IMUMEIR!Nn A WILL TO 'DO OIitEHILI. 110IISSWORE A Gomm ski pzerkend....APPl7 BOW • THIS utTIOZ. .1' :4 • 00111--IMMEDIA. L ' . . —As saftualthed room to • las and Wife. "11." Ckszarra Osrurs. . • aPIS VOE.BEAM 7'U-LET.—An,OII7IOE on the second floor,ouln corner o( water and Eleelthileld Amts. at • ImbSlXt JOHN T. 8017FiE , WOE SALIL—PARBL-ASltiated In Plum -• township, Allegheny county, sontalulog N :Weresi gto setts under tenet; the rsinnizoler Umber 40 acres of coati Acquire of apstriwd B. No. N Flttli stmt. BRIDE DWELLING tiDESE, No. Ilfrotuth fltreet, Pittsburgh. Polleteleft ghee on the let of ..4111115171 of 111totteeres.Lair. ddlif • No. rib Fourth street. VOR BALL —l6O Acres of Cool, alw, 12C • atm alltdatellilapasalia. Itt amain of coal aalLeauraw, calm lmatormeata la - laarktataraael Ica.alade tesal - aa Touglikoair -MS sl4lto/4 DIMS Of . in it - 0111.LIAAS 'MED la Inn au tilaua Meet, 2,000 inzw No .1 OIL 9. 24110.21, • vontekovi •••:, : • sr-4 - .CAPT• Steliatiarre thi ?l ne e l e a rtlnit Daniel &MO w alnsi Witt" ispll3w4 .--- 7rL. sr 3 :Amalk - PENX Lab= 7)11111MLAS0 botaloyainilksattuw- 'mows etr , - 1 , r J&IILICSAILMIZONi, slOa Attrui'•loarixa' Des pmee t cosme ot Midis; - streat4lNFeuresumuir. stitsevet7 ..i5'.4414.1 • 1 :W tilt easkirsiheed cir' ion M'Ut iiiiiiii...4l l l.9l Wt4 tillaitiio,7B7-411411"0""h; 1 ;' •-•- •.,•: t ,, ,A, RRICIE Otrati - •,- ::- : , .... , semi ;pow salt tasiil444 .41.1 e, -ink 1 sa Or eaters atteotiv first ' witikelintiesry. JalaraNo-11161i ,138, 101C.H01311221 , ocuitaislett *m at ** 0ad4114040 - on NOW* iforo, oo Soo. ) : -cod. 341•11AgoI fltYt‘ /4 1 500 , ?11. aI AY , ' ; 11/ 4l..yeatte. - , . . ••. .. xint.iwa . . . IRATE!.: - - L ' , 4oxlietewriants takN' Li , ,miißind • v i tiates Of MS Mlle ma, - good Mid even. pc tlilli m u u ktiftwileati= Axi.7l,44.l . Art,ar alits!APairPeesYrataash°P,Bol":„Mr. Fon - SALE —The late. resi de nce .. of the pr:rnsin. p. swim n.a.: genital on PFAU Aventenr `Noilh Ocounoe, in the Third Amkalleglinir MIT: , The MC eeneirta ass. keit eme_allenalia.,on.mbleh Imre amleom. itages nalekhonse..,.T.thi Co.'l of the matt ol'eni'dellrelq.e - ineetteturAllegbetur nif. ,, Terietetttemlattietlqtaie zwaorr warrAoselkmalakaafo:244.Barib Ave_ ilaW nic t liar t..llol CLAWUII.M..,IIttetir . _ 8 B as% -ic--3.lixes.levegteimMaw • ..-1417-. • tbroulnuserxii4u : IdSt li : i itli s =na ar -ittenw iroa - Minst ye ar mai, mink Boilers it to a foot long, 22 Wain dlitinnenn; with .. two 114 nob Rues; ablotner Ittiti• b 7 2 0 feet bet =4 .eold water pimps. Siorythintgiinginn and Mktg to tidy on night. . - .It It au =LE A. -• • • .Pala; snap and . • ,atanst; R" SELR 1:38COND:- Et&liD - _, — BoiLEN, nasty , new; ag feet_ kgsse, as Doha dasieter, sm Snell Mow Ose Ss fed bag, io ladies di a m e te r , , 'Mob duos oa* - Ail! feaS%,tese,Al• Maui dliateerys7l4 tactt i?esoles" at tee TAD EITRLAL WORKS. • 111513X X. BOLL & eehr or ldfint Alley sad Daansose Wen Plebe% Po . .sae 3P7rogperty. POSSESSION OIVEN• APRIL ..F./RST' A deettabTs Tart"' As macro towashtp, watt - Unproved, one CreetAlleitheay. Also, so ""'" • Elegaid Re sid enc e . fa Sewikley. For pertteolere enietre oa the premixes of J. 9A.WIAGEFAN I , ec of : J. T. Na Al rwma street, Allectssay. puma , SALE IN' ALLEGE:ENT - i t h atarrnii.: ruk7,. te-Aptit, not, . orelock o r s, the =wows Xrs. - VOILD l is ea Tuft - ar t Jobs nil :=2 moil ex et Pram* ill&= teak stoat elak Sot It le • pares - 'a plan of Mast Ewa, asended isnot - 4 mope SU And imam am Se lots a Mid - lots numbered a to Artr _Sanest with Seed tra house, it 'trees and the o. It asial la diMaelint o several seed bulldlah= etoorsd ma a whole. It would mats a radeoss. It la offseurtforlido r sa a *bola, Coat separate iota to sub uitle:ewe porebaser=o4A Ursansa ot possent win too s Ohio potholing of Kay ts . - . oplad --- •'•-• • - -- cas nth iit.'' • IiBLIC BALE.—The ilubscriber-toffert • ibr sale kW rank to Ohms townehlp,Allegbeny nasty, as Lad out Intolotliantable for leas sro AO sass , . .m 1711314 It kern Velorst tole saes 1n ;11.12onts •on tta o ant on Its Pittsburgh. Fat . I. ,.WaYss & Milano Bailveyend badtnaa war EU. .ers -14,4 36einomyV1ti l!ft° =1 Is ci Ike M ; trees or Ps" 11114111 ,_ 1111 / 3 . watered moans" ntriNllss maps the In has seutbem exposure. and a oars. lawitn= l : f 0,41 0 411 MP nod &rep Warw. end all•II VW *otter le ale ot the Ikea On the Ohio River, 31 h telferred to be the benne*. arty for tonally lean lora offered tar age It Ala. IMY mall'. The kennrill be caltsetat-Yabln on the promises, en VIIIIISISDAT,II6 171 b 1211=lled, at 10 °Wolk A. n. Taw of anbanolAteileieneels . payannts to sat e ror torthe intorneton, Ja..• WH11111„•Esq., Ng 1011 Mk St., r i te t z mit i ol i ts....ribir, on Stu jir , t reats.., 1 lIRT BA OF VA: QA fr ia L47l3 ° l2l ZEN. LMB N= WARD PintittOßou,—+Tha titykastgamt, _by . masa at the OfyiluualrOowt. of *Nene. , teyo ea Guar. disn dt tits mats Oildm of David Onew.dee.d. will fear at Pabtro BOA at T COURT ROUSE. in the Citgi s if Pit on SATURDAY. Ways, ke P. tho Wow., • vileann t the Ifightli sand, City . Pftibio - vit: lota o ft thiv earner of Na po 1201/2 stisete,22l itt 120 = 4 14 011 No& 12 and la wawa otsWr plan, ta- PLan Book vol.!. 101 on land street, iviTIN het, No. SI add plain lota on Ram atnal.2o Zan.. lots RUM; and 121 tc‘n nail phial &lota on stmt. 10 by 111% being Non 121 to int in plani edel 11 RIM* menet of Noinerand Blur Is by we feet, being Nos. MON and 10= 1 012 0 1 1241=er 10 lots. Seine of these as building Wen end others reef l' aebie for stone. Quarries. • They will to 201.2 erneratels tapiller, eat es easy of tenni payment. J. W.P. WEITTS, UM FM et. r, OR BALD --A Taff Wittutble FARM is - Derry township, westnuiraland scanty, Pa.; oontainlocabocn SW stem, well - Improve!, awl In a hX,ltia, trat,Vfauelk ...... ... tor saw WO arritbou . ' M l4 o=r taVa li ttubotr wilu a four foot stroke. Two Bonen, I? bet, king • :. In Weise In illanwhir; all la good ardor, and will bit sekTh it Of IS aerie 111 4:lonomangb Urea, *TWOM BEI 8017flin and_ LOTS to , . k. " . AIWA A Y OT. ITI`MTWO WIWI la fownshl&Tfastnareland oonm, shorn two /Of boa tit. mac, Stake on to. Fiona. Safi. wed. .4114tstaitswitallottly toalpistet With all .. - tbe nieslizerproro mil on Abe= tbe lanilloat Owbelb hoisiil , Oet ,is bbobassekow AsdleaUses -et OIL •- h ens' he wil4 obeep:. Mott mamas stbitibt• at= 0 Winr.DetwAtintit miry boat of , Si" 4 MUDDY A t e A C great t i n= ~.- , Abeam Pa.10..* Tab /OW ass of tbelPennen , Railroad.: i m p lot Itmoott . %two lons% and , • i : I•llenießank ifflinh.c- , ...,-.. , . ~* . y -- -. 4 '. - small ramotall affimi hi Dori toWeetip,' ' Ar eca 4 " th i Calla d OM% " 4 Z ." ID O ‘ O4O Of !h.*. I- Also, • about= astiieth Thlstakitown. dap, W Monty, Pa. Aloft a Nina it liniacres In TIMM township,' Also, • my sninab • farm of PSI scree. near the . lud taim o of Boll: pa, erlo sio Filrleld a t im ownali .u ip l W har estm m o u ro. e. - I tro lu r ts tia lane teta lraoLs h - o llailec ieopti sst n = 4, lwr i. ro o rs. ka kon's. • Isms frame stable, a ramps , fleas barn 410 • I v e r r at l e, tirzir 4 it trriaLPYITAILIZI Vein of are brisk day, and about one handfed iK". et WV 7 . hits' Oak Umber. r coscsaloa aim ha Also i fiericree Sitnstsif fc, Li so pi a , t ow hip,•, " Washoorelae4 county, Ps., adloiniap the swab! i = l9t i l x lots, with • tars* bet k house* A Or% ' madame ts *at borough of -Tigolfer, win u s • Rola cheap. _,_ _ • Also IS acres of land., with • larl•blihrifel mill, • . 1 ad eoli samr acrox ii.l " Pi tl e an . A isl th iohilot t saine place. c 'ler fail.ber . , . xj. , ...4.9•15fai kt U i l hitime Lis" ' . IJI79UK4JVVE .46E.VZS. Joy: • 9615:-Atentsof theliquitabla_ „ w i n ,* Kessingion MAU/arum us., awl thePannlltutaal Lifslasurano•Oco, of Thar dephis,-/GW. o os.liroodial Tildnlstreettertta. 31:: GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for the Vadebhl rnilikil° itiaj:,g Liff I"..JONES, •Agent for North Maori g lota,Stata of Zonasilrarda, sad liartford la. ?....00xtrale 10/ 1 WATEg JrgErr . trSAILUEVREA,44re „v = ET :3I Mena' In-Attr r ease Oralyany, =I WATER. MEI - - fir FITTSA 9fiO4IMrr WY 1: ZINO= Great mew of Itoorefenelme . ,tieuitton drama, I STREETS OF NEW YORE! STREETS - oranvor YORE I. • • l• • STREETS OE NEW tr.tru nal4 peeitenteit the gnat ewes, to seven seta as plated to all the principal ctUotaellt4l9Afh• , wiStreds tv rorkl 'Flat—Prolerne. Act let—lhoOktfo Nottltte• Got 2d—Row of the Banker ant sa-11thoit Win, Storm . New. Tack, the - Snow Act .! eth— ZAe Fite 'Peints: - - Set fth..The Fire. Ant eth— Wealth ant Pride Home:.• :QThe entire Oelopen, ilkthe eut. • VARINIIIMVUELTIM. • 'tar Irma% zzAa n man. W. 0. BEYTIM: . L.gose mo rdlifaarow. week of FITZ salmon', itir &ails; is ! • ir4 gitART — •„,". • -e os, tag, aorine.irs 11x:triad !the newZgars, • kiss NW BTANI r i. p y; WA.LTEIt. C4RIPE :'etortre..s'* RgDSIOTIOI • AP 434 with..; ziedits•Seipeselm tumble - s-- .111Lemehandlee geseesitr, , 1 we hate Ws flay " I TWo &ixt litesßai F.lo4o}lolol43ftliasrBlokeiti!sl.7:::: • Marettoetlesor. TWeatillei*thlttrthtltetia,oo446ll44ol:', AsLesr, t COLLIER, • - 11 mid 12 prrrit snizzr •r. PO ITRTIr iSTR.EtTi otitma: -vs trioncitkelizi• biros I.lloor present iftek,..mpird.teiri aoit, to eotreepcuad to the LOWEST POINT OF ;GOLD' a l laqtAlt EE PE! 'OF C 4 LAST SEASON. Aewe aredsay receg goods Invoiced seeordlog to the ratio of gold st. the-date- of kip:meet, se *lll aderd to GI or customers the honest of. • wriarz DEOLINXIIITIMMIHKET. Mi=!M Bf F 0131113 1 gnaw. - CARPET STORE CARPIrtS ! CARPETS V. - CARPET DRY GOODS STORY. Or /Ma l . LUKER-.4 . 138 Feileral Street, ;We tuorejust malted the barest Stock - at . Calpetahrtagir, OU Conks, ever °Wired to the pubno in this city, Also aMt sirsortment 'ot DRY GOODS-AND NOTtORS, whieb we are etratiog at gristle rotaged Pad a. 'a3/I.l6gowoct ENTBRPMB 41141! ATWOOD, RUSTON & CO., Ilmfacterert ad - lonbthidat ' iarelnata CARPETING Oil. ctottut; Aitattingi, Rugs,:tte. T sTRIZEIT. PHCLIDELPELL 110.619 realm aucriwr AUCTION SALE OF. i:IONDKILLUD HORSES. • famuqaff&Tres Ganim% Om*. .1 ?met - Drviolow • War be laid,u ' t* MIMI! U • ~..aylici3llll, l DßlM' WARES WITH 113.61,' .at thearld/Dfod sod tix food soIOILIOD, ; Os TIitIRSDA.T.ADdIDDOSIO. TWO BONDRED . CAVALRY 110213Ef. OD TEIMODAZ4Prn ONE uil:Dill4ll4, /11,6:1113 'WTra amp , ONE HiInDRED VD.VALTIT HOMES. Melo .homes hone been coodexiszw! todt Coa: ilk wail" ferrite of Us atsy, - • 'or road and iambictty." ptupasfy away food Door sold :A 13alsi - te commose at II 54 an will to bald- at Phillip's lloversuleat Ai Was, corner of Fermat sad Ramsey sttesta Milted States ow:Ram, JAW:ES A. MOM. Ernst Bilisadter General, ta ahazyk. Pk: Di. -Ammon 1171,2_4 OVILL.=.4.Oa :SMITH FLEW STE a... The wellicamra UOY -112:11011LT, SALIM aeongt, estAblzabal by. tit lade John D. Stevie fbc General Somalian* Joy ttcn boainest; have been 'removed to the new stead to SPLAIMPS BUILDINGS, tte Swithttekt sateen, neat to emir of nth wee; sad lassealats4 op. Peelle the Poetodlee, when pawl: sales or au chines of metohaattes will be contitioef brae OA , designed, ens/ day and ortatee. es fornouly. second door has beta Atted up foe Mimeos*. noeid tioi of tad renter weekly Wee of Stocks. rma.. - }zeaz Estate, &t. with convenient entrance t the rear of the room directly fromiblfth street; In eiddltloato hkakte ehuonto• bout Sid nab loot apt , AL.KoILWASSE, Auctioneer. PROPOBaLS. - - PR CiP 86.1a3 yoR BITITMINOUS -s• COAXAL—Sealed Proposals Wor k . elved • the aloe ofthe Plilladelplda thNo- la, South Seventh street, until moon of Friday, 25th of I .ApeU,lBlo, for supplying the wboleor past of err entythousand tame of Bilandnons Cords, suitable torero msanfacture of Illuminating gurtol,be ered on the railroad travail of the as worka,_at the ' Twenty-able and Math es Wations, La the fat lawborquantithit: .arrve thenaand Eve bemired tons In each of the months of Jane; Mil August,' WO, wed January. relimmry. April bed The opals must be delivered fresh, dry and •df a criudityapprwred bytes Entineerof the Gas Works is tiled fa tne sample on .trldeh the eostrenis t he proposal.poad describe 'the pattictdrir earl. e f tatended to be suptdred and the /OM. tiO* and name of ter mine or pit from which *boy mete be raised, If they are of a klartnot now or rectally used at these works, samples for bird af not , le , than Ility toms. mast be delivered st.• works on = before the Mei April next. . • _--- The toast lbs. will be considered as Um welch intended logr e roposals, mama the coo-_ m , tra be expressly _ . • . • The Trustees reservelhe Hat to accept posalsinwhole or in port,. or to Meet all, as they , may deem beet for the Interests of the Trash In event of fall on thepart of any contractor to dOUree the amordlng to Ws agreement, both in ohanuty guilty, the Trull:tam noun the. right to buy elsewhere, western' Tunnel' may be -required to meet the fief bigamy, and chap to the contritetOr any .199 L tr damage hz4l?:is in% Pa mll6 will bests. monthly. In 'two equal tsaUlmenta, at four and Ma menthe atter the spar, ifled periods of delivery, the 10th of earn month be. tug taken as ths *verve of the monthly or al the option of th e Trustees, will be Made at carrier dates, with lop: interest Off. . • . • tpeonkl contractors prefer to make deliveries radii Utah requital, they may be. received, so far e r a Maya= be conveniently *tared, but_ paymftta wsli. ktir Lade to dais from the time spanned in the Barliffor the tniqumeikt contract - win be required, and each proposalamst name the amount and Shaman that will be edema. **oda . • - ; - - • —Engineer in Chief. 13113 C GOODs. ONO.WLIW3II...irI W. CAER..DAYIII WOANDLXIAL, r- . .... ChM erz7aent, rifle& an.,) . ; . • „ Whoieside dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC' EMT GOODS, - No. U Wood street, third house &boys DLsmond elle7,.Plttsburgh. . ants VATON, MACRIIII it CO. Wholesale, A:4 and Retail Dealers In OS, EM BROIDERIES and DRY GOODS, of every deroAp lion, Noa. 17 and II Fifth street, Pittsburgh. • MACEVM & GLYDE, Wholesale and +AA- Estill Unless te FANCY AND STAPLE DEY GOODS, TELEMESOS kesNo. 79 Market J.: Bean Dealer hi STAPLE AND PINOT tY 0001Uort ck t ustu iesst mast Ponta . =I Mat-tt trans, J OSEPHTIIIIRNR, holesale and Retail Dealer fa ill kW ;gat TRUINtROR, DRY BOOKS. .41.1317.11111' tie. JUB ,OU •--112.1.L0 WED 80Nea, Si Mt . A most excellent work. flew. .. • MVSIOAL LEAVES: 40 tent'," 40,000 were widths Met month of Us publication. - • TILE hIOTLIEIL OF TIIE. WESLEY'S. , 1 3 • Just homed. A blographs' . • • .THE 011EIST OF - TIIE - GOSPELS. 11l SO.. Lectates on "Erwin% LPa of Jeraclo tan. puirrocisAimr ALBUMS. -wholesale- 'an4 as - ALBT.GI WEDS, STATTONEGY..._ - a t 2 '3. L. READ. Is Fourth stases. DEXTISTII TOSEPH.ADAMSi DentieV CpruLipllffi Ilßuuding.i b =3 . 7ra.a.mon, f l al P 4,Tkoodoto kobblus, 'twicell ErroV, Atr . s-ct tilsEeLdi #01,44 1 0 . 411.41111Mum5 . 1 1- Cone.o4 43 l444l6lthitrath . - BOLT 3 _ O PPEBIAESSED VOPTER .130 r. •BOTTOBLS, BMW= SOLD • , Importern and daMitill BEET. .A.Jtaw ILMST TRONOTTBA On natant% WAVEDIORMS nod . TOOLS. *whom*, No." 1 doFTBST and =O. min srazer.pthbu n ti. smzud *alai Copp* ent to any'dadred pattern. inTatldkurl . " - ° ' garinswastissa saw wonisa. HUBBARD, BRO. co. PATENT GROUND CIRICCLARSS . WoCiatid CAST STEEL SAWS.' of every e. 'alga& e s lol4Wi Chow 94;thilifo . uul aS klnas of NIMES and SPRlnSiouido foal. Sheet out EiteM a xtra :R66=6 msersivemt- B r i arareluntseandWorki, allos.ola4 SAoliblo ° lll4 n Cloollar also, fook: wee ef fca Pasualag Mut 1:10.!44 - dona zoosoluble 7 aptly --- I*lraarruzzol * co., . . Bondi kiticiiii 4ithiit liidi troikiiii mg. so, ts, st.a'actse Pm* imam 4' re: , ~ '' , ":' — '!: - zi , I. , 'S 1 16:11: 6=V a 4114 0 0. 74 ai dz iresthild _ ~ .„„, gitarunifsature ivirell PILl[l.ll% sivde ta+ thv=rv.--' " 4 -tarthgn o ' ,--- -n u • MBE EWA__ BTBAX PIPM,= oracrrrvi e EArWrbe itl'Effe .VETir f ertEW . 41 PANS, BOLL Lacer, BOAR P.ll4&lAa soh matiatactueery of BA 'l3 PATENT BOILER& ~ BOINBUI doliff' the abo rt ed tone .. "'•, - ' ^ -—, ustBAT :i . i w ir ais AiAi0.K , 1 .. 4.1E • D eaum a...a vse z+up 4..emu5,:,1 • BIM*R C°, (3nonsatos to itnitn, 'Nast Winutaaturas nt..0.103T 'MENU 41PFPLP, PLOW and BLIPPER•STULT BPB.OO AZ. L7M, OROWPARdIoa _ Ar e = . . p ritt r k s ARE fro asnavors - suPPIIIIIMO of ranee= hey thir been restored to is thrirg i w dam after net &ming the weal routine end lmgnlar eitpendovs. mode of Weatnuitietrilthout mem, considers It o hit nosed dull to etimmmk‘to to his atllloted fellow creatnrms the 1:111,1eall of Hence, OA flew eelpt of an addressed envelops, hi will eend,fret, sops!. Other prescription used. • • Direct to Dr. Mill AL DAGNAI&Ift Fulton _ _ limiroilORLNSON, REA & CO.. (nuncoson Rosso— to RonurooN. Mimi RM•zummio , . FOUNDERS W M n A g I t M o I n I M W E o TS 3 , m oN Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES..BLAST ENGINE:I4.2=D G SHAFTINIAST. INGSof deoiripOono, OIL TANKS A. sTua,..4, ROLLER. AND SHEET IRON WORK. air Arta for OIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT- ... Afarie. ww,, 4,41;11—d lA* c . TERS,. INDOW CI _ ,tIA.RDS Wog: W. SEC 1; OND end 8117111R11 STEEET,between Wood and . Warket, have on hand a irsHaty of 'nenuipatterna v Laney and plain, suitable toe allpurposes. _ Allie. Particular attention pied to enelcsdolllitave Lota. lobbLondor.e at shah notice.. .. . . ace THE BlitiDAY. C • AIMEE. Ale 86. I SAT OF WASNENO AND INSTRUO EWE FOE YOUNG , MEN. Also, new and tell*. tie treatment el the Urlamy sue Selma Systeme. ..!Atkiress.Dr..l. HOUGHTON, How. Are Asmociation.Pbtladephlik, Pa. aptdy • • and ' wholesale. teal - CHEESE. 1117+1 4 .ER, EMEIDVATM,, L vid Frahm - pessally, Wo. WOOD leTWE.M.Plttshosah. , sot arroß.rErs. OISICIeII L usszAit ' atsim at. 'num= Ma/LASTER & GAS 9 :ZA Ms CLAIMS AND PATENTS! AM/ . ATTORNEYS.ATDAW, Kii..9B GRANT iTiEET, Pltbriourak. Llama! by . Oinammeat io.on.a BOUNTIES, l!BNigOlity BACK PAY Azusa other iw Naval &has .64Parad tie•iThltaal Mato& ONE =inn= bOiLANI4 giascddiew. atucged on seeount , of mom& seastrei la Wile atss mum_ pperft• U . & W.LR CLAM 4,48 ./T B /PNB... . _ ,uiei aunts or ALL 11:13119 . • .lr. 7AE= PATIMILSOX AttOrneri-iit-isaVi , ePt = 144 powers nazi+. VORTIMISOLDIUM sloolollty N iil4ollldod. ihalta au& Datil Oa "TVs eallastati - T • "Liemaga byths B.oormiaaa; • *a. Us ITITH =Mir, issOadi Oar balm Oa SOLDLORS', I OLAIXV BOUNTLINS - PENSIONS AND ARREARS O 1" Pi=g , . ..!tomptly attimied io by • No. 1.11 - POUNTH. ST., PlNobtizth, Pa. dOsOlodairr• • A,NDENW 13TE3$18CW, 1 . XILAILIRIT 4001fspX0.114 No. 144 - rourth Street, will I rutleia "In thit iarlóhi :Oats of Al:lariat iy and adjoining mantles. : aplidyd o. matattatt. a..nautaos MACKRELL it 4011NBON, • ATTOTI.NEYSAT-V" .VALICERSED SOLDIERS. CLAIM AGENTS *oaths faz Wounded Soldieta 'allotted In Oros It tip t to , Lrenga i r i, Witt owl/no and two wituasses. --- 1141LITARY - CLAIMS PENSIONS JAL Bourrrize, BAUK ant. ni4rrAai 01.41D1S ot awry description, colnenat hl the subscriber, at the following nue, visa Peadosa Id; a/1 other clefts, Sinn V ISTVtre ( 2I3 tliargea ars made ttt tf the claim does not snowed, and all Information Orem gratis. NOAH W. tHHAFEH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 10. Tom Sliiscr,. ElMistargli, Ps. Mims ibr PENSIONS,- BOUNTY, IIIUZZ XOZTEIG 4a., vigarotial7 Pitossfilast PdArTEREG JAM= N: LOP°. LA .1111....1093 DCIZAGitTI LONG, kaira it CO., RICINARTIBTR & ROUSH PAINTERS, No. GO. Smithfield St. Pittsburgh. LSTSIIRING Or . ALT, ' KENDS •dada - ILIA proniptly and with tamurpalked.eleganem . zworrnarr. SHOW CARDS on enameled paper of all colors, and GUM SIGNS ON GLASS made to order and vent to all pars of the country. P/OTORLILDESIGNS anointed lu a highly or. . . • HOUSE PAUXEING dotto with roped to do. tabillty, harmony of color, and neatness of EWA. arkll work at reasonable rates Inhtly IL t, r~ o++~+n s ~: +~ n atnn: ~ Liitoe of the Mina Intows . /k Dlosurpwa 'soma Agri) SIGN Ramada.' oak Rut num atiTilcd and HArkst At.., juisy PITTSBURGH' RON CITY COLLE'GE, . Pau anti At,Clair Atzt•e!as PrlTSStathl, PA. • . • :Th• UMW, @Despot an 4 most • • BUBLITEI3B IMPS COLLEGE . , • - LET nut tritium STATICS. Strideato eater and nalewLt. SAY timis• Fto Ci e r n c r l: lX: ' , t i%t r figthn f it i o u r nr is riar al L P . ENIaATS nosOaftwantewT ITPTSArrrAOg. jaidEENAP.PLE6:••;4O bbls Itomanite* IMF,PIO to.; for 1140 at IN rAberty street. " spit - . SY7t4 in:ol4 ~+ a ~ v 4 ._ *17;1 Tisz'} t . i ';'.l".• b iriUl'•••:4,f4`. %,4,lltisl-,##4.4o4!ttft. Xol l 9;tit;YitPßl.V2l,. GAZETTE ADZERTISIZIG.. RATES =1:02113 ! - lialty. ' - ' week. • lObe.l ati l t i One t.inie.:'9 10 $ 4.01 I •. , -,,,• '''.eco thaeil 1451 111 . timel w) , 99 ... : - ..:" I , .4 190 11i I{o 1 25 -• 410,12 1.701 400 2201. 2 70 ~me tinie.:'s '4, ars Two tines. 124 70 . Throe time 999 , .00 ..., : . I _ Four times 9so 194 • Flvetinel., 2so -. 7'20.'.. 1 - . - One wetk.. 200 140 . 170 1151 23 Two weeks 4 160.300 1.70 Threelek a 11 1110 11 30 400 2 201 One month 160 ; , 400; - 540 2 10, Two moo. 11 25 41 CIO 750 - 4 001 Three 1201 1276 , 1700. •15 470 I Fix =ROW Wllsl' 12 00; 11 ES , 2 .0 Him mot.' 27 00. vs am Hi CM 10 301 pug Itear.i 42 0 . 24. C 7 1 . :42 0001 .....!.....!,,....,,..,, , For one oquareobnntuble'6no thin eta week; to!tb*.i6UniMettrbusteou of the e&yu. All ,ilealer "OtrinMnseneln exact vapor, 111 - ttateis*". lbws . .., 1 tliitt!: I DaU7. la, week.,la week: L- • month... Thies months Ms months... 00 2 1 04 00 “Lt 40 .01 00 If 001 • ' 1 1 0 1510 oru-T~ar::ac Air Fist Notices double the above rates. Death Notices:beets ..... 4iveCtio Sboatiithrertistresspor trip. • " •••• *eb • tors' Olt Admlntstra re! NOgr„7,t•••. /IL al hake* . under Obeid .. • le '. ." • • nLoell • • Ile' . UT! I Qsatid i y;wligebelkwilifiliWiltinitiltOOl:.: I itas created on Pecatur atteetAisiktaixth ward. by two men itigiiird i'dMietateiitruggle. One of the men hailthi ether 'dawn In tha ga te' rentweikShOklog,blm until the deativrattbk., 627 , 1 be heard ?ht, Oct knowing whit orlglnaiad dui Mialinatur ItariFiKtb4 Swa lack' interfered In his litay, and polled his antagew oat away. As soon 'as the fellow got:4;MA tOolt . .A ran ,Qtr-Ake,i9cued, hOund. HIS wOrth* - Wltlieultaiird — ` Scott, then explained that the fellow. had been "talking treason," and Voicombopexasperated at the sentiments which he uttered, tie had conclud ed to Mire klut a severe body-beatltig—whichti , did. Had.thls fact been, known before, the me, eai wobld not hive' eseepad's6 easily, u 'not Oda la the crowd would haveinterfered to hue wadi' blm even Eons strangulation. Any man who can express sympathy with traitors and asses.' sins deserves to be knocked down at law. Arntste44or Perjury. Captain Mathew Steel was arrested, and taken b!fore U. S. Commbndoeerl3proull, charged with perjury. The defendant was engaged In August, 1561., to reefili — Ing Company In MIS city for the Ststy.ati4 PenneyrVanta reglenent, *NI • It is alleged that he attempted, to defiant gleam , eminent out of about sBs,whleh BUM be dolma to have dlabursed•Sor intisistlng and !eagles his men during the termitic:lna his company. The defendant, leja farther Wigged, presented• conch ets . . — and receipts fr om several parties to the War Urpartmeat, to substantiate his claims; *deb were Subsequently alleged to be ferneries: The, matt against -We defendant welt- instituted soma Months since, a true bill hating, beta found by the grand "jury 114ttendaree at - ths .ran_nary term of the United &atm Distilet Court. Meet. however, eluded arrest„ and his bid waseecord !may postponed: Yesterday he was arrested sad liken belbre Conimbalonat Sprott% by whom ho was committed to jell for mial,.ln derma of three t*anuneretollars ball. • - Charged .with Disloyalty. Witßarn - Franey, a resident or Baldwin town-. ship, whose. arrest we mentioned, *cape days &Amer on le charge_ of utteriug rlisroyal matt .narits, had a partial imartig before Corneal/- stoner Spinal Tha witinmes &ant La their testimony eau :uzatet. The , peaseca tor, John C. Murphy, tertitiodibst irraney lad asserted, iri November last, that iflrnacoin was. elected he . would be one of a party to go to Washington and arnearanata WM. arnlibit Pen ury bad rejoiced on hearing the news 'at ther President's death. Oa theother hand, a witness* who. vesi premat ihrtag the; lIORITIIIIILIOR ID NoycinbentoOlticil Bard no each lan. page terlf.riaietr4 Mid ad thisatiminiangabtst the LOtotltr. Lincoln. t wp. dem i also; t*. there had bantam:seam/ blood betwmathar is le famines, owing to pievtous diMealties. The Coussubudoster has no/yet made any Anal divan talon of the. ease, 'bat' It beZenred thetsha /mamma= will be abandoned. • of the Wavy Ono “Sembelnib” Thin moniker viiia of otdaiaes, a film ge 'nerlPtinn sloe hakidresdy l ecdtunna, was snosessihrig tested on Thursday and Tans. at the "proving, gonna near wars . , Stilton. Three charms. 'or silty poen& each. were lired cm Thensdan'the 'MU& charge) eing . accompanied with a wad -stint weighing one thousand and goofeighti l. On iridan three eighty Pend dalrenarem 104 with theism*. Weight "or 'shot. A 'ehmigeor one hundred ponnds was next Irad with pormt imistection, ands second insetted-4fie discharge of 'which , : mind sievesremil r brokeatbae ineharrosight 4011 bait. ind let the monster gni dews. (Malts • "aline npon the troth: Thhracddentprevented sily Author torthor w : End th e randtv.preolonaly attained were , intirely naUshmtory to ail con cerned.. There was but !me_ charge entedhileg to nomplete the test. coat or'quaiter iiismutzoct, April all the Judges. •' Commonwealth li. Angastus Hammier and A. J. w9o l A4asen inAssum v !Tho . i aefOudinti a r e charged with setting* no . 11 basnag In Collins township, near 'Kegley 4 ltni road, thr the porposaotbolling °did, moth as entrails of beams, dead bogs horses and o th er Nth , idoning Altpri noisome pd utortiolesomo sa l tant . °l 2 a t l a tr PleadF/: a costs, and order's! to sbde Ins niiiitinesi • , , A 1211 g IfautL- , -ThetArinuat have been tar bulezi leetnlebl, indidgivitmlhe number of wrists made. About tlatirosift one. fend In the lock:upthn morning„a fairpronortlon of whom werefemalea. Thd) , 'Were all charged with drenkenneas and dlaordirly condaet. Al derman Butler, acting Mayor., held the levee, and meted out Justice with an even hind. litany Robbery.—lt la stated that that:titian Misc. Etharpsbarg, -kept by M. J. G.Babm, wad tabbed ' a few days ago, of a 'cheat dontaln- IDE am $l,OOO in gold 'and silver. Shia. .Tbir Court • House ban , been besatihrill: dfspetimo the exterior, nod „la .all 4he: wart rooms and - county ale* : 11,111 nmalnto the sorb of mourning ter °net:meth. - 1119BOAL IsOVAZ , "Taoaas W. ma r t, Ma Mae gado, OM Meier In Antertesit of' Tattoos orders. Mee Au.dienceder La 'e, near the Walter Wake; Pittetangh„ ra.. deuce No. 76 Pike attest. Orders priszt t yl attended W. • All wort grimaced water .' Itepebins does dike eborket notice • o charge dr repiirs, proildoi the soot U Doi Await:kr ii 4 Poi an. - . - Iteduetbn.—Our 'Mend, Joint ' N0..12d- Federal inlet Allegheny,- wash% the eastthe glorious news or Altenagare of liletd'and the surrender of the table Omer- a Leis wis ramble, and tilting advantage of the panto produced, and mowing the re4etion that would follow, made .verfhearY purclumee of the finest sprint and 'unmet .goods at about ' '- one-half of the old prices. `Some of the driest cloths, madmen' and ',Wams are Included in Lila stoek,.whlch he la prepared to make up to order. on abort 'notice In the latest stylm, and' at:correspondingly low -rata. , A choice assent meat of furnishing goods and ready-made 'cloth ing will also be - found at his elegant establish ment ' Our Allegheny Mends would glee him , a call. THIS DEPLORASIO Coarri.-L-The Interview of the British Minister and Diplomatic Corps with the Prealdent.en yesterday. la e, matter of deep interest to the mple. . The _sentiments of sym pathy-end =Unice Oi the foreign reinister,aellect the horror sed and d by etestetion of foreign nations at the assassination which km bereaved the American people. The .ansirer:of the President to the adi• ses weeniest diguilled and able. His comurehensive View of our *a non to tither countries, and his cordird.response to the kind wishes expnesed by the members of the Dfplomatie Corps, are marked by that lead seine and sagacity which ints. always character-; iced Ids Public course.— j, , Chronicle. . . , • - httssount.—{Mr Mlasourl letter Indicates how widely thenumilor otthe - Prealdent Is to make Itself felt Isseestlena of public policy. The dlvialou of Aftaltiment - and the balance of parties in - owl made ,the , op tion of the new Coustitsitlou, to my the leaSMdeubtful,- but now. spa our. cotrespondent, "it commends Itself to the people on account of its severity to ward Rebels." Loyal Missou r i is intensely loyal, and with the stimulus of this, groat calamity which every loyal resident of that slavery-cursed tkate must interpret en the crowoinc crime of the Institution, the already zealous efforts to re model the Commonwealth in the intemt of Fre e domwill be relloubloi, and will ho successful.— X. Y. Trib. Ri l of APRI pm b L, c(Pest (Mee It Allegheny, on the Mal' tesm lknj there ,letters, the appllasat sluideattler lafteMsed idler, , mfreisig the gg5., 4 4 tilm list, and pay one eent for at eertlsing. 1 If called for withle one womb, they will be • sent to the Dead Letter OfhdeQ. Warm Muammar letters by ca rrier, at the resi dences of owners, may be sneer= by observing the followiplynuarat Dui= *fteri pWaly OfthestreeNankinni ber,asarellmulthefose OWeeandigtate... Heap letters with the writer's Poe Ore and 'gas, Weed and mneutee, sign them plainly with full name, sad regoest*ntanswers be directedsword ttersifo stauspera or transient slattern In a town Os.clll;:wlatie ipmil 4 addreis 'nutrbe titi khoten,lhotibir begmarUff eluthe loam , WA hand center, with thewOrkt..Transient.o Pkweihe pottage dentist* the s ti rtorner_and fan apawbetweenjhe np h d u i• rectionforjwatesWlDOlt-lalett swgh: .the _,E w er s _ l3 /Mtetriti;lor of ;letter to thew rmerlif'unelelined mmarr - Dala or: !!pia, written Or Printed -with the • writers acme, rm i Stand Stoles sereemUndetthand end of the, steel in) the Gus aide, Will bit eomplied with's. the . :_prepahl rate CS pottage, payable-When: the letterls delivered hit,the water. ;thee. 2S, Law of lea& ' ill 15 55 al -145 55 00 tto 78 too =76 T6a 455 =l5 155 400 01 515 010 00. Aida= A 1312 Atel;l 3 M. Bats= Ohaa Barker Dr Brows Cleo Baker Cleo - 0.70 •S7OO Dell Geo Bowers Mine la . I =Progei Sl ck im Lewis Bla . =Wary ". Bowe Magee is. Abu* I • M•or ,/ 1 0 1 9 4- . aazrh 6 ° 24 .g.,l.t., Callalkan Ctuanisgbassies grothesslihris I Casessellsrili,l P= " an eril Peter U V" 46P1W.. 10 15 10 EA I 10.110 jll.OO. Muy MartM Demi Wm Darts It H J t Dawson Yetlintl .gdwaxoereiV. F. irertot • • Than' 8004- rorristur Sue 7'ollEloft-10u" Forsyth W m 1 0 lira, Eat r .osmble Emily :Groan IRK! 01111k1Aid .7so 01 OrayJas " • I:ll3carist J •- Oartlon MAWS 1 GilUxt Louisa Hun ex Haley Es Hold.* * Ed ward Harley Ellzabllk HoodGm.W. ' I Resting Rawl Hays y. TN ' TBS. DIATRICT,COURT. OF • A. 1.- A. LEGUENY COUNTY, Penes, No. N layer. tattoo, N 0.6 April Term, 18115. Jamul Eanalatoa 131111alluity for TreisolOn - 2. Rana aid Sacw it., his wile, las Jana it. Dennietos, ds. ter ogee% Abalik j Gangs Yladlay sad L hi. erle•late Lydia nnis__ tes, goddaughter o Aedrew; George O. mamma son of add Andrew; Junes Atwell bennisaa, sea of said AndrewkNancy N., daughter edam/4 Andrew; Aa. drew 7. - Denniston, a atlaOr soa_of said Andrew Calvin 1,... Deurdstoo, • minor sou st sold Andrew Samuel Indadacut„ • minor sea of said Andrew; Samuel. Itlalsads old Cluistlana Richard; rata Christiana Deonlites; oilant u t ial ßlabarda, Natio I: Richards and &must J. was aakt Chrlalsaa 11.1eharder Asdrew Odose la d A yN' Jaws hi, wife, lets soey• - .Taas • aad flatis Otani Ohriatasa Enterer; Stumm ch. arm, widow of /oat R. kis/cards, dee% whe wail a mat 14 laud .111idallaas Klilf Cathari R. !Intstonurear,lngtilKatdialatta sadcittinmaney. ( a nal nussn ib il.., John_ !Pal u ilaatitel L. Koolau sous of utst Nancy Kauflean; and Rate R., Haan R, and Ella F. daughter, wt. add Nancy AL , Miasma of whoa, except said thorn A, are Wawa, Kul of whose 'oat* Reateala 0. Bosworth, of Allegheny county la guardian; and Willem H., Jana P. zed JIB H. Desaistos, earn of sad James Denahrrow - sow plasma, of wheat John B. is a Way,. Darkeala of Ceorya Denrdstea„ las of the oily of Pittn , lam%eounty,Peonsylauda, dart. IfebrwayAlktelL la • ordered Was thwart Oda noon bag/nm of Ow substaacre of said owe • week tee six aneakailra wnkel4th. Otto burgh. Carats, to all Sanaa swat whoa weld 'rerun ea larvsaot be gives. lieedillat 10 •lAW; _ / ream* of W their "ane th• osmotic* of AA , leeway sad //44V07, ratil/n l / I * . a " " Ilialll=ada of thews tat anal irctito thetr moat Amin abildlyilMax thelr lase& et 1.041,111! Noir Pureautt - rum uld - dateadaate lug H. naiadto take satin that said BM has best the deal US maks yertitloa,assortg add of all the Sal Estate of cold maga D. • atstaa, dee% bee/ i a li s i tt.w aoss of had la sal Alga. Jog East fount'', eoutaldsit Id ICTINI. rot/l b :alio pastes; • let on Pain street • Pittabuqhs sad • let la Raw, Raw atallin which MU the import:lm to wkleh,it trebles; oath of esidgeutheili_anUtled, under the hand rillt of tleagebraidatne, anima datti; And that • rill.. hse been Mead Wald ease, returnable toths MONDAY Or APR/Z., RIR ' F ul l of said delladusta Urea to • l apjaar lmus trUt: Oaut to Wynn the promisee of, and the Intarroa stories baud to, said Rill, ad to steal to and abide the crier and decree of aid Court thersoa • JOHN H. RIZWARTAberig. OEO.4. 44 o ?Le lLLig ut Metarna ll°l6.- saftewoaw - , 00=.01 fec Usaidalasat. * I N= gpwio, IS Wood Mx" wpittiouloisigio;)romp , - KAIII7IAMOSZIL Or anon BRING *Lip Slaking „011, bait , sat Ober !Ali ce warniaitable it lo w WELL atoms realnamoup 4 pipvireist Ctakias IPrieem, WWI* strweisra g0.r 2 4244-,011, HOVELIN• pow,- , mna:sui, at-tails ainsticerrin dock atWhich I boa donstantly la atom SZEDK - cupum miss, • raviT 'Wm- • -•- • , froanzirAn mama iiinikans; 0 14.1 w , ! aid .6 1 4•=4: AND HARDwARE Gamdara.r. irltrritoek,Nst :14eived at' • . , • DRUZ a ELLOrik, • No. roodi THE NATTER : .4, of the Meant% ilf B. th e Otasse' Must et Outhberti *Mentor .of "Alktrany - qt. tio rtt k , 4lnVi t r.l the le antintnth,mllyif. it la . lf. apbone the A nai - andl: o f ills li triblitlon of the Daemon In the hands of the sco oonntant to end among the puttee entitled to the Name. IRLE 0011IRT. .-From the Rekord i Wid. A. HERRON, Clerk. The Auditor above named will meet the parties interested forth* purpsese of btasPpoitiblestest him ofnee.'Gridat street, Pittsburgh, on BATUIio DAY, Aprtinth, A. I).l(l6gAktil o'elocuir. x. aptoataaw w..o. , ramirsarts a., 'Ammon • „ . CHILDREN'S . , _ . - CARRFAGES'AND'EASKETS - - r • .of *Nu, 0ft14104. Ladies NlOFoeei, TrayffitioN 4. 1 01 11, ,NeP1. A lama viriity Lao tiy data, it - J. a; Loutnß , s, No. 101 Market St. AtsMrNIBTROVIVIA , I4O/lIL-4..a. tem teatemehtaly upon the istato - Of Elliba P. swUt, D.E., deed, late of Allegheny City, All& .gbeny county, ha ving been granted to Mthe antlers , Maned, all penmai ingehteg to milithatatelan hereby notUled - to make immediate paymeta . ul Due haytagelalas against maid Mate are ed to preilait atilswome . ELLIOTT B. SWIFT, Adm'h • nen STEEL. TEM'. ffor Sulky, ay N. , and °rata Rakesi or any shape remand.- .4Jao Hay and Grata Bi9ceaminufeaturedbirau .14arion Avenue, Auccbion vi OR .13AL E, 011EAP.-.A. -. FRANI •••• HOUSE,' 11 removed at ore7:4 Situated or. nee Irwin and Western Avfnues, Allegheny city. & PATTOrf, 1, 4 1 Mq /12 A 1141,114 Secandit, Pittabargh. Harte rnil B r "al Laraiete Wr i litertr Harter Ida }lll'.l7lr--- !Neely Georgets P iPlersol Annie iPasitArntstrotig Pinkerton Oath Putnam Kate MUM* Bev J I Potts Soho . . rowel Mau Johnson Ohm It Paden= Wm Jones Jonathan Patton Wm • Jeffrey Jae 0 Panienee W 8 Johnston N O Preston H 0 Jar4notaastee Palmer Emile; Jesatetot Rebid* It, Outman. CI, A liearru Ann H Know Henry u, RamesitlttOsa. Kincaid Jne HotertsonA tittetAnil%. Iteade Lewin Ada Zobbe r rti HAmP late tteraohts Stye 1 ••• Mans Lanahtneranals Hosenyar Mr OMP , Horat . Moo /Tiv" - Lean John mltkOnartito Lb* JusistOf f"."; Sotithßonftteen I.Jahteap rallea Lizzie rally Ed E ' Miller A . _ _ Strain l'B 1 016MIOhast8Iden% (11 J r "••- 82 -441 , 46ris- 'staws YosP _ Medico 1.1111abb:Bsoff Its D Biomes 0 1 sterunt IA B • • satkill EIBATI Karp il mob? ED 8 I SESI74I. Mil* E Wr,_ - 1 41441: 116545/Witty . ' ,tDews . r . s Wm I IliaZiliegli i i tliCitall Wm lllllm.rolur .7113teffirt Med 3 11111fIlldisrae S W Sdeeirt obi. 4d Mietreshreany - Tallier Llexte eftektrlAvleA , Tliton 3 0 Monte Meths TlTewler J W - Stern NWT A - . Thomee , l l / 1 001: Mayers Rebeed. , Turner Mem& MonteeeetyPtirron Man M de Mauve eddle!!Wm .r' YU , . Taper Adule. —, V , -1 - - .... muur Talentim,Vinrka &dee ei• /I P%. i .;IY. o,. . l ar ry ! 1 DODDtley!.. . ;."' !Willie AL,B - I LeClay.emesliWelteheed A 1 IMeLean Wei - • lefeledilEnede art4,olPeTl Mary,Wenim 0 W. MetileAry Jae +Wan= S W ' McCain, lea 1 Mats Usniet.ll monsiminum*, iter.7 w tdeFarlaadSandilirabh I IL ledeNorn LlaztelWalli Nagged. ificafiltandakei t ryg Alm/am - - N Nealwe N'ataaa Amanda , . - VltiClNNhert LEA.D7 utl7 kaiIST.IXAD - WWAILit. . . ArCOßlnleir GIBSON / X4Cee '3lllainit 'l4.taith - 1111t.' euverssari; kaki , to Wee PIPIS . A26 SHEETS at up ipoesi6. n, lash to 3 130311116 7: Also, very. LIMIT 11PZ dr . Hydra e /aw aad•fer dosisn • wooliiiePeelidii tleeOtteltiono Plow' Oen sod Proprietors of WI Works sod Oil Wells taktlinid mamas% ohm :k in: :k in: :=24 lIBITITURE AND CANE , AND•I7OOD MEADIS, ihmit ;induosapdoes; " r ' wHoiswat.c4, , ar ß at.. ' - f WOODAVIILL, • -, • It«Lirriat s• TEThD snail; oppodect.zbuiatmiicm 4 4.4 - LM -= - rotntrtienzav Chi and Stein Fitting., Li • .11 its Mulches, sarelkilly !ifs*. tissidoWleal works tssi, A Ix* ittwitt,uni of It-31 ' 71' 7MM TUTEES ' WATER 0 Omuta:Stir on tumid ant =Ail to prier.":" .l TATS *glum. 1c..0 imp sittrt - Anee4 As i.• . Pinang% rug DALTO44 : .; ram* r7,ll6ffila'ecirtrithle )S.4ITrIAG; MACHINE, thl6iasksaiil;es ellbettee ZeitUng liteehin nee invantiNr Idattnatkes tree. Can nut tree then: IA ' emetic; orient fat eireous and esak eta; B. P. CUMENImik GENERAL AGENT, IN rz rra RE, - - nbisdr PtitatenihY • ;~OQ~'dtaala~~~fa t~. t:~F. r - 4 , :rmlmr , wzr4lrm BPOTS.3/1 otg; ik•string to affbrd Ma ottAlo OPPOtta_qt7;lo purchuismodOst popOlat pticoOtOttlfg with theOoo tn B OMANDBUDEBINHOLISIII.VISTIL . ir.wte lieu=i;.eieeee white in ire onr,eottototook at 000 s. Gal soon at „ BORLAND'S, tpa:`_.. itszteretreet;ld door from Fifth. . - BOOTEI AND 8 : OEB.—We are reoeiT onr Spring and Summer Stook BOOTS,IIIOIM AND GAITERS, ' -ErAwts,:,a'ulktug,,t, *Vila ricrarionot ilk r er ' eumixici some t mows, silks:66a" -'4iiricr. Z e•- : : • .70 le - SU t. Rp„. 'myriad ga l l_ l = 3 " 4 ,suak i rt,.. ,141` /MOM , • , GArrltth S , E LLPP las. od woant Mid aomaqu Uyeai oar tarromt"—lim,4l"ViliTe to "In* -Inor 4m ' Odes belowortiere I will le plosood tq show -ay stook- of &oda to , 141 wbo 'ay Earn mge TIM* ataset,JuisalTM.T. JAMES- ROBB, - Irt4 so iirarkei street ilia4,F,var. nor, tub. lad THE *MT DiflAlaak 3301D'1yll somelschs, Of Ani house 111 tlis , •Try has jaat haesived ,a iaapallaaat Tail 'Stock. oda PB " InAll " WORK! nrirrinXlMlM DT GEORGE 4iumr. sox Ice., _ we.Nyooto pritirur. and Youth's Vied Italworalif • • " . Bootees; • OJUN:ft Cloo . Oad KM -Mom ' ' Thew; goodt an wade ' to Car valid Ordw, sad warrootal inlstor work, , pray IDB. Aruolifa.Ve. D iv 'ELEGANTLY: . PAB:VED . .. Weber into*, $l6 . .HESS THAN. FACTORY PRICES. These lastittoents . ate . Insaatilal dark pm. wood caws with caned lota, 1,W:till: and 'mato dam, Iron frame, orrarstanan sitts; ka, and will be sold at lila iess tioui New Turk price . to tasks way forAew stook: • - • • - _ They . Bargainii at- that- Price. CHARLES 0. ZULU; • • W WOOD itrazar. Inexos AND oseeks.. , acimmuz ati ca i nt Amwroiuy, zazds-vratis,,' . a D. a IL W. Smiths' lusiefican'Orgas, ima runt. 111E111111 AMU= but received a vim lotof Masbate ealf!xyatddl Ifitntmest,t, tatattiar with GOOD PIM 6016 otter sisarsts. All are five • . *de No. 11 ST: MAT MUMS. inropplAzi, a 9: • -7 .1 ms inch. ? Mi Za • Fin= =MN 114161 " 1 312 f 4 ,•4 1 0.• 11 0 MIMS Plurals Asia& son . K.N4.8E13 PUMA PRIMPS IinAMXINB ♦ND,bse.Ns. tag tostiasaiworta. Msaisciay . cousumm ativios, ====3 BAlYArttr—i' • X m ettklirT 'l ntal:nkg • MB TUN NAM The Deli and - e_r,ataik Rens Dims- SING AND RESTORATIVE la Ma l market.' Itomate4 May by - _ S. W. FDA k 00.; &t Faders] at.. azekbeer, and for' sate by D M to OBIIiDAL4 • ,UVILNNT.-100 .barrols kir sale by 01:44617(6.. MUM samor_ol.473BArsznB. tuiii x, thialMr; . 71Imm lt irmrii c ; or PiYrnmtsa, = -Prmstraoraebruark tsti OTICIL—WIBIIING 'TO •FtIitTEIZR" NATIONA.I.BANE LAW. TO PROVIDE A 17aforni%nOin'of M-ztoyl TOMS • NATIONAL BARB will, oil and OW vantaaw DO" Teed" hee regular &polio; onstanas sad ilAtabiM vivßizz.rar .42 1 P4E.• !Ay I.ll.iaiss the polio will Walk 'MOM' FARII 'OF KV OW* ALLEN Diiiins,,qiiskter; '-- .g . ItailM & = SONS; , I,_ • lISIVS/Wil•Zann/ 0 01 1 " niPa ita) _ roY 0146 - Doi oa ill* *1 pilauln' I" WIWI Eats, sat Ciao= szxes, McDs Arafarask minima t..; soio.ON-COMMIMON,.. •• • • . : h 1- • iiistursi;r ath Atavib• and STATIN BWORMES, I mei le i of lest. 10. Da. ?Iva' Mies; as. earn-Tbl/012; .cati4eNceor telebeaterg.* OEDEEB • AND 4aIIf3HERS . 11911611 T on DOLLAR bANth(l3 BANK, NO 03 - • • _ -F° . rlFri cri l mlrTi32o3) . vpen :la& from Ito o'clock, also ea Wedmore dv=rd urday ermingi from May tit to No. Ist, from I a I oor.ic, and'from Pp:member Meleadte received ys some of netlesithia One • Dollar. and • dividend-of Mir profits declared twice a year. la June and December. Intend has beau- declared umnal.erundlyr, to Juno end December, Mace tha Bank waa. awaited, it the rate of ale " t e tra:it iiiVelillatallidiced tia MINIM ot the depoldtor windpe4 and bean the same . Wawa from be gra days of June end December, :compounding twice: a year without troubling tre depositor to call, or even to present Mopes book. 64thla rate money will doubt la lam than twelve dlooka, Colltallanif the ;mute; MY 6 T.A=. and Bevalailankfundshed prat, on at tho orrice. . nos rssamare. 3.Anderacm, A. M. Pollak, X. IL, • Abe G. Beektfea. Botwsrt Babb, Beat L. llMmeatook, , . John IL flhoenbirger,. Jams Med_ ,ula • y • Alexander Brae,. LaceLacereaJame Betdte, sod 4 Obriattut Yeager. Oairta Mali, • . Metal 7. _- John . ..J'eter A. rit• Alamo A. Vanier. • taro t IL D. Maids, - Mules Volton, • R. Rersomema Sri:Douglas,John . John eary John r r nivie; William E. Wllliaat B. Haven, ' Alexender WWl*, • Peter FL Hunker, • arilllant.Venkirk, A kAiL iLt i ... c it m eaa poN. _ ilbenclarg-JAMEII s. LA - 1113100%. - • TRAIibIINT ZNPAZZICZNY.• Cirincze or CONPTIOLIXII ooldar ar Awn. crimwer • , 111 - - • • Irammestorde ma, meo. - 07. E BA.8 : BY. SATISFACITO • cridesoe Peemoted to We liereprised. /Caw MST NATIOWL BANK - OVBIRANNGHAM, , ,e, to tW be'rea , , ef Birmlnemea. is Um mtt' of I r illerg State of Peruisermata,baa been lay • tnder and aceordnd to the require:mu of deft of age oo m riUUM .•An - Act to pro. vide a broth:teal Ouneney, wound by a Wades of United States Bond" and to Inoblas he th e dna lotion and redemption thereof," approved Auto ad, ißekand has complied- with all the provisions of meld act reptind to be oomplirdirfthbsbrre ann. meeting Um bulbs= of ow or% dob r u A n n de e r , mOaiods aa . d M :N Of tb th Cmc I,Fu erb r ortoetythptrob l il Ilms National Baal. of t ltinalsetara,s , In ths bor. :Ts" n thaa Lathe trit=dulf; manes the Malmo of Le". , air under Um mot afore— Ti....l loo=r Dca u iia t th: lt. Punt'neY et tie ' l'l ' { is tostUriony wttenof witair.nyhaadaadasal of 'WE" this flld data Offlapimnot at the Chusexey P , . l4 44'lrP.prAloilrilkiltfA BISSELL.% nOOK. 8. - MORB I 10 ST. gituUet sTirt,m; - liroikai.intaiiittatio. cif ttore to tde hook ' ; el t - Dena seteeted va ems, ea eon the NEWV3T.STYLW OF. GOOD., to and to first den, hones. Genre; wialdes a. soltrat . clothes nude to order, win_ please coal ood examine stir:pods and prim; • Alio, e AID run w. S. Neoax, romixuainizo% Na:10 Se. erAta STENSTiI A- razsa supprz 136 374' Clcithing FOR TUB PRESENT SEASON , At: Greatly - Reduced *Prices. ..i -:4SAt'itlio6eii: a Err. mu . m Emtnr. DlBlloterleNM ifc.; - - 1:1151rLtITION OP 00-PART/iElt. Immiddene betwees the voider the Ara =l, CIPAIMPTOIRA lbr odattatactitr• of Silver 'Pearl and ether Rasps, hesttds day been dldedbed •17autaaleenuatr SAIMIEL 71L. KIKIMEDY CO., Lan (duccuent is bawitProm t C 0.,) .: - .uazresaarenee 01. gilv* Pearl aad Superior Roik Soap% uszirr 8191467 Rtrrsartsak, 001'ARTNXIIStUp. r we nays r assod us atee with in to r a piTrgllp thiu:NFErft RULLRYistothdet the name of Pattereo Amman 16 C7O. W. D. PATTERSON: WN4.I riaatA.NDIMNSTIOIMINds SOBS . liow'Oeiri N ing Their New Stores, . , . Jio ai 23 Ifoit692we tad 21 231421tht PracADECIA.. . . • - Ifavistateea ehlrti yes= th eteade, and Imow. theuinafertrecs Woo vlancl4.l 3 would TAILNI9, and. COTTON' o lißlit h i L ind wiect i ag casH. advances, if desired= gdpnents, at h a rate of stager cent Pas tun- 7 fenesind Cc ° / 113 9 03 M • • IMLIFs lu Hats, Pips and Strait; Goods, Haie comic state the largest and most complete stock et • GOODS FOR FALL BALPA, E mr4d aii h d reti.tia theowatt onr i att , %t i re= it Ten , low nith v ': ~;: ,.~~51~..a~ti 4a..,3.a.. u::r ~ ~`~ atwitoks.f,:, ..;13 tilamail!. 7 " , _ somonenne- SPECIFICL intionio irks: HAVE BEEN IN BEE YOB YEABB -412(11,1310119ANDS suten.— CURED BY TRIM. READ oVHB:' - 'M. haft iea 1121alaisUbiri F. 4-Oures Forma rem. Nom Oft satire las Appetite, W1641411i• Bs& 'Pride 16 edit I I—aura Ch3IITWILL aryls, sad waal tubas& Sknr :sat nobleman of Jam • - plois Id out*. , : No.4—Cmpllianiots. of ChtlOvOlt or MRS Ctiolorsintommotom summer oemaiatats. . , Noi.•4 and I ante tke wont OM CiOltiter#ll' ,• • _No. I=1:lorsa Braaten or ]!load? aing..iiiii - - =lag& Blitona 00110, Pall Dissittegs.., 4l ll 7 . o or - - “ : ~. - Na 5:- For Cholera, Cholera Motto, ' in _ sail Vomiting, ruitionatie Breathing. Ili auto. • ,_ ito.'S-titirei Vidor* coleir, Hos 'notweiti;EtfC ohitilk, lailwinnt oat Sore , Throat: , Pito' am wake s ' Mb AAA No. I thaTer_iail to awe the m,orall thmk _•. i 1 and Gotilkm., ' • • Pio:lS 2 -oiiriii IS;otinaeke, ronewiato, ftitrgit,....., '' ..fro Whims HenditteiWitimosiwatio,'Tnetigig , . at Bloodla UM lioaddrrloo 51am&..,,,. , • , Is addition with No. to, it manorial!' to ottm". 11111.; , ; 4 most , lsOrr;e!Ott , .. , - • ..1, - 7 4 f 6:l.L4kHte, • Weat,Said Sr bWeillim m a = , iu m e. " . l..inen Nem_ plartisf:et . : , . .._,o,s44lo4i.PFNeak-00144.141L, , 4 rt,lcrfriWr vg.6i likeili&Vi -. Air' •,, Matalrplogitheek Nekiiiks. • IS NAM e.: , 111.-thinsfrattimienhea: orWaltiei , peites* • wa to• Rufus* lltansia:. , ll6 Nati: • • ; ..,. ,•.: 4 - ..1,-,-, j4:*ll.l43ntrol Cironl _war Ontell , 01111100•:7,, Bimsic and 94. 1 1P 0 1* Ilithinil , sweats,,-.,. blee .... 41ua440122r0s ad Salt. Bionio, Oriliti *Wigan .. - So Helolo 13 # 1 4 41 '.../YN VY 40 , 1 # 114 - 6,1 o. lia.ikires lawataitises, Paila, - LeStatialSellitr • '' teem. Is, Ms fr. Ilhoot,..Baok, Ittahot lilatoyAill • -•,•, Si m 1 ' 9 ° 04 -F 4 .7p one gum Intownitte4ll% ;,fie Wdwi . Ol e d invoilita•ta A gu i l l - ' ' '. - '. ' •17-thiresPliesi Internal External, Bitsit , edlogatement or Obsibrate. ao yenta. • q Immo, baimmi.l2l9T3lT4lB.l t/t4 iriPilq •,}itii. - Wz-thinto tsPilitintiliin, Wink Or iliflis ma ', .' es or Illpllds, Pallor-or Weak !ugh& •as oasis, ' ima amps be relied apostles s oure.L- • - •• , 4 lO ! -buret astars, aerate .or *multi dry to g 0,30/4 X; thkElehat billutoss... Stitisto.•_, •, • • 0. so-Cam Whooping itt:ldNltildg gisil -. _ It, or Spatmodie Oo SO mtg. • • .., plii =wale, and always and awns, - , . Nikli.-Careir.Katitha, Oppnonsog,'ThWonW,Len ~ 'bared Breathing, I/magi:and reepootoration. Mir Otioosta. lendredilurre been mid hi it. . . Ni. mil..47uresar Ml= ?folio la tall • 1 i Impaired Wearing, • i.'2V-Ctirmi , SorolkiaLllniarpd 'Nisi% Simi'S Tc malls Swellings sad Old olus. SI onto ; raid t>;o weraiatuea. .. o. rheum General Debility , Phyalmil ea ISMS, • • a. enta.. 25—Ourea Drn Ho:pry,Flatd *mu , 43rellinme, irith Scanty Seeretiona. no ' de—elfunieSea-Sickners,PrintratiOn. Void Phinorea, Vomiting. de cents. /fa:Sl—Duren Yletnary Mown, Olerrelv I - Oalcull, Difficult oersinful Urination.. lb send It cum old raw of gidnair Direanos. -Ida:.'iB—For - smoked Daimons, DllchatnM and commnent ProitraUen' and WWI - STOW Herons of 1 OS 011. , - - The .efdrient remedy known.4ol lam bS - la* Wens Wld ea". • drado...Chutri Bow Mouth or Seonutch"niniret , Muth of ...Unita :or Chlidrearand also Nand% , and Vomitingof Pregnant lemaiss. Meant& .'gayer at once. ..--Oto2l4:httest Imeoutthen Wettlag ti betl, toorrequentiPalatul, or van& • No. al—Cures Palnl4l bLenstrustlon. Presvaty thisip or •Sp PmttttSs, naintillaa kelt& [lce of Femstei. p CO. If acts like chum. ; , :' , . NO. 13—Ouree 130,filemini _Oritomp . of. WAAtka,' Mahar at' Heat, arAtioo. cal 2r0.24-otut Maya s Diptherbi and 11baste( mat Elcrtio SS,CUra 80.1*" a Ili* or Adults, &Ad Chug! cof all .I=da = 13111eiminesa, =Want ofAppettlyi, - Lownia at %drag, JaunWast 01004040m0 "II LlverCtomplabits. N0.3/1.--khires Bans, Cattuadas, and iusy Mk* - . . N-Ciiree all Annie Shia Meet:taw Mane let fever, Nesalea Mid= Pox, ko. - -- No. el-Duzie Chroate Mucha Name' Dry OeegL. end Meth with expeeteratlea._ • No. Haultles or Catarrh la the heed et Inisets, Battling of Mee= Ist the No. te-enrei Oomitit=eael Dineattka % quint Attataz o:Headache, _ . .. • . ; No. 40-Uoies Olaietitatleaal • DispoudthirHa is via timuy cue._ v!slisaalr ease. Incitocoo olloirftla• 15 nal mu • -" • Aii.3.1:0 woe II • - PO#DI3 i t mazAcr OF muicarc,:,',.: 1 4 l e ot d a=4 l I V' rha,l o 8 is Sorel Toothaaia,._ LI ads tirs dors. ePsia• • la bola TM tit do soppllotat New rott. prissa., MILL :H• •-•• Li:aware/this Mt, mats up a sass of wan yort amass, aasl ladoes the ataccat to a rams seta or damps, by zaail-,to my Warn% and ••• • wwilline will ba!Suly dammed by matt "'Apr • • •,• - • IAL FULTON. - : • ' r in h I l iggeet; • - Second door below thiiPoit •• • - - • AThigesills Kell terF mount!. sad visllill,P.-? milts - . COUGH, rip Mo?rur. • Tay num MELLIPIAIteI DOUGH BALM Ernewatuams • inirmamvs' wenn RAWLY is warranted to ouraNks:llft , ThaiL lloommeta, Asthma; Mrlampbc °Marty Sao .Dead and albeD*** AC,* Throat's** Dm** milm Mural DOS" 1 1411 fourth rasa, . . • ru • Ak z a e tivesea mt. tlpaynal rewasoim pk_t. orymi ..wL,ADVS ADTAYDOLB9A. MTV tba only autabo ratoody forThrortornant Aze-da. . warsaate* to cwt *.em* site. Other .. imuur Fre lune • by Gnialita. General Thipen,nlslo. RAMA Mut? ( 34918Datf! - • • - STRICTLANIA TILE MEM _La ~ , Loquorj_. 5 0 3 riot ktrattyr Irma loo: Out Wont eaua or Hasid ar. m 'Madding Pile*. It Oyu /ammo* rend, ran of, frets a !dearumor enra , Thy Pass.bly. 1l! was, , - For nu by all DruYotsts. amoral ThDO4l lOlll - 14 , spepsity - llermuniesai -Debility DR. enuolawrips Teta= •au rasamakaaa th in aurlatag *N►lear bartigatiabn=kt=yause mmullTamlak It is:* vegetable preparation, Crew tom abotbola:;'. strabaa. trot whole , Esoronoi Byttew, Iterate*a aypottumeralcanwriaba!voinlr: glyat illy." 4r. DB. At. 0.... abutig4 O. Far aw by 11 . 1 L - CFAO: Wood stre e et WWII'S shy oaolonior.otwoon awl =relates mai 01:RAWL AIF ANAN OF. ACTROVISAND.A. stw l; CUE H. JAME% n tar ' tareaphythian_ of great emthestwonsoothrekwhnet •Lt• that's Eget a cantata sure for Othirnapa: ticut,:_dethma,Brunthills. Oeughs, Oonts, and Cresa , ;era DeMllty. Them medy was Crammed. krhhlt When his eel,- child, a (nights; Was girth up a• ••• • _Ms. Ma child . vu cured. the is now alive -and well. Desirous' of. Demeaning his fellow wertake e .,, he will send to th ose ing who wish It, 'outdoing •• dtheetions for mak and stesperithalar remedy, free, an receipt of th eir tunes rualmg , with Mthee g. stamps .to sy mania.- There to not • abets .agmptom orgonsumytlon that It does mat seeps tete _hold ',rend dlaipata. Matt .sweate, pees. ishnese,tretattca of the agrees, failure of tosinorn (=cult expectoration, thal9 Hannfn-.the hull%• - sore threat, chilly SIIIIII4tIOOI, nausea" at um stomach, Inaction of Abe bowns,.wilathlS a-Wag Oa museles. 16P•The writer will plessiitate the sums of the " Pathe Y se° Mil adv irAr - 225 M)iia semid strsat l ,rnuadespals, is.' • ,T .11• I ' : • TOREDI—Jturt published, in s. ewes *sell •• • •Prias Six ands - A Lecture =SUM: am • tmentrand Radlesl Qum of Spermaterthatao. • D tth i M l l u t ...a Ft N ZD • • Fite: N.Wal indßhysicsi • from Self4buse, .litoss• stesS , ims • • L ir D. itithor of the Gress Hoe :14.41 !•• irargM ' • ;°. • post pakt 0n ia receipt a of twe eAso_ pe, D. JAIL .M5.117 j •ew Tork.Post Nos box 4.894..•- ilstVimdk : For /&IRB' PRLOTI4I6 -• • -• Caireame a anear % iedgn laldeelftelddred a nd lnk Muni.- My .resdeanos la .thfa. dVt , Atm amnata Or fallnat: a treated hainall y .b7. at, ma 'BrenflairnAa ci rati c e i zs i . or And &Miasmata stades 411 11111 , eared la Ranh 'shorter tune than beretefrafOry ray MEW- . • • d. vaarrenza REMEDIES. 204/01111:11 Seat 2L any part stabs two& latteraznst a • 7 damn to sae ream poetize. ll:larsecpuidearenai4 • maTionast, street tlearViaa '- nand. Address .7...w:grunEritaai nct4 x,D o. - pwrATs DISEASES.• . , • 01110) 2.13 PENEllnDEßM4fatifilatii: For the erne of all fiffeasee of a grniulturnf • from two to four days, byan - ent , new and Md. t • treatment. . Also, Seminal Weakliest, =4 . 41 nth*. amass of the genital organ, an 4 their yreinathrue • ' awe warranted or money reloaded, •• . • • At 1114!sedr,rad *lntl .• MEM =EI =lll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers