+,l ~ , • . , ..,, „,-,... . ........ . - ... „._ . . .- • l i.kti., - ;: ; , : .. , .,,,,-,,,,.. L . - z,z.,...,...„_.___ • -• '' . ...i!k.;, - . - . , T,71 -5, :t1.: -. '„-.: , a,:,t,::., , ..;:"_., , ,,,,...,...„..„.,..„.. ~, if ti.XTS. roux(' . tADLUS . . tour:Pt arllb au A.arsteur Oramatta .t,''',1i,113.3. Youag I. a Will. lire gooa reaani land . dealro to i lVa W ir Zo .. .a Arloarkqgo . of th a Ura.ascla Art, will 'gy m . ____Aattft, .- _ 11. IL:A., Pittabniwk.p. U. _ _ _ WAlifE l )=-ImiutinifECt. A.-I:I2T,CI4SS PICCO. FORTE PLATTR Apph to the othee.ot THIS PAPER. akt4 „ corra4LE—Pose r iE _ ------- , Theift4lZlet Abets so* r - lei . uttlett DO John P, there, E.q.. on Woke:tor lose !lay street. Pos. omits slit be;lves os the tint .Nr.4.11111, En; quire ot , • lt..llWl,ltR. trikalM3l. - . No.o Diehunh street- 17OR 1.75--lIRQO Witt peiret•Pe • nimit Pot Pere House. good stab!e, pomp, 'area low an., with two acres Of ground. . ;WWI far A P•y•••••.a• •latT•pmetiseisalreadyratsallaase, Situated 6 SaOw.ao. Tp,an Paiscr's Cork.: Ap,• D 4 u (sibll) KeLAIN A Oa - DO'R SALF--That large TEMER STORY 41 .."8E1G1C DWELLING Nam% Daft Fourth itrieirt, Pittsburgh. Poeseestee arse et the tet Apttl wet- &metre of .101ePt W. Ittetla.M.L; *neat Atterynopitptair. No- lAA r;otrth e:reet. NOM on.. BEFIWZRY • 111t0*1... nenfo • mlles from Pittlll.orgn on A. V. R. R.; 111 In colnplese running.ontrr. Pro.: $41,670. Yof pAitltnlars ensqulzo of .. ; - - •• ' . ~ . . •. ~. W ARIN.I. k KING, • . tohitthril .13 M . ullet &tree% Pitt/bunch- - - - iOR SAL&-LOTS. TIII!IE PERT. DENIRA.BL LOT 3 for Mutat,. or avonfoetuthmtpnrpooti. harttut • • - •truettlf nd het no liit•Orty *tenet, oppoeltu Evans Why. Fut funler yattleulato *noniron( " RIUDLE:' tahlttmd No. ind Welty street. • VOR S4LR..A vnix. BRICK DW-EG: LiNfi , Humm. I* um • ' , Mtn* Want. Anet shinty any, so feet front oa Imonakotreet, by 100 kart Mort or Ws deny. meat CliotidHchttront, and , two tattnarra tram the Hand Street Bridge, eontatc. log nine 'ratan., with hot and • cold water and gall •, 511 good order. Torras to colt 'w parchater. ' F4.PAlTEoor.ninn: Oren an awl!ln O citers uf JOS. oftleo, RStiri, TO, Oil Third street, above Honiara Fltra Utah. , fahts:lotigiot OR• SALE •IN g thLEGLIENY CITY •.• —Thst. ittotsattsi FRAM: DITELLIMii Molting:? (fit Om an street, with a garden rot,. Wirt birrh MP feet to gall:woo street, with ,' . porch lookihg on the Ohio River, oovvre4 wth •••Diell; contlana 21X rooms, two of the rooms large 'with doors Thai sin tett, eight inthos All wen:Pored around., .Poesession from ' two to retie weekt from dig or tale. ea the 7' premises to . .• • . VC-DONALDSON rivi.songie,; • lgirch IPCL: rahl7Atd ELLE. PITZ'BII.I.IIUkRO iA.Bl;r3, • arm and la owl crondttioa. IfUlbe gold atp rivate aale until Oa 26th Ytg4, end. If no; all sold kr that date, the remainder alit he roll at publeaste. For pertleuLsrg enonire at the •B EYSTONE Ll.alip SA LOChni, Federal :Meet, or at tiounar ABDERSON, St. alai, Hntal.• obn.led FOR , . „ . • est and a !WI evuri , i 3 Oi the Aiwa ears, In Xanohnter. °bad watt" sad ARM* tbhuorgeng. Paasession4l7B lamed= '"VlitThimar=l:=lEattiot=itl'apt.. VOR SALE—FOURTH. WARD, ALLE- GliEllY OIT PHOPERTY.—Wei an so. theorized to sell the lot Washed at the suit side of Goodrich knee., at lttaa Intessection with The Pens. 111711/118.14 Canal, lin — lhe Fourth Word, Allegheny. COM. se ir bleb therein, flow bidet tuosseolwo of ilch ors throe dui, eDIRMIIIIII Ire 1000111 each, sad two ore two story...mutton:dog feat foams suds- Win be sohd chrup or traded few_ gond ollsteek • STEK. k BAILEY, Wilting asIL TOR SAta-JA LOT. GIIOUND, at Bbo SowTette* Eitattoo.'eaLP,lttgottga, Fart g:rtl ; 111 Wayne k, Cht_oag• /railroad, 00 0talcloEtEE 'loEtc," mm.oinm. oa witato to erected a modulo* at.). bouak now to octave- of comtptettol, '71.1721 **Lit mgrs, tadda shutter* la proms, •bulldtax; e•liarlinder the whole, back mock mot bay irludow la 'parlor. Will be sold tar. Posacali? to !. goaraotealt ant nt Mow. NTUNBR, -I "laktiOla '' : 1541 Fourth street. - - OR BALE.%STORY ~. Ie.NRICIX; land 111111TLLIFONIS 'ARO TWO TORS FRPtE DWELLINGS, tatted* tn. Du ' korona :Borongh, near the Iron Works, with good mod tots attached. This property .Is pleasantly - located atal will be disposed etas liberal teeing, no • venoms et small *pore, punt who What to procure a holm, Otis good•c• PO•legai011 liven on the int of April.. For partte , lars, Ika, apply at the Real Estate and Insurance Odium ot • .0. S. ATES. Butler street, near Allen , Lawresoin ß dlls. Pa. • inltO WOlt SA LE. --Ono SECOND - BAND BOILER, nearly mew, 25 feet lees, 31 Unites armour; 2.15 hush thu.s. lees. One It fret. long. 44 tubes punster, 2-15 Inch , • , One Di Der loos, SD •In4Sas diameter, . Ste tech Sues. • . . Coe DO barrel Wrought Dolt Task. _ . Erupts! in the DIDUSTELLL WORKS. - num'. DL BULK h. CO , en?" itif . PoWt Ants and Duquesne Way. Plt tsb'h. sub\ ,VOR HALE--IThree now Steam Engines, Rf .A. bunt purposelz for oil wells;Ti bash eylluder, look stroke; renr strong. URI.* SUN ail* and connecting ro4 of wrought inert for boxes. . Boilers u . to le feet loaddrl inches d ortth 'two Minch flues; chimney 18 in. by 110 WA; hot mid cold w.f.*? pumps Everything .complete end resdy Ae ship envied. • . augH BOLE, t.burek, Pa. Shop, eerier Point allay and Du Pli quesne attest, lank of Alleghiny river. near the Pniny. ritriTATE, • Flag POSSESSION .GIVEN APRIL- FIRST. .A deWable property Is XeCluro tairaskis, well improved, sae wile West dlicipogy. Also, an Elegant Re.9idenee. Is Sewickley. For mutton Sus esquire se ..the preen of 47ABNAOHAN, or of . . T. T. SAYIPLF;RiaI Palate Ihollet.'. shalt lOn; SS Federal 'Cyst, Allegheny. BALE. THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE . . llfaoirnas MOVE; HOPE, at Woods Una. (sow , eseopted Itry Er. Wm' P. Beck) the formtr rest. demo of Wm. Lecky, detected. Wick tiouss.of It rooms mad miter. - welt anti - cistern; lance barn, "kai trait trees of all kends. SimPo l 4 - hebt P/PrEHN acres of Mad, embracing a fine teary 'Heil/dem:Wl views al the*. ht. litrec, Raltwass, Hancheautr, mo;at the ter/days of the Manchester Street. Irrepentt Wood's Ran Stalloa Pitts:Pt. W. Si CL E. Pt., entries minutes Melly the latterircon. rebhalid 'et. Station. 'Further partlautara and ' terms maybe boo of the subscriber any 'da . y Croat ?tot ottoek at his machine shop, on Webster st,• uppoette oleOrnhan A. hum, AUgheny Cllr, or no the evenly:, at his bow at WOOOPs Run. tobl3.la, ROE guy a- Enn:Fr. . OM - t32.I.L—LOTti AL LE °frt.—The .anderagned other for eats the rirty where Mrs. FUND now three on Pasture Alleoorty. my, adjoining the Tannery ef • Yobs Taggart' It has a front of about so) feet on ;Pasture tar., AM extends beak about no (eat. It Part of John &Han% planet-Mount .tererefal In Plan Book ea. I, pager% and mann. les %lowa odd OM being - Wilt' numbered Ito: I • n."'lt bee • mourortable frame: 'house, mid the groaDde Are planted with good fruit trees:he. O. aunkl he divide:pato several goal bundlnalota, If Improved as a whole. It would make a delightful' reeldenea. , E Iffeffm•M for ads as a whole, or In sedwratelota to mail purobseezeiland the tame of payment Wilr be mods easy. Foseeedon aim be gh-lk oaths sypi.orAllttl sods, • • • J. : wring, t. ANOR BALE--1.,0TS 'N -MHZ:BM lirTH WALAIL—Tb• undamped 's Otiardlasior the ' Moor eblldrin of tuna(freer. "deed, ahem for gale the following errant b 4 In the rAtehth Ward, Clip ot kited:a:ugh. riot I Mtn on the oorner of Its. varlets ltererf." no by at feet, being lota • Wen aT M 1134 II to eall'Alteree plan. reworded in ° fle st " 1 Z4 04 Lt. p e L n agln et rt a l • Mello !1b egtotoo. M,,ti fed, 7/10 In Vird plan; iota en the corner of Mageaand Bluff lb 'ISO bed, bang Non Itt, Itt and 101= •ggeme . soaking altogether 30 lota. Memo of them VW are very desirable as bulking Ake, anti ohm • ertryerg velnabfe •for dome guarriee. • They will •be 'hold' separately or ill together, and on easy emu amp:Dego., - • J. W. I% WHITE. JrOTICES OF MEETZ.rOS. Eiaaalicit/03U ck P t rriaatraostl lIDER or MR • BOA.RD •OF Dt B r it l y i i:rrons of Mb Ranh, n Geactal MeaticS . Storkheddera wilP ha hatd.aathe BANKING -110tJSR, on SATURDAY, the Sth day of Apra, ,tetecat.tt otlock toAske foto coaaktenittee the qucallOs of orgaa:zing the Dank under the Natforat law. aa ? corlded by:the roabling act el • Satto , tS - • if« MIJILILLTiOsahteIv •• . • • . . Atica ulcer, Kanto .Bth. UM irnEREr. ATILL BE Abr . .ELECTION: hidd coo the Tztcru. 01" A PRIX., MO, for Moe Directors for the seXIOND EVANAL 'BANK. VW. st - thettitse lune - House. hese the . VOEIGTLY, thsahlar. saw ust.idrem TOIIN-ROSEy Apar' ottlielkultable tn.! thiVasiiihtfara l ragrjearor;git: 2( .1 1 . ..."".v.°9 4 ..f 4 .'lTErli gur Pill.. u? _ y GARDINER C OFF I N t Agent tbr the • Frankliag Phlittecal• Maitlesoni lemur. rejLear_xis . , A . =oast COMM WOOD acte' Ab viff E. JONES, Avid for North Ameri Clotevois • I V- ioa„" w ATER o VlttS4ll tt,ato ot Penns mot Hartford Ito t.to R,AMITEL MBA, Secretary Citizens , Coalman emu* XVII= ad WAXIER ARE lIERRING.—fIo - half barrels for A , ' , deb/ HENRY H. 00.4L1N8 4.11 C 1:.11 74i -111g I-17143111fili rtiT i c IT 8T I R A E T E T R:I3 , WOOD. lfr/ LAMM . i AtAX.LORE NIF/LHILIDCESOW Bei:writ of. tbejlig to, , itab;l,-1 *be will aptwer ee &deign re Teller: ,num EV=l/TG .411 be bresenteil Mr. Mow' blexerlealtregedr bet:tied F:M!M ' TrltgaT . ... 'Edwin Ads mt. - (.I.th s rolfertul csat.l . • ' Orchestrs. To ouoolo.de wRIL the osuttool Crow+ eat d syiax =RD trcsA.N. wnnßm Lf • , F.abria Adams. retertrialLßNOCll 'ARIiEN. TRII4I3LV,'B 11A RLETrEs TfiP --' W. a sacyrin. rasa Nita :1: ' ' .0001 , 1111410,CH my 5 0.0 "4".44 4'l""4"''' . *WO 11010 or Ule belltalrUl drloll, to two 12 . ,1. 1 • TltE raisin EMIGRETT. . D. Wheeler as .o'fiero, oupported .by 0. W. bleke, H. M. Theeerale, Georee Der Laws, Km Fmk' Deck, Mn. rooter atkit Allis Laois a, ALL TILE rAvuurrEs IN NEW ACTS 1 To con clude will the ifterpleoe of • Ur. GREEN:S AtuICKYX. banteters by !Init.. Fit nrr•id •ad nerintm, CO/ICE/TT, FALLON'S STEREOPTICON OQEN c> - 1\1" X OF ZLT and EVEnY FVENTCri tbls seesir. a. 5 n'ehek: Also WEDNESDAY and SATT I /11/.IY AFTER fortXtrin, 'With toure through the world, awl for's,' tranSetipis of .an that Is striking 14 Ltlti. ItteArla, rare or beautiful to AltelllTEtt. TlClllB:brexquistre to ISTATIUALItY. nuance of It!rograsoloo Each EvesilOg . A 113lISSION. 50 cents ; 55 costa. • licket offices at C. C. Metopes and Kicker . Acnossinit to Matinee !S and M orate. enti2l:•f anima JUCTIOAr /GILL'S. , A LOTION: BALE UP :CUNDEM. NE D nonsrs. QUAILMIXAITIIR 0 21.110.1001 °rms., }lilt Inviemer; Will . WARRIVOTOII Urn'. March 14, aoI4, Nellie- auction. to the highest Mader, at IMlttmore, Maryland, Oa nI TIR' .. DA ata , VD, ONE IItINOREb glad rli FOAL, many of them melt bred e l to good eoneltlen... Also, oa • • • • THIIRSOAT, 'March 2.9, 11465, TWO HP:U.4Mo cavtaori IitMSES, • Them ..hattes have beauleoademtufd ate iiadt for the cavalry service of the army. • For load and farming posy i•••, many good bar. gains nay he had. nttuals maid to 'rinienee at IS .11 4 Z.,A eld intl 0111 ho h at ale Phal coli.. onvernmant Arahlra, corner of FretnnAt and Ramsey drama. Taama—usab, to Lratted CM INSICI JAMB.; A. AKlar, , Brevet Brigadier General, in ohmage Firim Dl eladOri M. t*. O. ma=l.4 BAR9AIN4 AT 9n, BARGAiNS AT 1141, A. BAILIAINS.ATee, CION Al' 144 • • • AUCTION every 11. - Ctin - neon this week or s• utast; netritiltAt.g. .t of Ftdefal sitter. Price be object as the good. oral be cold. aa: poeoraclon Ala. be given of the nor* at the Ant Goods at Private S,le for 4L lisa mnu tkii% l eWa tt s.. a , K. It Salvia etricat o Allegheny city *Jr Let evtiibMr ttend. haiii or the ATEILT.PROPERTY. In Allegheny city. ; not preirionstrdteed of at private woe, will be , offered at PUBLIr AUDTION, on SATURDAY, Mush 311, at &dock if" at the MANSION masa orthi late Rev. Charles Arc For plane and t e n et . apply to ;A.: Le'ItIAT Ann, Limiter, 161/ Federal street, or to either of t e Ex.. ecooro, T. •.,U0w,,,444.61 King and W. AL 'e piri Th leiiirto have ',licitly . selected rota will Veer, call and„eve dlreettoen about their deeds to m 01844. -. W3l. 31. 137 Fourth it. - - ••••,.LASit .PACKE RS, • &C..-FRI. _DAY AFTERNOON. Agana 21th, u 4 edel-ek, will Le sold at - Comnterelad Sales Rooms, ai Flick street, 6 dozen Plot Peekers.2ldoaen cdiettalf Patel ern, It dez n 0611bil Pnekellalo dozen gout Tle-orers, IA dozen Pilo Pickle Jan, to goose Oda ae'sal groan 011 e, *en n groom Eltle, Ws; a arrosa 011 a, at la groin ono-quarter Pint 0.1.4g0na. Par. Ocular attentlna Invited an 16.061 e is p•ndtlve. - celda A. MoILWAINE. AnoUnneer. • A CTION NOTICE.-FRIDAY MORN IN(I, et le o'clock. A.x., at 31cOlelland's !Wes [lon goose. f 3 I , llth Weer, wl.l be so , d, Parlor t her, pining -room sad Kitchen t./ *meta, en. tire); new, and cut in lens" he to snit purchasers slaps general assortment nr Fiume.* rept rig Articles. m 1123 T. A. WOLF:L.I.AM), alter. POPE, BENI' AND TQW.—SATUR VHDAY AIf)I7NING, March. 251 h, at 1a n'IS eh, will be sold ahllomtnereiat,Stiles Rooms. it Filth street, on accohnt whom , It hasp concern, 4 I li'etlienin, IVColls % Inch 'Rope, 2; Rates Fl to •Tosr AIcIENAINE, Auctioneer. u'AS C.IRPETS. OIL CLOTHS. St. , . C i ` REAT REDUCTION in pries f f . ' flealrirg to seord CARPETS tue public I In °PP lrlVrent " iVit!_ . ! "'d' " .- . Chucturondlei with mos tinn'lnP In Hold. Ard the Initercling - tumble In 11. rchatdire centrally, , I We hove tlits day ,Idarked down prices, 7- Throlle' WA no. eat re stock. And offer the largest ' led moettomplete assortment • • ' • (A-new mut choice patterns, _ t . Brunel; Velvets. _ .. Two and Three Pry Infhto, i . 'Floor utt Cloths, Window Sautes, fte., . At a reduction of rwestrtlve to natty -three oi,d one-third pee eet. NePARMairD 41. COLLINS. • e • II &mita MTH STEEI3; sal t. Kett does to Customs House and P. O. Fouiqn STREET CARPET STORE. • . . • Dell Velvet*. 84 wife, with border to watch Medium q . .alitr. • •• • wide; Bigelow Brussels • • .. tiroslrs Beet Tapestries; .. ' , •• . - :America j i 2 1 , i , ;12 4 ir 4,r 9 les l ay 4 . 612IIiirtister . and Velvet Bon i ' • • Best•spie lad 2 ply Ingrains. latest pit' eras.. ~ Ail grades of low prim!. carpets. . • . /THE LOWEST PEICES' -. ct-tr..&l=LALzrrizlitx:r. .• ' W. D. & E icCALLITE. . . elide . 87 FOURTH STREET. ENTERPRISE'IIIIiT,S. ',. ;. ATWOOD. RALSTON 'Sy CO., L. • lanufaclann and Commhslos ittchants, CABPETINGS, ,011 Grotha, mattinge r Rugs, ire No. 619 CE1N576172 STREET, Plif!.fitrELPHlA DISPOSED 0 _ 6E81E9 AND 1 3RELlaflOtISISS U. my mar -r ehaerfally rarammend tam to tar laud' rad 'llatiltPut l ra. The, are authorized to rattle all oat. standing. smuts. WAN- ILWRDOOLI, Jr. - trrrsiontaa Namur'', Ndarati o l%& , t iollti A. MIIRDOCII, • , • , (Successors to ,Tobn Murdoch, Jr.,) NURSERYMEN AEI/ FLORISTS, PITT6467IQH.:PI. Offer for sale 10400 e first elan Apple Trees of Miff host - tee, at Sl6 00 per lea Aso a very Lute PEA.R6ti (at EhattardßT and derarr,t PLEratt, • PrasOß, .• ; D wage APPLW _ • ORNAKENTA.I. TREES, Sbrobs, Zrergreena, Groaahouse and Bechllng lii-letaresind Landscape gantenere impaled at reduced rata.' - • , attelleptd DISSOLUTION . CO-PARTNER SHm—ne Partnership heretofore misting between thnundersidoesi, wider, the Gros name of URIIMPTOIf & DO., for the roanurseture of Silver Paul and othee Itoape r bas this day been diereiret by =ht ponneng; SAMUEL M. HIER rittrirey seri.sta; law . WI[KENNEDY & CO. lit.spimoww4, atattprox*cl.4 , • Silver Pearl and Superior oittlitsos UT LINZATT STRELT. rtrnernial. We Mire aneetated with et In the loan grelaWed redeye bide..., Jean: JOKITSUN 1111 d pattneret 1p doles Fyn. RtIABY let, under the maw of eattenoo, Amman 11, Co. • W. 11 P&ITERSOS -614.1 AlmaAsugox. ;,.~ _ --.i: • ,SP.CCII.IL .ttl Tl(:r:' r. L-11/iIP: SUPEILIfit2 • .041 per Mill and Sting Wark3. rn - Tsuruali PARK, M'CURDY & CO., manantaren of 8 1 fEATEIrAtt; BRAZIER , a. BOLT tHJPPER, ...PREZSED COPPER d4y Anl latan ImNrterEs a R n P d IS de A a lMler.l to • A s ß l utrn .TIERS,EtAISEL STILL ioCTOILt, SPAL FEBSOLD Eth o PLthE, TI S HEETLitONt WIRE e w tan TOOL& Warch L use, No N IeVIRST nd NE 4 f3- Orin STREETZ Pittsburgh— .Special anhun Copper cut to S op donned pattern.. „ r.i . rmatnetait paw, Wages HUBBARD, BRO. & CO . 11 /LIMPACTLRLISS 0 PATEIVT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranteil VAST STEEL SAWS , of every de. issiption.sllll, Mulay, Grose Out,' Gang, and aU other varieties. AU kindseif KNIVES and SPRINGS, salute Gera Sheet Out Steel Extra Reheat REAPER AND MOWING KNIVE.% See. • IT Warehouse and Workkeortier WATER and SHORT STREETS,Pittaburgh: • Particular attention given to Ret Gnat. Mng and Straightening (Ursula: Saws; a , re. fiats of all kinds. Pubsektng nod Drilling done at reasonable rates. - arenk If nu...IUL ILIRXMLILLL. .k Co., Boiler Makers dt Sheet Iron Workers, NW. 20, 29 . , 24 and 98 PENN STREET. • Having secured. h Mem TAM', And famished with the most improved machineri, of are prepat ed to manufacture every- description of BuILERS, to the best connner, sod orstrn.tal !Must to any =lute to the count,,. CIIITINSY3 BRICHEY, FIRE BEDS, STF:AIt PIPES, LO(10110TIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS SALT PAN TANKS, OIL' STILLS, AGITATORS, SET' Si PANS, BOILER IRON, POAli PANS, anti sole nisouhtcturers of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing , done on theithorte. not 1,0, delBlf n 0111: 1 001'4....•. la. 1....C1L...J. P. aln.L Ma . BELLE STEEL WORMS. MITER & CO., (S1.101,0•114/111 to REITZ/a, MOAT/EA' k C 0.,) Manta setureniST EL; . PLOW and. BLISTER STEEL; E SPRINGS, SPRING AL LES. eIThWEA RS. he. Wetly .WA111), 'Allegheny. Post °nice wildreor. PITTSBURGH.: jallkly 10— INORINSON. rex& at co- ttgtiiimiciri to noomnott, Alum Itn.c.maik . IVoghlugtou Works, FOUIMERS 111MMINISTS, Pirruwase. Alnautaeolters BOAVAND STATILraiARM STEAM ENGINES, LAST KNOINES, MILL (MARINO, SHAFTINO, OAST: INGS a( all det^rlatinni. OIL TANKS& STILLS, .11(11LE.11 ANI) Pill ELT IRON WORE, • at - AGPoo for 0 IFFARD'S PATENT MEOW ( fur tredlag bolMra . Mi..TO NEUVeille .BOTH shAES.-A vevereudflentioumu ittiv heen restored to health tom few dare , after uu damning the tmuul mut tun and irregular expensive mode of treatment without nett.., considers it hie ...acted duty to communicate to hie a dilated fellow. <mut ure. the mean. of cure. Hence, on thereuelpt of au 'Warmed envelope, he will .end, free, a copy of the prescript Inn need. 'Direct to fir. JOHN Al, 191 Fulton treet,'N. Y. • : . tuhlt:tydrorT , ;10 . iiN COCHRAN rt BRO. M2IIIIIIDIO. turercof IRON VAULTS AND T'AIILT , DOORS, IRON; RAILINII 81111 T. - 31111S,,WINDOW atrARDA ha., Not t.4 LBW OND and bit THIRD' STFE , Itttween Itroottand Market, hove on hautt o variety °flew pottertui; Itutorand plain t suitable for all purls...tot Particular attention paid to coektalag Grove -lotto Jobbing don* at short notice.. aof DISEASES DIP .71LE DIEWYDUS. SEARNAL, RINRY AND SEXUAL NESTERS—sew and U reliab A le treatment—ln Re ports of the licurard Association. .Sent by mall in sealed letter envelops, free of charge. Address D. T. SKILLED ROUORTON.Tioward Association, No. I South Niathatreet.PbUs, plata y . , AND . COMMISSION FON aND INO COMMISSION DIERCUANI and wholesale dealer la CHEESE, SUITES, SEEDS,—FISH, and products geaerally, No. SS WOOD STREET,. POtaburak. not XII7BIIC. le. elfin FOR A SECOND HAND PIANO MELLOR'S, 81 wool streirt. 81D/0,-' 8 60 i y E O O4, SECOND ELAND 4- 11 ELO ' lahla MELLOR'S, RI :rood street. 870 E m .t.,SECOND-11AND /MO mhis MELLOWS, Pt Wood stroOt. $l3O ig R PI A ANIrg I M D P. D AMMAR'S. St Wood eases." 4,r,10f) FOR A BEAUTIFUL ROSE- Vireh.lo NEW PIANO STYLE 111 1.1 WEtilT, at nilaS MELLOR'S. at Woad street. :3 5 NEN% PIANOS, i 25 CABINET ORGANS Eio .11pc.3.c.mlosnazus. IRELIAIR , S, SI- WtSll) STREET. pIANOS ANE AMERICAN ORGANS. bRAMITIRY, New Tork. SUlllarlfiEß ft 00.. MandelMO% sod 11010i11131.1.N la GRAY S. D. di 8 W. Smiths' American Organ, VIM nnaa TRICNOLO ATTIEUXXIIT Just received a new hit of the Munro celebrated Instruments, together with GOOD CHEAP PIANOS Qom other manufacturers. AU warranted far five yawn • WAIitELINX & BA R, !mole No. 11 gr. CLAIM STREET. TM: PUBLIC AND PROFESSION .2. respectfully !ached to cal. and haven the lenge Arid hpletund essortetent ol• the OELEItRATED BRANS PIANOS rotor . on band. Each Piano rteranteed for eight 'Teem • • CHARLOTTE BLAME, 4.1 Pint street.. Foie Asent for Raabe'. PlAnns, Rune'. Bro. Planor, and (hope & KLutta• Pianos; Ads° Priers' Antom.lle• Omar*, tabll - HOVPitWitiiifftoceol — Ml • . • as ruin arazjeT, . . ==i!!! 3=Aeoolicalwer rnzaancipas. jar. Kest Plano. In A JIIEILC i..J'T.IILORR. IIT I T;11; 1 1 tanl i ts i t L h E l. ge ß g ß a E n:Je O nge rot the large and cordial support 4mi hare ao. I corded tom La the ‘ , BIERCHAST',TAMOBINE BUSINESS. In Waking preitanaLons for the.. SPRING- 'TTIADE,. • .liLr. /Late .111111 . 'ma lted thirern markets and ire tatedabolee matertal for ' • . . . 'GENTLEMEN AND yorpis , WEAR, to whirl inipealon to respectfully Molted. Gen tlemen will find on trial, that. Pm • Extelleste•tarkry Of lifatirlal, Style, WertMsarklp, sad for care La regard to the interest of the mato meta, • - • WO EStabitShMOnt Can Excel.. 'HENRY O. HALE, • DEEROILINT TAILOR, frotthweit eor. of Penis sad St. Mali Streets, tab/34w . BISSE4L' 8 BLOCK. , W. H. !GM IO ST. CLAIR STREET' Would eell the attention of bogeys to his Wait 1 goods. It box been selected •erithgreat este, at I contains all the NEWEST STYLES OF (MOD./ Lobe found Is fret clam houses. Gent* wleblog suit of clothes made to masa, .111 please Gall end examine our goods and prime. illso,•• full sad complete stock of o , c.awsamo. W., If: NeWIT, htswatis No, Si ST. India STREET RING STOCK-OF Boys' Clothing,: now mn:Evtarctnx ,GRAY I_,OGAN, =MU=E! marrsirriitk. TOSEPH ADAMS, Dint Donnell_ ItuUdlnis t corner DIAMOM tad Gatut eta, Pittewinh. Itefenmay—Dr. Bt. Pollock. 1 a. k,neodort Hobbies. Rumen Baca ~ • - 7,,.,;",,,),.2„:,...,;;;;;,..4,,z4,1,.15.th.11-,,,CaT„.•4:::::,:•':...;:aa.42,if;,:ja-,-„,:,,,,iid.,,1,.,z4,-,,,,,1,::,:-;:aZ,e,it ri ,,, . ,,,,,, . 44 : 414 44 , i,1,7.4'1•4 , .,6,1+';,';` , .- 4,-.:.•=i-rBf4.-4 - .4. ,• • 74 1i,i , ." , ,1,C,t,i . ••4 4 2 , : z0.. ,":--2,,V. 6 . ,,, 5 ,. .....0.. , .. ,,,, ... 14 .- -4,,,,, ,,,, , a , ; 41.4,wri,r ; r4, 2 „.,..e..„_•-••-,-,,,, , ,...,:, ,•;., ~, , , • -•;"57,?•;.- . :7,.., r , : ,- - 17,-'.:- " .?7,f• e--- - ,,,- ~,,,•---- - - --Z. , ---•— ,, -- ~.4.- - ".t.::^ “'-' -?.-`..:.g'''4 l '.::-.N'4,E- 44 Y 6 ‘T - -i . ". , 13 ,- .5. , g;',''''.... - . " --- ' - ' 4 VAribli , •-i•V5,1 . 2 4 ..,.4_;...:,;.,:......1.74,:g4,af!'" . ., ! ,::-. -, , . -,....... - ;V:, "Ce.. : *. . ,.V. , ,4,:Vz....14.-1 . ,:. . 0.A.{-41 -, 71 , -.,; , .....":22..V,": t Wil . Z . :: . . ' ~~~. ti..,~,._ ... _ j,fir j_lllifj_int•tti!o:.)azrit., FltiDi Y, ?A, 1805 its A 1411 ; • 11 P I.Cs, lbw time.. IF 40 100 tla ea. I'M 70. Three tome; .1 60 • 96 , Feitietl4.le4, 1 90' 1 13 1 1 - Ire times.. 2 t'n• 139 , One week.. 260 1 40 , 1 72! ea. 80 1 , 43 Tun .4te!...n, 35 2,30 1101 1 loi 143 73 I'hree..l4 4 1 6WI 3.00! 431 f 20; -2 00 111 .oe. B,onlo. 7 50; 4 00011 5 70' 275 113 Two 11 251 6001 760 j 603; 773 201 Three toe'e: U 76 •vt ou. 9 151 4.70'. 4 QS, 023 6131 0 , 061111 27 73 12 00 10 65, 8 001 9 901 4-tOlo. IXI 5,01 , 4 27 110 13 50.- 18 00. 10 301 11 out 6 15. Year.., .31 00 el 00 91 33 12 90! 10 In; 600 CII.A.ROZABI.II ADV CBttimesßte. Fnr one upykre, ell.loseeblo one time esetk week, silnlined - to the -lionmilete business of the saver. Wier. All larger advertisements in evict propos. non: ,3 Umee , 7 thneal limo TWIT 'lt week.' ft week.' ft week - lino murw Al 24 . 8 B.l CO t4lOl .7,00 Thiromoot z...; 17 SW 11 43 , 8 68,„ 800 iii mobt:.• ... . . 24 00; la OD, .15 la! 10 50 (lue 1 . 4,44• AO 00i 24 RD. 00 • ' B' Noricer doulde tn. atT,;,:e brnah Notices, each insertina 11 50 M , rrlaec notires 75 trieeroaost ndt ertimetnerits, par trip 1 00 P:xecutors• dr Administrators' Notices. 9 75 Ltcat aotiers under special heed 15 •• 10 Local column 90 CITY AND SUBURBAN. Vaal) 1 IirATIOIDAV. 1VIR14111)1 BAZITTII ) Homicide on Wylie !greet.--Coroner's liaqueot. Oa Monday ukbt last, a difficult . , occurred at the tavern of Robert Lore, No. 5 Wylie street, between a party of men who were engaged In domiums. Dttrlugr the affroy, ono of the number, 'lames Welsh, was kicked In the abdomen, and ,Tied from the effects of his wound on Weans•" day morning. An Infnrmstlon was made herons 51a50r Lowry, and during the evening tliree men, named Detrick Morrow, John Benson and .1., hicSteln were arrested on suspicion of having berm partite to the affray, sad keked up fur a healing. This morning at ten o'clock Coroner Clserson summoned a Jury and proceedeJ to the lower of the deceased, located on Boyd•e hill. Tun facts counectcd with the dilDcul y , no for AA they could be ascertalneal, are rietadoi la the testi- molly, as lollows : Robert Love, tea:l9ed —Keep tavern at No. 5 W, Ile street; no Monday olzht last the deeells,xl mid four other mon entered my licenser they werie . playlog dm:dittoes; deeesseil came out of 11. Mein Cheri: .be was playing, Into the 'bar rel to, and tad be could "lick any man In the keno.," an old gentleman, named James Battle, - aeiged him tin." The deer wed and a man called Pantry (I do not know Ills hot name) got - it cr. holts," Tyro other nips, of the sae, party, saloomed them.. A• therterbeaseal we. - ming di as u ewer from l'ateey, hifitraskleked at Once, and the old mall was kicked at, but Leonid not see whether the dm:eased was kicked or not. Thls was the end of the difficalty.- There was no kicking done by any other of the .party. Thtedeerastad walkdd out of the lususe. lie. C. batty testified that he was called by ths site or,the der-Cased at 00 'o'clock Tuesday cuornlnroo ace her bush:Lod at No. SI Tunnel street; ebetesaid Re bad bean !adored the night be bar, and was In greet pain. The dtetor found do extettial marks, end no dbmeloration; the de _g:eared complaloed of a very acute pain In the ..sitt.don of the bladder. Ti,, doctor aup,lotal be .had been 'merely Injured internally. Saw him last on Wednesday morning, at eight o'clock. • Ile Su - then past recorery, and eras staking liontllflallatnatloo. Ile sated to the doetor • that he had got into a tight and was kteked bad ly. He did not say who !ticket him. James Battles, well/Its:l—Oa Monday evening dee cooed mane to my house, 51 Tonna street; or seal my brother-In-law; got on the street to take • walk, when hr proposed touo toe tavern where he had a game of &manna the week be- f, re; we then went to Lose's; Sir. Love and the de, eased sat down toe gams of dominos; after every game se had a drink; do not know the otanber 01 gamut played, Mr. Love got tip to at. tend to some men at the bee; Mr. Gaye made the to mark that the deceased (t% IM) was one of the best gamblers In the WOW. V; one of the men than cold he would ate down an . htie. a :tame with him. I wanted Welshingee ho e, but the mai s hoed toles him off.t hey nem pl tysd a four handed game, when Welsh beat the every Iraq] ~, acid do y tcought the. beet way toout or It was to tense II re... During the pi yin: one of the fury called Welsh • Ilar, ben . ifilslt replical by calling hint a "blowy her " The men then Ir4r and street. Welsh, when the row Imp, I •as knocked down tuseusiiil., and did ant see ri.e devumid killed, het he odd me abaut fifteen ltdeutes be fore be died th lido. Mel been held by .1”1o. and Jahn.- NCLsuzlort, and Ric', el In the be, In, wink whither tau at' hint lu front aced kicked him hi the belle. The decesseil did not ocean that be could "whip any mall la the It mee." t•te that he cs u d whip any Main In al-.h else at pl a y Mg 41OnlinoA. Alter he sees injure I be w4ll taken to my house, being unable ii, walk home. Dr. McC,mk, Sr., sworn—Slade elicit mortem examination, end bare u" doubt that the deceased died tre,m tliei Ifests of external stolen,. TM: t,.., Is redirated a high slat • of indairpostint aid detsimpialtiou : the Weldor t - hs, ruptured, and the urftte • dwelt in 11, pelria. Kicking a ould produce Just suet: lejurics as were found talon the person of the deceasel. -Mrs. Gallagher tivildell i nu. In a coneerastion with the Ms:meta% he told her that he knew haw he received his lojneles, but he did-not say who kicked-him. Mare Welsh, lair, of the deceased, stated that hcr husband Informed her, a few minutes beton, Liu death, that two wen named Mctau¢hiln and Berton 6dd Mtn la a corner, whit° a thin' nocty k lard him In front—aud that It Vl3. the kick In thr atalom.n that kilted him. tic did not name the note who kicked .hlta. The inqum.l then. adjourned to the Mayor's (Mice, to give Mr. Love an opportunity to iden tify some of the nettles who had been arrested the previous owning. lie identified Morrow ~nd BUIPOU as two of the pirtim who were la the boose at the time of the diflicudy. lie meted that MeStein bad het a in the house some too hours before the difficulty, but well not ' , went when it ocpurred. Benson and Morrow were than permitted to mete a statement to the jury; test hating beat cautioned not to say anything which might criminate themscires. BCOrO/1 mid r--•• I„ lam lithe morn whin the men nitre playing &Minus; Pat Morrow and Wthih were playing togeth.r• ' they disputed, quit playing. and rose up: both of teem wanted to Light; We lch pulled out ten dollars; they b)th pulled out money and were made. put It back • scale. James Battles - had lint foes Ms -pipe, sad ar.-, tuned Pat McLaughlin Jur havlug taken it; Mc- Laughlin druid that he had it, and pushed Bat ilea away. Welsh then canto to strike M'Ltu.th.. in, and tte four got to fightlric; 3PLteughltu; Welsh, Morrow and Battles were ftchtlec, when . i mbaht Morrow- and was pakin„hlw away whenßattka struck him again; Welsh -and Mwrow then got together, and they wcrelefi dchtinc. tor ten or .Il . ftneu minute. when they quit of; 'heir-own accord. When I saw that'll could ant operate them; I went omit at the dour. and did nut see any third party Interfere with them." Patrick Morrow then untdatteerbsl statement, _and corroborated Pleuxoe lu regard to the Brat difficulty, bud denied haring any tight with the deceased, as alleged by Benson. It Is proper here to state that, when Orat arrested, Morrow been at Love's at all. and asserbul in the mast positive terms that be knew none of the parties, and had nn kr.owledge.of the light. Mr. Lave wan recalled, and teethled that he atentltled Morrow a, the ton:: who was called Patsy." It waft Otto man Ishii a Like.' at Wil•li as be wan icing drawn away front hint. .Mt.tiow was ear cholgh to hint, bat kilU wit aee. could not ray whether ik ideked hither AO!. • • The Jury then agreed upon the following ver dict; "That the deceased, Immo* Welsh, came to his death from injuries received la a tight with Petrick Morrow and Patrick McLaughlin{" and the Jury further and that the evidence points directly to the said Morrow as the person who Indicted - the fatal Wound. It appearing. that Mateln was not present when the dialcolly occurred, he waadlachartred. Morrow wan finally comnitted (or trial., Bal ton wan also committed to secure his attendanee tea witness, being, unable to glee trail. Welch, the &vested, 'was about tnentyl- fire years Of age,and was a file and new ,grinder by occupation. ire wan an Irishman by birth, but bad worked In England several years 'before coming to this .country. ,ile leaves a - vrlkqn4 three small children. Tannins ItiOsit Prarswint.—:•Hr. Remo, OttlOri, Fa:ginner of the 71 re • Department. raw Dille an Information heron Mayor Lowry.nhargtruc David Ilan; aid !other members Of the NnPtune'Fire; Coutionty,,WithdhiOrdarlycanduct. lail aneVd ; MO Hall. !Abdo attentlauca at • tba;fira .nten gout Itelsewhere, threw oft an attadtmant made !'y the Eagle to and ar be Cite plutut,: , and , at-• tarboitho hoka . of. Idivirtt. employ . inertia, ; thou Prtwohlnit a breac h oftinipence r The par.' tlea will have a hearing thte aliening, • ri Evil c iqj Oraimi.-lbe. ifirrisbuig Teia mph ofMed misday, ass' A Trutohatruntloaaon the irack - of "the l'alinsylvinto Balliroarhavei tma formerly._ areirunuaVauci trains, are ruarilogrnatarard,l aa • nit...timberland Valley raltmed bridge - bac ,boas repaired, aud trains pass Iwo- it,. as mut.: Trali s To and tnnn Baltimore .are Wain ran-: Idea regularly. =dun time - A ' . Lesturr. Buz CAntwrrtaze.-4. meeting or OA committee% will 1w 4411.1.nia wrsarto at the Mtwara mount, at 73 o'clock, torero.; pcogreee and compare notes. We hope they hove boon auccreafel in relator tho cemeeary thod4, and hat we elan soon acethelr bnlidinga tinder way. tbe Nets Veer; a r i.e Point. Th.. toi ..a a..tabil-h a F..ray over tun Ohio and Sternre an, In rietra,"rrnm the Point to element% of Saw OM run, has bean paced by the Legis ,atc-r. aro, , t 7 ,04 '•. .t.. •••• •----.a...,r.,-- Men are David Robinson. James Wood, Gcorze IC. Gamble, Woe. J. Richardson, and 34.11,14 Col vin, clan 0 11 , 11111,. t. 41 1, flrrel ;11 , ..airatna.....e r , .. T ht to establbh a ferry indwece the Inlets state,d, and to had rbcir !a.m., at any color In the ber.a4hor tiit. i , West Pi tabernit, save and except that now nerd the I ferry noes' company', Co tong as they may the name, far the prtrinate mated. Tee et.mpa ate now mahleg the uremaary proper. Wore td put 011 three actor boat, which will be eenetngted In the best style, and give ample Reeve, °dation. to the large mid Increasteur tan! bit wren this city and.the &loth able of the ever. The abandonment, for the present.' Of the bridge project,pas rendered this CLlterpriZ3 absolutely necossary` for the pnblic.accanonada. Viet, and from thocharacter of thc.gantlenten eompoalag the company the public may rest as. eared that every facility will be afforded them for prompt had safe access to and from the city. Oue•a vraelt I , , n q S r grand Amateur Coceert. .. . , A Grand Concert will beglven on Friday next, at the Titilty M. E. Church, come of Baldwin and Small i man streets, Ninth ward, or the bene fit of thd 'Sunday School conned with the clonal; : The performance will IF Oiven under the direction of Prof. - Edwin Sherratt, assisted i by Prof. Lawton. From the well-blown ability nod talent of Mr. Sherratt, we may expect the Concert to be successful. Air., Lawton Is gener ally known to our citizene no a splendid 'dozer, and the ladles composing the Concert troupe, hare on other °erosion. been always well reeds- . ad and applauded. in mont T rose, he lin.pliel a l Couccrt gven few nig by h°, Prof. ifinertnit s t, at Dix s was e admi rable affair, and we brapeak fur the performance it Trinity Church, the fall tnessurnof support It deterred. .11utratelde lu Rochester AV siffrar Wok place at Rochester elation, on the P. Ft. W. & C. It. IL, last week, between two men Mimed Jnmen Long and Geo. Macho% which resulted in the death of the tatter, It ap peals that on Monday neebt a dancing party was given, which passed dff, quietly until Tuesday morning. A depute then reuse between the above named partite relation to nayiez for tho mole. Mitchel accused Long of being under banded, and Long rill - youth:4l by calling. :Witched a liar; v. hereupon Slltehel starlet tot lib; 847c1.- ..cry. Lone drew a Opted and deed; tho ball titling effect to the head of Mitchel, passing in at the eye and lodging in Or back part of tho bead. Medical aid was celled, the eye taken Met and the wound probed. hot •to no street. Metaidled the following day. Lon( ts now lodged lu jail. A New Company the Third Waal, Al 122=1:21 TLe Bounty Committee In the Third ward, 41- legheny. announce that Frank P. Kohn and Henry Herman have received authority to re cruit a ntw, company In that ward, and they ap. peal tu the enrolled men to enlist und avoid the JrafL TheLlherul bounty ol 1350 isollbred.and nn each 41 , 4t1t.i has to MI Its- soma out of Ita own menolicre is no other etterruttive left for them bat to enliet end tote the bounty, or be dratted and go without. Recruiting °Meet have horn opened at the Malta House, Federal street, and at the Provost Martha's office. ' Burr Venpic? ron Daartora.—ln the ease of mat-prnalco, brought .ituaintt Dr; Ciels of attach'', by Mrs: Catharine itraumbeiger, in the CLurt, a report of which we gave in one morning paper, a verdict was rendered by the jurt this morning for the plaintiff la the sum of f 3.2.50.. !twill he remembered that a trial of this case woe had last November, iu which the Jim/ iwtessed the damages at '2,700, and a new trial was Alicia . with, the result as above 81107 T 1.1315.'m Ngw gong.--.llletaawn route tru Ica Ka this lice, are running regularly through from l'ittsburgit to .New York. Pa t sengers by ibis lino can leave Pittaburgh at P. m., and arrive in New Tort at 10 A. m.,. next morning, also at p. in., and arrive •in Now York at 2.E3 0. tn., next afternoon.' The traveling pub.' lie fishing New York wilt find this a very pleas• ant and agreeable route, mooing through from Pittsburgh, and without ebange.of erva r . afar SnoT AT Jomistow)l.—A partyof young mel Tleitted the nuke' House, at Jobealown. on Saturday night laFt, and detnanded liquor, utteat ,erting atetence If their demand waa nut root itllad with. A boarder, named Hagar, dis charged a ' , hang - tan the crowd, and the ba I took Ifee t In the body - of one of the uutzbor, Lamed Gallagher. He was acvercly, bat not seri twig-. ttunded. MILD ON TIM EIVILIIO.IID.—A Bateau named wan run over and killed, on the Penn -1.3 ;vaunt railroad, near Grapevine Station, at :Sam:1111y night hot. tic had ou person up ro eighty dollars and a certnicate ealltng for tIO). rencifna were tal Atln Grealasburn, 'toil 100 mai In the dt. Clair Cemetery on Moo it ay. •---- I:IIIGLART ALLLOTIENT.-01* TIIMUy ere- Or,: the dwelling house of Mr. dillteh, No. "tilt. street. Allegheny, wad bair.;l4rtously rind, and hetnetti thirty and forty dollars in dd and silver stolen. The Mitred olfceted an I.gli 'once throngh a atom door in front -of the dweillnr, from n blob they aseendo2 to the room o; cu fltd by &filch as a bed chamber. inn cal Morn.: Artsgr. - !ti.nut noon to-day On how dig-core Led in a ctuhle in the rear of tiro Bunk lll.xk, on Fifth anent, and occupied by 3l team. Sumner Co., sewing machine &pats. Ib.• roof of the alabld wing contfiltwahly tetrad, Lilt the tirEltrt arrival! of the Emig cugincS pre.. %%law, any farther spread of the 111121.5. It Is not known Lbw the Ore originated. Rr.stostm.—We leant from the Beaver/4,0w tlia4Dr. Wallace, roirxeon of the Board 'of En collment for the 24th ['bullet, Pea realoed, and Dr. Sharpe, of Washingtho mionty; has been arpoltoret to fill the vacancy. Dr. ; Wallace held the poeltinn for two years, and matte a moat ex cellent ulcer. .• Ilanrzers 3laoartPin roe ronatalnlano • rootionatlon or "Arrnerdole" nod "Ouridutnal Friend" hew been rervired and la roe Palo by GU deolenney; No. 45 FlfGratreet, near Wood. , - - - -- Paaarn.—The apt authorizing; sn addltlanal atre e•ecm eat of tau% In Lowrroriwillo for borougt porpooro, bas 4' ,, ittooed tlu Howe. and la now a SPECIAL LOCAL 111/lICES, TtroariA W. Palm; velAtealfilate Roof*, sae Wake in American elate, of various orders. WNW at me:ander . Lantrblin's. near the Waite Works, Plttatmrgb, Pa. Maddenee, No. 78 Pike ,street. Orders promptly attended to. All weft warranted water ',roof. Repairing done at the aoortem notice.. No charge for repairs, prodded the roof is Dot Ahmed alter It Is nut on.. Left Oil—lmportant Notice. It la the bliperatlye duty of parties 'catching or taking up harms of oil or oil hermits, upon the Allegheny. Monongahela or Oblo 'igen or their trthnhules, to OM Prbilir Yorke e'opo, giving a deffirlptlon and marlm of tho pro petty taken up, that owners may be apprised the locality where their pnpon' may be found. A wren penalty Isimpmed on all pee. tone refusing Or neglecting to'give notice of the rapture of taking u p Of hermit of olk &., or relating to deliver up'property Upon deritend'.of tbo owners or their agents, or Mang' or depheing mark upon property SO taken up. The penalty lo treble the value of the property, and to be told tee the owner or ORMIC24, together with • t pedal tine of fifty dollar., faroach offence„ww xev to eh, inferne-r. the other half to the Com mon wealth.- All good citizens see earnestly re psmfill to report to the edy Co, of the Inw. Petrone reportage. will' by, st,i ld y r,..% aided, Thy owee roof ell lost Intim tete tri +lnt have employed conusel, a n d they are theyieetel4o pay liberally for the catch ing of ell, are determined to proacieute every wiljel violation of the law. Ifeau hfeKearT, JAS. MAIIIIINNAT, num. NUMMI. Ocmmitturfoc'oll Owners,. t 2 ii Coe. fluid Street and Ductipmee Way., *IOU Reward. • The owners of oil and 01l barrels who have lost the name Ina the Into freshet In the Allegheny river, having appointed the undersigned a con. mitten to collect and receive the oil and oil her nia caught by parties along the Allegheny, and Ohio rivers notice is hereby riven that the above. REWARD VIII be paid for information that will lead to tho arrest and conviction of any porgon who knowingly sells. conceals or destroys any .011 or 01l harrels,captured In the late ma. • And a VCII7IIIIII ITIMAIII3 or On Rurwains Dou,as will he raid for the arrest and *wile. Una of any Derton . detaelig be erasing marks on :the oil fistula 'Wean% .11itintidersigned will be found at 11. Meßelvers ofllce, corner „Rand street and Rtiguesne.way,,Pittaburgh, where all persona lining On 'or In.thelr posses. alop.wilt be rewarded by...reporting immediately '46o:oer of the imderidned.^-; RUORMOKELVET JAMES NAMUR:UT, CommleteO. • ITETIERICK.IIBIII3{; 1.15 tab ideation ottiv reed s, Is din:cud to the' brilllguit - hiscrtment Fa and Winter Goods just rewired b 7 our !Head Mr. John Water; No; 126 Federal 'Red, , Atiaiheny. Ills stock comptisei grdrit *lda, of Fing,French,nEtuelskSootelt and Unnicaa Caralmerrs and .01loths, - end ail Silk sod thud mere Ifestioo, all of which nwill ,, bcrusde In to order In the latest - Stylat Ind In the bait ismer,. .t choice selection. of Forrdshltis Goods 'boon tend and lot sale,itogettfer, with - 11 full stock of 14i5d e. 4 4., M Made we4 onlir.,llo#o4 - Tiowfor.—EiriniAdainc [avails—Pit lock bus pbotogaptO of him. SIR l' GQ PA'S. GI4.•AT SALT OF DR , T GOODS Commencing *onday, March 20, M. BURCHFIELD'S r 0 emirriat prices that they wets solAwhrrill LI) WA. AT PAR. NaiAnTINVI At 21e, worth 40e et sm. de. Ult. Do. at 21e, do. VG , do. gyp, PERNA DIX/1 1 ot ti.n ge tt CAM PO/ Ir 6111t111115 • at 40t. do. IR- Avrvi AT CIREAT BARGAIN'S, LACE MANTILLAS OHEAP.• • AAWNS, CHINTZES _ owietrlnEs 1634 a lance ateartnient or Spring Good . The 'Dods will be arranged In lota !nth prince rooked ou eaoh tsibtS BATES & BELL NEW SPRING DRESS GOOD. NEW SPIIING , StLI.WLS, NEW SPRING ALIPAIXIMi. 21.. 21. 31 1 .1.1tia. IStriabcot. A good quality of SPRING DRESS GO V-13 Wow 87 cicalas. LIOUSt YURNIMUNG (MODS, Whatosele 11[41 Retell .1 t 3 .1 .1%.TES BELL. .NE'v 0001)81 NEW GOUDSI—WE 'Villa °Pentad • splendid stock et Ig ENV SPRING GOO DS molt( which grill be limed . 1 • STYLE IRRILE-CIIKP AND FRINGE. • WVIDE DELT 12111DiN AND IMOKLES W TUCK AND SIDE COKRS DIES rim% rms. intrasr I'IEI. • UR VIII., GUIPURE, LAGES,• REGGIE:RED & LACE HANDIERCILIEPS ARDIDERIER AND 'WHITE GOODS, ' ING HOSIERY AND GLOVES. UY GOODS AND NOTIONS. IR GREAT PROFUSION AIM AM xv..=3:lrrcnara The Ladles , are teapectfally !reheat° ere us an early ann. MACEI7I[ & GLUE. mARKer starxr. OHNE d CO., pzeLiss IN STRAW AND BEIEGUNERY aoows, Ribbons and Bennet SUks,Thswerand Trimmings Enstoradmirs, Lave GOO4l, Handkerchiefs, Shaer Good; Balmoral Skirts, Ladk.s. and Cheats Few making Goods, Bead anal* lad-Ornaments, Worsted Bowery end Glom, Hooparairts, No. thins and Small Waxes, are now mcniving their nratamortment of -rEw• SPRMG GOODS, which will be found immorally attractive. Flavin been purchased at LOW (HMO It&TES we ran offUPElitill. IDIDITOKILEST3 TO CeILIC:OI2. 3ZSiorsinix-rdsiviims.t %I: 6 ! R io t a i lld i fni . te t krd well supplied. - Vet hauta,lllllliners, Pedlars, mid the Public navy confident that we can cult MI JOS Min &,CO, 71 •ad T. MARK SPECIAL EALL EC RI E 3 lr• 0P.41.2 . A. Undershirts at .$2.00, woirrts sa.oo. ' Drawers at 32.C0. WORTII Sll.OO. gam SHIRT WILL WEIGH N&4RLY I 11. 6 oz EATON. REA,Mtral & CO, • Here about it doves of good. extrwheary WHITE' UNDERSHIRTS and DR.t.S'ERS, uteri, all wool, which weigh Rom tV lb. to I lb. sot. each shirt, that moat to closed out inimediately. • make,er theta at much law than - artist they CIC4t, toand wit believe thew to be equal to any. thing Ininarket at et 00. Nei reduction will. be liade ; foe Vat or we hawked at the MAPS rquantity—was These Shirts are a Gnat Bargain EATON, MACRIIM & CO, 27 arid 19 . liftti street. Pot T" "DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT," Undoubtedly the Best in Use. tti FON BALE; livsformaimit MU) RET.AXG. ,;111.,t..T6 31*2errlicAri Street. XACILIII & GLUE. MOOBBEAD DENNISON do 00., 81 Market street. axe • orrEamilyEn tv ULUSE our -MP" IN TIRE:STOPR GOODS. 3.ieste. CiutTz_itti 4. Wnlce 4h11.4, *o x i, Ltaltrp:detirs. Lace doodyrriZnl Trim. 111 4 1, 1 PAO 1411i74q.-Ul.Ph2"Jp.*°••• Cp. ntitilmllCOV HEW ' ASSORTMENT"' OP ,'BUTS W ToN Drags 'and Caoak ( kkaikenta. BdtlM Gimps, Chenille and Banal Fringe, Mesh 'Yetis, ,Ilndersleeeet .Lbien Beta'4o the duet q uad)', ) Late and Linen Collars and Illanltenthiedi Glam. Hosiery, Balmoral cad. Hoop Blrittar lintaktast Muds and • Raequel,,of all 11/MI Ratitwars 80. lunged Cellars and OWN, for ladles and gin em Wash 'Leather Gloves, In al/ ekes; Jourin's id taisoreit light colors'. Ribbon Sete_, td. order, the: irith a self lot or Maki Water Falls an Flowers: Will he Mond at • „aid mowurs TRIMMING STOMA • No. 112 Round Meet, near Barre street Partteular attention Wen to cleaning Point and all other drinds 01 Lew Also Murk Lem Villa WO HoOFLAND*S BERMAN BITTERS, on` pre 0010 . 12 . ziredita Di " r:eiii eanuiiiiakt i'l"4 131: " " glid corm, . , . fienittotxpitam; ,„_ Musk piumplr 441 PW.14,.. • Opeadize sad Flividring BIF aa Spears Port u!spe wt." 018411,1 4tiliPtiOgil4mAlw • CZNTRAL mita iron, • OW) and rmloral'it#oW,lt . A. Ileum MEE OnMr Mt VIM AND VAR6B YARD‘ azig.StreetiAllettegiN ROBDIDALR et.MENT.-100 barrels for sale by SIEXRT ILQOLLIN9. BaWES .1..9" 11.1.111VER —. ........_ JAXL.I 0 • CONI, OM. fi. O. immure, Preeident. ' Mahler. - node with Iron My Muth.) /MON= NATIONAL BANE or PITTANUROIL I r. N. Corm - :...rnt Dr , th,V-rh Prrreuuttau t February let. 13 4 M NOTICE.-WISHING TO FURTILER the deeign of the NATIONAL BANK LAW. To PROrDE A Uniforth System of Currency FOURTH . NATIONAL BANK: op pirronuotat. . • . will, as and after Febrlart leto ll4 o. reedy. 119 r regular I/apatite:a, easetacatre and dealers, CURBEJrCI" .47 P.M. By this course the yUblie obtalts PAR MOIEY FHEE OF 'ALL CHARGE exibongr for their currency 151 caller of the Muni. S. D. aIUtRON. Cashier BANKING HOUSE- N. HOLMES & SONS, No. SI Matket Street, Pittsburgh DEPOSITS EEUEIVED IN PAS FUNDS AND CURRENCY Weedlona mole on all the prim/Opal legate of the Untied dente* and Llamado.' SPOOK'S, BONDS AND OTHER SBOURITLE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CONINUSSION Pintoslst etteatioa•pstd to the purchase sad le at UNITED STATES MPLISDIING rim States Sixes sr Dal; Do. ie. S.loe; • Do. Flees. 1040 s Do. Neves-Thirties t • Do. Certificates or lailleatedhatss. onpials Alp liouOnEss BOUGUT OR COLTiECTED PL ;AR.BANS NO 63 YOO/1.711. 871.1999. ONARTEREO IN is*: open dant from 9to 2 o'clock, also Wednea. day. and, h tuday from May Id to No vember is from 770 9 (09/0419, 9199 CFO November let to Map lat from a to 8 o'clock. , Depotita received of all cons of 101 l less than One Dollar, and k dividend of the profits declared twins •Sear, In June and December. Interest has been declared eendeouusaUt In June find December, since the Bank was ohm:died, at the rate of stn Interest, f not deism out, is and to the credit or the depoetor as principal, and bears the same :Interest ftm"the ant dopier June and December, cempounding twice a peer without tnuiblkog the depositor to tall. or even to present ids pass book. At thu rate money will double in ism ikon twelve years, Books, containing the Cbarter,ll2 , Laws, Rigel and lieentlatibna, furnished gratis, on application at the anion. . . PsugaggxelEOßGE AMMER. 'non rxxstoggra." WlMilli J. Anderson, A. BE Pollock, H. D., 41.4%. Raekofen.. Robert ROD% ' L.' Fahnestoeli, . John H. Shoenbergeb, nj. Jain,* Headmen, -, James Steidle, • ,James Ble lefty. Alexander Speer, 'law ikt. Pennock, Uhristian,Yeagsr. TEMITLEB. • :Calvin Adams, Henry J. g.ynah, . John George C.Black Studley, Peter A. Mlllkdelta, , John Hershel'. Hill Hurgwlo , Walter P. Harshen, Alonzo A. Carrier, lames IL D. Dleeds, Charles A. Colton, John B. lltaradden,.. Wm. Douglas, John Orr, John Evans, Henry 1.. - lOngwalt, John J . Gillespie, William E. Selarnztr, William S. Haven, Alecanderilndle, Peter H. Hunker, William Vanktrk, Filehard Hays, . Win. P. Weynuin, James D. Kelly, beute Whittler, Treasarre—CHAS. A. 0.01.211 N Serrefary—JA.BLES B. D. BLEEDS. ast slaw TREASURY UEPARrtEYI, - OM ei OT COMPTHOLLP6 OP THIB CIHR63OI", WHERE W AS H IN BY Y SATI r S y FA i C sm TO R eridenee presented tt. the undersigned, It hes been made to appeer that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY, In the city of Allegheny, In Vie county of Alle gheny and State of PeuosyPeania, has been duly organized wider and according to the requirements ofate acts of Congresa, entitled "An Act to pro vide National Currency secured by a of Tinitod States Bonds, nod , to provide "for thpledre e cireu. lotion and redemption t • ereol." approved June ad, Ina, and has complied with all the prowlmona of told act required to be compiled with before corn. locating Inc bueimaa of Lurk., wolee said act; Now therefore, 1, Bran ZdeCtre.Looo, Comptroller of the Cur. rency, do hereby certify that "The Second Natioo. .1 Bank of Allegheny C" in the city of Alle. ghee'', In the County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking under the act aforesaid. {Currency .Bureau, In testimony whereof *I Seal the witness my hand and Comptroller of the seal of offlce,this Id day Currency. - of February, IMO. Treasury Department. 1117011 DtaOIILLOCII, Comntrnller atlas Uurrenc • pLOPLES' NATIONAL BANK., OF PITTSBURGH. OkPrTAL •• • . 0141117.1 P. JON I. milieu! ?AKRON, RINON H. rums. - GEO. V. NAUMAN. Thin Bank, Ovissised tinder the Nations! Bank. ing 'yeti in, to now potato"d to transact baleen it its flanking house. CORNER OF WOOD AND FIRST STREETS. - SubseriptiOns received for U. 5.7 ede Trenscry Notes.s pupply whloh is on hand for immediate " P.I.TGORtiON. S ols t t u nr " . "A•PmVen ROOTS .1 .Am slums. GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. BOOTS, • SHOES. GUAM • • GAITERS. ,• • - BALMORAL% eta eaten advent" above 'est. Now Is the that to weave good bargatae before Gold takes another sloe. andexasuceour steeksodbe considered foe yourself, as .we take glees= La shoring amp tidier lo ens• Use of busbies', at . soELIND•s; atlIS 116 lifarket street, td door from Filth. j4IBB .ROBBS Se Itarket Street SELLS Tin BLST, THE:REATESTTITII6IO, — Anil 11/I:Mk,.i!6!‘ =lcH;:p!wss aszzipms, I,ot inEkonlop in the eat, He buil:PO.llre - cuutgaut- . FMI Mock. Try Mm. . oat, „WOR.I3a - :. lIIST A:C*2CMHY - GEORGE . &1101F24 SON it CO., IVGGD SttEET. . nye sad TOtt.!kis Ile (HJo ttap:ArMai . • phlldreix's Goat and” Kid note. • Throe goixle are Dada to our swim war, ma ate warraotod turequallat ounow work. 101 l SPIN RQUTH Obi ROSS, ••.. - .4'o; 5400:01411 airoOt.idi dies foilad, • ossortneut of MOOTS; MONS oud eAtTEKS, for ;Ladles,. Cloot.leutel, Nines; Dor* Mouth& Sad it ,01,aldre`a wear • I: POT' STEEL, - TEZTH, for . 1&& : BoY sad Grail Rakea of any ithapistroy At a ii fair ao4 Gads R kes_mmuleatotedy U. OM mFion Amuse, AilegtenT um* BIVATE:DII3I 3 / 4 .1385. • • ORA, 'SFS i 4 : 31 1a 'NO' OA cm et all of a Minis Rao% to troartwo to hairdos, byalt entirely now and mate Valdosta:: 'Mao, Seminal Weakn, .ew and all able dialled et th•gadtaergatta, ant Watt proweatlan A ewe warranted or mow rettutdad, - •• - -;Addy.mum W Peso at m* - tarn* , it y G. I\fcs. 101' ner.dia4z.vie Wholesale sad Retail dealer la win whit es. t o 011 (100 //8.140T/ONS, TOYS ISA= , 71P.D1C•11,. • - c‘A HOMEOPATMO SPECIFIC: A FfIESII SUPPLY JUST rHEY HAVE BEEN IN USE roa 'Ala) ratarsaNns HAVE SW.III T CURED BY TIMH. HEAD TAO LITZ. No. I -rarer VerUelongestionattahltUunniatie the acute *ad tan, imaterr disease. Pries US et NO. SOures Vora& Paver. Wont, Colic and Vs sums Apostate. Wetting the Bed. , Price IbeeiN • Iran-Cures Collo. Teething, tiriimr and Watt !Zara Slow Growth and Tothientea of..legass No 4441ures Diarrhea. rr Malaita pr Adol; Motets lowan= amt Sumter Ootoolstoti Frio Noe. 4 and t nee the wont came of Chronic 12 'No, 6-Cures Dysentery or Bloods 001 l Griping', Bilious Colic, Pall Dysentery. „ 8 Cbolers, Cholera Blorbue, Nam% and Vomtlizs, Asthmatic Breathing. 26 mate. - No. 7 -01:11. COLIALIS, Cold", lioareensas,./Pull ahltk, In fl uenza and Sore Throat. Price cent* This yid No. t B eveciall Id. Sure tee worn Chil ean Coughs No. 6.-Ctirea Tooth-ache, Famsolue, Naretas WNW Rad 'no Dolmen:. Price ki cents. No. s-Cures Headache, Sick Headache.,lterthpi Bush of tithed to the Head. Prke 26 Cent", In addition with No. 10, it never felle to ears the most inveterate ease:. Ne. 10-Cures Byeilepala, Weak, Aeld or ed Stomach, Constipation, Liver CompletZt Bilious Condition. Price 2.3 mute- JIMALLIBLE for all casthof Weak Digestion eat Bilious Complaints. _ . No. 11-Cures Sappreased Menses, orSaurus* Painful, or Delaying, Green Makatea IS Naga. No. in-Curee Ilthltes, - fleatioly /Down too Profuse HemetLeueorthes &Agent& - Not IS-Cures Groub., Home Oreltl7 00011? Moult arid , Opp Breathing. &I mute - No 14-Cures Salt Rheum Crusty emptioith Erysipelas,. Scald Bead, Ilerbeisl Itch, Pimples au the Pace. 26 wade No. lb Cu Rheumatism` Psin, LatnenCer, Of Soreness In the Chest, Back, Skim, or Limbs, et ,.Selatica. cents. • . No. la-Coma Firer and Ague, Intermittent Pli• vet, Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate Agues. .. No. 17-U urea Uti2Ltal or. Batumi!, ilitod ..or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. 60 oe.hta. This remedy has cured thousands of' the Worn pmaible a 5.... - 3 • '• • No, lb-Cures Opthtbalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes or 'Eyelids, Failing or Weak sight sIN cents. It may always be relied upon for a cure. No. til-tlnree entarth, acute or chronic, diy (iold In the Heed, InEueusa 110 No. 90-tlurea Whooping Cough, ehortening tpd patient:lg it, or. Sposmodie Cough. ,UI cents. .14 is infallible. sad alwaye relieves andantes. A No. at-Cures Asthma, Unnamed, DiNault, Law bored Breathing, Cough and Expectoration. ?nap Hundreds Oars been cured by No,• 22,Cures Ear Discharges, Noise in the Head, Impaired Hearing, Earache. No. es—Oures &refute, Enlarged (Hand; sod ,Tontils Sweirimpl. and Old Ulcers., Ye amts. HAS cured the wont roes. . No.,..st,Uures Ocarina Debility, Pnyainal or Nee. ' TCPII/ ' . . No. 25—times Diopsy, Fluid Aleunittlatlowt, int e Swellings, with Scanty Seoretiona. ee EM== • No. Fl•—•(.._ wen Urinary Diilla3ol4 Grim], • Vakol4 99313.1i1t or Painful Urinntlon. Met neeiree okl,eeMPlet Karla' MINIM& • No. 39—For t3euanal EinlasiOno, hurokut , Dincharges nod eonsequent Puiltration st 4 MN% Had Reollta orrEl Habitat Priam St 13. Mac stoat efficient - remedy, known, ion eon be 'raked upon an • sure sure. • • • ' • • ' Nolo—Cum Sore Month or Sttimash,ll Mouth of Adults at Children and also fraflOan and Vomiting of Pregnant Fornihea. -AO amita,, Cure a once. NM Ml—Cares Unpin , ,Ineontthepos, •WMAffig the Bad, too Frequent , Painful, or Scalding Mims on. No. an—Ostres Paln;fuf Mmutes 'reosnral Omit. of SPisifn, Prurlttik 'MUDS. lad /mita. Li lt ee mo( Females- al op . r MI.-4.Jures Stidatingat Ommn of Wes, ularitief, Flushes of Ilsot,:g . • Disease of the Iltart. .111 to. • .- • 14—Ouree Diptheria and tnoorado. Unt Sore Throat 62 ermtr. • ' • 'No. 13—Ouiet Convtailonsor . SrosiOui Infuti orAdulta, had emapirOf itirki No-34-4.lures Billowiness ; aa.i.rantof Appetite, Lowars. of. • plrllt , Jaundloe, Constipstioa. Llvereotuplatras. - So. 7S-pules Boil., Carbuncles, and say Sof No. 36-{)area all Acute Skil] Eruption. AB Rang let Fever, llteaeles, Chicken Yoe, - &e.. No. gr—Cures Uhroula rNmegba, Morgan* Ovaghi Dre Clough, end Cough with expectoration. No. eg—Dora Snuffles or Catarrhln the head tt! Infanta, Rattling of Mucus In the Throat. No. 39—Cures llonotltutionalEimpontion to foe quent Mink* of Hondane. ?co. la—Corea Constitutional Illspositioa t Asthma. 29 vial family case 20 vial family care, morocco, 20 Mal cask, plain IS vial ease IM vial Physician's case • POND'S EXTRACT OF RA7O.IOM, For Burns Scalds, Oats, Brulses, Soreness, Lens nen, Sprains, Rhenmattem, Bolls, 17Irers, .0.111 Sorra and Toothache. It ado like a .dare, 110 canto. The trade supplied at New York pinkie, Our Iterriedley by Nail Look over the hat, make up • ease et•waat Itter you choose, and inclose the amount. la a eurrea nate or stamps, by mall to my addreet, and tlt.. 'fad be duly returned by mail crud: free cr charge. J., lg. MILTON, Filth street.csoptia Bandits, . „ Sec Ad !Woe below the Poet °Toe; mhleWholesale agent for Pittsburgh end vleinitp. COUGH HO TORE Tar wrsiciurarips =MMUS COUGH , BALSAM' . - . STRIOICLAND'S bkIaJAYLUOUS COUGH BALSAM la warranted to Cure Coughs. Go/da Ruassenew, Asthma, -Whooping Gough, Sore Throat, Ganaumption, and all - adectlona at the Throat and - Longa. For sale by •G General Depot. A••to Fourth street, mneatt, p, . ; • : All the Aledlial men and the pier remains DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTISILIOLERA MX_ YURE as the only certain remedy fort/lantana and' Dyaentery. Itqa • a combination of Artfulnes Abaorbanui, Stimulants and' Cantilaatiror and warranted to street a cure after all calm Imaat have failed. • For We by Urns, °swat Depot, • Eaill Fatten litreeLDlW.nnatr, O. , . STEICELAD'S 'PILE REMEDII,,"': STRICICLARD'S . d'ILN - Kamm late. mud tbournotte of the wont ansosof Mid and' Bleeding Pike. It gires bamedtats reLtsf,_ mad age rented a to permanent saes. ~ Tr y 0.4.111118 e rent eau. For role by ellte. General Degas SRI& Fourth k Dri • • D Wee opepsia,- liervottan pojkitiv i - - DR. STRICKLAND'S TOE= sea assonnumd those Barnes". lift 10111 ApF W ctite, Indlgeetton or Drue •FterrouuSlß, area Nervous Deb usy, to nes nitlalult 'rodeo; It is a vegetable proparation, fres Zreat alsoboßit Ilquonat strengthens the whole nerrono It °testes a good appetite, end la Warrei:Oadrirg Dyspepsia agid tet r ;Tons chr DR. A. ST RAELISM A II=Ponitti Urea, Oa t comatt, O. - For sus by DIL GEO. IL ICETSER. sofas. Wood street and 'VIVA alley and B. E.SELLERIY CO4 corner of •Wood apd. Mimed Utottu sta quei: borsht and by PARE BRILL. N 0.71 streeti-AllegbesY4 • 111,E GREAT =GLIM Rilet-EDY,--! SIB JAMES OLLRE.MS CTLEBRATED Preparedfrom preemeinion- of Sir J:Clarka, AL. Prier:taut ..tbstracirdinary to the Queen. Tnui wail known medicine I. no 1•1010•151•11. • sure and safe remedy for Female dimeultiesilat from say cause wtmtever, and ini• ' • powerful -remedy m , they-'atoin i747-r6;rtfal- to the- ronstituUms: To Igarriet =it is, etij, suited. It win, In a Wart , - Pring nthmonithly perfird with reolattly. , These Pills bare nerer been anownto mil wham well observed. direcUona on Umlid Sur el ge the pesephlot elk 'For fun particulars O ct Pareplilet„fme,"4 th r soak., Sold by an brumdata.,. bate UnitedUtatere A l p*, I, .per inankko . , . 7018 ire • •-• •it o Onrmanat ttreet,lfew fg*.R...gt and itpostmte= amp authorised agent, wilt to ewer an 011 ie. he Mart mall; ."4 ydlfat F ORrX:42 ARFT.PII6.43TICLS - :: • ; , - ,i Wiliam* Micrwl• W4ol* am a i gg**+l l l4o6, I du.; my Raw taltea" tlt Ucti any, . aim' um amount ed , patltate treated tt:!,_AlL*; br:uskr. ..,,,gbetut•virgazzi , SPERM! R orsErciAl. Aml all diseases mist** therefrom, are Mnalclthartat Um* Mew Mitaterme bp tar 3rgarzu MR ,REMZEDIEZ. Mdialna_,M*44mt- Ley port [las Ualas, . All /Wats melt voust@ail * , *tamp kip!, lemma ..2 . _ . ' ocirse•poodeariama , mismz Om*, MI 13 mi,. „D Week mot pass mood.. A4drepa ..J.IY. .M. .o MANHOOD:'IIOW , LOST t ROW Me .....TOILEN—Yess piallabal_ , la a sesisdreerwir tek. Pried. das Orme. ..Adoesteresi.i..„_oarse Now% Treatees . t4adl. Remold lows. di er, Sezetnal Weakness. Imrottratay ----", SAMOA 'petting , . Ind lezedlmentt Vt.- , musErPtte Vitatitia.Ptipoiniat= lag how: StIA Abuse, se: -By , Renni .L Imms. lonot M.D., anthar of the oteet • Bee &&.:mr . BOOR TO T 7 0 1 01:113ANDS• OP El IVlwider NW, la * piers emirs% Is say M. pole patt, on tioshot ot al *Ws, or toe I, tamps, los Oft Jr. O KUM?. 12 7 BIR °cit. Peet Onali box VOL filtll4amd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers