~.,..1 1;. ,,, ~soon bofemotten bye Ahead Who'. wlicessed it. •• ' . , -- , •-.,•- There itded de /lbendor,-avitO keine bit : Work ' :::' ••'" u s' 7 "''•""'s mere tban-lhfrly , years lig.so;,•ind-ljefoit ,his . •• 5 ~ - , le.f.'e4t--- , • :WEitqfionsands or, tho•lltamted..'Mr.AlaTtlion: •• •-•,- r•- ,1 itu sto '11 ,( 1' j ' o lftre,,ed te,.., . ,biaPastilabOrs: to , then atid note; but e..::•.;. , (an otit la I '"u uutri'tht be ell 14qPrease foe, the s apacitt.Te- , ,i1 nz.•••••..,owpal) lee eulteaellieTed., e n 4 ol 4.g.cd.fitxiimarrlronisl.-!, _,...i; hr,r. , a daq of counsel to tie • d.people,4xtparking them, s s.' I :lit aeon; to Theiretteir oppri duppor:freeilpz44 o. l44aa,;,,d 0., , , a `:47)=7 , it 1 1 4 e -lin - Inagality;nead ha is s triying s• f,ettnpuostle,ll,,Eur,..• , . i ..,,, •• ,; , .,dti,,. ; tr.... themaelms• and_theli • cliildroa.-•-tirlenfirt VW'. ''' ' : - 7 - -•"- 1 - 2p;1:.•,Th1. '' 1 ......:.. :we, r.:,. •>.-:;• ..0., -,, *.a.... ~,.t ~, t.ita4 • :„.11ide , 'Vie- * -`4 iil,..- ii7ciil ..(Dame or Pipped' and .i Don. • ‘ 'lf It at Thp AMI-Adminiettrtion :Jelin:ali throughout i = ' ,4 i -.:m ii'i . the countni have. 'without an **floe' to - Ihr ''' ''' ' 4 ` 4' ;' u '1"1- •.. • , ,' .) ( rod7j:11170 i r , a 4 eve Imovc,. ,isp an ..itiquallinAoFac o,- • i ... I ra ( 0..(' .0 4 1411 4 5 nat./Pil• ' Vie - Y i p Il li a tilfr i ß l P) - thel . . ~/ ;* • - Gls, 'ant nrktoWill'alf Ito! t4JA , V , V.A b m 111401.10 the •• ik; " 1;.):(1 ' : t lestv*ittspstty sp ' T hl A4cutfljett.. . • 1 ' OTl ' I.)Zi; stool i! , ' .AP4 PAPAW° lioldlik ftlt 'AJlidnesiftAk.; legate' ,i :,,... wo 0 i 1.1 delectation should Ent' Idateo prtistlpil„listsou. , •,•1 ;1• ' : ' - ' ''• It teems • to' us ma it it •ba gesuitok—u ' ku.sts • * l ' • . -"?, 3 „ 1 , "`,, l i f,f ' lt, mot:doubt: it Issz-tt *A habbildea'nesantlon to ,t' '-' =:'-' r": ,a ,", ''''', - -.&- haftold,ait,inieti ectifesin'effettplpentiffr '1, 4 0(.4 ii - ~_ f,iii. 511 .wa-ii ,i; - ,, Pieeldent7olilmn Its siaalsestinalnatlitra , l Pi , ; i'fi-TO Aln r, ...',, ' srlidensilfinehe In ileilth r , ' Honour Denhaeratim se •:f aii- c '.vi. 4. i -- ,X, Ontellihetatioa - illoohlit of ft 1 firOw infany, nit ,. i...,7' -', if ~.11, 1 i, - - ' ~,' • them coo , tiono44l`liat that thffiinSre no 4 00 ,- i i . : I, Jni 71 , 21, A ago; ey In sePplOilti tlft Utaire wititklutuellpi .- - •=••• -, qi ' ut ,' - this damliabledeent IFlimt Oat txtrifleAfrast,a ter-, ,„ ' -‘ ..,:z.i,17 0 ,- 1 . 4 lefti. Ivens tho belldillniAtifiehlithLinm , lo,,yritia ' e -- "2 * :;; 1, , s t3rent. , Bootil'a oleratice,',Ste fibnin'tgranfet ' ' , '''' ' - -i ' I on the instehr idle commletkix ike. 'deed; dad' ' . `'•,, ''' ';',° "`". 1 . ,... WS prePTOlLMUlthir i hilt liusTh er • ln• ll +, • tutultatt-' '-:' "' l'd.. v .: 1 , 4 %. V. sttuj; us TestesiSsy, 1 Mee tius: beyohd All doubt: •' ' ''' ' '''.';'2 s ,:''',,. . $ -The ban's brain spas 'fired 'f'il,tlf olie , lde,s that :i:' '',": , r , i'o ,-, tl , Preildent: Ltaboln ;weft- the opotoor of the. ~, '4. ~.fic ) teiril .1 coltuiliS. 4 1, 114 this, Liu4led...i.to kette.etie reeelee to ''..' ....... : 1tic , ..4.1 fta .Make tray with 1004 , , WbsOcep that idea , ; . : ,illa "tiqt e -Dt4144/1;41 'llyola Aio . OWE , I F- 1 6°? 1, /i .`;.',..'n au :;fort eft n et tello.l 14148,1te tuft', . .l .v 4 1 1 ; , :y IT "Att 11 ".4 1 1 461 4 4 ' I'll ' ht g''' '' l:;93 071 tali In 'a i r -. less times, der- ' • ' "-" sr insitaft„,Lin,A I: . (if itra - loola ' , rasps. .t,„:, , zir Ls:Flung . •, r .deele•ft Pim, , , . 3 ,i . ‘ ,./77 ~,l i istuerst • tficjit u-n '• - " .. • , Ts , Elrs trull sit. i„gr.-;:i x-ftft'itii Ai -,-. i 'l eri i ,f, v'tri 4.11 1R',.1.t. !Si-Tillie:MT • 1 iaxii no: u ni el i fe - r e - f rai r jewir ,:.; . , :h r .., sh z :a li n i p at lo w Y l : 3 .. 1 eirA.U. , t s - I' rl -"ilninb ._ 0 7 .. e „. 1 . 1 1 1 - • ~, i , - i,' ecmii * 4 4. 4"l 4l ' l tlV lta -i, ',, ;•,.,.i - ittioa sit .: .I -.1 ilot ' , „,j1 o s '' ______;f.„•:—L---7--., ... •-,,,L1 lii.VS Is i3an E'reeellen ei cotton ixteuttfeetori is to ..'' - ....._ ~,,,- .. be impplfed with lt.o staple Ciotti" &DION Vial. ~' '-.. -'.. ,„ '` '' ', ' .., ~, and the Siufteteleh Wands, while oftitte am .pe.._ , -_,,,,.. T '.f,;',7,1tr, ',L.... ~..., I lag made to cultivate It la California: ..''' - , , ~..- . ..,-,4 DIARIIII~: . . _ . , Vir.E.WTF-.II—ERNST — O n Wed.ortlar, . dirrll th, by rrr. T. Luca', 301tri ir. 41 ESSTia . IE O. litlsBr, balk of 3.ro.:biore4r, • .. _ • • - • 1 1 -,T - 'CZ _ . .' v.;• ) . ; tll f 1, 2„, •tt. MiliEJ .:r ,I . 1..4 , l !tf ~ 11 =EI • , - - " 1: MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers