urgit (6agritts NW - rIIBLIMIED BT TIIE GAZETTE PEBLISHING ASSOCIATION, FRIDAY, SANUARY . 6, 1.365 CATI REPUBLICAN TICKET. POE .11A1COR. JOHN mminisos. - FOR DIRECTOR OF T . HP. POOR - EMORY GLEASON. TUE 'DEffPAIR. THE REBET.A. If the Rielnnond En:miner he good an. tliority, the Rebels are already subdued. It .. .rile' that '1 when, in any crisis of a nation's 'fate, Men seem to look at all around ht wild Mann, tls proof that they, arc - subdued"— 'stud Thai Is precisely lire state- of th,inga ID, the Confederacy at the present nutmeat. irb,gia*our itEelf-4 few days 'flier than 4dreining the'-wild alarm"of others, joined In the",gbieral cry of terror, and endorsed the - Plea of Davis' organ, the Sentinel; that they must abolish` slavery to secure fateign ..majpiitiori, rued that falling .to obtainthat r,ectioltion,they must pass tmdei. the yike 4s . Rtigland or Prance, rather than subMit: *4?P-1 -11 # 1 fxfic. When the- Riamond "or- . Ftritalk In this way, it is', plain tfiat the, Reheli trove given up 411 hope - of achieving. Usalr independence (of the' North) Without, itiv4git dd. • Tt is clear, also„, that the Confederacy haa. 'evlinsted RS msources;that lt 1%,0ut of -men and out of reonoy,ont of allltope and cootldmeci and ready for any..sc.heme that 101 save them from the humiliation of Mb: mission to the Yankees. They are randy to give, up slavery they are ready , even, to elgttne Olottlsts of Engbind or Rrsnco, and at up all thccifine words and .e..F.trava ' gent boasts; all' they 'ask is to be Saved ecinithe,degradation of submitting to the government that has conquered there.' Poem - fellows We tear them is no escape for thein.. 'England and France will have ntmOof them. They wonld, if they, dared; but are neither of them in a mood, just now, fora war with.us. Recognition means war end thorn nations arc well atVaio What ' We hope, however, the Rebels, will carry out their threat and - abolish Stairry: The act will not secure their re cognition; but it will se,cure freedom to tho 131avei; and ihellehels will get the credit of Ultirl done otie , good thing, even thOugh the motive to it be 'a bad one: I. 7ll,;rirticliln the Richmond Be:lliad le so significant that we reproduce , itthls .It will repay a careful reading. ' The article's au rip' Geed to have been written by • Isvi. - Davta, and Mk tiswer.D has deemed it Or *much. importance that he has order edcOpies ofAt to -be sent Ito onr foreign min istkei,lte 'Show. that the rebel . gavernnient is admitted by; their own leaders to be a failure, and thatalready es/lauded arid worn out, they nie`seeking a. port of refuge; and thhi ;. Use case; . that they be no longer. -cnnell'Cred 4 . !pIiD.RE AND ADTER. Baynroash l / I !shitikertO been na full of blus . tense Ifiehrnand; end -her sear. mists here, teeto:as lavish of dielanitions,:tinkt they t:Yet , • they , •?•ficivegiubrei. tted, , and the record:Ore noVetiOvethat;ihey found the task 'eery; fica(;,jadeed,l,the readiness theY shdwerin irratiot.thenpelres - of Me Presi: deriSk'ptiniefSeS t , might - eery naturally ins- tifythe suipicaon Lind they ,rere rather glad of She chance - Before? the: : capture of 'Savannah, - thesel tnetyliivrifia : noisk and .riolent ai thelmen in palyeratltiehtuand; after it, they accept of Suirltuait'tlyel withiaut amurmiu,laml : hasitaittlitroie l ".Presideni the tin muult thatlare been promised,them card of net only submit, but make a merit ofit. t nap a Savannahwill alEctins ebsawhere, and just as pmba - blyitt-Richmott&t& there: The.imbpleof the 6ottlli tic mil, and glad oi..the chalice of cart:Ping Trom_the horrors of War; all that is wanted is a fair opportunity; un der coyer of which they plead that they I..ed.tro subralt, and a few.months will Ming aboatiliat'oPportunity for them.' Theilifehmoudgxaralie . i IndiL;Tiun. The Richmond /az:mier or Deceit' her 3001 h reply La some of Its cotemporarles, who urge the - arming - of claveaL-becanse of the scarcity of . Viatol,ol:3ll4lliai,"fanlng 4nellevei their Independence, calling Wen foreign powers to aid and protect them, saye „*;.. - . When; la sty criesof a nation's fate, men seem to look at all around In wild alnulat is proof,set,,iwat,selda theyt:are 4i_Muedr ,- -Ir-the‘ trews of their countrymen had net more pretence of mind than they have, the doom of. all -would be at land. sifts to term been much fright ' coed by counsellors In the Confederacy sow; and -their wild outeriee jar and grate dreadfully on the generslly caltnard-iesoluite lore_ of - ccientty. They Ms nbt bell. lief hinder. • Cur public journals exhort these Confederate Slides to threw themselves hack Into the arms of - Ymglaiid, France Vied Spain; and the polders that' line planted colonies , here, to go back "like the prodigal son, to acknowledge that we wcre pikes. M 14 80 40 14 t OkeVaie SWI 160 Soon.. • P001,'• ' frightened creatures tell us to take this cdarse, If we should prove unable to maintain oar cause ag ain't our enemienithat tOadmit this 111408- SIOD now Is teeny tooplalnlY diet we have proved unable to sustain ,ottraelvirethst we arc beaten, overwhelmed:: ovat•rontehod;Laild 'ready to sink. Come, all ye good Christiani, and receive us, and tsko turto yourselves as your , own loyal gut/jests forcver." , .4 ".! - SeamrAIWITOICIS SVC Dmaxaci-,The attempt of. Spain to ropoiniess herself of. Son Domingo, made itifistAiftei otir releffien irtailiut; !LIS, lie ter nearly four years 'of warfare, ended in the probable abandonment. Ain 114 the Spanish Ministry Propose in the draft of the Queen's speech. This confession of weakness on the part of Spain to subdnaonly 'the half of an Island, with treachery on the part of some of Its chief officers to aid a, will not raise it inuch la tbe estimation -of yho venal. - Twice It bar-es sayed to recover ft. former bold upon and twice Its ardluority has been repudiated. The Dominicans hlll7ll honorably earned their lade, pendeatA end: pforeaahigi a / 1 4- kiiovici tete- to maintain it. 11 a little State like this can resist florcign domlnation, - tvhaf should Wilco, bo able to do in (tripodal* 1p this; schemes Of-Maxima- Dan I She bai a wider territory, greater. poptita lion, country diMcult to penetrate and easily de fended...Dia/am laelni the spirit of independence of the Difutinleansi, and Withal:3llU Ilee natlen 'My cannot be maintained:-against the awes alcins of foreign monalelskie.—Phil.lalgen- itorgatturr DP _GotD.--Tize exports of specie from New York foe the calendar. year 1661,Yreto 1 50 . 108 , 748 , aping. $40.744,000. In 163'... The .customs revenue (in gold) rooeiired throtigh the New York 'mut= house In 18010 ml $ 4 9 13 , 8-12 , agelnst eh1f,i 1 91,623in.1803. •.Ttie Interp ou the funded public debt of the llnital.States4alain gold) from *he - New York office of the ttnagary . of the totted 13tates, vat teg1a53,874; *Welt with kfr,23i,120 not milled for, iutkes the':entire amount jioltl luid%appropriated td .Now:, York, t 36 56 COO. The gold customs at all other ports tkan.New York, (ahem 75 percent, of the whole amount Is reeelYed,) amounted to t ay 3 ,,,t, 122,7014 . 2.9: 1 , and the paymenta on gold Interest at•Wait,ington and All other treasury: otUeea: than New, York are estlttiat.d at about i510,000,- 000. The entliegold Intorest for the new year is -- estltnated at t 03,000,000, as "ttgalint - $49,858,000 In 1604. ,-.The dellverlm of gold from California in / 044 werk512,5 02 , 907 , against 0.1,817,2,931 n .- • , ,Tai hot tasked story of Paris Is that thereto mother--married, of course, eery earlyr—who dal prides herself on her youth and beauty. She his had differences with her non, who he bla ettOnelott least, to tif examlttdd.on oath; They' toth'hoet:toatedo their ago kn a. court of Justice. "loaf eatelneditoe I _I? asks conete.ons Justice.. wiaeotyil e"•says euilaelous mother A' little later Ilia Son is le the box. 'Wove age,' sin° esti Ittitten, ,H111,y," aufwers Ingenue= youth, wined to fitissledulskteent, that "I : am a Year older thaessi nseiher,” ' • •-' ' ' ' ' , . • Tmer Iteee'eet 0p i tireirignett gasp whistle gla OrldieSitor (N 4 LocomotlviiVodis, 1444 Will:10000 1 0s Ueda tan lam, And Us 0 WI 604141 0 0c 4 to the heertalti• 3clR. Fa Gra.iii oil the CrLsis. (From thr 'Richmond Santis:A.l kecomei ns coolly an:l calmly to look Into the circumstances of our condition, and adopt with firmness and energy such a policy as wisZom may point out and our no cenitysonstrain, It is childish to whine under misfortune. It is cowardly to sink under it. It is absurd to be enfeebled by it. A brave man struzgling with adversity is worthy of special admiration—a spectacle for gods and men. We think that °dr late reverses have done much towards preparing the minds of our people for the most extreme sacrifices, if they shall he adjudged necessary to the suc cess of our cause. And in truth they aro not sacrifices at all when compared with our situation. If subjugated, it is a question simply whether we shall give for our own uses, or whether the Yankees shall take for theirs. Subjugatien means emancipation and con fiscation. All our servants and all our pro perty, yielded up to assist in the defense of twr cettntry; Would mean no more, but it would be far more glorious to devote our means to our success than to lose them as spoils to the enemy. Our situation, too, stripped of our property, but master of the Government, would be infinitely better than If despoiled by the enemy and wearing his bonds. These views have long received the theo retical assent of our people. They are now ins practical aealizing conviction. A thou . sand prejudices,. a thousand consecrated domes, are now ready to be yielded at the bidding of necessity. Any sacrifice of opinion and sacrifice Of property, any cur render-of prejudice, if necessary to the de feat of our enemies, is now the watchword and reply. Subjugation- Is n horror that embraces all other I errors, and adds enor mous calamities of its own. The people see this. They : Lave a vivid perception of it. They are reitdy on their part for the duties which it implies. "Now our authorities, State and - Confederete, rise to the level of the great occasion. Troublesome times are upon us. -Great exigencies surround us. We need all our strength and our wisdom. Let there be a . eenrerence of all our wise men.. Let there be arnim investigation of our wants and a catalogue of our resources. Then, by com mon Consent, let all obstacles to the em ployment of these resources be removed. So long as we have a man or a dotter, and the man or dollar be needed, let-the call be honored. We must not raise difficulties it is no thee for that. l Shall we withhold our sons and this reserve them as servants for the Yankees? Shall we sendour sons and deny our negrocs? Shall we spend our biliod and retuse our money? Shall we withhold any thing - from our country when see should' be but saving it for our foe? It is a:disgrace to a garrison to sun ender before its ammu• lien is exhausted. It would be adding disgrace to our misery, if, we were-overcome without having first exhausted every resource of defense. It would be doubly infamous o us, because, with contributions to our defense equal to the spoliations we should suffer if conqaered, our success would be assured. We should come out of the contest at least - with that which would be worth more than all the rest, our liberties and our country. If we had thrown overheard the cargo we should thereby, have saved the ship. _Let the Government determine what it needs and - what it can use, and if it be our lands, our bosses, aur negroes, our horses, our money, ourselves, it mast bore them. Strange thst we should, give ourselves and grudge property! • Our patriotism must lay aside such selfishness. . It must.be-generous as well as brave_ Our authorities must do more. They mast take care whatever befall us, to save us from the Yankees- If adverse gales and devouring . billows should constrain our storm-tort ship . :into"neme port. let it be no Yankee port. If -rariampropitious Providence should condemn `us to damuiter,let, It not be aYardree master. 'Of iir,the.people ontarib, we should Lire Mostreasontoloutheinatodread them. Any :tenni with ariy.other would be preferable to sedijugationto them. This is the sentiment of our people. This :Is their concretion, and it Is a wine convie- Let our rulers remember it and heed it. " Our Constitution was Made as the de veldpitent of our nationallife. It may not - Meivlde for all the' va . rioirs exigencies of Aria questions eltState may arise in oure - . .pal tepee as they hare arisen in the caper lerre ceremost every other nation, when out test welfare will-require of our rulers . -410-e:cruise of a bold respbnsibilily. The acquisition of - Louisiana in 1603 was as a question of State, some thirg over end above the Constitution. If in timer; of prnee !etatrOdinen have some -the Calbvs to throw themselves upon the in telligcriee ortheir coustrymen, and seek ti viz idlvantage by irregular methods, such casiols maybe well presumed more like -13 to mire during a struzgle for life with a cw.exhil, unrcui u stir 7.rd ft7c..t1 , 2:1z, cc. y. The U'ondathat have thickened over tm .a monish ne of the possibility thatthe time asp come when statesmanship, if it cannot ds rarer us, maistat least secure tons the ut rr of our misery. If it cannot sere; it Trust et least sive us frorrethe Yan• We letely published from a thouslitfnl cc rresranotent a suggestion thst,in the event ;01 being unableqo sustain our indepen- Cenci,- ithbuio surrender it into the hands sl those: froin whom we .wrested nr pur chased-it, into the hands of Britain, France end .pain, rather than yield it to the Yon . From the favor with which this su,;ges. tie n has it en received, we arc sure that In the dread event tvliich it contemplates, our pisople-*ould infinitely prefer en alliance European nations on terms as favora bly as they could desire, in prefeience to the dominion of the Yankees. We will not dwell upon these topicknow. We speak of them not out of gloomy forebodings. but sitopli asa man in health speaks of, his Hill. ;;Whiti. we ask now, in -the name of the people re that. the Government grain every eneigi and "develop every resource for the pubiic'irefentv: Remember that to hold lat krinYthini is riot to save it. The only questiotrjsslialbiris Lave the use of it, or shall otiflePsnileS Such.a question leaves . no room to kineitStc.,4,l:Tpon such efforts and -such " j siefotion, ileavep will surely send its sblessini. Thit if misfortuniehould still pur sue us and our hopes all fall, ]at us have the election of4litowing ourselves 11110 the hands tJf tlibse - whe are cold slid inditre.rent -rather than fo MI tinder the yialke Of 'Malignant en emietOlotishig,the Wolf for - our blood. We could not have avoided "the•struggle into *Web: .7111e.11Ortb. Ilse fois t ed us, Long. ago Litieolii'...declaisii .41pit the Republic could net exist halt gate and half tree. In various , forms' the, people of : thel , ll - orth. presse.d :the, issue ,uponoas,.. Our enemies hedged ns round And linAlly droie tie to the - whit .I:The.ticorstqtfitit cadhappen!to us In proieetrting. our defense lathe best that they delignett" tbr us''beginning; and. far better' thin idcord tis If they tri umph in tlikelr'ainka. Providence has merlon' out our path; and both led arid urged, our steps. It has been to us the inevitable path of duty.. . • • If in pursuing it we fail, this were to fall as nations never failed before. Providence will not suffer us to go down, If-we show a prOpxrdevoti en, a proper wisdom and a prop er courage. Let our wise men plan, let our brave torn fight, and let our good meu pray. God will open up a way or escape for us, and will disappoint our enemies. Let our faith.fail not, Tug new 'rebel pirate Sea King, which left an English nort some time ago, la now, under the name:of the Shenandoah, actively at wotk in destroying American shipping on the Atlantic. She has already captured the 'ship Hate Prince ' the barks Elena and E. C. Codfrey, and the brig Susan and schoon er Charter Oak, of San Francisco. Brnara . uo of the " fast " men In Parts, a.letter _Rya: '"Galioplng conerumptlon and dismse of Ile heart are now their diseases'. The waiving consumption Ankes sin' weeks to complete Its mortal work. To drop down dead now la quite a common occurrence. In cafes and restaurants ; and In seren Instances out of ten the corpse has not - sten thhti springs.', hos been proved by experiment at • MOVIZI .drLei that damaged hard tack and bay mlied.fo gether and suldectodto a considerable pressure of steam, which removes the mould atd sourness, .Makes excellent food- for cattle, being both fattening and nutritious. A great would of bread and - hay Is thus avoided. -',!coluffmker In POO4aed luut preserved hicaber of the "flreitioe-leldrerttarx," cancan-- lug the fillowing euneeueememt : _ ' NOTente , ro Consusucomuurc—yi, The lines commencing !Oit Lindeeithenebesuri was lour iro Doe up to our daubed: ;Poetry Led deUtly,not Ibree." , • ÜBLIC .r 0 TIC ES rros , IE. H. 11,1. nil Caudioste ter 12 Ecolt ICI Ni!_. RE 1 TOR at the ensuing Elertion by Councils, for City j.Gatd l i t T g . R ) D I4I 4V i inc i s l i i l l E r j N 2 r VE . I. At MC Si 'II OOL no on .ts haloo depends the Important question, shalt the Mari e ropr the Prerfl La I all lotereStell attend. ImPlt plc 10 I'll E ENROLLED MEN OE 111.=.j LOWER ST. ULAIit TOWNSHIP There wit be a general inesting for th- who towt,Niktp, on SAVA:DAY, the 7th Instant, ••• JOHN NUSSER'S BALL, to take action on:' '• draft. Come one, come all, and come prefutree t 0 sultserthe and pay each one Ida share, so that we may Legin to put men In nest week. W. DORY, Jr.. jas.3td Secretary of the former Bounty Enna. mT' PITT TOWNNIIIP.—AN ADJOURN ED 11IE.ETIN& of the citizens of PITT TOWNSHIP Will be held T o i , l c ilUFLT it t e v) EVENING, st .7 SCHOOL HOUSE, OAKLAND, To take measure, for the CORREA:I7ION (IF TILE ILNEQLI...3IEINIT, of which ecopy wIll•be prelim:AC.o to the meeting. and every citizen is de tired to be ecent to lend all the aid in their pow er to effect the came. jecoltd • BY THE COMAIITTEE. Mrp.. JELECTION NOTICE.—AN EREC TWN F THIRTEEN DIKEOTtiItS or the Iron Ulty National Bank of Pittsburgh, will hr brid at the Banking Home, -TIJEsDAI , the Itch day of January, 15.5, bet wren the hours of 14 31. and 1 P. AI. J. 31,1CHIFFIN, enahler. a:l4:lWd EXCELSIOR INSTITUTE AND 0 IMNASEIJAL —The Winter Session of MO Set.' a ill open lON DAY, J.. n. .1 har adilitlonal pupils can be net.. .dated. For ferias hr., roll at the rooms n the Inctitutc, corner of Penn cad St. Clair ate, or ultimo for a circular jan:ltil Env. W. S. MIA U. Principal. -- :19Z3EM . - • • i511,31{,M1.% NI. Dec g 9, pp A tiENERA.I. mi:Eirviti OF TILE 5T0CK111.11.1).E.K..~ of this BANK welt be held int the BANKING BOUSE OD MON D A Y. J•nusry .40th, at I o'clock it. In.. to consluer new decide whether the Coin pun), shun become nn A s.ectst lon for the Business of Bunking, under the I.nwu of the Unißul linto., non whether It sh tit eueicise the power Conferred by) the hot 0 1 flee, Legtsintore ot this Ninte, entitled, "An net eon • Ling the flanks of this Commonwealth to beooinc fur flunking undo,. the Luses of the United StAte," approved t:.l of Augit.t , and to take any fuitner notion that mug n.• tt,c.ne.l ne• ere - Fury. I. 1) order of the Board of Dirertprs. .1011\ I'. LlKEtlll.•Cushler. DI motor:am Doan of Dirrone non, Pittbhur,.."ll, Dee. 21. Irifii. NeTII'E.—NOTICE 1% liEnt:llY goven, nereenhly to Section 2 of the A, of 11„e (ler.erol A., emhls ot the Commonwealth ol unryl, attn. ClAilira ''An tot 0n0h1113,2 13 %WO , of the Uorhtnonot eolth to become delectations for the porpo,e of Dank Inn: audio - the Low, of the I' on ed I. mtes," approved the 231 nay of A opted, A D. Ibt4, that the Stockholder, of the AI echottles Boa: 1.! re I.l.lldny voted to become much no Aoonelot Inn, n; thnt Itn Inverters hove preoured the nothorny 0: the owners of Mt re than two-third, of the t: tit. 11 I h.toch to mak, the eertltl,te therefor by the n.el 11.. Lot lod Notes. P!,24:1M .3 INI). MA.FT N, Cashier. Data ('try Dace. l'ittsburuh. Dec. Mt. 1564. e- NOT II " II 1: 11REfil ir " 1.- . t. 7 at:Joe:tid) - to Ser.:id of the act of the t ion r-1 A asrnlbly of the Commonwealth of Pennscl venla, ...titled "An Act enabling flanks of the I 'omatinwealth to become associations for the pur pose of Ranking, under the, Lawn of the flailed lAter,' approved the Vt.l day of August, A. li. 1:61, that,tlie Stockholders of the iron Illy MIA of the City of Pittsburgh, and county of Ailegheny, have this day voted to heroine such an nlsoct,tioli, ureter the name and title of“ The Iron Clay No t lonerlitank of Piltsburgh,” and that its Directors have procured the authority of the owners of more than two-thirds of the Capital Stock to make the certificate recluired therefor, by the Laws of the tutted State. deft to SOWN ItIAGOFFIN, Cashier. TA E NOTICE TIIAT the lint meeting of the corporation to be celled the EN,'TEIiPRISE OH. will be held on THURSDAY, December Mai, 1881, In Binning him, at the Saw Still Office of Mr., John Redman, At the south end ef the Ilirmlrigioun Bridge, at 7 o'clockm„ for the purpose of organivillon, mlop- Oen of By-Lnies, election of Officer., , and for the purposes authorized and more particularly Ire ctil.ti in an Act of the General Assembly of the timcnonweelth of Pennsylesnta, entitled "An Act relating to Corporations for 3lechardcal,Manufao. t ring, Xining and Quarrying porpoies," approved I • (nth day of July‘ 1563. ~.7^..trividtw • A. C. SMITH. See y, pry JACIINON nitr.4l OIL COMPAN V.— The aubscribera to the stock of the Jackson Itirn.oll Company are hereby notified that 21 meet. leg of the said company will be Leld at the store of JOHN CAMPBELL, on Smithfield street. tween Second and Third atreets, on MONDAY. Sadday of January, A. D. ISGS, at 7, ti o'clock p. to, for the purpose of adopting by-laws, electing officers, he., and of organizing A. A corporation under the Act of As.mbli t entitled. "An Act re lating to Corporations for Mechanical, .llanafto. toying and quarrying Purposes," approrml; Italy to, trw, and It. screral supplement. deainsromed M. McC0L1.447 - 011, See'y. z::::= 11310 0 at N AVIGATION " CO.—Thee Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Monongahela Navigation Company wilt be held on TIILTRSDAT, the irtli day of Jan ne ry, 15w, at the office 'oPiald tiompany, No. TS rlrtnt atreet, Pittsburgh, at tree o'clock p. m. at 'slack meeting owner. of the Company will be elf , tad for the ensuing year. The election will be held between the hours ht two and four p. m. driir.tawdid W. BAKER - ELL. secretary. 112.....Ct1A.31Z. A_vo MANUPACSVILLMI . N..yruram.. (L Meech-cats ¢ .I(nnsfutstecrs Plttaburgh. Ore. 12th, 1%1. y- - ,p..A.N ELECTION FOR DIELECTO fl . US TiILS .1 - 1.%22iK, to nerve dorm; the co etti r.g ienr, will be held at the 11.sakIng Rouse on Ti.ESDAY. the leth day efJanunry.l9 , 6s, between the houribtll o'clock a. In. and 21, In. .1011 N 142M/IT Jr Csahler. . . FriUrr Nanoxat. Base yr i'vr-rnavaan, (Lae Pittaurva Tragt (uatpanq,) Ymnacann, t. tata. Na • - ELECTION EON NINE TtIES OF TILLS 1.1.1:Y.K will he hal , / ua SECONb TUT:SDAY, lath day of January t.n.twecn the hone or Oa la and p. ra. atd _JOHN 1).:3131.11.1.1", • Orries.ol , Am.rurt L's I lk,ember 2re h, 0.1 FOR TWEILVE Di. IZE.C.VOTO, of t h at Comp:toy, to serve for II eneulni: pent, tell) be hel.l:rt the office ..1 roe 'l'. hi.eury, the ire DAY Oh' JANtUILY, brove., , a houts or lOn. m. nod =p to. U. M. BOOK, Seeret..7, OPTtCC Of 71A - 7,w+ 11.% nc PJTVOMFIIOII. P .AN ELECI7ON WON NINE DIII6r. TOILS OF THIS HANK, to nerve during easolag yaw . uto be held at the Ilnaldng 11 , ,,e, corner of Wood ntrert and Tirgln nilry, on 3 1 1 , 1•111AY, the 10th day of Innuner, HAS. bet erten bourn of to n. at. and 3 p. m. c!ellhiM 3NO. H. LIVINUSTON, (Nodded... Finn IVATzoNAL II AYE OP Al.f.cninwr, Dcomnber 12th. 1354. ELECTION FOR NINE DI REC. ✓ TOES OP T/ILS BANK. to serve foe the roaming yeet, nlll be held et the Banking Room% on lie 2o TUENDAY OP JANUARY. lel3. bo tv.-7.en the hours of 10 and 2 o'elork. J. P. KRAMER. One:tler. r DIVIDEND.;,. k..rrh hollirrs nt storl of the oilieror 'um). SON, HARLpt &CO.. 15 Irwin st RIO reet. &RIM' VE ALIVER TISEMEXT S. i\'6 BEES. TURKEYS A. CHICKENS rceslre4 and for sale by ANSER. No. 102 blecond et. .LUATEIt lIERIIIM4.-20 boxes o lbrfe telebrated nleely smoke Lisa .O f ved and for tale at tbn FAMli9Tocery Stu 314 p. HENSIIAW, 4 eon:Ler - of Liberty and Mond atm. BEA KFAST 110,MINY.—Just received ouprly of .Cortilitrits or Brankfast tiontloy. 1,1 - tale by the quart or bushel. et the Fondly Oro. Stern of JNO. A. nENSRAW, jab corner of Liberty a. Hand its, p Iy 3CD MEAT.—Just received fresh "ILL eu SP.IOED , IVINOND MEAT, reedy jirepered for baking; put up in glass Jere, or for 4e tke pound. NV holenale 61111 retell at the Venpfy, Grocery Store of JNO. A. RETigHLW, See , career of Liberty end Ifend A LLE6IIENT GAS STOCK, &c.—On . TVOIVAY I:VENING, January 10th, at 714 o'clock, will be sold 'at Commercial Sal. Roomm, G 4 Fifth street, 100 shares Allegheny OftaStOcki 25 " Sterchaut• and Manufacturers' ilanki 20 " 51cckanIca' Bank, Jeb A. MoLIAYAINE, Anct'r. --- • SILVER PLATE!) WARE.—TIDS EVENING, at Welock, will be continued et 11w (.7emniorcial Sake Rooms, GI Fifth at. the wile of elegant SILVER PLATKI) Now opera tor examination during thealay. Jai A. hIcEILAVAINE, Auctioneer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARBOAAR will purchase a neat Cottage house, porch Ia front, rooms and a cells*, well of water, fruit Vera, shrubbery, etc. Lot BO feet front by .100 deep; situate in r , hipplosport, opposite Railroad station. Sat N. CUTHBERT br:SONS, ill Market st. r:l.lltifidttßS&lardtiftgAffitti . O}l6 the best Christmas Gift that- you call give to your wife, Call a nd get one, at the India Lubber fJcpot, Nos. 26 and Rei St. (Mali street. .1. & It. PaiLLips, 11^24. Sole Agent, for this county, boxesctrl W. R. Cheese;. WO . 4 ILttoburs.,-; • 100 ,‘ Goalien! For rale•by DWI T. 11. CANFIELD. A YOUNG MAN Whlo WISHES TO) L ,,n171/71.r h o i rec";k i i , t t h ni:o u 'p r iit; b te L V.. g ."„?:. " 'A l a &fr. - • r. r e. tins 11, eltlaburgh, Pa. iniaw 11017BLE AND SINOLA lIA.ItREL a.; sirm. GI iNS-.-a new stock JLit received and for role by JAMES ITfIWN. 116 Wood Amor. 13 OCK ET CI.N'LEICY.—A large and holcc dock Just received and for rich , hy ' 'JAMES IIOWN. 1.14 Wood c.",TAVY.S.—One Cane Prime. Oak Staves. For 6,11 P by U. RIDDLE, JeG BIM No. TOT ...warty at. - _ ( -4 1113-ESE—Ai low 'twice, to close consign v-iinwot. For emlo by d c.lO WEMI h WILKINSON. -- s PPLE. BUTTER-30 kegs for aalo a No. 10 Sala!Mad atmet. dal. FRANK YAW ()ORDER. _______ ZKATES--Tho bast assortmcbt intro city tot sato bq ZAM 1101,71 , 1. 116 Wood area. (ZiIkASE.-25 bbls. ()Miss suitable fo MSlig Milts. JAS. OALZELT. & SON, deg ' 09 awl 70 Water erne • LEAD.—GOO/48 f " " i s ° . Ficastinaz bbla. refined Carbon Oil for ?tab/ O&O .I.II.OLNEIELD. .971111* JD; TIS E.:ALE:a - S AVANTEI) AT ONCE—A. GOOD EN. GINEER.—One who underst.onda kospinw ea Eoghw In order, ho Call At one, •the Bolling I, Rebecca Street, Alle,rheny. jnoOlui LINDSEY FOR SALE ONE GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Piens/W.ly sit it al ed in the FLItST WARD, ALT.E. LiliEN Y. Hcs Kitchen, Hieing. Boom, Host,lo• Perko,. ',AI three (umbers and Roll. Possession —A Intl Ict, tNlu. For part letticrs enquire of O. R. PROCTOR. Holler Toot Office, 26 Penn st. OT MTV, OF TUN Coatruot.r.nr. or ALIM6IIIMT / Burr, lintlOU, Jon. 5, 1555. T BAKERS. -SEA LED' O BAKPROPOSALS wlll he received et this office. until the 12th Init. inclunire, for furnishing the County Jail with 1111E.11`, for six months from the 15th inst. Lonven to weigh tine-ond-n-Italf•and Two founds rt tpectively. Bids to be made at no much per lust of lull weight. lii direction of Counts Commissioners. 1ab:501 IIERYtI LAM tiEIIT, Cont., TOR RENT.—THOSE ^ TWO FIRST .. CLASS WAREHOUSES, Nos. 172 rind 174 Wood at., occupied by the underslgn.d and J. Mc- Cully k Co. for n period of 43 years, in.tho prose. cut fon of the Produce and Grocery Humana. Each 25 feet (root by 130 fret tophurch alley, with:excel lent cellatn and vaults Winer the whole. Wlll be rented separately or together and posnessiongiren let of April or sooner II required. Enquire of JAS. Metal LI:Y, 172 and 174 Wood at. 01 EL FOR R.ENV:—For Rent, the "IRON CITY HOTEL," (in Penn street, near the Outer Depot, Plinth s rd. containitur sixteen rooms, And doing a gund twain... There is ample Yne,t ronm, with Stable and lee Douse, end other enneeninas. Pnesee. blon will be given to Butt customer. For terms and Iler tart Molars, inquire at JAMES N A ANON, ne t he premises jumnd. a usT -REcEivED A New Assortment of azz , $31:3X.1" ( Lil lrcn ()veroonts GRAY 3; LOGAN, No 47 CLAIR STR 1: F.T. Y. 14 II r.I:1:0 • 4, t' %Over, (Into arl:l7 Iron City Bulk.) 1 , •1.n.rn k I it ,NK .•, nr / • . th "4,7 Prp..,10,, ;too, Jon. .nth, N oTICL I r •••,or4l,re.th the order of lion \a. ear DEN, s. ,eerer.try Tteastary, 10-40 11. S. GOLD' BONDS =l= 7th JANUARY, 1865. Subscriptions VVIII Re Received One-third Payable on 7th January, 1865 One-third " 14th " " One-third " 21st " " S. D. HERRON, Cushier. 9 6 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGIIENY fLOSI?iG SALES, TO 31.A6E ROOM FUR NEW GOODS' 1 am now °tiering my present 'Wel: of Boot+, Shur, (:alter.. wad 114nlmorAIA: Tlthlk.4, Valises, and Traveling-Sacks, AT GREATLY ItEIPtCED T,. Inske room fur new ginnis ncr.r.nelunnurehmonS get bariputko. • W. B. McCLINTOCK. kedern.l .111rcl.seny City. --- • Proposal , to ho for the fWO in tWotte, without toty for the boot.. A Doml with opprovell neeurlty. Itint to ore-t Lira ihn price of the coal to be deltr er••d,viii hn re,uired. T. uniierriuttettrerenre the light to reject any, of all the hide, for proper enure. J.l3ittr3 ItUOOKS, 3.1 enotnin and A Q.. MYERS, SCIIOYEII & CO., F UItNITUIE, AND FOR 1865 No. 39 Fifth street xi. 4*. smarr.,. Cashier, flxte :with Iron 1 •Itr 11.11 c L•t fir 11 vrp , • tI: Arin Prrrsni .s o 74 .11. cr. initoiry i.i, 1%1 IN ACCONDANCE wrri i ict.t r. ItiNTli I Crtwis fro= lion. F . pinurr, Ti-so.t.ror Culled Stahel, ro yharre pi, i .horo, 00rette A , r‘oetotlon. *bow Fifth Woslllotinty liontis. I'loo Run a I`looburgh 011 Staelt. Ailed:up) a Patotrurgh do. 011100 in do. Cult:looam Hun do. I . hrrry Run a Pllt 11010 do. 'far, Story tr. Clie rry Run do. Iron Oily d o . , ehrlry . tton 0 11100.1 do. ' l'arry Run Central do. Merodow d do. oo WILL BE PAID IN PULL. I in2 (lhi° V"l'.l- STEEL b. nutty. IRIS BAh'i AND U. S. DEPOSITARY LL ('ASII AT M ITIIIIITY, One Yrtr i 1, r cat. Legal Tvadrr Nuts 1 r of :lie note, and neerued tutero It vl nolltaity, Tb eor not to wen. Iseturti under the net of Con. +, M rr h os, ).021, :11 It• A 1.1,0 It 1:0 r Boa g. Pittsburgh, Dre.g.t, 1561. ()Int.: IS lIIiItEBY GI Y IsN Agreoft ,, bly to Section 17 - the Art of the Ornerid sernbly of the Ciontnonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Art enabling flanks of the Common wealth to become mond:Mons for the purpose Of klenking. under the laws of the rolled StAtes " ap preyed the Le-hl day of !Auguirt, A. U. that, that the stoelaoldera of the Alltelicny Bank, of the city of I'litsburgh, and county of Allegheny, hove this dri voted to become each An Association, Wider the' name and title of ..The 'Allegheny National Bank of and that Its directors have procur ed the Authority of the owners of more than two thitdA of the capital stock to make the cettifloate required therefor by the I awl of the United States. didffitim. - J. W. COOK, Cashier. U ENTERPRISING AND INDUSTRI OUS MECHANICS, LABORINO MEN and i hem. lryou mlhh to become freeholders, and eure homes, now is your time, while laborisrij ,oney I. abundant. lam now in:kilns lots-le lrationu in this Irorough, for 1660, 'IVO and u pa) meet of 4100, balance In ten years, if deaLvd. ly this plan you eanapply your money to build- T, and rut will y a be butns and n tlittle aste, while the in, build- Test on rent, es you 11l enjoy the else In real. eateta. Apply si p the Real Estate and InsuS.r an ATES,ce offlee of O. B dell Butler Street, Lawrenceville. . . . or • • . .-- Orricil THIS Prrielaraan AND HinXilconAnt l'AaAnnnru It. It. Co., Nirraiitnnn, Jan 5, MS. trill , : ANNUAL MEETING OF Tit Rank howle of the Pittsburgh h Birmingham •Pnnsenger Tiallrond Company will be held oft /411,NDAY, the tGth inet. nt 10V. o'clock a. in., at the Biondi:umbels House, In the tflty of Pittsburgh, at n bleb Brno And plane an elect Inn for Directors )rN be , held. WM. K. N SW/. inG;td. u. 1,111,11"01 t F PATTNIV4OIt r)ATTERSON'S LIVERY STABLE, 13- 71. I'ANTEASON Ac MO.. Proprietor*. Horses, Carriages and Humes for Hire. Horses kept at Livery. EIRET STREET, .between Sallthaeld and avant, I'ITTS UMW IL. CONSIGNMENTM. VD bushels prima , White Heves; 1000 bus. Prime Dry Apples; 3 able. 801 l Duper; 00 bids. Chestnut.; 000 packages Luba Pleb; 10 bbls. Pres). Eggs; 00 buses W. U. (Meese; • 1000 PM.. prime Ci teen Applea; just received nod for sole At N 0.150 Liberty Street de2o MITE% AIKEN 6 STLEPA RD. TO I'M NTEILS. PRESSES FOR SALE One TA Yl.l In OTTANDER, NIA 33330 lncltes. One 'rAYI.Oft DOUBLE trif T.INDLIV--' bed TM 34 'lichee; all In good worklog ote3,r. . W be eol.l nl n berg:min. E.nquire of or addren wiz 11.11 ( 1 / 1 7FTTti. "Ittaborgh _ . _" • FOR SALE. 1500 lbs. of TYPE ]sIETAL. EttqUire ate Cu6 C EIUME AN]) SALT. lAD nrw I..ard Tlerorn 265 York linrtrir; 117 recontWinntl Lard Threes; IVY bags Turklrh Inland Saltt_ 7. For ritirrby 011Ati. L. CIALDIVXLI. 1 . 014 SIGNMENTS,— Igo bushebi Cornq no 4, Oat_ ,a • ttio lbs. Primo Freda Roll Buller. Just received and for tale by Jab . WEBB Ss WILKINSON. • . 9,,IffiDRIES..:-.80 bush. Chestnuts. so Whits Bassin " ego emu tresbZw ani ' . 4WD*. fresh R Plrbli. choleiAnolApli_ Now esseivinguti gm sae by • . =AMT. , . . PI ' .11P) , ! IN TO THE. . C..1X33a. It having tieronie in vim of the es trnslve tow co -TI.SI I Ali iN I At,.,'' Lid in this' in terest 01 the purehioer, to place help, the public a CONcLI AE. DEL'lliEltAna II NA 1, prearton - of priifi rears- over all other.Pl ANUS, by the MUSICAL A I:Till VT:ITV, tee nee b , pity to be alto to announee to the cltiuntrA of Fittatiurgh. this, (it 11 Pi-inon hitt rec.-toed the Lintlerout dirt I:win-Is of being to:in...in-id "fir sup, tier to ell other,” liy tee prominent miinti.vl artiste of this country, Amin-Iran me) Itnglinh, ns well on Getman. STIEN WAY &SUN , . 71 nail 73 East Fourteenth street, Nett York. Tehtitniatials from the Nuht INstipguliSted Nine Ynroz, December, 1534. e rle., I. I: ANI,, St/I' AND I'V b II; ICI% manufactured by blessr.. ST LIN— W tr. ilgr, have: established for Ihentalves so nrld-Wide n reputation r hat It is nod') possible tor us In add anyi hing,th Iheir just tome. Dal log thoroughly tested and laical these Instru meld, personally for years, both In Nailic and pri vate, It beronies cue pleasant duly to express out caudld•npinfon regarding- their unquestioned su- periority over any other piano known to us. 'Among the chief paints of their uniform excel lence arc: Greatest possible depth, richness and volume of tone, combined with n rare brilliancy, clearness and perfect PVC/MC*4 throughout the CO. tire scale, and above all. a surprising duration or uonti, the pure eve gylnp,theio flu silty of iv Milt .e•er changes motet the Illicit treheste or powerful ouch. This peculiarity Is found excitt.ii.ely in the EINIV 0, and together wltn Use match es. precision, elasticity anti prdatlitness of action, (ways characterizing thee law cuments; wen their unediudied durability under the Severest flan, Is most surprising, nod chinos IT once the intonation t f every Atli.. We, therefore, res ider the nlsteinse ay" Pianos, in all respects, by r the best 1114.one:11s troole in Uri.. country or tuttye; to* , them r.olet, anti excitotively to o-arrives pobi:e prix ate. acid recommend them Ins aria to our II icrAtt anti the pub!s. We tare al itifforwl !Ones .4-peOrd oar opinion t,..st the tiro:vox of rattiett. tartlecx, rft frret7 ae allalingly pronoun, 31rotrs. Sht;tocue Soo'"). f etratur end Ntrourr. I?ICON.PAtIi.•ISLY rrie kirltrit Tit niEm. ALL. JOHN W. PATTISOR, rryti Ny. ;tit rirty.l7l, R 0.131 (3(01.1)151.(1, rOrgettatitt I :r:see('hurch.) WiLLIA 411.rrn:0 H PEASE, (sou AX MAR KrzEK. L. RIITER. NltY 'mum }Sc). I.:11 , 1E1.11 s 4;1 HMI, • Au neArt lop ft:A A\ juht tr:ri v ed I 1.. k 1 1•: I >I.II. AILEY, FAI:IiELL k CV PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS Hat c constantly nn Imnf a lare assortment of 'ltem and Vlstrr Fixture.* in genrral IIT" nompt alter,tion qi‘C. to all nrtlrrn 119 FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh Y L Gas and Steam Fitting, • rll Itn brrnet.es, r‘refuity nttenaerl to. by expe enettk WA." Lleli workmen. A tine assortment of FOCI t:111,, SIN bS. BATH TI 7 ItS, ,IIOW ER It'VrltS wATEI: CLOSETS, LITURA.NTS, is Censtnntly on hand and made to order. No. 3 FEDERAL STREET, dllretenii And gr:.:LITIERTY ATTU:ET, Pittsburgh Gi1:2,441r QI ART ktoinr . rott'a ()overt, Now A led.. t)ee. it, p 304. k SEALED PI:OPOsALIk IN I)U14,1- . t ATI . % will he t, crirel at the Mlle! of COI. O. •1111, , N, Cttlerei t Pittehurott, Penn'', until ed n'eleek M. TI*V.Slt kV. the 12th .tr.) 01 January. tor 1 . urnWitnz. 10 Good I , outi. ul etwel PI PTSilij tlnlll COIL. “oli at P.m Rut New (It - trans, at fitly time !1....- tweet; the do! obeve rueotlotted, not the FIRST DA•t . JUNI , pdla. CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Selling el reduced price*, JAB. W. WOODWELL, Nog 911113.1 .99 THIRD STREET, pprnote kalrousalsou a eo.'s, mud llt ....,.ALE EJCVENATOR, Will, In nature's own manner, restore Gray flrdr la it, orirtual color. AVM make It grow on Bahl limas. Will restore the Natural Sc.:retinue. WAD remove all Dandruff and Itching. Will ninke the Ilalr Soft end Mossy. Will preserve the Original Color to old age. 'Will prevent the Hair from Falling OIL Will cure all Diseases of the Scalp. For sale by SIMON JOIINSTON, den corner Smithfleld and 11 , ..rt • streets. . BOUQUETS, CUT FLOWERS, Sx. IiOUQUETS • CUT ' , LowEns, WBRATHSend 3iSKETS WITH FLOWERS, From MURDOCH'S Oakland O reenlsouse. Orders I,n with 3. 11. Robley, 11 Fourth et., H. Richer k. Eli Wood street, Dunseeth 6: Co., 6C Fifth street, or et the Greenhouse, promptly attended to. Bonnets supplied dolly at the above named pla‘xn. Oakland ears run to the Urcouhour,, every fifteen minutes. debasnd IILIAU CItUU • b • OUTLET SAW MILL, AND BARGE YARD, Craig Street, Allegheny. OIL WELL STEAM ENGINES —I am prepared to fornieh • STEAM ENGINES. SO mach Appro..l of for oil wells and other fur y.. es, on the shortest notice. Hasten different sited Engines on bands, and flnislsing others, the public can he accommodated with almost any sloe they want; the work to show for Itself. 'WILMA at KISTLER, Fifth Nrard, between lltrehanla and Anderson streets, deform Pittston-ch. ra. - Q s POItTRISIEN'S 11EA1)QUAItTE, aTELMWEE:Ei 3EICYVITIC Invites the attention of Sportrmen and others to his eldendld stoek of 0 'INS, POWDER FLASKS, SIIOT BELTS and POULMFS, DRAM FLASKS Ihmtannit lon of every kind. lite stock is the Igrgebt ever brought futile market. 0011 rfligli - ING UM AND DUCK Cl 2 KM . 01E4 COMPANY The Books for subscription to the Ostatel Stook of the Muskingum not linen Creek Oil Llo., ere now opened et the store of I tE l 3liiii R llitOS., Ind Mtn ITS Wesel street; at the Auction 'looms of T. A. Mel 'I,ELLA ND, Filth street, mid et the I'EItPLF.S' STOOK 1:X.1211 , 1Na E, Wilkins' fall. tleennweed Qt; 1 42 - 1' ir t:2 5 PER D A ..".6 , oixtt as 'Weasatcact To sell our NEW !Minn E (with into Improve , menu) and LITTLE 01.1.1 T tiLWING The beet cheap mnehines in use, nod !warranted for three years. We Will give the shove COITIVIDIMOUP, or p 7St a month and expense.. For pnrtieulars address, With stamp • _ ilegOigicti. • (...I.ATIF 14. CO., Detroit, Mich. 117 P GENGEMBRE, • 0111 and Mechanical. Engineer, EM:115511:13 No. 14 RAY STREET, near Penn, DRA.VJEGEI of IVIAGRINERY, 1317 n DING RIORMRENTS, BRIDGES, Wt., executed with eccuuney. Cu Short outlet . EVESING DRAWING. SCSIGOL. with spools Sloth e for differezt styles of drawing^ • • --- STUCCO WORKER—JAS. OWEirig, Skudeo and Muth, Worker, Paper Ranger and Pliaterer.. Centre. and Ornament/. °Valliant" • foritlalled on short notice. Orders left at 21 0011 GREI323 STREET', nearVylle,.ptar. ea Palme Pa• Storer, No:01 wopi) stRE.=, viu be prompt. i 3 • 'EV _ . .1 , -.•• L,.ii LUS(.COM PANY Or PPrISIII , III7.II, PA. El= Capital. Sll,l c,, Each, The Orgatilmition nf this roil - limey Is bicail vein the ownernliiii of the tool under 4nt n: r.:.+ inn I by mime ione ramie Lr boritia.lna.. it In ..onthle.ii.y. ncrunied that the entire tract Is Mulerinitl with coal,/ aitunted on the Allegheny Valley Railer/nil. thirteen mules train Paint...lran, nail hnelrn; sir i:.t of one-half mile on the Allegheny River. ,rich the net.of nli 'be sueLter bet reeen Use base of the hill and the river line, through which the track ol the Allegheny Valley 'Rallronal runs the entire do tie' sufficient apace and v.:client tom tit for two nilitittur,l shafts and iter,oinry litakinan belonging literate, nn erie !tonnes : a.c., for u . hich carfare n e al of Wel In 'intl. The total thlelinens of the rein of I,OAI eight feet lintC inches, and after mnl.irg lilicral nllow once for bearings lit. slats Nola, he., will bears nbout nix feet pure willelt will produce a nnich lather , amount of merchantable coal to the acre than.is usually found in this vicinity. where the er tire rein rarely encecils live feet la tbicknens, a rot frinineht ij lecn. The onality of coal its an errt.sinrvl by eel mil trial, end also by chemical nanlyels, it of superior quality, being; free from aul ph .1 r Anil tither mibstaucca usually found with coal, nr..l which are objectionable. fI.iIOIVIIII4 in the report of Mr. OTTO 01 Oft> city. of an analysis made by him of cool fit.: this piton:flylontains neither sulphur, phosphorus, ntamiesla nor cokes am! to l hr Col...idelell a very superior coal" for tiring purposes. The in:movement r; nasty made, and on whiolf have been expended tome 1.,10,u11U. are n shaft slate., feet in alarm:ler, Daly all necessary macninery for outlay and for draining . the wilier, ,11111 . /O1 tarp enclue, he., to rein! against accidents or coo tie keiteltn wines saint trine to interfere with the 01.tottlon n4111{11514. Entfies and air.: :roes hove 1 . .111 drioen, pa tracks raid, rooms turned, owl int n t lila; in such state of forwardness, that with in a very tow weeks n .very large amount of coal old he taken out daily. l'it-cars and large cars ft I the ianspertniton coal to morket, with no sinry s t ile trorko, turn-outs, are completed oral lai tinily use. There are also ehMtfor Ironer, in sourer of construction anti nearly ready fat in:cup:my. Thereto. at thin time, it consider:C.lc quantity of Icing token out 11,11) , um( 1. an irk:et it frond tor ullth,t win prmlueed immediately on the lice of the Allechefty N'ttlb•y Rollo - 1,11 ono the miuOly inrrenkum number If in•inurrnturln4 mitt!. lo ' munl, end puNlng poke .. tun In the part of 11, .•!I um! m! . , ou , throlluh whleh the • •11 , .._F. n .1 to al. the f0, , l u Leh rn n produted In the Valley of the gl raft 'll e y of flfc prevent shott, lo est:ma tt at 10 O•I bk. helm .11.1 y ; with two , 11, •,11, 1,1,1 M. , tatl!, ...h:V:onal e Director it ollitn loent.) CAUL N. Y Atn.l. Musk.) 11.! I tc [lvry-i .11. l •, 5:.•',.! tllt /11' 111 t.r, IVO it g'll3l h tr. tc. buihi r..rrly posm•st...l fur tool trio Ilnl. arts: tp.trges. . . . . . t , 1 . 1.1 • IIIPTION to Ihn 3.1:,-13 1:3 the Company ne, now open at the follow :or plaees: of KING 13 PENN3/CK Woo.l street. 11, 11. K. li'. (fate with Itnn t • ity rs tin,: u 9 P 1 11,111,11 , 111, t. S. Gem - now./ Orpenif,y, Janunry 11.1865. N CCOTWANCE WITH TILE RE -. ill )1. I:MEN - I'S of the Act of Conitress, tam ill June ISOI, the following .3A,11., tit I,N,tri.. Ptc.it!,,t Fourth National Bank of Pitbburgh rapli al Stork rue a Due DepoßttOrf dends unpald—payable on demand. Surplus fund erqulred by hw stispina fund reserved by order of the Board 4,000 03 Profit and Loss asn,e Not. 19th, 1551.. 8,155 62 TATE & SEVILLE, 120 WOOD STREET. $150,0(H) - $10,0:) - $10,0,30 . . . 'or 11111,1 h ket . Oory and witti It 3111 LI 1:..1:.:.11Ve.f.tt.,.tt Outry'y. OFAUTFOLY EFFORT OF TILE fONDITION IS P1:131,ISII4L) ASSETS', I'. S. Loran Iwo! Disceunts.. C. S. Treasury Deiturlnernt.. lure 11 !Inuits I. 6,0 }lauds and U. S. Trettsury 'Sete, 1,37,3.16 50 brnits nod Chrek• . 41.1.03 00 Gull rkr.‘l Sllrt r loin n,,tza Legal Tender 12. S. arid 11.1123, Notes... 285,824 10 reisonally appeared before me, a atotoey Public, duly romud.tdened /41.4220 0 0r 0 ' S. D. tkrr , 4 4:41.011, 011110 Fourth National Bank of tpur,h, Ita.. who, en oath, deiotaes and 41.41.011 that the ottove statement Is true to the beat of his keen ledge and bettef. swot n and auld.ertaed before me, the day and )4 or abort written, S. S. lIIIY A :f„ Notary rotate. S. P. HERRON, Caettlet , P.mrnnr torn, Jan. 3d. thy: /n. w. attNlNo.lx, 1.. u. Ittllllo3l, Frmident. tinsh ler. Clete with Iron Oity 1%:1:Toor l't - r - rAntroon, U. S. Gavern:itrr. , Prpatilery, PITT4IIVROII, Jnuary 3;1, 1953. Y ORDERS' 'RECEIVE!) FROM HO.. 6'14. mil' FE.S.SI.:NDEIV, V. S. Secretarj the Tm..u 3 7 , the subsalptlons to the U. S. 10-40 GOLD BONDS, -&—i'tcx - Sec=Aizaa -- 37 - 7, 113i3G. The to--io loin sk 11l tee wlthdratro oiler that date. ills tifiNt: A NI) U. S. ‘lovEßsixr,Nr ousyr2o:y lu authoritod to reoeire Up to and Ir.clusive of 'January ith,1865 commlorione w W he m 110 1 , 1 ,04 nli rurchneers this dcelrablz in.catmer.t. THE 7-130 LOAN, la. fa. rrrovkierux - y Notois, corrertible August 16th, 184 - 1, Into SR ITC CENT. tOI,I3.IIOXDS.AT re now (or sale by us, nod will continue to be for '1 he 1.300 niter dnnuary 1111, laos, 'trill be the only crotaent Loau in the anatlint. Full conoul. void to all purchaseFe of 3.300. S. D. , ELEFIRON, Cashier TUE COUNPLANTER RUX 11=,11..M C)GIrIWC3L.,,fISX'SL, Capitol stock, - - - $225,000 Working . Capital, - 825,001.) Fur Value of EnCh,Sliote, $ll,OO Mors von Sruaritarrion to the Stock of the Company will be opened on the iith of Janu try inst. The property of the Company is Iwo hermsof hod In fee simple on Coroplanter Run; near Its j noel ion with fail Creek, onnmile above 011 City ; on Width lea Welt about GOO feet deeporith See rules of Oil, plenty of and now In proness of lashing, and in the opinion of oil men will be is Son vrell. There Is ample space on said Run for hundreds of Oil Wells, and ls the most desirable tract in fee simple on Oil Creek for Oil purposes. Pri , Persons desirous of making a good invest ment In Oil lamb, can of•all persona so. quateted about Oil City, when they will ascertain: that there is nothing bogus about thlsterritory. JOSEPH ROSS, No. 12, Diamond, Pittsburgh. Januery 2, IBM. • Jant-lw 004XA&PRESENTS, AT', THE CENTRAL DRUG SWIM EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, LOLONONES. FINE 'roux? SOAPS, HAIR BRUSHES, HAT BRUSHES, INFANTS , HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, DRESSING COBS, POCKET COMBS, • PUFF BOXES, POCKET MASK/ 51111'111G CREAM, USIIES, . POMADES, and HAIR PREPARATIONS. We would call. particular attentlos to our One assortment of TOILET SETS, embraelng twenty dHreteut patterns, any of which Would Pdako aHandoomo Pros Cat Aur c,atral Drug Store corner Ohio and Federal etreelg, fu' Market. Douse.' Allegheny. ,draldt.lt GEO. A. KELLY et 00. • - PROPOSALS FOl2 REVENUE StiA.TI CUTTERS ON 11111 EATZES. Tnnatiruv 1/ErA - 111,1r.T, Dec. M. IRO. Pr*pose's will .be reeelved at this Department until IC hi.. MONDAY, the 16th day el January next: for the construction of THREE or EMIR REVENUE STEAM otrrrEns (side wheel) for the lOpperlaktm, and ONE Olt MORE for Lake Ontario. • Specillentlona In detail will be furnished bidders on application In person or II letter to thin De partment. or to the Collectors of the Unseat. at Denten, New York,,lthtlettlebn, ta - Ilmitimore, and the collectors nt the ,prtnclpal Lake ports. The propennls should ho seated and Addressed to the Secretary of the Ti . M.SUry, and ondormd on the envelope 'Proposal, for.buildifig Rarenue Steam. Cutter." W. FESSENDEN, desOdtiortd Secretary of theTreasury.L. 'FO „ GLASS MECHANICS.—Wanted a Gi n 4;: r s k:"v‘fT,r i , , ,Tli t s o ftli i y e eg t .t r muili a li all respeets—who understands how to erect. a fao• torpHo ownso. wake and work Flint and Lime Glaqt -A PESTI; AMA SITUATION WWI NAM; INALVENIENTS IS OFFERED, .Al.OO, wanted onctPot Maker, one IdUrnr, and a number 2+f MMus "Qtaria Wonka,” •Hoz F 0.0 111 0 1 09 • LIM de3l:Tt llVEibmwmmw✓ mi 1111 E. GREAT - 1 - 'l2 . RIF at. ITEMAPANAKA. Since the introduction of medicine, the mtqfn of disease has perhaps bees the subject of more se- Mous and PeteDLilie COOSlderlt {MI hy the most learned of the profession than any other connected with the lowa of the Great Creator; not a few have contended that nil diseases have their origin In the stomach; others, the solids of the body; °nen again, and by far the greatest tiumber,contetd and canon that the 'stoup itself is the very fountain of Ilfc—that If If trecomerimpure, then disease In Its crat to rms—Priinfuln, (lancer, Ulcers, ho., appear; Mil Intim d. experience in treating tills 01.Tw ut dire cages by purifying the bliwul and thereny of their ezadiestlon and cure, prove this to he the cortect theory : acting upon which theory, the med icine now known at 111:31A1, tf ANA. teas composed - and bronght trio {practice, producing the must gent. ifying results. It g toe soon exercises such it mastery Over SCROFULA, VIA lERATIoNs, plßpi,ps ex TOO FACE, TtIrTER SALT It lIEUX, LIVER cOMPLA_INT, LOSS or APPETITE, DYSPEPSIA, OP:71- 1111 ALL DEBILITY, as to give, from the time It as first token, encisitr acement to the patient, by wilting both seen and felt, the good it Is about to accomplish. It acne thought Lest to put it up in bottles at Ike. and iii,on eaelt,—no many persons are disposed to try an Cie! but are often deterred nt the expense,—so the trial heir can be made at a moderate outlay, and sat Oily the purchaser that the article is what is claimed Ili , It, to be, viz: the greotent tIP.ALTTI atvett arty bronght before the people, Delicate Femtilen will rind in It tnc meinome they need. 1 lint the public mats form come idea of Rs peeu• liar curative ments, ire subjoin n list of the prin.-i pal articles of witleh it Is composed, with a end'' description of the uses and adaptation of each.: t. ken from the Lignest authority known to median science. I=l Is used with a benerianl effect in cases°, Rheurna Urn, Scrofulous Atrectlons. Cutaneous Diseases and other depraved conditions of health. =DM Ic rink. dittrefir, and- nperlent. It hns net Ito upon the !Ivor, t,rit log It when Potgottl. to revrot ion.' It ban hen tnuelt .teed In Gerinany in din.enscs of the digestive organs. ll= Thor,. nto few ;11.•aana. In which tani•ell tworticini ; It is moral lu tbifoluloon Alreetiong with r,olt teortit; I;AS Min, been usiol with milek nu. , co i.;11 t tont mon; for Inlinnannt ion of the Eye. It ge,erally inerramee the appetite and :Yeah. Arc nromntic, tonic, and highly Invigorating 1 cat.en of Nerve. Debility. In xnerinlly cniumble in caeca orj Scrofula 111 Lunntisin. A, P denntsge9usly tined in eases of Enfeebled DI gest nre especially apolicnble to eases o tleneral Debility with weak appetite. =I It acts Insurable se an alternt ire in Chronic Al. fretions, Chronic illieuntitism and obstinate fit senses of the Skin. The balance of the formula Is withheld as a ro. teetlon ',Most fraud. lior nal . ; by SIMON JOHNSTON, • COR. S.IIITIIFIF.LD 45.1g1.) FOURTH STS., 44 - Ask your intelligent Physician him opinion o the above reelne. del:f:need S 203,013 00 Z 70,000 00 1539 la, HO 1,000 00 3,^3 38 =MEI 645.10; OS . 2 2& Si 1 - 5,041 00 'HOLIDAY GIFTS, OF ...FFECTION AND CHARITY WHEELER & WILSON'S MEE 111011E5T PR E. 1111131 Lock Stitch Sewing Machines T111....,nrr, itTMZET, 0) Tna enarinottatt Or erg.BEICT, AnitINGTON, Dec ember 2.?"1804. tS AVIIEREAS, BY SATISFACTOI Y fl evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been runlets appear that the ILON CITY NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, In the city of Pittaburch, in the county of Alle gheny. and State of Pennsylvania, hoe been duly o ` culled under and according to the requirements !!••• rrta cf cen,-e . w entitled pro , 1' a National Currdicy, secured br a pledge pf 1 'll ee d States Bonds, and to provide (or the etrcti. 1..1 ton and nalemption thereof," approved June 3, 1:101, and ban com•died with all the provisions of Bald net required - I r be cotimlied with before cora rernang the business of Banking under said at; I , ow, th ere fore, - I. !lush AlcCu Hoch, Compt roller of the Cotter., do hereby certify that THE IRt IN CITY RATIONAL BANK or rms. lit Ilfill," In the city of Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennitylvartia, Is au thorized to commence the .bititness of Banking un der the art aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness ne . hand t.. s.l and seal of oilier, this thirty.tirs day of December, N. D. 1861. _ BUtOU MCCULLOCH, ja.lared Comptroller of the Currency._ 1V IDENTNG OF WEBSTER STREET. , —The Report of the Viewers appointed by Couneils to assess damages, ace., bathe widening of Webster street, between Washington and Chatham at reels, has been approved by Councils and left at my °Mee. The viewers appraised the damages of At to. Cooper at le2su, and made the following us- RI asments to pay _that amount, to wit: On property of Kist, E. Ciallitine 90:1 00 James Brady 9 99 IV. it. Lowrie 9 GO • Jane Magee fd 00 • E. Love 30 30 C. Magee ' 960 Piney 91 00 Wet. McCandless 10 00 Wm: Cooper to BO • T. li. Hamilton .Wm. MeCandlesil . 10 TO • Will Black 4 VI " .Dates Reed 4 SO Wm. McLaughlin 4 MI. Robt. Vilna 4 Of }trickle's heirs 11 29 Mts. E. P. Denny ISt Cm 00 The persons above named ere hereby notitio..lto .all at my °Mee and pay their respective assess. rat tis vtlibin thirty days from Wei date,or the said echos WM Ire tiled . in the Prothonotary s oilier as Ilees, with costs and Attorney's tees for collection. J. W.F. WHITE., City Solicitor, dernsw, 106 Fifth street. TREASURY. DEPARTMENT, ()fries OP C7oMr-rnor.czn OP TIM 01TRA.N07, 'Washington. December Bth, Met. XIT 'HERBAL}, BY SATISFACTO Y I 'evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that "The eferchanta and Manufacturers National Bank of Pittsburgh," in the county of. Allegheny and State of Pennsylva nia has been duly organized mate and =cording to the minimum:lth of the Act of Congress entitled ...A u Act to provide a National Currency, seeured bye pledge of United States Bends, end to preside for the circulation and =demotion' thereof," up. proved June 31, 1861, and ktutcomplied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of bazikins under this net; Now therefore,'l, Ryon Meth:aspen, Comptrot. lee of the Currency, do herebteertify that "The Merchants and . Manufsaturers,National Bank of Pittsburgh," in the city of Pittsburgh, to the coupe. ty of Allegheny. and Stale of 'Pennsylvania, Iran. thorized to commence the busineu of-Banklng tar der the Set aforesaid. { ' Ourrebei. Bureau, In testimony wheret Seal of the , witness my hand and sea l Comptroller onto of Mike, this eighth day Currency. of December, Mt. Treasury Department. - A - ILLNDSOILE ASSORTMEfiT 0 'OTTOMAN 00YEINS, fn Tufted and Bead Work. SLIPPERS. same style. Also, some very elegant oprith I , ll.:ums, hi German Work. SQUARE. SILK VELVET BUTTONS, in all colm s, be.idee every variety of otlierßuttons. DRESS IRIAIMINOS. LACES, HAMMER CHIF FS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. /lALMORAL A SKIRTS, STEEL AND 0.11.Y.X: SETTS, nod SLEEVE BUTTONS, of every style and variety etc., etc., will be found at - ALICE SIORTTI iftlitSEING STGIIE, CITY tioLlulTOlta'Orrics.. - thtttsburg, Dee. PA 18.11. WIDENING • WIDENING OF GENT.ER AVE- x E. Y —Tlsejltepoit of the Viewers appointed by Cciluelle, to nenesz the damages (Or the wideniugof Center venue, has been left at my persona Interested are hereby notified to calf at my omen and pay their eseesernents within thirty day' 'front this date or Seine will bo .filerthn Court for tho game, with coati and Ices. . - City Solicitor; 101 Fifth it; REGOIMI2IO Biwa werozes Ovetos, , December ta, UZI. 5 ALL PIAISONS INTERESTED , in-tha.. 'paying, of WEBSTER. STREET, betwees Wriblegterk.anS Seventh street., will teke.wallw that the • peataameet has been wide AEA may be. even :at.thia ogles anttl the sth ofJanuary,'lsss,- when it will bd tett with the • Tteasureeter colts*: Alen. .12:71.17RA1.g, itecordingllegulator: .Leceisbis telly 1644. . ds30:11 AMERICAN IikNOSODIE PRESENTS, Tror the Holidays, No. 78 3IARRET STREET, Pittsburgh, Weilave now open nod ere yet receiving, .tisUp expressly for nor 2302.. 3=, .41.- "Sr IS XJ A Icrge Find t.enutifol assortment of goods, ,DWII useful and ornamental, comprising Rthnons; Cnalimere end Silk Scarfs; Bead- Dresses and Nei; Lnee Veils. Lace and L'mbrel.. dcred Collars and Ilatulkirchlefs; Worked Slippers std Cushions; Work Boxes, - Ladles' Companions,Portmon- Dales, Satchels, and a • very tine aasort meat. of I.'l::Ls=.T.c)6rsiza3a AUlzmaskal IleaOka our usual heavy etock of Hosiery, olov Trimmioga, Notions ad Bmsll Wares, or .A. .I T LO Os PRICES. CLOSING OUT SALE. Pittsburgh, P. J. .M. BURCHFIELD'S. WM. SUMNER & CO, IlUOtf McOULLOOII, Corotitroller of the Currency ra.timirrit STREET Illtr 000.0.5, Sc DRY GOODS! CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DPV,SS GOODS, - I CIATHS, 11 ,i ALPACAS, ~.1 PLAIDS, . li DE LAINES, I, CASSIMERES, ' t 0 CORSETS, A k i:7- Y SVit ol i ," .. , . T. " Val ',„° . ° 72, ' I season, will be sold at OLD PRICES.", '1 ALEX. BATES, " ,1 .ii r , c.. sax .ionstp. 79t. 1 CAN 131: SECURED AT MACELV & CLYDE'S; Brenctplcit, Ear-1 /ropv; Ivory, St ell owl 8011, Tuck 004 • Fide Cumlnv Pearl, Steel, Jet nod Gilt Bolt - Buckler; Butts slut Belt. DRY GOODS, USEFUL CHRIS7I.IIB PRES.ENTS. FIGURED MOUS Db:LATICES EMPRESS CLOTH, POPLIN'S, Plan and Pinld; FRENCH =MINCES, plain sad Ur& BLACK AND FANCY SLLES; commas Atilt PAILIELTTAS; ALPACCA.S, black awl colored. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS; CASSIALEEBS, for Men and Bop; SCARFS AND EMBROIDERIES; BALMORAL • C4aiTOli MERINO, SHETLAND, WOOL, AND UM 111 4 1 - DERGARMEIACT B . White Shirts, Trimmings, Hosiery, &e. AT REDUCED . PRICES, AT 11100B11EAD, DENNISON Creg. RI MARKET ITREYT• DISSOlLuTio.rs, _DISSOLUTION OF. PARTNERSHIP. r; —The business connection of litoßatan k Oar. those, rind of Rottman, Garrison k 1.10., woe die. solved on theist ins:itet, by the sale of the Interest l' of If. L. Bollinan sad G. W. Bollman. • . All settlements V. , ill be Attended to at the office of 1 the late firms, on Smithfield street. ,IL L. ROLLIIAN, ‘_ t A. GARRISON, ' , GEO. W. BOLL:WAX JOHN IL ruoicersoll: 1 ' Eirrontraon, Seaway 3,1866. ' - , 7--- . In retiring from the above, the subscribe= Would. , express thanks to their friends for the patronage. 1 given during the long period of their business, and also take pleasure =recommending their immune= a to the public, with the fullest confidence that every effort and attentionarill be given to render sotto , . ; faction. 11. 1... BOLLMAN, . ; , GIN/. W. MILLMAN. , PirreiLLEGII,J9.IIII.3rT 3, 1881. 1 CO-PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE. i PITTSBURGH FOUNDERT. • i A. Garrison having purchased the entire loon. I fiery pmperiy, stock mud Tininess of the late firms l of Rolhuan /t. Garrison, and Rottman, Garrison* Co., and having associated with him in business John 11. Itleketson, the undersigned will continue the business under .the name and style of A. Gar. rison ft Co. ' A. GARRISON, ' 701IN'lL lIICKET: PITTATITGGII.JGGIIRry 3,18 W . jt TITSSOLTTION OF CO-PART EIIIP.—The Partnership herttoGna ex!' between the undersigned, under the firm name CRUM PTON & CO., for the nutnufaeture of S - • P.m} and other Snaps, has thin day been dissokret by mutua/consent. EAMTJBL M. ICIER, JOHN 0. ORTJAIPPOitfi . • Jolix FOSTER. . Pittsbuigh, Sept. 6th, 1884. Wid. XESHEDY 44 CO.; uccessors to . KA3113 , 4107 trait= ri Pearl and Sr R( ilver Pearl and Superial RogillSoaPsi 267 LIBERTY STREET, PT TSBURGIL. •ae2:isc DIrSOLUT ON.—The partnership herr tnfore. existiag between JOHN PHILLIPS and HENRY PHILLIPS in the 011 Ointh, India I Rubber, and Painting business,- was diasolveLby i t be death of Henry Phillips, on the 7th .of 1564. The busfuestrof the late fleux.wlll be * by the- understgna; at the place of businees or the late hem. Nos. W. and 29 St. Clair at., Pittsburgh. The business will he continued from the 28 day of January 1865, by JOHN PHILLIPS,H.EITRY IL .4 PHILLIPS, sill A. H. DROCOUItT, under the lien. name of J. ts H. PHILLIPS. . • JOHN PHILLIPS, • • -A,IL DROU6I7IIT. Executors of HearyPhiliips, dea'd. • TAISSOLUTION.—.The P.artnerabip or, .„ WEYMAN SON. thin.day almlfamtbr tl, GEORGE WEYMAN, 5 W. P. - WEYMAN, Fleming ;Helmand ormy interest in the Toltec:tete , bnelners to m. eons, , W. P. and H. Frank Wermilth I recommend them to my frirnde and former cunt*. ; mere. GEORGE WEYMA.N. B. istAxiF wrinc&s. EYMAN & BRO., T (successors to Wort= 2.809,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS.. • Non. 79 and 67 Stratittlekt street, Pittsburgh.' ja9ann .1 II 1 0-PATNERSIIIP.--We have this day rpIWAZITIVIaI - 1141 T... liRAmEa b•uki l h'• 1125. F.u.turn, Fumursas EctaxEli. J. W. Des.vrrr, 1117:4',, • KRAMER & BANKEBS Mitt EXCIIANGE BtsticKElS3.. No. a:4 Gank Bluth, Dab Sired: • ; 1.)ARTISEI1S1111' NOTICE.—Thu cinder- elamed &me this day entered Into pattnerahlp In the 011 Cloth, I nola tubber,. and Painting bud.. nem+ under the thin name and style of .1. & H,- PHILLIPS. • Factory In McClure torra.tdpi.M. leuhen) county; Warehouse and Oak; Di ... 05.-2lt and • IM tiledr rittsburrh. • • , • JOHN PHTLLIPH . 6-11. - PI7.OOOHRT. - • . • I Prcrantimu, January , lat.S. • ja44cr _ 4 , • .• 00-I'ABTNERSIIIP "NOTICE.---I have NJ thin day negotiated my brother, lIIiIHARD H. Hilt - HIES, with me In the Sir.l.Llg AXE!:'; SILADII business, ahleb werwill own , ; • tinue et the old stand, N0:2137 market at., orittee the firm bt JOS. It. 11.1.RIILES - fc BRO. - -•- - •• JOS. B. a ...... mvvAneann,zae.2,ises. ' • - 1. 51 • ' • pR11 1 :.611M IMBEABEs. , - Once 251 PE- 1 M STSEET•:I6ar , rot the entre 01 au diseased otaysitoate nature, W.: , from twatefour days, by an entiteiy amount ofL :treatment.."Abe, Seminal Weakness, and sr. diseases of the genital organs, and the -pry A turn watfonted money refunded. "Ag4noWojettecs W, L ISS ronn Street. ==i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers