st-.,±xTs WAYTED: , Good:Tilers, Pixtors - and Bider Xakers, - AT 111 LIBERTY 04* it A 1iii; ". ,; ,.."- stow, ,7-71,Plererrad. ippts t : • " 211 X-110011-11111.11. EZM • Fr-7 ;44a Seakerriluilostwalralt sat tatttadhaillitimivi, 31:=670 4. an .101121r1. 0411-1 -YA r) .4 ' M'eltatitsletg nr t -.4lB4lllc=ti -11,F) .tty . e.r..-.1,y, LIM " 72.7134 r'tra .711' . 1.1:•1t, tP4M l ßAti4.M.,keir 9 11 r.;i :r, LCtietiplai4L:fr: LE ;4124 Intrat ' UOu AboNlLeadmektst Ann ---1 ' iii==:4lllLesepi 2. wuylid 291.9ketort r "Wilr be" ".2 ' 3ll ; ‘B L Bl4.. wM aad e : . :4 ,, ean ,44 ,„ !..... , :.l4oszpa * .PAlV l ztigur I apistae.R slikt; 44 41 'ir1. gut, • Fouleauso:44soloteaor +35.4 i ► 416.'`iXi MIZII4 Miad Oft ;reek vi%1.11 keg NO. f" oar treet.ea tee, upiid rt•teeepreilVe •lienreav LTA 1 um" " 1ar0 41 0 14 . A n ise oscp.m IUNAND .stral,..-u: 'Ott' 4 1rA Eh 'OHBA-P.-4: Iqm= i • If **moved at-le ee. Situated ear: r is glad "rioters Atreetury-Aaupairitity: • 11.41 47 . 1.. 112 az& Saucedel, Plitebutratit: F4;//rAI" ... ...... if,CO•rclk Iti.l OIL BARRELS. • ' • ' : ' CA rr. I teltinOrirs . ~ ._6 ! YffitY: ' • - • atttLetelt/. ‘ „1:7,4,, tillal,OtttlLßUS it 01793- -,: 4 Of toirtiat,:a aad :half iguana las ~, alma!, sera, ta tamoim6s la i a r d is z=tillzrzT ral appi la lain* razz, 71 Vidiaa. :.. or at Thaw. Wagon Shop; 'Warta wawa. ' IvAnznotr az FOR lIENT.Thit ~,, , . Warehouse, mo Peon street, nearly op •% poata ' 1 lira. IL- P. Depot, sow oox &pled la!Reene, Wag i • A t Ni. TIM r I ::;°tlteittltt ,`:" 4 111 Vail . .... • &Mani/ay - at Cooladlalon and Storm& &ultimo McaLiSte of 1 , WM. P. MIMK; & 004— ~ ; , ...: ,', l- ! IS Liberty stoset... , C • WOE .BALEI-Ii: LOT .01 7 : GROt7TS, +- stAttfervlitatioa,act Pl Tart I . Warn la i_a_aga *mimed, tatatd=64l4titZil : f . . It.o=B, SIM I PEROIESi seta ns &Mit e & lineetail.a. i with det.ipopiinli terliesewiltit 4 einteenl . rion. a banitihit, l3 Wit nadir tbewhais, i • &whale ~ ,L_____ltaChat wiiii hui rir - las woe. Will e• ow d:..........e. . 'WWII. Nap i • 4401 t° 7. - _, 7 . i - .7.. • 1 , , n ..- 4:2I:2IPIT_Pit. - BArBTbreer dir maitre bask puposely LM on i tb It ntbqls,(etaell _ftsai , limda,kalkit) iffik k 14,71 inigkeill's With f ere 114 Nati W . mnel la 111. restika 4 lad soldipor, map., Aruithaumaptalts and meetly . , IL BOLIS ivs, un " ^ mirk ": FM/4 ear the Po .44m.1; , - q sALS''4ja" . 83°M4D ' 11" h CI %111011.12, saug hea sewi ft 140 1.0018, LAW' li n fili lost pp picket' liskii4" Relit* eg: " re. Y ag ,Ve It #C4I I alsiapti ' r,94t tkiii Om IlindliTeill}fight DrisTmilii. : y: - M 10.11Iniramiu. wous. --- . - .. , tner airaArte. & cask A IL —of_—Ltr• : • hillitiliA . !, J: JlClPlDlZelallmaillif iiimiif, Wl*. J Lag Is inoteoatirfroat•two to Mar Ittror; Moo - wattrasottatotrotnat. am stratums of omuE rose. : - low now Oats, to alt foe; also o tag foot WO of I Ors Ilittf a ... , i , irlattle,Sto - ilog stood qiuttoport.: Iltloastratai tarot oats , Seabe e Wiwi e at' • asismiu , OU , Sadiwlttomr , COWS..Ml. ell : suit moor • ,Ir , producing pay Log onostittro os tNo •oksatio too : adage& anomie abs tows et Wailiottht. - . 7 TOW' steportt li , onoi: /MO low tom aid to WA llPWOWetwittsw or kes •11 wr teal trots C 1 T 1 4 1 . 7 .411Pk.,.. , Optil 4 r*Wilittallilt 00:, voi iPitirti otwiat,, , ',' F OlVliikLii:;;-TE N 'TVINK STORY' mum, woo edirrirsts mks 11ND TWO. . 112.11 - masts tIWet.L - ems. is Do. vtwittilidittai WWI sal aria Ittik soy • owro iota ottoalnoL .. Tli b o. prima...ft le Oesoaatty seated me WE to otsporsoot'oti nwsl twss.' rs. ohorwros of owsl.l isooocial'irtormso to prams • boas, Ode allbsto ll Otis lasset. POSONISINI . 8 .1 4111 1 aZiailViti= ft' Arl, Sutler strut, mitt Allosi llow onwoostuo. . FOB asjiira .11 j 'lO i--...- - . 1 :“..1...1 . 11 .- 1. . -04111115/aho '3lPorrs ze ...- _ _ POSte:P3IOIII . ...GIV EN _MIT. 4111 M ap. AA./MN 5i1.,31t4m a". geiriseTal. L. 0111 - BAN g oe olro ea - • .7e.T.tILIXPLE;-14113 ; Wei oilbraisyeamml Arai& Anagbaay.:: PUSLIgi i• SAAArk:4N .Aierav,lr cul t r, .iitHi mis, idai.• `D V 415 " 1 -,' a Wrefir oirroes I A'LGro. I. the eh Ihrel; PA st - i Oahe* ri with*, Diss:llollthatelleve. Da Pastor. - liktenninglon tree. Tannery i J opontr- oteesinon of oboatooo a n d o. fristate lane anit exteadsar is ibont Me intligkilr, Ira port of John Orlforat of blown mum; -monied WPM' Rook vol. . pfen 11, sod alibi.. Loselflore of _old pkur, beloo,lote essreend Ohs mi. az 4airiL. , enuodAhr.. freaks Menlo. Aroa , younde ere Warned with ikon fruit trees, ke. Lt oonitle ineZed i w sentrat Vied teakfUr v = i l lf 1 oil am a ireratat mutts% /4 la oft for saki u • whole, or to osPorert nbertorfelelewskomm end. the nernwor tamest min. be mode nay. Pooprodos onn be ;Whoop the Int et Aar next.- . WHIM ilia:7lffa."?"- iprztuc BALE.—Tbo subscriber offers beet& fiterirta r la Mir toernehlp,Allegheby astaty, Pa.,as had OW. Cato lOW, suitable for musts) oras. There are Manna 1444 aas Plato - 141ote, maxim from 8 toile wow to elza It fronts oo tba4lbleentier. sad MO, the rittsbanth,Fart, We've Velsegoltattway, and situate alms Bea taleghaa. Spanks, shots low pales from the rale eta Matt ...I) , 44e4Alltabany Quy. Trio sea to or ue drat - anattly • For team •at grapes, and le well walaredirritretal 'aevebtattlegaprlaget the Lan melsrarWett ent belyorlee op shadows e eastberst caporals Cheerer...ld ere . had orme inang f * Ls an iarketteabt ellaanso ft ob. er the &est oa , the Ohloitlerr. -It to betleved tti hash, had proa en! for- 6 .tty «Ala ...toWercif larval* to Ana freser 'emery: lb* • tote lent be trots of Pesuu Slur es_ the raters,. on L'ari t ttSb v!, - ,the - orth dal& 211410434 , m ,,Zic r rbollss i reet s.s 7 :sg to .011 panul:sort: farther cloves - unit la ern Kw. re, lad rdta myeftiro snlestother._ an the Premif:9l .1401181. A ft: •' apilndou FQ7' AFLIMIA--A inmtiraltrible FARM in toWelltdpi'Vestmenlaad many, ionialninvoleou.iwa mot, Imptcnon.nad s plop •efio. a STEAMi s it II Or my sill Or coheir _purposes, wittl , ll/cseestlegi, ins:binary, Wai bug l .6e. The cylinder' ter'ellef lushes to • 4ai e an font loot etrok• Two pollen, feet . n lochs/11M illSabetectSll- . g.. 3 order, And wall be _ - . , AS* a 4 AUX_ Lia'Acita In CloSemsagh low*: 161N/rot tuns Iroussy, . TWO tiutuh.. DOC'S= ita.l LOTS la Ellsebette-hormath...; --Also, A FARM UP FIFTY-TWO Atjg La Derry township, Westmerthsrul county, about two slier Iron St. Olin Station on the Penna. Nall. road. .A Nene sawmNi enclosers/pined with an. the ginehlow7 owe nonnng the premien, the land is of the neat Amain.; coal and limestone.' la abundance , nod gnat indisations of (ill. Will be sold cheap. Also IS aeres sdloining the village of New lie ryon very best state cf onitivr Won, ans Ateuerlebee of (rut of even description. Also. a FARM fir Ili ..108.1>. td at 421a1r town,- ship, 'Westport/and county, Pa., en Tub MIN Creek, about ILMa rale bow the Peale& ilailrowL. The improvements area-good frame house,' end bugv frame Bank Born. • • - Also, a small Farm 0(26 acres in !Inn township, Westruotelatul Vaiiiity, Fa., neat the line of the . • . Also. a tam of abonif3B screw lli Fairlieldtowto ahip, Weitenbreland County, Ps. - - Also, a !arm' of :10 +evil. la Fairfield township, Tfeltroorchusd tawny, Pa. • Also, a very valucble mof Zit acres. near till tO4n u liver, to Fib field tuwwinip, - Westalww. land , eounty,Pa., and shout use awl 4 half miles berm the Penns!, Irani.. flatlet...l. 'I be .I.diprOreu meats area large boo Be, oprl .0 lahube..moke loose, a I.rea wawa stable, a large [run., loirsUg water saw mill, a large apples ore ard, with ether Pulltrees. .2t la na lecher' with soil. of fire b, tek clay. eta nknot otu hundred urea of Ito. I white, oak timber. Ponca inn given law mediate 17.. Also.li6a acne situated In Ligonier towaship, Wettreetelaud. county, Pay stileintue the town of 41 3 5T e 1 7 5,. lot., with a large h;dek boast. A. fine soldln the leatou3h of Ligonier, wat be sold cheep. Also la acres of t sod, with a large fin:ding mill, "dycdolokeeme place. Also aba a Iwo land, a Mining same plane. !. - TO? furtheportienian impure of 0. IL TOWER. Real Estatedgeot, ,ava • ,:'No. 164 Fourth street. I)P..~'TIBTR )t TOSEPII ADAMS, Dentist. Connelly's is Eatiding, carnal. of DUMONT aad GRA,. at tarty Pittabutal. Arferosem—t* •L. EL PoUoak. Do. Jerk.ThinAnire Rnhhins. _ LIME.--200bbla for pale br TT Nam . J. B. carcriEl.D _ .1.14 C TURES inTrSBUItI3:I TUEA:ritz Alm m_ifum cl a r a •Yncter iv ltcrt Moor,. First aliglat'pf t4ui • raP iPT " - trEmearSOP !sue. unix! Prop 17„ 0 . 1 1 tY cgd , 10, autima.Emmas, rt. Per ."' TICIS6II747ACSN*4 g b :ll= t tro It tip eu El ' l3 ! t*C-CI _PX!. I 7 4 Ta• Or Ohl' re" air The nun, 6m ,In the , W. M.: WALT:A.OE. • B.lmaort• quusliEcrrungs. ,., --••' • la l , j Ars = =. l A.,— JO a • • • I ., ArATEtTZ :HALL: :! - ALT. ' oußnart. „rig REATltstOsillkitrOmpAirr; Pc.i'mrrlsztaTTHßEstiieursorizet tIEiDAY 'nuatiAY SATUR N 141 EVE NO, • ." 4'it• when be erti_ateneet Groton PleeunaCleana Ilan:men anneals= We van =s of .I.ll.=aear est 44elanleAfre,Pessehee frees =Mall IF saa nerretts (debit= eMeer. s Lens =sib +Bl.endson Mast =Unto= to lisalet La 00.. . gala at leateesrla Ant, X. S.p lar ta,_nlabts. sests: Been opla Ste Wale= ',pee . .Ornianeateivamesie at a. • , rapitic intringxs vmukrlzs' Tankritit: mange:sew. exam ST. Malt: Cy9arYTHE..—....-...Lesese 114,14.111 _ ?0,171,001L nit= rislß-010• 11 n.. 1 t ; rir I Ft= 1111;3003rir Tanta. li`a re 4.4 t*,"648.0/Utiad. C l : g .lo le 'tre o,o „V avrnir.oirt urnrisp ox . ouirrn • 4.llde , TitE fis*ularggi,, , RIM AtrtS Ica LES. • 4 1 . 1 M10N'13A11V2:1341' toNpAgriED. , i • goaimutuairriair 7Flier .bivisroar, • Wasaftworoa U.?", April I. k kilt Oa 1014, at pobtla auttloo; to t, b 4 ozapaaat otoldtrOP4 Baltlmott.; ' ' rfl o ltEnhilf, April ii, iffik , . TWO HUNDRED MARES WITS FOAL, inla7 of theni , yren bred mud (a Rood edediureb - ; oft TrifIRSOAT. ItOrti 0 4 Int; TWO firiffl , RED o*TriLaY HORSES. On TEITIOIDAY, ONP TIMOR ',II fdAgno_WITEI 1 0 0A.t. AND uME lIIITIOIED • IIAVA,,LIZT 1101toES. tiorfor tare Oeen co*Oosoned omit for tft caviar, *orrice of Am army. • , or rood-and ranting talas ry- y b.:. PutP.'" 111 7 g r db AramoZolokt , aliorly...,Salo tio sooisteriooor,i uomoblntr,ho *.*l *t ol Oorarooit tirs, *woof of Tremont and Ft 41611117 Moots. 4742 . 4, 754411,, fa 11111ted8tortos currency it„ Oarfrf Trl4trtir Q. *rivitii3 V 4l.l. °V"ta/s to Ofmrio,ruoifti, aOttoOl6 • tuti.Vaurr4itt4l' TUESDAY 417E27117 G, Agell ,at 74 et, , elock, welt be te.ld cob mooed neer.l.7ematee the al Salve .Peeb•Ctglee; Noon% ( 107 bbeisbleig oePogia ieeranee ',wok theiosel, b. • reet.4.feeuv, Pahl Wale. ID eddlaon bude• Se d . - l oZr. gra m . e itnit ,ed Tirj; ,1,1, 1 1 be . 1: 1 4. deedmhte, the oneetebte treeteit.un -.Zen& Oil Ue • hellest , teueiret rem taimeent.thi lertiberj De! Deck: Omsk., Uele,•sat emcee Om, Cleeek, ; OtelreroB.oll rt i reeS.C...i ; .• • • .~ ~. ILiwoi3‘,,UsEr . Ammue.A.isr ORGANS.: El6liill7llY. Row tint. . SUillaILLITIVVilaii, _Ay X . Bakke Amulona 011=4 PAMT AI74CIIIMV 6430D,viana. PIANOS • boo Near leitinieeters. enceinte,* ler en 140101111113 E It LAP, au, n tre.'oLadvt: inniim ; ' • OrniAO, HOE lit RMIli =ULM • /ebaCibidetlegi VIUMIX.I.III. 1: ..... ...... ara Fiasco ia Aram, CO2IDArAND4'/:&8O8 AT: tint sate =der. For • - -448 NE* ANIVBEATTIFIIIs ^PIANOS, " • EIC S4 I M-Ag r SCTS si, Y.. • 441.1414713 acKp;La.on, .3; SPJ. it E r paI?.. , , PAARI/R m iEST .11.8. ! ________....-.... •:-..1 :': •• --:••".• A wAQuEs/A4r : . -PACTOInr, -,.. • - r tor sale by 0/1A . 11_,..4211 O. ILISLLOB, ql6- " in - Woodetnet." ENTIRE STOCK OF, : . : JMEir .WELODEO.rS, setting at lIEDIIOEMPItIC , .777 cassaes , a iltvg,Loa, wood itreet. noomut rrolirmi I,yipptry A .r.&ULT" 913 1717c•crcl._ ...knee melted chi' &Sy CHRISTIAN'S MISTAICR, A Nora, by the anther Of "Jobe EOM; Geo -I.ltwan.t! lemo..tllote. St 60. ay4 lIIST OUT.--11.5.14LQIVED SONGS, st 00. A most esyslient west; new. • :0111t4ICIAL LAAVY.S. 40 cents. - 40,000 . were told the Ant mouth of its publieotion.' • .THE MOTHJOR OP, risexEsta.v. 0300. Jost issued. A Wog - -. • 'MA Millis? nP THE 1 10IP.EL - 11.' 411 f 6. Letters, on titstta's User .7estts tt• _ A 1.111144. Wholossle Met A LBUIII CARPS, OTATIiINERT • not . . .1; L. REAL; le Pawn Strew. DR r GOODS. 111111". , e,...? IMPS w. r)1 It 1.. DAVID X . O.LX Di= ILSON: CARR CO., Clara wnaoi t PAYE ♦ C 0.,) Wholauds &hien to FOREIGN' AND DOMIti TIU DRY GOODS, NO. D Wood street, third house above the ~o ed alley, Pittsburgh. . r, ATOM, MACRUIV Wholesale 4 and Ret 11 Denten VRIAIMINGS, E:5l. DHOIDEDIFIAnd DRY GOODS, of eyerreßserip• Don, Not. Y 7 mid.l9 Fifth .trees; Pittsburgh. it ACIIUM .Wholesale and •,..• Retail Denleri rdSLY AND eiTAPLE PRY GIMPS, TRDIMINGS, hebi No. 15 Atlrket greet, between Diamond mut b•nnob; planbuntn: 1, 3 J. 8UT1V31: 7 11 7 11,1) . .W - hraesale a. Retail • Retail PrAler, In STA PLt: A? FANO' tY fIeiODS J Xdribenet veneer rourth and Mar-Is wig - reels, Plttandreh. 000tn;.#•. 0...77 and MI Nwlgirt ei,eat:" p.ii.RrrEns. LAN0..,101111 L1ta....J011/1 DOSAMIT UNG LANE s Co., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Smithfield St.. Pittsburgh, • . 'OF Atati KINDS executml promptly ono with unsistpoeson elegoace. REAUTGI3L. CARDS on eniuneled paper or all co rows, and GILT ciIGNS ON fiLASS made only, ao6l.sent to an parte of the country. PleTtSitAL DESIGNS executed In ►highly ow tunic axone,. . - - HOUSE PAINTING done atth a mord to du ichility, harmony of color, and neata/as or finish. •31 All wort at reasonable totes aintlaT , WILLIAM 11. BROWN, . (Late of the Ann of Illowe a. StoitaoWJ Rouen &VD asaisr PAINTELIL pith Eart,•o7— of littrd sad itarket ?may PnisliVitatt Copper - Mill and_. Smelting Works, 3 :47:6BirAGEL, . PARK, IWOURDY & CO 4 Monnfaetturers of BBBATIMitt. BRAZEBB&P a; BOLT COPPER, P „Aoloppag BOT TOMSr FLAMED ST BOTTOMS, SPALTES BOLDER.- liJao Insportere sad len lir MlT 'op PTA grad IRON, _WIRE, fia. amt ,TOOLB: wairehoon.N.NO % 140 PIKS? sot zio SIM OND STREETS, Mintrurch. Sp!",t wino of layiLlyener • tir b riTTSZVZInX WNW ITO/411104. , ..... ,-- .. • • , HUtIBARD, , BRO. & CO. • • :''- il 4 lialiailtravaika oil . ' : r - - - • , ... , Piiiiiii 7 aiiiificii - ii. i i i i ti it, g .'" .. . , *muted iiiiii Mnt) -- iiiihiti of 4i,).4 dao 'ionatiOLL NM, Noisy, Mom Out, auk sad au ... m . w vasialar stimakilowritsam sf oi. ., iime ,, eri ,,,, ; lateAoaatud_. . t =WWI 11DOW1210 .0... 2. 7 '? AW . Hal'lrr rt,...wry ' est Pliugw: t lE. abie rates. . ilimetliel ' 64-14illi T i.a.N- A- , ~ -.!!'..z.Truia. Boiler iiiiiiirkiluiiir N.,2•,* slaitowiticaranu* = - . , _ ditThosan suitor. . • . 'iiidatifidaard A:: oratarWe moot 'swim"; to masulacturo eviuy diraraaarltiOntrea 6. thothlate-soasaat.fadvtilararmga %UN /ET- auukarr g...plplvkkomoravit, ITAK6I,3 I ICfOIaD sw Bra T PANS, - T N . X_Et, 11.. EfiLLI,S, AG /LAMA_ !AT,. T am-JP 1.76, .4;014=0 LROICi4.B.U.M. STRUM PANS and owl* manufacturer" of fidfllf.i. .! f e ..l4 S - X43 I OI:XIQUIVi43. . /*Oil dots Moab° t suit ea , ~., .- wear; RIM RICITVIII. .M. Li.. 610.114. 0 .J. P. NO LLANO ci• r l 4. 4 m 4 4,wriesue vientas, , ) m.onikk i , kiabru;aurrava a C..,) .= ~ l'ilanottotoillts :of "I 3 AST STEEL; ISPBI7OI. PLOW -Rod BLISTILIEU.STEE.f4 15PRpipt; AZ ' LIS, UROWILSILS; dr. , • . . - • ' °M ..... weeks,-.IIIIST WARDMlaglient , Peat oo Matsu: PrITSMIR6II. . . , ,' ' allaly . . j . ___„"00,,,,,,,e.____,._,,._ ..,,.......iii, i0_R„,„„3,..,,,,,, Norm at IlltLisia.: ~..., : i Washlectow - Wolihri, --- , • . , , U -.emir IltkOHINEITO; PrryluiNßSlL Innufacturers of BOAT-AND NIWTIONART S F.Afd ENGINE, BLAST ENGINML KILL MACHINERY, IL SI4AVIING,-OANP. MOS fif ill Ciesizlptbina, OIL TANKS & nag" BOILER AND SHEM IRON , AVORK. Air. Amta for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, [or WOrsfr-boarry., : •-•••• :1; n.; L: ,•: .• - _ - -- - rY TO NEIEIVOILIR OUFFEURIIA OF FOTH.tOEXES,A. tirrenendterdloonn b.IFOITOtneI tlritenttn In 'few 4nys, after run ..I . 4l:Ateis ruilg= and Irregular exper t nl t z rnerrn duty to ennugun!onte to' kb &Meted fell Our. ar e the means of cure. Henan on tie reealpt 9f addrtood reere/a - turnrlllsend,fror, popy of the preadtlptlon - Vinare to Dr. JOHIST M.....114.01TA.Z.L. IN Fulton 'tenet. N. Y. tohudydawT 1-4,e4lolaril VOCIIIRAN ot lillto;„ turns of IRON' VAULTS AND lOITYLT WRS, IRON' RAILING WINDOW SHOT. TERS, WINDOW fa m meA &a., Na n. Si gm. OND ordlinvgßO , betinneo Wood and, Market 11100 on hand a : _ y. of new - liatiorna, lll.nry_a l: Mtryn t l t t i lan fqr on Lurlooen. _ a Lot.. Jobbing doani af;l'rndAidot.lo.""'orrsr. tar- TIRE IsNoll.4lt wILAABISNI.If tied 4 11 0 NVA*NING AND iNsTNID3- 1 1ON' FOR ,TOUNG MEN,.,AIoo, fte*an4 roltaA, I=ex . e . nity=tad oin suvr tastag. Assocutum.vemderphilirps. • iecildt • sle EN&If: . HIL. . 11 39LL1311,4 PeRIWARD. 1.110 CONHISS CON IiIfERCHATI2- wbolreale ONO* - la CHEESE. 8 .1F D 81EgyS, STR FIS ZE H, and uce paeraneMli T Pitte prod hu tek. eel . - grit 'I: ilAisik;..4....morcratere IL tit Q47„mit, soummid Of- •• • n 1 IMS AND PATENTS' _ " j !rroimpft- 1. Re GRANT MEM IPEtobsrali. La4law ti UNTIES, PENSIONX Dace - PLY - 1 Military at Naval nate giunat us maim , MC6 =MED, IXILTAZik dui 4 1 61kii ' t a. a .0 O meow& llama" tasetead b WWI , -MU st ii/ MART inisii eipode. us U . EL WAR CLAN AORROX. - I • PENSIONS; • ' 34 cwizzzisAiiiii,-;xtimaida: 'saws. nes ur ALL NUM nuNDAD .. , *:;.i..'IBALL ~I,,ol;pwi 'Attoey~at-E.p,t~, , 7: i4Ctowtru.sritirr 110,13914511 , . . . ..BAIT ; 1 sarweittiotsetews, w 6 eletPWtiWsfeia ^;:R' • AIWILSW :13TE. ;EWA) ; . - 144 rottti.b.•Sti•e,et,„ . . an 11 ladles In tbalraiiatta*irt, set anietalacoiniarles, , aingyn . NAOLLXIL L JOKIISOL . ILCKIUL:Lis 1t JOHNSON, . . ATTotuarsAr-LAW. v4.r4crticsED sounzes , cming Aciznis Bonilla far Wooa4olBol4llin flimatel fa ker. ea to twsisty dais. . StiO•ol2oe Noss essay mum, Pittalnut em (Jail with dissilisnes and two witnesses. 7 sppintr, ci.,4p4s; B , 4IITrIEB, I PENSIONS AND ARSNARS OP PAZ Pn =imam t,4) axmavas a REDDIiLL. Aa lit:sr„ Pittabuilgb, Pa. 'LITANY: H CI .11 . /13 1 , Pit . l2loll t 2 OtIA MS t•Mnr tate n :iptlon, sellattadVor suliwriber, at the following Haw ties Potatoes SIN all other claims text - O. TAVYLON,"Atiornspat.twar, No.ll Gni= street, ?Man n% Pa. ' ff. 11.;—If o charges are made if Ma elalnt dose not antesed, and all information eitroogratia. towel. ha i4J BRAFEE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No : 101 Ttrni gTkm , Pltlaburgb. P. Mama tor FM141011151, fIQUXTY, rxtzs 111010.:Y. U.. rlgormiali Prosomt XERcm.errr ift3MVS ~ H ..McGES. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET Wonkl pall the attention of buyers to hls stoelS - f • goods It hail• • been. selected with west cam, at I eontelne ell the NEWEST STYLES Or UOOD to be fouled to first clam homes. Gents ildshlies sett at clothes mode to order, will please call and exitedne our spode sod prices. Also, a toll and complete stock of uuramaislairLd • W. W. NEUVE, MCA.OITANS TAILOII, NO. 10 ST eILAIR STREET. not EY, OUTAWAY, OAIIII3ALDI, METROPOLITAN, Ina LEON'ARD SUITS, FOR BOYS AND CHN.DREIN AP.Spring Goode reoelved lately by GRAY & LOGAY, 47 ST. GLAIR STREET. P. — arsDTGEusi E. Civil awl Mechanical Engineer. fIEN)CRAL DRAM:EMO OVTIOS AND PATENT AfiENCIT. No. 1$ ST. 01.1111 ST., war Sospraslos %Sirs. Drawlsp sad sidenda. Noss for Mesa Engines and rassMdarTromeriaiT! Plans and .opeednestioss for Illssufsatoriss, s Redsertes ad Arealtastusal Draw/ ,Ll:mt b a i d Geoleirtatt humrparstaly Zia la May auset. - - tie Witt ktrott 6autt,?,. TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1885; EIWNG GAZETTE TELBOILiML alautn - ADDRISI OF TIC PRIEDINT, • • PriibiddelketWOUAl dssas ins , MY WEB aziwinumum NSW ESCAPE AF B `PEEN( JOUNSON I f.O 7 -7 7, "„ • Condition of hfr. 'Seward. i.. , • II ' ilhilegigentOkottilfe,7lBl2.lq 7 The Chkr 4 1 ~AlcrtßAVais l iTo 4 B t alletlOlS to Mr. Johnson r I do ,aslemitly swear that, I will eil4titelie tefeMOiTresideato ( the um* 'patio ii &T tart ' 6 etb4hOtt„ frfig #94i..P.V.* 1 rre, protect and 'defend „, the Constitution of; the United 14414 'KM* n*16114'116 oath a s i t i 'd being declared Freablant.ofi the United twat r.induaao 7 4:let/Maar / at - tai bents YlititTle e' been ht . most ansidedeigiiiViiiiehbeisWeientorthe aid AMA whit heart occurred: Ltool 131 1 4 1 E 0,k t ? el?ertPfo.t l lß a nge4 00 - igthclrthe/ ,addr reposithresee- these iteh)ett hive been so Initi*Sl4.7lX9l6lAl nettM'e If 6 'ha: motion of any policy ata time of the Mk. indnistratimete the effrerteuent,wlest I bold trs' lu tf mu 1k ...... ,......_ 1 1t i Pf t fti t devti fT tu2ll t i t b a t aa /bh titration e ....,,,,....... TlMA—pmegol- vathlar . akin last bo'zrotaily liet. ” they transpire; the oely,uantmeeothat I penow glee d?fhi ranee' IS e re' L ferenCe to the t. The course which I barn taken In the past in conneetles with this rebellion heist be retarded u • gamete:l or the Aiwa. my past I pellticed life, which has been hen and laborione, bas 4431 founded , iu 4, Ia good 'aceiscionos breo lit, upon a great prinelpleof right, which lies at, c basis of all things. The best energies at . my Welton been, lo,e4eavoring to eatabllalt +tub perpetuate the frlnetplea *Uri free Govern. oot. I boner° that the Government In:passing tbtongb its present perils., will settle awe spot .principles consonant with the popular rigida more merriment and enduring than ; het crofore. I must be permitted to say that if I understand the feelings of my own bead. I hieve long labored to elevate the great muter the American people. Toll and bonestadvocuy i or the Free Government brie been my lot. Tit* duties hairs been mine. In concludes, gentlenme, let Me 'say I watd your eneoirregemant and continuum I shall ash and relerstrern'you'egi eaten le carrybegthe Guerra:teat ta Present Perils. I feel- Alit In making this request that It will be hear. tilY responded to by ;...0 Mel all other patriots peian Meru of ihe right lied tete:tett of fres pie. t the conclusion of these remarks the Prod. dent received Rite kind wishes Of the Mends by item he was serenaded. • few agnates were pivoted to coogrototatkon. Mr. Jehiaon Is in One health; Sid flier au earnesfefeMsecrf Gth'ide- Vottaar truer. audited on him. + W. M. llnatar,fhlef dark .10 the State do. pattment, lute tretue oppotatett Eating Seeretary of &ate. A !pedal , meeting ertne added wet held at the Treasury Depastraent atli o'clockthismom- Niro Tome, April Ff.—llin2lervey Washing, Inn special of, 10 o'clock a. ot.. Testmilay. alifs that Secretary Seward Is decidedly better. Fred erick Seward bi still uncolmcioni bet Ii resting tluhtii ail& faiale&atai 3ii. ,- the lista Ida with he was struck Is may heavy. Mr. Eiewanre 'throat aid face were frightfully ant. In the benible ocadlimi lbS waltadat sol dier cling'ng to the aseacale, Mr, Seward threw lit:itself Rom the tied upon Musßac*. Ines it woe over be lay Is a pool of blood. The door bell was answered by a small color ed boy who toid Om antatate lte Amid Ual ita alo , Paha. bat " - be ,t4sheid It.r , and alwavaxed Irma- Imick-atildixasa of I,be dada. ' A us, Mr. en, vim vat lermady en ,as was tbe mounded moldbor, Penny, Mr. SewanFteisnatter, Wail *ling by them, The stoturcil,bo7 ran to this lieetheelmt the, crow. telling h im "there wise afarderer la the home bat theitmathed *ld bat fed at Stony to tans Worms. the Mixer wergild of WO, y. w. .says : No hopes are entertained of Frederick Seward's life. The Sateetary, Anent moaderfal vitality, end thent In inisakee front Ng weunde. It Ia INS pit eitnitiplaig.ip4lllU Melva goal Vitalist !eludes willet extedA iii &gesion. Secretary, atentea to the Idea that' Edretuderer, Boothe, le Everted le the cite; if h e and his accomplice hale eacapail, it t i t. mom the Mamma bossed, , , , 1.1142110153.1 i, ird-rt.-71115 121413111111 hem tably tamped amosardhe Potemmo,„ao Mosby. ' e ball catered the heed if the Preshisat, 111 4 hICIT*II,, 1144412igi balirAlr' tie Nita: had a direct coarse towards the ridseye, struck to orbital bone, tabu:olW Mal , Veget Koval to es from the surface. The ball via fisttaa edl , - _ The follo w ing is • 0.451 f te, Rote sent to PTO' I !dent Johnson last Friday, but which was only foiled on his table mateedliye "1416M0t Wish to rill lmorb yon, bat visold heglad to Dm aa In tmliilr.. <URN) , J. Moue Booms. i Illt.4Ohnsoli iraa out at ihe lime, and DOTI? , sat , the note ti/Vyamarday, The crowds Metered on Ike Secretary's dee Late Pesti) *peat this hailimiition Mai pale caused by.tbe fratileire of hie Jaw by tie ace[ 'duet, and the contrivance of adjusting Mt jaw , is *lre vreyeatod Ma:Missal% bagatozd set , : edtig the artery. It :appears by the iteedFS itenannt that NW. Rathbone Ism out aware e( the presence Of the mamma In the Lai' null be 'heard the pistol, ;when tinitingbe amylase am within six feet of • l b, rm t ., l4o so_ Poi 31 !.If't f_,Fttolit, towards fuld mum, lay man sough ... &U. at the 's a me time made a IMAM* Mao ittsJor , a brava with a The Miti:r received the 'blew on his left arm, lit mile shoulder and at came sorrow, for hira, bet only trued his dolt:beg. Which' ho partly tore forto him. AIL he sprang front the box,. he cried: ..lop that man,. and thinking It impossible Mr lem to escape ITOM the crowd below, tweed to the President, who listrunt changed blepoeltloll 1'111 . 414 that Lb: eyes were Closed and Ws heed sillthtly tont forward. The whole time enact al. id by the ate/Lisle, from entering the toe and eleapp: 'ring, did not emotion 3./ wends. itleJor 11.11W:one has suffered much from the 1.4 s of blood. Ile Is. femme, litgoodomilltlon. mud progrumiag rapidly. Wieuracriprr, April 10.—The following Incl. dents of toe me. days of Mr. Lineolhrs life have Leon obtained Rom several soirees: Ells eon, Captain Linooln, breakfasted with him on Fri do morning, haying' just returned MI/ the ~.... of Lee. And the Treellent passed a happy hour 11/Lenten to all me octets. %Mlle at reektast he saki that Speaker edam was In the Rouse, nod sent word thee he wlehel to see him Ininiediately. Ile ton versed with him nutty as hour atom Leo pogley as to tha rebellion, elect, be WA/ Cant to submit to Cl.' Canine:. A it, ruarde hr lied en lateral ew with lir. Rile, Slit:later to 81 alu, and several Senators and Re, pre/Avail:rah Al 11 o'clock the Ca , :inet aid General Grant met with tile, In one of the mast satisfactory and harm - miens meMlngs held since hie first ineeirtwatton. The fatere policy of the Admittlmmtlen was turatdmrraely agreed opal:, Secretory Stanton said he felt that the tior ernnaent wet stronger then at any previous per led Once the commMecinent of the re'olhow. • !the °venire. the President had a long and pleasant Ictorrlew with General Oglesby, Souse for Yates end other leading persons of State. Mr. Colfax celled again at his rquest, and Mr. Aehinan. of Matiseehnsetts, was presented to them. Ile spoke of "Jr daft to Rohm mil and OUT visit north whlin at the , rebel capital, for feet that grime traitor might shoot him. Re replied Jocninrly that ha would hare been alinitnni blocs, If If any other perso I had been ?ridded and gum:, bat that he did not foci any denser, Turning to Mr. Colter, he aa'.l. "Tot aro ening with Mr.t.1,11,c,1a and me to the theatre, I hope." but Mr. Colax had other ertgaloutuota, azin cling to knee the rity the next morning. Ho then told to Mr. Colrox: "Mr. Sumner has the game of the Con (laterite Congrms, which ho got at Richmond, to hand to the Secretary- of . War, but I Maine-41bn that he tonal glee tt to you, and you tell him for, me, to hand it over." Aqunan alluded to the paper which he atill and It he hod used at the Chicago Ca Crlitl , 4l, and the Prealdcot and Mrs. Lincoln, who wan also In the - Nrlor, roeu to go to the theatre; It WAS half an how after the time they bad Intended to start and they Spoke about waiting Dalt an how longer, forthe Po.sident went with reluctance, as Gen. Grata hal - gone North and be did nut wish the people to he disappointed, as they had both h.en advertise' to •bo there. At the door ho stopped sod said': "Col. rat, do not forget to tell the people In the ntls - leg regions as you pass through Odin. what I told yon this morning about the_developmentst when pace comes I will telegraph on at Baa .Francisal. He shook hands with both WAWA' 4DCO with. a pleasant geod bye and left Om executive mansion never tfretura to it shin. NAXIMILLIAN 113UBLE" ram REBEL CABIB 11 Yl6Ollll shogaßt No MEI CY NOW BOOTHB ACTED ON FRIDAY New Tong, April 16.--The Herald's corre spondent fume tha•Cllq of Mexico, of the 27th of Idimett. says eleideithillabli Subjects are much agitated over rumors that the empire Is shortly (is be invaded by a biegoeitinkW of ioldiers who bare heretofore been fightingfordeff. Davis' Can fedemeg. Gratintelphil imsicitckho oeseoffibe ' lekdeti - or this movement, and p it la txpeited that `ring the coming 'unman an Rumens° rebel f will creel the Rio Grande, provided with 4,1 rim end • Tk inui =lt assisten re 7 - 71rtlir l agt . rim- -1 4. - 11411.: . was maul. felted to Mexico b the pub of a state. meat that traltelt had*Stehmed she Rio Grande and destroyed friar thousand bales of rebel cotton atorecloa Maxima 101 - - 1 . , ^ ..) ,' emi,The Deere WkeldnatesespiabowmilftlelnW t action took place hoe yesterday, affeetint e l m c n =rai at 0 Ml' t' dll-2. 'I!, °r.c.` th eoriri `ll7Nlllritia'Att , w the so long le id evil sway, ___,, ~, , eMldi Waft shidAheply Nee %Wad:fend tided for their actions. Secretary Stoma d not APEX( Ye of Ge4l l BBligheldy's , wilco coo, relsing the prayer In the Episcopal abaft I. eel to the President. ° AIis FEOT - Tit MN Viritidid 'Legislature I be permitted only under liability of arreit feet treason. preeldent Jammu, In a privaterdenreteititelf,' ;said be would not commit himself to • plicy which would giegventlxklyngietidellef plaint. INAAHTIB2OOII, April id.—Gel. Paine a rebel velem., and his Opt Adjutants aei lius , Orderly, ware captured lb - Virginia feat, aid this afternoon brought to Washington. As they t li 0 ititTTFII thu glirs GlOtuandi of-exalted m and boys followed them, °ridded, seep a le that tbezwent to some way connecte I with th hue euatielestlon. lfaayerelaimed, "fling th t bang them!" They were • °lnducted to th oMee of the Prtivost Marshal, and after the neeereary,eseolnsalon, ordered to be eocuraitted to he Cid Cipital. . They *re brought on. the batk way and several companies of the Reserve Cobs wei e ordered to tbo same as a precaution ,sheet a riot. The azeitttneat. Soon alter sab• . 0 , ii i on arnouncement baring been °Malay m a that those in custody wan prisoners of Is - . • Tribune's Washington epeeist Rim Cio fo Ina account of the movements of the Pr aident'a tounierer , : About 8 o'clock, A. oh , men tilled it Rut office Of the National , II sl and itmeired tor Boothe. " The clerk, Mr. M ck, on sending to his room, Informed them to t he was not 10, afterwhich earnest consult/1- U was had between them. and after , making en arks of the probable time °this return, they Snowing Mr Bushes acquaintances so to prrames of respectable appearance M Merrick was turprieed that he ohould , re• tie tip ylalt from these men, who were rather e Oily dreseed, aid had. se he states, the gen e look of senthern rental:etc,- This stream sta cyst:ink him as rather angler, and for 88 el time etterwente accepted his thoughta. N withstanding this, he ,omitted to reed the uphich they,finally left; but 'placed them la thibox WIN rootefocentried. bout llo`cdoekitooth was noticed in theotece of e bout bat nothing' remarkable was gbh We:cilia appearance except that its looked mi t - bokir W kOarn:kin Gee afternoott he again oaf a his appeanotee at, the cane and Implied of c. Merrick whether any lettor had been left fortlut. .04 beteg 'lowered In the anpuhre he feigned greatly disamsolate4 sod with a nervous ale he called for a sheet of paper and envelope, 1 Ile•was stout to write wheu a thought 'timed to rite Mtn that Nue one nidght overloothle e. and &pyramidal'. the door of the Mike be astechadoettance aadiraa banded the paper an envelopes by Mr. Merrick. The latter asked Id If be had/ media thorniest 'doilsrli to 4 sv- WI • startked look ;be rallied, sotto -erne: "Zs , but I have worked trent enough to hove e ten times that arnotmtP , • , reaching the Inside of ale *Mee helmets. gull ei flw ee nfMllit! etk4r eatel, lle e k sly,n t ::. • to thin year 10104 or Ur' 'Tun arsastrely to K"replied liii.,..Ppett know what year la le' On belnyr toM,„ tie reamed writing. It (bra tbetM_r:/g.lidiftdreolnething troubled as Rah auxt, to &WWI; appearance. 'Web was rot l y st variance whit kis veal quiet deports t. &allele kW letter be pieced ft be his pot et and spin left the lied, mit an taking tea abobt qroreitiek, and hell= k at the case sake went om. r. Brady. of tkad'reGymeasiont. save bim on the Jenne opposite Grover', Theatre, at about ba peat four le the 'Widnes:re. Ile wine St teatft attain on 0 asiall dee toesilag bay bone, an eeptrW. la eitivenatho with Yr. Matthews. of ord. theatre.. Mr, Prielfaecosted telm sad amg fliiintlee calque/Moe oe oess imr b . poised wi th elt ballot Moulted ITIP th wry la - Ida demeanor. Taus. _ Ire living near Ford's theatre saw him breve Isla horse ta an lag bap"! ITila° 0 esew him lama and side away. lie te= ti kept a hotitikad bum In a etable la aro allogr.but Won Wed! *RV sold both. 1 10,177 man tweet U. It Teadlasera add to be a, 1 el masa Wisarestod today and held• for ce a atirm, for spa* eleglastngtbat if Mr. John plieseied MI setaketioarse as Me. Liaeolii, he Iral slideillie ape OM Ruth Is tbe hallow aibeog cotelitearion4 that enema of 'Ale amm to be aoeas rya... Gerward'aroadition at midalght, sp. teeth Improylegi Neat up &short Mete to ° I itillt of hilloAVgdottok I °4 ol Tog sTrib' teat aT asniennOx, April le.—Xe or General Ord Isantd aa order, addressed to the people of Iti Need led Its vldnliy, that too =call" wit to made In admitting them with Burke* lea V to ett city. . They are Waited to rom an' ce their ordinary bane at once. and age Mr s of protection In ragtag to and fro within th hoes of the puked Mame forces,; The chl xerrltiehusond and stereleepene are requested to am ore theft ardittery mroesUoca as speedily ,asIN& -It Ii the with of the •military an thuridee to 'Voted all gored and peaceable chi me, and to ern; in a great measure, as may 1w oritticable, the former prosperity of the oily. Aconite order has been berried be Crewel Ord ft egicerf and sOldiers of the Army of Mirth oriTiritilda who were present at the surrender of eV, Lee at A ttax Court Haase on the tit of A ' prlY]9l , 6,are hereby inedund that the tows or capltalatlcut are extended to titan, and !tog can at once avail tiosaaelves ef the same by eneOlog within - the litres -of. the United dtates I , atot 'hear Blanton& !Wig dada thlr nds e and receirtatt them paroles. The gentleman who communicated the above le formation says Lee did not, after the sumen. der, repair to Nortb Carolina, bet has been err rouging at Appomattox Court Rouse to carry 038 the terms of the capitulation. It Is etippoud - (i's Ly Oils time he la to lilehmouil, Gen. Grant berg extended to him the courtesy of no es me of One btu:ideal! catairymen. The beat pos. alb o feeling exists betwnea the two Generals. Wiley prism), yesterday, contained upward of n,eto Confederate pillion= but they are being r' leased as fast as the neetisary papers em be main out. We learn that:Colancl 113hert Oat), tho,Uon frtlerate Commiseioner of. Exchange; [Allen ant Colonel W. li. Caleb; Assierent President itellock, of the Southern ElrcBl Company, and 31. A. lisnellton, were Captured within General throat's lines, drivlog a Wegoe, they kavieg try ern Into the Nee by mistake. thou discover. Ingtbeir error theyearmnderecLand were broil& to Illehmond and liberated ea parole. All ;trimmers of wee are sent direct from Rich. tte sad ID City Point as mon as received. --- W Fr•, swans, April id.—The Dzpa,ttneat an- I ler on, atb prof:land sorrow. Cu the officers eve 1,,, a of the Navy and M srine COrps, the death Aorgiam. Lintnln, late Pressident of the Unltta: 4.: tivirken clown by the hand of an abege,6: on the evening of . the I ith lastant, when tdrrounded by his family and friends, ha lingered a re* hours alter recchifir the fatal - bullet, and died at seven o'cirwk mul twanty.two minupta this worming. A grateful p.lple had aired their willing confider= to the patriot and statesman nod& whose who and sue...eosin,' ad ministration the mama was Just emerging from thd civil strife which for .fonr yearn ins afflicted . the land. When the terrible calamity .fell noon the country, to him our gratitude wan Justly dee, for to him, under Goti. more than any other pervim arc we Indebten for tee successful yindi• cation of the Integrity of 1110 Union and the maintenance or the power of the Republic. • The officers of the navy and of the marine crops will, as n manifestation of theirlespect for the exalted character, eminent position, and es ti mab:o public Bent Tea nftho President, and as en indieatiou at their reuse of the calamity which ten country has sustained, wear tier usual badge of mourning for six months. The thpart meat further. dircete that . upon the day following the tee: Ipt or this order, the comin an d card' synadronsotavy.yenls and statin - ns, will direct the ensign of every revel In their enna !nand to be belated at half-mast, and age to be Iliad every half hour, beginning at sands and ending at Sunset. The flags of the several avy yards and marine barrack + wile. Warr he h. sled. (Signed,) Wixom Wst.t.cs, ' becretary of N. • . From Europe. Nnak Yur.x,Anril 10.—The steamer Oer from namburg on the 4th, and 84uthamp the sth, has arrived. Liverpoal--Cotton dull and declined !id Brcud.talre drill. Wheat Insetlye. Corn PICFVI6IOI3I3 dell. Pork dun. llsennatesdr zar and Coffee steady. - Rice Inactive. r , EOM inactive. Madan consols rot money, 901 1 ig20,4";1 nods Ccmtral,B234@til4.4; Erin, 1r.V437. Xt. Cobden died April 9*. Spert—Tho bill for .lba abandotunctst of Datalaga was adoised. €ITV AND srßunci. 91 :03117811.12.p1r8 MIMING iIAEZTTZ.) EOOTIIE CAPTURED TRAITORS HE IS DETECTED-AT ALTOWIA ARRESTED BY CAPAIN CUMBERTSON 110 ACCOMPLICE ESCAPES L inen who answers the exact description g 1 , of Boothe, the mush:, was arrested this zn t ni ng on the nec naliglAPlOrilin between AI oona and Greensburg, by Provost Marshal Jolt* Cithbertson, of the . 2411 District. .. Ths circumstances leading to the arrest, as „mailed to us by Capt. Cathbertson, are ai fol tmike i° r!i..• 1) + - • , ,•••? , . vr,.. whey r: • •, , - 1 GOAtilii Ili,ri Ojeging FIK , the , n aritig'it l'• :rti, anSgolii iniiianati." ler ar, at once w Boothe, havluz reuogsfrW' , by the desert . Jon given jHe at once noted *MI ' - . aiinftightieOti tr . Satlyeld , wl the restless ad uneasy manner o !the cul• pii who seemed , be ever on the alert toilsome , darger; Mtithir i 'Aiiiiriiii 'Wilt. 'i'iaini"' ecirealiiV. - qii ii liliii' iiii' I!'66lii'.3e iii' wiadlistoit ~ hits*/ behave, Itateehnena,, hte .Syo, \i'..l'a m} • • oplataregtr.Boatbee,the, ,Carta• • . •It lye „thr! au,a.heroro 14% iii total 4t U. be an su = et Urethral resew, , - e - tenTereithe d'fiteiffelon 'Oren 6,l*.othir„ . a ,'efwlSlc6 hd Oniiilde 1p evghr.Partlonler satgAglitit., cox pletloelor of hey eid eyrte, pernee. Otdeaptatia. eard7,ctitits =ai. Pfd interds at each door alba ear.. He thee stepped not* the etan;aad told Mat tet serport edhlet of being Boothe, the iiiik94lll of Pretndeer Lltterdit: Boothe'e'4reeter 'eras nbt expect kr.** fltrtiltbont beteg arrpetgd II wag arrested to Haahlegton on the same pulp - doe." • • - . . - At otkerpentrin tame up to where the Captain and the. prisoner were talking, and chin:led to know the perm. mi shortly afterivaiii left the ear; leivingl lils overcoat.. The Captain asked 'Boothe ,where ihis'fri end hial gone to. 'lre 're plied, •‘, lie. will he backioonl seg he km left Lin I coat." on-Inquiring and marching isfterwurds fel-him:be nu nowhere to be sett. The coat left behind has' beeir tiiiingaiked . sethe ono which the fiCifftrd,4ori:,lll.?, man also nectweiiiiii deemilima Anct-mt, and it fs much be regretted that he Ina not winched more drawly.:.:.- •,, - nit Captain telegraphed floor one or the its tions between Altoona. inid areerahnrg, to War rtsbnrg; and reenhed an answer to retain the prisoaer‘if fireenatittig, end fo,riatid hint Out*, dePall*o troa.. 011 inif 4 1 g 'Grecualvrg. Cent. ttlthicrtscat gave his prisoner.OVer to the military authesitlei, and be will at once bertaken'on to Washinocer..- The Capirenir his 'dont*, whatever, that_ . this man M J. Wilkes Booth, as his appearance' an swered every particular of I.lmdeactiption given the 11 am! ei. ' • At theOnsbnrr s?isat excitement4revalted, The Captain; being afraid the ercnidirouldsehe the asaasstnOidd the* 'that tt bad not been trimonthly established' (lila Wait Boothe, and should they attempt to seine hint and use him with tdpiesoo44-ntigli be instiltbli'•ast inneeent man. Ile succeeded to 'appeasing 'She crowd, who wonli -have undoubtedly lynetted hint it ther had not • ~;Capt. Cu.hbertaoo, Provost of the Slth Dis trict, is stationed at- Beaver.- hid' Jest- ns. turned from business ; in. iiSt. - .The =Wry Is under a luting oblipUon to him . forths, Pereira 'eyries. reached, If tfili the' wombs. - . I netting of the Its Resolutions ea the Death of P t Lincoln. At adjourned mee tly of the members of the , Per was held on Blonds mornlat at 4a O'clock la the District Court'. ' to beer the report of atom:ulna pritylo y appointed to prepare 'satiable Oak" let ref MAI death of Pre*. .! The Continatetelating been called upon, asi. nonecedthmogis lion. A. W„Locindie, that they weft needy to import. . .. • The reporter the cOnoutltteeim read by 31. AwrimerehlieVitiO4 ea &Howell - Iforroreincken aid appalled by the, flightful sewn of the swiaeiduallon of Abraham Uncoils, Proddcat of the Untied Stake. sad of the bloody attempt, no the life of. Willlata 11,80weirdklke ram y ofatste, we have tost, • 'whotened In W,ghty" wee. ro give it nteerance k su4 to mei?* by, de. •een outward observance; the magnitude of one loos, the poignancy of Loa: grief. sudsier abhor, mom of the enormity of the crime and Its cause. ThMetors do we • Liewlevel, That while It bee:Owes to Mbeslt with ttvertace to Ulm "who tosbr us t darkness Ms paYlikei" ;deka we nokintrodly amain this ' moat illustrious martyr to liberty, sacrideed fair the tattoos' life. Ifewimj, Thula : The adrenal gloom whish now Amide the 'Eenublle, we rocogistko thie depth of the estkinis loye for tdra .who hod, ',lastly Semerwilts'endEdeice Vide probity; wig. dont the naccesaittl conduct of o dell erirabpoialleledr Medi *Wilke. most great benefactors of oar race, he was TUMMY put 'to dumb by thoee whom he was shout to UM . , ... ....., ~. . . . . Raoteed. That thott:h dead. Ids patliotle ex ample la this helium of the psoblo for the , 'err/akin of the v nlar011;••<1011/10CMCi by, bla blood. and' hallowed VIII. virtues, has asentll7 enshrined In the hearts it millions can never din. . , Relrolar - V: Tbit &epeeist _net t great sorrow, the court. be Moiled until next Sunday, that the ileveral ernatt•xoente and the pittleo tie 4 draped In. klaele'far the epaee of thick,' dam and that the let be properly dnotd and kept at baltmast for the same time. itesaired..Thst, the forewoing resolutlons b entered•on , -.the reeolds. of the sneered co n t m , Pet Wand fitate. '.• k • Ron. A. W LOomis moved the adoption of the rewdutione, amended by lion. Wilson It TAnd lII*6 • Priding the 'notion, eloquent and anpropri ate remarks were delhored by !Um. A. W 1....0tn1a. Hon. Wilson Wettitlteas, Hon. Wal ter H. Lowrie,. Hon. 8. A. rurylance. .M. 86!no, M. Bwanzwelder t and Thee; M. Mar shalt ENa. 1 he resolutions Wire than tUllatliC 3 tMlY SiJk' On motion of Mr. !Swartz elder, a committee of three were appointed to arry Into enact the 'violation relative to drapl. g the Coact Ftlrns, etc. The eotnmitteo cone ted or Mr. Swartz welder,Wm. M. Shlan v an OCOIVCI BhLrae, Jr., Fie, n madlon Ch de, Ben The ' res'a.. 'talons were ordered to e enzre;t:ed, signed by the officers, and truisml ted to the family of the deceased Prebldent.. ACTION Or TUN RIS lIICT COVItT Qn the adjournment .1 the. ILAr Sleettatr, the District Court nu.; op. net:, and the res.du presented by Mr. Lontnta. Ater they Lad bsen rend, ate Court ordered that they be spread upon the minutes. 1.113 none!, thldeo 11411114.013. than' dellicred brief hut touching aud appropriate eulogy opui the ~ iccatacd attar which thanmeeting adjourned. ' flaunty Irund, Second 'Ward; Allegheny. —On Weducsday uml Friday evenings last ad journed Meetings of eitiecua of thin ward were held at the School Reuse. Home subscribers to the llottiaty Fund, reported dein:gaunt at former meetings, hen paid their enhscriptions; others would pay lu a few days; some Led not 1):2011 seen, and a few refumd wimp. Sudi wah the reportof a committee In the cane. That all the facts may be known a committee wan appointed to publish for a week In the city dailies the names of delinqueut subacribers—tut that no Miamian be done to any, it . WAI ordered that +this additional call be tirst Mole throughout the Prem. The otticlal recoil of gm drat& do •s not discharge any sue from paying bin eadiggiption. The hurdena of the ward con only,*igallvd by all paying. None but dlshonet-rAthi will think and act otherwlAe. If .ILliiikigirients pay promptly the whoiu bounty Ii sit vr the ward can be up an: Thuradtlymeamiug, to which time the limed.. staudli44.kiurned. Let this be done, and there will then .be nu no. cesslty for publishing dedu lty order oi the meeting. 2 . - , • We learn that our tel ow•towuatoaa Mr. Charles A. !lardy. - who w , a. empared In the rarltot Monufacttare or Coo 011, and slnee,the intrtductlort of Petroleum loaoclatedea maiiazer with the Lucifer Refinery, hos Identified himself with the new lave/aloe for manufsetarlugell. which has melted Mitch Intermit amongst BOOM of oar prominent oil people. We understand that the new enterprise id to be undertaken by a new company to be at once argoutzed. Mercy Ilesplt.ol 3 itetaunt of the great. oath:Teel cahnelty. the Fair wad Concert fir the benefit of the Mercy' Reephel, will be txletP,tied nctll Meeday,"liptil !Sleeting' of Government Officials. rthsoutuin, April li, 1.50.1 IA t.a.Msetlng of Government officials held this .tnerning at the Custom House; the following proceedings were adopted : "It luis been deemed liable and proper that the persons ppiding civil. appointments under • e Government of the Gaited States shoal, is some sultableinanner, give expression and man , ,station to their [Minns under the terrible ea ionaltereavetnemt.! Alsaticar mourns the tom , • f ebb greatest; arbeat; and most belored Chief ligltntteallto hes. .. 94occa Its destlabut: Inc A tlayal:g39 gton,memainaapilathc tk tf l4:toolittainr/taedtaa Rotim•Wil'alitaitaltOree . *,. - • tu• ete ,lataatatmin-fort a vadat or ley days. e i t:= l"W ililitgeM= T iChir ta aett . Pam citimaa in maalltAtian aaattalale respect • the remains of the Pnaidettt, should they pus w.ough tttlic AtoOttrel4YM:Otettl4B# ta .. g place. /Pacieas, That a tiomntlttmel.beltppoleted to •- • a letter of eon sues, to tes addrateed • idne - ttinetn , aietitiiihM*., otiottrla' hi Pei' " ilLettrmidatiiiteiiiixr;; 6c 4 14,.•; 4: Ki en k -711 70 , 3,,cimatiatottleiale and pnWee, •ane city paper,. -- dini ... ; I 8. V7Von labitiefMat, 'alle.lii?Pnielit':. Orbs. M. - Itittintiot, Writhat Irria, — . ,•.":1 . : . • " Rmaut. --- /mom - Ftation,_-7- 1 ' •• A. Whatwa • : fismismo Witai,e:... , ..' It. M , umboon, • 1 . ADarth. gßoffbei'Aiiat6W !. Upon Information made before Mayor Lowry lie day or two Mace; Aryl lifehardP.::.l2lnittmilnd I Thumth 0. Davis. charging a man named Frank -Ariaticy with highway. .robberye, /sample of po., liclimen were dispatched in THAI of the robber' 4 1 swcceed . ed .494 !fik two . wlrcalP off Friday 4s t. Wean alleges that he and Brawlej .sr eta DiielblPilotion . ditilthrt together,' -that. they iient';fropL, there ,to the • 14pituta on- - zith* licliiio;44oift some ablecouon. took:pima . between them; whicieresalted lu Brawley ksoek- Inghlut down., ,and wiluarrnsaisibre; be wed rob. we of lialleer *Acch - iiid;lthic:lcWN - aid one • latadre.d and thirty dollar. frikroen . aacks. Mali, wh 3 ibiikee the Other iftfiwitlillioVastes.-tluit f 'Wile be was asitep„ Bra ploy took from him bb 'pocket bontr. , "votitAfiteg , ieveifteaaL dallies In Miiiry and his discharge papers from the army. Brawley will probably hare a Nearing tellty. . . Western Univeralty.—we are glad to know that the nembeg , of studentst in this inatitetion has been" eminently incirAgitig the piesent-ymir . reqbliing . additleinal Improvements for 'their an- . ems modatlon.:::Large and able all Is the_corns of Peofeesont„ others will soon be added - no that nci etndenrcan fall of receiving. ample attention, While the attendaneele Very . large; the' deport ment of the studentssedthelkintenst In stmt.! never was better. The next term will Commence thell7th instant, when anent! new classes will be formed. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. W. PAS; practical ®ate Roofer, am Dealer:hi American Rime, of nation orders. Mae at Alikrander . Umatilla's, near the Walter . Wmia, Pluabantly.Pa. . Residence, No. le Pike strait. Orders nromptly 'attended to: Alf work muinniteat.irlim- proof. Regpabilig deal at tba aborting izoiltali. N.:Foliagefor repehn; provided the roof Is ete aimed alter It is cut an. - steduction.—Our friend. Mr. John Weier. Np. 138- Yetle il ittiet , Tlleg6suy, wac in'the - east when the glorions news of the capture of .Plebmoud mut the marreeder ofthe rebel Gamer. 'al was received, - and taking advantage of the,panic produced, _ cud knowing the re-action that would lonise . ..7%olde v itoavz:lieichases of the Attest vpiing. and summer goods at about onehalf of theoki jaticee,; , Surte of-the rettost ,cloths;*rthimeres anatweittuars ' are' 'his stock, which he Is papered t,) nuke uto order,@hart 'MAIO in' Itatt. latest styles s and , at cavrespoudinkly !Ow 'ratre. A chetee asOrt , " meet °ln:amiable; goods and ready-mode.cloch, truce= kt elegant - estaibirsti"- - mull Our Aigialkariklentlatahnktglee him a cell. -80078 ;WOES. - BOOTS, ;He " 1341LIMONAL9 „it a LTZ a dr , Crlr t i t t Mkt= aM Miami Hoots Peri? Lowest Priem - I =l;ettowrlllapiveryttdagla tb,e Une ot oat as C, CP All *V Call opoqiii.'is inter 1 , 111'f:41r iuf 'tie • few days. rig Go ht. t to awl no other Neu, ta is e se sukezer . - doltr Insia*Uti: C111),..r1 would take .this methud /A- N- , torasholka smibits Lb*/ / bar. ocombiliclk; Bgar AND" 'EIDE - TRADE, t • asp atm ittiioya 'Epic 9to eaimbeter.a. ilitrisiptp fILLEGFANT Cerr . , Allay ad. • Ail Lan Wised out lay Old itooly amid kiln maw the vaster of buying tree a depromed warltet, 1 will be able to Deur stipt 1111141W1C1/1/Is4_ REMOVAL CO 147 *Li Mama aad palls droarati_EL _ • . ape IC at. iileciLtraciOlL. IV? ainne.s.utovan To (3 MARKET STREET, • AM I r a + °Egfi Our Noad iliftaeLL BOOM'S 'wont at. GAITERS err MONDAY, lee* _le; tees , The Wiese", et our Needs sal the rialto ferelosetnally eo4ielteL 1110117 Ta ,dlc. tea& 3Alißk- cross, !a. No. 11111 Markei Maw. BELta TBL Bisr, THE DIZATEST . • AM TEE MOST DI7YA.BIa. Qt anriouse la eh* city. E. caw Just . tsealved • willarialat ran stook. T Lim ono HE "STAR" WORM ." LUST RLOEIVEIIBY GEORGE ALBkEE. soil a co., R.. N WCIODSTREET. Ityr sod Youth's Heel Mamoru/1h Boote Oxfor d Timmy ttidldra% Goat sad KM 82tosi. • These good' are sad* to oar spectral order. W are warranted unequalled tortoni work. note GiRPIETN. oat mores. sc. 4FO URTH STREET WI HAVE IItAILIKED DONE 2'll onr onset:it stook, regardlus of cost, to I ..dreepoad to the L) LOWEST POINT Ok GOLD, L'itvlng la moat lintsoon upwards at FIEVT PEE OEN?. 'WIDER THY. PRICEit 'LAST SEASON. As we am daily he:elides ~goode Involct d acenrdiag to the ratio oteeld iT At the (tete 01- tildpment. we wlll effort to eiotidaets the eenetlrof' V. EVERY , DEPI42IE IN THE Di ialt..ET. W. 4D. Der 1. LIDS. !ER MUM, 11 STREET. CA I CARPETS! CARPETS CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OP . , DUNLAP. LUKER & ULL 136 Federal Street,.Allegheny. We be;ejtit received the !a rgert hock of Cfrpets. Rugs,7llats, Oft Cloths, ever offered to the pubic In this city, full neefotutent of IlitY Witch we ere offorlett at a nAtly .ed,leed mlt26:3nleod ENTXRPHISE.M.LLLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., lisinfactucts nod COMMIISIO4 ntfthOJIII CARPETINGS, Oil aoths, Xedlings, Rugs, ai'c. No. 619 cirmarstrr srarivr. fen.. PHIL • 11LPHII bbl s Priah P 1 0 'sale by ' Wrii. P-13ZO Apt 4 • VSS-3441 NEW EiiDE-.\CB. LUBIN'S Gomm mini lb*Ure M'.;d Protoie the eiroi►tli *titdM -.11.611 AIM 14111 aa ea LAW In ited ; kVA Intr. , lea a* lialdia 'at fitana dotizeit•ddid. sad bad Obi* N. 4 • end Wok L .`r ~ B iwa CAlDOCkilkiknerM• ''or;latitgotlriiiiiin haosikifirloic tairlialtri forieps told Wks the.halki sad Aboll4ll gicsaii 1 0 , ithiv i ttti Knaatturfor dap; IlfiNk beau ileprdisottiteLveirthylikikiffirdp Ist p LV iAmuda . cUTADILWAW &LW* birtilleankr It &wick twriclicat4 accll6, • I{ $lllO.llO/ t 4 Q:I cite*, U Soothes the Irritated &alp, , =t c : %re It Soothes the Irritate! Sudo,— I • T4l 3 =•FinVtli cepa* caw ticaelwagoviatas et . LOU 01 1 / I kfts It to n Elegant Perlume, , , , •cc It is a q Elegant Perfume, ' ' /t Is so It le 1111 ElegMle Pertxmle: ''' ' • Eutoesost CUSP Utscoanut tWaain .....erecia c Ootannut Cream Ealialts• Mositree•D L Comattut Produeeethst Riches. Lutar, • •: • Produees the, Eictirst L4wor, =-74 U Produce. the Richert Look, - It Products Rlagalt Luster; ' It gives the Hate ea 011FAisparook . =lt: fifil; :12 1 41PP' It glees VA gilt an 011 y Appeatooss, • Far Ming Wkiskers it bui as Eva/. For, Olbog Whiskers It has se Eqttal, • For Oiling 'Whiskers it du be Egiral, For 01.11n6 Whiskers It hu no Foutal,- I -1 Arid it liii7iri;Viiri I And It Retains all NI Besattfylog Mem ..Aad lt.NetatoealL Beektitylpit Weide Arid It Betides an' Its'BeitlMfyisor Miele For days after using It s . " For days after,uslog It, For dnyt after ruby ' 1." Poe days After using It,_ • • • , lt'Preiants Hatefreei Terabit Chaos It Prevents flair from 'nutting Gran , . . It Prevent/ flalefrons Turning (kale ;It'Prevents Hale fret 'Perathellkertye t It Prevents Hair from Turning eltegto-• _No Hair preparation pea. - Nernee,the pa:atlas 1/1114 ertfes *filch ao esseattal. • "y suite the humaa Sale t.e recommit Cesare. It Is the Mealiest irmi Nreislorifl tha W It Is the chespeat Nair 'Pressley -le the "W It is the Cheapest Hale Dressler fa. the W 4,1 It Is the!Cheapest sslng Drela , the VI .FOR, SAVE BT ALL lIIIIICKFI3T3 AND AT • ••••liki., 7. 111 ..3117207717'DE1717 _ • . _ Dispateli:Buildingistir_ . . _ Prrr far tGl C P 4 . 3 .. ROLE AGIENT for Dr. Hetiumitt•ef 1f.* 0 4; Ibusettes wed irJl Popttlar - : : 4: • Iti mroirtmipimit flat, MI, Ipt rtitam4 Irma ila. ' 'f looua T. M. LIMPSET, of 0 aliklaporry, Um =4, ,i,- wblell be maaufamorat; Ida • pialmtu: :• I ~.a , ' Dr- - Z , •IIE - LINi)8117. 1 8 - '' ''''''' - ._ liIIPROTED 16001:,,SEA11111114'.'.*;•• • , Mace. Oat them I h.,. , heas Maasfasittnin . kr . , ..t. Paris* Ikr. LINDSEY bland/ part ;alai': ; r -+t rm kia.;,.3 , • aball k"l tl i aatta m to ta ' an tri = its trtr at". " ;r 1. z .It La lbs 4pipmakua: and tiltootOplo4rl=. el m. 3,1 Thoatiitf u out, dritrtop Ike maaatoo, r,..„ aloOkkoot .. • tho mime 0f4,..11. /MAN IF Ilk :a • tOmrt_tot orol7AMMlOporto to 'doa;fra A pIOP tam every tomato" of thm, my tradomadri*.,l: ' r ; be mounded to tha-fall oplast of. the lair.. , , . • • JillC.Estrllol47,, aes • • COME' 241 .M ( 4 11 !.; •• : #raniuouil 031 Nat Balitaw,c' Amu", wher l4„q h„,,,,,, ;:ph0 Tr.fac: , Tb 'iraTtArk,. . tl (14"ra ; All IU . i w..l , i s M tir b i :ln gomts i ft'. .s . ael im a d 1 , thutahatlves veil >l. • .. am.i.. ~ rlieiLf. , eufs. mat all able AWNS 0.1 , Ihrstrt=el - ' 4 • B4 fai i 1.0.; i iiiii;.,-"::, MORI AIMS PILE BEM: DF ernuommuiD:s rax Gond: thousaado 4t-Uls waist issessit BUM • Binding Plies, It gives hatisidluo rodli4 - == m i i ni !r .*7l7l ! 4 L °,47 ' For solo by an thv g liksti., eqpat noisy isai ybarl>t_'tetrß,loloiltttl, Q.. DP3P9s4pl:l47°t!22lB*hbllitr DL *ratcas ioinix We • •teem: • KUM* MOM. Appetit.," on oir Thropg=rouloWl ood:Norrous y, to vs la • meant proporsumi bow tram W. , Ilqacosyll otologthaso t&Cidaole tiortimir 4 4 it iiliiates rood *metals ' " Dripiipida e.g ,Weriims • 4 ., • Lire t At ror MO' Oi Pt • GUI. IDETISEIR thisi4i,_ Wood otatot and Virgo alleyLaad ILL BELLAMS & 004 sorsa of Wood sod Soornid•WoohkElßS toughy, ood by ,PAILK t Stayi 0.1, mime ' A MAN OF A TIIOI7I3AND/.—A., OON • ' StfICPTIVE'ITORED..••••••Mr.II.-.71.11118, ear/r - : - ••"" , Ured phyelelso of greatentlnenee,duweeered, while In the Ewe Indies, st. eerteln our*. for flearreete.. • lion, Asthma, Bronchitis, ()earths', Uolda, t•-• end liehillty. The remedy wan . disoovered br when his only child, i daughter, 1,1111. etiw elipal we din Is 'child wee atared.'san Is nalle a t t I well. Desirous of benetlttinif his fender ~ he will send to those' who wish cotteltbit dtreetiotur for making-end stuteeitfolly Olegthla 3 remedy, free, on receipt if their names, with two elawee exPttemell. There •Ls" sot .1v symptom or Uonaumptioe that-t.does sot eaoßee y • take bold of Rad , Iletpete. Night sweat', pm,. [shawls, Inltetion of th e here's, alers of memory, Metal l a:peep:m*44lN s..wo pain. the:lltaft • acre Went,o at; enclose e &tonna, Inaction of the bow e l,,WaitiAliMTM/C, ai-The writer will please atete Mantas of the. ~ paw they WO this edvortisameet Addnest, ... • . North Seemed street, rhUsdelphis, MAIMOOD: HOW LOST CHOW B. TORY:D I- 4net.tntbllshed, la a naliderrei n ti rnoe, SLl B tleata. A Lecture onthe Rata^ or Somextrteakima,. Our. • tavoluatary_ Sexual Dabillty, and In=enta mamma graTlegaintlusr.Zujagyaleal / 291 =t 89 = 1 / 1 ; tag from &Marano, ha. By Ron?..T. untrue testa, M. D., author of the Green Book, _se. "A 800 TO - THOUSANDS OP PUFF/MESS! Sent, trade! - seal, in a plata to any adh Pear paul,un rendbant atm i,ori t n ri tar,r WS CliTtirriti l gOl D e l li . htit Lana 1 rtarnATAWd. PORT] riaRS PP.ACITIOIs Olves me • knowl IN' UAL D1ME11.8724 edge sehlom acquired, by PAM. slam My . long residence DI this city, acid the amount of pale:its Crested anaually by are sufficient proof of my success. SPERMATOR EMMA, or SEXUAL. WEAKNESS End all disessei wiring therefrom, 0,13. cured ts • much shorter time thse tweet/ b my NEW VEGETABLE SEMEDILM. Ili gore adic/n y et emit TO *ny glut of the Thll On. AS letters must coated* a' stump to peg return postage.- Derrespoodeneebilllltg ...troy (ogee, es SMITHFIELD etreet, nertrlDl4 mond. Addrese .. W. ITRANSTE.UP, M. D. IL. AM ctshuret. Psu •piIIVATE DISEASEN. puree 233 , PENN . EITILEETO3 For the cure of all diseases of a private &Mum tit from two to four dim by an entirely new and u[ treatment. Alio, Seminal Weektwan, and as °the 11serses of the genital organs, end thetrpreventton. A. cure warranted or money refUnned. Andrew. wants NO wie Penn street - 111 E IMPROVED . Ptto. s a l?. 41 Mt 1 4? I a er d n o et . 1 telishility and prate la movement; end' 'for s-sm• tfe worth it hive wr rival. • For atteplielty, Minkel/11y end eietution itleumequellat hr any tither shoo • • machine heretofore offered to the puha*, lind masa only to be ieen to be' appreelated:. - 11 *in bro. QUM,. trek. or Mal. -Call and 'examine ter year. si9ven, Every manikine ivamint.l. - 5. B. BARN= It -113 rAIIRD st..ppc.alt• sr. 0291+1. , U. 4 4. nRll,lv4 r Al,,mobstacm. T p.rjt hMI IT DRAW* fore ' ll of bel S inny and ayl istriele their irreales on reasatuad 10e-Otnee sod Ittriater bitteratiPf:st ,etotitannsh ,"4. ) 1t for xmarnix. .a 1- OF =MEE , am a-, : t rrt,t aa.
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