YoreWittoburgit CNimift. E LATEST' NEWS BY nEMBAPEL RODENT LUECOLNIC OBSEQITIEB. - • • I A' YE SERVICES Pi THE ANTOL ea sevvfi;.61111111111151 en. '• • - • artalre' f9r- raore. : talti • i hst • . 3 ' 61 ; /* PANYING THE MAINS. THE MONUmESTAL:LTIT• AND MILITARY DISPLAY Z,;ying, sister " -- • City , privagthiJWAtirning , :'ARTOtIi Pp .13ARRIEIE;i4tCi -.-- itatifortrroa, .Ayolklll.Alpterd ; :of-- !rim. • , klistingaithed anti -- and inn+ edgeera, 14 , Goa; Grimy Admiral Dray Members illie elibeitiftla '4lldg ti ei an, 'of the Gat Itlnke Court of the United &Mee; astembled In AProteadii of the Capitol this =Motel:at wen where, .. after an Intonation prayer by - - lia.llr: Gurley. the tsunami of President . Un . . under in: escort of three companies of the -,,:fikAinit eorptc leltreretterfileyek.arithont mule. to railroad Makin; and'plaied in the hearse; IfYI Mttleh Mts ettataleta. at Ida Soli WElla had. '.....e u tTl i eca tithared; and then the Be,. Dr. ,-• . ; ley, again' daltanded kteief prayer. eonelad y with the benediction. • 4 5 *g° amea N l6 - 1 4 ''",.. womb. attend, nn is apeetatont.c4ll ireenninitn&ity tutpreei-" - ',...-`.lw 4 lth the solemnity of the Beene. -- Among the -"Aktobedlate and moat Intimate frlendi of the late , i,freaident, theie *era ie.- the train; Messrs. I Lm i • terdon, United Etateelfarthal, Governor : Dgintiy„ Junto '.', Delhi, - or I.l6,„traitai autos 5 4 - . - - , i n •., anis . Cout o non; N. 11: Edwards and C.M. talth; brother-11144w of the lataPreslding, Gen. -' .. a vestal' of Mrs:Llneoln, Col. T. Williams, ; TAte d 6iii el NufilA-D4“Pzig r tim olod.froe. , Pinky. .' .. . - . . I ~_: J , ; • it inn 1t. , . ke reentloned that the remains or i ' littleN't htit.pnehhi -i niii"_idetini:te:tit'i Ititerie r i • of thahavve . ear, Ili front of Ide father. - .11fre. Uneeto be! reCi1f.3 . 0:1.1114,40 dleplay,be raids, of her sou, bil,llMi - iii may bei iirl . vitely ' lrtriovcti. ' - ...., ~ -... .. - g in ... , , ,. t r aflawligllf list of tha'almalitrApf, ! i ' t blly 1V . % it et] to ec.c.topelly, ihe remains : 4migg'l)nv Id Dovir,, of di-, iltitei St -0.45, pa nrt assume Cou r t; ",.N.i' M. ' F...lwafds," Gditral. i .:11. S. . T.,:.1.- - Brk7nOler it =era; Town (ntl.; BrI.T. t,.6...w CharL,3 Thoznl4, W. Gild. D.,Emigri 1t„1ieg.5... , -.1.,ci,..,.p x ,,,,, ~,,. Brie..., ‘. tn. 'a. . .D. • Mitreay, - 8r1, 4 4 . 0 , 71..ti. I': - 11 ,(i . e, [ . - tig. (ten. -11 C. .teCelluml - l[-.J. -Hen._ Dowd notes, line. Gai. 4i.C.lCaldWell, ,Ever - Adi ''. ihirel C. If. Davis, 13..8.. Zraryi Capt.• W. 'R. asktr, Major JAI.. Yield; .13. 8. - Madrid- Odips ; e!ahore e.lastituted tha Gaud of Honor. . Copt: Chfr,l'eprceji, 11% .31; and i Commiesary or . nbelsteneerDr;2Cilas.t B. Uriiran, B . u . i'ael . ow, nd4Frank D. 6aUda. tioditotter: The following on thert art of the Senate and i ante of Nepreatstuatli-,es: _Melee, Mr..rlk . R. . : I. Rolltht , ytholoar„...W. Dior ; 7litnesseh' . t;' etta; Me,:lrOoiraratid,litr:Pleoo:- nhodo Wed, 7.1 r. Anthony; 'Yew, Vorki Mralairlio Pentleil-: ; . ran* Mr. Cowari; .0 ale,-iBobene ' Len ,k. Mr. Smith; Indiana, Mr. JolIaa; Wane- P'eole, - Mr. Xemetty:-.3ltentgen. Mr. Terry; .low. ev..hferittooldnole„;Mestra. Yette:Ntrasblorna,,, Es, and Arnold ; Colorado. Mr. Shan. 'rot , '0 ,regOn; . . mr.t- Williams; Kansas, Mr.. '_Brun; Welk, Wile* Mr:Manley :: titian*, 1 OW. Nye; Nehnothati,,Ate,....ll3telmorlf;;Coln 01r:Brailkolf P,to i itr.firalkaeeiNgir.:3 . -11. r. Newell; Maryland , Mi. Pbelpii G.' . Drown, Sergeant -at-Arms of the Benue and the tMergeantidNphitlditheAkemelsOrMetii`eseitta. Alyea. The' folicraing are the names of the °auss :Dom =mots 'appointed! to accompany Abe- re imalos of Abraham Lieeolo. the late' great/eat , ?of. the United. Buttes,. eta: Gov. Richard J. 40glesby, Gen. Ethan, N. Haynes, Adjetaut llGezeral of Maoist .oed:.l. It Bowen.; Aldan.: :;Camp; Col. -31. EL Hanna, Ald.de•Camp; Col. 8. James, Aid-do-Camp; Kai. B. Waite, AhLile•Camp; ^IL , B. Mar.. of thaßoullunw Distaiet, of Muoit,.-Aldda. p; abir Justus IL -Dubois, Elon.,J. T. Besere AM Cal. John Williams, Dr. 8. H. Melvin, Eton. 'IB. Cumaa ‘ Jillia ifcciernand,,Hoa. lLymanßoa.:ll‘,lL , Stiodlian; Mayor iar chic:ago; Eton. Thomas Bayne, Hoe. John jWeatironb, HIM. 8.8 . Has, Oot, Hough, Hon. 8. W. ripier, Capt. J. n.„-igoinoi,,,Bon:4..Lati son, Nam C. LlDordauta, Hon. G. R. MVO, IL ,IL Roberta, J. 'Coareasky, Don. Talmo, 'Gar. Motion, of Indiana; floe. Brouab, of Ohio; • . The reporters fbr the prow trans L.A.Onlaridtd wiehinsunhjird..9 , 44 4 rwirAit the mimed pnisa; A. H. Painter, - Thiladelidlia qutrer; L. Coise, New Tort Thaws; G. B. • Wooda.• Baran Derry 'Advertiser; Dr. Adores, .IClilosito Tribune. - • .' The train moral from:the' WaShington eta - Goa at elatt o'clock. stutrikat,tba point _ and theseritii ibildiecitewitioraittfilojcauttingit. locality formed a long, lag , and Pty.terdad,. aims neW the intiro train had paisiuv , s The ttalitirryed . st Nidtlentin - II ten ddoek, intll4ll ai..th.r.statton s seat en. carrivit'beim painail. - Otero; rnoi Bradford .. and.stadJalned. the train at Annapolis . _ She weather thts tooratng was In eonsonanee, with tiro Old eieljt, lir:n7 elands hitni like a leaden pall over the city. The doom In the aunospbere mottled with the gloomla the beans or onr - citizens, .It,..raa,tho Amoral M. eTerY lam . - 11 4 1 annItlirkagiettnii/ 401 hesqly epon our pe!iplev • because the egareittitltb !bleb she nation tied hews plain= its JO' 44 a perional 'lasi b every loyal bonse- Almon every Wise in a hinutirof mourn tag. limes end patdlo traildrings, and hotels d chnretta dzikpid In blant. . wieno, the UP; eraPe° The peopiebsii indiedriditiguaindami In which 0 show itiq Nab dirthie bonoted dbad, in crerienresol.•. - dt ia e a dy bouribie ' street' were 4,lnutet 04 , 414 I**lii to gfromit'44 4 os l ._eo for be eesilebbi 'thereepeet 2 ive club' and euo lailoe*Scrie jeotebove. . Mora,. WV? te*l Pl6l6l)4l"en eted the depot; iiiikaiteeing ibe Antral train of • • Illest,4ebs 40a4eit a - few imamate - - - itiaemblalGor. B °nth° the Giyiernor's stag, Gen: drd• Lk". 6°Y•C". ate _Nom B. lad stag. Betray, ow a liw with otter o f cials. oFßtato sad Goy. 'ltar*Chipam, - the: City Cloimell of encore, with' the beads. of the olti fern .eat; Willem Brig: Gen., Tyler, sad . I other,oltleore of the-amy mi navy. 'Atteitsklock tlawar lambs the body resale be deabt McCall,: In a brief ;ace pt time the. coma was, reamed by the pitanironnded. wat escorted type ate Ilia ay jab:cities -to the funeral car waiting ni"rectp, gon at Cantdca street.. The Sergeho.the most beautiful one that was aim: la he eltiP '.'lb tt:pay afthe car4a 'latest entirely, -caoptotab!Plabighum, which caablid thearowd n the Ilene atarocaseloato _ hate a fall Tielf • 0 or i :: , - 7100 WPM of the top were draped . sloth and kilt& sod ttis top be pelf. rye, bendiesitely decorated: .Ith ,tialfientee. cariraii drawn by filar vim- Tbelatlitairi sword • was one f the teriMtr . !Ohm . displays . era witne ssed, , ad tressexteeettitl3 , 'ftilli ,reAstre• - . . - ittemitys column *as underthe command of • eft General 'Lockwood. attended by hts tatflasiitionber sdds. formed Hai Itoset. tki:ligbi - testing-on Coning: tieet,.and moved in reverse order. ,'The itie of taken nV ihortly after the aritsal of latided thO trdents, were' tktte ' l _ . .'-^i ~ ~!*~.~~~i^~"w~.a~"Yh'lr.-.. ~'4. .ice ,-- - r " - - , -61 TIIPI I " LY . - 11th Indiana Vols., stationed . at Port SPfien.t.yr, and conimandeil by Colonel' Di'Carney; follow ing A/battery of. artillery was a detachment of marines front the ticked States ship illegtrani They were In full and made a tide ap yearauce. .A.detaehment of Uedted States sea men followed the runrines. „The.,rear of-the es 'eat was brought uplY number of om censor tins mut= Depamments, including the Medical and other branches, =tutted. Amongst them weirs Major General Wallace and staff, Surgeon J. glintioni Medics; Director Genersi B. Tyler, Bngadler General D. B . Willey, Colonel EL M. Bowman, and others.. The mote /slim commenced to move preciselyat 12, o'clock over the prerknasly designated route. n few minutes hiders citket Mehl:ad of thoraces/lon arrived as the Southern Inuit of the Eichange Ala the bendet-the military m . cast nach4 Calvert strait. The column was halted, and the lteleseondr lice geardof Over, piSeid between - the 'lines, the troops present ing ,nr n mi.nnd ITtEe..!Tr°6l46d An" .11e general oOleers dismounted a id termed irlth their atiffra on either 'slde et the, approach from the gate to the main entrance of Metre/range. _ The lemains, wore -then re. moved from the hearse" and carried slowly and reverently In the bulging end placed on a We tako prepared for them. Afttribey bad been properly placed and.the. I nnYuing teferried s , :ike :Offieeri:pressail- Poise& I shanty Onward on either Mde of the body. The civic rare of the processirmf_cAkrin.riVautri'.the general public were ifier(ridmltted. Thecata-'- falco was beneath the donie.and was a.modal of good taste:' It iceinistied-Of eleven fed by four at the base, therdsies slopingslight ly to-tbe -/iborit :the four corsteri;niefigrin ' reteineltimnii inpikortibg a comic, extending, beyond' tlici - line 9f the been., The esisepy tam to a hern.fetitenn cent cinai the tiveund, end terminated in citistere to rich blaek plames.f The 'an:Mitre weir lichly deCorated.. The Elper and-nides' of , tbw-dids were =rimed wits tine black cloth, and the' Canny formed of black crape, the rich folds dropping -Dom the four corium -. iic=sid.b6ititiv - Itiltbsilier fringe. l'he• cornice was adorned with sliver . ,titan, whllst - tbe'sides - end ends weptabillarry .ortimetittel. The interior of thecatiepy wis black cloth; - gathered litiblii4 ilia' Cerited polnt was a Imre mar of black velvet, Muddled with thirty: f elt itiosone for each Staid - of the Union. the - ileor;of the dale 'on which the body of the'lllnitrions martyred President rested VIM -bordered' -with' ' evemp ' sens end choice . filYireftc The crowd. eturinuldligatiti • mem, put owing to the excellent pollee arrange ment and a - . atinag r Ainti#7 -Pfred .40249Ful)114OW qint a small portion of the throng In attendance were able to obtain a Tiew. • • Ariliiut belt paittfrolo'qootito flustered! of thotoands of our citizens, the eoftla *as elotetl, and the ytee so del! eras 1144°1.'7 from 6i:coral 'Cy a plaid . of' tt.i . orod to the heziri.'6.— ' lha frtecssion -then reterracd, and took no its trolottd march to the d:perer the Northern fenitaiAlailwtty Co. The man was placed in a :ctudy drat , eNinanttep lie %cat tle irain especially 'at-sign - ea to tbern, whlch draßeP„ann departed for Ilat:qonr4, 'ph/4 2 n April 21.—Thii funeral train. has innkftftthirdepot for #arrisbarg: FROMi THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. b., r Quite an .Tnteresting Event. •433.D1RS OF . 13.ENritAL MEADE, ItAqvgow TOWARD PLTERSB J IfFaiweartias Amer .+lbS.fAn litterestin &cot took quartere this morning.' The 6th cog!" hating taken fright aegis durinitherit 'attori---c=- PAgn, It was arranged that the men . who cap tured them; trixtm iferiled , hy theta courteituda; ' : abould March to the vicinity of General Meade's • quartera, and thekturh' In the colers ibdart. from the rebels. General Meade aillmeribl the - :soldlere hi a speech, in which he thanked them 'fbdlyidusily for their irialrritry, 'sad' the • entire. corps for the important part they had oarformod In, being am to enter PeaniOurg, sr. He said tiwertry man' who. bad' take* a , flar &AM . .jracria furlough for thirty days, and that each thiedd ham ids own italraleht to. War Delleulluept yiresliboan. the ;seetiti : ;wa a . need lanai enjoyed' by all ;reitia linsed It. 'The !announcement of the astuslnation of Ififf. Lincoln .std ht r. - . 13111141 *ha ion. I'm rd; petted throughout this army :with the uttitest e 40TrefIri: Every man seemed to think II the greatest calamity that weld - naro patella, bare -.tweed just at this time.'. Blend& she; assassins. to timed and turned aver to the army io be dealt with, their punialuneld Wodid tot SIM and ante, and bubh es toMrts lute' the' heart Of every" spepopth•cr. with treason. The citizens living In the ionntry-enrassa Mak:wet at the ewer recce, and think It the worst • that °held rave 11 01 1 Pened for the • southern. people at thisjuneture: The greater • part of the army Is concentrated at Beltsville Junction, and Is - t sklng4 abort rest after their recent hard fight ing; bin leis thought Mat a movement orctui:' main 'body of troops torn' Soon be etude towird - Tet a sburg and Richmond. The cavalry and colored divisions ' azdthe With corps have already gone In that dircetioa. - - .Nothing has been ,bead _from Sherman, bat the news of Johratim's. sniUea de r d 97 -. FBOll# , SPAIGEaI FORT.- Gas raptured at Mobile. rEdApE 9F..T11E REBEL 1R,03,CUD3. - AU* XOnn, Apr 41.riTioS: torsi? ISpitUldt Fort correspondent - ear titre Were captured In tbo defenses of Mobilo 816 guns, of which Branlah Port bad 40. - • The rebel reheats escaped.Fp the river, but 'day trill b 6 esptitred or &Mord. Mover were tiro or them tree-clads.' Oar 'Cu Ls abdki . eftliteeti= liiindred.- , The rebel lou In baled and wounded Is not leas than tiro thousand. J.A • PISOLLINO ; 'OP LEN 40! toxpLon. Iteral of What Be Sasreaderol. •Nzir ron 3 4 , 40 11 ."77.74 iftrztO-sPrr 6. irpondeat The paroling of Lees irmjiriii :cozWeted on the 1 1 11 2 6 .:2.4A5ita04 1 . PO,Pub. United the, number of ma at 56,115 one boa- deed "Ed 814Caloo plea: liefenty-- one 4and 44 colors, and 15,918 iitaad'ilf ,stsalt• aims; 1,100 wagons dcc.,. and 4,000 liorsis and sada..' ItailgoitUon. or iMiatiaallanri Dllnldet to • NEW Tows, liptil2l.7-The fferald•Eans core , respondent this MixingSlane minister to Lon don bas resigned. • He Is satistied that the ) fosl-. OM Empire Is tecliathing: and that MaximUllati . wlll won abelieritethd return; to einstris, being completely disappointed Ititis two most import: . sat crpectations—Ahe torognition of . the United States, and the support of the Pope and a/ext. elergy: The condrrostron of this report is stated. ..Maximithan has • retracted the rentinei: . '&1100 of his family rights to . the throne 9114.115. tria, made before lessinq Europe:. "fovealents , of,U . e . AisaadLn - . Texecwev vta Pmniencen!e, * Aptit 21.-- Booth has not hcin Milked; but hee been traoo at far 413 Tamairna. The , men arrested on iscis. P/ 4 ° 41,-14 6e-on -,164Fge4,..,.:.: From Hilton.oead. _ fh. 14,1 w 21 Tema, Amß.—Tbeideaharproada with floci.lfen r Wilson; Beery. Weill Beecher and might 011 board from lama Hea COTO _ Dearth of Newe!n. New YOrk.. New Tout, Aprll2l,- 2 1'6 worulek ere eellrely Told ofrkews: : OPERITIOiS,OF THE Italia Al' must Le. Capinre of Eorls Unger and Traeey UNION FLAG HFISTEI? 9N REFS PINTO AND,SPANISII Title Relent of Rear' Admiral Thatcher 'Weer Otev ..1."'" (14t0b P S; 1 1 C 11 ' 17.17-111 it. ~ B u{-74 'have the honor to inform the Depart meld that on Monday, the 10th lust., subsequent _to the capture of Fort /limb - and Spaphilt detailed - zn dispatai. No. SS, dated April oth. ,The Octerocm, _Lieutenant. Commander.W. W. •loror, and the - jeoit clads,.were enabled, In come:. qualm of the thorough dragging of the. Blakely . river, and thilligh the bulefatigimble and Event etertlons of -.Commander -Pterdietiroeby," to mar up the river nl4udY tamest of Spanish' Pori, from width • Uolut Lieutenant Osounander . Low, with -his rued-gam, shelled, with-,grol& 'preebiloti, forts Huger and Tosenand with such Orel that both the fora wee evacuated etc the evening of the lith, and our forces took poatea slon, capturing a few pilsoaers.. Theee for I shall hold until Geneeal Canby can garrison them wit!! hisiZeOplo Thiamoro-.. hig tweed with the gueboata, ativeyleielght hnutired'enen of &Vella Granger's force tithe ;Tali-side of Mobile/kW fbethe impart 'of at. tacking Mobile, Oo one arrival it was arson as ccrtalned that the Miami had evacuated all their defense. end retreated,vita their gunboats up the Alabama river. Thegenboata Will lb's' few days unquistlona bly be cottnred unless , destroyed. by the rebels themselves. General Granger and myself have just sent into Mobile , a "formal demand to the Mayor for Its -theoridltionai , stirieider, which rslirnndenhtediybe accorded, as the city is' now at our riMi . cy. ' ' The nary boa - already tiolatit the, 'firs and etripei over Fort Pinto, and the Spanish river , ;tottery. {ye also have possession of the ChM tow Point blitery;Mid''.thiee 1'31'6404a &Sew Ganowe, Shall place a andleleat number of gunboats directly. tn *ontof the city to giro &indent-protection to the loyal Inlaid, tants, of whom/ learn Womb a peat number... enteral Qauby, with the toicM undethie-Ln mediate command, .le at present.: In 'Sakai,. ThOugh I have constant toimraphic communica tion with him, I send this dispatch byLicuten 'act Cullimmider• 01111 S, whain . Vassel sru.' einkie), was, as Depart m e n t has bea ready futon:Rad, deft:aye:l - by a - torpedO. quo:lily I darehlitz charge of the naval battery -on ahem, With Which' he rendered very effective service In aDelllcg Fort - Merle and Spanish Fort.- I commend him to' the attention orris Lizpart. petit 'for hls zeal and gallantry.- • - • - I , emi alto much indebted to ~Commander .Cushy who has nevi' untiring In freeinghlake 7 ly viva of torpedoes, having succeeded in ra n nvire'o,er 150=a serviredettinadhig coolness, It '~ment sad ciersercrehcc. I her tbehottot to be;- • ••• Vary r...sptetrutly, poly' ohTserv't, 11. t. Tifitermrt. • iicaiAdminduomaieudieg Co?:stltutiorial Amendments Passed la lay , a,—Crant , a Tettus tiig • ereil.--Varatiy I;tod.o. ha - ek ed. • : Csino, April 17 e Carole - 2001:1 fp4ll - •n;Gex nsonlmonela passed nom houses of the' 44.1,4 845 LegislaiTure:o4.thetlf.tbs •;1;.7t 7 hO tiill dlsfraneldslpyzall cheu.whoh,sykheld, roeitiods of honut OP trust hi the' rebtlArinh..: Reynolds offered Giant's , terms..of, kutzen der to the rebel General togao.:Tho le EL:known. Seventeen men of the 11th .Ncni Ydtk cavalry. e bizehebacked near • Germn nb.ma - on the I.Bth. 101 but the Lieutenant and two taco were ';:led of captured. alissettiVa New Constltutlon...P.rePara• ;lona Mating for- theNballY" F e fesident's - . _ Er. Lo ins, Fietehes 415 wAttenla letter, taking strong urotmd against the.atoittion.Of the new Constitution, recently ranted by the. Constitutional COCTelitiOtl. ' A tettguideent . benne and sin horses will be Fent from bere tct Sp#tigdeld-to,trenYeT the ret to:.lns of Presidefittinieeta-toAelefiniffeittitft place. ,The Bt. Louis Old Guard, nexus:wed of pi.tnintnt and wealthy citizens over fifty years of sue, Will also attend the face al, accompanied bb Frank Boetun's band of 'one hundred silyen' , , Funeral Services In San Franden. , eIN tax.ncisco, April St.—The fumed ser rim in honor of the late President in this city esterday were the grandest ever witnessed on the Fricille coast. The preemie= was three miles long..'and contained flu tbrinsand people. ,isinega was - - entirely. suspended, • and . every bona. vas draped with emblems of mourning.- Tbe Utmost ;quiet prevailed. Obsequies were observed .In .eroryr town hi the Mate and the principal towns In Nevada- :. The • sal 'crept ',SIC - Week has caused great Interznption, of btisl-. seas all arer the State. - - _ eCenl tia _ Lainivaza, AprI111:--General , Brisbane, a recent meat, shotiothitt airenty.one thousand agorad a Cu . have been enlisted. In Meanly la Kentucky yona thousand have beta drafted, two thousand - ran away &nil canned in Indiana, Tet10065173 onillolda. and eleven new reglinenta ' are belng . organized, which, when completed, will,make 'a quota of thirty thousand colored 611 for Kentucky. , Gerieral Bnabanahope. . to fill Up 'all the regiments now raising In sixty; ,Oirer one hundred negnan n day Gmi P. %Videleft ' ror - wastangron - to day Deported Rebel_Vietary. • Sr. Lome, April SL—The Jackson (Miss.) Aim Of the 9th Bayer Gen. Wirt Adams, with - .bout grim hundred men. encountered the fed eral threes .under- Gen..-Crosson,. . -twenty-lire t uetred strong, at Pleasant Ridge ; dia. u hipped them ,badly, - = and wounding =and capturing 0 Ulla number, 'and taking la thi it artillery, wagons and .hotdoesas: -,'Adams loft about ZOO or 400. men. Ottr.w.mr,ded from Nadia arrived at. New Oi leans on the _ I n "Mullen Suspended Denver.-Funeral -- Ceirewatinles. Drava; April 19.81nce the death of Presi dent Limb]; ail business In theeity luta been sat pen lied. The public buldints, stores and Tito residences are ell draped in,appropriste ern. blrms of moundas. The thtteratcertentndes to. day.Rtli attended bp, a larva' concourse or pan pie than ever before. assembled here.. The mili tary and Orli officers of the gorerntnenfand ter-, together with the TatiOUS O. den were lid-, Ceremonies at i.Fortress Monroolitipor. tant - Femmes Mosso; April 19.—Funeral. cere monies of the late Chief biaffistraGe were solemn . In CO= Olt lila UV -terrilatiP/OCOttliliiii* essehm, the arrest of servers' Outfits watt known heti, who have been accumnlantsg wealth and have been recipient of favors from the Govern ment; wilt pent:o4:4nd to ..Important develop.. men, „ GroseqnSeir In , Marimba. • • • Mamma, April W.. Tho entire population of Ilemphis tinned onto-4w to tottlf/ thair4ta., poet for the terunory of:the e late President. - A ,more universal demonstration 'of sorrow could ;not have been made in the most loyal city In the Union. :Full; twenty tboutapd persons particir. pated in the deteenstretkm, bawling the eh- rolled militia, all the federal troops here, sale sodelles, etc. The Seamans' at Baltimore. Br LIIII0n; dpril zl.l' The mastics Calked dent . Lincoln , arrived at .cleven o'clock. .The escort was very large. -The stores am all closed, and the whole population is on the streets. The remains .will He In statenotil . two o'clock, In a beantlftigestatalco. The buildings are everywhere dressed in emblems otgrier. Retpeett th.Presidont 4ohnso. Wtsttrocrrctp. Ale' St.—Delegates flessithe Plates of Ohlo and Indians this morning called on President Johnson. The nenal epecelies were madAplediring to tlierrealdent the same atippiirt that had bees allren W his. predecessor— The 'President reipdied. slou*lngthere. for the cond. tnee screed la Ala?. !Proposed Vrelest 'to Unto • Borrow, April .21.—A urropinsa boo .betru started here to ridso 1100,000 by ono dollar sub, sertpttott ba Treserded to . Llncolii as token of respect .anitot ton felt by the tropic for their departed reardslest; ; • Heaiy Snow Stor m. Mi t w Alma .2i. -• -:-Tbant was • heart snowstorm In onenoti,and Intitistrurern part or pia Inuthere eold. lab now snowing **tow; wIU a salT;prospOct of a 'Wm hero bck n'aloPing• .. • •-,•• • i. , NINAIMI ,*4 -' -.'"-- .. ' ' :.' •. . ,'-- ... : _.,.." 0 p TA ~,zl,. stock. Money and Dry Goode Natters. New YOUR', April 2 1.—Bastness opens quiet alter the weemintles Atr the past two days. it att. wars likely to continue - Mail the reception of the President's remains, cm Tseaddy next. The tenting is the market -torbadness, is Kennelly btrong and favors an upward. Movement—rail road-stocks, especially. ,• Governmentaqatet:but firm; State and - Raliroad bonds strong, and not salve; Coal and Illsoellaneons -stunts steady. There ls an Improvement os Pdarlposk Camber land and goleksllver. Gold vertilria,- Itrose steadily during the 4ny,,,„thlnnit co we, not heavy. The demaat was very- The stank Market-look- -aW. upsmad.lore-iat- W ood board.. and the; entire Rat IS 'begat led an lecressed demand trenerally.,..lt the lastkesakin, open board. the market was bnoyantimd etnand keine/1i serydall. dem ireiettlegborrotbencaod- larra,-ammint beett ottered tonrpen Oda: • 'l' . 2, Pettolenbi *mks \Laud itctilithtitae. XI lame! respects. , debate . Raki,-Gs; . Ocestak SW; -Ezealtdor,,l4o; Germania, 08; -Tarir,l9o; HorertelclteldePli EfoldUntekidskk Ilyndlarm,,llefk Buchanan „rurIXI. ' ,There iptatly,lmMesed' feelleg In nearly, " 'lnquest .clreles,drs ',goods partladady, , Agents with 1 100111140dUl 00 hand but. mom at' trlo4o are' junClan‘anttplllog up the' prices of jobbers. ft Is said that an immense of badness was being done to-day. The prittesare 'far store any tnewaslateabeidepteastrovor few weeks atm begait. The aversere-lp In shirting, , shatter, prints, etc. In the.. k Ithearly tette coats on the yard. ' Seven.thirlY Zainii"Sttbsediptlinsa;:, f.PuTLAIOIIIIO A, Atwil 21.—Jay Cooke moats . tb..t the trabseriptlona..M. the 7.30 .loatt.hsday, amounted to evlamo: Ther Wpm westain' ret,serlptlon ' was dm sl2o,ooQTfrust!-Chlnke. 'fitarlargest eastern anteculpticor was 'for sow,. coo fromPtew.York; Them iscrel9ll Indlvldell • subserlptlons... : ' • - Price of Gold ' Tons, April 21.—aadd dall, the ibilitna! king confined almost exclusively to the =choke" dealerlquotations, and have ranged front 14114 i, the opculag price, to 14S n. ,Everfag—Gold to-night 14a . N. Reanniptlawatßa4oad-Trade. ' Putunirprzua, April 21.—The l'hlladelphlst‘ and ErießallrodidttPdnig .been.-thonxighly. Paired alum the recent freshets, will be resumed.. . Straits -. id - imams; April 21.—T4e &traits are open, ar.d t ie prztr Montgomery arrived today Prt!ldent JoLiman - anti Abe C*red. 1. M. Sangston, a .colored man of Oberlin, Ohio, it a meeting held by the colored citizens of - Washington, on Tuesday night,stated that ha had had. In the morning, an Interview with the President of the United States, in which he rm . bang laid before him the following; . Pensions? Jorixsox: .&I; P rusldent of the !fa.. tional „.Eqtier RL:bt.e itb association' whose mmtabership maybe ' by thoni . ands—an sissoelatlat baring Its brooches in well ~nigh All the loyal States of thi assn . elation rtprusentlm: in a truly national senatt the !•pa'rtotisiin and lolalty of the eu:ort.l Arn :ries2 1 hat e.the 1101107 to preeent to ynn In year n e w • p,LIon rre.iident to the U. 17,1 j; ' , l . :Jetta:a.m. and srmpeiti-s; an I Wirtz: t's end.VOr to t l l.ll.yar; and 11.:-p ,t tate the !Solon; theta inithuti . an. th:j Iv ,of the r. te.try;7‘uur our prSiatnyi :1 4 a - 1 oar hetor:" . . .dte. ta!tutti Am m a=l but t - r fre!.astas lifter tentiliilits ilevntion to las e:) , 404 ryqa respoadine• to her: cull in ths. hoar of nee tial. tittritlfo-r tleuresus:ratlam, ou 1253 y:: c ,, M,FLCd faror; Ilia: L.t. , ;loth and set: y, iniusliv bur ifa T.,nr fa,t-tilstert.a CsMieet , it - tr t 5 lye trbalbn:,givrA no rroi ntstirsmi. , mitt ~lisatbatidit our can d,e.tiretatit,' Aid that our wa.l2s . . fully pas. , ti 41%d atnts.lataidad.-: Wu arn eeiltenreet of 'ttit'illany utuzaneusof freoluawnlaAiaa nitedat . the caljorinl people of yaw one Tentiesseh,..nor, aro . we ivxdrAut.of the qi idlfaudininte In whlch 'they 'hold ;yon, - as agar - frictil and benefactpr. , - cannot ferbi , af to express to you; tie, ohr griirf •and sorrow is efeir of the sad ealaralti :•••=tliu foul assnasle ,, ton of. Abraham yont f.rtideutaar, which this lay make.* as ha ' a Malan ottoman/ere. it-ihreply;the President said r • S2a r-t4=tLith3c you :firrittitt Interstorr. Ire-: stirs the kindinral and honor which you nos - es pr,l.ss,to ma In The 'nine spirit I would if you Si roil ianother'elasa. I need not state to yen ray past history. It in al It understood by g. In 1 119 wO. l a V, t - he • grantee or my metre ,sonones smsandro. • r.plet Mere thicekhettpeople4trots nia best tlmy have confidence In me. No man eat:charge me with baring prored raise to the promlaca I bare made to any clam of the people la my pub. 1k life. I fear thatleadtug colored men do not no derstand and appretisMihe fact Ihat they hare (Wads on the south direorthisiltie:Thef tint's -- ltd• they are its Caught 4161 k. 1 4 11 1Mcb .1* axes north oftbe Ilse. - It amp beiettry nasylblus. Indeed Popular.* be Inv anumcluatlonlst wO L . - of the e, but , stOresyttaktesulthsk *Oa 'amob . tooth of ft.: &AM of Di It cootroentillkArart x property, &Awls:tub. ,lon =penmen - thee semi itiapts; together .Tlrins7ol7l4ltlksi Theltartiose orPrtekto. "..*" LATurla ortesptuident says "A gre.at victory botin &lagged In the Senate. The saw on e vii Mardigetiligi been*ted ti - Y nlarge * Majorli 4An vita of the Mills of a =damn) which 'spared Co means bit:Obtain Illrribetlien, or fl least to delay ita coming into operation. The most remarkable feature of this long discussion we the attitude of Mgr, di Giacomo, Bbilimp of Ali's, who opposed all the ameadmenta moved by by the minority, thin implicitly adopting On, sraimitution.ofeivil.The religions Ingtalgsti Oiler :poet 'lmportant amendment, tionliag to &darn all persons la holy orders incapable of contract ing.intirdatte.-wlln rejected by a Wile Imalndiv. and Mgr. dl . Glacomo'was one of Its molt eager . opposeati. The eineetlon Of tho marrialpt of Trusts, whirl; has given rae to leo away contra Interpretations In . ..Fragtee„ seems 40..bedoeldtid In Italy in ttie . alitnitatlve by thettlegltell , of the" amendment tending to declare, them Incapable or 'nonage. • Oar !tall= jarlseoniidta seem all to - - :agree on this point. In Fiance the tribunals have nearly all deelarod priests Incapable c f mar liege, - because, by an article In Out onneordst, the rrgintrats of marriages an botind to observe the axles ladled leaf which forbid marriage to Streeni engaged In the higher 'tirders . of the pro sthood Here there Is nothing or the bled. 411 the concordats have two anutillol by the overthrow or tba' dynasties which resigned In Italy before IMO; bealdiro„ our concordats mad not provide . Arr. tile pre t eatd l el,ec as hitherto everything relating to marriage has Iran subject ' to the exclusive jurbsdledcfn of the church, The .vote made aprofound Impremlon on the fonav e, never before has suebrigAtatlon Preraled is ph grave sisecmbly.7....—; . • . lYhat It Meant. Whga the Blehulemd pipers announced, : a fisidays berme the 4th of March , that an eve nt we labout totransplre which would send a thrtll of Joy tlntmsbont the South, aid - startle the World, . tt. probable hid reference to' the traedy which has Mace stanled the whole coontry by its enor mity. " It is known that Both Intended to asses. slnatathe Pit:Went on that day, bat the want co•tuxutlion in those who were to &Wet him 'defeated the plan. Mown teller chows that he had been brownie Mir r the matter de months, and madmen In.:Richmond no , dealbt_eneatir. seed him: ta :that : dcadAll4;ee the, hope that tt would eon Rlchamed from its Impending.fate, by the confaidotand Mama) .4 would cause Ibr • time, which mild Alienate the well tahmed movements of °nun and liherniam - If the Mimi had been perpetrated on - the 4th of March; be; fore Richmond fell,' might. bare given a new !else of life to the usurpation at Richmond; bet - Riche:toad being, takap, and Lee's army surren dered, what was Meant as a stro k e of policy or stramgy, became only an act of Andialveame, harbasno object bat thit gratification of paao. hatred. It was a gmat blander ea 'wenn eared crime. and bellows that it, was originally con ceded by mem of superior mind to Booth. They had a fanreuching" purpose, and used' him as a proper tool for work they 'dared not appear In themselves. Ile caw only the fact, and dld not comprehend thepupae By ' delay the 'crime molls upon the bum pl otters - of assassination:: The "wort I has bees startled," but the "thrill of Joy" was- to he' felt throughout the &nth, is now a feeling of fear for the conse quence. of their namable work.--Phda. Ledger. Ttn Pansmmtr's PRIVATE giciserair".—Col; Brownhig. whei for the, last four:or aihre'fearli has been the confidential eecieterg of President Johnson, is still amines his private secretar y. Hon. Preston Ettig„' sf 'New. Tork l - Is perhaps the most Intimate friend riiiiradViiir of Me Pros "Went rie the prtseat time, and la aan Or frgi 01 4 . 'CU Bedatbeid fitpdlC I CaPimmtnag blpigustaith at_grookaeld:az• primed jay M the disth Of President Lincoln; and pa Monday morning he.waa gives his choice of a Mist of tar and feathers or Immediate defart vralrom the town, never to return again. He No sum *to everlhameghl y ashamed of himself shotild be classed &menthe lereelalew Me i The ieel fool nerrecregrets thertiiht Mpg or for the right resson„ited oaten° dream stoces.sees himself es others - ace Wu& - . I ' • •- • , , 8114URBAIL Suspension or !tininess. The 4ayor of ihr city hag issued an onlat re. ones - tinge general suspension oflusineas daring the pismire; of the suspension_ of the late Presideut Lincoln throughOnrState. -- The cor tege wilt leave 11arriebprgi at. noon, tp-day for PlOadel prdo,",xlere reinkti aritf mor.day. , The President", Perierni=oneparture of the Pittaborgh'DelepUon..' *, The Committee appoluted by his Moots Mai' or Lowry, to vlalt Harriaburg and represent dila ;city at the funeral obsequies of President Lin cola,.. held a preliminary meeting yesterday, at 'which the necessary artaniernenta wore rude fbr tho trip. A committee was appointed to watt epee Hr. Pitcairn, the SpPerintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad to obtain thn necessary . . . transportatin. The company, with that ilber. laity 'which has ,alwaps eharattenzed them, at once place, d r anratra :car' at th e disposal Of the deleiedion, and arrangements were accordingly anode Wirral, with ]the Line o'clock night train. At eight o'clock the delegation; amewelded at the Mayor% Oflice,Pinial badges of mourning were procured--esseh delegate wearing on the left breast, 'Mack rosette. tet with a miniature like. oak of the President, and the kernel badge on the lenses. ' The following arq the names of the ddrgatbn flan. Limes Lowry, Jr., ;O I. K. Aioorbrol, Henry' Ilajo, • 11:8. 8111, bayld Croydon!, EI. Lamed, I David Wolter. . P. Pl. Arooor, P. W. Doris, - , . Col. Chide , J. N. Keen. -` - .T . ,'J.-Seibe.peale: - . • vt. - foaties, , .I.bledh Abel. - T. Nertantern, W. .'Asrheoboilik. 'T. H. Yhelpa. - Zoo. IL nog , : K. R.Anterson, J. V. Matters J. Reef, W. F. Anderson, .11. X Hole, .I.Voloo 'Dr. A. G. McCandless, .1117,4*. IT. J. Bighorn, , IJored Al. Brush, G. Ivan., 4 ti. lAYWooter, a. smith, rt. M. Irvarr, J. E. Wells, (i.e Elsoustender, W. O. Doyle, _ L. W. ilerirr, 4. A. Irwin, .. Goo. N e al e . ; . J. &brit', • - Gen. Row! S. Gallloger, I.l'. M. E. Ark, E.Q. J. IL Wolter, pt. Melees Church Vestry. At the annual meeting hold' on Raster Won- day - % the following persons ware elected Vestry. :men for the ensuing year m 114 Smyth, J: W. BhoenbeFgcr, Jas. 11. Murray, Ja% A. lintchlson; H.. 1: LYtich; C..A. Coltom, J. G. Martin, 1.. , linap and Wm. Metcalf. At the first meeting of the Vestry, the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopted : •• jirnigykS, Abraham Lincoln. Prosident of the United States, his been ruthlessly ant wick edly stricken down by the hand of so assmasaln ; Therefore, - - Rteetorct, • That wow the Rector and Vestry of 1 St. Peter's Chureb;Pittsburgit, cannot parte& the oeeaslon to pass without expresdlng For the Pittsitrzhilszett oar abhors - fence of a crime to deadly and !appalling, and. VENGCANCIt. Out Moil:man:lon of the lawless and unnatural "Be careful of falling Into the easy tin of Behelllan of which It has teemed to be the mates- rentrctilem" • - mer,ab gb „,,,,,qh. ~, t o nt: tb, s aT io ti mo „.,1,- . ,. " Vengeance is mine ralth the Lori; I will sera to record our admiration of the s knots with tit .5." n itria lie adorricsi the talah etatlan to which he o f man hat not the power to rite life, hells. La i isi n •allsds nod widen lied at, cadtmred him b „ n o . , br , tr j„, It 80,y , 6, tai there ~,,„: „ A t., t:,e inierit of hit crinntiToca. • i ~„,,,,,k Tb 4, in .„ , b„„. at ;l, rleep 5 „,, to cap:Ml puubhmtint. In mania individ lii ea, . , r -,...-len and ea rn: (If lea , t .tlio WI Unit., 3 InrilY, taccntintlin - sake. ca-t.e of eeif drt"mse, c't, res,di 'a. aid scri, e:ole I ae w,II a , • Ito° r he lina nit the riiht,, hat "in his otil-tal, l. • ha-, ibs„t yd, „l l° be-I I psrin tad t. a„ , , vo oil thl ~,, , i , , . 1. ,,,,,,,,,,, nt bkr ,, , ,,,... o , r - 0 ,,,,,, ~,,,,,-,,,, 47 , ~ ~ ,r ~,%.. CT tt It t it ras: - .,111. Ire ye, 114 4% rani ILI rttkls -1 : i 'wt. vw ti w.. , ii.:y elle .ss . , , • 7: .re i., no 1 titter bid Of God : the "iiw. , lt,e tyitn-rh: wiih the ti-e o ,el r ca- it--; I r a cren.lnL , ml of ,f, ,-,Lai tc, It i • a., ,t.. 1,, .1 l i 14 . 4• c:....s eTz t • -t .I . I, and yrs.; in it t,,,:,,,.;, z ,, ~,,y 1 .1„,,,i le rate „. 1 .,.„ b y the li r i ~,,-,) I ,i, alts: pity "11 Flier ~ ,rr0...., o, 1 . -,,, , , , • • , • ~ J I ti , l an a , ster er G , t i th -in el, ili. Pt ft -4 . 4tllltotta ml r ides lll , ,tieeru.a. i s- 'i 'i ' ' : - VI *l ntntarimt.' w ad,li p-ny tie: ft si moy = for clod." viiiobtidi net it 1 - -anr." In y.11:1, (the etre,llls ine, and vizi nn to the lice,-i.tailt of ,Ewnr*l—tbd emblem nt aailloriii7 and festlea, to thesUoltr d Stattit, oh - cairnsil:at noir Milne the 1 :- . ,.„„ „,,, -,,,,,.5 { w i t h, ',, tlrjOr: to - ert &inns. It, kihtv cr.r , a or 'bit two Asa natma, and Lane 8 . ,-,„ g z b, 641 .1 „1 01p:,,,,a auty, A rity,A,o., him and us ita . der Ills tinly it,-101., , a nirlit to et eente shed eathpeatity. In this mut- Pii.rfa 'Thal as a tel. , a of oar e'l'cipll' ilila tier i n tokis ciamearice nu crlbdoers n'y till n11.,:e1. t a direct - that,the cliarna be itra?ed In own inttrumentilliy and arileintineut.. Mr molt* for thirty doss, I . i•Ile that theddet ii lama's blood, ny rave shall • N'''"v"l, That tin i ' - ' 4.4 '• l 'al-r " 3blntli 'llv be Intend • il full ole_the iinnim °flail. aidtluX.f h o it t he si ldi•ehe .flitdh.e""No rta . t " iet"ian to an le l nd n rt f o murdere Thood &fe s the land, and It 'is only , by Alluditor.lhe b1.x).1 or Jam that deflieth It, that it can be clean:el." But, rays the - pbjeincti,llial - Wkwaetter the Old Tatiiment - dispensation; we are tnaier the New. Christ, by ills sufferlez and death, - has 'rendered the law milder; land taken away ' the death pins Nit the elv‘ll pal of it surely. net • cyan to hls Awn dear followers. "Scln that none Id you soiree, at an evil-doer or as a latuderer.'t -.Sad how-la s niardcrertozulfert , The mend -law, with• Its- . malty.. Law without w, penalty stoup, bd a: reltry. "Behold T item." (salth M..):not to destroy the Isar, but to &lel 'lr." !What bort , i—the moral law. "Mayen and eartliabaliparel • away, but one Jot or tittle of the law' shall not • pass away till all shallwow: 9 When the apostle PauL was eh by Ternallni- with • sedition and other greet edge tit his defense be. fare Yrsies, be sail: "If I hayn done outything deorthy of death, 'reins* not to -. die.: Xing Agerippa in reviewing the Witham', la the , 4 4 case said he Maid nothing la this man worthy litre then is Chris - Sail end • paean tattleionY, both sowing tlltd, thew: rare some worthy of deatla the anis fiewieg'titelltir Trent a Chrls-',. tale Idatd•Polat -- Diviits: reeelettne; the: other from the-' law et wawa :sad t ham salty; .bothmortar and ‘Mming• to the setae conclu n that capital punishment Is rigor. In such a nine eepeeddly an tide, a time of - assessinktioa, treason and shedding of Innocent blool-•:sway with such mawkish and sickly sentlaventality, tetWofthy alike, of , chriattalgty and true pstri /*A. ' - • • - Esouravtos. Au Ancient Newspaper. i?rtuae ;friend In Petersburg, Va.l, has far4red U 3 4, Sith*copysitttsa•-% Viiviatrytianntte wet re' teMr lo 7l 1 . 1 4 1 4rwer," of August 16, . 17x37, for whltli Inc cordially think lg.. nls a Ilttlaless ;than half tho itze of the Evens") ourrne: The Pakils rough and harsh, and . Of - a yellowish er•l• r. The trpcs pre. 014-tyalionc,tHartgiVvicut other old-style peculiarities. , The newvon•the.• Orel page is printed entirely la Itaiict. The pa per is dated Aug. 16. The 'luau item' from Philaielp . hie is Any. ; Watch, July 2d ; " Polubkeepola." July 23, They initial:afro= New Turk;) New listen- July PA; Pittsburgh, July 7,• (the last Is so curious that we .aubjala It.) Prom London tbe latest is June ; Turkey, April k Orioi lo tryypt3 Mardi 10. „We giro these thane to w bow fast !WWI was transmit ted 79 years. ago r • " PITTSBURG, July 7 rITS'I.J—We are In. :..iethied from good ,auth;ity atm; 1' ranges of teornshlpit In the western territory of the Unita' hates are now cow*, a.4in a few days the returns will be ready Sir Congress. " shorttleas since. about elght ndloa hem thisiplate,:up the Allegheny ,tat au ladle* ' camp the ,Iblitilritg-extraonti affair' kip: peced. &young 111134 Qt a tm_ nation,. who haderdtaring the smallpox, which is . ragtag unapt them, Wag Meek inieadsed at: teeing so many of his Maxima sorbed with that nualadr, expressed himself' to GU offer. him lithe Great Van abort' dared to giro Um ;the small pox be would tomahawk him , at. he woad a stump, which he pointed at, and tershow how he woad ant, pa g an euttingthastemp in a most furious manner. In a few minutes tie was struck entirely blind, mettle head swelled to so vet a , degme thatt hliimbslts burst from thcir sockets, abellte expired In a taw hours. "We am Wind with intelligence by Mr: Jorepb-Nichola, Interpreter for the United States, wbe has it from Gala Butho, Priooltoll oiler of the nation, wholvAs s percenti!titta this kap. Conileted of llitirder.' • Romani Rupert,Leroris Rupert and Hetuy . . pert were convicted on Friday ,oi l no- list week, at the Oyer and Terminer Court or. Cant . Berland "county, "of the •Illitralt of W. Van, Indio. at - Centerville. - The verdict against „the first was, murder In the drat degree; against the Ulla two, matudaugbter. Vaaisdienwis deserter hemtheanny, sad theßanerte attempt ad to arrest him, and while doing No, Howard Herat shot him, causing his death in an bone *privet& - It appeared the evidence that the Rupert* bad entertalited malice against Vies- Neaten. and Howard threatened that It ha dlt not husk tits (Rupert's) corn, be should never, husk for any other person.- On the 31st at December - - they came to Centerrille, where Vansadlen lived, and where a biw number or persons were sembledat the betel, among whom watt the ceased, and shed ha left &ebb - own house, one of the Repents plaited his hand upon Vanasdien's 'shoulder and said, "you 'ate my prisoner.. Vanasdien replied "bow solo Rupert answered "well you are," whoa V. Jerked himself loose and walked off. When be was about ton yards oil Howard Rupert eat upon Mtn- to stop and almost instantly tired his pistol, the - hall enter ing at the "phial column and analog 'oat at the pant of the breast bone. They then took hint -to his home and insisted an taking him to Car lisle. while he was Ce tharigoides ordeal:h. How ard having previously declared that he would _deliver him it the Provost Marsha , * offlod "dead or all ve."! - Atter hie dW,h, the saw day. Row ad repeatedly -declared. that "Iratisedien was :lead ti-d ita—n him. as he matt to and einillar expressions, tending to show m4im. 1. /*untied • Pundit:nicht. Op Wedh64.l *Gift= Denied Antolne act ter,reslding oilebestuut . street,: Atlegbetiv; find employed in Ifonmir's tannery 7 14:puetunme bor.: °ugh, gave utterance t Lis o sympaiby,wiffi the , ~ rebels by ispressidg great delight - over thems. sansluation of our lamented:Cbbif Magistrite, sod declailust thet the event elitmld have occur. red - long ago. lilt utterinons exasperauxt the other employees at the tannery to tho lal4cat 'degree, who seised him and threw hits Into one 'of the vats. This p r ocesa wu repeated several mutes, and the man 'a life would doubtless have been forfeited, but fir the Arrival of Kr. Reover's,' who interceded In Ids behalf, Thu man how ever, wee immediately, discharged his . • ()flier from the Treturoxy, Depirrineut.,— 0.34...13atehe10ri Col:tenor 'of the•porkef rittatmeKb,; ?heaved the..follniine; • from, the. Tressurypepertotent, en Thomas): • - -Tussle/11r Dmammatera.: - . , . ,•• • • ,, Washington, April 18, IP.M. • • It Is entered that, in boom to the mammy of . few late Plnetrious Chief Mieguigs, all officers' and others subject" to - the - Gofers 'of the Beere• • till,' of the Moony, weaeuraption the left arm for the period of six months. - 4 (del,) /T. tdodortoron, • .Beey, of the Treasury. ' • !Rill In Custody,—Praley aidiglUer and the brothers lioland, arrested for ohm traasonablo language, and also foe expressing satlsfsetloh at the death of•Pholdinit linage are still In the custody of Capt. Dods; awaiting the atilt* of Gan. Cadwalider to whom the tottliaony theirtimeline bccn forwarded. ' • • • • - , t -• -LA .• Casualtlea at a Jubilee. ' Friday of last week a demonstration of Jot was made at llassUloo. In Bring a salute from the cannon In the morning three men were holly burned by a premature discharge. It was , thought that gee of the sulTsrem would lase an . . eye. At noon a salute *as agalnlired, and two men were burned in the same manner. Bitinte firing wan then abandoned.. ' • A sham battle •was part - of the pro . gamme. While was going, Int, William Cameros, a mechanic failre employment of one of thaidiss.' silion shops, lost his lire In the following man ner : He wasloiding hht gnu, and bling nnablf to extract the ramrod, stampod : the gttn upon the ground, when It bunted. A large place of the barrel strung him upon the , thigh, and tear ing Its way into the abdomen caused a frightful wound, of whiCh he died in less than as hoar. nelag Tont .Down..—.l. block of Wooden buildings on Quarry &to% opposite - the new Central Depot, are being tom down by the Pennsylvania naliroad Cempany. Home thirty dwellings and stable". have ,heen• pulled down, and the grountl.ja Icing clam! away for the Irtet lo 4 of ithons: anti the laying of tricks.: Sonia few billidinge will Int standid4ol. porarlly, in which employees of the road . re ablel. but eventually the tboroughfare now Imdwn as Qaarty street; Will be obliterated, and the ground a network eftradiroall trackt.:- . Refrained {Port.—The Pittsburgh Grain Eli :rater Ltompaity kre , riew pushing forward se. :Ricky the work. on 'their building, Yesterday workmen Commenced tearing down the wall on Liberty Street, preparatory to c.arrging orit;the decree of the Court ordering that It shall be sot• back four feet; to to a line with other build. , ThL irlli somewhat, mar the symetry or irtritcture, brit it will still be sufficiently ca. ins for the purport) Of its erection. I. l ! „ rt k Pa i r Committed for Farther Hearing._John Wasting; arrested on mmrdelon of bet og one of the burslata who robbed .tho house or Moses licastinsa, near Noblestown some weeks since, was committed, yesterday for a forther. hearing on Monday. New Strike 'on' Dankazdo—Wo learn .that the McClure well, on the fkrek's farm, struck 011, at COO tbet on the lath. This wef.has been bored the entire depth with a spring pole. It Is located abort one toile from the Wyley • Stet!glow' illutlen.—A discourse on the sub. _Jett of our recent national affliction will he de• livered by Rev. Dr. Prosily is the Second Uni ted Presbyterian Church. Sixth street, to-morrow (Sabbath) morning at 10;4 o'clock. KMed In a Coal Pltt.,-.lt miner named Carothers was killed in ai coal pit yesterday mcreing, near Elizabeth, •on the Monongahela) Oren, by the falling ht of a ~ pxtion of *lmola • the ph. New I'm* Weeklies.—Ste. aohn P. 'Hunt. ]!■sonic Hall, Fifth atm.:, a'l the New Yrirk weeklies, Including tii- Tribune, Street at. fi,tilth's Ire( Fre I k and liar-. TUE Lila or buics.navrs:-.Wcr ant Joint, fled In shmengt* that- tf /Wont, ',swain, shall oscapeto t.tanadaofeffurson Davis will ti• ape a product:4lOn fteelarlag the act anthortr.ed by the Confederacy, ant &bac tharetfpott the Low. ecCsoada coatis will Almada that. It ,was. an act of wsrt mad that the alsaastnn la entitled. to. that Imminctlon of ventral territory.-;LOhninnatt Oa• - - Tae Frnetua. Drcr or, Gmcsietrr, on .Psprlr LI, passed the imimrtant retolutlims to request- Austria Ind Prussia .to. cedo:Hoistein. to the -Duko Anghatembnig. Anstris declared her will ingistma to conform' with this resolution, but - Prembt declared Ursa unsblo to do so. Moan NatrrnaLrer.—The Tallattasege, from netinuda, Ls reported to Kara Itrrteed at Ltver pcol. It will be InterosUng to know what hoe- Nudity has been extended to her, or wh6ther she it la fare m the Shenandoah , has farad at gelbourno.—L2C Time& • - < • It has been told us,tesday that Boothe, when In lids city some months since, declared that the . man wbo would kill Mr. Lincoln would have a .blaber uleheo ri .than did Washington.— , Ckm. .fferatd. . , lit Mr. Puturoure tte!ti —President Lin coln. was nearly d y:slb years old - at the time of - his: ill ath:' naves born :July ..idth, zeoe, and . • , ', TrSable's Veil Theatre, Penn Street.. —A great Mil imbed at this .popular resort to-nigh elms conaprises Mils new ' dramas,Belie of Pittsburgh" and. Tudjo's Cave. n - addition the following new &Maks' ' appear M ild Maude Stanley, i to aa' tcharrain Mr. Add 'Weaver, Mr.' • Wentworth. , Johnny Harris, and the ever popular' flirt; also the large. stock COMpany; . The number at - artistes; at preeent engaged at the Vatiedes surnames " any prevhslui organization ever brought here in talent and number. Bush a bill la. 'mammon; for to. .Mght :as wir ar mbtleu . crowd .. .theqususe=ta' imarocsucm. ly and secure a eemt,' as standing room StordseNt Vedettes ht at • pra ted= after the rise' Of the Curtain:- 4 1 , s , MAitialbjpi: 1.; . i . !: 80471T-311Dp1.16-4) . a ,Tiresday, April IME , at Trinity Charch.littaburib; Xlia,"o.: TROALAIS A.. SCOTT t•ApitrA Ithutx, SoI4REW 1301ThiTL88 Immoral atm Assmos og ?AT. Fr°l " , attud ed bY del _ l bbidewr No. 1911 FOURTH ST, Pittabaugb, 'L. OLDSHUE, WITSIOU.Ni continues he practice of toed; lame to all Ha Tali ollll braaelme,ard reepectfullg 'alfalfa those gels" at a disterme, laboring under OTIRON/0 AFTEUTICINS n who mutatbi . cured because their disease le mot understobd to agog a vial of their urine for .mm11%0,10 . 11 and the necersery mellabse eau be Seat them. • air Office awl. raddanas gio. in Great street Pittsburgh. Pa.. . iptatwr ,JOO Olt %MILK. 4 ,1 - 013EPH MEYER dr. SONAftinufacturei cr Whole ale and Retail DotWra tn MUM 'MBE AND moms, No. as . /‘ .. irrnagr above tbeeoanta: have on bandit alvvav r an 'orrd.NOY AND PLAIN illitetlTUß nut eaMammy, of their own =nut inmate* milts quality and 'Ws Lanny tuna ;WWI* .1411=PIPAit 741 019 . it temirmatt- W&LL PAYINQ.- BUSINESS IN belt own townships, and free from risk, is of. dared by the AUBURN PUBLISHING 004 to: 4,002 HOUK AGENTS, z Pima: miul for.* Mum- AA, to B. G BT.ORKE,Aubitta N.Y.. %lib. - 0308.-8 •barrelt - Fresh - • Eggs recetre4 thsssm am r o tII " 67 - ;VAL • 1,&01r. 1 04 . 11 D1*149416 • lin==E . . •-• _ &MM nistomo,. - - 4 • or PHILADELPH. Assam z.:zeusa. iSs4W7. Cardtal I 41. Aaerned Premiums 1,0 file, Unwed'Prerainuan. ' • ' 81,16, TinaetAM Olannx- In income for intil - - ' ' 10 : 8 4 61 1 Lanes Pald wham WA '. ' ' s MOVISO td Perpepal and nanparair /tilde, out • Illerl , .. . .. , niaocroaa CRUilea Itßanaker, .. lasi* Ls% - ' ...` Tobias Waiross,... , STairraol O. Daly - - ''' • 'Samna Grant, - - lama raki, ... Jamb R . Smith Goole W; .111alkannw CHARLES Fret ..,,,. W. L= e rfa . i =WARD 0. * DALE, VI.. Vraiddadi - ' .TALIAr. atad4saSTEll e flea. g i rt. corner Wood and Tidida=_..,.. E. /al/ MARINE lumina' Co. of : North Ameriosi PirtuantrPauc Assets 11,541i,000. Hartford Fire Issoramee :Company, samet. - • ea,2ets,•••• Sie•Pmfeetton Can be mewed In pie above nasal nol ramble companies. fe B7 g 7 J Beilelere Bun W. P. .TONM, Amer, dle" 87 Water et WETERN ENBURANON CONPANT o B F P/TTSSURUH, . IiNT.T.VIP Jr., Pre. t, ww. P. ItEMBERT, •Saerreary. - tel Water meet, Syany & CM.V Wwm house, ay stain, .Pittabarytt. Witt Mauro ageism. , all Ithid Virus and Marine Riga. hatittaion swayed by Disectersanis . are wen blown is At cosowssi4, and sib are deem alined by Jmntaybeme and ItDratity, ea maintain tha ch.r.cen• lauds Mel law sr offering the kW protection (o Wow lola desire Mk I Willer, Jr, 'Tames McAuley, Nathaniel Holmes, Alex. George Ds iely S a Vrtl i a Re ni - • . abate*, . . myna , Andrew /inkley, Alexander Spear, _Mold IL Long !tee. J. Tholes., Chao. -Lanark, John IL Morluxua , MMBERI'. Sftzetw. pITIEEIPS -INSURANCE COMPANY • UP P/TrSBUJIGIL--Odlce, eorner Nazket and Wider streets, leCOnd floor. WM. lIAGALET, Preritesl. • WhL 88 WM. Secretary. Bunten Steamboats and Cargoes. Inures eignlnst - loss and damage In the navige. tiOrl of the Southern arid Western . Rivers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. • Insure. against lost and damage by fire. Wm. Bag.leT, john Kier, Samuel Ana, Stanton Jae. Park, Jr., INfllt.3 CO9per, W. G. Johnston, S. Ilarbaugh, B. r. Janet, Caldwell, Jr., .• Han. T. Ai. Howe, John S. Dilworth, .• Ran.lay Prrston,Win A. Rodgers. . George deirnlyd EbilLEEr INSURANCE CO3IPANY Q. 'r... tor:ler . or and Fifth Ste 113 E AND rEErNE INSURANCE Wm. PG7tBltti . . Capt. Sohn L..fthos•di Jrybp Walt. - Shriver, 3alln • LI. EL1.11.41 . 1 Lon., . • Uharle,3 .11.rbu-' Vnuaitr;:. • Juh. F. Kirk= 'rick 4zlnea D. YetLer • • 'John (I.lyile.:.` • IVIII. PIIILLIP:S President. - J(ktiN AVATT„I,4e :5"77‘,L _ Secreterts. - int4:ls, A.Lixurri.,Nr INSCRA:NOE 00.111 . 4. 4.. NY OPPPITTSIWEGIL—Orace, riO.ralftl ei.rect;l3Ank Moto. - Meurer ogoirat ail kinds of Fire and Kum?, ' JfA i •S iN D. 11VOIlltD, D. N. - EO9Km - dary. . . Dinzcirous ' Solia U. MeConl, Capt. Ada= Jaetrba; B. Sterl#4, thipt, Wm . . Den McGrew. k:ctert EL.Davti.' • . i_ Yong, U. Ipme • I Uervell Us R. C. Grey; Jahn leseln, B. L.. Br.knimr.oir; , '•FR.~IZBAIDB - - / - 81;4 t -betyL P ' S WAN N lA II- 4141.1111111 .- weld ARRANG &MY TRAINS. -• • • - • .0a and alter artilfDAY,Loctober litea,ieStet: will leave the Depot an foilamh • • FAST MAIL, daily ex i at:tiodayist t 4. m, Bromine only. at :paned stations, anet,reattlair alms connections at urg tor New Yr" IlnlClZacet And Washington, and at Philadelphia' .ter New Yo rk Barton and intenastuts • HARRISBURG ACUOMMODATIO , yes: Arent Sunday, at CM a. m., atopplat allsegular • stations LaVoie= Pittsburgh and and close connection with tralna oa Indiana West Puntyltaida R. 11:• 6 1tinsin t and Create R. IL, and Hollidaysburg chi - .4 PITTSBURGH k Tara IMPRESS, daßy nt Suaday, at I.N p. at nearly. all stations Nam= Ph aide= • Arid Ilalkby r =m)!o l l2 . tab l on ths Mae 4 and Ulearield a and Blda &ld lu issds ilru rallry . JOHNSTOWN ACOOMMODAT/OR, ea. - cart Sunday, st SOO p. stopping at regular sta.. UOna between Pittsbnigh andJahneto and eon. thentat Blaterrilk, Interseetton w i th. cm i ki th ,,, a Besolch and West Pearevlsanhi • -- PHILAHRLPHIA EXPRUSS, - dally, at Lai g. ILI., *tawdry' at lAtrobs, Lionemalellitses, Altoona, BuritinOon, Lewistown. Now. Ellseyarills_amisburg, Lancaater,and Down. At 11- sertsburg Mien oonlisettons arm sada tar Ralltmore,Washingtoa and New York at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston and fates. mediate points. Meaning Oars ran through no this teals from' Pittsburgh to Baltimora, • and New York the Allentown routs. e • FAST , escept Su= PA a. IL, stoning eat Aliso na, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mikn. hew/OH, Hardibtug, Mbldletosa. „ralzsbeth. won. Mt. Joy. Landisville. Lamas:ter and Down. tartest. At Hantanurg conneenour are mad* tag New York, Baltimore and Waalslhaat delphla; tor New York, Ronan, and itaterile4l/14 First Ascematcdsdien Testa for Wars Beatles , Mara daily (aousept Sunday) at lista at. • • • . Second Accosunollatton Testate* Wall's scsuea leaves daily taxoeM Sunday) at 11.40. a. Third •AtoontinWatioa Train for Statics cave, daily (except Sundny) at Lep.. in. Fourth Acooramodatiou Train tor WalPs Statics . eaves daily (except Sunday). at tea The L'hure.h Train Davis, WILla Station i tl= at Ulla. remnant /eaves Pitts= _Eeturnhtg Trains arrive la IllthAtughaaSsilsw : Pittsburgh a Elio Expre5a—.............. Hoop. a. Baltimore 120 p. a. Phi1ade1phiftrre55.....1.............. LW p. in. - Fast Ma 11.... ... tn. Fad Line .. Sae a. m. Johnztown Amounodation. • MBA a. Finn WaWa Station Aardantodaran. tie a. a. Second WAIFS Stati on.Aoloandathe; SAS a. - 11. Third WaWs Station Asornamftuee... SAO p. a. Fourth Wahl Statism Awarmasedatiost SAI a.: Baltimore express will antra with Express at ItJa p.ll. ea idondark ~ h OTIOR—In am of los. the Om ea. fold themeless isepomble Ile tagngS wily, and fora. - amount not quoseallatet .. - At tha,Pennayirsala C A. entral Eallroad Statioa. oa Lasses and Gnat streets. ' 1: .11 - 1 .. 4 113BURGE,_ - WAYNE & CHIOII3 NTAili RAILWAY. ___ AND BEV= AND BURGE KAU% ROAD. , . .- O_ - • VINT= AltlitANEhtEN n and - after Dumber Ma St 111, ire Di follows, ids. •. Lessee For 7 'For ....i pittsburghl l Mug°. 101erelan/L. Mireee - pit.lll a. st.l 910 a. a.. rets.:... . i. - . . . AAP p. m. L4l 'Nu. TIZ". " "......1 2 rir . . - ; .;:' For We; Mils and Eris 6401 . 1.:'- Antis' at Aufeatiany—r.. W. cr. Elora* O at., saa m" 2.• a. m. O. r. iii-oamo ta. • - .• • • CIMOMMI V. E Union PitiftmelStation. it k46 Pa. P. MMES. Goaetaltilia =aItEprrITBURGH < aimAiiffami LLBVILL iIrOITER :ARRANGEMENIC.' on and afar MONIMT;Iher.IIS4, tees rat will leave the Depokeorner at awe and WO street!, as follows:. - • - - - Lrirna Arden. at te and frere tratoNonnk 7.1!6 a. la. 1 : 1 0 P. la.' Expreee ..• - add p. la. I09ea:111. That IffeKeeapoitAtaonVsk.,..tLial a. ta. Gees. ea: Seeond 4:1 1 1P. 4 4 0 5 P. ItriddoolOs . 7%/0 a. nu eao .Seek,nd S widely Obureh-rata 4:15 6:15 . NoKetatt.,. ... For tloket4 apply. to . - • ' SHANK,rAgent.. • ' tale e• W.-E. STOUT. SnPe Itteat. • . AL GBI LEY LE SAILItCY&D.AMOM CIELSWGI OF. ITWE.=434 a gnate akar rEtOSIDAT, _may am, aba tonowtotrsemat'ttate twanttetute Ltans Ifttuiqm at to a. a. T s :J=4 aftivitic at Sit 410.9 1 1 4,74. Leelrtir It. , tam*, l i t /Apo. m., Wring &I .entibULVl at 1 EsPy ~ ...nt TiAtint—Leatat Wittaantsit at am Nral vxm A at c, PUtt . ii. t ini taga yiss at litt , ristu t i za, IL Wa it , . 'il'inouintef • Twit,- L.., saii. Works at km a. is., arriving atPttriburgttatl.4l ft. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at sal D. st., anteing at Bola Warta at Lola. ot. ~, 01 4 10 ''-' -: L wsubaVkilimitffumt.' . . tv . -st444,lrce. '/tUlr - pampANy • Otti, Bora Mea's An Kinds s: • .... , . . AT , ALL ICENDS OF • BEST worts errownitlardir cheaput 4* the Spring 6osils fir &Siena/AiletP CHEAP! CHEAPER! cazumsar•--- cOopeit Hall Shoe.stok.-.':'-::::= 80 Errnc BTREET THIC cfREAT PURIFIER. HEMAPANATCA: blare the Introduction et Mediabitt: the orlirfaor:•,,,, disease be e perhaps been the eubj6ct of more mu ~: r duns and scientific consideration' by the most ' . - , learned of the profession than any other counseled. , . witlithe laws of the Great Creator; not a few luer• , ' ~ . amended that eh diseases bare their origin in the -t . ---!. f stomach;. others,' the solids of the body; otters. again; and by tar the greatest num b er. nordend lad' ' , ' -•'; reason that the ncoori itself is the yore fountain of ~, - , ,5 life—that.if 11 becomes inipare, then disease in its ,•i • . worst forms—Sernfrua,Canser,:tiiners Ac., *blear; -:: Cr 1 and Indeed, experience in treating thas„clari nor IDs.„ . ~, cases by pnriferag the Mond mot thereny etfectieg In- , ;.,,..-, - their eradication and, care, prove: thlsho ne the , , ~,,,,,;.., • , copvct theory ; acting upon mach theory the med.”' '- fern° now known as osnorsnsra, was .composof t.-1;j; ~.i, and - brought. nto !practise, producing,the most . • , .9 .ti floe uocil'tn exerciaM - auch ' a 7 MMUtei ' cie . e,; ;-, s .. 'titltOklJl.ll - ; ULCERATION _, _S• PiatPLES - ... -.-- . . - ran F A CE, TEII'ER, s..a..urarigtrat, . ~:• c2...f. , . , LITER COMPLAINT, LOSS'. or. APPETITE; DTSPLTSLt,. ••-.; --.-; •.": -- ,l—t • 4 , RHEU M MATIS, GEN- • : :. ..,.. . • ; ERAL DEBILITY, b.c. km. rte. ---- -.- . . 'el Were, from the time Its in ant takea,ermons agement to the walnut, by making both - men' suill felt Ora id s it-is er thet t t, l o- PdSeet2l l .4-....,_,...... It wou,, G ., ~. ,r..- . the - IffiettlSlMlnbolleetranirertffiti• i-fl' 4 'r " 'each,—heinany persons are disposed to,:rer en- .- am:: ,-..-..,,.. :-.. el* but are often deterred at the expense,- - isithil trial hem can be - made at a. moderate outlay. mit , ''' . v a satisfy.. the purchaser that - the ...article .A. , L . , - *hat la blamed for It to be. via; - the seem .. ' .- -I' ' soma owe. eta ,brOught 'before Hse•walpaat - ReAlate Fetaaleairtil Bud colt tmammusdas, , , „. ~.,_. of tierpubl,t4istar foratlioath Idea it Rasa iv - . -,... ItatersratrystmaMAltatof 4 . 2 . a i . t. ,,..,. 4 i 4 pal artbsles of •WmasolkliraZgßied.. ak ~, , -.:.q description of the userand ptntion - of ' ken ions Um . lththeas antliettry known to . . • - , HONDURAI/i/d/WPARELR -', ' . 10. 6 0. . .. . . • nein nnictin & le Steed 1:11 a Woe /am Of Thom a nut,- Scrofula ua AftennwOunccollo. and other depraved conditinoa el Inman,. action teak; annals, and aperient. -It ku O, mann. .• action upon the Elver, excitinp te.whea languid, " - • secretion. Lt. buneurainek rinitirifkantengi .1 allgi!el of t,tu dtguttve,orVink -There orefrweituases ineristeleittunaotpliat beneficial ;.it and In (Scrofulous Affeardoss pen baulk it bee also' bees used , week aollinnec •-• t mann treatment far • Inflanundion of SU lEpa, /L. • • lanntales tie appetite nod - • . . _ . Lirsznals szowszur Are" aroilitla, ._ t9lk . ed alrxr ,limaratiedt Ji wee at FexTooa ‘L" vnwrith Gasiir 'iP;lpioetally S emtuL Oak 'guirom= inowsai Are advantageonslfused la ea:liorEhierigal =but are eta lly applicable 1* rraiss'i ,Mbinkr l 'l re akAPPetitar • sxszeszaar . . 1t • Ike tevirfiblyea aik etteretlni in Mugge JAI. chreate shen=aum , ebetheite nip The .balaaoe of the &mini& 74-1410 FR arkoN Janina. cox tiouTzteiain FOIThiTa.gT4; , - • V.,.; illa-Ask rims latalitsent: P2C36d,cdan• bh Opiates (the "boss recipe. • 'l l3ll NONPAREIL. WASEENG !RACEME, Patented and minufsatiMed try ddl=if'b *EAT.' IN6 New Thfi maw.. peen bent& the `tublti sine, April, mi. b now ineottenslya iVaathrO the loyal States; and experlanoe has that it la the only reUable Washing blaehlaa fa et- It is a SCWItfIgIgG hl &CllllllKltrout tu olada *- , simple and easy in •Its operation; and not get out. of order.. It. Is conatrue4.4 on staistly ate,. chaaleal . 2 t eiplesmid Maly iritka ilewtoutigtg- , • Agl or boy can operate It satisfactorily 4 ray -be relied ea to Jtaish the wore ultiont muldmeal flora Mud ridsleng. • It In gtutrantsediM to WWII: • The goat tra here bed PlOnstm iUmoathin4.ll4l4l:li 4. , 3 ing !.•/ have o hadtation in saying that it in brag. the best machine ot.whteh I halm any knowladgar. and about aa =Peet &Saarland; of bie Mad em. evary respect It gins *obis eaUtbeile Ih.Jas.Paerton, Prraidost l'abaingne ktleyr b n o r,- illetundng of the machloe.le not more our than rtat of an ordinary ..hands, collar', hems of gartasabf the , damn • . mob. can ba b thoroughly , waaaMterithont Vajor aatt erm sot ion, but swami= tha elation It t, °Linos, labor aralltatih, and. It iegdolfw..- laud to beconre, universally, a drunentb WM" - thou -Dr. Mu stiPester , First • boobs Cinock P _ • 4 rite Omn i me carnet fall tomb* ansamemana Robert roam:. PG, "le has been inlay family for semicalanoMis-,i • performs all that bas Dean claimed for it well, is a great anstag of time, labor and eltotheik-dle,„ Jabs O. Brous ?agar Thet Ann* .trim . It does its wort Wiliknsatasis anr elapateb, ask , doe. ic wei L— Bn Ffet ll4o ,Tgold P r:Canes and eircularktiantaltdmall asotongam t gin informallOni Min be had fro m - : • , . . , , • U. litramoon. Aiwa. United . Presbyterian .oiike, Pta,l4 Third NUM, me: and hanre`Pinibtiaett;l4l.- -it. it Machines and, Oirmilars can ha had, alsob.si;, IRITTON ft (.10,/Ludwig* , Zdatchants,lgew a was Watts Wig. tie a. sr 'tall. a. 1 ciAMNT DRY GOODS:47p OR Ctr -136. Federal weiAybilat rereved. the laten,Dek au elm orire4the pablis fata . altri• AjaAa fat " • anoltreat or DRS :(10008' AIM IV -W bleb re/CINS: To are oftithr st AMU: Peisce4 1 , 16 : t : • _ . PIIIESSELPOiI SOO , . - 1 . '"ea•TATLOR U4LIRDgg bta nob , - -.Pswralrunt pOUBLIC °Tzarinas -6,m , lathes ; Qi n ,/ win b• sot At t ime of . 0i Miro auliP4 • 1730111=.00,,g.5gbtri...f. . ) lISpF IL.4 G' AI , G;- I 'X, 02: 'istch . 91. be lt .16 /gee/1111d ap 44et Ing ink ,Azi ' '''' '''t ' " . 6 ,....,..... ... ... . .. ....:•"— talloriku , :: ' ~ , .,t , ,....,: . ,.. .... .. .. .::::••••I*.',i- , -- • ~i'f~~s ',: ABOVE WOO STREW lIIIMETI NMM= 410 1 If, NEM SEEM '~..~' =~~a .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers