lit•WftWr VERY LATEST NEWS OFFICIAL WAR`GAZETTE HIGHLY IMPOitANT. IN B IATCARVIOII-•03. , SHERDLL% . aumNeWitatiainn tainli UPON t.; 7 2l•;R'' • " ?f.Appli*: =ON. DISAMOVE)% 7 • •: MINIM itp4 %Team zrrnoturtarprz. Way : Ortied tbr. SeiG Diklisi . - tFra • -- • • 1 .• igieVlT RUE riettsunian. fate CaPranth a 611 6 4 4 ', 1 4 1 4 3 " 8 COMAIM:44IaREPEREIL $Q;000 Offered forldosby. NOT E D ttari,LE ,01,41' Ft I • Parammirs ratranitEm '.... , . , • WAR Daraxruare, . i. WasantaToa, April 2 . l'ef4e.iday arming a bearer of ,dlspateltas ar lved,fromQtaatalalunaiim - Anagreemeat . foi a pspeasloa iliikUtreit;aiittiiiiiiW is called a *bails:ser ReAet heitlmeit catered Into oel the 15th 154. tuicitieli With u.e re mit:feu:et 4ohnittea.__Tbm rebel Gemmed Bad:lurid a was Preetdent of the =fere:Lee. A Oahliieinieitidg tAipvite ted - aiS - I:Meek - In the ettentriir, 'at which 4,bis action of General !Then= was dtsspitnind bi the POO . , _ot, rp , ,py_ c feu . ind Grani.cabd 07 imerimainbikarthoCablaet. cantnal Merton was ordered to resume hostill - tka Intinedlately, end watt6itracted that Ilia In Atm:llona glyen by the lite President In the Col- , _ loseinc veireaue.lrldelt was paroled by 4r. Lin- . I - collihinieltaithe CiPitel ou Atte night Of. the ltd of Mouth,:wereeappanyed by President An , drew JohusiaSt, and wasitnesated tp, govern the. t. , 4.?u 0 1011 111 4cegrIall41* .‘,. • • . enthWtalihtial Maur.;tiaiialoNisidel;tiai -1 ebln and his Cabinet were at the Capilui, a tele t s gressnsayeseiyudfrenteenratent, tuthe film, lary of War, informing hint that Geniral Lee 1 1...4 ...... requested an itttwriew or cunihrenire, to Snake an anaafileiiiiii;foilternai Or -- es'sice. The letteurdOcseral Lee was published in a letter 6t4tkoll *C Q.egt Oranpis i- ;as submitted to Mr. Lincoln, who, laill_ _riiiu?" 4 " • •‘,:ing a &lye:dilutes, took up his pen 1 . imill i m"'„ , 1 :: . ; ;Ith hil oirn land thlibliowleg reply, .:!•• • utialbel?‘ ( tenanted to the Beereugy of War. It 1.- ~. • ofiated,addreesed and signed ;by the • -- of War, and iekgriiiid, to otaillial . _ - Wiannicriori . Ortr, ;Web 11. 1865-121 r. r. I . - Lind: Gen. fliaatbePrcetdeatdkec4 me . -tomy to you that be wishes you to hareem eon. ! ference with Gen,..,lse, unless it, be tarns wit -1 " 1 obit. len of Geri. .hee'S army, or 'alne itlitor purely military matter . 'Re instincti Me to say 0 1 that you are not to decide, dlacies, or confer opou ri v• political questions. Ouch questions lb° will t, them to la 11" poia=s w g cosi- In.thet mearchne, you .111215-fa pram to' • ; the utmost your matini edrantagar.' ~;• • • (Sped) '- Route X. erslrrotv JlacreSay, of War. TMctrdeeWofGeaAiaimge Glist.titawitnal r to return from Salisbury and. Job • him, will probably open the pray for teats ao . Cillelpe t.! u Ifesdaskikitcropiertut Plitader,",,abich it reported to be very tempi inctedlog not only t*, under of the Richmond banks, Ind previous ac. •curcultegottite. ' *ti • dlosteb received by this Deportment from , •,."1 • Richmond says, the stated lace by restart* 4e.. ; that t the ateitait specie take n South :• . 1 by Jeff. Dints and bEe parthiss i s very [age, in. eluding Pot plAif,he , ,plppict! pf the Richmond banks, , irii-greviries aommelitioni;- They hie e, it is said, to make terms with General Sherman. AoFcgathe.7 Bonpan commander, ; try- ,whleh they will bspaiiatto; with their eftwea. Map •dbitt their gold grinder; to go'to Me:doe oriZa: ..., rope. Jobneton's negotiations look to this end. OtitthliCiaiinit aka* lieillitit, Canal started fbr North Canylbss, to directoper. v sum against Johnston's am , . : 1.• elZigned , ' : ' -:!' ' "." kowbrX: esittrds, r "L Seedairy _ at • War. • ,-- ,) Wan Dneurrsaorr.t Y ;• i ct ',4 - • '..,t,VirsPlffitarws'4l44.# s 4lB6d; i 4 , .21 - 4. fieß;Dts: . , • In II diILP4C4 . lillitil MOCK April 14, 5 r.-sir., ', Alen. Carib, rein4teas iblloirs'i' We And In No. • 1 Ws and Its defences, on the west aids of the Ibog, 0112 OD gam. sad a eery large amount' of . . ammunition and suppliesof all klnds, and about '', . ege thousand prlsoneri. Inrentories are now . !,i being titer, and a &tailed iteouit will be for. ~ , a wanktdAs soon sa they are coMpicte. -Thequan .7 -Nalty or cotton Wileprobablirisch three Mainland . 7,1 bald!„-natd alargainnatint of provide= sad Mr ,' Ow Roma mate that nearly all oUtcee : : 1 • bfactenneddilistearopenateed. Winding's:or. ' ly or quite ati of the omen accept Ideeeby him , ; . self. Same olliassbreawn ; me n are ,tasting s aw a reward Of tiro tl'anesandliollson, offered for Ida by 9em, Ilaarset, *he has been directed to - . I 'istablle4 his headqUirters at Wadgegton„ Tie mantles cif ?rine(' George, Charles and 73t. hiareeliaiu,dying the whole war, biain no ted toritedifttoihe (leverninent; and Ilepro." teed= to the rebelleisetaie main. reteligdee, : and evaiispeeles of =the iliandei.', The mut. .., items of the President werelutrbored - there he• iii= themuitletVeittlliothe lied hi • that dine don. *the escapes it Ida •be owing la -their • ' rebel aceneopilas In that region . The men- • •; ' thin attlie*Rd3c eilie Devertaient irm aural - tam measures to btleg, theft ripe! emit/hie= .andakieroilikeilit brans err to . I -wear of their 1 whiled widget. "°' in • 040 d) - ... ' ' 1 ' 4 !harm <. • - • " Secrettuy el Wet. EUZIUMAInt: STRAW) earn. 1301 f: Liteiert:!l 'POr*i."";nl Barui. 811X1161111306W 13 1S ernas ' ITAWSOIO2k4M 3,9. A. X. 5 Sgegoo;fiteratuptqf Wan I keys timixwor to report that the &metal -of State pealed a very unerenforlebto Watt, but 0 has taken his breakfast with relish, and is quite f.ste stning es he was'yesterday. Fmderiek Satellites isapromad within Um lasi Wen. ti;.tl-ibn 11012111. _ • - • , - roarvbedient sorniat. j -- D. S. Unarms. Burgeon GeneraL IPA Densmore?. searro eon, Apr 1122,1805-9 r. sr. ", iharethe honor to report that the Elecretary of State Is strtmges mid. more ceinfortable ~ . C 1 night. Mr. Frank fiewardi conditionjwalfying 4 and requiring A fallow removal of Ikagenuie or none; 'wee mode this teaming. She operationi Irmo bomewerl, and hes been the production of r ; partial Miler.. Very respaitftdiy, &e.; _ (Signed} „l• Jr. BARNES, W/41,DIXAVAIIMIM, 39ASINGITON. April 1865—.9 4-110r5.4,11L 61 . 'asion, Set, of War: I.trre the bonen . to report Mat the BeereterY. of State 13 doing es Well is could be corrected. P. Mr. Frederick Eicwird is somewhet stronger, I - 1 ,, morelmm*l3s artd lees restless than he has been.: Nem xespectirOy, your obedient Arrant, ' )1, pump, Bingen:2 rienneaL mattf inmatuifLumottn snit Johnston. *la*. 11 . .0.1 1 1a10131.1 Aelbab g te ca. ;IMPORTAIFF ORDER OF SIIERM&N. !Cessation of Hostilities Freetainted TEM ARMY CO • 'North Carolina Returning to the Union. Weastmerrow, 97.•=-Aa'repOres . have been . In demise for some tims et a eorniSponsltnen , ibeliieg - itenersii - ohnsteeandililiermah;' the 'Menscuandm or bunter what was agreed upon, k ind the ailecli aa tistVeiti-4-:r"' - - -..%) ion o r basio t 549 IV agreemerd mad* SMa Alprili of ,d;sl2:lSOS. sax& Doi , . ircinenmd- 07 1 )**k Mm', Statioss,le tar Slam of North Carolina; i 6 7 %I ' i 60 , .vaverg itth e I e ,f. . 7'. Sherin f an, commanding! the Areng Of the toTraria Mates in North Carolina-4MA imgOsts, .Fffst-The contending armies now in the field' maintain their stetemantil notice Ix girl , y tit celidnandik UAW* 9T elthat dad 04 opponeiatind a teasonableumt say fbrtrgght Loma, allowed. fence to - telesr tou t min ilMidittrdi i n li t. - Ismael State capita* there to deposit their P ris tA M V*lsztuintirtOithholitidelibunse4- - =death officer and man to execute and ale an th k e ac tion o t t o t oeaut*b fo S m a k a k ct and - fwr er a a l n * d a a t b tahim.- The numbered' arms andsanultkeutor war lire to be reporte4) the Chief of ,Oatasiuse, at liffashfngtou City, subjeet, to the future Wien of the Congress of the United States, and In the meantime to banned solely. toinaintalo peate, and order within the hordcra of the - States res. Third-The recognition - by the Executive of the Calk States of Los maid State govern. Intents on their officers and legislatures taking the oath prescribed by the Constitution of-the United States, and 'where condicting State kovernments hare resulted from the war-the legitimacy of al4sheatte, submitted to the fin [ precise Court of the United States. - - ' Fourpt-:ho re-vstabllshvaeu; Of all Fedora &anis - id ID several Eitatei - With posse', as defined by the Constitution. ; fiffil--,'The• people Ind inhabitants of all States to be atualoateed, so for as the Executive lan guarantee,- their political rights and fran cs well as their rights of person and prop. 'arty, • as 'defined by the • Constitution of the United States, and of States respective)--_.-; i Sisch--Tles Executive arthor of the meat Or thatr. 13: np„,„, c - fithr e A 3 'an y of the poo rv ;:"lanit of the late war, so long as' they eln penis* and _quiet, abstain from acts of armed hostility, and obey the laws la existence at the pike of their residence, - tiSeseem.-In general terms, war to cease and a kestrel amnesty so far as the executtrepower of United Stake can command, or on con ditioner the disbandment of the Confederate armies and the distritmtton of arms and the re 's:myth:di or , peaceful pursuits by, the `officers and men as hitherto oampming said armies. lim being fully empowered by our respective principal to NUM these tarns, we mdlvidnally and efficiatly pledge ourselves. to promptly bb. telt the necessary authority and - carry out the , (Signed,) -• • • . ' W. 7 ' . Samtitart, - rdsjor General Commandusg the Army of the United States in North Carolina. „ Call. 1 J. E„:„Joancrox, rienenS _Conardinig C I federate Armies in North Carolina. The prtmeding. of General, She'rman weaun. npproved ihr the following „reasons: A Ist, It was aucxerelse °familiarity. Johnetop liner that be, General Sherman. had no ad- dimity toenterinto any agreement. -7 r 7 1141, , ft was a praetical Acknowledgment of thi rebel gurernment... 3d, It undertook to reatabllsh the rebellitate 'government, that bad - teen overthrown at the aamidce of many Leval Ilyes and immense trus tee, and placed eras and,,,muultions of war In the bands of rebels at their respective capitals. Which soon as the armies 'or the 'United States were disbanded, to conquer and subdue the kryalAtates e•be restoration of mbel getheffity In their veep re Static - 4th, That they would be enabled to renstab. Gab slavery. - • might - famish the graend - 0 nwpcnni.; - tality by'the Federal - Government to 'pay - the" rhbei debt, and certainly subjects the loyal cite am of the rebel States tp a debt consummated by the rebels In titnitisme of the states. atb, It puts Ix dtspate the existence of *Joy tState.Government and the new State of, Weat r‘lnli, which hel been- recognized by every &pawing of the United States Government la, lips:tit:ay *bandied the contlacatlon w andlxlie*d the rebels of every degree (who slaughtered oy a rpeople) from all pains and pen alties for Gwifcrime& • - - Bar, It &Tr:terms that bad beeit deliberately, ripeatedly and solemnly rejected by President Lincoln, And .better terms than the rebels:tad wrer asked lntbelrincat twosporons condition.- 9th, It formed no basis of true and lasting peace, but relieved thoTebeis from the praenre , of out victories, and left timer in a con don to 'renew their effort to overthrow the Govern , meet, and subdue the loyal States whenever (brit strength. wee recruited and mpartnalty , Fos:smut Malmo; Apra 7 4,—Tbe (31:Lowing hoporti2 . 4 ardar. tpmGeneral Eittermsa,was re. crlvcd this mating: HRAIKIOANTIONI MILITAIST DIVISION 4 ,os•Mzsamsmt. MINS Przial.' Itaisniii,"N. C.. April JP, 1863. Ameba Pied Order, No. 58. !The General Odrontisidird- announces to the Army a suspension of hostilities and an agreement with General Johnston and other officials, wideb,when formally ratified willimake peace from this Potomac to the 1110 Grande. Until: , 'Peace Is arranged„ the • line . ugh "Ty , rell's 'Mount, Chap nivemity, Durham is Station and West p o int, the Nouse river separate the two armies. Each army commander will group his camps en tltel a vies to comfort health.sad,police. All details - of military. diliciplthe.mast still be thabstalned. Tber general hopes andbellerres; -that in la very few days It will be tdsgood for tune fd mama you all to yourhomes. _ • - 'The tame of Ms army for courage, Industry sad dismpline Is admitted all over the world. Then let each officer and man see that It is not - stained by any act of vulgarity, rowdyism aad petty crime: The cavalry will patrol the Aunt of the lines General - Howard will take charge of the district from Raleigh up to the cavalry,' General Fibocam to the left of Raleigh. and General Schofield Ist Raleigh, and 1 / 8 right and rear. The quartermasters andcommissarks will keep their supplies up to light load for wagons, Ud the Ralkald SupesinteriderWsrill arrange ,tha depot for the convenience of each separate By ondei of JiWorGeneralw.T ditrumma. Dirrow, A. A. G. Melees from Newt= state that Alamo num ber of members of the North Carolina Leo . tote snivel there oaths 10th inst., for the pur pose of negothding with Sherman ,with Sow to rumoring that State to the Union: •• •1 - • lienkcirs.-Grant arrived at Fortress Monroe this affirnoon on the steamer lid, Martin, from WaShlngton, and proceeds southward on, the Projosed Manumeat.:dinunereeivlth Re. • bel States... Oat of Llncolars Last 021eJal Actsa.falittesna SWAPO itatlat. 7- . ; . Flaw You, April =.--st plam Lon . aida inonsunent to the "menux7. of 'abrabstn Lincolts, the proceeds to be defrayed by dollar :surecriptions. About Ave hundred names. are already appended to the teat for the proposed erection of the monument in this city. • . Several ladies propose starting a stabscriptidn for the ladles of America to purchase Mrs. Lin coln a - comfortable home. . The World publishes extracts foontAhe Men of the Committee onCcrmmerco with lbe rebel lions States„ which shows that the - rebels have received large quantities of supplies from cotton speculators at 'Memphis and other planes along tho Mbudasippi river.. The order shows that faustease frauds have been practiced on the gov ernment, end the rebels have been greatly assist ed to prolong the war. The report 61131, the trade with the rebeMOU 3 States has peso of no nosed benefit to our government, but has indict ed very great Wary - 's W ase u k p o g n t othes p p W ublic service. oft T he e last d of d calactsofP m Ll ays n One theamtnientof Col. Ben Spooner u s MarsW of Indiana: - Col. Spooner was in near. ly all of Gen. Sherman's battlesln tba.West, and lost his tett arm at.Keneutwlifenintsin. • - • The Aces .Washington special says, the Pres ident is is danger of breaking down... under the *etch-making forced upon him. It is &paino more State organizations wince* with oddness- - New York Fire Commlwdatepr. &sane, Y. April 29.—The Governor hav ing tenomlnUted Aw Metropolitan Fire,Cemthis stoners the tour g :admen who were rejected u such by the. Senate last week. the Senate hold another executive -session to-day; and after a warm dlsenzelon they wore continued. All the Union Senators voted In the adirmatlve except Mr. dndrew. , . _ ~ . .-,, , , ,. .1-7 ,5.x.-.‘,...Airr4H-:----,,--z,---9,-----:. --..,--5-:-..:Y'.-•'''•:;'==tA.,..--.i',v-5-.-.•=.i..1.4:.,-.,-7.-,-,..."------.?-4.-:-.7..,70:5-1,1-Alf-z.-it -- _ .. ____. _..„.. --...._.-. - . - - - --- , - ~- , A.• tr , .•:•" z., , F 1 • • • -, "'" , p • ....;',''.. .. . ... _ - _ 1::. ~ __ DEMNOTE MLMA IPRESIDEfr ILINCOLIV"0111161016 Vie _ Reitabie fit Irtiiibibint.' . DBPAlettrife PIECILADELPELL 41-smlnfir whid ; 03 . 1 M.P.1.40 3 IN,lADouloclunia4 cca ti der V Sat dalliglitintkilili 1 144 iii ug Ur . . T. I— (3.-..d..12 't„.: I minziesnne,•pa., April 23-11:15 a. ar.--The !train is now knit's , thlss:ellyvith the litnalas of Firsidtillt'Llneolh.`l:slehenli:di SS been fleeeeeed by the addition ot lion. J. Batley, Hom, LTArZiiikliaJd. 711riiiitacks. tllacre'W !Iliadterd, of Maryland, and staff, took leave at At , tab ei 7 , :- i- :Ono P'clook—We are Atm ;Rai Whealand v 4iti attezAoiArAh• dowagers hi dreetalto, 4 t 5. # ,4 reibiOnce . _ 01 :4Oz. hAF , ./tAohluum, shoat ,u0 ! 1 5.4. 4 4 noii_ • ,The 7 4034 Pg the lag* roadreall,kla crowoe, withaeoplo. The Nam 0 th e - ehogant liikuses 'aril; itoolhoiOkt im ilwiiiiieti F. h eoPtif ghtio.,lo» ' Thtiiir.' ho — naisift,iisely erded with people. . . - 4 The word goes Toed ISM dila filin 4 6eirt and this *milks the crowd. Where is hp, bounvilmetinkds sefinteesi abeirlagehatMll). sue no definite 'ldea as to the Whereabouts of emit - .Montt - JO not on bout aaltilk ersitil 'het point ed.disap Al this point . • Imes tastes • ladles gofbniar.rwith a lairle and lent tomset to la y on the man in, tribute of honor aid aßisaftrts.' Persons afe seen weepliegi trebly five or six kmdred workmen and their Mei arc4riant. The cars are in eir speed and Lancaster is lost to sight. • ..l cil ek narter past,two,we umatPartudiarap ,-- .231P Cuteoville.....From the „time .of 4011414 t: artistnig till ire arrived here; are &alio one tA z i r eidplita, Aprii . ML.....wo_arinaak . n ros a tout flunknort 44 1— Oirio - Jtium s :eorlier tban:.l a setiMato - announced, lh &der to allmi day- light for a disploy t -The corpop.„-was tranvia,* , to *hears; whkh teas of elaboate finish. The' 4ollln , Was earned 'Llaltli' the - Ariake* . flu and surmounted with flowers on :an :elevated= riczi., Owing to some mismanagement, the a ,did,not move till 6, o ' clock. _Tito ratlllievy; b o th` white eat black;seade.arthrtrilbo-' Fs acted L, while the city troops as a body . dto the capes. In the procession. were tklF - yor of the blip, Connell , and other muniel;d authorities; federal oMeers of the' kid"' and '• riavy, the jtatelary:membentn;. t h e Lakiai s t ure : leathers If con_z_AFPWA 11 4beseri..Allitel of Foe. eigft Co r .,' fw4 - Otujirli 01 : dialrietioll. , The Mann andother ,Ordfn e'er', esifropreiiit e a _elwri. QT." the ,:,-Sissiehte: 'TemPlar, - - oal -r:thowsPid renlans. --Many 'adored men also. sPiwolf - L` al members of Charitable and other. r,;,celations, with appropriate kaidgee of the or', • I The procoulon occopted one hour and a halt in maim- the State .bLetwe. , The . corpse was : .j taken 'to Independence "Halt, where it was' placed -- near the bell whim:: Sort -" proeldined. the adoption of the Dertarallon at ladependenes. The Abuser were draped in fuming. At kart twenty,thousand souls moat have witnessed the - cerise while e door wi ll be s thrown tate tonight. .Toonor: row then pu. slid :closed at midnight. The e p city aut to the hori blicties have extended the cirllitles of The city. • -Avon. 3--The betty of the President was wit - niesedby thonsands:dueing the night. Before daylight lines wereurated, passing -in. by two stairways through th windows and ant - by the qpar in the square. By 10.0'clock these lines co ded at least three miles, fromlhe Denture to e Schuylkill blurs. filmdom& .- eearbylng two ok three hours befOre gaining their object of Isees - . :g the (azalea.: Abort', alohle flak the - Indira of people fell off considerably. but daring Alth • afternoon the number again increased. ( I Arrow, 1 Dirprta.— The corpse was exposed at independence Hall from nine o'clock last tight talon() this morning, at which hair thouainds of riemplai were obliged to retire disappcdttted . • from thestreets to - sninolumily renew their ef- Airrto Although the 'doors were nol'openeA till Ate o'cldek this morning, by eight o'clock - Ulna • :logos& impossible to pass within two orthree eats of the hall. It was not till lea After; midnight that Mind was replaced that Inkier &bet his Ihces from the citizens. • PH "Igo-fervor Wallace, W of Idaho, and Govaraer ik - erl g, of aihlegton Territory. ate with !funeral party. We were joked at Mold- p aby Air Richard Wallack, Mayor of Rub en, vim will accompany Itenalmilo, gumagellL Othommill Join the partryit in Corte tamarrow;- - -Afajoe- Elatarat-Din sod - mina be here to -night. ,.. , ;The tonntellinces Of the people best coiner tie sadness of their hearts. The Males appal 'with mourning badges on their left shoulders, OM this custom has become so gezeral that non. oliservanoe atttacts attention. ' AND INUMO2I3 Ilatipk elk Dram rediOn of Polley. ...New Pont, April :-7urepiJ:Lothn Indlsea d legation yesterday, Weal . dent Johnson thank. G ar . . Motion and the members of the delegs. tin, and referred that to his past action as an hall:anon of his future policy. Ile declared tot treaSois was the highest Mate known to the laws - wrd should bnPunished, and that idler utak" Ink treason cdions, every Unica man: sad the = . . A r a lment should be une" remrated ant of . the . . of those who have . laillelad this great angering on . . . . ... Be amid . oarsme:sty to tith.nuesza who had beta deluded into the war, but would punish pretty and without anger_ an political leaders. Be said t\ " It is a high vinitutiolud &Mo gen we hart to secure each of the States in the p*.sewskrn and enjoyment ofarepubliean form of GOvernmezit. A State may be in the government with peculiar Institutions, and y otion f the rebellion lose that restart) ital. b it wada Sta te when It went Into rebellion, and when it tomes out without such institutions - it Is still it State, In.adjcsting and patting the Government upon ith legs agal‘thet progress of the work mast pars into the baMs of its friends. If the State is to be nursed urall it again gets strength, It meat be its friends, not smothered by its enemies. The President . mentioned the fed thin Indiana first named him for the Vice nes !dee. and he returned his thanks for her 00a. !id ee. Ills speech was frequently applauded. The Eltraltra east I To-morrow the Presided will receire the delegation from. 3fichlgan, and one from the refugees in ,Washington. After to: mittlbw night no more delegations will be re. , , sEnuris OF PRESIDFM ,LEICOLIL Iwo germils for Reaiyin Them is Kew York cw YORlCv4pril 88 —Arrangements- tier the reception of the remains of President Lincoln in this city tomorrow, end - for the obsequies on Tuesday, were comp letedyeeterday. The canopy under which the bedi Is to be pined, Mending from the door of the Governor's mom, is being 13t 1y ornamented; front and near the top will be pieced thebnlesl the late Prealdent, and co each side lwa funeral urns. The aides of the canopy will' be covered ,Wial blast cloth, and the bier covered with black velvet. From the centre Of the interior a splendid chandelier:will. suspeed, the light filling directly on the face of the term, and daunt/leo will be placed on each side of the canopy, The funeral eorteLte will move from Cut Ha on Tuesday i ft ersoon at one o'clock, and urtn'g the time it Is in motion church and fire bells will beguiled. ' , The meeting which is to ho held at . Melon square., assemble at one:okbtek, when re4ons suttees wM bo held, and an address delivered by Mon. George Bancroft. The meet • log will adjourn in time for thoseettondlnglt to join the proeeseion. - Mayor Gunther yestecday. Issued .6 proclaoptlou requhing; the anspee elon of buelness toittorrow and Tuesday. Meetings, to take proper_ action In the. last solemn honors to the remains of our late Presi dent, were held by several edditional organize-. ekes of the city yesterday. i THE ASSASSIN BOOTHE. His Early Capture Probable. New roux, April 23.—Cireurastances which have cisme to the knowledios of tho Government render it sicceseary to keep gnyet. It Is said that Boothe's horse tate or fractured one of his legs. It Is also reptutcd .that he bus divested hltastlf .of Idi inoistache. %The likeness 'of Boothe; published In Haiperte Wickty, Ja said to be correct; The attention of surgeons and the Public Is called to these circtunstances; If Boothe is lying concealed and wounded, the rewards of fered and the detestathan of the crime by all loyal citizens wilt soon bung him to light. The above is resal-cfliclal. - , ' Nrrr Tour, April W.—Ttio notorious .14: i r aid, of -Toronto, and a member of the T T to Council.named .Deolson, MCI ea dl d lleo r the prepuriag a plrata vessel at: Colin . ao fo Inkes. Zhe schema luta been ttd DT Rio ttlzaro of the Tyr e/ ~ • . - 4 _ t fri t ltvi ~. . • - • . ~ +. ~:, i.: _;..-...~... .s ~`.w ._tea -.: ftebel Scheme Frustnited. PUIIIDENTJOIDISOICIQUWEILT MOW ==:22=M O R D ERIBOARD.ttinikiiIIIR,Bit:S The Army of: Vie__ rOtOMAC mum pro Taa poresimars — - Wastrnroppv„.April . 2 2.-rgresidant, Johnson has remostd his quarters -front . his hotel to the . _ , ' , residence of libta genteel ' Viol, on" TI stmt. ;Mr: floc is sway whitliteAterapttotge of Vas lato Pnaldebt.- ' ~. -•••:.% C`•'••=r" •.• ' Mth.4, teP_ . th - blur itOttmallohnstlyteobvensd to remove !koala. tho !Nee ifouse., dim is more cOrti lifekilirlaretilltlits ill s littelde4 vithibtr ,to roam to lillattdaor not. ' ' ` - ' - 'i :: flee. flityie. lei of slistelem brifito. hugh LeeVeareilry, and two hundred mixt Ol eo*. Prisosem Me Var, tetteiseise Amin Gel* city this : mil, M orniag tothe primers camp at Joha i stowo ..., ...‘ 1 ,- GIP. Augur hai leaned% an Order Otificilig all paroled prlaonereiof Ow la thin Airlift tataport to°,,the provost Marshal. abe residegyoticerith, p rima g r olitithesnaiwaegrank.•trbleteitt be • molded, sad none will be allowed to wear a wa d i rebel lanif° , 4,4 itiaalter lo ARNOW to re port In a ht. me egtoa - where Ma name is tog lace in ;way tee daya,;• -• ' -- • ,, t Tha f '! new ltimeiof lho Alin?' of: the:Ponxneo have been Made: 'The Mai ' Findrelieved 'from imarding the - dot/lb SUM ordered to WilablOgtOO..- Theta Wren lea taken by the sth corps. The Ste. 35 ono lursWeit}iglezillted hokedessAnit aro hourly expecting to be seetto Arent piste . Retread*, was dbeervofu a ‘ofenourning 4 the anny, labor being swipe ' Nothing was Talked of La tito‘cemspe aillalt (gleam and men but the sad fate of our lane i'readdent, and but one sentiment is entertained ' in regszd to the terrible - tragedy, while all theirs ympathleave with the bereaved family Otte deceased. • Wasimorrox, April 35.4-Velthin the past few Says a iappirtmanharay- litryhtsakra tadviiragh logtectiens,' who wad &MICA the beginning of the rthethunrinelraling soma prominent citizens, have returned i 0 Gila kilty ! Alwir weerwith Lee's army, and anoWed to gob their homes seem!. lag to the "nal. Some of them are yet bitter ii their l'e''..iteip, and express their,tatenthot to - relent fh the South when tatimaged; audit' re-' 3 1 i trt:l again raise their hands against. oar flax. Ana most of them, however, admit that the South is overpowered t the war at en end, and they are ghat to get home again. ' _, ' , (Inc of these moo relates the singular Incident that the setae person who owned the farm on which, the fighting, commenced at the ant battle of ashram, - also owned the house in which ,seen. Grant and Leo drew up the articles astir. *oder. , litany Alexandrlnna arenightly gratenthig titeMaeltms to the pickets outside of that city and chine to to tali. , .. A change. of commands„ including the anima. 'sent of .Geo. Halleck to . Richmond. was.. pub lished hard ' yesterday, and also telegraphed .11ortb.- Ti ill ascertained now that no such 'or. - dem born been issued by the War ikpattrasat; nor are they igeontem of P platkui. , -.- - ' • • : Since the murder resideat - Linooln, It bas bees directed by General Angur that Goole be allowed to pass the pickets or. Wit en this city , unless on a written .pas fouart e lZ quarters, or whole personally knows to Unto& ,ter in charge, or commander of it Earn, ...lite' boom - on the Cbestmes4e and - Oble anal arc aiknred to ', subject ta search it,didiumit* points. Citizens, trotes., - do - not Mutate - puss . , ' es to leave the city by railroad going north. - .- .President Johloon Idi go.dayMen :flint part. of the same routine as during the ' NW " ' :day% Oar "reaching the 'Mita of vatiour mei delegations and .poiltkol setae ~,,,,,. Thsittly to 'call Mb morning was the - Georgetown Delo. gallon whom the President fittingly akkessed..- A delegattim of the Sous -of Vermont afterwanis. culled with Ban. D. B. Cothi . Be reitoonded in a brief SPeech. sad in.eoncluslott hp said: . "Re would my to the Wealthjirader„yon mist hoar Ithe penalty of your treason., on tbe other side to i the reguided thousands who bate been 'deluded sad aceived, many of whom Moe paid the pin. sky with - Mar lives and limbs, toacillatioo, Air ixerance and clemency." .... The ferule _emblems. of the Treasnty,De..- partastatralso called on the President aed some time was specs in bead shaidug. Several, bo. gnats were presented to blm, woof which Ws card serompanying li whit tho inscription I. "May the angels of toe foil encamp around !Warn 'imaroHier__ . MOIL 31.-4W the &nano ratogem.-1* WashlagtanWill cart orsthe - Trasf : . don en Monday morning, . .., t'abileation. low made of c ertain abeam of, , t mai WlRdersi Including Gm. Hatkeki to cow m 0 lidcluziond: It is not correct . General -0 Moak* in command of Ittetunand: Gomel II mmunsodaTtralolo aid North Cranes. ...alma,* ounalns in command of the.Dit: . .- eat orate Routh. . - T 11e - seed igoonemnitst , " Lee aid its* CIICU' Lt Btteaet-QtrßlalW 11e;: Oil ' IWO* Gnibasica Staniarrox, 4prit ..Itiehmosd ;MAO of yesterday says: For some . daysit has lizreported hem that the macallei Governaisat, murales of Jett Deets end .basdrel of his *Moors' VIII soldiers, hid ruched Alameda, Gs. - ried Midi a show ot mt. tabliehing himself Hare peel:a:atm to_dight to the tretraHlubsippl 'department. General Lee end staff, or =thy those who ac companied hits to Blehmand, Irmo • yeetenlay _ Pr 6e &Kati - go= since the occupetTh of e Richmond - by the Federal forces was held_ ym." ll Way-, at the motion house of E. B Cook Main ' steed. The auctioneer cane-down' very grate frallyemt of the Confederate idmoephere of $3O and $lO bids, and testae:7 good astereely the tads of Id cemte mid SI currency. • ' • - The Ordinsace of Secession - was adopter by . Virolnis on Me 17th of April,ls6l, by a vote -:of SO' year to .51 nays. Among those who voted in, the negative wereJolm Jarley, ..of London, the venerable president of the eonveatioa; John B.: Baldwin, of Augusta, late representative 'in the Confederate Congress froMilie 10th compels. tonal district; Geo. W. firMit. formerly General Brame' Adjutant General; W. o.Carrie, of Amami; Wm. li. Delaney, of Fairfax; Jabal A: Early, formerly command& of the Depart ment of t h e Velleyr,.dierley„ •Vorti month; Samuel MeD. - Moore, - of Rerekbridgea Beamed Noe, of Greenbiler„.mtlaxernor Virginia; Hon. Alex. 114:13inatii of Augusta; Geo.' W. Bemires, of *whir Hoe. W.- C. nt Waokbe, of Hanover. . • i. 2---- .. From New anal ,Jdoblle:, Nati; ,Toax, Stiti" . _22-4titi Now Weals Pa. 0... , Pets elate that the muta's:me of the surrender opLee's army, wide!: reached New Orleans on the 15th Instant, . amashmed groat 'reidelitg. Gm. linrlbm ordered a eande of two hundred guns to be fired, and the Klenertd_ coutreandinp the Pcleartmint neoirmended making , Esatee day aday of thanlosubrbM, by, all. persons chat :Led mllitary,forthebrlghtpmspects of imdtuistr .pette. - • O. fon= aro !Mowing the retteatlierrabsil fell- ItobllB,ln the direction of Macao. The speedy captureof this placels expected.- .. ....,.. Kirby dank has heen. mmacriptlng dims up the lied Riven. - • • -," '' , General iiisnotter, the Rebel, In command at Brownsville; has reported In 'amend otter, No. .50; In whlchhe says t ~ "Hereatter, no new omper published lathe Potted States will be allowed In' the interior of Texas. postmaster Parker lefty New °Heine for lie blle, on the lath.'.:The Tbnes mryst Vre under. Mad be takes pot6ellllloll of the Peatofflce there, and wo look An the ramtablislimenter postal centmwebnakel with curable:. city at, the wall. est Maelleable moment. • - . . • . - From. Fortresstwee. • Itonzusas_ Mono; April: 20.—The sutler's atom of d. W.:Wharton was last aiming salted by the taltitat7 authorities; and; was various ati., Inches placed under , arrest: 'Belk; Arnold was arrested here a few days' IP, and in mmPia7 with the proprietor, -taken to 114th:eons by- a couple of detective officers, wt. hem far that purpose. He was the chlet,clerk end ambler of the establishment, and bad only been hero since kat. blarch. - , • • The steamer Louise arrived tali hust arming from Newbern, N. 0., with Capt. A. N. Kimball, the Coat Chief Quartermaster of North Carolina, who boa been relleved r and With his, clerks la as rotas for Washington qty. - • The °apt* of the Lathe reports baring seen' the U. B. steamer Ashland, loaded with troops, aaholtiabont thirtg-tire walla northwest of Hat- The Chicago -Cknaplraters. . CINCTSINATI. April 23.--Conslderatde snow fell hero yesterday and last night; it Is clear and • plermnt this morning. - - The findings and sentence of the Chicago conspirators was promulgated this morning by Oen. Reeler.— Buckner. Nntris and Viaoent, Marmadake are nottitted, and will be illircharit` cd atter taldag the oath of allegranee. • Charles Walsh and R. T. Semmer are found grant/ or all specifications and char ges. The lbrmer was sentenced to fire year* hard labor, and the latter to three years bard labor, In the Ohio Penitimtla ry. 'The sentence spipst Trenfel and Danlell Is not yet promulgated. The Commission has been dissolved. - . - • neven•Tbirty - Loan Subscription/. Pan.A.DrumiA, April 23..-;fay C.0.41te reports the ealo ottho 7.30 Loan at 4,110,900. - The larg est Western subscription was 6100,000 from ebreigo. The largest Eastern subscription was 4900,000 from New YerN.. Tho total Itio dsTe thts neck t5,915;709,700,. • ~ _ Z!!ZE FRONi:si * FV, Ytteir 46,1100' 'l to,ooDlialts THREE EUNEREDMITtI7Iffi Daily aintoneneed. Vu 41;ini'O43iM1:42t;'OnGlies Ithefikolekrelatln& A oldoldle : , General Can t i by bat establLsbed 'headquarters in the Custom - s. ll buse,r , 'GigaileGfirtifiunands the Depart tment.. ,llenessd Velleherarnu*, the - post. i No jorda4±ii other thlngs were inroad, because it 'wag aid that General - Granger would burn the icily if the cotton was burned. It' is estimated pbatatom twentytive to thirty thousand bales (were Captured In the city, together with large fritudlUes of pitch: The city Is quiet and or ly. Many of the citizen, are auzions to take e oath of allegbusee, and are glad to be re- Desert:n*o anteing iii4siiiiiiinbek: Cnit • hints . ofil_ ap ee t tli_ll234 22, ol:eLompb The The Nem. of Mobile formally surrendered the tPuhont Beries/Mr-,• VON iendettuttthe - dried pil o ts lo • mamas safely to the ty ; Opp* ranger zest with a ,tmost arable- • mimicries. , Gin! city.: -Re - re:. " • .•that he teetered ad warm a recap; lon to any place before. nrte b e at tAlatktisPeAditidll.raidta 'entreat or ammunition - were captured. • • t twelrehundredpsisouguisacietlyebtlealta" • •intreArtu:td tathaelty, InelmlIbl; MP and ii ! t7 : 6 l llb #lM l° 1rd 4 6 !. 41 4 S e al , 36 igr o t iL L . 0 iii . .ki- ti e ii t ui :i ii i iti t• . 14 :: . • • . were tnried over tbe poor ;lye:: The, garrison, ;4- gbanlsh'lroit,' : •kaitishii • retell hundred .pcleonekaM'aelAiral gin went captured. • , • --- ‘, _- • , ,• '.l , The Mobile papers haling ded vulllce. • • Auteuil'Granger re E. 0. , Riede, eurrospondent of the Xew Orleans Thies, to.'lssno per=. .$e has, commenced publialdng :Dally Fern: Genera Gotestoek, of Genera Gunk staff, reel but evening Lune Ilablle, and /PM North . dimitches for.GeueraLGrapt. The nutiptiOltottonitudingar milled, with - - Steels and Money..., . . • - New Yoe.; April 19:—Tliere wan more` an -, vity in the Block market this afternoon. The feeling It 'stroll& add pee} biter.: y Uglier: - The &eland foi Muniments are re under call, and In the street _prices, are lifaikr - lititei. - .Railway mutilation Was dr iller at. the Stock Exchange, and.there was an Impriwenteit.MWOngbott gin antra Dd. Cleve land and Plttatough and Michigan Southern are Moo very active, Cod wee mare disposition tb purchase, and a largo bushiest wu transacted, .m.* call. The market Is steady. :IMMO 'Bonds' we ateady, and are not offered.very freely: Coal I d lilemelieltons . stocin am better and , more The Gold Room was tem and without any. rexcitement co. activity. Moaday snll' esel l at will be holidays, and ,the Gold Boom adjured') over both days. ' - The, Stock Ex-. , cff 464 . will _bold no Session on Tuesday. and . ' 11l on Monday whether Co hold any see - n tin that day or.not. , - . . • . Money continues very easy'. There I. more 4 the roadies_ inchange. Hada era wanted ibr nuntasteS onanent, ant or C. EL Bond, is itnitalkwit tendon: : - eßPetroteimt:stocks aro higher with en lamas. ';'ectlvity. Prime. advanced. - -Buchanan L .4 1,801 a, WUi 4 0 ,001 Tack, 140; *II. -.., 't MidUrxelml 68 3 lielarleli,'lM,Oti Keleher.. lier,4o4,Einpnnialty,, 2.75; Excelsior, 4, 60 ; ir.:''' 2,50. - Petrolettia Noses steady but :quiet; SU fed iihmintitHe tar Refined, in bond; . , • retlment - Vsteatiera--Woatuseal to Lilt. .. • lar4zipalataiesaor Disloyal alaratiabt, Wang xataikibigk 113.-11 has bow' dedie d . hi the Cultieloaelipf lateernil Boehm that Gartesateat mutter. are to be trestol sa sem- Ulm and asy peramtwho makes a busboy' of =ln abet:pow take Otis a Iltesse as a t,A proleat Is omits Pbtli froward with hl hot ; hen, "bleb ; Willi( orasiSeraa zeal, to erect a taco moat toile Iste Preslhot Lloools. /boy Of ow Et ercluzata, . and the dawn' geaerall7 l!te strattion thehilltheitiou'to raipoad. liter "Asldeishle SeelteiSent Ins - iditia heie for I mo the'pesk her in coaseqsalee Otto appoint , mot Os U. B. Marshal PIM* is: the ' Wit Lamis„elfsetrtatettlxsola Nit hooral at _.7shisolis. wheisaf to be dlstoial. Mr. Phlalpeluka tandem! redgastato,, aad It la speterstood Matshal 'w win reap oa lls Mara itithls atty. • ' , r ___ h resl7 atter* In ithinicold-4*rab''Haneoet sad Wamstpal• wubiagies. Armammoy, April dal.—The Otnernniettt nail gamer Gooey•Learp-_arthrod. bore Ws *rain wttti tuna and paa=sttolt ue 'L 42t ht.fflis also thy& op Qww, • partedletwedw. • - mho steamier ettaipton witiodwidleStritriat elms thotwand captured muskets. • TM- MM., a note paper. wu tuned In rtlch woad yesterday rearatog. =lt. Ii 'devoted to aad lapnbltalted blehatiaa W. Wynne. Two of our sentries bare been Shot In Ma mond by: mimosa parties: One wu Indantly ?heGoysenment Is Irsiout to annatanes th Wu's/ a tab Dsatitki and Maya's bridge: our benumb Ilanapelt sad Wausau ... urrtrat la WashLagton to dip.. • Jam . Davie.' . ': • aw Tolokiloaat—,.TbsattopOoitens of i tEered says that th e rebel offleers who sr. ti , semi that the news ot. Lees "murreuter Jeff. Davis at Danville two days before hallooed bla pmelantanceh and Jeff. left at day• l u T a t mart morning for Greensboro:* He stated if be was bard pushed be shoats go to Tax ,es Nbert be was sure he 45a - rally an army around blot . and make a ad; and that ha fthauld never leave the llml Orthe Conlbdank7.* Saulsa is tted ardent fee the cavalry topic' Ma. and to the bridges over the Stebettiti and Roan e rims, *bleb was mort4_to have been done, and also ft. the esnenitt eyWddon. • - - . Eiieltement Cruised by the President". i .. Death—Aaderieatllle Primmest. VAuto, April 25,:-the steamer itoth remta lb*, intense excitenient preralled along the rim on , the receipt of the President's Garth. At 4atll a Rouge, Natchez, Vicksburg . and all 'other t, lags4were displayed as hatrersst and tie logs draped la menintisgi • • ' • ight Mansard Andenoarllle pelsonersare at 91tkebttrjr- getthw. ready to.- retard to 'their &does. The Henry Ms Is tshlag thirteen Mot- Arad ibrl3l. - Lonle. , - _ • r According to the dead nall 17,000 Federal sol diers were burled at Anderstinelllo during one 3 Dismtimlietlon with Sherman: isisraMaz. dpril del.—The newe Nun tun causes great dissatisfaction among &Mord people here. We learn Qom Goldsboro that the mans of th e President , ' .mmuniatatimi was re. embed there belbre the promulgation of Sher , males order, but was kept private fbr a day or tifit..1171 , 12 Ma aqui lite &ding' of the 't amps vu very,bitter. A rebel althea. who ex alsed appro val Of this wart ladamtly bl litdarlarheard his remarks. The Woe Order was melted very WWI b the Broth' Treatment of Prtheseri...Coutitee? telt Treasury; noes Betted..' ter lona, April IL- I he rm earth edit*. tor attention* to the brutal treatment tif oar ptiters In the South, and asp thentnal-Lee la respo.uthle for all thls rebel wrbarity. , mends that there shall he lemt lendatlotrof Gen. 41114 bl the Northern press. and people.' Oolonel Baker's detectives seized a ltagegaaa. Atty. of counterfeit. •Treasury , notes . yes . Tbl7.are allfity.dollsrtoper and; Intl executed. • . Nisi Toni , Art.— 42G01d lakept drarby the &Mend from exchange dealers. .•iirlthln ten days about ehttteen million dollars will be thrown upon the market by the.furuellt • of the May coupons, which may be expected to east:Abe market and lower the quotations. What Does'it Mean • . lanY Yam, ApriL Commartal AdusKt mpectal says k The tout Who attempted to pees tho ILoes.outaida the city, and who .104 "doiptchfiV has boom Identified as a dL curably discharged hospital steward. rale= Attempt on• • Macelea lllb. aw Tom, April 22.—The Tribtete's Muth- Intim special mays :-The The inyeallv, Wu of the coneptney sow going OZI Mat Mr. Lin: *3W death bad illresdi been attempted by some pr y "' • • ' Flaghip Burned. CllBO, Atoll 22;—The Maelealrila &lug= Flax 1314, IllackEawk.was tattrely destroyed try xra at Monad CIO gbh mornlng. No partly* New Orleans%exact. Carrx—Lowi Mlddllme, Me. BUGA.II—WhIte. clarified 1.7 c. Froun--13urcrana, $8,75, . • PunlaAincp; for,Trenon In Itlehmond ! Nor Yortz;Aptil 22.-I'° from Pleb:. inon(ladlentes that the law for the, punlehramot of treason Will bo.toforced intbatolty. • •-^•-• --' • • . q l4 / I GG'IMM •iWYOYYI .i Surrender of Johnston's irmy. aim. Stoneman's cOpepitionii. Saliva Sahli Ripailid to Raleigh. THE OLD TENTH CORPS REORGANIZES. sr -a- Cavalry; i;pertair.ins. REBELS IthrE i STAND AT — SILiA. ie r me tot naloniutus t. ainroA num La ge Gt#tiika of atom CaP6r4 'AV q-airnii lamas, Cew.Orst Ordaixd t• Remstratit Chiikteidow.4 1 NEV.:porde; &piit'llf.4irri,SrWrzlkv*Miv ingtoi !Repo& raja tea. '' itfieddrei;.it CRY Paint, On!flinaiiy night received --a ,astamnal dation thin den." Sherman annoniclag the hill 4aeresidet ofilie repel GetteratJahliateri'lermy. 1 The irsrahrt . oorrespbraderat at Jonesboro says that DO Iknitailast the di/Position of ;General thos - termeoil . bhx sW il,ssch ';ts SO Isq. at..-.i: k • A.. ns"i"ePtirj'ini:"4"i44o;• - i witpthi-...hat ~. ~; the rebels some thirty *pet hijoid Raleigh,- without meeting.'any re'. alatimee from them. tßandochenig In the mi.. &spate iMassiake of the Natioitilres;:the . zialsoad Was Wig raptdij repiirk ad trains . would borwankgthmugh to that city from WU- Minters and New bern f in a erwslays. - • " . i The malatity of the purple Carolina, wherever General fiber. Men's; ttooPt ill Pelle "el. B ?!..relnlitelaild. lis being cro7cdizitit millets* to be endured ea: redone their. ferrite million lathe Union; and pettedly willing, Rs" order tq obtain. that object, to give op the 'bviST lethal of slavery entire y. - ' The old Teeth Array Corp...lse barn Airman- Lad and la edthmanded bitten. Terryi The Itrrakl's correspondent details -the mou n Meats of th cav alry column ender Gen. Wilson. The Ant os rad by Gen. Wilson ' s troops was at Mon cellar where, sitar a short engage- Went, Rod y's rebels sesta routed— They re treated,..' tabler tbr , twerdpenta miles, when, on th Ist inst., having formed &junction with Po Lyon, and Chalmers, the Int nam ed took tom d, and the rebels age n made a 1 staid aid 'e driven in every &mien, with the lees at. ,000 killed and wounded. and over 2: l o_misoce and three pima of a i rtill m try. They th retreated to Bekaa, w behind vary - stron g Ms. am aballnato resistance was prepared. the next day, the ild, Gen. Wilson - moved to the attack of this plate, and after about an boned severe fighting the fortifications were carded by asaaniti and .hia troops entered the tcrwn,capturingover 8,000 prisoners, 100 cannon, large number* of bodes and mules, nerd Immense quantities ofaupplier, anumaltion, &c...' Decides these, there fell Into Gar. Wilson's poaseasion mlllimu of dollars' worth of cotton, a large arse nal. naval Iron works, and .other.manatactorlea all of which, together with many bullaings be: k aming to prominent 'rebels, were burned. , The Trarrour learns -ham a passenger, from Cbitleaton, that Put as the ateamer left a report came that an expedition was sent ant by Gil more, under Potter, to ituudervillo and Stanehes ter and destrovernall the railroad bridges between - Critaabia and FL3rence, 1.0.10 bales of cotton, -seven locomotives, •forty4hree passersger tars, and brought in 2,500 liberated slaves. ' ' Ma .thrald's Rieticncesd • dorm - pan ent I tits ds that G. Ord his been aupereeded In amend bare Gen. Sale* The former officer Is eroded to report at Charleston, 8. C. . Gem Gilmore, lately comdanding at theist; WV place. Is talltvad any' directed to report at Judge Campbell and Mayor *w, of Rick mond. who, it was replotted; had been placed' -.ceder arrest, were still at liberty in thd.rity on Thunda iLi The 's Washington special ups Par ties flak,. eland,. rerpocti an soldier eamiluon o affairs there. One Union soldier had beta and several deadly as. maltp.bedn an Colon alma— . . , . Ben; Iks :late of Grant's staff. adoesdad Gas. ilk as lillitary Governor of Rich mond. Col. Tem lien; aori-ist-taw Of Father Ritchie', ham bee n' 'oh a charge of complicity to •the • Kn. ' it dill Mitliridy. indisposed. PILESIDIO L0C4131 YQ:IiOREID Tbe Interview wilb Judge Campbell. , New April IL-The Puns' Washing. in special While President Lincoln was In Richmond, ' fudge Catntell told 'hint that, In an;! terriew with Davis,..Linieldruidga and Bra lae, just before' they left, 'he laid that, as thereirrn no hope for the Confederacy, and hesident Lincoln =Minot negnes' ewititthem, !mtg, negotiate erith the !Rata, and recognize the right oY the Virginia Ws. Lture to tntiol the troops of that State." He Huta told Mr. , Lincoln that if he would Mirth Mud bodytheonrene, It Tepid, doibtlesa, mill the. Virginia troops from the field. Mr. Linda cauthmted Judge Campbell wins; any misunderstanding, and gave Men In,witting Ida only terms, width .were those tendered In th 4 Hampton Roads Interview, to which he add. bl Mother, that in'ease the leaden persisted In the war, theb• property shouldte relernisialy Con fiscated. . 4, Cu the way to Washington Mr. Lincoln wrote an order to Getter : el Weitzel to permit' the Vir. gltdsLedlelature to mine In Incturumdfbr tbe phase of withdrawing the Virginia troops from the rebel inn; but not to allow the use of any treasonable lingua:et but on thelrcry . dayer_ bin death Ili Kennd a letter from Judge Camp. bell Mugu! 7 With the usual Rebel Insolence, Ignoring slither the preposition which the President ha made to him, and urging that, though the tart'• power of the Confederacy was dastnyed, theapirit of the people .was still unbroken. If you want to Cis:Ciliate, he said, It wi l b seise for you to grant Alt drilltenfs and necessary for ydu to treat with lenelney their leading publkmeu, and seek their assistance. Thlawas teso`mbch :nen 'to, 311% geed nature. He characterised Campbell's course as mgrateful sad 'outtagens." Mtn. "tee the sutrendsr of Lee's army obviated the necessity for convening the Virginia Legislature, and to sent an order countermandhag the call. FEOM TUE AIM OF THH POTOMAC, Muistott"Ei they Greatly Demoraltud. Waal:taws, Atirll:22:--lnfbriiiatlan Ihnit .the*latiquarteia of,the Army or iba Potosnaa ,031 on; adth lase!' that= Offter had And tiom Goldsbons,whokys Jciutatad'a army ti . iichaea completely demoralized ala!* hearing :of the inmate of Lee. !tansies: dare, not 'Gaut) W. H. F. Lees Command. Nem Toss, April 33.—The Scrota has • ro- port that General W. IL P. Lee succeeded to getting through with bid command from Vir ginia. and joined Joe Johnston la North Corn. lithas of the Vlrsinis rebdi, atter haying beat hasten la the field, propose to come back and. obey the laws of the land, If West Vireo's Is reconnected to the East and matters restored to the old dares. They might aa well make a con dition precedent to their submission to the na tional authority, some Inch natural haposslbill ty as the !evening et their own allaghanies, and the turning back to the sources the currents of their own rivers. West Vlrglela Is held by her loyal poDalatlDn . and East Virginia will be held by the Federal overnment• until Its witticism and its peopielee that their truest Interest la In obedience to the Constitution and the lam- Let them US the leeward for obeildence In the sub inifiden and papule, or maryisott.—wieu. 'San c etal . return oflho rotes of the soldier* of New Hanpehire. fbr members' of Court* &awe the following neat: ffokm. • ", Democratic. - 1.31ar5t0bk.742 ..... 41 Clark CO ILL.Pattereon..639.. Bingham ...45 . . . . . Tice Bicluneed Enquirer, o n the day before the capture otstbe city, said, "'What are we coming to . 1"' 'lt the editor bad looked with a spy glare at; the avrittly. advancing - column of Gen. - Wetzel% troops, be would probably.hero 4 ; 101, 4 0 ed, What's coming to tor. • I • - keldreds - h:iiii . iM . i.torTie,"'reiri,iPlA '.!fiii ': tOck:piaci,ieiterd . kapMat:On . on:, Sialtadielli: street, near the Mosongahtla gottie. : :iir ream ted; ; frMs a practkoytry,reOMMrer among 'our war•worn - I:eters:oc nt .- hailing Other sole,* ' whomtbey meet Lfthefstiaptetlitheni Of hehig . "fresh," With inch :epithets - in , - "clOttiOjftp . .,'.. ere?' "fresh fish," ete._ It alipters:r InTthl s' . .... . . , ~, .. _ - lusted iehoth patihiLiaii caned ;a epprett , :, tfeestdpin :the wir„'onaparty ‘ belng.”veterati„", and ether' shitharged "soldiers:7 . One; tif:ttie" squad, "Who were thalhigad id '",fOtiotT•iiimP'' 'era," :and who bad pi/Wheel tinistinixt :outi'and • were retinal:lg to tee . West. , rettnied:itilooket - : the jibe *wafter "pitched inJ"- 1 A'ring"' , wip made, teleplay demanded, and the combat.:, :mast; commenced pounding eachcither, in: the: tuaid: approved. manner.., :: Eionte,of : thooltiee •: partitive few. agnates ' efter got. into another - fight, - which 'however only resembled itAciglett; aed,waepithont a pintlelhor"heleste." The pci- Wapearhig car:the spot':the Itiattleradon teased 7:-ITwo - of the , parttes" only • could be got; - Who *tar a hearing last night, were dfatharged:on ;Pa,!meat of:sane del each'aud cads: - =IC= ...f.Tbe Course of True Lore," &n -ape parenting at the Varieties, attempted to commit suicide, by, drowning herself In the ne aten bud Thursday. by Jumping off a barge. Tornmatel ,y she was rescued Is Ulm to save ha life. We understand she made another at, tern* on Saturday mottling, bur without m eets. She appeared on SaturdaY night on the stage, but performed' her role - with an absent and prerceettpled demeanor. , We trust that elle will give over this meditated schethe against her V nembering that aa_ all the blaadlahteanta of blare gene, • TAO coward =MU to dea th , the brave live There are same facts in her his history which •we are not at liberty to divulge at went• but let it sence,the : public to Snow that she ' Is a ',taint to Mt incemstata of a soldier lour. ferreous 'tirroterdayi—Beo. Jamei Prestley„ of IPittstrargh and Bev Mr. Serr a , of Allegheny. bath of the'United ,Presbytorlau Church.and Rev. Herrick • Jaynes, of 'the Third Pa:rita ilea Church, Pittsburgh, preached , eloquent and barcarolle 'Mammal yesterday upon :the death of the Resident: 'All these gentlemen Interpre ted that terrible event as the voice of Providence eating the nation to the exercise of stern justice towards the larding rebels.. It Is In contempla- Uott to publish the sermon Of the last nam ed gentlen Vim ® —which we know to be a productlkr of Oary newer and eloquence; for we heard' it-4.1n a pamphlet for extensive distribution. 4n Exchange.—Wo tmderstand • .proposl non la on foot by the merchants of mu. city to ( Minim a sfstematiced !'Exchange," embrac ing all the manufacturing and commercial. ..ts of this ands aelatty, on a plan some what. familiar to that already adopted In Clare . land. So far as we can learn, the plan Is to hi tt* Into one organisation banks, bankers, bro-, kelp, stock operators, refiners, oil - dealers, pro. dude dealers, Iron muchants and manuilictur cte ar.d any other class of buslasas nen whose interests would be teunnted ky a daily meeting • with eseb other. • . Merey Hospital Fahr.—The falr for the betellt the Mercy Hosphal will open this meting, at Mmonle all. l'lte appeals of this Institution hoe always met with a Moral re.: sponge from our ;likens, and en the. Present fair Is to be similar to charm:tato those held In pat years, It will doubtless prom equally as success. ful repleaushleg that mammy of the hoatltal, .andthereby4leu to the worthy mans as tq con— ilnde ita d ons of mercy the alert and the;uatbrtun Dr. Chapin of New . Iforke—We are pleased to learn that t u eminent Orme and distinguishedorator, will lecture under the amt. pins of the Teeny's:in Club dating the . present week. It weal be r emembered that he was to have lectured about arnentit thee, but was pre. vented by the delay of the train in which be water hare come. • His subject nut Old and the New and has been mumannced as one of Ida able st carts:. . , . . , • Mayor's 0111ce.—There were a largenumbeT of dleorderlles at the Mayo 'e levee on Sunday morning. as usual. but they ware all common cases, and nearly all - pald 4 / 1 011 and were rils. The arrests through the day. consisted of the two pugnacious soldiers elsewhere men tioned's and a naughty boy, accused of throwing onions at,scone oue “to the Wary of all ere/1- &Need persona.” • Pittsburgh Theatre. --The "Streets of New York" oWI aontlikues to draw good houses. -Al though a - "aeusation" .dranuo„. it la yet truth ful, exhibiting a Itfolike view of the pour of the great metropolis at a period not many yeah back, and iePretentlugtbe two great - times of rich sod poor as they stand affetted to each ether. The general features of the Omar° applicable to any large city. . - Fire In Stansileld.---A lire broke out la Sibbet's we house. oppoalte the Public Square In Mau, Oneld, on Friday ulght, by which Geddes , Bow-re lirtwel7 .Durranon barber shop, Mb &Dell's saddlery, McCormick's shoemaker IF, the rag warebouse, and a building mu m a dwelling holm by Bir. George Das ' mar, were entirely consumed. • bet6mBu,p..-Tto brat two Sundays hairs . charade:lad by a cold atmosphere and raw northern winds, with 'natation to hut. The gentle tell of rata last night will, however, It Is thought, prevent this tumeasonable and un welcome visitor from Injuring the Ault bloom. Arrive& Homee—Maynr Lowry, alerfr with the majority of the. deka - Mt= from this city to Harriahurg, who lea oniPriday eyeetez. re t une d on &Inlay afternoon. - A. number of the dela pas, who wait on to - PhiladelOta, will probe big retura taday. ! • . Alf. Burnett give Oren enterydnuiruts, Wednesday, Thursday and I,llday 3:luting% Kay dtb. and OM • , MEM tITIr MiD StIMIBAN. Wanted:-. !too! neintimper Atom obtaitil . - • - *min of .lhe moat.dtlicions parttime. are oh: , Maned tri Wisechilnicad , preparatlrai , et petrol 'ounr,"ind noir indesini nuttiest Mail 'initial:Ake dyes are also obpined ' i ore oelirideutal amOngst thisi thernerw, and elegant strofCli, Surpassing In lta'.'beantj Atm, moat hrilllant,„productkma of . , , Tysr - rt or Pasta: There aroseraral Ina colas Pm:duo:Si from the residum of :Petroleum. nthie in the Oil Creek tialaktiright and flied ciliu' blaNkierhaps a shade darker, bat still as brit— Vint, Is called the. Handookit color. , These ers.form a combination of „Tina' and tat.' Ad other, dello:lite and faahlwaable .color: light Wnecalled Nsarellne,":whlch as the now famous sod'popular color r "inaguata,? : ' tioduced from pqrolettai, - -: fourilli, sailled , "kositia," is •in • come of ' welt:dent. These admit are aacertained by dropplogliii 'oil • * certain 'tate Into the water, by which - the "lost beantlfid hues are' brought out. • . 4 31 VIZII t Gen. Iteyn .6 monument hubini . eitieted in tho cemetery. at Lanealiere to".Geni"...Reynolds; who fdi at oi:tipMum Whilst ids noblo - comMand, the Pear. .61tinia PmseiTes;wita carrying foritheM. Ilia monument is fourteen feet it* . of WI/ltd . : marble . : and winger. on a ramie dle Om ilia:Min; the 6:titbit,. high in the megien e 'War, and thetwer for the Union, In which he has been engaged. On the shaft - la cut In rellef i n award. amia, belt; gauntlet - glares, •eroMeduan• nen and gap, .nagleoltd shield. ; .The following., la the lusaiptioa "John Talton -Reynolds,. Cokmel of the Sits Inkintry‘i , ll"B."..krtnl,Atajor. Gemmel ;of' Volunteers: :Borg' September 211,4 . 18:0: Ellled at'tho - battle Of Oettyilung, while. . In command Ofthe laftliing 'of the Army of tita. . „ Completion *rifle Telegraph to Uniontown. The following nonirrainlatorr massages paned, our the Ilnlantartm Telegraph Lino lonnediatall after Inionrowle,.T.C.; April 18, 1.885. L-The Bar, `gem of llntontown Ongritalates the Maw and Millet:sof the A'Slnud'of Arneliel" UPOZt onmection this day..:l7 Ted h with the antra of • the "Great; Oil Bet of -wen. G. W. i b imios, Sargon. • • To Manz Lunar, 17.13: TrizOniur Oreice, 18. 1888..—T10t1..W, Minor; Bargpe r • e reciprocate Tun congratulative; and heartily shake hands With the people of Southern Winn arinnia. J DOivirr. Ja.-,lll.ayor. ith!tet4en pn Saturday -I:potato& the 151 h, the body of Mr. Valetnine Qmensister, Of filleninnin town ship, In Lawton* county, wee lama lyindesd in the 'roads 'abintt one-fourth of a sidle from restdemee. He had sett tds Mime an Friday, morning:o Wend' Hie raising of a - building in to e neliSbothood; bid' Aiken - au ix With and penal thromth_a ravine' tad partly,up, the Mil an thnopposisti. istdevirttens-lin ,ws• -hand :Intirtbs. ler -valet • Ida. , Ha was ellgttitu;est about the been, .and from the testionnly before Um Coroner's Inquestit, wee Infeiretthst be hid been seised with a fit of apoplexy, and in his death struggles had out hbmelf "MIMI am: He was an henna mid hutostrbOus man, and leaves a Way. tfr - v. 0 .-°' L A - Card. _ Eorroas Gszsirar4sfikornictstia there 6 Plkits kiiiiiatindeiAb v iikof . 4 91 0 f i* DlsloyilO,A''sri6h_fd*:* X44l:l4tVee-FT: and the to set othielven If pfiitrel,,Oaltk4l,:rokti, public, and to show' thearthat impierit. thiVrilofees in the death ` of-Coni belehre<7l . OW ; Magistrate shall be coludenaneed to our lishment, sri - astf - 5 - 3 - bri tols . sart the 'foliowing In your paper;, ' In theErat place; yon say .the.tapoiC La - that- of o most urntuployees ere tainted with disloyal-) t 7..• This is 4 gloat falsely:ad, entaipstlug. froitt l , ... saiiiiievrardly acounarel that data notrah:MA. l yeaTroia - the Saitertlen. Yo our !deeds and cits-a ,•tomeds iidtallere no refatatka , - 01" this'coWaiii-, Lly attack on our astabllatunent la neednarjg NW to the general public we say that there Is, tiet',o.,.; more loyal set - of . e_nipployeat In 'Raj establish- , ; Want, i n our city. ••What, Messrs. Ed! lit ite:• : ' „Iplatkin the death of our beloyed -Chief; .i ;irate! No; drat. to use the le:page at Andrew , tdoltustani we are lir favor of•hanging the' Men iwitri do refoica, as high arliarroth. ' , -Again , you 4 lily tk l itt a citizen statedto the Mayor that haired or receivedlnformation from reliable sailidth: that. the cctedirct of the men In oar • - employ:' hat be•• ' hmersootarchions that a dearmitteehad hearth: 3 him they.were golot tO eleatt,,the p4etediout..4 INcteilifeura; - Edhors, - .lf your hiehrmank . haß, I . F fo; Yen Missend - of that citizetkaildids connlici- , willigutiltdtilishsicit, it wonbl'have bead at l right;buf since he dlei. not, . it, becomes , oar J ehity to db so.....:That bilked dm' Nfr., Robert Wahothour=inaniger, and 'his bashaead at--tinV - 1 ` MaYar's.cilics was to , sea that - fd'Eattna WWI proreented: ' !bin Wm. Brigoi whew Aeattflati, agsdnet llVlCenna !dear - oar - own book - ,,.kdrpw,"add. ' alt of the witnesses examined. snifheat entrolth' t einatilLehment. -It has been reported that.#lllW 7 of Our citizens bid heard 3l'Kenna - oaf that' he would.ulkaw drfek to the health of the manthat 4 ' , . killed Abraham Lincoln. If such lathe , F puttee aboeld 'be 'compelled to appear. against . WM; Ind *a tenably expected that some or` . them Would appear agalcusthlng but were it.not: n for ourselves this, It'Kenna might- be still at .. I large: - 'The ampere terra but 'about one-elghth - - of the employees in our establishment, and - in. j . stead of Antr,bandai.he your bregesittrtrontilalki Fin being all new:and from:the East, six off , - 1. :heat. - have!beet' working Ta ISO ,witablish. ~ meth ever - alnee it was built, tifneTaare dgek• The r • coopers are, we believe, from the Rostilitte only .1.• one ; It appears; has beetrlteerll „to use -thsleial...„,', eXpletlioEll 'yet If there art. any „Others, we pledge the public we *lll not only dlsei. ,y‘e. 1- diem, but will pay to the party giving ns such . ., 7 lofomletlon as wi.l lead to their arrest and pan, alctka; fifty dollars Per each one of our employ- I' l des so *Rending. 41optng you mill give. this air iheettlaw In !Our Teduahle paper, we are,.. ,-, :,, Yenta respectfully, - - Prrremorron, Apr 3125,1805. ,I ~ ~ 7 • ~ : ~ : • The Pitaidentre ' • Ofi Thursday morning last, a committee of the, titian League of New:York waited npni heal. • ) eent.Jotrasorrand addraded blahs the mai ot'• thelarge snd„laduentlal lab of citizeuathey t ,reprtatt, to which the Prealdent retarned ther,:r , r followieg reply: •• • " - 'Graisita: In reply to you, ;and throesii :yen to the organiz a tion Which' you reprizmut, amenity isay•,•ail, Lunt Said too thers, that 'your :cueourrigentent is erP6Clally approptiald at this .1 time: "1 hive been thrown i . La:pada° r, now occupy by cht nto urturtances that 'you are all ' • familiar with. - Thera hartbeest kgrestAtal date: —.thert Is a great deal SO do of a complex - &Man - tharacter: The eirciturataaan have • occurred are saddening to is• all; and one appreciates. them more than I MI. •, Zit dna , r.f• 'the other day our .Prealdent was ln. tha saifttot life and the confldenie of his amntrytrieti. 1 be has bimn.remomull to that banns fromwheat° , no traveler reteres.: Under these chicamstaam: •.• lam ailed .to occupy a .post of petallike perlt. ••- When we lOok it ihe past, and then turn and try to undertake the Adorn; we zee how much I heed :•• She mcouragemart whirl you tender in behalf • those you represent, and if I know mfaelf,..l, , -proannidly an - Matta far' itrand•retarn you 'my • ' • You, ave refitted to y - past history ..and and •my torusealon with this , hellion. In rdeZence to thst,Tean only say that the volley which I 1 luta indicated heretofore will_ be my gable tht Mum\ The kteis that justice shaft be observed r is 'ea Mat at hararrongly impraml me, and I mist , • *ha' permitted to remark, that the time has come -r• 'when the nature of alma should-te undastoodi in this country; and that; too 'by be great mass ' (d r ibs IteePler'• • We hare Mini:lona of alms in: thb law-books, and penalties are MUM to thim. • r.r.r. We know that perjury is a crime, that an on to 1 1 % alas rWO know; too, that murder is 'a Mina: All them 'retain:o4 ad' Law analtlen When we look at the .prerent murder, the': . . prment M 8618121140% and trace ft back.. to to; its -sourre, no one can ho mistaken ' to the spirit , from which It emanate at- There is' no one but would say in ,reference to the Inifteidual *Li has perpetrated this inhits ab.. thls diabolical, this barbarous act,- that he mat: surer the penults, annexed to • the .offeessr., then • if yen mad bay this, that the assassin of a dm: , gip individual, the murderer of a single: Mazy meat after the penalty of death, whet theall be MAIM upon him tehafries to essersinate 'a minims and take away its iva?. - We' enst'considerthe us. turn of the crime, and the demands of justice, and not the misery, woe or ruin of the indleirbr al who is guilty. We must look at Itln.tbeox. , ~erelse and eurrying ant of stern,' ajteegie imam The time has tome for tm to understand Ilia • -I treason la a crime; the blithest of crimes; Li Ohl er words; that MI grimes are eibmerged der treason; and heeetto has committed reason hareammitted • r Please awes - my thsuits; gentleman, for the encouragement you hare given - men and the aid you offer. Though the task may be dilheult, I • appre late It, with an honest and a sincere re- Once cm that Power whose guidance 14 thla struggle Is BO tallakt,to - One CIUL doutstlua an avernalinfrPravidenee, has eta:.. , ; trolled th e destinies of this country. We klaY talk of the' ability of men, hut the promote of title rebellion has shown that- Merin, @hiy ln= strnmenta ha the funds of God. If I know the - honest impulses of my heart,-when Qs time ••• comes to am, upon measures that mans beams me, though I may not have the ume talent as some, if a hearty obedience to consoleatlons eon vidion la worth anything In the admintitautket of the government, you shall have It, I think • you again, gentlemen, lair 'what you have said, and trust you win bear my thanks to tho Orgait• le was. as» of an =cued crowd in New , .Tor,k last Saturday. uncoil' the :pure Abrahani‘ - . Lincoln be killed and the 'wicked igr, peg'. uTR/" and the answer .was a. emulating new.. , . tire:. These wa.rda fociathiXtri-notis of Noe*. ern sentiment• uday. Why thbs sactidee of i . et* Northern 1110--why this nth:rim .tkiasel• b . . tallated brutalities towards our 'soldier s at Saila. • miry, Andersonville, Libby 'Prism s and elms: where, and these theasandsof rolMons of Wary spent to pat down the war? • Themophs are alb. lug three questions, and the death of tits .Trel. - e dent by an amambes ballet bee given then fast. -f• fol potency. In the midst °four grief the sulfa % • • - pa...lBl(lles of the South betray No emotionV Mr !Ow for the paO. Pet one &VI Alta SOU& us tot, pent of - her yerrf No . koala" Vnogpr ' -has refoonerly iortendsord. 'NO . • for pity has our ears. ,Ne remalew* Fest, . crimes coma to as # 1 :04 COW Part of 44 0:/kMVI. There Merit*, Upelms; _morale. diseZehi.s.-Lfi. fed, smdmatirkeis MM. Jet. Marts and lds • T or conspirators: are dentate's - hastening .10 Tress Or Mexico, and do not solicit pusions...- ' ; • , Under all those is 'indult. fel If the BoOthronsrearive as mush m Ali: some of them upect....All this might hare beptt duaiged- , •-our feelings might never have bees vouaW to this pitch. The re4elcioSt afar via. r - tory , mighr hate bitubliamr sense of jasticetutsi ~,; teeny; but now. a thounicadoesn of suMning , in the South male nomemeetusate the North the single lUnottehemuma Llecoln. LqteliFp6t- *sited Btattordital A*71.0, deIMiTIL; =4irtif umAge rsbiNos. - NON , tet .Ng Drca Tromp. the noted turnkey of Libby - prison; in seems]) locked up In the most Siemer.: subterranean dungeon of that place of torture. -.- There Is no pity felt for him la Richmond. .A . ' correspondent who saw the crnel.hearted man,' - aliotibes him pale an ieprooy, hisheard whiten -IPg, his deficient teeth ajar, and his eyes full or terror. lie is now as mean and Cringing In his bebesior, as, in power, - he was insolent and •. r r cruel. When itirrikeY, he shot men dead with. a revolver, who came to the window for air. and' light, kicked and knocked others, and took. d 0... : - light in augmenting the untold miseries .of this poor prieoners under his charge. Re hu reard. In his loathsome cell, that the soldiers have do' creed his death, so won se they are folly assured of his identity, and' his pleadings for mercy mo presented to all• who come near him; but ho pleads to hearts of stono.--cia. Cons: - !fu. RICENOAD letters say that the - rivals washing away the grave yard on Belle..ble, where Ijolon soldiers were burled, and In a few yams thtsi graves will all dlseppeami Mint of them hive headboards, made of barrel staves, but few names' aro readable, and coon non's; all will biti"l c ; ; In one portlon'ot Potters Plead. the rebels. had , dog a largeditcl3, Into which the bodies of Unlote: prisoners who died were thrown prottatonott4 " without the last pretension to:even deee"G A cortattireanti inmbernf paroled rebel MR.:. cern were In Baltimore on Wedoseds.r,Andprom:,: minded the principal , streets In - theta , gray w i t_ forme, Some of theta stopped at Ant- , elan' hotels, and seemed as ma6 l3 . at , tthrtinaittithinfa of the town. =etc appearance' tirl excited conAlerat?le ill-feeling od tire loyal . ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers