!oko Intiburgit Oitgcttt. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, leggi R ClB W el is KTLEAN CO.. 32 133.0 rs ^eb Mlrcols.cores, N. 73 Itamarth st.. Pistabancla 'Sepiaits raordolod la PSE FUNDS mad CCU - NIXON. Collections made to ail parts of the Vatted States. Sol sad mall it market rates: . U. S. Spar cont. 1984 Bonds; U. S. do. 67:1 do.; • U.S.a per sent: 10.111 do.; • U. S. aper cant. Uertllloatea Lida - Madmen ~New U. 8.7,U Treasury Notes. They also &Mood SELL ON COMMISSION at Ma New York..,Allidelph!s, and Pittaburei • Made of', Goverrnment Soputtlea, Stook; Roads. Cold. && .le3 'BAUM AMP CVMMEItCIith IBROYER O I9 AND BANKERS' ' BOARA • (ocanaallaur sonanunr.irinallii k nod TouesolT. Malok 211;18114 , ,•; Ord. staked. Saws. Miyake'? City 101 • Malley 131 99 0* • • 211thabla 13,60 a ---- 6 t Pittsburgh k pda radical.... -.............-.. 53 • ith . Ward /1 Rne . l - situray -- so Gold has been firmer to•day. Ooversimentsaorn• leii,biek to the gnotationsOf a week ago; other se rearttlee move mom ado wly, as but little ecurfidence taielt to gold ussinteinhig its present prlos-167. The eitmettoce le bet temporary; geld will conthine toderlitur wejodge and may not strike "dirk pan" „hefore teaching 1,25. Leal, ereoleg's sales, as anticipated, showed» ~r soatluued -weakness la tha market, Pittshergn New York Mid up maser fetter Rau waf deafest. ' ..1p expeetediCVntnil Resin was much weakerthat • greauppated; Cherry - 4nd Blood tell orb per cent .;. Tarr ;Story k Cherry Run gold Largely at a further. 4.oiti • Ron .iook also rcry hoary et 1,24 Omit th Cherry Run armed at en; Paxton at IR-. Urfa eepts.pet • .hare. the Weitera Pennsylvania Gil Company dotter. ed dtridihd el two per cent. p vats:a on Mortal'. at. ;pal nexl. Ttere was a felt average attendance at the Pea! plea Steck Ezmange this evening, but sellers i ormttece to be to the asettulanty, and, AS a insider, ramme,Prierts are week, end, ass general Uttar drellalng. CentralEasid was, appareittly, a ahv9e • 11 rmer, .1,16 I clog Wheat and refined, ayaleat rite at pus& i,oll on Wednesday ereallig. Rill/bum% • IL New Yoelr, and Pittsburgh h. Philadelphia are bath weak and draiptre,, whirr. Rots Kbirely kept Isboie water, norseneek has • ruled lower, Wittig at 1 . 20 61,25, andaßerwaris ogland 011,15. Ritchie du recovered alkihtlyraelliug up to 7 The lob knriag le a report or the 'mewl . • share* liteAbov ' 96 ski " Itherry Run b. Pltßole Si " Renews& 129 6-0 " 'Chen-, Run a. Blood —• • 100 Plttaburgh k. New, Yolk II 05 ad 020 5 r. u 05 aft • Pittsburgh It Philadelph a... _....,. 200 400 " os sae _ IS. -" 66 2 00 Het , w 4 Ei " n 75 INN WV • 15 10011 • • Rosa 120 2 •• . Star Wag, bityalpay . erarrre , i_ment..2l SO ' 110: 0". 'Star 2 313 Tarr, Cbetty Rua 89 UM' • lehltely Limit 155 :'llf Ortrings and bids we r e us follows: • • Rid.' dated.` Ragine,r p 2o' 1151erstrarm Ohio 101 01041,141 ' ' -# go Ottitrel .. 1 16' 1 IS °lorry RunCentel.._.....::.. d En 2of 0 berry Avails Blood-- • 106 115 •Cherry.Acin St Pittsburgh • I 49 (Amery REM ♦ Pit --. it 113 Oulbertsore Sun 1 15 oohnnbli • 80 72 MI . . .DaSsiell 7 55' etch reek ' • it 40 00 'l9 00 Matadi, - Gnat Kelatock. . 4 90 • 1 eh. , 1 - .12 .Llacolo Oil to hlThing 00 • Rierchanb• - 40 '5O Ifallormi,ot Pittsburgh t Se t 40 National Itytinag k Storthg....-.-- It of Ohio Valley.-.... - 1 74 1 90 4)11 Plain, of Philadelph,a II WI 1/11 flack &Cherry Fun.:...:....4'01 6 es Paxton - 1 or 4 04 ' 260 400 Revenue -- 1 11/tome. 7t tio• 11)0411 arm' 4 73 ha 7; Slier Wells 56 93 Soothed go ro of Philadelphia .. --a 6in Tart Petroleum, of New York.. --- 340 •Wristero Penni) trains.- ...... 2 73 • , IWhitelr Creek - The Philiolelphla of.Wel tiredly 'lasi - "11. seW speculative movement dcvel Sped Itself rester day to Government bonds, whisk had the egret fur awhee of drpresiihr them Yee; in :tart iffy.. A combination was formed, of which the nucleus eras --.fa New York,' the aktert ofiyhteh was ch. seed towel hero bloods to an arceat that It wag designed" Arnold Interfere With the sale of the sereu4Sirties • attire regular subscription price. The principal partlestrithe ring *ere the most prominent gold ' tSaml kris, hod i peraton with cocoa pro . nettles in Abetter.- clttel...tio sit uessfut War the a peratlM3 th.t the &Ms were sold dawn*. 10t34. Liter in get ay; however, the decline was completely% *armed, aod it was reverted' that our Now York botee who sold "short' , largely, was unable to delver, and had to "go by theitioanl.ii We heard also of strithrr failure in our'own city. The Int' wart object alienist attitlatd.' The sale of the 7400 ihaticovil to a very large extent. The cough:dice 'alto people to this popular loan grr.we 'day by pay. Experlenc3 has stoma that tun only erten ecaasloned by the fall In golu "le similar to that which a victory acyasioov, lamely, to stimulate thecobseriptipos of the - people to all portions of the oauctry. , ' , The following Is the comparative statement of the exports (exclusive ef specie) from the port of new Yorlilo hireigh-Porte for the Weill ending hfareti 21, and Ilsice.lanuaryl: Tar the ireek:-.15,622,e5s 11.7,2150 s 51,6"488 rys. rep0rr0d..43024,7113 32,493,10 41,617,6103 ::Blots .155 L.-447,129,2W 1136,7n.190 4 61 , 123 , 323 Price of Gobi._ 10) 16t 163 • `•lifirblizihe past two weeps, asp the Pfau:lel pia Neva Jw.erkvin, the banks nepreiented in the New York clearing bona hare commenced report /rig the amount of greenbacks they hold. The last atatement gives the amonat u 433,615,4111, but this Ala' (hareem:di a:palms oSthe national inatltistlons Wed were they allga, the amount of greenbacks, 0r0c22 be crier forty millions: . Taking, however Clamor' it %gores, and Including the mount in the Philadelphia banks, we Ilnd the aggregate to eland thus: PIOWYOrk pi,e10,014 • tivisems Total • ' • ' . 11141.44t,767 .I'4oBomizant of ttolr own captstcy Woad by Tart fpfariZe aelPhia . . .. ..3. . sotorms Total ' - • • 0.1,171;201 v:69 ij,ll i;c2.o:la the bnpki Siet4.4 l lorio..t.rlt...r"vri.l.2 . lor Y 01014.0 01 imosr, In _ le.l,lll,CirClll6* Oureeibatke In bask • ' 114,441;7ri Bulraotts tee 7.10,1147dg Amount of . paper out of circulation.— OPS,IIO,OIt Vhigteesbeelni, belng the legal tender en:raw thiciAintry,e4,6 teken' the plums of Sped. as the basking bulb They. therefore, constitute at ebte time the balk of the money held lo the vaults K atone furtllntloerall over the' toiletry, end •It my be eedely wonted that ett leant one-thlird of tbo lehoterolome ofgracebstelta leans withdrawn hoot SCMS:SettoulaUon.: ' . PETROLEU.2I MARKET, ' • ' Tntraarar March 23, IMO. The-Markel for Oen& continues very quiet, the tens soduttentlon of a m ejorlty of the de dere be. ISt absorbed to devising owe - ye and means' , to tetr , 410nt the °goaded off by : lb' late freshet. There Wall DK a^ single Cremation to-day that woo:m.ld hem of, with the mumption of 20 bids at IT Co ate, mad we eiMillitie to untold at 27629, bbls 'return. di 014Malint-bbd AncludoL Tor Relined, -la' bond. 111447 , 1% pli.desitazil whatever, at anythlng like the present eitIMY rates, Fres OU ti dull and droop ins, the demand being restricted entirely to Mimic amatilkeatern drders. Bale of 50 blots mil, and 110 Breptha laqulet, but held pet' tgrarisly et Merlons. quotations, 40 to 43 cents, aci 8eii4 ,1 . 0,1 au lAA. Wilde; whlcli. Limit exilied this'Amman, okitoil ca l .; brqught:43oWa eel bids ;Ovnde, BelMertn . MO for Mier EU Brag 210 for Meollo4 for 0: O. Brown. Her pasaeageis rapcirt alargeOentUtisefesu all along' the river' between Mere * 011;City, R being estimated tatt team aca•oaa'Atanuasiilbattela at oraa.Plaaarlotato Crept. In Indiana.. t t the 11 4 f.sio stoat Lady. 4011 , 11 ' . laalt_p h rtl 4l pLit of obuadaat fruit, with the shospllater of, .X'socbes. The letter Are goaorelly - esowole4 to boa failure; but, as fruit- panto. are 011osautoot this assoos, is possible tiers noy be ShlWollFlatet : , • ... ; DAILY REVIEW OF P/TTSUURGU 7111 , f1sD Cr, March 2; I The alight agrane • hi gold hai proluced a little better/K.lolg fothe prodose market, but there La no Improvement to note to the detaani. and, while transactions ore altogether of a local character, prices are weak and, unsettle:xi, and tending down. wird. 'ORAIN—The reeeipta of Wheat and Bar'ey con tinue very light, but with no demand., the market roles doll and there are no established 'quotations. Corn is dun but -Unchanged; sale of tno sacks, on wharf, at td,and,loo busht from atoorat (UM. Oat. .—Small mates from store at 63fiette. . . _ . FLOUR—The demand for this commodity con. Baum_ very light, Indi:tiler th, influence of liberal rvrelida, the market, Is dull anddrooping. Sale of ICO bills Loire Pamity from More at eithilo,6o yet bbl for Sorter and Winter Moist brands. IROVl2lol2v—The ttansactions in Rsa on con tinue Ten - light and the Market to dull and weak. but wichmiconotablechAnge. : Lard Is still quoted at 19.11313 rests, and bless Pork at $3203i. Roth! 1131YrWiliXot.... bloats . tOll Butter is is good inapt lily And very dull with small sales at 24).10 rests. F trlctly prime fresh Roll Li were and wood sell at CIS—In ratherbetterrdemand; sod tinder the. Influence of a fellin g off lathe receipts, the market 1.11 shade firmer, cal Idiom a 111111 higher. • Sales at 2011f22 coats. '! UliPaktE—ls steady with regular sales it 23 for Western Reserve, and 2.0 few mburg. SEEDS—Cloversied Is less settee cod* shiiilii enter, with 'mall salsa from store at 214,268116 ger idisheL Timothy decd is quotel .t idhdi,tio, whild Via :aced is doll sod &doping, but too unsettled to quote vm - reelly.= ' '' ' DJIED •FituTrntot lint without quotAbis chaser. Smell anlegpst .11612!1 rests for Apples. And %tam for Pane .• P..TATCII.-.1 "reach Blows" end "Prince Alberts" are In fair named, witti sales . at 1 2 ,900 3,13 per I hi. Also meets ere selling at $2811,20 i per bid. 0 , . (3111:EN APPLiLLers active but unchdege I. The demand Is most forbest oftslities, which sell at p:C.110. moth ;" .• . pAiii.AI)E.LPinA - STOCK MARKET. . . Putt ansbrui j 111. arch 1465. aeeGl bisp,tch to.t.bn Pittsburgh (Ingette. • The market forOVsieek. was dull and depress ed to-day, but len, ..u• • little _better feeling; prlos - s, . however, .bOrfj,_ undergone no . quotable ehanbe. The eloaltd; quotation. were as follows: Ti le Tank 3,n0 Sugar Creek Kt/ ul t,Bl . Caldw 4;31 Ualsell .. ... 7,ltt.3lotillatock alnut Island - 1.50 Cotnplanter irsf _ 1,12 n 194nrado ..... 1,53 • irkbert....-- ....e... On Atlas ..... ... ..... _.. I,lnt Maple 5hade......... _ 6 21,21 Adamantine '6,75 NEW YORK ,PIER43I.EIT3I MARKLTE . Special Dispatch to the Plttsburgh () mite. • reNi 'roux, March =•-•, The Petrolet= taprket L noadnal: aales acre wide itt *a for 0rLder541:044., far Refisecl,.ia 000 d; sad iiano for Free. CENTRAL -- LIVE' STOCK MARKET reported Expreeely for the (Duette. • -Saar leutzner, dilute es, tem. CATTLE—She weak and uneet led c 'edition of the gold market has effeeted the 13 tttle business' unfavorably, sad notseittistaioling this to dots , we, entopnratively light,thii market, ta compared - with hit week, ruled very dull, and prices have declined from serenty ve lents to one dollar per cwt. And even at the line, the was but tittle disposition manifest y shippers to operate, as it. tne Cistern markets °panicky, and unsettled, Ac that ttlis ccouilderedUtillife t, buy fo • shipment, at anything like current qtattoos. Were it not for the government dem , the market would. have . 1 . still been worse, as the s pir, in that even , . would . bays be eniargely in excess o f the demand, and pees ent prices, tt is evident, could not have been sus `Wow!. Whit 4 wide dine-coca between the views of buyers and sellers, the former contending for a still Mater Remotion in prices, to Which the lat ter, as a' eneral thing will not submit, there are 'but comparatively few Cattle cheating hands nor will there IR, until the two lwerests become more harmonised., Good heavy steers end oxen, which last week sold at Gailte, Sled' heavy tills week at feleglielc, and tat o r and contemn erades were still worse, seling wn to Wri cents. 'An nexed will be f ound are of some of the leading r ie Inlet: • • Chas. Pl:maker wholesaled al bead of good Ohio steers, averaging MI; s, at I Tueneling sold to Turner , a head of g cod Lill nols steers, averaging 1100 Ms, forgovernment, et 10 Cirtitt, ' • U. fluildermser boughlig.head of hippie: steers, 'Reneging GOO lbe, at t°. ' ' - - Post kOrlatt wold to Myers lk. 800. 07 heid of good Western steers and oxen, averaging 1100,As, at lie, delivered In Baltimore. Roddy Me yises beught 17 head tof goad oxen . , n renting 1201 Is, at Pd. Duffey & CS, bought 18 b of Springers at. per head. and2B Lead do a Motes Weller sold 24 be of good Ohio stein averapng 12622 w; at 9gl; a a, lime' cow Ind calf at $7O. Nei.. Warntt bought SOlread of good lowa steers at $lO9 per head: !Woven & Sullivan sold ,lo Idernes 16 head of nice Western stock, weimielng 20 WO 'pounds at to Mayne,hca2 of common cows and steers, averaging at 7,1i55 cents. . • Wal work & Dlalrme io'd to & Pre 100 bred of gotaisteers and oxen, welching 1^A.97 6 Hulettltton Sold to ht•Alltater la bnid of raffish stro re..eelghtog isms pounds, at le.Yt. 11}11'—the Me v tads elate' of stook was bet - , Oast last week. owing mainly to a very —llJ.t supuly ard a alight improve.nrat in the Es I. ern markets. The de oa.pd was not •o rery...brtlk, but rue... for the reatons ritreadv r aced ram ed and the toarket ruled Iran et toe n.vsnce. We R . We Ietoll!5 rent • per pound. get 1;, , :a the r.tr,ot. II rates. theu. be cormidt,Nl e P.M t ee•:104 of the market. Wow will t.e. , t;nta j • se of the lug Paha: - • elite ilushr. told to George 11.7ie..5 . 3d3 held, a veraglng Di ft. at it t 4. • . • g sold to (leo, fleece 7:3 13, az 91 . g.r at I latron aald to Geo. neater 9 head, te . ertglne the, at 10%. Ewing sold to Geo. Hesper tai [teal, avenging, tn. x 6.11. H. Knabouser sold to .7dooneY h Co, 16.2 bead, av tp,alue. bic`JA, 14 1014. OGS—There has been n• de-enud whetever fqr Itls class of stock &Mn. the put week, 'and the mai het, lnconsequenc e ' .ruled dull end prVes. de- Clint d mate Sally. say Irmo Alto 2 steam perVouruL So far as we could learn, there waa not a sta t e 1. on. a. 1 r el for ehlement,'ne net withstanding e feeeiptsavere ligtt t .lho sweet ruled weak. upset tied and drooping.. Pet* r Klement bought 71 bead eve 'glee 212 at II cents, and Ilashbouse l .l bought 22 bead, avetaging 103 yoUnds, ,el 103 PITTSBURGH DRUG MARKET. - Teeraszur. bfarch.t7, 1933. `The. follen lag quotltiane are carefully Cornectect at, to $1 Jlik Emma 6 t o 1221 to 7 2 7 ? b 1 66 to 1 60 ••• Sulphuric Tartaric., 4 40" t. 1 55 13 Al hot p rt.atisent..7„... 44 , to 4M .88 6O - to ta Aloe. 04 P 4 ' ' 14 to 15 At Ammoril .A. , 4‘ 14 12 •• to Pi.rl li . . rot II to 12 " Soda - • 7 to 7% 11616nni Cillbel ' 135, to I 0 Block 1 Amorlan....•' 4.' - to ' 6 • " Ilut din 15 to II Gorman 534 to 9 " Borrixlterd 49 to 63 " Blue Diana ' - ' 100' to I OS - " Brltottons Roll 71; to Flowers Sulpk . r:tt to 13 roringhot Hat' '1 55 ' to Cltotharkles ' " 535 to 11 45 Cbashoulli. nowets,llot'n. •"- to , 55 " Getuen. 70 to 73 • u l'onsentioted Lye. - 11 50 to 13 50' }cast. 'ream Marts!, 75 --to ,Jo iffitit2rl I -oven Powder.... I.7 l•WL l r t ' h Ether211,110h;44..., • , 165. to 1 63 , . .. . to . t» • 0 Cum Arabic, Whit. 90. to 100 Sorts 63 to 11 0 " 111rh Turn , y, 15 to " * Shellac . • 10 0. 1 CiontTraqseantb Flake... RI to 130 • 4 a to 76 hlsznesla Carbonate 60 to 116, - Calcined.. .... : . 1 OD to 778 Morphia II Oa to. II 25 ip! oz. Opium -.. ISIS to' II 00 111 11, -bolos 011 75 to. 400 . "11" Sweet 011 • ' 4.50 to. • 500 1 . 45 to 150 - • Tamers OM, ISi to 170 111hall1011Bleathed -200 C0" . 2 10 .. rotas) 111 Chromate' 23 to ZS Vs. a . Chin:ate. VOL ' tel 16. . rilmalato Yellow.. 70 In 75 " • I thialne . - I Go. 10-•11 01.12 no. Boat Ipea,..l.tor M 750 70 7IV , 11 M. 150 I. I Po-.. • 11 Rhubarb E. J .... .... 4 171 to 4V/ Sal Epeom.: ...... ' • . 6% to.: - 7 Sal lloche11; 0 6' to 100 a Sal:Soda .....• • - " , -6% to 4 .. Soap Castile 27 to $0 .. Strychnlit' - 660. to -boo 9 es. Spirlts-TOrpentlno ' 266 to -2 63 Viral. Stared...l.. •... ........... .0% to 10% 11. ?iced Canary' - - 10 00 tiolo 60 bu. InPains BY navue: PARIMMILOP.O Poe BAYARD—AOI/5 'Mill feed Frazer a Armstrong;. lot Moves sod ono Asall John Down; 18 bp tors, 8 bble apples, U Boyle; 144 bee C4lll, A. .2' lieges; 28 atm paper, Patahorgh Poore co; 3 bales woo!, W limiter; n bile apples, Schloss; a bbla sorg h um, I 11. Voltz taco, :do d 0.3 do apples, T U JookIns;410 mks batty, 46 eke oats, Hitchcock, McCreary hey n tltd4 mumble 164 do a pples,.Torden, Hull sits oo;611 bt4sepplese,, Owens & Hennody;24 JOhn Harbert; 10t ann. Crier; Clark in co. CfXSIIIIATI PAR OSWAIVI46OO bterrhett,Eenne' dy in Grob tailspins etent.,J Thompson IS eke spit Its, M McDonough in oo; 4 crab.* kegs. IS I. Valk p.p.* heo; prbble - Image. Hutchinson & ea; 1 bbl carni3O,3 P Soon; 25 hole matt, dl, 46- 01.1 e MI, Knox& Parser; 18 pkg.; cloy, (pllerm, oo; lcsek bum:, E Iteszeiton; bbd -tobacco, - ..E Megraw; 5 bre [IASI %VIM; IttaKee.& . llroi 1 ping, ft 11 Jack.* co; 3 be* drum., ft A ttahnotto , ic t. ml;7 Ohl E Feller!' lk co; lot enodrlem Clerk, &Mt. - . PZIT AIibrADILLO--3 ORICSArigoc;45 , lipkg ware, tr tlaidwell;44 ;age furniture T loons & co; 7 do do, recliner* of dart,, ale S h ip. Moor°, J. W TallorC/0010111 dour. - fsia Ship. ton at ca; 53 sewing machine* W Sumner in eo;3/0 Iris gout, Malone in 1411Jem ISt bbl . ./ Coe 2 caseellObacto,lleynter h tiro; 100 bble emit, St poke meat Mart &co; In pings rurnitdrei L A: 3111. liken; GOO bge when fenced) G Heti en ' 41 "b 51 . A . Mlller.o i.kge drop, ft 12 Sellers 1 cooktrag.lton, Iladelptila Market, Wha eh The Wheat market fret a Amid:bottom ask ktIO to 02.30 for lied, and 1ty1.W241.13 for White, bat low er figure" might row os taken.% itititt-otheteel the last sale tomml of was msda at a b et. There more activity . brit:lora. with. ['waist. salts of- 1 5. 010 baskets yellowatll49 eAoat.naf d,403 tor shell do, at eye. m store. mAte of ihtoo timinets wb 4C nindult sad rosy be quoted at 99 Otok; ltoo bllOttii Sad At thly dente. • . Lorttarlejos llarlsry Walton saes bore own :Ara loremeed Is la steady lrmv,d attd• taither 5 % '1104 of COM Luthrla at em op to stop et7te. Prlawof nototby giott flaxseed are atradmit .. ~~:M z ~ _ __ _ w _ y ~: .r MAIIKEIS BY .lELEGRAYIL flew York Market Nita - Totes, March =. —Ccrrros—Dail, heavy and roily 5e lower; 4.5 c for middlin2. •Pbor it—Dult, heavy, awl 15(gd:x IA (4,9 SO for extra state: 100 20E910.30.1°r R. H. 0., and eiu 23(e,11 23 for trade brawls— market closing heary—no hoyers at the outside Insure. Wnimur—Exelted cad decidedly lower; west ern 42 16a:.1 15—eluting with buyers at 42 15. Gmt.m—A brat Incgtfar and unsettled; amber .111:11, !I 10; Nottbwestern club, St Rye dull and nominal. Barley beery. Corn dull, at $1 (A Jur new mixed western. Oats dell, at 11.7 - for western. rt:TTMLEVSI-1,1:11: OIC for erode; 54c fur re lined In bond; 74c do. free. GIIOCTIULS.—Coffre Onlet and firm. Bazar litliet, at fur Porto Rico. Molasses quiet and heavy. l'uommons--Pork belay and lawer; . $25 50 @l'll 85 for new Mew; 0 50@i2.1 50 'for 1869 and '64 do. tash and regular way..-closing at *M. rash; *23®24 for Prime, and $24 50625 for .Prime Slew; also 1500 .bbls pew Mess, for March and April , sellers option, at. t'25@96 25: Beef dun and heavy, at $14@17 for platu Mess, and $lO 50.20 00 for cum - Meta. neetilams dull; entitle. Cat Meats ln. moderate demand, at 15%®10c for shoulders, and 163;®1134c for Baccin dull; 1534(410c fur Cumnorisuld Cut, and 163417 c for alert ribbed,. Lard heavy; sales 150 btle.; at 163.0.8,a , .' Butter Bull, at 1.4 (.421c tOr :Ohio, and 18@,12 . f0r state. Cheese quiet, at 1.428. c.. New-York Stock and Money 51arket. 14Ew Tom, March M.—Mount—Active and Ilan at 66! 7 cent. Sterling Exchange glinted' at 1631i(s101:1: tor,Hrst china bankers' bills. Gold txtucd and lower, opening at 1,57, and closing at 1 513.5€1.1,51,;.:. - 2crossa—Government .Stocks weir* and ermer. Storks cull and lower. Fort Wayne, 111; Rock island, W.f.; Toledo, 91N; Cleveland , and Pittsburgh, ,47N, liilnoia Central, Scrip; 124;; Soutlijiu, 51; Mariposa, 10l4; New Tors Central, 5.1; Erie, 53; findson; 82q; Reading -p9; .Ibicagu Buriingt , u and Qulney. 105; Quirk:silver. ;IX; 'Cumberland, o's of 'Si, registered, -104 S; do Coupons, 1061-1"; 5 39 Cunpous, 10534; Ws 5 20 Coupons, new issue,' 11151;; 10-40 Coupous,P2; ode:year CertilledteN, 57, htiFenurl 6'.1, 56; ()Mu and Miwissippi Cc:- tlncate., 23. Er >l:ng Stock 1511.4 . N. Y. Con - Ind' Die 5:3,7,;; Iludson UUN; Iteadinullo74; 5 old JO5; 'du. new 745; lU 40'. Ul%; 7 Iltra VSLI. btichigau Central ill; illohlgan,Souchern !a Central ' rittaburch North Wodern 3‘)i; do. priterred 45141 Ft. Wayne 57,?4; 0. certl !l -c:oast:0; elltilln) 2734'; Cumberland Wyoming 47; Quicksilver 61!.; ilarlpova 105!;. Attend emu very large. Transactions Immense C.;1 , 1 aid stock very much excited. Bales of 0.,1d ar o r call at 150,4 and at the close of Relent at Stuck grew weaker after call. Chicago Market. Cinesoo, March _d.—Puree—ln Flour there Web ottlateg done,.and the market was en dewy corniest at info, 10 tor White Whiter Wheat! brandrond at truth t 667 from medium tts choice ; Spring Estrae. - GuAter--7hcre was a fair speculative more mentin Wheat, and on yesterday's "prices we note an advance of le2c. 1 Spring sold at from 11,1730R1,111, No. 2 Spring at 51,05. AL the eloso.tbe market ruled steady acid drm at 51,153: for No. 1. The market for Corn was dull and easier with light sales of rejecatd at from cogca. Iro. 1 COM ACAS nominal at 73 @74e. Oats were moderately active at abo. yesterday's figures. Strictly fresh receipts 'of' No. 1 sold atefrom • 51®51lic, but the general range of prices was from 49®50liet closing quiet at We,-. Thsre were "no buyers for aye, and we quote the,marint nominal at from 74® 7Se . . For Barley there was but a limited Inquiry, and sales were meag re at EL for New No. 2, and at the for Rejected In South Side homes. Wuneczy- 7 There was more firmness in nigh ttime, and the marketlmproved Sc r gallon, but the demand was light, and only 200 brls sold at it3.OS. beins—The market lit fleadaviail moderately active, but we note a decline of 100115 on Tim othy and Flax, and 50c on Clover, with sales of commonio Mine Timothy at from $3,25(a3.70; Flax at from $2,25@5,40, and Clairer at from 811,4111Vi1. • Priovrarosis—Frovislons were dull and heavy, and we note a farther decline of 25@50c 11 bar rel on Pork, with sales of Mess at $24,50, and" of Prime Mess of from s23,llo®o3—cloaing at 024,00 for Prime Mesa from alanghtered Hogs. Lard was neglected and nominal at 17c for prime City steam. A lot'- of Rough Sala changed hands, but on terms not .made public. , • . . far 111721GICAPEL Cuicaco, Match .33.—Itecelps, cif npo barrels Of flour , Cll 5,0 buthas of wheat, 5.000 bushels of torn, 6,000 bushels oats. Ilighwines steady at 1.2,09; I'r - olivine!. dull and unchanged; Prime stt.M,', Floor dull; Wheat steady at 118 kel I s!.; Tor No. 1; Corn quiet at 733,ie 0 71 for No. 1; Oats 40(150 for No. I. -la:lnclntisll Market. CINCINNATI, March 23.—E:01t —Thera le a n (itrate local demand for dour at 117,0ri5T,50 f,r van) Ettra Es& Oats, SI.OS. Corp ua.slrablr; tit,rlkd 4,1 n be ts,u.:ltt et 00; awl For at trilc. ICjC evmh.al a , :1,01. =MIME Pe.,,:. , :tra:, ! —Thero !a noun, demand for Mew r.rt:At whit gal.:. There am noth h g et.ne In !Wei. ilpzu2l, 1 ne tre.tin li Lard-2h-ant eitdl;ut would Lave brought at 43 P,itttu ::10.37c. Sugar Ell , b—Clc.ter Stid, *4461:L25; Flax Seed, :7:7, Flour cud Cralu to %use at Chicago I lun, Irg is OM amount of FIOIY and tinsin ii , lrfe I , n elr way, *tern la, rasia, caral'*(. 4 w .11s e.setpobalelt wee"( or loai. n. repast, by J. F. Beat), No. - notary BoafS.f TraL. FM. 7 - s•. or. Lorre!. .. 93.0 01,04 Whole, 3,0111.1,651 Coro. bog 61k5,677 3r.J.700 I.ual . 2012,016 e‘. V ye. 1.4 etil • • -• • E 6 'M t ' 1162a0 112rley. 113,41 . 7 172,50 I Pet Tsnrens.-FionT Weise Alm 11:Mreatul I/ R. S. at h 23-16 comb) ed reapers and, mower*. iteck• hero & Long; 1 bs Sas, l e uuta Muller; Xt las rags, Godtrey te.thark; 2S bxaTa.4l 0, Omit . Reiter, bit bbls fish, lb II :Myer* & co, 10 do do, Dunlap a. 08E115 do du, Atwell, Leo Is CO; 6 bgs dried are Wee, t: der bean,. 2 bbte -sea, .1 Kirkpatrick 6. Dro; to bbls apples and WM eke barley, blalkno& Anfer; 20 talls.broom handles, I , ft klettbews;2l eke oars, Selaink; 10, hes flaxseed. 4 tulp la Shepard; 5 TN. apples; Ilea & Kell; 1 car • bey, hit Wallace ; 1 lot to bscro, W Poindexter; 6Co do, A Bcaub; 4 tolls leallm r e G H Anderson; 94 dos bronftrs, KoPlroy & 50;25 Dbl. green apples; I . H Volet & co; 4 bbla wrap iton, John Bluller;ts dos brooms, Means & Coffin; 15.d0 do, S Llnarey; 20 410 do, Samuel 'lov er; hXdos Ittb4,Alenns & Uottln; L 6 ttssoap, J S sPags produce,' James IlloatoOth; t car aerobe Iron, W Mullins; 10 bbls whisky, barman & CLZI - CLAND s Pirreni non R. TV, March 13- 4 bla eggs, 1.1 W 0 ?wild ; 6 do, Bradley Bake. well; Bo tons ply Iron, Nlenteli & co; 43110 wool, T 0 ienkine; 160 obis apples, .Owen k Kennedy; 411 sk• wneat..l 8 Liggett & co; enjoy. mols.wa, - 34 e Fouller,lo Gbh,. 8 001. apples, 5* itanyorder; 6 cks 1 00 .48 - A k.bneetack;l3 pkg* 'urchin, Yager Annetrm g;170 aka corn , 51milcon& - Ktioxf I/1 eke rye, Jame% Fincht66 pkg. ' . mdse, Etrokham er. Long; Yam lr.dders, .1 Agloa; 1-earyor.,lllN Oourtricy. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The weather continues stormy, cloudy add un settled, with passions* 'bowels of tarn, and we should not be surprised to see 'mottos , ' swell In our rivers brfore,!ong. The Allegheny rose considers - ble yesterday, and WOO still Tieing •aterally last *realm!. The arrivals since 'our last report Include 'the Barra from Paak rr abrire, Coward from Louis. ,file sod the Armiellice trier Nashville, kir with good trips. The latter boat discharged two hun dred tenant The Leonid AB Tun tit Lout. , wk. due night, end el I doubtless be Wend at the,erhh•f thu ukort.lr,r; the f.on , en4e-t, , the Plat ard•bl MAU lIIM p.m Niece the eueleteerodn,• hate eleheed Ate, elas WM. here. NM bade sled-id trip, having no less then three hundred and City cable passengers, and eight hundred and four bane!, of erudis,petroleurik Other boats are due from Oil City and some of them would sboubtlaas gel in last-night. The Beakidie, Capt. ISturilden;did not get offiSlit evening as anticipated, but she will pialltlvely leave Go Ulucinnadand Louisville today. The new sod capacious W. Osborne , is filing tip rapidly, end will soon be ready to leave for et. Louis Lou Illseriuti river. ShiShaseplendld'accom nualtalons for paw agars. - The Ilsobvicees, t:apt. Drown: .1; Waled Clerk, he announced to tests for Nashville to-mot • Thant venue lett ter Cluelta ail yesterday after noon, and the Silver Cloud, for St- Louis, was making preparations io leave laid cloning., The Ilagszd cleared for Parkersburg on time. ' - Vaptain .7. H. Lightner, of the New_ Tort, ld in the city one visit to his family. lie moons har ing lett ble loot. at .Nashvllle. a few Wigs dace, loading a Ith troope fur PM krnbure, 1111:=1 TE411180.478. FOR .01.NCIZiliALTI, LOUIS- , • VILLE' AND -NAISIiTiLLE. fine pawner'. steamer HARD TIAES, tlan Yeni'Broin. wilt trove for tin above and taller sardligat ports on SATURDAY: Mb int• , FOlNTeiebt or passage apply on bawd, rOR VIRGIN - NATI* LOUIS -1,114.r../-ThianiValt wanoodions ptiernery steamer ROAM Mt; tlaptaltr, den will 'usu.'', above 'on. TIEURMAYOA :For* Detect or pious* apply on board, or J. D. COLL1NOW001), adll; ~< JOILN YLAOK, . I • ' FOR LOUIS AND Ml*-44Bit EOURI 'ItIVER:—Tbs fine. new allifisiehrei steamer. W. H. Oriltualflit,. Capt. trogersiarlil leave oa reilliftY„ Artet., o'clock r. Y. Per freight or paapage apply oa '64E4 Or to _- mkt* JAS. ilOLLIffl. Apar. VOR ST: ,101)1i1AN T),TIPPER , • fdlete'lliFllPPl RivER.--Th. or w so& ompralril pteom:r lAMEZPA, nom, Samuel etooorppi, oin , trams oa torompoo FRIDAY.' rath ail p. so. For freight or priaage apply oa bowl J. . - m 1,11) ' 11 COL.l.llidttlOrtl4l-ltate• REM AWLS 1,..1.1.k.---..1 , 4r0et 111.1.9"1". S.A.T.i.E—A very valuable FARSI in -A IL try towswhip, Westmorebunioswity. Pa.; containing about 166 acres, Well Improved, sad In • hint stare of eultivatlon. Mao, a FARM 2011 AORGS, In Fttirtgeld tonnehlp, Westmoreland county. Pa. Improve. meets good. The land Is of the best quality. Coal and limestone In shundsuce. Also. a STEAM EN /LIE, for semil or &her purymen, u - ith the castings, machinery, :tal dy wheel, he. The cylinder Is nine inches in distneter end four foot .troke. Two Rollers 17 feel long sod' El Inches illimetert all to go od order, soli will be sold cheep. Also, a FARR of 400 acre. In West Wheatnehl township, Ind:sms county, Pa. , about three millet' from the Penna. Railroad. Also, n FARM of 130 acres in Cenemsugh town ship Ludlum county, Ps. Also, s.bestitiful FARM of 100 tierce, with s large BRICK" HOUSE, with 13 e.t.a, finished in mod ern style, tes.dehouse end hake oveu attached; a large spring beetle, bath house, nooks house; a Inme `oink barn, fruit trees of every description; church and school house built upon the farm. This burn adjoins the villageof Louisville, and La two.aetl-and miles from the depot at Livermore, • in West moieland county, Pa., on the Northwest- Let, Railtosd. Also TWO BRICK HOUSES end LOTS in F.lllh bornuth. Also, A FARM OF FIFFY-TWO ACRES in Derry township, Weal:deryland county, about two miles Ron, Ft. Clair motion un the Penns. Rally road. - A Cram saw mill nearly completed with at the machinery for flouring mill on the promisee tLe Lind isof the beat quality, coal and Limestone In abundance, and good indications of Oil. Wit be sold cheap. 'Also IS acres adjoining the village of New lierry, Io the very hest state et cultiva tion, and abundance of fruit of every description. Also, a FARM OF ria ACHES, to at Weir town. stitp, l Westmoreland county, Pa., en !Tub Mill Ofeek, about one mile from the Penn% Railroad. The Improvements are a good frame house, and large frame Rank linen. • Also, a smklß Farm of 26 acres in therrytowashlp, Weataormand County, Pm, near the line of the Penn's R. R. Also. s Patin of about L.Va ^crania FAlraeldtairto ship,'Westroorylsnd i Camay In. Alon. Form of 21%) nem" n Fairfield township "We.trunrninud county. Ps. Alm far rents Porn ut lib sores!, Derry town , . *hip, West roorelnnA county, PA, lownoillitetr 0 the tine of the Penn's. K. K. . . et)() eheree of :Rock of the Gallo OR *ad Mining Company of Pittsburgh. Pa hoe Rutter particulars Latium of G. H. TGR'ER, Real EA, ,e dms, fee No. 108 Foorth Matt. VIRSTI:I.ASS COUNTRY BEAT.- hat line . DOTBIS 'BRIM; MARSIOY HOUSE, with large wine., tenant Rms.., Ntabllng, 111.111 !mune, Ice fouar t and other outhnlintnzr, On a irm.rosed lot ot alit and tw,rttlnl Korean!' C101•14d, in the nrighbos hood of fdrasra. Midland lea, :ample. Duncan, tirah.m nod Mardi, front. t , g on tic garay Rivor, and the SHARPS. It NU 11(11:St! RAILWA:r 'rho Ail.fthrny Volley Railroad Interments the proyerts. Apply to S. S. lIIRVAN, OUIITII STHEET, (Burke•. Bulldinc.l Inhl7 VA I,U}/12titl3AN I'ItUPPEItTY Feat Illy A no of choice land, .it. nate three n.II, • from the Allegheny Suspension Under, In Noss Townehl it. A good deellint; house non ether I , llllollgs, an orchard of from three to tour hundred Wee of curry v.rtety and choice qualities, • largo garden Stmetberrles, email n Iros, grapes, eta. The land 1. well watered, good tru• en , not 111 r• state of eutterat ion, has a southern es future suitable for ginner. Arply to S. OUTIIS tdiT h. SONS, mhtll 61 111 444 e 4 street. WARM FOR SALE-2110 acres GOOD A. FARMING LAND, Is Indians county, oppo site Bolivar. on the Pennsylvsnl" RallrfPuL HUI 0. It . 01./OD TWO STORY DWELLING, Barn sad all other outbuildings, and • five loot vain of coal under the 'offset. -Stocked with choice Irons. Apply to Bit AN, Broker, mhiti be Fourth tit , (Burka'. Building.) giitH44.l3Lilt4. te ! t l.l..l.N use . C . l t F t OR hree cSoAL las ! ground nese the terminus of the fdearnester Nome Rai may, sqlointng properties of Noma. Bennett ,tkhoonmaker, 7oluison and ilowe. Ooss. maids a rt ostensive view, ' and is easy of cosec. Apply to ha - •S. S. BRYAN, calla 4th street. I iturico's kluUtilag.) port SALE CHEAP. —A FRAME 11011 SE. If removed-at oroe. ditrustad oar. - Der Irwin and W”tera Avenues, Allegheny ally. Enquire of B OIRD 8 P ASTfttt, mhtil No 4. 112 arii 114 Serorsi et., PAW: h. BOOKS. 4LB UM.% • NEW BOOKS. Riddell's Design. for conatry nooses; colored ll lostratwes. IRS 00. }letdowns, Physical Geography of the lioly Lend. WI W. Eandell's I.:Action! Shepherd, 1113 00. Wooderiud's Country Newest illustrated bt W. The Tosuig Gardener's &militant, by Ifridgemsti. w. BurraPield end Gerdai Vegetably at Amerlesr Must silo. be to. lattbsSongs tor Little Singers. 60c. The Old Firm end Neer Vary; a political idle. gory. by Francis Hopkinson, meober of the Gore tweeter Cortgrees. Remioisrences of Glass .Idolting, by Deming Jann. 61 Under the Ben Paper 01 23; Muslin II TX Too etrange out to to True. Patera W. Nue. tie, 11 re. on Chr.silsolly, by M. Goleta 41 Eldest{ eo the Pastoral F.pbb les 52 50. L 5 stool Brcrwatbms by $OOlllO WON. fd Bat 03 W 034 street. NEIV Hut;K isl' Mei Metro • on the }el nee of ebtiatnlty, nd ale kebylou• tiei• lon* at the day *1,15 14fge's I 'uniniieniat, Mathe•, crl tooth tio duettl 4,00 Nast . . entir, on t•tt -tw and Mark, crli kith honithitival irei 4... doe! 4;10 Life enil,Eptatles of rt. Pistil, by (Lowy ueare t 140 Ibe }Wei:dirt, with Introdualon,ty LinsitOlN 411 The Ottani arotill•tory of the 'Loul64 IL.- -wire and the Feely Lite it urn that It Erni. , see to O. P. March 4 rX , Lectures on the E.litrllals L•neunge, by O. P. Marsh ' 4,c0 I tm Dan to Itettshtlei, by J. P. Newman, r Li., with Mao ant Eriglitrlnget • Cowl ea minajeolartent Ito tire Land nod the Pienk.... 1,11 It agora ter Ertry Sunday In the Year. 44e- nee. A Ilrete I discount toelerunten rieandet'• Plittitln• and Tromlng of the • Aurctie• by the APodif. . . J. L. EMI , . 79 Fourth Street. ---- - THE GREAT 'TRIFLER. .EIEDiAPANAKA. bluer the introduction el medtauw the origin of climate baa prehaPs been the enteett. of more se Mous and mdeattke eotatideratioa by th e most learned of tie protestion than any other connected with the laws of she Great Creator; not • few bar mmuoided that nil diseases have their origin in the utomach; othets, the.solais of the Main criers again, and by far the greaten number. conteml and nestle that the nwoo.itseit is the tom' fountain of life—that U becomes Impure, then ;MMus is Its wort forms—Scrofula, Cancer, Blom; sta., appear, son indeed, experieuce In trestle; this clot II of dia. tams iy purifying the blood and therapy 02 , ..cting I - eradication nod awe, prore this to ea the correct theory r soigne upon which theory, the med. Mine now known as IeeDIATAXAMA was composed and brought etc prixtuaini the meet gnat. /tying results. its mit soon eternises such a eitideff over SCROFULA, ULCERATIONS, PPAPI.FAI Tam PACE, TETTER BALT RHEUM. LrvEn compLAirrr, LOSS at &PPETITE. . RHEUMATISM, GEN. 1.71.111. DEBILITY. fox. ea.. Mx) I n ifrom the time It to dest taken, etiaciar. &gemet to the pattent, by making both seen and felt, the good 11 is about to itecomplitli. 11 was thoUght best to put It up lit bottle. at Pee and 11.01 l earn, —.O many person. are income to try an %Rl* cle but are often deter...tat the expense,--110 the tried here can be made at n moderate outlay, and eittle/y the parebeeee that the outleta editi 01,141.11 • 1. I. be, the greatest et 1...01411 Irgcata V 41111.1.1 I.lli hod in tiny ueed t lut thitrinl4llo altty IDIM WM. W.. Cl Ito I win. Isar csretive scrag, we subjoin a Wt of the prism pal articles of which It le °imposed, with none• descuiplion'of the ales and odeptation of esich s t hem from the highest authority Known to mediae 01/1906 . Le uteri with behrhelii "Inlet fireasea os Rheas than, Saroittloui, Afflictions, (Atlantan', Distress had other depraved.cooditions of health. DA.NDELIOA Is then % diuretic, sad aperient. It hits a spectd action upon the liver, exerting It when linguid, In secretion. It hes been much, used la Chimney le diorama of the digratted . lODIDE POTASSIUM. lithe are few &eruct! In which It hu not proved benellelal I It Is used isrScaufulous!tette:is int& great benett; It has en been' used with much she. amain treatment for InAmematinn of the Ark I deacrally tacreseee the appetite and. !leek LAVEIiER rr.osrmis Are arometle, toetai sod' ' highly hastrotattiss to asses of Nervous DOtUty. inyree teary I. 'especially trelunte to seas* of . ilatetals sad . . Ciroircirrrx norrru t Ai invoorookoa r used solo or twitted DL reties, _ Le sesta eV r h4 ; t4 It. sets tikirStsbi M as stterattis Is Pinola. At. reettensilltrOtite tad ohstlute rm. sesee~o • ~,The elbow" or the toe:nuts Is Withhoictiii A8181 . 011:'.. •;',•0 17 9 1 ' BKITRIPI.FLD ► rywn. , arAsk, your Intaillieit of tit* sibove aig!olageod." OILS. Sc. BREWEIt, BUREE COJrAncsION MERCHANTS, _ 50.5551 05 ram Globe, Pacific awl Liberty Oil Worlci Liberal each advances mane on oonalgiunenta of Relined or Crude Pdroigunt. Cor. DE:QUICSNE WAY' sod HAYCOCK SU., Jr 2O . l Y prrtsnuricm. BENNT No.l At. CLAIR RT., Palrburel, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, .AND DEALER IN OILS. ILLIEMIDLLTIN ,0 INORIOATING, ORLTOIt PETROLEVM OILS, tse, constantly on band and for sale at the lowest market prices. Conethir meats and orders *elicited. ap7-em CHAMPION OIL COMPANY Producers of Crude and Manufecturerr of 'Redned carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SHARPSIIITRO Office No. 69 RAND street, PITTBBUI/Oll,la. W. ILCUSHIMAN, Supl. J. 163, 40111 WALLACIA WILLIAM QOATIII• - WALLACE CURTISS, COMMISSION .4-VERCHANTS. CIET2=II:I CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS. No. 134 BOOTH. WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA, PA. airStorege capacity (under corer,) for 15.crva hartels. Also ex“lieut facilities for shipping to American and Foreigh ports, at our wharf un the Sehuylkill River, near the platform of the P. R. R. setr.ly BONDED - WZ.KEI.IOt7SE tiV Pbenix Warchons!ng Company, Fcot of BALTIC liAli Sta., Wog* , ra REF - I , . . vefll Office. No. 1.5 BEA ea-1i ILICHARD6O.N, n.A.R4EY .1; CO. , — tiataaala.loca nal Forwarding Merchant' la CRUDE AZCD REFINED =mum, N 0.19 IRWIN INTHEET. Lltninl cask advances on consignments rot rittaburgh or Enatern Market. 'm11 , 144011 wirmunross. Messrs. J. 8. DU* nta Mc Go kaq , rimit.Vommercial Bank. 0b166m STANDARD) ' PETROLEUM =EMERY. GLARK & Works and Otani, (XILLINS TOWNSIUP Mee In Pittsburgh, 94 WOOD ISTILEET. These works betty' , or the lugest capacity la the country, are prepared to till large orders. The brand stands the highest In this country and to rope, ron,quelity and lire test, and the nit Is put le well seasoned turrets, prepared aim:daily for es, tort. &deity w at?? "sane r. use WAI G Kivc; COMMISSION mEitcHANDs. LID ntecans tar PETROLEUX LED ITS PRODUCTS And dealers In Henning Materials. ottl-1,... Pia. IP MARKET T. Pittsburp. AkES IUO/C5ll AND :MALES IV CRUDE AND REFIN - ED OHS ferry Block. Duquesne Way. Plieslblith iree . : . q , ectst byte/mos Uses to the SALE AND .51111 . 31/F:NT Prrutbi.Eum sad It. product. VenalgurnerAa respectfully soltelted. Pittsburgh Agency for lA.:NANG° OIL ANI 7 I'ANSPODTATION COMPANY. ari- POST tWFIOF DO'S 141 rah& y DUCEN T OIL WORKS. DIINCLIC DUNLAP & CO.. X AIT tr - Tt , 1,1 la. Or Pure White ReCnrd Carbon Oils. AMES 11;.17IN CO. 7.1( ZI.RI oP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. /.? MARKET St, fl.l PITTS:IIImm PA. 44141141' LAVULT 01(10/ . 4 OIL •REFINERY. TITS & LATELY. Viscceststri 0 Smith 4 - Palfereasj Olt Refiners and dreier. to Petroleum, Beeline, Lubricating mot Point Otl.. Offlre, Pio. liditttOtJK P.TRPET, fsdinm Pittehorgh, Pe. ( iIL ou undersigned will •-• etre particular ettenttcn to the purehsee sod We or Stocks of ALL RELIABLE Companies. I Invite buyers and sellers to call. F=I=ZEI Ad 1 FOURTH STREET OWELL STEAM ENGINES—tan prepared to futaltle STEAM. ENGINES. So tenth approred Of for 01l -wells and other pw poses, on the shortest settee. Haring dllthrent sized Sepses on hands, pod deleting others, tha publbs can be accorammlllasa with almost any else they wabt; the work to phew F ift h!. WILLIAM MH.Eft,t Ward, between Zdentuuslo and lintalson a dearly' .. MUM= PLUMBERS S,GelB FITTER 9. BAILEY, FAEE LL & PLUMBERS, Cll•itiohaa:Lel 181toreara Fittoras, Dealers' In ever). varlet). of FUMES. GAS AND STEAM FIXTURES. Oil Tanks and Agitatoks limed with lead - by a new mom.. whieh Lat ones cling trend mom - MO.ole then the OW method. No. 138 FOURTH STREET. mt.:a . v., rtil.firtsy.t, L . Gas and Steam Fitting, In all Ito brancbee, carefully attended to, by erape fleeced, practical workmen. A dne eseortment ea OAS FIXTURE Z, SINKS BATH TUBS, SHOWED. BATHS, ' ' WATER CLOSETS, • • ItYIIRANTS, am. Onnatently on hand and made to order. • TATE & SEVILLE, rd. SI FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; And inLU3EWIR 5111.13 ET, Pllslbw=D nablinandiv p.al.rtzns. ;tell 1.0110. .Joklll ILIA2IIIg;...JOIZA bONAOSIT LON% LANE & CO. , siormaisTs & HOUSE PMBIZERS, No. 60 Elralthpold St.. Pittsburgh.. ': LETTZLONO ALL - KINDS. molded prow If sad with uesurpeemt elegiutee. .BNAUVII.IL SNOW. CLODS on enameled of :ell co lore, axle 0 ILT MONO ON GL &SS !owlet. order end sent to all puts of the eoustrr. PIIOTOIOAL LESIONS executed . is shwa? ar. 1101/B,B,PAIIITING done With • regard to do. natsnony of onion and neatness of linlsla sir All worn se teasstutets Ate* ' atm,. WILL . EL BROWN,. fi.+ 4 *tina of Iliawl!e. Blostiow.) - . IcOtraP P&11 TER. ortb fiat :met of MIN ,Ead f Wket eta, .: : :.bold! • ' rimauscan a. J. .. soars. - GIeIGGS .sco,rr • tROWWTY KAMA WOR wino* oiShium Ritionak Wftda,-PlastwwWx: ffffEffff! .11 ISCE I. L. t.r.,:tp 1. N . - • -_ . DEPA RTMENT. PIIOV BIAILSUAL 0.,0nu,m, t W.A814P6T211,2) . ..c. 4 Mush Ilth,telli In roiforority with the proeletnation ot.the Pre. Id.: %New pulAtehegl,sll ofßeers end employes of this Boresu are !marveled. to gl v prompt At terilon to the reee3•Log and - forwariTrke •f sick dererttri ptcheat. theo...t:se• La aczoriLauce with its pros Wows. "Dv TUB PALLBIDEXT 07 TUB UBITZI" , STATiEB Or AYBURIA: "A PROCLAMATION. urt'heress, the twenty first section of the act of Congress, approved on the third indent, entitled 'be act to amend the sesteralacts hercksforopcssed to promee for the enrolling and calling out the National tomes, end fOr other purposes,' requires 'that in addition to the other lawful penalties of the crime- of desertion from the military or naval service, ail persons wh have deserted the =Beare or naval service of the Unite/ btates,twho shall not relent to said service, or report tnemselees to a Proton Marshal within a -my days after the preelsmatlen hereinafter mentioned, simil he deem ed and taken to have volonterily reltnnumhed cud forfeited the rights of eitizenehip and their riz ate to become citizens, and such deserters shall he for ever Incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under the United States, or of exercising any right. of citizens thereof; and ell .persom who shall Itmesfter desert the military or cocci service, and all persons who, being duly enrolled, shcllde.. part the jurisdiction of the Mallet to which be is enroll, d, or go beyord the limits of the United Stares, with intent to avoid any draft In the Mili tary or naval service. d ly ordered, shall be brittle to the penalties of Cos section. had the President is hereby authorized and .equired forthwith, on the passage of this set, to home his proalstaltlotl vetting fotth the previsi he of tol• wetion, le which proclamation the President is requested to notify all d, inters returning within sixty days, as Mc Maid, that they she he pardoned on coodlUott of returning to their regiments and companies, or to such tot her organ izationi 'tether may be nisigiusti to. mall they elicit have served foe a period of time eljaal to their of Iginal term of enlistment "Noe, therefore, be It kuowt. that 1, AURA. HAN LINCOLN. PrEslden, of tits 1%, h.,t de mote this, my Prociattoutne 0 , b y „A net, erdertrg and requii on. at t stt rt.,: -0 to rotor., to the r proper it &tat and r sic hot vby atitv the,. that ail • tersotho 'Mall, within stet) day. from the dare of Ws PT•Clairmtlion, flu or before the lath 4 y of Nay, 1%5, return to service or re port themselves to a Provost Marshal. shell be perdenrd, on condition that they return to their regiment* and ermitaitiea, or to such °thee meant. -tattoos im they may De wolguill 21(1 , 1 cores the ;remainder of that. origami teror of enlistment, and, In additiou thereto, a period equal to their time fret by desettion. t•I o tebtitnony wherrnf I her. hereunto Oct lay hand and caused the seal of the United rtictei to he airtime 'go.. at the filly of linalllngton. this eteenoth ' day of Mareit. in the year of our I.ord ones 11.1 thousand eight irsodre.l null mlaLy nee, and 01 ils• indepeodensw of the United State., 'the elghtydaloth • AItRADAR Ll:flit/1.3." "Ilythn Throddent : Wo. It. :inwards, Secretary of State.* The no-rd. and returns of those droesierearill 14 trilllll , uts In the nuns ItSatinet as ss monde(' for In fisher razes be exleLlng regulations!: eau .pt that It will he ooteiron she hook of deserter,. aerrwind, animas e DM ale of the &eerier. the Net of his having voluntarily aurrenderml hlume.r in rotator; us tywith the President's Proclamation; nod the number thud aurrenderlott theamclees to be toga,. early anted oft the 0401.1 to thle -The Secretary of War directly that no reward be paid tot the sweat of deeetters who tiny 14 al req., rd orlannuent to the receipt of this order by the Mallet Provost llarehalo. .Id KEG li. FGT. Provost Marginal Geodral. Pt Whited by °Wee arthie. General Z. W. !Unica, A. A. P. 01. General, IlartistiumPa. J. S c . MIRK:ER, • rapt. and Provt at Marshal s 'ad Dint.. Pa. ' athlErt • SZURSISTENCE OFFICE, U. S. ARMY, I- , • No. 20, South street. Belt Wore, 1314,, March 2hl, lan Sealed Proposals, to dunildate, will ho received' at this bllica until 12 m., on SATURDAY, April lat, lat. laGa. for furnisting the 'United- State.; Sub sistence Department with— YOUR, HOUSAND (4,000) HEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF CATTLE, on the hoof, (Steens lour years old and over) delivered at Ire Stale Cattle Settles, at Baltimore, 31d., In lots of MOM) one thousand reed every (10) ten day.; to be neigbnl within ono ands half days after arrival,. at the expense of the contractor. Thay must aver age about (i,nal) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight; all falling short of '(t:030) one thousand and lily pounds From weight Butle, Stags, Oxen, Cons, (letters and }finales' Cattle wilt be rejected. A deduction of fifteen (G) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the anidial does not Stand in the pens two and one-balf hours before being welvhed. or is not weighed Immediately after removal from the ears. . Blank forma for proposals anti be had on applies. Hon at the Ogee, elther In person. by mailer tole. graph. Yropnsalaby telegraph, erotism , Irregular, tarot - anal proposals will not bo considered. . She government will claim the right of weig h ing, any eon animal sepurato.lf oppearance eaten less weight then the minimum mentioned above; the expense otweighing will bo paid by the patty erring In judgment. Loch bid. to secure contdderation, mast contain a written guarantee of tnorinkponsiblo persona, aa follows: at the ernutty of ..— r State of —, do hereby guarantee that is (or are) able to fulfil n contract is accordance with - the terms of els (or their)) proposition, and should his (or their) proles. sitton be accepted, he for theyt will at on," enter into* contract In ateonlenee therewith, and we are In tour.: to breehe his securities, giving good and auticient bonds for Its (ointment: The responsibility Of the g viranto,s must be shown by the /medal certis , steof the Cleric of the merest 144th-I I;ourt. or of th,,tfulted States Dis trict Ai torney, to be inichwed with the hid. - 11.1e.tiers must be re - recut to rennotut to their bids, and pri.pated to give hoods nod slu the contniet Leto, I,,,lngthe ofth.e. Pity went to to In,lf• alter Paell delivetc, If fonds are on Laid. 31 tame on ti wt, to I li° made as soon no received. e:I3OTAIi " PRfI Pt • At, 11• If itrEr gul.tre.%••etl to • t .1. Itti, A I. it ElmlUmorre, ;tin 1•11 ,, ," 1 m 1.1.: Ls In the come of n firm, their onntes anti itt• rt. e, toffirn nalar,sl app., r, not f.. voi.nadercd. +.h p• . or every no•mber of. ii. tlnn °Weida,: it to . ..tdewl amid neeiiiii;• with wit with of dile, .gln go, tot tie United Nl.,ni lintireratnent.. If hr has not .trendy tiled one in thin omen. • .1,1 ne thitay Le ith the (crier of this adterZio , ricol, frill be rejetted. HOWARD. WFI!.ES, n•l t ;.-Itsl Captain and O. I ) HprnSA LS FOR" DUI:TM:IOUS coal.S.u-Sealed Proposals rill! be rezeteed the one. of the Petlnslelphla slat Work.. No. *Lt. Soul it :".`Ve nib street. Ulna noon of Friday, hith of pelt OSA for supplying the whole's plast of see. s.ty 11.1 usand loot I.l' Ilittsminons t Watt. suitable for ills. se sou fart ure nf Illisrelanting tulle be deliv ers' a; nn one railroad track[ of the .11. work.. At the Tv hly"Lath end :Cloth Ward Ststlons, In the fowls", quantities : seVen' thoessed flee bonder , * torts In each et the ntontlos of June. July. Au ;ugh twin, Anil January. reties:use). [Marco, dorLI and 111a77,0en. llse call mutt 1w delivered fsests. dry and of nt quality approved by theEnglneer of the 0.. Works, equal to the sample on which the eantriset' In bar. • • 1 he proposal. must describe the particular vari ety of mono tatenthal to he supplied asl the lea,- Lion and name of the !sine or pit from which they 'mato be r..leed. If they MI, of a kind not none or recently owl at these works. sampler. (or trial of not le • then My . tons mart bo oellrertai at Ito . tem •• on or before the 4th of April next. The cross ton oftVte M.o.:III be dentldrint as tha • • eigti Intended la the proproutia, mama th 9 cora trait. he exptrulystated.• • Tha,Trunieett ream ve the tight to accept any pro. posala In whole Or In port, or to rejeet ail, 0b they •may deem but for the interests of the frost! and In event of failure on the partuf ang contractor to deliver the coal., according to bin agreement, both to quantity and quality, the::lnuitees reserve the right to buy clew/there, whatever quanti , 7 cosy be .rettalrect to meet the deficiency, and chorea to the contractor any lota or daniagwenalog from such Dunne. t'n) meats will bereade 'monthly, In two equal Met al amnia, at four cud six menfru after tae epee- Hied petit& of delivery,the 10th ut ireou'uftrath he lm( taken an the average ofAhe monthly %mitred., or at i he option of the •Trustees,, will be made at earlier dates; With tee.tantereat Should., eostraeters lwefer ‘ to Maim deliveries earihr limn required, they may be received, Ito far Re they eon, be conveniently etere4but tetymente VIII ho made to date (toroth,' time speold u W Übe contract: . ttecurli for the, thltllment, of cOutenit, atilt be requited, and each proposal must oitate the amount and character that vein be otrerml. , , ". . JOS. itt /1.1 1 11.1 Rto mhtOld = • - 'Engineer in owe,. truuni, WORD FOR , WORD.—T EST '111.1e.-,IIE TERM OWN JUDGE—Mews. thaddock Cn.-0 ore: Imo satisfied of :hematite of INrLeN HEMP. It has motel .me from the 'Veal' , salt were, *here CONSUMPTION had so nearly placed .me. Tour Syrup, mut meet Yea done• for me whet nothing clue did .or **ld do—kesteree' sae to -health a . lAN:Whirl / hankie* nod myselr In the' =Stet nese!' In. Moore Is 010 for aqolll4 r *apply. Tours. le/lA.IANS. M. ItItOWN: Rtetimne to, r.e...1.4 :Inane. al. iv t..1t154.. • Th. 16101• Mi ttlfll4l4 Mill 1 , 4 t i.e4 "f the umer r.e hoen.tres. - - hit .• tn. ml, ee...e,ly .44 pr/lal If.ly owe ljr; suit! Mitre, A:4Tb NIA mut 11110:01tirr We sok the triel 01 h sholo bottle, Rh It Will ant. tify the meet sloptleel. 112 an tier bottle. Th'lha h,ttte.;-K fb. Mat and.. Ointment, St Y ennk. AkitaOIIADDOOICk 00, 1C22 Race etteet Philadelpnts,: telealieneittendireowwP M.cCORD ° . •Wholtsai• Deagerilia llaty - Caps and Straw Goods, Have mote in store the largeat and most aontplds stook of 00008 FOR FALL SALES, . Ever ofrered in the west. Mee lei. ere rmae a tea to well and exorstne Our stoefr ;•••• will be sold at very low Mee. • so! 7 __ - Melte Viso& seirfrow Mecilla . t . Psi ()ELY. 818 03., Unsurpassed for gel lIty• and•rnme to movitnentt and to it, has no rteal.%-ror eiscolleity, durability • And execution It la unequalled by any other cheap machlne heretofore entreat to the nubile, sad ne rd only to be NM to be appreciated. I It will hew, quilt, UN* toe !ibid.'. Chillatul•reatelne for your. satyrs. Every machine warranted. • • - re. 11;1111143 St4opposite St. Charles oteL zz•ezimlrirrixorr ,ot - flu! bed 'and abeioo.t RAM DR 1 811t0 AND RESTORATIVIS in t market.' Prepnrod only by 1l am. redivil it., AtteOhl, and for solo by rimiest' geoenuly: te2.1244 OiiaNDICA.TIUNS.--A. .thnthlikb work qe e h. imhod lons of oil; hy 'ono Who halt hod thsee veers exportearo Imo oll.luhla of Pena gyl irohur hal Welt Vllatrth, with full Instructions, Amtirin. PA MONS, aiL6sccea4 - P-V. Box IV: Salem, Oat. Uu. ==l=SM A.G.OI:rUEOCTURP. US. Sc. J)ITTSDUILUU roumncy. 011210/101.4 . 7021 EN E. 51.1011=80111 A. GARRISON at. CO. (Sueeeutirs to BoUman, Garroloo, a , 00„) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Manufacturer. of Clink* Roller. of all sizes, for Iron, Steel, Bram, Zino, Copper, Slicer, _Gold, Strew Boards, Paper and Inuits Rubber Work. also Rolling XIII - Geldings of al! deseriptiou, Bark Mills, Patent Double Grimier, with a - rubs. Sy of other pattern., always on hind and fitted to order on short notice and Piverable terms. ORes and Worehousa, lla Steithrield street, Pittsbnork.. fez BLACK DIAMOND STEIU, WORKS • -errrspuitau Psi l PARK, BROTHER CO. • . Manufacturers of. i BEST QUALITY FEFINED OdiEl STEEL. Square, lOat end Octagon, of all ghee.. Wakerant. ed equal to soy importod or manufactured In this country. /Mt- Moe and wareboute, Nos. to and 11l Fist and 120 and IT: SeroaD nittLIVIII, Pittsburgh. fell-yd FATENTEW OCTOBER 8,186 L DIRTIMEDGE'S PATISNI Oral Lamp Chlavneps, KANClrltrrllanD Or EE=l There Chimneys ere Intencteu for the flat RAM% heating nil harts of the glans equellr. does . 101 ex tega it to cracking. E. D. DffIGGDGE, Fort PIG Glass Works, Washington etreet, , mar Pittaburgh, Penn a W. S. MACK11170411..3. 11ZYPIILL N. ►. WAS? IRON CITY WORKS. MACKINTOSH. IMEMPERI.II. /It CO VOLIPDHIRS AND :IIACTIIINISTS. Carrier o(PISE end O'HARA, end PIXY. nod V7.II.NITT STREIETfi, (MenneHy Water Works.) Manufacturers of stattonary and other ENGINES, HULLING MILL CASTINGS and MAURINE. RY, of all kinds,-anyeneraljobbert. Prompt attention vea to repalrin ROLLING MILL MACHINE Y ROBERTS, MIMES do CO., Nu. 39 Third titreel, Pitßouvet.. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, cal Manufacturers of .JAPANNED TIN WARE. T We bliveSoW mtnufseturtng and have on toted Bathing Apparatus .of nil - kinds, Toilet Ware is Setts, 'Ureter Coolers, Omura' Tea and Spice Can, Were, Cash and Spire Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, Au., /to. . A large lot of Bird Cages for isle low. Olt Can. Of all Sizes end patterns. Tin Roofing, Conductors, "arrS all hands of Jobbing Work done to order ' epee SILVER PLATED WAR' ELZITIMPBOEICIPIrc"2". Wolters, Cantors, &c., ire. suitable for the Trade ' on head end (or sale by WIRER .8z M. 0813, 225 Eicmth sth st„ PHILADELPHIA 2 . . JOHN D. 11/11101C esiAlttard TOWN= JOHN B. ILERRON•& CO., Bton:re MlCCilizi.u.Covoturviras, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Mee sod Sean Boons No. hi LIBERTY STEER?) • PENN 'MACHINE WORKS' AND rotaibay. 11170111TIKA.T. ENGINE BUILDER AND lIIIICEILRLST, LACOCIC-11111AAT. between Federal and SAMIUST, ALLECIWAST CITY, PA. Marmfseturer of VI 'GILT IR N PATENr PORTABLE osothLanzia 4:REA2II EN OINE:3, Shafting, Pulleys, tra. Repairing of ail kinds atteinieli to Jelkly J. SCIIOON3I..A.KER, 3tAsve.66roa2A op RAMP ua4 rtes Ind. Rine WA& litbaritge, Zlne two, P 6 67, and Moder 16 LINSEED OIL, PARNisn, JAPANS, PAINTLAS , MATERIAL, he. {Nice owl Widenouso, No. 63 Wood dieet. lattul3l3 , d . WELLS, RIDDLE a CO., Na '215 '...tberty street, opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh sotnotortu ter. of WHIPS, LASHES& Swrrux. saS every tleseripUon of LEATLIEB, • Eli WORK- Orders softened from the end troodaprocrt. shippulas per toatroctiona. toB-1V - - --•—• SEVERANCE, NO. 43 Water. 13. •-•••• Pittsbur, mnaufneturer of HOLIER HIV IIS, irr SPIKES, common and Elgin:4W or erns desenbtion. . Psrruenter Mud or gasped SPIKES sad RIV EIS Innre or smell, made to order at short sorke. A g 11.8401t0.11t tetialUitir oo hurl istyntemn •- A-'• end Importers of CLUEEISWARE. No. at 11L1.31.0ND STREE I', between -Wood sea Mutat streets. Plttehnteh, Ps. mht • OTICE 10 OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, &o. Notice Whereby man to all Owner, of Drays, Carta, I:enlace*, Buiteles, he., whether resident or Lat.realdrat in the City of Pittsburgh , to pay their iman., at the Treasurer's onen of the city of l'atritunh, forthwith, in accordance with an Act of Aesembly, !reproved March" PAO, and an Unit- Bralte. of the Connell, of the City,et Pittsburgh," p‘ssed April 14. Icou. AU licenses not paid on nr before May 15, 181ri, trill De placed in the ',ands of the Chief of Polite, for collection, subject' to his fee of 50 cents for the collectron 'thereof, and all perinea who neglect or refuse •to take nut Licensee will be subject to a penalty, to 'De recovered before the Mayor, doable Ito account of the Ltoeruta. The eh) 'metelates Of previous years must be rtturaM et the time Llceneee ere taken out, or yew 55. teats tberetet.. BATES OF LICENSE. Each one horse vehicle, 7 - 50 Ewer' two horse - Is 00 taro four bone' • 'lOOO Itsoll two horse herr' 16 On Orranbuses snot Timber Wheels drown by two - hone*. eighteen dollar, each.: Foreoeh addltlonal horse used In env cr the noose trehlota, one dollar. 10. EIIIIIIIAUNI, City Treuurer. Prrrinonon. February tOttr,lllo. terntl APIANDER MUMMA SONS Now Occupying. Their New Stare. ik.o. North. wont St:. and 51 123 Letitia St.. PHILADDLPH:U. Racing beta thirty years in the trade, and littow..: Inn ell the 101.11141OCUMS in this vicinity would solicit consignments - of WOOL, VIVOLEN YARNS, and. COTTON YARNS, and will make. UA.,it advances it, desired, no at shipment*, at the rate of tiew4 cent. pot annum; fa:Oda ALLEN to. , . . nws.rmrrE, Allentows, Pa. Rey, IL HORROR.% L.L. Presideol. Mater G. ECILENDORPT -3lLtlitary Superintetteet. -- • ihis institutive. chattered by the State of Rea*. sylvahla, with fu), alleglAte power,- and the privilege at State .-sets for Infantry, Artillery end Cavalry drill., is owe in successful oherttloa, [dewing . superior etluttatinhal ophertuattlea, la every department of study. Uotemuoicatlon dl. net front.Plusburah, . without chtego , ears. CA. , 1111110 et it. IL, Mel lildt wg's, MtrtatstreAt, or Groh w tiugus. Liberty street. Pittsbur.-A. ,„ NifflOE TO CONTRACTURS.—Propo seht for tte ...ssedlog, paving, sad Garbles of FLFTIL STRELT,tross the ?Mt curb of Willa tam% to the watt curb of Roes street; Pentwyjcs• ale Avenue Euteneten from the west sorts of Rose street to the west curb of Chsthect street ; end Roes Tont from the north curb of Dlsmoudostreet to the west curt.. of High street, will be received at:the office of the undersigned. in the West Mar kat bulldog, uutItSATORDA.T.the lath of blush, Mo. CHARLES REIOIELSPFOiIft, ~ telattbleod , Recordtatßegulsor; 11 . — O.E.NORMISR.b., Civil and llfiniundeal Enitslnas GENERAL TEA CURTIN° GYTICE AND PATENT AGENCY. No. L IS ST..OLAPR ST, .111041' Suspension Bridge. , Drswlngs eui4 Wads- Nona ror Steam Engines and msoldnery generally. Plans had . speniricaLlons ror Manufsetorles, OU Refineries and AsefiNectui at I)..avrongs,ATAps and Oeulnieirst burveysearainllyexedutni - linWenne No. anis - COI4I:3IONDLEN'ro. '6o boxes Masan' °raises; • , - la barrels Prime Sweet Potatoes; 1 ear load Peselrßlow Potatoes; WO, bal rel. (Trona d_pples; dorm Canned Peaches: 10 do do , atoenl 150 boxes prime ()beast; _ • 10 barrels y, Peaches (drx) New Crop:- 5-barrels fresh Roll !Sutter{ • 200 bushels Flax deed; 300 bunbels Prime Whits'Beans; ' Jost l'eelted and for 'tale br • I - • - PUTTEIT,ALKENSOBILEPARD; IItELT/NO FOR OIL W.ELLI3,—We Lave • large atoelliot Onek and Leather on -bend, of the beet quality. suitable for 'Oil Well., /le.. Also Ottis rabblagai -Mee, - bib 'lbbleh we will sell , at the l owe4t prima, at NO.. IM an 4413 tit- Clair street, by UIiI3IIIIIBAL GLOTLIBSAVAINGEItS. only gonl WrletVr Milt is made, and Is warranted to sire istlifitottori. Call and examine. them "Mae IDLi liubbet Depot, No. IS And Is4t. , 'Clntrstpect, :;.,. ' _ Sole Ageol; tor Allegheny. callay!,,r. ii - OtATONS AN I) . APPLES.—tßefoind trals day s 1 ear loid Yuen Mow Potatoes. • oar km4(11%011 AITICS • • ' a • • lello , ft 11/10Er•la _ Arc. F ETROLEUSI THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. Potro Zeus= C/ comaroiital* ORGANIZI:D GNDSR THE MINING !ND MAN LTACTLLGINQ LAWS OF rHE STATE oArrrAL . , ONE nuLtios tioLLA2s, ONE EMSDRED irIIOIISAND SHARES, sto SIIAUX, NUT LiABLE TO ASSESSZINT. vvvvv moat Banda and. .Meenekilea Taken in VayuseM fee fitaek. . . - No. EMIR E Huttnora.. N 0.71 BROADWAY, NEW YEIRS. POST OFFIUE No:6,11 1 %. 81. T orrice's : ..` Zoo. DANIEL S. DILK ; INSON. Yreeideut. SI. T. pidut.Ps. Vire rnablaut. - IIOBEET BASSaT, tar retery. H. .1. DITS.TLS. DLciug Supeelstatutent, Ties* ATLANTIOBANS, Niaseway, ri.,. t, . Treasury. , Vie wells of the Cunit.nny are now prodac‘ a{ PrOopectas seat to say address on application. Payment for stock incy be made in dnitta, ewes. tered notes or, Government bond. and socurithow which bonds and Securtilso will he taken at their market value. - • Bemittarwee may be e•ldressett to the Company, P. O. Box Na 5,40 New York Lilly. or to "AWtla Bank, Treasury of the New York nod Liveepoel Petroleum Company, No. 142 ;MOM way. New York City." • The following parecrephs eentala a full and clear account of the otwrettons of thM P. .4, ...tune mat to en 3 eedrese ea application, containing a PAU and cleat ermount of the opera tions of Ws • Moat gea ßueeerinful Petroleisoa Company • mbe . • VIE NATIONAL = , REFINING AND STORING COMPANY .L now fully organited, ami ass coutioneed-brialk nem at their temporary. office; No. 111 .111. WIN STREET, (up stetted Pittsburgh, Pa and are now prepared tot o a genersibusiumi In Swims, Sell. V. hanks Forwamilcm 011 The orks are on the of the Allegbenyttives, above the 4:Sty arid will Ll n ithert time be cm_ /able of manufacturing Milli/ . HUNDRED 11411111.1114 OF EI:FINED l'hUr. WEEK, which wUI beef The beat quality end in r•rime pacages.. itis the design of this Lompany to makeka amt.:lase brand for export, and ko pains will be spared to give it that character. 'They will alio give, the forward. lag of oil to points oast or west; pi:Similar ',Steam tion, and in this branch: of the .buitneu will have unrivelled facilitiel, the uu will be taken tuna the boats to the cars by 'Machinery, and thus :mobil all wharf: drayage or delay. Parties oonalita• log their ge, Oil to us can tray on having it seat through with promptitude and dirpatch. The Company Las a (MIAMI of S.Mopoo,with the following *Mars : Preildent—A. lith.llStiALL. I • Secretary—C. Tier:outer—J. 1t...11cp - UNE.• • Dlratotn—d: Pit. MarihalL S. P Henna. i /Mes Old. J. T. Eineaftl,'Arthur Kirk. Jr R. LIMA ' S. H. Keller, David ROM and Wnl. Hamilton. Sunntcrident and Duellists Manager—DßYlD • . Correspondence, khd orates solicited, end all °com munications; to be seldix.sell to - • National Storing and Refining Company, rota-1y PITTRBURGH. Pe. TRIOXYH OIL CO., 00,14111terli 14100,000; fork6ol' Capital 1101100; 160,000 1911A1101, 02 00 ZACII. Prratdent—JOStelt KING. Trenetuer—R. W. MACICIFT. Seeretery—Wx• BIVO 8 L" ..rostek ELK, Pllleloargill .Thomas Howard, P141111e1111: S. T. 13k1Idgi, Hugh Lee, Cleo. P. ileltride, I.7httwe, 1114 Cleo, M. Bietbselr., John Winne,(llnelseali. W 4. r . - Geo . Weadwardh rl e i ll igi(g) STWEIM. Maud the ComPaut... Pittabure,ll.-Pe, • - •, - • RatlL 1884 • 'l' E' N N-agams .s. SYLVANIA CENTRAL E. IL-WINTER SURANG.EMENT. -TEN DAMS/MAINS- -. • , • - • • (Ali and . iiieriaClii . D.ll',.iretolper it 5t,114,41111 will leave the Depotns fouows.: 14 . PAST MAIL; daily eseept 'Sunday, abiglak Stooping only at principal stations, Aunt ...rot connecUons at larrtsburg for fi ..Perk Baltimore axe Niaskington, and at Ph for New York '_.estorfand intermediate to. BAB.BLIBG Aqccombropeale , rem i v cept Su nda: A t CIO a. m., stopping_ at all septa stations between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg and making close genneetlon with trains on Branch, West Penns-Donal* B. R., Ebensburg AEI oreaaen B . 8., and Ilullidayst Brach. ' ..PITTBEUEOR k .1.R.11:x EIiES% .. dotty es . t Sunda se '4= ~ m. itoupthr at-nearly iii "P l ees. i'lit I, ii a Philad e lphia. i the stations weea s tug an and soaking connection with trot= on the ianch B. ii. u , l iy " ro d n e e and n O l tenrfichllnd bi ,laue Vailey Branches ' x - • • . . JOHNsTOWN ACCOMMODATION, daily, ez. eept Sunday, at 3.00 p. to., stopping at, regular sta. tions between Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and cot lesti, at Blairsville' Intersection with trains on I the Indishn Branch and West Peruissirenis'lLlt ••• . • PII II F.E ADELP/IJA .PRESS, daily, at'4l6 p m., Mopping at Latrobe, Conemaugh, Gantt?? ri Altoona, Iluctiaudon, 14ewittown. sW port, Maryseilla, - .intuit Lancaster, and Dow. Ingtown. At ktirc.._-rir I direct' connectionz ar made for Baiila.orr. r.baabgtou awl New Torii at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston and war inedists points. Sleeping Cars run through mt thl train from' Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Phlladdlahl and New Torii, by . the A ll entown route. - • - FAST LINE. daily. except Sunday, at OM g. Mopping. only st tionanimum. Gallas's. Altos la, Huntingdon. - Lennatown. NOW - port Marivellis, Harrisburg, Middletown. Elizabeth won, Mt. Joy. Landia rule. um:master. and Down netown. At Harrtanure connections Ora Made of' New York. Baltimore and. Wastilumothat Phil& delphiaa, for Nelr York, Boston; and tntermeilat Find Aesentunadation . Trals foi WaWa Stalls leaves daily (except Sunday) at Car a. m. Second Amommodatlon Train-Air Wall' Stoat) Waves daily (except Sunday) at 1140 a. m. Third decotionociathin Train for Wall' Stalin eaves daily (meept Sunday) silllop. m. Fonria Amoninorbition Train Mr Wa/Ps Ststlmia Cavite daily (except Sunday, at EMI p. .• - The Church Train. leave* Wall's. llailloo, Sunday at 0.06 s. m., returning. loaves Pittston .; , Returning Trains arxivela Pittsburgh as follow Pittataugh it Erte Eames. ' am p. at Ban:imam kbtprest ' 1.10 p. la Phltad a l a . rl t his Express ' .. Laa p.'n . Fast Fas t Line - ' - ' 2.00 a. , . , . .. Volmatown Aceonanodatioo ...... . . ..... 10.01 a. m . Ftrat.WaiPs Station - decommodar.o . n... , SAO a., in Fecund Wall , ' Station Accommodation 18.63 a. ta. Third Wall's Station Aneounnolatton..- 0.16' p . a. Wall , ' Station Atememodatton :AM a. Baltimore espreis Will arrive with Phtladalphta Express NOTICE— at nlO In p. za. case o on f loal Idosuy Company Ltys. • ; , „ • . meld themselves respomdbla for pennant laaiyare only, and for att amount not anotedlar i . __ W. 11. BEcnorrtn; Agest, Al th e . - Pennaylrenis Central Railroad P ' , Station. on LMertz and Grant streets. • t agu ir r . PITTBBURGH. ter ti ,imitimai WA.YRE it 'OBICA RAILWAYA AND CLEWS. AND St PITTS • ' On and alter Deoendoes 1eth..1854, trains ‘ Will ria LNIVINI. ... I For • ' Poe - Poe`: .. lquabuivigehuito. 1 'Cleveland. 1 I Wheeling, , 1 i50rma..'..........2-10 a. nt.i 2.10 a. m.. 11.1.0 a.• me Ittpreas....-....,i4.00 p. in. 1.46 p. tn. L 411,1, ~ a. =" 41.,., • - •••1:111Z-. ....: .__ ilsic,.... - Yoe New Castle and Mateo a: a 6: - ' - .. Anive at Allegheny—P. S. W. - A'C. lillait . ‘ , 7.7/0 a. 0. '630 li. 111. 1.40 8: 111. WI 4.4.6 P. 111. - .. , a. 'Et E-todos.m. - • -. . - • . Q. P. eiliheoz rensttrinacet '-. 17nlon Passenger Station, Plttaburatti . ' . A. 1.1,..0.10 . 8 4 E..HERRYiTieket Amo& 4, - . . irentam : P.R. MYERS. General Ticket Mea - —...,....... 'PITTSBURGH ANllg t iggßpin n- oONNELLOV/ILL . . ' . WINTER '. ARRANGESIENE;_ .. Oa and atter MONDAY, Nev. IS, 184 H, thatiet;• .1111 /eare the Depot, wraps of Ross alai M . Pleteba Nall to and bora troloalOiro..l.l6 a. to. PAO p..m. Express • ac:o p. 10.1:10 a. a. , Fiat melleapot!. a) a. IP + _Second p. j Myst Snddook's ISM a. as. 8.4a/s..sa.. Second " . MIL; - Stu:lday allured to to and McKeesport ' ISO p. a. II S.s. tiaeir • '.-. W. B. B'lY)tiPi Sopetiaseccs. A L LEW:LENT VAL, agnaMli LEY I AILBOA.D. - -- 1311 ANGE OF sad alter ItONDA.T. M d nth ; muff roU9wing !Tame-ImA of u", MAIL TlierN.—Loma Pluthdrith at. tiaa ar.. -striving at Kittantiltli at 10.011, a am. Letatit it. ' tanning at got p. m., antvM at•solttaburgh at V IMPRESS TRATlf—Leives.lrattanaln g arriving at Pittsburgh at Piga. atJ a, Leave; Pittsburgh at 41.110. p. my vfo6 at =tumuli MMOD44IOI( TRAM—, Latium-730s Waal at CV a. m., striving atPittabnezti 'WM al. sm. • Leaves ptiashar g ir, ht A., aut.*, 1 aßodes: , • . NEM , " Stepairistemi LW, *. SPORT B A I UIVIVBBADqUARTISES,4; woop - srazer:, sTAIIMCIMEs 23(.11. anDir : j;niiek the aiieitioa orststaie'ii.A.taft.4,l splealkkstoolcotoint rovnms, FLASIDIU SHUT BELTS and POW! E 24, MAX I'LASLW v ask! smsanutioa of met/ kind. kW sicrk ,t.M! ~ 11kErflit ever liteualst Witils mut , at; , SAL PH. tt,:. i&Mlp'Jeri:Dß./iv/meat itiespitti. ONE Ex , tot all kinds abottErtidh sottotEor Intel:4,l4W emotion oo ressozable Loam • 41/Ar Ottiee AtatERSON.ETHEVE.' r•Loohtk shd Ratans:in:6E4PM OEV; •••• 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers