EI/c aq:tt ugh 6azeffe, ISE •sizoßß- PEBI,IBIIIIO--ASSOCIATION SATURDAY, APRIL 22,-.l=. TUE SPIRIT- OP SLAVERY REVIVi-i =:3ZU Cho Esvp a synaists of Reinstrr J. Witica's '" tads of Settlement," ne fur. a Med to the editorof the Now York Timor, 07.071011 N. SANDriii, the lobe. emissary, Anithe Oserrri of yeate - rday. It is not onr intention to discuis it, or to commert upon It, but wooly tirpolnt out two spots which ereryiwkwill recognize as itivatualicable. "Inarksearthe beast."- Ono is eririiiied L ., „ :tilagrixuential part Of thiti 01111i:utilise; 7 . 4 . 111 t a.vieW- to - prevent lirepla Swain the , i -- th,..o:hat:the constitution eh tad berm " forair forbid t he interthr - as _ regulation of the . • —tight of suffrage in any State. - : This fa the genuine old spirit of SloverY, 'Witch ,rtf-, ../kristriMacy founded upon 'l3laYety. These . fvUoiva are resolved that, if the negrtoeannotbe 3eept , in sloven% be shall skleast.bil3,if.parialt, ta be Wm*, vpon antOpiiressed to all gentwatlons. - Typ Amiindente of the iPoPtiollieo,w.f.:4 ll 44, it • does from traitors and rebels, rut." 4 • eon . aided for their Imeol= llo,l oltell ~y• one of. • their syrapittbizeri, to"Wirlytil h „ /*Vie of the count ry m unite :et ono" M nun in 'or k of- ..ti r n e rt—..• the 'negruevof the, flooth;.—ilte only Cr', l l; loyal data titer° —with ell the Ti g hts citizenship. •In no otherwor can .. 11,0 :'gationl of .thrt. cint4ry yr be re serves ' . .om the continued rule of art ikril ft tra T" . no other way can the spirit, al well f the . foritt;wf. slavery be crushed; " 44 " . with it the Vint' o? treason and re • - -P .M it may be retorted upon us, "Phr heal thyself: 4 "Why," it may be, asked, ‘'is that significant word 'reurrs' in UM constitution - of ,LFinnsylviutiar All we away - liticplY U,-that the Bpi& of Slavery put it there; and now let the Spirit of Freedom strike it out. " The other relitk.:Of the beast "That the constitution shall be's° amended siithet niter the lapse of ,s, teasormble peri od, to prohibit thi icriing' of all d u ti es upon . figwort* ezeept for recruit." , - • ' • - That 'a 'genuine slavery doctrine, the same that this Bonsai J. Witszin SO earnestly insisted upon, at the bidding of his cot. ton growing masters, while he was • 31r. Parat's Secretary .of the Tresaury,: and Which resulted in the 'repeal of the prate ties tariffof 1849 and , the enactment of the - revolve 'arid of 1846. Shall we con= tinge to allow the aristocracy of the South to' dictate our national polliy in this impor tant Dartithalar t. Shell we legislate with a careful regard to Ms& peculiar interests, as we hen too often &Me in limes past? Shall we permit them; now that their accursed rebeilkm haabeen crushed, to come back and -demand that we shall paralyze every litiathent interest, and allow the • country to - ,be drained of Its coin, for their acconamo- AAIon? We ndstake the temper of the /clerk= people if they, do not; with a Ment empbasle, declare thenuelvre In favor of measures as opposite as he poles from thole. suggested in both, •these, lasoleint priposittoiti. r ' . • -crasenAL Lem Is his "Ihmewell Address" to his army, Genend Lim still mairdahm the ' attitudeof sti enemy. Consider earefelly the pie , post of, doele words. "Within inescased adintration of your -cowitaney and" detottrnt . to - votir souls. ley, and a grateful .namembrance. of your • klad.andseneroui consideration et myself, I bid you enallectionate fare:telt!' ' ."Tourn' "ecruntryt" Mutt country? - Where Js tbat country now? Do. not the words presoppue a disniembered Dolan? and le noPbia Unrested approbatiou of the devotion to the collie in widefi they foUght a' bold and impudent eitant. - flung into the ace grille tloreniment and, Omit of the United fitatenittat atllliegards him. reit a citizen and an officer of another exam. ,„try, and that the reuil Ccafederacy Is that country?, 'trow , -tnipposo.-'the,gorernment were to deducts= and his .army Massed „ from milliWi l ailgl4 l '97 l7 4,baelcitPhl the pale of civil life susd made, amenable to sivil law, what would be hie slain' Would he be" cifheir'Cirtsinifniot; : pi he swaka of tmother country to .whielt h LL a Sid they - wereilsvoted, and which,' to long as it ex istent ell; Maids in an unlit - ode of satire bpi tility to tide country.. Would. he bc. as tent. lqcr, for that preenpniiies some other sovereigntyoki.which ho holds allegtince. It follows, then, that if Lan can "claim neither of these positions, he Is simply an outlaw. -"This would be Lis status., vane all Its put climes padoned and forgotten. / It Is argued thilt, by the terms of burger: render, General Lan and his Oil:leen are not " amenable to 'Civil process fortreasoa. This .is true. so to n g as they recutin' irtiontra of - war ; but as the War it oiar, end the rebels bold nceprisontre fbr Whom they can be ex- Ichangrd, the Govertunent may, !fit chooses,,:. .reielse tits n at once, or it may hold thorn in flat condldbn for life. If released, they leen the zrotectiOn whlch„ their parole &less tight, and can no longer . claim Immunity ;floor arrest aid dill process. Tr they re • mato prisonetv, hostile act. whatever towards Die govemeient,,subje.cts them to %Itcpunblunent of death under military Now It is a:wallop - whether the utterance of the iediUous wants we have pui in Ong: iot was not,. under the . , clretunstauces, -a Awes& of the cenditlons of his paorde and whether! it would nOt"elemly juatlfy, 44111itenzoseiat„ at tlio IreiTleast, In revoking :it, and Wain hint exposed uwltil penalty he. jacaiied ace trulor. Ins; pudeneeklanot In itself Indictable ;. but it is extremely *bass for a man who stands <km. Digs posttlia to Indulge In It. I. 3 "AVMtist.People. It really seems as If-the sacrifice of Abra ham LI life Was, previdenUally ut.or dered; to bring abo perfect- unanimity, saucing thapW.Ne of %Ida country. Alt par tisan feeling has ceased among us Every Loose in the land is a home of mourning. The common Mid tmlyersal eisitif has made as ail biotite* sorrowing as for the keel eta beloved father. The consciences of those who maw derided and abused Abraham Lincoln have been sorely smltt=, and we believe'them . is s atecere determination 'that the beaded' the government, in a time of civil war, *ball no longer be the object of *itartleatt. , vposition. President Johnson. Judging by, present appearances, will be supported by the people with a degree of =outwit, unknown since the time of Washingten. The jolotteri of the late lots moan crime have brought about a resulC they could never have dreamed of. They have united the loyal people as they have sever been united before. In all-measures tweassary to faith the - work of:President Lincoln, President Johnsen will have the support of all partlen.