the Wittointrgit Outfit. musuz. ISSOCLITIOI -- TUM3I)AT, APML THOILRIFt illP itriLlCUnifitillEST. "The voice of the people lathe ioictiiit God." And If the pulpit speaks the voice of the peop/e.ind=cyd t herurgin, be no mistaken ' iwujialdisilit. yesterday reports of the sermons delivered en Ikeda from twenty-five pulpits In this dtr and vicinity, which kre all In harmo nious accord ; and reports by telegraph frel n al e lla tt4 l " l " 4 . . tfiefatlllte 1 /te1 32 .! 1 5 1 1, a issuarent prevailed - In every city gkrong - !tont rthe broad. land. There wee— there could have been—no-consultation, no pre-arrangement in this matter. Bach clergyman acted his own impulses in -..%rettning._ ' tali iCwitirifikbii' istata ion that, an d st s4 :%t Mfitendasees, the same thought should Burgh sal—alippld pervade and be the beirdenoeill. Itehows that the assassination of the President pro duce" bliriiiiWonilkixlvehal s6Qlcuri of horror, but that it provoked a universal ready° to root out glittery and all its ad juncts, and henceforth to show no mercy to the guilty 1111C11 who, after having tried in valet&l'diaiiii Bail ihtleit"ftselr e. , :RAW& eueoefillfilif te'distritniiiiiiti . a' Mae" Thlliiiiicaiiiniiiilbhq sti *i Wl' i Bits one thought ran thitiegfr - •IlislA, " 1 fromiblif &fret ihifinii filhintlEFiltit • • electfreViieed "iicent iedefert iattl.'witit e=er: '' ItirieitilergWee et nitlonat' ' t ie `Ofenti*;feri 4 iVe4 bites' be~hitiledri*ldtitilerielettO?ti; ii * anizafigeitilaiatielireetiC'idtblitid by the saPtlievidie; an& ieried with the iamb determination. The thrill which•ran threugdi - the tialoti' When Nuntier was tired on Wag of some kin to it, but was in no way equal' to it In interest or power. The nation has switkes l o* s nPlv-Afeirld, ta.910,1r. st un-.. .0! dory ;Itaid(the ` Rebels iwill.bitterly rest the day when they placed the 7 knife in the assassin's hands and sought - to accomplish withthe stiletto what they had failed to do with the siitati: :hi: ttirY 114. @At there was a door open for their easy escape fr o m Il!iiinta, ll, 4l l ,P,f4heit.' prime Clint there is none now. When they pl 7 tingerl the dee. ger into AnnAtumi.'Bistorat's feat they .aree.led against themselves the heart of every man in the land. There can be_ no mistaking the public resolve in tills instance. Never, before, did a statioddW nitre to 'hod 11itit', iiiti oneness of sideOrd'undiithepreistere Of na tional calamity, as' did this nation on Sab bath last—never. The- natioruil motto, "IN GOD II OIIR TILUBT," was BLOWII in the . crowde*therehes in'every city, eillagetrad 1111111 eMatekeliiiittittabsti; little Nash ed wile; threttafpreeatteariq tbosolectua awe, sibee - ferveut pryer, the (loyoutvecog.. liftiturid hkilla l hand in th)a henti'streke,. mid f!te: l i 2 V l brhlk 8 1'1' 61 I'lr His 'IMIIe suldsc6te-;,This- was the + voice of the poi:gam:44)lCM of nod followed in the aprodifkle*Widett Wired out dentamie: icons Mitsui national 'crimes and national arinsitill, which pointed the wax clearly to the path pcwootitu'daW," ustirhich in 'cuicated ntatratly unyielding' obedleace Us the heavenlf ""commands' bitt an tinfitlaring confidence in . -the'd else proatisell:',. ' • There were many preacuere and many toxtaißibtatlilist, buttherew4 in fact onlyaiTykrtetin. - The pyitbitak „tatd iiin cluslottevarted ttr words - but mit,lnephit; and trtit.-PiiiCiiird leisen taught was that this natloiWit beep hi'greikeperl Of extending the rwinml of fellorldp'to teed those handiVere'reraltle our children's the4xl; and OK 'he'lleeeitetiVe'd thisperil: tbeielf no cots left` us,bid to, execute the him • with anseaies ;aid let piniebasette with the utmost Pettedly, latanstbelutudo II* " VlSA'n:ruil t Y.,- T, ..wit .-Ut. tbe Smut leacerwhicit the nation has - -leented In the, moment of iiiialastisenic4 lei tea "bit careful not to forget ft iiheiViite darkness of the:preticatbcur bespresederway, • TSB ILI.WSICT UPON' MEI> 110171 M. No ie.-Tie OD deli 'RUN" iiiiveklippalled , at theeeinkir tot ther;assalidustitr blite .. Presa 4 sliakn,icili'4thhlif 3ali l t t b `.. rate ,' B ° td/1 Vhb.taOf. 4 ;4rt' o3l- lowing the lead oft,ls,risible.minded and gentle - spirited !Ascots, was liiiing to thente(snliNctrlndietririf abider*/ NrCre" • undeser ving,tm 3 which heti fieetirequtted by an act, the stroeltYlif Whicia' r tZlanguage can edeqestelj express.. " tT.e"ficiatildv spirit of slavery has, like a serpent, struck its fangs into, the Must tetii : ftiltrit and it‘W oriel heath' that , see' did- or Vrtitrably ever' will give aimed= to the mighty canes' of the nation. .-s u ::.. ... i ... •., -c; .., In Aintsuan triscotaghe * rebels Insist, man whisMseald iave. dealtsgently 1 with . them—wimps too gently; tut` - by' thli* fiendhiPattlitcy lave -thrown thrselitM • into the bands of ono of the isterneet ;sad most terribleOfWeVerteinfest , - -We say the /deft leadingpeeporglblerrebels;--but in Aisneww ~.Ipoasozel t he loyal men of the &nth, together with the „poor delqied dupes and victims of those leading amspi raters, even though they may ,Itayeoroted and fought for that bad eautie, will find a noble and gencrotit ritea• 'himself a Boathern,,ntan, heynde rebinds the ffirci of , that furious passion sterile Violence of that hellish fire which swepOover that un bappyittortion Offiar errantry. and knews• - bow to,gueltvellowasee'llir it Brit,, wO,lO , tlosicediAratliels - Who shall tall Into hie The rebel. States will now be thoroughly • purged; ytm...„(Mi 7 itdiva party ; completely crnehrd cut; 'root urn, both white and black; {,"4" 1,14 ,, ,,i of !be Appreqsiga to v Itielpti ty i ftt r tree cc long,tobjectedt and . tuLLuau:. tw.n.tructioi AA toelzty bit tim . t ~ We think a probable that very m any'of the leading rebels will now take thentaitlves . out or, the Country as quickly as possible. It wiltbe a good riddance. Bat of one thing we may now be perfectly assetred,tend that is, that the spirit of secession and re bellion ;via never igain dare to show itself either' In ate South or the North. The blood of the mart} red Lamour has , made that . Tam following impressive , 'paragraph is from the editorial - leader of the 'Pittsburgh Pat of Dionday morning: What the effects of this terrlbinaffair . sr be, either at home or abroad, it is impossible to conceive. It Will startle the world wher ever it reaches, and be another terrible illus tration or the foci that the rulers of nations Who die by azzarsination, -are among the -anost vir t uot , LsyubllO servants the world ever NW. But'the ways of the great littler :thine are inscilitablei 'and As the Saviour of the world,;OiTered up his life toeave guilty man, it in s Le raid that President Lincoln's - death, °nib° rztme day, Good Friday, was necessary to the plans of an all-Vibe and wtysterians God I It Is not often that we receive a good jokef by teleivaph, but we bora ono this inorning. Capt., 17 etitrg—ortbe .Confeciu.rato pirate 13henandoab, at bialbourne;Australia,threa ..SettedlO'report -to tido/toad the'conduct of the adthosities;there in rufnsing to famish ids semi with supplies: ' .. - • ;~,,. Jr.E.TiCE, BUT NOT Vt.N.C: ZAANC G. ' liiibcfecling It', joy end gratitude which filled ailloyal hearts at the recent pinmph of the gevernentil over ito : traitorovig coo witCl7,4 suing sentiment of - unatscrimina thig mercy and fdrevenesa began to over spread the land. It had more the charac teristici ota sickly sentimentality than of that-high and Reaveraborn "charity-which Jefics taught Ills preeepta struck at malice, ant if jashe' e. He; . when •he. , Terhade his "alsalike 'to cherish rel ; i40 11 lbelliko . ogotat'ioi; ' liolr?*_ ,6A ,,titt.v6; . . .. did not strike Um slgroidliontfho loawyof tuo-Oulitto:, tnste,`:....ti s hll.fencl#4ll•#‘4gq l '* ici lS , Jullfic,i;7l l 44,4i ids'ilti, :mii isthiadesili be, "magnifieil the lawns,pdattadttlf.hrinotable,i Neither to his character nee 4 11 his precepts' ' Irss tiserali partielieofthitilekliwrithusnt Ulityi that , seeetdd„ruWildidieinnityil*ticht lc/licit: 6 ' 3l 4 Otstil*Wßilg.l.C B Phit:4, Rini ` : "ile..47 , ,ind Trn , : ziiet , uwei*: Rightteireneishind Pesurircialf‘o th erli. • Il 0 0. 11 . :( 4 44 44 4 4 i14 .1 5 ' ....__ ' AtlC';4 l SflieS s a , millions meta an ocean tont dwith patine, .1 when -i finfingk` ritittiiiintir;lieliiiini; *Er: ! surging from side to side, Irom,esteemito ; extreme, 11 us, tin•VeNfboluls*)",illungn fi t to liiikcif,thst 'ykriiitYlaistst. ' , fsi: s it Salto4.Ove'your , nnealles, 7.ike dillies! sayi "Ii shiliFtet • cliiihnits '' '' ' iitLhelit — 7 , )0 1 44 1 / 11 M wagslegels .. Witin"•: , 'U.,' wail in4redOnali_ ,F ' , :mdritugeil ' Vise lot. • bide,`nyteindMintatiation(K., - -. :s . Th,eiothei : rdiy'irliesi:soine rebel • 1 who, It id Vrdi4 were Itaplied In the , ' Il i k rie63ll4li . c*" l( ite . :*sl l o l ili;;i c all . r- ' ' .attn. aranntenera,\ the pOpulace warn NM tillnitY'Mtridiled from Wl* .. . 1 0 411 ?#0,' , rst&iiiiiin;- , )lliiio;'them.:: ThOse.',4iopie,. doubtless, thought they were actuated by's' O nie'' 9!i i a tl ect jl 'i e. ; In„ fa; li,,vril*!nitlij• , ing but man% on of passion, , pardonibla to be ittrp',. but edit wrong . • Artin; there were'seone other : rebel °Albers, Who, about; the'same time, applied to the asthorities `Tor Krtnisalint to takolhe oath al sales's- :nen, and thus Useak. the 'punis'lV , l d ait' to their treason.. • They 'were, flatly, t . but; ?liked -of , thet,'. 'V* ' talnwii , into' ,:'Plir:on.b, That. was . Hutt , and: anOently. just ;:nna*here justice is inmluistered in that style iVelii- Wlll be noiopulat itunulta; no outbursts of blindilmegular; lawless pat. sion7' 'hde bra 'incidents' illnia p rati the whole principle we are discussing- k . • wituirmot abut' our , eyes to tnalawfrd fact that the WOO shed, on Friday ifitht by :the ?and oi. that *cum , than regicide' has tionrixilibbi whitle nation upon anew tack; end titittiut authOrities are now 81;4; 'up to the' netessity , of meting out to thei,groat 4s ailidnid Of the lite rebellion stiiii. j tie°. and; condlgt, puubluoicig. So, • one consent, our people seem to hate In Ipret ed LhO:iolize of God the astourulikg die. pcnsirticity the awful tifgedy,which las just occurred: asset.pco,4 .ti ala •••Tre te a r the ikon coll." .Then let the terrible task be perfolmed la a'planner Is fitting a great and powerful na-, lion, a Christian • people. Let crazy citizen, say—'tl will hear what. Goo the Lorkw) • speikr for. he will speak . pole° ' unto his profile, and to 111 Selma; 64 (et than not turn again to folly. Sorely his salvation is -nigh 'them that fear hint; Ara glory limit dwell is our /on& • Mercy and Truth are ,islet together; Iliglateousneu and Peace have kissed - cart other., tnith shall spring oat of the earth, and sightantanein shall look ' dowsilnom: Heaven.... Ye#, thi Lona shil l . give tliat'Which hi gbiali,ind our lied Shill yield her intnease. - Righteousness shalt go before him, and then sertus in the *ay of THE *CO! ISPIIRACY. ni first impulie, otibeitiniof .the Pres , idenfi as'nualintifon, •was to condo& that act of a, maniac. It did not seem YEsynjibler to ia that It could have beet the o altar apeptiFy., and - we thanghtit tau' re . .thartita . ,to eeneliide thiy ,finaiicisat . er iummity,. or both, hid 'prompted the hellish s ect I...t!was ao repugnautionll nut , htunaniaitfrii obelleeo :that men couldt( oltndtbtonaplre'agalast bee I ° - .:6 0 410. thid, ( sct"geiNti,*Opun!ltearted - .iaauteed. t hti tia-Annastaat)Luctx•Maithatwenattnally' eittildeffecto i(tl4.a Ti#t mmt atopld implies against, a;bloody tyinat or ausl toPphstain., ' is 'tug , mitt pOsityle - inti tplatialble; but that any one" should 6e toned 444 enough to plot agaittst..ths life Of a gitacOrls, Mithie =lett; passes all eon - , ' A yet It acmes likelylhatthe h - eti yff IA 5 0 1 4. us =to,- *.her,e what thought iinneasibie.', -The . mMonca all , palliate - 0e the toneluslen: that the muniermer - t was Pm resell of's dellberite,,coneptra hntered Into -With malice aforethought andiwith`seirmintre to'atay right and left, and cut down all the men upon , whonv the Malan leaned form:inert.. All ',:thelndles: Liens;,c,f Insanity ire ,lanting-.:411 the. Trail's conspiracy are presenVl That there were three 'or font nrlielpals and eel ‘Cessories'is . pialn; and. the hearing; g f. . the - thief f al.sassin,prior to the set, shows clearly a t asiirtaried on to the 'fearful deed • by en unseen and • irresistible dower from . width' be could .noiesespe: What this con le, Low far it extends, -ot -who arc sni , kgo 4r, does-not atipear; but that Jbere was a ecinspimeywe have no , doubt. The extent of it and the elements of it are rite :subjects of fultire, deielopment; we usual ttust to time to tkeru out fully; but the eu le nntryar Walk with reasonable ea.:alio' ter such disclosures as will appal every heart and freeze tis blood in every lean's veins. feaspielous Antice- Now that it train of xdrenatsteatial evidence, to:lnduce &antral Stanton la bit dcmmetestd smarm Wilkes Booth u the mar. dti.t or . the. Preeldeoi. has tone*. msda'poolte, the enineuktds .ur Ina wan am closely acre- 'lbr eedbettsus_ or - ell Ab nl• schusrPrr. ac qnr`rltd h titer:4olc sa..l asr.; .e.:n a. to rrliat to Maras a mu saw might co-a a cries:, A native of Ccell=, Mar) land, be Luis long' been a blatant and em phatiVitytepathiser . with the rattel d &triennia but few months has reportedly de. dared that halo:att.:ll4W fa ktU the Peat:ten& It is care asertad that he declared that be carrigd In bis rocket • marked ball with which ho meant to shoot' Mr. Lincoln. , • • • It may be wondered at that tingh-erpressions eboiild not have caused bin arrest; but slsf were viewed ty the fear loyal pennons wht,tsfirdthem as the wild _ . :mspressions of a mere:tragirari—sit sound and fury signifying nothing. White WO ; often', probably, those bellish- setalments found . s T er atbv wit) many of the peimle before whoa% they were uttered. Beath has been In Washington since before the last Presidential Inauguration, not tkaying Many theatre nor engaging in any basine.a, thong', bo professed to be attending ti some In terests to ''coal lands." There is but little donut that be bas been awaiting a suitable opportunity to securnplgh Lis Oct of tnurder. At A tunnel meeting of several tbeatrical per." sonsgas at Washington some 5f , (903 ago-114mb being one of the party—political ,matters were discussed. The name of Secretary Seward was mentioned, brit Booth 'expressed no particular antagonism towards.bim. rfla comb.: all along seemed to be specially directed toward! the Pres. Ideut.—/V. Y. Ent. Fast. VREIs; CH PAPER IIA N (IINGS FIRST ZEIPORTAIION.—A vemil tat of Pipen mul Border". just received. CI oid betas dowa,tbe price le not MO. 101 vale by eptiS W. r. MARSEILLE.. A l'l'LEr.-100 blits Omen Appks, in storeard for eh le by , - apl3 FETZER, & ARMATRONG. VCTIITE Llhltl.-150 Mk tor liairt at 1113 L.berty .tract, by npll • WM P. BEOK t:1 1 EEN A PPLES; 'bbls Romanitos Ws, for elle *tlBs Liberty street. spit- :WM. P. - REt7Yk Ol. .-13 PER RANOlNGS.=.lfinrainatel ' Stsimped gold WSJ! Pato.% very besintlfel, for - fatty Irr P. it &HU 1.4. .w1p..1,..,.. i ~4. ..-','.:'.L:'llY,:}f..:.: , .;' , s:.j,ii'=..Si: , :..'' i '' g,,; ' S ' .il,t,of' PUBILiC A"GTIt.ES. lia7'77lE CITIZENS OF ALLEOFIEJFF are esquested to Wrinkle sit the CITY MILL, on TUESDAY, ORS inst., at o'clock r. at:, to take prehatrtsre maser. Ihr the SIMS' noir OF IeIINTWENT IN te.ESIOnT - OF ABRALIAId LINCOLN, late President of the United States. JAMES OALDWELL, ALEX. CAMERON. JOHN BROWN Ja. JOHN THomps'ort,' • J p tliya i tf i fe til t et JAMES COUPE* T. E. DALE,, • • ~.JAMES INIARBRA L- lOHA .. EW FR, • (A J MEN'PA JERSON' ;.' A AM .111 . TARE MROCM If l P/A/nalTair War' 'o'ittitilni OR S l =Vito thersikuniposon at 311 % AIN. ~ ';•iipaiiiretirt MX! BMOU).-ClllWPooldesta. . •tlf .'lltsteuzetalfdekito , Metelftere A t igIYTIOR ILBELKEI I, LlLAC pitr)&llo Italbs•dit it at , Assentat, ea sa. *. Uit.“ . *Olt to IS ap at ' 'RankEit helAties Cod tee. that the ortho of Exasstemramtk , iOF P/XISBUROifi eterdesset speletes aav (t"oeq,n t f OODDID tgwp o lu ind ikor., de reatayt4ileranrf oV.Xf•iistsig . 11PI I , /Li: ! '6 1 1 43 1 4 40e1Tit,t kaajt; WL:c e t, ' „ avii_ g Ebet, 4 'llLi q 7 4 .lgt 'the colvemet oc;ctit. , euti‘s VilaW; urdat Man ol the renos'ehlldese of David ileser,dee.d, • wilt effer at Pub' a eale,,skthe COURT HOUSE, In' the Oily of Pitmen'% JOS , HATUB.u/LY. gY Me, M mu k .10 o'sdoek _venter 'i Ire •LOstdh: 'gut; Utty rittanneo, erre, tele es' the' terser , oY ifee asel•cl'ortecetzests,llll. Wee keit, betagio!.g . . Pit irift-Ppo-lett.=alk • i.tiZe it., lkh o ey A wk - 4.3 odd 'Alto 111 to telt elahl eletelrilkirroy= aby 111(linl e belog.tfes'. news said pixel soda lateen, sorsa of . Disposed Illuestreete.. *by 11 . 4 f a i leolO r tgl t end u/d phise hut itd. her - tote. 156 tee of these wears le as 111 May ittie, - led.othere 'lse Teri for stone eiturrlasi as will be 0014 separately of Jet tcogethe, sad few tenu et ebleee4,' - J. W. F. lea 7'tßh it .W Li t : EL LEM(); MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, A1NDA1L1,T31.2.71211:711111 veto tit _ nd Sin . Olt a San Emus. . . Part:index attention is Minted to his tate Ink. moretsents le JARS and .701b715, which see of. to e d - s o th e ppm ro,roo world.' .Thry am all made -of Sid yinms Sligo end Lots Moor Innt, hammered exprrealrfor these tools. These tools 'remade to ArfIia.RDSIZES, es that the Piairsad Seekers of any. ,one ,Sgrell WWI and llt it.. 0110 of any ,ether let et hit rsanuftetere, ,bearing the same number. ,STEArd ISNOINI Wand Ifsobine Work 'made tO order at his -Shop, on. 01110 STREET, near t e corner of &arm. street, Allegheny City. Pett.ofbee box . . . . , t3l.TheUltt . PO E T . /Boris, ha, No trouble to eptlaert PALL'S SICILIAN HAIR HEN RiTER wJI, otos. Um tolllog oat at %behalf to fair d ' a it oiverriaws Iit*A.LLIBLE PILE SALVE win °meth* moot Oditiliatil owe. , • ••• • • • • • - • . 'Dr. BUOU.A.NIIS GERMAN nrrrEns. will core Liver ilowotalat_pao maaratly. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAJE, for tht aura at all Lang *Seat ono.• .TINS ]WADI -N'. FLAIR DRESSLN CI, will re done II air "o Da Mena] rotor. - PALMER'S COSNErIO LOTION, a remove "Prlplotelow,lliont the' akin. ~ BI 'S FWEILLNE. tot . belfylng,. pre. bg the hob. Kept eaastaat'y odliastrat GETTlttii. BIRO - In i tei . Xarket How, eek i lik .. A. • T. PRO CIA:NATION —BY VIRTUE OF •it a resolution petted blahs Selech are Cow Coon Itouneds at their meeting Cm the eta testa hemby give notice nut arrelettioa se the Ist and 9d precinitiof the Fourth ward, Allegheny,' will be behren TUESDAY, the Inkster of the present wont* to acpply the plate' made vacant Laths ICtru ten mutinca CcSndt. httim death of Philltp It kilt The ied Mamma of said ward (IA iuti precincts) will heretnr,take notice, that an election will 6* bell on the day Stated, Ott Weird th e hours of andi o'clock,' it the natant Omura bathed electioes, thee and Aker*to'elso(tol:4ll satinem• cut, to thaCemusasOmmen. • bo l gila kercdeS electi t la tre il irti ll)° llwlts bora ' pet: of aselthe election. will now be beidtt the Sali:o1 Roust., saiDard4rtreet. • • - -JOHN MORRISON, Mayor. Crrr Attecirturr. Apra is, tett It - AILEY FAURELipIic CO :P LT: BER S. GFw~imiiiues puma= weirts.pre. DU,Lrega irt MASS WORE. PUMPS, eat every,sartetr et , • _ epeB ' • WATER - ,-oas OR sTriAm. KNABE'S PIANOS, e•re;athic idiardsozes - aAlausetatca, eta pd la the axle Yoe 0 a17,11. . j. a . vmmt . orris , ir!..trzz. .Arffi r at glib lanai. awe .amat. GRUEMEN DESIRING BOARD "In* pLAss 'Hamm, con • bo slowooktated' either bi tbe do" or week ovlikier6o. IIbAS SEOrnilD -REMOTA IL—We km this slay mowed 14.11 liWilivref NO. lecia4Bl2 ten MN. sasstinsrs , beinat*•rpostoe turetama . stasui 91 ;Mom *mum a. 00. Pins o; APrUMA. tAM aid/ .WWlNO,WootaLLltritStbtati64. - .K, . . 'Real Estate Agency, sad dealers to OIL AND OOAL LANDS la Penkulylvaold. Ohio sad Vlrdiolo. Otat ?WSW (hraobt) LIBERTY STREET, !roiled . PITTLIIIIROU, PA. FANCY GOODS, litAtiKiTS - CHILDREN'S CARFUADES la arm vorkti, & ap id lxiStrA - E YUL7LTIMBRILLA rotirEs PATENT UMBEELLA Lout STAND. Pte 'from SI 00 %toned.: rot tale br 100204. i " g tiltirEttutet. Ii ZAVIWUL LOCATION FOR A SU kEtill/ENGE.7—Elght acres nf cbolce land for- sale, boy tag fneyst. Shade Trees. ;Situate between Uaklapd Red East Liberty, easy of semi L Passeaser Hallway, froalleg oa the outrne MII Nose; boenele by ornperty of Mrs. bleFsrisfuli Jobe P. Haulm, gag., Mr. Murry arm Ulan& Apply , to 14 CUTHBERT k &MR. M Market SE - li , (Mt . ) t clar told Por•ltne..; 150 rsrrels Apar.: a Pr n,o Wilk It Io Ptf - I . t. 11.1 IL( }',ITTERSON. AYMON C C I.. Nov. WO end 762 Penn St., Strott , a new Visa. lop laltbbls Lake Herrin;; 50 do Wune nab: 25 on • Lake Salmon, 26 do . Lake Trout. For lode M. apls • J. 11. CIANFIEL.D. B — UTTER tbolf bbla 11011B,ott a; 10 boxes do; - p:. kcgs Packed do. For sale by 10,- 805, J. P. CANFIELD. QEED POTATOES. . i 00 Ws Buckeyes sod Pellet. Mows; 40 sacks 10110 Peach Moat; S 4 IEO Libcaty sines. ;soli ' WM. P 11M/1t te. CO. lATIP.-20 kegs Prime Lard, received •A-A pod ter - sale ry I'ETZRR & ARMSTRONG, apt? corner Market sod I fret sores. X OTI Cis TO ]RUND EA L MRS —lt; tont none Shoe Iron in store, tar solo low, to store tLe tonslgnsceot. ISA lAD DICKEY & Of). VALUABLE TIMBER LA.ED FOR Al.H.—Tile and a half miles from Hillside Station, Fenesylvealasitailroad. llel 4 S. 01.3 II si.SONS,ISI litadtet Rt. bble choice Flint receivei end for salt by apla . FE TZHR & ARMSTRONG, _ comer Market end First streets. I:CK CHEER LUBRICATING OIL 11 —SD barrels lb el and far sale by J/CS m . DALZELt k SON, app el and :o Water street. rHEEBE7 -- WO bows W. R Chrese; 100 Co lisaiburg. For .0101.1 anla J. B. OANFIF:LD. Tad/48.-23 Wile Prim — - Prime WiiircT B eans,n for sale by • , Bpi J. R. CANFIELD. C — IDER. —2O 110 i Choice Champagne, re• celTed And for onlo 677 bris PETZFR & AR MST RIM*. 17005.-0 barrels Freklt Eg,ga reixi vcd diy end , cie ode by flat R. U. JLUX,I mad! Diamond. a . ».c,~=~ i .c,«:..-:~i:r1-J H ~ i<4t...,i..,~~re ~'h?~y a:r.k.,r'~kva -'~~.:u. JP 4DPER TIS rx.r.r-rs. DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT. NEAT AND APPROPELATE • Afouirnr.thrtir itetigire TO COILMENORATE THE . #1.1171 OF lIIESIDENT LINCOLN ' - • • . 'With Portrait:of the Preadent" ' • F64.O•ALA.,AT,. I•rtnOLEUM. , ITHE NEW •fORK RIVD LIVERPOOL ..X 2 'Fi_troaberimi• Comipaaciar cutdiartkril. +SA *arra Alai It,ior: i ! ), !P I :F# SI . r • ini! . 1 1 * 811 . 72 .04 1 7r•Itutt • cuirrrAt t ota _ LaLLAss, ANN •ilvimPLll THOXIII/AND SRAM*. $lO .PER. 87LORE. - Dubsertptton Pito% Five Dollars per Shlart; Not Liable to' DAV= inesisteat. 0/420Mi No. 114 EMPIRE-BUILDING. 'POST OFTW E DWAY, NEW o:e,34RZEN NOE N , !fon. DANIEL S. DIUKINSON. Predawn. M. T.:PHIPPS, Vice /Vesicle= EMMET BASSETT Searatery. • IL J .411.111T15, NU de; Suparlataadaat, TEA& Cite, Pa. AI'LANTIO BANE, Na. IC Broadway, N. 1.. • Trauory. ,The wells cd the Company are now producing Pairs:eat tar Mock may be made la drafts, Nes. tared notes hr Gorerament bonds cad secuntiss. which - bondeand securities will belitken at UMW Remittances may bead/mm*l to the CoMpellYl' P. 0.11. .No. 6,,M1 New York Oar, or to 4 .ll.tautte Rank, Treasure of the New York sad Ltverpo.l Petroleum Company. No. 14! Iliem4way, New Turk (Int." • • mh2l THE NATIONAL MINING AND STORING COWAN! • la now folly organized, and has eonunenoed bush nee at their temporary *Moe, leo; ti lit WM STlthil:T, (up stair.,) Pittsburgh, Pa., and aro now prepared loco a general amines. in Bums sell- Reaping, Storing and.. Forwarding .OIL S The Works ars on the banks of. the.Alleglrmy river, above the city and will in a short time be amiable of troundectruht EIGHT lITINDRELFShRECICLS OF REFINED EL PER WlnElgorldchwlll best the best quality sad in trim. mamma 'ft la UM design of this timpaay to make a andedear brand. for export,and et D elos Wlll be spared to 10111 It that character. [try will also give the forward ing °fell to robin east or west, partienbir attan• tion, and natal. branch of the business will have unrivalled faddlltiles, as 041011 will be taken fron, the boats to the ears by nischlnery, sad thus Mold all wharfage, drayago or delay. parties coadgm log their. Olt to us asp' rely on having it lent through4lol promptitude sa d armada. the Vastest,. Salta Oapttal of Mll,OOll, Whit tilla "Malang Mamma PreeMent—A. at. MARSHALL. J. G. LANERII, lIILI --...' e '• ,~.. 3 ~ ;~~...., . . Seenetan-1.1. ISERINGEU. Treginuer—J. Bloetnig. tanntora—A. 1!& Warehall..7. P. Plana& Jamas Old. J. T. ii.laeidd, Latina. Elrk..l U. Lin* &U. E.'eller, David Kirk and W. Hamilton. LIB nur . runendadd. aw dßm Aa 31 anagar—D4TLD • ConeeMsdraee and wawa aoltaltad. lad all.owie wuninsUan to be sablionebte Iratioualltaring and lathing Company, .abl4, PITTSHIVROW, TA. RELT RSV UOT LON • ' CA St Deetrieg le . the pmblie .11a iippoMerlihmatile polids itt • FRICX% p!ereeeteelletulth - l!l e •Ifeekte ' - • Asa the tepiereter WAN@ la gerelesede tlrw~elna r zi e&,z i Nt t imm iHer MOE ellitittlie 11 Lad allasea pegs aseeeteam • 101 asee w eaelen 'WWI% Desseels, ' Tiro abi rtifti Pty eau" Neel VII Clothe, 'Maw be, TinistParst•Mdzilreisee solemildee per seat. Kaman k comas. 71 mix IMF= gram. Nest smi to owe. Holm ma P. a SIAPI 9 . 142 , 14 1 TAP LI t w —T a tt p ! OHIM 1bred 41 03.7.t.h.J, ett4fa, eetualwiedgee V: 4 ll4'peMl=eir i alett litaa wt od mew Is Us elespoewheiblai OW Streamer monlas owat; tan. wilkola tozlaktt• • oe the huge ease *beagles the , 14. CM he wied AK Nefewnee I. Mole with eleietwe the eelOiAbei rettligatilij esseallaie hos **Alums well bases la tateeoleaUtelle. Ye 10010 every. !Wane feud at lartrtered . gseirkr=tiereffeeire y.fa: Theitendi NEleveyere Its inalve Sear Mein Wei ed , me extols rely la war teetrelatiA we have so teelteltoe seetlfiliw ghat la wee lease r.dedrehly adapted ha the m of the solders. See deeldedy. the most eupwter Soap Will oh mid be weeetre tat the eetyl. a. • _ Aline A. MIN iQuettiewaster nth Kee. ALEX. Ws , R 41,711. etwatetweetet Mb Keg, , lit. K. 110011ZZAth. lAtlArterellater ISLA lied. anAPE VINES, , ' Faun TREES, 611=118E8 nuns a* Gmuniscri annum. Atsak, Cospass mod ithuritemeas. Told 4WD /141BDWAIIE 0ENE1124.. ar Play stoat Jam metro! at * SUOMI. No OHIO STREET. THR DALTON PAWLS' AND 111AIMPACTURING KNITTING MACHINE, The simplest and marionette, taltUag lifsehine ever Lliiitetei. Instruettots rms. Usll tutd cm, them to operation, or send for circulars an 4 p . B. P. CARPENTRE. GENERAL A.LI ZZIP.II I'l rra int!Ual Plttablimts. '2 ) TEAMS RxresitiEsci, (net ttuLt PROF. REIB;D'S ZALACkNITIRC OTh laths onlyrrallOble eon for • Thotirnallasn, lleftralgia„ eta Moire*. and Palos of 011 Kinds, Still sold at the old prl:e of 211 omits per boW SIMON JUUNSTON, Solo Agent, eP wnr, Smlthdwid •nd ith e•.a L~EaiOVAL.—DAV. UItAWFOHD, Commission Mental la pig Altaila, Blown, de. has removed his °Mee ont• No. Ibti WATER • to litUth LI/ riF NITIAJD end .1 , /ltsT S 'TEE. ibter Peopirs' Natinonl Book. The Irirti eon ,co- dal Lut bras coined on In rill its brooches. Cosh toooocroi marke consignments solicited. / a-Beier& to the bon Manufacturers of trim MY. ais7thod STEAM. DIEING AND SOOURING I.lartry purchased the Interest othir. John Ether, dectaat d, In the estahl ut No. So Islnwood Alley' / stn prepared to accommodate the public la all the branches of the above named. twain., with heatnelta and lleptteh. - a pl_2:l wd JOHN SMlrfi. , NOTIOE. • THE AUGUSTA OIL COMPANY harlot( bold Its Interest have, by mutual consent, dissolved said' Company from this date. April 186 h. Undnisbee to - nine's settled at No. MI WATER riTREET. spud Prrin:eon, April U, its*. rpm BOARD OF DII/EUTORS OF ' the.l' COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY loud thin day declared a dlvtdend (No tit of TWO fel PER 0}.217. on the t apttalStock, payable on THURS. DAY. the Perth Inst. aptalsr N. WESTERVELT. Secretary,. 4J. •rttner GraGOS ar. SCOTT, MON CITY DlAreli WOP‘s Sumer al areal sae Siveoth Dibro kialidl4 0c4.11 stroatti S CF. ILe us. A3IERICAN NAIL AND NAIL MACHINE MAN UP AC TURING - COMPANY, Of Pennsylvania and Maryland. capital MO.OOO. • MOO semi. ran TAINS M. PreeMen4 — GEMlT THOXAS. wrinnr.towtr w.. :**Fiftrimulaw trwiebuni 7mm llowvolews 0. rI. W.u.arnai. *bur. delphis E. G. Rualtiro Balthoore arrar & :5 Whe.EnbseTipttoe Moak for the 4'04 shskof oobspany is n + 01411 at the ,Ilehklzt Helm Of ADAMS & LETM, No. X 4 ',Okeetant.street. Pbp*Oflrhla. - . ' idling to toliko'•ft irrottidad tired lout quivrownettialir'invited to esitionateim. 4.l)Aa7e a LEVlSortur win givo Meta futtliff r iatoroation,oOd will show -theft tire ;Wieling:l, running oD4 oakum wails. • • par 4,4iiirthre, wi Maim 'for otOlitliotloos over iniothen in use ere: Tb 4 they, produce a more infest nail, with • hetterlaid, aid fewer Imperfect That..they . effect Weaving of not Jail than fifty per cent. in the grinding of halves and dies. Atta the.mattfaca being ntiVadirsg. Mei Offnot a saving of fronalfty to seventy-liveper Tant:ln the lalWr a eutttog Patties &cling sit , inteiese aid &striae to Sub. terlbalwlll please eall. and "'famine forthosuolres. &rola 74 • TEM • NONPAREIL WASHING MACHINE, Patented and weaufant mod by OLSGET tKH AT. 11.11, New tork. has been before the rublia slue April, 'that. It le now to mmont,re twe tmeuthont the loyal Starr s ..n experience bs. de atonstrated that it la the only tell rb.n Waottung I.laciime la en.. latepee.. - It is • sqtrzrzuiro MACHIN strong, sada, 'twills and eaey Ito operaion, aud Orti lloble to get out - of order. - lt to COW ru^ted en .tri mly me. chaalcal minetales,and solely with a view to utility are durability. - A ghivr boy MS operate I. satiafeatority, and It wiry begged on to Anted OW wort- wittout .asetrianee f rom Rand rubbing. It guaranteed Rot. to /glare Ike howl garment. ' Theis gent here ima VelliStlre in submitting the fallowing eatr.cts from Testimonials 1 hare an hesitation in saying that it is by far the twat imehine of erhintt I has any knowledge, and about ADits:treat anyttitng of the tumid Goa are.—Dr. D. 11 Ferr7i respect it igloos satire soil ,fsstlort..,- /Yr. Jas. rathrson. Pralrksi War skater College ..Ih.4 u , romp s•f the mnehlaw to aot mots labor/. 'cue than that of on ordinary grled•stoee.. Wrist bands, cellars, hems of garmeuta, and the Bout laces, eon to thoroughly weaned with wit Injury; el it roes cot ROA but 10131111ta the cloths. nit ectosourleal of time, Lobar sad soap., mid it tee :leno hued Co becoure,usiverwrlly, a domestic lostita• tine Joh* Doryfci, Ardor First /trforwcd'Pre•. Lyirriss Merck, Pittrourga.^ • ' . its genre. I use coonet fall to giro sattsfsetina to loran • Groom, Partar Fount O. P. Church, Pitrelowyk." "It has been tamp family for latent mouths— performs all that . has boen elstmed for it well; and la p great saris!, of zinc 'rho, and eloirres.fer. `John G. Brows, Pager Third 14,P. °larch, Pair eurfrit.. , It does its work with neatness and dispatoh. end does it irelL—Bes. •. O. W *Race, Wegmerstang Pena.-^ alnebluen and ("Uvulas, eontnlalig sU ndoosiney tarcuination, man he had from H. J. X Oldooolll. Acesa. UMW Zwitvertsw (Moe, No. %I Tklni stmt. sec. ood•door, Pluanuta, No. *admen and ultimata* tan t>• had olio from d. ON k UM, MI/IMM llogrobanu, Now Ow tk, 69141 woad SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN =vs SPEAKS or rus Wit aeler Sewing Machine, WWI mad big tosuldered b y th ose 'ho babe I* parttime Os Bay FAMILY MUMS lesElbutes • snot may Ilaritrto fees... Joel bona_nion porta of tho gooney, anciaalhenntet riply to than al ti aaalf. wirbigretlgottlalt prank to state Intr epbb You elpfd to Mem to 4111 glib* maw. We 'Uri" •••Il . pai•itiossinbmitiored by tk• • liflieier a Winos illontfuttuniik Octopaay, sad *nista emir to 'Ow! to ,it.. 1411“ Li lathes nail. It la staple, not .sal: put ?at Of order, Oaf,* kit of at/tampion! sate! ; siakei msatisaaita aura of tt. Irk etW , eas site ta toped lathe eaaallna noadas ipcie ear eine Company h.., made art ein, doting the hat tans wsktai, pypiijiikabuisiami miaow . producing sad selling Ilenvlsy ?bay rap Is prigs Irani Itin to Vie, 1•• malign .WOl4 ogoe beat. In that floating ten* It Oyer lacle,ooo toned. Ind they Yam tobOntis terelorly employed anutinturiag madam Ito mien paned is tbo nag as that lidopted.laille sasehbeturssf snot nen neoliblOobl • to a May. lincossao - the tads of. sag naablite may be tango posoll.oritiCtbon of abotber =ebbe of lbe NMI sixs I pr should sadden emir, tfa broken net ail .letniellately be replaced ea applicant.% at tn.' Maws= No. 117 Efth St., Pittsbutgit hiITED .PARTNICRSHIP.—Afe, the eubserlbers, base this day eatimel tato fled yetteetsblp agreeably to the .of deniably el the Cohmenwe -HA of Peansylvaolsispyroyiel "hitch ;ask and do hereby . eettiry I. 'nag t.ka . hasee and Style under whleb said Parlnarehlp . Is. do Lye • eiradueted, Is 1111,111hrt YLBQ6RIt • 11. 'taut Ike general nature of the butane ter Modell to be trarmoled. In the business of Running 0401111 or htl Ifni imen certain preeitsea situ ate on the Allegliefy Rivet in Pitt township, Al. county; and Mara of Penns. Iv* te„. -; a lbw. thegenirral part are PHILIP WEIS. ;ER fißliatft, whose place of madden's la toss hor agi:, or Taw eve...ovine, A le/inane County -sod _m 'State of Nonitisstits, a n d - JOHN • WEtraata. Whose plasm of residence is the burough r eonntp 'nen Mule aforenatali sat the Nada! Mutsu. are 1...111401..1. .1. BRILEY, whom plase _l4 row -deo., I, I.nw er sit Ulatr township. in the flaunty 4.11 rant. awered, enr• 3 A ht}:4 04.7trii NEIL whase plan e rtsidenee is the YourA Ward, of ite 'anti of, Pritabuyit, in the musty and Mate . . 4.1 bnt !Le amount of capital ,whleb epecial enet• el lial • CottrlbutetrtO Utz eant noo stook la ni !acorn Tte lei•obis. J. Itigteutots Te. Tboliedad Wien In nteb. nod 004160. es tYclonmir • bna so antilelbtaid Ted Thoolitu4.3,l-. Ova It veto. G. 'II tit _the oeridd at which nAld i'dttoeeaVt. to eon Menne I. the 11.11:41 Ii or' '1 t.lto t 1 0 . 60, end t nr iwro.) 46 1,1110. It l•tit ••••m.t,te 113' the 1 JAN Ca 111, !.- esti Pal toeraliiit •it•Il h. sooner - fr0t , t5....1 I') ten dart notice In weltLuir of Om election to alto Intro call PA ttnetallp, which each of 5.11 rift fing:glatolinthiln'tel the cht to g n i tgc h e io.fce*nPar co-partner, tattoo tidal Lees been Clad And recorded and pulir Itrbed. - lo acoildnnee itn the p•oelelont of tlitn., ,11th pection or tho Act of A:men:ail., 'Watch. tt 1601. said l' it atoll be illstolt . ell la /.1111 IP - Vt . LI stNIILRO Etc,/ ,„ , „ •-v rarLners. Toi^N WEILEI _ JAMES O !""NA.ER.I F pedal Partner. N. 'J .1110LEY, _api2A wd S . t. BRYAN* KOKER IN Suns, BONDS k . REtL EMU, WILL I3LY A 151) SELL STOCIS litre al d in Noir York or Phlidelphla Without furthe r charge than the REGULAR COUIMIASIONS *it *Wished by the [Mani■ of the respoCtive titles, tope: • ' sB; lt@H ItA TF.I4—I In , tdckt the rrisrket ;race of sallo, 1s $.2 nr under, :4 percent.; over 12 sod up to 4121 percent- On Stocks telling from $l2 to fGO the sum of 124 cents net obsre, gnu on ttucks telling ►t 160 or over, one-fourth of _one per eenL NEW' 61111 K BATES—On Stock'. the .mAmket .rAluo of which is 66 or under, five cents pot share; over that. In cent,. . , PII.II.ADELPHIA . HATES.-6 , 4 sue 12 'riint at name print. 01. Urders Otte Hours: 8 a. aa. to 6 o'clock p. m. Ho. 59 FOURTH STREET, THOS ern! - JOHN DAUM= TEEL It BAILEY, • ttockEreiters. and Heal Estate Anent! st tr easimot. add said r emitters!) , oa I p. fay!, WILEUtiI .filLtaft ORAILA.U. WM": u;w=i~„y..~ .~. xy , _ r. c ~. y Fh n 5 ,r i ~ ,~. ~-~ ~ Y z'~ ~+r~ r v ~ . y g ~,~i,W... ~ JrETV .11)'PER TISE.MEJrTB2: UNITED STATES 7-30 -LOAN. By authority of the Secratere of the Treanzl. the undo:rimed Ma amemed the Gamma Sob tha.eath_rif Maned althea_ T eta% Mader Sena sad three Vieth, . . pa eat. lartarsth, per assay Yaowaaa the SOVen - PIiXtY,L O A Tuft Nitta mem ' tear.fat. $ll J taw Mk ' I Ara Dania On nat. Itelatkiii 0 7"ll4,t,WlNaneil•Wit 044010119ta1a tow Liu • ' 11 . & Mk- An** GOLDBEARING BOP:M. .!:TbOtil b.O vs **** o** **id**. ereass'ijok selii4. in Ow** . letuy.4l4: fts, trim r semtioio eimiatipt,wdei g th li 0 4 1 * - i 4 * tce ierricos,l oikw ia4 1,2 4! . 10 0',,P, 11 0f„bY P 9, 9* *solied SW , *Pr */#,../.* 6 4 31 0 1410 . 116 /;itc4lar se* or bomber. -t wie £ ~c'au6ccuu to • Cant per day ba $2O. pots. . • aniiiN " N .Oa 7 * '' Tea ; " " 00 " 20 N 1. " 11000 . u • $5OOO Votes of all the deaomMotloas wooed mill be promptly furnished opoh root* of imbeerlptloot . Thls to TEE ONLY LOAN IN MAR now Gahmd by the Government, lad it is cond. Scaly expected, that ita superior advantages Great Popular Loan Of the People, Less Wu . 5W4000,010 of the Lone auttaoetzek by the la* Goesseme tomb in the market.* rds amount, at the tate at which it la-being absorbell, will be iabeerlbed foe - wttlto four months when' the note* wlh. twdoebtolls command • persalvak, ati has uniformly been the came& catalog be seheariottolle tto other Loa/. r la order that the altiseaa _at even` tows and autiod of the eattataw - ,isup, be agerded hidings for taking the loath the NatioWal Batks, State Bask% wad thirst*lselters thrweihout the eeeet try here genera agreed I. receive sabtaripticate at par. gabearibera 11111 ealeot their owe agents, la whoa that tate eonfidelea, Lad who ealj are to be responsible tar the delivery of the notes to • which the/ retina orders.' lAY'COOEM. IMurription Agent, nqhMphia. SubecripUee. Will be received bribe Balk. rte. Beast *. • Pima * • - PtYti Neadge IMMO ask rintbarst.l% 11111 Ink st Puuunie. " • illywri . l•o6lo " *• • " Fides- • Aftatiti ; MOW • • *MI " Pict{ 4 • • r •gfpa!si* femo.s..? • • PAID IN 46 YEAR'S $17,000A00. Net. Aesets, January, 1865, 11110,077,13813 71. FIRE no INLAND NAVIGATION LISLE. &ItAgonies In all the. plittotpal 01111. ant Town* hallo ratted segos, , _ • Applleations for lastinoes win ,De promptly' It. ttnded to and Polfalas tuned ttk • , LA: cagaraa amp., Agents, apitaind fin TIITTRTR STREET Irivritisha. BANK, OF PITTSBURGH!, S. 80TERNMIXT DEPOSITIMY l`rm.ualT, April, IV& Qum...rt.:a' report ornate losok pohlempl In cos [omits . . a , h the Art of [longer. effitibllghloarr4 • e" , WO C 9 -.... y.I.A.LKI Onrlll,l 1 or bete , •itere - ...... ........ .-- 1,01.1,383.16 Dieideuda unpaid NI payable on de mand) • .1000 Conttheat Yundtenerred In cantonal- , ty arab National Hank L0w...-... _ SAMS Additional Contingent • an paaer - r - ell by special licabibtioit et flour:lot DI. ... • recto rs- . - . i . .. .... twit'ad iis ipna,i4i) .4... av X - c it,633/381.16 . Lonna nn..l.lMatoonio $ oceli,sss as but. by Barks std Bankers.-- • 259,19471 Duo by Huolta (mpeelal) pay able In:ffold, • 8,4de.113 ()old and eolyrr Coln la Vault of flank 89,900.1111 B mita wares from Hanka In tranaf t teal ,63,5310.% 1' t.. Leer I Vcmlen and Mink .... Notes ..,. ... 17:1,00 Draft and ..... 48,461.39 U s..l . rengony Notes --- MI , (fold Banda 1311.30 V. S. 10-.0 Gold 'Bonds PyrrAisrrenrr, April ad, IStA (JITY P 7 PPP11.11,301111, 110111. TT OP PA., P.TAIP o•P PPP PPTLYAIO •fl lieseona 4l siviwared °mom me a Notar Publle did) rommieelnotil and sworn Allen Dunn Cash er oi the Fourth National Hone of Pltuiburgh , dui) ii•orn, &polies and etatethe above Sbiten.rint fa correct "131- true to the best Olds kniugleAke and belief.' . ALIEN ft UNN, worn end subacrlbed before me the EMT watldate abote whitten. S. N. arISAI NOTARY PUBLIC. STEEL A. BA ILE Y, STOCK BROKERS, 111 ALT. rattleniar attention paid to the putrohaae and tole of atocka l PATES OF COMMISSION : • 011 Ftacksitelllng at Id and Wee, per cent. . do.. St and UP to *IS. I dn. dts, -dn. ; .SOO,IMO shut ..."34 • 150 and ortr;----Wor tisr oat. ItaML9 eIJrD UNITEDBTXTFA 7-30 11,24 oa, n . MD NATIONAL Bin kua_,~LANII iinet ui Ma gig TISCUIL . AWAIT OT TIT, UNITS 9 STET7/9 *ad SPEOLIL AGEIST et loqilsitka, 9. V. Agesi b e the Mk " • Seypn-Thirtir Loan, tOFIILAII LOAN OF VIE FEOI9II Only Local In the Marke,t i. q.. 1 64 0, MC ACJIT oars niAarttrat souse: aa-übena triTliatteliSto Chii44? MU NATIONAL - Bin •. Of Pittsburgh, COEL IBIZTN AND WOOD IitTIDDVS AUGUSTUS HOTTILES, Prickust& SPRINGER HARBAUGH, Vies Presidia& GEORGE A. EMILY. Cubist. Stla Bank - Inviter tie,actaountm of Banks, Hank• Govenament SeeuritiOr of ell IdAls bought ma Old at current Wes: As SPECIAL, AGENT or Say Cooks, Nubia*. troArowiLlbolooolvocitOt tho POr•ular:i7-80 Loan. This lota it saw being shy:o'llth thb rate . 8 .90.0•000 l a .ór 7:384#. and Wag asavertibla into prnes:banda k ar r A Pew alrse l Tu inipe N ztor wnw lades Ulan me sank a sea and prollabl Lama. neat.: . ' Litotil ions:deems on this loss will beillowil to all Osaktri La Government ougntritlia! GEO. A. NED . LlZ,•Gashier.. rteamt retrirritrcercoirar. C. 8. floperassoff • airy, • Yrriazamig,reariati rea • '31V1116 BEEIVALTIIPOINTER • Special. JAY COOKE. Cr. S. Agent for the 740 Loaa, We Ohr Illaidaddiabl . • bavestmeat aupii partriani. Tie Wm sails alas ot $5O, $lOO, $500,61,000 slid $5,000, Taliferrable 111 1. 154,141,1 - AVM NO4l.llFt. Dasedimilisble seamithismiedliaig at eM rai of $4.000.000. PER DAT, LSD IN A Vat Aniirt2l3ol ' , • .3111/t. be. at a 2Prashass. • • Arai' Vigilant; arakia, , tiliationi: par, /musses UssipaabroaCall ••• • • aii is bowl evoryameir • smut *WOW. 4 9 0,,1 410 4 ;PAM Mit44.4 0 lerizt 1 4. • . ' . 74 9 12 M 133 ;Mi l a;7 1 7N ident . • • • ALLEN DUN N. Polder . COUNTRY BANKS. • FOIIRTII NATIONAL DANN, U cliffbrnmertt pepositaiy, • )nyitesenee 'ad luicsusts from COVATRY BANKS ATM MIMS SOKial and Favorable Faolaes WITH AS itzgARD3 INTEREST ON BALANCES AND IN Furnislang U. B. 7030's xrcors. remzpswAxamr. • TAIMES o'ool6loll, Preatdimt. /JAEN IMAM. Cashier. ivilattt SPEOILL NOTICE' • FORTII: NATIONAL U. B. - Government Depositor , PITTSBUItI3II, FebraN7 4td, t 604 This Back to Authorized to motive motley, PAYABLE AT 4Q DAYS NOTICE, (After 30 Days.) Bearing 13 Per Cent. Interest, AND ITUNLSII DITOSITOB WITH CASHIER HON. F. E. SPINNER'S (IL 8. TREASURER) CERTIFICATE FR THE SADIE. • It tahned that Mb NEW AND DESIRABLE arrangement will meet with the favor at the entire community g and as the advantage et obtattang als per cent. interest Gemmel payable as abase, eon. meads, men, we treat a large - dexasa4 at wary will bit obtained Government. - . , JAIL B ovonnm, President. arrxix tram. cue,, ' ,kw • ; } Y NSW GOODS, JUST ARRIVED, AND TO BE SOLD AT PANIC PRICESI Got 4 &rasa Nose for Lailn at 1150 akill pairs Item4l.ltaluol Liam Haskal *kWh, 1111 gnats • riecah um =aates Oesiat 76=pal , ": ,WOlOlll6/004at • m l i• et. ;i RWRITE 40118 0)-11BRODEK - 70:1: Cluirnie ‘;;Aiareilita Laois . ; • 13pdaftz11 .w ititliti Bprtas aati sw w. sal r zezeY AND TEE we bereielie hew:••Amecthe • - Binh 4211/likibabied' ItateralkLita die Silk sash, the seesZtaisbatit Cella is saw spite a/ &imp, &lull um • 'rtrt .1 1 ,;L"'• ; 4 : 010ITLEZET8 0001181 ; 4.1 =M:=I ' Ito Shirts lives *Cup-- - • .• iiirlikerckasui Eagle? 741 limo nit Luse, ihilit(istauf. sa4t, J , Pi*": ma JEW - alti~ink N E Y? e c 3DB .‘ Priem Bail* 011:601d at OW . _ ral g °l44 * l 'qg l . 1 1 1 1# (X)• 3,47c0i5... 1.7 I.db tuve,b4t. °pew' . a gileaas;iaultii*sedi =truths eniAibitc ceir GOLD BOND VRF GCOIO,. NOirelibill of the , ileum z - ,!:7•:.: - Lkmums*Ityin5; L owAiLarer seam ' raw . . . Auxu3omiaines. tfoo . . to Which theclntrite the attention of the ladies. EATON, .1111UMUM A CO. 317 and as Pifth;,oolL. ft E D'T,1"...5c1..10:111:: .!IL4) - .':,'.,..'ftt - ,',6o:.:,Tps , ;: , ,tegtk , XLit duetill:on COTTON GOODS semis ~ • • •1•4•;,. EA:3:I M===l Wl* ' • i neßfe " F l Llgiiiit ' i • A '71l.•,:::;..-,1t;',4.1,14tbilitt sok - itt.„ ,. .7•41.d asi - _•, - ::. 1 -.mow .• A . - 11 Z To. at:7;24 ' ALlt.isspiatedused sal lil•sliribut. , 7oalisiiiit. Map** , , u.,!• mP:W.,e491).; Drums STRAW . luimailia. - tkidieesfik.,lnewaitaa traw l ; . . 1 Weetweideries, Ism Onedejli . . ... , =lt s Baksewal s tir: a r a r,ar scr °Med ligioui and Glam. W 0 03." Ma* - add weaW wares, ate ao snit sseueumtalt—, , , N.o.o6 o , . '' •i: ~ ~ *- ' , • .!mil.' s Fir Ali 'GOOD, N — ' ' 1 wldah *ID he roandunitatiagfattaibettirs. ' . " Having been purshased at LOW GUM) itllo- •. i we asa oftier , bmaa..L INDIOIUIU WO '..' . BUY.IOIB. Um .- , 1417 =41 1 :. ;T :i f b ro g i•T * oi 4 P llo. PM it 14 Mali 11 1 7 f sollatt's Ito* , Mert4lnti;lllifinfidiSlli,M4odtki . l l l6l4. b!doc'elyiadei4 • JOS- HORNE & OM; . ; .16 nuagErenzer. GIUUT BkigiU*isi MOORHEAD DENNISON TA 131.3fal!*ert , ARE DETER ID iV CLoSIC VITX , ENTIBA STOCK OF (Won' utaiiumenr ts b.i vidt. skt#A,. Cravats, Co em: &a. Zrabratdertea Lac* 0 ovesinosierr, Thaw Waits, Paint Lace, Co ItibboasOka. - • .432. ntriik,i-17..0t. ;wit; 4. A NEW ASSORTMENT 'Or BUT , Au..TONS, Dress and Oloak ,Ornalienta, Ihigat Campo, Chenille and Bilged Fringe,' Mash Yews tinderaleeree .Linen- Sets .(or the Moat quality,' • P!, Laeo and Linen Collars and Haiatkerchiatat Mes ov, Hosiery,: Minions!. and Hoop Skirts; • Itroslkraet . • r; Shawls and Sacquel, of all *Hem Ltathuray's.Ezo ilmeled Collar* and Cads, for Ladies and gentlemen', '. Wash Leather, (Hoses; In all size'; .Touvin'a Gloves, In light colors; Ratbon beta Mont ' order; together with a-new lot or Water Falls and Flowers. Will be/nand at •• • ALIOE ;HOWE Y'S Tiumnixxo Zia tt Fotuth street, near Perry_streell. • ; Piutimilmt Attention given to cleaning Point ana. an other *lads al Limes. - ! Mao Elm& Uwe Tells I.IE)VITT'S I . lT„trzteiiiva-RATNI-Tre : e. market. Prapared roily by • 1 Fox it 00., 14 Fciderit fit. and tor We by Dnurttita CI.OTIIES \STINGERS I. j an'sn r ti:g a lilirra l ti l gelt e fil tbi zlll l =l: th e the lulls pit:ibex Depet, No. Usod litSts Voir street. J. E FL PHILLIPS; alba gels /West. for AlleshetlY constr. . Tzxine. STEAM gYRT.TP.A. .+-• &Mc:: retell-ea - 4112es the rtoest decline In pricts, e&4 Douai! at trtall or by thit hem!' ! bi itlBN A. WEINSI[Aw.' sPIS cornriLlborto ac 4 _ I.)}..TtIOLEUM.,-100 ..e.tirta, etude .filt . !Itie_tfr .; • • IX•1•11.11191•,:-, C==i I 1 Y NOM
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