~~. thr Vittribitrgit Cia:4'rttr. t om '. PUBLISHED BY TILE GAZETTE PUELISIIING ASSOCIATION MONDAY, 'JANUARY 0, 1805. ALLEGIIENY :CITY IMPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR MAYOR: JOH* itonnisos. ' FOR 'DIRECTOR OF TILE POOR EMOIIr GLEASON. i 9 ORTRLEBB SUBSTITurEs. TlM : New : Volk ;Timis quotes the state , •neut. that of three detachments of substi. • lutes tent from Concord, N.D., to join the New Dampshire Volunteers, amount ing:62.s men. 137 dei'erted on the passage, - keying only 488 to arrive at the regiment. Of the 483 who got to the regiment and 'We're assignetl_to companies, 83 deserted to the c:twenty from picket line; 36 deserted to the rear ; 4 here been discharged as utterly worthies% their physical incapacity being so, glaring; and of Spch,long standing, that !they must brae been known at the time of ,enlistment; -five hire been coat.back 14 Coicord to have their cases of enlistment - .inveatigated, by order of the War Depart- Mint; and triohave been discharged by or. - t. der, of the:War Department. Thus, out of $B3 of these lmuaty-tempted warriors sent :,43i ,, yze regiment. only since August last, there are only am) left The'nmer adds to this the following corn. ! "The Matimoity. of officers in' the' Army of the Potomac ander the James la all but ;unanimous in- aillneing' that 'a somewhat similar story may be• told of the 'qbotas' sent forward from a vast number of places in the. , Eitatern State's. A very large pro ' ;;portion of,the substitutes are wretched rag ' abonesolopraiettin morals or decrepid in body, without courage or self-respect or .--.-conscience; and so far from adding to the .strength of the army they weaken it, and , -greatly Increase the labor and anxiety of ..the officers. They desert When put on picket duty, they skulk in action, and are dirty, disorderly, thievish. and incapable in , carep, - Ind pass most oftheir time on barrels, lied 'zip to tires; or bucked aud gugeed." It is high time, then, that "the Eastern liitites" should abandon, or be compelled to 'itantithi, a system So' disgraceful to them , so injurious to the army. Massachu t, setts, Maitre; New:Hampshire, and the other Eastern States, (including Xew 'York, New Jentey; and the city, of Philadelphia,) have " - been muerpraised, hitherto,sfOr the prompt • gild pail -Rafe manner in which they have answered the cads upon then:l.ll)r men ; but the truth is now corning to light that, in "i„-, ;stead of filling up their depleted regiments • with patriotic volunteers, they have been Sending forward nothing but villainous titer .- cenaties—emptying jails and poor-houses, sweeping the vilest haunts of the cities, and gathering all the scum and refuse within reach; to fill up-their quotas. They did not care whathinds of men were sent, nor how the thing was done ;: all that they were 111:1X : ious about, was to see that the Provost Mar . ialutTgave them credit for so many men ; and ,thna the people of •" the Eastern States" la rid of nearly all:shMe . In the war, and were left at home to pursue tuatnoleated their schemes of money -tatting. The Timcs "IT these practises are persisted in; if in . di viduals, as well as officiate, do not bring some conscience, some sense of duty bear 'Jon this business of filling quotas, we.hare -no difficulty in predicting what the come •cliteifec will :he. The Government will be Y lbrtnd Into abolishing the whole system of imihatitutes;:and, alast resort, dfetate4 by _ an imperative regard.for the national safety, forcing every drafted man to take his place n the - runks. It is desirable on every ac count that this should be avoided as long as -'possible: We: -are not Of the lumber pf ' thine who think we ought to imitate the:a 13On or the Seidl; and convert our whole 'lteritorylnio a camp. J We arc sitiathii that 'Ave ewe a large portion of . the ease -.with nLith the Northern States.have so far sap-, iportelt the burdens:of ;the war, to the pains - ..which have been..takcti to protect our aerial :system and our business realsas f -avoidable disturbance; and :we think 'highly desirable ',that ire :should persist in these nmeattions:as long as-possible, and fri 4 eld bog ia 'we C5ll, all daspststn ;coops - ca.. ". But . 14erro,fs, of course, a Limit; ; to ..our power* • .of carrying on War: `:,by - .ordinary means, and if any thing could. hasten the - resort to c.v. traordinary measures, it would be the per nistence of towns and counties in practically pvidipg - ,. compliance With the President's hull ar men, by, furnishing cripplea, idiots and:ratans 'to the army, Thc surgeons -- WhO - atietra Ift these practices, and the super visma, selectmen andprovnat marshals 'who winit r at • them; and the individuals who oirryihem worae;-nnd far mmahr - wad raotn . despicatiler traitors than Jeff. Da vis or any of his followrai and we have no hesitation in saying that, there are numbers of men at work to-day .Witlia - ball and chain t 7 their !eh who deserve their fste far less< 'than the persons trite are Um, Initrwriental in-deriandlng our soldiers of the, help which ,! We think Congrers trill only do its duty, if it at oncelamends tho Enrollment Act, b 9 idding.,a prollBlon making , each principal liable for the phymcsd moral, defects of hla tubstitute, and forcing .everybody who "sends:a cripple, or, an, idiot, or a diseased roan, or a 'drunkard, or ! r a 'blackguard of a , goanolnited type; to the army as his repro . rentatire , to take his pliez,ion the also:A - cry jrntliaroof voile liteti" iIF3PO2ID IINCY. ,The gloomy state of feeling manifestml . , - , by the Eic.N. nond papers, is not confined to _that it friend h.as handeJ us tf cony Of the ltfauchesier (Ens. j Examiner; which ."contalinsa ieu r,from North Carottna of:tfit s,Zimy„hind. The Examiner says that writer„ Young limichester man Who is now and has been i for some time in the'Confederatelitates," ,and that be is a strimi.sympathlici Rids the South, and up to the present always maintained the ulti: inateltiumpit Of itasause,:, The !QUO iatlated -Noy,olst, and says: 14",,/,SOnsorry fo inform you of the gloomy 441011 c feeling here .with . regard to the there— You.will, no doubt, be sorpris-, tsi,at.my.aiiting thus after , what rhaye-pre, 4mil written to you. 'But the fact is that, Of Atlanta wasn fearful blow to the lacy, and the public, mind Is thee onghly prostrated in consequence. Al pre sent, we justlidulge• in' a kind of forlorn hope, on the'Strettg,th" of Hood's new move Inlfenneesee, but rem personally afraid no goild.' will insult from it. Despair is settling' upon the 'people generally, , and I firmly be. lievailet 'if they were left, to ;themselves they would accept terms and "re-enter the Union, as the only alterruttive to national ruin.:, Property of every kind is becoming more worthlesa every day; ! Gold and Ster ling ors the only safe t,to g p invest in; and these command _. riflinrice s ,. as Much as 2,500 and 2, per Cent, Very little , ; of the precious metal is obtainable eve:last - Ms rate. People ore 'anxious to run as Mlle risk as possible, and to • avoid sacri ficing more than they can help in 'the gen. eral crash which is impending and inevitable. I confess my ihith la the ultimate success of the confederacy la greatly weakened. I had atrong_hOpes orthe existence :of a disposi tion.on the part of, — the Northeast people generally (Or at least of a large proportion) to favor peace on loss rigid conditions than Lincoln's propositions; but the result of the recent elections in the North i has banished this thatight The Yankeei Wive been do ing too well or late to yield; or to agree to aueltteitis,tis would suit the Richmond cab inet; lid I look forward with painini mia givlnge.to the misery that must follow hese. ~. Istilttns.The'House of,Repittsezdatives of tho IllinetiLegisFsturebas passed an act. 2° /" ,e 4t li gt h l 4 412 / 013 i MACk .Laws of that aisle, and the Senate is expected to Concur in:, :1 1 4 Passage shOrtly. Taut wfped off the eacttiamalt; of the.NOrtl!.. - t , • . _ t.. CAPTIMP. or Tilt:VLol)..... The ChambFr of Commerce of New 111 York has passed a resolution of thanks to Captain, ComaNs, of the Wacboson, for having cap tured the Florida at Bahia, but omits all reference to others, leaving it to be inferred that the sole credit of that result belongs to Captain Cottitia. If our Information is correct, Capt. Con- LeNs is the one tnan, of all engaged in that enterprise, least deserving of thanks; while the other officers of the Wachusett (except -lag the chief engineer) and the Consul at Bahia were the men most deserving of re. memlwance. Why the Chamber of Com merce did not include these in its award of gratitude is difficult of comprehension, and the more so when it is barite in mind that 3lr. SEWARD subjected the Consul (Iklr. WILSON) to punishment for having"urged" Capt. COLLINS to do that for which he hits thus been thanked. If the Captain of the Waehusett were really deserving of this mark of approval, lie would not have needed any urging froin the Consul; and the simple fact that he did not act until he was " urged'. should have given the Chamber of, Commerce pause before pouring out their - thanks to him exclusively. Itlen who have the soul to ‘7.0 noteworthy deeds._ do not need urging to bring them up to the scratch., The truth ia, Captain CoLmas had really no, stomach for OA fight. If he is ever brought- to court martial, he can plead, successfully, that ho was averse to it from the start; that he resisted it as long as be could ; and that he was In a manner driven to it by the persistence of the Consul and the other Officers of his ship. To them be longs the credit and not to him, and we marvel that he permits himself to be decor ated with plumes he should be the last to wear. FOREIGN RECOGYITIOY The 3lontreal Telegraph, of January 3d, says: Rumors have been prevalent for some time of an increase to the imperial military three in Canada. It is now stated in mill tory and other well informed circles that the Coldstream Guards andntherregiments, to the number of 10,000 men, have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to mbark for Canida. The reason given in the same circles for this movement is the in tention of the, Governments of France and Great-Britain, on the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln hi 3fareh next, to recognize him as the President only of those States or which be has been elected, thus officially affirming the disunion of the formerly United States, spoken of by Earl Russell in his letter to the Confederate Commissioners. • • This rumor, in all probability, comes from the rebel agents in that city, and is evidently suggested fromitichmond to co incide with the proposal, in that quarter, to submit io a foreign protectorate. The Mon. treat Ga:crte, of January 4th, contradicts the rumor flatly. It says: A'rumor has been current in this city for three or four days that a number of fresh regiments,including the Coldstream Guards, had bad intimation that they might prepare Or be in readiness to remove to Canada; and it was understood to be current in military circles—in fact so positively so that every body believed it. We learn, however, upon inquiry in a quarter which leaves us no room tor doubt, that It is not true that any order Ins been given on the_ subject, or any official intimation of such a movement of troops sent to this country. This rumor was coupled with another, that on the 4th of March nest, the day of the reinstallation of Mr. Abraham Lincoln in the President's chair, Great Britain and France will •nly recognize him as the President of the,States for which he is elected, and in that way make a recognltion of the Southern Confed- CrarT. Leos Extremity. The reason for the extraordinary outburst '.of despondency and desperation in the re : centßichmondjournabi is to be found in the fact, that for the first time In the tsar the army and the people in Virginia see them ...adres beieagvered in earnest, and their most necessary, supplies cut oft Uri the one baud Generals Stoneman, Bur. "bridgeand Grllem have destroyed the chief sources of ' lead and lan in the South, situ. 'rued in southwestern Virginia. The lead !Mines' were blown:up, end the salt wells it'opped up; all the kettles, furnaces and other machinery Were at the same time de. itroyed, together With locomotires, trains and clitpdts of clothing, ammunition and pro- Rut important as this aeldevemr'nt of our cavalry is, the work of Shertuan's army has become more fatal to Lee and the rebel oper- IWO= in Virginia. The dcstructioa of the Georgia "Gulf Railroad" was a staggering , -Now. to Lee and Davis at Richmond. We have men a private rote to a gentleman in Ibis city, from a friend in Sararmalt, who relates; among other matter, on the author ity of an officer of the Gulf Railroad, that that road supplied Lee's army, up to the time when it was broken up by Sherrhan's trcops, with eleven thousand tive hundred Lca - d of cattle per week, the beef corning from Florida and southern Alabama. Even this supply was insufficient for Lee's de- , mends, it seems ; for we read dart a month or six weeks, before Sherlitan left Atlanta for Eavan.tab, General Lee wrote to the PreEldent of the Gulf Railroad that its capa city must be int:reused,, or he could not maintain, his arnty in Virginia, but would be coMpelled to fall back nearer to his base of supplies. There, is reason to believe, from informa tion in possessiGn of residents-1M Savannah, that•Lertras not thirty daja' supplies on hand'; and tt would not he sinprising if he sbould , attemPttO leave Viiginia, with the prrraie ofconcentiuting all the•forces of • the Confederacy somewhere. in South! Caro lir.a' protably near. Columbia, there to fight the last ,great battle of the war. Such a_ - rhovenicat would alone enable him in M ettle Once more the interior and central po iitiiikwhiCh at preicnt Sherman has snatch- • itifrom the sot:ahem .attiles: it worthl in. :Wye, -orcerurse, the abandOntnent of Vir ginia-I..ut it begins to be plain that if .Lee stays ImVfiginia he'will be caught. ~ I ttfwitbtbe :Min Which Thomas' gallant , trOpparhaveinilliited:ripon army, we have in' fact, two spare tinniest and no doubt! Sherman and Thomas:ire already preparing for', puck movements as will meet any pitstlltle manieuive of Le ''a. The • great day; of final - concentration, prelimina- ! ry t 6 the'dedisive'blo*, appears...to be at hona•—X' F, Ere. PM. , Tun' BOrinty..flusinesi gives *great, deal of linable in Sew Terk. The city wishes to get out. of. the draft early by offering $l,OOO to a voluntee.r, but all the rest of the State oppose it, as carrying off recruits from their localities and makingthedraft sit more heavily upon them. 'The city cannot give the bounty unless the Legislature authorizes a loan, and the'country members are deter rained to equalize the bounties so that no rortlon of theetate will have an advantage over the other. • "A bill in the Legislature proposes that there shall be paid to each . volunteer ;600, for three years; $4OO for, two years, and $2OO for one year. Persona who have, served In the army for one year or more during the present war shall be paid on iii enlisting the sum of ;SOO for, three years; 600 for two years, or ;400 for one year: "O'Herron or Bras"—ln October, 1802, Gen. P. I'. Beaumont addressed a letter to hie Southern brethren,' in which he urged them thereafter to speak of the Yankees as "abolitionists." By the use of this "'orrld expression," the North was to be intimida ted, the Southern heart feed, and indepen dence achieved. The missile foiled of its P Now we read a despatch from the "little Crecde;" in which he speaks of the Yankees as "Federal raiders." What has become of his formidable epithet? Has P. T. B. reserved it Tor the new regime of antik slavery about to be inaugurated at the Southl—N. F com. Adv. . TunLouissille "Mtwara is persistently ad, locating the abolition of alaTery in Ken= l ucky beianse, at avers, the rebellion Las. _Tlrbially destroyed the institution there; and the sooners e'Stele eitn "get rid of a abadow.. of a Oldie labor - System, and „grasp the sub stance of a compensated labor, the better it ...Still bolos the Interests of labor, tkemoral .condition of the negroes; and thersrelfare all the, industrial pursdta of the , Common,. A c')tun-sew:T' natlcton (Tex as) .ilewp 13,11etin, a returned soldier from the rebel army, after detailing his inhospit able treatment along the road, remarks: "I ow sorry foray, Mr. Editor, that there are vely_ scary citizens in the enmities through St Lich i pa,secl, in favor of reco.i struetion; ono I was told by intuillgent and influential ;1-rn Orin, n —true Southern men— tbot 'if the iota was taken, two-thirds of if, nat I:1 , 1110 \ 1.,!,1 rote for reconstruc tion.' Would that they could spend a few weeks in camp, and learn the feelings and views of the soldiers." SAMUEL I . ItEEEOILN Ile:Tried front the 20th New York Cavalry, while on duty at Norfolk, and lie induced a woman named Linden to conceal him. As aim was going to Baltimore, he prevailed on her to let him get into en immense traveling trunk, and thug make the voyage. lie bored a hole in the trunk to afford him air, but it did not prove sufficient, and the poor wretch suffocated. On arriving4,..at- Balti more, a nauseous Fmell issued from the trunk, which 'caused it to be opened. The eorpae was discovered, and the woman made the above ei.planation. TUE COMMON SCHOOLS Or rite STATE: —A report from the Superintendent of the Common Schools In the state, shows that there are 687,785 pupils in the state schools, exclusive of Philadelphia. Length of school term five months, seventeen days ; average cost of each pupil, 55 cents per month. The total cost of the system Is $2,381,173, an in crease over the year previous of $97,973, This does not include the expenses of the Philadelphia Common Schools. There is a Overran of 367 male teachers, owing to the war, and an increase of 598 iemale teachers. Fon several years past the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Hrtilrene Company have been compelled to reach St: Louts by running their cars over the track of the Terre Haute Alton Railroad. This arrangement was the source often of great perplexity and an noyance, and It was consequently determ ined to build an independent track from Alton to St. Louis. This work has just been finished, making a continuous line of toad from St. Louis to Chicago, and trains have commenced running through. Mil Augusta Chronicle publishes an amusing description, by a correspondent, of the raid of the country people into Atlanta after its evaiwia. tlr by bherrnan. Everything was carried oaf that was at all transportable. A mum,: or her lieles One hundred and fifty pianos were taken. away. A venerable flame was 0b50,,,,i tryin g to band Into her can a tine piano by menui of a ripe attached to the legs. When asked what the was doing, she replied that she had found - n nifty nice table in char, nod was Irvin; to gel It in her heart." One man alone cerri,tl off over fifty thousand dollars north of dry. hike. Pta.x I , c PRINTING CLftrus.--At Proviileneo, Mille bland, last year, the tr.-it-00m : printing cloths amounted to 2,69.7,4" vi o , —, falling cat Prom the prevlons year of 1,225,650 Mem:. To =how (ho estraordinory rise In prlcea it Is slated that printing cloths that told 4( come or yard January lat, RC, sold for 9 cent, at the beginning of I4i.‘ cants in 1S 3, cents In 1594, and mita January I, 11115. STA.3.4£B or PTIOTC4I:IIIMS.—MIC t'ommiesion cr of Internal Itevenue has decided that ,tamps need not be GaiS!'d to Thotograplis when Injury is Li DEVI! thereby. Fogographer keep nu account of till pictures made and sold er this class, the same to be furnished the de l.:lumen, every month, with the number of etzmp: rcrpffiLd for the photographs affixed 11a rut°. Tut Richmond 117.??, makes the novel moposition to declare all Northern ports under blockade, and subject French and English ships to capture, as a sure means of stusuring recognition, but whether it would e of the kind most desired at the South just now is another question. TUE Baltimore correspondent of the In dianapolis Journal says that the infamous secession correspondent of the New York Ifortd, "Druid," has suddenly left that •city. It appears that General Wallace was BENIOIIS to have a personal interviesi' with PUBLIC XOTICER. E-7,-,41.= ELECTION NOTICE.—AN ELEC. 1.=.1 TION for C omm ercers of the Pitt•hurgh National Hank o will be held at the flanking Howie, comer of Wood and Fift streets, rat TUESDAY, the ledh day of January. h 19.35, be to ron the bourse of 10 a. m. and 11. • ja7atit JOSEPH cashier. ELECTION NOTICE.—AN ER EC. TIIIRTELN Its of the Iron TION City National Hank of Pittsbur ro gh, mill to held at the Banking House, TUESDAY, toe h day of January, ISna, between (ho howgra of 12 nl sod 3P. IL .1. iiIA , JOFTIN, Cashier. EXCELNIOD I N INTETE AND ONh I NASEUM.—The Winter Session of this School will open' MONDAY, O. A few nd , it lonal milli can be at - comm.:duct For terns be. call at the rooms of the Institute. coreird of and St. Clair •t., or address fora cirdolir thlwd Rev. W. N. ORAY, Principal: Blialtannau Derns, eneran, 186/. A GENk.ll.lLl,littutnonaat. SIEETIN4I Oir TOE STOCKBOLUEIIS of lids BANK will 1, rid at the BANKING aIc:::PA Y. Ja e oary 301 k 1565, nt I o'clock p ,to consider nmi , drcide Whether the Company, shall become no /.6 , eciallon for the Business of flanking, under the I, We of the United States, and whether It 'Mall es..!chie the power conferred by the Act of the I. , cisidture of this State, entitled, "An Oct caa • bilho the Bahka of this Commonwealth to be,hime A • .oriAtinns, for flanking under the Laws of the United Stater,. approved 224 of Millet, ;651, sad to take an _y Partharaction that may he deemed ne crweary- Brorder of the lioArd of Directors. ht2Odm 'JOHN P. BEECH. Cn.later. .• 1 1 1.7.1_111r(r, B e an or Pll - I , IIRIMIT. • riliAlMlrh, Dec. 'A. INIEKT br"- -, given, agreeably to Section 2of the be t of the General Aasembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act enabling Banks of the Commonwealth to become Associations for the plirpose of Banking, under the Laws of the United sicies," approved the 22,1 nay of August. A. D. 061, that the Stockholdens of Mechanics Bank hove Lid %day voted to become Suchn Association, en.l that its Directors have procurwl the authority of the owners of more than two-thirds of the Ono- Bel Stock to make the certificate therefor by the LeM•Il of the United States. 3 NO. O. MA MIN, Cockier. Intix Cars Sass, Pittsburgh, Dec. 22, 1864. NOTICE lIEUEBY GIVES. 6—, agreeably to Sec. :A of the act of the Gen eral Assemblyof the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An Act ear... Win - Banks of the Connuenwealth to became associations for the pur pose .of Banking, under the Laws of the United tates," approved the *I day of August, A. U. 186 f, that the Stockholders of the Iron City Bank of the City of Pittsburgh, nod county of A.llegheny, have this day voted to become such an assomatiott, under the =MD and title of The Iron City Na tional Bank of Pittsburgh, , and that its Director, have procured the authbrity of the owner, of more than Leto-thirds of 'the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor, by the 'Laws of the United State.. dead& 301 IN MAGOFFIeI, Ci - -•--- JACECNON IeIIN dIL The Hun subecribers to the atock Of thate Jackson 011 Company are hereby notifted tha meet ing of the said company will be held at the store of JOHN CADIPIIELL, on Smithfield street, be been Second rind-Third streets, on MONDAY. 2:41 day of January, A. D. leCt, at 7% o'clock p. m. for the purpose of adopting by.lows, electing Meer.,'he. 'and of organizing' fui a corporation under the Act of Assembly, entitled. "An Act re lating to Corporations for Meclltalcal, 111Anufno. turlng.and Quarrying Purposes,. approved:July, 16;1663i and Its several frtipplerneuta. de3lMroawd. Bt. MccuLVAIGH, !key% • • rt MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION • CO—Tho Antival Meeting of the Stosk. • holders of the Moriongahrla Navigation Company :will be held on TIIURSDAT, the day of Jan uary, at the office of said Company, No, 75 Grant street, Pittsburgh, at two o'clock y, m., at :which meeting oMeers of the COntyany will be .elected for the ensuing year. The election will be held between the hours of two and fear p. tn. dell:lawdtd, W. BAKEWELL, tieeretary. 141*RCRIARTS A7D Materwurrunma NATIONAL BANS, " • (Late Metehants lianaradarers'HWO —Pntaburdb. peo. 12th_ t 1821. Eaw.CTION FOS DaUECTO OF.THIS BANK., "to ;aye during tbe ams , seta! yea. will be held .a the Banking Ilona on MUDISDAY,the teth day ot January:lM, ' between the hours of It o'clock a. m. and 2 o_ de1224 'JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Oaaler. F 115? NATIONAL RAZZ or Forrrentnsoa, (Late Pitieburge Teal Compose r ) - • Pyrrenvnan, FOR 19th. IBM igrAN ELECTION FOR_EINE , OTIt C. TORS OF THIS BANK - wilt be held on ,tba SECOND TUESDAY. 1 0 th day of January next, between the bourn of It SCIILLT, a m. end 2 p. en. , 209441 JOHN D. Onabler. Corms or ALtsortrxr trartutatre C0., ( )- Deeember wee _ rm.. AN ELECTION FOE TWELVE. REM:PISS " U1111 11%971 7 ' t o o 0177;1.. the enautnLy e m. be field jkfulzr .l 7 oevre4 . Company, ben DAY the hours of In a. In. antl l ? i p i m i3OOK, searetaiy. . 0711 CA OP Till TRIED 11 1 / 1 110WAL nAwicj o Or PITTABIIIMIT, I. AIN ELECTION FOR NINE DKR ar TORS OF THIS RAMC, to serve during the ensuing year, will- be held at the Banking House:, earner of Wood Areal and Virgin alley, on TUISDAY. the 10th-day of January, Ma; between the-hours of 10-A. 61.1412 d 3P. 131. • deaden JNq. H. LIVAIOSTON, Cashier. ' Ester NAVow. Herz cur Lr.z.coniory i l _, December 12tk DI firmg..AN ELECTION FOR NINE DI 111=5 , TOES - OF THIS BANE. to Serra for thri ensuing year..will be held at the Banking On the In TUESDAY OF JANUARY,' INS, be tureen the hours of 10 and delldd . P. IGHAILIOX Cashier. • 6 ,•=••• • • 3 • , 1: ACT( 577 • PETROLEUM .00. will bo pobi to Pitts. 60 . 114 ere n i th4.4Abi s o or.RICULAID• .11....HEASTINGS NULL BE A. rgir. Candidate for RECORDIM .REGUtilf- TOR - at the Efrain /217CePaA byooutiolls, fofOltg , • IF:' .1 11 ft TIS E.7IEdrTS.,. ---.--- - - - . V A I. UABLE STOCES.—On TLTES.DAY LIVING, Inn . Intl at . 44 o'clock, 1.111 be so;,1, at Commercial Sales Rooms, &MER U street: too abates (Ina Co. Block; • - 12 Citizens Bank Stook; al " Merchants & Manufacturer Bank; 20 " alechasics Bank; 2.? " Bank of Pittsburgh; GIA) "4 Ritchie 011 Co; • " Blood Farm & Ohio f/1.1 Co, /110 two 111cAboy & Oherryßad " Shirk 'Farm : ..:10 • " Ohio Valley :re " Tarr, Story tcohery n" (.10 6, Cherry Run and Pitt bole; A. 11 1cILITAINE, Auct'r. BAILEY, FARRELL C 0.,& PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM leii"rEßS PREMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS. Every Description of Material Constantly on Hand jai th/ 129 FOURTH ST., Piburgh. CIUARTERLY REPORT OF SECOND NATIONAL. BANE OF PITTSBURO-11. MONDAY Dionlux°, January 2, UZI It ESOURE.. , i: Notes and Bills Discounted—. Pnited States Securities Expenses 800 by Banks nrufEtankers. Taxes and Premiums Cssh Ellecellaneous Items. LIABILITIES: $1.M1,1X7 01 Capital Stock Ucc DeFositors Cif culation Profits end I:srsings Dividends unpaid truce The above statement is correct and s truu to l2 the hest of my Knowledge awl belief, . C. IL Arsietsrit Ormhter. Jo Swore and autmeribed Worn me this Mt dap of nunry, S. SMITH, Notary Public. j2,9:1t VATON, MACRUM S CO., No. 17 and 19 Fifth st., AVE DAILY IN RF.CF.IPT OF To n hicit Loy call the atteutlon of their customer, A Ai.h.neill hf.ortmetat of DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINIIS, VICII EMBRI/lIIEMES AND LACE:GOOD:73i WARE AND BONNET RIBBONS. BALMORAL AN!) nom , smars ; ENDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS; HOSIERY AND fI LOVEs: 2.I:PHYIi AND ZEBIIYIi foriT GOODS, FINE ENITTINO YARNS, on Color!. A full alaorlowat of FANCY (10005. MERCHANTS and DEALERS Una supply titelr.sclves With eretythl4 to out ttocli at LAM a 9 Very Lowest Pricer;: ioyEIINMENT LOANS I..—. The (011003- I. an l s o f I'r teen mode the FUUlt'l'R NA T ()NAL RANK' 1.11 - r'e.ilunclu AND v: S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSirtilt Previously reported 0 W 4.300 00 let& W•tvon text to No. Swart/ - ' htt On &ranter h lialtm laavt to Jamb fir). r lal Allss Met' it. 01) I , ler Price .............. ....... • 400 00 Pen. Thomas Williams 11:0 09 L. C. Thompson 4,030 Od W.ll Sheet. 211 00 U. Pardee 0 0 0 01 F. R. Sackett 7,:00 t , O Lanese 4so CO Nee F West I. A Ovine—. 2,11.0 00 1, Ren2r y6 l o 03 T. !trona 10a 04 S. Atrti re Soo 07 .1. 3.05) 00 • N Frasier t. C )Icl-hereon. 111f01 01 Wet, napdry t 104040 100,0 k..., 41 11. hn Site - 1,14A Co .2 . 1.141 01 . .1. Rarclay 3 .5 , 0 00' !Sutler Orr 3.000 b N. /hake . 6.0a1 tq I mirth National Rank, Pittsburi - ,h. 10:1,a1u Oa john Gay 2,001 T. J. Craig , I,&X, DJ John Revs ... 1,2011 CO A.l/ 113noy k Ca 10,000 broiti.Alyets &OA 00 3t' 07. Parkhill. Jr., & 0400 CO (I Leranton 401 CO N Vorghtly, Jr 45030 00 A. At. Stewart... 1.600 ut) .4 W. (. 1 1aney...... ...... . •.. 1.00, 00 J. F. AlcLaran ..... .......... Sl3 I,J W 11. Ityrsta 1,..) Jahn Walker, Jr 00 Mary Atethillum. , 4h) 00 tame 0 Pennell. . . %a/ a, Joseph It tehards.... .... 0. 0 01 a 1 Snentlel Roy, .... .... . Ltto, tto, 00 .11110 Welker, Jr.. 1,4 , 201 ..ta .1 • iritlithe, oh.teto .4,avt 0). L. Cornett, President.... &ha* CU Rt. 1 (.917.15, 00 , oratoir,ion tottd to All itetcly. porettl... tog 1' S. St rontlee 111 : 0 0011.1to./II-ru78 NA IONAI. 111 NK, U. S. (I.OVEKKMENT 11 Ems -11 (11Y. NI- THREE GOOD CANVASSERS TO SELL THE HISTORY OF THE Indian Intts of Sand and South Aladin,' In Allegheny County. This voidable work I. illlt 7t nblished. sand nlready her met with rapid sales. It routs Ins :SA eel wo planes, 40 colored plates, and Is bound in cloth or !mailer to emit the 'demand. 'lbis worts gives n eosnplete torsof the "Hes' Ist And his wars with the •`Pnie Faces," fromthe tlrst witlesnont of the country down to the Aims:swots Masescre. A Ilisernl per ventage and e acinsis e territory given, by ardresting 3/ H. NTEWAIT.r, (amend Asfynt for Western Pa .1 Jae .wind Kew Wilmington, Pa. REJUVENATOR, FOR THE HAIR, Will, la nature% own manner, restore Gray Hair to Its original color. .Will make IL grow on Bald 1104411. Wilt restore the Naturalsceretloo.. Will remove all Dandrulf and Itching. W 111 make the Hair Soft and Glossy. Will preservethe Original Color to old age. AVIII prevent the Bate term Falling Ott Will cure all Disease% of the Settlp. ror sale by SLII9N JOHNSTON, dell earner Smithfield - and Tenrt► streets, (dr Too FITTNIIILTROiI AND 111ILIILIN011dX Pssannonu 11. Q. 130., PlTTmorneni. Jan 5, 1.50. 9 lIE ANNUAL MEETING OF 'rrrl htockholders of the Pittsburgh & Vo Birmingham nvany will he held on ru 'NWT, the. 16th inst. nt 10!5 o'clock n. ra., at ah thr Monengeja ouse, In the City of Pittsburgh, rslctize and place n 0 fDretors,? l t t i o t el q ti llljk,4e:,y. OPPIPP COI.J.FA TOO OP /PITILOSAI. ENVZOTIM, Ttrenliaecond Collertion Diatrict,Pa. Pyrrenutton, Jan. O. PM. THE SPECIAL INCICKE TAX FOR neseteed In acconlence with the act of Congreea, approved Suir OM; Is now In tb le of floe. and on and eller MONDAY. the oth inst., I will be.ready to receive the amount of Taxes. 1 We Tax must be paid on or before the 2.5 th Inst.; after that date the penaltr of 10 pot cent will be added. tt ILLIAM LITTLE,' Jo7:10t Collector WO Pls. Pa. OD TIIE 001TROLI.KU uP Al.l.r.nd MCC CO. Prrynnonon, .inn: e. BM To BARERS.—BEADED PROPOSAL will- be received at tills office, until the 12th tart. Inclucire, for furnishing the County. Jntl with DREAD for six months from the 15th Inst. Loaves to weigh Onannd-utalf and Two Pounds rrse l eitygy i; Bids to be mnde so much gerbil' o t lly direction wt of County Commlcsionets. ,InMEtcl MERRY LAMBERT, Cont'r. DEPUTY type tTEIIKASTRA 13EX. $ 8 Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 6 umxi. WILL SOLD AT PUBLIC A - TION, to the highest bidder, 6 :arge wantt ty of MANURE,. at GARDNER'S STABLE, cor ner of Jackson at. 'end Pasture alley, Allegheny City, on the-TENTH DAY OF JANUMAY, Mb, at 12 o'clock 81. Tens's—Cash; Government funds. ja'btd. Lt. Col. and D. eiertageSAL SLCOnDI3O REM/TATUM) 0171C8 December DI, Usk A LL PERSONS INTERESTED In le paving of WEBSTER STREET, between Washington and Seventh Iltreets, will lake notice that the assessment has been made and may be seen at this °face until the 6th of January, IDS, when It will be len with the Treasurer for collec tion. R. R. ORM°, Recording Regulator. December Sigh. Mi. deb: R.' OSB OIL COMPANY.—F Oil R T DIVIDEND OF THE ROSS OIL COUPA NY.—The Hoard of Directors of this Company bare declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., out of the profits of the lest month, papal's, at the alike ut ROLPT WRAY; Jr., No. d Had street, on and after the 16th inst. Subscribers are segues. ted to call and get their certificate. of stock before the 16th Inst., and oblige ROIPT WRAY, Jr., jalatd------ - Seer Ross Oil Company. - - ALLEGIIENY GAS STOCK, &c.—On TUESDAY EVENING, January 10th, at 7!.4 &gloat, will be sold at Commercial braes Sams, 5.1 Fifth street, 100 shares Allegheny ORS Stock; 95 Nereknatinud Manufacturers' Bank; 20 Mechanics' Hank. A. MeILIF A' ct'r. OTH THOUSAND ,DOLLARtit. CASH wild:purchase a neat Cottage Itonse, perch Ist front,t 41 roams and' a' saline, well Of .water, fruit was, shrubbery, ate. • Lot Silleet Railroad=deep; situate la tiblaplasport; opposite station. la 4 ~ . 8. (IMERT ILSONS.Sk Atuketst. von RE.NT.—A. Large STORE R002%1,- one or thebeirt - loealltlaa la FIFTH street' AI ply sonn,*lld nal name. Address Loek box Gaza.= (Moe, ... 11" 111^1:12 TIS 11,11E.37'S Cor6ißi n FOR'A SHORT SEASON ONLY Commmaclng, FRIDAY EVENING..Tanuary 13th. Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, January 11th, at t o'clock. Effinger & Foote's Great . Moral Exhibition THE THREE WONDERFUL LILLIPTTIANS, 4 Ca=r3tn. F 2 c.c.ito euin.cl Silisitor Not hell the elvd of Tom Thumb and Wife. Th. most .litrrindtive, itycometr.enl and intelli,:ent ape Immix of humanity in miniature ever on exhibi tion, and COLONEL SMALL. The great Feninie Cluirstier ilaricer. Tn combin their pr n thin with these curiosities of hinture, Is e eepiress, MIS, C. G. RUSSELL, formerly 3111:1:g. C. Elhoger,) the celebrated Vo- Plobibe end tozopoeer, togethor with W. B. BABRISOIO, the Zt t o eme =rl andrthe 11g ei rMe t et ej PROF. G. H. BROOKS, Vintlnlet rend Planlet, ten fi e ll a a n pupil of the 1%11- Look out foe (he 491,000 00 1,470 61 96,729 715 •.... 6,965 03 157,524 77 9.979 06 300.1110 00 • ¢.3,413 CI 78.1 AN, 00 . IS 11 I,@'Y 00 LILL , PUTIA Ai CHARIOT Tide magnificent carriage, entirely new, and eated,. larger than n bushel Malta, hullt ex presely cosfor Commodore Foote, for the ocaeon of at a t of over tiii,(VO, nflen through the etreete daily, from the St. Clair lintel to the Rail, contain ing Commodore Foote and Sinter and Col. Small, dra ith by SIX TRAINED ENGLISH GOATS. Doornopert at 7 p. m. Commence ni !inn Pb Mite. Tiecerved Seats DO cent, Adult: to Illatinces, •1b realist Children, lb cm. D. Positively no half price at night. ELL INC ER Proprietam (.. JA, W&Y, 1 ten , •ral Agent • jenl MA SONIC FOR FIVE• NIGYTS TursdaY. Wedarsday, Thursday, Friday" d Saturday, Jan. ID, ❑, 12, 13 and H. TIIE onrIAT 0111 TI MAL ETHNO-SOTERIA.N From the Armlet:lr of Art, Perla, as exhlbitel there two howl CA Fr. veuty corn:vela", nights. Itenre...ent log Thrilling nod Sublime licence la Oct. tot Life. CHILDREN'S GRAND MATINEES, Thurtday and Saturday afteraoorm, Jan. 12th ati.l 14th. Look out for the 'Mammoth Programmes to be dtetributeil on Alondey and Tonsil:v. , ' A nnteelon—Lventug, 23 cba; front emits 33 rte; afternoon, for Children, 10 eta. Doors or 0n et 7 'o'clock; commenre at 8 o'clock, jiSAL 1114; CORN PLA NTEI2 RCN OSL 4040.11.2.1PAL1V-Ir capital Stock. $223,000 % orking{,• Capital , R2S.OOfl I • ar Ea foe of Each share. - $l,OO Boons tort Senor ntrelox to the Stoik of the. f",rnpony opened on the Oth of January inst. The property of the Company to 100 acres of land In fee simple on Cornplanter Run, near 1.15 junet lon with W eil ree, cum mile above Oil five whla is a about Goa feet deep, with t. , lns of Oil. picot) of and. now In process of 1 übihe," and in the opinion of oil will be n Ono well. There Is ample space on said Rua for lintaircds of 011 Wells. and Is the tn.% desirable inert In fen simple on 011 Creek for CR pury.osee. Sir Persons desirous of Making.a goal invest ment in till landscon Inquire of persona so ev.lnted about Oh City, irlien they will ascertain that t Leif is' nothing ,t;ogue about this territory. JCISEPII ROSS, No. 12, Diamond, Pittsburgh. January 2, LW. jan &Aso. AILL... o's NOR, 111:211.03, entailer, Onto with Iron City Bank.) FOC - GTE, NATIoN RAN or PlTTSEttraill,? I'. S. Com - rat:len/ Deporitetry. Ytrrnnr nou, January ad, ISSS. OI'ICE.—IN ACCORDANCE•' ivrrri FIVIAL INsTRUCTIoNs fr om Boa. F. K Sitinner,Trensurer United lit ales, MS BABE AND U. S. DEPOSITARY WILE CASH AT MATVIIITY line per ten Legal 'raider Note. The taco of the flutes and !scented Interest ttete of tr.oturtty, WILL BE PAID IN FULL new , notes Were Iscued under the act of Con. vela. Ntateh 3d, 183. js4:lt! S. 11. HERRON', Cashier. I)T.P.kOTNIg,/, OITICrOD TOR COIITSIZOLI.CI2 oD er (111D.Nrtt, W...11.11N0T0N, December 31, IF.A. 1V /MB EA ' 3, B..iTh3F.A.cTortY evidence la resentro I to tho undersigned, 11. has Leen wade to appear that the IKON CITY NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURO; In the .clty of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alle gheny, and Efate or PC1 1 1 1, 31,1C1/1, has been duly organised under and according to the requirementa of the nett of Conzress, entitled An Act to pro ide a National Currency, secured b n pledge of 1 'nited Staten Bonds, and to provide for the ellen- Intion and redemption thereof," approted June 3, !bat, and hns complied watt`it the provisions of said net required to be complied oath before com mencing the business of 'linking under said act; Not.", therefore, I. Hugh Mello iloch,Oomptioller the Cement._ ,c do hereby certify that "THE I PON PITT NATIONA HANK OF PITTS HOD," to the city of Pittsburgh, la the county yof Alleghen coy, and State of Pennsylvania, is au thorized to mmence the Mildness of Banking un der the act aforesaid. In tvatimony whereof, witness my hand ft. a) and seal of office, thin thirty-hest day of December, A. D. Mr. Ift'filf MeOULLOCII, JeV.2lnd Comptroller of the Currency. 111 E GREAT EN G LISII. RED 1E D Y.— FIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, • Prepared from a prescription of Siry. OLnrke, M. Lt., Physician Extraosiliaary to thelaucert. 71,18 well known medicine is no Imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female dldiculties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever, and al though a powerful remedy, they contain , noth ing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladles It Is perfectly suited. It will, in it short time, bring on the monthly period With regularity. These Plihr he never been known to faihrhere the directions o av n the page of the pamphlet sir. well °keened. For fultparticulars gets Pamphle,f rec. of the agent. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $1 per bottle. Sole itulted States Agent, JOB MOSES . , • 2: Courtlandt street, New York: N. B.—itt add outage stamps.. ....7.closed to any tuthorired agent, Will Insure a bottle, containing meek° bill,, by return mall. denthlydblteE. FASmONAB DESMA.B.L.r.; ti-OCADS, For Gent's I rout/e, Ciothigg, MADE TO 011E1E14 IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. R. B. NORRIS, mractuirr TAILOR, • No. TIONEDSBILL ST., Allegheny •aon-laced IRON CITY COLLEGE, Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. The largest, cheapest and most snecesatid BUSINESS MAN'S COLLEGE, IN TEE UNITED STATES Students enter and review et by Y'Cialnl"'' contninlng full Iformatlon, Nen paijk to address ; on appllcatwo to, the Trlnct free JENIEUNIEI PPIMPROVED Llttle 011111111 Mewling Meath= ?rice ONLY Ott C. Unsurpassed for hay, reliability sad grace - la- movement; and for _real worth it ham co rivaL For itimplielty„dttrablUty and execution ft launeoualled by any other eheap machine heretofore offerod to the public, aad needs only to bo SIMI to be appreciated. It , tom, matt, tackar bled...Oen_ and anuttahhalor you. elle& Ever y machine warranted. „ N: roams , , Agent, - i N 0.113 TINED St., 8' N: Note.i, 113. Letter s to strangers or transisnt VlSltnrs ia a !rola nr city, whose special' 'address mar he tol l:hi-Ai n. should be marked on the :Meer left hand coiner, will tke word . Translertt.”' 4. 1 . 1.. i, lie postage damp on the twee rig-of-ha ad I tot Ler, and ic.:re spare between the stamp and di rection for posfsmarLing without interfr,lng, with i the as tit Inf.. ; 3:: It —el emir .sy for the neyenit of a letter to • the e . ... er, it undo:lllrd within TIIIIrrr I , ol's or le,, it Illterl or printed with the .wrlter'.. Nom ~ l'o , l (litre and Mel, ' , kerma the left-hand end of the :mein] 0, on the face Hole, will he complied will. tit the usual prepaid rate of postage, payable when the letter in delivered to the writer. (See. it, Law of INZ.) A z mot rong Eibi Fox Lirsie MeTiolm.b. Jr., A of:strong E A Farley E Alc Shane Ellen •Asbhury Jli 8 Fox elillespy llcKuarn Emn F A 111 I James., Fuller Joss ph ' Mc( irogat n Piths Amberson Jerry G McLean Lucy Adams Mart h stl anon ACr ;McLaughlin ,11 AI csktrong 'Wu. I Intl' Chas A i Mclntyre Mack. Aliens!. Wn. ill ason Geo C 131cGrath Wrn • . 11 flortett HO, 1g,2 McAleer llnchlY , Deer Anton-A ".. - CiteMnds Sarah 1 De, non Annie'. t :roam John 1 01 flonnell Chas lb "keel 17 & Per Circa,/ Jas 5 ;O'Donnell Win Ila stet (line.. K ilardner.lanet I Bride 1. ranels Gleason 31anha,Powers Annie Banks }reeling Golimer Mary , Packno/ L • Bowen Frank - .11.roose Mary E .Datterson Henri Down Sarah A , firaham 31 A Parr Maria I. Dennett Samuel George Satin Pietism Mary - Drown John L: H Paul Mr litown Jr. E He/islet IS B . .Pervlene a e y W T Blair Jno 31 'Henry Rohl ' It Hmunn Thee .Hanna Rot.: :Quartz Mike Bowe Maui Hall A . Rtown rs 31nry ifamen Eliza .Rhull Cot D S Darkly Nary 3 Homer Ellbalr'h;ReynoldsEltsbh Die/e Mary •Holes S Reed la Enrke y r Mary .Haney Susan ' i RichmoElnd Small C •Ilamilton StAr't Rown John Caldwell Alex Harvey S C • stiller John Cloth Alf .Henry Alex IRtcharson 3la E Caldwell .1 lIceE:11 tinter Jno ; Ryan Nancy erogrove Allan. lintnnet J ROW land .:Nora ttelchton A Ililinom AI ;Rice Pai rick I 'enter fins finest John rt , s ( . .iliu, I. P How and Alm) . 1" Speer Carnlinet: l'btolerfoid F 1 stoner Henry 1. ..i11es I it lose Ellen :Stype Sanili Corliran Isabel.. J Sullivan Sari.ll.l Cl,oto 1..11,a JtAnaton 111 . 11 , Sullivan John Cre. n 11.1 Joni, W li 'Shafer J Ilea c,itroll ...., Ii i,atteabary.lnoT l'slkoori .1, o I tiennidv Ellin. Seibert .1 S W I . :1, ley int, a Kennedy Jos t ' SI t:er John .....1. t.. 1: a 1: "mile John li Sim - r J .l'a,ll .loLn 31.. Kb 18 r Mareret Stewart Nancy t'o . son TM—. I: re hi Alatllda.Staith W I bro tin a 31c1 Eirker 'Mamba :\ T 1' , •n.1.1.e1l 31ari Kirby IVm S :Turn , . Elizhili I' pr Nicht.] lt. 1, , Terts, Strati Uonoonv Wm . Lindsay Jas R. ,Till Sarah II - DI lty 1,, 1 , 1 1.1 IS .I...eus :Ineob :Teensy . Jane 1.1.1 c D .1 11 True Sam! 1.,,, is Ila s ..I Leech Margret , V Da, is Sarni. J 'Lutter ft R S ; Vanhorn Jennie 1...11i. Os J S heacb R E Vander:Bß S 1.• Wm Mkry • 51 W 1 , ...:1"1.. 1' Mervin Amanda Walker 1 1. , At Pol (leak; Ellitakh , White Maritteß . I...lreton Cal. 3iorton Flitahl 'Whirr. Hattie tals..l Mei,e oleo D . I.'eaver lUsury • Bruit Lie Millet Sallle ' Wiley Ssml t. llaron John Whitney St..Ohn F.”. 1 .10.. s :10ra...i1l J S IVloklne ,I 11 . i Ern rf. :Ili r, , a Mary John Wikon Jona:lln 111Miet, Ile ol,n Morrow John T Wy..X.,...r it , .,, F MorrOW . Maggie Webb New ton Fleming Ana L'a 31c Walker Why 1 4 . .. it, -5 31 3 1 , 1-leery(; E I Fulmer Rate S 34(11ue Ann A i SA 3IL. DIDDLE; P. 31. _ . . . : aroc,L PttIiVEYO,VA OPP / Loris vi r.t.n, Ey, Jan. 5, 1005. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE velvet' at title Offlee until JANTtARY .75th, IEI3. for furtashing ICE to the Medical Department et the Airy Curing the emitting year, at the points herein tes.,er.nted. The Ice to be claret by the cert tr.ctor in properly constructed Ice-houses nt each petnt of delivery, on or holore the 15th of Apt 11 I,,at, the Ice not to be receipted for until Its %,1,11(J, the ht efts of the Ice-house, and the man ner lllmi ash irh It Is packe -be d Shall have en approved ether:, and payment will he mane oily for the amount Ulu, /innerly stored and re mided (or. 1 he proposal.' v, 111 be made for the quantities trdirated teloav as required at the respective pia. err. 1v:1h the wets° that should more be needed at so, time for the year's Supply it shall be Tur n i shedst the tame rates and under the same cOndi l•ens. - Ortantity to be Delivered at XAT - CIIZ . Z. Mho 100 TONS VICKBIIIII2IIII, bliss ...... .... 600 0 COLUMBI'S, Ky 10 11 PAM:VAR:KT . 10 0 LOT:ISVILLE, Ky 1100 0 111E.,1111115. Tenn MO 0 NASIIVII.I..E. Tenn Las) HELENA, Ark 50 " LITTLE ROCK', Ark 220 0 FORT SMITH, Ark. e 0 0 CINCINIVAT/, Ohlo 200 0 C 1 1.1 Ohio 40 CLEVEI,ANII. Ohio._ ...... to L, LVA:csi'ILLE. Ind 100 " MAIMS:ON. Ind MO 0 CAIRO, Ills ' 120 " . QUINCY. Ills 75 t , 1 'IIICMI 0, Ills 10 0 . MADLNO.N. tele 40 0 /1 11111TrE , lowa 00 0 r.l. LOUIS. ale • 200 " :lEFEEIIIIOIV RAIIRACKS,SIO WO " i'rn,...1 , . l aloe be merlied frr furnishlng Ice toll the y *bore points DAILY IIY WEIGHT, fa r the year 1562, In such quar.titlea av may be-requlr td by the Sureenas In charge at United States Lien -111.1 Ilcispltal• upon the preceding annual estimate and with the game proviso. Form or Proposal. Ttv undersigned proposes to furnish - tons of IT,t ounllty of lee, carefully peeked in antistan tlnl see-bonne', at the trlthlnvanient potnts, namelyn/ the followtng price per ton of two thou lardpool.ls, unnleiy --- tops, at 3-- p, Inn. Tne kr to to MAJect to t 1 Inspection, knemsu Mr ut and approval of a litedleal Officer, or ot4i p„ „r r . ada appointed lip+treetor, before , ti,lng reerfp I'-T rent to F' m,?.' (rem time to time upon 1.1:, , tv bails cell .11tdleal Director. estyred. - Form of Proposal. The underriped propose. to (urnialt daily. Or c . l:<:wi,o, MI the ice required for the hospltaLs, upi apprai ed requisition. p oin t. , s in charge, at cr near the within mused at the follow. lag lake per hundred pounds: eta. per hupdrvii pounds. The Ice shall he of the beta Quality and subject to the arpreral of the. Surgeon to charge, m hoNei !pt fur the actual amount delivered aL trill each - L1)1..3:I to to made from time to time upon du plicate h!lis, ter( tiled to by the Medical Director. - - • 7he oLore form of propossla will bp adhered to ns closely as practkisble. Other forms will be re- ed, re, by the. Depnitment and duty considered. A proper prierentee that the bidder is able to fulfill the contract. rertilled to hr the Clerk of the entest District Court, or a Unite! States District Attorney, Inert accompany the proposal, or it trill Fe rejected. An esth of olleoance to the United States 0 or , el n tient meet alto accompany the proposal. 'I he contracts will he awarded to the lowest res. bpooh/bin party or parties, who will be duly nni lied byrnall, or otherwise, thst their bid is accepted. end inuerdietely required to enter into contract under bonds to the amount of $1,030. - The Bonds Most be properll certified and the Soot 019c0..00- . Or, en otprlncipals and sureties stated epee them:. bidders may be Present in person when thc pro. pests ere opened. 'the Post entire address of the parties proposing le distinctly written upon the proposal. Pioposale must be nddressed. to :rowan D. L. Slate/ RIDER, U.. 1. Army, Medical Porreyne, rife grotorl-y. The Di pertinent reserves (ho right to reject any Cr oil bids deemed unsuitable. Ili L. MAGRUDER, Stb , o*On 1. S. Army and Mrdical Purreyor:Leratrifte, Printed forma of proposal mop had at this Office. Jan:Meal ___— 'PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE or %COOL CLIPPINGS. Orrit - 1, or Anus - Charm:in AND Eqtrie.Soc, ST. Loins, Mo., Jon. 4, 1861 ,- Senied Pinpossle for the purchase of N O L CLIPPINCISoIerk blue and sky blue, cut at the United Stater+ manufacturing halls In this city, during the month s of aannary, February and March, MA will be receives' by the Undersigned, until, nod opened 'on, SIONDAr, January 16th, P.. 10, AL Parties will be required to bid for and take both klnde, to furnish their own sacks far packing same, and et such times os required by the Superindeat, to take the same once or twice each yaorithins re- quired, and to pay for the lame on deltvery at said halls. kids will he accompanied by the written guaran tee of two partimi (of this city) that they will be come sureties that the contract, If awarded, will be entered Into and faithfully [dinned. Each bidder must be preset or represented at the Opening of his bid, or the same will not be cons,ld med. Proposals to take clippies' for a shorter:period than three months as above, will not be enter, tabled. The undersigned reserres the right to tercet any or OH blds, if deemed ler the public interest. Illds to be endorsed i_iProposals for Weal Clip. irjr.:7; R. S. I.IART, Capt. & A. Q. M. - - WE, THE SUBSCRIBERS , have this day entered Into a Limited 'Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the act of A.asembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the lint day of March, Hee, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partnershps," and do hereby certify that the name of the fine tinder which geld part nenhip la to be conducted Is CHARLES O. AL OE(); that the general nate bu si nesse bushiest to be transacted is the Jewelry , the same to be carried on In Pittsburgh; that fhb name of the gen. ern! partner is CHAS. O. ALGEO, and the 'uncial partner le DANIEL HUOUS, both of the City of I Pittaber isth ia, that the capital partne r , contributd by •the laid DA HUGUS, 'pedal r la Four Thousand Dothan in cash; that the period at which the oatd partnership fa to oommence la the 13th day of December UM, and that it will terminate on the 17th day of December, A. D. MST. • CHARLES 0. A.LGEO, General Partner; DANIEL HUGUS, . Special Partner. Pittsburgh, Dec. - 1301,1864. delarla)vdaw - rs Tes tamentary ripen, the estate of Dr. JOHN. CI MURRAY, late of Sewickley borough, Allegheny bounty, deceased, having been granted to the tarl tlensigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will bake immediate payment, anti those having elates sigainataald estate,lVlll present them, properly. nu. thenticated for settlement EDWARD CAMPBELL, Jr., ALES. - BAT. 4, Executors.; prrfslimitim. t at29:l4wd6w iiioeTrgiiii STEEL it BAILEY, ljtoek Brokers and Real Estate Agents Stooks bought and sold excluslrely on commts. Tr . ttaltaiVTLhS att 1121L1.,. • " . -• . : ' I deny ' . ' n• an rrie TIS g.T.T.E.TATS I'l 111... MA r`t 11:if; UN 4 itll A • 1 lt to the Poet Oft:, nt Aller heny, on the 7 h d r rf JANUARY. To ei , tain are of theFo lettere, the npplietnt suet 0,11 for If•lrng.. fire the date of thru n; ytty reel for ~ ' creel iNtrz. 1: Dot ea:let! :ea . n a.r./o 000410n/A, Laey will be Err t the th••:1 Letter Mine. tree 1JZ1.1% I at letter , reerir, if the real tit Lees of owsent, ortj be ant. ea.1:11 by 0.,• al la; the followiep : 1. 1:1.11rer letters plain) ,y to the :::r•:t welt num tr e. tt It an the Port fittterand :• , t, • t 11,:tr: let Lela with the writer's Pr . : sre a/ .1 Al,, e 1 nee number Mao them plane . ..:. h 1.913 e, and rulpebt that answers tic WI rt.:, _ I lt,yly. =EC= ' tr." f..'llT IS E.TlE.lrea' 1()N1:::tili - COAL COMPANY OF PITTSWILGII, PA, Capital. _ SI: a res. Each, =MMM The Organization of this Company la based upon the toy nersidp of the coal under bun acres Inni by examinations made by boring, me., is 001111:inntly assumed that the entire tract is underlaid with coal,) situated on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, thirteen miles from Pittsburgh. end having n front of one-half mile on the Allegheny River, with the me of all the surface between the base of the hill and the river line, through which the track of the 'Allegheny Valley lialliamul runs the entire dis tance' affording sufficient space and excellent hoe t t ions for two additional shafts and the neecnbnry to i beionglng thereto, miners' houses me., fur which surface a yearly rental of9loo is paid. The total thickness of the vein of coal is eight feet three inches, and after• to ,king liberal allow :Inc:. for bearings in, slate Snl WM Inane about sl x feet pure coal, which en will produce slouch larger amount of merchantanle coal to the acre than is usually found in this vicinity, where the mart, vein rarely exceeds tire feet In thickness, anu in frer,ment iy leas. The quality of coal as as rertAined by actual trial, and also by chemiCal analysis, is of superior quality, being free from sul phur and other substances usually found with coal, and which are okjeellonable. The (1100191Inr in the report of Mr. Orro Writ; of this city, of an analysis made by him of coal front this property: t• Contains neither sulphur, ploisphortis, magnesia no, alkalies; cokes well, roil Is to he considered a very superior coal" for manufacturing purposes. Theimprorements now made, and on which have been expended some $30,000, are a shaft sixteen' feet in diameter, orlth all necessary machinery for hoisting nod fur draining the mines, with an auxil. inry engine, km, to guard against accidents or coo I ingenelea which might arise to Interfere with the opinatieu of mining. Entries and air courses have been driven, pit tracks laid, rooms turned, and everything in such state of forwardness. that with In a very few weeks a very large amount of coal mold be taken out daily. Pit-eara anti large can for the transportation ol coal to market, with ne ccesary tide tracks, turnouts, be., are completed nml la tinily use. There are also eight hoboes for mitre, to course of construction and nearly ready for occupant'. There lA, at this time, a considerable quantity of coal einaken u daiy, and a uml marke la foxed b for g n t ll that o c a rt be l tirmlueed I g mmediately t on the liar of the Allegheny Valley Railroad ; and the tapid:y increasing number of rannufoeturing estah thelishou nts And ratvlne population In the imrt of y !istriats . , through winch the rold m 0, 11,11- continu e to demand all the fuel which eau be produced la the Valley of the Alio- repaity..ofthe present shaft /se, I 3 1,.1 at about 10.11,0 hL,..ht•N dr ily; which, ;rah t ivo add/ slatflli and • but little additional en. pit ie couldirwren , ed three-fold. 1 lose proxlinity I lithe river, IV ith not pan t tart , :y loos:teased for loading ot, into Cats and barges. fl - lima. ro.rt St 11 , 1111,10 N t 0 the ('Aril al SI, .1.; of the l'ompany are now open at the follow places Other of KING & PEN:CnCK, Wood street. •• P. IT. 0, 'W. 3111.LE11, l'or. Third a: Market Sta., 0d story; and with 11. MILLI:I:, Jr., It Western insurance 12orno'y. jlll4-I JA,II, Prebident 8. I, TICREON, Cagitier, (late with Iron'Clty flank) F, u 14:vrvoNAL P:Tr9DUGG:I, L. S. Gureriment Prpni/ary, PIT1 , 1”.111“11. JarillAry 11,1%5. 'IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RE . .; 'II:EMI:NTS of the Act of Congress, al. pro ' -n .1 one 3d, 1864, the following CLIOTERLY REPORT OF THE CONDITION Fount National Bank of Pittsburgh IS PI BLISI-lED LIABILITIES: , CA, , 1,1 Stork $ 200,009 00 Irthintion mos,enel 00 Due Depositors 5,59,15$ Itivb:ende tinpnld—paptble on demand. I,sal 00 111111.10witind required by law 3,074 .13 I , xt surplus fund reservdd by order if the 13oanl PTGlit and Lose since Nov. 14th, 1101. ASSETS: U. Lo,na and Thscouuts S. Treasury Department Due by U. S. 5-20 Bonds and U. S. Treasury Notes 57390 50 , Malts and Cheeks 47,005 Oa Bold end Sliver Coin , 32,420 82 Le sal Tender E. S. and 1.17,uct Notes.— 285,677 '7O Personally appeared lienare me, a Notaty Public, euly comudzsioned and sworn, S. . erron Cakhler of the Fourth National . Bank D of Pats: toren, Pa., who, on oath, deposes and at des that the above statement is true to the best of lila knowledge and belief. sworn and subscribed before me, the day and sear above written, S. S. BRYAN, Notary Public. S. D. HERRON, Cashier. Perrsnrnott. Jan. 3d. loom. jairits Avr.b O . CON.M.u. PrealdenL S. D. lIKRHON, Cashier. (late with Iron City Bank. ARIZ . /11 NATION.% L Bass .01? Prrysuunitir, U. S. Government Prpotilary, Januaryad,llo3. f.)1" ORDERS RECEIVED FROM. LION. trilt PITT FESSENDEN, U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, the subscriptions to Bt. U. S. 1040 GOLD BONDS, WILL CEASE .13,Ttor Ta=lueury V, 3.863 Thf 1040 loin will he withdrawn after Ihnt dvlC_ 11115 RANK AND l'. S. CIO,VERNMENT DEPOSITARY la Aiuthorlzed to receire Up to and Inclusive of January ith,1865 Full commissions will be allowed all purchasers .f this desirable investment. THE 7-30 LOAN, LT. E 3. -c>toal. convertible August 16th, 1847, irtto F!X PER CENT. GOLD DOHS AT PAR, non for sale by qa, and will continue to be (or The 7-lles nfterJenuary 7th, IfIGS, will be the only Cos ernment Loan in the market, Full eotarai. Elons paid to ell poreluoiera of 7.300. S. D. HERRON, Cashier ()I.IIIA.INS' C(lLltl' SALE OF HEAL I.INTATE.—.Hy virtue of an order of the Or. court of A ilegheey County, the undeinign. .ed oaf dian of the esrat nof William A., David u ., Ci Li...farce. P., Mary F. 11., Charles C.. -fano ht ' a conrtha A. Watt, minor children and heirs of yen e..E. Watt, decd, will offer at public sale. at the Court House In the city of Pittsburgh, at to o'clock A. M. BATOR DAY, the 20th day of Jane sty. the following lots of ground, namelyi All those two certain lots oriceea of uate o n , the West Commons, nr a v enuev in the First Ward of the eityof Allegheny, marked In Irwinis plan of - the rope walk property numbers oinea and iLten." and boue and described as follows, to.witr ilegtnning o n t h e westwardly aide Of the 'West Commons or Irwin avenue at a Ms• tante of twenty-five feet anuthwardly from the cot. ner of Cenal street. and id Common/1;411.3mo extending to front along antiCommonesouthward. ly fifty feet to the line of lot-,narked In said plan number eight; thence by line of-the same west trendy one hundred and ninety.cight feet to on al ley twenty feet wide; thence northwardly filly feet billet marked In said plan number eleven; and tui thence by the line thereof eastwardly one hdrod aad nlnetpelght feet to the place of beglanlng: each of said lots having a front of twenty.tive foot on the westwardly aide of the West Commons or Irwin avenue, and txtendlng back, purser/inn the same width:one hundred and ninety-eight feet to the alley aforesaid. , Tenns.made known at the tltue of sale, or on sp.' plicaUon to Sohn Watt. •. ua ' jir • ' JO WATT, Guardian, faiawd3w - JOIN Liberyt st., PittsbUsgh. HOLIDAY GIFTS. OF tFFEOTIO AND ,OILA.RITY WHEELER & MINN'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Lock Stitch Sewing Machines WM. SUMNER & CO; Ro. 31 *Tenx STREET. ALLZOFMXT I.lmcd, — ilt.tabu rsh, Dc0.14,1964. NOTICE GITEN Agreed, bly to Stetted 2 of the Act of the General As. sessbly of the Commonwealth of PeßilllylVsUl4 entitled "An Aet enabling' Banks of the CoMmort wealth to become asteelations for the p urpose' of Banking, under the law. of the :U nited States,. ap provtd the =I day of August, A. If. 1261, that the stockholders of the Alleghtny - Dank, of_tho city of Plttsbargh, And' county of Allegheny, hate thie , day voted to become auels anhasoolatton, udder the name., and Ittle of e' Alleghwy National Bank t,f Plttsburgh” and that its dtreeters Imre proeur, ed the authority of• the owner. of more than two. thirds tor the tunnel stook to make'the certlfleate • required therefor by the laws of the trolled States. Ant -.L - . W, 000 K; CuMer. .E;001).4, vc &MERIC.IN DRY GOODS! CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, ALPACAS, PLAIDS, DE LAMES, CASSIKERES, ~ CORSETS. E2rTki t Or :: r = p CVA fTS l gq: ks:Lr will be sold at OLD PIII(31.1 ALEX. BATES, J xm - c›. Hits 03t. I .3 610.00 $lO,OOO HANDSOME PRESENTS, For the laolidnyo, -GAN BE SECURED AT MACItUM & GLIDES, • No. 78 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, We have now open and are yet recelvtng, daily •xpreealy for our 'g°9 4 both Breastpins, Ivo. Shell nod Ball, Tuck ry mriA Side (Tombs; Pearl, Steel, Jet ate C a shm ere s; Belts and Belt. Ribhons; and Silk Scarfs; Head. Dresses and Nets; Lace Veils; Lace and Embrol dered Collars and Handkerchiefs; 'Worked Slippers and Cushions. ' Work Boxes, Ladles' Companions, Portman ' hales, Satchels, and a very line assort- Went of Inac=.tcqMcLVaa. 131731x.xi57 healdea our yawl' Leavy stock of Hosiery, Glos Trimmings, Nollour and Small Wares, AT LOWEST OAST! PRIDES. dew CLOSING OUT SALE. DRY GOODS, J. M. .13U.RCEIFI.ELIYS. ITEFUL CIIRISTMIS PRESEITS. 0 1,V6,70 . 7 l'a FIGURED MOUS DELLINES 3 615,192 es • 2,521 54 1,G,011 00 EMPRESS CLOTH, OPLINS, Plain and Plaid; . FE N - CH nrcrtmoEs, plain and figured. BLACK AND FANCY' SLLK.S. COBIUMS AND PARDLEITAS; e 1,276,707 '7O - ALPACA:IAS, black and colored. SHAWLS mai °Loma ; (aSSLMERES, fqr Men and Boys; soidars -AND E211:111/0/11F17frq BALMORAL SylliTS. • GREAT BARGAINS I MOORHEAD, - DENNISON '& CO., - 81 Market street,' ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS. Gents' Under•garramits, White' Slil4l , Socks, Cravats, Collar., tr.e. &c. Embroideries, Lace Goods Gloves, Hosiery, Trim. mings, Point Lace, Collar., Ribbon; Ste. ihaezrls...ot DlSSOLutimrs. 14c. _ , 7 - . III — SS , p ie L b r u ZI , C . T co . .o . l , P aio P n A o ß t. i T o lf im E a ß i S t„ Efjr ,. . ! risen, sod of llollmon, Garrison- fr. Co., was tils- I Co .. ed on theist instant, hr the sole of the Interest , of H. L..lioilmsn nod G. W.. Dellmsn. , All settlements will he attended to st the Waco the late lams, on Smithfieldlstreet. H. L. BOLLASIAII, • A. GARRISON, • GEO. W. BOLL:ILAN, aoini U. rtioicersor. ' Pirrn:unon, Januarr 3, 1965. In retiring from the above the subscribers wool' express thanks to their friends for the patronage Oven during the long period of their business, and also take pleasure in recommending thcirsuceessors ,to the puldic, with the fullest col:Odense that every rtlOrt and attention will he given to render sans faction. 11. L. 1301.LhI.A.INT, G W . BOLLUAX. Prrrserntat, January 3,1864. • CO-P.A.P.T.NERS,EIIP NOTICE, PITTSBURGH FOIJNISERy. A. Garrison hallo; purchased the entire faun. dory - propel ty, stock and oldness of the ate firms of oilman to Garrison, and Boliman, Garrison 6. Co., and having associnted with hint in business John 11. liicketoon, the undersig,ned will continue the bootless Wader the name and style of A. Gar- rteonh Ce. A. GARR/SON, • . .101 IN Prrrsnrnon, January 2, 1111. Jat:lds DISSOL UTlONxisting.—Tho partnership here , s, tolore e betweect JOHN PHILLIS and HENRY. PHILLIPS P the Oil Cloth, India • t 'lubber, and Painting business, was dissolvexl•by the death of Henry Philliphap the 7th of August, *Au. The The business of tile late arm will be settle d by tLe undeisiened, at the place of business of the late Igoe. 22 and 25 St. Clair Cl.. Pittsburgh. The business will be continued front the 2,1: day at Jortimry. trlls, by JOHN PHILLIPS, HENRY IL pliii.mps, and A. 11. DROCOURT, Wider tke thm name of J. ft H. PHILLIPS. • • JOHN PHILLIpS,' D. I.II.IISEN. - • A. IL DROUOTTRT. • la id* Executors of Henry Phillips, deed. DPartnership:. WEYMAN ft SON is this day•dlasolved by. limitation. GEORGE weYscirti P. 111Aff, • • 1 • Rasing dienosm of my w. Interes W t 10-tti EY o Tobsee6 business to my was. W. P. and B. Frank Warman - I..reeommend them to sty friends arid former eusto:. meta. • GEORGE-WEYMAIt. WM. P. IVETX/iff .......... 11.TIEY BIAN & BRO., T T (.ucceosors to Wiegman Son,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO MANUFACTURPS, Not. 79 and 81 Srulthfleld stroet, Pittsbuigh. Jot aw i_)ARTNERSIIII" .NOTIOE.—The under. signeit hare this day entered Into pat tnerehlys intim 011 Ulotb, Indin Rubber, And Painting Ints nee` under the firm name and, style of J. kit'. PHILLIPS. Factory to IlleUlure townsh% ienheny county; 'Warehouse esulpfllee, Hes. 911 Anti St. Utak et., Plttsbutah. - . JOINT PIULLIP& 11 Trst .ENR.Y PRI. Pr A. DROCIOU4T. • nr.nraort. Tanum72, 16125. Maw have this day Associated my brother r lIIIJEIARD H. RUGHES, with me In the IYALI. PAPER AIM WIZIDOW SHADE buolnesm, which we srill Co& Wale at the old stand; Ico.Mn market st. 4 runlet the firm of JOS. IL &IMO. • • - _ an _ :it, n -=.1865. jOS jais:lwd TIISSOLUTION OY CO-YARTNER SIIIP.—Tho Partnership heretofore exhalm between the enderaigned,. under the Om name 01 CRUAMPTON Cli;for the manufacture of Slim • Pearl and other Soars, has thla dap been d 1 of by mutual consent. SdIMTIEL M. ICIER, JOHN C. ORIYMPTON, Pittsburgh, Sept. Sth, the& Jour; FOSTER. WY. 4,I7Ji:VEDY S. X. =ma WM H:ENNRDY & CO, utretstro to mmtztroco o mpi t Silver Pearl and Superia. Rosin Boapis, .1 67 LIBERTY * ST/U. - Et Pr TBBOBOB. T..ETTEIIS OF AD3I32IISTRATION the estate of GEORCEA.. ItATATIDOiII4I of Vent-1111es townahlp, Allegheny' Count yollWdll haring been granted to the underall by Mellor' leder of Allegheny County, all personal ladebts t sold estate are requested to make. Immo:We pay• meat, and thole, having claims agnlost Walnut to present. them for settlement, properly mathentlo eatrd,lo-tho underslgned,at his realdenoel InVom tonensltlp. STEPHEN BilfA r ll ,11 Administrator s or to S. A. ft- aid W. S. PllitVialloll, Attorneys,- • at Law, dth streetf Pittsburgh. • ' YinsAmhes 're, Allegheny Co., Den. ; A_XOUNG litAli - IVIIO 191911E8 r, pvlect himself la the Lartim; wnnt of q. Profeskor. to take pr4rAte 1.409 . 7' dress ' ' xv; ritL.bt - s ja4;tw • I .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers