•-• 1 :4! . -• S~ ~i.~i" 3'S. IDI. TO DO GENERAL UOUSEWORK ternum !DI preferred.. Apply 'M . :" A tI. TE II-1100.11- 121 T :4 15 0 ° I&T I E CIr j11 :-. ,-Auloniturolineil room for a man artO wife. tromatz OPPICC. apl3 FOE, .S4LE..FO.II,RE.7rT. OFFICE on the secoild floor, corner of water 11.134 Settedekt streets. tare of 1:t1 IOEIN L . sOtraE k 00. OR BALE—That arse THREE STORY Ira ItHE DWELLING kOVsi. No. Se Fourth get, Pittsbur idl gh. Possession 'lran OX! the l st . JOHN W. DWELL. httorns744-/Aw. -_Nw Mb Fourth street. Ii BALE.-150 Acres of Coal, also, unto ot front tool la pool No. 2 ;also one Croak Ima and ra/lroad, ard other Impurnefaanta Oltrorkln ender/ a pool rfix lk; OD , treat on tba 2012‘101theny Near oat C•outalaorll.o Railroad. p o u rs of 'WAX WAND . . MO lint door at oa Grant new :1011 BALE. r•rrr. Little Bearer * - crude Amber • fly .t"T. GLASS it Cai TO "LEX 11NB .BRICK ROUSE, Pro. Xlk.LtOtock • irlcoet, , Alleicturif tllt two iquarts Iron the Band encl.brldgeocontantax lies Tomo, oft!' gam, bot.„"ad cold water, nu to ceed order. Possecalon g teen Ent of tdat ot • JOSEPH PATERSON. • Concer Maid sadiatry, ittsburgh, a. '•• ripledw. , SSW No. No.l 011. BARRELS 1-12"1" ptriEzLilr. dllegkeur Elvertunk chime to lisl 4 street A FINE LARGE DBY CELLAR , . • Ph.good ap_pnradus far taking and' 'twitting .. besnysneretnind.U : - Enquire n' •nen j l7l 2 a S se A nTer g ir ' t 313rlitt— anditater atiect, Hankys Holluing.4 nrazaw rox ems.. C"M , . L . Shili 011 Casks;lwerOgins froor two to live boo MEWS. .BUREE at 00, - tamtr.Daquesaa Way sad liancook Must. . i 'r a BRICK HOME talnloz. eaves. rotnias Rad farritibt.4 &MN- /itta- Ilid 00 Widen dyeoae. Pint. %spa, Aliegbeny. Also TWO .WISW' BRION 110171 M ,contauttav roar tOOlOO and idtchen on Ptature. Larie;inileo. and WkartrAileghttay city. `Lnquire of L. GRAY; tweitera.Arentur. _ . B ALB. - • ' • A CIOraFOR:TA - - Of • • roann ithwer thin oil lad *Ulf and of the *met asn, Good water sad Ching oonirealited. Pooses6on gime thamediF trec t Vor tam Appl Jos ern Rutz, Tr Federal 'Pr at Th omas Wagon. Shop, Boa Wee" R RALW—TIie late residence of the rlt Her. /MISR& P. SWIFT. DM., Taut, oa orth Menu, or North Common, to the Laird phut, Allegheny.city. The lot consists of ono, o„mill acre of grouse, ad Witch - is large and coon. odirus beat hones. Ti Is la one of the most iesatlfid and desirele locations In Allegnear elity. For particniers enquire of Her. ELLIOFC tiWItT, oa the oremilft— Do 24{ .Dorth &ea tini, or of .101 IN U. 31401311111S,Attorner•en.Lsw. ca. 111 (tract stereL • • . s . tora opt • ' 216.4) 1E... - milt ß Ei " B " - -.... i nane new teem Encti,‘ rti 4. ...Toady. for oil orallaiN Inch ey , we Croke; very Urea& Enloe MAN croak , oseseeting rod at wrought boa; a . ` Blake to to thfeet loam 21 babes diameter, wit h two nye hoe% chimney to la. hy.23 feet; hot and . NM, Vitae pomp: Ererithhig complete sad ready tethte oat aleht.- . SWIt Pit BOL.p, .... :- , Pittatough, Pe. , nth *Mee hilt linty LA Dihtit hedar t ; . eaks( litrehm liver, near the Po BALE.'—One . SECOND - RAND auzia.mair,ol Dot 7ont , SS ladies boob Sues. 546 li set long, io lathes diameter. 2 45 !nob Das Y fat. Ise& abates diameter, tide lash Usage banal Wnoteht Des Task. '4! ' Latrobe at the INDUSTRIAL WON7O. _ OMR as Buse, a co • . mat Awl sad Dtutinelsie Way, Pittab 4 A, • BA - LE'—TEN TWO' STOR ' anacsaad EIGIITREN ONE AND TWO SAT NE OW near ILLINOW , It k or , Da* Nth good lota at.aab.d.. This 11_=Itrly, roc liDiaal tited Nal be arliNat imi er ua irtaD a r ra, and who an ce. kh to mew: •es' ths - ltret at .tpWl7 l Tor paotte.lara, oh ' Nht Rotate sad InasraseemDatee a m aL mo w,. * *"VOlit SALE, •.*: Wilkie - *POSSESSION GIVEN APRIL - FIRST " 41 2 ,1 A &arable proOrrtp.l2 Xtelare t.:nrialdp, well frprorpl, one tale trots Allege:way. • Atm, as Elegantßesidexkce..2 adaestn. Ile For ri t iTIFITANT, or of win 3. T. mama Estate 1314ker; ; ÜBLIC BILLY. IN- ALLRUUENY GEIT.—The undeteigned wttt ten at Public ..1.41e,0n the premiere, in Alkgbeagoity.entATlTti- , Ag. the nab or April, tern, at I o'clock r. x" the - viten elm FORD now o f city, adlotaing fie of taggeet.it bee agetelor about .ea ihatore lens site entande beak to o' leek' It le= Ta f illost a ßoo Yeal . u eel( iota of said phai, being bia tounbered 'I to - 3. It has- a eamfortable,grame bmug iad tko eounde are Fleeted lettla good fruit- tresalts.- Oskabe glirMod. Into aereral good boillinelots,e4. =O2 aa a whole, it votdd gulps Q611.0'001 - It la offend Ito ado. se a onto* er pt iterate lots to eel. parebeatlei told the teas ol !opulent will be made say. Pcseadost can be pee se the lint afigag tere.." 7._wilarz,' Fifth at. ,1 1 BLIC BALE.—The eubseriber offers for We hi. Fine, lo Ogle township, Alleny trcl, Ps. es todiVera tato lota enttebW for entry seats. There are 10 aeon, Uhl out Leto Lets, _rimplstutrest 3 toff acres la atm.- It emote 01 the sums stripe, and on abs Pittsburgh, Fort - egne & Chicaailwa, sod Is situate alai Mr. • traVt aa sgo R _ll l pe l / 4 "4 SW"y :70, 4 , " 4 7 h 1 ie t Z Ern eatry Aar. trees ar gr 7 aPes, sod Is wail •trestered by eeterat bever.hilllng eyrie. I the land elersted7 has rt sonthera exported,, soda star • :crawling view for ado upend deem the Ltrer.aad keell :aspects tbe stittstion to one of the fir ert on, rgjli Uhl* Jittrer. It is tathoord to be the beet prop. ' • ely for country seats ever offered for sale to Abe. ghee? county. The lots will be offered at Mlle • •kale, on the plead/my on TWIESD&T, the 27th of April, lee, at 10 °Nike* V It. Terser of *.• 0-fourth east, tad the bsteace Is permeate, ti salt pentium. :FM' further Information la: ..aloe of J. W. F. WHITE, Esq., No 105 Mb St., , tsberge,.or of tte subscriber, on the preedems, VILLIAW JACIYIMAN. .. OR SALZ--A *in , you:table -FA •., in Dan ternahip, wertmoreland cenntrrPa.; , .. • raht=rt MiLatra, wall thiprormi, and In '.. n. =.,, a. sTEirra EN lINE, Maw mm or other . arrows, with the eastlafa, M•ol4l=Wha . The Winder la nth* la th es in• er an -'• foot- Broke: - Two'Bollem. II feet teal • intheefa Mtn ' , theta& 4 11 Pod dedef. &ha. VII • sold • Atha, c a l lZthE of Int awn in Conemangh town. d&so,MIIIIIZk PL /1017SES and tors 1..- taboth bore_wl . .. A150,..A. F.d. OE Eirli.TW' 0 At7Rllat to townthip„lirelimereland county,about two ilre from St. Mar Station on the Penna. RMS. ad. A Mama warmth neatly completed with ..11 machinery .or a flouring Rut/ on the land fool the oettonallth, coal 'and . ekupay . mad. egad inMthtiorw of Oil. Will . rad cheap.- Mae fir three adthteleg the Villags . 'New Derry, - ta the - very beet state al anittra. • os. aarabundanee of flo.t of Mao. • TABU OF ITS SURlOX l ln er it a =rot Westmoreland tom6ll, - in' Tub len . A 'owe' Mlle from Fern% Railroad. .'• improtrementa are ii . 'Sod trams Lean, wed a menathrelin °fall - awn la Deily ttrinuthtp, - eitmorshiselCminty, rya . . mar the timer the : 'Also. = w it *bent N S acriaelarthilaid tows, • W .Farm Kline sena Paltdelkthwilthip, re tato ' " • ' , - - b.^ a_Terf valuat a _ ann. near , •i- or Bouvet., Fs Fdrileld townattp, Westmont. .-• count ,-Pa., and - about one half miles erom the- braids.. Railroad. The Improve. one.,a a lar ee orick house, spring amoreur s . illr• frame MM., a tart t 4 rzne aka, arn . witi l .waterp Gait tali. trritl with Coal. a 1 - • , eln of Ore brick clay,tyi hdadrol f So. I white oak timber. romantics given um. .Also Mk three situated ln ,Ligonier township, ereethoondand fentaty, pa, adlothdrup th e town of r..... , , ,, ..i. a large brick house. A fine ,esidenee In the borough- of /dironler. Willbe cheap.' rAhm, lb acne of had, with a large 110Ar4gialit IaIAIAI MO place.. 1W rod sena of land, adlednler nail oiler.. • . Eor further cep intlire l hi • t, ~ • fl. IL rea Era t o Agen TOHPI ROM' Agility of Um' Equltable pr =dome OtkiX.entngtosi Fire I.stiranoe 00., Eho Pew Ilitutaal ins lasorasoireo. of Phtle, obis. 11.101; for. Roo; dud Kreetsiertto. e .Ic4l t• :4: 0 :Al', . gent or •e n0.4.m0 0 and 13altImors twin Mee It W . emd, oonuir WOOD and jar P.'3ONES, Agent r North Armed •w.3Nt• a Pe ornylvaata, Alut tiartfard ISM SAMUEL REA, Secreettizese Insur !, ance UOUPazty, corner a aa4 WAMEit - - - I ?le ' 4•• r• Y, t 73 • , Fli 7 / I ' srriEsr N EAR INOR 0 .7 LatiOsll. AM, Bt &viola %4Tu.lizyntracar.- , . . . Second alga, 4. the ;rest settstSolokanxs, • STREE'N np NEW YORK! - -- STREETS OF NEW. YORK: ^ - • ery.p.rs Up NEW proper ties, 'Nor Socr.c"., Men n ton:no New Fropi.O ties, COstnimea. he. HENDERSON AS riaDeitit TIES - EvENING. -- 1011 be presented the grelt drawn, In seven Acts. en Inn Tell in lull tnc Pntir-iFna entltle4 OLD ;Siretifll of AVID rork:l' • . . Streets of .71sw Fork! sir Tbe entire Oentpluirii3 the inst. ,TrumßLE'S V.ARLETIEb THELTRA er , IMFW I r. irmazlrr. vs, W. 0. sprrh r IMUMIPM' _.— TRENIENDOUR. BILL FOR* EATErEpAY Ord itiptuat, , -: • FERNANDO FLITRY, • ADD WEATEP YARD STANLEY. • STALTFR WENTWORTH. B.SENNY LULNRI.S. Two great dramas, mug or 'manna A D arms mit Drawl humorou allaby the entire 00K1P!,27 0111. - VLOTITS. fa 231 tatiorty GREAT REDUCTION , Ile° to public.' opporgi p lydlu p lho r gattooiltrat .tul I C " ras kr ai llne lit nod the Impose:l turoblo llterctuuulho ul tostonaly, •3tarked down orlon, Tbsotoo•oot our taws stock, , • ~ • ...ante the Lured_ _ ; A t x .ll l " P OI: o a t a r t m ", Brtmeill Viircts .- * ` Two sad novo 1710 i-hist . Martin °lotto', window modes, le., Twerttpere to and otughlril per cent; XeSULAND • a comm. su , l7 n I STREET; • - Mat 'door tioettatos tiOi• aid P O. FQ U.RTH. STRER vex HAVE litanswa DOWN 41 Obi preeent stoik, reprttlesuof cost,' to d. e°!Trfu'init°tb, C) LOWEST PolilT — OF GOLD H PE I S - L i At i tif&R' l 4 3 4l% PR I DES off or ' LAST SEASON. -AY ate azedailft•o o 4rlog good' Invoked aceindlng tattle ratio oriow, Tist d :Zr c s' f ttit i ge= t i o r to EVERY DECLINE IN: TILE ZARar...:. ItSt'l • rated so,A iEt PE'T' ENTERPRISE lULLEt. ArivooD, RALSTON It OM, ilannfacturtn and Coombsloi 'flerellantA, CARPETINeS. Oil aoths, afalllngs, Rugs, dc: No. 619 CI9I39TNNT WIRVErr. PHLUDELP7I74 •117CTIOar 13.41.E8. AUCTION BALI OF CONDEMNED _HORSES. QCAZTZEXA37IEIt arraitAnt FIRST DMISION Pra3E/NOTOX erre, Airi 1; nu. Win be sold, at pnbl auetton. the highest bidder, at Baltimore, Mar le yland, - on THURSDAY, April la, Me, TWO.HUNDRED MARES WITH FOAL, many of them lien bred and in Rood condition. On THDREDAV, April 0, 010, - TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. • - On THIIESDAT, April V, 180, ONE ilinbße.D HARM , WITH FOAL AND ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. - - These horses Imes been coademnrat s cant for the earaby serrtee of the army. For road and farming se many grd bar. ea=soldshady. Sala to ranararene• at II a, 11., and will be held .tt Philltp's Goternmeat Stab/es, corner or Fremont and Ramsey stmts. Trium—Cash, to UndedSlater carreney Ttrecet Ertsidter Gener .likaim A. FMK, a; hl th eme Firs Dth siatnc Q,. .11. • eiPittaols • ---- A UCTION REMOVAL.-106 - SMITH ITISLII STREET—Toe veebt,hooten tiO et. -71 RBUI4L_SalabrliVratelhatuel by the: lote /oho D • Travis foe Cookinitaben Ran bovines.. have been wed to the sew stand, fa SPLANWS BUILDINGS, IllEiceltallabi street, • next to comer of TM street, and suneoixtely ep. Doeite_the rambles, where radio soles ot aII • elnales of ineretuoidtee wilt be conUatonl by the ha: drielinea, every day and creator, so formerly. ' • The aloud Boor has temwe ekly op for the SCIIOIIIO mouth,* of toe rogniar sates of Bonds. Mocks- Real Estate, Lc.. with converdent entroare at the rear of the mow directly frost Illth street, to addition to look% entrance Uwalltet ern loot of Wee Timms. - • • spi • • - IRcILWAINE, ituttioneer. PielJroB. ACCS Sc. p.uxos AND AMREUCAN ORGANS, BRADBURY, New Tart. soicoataims 400., Plilliukaphly_ • . BOABD3LS.N srulft&T 13.13. & H. W. Smiths luniiiian Ocala.. ";1:- . -i.lirair ?ATM • Jwt received i — eti lot .of tits above eelebrat . ed tailmrmits, together with - • - GOOD CAP puatos from otbu you's. WAIIIEUNIC &PARR, =go ' ao ST. dams RTZEET. 119 . F.VMAN, HORNE ttlit iz ikelim . sirrm Trinif 761:!OZZ.00°q. 41111.13* Pianos in Moak& - 1111111[4( utat ' • ' PROF OB AL IeOE BIT IMII4OOB co . S.•••••• Sealed Proposals will be received a the MTh* of the Philadelphia Os* Works,' No. us South r • enth street, until noon' f Fildes, Meth of April, z - for supplying the wholeor part of sev enty the and tons of Bitundnotis Coals, suitable for the m • elm:tumor Illmormting gas; tobe tied on • e railroad tracks of the gas works, at tee Twenty lath end Ninth Ward StationsOn the fol. lowing q • entitles seven thousand five hundred tons in sch of the months of Juno, July, August, Wm, a • • !vaulty. February, *Fen, April and. Nay, The co must be delivered freib, dry and or a quality pprovedby the Engineer of this flea Work s eq tothe sample on whkh the cootract is Dawn: • The • N• • . enusediescrites the particular red. My of .1 intended to be 'applied. and the be* Von • • name of the =ingot pit from which . they. Ara to • • raised. If they are of a kind not now or recently used at these_worltig samples for trial of not - le e hen fi ft y tons must be delivered $$ the Work. 0 • or before the 7th of April next.- - .The .. • • • ton ofiettolta. willbeermiddered as the weigh • tended le the proposals, unless the cos The • • • ftsenrothe eight to easeept any pro. whole or In part, or to reject all, as they, mar • • beat for the Wants of the • frosts and to • failure ontheport of any eontrictor to deliver, • e coati, averling to his agreement, both: q • • ty and gustily, the Trustees teselail the not to • • emewhee, lougararvilowts may 14 required tamest the deficiency, arm thugs to the contra •• • r any loss or datums, arising [fors inch Pa • • to will tended* monthly twii eqnst ts. foto and six month. *Mirthe ape.. bled per • • of delivery, the lathe! earn month be. Log tri:he avenge of the monthly deilrede, or at tootle* of the - Traipses, will be made et earlier' tem, with iegll interest oft - • . Oh tractors prefer to mak* deliveries earl!. r thanreoulred„they maybe received, so far as they can be - couvententiv stored, but Derreente win be made tO . ,tate from the - Mae lipeCland in the eon My for the fulfillment of contract will be req and..• end t eai u t p i tme 4 mi mut name then m4,unt, JOS. NANO EL, , d - Engine. in Ohler.'s • n... NOVEL WITHOUT A FAULT." VIS, CLAIME & CO., 98 - 4 1: 1 Pcx)fei litrocrty liart'neelared tIIb ilay iNISTAKE, - .. . .. . ... Ai i ovel tho author Of 0 1Ohtnit tiessa. 4 Sao.. hlte"o4ne. Cloth. ti AO: - -.' rliPt tri% O—IiALLOWSW. SONGS, JUSTII im.. A most "settles& wsrhOstor- ' ' - - BIUSIOLT. LEAVES. eo cant& , PM! • . - were sold the hut smooth of Its publiottloo. - . .... THE 810Tlielt Or. THE vrEszasYs. s 2, .up. . 7 ost.israsel. A DI nigg le • ' - - TI3 h CHRIST 9 11 P , GOSPELS. *VW. Lectures on ..Renazes Woof Jesus.. . _. . ... Plle frOCHIAPIL ALBUMS. •Wholssall - Mt ALBypt:ChitDlS grATiONERT. spit . _ . . ~3. keitith.te, 78 Foulth 'Stied. E n t w. n. a. u. Act , &Liam; I.oVliiclilt4K3NNO wimd!iimvais, Ah warraaVed Air five 10 2 1:` V 7.14 - .11.0 r C S. ff.B.PISEPF.II4O6; ' Coiper Mill and Smelting. Works, PARK, NPCUROY &CO • MannAttn..= of SLIEATIIING.. - Mt &ETERS , a BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BUT. TOMS. _RAISED STILL BOTTO3IS, SPALTER SOLDnI. lota and dealers In Bum- ALS, TIN PLA - SWEET:IRON, WIRE, at. Constantly on band, 'EMS , MACIIINES and TOOLS. IVarebount,Nci. I 40FERST and 110 SEC OND. STREETS, Pittaburgb. Special coders of Comet out to any desired patter. • arriTTSIIIIMWIL SAW WORM*. HUBBARO t BRO. & CO. XiIIIVACTOILEES 07 PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS. Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS of ever, its. varfe seriptian. adularferosa Out, Gang, and all -• • All kinds of ICNIViS kul SPillrliS s made Irani Sheet Cast lee r deistra Bw a PER AND MOWING as. sr Warehowe Works, corner WATER sad SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. • • . Particular attention given to Retootbin& s en. ming and Stralekt_Ciroular Batts. re • pairs of all kind.. ehing And Drillbw dons d reasonable rates. • apgfir. larWM4. 111 4 An3i4.11.16. MN, 4 Boiler liakers & Sheet Tron . Wokeip ' , Wand VI PENN STREST., w l h vl nemmeenlm av e a d r m ge a pu n e, awe • are proper 'ad to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the beat Manner, tind warranted equal to any nioute in the ootug.rn. NETS, =.II.IHX2I_, FIRE REDS, STEAK PlPE3iTLooorcurrivE BOILERS, 0 ONAENSER. SALT PANS, TANKS, _OIL AG ATOItS , SET TLING PANS. -BOMA IRON, B=Gis, SUOMI PANS. arid sole manufacturers of BARN .IIILL'S PATENT: nonskas. kaimulajr.. _ 4 0 110 the shortest notice ODOIEII . IIZITID. 111LZ11..41. e. ISOLLADO ' 1d HELLS E S L . WO KS. =MR 'CO, • (Sastessors to Mom, Romotalr k C 0.,) lesintattirers of OAST STEL2 swarm - PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS. ALI 'ELE, CROWBARS, ers , Works, PIRsT WARD, Allegkeny. Post .01nce address, PITTSBVI:G Jallnly rgirTO NRRIIIIIS SUFPEEERit OP ROTH SEMES.-A. reverend gentleman hay . tog beep restored to health in n few dam otter no demoing the usual mediae and Ltreguler espetudve =We of treatment without amens, ecoatidata It his aural duty to communleateoto his *Meted fellow. erehtures the means Mottle. , Heim; On tbarewilido of an midtown,' envelwe, he will send, free, a eopy of this preletiption • _ Direct to Dr. JOHN IL DAGNALL, Int Fulton tree, N. Y. ' whißlydrotT RINSON, ILEA. At VO., (noceinots I to Rointson, Enna Wrnhlnston Works. . FOUNDIES AND MACHINISTS, Prornostraort. Mannfonduren - of BOAT AND STATlttre ART STEAM twouripw,Nr,ENGlMS, MILD MACH NE : BY~O 6 ' SHAFTINGLOAST. [NOS of all dernrlptiona, OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. - XI - Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding bolter'. • - usr•JOILNrs COCON HRAN it BRO., idannfar hire of IR VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GU ARD_ an., Not. SEC OND and IS THIRD , between Wood and Market, have on band a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. Sir Particular attention too ting. enclosing Gve Lots. Jobbing done at sho a ss tgrTHE 'lTTlMUtßATtritiltlt TIM FOE 'YOUNG MEN. Alto, now and rtl4. Ole trehtntent et the ttrim hx . l . elnat gtitittti. Andrea How. ate Association. Philadelphia, P apt dy • R riraIIENW MULLEIN. FORWARD AND commusiow E& [ A g r i anu - rbolesale dealer In VILELNE. BUTTER, SEEDS, FYsB end ^ odgee IraaranTo No. 'WOOD STERET Patent's& Sol ./TTORJrErB. ossra Y. GALICUIt- - - HUM? Y. irmasyza MOLASTER & BA 72A SOLIOMINS OP CLAIMS AND PATENTS' AND NITORNETS;II.2-DAW, lie. OR GRANT STREET, Plttll3lolllo4 Licensed lry Clovemment'to eoUod BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAT _ And all ot \ez : !11M417 or Naval Claims • • *retest the United St ONE FIUNDRED , DOLLARS, i molidiars a nosed on account-of waned* :tit UM" ,00llectot tessedlatelr. , all as . gra ,IST, oppeetts tie fJatbedriLL ; . . WAR CLAIM AGENCY. *E ! SION El, 33.erco2e. paw. and MIMS OF ALL ICINIA 11100113 ED phos:pri.v. W. J. & HALL PAI1TM1301; Attornevs - at - Law. 141 FOURTH STREET NVOUNIMID 139LDIEBB. . - slooto all .Woondeil Settlers, vne. beinpibi to an wfth .1311ad1nge.w No "arg"a"'7aurTIVALTIR at_T, idooosed the L No. ISO MTN .II ood .., Oboe Wow OM nat -wool= Azuntsw BrEyEssoN, No. • = Lamar CIIMPZ:9111. 144 Fourtii Stx4ei, P1711.8111730H.' Pd.. " • isetteeto thermions limn. 5 . 4 Allegheny and nAloistor eottottes. Spthtyd II V. 111LACWLI. avasaas MA9ERELL & J9ELT30.21, ATTORNEYEAT-LAW. .os. isin2cske SOLDtEllitii , OLAI mamas Bountlea for Weitsuled Soldiers iothicted in Roo en to twenty days. hi-015m Ni. 164:Issan 'mum Pittsburcia Call with &scheme and two witnesses. deeply ILILLITARY OLAINS A • PENSION% Ao.-.I3OI3NTOSS, BACK PAY arid suLtrAay CLAMS of every deecriptioc, colleeted .by rulacriler, et the following Wei, dal Pensions ale, all ether claims 118.60. U. C. TAYLOR, Att 4 RlFfet-t4w, No. Greet street, ushers% 14C. N. 8.-No charges are mule it the claim does net er.eeeed. and all Worustton given path'. Beets NO4( W. SHLFER, ATTORNEY 74T-LAW, No. 101 81181017, MIMI for PErtstONS, - BOUNTY FRIZZ ieormr.a.4...scomesty pusendat ell 4. i I[ 1.1.01110..,1011.111 LAYIII;...JOICIt DOYAGIT ONIY,ILANE C 0. ,& Lox _ , • BIOS maws 4c HOUSE PAINTER/, No. 6EI gudthgeld St. Pittab'ugh. . . .LZ7rIIIIIIIO or• ALL KINDS ozaeutall i rota m Mend with navorpsasimi elapana IFTUL SHOW - (MUDS anarteled nsPer of an to lora, and GILT SIGNS ON.GLIAS wade to order and sent to an Para of the country. PICTIOUIALDESIONS sweat Ohlttil7 .notrsiritzfrnfo dots MCL. reg mine_ . eabtuty,hanoaar of oplarhand tutu., T o : 4 ' o 7r s r ' AU Work.st reason* le . 11.Bito (Lite orthe ftrai of Ezenix & moanowl • SOUSE AND . anis PA;NTEIL art& UV. eart&r of Thinit and *Mut guy (and" prrrmitrizati DRI^ GOODS. MO; W1M0N..31311 - W;O4IIII”DATED WOMOLION l armsoN, CARR &.130„ . (L41:111 WILSON. TAMS .I, 00.,) Wholesale dealers la FORELGN AND DON= TIO DRY GOOD% No. 11l Wood Janet, Wei house above Diamond alley, putibu t e,,, .piii, VATON, -, MACRUM CO., Wholes& Rad . Retail. Deniers- In TUIRMGC BROIDERISS and DRY GOODS, ofeverfdanalp, Ron, Non . 17 And LP Flith stmt. Pittsburnh. . • e e : " 0 Oen e an. ...Retell/Meilen In VAN AND !MAPLE Rl' GOODS, TEGALIKINGS, izo, No. IS Market Met, between Desmond and , Fourth, Ftteaburgeu t M. BURCHFIELD t Wholealde and' • • Retail Dealer la STAPLE AND waive Y.GOODS Nottbeadet inner Fourtle and JOSEPH HORNE, holeage Mid Rated Dealer 11 ill Ids s of TIi7MXINGS, DRY GOODS, its. *A4.11 6,4 76 M.b.lcot serest. Da.MTI9TR ► JOSEPH ADAMS Dent 'Onus) le.! Baftilthm. comas CAMONI staffi_ .Pinibuna- mown—Dr. laa• gsuest,"•<*pro ft Rugg& .1 44, 2 ,- ..71 .1 4 s - !;. , : ig•;4 l 4,=A A k9V,gt. g SATURDAYA&PRIL 22, 1545 CITY AN!) SUBURBIN. /RON TE , TMDAT . PA.o.s.AINCI Gtalimmi.) The Pickpockets. Welsh and Kelly. We have already noticed the arrest of tied plelthockets named Welsh and „Kelly, on ertipl 7 . clon.of baring rebbed a lodger atilics• Ifenon- gabela Meuse. - These' worthlea were brought before Mayor Lowry for herring 'to-day, and while Kelly had been Identified ats,aprofeasienal thlef,,Wilsh bad not, and the Mayor (without hailpiteen him) had about aside 'Op Weida to discharge him. Among those who Were In the Mayor's °Med* tbegime ofthehearleg was I:r. , A..6.lllcCandless, arleii blended Welshid the Individual tate bad - picked Ills -pocket ,irt: flee Sanitary In Allmheat . Jtine lest. The Mayor happened to (p 10 -'ele^.Whatess of ;the • robbery,. and .is • Welsh . (that—posting .under: the name dr hail) `head been • =ate! cod Geld to ball for : total, the VII:EOT at once recogoLned him as soon .!an he Intl& eyes upon-biro.. • .Welsh was con-, isidcrably }ton-pbasod at this sudden recognition, lead changed coloepereeptibly." - The Mayor had ttken good ball for hlei•appe.aranco,•but the Was never tried:--ilia detindskt hiving felled to' appear. It Is suspected that Welsh had "ar ranged"-with his ball, by giving him a Inca of money Eutilclent to keep him clear of any /OM be case his recognizance should be forfeited. If this be to,the surety has made a "good thing," - as he ha s never been called upon to pay the forfeit. •-• • We was committed to 7%11 on the old chair, 3, 3 while Kelly (alias Wilke.) was sent up . for ninety days as a professional thief. Kelly is a well known 'pickpocket, and endeavored to= autetantlatebts Ihnecer.tia of the pesase.a charge ecruealinto the contmon - luso - of 'Elletlin , whether itwis alidikely that hc•would . remain in the hotelfar erects or eight hours eer ier the larceny had been committed. That was not his style, .and.he thought the very fact that be had reanalned In the hotel so long aller . the ''operation" should convince any sensible man ghat he kneW nothing of It. had he even been aware that some one also was operating there,' he would bare "skippel" as once, lie has be. come co well known as a thief, that be does n.e think it worth while to dony his vocation. ' - ~,,charge of Dbilayalty, 1 Mayor Lowry had before him this morning a cooper named William , McKenna; chatinsd with uttering dleloyei , sentiments. The accused has been engaged for some time at - the cooper shop attached to Spencer & licKay's brewery,. sad • the putne report to that nearly all the workmen czuployed there are tinctured more or less with disloyalty. They are principally strangers. Lacing come from the east in reapoeue to adver . tbements for coopers. The prosecutor in the case against McKenna Is William ttritton, who testilledtbat on Saturday last McKenna asked bim how he liked the news.. Britton readied that be felt very bad over the murder of - the - President. To ibis. McKenna responded "I suppose you feel like all the O d— d abolition .lsta. Ism d—d sorry for the man who aid It, iad lam sorry lam tal4 th Man." McKenna kres &bon; "nail tight,” Cas the witness expoine• ed it) when !...e used this language. Other with uses 'mu examined, but they had Test heard M'Kenna 113 Y anything n7l= the eAddat since his death. Two wittleatea wh i had been subpcetted were not present, and the Cabe was not decided. Mayor Lowry ordered itC :Tischer to be locked up, and he may yet be handed over to the military authorities. A citizen waded to the Mayor that he bad re ceived information from the most reliable an• thority, that the conduct of - a numberof men in the cooper shop alluded to had become so ob noxious that a committee had been forma in the neighborhood to "clean out the establish. mat." and if they did not keep civil tongues In their heads hereafter they would certainly be visited with summary punistunent. A Usenil Establishment. We have for a few days past Intendato no. tlec an Improvement which has come to our no tice, on Federal street, Allegheny, Minium' neg. head 1; until now. It Is the =broad and very much utilized - establistunent of oar friend Cco. W. Hubby, 68 Federal street, Allegheny. Mr. H. has pot in a new front In Ms store, and catended Lb building bank so _far that am 'ig loo b lost ens you take lo the perspective which I, presented from his front door. And such a ITwljdering assortment of the useful,, the beau- Mut, the convenient and tho article of virtu! Do you want a tea pot, of any variety. /haps or stze—from modest tan to porteutimul diver— call at 64 Federal stmt. Or do yen want a. wash tub, kettle, hoard, brush. or clothes Hee.' Pb, wringer, horse, dryer—call at 6$ Federal street. Do you want a broom, breah, whisk, or any thing Is that line? Call as Shore.' Do yen want a shaker, gran, ca , floor, door,. table or any other kind of mats? Call as above. Do you want to keep cool—to keep butter. milk, vegetablesor water oast 1 Call and purr:tumor Donley a refrigerator or wader cooler. /a abort, do you want angthfug, from a Why 'Jumper to a clothes hmse,--from a tea Sett to a wash day tett, from abath tab to a foot bath,—anything topthed; or even thought to be requited In At,' tin u up lane domestic senatdulunent, what= an bumble cottage - or a pertentions Ugh stoop and Studlah basement, we can 'Mauro you. that Dubley'i Is the place to, yet It; and to get. It cheap and good.,llis assortment Is endless, Ms goods lash and well made, and his prices restate'. nlla, - trewci o ui. Loam surnoms. -- - L TSIMUI W. ram, of Mate Rake, us Moak? In Americas Minna orders. 0.31 cw at Almada' is, new the Walter Works, Plastrargb; Pm inee, No. 71117 kt street. Orders attended to. AL work warranted wate r- Repeating done st the shortest notice.nce for re *lre, provided the nal Is mat stewed atter It is pat cm. Mr. Itedoctleur• friend. Mr. Jahn Weler, Nil- 134 Federal street AllinthenA; was In the east when the glorious news of the caPlute of Richmond and the surrender of the rebel Gener al Lee was Toccirr n i, and taking advantage of the panic produced, and tolowlng the co-action that would follow. made Ivry hear Purchases et the finest spring and summer , goods at about one-half of the old PriCl33. Some of the finest Botha, madmen* and xestings are laniard In hie stock, wbicb be Is prepared t t make up to order, on short notice insithe listartmtiles, acid at corrtipondingly low rates. A choice west. Nett °Mandating goods and ready-made cloth. lug will also be libund Lis anima. astatilhilt: meat Our Alleglunly 'Mends should glee laza a cull. • _ Choke Lots fur Country SeaWr . ap,' per ion wishing to procufe ti chute) Cite fore coma try home, should attend the sale of Wallatti Jackman, on Thuradat, the 27th Inst. The pro. tty la epokets of at the thaeit fur country :test: deems fn the county. - The sale is, totake Place *tie o'clock A. M. reirkhe tan cabby the tars of the Plitsbeitibi Fort Wayne* Ckleamu Hall way, Bent the Allgeheny itUtiloa .on Federal_ stmit,st tl o'clock A. M., andletnrit In the af ternoon. Bee aftertlieme2lln another Column. We **everybody to go anise* the stock of boots and shwa now opening at Roma:ars.' 99 Federal street, and we -know they wwil be Inked. All kinds of men's, women% bora', tnlsses , , see children's Shoes. at snugly redue‘al prim, at McKelvey's No. 47 Fllth street. Ask for McClintock's shoe storo at 92 Feder al street, and don't buy till yon acs Ms stock and you will save mousy. The best and cheapest stock or bactij sisosa Ana ohms In the two classy /Eat RJ TLedtrsi DleCLlntoek bee reamed hL key *rig,kroixf f)93 Federal atreee, Allegheny city: Lar' fse Opening of boots and' atutes—sptialt stykl, this day, at ta Faders street: . • Shoes and Gaiters at pods piers, at 92 federal street.... . Large stock of boots and skoesjusfrocelead at 47 Fifth, street. MI Geode warranted u represented, at 02 Federal atreet. • . • , Now Is the time for begshis at 02 street. Chlldrens , Shoes of all Mods at Mello. Lock's, Ladles , Gaiters In great variety, at 47 Fifth street. For 14boes or all kliido rot° 47 Fifth Weed. luny= roan, an old um In treW Thmee.wita very megh effectid by the hew* or: fresjdatit . ,Llecole , e demise, aud atter', aNatiec.vary much depcmeed all day, he dropped dead la the nin other day there died la Yorkshire a wo man named Roee, who Wulos.3mare old: Her ;ameba. was 108 when abe dled, and her grand : -mothet. reached the age of 14t) yam. - Sams Abe Federal - oaniutlon man} Chian". tune made their. atipidance'irtin runt for - tiro' or throe yew,' lb* or htdtheut, selres to imokt eottacription. Aitaa ?marl jury baa awiraidji".iaidlet "qt 12,400.•t0 &Atlas Cando.. la Aim*: aailast r ibia city fok damages bi a fall aajci paye' 1401, white. • t , • , • LlE=Mtli :1 ~.` a ' l:: s..el :. rwanwwwmwmwsißMlßMlPM, t.:t_i.t:.:4)L7,, 'WC fine iu a Pre-shyteriln. papernn easy entitled "Tmth Reconciled," in which the de-urines of the great schools of Protestant Cluistlanity, Cal vinstle and Arminian, are sided inn COTICISC f.,, m. Wlt hoot mitering . into the argon:cute pio. anil.e.on., we- sim ply give the doctrines as we lind them : The writer says' as tried by the original teach ings,i it Is o_ very remarkable - and aTe y hopefuliiiet, that there -is , no procaine t evingeileal Church which holds exclusiv - -4 the doctrine of Calvin or Arminius. The Westminster Assembly ndopted .essotitially . tile Vapor's al the Synod 'or Dort '(11318). 'These Canons-are In five chapternand relate. to five points flrrtj peiticiilacandtineen= , ditional„ electioo. ; second, particular_ re.. 'deiiptiont or the limitation of the miniver • fects of Ohrist!s , detith to the elect only; thtri, total depravity and total naoratinabil. fey of Mai' es ts; fallen creature; foulth, tlle. • irreshitlidilireidiVinignicei fifth, the final perseveree thefsainta. The. - fidfatiera, „of - Arminitte deny 'these - teachhigs in-whole or in pa se drawnin tin followiiig !intents' of belief:l First, Election consists simply In the foreknowle,dge.of God, rind is net ae l so ute: an, iScodi nAltintiii,.. - 11ediinV : Christ 'Wind itir men,' and Mis ittornioniat Clint foriall F.yeTindlvithittli is invite's to partake of Ells gnin. Fotirth, Divine glace is eirered teimake the will corr.. ply with the invitation t or .ineicy; but this, gruce-ma t y be resisted andiendered nal by the sinner's perversity. Piftb, ninjfrilljronthe tote•of .rrace in . which th ... A ` !eel placed , by the . 6116i1C110111 Of tile holy Spitlt . , • - - —The Er/averse .a Catholic, paper llsbed editorialltaays "the Catholic officers are doing well In the army. 'lonizer?, ;Oilmen; Meade, Bberinateand Shale.' is, are names of honor nod' glory that willinever fade."- It'is certain'', not in very gbod taste to provoke critiselbre, oven if itwas!true that these able generals Weie Catholic/; btrit' is questionable If any of thein are, strlitlY ePeeking,. of Mitt corn. reunion, except Ilesecrans. Oilmen is of Methodist parentage, andit Is said hissym panties are in tint Airection. It lias been repeatedly affirmed that Meade Is an Feiss). pollen. i Sherman's wife is a Catholic, but the fact has not been established that he Is one. It is not known, that we arc a tram of, what denomination Sheridan prefers. We repta:, it is not proper to invite discussion on such questions, nor 'sit material to which denotuiriation our gallant officers are con nected with. —lt,setms incredible that Rationalism exists to such an extent as it does in this country, , ,ind'yet we flr.d in an able relig ions journal the fact established that a min ister of a Congregational Church In one of cities pT New flanipshlre, recently in veighed. against' "water baptism" as he called it, declaring that it was not properly a Christian onlinance, but a relic of Jude isor symbolic faiths. In the lame sermon, he spoke against the custom of "tayinggfrace" at the table. And it is af firmed he preached a discourse highly eulo gistic of . Tom Paine on the last annlyer. eery birth-day of that infidel. —lt is rarely the case that we hate an opporunity to note instances Ilk the follow ing: Last Sanday,the Rey. Dr. Adams, of the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, New' York city, preached lb the pulpit of the 'Episcopal Church of the Ascension on Fifth Avenue, by Inyitatlon of the Rector, Rey. John Cotton Smith, D. D. The Rec tor and the Rey. Dr. Mutiletaberg pritticipa led in the services. Cp . lens° . is still a Bishop. When he promulgated his mddel sentiMents, the Bishop Of Capetown, South Africa, assum ing to be his Metropolitan, had Mtn az rainned land tried for heresy, of which he was fot; guilty, and for which he was 'de pot:ed. lenso appealed to Queen Victoria, as the Mead of . the . Church Of England, and the • Prbry Cotracillme decided Chi the seri tents was null and void, and that COIOIIISO Is still a Bishop. the sermon of Dr. Freeman Clarke of .Boston, before tire late Unitarian Con— vemlon„ Henry yard Beecher received. very e i Tivocal Compliment, that "he was dolt ? ore than fifty ordnary men for the spread of Moat Christianity. —quite an , extensive . revival has ac: curred ip the Presbyterian church at Clarks , vine, *veer county, Pa. Upwaida of nine. ty pretted themselves. for. prayers, of These a bout seventy have expreseed a haps 113 Chili —I A., [., Is estimated by Res. J. Tucker, of the burets ..Idissiotutrf Society, during twenty- ne years labor In . Tinnevally; that he has ,cen instruinentsl In rescuing from 'Leathern= and Romantint 3100satils ;, has established rixty souls ; and built slxy—sle .ehruites. of Imbrue dimensions. —lion. Amos Kendall, for so many years sidistinguished politician, was bapti zed on it recent Sabbath in the fellowship of the Calary Baptist Church,: in Washing ton City. -. —Sometime since a Catholic society nes olganized in Utah, and services !add tinder the shadowof the Mormon Teinple, ' much to Brighton Young's wrath. 'the c. , mmailding °Meer, .General Conner, a Cttholle himself; is deters:tithed upon. telt. gious libeitY; a - 8 . 4611 is lite freedbm of the" i - 1 -- bebeneral Assembly of the" 0. 8. ?resit ,erian Church will. hold Its next meeting in the First Presbyterian Church, Pittsbrtrgb, Pa., on the 18th day of May, and wiil be opened with a sermon by the Bev. 4arooi Wood, D.-: - D., Moderator of lid last Assembly. ' , , , "—'he committee (U. P. Church) ap.. pointed to' prepaie n now version of the Piiiiii9 have so ihr progressed as to be r atgo to pntMsh a good ipart of their work.' - --When the vote was about to be taken by the New York East. M. E. Conference i upon cencurringirith the aniendment adop} ted by the Getters!, .coSfereate 'minding .eleveliolders from the Vhdrch i the presiding officer, Bishop Ames, 1u :some explanatory remerhs, said: 114 been writing .a commentary 'on slavery; lie hue s;9 l ultiOaned it, sail we accept; .1 to "eettehitin ' It was concuped in by a Ananimotts rota of 149 , ---i The Broils] of the late Unitarian Con!. ventlen that we' have. "no - Mediator," ha's awakened intense feeling- in the evangeli- cal - ddoomlnations of this country. Even secular papers speak of these avowals as more cold blooded and disgusting titan -the sayings of profeWll infidelty. —=The New Y„ork Observer. 'teams that _there ore twice is many Jews in the city of New York ea in all Palestine. —4t is gratifying •to note that the first Protestant Church at Naples was inaugura ted recently. The ground Was givens by to the Protestant residents in that city t - • • next anniversary of the American "itaptlet Home itliatoe Society will be help. in fit, ! Louis, Mo no the 18th and 19th Of. S. It Comb:3lo. port au., to to preach the Ii177:1110#. During the pest year 'Methodist Epischpai cberches la the Beaton district .hav ta.f ffschaiged net ices _ than 4108,000 "of deb -:-.4TheAtigohurg Greeter seri that in 11w Solt' Otty 809,000. t are spent mutually . -ixiaimi!;- !Webs l inidget.vtinil4l : otrt4teiattbilifi l fe l oidtatl"r ".- MISEEI B Wi'S .4-€"0 S erES LOOTS AND SDO46.—Wc itg our Spri - ng and Surnme'r Stock . - - • DGOTS, DOES AND GAITERS, which we are offiria,e, et Tau!. covire ist sorte 4, niiim- C 3 NLRICET STOCK OF BOOTS . 11.1i6 SHOEA. 1 .6 • mt r a ltzt hut tetu i t , ned : t em the East with a seems, "ArrsiaprEas, • which - I 'hare ?unhand at gristly redoced micas an acconat ot tle panic, and cansagaently canon SwNn.id;tl' • te'ter uld eartomers • A ria that I have removed from 96 ttreired. Aria *treat, 2 dears below, where wth .0 pleased' ~to: show y'stedk' •orgoke to all who tear laver :Ise a call ,• , -- - .410 .82 Federal atfeet,'Allegheay Mt/. je.m.ga 'tom . market Street , 'l4= Tlllt maws , raptirq, • SOOT'4t ..Nll3 11.7301 M, 0110:PacniM , WO4 atty. Ill4 ' )Westired a nta t tlficer4 019.1k tam oms !TILE "STAR" WORK! JOSS! ELOIVED BT Gy.ONGE.ALBREE. SON a co., ife. a WOOD STILEM. 'Vs' and Youth's Beet Bidmorills; " Oxford Vas; "Bootees . ; Ohlktren's Goat sad Kid Skoes. • . • - These goats are made to our special order, ass are warranted unequalled custom work. note LEAD - PIPE AND SUSHI LEAD WORKS. • • BVCORMOK & GIBSON, • No. 113 2Eisstast 15T.172.M. Ht.. CINCINNATI, OHIO. 'Bate to order PIPES AND SHEETS of any rmiuired welgti and Me. _ besets _per square foot., I hr., and upwards. fa 1 MPRA.1:44,11J,11 " 11.4VA1,72 7 . al: • •- • ter. cad 7141.1ft:':,); tAro'T.".."3°o,ll l ,'t: tribredord FURNITURE, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, 44ellia c at redcumel Mow, WHOLESALE OR =UL.. W. WOODWELL. • Nor. V 7 and 110 TIEIERD - STREET, Opposite E. Edmondson A C 0.% and Win . Igo. 11l FOURTFI STREET. .pLURBING, • Clan gad Steam Fitting. fa all 11l braaeben carefully attended to, by ears rtenced,_Nacticat workman. A lie anortaent ot OAS FUTURES, 8.114R5, _ BATH • OBT • OWES BATHS, • , • WATER CLOSETS, ISYDRATM,, ha Canstruttly oa bard aid mart* wale. TATE & SEVILLE, xi. ea FEDERAL STREET, Jklleglisay; And STILTBEETTI ISTEELT.Pittunisilk inAWAsurdir TEM DALTON FAZILT AND MANIIFICTIFEING • . . KNITTING MACHINE, The Amplest and nest ieffeitee /01MIAs liseldae ever mutated. leeunettacie 'tree.' Call see , see then fa epperatioa, or seed ter atrinitere mad sea. Pa. . E f P. CARPENTER, CIENEILL ainarr, n rzrra sr, swamma. HEWITT'S 714 best abet skesaisol t NAIR -DAM 1 VINO AND ENDTORAT/VE let 1 9 "4. 1 7 ,llG ir cedseal at... Alletbsay. eus4 tar sate bk atatUta recresity. SEEDS, GRAPE VINT. 3, nturr sixes, unitise alllsiliontre utruzurs, Coopers Cloodintero Tool AIGD HARDWARE OEN; RALLY 17r New stock Jun reatitml at DRiAtiVetsexv, Wo. 90 and 30 OHIO gni jeeso ORAlo'b COMFT SAW AND BARGE YARD Craig . streets 4181111e1Y. =nano = STEEL BAILEY, STOCK .EROSERI3, W1L14311 MALL. .Partteuler attelitloO 1/Id. to the Fondue', and, RATES OF COMMISSION:: . . 013 ' Stocks aalung at $2 and. under. 114 per cent. du. do. $2 and up to K 2, do. do. do. Ott do.. Iso, 12 paten do.. do. 11$2 sll‘l over.. a 1 pr cent. ' CARRIAGES AND "'BASKETS of irery deeetiptlaa. LAdle• Iltwortee Tramelliai Rtitellenta _.lelinere variety or rainy (iambi. „ - ; G4OI3IPS - No: tat Market Rt. wme, oorziatralßucitaitio : a *teel `ttict4te 'Agency. 00. AND 00AL • LANDS' fn Chiol No. Per , (2 Am) Lam= mari, spuea PITTSBURO H r. GBAGENBILI4 -- . - cilsi sad ill MUMMA imstaihemy ' - ... .... tIZNISNAL - DNAIIGHTINCr OPTION AND PATEI s R=I , WY. Nn. 111 ST. CLAM ST., OM 8 Arldim, Drainage awl ealchlt Dens team &Ones and machinery generally. Planci, and specithmticras for Nanutectories, 011 hildharlos eisd ilsekttooltual Ora ma% nu •11.2 GlNAOir y Stlneleir . atlaliretegliiia. "acci d ence W3FL, - ALEK4ISIDEII WHELLMI&BONS Now PooPYing Their Jew itto* ; ". to a 39 Nor Lit Stoat Ifto *ol3lafts E. Eavihs heisparti itiostrais , , aim: jam.- ail Nu losauffotoforfla otolniq,_won4l f goonignmenta • of am 14W1... wmffiEs YARNS, and-UOTYON Im, apt will auto .ClAtaliodfamo, SWIM. Da nAlpneOto, ho sou of eh per Wee. per venom:. : heitlUad *1.!'11 .11BADQVAR,111113; 1 W ORD & - • tisi•loco SIIOY.LI .'--DAV.• CRANFORD, R entalidest s itrettat fig Atigag, Innis,' air: • . • ham ra tiolof DU Wilco tone' No. WATER- ST. to CORNEA DP WoOD and PIR9T BISEETB, over Pooplos.Thitiouirßook. .The Don Oomoser alai bullion* eatried,ouln all its brancliol, COO advances toodo:' Uonaigiimancs soueited. Ftete9 tir," 1 4704 111soturors 'of Chia. SPP) . . -0416.1:11113Ww.:73C10CK/2 , 47„ Ineltei tho othartioa of 3 =I others to viendid itoik of 0 POWDER 101,431[3 sum; gralraass Fgt Dams Fri/Lags: sod moomuoftloo of idad. AWE lir Um *Mit etc, birood.6 to motet oaf WALL PAP/M.:- newest - dm/iglu 4.,:_imnataaermiljzas :4• " •-• . • , • EI.EIMI D' (ashler, (tete with Iron City 11.1 c.) FOZUTD PITTPIIGUDD, V. S. Ca,-...ar.r1 t Dopostfary, Prymaroon, February let, 196. • ATOTICE.—WISHING TO FURTHER tto design of the NATIONAL BANTA LAW. Uniform System of Currener • FORTE ;NATIONAL _ BUN P,MII3I:II;,RCH; will, ea and arts: FeDraar/ttatit9i6, vecein her repair pa:miters; 4wtosas awl dealers, . . _ . crrri r Air paR. tidsoolusethe - Inatialrill Obiapti Pit MONET FREE .OFALL'HURGE in exciting. for Wile entrency. .By lunar of Iloilo:1rd. B ernamo mum . HUTNES SONS, Itio. 67 Market Pitta)rugh. DEPOSITS RECCITED is . PAU . . Collections wale ea all the principal plinth of the United Metes and CLeaediie: STOOKS, BONDS AND OTHER BEOBBINE }MGM' At . ilf SOLD ON MRSSiON, Particular attention paid to the pnrahaeis an :ale of 01111 TED STAT SKIIRITBS, final- Mita Slits Sr usi— . 6.703 • ' - Do. Fink Alt4Os; ' Do. • Serai•Thlntesi _ • Do. - 4ntiltstes of lagieweatess. ORDERS AND - YOUCRIERS;• RODOET qE • _.., jaßkly • OOLLi; . tor ED. _ _ _ DOLLAR BANK, NO .65 Penmen *Poinase. OHARTIOMD IN I. • daydaily from Ito o'clock, aloe on Wednes. day and 13atcoda y evening, from. May let tole*. _ venter Ist,from Ito *Wooly and from Norensber ist to May let front to (I deloalt. • Depoetta received of eU come of not Imams Ons Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice. =June and December. • Interest has-been bennuaUyi In ,Tone. Dezember, - ethos the Dank .was orpaired, et the rate Of alit IntetM is not drama out, le placed to the eredit• of.the der:osUor se principal, and bears 'the Sams IntereetDointhe oral day' of June and December, comptamdieg twice I ;ear' Without troubling the depoettor to eall, Or even topmeent his,pass book. At this rate reneregl doabis iskleer iaaa %wean Beaks, containing the Muter, Bi•LaalLb tu iles a and lkinlatlons, hanienee gratis, ea app at the °Dec , • Procathigive-11EORGE ALDRED. ncs WIZSIDLTT/A. _ Wthisa I. Andaman, A. N. Pollock, 31. D., John CF. lisekofen. Rebgre Hobe, Fahnestack, Johd Shoenberger, James Herdsmen, James Shl4lB, lamas McAuley; Alev•ader Speer, • lea= N. Pennock, Christian Yeager. 1.1111111711. - thdrindliams, lienrr.T.;_Dynah, - John O. Bindley, Peter A. ' CI Black, John ffiersbsib,.. HUI Wake, HaesiesJi, Abase A. artier, Jeateira Igeoki, Ohartee - A. Oeitee, Jahn B. lifehisitMed John Eva ipk . Noy Joke L.11=14 , • John I. Witham E. William S. Hamm, AlasanderTindis, Peter H. Hunker, - Witham Vaakirk, Itlehaid Ha = P. Jaime D.' ham OPIXON Secm IO I.—ZAIIM B. D. REHM TREASURY DEPARTMENT, • orrzaz or uoirrrioxpm or raz evassrar, WHERErM I4 .ILITIEIFinO Y _ War prorated to thi listel,, It has rm . Putnam BANK OF BIRMOIGRAM, _ la l/ lAmbar oo of• l o ll f n P a e th a a ti b r a ' s aa U hu lloes y Under sad atworMur to the rustremaaam of ... Wrta of Goodrum! eatlUed "ha Aat to pro vide a Natlostal Comeau, sontril by* of Gonad Woe Smash and to provide kr the Wow laGoa tedenothia thimmot," ar panel Joao ld, talf, Aid twaoomplled with all the provision Praia adt required o f ecoulledwithforeccoa• marina the busine s s of booklad ander w le ad set- Now tharthoo, Pszszas Maas, Ourel• Ar t c i t_l.ll , Warz ,i , r ; do = w ear tha T r e of ia the :al h ff l giu. or Pensunklualhia the snow ruttemizeTtr ui. moue Witham of maoetag tmdathe afore- Currizmy Bureau, • lii toothmosy whereof Simil of Um , . al m fUniza my Mad amilsoal Com Molls! TUN' mito4 Vi s -3!d tala dal at , ,I FRlElltilt CLAIM . ' . Ekmajod Clouptmllet of the Clummier . P 1 . 9 te•l•P , m&eitort , #4ll ipussmvs BLOOX. W. X IMMIIk . , . 10 ST CLAIR. STREET w 014,1 sill the attentlos *Meyers tot* goods. R h.. bows sainted wltltigntat 'cam sui contains att the IeZWZST STYLES 131 r QOOD . to be touhd La Met elan homes.. Gents idahlag sett of sloths. uses to order, will_ phew WI “it menthe; tr . te pais as& NMI: All" s.iai .u,f94 suritraaixt ♦. H. /11.6114E.2Canotrare Tana; • ■Ol , alas Io Set. MAIM STREET. JUT. RECEIVED. i FRESH slams or ISpys' Vlpthing, Fr THE PRESENT BEASON, At Greatly Reduced Price& AFISSOL 0210;r11:: 'lllB z OLUTION OF CO-PARTNBR s • .—The Partaanhip hosetateat bstweet the tutdershreed,uadiar the Ora = M s 3 ORIIMMIN t 00., ter the suundhaturt el Silva • Pearl Lad other fiasys, hot Ma day baet tr ayed by withal eeeseet. • •SAX I O= • _ : 1201 FOEITER. ••- . ,1 RN. 101111FIST.fat:. OY KiniNEDY & co. teueotwors to CAMPTON t IWrinPaPl4.llll Or • gilVek rear/ tind Sitterior - Ititithi Boat* • se LLIISATY elltET, PrITSDIFIGE. • - ,COPPITNZRBLIIP: '. We isie &assisted wititki 1A 11te ' llotti - ' sat 510=talbtalare..TAR011i1.9 % yyat tag RUARY lst, mat the &me of eattimatows k 00. • toots? • - ADAM AMMON. Eat', Caps fug • stra Goats, Bare now In 'lois tho zit - most oxisSirw atonic , . i _ 0000$ FOR FAIL I . , ... Elm *hied In the wag 'graft - ii4rseilitei I° V" exakin tr r ?. "C , li •lr . -. 4 . 1 ,1 11 :,. 'l O4 . 11tinet t Ivir gatil.' tertX6 =M% ----• •, ::1!.1•• . - . . • TO PROVIDE A ALL= DUNN, cashier. CURRENCY GRAY &ZOGU 417 ST. OUSE EITINET ~ ,: •:t •:i1i;..i..1,-' MEDZ£4 , II,. 1101 OPATHIC iPEGIFIGL A FRESU SUPPLY JUST *RECEIVED. TREY RAVE BEEN IN IZSE FOR YEARS AYL TRousAND.,I 'RAVE BEEN • CURED . 111: TILEIL READ THE LIST OVER No. I—Curesreesr,Congutlon am& latisamatio the acute and teds:lnzatore dtsemie. Price ZS it No. 2--Ones Forme reser, Worm Jolla and tro adonis Appetite. Wetting the Bed.. Pries iS eent No. s—Came Vella Teething; Ortinir and Wok fatness, Blow Growth and reetasamor /Went Prieele awe. NO; 4-Duree Diarrhea. as Ohtlifteis , at Adult l[nboiarel lafaritnat ant &tamer lOcaegailitt: hif New. teed f can the worst ,eiue4otehteidear „ lifo. 6 —Cuiee'Dvantwe - orßktode Ftexteo alto" C°116,11/411Dr!nteg..Msl? liertree,' Niue 355 VOriallrgrdlatlifastla Breattilege 25 - Bra." l— Ourei4Niethkds, - Ifeweesibh - eta* leaven:a and Sore eol Throite 35 emote - - Bekfie.„ Imam fall 30 AluretheelfilLOOlo • and Omit& 70. , Skierea TootiWis - *tiled aide sad Tie Deloreux...Prla• 35 deem 3-I.lures 11ea .. ./epan;stpu Blooel - p—thues Reiginebn; Sick R • ttutfot Blood.tolhe Read. .Prlcn 21 In addition with - N0.40, it nem Islis to *urn the 3otitlaretarite-eur4,7 ..... . - _ _ . IlltiniliDirpapola, Weak. AC44 ot Dame , - id Stomata, Oansupstion, 'Liver Camplath; fat Mom Cloaditlaa. P - 4.0 a% tents: - • Il tf araistaix - for all mei sElllnal 5 Elllnal ,OOppWaL.. .. 47.4, .4fejw,4.. • He. fi r -Coreetappreocd, roam, Pasha. or, DellYillia Oran Siclakesa.. ,SO Na. - I..eaeatilma -or IF /dam marr"..! 17°1,11401a Mama .7- • . 7.44 1 4:‘ , • Comp -Hearse .Croitny . ..offiglat Difficult and Opnremed meta. No iH)rnee Rimini, C l l7l - Hr/re.• Erysipelas, Budd li ea d ePait 4 W7l.!l l 4o#• oft . No. ta-Ctiiisitthaitaiatiiiii Psfil;4Milideills '7 Soreness In the Chat , ' Be efy Hide, or LAMM. la sciatica. satanic.. . • No. le-Oures Frier and Agee, intermittent 110 seri Dinah Anne, OhHtereterato Mlliteet - No: i7-4.luree Pltee , Intazital or.ihMernitiele . or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. ell Unit , .This :remedy hu enredP thousands at the went' _ No.; rB-trarea Optrithilmils,Wesk or killandig Eyes or Eyelids, Falling or ili,eak sight. IP eval.. • UAW 'grays be relied opon for a ettme • N0. 1, -JkiresUOirrei; acute oretirimbi, City IR • Sowing, cold In the acad. influenza; :so mom . ' NO:20-47tirisi, Hrinntighteotigh, shortemeg palletingit,os Bpasmodie Cough, Ns unto. •- Ime/ 10 0, Lad ilwitXarbmn and cue.. No.ll-Ciutis_ Op=nitioLDlffierViz bored &Widen; Code! end Htedreds.tiTe been inns]: hy It. No. i . Diie NOISS la Impaired Hearing, Earache. scron2b.,' - Enlirgia Mande, NM Tensile SirellingacodOld Mum. M cents. Has mired the Cu.,. No. 24-tilltall Owing trabiiiiy, PhYet:elm rim! Tau Weakness.' Is cents rta.ss4ciaiits Diop. , staid icaimaalatiaaa, rale Swellings, mitb Seamy Secretions. • N 2 1 ,4 7tiresResSieloness,krostratIon,Vrat . • No. 27-onru .llrixiary -Dimossrreral CaladTj , Medi or Painful Vilna o AO Gant". Hums old rases of Kidney Blouses..:. • No. sa-rai' Seminar rel i B ed - Stabicalaa,. invediud,- I) shercA i ni t t s 0 0 0 r nmi th i l b cgstn e ig e n e r • tY +to. mold efficient remedy - imown,-and- ein IS Ne.o-43tiree Sore Mouth or Stomach, oshgeene • :Noah of Adult. or Children, end .alse • Misled " ; and. Vomiting of Pregnant . rentsleal feeenhic, : . _-None.-Oures. Winery Incontinenem..Wettlegl..: the bed, too 'regnant, Painful, or Scalding HAY . • No. M-Onres Painful Menstinntion,Pregen Us • Cramp s Pr:antis, Haim, awl Unica It Ws like ft elan& Na as-earea suStriag at *map of We,. Vlimhos of Heat, Miledtardonotint , No. 54- Cures bipthicia aatitlietita c Sant Sore Threat. a sent.. - _ No. 21140teres Coaudidone =nu ei Ne.34- 4 0nres'ilillsoine4ms WeetaMerA No. Bolls; Ciabuteles, led - any Sac • . HUAI kind. No. ab-Onsasall Anna Enl lot Fever. Maelea. Macs Par,aaa - • - 117-43alva ilaroaareoasta, Demo= 0 • 1 0.0 Drr Ora sad Carib wlti anostaralloa. • - Na. wat patina cautebtheMal d. Waal/. Rattllaa V Kam Ea Me Throat._ _ . Do. Ills-Alares Uonantattaaal Tharankal RIL • wheat, Manila of Ileadaaba. _ Do. as-Olaer Onailltatlonal Dlrpositlaa la vi Milli ;05 St nalfaxtly WO, 11110k70 • o. .6 11." ' so nal • L IS „lona/ ' POND'S - 11:117140T Op - For Stable, irribla,liaraaam, Lao. - ana, maul, Dlpaia, Dorm Tbistaaisa."..D lag a alarm= as ciat4i Tab raids rapplitilat Dna Tadr . . E Oar - iterimiellos by( Look over the Use, as up • ease of warn sot -you choose; ilier thm art lei agree mint or stamps, by: nod. to my •1161116 ••• mend si7lN QW7 T l it ' b rF5 a M 4 11 1 . 1 c tte• af NITLTON.- Mob .strees,ittemt • • ' SeeOtd loot be,l ow the Bat 01,11. it 4IP goat for IWOusei 1 61 1 111141116 Coll7qll. NO MOHM - Taxirrszczzaissir, , ]: - = 111VOOTIGH,Want . :% • BOILLIITMOUS wean -Is warcottod to ours (knobs, ago • likoulocoos, Aottoao, .Whooolao Cloook, Oar 'Most, Cloossooptloaiolot all - allootious of Oa • Parisle_ ...... tr _Viopok, 4 LS • . - Uri .11Catinissaa astllth . as 110101111111., 11111WKLARys ME as Ufa oily serials, rowdy forDtattesisassi . 11. Is a amabtastioa et hatriassams. -Sibaulata eat Clanalsaussa awl aarsaataa. malt a. awe attar aIA aim. arra ; . Tar ar t 4 c = Omani Depot, t art STRIGELANDS TILE $1262)Y: Mt. ernuorraraps rum staikoi. ennd Unman& of the wont Mei Qi Mid s Ineedthe 11 gnu Immediate Mb& and eV beta • permuwat sun. Try It dkeetlr. ' , now= :t ranted to ewe. For sale by sll Druggists. esseial Deist, Siraii Youth street, Oturdansty 46 1741 a 1 a4W0. :1: 1 0/#4ir . . _ va. imucarramws 'Tenter , &Mena Di WIMPS rol d oanatout thew withatog with lien =aas Damao We Ale , iliand'e, Tape, tun a eatetaenethenalde preparation; &of kola Alameda "`"• t• Denonnie str mho& nervous eyetene t , • ti the mato a good angina and is &wanted to at DLOPIPPKII and Nerve= DeWitt'. . _ = roe ehiem paniatly. rnperse lw" • • DR. A. WinTeartle dm; ttt For ed he isle - *lnt. QED . it..itzTenik - We aad Viigin ailer ei 6. 151r. 4 &DO., *orate-of Wood and , DA= & Itatialwk, MAN OF - A THOUSAND.-4.. , 81710..ETIVE CURED.—Dr. H. .TILIIES, • rev CO*. tired phyla:duct greet untnence,discorered,wilie iv the 'End Indies, certain tare -for Onnstucen,. .tion,datlonn, pronchlt*.Oenthe.Oolds, and Chence... eraljeelllty. The remedy wee dlacoreeid by when hie only child, a' dueller, wu ens ur ter - di* Mir child was ours& au fellow, altra..aint well. Dentrau of rho: mitt= Mafellow m be will send to those who wish it, contelniagnat r=lfor making and doeadddAdly core 5111~ , :~r .. itee; on receipt of their tutines,.witittunik,l-. - item to .par queue* . Th ere I. not eyminm of tionsunution that it does not neOnsdr_" - ''' tab:l o l4W of and dhdpste. Night. sweats, pew. Ulm trtitstlonitt the acryst,htlare ettaa , w .dlidec/ expocdorwelon, sharp ulna in the ma itre WWI Only sensation*, pause& at ttosatn,insttlotf of tb bowel, wasting " 11 017se• ' Sa-The writer will the tins 4 ' PaPer ttlig7 See qqi tidlrertisemait In. 'Man" • ":225 No:WS/404 - = 2 1 441, 4 "3° 0 1 - ic. - oo9 MAti1100D: HOW 1013 T t IrOW R. 4.••••• publlanet, In onalot 011111 M Moe, SUL Conti. A Leottue on the A • TrestamatAnd Radical Ones of-Spend 844inal W Involantorir tuir Debtlito ta -to. tenerah Nommen, Ooemmyttooaa,, i and runiNestal mut Pbralell • Ineopsolt inn from Bellt•Abnas, - seer. AVavnisi:j l 1 74 rt.- D.valiraffrigeorated;itikAriaia• ? digadmir mat; 1 plain anus! .peg to nay , atinv.- =r mii i.ll: l 4:ok ar. motPt 3.43 ot azis . o llin t OrAwit ut. • Mob berinfa---,-.ltirt7thadn Fon,ri. , 2Varts ; 113 .117C/111,1,1110WINIF, t knairl= tace inbtoni anattiindb7 Plynlpq dam • lb In ai ms , M. sad me ,• aqua* ot•pialents• treated. IninY. . Or SZIEWALWINLICRIM i 4 Unialiithonnant inildag therefrom, am omen nosh thatter Um* than nalseafoce •bn ' NW • -I , VEGILTABLL ILIBLEDLES::-..X.4kgranop U On.. any part , of Übe Vain..Lall lawns mull ,instakst slug' Solo nOrdzn a rgir n i mo ljonsayoadianionslik. • sanot.: vann0.61.15 mooed. elating. , J.,11. tsl3ll' • 'POUND = . -pRpEIVAT DISEASE 11.- - J.: '• ''.- ' .' .: . - ' 011 1, ' silirranit's". l l"° 6 , -- '' , - ~',.• • ... Ireetkii otos W all dimaiasii of . a aster% tla ' avd - fraf from taro to roar ttayt, by swim , .Kaffir 'll :trestatiot: . Alto, Sesolsal W Omani of the genital _ _ 1 1 tii It atirovarraatod i tt ;rot MOW 6'1M11ik....% ``',•lL': 4 . 4M11111 " •I li2 b . st 4 -001.. 1. 'lt t t';.t r.',list4- .10. :5 '' .• • ....,;41gyags,0:...' . Lart:i .. • t[.'-. ri , t.:".t.c.,:tiV AL :,.: l, . • • - ' -'. • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers