gobrrtbftVkAilxdfc uo~a~~ars~ a~ ~ee~ .... EMOW. fal(M34o,ilreon mown < sib ==l In PAS FUNDS. ant Goakoßaranonuoin.ell et ifixtrinoftlnfy44oo,f.. - • • tee f 1 .110611 . 191;110tidif •-• "•-• ' • , V. - • , 11413.iporifeal. innir. - ::do.c; lfia.treaost4 l l.nutio-Inclo*lnoir Raw Lrnit t aihk , gr , • t i t, nnif-81:14L.ON- ...b ernififfIN IfOords, 011 Wads of Government Securities; Malt IMINBEIAL aiidaniYWrit ft;treys• Vlcist ;nes. -ad Annawitioli Is neeks,of,:ayo . _ ebsrsstrrEwd both - thi.fdand BroinishAnd . recomisint* K lukTriiimtAufabd • r• 0 41 :zumistf 0 F on:stocks. tittith nand 1004, l'ivi'lzsmk. (Anwar ) 00_94. Oat , & mast wisj,;:teriPtal best. te tklaknowienthey have to do citunticathiltiettheil , '••- •-•-• : ' Wtik• fhel. 1110* - . bisite* s ioakilalicA:iimpeeritts"Usdiolgia Winn *bin - 11in to be WS about , oil are taintiaticif Ebe — Prerne:sreek.-•Riti witeteent I. to..theasoistittotqui... tresideht fish: lii:atid an rOkir Wax** tui 4o .4l!* skim Avis, sshuis.- Ittid eßee.l :anon. have, awed to -be settnal• •Retrlthana natter; . hay;; ; • , theinne.--bedecouthtien,audthstw ts -- natal* to' be said unlit thin. rielPt thin tin WPoen - Rear' She drisithiiiai lbs dfo46ol s onitilhil • ferias are aO4 ehelrtet#s.otl.ftyt okoktog Inaktimitostr : oat insrliksa et pstionswe.nandinritans One - Ormants are to be expected, • ..•,• •• Akeditstint bands wee struckliit Wein at the Swath of treidathary Creek s tatheancene ratio whletskselpineind sad doweilatendlly Wes that decied:,ll4orellts til 'lnt deep, end tine!! Ss ot r a'irepertoi quality. 'rho 'ma Is about firs sales sinniethe ?Rine of Tinton* Tlds Win owr4fWa pinata shd lucky lantridual; and li WOAD few Asmara !Amend ioilars t Tlopk. is eon* incitement la the end regions of proasyheahkrestuied IT the anticipated fall la the' pried nfattel. int the telllngeffla the mid itakiber , of °tam ritwilhli sad other - eitten:' lt append.. . that Ba ngs - At CAliVell were sent to New Tari . kitypeetatics of natant ready ;airs at far. wee exorbitant prionibut the "New Yon( mate, refused to neon, then at nut Winne' Avares,exte. the hentonelltion atis left t 0 Stead to the , snotuii,'„ oft ie ,orlsinal owners; and probably' ,wlll, so re ; main Until instant reednroa takei plate. litany of the otellenes have bees forced to stop operations, It la said, in'eoinernenee of the detenalnatton of • purchasers to no loner submit to entoitthne, and s, mien print iiitetar below, those at presendensk; did, taanyarin l ipil • dud It steesseryi° stupend- Them has been admit faithilhe in the neelpts Of banditti/Mit Mingo thli rs a r , ihwit.arld with Int. Use following ;able Chows the receipts end chipinate during the week • ending April 15, and foi the; eons Una la iris • Sh ipments . 1555. Receipts. dhlpments. Receipts. indineents. - noun Mkt se,aua .••:•9,191 - > 9417 • WaessOnales,lca 11,77597,327 .- 4,035 • 1 10 429 51,215 29,01? ftls..-.••••• 6,609 9293 ' IMO Oat 161,62 T .17,711 kin ihnfr JAZ , : „ . 3BABBErs By muxithir. - . Chicago Market. - - • en roester,'Xitil 22 -There was corudderable - ao Hely la the' Malec Mirka& to:4By, but prima Wheat opened stromur under the bilinenee of the - mimeos =gold, and No. I Spring sold as high se . ki,te)elpt, but - "observantly the taarket week - geed and receded to 111,17tyt,tvg, rallied and closed goletattpg. - ..ttinter grades of-Wheat are Mae. aim h ai renal. No. 2 Spring sold to • Baked , . The Esetandfgr.Flour wail more active Juld the market ratio arms with • eight advance on rams braadea . ..llalse , went - White , Winter-too tals .. •Ne war. et rate; Ira bee .1111 sole. at 23,0 rat Ira ithr. - .2fastmlide Eagle. and Pal bbLe 4-Ex change. (Pratte. on private terns.. Spring 110. ' _ traa.rairt blikt. .Bakeri Chore at ira27 1 ,0 rabbis s peanditot namediat rapµ t oo bbl. do at $4.131 0113 . Des Mir at 1114 irar bbla Pfewalars. too bras tratottees Best,. 2% Oble .Terrallibin,. fps hes • S va Kp nraieaosg tei a o S k ee.itat a l etse Ara bblsla a .t Notvt=sh" reik.l rltsn o s a L .57labat)VtttU1ra . Dd n d. firs good mlirm, with a a 4211 ,1 447 bushel..Salm were - made ' - ' lit ranrat No. M for Rost ami from ragittle tot Iffibleted. 0 Vote Afloat sold at We for DM. i •rafht 'nand for Blab Nixed and Yellow. m Ow abseils awakes tor Nw i la store ruled Arm ', The. sou lee activity le the market for Oats fat erases is - raielina 0(1,0 per bushel en: the out. as of yesterday. 4 Illegal No. I IA more raotdbeta -46%fame meths market closet itsdrit , ate 0011. a uurlon. . Byr was gtttec but Irma. with an advance of 40 per koW.l. No: ain store *pleat Vic.- , Barbsy.wits deli with telningsales &tido for New No. 11 la Aranour, Ikde BOW. werranues._ _ . Timalky -Seed was in good Muse, and meadr r bet other Aleda stereqa_ . 1 prortdous were ems lad Um demand foie Sweet Pieria liamsractre metre itt a:cadre/toe of %ale per pound. Barteded Pork wi thout important fleas sae ramie at for_Mese Pork; s itirr retro Nese 'Peat Aerie for Sweet hams; ite to, /rat trap tor Bump Pork, mad at Bs for 'Swaked Hams, loose. Theraseket for lied Llattla hes heir moderately, settee, ekeept shipping prides, for which there!' - so demand- Prime tolerably firm at serious qua - tetheas. Belated salsa at the various yards, brad, It fittellekcei for gird td prime grade S -retinae for hilr ,430111Tiiond gradets, a Pm inferite oit tailea. -- THI -'- everedall, wl , a downward tandeney, be WWW 4 Siewit wS ASAOgr "al o per 1.011 pouncts. ZAtexed - 0 11 4h ot rlerrtaiitet4 del • ant nondast. Balee WW TertN diagket. ' - .. s . - easw To ki *mil ne--morrox..Tiriner, at ue for a elude dote sap ekssi drill sad f ru reB S-4 1 1 11Mvu more dimmed . to otallem 10,23 tr.7l far Mara State, Juni 48,1692,21 for Batt* it Wirtsim-Bill ; Western In lei at 22,t28 16. O Clitai P sr-Wheet firm, with a fair demandlls , atWinter et,a Per No. 1 - Chime Steles, for ' Bed Wledern, gitTS ler Good do, a g ed $1,, 8 $1,07031,92 for Amber Iffierhpa. Chun mama and Dna I Bow Tel. low Illpelteri. Oats dull and dee/leng, M feeler _ _Parsormang-Quiet, al 113ff ee for e, rao for iralami la Bond. and 71e for Belie d rise. _ • Pitervagrate-retrk !opened Onairith a fair de. maad,_ sad dosed with a deellaing t - , rad= at.' 4122,7talraydi far Brae ifeltt7,B7% cash, far le-4 do -e_ losingstresh„.ll34,22l Prime. Mid ;BW,ll2osta hie .Prisse Nam,•/See quiet. Vol Neale Pm, at 14300 1 40 for Stout. rol. me Mid Mi nk, 1 .- ..- Wren quiet ; Wee aerie boxes at Imo far thamberlared Liatoula for Zang Bibbed and SP4e. for Short Bbbed. Lard • Kele Yak . WiebsY ss4 Stuck Malan. SW VAISW • Apra 111.-Nosrav-Easier. at deld class bills. - Goa little Omer and - qulet-open• leg &LUSH. adveselag to BMA, AlselabsingstatA,. arrant Esmolma-The tote imports of valeta . 4s au rs = x leacts .Uvaine.-434:14-1 Ne IrDrk C * 111 " 11, WIkg...IL Y.. .0737, tr i Nii it thevelasid and ruraburmoM Rock Island. r mitil WM_tere.24% Bath Wears mfer . r . l .... r n tiztyia, 44 7s 2l 4l i lrn, : ‘, J, • OiSiari7rtsok i stiblirail; mime (Mf g :. cas all=g* mi na will b w i n ers o f=g crwesdar , . ,_ Avows. data iron , Gads.:, a veil *3l4ll4telitie atirobibl look Wave as Tlersisi O at -the tootle b emus of itemin. /cha lk rayon Co., Philadelphia. About lee raid raw Pel t I P) SSA SAO - WOOS gAS P r2IM the PrOdll WAS Ardis APISWAS; s Ma of lips eat , th e Wellomntitetitlrroseit fair Petra end cetera Mehl wail, sad were dupimated; series . ebousakeep. legibraileadverteed,lMhtly ea framer salsa. The elhas WOO - ta Somasq and may duplicate, were raker. -TIMM sou a large company, and the entire was told with a'f.w eneeptlons. The AWOw imams otos rums *Mara: Linea sasdsli rte gold st from 11. toTlicentai lb s. INI illidatfelitacfrOo fife glkjlll-4 super Been' ta. lie diaper 1 .4. ‘ 1 / 21 0milmora 1113.14; *4 by tor dantuk tio. es too NA lines dleper,S2 melt, red trad, 14.4 lOW 'Nita's= YEW Vl* R 2 05 0; p ay Be miftisedini4ns,tex24.34l.6l.o,lllukinarair.tallansele, 4 ( 4111 VA Melte broths Parts 5haW15,,4.11131 do rlal irdet,.llll,2o;. Mae bombe stela shawls, 4=ll-steaseine Spaniel fleece, 4150 superfine jeasthem ghat do doable twilded ll.Ttii- Malitaers.Cattlie Market, April 20. • Or the MB head of Beet 0.W... neetved at the . Beaks this monies to mad were held over, the de. maw beim Bow aad market heart. ileesetsOratS ad tea heed to Washington butetters, and leo been to Settinumv tau chats, at Floes ranging from JRI all e tieter ordtaars to ray rood beeves, and at - elf per Massa moss, tars sew prime lots. a de. Mae eompared wilt last Thursday', rates of fully " eneernmea coatraetets are a la ile . CleetteL L: saajsat ta uas. atep—atient rare dui/. pales still to Old per Itße Osst. v. pts ttber Woof and deatied only fate at 1 , 0% cants - for Aware& c", ! ih°l44 and 14 11 % CD flt,Lonia Dlikrkek April PO. Tassio—Gen to o atA aar, do at ptara 2 demmhroscommon ship •t%Wato,lool2.2a; do comma mandratittutos - Jost it latatdo• mernum do at OIL - • • aumr•rllatilogadtauPor at KviAtur writ 11144apetty impar datttored at W., extra MI —2l.4llrdattraradtbriaded extra at $4, ; rotte fat ' Juts* at Irrllltdoabla WM Per DM. • Orals—Wheat litaottrat itotoltat •1.91; prime 11t iliKetAlicalpial at 11"cholevo white at SIM . Ma: Vora—Mitted at Gam yellow state; mixed' white littota stab pat tni. Oata—LaMtotd at c 4 4°44 Bottit'aPtioir *SAVO* papa. . . . 2422112 IntOsiieliolaLi -, 'Aprit 21. - Theis ls ao falling Da Le the demand for aosit. seal, but the neelpts sad aro very lietti ottheo busbelsnt 4,17018, and Atom besoad : band s at e1e648,51. Timothy sells st-MisQ4,ll,l bushel. For rissseed there is 1111,111TRA 'WPM* - Sake of Zoo bobbeht et hiosobnplo:T.golol of °rob, "pi Grass at 62,60, and Rod To r rid .7 Seed Is beht st US; Remy st 2 31 Ana VAULT lUSTIEW OW PITTSBURGH . • ;' " ftafturottr, April Irk fees. -, bare walk' tlrtf,alllll4l.4l4olloThilagialif WOW' .-aliboagtttlwmjeritjofburbuslapsiAkii* pen of*a. ret tbi /MUM teitspitat Lrb We 0111'410*a% tlttiliatertudooltirdadali as Nrettbarp coenrdcood...Thr*aiassoutossouout. 'Worth ootlagluitorkpartroplt oftrodimuid Ova* lot few Pettit thus siatioui,tieie WSJ nalatHEdoite --i iettatever. TIM demand for .praina wag supra& bei 1104. petit. reattterA Waal" to aupplOat the tabezeillate wan& ear ramumst* sad Priapic ' Batman, bus undergone no perceptible Pangs. ;Wearies continue rodet • endldall, while po tations are. moderate& active -at previous "atittattons. Floue 11 . Tart dull aul,norotual. at , piing Wriest braids a kitra Pooh f. Grain,vast sad unottaaged. Saudi autriUrOata from store at -7603, Sad to Oorn we pate a sale of 110 lambda at 75.-commoa. Butter. Eas, Ohede, Ind alit Ur - Wail Of Vedas; rider" aml neetuumeeLL nate is ratlitttedolaciarruitit • hint Potatoes are to better suppig Laud &Mirka ale of 7 tons Sidatralsatill,leper ewto PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET ;SATO/MAT ') ADM 22, :1845. ...; The autriebtor Orculowis UP. gay, though tt ere seemed to be firmer feeling teinifee toll= farm' of treltagotsinly,to adranee la gold and mon' tiirorablit 'adrges EA. New York.Llio &WWII/WI bipe4 anitgish, ad bete so yet, however, notwithstanding holders ligesstl to seXhigher rareirital strecenhose ,toNtlobi et Het, to bnniatt.l atithrhed,' s and won bole Winded, and,these may be owerted, , ae 'hi ware:nee of the Intiket; for , limmthentebbtron. - E i d, in bond and tree, eantinnes quiet aid di. *Lis akoaithrilsaitraiii-AiNnis Sib re. WlllllOO Id* tree at GS. There Is no move; 'month Noths or Reehlntno NW In tbe:M.4llse of sefes, It fa impossible to tin quolat _ P• "Z" - 9 f (k i t " %lA*: Aliatrowig firer telorcito asTopiva.. 1 tdat= Gellegher.. ISt er. Miler a C0_...t01 Mark a Peek...—. IBS 0, 0. *SS 3t - -r. atoebtele.... art /Ss. klaman aeberson ID) Jas. Newhisley.... 4 ii e ttt uzc !!!!". P 3 ' 'I 117 I I'' . Plevelaid Market, Alf/ 11 2 /. _ and rue. Ileltatgt,Sooll for SS ra l ol B ,Oblile ler. X white.— Wheel —tuner and better. Sales 4 tars No. t . NW on track at 1 11 .11 Obro—rirtner and bettor. Sale 1 ear 1101311 store am. !Otti — Dentatidlhibt. Dnta market' nonanalry am tutabangtat at XV haute/MI& tlye—rfolh ing Ones'. Ilsrlol — I•lhist , and !teak at a range of .1 11101,1 0, 410411, • r • • IMPORTS sx. RIVER. . Paisransinto ylutlfressiA-415 tenon & AXIIIZIOZI; 4 do barley, J. IthodasS bdis 'Leper, !Iltsburgt i n:p i .ef r e l lg ie St i O s 7 1 1 , ta w br W H Harary 34 iJrnsleyt Intila apples, Owens I. Ketn= ' ;. ' lot house bold goads; Margret Soaterrlllingbbls Duck wheat flour, Itslaley k Teamster; IS bales' bee R W40114;156 sks barley, Signmer & McKay; . Ia do oats; JeW Falrley; SS dO (try opples;Dualap,' A water eo; 1 box 'wades, I Q Fannin; 4 bbli dry apples, Jordan, Hollister ts cot 1 box meretuin .ol6e,S 130 oPet; 1 bbl do, L. ft Volgt & bbla Me :23 bales hay, Flews Is Steel; SOO skibarley, w H Garen]; aoci feet umber , Steeper Sybart; tas house bold goods; owner. PA2119.51117EG rsa 3.exagg...sesisakisnati, 00 bales bw, ilaWl'alfley;§pkgs adodrles,:aladc co; SS bMs produce; Sohn Herbert,t ollbbls Sohn Glary & c9;10 &.Iffeebllog, Sohn barley Spencer & bleHttytl7 Delft bay, I T oOlvin 'Aso; 35 keg, whits lead. Wnt:/geolteown co^,ll dd do. 1.1 Bender tonX bats paver, Pltteburgh ?e -pee co; bales bs Thom Hirers 772 ell bbls, IOCO: beep poles,.Joibb' Do . - • ttasavnts ran Harrow-106 Illnglass. Sturgeon h co; 1-US bags MI meal; bdle hid.. , 48.• Idols tobacco, Clark & eo; I bbla eltiyar seed, Jos Craltu nobble now', SOONVI ir. 82,01,1 1 00 .3 =11% • & Ha4ley col= sks oats, a , bales eottoo, Meg & Pennock lob furniture, Len a -., 0n k Welaslo tea meat, El Lippincott; PAaraccsisusta pig .Bari Ba-1 bbls ems; 4' lb. rata,sbbla applestl do dry apples,. odo dui seed, Head & Helmer; bbls eggs, !do onlons,l do ap igtesZeitS4=eigar r - kgs ar. e §tetlft: ou bbls,owner.- - . . ! IMPORTS BICRATEMOAM.' rmisatracd, YoiT & 08101.00 R. FL April 2P-.2 Vat, lumber , L lettabea; Sims barley, 11/..colcat, 100 Way doer, TO Jenttne;l6o sks oats,. Culp & Shepard, lea hay Rea & oil bbla; - Dairen &co, Up tulitandies, Lippincott & Eats t balks**, raw...boss Mt Obis, James tailkins; Sean scrap iron. Lloyd &- au dor pails, Long & Dor; Soil bble, wm blacksOun: 71 b 615 potatoes. atioapaes, H Walton; SI pots. toes, G , ra/242. Betel 6 kegs Apple Mater. Bosley & 91$0 Gorder,•l222 pm balk meats, JP, Hanna; at* bbi float, ilimpt& Glendon ME, Oracrimear, &ND Preriatraatt 12.1 i., April 21— 7 cars wheat, R T reatieds & Bra, 1 ou:haw; no. 'Ql&en Limtham; 6 tea E • Heaasson; 161sts oata, • T 0 Jutting; 11T bbls _potlitOm„ „Pot ter Aiken H & /Mamma; 132 aka oats, Hitchcock; Mc tLazco;lo bits Nat'l:4Blml; Simih , dal Millula Xerriak; 100 tads Soar, 22 & A ILF . Dnhcan; lit of bDls, V. II Byttm ; ! calm toischtsg' 5T.1.1e1414.-Ainil bitter: lu°4 , d rkwilliVt`,T4tr, falfeut‘ 0 0 Smith; ' acjawbsat, noble at P AUjelj tsar mita r SiMpson & 8.110X4611 bdla Over, Eittabura-Paper 00;1740s &Team, Ge0.)&10111&1. : HIFSIi lATELLIONCE. 'The river 'etedinneeormahi.: steadily at this point, with aboritleMora feet stailtches lathe than. al markets/it- .- TheiWeather yes. y was blustery *ad cold, Wittig - Otte MOW 'lllotan attain the snail Pun of day.• ' The anivala since our ILA report, include the %Elise:raj Barad, natilikrmsg, from 'PatiteMhtlig. and, KentitE Dom Exams waa brettlilitkp here for repairs, and her ()Mara expect' o putter oaths duck ricorahM , ••, • The-Emma Graluutt: . form ZawerriSe due here thlsntentteg; and the LeritiOni ;andistivercload, wiqprobabli anise today, •", • • • The idisterva lot Parkersburg, - tioldert • Era for • P iYatX lad the ilietint for Ealiescille, clear ed gm Saimoisre with Lk tithe. • Trio Seas, sell Echo, left for on i ptti ot florae , • orll orrearlr; sad the /Ca Rees, from the same pear, surlyerl during the night.- The Allegheny river la brambly so shallow, that we fearetelm. • poor navigation will loon hare to bastopended.' - ,Vept. Robert trounico, of the Mesmer Kate Ro. • bumomfarritred ImAllertany on Friday; on a visit • to his fatally. , Ile Is I. good health and Spirits, andAporte the KM* lathe tllnclanati and Cab ' The 'Awake did not, get elf for Itazhville on Sathrday, befog rumble to complete her cargo, but Mo'lllll positively leave today.pt. T. Golding le l* conunand, and Mr. Wm Slackstockilaa clump The Beeatd;Cset. - Eitio. D. rio ' oro,•iorzio rogrdoi packet for Parkersburg today, leaving. at twat. . Pasteagers and ahippers will bear in mind that - she teats on time promptly. The high headed Leontam, Captain:Km:lv - wan, will be ready to sail for St. Lords this evening. TheLecnidu has superior accommodations Corpse. rankers; will CO tbaillth tab, purehmee o r steam. • attri t all (n Ca, at Cincinnati, on Thursday . le.. el:ditto - Stated that he will load ler for Art u ' The Glide Is *Pitts:Runt beat, wai, commanded by Capt. Wra. R. Anderson. The Empire Ofty,Capt. Ifaelep, Is annoensed far , St. Louis forthwith., Mn - Junes C9lll is Ute . I T/teLeo nem: left Chichuiati for this ell on" Thursday btst, and the Silver Cloud follow Ori • Frktay. The. Rani Times and femme,: were . ad- Seedfaed to leeireott Saturday. The Clocinnati Commercial of Saturday saym-. Ca*. Thos. Poe. sad clerk J. Q. A. Parr; of the steamer Clam Poe, recently burned in the Cumber. Isa 4 TEliree arrived bete. yeetaday, and left for • Pittsburgh In last nicht% train. They speak. in the highest. terms of. Capt. A. W. Canter, desk O. It. Rumen; andyllats Chanetrut Mule or ' the MMus= rroorlorne. who extended every hogidtallty Yo i tm . l i n ci t 4 hgt , p , c r ogr i -..The red. r nuc wg:a four lives 1 . 71 like coley.' Istra, derkhanda . from. Lontrel. Mary, colored chambermaid from Loulaville, and a nmro Amman, named Sam who *hipped at Jet - The MlD:able sad Starlight were at Lout/Mo on Thursday- last.. The .oentralle and Roanoke, Irma *dee tied to leave Mimes for ilttabargh. •ost Plat • • . - - . . • - ,iOI4ABEIL wesmin stains, Tatti ffy nted and meaufastnnst by oprI,EY MY-PAZ Now - yang; • - . ,•• • ,This Meath, hoe -beim balm,' the piddle stall aprif, lOU. It is now in extensive use thro= ties loyol Stu/eland experience has demoo MLitt ls the only WWII° Washing gsgans it is ssiamictioNixemin4stigatbuguilek staple mut esey I its operatic a E r mine* to at out of order., n IS is me stitstly sub tha nitsl i j Au tinetidliondeolslywltha YURI. attity VI bol Can month th and it may oe relied °OM "14 Os mord 'rigout sufrfasce froohaottrtsbeteff• It is varentoednot goblin,* z the goon ginsent. • Thetstgeta Inns tem Amin tit subettlittgtho follotrlng attracts trout Toettuuttdals r - • of have no hesitation to gams that iris bi fir the best mamas of-whith -I bey* env knowlsaiie, end about ar perfect as laything of ths mud can bee—Dr. D. .6 tree=rgare actiniwo. anthe sati tfaotton. in localog of the machine Jabot more Mbar'. oaf than tut of an °Maar, (stadia... wh it . bands, collars, hems of garments, and. ths gout laces, can be thoroughly awned without ilinco. es it Court not ATM bet 8 0: 215118 OM WIDOW& • if jj nom Woof of tf 010.fabar sue soap. sal it is detp Hied' to-bosaos, unlyersally, a domestts Instltu. tton —Dr./oda Douglas, Pallor First AdforardPrss. fineries Mardi; Pitiaborta.s nts gement I use cannot fat to Ore . satterseutnt to all—Dr../loarrt awry, Patter Foote U. P. Church, Pitt/buret: , olt bee& In my family for several months— performs all that. !male= claimed for It welt, and ti Ares* savior of Um*, labor and Jobs Dior, Peator Third D. , 01• L !Ma It doesn't wo r k with anthems gnu dlspatoh, and does It wr,ll,—/ka. Wallace, Er ON Haardnes and elstodara,ectatandrssaH rW/W/marr Wumitten, tam be bad frets , • - H. J. IaLUNDOOII. Aaron% • UMW Nest/lan Mae, No. 7{ Third Mat, se9. Haehtnee ars ew2 be b.wlfreer AL. BUTT s. OH CO., Hardware Hatobards, New Ow bbla Extra Labrador Herrin, IrrxlJ 22 1 . - 6 balm Extra No. 1 Large Ettore Her • le ball bbls Lam' 114.2 Mackerel; erali quarter bbla No 2 doj It w atlas lIALSLEY A . VAN OORDEE, _ • No. Mt Metter:Xi:A: TIU,CK CHEEK LUBIIICATIN9 OIL. .. 4;. , .. - ..izotarres in store Intl for sale by _ MILT-ELL 2...500. • fa attil79 Waterlntillt, MESE __~~:~. 4 11 i. • STE4XIBMITS RiPur"c" ll l"nni 111111Atifite .raeTnia* nos austa swum rescocr crrrir, •• N. LAKoOreiiiieisitif vlll more titliwank.* 44 l , - Tuesdatt and VridEW :at elm% o'clock a. X. toe wILEE SUN I Sti nt .IWILL B i l l oEzi :tut, RIETT.& and DAB RO, *ad em, One prta. Returning, leaves Partersbunt oa WEDNESDAY a ltßATOßD&Yiltio , tkakr. xi Or Dwelt oripaaomaapoli et costftao, onto , JOHfir FLAW ataktf ; COLLIN' WOOD. t erasrrA AaraPARKIERSt - _.,. _BURG PACED. E5NE,44.11 uueld PASSENGER STEAMER POE ING EUTtimarta SISTERSVILLE, . - e1101.1 4 D A AND PARKERSIMEG. The, new. aad , hut, aide wheel Damage? SAT;' AIIWO:D.' Moor% Winer; Daniel" Moerti:Olark. ' Laves eery MONDAY A THURS. . r Z i t Leaves Wheeling it I r. at: eiusteAys. eta Nn a .41rZ.F."41FM!,IEID4.r and tea Marietta at a P. Y. sane delre. ~ ..4: aveiWbeelft ism ..L.X: WEDNESDAY and 15 'MEDAL . • a; .treight -or peesaire, haying easerpaseed as. ppw eamtaodattoet, applres boar! or to '- - - - „ 1 'JOHN TLADlr a ;r i • • JAS. COLLIN - Agestai illhidhtf:, ItEcrilLA 11 WBSIIIL T PORT& 1 , - - MOUTH AND s PITTSBURGH ri A OXET.44—Thei One peorematesawar, , . Ail , t W. EL - Kerr, leasterk3r.:lTl. - Bryan, slink; vet Pittsburgh rrety.SATUNDAY a Iit IS llock la,and Portawiaath every MONDATi et 5 Vele* vim. The Golden Era make eanneetioaa at.rertee math with the splendid allaillar, $OO,Ollll 'Mg 11, fdl4 OttalEalti, and will tralpt frilled aad pumas. ~ germ through to that ell T- mat . 'Vort .CINCINNATI .LOIRS, ITEGILB AND NASITVILET . flacaad 'eamiticelioutarmateamst -10 A, Oapt.T,E, poi Velar %Waken sad IntermhftitilMti' AVelld leala,at For freight or pasomwir bit USW alt 14 • " ''.: , • ; 43: D.4uulaartOWooW vet' . . R RT:. I..olllB.—The fin serEbittek OTTYi •Jaco Haile n r wilt leve , for the aboil --..' • lataraallata porta, Wn SATURDAY Awe oNlock PAL • . wor aia; orgasms apply on bgard___, or tO apra . -•— -, JA.l.llOLLllll4liireat. = - - - `1.?011 CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. —its splendid steamer, LEONI- A/mg:rain will leans se Ikons CUtLlife D. L. _wriawoop - Amply on lx . nird. o to -JUEIN rsAva. - Icffacz TO, PiTKEBB OP • 1 - 1 - ;DELTA, HACKS, • .4otles Is herebi t ßlO a ll Omen el Bran, • cardiac smorhetrier reddest or noorethlent the 0 7 rthtsbureh, to pay their Lbeesee at the Teasurer% ollmi - 'ef the ally o toOl kia Zia l & u. st nano; of the ti=lirtii Patibragh. M a lf d it= s 6sl ls4 :; he A tees, orlll be plant In the heads ot the Met ot• ahem far talledlon, subject to his fee of ED arm r the ..eretion thereof, zedperms whottegleat sr vto take out. Limnos mill be settled to • ty, to be recovered before the Kayo; doable =:,1,4M metal platee of ptertois yews meet be at the time Weans are taken our, or pay SAM oaal lone veiltge,' PI ran h an lowborn _ - /E two b one pack.... id Oa IDnunbuteo and, Timbal.: Amara by_ tint banes, enbtatta dollars awn. For awn additional barn mad In agy ot abcnn o ne a" dollar. W. SICHBAIIII, City f . rtwanonalt, ibbtodel/ MN, !REIGN FRUIT, NUTS, &c, 24 mats Seedless 51.41454; _ • .10D boxes M.H. Bataan; • 30 kegs Plums; '25 bum IPrtosai 1 " -.4 Matt Elm draw iI,PI 100 boxes Ls Salalo4 • , bake emu Almond,: _ . .25 bags 1%14041 .RM . 4l . 4ll.lsauzul 15 "do DM* j bms-Pms-Nu an in ors and landlne, fer_asia by - 112MElt masa .1r 1211 a 5 41411NMAIMIst. - - - Lear Wad Peach Elirw ralidad% la tamale , dr la auks; bosh °a • 10 MU Jns, l Ptak/ski; tona_ ISO boxes W. R. =mug • i 100 bushels Poises India aea' led do . I'dasa_Dry Apples; as do uc Seed: i SO boxexPresh t SO Ilde twee =spies; ludf bblE Apple Buttiltr- Inalticarved at. as• Lawny espoe.' - cit. PVITER. lig,BH6P4itn, m bbls . Prima Houdin ado BasoktroLTobsese ;^ •-• Mose Inas 'dor.. 4' 1 1 11 -.Kell inia2= l 66diri 1 90 do Older sultabie fors 6 do. elovetlleed; 6de Flax !feed .in • 611 de. , Thled • : • ' - I=Lod= W.R.; 100 do Ilarabtoi dew store and for Won, 6. - 13 4 110 Lay h VAN GOEDER, ICt s kt Isrdi -F lLU= 4Wted ) 1- 10 tacks -do do; ,- busk Primo No bath of tztoottoo ooroi m do -- Tridoth_y•_ll4= 4 ao bolt/him* Rom .. -4 lobs - Cookatg-Istosoi btds Ccrata,il ► a proms; - Irld . l- : Stdr,Thedat ''' 7l7o.l%;= ta Mbilais by At, 3 . Saadi° Water street. P. WIIiGKILBBI4 DRAirGETIROF - - ornoz ale• Pta - run' AGICROY. No. 12. Sr. WA= seat Scopeos- Hefts_ bri=4 , ad wand& Clow forkitosia Engines. mad nom osol itooddoattons for litionfortrAMl Redluoion sad Archfloctutil 1 , == . 1 Goots&al Surrey. wooly ,Roots Ewers. 'NU OR SAL -VALUABLE FARM— "tioutidalig SG aarea-Th at wild u elearadi 10 sere of natural meadow. Good bousir, at 20011 rogue, large bask barn. 0 1 4 7 10 1 1000 0 11 Zitun :feel; phew 'watered; frau ? 11 vela - la Of coal. Situated rear the Plank Goaktwolallias Rom Bakerstown. la offered etuiags sag oa meg . tuna Apply _to - 'spa to 00,101 rinteigesierst. Q.A.A TER'S' BARBERS' . SOAP&—I Imo been Wag SAWYER'S BARRELS" SOAP for ova Sr. yam sal ran ssy without hesfttlow that it- is s tor , to isayOUtttititi hat, ever used for Toilet and Shaving AMR B. Org u at, Shsjriat Bahice, NO. IS Dlstioad s Ausgtisay oity. sour VALUABLE 8111TEFIELD. STREET. T 'PROPERTY FOR SALI3.-10 lest haat by 110 km 11.11tenberres Alley; • two story tit ers stand irlth reessestos o two three -wish ads room, a Wok siell OVT l ffiletitT Mt% R Naha St. , roo bug' Califoinlii Reds; . . lm do Pooch Itterwsk, .. We . rind sod for TETZ ado b. ..- ' g lt a AEX/S'iliO . ,NCF apt!! roma. Markit sad P Int Emus. I ' OLOTH3B WRING SllBl , —Tgo oat, good Iktiager Ma art=B irattaaW to stye asOlotoMoL sag then at the In•No Bobber Depot. No. gl Mott stmt.. trN 8010 AiOo ' t• iot iii= 2 "1 1/ . ORKNOKS LXIIWNEVJust re ceived a supply of Moles llfesdas Orsoos MA ;Amos, for sole by Ms bet or APEX A. itEXIWir mew Loam sed rraso deceis., lii°7IIBERING.-200 hat bbl s Lake norting. • prim :oak,* jolt nottridt 1 4 . 4 eir • atipotoonto, sod for tab at low airorattO ml ID r e . ••• UtILP dietZPAID, Pico boll Obis Latta Itonitort . : • L-' do Laka hoot. 'ltioitaloby I apts J. H. OAttIIZLD. APRIL PRIWT..-BE NOT TOOLED. Tba IMP* to boy all tae la saw, baantltia ted Obeap to PAP= 111121CMG,9 as Aco Treed steal. Clane as& we. ' fin apt nOFTEE BAGS - YON BA.LE.—A large %.• lot of oont• Backs, od . nelr, aft ICUOII *petal law by the s 301111 It. Mutsu* ,W apt,' ' _ corsair Liberty sad Hand swam.- SEED POTATOES.- . to sacks CedW ..a Pe" SIMI • 20 bids Hue.— a le 6 Mat ° 4 9 4 BO") NINE FRAME HOBBES :FOR BALE,' with lot ot growitli Waal* wait Limo Posnaipit -4 .41 . ? it at asklastl. For ptios sod hwilio op,Pll OUTHEERTIitSONS.6InatittIi „. FOTATOfi. 15 seeks Goodyfah Whim retaken bbli Btutkery• dov. for Ego at Ira Libtrty amt. - NM WY. - p BE= • 00. P.:CTYETC, .a.• Ulf bids non Rattan . 93 Lep spill Picked to. Doi uW ttrin'm VINE. CUT carmine* I'oBAAJCO.. .11: to grow Stony fildwwoot. Chun, Bops 800 wi d acid mow, nus eta boom, for WA by jos - - • & EYouta it IMO& J7EEI3r. . 000 boxes W. R. Ohm.; • tpl6' 100 Eck °Mad:on. For isle 01 • - • 7.• B. CIA, ii.ICTROLELT/L-400.1,barrels Crado fox "pale by 'k • 1 1 121#1' . *, 9 1 1; . . zawm&itrm. `PAID'• IN 46 'YEARS $17,000,000. Net Assets. Xwittarv, 18Q6. - 5M3.07•7.13ci5a '7la i nu!,ilmus nviutos gewireidei - hi; all the Va. Mae as Tim la tbalhitid Ragas appleatfaas farlamaamawlll !ar 1 4104 ! e14414 / 6 " , - gamma &info, -0 mama stint 11= VARRETUdir CH.07 4 4 1829: - - - $-1 . ibu inaar "' FMB MB [PatianrjA•xi.TAi .§:b•simit*wry;;lll.lll 111 . 45 74 4.11 . tagesf.l«, A•cmed Premium. ... . . , Lureded Preralms. ' . 4 01,2 / 1 mooned MIMS. Imam ler - Leona Blom ramtdl marki mit Temporary. Palates es -Mora thailm N. Baaeker, I lama Lark y e w. warner, Edward 0. Dela. Bamord (tral .o* Sarob ailed =YEW, 0•01 TO Yrae..W. I‘= „ Pj„.111 . 0 WAND O..DALE. Vl/31ma. w mtla%) !"(X)M2411. Mho ~ 'r amie" Mood Sad Ttdrd F IR !. AND•MAMMI Inenrame IX of fiat& America. liiirttbrd Fire lasaraac,e Casimukr. 41.115..... •••••••\ •••14. • 41111oiretai be reared la the abon lamed itsuity 11:1 13 1: autho. .701041; m7 4!iwzik 110§8TERN ININTRANCE - COMPAIiic v tatunntagy_ • wiLng, Namt‘w • Wm. P. taritnE wr, . Ode, No. 98 Water illalcOpsat Clais Wow Mass, op Nam Pittabusgti.• • • WO Isms e~ MM.* al arf Ms e rn. I Boas ,teasis aises Di s are spiv stash Ns awl mil err &Ala Weed tryiwipbbita out owitstels alidnicar ad** Asp las at spay as kat FralaN,t• Noss ~ Min to fa • . N - Asoll4w . r Adair. athaalal Natals, David N. Lea' Derift • Ohms: J. Clark, sane% - Joha IL Meta*. - • a •am 14.111°2 4at. P. I* • mr. ftiosa,T. watenzgrips .rsatratatois COMPANY` ITMUMgcm.....og os , ' .iron Mutat Ilfdgesto. moat ow.. • ' *tie 15711CM111), Sarart""" adint. bourn Mesaboots awl 011411111116,... .ea Laws •Um et iiik a =ih e arllrestinillAr h ar i Esiees, sail the asmisolies of the elm Odour by lbw r. . .„. g . , w.. - 15 1"444.• 019nacw - liminfaripse ooxiyan oilie; E. arm or wi44 *O4 NUM Ma PI B ADD-ZABisBIIIIMLIIIOI 'L. 1 - Spaiiasoist • • Pm** • OspLJaka L. mous Wats. Pond P. MT, 132....yaaYleBlwly. . J i h risk D. "kiiiirwastat, . mar Pstridag. WM F. oA.Nortzu Sierras% lunar A ALI!!GHENT AENBURANOR COMPA st:It T BSI EM B W I/ . 3 f7 , 91 1 " 42 P ) . lfltt a l i tulwa Wawa w ibis& `et Yu: -.r=ate • _ LAO JONES, Pruidnit. 14 at. Ix d - i tart D. 3DOORD, Vial haft ' • RMWM _, Jt~. ii ilr ~. o.~~~''~l~ ,~;.,~ 6W~A.~s -; TBMOUTH SIX CORD . - 90117 Pllllllllll AmerioaiCSEkxol.Clotton,• • AMOPLYM ENN VIELED iSPOOL COTTON 'Mngetesdg iwa . matad ot saportor i=to and sdlocaotoMl I lossooro hod yoga la Von be hid Mall ottortilkod atuabers. . Idestutootortd try the PORTIIIISITTII BPS rA O Tor. " 4 4 "4 4 4 413441 f t" 441 . 14 " 14 1" AZOlir szliario Acons; se KUM? SUS* NSW TO*IIIIIDOVIISSUSI WON k. WOWS; SOS Mush street, rattoalpkto. $ ialdthStiest O M, •lIIRD RD. T U NIS.—RE TOUR O WNUDGZ—Notaw. Ova444oB.—Garzat Isa Wigged thwasettr W INMAN UM?. It Ms nand ILS rem the Wk . *" 1111 ww% Wows cionswmPrzoN 124 se a..A. T iease tor WN me. ow El Year POW else wig WO t WA W rerLas. Vio a I wlw MA snow we 4w-reetewow sae ginertal el" le tie #4 , wwatiewaMW il em- , goWN. MU= e l tbee " ttea'ai llai nut lti L l iOt e rie reej, reeelm. Br. JAMS. CANNABIAS arw Dlal. le the eery reareeigurA will jws . WNEIBMPTION AINNNA awl ismoNtourld. we Auk, the total 81,1sbottla t wit win ISt. Mk* No* _..wunals.t. ea Ism mtla $1 ft VIM Oa • oinuo vet Su* Mai*, AilWY . Dhl . ii FAPERMABLIC O.EEriRA.II.IAP t/Pas Poi 4:4sISPe t rotates Clothing. MADE rci • IN:THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORRIS - IIXROIIANT TAILOR, . • No. ,no INe.l6lllALAlleirbssw. aolViawd - _ - f iln gEW 11314 4ND , BARGE :YARD EWINO,WOOLSLAIRIMEDMItaOO. • Real Estatb Agency, end " dealers 1c OIL Arfaxoet. Lawns .renziyl22(42, 9/42 ,n 4 yaritthyi. °mem.= (24 11022) LIBESTY, STREET; anima tarsaurtait a PA. • =MEIMI=ttE CifAXP/ON on. ciau: PPlWit' alideaM etleicied Carbon OH, Benzize andregcriesting Oils wonxet eppesrrE Ogles Ne. H BIND street, PF1,81113811, Pa. .` 'W. D. CUSHILNN, Ettspl. BREWER, BURKE & 00MIKISSION BLEEciaurrg, LOZETS DIP TB Y 010 Paella and Libdty Oil . works olmignalkata it i dined .9! Crude Petroleum. .DWIQTESNY 11.41" mid ZURCOCir Re, PTITSBITROH. PA. 70®L WALLACII WELLIAX VVIIIIIIII WALL,6.O4 4G,0PR71138; \ ' • coitiassioritzieczurns. ONODE AND 1131112DDYPEtAiNSUX Inkg. 2 .9 2 M.AnD:it.(l44o4l.:Nat O X L 8 ;. /O. / 14 /10 . 1 7E.WRatTriSnirrapnr . /Matt', iliPStkeueeskpiciSP tender Storirj• fte wee: tassel& Aria muisilinst OLIN .far slap Ing to Amalie& end Poshigh t tsts,, It our eci She Schuylkill Stria, near pleirsmit lathe P. S. IL ,10=4Y R /C 4,W I I 4 : I #* IIA WA. NA99 9 Comalsalon and ForVAMIng Kathiatala caurratim Exmom muffin% • ?E.44 , 3"-Likwpi imuurn _ AIPL oodoral es* Mama/ et-. • • nietern BLerketala • t Maim DitwOrth &Bo:, . .. Bpriegv•Baztiugh,,Bß., , Teorzon Bell, Esq., Prest Coma/rod/ 111/IL STA r IiDARD nTrits:Aacmit 'itEPINERY. 'I CLINK & Weeks ind mice, C/z/.Lnis Tovittsani. 1tm14 4 !A P Jttabtu woo **Filfaim• iTheis work; hats thelattest sapaofti ta the ,eonatty. The broad, gaols the_ bWM• in raids Demur and la Zama, tot qualit7 acid An , Apd the olt snit Is well aseaonad bartals,PllP and ItarliaTlED aOEIIt6 , Lai tot Wald. BONDED WAREHOUSE OP Plink Wardwastag Company, OM of ELMO i HALM= SM. Broekliiu in Tanks' and Barrels. Bs* Caresdars. N BMA= ErrazET,l7n► York. • No. 1 St. CLAIR NZ. Plitsbant. c ' spawmunira aim commisizos kinclurr, ILL I7 MIRATING LVOILIOLTING, On , PXTEOL i grm oza, calusanur eit hand ana taraxle the forest markt4 Fri!". Oatialm mows and orders mourned. :L.__ & 0, 911199 9 i ll • WA•llents. ecal*lssropt mintoserrrs, l'/:13U=31 AND ITS PRODUCTII And degas to Naming Mainsialn ML 7 . ' No.O MAILMEET BT. Pittabursb. j --- .6.IIEB — TOT RiNS, saw= :ma mu= Er I GLIDE AND BEITIED OILS re, ai•ek. - Dcalturia• war, Pit attettlouglyim to_Me SALIM 01 PVIEULEUN Asa Um proCiNAL b a reOinkatimma epsertMly sollatted. • Tl=VAtar VENANCIO 01Z. APO/ TATION OOMPANT. WrIVIST arum BOX itL - . sib* y .7 48 14tri INWIN aCO " Imus Luna ar.ilornorouns Oil cf Vitriol , and Aqua Ammaii: On= No. 111 MANI= Jo Pr/Dammam Pa. .loka S. IL Mit piak. Isar 31. Oimpipq s.ll = l ts Join nuwe r sk..' lra.A.sosigut. LUCENT OIL WORKS. DVICAN, Urine" , & 00, auunrztortaiss °sr Pore Witte itelleed_ Carlon 011 s. =tan muutr. lip:4 1 I :1: • lCl[iN , i' • lriria * VEL7r. (Bwcantars is doi4 Pdarmnt,) Oil Retinas and dealers In Pattalaino, Dina*, Lubeinatlng and Paint Oita. Odle*, 1 I Mi. 7 ILLICOOOK. ISTRAZTik. Cali STOCK B..—The nnder4 ed> will N.A. ors partieglw Wadi= Ito the purchase and saki of BtOcis of ALL *EMILE Comiinies 4 . 44 , . jim 1. _ 1e1;Y0IIIIT8 , BIRSS►• Vi • el` :4: Ism firrEem Emanms, • amat apprond of walla aad outer put on the allotted Harlan • • • otaloaan ba want tho work (py fit Illth Ward, Milligrilolllllll.l 0 114ZUAria - irortgaGE EMIGRATION OFFICE i , SOO. see. awe. I Postage from the "Old Country Ths Lfivorpool, Now To* and ThiladatalJl Is ..A...... ,..... A 5taat) leasaushis. Cloapany having apporatad ths thole Agant ham Nee Mr. Thongs** trswisWlTS is itow prepared to helag oa 'Li am at U P fg tha Msmer, of at at UNTISItM s T,OW R& Tha stilaniza of UM favorite Una Nan Lim lova, war s& Thll ,la NeW o rAbsfaldag lanst stag= andustessit Is also for tbs Warps 2 rsod Loodagm_±ry Lam at ..i m i ta i Tt s = smug TILPHIULLIL and ig for DIM Powsesgers and Malls. Th. steam , eta of this Me are WM la the atrongest .zoltnaer and falai& dudes aceoantnodatlans for Dummy Ho is also agent for TAPSOOTTM LINE of eats tasted Olftar Sailing Paakets, PliaTtal Llvsspoo for Now Tick ivies • Malt. and &hi eIPI Liu o Leak." Pastels, leaving Landot avow tam dart la ,4, chips d of Tapaeotra Idea here tang bilma ao. fed their quick passam lad the azaallaateer hiss Oss fmaMed Us passengers, and thair thiamin& wads on tandebt Parties who wish their biands twanatt ent by galling wow% swag bickmans patrouLts this ism toSaWArala at greatly twin osd MAL . BIG DmMita ag on all parts of Zazopsfots at the lowest ADP , / UP D. O'Diartra Totehp Etalgrationthllas, sail . as thaithdald Irinle. : : v The well-known &wears one Livanol, d"lar Nev Vern and Phinulalana • Oampany (Inman Lixte. ) carrying gm g. wag EDINBURGH Saturday, April EL CITE , OF RALTIMORE.-Satutday, Apli/ re. 'OITY OF WASHENGTON-Satumay, may I. Lod everrawxottling flettuday, at noon, Own pia 46;ft""1 .iogan OP raissaez. Payable In gold, or its equivalent in eltrodner Flrat Ereologe " 1110 00 o to London... OS 00 " to London... at to 1/6 " to Farb. .- 40 00 o•• to Hamburg. SO w is Haab if 0. p=r,Lidleo forwardeto ng tgot twerp, ke., at e qua llylow rates. • Fares from Idvatoool arguemotowit-tat Cabin, thm•—= l o..: l6mtl io t Zile mod rg Ulai llitili.NratatiOn amity at tin Comma tow. . , • JOHN O. DALE, Adam, r Tondo! lEnlortilan No. II mlthlleid stmt. FIAC4 C , V N Anj.) LI N 8.--Btogarfts :LrVERPOca.4O) samszrarpwlt pop gold,'or tts eqidvaiant In clutmi g , a • NEON NEW TOES, 1140-in 'maguey. SalsperY week. 41 , 13. to • - 1110117FiS RA'ITIGAF, Syctitlll4ld strait, between id a:.4 an, ausisithstr' . : . pitcputa . 01L14 )I}=OrD MWMM, An DEALER IN OILS, XA.VIIIP.ACTUIthIeB. FITTSBITAGIE FoUNDRy.' -13A8811301i Lae „ (13nosennote to D o m a i n, i, (Unison, k. Do n ) - gODEDEBN AND IdAutUAISTS atiottdas Of Ohlmil6itlon of all atm, toe Iron, Steel, Bow, Ma k . Comm Gold, Ho Beards, ...et ale ladi NOWT Works Solllag-Xlll'easthapt al. all desettpttour; hum, patent Double Grinder, with a Tarts. ty of other pattexna'alwaycon-hand and fitted to order on elout'notlee and:favorable term!. mai and Warehouse, IMlStolthdeld street; Pittsburgh. MANUFACTUREOCOF OIL 'TOOLS, LIED ALL ! Sinklitir Pirelli. • Partietiisr ittentlee - .ls , forged- to . his Iste im provements In - JAHS• end MINTS,' which are of: !trod as the beet In the woHd. Sr 'Anemia. of the_ purest Sage end Low Moor. Trait, hammered rstewdy for these tools. These tools' ere side to IANDAHD SIZES, se that the Mind Societe 0 " Wee with Ltd fit thowrOf„. _any llie s i T set of his resoursetert, besting' tie Wise ..atunbar. STEAM. ENGINES and Machias Wert made to order at his Shop, on OHIO STREET, near the comer °mime susit,Atho,ritaity. Post.ofdee box tr. Belmont. rosr /EONS, Its. No 'trouble 'to' BLADE. DIAMOND S,TEEL WONIFI3' PllT*6l4B, rag,,A 11011 4,4-0..- ; aynoituri4ipt (aw odick,. &mans: wormt= ed ages xo any rammer or Inaaatontirod la tar: aniAry 7.7 •!, kill6initritrelioana, and and Lao and thlixorn orlon* Pittaburitg. . t oATENTED'I)(YrOI3ER 8, , 18011• • Dizniii64tlrB i.kizir ; taliestuip, or.ivum:qi'OEr or zY ilia: OLAISN. ••• These ehbuisrpi are Inteliee‘r ter the An Muss, seatingall parts 01-thhirlau evilly, does not se pose it to eraeldng. • Ph D. - I)=RIDGE, , Pori Pita Glass Works, P's street, apt, '• itsburgh, PtEllell, w. s. wAtminvii 0..2. minerals.' • - a:if; mum IRON CITY - WORKE3. • DILACEINTODII6 PODNDION3 AND ZELOWNISTS. Ocieser..al}lKEikadOlilite,433.3 PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, (NeatC i ltr Watar Warkia • ROL NIL CLIEWO33 and lia — Bif61• 11 ,, 110 dt,, 111 9ftwal)obbars: - MILL.II.io-NufErr arirtai ROLLMQ ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., - 1.. VP Mb& Introot,Pittsotak. ~ . . ITN awe sarei'reorr isrotzeas, atilt YeattCoetareri of ' . JAPANNED - TIN WARE. wokars now manntactnring and hays on hand Baldric Apparattuo; of - Alt kladi4 TOI Warn in. Pr•ta? is Moist* Gratin' Tan Spica Can, 4 . ..., Cult and Spina Boats, _Wainer& Spittoons, kn., no. di Wadi ot of Inagea for aala low. Oil Cans et o and pstterna. Tin Faunas, Conductors, and all_ /ands .of Jobbing Work dune to order -.-. ' - app SLUSH, PLATED .WARS - az.a.44 - crtrAkrziCirt*. Walters, Castors, Sus.. & suttabla for OA Tr*4 basul awl for sale tor , 1511,ER 11088. 225 South - 6th at, PHILADELPHIA AMAMI JOION P. PPM= oPAILZII PO MX JOHN B. HEBRON a CO, artcrire MilEsazwa.LlNiocrturegrat, AND IRON FOLIND,ERIV Mete and Cdr Some, tile No. 1710 LIBERTY Emmert PENN RACEME WORKS . ' W AND FOUNDRY. 111 r 611ITIRAL W MUNE BELLO= AND AL , WILIERST. LAcocz arms; beams Aldera l l . A. sad SaAdasi, Manufactuier ,At wIG HT Al'A N. PATENT PORTABLE OZIOLLLATEAR STEAK 41;N ° re I ,pliirir 4 64 0 1 1= 1 i e llaaed 1i147 j_ BCHOOKMAICER; • _ . —.• _ . Mats Lai. Zed Led. Mu Leal, Mame, Vic owl Dealer Ii •LINSREb s VARNISH, Lif"JifieVirigAT R.' SEVENANON, NO. 153 Water. B 0 v c ; . i r l ß tudmiga p aarreref BOXR DIV Of ==arskape4 sium and mama tam. or siskialocad• to , order ails" satte• • , _ IarELIA, urars RlDDf.gplooaLE d e co . , . No. SU _lth, smouset of wawa" LAMES & I SM' aotterorpleosrfpUoa of LEATLUIR .Chtlero oollaftiod boa the trodi;ard goods • • ohlovedos per loatrootioas. y n taxxd o. & .W.: BENNETT, litiainfacturers I sr&ne n pNry' TT:Jambe= Wood ltszket arseta, Pittsburgh. h -mu OIL' arc. pETUOLEmL THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL I crik•cricoisses .Ciampaixhar crioasieta UNDER THE MINIFO AND.MAN 'PICTURING , LAWS OF AII.E STATE OF HEW roar .POB ONE MILLION D91.1,67t5, ONE niuxoitzn TnoluismirD siwum), ; • . PICA 1 1 / 7 48E. Subootiptiort Prim, rite Donut' rani" Not Liable to further amenalsta. No. b EXPIRE BUILDINO. • '. No.ll BROADWAY, NEW YOBS. post 07210 E anDarsrs,Doz. zo. Meg N.Y. romatir. &DICKINSON, Preatteat,. - HOBERT BA ,Bectetarp - itteT/8, Mari ElppeMiteWlaa; . Titer Linn 7/0 Emir; No iti iiiimidwayi 1, • . . .- . . The wells of the Company are 'now producing .. .. _ Payment for atizek may - be made in drallaiegto. tered note. or Government bonds and mountior,. wtdeb bonds and asaurlttea Mil/be taken et their market veins. - • Remittance§ may hiaddreseed tothe Company, P. O. Box No. 6,aM New 'York City, or to oAlantle Bank, Treasury of the New Turk and Iglirimpoel Petrole Olttuy.o pany, No, 142' Breadtray, New Tork "Com INN NATIONAL Parrarraro AND STORThre COMMIT Is win folly organized, and ltaa eamMenoed btu& nets' at their temporary ooe, Do. 19 ERWIN STREET, (up atairs,) Pittsburgh, Pa.„ and arena, prepared tot a general business In B vine. sahib _gip Refining, Storing and Forwardia - oir 4EO Marks are on the banks of the AlleAeny above the city, and will to a short time be capable of mannfacturiug EIGIIT HUNDRED BARRLS, OF REFINED OIL PER WEER, which will beof the test quality and in. prime packages. ts the design of Ms Company to make a first-claas brand for export, and no pains will be spared to give It that cha ra cter. They will also give .the forward. leg of 01l to points east or west, pesticidal. Mien. tion4 and in this branch of the business will be.. unrivalled fsellltiat, as tho 011 will bo taken from the boats to the cars by machinery, and thus avoid all wharfage, drayage or delay. , ParUen ionsign. Ing their OR to us can rely on having It seat through with promptitude and dispatch. • • The Company has s Capital of 0100,000, with- the . following °Meets : President—A. • 'Secretary -41 BERINGER. • Trassurer , -3. 11. ItROUNE. 1 " Directors—A. M. Marshall, T. P. lianas. James Old. J. T. /unclad, Arthur Mika: fd,..Little,S. ' Keller, David Rita and Wm. llsmilton. -• 41 1 3 Slmnntendent and Basbeas Borrespoodence and orders so/MA atellitlfialli! Inunications to be addresacd to . Nationai Storing and iuti g Company,- . . nie7.47 prrrarnmair, PA. 'a. a.' canoes • • 111/LILHAX Wort *CIRIGEII3 BCO'I'T, _ 5..11 IRON CITY ISATOllWoitits i ;: i • ••Dilworth% corner of Grant, f.or Seveath stretta,Mittabu4t U f. l . 0e5:0,1s .11V HITE Lner,.-264tble for BalApy tpL3O ' J. 8. Cl42i.nr.f.D GROVEJFIEB. PRODUCE. Cc r..vairsr ?b-ack - , 77 COMBER( vontenwrs, a.. tM somft w&usT. curs nada inenna l la Pinball* - Flour, Grain, Provision 7 9 ie. For 'Eaters saeount. !. QIILMBY ~..GEO. T. 1311,01% : mhl-tr • . JENKLNS. Col;;Ila:13:0?Tsion. Merchant; . 880 2aX13361 x=mr. "sr sio •PURCHASING - AG - ENTe PITTUBURGH. Pd. neitea , tn ilea& tirilta, seeds; natter, omega nuns, and allYarm Products. Sestbrands Fan llWURwarranted) always on hand. Also, . . . ... . . . . .Prompt attention given to oonsigwaketa lad arrespondenee. Weekly Prke Oarrenta.oekt to' gonskoork •Orden had Cossigameati sottgited. ,senurdors . • , . : ~„ t iu'- VJ D. PATTERSON, ADAM Amithm. JAMES JOHNSON. JOHN SOHLELEIN. PAT i litt3olil, 00., ai 7 4 o-156. -Graf 'aria • GENERAL PRODUCE. EIEALEkt, sso mod .sizzgr. &ow. New **IN insiiiito; L P. It. . W. 1111A110164,eg i...1.........5aik5. 11111A3ON. HERON • Corner of Erfflia.aitWorte det., (Wetzemee tlettekre) PITIVRIEGN, PA. GENERAL coMMISMONIMERCHANTS Trot the purshati GRAM of all Icheia. Abo, leaskeallonle -DAL= HAM .Yrestera era w illett 110 their itiner a te eorreepond oe, U blink let _Atom*, sad paUlm _geode In this zed Blatant Lutes thee most tithe dodoes In this city. The beat dotty restehas ihrlo "boa swami. bahlma • DAVI - M , BA.NE AMER, . Commission Merchants, F/oux, Rrain and Produie, iiiECOND, ST., between Wood & Smithfield, ' PECTSSIISOII. MOIL POTTIER,S4O. ATI:117,811711AN lIIICILTAHIN TOTTER ' A SHERARD,-- - • A-T s t , •?ivyyt,isetoN:mgßcipi t Nrs, rTAiku, !foreign ailed Moan, ' Butter. Cheese,' Ektrivrot.4"l9. sad induce generally. „. 4, -No. seo LIBERTY STIttET, rag MPpoatte.Paimanger Depot,Plttailmink,. ' MN: 11. =SEAT L. WILCOX] WM. M. MURRAY 4t CO., is Comm' sion Merchants, and denial In CRUDE ZND REFINED PETRO. LEDN BENZINE, aa. Rxtra hatinnes lot atraing and empty Warehonaa and *Den DUQUESNE WAX ! near Rand atreetilluannetta , - nnOnnut I{ . JACK* • - - • - ? Nos. 1 told s Diamou.d,, PITTSBURGH,.Pd: ii , l Mucci!hoz ToRILOICEOWN exissii a • irlacktrZt_ • CknAlaMT. Produce and luommuuueu 'Xerichant, lady r • No; WI Wed,' paueorix IL. O. DOC/LITT= D. N. P/IOE. DOOLLITL,E. General,Commisgin Merc hants, . . ; - Non CS and*, Water etre* Plttsburgb,Pa.4„ ~, t, , the sale of Flour, - Orals, Omen, Itutter, Dried Trulti4Provlsieas eusd.Produoe of all S . • AU °rile " fi tut r..c. itPU /Wed 0 the.o l, 3oS l o. lair Corddgeoreats PQM:de& ' . , ; , • ,Islarkly c.c. summer - mummer 601D871.. 2VALBLEY'& VAN GORDEk - Produce Mut Commission dgerchanta, Newhouse, No. Llberty st.;,..Pittsbui Pa. Wholesale - deal ers in Butter, Chewer Laid , . FM. B ile ". Be Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Bon,. UN, DHcd Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, ar, Grain, avindover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Rex Seeds P ; _roduce Consignm e n t ulaular attention dues to V ITTLE, 'BAIRD /4 PA.TTCM; Whig& 11.1, adeGrocerszadOwntgoidouDlGualvaitegi eft la P.RODUCIF, mous,, 0 4 901130N curro ANTI ,wa v xuaxtuz fasautaaturealestarsillyiltaii.a.Allipeco;m4 11."CAMTIELD CohuWadaman4 M TorwaralsEßN M maDER VE erchant sari wh ME EESeetu E aliodesler Ls uT),F, BUTT PORE, RADON,. FLOUR - F/..p01 DEED AND:LvoD D sal in a tr u ewmaky, Ros. IN and ISt neat r otrost,- w cats (IVLP & BREPARD OUR, Mar. '-I chants and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN' AND PRODUCE, No. ter Liberty street, Pittsburgh. . Choke brands of Flour for Rabat and Family use constantly on band. Particular attention pail tonilingorders tor merchandise annandly. VETZIR dc:ARMSTRONG, Forwarding sad (koamlailon , AterobAnts, for-the We of FLOUR, GRAIN BACON LARD, RUTTER, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, Prolooo_lfcierAllT. No.lllXulpl, anti, corner of ITh!t, rittsbollet, UM 'P. BE.ole t 00., Na 185 Liberty Street, Pittaburstr, Pa., Wholcaals Grams; Commission genSuMa, sad dealerata COUNTRY 'PRODUCE,PROVISIONS - BACON -- BARD, strrrza • s PRO. acorns 8.. °Bonus zrzzonsi. HEAD & KETZGAR, Grocers and. Co mmission Merchants, and dealers In all kinds of Prolueo and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No; US , Libestr street, opposlce head ot. Wool ••••.• D. ' i • • '4Z; • successors to lleymer k Andaman) lif•holesale Deafen la 'FOREIGN FRUITS, And SPIOES. CO(.' FECTIONERY. SUGARS. FIRE WORKS, do., Nod. us quid tat Wood gUCed, &bong Fifth. Pitt& Dumb. . jy-smy WALLACA:Commission' latirc_taA and Wbeleuae Dealer In FLOUR is GRADY N 0.411 Liberty &text, te R. resseriger D epot . mr,„, th .....p. ) ranla Watttonse, coma Willie awa 5t4414. J. 8, LIGOWT2 JOHN LIWIMAY S. LIGGETT i. & CO. CITY FLOUR REILLS comer rdbertg an 4 Mint ili t" PlapacitM barrels per day,' W. 8080WAYER ' WX. P. LANG •kOHOAKER & LANG Commkm- Metehants N and Wholesale deans G ROOR. .ILaulZiEt 7 . I7 .O I II I 3 i G u It=PRODUCE, ite a M i r SOWS WASS .101111.1/1140f. WATT .& WILSON, - Wholesale Ora etra. CIWIWWW101:1 Merchants, and dealers I riOanteand Pittsburgh manufactures, if UM Liberty street. Pittsburgh. WAIL ItIItiPATIIICIX. 3011. XXIMPATZWIL : KIR IC PA TRIO ff. BROTH4y, m u liaison to Bran 4k Kirkpatrick, WHOLE. SAID GROCERS, Nos. In aad I,a Liberty atricet, . . JA2tersl2. I DALZELL & SON, Mantis. _ Puma of LARD OIL, sad Cooordsaloa Mew manta tor theparohasa and sate of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Ma. MI and 7 dWatelt . street,•.Pittaburgh.' ..A.dvanclea Dodo on" aosaga. „ . Cents. : : . •• : I . ' COLLIIII4 rozw=cd Cosualiatoalien chant and dealer in BUTTKR, FISH, and Produce genezallr, o. la Wood stmt. above Water, PittabutgL. , JOYS L 800831 1111MItO 0.017311. JOHN I. HOUSE - CO. Wholesale GROCERS ARE CODEMETSSIoN• DEER. cow Stalthtteld eatt Water . street, RADIUM DALAI= A. P. DALAI& ROBERT DALTELL & CO n 'lnwle. sale dealers mmon sad Merchants, and ln Produce and •Pitpit nr'i nn manufactures, Liberty street„ Pittsburgh. ano.starn_ 'WILMA NAM) JOHN FLOYp & CO. WLOICSaIe Gra , cm and Conanisidon Merchants, Na. 112 Wood and ZS Liberty 'trona Pittsburgh. - lan CHARLES L. ;CALDWELL, (successor to .hunes Holmes 00., PORK PACKER and dealer la PROVISIONS, corner of Mark" $O4 rant streets, Pittabutgh. DAM= 5111:172 L. IL .9.041 T T.. EL VOIGT ; & CO., successors to L --"••••"G. 0_ ,ndr PRODUCE AND oonsnansioN, 4 lntonewrs,247 Liberty arse; Plttebarlek, • rilataY tolcourr...lofor stireToll..A. C. Wll4lOll LAMBERT, BRUTON CO. M Whole tale Grocers end Produce Dialers, No. 6 oth ISMAIL DICKEY- it -CO, Who Wale - a. Grocers Commission Blerchsatt, and dealers la iPRODUOi., b No. EIS 'Water street* saII It! Front • BAGALEY, WHOLESAI 4 E onooEß, Na 1 sWood street Pittsburgh. DAVID M. EDGEBTON t - IYlfolessle Grocer and Comnisetan Ziertata;lo7 vyoo4 Street, Pittsburgh, Pe. TIARLEY.-- 2 1,000 bushela Fall Barlepfa BARLEY.-1,000 by , W. P. bIECIK 1.10 Ida - 196 Liberty [tea AreDICAL. r lugB . l 'PILES; ...,yes -: , . TWEDirTY. ..YEAMS? - STAMMillai CURED U, '..: -. .•!1i . ',. !.1 !-• • • - .3‘, . lul.w:midis buat asertifiege 4 mat twistable atiOaa et Velars t4).11 regintsk- - • _ • • • - Dr. Heiser's Llidsera Blood — ; . • . • • . . Sin Ilottert oerttliester an lettitin • Wiaail biekielvid *Mt hli prepecsitea. OW: ow I. Zweite: I bemuse' motet ,• tgai shoe twenty 7w l eta. sad Mei for th itereirewllitlidtelied asteteouY ariVetrawilli so auk son; Uwe as mined% ateloperinig. Urn I - Win tbeit Wild.dad* saipime nourintef thou Unit manias& Oa ate as large aaa iiit'•-rbed toed i 40 . 14 'OraddLOok limed tabeiriu'iltsteirtliteeef4o.l4,_ Rear of er of la drub= and puma' theer • - 44 1131 Jar webalit4eonitl.not :et most ems: Wm they iii'notiiinodhAiillifle *id* Iltaiterwlude tlw4 Windt ntitalkela ne betide in& I silo 'implied to ndit.:whal tStsU 'whir atthirlioin4 iis WWI Weieuse. bud emoted . 4 - 'WO; Oier s net .4 0 r idiertfideleutitirott .jo. BfsN ffearoken ludo by yowielf. Itbast you sold It tea as yon told noose bottle WOW tun atm ml, and' tout wy whoa, wog would WM* be renewedbil thein*iindbeibid Ipbt toonihtelthettiii entitook liirintindth 'mind reedit anooiding to you podium • thee wined he nee Vint apilw when soul& x Wield nos WW:" Woo bawd ltiaCri , • me bottle. I bought It, one bottle at • thiwouitit ; I had used are bottles., Alter Ude quantity- Wit '• tined. wu entizeir will at the Pile% which had tortured ma for twenty Yews. In other rupeon Writ ee bs WOWWid Wr OM . * :TAY e i e , bOig Italy *lt ILUC been won now-tairels. - 554 -then ii(DO the lose 'de say kind or wawa law wutenajwoOu •.! miaow/DUdown led Mailed ese,''leau Welt hay; . iticrytwOOQuirt:or do say kind Own* WO* before twed to_ hurt dived ea rout a liloodSeartherilmpt on taking it until Ida - /*wed ltemy duty to wade wee. blown to the country for the benefit of own who. _.l NIT te, itaiftstair Wes, ant do sot hitsl *NW at yoirunileint.' Yon taw Pindish tali Vt.; 70.11 k.. - rites le VOW= townuatt. and Ina IS *Oat - to Udine. any one of the t m 1 4 1 _ 4 1 441011 itat4GYay wish to taloa twit, ? %MATT !a* a' a. Awns ; 1 0i ; Laidt:OStIor &SOURS - alit - . - "OZIPEIII s 1 JELTadla oa , the Omit. atlas Donis, sad mar itustorlar also Sorlds stamp on the .llolNf 1 ! St/meadow= Sae team the to - paordaHl '3 beltdriziOssed-uPead.9 sPunosiraiewassik.:: _ - war•soia lto.iD. WOOD st. Ana Wow 30mat3T0a, comma Nista Ana . 4 gets pwiawlme. , ECERNI4 Oa ItiitTVig CURD, „SEEM ON lIIIPTITiIe CURD"; "rixiszicoaamprraug Bsaprr4 pt :amp Mk= lawdriies pp: ,cinup. Ersmai oitairirtaur CURD. ;maim ex Repress main REDIEGi OR JIWPIVRE MUM , JUlrran 801911gl CRUD, litgrr"F‘ez Ar•LII4 Ming ems:mai carin 7 - I "tr 111 P9r4 1 : 1 "PS Ul4ll f il 'el 8i a1 140 0 12 ari Ping "RP , -!! Mira f irmeiy !N r zwailz, : ene *pig!, aur.uontirnarir. :ant gee• Vastie Ines, for wisk : Aitkle Supparteis; w-Awzmthiir.wi4mgaiwii*is ElFt ! lb gabber 8711D1P1.. to,nine e gods' Ls* "-', We elm of Prolpinta Utefi, PAT* 'nal ant Spini' Weilium!es.. Dt S. s.ritates skim , Plato fliinietai,'l Pr. ways= waWi . ivenisad Was appitodlos of Trumps in mai and ita sebUsasil thatorOh a4expertimisot trip ty piny hi will I. *Wiled to givetarattlia, - _ , , . . kis Mpg MD% Bra Hil WOOD SD* - miss or tba Golden manor.- 1510101111 wzittaciec. T/Mea should mood tan number or loohoo ' • - Ma body, laaugTlo4l7 MSC w itypisat, : ; CA I . . , MM. u COODAI4OI . „4. CATARRH• REM33DY4,...,1 joinotiotOgi to thew • ond tortautootevollusila4lll=3,,, Dr. Is the ant oat ouljettioli thaiserhiwksteatandt geo stdwhat. mould • .- GOOD has spas a liMst •11.111111 with thhtiall Maass, axplartssita, Moms lal ••, • and malMag kraus ta_th• mode is Isttlas = • arrk Math hat Mani= tisramlL• • a ••• search of isedkatata and anthem la tha In mtl=: , Sad•Xarehestaa nem to am& with thi warm" that manilas Attain WA. • • Thoauada who ma Dby Dr. atrors o V i = < hare t /mai QAT ha „lUDELEDI, 'Mt sow aIIMOSIS ••• •"" most sztravaputt Dams at paass..e. • • - , . . --. . . JOT Call el turnadiset piney, or sand a Mange for pamphlet. Daybed and prepared - GOODALII, If. D., New Sark, - NORTON CO.,Sots .114exte. as as isawir, law roux. DR. C. H. KEYsEa, soia Agem. - Zto. 10 WOOD IfiTW2a7. Plttaltrat N onTorra oiltrozza; For Ball . *theu 0 i fl i : ._: , •i!.- . .: .I' , .pvin,,,644iioxiii.7: =rat, alum fira. BINOWINSjok - rrozdteck Arm mamma' soave asl4' ratrpriompr TEE BAWL This OlatzUnt peaatiateatlithelaite attie ette-cesi to the very aoutte-luat omit the firth beatable thsakin oft then the pewee oC the dlatakeeltywardi athre w =t= 'ale *tit le ditetualaa the of the Mame ate tram feeh. Mal •r -queatly Uwe sea he no rgepes. - • ',- • NORTON A eaigat.Agew, • • -• I ssaarrAn oar 24 Bold by ' • IDLlCErilpt.Agents• . ;' • . . •• • iv Toon ImayrifirtsapeW MBE MEM s. , '.• I • , a ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers