TUESDAY. ROBINSON. ZI'OLBAB a co.. liUy:uw.orsla db ZElrcz..7-x.44.ar, N0..75 ittutztb St.. Pittsburgh s atta 'waived in PAIL FUNDS and C flolleotlons roads la all parts of the United Stales. any and sell at starlet rotes: U. S. t per tent. hot, Bonds; U.S. do. 6.20 do.; Ilk S. 8 per tent: 1 oso do.; V. S. 6 pet sent. etttluestes Indebtedness New U.fi.7 oTteaev.rr Notes. Entry also BM ant 5.E1..1.. ON COMMISSION •1 tte New York, Ph:N.11.4.M0, and l'lttsburnn Bosn!a, all kinds of Gni era:neat Sums, .es, took/. Amy. to. no. FEVANCIAL. AM; COMMEntlil7. anoirEss, A±.) ILAN KERS , IttLinn' fenkkaOgine are anal 1.111. wousaii a ix% ) • - ..31113f DAY April 24, 1030. • S..C'a IE3I Ord. Aiked. u. _t06,03 T 13 0,60 1,63 —oootlneatee woo Allegheny County — 71,03 74,00 78,00 Lama. haville -tus el In. k 10,00 11.00 ritabrg & Stalin - 10R. R..... -- 6,00 1 1 / 2 1rell Co ... 8,00 ' 6,0 e r`Mumbb(seller three 05319.-- 63,00 •••• 00 .2:10orado —• 1 4, ,10 Qll Creek 14. Cherry a/30 4,80 errylinn.Central... --- 1,75 Tarr Story & Clwri7 Sun-- 95 1,03 Cherry Ran & 75 rittibtirgh 0,16 --- .111tAboy °herr, ... ... • 75 1,23 Paxton Vatted States (Ale*. Y.... 12,75 Heolbrolt. • • • • -- ..... 2,03 Innenbr. • Central Dalin .. . Plttab'rg /Carew Vafm Labrle ...... Oulberteon'a _ ' -- 31101? OP Saila SLIM OM! ILE ... •-. 00 Market heavy. No disposition to speculate at -41/. Gold keeps 0P at 1. 40 303 0 , 5 0, bnt.4nes not king a revival to mocks. ; The ft/lipoid/bal. malts. tew'ards Government. Bonds, and Bank Stocks, to the neglect of the once populat Olt Board. Bat the - tarn will come Again, oil stock.; cannot keep town it protein eget.a long , wlthatt attracting buyer', and judielcous pnrchaseri will bring a large 'return, not many months beim,. There wag a slight • Liprovernent In.the atten dance at the Peeples' Stock Exchange thin even ing, es there Wes also in the transactions, but pd. wee continue to rule very low, and holdcala order to eneet sales; ere obliged to take just what buyers Seem i - iiePo" end to give. The Imprentoll fee= 14 Nevelt that there willbe a reaction le the market. foe Oil Stocks berate long,-end that there will be eseint aottrity and better. pewee. The sales this evening were as tulliogni: 10 *axe Phillips -................—a.e5, leo " soutb-western, GI '''' 6 1 0 hiteel .... he he • y .1 .4 - • • *** 1 QU 1• •.1 • /7 9 00 es “ Tarr, Bory aNirterry 11110 M " Whitely 160 Tilmierniriaga soul Olds were se hallow& • • ym & &Pi Ohio ttsburgfr.:-..., Mu ' .. . . . Oculist Basin.... --.....- • Marry Bun Cent ro . ' 4 iaj = Bruit Blood— . . ... ..... ^74 '5 00 Aug & PlUsburgh--........ 87 440 ebony Run at Pri.ligin. 76 80 Cledumbla. ............I.- 80 09 . ---. Duck Ikea . -- - to 00 MOO YUJI= Reaerre...., ............ ..... -- . 75 lltelidentricau Meta10ck—..........:-....... I N Roraelick —. y 1 Of I II Iron Cit Lincoln Oil', bliniug.— ...-.... . -- z - .- 93 - . - burg Pew 01cum...... ....... 3:5 .. ....., „, Merchants' " .. .. .35 ' .44 , Mcdboy Chatty It cn.........,.-. . 79 '95 Monongahela P10nter..."............ --- Ido Backlog of Pursbutgb - -..- 115 Ohio Valley a 2.5 , - 1 3 5 Oil Basin of Philaditplds 4 8 w Oil crect:t Cherry !tun.......... :25 6 cal PI II Cough a M.le Vora ....---- 110 . . Pittsburgh'', Prabi , . " ' I '4O 100 - Rerenue Eyed Fenn' - ' ....Al:- - 3 00 4ro Shlrh.l'arn.----..--... .... 40. aw 15....... Tack ctroleutr., of New Yuri... t 75 a 73 Unica /onto ie .. . 0..... -........... .. 50 ' .; -$3 Wratern Peons: ireMs-.........w... -- ~3 00 To co- opelite with' s velure la la - raisin g , th e tiover.h:s Iv ..buy Nriiiiitirkultick iritS g id cm. • I welt: acme u File, which huglatd-only, Ili Sow, hut given cut, under. the pump*. T ' st... 44 ,_ __.„.„.... . , gaegetetnt ice :,t es his bern'apyprolia:ny . ist3, It daily sr wrpeprr. butaiklats of. a 1947, inia,pipe.. tonally about cnn inch In dtarorler, , , 7oado , etl see- Ilona and army. 45 t rye her, 'Utter whirl:L./ails'. let down Into the o . :I. 7 he lower en't In made CO turn, • wrwaid. This u. 71, -lila ' - eii'a's.ticing clirrent of sit is futerd Cu ~ whic/x,OhlisOninythe 'bottom, assists mate. - 14Pyiltel .4 in. forcing tip the oil and webs • .4,-,7 ii',lpiber!l., .: wet:, trbccb . Lunt and iri/Jro - TOCelltir. /c.deil cr,<-114(,1 o thnt co:sztZty is obrdiertteli. the puc.p, nult :;tvc s ivcen GO pp,;) I.le/5,7411 the t au cl,the •.: ~Ster harleFi bran serera,l nyontb, dry. .1,, cog ctrrir. tee Na!,ler,2oco,illreer,- 1.7 arrats pa L, hariri erird up, is beta; totCtltil arith c tAvv. cr. trfte 'llal6ll good jai - Unit are We lake th . t„looliez-froo ter:err:kr eoluati .of the N. It, r;rier reeled Imiont thO YIN or. (fold ' , elder. 10r4,:z.• let to. , the trade, end' " tl.e :r n I.n:ery oar:ell:v:10o, to the •: -. } , :dy,or Pro duce / or e, e .ured.....do(OST - Orrizt4.l34 tj, re t va: ‘ , 1.4.td.rr0 to rely co Led: dr.r, e d the ..t: • it: tioldadvddered sc.!. •gr, INrct:terL*lry the Perato end .l 1.0,- Ate ildee.l4o. of I.:et red Stet: t.trt.peoente.h. otwhlelr catered dltect ty or Jo the: 4-4 ty:lL"to Dee end hrezi‘tUrr . dare Eu'ehe: nttirota.:. zed: ;of there thmela had been prertnTWr.r r,ht tee re al'::. tho "etal anzounecmcnt fro= ttre.firegthey:tittlee•_that . the payment of the soy Com poet 011 LetrteM 'Lamm . would C01131214111M rn Thor:tidy next. 27th but , aM .40 contributed to the central Leneeee.or - • The. Gold Marl: Et wit togid..:Lfroz Tuesday, to t.9tp,‘ 9 cent. in the Course or the • day. In addition to Ow dram:id-to . ppy for Billy thereto a continued dells reoittery - trem the hyper t.era to pay Custorm Ilettec,,thoUgl, tale wdlaeou be more than q itea ,tberliztodreeioestta from the Treasury ttletee for the 'ask' Interert on the rublle Debt. The etholetikeu,oet of,theee,pey„, .astute hero and at Weehtn4trini"rhUndelphla sod beetOk.le 111T,6 ~,,T, of which me estlmeterlhet. about Mae tallith, °easy et.enougo, will be oellest ed am Ferrets's' aeeonnttora itteent, halt Itetrltorf, ilLtiMONalleof the 6.21 BOade heblabetorrl. AheUen litales or Dry , Goble ,ezu ?LIM Yon. At the audios hOttsci there - was ln na.rl7 AU Ira: SN teridsnees of ItrAmt ettleasetul a ray wait reel. mermaid uoetaht /15. Va. 7lit; ft (Me awls Of at very fear brloes-all L k Ism l ea as sad duplleates to Merman allowable c very dergety. die a sample or otioas,, N 0.6 TeuTe lino_ boa raced from Stedroptlk, andNe.ittlirrejloo, Its Bab was attended with intiolVaphit. ' Labs a, Corder had,tsvety Delr stworbd sato el Liam Ifeetres. add .Idtetatittot etztries lettemtlit laoh-71.4eddei14 4 el decd,eti., c ll i routatdr " .7, l'l' hoftirt it tr 6 d,tlith ' eta Wu ' i3itoit • 'erste site of Litotes, 37611* (lards, ha The for mer draggled somewhat.-- Luliaa• ?tidied snits hose, varied front t'll, ) tt .1.21te1 - ,Pistil d"0 r om hole emir 11 a tits,;o 4 4,-4. spardsh amp; 742, o. ILI, 2! sda; Voir) AILS , . Sti4Valefl Mat lase tart tl.ll louse lue .l•Itt ~..s, or. TI. bandtrew shwas ruled low' in;esppit . Aoongrlel4.:eirtsas The woolen Food g fr • Art,cao. .7 4 2, Co. it oro4, Sethetheavy. es , . . 4 4 1, 51 , ;;J „ 0 .. , _1:.,._ r b lit . Ohs mum. I lo . r.tt • ild i , c ol4,? r t-C't t '" r ' ' 4 Alin etall ace. 1 ..? 1, dly,;4, . , .. e. .' l'.l 6 .I.m .Ay *kip.'. toe altd; • , a - ,,i, tet of ifuen ic 30.4- foul for tub as tonduilw ttoe", , Milli xxaSfief, ;Pans. My do =elle; num t -blinliti, rte z va, the tints' I tt elms.. izonoo,oloth oLirr t t to , ..so 1 o Ito; teat, itaithins, 4saooo l be- 111 111:,00ckTra•hing., tOll Twilled klanorts 1 1 1,32; 0:1 leered tiyhtt rele. *Si arellmere, el •ht; Ytit) , ln..e, do, liii_ritotterivali der Meek cloth t. 1,0 •'"..ls:Alstr" Meek "cloth'; - ri n elZaffe li ti6 l 2:* - rit .'s 4P 0:',.1.Pk 2 V 4 :1 6 3ip' ; 73 1 L1 Blot F isoth 9 Paletoc;A:Wt.rlali 0/ 0 01. : 4 •4 7 ,' 40. The an e was not arnemas, , , - , . , _ rililatlvlPilto .Yreillt4iJiaticet. DethetUe hult-Thr rt etts ou hand have Leanne very much reduced, tort teeters not tench inquiry. ' theta ripples Mnre codually Iml t at t.60,.57 ri OW. In Inled At rust theta la u4l. tidal thou.:, and tom. Metal testy 1.11, 011.151 g. &Mut .01. tForterri Add •New York State Agol. a inlet. et Kiiittr. Pe rah es *OW et Its for g1i , qe18,2240,14 lor /Wit's, awl 401116 e for Pe , rd. Clottil,r. ate woith el:- Mita hecirs art hchl tt VFW to;:atplArop rr,t, 0 etp. Widen!, aro toner- ~ , . • . - , Insh-The Atm And for - I.l4sherel ft not, eel prices are 11114 ult.r. S,lt 4 or> No, , t film% utore at, ehetrnie brim/ rn•rr-hure,;/1"IIII-Itir liar I flirAte, for IShOreNti.ro;ils;for /My dos 4.1.1,b, I' tr laro, sad 616 for tomb N0..Wa... tholittenri otid 8;116'7. Nairn atteper w t. Pekk okid ozie ' r tA t.. 191,1 at grat. _asb are unalbadry yell eSl7,Naddoek ir/tosalozzatfeeyetlto.neeSkbkWat'e2d . "VI bbd. .":a.r....1 te. ,, ,r ..... t• 7.t Oi ( Better-Conticues tte ni rtgriVelinwirlgtly. - bales f -- amend peeked at "Iteir4„etl'ileiStr - Aditt 430ahen at ft(pitte. et .o - - - -.=l , . rti Cheese-Trade le daill . p.tuttlyer 4,l4trettes; et:tett Yolk fattorreVW6 4 l' trnet ~e, „ Zqi; Ohio. bidets thrtilinVitiftto,; l 7P' • '- g, •,,, _Doty at Sac , , ,‘ „„ .. , ,c7, 11 , .r.gsr-S ell at 04.111 t 9pll7;:r;V.S?liiT*•• , Batton Phi 131.71"ir31i The market ror 000n.hltffs4thlotillgiallesig. Meg th•Wleter dineryzelteeeetreiesetkitaii 'beta very aueounful, the - ptoatrtt - hartatu takte". Sul as teeth... , and prism dry flak are irate& Bales et or,ee thwtet ~so. o 013) v_Fe2.IY O PW rot Imre, amen aarimmtve ~ , altatd. at e itiodefl,ao Irr epaulet, tootle. Ilske. are; 'carte nod nuo loal safe 'TAW backed. Polleek areloreer et taleiros be . 4„ .fro imo, ai sck . ro ~,, uue,ttuthed ficold•ro. irp-mr. llfern realize. Bales of No. i Iley at Stull& 'tad FiWore irlej N 0.2 1103 111( 10 and Shore rti IS Ltd; No. s are sestets ern out:tined at lief/12V h4l, intmelot-1 and large. urea -Arcdliz out of the nr•whot. ln P barrel.-li atZickled tittr ia.O c,iF; r5l: salts of same At $7 . 111 It n - , • . _ _ • - ' , 0t i 1 , t. le r ztp.r.l-. ti" i•r. - rbit.itc4 o , ? i. k y MA. tl%, .S.S.2:Th. .1 :dormer, April 21, Fr...T. ) V.,' ^, ' ..,t • ma • Cc. c:i.crnsi7:l..ses cri she , 7" - c.:.7.1 cc ,r 4 ,3tc, t.t.f. . or : : - f - • ";-- erhat Is ma still there ern nO 1...11ea:10Z, CI Wry co ,21, "la, ...,.ift• •i.1.a.1.1., 1... ,•.• -a. :., present Of any Immediate Itnr,roren:raf. TIP, do , Wart Wail • On 11, 1,,, cCt It• tcy3:: an if K , `,lltr di yl. at eased (or ell the Lading me t rem:Lewes ; CA. scar.. 01 toe .7cer. 1 Sot i ll.i . ...trelgut 1 , ::: - ...r very light, being reatricted almost entirely to the : inf, and the rat ea ate Idtv. Tin only arri. a; m nett our tout. %Val 1 , , y; -,,,,, , ttnnardiate Wants of conaumers,while prieca,ceder- I ~,,,„,,,,, ~.,.,:, ~.,., ~,,,, ~.. do , ~ or ~ . , , ally, remain unchanged. I:n., me. ilor Psi Lott, ,;mod nod the A.m..rt•• • f., an ar K-13nrley is dull and nomlnaily noes nor - Na.b eine. This iatte, boat-had a ,ry inet..y :Mi. ed. Wheat 1. dot/ and nominany unchanged; rinse out. of. C.i.f. Pante / 1, 1 at 11,70. Oats coining in !nolo TI, Pr trtll a No.. 1 And 2 arrived fr.", L..i..y fireig, and prices are drooping; me-quote eartio, , yesterday. The belle and 1:13 th e irk far sc,_ on track.and we heard Of 2 rata natio; beau sold /lemon. lit Metz Will a. 1 i,;11 aa they 110.,21,1 tin.y at 06...C0rn dull sad urekviar; hale et Co 5a.:1,1, In m. old get. Disnalch.s Irvin 11l 0, y ~...,„.,1,, ~. cars, en wharf, 00 emits; and 470 bushels prime do, Jo•t the Allegheny fidirm, with al :nen. I u the from store, at $l,OO. . elistund at Sint ida.e. PROV/SIUNS-Bacon la steady with a fa t rjobs The Silver SUou.: a re a Lc: ens na I the Lao,-, or a, ling demand, at previous sates-164M for Shout- (rem Cincinnati, are among the next hoata due ders;l7X4lB for Ilibbed Sides,• and 2+1411 for Sus here , g:r Cured Slams. Lard 13 doll at 19420-mostly Cn;d. Noss, bast t 'no ( • ,ty, fa •, 5 0,,, R ~ ft., t,.. ‘ . no built on o.d. which ad:, nace,i di it . hcr at le. Alms Pork anminal at 120. FLOVE-No' improvement to note In the de- appr *ranee. 1-111, :a lii he toady to take her rc4olsr mend, and no quueshle change In priss• cull!in the Past•, 1.. r ttrWe on Prd iy . cal n; Sal,. (tom ,z,,,, , , at (06: to e 2,25, tor .:21 , 111nr, and of very light drought. .rt, will 1 , 1 .. ,, .. ju. , Mc Winter Wheat broods of Extra Family. boat for a 1fikv....,,, pnrk rt. SEEDS-11.re le an improved local demand for Capt. Id. A . Cox. i...t. , of the Leon: lm, Is ill:I Ciolertord, and with a very light sapnly, pefres rats Ill.' filth to: ail, ler... and his re^ a •er., fa vary tare advaneed, and we now goateed ei 92219. Flax doubtful. Peed is seltmg at 42,00 and Timothy It 1,5,00. The Leonidav, In eh errie of 17a pt. A I ..a. lie.' / .itr 11EPsIVAI-Sales at 40c 1.1 11. no, leaves today 1 - .4 :A. tat, p...1.1ve1y. She is cpug.p..spL-laates.,y, with regular sales of prime en excellent Vatheogrr boat, and We et:l c I 'ci1•1.1). Western Ireaerver, al xl, and lisniburg at 23. recommend her to our friends and the Irs.:•:::,e -; ' liti/TER-There le considerable inquiry for , pub/tc. Strictly prime Roll Batter, and tar Cps partloular I,r Capt. W, 11. ntold sou's dig new 0 4,,, ,, I Mat an retrance has teen established; .we now boat now finishing at the landing /A co h., c ...., quote at 23(P•0-one Erin reports hating cold 16 the Dictator. We edit give a kid tleaer,./ PI c: peck - Imes choice at 40. Common and Inferior grades her In a lets days. very dun-almost Unsaleable. Tte Er plea tit pi Moslem 13 Ina IL' to 2X1061-The demand 1s fair and the market turn for St. Low., a nd ell points la the h,,,,, r. 1, 1, to. stell4Y, with regular. sales at Mi. AIM will hare dispa ea. In, James Collins at ae, POTATOES%-ln good supply; but them ill a eon. sent. tinned fair demand, and prteea are pretty well sus. The Alex Speer, hos been chartered by Capt. I. mined, ranging front 75 to $l,OO 2er bushel, at to C. BleVey, to toile the place of the Pligfire la the tliusilti. Zre.esvilk trade, and art!' leave nn Saturday next. - rr - z.IIAY-Sales from scales, of II loads at 122 Ti,, Elnan, Orsha rn, Capt. IF 11. Stull WM lea-. 'to rzi per ton. haledls duk, but nonstnally_un- for Zaneaville today at 4p. re, betel the muter t dieted. _ I. ktt. ROMINT--Sales at eie-a decline . Capt. O. W. Bred, of the Argonaut, hat put up Ins man for inuelnicati and Louisville. and wilt S. we tlmpat.b. She Is announced to learn en PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM BARG:ET cu..ey. Bleeper, April 24, 1055. Tow boat. have boen for several days remoeing The Crude market continues quiet but steady, it c rafts' from th , Wen of the old otenueduct, aad a a few days more there will be no former ottxtrac. and noterithstataltg the demand Is less Relive, t i ‘ ,,,,,. prices are well Anna, ned, ranging from IUOM cent. I ire Lorena and Hard nem. left 0 /ecleeittlf w Ehts retorted, and traGN, bbls Includes 4 mod these Pttit:l.gr.2i an.Snotutt'l-fri The■ r ou w ; b n oat i tr e tell may be reganled mother extremes Of the market, at . " ,..y.c.„,;„;il ' „ E ,,, e , Frac" i a , present time forgood merchantable 011. Sales of The Nevada arrived at 4 neinnatl on Sunday, ' aDo ma 76bblx, 5t.2134, tibia returned; Sat- ~.......L.,.wn.! nnoo'rmtn't to ten " tor Nntrtn itt. on r urday-to arrive, at .=; and 150 at 27, bbla Included. a '''''''' The receipts of Crude continue liberal, and tho saps - - 7 - ply is considerably In excees of the present demand _ though as no movement In Reined, as yet, thnth It - - is thought that there Will be an export demand for banded. before long. Free 011 I. dull -arid nominal at 66467 cents-the bulk of the sales being at the Inalde ottotation, Sale of lid bbla Naptha (61 gravi ty) at 46 mats. Residuum is quiet and unchanged . Late adrices ercelved from - 011 Gity report Crud, as been% firmer, sales haring been made at . the well, of s augge, and 1007,23 per bbl, at the mouth. The receipts of Cruder by the Allegkeriy titer since our last report were as follows; Haber & Ere.—' CM. 1. LcLintenu....-_ 575 DrWEI. Byrom-cf.-L.. MO; ....11ieley 5 400....•... 212 / -- ..- 186: R ohner -........ efq T lerikfilek .--. ild.i.la.. Wilkie.% ......... 134 G. Christlen.—.-- 1031.7.0-allagber... ....„ ta W. P. Logout .. ... . . 861DanCastaDrucla C.B. AteendloUgh.-... 81 D--..1t0 ' Total. -...AL23 0.00 PRILADELPIIIA STOCK MARKET. Special Dlapairk troths PittsbutgA Oarelda. Pnrianntraza, Aptliat. teas. The market for 011 Stocks was - Inactive bat dray andtheUst closed a shade stronger. The closing ' genii/km& were ae 81g Tank.. 2 26 Cherry Bum 1.13 'Maple SheaS7 .-- .17 2i ificollutock aes musoo--- a zS fit Nlchnlas—.... i en Wabatrali.a._. t 12 Olmstead-- .... i co Dalzell.--... ... Ito Roost— ao Jersey 3 GO Dunkard I el &(Our Philadelphia correspondent, writing under date of Saturday, 2621 bat, says: Badness In 011 Stocks, like everything else, ben been neglected and dull during ties past week, sensed by the sad events occurring at Washingtcas la the death and burial of the mush lamented President Lineoln. The Stock Boards have been closed meet of the time, and the transactions from day to den. of • comparatively Limited elimactis-, and generally at a further concession In prices, owing to the desire on the part of some holders to reallie. A better Melina howeveras noticeable-at the eke., and It geteraliT suPPosed that prices will take an up ward tun as soon as business ranee Its usual course, owing tattle aillUldillee and cheapness of WilU=t3 BY TELEGRAPit ' Nety York Market. Now You; 11 1 ,1111 . 1, 00tt0n-liceldodly higher 'with ac amiredeband, at 608 M forldfddane. notn-egllkr lower on - common awl mhidling glares ; better Rinds without decided charge, at VtAelptl roe Extra state, 0.4,(053,M for E'tni It. H. 0., and .18,3061,60 for Trade limads-the market clasingtensy. • • Armatly-Searci•ly Co firm; Western at Ana 2,14. , - Gaon -Wheat dull and pekes. wlthout deride" Chub(' 'Winter Red •Westerm. at 11,71; IThlte Michigan, 82,05. Rpetufb. Earley dull Andean. lnal. porn Heady, at 4311f - ift ; tl for New Yellow, ,ard 81,42 fur. Old Aimed Western' °Medal' red ,16• at lower; get for Western. li 0 • aoclunas-Uollite steady. Sugar Gnu and qu iet. . olassei quiet , . . ~..Parnottra-Dall and noblest. Pnobsioas-Pork firmer ,at 1 08 .2.3ark3/ for New Mrsz-clostng at 4103,1:14 cash, 81),2try!..i,13.1er 1553-1 do; esah an(rend_ az way, 018,00 'for !'rime, . efnl CLAIR? Prime Mess. Beef dull, at GarPjeta 'Mesa, and 8106b,08 tor Extra Ateve. lkef Nabs dull and nominal. Out Meat. 'truly; sale" orate packager .attivitase for Simulacra, and rtilift!4a for R. baba steady ant qu•et, at 11034fdley,c. Cumbetland Out. ief44lingo for short Ribbed, andl6e. for Long Out.Hama, 1.,,e1. Sad anger.. nt 133 , 0108 c. Batter -steady at uo chstgea pieta. Ohmic quiet, atl.el.lc. - Ciniinnett Narket Fumn,Dun,.sts4,lo for Elapse rm. GALIN-Wheat dull, at SI,W for Prime. Rel; Cahn of White, ner L there any deamml. Oats Sting at l‘t. f m ein-Dull 1 imall asks at 81,03. IT • ovi movE -- .‘20 1 .te. but. all articles are held 'finely; no sales today of Importance: Gitoramb-Finn. wlth goodjobblog demand, at ' tre.3dc for Coffee, and 133316 e for Sugar. Potatte. ;fly dull,- .31nya Rork Irregular enl the market, • ove , htloehrir,- littler leans; ftesb,33fB3sl. Norar litaatzel-Oold, lb. • littler, • Sew V. 4 -1: 1411, 'lir and Stork - Market: New - I - m*4 Apfil 21 .-•Mosser-Eader, at OP; per end. Sterling carter, mofe ac• Ivo and firmer _at 1,1 •1117 rolirfor drat clay, bilis. Gold fibs. er; npen.pg at I to?,1 and clueing at 15175. ("green ;Welt ltitognayinitrand armor. . •• ••••'" .IVieekl* Bank Statement. Nr* :Toni, 24.-1t0nd5...234,133.195; " L teat . C.'ll.o.o4,Boo Specie. 1111,11•2483; JeerrAte, 9C1,404-1101eculsUen, 4: 4,700,..em ; . 'feebler. vo7,- SV.; Deposits, •411114,91 El;" Ilicreate. begat Tender, 107,914,147; Intreit.T, f 6,813,813.. •, . , VIIPOIITH BY RAILROAD . ". PITTPDFIXOS, FOILT WAY7II3& 'IjISICAGO n. Ai .IAJULIZI --I ear lumber, J 0 Indwell; 1113 bbls flour, t a rt s k Sbcpard4l cur wbest,.l 8 141,gets & co; 1 It & A 0 Duncsn, 2 d0.d0,..0 N Courlipty; ' I • 14X toolssses, Beckham &Long; Hama hires; H -- T Ilraharn;b4 &spills, II Robeson & Co. 20 do do VI P Peek is co; It, do do $ EwArt, Ai cos 20 do db, -Jot Kirkpatrick & co; It, i r rior potatoes, Graff& Reßer, 2 cars Metal. 81 , 4ger lc itnickss:2 bdls broomarbl'Lls, ror & cot) Citre.o2l2l.T.J tV TairicE 01 Was oil, W Y. Neal; OH Cgs eati,lllellanc a Au er; 10 bus sum. . fibs soaker & Lang; 6 bols butter, Uslsell & Co; it 's Loom Orxlinry 101 ark; 3 cars oil bbh; La il; Lane + 01.111112.000 411101171Tenunort H. It., Aprll24- 120 car wArehr. id Idlullltuu 143 Irsts whealoJ ■6 Upset & no; 140 aka oat., 'I , 0 looking I car ands*, II 11 achuuttessaa c ts: grain, Hitchcock, bletHccl7 Ho & cog &big flour, S Smith & co; tbx and 2 kegs butter, .111. P W an; CU& •Esciacilsctistr• kr &alas; lOstncloi Browner toDarderlPC24 Isilultibiesse -Lisp &Hayden; 5 brdes has, It It Blligtl3 ZO dap WOOS, Jab:L.l(l,o4; 8 - aka feat W WW - Bradshaw; 4 _LI& rtnnarlea, Web holtoofiLabosh cause 'Vy u t& Lewis ; a *ma tools, 71Srces Dhow, iblitatresem arpkgv sa4,..nima 4 metzpz. . - 61-Ultafilore'firariotr, APIA.4nar abwar, 4, t.) £l 6lll. lTar'srbest,Noblo ac - t-e 4, 84,0,0 141' - 1 4217 , 1 0 1 ,trogP4per itfteg ep; . 1 . 1 Y. tritb;elnr,:ait. mArdr, Krcirz a co; m amg 0 444• P 2 WV" 144°4° .Tholasi tsar wbeaplatboaBLia! ' • ' ',' '; • 1 IMPORTS -BC iti11 111 4 14, - '3C - 11 :: 1 2. - -txthiutivi rzi raciti Gathirt-111 DIEU tO- , hatvo,ls3J,lna 'tiler/ /mei 98rs bbill flow. - 21, Intik:stellar. I o f ouso bold anals; Mirk & m3;1; Olt, lugs 1 hex dr d apples./ bbl , Mismsllb• lino ' elt tn. it W. , t'ala . 1 4 MP. asks rill. g belt . tote clial 4 ti; v t': 4A : we , • ;lot.balsa .4n14. - owl.. r•cr ...140,1,. ;'. :tle Ws./ &Waled& Obr 4 DD.( Onall. A , ilejnqtrigh,;tr bits oil Jos Soho:lslas 131r1a proalc*, i akr City ailanal ry hicory broom*, tichollald .&- 010 s ;1 Cox Pat Korea. Sa 'Maly Womb. goy i n Lela egts It o buns. Graff & lloitcrrt /W buttaraShOnnelar 4 Lang;l boxiantter; i all sIIIIP Manta & Ocilekok; i hrx aundrien, J if Oialps;ll' km sontittnn, JlM l Selfreth 46041 bet lard 9 lota moat; Wal Bleb , ; ill Pos lubliti. II bris oil, wm P Jon* 16 Lates ay, McLane 4. Ani.r ; Ima chute lb soloctlact trolls lealliar,Thlnict 'Bo. coc k 1, 04 tte oil Will Vr P WOOdrkleyliNbbla flour, I Lloal r. Jr & &it 96 bris Abut, Jos Garlflocr; ;0 thie floe 0 oat Kappbabal 1-COW, y14,01 la I Amu, - Sohn irghedge, alai% VINES; • riturtinEss, — , . , iUtYISG 16D OACISVUNGIMLPI I IIII,IINr4,,., Alto;„Colliiiire and Uaeden TMT;Fiai 601) iiiiXtrt WARE at - , dG IDRIIII & st&ffiecA, r . ; .I.Lllll4.lkAMO,Vatngli ..,...p ":•',..:-:llrir 1 .. , :7,.; - ; - it - iii7,l-'. .-: - iii ~. " ..t , , , $e ~,a r..4 ?..iziar.r+, i.: ." ; 4 .. , A G ..,,, 4 ) : . . - PrZING MACHINE;` sAn-r, ..Ermr... .. • - ' ra,aimpleataita • Zs UlAt/Alafalae . ers . ' inerropidii tiara • tni " 411 " , , ‘tluaa to operiUo a 'die lead ' 7 /Y ll .1•NI, ...:-. •., ~. /L.P. Ctikvalem ._.. - 7 - --. -- 0 1) POTATIM. , '''''' - '` L ''' - - ''''.- titegildi *MOM - ' - , 9O b l', rVerieh. BiQW • 2 ! ~:. i ii ialitc.:. ,.... , , .. -'“ .. ... At In Luvri, Awl- - - tn._ .''''' t - r 'BE= Mr. - 00 I - ---' .-=--- ----------- --- 1 1 ttah 'F‘ h . ' , Atm 1 - ~---., - : -- .'•••"--. '". 1 - 10LE' HERRING 200 half bhla aka Ar.11. - 4 - FRAME :HOUSES - Pal . ' 9 ,r E, ' - a tat a hz - • L - 1. , *e.. - ,-., NA, ALL pli,..pm . , ft—New. clop . _, .... . • err , pr e articledtaltrocetteilon,tea. with toter grenr4;e'ttlete re Stetli.n., Ittoonkhcd. ' Fee . priee and $' l' e '* , '' '' ' , ° ,: ' - rate err Rile at Va. VA Market at •`.• i 1 4 2 ' 1411 U; luulforstle at late tle,ure‘.'tiv • - - , , ' .. - L • CULP ts Sil;:•.1 ,- apt -S. ( - 1 luau - a & surf,: 6 1 e 17 1 ,...'''' " t. I ,,,,, lPlietlett, rY - ' - • • • - .. . .. _ BTE.6l. l ffildat TS. VIM CINCINNATI & LOUIS- r _ -.- VILLF.—The splendid passonier Joie* sokieSilk-lesosinrs... */ UNTO as gibers oft srisossalAPlUis al o.4lsek v. ir. For frets/It or Passag.OLLlNe apply on board or to C 0 WOOD, I spin JOHN FLAOH, Agents, ..:GULAR PITTSBcfRGH . PARh ERSBURCH PACKET. Tea Lew .nd light draught ataamer MON C7X•X^E^,, Joke Nose. bleirt.er, B. L. Mearmy, dark, will leave l'ittsbureh every Tuesday and Friday. at eleven- o'clock A. ie., for sratrnEmTn.ts,- WHEELING, SUNFISII, BULL OREER; MA 111ETTA an 4 PARSERS MEG, and all Intarnie. elate _pa its. returning, leaves Part ersburg on WEDNESDAY lad lIATURDA Y, &VA O'clock x. For fre4* onboard, or to syShtg , D. CODLING -WOOD, 1A104114 • IMIABIETTA. AND PARKER& ALL DUNG PACER.. LINE.—R VULAR ?ASSENT -I/ SiTspatqlrlyt mar. R C IWYdAR F IL J TA S . AND PARKEISR6UR. The new and tart aids wheel talsender BAY ARD, G. U:11041ta. Master. Daniel Moore. Cleft. Leave. little tagh arm MONDAY It THURS. DAY, at Leaves Wonstai at a r. tit awns dm& Retarnhar, Raves Parkentbomg T . ..:DAY awl FRIDAY, at I r. Leave* Monett' at, r. K. laws daft. SATLeaves Wheezes at 7 A. K. WEDNESDAY and URDAY. Yor ( Melt to' Asmara,. _Rana, Unsurpassed ao settunodattotAtlPP/7 hoar d er t° • JOHN MADE, or JAS. ITG.LILI,_ A Ngents, N a Plt Water street. Plttatowgh. "REGULAR WEEKLY PORT& MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH PACKET.—The Roe passenger steamer L AI ERA, W. H. Rem muter; W. 11. Bryan, elan, lenses Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at IS o'clock Partnnuluth every MONDAY, at a o'clock p. m. The Golden Era make connections at Porta. month with the splendid steamer Redone No. a, for Utheinnsti, and wW receipt freight and passen gers through to that etty. nodS 87.1 r .._ — he.tine Ipasmageratplgter EMPIRE (UTZ 44a134 . I hipt..7roo Hazisp, will lease Instil. als_ove . an 0. 3/ . 1 r ettrata s to i pons, on TEUS DAY, t 4 . get height or prune apply onboard, or to JAS. COLLINS, Aleut. I,OR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.- _••• —The splendid atomiser .I.EOSir DAS_ , Captain A. JdcOowui, will loose as oboes oe THIS LAY. turf:MOLL°, paSsige ape J. COLLI ripiT JOHN MAI TRF. GREAT! PURIFIER 2 • i '—'`• e . 11 .ENWPANAKA. Meth the Introdifction almedlcine. Dot arlyfn et zboace Ana periznyi been , the subject or maze me :thus 5.:1.1 seteraito contderattoa or the most Darted of the profession then any other sonellestot wilt:the taw. of the Great:Creator: not a few tur untended t h it all disease. have their mists la the ,ithaurcbt others, the seilfda of the body: !deer again. and by far tae g r eatestnumtergeontacA sad reason Mal the IftoOD Heel( Is the very fonntaln of firc—tbrit 11 if becomes Impure, then :Diesels Is 14 worst forms—Scrofula, Cancer, ificersolta.st appear. end Indeed, experidoce 4 treating tins C 133 lot dt. taars_by,parkfmny 4e Moo: and thereoy CrftebS their eradication Cud . care, lone. thin to be the oorrect theory: acting upon which theory, the istal• trier - now known as HIMAPANANA, can 0 01111p011etl ' and brought eta /hl .l /Ce.Prodeeing the not • o•vinr results. - • -r ite car corn exerliscs such a meets y Olrer • 4,4lo.lytria, TILVERATLONS, PI DIPLES ear FACE, TETTEIE HALT EITETIEE • • LIVEILCOMPL A INT. LOPEI OS APPETITE, DT - SPERM/4 EJLEUTIATIE.V. ma T. •. • • 13til.D.E01..DITTI, : • • • as to gyfeid; from thd that WU% aMartip 'a gezunt to the patient, by making-both seen and T hu the goad It la I t to lioarrspliall. It was 'thought Uitt to Put It un in bottles at lloa. and 111.0 E ' • My - Pe:Song are disposal to try en am• ci l ebirt are often dbterreel at the exyeam....ea - tiets ttlaf here Mho Made *0 a soodertneMlTlly, and: satisfy the purobaser that the arttale Is whet is,elalmed Me It to bee - vtts alusirroscarr. st:vrn - omen iti4r bretorht before the people Delicate Felttaltil 1/ Mid rut It treginsomast:, teed That the public rimy fottnaameleleshilf . ides., on Lliso oil* qv a Metrit., weird:M*lA list of itirprlod pal articles of atitd-s ft direompeard,VellefFnabov :Peamiption of the ass and adaptation of ben from the lashed authority known to HQ/MI/AAR, - et.) used - with • tom*aleffect Meant 01 Rheims [lam eicrolulons actionst . thrtaarallia Alattaids. apAeAlser depnivolganulltfana of Math, PANDELJON, t AtaterVkiltl i : = n it L AM S . 4 uzd, gP"tti ? ..tenon. It - bag kui itatleb ig amed in uanasay is •114roore of the digtettrek orapoixitz t 4, - - ,t - "--; Then 'Pro tali Makin in whist, It bee ii‘iienie beneficial it Wine/ la Sentehees.AAettms with " tthete:o bandied - with ateelt ee• • -tpessUrestment f -leflemtrttli eypstltSgtiAl AT& I ~l' 1' 1 . 10.-:'' . 4AyANDE R itoWitteivt i -3. i- ~., i .• . ~z 1 ,t -- I,t''.f ' 1,/ith,,efronsiWteritient idOW,...N l q l 4lhir hi ,7,- . ..;,.,` . t.r 4 .fkr- ri , / 1, -v• ~,,,,,, •• - ..,.. f.., -ic rl . LT . 0 AMC& . 97 : , :ri,:.:l 1 1 1A0 0, r i 4. - 2 1 .1M'IM-41 4 .1.) ' 4 1 . 1..t. _....„ . ,,•!7::-..,. tam mug. jpiowiok.L.4.,,ic:, v.,. :I .. . ~Ate ii ''. ily"atagetmil laiiiiii: 14: Itolof 4 : 411 4 i 4 11= nettott."Sut are ly appueshts Wilma clonal Debility week appetite.• , •• ,' -, - it utt finronibl as Jukaltasmismia Ciisonle AV. lentions,l3uontit =Mats and obstinate Db nti Amnia °Liana/in . Tbe bsisnee et tensile -1i iitbbildliS apt: 3.554 . 4 a 5i 1ri" ' 7 , " :% i , k-, ,4, S ~ - I , :ts -::, , e .,‘T, 3 „ fi , ..ti,,,,_...„ 7 „-„ = :: ~....,: i:::.., „ , . _,. 1.. ..,._ ft ,. : \.,,,, z:6 „,c. 4 7v A% 0 — g -„.. 4 ,--svk (3.A.----......1,1-..., 4,,,.,,,_„.. • . ~_, Net Assets, January,lB6ts FIRE AND INLAND N,ITICITION RIRIE SW- Agesel v e tte d all Lha prlztelpal tad Town, in the State tended to end Pollclo ",;." " ;°;'' ' 4 ' 7 at. CBARTER 1829. nUUiMu:N FIRE EtiSIIRLNOE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Amen' on Jontuary I, 1844, 8.2,457,549 On. Capital • 41111,111 X Accrued Premiums MAI invested Premiums 0911,9•1 11 Unsettled Claims. 1 ,1111 lon for 1E64 , leo,ollll Lases P.M since 1929 (dra 91,019,0011 Pe m rpetual and Temporary Policies as lama Charles N. Ballik:,"4"ms. Tobias Wad Ed "" W= Did Smote] Grart, r, George Fa . , e. Q... .lseob ge ß W . S . m it la Jul. Alfred Mier, _ Etas . w CHARLIZ ni ANCH .I. = IL . =MARC 0 'DALE . v i t ' l lelrf. n „, JAS. W. SteIAJAJwiER See.— 3. a .v rivi:x.. sorrier World and Tide= FIRE MID MARLNE - Insurance Co. of North Amerioa, PHILADELFELL AAINIACI PIABINPIift Hartford Fire lowan. COMplif. Ass•llio , nu Alaritatection MA le Mooted La tie Oars m& and idasbla campmate,. tend] Bagale 2= Val I WIPTERN INSURANCE COMPANY P P/TTSBURGII, R. ER - WM. P. HERBERT, SecretMlLL , Prattled, ry. Olgoe, N 0.112 Water street, Sysug & Co.'s Wm* b°7l2 p stairs Pittsburgh. Lean .goo ses au re,d, of Fir gad Morisse MAL I Bosse loads:ion managed by Directors say are ten tatues to Mr comment:3r, and oho or defer. utast b pm:aptness and liberals:lr, to naught Ms egarsteler soltick Sul/ fume arstrcied, ae orals. As toe protsokoa.lo Wits mita desire to to wand. DIA=7OII/* : R. Miller. 3r., And Acklim, James McAuley, Atesnitter Speer. Nathaniel Relates. • Mrld M. Long Alen. rilinick, • Rees J. Thoutaa. Ci . eo m rge Dante , i cline. _7. l tafk, 8. 4,llittarrm. 'On. 14 - rayni lolha. P. RERFIERT. Secret C/T/ZEFeS --- on board, or to G WOOD, INSUILLIWE COMPANY. -'OF—PrirstitlßGlL-inlice, comae Market aletWater streete, recund door. WU. BAH tz.rr. /*maw. W.H. A- SHEPARD, Seceder,. hantres Stesnahosue attal•Cantoee. Madre elfainst lees and dam la tJai natio. Hon of the Southern and Waatern age Rivers, Lakes sae] Llayous, and Din navtzstlon of the Saas. .Insures oculist lets and drange by firs. ullezowLl: Wm. S. IL Kles, 8•11112V7, Jeka Shipton Jas. Park, Jr., James AL DoOpw, W. o.Jotandon, S. Ilatbaugh, B. F. . 1;401TR, Jr., Ron. T. M. Hoyt, John S. : Dilworth, lintels Preston, Win. A. Rodger.. Geeup] Eingbatai deathly] J)EOPLES' I.NpURA_NCE COMPANY ( )nice, N. E. corner of Wood and Filth Ste FIRE AIM ILAIUNE rIII3IJRANCE I:Pi/morons Wm. Phillips, Crapt..Yokri L. Rhoads Jetus -Wert, Eismnei P. Shrive', Julio E Parke, , H. Nkomo LW, - Charles S. Moell, Charles Arbor, Wm. Vali Kirk, John E. Kirk rick same. H. Vetoer Jew Cllsde. ' WEL PHILLIPS, Proriderd. JOHN wArr. ft. Pr kW; F. OSEDIVER &arrant. A LLEOILENY INSURANCE OOMPH OF Pit l'SgTHlOlL.—ors,,4,,aq,,,irrpu t s street, Bonk Mick. lorturis rossiest mai Wads of Firs led .~srin+ • . ISAAC Presf .1011 N b. 1.11• CORD, rip Prraident D. M. BM ifi, Loh 1 1 ...110 1.1 01 . 1 6. Wm. Sipli Robert H. Doti*. Itrr Joao, fluxing, flroey Childs, 'Cou a t.-11. C. Chey, , .Tornu : 8.1... NI,`OIIEIG H s Seidl utr., t'Lliolstess RsMast" . so) boxes Xi X.X6616:43 ins Ptudosi 26 boxes Ptttle6 " Ws° Flgs—flreopi kfit. dingos hits) 120 bolesßedslosi, 6 halls 130 sous Almoridn' - 26 bass KW sod Llea Alssondsi 16 do East Arslotbn '-• -,, 10. to Fllbetl64 SI 16 do Bras!' XIX• 25 boxes 6661164 .f4J60546i ' 2 1 004 t?M - Ar*lSt • traes s iillf:bheilief 26 do FlN:try - dol • • .afall lappet. Palate Waite Blum; •a do Plitqe Dry Appka; ' 11112.13aed.... . 201ames Ftebh Butt t. • = 6 0 70 . ohcri • Gm: pplo ai `ID bid f bbla pole Ba •• a +••.• ••. .I . llalrt Caked at 4.160.111ft/este .• 0 1 0 1 - Pt AIKENI2. tOdEP4/ 2 / 1 , Mei Yam .--a.-"tat do tamo 10 de Prim .:1107.410111111 N do Obe ,15 11111: ilea Older utts., 4 . 3350 aOlov Seed; g.BB .dp ; Drsimd al' =noun W: I,4Mealeal •• -• 11a1 do HMI urg do.; Za Moro sad lot as bar tad, • 2.'1 -••• , ...BALSLEY VA* ocuttiiit, t Ifb - 201 Liberty. V0N810N 7 dEt16;,...• • . • 600 bbla Ex ..Vasditeloar whrraused; lilow DO teat - 401 —dot. t 400 bug* Prima iliblut Rebut ' • 200 bush of Shelled Ooru; 10 do Tllqbthy Bead* - " 10 bbl. Prom Roll Butter* tubs ißlcing Butter* ION; 'MAt.T 3 , )PrP, Oilli11 . 00,'; lbagrrato4;,'' 4 i f IC 1.: ' ( Alitii..c: .;1 ,:..., . . 1 igglAtr 11211 k, u • ? eA.713E8. ' 2 1T b rg Argred and foi apt* 00l Fl u zir Ths 014kr vEns • cumaravangpsita gritllllo4lll4.l winaatoo to en Wootton. Coll ati Urn ot tbo ininit.,. r.s.s. JlCOsir strtni , n. • tahli . 43 on:durum torAnottotor • .atrewte. - ^ 4easti Milk., stsbeit'phro 'riggings 41nd. 1117=14.. Wan „OLD , Lanoris.—Just, •upribithCitthply of Otioith Mentes ud Orsegee Lehippide by the box rethn, by •JOHN A. 11mm:um - *ft be r Pt► • • ao t rev nee Rene steno I. 't: $ 1 7,000,000. a 3,077.36 2 71. A. A. CARIWIR &BRO., Agents, cr FOURTH STREET. PERPET UAL' vision IMME . . - is:r. er Market and I , fret ■tree{■, 847 Liberty • , [CHAMP/I A)AI I•A'i Carirss Oil, Ezazimo tad 1 , 2311m:in Oils WORKS Opp(nill-1: ()like No. 59 RAND strcrt, PITTSEITJ;II. la, W. D. CITSIIDIA.II, Sup't. 13HE ran, BUJ liE cu., 01)51 SION bTEROILINTS, 17.P.0be, Pacific and liberty Oil Works Ldbrral cash advance* auntie on oonsa;ndleute 01 .Refittal cr Crude l'aralcern; Oar. 0 I.*Q UESIVF. W.l Y and BAIA:COCK je2n4 y PITTS liUlt 11, Pn. /OUT C. IVA 1.1,,,Z WILLIAM tIIIRTIIIIN W AL LA CE tt, CURTISS, COAMISS/OIC AIERCHANTS. AISD °VALE= IN Oltk";'MTD REFINED PETROLEUM, BENZINE ANTI LUBRICATING OILS. I No- 114 gOLTH IrHAR YES, PILMADELPHIA, 4112,- Storng. o.l ,, city (under cover,) (or 13,000 barrels. Also eseelient facilities (or shipping to American and Foreigh ports, at our wharf en the Schuylkilllver, near the platform of the P. ye. se=tly --- RICIIARDSON, HARLEY it CO., Commission and Forwarding Illeradiagda far CRUDE ADD RZEINED PETROLEUM, N 0.19 IRWIN STREET. PTTTSBURGH. SC-Liberal rash advances an conaignmenta for Pittsburgh or - Eastern Markets. Mes.R J .77). lgo n g lal Bank. Ambinsm STANDARIS PETROLRUN REFINKR.Y. CLARK & SUMNER. Parka sal Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. Mee IA Plitibtugh, 94 WOOD STRZEIf. . . . These works bawl the largest capacity - la Ilia country. mll brand stands the b4hest la this alid country oil d la put la Europa for irkIII7 and Or= aspects/1y for theis w wope, seasonal barrels, p export. all . Xanu or BOILERS. STILLS, TANKS ard IMPRO torturer& VED BORING 'TOOLS toe Oil Wells. , dandy, noN/TEDWARER OUIR Phenix Warehousing Ospany, rest If MUM/ & HAMILSON Ma, Brooklya. =CI ISPIHED PM)Mgm. L Tanks and Barrels. Bes Olnia CNN% No. NI BEJLEN. Sgt, New York. *oily J. No.l Elt. CL AIR Arr., Pittalbarlrb. FORWARDING AND COMAILSSION NERCRANT. &N 1 DEALER ER OILS. ILLUMTNATTN ,0 LITRICATING, ORUDI pETROLMInt OILS, &c., constantly on hand nod for lab aS the blest market prices. Ofnuddn. meats and order* toilette& ap74n . emissive - sear N. ENO WA.RING & RING, - ecautz . szort anntoneins, AND 11/10ZZIN IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS ADS dehisce In Defining Mstertals. eintgy No..= MARKET ST. Pittsburgh. JAMES ate KIM AID MALL% IN CRUDE AND REFUTED OILS Perry Meek, Duquesne Way, Pittateigh !apecl-Al ettentiee steel, to on SALK AND stitraitzrr OF PETROLEUM and its produots. Ooseignmesi I respectfully eolicited Pittsburg!. Arreecy for VI:NANO° OIL AM TRANSPORTATION COMPANT. iLr - rasr OFFICE BOX in. WE. lIoLIIrq - IRWIN s co., icAltrrAcrinuma 07 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia brrucki No. 15 Sf4RB2ET PITTSMTIROII, PA LIJOENT OIL WORKS. DbIiCAN, DURLAP et co., icatt7LoTraeits OP Lure White Refined Carbon Oils. xo. s 1 LiIIIERTY STRFatr. ORION OIL REFINERY. • rITL x , L tsuatuor. 4' rogrrema,) 011 Renner* And dCalere lu Petrolabia. HemsUm, Lubricating and Paint 011 a. °Mee, • • ' No. 7 HAN(.II.HIII STRXET, Pittabarati Pa. BTOCE S.—Tee undersigned will `-f rive pa. - uvular ottorttioa to the purohus and Steekti of ALL! RELIABLE Companies. 1 invite buyers tO3d idlers to cal/. _V. H. Alol3AF6it 1. 14.10 r I • ' .'' .• • 'Nee. 'Wei FOURTH 'STREW (Ili. WELL " . AM zraarins—a. ..-. . 1...! propiiref) to 1 fah L • Do ikueii &roved of kpoll wile and otter pus , # - ' 'pates.' the t( theca. a. - HAviat . . - althrteat • i liked •Emgteet on !{and ..1101eukt °Mork to . publ.k..ko he nee irlthakeeitAny kize -•,- they went; th e w k ' for itself. ..1 ~ p,,i1 4 , ,,4 4 y/L i att ata .. m ....Wa5e1,.! • deßOSak a • • Pittabl i a ti fie; • ' .:-! .1...........----. ' ' '''''' ' ' ' ' Siliteßi.ietie - :.•• • • . ‘.4 -:,O,4EILL's ~_..::- . ,:x„;::- . . - x." - • :- _ : • _- , xi . no r.:viiim. ormlcs. - ittimi.iti. tiErt*A. it itb. " ' *act.: ~. ~ • -.:, ....42 6 , - - Plot& fr tlr 14,Countri ~4 '. :The T.Tpohl,- oir4Otk OnnYbDonsVa. Muth) SteaotattlN olohatilrhavitig nOoo ' sindersbentiltlunt cent here, pia Mr, Th detwassok he to ;Ito lorepaltid to thing ont tent v bourn Passe-wow tor the titeurnitt atttal'aLdno at I UN LSU ALLY 1.0%Y.. DUNN.. no Sunnurntof - Una fnyotitn lire/dare LI mpottleem'VTl;DNES.. DAY, lox New Ifork.ttatehlas at QfieettstOWll, Cu,. its antoz the fastest, safest, And mint hloptlffgerh ; Tbe undendgned I i plan Agent hit tne Ltvos ' tad LOodotaterry too of h'tcatoon, jeavtog, ..,, ,Inttly !nun DAT; hnd rt ,4 / 1 ,1 1`.q. 40 _ : ~,..f.,a uk. pg is witets ant' . :Iletis.- - ho . stootar ; •ori of OUJDA pre, [mitt th the .0 int. 1.44. r,,,okiet.; • i . : I sd forrthoh ;huh* .tomondnu.....twt,,vms.ansei.,_, Ire le alw3 'went itTAltitAtrrti.latti.ofotoo,f. tdatentnlooti, Sai ling._ll,44o,4 isavit.:lerigi • for New 'York Uri 4 %%tit; non 'the wx , Lao a . ' , Linden Paeltets. Wish* Iloodon ever t ibtru.' ~. Ti e ships of Tatitootthpldos. hen, Lam Insa 'nth' : VI for their ilugl n ti wi pas o mesul AI f ifwata t t:X . . f , kiNT=o2ut w ii on bootr'pn. what[ wit..... i their friends bt tout s. bt - sn,lanctoutis; ahou '.ht,*llßloolll.l • flht*. ~. . r , .., .- .. .Pauage to tit min at treftt.ty Ildnted ratim , SIGHT I) jsa &Amnia or g.thNTthWt , .r. at Ms lowa% t I ~:, .; , '. ~.. . , —l, ~. Apply in, : ::: , LY. 0 . T, •, , . ~ _. tt Itratiti.Emfgration Ontoe; ~' DM ~ -. . , Di nmlttinoht strebt.:;,t FOREitiN E ' SI ----_____ AST ' EAM .- VEZKIir '.7 . 0 0,..,..,A . LIVIW POOXA- youoblog it' 1:10Z {Uortrllarbor - TM, woll-koo*Tiditarkt lM t R i - Liverpoodi tarir-Y tk atutPtilladalktda•Staiituld; Uwerieny (Ininan ille.)' mating- Uta U. 6' Ittalja• .are In ktudad tp, MU/lows. , = • ' • . CITY OF BAL ISlME.'..,Sattui t y, Apra* ,'•' • ..OITY,OF•WAS IVOTON.:Savo ay 'fiStir e.'''' - CITY:O2.LO Orli,. •1 /...SatinflayArwis. • ••• 'rind every ertoce Saturday, at 71002,tr0m I.' to North Murk.. ~ • • - " ,•-• ~,,,_ kale IrXedacia,; . •,... ,-, ~4yaitirr l'ord,lra.....orlyagutju atatl*, ,o , ~l'iPUilin,4 86 a to Loar,;::: . a o. ...,. 90 OCI .. to Pari5...,,,,, to ao ,•.', 14 ~t ditlm abut MAXI li , to latikti= '• •''-'llOOlaWatt ladao ttirlaudadt to Zartop •', • nottualioallluttr VA atS9llokylOW rataa,,, , - - • , Fares lkoitcLl . 4 1 = 4 W0-111, Cabin, itt•afg o . 0 -! i 'bt„,,, itbk; 4ll6 Wth,,Wident '!atidl 4o,,, .. , 7;11.11 , 0,,•; - :: - • - •.,;• ;,77,....., all!!9 pi r ~,0101)1,0,., vt,,,„,,....,..,:r,.. .....„..... .1,..,,... 0, 04.2, Bic I. ;I: ",,, ••• •,,.. • : tf ; Itroadira a° " h ' . •• C , .1-1//: ~. 7 , . 0....... ,w*tuj0r. ~ ., . .63 -.-- , -.Tio. iitMella6N.Pl=& . _ LY A. 3141 fmtc, ,z4vltardi* [.7,,0rr0w/7" M in g od, ora, tissario nr .` num riEw yome,' - usu gun iam _ Balla every week. Apply to' ' ' • miunuis tteern6AN.l62ini -47 Stalthield street, between ad satit ntaSuntly - elttabtaa ler >l7clar2.l .t.t. G 2.3 11.1: V " cY C FOUEDEL .LT,D IiZSI Alitnufnctuf cr. 0' iito. If tn.,. iron, stool. I:rnt-s, Ztc.c . F tytn.. , , ..1 it..., ff t .... Mita, itollang ;11 1.1 uf Enrk P 11 , t.11.1c (if t y nl other..nn• tt-• , ardor on mutt Anti f tvorl - t.r 4o • ertr.t. antl Wnrenntien. 11? 5at:.1.:.1.: I ncel, _ . IL 11. LEClci, MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, Alb ALf. T::. 1121:L., t:.asCl, lit Sinking 011 and SeLl Particular attcnt loci It incitc.l to lilt talc in, pi. 11 :I, .13 ttS Jul its IS, .• arn of. lilt 4! Ad eI ( In 11. c Loo id. :...y 2.2 21,22 222 2 2 52.220 222, 2 2 Loom .I.juar 1.-In,rctl n y Fey icr too!, lled • 1,, 1 t,1.,73 •..le If: lilt , 1% Et, e, tent t`e Ind ~ketil t.t or) oh, *111 :ft tt)." of any 'lt., ul Ida tnannincLure, tt.a Annan PAM P.NOlPil..t.-t ant: ittattoittit Work made to ortler at Me aihop, on 011Iil STK El.:l`, twat r ct•rr.cr Ecattcr strcct, A.tagiteny •ntrlre In. 17. abow SAD good,.ILSObI POST IriCfriS, - t.c. No trouble to _ BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSMIItUII PA. PARK, BROTIIIM A CO. BEST QUALITY FEF7IIEID CAST STEEL, Eignort.Flat and aettreo, 0 6 Ilexes. WIIITALL. al Nin 1... a Ito any rarted or mattfast.tast thl oonntry. Sir Office and warehouse, Nos. 149 and lel FIRST and 120 and £22 SecoND et Eillersi Pittsburgh. fell-yd PATENTED OCTOBER 8,188 L Oval Lamp Chimneys, XX FLINT GLASS. These Chimneys are Intemseu for the Get Dam, cleating all Porte of the glue equaljy.~ does not ex pose It to crooking. E, D. DITLIRIDGE, , Fort Pitt Glass Work; Washington street, ;Apr, Pittsburgh, Yenn'a w... MACIINTOSII..J. NEYPIR.L. W. P. HAS/ IRON CITY WORKS. auLcaurivrin. 1 1EXPIEILL a co. FOtRWDBRSI AND MACHINISTS. Oeraer.of PIKE and O'R&Rd, Red (Near My Water Worl he op . Manulaaturers of stationary and otr ENGINE% ROLLE%) MILL OAST/NOS and ALAOILINS. AYs o mp a t kin e d ti o & rvex o tyo Joepbb a e ir r, n . g ROLLING HILL MACHIN ERY ROBERTS, BARNES CO., aro, 119 Third Street. Fillipslgb. net ARM SHEET IRON WORKERS, sod Manufacturer& of • JAPANNED TIN WARE. W• hays now manufacturing and bays on head Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet War* In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea-and Spice Can, Eaters, Cash and Spice Boum Tumbler Drainers. Spittoon,, ko. , On. A taro lot of Bird Cages far Ws low. Oil Can.• of all mces and patterns. Tin Roane', Conductors. and all Wads of Jobbing Work done to order opal SILVER PLATED WA.RE mcArccrw.a.crrez.www. Walters, L'arfrc:e,tbr for the Tarc,= d ag.a y WILER & NOBS, 225 •Bouth sth et„ PHILADELPHIA ions 6. spaasva 6L th.ial VOWS JoJTh 11. HERRON .5.7. CO., e ik to , lvO'Macil , ami4LmoVmworm, AND IRON FOUNDERS, • Z . ;LICS Bonus, leSt .Nn. rts LIBERTY STREET) _ _ pENN • D1A.,.. . , FOUL Din% it. 'W/tilti'llAlli, ENGInCE Lit T/1.1.1Li: AND MACHIN/ST [acme eraser, between Federal and Salaam), . • ' • Auer -- - - ow. =Erin NlAnufactuter or w u 11T M'A S PATENT POILTARL.N OSCILLATING STEAM EN GINEN, SlAnitlng, H , Pfdlittr of olrkpol,,orroo:leol *0 • J. ECHOONMAKER, • NAFIITACIVEIX VI -WWII! Its!, Rid lead. Mee Lad, Lltbaratre, Mee Meta, Putty. &t., aod: Itesfer fa LINSEED OIL, VARNISH, JAPANS, PAINTERS' MATERIAL, ho. Me* &ad Warehorne, No. as wood atreet. mhfadyd LI. BE water. rt. ritubutglyimanuiactuser of HOLIER it IT ETS, WROUGHT SPIDES, mamma sod railroad Of gra i r e a n arrele n. r duped SPIR:444MM tarp or. Atoll, fatale to order at abort lotto". A pod isirsoilsoast constantly oftAaada. .ftrilfaies ELa, - RIDDLE & CO.. - No. 213 T .!..therty strestoppoatte Sloth, PittaborgA otardnocturara of Wil. !WS, LASHFIS FS,. nod every desariptlon of LEATHER -MAID. .Orders solicited Routthe tra,*Aital goals MANy lr 051550d/1i Der fludroatloar. res.ir n W. 4ENNETT,: , Idawdactuxers . 11 -r• nod Ihtiportsgs of 4 1 JEENSIVAII.E. lgo.•11 DIAMOND STALET, becsresa 'Wood gad Market stmts. Pittsburgh, pa. ARM. OIL CMV.P.7l.iiiffSTic,--- 7 • THE. NEW YORK AND LWERPODL , at- tr cao:s.a.m. 4;:lp.tralzmaziar l ODGALNIZED rrAirn THE MINING AND MAN iirtAcruirm* 171gSTATS or raw, ,rolor. tOAPITAL, ONE.NgELION DOLLANS,'.; ONE Eill7NOEllt THOUSAND NiEi4El4 AT . -Ve . . i'oH szraite 9uDier. • it& further . . ‘. • 114 .1111/1.0/3r11.: 71tatUAIDW ,LNEW r3g4 io. trti:15,4113,Z(..,t. !...1.._ Aiii.iiiittir. B. biorrnsoN, .. ,,,, 7radtiai: '., sYozZll n fi l ; P a f tiN3LVeti en r . t ' . - . - ~ ;X J. iltatTlS, /pining Bawd/winded. Tlttla; Il l agtiti nertK, No. le Broidweiii * *- 14' Ifti r T.. -. 1 ..,,.. 7 -- '/ ~ ..,,t -- ''. rrfl. o f 4 11 ComPah7,llNl: l loWprettnelag. • trafment far Ptl , k may be made drafts, !W.} . ter.) u. its pc,Cio enimens-band.aad-sesantiely .wldeh headland eceullties will 1ie.. ,. ,,5,t,14ry ;market *slue: i ~ Iretattirker 42a imi_A4drost t.ci thi canitthat:. •It , t),-Der NO, Nor To r t Ci t y , or to .." Bank .Trewsnrse the New York and Id enroll ,ketraleunt ffnmP Xs ki):t.—.4 4 .9 ; *Oi4wAy.,lfew , Xark OltY• a t .- ~ tllist.l. ~,:._,...-... ,-- ~- l ffuoit,w • _____ TR!,'NATIoArAL i:,', '.: , . e .., •• - P...., '..t_ ~, . ..7.-`, . /aii.O4TACI.OIPPXO/IRt PRITAIWT: : emend fully orga zed and hatto maned 'bit I. arse • at. their - tempotarY' Mir ~ce ' Po. is !AMU( STREET, (up dal ta,) . Piteibithste; PC; and aro iroia , prepared tot o a griarthl Ovalness rn7ltuyrog, seta. r . DT 'Raping, Staling, 9134,Yorwarrding'.0117-.Tho Vitrkif are: on. the: banks. of Iliti nit ladhany ilver, ' above the eityiadd will thd thfirt_tline'be caipthle. TV ylvitanzi .?.P. Ii .I A- 1 21, 1 11, „'L.Vit9, l lt 4, oo 1 1 the beet nuallty:n 4in i rtxre.prieditirds. Ala the., ilidign of Odd thon Any to matte ortrti-ebout brand •roritphtt, mut riumitis attl•Jao• spared to Man it tb hamster., :limy wlil , nisoltre theforwitral • JO GUM top:110d east ¢r west, patticulnr. attest..., Alerb,artt ltithlab e tnch of ttbd • •buitness will-hard - ',lntissilled iscsliti ,ns the all will be t i n i V kook • "'the boater teirlidenia by machinery, and Av6l4 - . 'all'Whierraftei drayage or delay.' Taortles - corriddtt, lug their 'Oll to to can rely on hirrim,-/.desll) , tlitinieuelith presiptetude and dirpatebtf '' ' . d ..., owllteaprl" ails !itA : 1 1. 5 1i ft 9 es. VAHK 1 A4y . ....„ , rAß a s m L ß. u , toZ fritri tir.:" 3 . ''...'irldaii—. tUn't,',.4flft 11Cillik..t_. Woos 5t.4,: Ili larustil. - '7. , 'lm. Ilidaidlliiiiiii •01di.1., 'A Etheadd ArtlittT •X. 7 1:47,ek.. 1 .. 'Keller, David Etel:nd litelliaidstntliOn• ~ .....I . 4hie r , I Sutersotsn4pt 4 Bialinceadlitanader•rdr ..RIRK: , . , •• ~ - • i • • i,1,.d.i'.," ut ei t •- ' """'" ?J e3 '''Cotreirpotideneo furl orders iobsisetkanaaciak•: mutstesMosis to Sapid:lased to„„J! - , , ,sra i 4 .'rl.l i '11:, i 1 , . . Ifationaltitoriimo4l4fispar,Ootrouqp, iii,ii.ii. 1 ...._ bbls Eitti Lebriddi lteiiinfilitr fine; 5 bblni Extra No.l ialto.-SbOly'/Isolcorell ball 1,14 i.ntre No a>llgekct4l .. At low lat.:L.3 -,' 4 VAN ilolzni:u, 115 . N 0.31 Lardy a met. .~~.. ;..... y . Manufacturers of DERTILRIIRIE'S PATENT ■uv+ecrvaw OP PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, IN E WORKS AND • a. 8. .. . ... . :onus r.ramm B. LIGGETT •IsCaeGITTELOUIt• , INC} fo!mr ,L ' ! !! 4 7' " 4 ? 4 " 1 " ,Artitticrittalavirgh4 - •' latiplicityvall &swell*" day:. ' ap2 z w i e n t.to o lmo m mA A: ut ivi:: lasilano . PberlY ett2e4 Pit Jointwier .WATT - rmilugnig Al Liimrtystree.Pft wit. nK7ETIIIIPATIIIiti • IL ' .p.:61,..11111KPAT/LICX. KIRKPA C & no, canon, to' E rrn Rirklntrick, SALE ORWEI24 lOC alreeti .ttetricidsp i tNuistsTal l •OMMra 41141NIGD• antliDlratav re riktNbArgh ,Adranags _ntadis oo l aonttsy! 1:14N ESE. W= ! aIGUSE.:-.llFaiw j r LA oLII 3 SS,F 0 lirlenttelislearlilne. 3 }V{,-Wd=ree generally, ilcs,2l Wood street, stion :Water; Pit ares, , - MA , Joat t. goods.. -I. ,-•,,,,,, .1.433 W C L: 0n;:.4 - i -.thug,' *k: ... ___,___o. - who:ale, - GROWER = AND -COALaubsi- ON , AL6B.-- (MANI'S,. ,3 toted! Amltb4l4 and_liSale‘r Anne; 3 Plttsburth 3 ,3 --- 11011XLIT naissitZ. - A. P.,DALZEZ.. 1) LZELL '&" CO n ii.do Airmen, Colnglistacin In 4 _FAricar4llA hierenantt, ninUdeVets in Product.; find" Pittabuirtfr znantitattuits, LitirtY strbkr, • : 'w4Cri amaQumlski:leretaatz Twinwoad.ll4 petty la , p,rithburgh , -- . .' Jell t n to —r 3i t g. s - tio l l .. Q ft 'Co.' r a t a r ei2e r 01 , dglai . in: - i e • I/1 AN aa aj:!!!!" , ...t,f..7fLar ..,. kat iiuso!4, dealtatbringsms, .' , .i,,. . 4„ , ,...:..4. 2 .4. Amor i; L . ff. a VO ir lii , o tt.,,succ c e , esoilLta r & , :.: ~.4.I . ;.N2TARTA, Ltbetig item - PittaburWt I:- Iik.NIZIT LAkIRESIT. JO UELlttrln r::: Van. I ' EIMAITI til d 1 , 1.0(4 ..,4,h,c10.2Y".& .QUIV/4e-: ~...0. pitubtagh.l . 3 ..;71i.v: '.3111/113, ___ IBASt 4b-CeMr rn.m.At4l44l4 er.l 4 i44.llmursto ; 114.QpU 'O. 41 W er elter ati and OS raw '111 . e44. 4 (311400E11, mom' staei mial!iugh. DAVID ''lll. ;EDGERTON, Nirbolfta, Con2s4,lci Nete ttant, VO% 107 I strettrr,!ttatatrisn; Pa. - fe9:l7 1- - dtLEY.-I,CCO burtels P, ii 11 , trInv to itgilar4ty trett eltt• I at ton, in to porthortflt ;Tan, PArce:l9lon t Sr ' Ar;•!•011'111r, a Z2.li_a X :ILI LE: 1 - 1 -- /- • , F-9 .1.• PURC HA SIN A•IENT. ll.tt• .r, • YeAlt, i V 1211. El/ 1.-. r.ltc r.t.nn g:..tn /Inflr.,-nr.. ens cOrregnanl<nce. V reiely ; . tine %.;.41,!.3 :a new. C....e.stglauezts 1/e17.3y11/,vs , _ W. Ir. I . IIITERSON, JAALF_S joyiN,L)N. - • PA TILFLON-il LION & GO., Cusnmis.sion ..ITerchtmls. Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. Stier wan 3.19 Pi:NIV MtEl El:7 Stott's New 1111:1,114g, oppo7lte O. 4 P. R. IL Der.t. _ _ WK. W. 111Mr.011 . I/ERRON CO Cornrr 01 Penn and Wayne •ta (W.ALLAci.'d ButtntAuti,) P 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of OR Airi of nil kinds. Also, wholeenle unifiers In HALED HAY. WeStarn dealers will find It to theirriftvantritfeto correspond with our House, as we hare Kremer faudittea for Storage, one putfir.g anode Into this nod fluiern Markets than ' , frost of the defiler. In this city. The beet of city references given when required. JaSitrnid ALEX. X 11.11ig. Al 'BANE 4; AIL! B It, Commission Merchants ♦ltO D'EALZ/U3 IN Flour, Grain and Produce; LW SECOND ST.. between Wood &Stanttele, li-ty PITTSIXTEGH TllO9. POTran...rao. AIKEN. -STIIHTIZZI A. ill/UP/MD. POTTED, AIKEN A: SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=l Foreign suet Elosuestto Fruits, Inoue Butter, Cheese, Ergs, Potatoes., " 4 Prod tie. gene rally. (plB Opiroalt r e Pf LIB" STREET,.elwerDepOt, Plttabu,,h Int. X. IKIIIIMAT Le WILCOX . WM. M. MURRAY d co., Commiii;sion Merchants, rod dealers In CRUDE AND REPINED PNTINt• I EVDI , BENZ/NE, he turrets. Luxus taellities for storing oil and onspty Watebouse and *flee DINNESNE WAY, hear tland street, Pittsburgh. spl2-6tud R. IL JACE, clir pt. cs G MI R , Nos. 1 and 2 Diana - mid aP6I7 PITTSBURGH, PA, ILKINS LlNlieliT, ScocEsein croLTACKEOWN'tcLINILLIITJ MULLER III• imozecrzi. eel 4 13cMLgXlV i , Produce ant; Countslaniest nerolarant, folay 7 , sl.Ltberty at., Pittsburgh. a. D. DOOLITTLE D. E. rare. DOOLITTLE & PECK, General Ooramission /Unbinds,. Nos. 69 and A . Water street,. Pittaburgh, Pa., for the aalc of PioUr, Marne, butter, Pried Fruits, ProsisiOs ar nol PralUrit of all kinds. All orders for Carbon 011 tilled at the !owe/taw. kat prices: Aro- tiousigamapta solicited. 0: C. EAL.LI,I - • IMAMS YAM cronnun. UALSLEY & VAN GORDEN, Produce and Vommtstplon Merchants, Warehouse, No: On Lawn) sr, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale .tbral. era in Butter, Meese, Lard, Eggs, Forge Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Rom ny, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grain, clover sewn, Timothy Seeds, Man Seags, Produc Game nod Consignin Poult ryenta. Particular attention given to e_ • • ";.‘o IITTLE, BAIRD PA.TTON, Whole- A sale Grocers and Commission hlercliants,_deid: lm e In PRODUCE; FLOUR, BACON, CLIBT:SR, CARBON -AND LARD OIL, IRON,' NAILS, GLAS9_, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts- - burgh mrnubsetttres generally, 11.1 and 114Sevond, street Pittsburgh. JOHN B. CANFIELD, Conunission and: Forwarding Dlerch ant and wisolesale dealer in.. WESTERN RESRRXE.: CHEESE, BUTTA LARD, POrtFC, BAC N, FLOUR, P/811, AND PEARL ASILES, SALF:RATUB. •.LLY SEED ANP LARD 011. S, DRIED FRUIT, end Produce generally, Nos. 141 and I,l4.Front street, Pittsburgh. ; . _ ettr Vrls aEfan.lnak f TJLP & SApPARD, Commission Mar .hants and dealers in FLOUR, (l/LAIN AND PPODUCE, No. jll Liberty street, Pittibuslit. d[dlnten brntida of Mout for Bakers iltid Fatally use court:ugly on hand. Particular atteution paid to filling mien for Nerchandire gcnorally. VETZER AILMSTRONG, Forwarding and Conandadou Merchants. tor the care GI FLOUR, GRAIN, . BACON. LAND, BUTTER, SEMI, 'DRIED FRUZT , and Produce 'deuerc4. No. la blacker, street, comer -of Pint. pittsburgri, . arm. F. to= • TIIO9. MITCHELL UM' P. BECKS CO., No. 185 Liberty Y Street. Plttebtarth,"Pa., Wholesale Grocers, Commission lamb:Loth and denlers In I.IOIINTRY I IlOIRICE; PROVISIONS, BAUM; LARD,. I,IITTIIR, FOGS, FIFA, PRO- . DUCE, I'LOUlt, IGLUS; SEEDS L GREEN IS: ND /7/IIIII) FRUITS. so. SALT and LIME.,'. jyld onOntla O. assn usintion stn-rianni U}An 4 1 ;: 31 .EITZG.A.R,.Gnvers ancriCom, mission Simaants, and deniers In allkimisi of Country I'mloco !nail ..Pittstnirgh 111.nsitifactures., No. ND . Lllresty Strong, opposite head of ,Woos intent, Ihttaburtin.i- : °P347 r. sr:mica . r. 11 1 1211 1711M-.:.Vi`X. D. urranr.'. 1).EY.31.E1t BROTHERS,. (successoni Pilecr rgitr e.-4 LARAZ I at I4° OII4 21 MOTIONETYV u. , Arcsamt: two Nes. 126 awl 129 dixi - ARIA, above Fit at, Pitts- ALLA.pomultMion'itto _rc4o44t, 3,4" A d Wholes alelleidet MinTE, A axi t , ) lbprty I ,PAPtisite YC nnl y ; v aor • R: 'Pltnenger riatibft mcirriw Warehouse, cotta tea .kya14,440e4, .111 L :421‘ Commlbs . lo: .. 1 / 4 iilt4 l 744 2 :lf i ft • i••••i•Ii: —JOHN arizvor..L SON, Wholeadle , .Gina • Jon D.torchanta, and dealer In. ab sburgh numnfaaturah• No:4 Sui te: urgh. • ~ Is•LT T =BM • •"- 1,11 .1., rl m:..1 V../ley CC) Sour nt IZIEMECI 3.1 :.3 3.. 1•• . v.1:33 3 , ;g4., 3 3 „ is , •• , :, : Itl.:1‘11., rt. •• • r it,: • .... : 01 ,•a• at I'Stllttelpb: a. 4 •'; r. ark . ItOtto, Cnt rats ;',L a [tam fro to •,. tlgli inter^ F•3.43.3,1;•:"1n ..,31t11•Zirs• 1!. k, g rite. L3NE, (1..1 tee,./. 141,1014,. •L 4. ni ac, L'irptair °Li n; t IlltuttiFat2., ;M . 0.( Ititaryavtlle. 14,13 7.1v.I•Ilt o. ouu. won. Aft. Joy, .11r. e 1L... At lino vont nnor fur `3els• of., 1101,, n• mut Ph 2 . l.•lpian, fur 'Sew •14 :11.1...t0P, and i wonnedlace potato Acce.clawd.ttioti 1•4 - .11ki for WalP, Statlna leaves daily 5L3.0.-1•3 at. 6.30 a. at. .t,rental Lahr fur Wall's Static in 1i• , ,,t,43..131 3 (ex, 3. •1 , 0•!..4) . ) m. 11.40 a. Third Arcrit.smOsi,tva Train for w. 3 . StatlC3l ealn .••1113. (exrr3•l `'.::..3a.33 at 0..1/3 U nt. ri t, A vr..ol:01..:nt•••:i Trnin Int Wall'. titanc a cavrr, daily (excl.!. Sttudnyi of e t o. Tilt. Chord: Than franca Station tsar,/ Sanday at 9.aci a. retmanng [naves Pittstattgh tit.12.445v. Alf A fif JIA1:110:4. Jf Jf S El /.E.l. El P 7 I=l . -- Dawning Trams .rII7CIII Pitt.e..itgll al tollem : • Pittsburgh & Erie E....press 1264 a.. Baltimore Exo., ib.n- LSO i. in. Plitilidelphla Exprea• . 2.30 R to. Past .Mall - 20 4. et. , - . Fast Line 1. . Johnstown Arcoriniotaitort 2.00 a. m. ...... lOAS a.. a. First Wallbt ii.r.arten Aecouinicalatfun... 8.10 a.. ni. SteOrla Wail's Sttet inn Act . ..L.111W.! 8.04 a. 01. Thin! Wall's:tation Accoranotatlon.. 2.10 p. ea Foulti. Wa.Ll , l 2. 54. in ....‘ cemaniealatlon 6.511 is. m. • Baltimore ealnehr will arrive with Philhdaii.hl4 EXpltil, at 24,11 p. ”.. ~.. mo„d r ," . NOTICE—Li ea, .4 ID., the Company tall bald thetnatives respanbible for ',cur.:hal beggars only, And for an amanr.t ter execrating 8102. ' I. HECWITH, Agena. At the PennhylanniaW. Ce l ntral RaK.il-mid P.,,ssenter Statism. an Liberty and (leant streets. sob PlTZ T 3L NE ri t rjli i . litlAtitiakt:43Wii, it.ASLAVAV, AND 'CLEVEL AND & PIIIE BURGHEALLEOAD. . . • WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Deceinterldth.lo6t, trait,. will run its follows, yin. • Leaves uigh i Chle For. I For for Plttsbvn. Oloteland. Wheellog. I:sprees-- ..... ;2.10 0. re. 2.10 a. so I . '2.10 c es. Express.— —......r-00 p. tn. 2.14 p. in. 0.4.0 I a. Express-- .... ; 3.1* p. In. M ....:...... . 030 Erie 0.10 cin For * New Onsile and 5.50 Ca. - ...... Arrive at Allegheny—P. P. W. le 0. Bathe% 7.10 a. m., 83 ) a. m., a.m. Auld 4.45 p. ca. C. te P. IL.R 10.03 a.m._ . GE E PAREIN, Ticket llnion IP/wanner Station, MUNl t ryftVit. A. 14. CASSELDEIIRY, relit actsey r ty 00l- MYEZII.3. Gener All al Ticket Apia . _ ----------- pLTTSB1111:1311 AND CONNELLSVILL fLAILAMAD. • • WINTER ARRANdEMENT. Os awl aftarllONDAY,Nev.t& PM, esseu will leave' the Depot, cower of Rosa rod Pittabtuith. Pittantz. Mall to and Inna-Tfaionlows. m. SOO p. m. ExPrtab " " . IMO p. m. 10.03 a. is. Mut MeNeespont Aw . :0n..1100 m. 11.10 a. au nu-..00d " -.. 6:16p. ma. 49sSesead Etta' Itcaddooa's - ...Intr.. ea. 8:•73 t. m. Su 4.16 p. to. doe p. tty Sunday Chinon Train a a . ;41 from .alelioeapart lag p. ia. 10-SO a. to For tiakett opply to -- - - A. J. /MANX, Su Agent. • - W. R. STOUT. perintim.t. AISLEGHEMY VAL. aggig isig Au. LEY 13 A.L.1.110 Ca&NGE OY T1P1E.....0a sad attar MONDa.V. Map nth, 1t64, the following artaartamot of . ,lAgm vied. - MAIL arri THAThr,;-Leavea Plttrharatt at 'AO'. to. vtog at li:insulting at 10.00 a. m. Lmatllt. .ht 4.00 p. antra at Jeittahth3t ac 7 EXPREuti TRAlN—Lstaras •Sittatudnd , a. arriving at Pittsburgh at 0.2.7 a. m. . Learta Plet ll ~ahurith st 4.10 P. 122 .. arOvieg.,t, 3Ctt4amus.as - A bratol.l /0 CIV &MA Works at 11. to a. arriving eitPittaburgh at 7.4 - 4; 'Lrairea 'Fattsbarta at a.oop. nt.varriving at ,t add s Waring abalo m: gnat F: WRlOuT.Satitrintaguant. =NOTICE TO OWNERS OP DRAMS - RACKS, Bce. Notice fa heretuFtto oWliet;e • of Dial* Carts, liarriaget o , fee, whether resident or won-reeldent yof Pitiburgu, to th . Licenses at the iTiessoreisa otnceof the p aptty. 00 e ' Pittsburgh, forttilwith, acco,,laioe with an Ad of As:tenthly, approved Much Sot IWO, and an On& • name: of the tiouaolls of the 011 panted April - la, IWI. of Plttatitushe All .Lteetwes not paid on miaow, May le, ill be plated in the Asada of the Chalet of.Polue, for collection, staucct to his fee of Se cents for the ccillection Menial, and all MIMS who otwoleot or ref nee to tall* onD 7 31N1111e1l will be aubjeet to s" penalty, to be recovered before the Mayor; tottbuc the amount of the Ideense, - - The old at metal plates .of previous retire must-be returned at the Unto Liseasee are talumoot,orpity BA' , 1 IW Lunarsa. • • Exit ens horse veldele,.., Each tea-hone •••• Each tourhorea •• Bleb two horse has • - - ro onmuemet Tledier . whaels * * -1 ; hones, eighteen dollars each.: :For aseh ww b u two horse used in any*. atia above seldelas, m :,„:. Ult Twat dol lar. Pirscsierg6.-r e b ru ., llt , resanser.. fel7Sl y * ,&4IIRBLL- 4 5; CO pRACT/aAL rIAUXBEIts Fi as , 0.2,14 Eitteam %tiaras; No. 129 RIME : B TREE6. DRAiAIiS 117 nizess-vroax, . atrAms, - TA MPARD 7.E&D tiILEVT ABav , itai . =ME WATEIt OM' OR SW.Am: Pf F ORTSM OUTIONX - 00g1X," SO ihr . 74 ,1 • 7. iSIiSO M '../Otoßv's E NTIOLEPVOOOI:. qortori la/ ait threads up warnurted otnapartor qanta- 5 and aaraeteed stamert X*, yawls ta.renita m „ • baTiad id . all 4010/11141.04,_1=010fte....._. salanufhetured b thaIONEBSIEW tert3 imam 'AMOR, and wadeddr the trade gemerallv •'• vitataxig!iiiionarde- co.; •. • . szra.tvo Aosarrs,, _,. -.... mieeFibest OOK•sneasettP TIO, M, botA;,, lustily' bicaLtoar dpaged one .to o i t , l . X .me or onr - 13 . 'Pitts atia' 01at.:4 •- ' s'anio MC," eloem is eotadkilo—tetto mecteltesith and illVerbilit ,botteldsned f t to the 'sextet eh t e , 4 . A... • MO omtbMr ettoolt4"Lifoots,- -• ', •,.' 4 _,' ' ".,' •- t ' i - WW,LrAst M. . Bionsibotr,'Diesols: maw.; Mi IS l , I MA , '.' •' ' ' ,`,TbeLabost isserbiattm a a tat one of the.MA_Olf i precrypire;:. pr. M.,3AMIS*CANNABLAS DV:, DIOA lithe otarrettedy tbst irtie_pwitlvea n m . ',.. CONSUMPTICK,•ASTMMA soar/MONO 'We ask the ore sla bottle, es It wiliest. 4 •ldr , the. rant AkeoUsal.z 03 6Oyes bottle. Mu* ',. bonito, Ite M. PLIIii sot "- Of n toss 12 t, et tit,' 4?soti., ••• , , eta'. ' . °MADDOCK lt ... _. , ~, . .. mea.lbsts street: ,,,. , teleorestmomatoos,wr. .:. P . ' -, - . IsAhm - cßiirG!b.- AtITLET SAW ffillt: -, ' • =" , "_ *-11 0S. - 140el,leleai• . . • I , ~ this awit itedmunlAtqa;4l-'.', , ' "". k ci ,„ • Femurs, An , Akin's 0W414151% ... , ...,r;,, aractilasiibatai wino and Weal*. : , lions tot stems'. 4 t . 24 . ,.. i m a ger_ 91f ', ",' -1 ,1 , Pialla 1 /Mr Avila ,„Ratinazies and al Dni lititi iind Au ~ Gealtorleal IS flirsieft " "41C`77 Ne1..14 Haystassi -1. • .„:". ;-. . -------------- 9,14Q0L8 /PeruNriilbPQ.: Real. tstate:.Agpntei t - Arm _poAL t;Arms' retuinhanla, Old m o orac . , no. ;:t.; (:a soorl .I,T6Ellyr ,~_. _ ' • MEE 8 - 714 .... 1300 -1600 PISTSBURCM, pj.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers