111=1211012 VOLUME L * XXVIII---NO: 16.5. to we v- „ jot ", lit _ LATEST NEWS , 7.”1. px.wamaluen.,.. Wa.s rHE .A5§4§.W.4.44 3 0110144111 , MN , : ; . PulatteßiNfiducyttilliffit i l .L . 4 l 4: l 4l:ll. l leL:AitIbM Yoga ttilttimajam..., •; , ;t ,11.,7 m iU.l44try i kel I:1, a DM KNOWN; Vak litepotts _Cositraise - SoiNts !WO itifirler IVO tW•the REULerat. wommlowmm' , l=irG j. illrrilataditiltraoKitrs Ulditine '''' ' In unniu !MN= triti mans. i ovis t r g i a ii llai g t o c i i tta i ria : '-...• . '7"'"!' . i s coon i t i z i k i t mi t , jii . 7 I - • • -- ' - 1 1 diarilaiiiit e ' . 2 ThVaigiTinikie ii,.. nye: We can state en the highest, au ! Worlly, that letikiritinta4rittit' &eft l• was a cowapincy to assasaWate wiry weather of the elbldgel.PVit'it l l - Al - 041Cigi. ''..Boothe, , it. lass* sets his card ,ip to the Vice . l iiran President at the hotel, but Mr. Johnson could, tt conrudently see hlni: `The lama Cr the ' y appelnted assassliis, we 'understagd, ; are known, and after the present ,brverilietioni STU COOClndakimilrkthlied, the Wolfe will be attoulahuOt thidpetiopetaista. rpm smarm of putgte lofted; wow telitala from mentloolng many of them that reach tut. • A meteidiareirehr•Cabibet - meturtired•on the day atter the murder of Mr. Lincoln, that' the rebels had liAliltettent=nkifOraty.d..tilhaln lnnrlably,at everx !Cabled_ meeting, counselled. forteanitiolliangatii _aCioi..i*lt•to,waro theaq . i The Ineffffsericer, also contains the following _ i Wernadliatand fromanthorlty, *bleb we do 54. . 1 questionibbat a few den ago, afttEatintertitiwi betweenithe: late Chief Magistente and the 1 ant onc,ildr. Lir.coln expresaed Mansell gratlil 1 with thsr . ..enemerriesttoviews i and thin *pima* Implldt aidPelli.74ltl tile tlfht `iiiielrenDletit: .: A NSW OAK, Aprlrl7.-Tke Tribune AO, i eillo : The lamentedheadof the Bertha 1./ was nes provoked to , the - exhibition of on" e hate„..oe sena, limit towmae — me 1 i ase lnu rmit hetalteOrsienisitsered WAS' . Z - 11:17thit life of OM nation, yet perpetually represented to ' . the Font liens i sepia a libel ooltumaVtn and IS tiger ravenous ortai s§ 454.- XemsoyonigWill fettle so , no paper, no manifesto, that gave chi least co tenance to th e calumnies, hot he never spel t ,* In Ma Intimate and conlidembd momenta; -0, Indicat a hope or wish that evil 'should befall .I . l' one of enemies, save as it abroad be ark:, rosary ihtstalcalion\of the icenstrt.. TVS 1 blow th atrft &nisi 'Abrahim Unbolt, t : the Usti 'a assailants of the firmett and mos ' . ~, powerftdipponent of all "voidable severity ..!, suppres s their rebellion. ; ,z . ,*1 •es ,n...e i rer t t d:s in cedn .iti n re i ,.,l ..„...... i .,. = lds eu con it tbe_. .. the rampumof Petersburg. Ilia i death iota thil - . .p . seal of :Ott diddthe. nib:MN that, dootiti*;illari very, ust. speedily to parisli...asiClathiaonatoi try et Mlt= in lake remaining lasting, ' i ti ass throb/00,0 the ililllied To the i t men Melon. it monk seem ' Mr: Limeltr bad fat ',i lea at, the vas..mciestint when his loss miliabi: - . "* . l moat Meanly...and Justly felt. The soldier had , &meat stetk. The hoar of the etaostuaa tkad Il been ts,illytetrindltsPrislatrigi jrasiewli, .Ai and &ger forta teak. h e ilitedn Mils few 1, days beget we believe be would have lanai a 1, proclamation of amnesty which would have Cs- It solved all that remains of the rebs'llon, leaving il Its leaders no choirs but between light and tre - • eouditlFlNlk r atnegeer -r Mil biroTtgt Nadal' . . Tknowledge of the Durvotee - of hie sitecessor, bat ; we will not dernbt that the good ['renitence who It .4 has tabintiVett iniebtrY-wi'motitt , tkeetttii4a , . 1 past trials, will continue her snide and guar ' Man throutth whatever may be. still before her; sad th at the stop, end. slant 01%MM:talent will. sr:edits ,bs,- "llibied .bgoise. spina. et 3 Peoellsi,tmlet446.llloollll.SMedikit- • -,,i Met W& 4esill: by no outer slot> achieve. Went citlikr 4tenh dlanp:0111111411101141:(111111gWe' ,'. denol ailes liWurvery , dorelher,,, ,m t h % i toalears .'• enesedMilt wWitlearitti - esonie - sunder.( btgitgbeueni;:Eiaelectio;t4 , . k Pre Wllra.vection.tirncei, what 314•Nt envy not .eliconafac. President a man of Sir. Linothes inexperience, I: V but .11 , ',ide:at• WV , sraa :to anoceed, 'we: 'doubt , - whither frecslght and deliberation would have. 4 made so good a. choice., Any policy, which At: ,:. :A Be pallicsaltifiklent !Witt hard :Biased with ' .. dedaton le the Spring.or 1861, aid_ edTtered to i i 4,, witbiteadhstas for a pertixtret „tem yeexamoild ": .11 have exposed the Ckmernment tole anlrered halo * :1 liagments by the thaeltsof ipthenglos opinton. .i., 4 icbst was wanting in the - flexlblllty of oar polllo '•,m treizscrinerzoodr,eztrotte cdortiettr 5 Jac ;.:: Asisotill se tba octeckeld wee visibly WWI. he set Ithenelf.to the-perfornumme of ace which commanddd The approval wee of his formai otr: ''.. • t";' , ifittir,..the de,firtleh Preceded' hit death : : val 4 1 :1 1?Fll.tWell' 1 1 more fan of promise "; 0 " , than any e calendar of thlamotende : ri' ' : of era. There willalltabine,Ms- - Opealng and .;. honored , mnia, mutter „or . move pientind, • - -,.tribate or honest scoaddlity . than Is shod by ; ;...4 th ose of his loyal: fellow daunt who • did . not . I contribmetto Ida re-election. .. - Toktobilfereld (sus Our instltuthes se ~.., tbrtnuately to a charnel...l' lint depending on the, 7, life of any ludividual for their inaltdensore or • ',, ' strogresie , Tan pr Seas of the Atnirican nor eminent la upwind_ and onward, casting flow. . - era of praises upon the grave of each sew mar 's' ' tyr. but never haltlnr In the march of Its divine and - Irresistible iniaston. • In Andrew Johnson, '. Itencefoeward 'President of the Velted• Beret. .'''.: we have a man of "drafter origin with. Mr. Li t- ' - • .- coin, Equally the child Of the people, Villa, In sympathy with thelrlnsthietts. It Is no longer . In the power of theiehaislng Mune to take away from Abraham Lincoln, eandslit hare hoppeied bad bellied; ene - of.the most solid. brilliant ina 1 . sultlns reputations of orld.1; in the wor,rs, , nn W, soy record can be found, Itt only ; eer • editing In the memory of George Wasittroiton. • -a . -The runes Safe :- Fu hlle, life basat tendency r to chill the kind end genowna afloat:sew of as, Int of Presldeut Lincoln It msy be said, as wets said of Mr. Foa, thst Ms I tort wits ias Utile Mu ' din e d se If lie hod - slued bud ad In a farm 1 b ec ivil.charlty:ult i eutoLhAflfnu pellLtne,thi.n4eu. l t‘,atoi t c. world.' '-iden'wlll teperase Shit solvent aidruos .I with ever increasing letoeskand emotion, at if the shadow of hi. own tragic lite wait near, and -'..• =sem dangers to -the country rooted on its i t words. !tie sech a speeeh •to Put world as a • s' Cedilla's statesman would stalls have his hut ' -• earnest, humane, truly:' Int - nottechnlcally re - i s d itgioric, :and with totsteusess end good will. nA. GOnceratng the effect of Mr. Lhasoln'e death ii the rtnial 21371: The lamellar nature. or. our Instltutiot a . makre it. Impossible that any one i man stonid-be abeoletely ledlspessable to their / prteavnlon and since stet working.. If tbe Ems ~i, poor Naitleou bad teetassaselnated all Francs : Would have been In ?ovulation before twedy. • / four boitra. Preddatt Llecoln's disith,endden lend awful as It warn dies nig Inteirept for an In t smut the - grand movement of our: republican ; semen:m.4d. . 1 "Ihe Amnia of Commerce says: The nation 1 lives; mike Is visible; a strong compact la vino ' ...1 Mous ori•r rebellion, and it Is for no to anetale It how.- sir. Lineolo is iNFoct. The Prroldeut , , live s. Ile needs and meat have the entail:in; poster Of the ' , Eel:le. - Let us siva It to hum with ,:,' earn( sines" - e,,' The-Tied r adds t We await Ms course with ' - ir hope not Initiates:l.d with solicitude, tot la reel' a ; wale conjuncture as th e potent, nobody can ii calculate the cot:telecoms of a false step, or •1 wrong eetutnlttal. Ills 1 staining. the adviser's of • the sole Malden,. Is a favorable end pi:remising . 5 Indication, and It la grostly to be hoped that he will fee It bin duty to puttee the heating policy 64in ...Inch' hie pm:deters:sr had eatered. . 1 Lb on editoriel on Andrew lid/neon. the Zit. • rib une,men : tiod In Ilya!, we are coati. r t . (Kett ,E) Confederate flag would have been dying qln this eOttnlty thl ti days beard Now we can no: mad the tutu, c with any certainty, but only .- trust that to-hteri the eland arc all the stars of • i', linen. 'President Johnsen wall doebtleas mane some et m of Manifesto:setting forth his views ,--: end "hat tenses ,he is, prepared to (For th: refs- . vie, and 'end what adranlage.- , are to accrue to ',, them :rout promptly laying . down their arms. •", In 7 the Meantime we retreat therm warier:rim , li usual."'" Mends' of:One - utile - Proldeat to 'lutist . ~..„..... T _ ... 1.,..t . ~,...... . 4 Aloe be shall not allow his - time and energies to be l eteentletd, 07 0 Mbes Seelmeres awILIT: dab stlittletattwettmeJAVLiandisi , •. 1-.1-1 • Nirw Toni, Aprill7.—The • • ,fate Mei:etch rotting by Col. !teethed gall mopleg mni. tr. 13toyard t, rkr r. • r ,•-• , t t•vristuicrichi,lldri 7, 7 i..•arr -4 &Vont 741. have great hopes of leydnylek this morning. Elebas recognized me with role, and eye. Tho medleal testimony Is =currant IN to the fa- Torablenow - ot the. chase" le. e ltiticomiAltmi.• • wander as to fho &beam: (abate!), C. A. szw.ark. UTIOL—We think tbeialbetbeliiretary le grsde `day improving. Ills arm has been robazulaged, 'filed he appears to reel easier. 1 4,1- re • ',, r • 4.4., *lastilnir l Akifte i re.- 1- 134wAno r - " &fob - atid - ist:' sffiletkm which fell on 2:cretary Seward tulThromfed lliwathiflembealedle.tlinott, ammo: Lb the combined foreign Widmer& He was ~a m' flgari p Uf t =ti e r s ig r e k l: i t ltii4td massalnatke of himself and of the As a i n t r = i f i Z, l i t i r" 6 6l!.* q"ln ti. ht Ulf put one e'elinit to der Secretary Sew cvwo a r 4 s th i sftul.ep, iDtelo l a w e knata t ntrean ea g tl e d t d s h e r r a u Au le t r i m un p co o m st fo ns :dl IrSimads,fir retambsltet • oftlatg.....flhi stuaralrfick-hanputtaily rotor , end conecionagess, and bts symptoms are °thee .' •grbie somewhat favorable Mr. Hassell, .. Metaaop¢aa of the &ate Department, who vas s ' , tar DM balk arra" tfulid awr,lxx Zsgsdfatam, but ikeintaldinadattat ofldneaper44. metres arrests of Matte:ea. or suspected es hare takenr.plice,go4s, •tyr. Ma cause in cteltements , WOMftpfewee pad g ur u .1s &nen the number, but tads Is not use. WAPAlNVlCZARUCrri—dlrlOrtillilsral stained with blood. and which evidently had " wont as an overcoat, was fpond near loft Bankkr Fill4instbailtvirGiedWoMllltmoK Ott. the oche; wu a. Mae 1110411aCtra; pair of tiding gloyeuiunP , t clip mf whickMas "Mary E. Gardner, it 9•" This east . is Otis:wed to h ave been worn by the man who yttiduiteetScerimaiY-13swartfielriskidislhe • of the tritteneeindicide.tkatall kurcomilMitOrs' took ito'isatn6 ionvel=tliat. "ot • • 77.;7, ~- • 79, , 111111 worming Detecitte palmel men, of the &toed ward, by order of Judge Otero, poxliodtuL to. the home of Kale Turner, anodic Cotner 4-Thirteeimb it, eat aid Ohio avenue, and arrested all the Mantel from the volaireiseSe the cooly. debt 414 andese- ;vied them to the police headquarters to be het& as kitnesses._This is the hope where Boothe : dent misiiSt his ffine. -Therwcialan refbreeduk was his kept mistress.- - Thaveportetill prevail* thnxßoothe has been airtvaidi and la oe;board of a- gunboat otutae Aortae: The Origin of the spry wee Ude when * 'prondbeet tellitairedflediesme the liintE.Department be:had just; /earned that Boothe ad: .beentrvertaken. snub; miles out on the mad leading from Seventh street, Attakisled„ifieLliailthe would; content that he be risme on board of a guntset. The rept{ was lixtheafilnuitire... liafortpeately the same olifirierr-Pedied later lafeirenation stating ;that the repwtoruznot true,....Ebasdiltarr an Polities have retelved no Intelliglace et Ibid. fdlis—WABjil3". C5ft.:A14. 1?. Aputv _ • • • • Bushier In all the Poet Olden of the United States wgl be expended, andttheAlexa doled frtin•bleign 'cOcSa *fn. to tinie olckisi-i. onf i edneeday, the 19th ism, during the funeral so oilier. of Abraham anode, late President of he Vatted States. - (Signed,) W. 0. thrAntbs, P. MeGetol. To Ow People of the Grate of Ribuots: - The-funeral .be late , ?reddest and Chief Magiatrft - lire to 'Me' pliteleht tide cite at the Executive mansion, at LI o'clock on Wddlifo9Yer.94 l l4 l h, Ibft- SWAM liietias: Stir's? Statomittltifed tim.wmestalas, dohs tbmitghout the country to teem in their re meet. places ,cd..yroyskin Iltrairen, thq rishmziltapt 'ihe-occailotk, apprcprlate ceremonies. NeitkOidlig to Die spirit of this antotuseameut, I call upon the Pe ol4 1 4 10101 , ;Its-Akomp mertxt 4 l tos,ai..artit.tividriTtpactits.:ebariamiql , plast sor worship on that day, to. obmrce.in such manner u the palatal acme ion shall Mg gist, the solemn boar. ( 21 Notd,) J. Govanor.. _ Darkl:lmm car Steier., ~..., W AR1nzT0 2 ;..41111 11. 1 0 3 . The Attie 434iitarc Of Starkkaa 'lsineetbit following orders to ar c temple bf, the Milted States: The undersigned is directed io amnesties that the risseral iterneettatkeibildar Idiglarste will take place at tbelixecintre lI slob. la this city at 12 o'clock noon, cm Redacts. • day ...SllNt.tgist;'..T*o ll 44. l ** l o44.2tolW„ rens unnagnont - the country um anima tuna in their res*tive Maws of worship at. Abet hoar for the purpose, acdrouilaing the oc• &anon with apprepdate-cMCMogkE— (Ely,ned) W. licrecan. ..detlm#leartary A met Nog Of Kentuckians was held last night. Sultablunctkm, wa",teken la .referenee,to the Mob it dit p4.fratiust.'iJall..llaighitlind CA.= id tar Ind Demean were appointed a committee tarry the errangemans into effect. The Navy ,Tvpamturest 7 reeetred - el.lbog Malmo at &lithe Nary Yards and Naval Detainment' on Wednesday, and rer observe. dons of tattekt, itargaiid dig utsialliattiliela In the UnDtdBtates.- Itterr•TOlW..Aprilkl...naksifiewbre Washjag, tots ororgtswAsitthayas,, ,-.. Boothe asked th e clerk at the Nattilewl Betel if he was going to Iford'a theatre, as there ws• to be some spiendid acting them that night. Be uric heard Otitoettnik Mak after seireatfellthlt,. ben be, in company with Ave others. wiwW. the drinking ,thleoo of . Geo. Harry. adjoining Ford'ailtiesnse; tad sal "Of thridfdrantt together., he strangeneesof 'their 'manner while' . taking ' their driersattracted attendee. I (tar drloklug they freeway shook tisteisised bidding - ems au . Ei th er gclodbir; lett ° 'llth Ttia two patties rode area horseback. After the tragic -mat, rrenreorn olliceeskinthisindittit -the fortieth- Webs east of the city was hurrying to his com mand. accompanied by an orderly. between Lin cola Hospital and Camp Raney, whin they wow - meet, two men riding desperately down a lams. 1i aßoworri,ofdethr gave : chew and wroth= gredefoott. , The orderly wit en:Winded Aind the party pursued :ode rapidly away and escaped. WASHINGTON, April 1.7..,-,The Com non Cone- CilhaVe offered a reward of /20,000 for the arrest and conviction of the assassins. Teti thousand .ds ll.rs Wadded Xiy 00104 i1.:,C.3&4411040 tl4 War Dipa thitbint. • • DAY-LATER 41 10 4 ; 4311te.r& Ihe Portugueit .Affair gettled. AI% 211ENANDOAR AT lIIILBOURNA. . lirtr Tcox. April It—The at eamattlp City o Babimore, from 'Arm peel on the sth Inst., and .gticenatown on the .6th Inst., wired here this e - renlog. liar adricea are a day later. Lerzar QUIENSTGIirS-Li , April 13. —Madrid papc.rallmata that the me qrs. erunteet ban acceded to the Amerisan demand for the removal of tan command.r of lon Belem MS Ming on the Ifiagata after the 'Federal mu. Jimmies had signalled him that be undsratood • •• • • • The pirate Shenandoah was . Ftin at Mulitahrue on Ft:bleary 24. Capt. Weddell thresteusto ro• pore to 'Richmond the ronduet of the Australian authorities in rtilleing to illllll4l his 'fumel with it. ;lees. litrlerls - The Ottoe. sale. are 4.000 bales.. llin uratkerth dull end prixa weak. tte Idaothester atrarket is flat. EreadstaiLt quiet sad lassAylpffivisioni daD; phxhieestewly. ► London, April G.;—Consalschmed at 20,q(4 21 .1.1 for atoruel. —Amerlearr - ztoellUnols . Central Railroad, GI ; rale, 54t31751 Unlttd States 3 20's, Coy. Braralette and the Aelasslnattoa. • ...rearmed Deradhuver, Elurncrare. Kr:, dprlll7. By the heed of an assaign geaeral grief hes keen brought upon on- eouetry. The , chief 31saittrate t.fwe nation. the President of tbe rolled Maur. Abraham Lincoln, has fallen a f dim to rebell'ous bate, under thu vengeful blow of an assaskre. lie has fallen at a tine when his rent rittilties of mind were so hope fully inv•dad for the healing of our national woes, with no.attain of vlad cave nature neon his Kul—with a great beau' of :onerous sympa• thins and broad Lomat Ity. ills untimely rail has bowed a nation's head • In mourniug, Oa Wednesday, the ltt'a Imt., at the hour of 12 o'cltek, the hr or of his funeral, let eve - y chereh bill !IX toiled th-trughout the Common wealth, and on that day let ail husluess bit ens p.nded, and all beakless housed be closed, the 10111 e r filets shaftd and draped Id mourning. The citizens of Krutueky are Invoked to pay that homage to.the national grief which such a great colet,ity intpirec (84. med,) ` Tikrt LS E. Dealwerre, • Governor et' Ketauetty. TLe canada, ' ,{corns[,, prirl7.—On Saturday, the Sao on the Court House. City. Hull, - Custom those and othk-r 7 public buildings, : were, displayed at ..talf•mast. In all the churches yesterday the clrrpy iu their prayers. referred la the assassi nation of the President' and expressed teetation of the act sA'praycrmtxeting of all the different deetimliatione of Chrktlitit. is to bo htld to-nlght, .1n Om Areal.yan , Carp 31, tu, Pr krois rytnpstby' with the people of the United States. lun ughont Canada there Is but ono felliugof horw„at thicrime,and the warmest w,ath• fo the nation. • • • : - r . - -. • • , EIMMINS INEEI=III 81011 RA lv • BIORW , ARUM& MADE. CM:=l2l : trebe ble Escape of the Assassins. r - r• s ---...;-- .' . - ' ''' ' ' CONSTERNATION' rev SICindOND. i11t414.101f911,1114101131q S9tinkenk I 9L.l ; ll:ife isit bilirit'fiCEVl4iiiii: 17 / ~... Saw Tosz, ,L Apyll 17,—Tho Atr a, Weah*g. tax:n. 6 ,4,1 Ala Seam& aildilloiski litoda' ve been made to-day of Marylandrebel; but no . PramtpOn'P en - s ... laVe = 1 04., rti (I a o 4trothii "citnnet 5 wee held today. aehatal Greatwas Prestate,depetatAttzer's Ficildenartere: Therewalifeireeditit heinid - Boothe- would be elltbitedibeibbeamerstmies..l --i no Copmerele& detwealatea- Vealat say, SU, that that *gamins have mew -A and to-, ke terakeitistielibfrairffitinswi - W./ea tee • . , watt. ,- Soleleavalwateade point tspollatabi ' es latAfiVait hi r , es vi.. ir ,•,.. -, - ' sir Asa a u gtou tclebtes"ttrat . i • i Ili beef'riaa be 'Diet Ta•-•'C WIMP' ea . ty,,Maryland. Measeagem from IBchmond gab:tit/14 tthe all• sandnation of the Psealdent chnscd the griming omeeternation thwe. They expressed their fears ft the obisteemages, .1 s.i r; ',.) =l. A- A man Isis abrywn T h om a Brookly n ferry ouist: the river-lbr diAoyallangusge. Mb aro t w cared ¢y 4 t og post. ~ this chile:wit Brocklyn are e nvel oped lif tectirlahlgOnd the- itiTrts y gowdat with. p tve roturnad all.daysiewleg the decorations. Charge Wells,„John Gallagher, Tillhaos Farm., hefted Pete Brettous the latter treasurer of • ,iltre, mem today each sentenced to six I eso the in the peedumtlimy far uttering treason stA sentiments. . Last evening a squad of "potrititie young Men Malted the home of Mrs. John Tyler, widow of , Ex-Preeldent Tyler, on Staten lelsid, and do. wandadand obtained a rebel nag, whleh_tuut long been hanging promlnently in her parlor. rExibtorn 41,114.0 grnanah. a TiOsit rebel, yes present, trot keot Wet. The parlor of Hrs. .Vetewhere accashmiste lir&e often met der. „leg'the war, and was the headquartereof 4 rebel seeing society. The flag was met to Gen. Dix. Selma, sevreattalAte, arejete.ted to have been beate* ley inferlined Unionists, On hearing the awful comments on the ussuleation by these fiends. an inflammatory -pincard was ported.. ,arotand the city this :naming, mmeinding with 'Death to Traitors: The Velem One and Indi visible, Bulb. Often; No Mom ratty." ' NEIL Yank. stiprill7..,Tlse Censmaccill Admr. tares special salt : The name of the assassin Who entered Mr. Beward's house_la leo %Imo. O,IIISTON ABM/7 , BIRRENDERINIik Giant's Tonne' to , Lee Were& TNE 1/VAIR' VIRTU ALLY''ENDEIN Wournanni, .AprO, SL-rAnformatkm been reix4redrh.t tha 4cArnang4..Nsk Cisneril - 1 9-9S I P"AkIa-slib• Om Johnson, WWIIIIIIeW t o }do oFreadqi: the latter. Gmeral Sherman would oSer the same limns that. :Genera - .I lik rant - !Mt, to Alenatal Lee, and It was entip rn thei Wnirld be accepted. Gan. Let tamed Ines In roaad mambas 30.000 mess. Oar 'kisses probably tit:4 rieoad 10,'- MO or 11.000. Joe Johnston has, surrendered his entire I arnty to Shernian,l , thud - klittraby end= the war. The rebel Generals expresstheir desire to submit to tftirriltat States sethcirtdeti::4' law Trims, Aprtl.l7-:-The Petri , Washlita 'Ann *redid Bays: There :hu been no deb Inv 'between Sherman and Johnston, and It was be-, llured at Sherman'a headquarters that the sin : - ttnder of Johnton's would take &ids on4htst New Yaszaptalt,— Informotlon just,ra-.. ceited that abierman" ana' JrituisWn'artittikotliL ,th k for thW latter's surrender. " puniness In New York. - cw Toga, AprU 17.—Ihnintes li "to alines ex in suspended from nwpect to the detainee of • tbdrresidret. the understanding being general. thin trearactiona shall be limited to the strictest, ; Deerreity until after the faneral of our 11mi - relied Chief Magistrate. The Stock Exchange resole, .ad to bold no seffind,board,itoitay and to met. row, and aalottretto tr Walnbda # an Tbutii.„. - , The -d adopted eutt e raw snati spOoluted D. committee to confer with other or litirnaor in regard to the cdne.mles of Mr. %ocean.; iTbe F.YeithrgEnebangit berelmlecr„ tithErlday evening. li...flossy stnenlation is very string on Erie to-day, and • large cash demand for stock carrital it up toTtlyj.nfter eall; New Toth Central is better on the passage of the bill, and Hudson , Om sylnynthignl,_,Tbe bal at ee of the list , beeldrfl andl l l lll 4" lol Tirf*Sal fesinreer madiatitosyl VOlrtrilteesik seeneffles tun Erm and Dot , pressed for sale. Coal and It ire, Mucous shares are steady but the Witten! Of the Mule The Gold opened Armen tat afterward bees me 4-11ibllotr463 ger 014. Song ray erey witlaeldta *aid 400.0101:. - "), Z.._ I,,troiceo Stocks actin •,stiii Ant We Wet. 1-qc exce s'att Ocacider—Alsleitg tir•-1144016, Vith' B4Agmal 4 , 11134 0 tfAM. !Mfors . 4W; OpputliMi'oolsolic-2WB/01:V19; Ten piri*An mai is ray notti•ttrdiji, owe Je Nh gli Cr. erointainth:tioyerl.,:The market InvrtygettWell, teed *Tarte widow& doing In 41 ditdepisittritailANknouliiitottaza retries up ftoralto:' . te are. enierly - sought after, and the stock is being re. ducal. . _ - Ht. At .~etirl!' , Addre-• .to Frw TORE, Mitt 16.—The following Is Lee's fariwell addzw,to :the nkrall. K. (kern 16=ZiESM "Gummi Oaora No 9.—After roar years of irdnona wovier, marked by unsurpassed cour age and lottutud‘thaikruty bI XurtheriSinr;', Vida has been compelled to yield to overwhelm ing numbers and resoarres. I need net tell the survivors of sal ebsorhide Muth; battles; who bate remained steadflud.tertlia last, that hue minim/Ai to tits - exal t Trim no di:Artist Or thou, bat holding that - valor and devotion Could accomplish nettling that, could -osmoses:go Sur the loestitat would have - attended the eonttma ,tion °fibs cooled._ , .- have daramlited to avoid the-useless semi. flee of those when past yip - obis mu:tested these to their countrymen, by the terms of agreement:, Orate re and men to return to their, homes and nemain In them until exchanged. You will CASA hitt' you the subtraction that proceeds from the consequences of - dirty faithfully tuerformedi and earnestly:prey that a tier:lW God will attend you his bl. tang and motection with an Ingress lug admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country and a grateful remembrance or your k ind and generous consideration of myself, I I Id yen an affectionatelerewell, tregnird] • - N. E: Lie, General. lAtler Crop e'awin Baothl..oder of a Babel Drape Tads. .k3EW TONE, April 17. 2 The Boston papers publish a letter nom Edwin Boothe, to the min. apt r of the. Boston Theatre, relative to a suspen tbm of eteragements.. The letter closes as fol hms mourning In common with 1111 other hearts over the death of the President. mm 'creased* by private woe not to be rat reined In curds. But whatever calamiry may hefalt moor wipe, ruy , ono. and indivisible, bal. my warmest eertdion.” l'lte olb publishia en advmtutemmt which &Trite Ititbelielma , (Abij Invade/4 offering, to tale thellves,of Poraideht Lincoln, Vico Pres iChmt,lobneon,..sed Eleenetari Seward. on the paytnent testae tnlllion dollars In Confederate Plesra . ol . 4 Ciuvernor odrews..Clty el nmetst Resulutlutlik DOSTON, dpril 17.—aorcroor tandrow della croft aPm MAI, to the Legislature this evening', on the national bereavement, and appropriate revelations were. adopted by "tt,th branch•'. The Governor, neeronpanied by a special com mittee appointed by the Legislature, will attend the general pc Washington. A tpttlia meeting' of the city guvernmmit to day, adopted MON' lons, and appthited a cam. nilttre to be Inesent at the funeral. The public meeting' In Faneull I'llll wan preshle4 over by Macor Lincoln. It was art Immense rattisrltM of people. Among the resolutions adopiell were Ile following: Deep Peeling in Bustop--Itebel Generals. Boleros, Apil 16.— , Tile city churches were appn,riately drcaced In emblems of mourning to-day, and the. re - iluions cervices were almost In holly devoted to our great national berearentenL The solemnity pervading ill clacses could hardly bare bent more etd6 log If death bad suddenly robbed retry (artily of. a near and dear relative. A huhlic naceilex In relation to the event will be held In Fanelli' flag to-marrow tifteninn. . . A bomber of rebel _Oeherels, ineludine Lieut. GeV. LA Ml , ealdnred by Sheridan. passed tbrouzh Bottom tide moraine for Fort Wdrr nL. Baid paroles Were ft-VILLUA 10T,LbC1:11 by R. . LAM, but u warn refultd. ' • / 1/enttnetlve Ftre in New YOrk. • NM Tobg;*April 17.--Yr•lerday morning a lire broke oat In the eibrative cooperage of A. T.l3riggr". nn Minter Week, which tee deetroyeA, trgetlirr ebb YOnr at her laaialug.e and tart, trate; and a lumber pod owned by J. Durrea. Tat werasermes were nomad h.; M r. Dr!CIUidUIS. The fatal :bee entinustcd ae $1,500,000. *" ,fti - N‘.4 w_v 4 ./" . ".1 R• "Va. . I A , 196..4/Y1 .4; • ! G . ~, 4.4 Y . Ed x. 2 PITTSI.I,T,TR'LL .TUESDAY, 'APRIL 18, 1865. ADVICES FROM HAVANA. News of the Fall of Richmond. YELLOW FEVER -AND SMALL PDX PREVAILNG. ' Row Toox, April V.—By the eteamer lla rasa we have Havana dates of the 12th. The steamer Eagle brought in the news of the lilt of Richmond, the colors dying and the ma ehlicery decorated. As she.rotbdcdMoro , Castio, sbe tired thirteen gone"' tiiv, fr ed ractedingiy, but Oh rabble hal' Itatinkf.' A 6trislintlat nairtieirtotifehr liiiatithntaher edirtbileatehatittioalibirt fair ititarted alith. r f nalikoachman,ln an'slteashnu 4 • • e yellow fever and small-pox has appeorddr There b no . trath babe reportittai &pt. Mat has been Inionioned Moro Castle. . " The"Littlo Hattie,. withostelearanco pipers, tried to run on thebth, bat was forced to mon rho Water battery: The Flannings arrived OtteSstanst day with cotton. • Paittiortkatit'rmillted to bin stiawn hF bodycgott4 to the Untte&dtlent. ' ' n• SUIPIC tellCiinalt.lV jni A 780 /dke"iiiiiMged .- 410 4 .440 NlCW.ToottAptil 14,—Thodierold's Whither • ter ccorespqadawn sot tho laddlentatu.gtaally ineented. at.the eustsibstkol. Arita , rraindeat, but' 'are counselled to etdionesa,„ : d. flag of, truce came in.frOrn 46;dia ) 1 1 1. e It was tuiderstriod "to - tat tha, Surrender } , of his forces,. tie Peri of Pete! ;ltd. ^ O 7” re fruchtlia,'"ltoiter,' hoWernr, refuted ' ohm 1. r t' with the terms of hees surrender, bithis troll* :desertattinien twasati and he west to ietn 4 ° ll4 * Anon. Stany - otLtedt pardled. ism tunrevasched task borne* la thaNalley. ,Parollag Lep's Nair Thai, A4;trit' 17.—The Harare army of tbr Potomac correapn:Ment details the wart of paroling the rebel mianners. It appears that surrentlered about 16,000. Welt:oin; ofacera, atra ' ll3lO-- rtFP?stFa. - Tha azgliel . htlta— be.r4 preen!' t* A %etiolated aerresPcmdleta Mir Lea has germ to Danville to codearor to preeall upon Jeff. Daub. todellat from farther protracting a hope •lesa Incur St. Lows—Dbloyalito • V hot. . _ S. Louts, April 17.—Borrow at the death of Mr. Lincoln still unabated, and a number of bonaes are draped In utemelpg. Several persons have been arrested for exult., Inc over the usaminatlon, and uttering disloyal language. Two have been shot, and two , have been wounded for the use eanie. Business Is No change to day. Sad the time Is Weeopied la speeches by several prominent gem. 'Memel": Barrestered GuertilLu. Locums, April• 17.—The5witerrilla chief, Major Walker Taylor; Captain Taylor, and lira histueniwby' turendened• thealielyes to Dr. ChatogO, avember of oar laglalatereLtaadeithe lite order or General. Palmer, arrived on :the liudatta packet this morning. Tee guerrilla, Captain Hawley, who was captured by Steel, back orClorerfoot Camp, was also oa the was steamer as a prisoner. , ' Mat Canada Espana& Itrewarren, N. T. Aprill7.—The Majne;:of this elty miXTed a telegmo ; Croa Gen.- reek, eemtemadoig New York, etatlez Abet Worms-, doll bad leeched kle.4ll.oat s bewlet • brad* arcLagy wurewere.ln tlerletee awkety, Ciencla, Ytalikail*on Ro 6, ..egter.or Nola. =Mi=El:l= Catuti ' rtt:-;rthri; Clatio • Chamber ...of 'C..redieree openedlitth to-day. tWht,hundrad. 2and a Ity,three bale, of eettottpamed jausr... Ilay and today. poseible. for Otosiatteg. Dispatches from Paducah anoodoor the probe.' "bleilllTellage elate - rebel threeral Lyons to Gent ieral Meredith. Jet.. Darts-at rasa.. • April 17.—Charles C. Faltoi;or. :the army, has just arrived form Charleston and Astititewh. At the latter place be learned that .nn Monday, the 1004 Jeff: theta was al *soon, lie ales learned from a bank of the "Ccrehdersey, ttutt,leff. Darts bad ‘ st . default 416,00abi gola; 4 twrender Premised. • .14al.namet, Aprß 17.--Goneral frobson's man 'Wed VlasenuAtio ponslatitstagif. um 'mud guertius, pot:died hniidaelfla whole command td General ibtasern, who has Ida Sonia so arranged ha that mast saseastder or be attirrnb' ask& Strimgest thders klevelielL CILIRO, April 17.--Gdoersl Waadbands Iseasd as lode< atilLespite *Wally upotroilMg rem! the reladildi le - ended. and reiotiog mu auk of his moat Wilmot orders prertosily eaf&e.W tbir muddy; alfMrs in West Tea- itsjotclos,Cbasseit to bloaralag. ispitUrouPs-A 'Pen 14..344r . Mottos lissze T , bls .9racr for. tko piolglng cip Tharsaot next. lot -CptiOaMtlidt dodo, to bs ateemil lA aboto4.tk . 4•,.ipsilliedua'Pnd.lrcyec , , • Irt!. Itudia .I.lgatlri , . vti.;iinioTow; Agrti 17.—Tbe maiden o'l6. Rneslags - leigstloo balm 'decided to Jobs to all Ott outward delsotutratfoco of sorrow width lois •ty,o determined upon by the astkorttlet aid CIIT 'AND SIBIIIIMIL .." Sere Coppetifeeds Punished.. Mont one cOdoeleyesterdas afternoon a ma . mall ilia wan gulag his rounds In &tilt g hsm, stopped at the house of ably, and had ins sold , her a pitcher of milk, when the lady happening to stuallt 113 tone of regret of the assasslaatlett of PresAdentLlticeln, he replbed that the "son Of a-I: ought to have been killed four years . aps.", He Latino sooner made ibis brutal reusarkthan tbeiady at once threw the pltchtr , add It. coat , 'tents at hla Dead. - A number of 'persons seeing theoccurrance, collected around the place, and pnlty soon a' large crowd gathered, who on eufeertalnlng the large of the ease, at olive dragged him from his wagon, and swearing a lupe,. made a loop In II and pat It around his via*. wagtails!: brought over to. the Girard, Ilouse with the rope awned his neck, Beretta persons holding the rope, and a large crowd toll ioalug; The crowd Seemed determined to bang Aim, and wanted to stretch him 110 In front 0 the Girard Rowe. lie wail, ;honorer. rescued. by the i'rovast Guard, and taken to the Gated Goose, Where at last account, beeves still under rot Two men glutted Wm. Carnahan and Jones Moody became very disorderly eta place tiny L. et do. 1, and tittered secession- sentinvnte. Thu former was &nested taL hurrahing far J.f Davie; and linow in the lockmp. Jacob Gutiondorf, a keeper of- a lager Wei ralootrat49B Venn street, was errestedymter daY afternoon and lodged In the lockup for has , leg en:tressed delight over the assullnstion of . Lineale,Lsaying that the assassins were "go el toen,".and that the Presidkut should hive met Ole fate four years ago. A halter would 133 an admirable epeelae for such foulsmouthed (nelson. A man went Into a grocery store on Pounail• each, nlfrOve„ sear Pride street. on iiiit , lrday evetnr,t. And while, there e {pressed tdot,dt, In lutdzungeanow treasonable, ea Wag wall Plewisitl itir ibt terrible tragedy .which huh last saelt a gloom over the 'bole main. A:lady stealing near, Who bad Just purchased a bucket of yesit chided him her his treasonahie 'segment; and be answer, received some- Impudence from the scoundrel. The lady threw the yeast in his face,' and while ho was clearing It from his eyes she picked up an axe handle, which was lylag oa ahe door. and striking him a blow on . the head felted him et:useless Lbli floor; I T this . dine she was pretty highly excited, and seizing some doh from a barrel. bust him on the Leadand face, the salt and brine entering t h e wound and pane. tratog his eyed, bringing him to in short order. The fellow itilitking that —discretion !was the better part of valor," rushed from the store, and started up the attune., at a full rim. A large coat d started In pursuit. cryittx, "Kill the trait or!" "Bang him !" “Stop - Ildtd hut Me.renneueroothd In eUching: him, he reunite,: through a dwelling and lute au alley la Mu rear, making good Lie recatm. Alf. BurnetV,. lt.adlngs Poatpnue•t The following communication bout sir. Bur nett, will fully etpleln his mason for a post . Uranus Enirons:—The understenrd re. .p..tict•ty anneuace to the citizen., of Pate: burgh, that he has taw potted hie coo'to of rea.l. Toga already announced, to teerer place Vila Weak Uume uthee Outs, which twill he duly wirartia , ed. lin makes U.'s postponement In deference to the fe,recet and feeling ho entertainer .t4.:aho plait national calamity, by which the connt.ry hue tuddeuly been deptived by the assassin's. load, urthe ills nod vertices a to groat' and patriotic Executive.: ltempolivels, yours, C=MUM Monument to Presideut Liam! , la.—Wu ra ter par . readt.ra to the call fir a nu...Nur or prooit tivrtt and influential if cedn,a 'mai 6r a onedinz (.1" tl. Alleal,ny to rake pr-lioticary in•a,teee fvr thr rn othm of n itt.filuitent to ell iliernori. alike her President Mundt', to Inih,•l.l 11118 t•orring at City 'loll. Ail.•gheuy We norm• the to, flour,• eg "um wltt.;:h 41.tay.1:1 ca liat thcautereat ut lion peopie uunotally. Vie Death of the Preeident--Adjourned Ifeeting of pltizetm,..Addreas and Res-. obstioneagipeet : hesi:ety4 ; An adjourned meeting of the citizens of Pitts. .immh, Allegheny , and , was held on Mcinday aßernilon; al fere iMock,et froeoreer of tall and Smithfield streets, to hear the re pot IM.P l e44fbt TLIWACOII 3 44 .rdfiteW prepare such action as would glee an appropriate exAstseket of the sentiment ofthe people of Alio- SbenMi , lW, A•WkrfiM IP,P0,1004:1147 . ; which had WWI= the nation. was disv 'Melted flat-the riAting should DE° eld at Wilkins Hati‘bntirwas etLdent, from Ithehrdemsle throngs which filled the principal • streets, that flikkaille the,alageould accommo ;eatea tenth of , thor • -pe*lerwhostould desire to . steed. trader these circumstances. Mayor .:PurTY iißlXPlaallactltuter a stand In hunt OE Melba on-around which - the Ottawa seep, begin to assemble by thousands. As muss the stand olutosalsorpan had Went erectedd ahl . (and bears tbseillrotalseist preisdrij br. w facCrook, Br., took _p A osition therecdrealikZektalielinliffideeintakedd • - ekammittriplifns 7 ,He paid a ..Idals myth as • ;lad patrietisin of' theohtent tte:appealect Le the treeble ROM conatenance the abraders 'whithhad been ipmeglited against sum bum Join as ono man le accordfrot -to Uri limb , Seem het9Ort_ eenetemee. lite Hoerr, Mayor Lowry, liif etialtmln of the adlOullelitleetisgs o !*~ , l o 4ikv44 l ll o 9. ediuseof khe Ils nsetr, who openhd iheitaitlog with prayer. TS. r Thom se 4 ffewe v ahnikmap of the mittoe preuleuaWspgroiated,MAsormieedlltat 'the ; few. Of e theandoecomeaprandse of the unto of the `prisple oc those cordrannltieb re puling the death Of President LlCeole; had been embodied In an address and - riarolatbans, which ,would now be read. ••• • ,• • . , . . . , . , , itou'Agen: T. aahnston Wall then Intro d uce d,: and reed the folio:dog address.: Pittow CMZlns:—By,this,Finnatenive Provi dence of ihe.AlloliiirtY God, the saddest- Weed , ty recorded in the male of thahnman non, has Artieentaleer upper the nation. A geval and good roan has bun-Stricken' by . the laud preempt and violence from rho bosom, of his" MeV: Into the 'silent recesses of Me tomb. *pare and up-IKM anagirtrete has been. temoteach.tessassioacioe, (rpm' meteor's and: tliergelif the duties of his high sedan; a • cat- them and Mt selfish , patriot and - ,plafiti-' thrOMY.; - hail been; by. foul murder, 'surface& upon - nal altar of unhallowed rebellion, now be: Ingnmed spinet liberty, government and law. The helm of the people ars ailed with deep. ' est sorrow by tale melancholy bereavement 1 a greet *Ulm weeps In beer' tears the mournful It to wisdom sometimes to gin:way .16.,.gtief. The belt Is softened, while the seal It tired In itstec umi tO -regard and _perform' the. dotes width:. I aa, truth and-;patriotism demand. i ' ll ''4, lb rT u . fo re: to our elwrorr. beerell the la, mes deekaa cheintrt preoslag ,arci pmest dotted:4 be falthritlit PerraMed. On-like 14th day of April, 'WO, et a few age. WesMe, p. my4lbraluem Lined°, Prue- . dent Chid; Kulertate bf the United Vim . was " ',Mewed. .. ilelland by recent sue.' mum lee military power bf the tlsvarnatint then i i fy enris.ducles a his high allot,. which had Wen hind arduously- praised spoil nimp end l the foil assurance that thelcuittannity, - Moot sal imperity of. these &Mat had 'bean , ...Mire: the murdered Preaktent-sought a ma; malt of relaxation from labor and toil..:.Par fby she cherished and .luppy Influences • ion Wattle ette and Metls, amidst - ' of timotededsidure ind um: petters, a is plonmeter aed without waning or *fits appetatch, and although around Mutated wartime, matelpeof and patrffilai' this kind. hearted and worthy ;eittnee4'hallPoricalf .. the anprenna heed of the People, la striatum. dow."'mithoutettle. 41 the lahnicue , sand of. ,Itnigin and Meant must find finottlihi plate le *hole star way% a motive for theitruMO'dt aod blb:h . deed. ". lennanot. ha :,asiutmed. the, Pereemel _Wary at private t i lt u rzhge Induced the Set thMesilbaiWy- =dotal' .Priedrated.: No gnat crime, embracing Mil n Itself, the momentba end frerideing, evil consequences of Olt deed of death, Mayen womultted tem meter . prtrate or weasel - feellat ' N.: great outrage noun the surtatithal.'ol liactttle aaclal welters and the nubile goo& hes mar NM ea- Mod Am ttaegratecedou of mere personal re sew* ' The Me of gold, the lust for power, the nowelety of Infamy or ~the suppose good and - edeattemeut of relighanierrortusapor medal, - henem _mistekally. - wadetteken, heretofore, 'hen dm . samdehe tette or gadded the Marton efliyij*fieldelashii. murderers be ' porma• -. All crimes mem ham • meastag.icause owmo. Gee fur their cootedialcm.. Ike santelmer of our Yrrikle..ltenle hare had no pretemoe person ' al armogabr. the heart heafew pan ao egrasse, be ing She with the klediat Menge doer Mora We reject, therefare, elk pretexts . mem:merits =that may be tatered, empaptim to dad; he Vt." aatentul pelsonalemage and feelings, ho Pik. tircesbat phial atat'acintatolledl the's/024.W the murderer Mora good President. We must "look elsewhere. WO are manpulled to Mk la some other anicatfor timaxplaustion andortgiu of themmes and porpoaas which (adduct 'tlos perpetreakri of th e nu allowed aline. - - :.Ttili.'itntatod-crinte of this or stir *Mr age Wimp 110 the bell-biar• merged avert' .it is the legitimate "and ustaroldable - malt' of its wonlap, teachings and dedgeth..let us briefly refer toes troneeetf the post , glanry, as ex istent iallre south, has intlietediumerhansanity , all the lump: and mimes that' the mind 'can Metirt." It his harrusied" and 'worn by haid, sad unrequited toll Unsold* and •bodiee of Its victims.. It has tortured, whipped. and delltentely - murdered the subp=t i to '‘nicrtstraloolersgetiluat and power. It bust . anted the clothe , from the weeping child, the strong man from the tender: plant that , finely . - dung to him Air protection. It bai brutalteed the mind and darkened soutof thannhappy . bondman.' - It bet made „the Mute 'of he wor •ahlppers, defenders; Owners and Whetters herdic. than the Maly ruck, and reartned 'from the be.. ems of these all the gesitlu and kindly virtue belongiugto chiliad meuvit hoe made the pos sessor and proprietor the worst of tyrants at ' home and abread--the most coward.a aserthrttle - of the weak, unprotected and . defcticobse„ and the most Imperione. insolent nod lordly Mas ters, +habit coald confer power. It h is neither re , perted age, color, condition or ace in ate deal ings with others bf . the poople whom It did not and could pot comma& .. It hen meshed.. lin . priaoned,' robbed' sod 'outraged the Amertesn cltiarn;_even upon the soil of hie owe country,. and w"ln he very Mil of the Ganstitution. It has rebelled against he nernment and sotiy,ht to destroy by open, vindietirn and cruel war, Its • own -agreed open inseutione. It hp designedly intended • wavered nmetchy, bloodshed and de.. function. It has'. Venally murdered the sur rendered prisoner plataditmfor merry under the lulu of war recognized amen; elvlllzyd people. 'lt bag (not In the heat of battle's' excitant, A, and In the moment of frenzied passion; but by cord and deliberate purpnee and design, by se. Tit lip, dratltntlen and starrathat In Its prison sans, under the canted and wilt:hi:o knowkdge and,eoneent, If not by the direction of Its chief cz,ecnriyo ahem, ) brought death to many a brave and patriotic heart, anti laineritutallod end vastly to many a .happ• Medd°. No age, as worth, no color, no patriutlem, pllianthropy or religion has it enpected pr 'preeerved, when Its I:supplies of paler and extended lolloanat were, to hu substrved.by Its action. N.). Iviluweirtzen , , this dark and bloody !pint hers Inipion-lee and utOlnshingly claret to ley its crime* and malefactions before the world, and. hoMril for Mon trio authority end sonatina of tl.s li.Nl of love and •peacts and p.axl will to Mm. ~ c nr•—tht. dArk and damn nidtory,. wledout would to =ow Ita future • In eatal , ', tag rn. !d of Its p rettlrlo, soy to Us workings: . - The rekill in called into existence and prom mind eo ih•noty by this fell spirit was rapidly crumbling into n slbilation. Its chief - rides, eaultols-its. lice army, had fallen prnatrato before-tho determl,ed purposes, mid trial and estatillehed powers of a great people. Prepara tions were being it ride for the partial forgive ness of the autho and orthicons of a stupen dous wrong, and t great heart of charity so surv*d always belielgin* to a free and en- Pei nation, s making- ample provision for ' unfunnuat • populations, whom slavery bad nearly destroy rt. Cho temerablo President was mods to cited the Alive branch of pence and the hand of I ruthortimat to the mis.wided -and erring criemlea if to romutrut country. • The ''begluning f the and" of our tran7ins 'and our warfare wa at Imud • and the' end it and tbilmithropist, hailed - with eniiital dulight, and gratlitide to al, the approach, of pain; ono the pnieliluatic bGnnlveraal emnoclpttion. All was Joylut—all itioyaut with Mum of good and grand results-4 o bean sir 'ha itatioA wAt 'ruovial with glacines , and softened Into for,rive sees. In the hour o the tiail.PN triumph, on the uuniparnnry of t to triumphant re-ens:Non of the prostroted daz of rho country up m VW walls of Fon Smut.- Amid all these Intim in. finerlCO, .I"Ys. hopes and grain irks, the tleniailt andshelLbura spirit N silvery. inovuil by Its hatred of lustier, t lit and humanity. arid,' faithful to its past,of :wage and evil, deterinle• ed to be reveirced. I is downfall had been de. creed, Arid that ja hr,tmiut was being rap idly executed. It mist he ravaged It lt, meld .not ruin It mild degroy. It ammilt riv ugs. its victim in tan Pan. lo,•ot of the U 1511,5 SLUtt, N. 11111112; of his r i,csa and geili coma, and simplicity of ktayits baud. Nothing of his pore it,ll„,throp3, could avert Its atm. Notate:4 , m LL litah•nittidril and ,uusclitsh patriotla,n could woo lie ac. foinsiens: No tender Lien of failieri . huebatd, or friend, timid turn aside Its muidi•rona IVa out till. It was .its (Usti.'" to pc ish fu crime; mid heuce its co as d, ly v enecsac.ii fell upon its cloomdd and defence lug victim. it was not the person and life of the health:id It 'Fawned alone to destroy—it was the A'ationJa itrk It Intedded V, any. Amid the excitchients, conflualcuts and disonien cre aulthie from the wicked deed, It hoped to escape the. coetifiNthesceestit the , verdict, that a Rea a people "armed in force , ' had pronounced neon ti , . i it.theßkellat. Him theraligeeltille. reunurdly: villein whom It had enthiciyed to do its accursed dead, It might escape ItOjUlit dOOlll Tor a aeason. The slavery power has made a mistake. 'lt ha welatoartualty nude a martyr to =Wear Merry ;: o r tAbrihaeL Lescobs;. whilst; it ;has, invited by ten thotsaad ormls.of .steel, the unity and entire freedmmiq all 4k" . I )e°Pl!'!94 e l e e e of hut e9ll- r i0i..4..... felloweillsena, that be lon to fie& IWe ask akyonr Wade, whilst dul nat itedidnic Itainitend officiala tea thence:god dead, that Ibtisnikresoleemlet and haniarelerth ' thsh the.tydritottiliteeo;:lie Well 16 The' ilfstitt , ' • =MeV; Idlidtts WiTADP arAi ,'T.. 6 Stat CIT" hi Your Winn Men sM =arta tuner. Milani o f heart and Inatreillvorime In lhicb Ile buidedso matey of ttspfirl le itik'el". part Mel &Clad's! ages. - ' . ' - We &Mind rise to us„by thlt:jies49, the page fewalaya, a ;Shawn. . Let WI humbly ask our Father In to direct us to a pop- Cr Mid ipPreciutiro - ledgehst ebb same,, , ,thid, all things tr . ,' Uhl direetion wry fend totlusponw andigieee Cr 4112'01415/ saftel - trod PreePor,- , it/ ir the rie ,3 140. i 1 1 131 HZSOUnetiala• 1 o , , IrOtl:WOXIIIII li./107/0, chairmen of the com mittee, then read"the following nwort a The 'people of Allegheny county, la town runtime assanbled, humbly bowing in , devout subetkekrei to the will of. Almighty;oo4 JiAseles, That Waage Is lawlerpluate to ex press the reprotwtion of this meetinogg meetingof the ne farious murder of our beloved tVOaldeat,lts ab horrence of its miserable pat theweeth ed lastratent of a meet piracy— and its anxious desire fur'the speedy arrest, trial and condign:punishment althea cowardly asses stn. his abettors and aemenplices. ' Rereent. 'That the spontaneous abandonment by the people of alt their ordinary savor. oth' s and the clueing of their places of baskicsa from Satuaday_momlns until Monday sight, indicate the telesesai regard and respect for the lament ed dead, and the deep gloom which pertadeaell hearts on account of the great, nationalizes which wellOVlore, and that the cinema be re. quested to trireme their ordinary avocatlaus, leaving the tjadaces pf mourning th strode exhib ited on the piddle buildings for e space of thir ty. da3 5. lad Otg SU private dwellings until after thelement, and that the citizens genersile ho requested to wear an appropriate-badge of , mouning fir thirty days. lloofeed, That the Mayor shall be requested, when be shall he advised of the day upon which the ninnies of the late President will pans teraotreb this city on the way to Denote, +to non ly the citizens of the same, and in conjunction with 6 committee to be announced by. Min, to _'take the necessary nseasines for a general • finer e , al escon by eur. crake impels:ion, and for such other ceremonies as In their judgment may be appropriate to the said occasion. llbsolsed, That the, citizens be requested to re pair to Meer respective place* of worship on Wednesday,. he lost., at ,twelve o'clock - , woe; When t itnieralismices of the intermit- Neat are to place, for the purpose of solemn- Irirer the Ccaudon with appropriate ceremoni la accordance with the recommeudadon of the actin Secretary of State. Ar , vind, That the floe- Thatt-' Williams be miscued at as wely a dap as may suit his con vealrece. to deliver an eulogy upon the life, character and public services of ;Abraham !du cats, the late Wwdetit of the United States. • ' Ideseteat, 1114 the %Lennie of this onetinll transmit to the widow of the deceased a copy of these promediegs. and aware her of the syclea thy, felt by the citizens of Allegheny todsty fur bee late bereavenient, and of thee ardent den, abater the prosperity and happiness of herself and family. , - Anne* That 'this meeting has tull ' eon& demean thereat:of President Audrey Jobs:mote anpdot,hls Seed det .-Inatift-ta Medium the Or the Um.. reetore'the itathorhy of tberGovernmeut throughout the whole oonntry, , sad to mete out' to the leaders of the rebellion the'tunlihment justly due totheir alums and to dal cud we pledge to hint, and his salute nation, one cordial and united support. 4 TM abonessies. Non. Thomas Williams member of Congrein from the Twentyabled District. was then intro duced and delivered a bred but eloquest and feeling tribute to the Memory of the decewied President. As tide/thin write; hie been request ed to pmpare 'ideated" upotethia life mid &m -any of the dtwinguished dead, and Mee exan Incaution to acquiesce "hi 'the lnie 'we Shell wed Wang& la , perru a glen even a synopsis of this ditomPwa neon tribute, hal though it was. in &limi ng to the Madame of heart, and the an gina:or spirit which Mr. Lincoln hid evinced even towards the bitter foes of the goverment, the speaker Malaria, that - thou &theme men, - te their folly and wickzonesa, had driven away the angel of mercy, and now thole deeds would be juiced by ano th er. The decree:Mlle to hate rob forth thitjumelle shall follow Rini.- ' Gee. T M. Rite, of Keatucky, was , next ja. educed, and delnered a way effeetive speech: lie tasted that tba rebels need expect no mercy from Andrew Johnnie. Abraham Lincoln had saved tee Onernment from destruction, and now It beton:mile duty of anothec to Indict the ,pinienent dne to Mitres. The speaker. was strualy is favor of the severest measures being elt , PloYed ef the filovernmeat bi tee sweeten deo and punishment of the leading spirits of the rebellion. ~ - A friend had „expressed to him the hope that Andrew Johnson would mans the -equal of 'Andrew "Jackson. He replied Wet be hoped Preakitmt Johment would 'go a step further, and profit by the expo - rime. of (ion. jackito ,n whose dying regret wag that he had Poe hanged the teatime of big day. De then alluded to the terrible Crime. width tna rebellion had engendered, ant attributed them ~,all to the'accursed and bell-born Institution of alaveryl-en iniquity so loathsome and diming legln‘ itself that he hal sworn henceforth to pee k and tight against It so long as i Go gave him life and strength to do no. Ctoloael limekiln, of Tennessee, was met an ' Pounced, and delivered a duct bur.' teeter ad dress. ore favored the pnllcy of Mende 'swift. stem and innextblejustice upon the heads of all traitors, both In the North and the South. Ile believed that infindrewJonneon the 1111410(1 would nod amu equal to the crisis. Ile had lived among reiels ; he had felt the effects of the war, and hqlrnew the character of the deeds eat the !loath. 1 her. was no danger of his /doing a passport forJ; ff. Dads to visit Europe. The People , of the North would not be satisfied with anythioe abort Of the bilging of Davis, !neck. Inridge, Benjamin, Metall, and all the leaders 4 t tbo tebeillon. The speaker would , go even further than this"and turn his atteatiln - to such traitors as Vallandlgham. Vaserheen Pendleton, and (Ahem of that stripe au the Nurth. He Mad the infardoes article from the Greensbnen Arpin, Verlech we denonaced in these columns some I eel's ago.! AS indicating the spirit which arum, ltd Northern traitors, and declared th at so long as such treasonable utterances were quietly per mitted, en long would murders apd asaissina 11013P be attempted In one straits. lie was in favor of commencing the war anew—martlng [ Grant, erni Sherman and Sheridan with their *maim at the North pole, and Marching to tho *Muth pole, killing every. trahoron the way. `lle conelndea by appealing to the people to pmt their confidence in. Andrew Johnson, and when he, as President of the United &stet, signed the deatinwarrant ofJcff. Davis, let not the people cry out sue leniency or mercy.. Traltona deserve to die. I.' t justice So done though the heavous Ihonid Nil 0111. J. K. Moorhead; ineuth,r. of e‘mgress from the Twenty-sv-on4 Diatriet, was eel.; la. trodueed. lie had lover tun Pirshicat so well,, ard had income to endeared w Lim. that he meld- Let trust himself to speak-alit& pail Juct tut rllfte Moth. He tor/gone to till) grave, Ise trotted by. suety [clad heart throughout thla greet nation, mid had left behind him a record as enduring as time Itself. Ile cautioned tha people against harborlng.thoughts of vengeance towards individuals, or giving way to Wings which nitht lead to tumult and <Haunter. Let 'every Ma, stand firmly by the law and the con 'siltation, out! ald to the stern said Inflexible ad ministration of Minim Ile had known An- Oren Johnson as a fearless champion In the Halted States Senate, standing algtost alone in, the midst of traitors, aud telling them to their farm that, had ho the power, he would bang them high as Haman. Ile had the power now, and there were no 'tura for him. He would discharge his whole dots, and shrink from uo respousibliity which the execution of the laws might devolve upon him. The General gave his hearty assent to the tore and spirit -of the adarms and resolutions which bud been rant, and remarked that ho had palling to add thereto. • lion. Thomas J. Bighorn tit% tulle an al drtes, denounehm In hie forcible matt- Itt r the assasAluathin or the rrt%Went. nal Ott. lug ldn suice In favor of a rigid execution of the agalnst tralMis. flu quoted largely from the speech of Andrew Johnson, In Washlazton, on, the- receipt of thu flows oftho capture of !Doh. I ntend, us ludirailng thu course of Miley whleh. be would be Ilkely to iniome, limy that hu had been called to thuld44 statlan of Prulduat. aad Commander-ln•ehief of dm Army and Nacy. At /be (UFO of Mr. Illitham'a aldress, the Im• tOOUFO audience was disollsstal by Dr. Allison, who repeated the Lord'artayer, and closed with the band Itrowned.—A.,6l:llll, fiveeary inv. nevie.l. dont) Perron', teeskirowiled at Lt .llvne, on .tet °Monongahela river, net red iv, He bad walked rut on roper Intended for Inddltie ernd b.ntS• end revs etAnvorintr to catch Pomo &cm of 1 I aerie' tbvt die vvVier. when, tor fell to. I III! teidy wen not recovered 'until an half loar Mid elaretd, when the vnal !took hod flown. • 4 'Pec i l / Dice Pug :QF City CoPnclili.• 4 3° ,;5 131 , ig1ec ' :941.-.C41,1W!a was hold last; qcnlng;;catim ler ybe puperuf.;irbagns preialonraftlie re9PriliA)i this 130 0 In rif . e7oed to theeriarialiatfdajOAsrat to ireie4i. - tr;itiit; tarelbry,ltrewe, Cti Orr' Conraiii; itird • *Cita Melt, " 'l:avgblin:'l6tittfliariLkairOW 4 , Threopten;t 7 irldtk4nogialied 7 rMiraent 'tic- In ' . 2rairi.. - itrol?Cßeek r iratik.trdis; fßernii , Tratia;. Deck= :3 t vkj,, l % 4 :!= ri a t.- ! 1,, ,Y5 1 Z0 R e b a gt finively, Tom:Chum and btadirod'Brineler , ;`-?:"' 1 0 .410 diAmodidoila-CoOrsito,,,,_,QCVM.. 4 ea a mem berisf . V, - C. , fredir hO. eau , e..*Li' 'Chaim! inelactioit Add Wird TA fit' -ISM to lilt the.Thormy omaslonsolz by the vadr.! tidbit f filr,Trger, and was ?ions la fileCcusellittbes met i) “; Y:1 3..13 1 ,40trg id. Ibuiminq milicauttow, were cigareqby Xr.. ps,of - lbe--Stated Ward which Were-v-Wy nnsblmoezal E. red .ther.clerior of both dlre}ued enc4F the sane-011- their' • Raaibed;`That the CoitaefL bt the ci 'ripatorai feallogsTombialancr trultuute Mn dd the out of the I ninapalriatlou'ortax lamented Prated:tat; Who' i his ;bow w yeceotly vbimmudialentad people of Jae Ualemi OMmostn COUWIZIPII4O , Ibe work 'Pol tie grideli Aid first adißinutriOilt.' That tn. yArigedy which 148 rale,Rataa,dasely, upon. dm capture Of- the rebel capital az' Ike ,iiiinMllatlon 'of its &Ind: oat raniy.'wdraloirnbas the rani ipirlithat has engendered: Mk: accaoed refoltgaad;:whlch, alter haring failed to„ destroy the' fife of tbe nasledi hat hoped Yo" paralyse the efforts - of the loyid States; by atdesperatd,' and tudiapPtly ate.; cmefol *MN* upon oar Cptef Magistrate, An - the very 0101111-st the Union, amidst the mink: Inrg za l l, shrptiople ever the recent deterial ef our .;;P ; Yes Thra, the lemon of the 11004 :as. taught - by the great catastrophe, Is. that no ten . dewiest to guilt can:livable or the' r feros clods and hufiluable:spirit wldsh his Prodaced t biljtltirmetion. and 'to the war acalnit oar government a character of atrocity thatAist "ze axeroplete modern histoiy, and-lswell‘lins• tasted by the murder of a man who had no feel ing barof charity: and (=passion oven for the • 'where aad leaders of this revolt , ' and wee ep periuly ready to bury In oblivion the crimes which they bad committed alike against liberty and humanity. ' • Rerolved, That be find consolatiori for tide great bereavement in the fact that the helm of Government has' pestmd Into the heads of a man who has been schooled In the esperiences of which tide sambas -hems° fruitful In the south -who Irap.himeelt endued at the hands of-tae 'rebeilion- , -who ' ecqualtitet *Mr the spirit *bleb has animated Uri' leaden, and who knows bow, impossible ,Itarto conciliate thews men and how cascade! Will to therreatoratlen a perinannit peace and tradon; that thd down. trodden , means, who haviszbech :compelled to bear the bertha!, of the revolt, shored holland; up by out Gkiverament; their load ,era and oppressors are visaed with much tondlga , Ishment u the, interests of justice end ba ity slid the outraged magesty of the laws hspemtively demands. Reselel, That wddive das billed confluence the Integrity, ability and' 'firmness of Andrew Johnson of 'resublime, anon whom the labors 'Jed respgrasibMilesof the President/ al carte are tow devolved under the Custitutlon, sad ac; reran ply pledmr Mtn the cordial an d' Mond mouser:wpm. of disloyal community: which wo brew the bona to represent, In the further pros-, memo of tho war, and In all inch measures as. nay be necessary to , being -to -Justice the maul Plan ot our liberdes.Who ban hoped to reach Media of due nation the Moo blow which the have so IPM•ifelly tided 'at Preedielit -the pare; theignoditho upright` Abraham Lin; ..lbsthed,'Thet.iwiiihiat of !viss, _deep azid gen erat s o rrow of Lear cormernalty,- the menders of 'these Comrade wilt pat owlthe mull. hedge. of ureoraleg, and that tha hails of our respective. inropdateki aria with tnivirat coloti for the period of thirty - de* - - Resoled; That these emoblUone-ho entered at kaQth upou the minute books of , Councils. A Mistaken Identity After our last evening edition:was pros sed off, we learned from Varela Abbe; the:gentlemen referred to-ea:Accomp ll o of the suppOsed _ s Boothe, amemed restaday morning at Altoona, whet (into Casson the car; facts Which tin. to ..howAtlKriksi thli wo onbmi clattainawi of nattakestittit.f.'Hystaltentha Valk* arrett , the *apposed amain of the Bowldeut, Mr. t 7.. Emerson Divis, of lowa.' Bearing a close zesembtance to Booth la tostatrel and 'physical appearance, he was scented tu Washington Olt/, ; and attar a thorough examination released. HL rest/nut Winners OR the car were Very gateral, when be might be arrested at =runabout scan assassin. sad be perhaps lynrhad before ha could establish his talocence. Ile Will probably be released whenever these bets are known to the sue Mining blot in thaws. CaptaizeKit-- tie Via stopping at the Ea. Chorine yesterday. la reference to his oteraidt. he raja that when ha returned be lu he subsumable to and it: Re' laproprienui of a Aoted .in a •town, in.lowa. the mange of skid . ' we dimentemben. _ XAyoa's Chrflost. Trrrusesson, April 57, 1665.1 - The andersigned tenders ha sincere thank* to the eltlzens of Pltlabatgli, ibr the sins:amity with which the, rumest that all budneas be Nu yinded thronghoet the city and vicinity has been observed, and ttui good ostler that has generally prevail 33 d- itsrebY Nivea- labile noting that swishier will be resumed ,to-day, At the propel time dan notice - NM he given Of • the ftuieral ob sequies of our lets lamented President. - • JAN3B Lows; Ju., Mayer. , , The Thigiseanelrp Company.—We bate been requested to make a cprrectiott of a state merit made is our notieo of tho drs at Facklaer & Irwin's. which we gladly ds, as the statement referred to does ataulfest.laktstlos to a very de terring and mimetic Ire comPany o especiall y! as their engine bobs° was nearest 'to the fim; was not, the Vigilant that was first at the dot; but the Ilsupunne. 'lhelatter engine had chocked the Bre cre the other got Into action. We did not Intend to make any in - stables distinction bitweent any of the companies, as they all seem to via with one another in rendering ettkient service at fires. Polsonml Water In Allegheny.—An evelt tor rnmnr was spread over the two cites Tester._ day. that the water in the Allogityny Bide' was co:amoral. The wildest storlee were soon, admit, and the people In the upper part of. Allegheny were reported to be dying off as LTA pestilence. Many .of the bohsewlves carried water from springs and pumps, a long distance, from their homes, and some parsons even CAM" to this side °Ate Itrer to get water.. Happy there is no foundation forthe raptor, except the well hewn cvlisthat hue atEbrided the water tics of the cite for many weeks. Dlr. Editor: Are-School Bnards oreanised "InAllegheny county under the new School Law, lo June, or are they - still under the old law, or, ganized at the meeting next ensuing their cite- Um ' • • qtrinal. [no law clinging the time for the organise. llon of school boards expressly excepts the coun ty of Allegheny and the. city of Lancaster. Ilestro school boards in this county should or s:mars .as heretofore, namely: within twenty daya after the clectloa.]--Sn. VtArymen Elected at Trinity Church.-- The telk.wing Yeenymen have been elected at Tuohy Church John H. Bhoenberger: Thomas iluire,Jantes M. Cooper, Josiah Rier i „..w. T. ltaMhall,Raney G. Hale, Henry L. Itinuwalt. Janice. Dale, 8. Jarvis, A. W. Loomis. Rohm Robb, T. O. Blair. Wilson ht'Candleasi Jr., W. A ekpoulcdgements.—llre acknowlodge the reecho of 11. from "•ITeto,r of Wilklusburg, In aid of the woman whose eano we recently men tioned. This lady states that she lost a brother In nne of thoso horrible rebel prisons, and can sympathize with all those similarly afflicted. Another party enclosed $l . by letter, but giver'. no Dame. ne. Jaeknoia . at Hume.—The veteran sable "coffee cooler," Dr. Jackson, Who weathered the Mexican campaign as as army servant, and who went out In the same capacity In Colonel Blames regiment, lute arrived home after three'yeate - Imprisonment in Libby, where ho was mostly employed sea cook, and looks as natural as ever. Dbiebarged,--Alliert. Mins, the yaw' bqy arrested by the Mayor's intim on Saturday, charged with baring fired the furniture ware_ moms of geom. Fuel:Jeer ,C Irwin. on Smith. geld street, on . Friday richt 'Last, had a hewing this earning witch resulted In DI3 discharge. ' DI ED • MILLIXEIg—On Monday, AIUiI Itth. E1,1%.t JAPIF.- EN,. Ilmighter of Sohn 21111lIon,eged tirenty•threc yews and one month. the fumiteliwill take Aloe from the residence of her father, No. 107 'Webster itnet, Allegheny, et 2 wood. 1078 Arringoosr. iThe faced" of the AM. Ily ere reppestfutly Invited to attend. • VAIIII(M.—fIn • Mordw, April 17th. by drown. 01.1n1IlltliT, win of Chore.. nal Ibith. 'Tine nitre*. aged five year. and three month". The inoevel'elee will. read" tNeeity by the ,teener James ROM 011tlesones'eAv XOtrs. rt eleven . o'eloel;, to moan:Abe Allegheny. cemetery . . Canino' will be in,wiltine, et ,tbe xis frittalii of tie Etto:l7 are 'eve:n(olly Invited tO Attend. ' ESTABiASIIED - xx.m'•E.org GREAT PANIC. ANOTHER ‘). A MIMMiI - raid f • • Li 4'. . 1 t : 4jjliellaggasS Leateilitielet„, .11 , mi.;ovr , • SI ~:,:~~ . IZE=MI =MEE 4 , ?!fl 1 4140.00L1141 Ulk + i t* . i 4 . 4 P 4 4 0 1 Pir,. girgtesii . ,4lr,P. c r flr!"... i f°! think "M ' in ,111 an *;wileicrilTire * , ,* 45 . Were a &ciao!' missy the 01 apissulloi. .14 40: • Ifttit ! In , 3 I n n)* 1114 4 i 4 : l3 :i3 in g: Pos4..Yofirjr?" l l l ,_ manufast4l4 . i924 we rut rsur,lll , rink end aew r sit pettented Ot tMPilli 4 11 3,11 •,, r1:1' !kt rAc, 1 - 7..7/ , 32.1 COncert Hall fahoe Btorei. , .60 FIETH STIMErf THE qßzwr I'ua 3I 13:EISM) Ist' the Introductios es median& the erteelt IP -.-.. s ) has perhaps Eels the subject et . n o m . , So and • setaitZe tomiderstion by the of the profession than amoebae ' a witb the laws of the Oreat Creators eat's, row los s ' ''' orrornded that alltdisems halo their anise le 1 ~ 1 sionuiebi others, the solids of the boat. etteM , . seas. and Witt Ins Valiant iniabei. °outdid Sig .. ' .111.011 that tissue= itself is the/wry Colualata of ~. , lift—that If it tweordee Imporothei MOMS la MI w or nd st to•-derofuhi, Omer ere. no. a In-• experisnos In this cues= • " eases by..by , this Mood and theism etßethat .1' - 4, their mid. and -cure, prove this to be NW . . •.. . j correct theory: adroit upon which theory. the me* Mine now Itncran is romersarans; was aosocoof ; L . t and brought nio torestion prods:lmes nienittlitle, . us use soon mamba snail ..:11 Es e -. j. l ...,:,, "MLA; lILIJERATIONS, • epia,SA, TETTXR, SALT RHEIML,: !.,. ~ .;: 3 - LIVER COMP.T.A.,_ _.• LOSS ea . t APPRIITE., MS — TIMPtiI.A. .. •-,, . * 1, - , • . EREATDIEff. , E.R.A.ItEadddITY. - a• to eve, trona taa tim It Ii trot Sakai, fistula , , = 1 .1....! to. the .patient, =A l t mak accomplish . ing ia eau . b weeie_.. • J =ought. to vet it an tar& o ieli at iti11:11.64 sue ~ ' 'taegve.sig Min, pviolli an to wren , 3 : 4.1 ) de but are. Often deterred at. , . triad here nes be loofa at a• . • -I satisfy the .purehaser that the -to -. , whatto clammed' Ms It le 'me i tat pastaor '-) t • - sazao atm anrattooold. the Plaatili •L 3 Detests Females MR find at It the monism taw mos iha waif taffy totisoiMe Ideo Of ittl MIR Rae =Manumits, we saddle allot bItheMSHIP• - pal intioles of wider IL. Is composed,with astutte . , , - description of the uses and adaptation st i= s km fromthe tilOsat solbenity kanwa Is . • • /1031DVILIIYABSIPAIIGLEA • Ldaedteltl s DUUMfaI atOatL Males as = lk ha soltaStt• - alrbstbszts. tjatassotsi IMi nint;• ikprsust itsidltlass aE boat& 1 - Is t ' onis, tlturstisounl Sisselesit.' U kit a opoill.'! : 1 'atlas upon Qs liner, an !nag It when lassislo.lo , sesseticat. It bas mush awl fatesconsylii diee11a,;(0.40.14144.17,0 • $llll/11; POTALSSWIL 4 , Moe arileserdloseseeta Welsh Mousse •ti;,: lousedeli It is used lo Scrofulous Affectlous nom , grog beasdle USA's:aid beismod twltS carless la treotosiet fordalstsastUmt at Qs Mot Ix, • t 0?... ittirs` geter•BY Masao the IPP•tati 'ask , nowsu Are arruarto, triar. MOO,. IlArlsoratas espisktly Wu*, 1.4,110/ 19<estabs..614 CA11C4614,700:00 Are struitaisou2 sod IA eft* ag WNW* b lreinty vit= B l,4tAte. 46 "* MEZEZEOII BAIL • - It - sate feeciablref sit ilterellnla °brook AsttletObrante.natint And The batman:l the litigants iwithheld me • pr: teetion against eriMl4. . • . emit mama. , MIL EGILITIGFIZLD BM" lIPArk your Walnut PLnta4n hie opialis FORTSMOUTII BIS CORD SOFT-FINISH American Spool Cotton'. AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON Ihtee threads sire warranted of inryetior • and guaranteed to etemure 200 -yards liekratM6 Can be had In all colon and numbers__ Manufactured by the PORTSMOITTR STRAW FACTORY, and fee male by the trade gewscally.. CULL IX A=oll= PPig , e. SiniTaT street, NeW York 11101/eveathire Melo Bost 01211103 ()btu eh lteet,, Philadelphia. LUMHIxo, Oas and Stesm-Ilttiat; • • , . , In all Its branches, carefully attended to; b 7. •xleneedyinactleul urorkincu. • Rae aaaoFtneent of -acs 1 % • • - 5H0 .113 W RITES, • • WA.T•I2 OLOSETS uvlatearrel, Cinstantl,y on hand and made to order.. • r. 9. ail FEDERAL OFEMET; A4-ateny.; Aug ISILLEIERTY STREET, Pittsburg% osrulav • pEACHES TOMATOES, A c. 300 dozen Freida Peaches La calks; 200 -do Tomodoes ao do Blackbetzies /I"tc4cBl4l°'?.Py itE'lltEß k BROS,. '; meal N. 1..0141 W(.l street: ik• 60 bbli No. t Lard PUI ILO .• - Plate Duek 4.`reek La rloattn; Ia a tote and tor 6010 bY• .I,63L6S , DALZLT./k t SOT. . r fen etut to W. er stroete I AKE RERRENG.-200 half bblaLskp Bening, prima -ftrttele,-just recelred on son. r 'lmam% and foennlti at:km- tigiunslq. • , LtULP bIiEPAILD, .mbno • ' Libettritteot • 25 sacks Goodrich :Main Pastan' "20 l•bs Deckeya du , . for vile at lAA Units. s!.rnet. . n - tar - WSC v.'n 7l "r AOec _ ALL l'Ark.4lA.L... 4*.acua'' • I gold, runes: saran and et/tlllllOl3 papers., now receiving at Btu. le7 Merkel Estee, oest6l4, it M. h-.17414P,51 3/ACCAIIONI - AI4TA IrEftlaoßi.ttlt, --a. boxes Italian lad 'taVeraualam. stole abd'lol' able by . • albai /tET.3I/3 .1, BUQ3 ~...,,,.D . :,, ,, ',,, ,; .. f.'-. , ~.,1..,n 7:11 ;, , ~r, -,1. 1 i .111.1.1 ISE ff=l ,IMMNi l i i YAJ t't,'et:O•ilo ??•t MEESE ABOVE WOOD wrieiet. - " SEISM/ 4QEM; TAT. & SEVILLE.
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