ght Vitio'bfiveit 6axette." FRIDAY. JANUARY 6,', 1885. CITY AND' SBB!RBAN1. xvinincik euzgrri., . forive of Reth . ge—Annual Election. ' The contrlentorsAf the nouns of Itefu„we for Weetern Pennsylvania, held their 11th - annual mietb:g at the oflice of the Institutioft, No. 67 Youth street, at 10 o'clock's. n., on 2dOnday; January lid, 1245. mectiagives called to order BY -calling, R ' .o.Loomis to the Cbelr, and.N. I'. Sawyer,liee= . rctary. 11.1. ilingw alt and N. P. Sawyer were Art.:pointed tenet's toconduct the election. r.Tho bite Board of Aianagers presented their rep :report, embracing reports or theSuperinteudent. . '22. Ts:purer, Teachers and 'Physician. niotiois; the readhagtf 'statistics was Won, the Committee of Ineirnetlon and: iwcre directed to have pteollehel, In. - form, ono - thousand copies or Lilo ie-1 ieof the late Beard of Managers, together. '.retith the proceedings , of the 'election at ShiaShia . z -A onto was received from theCuunty Commis sioners of Alleg hen, . county. 4:resenting the names stoners, Ron. J. E. Pike, .John Dean, Jai:die 'Bab, and V. C.N=ley, to reoreseat the Com.: inkalonens In the Board of Manaare for the 013 - J1 2 2 2 t10n, the polls ivereelnsed at 12 o'clock, -IW., whlch ' heur the tellers reported the follow. -,pereens all having received the plurality of votee,-andwere elected:' President: Joseph Pennock. Vice President : 111111ara 'Dilworth. Secretary: James B. D. 1 Weeds. Trestle= 'Jorhusi Mona. menegore: 2 'l James Nee:a:Mese; dames Sehoerintaker....te. L. 1 Bs Fetterman;'B.-h. Fahnestdel,ll`. A. Berroa, C. reager, ehazies Arbuthnot;' Tho Mas J. Big . ibmsti,' Harvey Chlide, Jos. Woodwell, and Isaac Jonei.-- Iron. John Parise John Dean, James nd r,c.; Begley, rcpt .. .cut the.county in ~. . . . ' 1 'Oll Open:Alcoa In Lawrence County. 'i • 'kw' ffespondent writes an that every well sunk peetheDtabonlng. in Larefence comitv,asyleld4 . . ,ill`,psore , or leimolt ; azeopting one, which Is only • ' ioneltundred Pet deep. Severalwelts yield re . .', runneratlin quantities, among .them the Boma' ..,: , et *alarm, ForrSatr.ter, and Strawbridge walls. .A'srcilmn the Wray-form Rows almost eontln; ' ' lieuely—quantity noUnscortained. It may also .• - , . - . . be maul of tillppery..ltock that every well Of any .!',- reinelderalge depth has obtained more or lesson ; tuul same of the wells., which are about helot tubed, appear to contain a large geniality of oil. Oil fringe bare been known for many :roma 7 In various pots of the corinty. There are at least two on the lilithoulng, one on the Frisbee farm, four miles below New Castle, one_ on the run four miles north of the - town, atieob. Rig . rust, at Armstrong's Mall, and several on Slip .: Oil syringe wire Imown for many years in that 1 I county. - The writer Of Ode his seen at least two on tbellahoning and one on the 'Frisbee farm, ~.. .I !bur miles below Nhweastle. Otte Is known on i ~. the ran &tic miles south of New Castle, one on ' 1 the Big Bun at Armstrong's mill, and several lin Slippppeerryy Hoek. • a" Clltton' *ell, 400 - .fect .deep, two miles stra&of Newcastle, In Big Ran, though never trumped; demonstrateSoll In large quantity, by j the amount constantly tieing in It and taken -;•• :1 n . 013111t. - No welllms yet gone doirn to tho thtrit land roc - E. - Them are .about Sal feet of rock. -,- .1 more than at OR Creek; above the 011-bearlar . . : 1 ! - 2.1, - The' Criminal , COurt. 4 ,,, :i - Intho cute of David H.Dell,,.Charged on; oath ' , ..„;, of Borah Loncrbaugh -with adultery, the . jury 4 ' , : . .:. found a react of not guilty, and that each par . ty, pay onchalf the Costs: The ease Of Dr: J. W. Hughes, charged with : z• - • : bigamy, on oath of Tams= Parsons, was nett 1 calledap.' The defendant, ' It'will he retool:ahem . - - •. - ...,;4#, cd, Wai oriented in thli city, a - few days ago, at! ~ .....".0 the Br. • flair - Hotel; - . having . . been, panned • T bum . Bedford, - Ohio,. ibises he had . boon :.: . i . .!";,, reeding, .. and from .: which place he 'bad •-.• .q eloped .with .the - ptoseentria, whom he. mar '4l lied Immediately on his arrival here. 'The •. - -.',:i. young woman Made substantially the same state ment_ I t ' br nTgialctltitgan.atie before tahedlialimTg,illing i • -..,.; purported to 'be a writ of divorce ',tram ...I, r his wife, who was - thin living la Cleveland, ~ ;! . ... 1., ,, . and m at er his ,l ' o so n l i l ei oltat an l:ra she cor marry : gi7,ittedltleclodpee_ ~4181.:4, fehdint utterly failed.- to establish the , fact .. lof dlvorec,and .the jury foundaverdict of gu11...,.../: ...,.../: ; ty. The doctor oleo, plead•guilty. ter a charge of 4..f: 12 t, • ols safd a tA d was he a man of d r ed akl:h dlapm ail r" l g it n ni and .-:• 7 ^1 , , , s represented sabering abandoned his wife. His it ' -,,..,:::. intrigthis bate btlisliroulit to a rather sudden . f. termination. He will be sentenced onliatnrday. '..1 ...;-_,. ; : .'The Dra ft In Manchester. • -; -- `• -,.r.' , ': rtddie notice was given' ha- the b or ough of . . , ii :-; kfunchester,. on „Wednesday, for a meeting of_ :;,. • 44 ` the cum el elmudes. f o rma king the purpose of.. F - ..... Jarrmfgemertis SO BB the: quota of-the borough le ,, i .:st tinder. the lost exalter =O,OOO men. The meet i: • -:•.;.. Inestim held in the evening, and tirr, '• : ..cfi;k appointing Wm. B. Boss, Esq.,. Chaim:Ma, end ;-: „ ,• - .',4 - -,lolut Pace; Sacreterj. Theis, were a. number ?'... ( ii .. ;;'i;!prosent. who hare no personal interest in 'tilling -. , .,A , ".the quote; not bet, - g liable to draft, while -very , '.....`+,-, ow of those who ought to have ben re . were the • • • • • 4 :' , ent. The action of the meeting Was tuba./ !' .-•;,.,,,:' . cd•is follower • .. L. . - T. ; -Viistarsti, -- lb our ..astonishment , ,, not over it,rd P • . 'Y.:allays& the persons damned and liable , :to the ' 4;••• , ••lraft are -10- attendance at this' meeting, while -,--. .` •.:,i•airnuMber. enrolled is at least three hundred r• , .:i• - `4lnd thitty,therely showing clearly that: large , , ;q•. r , hajority have mralfested, by their indifference, ! '' - r •.,,'*',... , tat they desire to Stand the draft; therefore, , F:.;:1;,,,;',, Rielberti m That we &ileu sine die. ',. - 4 1 :' lite resolution was unanimou4Y adopted; and :* ,:y;; I 4 t- ~.'' • reseeding adlourt* . ~" It; ~ , 1 - • ion* Bents. .trei , .::- We heir l of moat fabulous some being asked - ?.:;;:k:;- landlords this year for the rent of horses.. 41. 1.. 'tik,.; . '• ttiqiget' we - know : test they demand for a ' •i ‘ ..i'f , , whieh formerly rented for three 'hundred ' ~' ': 4 '•-• *t increase of the rental tribal to the ' , - -. 'it, ,, i ! ..i I c of their special tat on an beams' of ' . ..!:;,;;; 4 ,..:;..;va . ad dollars. -The conaequenee is , that. • . ,•••• '•:. ..:- ny relbsed to comply' , with - the -exorbl -0 , b.'.--; 1;4 ' -,eg , And will mare frton the city :or go -kV.;',,,;. _g. But the wily landlords: are not •,.:;‘ , .:;1.;:.,' g,.`To Lets" as in-former years,' thereby .-•:•-,:e .; ;5a pale impression, that houses Ore very %-:•: -s• ar -; Within the bounds of obblleare there :- -• 11 imumber of•tuiteses to rent, but the.`!posters" trano lutkoation•• 6f the fact. - In- this matter e believe this 'landlords and tenants should car their Pmportionbf the increased taxation. •••• 1.; t is ; Airieulttqal floclety Election; At the cement ineettegof the Agricultural 837 heldycstaday,• the following ottizers were prcetdent=B.~ellj.= - • , Vico rreeldwit.--0.: G. bregley: ,Corropondlng .6egetsary-4olirt Man:loch, Jr. _ „ _ .nng _ tkeretify-7.13. Negley.". anive ohn YOung, Jr., Milani Oliver., ,hn John L Ihute; Jotur , Bodivon,' 1131. Thomas Cbeu, ' :53cent Genige 8. , White; T: I.: Shields, Speer, Wm. C. D4l/11, Baronet Chadwick, • we. S. Had, Mosel Chess. • !Tito Board' ortplolwal hi the death* ofdohn ' . .pungidr.,:chorinaiii and S. Sehoyce, Stare, . . . lu-ettSGiii. , 43rtandleeGenerelLoo, the hguished =salty. adieu . selasse,opanulons In te' South-west have neteet' ed so much credit up himself and the Gm:W=ol4 to now , Ms, Ity, the suck, of Meter General Frank J. Her. 1n..,110 Is= Massey to , New York', 'on °total l amas.' .Slait:Lek la ono of the most success. Gl auttneeompllahed cavalry oilleess •to the set , eeL,And ishighlk esteemed by Gat. Ilerron, to hose derailment he tuts been on duty foe some . TIIN .SIXTU Wenn EmtoMatersr Lta.--L . teeting nr,the eSti.mns of this ward- was called r itiet„(Thisiday) crening,but es the list isnot. M printed, Vie meeting has been Postponed un -Ithis, - (Fddey): erening. AL- WM , past seren elotitierhedeoples.of the list-will be ecady for € A• EVAsse-rcrticro Lowell Quebec adeletl of: last evening `mar !tray kite:vat. The Prencit-Canadiana in t e did:Dlstriet- of .11ontmorencl are In arms • , vitset the local Oon.-nunant, In real:stance to Militia draft for the maletenance of order on ate frontler. 'appears that - nearly the whole ;ranch Vanmiltua population eympathire With 10 relderei 'that. they are determined that the .Itr. Alban-Cara:lg: shall escape-:Justice; and that Icy feel"; mik.attentsa to come the kW! ant pto for: the nesertion tha Provincial ntmiciPellaira ac agenat than who call ieee Confoldratte, - whatever- Mier - character Timm. 't , . ... . Mix Detroit Trine says. that the passport gimts to be enforced rigidly at-that point. On' ild eitallconday last no one, was to be permit -1 4-d to enter,tbo Unita. Stater from - _Canada, ' . rierat 413041:4014; fro Uta State .peprtntent,: i . - tie AlineriCßll -Camila - residing abroad. Mr. bart,ef Maine. U. 8. Consurinaited it :Wind- • „,fr, has jpstairtred at the latter pm, and irill .. - k=ue; panerrtije those entitled to them: The .: .... • ” t ice of a passport is fa, w4411C is ;substsi.lidly . : o tnindted and seventy_mro cornicing of eam . • Gob:spo rt ed - Inio , KoZ t tld le th e olio earetrutingthe Of Beptembsr. . . 40 01 1 r . I. , CAT. isn'At. Nortens , , p - - -- W. 4 eit • • - .c...w.•• Pall a , ttra. ea:. Ir.•e Annfer, and tk.Qer In Amerirso Slate, of various ortiol's. :Office at Mattnrter Laughlin e, near the Waltct 'Works, Pittslnnglri - Ps — Restderate, No. 78 FIRS ;strata. eztla's promptly Lite:lda:l-to. Ali ts.tle gam-tr.:tie water proof. ltrpalring., dope at rho troortost lic!tti,d; No '.otarvi for repairs, prof idol !the roof lo not al naeo after It is nut on. flew Goon just receivea at too Merchant Tailoring titatilishtnupt, of (:rats nt ft McCaw!. less, :3 Smithfield street. We trfiltibl most res. dfcetfully Invite the attentirin of our `friefils and Mat public hi general, to our new stock of ran and Winter goods... Thew contain all - the very lateut style or English.. French and Amerreart clothes, caarimeras and vestlngs, all of the finest quality, and iv nelerted with the greatest care Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well to give us it call before purchasing elsewhere. Every garment le war-, muted to give full satisfaction in both pr;rs and . Tk.rditV• GRAII/1.1 MCCANDLT:S3, - #j t i Tailors. No. 73. Smithfield atseet. ETECLU!NOTICE.—rue attcntmn or our raid-' ere is dircrted to the brilliant assortment of Fall and Whiter Goods just ecceived by out friend Mr. John Wcier, No. 326 Federal greet. Allegheny. Ills stock comprises a great variety OFFancy French, English, lacete r h and American' Ca.ssimeres and ('lathe, and fine Silk and Cassi mere ,Vestlngs, all of which. will be made up to order ih the latest styles and In manneri choice selection of Furnishing Goods also on land and Tor sale, together with a full stock of Ready 'Made Clothing, well and fashionably aide. tss itmun EaseLtu.—Thls extremely pop ular actress takes lier benefit on Friday evening. ne presents a hill of unusnal attraction—the sea satire play of Joan of Ares the Buffalo Boys. Mho, Idol - Mini, and !navy others have tendered their services. The Irish Dramaof Rory O'Hare will be represented, making all together one of the most delightful entertainmenta ever given In the Theatre. Secure your tickets If you wish to get In. Utd FALSII Disitmscv.—The friends of those who are troubled with hail breath and, through over squeamishness, dislike to refer to it, commit a pasitiVennd cruel mistake, especially if they are aware of the tuerits and great efficacy of the Fragratt tiozodont. This Is the thin) and only rem( dy for the dlflicaltyi there is no valid excuse for a bad breath now. Sold hr nR druggists. Owitinue and carriage calls will he taken et the omnibus 'cake. No. 410, Penn street, day or MOIL . All orders len at the above place will be promptly cite. fled to All :ells miin ho pall in al:ulcer 4.MUSENE:VTS _ pITTSIII.7II3II TII ENTRE. FIFTH . NTREET, NEAR WOOD. Lrqtri: /MD ItlANsoutr. Llcsounsan• BENEFIT OF ANNIE EIIEREZE. - THIS (Fr ay) EVI:NING wUI be presented the ihrilting sensation play Kit tiled Juan of Are, or the Mold of Orlennss. Joan of Are Annle Eberlie IMMIZE2 )lJs Sylvester and Jennie nlnster . Miss Ida I luval Boule .11g ' • Favorite Ballads Clog Dance by Ike celebrated Butfttlo Boys. To conclude 'with the : three•iet lrtab Drama o ROILY O'3[OORE. • - - • - - Annie Merlin. Mr. 7 . NEA - 11.1. will appear. Katt)team. . .0a Dlcncla 31A . 5 . 0 , N c io ritrAg,T. Trt 4 dr. WcantsdaT. ThursdaY, Friday •t Saturday, Jan. W. 11, 1 . 2. 13, sod TDB GREAT ORIGINAL ITRNO-SOTERIAN From the Academy of .it, Paris, as exhibited there two hund red and seventy consecutive nights. Representing Thrilling and Suklims Scenes to Ori tal Life. CIIILDREN'S GRAND MATINEES, on Wed nerds y and Saturday afternoons, Jan. 11th and 14th. Look out for the Mammoth Prograddacs to be dlstributed on Monday and Tuesday.' Anatssiox—Evening, .93 eta; admission, after noon, (411. Ch It dren, 10 .cts. Doors open at 7 o'clock; eommence nt-p o'clock. • jasrtf. - ,TRIMBLE'S VA lETIES. ?rex a:n=7r, NILLII Ct.A.TII. W. 0. ' S'ArrrnE. Ldilee stet Meaner. OLT. STAB. AGAIN IN THE ...t.SOENDILPIT! One .more the people noel; in crowds to their old sOd fa v orite resort A SPLM 4 IIID PROGRAM:iLE TO-NIGHT. 'Stir Ntgrei.Acts, Bbenasz In Savannah, Rates ~jaahlagton, INwter In a Els. Thillinct Dances :y MisirrTrattis Christie, Xlis 14111.11 e I/oldie, =tic Ashton. The Grua Gymnasts Ur—W. It. and Master FRANK ASHTON, creek n host . of new Artist. inlat IS.SOLVI STEREAPTICON. PA:NOR:I3IIU VIEWS OF Eurcpcan• and . lizerican Cities:and • - Public Buildings; INCIDENTS OF TIIE 'WAD, 'Scriliturail Illustrations, Port reitsillisrellaneaus Clews, Moral, !Tumorous Inetructive, ErnSant Chromatic (Erects, Optical Muslim, and TYRIIIIOTAIrttiOnt. These Dissolving Views form the most attrao- Ure entertainment that can be offered to se educe te,i ptbil.e. - The yradual change from one city to another teems almost magical, and the most won 4crful relief is given to Landsnapea. Panoramic Views ' Statuary, he.. realizing a perfect Stereo. secpicekcct. I XBEBITION 9T MASON - 10 . 11 . A T,T., Friday . & - Saturday Evenings, San, 6 & 7. AC 734 o'clock. Doori opcn at 7. Alto, an k:a.Libli ion for U.IIILDREN on SATURDAY A prtamooN, at 214 o'clock ' • rules or antsuoutes. Adults 26 cent Children under 10, accompanied by parents 15 Children admitted on Saturday afternoon. 15 ,/* - Tiekets for tale at the princlpcl Book Score!, aiid at the door. _--• - - IraLWTS. "CITAIiTED.—A.,,Boak. Keeper who hal Y a thoMugh knomicdte of !look Seeping. and lof good moral character. None else need agply; deal _ hfcCORD & CO Om WOW et. — TANT.ED—Bv a Mipectable young man T one or two Fimmslirm nor':us with or uithout board, In., respectable privat e ! family. dentrere P. 0. Box It, Pitoburgh, Pa. jaaaw IBrANTED-.-A GARDNER, to take care or a 'mall garden_necir the city, upon which la a vineyard; remainder in orchard., Recommend 'Mona required. Inquire at tho CeNdf CITY MILLS. Libertyietreet. AVANTEI7O A. MONTH.•-I . want ' TT 'Agents eserpwhere, st.7o a month, expenses pad; to sell Fiflees "Articles, the best Denies ever odered.l Bull portieulant'Atte. Address OTIS T. TOIREY. Biddeford. Melee. d►/.'bdhodeWT 'WANTED—BY THE lex OF APRIL, t-vr A "MUSE OF ,ABOL".r rouu.soo3xs. With good cellar, within ten minutes' Talk of the. Post Mike.' Any person having such, cab secure a maul tenant—a gentlemen. Wife and one child—by addressing "A. ti.. GAZED= Orrice." deeddt (ANTED—For service in the Quarter master's Department, at Naahville, Chatta nooga cal Johnsonville,Tenncaseerlabstn, Geor ea; Dutairs Bluff and /Attie Rock, Arkssuuts; mud atottrr points. • • • -_ • '• LCCO Teamsters; *taper month audratlorui Tree transportation of destination. licalthr, able-bodied men onl y will be received. .7014 N L. WOODS. Jr.. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. A. Tor further information inquire of • _ • J:T.SIA3IPLE,-14 Federal St:, Allegheny; Grover Na. 40 WtraMnaton Avenue, between Ith , lab bih atreets,St. Louis, . cw.ittran • • J..Wt-OLARAtest..oort:Agent. ATANTED—AIIenta for THE . . NURSE V I ARD SPY, the most luterestirig and eietting book ceerpnblished, embracing the adventures of woman n the Union Army aa Ntirse, fieout nod. 814. Meng a nwetvivid inoerpleture of the war. Returned an disabled Ofbeers and Soldiers to want of ,profitable - employment' will find It peculiarly adapted to thole oondition. • -.VONES, BROS. is CO., COO Ch - ettnnt street, Philadelphia. neciamm -IAriiITED-4.1.21$ MONTlL—Agenie • I •ererywhere, to introduce the new Shine t Mirk Sirtas Dollar Family:Se - ming Mariam, the onfy towline," machine in the betmtrir . Elfielifunceruied by ; Winer* Baker, Wheeler is Wilson, Rowe,. Singer Is Co., and Bachelder. Salary and e 'toccata, •or large commissions allowed: Another Machines noir. sold for lees than - forty dollars eifth are In. frfigeasenti, and the Wier atul liger MOM. Illustra ted circulars fientfree..:Aildresf SHAW &Of:AUK, Biddeford. Maine. • • ninSamid/OrT Dlrifovdrom. .- - - IPISTStce2OII. rr.I*A.TAS fserttokno itAttlits7l • - ' .:0191ce Of the ry, Prrresanton. DeoS ecreta. in:lades/. • riIVIDEND ON. CAPITAI;:.BTOCS •Lx. AND ON VITRO MORTGAGE 110:(1.13. The Board of Directors of: this Company hero do dated a Dividend of at; Pkat-CENT. on the Gap •. tat Stock, for the quarter ending Denalst, Inek,t 3 • the +shareholders mho stead regiatereg on that day dagable (itee of overnment tax,) .00 an after the GM day of January, naiM, at the °Gee of. the Corn pony in this city, and at the Transfer Agency, .`l2ltsiow, Lanier le Co., No. De Wall street, New York to the stockholders as registered nt the re- Synth,. Mama, The Boarti have also:ordered - the anUcipation of the payment M the half-ye trlydiv t dad of 334 percent.' oh the Third lifortgagcllondt due April .1; lag; making'it , payable ma and diet' the 12th day of January, isMi , to the bondholders registered on the tint day ot Dece-iber Inst., at the Transfer Agency, Winslow, /maim t GM, No. 62 Wall street, NeW York. • The tinnofer books of .stoik and third mortgage bona .wili close on Oat Mot lost, at 2 o'clock p. m.,aiid reruslie cloned unit thrllth day of January thereafter.' • • - Br order of the Board. •deiteliat7, '7 W. IL BARNES, Smiretaiy, • . TIIIVIDENI).-;•-•Thel)htittOrs or iho f 'LEMING Aravnr,ocin . - FABAIRETIIO- LEV - HEIL; haTe this day 'd&larefla dividend of THREE per cent. on the capital stock of the slid Ckfizi"tnTPO/ble on and After AtONDAY„ Juni arylGth, at the °fame( the Sectetnm No. 1.171.47 mood street. Dividends will herestterbeacciared gr.artecir Or semi-annually, as the Direeitilltllisy determine. Jaktw . . .T.ll. BALDWIN, See'y. O/1/[CI ON TBE psorws a Inatotanoa Oo rant, Meg. :DIVIDEND.—The President and Direc toner ttda Company hare this day declared a Cub .01...Wend-ofDOLTALRS 4;ielrahara,, free of lan,' out V AbO , proati the vast alX tooithe.nayable en and alter the Dth !net: _ • joa w d W/IL F. O:2I,LBUZiWits ass 'P . . Frrer. T VI. II 2.; WINEIINELLi.E. LAIMPACTIMID BY E. AI N. BOLLXAN, GEEMARY, (Form-rly MiLLET 4- CO., VorO.ranx.) The only Vinmar awarded with a Prize Medal, oLpixty exhibitor, at the Intolnational Exhibt; tion, London, and (or sale by DIt4PLPKIIA. reTs.—A MERE Cum ior , thew distressing complaints la rras—now made kne sm in n Treaties on Poreiga —and 'Native Ilerhal preparations, published .7:llll4—hy Pr. 0. BE(1IVN. The pre ' —script lon was furnished him in Kuehn pror- FlTN—lder.tial manner thati r he cannot ennselen- —tiouslylefuic tosnalte it known, as it has FlTS—cured ever) body who has used it, never —baying failed inn tingle case. It is equal- FITS—ly sore in eases of Fits as of Dyspepsia, —and the ingredients may Ite.obtained from FlTS—any Druggist. SENT FEEE to nil on re -velpt of tige cents to pre-pay postage, he. FlTti—Address Dr. 0. PIIELPS BROWN. No. 19 —G rand street, Jersey City, N. J. ja4:Ct PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDS & I ONG, PATENT cnomin CIRCULARS, Warrapted CAST STEIII. SAWS, of every do scrlier.n. Mil, Mulay, Crass Cut, Clang, and all other varletlr.. - - - - All Med. of KNIVES and SPRINnE, m.le from Sheet Cent Steeli Extra R: lined REAPER AND &ROWING AZ- Warehouse and Works, corner WATER end ,t HORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Partleular attention given to Retoothlng, Gum. ming find Stmightenlng Circular Saws; also, re , pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. .M.. 54 lIAILIVISILL, 67. CO, Eoiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers Noe. 20, 24 and VI PENN STREET. flaring secured a large- yard, and furnialled with One most improved machinery, we are prcpat ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the best manner, and warranted equal to any maniac in the country. UlilslNEYS,ltlitOilEN FIRE BIAS, ST}'IM PIFES, LOOO3IOTIVL BOILERS, OONUEN SE RS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL" STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLINO PANS, BOILLII IRON, BRIDGES, 'G AR PANS, and sole manuf.velorev, of BARN PATEN'I BOILERS. liepalriag dune on the shorte4notiee. det9:tf ROBINSON. ILEA at CO.. (successors to Ronotsbo, I(zots Sc MILLERS.) 11V oMilngton WurkK FOUNIEMIS AND MACTIIINISTS,rmsnurtnn. Itxturco, of [RUT AND STATIONARY . . S 1 LAM LNG] ES, - LAST LNUINES, MILL Cil IN Lill', • GEM:I7 , i, SIIAFTINU, CAST- I MAN of oft description% OIL TANKS s. STILLS, AND sitr.Er' [nos wonx. • iii-Agents for U LETAIIII'S PATENT INJECT- Of:, IM teediug IMEMER2 St PEW OIL Copp& kill and Smelting Works, rrrrsritrunn. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., idlipufeteturers or ST11.11iTtlIN(1, an&zrEss , & RULT COPPER, FRESSED COPPER MT TW.dS, RAISED STILL IitYLTOAIS, SPALTER •r•OLDER. Also, importers and deal r rs WIRE, in DIE &a. T ALS, TIN PLATE,' SHEET IRON. t'anrtnnth . on baud, TIN N I:RS' A 01IINES nnsi "Worehouse,No. tad I'LIiST and lissSEl:- 01N1) STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special osiers of CoppEr cut Loamy desired pattern. my.o3:l3'dmer - coNrEssioNs AND EICPE i BLENCH OF AN INVALID, published for On benefit rJd ass warning and caution to young men WI, i 'afro. from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Ptear of Manhood, eta., supplying, tit the same Ma, de Means of vei l Moe, üby one who has cured himself after being put to greet expense AM Injury Through medical humbug and quackery. Ilyenclostrig a post-paid addressed envelope, Ma `le copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Eoa dosdmdawl Bedford. Kings county, Y. TO •BERYOVIII ISOFFETIEHIS OW frrBOTH SEXES.-. 1. reverend gentleman hal' fme restored to health In a few days, after ua. dergolug the usual routine and Irregular expensive Mode of treatment without succeas,cottalders It hilt sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the meangof cure. Bence, on the receipt Of an addressed envelopm - he will send, free, a copy of the presctiptlommed. Direct to Be. JOHN M. ILIGHA.LL, tetFulton ,tmet, N. Y. , . . . mhtutydaarT DEORgIi. II C. D. ULMER. - .4. P. TIOLLIA3I LL BEL L E wrzEz; vioaKs. REITTEB, a co., ( sdeCCSSOIII LO REITZU., ELSR.TXL.II R C 0.,) 4lnnoineturero of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW 240. BLISTER STEEL; SPRENGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, ha • Al - Works, FIRST WARD;2lleghorty. Foot (Moe address, PITTSBURGH. jnlsay 3 . 01131 cocustoc DSO.. Manufaa rrY tuners of IRON VAULTS ANU VAULT VOORS, , IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW (WARD_ Ise, Nos. 91 Sal °No and FE THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have op hands variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. Air Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave tuts. lobbing done at short notice. au2 - - - , --DIREASEN Or 'TITE NERVOWFC, SEMINAL, URINARY AND - SEXI3AI, 2 h - YSTEMS—new and tellable treatment—la Re port. of the TIOW6O A.noclatlon- Sent by mail In 6C1 , 4,11 letter envelope, free of charge. re,. U. J. SKILI,ENIIOI2:6-1 - 11 . 071, Howard :lon, No. 3 South N.uth gtrcet, Plilla. ltnlt2E:ly s II0L31:KS dr SONS. Peelers In FOR EIGN AND DO3IESTIO BILLS OF EX IRIANCIL;__CERTIFIOATI OF DEPOSIT, RANK NOTES AND SPEUJE, No. JIAB.KET .1 .--n - -- REET lee P ll ls _•_ bu teni rgh le V on ell the ptinelpAl.eltlea tlayugho l ut thr United States.' lIENIIF U. COLLINS, FORWARD ING AND COMMISSION MEROHANI and arldgemale dealer in CHEESE, BUFFER, SEEDS;" - FISR, nod produce immorally, No. IS CgOOD STREET Pittaburd.b. not CLAIM 4GEXI S. J63E14 X. 0 A.ZZAX OILIIEUT L K , Y.6.112121 c2IASTEIM GAZZA3I, CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTORNEYS-AT-DAR, No. 9S GRANT STREET, Pittnburgitt Licensed by Government to coiled OtiNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY 1 Military or Naval Claims Againlt thb United State. • • ONE MINDRED DOLLARS, due poldlets chimed on account of wounds recelyed to bottle' copcctcd Imme,Untely. /fir92 ! 1 . 1 at 88 6RAFT . STREETopposlte..C_hs cili*L PEIiSIONB, BOUNTIES., • I W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, A 3 rmy and Navy Agency ;Ae. 144 IFOURTII ST.,- Pittsburgh iIRZSIONS proineed; BOWTIE BACK PAT cad riun; MONEY, *Rd COMMUTATION OF : RATIONS of released prisoners collected. PAT OF PRISONERS OF WAR cum to draws • wives or 'widowed mothers.- oat WOUNDED SOLDIERS. . . . ~ $lOO Bounty t o Wounded Soldiers, 'ls now being paid to all with a °Discharge.° Ns .charge wade until O moseyis collected. -- -- . M ‘• T. WALTER DAT A i . Licensed by the IL S. Gorernment. No. lm Fl y nt STIMET, second door below the AlathedraL mg2riyas _-____ SQLDIERS' CLAIMS, SOLTMTItif PENSIOXS END ARREARS OF PAY, t s N 0.125 FOURTH ST., Pittiburgh, Pa. de3o:GuldkrlF Siii.ITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every descrllttlon, collected by the ~,bo cri t.,, at thelollotrlnit rates, : Pensions FIN all other claims CIAO. O. O. TAYLOR, Attorney-nt-Lsw No. 73 Grant street, Pittsburgh: PA. N. B.—No charges are made It the claim does net succeed, and all Information given grail.. scA:ly „MCCORD Rats, Caps and straw Goods, . , ;Have now la store the largest and molt fompkte - , - GOODS FOR FALLSALFSF Eye oOcrcd In the woot." - ixotatutotti iti•itotoesti 4 to eon and examine our gook, write!" will be sold at very low tetra. - - - • net _ I tmoop . PEACH prn,llll2 install by lg . - ifT/VASOrti' de". IRLlbelti Olt I.,ll.oLlllias AMERICAN ORGANS, Ig=l lIMINEM Just received, a choice assortment of superior AT PRICES FROM' $375 TO $l.OOO These instruments are acknowledged by judges to be the best in the market, and will be sold at (rota twenty-live to seventy-tire dollars less than factory prkei. All guaranteed for 5 years.. Persons Intending to buy a handsome Christmas or New Year's Present lire particularly requested re call and examine our stock before going else where. CIIICEERING'S PIANOS, SOLICITORS OF And ill other Promptly attended to by AILTIIVIIR ttc ILMDELL. Wholewa Dealer Pin,n os, AND MELODEONS. BRADBURY, (New York,) and &Mean:Eß & CO.'S (Phila.) PIANOS, IMPROVED AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODEONS, Lcxcrlptlye circulars furnished on appliontlan. WMADZUSM & BARR, No. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCS., St. 01.1 r St. IV EDER'S PIANOS, EMERSON'S PIANOS, FOR CHRIST:II:LS, GALE'S PIANOS, FOR CHRIST3LIS, MILLER'S PIANOS, iLirs .P 1 ANOS, !k1 I :L()DEONti CABIN ET A >RCA NS. FUR CHRISTMAS. 14 , ram. to suit everybody. CHAS. C. MELLOR. /CA , 81 WOOD STREET OFFMAN, HOENE & CO., SOLE AOLlrril TOIL Tioc,l.c.c.r"es Pica.ascois. SIEDLE, 1.83 SMITIWIELD ST Pines and Musical Instruments Keeps sormtnatly on ►nnd • fine ►ieortment of New PIANOS VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACOOR• I,F;ONS, STRINGS, which he sail] sril for low WTI,. • (211 PRESENT ONE OF KNAISE & CO'S GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANOS Also, Itnines' Bros.' Pismo*: Grupe k KlodS'. ssN, and Prince's Automatic. Oron. CaMILOTTE o, • 111.1t'?ME. Efil=al3E2M= 043 TS .4.47) SHOES. SOUTH 4: BOSS (formerly SLATER SoeTf) have constantly on hadA • A FINE STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES, IC hich they ire prepared to Sell Cheap No. 54 Market street. 11y4 ARLES' BOOTS, SHOES AND OHMS SUSSES BOOTS, SHOES AND GUMS, CUILDEEN'S SHOES OF ALL EINDS MEN'S BOOTS, BALMORAL-5 tr. GUNS BOY'S BOOTS 1.51) SHOES YOUTH'S BOOTS AND 6110E3. ' le" Xxx "CrecricL - p, at II'CLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE 55 Fifth Street BOOTS, SHOES, (MITERS, BALMORAL:I AND ODDS LADIES AND GENTS' SLIPPERS The Inrgest, beat nelcete and eheapent stook la the city, at • BORLAND'S, 95 Market It., second door from 6th jAMES - 110138, No. SD Market Street SELLS THE BEST, tEE NEATEST FITTING, And TAE 'MOST DOKABLIe, Of any bouea in tba city fle hr.. Just retched n magalacent Fall Stotk. Try lam *MO THE "STAR" WORK! YOST RECEIVED BY GEORGE ALNItEE, SON & CO., N 0.93 WOOD STREET. Boyo' add 'Youth's Beet Bnlmoralx; Oxford nos; " • " Bootees; Cbtlllren's Goat and KW Shoes. These noqds are made to our special order, and aro vnartuAd unequalled custom work. • noie. • ATERCIIAXT Ta"MORS. BISSELL'S BLOCK. W. H. MeGEF., • 10 ST. CLAIR STREET, Would call the attention of buer. to hls Otis& of goods. It has been selected STYLESat careh_and contains all the NEWEST OF GOODS to be found In first class houses. Gents wishing • suit of clothes made to order, will please call and examine. our goods and prices. Also, a full and complete' stock of M1'L1573.1033.1.1Ma Ci•csaciss. W. 11. MeGEE, MILIWITANT TAiLos, not No.lo ST. CLAIM STREET. 11ENRY G. HALE & CO., Merelimit rrnilorm, N. IV. car. Pratt & St. Clair Streets, . — .D.t'it'AV,TRY: • • JOSEPlUA.DValt:tiantlst, Connellit' Mundintaon4ll444loND Git ittrects,Plttsourgte: 11r.lialeq,114Thendore Tweelt,Fxratt , • f :s#f!?it ' • , PretodiS'EVPLWIT.DRAMTMGEI and! tppar; SICIATIMS, for all kinds of buintloptiond sopa, intentlidnOV erection tintensbnobli. - %air Oaks on ANDERSON RTRREA ,botween Laottok nod Robinson: Alletbfon, 'WEL , MDPLE - 43 c V Liberty street, oppteSistSr . , Pittsbtni! resifsetureys LASHES & ES, itzdevery . l4 mps..;WorkistisLA TliEg a: ly shipped "5044:114i1034' • ROCES..I3:IIr.W . S. Sc. A . 001417.ETE HISTORY OF VIE BREAT REBELLION, ChronoirOnia Ily arranged from the commence meat cloven trvlvon and active hostilitica, April nth, 16E*, down the • Re-ejection of Abraham Li4coln. Resignation of General Melellan, Getober Bth, MS, is published to Hiint's Pittsburgh Almanac for 1865; Prioo Ton Coates. Jtittiletl, poet paid, on receipt of price. Addrean JOHN P, HUNT, Publisher, 3 65 FIFTH. St., MAl3o?irl.o TULL NEW BOOK 3 DOWN IN TENNESSE.F. Thu nem volume, by the author of "Among the Pines," selling oif like wild-fire, and can hardly be made mimed as the orders pour in for it. It is crammed full of material. most Important to every one interested In public affairs, military or pollti. cal. besides being as thoroughly attractive sad ale. sorbing In incident and story as the author's ether hooka. 12mo, cloth. Sl 60. VIC.TOIIIE. t a teve li n m o o r , e c l ic T i l l f , omLn p n . d iv hjsl4- 1 1rii to make a <;yrrimiwr. ch t neitengawndolzosl.finctioan.uthcgmtl:teclutllzeg d Chip: per. it 60. PEE ART OF CONVERSATION, A splendid hook, that every one ought to awn. limo, cloth. 1.1 60. TILE ALABAMA AND SUMTER 13y the author of "'May Martin,. "Locke Amadeu.. 12mo, cloth. 81 60. John Guilderstring's An Intense and proslotrate Love Story, In the Jane Eyre style. 12mo, cloth, tinted paper. 81 ISO. 7.3[1.2 - 31-7:1L4319ifil 4:16 7=P4cyl_talst Direatohnee new novel. Mao, cloth. St 2L TALES FROM THE OPERAS. The plots of all the operas, to the shape of start lama, cloth. el rot FOIL SALE BY HENRY MINER, 71 and 73 Utah street. 1,000 E ITABLL U HOLIDAY PRESENTS .A1,1,131U315, 15 CENTS TO $5O; Largest and Finest Assortment In the it WE BDT LARGELT. AND CAN SELL AT LESS THAN EASTERN PRICES OUR ALBUMS ARE MADE BT WRITLNG DESKS, GOLD PLS., GOLD PENCILS, TOY 1100 ES air BOOKS LADIES' _ LADIES' COMPANION. LADIES' PURSES, LADIES , WORK-BOXES, CHILDREN'S DOORS CHILDREN'S GA %IF:4. =FILM. PORTFOLIOS, •._ GA Mrs—rho.% Chequers, Ddmiimes. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ' PLAIN AND COLORED W Call and see oar stock, al JOUN W. PITTOCIVS, FIFTH STREET, opposite Lite Post 01los. delletw. 11c1GNIF10SNT y l nX2ily 331.1a10e5. dctS l'co. 73 Fourth street. TVISIIAELI'S AMENITIES OF LIT ItitATITRE consisting of sketches And elms Octets of English Llterstare. Now 13calticasa.. Riverside Frees. In two 'rehires.. Price, $t 00. KAY & CO.; 55 Wood St. • ELVAIRA. • The hitherto uncollected writings of CHARLES LAMB. Piloted ot the Riverside Feu One elegrint 12 mo. volume. Price, $2,25. KAY & CO., • _ deal 53 'WOOD Rt. A BASE IMITATION of my PATENI tairYlNCi PAPER In now bang orcred to the public. BEWARE OF ITI It to so rotten that when dampened for copying- It will bonny bold together by Its own weight. Ile sure to ask Stationers for the genui M ne. WILLIA MANN A 43 South 4th street, Philadelphia. CJIIPETS. OIL CLOTHS, Se. ATENITIAN BLIND TRIMMING, • In new pattereuf end colors. White Marble Table Oil Cloth OIL CLOTH 81168. PICTURE CORD AND TASSELS Philadelphia Greta Oil Cloth. ne ebovattew goods just om3E4 tot wkokeele esul retell trade, -st tho Q_ arpet. store oC KoFAIILLND & COLLINS. Nos. 71 & 7t Firrki STEEF, datD st door toTost Mae. second floor. • •Li'l-1-2.111XLI" OLIDAI GIFTS IN•XELIViCio MOSAIC RUGS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF NOW IN STORE. t 4 W. D. glt U. McCA.ILLUTF, t l . g i dell Ft FOURTH STREET. 0 ARPETVSTORE.. 11=11=i11 ' • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . . All Legal Butane?. piomptly attended N. sir Office, No. ice Founti ornixt,'near CtrOo,t Pittiburc. rrrrsmntfatt. PTV.,14.40A116LL JO MICKRELL JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS , At-LAW, ' ALDIEILS , °tit* AG EDITS wilotinties for WoundeaSsidters - o.ollectEl erAtanp.; . d i n it....,,,,, pato , Call With discharge and two witnesses. 4174,14 OAR NV; '"'' ATTORNEY-AT-I.AWV-vI a: :No./oqm= Bimmtrql.4burgb, Pa._ FrNsiors,-iiil ' • 11014 E. OPATII I C. Homeopathic Remedies Stand confessedly' at the head of remedial mean for the use of the people. They are nltlce removed from the imAsonotts, dangerous, and repulsive doses of quackery, or Old School practice, the Inconve nience of water-curc. or Lite Intricate and perplex or obscurities of the usual lionhcopsthlc booms an Inedielhes. Llonsieting of simple specifies for the . . _ . various diseases to which they are relatol—put up In the form of simply sugar pellets—and prepared of Ingredients neither dangerous nor disgusting, they are the ready aid of the parent or nurse, and the comfort of the complaining and invalid. They possess these positive advantages. They are harmless—no injury con arise from their use' They arc simple—you Morays know what to take, and how to take it. They aresonventent—youenn give the Proper Sugar at moment's warning, without hesitation or delay._ They are etileient— in thousands of MICR disease is arrested at onee, and the system cured without prostration or delay. No.l—Cures Fever, eangration and Inflammation, lent, Pain and Res ticreness, and the ttrct lances et he acute and inflammatory diacase. Price 25 eta. Na. 2—Cures Pones lever, Worm Colte•and Voo ac ious Appetite. Wetting the Bed. Price 35 echts. No. ll—Cures Collo. Teething, Crying and Wake fulners, Slew 'Growth and Feel,lenees of Infants. Price an cent. No. 4—Cures Diarrhe4, Children or Adults - Cholera Inter:awn end Complaints. - Price se cents. Nos. 4 Paul 5 cure the worst coals of Chronic Di arrhea. No. 6—Curea Dysentery or Bloody Flux, arippings, BlUoue Collo:Fall Dysentery. Price a No. I—Cures Coughs, ()olds, noarsenesS, Woo ohltls, Influenza and Sore Throat. Price 35 cents Thls and No. I never tall to cure the wont Cold and Coughs.. ' No. B--Cures Tooth-ache, Face-oche, Nervous. nen and Tic Doloreux- Price 35 cents. No. In—Cotes Dyspepsia, Weak, Acid or Decamp eti Stomach, lionstipation, Lirer Comptaint, or filiiooo Condition. Price 35 rents. is ars far all cases of Weak Digestion and Di'lotus Complaints. No. 11—Curegliuppwasod Meoses, or Sexnty. or Painful, or Delaying ,Gruen Sickness. cents.. No. 12—Curse Leueorrhca or Wlltes, Down too Profuse Menses. 25 cents. No. 13.--Cures Croup, Hearse Croupy Cough 111111eult and Oppresiwit Breathing. 3 , 7, aunts. No 14—Cures Salt Rheum, CrilSty •Eruptio., Erpupt.l., Scald Bead, Barbers' 'MIL, Pimples on the Face. s 5 cents. No. In.—Corea Optbtrialmfa, Weak or Inflamed Eyes or Eymlids, Falling or It oak Flight. 60 cent. It may always be relied upon for a cure. No. 19—Cures (letarrh, acute or chronic, dry Cur: ing, Cold in the Mad, Influenza. 60 cents. No. 20.‘eurest Whooping Cough, shortening and pall/sting it, or Spasmodic Cough. GO cents. It is Inbabble, and always relieves and cures. • No. ^l—Cures Asthma, Oppreased, Maim% Ls. bored Breathing, Bough and Expectoration. Price 60 cents. lint:deeds bare been cured by It. J L. r.r.a.D, EMBROMEUED The lima Imported VELVET ETGS arron.wrrs. ,:~ti .:.,'''::',_'-_;,. M=U Mlll2 ITV4IPMEREY'S SPECI7:IO NO. 9—Cures IleSitache, Sick Headache, Vertigo, ush of Blood to the }lend. Price 25 cents. In addition math No. In, it never falls to cure the moat inveterate cases. No. 15—Cures Rheumstlem, Pain, Lameness, o orenees In the Chest, Back Side, or Limbs, o 35 cents. No. l'7--Cures Piles, Internsl or External, Min r Recent. or Obstinste,_6o cents. roo.r , ly ho cured I.ll.ous4nas of the worst nosailde cases. 13—(urea Scrofula.. Enlsrged 'Glands, and 'retails Swellings and Ohl Ulcera. 60 cents. lies cured the worst cues. • No. TA—Cures General Debility, Phynieslor Nee. out We-Akan,. s) cent.. No.2s—Cures Itropsr, Fluid A.:cumulations, Tu. mto •Sivellinu, with Scanty Secretions. to cents. No. W..—Cums SeeStekaeu, Prostration, Veitiga, VomtUng. Go cents. • • l 7 —Ouel Urinary Dissases, Gravel, Rectal Calculi, Difficult or Panful Urination- 60 cent. It cures old cases of lildnel D16616ca.." No. 'S—Fcir Seminal Emissions, Involuntary Discharges and consequent Prostration and Debili ty, Dad Results of Evil Hsblts. Price $1 09. Tim moat efficient remedy known, and can be retied upon as a lute cure. No..M—Cnres Sore mouth or Shit:ouch, Csakered hlouth of Adults or Children, and also Ntur4u sod Vomiting of l'stgLant Females. 60 cents. : Cures nt once. No. 31--etires Palate Menstruation,; Prestnre, ("ramp or Sp name, Prucittli, Itching . , asd Iran. Wm of k'einales. $1 CO. It acts like a charm. No. so--(lurea Suffering et Change of LLfe, Irreg ularities, Mattes or Heat, Palpitation, and even License of the 00. • No. 03—eures Spada, and Cloovullior • leper r 1 , 3111ng-Slcknerd, Choler or St.•Yr Dinoe, crk, SI 00. • No. 34—Cures Dlptheria and Ulcerate, Rant Sore Throat. 9 cents. SB list family ease - 2.0 Val 'family cane,morocco 20 Jai cane, pinta IS vmll clue a: vial Phraltises cane POND'S EXTRACT OF A AVAMTJA • • For Burns Scalds, Clutsßrulses, Soreness, Le - C • 11C135, Sprains, Rheumatism, Bulb, Ulcers, Old and Too:heel. If ccla lac - a charm. Price to contr. The trade supplied at New York primes Our Remedies by Mull Look over the lint, make up e mom of what - kind 700 choolc, and Inclose the amount la a current note or Almon, by mail to my addreve, and the medicine will be duly returned by mall or express. fore of charge. J. M. VIIITON, Ilritt Street, (Dlrpalcit Bulklln nr Becorul door below the Poet 011Icen lithelesile agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity it re 11.1JrKS. - - DOLLAR bAYIatOB. BANN, :NO: 54 CHARTERED IN' 1855. Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wmine s. day and Saturday evntlng, from Play Ist to No vc entier let, from I to 9 o'clock, and from November Lt to May let freto.6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all come of notiess than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profit,. declared twice a year, In Juno and December.. latereat has been de elated sembannually, in June and December,. since the Bank woe organized, at the rate of six per cent. Spear. Interest, if not drawn out, Is placed to the credit of the depositor sa principal, and bears the same Interest from the first days of Juno and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate money will double in less than twelve nooks, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished: gratis, on application at the office. PratEsroer—ClEOßClE AT.TraPr VIOE rILLSIDEATB. James McAuley, James B. D. Moods, John 11. Shoenbergcr, WM. Douglas, James llerdman, lassertLiPennook, Peter A. Madeira,' James Stddle William .1. Anderson, John B. McFadden, A. M. Pollock, M. Lb, John G.'llackffien. • - 111178 TEES. °Rhin: Adams, Henri .I:Lynch, • - John o.l3indley, John Marshall, • , George Black, • Walter P.l•Larshilli Bill liurgwin, John Orr Alonzo A. Carrier, Roberti/14dg Charles A. Colton,' — Beery 'John Evans, . William S. Se" Mr, . Ben j. L. Pahnestock, Alexander S 'John J. (itinerante, • Alexander Tthdlepeer, ,' William S. Raven, • William Veatch*, ' • Peter H. Hunker, Isaac Whittler, Richard. Ilaye , :Wm. P. Wsymtrazt, James D .. Kelly,. Christian Yeager. Secretary and Treasurer-011AS. G IDOLT6X. matt I :dim DIME SAVINGSINSTITUTION; NO &BIM:FIELD STREET, (= Ito the Mame !Louse.) Chartered by the Le • • .preodent--crEo. p. JONES - vtate rizzeinzwrA. •••. • • .Wm.II. Smith, Joshua Rhodes; Thos. B. Messier,. Alex. Bradley, Fnuiets tellers, • A. Relnerisin, - Jolla F. Jennings, - Jofoph Blom' Thos..B. Blair,B. B. llartmall, - Beery Lloyd, ' Bahia: . rnasrasa _ _ Jmnet rack, Jr., S. S. Vowler,, , D. M. Long, J. M. Tiernan, Dr..Jas. Carothers, 11. F. :foam A. S. Dell, 0.1.1. Wolf,' . , Joe: Dilworth , R. D. Cochrau,' • Wm. Smith, J.'W. Wood well, • W. H. Phelpi, ' R. C. Schmertz, 11:..E. McKinley, 7. MeV. Groullnui, 0.12. Paulson, R. sg,gth, ' Jacob Stuckrath, • G. Follansbee, Alfred Slack. D. Zug, ant Dream' 211.103PLEi. open daily, from 9 a. in. to: p.lm. Also, Sattit , - day evening, from 6 to S o'clock. Deposits received or one dime and upwards. •Dtvidersla declared'in December andJuneof each _Dividends allowed So rembin are plackto the credit of the depositor as principal, and .bear. inte set r Books containing t, ter, Ety-Lriert, ite.;tornted• This Irietitutia.offere,..espectally•to thaw pnrsonawhose earningt um& small, the opportunity to eiteronulate by.imall_depositsWeimily saved, a irim which w ill be a resource, when turedetl, - their tooney,not only G ate; but,bearlog Intermit, Leetemi oiremai =productive. selleAm. rub& rms. .. • Jour 31.31u.Kr• STY,Fia . , C Sfilek Broke wand Reat Estate Agents Bt.koliiiieNi4Seta eieb;Avelj-cui skrome N Witairrolur. • • , GS* & - BOOTT 4tfiutfi frausii ,leOteeforaattaisetetith Amts. . - _ • . _ - .T 1 r, Ir. IL I.:tiIITHLLT CATARRH. D. Lici-yriiiLL, TILE AUTHOR OF I Letters on Catarrh,” "A Popular .ran Ilse on Deafness," dc., is NOW AT TILE STt CHARLES UOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PL. AND CAN BE CONSULtED FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 23d, 1884, Deafness, Catarrh, AND ALL 'um 'VARIOUS DISEASES OP EAR, THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES. SYMPTOMS OF, CATARRH The Not sensation Is tumidly a feeling ofgryttess aqd heat in the none' and a remittent Inclination to sneezing. There is an Inabil ty to breathe' freely, na the nose becomes stopped up, sometimes on one side, sometimes on tire other. Soon a clear watery, acrid discharge makes its mire:amine, excoriating the nostrils, and edges of the lips, it become red and somewhat swollen. Alter a'rew days the tilseitarge becomes thick, yel lowish, extremely frequent and continues to be a marktal feature of the disease, ands source of much thieve and the greatest aunoyance. After more or less . time, it becomes pureleut,. highly offensive, and assumes an extremely fetithodor. ft brusually so profuse nn to require, when minened to the nose, the frequent application of the handkerchief, or It .it drops trio the throat, which is more particularly the case, while the body is in a horizontal position, constant expectoration, and sometimes both. Sleep Is frequently disturbed by a sensation of choking, canoed by the presence of the discharge in the throat- Owing to the hest In the head, the watery portion of the secretion often evaporates, and immunise; a condition of solidity is deposited ui on the membrane of the nose and upper part of the throat, in the shape of crests or hardened lumps. The accumulation Of these incrustatious produces a reeling of discomfort, and narrows the nasal pass. age so as to embarress,respiration. Therefore fre quent efforts have to Le made to remove them, either by forcibly blowing the nose or by persistent hawking—a practice so dleagreeable to the one at feeted as it is to those around him. After the re mot el, that side of the incrustation which adhered to the mimeo. Membrane will sometimes be found blmidy, a fact which explains the force required for is dislodgment. During eleep these incrustations( accumulate more-rapidly, and the feeling therefor* to most uncomfortable lathe moraine. Sometime the ettbrtF is o clear the throat are futile until after breakfast r after something warm swallowed. Some pat eats state that thee are not successful *eta they have swallowed some whisky or brandy. The discharge, width is at Bret without smell, as demos, in the ',regrew of the complaint, an excess ively fetid otter, tee breath partielpates this, and becomes occasionally so revoltingly offensive as to render the patent in object of disgust to himself as well mite others. Ulceration of tne Enl2CllOll3 mem brane of the nose takes place frequently, sometimes tin° attacking the bones when small particles of Substance wiR occasionally be found mixed.wah the discharge. The accumulation of the discharge, together with the thickened condition of the -mucuous membrane, renders respiration through the nasal passages very difficult, and oftentimes fa possible, necessitating respiration principally through the mouth, a method very deleterinne to the general health, but more particularly to the lungs, as will be shown hereafter. The unpleasant noise produced during sleep, known as =mina oeiginates. from the, name cause. The:salmi loses its musical quality, and assumes &handl and nasal character; the teen of smell becomes much in. pelted or entirely lost, and the same effect, though less frequent, is produced on: the aense of taste. Occasionally, while blowing the nose, a or bubbling sound will'be heardln the eat crii ,and hearing will be found tO be thick and sapped up. hot return suddenly with a anappingllOW3ll. phenomenon ls usually repeateduntli, at one time, tiza u ri r g . s n e o s t return, and the head " of 'e'very ins unmet/tilt description will make their appearance anil add lei the distress of the sufferer, and hearing be lost so gradually that a considerable t degree of deafness may exist before the person is really waren(' the fact. Their eyes are apt to become weak, Irritable and disposed to water on exposure to.wiad and cold, or after the slighest exertion.. A. pate more or, less acute, or a distressin= feeling of pm - inure is experienced Over the eyes, andsoinemmes on the back of the head. and also pain In the taco, closely 'resembling neuralgia, for which it is oaten mis taken. The distress in the head weakens the memory and praluces irritability and moroseness of disposition. The stomach generally 'Winn more or less, in weak and irritated, the appetite is capricious, and to nearly always hark la the morn ing. In severe eases the system becomes feeble andprostrated and there ts an aversion or inability to either physical or mental exertion. Notunfro. quently catarrh proves fatal either by debilitating the system or wearing out the patient, or by trav eling uplinnls and pralucinkaore throat affections, bronchitim, and ilmdlyeensamption. It may be safe ly asserted, that hereditary predispositlommitarrh, le the most.frequent =al important cause of Ms fe tal complaint. Catarrh has beenconsidered an insurable disease, and on the strength of that supposition has been neglected by. both the profession and the public. As it Is theemilting dnuadin full half the eases of DeaftlClff, DLL Llgautll have for years past, made its proper treatment their special study, and harp by their success fully established the cur U.l Ity of this complaint. That this is no mere aseertien in be readily comprehended by the annexed testimo nials from highly reapectable parties woo nave been' under their care. ....Al° 09 em $ 00 900 16 00 TTIMOIcIALS • PrrrasuneO L P.a., NOV. 4 Wt. Thin will certify that I have been under the care of 1/r. lighthill; for the care of Catarrh, and that, as though he hail attended me' for little otee one week, I feel theta permanent-cure is to be effect ed, and am so much better in all respects as to - erm% rant me in giving publicity to Sheet/ facts and re.. commending Dr. Lightldll to any one affeeted with Catarrh: , , - JACOB FORSYTH, Nrw YOzut t NOV. 2, ISM Ws Is to Certify that I bars been allltsted Catarrh for some years,_whlclk produced the usual disagreeable °fleets.. I mmanlted Dr. Llyhtbilr about eine or tee months since, and at once placed myself under Ma care. 1' mit eatlrelyfresirom : darra, my throat is perfectly healtlit and my he.sltis is r! From thellon. Irs Fish. P atton.Natne. • - Dn. idenvnum :—Dear tor,—r lend you a state meet ram) caw, which you may wises you.thlnY ro pper. T hav e eon. eintances in different parts of -the Statea, have served three years as Senator of Penobscot county, and three years as Represents. ttyr,--In all .sts. years-4n our State Legislature. Al statement may benefit some of those atMeted ly Tar ermars3 - years X bare 'been afflicted With Catirrh:. I have tried many prescriptions for it without resolving any benefit Aberefroal. I have. taken your mediplee 'Mut ten months, and It has enrol me. I' could recommend to those afflicted with this disorder to apply to yea. I amconfldent If they will follow your directions data sure will be effected, however inveterate the case may be. licspertfullY /Ours. • - •• From Rev. R. P. Russell, Lynaißfas4 - . I have been much troubled with Qaterth.'6l the vont type for BOUM' Went/ Year* , AM gradually., grew. wane, 1111711 We TOllol' and Itoinentesi do. ' • general the sena,. es of smolt and breakhastdoW my timith to such a degree as to compel me ter: maga my pastorate and auspen4 - publle speals , I mado dlllgent. use of the Usual. stratellee; ‘ 4 , mar o ydiftient kinds, nitrate of silver, tar loW• er. .„,yd thhapuens, but without as very salutaty , illau.: Lest sunimer I hoard of Dr. eeseftwi.of Unsling catarrh,. visited .hlm, and put in under: his.treatroant: I. began immedi. Ater , /MOrgV44 1 4 , 14h1i Immo, meat. has lone en tOltbls OTegentillae.. cat= Shai gradually melt* sway, lutronugh has dlaspooaredptay voted' Ulf became natural, and I. am- woe ' , more able to - 'stoma sae blasted. Goipel... Let :nms - advists ell: trouble& "IA eaten& /Mottles, to spptyto•Dr, slug 14:10SI '7l" - C.1 , 71 r, r.rro rg )01;111N6' is:sw Yon c, Oetobeen, ISdit A. A. TATLOR, Athiarr, 163 Brn...tryog: hove received nt our Yard et Penhorn Ott,. New J er..y. tricot, of Rellnea Petri - Ili:am from Tituatille: Pa , one of 1:48 barrels having the brand attic , “Ile:tactical Barrel 0,,' (Robbtrott Patent.) A careful eartainntion of this cask show. it to be In perfect order, (no eraportt io filledlrage,) and the wood abdry an hciorn it wall The other barrel. of the invoice were in fair order, but We leakell ore* MlpOrated nbillt two gallon. each. We cl.cert,lty rt,omraend the Hermitian! B.trrel to liclincrei and Shipper. of Petroleum. • TitEitIBLEY,PELELPS & • l i i ar-msrin.r. , B EnctunT AND 2npurou Treturf 0/7101; ,C 3 Broadtray, corner Hey street, (011 . Depot, Jersey City.) New York, NPVClllber . .l3, 1004. A. A. Tart,on, .ideary;"ls3 Broadway. We received at our _Depot, Jersey City, on the 16th Of O ctober last, no Invoke of Petroleum from Titußra sville, Pa., of which were (nor barrels haring the and of the "llemetical Barret Co., Robbie.. .Patent." A careful examination of these Darrell shows-them to be to perfect order, no evaporation or Leakage. The outside of the nod of the barrels ts ae dry no before they were 1111 rd. - We understand the above shipment • Was throe meets the road, and was transhipped three times. Since they have been et our Depot, they have been sub j ect to cons - bier:ole rough %reattnent, and encrwanre to sun and rain. A few days age they were...mewed and found to contain all the oti that was originally put la them. The Imes of Petroleum from leakage aaAayspar atlon between here nod Oil Creek,amentets to from 6 foto per cent. We have no doubt the 'ltobbisea! Hermetical Barrel would save this entire 10444 AK well se all losses of Petroleum when - Onnterne., If, If. VALENTINE, ,Supf... • • We will be Prepared In a short time to fundable Bathers, Barrel blanufeeturers and, deafe n: Crude 011, samples of Barrels yrepired by ROBBINS' PROCESS;;:; • Which will demonstrate to all Interested - that Barrel la all that YIP claimed for It, : A Hermetical Darrel That It will hold ()rude 011, Befitted 011, Naptlut, SO, its of Turve ntine. etc WITHOUT LEAKAGE OR ETAPORATION; • For months, without Injury In the slightest allgews.... The process of prepsrlng Barrels by Robbins method Is eery simple, cheaper than most ethos proceesee In use, and lb EFFECTUAL. For further particulars seeamphlet, wklols can be hod nt our 0ttice,.N0..122 F irst street. .1113 r A pplicA t to. for Licenses fur using the share process, through .madam LIPPFNCOTT. FRY Es ' PROCLAI4IATION. — CITY OF ALLE; ()DENY, en. In accordance with a provision of at Act of the e General Asternbly of the Corn mortirc th of Perim.. lvonis, entitled "An Act to Income te the Otty of Allegheny," and a eupplement mused the Illth clay of April, A. D, tbi I, I, A. C. ALIMANDER, Moyer of sold city, do issue this, my nroclamaUon, Moyer that on the SECOND TUESDAY Oh JAN VARS:, A. 1). thsp, being the 10th day of the .month, the qualified Voters of each ward will meel. together at the placea hereinafter mentiontid, nod , elect, by ballot, one citizen to servo as Meyer, sad' one citizen to eerie ori Director of the Poor., EMMSM The quelified voter, ofl.ll;.iirst Ward of said , sty will meet at the Public School House in said ward, to elect, by ballot, bee citizen. to serve ns n -• member of the Select Council, four citizens to serve ns members of the Common Council, ono citizen to acne an Alderman: one citizen to serveas Assessor two for School Directors, one Inc ;Lodge of Elec. Eons, four for :inspectors of Elections, and one 1 for Constable. SECOND WARD. ' The qualified electors of the Second Ward of salt - city will meet at the Public School Home to side. ward, and elect, by ballot, one citizen to eerie as a member of the Select Council four citizen:, to serve as members of the Common Council, one for-As sessor, two for School Directors, one for Stift. of Elections, four for Inspectors of Elections, and one . for Comanble. THIRD WARD. The qualified voters of the Third Ward of sell city will meet as follows. viz: Tip nest precineb: will meet at the Public School ouse in arta • ward, end the second precinct Iv 11 meet at the house of Col. Gent. corner of East Lane and Sc.. and street, in said city, to alect, by ballot, ono ont- • :• len to serve as a member of the Select. Council. four citizens to serve as members of the Common' • Council, one citizen to serve as Assessor. two (Her ."- .zees to serve as School Directors for three yesor. and one to serve as School Director for one, year..., vine Rev. McMillen, resigned; One citizen to serve ss Judge of Elections, andlour citizens to serve id Inspectors of Elections, and one for Constable. • - • . FOURTH WARD. The qualified voters of the Fourth Ward Of snit city will meet as follows, ten. The first. endear .+ will meet at the Engine House. corner of Laceek and - Anderson Streets, and the second precinct, wilt . meet at theboulo Mn. Park, on the corner, ef Chestnut and Main streets, in said Ward, and debt. " by ballot. one citizen to serve as a member of the Select Council, four citizens to serve as.minalxnet of the Common Council, one citizen to: Serra to ~, Assessor, two citizens to serve as School Difectoto. •'` one citizen to serve as Alderman, siceJoslah Scott. deceased, one citizen to Sen!, as Judge of Mo. tines to each precinct, and four to serve ni Lupo*. , tors of Elections imeach precinct, fuideuus for Cone arable. , . , . . • The Return Judges will meet at the Mayor's Ore lice, City Heil, on •WEDNESDAY MORNING.. January lath, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose Of ofte. - tentilning the result of the eltmtion.. • • (Then under my hand and seal, this sttia day as . December, A. D. 1864. • • ". dettfutd . A. 0. ALEXANDER., Mayer.. • ' - • 31:013KINGUISI • • • o OIL SPRING PETROLEUM COMPANY, Morgan County, Ohio. 483 Acres in Fee on Oil Spring's Roof Three miles from MeOmmellsrillo. Incorporated under the lawn cif Penreqlrante. CAPITAL STOCK $500,00% 100,000 Shane at Si Per Share, Fall hid Working Capita'reserved for development 11,0111 shares, the subscription 'Ohre for which is prot share—not liable to further assessment. - GEORGE W. CASS, Esq. President of the P., Ft. W. k O. E. R. Os. R. T. WICE, Jr DIIIICTOIIII Get, W. Con, 3. B. Guthrie, • 3c m. Richard', Fnuak Ratan, A. J. Ryon, TIIE CONXIL*Ir ONWIDU.3 18,000 Shun of the ithore &served Ilea nr nas man= Books of BAsoription. • Are caw open at tbe *Also a 9. 8. 8RY.919, 59 rourth •.r: WhereTroepectusend Map Of the ttotipanre yeep • erty can be • • Aleedu MINGO COAL WORK& Capitpa Stock, 8180,600:-. 1 4i 12,000 SURES AT $l6 Passnyincr,3ollN OSUMI- I Ssomerstor--Catt. JAMES. GORR,' I rIitASIMICII=J; 11. 31,cOUNE. , imeEcrons; 1011 N eltArrs M°C4 e hlcKlilr . F..TAWO - LYDAY , Capt.J.A.S. This Company owns the propertl_geOleititailit "Mingo Coed Works;“ together ; with thewlleitnaa - , adjoiningruad cotMaining ha all about .errs, The !Wooer !is situated on the West hank „ L IR th e .hy e eengabela - river, about one-L . 1444n ; • 'Mlles below -Monongahela City, In the.% pock , • on which'are situated 48 miner's dwel li ng oases store houres,.shops, together with a Maws!' A running to the river,with tipple; abutment, pd Mt an-ingements for loaang imaL ,•: The mines are already opened;drajned eted, and in - good= twining order, with entries • driven and rooms tinned, and 51133cm:slurp Deafer Working eighty to , one 'hundred mea t and ••• -.; I :the coal Lowell itnoWn to be of the very best wails tr. TheAillirigo" is believed to be one of thb awe .-:.- ..Valtiablec6slpropertlatbeMkinongahelayancyl The Company now proposes to, Increase: tame . :facilities termini ng by the trona:venom of anaddie Donal milway, - and. have set apart $30,003 in emit for the purpose. of making contemplated improve inenta and providing a working capital for the neW, Organ. iattion. With facilities which the CompanY will the Directors confidently bellevethet the" M,lsgOw mlii preen to be one of the 113011 L aubstanthirmidl • - remtinerstirif stocks lathe country. seflf F311E3 JEINKIIO,' •:C9alm4slon_3l.cretutat.,l,,, i=A.dottil.i•' : •• .- , ' ~ Dale It -' xivaii , In Flour; ' Ewen ' 41.'n-r ocipe uitt ,-. '" "' 'lltlistttres en! RrenedSgt.. :irtiellifiMtillWilimisilltgatA i ra .. •t o. ti ,..t rers wi.e.c.d tites,r itmad...4 litor at ± - rompt. arcettl .§.7 . . ,021.1,,,41,,,,e4 i.(7 ,t0,i,.7 ~,• ;: : 1, .: . :" . lonsfirosnentir andlt=p;witi, / *i e . -, 0.4',= 1 t , lc Mat. uNirm.atCtilir IF- lattettil4- 1 / 7 7 ••• • wows, - 3 ohm I.'tiottas lic o(4'Job Han .14 0 048' '44-lellial t:.k 's 8, 1 01.1c90, - ''. ~'' 111474'.: "~. W. Sageley, Benj. Bakewell, Jr., -- D. F. McKee, • B. T. Leech, Z. MEE
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