~~=~• .; gbeWittzbargit fintitg. THE ewer MEM 1680011E01 FRID4T, MARCH 24, lea TUE' IDIIIMICULTiES OP THE NEW saßciurotsst zAiv. Never did we see such a tengle'as thnt in .' *hick the, bite act or Congress has,thrown ;-- the work of Ailing the quotas' of- sab.dis - • %rids, Things were _working well - Under * ld systein. and they worked well under " Is of 1864; buteorne restless skarlts ' • OOP*, With are never contest '`.let t fl id .=-.well enought alone,": mutt , needs tinker itititihr. isit s s ind ehangO the whole MD ' :; : traseMe at "the Most inopportune moment Coltettbrable, when the work of filling quo 714)Inder the free system 'wet about half. tioni,. and was progressing satisfactorily. Atter allowing about kilt the sub-districts -- .7li,italb:eir gisoliiii with teen - of their own ..ele other districts or sttb-districts,- just , is ", tile)" pleased or found Most' adventageeus , ' 'end convenient, 'and whei 'other sub.dis rtricts- had. made arrangements to do . the la thing ,. suddenly-. Biel; are pat Oder ;loons,' and-obliged to confine them : lblvesto their ow narrow limits, where, le, many caws, iia, found impossible to c a obtain recruits. cage' all some the men . ._,...: of a sub-district who - could enlis t b a d al readya done" to, and Oven their credits to other districts before their own - hatlmade . . - readyti pay local bounties; and then r hen • I- they were ready, they , were - entidenly de!. .Ipin:a of the privilege which others had ',enjoyed; and by which they themselves . Sulti,loit their otni evailable mem.' If this •` be not unjust tusd r _rusequal treatment we . " are at a loss to know' what may. be so : churacterized. - ; ." , .' Belt even this is no t :the worst. :By the .2* section of the ` mended - l aw, a drafted • : ;)meat are authOrized to form themselves into : , -eititts and put to a proportionatii , number of Whet may be called volunteer substitutes of - Min nal ;17ienualreis liable 'to draft, and of aurae 'not 'enrolled. . There is nothing' in e -the law which espresely prohibits the mem ;', 'Sri of. such clubs ', front going 'into other -.; stthdistricte, or even othsr,districts, to get -, tineo to represent them'as volunteer substl `inter 'bid Acting: Ssietant Provost Mar -'O, shithGerarr.lMmirs intended that they cad ,,•,,tiot•gti ifutildet of their stth-diettiet—at least • .4welt apisears.to he - the •nustusirtg of hie oh: score language. Now -it may be -that Alt 1 ,r/Sirt!i 4 4.9 l #le.4 .b.- 411 suletrWhie4 11 tT &Irma/ ' t Idled -their quotas- with rbrdinary.voltin lot! s, there ' are aeons of ellerusnot en -. „ lodtaL,/,-ntest ups:atwhorls 'neither the Gar • wrasatuttoor the sub-district in which they 4petito reside his any . claim, men Whose , ,sistinendlil not.coatrihnte to swell tho quo , --ta e- who , wouldtbe very willing, fora cen ;7.lt4e4tioi..ttitehe the places of other% men ~,wlWs me yet exposed to the draft, hut who wader this law, Or this pap! tekma rulin,'Mtn- not be permitted !oda so. Now 'wtask, in this harm of Wommon , sense, what hat'tbis .militirYlaii to do wlththe residence of men n ".r.biter-whcm it bee no power, and whom it icannet put - into the service? And what u ,' claire, f oun ded In equity;'his a s ub -listrict . • . ; ,to.- credits for ench- - men, should they be . induced by the ‘. money of ' Other men '''''of other .; sob.dietricis, to enter-the service? e:+: 'The whole thing is:wrong front- begirt ' Jiing.th end. =-What we need to put this ' ' tiring asnear right as it can be made tinder this new kiwis this: . Let an order be is . ;Linecitto the effeet. that the enrollment lists shall le the evidence of a man's residence. If his name is.not found there, let It be un ..deristoen--in a military sense—that he has ;no residence, .and is free to enlist to the creel it ocany sub , distret or chili' that will cm. ploy /MIL Such an order, while it would wtniCt.isinjus'tice to anyb o dy,- would pre vent a vest amount of injustice, and render evailat , :e - thouicands of men who are now practice lly debarred nem entering the ser. vice. This would apply to yeterans of two years end upward-, to yoenginen between the rig! s• of IS and 20, to irtrens, end, for '-'rtnglit'vri; Cllll ire, to men who paid corninu . -..tation in lE6i). Let all [hes: be credited to 'thisub-tlistileta which pay them, whether enlistedlt4volnnteers, clut,rolunthcrs, or in dividusi subsdlutet.: , —-' An things now sithd, this provision for clubs is but a mockery and a delusion, and of no practical benefit—calculated to dis tract and discourage the people, rather than, Co ,unnethere. But were it authoritatively ttruleitibsit it Mart not enrolled has di• real: deuce, la the militaritense of tbat word, so that the members of clubs might go out or -the narrow limitr of their sub-districts to -seisltheir men, and-then let them ho credit ed to tbeli own proper sub-district, it might be made to work admirably. - Uncleatiti Ponta& A correspondent with Sherman's army writing from &tali Carolina to the New York Port, soya : 4 -To•a•sy is the first instance within a week that I have seen a household wheie the rig omen wena neatly dressed atel the ehild ten.elthinly., . The people who have Inhabi—' - Wed' Nbeliobits flbng ilia roads 'ler flat gales behind us are aintinest 'the Most' de graded specimens of humanity lhare ever. Kin. Many of the families I now refer to do not belting tof the. chip •knooli as the '-‘poor'Whites of the Singh:" for -these nee; large landowners, and holders of from ten to:rutty slaves. „. 4 Tbe•peassotry. of ,Franee are unpflue ayti, bet:they ore usuallvogeanly in their habits, and the serfif'Of 'tugs% ate ignorant, hut ; they are-seuli-barbarons and hare,'until • lately, been slaves. The working , Abuses (envy of them) in .rdirland, are debased, but they work ; they people I have-seen and; to for several days past are-not only • Talked in their bellies - arid their persons, but they are so provokinely lazy, "shiftless," as. Mrs. Stowe kai it, that they appear more likeeorpses recalled to al, 100soebtiary - - ctiMencv. anti t felt like apply.; log a galvanic Lattery so Limy c z ix2 Vt..bi made to mare. Es :a tie• inroads of; Ottr, forugt: I b tit; not Maun thew into lifo ;• they loll_ about like sloths, and barely find energy enough to utter a whining lament! that they will starve. • toissrao Dow.—The Lewisburg (Pa.) Ohrosick in giving an account of the flood' la the Susquehanna at that point, Bays that about shirtftellui ago Lorenzo Dew profile. I lied to that town that MO would witness the greatest flood that ever existed along Susquehanna. Citizens now living in toricisbirgiestlfy to haring lituird him utter Ibis fact. It says TALLTBAND was made the wither of aIF the smart , sayhtga afloat in his *day; Lbitlizo DoUr, in like manner, comes in for. the credit of all such trumped tIP Mbedes. . CLARK Mitaa.•:-Among the. things by .our hist4don of , -514ith caw let4.:er, trom CLARK limas, the ittlist, dated in December,. tell; 'at Wash- inten t and addressed tp. the Govignoi . • emit 61tbaxidou hlis; life kshinht.hi, order to' OM `.canna for that hulureatiPtalf .Th ls samo . . . . 10111 n Waidtm' glen - and.' occupies a Capitol sus' studkl. Why ishe tier rithbr= contlited the. Old Ospltol Di:otitis= reduced lest year 3". cheese:: 'A woman had lire Made - Of &wile bittliisl39 worth honveitch .cew; bringlig arty leuti pound: SheeiOefied all her oelsbton, who made from eighty-eight to ocit hundred and thirty dilate per cow. MSIIiIII g]tEuw.AN'Y great march co !doers inlet, pcded. The tete' army, dere-nett at Kings ton, 'was to thahe a stun at Goldsboro, but bus evidently Gtouglit Lett,: or it, ..oti retreated is Raleigh. The general auppo- lion hal been - that the united unlit, of BIUGG, HARDEE and JOILNSTON 11r01111 make a stand there, if anywhere; but re mits Oich'ttsthr. tie* Raleigh has been abtndoned, and that JOICKSTON will 170 i 1 mike a stand u l/ he finds Lan within sup porting distance. i. No one knows, course, what Gunn- SIMI'S original plan was; but, whatever It was, be has adhered to it, and It 11 . 3 now plain that his march from Columbia was di tatted to Goldsboro and not' to Raleigh. That point was flied upon for thojunctlon of Ids I comes w.irse Of SCIIOFIELD, and be marched atra tto It, confidently count ingtmon Scnorisatfa success as a matter of course. He has . r . t3t.been disappointed. - That tRUERWAS 7 calculated- upon the possibility of a fight at Raleigh, and shaped his plane ail i ordingly, Is clear from his 'declaration at Rakturnah, as set forth by correspondent 00.b,e New Toil Port, writing from fiumikair's army, who .de clareirthat he heardpimsay :, If Lee 4 solltet of genius he will transfer his from Richmond to Raleigh 'or Columbia;i he Is a man simply of do tal, be will remain where he is, and his speedy defeat Is.aure" Lts has sof transfsred his arm} from RichMond to *sleigh; and that fact will Probably te the turpieg point in &LERMAN'S ' further progress. It is but one hundred • and filly.miles from -Holdsboro to Peters burg; and this car( he traversed in less thati tweweeks. We venture to guess, therefore, that Snszussar frill posh direct for Peters twig, surround Illichmond on the western side, and Item Lam in completely, if he does not succeed in making .Ha. escape mean- - timo. The correspondent from whom we Lave quoted, thriller says : It is singular with what marvellous ac curacy General Sussman's prophecies and combinalicas have resulted in ardendid re alities. At Savaiirialt his was asked if he intended taking g i parlestan. Ile answered: .."'Ye f,• I shallAtof sacrifice life in Its cap tare.'' If I am ate lo reach certain vital points; tiharlesfo will fail of Itself. If tie people remelt, the they mast starve, that's all.' The came clear rception of results has guided Seamus' throughout his military career; end wherever he goes we may rest assured that he iriows precisely what he Is going ,to--accomplish. He has never de parted from his one - grand object, of form ing ajunctlon Gnarl by traversing the seaboard States rth his army and cow lag the enemy in ' - inbjection; and the probability now Is *at- be will accomplish without fighting e battle 1. . . , .Two men, named ,Ernest W. Pratt and Robert'Green; passengers au the steamer Borers, front NaS,sau, which arrived at New York on the lith inst., were arrested tipon chimes of being officers of rebel , steaoler which furtighed the Preneh-mhal nut Blenewall wit% her armament. The men did not teasels — sufficient passports ; - slid one of them, Pratt, WAS atcrettd in,the captain's room,, wile Green was In the purser's room, duti g the .examinaoon of the other passengers' It is charged- that Pratt was mate, and Green, steward of sib° steamer City of Richmond; which was loaded with arms and Sited out at London, by Crenshaw . , the rebel agent in that city, and cleared from that port on , the 3d of January last, for Bermuda, or any of the West India Islands, wilt the understanding on the part of the prisoners that she was to run the blockade, Alter leaving-London she took on board between sixty and seventy officers and men, and about . three hundred parrots of gun powder and many small arms, eta place called Grtl nhithe. The ret_ular crew corn. pitied ntout forty-fire 'nflanra and men, who went on board at LotiOnn. The res• eel sieered for the coast of France, and ft-ached Belle Isle in nboutis?rea days, value she met the rebel rim O'inde (Stonewall), to which shy traosferre,l 11. e officers and men taten on hoard at Greenbithe, besides a large qn tmity of vro• iislons and small arms. The prisoners were taken to G,n headquarters, and subjected to. a rie.hl ec• raninalion by Colonel Ludlow, or (I..aer,tl Dix's Muir • It is not yet kiown what dig. pt*ition sill be mace of them: Indigent Sterchants in Phitsdelptda. A largi meeting of the merchants of the 'elly - was held on Saturddy afternoon, at the Board of Tiede rooms, for the purpose of devising means to increase the fund for the sepportor indigcmt .Merchants.. Many of the leading mercantile &ins of the city - were represented, and' there- wane 'eery ':general expressivni of sympathy with the objeelsof . the It was stated that two hundred thousand doildra_ would, be sufo.: dent, if properly insisted, to secure ample amens forr the s'uppOrt of the indigent mer chants of Philudtlphia, ond there seemed to be no doubt but that that sum could be easily raised. Measures were taken to ob tain individual subscriptions from mer thants.—P/Xe. -Lveker, Mareh 20. lady who resides in this city, had a let ter I . ecently from her niother; living In the ,sity of Geneva, Switzerland, which atatea ; alai regularly in the_cluirch she attends, ' • rayera arc made -every Suudarforthe.sac-, CePII of - the North in ita struggle against al wicked rebellion, for the continued Liman oC Presitlint:Lincoln, and for the speedy, extinction oft-very vestige of slavery front the peat Acne; h Bei Mille. .7' Ida is a hese= tifeii and mulching incident, showing ho theLearts of the bonen. lovers of liberty' evelywhere go with'us. while the defend 2 ers of privilege, Inequality and ltilittman7l esaly their tympatlea to the other Past. A women applied to Gee. Sherman while! he was at Colombia, for protection for heti property. Pe Asked her if she was .Unicrniatt "Yee." "You will please a, take the oath of allegiance," Fold he. She did ro. "Vint is right, madam," remarked the . General; think I shall send a squad ormY soldiete to board with you. I don't tWe to have them subjected to unwholesome influences.". The Woman went away net exactly satisfied. ~r -_. ;.- ,_ 'Ocausoit 1670 Twi Important Arre•U The Svilss nepubllcanv. Tot Feel rut ontitorille4. ore now none tvieLly thotuund abea. of the re:xl , ht Cu• ewelmogeol lltteutiy OA, Mot. foruarLeil Ould, tlie Itobei .Comm6siouor, 'why he did not rend alone our prisoners.. "The truth is," replied Ould, "we lied it difficult:to 'keep them out- of Sherman's -way, and our tram -petition . is so limited that we cannot forward them so fast as we desire." A I nEXICA paper rays that the . , Emperor Hearin!lian's renunciation of the succession. to the Avatrian throne is DWI mild rar ae he hln possesplon odds Mexican Em-i plre ; that if he were compelled to abdl-,:, cate the document would become cold,? end archduke would again cuter on the' whole of the tights and eats 'es descended; to Lim from the Austrian dynasty. .OEN.. Bootives frrends_aTti urging him fora position in active service, and General . Grant is said to be in favor of the appliot.. tion.. Hooker is a treinendetuf fighter, and' will make a splendid corps comminder in any ,pOt s ition. where the responsibility or, a nnin'Oampaigns does not detrolco upon! . . Tr , ot Oil feSerhas broken out in Ni 930116 ;1 .ratious i pioapectings aro going cm for wells in The Northwestern - ton of the State. It; is she said there are insileations of ell in the. Southeastern pan of the State. • Tnr. Rebel Refietal revs m,, killed, sr lintebees :Ran i rls oame John-Teanitol wbo tell into meClellange' hands at xi* Moantein: He ins, married*: Richmond: Jut a eteelebiforelds &MIL ' "I . . . _. . , ~ . 9Lll , ,Waebbixtron cornspevideet teledrapbe Abet General . Grant tbbete Richmond. will be evaretatell whble teu dale. .We " 0 "" t" 644 that General Grant hopes it will tot bet—]G T. 21ribleee. Matoul, Buns, Cumotts,tho d B C of beam. .1" tic Alt 71 ILES. 71:12.: 1 . MON tcrn.-- , rii clic way s. ba a general mecttag of thi Club THIS A 171 111i041, .t 4 o'cuu.k. ra.12.24:it TINE WONY.N4I LOYAL LEAOVI will bald Its HTAUL &R MONTHLY N E3.TINt7, eo SATURDJOY rOIXT, 04 I o'clock, to the upper room of City IIoIL. . - labUdt IfIIOIIITH WAIL% ALLEIGIIIENIF.—. 'I he Block' Committee, will meet on MON. PAY EVENING, Ila.eb 2 1 1.11, at :714 o'clock, In kholhater'a Nall. 10.‘sentItteca are reoneated to have all subteriptlosa collected and make their full and final Irepolts. girls; • fall Ilat of all eon. trlbutora, aid df ill enrolled men who boo. not tontrtbotitd, for publication. It la hoped that Mt will be the loot meeting neoesaary. rabbtatl . A.ll ELECTION XVII PRMIDENT AND SIX DIRECTORS of the MANCHESTER . JOAVENGS 13A'K. will be had at the Molder House, on SATURDAY. .the Nth 'DAY MAECH. 1805, between'the hours of 1 end * Veloea• nihtatil THO9-11.MP31IEZ. Cashier. IairTOIIII = D R APED. AND DOW'? WAIT TO CAPT. JOHN DYER, 41t., , FirstWard,Allegheny Clty, asta received authority to neerult • company, up 10 ;lit that., atter- vetuch the Draft will be made for ail deficiencies. Locst Bomay Govenusent Bounty.- Pay of privates_.... Total for boo year 9910 Bromine' state Gomm LAM/0K AND FED. EIIAL tiTkEErs, Allrehony elty. DON'T WAIT TO BE DRAFTED. mht9at ATTENTION, VOLIONTERIUI.--41. LOCAL BOUNTY Or $5OO, In sedition to the GOTernMent Bounty, will he paid (or SIXTY ITOWNTEERS, RESIDENTS OF Frits: , WILED, ALLEGUENT. Aptly Immediately at the rendezvous, at thie DEL/MAD DYE/PS rtIFDJE, turner Federal and Learrock streets, tear Provost 'Rarities ogles. 'Thisbe new loud Orgatillatioo. tuttlktt .X.EW 4D rign T SEJI A'XTEt. Co-LET.—An OFFICE on thn second dam, corner of Water and SWIM&Id atreets. thquirealf n.1,242f JOAN L HOUSE & (JO. OItAICUES AND I. — l trIONS.--500 boxes Prime Nouns Orange. and Lemons, now la wita.l aad ior sale by int . REYAfER k ARM. gtißnie WAGON.-4314 SATURDAY 2.loltAlltho, March II o'clock, will no sold at Commercial hetet; room,nt Fifth stret, erring Wagon, new. A. IicILWAIIVE, ',Aka Auctioneer. SPICED AND COVE OYSTERS. .tix• o.ozeit 1 sod 2 pound Spiced Oysterit 260 uo. do. do. Cots do.; Juss reccirttliind for vale by DEVISED ft DECK, mb2l r"... 123 nod 126 Wood street DIVIDEND NOTICE. ovrlci or Warms Puma. Ort Oo. , ) • . rtrrsouneu, March 21,1963. 22e,DIrecters of this Company base declared it Dleiftend - of TWO PMR uEsr. ea the Capital Mock, peyable on and after April:lst, 185.5. at the act. or the Company, Ito Fourth street. The Traasfer , Hooke "ill Welcomed on Monday, the 2 th fait, 94421.0_,00 on Monday, April M. it.b242t4 A. F. FARNESTIOIIy Seely. . A. esPL ENDED LOT Olt GROUND_ FOR Ax- PALE—Containing about one acre of rleh gatdetk len& 10117 planted alth 21 bearlog Applo Trees. 4 P 1 ar Trees, Grope Arbor. with o stooks, le ,gr puaut it le. of Heather. les. Canaut and other torah Pratt. Situated edjolnler the borough of TI =l.mq:walla. on the Steubenville turoptke, oppcalte the Lore:tat estate. This se • beautiful *pot for a etautt7 seat, and la_ofaret ehettz. oc tp. PIP to . B. itc naltl4 ....- ,L i ii DRIES. IL , bre e WCho!os Family Flour; 110 do low grates; 7 ear Pea It Blow Potatoes; . I ear teats; . • 101 boxes W. B. eree; 10 bbls Orren a t; Ito bush Frith! s; 26 bola Prime R I Butter; E t 4 tubs raolung utter: 4 bbla Fresh Reek Leeched awl for sale low by 1.01/LCITLE A PECK, n:124 Nos. VP and 13.1 Wale:street. ELLGANT MON Ley hi ORRIN° Macon tOth at, 10 o'clock, will besnid at the residence, OURNER. FERRY and.llll.lll”l7RF.Eri, the entire Household Fur. nit me, eumsisting of pt nh seat it Irate, plumb seat chairs, plindi seat rockers, mahogany centre and sidetahtes, whnt-tiot, doe parlor clock, ottomans, oil paintings. engravings. mahogany dresalos bu• roan, enclosed washing stand., lounge; hihis sad cum, dining table, dining. Nuomnbaire. Rise. ware, clain• dinner and tea sets. kitchen table, kl,tchen chairs and kitchen utensil. gene ra lly. tut. 44 A. eleil.W . Al NE. Auctioneer. 1%1 °D elan. ° AND FIS a , / a , I INA f: DAY AltittNlNti, :.teleh fete. et is u'elouk. at l'uteutelcia'.. tur,6l Firth.' feet. to bbis Baltimore Syrup; pu do N. ILAlol...e.es; caddie. fLillmore ....join Roll Tolws,: Pi do Talon Navy Totruco: barrels 31hclicrel; 1: ti , 11 . 0 I: half barrel. Lake Herring. 7r, •tivol ion of toe trade 1. caked. The tale I. IN tore I arra A. MrII.WAINE, Auc'e LTOCIITEEN LUTE. IN FIFTH WAR.D. TUESPAT ETENIN.I. Neigh =b. at m%VI .01.1 semAid...floor of eaaa• ca. relit! Nalco BOonts, 6. Path street, the follow. ing Lulbliiiir Lots. in fleorga N Seltion's pl..' of Lot., in toe Fifth Ward-city of Pittsburgh : 12 Lila, being N'w. ti, 9,10,11,12,,1 J, le end 67 in fain - Plan. each fronting to feet on coluaibla Insect, and esteodlog bock 71 feet, 7 inches, . . = Also. 2 Lots Nos. 7 and 41 in **l Pinn, es cof (7olurnLis str. et and 11l ulltrny Tens. or SA L r--One-third esso, Intl tore In two. equal mums' payments, with Interest, secured by loud and mortgage. *dal A. MoTLIVALYF.. AnOinneer. - 11A.PE VIDZI;N.-1 J lulre on Luna and for sale, at tie following prices, a CHOICE LOT OF MIXES. No. I Delaware, SI SO pyr docent 033 per huartryd. Tio. x I.lroterary, 43 f 4 pre dolco; 123 per h-42 , leed. No. 2 1 elftwem •h SS pre.ungeo; 411 per hundred. N 0 1 11 neoiA. 12 SO per - dosen: prr Guidry]. No. 1 h 0.. 1118 Vey sen. • 110.1.Ctevebrq, IN le per dome. t Ler warietics et lovr rate•. °Were may be left et ff.ENNETiT'S.T2 Federal abet!, or at I.ltfibt h. SLACK'S, 221 Ohlo west., Allegneby, where ettteemay be bench •A. W. T. MOORE. . • Woods` Run Steller., P., Ft. W. AC, L. It. Lox 111, Pod (Mee, Alieghenv, P. sinhtlt.l44_" COLLELTuIt's tol.l at 1.1.'11L11.1 AUCTION: at the Vinegar manufte. tory et /lute, on Palo Alto street, In the airy 01 A Ilrgt .up. on. AION Y; 3,1 dty of Aprll, ft.lll.l.lng dereribed pronely', taken by werr Int IOW mint m.uod to me Ityllavol N. While, Dm, ollect orof 23.1 Pletrlet, Pe.. A. the It'ul'ci' , 7" . 1 - .1. buts/on *lt til luegitr 0111., Cll6lO, , large lank..l amen do., to buckete. 1 in.n ketle and 1 . 1 0 1 1 / rove hydiaet, I tub, I lot of .burga., 1 bun driver, I drewing 1..11.41 monkey ...tech, 1 lot el comet., 1 lot of hoo,t Iron, I lac of funnels, 3 chateoal otlll► l oil can, foaled'. put; I tomp. 1 foal ,her, I all atone broth and triltit., 1,10 feet of lumber Taken a. the propefrty of the Bald 1..1...Dui e. for Internal 11.,..unte due and un omd. Ittil* to commence at ICI o'cloek w. tr. Terme caph. • 1112113 ItInELII Mtn'. chl.2l:ld ' linen! nollector. IRISH LINENS, Shirting Muslin, Shirt Fronts, Pillow Linens ; St eeting Muslin, -Table. Linens ; Towelling( ' dm.; for iale M the lowest market prima WRITE, ORB & CO., *Mtn !MEET SUBSISTENCE OFFICE UNITED' STATES ARMY, • No. 20 botrra rIT., HALTIIIOIIII, Wm, klatch 21, tern SEALED PROP out)) fn"CupSeafe, will be re- calved cl thia °Nee IC 31. on WEDNESDAY, March 210, Rad, for furnishing SUEEP for the United Metes esibilitence Department, to be de. /hated at Or nest the State Settle Scales near this Clip, In such numbers se may be from time to time' squired, nut exeeeding twelve hdadecd (I,rns) Wad per week, duHng four (S) week!' from late of contract. . . Speepwill be tightly Inspeated at time of 'deltic.: toy, M.ta must average about one hundred DM ponds. Alt hilltop short of seventy (TS pounds' Will be Sleeted: Bidder+ must be respond to their blds,. and prepared to glvebonds and sign the contrallt, before staving the place. • • " The Go rernsernt reserves to tiself the tight So; teject soy or, all bldi considered unreasonable. I rsyment tabe made In such fnaq es maybe Na 44; If bone on head, to he made all soon as ; !,11; nc , vt_be_!nd . _ p_rsed .d.lst4nctl.4.4:A.Protipti esti - 14 - I:ieep "..ItsidTintnneint - Husk anti ,1 - 5 1 ,ZIJA, „U. 121.- Vohs Paitimom? - 31•tjto•dp • . Ltd to tit tho huiip of -• tiro; thdf ni°"...—" a n their porordee , • address mutt sprat. or Each person or every member at a arm •filtrioji a Propt•oo muas sotompany It -with en oathor o+.t Meanest., the Unapt States Uoverrianat,l( kei 1.•• nt t olrentylkdone In Ms onto°. . .! All Ws not complying strletlytrith the attilis f tide idtertleement rill be rejected. S. illicedltll WELLS, ' !NEC and O. S. V 01,11: OtE . I.NG.F-9n keltlakY., thsl24thlust.4"! hiltS. M. SISCIUN; • Iltiefre lI(EMOVED to HO Federal atm* writ 0r..,., Isatidsom ostortteeot of . Bprtng A Eity, dilttsbetty Utr. Po. odaga AC; 111 , .• .11,0 , 'AL U biE.,ll ol'IN . snTTOCEK Grawitel.^a Herten, i ; . 11farcli 14, 4465. How. riklrm M. Peeforow, ..1-71.17-o of War: , Stn. •,,The Brit ;plenum propounded in your let. ter the leth Lust., le. whether the =1 seentio of ; the Act of March a, Mt, "supersedes" the 4th sec• ton of the Act of.Februery la, lest t BY ORDER, The lth enrolled f the Act of Fehrutrygt, •i• vnehles rac y person,lbefere draft,to f uraish an accepted* sueurttute who is not liable to drat& ; new, at the time, to thetnilltary"or naval sehrice of t ape l'olted Ototea,ii end -presides that the trirsna so furniesing seen ontsittuter.rlielt 8e czcsitc•Afrocs draft during the lime for Wife% such rubsfitsde 0-4 not I N. liable to drop, ad tooreding the tioarlarroltictioacb , sulicorsde Ad! here torn acroxed,” ; ' tinder this' enaciturnt any person enrolled and t nab& to drsft, may obtain sooopttoo front; draft ' during the whole period of cline for which ho shall procure a nthotitute to he enlided, provided the substitute shall bra so long not liable to draft. It IC tot a mere credit fore particular draft which oath pinto-attains by furniohing &substitute before the anticipated &sit, but it is an ebsolute ercreptina which he acquires from liability to be -drown *1 aoy and every draft which may occur dnifite the entire time for which his substituse hos been sio twisted by the Goveratrieet, provided the substitute • be so long not lleblo to drat. If, for example ,his substitute Is accepted as a three peen , volunteer, and remslas oh lung not liable SO draft, the print& pd, hy the prevision of the la Ida. j leered to, it touted against the w r of .. isk.of -olt being rio drafted during the whole period far which his sub. *Mute enlisted, no matter bow many drafteTatay tumor between the enlistment lif the subutlinte and the ex. unities of his term n. service. I Bat the Gave, emelt, under this provision, Is' to be at so expense 10 consequencent the authorised:sub stituttnn of one Indio duel for another in thedcall. , The party who desires to avail himself of Molten. *fit of the privilege conferred by the law; is prop. erly end justly ...required to compensate the nib. all , ute. Such beloc the pro•ialon of the law wet no the subject of ,substitute►" furnished In aottolos, tlen 'et • draft, the bur of March t, 180, provides (Its Its nelseetles).ei folhoes "That soy . person or persona enrolled it any rub-district may, alter notice of a draft, sad before the same shall hate taken place, muted to be Mai teed Into the service of the Milted States bush somber of recruits ad added to draff as they deem expellent, irtdith recruits shal l sland to the credit of the peraona thus cawing tbem•to he tam treed in, and shall be ferken at substraferfur ruck perreas, or so many of them as may be drafted, to the extent of the number of push moraine, and the order designated by the •prineiptts st the tome much recruits are thUll an aforeaald mustered la." • - • i ' It is clear that thin enactment provides for quits anottcr care than that contemplated toy UT pro. vision to Which I hate been advert Ina in the statute 01 and mutton upon an enrolled proven a pr le. liege entirely distinct from that given to him by that 'Wattle, et which homy' avail hinlielf at his rption;in preference to the privilege conferred Ur lbw .45 rt of talln Utter the provision of the Sad Renton of the Act Of oil Mareh, %bat, he may, to edirance of adroit. 'Tease to be Intwirred into the terrier,. a omen:tit not reefer( to denft,'• w , la.. "recruit," will orfatuf is the reedit" of the enrolledperson musing hi,,to be mustered in, In the meet -of the to lade al being drafted, and be taken, on the happening of that con-. tinoency, eta sebefitere for ouch principal. Slat toe ocretifft , &hell avail him only for the particular draft in advance nod atticipatioe of which et may have secured the oreertat.r. "there le so provisiou be the Aet *SIAM that the pence furnishing a "recoil'," under the sod me tick, she I be “exerapijnemeirell" luring thallium for which the teerult nay hire been. accepted and et:dieted. But the only benefit whica a remck so forrilehing a netult derive,, under the Art of leak Is the securing, in the event Olds beteg drafted, of a ocredit'Ult the perticuler draft in anticipttlott of which the . .recruit" may have been furnished, The "recruit" say be mustered into the service for three yews, teapot, RI a substitute, he saaledy avail the person who mused hit* to be muttered la for, an I with respect to the ens draft before, and in Reticle/Mina of which he wed obtained.; The !lability of thaPshicipal to be driated lit as littler details occurring alter the mastering loot the • , re. croft,. Lind during the term of his scretee, - Is Mat et ' nil affected. There is manifestly. tberefons, no conekt between thevupeetive mations of thel Lets tofseeil and to which yolk have milled my rittee tins. tine does not - impinge iteuto. newsmen Croals the path of, the other. Tbergive dilrereat ant dle tines right. end privilege. Ito the Mused liable to dreg. Itches the alternative course to pantie be fens. any draft, either to boy ati.enbatilete„. and secure AIM to he mustered in, and the. obtain... reption from the draft daring the entire testator en. Itat meet or the eubstilinte, if the latter ha no tong net liable to drift. or he map proem for the floe cement n ..neereitn eat Halide to draft, and &Atte to dit for such recruit Lamm he should be drafted. outdating himself, however, to the liability of Lena compelled to repeat the operation at every rueeeding draft that mar be ordered by the Pesto dent, c hsefy, I suppose, the deity* of the provision of tie Act or ISM, under convideration. wee to offer inducement and present a stimulus to numbers or asvectittioes of indlyidusts In !lay subdiettict. ; (ere the lieblllty or Levee thembreams lied by. draft, to obtain soluntem lArertllti for the sense. veer, rag, in this leer, offers such amotiations a premium to use their exertions to lift op the an Wes. It say. to the. residents of the mtdlitedi entis mural., townships. wards and preeinste throughout the country, 'Organise ynareetrekinto verrefrinyilmeletiem fineftwe volunteers to enlist le to the meek* before ; the Inv „them ; each amounts of bounty as you may be able le raise br your contributions to the reerefffey funds of your several diatticts; end, when the have' been en. - listed into the service, the coin. seen you may l i s e t se raised will stand to the credit of as umay of u so may happen.. ...t be drafted, thee. steal of be number of trefoils, qa theorder designated; et the lime recruits are goatee,' la" Sash to the declaration and promise of the new - Hs imbey is to erteCASs tAI - I , ATlrdiAff, CI: the preedratinn at aubatitutm; to induce lospeople to ..reads. associations for the adintarenaret of inartriag, ratter than ter pnrchme of substitutes, Iri ehetlite, this rear law, ant la-want - atlas t hit ern pelwy, etwereet; however, has not teken sw t f the right of We o p,r4AA, kefore too draft. to iurni, tt a wise Rote, with thaLunaalle o r ton I • font 00 rd. rod tilts derrito hla AYainpliA7 omit den leg the time for which his *abut Ito t neft.lsro been accentel lie atilt hoe it to t 0.,. ret sera inn that rient is prefrreoce to te iots retire-zed 11111 . e 2341.0tinn of the A•t of the .14.1 of 1113tch. .44.8t.lanist7, "re:run" prcri• eta to ueL dna, 3. It tnsy tecottrof tl ~eb, • crnti, In t,e rrrut, on 317 occlalon, of Elm N.G.! As 3 Vett I ocri of cli!tnno. therefor...l hot tho23d un•ttnl nt the Act .13111051. 1A33,1001 inipeterde the fth ntei.on t.f the Act of Fch. 2t. ihr xrnud quesaill6 IN Wont pun twee erierre i to trle.ll/ r lsx.thr rlLe reeretts, , mid .h are 4.0 be tr. ken ...substitutes!' For to be coneldered and horse otter, the nsueteorell. and retool., of the Ott le of 1P6,11/11 R hi. h are.pto milord at the reveller of the re It es Stbl os n••uteritittes w blob are f undated et' the ere o I the lirinetpals I em of oriels. that tle"reerni to" whom reesool vomited to any tub-district my -cause to be mu.. feted Into the persica of the, Usit,l Sittig." la Mursuance of 'the .:3 , *cafes,' of the Act of 34 arch, 1:0, ate to ho considered and Lintel a. other reformers who are n'ltaleed at the capon.. .of the I:ll.ltrit Sentra It st ittPabierred, from the analysis of the Isersontaltwd In the foretotne loathe, I hnt the idea Involved In the lase of 1431 le rube:fission, • bile the fdri of the of ..1563 I e credineg, The Mellon of the Actor Ibri3 under a Da. shirratton noes onrspesk of the•Teeruf ques , tics es "eutotitutsa," but declares that they ^Ala Li totes.. rubstitufra” (or the persons wno cease Om to if faestered to. Thee , are not substitutes, bra coil of the ad fare of stOstilufes, Their pet wiry oLtteesentlel et erecter, under the law, ii thst of meat, for tbr procure.' or prine4t Us; and thin description lathe/rot description glee] of them to the H-Oltr.D to qw etsre, fur. after rmylne., "which rrernife siond to Ow rredil of far Krems that thou fe be strestrred in,' the eect 1.. n proceed., ••ord Mr!t br token of subrlgnlrr for olltH persons, or oe deny of items ilsr.my be drefice.lc Mr ern.: of the., nustreof ion reread. " A critical study of the wetds of the statute - thus dr 'elope the futJainestat idea which I hare sup. ;seed, from Other indlestione. W.l Intended to be - .storied ti the law. The "recruits` , who 'are to ..steed to the credit. of the enrolled perstme. - canstne Mess to to mustered In before tie. twentresum of a drift, I am of opinion, then, at. to be considered it• other hslunteet eremite which, are obtained at the expense of the United hitates, and not as "ebb. aflutter," In the'unitaliry sense of that term, which; me furnished.* the coal of the petite . I v : trapecifoll,. y, 6141 r 1.4,61 , 11 Q-11 Pr ttttt .1A31h,.5 SPEED, Atiorn4 (lettere , . • • ()PNIU.N Avvonsev"ixtranni tat Orrice. March. is. 131. 51.,5TA,c70], &kw/drool' War: Na: it , .. the 1.1 t% maims of the Act '' du Act In amend the ecteml Acts heret,f police to provide for tor enrolling shit 03111. it anti of II e national fora.... 'which provjd nit rolthrt I hat hemafter nii persons mustered into the or net al service. whether .as crolOateersl mitt , act. t. reptewti itlve. Or olio MIS.. 11b.,11 be' pm, to the .srird, to entitle.. precinct sr other efirollment wolrei ouch peewits belong hy. actual residence (if coseii rerionihaie en actual.residence.within the doll tee ititterd, nod where such persons Were or shill he enrolled (If liable to enrollment[ ' _, end It to hers by aside the duty of the PrOV , ll.3.lnrohOl•tionortl: to make such rides and give such I estructloos to the several Pr cost Marshals, Vier& et Estop, merit. a- d blustering Officers, se shill be necessary for the folthtni enforce ;neat of the provirsons • line seetion, to the end that fair and ju A credit ibill 1.. Ott.° to every realma of the °minter( Proviacd,.l b I in coy roll for tr'ou h.:re irtOit nu • .any Inn,.,tosrn.thho, rig r. 0.0 0 9 'ore .clOoll,'lolleshet nil .di.' *a% e Chi n•'. - I•• woe toUt.tr",'ll4lll'l. U./a:AO 4.' tr o-o Ault, act election district,. icsienot IGtu Ow milt.. tarfiot Anvil rertiescon the quota thereof." , You, La your letter of ths lath of Marah. ask myt 'opinion an the following points lltref..Ae to the etwoolog of the whole . .Nicht:dr residetroe,c as employed la the above section, en the proper mode , mowing to law, of deter:Mtn the statue] residence of mei offering ea reornite.. &road. Whim the "actual residence' , of the visit loin one sub.dlstrist, and he Is enrolled In .4 different , subdistrlct, where shall the Meat be. given . • • Third cases where the remit ho no legit domicil or ',turd madams la any enrollment subci dietrlct, !Mall no be credited An the subaliattict oh district where be le enrolled; or shell be lie allowed. to *elect hie loanlity I ' 1. The first or the sleeve qbestioss any be dirt. did Into two parta I First,lie to the menials of inn words "actual reiddencef and, secondly, 41 to the proper deoel.elWide Of eo4ldtolidol the' u ltettlei rest . . . It te very difficult to glee it tees by 4100+, the • , queetcnn 'of actual icsidence may he determined, In, tech particular caw A. few writers% rule. may be; Alvan, however, by widen* vast majority of the. macs can be readi . p determined. . 1... Every person mulct be presumed to hive au: actual rerldence somewhere. • t a. A man can have but one acttial residence at , one and [hemline time. a. A residence once - acquired remains antill 4.- The place of a muds origin isthat of hie so 1,-tail residence until be aaquires another; . Plinelebays their del,nal reebleace With their ! Patentee Iltlitidlatn, or, ifSpprentletw,lvith their. S. Adults rondo at the t lams of trereilerellirg.i A mate's dwelling le • in ouetradistiactioa_ ale' place CI business, trade oe occupstlon....U4 dwells! 'et the place he hanitusily, shops or pease, his, nights. - I. In every country therein mote oeless open., credos Misting m ote exbeet to , remain Jong at any placostiendffothis=l,, , whenever', end wherever holm of, employment May invite; or, limey Adele:, Suck minor have,thedr.,tretual, ,rteidencWs the ebetmunttv "bleb tteftnbyt • dwelt at the Moil a 084 enrollment. t ' • • •• Alto be Mod esectsnialat the natttatreld.i . demreofe recruit,. the statute, gives authority to; the Provoet•lllantnatOenersi .to men, cash rote. L■nth Rive *era' intimations - no will erodila , the . Boards of rnrollatert nod Mustering', Officers to' aseritain the for and outgo the credit ....wog - to the troth of the ewe,' In 115311 t th ts. tit of the enrolled CUM wont dotarm:.s • I ho'cost: ter. But as Klee question •cr whit% th • • mcb4ths• .able bare no, Intermit es well as tee rear Wee, and. JMEIf• 41511,7ERTISEVIEJT3. neruits tray, for bounties or. br:bee, declare emtrarr to the tact their pisees of eethieeee. c , h ?Well to he - pr esetrpod should admit of ,eoun ler ; proof. . opinion to .that whue the scinal resi dence lai ,e. eutedlstriet; and the ass Is enroll- ed do a dlffereat subdistrict, the oredit should be Veen to the dtatriet'af his actUalreeldence. _ 'The whole abject sod purpose of this sectlm ts to nx a rule by which places are Or metre credits for carolled meth; It girea a rule of eredltsio the :Ante, and to the ward, tewu'llip, precioot, or other enrollment, sillkllstrict, for enrolled moo only. It to sliest as to hewer where reerulte not enrolled, or noble to be enrolled, ere to be' c. e l l- In order that the credit may be mule accord-. Ing to the rale in this anti. preseribod, the m.n onuthot only,hisve is actual tendon., birChe moat be enrolled. Thrticorde of the eection, 'sand where such pensions were or shall be. enrolled." re-' lota to the fath of - entolimeat wake" th on * the, place of enrollment— Those words are Introduced to announce the fact of enrollment, and not to st reet or control the wrestle& as to the place of credit. This is manifest from. the context, .and especially from th e words In parenheate, just following .thosti. shove quoted; te wit: liable to 'enrolls meat ") M. Nothing el. oppearing It must be taken for flouted that the'Aettell. residence 'is; the plate ef enrollment, and the credit given socordingly. 'littwerer, it should be mole to appear that, though. . partmulararth-dietries,thrs person!). no actual residence, then tn. statue furnishes ho rule by which the eredittan be given. in such ease the credit must be given ender the law, or second. log to the rule force before and Independently of thla Act. I am, sir, very respeelfully,-your obe. Cleat 'errant, 'AILS rablantri lir torney-Gentral. if ilk , :NO 3041104 (01:VICH:4 • .TILLS . SEEAK.B OE T E Wheeler Az: Wilson Sewing Mach ne, Wlkb should be ormaldered by those who desire to purchase the HEST' FAMILY 'SEWING' MACHINE!. We err hartng s vest many ditelee in ror Sew g trnm ration. put. o the country, and to we can not cOnvenlently rept to them all by mall, we have thought It proper to state our opin ion to regard to them In this pubil i tmanner. We bare need patent onann ctured by the Wheeler k Wilseu Menu 1.. tido; Company, and we con .or In reeard it, La it It is without a Aral. It Is allnpir,-sol rnt‘ not ororder, and, In pilot of efreetl.en,e. /VA n l.h. no other autehtine.slando alma...n/11. We at ta mach In regard to the escelluit lane you Ulf own nespo.lbtllty. This Compan have m e and so 4 during the last three Mouth& 10,413 +whines, nd are now prodeelay add Scilly I per day. hey vary In price from Veto elde, the edlum prl al ones sell . bed.' In their badness t ere Is over 81.000,00010. vested, and theykeep 1,00:11 men regularly employed numurseturlng machines. The ,system pursued I. the same aa that adopted in the Manufacture of amass every Pleee is made to a' gimp% sod cease %neatly the parts of any , nutehtne may be trans posed with thole orasother emblem of the same arse; or should az accident mew; the broken part ear tounedletaly be replaced on applleallon at Mo ot:lse. Salesroom !to. 27 Pitch St., Pittsburgh 8 - liiil - 401•1 • reninq ATM .5111.1117£41C TIMING KNITTING. MACHINF q The einiptest awl moat afflictive Knitting Machine ever Invented. Instructions free. Oen astt see them In operation, or send for eircuinni . and eater E. P. dArasirrEr. CIENZAIL AGENT, SI VIETII ST., abti:tf B . F. QUIM7BY COMMISSIOi MERCULNTS, ?to. t SOUTH WATEk ST., CHICAGO, Glee excl.' attention to porstiallit Flour, Grain, Prorision Sc. Tor Eaatern wount. B. F. QUIMBY 0E0.1% BILOWN mh2-ty _ T . U. JENKINS Commission Merchant, LND , PURCHASING AGENT. PIITSBUROII. PA. 11.1.11er to Flour, Grata. Fenln, Frans, and •Il Yana Proeuria. Ilea brands Fe m. tly ILorR (unloaded) talwaya on band. Also, 111'.VINEP Prompt intention given to amstgnmrots, and eontspondeoce. Weekly Prior Out - rents sent to :onitigtono. Orders and Cormigutneuts stalcital. BrI1:1)dioW/ fi;74 =M= Corner of Penn and .Wayne IWALL/W.ON BUILDINGI.) PITTS t!IIIIGH, PA GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchate of DRAIN oral' kinds. Also, wholesale aealm to HALED HAY. Western denten will end It to their ads %utast. tocorresiand wtifi our Boom., as we bate greater realities tog Stinke r end Put , um good. Imo this and Eutern Merlons than woet of the &dent W this city. The heat of city re'erencen given when rennlied. jail:aatd pki4sio;vTlii3tFrili.47 W. J. & Hai PATTERSON. Army and Navy gency --No. 144 4111/RTIL M., Pltlakbta/c4. PKISSIONN proeurbdillol7NTlES.niox PAY and PRIZE MONEY, and CONLIIIIZATION Oh tuvrioNs or:creased prlarmen collectett.. octl • 1V .6. Iit OTIC-116 land of lit d, X , situated 'ln Sewickley township, Allegheny county. has been encumbered with Lumoer.l.ogs. Darrel.. and other Aria. ckrried there ` by the lute need. We will ehrea fully permit Owner.; who can identiry their property to remove the same; but wa old nut sutler arty other person than the owner , to do en. We would r. quest the early uteation or the worm of ter per y-to the above, so that the In rd may he cleared of debris. R. ity.nn golas CI. M. REED. • INSURE YOCIL 011111tELLA I=l . -- . 15TAND. Prlcetecol $.l OS and upwainte. 1 4 nre41e by t.M.KIVISBITER. ,m1s2:•01 N0..111 Ylith Street. - .MISSES HAS, KELL will recesse members their elassea for a Kew wreks I.erimi—St forAwants-four jesione.rit her for Ise Hist or seemed series. Ai this le the but coarse of the aeipoo,,all those who spercciate physical raisins will 110 well to, avoid themselves of this OpprortUtilty • FEMALE (I.4.l.atlE—stosN.sy tad Wedoess , day at 3i r. r. NeturdAY , mushier at 10 A. a. ; ; albite art , t panies wtzti IsaTn tap kr•tiTtri' 1111. or HARIct.I.4 to to tits Levidooat o t o 0 1,v, 01,, 0, lOC .-.le r..!i„ 11,,c1,.i013 tibt , l3.l . ,j) .L.711K nAlsiar o ,• . 1 y, 4 •.l , 34thti..PLUlLl`fe ,- 1.,14.1r.:01..;3..11 *malting itte.tott&t,tv; JAS.. vuswilikyry, - .7--,.. FESEIEIts o.mmittio fostriOwitarti LOST 011, AND BARRELS- MAILIEBEN •• ' IL. • do CO." Liberal reamed wilt be pald foe tears of oil la: bartele and empties tnerked al above. Apply at Ibe Once, No. et Natal street. WAN w.l • 0. S. LONG it 00. aortaDAILIZJIT :STEEL 6L & BAILEY, InOck Brokers and itealF44o Agent!! Stocks bought sod sold exelustrely ou commis : ger peso, WILICITCS U&LL " EBIOVED.-11iLLINERY,--Mrs. M.' 5.6 KITCHEN has removed her Nllllluere mtg. lishment to No. Wo, Federal. etreet. 411rsheur.', *here she hpesed s largo end eletomit assort.; tseot of All a le the raILLINLRY LINE; aed win ..hos ppy to see bee former trtmdo oiod flottotio. s - s s - . s Ns& EMOVAI..—DUCTOR JOSEPH' P.! Iteit VET Ili. reilorsd from the ethos, Dribs : late to Boyer. to No. rte ar./..TER' Sr., Lear Ulm 'Methodist church. • • • ~, • A tj.ge 'tom r. tdOzelk s - , _ 1,0 . 611 , lllll!ryu m nons twins: caught 014! be 11b:rig:es: 1 41a ry k re a pONa t iti . _ elk 22:110 401 STOPg Ptieet: • • ALL Y., of rad, moire; grain sad , eolomaa Vaparli Pow ireivOti ,zirn.tin Market Meet. now ata vih4 K. Toni Fls s ralifltt - CIARO LINA rftelved As lot of obolce Otranto' Ulm, for sale by the barrel: of et retell et the regally arceery Store 10 of.. • Will ''" • - IIN A. flEffatifftW. IARD.-25 tierces Kettle Readend bud received and refute by mat' BAIRD & PATIIIPV jIETROLEII*.-140 Latreia Cmdu fat watt., 1.11:14i11.13. Jl'Eif^ JDWTRTIS E.XT . S. FOURTH NATIONLIe BANK, OF PITTSBURGH; L & GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY, PITTSBURGH, MARCH 20. 1865. tax.mc=ALr. ma•crrxosn. Ts seemmedate the publla we have mails SATIOACTORY AHHAWGEffiEDiTSI 'Asa will tarnish to purchasers desiring It ITT Br am.' 'r BAIT. CALIFORNIA EXCHANGE,' PAYABLE IN COLD; EICHANGI OA LOIDOII, PAIIB, FLINIFORT, CIRCULAR LEITERS OF CREDIT GOOD JILL Of GR EUROPG. JAN32I.O.OONNOIL Prattles*, • 6. D. HEREON, Cashier, THONAH DONNELLY, Vice Preakteat, ALLEN DUNN, AsaSRAM Oaakir. Plttabunrb. 4th NATIONAL BANK, U. S. U YERNMEST DEPOSITORY, PITTS BURG IL A LL THE MAG AZINES AND PAPERS FILANK BOOKS, sTATIDNKRY 01 , ALL KINDS, PRVI64IRAPH ALBUMS, UAL MAPS AND WAR MAPS, GOLD PENS. BEST DUKES. I:YU:TIRING AT LOWEST PRICES, G 9 Fifth Street, Masonic Hall sabli i ' • . R ESOLIITION TO CONSTRUCT A SEWER. Rewired try Ms Merl and Comical (bundle of tie co y of Allegdrnt That the Committee on Octets be owl they are hereby authorized to put under contract, to tbe.lowest and best bidder, a sewer of sufficient ealibte_trona..thiLOhlo „hirer, an Ferry Lane, to Western.ffirenue,e distance of 39,i feet, Mid that Mehra. A. U. eilexacider, James Graham, John Alexander, 'freeholders, be • and they are „hereby appointed viewers -4q view and assess thi ' coats slut expensearlaing thercprinn, according to net of Assembly. • Ordained and cootie-into 'a law this, the RIM day of Alareh;AnserDominci, owe thousand eight hundred, sal sixty-nee.- - • • • • • JAMES *AIiStALT., Prest of ' Select Council.. • stuorr inwm. • I). A. MACTERRON, 11leek of Selett,CouseiL McCIONNICILE. ClerkOf Common Catrne/L mnvatd , 7 . 1 • NNW - 000D,5 . ! 'NEAP , FIRM I.— ,DRVIII. 4, 13U.CE, Not 30 Ohio Et., - Alleitheny City Swing !need .two ,intenstre Wardrooms, la CIA2•011'• Block: near the Makes Hon sa t and. mart *hared a licavystdek orllerdware. 011ilerf, Oar. pester.* Tool., Flows had Flour Coatings. Oulti. Tatou, hitttsig Boom, Hods, Shirred% Spaded, road, R.tkce, Mattdad, Now Ora• at whiny", Cradle.. •• lie, thin; with an et het artlelea in their Ilk. loi.te the . raw 1.ii , 10,,a1P1 vtleinfli.l6.;glsT. :f•AllbrAlnOttX Pitstlbm dab aIOOLI AitTICLM....: • • tahltly • VitOPOSALB :ARE !MUTED, AND will bereseired, by the committee on Streets, ;of the (lily of A 1400054 now WEDNESDAY, ..the sth day-of April. for the goading and parte; of Tremont street, In the emend Ward. from Welo avenue to Wean Lane or oft), together with the aeressaty" Sidewalks and lurbstone. Also, es the seine timeareposals will be reeeiTedlor the Mailer of a sewer on Inn Seat Common from the east side of the East Common at Wash.. Instep. .street,lothe Canal, where it erases An: derson street.. And also, a sewer on the Welt Common from the railroad crusting of item's 'Menne to a polst Intersecting the sewer already constructedou the West COMIDOIL, dblitBll46l of about, one thousand feet.. Plans and speclikattene of the a hole wrrk may be seenat the omen °Labe RECORDING REGULATOR, In the Day Hall. Proposals will he handed either to A.llolMor, Street Commissioner, or JOHN WRIGHT. Chair manor Comnou.•oa Streets. ", 25 YEAR% ilXrEfitE/iO4 • B swiestabilited the teat: to PROP.. BEMS MAGNI:II3C 0.11. gliegaitelisz s tear= Old Mores, said sun sag at the nig piing of RS ,oata peg bold Biddle JOHNSTON, dole Agent, di • • nor. Emithnold And a 4... ,0 001 ? COUGn ° " ( N,w DY ' . nfmittlutTo% t:kol.l2oa and'Ainicriid; ' - ' • ' Good Vanilla and Lemon, - - ' , . . - . - Clioad Paw Applat, GOOD TAFFIES, of eidiali-ictado, nianntantared :and indd by' .. - -. .... ; aE i 414.1 E nwirErr, , ~D b l i sond Tt• - its Fedeial .tree!. Allentienr: i. ge~~ . .... .. ....... cevbsr e,Da~. • rreall• hoard: raft was- lod ged ea the wand.' bile hose, situated Oa the A. R. near Ver. rier otailoo. hag stetson Lavin( lost.gekgstratt, will collie tenser& pay *hams', prove property, pas like It miatt p.sr else It *III besoldharoolitig to thZtJtallO .irE yr .rzo rrirrlsrarr.rrs GERMAN ETMONAL sax, COB- SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS AUGUSTUS tiOTELDR, President. SPRINGER lIAB.BAMOH. Wine PANAMA. GEORGE. A. ENDLY, Osetder. Thla Bank Invitee the accounts of Batiks, Beak ere god others.. ' lioirenueent Seourithee of all Undo bought sad sold atourtent rates. As SPIXIIIiti AGENT of Jay Cooke, aubeerlp% tkiaa ortU be toot:Wed tot the, This tom ti now Wes absorbed at the rate Itt soacNoopapao, wNor 3:rmv. and :oetag coarertibicr tato • firboada • which are cow at • premium of over NINE PEE "CERT. It commend, iukair tor its auperlor advs.*. twee to -who soak a cafe and proitable Wog- Übe's! . eoiantnions on this Irma WIWho stowed to 'LII E 4111140 la Goveramsataeciuttlai. • 4 GEO. A. ParDLY; Cashier ono' • :•• NOTICE. Special Agen t 11. S. Agent for the 7-30 Loan, We eller Ms desirable Inmanlent le =es to molt yeroaseers. The notri stela SW= 9i $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. I'IVE,VffEN7f GOLD BOND Ifees dedrable mniHthNi ate eeaom at t‘er4a 54.000;000 PER DAY, Eir-T• Backs, tatikers, Brokers, Trost Cher • Nib lasurance Companies, wad all whii pup , soli yprla. I Liberal Commit'los Nig hid l.i us It le hoped every ene w slyest tide Mild 4eilreble, We end prodtable secnuity. 8, D. HERRON. Cashier. fellr 1° COUNTRY - BANKS II a Government Depositary, AT RUNT'S, AT IitINT'S, TILL Rank 'strain corrrespondance and socianta [rum AT norrrs, I=l Special and Favorable Facilities E AT RUNT'S, AT uuNrs, AT. SIU NI'S, E Furnishing U. S. 7-80's AT tiumrs. '14..n.-u~iso~., q*filer. FOURTH NATIONAL BANE, S. .Gorcrattnerat Depositary, Mt* &tat Is I.utiontzcd•to receive mosey, PAYABLE AT 10 DAYS NOTICE; 'Als6AboMmmemtwlL Bearing 6 Per Cent Interest. CERTIFICATE FOR THE SAME. . 'lt hopetl,that thie ram' Ato nestaxnus • artensentrat sill meet with the (sear or the entire -ehnmithicl;„•titi eh the 'et, enteee Ot obtelabit et; - pere.••at.. lntelsn 0,1 ,, ~ loVe-'159,4. lee , f. ego term. la - tiZeeeebee ormutbeY Rill be hhtelecAl aeverbeteab r • •:, • • - patEs Bcriirli, • , 138 woot sow. IMPROVED BORING I'OOlS, .Binlibe Oil, Ithlt awl other Werth Toots waretated mad, of that erwort tit 4.12tD LOW .111.008, . - . 7Gackylreiro , Cikatia. „ ZsPritoos, M=S7Mia ' 113-rtik Zt.21:60=2.2 aro 4604 an at watch i taTieoluassiuriaimie. • Eit iE S IT 4 " kireir : to mum. fzuldtoll, teoetvita rata UAArIELD,. Of Pittiburgh. Popular -7-80 Loan. FovazA ICATIONAZ; s p . 4 Pirtunnioa, litastary 18111. - HAVING BEEK AP/VETTED JAY COOKE, Trancterrable Mg. 15* 1867, ALB11:1,1N IrSEY SUOILTTIitit IFPUi be at es Prepelsfiss. JAISES °vows= President. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Prrraatmos, February .171 b, UM& COUNTRY' ILVNKS BOTH AS REGARDS INTIKELUT ON BALANCER XPO3EL RillP•l6l4!l..MaEll. 'JANES O'CONZIOII. Preablent. PITTSBURGH. riblrum7 23 a. 1141. (After 30 bays.) asp num -Daman wmt HON. F. E. SPINNER'S (U. $. TREASURER) Jei ovmmx zwawit. D. szEtaom.combier, feftstf a Flttsbszsihr Pwn. ILLATIF . br wins: 110141111 ETlMlllinik 8.11.11% 1 4. WRIMEIe 1411 . 84 .1M1 . 6 5. 81.1 . 1125 BROVI3". PlOlO9. AMA . _,.En - anrEnTISEMZr U . IiITED STITES TIOAN. By. authority of the Beeretari of the Tnie the' uiaersitied hei . usirdef thapeeerre sartyttois Amoy for the We of trotted its Treastay Notes, bearirt .eren oaf WIN* pee mat. loirseest, pot seem, azalea as tha SEVEN-TIM LOAN. These Notes an it u s ed matt aatt et /Lairibit 1861. ;OA are payable Mr* Ilaua llna Oat ru.t . aii.eurreney, or ere cactititthie et tba bolder fate • E 510 f:4 Ptr cent GOLD BEARING BONDI These bonds are now 'violet - a lar.toree per cent" Melodist gold Interest from Noesahl erhteh sieker the astoel teefli 01 Ibl Yds kmM =toot ritoospaitiaios p4iiist;' Otani um mot pee . sozwi,oi4lCO far C1ft..114; 1i,004114 W tW "1ii0 . 41 . 41141 0011 PP; by eoupone Misdate. to seek note. widah, Olaf eat Citr - sod sold to nor took or osolm Thejatereet amounts to One cent per day or ISO ndtil Two r _cente " w'" $lOO " 1 Ten " " " $5OO " 20 " 1. " • $lOOO " $1 sgooo " . - ifoten of all Um Atroomtn►dma unmet mill promptly tornkkod upon tomipt. of • . - 1 1 THE ONLY LOAN. IN. Itill new offered offered by the Gewernatinf. end IS confidently expeeted that, Its 'aperitif , fill . * will make la the _ Great Popular Loan of the MIS /Aga tam 1021 * ** M 3 r e i °Bl2 11 !"?Id. protoiily Altpoold of, within -to. ' naillA 4011 Whims Ike nines win nadoatoteals ixmasuall al ; Premium. la " 45nlibnra Y bT"thi 0010 “ 41,bectipumu! 0 1 other Lotus. , In or d er that , 1842 ePS: 01 town 41 14 .Oottloo of them Mary,bo afforded WWI. Soo 'balm loon. , the PlatlonAl Boa)" Stoti, Books. god Priostiytankero throuttroot ih. ova& try taxis generall avtod to maws itutoolothxd i st.:por. Eintoexttori wlll itstott their amt . La whoa 007 bars c 0021,10 0, 414 who th ittatil lm; I;i9wial therreett bl :i rcir o tit° "Iv ' '147 of the JAY WO*l!3. Subiettition, 641'0314, rdlsidethaiik."l l . lit by:4ll4lms 4111 be teeeirel by the . . PITO minessl Ilast. rubbers% Rees " " ana Youth . auzet's masaris 1 mirk naasess.n. ?Italia n& Mules&l ll. = stibnite/tea Inn 014 . ,y Tradeeirsas - Versa% Damen " I Metbsalis First teiramakort H Andhra,. WAIr DEPARTMENT, PROVO:MT MAtall 01/1/1011,1 WAHSING TOL 1). tl Moran 11114 CIRCULAg—No. e. • 2 In conformity wan the proetstmatlon of thePreoll Ideht heracreth poniuMed, all officers andemployial of thin Bureau. are Instructed tirsiya prompts/1 (notion to the rrcetvl ,, g and forrrardlog of aucia drunter) no present themanlyca In iicaordanto roe rearm:mai. or iris Tlntizn iiitalacton.l ANIUTTCA : • • • , . . i•••A PUOCLANATIOINs . - _ .„. , "WI eteruk the twenty... Am t. sectibn otihe sot ef. Congtesa. epproved -cm the third instant. matitled s 'Au net co nmend the several acts heretolore paserAs. td' prof We for th e enrolling arid todsing out the'. Naricrod force., aed for other purposes, s requires I "that in addition to the other lawful penallteeof 'the crime or desertion from the ndlitary or rental o service, all persons.whabove deserted the military '', or naval malice. of vise 'United Stetee,whoaliall not. return to sold serrice nt report thelniiiied to , i 1 Provost Marsh,' within oloty dope after the: proclamation hereinafter mentioned. shalibe deem. s ed end taken to bare volts. redly redingetahed aid forfeited theireights of eitizMihlP - artathetreldhis ''•,.. to bt come citizens., and ouch deserters shell. be 1 for ever incapable of heldfur any office of trust or ,-1 profit, under the,UnitentStetna,nr.of k serithwiglay".l . riahts of s Marne thereof,• and all persona who ; Watt hereafter desert , the Watery - 0r naval Mike, .. . and all persona who, being duly enrolled,okell des • ' part the Jurisdiction of the district in when he ' . to enrolled, er United go beyond the limits of the nited States, with intent, to avoid any draft In the milt. :µ, eery or weal servile, duly ordered, shall be liable 1 Lathe pens/ties of this section.- And tbo President; Is hereby authorized :and regu'red forthwith, on the pitman s oi this nit, to bstre his proclamation setting forth' the previshies of this Beinioll.. :tit , which .proclamoalcut the President Is requested so notify ell detesters re treeing winkle riaty days, so eforesaidntitat they lihnli be pittlOiled on 'meddle' , 'of returning to their regiment. and companies, or to such' ther organinnUons as the" may be assdgned - to, - until' they' ohall . hove served .for a -trettbd. of time equel to their original term of col eat_ "Now, therefore, he it known thet'g' , AllllA- ,1 HAM 1.1.1“.X1LN. President of thellnited States"; no Jiang this my Proafem etion, no required by.e4i4 , / act , ordering' nd requiring oil deserters to return -„ to their proper posts; and I do hereby•notifythem .. Shot all deserters u Ito shill, within sixty day' from gc the date 'of this ,Proclonation, elk: ou or before ' the lath day of Ploy, tires, return to 'orrice, or re- r port themselves in n Provost 'Marshal: shall be pardoned, on ennui/Ilan - that they return to their regiments sad companies, or to snob other °root. :Mkne so they may he 'imbrued to, and eery* the - remainder of 'heir, engine' .tetme or 'enlistment, iii and, In eddltlots. thereto, • period Nazi- ' to the tune lost hydesertion. - ' ' s h. ....la testimony .whereof, I have herennto set nay • 4 ' hind and consent the heal of the iln,ts 4 State. to ;- ..iiiii;:t,thisClty of. Waildngtoo, this eleventh '4l day of - March, in tY e year of our Lon; one frl tr, 84 thouwend went - hundred andatety•dre, and to , . of thelndependenee of lbw, United Suites, p the Olghtpu lath : 4 ., ', , „ :-. , • .AElltAHAll LlXOOlath •ff '. - - W. 11.13twartn, Secretary of - Stile.. ' Therecorda and. tetunie of mile' demerteve will , be wade up In the astne.manner ash provided for I - ;,, to other easesby exist Int legulatlone; eneeot that it will be noted oath') book of desertera !Wrested, opposite thenaine of the deserte r the bet of Ids 5 having voluntarily surrendered ntmeolf be oonibr , 14 ' mill with the President'. Proclamation; and the M number thus eurreader, ad themsfrlvos to ,h+separ- et 3 aly stated On the report to this !Moe. . 4. The hearetary of War d heats, that no reward bo paid for the arrest et d,sertsre who. may be arrest- .?, rd so neat to the- rreofin of Ude order bylaw ..IdattLer: Provoat Illotelala - , - • ' -' - • , -, • 1i1vii".. . 44 It ir. , '•' tobleAtd . V. . - Provost Marshal Ge ii neral., novo ITEW WORKBY Tflifi ln Ir A.. .Heil In BOadage;"01: Grinville do Wigne..! Sesek.R.A. 4 l l 33Clibiart33l. ; ;L a Et Wrbuglit by His Owil AnthEararildit ts Bc;eisimOriuk!l iie Ile Ylpee.• Yolk On e „limo.' 620 pp.: Palos $2. 'br Book . seneti, l iiilll bet,igtlty sail on 4r,olpt of Priee• ' • • • pPP,11216110.400. ' d PUBLISH ES;3.;Philidiplphlay - NOTICE TO RErINERs AND 'OTIIERS I Pt viewer Posits ot Olt and Ilartels by tbd late treahet;Stedte-rs and' Dealers In Oil are eartuimmi requested to retrain from buying stdrett. milked • ci Am marked,- bar'or. ear frlnt .1 1 t 4 1; Alt known to them bb retpo evidence of `o 14 ble ;or awing ott p wnendalpy lend iherebrinct the ;Flux% et , ell lost-tolrecorer{.“earne. • 1 • At 111 y Ora Itirttter tequeeted to glee Deltas to the dadenignedgcuumlttee far attO•frati, or ince othred Men to; sate. and the namerot the Peteede •D, °tremor. or tmitt.Lott ell. In their possoutook it Nto to hope& that the aulyereft by lb. dryad 5. :at have the assistance of 11l tale an 4 hoaoratde sten in reentering thelr !oat oromrty. vc. • JAS. StAWHINNE LISPIEK .T. sandlat. • - • committee.. FIFTY CENTS AND: Rif; CEIVE by Multi mall, the ' • PEErsizir, itrealsi• AND o&TEST .400. ' . WM. O&MPISELL 4 retacteek P. U. IL , : WO, itutbp,re. RA.
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