-4= • Tnniumetd pc the grest yolaum of Popo. cettPetli" the . highest point of land on the _Worth famiencan continent, has recently been made:ty two Ansericans—ono twin Cidifontia, Um - other from Cumberland p y g my, pa.--• full account of 'which is being prepared for tpe Press. • - 'orSnrozr. CsarsaClN Val one the 'War civillaas detached to act as pall bearers thaltutenal of Abraluutt Llneole, which look place.in VfasbluglOri: , on' Wednesday. no= were no,ies babise Dern' ta EU ead last year. - ti _ _ - ._ __. `"~ __ ~ 1 The Seecessian., The I. l3l 4lC4liiiitles Fixiti3 1.0 be 13 a r. , - !C • ozzi mud! le concerning the cz e ntdion or the succession In case of the .Prost-lent and Vit,e - Pr ebitic nt.'s minors! by drath or Wise: The Consdrution provides that if the President Fhall die or resign . or, be ditabled from performing Aift dlnieS the Vice•Presi dear Ash hecome ?resident. also pzo. rides that Coaspreatrmay declare the rules of 'succession: be - yond tho Vlee-Prelldent. In arContancolilth this clause of the Con stli utloo;-Coneress did en the Ist of - Mardi, 1792, pass a levi prujdmg that in case the President and Vico-President elected by the peopleataith - die or are °them* removed from Chico, then the President pro tcln. of . the &late shall become President; and in enee them Is no President pro tem. of the _,.f t ersite, then the tpcaker of-,ttak House of ' , llepresentatives, In ethe'elther the Fred ent pro tem, of the &banter the GPBAkei' of the House becomes President, then the Secretary of State ehail notilY 'The 'Gov ernors of the several. States, who shall call . a special election for -President • and - VICO. President within a v 4164 time, unless 'ateregular Presidential election itlitue..," , be at hand, Thie 'is one substsoe. ... the law, anti tbZ r r'eaust47 . o " -tha't:ll":"P tl m rge Tlsl .4 l. ft has t : t, migh tegl iv ,ttif! i m .presideas who' succeeded ...,:dent should die, it has been Inc om of the" Senate at the 'commence , r '!.,ent of etery maims to elect a.Preside.nt pro tem !The Senate is therefore m practice never without a President pm km. The gentleman who holds that office at present, isibut. Lafayette S. Fosteri. of, Connectl , cut. There Is no' Speaker 'of the House of Represeritatives between the 4th of of .and the first Monday In December of each odd ytart=tbe interval between the Aotlivtf!. tent sine die of one House of 'Brpresennt &Cß and the asscabling;Of its - succepsor, unicia:sheldenl;CalkSeacztm , . . i .The Concurrent testimony of different walr comapondents renders it sufficiently evident thatthe liberal terms made by. Gen. Grant with the rebels under Lee have failed in producing any good effect upon a large Part of those, who, have availed' themselves of his extraordinary leniency. It is stated, and with all the appcsranee of truth, that rebel officers are to be aeon swaggering about the streets and hotels of Richmond, In lull uniform and with their swords at their, sides,. with all the airs and bragged°. 'da ;which have of late years' marked the manners of so,many of our Southern fine gentlemen.. The right to weara,rebel out form at all has always been repudiated by our government, and that -paroled rebel lirlsonem should be permitted to flaunt the, tokens of their treason In the public places of a captured city, still under Military j-n -riedletion, seems to us`artexcess of good . Ealtmort the part oar military authort ties which we hope will soon exhaust itself. The public:rbid. is in no mood to Indulge in any great sentimentality towards these enemies of their country, and we have not been sorry to• hear of some Instances of prompt Interference on the - salt of oar brave soldiers to cheek the =spot 'as sumptions of these men, who, from Lee down, owe their lives to the unconquerable good-will of the man just slain byone of the miserable tools of this rebelllon.—Phi7a. Bulletin. J Ile People's President. We copy the followirmparagrapli from the Ni..W York Tribttne. It appeared hi letter of Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, of Now Yqrk, on the issue of that journal April 1; 18M. The statements of facts were obtained from Id*. Johnson himself, and are therefore au thentic: . • • It win be interesting to the toiling,. land less pr, Or, to knew something of this new odtot ate of their. rights. Let me say, then, in the first place, u highly to Ids credit, that he !sone who has not forgotten, in the honorable p=sition to whichhe has been el evated, the rock from - which he was hewn, as have too many public men. ' Mr. John son sprung from this very class and is not ashamed to own it. He is &native of North Carolina He went to Tennessee at the of twenty, pookftfendleas, and unletteted, age Unity never gene to school a day in fife life. A jounecyruan tailor, of course he had but a poor opportunity of gettiog at educa tion then. Hut he we. so formate as to many a lady of education, and thus *teach er was =piffle& A few yesra gonad - turn n aster oI a profession (the law,. which-he never entered, having been kept constantly cite) ands' member of the Legisla ture—first of one branch, then of the other —and subsequently is Congress.:: Here he :has been katightyears. Such, lacklanders, Is this new - champion of yearlong and cru-. - oily-withheld rights l :Behold hits!, and honor him nerywhere as he deServes. - . niculasn — 30 win> twodaya no a pars, graph which appeared 'tom months ago In- the La &cue (Wisenneln) !Autocrat Instigating the resasstnitien orldr. - -I..tottoln. We have since. iocelired from sigtaitleman In this city the num. ber of the papeconstainlng tt,-,thst or hugnst 2 ,1864. Itta theTitiosing runner& of, a AFtte political:leader-sad Is as fullOire • "The man. who'rotee for Lincaln now traitor: Lincoln is a, traitor and murderer. Ha Irhopretendlag to war for, ware un t itist the Coo atituticur °four coati* is it traitor, and 'Llucaln : Is ote of thin men.. go.arho eillls and -allures Men le Certain death, bio.mordcrer. and Lincoln header', all ;this. aagrforstar ../tu t dott isersuraqua - the:Can . /ad-ton Cr tithed- with the destiutes of tax Natio, aa . ltriaeta har, he. would hare.Uol tOpfdiefonloN4 *Or. And. :4 a rho is eloded to astafio re for ousataer fbice bean; we triad sap:bold hand toll 'Vera' hls, heart with dapper gait for Vie.P6WiegocieL" The heat-and pension of a Wit= turnipa* can neither excuse nor mill lief the utterance of ect atrocious a wish as this, thatigh dontalcra that •wllt be the apology which the editor of Me' La Crosse Democrat will Baku The universal repro. Willem tad loathing oFell gm:4,3lov' will be the:' •Only pnialhosehtlhat an ind!gdint pcopleahonli offer him, "lihoold lot:ream forever from n pro. ration to which bola a diarracc, 'hi wt.! show that be has still some sense lett or what due 'to ah outraged and instated e n try.---.V. Dib. cnr,Wrmwtx.—Tbc ArabuPOseess vise practice in proccailng for divorce. When married people seek a sepirratinn, the Oadi or ders them to lire Toneome time with' a discreet. and austere man of the tribe; that the latter may' examine their life and see on whielisside tee Marne lks. 'The elderly man makm a repo t Ills expiration .of the appointed lima, and this - 'tmt. la - th e fon'udation on whirls the builds his judgment of divorce. Experience has deuioustmailthatttiese:Ls no better method ot sestoting "we in families. The hasissud and wife latt.thcks, n^l_, '' `.; innie the In/inure at conitdiya. Each strives to be more amiable them the other, to convince the "elder; of Israti”.- that it' Is not:thie one's Ink if the' honeymcon ' changed-Ire quarter:, Old lose la awakened, and the Welker, went to : the approved man's tent , snarling like cat and - dog, rattail home coning,' lite dores„, Ptiesonsg..—We cannot undertake, to all the falsehoods we nod afloat; but one concern , lag "fa we of Horace - Itteeley,"_ in the 14th, ;Dew York,CYanlrpiinLouisiana, Idfopinions, dtc. a kai 'obtained encb general circulating thst,it ms) : do just 'Wilily that Horace 'Greeley bid no:son now living, and tam this fellow Is en Impudent swindler. - neptliiir'aud namesake of Horace Greeley L a private In the Army of the ittosnae; bat Le no inch mann as thla ear airy Inirrator.N., T. Tribune. A Barnet TM! from BO asclomerts, presehed by =dune lu Sfllford leaf BONA u.orning., Neither In rsTas nor ser mon did be mogul= the snestwon that was op. mules the heart of every bearer: . The'om e. m alonwis so clearly late:Woad; that st• the close of tbe drat services committee of the church malted upon thennfalttrful preacher, end ordered ,him to leer* tern Immediately, which he OIL. Mamtamcm. Sam BADLY immmw.—The fiewintifeschhis Inventor, Junes B. A. Gibbs, who went South In an early stage of the rebel le said to have bee:feted:ad of the torpedv corps organized by the rebel anthorttles. and the efficiency of those Infernal machines is attributed to Ma Ingenuity and mechanical skill. Re Ls a native of Axahantas conaty, GEMS Broar was tarred and (adhered at Swampscott, on Saturday, for cheering at, th a death of the Presldeatr sad Mirjor Orli Wright, of . Lowell, Superintendent of the Middlesen Horse Railroad, narrowly ekrilipXkluusizing for ezpt~aingjoy at Mr. Uremia's death. mtnUm were dually given him In whlc/Cto Jerkin the city, never to Mum Oribe two fugitive' foam humeri wad Mina Teutteance—Jdrentort Data and J. Wilkes Booth —which la the worst, ttut unsuccessful murderer or his country, or the intramural suatudit. 'or the Chter iregistrate of the Republlol •- Tex Emperor Napoleon has decided: that a marble trust of Cobden ehouldAba plseall -in the manna at Marseilles . AL Vie ;Rapers of Parts and teseesl speakers In_ an Le/iWatlfc AMP/ . bk 7 Dodd a high tribute to Cobden: Tux Metluippi river fewashing away ' a portion of the clqr of Morphia =lying be. _low the bluffs, caninng=much lost to the I. dividttelownere. - Tire Emperor of kusuls 4 trylnff__ islet 40,000,0b0 !Milts bps lottery. The tickets are offered for sale Is this countty. . 1 - ..e tr. ::;• 4,1 .c..ra Is st, tr. s. . f_' ,, '; .- I. l l :_t . ti r e< 4 ? tilifr'r u 'rt; - ttZ!EZ°,I•At C. '..- or re , lera l l . i:l.l bneoek trotes. PAptor, JOSEPH KU M.. Services nt tOli n. in.. aril 1 p- ne. Prover 1 1 leettng op WEDNRSDAY Er k.:Y -124:0. The potato ore sonnallv lorited to attend. t•-lsrdnet to-reorren. morning-- , The bander GO in Me affairs of ovr Nation." apiiot Di V IDEND.—TO E DIM EFTntIVe OF the CC L 93AsiN PETRox,Etrar_ cionpa.NT hare declared ÷nd o" TWO PERCENT. on their CaPilni Stock, payable May Ist, ISM, at tee bales of the Compeer. MIX So u th - Fo7rth street, Phidelpia. •, • alaraw " Wilt. P. L&NE. Seen:they. A FIMMTINIA. OF TUE II EMIRIMOILA lar_ •of the YOUNG MEWS MERCANTILE LIREART AND MECO ANICOI INSITTIT•74 be wilt helii at the LIBRARY liiii.L, ea MON DA T. tee Pith inst., - atigo.aloohp at.. baunall• ately aver the ,sejeurement of thte' inotthe the vallearatny Coanattteee of the larery 'Med Coo. pany will tees, at the - eanle place .„apTlOtd • WhL 11..,EDWALItEre, Secretary. IS: Q E.--A lEMMTINO OP.EMMea. .YEt.3 AND UAL' uuutagrrrEss star • L . ENGLISH LODGES, oaupylaa Odd Velic44 UIU, wiU be UM at their COMM iITEE DOOM/4mMONDAY, N th lam., at 7% &clock r. . ..asl34 URAISIO RATIFICATION NISINT • ,INtir --A mooting of the ettbscolbeas Ana U.:memo( the „ FERNY WARD, ALLEGHENY, NW be held at thiSCHOrgaUtl 4 l3 on num DAY EVENING, Atirtl nth law. to hoar the lo ra n: f ta th e A Z i gl n fr e t iran7 411 come all I Ely ' order at the • • aploOstd oravascautras TO: TUE STO or the OK mot meat JOIN 111111 T, our a Reim co.; ,stereeeest ' ed to esti had .OU_ilieliso‘ ptesrl tem at the Moe of • Ifle...MeOTLEONAPrwldent of the ronpenyt 1116 Meaty sheet.. . By ord., of ;the Vaud of Direetom apelhte NIL KeUITIOTIBON. Proshleet. ir-ar. ODD IPZILLOWIP =KAU. 11.11111 STREEW—t stated matfett of Zees* Lodge, No. soh, I. MO. F., heldjon ?rider evening. Aprll Stet, lOW, the Wowing reeoluttons Were adopted . - • _ Worstras-41 boo tamed Ilmtibty God to take tram to the supreme Twee of the e.untry, Moto ttett.Lutcots, President of the I.leltol States— The , eters b It • Snared, That Zocep Lodge, No., ISS, L.O. 0.-r., um assembled t getar with the entire brothers of this Ledge, ,to most heartily utter their unqual lfirdporror of the atrocious isct,.and one and all tette in sympathy with the UM/Ted fatally, the triends of tle deceased,iintrthe loyal inhaleitanta of our sorrowing country. .Seeohyd, That our Lodge 'mama ho draped, In lamenting for a spare of sin mouths, as &testimony of the great and Irreparable loss our country has sustained. - Besotted, "COL we wear a badge of Wotan= on tbe labs arm for the epsoe of thirty days. • ResottaL That these reeoluttons shall be pub. fished in the Pittsburgh daily English paper, * and also be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of the Uni ted Stales. end be earefulle copied In the minutes of Ledis.. • '74 1 I.A.IIGBLIN, N. O. T. Beassown. Seel. • • - • P.V 2.•: - ' , lid )1 4111 A, bkir NEW ; PANEL DECORATIONS—SoI . feriae aid 0941,111Ack ani Uhl d. Far a‘te by . - 1 6 W 1", WARSH&ILL, RICH WALL PAPERS--Velytt and Chid. StampeJ and Pnatel Gold Papers, far salaby W. P. MARSILLLL. VOR SA.LE..—PAR2ll.—Situated in Plum township, Allegheny county ,' containing to wear M acme under learn: the remainder timber land, to acre. of met Enquire of aptirtwd 8. B. RILL, No. 89 FM street. SEND POTAT s ES.—The Cuzco Pots toe., the best of several fouried trinities. mime Dm the a totll by Mr. Goodrich and veil affected to the toiletry, adorer correctly, "Aline skin and ges good quolity and the mast pollee potato in use. area hem rot. For sale by slat L H. TONI r a CO. SAWYER'S B 8. RBERS' SOAP—I • bona bean maw SAWYER'S DABBERS , SOAP for Met gm ears, and can ..y without hesitation that it Is superior to any other that I have ever used for To t and Shoving parrosor. • JOON S.trATILIN, shaving Saloon, So. - Diamond, Aileghav_city. amen( • EIiECTI — ON. N I ICE —The Stockbol lenr of the 111 • lIINGFIAN, EAST RIB. 'BINGHAM ANO uTR PITT...BURGH OAS VON PANT, aroto meet at tns ogee of the Compel', on • . wiNDAYe Nay 14„ at two &slack r w., far the ma of electing a Board of &tractors to sa.vo modem year. spefidOtd ItOBINSON. Secretary. XNABE'S 09, rsturcvs IZELO , EONS AND troGANS. the best la the world. Tor sale may by hBLOITE BLOKE, arcs _ tf • street. Sole Aped. SAL.E.--y • LUABLE PABlL— thentahilog Sig ISM et which is aleandr 90 acres of amoral so • • . Good home, of eight ?usenet large baok b •.401 tOr Mtheortaefruit -firs.: pins Ls well beret; from: to 9fb A. vela o oft.-trituated the Moak Road, Imo edits from Balumstowil. <Mired camp. and on miry terms. Ap ply to ay& 8. No &CO .192 Prmith stmt. wn BULB . CHOION•BRANDS FAM ILY FL 01:11R; ICOD bash Eat Oben 4 ; 1 ear 'Teeth Mow Potele; • bbl. Battier, lo clothe: St burets Green is stone and taAt ir % 1110 - asAizelPeoalit.,Wir " teEd°l4. IV- A'. JuI:M.A. .6. Lltg.LisTA6. .J. irewd.r.s. JORDAN, ii:OLLIbTER & 100., Ciniesniastois Xerthants, . • fc , r the sale - of PLOT I BCIit&IW,ILI.T;(IIIIkftt V.E.7.3IS;LARU, Burr em,EqH3.4,GRII6IIR-eIP. mem, . La =sr ir ISTRICISTi Pltis• • Ileferesees—teM k Net.ziu, Manuel': WU son,Cartano...Pittebtrak . • - spelayd: • RPCIANATION. ,Str.SPENSI N 01" 91781111388. •-• , Ia 11,000,111tIte eel the Prochuoilfon of Gov. moor Certio "that U Madame be impeo:lll4 during the peonage tfusugh the elate F , Of Use re. thafaut ot the late Prelatical Uneole, sod ;*abet Me people vervains 1 , l o te etate authorities he,rtily in paying, honor the ammory of the mart, red statesman, who lea fatten ai 'MUM to the ensue treasoo of assasslue n I hereby 140061- : meal that. be animas of Pittsburws *thee their Oases of bunuess TtaiPAY. (Saturday.. April Old, w 4 4.) It I. hoped that there will be a strict cow. piteous with this request. JAMES LOWRY. - IL. hisser. Dtaioa's OPTlcs,ElatiutsycApril ant, p=atel GRIT REDUCTION IN PRICE OP Ipurzo. snorts, • • . . .. Dectitog to allbrdtll3ll.l au opportunity of Psrebstang foals at p opover pried; oorrespongtog trith Its deettneth f old, - BOOTIStiIIIt 8110ESYliOL68ALE:4-41 , ITAL , Now is the time to secure bargains while wo o a telltug Our tont" nook at coat Vali $OOllll4, . ~ - ap:; , 91 Marken Street, ad tcor ftb. , A. THE; DUST AND , b KE.. - - BROWIiEII lETALLIC , WILIIIIEB , ;STRIPE . , 111^indoto.- iiiiia. ii. Th:... b.... 4. *tripe fa Munn I ex, clads elostoolee and odor immanent and era • Save you narpete and -household na' Pelee a. 1., annoy mice of stage& ea r at. clang seam - I be abate atrfs will be completely air by WHISK k ALEX all DEIS; N. ma end Mt Lear cock afrait, AlWmay lacy.- the above Bra havlay . the exclusive 1, la auegbany uoakey. iv lltim is - suivadaga 40 .. ,'•. .. gaving Lately Ttemo%red . .-. T 6.19 9 aid 171 Lnceck.STREET, . : Akj 3 . 4 ESILMML'ir =lig. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . ~... . , tber m ite reedy te,huglah ill their @admen e.I A il nb glis with FLOORING. - WARD% fiatilL_ DOO FRAMES, L. VENITIAN . anS PANEL SM MOULDINGS and • OIL TANEN =Maim ,_ord er and eonstaitly es bead. Scrolls wiss out Stsehete haished complete., itliiiiiVAl...—We have this day removed upm N 0.6 Wool Med to Na. NM lad an reset Mo. A N N Reottt Saw ball& to the Cieralind awl plasm:2o,lor ---- A ;MOM h 00. _ , Prrisszhah Tao% now - FOR SALE. A. Argo —Cialot t t FtEB.A OB ._ po , a ., as nevem* ersted Cr taYtW ow kr uej"Srlryt 6. Riiiisuar, apt! ..osierzabinty and aim rim& j OIL. ' 406:1*U s No. 1; —l9 u 14.0 gar , and for male tor ISAIAH - D/OEIM Sr. Liu. NINE FRAM 11017888 FOR SAMS.. •L'l with lot of "wnd ;Watts ow the Pialwagar Station at thiklostL. For pito, and Woo WI/ W 2. 01 1 .1 iI.,9TPFILSERT a sorts, AI Markat SL `IiANSPARENT AND '.OPAQUE Othal bbadiw tor ash, eta 1 W. MAJWILS,LL. • - 49,TOES. i Tr a rdsta Wkhip! Potaboon for silo at Is witty street....,.. ge hlt Whi. P. BE11)1C h 00. CHEB.II,-. 100 de bum prollitZ VIEWS OF THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN and the murderous assault upon Elloctrotairy •MlemoviaNti, IN THE NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED 'PAPERS, lehtch can tie bad at the usual prim at JOHN P. NUNTI. insM . MI FIFTH 131...1N ASONIO Kara.. ELEGANTLY CARVED Weber '1 ift,nos, iItSS THIN FACTORY PRICES. Thine instruments are In beautiful dark rose• wood cases with earned legs, pedal and music deist, Una frame, orerstmng beak lc., and will be tole at !la leu than the New York price Co Make way for new stock. • They are Bargains at that Price. CHARLES C. lELLOB, 91 WOOD STREET. HOUSE FURNISHING GOuDS. • GEO. W. RUBLE?, OS FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, Is um prepared tootles to his customers and she vleserslit, the most OoArti suortment of eVianeo House Furnishing Goods, which has ever:tees offered in this city. • In addition to his teputation as a manufacturer of. and deal E er „ In TIN, COPPER AND salter IRON WAK CO WAREREIBUI EBATOBS. WATER OOLER& Bo th CAGES, it. ,be has lust returned ILO= the Fastens cities, sr th a Willful of WOOD AND WILL"W WARE. TABLE AMP DOUR BlM's, WELLsKS, inensuEs. • OLuTR's LINES AND PINS, t4I‘..IOFIENIS CRIBS, TEA AND CoFsEE SETT& DINING ROOM. A TOILET SETTS, ' TABLE -CUTLERY, with an endless enlace of articles, composite &II *nods In the how•fura.shing line, which catmot be found slam:Otero He barites the atteatlOP Of She Imblicy and Vlll be pleased to shoe! lit/ roods. 02.0. W. HEMET, apiesm4 is' rEDERAL ST., ALLEGUENT. T EE SEMI! NATIONAL BINH OF ILLEGNEAT, fael 713-tiamo.wac3, ALLEGHENY, PENYA Prrtiinet—.7o33l"C BfIOWN, 3n. rine Preettext—raudoLits POEOTLY, Dimlora: Joint i'orcrrtr, IL, 1 , X aussx Sxrm, JAMB Karr, i JAxxs LOOKELAIIT, liveit r arra, Ucorrusam. L. lilchrrosu, Mk Bank b now fatty 01. 0 1 2 1 M1 and prop to ban act sal bra, abet o, the 13o , kltns PortieuLas abolition' pal, to the aide of U. 8. Honda ad avetirtttot. Sabeeriptline to Use 7 $lO Loan. old sod new teeneoterotved 8011-4 S deliv ered on tempt of anbeellpttons. Internet mime doted On Jane 1.5.34 manta to that tate la /broom ,J.N. DAVIDSON. Caahier. aptSlard S . & BRIAN, nom of mu, loon k IZIL EBTATE, wlia. MIT AND SELL STOOKS Berea* is New York or Pkilidelpbia Withent fluthe r charge thin the IMMILA.II CO I SIZ u.: estebllsludby thißeards of tlke itopeottrot . tO ISt ITSTSIMEGICItArrB-05 Moots the swim satin of whist II a ordadsz t t}S mt.; ow TS old ap to -113.114stont. M Stocks sidttag - boat ill to ISO lb. stun of mg onto per ohm% sad oit stooks selllag ibe et over, ossdoosta W . -.1( TO= EATEII-;Os Stacie, the midst wattle of watch told or ander, dire own per thirst pan.onatiqua"mr94B,-*1 and n Office Bonn: 8 a. in. to .8 o'clock p. No. 59 POIIIITH 13T1= ape - Vida'SSICILIAN Walt RENEWER edit stop the Ulnas out of the tusk In • few s " e. Dr. CAVANAGH'S - INFALLIBLE PILE . SALVE wilt mare the moat obstinate ease. Dr. 11100FLANWS GERMAN DITTIES, will Cure Urn Com olalet immanently: , ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAS; for the Mrs 01 all L•niAlfeet one._ 71SE LONDLN HAM DRESSING, re. store II sir ratioinlghial eider. • PALNEWSDOSMETIO LOTION.): la minor* Plitipleik Blotches, Ihs" from the shin. • LIDIS FLUB LINE. for beautifying, pre. ierelse the hair. Kept outwit/I , on hand at the ClEttraiL 'MILO STOIIE, Ist the Narkst notw, Alleghelly styli , • (Ith. A. 'KELLY. TIROCLA.3IATION.-4FY VIRTUE OF a resolution passed by the. Select and Oom. mon Comas at their mettle; on the lith lost., I hereby 'glee notice that an election `an the fat. arid Od potatoes of the Fourth ward, •Rilleyheny, wilt beUld on TIAZDAY, theltth day or the present month,; to simply - the plsoe made vacant urh o Common Council, by the death of PhfitiVV U. MU The snapped electors' of said ward (lit and Yd 'p willhereby take notice, that nucleation will be hell on the day stated, between the hours 'of C 1 o'clock, at the oinal pines of holding - elections, then - and there to electto AU- hushes. candy in the Common gounail.. • • • _ kty thc recent action of Cannella, the place or hOldint eleations In the Ad precinct has been chimp ed, and the election will now be held at the School House, on Maid street. • • • - •30111C•AtODIIISOII, 31".V0r. •Olyr ow flitson nor, April MAUI kV V %NATI) it,s• ni The oont 'testa to tt blab this wonder:id e seexosaa - • . aateiia iniatlactet, astitliabin bOyOod doqbt that it is'ttui only article that wilt tesiOnl onaor Oft FADED NAM to Ho otightal ottoklad orikrnit tulit from titilsig out, and at* keep Ike solo to • slow ant Manly solidi/km , It ta pato!, tone. kW NW was ha used with toldkknioto of intotatt. Bokt by Augort autumn* . • sot •• Ammar Switheaki and Whit& Esowastas:Oung ow Prrtstsioz, Pprreession. April 61h. NOTICE: HEREBY GIVEN IN AC. OM OE erith the Act of Aasembly, mitt. tied nAn Aft enabling tho Banks of Ms Common. weslth to become assodabloto for the msL of Banking adder. the Law.of the United S that the itiocklielders or Um ISIOLIANIIII BAN OP Parsßuscm, at &general meeting ills day, have voted In favor of becoming such an Astoria. tios,Aml that the COMM of the owners of more than twodhlrde of the shams has been obtained as required by the laws of the United States &plaid! 11. M. ZdVERAY, Cashier. itOssz BTOLEN.—From the stable of thasubseribez, In Marshall township, Allegheny county, on the maiming of the latii, a dui/ brawn, bet Wan la and IS yew" old{ blind of the right *Fey little sc no tuna on 1110 neck, al It haniast began to grow—oow about two hares loss; heavy built/ large neck and hooey Urge t i tl. bulge feet and:about tett hands 'huh; waa valued "abulals9mals. ot, VIIRISTY WRLDISD. .sayalk - Wexford Putt OMNI. RAJA r TER'S "BARBERS' SOAPS —The e- 7 : Wenn ot &vibe sham sag the pusts( true Asitit *is great y sehauemel* wart a u ps rior artists •of Soap. ..4AWTEIVS ,AALBROSIAIi 61110 7 71(0 Map TOILET compormu“ rsm lung tameless, mike& the stew lather for shay. .tug, sad' is the finest for tollet :pumoses; that have for - .Setre had the pleasure of eittnerle mT • b u dgies & t I. • ' NATIL•NIEIa ALLEM, of the Illooluedvalde Boom nano( dalcatia, tbUIUL •YOIM CO3ItELLA . 'ram. s rATENT Los= lot rdie ti CO led Pinip is. P. OAP.PENTE.II. v3lllB/1 1 tte. 1t IPUSi Stems'. 9 a .- 4 , 7—g • wig. I • L.,7,11.1.N1` V.._ 3.5 i I. IPITTISUCE OF '11:1F, SEO s. AN YION of an Act ridat ng to Altzgar,,y , county, Pl ll . O .OT 1 11 t, Ifavul Anon, Jr.. frear. user of said county, hereby the notice teat I still prisonallv 0r be deputy Ind for tho purpose of rsceifing oasts in the soy ral Wams.J.torociatia, Townahufs al d Prrvierts mai. county. at the plate ol.bolding general elettions therein respect homy, on tae foilmVing 1.70 m 10 o'clock A. 01 until s o'clt ch r, x., to ',vat Flat Waro, Pittsburgh; Finn Ward, &I ezheny; East Etrafinsbara, SharpOurg ANY Elizabeth 401 . - 014(.4; Elizabeth : - Neville, . Swath Faye Je, -now. den, Penn. .11.1arsbal4fRoaa and Fawn Townsalps, ON DIONDAT,IIIAV 22d. Seend Ward. rut.tmreht'Socood Word, Alle gheny; Fouth Pittabtugh, We Klizneth nod tor quern Noronha; Coraoent, Upper St. CUP., Fl.lid. win, Franklin, Xithordlose a _Plum and Nrrriron Townships, , . ON TUESDAY:HAY 234. Third W.ral, Pittsburgh; Pint Precinct Third Ward, Ant lawny; Monongahela and Tarantuna boroughs; oon, Scott. Lower Rt. Olair, Jefferson, Patton, Sewickley, Prow and Reserve fownships, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 2101. Pora . th Wsid. Sixth Ward, Pats burghLbecond Pint:wt. Tnird Ward, Ailtgbenyi lb sat Pittsburgh, NewlekLey and idnbeheater. Bor. onshs; Finder, Union, , Vers.thos, Month, 'WU -11" Richland and East Deer Township., ON TIOntiMAX,. MAY 23th. . .First Prechter., Fifth Warl,Pittabutgh; Seventh Merit Pittahuteh_Lb lath rd, PI ttenargh; First Precinct, Kew th Warkan o tenyt First melees, .ThrenithamL Firs t Wan, La orreneerille, litnNeesport Sonenalisi N Payette, Chattier., Lt_lic7l. Collins, tAio, Hampton an 4 Welt beer ON FRIDAY, MAY Roth.' fecund Prealnet,PlithWard,Pittsburgh; Eighth Ward, Pittsbrugh; Tenth Ward, Pittsburgh& see. ono Pradow, Fourth Ward, !Allegheny; Seeped Presloet, Blueinghem& Seem% Ward,. LS•11.01100. ville and TeroperaneavUle Miruglue flobinsou. Pitt, Pesbiss, McClure, Shalerand Indiana Town. idups, ON SATURDAY, MAY 27th. Taxa can Cepildst the TreathroPir ofhee, tethin tbsee months from the d.to fixed is the foregoing &athlete auhlecta to ► IVE PhD, GENT. fiLX. ( - own, for prompt, payment to any person pay ing the wboirrazarnint of their taxes. apl2:trogts • AUEItICAN NAIL AND NAIL MACHINE MANDE COMPANY, Of Pennsylvania and Xaryland. 0.000 SUARI3. PAS VALVE $3O. Prreldeat—HEYßY THOMAS. Preasterre—TtlllN W. HALL.. Direders—lian Tomtas, Flrmliburg; Jomr W. Mau.; Harrisburg; 0. A. IVA:axiom. Phila delphia ; K. G. litmus, Mailmen ; :MOT, HIV tilbUtr. • Beaters—ADAMS M LEVIS, Philadelphia. The Subscription,'look for the capital stork of this Company is imitiMpea at the Besides Rouse of ADAMS ktiEvis, Na Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Penes iwishing to make a prottible Invest mina ars respectfully invited to call on Mews. ADAMS & LETTS, who 'MU Ore' them farther infortnalloa, and will show them the Machines. now musing and making &MI& The advantages we olefin to; our fisfhples one any *then in nee ire: That they produce a mere mead with with better bead, lad fewer imperfect nals. That they elect a saving of notlese than fifty Tor tent In the ettallng of halm and dLea • Ann the madam bring sefineding. they *Meet a laying of from fifty to see enty-ftitt pia• vett. la the mar of cutting of Latta. Patties heeling ea interest sad desiring to rub. scribe IL please mill and examine for themselves. -sprricd SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THVS orEAICS OF THE Wheeler &Wilson Sewing - Machine,. V7hle4 shonkl be considered by thou who desire to ' , Waukee the BUT FAMILY SEWING . . We ire horny wroot many; inquiries for tom. Ma Michigan from various parts of the sourly, and Mlle sea not sommatently Mrs to thisoll mall, ti have thought It proper to Mato our erne lou to Mud to them to this prole Moaner. Wa hail eked pateatAaormfastund by the Wheeler aiwusoit isinalactuiing Compost aall WS can aitY lif - rogard . to it that It ls irlthol IS M altar*, not; MAO pot out of order, and, la paint;of ellbstleimass tool flrdsh,tio other . maohlise roues &bead of ltc.We state this mash la tepid to the essellatti mold= upon our own This Company hays made and oars:using the tact - threw months, 10,4711 machines, and ate now producing and wiling fIIO porde, They vary is pm. hymn We to Vao, the medium priced ones sell beat: .Lis WU bindle's there la over 'mop, hi. vested, and they keep 1,000 men milady employee manufacturing michthen Tim - system pursued la the thaw ea that adopted be the manafaeture of arms every plow Is mad, to a mai% and *Mem quently the pasta of any- numblaa may be USAF posed with thom of another machine of the same site JJ or Wocild an accident odor, the. broken past -cm ImmMately be misused c application at the ilidisidtliecrstfeom No. 27. IMe Bt., Pittiburgh BAILEY, Vi4RE.I44, onActwA4-11.IIMBERS caw. rind alhimodwom sPtet , ore, • No. 129 FQUSTB ;STEERT ' DEALERS ti EMAES NS ," VALVE% • LEON ENU'LEdD PIPE. • aiEsT. F 943), and enry !artery atcueoi . toe • & WATER, OR STEAM - Po *. 61',1:17,ES I - 7-30 LOAN. 1:17 authority of the Secretary of the Tremury, the naderstined rue 4.111131330 d the fieneril Sub. anraption Agency for the sale of United Stales Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenth■ per Gent. fatalist, per annum, known as the Seven-Thirty Loan, These Rotes in tuned under date of June Nth, jun . ore ;pawn. then lean hoe tam time, to virrenny, eras ectara , l4.lgo at tle optima of ths IL & Ea Per Cent GOLD BEARING} BONDS. . . Theme bones ass worth a peer whlelfls. nrenses the actual prong oa the 14e lees, awl It• ermption• from Siete and ruottetp• imam. Witch add from ewe kW...rem cent. sum scowling - to the ratio levied on other property. The Warm; te Parable eendaaanally by coupons ettieben /sett note s IMO 'nay to ant sa and sold to air ask ot booker. The interest amoonou to One cent per day cv a 350 note. Two cents " " " $lOO " Tea " ." " $500" 20 I. • ft 21000 a $5OOO " . Rotes of all the denominations named will Om promptly famished upon . receipt of subsetiptlosui. This in THE ONLY LOAN IN MARI= now calmed by the Goserassent, and It Le none• (ugly espeeteS the:, Its evertor advantages' will stake it the Great Popular Loan of the People: Lees than 1300,000.e1e of ,the Loan authorized by the last Elougress remain In the market. This amount, at the rate at whiab It Is being absorbed. will all be subscribed for within four Months when the notes will undoubtedly commend • premium, u bas uniformly been the sass Ons *lode, the sabscriptions to othatLoao. In order that the eltizens of emery town end section 'Of the soantri mar be Worded facades for taking thli loan: the National Banks, Mat* Bank* and Private Bankere throughout the soon. try have generall agreed to nadirs subscrietkon et par. Subscribers will Wart their own agents, in whoa they bare confidence, and who stay are to be responsible for the delivery of the netell I. walah they receive Were. .s.toNtioo JAY COOK% Subscription Agent, Philadelphia ISubsetlptleas MIL be tttoN►ad ►7 tits Pus Wags 14sk, Mee" learn • • hid • Ilvfk • aazuh • • hear& laths Iligtioui Irak, Flentgagn, MUM DOWN tut of Comm • trer fnly Tegileanags Yerser's Deegan " • Illetlashs ^ r • • JUkerneng MOW lint • ammo • of gnagtreg. taUltmdawT FunTzt. NATIO OF PITTSBURGH. : tokii;A Prrristram APIA- Quoirterly molt of this Link publlabed la oes fonultrw kth UN' Ad of Omits= . est,ollatking tknal Bank% Cl.7tre n apital Stack LIASIZMICS. IMAM tatlea Lae Deyouttes Dkeldends unpaid DI • payable on de. :nand) • irsur caaunitimat eonforlab•. tfattonal Bank Law...---.. ;ctn. .Itedltlonal Clontlagent - road reserved by. vestal BendlnUon a/Board of rectors.— • —. 4,09111Ak Pront and Loss (alum rter.ie, teso...— INMAN • fs,Gtakel.lS Loans and Dlseatinte 1011,838.10 Use 57 Banks and Banker& - .Idiatei.tt Due by.. Banks Doselal) payable lakold, • 8,488.46 Bold and &three Coln to Vault ol Bank an,BOUI Remittances boat Banketn translt,eaab as nia.ll4 I% P. Legal Tender and Bank Notes.... 104,111d0 Pro: And AVMS! 11. a* "mt/ n0te5... . : .` .- ' ._.- V. N. 540 ow Bonds. V. S. Gold 8ead5...........:........' Igg'aL" Prrrestriton, April 3d, left Om! ei.Prrrsetreon, Oeuvre es 6.t.t..r,. Pa., BTATI OP PMITLYAIII A N i - • Personany appeared beton me a Neter Public duly eonslestoned sod 'Worn:Allen Dunn ,a Cun. ter of the Fourth Natlormt 'Sans -or Plttabtuo who, brag May P*lira, deposes and state the above Statement le correct and true to the best able knogledie and belief. - . ALLEN DUNN. Sworn and oubscrlbed before toe the day. amidst* allot e written. S. S. BRYAN, JAMES 13OWN, 138 Wood Street, Z 2 ittaiburiat, , Nmai., pieriVracrrntpirOF, DUROVID 'Bow TOOLS, Slaking Off, flat- and *the Wefts 1441;wanuated suds W Os weir& .TIINIATA • AND LO of BILOOB Ceir. BORIESS Zagemmtirt C7aratka. .IPrie,4lm„ With mks:titles as nootuary to oontltat op.rs • tkuu, • • 0V1 T., ] , % i MOM Via — Th r tir, sAtiiims; %ma 701.1 , 31 123. tmovma. PL • „ NOES. LEVELS. WE, NAME, Itit. ROPy 4.0.11 M AND ail Prate 3±iXrafiriMg or: taboo videll liars toottoatlyta atit4: Tim "1111• t 4 _ ••• aux mussall , STEEL fdoeklrokere and Real Mate Ageite c ca'‘ , o2 l 6sts antinnen sia wands AlleoldiiihirMlCCrin RALE. SA.WYBIt'b", BARBS .' .80APS. have' ter the hat e r ut years used SAWYER'S BARBERS* SOAP, an h ave no hesitation m say ing Abet is_the b Sokol hive ever rued for stashing the skin or for shaving,' • P. . BALL. - agent North Street Shoving Salons SL 1' KR'S BARBARB' .80AP&—I ej have fee the met Lout yams mil dikVrYlllllll hAitligkeo till P, and aoNkltr. It anyvtor to any ether 2 basest& used, to a eithelr. fWarlthNe toPle. t or spied tgalooL umTED 730 1.4 oa n THIRD NATIONAL DANK. ginner or Wood Street and Virgin Alley FISCAL AO ENT of 711 E TITITTED STATES aed SPECIAL AGENT of Joy Cooke, C. S. Agout for the sale 61,E/of Aev en-Thirty Loan, POPFLAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Only Loan in the Market S. 5-110 • SIX PER VEJMP SirLlbeiat Coo:Wide= attained to deators. T EE - KRIM NATIONAL Bill, Of Pittsburgh,. • Con. SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS. AUG * : 0 A A , President. GEIt •P. .GB, Vies President. rIiGE A. EMILY, 'ashler. • . This Bank Inviter the accounts of Banks, Bank. an and others. Government Semitic. of all kinds bought and said at current rates. As sprous. AGE= of Jag Cloche, sublimer. • Gans will be recolved.for the • Popular' 7-80 Loan. This loan to now being absorbed at the rate a.coolovapcs nay. and Going convertible Into .11restwisiti_boer4, which ma now at a prima= of cow MORE p CENT. ltdommomis Itself torn, sur Mow" takes nt. to all who sovk a safe sad pro Wrest. We Liberal conimissiona on tbieloan wlllhe allewad to all designs in Gorenunant securities. 080. A. INDLY, Cagier. tenni IMITATE NATIONAL G. S. Government NoncgPrrrnstmez, rebruarg RP. Special _.A.g eNit U. S. Agent for the 7-80 Loan, we offer this dutiable investment In sums to suit parshaaera. The notes Res In slum of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. Tnasferrabla Lug. 1611,111347, RAL BANE, Tese .!141seem:111,set (itWsate ed sa;* $4,000,000 PER :DAY, Or To Soaks, Ilankors, BMWs; Trost tp tlissa- Naos papier, m Imnsrime Coputes, and vim piss. ala, I Libitil TM be Pahl labaaa U . tiopad bas ir amnia- a Uts bib dembabb, aab and Road& bobby. : • ~AXI4IN MINN. Cubler T" COUNTRY' BANKS. FOURTH NATIONAL BM U ° S. Government Depositary, This Bank issitis omega:dam sad astsanti from CMIIE=R. NOTARY PUBLIO Special and Fawn!)le FaeiLan Frandethiiig' IE3. 7-130!ro laming - comszios, Prodass, : , &Mall Casbler. , SPBOIAL NOTICE. FOURTH NATIONAL BANIL, Governs:and repeal's? , authedisa t$ twelve money, PAYABLE IT 10 . OATS NOTICE, • (After 80 Divs.) Hearing 6 Per Cent Interest. £3D pesitma /1211XMIE trtta HON. P. a lIFINIIEWS 111111TIPICATE FO2 TIE :Ana It to hoped um tide NM AND DEAD/AXLE arramminent win meet with the benw of the main community: and ma the adventsie of Ohtani...3 x per oeat. ',game oamoney payable es above,mow meads itself. ire troat Large demand of WU! be obtained foetal Ownenment. ..TAKM 0430713714 Prodded. • - ALUM DI/Mr, Cada, '• seeker • 1111=SOCI DIEM OONVERTIEiLE INTO GOLD BAR G' BONDS. Cashier aarixo BYER APiPOl3l=l:l JAY COOKE, ABB ABB GOLD BOND •ND Di ♦ ♦FST WORT TIME was be *I it Premium; JAS MOOR. /*Mat prrraistium. reiraam slut, min. COIII% TRY 'BANKS ARD OTTERS ! *. BOTH 4113 1220:1113D3 • tasT OW: BALAICiI : a n rrresstrwm. ftbnuza sa, ulta; _'(Q. s, Taessassn) - Cf.; et,.V 2,11..:11cD A N-fs AND DEA-LEI,' WHO BUY AT wi±OLESALE. EATON, NACRUSI & CO., Now.; Z 7 as 3.9 N• 12123. /at, Invite the atteatlon.of City and Country_ Merchants to, our culaplete !itk of Ti loaning., timbretirriee L a Ho 0 10 yrs. Ribbon., Hood... Hair 7. ere, Corsets, Hain and Hun 'Umbrella., • Hurry Coll:vs, Tie; Bradley • duplex Skirt., Behnorsi Skirts. Pura Nee dell, BottOOL ',fib a general Variety of YartCPHOitt'7l.ND Ift if lON.. fritr purchases have been all made einem the B TER: duce ta ._eve c at A rtee ski line and t . vre note Offer good NEW STOCK Oa , Mudinal • - Tilk Shawls, , • • Cloaks, Ladies &.Misses Mantles. I - NEW GOODS 'Clovrezilxl.B Tberlly, AT BATES & BELL'S, 609 It luta srazzr. ESS GOODS a, M. BURCHFIELD'S. • er for Walking Snits, AL. x cz. •cr ss oulard Silks, 1.7r7,1 ir4SIF BILES, and a large Lock of Dan oods clo!ing out obey Ir. 72, N. apt, Comer Fourth and Subt W. NEW GOODS, JUST ARRIVED, _AIM TO KIE SOLD.AT PANIC PRICES! Good Gotten Hose for Ladles at 11 1 ,10; por . Holuuut o ood ;dim Ilsolur Ghia% oasts Firorb Keduu fa Omura. 73 p er prirWAT, Akurazdarls Kul Glower 13 par palr.. • - Na Lan a/ao sp/rod Matock et , , WHITE' GOODS AND EIIIIROIDERIIK &ninon Taloa" Lam; gpilog Sky lisanat lithbo Rich Dian ina Trimadap azahatainaaatsi aad Summar Hadar, sad Worm of Fancy Goods, Nations, Buttons. we Lave itetiaedly thelargeit and ilesi iloortrieit Novelties of the litougni; such as Inds Belting and Ihiekki, Tar roar, Lb.': dies SUIr Scans, tn. Queen EUsabithObUsia *VI inv. of Pinusalsit, stn. eta' Also • full NM GEMU3I:INB MUftl';=re OtIODIN Waite Mika &Om air Mercluints Lad IFA ti will Aida Prices that• Dela Conpettnom mecum lb GIME. swum eriarr., JOB. HORN& & CO., DELLINLS STRLW.. AND MILIMERY.6OODS,' aibbiawaid Boum submw.ssiTtlimbro Elabroldeliat, Lase Gook Itoadkeeerdefe, Goads. Balmoral Skfrta. Lull& aad ritata Malkin' Good*, • Bead Maps and- . O Worsted 80 7 Glom, Hoop wow Wes ,1 Mat owl • Sault . aaw noadalaya *As Gcai aaarrtawat • arsir spsz.vo aocrim, . . . . _ . _ - +WADE DIU to taunt astlatudl_y_attesative._ _ Davis, beast purchased at LOW GOLD RATES .we can agar rsoLez, INDVOEICENTD Vt! .. I %\T Ztorbairt:easimnt. win $ all Him be lbazil well supplied. We 50115,4 a all Cron , LEMMA WWII, raft% and th Paid(s; bam eannaesit iaa ire as suit aU. 70$ YLONFR As CO, TI / ad•'Jl mpizzr entiter. AA ASSORTMKNT or ;, ,TONs, Mm sail Cook Otitumodo„ Gimps, Metall* sod NNW irtftlk• Nook "l a r i l Droiondlooroo .Lloos Boto trir Iniretrtitonpir lalla LaaemadLlaesOollan ia rel , =Toad Soccookot INA marled Clam and Chetah tor ladies sot Work Lofflittorr Glom ta• al/ Maw Joiretit• Olimg rumir ii not orlorri Nrlttos Nhol iaid tthict SO Gran with saw lot of 4111 ALINE MOWRY% TRINAING • Nate Nowa utak pow Mrtra - :. -Northrolar it glirsa to olooritog goo ' ln ° that'll/Ma Of LOOM - -MOO Ma LI" TAW GRUA' BARGAINS 1 MOORITRAT) •SENNEGN *A DO, 81 , Market street, - • ARE •DErEibiream TU I:ko.nt OUT TEEM =PIUS STOCK PT MEWL lams& trodes•orimiwrie Emma, ,ee e ko, oreseit xt4 7. &L. . Embroideries, 1,14. .7 I TIM 1a " Point Lilo% 00 Amami. lia Ims. • . 81 Ziermislaart SOAP I SOAP 1 t SOAP t I 1-'—The ORZIC. ',' MAI. OLIVE EBASIVE SOAP. manakin tared by B. U. a J. 11. EARI74I, is sehttowledied to be the most seraiseablik of any kind rot calms% , to the Walla . - /ta - superior ad are fagot.; in Its cheapness, /sera; 'of lobos, Ito Molar .: In. relneVirt Kra u s paint,. tar, tellhoat Isie; Ili= %t kin if °r la It th.eaat wise lb. i . kinds or 7 water. limit, . . 6" '" ",1 . . ' ,II ru = , iltfertett Ii made with . pleadeue to the Julio isisiri ceitideate, Citing from gentletneu well haulm: , in tide community, and who bad only faellity afr,,l' forded of seeing It fluty and fairly tet ra d: Shitadernatieel Departrand of MitTim.M,7ltbiesslll. and faarreenfh geliments Pe. rods ....-. .:_..,. -= . ..Sainte% Chemical Odra Bruise Eon." iranzE - beet used very extensively ta our ragimettua We .: have no hesitation in entlf that It waa lomat admirably adapted to the m s ser Marla _kliffeitt.l4 dftideoli • the molt superior hoop Willa ;odd be JAMES A. ElCl_,rt QuArtentuter IStat RS`, C.. ALEX. PORSITH Quartenaaster Init./fag. ' - .. M. Ai. atoozas4, Comte!: . .autse . ISlAAtefr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers