t^,,t.v,a4cr: vaLUM LXXVIII-0. 82. Vittoturgit Cut de. VERY LATEST NEWS BY .TELEGRAPA, ff 1. Official War ulletin. MRPATOR- FROM GEN. GRANT. EI . •--- - . atraelstrainitichlnondPapers. • lOW ClittOLlNl IRPOITEB. Gen. Sherauux Xaving Towant Raleigh. WAR DIPASTRIUMP,. VrAsnownum; llareb '44-1 r. lc • .fijc Crwenf Dtr . , The totlow(ng extracts, from Richmond pat , pure, was reecho! this miming et Bn7.) nn., i from Om. - , • Crrt roico;llfattlilffi. A , F ilea. R. M. Et wiroor, /pettier, of Warr .The Richmond payers are ITCOITII* The Rd fairing Is Rani the L' . "Mem WWI catottlM. - • "it-U'tmdouto.dln official Manta that no. tlok MO occurred ht North Qainlina alum Runday and front all, we Cu learn It appears thatlitermati haiittrialpted ticf''adianee - /Ince "Gem. Ktrnice47lctorynn the 26th was &Wiry InSportant one, and as regards the ceemt a most bloody Mali. Gen. Johnston telegraphs Met ~. In that 'Little 41T Confederate loss was 420, t,wbge tbat.of the - ail:ay was 5,300.. \Tim flight look place al dtcrisboro, on the Cape Fear eta. battway between Raleigh sod Fayette . Gen. Wheelers's defeat of the enemy last Sou r day, h e 19th lost., occurred atßiraonyllle, near ' 1 " the eriie'rlvei.,Hgthette facta we aie).nfortn ed that litherinan Is pushing toward Itafelei In' n t o : i . two lumns, one racrrlag due north, for Fay ' "pH le; the other itoithWeat ' for Newberg. ."---. Gen. Hardee fought the former, and Gen. John i Mon he latter. 'q h (81.Pu:0 MONEY MATTERS' ' (Iry AND ' gti• - Br.. fowl EmPe• Head orohrs . for f:as ' TED DRY GOODS MARKET, 1 Nrw ronx;iis:ireif 21.—The'raffiay spocula. I lion was weal; on the street this Morning, and a !general decline In pride's it tie Stock Exchange. TherelniCeorlidorble iff.PRTb.. , M# 0 .4.., 101 11e . sham; a fair business was done In the atter nort, and constant upward tarn In prices, and quite airtialt to buy stocks in part to effer shorts. 4 Government... Raid bonds were steady, with fail. i . .. handmaid outer titsrn4iders, east and trisect -1.,„. Igneous shares waist. BoardfTtQa bonds very diziland generally lower; back shares and railway . mortgages an rot inquired for; the ordeal forti 80's by last steamer were:Voir liiiir,largeirotions,i were from Frankteri. - f3t.dd s notofferel; steady • ttax!rxtl*.g.lll4rAdwtl7.l,lll.llo.4 bat there wlll 'a teddertallabouttabaniOti ;ieconiii'tiffsr:- ' - rorableverik frem - the *rides. -In the attenuate ;Ulnae etrsdillyliiider atbarrntinir., Ilia 'llifeet, watithlrefall 'kinds . *tidedes, som e of theat rear 0004.. .Ilointi. Strong it .7 : per Celt:. Considerable enistion_li; errtretsed' in imakinge lons. , :hierling exchange quiet., , . : , , .• Petioletim Stocks dull ' 411.1' t:tornink; Caroled largely; ty lb. fall in gold. &Witted by the dearat... , .. boleti ;by...1400a it Oil City and siarroitiollogr. ' , • Emilre City, 250; Ereeistar, 4l5;• Tack.'2l.o"'; 1 .; Oceoble ; 125;y1yed, 515; Germsnlit„:7ol Bomb . . '!! . ard; 200; United h tates;" 1^.,50( titehister. - 100; Brooklyn, 2:41. Cherry thin, - ,74.; Hrydrici, 25..' In the dry goods market C601111i110)n oTanthere '' adapting theifirleivelT - liii',.',,-.4., • -;- . ;;;;Itt!. gold, and in cotton there lit' a. 14 . '11;14 . 4i: feeling on delaites and: - bleached' gooTri.'i.#4lmprore• • mental* prints; F.torldenee are selling at 03e. t. Drincal k woolens ; and ;flannels are verymach ~, r - demised. Foreign goods not. dawn in propor• -X lion to the decline In domestic fabrics, in maize '". quence of the 41T - supply on band. 'Thera Is a acarcity. of dress :fabrics, millinery,. goodk-and trimmings of foreign iranufacture, The Mar ket-vas vtij generally it,, steady. 'Chillln 4; f d Mellen are salting prints at. V) to / Sic, and &ow -1 art is doing the same thing. - FRO] I CAIRO AND 'BELOW Severe Storm on the Rio Grande. moan nearib.tultit - POSSESSION lamauseAmontila of War htarlal Captured „, • Quito, Itarch - 24,Six hundred and nincty bike of cotton inteefinintAt.: Ludt; m 1 4 3 11 06 la gaoled 6t Iteriphli at 30 cents. New Orleans dates of the 17th say the rebels are hi. large 'fore& al Alexandria., and Aar strengthening Fort On busy and theriver. A -MateMora' Correspondent of itie 11th says the reported marching of 41ml:faded citizens on ,Natimoras le false. , severe NOrtber' drove all the vesseli from the month of the 1111 Grande on the Bth. Be t Gm have yet returned. - The steamer Ps Ince of Wales, an Iron steamer, Ras blows out of ;the water, hut ihe — inay yel -be saved. the Chequaquo, from New Or leans, beached nee miles below Bagdad ; all a total less.,_ Myr machinery may be . recovered. Other 'vessels, names not mei:atoned, ire kown to bare gone to pieces. • 'The rebel '.9enerat:Slangbler bes.ttrobblted the .clrtulation or onrlnea spapers ns Texas. i- wpm.; tecelvtd - at Memphis, , trom Sprlngi, ways Mobile Is eracnste,d, and the elty, with an Immense quintlti war Im plements, is now In our posseulon. Annul - PEACE . ARTICLE The president's Visit tnGrant Significant. PROJECT 12PARDS A SUSPENSION Or POSTIUTiES. 7: - .Nsw. rani, March 511.=11e Creenterekl Ad artistes erieetel ear the Washington Chronteie has soother peace snide ,whlch larded as slialllcapt, In - Tlerirsof Forney's la Vitiate relations with tho .Presldenty• and the, • 47 ' latterqi depurtirelbr Granti headquarters. It - advocates a liberal policy to the rebel lesders. • ...A i .to.iirccent Anther bloOdshed. There Is a grow -I:7lthe con Idler that the leaders on both sides aIFC now :dtscasolon some project that 'paint toc4idi a stisptuuslon of hoetllltles. Brave ()Meer Drowned. Murk 24;;—Tlie 'United States , steamer. Santiago Re Cuba anived hero this mornlng,trom Fortrani Monroe. Yesterdayolar bag • heavy blow In the Bay, she lost over - board froutthe *larboard rigging, Acting Mas, 1 . ; txr7aMato °Moor or great , worth, who dlatingetshrd itheselt In the assault, : OD Tod'Eliber? Ode or the Ann ; to enter, the rots. Ile mels - iel the warm commenda-' of General Terry for bravery. Priers In New York. -- Nair Tont. Mack24.o—The Apt= gays gold took an .upwatd tun Uds attanaton, reaohlag , • •153, owing to the market haying twen largely . . 1 % arer-sold. ,In IProduca .and Iderchandlza tower . whys weraanada. Flow declined 2 . 0(0 . 30 oenta ; Wheat; 365 a I Corn ; le ; WhLky kgdc t; Cot: -Itott; ; FOr/F, 12,50; Petroleum, 2@3.. • Bter 1 ling Do'beingli dat, at 1091/4141,99%.. Eva - coition of Fort tisw Tonic, March 24.—Tba Erraid's E n Vest.contspoodent ttip;FOrt Myers, Florida, battObeen'evatuated by the llotoo . force, which .0 , 10 taco to rot t Dclanty on the Punts River. i • ~."~- r - d= ~~: Asa—::~,.u. .. ~~,z~-. ~zn~=;rH: :-P~,...«..........e~ THE :::: - DAILY PITTS TURGH _ : -GAZETTE INMIESTIND EOM W=NOLIN. • • . --- Proposals for Cariling' Mails, AFFAIRS AT CULPEPPER COURT ROOS R arrival of .Itifims and , Deserters CLOT 1140 FOR SHERMAN'S ARMY Railroad Agent Arrested. Wasmatroatr, March 24.—The Postmaster General has Invited propo ;ale for carrying the mails, by mesas of a monthly hue of Ilret class American sea-going steitrishlne, becalm:it Stu Feist* sr d ports in the Chinese Empire, &Inc' at the Sandwich Wands and Japan. service la In - accordance with an Act of Couttritsm.srbich provided that no bid would be considered amosnting to more than 6500.600, for twelverotutd pips per annum,' nor mites' the Darius be from a citizen or dilates of the United States. :ni l & steno indloolons of any rebels or com munication in the vicinity - of Curpoppor Court Mom, giving thioceasiOntl of roving bands of guerrillas. • • ' • Sixty. refugees who wine allowed to come ' Menet from pavetterlie by permiasiou oaten. Shermah, ham , arritied' hire. This pull' eon.' sista of aritxkettnt from tho Fayetterillo arsenali aid their familics, all of whom are in a destitute condition. TheAnen were forciierif employed at flarPer's and bad moved to Fayette-. stile. in 1861, when the machinery of the Harper's Ferry ar'ienel ;tie taken to that place by the rebels. They repost,that Gen. Shermaa's teeny IS gicatly initit&r:ed with refngeiss, there befog untie sly: Ituidied'orith Mat now; wbolotbawed litta there from Columbia. St vend trareporta, Including the Europe and 'Elliman, balled frOinWohluntim od'Alrecandrlit yettcrdafen route fur Itca.fort, Narth Carolina, with clothing Ihtended for Sherman% artily. • The largest squid of rebel deserterrs - that Mee yet reached here at any one time arrived pester• clay afternoon trout City Point. This squad immbemt 215,locinding one officer. They all come within tbo lines of the Army of the James. many °Unmm bringing their mulketa, for which they rteeind a liberal pries in money. " The Ster Ea R. E. R. Edmonds, late agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was arrested yeettrdar i y military authorities upon the charge of beirg er inieeted wlth the lath fraudu lent issue of doverttment transportation tickets over the rallni.ad front. this cCty. ' Eamon& has been committed to thettld Capitol prisons U. 13. GRANT, Wig :General LATE MEXICAN ADVICES DETOITED DEFECTION OF COIFED IS UNTRUE Troubits with i he Church Party Unab ate I IfiTSTEEIOUSIADVEMENTI" ON THE Rl3 HRINDE. i foe ' tire - Tosis, 'Starch i34.—The %irate n erne Tin Havana contradicts the eeperted Unn fir Cortina, horn the impe,vial reirin. lie was still devoted to lititalintlllan and engitged In suppressing the'g:',. -- , -illlni.' The troubles between the Empire and March party do not-abate. The Pope IS said to bare Pemonstrated against the Imperial order- do. ereeing the liberty of worablp and continuing Misappropriation of Cbarch property for, Bums The mysterious morements on the Rio Gaud° Indicate tome French plot on the pert of the re. 1.4.4 agents et Brownsville and ,Ilatemoras. Beralred-aMertlnig at 11(11mingtan—flo3•I Vialt--Mheranan% ii/IteratUna In France—Thjia and taxa° Ka-Inters. Sr* roax, Mardi 24.—Arrangements are tuaLing to-day tbellexecutTou at Fort mte tOoporrow of tneopy and howl burner Rota. 't:tbb Kearedl. Ile VIII he bangorl am the ,g fewer, owl for the vseention di Bead. The agents orthattnitirTania . pestral,FSerr „rut ktudottdarl...,,Egiujalleoild4 Announce .that enitterilinicli.44ltroltalfoo , erlatue bilreMetr, rrindra and trnltilitrifiutming regularly. Tba,Vibuingtott Rata ease t .• AL a recant rtion meeting In ibia city none but CiIiZMIA of (;arclma were allowed to enter the bolld -1,g." 'I beiferobi's London ocrrespandent statm I bin within a couple of jeans the Prince Italie -001 of ' , ranee is to make a royal visit to tne yeliml-Stfites, and take a tour through the coutkrT. lie in to ho attended by a siiten lid suite and two or three ministers of State, and. L. 438 about with a brilliancy which will coin tely, it to said, eclipse the Prior: of Wal.of' am ant? - The Cl Ink* Xcfkaale Paris, Pan m 14spa ki Ws organ, euloglzei Ilea. Sherman's °pica iluto rapd.Mellcs In the highest terms, and sc. t hies' ite'rebeis of - haring died - Cfbirlmion.. It addr, they have never beet' anything but rebels I gained a fart government, having for their watchword "Blares and Slavery." ilerahra New Orleans letter says fleneral Lew Wallaer.hap 14 New Orleans Olt a spnlal tolation to It morns, for the purposoof Inquir ing into 4 he arrangement of Mejla,Maxlmllllim's, eotamender, whit the rebel commander In Texas, for the delltety to the latter of Texan refugees t exalting Into Columittee on Ilayal Affairs on JoC'm Recent Mnrage. • Nme Tong, March SE--The Richmond:Whig, f Monday, prints the report trade by the Coto-. rob tee on Military Affairs of the Rebel HOOBO of Representatives tx.: Jett Darla' message. The Ifltip I says : It was not formally adopted 13.0 wept of time apd pressure of 'other business, Ltd It is understood that the retort expresses the sentiments of a large majority of the Rouse. The report la dialler in tone to that adopted by the Senate, Pat couched In More moderate lan gtiug6,, The report says the House objected to giving Davis tile..syrieping militia law be asked for, simply because - it had already placed at his disposal all . persons between toe ages of . fifteen ar.d The-report raps Darla very hare for a , kiti , more conscript's, when be had already admitted ' that more than the half of his army was at, seat without leave. ltis soirgested that as laws are already made for the government of the army and cannot be exercised, they had better not make any more. In regard to the delay in passing the negro soldier hill, the report ntiotes Darts' own mes sage, at the tell, mein; of this session, wherein hedeeitired that tieyor.d employing aegroes as plopers, engineers and laborers, lie did not think at sweat/Ley to go. Theltichmond Tfl,fg a the 21st says a large ratiMber,..o l ladles and gentlemen assembled In Capitol. square yesterday to witness the prom deed parade of the first company of neon troops raised under tharrecent Act of Cungrewi. bat Owlegdo the fart that 'sew recrrills. hare art vet been rupplitil with uniform, and witepin..dit., the pared.' hat bleu it,rtotiog Is, .golog oar rapidly. Worm th Arm; of the Potomac. WasuptoTow, 'March 24.—Advices from the Army Of the Potomac says, a vest deal of firing Lab takeu - place. The Tench** opened tire on our trains hut - did no Injury. Picket firing on the same Itc,rtleir of the line Is kept up comitantfy at night. mainly -to prevent desettlont from the rebel army. The rthele are URI refusing to exchange * Richmond Papua. ~ On 'Wednesday a rumor prevailed here that a tight bad taken place between Gen. Ord'A_ army and the. Army of the Potomac on Tuesday, hat there Is no foundation for it. The troops of Gen. Oni were every day drilled In breaking camp and packing up, which probably gave clan tithe story. Nineteen desertens came in last night In front of a division of the 9th corps, bringing their arms and equipments with them. teve.a-Thirly SubscriptWm....Counterfeit Coupons. Putianuarnts, - .Starch 24.—Jay Cooke reports anbeeriptloas to the 1i.30 loan to-day at $2.227,- 000: The largest alnele western Pubscri Won.' $300,000, was from Memphis. •There were 1,557 indleldimlsatemiptlons of fifty one hundred. ' Counterfeit coupons, dated March Ist, 18.3.5; • for twelvedolkra and tiny ,la almlit-c tude of - those, on the 10-40 li cents ve hund the red dollar; bond', hare • been detetied at the depository of. , flee at Baltimore. They wilt doubtless be offered. • Maryland : Contested Election Case. BALTIMORE, March 24.—Tbe Maryland Leg-, islactire, in the ease (tribe contested Judklal election in Baltimore county, has declared the election of Mr. Grayson, to tie office of Judge of th e Eighth Circuit COurt,_ null android, and that he be disqualified under the new constithr , lion by reason of disloyalty. be having been a member of an anfociation to resist the authori ty cf the United States at the conuneecement of thcrebeillun. pew election Is nrdered. GEN. SEEMAN'S OPERATIONS. Cecupation of Goldsboro Confirmed. THE • 1 EPORTED REBEL VICTORY General Sheridan's Late Raid. 71IE DAMAGES ESTIMATED AT 310,090.000 Strength of the Eebel Army at Richmond. ENLISTING NEGROES CINDER DJEFICtILTIES. Sufkring Women and Children in Richmond Nan - Yonx, :Marc% 24.—The Tribune's Nub- Nine epeekal says : The newsy.? the to:eel:alien of Goldsboro/ puhlished yesterday, kiss bime day ronermed by stathibenta of trastworthrpar. ties oho bare mired been direct trout Newbern. Sherman's force *as dispoicd Into =Telling order towards Mleholat's Station, on the rallroad oißalefuti, to dtetroy ati important bridge scene" the :knee river.. The centre F ad arrived at Golds boro, and the right, on Taesday;filst, formed a Jancticm *lan BChofield: forces at Goldsboro. The victory claimed by tho rebels at Mutton aesumieg that the oftlebelatatemeut la cor rect, nu:Mats to nothing more than a momen tary_ cheek to Sherman's left. The newt news from that Meaner . will denteleig beinairceen plhibment of the plans of Sherman. The Iforid's special says: The fight alluded to In the Richmond papers- of Tuesday, as hay ing o:carreei between a portion of Sherman's frier: and Johnston'" army to understood In mil itary circles to b . ave . euerely been a small Ilfht with a dtiaelmenn rent by Geuenel telocnin to turn the fine . Itallioad bridge haVensthe - Renee, near Smithfield, between Golciaboni audvitaleigh. The Ilmilers spec al says : The report of Jr.troston to Lee then he bad met-the enemy near. Bentonville and meted 1.161. Is regarded here as referriog to the Cavalry Ilaukers of the extreme left slog of Sherman's army. It is anrinlse4 t.Fachilatatb• may ; have stait a small force In Mit illnettirn for ttie purpose. of ermine the railroad connection hetween Goldabonr ant Ral eigh, and Mowing Johanna away from Golds- Ism., while it sae being occupied by the retie ',rely of Sherman's army. Authentic Information ban been reeelved that oceuretiou of lielrlaboto was erected on the arrow day of the ?opened battle at Bentonville. Jr bustoir's dispatch said that the Union troop. sntsremenily resumed [lf. utrcneire. Tuts ad mitted that euecs ea was rely temporary and un- Important. The Washingtnn RepwAlie,m says, a gentleman from Richmond reports that the lretwis admit 4tannge done by Sheridan' to the amount of atty millions of dollars. Ile estimates the strength of the army in the Richmond inmenchamata at 10,000, exclusive or 10,000 ho.n guards and tows gene) men in Richmond. Ile does not believe that Johniton has over 4!,.000 rm.'', though he has drawn several di visions from Richmond. Thep gloom prtvalls in Richmond, and emry body at enia lo feel that the day of reckoning liaa come in Richmond. The EDOPpi.OI Pao the conerription of ne , gITTE goes OD with diffienity. AN, ats tioreil at every cutup. and yet the nevoea .ea- eat e, There is a Mill poi% amoug the lahniko, and s•inuch Mt:mt . :alto amonu tbL:httes upon the qu,stion of arming the slaves Di: matches of the 21st report th 'lrby Smith Ins 25.0001 negro trove ors:mind and armed. Enumnper, of the 2101, my* there are in that city, between dee and six thousand women and etildrto halvah:lg to the famlfts of melt v ha have Red toils sae rebel coasenption and seared to the North. As prosigoas are scarce o ornmoditles in Richmond, It Is proposed to irt,lt these non-lightlog. tton-modneing co:t amers to the !Synth: 7Re litllleslttes - Illa (Ga.) Vision sass that It Is , tn, -Jett Davis' adtainktractott atni Mesa:era I:cienst:rbaulnd. - Minn - the mass have heen lighting and 'offering and paying tares lang enotteb, auchannotracen that If the people of Georgia decide to bare a coriventinch they dl hold It Id crate of all the soldier* la the Ihe .I:ctd:?onary Nail says the dopresCon hich h. taktrig had on the !tourney k supping the eitai.. of he rower Coll in Lome and In the .yeratlens Against Block ade Kanner. 11 ASIIIIOI I OIII, ?dwell 2-I.—Admiral Thatcher rui tbB followlegoperatlons aping. blockade pm-hers', durlngthe mouth of February: Oa the mama( ninon can t .n-'t Gus steamer. 1% di am Wallace. with 76 I of cow.. Go Feb. 7th, the IT. S. 11,1111- 1, Grr. rtJc tad Priree Royal, eat out of GA % stun Gatbor the schooner Pit with ^75 bake of • Lt.,' on 1 / 4 .313d. On Feb. 10th, the U. S. eon- Penottecot captured the eSernu,r Statildt. vlth en assorted comm. On Fel , . lab. the same destroyed the sulocn trial an an o•rt..l cart.. 011 Fel, 16111, 11.1 1 U. S. 11 . 11111 U P..rel. capturoi the eel:flower Annie Dale. She ettealued ender the gene of a fart and 11,1 11 -n1 , inn , red destroyed. Oct Feb. 15th, the U. S. isicainer Gertrude captured the tub: Rhea, with escorted cargo. The steamers Granite State Orme Lark wcre gf ounded and shelled, what: ou der the prclealloo of rebel batscriel, bat they. raped In. Gold and Mocks. Noe Yohz, March I.—The fluctuations in the golf! market this roomlngwere, at tam open -150 It went to 151!; and then steadily drifted to There were no Bulls anslotts to con et the eewnward course, and the dispold clots apptars to be to allow It to fall na low as poctible, so as to base a !Inter chance toeend It up wto n au opportnnity offered. In stocks this morning there was less pree sere to cell, and appartntly there Is more dis position to boy, and on tome of the Railroads theyu was . an Improvement of ji(all cent. firdvre come in for Governments from the lute /jar, and the downward .-tendeacy has bJen chveked. though ant wkolly. odd to-night 153%. Wool Sale In Boston. March 4.—An evict:siva anctlon tale of cape and Domestic Flom° Wool to-day stir...tett a Jorge attendance. Owing to the ne m tiled env slit the tuark,t Wren were'sby, and n rite of the most valuable lots Woe withdrawn In in sale. Priers for Cape wool ranged from : e to 40e., and for Domestic. from 43 to 8116 m Toe letter figure being field for 2.000 pouoils of fine roma. A lot, of very stiperkir Vermont woe-I sold for 021,45.,. and Al',ooo pounds of Ohio Ile. re, a portion of which Is said to have east one &Mier, sold for.GG3@73c. Of the total cat slope 42 lots were sold and 23 withdrawn. Proilslcuir fur Cninti Prlsoners—.Guer Lonmyna.; March .24.—The Sanitary Coin- MiE aloe are sending a large ',apply of provisions and clothing to, meet the•Uulnn prlsonera who are about beh4Texchanged at Vicksburg, instead of Eastport, as heretofore stated. The notoriuns gum rata 'ludo. - WWI killed the guerrilla De host. t, wag captured by !CAUL§ near Garucttallic .en Wednesday, and bron4ht here this tuerning. - Ile ',severely and pohnps fatal ly securd..d. Itagruda continues to grew W.ITSC with a protwhility I'l ttcuTi-r). - I's n stilan•Confedet ate Wcheme. Qtweze. Mardi 9.L--The government or Nova Scottels abandtining the hope otlennexisq the movlnces, sari atlopt . the 'Chem for the kderal aline of the maritime provinces only, and ceedwlth certain works left in abeyance, w Ile the large scheme was pending. Tot.outtySturch 24.—Tha Globe newspaper to•day rare that the icsialt of the action of Nova Scotia will to that the Canadian govern:tient will-he probably called upon to adopt the whole subject. My Good' Attelion- .):Ew Tong, Ilarcb 24.—At the dry pees sac Von to-day a rpirrallil lot of French Ahawin and . dress goods' were offered. which It was thought ate miserable price. The rate could not have been much over one Mar of those for the samn articles. There was, comparatively speaking, 'quite a "Enceetsfal sale of Cloths, Cassitoures, A:c., prices sernewhat atronglk. • Rebel Appeal , . Tons, 3larch 24.—The Raleigh Con fidante make on appeal to the people and heads of .familleis of that city to Imitate tee citizens of - Richmond, In throwiaa ooen,their doors to re, eche rind their parses to Contain the sick and wonndal officals and soldiers, whom fate of war Is Pt - Inning into that commeatty. Damage b y - Storm. Storm. 1... _ BALTIMORE. Match 24.-,171:1111Dg the alarm yeaterday much damage wait done ha the city. The huller-bonne of the . Vulcan Works wan blown down. One workmen *was! killed, .ono badly wounded, and neveral severely.': 'The roof of the • new GoTernment hoopital wtut blown off and a I colored boy killed. a The Rebel Ram stonewall. • - New Yontr,l4arch 94.--The Wash ington. special .say authentic liabrmatlon ham been reecived= that the Spanish government has 'forbidden ihn - furber repair's or fitting out of ibe_rebet rato . Stoaewall at Perm; which virtu, allv preventvber from going' to sea. ..~.. .~. ~... d _ ivr_z Irv.'u:~ G u-3..s :. :Y w. _cc'nv:,::'.'::'.wL'k. tie--- .. ; _ ~.~_:. _, _ltr. ~ ~r=~, PITTSBURGH, SATUIID LATK itEeta. NktilrlPE:t% Damara lo the Orauxt and Alexandria R.R BES.6.trLT VN FORT McALLL3TER. • MtW YORK, March 21.—The Riebmand Rerrfi ari of the 21.1, Icarus that Corn. Hollins was not killed by Sberidan'a men as reported. The Lynchburg Virginian says The Omega and Alexandria Railroad has not been damaged as much as -was. aoticipAtod. Only six bridges. were tmentaL Jennie - Mid a ball of the track torn' tip sad the depots at North Garden. Cortarville, Rockfish, Avnigtor and New Glasgow Mimed. The Richmond Whig, of the, gist says a party of Georgia cavalry made& dash on Fort litchi 'intr. near Savamanh,and captured a working par ty or negroec, engaged In dismantling the work. The fleet opened on the Ch.orgians and drove them away- • ." 1 1 1 . Prophet 'Without 'Honor in Ms Own t:t ntry. Win. Lloyd Garrison Is a native of Newbury port. Elaeserhusetts, and, tare there, has been ilrophet bot withent honor. In IWO, on the et* istablishlng The Liberator, he war denied • hearing by Ida Cello►-citisens, being excluded not less from their church s than fr.= the pub he bails. Ma Raver appealed again, fuvandienca, - and, in his long crusade of thirty-fire years against the system of slavery, forbore to return tri his birthplace as a preachor of the doctrine wideh has been nearest his heart. Me. Garrison hse lived to ate the nation converted to his one ries a erne enormitj of slavery, and tho nest= shy of its Immediate overthmw. Last month he bed the supreme listisfaction of being Invited by hia.towbsman to join with them In celihrat- Inc the birthday of that eminent abolitionist, fle•Jrge Washington. Ile - complied with feelings, whieb may Le Imagined, nod the emission. is d In the N. wburyport papers and by eye. wit libescf, ens joyous Lo] lanpresilvc. Mr. Garri- on sindicated whim= asperity or uuforelreneas di , 'met career, asserted the lottlueta of hie mit• bee and the purity and lawNloegn of his modes saltattori, and dlitclaltned ovule] credit as the I louver of a triumphant reform. The poet Whittier was expected to be present. and was, In the ...use that he le prvient with every house- hold Iu the his immortal verses—lain irinia lag a fervent hymn or uhankagleing, which unr. In the spirit In which It win conceived- Almost .Imultaneous with this personal and na tioral ceirbratlon, Mr. Garrison's oldest son, ■ Li,.oa•nant in the ailith (colored) Idesaachtiactta ricisnent, was lending his company thmu•;h the rtthete of Cl:molest°, ,o the ranslc end the words of the •'John Brown Bona," which anreiy never in, 4, heartily rung nut than manna the rules of hat areuratd city. Ilaa the war producw4 more I:iklue evidences than thiwe or the revolution n Lich we arc enGagetl l—butepradenr. New 7one of the British Press. T) New York rows talks In this . wire: guilt of the.l3ritlsh jneirukis dam not Ile In lay MUM opinion that this rebellion would not be subtitled. That opinion has been held In gctsl faith by many ietelligeni men. There have b. t n owlish% In thie struir.tite when every nut s ald appearance esipseially no viewed from a disintee, favored it. For all that, a wale allow ance van be 11110 A. BM habitual misrepresent ra Inn cannot proceni from good faith. It eau rp ly name frcm a wicked animas. Herein pre risyly bar. Ince the crime of the London rig' NI nod lie coadjutant. rimy have persistently, In in the beginning, exaggerated rebel sueeesszs, self depredated national stucessca. Thsy em• correspondents , ',base special busluess It ts as to report thus to the fullest extent possible. rtatever theircorrtopandenta fell short in, was sniffled by dining assertion and specious soph istry In the editorial columns. It hat beam now twenty months Place the rebellion received the two blows which 4dershined - its fide—Vick* burg and Getlyibarg. From Welt time—with the nfo,le ex.-. 1511013 Or lie inevels at Chicka mauga, and two or three minor eplialee—lt has been militantly growing weaker and been eon sternly Wing ground. let these . Englieb ps rem have7siml with the itiehnuludatineta them. ielves intdinding their readers to the actual eh unt.nn anti 1 1 / 4 1nienenees, and with Infinitely I, nn eit - 1.1.!, lot they had no ....a rate to lase. Pennisylvaula Agriculturarlic4ool. Tt.e I.mpv,,t or establishing a t agricultural s to t and model farm in Eat Pennsylvania is 1.6. ir to it .ta.edily carried oat, A site has ce parchased cur Glairrinerld, in Montgomery oty, shout tit Wean mlled north of Philadel 'Me, and about half that d'staner from Norris icon. on the west, and Doylestown on the east, a-v+-vitae !cons the la;ter as well al from Chi, Ot, by the Noah Penusyleanis itallroad. The contains about. one Itundied and seventy. aeren or productive laud in a most healthy 17 , 1 i flourishing rection of the Stara. The or. 1"-foalatroa scht,l has been entrusted to 11. Presidert of the Polytechnic Coliegc, and in 11.•• ..uncut of present sprin,t, the la,farvry, ir • foll.frie., Ae,. 11111 AO ready for the reception the first sertirm of the future class. Thu 50. at. are of tourer to n,siee on the i wan, and Ile •ur their !wart WM duties there, and to have the tektiter of attandlnt such of the scientific to•sreyit the Colleafe to the city an rosy be most adstddigoons to them.—P/Olu. Ledger. 1C? \t son hes a great Itch to alter Lb own lame after lul.lication, wryer allowing them to rvn it in a new edition no they stood In then d, i'•sr Instance, Llllla's eong In "The Prinems" al it. the original es follows . • "Thy voice Is heard thro' rolling drums, T at beat to battl• where he stood.; 1 t y face moose his fancy tomes, Ann the battle to his hands : A mornebt, whils the t.untiwts blow, He sera hi- brood about thy knee; lie next. like fire he meets one lite, And strike. Lino decal for thine and thee." And the altered version, u follows, Is so week, tl.ut one wonders how a poet could SO Injure hIS own ~ I,sly, let the retard drums lieu to teat 10,.stlIt thy wvrrler steeds; Now thy fore iseriPPS his toner cameo, Add gives the bottle to Ms hunts. 'Lady, let the trumpet. blow, thy h.h.•.bout thy {knee; Igo or their VI.1.10? hitt it whet* the roe, And *When him deed for thine nod thee Loralty Under Advisement. De. B. J. P. Anderson, says.the Missouri Dem pestor of the Presbyterian Church. mistier Lit lith and Locust, called around at the office to (Aisne' Baker, Provost Marshal General, a CT two ago, and expretsed n dealre to take lo oath of allegiance lu the form prescribed for Cii Were of the gospel. The oath was road to tow, but before' proceeding to sign It he desired Coma Baker to indorse on the back of It that ti e within oath was taken by him as a citizen, f lint tt Ills capacity so a miulster. Colonel Poker declined making snob an endorsement, evil the Consequence was that Mr. Anderson de ebbed having the oath administered to him "Cur the prevail." and he returned to his home to take the matter under advisement. It Ilan odd cohar Idenee that the Arabian horse sent to Jeff. Davis from the Vjceroy of Egypt as a prevent, and brought over by a blockade roe o r, baa been raptured In North Candlua by Sherman, and held to be given to President Lin- Tire time In Met approavhlng when Jett : I vied more then the People's.: of that Arabian ar him vff from IL, ove \ing 11,11e5 of the great Amen,' I. Tn. tsa Gotm is confidently pre dieted by thoae "wbo ought to know," men drrply versed to the science of fluctuations, that gold will drop to 150, and there Will bo held. BlrunJailors are haningealetdatlona for the future at .or about that figure. The large dry good. and Importing homes are marking down their pCces, am:all:ley in accordance with a similar theory. Tug Ohio Forum soya It Is Informed that'cer• Min parties, residing In Michigan, aro pruenr• hoc sheep and coloring them with a com position of lampblack, tallow and arab,e' and perhaps 'with other materials, and delving thew into Ohl., sod sell them at almott fabulous prices—and that a large sum has already Mum realized by this ontrseenus swindle. Tim AMERICAN QUISTION IN PAlllS.—Ptivate letters received In Washineton fnim Paris maw that there la a great einnue in pubhc sentiment there refative to the war since r•nr Into successes. They add that them is not the slightest Outman', ty of a change on the pert of the Emperor on American affairs: Ir is arserted that a pbotograube.r, who has burn employed by the Dutch government to take views of the moat beautiful points on the lalarid of Java, has discovered an entire city burned beneath the lava of a yoleimn dose by, which has been extinct fur acvereerninries. MRS. fit hIPURES MAMMALS, accompanied by her two daughters, passed thronch Baltimore un Mobley. cm mutat° Richmond, la join her lima bend. The family bas been residing at Lopla vile, Kentucky, for some time. Tn. Signore . Magill/idea AnnanalaW Onofri died lately, In linme, having attained the great age of one hundred and iirenty•two years. Au-. grin Adoiett lately. died id Trieato, but she litu. only one hundred and eleven years old. , - • Tun I.nulevllle Annual . says:, "We under stand tbat. Goierr or Bramlntto has furnished all of his dares vltli rr papora," 1. _ " r ~cst I 'MAUCH 25. IStis CITY MO SITETBAN. A BoLI of Hanoi' By a general order' tuned from Headquarters briny of the Potomac, the named' of the follow ing enlisted Pennsylvanians, among others rep 'Sreseniing ti!fferent States, have been published to the army as having conspicuously distlnguish cd themselves on the sth, 6th and 7th of Febru arj lest for gallantry, and good conduct to ac. Galvin reeagnitloti of which furloughs for twen ty.five days will he granted to them : Sergeant. Michael Feathers. Co D, and Ser geant G. W. Gooderham, 11,110 th Pa., the lirst to _place the colors on enemy's works la charge _stllatcher's Run, Feb. 5. Corporal James Haas, Co. 0, 57th Pa., volun teering to "ascertain the paeltiou of enemy, and i f i anecearfol perfennan e 6f slime. Sergeant Henry i mild); Co, A, 157th Pa., recasting commendio billetk of his regiment to tulty the men ou ale a t . s, Corporal Wm. H. Howard. Co. A, 15111 Pa., color bearer, gallantly pressing Coward with regi mental cdlore, Inciting the men to rally around them. it • I . • Co. A - - HI E migrate Peter M. Heisler, liton WandereLke, William 5. Resign th Henry L. Due.l,ll, all of:the 100th. Pi.. temporarily.: command4g respective companies on the sth, 6th endith of February, gallantry anti 4111 in leading and hendline. their men on the sth, nisklug • crossing of Rowanty creek and cap titling prisoners. Sergtaat,Williant IL Anderson, Co. A, lllist Pa., temporarily commanding company, leading Ilia men over Itowanty creek and the enemy's work". Corporal Thomas G. Newman, Co. C, 191st Pa., among the Grit to cross Itowanty creek over a *mall log. tinder Severe Ore !rem the enemy. Corporal Henry N. Whltehill, Co. 1,1915 t Pa. Hernia COOITICIII In action attic 6th, la which ho lost 51, tight arm.; (Died Mime date of order.) PriVile Patrick Ward;Co. 1,101 et. Conspicu ous dating throughout. Private Chance Day, CO. N. 210th Pa.; grasp ing colors of lid Delaware, on the oth, whoa abandoitt. currying then. throe-Mout the light. Sergi:Grit Henry •lleittatg, Co. D, let eh.-Vet ernn Cavalry, crossing Rowan!) , creek In ad. I once, utmer heavy fire, on the sth. Go the fol lowing da) captured four of the enemy. Private-John Sutton, Co. 21, lot Pa. Veteran Cavalry. pushed-boldly Into enemy's work., lu dismounted tbarge, killed one and captured Lao of the tunny who attacked him. PI it - ate Timothy 14,111111 r, Co. C. IGth Pa. Coy airy, bravery lu charge and reluctance to leave the field miler two wounds. Corporal B. F. Btebblna..Co. C, 16th Pa. Cav alry. cool and eattuplary Conduct la the charge of February 6th. tir rueani W. nurser, Co. b, 16th Pa. Cavalry, rrbel ofiker demanded his surrender when Ma piece Wier discharged—he loa•tdd and killed the talker. Private Ilvnry Johnston, Co. B, 16th Pa. CernlrJt shooting a rebel color bearer. on the CO. Sergeant W. P. Walter, Co. I, 13th Pa. Caval ry. Btavery and cool/teas In leading company It fl COOd charge. Sergeant J. Carnotite', Co. 11l Seigearit W. Morpni, Co. H; J. Lyslngot% Co. H. (klitedo Sergeant D. H; Co - rporal W. D. Hoary, Co. II; -Private C. Mona, Co. II; &r -grant li. H. 'Hart, Co .K, and rrlvato Guortpt Redd. Co. K. gallantry In Ade:env:the enemy'. Infantry. Sergeant J. I.andlz, Co. A. Corporal W. Rln gleben. Co. 1; Private; P. O. Reilly, Co. A, 13,8 coolneas and bravery lu removing. a Irvin wider haavy ere at - .ban range, to al low cavalry to chargn. • _ Cynical Joveph retatmon, Co. B. Sergeant R. 11. - Dution, 14, CorporalJamm T. IlartJoy, A, Corporal William E 13111 0 ,, 11, Bt6 cavalry, rallying lit r when driven back.. Fint-Sergesat 111illbm U. _Kautz, Ca. K, and Sergeant John Roeaer, K. eeti ea. cavalry, bra. very in charge at Clowiddie Court flinae. Sergeant Joarph Bell. Co. ts., and Corporal Beery Haskins, K, eth earalry, capture of a wagon train beyond DMlrlddic Court flaunt. Sergeant nylveater Brandoa, Co. I, ath Pa. cavalry, rallyingilic mew, after.repule.ai, by ca.' posing the colors, thus re-forming line for sec ond chime. • • . Pergrani Johnston Boyles, Co. E.; Corporal, Janite Ogden, I); Corrarral IlulTuutn, lit - Ptivare - Henry Christy; L, ell;tit 4th Prou ty voila Cavalry, dlatioghlehed bravery in action orGtp,aninse and good ;enduct in rallying and retraining the line. &-igeant George IA. Mlckfe, Co. A; Private Ed- W to ptrilat, A. both or 4th Pea uaylvanla Caval. r . t,'lptllttory 11. endeavors to rapture a battle tu rally the pen whet repulsed. A Deludes, Viltalig "The Witeeltvg Aft'lligrnece records a rasa or toomeseoun by a patron of that city named K. rtittlihtth• • who la guilty or the base Cri m e of • tittelt hr) WltOiiiid chtid, n641.11:1.2 up with totther woman. it Irj4iti - stlint hams htbittt ouy °Aimed Isl. wife, trolling; br to the moat r 11v1 wountr, which oho Feettle tobare patiently etolurtel without complaint. lu the niestoleac be Les been molly planning and preparing to et net his 110111cse.. vietttut. Soma turty weeks seo he bad the cool effrontery to tell Ms wife I tan he intended to 'marry another woman. and I lot the would tie lett to shift .for herself.. On 1 °teeny last, r a brief abscu,, he mearnefl bmne„ acconipabled by quite a buxom young ledy, whom he Nthl.be had married at Si. Glair.- , tile. This prrelotut pair proceeded 10 p. t , tg up xll the Valuables about the reemlste, and ship them across the elver to Efidgeprot. When ;I,lr arrangruieut4 were Colupielp they took their departure, leaving the distressed wife and hild pottillebs and alone. A mom deliberate 0T El hearties* desertion has seldom occurred. 'I he wile, who see Ats the English languatre very Import:M.ly, either through, roar ur Igodtrauee af Ibe course to be pursued, "invd no lefortnatieu, our made any effort to prevent the villain from ecurry log cunt his obislgns.. Ills paramour could rot tint be aware of the facts, sad deserves.to suffer all the wrorgs and is rrowa Inflicted up m he deserted wire. The guilty oalr toitk pass Igo me, the Tuesday eveblog trait, for this clay. Wherever they eWp ,we hope their guilt may tied theta out. t.ttalulng Money under Palms Pretenses. Win. It. King, a. nmident of hearer county, Lan a bearhig iwfore U. B. Commissioner Sproul yesterday. charged on oath of C. W . . Taylor. de li entreat the 24th District, with Machining money . under false pretenses. It appears that D. D. reel, a drafted man who lives In the country, hod started to go In the enndling censer of the d ,-to get out clempilne papas. and was met King who haforined him that he.cquill 'tend he mailer for him, aid demand's! $lO far his Pani,'lnting somewhat verdant, aThawed lOne•elf to be taken In, paid the money asked, nd WAS told Una. It "all right," aud ho 001 trouble hiluiolf farther about it. The o rorvidA in ouch casts le only 55, and moro n., r King - wan only a nerdy adventurer, and had ,tob.ritTto grant ea,mption ; and It is upon tlo,t feels lha cult le brought. King was held Ir 11000 ball for hie appearance at court. MR. ALTIIED BLIIKEST.—We are happy to yule° by the New, York press that this• talented and popular artiste has met with unbounded nue et Its in the "great metropolis," where be has hero giving bin Inimitable entertainments for the last three or four, weeks. Mr. It. deserves It, for he is unegnalled as n delineator and humor ous lecturer ' while his fi ner eloeutionary trts o are xrelledhi nolo,. We are glad tier people of 9. re York haeordelt a keen appreciation of true mail, and congratulate Air. on his deterverl emc ees-, Mat the starer his. glory never grow dim, no, I.eirrr grow Ices. Vu LATI , , OF Siglimmag Ountsaacn.—thfor minion was made yaateiday. .tiamuci A. Ituberta, U. 3. Conanlssidper Sproul, against James 1111101,n and James Rees, °mama of the boat "Little Jim Reese," for carrying pasarng,ra term Plusher.: to Beaverto/mum. hi gelation of thel Act . 6f 124), , which - tirblda tng beats tram carrying parctig2r3-4tbe penalty bHng SWO for each offence. Ilia gait is denote Mated a msi tarn bbing brought by the informant for Memel( and In behalf of the Wiled States. It bas been made tuttirnable on the first .11snday of April. RE-ATTOINIZD.-' , .-Sydney F. Von Bonchoutt. the present Inentithent of the - Pittsburgh Peat tiller, bee been re4app.invul - for Ibe eetnorn term the ndrolnisirarion. flu hat, &aim; the past four inns, discharged his trust lu a manner ra dound ng only. to ',Ma credit, end his rootlets 'nee In oflieuWl3 Meet with general satisfaction. Mame . / Comm.—The ease of KOly, Glass Jolla F. Ferry, 'Fhoutas J. Iligaam aad uthere; • mbrasing three district Plan, was trial yrsterdaj. It was, an aellun fur work done on the Ferry lintel, rad' was cooserted into there houses. thijnriltesturniiti a yerdlet of $351.61 In each-cane—an aggregate of 4.1,0611.1x3. F.Atiorea Snnaorncoa.—Thia brautlfel ex- Lib.tion la still the rAatilug,attnietlon, Those whe dealre necil for qw„aake of ".elatitare. log" may forirgatbu trouble and repine; aben [WI eau art alt that Iti wo!•daftt at the Stereop ticon. A raatlara wilJ be Oven Ibis afternoon at two o'clock. • RELIOTOVS Norics.-oWing to the Absence of the pastor, (Dr.-1 Douglas.) there will be no, preaching iu iheTir,, Reformed Presbyterian Chureb, to-morrotv. (Subbetb) morning. Hr.. A. M. Stewart will preach in the afterneon. at 2,4 o'clock. : TOE COURT Or Qualrian SEasiOna will met on Monday ',PAL Thu , dorltel, we understand, la quite Irnethy, and 'nand, a many haporttant eaata. Thrrc will Ina n. turtling this morning for the Lrammetion of preliminary busitiesa. ISEE=E t yet the A nustroo,,•• Cop to be TeDted-4.ballengo by a Plttaborxer. The — following letter, which will explain it self, has beet addrennsi by Me. 11. E. Mann, of this city, the inventor of a new breech-loadlog gnu co,„ u e, l o ,t t ou i t tr r ws l Tv Armstrongeur d for Armstrong, d sg o tu p r on t b t h y v G o n o e;n o - r th Prrratunota, Ps., March AL Sin : Learning through the piiblie prints that you have proposal to tarnish for adoption into the service of the army and navy of the United States your celebrated gun, known as the "Arm strong gun," claiming thereor great snperlority over any system of ordnance now known, and believing that a ptactlcal illustration of themeets of your system would afford the best possible means of demonstrating its great superiority, I proposato meet you in a public trial of our re.. epertive gnus at some place In the United &Mat, where the best Mediaen can he secured fort.hat purpose—the trial to be in November, 1865, with broech-lending rifle gone; corresponding Mean bre with your 40 pounder-4.7S Inches in diame us of bees—the trial to embrace the points of range, accuracy. penetration, endurance, adapt ation to the use of a variety of ammunition and facility for firtng, the Lan point tote determined by not bee than two hundred conseettlive; Ores. The choice of umpire I will leave to your own seltetion. - • I bare devoted the greater pertionotmy time the peel ing. years to the subject of tweet:lntend ing ordnance, and believe the plan j have devis ed will not suffer in a scientific or &attic/II corn parieon with any known system of breech-load ing. My gun in not yet adopted in the service, bat r xywrireenta have been made, by direction of the Government, as you will see by the en clOsid copy of official report. Preparations are now being made by the . Government for maker ex per' meuts. Sellevlug, as I do, that such a trial would tend greatly to the advancement of the science at gunnery, I hope there may be no obstacle in the way of your acceptance; Twill agree that your gun and necessary equipments shall be entered, to you, duty free, and will do all in my power to make the trial interesting, lustrnmive ate satisfactory. I am, .t•try respectfully, Your obedient servant, F. MANN. Sir Wiliam Armstrong, Ebwlch Ordnance Works, London,' England. Mr. Ram's gun Ilan already teen tested by a commission of military oMcers at. Fot tress Mon ti,. mid has proven a complete success- Its greed feature is the practicability of making large guns on this principle, which can be woLed easily and rapidly, while they are per k, tie accurate and sate. One of. Mr. Mann's 011119 ran he seen at the store of Messrs. Singer, Nimick A: Co., Water wee.. Filching 1)17 Goods A German woman, giving her name -as &braid!, was brought before Mayor Lowry yea teaday afternoon, at the Instance of Mr. Green, a clerk In J. W. Baker's d-y goods establisement, on Market street, who charged her with stealing • hairooral skirt- It seems that the woman had angularly started out on a stealing expedition, Lasing provided herself with- a basket for the purpose, In which the skirt waa found when ar s...teal, together with twer pieces of calico prints. The latter were identified by Mr. 11. J. Lynch, ales a dry goods merchant on Market street, as Le longing to him. When tasked how she had concealed the cat roe. she answered that she had fastened them underneath her skirts. At tits: elr denied her guilt: but being confronted with the witnesses against her, sank on her knees W ine e the Mayor. and begged pitoon-ly to be let off, saying that thin was her Bret offense, and promising that she would never steal agsin. L. r husband, abs said, would kill her le he. knew that she was a thief; bnt her family was destitute of clothing, and she olmeded her acme- Pit a in extenuation for her fault. lie was in the army. seed she was left with five children to impport—one of them a babe. The Mayor dirreetcd that she be, put la the leek up, until her house could be searched, and until he could and evidence as to her previous character. to enable him ta proceed with the coon. She stated that she lived . In Lawmnce vtllet bur on further inquiey. It was ascertained that hex home was In East Liberty, - and Anther Informationgtaera to show that her husband Is I...thing In this city, and that she has not a foul -11 so large as represented, nor in such destitute circumstances. It being too late, after thute Meta wet ascertained, to procure a search war t eel, toe woman remained in the tombs over last r;at,t, and leer ease will La thoroughly Myatt- L.te el tenthly. , Dry (Wads, Carpets, Etc. We direct the attention of oar readers to the ten! of Meatus. Dunlap, Luker & Co., 136 Feels e , /.1 stnet, Allegbeny„;who have now on hand a hags and desirable stock of the latest styles of d y goees, earptta. etc. They hare purelLuied tLest gueds.in the eastern markets on the most oraUle Lama, and bare made their a• leetions a lib a Item to satisfy the * wants and alit the testis 'of ails community. The assortment of riving goods will be - Toned "my fall and desire and the ladles would do well to tall and cig en.ive toe 11.131.1... I't'ticolnr attention Is Invited to the onus till l) In, ge souk of eariMAS, oil clothe. etc., which ta.sn marked down to salt the times, and u Lip b will be Mend equal in stylnand quality- to tebythins of the kind to the market.. This Is the teeet carpet houses in Allegheny, nud epeeist at t. idiot. I, deceivd to this brunch of the bullet". Tire coals have been Furthered by experienced d. niers and will be found well adapted to the warts or our housekeepers. The prices, too, ill Le found quite reasonable. • At e take pleasure In commending this firm to the patronage of our readers, feeling satisfied that oil who make tbeir purchases here will ob tain a full equivalent (or their money( The no tulierkof the firm arp gentlemen of energy, Industry and Integrity—men who keep pace with the times, and by closely -watching the market" are rnabhd to sell as reasonably as any in the trade. ThOlta therefore, in need of dry goads, trimming', carpels, or anything In their fine, should call at No. 136 Federal street, examine ttchoods and obtain the prices before parches. lug elsewhere. Grocer's. German Opera; The German Opera, which makes Its advent In our thy on Monday, and which bas thrown the fool tonal,: circles of the east wherever It has exhibited, Into transports, will, we bavo no doubt, Iv the raging furore here, inasmuch as our people have never before had an opportunity of barivit a full opera In all Its details. Thick of a tee upo of a hundred first class singers whose melting theme Is a chorus of more, than fifty rot" id opera, so unparalleled In Its ensemble, furnishes. to otlr mind a convincing proof of the pest need of a music hall, where an exhibition ci this ',mitre might have (all scope to develop Its met ha. We expert the opera to , he crowded nightly; yet full boners in our largest hall would scarcely more than bear the Immense expenses of the opera. The hest accommodation the city can afford for a grand exhibition of the kind net Owns a poverty wh'ch will never be relieved until the proposed now Music Ilan is once open. Esaatutto Bair.—A PhUadalptila .corres pendent of tbeNlow York alkrctog nava I think I have tib.cowered the. secret "ttf ,the pcx.allar beauty of • the Philadelphia ladies. I mean the amoothions of their Ain rud ha delleatc color ing. It to Onine to the constant -nso of Jared's "Email de -Pwls" or the ••Eimmet of rads." Prrhat* &het know what the "Email de Parity ? It Is ~•t point, not prone , llA. Mat , nici-I, int a uttwidelieloaa preparation that both the . complexion And texture of poli,lonl Ivory to the ekio. It Is nerd h'r by every Lady who can alter& it, : from the Walnut street belle down to the piquant and pretty store girl 'of Eighth street, who, I imagine, Influences work of the trade in our retail stores. Ilia Queen's of l'etrolla, who after all are the originators of all feebler. here : , uze thta universally. M.- Eugene Joule, a wiry little Frenehritstt, gest brought It Into notice here. Eugene is a sort at magnanl - otiasimodo, but with a rare love of the lwentlful, niece he bee given to fembilty, the "Email de Paris." A 17t4EYSIL DIAGIIAM.—Mr. J. 1' Bunt, Ma- Paula Hall, Fifth ittectibas for sale 'a diagram and register, to' bonged In the shaking of Is handsomely Ilthogmpbed, and will be 'etry • usetul to oil companies. . . . . . . ADMITTED TO Dam—John Beeson, held as a witness in the ease of the Wylie street hoint. Ade. was adeultted to ball yesterday In the snit of $l,OOO. 'AT tbree o'clock thla afternoon, one can go to Europe at Concert Hall for 25 cents, children 15 mete; and see more of the world than In years of travel. ' 'fiaut,or ' , put ANT:ex Pnorwarr.--This 8010 cotuts off today at two o'clock. comstinetog with tbo lIIIIIBbII on Washington strait, Alle -8~7• DICEI9O7I, Veitralli 'Helen Western, Me rlotti' Raul, Mondy,Bleck,Thsys, Elphey, among thn Immense. n011(.4'4011 at phntographs at Pit- HARPIR,'TOR Arun..--Tbe April number of liarpers Maculae - luis bren received and is for sale by J. W. Plttoek, opposite the post office. . • Lsamta and children of Plitaburnh should at tend Ibis altemorm.s exhibition - at Chneort Hall It Instructs, delights, astonishes. WE11.91331 . R Myr:means dues -not contain yore! crumb to .deserlbc tho wonderful cfruats of ICe Stereopticon. =EI SPECIAL LOCAL;Nopcns. PARRT, radical Mateßooter, ana Dealer. fa American blatei of—tariona ord , re. Mace at Alnrander Laughlin% near the Wants Worits:Pittahurgh,l% Residence, No. 78 Pike street.' Orders promptly atteadadto: All work warranted:water proof. Repairing' done at the sterns* , notice.. No ehargo forrepains;proirided the ice lima. aimed after it is pit on. • The undenlened„ a Committee appointed by all the parties who hare lost oil and barrels by the late flood; to receive and take charm or the same, whether • marked or, not marked, hereby give notice to all parties having oil or empty barrels In their porsesslon that they will pair 81.00 per barrel for barrels of oil and 48 cents per barrel for empty barrels, for all barrels re ceived and delivered to the tuadereigned, and where the same . are 'brought to the. Allegheny wharf the cost tor delivering them there will be paid in addition. .The oalvago allowed by law IO Cents each for full barrel*, and 8 cents each for empties, and when parties refuse to deliver on the terms offered by us, the amount alloired he law' only will be paid. The penalty for /en ing, obliterating marks,• failure to advertise or - glte notice of the catching of any barrels of oil, or empty barrels, bydhe act of the Legishttere of 1863, Is, that the party en offending is liable for three times the value of the property to the own ers thereof, and also &farther penalty of 11.50 for each and ever offense; one bade( which goes to the informer. • 11. MoKauvr, Jamas Mawuntner, F. Fianna, Committee appointed - by all the parties who hare loot oil or barrels by the late flood: Lost 011—Important Notice it is the Imperatlic duty of parties catching or taking up barren of oil or oil bairrele, upoa the Allegheny, Monongahela or Ohk• *ars or their tribntaries, ton ve Pubile Nettle - VIZ/An fin days. giving a dcseriptfon and marks of the pro perty taken up, .:o that owners may be apprised of the locality. where their property may be found. A mere where is Imposed oft all per- SODS refusing or neglecting to give notice of the rapture or taking up 'of barrels , of oil. dm.; or refusing to deliver up property upon demand of the owners or their agent., or erpring or aefaeasi m'orks. upen property so taken up: The penalty to creole the Value of the propbrtypind is to be paid to the owner or• owners, together with a special flue of fifty dollars, for each offence, one , half tote informer, the other half to the Coca. nionwealth. All good citizens mu earaPstly re quested to report to the undersigned, any viola tiOn of the Log. Persons reporting will be suitably rewarded. The ownerWor oil knit in the late freshet have employed. counsel, and while tney are &Tomd to pay liberally - for the catch ing of oil, are determined to prosecute every violation of the law. Iltnart McKat r,_ Jas. alawnnoter, . Far.o. FUMETI. Ccmtnittno for Oil Owners, C; llar.d Street:and Dwicaaßne Way The owners of oil land on barrels who have lost the sane by the bite freshet le the Allegheny Twee, having appointed the undmaigned a com mittee to collect and reoilye the oil and oft. bar rels caught by parties along the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, notice is hereby given that the above MO/WM will be paid for Information that will letiol to the arrest and nonfiction of atii'peraoa who kriowlagly mita. emanate; or destroys say oil or Oil barrels caPtnniti in the late tree. • And a IT carman Biwa.= or Oat Howntoro Det.r..ns will be paid for the arrest and ennirle• den of any personfdefacing or erasing marks on the oil barrels aforestd&, The undersigned wO.l be found at H. MeSelverscam, - comer Hand street and Duquesne way, Dittaburgh, where all persons baring oil or oil 1.11171 : al In their poises.' lion will IV rewarded by reportitr• Imtnediately to ellbti or the uthlerrinned.' 111..i01131c10EISET., JAMES iMAWHINNEY, Committer FREDERICK 1/1811.Elt. Pcx:rxtot or later a neglected Cold will develop a constant cough., shortness of :breath, falling, strcogib,'ariewastiag of desh- , —the 'avant comi• era of Coittnattition."`lre tome - instances the spme Cause will pmdute Bronchitis, a disease of the branches of the wind-pipe." In all affections of the Pulmonary Chgans, as well .as in Ikon tidal Complaints—Jamie - A Srportoraer is both a prdliatlva and a , curative, as the testimony of asusands,and Its world-widercputatien attests— while In Coughs and Colds it acts speedily, and *hen taken according to directions promptly 1,111(.1VCIL Them. Why not give this , standard article an Immediate trill f Sold by Druggists everywhere. ; Exam.v.—An exchange, speaking of an old gentleman living in its vicinity, aged $P years, Rho was still as active, hale and, hearty as most men of any. rays 'He invariably takes a glass of PlO:snort's Wahoo and thilisaya Bitters with his mitts. Ho also rides a great:deal.. arid to the above popular beverage andireziltbral exec' cite he attributes hie vt,...yonmalumittly - ....Ogrit to at occasion, when asked hy a medical friend . r hot physician, and apothecary he employed, to which he replied "My physician has always Let u a horse end my apothecary an ass H. E. Sellers, Agent Jar Pittsburgh. armour, Novice...M:le attention or our read •cra is dimmed' to this brlllaut assortment of Fall and :Winter Goods just remind by one friend Mr. John Weler, No. 1211 Federal street, Ar.mgbeity. Ms stock comprises a great variety ni Fancy French, English, Scotch and A.merican CassimereS and Cloths, and tine Silk and Casa! mere Footings. all of which will be made up • 'order In tee latest Myles - Raclin the bait mann 'e l l (taco silectima of Farnitthing Goods also o. land and for eale, together with a fall stock of liteady - Made Clothing, wen and farthienatay . nude. , TREVTI'4III , II good men wanted for the M 15., thslr.pi G t/Oilt 611111ar00. 'Bounty 5700. Pay er month from 517.50 to $31.50 Gall at No. ;12 Market street,llltrburgh.'lmmenlately. Sub stitutes furulahed for one, two or three yeans. - , G. King, Late Quartermaster 3tleslatlppliiquadron. Ikronc geice c_PeN‘berc,.call at P . lttoek's and ftr the selection of diodes, pocket-books, pocket alhame, bibics, pocket stamp-boxes. Inks, Ac., .NVIIAT la tile bIeICONCOII 1 It cannot be dot. crlbed—U ulna be seen. Go and judge tor your *Of. . ' Ettoen ;Armin, Psalm Cushman, Strathmore Tuuy Butler, and all the DM books, at Pittock.'s •Osa Dar !dom.- 7 El(ly cents pc; down lor photographs, at PlttociVa. Attaata—Another supply of pLotograpiti received yesterday, of this favorite. ' Harman for April, and all the Rata books. pa Pere and magazines, azPlttoelea. Pistc PINCES--abIIIIVS, et Pittock's. On. Milli .00 Pit*k'S. ---- Bass atatlaneg, at Pittock's Cow mix, at Pittocli's I,.tnar placards had been stuck about; Llver ,pool. giving the following trout the IStb.,ctiapter of Revelations, apropos of the fall of Che rleston: Boylan the Great is fallen ! is fall en ! far her eine have ;reached unto Heaven, and God bath remembered her iniquities and'the met ' chants of the earth Shill weep and mourn over . her, foi no one buYeth their merchandise any more.. Merchandise of gold and silver, - and precious stones, and of . {marls, and lino linen,. ' wine, and, oil, and finegour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses. and chariots, and ~laces, and souls of men ; and every shim:l-tutor, and all the ' ompany In ships and sailors, aid as many as tnnhi by sea (hlocitadm'rennersl) stood afar off, and cried when they cane the smoke of her burning, Saying, 'What clty Is like unto this great city "" A CIIIINESE giant, believed,to.be the largest- In the world, and the twist-. amiable -man alive, Is exhibiting in .tiong Kong. lie stands, about 8 ft. 2ln. or In height, Owl is: peoportionahlY hroad. figure, is good.'r trie. novemcata es graeclgl as to compatible with hisnxttaordinary height, and Ids manners are reassuring: ' Riess" cep orations ahow that the 'Mexican empire container, tieh mine-of coat: This dis covery has been made , at Itoluca, about ninety: miles from Ilexica, and , the coat! Is tenoned to beef imcrilmt quality, , . , A me... 1 who :has some Nausiccin his soul," sap that' the 10011 t cheerful and.' soothini of all fireside melOdles 'axe Abe' blended tones of a Cricket, a tcalkittle; a loving nife, - and the crow- ing of2t baby. ' t ••• • ' SPENCER- On Titular's' , evening, Moak Bel, les% SARAH. EirLIEN. daughter _or Joseph and Maria•Speaser, aged 14 months. • Her funeral will take piece from the residence of the parents, 186 51C0124 Ilt.. Oil Sranagat3 o'clock. The friend' and relatives of the family ate re spectfully Welted.: ' • • •-•- • weep not. dear mother, my time I* spent, For 1 to y•ou was only lent ; But now for me no sorrow make, - - But tire toJesus for my sake. • • • Allegheny city; on March =I. !tr. .105 BYROM, fn the fitful y-ar of hL.age. The funeral will take plate frept the residence of J. At. Donaldson, No lie Rollin sired, CIII ISATORe. DAT XOIMI2IO at to o'clock. • • •• , :BROTHERS—At Me residenee. corner Peon acid Adam streets. en Fraley- afternoon, at a quarter pest three o'cleck, SAMUEL UIIOTHEI*", la the Oth year of Mit age.''- • • • Huth:wolf Nestel la ertating ESTABLISHED IN 1786, ' -irTscr.r.taartOrs. Life b net all ft erepini. Ottl LelLtt not to Lll to allit'seente, . A trend Reality." 4. I antd, and an [ thought, win - bright 811101 morning ati I entered tn.' • PALACE EMPORIUM, Concert Hall Shoe Store, end prated nryself et the Plow; to pole of no Woe, while mitriesul; were guallrongw4 lag &mining the Wooft of boiutlfat COIVORESS AND STABLE GEITIIREI. .abOOTS, BRO&•4, nhteh they have jut reentwO3 In MU dogma ►d ec scions BOOT AND SHOE ESTAJDLASHIMIEE There we Conte the 'suet „ . " Spring Styles. from Children', Shoe" at tell canto up. InGeots, Vine iremelt Colt Boot, at often dolla.Y.. . - And on .deoartlng we andld but Onedidier,.llloll 10-ldfe;rrit the • • • CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THEWOHLII, No. 82 Fifth Street. mbt'S • - TEE GREAT PURIFIER. ITEMATANAK.A. . . .hints the inttodubtlou at Meidtettle. Mei ladles Ml' 3 clisearehis portal* beet the mailed at mare Mr:,., . flow and stleatitis vonsidandloa by. the moat learned or the profession thea any other oortneeted with the laws of the Great Creators 'not stow hae " cotitesded that Allallsesses bass their origin Is stomach: - others, the solids - of' the Dalin. alters ; WM.' and by tar tne greatest numbmoonteadami"il reason that the at.oou RAM is the very Icatalett ;) life—that if it becomes impure, then disease worst forme—ScrofulaXamer, &a d and indeed, experieume In treating tlua mai= eases by puryjony the blood - and tbereoy edltelfs:m their eradientlen and cure..prove this to. be the . ,. correct theory t sodas - upon which theory; the med. "' !rine Mow known U IMIATAIRAIICA.MIS4 1P0R1110.04 eel brought ntolptaldice, producing the amyl ts use won aerdbes much a mastery over - • SCROFULA,. ULCERATION ,S PIMPLES oe sat FACE, TLITRII,NAL7 RHEUM, LIVER LOSS-or , APPETI TE , • DYSPEPSIA. it niumurwim, GIGt. ERAL naf DEBELITY; • • • • et to glee, from the clam it m drat LAM, rattier &gement to the patiezt; sty malting beta seem eat felt, the hood ft, is About to accomplish. 'Swag tbongld beat to put It up in bottles at tot, end Slat" eftfilf,ll4 many parsons are disposed to fry as am- ,s tie but are often deterred at the'expenee, the trial beta can be made at a moderate outlay, and satiety the purchaser that . the - artiste.. I. what Is el vesaimed far It to be. : the greatest tat= es= atoned before the Delicate Females End In It tee mooScui=o . . . That the public may form same idea at Its peltli liar curative merits, we subjoin a list of the petrel pal articles at which it Is eomvosodonth sale- . ; description ofthe airs and adaptation of = ken tronuthildgiverd.. authority known to Isiecoa. _ — .:IIIXTDURita SARSAPARILLA Is used with eit4neflclal eirestin earns of fiheunso , {lsm, ricrofolons Affections, Cutaneous Dirsisses out other depraved conditions of health. DANDELION . . Is tonic, diuretic AMI aperient. It has a tpeeffl actioa upon the fiver, exciting intvhen lanspriSel, st.csellon. It luta bet= tatiell u.ml iu Germarty Ls &Stases of the digestive organs.. lODIDE POT.ISSID:II. There are few diereses in which It haanotprcrreg beneficial • It L need In Scrofuloue Affection. whit great benelti it line also been need 'with much Juno eau in treatment for Inflammation of the 1' a. generally Increetull the appetite and. lead- :1 F.Arcipri rz.orrils • aromatic, Are aromatic, tonte, and highly laviyoratiag - to ,casee of Nervous Debility. - • • I=lEl eilpeclally valuable La meal of SavoOde sad CHAIOMILE FLOWERS'_ , Ars adrabtageoudy used In 1:14101 of Enfeebled Dt cation, but are expectant applicable to ,easen sit General Debility with weak &pronto. . IIEZEBEOZir BARE It sate favorably at an alteratira in Muncie M. .fectionn r anordo X.bel/1:1141114 and obatlustli Dk • • o f , • is • a • The baladee the formula villiturld adia pr teetton lotatost fraud. . • . - For sale by ' TBIROS OHNSTON, OOR. & FOURTH RM.." agrAolc your lutelllgrat Plipiclan his °plat= 4 a the above recipe. • dotAmoott. GRIGGS 47 SCOTT, - IRON CM rueroir wort g, Dilworth's corner of Grant of amid' stmts. Pittsborski. WM. XIIMPJI RICK.... • SCRI. S.LREPATRIOK BROTILER, comes to Brown & Kirkpatrick, WHOLE' SAM` GROCERS, pion lin and 113 Liberty drool cr Pittsburgh. TAMES DALZELL & BON, Manufact baron of LARD I..tind Dommludoniktin. ,, , chants for thermteltrote sale ortiBUDE. AND Y REFINED PETROL EUM, No szoft.7o Water street, Pittsburgh. ~ Advances made on tsonalvist (CHEESE WAREHOUSE.-HENRY H! N:Ji COLLINS, Forwardlng and Com Meri chant and dealer In IMEESE,_I3UTTEN, LAHNiz FISH, and Yrodnee generally, No. Xi Wood ilreeli Aber, Witter, Plttabunra. - .my 2 I.IIOVBI/- I.OIIMgD H 01154. JOAN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholuale , GROCERS .AND CMIXISSION nizal CHANTS. comer • gmithtleld sad Water itreet,'. Ttolouer ,DALZUt.i. %).- v. DATZJIti[ 110BF I RT PALZELL, -ILL sale Grocers, Commission and Porwardlne - Merchluds.nnd dealers in Produce and Pittsbatoi. manntaettires; Liberty street, Plttsbunh. 4 no. ir • .. .... . waxtalt i : 101IN 'FLOYD &.00. ,Wholesale Oro. eels and Coainilolan Iterclunts, Noe. 122 W 0 44 and 1,3 Liberty tiv,eta, Pittsburgh. - Jett _ _ eMDWELL(63 7 4° stda,RKl 54 detlei PlOviSa o a4,:‘.or Of Aot j u 4 `rant streets; Plttaburgiv • ; ;-' trutre I s scitere 11:1 - 01Gr* C0., - successorsAciliq -LJ•tt. Ora; PRODUCE AND oomeassiort TS, 110.LiertY ftrtAt, Pitt/WIWI, $ it - Ezinr ottirrox..A.: O. IIVALIADR, T A3IBERT ,-SEILPTPN& WW - 1 -A axle Grocersntuk . yii,ducciDeslers, No,' SW street, l'ituthurgt. - - - Jale` • I SAIX/I r ,DICKEY "Fr; . WhOhisal i l 2 - Grater., COmmlailon Merchant; and deAlats PRODUMEt No. 80 'Water strati' and let.. }:ettat street, !Ma largh. - WILLI&M BAOALEYi,WHOLEt 3 ALS I CIIIQCEIT, - No. Is Wood street Pltteberatk,r AVID M. 'EDGERTON -Whoire Groeee sad Cows _ 14 . 7 1 r, Street, Pittahuryth, Ps. r TumyPRUNFA—Two ca1a54 1 0. 4 : 1 4 1, A- Lew Turkey Pruues.jusf.tedlitxlaa of ay the pound si tke yew fTrme i z t rie ai r '.ser - *mum Mow sad usad _ _ A 1;66 Lai licrring, a iab >s prima article, Jag Me lee d MMUS aign'ne2tt.'a " "ale tgnraig i Alth;" • ' Liberty anew ;111F4 34 . 8 '. - 140 umb, rritto tirktte Booms, eftitretfa foruleby FE/AISB KR OINTRONittid: ;wait" ssiaio~ars, t... .. Plttaburgb. Po,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers