,j;~~ r l'ittsbitrgit FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 18 - ItOBINBON,_II"CLEAN & CO., Stock 4 and ,Exchange Brokers; BUY Anti SELL oN =MISSION ONLY. Bank, ligsgsranie4 Copier, Gas , Eallrosd amid Oil Mocks. Ar- ooircromest, secutitico of all kin& on hpiiid FINANCIAL MD voimieuk • BROKERS' AM? ISAICHEIVP BOAAD. . . .(01MAIOT1D BY 501T21502. X'CLT.A.II a, co.) _ 111IIAIDAY, January 6, - 1865: , 011% Ask'd. Bales. Ti. Z.V4 of MI tiny = V. 8.10.40 102 'Certificates •• 96 =Melds 93 ~rfftvanla x. 16 &Maltreat! IrR ...Vonnelavtile Interest 19 Pi 'iXti Bank - ttsburgh FiretNatiotud Allegh ' 70 eny—, 190 • 30 . •Ckdstubla }llion a. 4. 1 / 4 04. • 23 , PbU • ,PlidorgAo _. 06 , CUrtral-Basin ' lid Oble.Valley.. - ' • oaken, U. Is. B'' • ID Cherry Run and Pit , • Merchants ; .5 P. It G. W.Oll 01, • Ourenarlcet, aympatly with New York and Ph,844.61ph1a, Is without animation. The decline In Gold checked the advance in stoelii Materially. The Bulk held the marAL but three days, nod then gave way, Gold hu been weak alldsr. Meetr`: ruled 're 'little higher, but, the advance is • •.SOme impary for Bank., Sh areilmt notelet to re 'Oil Stocks Irregular and dnll-41.4 bid for 10 asked; Sales itt _Philadelphia Board at eXand 10. Some !attain; for Oil Begin. We note sates in our Philadelphia report for to-day, at 95; Sales of several hundred shares in our market at 10. Cald weitheld here atB—sales at• 7401; 1, 1-011 Creek & Cheery Bunt bid, 4 1 4 asked—geles at 4 , /,',e4, . males of Columbia at Etlq—eltaing, 8134, bid, 83 I There area a fair attendenee at the Peoples' Stock -Exchange this - cretins, but the sales, as will be eeen below, were light, and confined to two stocks. First National Bank, (Allegheny,) offered at its, '.0473 wag alibied for Et.change. In Olis, we note • Catawell being offered at 8; Central Resta, t,tO; Cherry Ilan Central, I,9o—rm bid; tf&O was offered firt Balzell; 1.90 for Elderado; Fleming & Blood, oilseed at 1,70; Federal,l,l6; Idembanta',7o-60bld; 4,oo.offered for 011 Creek Is.. Cherry 'Bun; Phillips, 11-4 bid; Pittsburgh & Philadelphle, 1,40-I,M bid; Boos, 1,32-1,10 bid; Ritchie, 1,25; Tack Petroleum, o[ News 'fork; 4-3,115 bid; Tarr, Story & Cherry Bad, t,lO-1',09 bid. , Bales Ittlaliarea Ohio Valley 1,50 .11 01111aste 10,00 • is. oil Creek & Cherry Run Oil Co:, has de. Cared a iltyldetul of two per coot. for the month of December. The directors of this company an nounce that hereafter theytatend to lieelareditid vloo 48 ,01100 1. • - ' ThetlineinsaU Crwmue of Wedneebty ups: A dlipatch was received on Third ditch to4ay, an nonnetog that oil had beer! !fate:Lek. by borers on tht land of.the Daniel Boone retrofit= Company. This caused considerable stir among stockholder', , but there seemed to be, ik disposition on the put puttiders to /Melt conarroatlan of the report. ,latlie.tnoolt of December the Treasury 'receiv ed for internal BeTenue the suss of 9M, 240 , 191 ; And f0r.0.90 L0an.....: 25,000,030 roir taw Low - thoemt) And theisreoelpts, says the Xew York Vines, oTer the °Winery subscriptions to the 1-30 II emit. Pali; ulaelanius,. not only enabled the Department' id; pakenif the audited requlalUons standing *Ter on thineth November, seitlesi. adding a. 'dollar •Hu Leger "hada' Cierres aro,elther On' plain 'or internat. beefing Motes - but - to carry. balance of about Idnibtogie to the payment of the current accotuais; Of tin inceitlinf December. • ' . , Seiko Trlbtmeof Wednaidayys sa: Ttesie r ar. ON'All with an' active speculative del' $, maul provialona and a brisk inquiry for money, - which o•day was but meagerly-responded to on the pallet the bankers, who -are unwilling,- with' I.he-preseut supply - of-currency. to extend' their diseount line. There it, however, no ehatureln the rate of discount, which rules at to le cent VI annum. Providon and Ilighwine operators, how ever, eomplaln greatly of this striitgeney in the mo ney market, and It 'checked the upward tendency In Nice* to-day very materially. • Thqifir Xerk PliPerksemefuni quote thinitiria maeket as "tight," and complain of the Secretary of the Treasury for havirig- caused - the stringency, We doinettniry remarks; an 'eichange,; !madly, wherein the search,- of money can be laid at the door of Mr. ressenden, burirhe would permit us to advisefilm we would suggest that the very best dirlitifenderoirWricy Pieritinit than it new in Ile will Mal at once that his ex• pease, are vest nfflueed, , cmd tlnt ho will Deed _ for the support of the 'war only about one-half of what he ROW re!pdrea.. WA think we. eau alreadg, see thiefietition of this ittringetioy in the falling - of thprices of several d the most Important aril • • :plea and li, GMT turas of theseriwin'thitt AirectiOn wlI speedilFhritiepriees to something near what thef A'rehartsgendeit wiltes that nitre nem** of Oil companies professing to hall from Pennsyt.. vs niailtetateotganisect wader Kew .1 - tetkeitirters; sod naki awe do not think the sold est worthy (IP Attention of our _Legialsture. Ire eel-tall* do. Cteregetnies that are errant:ed.-under the laws of ,our own State ate responsibly to and are obliged to pay of different hinds In addition to the , Min taxon:they lam* In the exiii of compaulesorgantsed rioter the , lowa of New Viirie .c reipiiastbiliti, and sidlest is therefore, eminently , yrorthy, of the attention of the members of the , Legislature.— . Philp. kaws. : CENTRAL LIVESTOCK MA RKEr.r. Ft eperted Excicuilrtir far tijo tstourgh Oqutte. ' ,'" 5;156.f t tfartia..Tkard '41141; Nally been all:nerj. tort to the-market tor Cattle atthele ydldll Mufti the past Week worthy of weal notice. Thieve hi! 'been a =Untied fair , ahlpplag.demand for good to prim, cattle, and, as the supply," thlipw:Oeular grade wu light., the Warkei toted Ilnaldal' ideas Were fully austalued,. Common awl laferlorgradea, as initial; Were itegleeted, sad kolder4 in order to teed sales at all, wero , cantor -god to /Lc - cept low figures, as? :fioni 4 : to 6 tents, groan 1' • , Theriarcre quite a number _gf..E.astcrii buyers In • , attendanee, yesterday and today, but tic kiwi of cattle thmwanted were Mkt kt. Wass sonsinlit . above them viewi, and, so tar as we could learn, ''' - .1 „,,.....,---0.....a....,. tbuteompolstivetY few. - ?flee *mooch' stock, in good condition, may be fairly 'quoted at , 7 .- OS LO ISA ptr i falit lir; : t he!, . 1 . 1 91.' Lts Pur itlal Wrrisra f wholesaled If il:M I 1 Of garisb Wor s en, PeterKissian arboleadol an bead of coltuneithdi •., ) ' ' - O. Orion so d I heag mum" iltdelr. , € • u L Warner 6014181W:14 of pod Ohio stock at gl i toulao,lll bead of,kcary Oblo stem, averaging D:r Ullataitnold.to Mc ladle fa Co.= head of eeeliebee cows sulticiiiis Siii,liW: - "-, - ' - . : - ,' I Pletcharsoldl9 bead aroommettiita Ohloitoeit id.ntits • & Pfteder sold 18 head of eommon goe --Ornmeat dock at 10,76; and 17 head of ' , scalawags' , Hoon-There luta been a deehindbapricrenteiit in the lice trade doer outlast report, end, with tars , it Insulin:times, prket hare advanced from twenty `.five to fifty on crwt, gross. The demand, . howeror, wows to be Waned ahead 'entirely to • the weals of shippers; none of our packer so for - .as we could leans, hating purchased a banoh .: at thsoolerds duzint MC) week. The awe pis hero hows ratheylighti bet. as &general thing, the nogg. ' now o good q silty, well fattened, awl lialVelandirlonffor slatering., , - -.' Azaezeil is Arun and accurato roport of all its& infir lll thelfek!-- s ' rl, g4..:recti luiir Seiler. :at alo 19.26 2 - 11010025 fr. co - -- 109Y..' 11111' ,- 11.80.. ', .do - , ' : DaVi. '. 112 ~' MO ', -. 1200 '• " do :. . - • do • . 00 .!,.'" :Sat '''.‘gto • .-. : lt,ho. t ae! t :':210 -: . .. 12,60 -, 'Oilshlist fr. co Holmes - • ' }Oa - . - 7220. ' Ala - , !!clans bcci -;...40 limner Lem. SOO I '.. 140 .' - • :12,70..8iggar-..WK.* - . • Id ~; '120: 12,60 ~ Sieger .: 11111 D C .. - 1 - 0 .,..., 12 Sings:- Bobbies:C._ . t . Ullearist &co —. 711 1 ;,;.106:,: ,• • 1411 , . do - Ward - - II - `:'396 ' - • 11,00 do Booze i , .... ' Irn- - ' :4935 ' 7 1 ' '.'' . 1 . 1 1%71 . - ''.,- do wx"ii4r: i..,'..3x do - Josef • 100 1 6.. -.• • t goo X4l. 1ii,05 de "..: - , t weed , , grO• 1.1,b6 do Flnkbehe 1' SOO :11,th -- • do . • • WArd_ • ,' .. - .ln addition tOthe'shere seles , ffieerni. Gilchrist ,•'• ' -", ' ilt , CV . l ni at bought from Elate?, averaging PO Ai at- I gr delittrabbUtn-P/41,0e1P44-I°3-sTlng '.- i... ; , ' lii Xilitore.,Weee • tlellirenr sad ._ suits 00. , .. .' pwriblellattahblOftberid atersglag rho ! at • .., - Otgo d verableas /*Macao. , . 4 tor this . M 4 ' ,lr4 ribtk; l 44 . _PtiTiltrr:o si f t tl- l • zi ola :I lan', ' :." '- • week, sue • El'S ' rum°. ata ioasig taro ersl tk° wahine adessred , by. W* . . ' . ~ Rand aa,f , 1 0 b1 14 2 Asad, 4r , gn' it feet SOS . d ".) ,-, ' :'• L i ra " 1 a 111 . 1 %1 ; 1!?:41,:,11,1 1 .7. -. . :'- In : liii'B4s.-' DAILY kE.VI EW ttE PITII3ILLIKG,II TIIVILVIAWJA.T. 6,135 L There was rather more activity In the general Markets than yesterday, bat there to still plenty of room for improvement. The donned for most - of the leading article, Is tight, however, and, while the tronsactiona are piiiiclpally of a • local chars. ter, there to no' particular change to note as re. ands priers. 011d11C-Wheat Is quiet but firm, with a good emand and light receipts. Harley—Sale oft car I rime Failed MAO; 2 ears Spr/ng on private terms; Ohm, small sales from wagon ntsi,6o for spring and 6110 fur Fall. Oct.—Sale of moo bushel., on s. hart, at one, and smail sales from store at 05, Corn unchanged; snit of I cor,in Fars,. t $1,30, and. 1 car Shelled at 41,35. . FI.OEII —The demand continues exceedingly llghband the market is quiet but steady with email sale. of Extra Family folio store- at MO, 15pM1,15 as to quality. ,live Flom Id quoted at 1111,25&,50.• 1311t1KW111111T.FL01111—Ls dull and-neglected with a drooping tendencyf small :mica from first hands at $1,50 per owl, and from more at 35,00,3 , 5,L0. CIIFFSE—Firm and more active but unchanged; •aalcii of 76 holies lingllahlillirY at '50;15 do do; in lots, at Sic, and 50 boxes at =for Weatern assets° end !Mc tog Homburg. • • BUTTES—Continues very dull and as thesupply Is largely In lams of thedernan.i, prices are droop. leg; we note sales of prime 11011 at 46418 c. FACES—llulland antidotal afaic. _PI3OI:IBIONS—New Bacon Suoulders are • quo tell at =cis, and do Darns at Mc. Lard I f gird, vrith,li fair load demand at 240123% for steamed, and kettle rendered. Ness Pork—no-sales; held at lilt Dried Beef Is selling-al net+. WIINKY—SaIe of 60 bbls Westmoreland Co., • Hleberines, In wooden hooped barrels, at 02,25 pet gallon. DRIKDFRVIT—Is firm with a fair demand at 12 21 2 34'.. f l i t l ijOrfiiilt 2%1°6'4744P, Perches. SALT.--Sale ore° bblo Pfol Ext2a at .3,05 free on board:else, Small sales (rota store at 113,10433,t2 do. Mend. LEAD.—SaIe of Ito Plgs Galena at 16c. POTATOFS—There ts a moderate local demand snd,we note regular sales from store at 33@3,23 per Md, as to quality. 0.11EL7 APPLES—Are quoted at from *5,50 to PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET TEIVRITur, Tan. 5, 1853. • There la a continued fair local and shipping de mand for Crude, and the market In steady without; however, any quotable chance in prices-39e10e, bbl, ran - rued, and 441R45 . e,,bbls Included. Sales of 300 bbls at 351.0 bbls returned; 100 at 45e; 200 at t3c; and Si Dbl. "Franklin MP' at 430, hbla returned. For Refined, In land. there appears to be no: de- Mend at'presint, but the market may - be quoied lirm nt We for present delivery. For Free 011, there is considerable Inquiry, nod market may be quoted i firm at bletiOcotales of 1301,0.14 "Arden." at 8.30, ;130 . d0 "Standard' . nt name figure; and 25 bbls, brand not mentioned, at We. Naptha is veryt,quict and ,neglected, hire, notvlthritaladirtg It hks %Rand and Is more active in New York. limMl - uum is quoted at 137,23c0,50 per bbl—some holders asking WO. The receipts of Crude during the forty-eight , !ours ending this evening reach 576 bbls, only, ns follows: 201 bbls for Strickler S 114,ter, and 273 for Eke, linuffmanA Klee. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. .Specinl Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oasette. • Ncw. YORK, SAN. 6, InaL There was a fair demand for Crude to-day, but at • loner rate.. as eompared with yesterday's quote ; lions; pales 6110262, on the spot. For Refined, fn bond, the market wee dull and henvy, but holders premed unwilling to make concessions in order to effect sales; 7116 , 13 cells were regarded as the nom inal prim on the spot. Free Oil, all., ruled quiet and somewhat .depressed, but without material change; 04496 e. The market forNapths was very firm and holders are asking higher ratim-53 for Re. tiried,.free.. {told closed this afternoon at 2,23.—a • POILAVELPII4.t. STOCK MARKET. pprelal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PAlLAntirlitA, Jan. 0,1855. , The :onkel for Oil stock a, generally, was dull Sad irregular to.day, end prices a little off. Tito closing guntatibna,were as follows: 11a1it.11 • ' ....f. 9,15 Noble & Delemster.slo,oo Coruplacitel........ 1,00 Maple Shute 31.420 1111orudo 1,90 04.1dme11.... ...... . '7, - .'6 011 Ilmaz 9.60 I , 4bort ' ~3,14 1001.1ntack • - 6.415 011 Creek is 0 Run. 4..4 Phillip? 0. 26 Curtin Crotty Itun ...... 3260 =he. Ilibhard ...... 2,12 MARKETS BY TELEGRA Pll. pitleago Market. Special ;host& to the Ilttsbutigh Gazette - .. . . • thnomeo, Jam 3, 1333. TiouoVery dot-shlpzers wed - rpm-11;13ton out 4r the ital . /wt. - i ddiu[. Wt cat teas active, With a decline of 2,@1 denta-eloslng .•firm, at 3147t3.4 for N0..1 Spring. glelmaetlir, withan advance of }4AI cent; 11,001 tru4iila No. 3.eduinged hands at 33063 e ; Sales of Ishii at 33e.:liettaqulet and declined leo% coots. yfrAiell and no&eted. Bailey Mill. .::.. .iliertiltii.aite.Ft.s.r. Scco-41neothy Seed witi re emd firmer, at35,-M0553. }lax 'seed, at it . 10@3,00. I 11.1 , Tdr3.4-tess" oilier and a shade lower; ?dela Ppkholeclined 333133 cents, and closed Ammer, 3 _l l 1 1#KIMIVIVIS teellera holding for lOW. Priam 31fewdtttler'itod derilned 33 cents, with ileht sales nt. 321,34 . 036,50.. „Bulk Meats inlet.- Sweet Pickled Napa dull; sales at 1114 cent. Lard dull and hi ail r sales of Prime Steani t at =argil. • IPuthustdrEcow-gulet and.123:4013c lower. ilitiincristaLDull, with light melee at $3,11 -clog lig.Wlth wilits it $3,11;?.'7 XiriHootitaleceipts addeut 7,000 heal ; :tele. of Spil head at .11,0001.1,00-chirfly at 31.3;•1tit,30. Thermarket oPened With a brisk detasnd, and con; -.elileishie troujess • was trutintained to noon. The "eiellie in gold, with a derrtessinglonuerwe eserte4 ow Hog peoduet, hes metesintlylessened the se tit sty of the market-in the afternoon sale, bring Ilicited and clewing wrak and drooping. No decline Id yerterdarsipeotatlons was established. • PliziCarriz-llecelpts abort 3,0X1 head; :Wei MI • 1,121 bead at 3.163,60-mostly at •1i.Gfei,5,... - . tiLatb well-red Cattle - very artier, artth an al of Z No rents, Usk! Steer/ all aa4 4 . W Market. • /dlr. Yong; .1x0.4,--(firr - rolc—fceireety ao arm, with good bucfnesadolot . . at 41;11 for dttridnag. • rtodu--Stata and. Wcstcra• Pgtoe lower.. at C1f..242m,215 far Extra Stair., att,exectl, for E. E. H. tt, and IrltAr@t2 for 'nada ttrau.ltt- market cloalctg Lem. bVaing.relguletand searealk ea neat lircatcra, cloning dull, nt outside prlce4: fliciain—Whent lege lower: Chicago — Spring, tre Gb,3O; .Itifriter lied Weals - TM, - ' Amber "Rice quirt: Carley more settee end firm. Ornk:quirt and steady; Mixed Western / It goat, atiTp. Cola' n ahnde Brater,:it 61,0.112± fer Wectern.• • • • Onocrortvt—ColtOo dull and nonttoolli utieltuq td; Sugar quiet, qt 12c; Porto Rion, I , raelo';ic; 11 Ovattai • tqc€o4c.. Slo t 'o dal; Porto Moo, ll'agnnt.gro--Qtriet but firmost glirMe for Crude; . i. , 14‘. for Leaned ba Bomb and fold•Ww. Yrea. Wrxm- , quict. FOok—lllarettird and rather easier, eft arrito hall New Ind MUM. nut . } .12 , 12 1... OP , for 1453 and ibtil, cash mai regular way, closiag at 8:2,1234 cash, IP-fsotl'A r for -Frilmo, and o r for Prima bleu; ends 2,000 LSI. New Mew , for February, seller. , and Unice , op:Ion, at 11-11f;r2. Beef firm, with a mod /dada demand, at , P for Plain Mesa, and V 2 1.50 tit; to for Latli Mo na. Bret llama steady at Piti fi 4.60 for inferior. and *27 for goods Cut Meals bwrilanged at 174filbhe for Shouldora,Aand InNtle I. r' ham*. Bacon tildes more active; part for fu- I a- • delivery at 210:1.1%e for Comberiaml Oat, and di! @Ms for Lang and Fhort -Bibbed. Dressed B • arm at ItNet t r Western. Lard quiet . n lowei; at .10/ctalf • Batter ateady it an . frr, Wailers, - and I " for Blatt,. Cheese . un r bar ged et ibfgate. • ,t • .. , • • _ iVt.ir Tork' Fitpric. "Alt illeniei Market.: . Nr•FiNcolKa lac. 's:.'dtilfaer—Quito firm and ao.• Es O. agll ;et.- SlerJlint soling at loOWLOON". flic • - . est issoi layer, opordels. at Tea, de elllfirtisoVailiaseloM to ?M' i, declining. La '6.IIIVLSIIENTS "2. ITan.- ;. .Itehade armor. orxtf—Dull. fll4O F,ofspona 103%; V. S. 6'a, ;640 VoupOns, 106.%; if.. 5.011, 'l4l Confnma. 8188 - 0.4 M. Certlflearrs, 3t; Ciisteastirer laiNt Erie, • Ifth; do, preferred, 100!fd New York (: antral 118; . heading, 117% .. '; atichigan Central. i 11.1..; hock IP. 1:1111. NOM; Michigan Southern, T.:4; Pittabargh, 98 • Ninth Western, 78 preferred, 70%; Fort aloe 100,1 Gold, Iwo .irrax, .Tan. a.— ea. tolleseingsretlie gaol rations' et Oallagberfi..Ereriini•ldwallange: (Sold, znse;;Kcit York,(Sentral, .11ft klrle, a4 , f ilad 'coo; ttnii harikOi, 705; Ileshag, 111)0 34ehigsa Froftherth-hhi Inbmiii Central ,, Lvi l'ittabargh, bry.,;;-Toltdoi 106/Wkwit. Island; 301; North Wee. tern,do. pne IN Tort:Warne. 1033"0 0. kN. Celtfrbtatellf . i•Oltotberiaad, VV. ttulak -silver, solo Mariposa. -- 1 - :. Cincinnati Market. OXON:IAV, /an. 6.-Puntra--Unchangod but lees arm, owing to the decline In gold. Onahr-Wheat advanced to t 3,081 for Red, but closed with - no buyers o tar VIA Um In 'toad de, mend, at 111,06ampo for-PAr,' , end *11201,10 , for .Obelled. • Oats arm, at Mo. .1043 And barley doll. tkinswr-Openod with a fair demand, st .2;20, Imtelosed weak, with cabs st at ,111.• • Pkowancors-A good demand for .'Nese Pork, et Nap for Oily, and sales of SOD bbbe--eloeing rather, teas arm In the forenoon. There wero ne sellers st -1143,00, and a lot of 300 bbis Oily sold at ifit,o:l each noit, and pork to be delivered February Bulk , )jits ingood demand, at 16}Od18IO for.fihouldera • andlSldee, and tete for llama. Re saki of Lard ; • ofteted at 23c. Orton hams sold at Floos- , Firm; at aIIVO for hal fm averages- He. Mossy lilearchr-11014 n Weer dOclidtd P.xehetlZe Onn, ' • 1 .• -Philadelphia Market: ' • P1411.4.110•1.ent5; Jan. 6.-noun. steady and, arm; k. 'atratlo,l - 64110. • "•-• Gam - a-Wheat arm; White at 004 Corn to higlike; New Tallow $1,70, Old do.lll,hd. Oats arm et, Ma I'lonel ows-Buor. Pork firm; Mew 1112013. Irma buoyant, st Wiusiv-Stesdiii V in 7 uiilynnis and Ohio 112,77 lialtimoll3 Market. 11.4LTimovre.„ JAZ &-•-FLOCII s'Asgy. O isAlN—What dna; Red ft, 1302,16. Cora ml-. awed; - : •t. : 7 Watair.rrlinA it 42,13 6,. . I • PlantuleiPlatokrtrektiow Naiad, Jan. 4. • InirketAlAtilet and littees about the.same, Dressed Hop sownd lo tote et •km do the leo fo nod Mess "York et littele eel.: Fleet moves of so wonted st imps par bid for counts* ruOt move, mess, and Van for:Beer /law: - BooOtrio - but little Inquired for, add dull et prevloomplotstlotte: Greco Moots an emalm Is slowly, and HAW own— amid t 9340200, :the letter. 4t. sweet sone. mot ,Shouldere tll k eille. per t rate Is um with 11r4 receipts. sad Miles steehlkle}io. tot tlereei.the • tenor mime, ood•kotte Tefe2eot Wtdok...vite sem& Butter te lasetive but link- and settler to tom - m ; wanted et 1304ter ter Penarylvsets, and muter* Looked cod. rol l:ll, and 6011000. tbr, eholoe" loto the, Tatter teaseanes: CaaroOlil steady' dit la to. ,per.ltior western and mew aad ; semee it llegtee. pit gam, [term of the Cincinnati lolnur Sirs kei (From the Cosanterrisl,'Zisa. I. Prirca still tonain for above is point. irk ifit would admit of ahipment Many other emrget, and till, disparity we. Increased by the late a leaner In railway freights, ea that the demand basbeencon. fined to the wants of city dealers, and even they have teen holding back in anticipation of n decline andronarquently the business done during the wok bits berm of a most limited nature, and sales of any magnitude could not have been forced, with out atbatitl ins to a decline. bet the storks being light, there wea•no pressure to sell, holder, not he. lag willing to submit to such prices aa wank' have bad to be accented, In order to have made sales. At the close, the stocks In the hand of city dealer., bakers end grocer., haring become exhausted, th, y had to conic Into the mssuet, and there was a bes t. r fecal demand. Prices have not changed essen t ally since our last, and we quote: - Superithe at ant %Ira, ae,...fee,ao;tradebrands, e 9,4349.60; and fem. Ily, en.:tqw. The higher grades are scar m. • and are held more _firmly, therefore, than the lower grades. "Phlladelidfla MaViet Jan. 4. There L rather more chipping demand for Flour, and the sales reported comprise 2509 bbis Penna.,, and Ohio extra family at 5it,604 , 12, 320 barrels Northwestern do, at 111,27 , ,,i; 450 barrels extra on private terms and,soo barrels superfine at 89,2526 10 barrel. Tbe home consumers purchase spar ingly wlthln the range of 39,00! for common and fancy lota—according to quality. There Is but lit tlellye Flour or 4:Mai Meal here and nothing In g In either, There is scarcely any Wheat coming In and but little of bring but the demand is Halted. Small sales of good Ittarat 511,4=42,65 31 bushel, and 1000 Ker.tucky White at V.,05413. Ere comes ferwaWl slowly end commands 31,76. Corn livery quiet but steady at 31,63 for new and sl,Etii for old yellow. Oats are steady at 02 cents. Barley and illalt LULL without quotable change. Cloveratcd Is scarce and prime is worth 5t6,23g, 15,50 per 64 pounds. Timothy in worth 116¢}r6 50. flaxseed has adrancedand Is now held at St per bushel. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD ALLEOIIT.ICS STATION, SAC. CS?" wheat, Kell• nedy, a tiro; I do do, I) Gilmore St 0o; 2 cars oat., A lex Taylor; I car corn, Simpson k Knox; I car hay,] & 0 Stewort;24 hides, A 0 Taggart; t car hay, Vocgtly fr. Kopp; 'l2 hides, John Robinson; 20 to do, bbls tallowlN ra Waterton; 2 pkg. whlatty, P.l3aum; SI bals paper. Pittsburgh Paper 012:2,5 •nx brooms, ILahn Er. Riddle, 33 eke coca arid oats, Nhicllonald. CI.V.VELAND ft. PITTS nrnfill 11A11.110 SD. Jan. 5.- 65 Mils ml, Pennoek, flail It Co; 51 do do, .1 1. 51ar. shall:26o bp barley, W W Anderson; 51 aka Ear <wn, 109 do, oats, Holt Henderson; 10 brie oil, Wm StesSart; 31 brld and 1 keg cider, al Brecht; 163 bdle felloce, 3do shrifts, Whinny b. Hare:lol,bl. elder 711 Cutcheon•,69 Idle poser, Pittsburgh Paper Slant Co; 66 caddie, tobacco, .1 Grier; 191 eke Korn, Jne McKay; I car hay, J Steel; 97 bra wheat, No. ble, Angle b. Co; 10 tone pig iron, S 111 Carpenter; ISO brie powder, Col It M Whltely; 100 du dour, Joe McCully; 100 do 110; Segmyer Sri Voelcamp; 100 do do, SI h 11 Walsh; 100 do dO,-111 611.1olliater; 275 idle paper, W S Haven:3so do do, Shomaker . 1 / 4 Lang; fa do do. 711 W Veely; 150 eke 'sheet, Gra ff k' Reiter; 190 eke do do, Simpson b. Knox; 150 sack% corn, l'attemon S. Ammon 20 eke dried apples, Oran' s.llciter; 2 care 'umbel, J 1' Pee”on. PITTeI:TI,GII, I , OIIT K r AV NE k (lit Ac+o It. It., Jan. 0-1013bbis flour, Clregg k Clendening; 1 one bntley,J Rhodes; 1 do oats, Pan Wallace; as bale; 1-sot rn ea en; IWKlrey k on; PM bge barley, I/ 11. (1 alway ft co; t ear grain; S B Floyd; 1 bble cider, .1 Adler Is co; 17011 barrels, W Mullins; 5 I. ble ;obi, co, Jae Murplys 30 bre turnip; , S Finney; 200 sk. tericy, Jae Ludwig; 3 dressml hors, W P 11,,k co; 1 care oats, Col C on: 100 bbl, dour, Knox it 111'Sce; GO bales beet, J Khodes 6, Co. lII%ER INTELLIGENCE. The river, at this point, has node, gone but little ,•ha age since our last report, while the., weather has moderated materially, and the snow which fill n few days since is rapidly disapprarinv.. The Allegheny river, we understand Is eattroly closed at a point some distance above Kittanning. The rumor that the Qhio river is gorged at Brown's Wand, has neither been confirmed nor contra dicted. • There luebeen no arrivalsor departitres for sev eral days, and, as a matter of course, there is noth wig doing In the way of, business at the wharf. - .As the weather has again turned soft, however, we look f rr an carly.resumption of navigation, though e may po”Ibly be disappointed. Wharfmaster Allen, of the Allegheny wharf, in forms us that his receipts doling the pest year will eyprbeJmnte ntleen thousand dollars, against a fraction over seven thousand doll an the preceding y.-or. This!a a very handsome theme.e and speaks s ell for the faithful and energetic mariner in t. hich Mr. Allen has iiiseharged the duties pertain ing to his olittee. There were, It appears, two errors to the notice made the other day of the amount derived by the city from the hiononewhela wharL Mr. Forsyth, the worthy wharfmeeter, state. that the nweitits et the fist year ware/weed those of the preceding year at lesatlour times Instead of three, and that the WZOOO already received I. based on eleven months instead of twelve. Capt. Thornton Russell, formerly of the Sallie net, hut more recently of the Gem, perehssed th e Revenue at -Wheeling the other day. Price not stated. - The Plttabrirgh Aud Portamenth packet, Golden Ern, Is laid up at Wheeling, and Captain Bryan has gone to Cincinnati. The J. G. illachforn and Starlight pasited Wheeling on Sunday bound for Cincinnati, tut it to thought that neither one of them will reach there owing to the heavy hosting The ac Armenia end Iron City arrived at Cincinnati no. Tuesday trona Pittsburgh. The latter boat leas t:ounced to leave for Nashville. STE.IXBOaTS 011. CINCINNATI Sc LOUIS- I ISVILLE.—The excellent sfentner t!“ A .IIPION, Cept. Maratta, sill leave tor the At.re port. on !TWAT, the eh Inst.' For freight or ramie spV , on boArri or to •J. D. COLLI.I ti WOOD, t .;n4 JOHN FLACK, , Agents. ~ . _ OR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.. * The splendid steamer OLIVE,CApt. 4.."` V, M. Andrews, will leave for (barb and St. Lou nb TOESD6T, Jan ]d, at 41p. m. ror freight 41 . 748 i j niplke , on beard or to JOHN' FLA4,I47°. Ag: PEPIJLARWIEIEXLIZIO AND , Lt•PITTti111.111(311 PAOKET.—The • 14 last r • Imasonscr 1,14.1,5 et . V''' - L. Taylor; Clerk, L. F. Reeler. 1.4 Area Piliaborgh every TUESDAY, THUlt.s. Y end 'clock SATURDAY ,-at 12lock m. Leaves Wheelin every MONDAY,. Wk:DNESDAY and It IDA ', at o'clock m. AD way business vrr/Vl3Prly &Amulet' to. Towing done at moderato l'or freight or pat ago apply on board, or to JAS. 'COLLINS &CO., Agents,. Pittahorah; or nooru. rivrTELLE Agent.. Wheellos , dert: ItEGULAR WEEKLY-PORTS:A 1.-T :rot 31011 AND PITT: asie plamenrer sicarler GOLDEN CA,".F,, D. •Ker", -- utaiter, W. H. Bryan. clerk, Vltteqtrgh every SATURDAY, of 12 o'clock taz. and Porte:not:lA CVE - ry MONDAY, at 2 o'clock r The ()olden ErA Mahe canne...Dons at Porto. p.t.ttth.With_ tamer Bolitons No. 2, r eltdunatl. and !..111 toady! fr:Vbt Lod po.aeo. r;Ore through to that city. ooM TIORTS.3IOIITH SIX CORD SEMI' •VI NOM AMERICAN l~POco COTTON. ALSO Amonvm ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON. • Tieeke threads aro warranted of superior quality, rdlxttawinieerl to mewnire two hundred yards length. Can be had to all colors and numbers. tOUTSMOVTII STEAM 'FACTORY. Cl-IAS. AMORY & SELLING AGENTS, 66 MURRAY ST NEW YORK. IN DEvoNsmaANT., nrwrom, :011 CINJIWII ALLEY, PIIILADLLPTUA drs:imeod Jai No. I hit. CLAIR ST.. Pittsburgh, I'oRITARDIND, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DE4101., IN OILS. ILLOOTINATIN_ INSIDE PII — ROLEI OI LS, La., constantly on howl and for pale at the lowest market prices.. Comica l:mute and ofdecs solicited. uP 74O i 6 CONSIQNMENTS RECEIVED TULA DAY— bblw:Freih RoII flatter, 6 bozos Choice Roil Butter, bbli. 612116 ' n boliesllressiMk4s, bblnlikans, ' 7 Dreams% Hogs, 10 bias Old Westmoreland county Illgtiwincs, NO bids Green Apples. d Fors ale by L. IL . VOIGT k 00. 'WORKS. AND FOUNDRY; ' Inairricet, • - 7 ENGINE BUILDER 'AND iIIAOIIINIST, Lailoest PULLET, between }Wend and Saculusy, ALmainrair City, PA. Manufacturer of WIG aT A N H PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM. Shafting,Pullcys, tcc, Ilepnlrlng of all Walla attended to jet.l7 • FOWlVihf2f, (Into of firm of `-'lFown,,,k,Malel44oltl( 13. HERInn( (tale oil%lltchell,l.lerrort te. Iron rounders mitt Ntpre Manufacturers 4.1,1,N1.1.ENY STitgllT i. . . ...-0 Vi weir Pittsburgh, f;ri, . • utr - v-tr JOHN 111 lIERROS It Ea S . , SEW . NANCE, NO. GS Witter. Si: ', Pittsburgh, manufacturer oT BOLLER RIV ETS, WROUGHT SP/DES, C01:1111011 awl railroad, or elery'deteriytiOn. ~ , • Particular sized or shairert SPIRES and tarrrs large or Mall, made to order at short notice. A goor;arraortmerit constantly on band. irtyPirlata —_—___....... Di W. BElMETT,Matufncturers of 1 WHITE STONE OIIINA 'owl (NIHAU 9 ) /Worand 7Waretousel at No. NI FIFTH Stn . et PlttpooKl6. altat.ty barnis frost prepa-r 0 Oat Meal end Grits; otfolo n supstlor artiee _ -of Pillar' Barley, jut re!olved,o9d for axle *halo, mile and retail by - • ' .1140. A. ftratiffAW. • doM earner of Liberty sod Used sty-. Tv - SITE ~BEANS.--2S bushels' choke White Beau for sale bY • • wrant Wwitleifirstim , • deep 151 Marty. it. : PURCIJASE A do • veripitlTAvartol Dw re6eoldr /ilium sad Li!. • .1 14 1 0/V40.3444t/Wieitathtforsigcbr:, • saLE--voit 1;01: L'E—A ‘ - alualr':e PAIZ)I in berry tourmulp, Rc.tmorelnnd county, Pa., containing about I% acres, yell Improvsd, and in a high .tale of cultivation. t. Ird ra , La myna; in Falzfield town- Rhin, Westmoreland ounniY, Improvements good. The land Is at the best quality. Coal sad imesione In abundance. A NO. a FARM OF Ili AORP.S, in Derry town ship, Westmoreland eanty, Pa., immediately on the lino °fib. Pennsylvania Railroad. Also. s. 31-of it 3 ACif ES, in St. Clair tow. Ship, Westmorelsmi county. Pti.. • `' *Also, s STEAM ED:aI:SE, for Slur 31t11 nr other Ttrposcs, with the castfues, inscninery, fly wheel, ac. The cylind ter to nine Inches in ill:meter nnil tour foot stroke. Two Boilers ' 17 feet long and 12 Inches In diameter; all in good order, nod will be sold cheap. Alen, FARM of ton notes in West Wheatflehl township. Indians county', l'a., shout three miles from the Penn's Lnilroo 1. PATCH of US norms In Conemsugh town hip, IntEnna county, Pn. Also, n beautiful FARM of lOS acres, with n large BRICK ROUSE; with 12 rooms, finished In mod ern style svash.house and hake-oven attached; a large •spring house, bath house, .mole house; a' large bank - barn, fruit trers of every description; church and school house built upon the farm. This farm adjoins the villageof .Loulsville, and Is two and-e-half miles tram the depot at Livermore, in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Northvfestera Railroad. Alpo TWO BRIOS HOUSES and LOTS in Elizobitth borough. For further pn'itteulsrs Inquire of G. K. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, No. IGG Fourth street. 4e27 - FIE SALE PENN STREET PROPERTY. A .44 STORY BRICK HOUSE on Penn St. near Adams, now occupied as a ,rug Store and Dwelling, is offered FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS S. S. BRYAN, Broker and Insurance Agent, No. 69 Fourth street I' 'OR SALE—VALUABLE COUNTRY PI2OI4;RTY.--Ceneteting of a tract of land, containing er.2 acres, moally cleared and rich, having been used ne a Dairy for a number of years; milita ted one mile from Allegheny city, on the Perry. vine Plank Rend. The Improvements are a com fortable duelling, large barn, fruit, and one of the brat springs in the. county. To parties looking out for a country sent, the above is just thence - it. It is well culled to solidi, Ida into lots, ranging from two to ten /irreg. Can be purchased on easy terms. Apply to It. IiIcLAIN & Jot • field Karate Agents. FOB SALE. Third Street Business Stand. I offer for I. nle that three-story BRICK DIVEIt, LINO- AND DESTAL'ILAN't combined, No. lei ThLd tArret, near Wo.l. The location Is n good one. null the property will be sold at a fair price, on easy toms. BRYAN, Dreher oral inourniter Agent, de26 69 Fourth otter!,)Hurlers Building.) I;OI{ , SALFA FARM OF liiri ACRES, on Mg 6 , ,ewiekly, three miles from the railroad slut inn, well improved. Price $lO per nere. A GS ACRE PARK on Killuich. 3'; mli a from Gientinto rust inn, on which is n liriat 6111 i, Store, Derlling, Barn, and good improvements. Price, 99,300. TWENTY LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont streets, Seehricl ,snrd, Allegheny. FOl'll I.lrlli on Kllhnelt nt Wendmle Staiion, evillainihgain to ten acres. Bil=§llEMIE (xi 87 Federni street. Alicsiteny. 1,.011 SALE—Three new Sioan Engines, hunt purposely for oil , loch cylinder, :nee FI ro r eery strong. Ens foe ,h,n, rank nod runnrct log rod of arioil i ght iron; best of brass used for boxes. • . . . . Bailers lath to fret long.= Inches diameter, with two l Idoch fillet.; Chimney IS In. by feet; hut and ci.id water pumps. Bret) t him: europlete and ready to aip on sight- • HUGH AL ru.n.r. Pittahur;h, W. Shop, corner Point alley and qus street, b: rah of Allegheny river s e ar the !amt. ern dmllitf 1, OR SALE—The 'louse and ,Lot now A oc,•urifti by Sirs. A. E Oakfurd, No. t I Lae rook street, Atiegheny City. It is • substantial lirtek Building, modern style; front and back three et roles high, containing Un(Vl3 roams, finial with wrater and ran t and bounded net site and my, by I: seed alleys. This is a desirable property. mlt Is L. tit at-tote •rdtir, sad located WO emitrally that It is may of access from any burinoss portion of the tw• ell irs , ILA.IFTETT A OLD. dettlitf In First strett. I, 'OR SALE, ♦ COMFOISTADLE HOUSE IA four room., +Utast one iwitt a hollow:wee of the street cars, In aloschrster. flood voter and every. tl.:ne convenient. POSHS3IO. given Immertittely. For term. .;+piy lb tsscru Ann, 77 Feslend anent, or at Thomas }barer's Wagon Shop, nearer street, Alr nehester. nalrat I;OII . SALE A Lot of Ground on Pcnn Street, Wer4l. above Baldwin street* by 100. feet, ta,alley, w /aids is. erteted tkree new two seury !trick Dwellings. '.? Fur further partseulart 'apply to DROWN la G 1.1 tiAM, wt Liberty .erect; or to TUPIIO Or. Duquesne Ye wade,. Ninth Ward. tleUraw _ To LET. • • The Three-gtorled BRICK DWELLLIG. ifenrly tow, eortiololon eleven norms, with bst.h In•ose nod amain house.altuated No. 1 Chsthstn Fittsdoongh. Poesnalon Linen on the fins of April. Hew. MM. Esquire of dead( E. H. HUSH. No. 111 Fifth street. "%V A, icEitousi: FUR SALK. No. 415 LINEETY opposite' the mouth of Sixth street . , cent house to the sorcte ',star street, 05.,111 , ..a at pit•xut by .N.r. Lant. lot partlettlars, Itighten or Mr. It. • 114:it No. NJ Liberty street Business Stand. Thst desirable Rear,. Stand, to. d 4 8111T11- FIELD STRIXT, nese earner of Foertb street, oe hleh Is a substantial /trick IluiLdin.e. For terms, veinier of BAILEY, rAunr.T.T. h 77-tf Ito VO nautili street LOR SALE. —The unexpired term of a 1,e,0r of A LOT ftIICUIVII. In the Plinth ward, 33 feet front on Liberty street suit IC* felt os Rush street, on which Is a S'ltA (TABLE. 'with stalls for too horses. The Citable could. with rsall espener, be tarried into a lissome shop or other no...darter , . For terms, be. nprar at Fee-i :atom taLFW4 Pear street, vee r Rosh It. 11011 oE I , ol{ `SALE, A. - .Three•storied !Dick Dwelling lion". NO. n LIBERTY STREET, hetiereo Hal •ood Marbory streets, containing thirteen rooms, with gas andbilk tonna. Enquire of detalni 11. A. IsirRENZ. Or triter street. zon SALE.-150 Acres of Coal, aim; 126 1 scree of front coal In pool No. 2 lAMoony track of east end railroad: and 'other liapiOremeats to gobd working Order In pool No. a one tract on the Youghiogheny dee/ and (lonaelherllle Railroad. Enquire of WIT.LIAAI WARD and tint door from Fifth on Grant street. 1:01i. SALE—That large THREESTORY 11111t1K DWELI.ING HOUSE. No.S2 Fourth si t, Pittsburgh. Possession given, op the Ist of EIIIIOIIV.Of ]OILS W. ItIDDELL, Attorney-St-taw. • deNti No. 125 Fourth street. RENT.—A Large STORE TWO'af, o, on,. of the hest ID vim! 'Win- A•rly soon. with real name. Address Lock one ern r Ofilee. paid wit . • • . OUGLI :CO NORE. TAY SWUM LA Mira MtI,LIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM lIELLIFLIIOI7S 001101! 1tn15..621 to warranted to core 00aShs, °Olds 14oarsenesa, Asthma, Whoopteg Cough, Sore Throat, Cousumptlon, aud all affections of the Thtont and Luta". Vur gale by Druggists. marred Depot, Eas Voarth strtet, Cluclaamtl, O. srmt~.. 4101 theSalida Nen• led' the ores. recommend T.it STIIIMIAND'S A NTI tl'll.Fß& MIX IOU:. the only eaztoln retnnly tor/Plerth,re nue Ilyientery. It it a Combination of Astringents, Aheorlmull, Sll ulna s nod enntannUret anal 111 watrented to street a ours after Ml other mum tare failed. FOr gale by Druggist.. Genets! Depot, a EilUt Fottrth street, Cinalonet I, 0. • STBICKILAND'S PILE REMEDY. DB: STICOICLMCD'S rtia; REMEDY lu cured thousand. of the wend cases of Blind and Bleeding Files. It gives immediate relief, and of recta a permanent cure. Try it directly. It 1. war ranted to cure. For sale by alt Druggists. General Depot, li East Fotirth street, Cincinnati, 0. Dy , pepaia, Nervousneas, Debility , DR. prltlf)Kijonpiq mitto, 4 Ste rat recommend those suffering with ban tppettte, Indigmition or Dyspepida, Nervoutrissi end Mincing Debility, to use Strickland , . Took, It • vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquor's; It strengthens the whole nervous system It creates a good appetite, and la warranted to Out Dyiperain and.Nurvous Debility. Yid mile by Druggist generally. Prepared by ' v ' A. rayircKL i cfn, S.Ectst Fourth street, els corner el Z ir tdi f fi l; by DR. GtiO. .!..trY• SET; Wood et eat and N'lrgin alley, nor; 52 Es SEL,.. /it CO., corner of Wood and See nd burgh; and .by PARK 1111.14 g Waal latent, Allegheny ; octl7dvd-wair - DAME — R BURKE dt CU oomAnssicut antriou.wra, •0113111 07 TElli Globe s Picitte and Liberty Oil Works; Llbend cult envenom made on Gonaklunente of 'leaned:or Crut4Pdrolium. DUQUSSNL r ant 11.4.1fC0CK £II 1,11414.1 y , 1473 LE arm assortment sG!►pr Tory ee Wit " etral st al i u r iIL ent dea J HOWN, Weeramot. tAILN, BQNDEIi WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warelnnis ng Campany, Fcot of IIALTW & BAIIRI.SOIc Sta., Brooklyn REFUTED PETROLEUM, Xn Tanks niallßarcla.[See Clraulsr.] OClre, No. 95 BEAVER STREET, New York. oc3-1 y JOHN H. IV AL I. AI2N AV AIL ACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MER CHA NTS, CRUDE A.lO REFINED PETROLEUM, DiNZINE AND IXBRICATLNG OILS N 0.134 SOUTH when r cs, PHILADELPHIA, PA Alir;Storagr capnetty Nader cover,) for 15,0 barrefa. Also elseelleut facilttlem for ahlpplog to Amer can and Foreigh ports, at our wharf oo the tichullklll Ulcer, near the platform of the f. R. R. aeZ-ly JA3IE6 W 1 LK 11N ti, nr.omna AND nzia.rn. IN ORUDE AND REFUTED OILS Perry Mock, Puquemae Way, Pillab`reh Is - Special attention given to the SALE AND SItIPMENT OF PETROLEUM and its products. Consignments respectfully solicited. TRANS • PittsbuP OßTATlOrgh Agency. N COMP for YE ANY. NANGO OIL AND az-ros-r. OFFICE BOX 142. PICHARDSON, HARLEI" Sz CO., AA, Cciniiilailon and Forwarding Dierchantils CRIME AND REPINED PETROLERM, No. 19 IRWIN STREET, PITTSBURG IL AM-Liberal corn - .trounce on consignment. for Pllteburgh or Eastern Alarkets. rtrrorttrunn 11.IPCILMYCES. Meagre. J. S. Intrrort.h rr. Springer Ilerbough, Esq., Thorapron Bell, Es q., Preet. Commercial Bank. K. I, ITORJOIN JAS. A. lllinltoA, JO IJEM(ON Co., °Rice, 207 PEN Yi STREET, (One done Mom fland,) Convrnis:=ioin AlerchantF., And draletsl in t,burgh Mouulact uros and CRUDE AND REFUTED OILS, 5 . k . Libel"! nth, noon tnl.lo on 1:1 - 1,s, and LEN AN I) I,RIED FRUITS. n 0.1.1181 130'S CITY 011, WOIIES.. LYDAY & CHORPENNING, TilrumfAtturer, end Reiner" of. Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, Crude Petroleum es) , Wort, OPPOSITE SHAUPSIITTIVI. Nu. I:9 IIAN1) sTut:tn., Pittnburgh, Pa. not-tru G.;TA:ti DA i CI) PETROLEUX REFINERY CLARK & SUMNER. Works and (Write, COLLINS TO Mee In Pittaolust, _1 WOOD STREET Tfirce works belnc . , of the InrcrAt capselty In the Country, Are prepared to till !Arne orders. The brand stands the highest In tills country and tn Lu rope, Sur quality ,1 1 / 1 1 Gre t.. 1. And the oil is put In seaaoned taArtrlit, pripared especially for ex del3:l7 .ncaliT X. La ,. "VALUING WAILING & KING, COMILSSION MERCHANTS, AND D60ENT.13.21 IN PETROLBUMABD rrs PRODUCTS, ' And dcalrri In nett:ling Materiala. mal-!T g rin. 33 mARKI:r ST. Pittx”arglt I 4 1:CENT OIL WORKS. DIDSCAN, DUNLAP & CO, X AIM/ACT:I GFIRS OI Pure While Refined Carbon Oils. No. a 1 LlllElll'7 STREET not j /RW Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, -CA - Orders left at John Porterfield is Co.'s *Mee, comer of M A itlik.7 and SW., will meets., prom it *Unction LA'S Ird4i,VVE. cluoimit 1829. nuunam FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Apart. on January 1, Mi. 112,457,519 9$ espital ccrtml Premiums. Instated Premiums Unsettled clnlms Income I , a Isl 4 Lenses 1.,141 since i'vrortual uld Tempo, terms: 5,000.1.011 ry Policies on liberal 111t.13 - TOIXA Mules N. naneler, ' Teii-se Lee, Tobias Wegr.er, I Eduard t.. Mils, , Stu:mei (Irani, f ieorfre FRI., ]scot it. Smith. Alfred Fitter, °curve .W. - Ittetotrds,Lex - le, M. D CHARLES N. II ;Nc ti.ER, pre,td,ot. ,EtIi.VAN.I) C. 1iA.1,1:, Fire Prealdelit. /AS. W. MeALLISTER. Se, pro. tem. .1. i. i vi.rrirc Merit, mhT., corner Wood cad Third et recta. 14 Ali F. A.N — ri r ita li iN, 4 'Li L.tgurance Co: .of North America PHILADELPHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company Prntrrt ton rRh he nocured lu the above anme4 eon rrLlehl. comprtuirs. W. P. JONES, AOZNT, il' . ally Raotey's Liu!Wings, in Water at. IES'rEIiN INSUItANCE COMPANY OF PrrPSNURGIt, • R. MILLPII, Jr., Pre/Meat, . M. (101tDON, Nertefaeg. • ()Kle, Nu. 77 Water street, Spaag S. tlo.ta Warn. !anise, utt stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against air Silas of Fire and Marine Piste. A 11onse Institution nionogei by Diredors reho arc, well known In the &mutually, and, telsa ore deler , romplaris and libiholity,lo maintain Mr rh i aia d unlsr P hich they hare attained, as offering the beat pro • rloon to tan. wi, distre to Ds (pawed; . Dintorrona : li. Miller, J. Andrew Ackley, Jiltnee McAuley, I Alexander t4peer, Nathaniel Holmes, David M. 'Long , Alex. Nlmlck, ' Bee. J. Thom., rlrorgo Dangle, Benj. Bake:tell, Vampire'' B. 'Herron, j JohD B. A.T.3143un0. (1,, W. Itlcketzun, nom: F. . - GORDON, Soorotary. CITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY PITPSBURGH.—Ofnee, garner Market and Water streets, W se M. floor. M. BACALEY, Prestaent. Wht. A. SHEPARD, Srorefory. Insures Stenntboats awl Cargoes. -, Insures agolust loss and damage in the narlga- Bon of the Southern and Western . Rirors, Lakes and Bayous, and tho nsvtgallon of the Seas. Insures against loss and dam age by bro. tnuevron...: : Wm 13.%. 1 u, - S. M. Kier, Samuel Ilea, . John Shipton, Jim Park, Jr., ' •11\111e3 M. cooper, W. Cl. Johnston, S. liarbaugh • 1.1. P. JolEk, - , .T. well, J. lion. T. II • !!Oirtr, 301131 S. Dilworth,' Barclay P reston, I I`.''. l, Ai .49d6: 1 1. George Bingham, i..7.•.'.';'!'d PEOPLES' 1.1. i SU la.Neli C °UPI'S Y Itoo, N. V. corner of Wood aioll , llllt Ste. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE, putscives t - Wm. PTlhipm., John Watt, alik<sitiser, Ff. R. Aar. . 4., 10 e . 3 CrarellohN e int r holds, , 6.2 E, rarte, 01 Ilibitm...„ 14 : 4 ,.. 5e ' t Marisa Ef. 21.14.4e.U. • Charles Arbn- - -. • , Wm. l len Kirk, ~.,,, PRILLIP ,S President.. W.... ', jout „- WATT, nce rreatana. wg F.GARDNEIt. gom:: 1 "F• . pallay 4 LLEGIIENY INEi'm 'um...'''',“33 ..C° 3 " 4 " NY OF, PITTED:NTS(IZ ,—oface, :zt:. r 1 rink street, Bank Block. • 'sauna against, an kladi of Flre and kaallr _ - • • I - ISAAO JONES. Preddant.• - JOBB D. WOOED. Ms Preside*. D. I. BOOK ecratary. - . Lisiajt UNA • :L : . Aqua D. llicOor4, :' 0. lallassey •• '' .1311 p. Adam Jambs, M a any Can \. dy IB. B t. . Eltiailm.-: t:Cap Wm.. Bum ' , Z H ola IporlaiJr.; R. L McGraw; B. SeratinadOek, lOWA IL Dant% .TIEDICaI. FILES I PILLS I PILES I 1F TWENTY YEARS' STANDING, Below will be.found a certificate from one of th most reepectable ollizens of Wilkins township, .1n room to Dr. Keyser's Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor's certificates are vritktrk reach, sad no one need be deceived in regard to his preporntlons. • Dn. OHO. A. Kir6ER: I became afflict with Piles about twenty yearsago, and every y or the were growing worse, so as to trouble me very much, to much so at times as to unfit me for work. Some Umeal was eo bad that I could not do anything on account of them; they came out on me at large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for them. I limit° buy and take whatever could bear of or rend of in circulars end pamphlets that. Sell to my way. but I. could not et cured; Bartle. times they would do me some good fora little white, fit afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctor., who visited Me :Amy house and gave rte acme medicine, but It would nut do, I could not get wall. Over a year ago I got an advertisement of your Lindoey'a Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system woltl,l lie veto be renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took It home with me, and used it according to your directions. I then called to see you again when you snld I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought it, one bottle eta time, until I find used five bottles. After this quantity wa used, I woe entirely well of the Piles, which had tortured me for twenty years. In other respects my health is Improved, and . I am no well as could. be expected for one of my age, being sixty years pant. I have been well now for six months, and there Is no appenrance of the return of the disease. I can do any kind of farming now without work - he Piles coining down and hurting are. I can pitch hay. chop wood, lift, or do any kind of work which before t.o.ed to hurt me. When I found out your Blood Seamber I Lep: on taking it until I got en. ties ly well. I consider it my duty to make my vlllO r own to the country for the benent-of others who may be suffering as I was, and do riot know the value of your medicine. You may publish this if you like. live In Wilkins township, and will be leased to satisfy any one of the truth of this cer tincate if they wish to call on me. • December 24th, Mi. air Look out for the name of Dr. GEORCLE IL XI:Y:4E11 on the cover of the bottle, and pasted over the cork: also for his etamp on the United Metes Stamp on the top or the bottle, to prevent being binvosed upon by a Spurious article watch In in the market. . • lir Sold by the Proprietor, No. lea Wool) ST., and by SLMON JOHNSTON, corner of Fourth and Smithfield ktreets, Pittabunti. linTilnlA OR RUPTURE. URANIA OA RURTVRE MIRED. HERNIA. OR RUPTURE CURED. HERNIA On RUPTURE CURED URANIA OR RUPTURE CURED lIERNI4 OR RIIPTURI: CORED. HERNIA OR ROPTORE CORED. I,I4ZSITS RADICAL CURE TRUSS. PEUPET UAL SCLF-4DJUSTING TRUSS. 'ile.. Drops, for the support. and cure at Pile Elastic Knee Capsi'for weak knee joints Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints 841-Adjusting, and every other kind of Syringes. , Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's face or Body Brew, for the cure of Protarsus Uteri, Ahdonti -0/1 and Spinal 11 eaknessos. Dr. S. S. Pitch's Silver Elate Supporter. Dr. D.F.TFIER sell Igive h remora attenttio to the application of Tresses le adulta sod children, an. he is eatlatted that, with an expertmee of twen ty sear., be will be enabled to give aatiatactiort. AM-0111ce et hl. Drud Store, No. 110 WOOD ST., Alto of the Golden blotter. Venoms arising for Trusses nhouhl send the number of Inchon around the body, tminedlately over the rupture. 91,500,000. 1 002 . _ ,ATARRH! 4M4243,000 CiATATIRII ItIT MED, Y • It penetrates to the very sent of this terrible dls. nate, and exterminates It, root and branch, forever, Dr.ititXl.4l,LY., Is the fleet had only person who ever toldthe world what thstarit really was, where it commenced, and what would cunt It. pr. (1001/11LE hes spent a, lifetime In battle with this fell disease, exploring its secret ambush and making known to the world the fart the Oct errh, which has for years defied the .111 o e• search of medical men nod Authors to this ecuntry and In Europe. can now be cured, with the Same uniform • certainty that morning follows night. ,Thousands, who tried every known cure in have beenpermanently ounml by Dr. cmunatz. , s OATAIMII REMEDY, and now praise it la the MCC. extraVagant terms of praise. lir cinll of our lenrcat agesoy, or Bout a atom for.zt propbkl. •Dovinell And orcparott by I ni. D., rrow York. DR. G. 11. KEYSER, Solo ragout, No. HO 'WOOD STREET, Pittsburvh. For Salt ithetens and Wallah*, TEITED, SCALD DEAD, SINCWOICVA, n aa all ITCHING AND DUENTNO SORES and kRIIPTI6NS OE TILE SEAN • TIM !Wahl fli6ttelettin the bags at the dl a 0, ..< 1 —50 4 to the eery Iloorereed cures It front the p , e , sh bent•atfite th e skin en the surface—throws the hen of the a pesso opwat ,a and etery do of It Is dtsclid through Pas .pores—the speeds of the eternise. expellee tram the Meat, cense vastly these cm be AO ; I . , g 411 11.. . • . D/!•WrirMER, Agetit; . s. 'IA IMOD sTREZIPII7se wigs. egi • PILES, CtRED I RCPTURE OR HERNIA CURED XOPTI7B6 08 ITERNIA 017AVO 6W1 0 ,71 - RE OR HERNIA CURED. RUPTURE OR HERNIA CrREIP RCIPTVRE OR KERMA claim PR.. R. COODALIWN NORTON - &. 00., Solo Agents, 612 DROADIVA r, NEW FORK rernumcatly cum. rforrox 61 : Sae Amu, is BROADWAY, ifEit TOES. .71 enrc STRICTLY PURE ARTICLN Pittsburgh Drug Housb, Alti) " DENTAL .DEPOT. JAMES LicGARR, (Successor to TORIIENVE S YloGAltlg,) 49- P . O T g .E Gfd Xi - sr . Foreacn and Domestic Drugs, Medicines and Cheat teals, Dyes and riye•Stuxis, Alcohol, eer funarry, Fancy Articles and Toilet Soaps, Wines and Liquors, T. bacon & Cigars, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Support- , en and Braces Pro prletary Me;11. eines, &c. TRUSSES TRUSSES t We taaapfacture the lisle etylea of In - weaved Trustee, and L'ep conetnnthr on hand Marsh's, }ltch's, }Utter's, Chatea, }full'. and all other manufacturers. I 5 cases requiring. any peculiar style of Tress, or when parties desire it, we will manufacture to order ABDOMINAL SUPPORTE/LS, SHOULDER IMAuES, ELASTIC STOUIUNGS. DIZ.MeCIATITZ uttenela peter:malty to :tin appll ent:on of Tz • tssoc, of to the trent.ent of Rupture. • • Plivician't- - ; Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Our Prescription Deportment Is oltrays to charge of or. experienced Pharmaceutist, and all ortiells acrd in compounding prescriptions, are selected aruh regard to purity, freshdess and strength. " Plorcriptious carefully compounded at all hours of the night. Bide - tic and Culinary arlictea Pure Cream of Tartar. English Baking Sofa. oral. and Powdered Clove., pare .. A Pe ltarla r e, l " Clinger, " . Cinnamon. Oswego Con Starrll. • Cos's Gelatine, Price's Glycerine, Hecker's Farina. Pure Urines, rot cooking ptitposet, Surnett'stleolting Extracts, Caraway Seed Anise Seed, Coriander Seed Mace and Nutmeg', • Saleratua, Pearl Ash, • 1., Ws. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. • Our stook of Drugs and Medicines are selected semi-annually, with great care, by an experienced pharmaceutist and physician, and we guarantee all drugs and medicines we sell pure and unadulterated. CUEMIcALS. MI our American Chemical. we buy from the celebrated house otPOWEEd< NVELIHT3LI.N. Am inquiry of your figally phystolas will 'calmly you as to their purity. DYES AND DYE STUFFS, Our own Importation, we guarantee fresh and re liable. Aanotta. Vitrol, Brazil Wood. Cam Wood, Cochineal., Copperas, Cudbear, Extract. Logwood. Fturtle, Indigo, Lae Dye, Logwood, Mad. der, NW Wood, Red Tsrter,;Sidly MSS ' , Mich kn. • Pereira Wines, Brandies, Gins, Lips:a Foe medial.' lame only, •is °turd. Depot &Cm% Ciccone. .ins old itoihelle Brandi. Pare Jules of (}rape Port Rine. Pare old Sherry Wine. Pure old Modena Wine. Pure Holland GM. Jamaica and St. Croix Hums. IMPORTED CIGARS. Our dock emersees some of the finest: tramis of Miriam (Agars, Ms Cabanas, L.P"Parus - Louden, pKe tse sa ddess. oe, lki llgaros, Bells Creoles immEe•••ThZl CIGARS, Manufactured from Imported tobacco, eld I-span°la% Sobrinav, Joekcy Chiba, Elegardes And a varicts of brands. tlur stock of (agars was purchased in 1803, 'sad. wt arc offertng them to consumers at a slight ad• vanes over our prices before the tax !ste when pus. ehascdt •naatltlea of sae hut:drat and upwards. HOUSEHOLD AIETIOLEE. Concentrated Lie, Pure Potash, ,Se Seed, . Alum I Silver • Beth lriek, , Tripoli, be., ha. 1 SUNDRIIIS Ite n Seed ' Canary Seed ;It.1 " :6:;eed: ' Vi *h 11Qae " t0..,1,e.. , X..ll.ttagibuirs.h. .41.6crixop F 4 all getable Proprietary Malletues, TIC - Os. D. JAYNES , Expectorant. " Alterative. 1 " &terminative. • . " Hair Tonle and Hair Dye. Seattle° Pills. 1ir.7.0. AYEWS Cherry Pectoral • Cathartic, Pills: Siosaparilla. • !." " • Ague Oure. IiELMBOLD'S celebrated ItemeMett. Iluchit, for disease.. of illbader, -Row Weals.- [the blood. 0 Sarsaparilla. for impurities of Dr. RORAOK'S Sc ßlC andinavian Blood rudder. E: • 'Bitten. SpIi.E.ROWS Eulmonic WaterL o tie* Weed Took. " Mandrake Pills. gENN-Eirrs Blesiteal itiseovery. • o Salt Rheum Ointment. . IO VIZRDS 'celebrated Indian Tege.table Ellis. . lERANDRETII'S Dr. It. A..WILSON'S IIOpTETTItIi I S celebrated Stomach Bitters. DRAKE'S Plantation Bitters. • CUTTER'S Nerylneferlialt Millers, en antidot for intempertincA And nil the reliable Patent Medielnei of the day. Paints, Leads, Mince, Voters, 011 s, YArolithei, Ilrosbep,.Puity, rube Palms, Poll 14.14 &e. We have facilities for furnishlim thews articles at tnanufactlttexit prlrce. TO TIM DENTAL PROFESSION .ttto a loip 0c.4 casofklly Wow' stock of S. B. Wb'tee I' Teeth. Omuta, Arentroaie It Juetra Teeth. W. A. Duff' &0a.% Teeth. Neal, MaCurdy 11. Well% Teeth. JohnsOti h Listuro Braid iiitairi,biiktal Latlles, rodeo, Plugger, Wurels, may, nril 1, Exa_nrat2re, Fraz i 2=VE T it voile Hams °old, Slltor roue, E Polls, and Deatai DlGActiala otairerr desartptles. ar ti, t ,:zioinea to be lint on applign4ol4 DRUG HOUSE, *rimer of Fourth fad MarketStreetal 1 • frizta prrrentrlitia,rs. ton S1101:T Lt.\ , NEW YOUK. R.IILYZ'OoTDS. Hours between Pitt Inrgii and New )orlr LLIA 'OITOW THREE TRA.IITS DAILY . . . . Lenre Pittelqugh &55,.., te.,:trriee N.Y': MO A.lll. . j .. . 9:11 '' i 2,0 P. et 3:0 , e. et 1 " " 1.),;: , ) The 415 p. m. net' PA, p. ~ tenths rim throuth ,:,... in 11...tretebtag and AIL , ~ te.r n without eh‘ngc - of Y . ears. The .1..f.e) a. in. 1.n.112 e.i.M , . , Cars at th Irri. '' ourph only. ' 71. P. BALD AI.N. 4 , leIC:Im Gen. Tleket Agent, Netv'York. . „ A LLEGIIENY V.U.,- imiiiiNl ~...- LEY RAILROAD.-- CHANGE OF TLAIE.—On or., aßer MONDAY , hlay nth, Mt the folloWing a:raw/neat of Woo wat take elect. MAIL TRAlN.—Leers PP.tsb ugh at 7.00 a. la. arriving at Kitt., nning at 10.0 3 at. I.eartm Kit- tanning at 4.00 p. m., arrives at .rittsburgh at 7. p.m. EXPERSS'TRAIN—Leaves Kittanning nt 015 a, m.. arriving at Pittsburgh at 10.23 a. m. Leeteca • • Pittsburgh at 4.30 p. m., arriving at 1 Ittaanin ; At.COMMODATION TRAIN—Lea 1 WOrks at 5.30 a. m., nrrivtaget Pittsbr.rt . . m.' Leave. Pittsburgh at 3.00 p. m.,„,,4 i Soda Works at 6.00 p. m. . l ... ' mylo F. WRIGHT, SuPerl ate— , i .. P,II . TSBURGIT, FT. 011 . 7 .b i WAYNE & OIIICA(10 RAILWAY_, AND °LEVEL AliDic Prrr..; DUROU 'RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGMIENT. . On and after December 19th, ISt, trains will run as. follow., viz t , Leaves I For .1 . Tor I For _ PittsburghiChlea,ro. it:lel - eland. Wheeling. Expre55.......... 2.10 a. 10.. 21.10 n. tn.l 1.10 a. m. , Exprees 2. 00 p. m. 4 2,45 p. in. j 2.43 p. m. Express-- ..... 13.00 p. rn. Wail. ... ....... .10.0 a. In.l l 18.90 a. m. 1 For New Castle and Erie AGO a. la. 3LETVRXINO. .• Arrive at Allegheny—P. F. W. a. C. Rant' ay. 7.30 a. m., 8.30 a. tn., 2.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. O. &P. It. 8.,10.00 a.. m. . . .. _. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. , : i tinlon Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. i, • A. t.t. (..TASSLLBEURY, Ticket Agent, . ~; Allegheny Cltyt. ,' 00129.0 F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Aireet.',, 1864.5.tZ E : \- i i AgrAgZgifik CENTRAL. B. R.—WI NTIIR ARRANGEMENV —TEN DAILY TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, botober alit, 1.991, train will leave the helot as follos. FAST MAIL, dully except Sunday, at 2.50 a. m stopping only at principal arations, and making direct concoctions at Harrisburg for New York, ;, Baltimore and . Washington, end at Philadelphieo for New York, Boston and Intermediate points. AECUALMODATION, dailyex. rcpt Sunday, at 4::d a. tn., storming nt resider letmtlotal between Pittsburgh and liarriaburg, and making close connection with trains on • Indian liratudi. West Pennsylvania R. IL, Ebenaburg L'resson R. It., and liollalnvaburg livanch.! PITT: 4 43EI2OIi ts EXPRESS, daily en cept Sunday, at 1.30 m., stopping at nearly ILI the station. between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, 1 and mekingeonnectlon with trains on the then. bur p . and Crosson IL R., Liollldavaburie Branch B. I R., Fyrone and Clearfield and Bald Eagle Valley Branches .10fiNsTOWN ACCOMMODATIDINIMMIy, ex cept Sunday, at 3.001;f - tn., stopping at regular sta tions between. Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and nor ; nectlng at Blairsville Intersection with trains en the Indiana Branch and West Pentusvivanla ILR . PHILADELPHIA EXPliaiS, daily, at 1.25 r, m., stopping at Latroll(•, Concmaugh, 0 allitzen, Altoona, Huntingdon, Lendstown, 31ifilin. New. ' ! port, Iftrysville,liarrisburg, Lancaster, and Down ingtown. At Ilarrlibutg direct connections are made for Baltimore New and New York t at Philadelphia, for York, Boston and Intel mediate points. Sleeping Cam run through on this ' train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philmielphis and New York by the Allentown route, FAST LINE, daily, except Sunday, at 9.30 T. re., stopping only at Conan:mu:pa, Hallitzen. Huntingdon, Dewistinvn, 'Newport, ) Marysville, liarriaburg, Middletown, Elizabeth own, Mt. Joy, Landisville, hannaster. and •Down iagtown. At liarriaburg conneettons are made ler New York, Baltimore and Washington, at Phila. .delphia, for New York, Boston, and Intermediate points. , • First Accommodation Train for Wall's SLAW n leaves daily (oxeept Sunday) at 6.30 a. m. Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Statitn leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 n. m. Third Accommodation Irma for Wall'. Statlt leaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.40 p. ca. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall's Stet(' Mares daily (except Sunday) at 6.05 p. M. The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.06 a. m„ return i ng leaves Pittsburgh at 12.45 p. m. • ; Returning Trainearrlrc in Pittsburgh as follows: Pittsburgh & Elio Express 12.60 p. m. Baltimore Express Philadelphia Express 2.30 p. - m. Fast Mail 1.20 a. m. , Fast Line • 2.00 a. m. Tohnstonm Accommodation 10.03 a. m. .Plrst Wall's Station Acoommodation... 0.100. m. Second Walla Station Aceommodatios 8.46 Third Wetlrs Station Accommodation.. 2.1.0 p. m. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation 6.62 p.m.,. Baltimore express will arrive withPhlbsdelptia, , p.presa at 2.30 p. m. on Mondays. NOTICE.—In case of loap,. tha •Clompany will hold themselves responsiblo for. personal haillsne only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO.. . W. If. BECRlFiTii,Agent,' At the Pennsylvania Ventral .Rallrond Passenger Station, on .Liberty and °rant, streets. nob 8111PPIIMG. o'NEILL's FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE, PITTSBURGH, PENDiA, Sao. 113800 Asso. , Passage from the "Old Country:, • The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia (la man.) Steamship Company having . appoint/id the node n roPnned their Agent here, vice Mr. Thompsoa, t devemsed, he is now prrpnred to bring out or somil ) home Passengers by theStearners of thti Idao at" UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. The Steamers et 9, • this Invorite line leave Liverpool every WERNER DAY, for New York,aouehing at Queenstown, sal 3 are among the Instest, safest, and moot magniliemst vessels &twat. - , • .1 . . The undersigned fa idso Agent for the Liverpool and Londonderry Line of Steamers, leaving pool every TiIIiRSDAT,. end Mail. . The eem. et decry for Irizh.Paraen o era end Mail.. atearep era of this line are built in the strongest. matured, and furnish choice accommodations for_mesengers. L Ile also agent for TAPSVOTD SLI NE of mid- I bested Clipper Selling Packets, leaving Liverpee for New 'York twice a week, and the." X." Line e. . London rackets, leaving London every tea dark „pie ships of To pocottbz Line have long been sea tad for their quick passages and the excellence oir the provielons furnished the passengers, and their 0 kind treatmentwlllo on board. Parties who wish 1 their friend. brolightout by milling vessels, should by all meanspatronize this line. I , bisesgeto California at greatly reduced rates. SialiT H=AFTS on all pore of - Europe for sale at the lowest, rater. Apply to D. O'NEILL, . I I oiclin.Emlgration Orice. nail sSmithfleld street. Q,TEAM — WEEKLY . TO LIVER POOL, touch at QUEENSTOWN,.2IW' (Clork Harbor! The well-known. Steamers of Raw Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company (Inman Line.) carrying the W. S. Nal!! are intended to sail as follows. , • t KANGAROO Saturday, Dee. 7L' ' CITY OF MANORESTER...Saturday, .1 7. CITY OF LONDON Saturday,,Jan 4.. e• And ercrysuftpeding Saturday, at noonartna to Noah Elver. IttarS OP PARSACIE Payable la gold, or its equivalenein eutteoer ' First Csbia SSO 00 Steerage Or Of to London—. fa " to Loadlat... 34 SO " to Paris 00 “ to Paris...,.. ,40 lis "• to Holabarg'„ 0)00 '" to Hamburg-4T t• Passengers 1113, forwarded to Havre, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, M., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Ctueenstowa—ist pa 196,1106. Steerage, rd. T ose who wish to for their Wends tat bay tickets here at these . Fur Ihrther information apply at the eratepaity . pat.,. - f . '3OECIP G ls . B A D, A.... d L o l3 :l46..L. A n•lf, gent i.. • , . roreivi Emigration llwiley, • ?Co.. 68.Smitttlleld 'Ural, Pltilmrgli, CU N Add L —Stema from LIVERPOOL AND IIIIEENSTO 7 dad in gold, or its equivalent IA ournherg, rnOU YIEW YOUR', dad its edrtessey.S— leas einry week. Apply to, -, THOMAS aarrioArr,Aramx, • - a Smithfield street, bntween id snd 4thi mranrafele PittslMMO- - GREAT - EfilG - L - 18E1 - sm. JAZIES or.Aßzvs CIILERRA:rED F.S3fALE PILLS; Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,. !.-. le.,Thysician.Extraordlnary to thoCittee -• This well known medrelne hi no Imp editor; lent a setre,and safe remedy for Female Stffietatiell .Obsteuellons, from any cause whatever and al though n owerful inmedv, they certain noth, log hufilul to the constitution. To Married Ladime It ts•perfectly suited. It will, ih.a short. time, ining on the monthly period with rogubwity. These Pills hare never been known to fall where the directions on The fri page of the PalnPhiel , well observed. - . ' • - • For fullpartici:Mrs get. a Pamphlet, free ; of the Agent; Sold by all Drugged.. Priem, ±st per bottle. Sole United States Agent, • , JOB MOSE.S; • Courtlandt street, New York. T•r • c • —si Rode postage stamps. enclosed to any ataborizol ascot, erltl Insure & bottle. containing ..over SO Mlle. by return mall. F la; IT AND SILIDE TREE,S‘ Isvratcur.E.v4, 44. , of A P1 3 1.T:, hare Name k`4,00, and of all the leading ratted let moat profitnllle fur this locifloa.. We luxe extra factrees, ns Early Itervest,Maldee ' Illush,Haltend Plppin,Baldwln,l'allowater, Gates, King of Tompkins ntl Co., Rhode lalarel, Green, UO2llll Ille(f,11 - famtro, Smoke-house, loll:lama's Sweat:— lie.. with 'a vett Lugo stook .o PEAR. Pr.m.tii.. PLUM, EMI?: GREEN NIIADE TREE% • ItOSEIS SKRUR 11111-11.11illOUSE PLANTS,' d4., - he. - de our.atoek to large, wo olthr - great • indateementi to plantereand wholesale purchasers. Meets left at the tireen-liouse, Oakland, orllttahurgh Post Of. nee, will be promptly attended to. . „, • • SOHN 111.1TRDOOIT.'Sr., _notalawv • Plttabarch and V.ietand TILE I.IIP.ROTED= • . . • Vile Giant Hoirlridf rrIne,.ONLY 4113 03. .3Jnaurpasaed far Wrlallrfi relibblilty and grace' 10 morementt and for seas worth It has no rival. for annynelty, durability , and:execution it la unequalled by any other , • ruaeAtne heretofore offered to (be pubtle,andnoedir. only to! be, urn tuba apprentated , t quilt; look or 011ut...1:tall And. examine: foe,- melrea, , ErOrY rnneldne -warranted. lA , . 113 TI1111.1) St., °moat.: 5t.123.3t • 0..1.1411
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