V 1%. Am a volt CiaL:t t)- it- • - 3 . -4.I;fIRY 9 , ,156:;.. CITY• AND Stf Ultil.l,l, (PROM SATtIIDET oeszrrx,, The, Draft..-Irport4nt Information. The following Is publisliqd for the information and . guldanee of enrolled 111 CD, substitute. 4, red . - uhteers, drafted men,. end! others Interested in the draft. Being official,it Tony be relied upon as correct, and those um:vetted should preserve a cc,ly for reference: PiNa. 31Art. Ormcgd:Xllo Drs, Pl., Jpntutry 0, 1.t65. - The faculty, Information Is given far the tut. ltnrcof persons having Lttsinas with. the of- Subetdriet must be over I eighteen and under forty-fire ye:l.ra. - ;Persons ;with substitutes will vat the Bublinge .0111ce, Ming tim proper . of a citizen as to the rethtenez.. el. ‘t * --' TM- A - -04 or the preposed substitute. if he is • , . tl. to he ,an alien, or under twenty years 4 ;4 z .1.4 . the tame evidence is required as if ;_, ~ t - Misfit-tate was ap . plyine- to be exempted ME ' draft, on that ground; and if under. tvrcnty yuirs. good evidence of his age will be 1-Cquisite. If a veteran, MS diSchar,:e will be re , quircd.. Should the papers be correct and the evidence of the witnesses riotlsteetory, the sub stitute will be:examined ;physically, and if ac cepted, mustered Into service as sooß 116 the enlistment papers, can bat made and enzned ; a certificate or exemption . will then he given the principal. The money to pay the substitute (legal tender, or notes of National Batiks) tnb.it be de -4 posited to the Enrolment Room, previous to his 1 nanoter7,where it 18 plaCedr 111 a Sealed envelope, .., paid to him in the Clothing,Hoom,.add . his receipt taken nod tied; muster After muer the suhstittuacean. not leave the building until sent Mille military oat (Ginirdllotise) enroutc lemma. Every rca. nable . faclnly, Lowery; WM be affonied him for Qoalting Ids Money or sending it by exprosS. for /deb purpose a guard wil 1 .acnimpany him; lie 11l net be allowed to retalli in bit I/Of-est:3Blo3 any 'times' clothing, and should make arrahge cuts. prerimis to hid muster, for its disposal. urlong'ee are Ftrie:l., Prohibited. No choice. or micro( is rdloweil a earettitite (or drafted man;) Ito'l>i - ermines , " is entered . on his muster roll," nd msy or may net he regarded when he is as igned to a ngiment at caner. They re -else no oresnment :bounty.' The pay Is sixteen Mil a'month.rations and dlothing. l's mons preeentinwstibatitutes are requested to 3TC themzeltes; and the! provost Marshal un eectsary trouble, by explaining the above to eir subilitntes, that no, tnlstepprelteuslla utay xlet. (Ellbuld the zinbetitnteprove to have bleu I a deserter at the time of his muster as snub, the principally lull liable—hut-not for his subs- gent desertion.)' . Volzazfrox 'will apply avabove,nnd themtnarks In - relation to diteharge.s, mdhey, fertile:oli. clothing, Sze.. under the brad of "Sabstitnies'z apply equally to theta. They barn a right to cheese a rq;iment of Pentisylennia Inflicter, and will receive n bennty of one bundled (tailors a year—one third hefore • IC3Viil7, camp, remainder during service or on tieing discharged. Cern:l -ONICS of muster should be-ready ter signature at the time the volunteer Is Mustered—maths out in the primer form. Drafted Min mill lie allowed. five days (the jProvost Marshal. Is not antheilzed to allow more) . from examination to put in sulwtitntes—bnt can put thentln afterwarils while to the camp near I'ittsburgh. They nowt 'report on the day spec'- ', }led in their TIONICTS,OT be deemed deserters. They may put In substitutes or ha beard no claims to ex , exoptlon,(other than physical,-) before theclay lip .l*lnted. The printed blanks explain the mi. tdenco required In 'such eifscs r and„one or more Initnesscs must atteud lo person—except in eases Of age, where a family record IS prolneed: in sal cases of age, a record. or certificate of birth Sizz baptism must . be prodriccd, or its absence an- Mounted for. In allenage' the witnesses should, ;f possible, be votera of the same election-din :Act as the applicant. -; . . , ,Perrreficss of Enrollenng and Change of Du:- • pee blanks give all the necessary information . ; .„.1 these eases. :- t &Vied Erranination- il enrolled men Is only `made in eases of "niam:Pat and permanent physz 1 Ica? disability. -therefore, those who Imre headache, pain In the aide, weakness of _the knees, liver or bther complaints which are cura ble, or not manifest on the physical madltloniof the man need-not apply. Cases of constant)- , lion, mal;.sa. in th e last stages, are not examined until the person is'drafted. No one can be ex „empted for lose of teeth unless ho has lost "the eyeteeth, the *eat teeth:llnd•the first molars,” from one jaw. Darrtfrs—lnformatlon . relative to deserter/- and non•reportero may bete.njlangially given to the Provost Afarthal.hie deputies or special °fa rir,,,,, 4. ce ^y .ei.....t in -Writing. It should be f as possible. Every non - reporter arrested ad put in service Is counted on the quota and' ~ vcssutne one front beingArafted In Ids stead. , . n Serritio,lfany non -' reporters entered the \F ie - , ice before being drafted, and will be at once . - i.. It.from the listakt evidence being brought of o fact. 'The Provost Marshal earnestly en ! uts the friends of any etich to call at the En , oilment Loom and hare Altaic .names struck 'oam the list, before it to printed and circulated •: . every district in the Union. - - , .1. lisnoar rosTrat, Capt. and PrO. ld'irstal, 224 Penna. &dies' Methodist Bonin Missionary Society Sonictime since ue gate--a,: iirier account -:,-,-. • f the Incipient steps of 'this praiseworthy m0ve ...„... .'cnt, and' e form of eenstitution and by-laws .'4,1,.,p1ed at :i gintrai meeting of the kilo; can; ect ea - With' ibe &Tema 3fethodi it .Epikeonal li.i. - .;:hurebes of the two cities and vicinity. These: ~,...fletY Is now permarteutly Omani:Mil by the rot: . :::',..losing selection of.ofacers and:managers: :C . ' 71 ,. Offleersz—Mrs.A. Braiiey, of Chriit Church; ~ 101 l Directress; Mrs: G. ft. Riddle ; of Beaver 4... : 'rect‘eloreb, Second Dlreetress;- Mrs. W. R. 1. - . -- : . owe, of Smithfield street church,. Third Direct . .Ts; Miss - J. Ale-reader, ,of South- Common ~ .. - ... 4 3 1 Tabc o,l •&•totidian Secretary; Miss. M. Han. 'ngs, of Liberty street ebureb, Rwarding See --;;1.4 Orr; - Mni.J. Collard, at Liberty street church,' '7. ' Iltansgeri.LitertY Street—ltrs. Lev. W. d.• ...• :-.lirldson, Mm. J. Collard, Mrs. J. 'Grier, Mrs. 7 !-.1:.,11. Felton, Mrs. W. lii•Klucald, Mrs. J. B. lin ..S.--,,,t - Mks. 'Mary Manakins. Sralthifeld—Mrs. "..,- - • ,. ..T. C.' A. 'Holmes, Mrs.W. It. Lowe, Mrs. Kate .". .iirlier, Mrs.-E...Speneer;i Mrs.lt. M. , Eldowney y- ::-..irs; J. Grinder, Mrs. J. Iturrlson, Mri. M. , i. , ',lonagion, Miss E. Illthiley, Miss S. G. • Shop. .....„: I' 1. chrEbl , is . A . Cl . luzle -Mrs. ~i iblart-ei Miss Susan Sellers.. Wesley Chelpel-: •' - '2:> - ,-m. Be V. J. W. Slim:, Mrs.B. - Sutton Mrs. J.. ; . '..,' , ...i. ''', ews, Mrs. M. - ./ti Pamela, Mrs..P. Shan r.';.,.- - v l eT;u lit* l E rrec ith' lle 3 v i . r- t. n -A wrih . MilVer Pe ;i n r; Ylv i l. l i b ,-,:::,;,;.-:.,,, den, Mrs. M. 'Bradlee. Mrs:. C'. Fris * bee, ' I:,,irs. . Vatrdet, Mrs. - A., Jarkion.=Trinity ..*:,pl - 2 I . te . v. W in . B. Watlkins, Mrs. ...J. Paisley, ......,: i i i..; r m s. l. t cy B . Flemming Ermlnos, g im Mr: y r i V . ri . l e , : i r iir p . .l3;, ,n3 a T e . ;t 7. :.,.;,,,V.fralne, Ames Chapol:MiiiSarali Getty. South i;:-.• • 'tsbni.ili-Mrs.Res.J.lN 111Iams;Mni.J.Forsythe, :04, , •M. Boogie, Mrs. J. Stewart. Dirintrigham t ...! , Mrs. Rev. S.. Crouse, Mrs. D. ff. Taylor, Mrs. • - . ~ Duncan, IllsaG. - Duncort, Miss L. llamilton, i'i',..,-'. As Sf. KTE5595013 Ms M. 'Mare. Lawrence ..-`;•l:4lle—Mm. Rey. J. W. Baler, Miss V. David, .... 7 „ . .! . J. 3. Bender, . Mrs. William Thurston. quetrue—Mrs. E. Filback; Mrs. 8. Jr; Cim '.;,;;: n. ' Bearer Street—ifs:- Rev. L Arlon, •?.i.,.~ - Ntrs. 'Rev. S. H. :11 , .'.ilshit, Mrs. St.-Johns, .Mrs. C. C. Boyle, Mrs - - , ; ,, V.o.lfoisson,lirs. J. A.tscott Mrs..) . 0 8 Golden , * 41EM. . . . m man rs. RTC. W. ' . V CET South Co ' .31 * * t - .,4• . t... eh, Mrs. E. Riddle, Miss . „l3Mit, Mrs. M. A. land,Mrs. E.. Jack.' Miss 'Si. Raid - clean. .....;:,4. el(ster—ldrs. Iter. W. Smith, Mrs_lf. Ilaz -,4,,.: 4; . ; Mrs. IL DraTO; MM. H. HMI, Mm. S. ~. ~.:., d.' . . Tenteevllle—Mrs. Rev.' J. - Coll, .i.t. W00.3.'... s" - a' 8. Ryan. .. .'irtrist regular - monthly meeting will ho held In .; i - . )rbit Church, Tuesday, Zan. 10, at two p.,m. . . ~ , , 3lurdor , In the Army. •:„ , , Fe. are ladebto4 to Sergeant W. P. Torrance, I, of 'the 12th' . Pounqlranla'oaralryr for a 'WY ~. lib° carton, a paper published la the geld, by • . ~ , ,e members of the regiment.' In its columns T : : :-:13't44 chi tollaidie lad record: ..i.,. - : On Emulaylast - otie of those wretched events ::•• leurred , that do Mere to bring disgrace on a : 4 ;. py or Men. than anything; else wo know of. opternhers of Co. E irate engaged In a die lo ofa most trivial nature, when one of them, ',',.•,. rporalldontgomerl; deliberately drew his re, ' - Ter and - Shot 'Elias . /Inwrir, one of the most c offensive men .of the :company. The ball -' , Aged In the brain and the poor fellow lived but . • few hours, in a state of Insensibility. Ile was m.finntingdon county, Penna., and the great .. sympathy Is felt for hin'friends. Monter:m -y was forwarded to the jail at Harper's Ferry ore he will In all probability remain till ho ex. -.. Stes_tds crime hy a felon's death:. _ . boring last night and this morning we hive - 6 quite a plentiful fall of snow, the deepest of . -1 . /intim, and to'judge from the merry jingle , the many sleigh-bells,we might any that the . Portunity forsici,giang is being improved to p fullest *est. - Every cutter- nd sledge has p i litiounht Into requisition, aid It Must be an . gto Wash natures 56 watch them - as they .. iy glide through the i • trect,tilled to their at et tlitideit.7, by • willloz occupants. Wlteeled ides hair, all a gallant. thing, bean laid aside 5 the time being, but wium m one does ake Its . 1.).p 171166 lt performs mane very ludicrous coo .,tomi.: 'The snow has for the presOnkblockAd tP . he street rallways,*and other modes of tnrns. , tkarixave to be resorted to, until Oil Sol n 5 tile track." - :The : - weather fa. quite mild • leasaat- ... •;. . - . 1... - estrotra - Ati . thiolitirr. U. Ely . Wilson, of ,rdocloYillie, Was seriously Injured, new Elia:. 11 .„„ftr,......... 143's &Dux, by a fall from 6 ltorse. - Tho -- P - i-..sttw Mr. Wils o n Off, stepped . osl his ." .;:' • ''" Ugly gish--nearly.cntting ono , ..." ~ ‘...,... - sm-jottug man is 11Mrcting.• ~ ZEMMWM The entteal meeting of the ttockholtiers of Cry Clevt land and Pit tsburgh-Railrond Company was held in the city of Cleveland on Weinealay. From the rtportof the Din:cars we learn that the!grous earnings of the road for 18:11 am mated ' to 0,512,815 - 50; while' the 'operating capers amounted sl.so6fif: 54, leaving the net earn ings of the road $1,003.61'n Ad. The assionut Of business which Las been done up n_t the r: it has toned Its capacity. The machinery and miling steak. which were re,:anded no only amply 6u:11- cleat fur the amount of taisinesi done three 3 - ears , ci7.o, with such additions as the Directors have lean Ode to teak:. hare been hardly ad ornate to the enhanced business which has beau imp.tsc.L. If the Cempeny had but move cars and more 1, (1311,01iTC-4 the receipts might have beim largely Increased, without n proportionate in crease of expense,. Coal and iron are the tn.:t arot articles of traffic which have so largely in tressed the freight revenue of tiro road. After speaking of the coaltrade as being a la: ge, in ert asiag and permanent source of revenue, the Directors say: " The other Item of freight which has Increase:l very largely In the Iron ore of Lake Superior. The city of Pittsburgh Iran lon'' been one of the largest manufacturers of Iron In tho whole coun try. No riante offers so direct, convenient, expe ditions and cheap a transit from the mines to Pittsburgh, as Is furnished over your-road. At other points, too, besides Pittsburgh, Iron are la In demand for manufacturing. and from the first °lsaias of the mines, this Item of freight has been looked to confidently to supply au battle...l • tent amount of revenue to the company. Thlti, tech hen been steadily increasing in Impartanett, mid for the last year - rapidly, and seems likely to increase still more rapidly In future years. Its Importance can hardly be over-estimated, as the demand for materials of iron not the increase of iron manufactories abundantly testifies. "The experience of the past year shows that the resources of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh i ltailrend are ns yet only imperfectly developed; that the true Interest and highest profit of the company is to he focud, not In competition with • ether roads for distantThusiness, expensive to be obtained and to be tuannxed, butt in developing end encouraging that which properly belongs: to as, aitd which we may look on as permanently • ours.', - The financial rendition of the company is seund and pinsperons. The company has, no [laming drkt ultelleat , not It ;,yid from the deb4s due, mid all Its enengemeete are promptly toot. The payment of - the Iwo diridunds of four per cent. veal his been mode doling the year. The principal change In the condition of tlse company duvink% the year is that many of the holders of the mot tgage bonds of the compiny hare availed themselves of the privilege of ter attnelled to f. 11111: of the bonds Mol have wvelumeed them for stock. The whole ;Ohl 771 I •• •vr a r !tin, 11.1.1 r . A fie: lIIr of r, Ott Pit, viols was 1,141 n 1 :14 he foftoeion. revo:: 7 J. N. MeCultonoll, Jon)•••, i l't Cl.rehind: C. A. 114-ed.11444.441.44141,l W. W. 11,11.- Ivey, Ilridgepor44 1%11. Davld Gilasrm, Cir.rinneti; Charles Ti. Carrot, Nee , Yank; George M. lees, llortf4.rel; 11. t K Ness Hoven; :nosh 1.. Wibmn, New Yrlii.; 11,7. Jones, Pl:::.‘burgh; dOshua Ilauua, I'itts burnh4 , Ihree propositions were laid before thc stock holders for their fled-don. The resolution in folair or increasing the capital stock for the per pose of pros - Wing for a large increase of motive Tower and rolling stork, as recommend.Ll in the Inrcetors Report, was a g reed to. That in favor •of leasing the Tusearawas Branch to certain prisons Wen:sted in mining lands adj ac ent to the line was sloe adopted. The proposition to part-hose a half Inter sa in the Clereland.. Z.11,11:A -vine and Cincinnati Itailrond, (Akron Branch was rejected. O'Donnell yo-The Allegheny Valley Rail- road Company. We have already briefly given the decision of the Supreme Cart in this case, re'verslng the judgment of the Common Pleas of Armstrong mantle-, and awaiting anew trial. The error ai siolt d here was In regard to the rejection of tes timony. The plaintiff had been very badly hart whilst riding in the baggage-car of a passenger train, and the accident arose apparently Irons the defective nondition of the track of the rallroul. But his action was resisted' on the ground that i.e was an employee Of the company going to MU proper work on the road, and that It was negli gence nn his part to place himself, even with the Conductor's content, in the baggage-car. In this connection the testimony excluded was itn portant. -The witness was the General Superin tendent of the be the building of bridgra, and he tostilled timt he employed O'lremnell to work for him. fool he was carrivl -on the road to the place of work. The rejected clause was in these words, "It was the custom g.r. myself and bands to ride is, the Ifastgage—are; 06 was dmie in going up and down; y the ree eptest of the Conductor, myself and hands niways assisted in taking In and putting Out Chief Justice Wcs - idward in the opinion sars It was a primary and fundamental question tri tic came, whether the piallitalff was a passen• err entitled to all the rights of a safe transit, which belongs to passengers, or whether he was servaut,of the company . each a sense, an to preclude an action at law fora personal injury to himself, resulting from the negligence of other servants of the company, and on this question the rejected evidence oug,lat to have been rtl ;.iced. It traded to prove that though In the sees ire of the company, be was, by original cons tines, a daily passen,ger tin their read, that ha wi.s not out of place in the baggage car, but was there In pursuance of a custom of the road, and that tgthles the original contract, there was a Y. ; sidi ration rendered by hint for his rides, in , luij Virg to tike in and discharge freight. • Application fqr lujaucUon. A few days ago we referred to the suit in width Mr. Zug Was charged' by Mr. Dan with trerpass, in attempting to centre:let a railroad or ass itch front the Allegheny 'Valley Railroad, af fors,,the premises, or side-walk in front of the complainant's premium, to a rolling-mill. The complainant sets forth that the construction of; emit o switch 'would be appropriating, to private' uses the public highway, and would also be deL-' tit:unto! to his (the complainant's) prOpertyi, that the alfiant has no rmht to, appnfpria:e pri- Tate property to hie own use—the switch baing fee prise t e.end not public convenience. NI.. The utile:it alleges that his right to construct the switch or railroad exists in cc license granted by the Mt:Toro!' tlic'elty; that n court of equity beg co tight to Intefferc, by injunction, with an at t ssliere the injury Is not immediately flagrant et of-such a nature as to result in the direct de . straction of .p operty; that this cut dace not result in the destruction of private property or 'the obstruction of the public highway, twit that the proposed switch will not cross the premises or Enclosure of the complainant. Tim complainant, in reply, avers that the city has no right to grant to private parties license to op prupriato to their own , nee soy portion of the public htgliway. when such privilege is not sub js., t to the public uses; that in the construction of the proposed Switch this cotnplalnnarwould suffer great injury, to his property by the sidewalk in rent of it beir ' e obstructed, and that private enterprise cannot avail itself of the nets of the Lcgislat are g ranting to corporations the right to lay out and construct reads over tne most prac ticable motes; etc. The ease is one that excites considerable feel ing, and the decision of the Court will be awaited wish interest. C/111.1) BURNT TO Drxrn.--On Thursday, a lit tle dam:bier or Thomas 'Rafferty. residing on Union alley, in the Third Ward, tvu so severely burned ty_her clothes tallngixe, that she died on the follbwing day. The child cos about Cour years old. Her elothereaught tiw by coming in contact :with a grawhlle her mother was at the hydrant drawing - traler, Wand berora the flames could be extinguished she was horribly burned. Alderman Donaldsoit held an Inquest. srEcULLoowi. NOTICES. TECAUcti W.1 . /afar, practical Slate Roofer, and Ikeler,ln American r 814 n of carious orders. °Motet Alexander 's, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, ldenott,' No. 78 Mks street. Orders imsenptly attended to. An nork Warranted rater proof. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Ito dolt - 8 foerepalrs, proviikd the mot' is not aimed after It Ls pat on. NEW Goons Pile. recetrea at tae Merchant Taming establishment of Graham ds McCand ices, 73 Smithfield street. 'We would most rm. pectfully Invite the attention of our friends and the public In general, to'our new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain all the -very latest styles of English, Emu& and Americas 'clothes, cassimeres and yr:stings,- all of the finest Is selected with the greatest ' care and desiring fashionable an well made clothing, would do well tp givens a call before purclasing elsewhere. Every garment Is war ranted to give full satisfaction In both price and qualify. GnAnAit & MCCANDLESS' Merchant Tenons. No. 73. Smithtleldstseot. . SPLCIAL NOTICIr-L M 6 att e ntio n of our read ers is directed -to the brilliant assortment el Fall. and Winter Goods just received Ity oar friend Mr. John Meter, No. 726 FederalNstreat, Allegheny. Ills Imo* comprises a great variety of Fancy French, English, Bcoteh and American Casshicres and Olotheiond fine Bilk - and Cash mere Vlstings, all of which will be made up to order...lit the latest styiernridin - thb bent Mattner: •A choice selection of - Furnishing Gonda also on :and and for isle, together , a. fall stock of Ready . Made Clothing , - well 'and fashionably Made. FALSZ Drucsmr.--ibe thenctir . cif thosei wile are troubled with bad breath and, through over squeamishness, dislike to-safer to it, commit a positive and cruel mistake, especially if they are aware of the merits and greet efficacy ,of the . Fragrant floiodontj 18 the true and only remedy for the difficulty; there is no valid excuse for a bad breath now. Bold by all druggists. OirsteatLand ;amine ealls'wilt betaken - at' the omnibus office, No. 410, Penn street, day or • night. All orders left at the arbove place will be promptly atter ritrd ' , Aff ralls tricat,bc.ol4 Wiliam • ,le I ce , ni , er hi- ;nit, o f ti t - . e.t,,,zi t , hat I:0 a toccivcd. The contenti; of the till .1:`or em it, are yiart one of "A visit to the cities and en. iapi of the Confederate Etattitß, 1107-4.1." "T.mr But ler." lb,' ccinclui lon of the "Paid'c Sch,tl port—l\inehe,tcr and 11treiv,I;nry," atcr.ber ia stalxnerit of '` Latent Vacation litcursidn," "Aunt Ann's Ghost Story." and `•Carn •lati tirDowd upon Men and Women and Otter Thiligt in General," XI. As 414 nu-n' er closes: the year, Meese. &YOU the A ittlrican puhli , hers,,,a; that in eon , P‘IIIVCCI2 1,1 the p11011:110US in the co-t of paper. printlim and all hitter 1(1", 5 11C,i, connefed with their busineys, they have been ~i opelled to rdivante the ”ibßeriptlon to the Reviews and Illackwood's Magazine. The foliowlnv; rates ;,r atilt um are minctincedv Fur anyone ih.triew. Si; any two Reviews, $7; any three Reviews, S.IU; the fair Review, ; Blackwood's Niagazine. t Blackwood and one Ttect-n,-.17; Blackwq,d and two 11,.viewt,, $10; Itlackwoc.l and thre , views, titl:`. t Blackwood and four Review,. 115. Blnektv-rdl is for sale by W. A. (lildenfouney, No. 45 Fifth street:. (:ambling Honkie Keeperp Indletcirt • . We learn that the Grand Jury, now In session, have found true bills against the following par ties. for keeping and maintaining gombling Louses: homer George Brown, Irwin 13:,1- path nal John Butler, William Diehl, A lexnutler Nellie, Joseph Armstrong, Samuel Shore and John Thompson. These parties represent four different firma. W. L. Boozer was indicted for keeping an il legal lottery in the shape of a gift book stare on Fill h • Ansi her case, that of Dyer and Patterson, was hold of or fur t Le present. Court of (Outer Segslons. St TURDIT FOT:NUON. - 13efere Judges Sterrett and Brown. The rase of Richard Jncoh , indicted for larce ny and arson, to wide!, we referred in ymitorilay's rdii ion, was disposed of this morning. The jury, niter being ma all night returned a verdict of not gailty, and that the defendant pay tho ['N.M. The defendant was discharged on giving bonds in the sum of :1 ,000 to keep the pritee for the 'Lace of two year, ME=IEMI 171TT8131.711G11 THEATRE. • FIFTH BTILEET. NEAR irOOD. LE,,rs AND Meacwolm • Wm. Itr.Nmcnsoa 1 irg arpearance uf the great tragedian, Blr. NEA !. 1 E. THIS I slonda,y) EVENIN(I will be presented Shnl., .Ittot. ent ;tied HAMLET Mr. Neatio. Ni rihir roovr• PLNN. ItI:Alt PT. Ct. MI. IV . I :save x.rol Manner. and Mat n• traction THIS EVENING. aa; rarose Of i•o ANETA Turtit-Rope per former and Doneenw. I 111. nneatnnee of Mr. J. H. JOITNSTON. the "celebrated Comic Voollita. Flirt npyrniunce •1 Mr. TREnimax. LEH. the unrivaled Violinist. Cot:tint& aueecee of the combined alliance of Ttrge.lrhorcan. tahroplnn and Dramatic STAN. I tulle ehange of prorzaortne every evening. Ate eiumgett and will rhortly nypear the great *midi! Hallett! and Ropeorl Collet Troupe. 1 F -U TED AT UKCE-A noon Er Ere in order, &c. Call nt once at .the no ' lirraL 111. R e becca Strest, Allerhenr. jou . ...nd • LINDSEY r‘. 31cCUTtlit EON,- _ . AI T.F.D.—Returned auJ dis i zylily,l OM eon and Soldiers, In want of profitable 1 , 1114 ployntenl, peculiarly ailiipted to their condition, 61 , uuld addreea JUD, ES, 11ItUS &. CO . l'n_ desedintrr • • 111.romEuDi;---koAowl'itoo_ke of }cook , 1 d of goodmoral Chnracter. Bone ciao n eed See p in g,ac 1431 ILI eCOBD tc CO., Lit Wood et. Ir A o ' n N e T et n .To Iti t ' , N7.ll7lTi b t i . e ‘CTN o i n , at ll th m o n r without board: In n rcsp,Lable private family. a-era J. L., I'. O. Box Prttsburgh, Ye. jai:lw "IV ANTED—A GAILDNEIt, tako earl; TT of a small garden near the city, upon which la a vineyard; remainder in orchard. Recommend ations required. Inquire nt the •Itarcif CITY MILLS. Liberty street. IX:ANTED—V/0 -A 3IONTII.—I want Agents everywhere, nte7o A month, expenses p+,d.. to set: Ftftern Artider, the best selling ever od , svd. Full yarticulers,free. Address tYPLS T. P.T. Biddeford, Maine_ notcharadtwr 11 ANTED-BY Tat; IBT OF APRIL, A ROUSE OF ABOUT FOUR ROOMS, With rood cellar, within ten minutes' walk of the Pert Unice. Any person having such, can seduce a ;eta tenant—a yentlernan, wife atul Otte chill—by "A. 8.. Gazerrre. Ori o n : 'e denodf `V' ANTED—For service in the Quarteri , lasetnrs Department, at Nashville, Chatta , ,nd Johnsonrille,Tenr.estiett; Atlanta, Geor • glsi Our 4111'6 Masud Little Rock, Arkansas; and or other points. TAAMAteII; " "Otter month and tattoos Flee transportation to pls.. of destlastion. Itraility, able-bodied wen orgy will be received. .10111 , 1 t7r.pt. , ln nod Assistant quartermaster, U. Far further Information inquire of .1 T. SAMPLE, O Fta.etal St., Allegheny; Or ovc r No. 40 Washington Avenue, between sth mudcreels. St. Louis, Mo. .I'. W. CLARK .flea. Gov't. Agent. WA.NTEl l —Agents fur THE NURSE AND SPY, theme,: Interesting and exciting h evrr published, embr.wing the adventures of A h in the Union Army as Nurse,Soraiit and sp3 • (living a most vii id Inner picture of the war. Returned and dleattlalOtfteerit and Soldiers In went of prortable employment will nod It peculiarly total:tell to their condition. JONES, BROS. tt 6to Chestnut street. Philadelphia. no:Sam _ . WANTED -$123 A MONTll.—Agents everywhere, to introduce the new Shaw Sixtus Dollar Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country whir% Is ficercied er h. Baker, 'Wheeler St Wilson. Howe, Sit per is Co.,and Bacheider. Salary and expenses, or tart, commbalorts allowed. All other Machines er.1,1 fur less than forty dollars each are Jr. rcessenft, end the seller nod user liable. Illustr, ted eireulx-s retakfree, Address SIIAW h. 01...A.R1C Iliggeforti, Moles. nobileatiaaT edIIPETB. OIL CLOW'S. Sc. A - ENITIAN -BLIND In new pattcrne 6Ad colora White Marble Table Oil Math, OIL CLOTH RUGS. PICTURE CORD AND TASSELS. Philadelphia Croon 011 Cloth 714, nbore new goods just opened for wholesale nr..l retail trnde, at the. enzpet Store of McPARLAND & COLLINS, rf9s. 71 fa T 3 FIFTH STAFF?, Ptrs,t dm.. to Post (lpor- second floor. IiFOURTH . STREET OLIDAY GIFTS 0 I-1 • EMBROIDERED g;rrx.asrco cola - mm.ls, " 41 The OA cat Imported • Q 1 MOSAIC RUGS. 1 1 '`'AVERY LARGE VARIETY' OF , VW :PEW RUGS. NOW ,IN STORE. W. D. ik H. DeICALLITM, A ) den .0 1CARPET STORE 87 FOURTH STREET. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF OTTOMAN COVERS. In Tufted and Bead Work. supprss, same style. Also, some very elegant 3ElCovertis riLusEs, In German Work, SQUARE SILK VELVET BUTTONS, in all colore, beeldes every variety of other Buttons. • PRESS TIIIEIIIIEOB, LACES, HANDKER., 'OTHERS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, BA.LIKORAL SKIRTS,. STEEL 'ANS ODIYX SETTS, and SLEEVI. . BUTTONS, of every style and variety eta., etc., will be found at um MOWRY'S TEIUMHjG Erton N... E 2 FOURTH STIIEWT 2 TO $25 PER DAY • 491.60XLEM8 MlErisclMECtci. To self mu NEW EMPIRE (with late Improve. meet.) led LITTLE GIANT SEWING MA CHINES. - The beet cheap =chitin lit use, cad warraateg for three years. 'WO will give the above Cosaminloos, or pay FM s 'math and expecte'. For pattieulara addreas, with stamp 41e30: 0 .wd. GATES A 00 - Patron t Mich • JWO.WILSOIif-JIMBE W. C.SYN..DANID WOMIDf.IIIIB WILSON, CARtt - && CO.; (T.L WILSON, racer cO,) Wholesale dealers ia..FOENIGIVAND DOMES TIC 'DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood street,- third house above Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. apl9 'NVELLS, , BIDDLE & CO., .Ira 111 -:Therty streetilto Sixth, PIM mom deform.. of WHIPS, •LASIIMe & S eter descriptlon. of LEATHER BRAID: • 43ellereaallello4froil the ewe, ad &ids Oroxopt.: ly ehlppedoi per 100,1UCUell& 10647 A compLETE HISTORY OF HE ,REBELLIOX, Chronolortrally arranged from the commencement et npta tturean cad active hoatilities, April 30th, tsq dos to the Re•tlecfion of Abraham Lincoln, Recignation of General McClellan, October et 11, 186 t,,13 publiehal Hunt's Pittsburgh Almanac for 1835; Wit3.3m. Cleaa.tiet. [ Mailed, poet 1.11 on mcelpt of price. Addless JOBIT P, huref, Publisher.; 65 FIFTH St., HIS SONIC RAW.. Env BOOK'. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. Thus new volume, by the author of " Among the Pines." selling oft like wild-tire, and can hardly be made as :sat as the orders pour lo for It. It is crammed rull of material, most important to every one Interested In public affairs, military or polltl cal. besides being as thoroughly attractive and ato sorbing In incident and story as the author's other books: 12mo, cluth.ll to. VICTOIRE A new novel, rPtorona and ( teak—sure to make a hit. ittoo, cloth, tinted paper. ekt 75. c mx. A eete and promedng author la derelnped in tld. eld.ridne,.rrorit of ti. tion. 12:no, eiolh, tinted pa per. sr 60. lEE ART OF CONVERSATION, A eploralid book, thut every ono ought to own. cloth. ft 60. THE ALADAMA AND SUMTER Ily the not hor of "nay Martin," "Locke Amodea.' 1 , 2n , 0, cloth. $ . l W. " John Guilciorstring's Sin, Ar. irael.re :611.1 popelen.lte Lore 5t...1-y. In the Janc Umo, chit L, tinted paper. ♦1 60. L`carya.crsoisis cro new novel. 11:no, cloth. $1 15. TA'I. VS {:ROM E OP ERAS T 1 . ,. •r. of al: tb' operos, In the ohope of stories cO,Lh. El, Fr!. Da: r.zn.1.1:. 13Y HENRY MINER, 71 and 13 Vllth street. 1 , 000 SUITABLL HOLIDAY PRESENTS 1ik.1,13U - 31S, 15 CENTS TO 850; Lutist and Finest Assortment in the City W E BUT LARGELY, AND OA'S SELL AT LESS THAN EASTERN PRICES OUR ALBUMS ABE MADE BY TEM BEST ISIANITFACTETLESI3 IfIT;NO DESKS, 4; 01-1, ()OLD I' o t:NCII.S, ISIOKS, ,; I FT MA 1..1 Ikl E. , NA r ND.r:f , • LA DIES' PI 'ItSES W 01; K-liOX ES, (I !I.DEES'S BOOK:, , '!i KEN'S GAMES, • 1'01:1 klll..fos, U .i.3lE.S'—ubess, Chequers, Dominoes. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN AND COLORED Sir cell and sot. our .Cock, et JOHN W. PITTLICK'R, FIFTII STltEElVoppoette the Pcnt °Zee. de.722,v INIAGmFicE - 1,1 , 7.47 . 2331 - 1 5 . MiI.IMPIePI9I. 3. L. 111.d.D d 0 ,19 No. 7 Fourth strret. 1 YISIZAEITS AMENITIES OF LIT -1J: AT ron.qeting of uketch_•a and chir art yrs cf Dlglish Literature. XVolacr Kisercidc Picea. In two volumes. Price, tl On„ KAY & CO., 55 Wood SL deal ELV A I RA. rho hitherto nn,oliected wriungs of ell UtLtS LA Allt. Printed at the Riverside I'rs. One elegant It ran. °lame. Price, !CA. ILN.Y & CO., 43 WOOD 61 _ CLA 1.9 elGrre - ts. . . _ JO , r.rn OATS, If riLIIZILT X. X'XIARTIN McIIASTEII& GAZZA3I, SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTOENEY:-AT-DAR', gri GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. Licensed by Government to collect 1301:NTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY And all other Military or Nasal Claims Against the thdtett States NE ° , DOLLARS, due eoldiere HENDE charged on account of wound. received in battld collected immediately. *1 - Call at DS GRANT STREEI' • opposite Gm Cathetiml. 0c22:1 y pliiisiozis, BOUNTIES. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Army and Navy Agency, N0.11.4H FOURTH ST., Pitt■bnrgb. •PENSIONS Droeured; BOUNTIES Off PAY and PRIZE KOREY, and COMMUTATION OP RATIONS of released prisoners collected. PAY OF PRISQ.NERS OF WAR can be drawn by their wives or widowed mothers. nen WOUNDED SOLDIERS $lOO Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, in now being paid to ail with a "Discharge.” No chiuge mode until the money LI collected. T. WALTER DAY, Lteeneed by the U. S. Governinent. No. WS FMK STREET, second door below. tha Cathedral. _ myedyzer SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES PENSIONS AND ARREARS OP PAY, Promptly 'attended to by ARMORS It RIDDELL. No. ISO FOOTITH ST., Plttaburila, At. deSoAtodowF ••••vd.ILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, DOLTNT.II, BACLIC.PAY and numtrAar CLAIMS of every description, 'collected by the subscriber, at the following rates, VIZ Pensieas $lO, all other claims - • • • O. O. TAYLOR; Atterneydit•LSW • • No. 13 Grant street, Pfttebrirgh: Pe. N. n.—No charges are made lithe claim doe* not succeed, . and Information javon gratis; sedls .• • DEXTIST'R r. J - ADAMS,. Pangs% .Conne .0 Building, corner of DIAMOPiII and C#11.1.• streets, Illttsbufgh. , R4firoserprt:M.:A.AlsPo lock. Dr. Halleek.Thecidore Rtihhlna. Mallen Erret, w. D. PATTkII.6OII ADAM MINOT,. pETERSON.dvAMMON, • . OODMIUSION MERCHANTS' '• • ' FLOUR AND GRAIN, And general PRODDOE dealers, No. fl WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. tohl•dg. T.'.4 .S`lll7E BOOTS, SHOES, GUMS, DRY GOODS, 14t1E - loral Skirts, Shawls, &e McClelland s Auction Ho us. 55 FIFTH STREET. EENBACES AND GOLD MAY BE SAVED, BY BUYING YOUR Boots, Shots, Bailors, Ba!morals, and Gams, .ALt At the Great Olo4ieg Ont'Sals. Goals rnarke4 . ern,— No humbly. Call early and secure bar gains. Be owe oft to place, which-is IffEEILAND'S, No. 98 Market, 2d door from Fiftil. at. Jn7 QOUTII gaTEII. SOUTH) have constantly on hand A FINE STOCK OF LOOTS (Sr- SHOES, Which they are prepared to Sell Cheap No. 51 Market street 96 FEDERAL 6T., ALLEGHENY. CLOSING SALES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS I am now ofrnring my presort/ took of Doe (et, Shoes. Galt ern..1.1 BotImorals; Trunks, Valises, and Traveling-Sacks, AT lilt LATLY ni:DucEn PRICE, Te Innke room fee new erode now Doing purclowed t 'nll And get Ito:wow. W. K. MeCLINTOCK. j..; MI Frglernl . 1 A. 31 LS ROM:, - SELLS THE THE NEATEST FITTINCI, Aml THE hiOST DURABLt, Of nny house In the city He Lea Just received a magnificent Fall Stock. Try him. oelo THE **STAR" IPST RECEIVED BY GEORGE ALBREE, SON & CO., No. 93 WOOD STREET Cloys' nod Youth's UM Mimosa's; Oxfool Tice; " Boot cos; (7111;61tres fioot end had Shoes. ZOOdB are nettle to OUT aperial order, am are warranted unequalled custom work. noir. Fon 'cm: HOLIDAYS I~lfl7l n;:t~ AMERICAN ORGANS, AND MELODEONS. Juke receired, a choice assorimeot_ of superior BRADBM3.Y. (New York,) and SOPIOXIACKEIR & CO.'S (Phila.) PIANOS, AT PRICES FROM $375 TO $l.OOO IMPrOVED AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODEONS, AT FROM 41226 TO $lOO. These lnetrmenta are ads ororledged hy Judges to be the best to the market, nod will he sold at front etrvetty-flue to assent y-fl se dollars low fl factory prices. All guaranteed for b }can. Persons Intending lotus a bandsorar Christmas or :Sias Years Present are kat( imilarly requested to all and examine our stock Wk., gulaj else whcr, lieseriptive circulars Curaishe.l on application WA! LL & BARR, 'No. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCK, St. Clalr St 114.«,:f JUVENILE SINGING BOOK THE SILVER BELL Coutoln, a choke relectlnn of nearly MO of tlaO nu.t favorite SUNOS, Drik.'TS, QUARTINTS, , &c., and a complete COWER: , Or ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION. A t - one 011 pieces aro the folloolag: When Johnny Comet; diarehlog Home; 'Vacant illsofri Cottage by the Nee; Do they Think of Ne at . Houte; soldier',. Chorus.; °Dicers Funeral; . Died of Beauty: Juniata; Nettle Proyeer • Which are Clone worth the price of the book. 3Pri.od. 430 Choi:Lt'. voptoc moue' to .-- -:drore on rcrei,..4 of price, 3IELLOEt, • jn7 WOOD srnter. N . BIEDLE, 183 SMITIITTELD ST., Pianos and Musical Instruments, Keeps constantly on hand a 021 e 11911011,131C4 of New PIANOS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, AMOR. DAYJNS, STRINGS,Zze., which ha will gall for low prices. laalawd .C,EIRISTIstiB I'RES.,E.NT. ONE OF KNAEV& 00 , 3 COLD, MEDAL PREMIUM PIANOS • Also, Ilan& 13n31. , Pianos ; Grupo & Loa's Pt atom, arid Prince's Automat& Oratia • ORARLOTTE . BLIIME, dcfl 43 Fifth street. (24 door above Wood.) DI NIDE.~ DB. FrrrantrNott. FT. WAYNE& OINGAIIO NAI EWAN, Office of the Secretary, TMDENDON out AP ITA L h STO AND ON TIILRD MORTGAGE BONDS. The Board of Directors or thls Company have de Oared a Dividend of 23 PER CENT. on the Cap tel Stock, for the quarter ending Dec./11st, hist.,t the shareholders who stand reAstered on that day Pal le y ( o l l e Sa nf un a ry n ,Ms m , nati: n ti ) tl n ee n o n f n thr rtila tn r: pent' this D eity, and at tho' Transfer Agency, Winslow, & Co., No. d 2 Wall street, New York, to the stockholders as regiete_rod at the to. 'pectic° offices. The Board have also ordered the anticipation of the payment of the halgyeatly did dend of 3% percent , on the Third Maigage Beads due April - I, 1865_, making. it payable on 1104, aftet the nth daY of JationlT, NM, to the bondholders registered on the slot day ol December Inst.; at the Transfer . Agency, Winslow,Lanler Jr. Co., .No. Wall street, New .York. The transfer books stock annthird mortgage' bowls will close on fast inst., at o'clock p. m., and remain clued - the 17th day of Jannaty thereafter, . Ey order of the Board. t deictmy • -W. It. HAMM Secretary. DI V 1.1) E ND. —The Dlrretore of the FLEMING AND BLOOD FARM PETRO.. LEM CO., have this day declared a dividend of THREE per cent. on the capital stock of the old Company, payable on and after MONDAY. Jane dry loth, at the °Mee of the Seeretery, N 0417 pub. Dividends will hereaficrbe declared quarterly et sembonnnally, as the Directors tarty determine, Listlw • • J. If. BALDWIN, Screy. 011110 E Or Trl6 PEOPLIC OOMPAIrr, Prrrsurnou, Jen. 4,180& DIVIDEND.—Tho. Preetdent and Dlrec-• Clash Dividend' Ms Compl9;7l/aye thlitsydeetWd • Clash of FIVE - DOLLARS per 'Um, frre of tax, out of.. the prollts_of tke pakridi months, payable on and alter the oth Inst. jp„sv4 WWI. P. tafertiME.E, Seer: r)gr•,.~d. THE ftEAT FLUB JC. lIEMAPANAKA_ Since the introduction of medicine, the origin of license h n perhnim oven the subject' of more se- Henn and relenti lie canloderation by the most lenrreni of the prof...sites Shun nny other connected with the lows of the Great Creator; not a few Imre (tot nil d.lleanel, en‘v their origin in the stomach: others• the solids of the holy: et'arre annict, and l.y for the greatest r. umber, cooled Mei mecca that the n..00n itself Is the very fon ntntn of life-4h, if It heebnten impure, then dmetse In its tvor.t. levies—Scrofula, Cnucer, I.7lcers, he., nppenr; and indeed. expel fence to treatinz th II eel.:; II( di. eases by purifying the blood and olit•••ting their erathentlon ned core, prove this to to. the coma theory: acting upon which theory the med icine now known no 11.1 A CANAgA, :000 compasoi and hronght nto ipractlce, producing the molt gra- If i l li g a re re anon s. exercises Ouch a martyry over SCROFULA,ULCERATIONS, POIPLEF, on Tar FACE, TETTER, SALT RILEII3I, LIVER COnPLAINT, -LOSS or APPETITE; IrptPEPSIA, RHEUMATISM, GEN ERAL DEBILITY, as to give, from the time it is first taken, enconr /Tempi:it to the patent, by making both seen and felt, the good It is about to accomplish. ti Was thotrglit best to put it up in bottles at 000. amt $l.OO each,—PS many pers.°us are disposed to try an arti cle but are often deterred at the expense,—so the halal here eon be made at a moderate outlay, and satisfy the purchaser that the article. Is what Is claimed for it to be, 'Viz: the great.* HEALTH OIVRR ct brought before the people. Delicate Females will find in it the medicine they need. That the public may form some Idea of its pecu liar curative nients, we subjoin dot of the prlnci pal articles of which it la composed, with a mho , dereription of the uses and adaptation of each,t t. ken from the highest authority Down to medico science. • lIONIIVRAS SARSAPARILLA Is used with a beneficial rfft.ct In cast; of It hcninn Liam, t , crtifutolis A fllntiona, Cutaneous Diseases nd tiller dunce:l condition's of 'math. le. tonic. diuretic, null aperient. It has a aped lou upon the /I% or, ext.itlng it when 1311'4114 to re. retk.n. It hot bent inu.eh use 11 In'tiertumay In tlitwnun of the e There are fern diseases In wt.:eh It Las ant proved her. Iletal; It It geed In tadtifoloita Aft,tions with cleat I er.efil; It has Mao !wen used with much Eno. es nln treatment for Indaninettlim of the Eye. It gehet ally Increase.. the appetite and flesh. Aro rkrnmntir. tonic, nod highly invi4ar.tt.g I ca,1114 N,rvoun 1),1,11,ty, MEM= Ir eeelally valuable. In eases ofaScrofula 11114.u..pum(1.a. folvabtagercuely uaecl In eases n( Enfeebled DI pa-cleo.l.bt toe especially nl+l•lleable to 013.1 0 1;4333,11 Li ell:! y with weal: appetite. 11=1 Tt net,, revel-114v ea en eltendive In Chronic Af fortdon,.Chronte Itheutedteen end obstinate Ui eece.•s of the Skin. The list:lnce of the formals hi Withhell as n ro let:lion against fraud. Por sale by SITION JOHNSTON, COR. SMITIIIELD Alia) FOURTIESTS., XGrA oh your intelligent Physician his opinion of tdo,,e r.ctrw. 41e1:6ateot1 lloltEorATHlc = Homeopathic Remedies Stand confessedly at the head of remedial mean for the use of the people. They aro alike removed from the poisonous, dangerous, and repulsive doses of Quackery, or Old School practice, the insane, oleo. of water-cure. or the Intricate and perplex ng obscurities of the usual liorneopathic boots an medicines. Consisting ofsimple specifies for the various (Unease, to which they are related—put up In the form of simply sugar pellets—and prepared of ingredients neither dangerous nor disgusting, they arc the ready aid of the parent or nurse, and the comfort of the coroplaintrig and invalid.. • They po.css there positive advantages. They are harrnikeS-00 injury can ta , . from their use' They are simple—you always know what to take, and how to take It. They ore convenient — you can give, the proper Sugar Pills it a moment's warning, w hesitation or delay. They are elllclekt— in thousands of cases disease is arrested at once, mei the system cured without prostration or delay. 117.3.1—Cum Fever. Cangestionand Inflammation, Heat, Pain andyestiemeneas, and the first eta,ceni ei the acute and Inflammatory dietase. Price 35 cte. Fn 2—Cres Forme Fever, Worm Colic and Ton Kama Appetite. Weller, the Bed. Price 3.5 cent., • No. 3--Cures Colic. Tort Mon, Crying and Wake. Sloes Growth and Feebleness of Infanta. Yrlee .4 coats. No 4--Cores Diarrhea, :a Children or Adult. Cl.olrrs Infantum and Sumner Complaints. Pig , ae eunt q. N.. 4 sad 5 cure the worst caste of Chronic Di althea. G--Cures Dysentery or Inn.ly Flux, Collo ripvings, Bilious Colic, Fall Dysentery. Price 7--Curcs Cougla, llieasencss,l3ruu I ntluence nud Sore Throat: Price 35 cents This std 10, 1 Lever fall to cure the worst Cold raid Coughs. No. s—Cures Teeth-Ache, Fece-scbe, Nesse.- nt sod Tie Doloreux. Price 55 cents. No.ll—liven Headache, Sick liendeche, Vertigo, 11..01. :If Blood to the liencl. Price 20 In .0.,11t10n with No. 10, It never (u to cure the le/.4. tut etcrate 0.01. :No. 10—Cur. Inspeplin, Wetk, Acid or Derang. Ntoromeh, Constirttioo, LIM Complaint, OD l'otplit‘oa. Price 3i crots. •- . . LS ALLIBLII for ell ear.. of Weak Digestion mai Bt, eoa Consplatnts. No. ti—CuresSuppresse..l Menses., or Scanty, 01 P.:0.f01, or Dela - Vag, Cireen Slckneas. 3i cont 3. No. 12.— , `urret .I,eueorrhen or Wlatez, Bea.rin I),,xn too Profu'io Monsen. 15 cents. No 13—Cures Croup, Bourne Croupy Cough Opprevsni Breathing. 35 cents. • No . 14--Cures Salt Rheum, ()rusty Eruptions, Erysipelas, tiesld Mend, Bruton! Itch, Pimples on the Puce. 35 cents. No. 7S-Cures Rheumatisat,Paln, Laortneas, or Sen...a to the Chest, Back Side, or Limb., or Se:ellen. crUts. No. 17—Cure. Pith, Internet or• External; Bin or tOcedinir, Recent or Obstinern. • GO cents. Tug remedy hos cured thousands of the worn posrible cave. . o. IS—Cures Opthtbairala, Weak or. Inflamed E) ,:s or Nyelhla, Falling or At oak eight. 60 cents. It may alertly. be relied upon for a cure. No. le—Cures Cats rrh, Route or chronic, dry .1.7 flow WE. Culd to the Reed. Innuoitra. 9.l coote Do. 26—Cures Whooping Cough, shortening aid I NI/ding it, or Spasmodic Cough. GO cants. It is ruid always relieves awl cures. No. 21—Cures Asthma, oppressed, Difficult, /...s . • Lo , a Breathing, Cough and Expectoration. PrL.'"e GO recta. hundreds have been fured by it. No. 23—Oures Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, and Tonsils Swellings and Old Ulcers. CO cents.• Ilas cured the wont cases. No. 2—Cates General Debility, Fltysicalot, Net. VOll3 Weakness. SO cents. No.:S.-Cures Dropsy, Fluid Accumulations, To roth Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. 60 cents. No. W—Curett SotoSickneAs, Prcoltrat!oly Vert lgy Nausea, Vomiting. SO eclat.. No. 2l—Oures Urinary Diseases, Gravel, Rend Difacult or, Painful Urination. o cents. lt cures old cases of Kidney Diseaaes. Go. *3—For Seminal. Emissions Involuntary Discharges and consequent Prostration and Detail. ty, Bad Results qtEvil Habits. Price ,t so. The saint eillotelit remedy known, and oaa be celled upon as a sure ouzo. - No. 29—Cures Sore month or Stomach, Cankered Nonni of Adults or Children and alas. Nithedll and Vomit in g of Pregnant Femilea, no cents. (AIM at once. No:Sl—Cures Palatal Al mastruatton, Pressure, Cramp orSpasms, Prurittis, Retting, aad frrita• • tion of Ferdales St 00. It acts like a charm. • NO. Int—Chares Sufferins at (Mango of Life, Irreg. nineties, Dunhes 01 Nent,'Palpitatlon, and even Disease tette lieut. II co. or No. 33—C FsMauSicknessoru Spoeuns and ts or St CanvasfoY4 Dam%r leper Cha Jerking', Twitch*is, Hysteria. a 00. No. 34—Cures Dlptheria lad Ifleerakl, - LI/ aks. Want Sore Throat. 02 cents.. vlaffsmily ease 310 00 so vial family ease, morocco 0 40 20 vial cue, plain a 00 16 vial CABO 3 00 aal Phyalclan's cue 16 in . MD'S EXTRACT OF TrAwAlrimlS Yor Surlts, Seethe, Oetei Semen, le, re mess, Sprains, Rheumatism, More, 014 Sores 'and Toothache. /2 aet" like • dom. Pace OD cents. The trade supplied 4 New York pried . • Our Itomedl es by Pfaff. . . Look ever the lilt, make up s cite at What kind -you chase, and inclose the amount in a current :note or stamps, by mail to my eddrinniend. thi medic free ine will le duly returned by mail tsr exPreser of chum- • J. 3f4PITIZON, _ 'lOllll. Street. Cabitter. Beane& SectOnd doot below the Pod Officet, %Mojas e agrat for Pittsburgh and ylolalt►, 4:11 . • DP. i.;•:InT:I.i.; R. LICHTHILL, "Letters on Catarrh." "A Popular Tr co tise - ou neafnens," ST. CLIARLES 110 TEL, PITTSBURGII, PA., AND CAN DE CONSULTED FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 23d, 1864, Deafness, Catarfri, .o.Np ALL THE VARIOUS DISEASES OF EAR, THROAT AND MR PASSAGES. I=2M The o:st remelts:rot is uroolly a feeling of dryLesi anil Leal we,. :1.1 .1 triltlent Incl:liallOG to , 0711:fl. 'inert. I. all turnAtthe freely, he the ~,pped u t r, so:oast:tea on tote ,1.111 . elitne , sot the other. rmi•ri roar meozery, acrid ii Barge molten ita apieNeerin rin im r the nestrilr, eddcs of th, hive:no. red h, rtvelnin. tt ft 21 14, S t1:3,11.•1 - 0, I/I,A, 3 1.4- inn , e tre.ilient emintiones to lire I, Ito an.:, !puree of inuell 11:11, n.. e .101.0) m.noe. After noire or leen tone. Ii treCtMlei tl:g1113 . ollerrolve, end estreniely fetn! fJrts. It la es protone an to require, when coolined to Ch., none, the frequent Torheotion of the handkerchief, us it it dl imps lots the threat,Whir:3 in more particularly the ea.., mobile the body in inn itorizonnti position, constant expectoration. and sometimes both. Sleep le frequently disturbed by a sensation of chonwor, council by the presence of the discharge In the throat. Owing to the heat in the head, the watery portion ci the secretion often evaporates, and absenting a condition of solidity is deposited upon the membrane of the nose and upper part oi the throat, in the shape of erects or hardened lumps. T 1,,. .el them. , incrustations produces lee ling, of discomfort, and narrows the nasal pass ge bu pass es to embarrass reeplration. Therefore fre quent effort, have to be made to remove them, Llther by forcibly blowing the none or by persisteet Ims. king—e: practice on di:agreeable to the one ef fected as It is to those around lain After the 're moon!, that side of the Incrustation which adhered to the inurnous membeme will sometimes be Insult bloody, 'a fort which explains the force required for to dislodgment.' During sleep these incrustatioesl accumulate more rapidly, and the feeling thereforels most uncomfortable In the morning. Sometime the efforts to clear the throat are futile until after breakfast, or after something warm 1.11 swallowed. Some patients state that they are. .not. successful until they hare swallowed some whisky or brandy. The discharge, which Is at first without smell, as ahmes the progress of the complaint, an excess ively fetid oder, the breath participates In this, and becomes occasionally an oltin,giy offensive as t• render the patent au object of disgust to himself as well as to others. Ulceration of the mucuous memo bran° ei the nose takes place frequeutly, comet Imes ct vo attaching the bowts when small partic/es of sub.:: sere will occasionally be found mixed with the di-elmrge. The sectunulaktOnof the discharge, tocaner with the thickeond ebuilition of the MUCUOLIS membrane, renders respiration through the nasal passages very di:ULU, find oftentimes In possible, necesoitatihy respiration principally through the mouth, a method very deleterious to the general health, hut more particularly to the lungs, to will be shown hereafter. The unpleatant noise produced during sleep, known no snoring, originates from the .me cause. The voice lows its nuisteal quality, sod assumes a harsh and nasal eharacter; thesene of smell become. much ink paired or makirely lost, and the same effect, though lees frequent, Is produced on the sense of taste. Occasionally, while blowing the nose, a crack and bubbling. emu.] will beard in the ear, hearing will be found to be thick and snapped up, but return suddenly with [snapping sound. This phenomenon Is uoually repeated until, at onetime, bearing does not return, and remains permanently injured. Noises In the head of every conceivable description will make their appearance and add to the distress of the eutferer, and hearing be lost se gradually that - a considerable degree of deafness may extet before the person is really aware of the fart. Their eyesore not to become weak, irritable and •dispooed to water on exposure to wind and cold, or filter the elighesl exertion. A pain More an I.os acetc, or feellar of loess:ire is eaperienced over the eyes, - rul soinetimmi on the hark of theJtrti,f. and also pain in the lace, closely resembling' neurrfigis, for which it is alien min taken. The' distress in the head weakens the memory oral produces Irritability and moroseness of disposition. The stomach generally suffers more or lees, to weak and irritated, the appetite is capricluths, and isnearly always hack in the morn bag. In severe cases the system becomes. feeble and prostrated, and there Is an aversion or inability • to either physical or mental exertion. Plot mitre quently catarrh proves fatal either by debilitating the system or wearing out the patient, or by erev cling upwards and producing sore throat affections, bronehitle, and finally coalltalpfilt. it Easy be safe ly soserted that hereditary predisposition, catarrh, is the most frequent and important cease of this fa (al complaint. Catarrh has been concurred an Incurable disease, end on the strength of that supposition has bees neglected by both the profession and the public. As it is the exciting cause In full half the eases of Deafness, Drs. Llghthill have for years past, mule itsproper treatment their special study, and have by their success fully established the Curability of this complaint. That this is no mere assertion will be readily Comprehended by the annexed testimo nials from highly respectable parties woo navehees wader tholr care. Pittsburgh, Pe Ptrransucier, 5,185 t. This will certify that I have been under the care of Dr. Lig:thin, for the cure of Catarrh, amt that, es though be has attended Ins foe -litt over oaa week, I feel that a permanent cure I. to. be abet ed,-and am so much better in all respects as to war. rent pte Inving publicity- to these Lute and re. cenunspdint gi Dr. Lightbill to any one affected wish Oatarrl. W)U FORSYTH, New YOns, Nov 2, 1251. This is to certify that have been afflicted with Catarrh for some year; which produced the usual disagreeable effects. I consulted Dr. Lighthill aboht nide or ten monlfs slnce, end at ones placed .mytielf under his ear s . entircharrsfrom Cr. farrA, my - throat:is perfectly healthy, and my health is very much linprored. P. E. NOLAN,- Ogled Lela Batiroad foot of Duane street. From the Ron. Ira Mk. P attan.lealue. Do. 741WITUILI. t—Dear SOW you II State. Meat of my ease, which you may usoas you think proper. I have acquaintandifrarent parts of the States, have served thre e s ars u Senator of Pinotneot county, and three years az Represents tite—in all six years—in our State Legislature. blyntatement may benefit some of Ahose &Motet With my disease. !or -severer yeah nave been arnieted with Catarrh. I hero tried manypresetiptions for it without receiving any benefit therefrom. I have taken your medicine about ten months, and It bu oured me. I would recommend to those afflicted, with this disorder to apply to you. lam confident if they will strictly follow your directions that a aura will be effected, however Inveterate the ease may be. • Respectfully youn, IRA MIL " From Net. R. P. BusselL L yan, I have beeismueb. troubled with Catarrh of the , wand type tor - sonsti twenty years. - .-It gradually . grew - worse, !mincing 'cent =ld . hoarseness, de. ;straying the sense of smell and breaking down my " general health to such a degree as to *impel me to resign my pastorate and impend gintillo,ppershism I mado use of 'the 1 / 1 511111 remedkii, . as snuffed dilikrant kinds, nitrate of sliver, tugs ' Sr and ishniations,hut without any verrealtitary abet. Last summer' heind oft/r.LighthllFs stir. ; cesidid mode of Meatus catarrh, rlsita him, nod ut, myself wider his ,p , treatm m ent. I began ately thimPteth. and 'this ipeoWainent has moe -01 to the lament time. , Igy 'COMA ha! mutually ' , melted away, my mush hns disalmeare,d, ay vole. Chas hecamehatunii and I am anew more 'able IQ rthe blamed Gospel. Let me all tabled with catarrh difficulties to apply to Dr gin, alma-. Feb. ISM. EL P, RUSSELL, ocisaymmikz . • >.F:;tar.ii: CATARRH As NOW AT THE Tl;sTlmoim 4 s n:)1;r1 - , - ;-• BARREL. Knit Yong, October:l6, A. A. TA - rton. dee r.. 15.1 1 7,- .1..4.!t0,g, We h tee rereive! r 'Vara P.shorn City, NC,' Jr 'VI at Oou fN. t'Oe'' Pet ruloom fro th ( Tau. ile , Pa, or, of the barrels has for,. the hrso,l of the iermetieni B..erel Co," (Botihins' Patent.) A careful examinntion of this enolt show, it to be to eeeteet order, (no e - raporntinn or Icakage,) and :hr nand 11F tlry is .`e fore itThe other har% eof the int oleo were in , tale oriter;but.had It c1.c.1 iwairoroterl about two cn -o, e ich. We cl•et - In!it- re ewrocuol tie Berry:, .i ,Barrel to IZetlocr, nod 1 - ..4,1-erc of Dctrolcuta. rula.r.s Co. Vetr_riTt3Co Fitroott-r I:srsoom earn I nunt,.tt TICSUT Chritcts, 103 Broadway. corner tie- lancet, (thl Dcoot. Jerney (lily.) New York, November • A. A. TATLon, Artunrv, 15.3 Broadway. We received nt our Depot, Jersey City, on the lath of octol.er loot, an !tooter of Petrlcum from Titusville, Pa., of which were four barrels having the Booed of the .Iterrmetiral Muni Co., I:obbitte ?amt.'. A careful examination of these Barrels ;hour them to be in perfect order, nn evaporation or leakage. The outside of the wood ottlo barrels in no dry no tvfose they were tilled. We uutUwiltatol the above shipment Was throe teethe saf the road. and was trertAhlepetT three. times Sim, they hare been at our Depot they -hare been stihjezt to considerable rough treatment and exposure to sun And rain. A few' day* Igo they were pinged and found to contain all the oil that wits originally put In them. • TM loss of Petroleum from leakage and eraper. ellen le , twern here and Oil Cree k , amounts to (rocs 6to 20 per rent. We have na doubt the Robbins' liernietical Barrel world rare thts...rittre foes, as well oc all losses of Petroleum when on ;dome. E. U. VALENTINE, Supt. We will he prepared Inn short time to rornish Refiners. Ilstrel hisnilfacturers and dealers Crudo Oil, somples of 123rrols prvrared by. , ROBBINS' ROCESS,' Which will deroorutrate to all interested that Barrel to al: that la claimed for it, A Hermetical Barrel Thrkt It will bolt: Crude (MI, Refined 011, Nmpthai, Spirits of Turventim., etc.. IVITOOLT LEAKAGE OR EVAPORATIOi For mouth., without Injury In the ,:iightrot neve!. The process of propartn4 Barrels by Robbins method Is very simple, shover than most other - pi Oeitai.eli In use, and IS EH. ECTU A L. For further portimilara Sc. painplact, whisb Can be hod ut our oilier, No. t^l First street. ra - .lliplicat inns for I.lce Rita for using the ItbOTO process, throng ri.5.16.1t0 LUPINO/TT. FRT, OM MtSKIN G ' OIL SPRLNG PET gOL ,T 1 CO:111 PA ri Y, Morgan County, Ohio. 4S2,Acres hi Fee on Oil Spring's Rim, rhrce miles from Mcemanellsvillo. Incorpornted under tho lowa of PoonsylvanlA. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000. 100,000 Shares al 05 Per Share,,Full Paid Working Capital reserved (or development 25,006 shares, the aubncription price for which to Viper sham—not It..tble to furthes assessment. GEORGE W. CASS, .Esq President of the P., FL W. &O. . It. Co. SECI/nTAnT A2rD TELEAI3I7IIER R. T. LEECH, Jr OM= Geo. W. Cass, B. Guthrie, Jos. Richards, Fronk Rehm, A. 141:agan, Bagaley, Benj. Bakowell, Jr., D. F. 1111.01 Lee, . • R. T. Leoc.ti,,jr..., 10.000 Share: et the abase Reserve,' Sidikk S:;`./.;,„ TUE COMPANY OFFERS IN THIS AIAIIIIIIT Books of Subscriptioti Are now open at the office of B. 8. BRYAN. 59 Fourth Bt, Where Prospectus and binp of the Company:r e m erty can be !AVE,. PPROCLAMATION.—CITY OF ALLE GHENY, es. In accordance with a provision of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn. sylvaats entitled "An Act to incorporate the Olty of Alleg heny, " and a supplement passed the lalls day of April A. D, lfift, I, A. 0. ALEXANDER, Mayor of bah' city, do issue this, my proclamation, declaring that on the SECOND TUESDAY OP JANUARY, A; D. lotti, bet. , the loth day of the month, the qualified voere of f ' each word will meet to; ether rI the plaees hereinafter ntentionel, and elect, by ballot, one citizen to serve as Mayor, and ode citizen to serve as Director of the .Ppor. FIRST WARD. • The qualified earn of the First Ward of said city will meet at the Public School Rouse in said ward, to elect, by ballot, one citizen to serve as a member of the Select Council, four citizens to serve as members of the Common Council, one citizen to. serve as Alderman: one citizen to setae., AMICBBOt two for School Directors, one for Judge of Meek tlone, four for Inspectors of Elections, and one for Constable. SECOND WARD. Thequalified electors of the Second Ward of said city will meet &Übe Publin School Rouse in sald ward, and elect by ballot, one citizen to serve na member of the Select Council. four citizens to serve as members of the Common Council, one for At two for School Directors one for Judge at Elections,four for Inspectors of Elections, and one for Constable. THIRD WAIID. The qualified voters of the Third Ward of said oil will meet es follows. viz: The first precinct w meet nt . the•Public School House la said we and the second precinct will meet et tins house of Col. Gerst, corner of Rad Lane end Sea. and street, in said city, to elect, by ballot, one eft& zen to serve as a member of the Salted Connell, our Minns to servo sus members of the Comment Council, one citizen to serve as Assessor; two citi zens to serve as School Directors for three yearn, and one to serve as School Director far one year, rim Re—. McMillen, resigned; one citizen to serve as Judge of Elections, and four cattalo' to serve Ili Inspectors of illectlens, and one for Constable. FOURTH. WARD The qtudlfled voters of the Fourth Ward of Bald city will meet as follows, viz, .The lirit tweet,+ will meet et the Engine - end Anderson ••-__ seater o %00c0. - —.— ---....ecia andlfis7iseCOidTirriiiiiii..irill EC'St... tee house of Mn. Park, on the corner. Of Chestnut and Blain streets, in said wdrd, and Meat. by ballot, one citizen to serve as a member Of the Select Council, four citizens to serve as member* of the Common Council, one citizen to sereaftly, .ier.welor, t to citizen. AldermanSehool Director; one citizen to verve as roke.Toeirrh Scott. deceased, ono citizen to serve u Sedge of Elea thou in each precinct, and how to servo as Ins_poo., tors of Electiou la each precinct : and 00 ler kicejv stable. The.Fettitt Sedges will meet at theldayer'alrm "flee, City Ilan, on WEDNESDAY. MORNING- January llth, at 10.o , clock, for the , purpose of cis. terznining the'resUlt Of the election. • , ' • • ; • Given ander my hand and sell, Ude 44th day of December, A. D. IBM. _ ___ _.,• , deftta - A. C. A.Le - aANDED, Mayon. •a TREASURY DEPARTMENT,. ' ' 07710 E OF Courenotzen op Tue OUltlizner, , Washington.•Decombereth,•lB6l • - '' NV 131,E REA S, BY . SATISFACTO VI T I edenee presented tO the undersigned. it= i l been Made to appear that "The iderchants r Manufacturer. National Bank of Pittsburgb,"l4lo. the county of Allegheny and State of Peonsylve., ' bik. be. bee= duly organized under and. aosordifilpo "Ane requitement* o Net t Act of Congressdaltb Act to preside aonal Currency:newest ~ by a plUge of United States Doody, and res pluvial , far the circulation and redemption' thereof," au a proved June ad, MK and hap complied with all tin •provlsiorns of maid act required to be COmulted wide , before umxnenchig the Maine*" of Baal unikat • We act: Now therefore, I: Roan MeCurOcur, Corniare*,' her of the Currency, do hereby certify that 'Tha • Merchants and Manufacturers National Dank Or Pittsburgh," la the clty of Pittsburgh, in the un t,' of Alleilbenf. and W.ate of Pennsylvania, lieu. thorized to commence the businesa of Banking un der the act aforesaid. { Currency Bones. In testimony irhatdelf , Seal of the wltoeu my hand and seal • Comptroller of the °fon:leo, this eighth day Uurrency. Of Decezkbar Mt. , • , Treasury Department. HUGE[ MeCULLOOR,. Comptroller of t.kg (Amyx?. ' PROPOSALS FOR-REVENUE BT.ELLIK CUTTERS ON TWE'LAICES. _ • . Tittastrny DITARTMENT, D . 24 , 186 1 1 - PrOposale will be reeelred, at this ilepsilsneat until 1.4 M.:MONDAY, the 16th day of next for the contraction of TIM= or roux. /LEW:NUE-STEAM OUTTEItSAidde wheelj tag &Valor Lakes, and ONE Oil //OBE for `.l Speeldeatlons in detail will be faridabod on application in person or by letter to thin 11.. 4 pertinent, or to the Collectors of the Customs at. Boston, New York, Phibuielphla, Baltimore, ANlL the Oollectore at the principal Lake porta Ths-, should be sealed and addressed to , of the- Treasury and endowed- on the ~( envelope "Proposals for building Berezina Steel: 4 Clutters." - • 01,1v.PESSZNIDEN, - t .d•3o2tawtd - - Secretary ofjhertessull._ TO(L.4B9'IfIECIIAIRCS., , • anted mart aa Suminfoadeif to take hangs_ of' Ohm Works. To one who tint all reap -fttowho understands bowl° etwor tor7—W wanag9, make and work. Flints nLLisrai, Ciragr—A DmIRABLE , oruATlßN — „wAurir , HARE INVER aEli - MPIR - M• REPELLED. ALSO, wanted one INA 3Liker. 040 71148 .... 4 Iladl6 number or linlabesr. - • ;1_ Jrox MR, Chteago: Ala; - 111.4 .0111046 ***** • •••-• • ••• CT/UGGECL* IRON CITY MATCH wortank' Dlhrorthta guitalog earber of Gtankond. smog!, areets, Pittatturgb. if
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