. 4 tiirC tirL ttztbiluigh finth TUESDAY, APRIL.I6, 1661 OMIRRN,IrOW4I et 00., 113 iimalworm tdb 33210,15.0rat 0 1144•75 Yourtb St. illitab egret. inn!! MOW - lis . .nit TVXDS34IIArgIi.7I tip si ntr ie r a d t s=ruttof the United Rates. • 11. fl. 'per not. UM, Basal RS. do. /WO de4 St ili g i tt& tr agUlcUe . Atlf fititteic=t2Vit'ciii eit vs - pot, reaudawau;' sad • - 64 )..4. a " a 001111130014," BialterAtilatialatit :14 1 1:1 11 4140.191116..,MM MARKET. Opeolal Dlostah ttasipUbturi - thisoKa. Pultalmmool - pal rt, um. a rarkkip" , .in!papamminlipd. liztl• tioni 41408,11 Air. DaDlta Dad* mit Dip old Baud hid. / 41 1.4V1110:04 '71"100 'Tali' - TAD p*M4u, '_4; Crii•li; 0411 111 . 7 g3i f iMiUmEoloadaaual DU Cleuskilri‘m-Pansi, ID& Duo. imed. Dif 13 1114vri14 VX; Oil Omit 1134 j MoOres ed Obserr Rua, t; Lau, /Nquiions 00011 dank Olum Ras, 04. . • • *IRS . . Rt Loutillqe. .•.L • 11 44X_ •P.:sl.siombi; oostiouisry tesse,22ls4l222lll2;amatuciti, made the talar , og Womb Oa the Ittli of April " Total Utrisilt, At 2.22 Att-teles. • Otrated, nts.. . • 852 i..; Taken. ilatrieTtefor. Thie - 141.1111 OS 152 •22 25 5,20 0 h 4•021225112 2110,01111 1.32 x •• acr r 40 „ 6 1110,COS • 111 42 II 25 gam/ t5gia2:42.2220221 It-tt% • ..".• 133 f 100,00 3 °rushed .• 212,[412 ~. 02t • - 111.SY 15,W0 Stu Otago - 175,400 , 211.12 222 WA. . , . I Wrlgl4*, spy Atialsoo; gx,iai, bbts, 4,000 A W .r .itriforor. eo..mason; iddian., IMo 'MOO /...Tusisy,Naw Volk, ii o . o oo patinas. - ai Kt -1250.4 1- • •e• . osirs cosctn. . . Ilsak Suilay lOW Yvrk, "2. Oesi pounds st wows moan: A EL Aadtein Ss 00., Oladanitl, ' 016, :154:C03) IMN at, 1130., .R 4 - 10 . 411 ;4 0 w 0 ,C4 1101 g!ftatt, 0 040, WOO Si, •csosslDs QA Dare; iranuing it *min s okiquisu, 115410;; 15,000 12FFen0 21 100 D. -lop, ZAMstlll6, ZLi uakyio 000 o=4 - ckicaioAszket: " a se..l pp 1 a 4 • • osierWaasa tr. Oita .valet at Oalata. Mra_ nra•911111, Atari ;Pan: 4 113 P1' Prate. ikaatata atront, Mae Wei Wa4 ll , l ! att a4 ll /4 - Ck4s, amalbtaa; Masi bas • - • . :•41iniosivr31* ' 11.11TER.• ..- • : CIEOITMATI rra aaaexarr N 0 ..0-1.: bbd lobs*. ano, A 1211aub,1 lani verteirs;llammer & Mauler; id Vitabc, 4 .!...' ,tfl:'l"ZiAl!:=l 7 titia: Est 0 bossy ariste,l24,D e Ortisioaai WO bads spokes; lido baba, ps, Park It. no; Ltd& 1 bble, Waring & Kim IS bbl. hot or Iwo Elteln; SO labia hour, Peter Parma; le Safes cotton. Franklin Cotton hillia. IT do do Thow-Arbuckha •Ikoorla pkga Gan eat, II do raga. I MI larrino,l oil 'MIA MY' P - Reek; II tors_turs. JO 6101 Mt Wli• an , Carr , 4 on Sl' aka Int=.lLta as&kareullonsh, SMltlk -4 ea; In Ms . 6 . 0 0 a 4 Parkrtt6 WS galore. r 662 22 6% . 7 /thank I pig. rap, I do butter, / ' Darien los anadrira, Via= & Co: Dinlirt aiA&AarkarrbAll 0&I 'Won, k bbl, riaVr t Adak 26 dliciMir lall;t3isult - at 6°1.2'048n lead ordnarrot coal haat Latins& -Biaakbara 1, 11 . Alm asdekhlwa Kurtz; kanctior. Drably Kamm 46 all obis:Wish Mad & Ander. disc liptildirstlibrisi. Many &tor I bow &inhale Dairigkelorkt. soisal :pkilikides; LOU Mahn . ; t. coma Iffaiiilirnanir aphis wawa I hors& aroma . . .111r.• 4 LiAiir I 'BIGISTANDIM , —*O . Nolte; IShomaker ID ' 1 'loox t Fs 0ck , 11. - tbl_ll ki 4 FIVA , FiIIi 'DU bkiSi . Vra. 2 / 61 4. k '11"41. In. l l4( ol7 PPLitqqe..l: , The iffiliaahlthtiel:terseida.atawillytatibes' falatahough 'bete tattalesi abnadance of water for all earl's ble imposes. 71w weatheeesterdar . , . was dear sadjelessatt, and Week! eel settled. . The estivate Nebel 'oitilliat rel . ent,' loeligaa the AzgOaape,lFo r t a n , Fro= ,CAssiesatt;-11,1ehlisaaer: from Elletiroile, and aheree'ttosoDatsque, i The . rogiboets about duo. aw! _rip doubt 7 We R. Rig nest Sir or two. ' '' -'' —s. The a olka • arkerslast. mu, • ther ohlrite.., ' CloculllFYl =WAS preesratlona: reseleat. la esti, - arise fleet,' awl Is Old ` dotAUMlllwettAhwtUr She erseSeg.; The latt . weed Vo in severeness motor, Asa 'andlee4 Croak redeem' an 5ur..410," ISed "with swims troops. e Sewn Haters issiskakkaat itiellaf.Witer Tie b• llustioeula Irma. the FORMS Graham has . essardestto, -W pm. seesonserlp.aaa Tsui:: hatteliaustiti - halt; Asalll - ..Zowlay sight .. .. . . . . iki...lrawk•-alas aimed W h o ll y drapes:sled at Ma %eau lawthara,aod,cordeutwatly, th en was but r=tr A" : 6l44 l.l il at ti tatft '4 = W hir e- ac. wadi :e mi r A tirr aara I' . 7 y u.. isr a ~ ted regular put. ir OPporill GU to birlaport CM wow. lag. • .., " ..' Yllt •ferlillwrKiserim yid& strived bold fee. as ntst, balhogatbso malt, ti. telliorir oCmakl ' the dart thmaato trip up the Upper atimairsopp. It Lowed erstato. as yet, Wisio.trid litierlei Will.. lean for but-Capt. tiololad will - =As up ids clad thaw Moo of arbil or two. The peralolllty ba tr.wrodr, that at. will lead for .rlasturalko. atroodotaalbarat Indueenoto a offer, ..: - : Maids= Oa% thipt. Dos. win km nadir tors . tootre height wr Pt. Louts lid all faun medlars parabola .4. day'. The toward Ilium of Capt.. Om IlattliPt ."kilr lying eits'llor aw.itrowalrrlllO. Will prob. obi mud her loid Ind for a taw days Ile Perri. llopt..11:11. Drama Is now loonair for Fastria-and will hare dispatch at Wednes day C a y!. 311llrr,'.1siif r..f the Onwiud, lola boartuog i rks. Nevada's °inv.' . k ftr thr ' atoll, Wu id_lautavlllion Frldsp,:sdadlok lot It . taloa, mad somas other lima atm Iy/delved oath MIAOW Of o.leako Sr o /few York. The, lloutoklr I brio tbe woe day forht....Loala. - .11is Ift. laula Drowse: of Thursday awe: ' .. 4. apt...l l ariii,traitd,ofttutoodoy, has- b-sal..t fr om- Vag& Pot Tore, thror4roultha of t4a Kara ' Dad. = 1% 0404 ilui Maoism was built .4 Moan , . Prob. IBA cost itadalt ' cornea IA O3 t°ll and loaCsaparity for two or throe reoglateata o f, th htnl'. 6.itrirn bow bOtiiitt from Dr.. Lamm, of :it J .0. Ibter-fr.tutha of the 'tamer iliitypro, at e a4-of 11311„lhoo tor the etairaboad,. Mr. Bryan lug tips, e) agaroftho oftee. , :No .-::-..:,~sc.~s.~s~Tx. , -- VORIIAIItO AND tiT. LOUIS. Tits iggeadlig steamer LEONIDAS, sasWll. eas,mill lens fur Ogre u St.'Lottle 4SWE/LINIZDAY, Aped Dab. Zee DmlELtlez i misott on lose; or ' oft I'. D. COLLINGWOOD, Ar." 6- - . L'OR CINCINNATI LOUlead ,ThIMAYro NAtallVltTsE—lMis Los mod commodious pasimutnt Miaow' NEVADA, Wm. EL - trans; Master, will Ipso for eh. at,,,,,.. *MI latittiolultstopole . AT, 'lit% lost, at ... , • 4 r. isor.ss6B: sge goply on boed. or to • J.D.I;OI..L•metWOOD, i . . _ apill' l ' ,' - JOHN PIAUK• . i '4.Pw• IZEG UTAK IV - EEKLY PORTlll a rma .wa• ISOUTH. , 'AIfD • PITTSBURGH PAOYET.—The flee yamenger steamer ERA. R.,H. liCerr, master; W. H. Bryan, Melly Is littoburgh every SATURDAY, all 4 dolour m, and Portsmouth every MUNDATist $ o'clock •p. es. WM Golden Ern m show:meet/one at Ports moethsalth the aoteudld steamer Bootees' No.; fbe taselnamti, and will receipt folgttotulpasamo Sera tbruturh to that city ' note 111AM1I.TTA AND LINE PA i;n- Zlr i•ERc alKe.. —11:24. • I: L ". LT: STRA At i LL i7v ILAIULTTA AN iDK D PARKER.2DURO. neer and tut gide had 0181.01101 T RAT. ARD,O:D. Miame. Master, Daniel Moore. Merit. Leaves PittaLiargh every MONDAY & TIMM*. DAY, et 'l. M. • Leave. Wheeling at r. at, tune day& _ _ Renaming, feeler Parke:nitre TUGBOAT and FRIDAY. at 2 r. tves Marietta at 3 x. satas daya. L. ma Wheeung at 1 a.m. WEDNIZDAY sad MA TIDINDaY. iJt frolett or pavane. Farina Oaeorpaued so. eommodatiout, apply oz.beard or to JOHN FLALUK,oe JAS. cOLLINS. Agents. itaZatt Fn. ta Water street, Pittsburgh. w L u la t y . PIPE . AND tfH NrCX)RIIIICIC & GIB,SON, ,247.0. 19 =sort .2 , 471.33.1013. grucpurerr, ouro, , 2talie to order PIPEs AND sILEL - 6 of soy ama teet. ided vreig L ti 2 and foot, fla.. and apaima. , 1 , 1 2, 5, 2 1 22 in 2 4 ,2 r 2 334 i lactieL a N c n i za . 3 SF ' id ispeciAlly Ask ire atteoilon et Muni boo rod Proprietors of .011 • Works and OIL Weld ;RUIR _ _ •••• uS Weis 'Extra Labrador Herring, very; One Extrallo. 1 Large nave Mackerel 'an hate bola Large No. a IC quarter bbla No a ,aoe 3004 poauda CoOtilel{ iktlorpt ices ty iidISLHY re TAN EIOR EL • 11 k 15 ,Nn. tot Liberty creet. STEEL TEETH, for Su lky; . 'AraOran Hakes , of any abliPe rai t anwo , 4 " 1 ", d Oath Hakes tannutaetumt • - (MEDIAN XVlONkfillul4 Alkitgar 4, Miglift:b. MOLlli=niii EMEIMI TITIEBIfft.OII FOUNDRY , A. aAmitsox A. GARIIII3ON -& CO. _ t (Saceessomto Balthus, Garrison, le 00,) • romm mm Itotodiotorrir et MIA BONN ot all dzot tot Irani Steel; ram. Gnaw •Ittivoillutous. StgaWLHoargla,,isper sailag Lt . / I ° ll 4, WM U* 44 'au asaiputws. MU* atentDo TZ Cwi hinda. th a gado. ty other pattern, alma,' Olt hatid and Oltod to order on shoot wit* and tortostrtor omit. O 1 sod Worahotow. ItillottadloblOtttot i ratabonit. May W. usxrair.. 7. alive IRON CITY WO,RICH. licacscrwrosn. zazatran.z. i mo. FO Erz AND . . . Corner of I.l# and CPILLII,!!, and • PIKE and WALNUT •i • : • . . 1 . . (Near Clit)7,WaterWorke,) Zei.MMlTtltsT—Ml or unt. ItY of allklnds, RIO generaljobbers. ' : Praia:me Rttentlon eves to making HOLUM X" 3, UAUVIMEgY ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., so. avraird Strie4,Pittunugh. , . . :IT AND. MEET LEON WO L IN - . sad Xannfaaturers of , . JAPANNED UN W --. . We lutes now entnufactutiiit and have datuutd Bathingn Apperatui of all kinds, Toilet -11111re' In Sette r Water C oole rs , 'Groeers , Tea and 8 Onn, Wets, Cash and. Upton-Boxes, Moulder Spittoons, he., ha : A large, lot etlllul r so!. low. Oil Cane at all antes and p Roonor, Conductors, and 41' =Wit of ' .7' . 4 .... Work one loonier .. 'L ' Q11, 7 1.E4 PLATED WARS Da ', , 7ra.tters, vuwn, tas.. /kn. raltata 'for . t.liTrado • ea band slid for sale by . • . wiEJER MlN;k 226 South; MA •k PHILADELPHCL. E=7M=2 JOHN atipvei r MitiOtazi!kyerareris. AD' IRON BillNliEfte." OeIN and Sales Bwm4 - tels No. 11 LIBIZIefir STBEEII` pENN - MACHINE "- WONKE AND 'FOUNDRY. WIGUTMAN , =Gum BUILDER AND peewee,. crawler, between. redonr A l t . and °lllNin tilandutry . , Vattutiertiner A r i ot 1:7 f `: -PoRTABLa oscru4aucci A STEAM... e 8 PAY TZPIT ER GINEB, Repel==enieil • SCHOWO444I-ZISI, 41 ILLMACTIMI-X OW ' • ritins_ Oulto *co as& Ppkr..L LAMMED olla _ 1 1.61N1811. AndwE,PAlNT*.ks , itarAlLuz i. siL • IdEao 7 8 aaaaletasir,114: Wand Wan: aduldid . EVERANCry 'Water, t. • . Pittaboada r manufacturer of BOLIZE. EIS, WROUGHT SPEDEB,isaasaa and =Woad , .eatery damenption. Padstaantallasad or laved Kr/Xi:Sand illreni larva ar sisikn o -uodo to anda.aa Ad, akatiaL-"a1 :glad aamettamat aniaaatla ea asap, - ialllllMaa- NV ELLS,. R1PD.4.% 4.0 C0. .-'4i114&::1r"171e43i"244 len SJIER & SWITi EDZUSEL aN r i "" et •P rA ri.Ea shirnltatted Lewitt's* craft...d Isitiostuee. OSPLN Ma'a m iiib.auwaFiFs. s' Sti4 at bralintil a airEET L bet sv ► Aittr'' Woed . sad.Mstkasnests.Pittalbuectars. ski j AMES BOWZ4 UN' Wood Street, Epittailbricar&32 4 : lLsta.. : , 1 ,'.',:::_lisarvratirtniVX lit • IlltßatED BORINS 10014. -S hOOL: .40,Fe/ r flik hximiurixdoessaft of ter vary_ ' Aiiro:ww.mooß mom. - - rLL souses etramuntan • ii=al;s22. • li►rio.s. .Wtth soak &Welts a neeemary to faipkipt grim HMS, 11A111111%, SHOVELS. MIL% • . ROPE,, • of*lO7llLE 23 Allot whkb / Yaws Jadtaiwais TRUTH, WORD FUR WORD.—rRST THIe.—HE TOUR OWN ./lIIK/E.—Weerry Craddock 6106.-0 rims: lan' wittrfied of the merits 134TIAN HEMP. It Ma tamed ms from the "deal" as It were. w..ere tIONOUMPI7rIN. bad se nearly placed me. Your Jimmy, Ms and Olaf. meat has done for me_ what nothlat eke did or could do—restored ma to health end Ufa, when I taw resigned myself to the 'mortal ohatrs.^ If .41°1!•4 .. le"°i".""atheW"Pti6: Yu a n, \ • • • •-• /1. X ROMS. wwiniennpf morale, Ma RI% • The &boys Is Serbatum a nd but ons of the many we metros. Dr: IL JAMES' CAMNASIAH DlOhls tbe only remedy that will posttivedymtra LIJNNUMITION. ASTHMA and HRAINORffIrt. We abk the .trial or a.alOelehot k. as HER sat. Hey skei6l69ll. - fO roper bottle.' Three b °" 3 ".W.. PIIL and (Hutment, 111 % each. - 'IRA lite KIK sr 110., 121!!!!MililiM2MM Kis .11.1 V 631. ...A I-, STREET— I', irelbknoWn MEP DIAL SALES :WOODS, ertabbabol by flu. late John D. Darts for neutral I.7oumisalois Auc tion business. bare Decant:nov.4 to Phi deir la SPLAN BUILDING:4, trat Smithfield atriret, next to eerier of Filth street, &hitt nmeattely op- POdge the • Yeatothee, where patine soles of • all classes of aehrtiatidise will beech:abused trttlie ua debrigned, every dahow y and imentnit, r.c.ecry. %be amnia Poor been qttrd sp teethe aceona monatlon of the regular weekly niticA of Stocks, Bonds. Real Eatmr, ka, with convenient entrain* at th e rear orthe moot. directly stroet, In addition to inside entrance lrealirat brit Soot of sales rooms. , apt A. hictl.W?tltell, Auctioneer. CO.NrIGNMEN'fo. ' bw bide Fairs Fsmll7 Flour, warranted; • ' Eau bush Prime %bite 13ran.; Vie bush of New Shelled Mead 160 moth Peach Rlo ts Potatoes ; seeks ; • 60 bole do lx hlif Prime Roll Flurti s ll • 6 krilinn do . do; • tube Cooking Batten. '7O bbm of (nisi Apples; . 60 bids Green do. ; prime; • 10 bush Flaxseed: • Md. do TiM?::,g lleoWired and (or :isle by 6W*, • • • •• Mn.. a cod 7o Water street. • . • . • aItE.F.N celeed o fresh sutsor of rireentlirrii 'ache.; sire Rect./54.h, Fptree *fete, (+rent Peer, 5151.,Pr role by the dozer , , or et rote4l et reteerYt priers ele the Pemily tirnres7 Staten, iNtO A. ItENSHHW, able coiner Llbevr ens /lend strrsts, fiYFIN El/ KU , tI lltS.-40 bhls Crushed, Pureerized. Lola awl- It nr:y d White nod Y. low Buteee.leit. ised • nrot for MAO at roditsod prioes, wholesale awl r uil 07 • JOHN A. R riff4ll.4sV, owner Liberty and Ilene onsets. gTORd GE I STORM) E i i E!— lit ' b or g " Le bealll.ll4ti'E4lll:;:thil..Cel. _1 , P 10 :174 ``,.. 0 R. cht lu 17/fttPt 'trot, . . ,}II'GIIT CIit.WINO 1 uIIADC O . . :in news Sunny Side, , arteet Inirrn, Roos dud lek Ann t NUM !duds!: dne cut toh4Nn. tor ode hr 01 - : , . ' , , KEYMKR n !Mir PER 'BANGERS . AND WRITE .WA:4IEILS seat on abort caw* t* chose bur Log mu papers. • ~.4 . JOS. B. HUtitiSts EBRO w~, .x..~~_...e- FLES t PILES 1 . PILES; r6an!t inasersor MAOHERIV Ha . r:. TWENTY YEAJup STABBING, •!' • _ • --/ 61 wr.ltb 82 4 , 4wilowurowailwa,. 010,41,01,mmals814fwmft,,wwismPs ',Dri.lsyseeiLlidsersilleedSearebert s. ihdaesrliiime « L... 1134 Nue, eadi ,teli Its. Ose.' Xxems I bowie eakitall • ribs aleentimatryeers y e, eels sari year IS , . , was Scala land. a Alto SOM. isiViiyetlit ve Ina so at nisiss ate mass gorWerk. is. ass I was re boll that 1 "odd amt d. anything • what of tasouthey GUY 0117,fiva as as large ass IllehorY RUC., Lad tiled a great deal H 'mud. .onOtaist. Irtisedti 10, take hateisi 'mil best of 'et read of a climbs, and poSphlet s that mi.' waY. but I enta not at mat saco miss they woutddottlesomegeodlbranttle ut afterwards tber would setvniagaisia• sad so ever. - also atirliadto two Doctors, wk• irbiltne . me army house and gave sue acme medicine, but is woniduot de, I could netget well. Oar • year Mgt I gOt rikdvwDseweed of your Ll~it Bleed stealer; made by - Yourself. When you odd It to me you told in one bottle would not Wire we, and that my wholerreteni Would haveto be renewed by theSedlense before 1 got well I bought one bows and took it how with as, and used It aooordlog to your dllectlons, I then called tow you again when you cold 'amid not. expect Inch binielit trees one bottle.' I bought th one 'bottle it a Dm. until I had tumid - nee bottles. Alter Ude quantity wa used. I was initiate well of the Pilearwhale had tortured it , for twenty years. In allotrope"s my health is improved. and I ant as well as solid be expected ler owe of my age, bast atzty yeas past._ been well low for' six months. sad there is no AS:saran" or the retort of the Wow tau doily kind of forming now without work be pia coats down and hurtles. me. Icon Mesh bay, shoperood, lllT. ts do any kind of worliwklsh bansa used to hurt aye. When I found out you .131001 ilesonnatalopt oa taking it until Ida a. tidy well. I consider It ray duty lonia. as we kaowa to the ' , Sultry for the t 'lt of others wke, way be suffering 'ail was, sod do lot kiow the vableot your medletne. Tea may publla thle you Ilk". I llot Ii Sllklao tetwalp, lad Wtll he plesol to nattily any suet t h e Ina of the ow testa lksy oak to allot se. /4 6 'ilatz nth, 1851. ELLIOTT WPM , 4xcrrcor4i. Look out bet tbus alums of Dt. GOODOIA ICEYSER the 'deem of the bottle, sod -ever Me cork; Ow for kb otaii, so the' Obit States stamp on tam top of-the loo= Pfereab lie Z, ll " "e4 4411 7 • 8 1 411 1 0 0 1 IMMO , Bola De.. 141 WOOD Wry and Junparrow.aolllllZ Mid oto RERNIA. OR RUPTURE /mom OR sanynnur cum +E mu or a Orrin= CURD. smug an strprvis can, miiitu cue mum= atraza. irlf•xszi . oz tvricu alma. =um' imarrnsis mu= i l ZuniA l :l o4 "PrilF mum ersas ar IY minim CVLID. A7241,2Z avuti . A crags WTIIII OS =XXI& - I -• • RATIVIS OR IiZAZZA AMA 1 ' Iltr/71713 t SW A Met • morrrts at MAMA' Met' scans 01 OatNIA Orli, ii • ,IVP7ilia OR RIERSZA. atiussis mama. mut non itltner Tula slirczressrrairn •rgrss. 3XLF-4114=71011 arse. Ma. Prom fee the support • •» far weak NI kaeiiellif Ankle Inboitersiforwailiosakiobair. Belflidioodiat, sad evarfialfr laid of Bard Bnbiier rem Dr. Stanell 1401 or Body Bra" the:care of Pratapeas Uteri, Pas, Wend nil and Spina!Weekneeeee. , S. 8. Etales Silva EAU irpporli. M. SETS= ell Wee peehosal stlyett• tot's' itoollestlas ef Tromso Le Mons aad etUdzes as ha [imitated hat,wftli itefenefteheean na . ty nets, he will U40'111114 te giveleellefeetlit • -# • aireffles selds Ile WOOD ST.. else of the Oolles Mortar. Peewee writhe fee True,s should seed the number: of Lahti aimed the body, Mlstely over the mews. CA. Ailillll martian% SAWS, .ali s int3l (MS. pLANIA LEVIrI" cba. aimulaur in swim. CATARRH REKEDY ft peomrstm to tna very *AI Of Ms terrible • ems.. estermbuttee ft, root sod bramm, form er. Dr. Cfl..tiLlALle. -is the brat and only person woe ever told the world whetOsterrh re al ly was, where It commenced, cod what would mare It. 000 DALE has Vents lifetipse fa battlla with this fell discrfsc, exploring its secret ambush and making known to the world•the feat the (far rush, which hoe for years defied the saIU o.• search of medical men and authors In thin untry end in 'Europe now be cured, with Dad samx uniform ecru...sty that mortlug follows eight. Thousands, who triad ovary known onto In vale, have been permanenUp cured by Dr. OP./DALE% flATAßitil REDIEUY, mud now praise LI In the most extravagant terms of praise. sr Call at our neared aorta, or send 'taro) 4.1% . 61)11.1 ' .4 " 31. 111. D., I ke v r i trork. YrblY"bd by IL NOICI 0/Vb 01 1'iTM 1 3;Ati For Sail sthettin and Scrofula, TEMA SUALD BEAD, RINGWORMS, a 124 all ITCHING AND 11118N/NCI SORES ThLa Ointment penetrate' to the basts of the Me ease goes to the very- eoureo-_,, e 4 can., it from the flesh beouth to the skip oh the ourfavo—throWe the 1,01.00 Of the dlseue upward, and every partt• of It Is duetutreed thloughthe pores—the 1100e1 Of the dlso►se are expelled troa the 4„h... lueuttly theft o►a be tto , ..satrapri it Co. Agh • _il isimunver, 70.eit: Sold by DR. KEYSER:Agent, M lie WOOD =Ski. ni nernoni INSIZEIESSE wVEDICaL. DR. R. cxooDALsget NORTON & CO., Sale Agents, $l2 DR OA bird Y , NEW YORK. DR. G. R. KEYSER, Sole Agent, No. 140 WOOD STREET, Piltibunth. Pernaartently cures and EIHMTIONS UP THE SHIN S .1.1 - D 13. a..rr_zras. 4 AIMS 0.1 88 ,T,,rl 8. D. ' N @6OX, Preilder-r. Calatert r mmos.u. (late with AXt l . 11 3n C O "Y B ir k.) V. S. aortrrnette .PITTEI3I7II6II. February la, tea. VOTIC/L—WISIaNG TO FURTHER the dodge of tie NATIONAL BANE LAW. TO PILOTWE • 'Uniforll2. System of currency FOUR' NATIONAL BANK: . OF prnat... alp, at eallftar Pamir" lA, OA realm keg healer Depeettat; atetsaag sag deakem T V7e A / 4" .0 T, • oithiguist!iie6 l irm . 14R-MONEY 'OF , ALL meta is di:dump for their tarreeey. Es alter et theßoard. • ALL= DUNE, Cas2dfor. ztoum N HOLMES & SONS, N 0.67 liarket Street. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS R.wzrvzp nc PAR maws AND CURUENOY Uollietlons made on ill the prtnedpel peltitkof the , tfoltini Staten ned Onoadai. STEMS, BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITIE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION u rn/coin attontloo goad to the porekaao and UNITED STATES ..SECURITIES, ciL^z.vonto Ridged IRON Dui Sr USI ; De. do. 54C0 Ilens- Pties, 11 Imes 10401; Outilleites of laitiOstaao. ORDERS AND VOTIOREEs . Spook? os Jima, ooLLEarzw. _ _ _ DOLLAR BANK,' NO 13 Yam% &rani. (Audi-mitt) IN toff. Open daily from II to 1140ebick, also en Wednew day and Saturday rimming, from Nay 114 t oo No. :vender let, Masi 7 to tigeelock, and from November lit to Dray Id from a to,ll o'clock. Deposits modem] of all sums or not than One Dollar,' end a dividend of the profits declared Mee • year, le June and Doiesuber. Interest has Mee declined eambennually, In June and Decciaber, duce the Hank wads mended, at the rate of ets per tenthyear. • Interest, If not drawn out, b placed to the reedit or the delimiter as principal, and team the same Interest from the and days of loneand Dosember, oonipouriding twice a year without troubling the depoettor to call. or even to _present blips. book. At this ride money will doubts la lees than twelve and efrataining Charter, B itahis i V a rnu cos tal fu gads, dew et thetailne. . .: • E017.0X ALILIUOL WMlssi.T.•Ascleroc;e, A..X. Pofaek, S P., Job* G. Baokoles. Robert Bob, • Baal. Fahnestoodc, A Jobs H. aaabsegsr. James Hardman, A mes &I Sh SDN Jams BD_ ,/lialoy Alasander Spoor, Issas S. Passock, cheistlan Team Calvla Aguas, vounresio.Hwy J. Lyra, Jobs O. Bladlay, Pass L. Nagsara, Oztelg_Lkall, Joist Karahall, Walt* P. Ilardball, Alosx7r....arW, Jams a - D. Maass, pearls, 1.4)01100, Aga liallsblma4 Woo: Douglas, Jobs Ort, Jobs Evans, , Whole* L. Jabal J. Gillsople,.ls. ll =s, William S. Haves, ' Alorassolet TIDAL . Peter H. Hanker, Wlllissalrasklek„ illebazd Lta K k ks. Woo. P T . ill n =su, • Luota lasso Thesosser..4. A.. 411012.70 N gunifoog- . 4/14Z11 S D. SIXDS., at! - TRY/MIRY bEPARTM• Omen zrr, Of Ihnarrsol.t.ea. or yea .threasicrr, Washtnigton, Man* ITEIi EL 13 BY EINTISFLCTO Y @Wm* promoted to the ultilentesee, It Le been made GI appear that • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, is the borragh of In iiefety of. Alin= awl titate a of PeAn i r' io xida, bon defy olinVAieto of tie " w w e° •attlisit Ind to gra vide • If othisal Conowey, esenaid by a.= United Stales Sow* and to welds low Intim and sedeamplloatheretif, , ! *morel Joao td, 1141, aid hes complied with tie 'revitalise of osl4 act reguland total sosplhid wlthbohno sow werwhini tb• tandem of Ininking eater sold /tett Indtherefore, 1, ntitlitlf 11014111. 00CiptrOl• It, do hereby that.Tlio Fleet National eapuune ouVly . In the hr. - .lb 01 Mal lighntet Abe enetialy of Allegheny an mime of Penntylvante. la authorise' to sow , wined Ms bantam of Thula Jag wider the act atom { 4' 2 " f i re:o7oPtrt . , 4 wl l l B " let, _taped 'itz." l taroV t =f tha of W off," ;hid =slay Of ink ithiL Timmy Depar ;swat. FRICIMAN Comptroller or the Omit ma) TREASURY REPARTRENI, Ounce or. Corr:Jun.lmi of Try OuiltmeaT, Wasziturrox, February 14. teal. BEIIB - A8 BY SATII3PACTOB eskleffe presented to the itatershtuitt,l2llua hoes Jae" to appear that tbs. MONO NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY, Is tie city of Alleghesy, is the a moat/ of Allis ohs coo State of Peunetiasi,,.ites WOO dilly o ostler sad accord he the requireisests 0 the sets of Vongreae, 00111 of °Air Act te pro vide • NationM Ihrfeoey; seettred bp • pledge et United notes Strada, wadtorn& for the drew latter and redetaptios write Weep/oval Joao ad„ 18114, sod hes emptied with the, provisions et saidaet required to be compiled with beforarems 'mewls; the bluineio 'et hankies seder eal4 Set Now therefore, I.„livos McCort/ma, Cknaptreller of the thin resen do hereby eertlf y that "The Second Netts°. R ol Bask Sr Allegbeoy Oar la the City pf Alt.. gheny. in the 001101, of Allegherty, and Stilt. of Peassylestill, Is Authorised looommeneethe buf fo:lW of flanking andel . OW Oa aforesaid. { 1 Currency Daman. 'in toeUmony whereof Seal of the witimao rap haw! and Oomptroller of the seal of office. tab MI day (forret:my. of February, leaf. Treasury Department. . ' HUGH MotJULLOOH. Comptroller of the Currency DlSSOLeriwrs. Nu DISSOLUTION OF 00-PARTNICTI. BRIT.-41e Partnersldp heretofore existing betstron the 'undersigned, under the Ms name CROMPTON & 00., (or the onnunicture of Silva Testi and other Soaps, has thls day been dtsvolvied by seutrial consent. &MUM M. KIER. JOHN O. CROhIPTON JOHN TOMTITS. Pittsbaqh, Sept. 11th, MS. .1 44 kEznanv & co.. (Fneca•Mn m CRUMPTON C PIM TL JOILS OW Silver Pearl and Superior Itosin Soaps, • LIBERTY MEET, Pf7SDvaaa• aingya SSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, TVI A- , —Tint Partnersldo heretofore existing bw tween WH. If lith.S and A 1,14111 MEANS. In the manufacturing of Belt in the Borough of Mem cheater, under the reins of, Bow and Meson, •is this day .thwolved by mutual Sonlmin. Will•B retiring. Either of the above pirtICII may settle tne business of thwlite firm. AI, persons knowing themselves indebted will please rnil nod artile, and these booing claims will present therelor settle, went. The butt..., will be carried oa st the same place be Af,l.tN MEANS a (I'). apl3Swilnitwr COPAItTNIII2S 1 - 1 IP. • 7l h :T" =e t' u d ar hue to the ll.O cudlep t: B, 31e pnrtheral 1p dnttog FEB. B PART Ist, Wader the tame or eftuarson, Annual k Co. W. D. PATTERION LAW 1111.4.4VE E.IMTN. JOHN BOSS, Agent of the Equitable In •orranee Un., Kensington Fire ir.lllllloo On., soil the Penn ei tiles! Life Innurrmca 00. of PiUi,. delol.ln. N. W. tor. Woott end Third strgett, Pitts burgts. fe:ly GATIDIN ER COFFIN, Agent for the er • Frntsklin, PhOndelvltin cod linfilmore lona sore Comp:inlet, Notthrect corner WOOD awl TIIIIU) trrs. Wr P. JONES, Agent to: North Amerl an,`itnce of P enns y IvAntn, And Hartford in. Cloinonte a. d* WATER rt rtt F. pi t. QA111131% REA, Secretary Citt — iel — ae Roe.. Company, corner MARKET and WATER atrium. Altb.—tri tierce& Ruble 'tendered Lnitl reerWed and far .nie by mer r - rt.b. BAIRD lb- PATTIriTt 13A blldrela Fall Barley fcr ,nle by W. Y.-1311K mhb 1146 CEVEN -- T.lOO Larrels New 1 .rk. fat .'s* by_ UL ET EL CULLUM MEM 0 en AMPION OIL COIiPANY Producers cif Crude and Manufacture. of Iteflaed Carbon Oil, 88naiue andLubriaiihi:tg Oils 'lllOll3 OPPOSITE S ottfts4. I, Lin tied, IiPPREIGH, Pa. W. , W. D. Sup't. 1311.1LTEISA BURKE &C 0.,. , : owanssxoN ICEROZANTS, • ON Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil : Works: , Lthendeagth sdirives made es oensigiumiitias et ; ..Rdh•ed:or Crside iodreiesins. . air. likidtlfeWitr!ini zuseocii Jeabrjl 'Wog f,ly-c...03 alum aLrael: CURTIS4t, ' ' ' " '• ' • ) 117;," , . ; . • t.0 16 0* . W a g* H g rir . ' Cat= lati ) BENIZENZAiLD LUBIIIO4.TING OIL& to SO II 17 rlir7ZAßYta. PIUZADIUMA. PA. *r_sionize‘iapiketty (indet odtwe,) lb, non bria , •• Aho,eseellent • traintles tor shipping to Id an and, Foreign- porn!, At one wharf on tho Itenalkill Elver, near the platform Onto P.B. Y. RICHARDSON; HARLEY it ON , ! Outindoic6 aid Ferwaniing Nerahaata CHUB AND REFINED PETROLINDE, • netriN eiritzEr. • .priTsays.as. P / sash Limiest, on sonidgesteuts hr Pittsburgh or Etuttent Markets. , Freewill:man agesimsais. Munn, .11.13: !Himont' /11; 004 B Petee — , narbaugh, It h laZon Belo DN., Pratt. Omenlooted Rank. srANDARD TETROLEUM 1111PMEERY. "CLARK & StIMER. • Wert and Mee, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. Mee to Pittaburgh,Wl ROOD STREET. . These work, here the largest asperity hi the or. The • bread Mande* the h*hest In this eo ntry iuul Europeffor quality awl test, en the oil is put is well sesaoned barrels, prepared spretally for export. endanufacturere ot T OOLS LS. TANKS, IMPROVED BOEING fro Oil Well'. delllny BONDED WAREHOUSE - OIP Phenix Warehousing Company, E'.►t of HALM ft HAhRISON ma., Blook/To 11,12TUD PETROLEUM, In Taoßa and Barrel. Be. Circulars. lithos, No, 16 RESER STREET, New York. J, BENT, • rNo. If O. EWER BY.. IPEttslotoSh. FONWAIDLID AND COMMISSION MERCHANT: AND DEALER IN OILS. 111 . 1 t, It! ok •c, •. • , PETROLEUM_ OLLS, kg.. constastly esibaad • for gala at Mil In t masArket pion. Uonalge. ap7.o4i S. WAIIIIIO .11/11111T IL NO WARING h KING, OCUCKLASION areacitirrrs, AIM SACIFESS Di PETROL/MX AHD, ITS PRODUCTS And bk•Riavag Materials. oMmy Mo.= MARKET Sr. riturbzult. OMB WILKINO, • slogs Ars DIU= TS CRUDE Pal) OILS p.eis butise4rie War. PlSlSaelaa AS= ai• pityarNuTt rat Tit i PL AND acts. UomiTiasslA RINPKIRaI7 solicits& . PUt.4.s_ fit AVM/ OIL AIR TRANSPORTATION CM` :1 0 NAN" 4 Parr OFFICE BOX IC. al} 7 Wm. ISOLNIM 4wo Lira JAMES 11119L1( NIAMII/4011 - Wil Oil of Vitriol and Apia Ammcmia. OPFICE No. 3.11 Atautlart:lsty : LITITSAVAGII.` PA. LUCENT OIL WOIEI3. Duna", mama a co, Pau White RAW Cease Oiler. Ito. Si LIBIERTY gram wlw TIT ILEMT •LiM! 0R10.24 OIL REFINERT.' ' TIITI AVIBLY• (itscoomors t B.o* t Pottooo*,) cdiartetooro and dealer, Id Pettolmps. Bediztao, Lukiestldir sad Prins Ma. Moo, !fa. 7 Ill&IWOOIL Mum Pittabunib. l.STOCl2. 4 —The ea rr e lord will sale of tutica • Stooko of ALL AMIABLE Complain. iirmit• buyers Null sellers to cell. Z. K. 111011ANOS ?Wk.107 roasrra anti= IL WELL STEAM ANGINEB :--Ita ~...,, prepinid to Rumba •TEAM ENOWIRS. tto such approved of MOW wens and other pay poets,' ow the ehotrteet Having Maltreat tired Entails oa Into:Wig others, the publt.....ea be acepla with almost any Mae they want;' the work for Itself WILLIAM . JIM Fifth Ward, hli g. between Weehaele and Harrison streets. • ttdOnet , ( Pittsburgh. Po. i iJ.s.Y ii. O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. prnsstraou. PErrNA. sato. ' — '\ise.cr. 080. Pone from the "Old eaulitr) , -The Llverpoollfew Tort and PhUadelp2.6 Ia Moot) :Steamship Omegans. driving appointed the randendgnedtheit Agent. here, Was Mr. Thompson deceased, be la now prepared to bring ont or Nat home Passengers tm the Stainers of - lei sides at. UNUSUALLY LOW RATZS. The livw, amens of: this favorite line leave Liverpool every WEUPII23. 13.11, for Few YalLtouchincat Queeastows, an • are among the fas - m,„ safest, and most magmas= senses afloat. " The underslgued la eko agent for the Lt and Londoodere, Lame 01 moonset o, soasingM: ;tool every la HNnsoY, sand omilus at Isondorii y for Into. ',soot gen anti Mello The steam .Ch.•l Mot lint ore hunt le the 41.1.15 t upsaap, . chuolotl as•Confm.M.ll4.. to, is elan octet for 1.11 . ..4.1011"n 'LANS pleats - brava tiliv,per Tapkets, leaving ftpros • for. NY. _ New York twice a week, and the n 0 Londun rockets, leaving London army ten days. • • The ships Or Topnotch Line have beg Peen no- ted for their quick passages and the easelieste of provisioes fbrolsbed the pitsoengers and their kind treatment wane on board. Partie s who wish their friends broueld out by sailing reseals, should by all =sane potronlie this me. Pommy to California at greatly redneesi ma. SIG= PRAITS on all parte of hummefors at the lowest rates: Ell3=l D. (PITFALL. T °reign Emigration Onkm, 66 Smithdeld street. SZTEAM WEEKLYTO LIVER- A tta Pool, toualnoir at QUEENSTOWN,MiIa (Cork Ilarbocc" - The well•known Stcamero oft. Liverpool, Nay York and rbllndelphla Stesolahlr Company (Immo, Line.) arrying the U. S. mos. are Intruded tip Intl a. fallow.. Emranynon :Saturday, Aprll IR. OFFY OF 8A11.11M01tE....5. atonley, April 29. CITY OF 'WASHINGTON „Saturosy, ?Hay 6. kW every stlceeeding Saturday, et netorylroin PIO to Nortb 114 . flit0 'maims; • Payable in gold, or its equivalent In comuloyc First Cabin ice CO Steerage .$3O On o to London... ro Nil tilp to London... si 00 0 . to Parts...... 05 001 r to Paris 40 00 to 41100110143.. 00 COI- 0 0 to Hamburg.. sin Passenger also forwarded to Havre ' Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, ha., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown—ist Chtbiu, 1180, elO6. Steerage, ialic Those who vpah to send for their Mends can buy tickets hale at Mess rates. . or aon sml OFea.furher informlollo6 y DALE, A o g mp t & , N . 'Y. D. tPNEILL, Foreign Emig ls ratio Pitts, ea No. 11Smithfield stmt.burgh CUNARD LIN R.--Steiromai i!liriaroOL AND QUEEN-34DWN. rold,•or Ito eqtavaleat 111 =may. MOM nzw tu otOeskay. Salle corm week. : apply to . _ . THOMAS RAITIGAN, Jt4c . rot; 41182.11IIfiotil stmt., between 4Wand 4tb, ik °lllb " "k • ••••-• rincarrncr. re B. F. QUMBY & Co., COMMISSION moms, 4. 100 SOUTH. WATTA ST., CIIICAOO, el» 'podia atteatkos to probaalq; /hour, eratn,, Provision', Ste; rorill . "04 "&11 . B. F). DROWN. F. QIILISIBY tabzo • T.C. JENKINS.' Commission _ Merchant, sae imtio Tr lir, no. T., axn . . PURCHASING-AGENT,: Yrrreacracta. Dealer is Floor, Grain, Genii, Glitter; WeemsFruits, sad all -Teem Prodoets. - Beet Weddle ha. Iltrk,OUßlleezreeted) always on, 1/EnMED GUIs. Pronpt-nttentinn Oren to sonsigignints eetraposdenee Weekly PeteelOorroote mint lir Consignors. , Orders and OonsignaaantssolieLti‘ seGuyaaws van. w. B. perrEgsoii,"- - TAXES .11.1lifilatM i 0111 V Staildraasir PATTERSON, ARM N & CO., Voimusissiqn Merchants, *Tour, Grain and • OENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, . 'Op .63a PENN rraziirr. NeN Nulidlap, - Opposite O. Ai'. R. IL wy. stainow • • • ..JAS. Ai Ifurairx, J OIY & CO., Corner of Pena and Wayne eta.. • ( atx.aore Iiviiiiura,IPITTSBORGH, PA. GE ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fair the purchase of GRAIN of all kiwis. Also, wholesale dealers in BALED HAY: Waste= dealer* will lied it to theiradvaatagetocorreapond with ear House, as we have greater faeWties for Storage, and purring goods into this and Eastern Markets. than moat of the daders in this city. The best Of city reierances given when required. Jail lad *LIM It 141.15 r. a. B. Alf 415 ArBANE & ANJER, Commission Merchants, LS S D WAM!, IX f c :ur, Grain and Produce, 123 ND Eli, between Wood & Sdiltbneld, y PITTSBUBait. !7i. TOTTIM.JEO. AIICON..STIPNICII A. litlirLlZlN PUTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Dinneen. Pratte, Maar, ' Batter, Chesse r Eggs, Potatoes, and produce generally. No. SOO LIBERTY STREET, hiß Oppoatte Passenger Depot, Plttibulgh. U. IL IILIMAX L. WILCOX . MURRAY 6 CO., Commission. Merchants, sod dealers to ORME AND DEFINED PETRO LEUM', BENZINE. to • air Extra , facilities for storing oil and empty barrels. W inehowe ae4 ales DUQUESNE WAY. near . Heed street, Pittsburgh. aptagind R . H.-JACK, CI. XL 4:0 flp Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond, prrrsa triton, PA. WUZ.11 , 113 LINILS.RT, (Bvocsesost TO DIALOKBOVINA LINHART,) if e raCPl - 7Ni.. eel ..n..A.X.W s Produce sad COM:lntialola Blerelisat, feldy No. Jat Liberty st., Pittabuzgh. X. C. DOOLITTLX - _DOOLITTLE it PECK, General Commission Merchants, ircW.dh and rklirater street, Pittsburgh, Ps. for the I. of Noe-, Oren, Mame, Rutter, Eas, • Fruits, Provisions rod Produce of all lords Al l Ores. ra for Carbon OlLIWed at to. lowest noir he ilonalgrarnsats solicited. naldibly o. 0. AL 4 1.311T rearm van Gowns& 11/ LSLEY .t VAN °ORDER, Produce A• ad Commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. WI booty W., Pittaborgh, Ps. Wholesale deal. ern UAW, elbeews, Lard, IS, Porn, Baton, • Tallow, Feathers, Moon" Hom iny, ed Green Fruits, Onions, Flour. Ora „a/brew Timothy Heeds, Floe Seeds, sod Poultry Pnoleolas attention liven to • L LE, BAIRD 44 PATTON, Whole -4-1 le Grocers shdllommhodon ldeeolumts, deal. ire in PRODUCE, FLOUR, M 11A01)Dy4MiRESE. B, CARRON AND LARD ' 0 IRON, I% MLR, GLASS, mirror( YARNS, and Pitt.. burgh numufactures paeralli,ll3 sad lid 9i00a4 strew! Pittsburgh. _TORN B. CANFIELD, VOuirsilislOn and Forw Merchant and wholesale dealer In Iin:STERN ESTE 011EISSE 'BUTTIOS, LARD, FORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH. POT AND PEARL ASH; SALERA.Tvd, LIN SEED AND LARD 0 .DRIED FRUIT, and .IProduoe graerally„ - Rut 1 and 111 Fruit street, Plttatesrsh. .oaf CULP & SIIEPARD_ Commission -Au , ahanta and dealer's la F LOUR, GRAIN. AND FROMM;Na 017 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.' Chola, lniana fet Flour for Nelms and Flail} UN constantly on hand. Particular attention pelt to tilliat red= for Iderehandbe generally: notedly I.4ETZIat AIIIISTRONO,Yorwaniing = sad Cloasolados IlLarchaata, for Abe gala ol FLOUR, DRAIN, RADON, LAND, BUTTER. SLEDS, DRIED and Produce mill Nn i• Market street, vadat of First, Nand. fatißly r — ...pzos: 'pl W. WE& ''''''' I:(o7filihrity • Rtreet, Pittabiugh, Pa., Wbobranne Omens, CommbalonAlerchantkand dtalera In COUNTRY NODS BACON, LARD, RIITT}..R, DOGS, (MEE, SE, FISH, ha, PRO. MICE, ELM ,R GRAIN, SEERS, GREEN AND DRIED IGIUTTS. lee. SALT and LISIE. hie OZOILGE a. lIZAD OXollil XITZGAI. HEAD ds METZGAR, Orost t ri and Com toWyon erchnnts,_ _end dealerif Inst. kinds of Ooiantn. Predate and hinnafneturm Na tee Liberty street, oppoelle hest 01. Wood street, Yhttsbrutil- _ 11p3.17 lUttlita....MX. D. 2.111111114: DEYBIER BROTILERS, (succastiora AN to Herm_ _.er it - Anders° Wholesale Dealers In Milk:lON rifting, WINS and ISPID*II% DON FECTIONERY, SUOARS, FIRE WORKS, b to., Noe Ins and 125 Wood stteet, above ruts; Pltta urgh. - jy29.ly IyWALLACE, Commission Siete:unit, •l and 'Wholesale Dnior in FLOUR ir.GRAIN, No. 153 Liberty street, _opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Pasienger .Repo, Fe Pa. Storage Waterman, wrier Wayne awl Scan - streets. tiort-ty s . i. s. taciturn MAIN LIMOSAT S. LIGGETT it CO, CITY FLOUR. . earner itticet,y- 'sad Adam a s, Pittsburgh, Ps. • Tial. Capacity, 400 bands pee day.' . W. POUOINAII3B,. wz.l. Lilco P,CHOMAKER & LANG, Commlesion S Merchants and Wholesale dealers In . GROUP. RIES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ito., No. WA Liberty street, PlRatiundt. sets-dly .1001% W 11.40111. W A 2:O I. l' 4„ nnt7. l lh l e N rilLa l Yt i roitt a d i lle G ro " 4; ['redoes mot l'lttitoiroF ' otontilOotures. No ITT Lilerly etn.t. rittodatr#. ju2ll IC. ICI tIRP ATONAL ..... ~0 S oir ut cratoc. rrr•a 3 1:113,1i!'.%7 i 1 :II ‘. \W. 110 0..1193 Liberty olotot. Vatoiagh. • - - • TAMES DALZELL S SON,,Manufttc u Curers of LARD OIL, Sad Oommtsaloo , MeiS Mutate for the purehase and sale Ai tJRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos: of sue 113 Woks street, Pittsburgh. Advances toads on consign. :eg,ESE Z r A or V ar i t i l aU § , } 1 7..' c0 -1111NliY . chant and dealer to ClitiThr, , BOTTER mma , LAKE. FISH, and Produce aenerally, rim 21 Wood tared, about Water, Pittsburgh. ' my 2 JOHN I. novo& EDWARD ROCEE 10/1N I. HOUSE t CO. Vilolesale aROOERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, comer e• .cmithri c id an d water street, FlO,amrch. ROBMIT IiALekLI. A. PAt.ZPIL 11013EItT I)ALZELL CO., Whole- AV male Grry,. Commiasion and Forwarding Alerchanty, *aldealers In Produce and Pithiburgh Innnufactures, Liberty et rect, Pittsburgh. J:4O. FLOYD WILLIAM FLOYD 101 IN FLOYD S CO., Wholesale Gro • verb nod Connuission Herelmots, Nos. Mt Wood and 218 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. juin O.IIARDES .L. CAL DW ELL, (successor s•-•. tO Jaraell Holmes is Co., PORK PACKER nod draler in PROVISIONS, corner of Blarket and roof streets, PittAlirgh. IFIRUPP L. It. Amor? L, NOIGT CO., Successors to '" nrhir t PIitEDUUE AND (303IFILSSION 111.1:CILAWrei e. 47 Liberty street; Pittsburgh. • HPZRY LAMILERT...IOIIN t1111PT0X.....70. ITALLLUA T.A.3IBERT, 811IPTON & CO. Whole -14 sale Groner. sin! Produce Dealers, No. a Sixth stlect, Pltuburgh.• ladd ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale G race:. Conwilsslan Merchants, and dealers In P1201)1AA No. nu Water street" and to Front street, Pitts urgh. - -- W • 11A0A17Elf, WHOLIISA.LE ja GROCAIIIi k No: I IWood street .Pltiaburglv, DAVID , Wholesale awed? end erramisilon blerchoc,t, te7 Wood Street. Pittsburgb. •Iddt I? ()SIN DALE', qt-MENT.-100 barrels +S 1w ..1e by ta.tila H. UtiLLINS. LS. -•-• - - • LS COAl.s.-7 , enteil Prop...min will be memo:a e the other of the Philadelphia fine 'Works, No. 20, South Seventh street, until noon ofrriday. 28th of April, 12bo, for inippiyins the whole or pert of eev may tlicitutand tons of Bituminous Coolz,itultable for iiielnanUtaeture of Illunarintin2 eseitcObe deliv ered on the railroad Truckee( the gas works, at the • -Twentrilath and Ninth Ward Statlont, in the fol lowing quantities: seven thounand eye hundred tone in each of the IsOutha of-Jane, .Tuly, 1865, and January. February, March, April and ey, leas. „„ The coals meet be delfrered beak, der Mid of a qualltrapproved bythernmincerofthe Gas Works as e base ral to - the Saniple On which the coatract le The prcmosalimust &Seine tie partlenhir Tart. Sty of coals Wended tobesupphiek anal :the loose Sion and name of the mine or pit from which they an. to be raloed. If they are of a kind not now or recently used at these worke:eamPite for trill of sot i s iheil.EllY Alma Mast he delivered at the wefts on or before the of April asst. The gross ton of MOM.. will be considered as the _weight intended la the proposa/a, unless the ems tram , be /speedy etated The Thule* reelsavathe right tO tempt MI. pre. pcsaals In whole or input, or to reject 44 , as they ma, deem best for the interests of the Trus are asnd la event of tailors omthe part of any cor to deliver the emilsiaecording to its tees both • In quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right taliuy eliwwbaraortsatever quantity may he required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the , cosittecter any or damage arising from such kmyments Will be made monthly, in two equal lestelmente, at-four and sinmonths after the spec, %Med periods Of delivery, the 15th of mien Weak be. irgt taken aa the average of themonthlydeliverlea, or et the option of the Trustees, will' be' snide at earlier datee;with legal interested'. Should .eontisieters prefer le make deliveries earliar then required,thermay be reeedied, so Inc - as they can be conveniently stored, but payments Will be madeto date from the thne spiad&d in the contract. Peeurll7 for the fulfillment Of coat/set 'will Mulled, SAW each proposal must name the alma" b end charm:ter that will be entree: JUG. ISAMU titWel ' , • Engineer In Ohlet Ormes IIaro? eokinimAirr os lagliduresigul WAREING:TOW, D. 0., April to, less.. 'PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR:--SEAL.D -IL PROPOSALS are invited Until TUESDAY, April 16tb, at 12 o'clock li., for furnishing the Subsistence Department with TuousAND (1,030) BUIS. OF FL6EUL The proposals will be for what la known at this Dpo as Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and bide will be entertain ed for any quantity less than the whole. • Olds must be In duplicate, and for each grade on 'separate sheets of paper. • The delivery of the.Fkur to comments within Ore days, from the opening of the bid., and must be delivered In such quantities, daily, ea the Gov_ ernenent may direct;either at the Government ware house 1= geosgetown, at the whinges apt railroad depot L. Washington. D.C. The delivery of all awarded to be comae!. edwitbin twenty dap from the acceptance of the bid. Flour to be delivered in new, oak barrels, bead hold. - • •- Payment will be made in such funds aii the Goes ernment may have for disbursement. The usual Government Inspection will be made Just before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fresh ground, and via cups. quality. __ .. - An oath of allegiance must 'accompany the bid ofeocb bidder who has not the oath on Ille In this office, and no bid win be entertained 'from putties who have previously failed .to comply withtheir . bids, or from bidders not present to respond. , ' Government reserves the right to reject any bid . for any came.' Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at No. EX (3 street, endorsed "Proposaisfor Flour.. • • apilietd - E. T. BRIDGES. Capt. 'C. S. 17.• • OFFICE DEPO4' A., COVIHNIAZT SOMPISTENOW, U.S. A., ' Corner Pena street and Garrison Alley. Prrinarttox, Ps:, April tith. sets. Proems!. in duplicate will be recent at MB Mere moil 12 M. on THURSDAY the Bith day of Apl; leell, for the atipplying and deliver lag at this oat at such times and in as oh quant4 tie as the, undersigned may requ re. Freak Beef, oregeed and. marketable quality In equal ro. - portions of fore and hindqoarteno—Necks,Shank. and Kidney. Tallow. to be- exeluded—for ..jic (II)• mouths from thedate of eontract, err such Ism time mine Oimmissary General may direct: Each bid must be accompanied by a guatostv for" the execu tion of a contract in case the bids be accepted. and goCeand eutheleattleouritywill be required teethe due performance thereof. _ A printed ropy of trilaadirertlsemext must be at test ed .to • essk_propmal, widish. when . made by (Irma, must name all the pa-ties thereof, and, if 'slot in vontermity to the above requirement., well : Uddersmllst be.tres ttte ent when the bids are opened and the rlght.to r act an of wlne reserved. Bluth forme of ids and guarentees may be pic tured on nppliestion at ths• °Moo; pereon.lly.by letter or toegraph, which must be enclosed En an entenTe, addreaud to the vadere:ganal, - ond 80. dOlsed "ProPoests for Fresh Beat.' - • •-• . . • (TEOELCE W. .1111:11tPliY. U.ptiart and. C. S ars VOTIVE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HADILVAcct. ni nimbi e..c. enure of *Dram Cans, °animate. num., in, whether mildew or nottnmddentln 1/e. col: of 4111 aboglie6 0 er 1h 155 Weans it' the' Thornier , ' Oboe or th P e city o etitaburgh, forthwith, in anon:now with an Act of doessobly, approved Karel Pi leei and an WI. o_Hiel l of the glouncils of the Ulty,af ilttabazik April le. lien r i - E - Llogroin eat paid on of bemi re Bray 15. - 1966, will be placed @ the hands of the "Chief of Pollee, roe eoe.isou,soiw. to Ma fee of in mate tor the collecting tMteob sod all {mesons who waded or ream to take out Liftman will. be subject to e peglalty, to be neovered . before the Mayor, double the amount oda& Identoe. The old wend noes of previous years Kurt be en: until at We time Liftman are taken out. at pay 55 4 455 5 OM"' • ae i rEs or •Liozrrsz. Each t Each ton lone honene O tenths, - • 1 OPIle Ewa fourboavw •••• t'.«.. 1105 Eachn on., two tone beet.. 16 111 ,Ze and Timber - Wheels' drawn by two' j e e lh i leadr t e b r i s Forced' at= EPLIBBAU6I, tncr fltr. Prrraaraste. Fatmtaey tenk. tanc. , . FURNITURE, 42W O.ABE AHD WOOD OHADIS, ,tuubs reduced Wet% WHOLESALE on RETA.I2. TAI: W. WOODIVELL; kc. sr aid ri MBlBu grater, Oppoalte E. Ednotildaq a k 00.4, anti • Itt FOURTH STUMM VOBEIGN FRUIT, NUTS, 514. 24 mate. Belectleimßalitaln - _ Ou boaes M. B. Raisins; 5. ' 90 Sep Plows; moot " Born Fip--Isnoyt SP damns ilgo; • MO baata Leyerltalslas; • balsa Boolean: Aloondat' - 25 bap Sicily and litea Almonds; 16 do' I.4knithlylatauta;'' 10 do Illberti_t lb do B ra sil Nip; 25 bdies Shelled Adinonds; • 2,nte. Oocoa Nines 11.10'buir Pei Nut.; In store and landing, and for sale by REIMER Ai mIIM BROS., - Nos. Ili and tel W•od stieik.' McCO7ID & CO., ' Wbolesal.e Dealen Se Iles, Capa and Straw Goods, Heive owe la store the largest sod most comprete stook of 00008 FOR FALL BALFS, Ever offered In the west. Meet's are requested to cell nod ussedue outetoot. win he sold red ../110111 rrttEEt CONSIGN MENTK • •1 oat load Peach Blow Potatoes, to barrels: , 1 " do do do socks; 10 bbls Termov.Plekels• 12 bosb th•loust 150 Obits W. B. Cheese; 25 do toot OfT dal . 11W - bushels Prltoo White. Demon 200. -do Primo Dry apples; WS' do ' 'Elsa S.ed: 22 boxes Pro.h Batten . . no bbb .obWee Omen Apples;.' 20 ho;! bbls Apple Hotter; Dist r. calved at SW labenv street. moil - PINTER. A IKEN a SHEPADD IBA AC CIIAIG's7 OUTLET SAW SILL, AND BARGE YARD Craig, Street, Meanly, IiBADOiIARTEMS, De WOOD STREET. - 17.4121X1ME1 .13C-301717M4T Invites the attOntlon of Spurtamen sad other. to solendld .took of OHM., POWDER FLASKS sifter 412:Ll S and W /Ft:HI:IS; DRAM FLASKS 4nd ammunition of every Kind. HI. stock In the soma ever %questa to thin moultort. • ,1_111:01t1t.b. bbli Prime llominy; '4 do - tunkingl'obnceo; • 10 do Prime White liewei ' do. Roll Butterd • 12 do I.ltomprorne tbdort ix, d o Cidersolinhle tor maktog vinegnr; 6-do Clover Seed; 8 do Flos Seed; • 60 do Dried Apples; Sao loxes W. /1, :111`06 , 1 Ire do lintoburg do.; In store and for sole Inw by BAIA , LEY Is VAN ()ORDER, snhlo • No. 201 Liberty street. ,',1‘.1.1i1).111 CONSIGNMENTS. f ' )60 toaccis Prima White Hewn; to do IWA lloottol ;' Z. do ()cr.& Appler; , • • - 40 do choice Uhatopotgr.Cldey; 131 do Swept do; 10 . do fresh Moll /hitter; co - fret]; tiny. • . 'do prime Lard; • .•eo socks White Inlndllng's; In store and tor by • •• . . . mblo FETZER & ART4I&TRIttIy& A p_IFL FIRST LED —I3E NOT ,FOOLED: Trtr.plare'to -buy AU tlrdwiloe . Desta . Ho! nn PAPER HAT , (IINI3B . II At N 0.61 •Woodland— COmo And Are. apt • • W. Ii.;IIA.TISTIALL.' 8 - barrla No. i; bdo No. r; to Arriert and for We by • spin 1.404 VIUKAY R Uth zr.4zr.no...rl)s 1864 '5 . si i l. l'' ' ' 4, 11 . LA .'" .. "= "."' "'" 2 " . I UNNTRA.T. N. IL—W INTEL: ARIIANUEMENT —TEN DAILY TRAINS. Lin end atter IttoiivA I, Weber e 1... 1111,trea . mill leave the Deporas fellows. . FAST NAIL, daily except Sunday, at 2. Ire. m., Stepping only at prine l l al tiona. sad nuking : Street mmeeetions at for New Ink, Baltimore and Waidangton, at P/Illtdslinisi f .d . lien York Boston assFintermodiate panne, .;y A BABBLSSUBM ACCL I 3I3IODATINSkdaIIy en , laliggtAllf,U=Mi=d,.akor Inakiet. close -esanactioa with' Valise oar lillasCr r. . Branch, West Penns Mazda 'II , M - 5hr , 1011 .... '-li Cameo 78,14 fad • ....1 , 4 , ' -!..1.,,,, PITTSBUROWit malt,K J joiii.p.si vent Sunday; at 110 . p. ai. fitti - at 'c 'n i 1 lett the atationebetereen el an a - a.als. ,l l= - , i end inalchazee,iH r on frith. imellse I Mal i. ..., lauwi li. it.,llnak= 4 4, v . i , _ __., - ~. JOILNInii: ;Mt AinCOMMODATION; Wars iNi..4 eept Stuldsyi at tta p. In:inapt, ' at reiptlar stay. I non* between Ptitatestkand - J and lOW ninwat.?/3latesytlle . tannins. with o1.':; the Winn Branch and West Pennsylvania San . . PHILADILTHIA , EMPRINSiIzAtap v. m., stoppleor 'at Latiobs,' Omens EisMinne • Altoona, Huntingdon. Landnown. Well., ~ "AxArpeo4,Banisburg, Lancaater,amt Dawn it. Ingtown. At Hanientmi x T lannertine Tent asdtrer - Nsillatorn, PI wand Nen swig i` 1 at, knife* Tor ' Boston and home A,,,,u.r e te. Erg Cars run thronit sande Una from - Pittati ' terßaltinsore, Philandenn and New York by e Allentowa ante; PAST , I4IV 6'llWe:coat Sunday, at DAS ses n., stopping o -it Volutmaosni elallinen, Ana* ' - n .Runtingdon,,' Lewistown:. NNW- Neerporld . i , Marysville:. illitretabium Middisiamm, ,Me .:IL. won. Mt. Joy. &Andaman, unsewww, sal hewn-.,,, brown. At lianlaconr oonnetanone an nada fat- t New York, Baltimore end WastometastAt:intla, 1 debt's, for New Tort, Initork, au laceinidnte . , . • Pim Aeesinmodatlun Train for Wall% &attest : %leaves daily (except Sunday) at lee V 5.. . - Seam! Anoommodation Train far W 1 Mir leaves daily (except Sunday) at 1140 a. an .f ~ Third Acchismcdattoa,.Meto. for wisps maw , eases daffy (=WPC evade)) at Seep, m, - - „ Fourth Aosotemodation Train teit.Wall'a Matte% -.., caves daily (texcept Sunday) NAN p. n. The Ohurnh , Train leaves Wailes Manua angry Stipp!, at test a. a., returning , lealeans!Mats* ~, .. 1.4. ' Reduining Trains aril,* Pittelnugh Idgenewt • Pittsburgh a. Erie Express UM f. as Baltimore - • :La p. ass Lap. 130 a. ea. Fast Line 11/10a. es,' • Joluntown Atetamodation.. ...... InAde„.. - Ftrst Will9rStatiosi Asahoni Ate a, dt.. l Second Wall's Station . .becomMbdatioa ILIA a. II Third Wallos Station Anon:mutation- top. as.. Femilt Aestuumodation egg p IL, Balthitore express will anies with PhßadOrthta Expren NOTIOR. at —lo min iso p.'re; e o ob f Mondays. loss, the apiny - hold themselves neunowihte ror Pbru Om ebua ionglOWO only, sod tore =oust not ex EN. . W. R. BECILW Ago* At the Penasybreale Ventral Railroad e Station. on Libertv asul Griot stmts. PITTESBI3IIO4,_ A. WAYNE EINCIAG RAILWAY AND °LEVEL AND & BERGWOAD. , - WER iRRANDIIIIDINT. Oa mad after lNT December 1611611 Na balsa wln ea mg follows, Leaves I For _I For i roc • • PittaboigkijObleago. , IClerelmat. Wbaellag. Expaam......,-..,1.10 Mai 2.10 a. a. 2.10 0. no p. a 2.1 2.40 p. 2.41 t a. p. . BUR.," N. 40 a. Ta.l 2.10 0. M. F4X . New Castle sad Erie &No Lea. - • . Lain at Allegheny—P. F. W. & 0. BMA& 7.20 A. m, ILEO a. m.,t.es a. m. sad 4.414.1 a. • • 0.1 P.../t. R., tO.OO a. • GE ORGE PARADER, Ticket Vat= PaAttar Station, PAta&M al is, A. it. OASS.BERRY, Tickstvat • . • oct2As F. MYERS. Geet= s py • PITTSBURGH CONN ELLEITILL WINTER 'ARRANGERITIM . • On and after MOPIDAY,Nov.II4I6II,3IIOtxt:-; will leave th e Depot, acen4r Of Ran *4:WWI 4= MOW and ceiLtillrnipolowa.7gi a. p. Express • Ilvso p. 74, von ...or t i ru mateespiiit a. In. - coo A. IN. fieeeod r, RM. 41111 114 MO VI PIM BrOfrk* 1 09 a, NU AMA Ilk 8000nd - • _ . p . IlLr r SOB p. Stipao , Char* 211 ' 4 4" 4 • • •• • 4061 Blegxemporr p. 1•911 '. " 4444591y " J. 141tillE. Etat. • . mear Et. stout% sap•ftstart. , " ALLEG EAIidiIRENTOVArT)r,'WEII. LE A mega -Y ray, TlME.—thcaad altar DIONETLY. Z a i r 1.4 h , = 41 . 4 ' fcarrile irrelesallaS et Asa take MAIL TRAlN...kaaves Pitaarrik all TAO a re. &Myra' at JiLittsuratag 10110 Lerresilie :414! my:m.6:m, AUL jp. , ra., =Wrest liWsbas4l . ksa arr, P Apiasicntint—t,4l,u-autatuttog atm ri,ourlTAr At Pittsbargbatale , Zisavea rltralusk as,takp. sa., se .19*.5ui"..".., 4 All MAXIM L.TBAIYf.. Tuna , Solis Works at Am s..llll.,,mrtiirlagat.PltteboatistT.4l a.... • LeiTlSs, Plitiburtk At: LSO sa4 =Mai elk. rd , aisle _ . WRIORT. larserlatearat.a.-f . •AN'S . `CHARTER. • '.1829 • . rEnrwrirALt.,:, riliglittnalidg.oolttart TA: •, • -4 ,- -- • isset• aka' 11.1844.1116MMHP. IP% • th i d i L • •rs, 7411",,Yer Acerued Premium llttbllnveigled Medusa: • ' Irartreae for Mit Lome. Paid Perpetuai and Teakeikrarp .. lPc4laa ara “Arr uscruse: a. Maslen tr. B*oik e,, lna* Lew Samuel 4.1 . • =Palau, sat Frat r.vg_ W:l4=4 -..OHARLILS N • 'EDWARD O. JAILI;V:AIaaoI+IIiTM . ,.S46. pea too • uh.00371111,-Agesti, wen wan Wood aatTldril NeNate, ' FI.RE AND MARINJI kuwiuwi of North blaerk*4' PHIL U:12M14. 4V~eih, Banton' Fire iliaraace Coapaiy. M==E ea ei be Moerodln there A: P: IONE& Aante. Bailthats, to Water it." yy~sTExx INSURA44 tmaiNe. Wm. ii..kotaii.EßT. a. Btwatarp ' Jr: " Ottlite,'No. 12 Water Amt. Spent* Cle.'hWarhs home, up stairs, Pittsburgh. wat lame aphid en .op eJ Ars sag ggepsgy Maw r A Mims !agitation tamp( by Zhirallant eft. are 1002 guess Wt gag salaam those mined by prossytmess gad to isalateba reararter Whirl OM/ hew ttimtme profMWw,to floe to .o ttrifie 't o 11 =traist !UMW IL • Jame. a:inhale y; Nathaniel Holmes, Ca Qco ni r y i reß B. i gairen, 0.0 W. ahaism, atria WNL P. AmOsirw Askish. dJasaadar.Spait t David M.-Load .Enas S. T A bassa; tz s a m != m lIERSERT. CITIZEN'S 1118URA.NCE COMPAA.NY , PaTSßUßGlL—thdise, corner Mattet ao.lWater. sUmeta, second note. - - WA!. DattALEY, Pnorldad.' WU. A. SHEPPARD, arretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. • Lasures against ion • and damage In the na_lrteo tion of the Southern and.Wastare Rivers, Lakes andßayous, and the navigation of the Sena lams/ against Lou and damage by des. • Samuel a, - . . John Shiptoo, Jas. Park, Jr., James AL Doom, W. EL Jetteston, " S. Harbatigh, '•IL P. Joaes, • J. Caldwell, Jr., 110n..T. Hews, John S. Dilworth, Barclay Preston, Won. A. Rodgers. George Innen= denktyri pEOPLES' INSURANCA. COMPiLKY Cake. N. C, corner of Wood kud riEnt Asp MARINE ,ItS'ORANOt Wm. Phillips, • Capt. John L. He r, . • ' 30/M Watt, • Samuel. P. Stutter, John E. Parke, Ilaneon Love, • - t:haties Charles Atbuok I ' m. Van Kirk; John Klrituetrisk James.D. Verner . - John (11., me. • , • 1591 t. President. • . JOIEN 'WAT, Vice President. FM: F..GAIIDPIER Se,rfian, 011,:t1, • • A LLEGIIEIsTY INSURANCE COMPA'•:-. 41, NT OP P ITTSBURG/I—Office,Xo. VT Fifth Intures 'naiad an ;Wads - . at •• Fire .asul • ISAAC JONES, President - D. le. 90(3 1,H;i apeonn, vic e p ru id e if. ' - Joan n:medalt, SAeseyy .• we luw b - Adam "Snobs" . Steriing, _ • Ca I. O. Orey, USIA. Lem John Irwin, Jr., R. 1.. bleat - ale" 11. L. Eshs•estoek, Sobertlt T° PRESSES FOR SALE.. One,TATtOit CYI iprnEii; emitiNiceiO3 ' '•• One TAYLOR inches; all Ingrood watelna meir. • • ••• Will be at a bargain.. .Enguire or or alas butt= 1142.14717. etttabutgb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers