VOLlitlE 15: =EV ER! LATEST NEWS /. BY. TELEGILiP wAsxi_l7 , 4-4G- -,r4coN `TRADE WITII I NSERHECTIONART STATE LEITER FROM CENeRAL CARET ON THE SUBJECT Nii\.... 4..Litirtenairst=tleiseralsliip Pro. posed for Gen. Sherman. ~. . . I. dOIIJOOII JACOII3 MIMED TO BKITIRM. • Impirtard Mptures~Effected. •cONTEMPIcAIio‘ RAILROAD RAID' FRUSTRATED. . Xiko,Seeevaar3r at War Gone. to 'Fortress .Nottroe, Hilton Read and Ita. Intonate. 11114TpX *STRUMS OF 1110N4 ID, I.oss of 495,000,000 to the Government , 151111 OF NOE SErE9•TBIBTY BOND tHEAMENDMENT P;ORIBIIMN4SLILVERI n Letters of Na . Nue nestim 1.. THE cAkr. OP. CAPTAIN COLLINS • • ; Special Prestern.Asseelsted Press Dispatch. WAslitworon,',Jan. s .—. General Canby; In a letter on the subject of irade..wlth the hasurree " I Veiny States, says: If it le carried on in the man ' ner and to the extent claimed by' the speculator who row control ft. the lecvltable result, In his judgment, will be to ad:l strength and 'efficiency to thertAbc.l army east and west of the Ilisslastp. Pit : er, Miele:dent - to the addition °flirty thous , and.,aud 1 1E14ml:delete active opposition at least . ten filet:Sand 'men within -our own A. lines. every Rion ire have sent Into-theenemy's lines haThcen kroiinto the rebels through tide .; instrumentality; and nearly everyone has failed In some of Its objects: Gehas nowseveral space . biers captuied In the enemy's country, swatting trial. for ying information to the enemy. The rebel armies havebeca ittpplied mainly In thelast . twelve monthi bytinla'wild trade on the hit:Asia . Mimi. New Orleans, since Its occupation by our - fermi, has contributed more to support the rebel minks and privateers than any portion of the count rytweept Wilmington.' Ho now tins papers In relation to 'contracts made by English houses I In Mobile for the exportatkm of two hundred ' thon caundiaalesotcottena by way ofNewOrleans. Tlh`Horrae hillitary committees have the mat- • . ter In hand... - A till woo Introduced In the 'House to-day to provi be de a temp, vary iirremmeert :for Wyoming, to chiefly carried out of. Utah and, .Washlo?- ton Territories. - The raiblestlon sought to heintondliced in the House to-day by Mr: Blair for the '4f:ointment of another tleutermht -4 3enentl Inferior : to, the IdeutenantGeneralcommandhag the armies, was designed to create Um pealtkm.t)eGimeral _man: • lanJor J. K. tqulern, of the . Veteran: Desert% • Corps, has entered on Ms duties na.Protost Xar , she! of the Diatect of Ccilutabla, vice Captain Putnam, reAtmed.! , 2 ' • • The Prcaldenti-at the Instance of George D. - Prentice and.W.R. Gist, bas acceded to the re -001 .: quest of tient. Gov. Jacobs, of Kentnehy, to re. turn from exile in the Borah .J . an... 5- .—Tha — Sier says: We , Lave information of the_capture of a captain, • Ileutmant and.sr,r4 ineniatltostnria••• , - ; ______ _ _ _._ _ ..uoittosbyteoomiund: Arno contempiated ittald on the Baltinione w and Obtallread. - e: party drawled -thb at Darncstawn in elthtna' clothes, -for the pupas° of taking tlae can attbe Relay ilonsetoproeeed to Pont of Roelof &Feb, purpose of tapphig; the Batik:Core and Ohloitatkoad. _. . Upon ',whin the" ... . ____ . _ , .earning the Relaffionse, information ..,4 of their moverbenta having previously reached 1 Gen. Tylee,Who commando tho post at Metin q They were taken Into custody. .5. large amount, •,, of noney,-and papers containing Information of ' I valve, are said to haveheen found npon them. , , There are soma mattars of - Interest id connee „i Con with Ihis capture not judicious to publish. 1 Wan Illitriantincr, ' • --.-• - ? ~ , •••• . The Secretar Wssu of rtorron January 5, 1855. f 1 y War Ls' gne to :.. lionme, Hilton Head runt Savanonah, to'Fortress consult - with Gens.Lirent, Foster and Sherman on' Jra , . t portant matters relating to the service. • Thestip -: ' plies rind me - change of prisoners, • the organize. • lion of colored tomps;vaising of the blockade of . i .•,,/ Savannah, and opening it to tree trade the seta _ . tare of rebel Property rutdprodacta will be among ',• :., , ithe enbjects of consideration: . .., . Nsw Ton g, Jan. s.—ilie 21rnes° Washington .'lmfelal lays , The Committee on the Conduct of .• -• thts War. who went North to !mike an ematalni ,...! , cimit of the inan.clads building in the *ivy yards, - ' _,- •i: 4 '.;tare completed their labors. Their report will .ttirhow that there will be a loss to the Covernment :. ::. tf $15;e00,000 bythese war nasals:- • - --, . ..,%• , ,1 New lona,. J arc - , .3.—A ISashlogton spMial I . ,vs the statement in the foreign - neww , reccived ' ~ the cleanser Asia that the Mexican President, '.. . ar I#linetd letters of marque • and 'reprisal SO Imm - icons, is not believed ben) in' Government. •.' relcs. It will pmbably bring out a prctelamo , .F from President Lincoln, mining our people ... to- Sao In the , business upon such papers ': tbe oof - belog treated so pirates. .ti It ` tip to Captain Collins to ss. say that he WSJ tat 4":; (cora the - command tg of the steamer' as at Ids own request, and that, he had • censured either by the Yrealdent or the apartment foihm action In. the Florida ..kw, and that be has not been ordered' harem a knalms ttr. martiaL' No..ahargei . hare been preferred me .Pnsfi' iraztiliiit6n.speclal says t II bbe. arca Mr, realm:Wen will—ask-for power tulssue tots 7.30 •curroacy. bonds. .ctly 80,000000 of c 7.00,G0),f90 be was 'atuborei.d. to- Isaac, are 14 r. Altar , o • , quesum; blo, speak toanoma on pwahiNt slaes4 lw a c r,, amendm ent Srect Orthipadii . 644l7g e au IM Praling ,401el/dI2ICIIL. :41 E'LEMSLATURECOIM2111 ov erirtor.* 4 ,Wr'l4lViesan,e. • . :- .1' 7 . , ..r..7.3“ ;:.t -, , - NDITIONOF THE STATE F/AANCES. ,0611`'llei Placeii-In the -Field, ..,. ,11.111.TIOXIXATIoN FOR r. M. SLYATOL :Ingr , orr i Jan. 5.7-,•!The Iflehigen .Legislature raid et Lurgit(gyisiiiilii. Gilbert E.Reed; " Kahan:moo hamnty, wa s erected Speaker.; !Governor Slate's message shaws en encottrag,, :1- 4 ceroditlen in the State finances.' The total ' . fndoi and Aladdin , 'debt of the State was . i: 1;00,0013, b , f1ev , E450,000. - -Slime -the corn. , nctlacta of the war-50,000 men have been 'ftmed hi- Me - field. Ihnn the State, of whleh MOO hare bnen7alsed slam Jana ary,l3:3: The l , ate has - now& service thirty rearlments of in- . etry, eleven of cavalry, one of light artillery, of ;engineers and mechanics, two intlepen. of &atelier, and fifteen companies In ra tions, 1s of the service- - • . . ~Thellon. Jacob M. Howard, the przrtent In• Obent. received the Gepubilean' cancan nomi. :Mat Mr United States Senator last night. MA]CIV'~. it. fEF.SE!;DEN ELCUTED S. S. SENITOR. !ove#Or Cony Inaugurated. MIST .0 :THE ~lITATE _*,337 ocob 'ttlatir.s_4 *s.,'Jdn: 5.-o.oa. W m. nu For - ?den was mirtnimmisly elected IL El. Senator, dr. year* from the 4theof Itaieh opt, bitreth into sad Homo. Union &opuses tags qva,ln g. csMsfri; Ms., Jan: 5,;. - Gov. Coney was In t o prated to-day. 'z ilis message Is a Ifilgthy aid 44,;g9t . 4ebt of the State, as repremMtal by • , r , awl has berm ertratel wltlgn _ • 1,:„...., ....,.,, . r ,,....,,,...,. ~........4t...,.....„....................„.t;a.„,„."_._:;.„.,..,... " ~' SJECIES The IlebeMon Acknowledged *king and rerisldwg; • . • ---- •REBEL NEWS FROM HOOD Furlona Review of Jeff. .Dar ts' J►lanagesnenl. ERITILTH AND MACH COMMERCE THREATENED, Dispatiles from Benregard sad Hardee TEE DAMAGE TO THE SALT WORKS Raw Yong' Jan. s .—The Richmond Exam inre, In reply to the Senlin iPe foreign protectorate ar. tide, says • If neither R i nging . nor Franco Will so - much as recognize na, how - would they re ceive such an Invitation as this, now that we are slaking and perishing noder the mighty power of the Yankee nation. Nut - Yonx Jan. s .—The Richmond Dispateh of the Usti's : "A gentleman arrived from the ileinity of . o .ohrmblii, Tenn.., states that 11004 has arrived In Ceptral'Tennessee, and la recruit ing his army largely. He has driven southward over 10,000 hogs and some 6,000 beef cattle. Ile also secured a large quantity of flour, and corn enough tolast his army three months, 7n order I to secure his retreat across Duck river, be had posted twelve or fourteen cannon to keep the river cleared; = lie crossed his main force, when the enemy Attacked Lis rearguard, and they were unable to bring off the pieces. Hood has con scripted all the_ able-bodied men from 17 to 50 yearn of age.u!. The Examiner, has a rations military review of Davis' tuanagenient of the war. It says it Is the dutyof Qingrres to take some _decided steps to prevent oar means of defence from being thrown i essay any longer at hap-hazard, and et worse than hazaid, through the fancies especially of 1 one unlikely num. The common plaee expe.ll - rota for tilling nit the ranks are worse than and most l, controlled by more ja.lgtnent and Letter eerie, , /though the caudition of these ntraite Is not pow what we had a right b, expect they would be, they are not Irretrievably lent. The Confederacy Instill able to make a resistance and 91 1CCCE•Sfill defence against ate its en erniee,on condition that Its efforts are guided by tome calm wisdom and conducted on a consis tent plan. Nun- Yon; Jan. s.—The Richmond TFlzio has the following - editorial, threatening British and French commove: The time has come when it may be worts , while for our authorities to coo ! elder whether it may not be well to treat the for 'eign governments with come of their own physic. Why may we not, following their own example, dealare the ports of the Visited States blockaded, and make the I FesseLi of Great Britain, Trance, &c. - , trying to enter, to depart from ;those ports, the lawful prize of our vessels. It may not be impossible for ns to reach her ithrnegh some acnsitive medium. We may da sies her pr clons' commerce of that proteetion which her ptudllanimous conduct towards the Washington Government has hitherto secured, lYe throw out these suggestions for the consid eration of those who direct oar affairs. The at titude of suppliants has gained no nothing; per haps bolder conduct might avail something. Wssnixwrom, Jan. s, —Richmond papers of Wednesday contain the following: ".The following official dispatch was received yesterday by the War Department CLarleston, (S. CO 2.—The Federal raiders arc reported to have returned from the Mobile and 01.10 railroad ' , going westward. They.have left forty wounded. General Gholson is badly wounded. The damage to the railroad Rill be repaired in about ten days. BEAraraum.. , " Charixton, gam enemy are landing on the South Ctirohna sides orthenavanuab river, and are driving_ our pickets towards Nashvilh... W.. 1. HA.RDE:r." • Alt official report of the damage done to the salt 'works states that the cisterns, kc., are nuirdnred, bat th e sheds are all destroyed. There are 788 broken and 4,230 good kettles m umbling. The total amount of salt at thiworks If :two bushels, which is damaged slightly by thistire. The welts are not seriously damaged. is-r]p.w 71 REBELLION NEAR ITS .END GEL SHERMAN'S ARMY'EULOGIZED CONNEBCIII TRITELLERS. SICOO Ofer to Recruits Withdrawn FOOD FOR THE SVFFEALERS OF SAVANNAH. STAT./31g= OF COLONEL ALLEN tile PEOPAR Li PVOR OF IRS OLD HAM The Nereharits Tend the Captare•of the Florida. • THANKS TENDERED CAPT. COLLINS NEW Yong, Jan. s . — Theffernldsiees In the re cent articles In the Richmond. ; Sentinel and other papers, and in the present. military alluation, otrong proof that the rebellion Is near Its end. It t iredicts the . 'Or the war within three The Daily Newt torments on the Richmond AntinePs articles,' aid thinks It is forshadowing the final 'efforts of. the rebels for Independence. • The Teo-id has a long - re - rfew of the military alt nation r in the Southwest, Including the cam •En!Mat of,lThern igniP4 ll b.r. Poem:rens; Granger, Banks, Steele and.fomas.. papa high com pliment to. Western -troops, and ,particularly to tieerrnan's - army; 'claiming that the latter has marched. stormed; besle,ged, defended, outflank ed and birouricke d More than any similar body of men did before, and that It is thoroughly In. ,al reeled ! revery detail of modern war and pos aesam ,tfillitary_experienee and knottledgo be ,yond any nther , arm.. It considersthe - vital paint. -of the . Confederacy to be between the James and Rerun Milt -- rivers; and thinks that with the cap ture of Mobile- and. 'the consequent. opening of the Alabama river, the-Southwest would be sir. 'tually haver handl. • . A meeting "of .Cornicrelal travelers of this end other cities was held last evening, to form a.sockey for the proteetten of the Interests and relief of commercial travelms; 'The Board of Bupervilsors lune withdrawn the offer of tI,OOP lomat/So n?crults to All the quota Pri Gen Beale, ad Vent forsupplyiror the elrel em/68.1ms me 'eheetine. • of 1 10,000 blankaes,vuemmad. : f d o e r 'thee pte hr re, on account of the non -arrival' of cotton • New years, Jan. 5,-Col. Atka stated to the. aunnber ofComtnerce toklay that be 'hos been fond appointed 'by. the people of' llaVanSavannahto boy teethe sufferers there.. lie had no rice or Cotten and sell, and was prepared to boy at could and receive such contributions as the mer chants and people of. New York lit to ex tend to the loyal admits of SAVAlitlatt. I He also stated that at a citizens' meeting the resolutions were received with three time three • cheers for the Union and President Lincoln, and the,y were oil in favor of the old flag which hadintnt over there. Col. Allen stated that Savannah -was dal titide of provisions, and his mission here . was fullp sanctioned by ••• General - Sherman. - .Thci Chamber of Commerce appointed a committee to receive subscriptions Lo-- Savannah and passed resolutions callingfuels,.:-- • The Commutes al pointed by the Chamber of Commerce to report on a communication from. the merchants of liable, relative to the seizure of the pirate Florida, which rwineated the mer 'chants of Now York to, mispnul airing any re. weld to' the captors of the Florida. made a re port tollay. ;They state that roost of the signers of the connntuileaCon are allied to-British -mho! Interests; and recommend that the thanks of the Chamber of Commere2 be tendered to Capt. Col llns, of the Wochusetts, for his coisrage'arid e3n duct In generonsly subjecting himself to the ride of censure and loss 'of comtnisslon N order to rid the seas of a scourge and onr commerce of an Inccadlary foe, • A motion was media to send a copy otthe pat •to h hants of Bah objection wemade th m h r eMechantsoNw b York j hould take; no. Ihrther suttee or the faders o f ßritish pirates, and ille motion was not put, - iruaeFal of lies. Wm. Z. Dayton: ' Timmins; 11.4.,.7an. S.-The funeral of MM. w - a:L. Dayton wu Urge)" atknded today by • the membere of the bar, military' and naeal utll - a• Imp ' utuntien of distinguilthed per: . sons froilr all inirts' of the " counb7,' erne* , when mum the Rom wle4 - . IL- Seward and Ma, Jas. 31. Seoych ' The exercises took 'place et the 1 First Fri tbyterian Church. , Rev. Dr. flail gaps: t a shaf of. the life asal , paape:ali:EflCCA at . . I - SA LVA:N. - N,VIII THE CITY REMARKABLY QUIET Immense Preparations for Re newed Activity. DAIILGREN REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS Savaluthh Merchants Coming North MORE COTTON PO UN D Special Western Associate ?rem Dispatch . NEN:* Taim, Jan. S.—The /kink'', Savannah letter says: The city Is remarkably quiet. When our troops lira entered, the citizens remained. In their houses through fear of personal injury. Thum fears have passed away, and people now come freely 'upon the streets. The majority ap pear desirous of placing themselves In a loyal position towards the Government. . The Thrice correspondent. at Savannah says: Third arc no active military operations to record, • but, on every aide there are evidences of immense preparations for renewed activity. Where the r next blow will be struck is not developed ; but every man In the army talks of a grand and over , whelniing march on Charleston, and Is eager for the ensuing campaign to take that direction. Admiral Dahlgren's men arc busily enga.gol . In minoring obstructions In the Savatiealt river. Them obstructions are quite for/olds de. espe cially those In the vicinity of Fort Jackson, It may be a 'week or two before communication will be opened to vessels of heavy dran4lit. They consist mainly of strong ' , Sc.:, it:retest which have been sunk lreaselS loaded with atone. The iebels midi...their stone blockade of the Sa vannah much more Mitt:tire than we did at Clic.ricstou with the stone fleet : l'iundwo3 of merchants, formerly connected with the hnsiness community of New York, are it, TTOCCed North, by the 11,1 steamer, for the purpcso of settling up oil tsc..ents and sterna; :main en the eh! basis. They hope to win bark he, 01111M11111 that, formerly evlqual. Colton en o lloo,l to be fraud in the ,•:ly sod sneroonding country, the m antltirs broil t.. he city being very large, at! the 11 1 ,0 1111.11 i 111, abcut opening their establishment:.need of Abe protection prottiLsed by ell,nunn. t The ohm and Mississippi Department take charge of ell cotton. All other articles are left at the dis ..posal of the rightful owners.. All the ianton will 'noon be ehippal North: The attention of the government trill be called do The case of many old en reli:rota of Ss T annah "A*o err heavily ingot tto Northern erflanrs, rani express ndesire to par th r deices provided they are allowed to retain their tine And rice. The rouldirte In the Main is one `it sting Cc old eutton deolcrs of Savannah. mat of tenon have not Identified themselves with the rebel life, and think themselves entitled to etnnigli colon to pay off their old debts. --- criNciuNw_Arr I ROPBERY IN A RAILROAD CAR Thirteen Thousand Dollars Stolen ICNTErIif ANTI-SLIVERY COSIENTIO o Newspaper Publishers' &invention ASSEMBLING OF TOE KENTUCKY LEGISLATOR. -f-Cracts - sty, Jan. 5.—A earpst-bag, containing thirteen thousand dollars. was :riled of its con tents, last Saturday, on the train between Indian apolis. and J..afiyette. No clue to the robbery has been found. At the anti-slavery convention held at Frank fort, Ky., yesterday, resolmions were adopted adhering, to the Baltimore platform; requesting their representatives In Congress to vote for a .ustitutional amendtuent, abolishing start:ay., • and Inviting the legislature to Instruct them to that street f.for repealing the elate-code of Ken tucky; end orsingGen.Burbridge, and approving n,rlgorotus retaliatory warfare against guerrillas. (treat harmony prevailed. J.ettera front all per tknis of the State were read, urging the eons= tint to take strong untislavery ground. The newspaper publishers convention assem bled at Columbus on yesterday. A committee • was al:whited to memorialise the 'Legialaittre sod Congresk against a prohibitory tariff on papf.r. It was resolved to raise the price of 'ail wan 10y papers to $2.50 per year, and to In.:seise the rafts of advertising. A State Pnbllahers' Association wan formed. The Kentucky Legislature assembled yester day. There was no quorum In the House. The Cmate organized by electing 4. B. Brunnee as Freakerlnv fem., In the absence of Lieut. floe. Jacobs. ~L~B:~M~~. ROB'S POIiTOON TRW BURNED. GOO Mules, 100 Wagons and 200 Hogs Captured. WREST REPORTED NEAR MELVILLE hood ordered to Tuscaloosa to Reorganfie. EOL'DI'S COMMLND ALM CINT ENTIRELY DINILVIDF:D COrRTLAND, Ala., rio DeruF 0 Alrt., Dee. 4. Theraralry belonging to Major General Stead man's command hare punned, captured and burned lino trs pontoon train. They raptured si hundred mules, one . ;tundrel wago ns and two hundred hogs. • • Gim. Forrest is reported to be near EltAtlei• rii e. and a deserter from Mood's army reports that Flood has been ordered to Tuscaloosa to re animate his allattpred army. Gen. Moddy's earal7 command la almost en tirely disbanded. • RAILROAD COLLISIONiN A TUNNEL Four or Fite „ Persons. Killed. . , ~ . . Qt Tom, 'Jain. 5.—A collision occurred In Bcrgi tunnel, today, between the Morris th Essex railroad train and the Erie train. A por tion of the' former had become detached, ao while the connectlOn was being made, the out. srarld train tor rattans (on the Erie/ONO ran Intl the rear of It, and, demolished the Morris .$ Essex cars. Foutorfire persona were killed end a nemlier Injured.:—alt residing In Newark. The Erie train 'Was undamaged. No delay' on the roads was canned by the accident. , 1.4 7fat. IN k t:W Tome, Jan, 5.--Only one person was killed by the accident at Bergen; Tunnel:" Ills mania 17110 Shensi:, of New York. Four or tire were Ininred, Including L. /3.lfeet:ell, of Orange, In! coelly, and a young wan named Roblason, son of General Robinson,- Injured In the arm se- Few York Stock Market. .Special Crestena Associated Press Dispatch. I.lmr Tang s JAM s.—The Railway Shore mar kid was lower at the Stock Exchange, compered with the closing rates of last evening, with a moderate businers doing. GorernMent Securi ties are - tirmer, with an attire demand. State 'Stocks higher ; Mlesouri Sixes In demand and higher. Coal 14 hares are g enerally lower. The Illiectllancetut Is strong onQuieltsliver and Mar iposa heart' and per cent lower. Stocks were !Wronger nt the Second Board, but transactions very illaittd. -Eric directors today declared a dividend of four per cent oa mannon, and ,i.;34 per cent on preferred stock. _ the retrolcum BoordiStocks wore !Inlet and generally Ftendy. Sales ondd alarm Cermet:Oa, at 115 ;'3:10 do Knickethocker; and 500 do Man ; 'lOO do ltynd fans, 500 ; 200 do lie etwonce,Form, 16.1. The'Gold market was Ter) quirt,to.clay. and' the. Streets were mummify free from rarest's, and operations were limited. Monoy in good demand, at - 7 Par cent, and ti few loans weremadeut 6 per cent, . Foreign Exchange quiet nod nominal. Marsyatid Legislature Organigatlost Cont. , Biz:moue Yam 5 .--The,LeglislaSure or Mary /and: completed its organint.km .today.- Got. Bradtrd congratulates the members on the pas sage! of lhe new constitution and the. con. summation of emancipation. No clainis=coni pensation to the . State .thercfor by the general . GoTgrnmcak . 1111ust . . . r i llEnna tr..s. Senator Eleted. hohreicerne,-ILL,, Jon. S.—The Logisinfire, hi -Jobe 'novice, elected - ex-On. Talcs Senior on the' hest; bellat...-The vele stecd: . rides, 041 lounts O. obinsoni4o. • PITTS 13 U.k GIL, 1; 1 RI DA Y, .1 AN [IAIiY 6, 1355 ___ . - _ _ _ , XIX Vilith COMMENS---Sallll.l NI,NSION, , l'Or:rrevs Fan antliorixe the enii.,4ent of shre•, The Dutch Gao Canal 1 l' m questionabiy ean at the satil tone antic., . .... -_--__ I ire their enfranelibtement, and by that retson ______ Discuss/en en tbo Resolution to Make Free it may; authorize the enfranehkement of their 1 • the Ala: es aim Collar en or Slave. who fzmiliesi. 'All E 1101241 rUll ....., nearly two eetun- IT IS PEGARDED AS PENG A COMPLETE SLICCE33. Enlist in the Army. . rice n,, ,, ,..xelnitned in menir:o;l, wordy, that "he . multi give ills life to save his moat',.. but he i would apt do a mean Illing In Fare it." ( if there be any value in this deelaration it may well he revolthA when it is deliberately argued .that the National Government can create an army, and in this senire can enfranelae the sieve it enlists. But t h at I'L is hat:vat:tat to enfranehise ids faint ly, too I ease is too clear for argument. I cannot close what I have to say without ad ding that { in my apinion, - Congress, at this mo ment, is complete toaster of the whole question of Flat'fry everywhere iv the United States—even without tny constitutional ameudinents. It eau sweep all out of existenee, prechw,ly as it can re tuoie any other obstruction to the national de fuu,e, ant all this by 'virtue of a pager as indis ptable to the power to raise armlet., or to FMB rend tht.l Itatamo corpus. Future ittenerations will 'rend Mith amazement that a .rheat people, when their national life teas lies:Urea, hesltuted • to ex cerise a power Fo simple nod benelleient,and title anlazralent trill know no bounds as they learn that Congress hit.tgled for months on the question trin•Lher to , . wife and children of the colored soldier should its admitted to freedom, The question was then taken on the reference .of t h e amendment, and it was derided In the ne gatlre—yeas,ff:u hays, 11, At the repast of Mr. Sanlslttry, Who wished to debate tian propo %Pion further, the consideration of this subject was pm [potted. 31r. Wilson celled ego bill to permit FOltilerF, tv 1.0 have s e wed Ono 3 r.lr In the army, to remote ill/runs of the United States. Sir. Sherman offered the following no an amendment, That no alien, Who had r...sided in the Uniod States for dye years evolintiOnils hr. fun-lio 19111 of April, 1.011, shall he naturalized and, r the laws of the I'MP:ft States after the tirst slay of April, thit/I, anything Ir. auS art la the fon:nary notwithstanding. 31r. Sherman ex • plothed the of r ivet of the amendment. Vending the consideration of this subjeet, the ;Scant, adjourned. WA 5 91,1T,T9 I '11"T , , ITTTT..... 1 4 11... T. 1.101:8E. . (In motion of Me. iluld, nn t of c,,,,,.the Secretary of the Nave bay vaned 119011 To OTOTT•Th all tile !arts relative to the lairstlM.; of oar gaits in the recent attack un Wilmington. Ambrose W. Clark littroduced a Joint res..olto. lion, having in view the iip;.mintinent ofsillsablcil Fcanes and soldiers in the nubile departments. Referred to tin, JudiCiam Comtnittoe. Sir. Cole; of Guilford; offered a, feint re.solit- Ban of thanks to MaJor-General Sherman and the officers and roes Ruder him. Ecferrixl to the Committee on MlBtary Affairs. Mr. Stevens °Mired a resolution inatructimr, the ' Committtve on Ways and Means tn:inquire into the expedient y of reporting is litil to prevent rota binottons being; formed to also the value of coin and depreciate the volt, of lawful money of the IMitoll Snit es. lie muds a .peeelt, showing. the 1911191 on the part of Great Britain toeorreet slat liar evils. Mr. Stevens said he did not Intend to ask leg. islat ion on his resolution. Mr. Blair litiplly replied to. Mr. Stevens, stst taz Chet the Judgment of England was different from the! stated by Lisa ;mailman from Pento. sylvanin, as to tbe effort of anti -speculation. Mr. Brooks said the condition of P.nzland was different from that of the United Bisbee, atict therefOre, the hnielation of /I rent Britain was not ripproprim e , lie showed that mild Wad the ii..,,,1ty of our 1 . 5.411.013, and that tile ribital ki, , , leouht only iizg , ,,iiii• the prior. of gold. Sir. Steven. withdrew 11 , .. resolution, The lion, then went lato Core mitten of the Wi,, Ir on the President's Message. Mr. creAstvell, Of Maryland, marls an anti it.. tore speech. Sir. Stevens, of i•Litin'i., rillee:ireil Prciildi m Lincoln's Memaze aml advimatell the animal oent Of the Cntot it utMn NO :10 to 11// ,11,:t :1/irery Lion:J.lmM the country. Ile took the oecasion o refer to what. he ( - tiled thr Capped:eacda at the 'I.! , am COT:Vol:nu, MllO 1.70p..5-TAT, he said, a it -4 rm ~fed pi, ... Sir, 1 . . A. of Min tlent2:llf it extremely TITT \Tn.] Ti .ill' `:l . Tith,nall 1 - 0 ra Penmi hands, Si.. it.. t., to aim,, ti o. It. m matir party fur Lain Cory 1111.9 isidvii /form o Greviev •ce.terday pr mosilil .:Is.. ... ,; 1111,11. , I !iv ••• •, ). oi, r,..;.,,i,, ii.,i i , i_ ii i ii• it iii v...Tir.' T. . 1, MT. i'lll.lll,< %tilt Mr. t!i'st the lm Pr h ot. Livs.i. , .l 413 at `iOl:tht.! ( a: i s tor..izs pat down. here n3-e. .111 at 11411 Th r hair pre:rnte.l n rumunm;~.:!iinfront IL. rni.r at, l latt.i,iat are N a la. .ngaara tak, no at :toll on the billa x . !antis or that Statr Itt.til tile Oegly I. ••It d (-AO Nrra.la , ake t heir a •at.. The e.ttli tau/tic/Ilion Sr4l3 Ordered to Ito upon t..' le. Thr Chair fist ',fore the Sewn.: c•opte, of alter ortnin,l inc. of the territory of Sew oche. otusituni,ution from the S..eretary Of WILr to n ply ton il , olllllon rolling for the rep ,rt or Irr.-oo open thr condition of nillitary of- Li, In Arkatools, was read, etatittr, that the re,- t oil had not yet been triode. Po-ter nod Sherman said timid it ti oold go tote Committee on Judiciary, and it rekrrcd. Itattivey pre.ented a hill to aid lo m KNurtion of a telq.v.ranh line from St. Ul.nol, 4 4 1.e-ohm° the British Poswasloto+, which wt. rn d to the Committee on Public Lands. un motion of Mr. Wilson, I,SOO eopiat of the Coe., Sorvev Report for the IL, of the Senate, and 11.(ka.) for distribution for Om °Mee of the sol , rintentleta or the Con.: Survey, Were order cd to be printed. Mr. Coupe., Introduced a hill to regulate the , aiarie, of tocomboat in , pectora on 3be Pacific ra.nvt, which nos referred to the CominittOe Commerce. un Mr. Smith presented a bill to allow enlarge to . I,, tiet, of the Supreme Court of the 'United Stott and moved that it be referral to the Cout• inturc. on .Flnanre. - ‘iritnrs prvveuted the following revolu th.n, which Iron adopted : ::r.koir,t, That the Secretary or War he di. reeled to Inform the Senate the number of men 11,4,1 1,, the naval service of the United States tl, t have been credited in the military qxolaa of the- respfftfre States, anti upon what prin. ell .Ir, , in what manner, and upon what evidence or, It credits were made. Mr. roster offered a re-elution, which was adorttd, imitrurting. the Committee on MIII•ory Att. to Inquire into the expediency of r,port ng till to distribute the proceeds of the sale of ell vte., eaptnrod in Savannah, nmootr the oldh, end vallor. of Gen. Sherman'. armv. no n 711, .arne principle that naval prizes ot‘d to motion of Mr. Sherman.. the Per,ion arpro. atin Lilt way taken up. •. ,•, from the Seeretary ontr ho,rior nit .I, rra.mmutdink the ALpply of the delivieney be +limn priatloto• of the octe of I . ..I`l to ltr; under the net, of !gin and 1419, 83.500- I t h- P.. e. et , one hav e helm drawn. learinz be a t unexpended, +Odell will scareely /muiltur t , l e t the middle of the pr,....,ent 'lle 'lll was fussed." The sten:de next proceeded to the eonsideratbo, of Mr. IVII-on's Joint reri. rilltloll to mak e fre e ow seas.. and children of slaves who enlist in the .11.y . ..1 the United citsa e ,.. The ,1R.,,,ti 0n upon lie ref -retire to the Judiciary committee was ni t , eel by Mr. Darla. i r. m il no , hoped the renolittion would be p,,,..,....d t0...1ay, lie had reeetred letter. from of lis i , . f the army engaged In the reeruilitqr ner- Vi{.v, and they all coder- it and OpproVe I 11113 Inca,: e. lic slid not wish to detain the Senate by wends( ref,- sm•i.111:, the prOiKkalillon t If the mern.eus 's to the rrs4..- of hot 'snow and It was debatanJ fur hours. list hoped nos, f,.r antics. Mr. li. olittle wan In facororthe neat too to re fer the resolution to the Committee on. the Jo:G -el:11y. Mr. Wilsors--I cannot isousent to have this revolution referred to the Committee on the di:t alc-Loy. The Senator from Witeconnin tell, LB that there ia an atnendulent to the Constitution pending, and that he has strong hopes if will pass tie- Molise of ltepreaentative n on Monday next. I liatl hoped, lam w .cli, that that men an . ° would rO'h in , • Molise. 1.111 I have more doubt of lidnew. Whether It lades o not, the. Senator from "Wisconsin knowe, nod knowifyhoi it erutoot arid will not lieeome o a f th e c.,,,,,u_ tution for many months, linear years at leant. It may be three or four years, at certainly not within the next eighteen mons 9. The (stets are dove: The Congress of the United States, at Its fart reunion, defided that a man who should en list Its the army of the United States should be , free by the slot of the Government of the United States. If any one doubto the constitutionality of that low let Win tent It 'now. Sir; the wives and children of the men we hove made free are _lnidos slaves. We were told from army mincers • at the last session of Congress how they were treated In Missouri. The facts were presented to the Senate, and they 'hocked the sense of humanity of . every one who heard or read what was going On there. The wrongs that have been perpetrated on the wives and childona of our colored soldiers In the past year would shock the humanity and appeal. to the justice Of the people, if told to them. Of the lower to pass such a resolution I do not en tertain a doubt. The most eminent lawyers of this country have Ito said. We may have to „pay lei- these slakes, piebald, we shall, but an to our right to do it there can be no question, and I think that at Ids time we ought not to hesitate a moment. We „read already of what Le taking place In the repel States and what Jett Davie pmpoiles to do. They propene to give free:loin to the slaves, and to give them an interest In lands. They who who commenced the rebellion for the sake of making. Slavery eternel, are tow talking about snaking slaves free, and they will fight the bat tles of the rebellion. Mr. haulsbnry followed Mr. Wilson, and in the course of Ms remarks said : "I shall maintain Use doctrine, when [lse 'junction shall come up for discussion In the Sicnate, that nut only lard yrin not the right to free the Wleen and children of negroes who volunteer In our army, if they ore front states where descry Is rreogniscd, but you etamot give freedom to the negro volunteer Mined( if lie la a slave. There le no principle more (dearly defined than this : that If a slave be captured from Lis lawful owner by one beillger net, ninf he afterwards (Minn! Luck Into the pus. smsson of tiso other belligerent, that he ru i verts to Lis origi nal owner." Mr. boomer said all most confess the hotimul ty of the proposition for carrel:alibiing the feat lies of colored persona who Intro borne arms' for their country. All must confess the hardship of continulog them In slavery. But the queeltlon Is asked, witalitower has Congt&s- to eat thoTent dies lfrec. . This Is the single point on which I shall expreei my °melee. hly answer. is, that qmtgre.sa Las precisely the same, power to en franchise thefnmillea that. I Las to enfranchise eolered soldiers. The two , powers are and from the tame source. It has alread been assumed that Congress may enfranchise the col - °red soidiers: This has been done by solemn statue witiniut any reference to the conduct of 1 his Pretended owner. 'Uwe wore asked, the rca too for ench enfranchlsement, lt, must' 'first to found in pi-Settee'. neeetalty, that .we 'may . re , the best.. services tit the slaves; and .socondi in Ili intrinele justice anal humanity'. , In - bsiof, the Goveropiettt cannot bo solmprovl— dent mid So foolish iss to attempt to obtain the services c tbenlavti at the hazard of lifts with,. out +Wearing to him the boon of freedom. If 1 1 7 i' 11) tt_A • Meeting of the Indiana I.eglainture--The Senate in a (lead .o •k. IN , taNAPOLIS. Jan. :.—The In:Haim I.egkia ure "Mr er.ed to-day.. The 11..nne orzonized I. clog John N. PLIItt (UniOnkl) St. Zak,. Th, "S. Ion:, after the vier lion of the Principal and tObihtttlit carne to n dead leek et the Laltnee .if The 8,11/iLt is cdnt i.f nn erinal nnint.or of flt•nna.rat and i to; tuber,. alie (;,,,,nor 1.1,11:11. tit I • nil, will .n) .10aJt 111,•11y next, wiia it will give the Unh.nigt, the raoiia. cote of limerncir. The par; iiLninizatinn of Sc nine .I re tot', Or the Union rant.ers btiflLT ill.t•VitttliiT lo Rapport OW witioentl n0111;111,125 fur principal and iceilatant h , ertytions to the Ten-Vorty Loan. N Jan. 5 . - 6tll,svripti,o; to the 10- Ii Into were larle on account or ic.s with to-mom,. The Ninth National nruk. 1,1 [lli. elty 1 Bern reeeive snh , eriptions I,y t.. - i-zrorl/ to the late..E moment. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. EAST TENNESSEE AND SETH WESTERN VIBUNIA. Operaliens Of Stoneman ) Burbridge and Glltem. TIN: INIRI TO HE REBELS IMMENSE y.tmiT AMOUNT OP PROPERTY DE. STROYED. SI FE1314 N TO )IMICII ON A ITUrSTA. the Rebel Roots at Charleston HLBEL GE:N. PRICE REPORTED DEAD Ajalankots for Our Prisoner.- Ti!E COTTON CAPTURED AT SAYAN NA ff. to. Yomc, Jou. fi.—The Jj ea,Ps correapon deure Ores a run nerount or the recent Impor toad rob] Through Enet Tennessee add South we -tern Virginia of Generals Stoneman, Bur bridge and Glliem. The injury effected by It to the rcbelt tvu immense, and 6 to them probably In/parable. The Iced mines cud salt work!, ftaindrits end furnaces, one hundred Mlles of rallrood, fifteen loronintlyes, two hundred cur., nod 11 watt / 1 111011,n of whorl:v.l,7,y of the re+. hi irt.ra destroyed. And tyreo, of ar tßh ry cud many prisoners were raptured front The ItHIM( says that the Se,. 1t" I proposition to elalm the protection of :ngland or France originated with Jeff. Davis, nti had its berth In a panicky Hind. he Saveunalt correspon rc dent of the World itte that iihertonn will mah first on Attgustte ,tt then to the rear of Charawton, when with a in front, he will lay siege to the strong dd. Dispatehos captor. en A rt11..1 soldier di ridged-I lie intention to send the rebel rains vet of I Si:if - Ireton harbor nt once, thus taklno edvau t..go or I tie Ot,rter of nor iron-vials. This led to promptly bonding all the monitors to Charles ton loot of, e hero they now arc. RiehMooll has a report, which It descredits however, that Price Is dead. ofThe set;ii.l, of the kith, says: A - hont:load blatikets hos been received at Vivien:l, for ft... Yankee prlsontwi. The Petersburg. Erprcw ill Informed that the r. ion (bond by Sliiirlinan Is owned by private lodividuals, and come by the government. It appears that only 10,000 blankets were sent In nor prisoners, and the Express says, as there arc kO,OOO Tonkee prisoners, the 'supply falls short taco-thirds, RUMORS FROi wAliusGroN Senator Norg - an to be Secre tary of the Treasury. WP. SEWARD ID BE MORGAN'S SUCCESSOR Mr. A l ll 4 / 1 15 to Succeed Secretary Seward PRFTTPX IaNG TO BKCOLLICTOU AT NNW TOM Ntw Yong, Jan. s.—Tne il'or/d has a rumor than Washington to the abet that Senator Mor garis to be made Secretary of the Trees*, and that Mr. Seward will be made Senator In place or Mr. Morgan ; Mr. Adams Is to anceeed Mr. Sc rand in the Cabinet. It In not said who WM 'sneered Mr. Adams. The same cormpondent says that Mi. Draper's nomination for Collector of New York will not be sent to the Cimino, but that Preston King will be nominated by the President. FROM SAVANNAH 20Th Corps Across Savannah River VIEW :OF MILITARY AND FIRE DEPARTMENT :NEW Yonn, Jan. 3.—The //zreld's Savannah correFpondent says many of the citizens have When the oath of alleghtnee. The MI division of the 20th corps had moved across the flovnanAh river into South Carolina, and met and drove 0 rey,iment of Wheefer's cav alry. No other rebel fore.) was found. The Adams Express Cotapany have already received and forwarded North over CAZI - 0,000, and the rush continues. In addition to the nillitaq reviews, the entire Fire. Department. • had passed In review !Afore Gen; Sherman. With the exception of the ant cersi the companies consisted of neigroes. Prom 'Savona. Yaw .—T Pone, Jan. s he steamer Eagle, from 11avana, has antOed. A report was brrmght front Matatneraa on the 2lttb; that a vessel arriving reported having seen two vessels burning Just outside this harbor, and two steamers supposed , to be the captors. Bet littleieretlit was atrebett to the report, Al it was 1133 , 4 . by an Eng Lohman who did hot 'toll tho seam atoq:twlco. - Alter the Mist of January, all !indigo nem3po .porepors are to be 'objected to a severe onaorship to aupppeasion. United State* Supremo Court. Wasuzacrott, .Jen. 5. -anti eases ngit henna the Supreme Court of the; !Jutted States arc tho pimplo of the State onfow Tork . au.'tol. to Dank of tno CommonweilOW - Mut -the 'Rank of Com. mutt, plaintiff rd'etrot; tho.COtnralastonora of taxeemat dPiteastnenta dr . khe ell: atut coun. ty- of New "fork. • Nrw Yong, Jan. s.—The Ifn•akl gives a earn plet, hi.me .e of the Dutch Clap eanal. It wai tontmenced In Angus; last, and up to the day of the explosion of the bulkhead, three regiment ; of white and colored troaps were clef:Mei" for to, special work, averaging front 120 to 140 rn-n, who were employed daily on all average of ten hours. The canal is 522 feet long, and the grentrot width of excavation is 122 feet, and the depth is 45 feet. The width of the canal proper is Gq I feet at the top and 45 feet at the bottom. At high water there will he a depth of In feet. From these filets some idea may be formed of 'tile Immensity of the work. Supposing that the canal, In cunsequeace of tho heavy:batteries bearing upon it, cannot be completed at present, the stork as fur an it has been carried is so much gained in an enterprise, which when It shalt he completed, will always be of inealcabble Im portance to the commercial fnterests of Rich mond. Tht explosion of the bulkhead of the canal, on the Ist Inst., was witnessed by a large number of ollicers, and a strong body of troops placed un der arms to be ratty for emergeneled. The Tribsm'. Army of the James special says the Dutch Gap canal is regarded as a complete swe,.PA, the result of the explosion In the bulk head being all that wan, expected. A dredging machine ;tin 110 w finish the work. Sixteen feet of *rut, luta bawl In the canal Wince the loth of last month. Prom Catro--Arrivals of Cotton. tti, CAIR(, Jan. s,—The steamer Fanny Ogden, from Little Hoek, Ark., line arrived. She brought' out 400 halt, of etitoin, eighty-live of which, he ;osging to the 4 :overtime:it, were left at the month of White river, bonnet South. All quirt along the A rkansiri river. . One hundred bales of cottita, from Helena, ar rived at Memphis on the Rebel Prisoners for Fort Warren. Ito-mos Jan. 5 .-,-Brig. Gen. Edward Johnson, 1:1!z. (tvil. S. 11. Jacki.uu, and 'flow. B. Smith, of iLc nan9 army, Famed through the city ye.. iii.y rn mode to Port Worrim. Expelled for 1)Isloyally. • S.T. I' JAI, I.—John Tll,lllp,on, a II: 0 11- • of the lower lion, of 0..1 Mi , souli eXpelkd for dislontity. The 10-10 and :-30 Leans. Jan. n.—The sutrz,ript ion to 111 ,, IC 4o ;1.11 yt hlVilloy,lllllolnited to only 01.17,0 Y, 0101 to lite 74:0 loon to $514.000. --- tin AND SUBUI3DAN. , The Pittsburgh Aim:elation for the Relief - of the Poor. • We are indebted to :lir, Levi Icad• - , Seen, I. y, ier a ropy of the second annual report of the Pittsburgh A:roriation for the Belief of the Ii Poor—one of the must useful and necessary of the many benevolent institutions of our oily. i llie Board of Managers, in taking a retrospect ' 11 glance of their noble work, feel that they con I "snook God and take courage.” Two years of undonbiral stI , CSF have servedto ;rank the Asso elation as one of the institutions of one city. lA!Nolen Is made to the many ditlivities under which- the association labored, owing to the scar f cite of funds and the Increased want and misery Created by the rapidly enhancing, prices of the necessaries of life, together with the withdraw-- al, from many families, of the customary sup port furnished by men who have entered the set .vie' of their country. ', Many aged persons, and widows and orphans, have been thrown upon the thorny of the public in coneoquence of the ravage; of war, and, as the rule requires that er , ty vase Mlles lee invelth;atecf before ruLalstanee is rendered, the throe:Ora hive had a vast amount of-labor to perform. The great ohlei't is to re line every case of Inhering. and see that no de cc, sirg . perno shall- he left to suffer. IVe.quote from the report as' follows " The free access of the Directors to the hames of iltc four, gives the Association peculiar ad vantages, and the Boarddoe; not feel called up on t.., niter nay amino for here stating a fact. In nil the Districts Ore more or' leis poor women ala labor most indnattiously with their needles, almost day and night, to; anppoct their families, feu the most niggardly pittance. doled grudging ly out by bands that are dally heaping up trees twes to themselves. Many large estahlishments ore in the habit of giving to these poor Women art ;ohs to beade, at prices that would not pro chte them nit a crust of bread, lihree times a doe ; while the receive for such work the most elothitant Nees. Inone of the director's re p, IA fur January 1%4, Is the following: • I M.', in my district an aged widow with one deo_diter, who supports herself and mother by sot 'sin for the shirt 'tot es in the city. She has to at I d i,ease and is unlit fur heavy work. She r; r , ivo, for bbiliog tons:se-collars, working three, 1,1, n41.1r4 In earls, Moly-sir in sill TWKW7T -1,1 I. r • ENTh.' "1./.rry cents paid for making op.* of pants . Icoos, the maker providing her own thnoid, is, It '• is tree, an advance on last winter's prices ; but to -wall Is the advance compared with that of 1 , 17a.1. that she cannot by the most incessant toil, rorply her famlly with enough of the "staff of lite - -to keep them from starving; meantime tier own and her children's clothes and shoes are dis,l ping Into nags, anti to romplete her misers, be i ernel landlord sternly demands Itcr month's r; t.t. threatening, If Is not forthcomin, to men Lie sod her ',topless children Imo the attest. This is to fosse). lketelt, bat one or verity and truth. (so the other hand, the Ditectors often become etr4oiraut of benevolent acts on the part of Seale at lbe buslueso 'houses In the city who employ so ten n, which they would gladly record. "It IS a abort-sighted, as well as Inhumane p. iiey, for the employer to • 'Jew down' the em pie, te to the lowest possible ecnt for serviees rra.dered, as who does; not know that those who are well paid, counetputly well fed and provided for, accomplish fur more, and In a more satisfac tory manner, than those who aye harassed front the thought when they have pokaken of one meal the y know not where the next L 9 to coins front. - Among those who have b; en assloted by the Asa elation are many who, after receiving aid fre tome time, have declined to do 90 longer; er re! log In return to assist the Association in' do leg for those who are more needy than them- Sel re,. . - 1 hat the condition of the poor cluing the pot two winters has been improved , and that street-begging has decrewied In a ,ratio propon. durst., to the expenditure of Ore Aisociation, Ls an llncouragiog fact-sone of no ordinary interest and importance. Panperiam, :the offspring of neglevtcd want or indiscriminate charity, Is an evil of civilization that crashes out all that Is ands and manly in character; blighting all hopes 'of spiritual culture or physical meration. It Is an-evil, boweier, the growth. of which may be attested by enforcing upon all who are able to per/befit It, the duty of labor. }fence It has been one of the objects of the Directors to provide petsona with Om* who cannot promire it for themselves. . - The wants - of the Association, last winter, were so'promptiy met, by the energy of the gen tlemen who acted as Collector,,, and the liberal: ity of Its friends and suPporters, that It wan generously supplied with Condi to carry on Its work, and enabled to clotte with a small sum In Its treasury. During! the whiter and early spring, four hundred and r fifty famF.Jes received ald,.of i.vna he, one hattdrod and twenty were the families of soldiery: One hundred and filly three, were wnlaws. I Daring the : season, the Dl ree.tors made over Otte thousand visits to the poor and \ sick. Ono hundred and eight of which wero made by two of the ladles. "Eleven thousand hotshots of coal have been mini - Muted; fifteen tin' bushels of whin, through the gencrosit of ateliers. Clancy ~.t hi esklmen, were given ity the miners, and trans ported free by Mr. Caro/Weep' the Pennsylvania Railroad. In eddltiont9 this, through the kind ness of Mr. McFadden and Mr. Baton, the es sociation woe permitted to tilotribute a number of lands of the coal which had bean donated to them MI distribution. It woo also Indebted to James O'Connor, .Esq., for a number of loads donated by him, and delivered free of Marge. Messrs. Dickson d.:' Stewart donated fifty dol lars, J. G. :lirForlaml twelve, Mr. Gillespie six, 1 and Charles Armstrong fifty dollars worth of ; cool._ "Until the 'poor cease out of the land,' ourob 'Mutton to 'pity the afflictions of the, aillietecP will still remain. The ntunitcr of these, through Increase of expenses, slckutsm, bereavement, and ther renew, will, no doubt, bu conslderab!y augmented this wieder. recurs vrants of our needy aro certain, - end ever Ing,--so may It be Bald of the generosity end liberality of our cltizebs,—thry will not complain of the number of the poorer their wants; realizing as they do, that Jesus said, The poor ye.shalt always hamad w von; and ti is more biased !o give !halt to receive. .While the asapelatlonceturna Its theatre to all who have, aided in its work in the pain, it would earnestlyitotelt flout all a contribution to enable It to prneuente Its vrork the comlngseasou. While we are truly thankful forever' the small est Sums placed In our bands,' for the relief of that, in co the suffering and needy, we .must remind you, mmunenne of the nub:Whittenprices of' the neeeMariea,Pf life. we 84 n -r equire Mere thaw twlerthe sum collected laat Mason, to enable OP 40 !Arty Oil our work this winter.. IVIII-you not pardon nee then, It trer Oil you at cradle put". Pfbartipitikkr thereby's*lng tu. tha sorrow of tufting to relieve theenisery,Which,na',an U. seelatlon,sts are compelled to wit runst.; To ;those whom' God has given "wealth, and vawee cup is otertlowlug with blessings, would, A- w . . -- zc _ = ..—. , 1:e or - 7,01:z, cyri ini. GiV C Iln of your tynitli. and ' "Non it:lrd! I Yr:shit:a ' Machine." we I 1 ti•• h•to II•'• nnt of porch in th'' I This machine Is calcine: ea to r.:volutiouirer da cellars, and dark a11...y.s cif this great ens, . i ", tar the , v/U,13 of Ih, poor and needy. • that very Insporeant 'department In domeetie op- Fn m the revert of the Treann cr. ilirencr• ' rJul ' -n.--- ii"' l 'ainlcS, and to make "wash-slay" Kminc,.. E,.0., ~..,... Irani out. the c•osj , i „..,,,, ints I COO of arousetnent rather than drudgery. We during the past year, Were ao follaire r Jan. IC—From Filth Ward iffi- " MN. Willie ~r 13.2. 00 ! base given it a sufficient trial m be able candidly I to recommend it. Mijth this machine the leash xo on i leg for a family of or ten persons may ho " f.l3 " First and Strond Wards. etili 00 i do ne cagily i n o, h,,,,,,,, whilst the ~., 1 _,. ~.r. ti c : Feb. 9 " Fourth Ward I;; ° Q° Is not more lahorlotts than that of an antisal `t 9 " First and Second Wards. :4'5 ito coffee-tnin. It is economical of tlnie labor and " 19— " rum Ward' litc GO soap, ns well as of the clothes thcmseirea,,whieft Mar. 4 " Ninth Went 70 VJ ,i 4 _ ri Fourth Word .. „. .. ...... il5 on are not rsbbesi out seiserzed. We have witnessed ii in it Elow , word ....... .... on , no ! From performance on several occasions, and know First and saana4 w , da.. nfn ~,.,., i actual els:Ts - anon that wrist-bands, collars', '"'' I Items of garments and the finest laces can• be May 10— " Fifth Ward 4 , .9 9 I thoroughly washed by the machine without am `` MI Hs 73 ,..innY. ..... •• • • ",' ~,,n . I tee of the hands or the old-fashioned wash board, -•••-•- " • - `" i nod without injury. , Clothes eon also be rinsed , 1 nod. blued with the machine.. Fully one-half of the soap required In the ordloary mode of wash ing Is saved by Its use. nisinveution will prove a great relief to Eta- Hies At..thie time, when servants are hariNo be prO9flred. 'With this machine everyman can be econe his own stothenatan.. Mfr. 14-J. Murdoch,. Pile of the Very polite and accommodating pro pelehrws of the rsit"l Presbyterias, 74 Thinl. street, is the agent for this region, and will be glad to exhibit the machine and give all the no.. eessary Information to those who may give hint a call. It Is proper to add that the machine has been • greatly Improved within the last year, and now gives three turns of the crank and six dashes of the plungers to one of the hand. Total ...... 111.1t1 17 The expenditures, dtarlr , the same 2, period, were 1,2 , 537 . 4 ; 7 —1eaving a ' balance now In the tmeswry of Meeting of Allegheny Connell% A regular monthly meeting of Alleghely. Councils was held on Thursday evening. In Select, present .711(1,9i5. Atwell, Francis, Hopkins, Irwin, Kirkpatrick, Knox, Miller; S. Riddle, (feo. 11. Riddle, Smith, Wright and Pres ident 31arshall. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Sir. Kirkpatrick presented the report of the Water Committee, with bills amounting to $2,- itEld 15, fur which they recommend warrauti to be drawn. The report concludes as 11)110A, : The Committee, in rinsing their labors for the year, would take occasion to earnestly call the attLntion of the Commissioners, empowered by net of Assembly, to erect new Water Works, and rl• t.ectfully sugge.d to them the Importance of effecting an Immediate organization, and to prosecute the chleet of their COMlllitlNioll all the energy and dispatch prissible, so that the may at all times be abundantly supplied nth mater, and ;tot be suhjett CO vexatious de mdl 10. s. ?lie report was read and accepted. Mr. Miller presented a petition from Mr. Geo. I liedy, setting forth Unit he had expended Sifdd in repairing (thin Lane and ta.kifix it passable for t , ion.; that he had paid lame, f teams, :And depended upon their tieing emplooycil for his support. lie was compelled to travel over the stied which he out In repair, and petition, the re iniliuree him. Tip, pdper was re ferred to the. Street Committee. A number of hills were presented and ordered to he paid. A l.dt .or sundry artich, fund.lied to the May reb "Alice, was referred to the Police Committee fio examination. Mr. tie.. R. Riddle presented an ordinance cra ning tbif (dike of City Controller, which was dis rusted at rose length by Messrs. S. Riddle, At well, (kn. it. Riddle, and Miller.. dl r. Stiller moved Eliot the report be referred to the Finanee Committee; which was adapted. Mr. Atwell presented the following report of the Finance Committee: "Tile Finance Committee, authorized under a resolution of Conuells to audit the accounts of Thema, M. Howe, James Mansholt and Josiah King. Treat Commissioners for the city of Allegheny, In the matter of the railroad Indebt edness, have attended to the duty assigned them, and beg, leave to report that they have examined the necounts carefully. "The stock transferred to the above commis sioners woo in the charge of of Mr. Rowe, to whom (and his courteous Secretary, Mr. If. Ituldistlip) the city Is Indebted for the careful and correct manner In which that part of the trust has been attended to., trldr. marshal] has had chargeof the flnancia department, which was both troublesome and laborious, f requently,requlring lila attention In the east to further the interest of the city. Such services were freely given, and frequently to tho neelect of his private linslness. The fall and satisfactory statement of Ills account rendered is extit led to the fullest approbation of the Corn- 1 mitttat. r. Icing was always prompt (when .nt home) j melt with the Committee, and give the subject the men; of his counseL "As the Trust Committee acted under the ad rice and counsel of our Finance Committee, we take pleasure In stating that perfect harmony 'prorated in all our deUberatlons, sin we believe all were actuated by the same teethe—the bone fit of the city. "We cannot,vrithont;lnjustice,neglect to men tion the deep interest taken in this matter by our Solicitor, S. Scheyer, Jr., Esq., and the rateable servicee rendered by him to the ;joint committee in his capacity as legal advisor. "In conclusion walxvleave to state that a full statement of the Commissioner's Account has (seen deposited with the Treasurer, setting forth the tracts and the character of them, remaining In their ettstody—alio certain vouchers for pay ments made, which aro In the hands of the Treesurrr —ail of which are subject tomtit: exam ination and inspection of members of Council, and.is rest:eatrolly submitted." tee The report, t which J was skned , by the ll', ohn A. C Commit- Hopkins) was read and accepted, anghey and John Mr. Wright presented the report of the Street Committee, with a resolution for the payment of sundry bills. Report accepted, and resolution adopted. Mr. Wright submitted a printed copy of the City Code, which is now In press. Alter soma discadopussion,ted.Mß - Mr. Code was, on motion of Mr. Irwin presented a resolution to pay Mr. Tremmels for his services as Janitor, which wan adopted. Mr. 8. Riddle presented bills for Punishing the Council chambers, which were ordered to be pald—with the exception of that of Mr. McKee which was referred to the committee on Claim; and Accounts. Also, a resolution for the erection of two pub lic lamps on the balcony of the City Hall. Adopted. In Coinntort Council: Present--Messrs: Hea ney, Brown, Cowbell, Cnughey, Dill, Dunlap, Felhanber, Gordon, Hanna, M'Neal, Patterson, Smith, Meßrier, President _ Tine minutes of the previous meetlngwore read and approved.. Mr. Beauty, front Committee on Famines and Hose, offered a resolution anthorldng the pay ment of sundry bills. The resolution was read three limes and mused. W Also . , a petition from the members of the place the ashington Hose Company, asking Councils to m on the same footing as regards salary as the basemen of the steamers Grant and Hope. - The petition was received, and oa motion the request granted. 8. C. non-concur and re cofer to Colic:QM° en Engines. C. C. recede and neur. Mr. 'fauna, from the .Comtnittee on Gm, pre -muted a resolution authorizing the Mayor to Om his .a r rant on the Treasurer, ill favor of the Ailegbeny Gas Co., fir the tumor 81,496 94 for gas consumed by the city for the quarter tailing January 1;1565. Some discussion 'ensued on the adoption of the resolution; In eenseguenee of the negligence dia played by the gas company In hiving the city lamps•llghted regularly. Mr. Dnr offered a resolution reducing the amount to be.paid. to the gad company two hun dred dollars, which was adopted. The resofution offered by the•committee, as amended, was then read three times and passed, S..C..non-concur and ask for toinalttee of con ference. C. C. appoint committee. • Committee reported In favor of referring the matter to the Gas both branches Committe . e. • The report ans adopted in Mr. Dunlap, front the Market Committee, sib. milted the reporta of the WelghMasters for the month of December, as follows: John A. Whit; Diamond Scale. 45 Wm, F. Anderson, Second Ward ' Sealer. 167 11 Total reven-- ,one .................... $4'33 56 Also, a resolution authorizing the Mayor to draw his - warrant on the Treasurer in favor of W. F. Anderson for 811.10 for coal consume,' at the Second ward Scales. Report accepted and resolution adopted. Mr. Patterson, from the Committee on Wharves and Landings, submitted a resoution for the payment of sundry bills, which was read three times and passed. Mr. Dill offered a resolution granting privilege to the •Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail way Company to put op a wooden building.' to be used as an ice house, ou their grounds adjoining their outer depot. On motion of 31 r.SchleiNr. the resolution was laid cat the table. Mr. Iknney , submitted an ordinance fixing the salary of the City Treasurer at 31,000; Clerk of Markets €S00; Clerks "of Commit, Sdild; Mes senger, 1875.' The' ordinance read three timet.and Poised. S., C. 13011-CCRICIIr and refer to next Council. C.. C. recede and concur.. In In of which action not oliienriie noticed On cootiont.adjonra&l. - CitY -11 . 10 " 4111 0. -.. Dr. George l„. 3 /;kook,Phyolelart to the Boord or health, Dec:eliorti; the tollotslig: deaths In the . . • city, from :24 to Dec. 31,1804 , r ; Fcmalce . 0J Colored U Total! .9p • OP the diartuieslhero'cete - °imam' deldlltyl -1; toe/Ado/4d death, I ;l l :dhurgaidlou bon i,-1. amide dl piteOil,toberculoals 1. phthhalti typhoid' lever; lf Ad ago, co4m4tion onungs, joitiel Of 841*d/ulna; 1; •ayadailae, 11 pleuro, eutuou la, 1; cholera: tau tu uo, -tubercular ciertlOgltlx, 1; dlptherla; 1; tubercular consump tion, 1; Jll4ll=lllo, traehell4„l,, • EMMEN ESTABLISHED IN 1784. • Colin of gunnel. Sint:join. Present—wfudges Sterett and Brown. The ease itif Albert Walker, charged on °Mho(' Rat. Geninder, with surety of the peace, wool-. only , partially beard to-day, but will he resumed tomorrow. John M. Soles was convicted on two chariot." of selling liquor on Sunday, and sentenced ttti pay a line of trot/ In each case, the costa of the IMISUCCItiOII, anti undergo an imprisonment In , the county jail for n period or twenty days in each race, and bare his license revoked. IVm. Falham, charged on oath of Edward Aitiles, with espanli and battery, ww. found not pithy, the county to par the cost ,, . John Alassinger and 'Nimrod Massinger. Head guilty, to the charge of riwisting an calker, and were remanded for sentence. Elizabeth Meads, charged with larceny, was fund not guilty and discharged. In the case of .lohn Itobinaon and W. J. Ken ws nedy, a ccusaln of reselling a prisoner, a notprot. Michael Jacobs Was on trial, accused, on oath of Mr. Hifi, with attempted arson. On trial when the Court adjotirtml. E- EDITOR% GAZETTE: ThC southern portion of Allegliert3 county was favored with a flying visit from the Coun ty Superintendent of Common Schools loot week. Mr. 'Minima came out and visited four schools perslny, and as a matter of course will be able to report favorable or unfa vorable. We are well aware that Allegheny is a hull, county, and that it takes time to visit all her schools, and we think It Is of but little use fur the County Superintendent to spiaid one hour In each school yearly In the schools in districts. If the County Su the rata! perintendent would.. announce publicly the time, or near the he would visit each district, the Directors ; then could maks their arrangements to go with him to their different schools. .1" know of one district where he had but one l lreetor with him, when all would have been gad to have wont.. with him If they had known he was In the Latta- ship. We would be glad If he would point oat teachers' faults to themselves, and then other districts would not be'so likely to heat at them before those who are more littermted. ' Soria Eirnn. Tiravras.—To-night is the benefit of that sterling actress, Miss Annie Eberlie, than whom' there is no better performer on this stage. The selection Is a judicious one and we hope to see full house. The entertatnment will be enlivened by numerous side-splltting novelties, •In oddities' • to which will be presented the tluilllngoesasticat play of Joan of Arc, or the Maid of Orleans. Miss Eberlie has the assistance of much eoteta- pointy talent, and cannot fall to have a good house on this the occasion of her first benefit for .. long time.. Thu old Drurfshottld certainly be full on this occasion. r3TEINWAT'S PIA.NO9.—The attention of our reader's Is diluted to the card of lite Sloane— Steinway & Sons, ~ j est 'York, referring ,to _Mu r testimonial of the saperieritY Of their Planes over • all others, just accorded:theta bithe drat cat artists of this conntry. • It - will be noticed, • t—th e hat the date ofi.his document is December, 1864 and un month just passed ; that It very decided cquiromd in its expression, and. is mere. stilt of the latest luvwtigation by these artists . the different piano fortes. ' . IdAron's OrrzcE.--:•There was ' . inn little pa number ,: lice Mildnof ommoness transpiring yesterday. A goodly c eases were before his Honor during the day; but nothing occurred of e elent importance to mention; Our city at present. is unusually free from disturbance, and rowdy ism seems seems to be in obeyance. Wed, On Frldny morning, January Ctlt, nt 1! , o'clock, Stewart Dickson, editor of the Dispatei:. In the 2Sth year of hie age. Doe notice of the funeral will be given. Go where you will, aad you cazuaot - • Xtiztx.„lCZEi 031 1 1E1644 Concert Hall Shoe Store.. A Thousand Pair of Shoesr a Din A Large and Fresh Stock of FASHIONABLE -GOODS, Kept Constantly on Lust; and Ming Mew than I,labbialt Rhavrtirre. CLOSING} Oft .GLITS FRENCH CALF BOOTH AT c4f)s'ia; THE PIN :EST in. the arry. • - 62 Fifth Street. , rQUESNE BRA §S W04E8,, , • CA.DNAItit =ANSEL* Manufacturer of erca7 variety of B3ASS WORK FOR. PLUM ERS. STEAM' Olt - GAS FITTERS, MAO MISTS, AND cOPPRIISA li,s. BRASS CASTINGB, of de ptiona;adoto order. STBABLBOAT .1 un . STEMiI AND. (M' ITIT.ING, and REP. ING ; "proniptly at- tended to . . _ Particuinr attention pate; to fitting up REPUTE. • • VIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. . . • . AU°, Sole Agents for the Western DiStriet af. Pennsylvania' for the sale of fr. MARSH, rIo!LUS- •- - DELL CO.'S PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the 'beat ever , inverted. /Diving no valves It La not ' liable' to get out of'. order; and will throw more. ''' water than any pump of twice Its size. I aput - J. & 31..'-- . 31 3T:gifisT, lIRAJAB ititat: . . ... DERS,' GAS AND- STEAM FITTERS. Particular attention paid to the fitting up and re. .. , ••'. pelring ANDL - R I F/NER/E.S. -AU kind* - at BRASS IRON' COOKS made to orleVAlist‘ •• •- • HEARS eAsTnipsi_ of all kinder:made' at tha.'. Ail 'orders left at Nor. Il'and'alWATEß street t and LIBERTy, will.bc promptlyittended to. , ,- • • ' ..aly-The memberpor this firm being:practical eta -..., i; • , • ect.nkrt 0 / MOT /Viten e,spetiencointheirbu :. , .';-i". .will lame to give satistaetiOn hi every reaped- .. - ,••,,..., We aro oleo agents .for Guild; fliirrison.as lEttils ' STEAM PUMP, .tor pumping „Water; Ortele ant . ' ' A fiLE.N... I , & co ;.r ytM ilii.., ..c•A._ sor.Potrirvar, Pittebortt Pic --' '; -- - . ; . wrWeretiouseosi LIatERT x STREET; - '; f"'L L.: ALutufaaturen of COO_k, PARLOR .4446§kr,....._____ • ...MG . STatIZI. .PA Irma Maki, Armour, , ' 'GRATEN,_ -HOLLOW WARP 4. Iki,-: - - : 4 (Hsu, moulds,: Rolling. 11.1.11. ClaLitleeffikV l / 1 .! ' Ing,3la.,Water wad Artlatti 4 Plplitkit litw. , /marl ' I.V.gral PargraKpr;ixecu.o 1. Rangers, Oar Varela, um:pause sad Qaarlail °rimy: Ala°, Sobblpg and MarAine cbuttria: nd*: to order. Pattexted PoitAt4o =la vsith kleadoWeet nom runt& '' • • ' fail to, see the But et the Celebrated WHERE THEY sEr.r. YOU IVZLI, FIND 0
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