YOTAMIE 1 4XVITI---NO. 16. _ - 1,;::Ott l'itOks* O'axisito-.- VERY LATEST NEW -1- 11 BY TELEGRAPH. .' 'ME WILIMENVION EXPICDMOI. •• BVPLERS REPORT. <.:YLECTIOIB ONTORTEIVS :CONDII6T, • Rebel Powder and Torpedoe; Destroyed.. DEBEIIIIIIB AItRITED, **7: i plinth, to Defect the Abrogation of the Iteelprority Treaty. lfligifEo4,,E .OF, SAVANNAH LOYAL 44;4-„is..; ; ::. 4,s , • GENERAL. STERLING PRICE DEAD. r - - IMENDIIISI cONCEIINING TOBICCO. 7 Guerrillas Operating on the Potontac. OUR, PICKETS FIRED UPaN SpeetalWeiiim Associate Press Rispstai. i Raw Yonr,,Jan.;.6.—The 7lerahrs .Wastsing;• ton speclik - says; Gen. Butler's reportof thri.Wl3= mingtOn medillols has been"bseelved at the War )I?Cpartment. very lengthy, and tends to • ,','excidpini 'Butler - ream the risponsibalty of tLci failure. It Is understood to retied severely on Adinlral l'Orter. • - detachment of :men from the 'Potomac flotta, under Acting Master . , Tull,landrsk on the, Rappahannock • rive, on Wednanlay, about ALT, Mlles from Its mantis, nod destroyed two binds of powdOr and Iwo . donsotkieli therebelsluol there collected. Theanatrbost tide mornint,Trom City Paint, bronchi ur io seseaty-Ose rebel prisoners and de. garters; Rave all. taken the .nath orallegi WAsanconic-Jaa. 0.-=The &onto to-day' con- JaseeS4. llood;of Illinois ea Coned at , , • 'from City Poled says the Ich .:.,..iocaad,Pelocra announce-the death, by paralysis; of 'Gen. Sterling Price. In the House Mr. &evens itttnx/aced a bill in 1 ' contatdment of the revalue law, which rhires lotting tobamo on h and ' totttanke 021 •Mipidifflitteltiain of the unantitY and 'kinds to ' I tliatriet asseasom f and forbids. lie removal With out. the .pertnitApf en assessor'. It permiti the ot 'bonded ;gruel:mum in New York, Baltimore,‘Cln . utensil and Louisville. - ' . - • Witonst,Jan.ll.=Major Andrews, who commands the gaud picketing of the Potomac river, from the Great Falls to the mouth of the - Monceau', rays that the guerrillas who infest' -. the banks of the rlter,hava become very trottbla some of lite and _that hardly a night poises, wilthOntCitliNglnir upon onr"pickets, ormeklog .an attempt tt!eress. the river-at some point or On /Sunday aiti4toridia, the mall , carrier of Major Alltrews' was co - trAp v f e lt i mail from the `camplOrcialesyM6' he upon from the ••- Vlrenia shore d yba/A passed, "krona his batitt,7 - roitt` •, • - _ • thithesame night:the camp of the let pets ware Cavalry was liredstpon by: bushwhackers -.on-this side of the sit*, who appearlo be opm, - with, themcrrillas.. - ..-.- -A- 7- V - . ...DISPATCHES Fliot obi{ . PIEPALTONS .FOR A inn capina. ..,--IWIDEKS , MOVEMEM . - WATCIED ' ORDER PHSVAILIXG IN 5AVA...1,14. tiftetorihelleitrudion of th e Rai ail. 1. 6.014 earl oDiito . fSupp ' s. loia), ..•.. _ • - . • . - BASTINOZI, lan. 6 -The steamer Caltrotmla, irons =on Hera, airlyedet. Fortress linnnw. ,yelreillal7WitleCalonelNEwing; bearer • o Ms ' pateherfrontrleneral Sherman. , .oeamly Wall restingmadprersuingqbrst t eampalipt. -811patriek was act.lsrly 'ma ganleal movements: 'l;frer Yana Jan. 6.-7 he Pert hat a private .1 f • '• -. letter from lianuaah which speakeof the Order ' ; prevailing lithe!. city 111100 itsoccupattoirryour i army, and the.. - cc;Oridenee the citizens hate in ;I:hhir protection, - -Aeltisen, late one night, cabin. Innis Watch; to the ven t e r; end said he liquid' , lidedare wear a.watch or anything else of Vane ,;;;1 11 ,- 4 ..he streets, at night, before - the .arrtval of fitaniceart, - .The writer was alscrintormed , that' ; 3 'Grifit, Drums was about to Issue a prochmtelleu, ~ ; 11°0db:wired towazdaSbermaa's rear,,calf , it convention'. to proponlerms of peace, but ~• as deterred by. Hood's movements. lle was„ • afraid of Jett Davis.' -- • •'; .-.- : ; • ' It 'Would appear that the,destruction or the Gulff Railroad by Sherman struck a stage, ng . Slgori tole° and Darling Richmond. ~, The:Post has seen • private letter Dorn eitt. •nu of Savannah, which states on the apt ty of an dß= of that road, that it 'supplied ','..eit's • army up ;to the time it waa bruken,with 1 ,500 heed of cattle Per weelc. the'cittle comb* 'rem Flondasuult3buthetti Alabama. There is reason .to believe from information in possession of res idents of Baranah. that Lec„.has not thirty days' lihrtildsdhharld• • - IIOUISIAN~i I IDONSPOIT IN ELIELNO CONDITION. - _ • REBEL- DEMONOARN AdAkSj BATON ROUGE. Movement U f T TOOps from Mengillifh Cid:jai:jam IF,-f=rti Scattier 'ollva Brandy from , Xeiw.,!:)iiina,s, thipsh, antnewlth =Waft thilfoqh and rag, and the.-1.9d4 and 22411tantneklbAlli1117 en rune to Louisivelto be umstereaetit, f,. ~ • The tntztePort F:xsetlsreported to a alrildatt condition- batalde the bar, kering collldelf with enotheriestercdr 'rebate°, In: the. abeeneer of our elivahy from Babe Boweihfi. rebels wen- demoustratlng azalea 'that place : and o:lelderable force of them were conixeltratfog el Clinton; f.oetalana. moicreent of troops le aald to be - 4 , 4114 on from -hfeaplili; the particular.. of ,whlels are GI~ANT: .iiit.'.slVLlNiG 41 . 111t11 i GAP : -TESED. • tBRAESPONDENCE BETWEEN 'GRANT AND LEE. Special to Waters Assoctided Pme. • Nitir Yosii, Jan. 15.—The • Wortd'a Aner of &EA:tomer. eocial sap Matinee the Wowing eat Or Ditteh Gap Canal, the shelling which ire* peecionismy tiiio L. that dlieetloa has ceeiad Grant has recently .teen In porreePdal ieeeeiittklifie. e and Comadulosiee Oold: iiaspiceadcohe•ea , the 'abject . of the ." • - • • . neetlag bo bed la Panelsll Hitt. on Masao next, .lo Tease feuds and Fiten d old to th e peopbs otilarannah. .. , ,„ Maier Legislative Appoletiseuta; , !`? 1 H i 'll , G a d Q ui dikaii ii. , ._ , i , A 11013192 17 JUL o.—The ipiloirlaK . ..asts4o, 1 ..., , ,iaw.r1ii,41Jaa. 8.-40 old without any ye teati ° A r di l r a T re or t i M h t ,T= iii „ - gr at , AI L I . :...A..#.-, 1 „ sad hut Utile speculative( me as . 'But 4hrZro put. Jr. i Land agent, Isaac ,-, 11 .. T ird,,FBs,-„Til_dll,o2Tk.... Gard; Attorney-General, Jeg.,A. Evan . :,:: ' • THE 'DAIL "i74ColtrZ. NEW` Yo MONEY MATTERS. (.IVELY. SUBSCRIPTION TO TIT TEN•FORTY LOAN , Aid- for the Savannah Sufferers THE NEW PIRATE SELErNANDOAH Special Itrestern disoclated Pro.; DURatc.l! Now Your:, Jan: 6.—The share market this morning was licavy and lower on the NessYork roads, with a strong prosSare to Sell. Western shares are generally stronger.' .In old &mthern, North Western and Rhode Island there was a large business.- The Government' Ilsi Is Strong and In pied demand. -State stocks flan , with 'further rise on Missouri d's. Coal -shares, dull and lower. The rnlscellaneorut Ilst is generally lower, especially quicksilver.. Bank stocks and Railroad bonds remain steady. Mariposa rose titre:meaner' during the day. , Stocks valet. At the Petroleum Board the only sales were 1500 North As:written at 58. The money market is 'without any Important change. The recent large remittances West .have helped the tempo wary stringency. Foreign exchange inlet. The .gold market has been unusually steady-and uni form throughout the day. Thc difference be tween the two extremes are only 134' per cent. There were crowds at the leading National Banks to-day stibseitbing for the 10-10 bonds In enticipation. of closing of the books to-morrow. 14nr:kons, Jan. o.—At a meeting ottlic Chamber of Commerce to-day, is reterenCh to aid for Savannah, there.was an excited discus elon. Some members, could see no reason for aiding Sontbena men who'. were the 'cense of their own suffering.- It wet finally: decided to raise money, and a Committee was appointed to , .receive subscriptions„ Considerable contribu tions have already been made. . The Post says: . Several merchants : of Savan nah hen already forwarded funds to pay the debts that they owed here when the, war broke out. The funds arc In grcenbacki,- and were - sent by army officers. The Captain cf the ship Kate Prince, captured and bonded. by the pirate Shenandoah, says The Shenautionli is not armed for fighting, but only for the destruction of ships. She was pur chased in Entimul nt nearly twice her value, with the underntandine that she was to be thted up as a pirate. Site Is 1.100 tons boratto. nod ran run about eleven knots an hour. Iler crew numbers forty-three and , aro necuipall English. A Washington speak!' says Considerable pressure Is being brought to bear In the Senate to defeat the bill forthe abrogetioa of. tho Canadian- Reciprocity. Treaty. Official dispatches show the people of Same, nettle . be more loyal than those of any 'rebel cifj any 're b e l yet captured. • A brother of Gen. lirirdee;a resident of Saran-. non, said he who - decidedly in favor of the rito.. ration of the Union. ri L r , s , :-.C , -SIEE- Guerrilla Mosby Bee' eve 47 REBEL VIM= BEPOIrAD . • BLOCKADE Of •THE-NOBTHEfN PORTS P ED. Spedol.Westeradasociated Drafts Dispatch Niiy OaX, Jan; 0.-7'llte Elchinond 'Whig ro ponce-to• declare the ports of Northern States wader, rebel blecknd indatklect ail English land French ships to capture. It thinks the Co/fed erscy.Wlll then lie i*.nniied: The ilickutond Sentinel, of the SI, says 3!. by is rapidly recovering and will soon be read for . The rebel papers have news that Mood de cit ed Thomas. at Columbia; Capturing a brigs a of our men. At the same time Forrest eaptu an *aka brigade of cavalry and.six headrest ag- . ons.-- Forrest has been made a Lieut. Gene 1. The Richmond ,Sentawl of the 3d- has a ong aceirent of the repulse of the Union c lion ttp - the Roanoke river. /t claims that six o 1 oqr rAmboate were destroyed by tortericas4 and ileac ly'one thousand men killed. - Our -account ays one, gunboat and four or Ave beiges were , ost, but nearly all the persons on board escaped "• - - 1 . 1.111111 fONGRES--BECOND SEES! ---: Wasursarox Crrr,-Jen. 'lBr.' SSIPATE . -- Sir.• - ithe'rnuOt from the' Pinance-Conit.tee, reported back the petition of army office 'ask ing for an increase of pay, and asked di the Committee ,be dr-dinged and the petit s m a ft:rted te, theqiiiiiarYCommittee. • 'Agreed ie. . Mr. Trumbill offered a resolution, which; was , paseed "miffing upon the Secretary of the Interior fcrlefermetiertastOthenumberofpension eats empleied by the Gevertment; how many la ,eh; State, wider what law employe:l,Am., dm. .. Mr. Sargon introduced a bill, which w re- , 'ferred to the Committee of Ways and Mee , to promote. the &Mutton of knewledge by theme -- pension of duties on imported paper. The resolution. tendering a vote of than s to Gen, Sherman, his officer" and Men, was pa ed. The House proceeded to the considered of. the Senate joint, resolution, chanpng the consti tutions° • as to abolish slavery throughaull the , Mi. Aslay iMide i iMeecit against - slavery 4 and argued at length to show that the framers of the constiratkniconld net be guilty of making an in strument, denying any. pert of our people( the Just possession of liberty and happiness, andthat -slavery was the cause of the present war. : Mr. Orth earnestly advocated the constitution: al amendment, looking upon slavery as the deed, Met enemy If thellepublic. - ' • . i Mr. Scholleidadvocated the amendrnent,!say- - - fag, that the people,' in - the recent Presidential; election, lied decided In Mier of . a goiter& . emancipation of the slaves. s , . The Heise passed the Senate bill repealing so muck of the act Incorporating the:Smithsonian Institute as required, two of the re- nts to be appointed - members of the. Nation In, stitute, the latter having ceased to e:eise. Mr. Samuel McLean, delegate from the pen territou of Montana, appeared qualified to stake his scat. Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back the following joint repolu. tam, which was unanimously adopted: , -, Ilaolred, That the thanks of the peoplowid Congress of the ,Hnited. Metes are dat,and am hereby tendered to Mel. Oen. Shernutn,j aid through ' him- be the' officers Mid - men underhis . command, for theirgillantry and good ernidnet' on their memtv. - from Chattathmga to Atidnta, and their march through Georgia to Savannah, : and the occupation et the_ latter city, andsthat the President causes cony of this letter to be en grossed and transudGedtollen. Sherman. `Mr. 'Corson offered a resolution;; which ',was agreed to, that the Committee on Ways S and If eans consider,theerpedieney of providMg..for_ •it eotondssion of members of the Senate. and . Howe, with leave to sit daring the xi:catkin' of Cobgrcre, to examine and report on a known of taxation bearing equally on the property andin dustry of the country, and the best means of ygovidlog for maintaining the credit end Meet ing the necessities of the Government; andltbat said commission report by bill or otherwise at the commencement of the 29th Congress. I . Mr. Wilson introduced a bill prodding h er a term of the Judicial DistrietorArkansas, hleh was referred ta the Committee on the indidary.. On motion of Me. Wilson a resolution was adopted Instructing the Committee on Rules to Inquire into the - expediency of creating twd ad ditional standing committees, one on internal revenue and the other on the national cnrroney, and also into the expediency of a standing in-2; Stead of special committee on the Pacific I rail- STEAMER POTOMAC, BURNED. Four Lives Were Lost PORTLAND, Bia.,''Jan. 6.=—Tbe steamer Foto 7 , mac, from New York for Portland, took' fire arimpl her holler, at 4 o'clock this morning, oft Cape Efizabetb, and horned rap*. The offi cers; crew antlPmentell were taken off bra fisherman .and hays arrived -hero. Four Mies were lost, namely : Chat. E. Wilton, Met mate; two sailors, and aoook. The.cargo was Instocil. The hull Is beeng toned Into port . • . . •Dlafrlbntinr Csun. ' Nrw Tout, Jan. is announced thsi dis tributing cars will be Owed on the -Erie' and ..New,lork Centtal, and Pennsylvania Central Railroads on theist of February, and In a fa* - WOWS proposed' to run than to Cleveland over the' Atlantic? and Great . Western Road, and allerwtads to tit. Louis. .• . . . PROM SOUTH CAROLINA: CRAM OF THE PIRATE OLESTEE. A Blockade Runner Captured. HER CARGO VALUED AT 42R0,000. REBEL TROOPS MOVING SOUTH HOOD SOUTH OF THE TENNESSEE RIFER RIB ARMY Sflor T OP RATIONS New Yons,,Jaa. 6.—.• The Zircitthrs Manton correspOndent - Of the 28th nit, says : The steam-, • er Lillian, lately the raptured 'blockade runner I.y that name, lea Just arrived here for coal, and reports boring fallen in with the Pirate Olustee, that Teasel limit* run - pot or Wilmingtodon the night of the .25th December, at the Wa.teen bar, while the fleet was engaged With Fort Fisher. On the morning of the 90th the L9linn'die covered a black smoke to the seaward and gait chase coming within. gunshot of the supposed blockade runner. The.vessel did not seem Ms'. posed to-heave to, when the Lillian accordingly opened on the stranger with her fotward pivot guns and lira *two shots: Upon nearing the stranger it was discovered that she bad Hyng:UV her mast head the rebel ensign, and carried five . large guns. As the Lillian carries but two small guns, It was wisely considered prudent not to tight the.. rebel. The Lillian then put about andltotid dii for the fleet. The rebel followed for aetituAle! lance, bet finding that the Lilliqu*as far out: , distancing her, and that she *as approaching the blockading It eet, t he vessel changed her course and started In 'another direction. The Ifcisalfri correspondent bit Charleston, of the 29th., says: The bloekade-ranning steamer Julinorith•ti carp:(l4sA bales ofeutton, hound from Charleston to Nassau, was captured a short dirtanteoutside of. the former port, on the 20th ultimo, by the United States gunboat Acacia. The Julia and cargo are veined - at two hundred thom.and dollare. - . The ifrrald's Shenandoah Walley eoorespond ent says: Information dlreer fbron Itiernond says that rebel troops are being hurried off to Ilranetrrille, 8. C., and the •adpeent rrlorm, to attempt to cheek Sherman's northward move ment. Richmond papers pretend to have Information Lich places Ilood's army south of th? Tamest sum rlt r. They admit that he to enlierlad fur want of rations and commissary supplies. . The Richmond,Exemincr says-that the damtme done by the,T.Tnion , raiders to the snit 'works will he repaired Tong before the railway is. . •• The Richmond Sentinel - learns that . Mosthy is rapidly fecoreting.. ,The Ikrders.Waslibigtortspocial anys re- - P.:glad that - official informatiOn has been ramie: of that Kirkpatrick's cavalry hare seized Rae deerille on . , the Charleston and South Carolina hallway = TEE BL:IIIS' PROPOSED VISIT TO RICILEOND - Vit ' ALBANY . * Bitnion Qtr.ESTION France and England to Recognize the Confederacy. LATE IiSthXTCAN NEWS Saw TORN, .lan.6. , •—Hotace Gilelytelvraphs to the Trii!i.,; 'from Washington, that neither the President; Secretary &eaten, General Grant _nor any - Other member of our Gorernment in terfered' with ,the Messrs. Blain' proposed visit •to Itichmend. - -- Further and mere Interesting de velopment* meat wait their proper time. , - The Tan& Washington special says the Rouse Poetoffiee Committee have the Albany bridge question before them, and hare acne for the hew York court pox:teams in the matter. The World bean Washington dispatch piing to - show that England and Prance will recognize the Smith on the fth -of March, because Mr. Lincoln did not carry the Southern States; that England has for some time been quietly - organizing' a military force In Canada; that an order, premptorily refruting lames oft ab reneti to officers In the, best regiments of; the Err lisl e army, has been leaned; Piat the recent articles In the Richmond papers here prempted byLonis Napoleon; and that the South, being now harder pieuned.than ever, Euglatutand _France cannot, see the Union tailored, and ;will Octet permii the flontittO botornitumad. Montreal papmepeating forth the same rim's, enralto - qnmW dthei. whole-goes terMakh tip quite sensation. . • • lees front Vera trim to the =dare referr ed, which represent MexliMillan's troopl as making great progress In rations dlrcet t ps, having recently captured the towns-of Ma n- Mmatian, Collimn, Tenie, Flicolainm ,and various other places. Several additional victo ries over the Republican forces are also eininteL A riot, growing out of a ilninken shares ll oe -1 ,curie' at St. Luis where the Imperial officer+ w rested three hundred persons, over thin?, of whom were shot on the apot. The condition of thc,countryls crlncedby the number of rolfinu les. murders, etc. ' The Belgian lezicm, for service In the Imperial . army, entered the City of Mexico, on the 10th" inst. From St. Domingo, we bare data, to the th. The papers are filled with pm:lam:alone of the CiCtOtieS Over the Spanish lirradel S. . • The President of Marti has offered his serrices to mediate between the hostile governments, and It was hoped that , pence woad be secured on a basis of Dominican independence;-If not ; the Dominicans say they will , fight till not a info Is left. Missouri Constitutional Convention'. Sr. Lens. Jan. o.—The Constitutions' Cm vrrtion met at Library Hall to-day,and effected a temporary . ortnalretion, with Colonel Arnold Krlekel, otSi. Merles, In the chair, and Major ?Mier as Semidry.. After the appointment of a committee on credentials, permanent organi zitlim and rules, the Convention adjourned until a-morrow. Judge Clover. of St: Louis, will probably be the permanent President of the Con. yrntlen.' Indiana Legialature—.Governoes Message. .I.vinsuipotis, f lan. 6.—The Governor's =mi rage was delivered to-day to 'the legislature In Joint 'convention. The =maw wee very, Iting; relating prhielpally slaw affairs. The number of Soldidra furtilahed from Indiana la over one hundred and sixty-dye thousand. ~. The Letters Captired bl Burbrldge... Prentice'. Napte Freely Umd. Lortsrasm, ./an. Journal publishes what purports to be captured letters ; by General &mintage's mid, wherein George D. Prentice's name Ls freely used by J. 8. Chrlsman,. a rebel cougresinian. It says the document Is a canard. John C. IFrefuolit Appointed. Ifitilstair to- York, Jan; 6.—Tbe Triburte's- Washing ton speclasays: .It Is stated mihigh antbolity .that. the French mission was filled on Tuesday by • the appointment of John 0 Fremont. 'Election. , Si.of U. Senator. Dimon, Jan: Jacob M. Howard la :elected Senator' sic yeais from dolt Mardi: =KZ! Italian wit ls, highly dramatic, spontantio' geniel. 'Among Its. proverbs arc "The! dog earns Ida living by wagging hid tall." "Make yonrielres all honey. and the , tiles will devon it." "The smiles ofa pretty woman .are the tears • the puree.", "Ile who takes an eel by tho , tall, or a woman by the tongue, is sure to come off wiy.handed." The characteristie or Spanish ths excessive statelluess. Of their proverbs, "Ile who bath nothing to do, let him buy a ship or marry a, Froth many children' and Allele bread; good Lord deliver lu." "A fool is never a greet 'fool unless be knows Latin." French wit is characterized byfraZese, dexterity, point, brevity. . In repartee the French ore um irt.W.A. Their conversation Is not only art, bat a line art. In punning they are nu-. unequalled. In no literature are there so many proverbs which speak diepariugly oftho fair sex. "Man la tire, woman la row--the devil conies and blows." "•.A woman conceals only what she doesn't know." ".Scratch people where they itcli."Prof. Amgen; '..tilwrnovViturr.—Tbe Washington Chroni cle say* there Lv Attic doubt that brooch-loaders will be establialutd by authority as an indispens able arm of the public service. This Is an Im provement. The next step slate' to - teach the 'soldier bow to Use them, by making* practiced arkamen of him. Leas Unto bestowed upon shouldering 'and ordering arms—tbe flourishes used' lu a dress parade—and more Upon the. practical uses of a gan—toit to, shoot II With praclalon of-atm, :will . maks more 'affective sal A Wasnrairroi coivespo ndad, of the Indian: impala Journal says that Mrs:liiitchlits, the fash, hatable - Baltimore rebbl , wow Mimed by tbs Presldenyto ammo the exchange of-Mrs. Patter. son Alien of Richmond, of what, erred by the rebels for !! dlskryalty" our readers have already. beet' infbrmed. Arm "Allen Is said to hive been 'rvendered insane by the cruel Imprisonmeat to which She lias been subleetcd. • . • . - . , - - , , - , A11i0..: ,1 . , ' •,'.,.. -•: ‘ . '''4" ...1,.... ,4 • ' • .. ,1, - • ,41 . • • 1 1..... .• • .... -., - ‘. i PITTSBu l'i Gil ...,.. GA ~-. •et T. f"• -- .4)_ , ',.;., ip-N.,...., \ . PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. JANUARY 7, 1863. rannlzation of the New Council*. members of the &deck. and Ointment Comic a assembled in thell,rospectivc chambesti„` at ten O'clock Prldey morning, for the purk , oerof receivi4 the tetitme of the: late elealon, and effectingan otgenfmtlon. • • . • In Scltti, the rettunewere opened and read by the Clerk, and theta, being my objection, - won) • •.- - • On motion of hfr. Mix; • Joules ,McAnley, Esq., was nominatedlberPimllette, and there be *in. no other nomination -he was ciettedlby at.. demotion. The oath of office witeradmKstered to the President by Mr:P/11111ps. Mr. IPAuley, takliv cheir r vernurlited that - . he bad not been in the Mb* of ittlibigliiirtilinr on Gemstone Of UM kind,. except tor. Marna his.' than* for theolt-ettpeotedi 1110 or: TIM; be be.. I llevedimas the eleventh tlinerntlehltiihml been chosen tolemide or tide• honorable- bodi.Jand -the thotight of this made taw ir;dri to4fxl old.. There were others as welPqnalltlecUtty trliehneat the duties of cheirmem but ati•theyluid'ectiatten expressed their partially foettita; befits: pen-. dearer to discharge the:dekko •to• the liest ability. a, .4,ttlis clißTh'imactobcris present weretben Ennorntleyithe The announced thet,the eleetMe , of Clerk-was neat hi ogOer ' n4'010121010 of 1M Ph 11111*, EnataCt D. .7iforaotr,Zett., was- mends mot:sly pc-elected, and atErmedltry the Ptcallent. bo Tt. Pratt woe continued ` , Tice roll was then called, When. the followiniv members answered: N> Courrin,lanees lierdmeu, Jame. MbAnley, Mcalutotk; 'Minitel Morrow ' Win: Phillips, Janice Htelk,lL.Tliompson, O. E. White, J. D; YOUne:. VA Members absent were: .Messrs.- Einutuallatekley, W. IL Brown, Js . L hieLnuch. ; lin T. D. McMillan, John Quinn: J. D. heed - and Wm. 11'110'. _ , adinerned. There being no business to transact, , . The Common Connell ITT's called to-order by the lifebfaster, who rehd the re turns of teeieley‘ilOtl;wldch - were:approved. The lime briiineussiffi ortfei . .iras - the election of President.. 4:lr. Nieto:idiom - and-Themes Steel, sq., - - irtze nominated, bet the 'Doctor withdrew his llRlTlV—at,the mine time paying a high core , . pliment to Mr. Steil for the able, ceimieetis -and folthful meaner In mhicli ho had'diteharged-the duties of President during-Abe past year. 31r. Steel was then chosen Prealdent hr aerie mntkm. and acknowledged' the honor et.nfeiTed In a frw nom :Ind pertinent remarks, after Odell the oath oi office was administered to idol by Dr. MT:A.llam. . • 11. MeNta der, Esq., was unanimously! re elect-Sal Clerk, and the oath of office was sulinitb ikteted by the President. The members presout were then swam An a faithful discharge of their duties. The folloWing is a list of their names: Messrs. Ardary, Arm. FtrOTIA% Bele, Boum, Darla, Doaters, rrederlek, Fryer, Mare, Harris, Ilanulcutt,nag, •Loanurd. Mawhinney, Mlals,SPCandiess, lend. Jutus M'Keown, A. B. Ittljnewan; O'Sell, O'Donnell, Rebman , Relneman, Steel, Saitely, Tomlinson.. There were but three members absent, na l elys Mekkis. Beek, Oldshtte, and Reese. There being no business to transact, Conris adjourned until Tuesday evening nest, Whin the election fbi City °Enema will be held. Tease' of the Adligheny Valley Rail ad. •Ast adjourned meeting of the storkholde .. of tLe AllegbenyTalleyitagroadCompany was held nt the office of the company, on Whahiniton street, on Thursdny, to take detisdte action. on the proposition to lease the road to the Mahotsing and French Creek Railroad Company. Mier a brief dlScusslon, the rote on adopting the prom stilton was taken, and resulted In its favor by a majority renal to two-thirds of the capital stock of the company. there being but 4=l shim voted agalustit. The lessen will Immediately put under con , tract time extension of the road frail, itarient terminus to Oil City. The work will be good hands, cud the new - management, being ener getic and having the means to accomplialtit..will have the mad completed with the least posslult delay.. The extent of road to be built to com plete a dlrett communication with Oil City is only serenty-five tulles , the surveyor which-has • been already made. Death_of Mr. Stewart. Dickson. Wt. regret to announce the &ASA of hfr.Yillew-, art Dickson, who, for a number of years Was , employed as reporter of the Dispatch, mina the death of Mr. noniron maimed' the position of editor of that paper—the tiutleiett . ithich halts; 4 „, charged faithiblly and well. '-ffe 'had bee ' 'te , a d i some time past in delicate health, bat his atki , MP ret'ter unexpected, as it is but is few apt since he was able to go to his phwe or - 004 m. Th'e deceased was a very Industrious works; t term: and tigomna writer., and-hati-Cese - • :' a compiler of news. Ho was unobtrusive cud miring In his manes, but possessed of That . Lindy and generous disposition which sneered 5., blut the fricmiablp and esteem of all iSlth al - en be cameln contact. Ills death, then-awe, a. ili is ..inecrely and deeply rezretted by sit r ho Tits Sohni Hunt, !fa st:t.le I tall,ll(th street, has pnblislied n vol eta tpeil•tTbe Oil Region, of Pennsylvania," ilth ton!, and charts of Oil Creek, Allegheny litres, ere., which:contains ranch valuable Informatlon far those interested. It contains a series of I.x. tern (Marts, handsomely litho:yarned, eactipp resdullng a sectiOn of the Allegheny aver. • No. 1 begins at Warn, end - No. ill close/ the aeries at Pittabargb. The names and kandloti of the bare, eddies, Islands, and other important points and! places •ori the ricer; are given With great fidelity. From this city to the oil regions a -reat number of (tenons ore tooth:molly going, cud ecnting, nod a better companion than these charts (mild not be had. Oilmen men and kr aal's Interested In the oil regions shonid not foil to Cetllie a copy of this desirable whrk. In addition' to the maps and charts, the book alio contains several well selected steel engrav ings sepia:main scenes of, interest on the river and In the oil regions. We anticipate a large sale for this really excellent work. LAIVIIENC7: COrXTY OIL ex citement Is on the Increase In Janwrriilec The Eckert Farm hakbeensold far f.d0,000, with a well down and a blg show of ell In It, A Plilladelphln Company •offered 1 1 10,000 for one atm on Big ibis, near the Clifton well, two miles south of the Loire of New Cattle. R. M. Allen sod D. C.blg have bought the Dan Frisbee Farm, uldelt Joins the old Frisbee Fenn, en which is Minuted theeclubrated Frisbee oil spring; eloooo rosolTered forentshalf acre of that farm and, esthetic). ;On tin/tined Is en oil Spring which has beea known and talked about for h fly years. and bkHdtl.to be the greatest spring In that county. ACi.nra SKETCII FKOM A CUrall PEN.-kho entrtat number of Harper's ,VahUsly contains a very entertaining sketch ent,tled "A War Gar respotiamit hi England."' The .artlele Is from the gifted pen of George Alfred Townsend, of Nev York, ant} trill.nmplp repay the perusal of oar readers, being replete with the trials arartor tures of a literary life in "Merry Eagland," re latrd la the, charming style which Townsend alone possesses.— The author was formerly edl to:r of Forney's Press, anti In that capacity jellied a reputation writer of no ordinary ability, 'which ho fully .tiustahut in the article to which we tali attention. Boom , Jut/vans p ron.—The dead body Of a bounty jumper and amither screrely wounded, arrived at Harper's , /any on Monday. They bad attempted to escape and were shot by the guard.. The, names of the menfitat wore shot rata no given but It was stated that tkerhal ,tor.sted us substitutes from Pcnusytyauta, and 'had subsequent y deserted from Gen: Sheridan's it e command, ere captured, and nt. the lime of their attrm d escape, were en route for On. Eiheridan's endquarters,.st Harper% . Xerr,y,to teceive punishment for desertion. DEATH MOM COLD AND nvanvknow.—Thos. :Hoskin, sth 't'irlaconalit Cavalry, died at the North 'Wheeling hillitary , Hospital, on Tuesday, morning, and *as buried the same evening, HQ WaS.A&Mitt,ta to the Hospital on Saturday night last, having been paroled from the rebel prison at Andersonville, Ga. Ire was it complete skel eton, and Idalegs were frozen • up - to his knees.. His death is attributed to inhuman treatment re ceived at the thuds of the rebels. He was so fax gone that no human power • could have saved him. • JAIL DisuTEAr AT Csarcor.—On Monday night, of last weeki Charles Hay, a horse thief, John 'Boot and another prisoner named Delay/in, broke Jail In Canton, and effected their escape. flay la an old transgressor, and hoe, it is said, broken out of several other Jails: The stratagem by which they effected their deliverance was sim ilar to that antptoyed by John 'Morgan in effect-, itig his exit from the Ohio Penitentiary, and by' Col. tkreight and his comrades In gettingaat of Libby--tunnelirig. 'Co Xwainnin.--The Building...6 . mMlll tee of the Third Presbyterian Congreg ailed hare; .arojeam, awarded thorontraet for building the newehnithatilice;on the tomer of Sixth street and Cherry alley, to s Philadelphia firm, whom -bid, SLAW,: baa been aecipt. The new boil& lug is to be grand and atencantlalstructure, and wlB be. Waited in the moat approved mod. FATAL AcetvENT...& la 4 named Wm. Irjeln, .was acettlentally ahot in township, Arm.: strong count 4 on Tuesday week last, bionother ' named Itetztek. , The occident Itappmettby. the latter rollintilth A tim In Ws hands, It sheingoff ,and lodging :OM contents in the tbemer's bodj. Re Used bat ti bones afterwards. r -:' . - MUM= CITY AND SUDORDAA. .. •,....—.... • . •- •..-.;ii,.;•,,.:..;-Z-L:=,..-..,;:•:—‘:;.,,.-•is,••••-,,,,.,, i t ettisr From Runes, Battery. Ktisa's l'Elitieri.vAwly I/ f ITRIIT, ' „NEW Se.e.tarill, GA., Dec 1J.•1$01. S WO AO: permitted to publish the following er tri • frim a private letter froin a.- otemivr of Oils obit:nand. The details will - pMvo Interest -1 Ilig• o Many of our readers : 1 , . • • .`•••• , &left. Atlanta,- Novembet• fah,'lnking the i Slti ft road; a ll things were &remade to a rnil -)It ,Sitell. Fairweather and 'good roads coo be ap led by tray man who baa t.ravcied through. Ilea id 'county, Stimittla, or. the rott rocurd 43ntedudtanoogis lirmld.wlnter. Stich. weath er and4atis we had.. The morning of the IMIt broltgltd us to Madkvonv the prettiest little village ..I hassetiyet seen in Eicorgis. Near idruillod we 1 •taulvdtrne of our comprosMtrs whom death' herr taken from - amongst no. it melancholy Ono= peiraddl the Whole company today. Wm all , Celli thallorte, who had well' wow the name of is. ;bra m Moldier by three . RIM ytm: two( faithful ear.: Mc , *2lr sttodenis reulovecr from our neldat•-• - 'not bithidenthdaling bulle4 hut by the alms , Mut .tidAnse. Sergeant 'Runes S. Kane, whom ,yin re tiether on having imbed , quite tapersonal „rep to lon Its'the battery by , ids tinny acts of der In Emitter battler,. waa-attneihnl with. ty, pheii .. O'er. ablott the time of nit leaving Atlan ta.' was done that meillind•adrice or the y o good itishee of frkuda coulesuggmt, Mit In vain. IDDienew "atid taken too e.roug'whold upon him, int jodayrha 11113 the grave of an Issnora-' I hie! idiv.F. ,A .3tot coffin, and head beard with his nme inscrlbini thereon, were 'made; by his rentpntona, anditt midnight we conalgned s hlm ; 1 1 [to his• ant mat Ingrthser... The scene w in' Inspros- ISire. Nca martizartemir or gaudy dlaphiy was thernicitell us n coddler had fallen—lint the sol emn procession of 2lenier associates walking on ,In Mistime, told move plainly how they. roomed !tliiirdneir. Front hradasos, thin corps-re:permed ..-thtpd dlvisinn sithithis• battery keeping close tothiGeorgia Railroad, morchingurilneratherrvil witlairagona, while tlitrla4.aud Sod dlvisionstook the Mad to Eatoutorry .1a Charge of the unites. net:lick of tiro Georgia Railroad was tom up ar,fat as the Oconee rbetrand totally destroyed. We Omuta up with • I'm miter divisions oft the carman the 12d, as thorwere entering Dlillorige sllic4 We rested here sedan. giving cverytkalY a et' nee to don lilt clevt. ['folio, and risltilhe y.- pu buildings. A considerable amount of arti cushion was fottiaNti the arsenals, whieli. wa;(;itanied down and thlown - into the Oconee _rietil.... Our march was resumed on the Slth; rot mil:thing of epochal intern:4. occurred here untila we;reached our lament position. The march.. .4.:lngpoin Milledgerrue was not so rapid as It had! Alrvit prior .to that time. The country is low.. ~,Wlikt swamps and creeks tltrown about pro.uls- Air, but looking on If the rrrad was designed . , .., orveyed so. as totnass through every one of ; . Fortunately, there wee not notch force of !...iti 'enemy to oppose no, and withcortaiderable lit .. 6r e1, 11 .p e i nifi rr n ;y o ,,, d ,N.c n t i i in i t; ranch gn o ed r more Sheth hon na i gl .s 4 rr id ,r a l o n gA r e , 1 ucg arriveditl ~y, Slowly. tiye. ....Wront of - Savannah on t toth instant. We bike drawn in our lines close to the city limits, Mid a day er too will in all probability witness • Zlt , - ;ex;i: on Sonic gait of the rebel line. The % . •.n of Savannah Is estimated by the best. authorities at from fifteen to molly thousand, „The position is favorable for defense, and may be Oble, to bald out for some that.. Oar matron- Millions-, Since the taking of Fort WAlllster, are complete, and In a few days, no donut, the troops will he allowed full rations, once wore. The rations, else.] appearing before the city, hare been ratlag limited but the men hove borne It nobly. Sir 20-pounder prawn guns are to be addell io the armament of the lottery to-morrow, which will make us a formidable concern. We have plenty of men to man them and we expect to let the people of Savannah hear from us in. a day or two. They are good guns, and - make bonslderable havoc when fired Into a city. The general health of the command Is good—none so 1 rick that they could not enter an engagement if callad upon .t:rs.night. If anything Interesting - transpire. elther In the companfor in the way 'ofgeteral news, Twill Inform yen of the same. - -Yours, Ac., T. S. S. Prior Life In the -south • • imirrons Cbourrnsi--If It please you and your reader's, I vial, thee' ugh the columns or the GA; ELTTI. - as stme.permits, give some retnineseeneci; of prison life in the South. Fifteen months' eon. , :finesuctit as a prisoner of war at Richmond, Charleston, Macon, Savannah, Columbia and other points,will perhaps furnish Incidents of In tel eat t 4 your rendm, while It will also furnish , m nom Ilinstrntions of patriotic endurance as exemplified le the sufferings of thousands of 'brave I.:Mon soldiers now lying in filthy South ern camps and dungeons. I sew In one ofour pipers a day or timeince a . " statement in regard to the election held• at the prisoners' camp at Columela, South Carolina. t. participated In that election, and Send yombelow the returns complete, ind as announced from hour to boor no our bulletin board. Oar camp ground at Columbia was in a piece of woods a abort distance beyond the city limit*. litre, within an acre or two, and with. no shelter from ate Sun by day or the chilling. damps by night, .-silinsautt the friendly Untie about us gave, were gathered nearly fifteen hundred 'Union °Metre, many of them barefoot, all of (bent ragged, hungry almost to starration. sick with deferred hope and watthing with lynx-eyes every avenue for eseapc. A strip of ground about twenty feet in width, encircling the entire vamp, had been eie•e,d of trees and underbrush. lirre the guards 1 , pm td to and fro with rea.elms tread, and here, WO, 1,19 the now famous "dead tine," no Action, as my own eves have witnessed. On election day we resol.C.l to exercise cur rights es freemen and Yankee., abd so put np a large bulletin board in the centre of the camp. sent out a pro clamation moncriing the soldiers from each. State to meet by themselves, open polls accord le} to law, and send the result of election early by express . ..rider or telegram." • At, the news came in from different cornett of the ramp, It was'promptly potted on oar bulletin In ilamintr capital.; and &wild we hare had our wish, when the last report enure in and the glo rious summing-tip was announced, we would_ .1141 C built a tonere In the heart of Columbia itself. W. A. R. . . BULLETIN !! - . By telegram! nigh important from Kansas! The Border Rullions attacked the polig, and drore the Free State taco away,. killing three and wounding six t A Iterwarde 'the Free State men raßlal and dic.perfed the RuMana The State hen gone GFpublican bye taro majority!! • Special to the Bulletin. Trenton, New Jerrey. —lt la rumored that at a meeting of the citizens of (Ida State, It was decided that =loss Gen.. McClellan wee elected President...we will fur= talc no more apple-jack whibky to Congress-Il (The abate la donblloagottma nil by some rile Bh.ck Newt from Illeidganl-123. P. N.—Lincoln, 4e; . MeClellan, 10. Specialtelegram frool little Ithody Llacoln and Johnt;on. lilt Mac and Pendleton, 001! fientucky—up to 1134. Lincoln; 10; McClel lan. 11. • Telegram to-Cal. Ilney-12;i p. "No! York all right II" Col. Itlller. Special from Alabama!! Heavy vote easi ! UnammonSfor Uncoil:o Uncle Abc L Ile Mae, 0 ! From Teunessee—lancohi, 20; Johnston, 81.. Florida I—All votes In—no trouble at the Polak t_ 'McClellan, 0! Pendleton,. 0! Unanimous for Lincoln I AbMham, I' • ?tar, 0. 110 I for MassachusettrLineoln, 43 ; Clellati, ; Johnson, 43; Pendleton, 2. • Old•Peunsylvanla comes In-Lincoln and John son, 187! McClellan and Pendleton, 35!. And so on through.the'Statis, nearly every' rote repre sented. Rocaplinlatlon—No. of officers In camp, tan; No. of Totes cast, Tl7O--Llneoln, 1021; McClel lan, I,42.Lincoln'a majority, 881. Johnson, 10:11 ; Pendleton, 119--Johnson's majority, 012. Scattering yotem cast—Fred Douglas, 9 ; Burn side, 2 ; (know, firchange..,l: is Mereautile College, Pittsburgh.... We bare- received the" no* circular oflhis widely-known educational establishment ibr. 1884-45. It is a neatly printed pamphlet - ot seventy-five pages, ,in en ciegantly, =greyed ' cosier, exhibiting a reared view of that splendid architectural fabric the Iron Buildings, on Fifth street containing the balls of the Colleges. , To. this circular, and thd • College advertisement in, our columns, we refer our readers for a synopsis, of the course of . bushienti education, so long and se nuccessfnlly tanght in this Institution ; and although the country now abannds with similar schools, it is duo to the accomplished founder of thin establishment , to say that It presents the commercial 'student with some notable advan tages peculiar to Itself: First—lts permanence is undoubted, it never having changed hands since founded in 1840.. &cowl—lt has its o rn Fortes of standard text books, taught the dolly supervision of the • author. Of one of these treatise an eminent New. York merchant soya ¢ "Ton have made 'good.use of your own long experience as a met , chant In this Work." And we may readily Infer that this "long experience " continues to be put to an equally geed' use in the lecture-rain:4.ln training othern for business, in tho details of .which are .many matters that can bo perfectly explained only by those familiar with its realities.. An Colleges; like Individuals, are alwayi best known at home, we think strangers who are in terested la this subject will Lind what we state in Wet, of this establishnient 'ridged by reference' to ou r , city business men. - • '' . nue Dnoweren.-41egh Gribben, mailbag on High street, In the Third Wanl,,wsi droll - tied about dust, on. FridaY evening, b Mink from barge ulthe mouth of Saw NM Rut; where he hadbeen employed tut a watchine. His body was recgrcred , and an,hmeat will be holdi to day.. . ; Tint* Isrran Lim—The 'Dahlia/tern of tier Moved:Ws We - and , ainiei; tie:ism:Webb; Bylaw 00., - haee Luker "Warded the publication of - tbo leiter ;list - - ilinninin7, that. paper having' the largOstrolueulation` In the Oeutan Supremo Court Boron: Chief Justice Woodward pud. J tcticcs Strong, Rend and Agnew. Thmsday morning judgments were entered In tho following cases: Dean vs. Slcmne &Hunter. Error to C. P t of Crawford county. Judgment affirmed. O'Donnell vs. the Allegheny Valley EMI. read Company. Error to . the C. P. of Arm atrong county. Judgment reversed and a venire de noro awarded. • Pltinan'aAppear. Prom Um Comnenm Pleas of Indiana cornaty. Decree 011.111C11. Randall :•ee Walt. Error to C. P. of Ede , county. Drone affirmed. Enfott's $p 1..' Thu orpiment In thkr ease vas eoneraded this morning. flallaa`Upera' Slngers. is a rare Atm to see an entire' Opera Trrirps pubfirly corny atte firk Livor of the superior merlds •of any mai or t:..arpo Fortes. It appears, how-- eyes, t3at ihe quatitlei of the Steinway Pianos fur"6cantlNily blending with and supporting the voice,' . ' as well - 31t their peetillarlitums for accompanying vocal music, hate so mom) im reteed the - member* of hlttretzek's hailer Opera. ompany, et' the New' I v ork Academy of Ausle, cluracteriniratt sod enthusiasm; they pAalely declare their prekrenee and admiration forthe Steltnlty Pianos,. as regards their peen liaradrantages over alPeaticrigar vocal parposes, and hence they urgently maomenend them to ail students of th ey musk. See esrd in another column.- - The• Draft In the Peened *gird The Coltectonin'this - ward` having met with better e?.eccsa to-day than beliirm Mme citizens who are wartbg to :1111 , the 'risotto though they are not .subject lathe draftthemselves , haie re solved to continue their effarta wed , Clrsis give the enrolled mew another chance. ..i.lbthey have to do now la ra respond promptly Item • the Col lectors call :men them, , and Intim'en required will certainty raise without - having to re sort ton conscription. - tattles wliam the Col; lectors cony not be able to real , wilt , please leave their snbecripttons, at D. Mover's, No. G. 2 Smithfield street; or at Martin Rankin's, corner• of Stmnil antll3mithfield etreet.t. Court of. quarter See%Wm.. FHIDAT Arrauxoon, Jan. 4 3.—E41.1bre . .tatee Stemldt and Brown. The erase of ate Commonwealth .r.r Michael Jamb, before reported. went to ad, Tarry but no 'rental had been rendered when the-cdu-t ad journed. The next ease called was that against J. San ders' Indfeted' for; harinr,•burglariously entered the dry goods stern of Messrs. Thoteraren Orman: vet', In Atiouhm3y. The Jury , taunt! , a .rentiet of utility. watt a reeonuentlallor.So the merry.of the-Court. .santence deferred: Shocking Accidont—Man On Friday evening, about halfintstpo'cicek,3fr. John M`licoWn, a residetttnf the Scrum:A:qui, .41',eght:ny, while n'alicing on : the track .of the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and• Chicago Itti:tray, was-ttruck hya locomotive, knocked downand ram orerthnwbecls almost severing the body, andeansing Instant dentlf.. The deceased' wee. upwards of 1111-y years .of ager.and worked in the vicinity of 'the outer depot. The Coroner wilt bold an inqumt on the body.to•daj. Eritrean Pruetts.—Our neighbor Plttock haa. greatly reduced his prices, and those wanting: albums, good petts. or anything in his line, will, Bud it to their advantage to- giro him a call. Tittoek has also the greatest•assortment of card photographs in the city, andlovers of such.itEL be repaid on seeing his stock. To sceeverythLog he has you will have to drop in at his store: To num: from Grant, Thomas, Sherman and. the rut of the heroes; you willhave to get tho Eastern dailies, which contain full reports of all. the movements; and for literary items you. will have to get the weeklies and magazines. and for Maladies you_ will hare to get the.fashlon books., Yoe ran del so at any time at Plltoek's. Tnnytax.—Tbia pines of amusement wan crowded to stifforaUoit on Friday evening, the ocee4lon oflas Angie Eberne's benefit. Abaci two hundred persons were turned away tumble to gain adnilealon. , Tantrum's VatuartEs..—Thls popular plate of enurement had an excellent house on yesterday cueing. Manager Smythe Justly merits , the extraordinary patronage he is teeelrlng. Scum-rine ANRIIICAM.—H. L. Nerton,Browris ville, Pa.,Das received the current number of this stering iniliikatlon, and all the late publics. Slone. .' OM Mari Pluock's, of Pennsylvania and ttgions. rocKii Boors, Pocket Mbritas, te., , sa , a Pittock's. • . Y.rrrocx tuti'grot a tall supply of Diaries. Brxma at Plttoeig's. • Ytom Savannah b AN - VMS/I t Dec.. 3I 1804.--Quict reigni m Savannah: With a good sense and judgment list contrasts favorably with the conduct of the w Orleans Secessionists, when that city was first occupied by General Butler, the citizens here submit gracefully to the rale of the successful Invaders, and from the drat hour of the occupa tion Ay our troops till now, have wisely abstained Iry to every kind of awns's° demonstration. To the praise of our soldiers, It should also be et-corded that they exhibited the utmost consid eration toward the people of the city, and have, one cad all, studiously refrained' from every act that could be possibly construed an au a about to thew sensitive and wounded pHde. The natural . comet uenee of . this mutual forbearance is wit nessed in the pleasant spirit of cordiality, and rite fhtetally,.Bit beGlns to exist between the " Invaders" and - the (Bleeps, and hem which we hope for the - best results in the future. It sl4 ws that the' " undying Southern hate" for T.dikeett which rebel , apers love to prate about, Is a teroelous delusion, that exists only In rebel prh.t. I would not be understood to say that the spir it of secession Is, who ll y dead in &treenail, but - only that a strong Union sentiment le• gradually winuing,lta way among. the citizens. They have ecru the folly of rebellion. The Sodom apples of kicssion havebeen pressed to their lips, and turned them to bitter ashes. Thooceupation of their city gives [help the opportunity to repent, for which a large nrimber have long sighed and locked with eager expectations. Of course there are many individual cases of . confirmed apostacy from the Union, and the worst of these it is deemed necessary to send out of the city. Ono, of the most haughty and violent Is the with of the celebrated corsair Morris, commander of the late privateer Florida: This lady wilt go North by the mart steamer, with the Intention of pro eeading to "England; where she hopes to join her husband. • boreal/1h In sufferinglust now, from a deplo rable-scarcity of proyhions. There is an absolute want of the necessary .means of aulssistence. Rice aboinds in immenseqtmotitleir and is al. molt 1116 only kh.d of food within the reach of the great woes of the citizens. Of course,' thay cannot subsist entirely on' rice ; atiethey pro pose, L understand, to,send an agent to Now York to better a quantity of this commodity for other articles of food. \ThoraatterwM bu placed in the hands of Col. Julian Allen who has herb authorized by the Mayor of the city and by Maj. Gen. Sherman, to proceed North for this purpose. It Is to be floped.that he will he suecossful in his mission. Meanwhile, the authorities orb doing their utmost laq:diet-late the stiffs - rings of the. poor of Sheehy, among whom the commissary stores lidt behind by the rebels, In their hasty cramtitian of. the 'city, will be indielotisly Ate Y; 9Yawl s' ' • ' A Pretty Mower in Saxony. At Dresden I saw, the Sistine Madonna with ineipressibto- delight; but I saw another sight,- not quite so poetical: and Meal, -yet still to be looked upon with interest and pleasure. Ono day I watt walking through the'public square to the picture gallerv. I happened to notice a wo' man mowing. rstoPped, sat down, and looked -at her for half an hour. She was apparently two or threo and twenty. lier head was finely form ed, and set finely on her shoulders.- Her hair watt neatly braided round it; her features were regular; 'cotaplexion, brown as a berry; eyes bright bluer form rigorous, well rounded like .that of Dorothea Ln (locates poom. - From her cars him); goldew ear-Magi. wore a bright colored petticoat, reaching a llttle below - her knees; her legs were bare, and her feet encased in embroidered' shook. She was the pleture of health and robuit beauty. Ellie swung the scythe, 'with an Inimitable ease and trace, and as aka did . so there was a placid expression on. her pleasant emuitenance, which spoke of a good Conscience.- p . el:mauled spirit; and a willingness to'do . the' ,work which her destiny pointed out. I examiu-', ad the swaths; the grass was out .assmopth velvety you could not tell where'oneswathonded' andTho'.noct began. Ah Eughitt lewd locket no smoother : It. was work: of art, Net art, and 'Ameridenmight hove taLren a weal wish I could ,have iskeit her: portrait est oho stood Were rde:=Professor Felton. • , . . Dolma thacoursent excavations which tome been going on fur some time In connection with. thp site of • a .. dW at . Belluvrendkcablnd, the marinas-hive comwnpciti- a tiench of decayed hstmentetni other Mink/ The Sogintass says . there can boilttle doubt that tho Interesting 'caritrelates to AIM tithed of Cromwell and the thenOnshattle of Dnnbar;and the' trench Is oiM which his retchrod - '"ridex,:and horns, Mend and ItSla ' Wiro ws.s ITts - e rbmlps told the New Yo less that in Mgr. - England forty rears ago, lure was a man before Whom Webster would base Weighed but as dust in the balance If he could hare forgotten wealth, Tnr: debt of the city of Philadelphia Is 'VA,- against $26,01,1,91:6 last year. heavy debt and an enOrmoua Increase. - Two paymasters are t;Clievett to have l•r6c on bciant the North Antericnn when ehe raa 103. t. DIARRIEM COLLORDRATO.—On Wednesday evening, Jan. 4th, by the Rey. W.A. Davidson, JAMES COLLARD to AWNIE B. DRAVO. ..-..4.--- DI lEili STEWM OM pI O x Y o ry e n di eo to o r i of, the IDitp.a M h aged thirty. revs acl'three month'. The illative, and friends 'of the family, also Lodge! ia end the Mainnie Fraternity in general, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral To ' tonnow (Seaday) nv-rcmsnri, at PSo•eIooli, from fas late rrniffetice, Pcnn street, above Baldwin, Ninth ward. Funeral venial; at St Juries• Charrb, Penn stSeet,trsproceed to Allegheny 11/LTEALAN.--Oti Tuesday, .7rtn. ad, at Newton Unlreraltv Hospital, Baltimore, of around+ rt. celaerfht the battle el Cedar Creek, on the lath of October, FRANK BATEMAN, Co. K,lolru Kart Vol., aged re years. The frond, of the fondly, togetheroftlethe metes bets of tie 1028 regiment; ate respectfully invited to ettenet the funeral from the reoldenee of ht► mother, 40 Tttruserstreet, On SUNDAY Arrentcoon, at IX o•eloctc, to priteeed tollUidale Cemetery. XL' if" .4.DNEISTISEXMITS. A. Y 77 inhere pi LODGE 45 moot e TTlE'Brau m S ' ( rday) EVENING at 6% 'ol t oc the k, to =eke furtbes. arrangements for attending the• burial of our late Brother, Stewart Dickson.. 2blembers of sister Lodge., are also cordially In lilted to attend. By order - of the W. AL ja7:ll, ligP7A. Y. IMEMISERN OF L13140E r 1i0..5 will meet at the Hail, Fifth stree,l,,TO-MORROW, (Sunday ) Jan.hth. at 12m o'clocl, to attend the Ihneral•of our late Mother, Stewase Dickson. • er.hers of other Lodges (11,140 nspectfally In vited . so attend: 'By order of - Or w. Re. Jerat 'in. W. , WR1.0117, Secretory. FIIRMTITRE, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Selling at sdneed prices, WHOLESALE OR R ErAXL. SAO. W. WOODWELL,. Noe. 9T end 99 'MIRO STREET, °pp.:mite E. 2slmundson k. Co-Zs, end !(.12) FOURTH,. STREET T. C. JE~~sls, Commission Dtcrehant _" 7. 1.1.-t*Cl2llasindlg Aa..rogitiggt. • zal is , In Flour,Etneon. • :tense, Dried, and Green Frults.and tall Farm Products. _ Orders filled &Vali marchimdlse, tittsburgh.mani uhictures and Ilegned CHM dealers andomnitrao- Jurors rates, No. L TX- STSE.TT,(oppca site Wood street,).Plttstorugh, Pa. Advances snadtvand prosingattention even to-all consignments and-correspondence. Pvi itinglioll REIrEIL=CFSIMai & Black, We,. McCully k Co., 'McDonald tr. Ar bookies, John I. HOW* a 00., John Mall k Co., ES A. Penn • lc t.Sos Venn .ewsayarw.; ISAAC CRAIG'S . • OUTLET SW - MILL, AND BARGE' YARD. Craig Street,. Allegheny. co., WholesalaDesters iil flats, Caps and" Straus Goods, . r MCC Moak of 130 W in store the leigese aniL mak oomplete GOODS FOR FAU. SALFS, Ever offered in the went. .Mercbanta ore requested to evil and examine our stook, which - will be sold,. ali.very low rate". . 2W006 FITIMIT. • Tuz IMPROVED •. A, MU* oinnt.sowisic irgiehtat i L nice 'ONLY' Haoe. Unsurpassed for ee trllnbilltr and grace- In - movement. and for real M worth it baa no yst - For stmAglty, durability and execution it Is turequalled by ' any other cheap 'machine heretofore offend to the publie,and ne :only to' be seen to be appreciated. It will hem, iprilt, tuck or bind.- Usk and examine for you , wives. Every machine warranted. S. B. DARNER, Agent, No. tin THIRD St.,opposite St. Charles /lota ors,' vd OIL WELL STEAM ENGINE:kr—Iwo. prepared to furnish L STEAM EIMINES, So much approved of for oil wells and other put% d pmyed es, Ea on the,shortuthands notice. laving different ginesMn , and finishing others, the piddle ems be accommodated with'Shama aay also they want,- the work to show for . WILLIAM FISHER, Fifth Wsi . between Merlisede and Anderson at delieSm Tlttshii; gh, BOUQUETS, CUT FLOWERS, &c. • • " ITIOP,IITUT_ OW HS, and ASK WITH FLOWERS, From MURDOCH'S Oakland Greenhouse. Orders left with J. B. Ilubley, 27 Fourth sk, IL Risher Ss Rm., 192 Wood street, Dunseath & Om, 68 Fifth etreet, or at the Greenhouse, promptly attended to. Lloquels supplied dmir at tho above named places. Oakland oars mu to the Greenhouse every fifteen minute... dos2md P. GENUEMBRE, 21hasiteal EiPstoeee. No. It NAY STREET, near Peon, • • • 0 :dr.. ', Ao rC AIGNUMENTS, BRIDGED, executed accuracy. on short notice. EVENING DRAWING. SCHOOL, with 'peels dances for different styleCofdrawinir SPORTSMEN'S lIEADQUAIITERS,‘ 136 WOOD STREET., a%esaucisus 3301;117MT foram the attention Of Sctionen end others to his splendid stock of GUN POWDER FLASKS. SIIM BELTS and POEM , DRAM FLASKS and emmtuUtion of every kind. lilkstook le the &molt, ever brought to thlelnarket.l CITY SOLICITOR ft 01171 2 ;11;; EN Pitttaborg t Dee.. ISM. 7EDENENGI -OF CENTER A IL :—.The 'Report. of the Viewers appointed by oounel)a, to anew the damages for the widening of Outer Avenue, hen been left at my oboe. All persona interested are hereby notified to tall at my sece sad pay their amusements within thirty day" from this date, or leins will be lied in Court for the same, with Costs and fees. . J. W. F. WHITE: Otte soneitorooe Fifth at. pRIYATE DISEASES. pave stcs prauor sirszsr. ■ar 114•4 For the cure of all dbeaseltor a pirate tudura, in from two to tour denk by an entirely' new and safe treatment.. Alp, NeMnal Weakneu, and all other diseases ot the &diet organs, and.thetrprereettlea. mire warranted or money refunded. : Arddrealjettere-W, eat Penn street: TROS. STEEL, a - BAILEY, Stock BrokeEs and Real Est ate Agents Stooks 'bought mui sold eo ' opoilyely on commis. Office, VMA:II4B nonYt r 'N N 'STEW COI RECEIVED ' 6 bbls. Frestolloll nutter, • 6 boxes ObolceWoll Butter, 8 bbla. Vilma Lesx:.• • - • boxes Dressed Tnrkeys, 10 bbls Beans, 7 Dressed Hogs, 1, , 4abbls Old Westmoreland (musty Illghwhiee, 200 bbls Green - App km. „ For sate by. .' VOIGT k 00. • CoxsunsimErcre. ' • wo bushels Priem WitKeSeaus; lees bus. Prime. Dry Apples; X bbls. Roll Butter; '. • -..-; - 20 tr. Chestnuts ++ . . , 5:10 Moises 'Lthe Rah; ' ' • 10 bis. Fresh Eggs; . ' "be boxes W. E. Oheese; - • ' .:1000 bblsr primer:lire= Apples; - . Justireeelved and for sale at No.2o) . P.P.trtzT and , den I . L'OTTEII. AIKEN A o±sx.rA.ED. CIOgFRERAGE AND SALT. 2m Pork B+rrds' - ,FOr sale SURDRIEB.-80 n Chestnut.. 00bbbti choice Appisam. law reciiviair sad foe bv . 11. V.MDLE. OIiSIGICMENTB ts Oa; 100 lbs. - rnine Fresh Rolll3Fact..' z 3 scdtall444ltrequile - 13ARLt ASEL-40 casks-fog-sale br • ESTABLISHRD 1186. miscur,r . ..l.7MOus. 1865. Go - where you will, age yon cannot flit to see Erte ita:miu.xam OS' icH3l;‘, But at the .12Ielebeata4? Concert Hall Shoe.Siare. WHERE 111E7'. SELL d Thousand Pair of Shoos hr !rimy, TOV WILLTIIfbr A Large and FreiEStoeli ot FASHIONABLE GOOD, dept Constantly on Hand and &CUR:ileum. than Rubbish Elsesim CLOSING OUT ax ems. Ica ow moon AT COT; TI-if FINEST in the CITY. • 62 Fifth Street. BAILEY, FARRELL PRACTICAL PLIFXBEIRS, GAS AND STEAUI FitM2M, Here esnistam UT ot . l.l;and a Mere liisortm of rimrfi, Mingo ITALvss. sits; steam me Atka Fixtures is gerers‘ Pronipt attention area to allokeei: FOURTH s'n, PittibUtalf• CHRIST/Wr,PREfiENTI3; AT THE CENTRAL • STORM.. EXTRACTS FOR THE HADITSCHIE„ - COMMUNES. FINE TOILET SOAPS, HAIR BRUSHES, HAT BRUSHES. INFANTS , -HAIR BRUSHES„.' NAIL BRUSHES, DRESSING PUFF 80 1 EPO PrE aro !WAVIG C1ZE..411, SZIAIIIBRUSHES, -HAIR par.P.eitanoirz. - 7 k , • We would call' psztleular - attentlos to our Indr . ,* assortment or TOILET' SETS, embracing tweet" Verent pettterns, =7 of- Whit k . Would Make a Hiumdsom:PresiVit- Jiii•iCintrallirng Store' mien streets In Merkel - riklen* • dendst , Yu jt9 lld r u gy . " LY oe: w. 7lLltri/ir. Z. iiinor. IRON OITY WORKS, a cow ; FOUNDERS AND NADELFNIST S., ootuf o f PI KE and 01 /AP4 and PliCi**ALihri (Neat 04y Water Worts,) . . . . Manufacturer. of stationary and other Elfg E W ROLLING MILL 'CASTINGS and fdd. RY, of all kinds, ne aljobbei PromMocntion re cto repairing . I O}IIGLLINatZ BLACK DIAMOND STEE.L.WORIW. PjTTSEIIIIIMI PARK, BROTHER =~C,CA, ittanurActurtrioi - BEST QUALITY PEPIN - ED OAST STEFX4 - • ''.- - • , . . Square, Flat and Octagon, of all axes. Wanang,:.:': ed equal to any Inverted or. Manufactured In titbit -f. CO t , . Sop Office and warehouse, Nos: 14 end 1611rusar4 • 4. and Lin and nu SscOND sliunrrs,Plttabingb feu-yd k . pATENT.E . I) . 00TOBER 8, 18011 DIETHEIDGES' PATENT Oval Lasinp 'Clsisnnetis, marnikurruanD or ZZ fLIN T G L*15.11. These Chimney. are latende4 fortke flit Mune. ' If 1 . heating all parts or the"glass egtis not ex."- : • : pose it to cracking. . E. D. DrraxiDGE, • - Fort Pitt Slams Works, Washingtce street, _. ADP ' llttabnigh, Penn'arg, - . -- DUQUESNE r . BRABSWORICEIi . i r :‘' CADiEdit .06 - CRAWFORD, ..-:. -- ' -'• - . .. ..., . . - . ~. mannfactuzer of every Irariety Of ficibibest - •f . , . . , BRASS WORK FOIf rurnumes srsaat O Gres rrrrEn OO 4 mAcaurists E AND , . - - 1 .., BRASS OMiTINGS, of all descriptir a t I; x readeta.r . '. .. order. - STEAMBOAT' WORK, -ST AND , ....' .., GAS FITTIMQ, and REPAIBIKIII, jytwirAly at.. , -*. ';',:-.=. Particularon paid to. fitting op_ _l.l4lfifig... .7.,2 RIES FOR COALAND °ARBON-OILS. ... .7 Away Fele Agenta,,for. sale or Dlitakt or' r - -,:1.,. Pennsylvania for the. sale ed . BLABSIC, - Tnit'• ... . ',." DELL & 00.'S PATENT SYPHON -p 011. beet ever invested.:' Raring no rtarei I ' • ' ' liable to get out of :order and will thr water than any pump of twice Its else • ROBERTS,. BARNES ft C 0. . -. • rr - No. S 9 Third . Pitttourg TIN • . AND SILEEr IRON - WORIZI d nnfdciurcri ANK3I)..inN iWAIII4,:.` . . . . We hare now manufacturing and lave on Bathing. Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware ' "s, Setts, Water Coolers, Grocer.' Tea and istan, Cash and Spire Note', Tumbler Spittoons, ko., to. A large lot of Bird Caged for sale low. 011 Cans of all sites and potteries: TL., 'Roofing, Conduators, and o.ll ; kluda Work done to order ; • 4 , := PPZi Dr STREAtt 'BRASS - FOtar. xi; RI • DEES, GAS .paid AND STEAM FITTERS. BRASS AND Partlaular attention to the op and en— palling of OIL IRON C RIF OOKS malNEßlal.de to order:% iande or BRASS CASTINGS, at, mado at tha All order,. left at Not, al and al•WATtlestrent and LIBERTY, will be promptly attended to. An o men ca of thls Arm hang plutefiest sma, deem, °tones - ye:Les experience In their husiroils‘ . . will insure to giro nattsfsetion in emery' respect. • Wean also agents -for Guild, Gaston SeCoNa-- , STEMS PUMP, for pumping Water crude and uelliled Oils, ate— ALLEN M'VORMICEI; ti C 0.,. VALI Ws Fortnum, Pittaburgle, s Slie - Warehouse, 3St LIBERTY NIREETZ! , Manufacturers of COOK. PARLOR, exaVIERA'B,:,: INGSTOVES, PARLOR AND: , RITKIIESC . GRATES, lIOLLOW IYARE, etei, Steer Glass Moulds, Redllog XIII .Castings, Milt Clean. , kg, Gas, Water and Artisan Pipe, Slid Boni,' Irons,.. Wagon. Bases,: SUE 'Kettles, • Rangers, Car Wheels, (Jou as and MARIA PO . : may. Also, Abblne 'and. neelneGaselatensade to order. 'Patented Vortable, Rills, Salt Steam or =I - , pENN - . AT A intrrio - rx . _ lENN MAOHINF. WOjitiCt3. 8. wiairraCtar.. • ENGINE-OVILDEFL AND 31.10u1NIST.- . LACOCE irivsse;between 'Ft:die:Ll' and Soodosh, Aitsoinzity Orrr, PA. -_ - Ztriumfact ter . of W TM AWN' PATMI7. .PORTABLE OSOILLATINO; • -Repairing of kinds atten attended to' S . ESP.VERANCE, NO. .5,1 1 - 1 Water. 4171A b iia l ter7PIDVS, ' afutu rgaso ct I:1% ER 444 atewesy 4kmaiptiott. Parpntlar alsed or shaped SEMOS, and .ms or inual„ made tbotderat short ' g" a " S Q.giNC 43 "AtAdur-odtand. . - • -., _ • , . ~~~_^ .:~'. ~.. ~~,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers