W;slW,4l4k`* - ti -•- - • 4•,,r• nr•r:71••• ••-4 - ` -•-•: • - Ir*" ;gm.- ?'`, 4 :-•-7 - 'z'f- • ''• • >*'" the Wlttointrgit 6azette . PUMMELED' BY , TIEB G=ITR POLIOIIII ASSOCIATION ,PATII:II4)A.Y. JASUARY 7; 7805. -ALLEGHENY CITY REPUBLICAN ' I TICKET. FOR MAYOR. JOHN MORRiSON. iota DIREOTOR . OF THE POOR EMORY fiILEASON. ' Cese - With - the — people of §a- Tannin hate thrown off their allegiance to _ . . the Sout h and returned to the beneficent rule of their old government, iscridente of I.4.oo;Fithlfhickillte,;rosais of the people of the Sout h will submit when our several:gent is able to extend its protection. ovetthem:: • ; • ; .1 -No one expects .TErv..„Dsvrs and the men who basg led inikisillObellion, - at least not gracetully or "easily. SubmiS• slot!, pith .them,-means subjugation; per taps a halter and a speedy exit out of the aro ;.but. to- the 'masses or the people it iota-Wei emancipation and relief. The fiercer utterances of the ,Richmond press' !rein' . I:;:empiraters, and -are no criterion of the feeling of, the South. r ,The meeker! or mischief may well cry Out aid teiv t l at the prosieet before thliti• 'but .we must-not be so foolish as to suppose that theraie et:npoveered ' to speak for say but themselves. Assoon as the pressure Is ta ken off the people, and they are allowed to speak and act for themselve, they will hail Tithioy the opportunity of taking refuge 'swat more - beneath the national shield.. Their day of dellrergnee is rapidly- 11p -(,::Foachingrand the nearer it approathesfilie greater will grow the consternation of the traitors at Richmond and the deeper their dread f subniittlag to the Yankees: .._ VAHHAIHTT , Or.. THE TtEBEL • LEAD-cals. 001%.11AL1, of Missouri, in his late-mes ,Eage to the , legislature of- that State, prefers a terrible indictment against the leaders of the rebellion. Ile, says: r • Traitors have done reorclarm to Mis sOurt in the last three years, than all other criminali combined have been able to accom ,.ydish since .0111' state was first settled by White men: They have perpetrated out rages, that.the worst mea in our state-prison %Would not commit,, and:which; the wild In dian of the prairie can scarcely rival." re )07 of no man in Visburi who is better qualified to speak of these barbarians than tior. liam..! If he was not of them, in times past, he was not sufficiently strong taint them to provoirelheir hostility, and • ;ected, at one time, •v•!: - That, how; l• • ,the testimony he ;hut t'materially a..ll , lt.'fktbebiattliy of gle show Th:+t +1,4.1 1.111..1 lived ...wickeder set - Of men Rebels 'Mist state, 7/10.14: r , Ulan I.:tor Who, secretly a,t,:a without - taking Sears Past,the Mr/tn.: ty the one set, and 71,:;ed u..ci - , 1 ;k4.r (n. 124 now that de4rer r...q.:z. fro: bstit Issbev.l.,attained; the decent feel' - that ensli i nf relief 4 mut ,s•wi.kerag from a horrible ra!=s. *:~12xl~G•-AM) 1 ERlBHii2" ~' itCuur tate°, yesteiday,on r(-1 leacratif that , the ha(l.eudorsed rthe. atkicle repthlr4thed ~ hitLfain :We the.?...7a:Taiter.-; . A.Lc;;ly „of jig...article 1:.!."4" . br' 5,545, on its. own. }l5. ' 11,e writirliailicis Mat sea..:l-a-L.-I,either England,nor. nes the three combined, Mml of :the longest r, , Nalene ai43 Mot 'Good zel a arelike.ibrother fe.lkz. half: '!,7 , :“ 1 , 4: , ~, r i: 4 4l7os l, !s•thergelrokab o u t not &red' pass by on kliff b tezi,ty his pockets, if . - ili,ereAte - r , etnewltat left to take; nor France will 50 xt.,;)'6l . * , 1;71, 40t even knolrotoar liiie - vr'm'sigrirothilt battling' mrzti 1.;1=4.k c.rttic in year ; 0/10115 0,511 515.1 c. able,- also, to. ,tht11.1:1•;IvAril,:;:t6t1; alliatices and re would .tltoy receive e. this, ito,r tha. , r 3 are po ..; - ptrlektilte' 1$ good,.and of the .ConredSracY k,reci.,ext' of the , ,Eraminer Is 'at" never gain re , LE.Ir cr:".14fC551.13g - its weak ':` It confesseil its utter tip its:head, therein ',.o_siisk and:perish. lEEE , - - . 1.145W t:II.I.ITAISTOGGA. ..t'"c.Thit AC:i 1-t;. , - "rem our correspond- A ; ,r,r, - , - c.-,,, , ,,,1fi0u2,11, which sets at rust Vic - -:!:-.r.'as.,rg.-, t. a, .-, • had.becn ordered to ~..:::- . ..,., : - . 6r.„, P.' i- !: Tiv -, ...., , -• Our Cdrrespondent ~.. ' - ' . . - {:t '-:,' 2,314,.J....,-,,, to 1.11 , - - rr of iihrit lie writes: ... z ~74.....•;'yhr:, - ocia, Dee, o 30; 1811." ~ . •_,.••0,r,.,:,.,,.., - ",,,,....,11.,-.•l:.,re.rythiag "all right.. 7:4 4 ~ ~i,,!;.1.... , 1 a...; Wegraph; emits goo,l ) .-. : , .dotkie..r. - .4:. - 17 , i I,el w : .:olDhatternooga and the, l ed '44 d -,c ,, tvi: 1 t: -., , , d •has crossed the. -,-..1...i rt-fL.4 . , :i- rtYl`e : , ;':th about :o d half the rtirp...4 t, , . 1+,..-41. v.-hil...y ..hesieging.liashyllle. :1",.;-! , _ 1.4 . 3.1v3s of .I ., ..,'lrion.have ia .... , hi*, ,:',...7.4i 2 4, ~., -thy' , „<•..“.•!...1 noierhave tonglit Mt -,..-- Ra.e.,:M.' 7-f ihe'yz : : t:ld'auive,vicapW. ' We, ''' - itt" , ..;, , f rl - --.ly ,i. gar . rdeces' Of -nrtilleiry, '‘' .:4 :!ri:C7l7,t ...it . - 7: , , lginell, small :arms and, .Itrareer: , - . , - I - th?til. !lha victory one of the ~. war. . It is haat° tell ,4-.,,,...... ~...,. • -'. -iezt ma t te n O. staml •- ; ..'i.,,1 - n. +he Inst -, 7, , teh). • lay that i.. 0 ~.„, ~., ~„ 11 e•t. p:.qtUe klocid beyond the • . '• .i.,...-.:: • ir. r loci am inclined to think ' , .. - 41:" 'rilvt.:' , - ~,a•• n;. , ..d r ded too well, -,,,,, ,t iv, 71 . n„; lA, n,•Lii relit's:thoroughly de ..:''. r:t.lvn il, ',.: 2 rulr cl-+,,:lre:without making a ' lie effort ' 'i , folkAr ivii his brilliant success-. .!.. 11 t 1..a.,..-. re 4.1. v , ., t( l .. nearly all the locomo. . . tviS u.r. vit'. , :.e' a. , :c't• - . that Hood captured .-' Inem 1L.1,f , 111.115,,...“',...., ,, ..and Decatur. Hood -,',1,.:,1 irot. .'-". , cttoy 1.1:2. ;'lling on his march thturvi:' ,Vishs) , i•!, ~.•.:.t Tennessee, except : . • . rt.:' Niilivillean.,., ‘- tsttanoogarailroad aort. f', ,, .:- . .L'EfSI4I3 /int ,. r,..7twecn Nashville and .7,'.7.r: ~ 1 ;L., r ,, , -e,, e ii.....- 2 , : beef thirty-two Miles. • • i : , r ~, • .....!:. ir. the: Nashville papers -•-- , r , t ~-, .:!..• ~ - y ,, , , , 1.1”1 1 ; Gen. Grant thought. •ur , "2't: , ' ' , `" , ..i.• ...-iP.Ordered Gen..Tohn A. 5. , "- - -z , -- :',. l, '' . • ~ which is untrue. The t,,;',ll ;.,,,, k ., n ',,,,'' '- plied Thomas that he - • . r.. -- s:i r , ”.. - - . .0 - %, v" ' , ming and Ordered him - tf, at , J 4 k Pl:; , .; , ...rows sent back a reply te r..,;,...,r,... , ..,s ,sc. '. i. :. lie wai.-mot really to 17.-•'-.w. , r;le; t;lr, l - 1 tAt n!": .m ova oTo until tils plans m.,4ri..;qr;•..1 , :c . ..",d, ..-.,3 .f Grant had any man ..: r..--ilist r te ad av,,,, . ;z.,ldence In thanhimself, ~_?- to ; '..ri1,3'4,15,1 -.J. '34 , * l , ) relieve him,. and he . ..7 - . , ....i'v-'bi.li ":"41:: h. r..... ,, .7'.`inte potation. rant lice tiilt Ll'. ..- , 1-1, , .1n0t a ;general In the' , '2,1 - 7 . 0 , •z 11.. ,, ,;.:1. t,'..rit D'.we confidence In, And g; - .. ... -. 'li'' . r,art; - ; , .: ar:Il di. 'slit he' thought was 44rst. ' rit . nt:l ro.dd, tribally the distant view ' '•''- ."..--, LP: hArl ~ .11- . ?,, 1 ~ . ..a., wk.sng. , The -result you :,10:iow Is..gt,';riars,',T,ltkl' ' o,ld,l'ap' . l came Ott ,-,:.; right . . : _ , ~: ~ (11,Ft0x. .. , • , , ......—_.... _ . —..., - .....z , -tiNzz' 7, :r- ; I ' l ' ili.r .i-larn or Bethel, Maine , • • s. ." . ..C.- ....:7-.64ltliviyl ty.t aer..., oflums.,The whold cx. ...'4 Ix:, - o:i: 4 ,a:fa:tire '1,334 feat _' year wee $039,. • v:,;': - . y'r,frin - .b.i- -104 1t,,4 . worth ef heirs 'litre . Q.:41"... , . vlla' th 4114.-.- Ili:- -4 , 4 ~ adroit of hops fold to: 7 . . 4 'l-rss:' ,, eiTs , "ie" ' ' - 'aal I. ' died dopers . ,- . a 4:•are un ~, :., , t'.1 ,.. 0 4,11-4 , r_. , :0rz.. `• Tionerave till 6 thOtllland . ,i , .* :, ~%. ,z ,, t , 'l , a r%- -, i;:: wricil f.foid*#di year throe ..;,,- „It, . 4 ,. , ..,:.:• - t.lauz ,,,, i , e ),. .c.... 1 Jred`j' . .ixitu . idia::.s l6ol %' l '.'. l • l4 ';'P r !'F . -/ ''''' ' ' Year1i"Cr4411'63.2718.0 CRUELTY WMIOUTIVARALLEL. There is nothing, In all the inioitintt de- cIIERCII, tans 0(411 the cruelty ever practised, that amtg - - tmanwery Curs EXCEL:SI/1R excels or parallels the following. The re- corner mat 1 e,;f 44°6 1 .P'"td"r4 dial makes the blood run cold. It is ex- prayer Meeting so WAIN s.-DIIIrnEVEN /NO. The public arc cordially invited to attend. traded from a letter from SuottitateS army lsldt to the Cincinnati Gazette: f air- 1 !..MCL1 , C , 1 i ...11 e 11,11021;:eFortiripitELEC "Our escaped prisonera are hunted by.. National hank of Coulla r' eree ri will be held at bloodhounds. These are kept atoll the pens Ronse, corner or Wood and Filth streets, for - that . purpose. To kill one of them is lap h i,',T;;,, h i r„r,, h g. 4 l.:,' f l i Ta murrt iB° . certain death if discovered. On one occa- i jalatri JOSEPH H. HILL, Cashier. sion two were killed at Andersonville; and ELEtITION the authorities not being able to find those I ar TION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of who committed the act, placed the carcasses L h e e, l . l.ll , Setaialattonal g Bask- of Pittsbull of- the dogs outside the dead line in the lout dog of January , tluseerir rgh, wi U l n a '.3t h iß brook which supplied the camp with water 31 3 . 13 P. MAGFOFFIN, Cashier. and allowed them to rot there. iatawa "Hundreds of.'our officers and men have been chased by these dogs. They are kept at all guard stations and picket-posts throughout the South, and especially at the -- fenies and fords of - the rivers, and are used to 'hunt both our men and deserters from the rebel army. "We have spice only for one case of a bloodhound* chase. The parties who had escaped were privates Crummit and Hallis of the. 9th Illinois canary; Martin Cloes, 3d,lllinols, and Patterson, of the 2d New York. Two of these soldiers were eight een Years old, one twenty and one only say ' entcen. They were chased by fifteen dogs, in charge of some twenty men. 'One man, finding the dogs close upon them, and no -Chance of escape presenting itself, climbed an the porch of a house and waited till the party came up.. Enraged that their' third for YiOcee blood had not been gratified, they made Cnimmit come • down to them, then knocked Lim on the. head with a musket, formed a ring, put the dogs in it, and threw him to them. ,Ice was terribly torn, and soon after died. Harris and Cloes were treated, in the same way and badly. torn. , "Patterson,-who was a mere boy, kneeled down and prayed these human fiends not to let the dogs tear hint; but to no purpose. Ile was forced down, and on undertaking to regain the Torch was kicked in the face, all his front teeth broken out and he ren dered insensible, and in that state thrown into the ring. The dogs had satiated themselves with - blood, end refused to touch hint. This Is only a single case of many which could be related," A Wildly Scene During a Cavalry :laid. Durtug General Torbert's recent raid from Winchester or. Gordonsville bas force marched two hundred and forty-seven Mile,: in nine days. The expedition sz , t out in a co'd, drenching rain that froze as it fell, and covered the ground. with ice. This was succeeded by snow ,• then the weather be cameintenscly cold, making thiekice on all the streams, and men and animals suffering hrribly. The expedition crossed the north and south forks of the Shenandoah, Hughes' river, Robinson river, White Oak river, Rapid Ann twice, Muddy run, Hazel river, Rappahannock, Cedar run, and Broad run. So thick was the ice on many of these streams that it had to be cut with axes he ron, the fords could be passed. -The men's clothes getting wet would freeze stiff and remain so for hours. .. . . The expedition set out with two days' rations and no artillery, and returned with two pieces of artillery and one hundred prisoners. The people along the road, al though "eaten out" more than a score of tlmes,bad an abundance of fresh pork, mut ton and poultry, and our boys fared: sump tuously every day, in accordance with the new order to live upon the country. Good horses-enough were captured to remount all the dismon.nted men, and nearly five bun dled head of fine beef cattle were brought away. Nearly three hundred of our men - were frost bitten, some of them badly. Sev eral of the men had limbs fractured in their horses falling with them on the Ice. The Fleet Continuing Ito Work. STEAMBIETP SANTIAGO - DU CUTIA, Of Norfolk, Jan. 3, 1865. I arrised at Norfolk yesterday morning, and was fortunate In meeting Captain Glia son, of the steamer Santiago de Cuba, who cordially invited me to the hospitality of his Teasel and cabin. _ . Ileum thnt Admiral Porter is still peg ging away at the fort with the now Iron sides and his Moulton, keeping the rebels from making any alterations in their defen ces, and compelling the garrison to remain boxed up in their damp and unwholesome bon:at-prelate. - Whether lit will succeed in driving them opt or rendering the place un tenithle,time will dhiclose,but he is undoubt edly determined net to give up tits •effort tinlesSeorderedto desist by the Department. Whether be will receive any farther assist ance from the unity is not yet known, but End thet the 'impression in both Army and navy is thata little of the same persistence if displayed 1 . 11 , Gen. Butler, would hare tirit i tus possession of Fort Fisher by the present tinte.—Baltimore American. . . ATIFtCJX AcmOnivitErmatorr. or DErrr.—The `li:bunion King of Daboincy, so famous for ;lardy hussen seerifice% has IstOy b^en dsPro , ss lit eneof hie raids - upon - a rivhl African city. was utterly routto with a lass of four thousand na 5..,50 signal was Divine interposition that tie heathen Africans could k . std.ut admit it. A rahothian prisoner add to .A-Enutish missions or. "When we -tried to force our way Into the town our conrage failed. We could not 114 ht as .Sest ere accnqomcd to do. We trembled. We :lit Mole like running than lighting. You need rot be afraid that any power will take your town: for there la some ono' that helps you; scsaeibing fights for you." So the dark-minded Fallopian can not resist the conviction tivit Christian people are under a Divine care. "Thsir no-kis not es our rock, our enemies themselves being judges." TMES la a rumor current in London-that the Princess Mary of - Cambridge haa married Vie -.mend ACeording to the royal marriage art, a member of the royal family cannot marry. without the consent of the lkwerel7.l3, nr with out- giving notice to the Privy-Council. The giving.nottcolo the Privy Conned'doesnot make the..marriage obsoletely valid, fordt may be de cided illegal by act-of Parliament. It la known that the Princess applied 'for permission to the itneen;,. and'tite 'Queen refused her sanction. _However, there is no fear, if the marriage has been contracted,. that it will bo dissolved by Par liament; for. theithacess Is very popular and the 'Xisglish•m* . le are Very MA of German alllanem. The Princess Mary is thirty-one years old. Via ocunt 118adTa rich, - handsome, and enjoys a very . .' qr , Thtmiday last General Napier, of the British army; addrmiseti - the Toronto rolanteera, before thelr:deriertnre;.ibt,the herder, ceunselling them todo their dety,and saying : .'freu are going to . the frontierto aid the . civil authorities In prevent- Inge set ormisereante and murderers, vrim,under the ;fame of Court:iterate soldiers, hasp emaciate, thist'roilece for . the purpose of invading, thn 3Ublted: state*, 'currying out their desisrmL I thlak tort ,Well of tbe Confederate army, as I do or the r e deem army to suppose the Y can countenance to the gs not Call them anything else than treacherous rearderma.,' COTTON 124 THE CONTEHICHACT. — A cot ton speculator who hie just returned from, Mane save that them.are overone hundred thousand lodes pf,„cottoa stored in. that city, held pribciradly on,Yrench and English-ac count. The total nlhnber of bales of cotton in the Confederacy at the present time is estimated- by rebel cotton-dealers at seven million tales. They have not succeeded In getting out More than one million bates since the war began.—Washington Repub. nom an racer of Sheridan's army we learn that thi movement of cavalry, upon Gordonsville Was' to divert the attention of Early and prevent a detachment of their troops to molest Stdhoman in his raid upon Southwestern Virginia. Our cavalry( thirty five hundred): took but sixty cartridges, and thinking that , they might be compelled to fight Rosser on their return, were in no con dition to attack Gordonsville.—Ria. - he Swanzey, New ilampshlro, there is a brave young soldier, on furlough, who is only eighteen years old, but has served three years in the Union army, taken part in forty-three battles and twenty-seven skirmishes, had two horses shot under him, 'and - daring the whole time has received no injury. , IT is estimated that the present number of petroleum companies in the United 'States is three hundred and fifty, with capitals rang ing fr0m450,006 to $10,000,000 each.'One company; proposing' to consolidate several others with ichaa.a capital of $11,000,000. Tics. present debt _of Massachnietta is twenty -millions of dollar. Irwell 1 1 " reillionis loans to' rarest whl are well keered. and ft Is seventeen milltOna. The bulk of thts Las been crated by, the extra expenditures on account of the war. PlLE: BB ."Plolecutiour in Prussia are till carried on-with great ifgor. .The editor Of the 'Berlin Ninth hen been feenenced tOlive, *tag' 'ffnprisoninent for pebliehine,at ar ticle:reflecting Satettelitt ona • iton terms of aFdty. „, PritLic awry cEs ar• EXCELSIOR INSTITUTE AND GYIINASESII.—The Winter Session of this School. will open 'MONDAY, Jan. 9. A few additional pupils cur be accommodated. For terms Ac., call at the rooms of the Inatitute, corner of Penn and St. Clair Os, or address for a circular ja3:lwd Iles. W. 8. GRAY. Principal. lar• TO *THE ENROLLED MEN OF LOWER.' ST.• CLAIR TOWNSHIP.— Thera will be a general meeting for the whole township, on SA CIJIWAY, the 7th Instant, at JOHN NIISSEIVS HALL, to take action on the draft. Come oae,eome all, and come prepared to subscribe and pay each one his share, so that we may begin to put men tn next week. W.DIQBY, Jr., jabatil Secretary of the former Bounty Fund. • 8111/1110311AM D ~ 1 T COMPANY, llummenaW, Dec ,EL E A GENEItAL BIIEETINti OF TI sr E 10 7 STOCIKLIOLDERS of 'this BANK will be held at the BANKING IiOUSE on 3105 DAY, January 30th, 15G5, at I o'clock p. m., to consider and de ci de whether the Company shall become an g Association .r the Business of B ooking, under the Laws of the United States, and whether It shall exercise the power conferred by the Act of the Legislature of this State, entitled, "An act ena bling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become Annotations for Banking under the Laws of the United States," approved 2.1 d of August, DEL and to take any further action that may be deemed ne cessary. By order of the Board of Directors. .101 IN P. BEECH: Cashier. rdrounatee lanai Or Pertentlnon, Pittsburgh, Dee. 23. 1864. igyr.IgOTICTIE.—NcetICE lit HEItElt given, agreeably to Section 2 of the Act of the Cfeneral Assembly of the•Commonwenith of Pennsylvania, entitled “An Actenablinellanks of the Commonwealth to become Associations for the pummscof Banking, under the Loon of the United Mates o approved the 21h1 en y of August, A.U. 16U, At the Stockholders of the Mechanics flunk Labe this day voted to become such en Association, and that its Directors have procured the authority of the Owners of more than two-thirds of the Cap nal Stock to make the certificate therefor by the i..aws of the Unit. 0 States. degetlnt Jtiu. G. MARTIN, Cashier. • I RON Ci re 1605%, PittribUria, tree. 1864. OT ICE Is ittnEtir GITEN, o=.l agreeably to Sec. 20 of the Oct of the Gen eta) Aesemblc of the l'ommouweelth of Penneyt. *sill., entitled "An Act enabling Bente of the l'orninonereilih to become 11....ti0ns for the put- pese of htan'timt, under the Laws of the United totes," nypeoved the g'2.l doy of August, A. 1). 1684, that the Meek holden, of the Iron City Penh of the City of Pit tebatgh. and county of Allegheny, hove this day voted to become such an aseocietlon, under the name and title of " The Imo City No- Ganef Bank of Pittsburgh: , end that Its Ihrectors .have procured the authority of the owners of more than two-thirds of the Capital Stook to make the certificnte' required therefor, by the Lows of the United States. de=lnk SOMN MAGOPPIN, Cashier,. JACIFLRON ILVII OIL COMPANY.— The ttubeerityrt to the stock of the Jackson Run Oil Conapanyttre hereby notified that a meet ing of the Said company will be held at the store of JOHN CAMPBELL, on Smithfield street, be tween Second and . Third streets, on MONDAY. IM.I day of January, A. D. OM, at 1% o'clock p. in, for the purpose of adopting by-laws, electing officers. &t, and of organizing as a corporation under the Act of Amsembly, entitled. "An Act re. biting to Corporations for Mechanical, ?donuts°. turing, and Quarrying Purposes," Uppeored; July 18,1963, and its ecrerid supplements. de.3l.2wolord DictiIILLOUGIT, Ses'y. NI 021 ON GAUELA NAVIGATION CO—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the ?donongshela Navigation Company will be held on THURSDAY, the nth day of Jan uary, IMO, at the office of sald Company, No. Ts Grant street, Pittsburgh. at two o'clock p, in., at which meeting officers of the Company will be elected for the ensuing ye.. The election will be held between the hours of two arta tour p. m. deli inwdtd W. BAKEWELL, Secretary. • Alrumnaurre A 1 C 0 ntautrescroanss NaTo:Mac Ileac. (Las liartants lfaartfewurers Ihrat.,) Pittsburgh. irec. 12th 1864. AN ELECfIOIc FOR DI gECTO S OF THIS BANE, to serve during the ea. suing year. will be held at th e Banking House on TUtSDAY, the loth day of January. lOso, between the hours of it &clock c. m. and 2p. re. delund 301111 SCOTT. Jr., Cashier. FIRST NATIO%AL BATE OP YITTS3I7IIOII, (Late rittetaoyh Trsa Compsny,) Prrrspunon Dee. 10111.195 L AN ELECTION F OR NINE DIE C TOES OF THIS BANE will be held on the SECOND TUFSWLY. 10th day or January next. between the hours of 11 a m. maul 2p. m. 'del9:l,l JOHN IL SOUL LY, Cashier. Urrica or Ar.r.auttoor ISSC eta sea Col December 20th, 1864 ) A . N ELECTION FOR TWELVE I RECTORS oft thls Company, to memo fur the ensuing year, will be held at the offtee of the Company, the tee DAY OF JANUARY, between the hours of 10 o mend 2p sc. de2t:to 1). 2S. BOUT, Secretary. Ostler. es true *Paten 3.: ATIONAIL BA.ttirj or V P irrann non, L. AN ELECTION FOIL NINE DIE C. Lea TORS OF THIS DANS, to serve dating the ensuing year, 1..111 be held at the Husking Dome, corner of Wood street and Virgin allay, on TUIISHAN, the 10th day of January, 2663, between the hoots of 10 a. m. and 3y. _mt. • delotlm ISO. EL LIVINOSTON, Oaabler. liII6T ;SATIOICAL I.IAUX OPLLINIMISTITJ December 1 2th, AS EI.ECTION FOE NINE Dip. IC -1:W TORS OF Tll/S RANK, to for the ntuing year, VIII be bold at the Franking House, n n the 7:o TtISDAY OF LW:WIRY, Ma, bee goecn Are boon of to and 3 o'clock. .dell3o .7. Y. KR .151 ER. Casper. E DIVIDEND TIIE TACK &; PETROLEKM CO. will b pit to Pitts- M.-Met. of ' , tort'nf! ,, of ROO-I A.RT , , 0:1-ItAELEY fr.l-`0..19 Irwin strret. 41.,'Otet It. 11 EAteriNlis 1111.1. BE A l'endl.let , . for RECVHI INtl REfft't.A. at the ensuing Election by Gounctle, for City Jl6:.m.d 1/1' ✓II)Y'ERTISF.4ILE.rTB cOTIGAITIL-50 bb le. Sorghum in store and for may by 'W u m i n , 11, 253 Liberty street. TUDNING LATHE.—On SATURDAX 1110BNING, 7th lost., _at 10 o'clock, et the ~temercial Sales Rooms, No. t.O Fifth .treet, wtit Le sold, one excellent Turning _Lathe. jx7 MaLLWAINE. Auct.r. WANTED AT ONCE—A. GOOD EN4 CIENIX.R.—One who uaderetands keepine so I . ngiorr In order, Ike. Call at once at the Rollin 1.. 1 ) :, 1 a 111, Re ebccea St I Street AI e„hr eu LINDSEY k MeCRITCIIEON. A LLEGHENY GAS STOCK, &c.—On TUESDAY EVENING, January 10th. at 1% o'clock, will ba sold at Commercial balm Rooms, rifth street. BB shares Allegheny Gas Stalk; ••• Merchant. and Manufacturers' Batik; • 2:0 Mechanics' Bank. AIcILKAINE, • MACKEREL,k. FETHERS, On ./JJ- SATURDAY MORNING. 7th inst., st 10 o'clock, will be sold ta the Uommereip i l •Sales Rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, ._ 10 buses 'Mackerel; p• bases Coffee: • t 2 do Cirourid Spices; , , 1 do Family Soap) . a Imo Feathers: 10 saddles superior Chewing Tobadeo. ,r,s7 A. EttILWAINE, Atiot'r. Cirrus or 711 E PITTEIII.II/011 AXD Maximums P.315r71M1L R. R. Co., Pyres xenon. Jan 6, telei THE ANNUAL 31RETTNG. OF T Stockholders of the Pittsburgh & Birmingham ,Passerser Railroad Company will be held on Mt/MAT, the lath inst., at 101.4 o'clock a. m., at the bt ononmlicla House, in the City of Pittsburgh, - at wild& time and place an election for Directors wlll.be held. - WM. X. NIIIWK, Sealy. leb td FQR BALK' OMR 0001) BRICK HOUSE, 'Pleasantly Wonted In the FIRST WARD, ALLE °RENT. Ras Ettehers, Dining Room, Doubler. parion, nod three a/hombre, anal IlalL Poemslon -April Ist, OKA For yortlcalare enquire of G. 11. Pitt/MGR. Boller Told 02:1cf, 26 Penn at. OFFICE 0/ THE 001 x TUOLLT.II; or ALLEGHENY Co. Pirreennort, Jen- 6, WM •TO,AAKERS: --SEALED PROPOSAII 6. Will - be received at thin . Oilier, until the 16th lnat. Inelustve.• for furnishing the Count Jell with BIIEAI', for six months from the 16 th hut. Loaves to we igh _Onwond.s.half and Two Pounds fif e rill tWllyiit."4" to be mule el' CO much Per loaf Bydirection of County Coreminionere. Jae Std HENRY LAMBERT, Oont,r. B . A4GAINS MOORHEAD, DENNISON & 'OO., 'Bl Market street, - ARE REIIERAIITTEO TO CLOSE OUT THEIR 121 TIRE STOCE. OF GOODS. Gents , Ihnier•gannents, white Sblrts, Sock., Cravata, Collars, &a. to. Embrolderlcs, - Lace Goods, Glares lioslery, Trim mings, Polnt Lace, Collars, Ribbons, &o. as Jae 81 ILLEawir-ot art. QtrAP.TEUX ASTEII . I. Orrice, New . Acnater, Ind., Dee. 80, IE6I. QEALETO • PROI?OSILS, IN DUPL .., CATE, while received at the Office of Col. 0. CROSS, been, Cpr. M'c. Central at Pittsburgh, Penn"a . „ until 12 o'clock TUESDAY, the nth th ulf4o c 4 t an usit:lT :O n o 5 41 " /"MITIMI l li od 0 7 g 1 :: each. et Oahu and New' Orleans, at anytime be tween the da_y above mentioned, and the FIRST DAY OFJUNE,IB66. . . Proposals to be for the Coar'in Bests, without. pay for the boats. A bond with approved security, equal to one-third the price of the coat to be deity ered, will be re vim& • • • .Toe undersig ned remanent' right to redact Ply, the bids, for proper cause, • , JAMES BROOKS, , Captain and A. Q. $l2 TO t4:4 PER DAY. To sell OW' *Mir 16YETRIgit_with late *rots. ismaaimead Ol The test i=unSEntcy, sad warranted forthree Feu& We will l itylit=ove vstailucm: .ItyarVirpth.oul expe,p& de=4. - 7:1170-3 & ock, .t S'Eli!eiNi-:.r.141.1-r.N 1, Olt, . PIiPiTOG !UNIT 3S. —A PHOT(Ia It.ll'll (3 ALLEY: V. ne e 1y titre& wlth all the cameos, et Pia; 6, Wiley slreet. If any tvantato lea= the..huain&s, he can have the chance to learn cheap and start vita a _small capital. For particulars cal) at or address DANIEL SHF.LT3, Plttelme;h, Pa. ja7:lsrd VHRT - SALE—A desirable THREE BTO- ny BRICK' DWELLINQ HOUSE, contain ing Eleven Rooms withal! the modern improve. mer:l , • Buenas italh and Gas. ;Situate on Ray st., ,ear F:enn. Will lie said at a b ...gain by applying immediately to the undetsigrieri. JAAIES W..AvoTr, .7:Fifth street, Pittsburgh. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FA R N.—Eleven small Houses, from three to five rooms each, situate in Pitt township, corner f Gist and Locust stn. between Lipencott's Foe. bay and the blonongabela River. The location is beautiful; near two Rolling Mills, Glaris Rouse and Shovel Factors.. For particulars enquire of . 1 / I .S. TONER, on the premises. Ja7awd DOSS OIL COM PAN Y. —IP OURT 11 PIVIDEND OF THE ROSS OIL OOMPA NY.—Tbe Board of Directors of this Company have declared s dividend of THREE PER CENT., out of the profits of the lut month, payable et the office of ROWT IVRA.Y, Jr„ No. 4 Head street, on and after the 15th lout. Subscribers are reques• ted to call and get their certificates of stock before the Mb Inst., and oblige ROB'T \FRAN, Jr, Ja7atd y Ron Oil Company . rlfTitITV QUARTISIIIIMSTR4 rass.'s OTPIOS, Pittsburgh, Pa., arum. 6, PAL VWILL BE BOLD AT PUBLIC AUO- .I‘lN, to the higkeet bidder, a larm, •quantl ty of MANURE, at GARDNER'S STABLE, cor ner of Jackson et. and Pasture alley, Allegheny City, on the TENTH DAY OF JANUAIa, ar 12 o'clock M. Tinssts--3.:lash; Government funds.' 0. 'CROSS, Lt. Col. mull]. Q. M. General. jrt7:td. WT4. HOLM, JAMES IRWIir & CO., NANUTACTtIt. Or Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. orrrcr. No. 15 MARKET St, jr.7 PICTS 2T211(11-1, PA. OrrICX P01.1,,,01t or iNTKO.NAL Ttrrn/y-.otlifi Ccol:retion • Dittrirt, Po. PerT,Ornon. .1 an. 0. TILE SPECIAL. INCI'AIE TAX F R - 0 - 1863, assessed in accordance with the net of Coogress, apprseed July 4,106 t. l now In this or der, mad on nod after MONISAN, the 9th lent., 1 u - 81 be ready to receive the amount 01 CASCR. This Tax mud he paid none before the tthth inst.; otter that date the penalty of 10 pert w ill he adaed. 11.1.1ANi I.l ren je7:ll.lt Coileetor ::at PIC Ph. 17'011 SA LE.—AN EXCELLENT AND COAL PPOPERTY,—Slturted on the too th side nt the Ohio Hun, lire miles from Braver nod onesholf toil.. from Industry. Contains 110 octets, 00 of 'IV filch In cleared, Lotionee gond limber; Ins ho estcoslrc front on tile river; in nen, ere violet:old with two owned coal. id k t feet./ of es cctlent (1011'0); Inrec tool of tire clay and lime-•'one, with two dwellings nod ther outholidinon, . This property to bell o worthy the attention of formers nod coal web rm It Is offtwed nt a Idne,Taln. Apply to 13. MeLAIN k jn7 No. 10.!, ith street. 112 SA LE 'IR RENT.—IMPORTANT TO 13A K FRS.—A good business stand, at present orcupuril as a bakers, Is othrred for sale or rent. The promises ewe a well built two story briar blouse. In good repair. a good lot connected with It, stable. fruit trees, crave vines, Ere_ To nay person den'i Ing to purchase or rent, a good op• portunity is offered. The baking implements will els° be sold to the person buying or renting the shore. For further particulars Inqu:rs nt O. L. Iv UEITEVII-10, Irentist, 134 ?ordain - 11rd st., Prttshurgh._ B (; I; I EN, BA RCLICHE, ROCKA WAY, ac.—On SATL'RIIAY MORNING, 7th lush, mill o'clock, will be sold, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, 61 Fifth Af, 1 good second hand Barouche and Harness. I superior Rockaway; 2 falling top Buggies, 1 net new Bum Hamm; 1 second-hand 1 do double set,ll'arness; 6 new Bridle., Le, b.c. ja7 A. DirILAV AINF„ Auctioneer. GREENBACKS AND GOLD NAY BE SAVED, 13Y I - y(ITM° YOUR Boots, Shots, °Jailors, Balmoral& and, Gum; 'XZPIEN. 8t SO At .t►e Cifeat Cloning Out Sale. Goods 'marked flow.. Nu humbug. Cell early and wenn Lae gn ins. lk CLIO of the place, which to BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market, 2d door from Fifth et. VOll SALE—A WELLSVILLE HOUSE AND LOT.—The subscriber offers for axle his MOCK. LiWELLISPI HOUSE, Militated on Main Ohio, (formerly occupied by Mah- L•ti aortin.) The House Ls a two !Wiry belch, 24 Pet front by 50 feet deep, contolaiing nine roams, 'all well finished. having a porch on both first and B ond Toots. There tea fine spacious cellar under the. 'chafe main building. The lot Is 50 feet front tai Main street, and extends back 110 feet to an el. y. The improvements area large and comorodl tun stable, an excellent cistern for soft water, ert. pshle of holding from CO to 75 h.srrell. The lot Is' sell supplied with fruit trees, grape vines, fr.e.tee. Tte Improvements tare of a permaaent character, convenient and tasteful, and just adapted to the a sots of any fatally desiring a comfortable and . healthy resldenee. MICE ONLY SIAM Wellsville tenor one of the most thiletng towns- In this neighborhood. the Itibellne and Repair • s,ups of the Cleveland b. Pitt.hursh It. it. being /IF/lied there, and property In r trildly ode, noirm In price. The very price lashed for this property will moire it a profitable Investment- Address, or Slyly to, LY,AAiI W. TEN F.ll, At Eaton. 51,eruna Is Co.'s, ja7nowdltS t7 }lab it., Pittsburgh, Po. OUILL PENS, Gold P. Steel Peas; Capillary Rulers. Parallel Rule: e. Ebony Ruler?. Grata Percha Ruhr:. Glass Inkstands. China Inkstands, Wooden Inkstands; Eagle Penaila. - Tater Pencils, Union Pencils, Star Pencils, Carpenters' Pencils, Rubber Head Penls. Propelling Pencils; Bcd Ink Blaokfnk_ Writing Fluid. tOTIERS, SUMTER & CO., 39 Fifth st. THE CORNPLA.NTER RUN 41DX-Ta 40013621=0. Capital Stock, V. orking Capital, - - Par Value of Each Share. • Boogie von Sanseurrnow to the Stock of; the Company will be opened on the fah of January Inat The perty of the Company is MO acres of land In fee simple on Cornpineter lius, near Its Juno; lon with 011 Creek. one mile above 011 Olty ; on .whlch is a Well about eV feet deep, with , floe reins of Oil, plenty of U.., and riow In process of tubing, and in the opinion of ell men, will be • tine welL There Writspe space on said Run for hundreds of 011 , and is the most desirable treat in Re simple on OS Creek for 011 purposes. Persons LICIIIOUS of making a goal Invest. 111(131. to Oil lands, lan inquire'of all persons no. ' Ci i .there at itTn ut oPh i l i n C g t y rin v s b a e t n ro i n k t e titi w n rr a tfo e ry lt . ain • JOSEPH ROSS, No. it, Diamond, Pittsburgh. 2 b lm 2. • .Isnll.lw - J UST RECEIVED. A *kw Arscrtment of 23 iCO E 3 18 "CT IL. Chddrens' Overcoats GRAY & LOGAN, Na 47 STwOLAIR STREN7' -- A.l.l..nonnler 11000. Pittsburgh, Dec.2l, 1881.. V ERN OTICN IS BEY GIVEN Agreea bly to Section 2 of the Act of the General As• aembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act enabling Danko of the Common wealth to become amociations for the purmise of Blinking, under the laws of the Ghited States," ap proved the 2211 day of August, A. D. 1861, that. the stockholders of the Allegheny Bank, of the city of Pittsburgh, ami county of Allegheny, have thia day voted to become such an ansociation, under the name and title of ‘ , The Allegheny National hook of Pittsburgh," and that Do directors have procur ed the authority of the owners of more than two- thirds of the capital Mock to make the certilicata required therefor by the laws of the Vatted Stites. de29:lm. S. W. COOIC, Cashier. MINCED MEAT.—Jutstrecelved a freih supply or SPICED MINCED MEAT, ready" prepared for baking; put up in glass Jan, or for nale by the pound. Wholesale and retail at the Family Grocery Store,of JNO. A. BENSHAW L i ne • corner oftlberty and Rood da. tiIIEAKEBST rirmiYod -nr• supply of Corn Grits or Breakfast Hominy. For sale by the quart orbushel. at the Fatally Gro cery Store or .7110. A. RgNSIIA.Wi ' • •, jell • eonteroiLlborty k Hand sta. A - YOUNG MAN WHO WISHES MO XS. perfect himself in the English Language I. in want of a ProTessor, to take palpate lessons. Ad dress - J., P. 0. Boa 0, Pittsburgh, Pa. , . . pETROLEUM-10 0 bbli. for sale by 4e l3 • . HENRY . H. COLLI NS.= c0r...-4.--25) bide. refined Carbon, I . fb side by UM] J. B. CANFIELD. T ND--500 pigs for sale b B.y Jad 0.11.1 • v '; ra , .1D s .c. 72 TALIA OPERA Letter from the Singers of the ITALIAN , OPERA New You, December, ISO. . MESSRS. STEINWAY h SONS-0 usttexen, —Having used yourPlanos for some time In public and to private, we desire to express our unquali fied admiration in regent to their merits. We find In them excellencies which no otherPl anorknown to us possess to the, same perfection. They rite charnetratzed by a sonority harmonious roundness and richness of tone, combined with an astonishing prolongation of sound, must beautifully Watling with and supporting fee evict, to a degree that leant, nothing to be &tired. Indeed, arc have never :met with any instruments, net even of the most "selebrated manufactories of Europe, which hare given us such entire satisfaction, especially as re gards their uncial/4/rd qualitira for accompanying the voice and keeping In tune for no lost a time, as your Pianos, and we, therefore, cheerfully recom mend them before all others to students of vocal music, and the public generally. MAX IBA.RETZEIL .W. LOTTE, (Tenor.) D. MASSIMILIANI, 'J. WEINLICH, (FtratTenor.); (Basso.) FETID. BE.I.LINI, B. Lonniz, .th'lrst Bariton.) (Soprano.) (lIAROZ2IEUCHI. ELENA. D'INGRL, (Petted D•ints.)l (Contralto.) Mrs. 3 . : VAN ZANDT, 'PEDRO DE A BE L LL • (Soprano.)l , (ender.) - - - - H. RIEBBR. ar BRO., ja7tlld .122 WOOD STREET. pIIOPOSALS FOR TIIE PURCHASE OF WOOL MAPPINGS. CreAse Cr AmMo CbtryniNn Alen EQUIItActE, ST. Loom, Mo., Jan. 4, 1865. 1 Sealed Proposals for the purchase of WOJL CLIPPINGS,dark blue and - sky blue, cut at the United Staten manufacturing halls In this city, during the Months of January, February. and Mau-141E65, will. be received by the undersigned, until, nod opened on,' MONDAY, January 16th, 1645, at 12 M. Parties will be required to bid for and take both kind., to furnish their owe sacks far packing lame, and at and, times as required by the Superindent, to take the same once or twice each monthcae quited, soil to pay for the same on delivery at sold halls little will be accompanied by the written guar-ut ter of two port Ira tef this city) that they will he roism, sureties that the cntract. If awarded, u-ill et.tered into nod faith fo I) Each bidder most be present or reoreettotel at the opening of hie bid, or the 'AMC' it ill out be consid ered. Propos/tin to take ellottlngs fora tthorter period titan three months na, above, will nut bc enter tained. The undersigned reserves the ritlit to reject any nr !I bids, If deemed fer !he p•tbi le interest. • Bids to be endocual °Plopotolet for Wool Clip pine.” It. S. ILA HT, Capt. S. A. q. 5L I - EST Jamta ta‘vtx TOVENILE SINGING BOOK EVER PUBLISIIED THE SILVER BELL Contains a choice selection of nearly 150 of the must favorite SONGS, DUETS, QUARTETTS, be., and a complete course of ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION. Among the pieced are the followlar. When Johnny Comes Marching Home; \recant Chitin Cortege by. the Rea; Do theyirhink or Me at Home; Soldier's Chorus: Cancers Funeral; Bird of Beauty: Juniata: Rattle Prayer; Which Fire slonr north the price of the book. 3Ehri.oc,, CO Chorittes. Copies moiled to an eddies) on receipt or price CHAS. C. MELLuit. •, , k7 HI WOOD STREET. () RPRANS* counT SALE OF REAL kI , TATF. —By virtue of in order of the Or- phans' Court of Allegheny County, the undertl guardian of- the estate of William A , David George 0 ..lames C.. 'Mary F. 11, Charles 0., Soon nnd Martha A. Watt, minor children and heir. of .lames t:. Wattoiced, will offer at public sale at the Court Donee in the city of Pitts.hurgh. — et 10 o'clock A. SI. SATURDAY. the lelth day of Jen*. arr. G 63, the following lots of ground, namely: All those two aqtain lots or plecesof ground sire nate on the West Commons. or Irwin's avenue in the First Ward of the city of Allegheny, marked in Irwin's plan of the rope walk ,property numbers "nine!" and "ten: , and bounded and described es . follows, to wit: Beginning on the westwenlly side of the West Common. or Irwin areas at a dis taste of twenty-tive feet southwardly from the cot ner of Central sheet mid acid Cotillions. thence 'ehtending In front along said Commons sotah ward ly filly fret to the line of lot marked IL sold plan number eight; thence by line of the ileum west wardly one hundred and ninety-eight feet Mari at. fey twenty fret wide; thence north wardly fifty feet to lot marked in said plan number eleven; and :thence by thellne thereof eastward': one hundred .nu - ninety-eight feet to the place of beginning; each of geld lots having a front of twenty-five feet art the westwardly Side of the West Commons or Irwin evenue(and extending back, preserving the same width, one hundred and ninety-eight feet to the alley aforesahL Terms made known at the time of ante, or on tip '-ation to Jobs Watt. JOHN W LTT, Guardian, Liberyt i t .,, Pittsburgh. W Y YOUR BOOTS, SHOES, GUMS, Balmoral Shirks, Shamls, &c. McClelland's Auction HonsA 55 riri.u. STREET Ins= CeDownon, S.D. Dentine, Pre.ldea. Cashier, (late with Iron Oily Wank. FOIIIITiI NATIOSAI. BANK OW PITTSBUIT.OII, U. S. Government Deproilamb Perrannuou, lan. MI, INS. S NOTICE! in areordasee with the order of lion. WM. PITT YESSEICIWN, U. S. Secretary of Trensury, SEBSCRIPTIONS TO TATE 1040 11. S. GOLD BONDS WILL DE RECEIVED UP TO AND INULU SIVE OF .. 6225,000 - .. 625,000 11,00 7th JANUARY, 1865. Subscriptions NVIII Be Received One-third Payable on 7th iant ‘ L:try.lB6s, One-third 14th One-third " 21st. THIAMTRY DrrASITXI47T, OrrICE OP THE COMPTROLLII2 Or Cuuumvort Weanuenvos, December 310864. W HEREAS, IVY . BATIBFACTO Y evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that the i IRON VITT NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURGH, to the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Atte ghroy. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under and according to the requirements of the acts of Congresa, entitled ' , An Act to:pro vide a National Currency, scoured by a pledge of 'United States Bonds, and to provide for the oircu lotion and redemption thereof,. approved June 3, 1964, and bah all the ns or aald act required tocompiled be com p lied with provis beforeioCom mofN ow e- , g Ct thohrreb f n uo csye, os ouhfge B h abMn-ck C ce u r l tuifnh ,Chaam d a r o o t l M ; e • E r IRON CITY NATIONAL y BANK t OF t PITTS BURGII," in the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania is au thorised to commence the business of flanking un der the act eforessid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand [3. a.] mid seal of office, this thirty-Bret day of December, A. I). 181. 111.70 8 It 31cOULLOOII, Comptroller of the Ourreney. 8. D. usanos, alarms o'cormor i e dent. Cashier, (late with Iron City Bank.) FOURTH NATIOTIAL RANK OP PITTSIII3IIOI4 F. S. Sarnowent Depositary. Pirranuncirt, January 3,1, IBal • NOTICE.—IN ACCORDANE Wt Ii ± OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS from lion. F. E. Spinner, Treasurer United States, - THIS BANK. AND U. S. DEPOSITARY; WILL CAST' AT.IIIATUTUTT, The One Year 5 per cent. Legal Tender Notet. • The (see of the notes and accrued interest to dale of maturity, WILL BE PAID IN FULL. These itotee were tuned under the ad of. Con. um, March ed, teen • 3dler n. ILERRON, Cagiler, - IopWATER HERRING.-20 boxes. of L. them celebrated Henriiii;Meetratnokel,juat received and tor eel. et theGe= Store lad • • writer of Liberty and Hand e. :TWO, 88L13. - 'I'IIRKSY§ 4: p al received awl for kale by • "' • DroBLNE & AMTErn. jag • ' • , tto, tOl Snood it. J.-:E ;I; • . AID •z;r:Tas.c.lnu,t-rY FIFTH STREET, prratazon, INCORPORATED BY LEGISLATIVE CDARTER Of theland, IN THE UNION, bondnetei by s practical HCSINEIS MAN. Oar highest comm-rclal antinsicle• Eat and Won, pronounce hie system. of IkNek-Keeping unequalled; comprehending issmr department of betel nese, on 9 yet so ekl . lllhlly eon eased that the attar, tiiest. masters the whole is .1r en eight seeks. II cos.data Of Stork Books. ("peed once aith a lees arid twice midis gain ; exhibit. log. by throe different methods, .the treurdler of old to nor Books. , 'Pfirinership Books, Conduehd by three dtlrorset methods, exhlbitang th• t stem of ehrto now Books, with the introdoct Wee! new partner; #l.o practically illustrating tho Private Ledger, AT mars of which the melte of the business are kept of the general books, for the ore of the patron telly, et the oettlement of Partnership flefekrpbs With Mx practical illeFtratlouceshiblatigthe Books re °parcel by Double lilntry. A cocoa rule for rectlfyleg Deranged Double-Entry Rooks, Milli spehleatione. The gala wines round:and the 1h ohm toners), re-opened. The learner to also tzar thud Lu From elf Id fprcincationa, Including special condition. r nl.olt. u runt will, in boaluem. Alfo, a ...clef of razor• fu rrrm now .41. speettestLam. Tlio learner Meo ma &Mut ..fighty Of Doml.Depory Notre, Judgmout Note., Draft., Orion, D or DacLeozv, Accouni.A. Irfoices, ac.. de. !aro, o I flee of WElrb, with the farms, are all cuanerbul arltb bbr c...urne t f Ilwk-Kerping, making It. a , ouolor acne of laxities& yractioo, aith count of twenty-Ora Lectures upon Book7Keeping. .11.• Senior 'Principal, explainingall th e bnalneat fera• recutded In the teat. Alen, twelve Tint <erg one may get rich. Bevel° get tich by tr.- dlog. The ca.ee of commercial nature.. On epecu. tattoo. The Moral inthoonce of Integrity In youth. Allo. lox-tun:l.lT= DRY GOODS. S. D. HERRON, Cashier. . I 7' ; 1' . ' 5 l/ 4 FOU2iDED IN 1840. TILE ONLY INSTITUTIO:V. Single Entry, Opening - Books, Closing rooks, Business Forms Business Leiters, Lectures on Business Subjects. ComMercia/ Law, On Partnership., Contracts, Insurance, Common Car rier; the Statute of Limitation., &c. Practical heettoc- Liens in detecting . Counterfeit Bank .rotes, a toll net of guanine vignette. and counter., and large collertlou of counterfeit notes. Our Railroad Rook-Keeping (In manincripta ezhtbtt. the comtrection and equip ment, the operating reccipta andexpiliturea, the nooks closed and • dividend recorded. Them Books are advertised by othere, but not taught - amoeba., in the city. Oar new system a JOrtrate Bank Books, • (tu tuauttsrrlpt,) embrachl all the beet Mr= be u among. ptiute Elaukers. , Our new enlarged edition • VVYrS ' licamboat Book-Lupins In MP department students note the assists.e of our @a Mt utendrot,THOMASland . expert ruced .Practical LercartlUe Accountant, rmerly k of a Idnoussiypi steamer. our: toil mune of banns. pre° lee Inaludel shout rim BUSINI2IS HOOKS, ruled to about thirty tint .4.1 'forms, em: II Le pers. 7 Hey-books, 5 Jour .l*, t, Pill Llsokt, 4 Oath Book; 4 Bela Books 9 fo• ',lce Rooks, 1 Discount Book, 1 Mock Register. I De posit Ural .ter, 1 to Hendon Ilegistent, 1 Tiosie-.1 Hands oftister. 1 Beulah, Book, I Passage Roots, 1 Fuel Hook. Thtsolooks pntnically.record about sis hundred hut& tees trsmanticas, con.pb lo.dicg Dars original' p'. no business eduraticu introdsoed twenty Bre semi &CO. Poe too abets hate sue... in Imitating b. will he. bat teen by campaigns as Mt loose pspars and books f 4beir pumas • th those of the g - adnatte of this toll. tnium DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING,: P4os f 1.76. new, Wet.. &I 4 by Boolmam' pn • ALI. 4wARDED YOBS bILVIS The tollatthig testimonials Indicate I) character of ILL work' t•No caber work upon Book-Seeping expl:Lins the sub irct with so what amanita. sad Ira . tt , lcia t i oNDs, Ca.hkr itircharthe Dant. V: all strati; N. T. '•li giro. a dear Iraiglat Into all departments of dila —A.'S. FRASER. • Cubier of &math Ward Bank. E.:lr. "It contains tooth matter Important to A.I.STN theoetc AD, hant. O. O. 11 PresWel Napbatten 114.e.k. )1. Y. oily, wet complete work of the tied I hats et la. B. MIIIIIIST C=2=Z=t::l .1 graduated la Dace College la half the time I an rotted. Ells admirable system include nothia,anpar Curia*, am loans oat anything J. IL 001IPTON, Gabler Niagara Dank. Lockport, N. Y. ••The inost clear and coinprobangro that!' have net nth.•• JOHN IiNTIMLI, Costlier Hank of Pittslinqh. 'Too hare pot your own long experhosce as a monk= o good ine Irt ibis work." flitaLtßD IRVIN Merchant, No. 93 Front street, N. Y. oita an extend,. Ship Owner. American and European Merchant, Bank Director, eta., ho hae borue thesepu tation of the highest out e r of lensineme talent." - • JOHN W. DITENTI2,BI, Merchant, No. 8 Booth Wean, N. Y. ..11r. Doff b • MAII of rare qualifications or bus now" . JOHN IL D. TAYLOR, Illarchant, tabu streak Naar Orleas. .11r.Doff Is • merchant of the ant roupoctabillt7: . J.LANDll3.llnrchatg.Now Orleans. 4.n. favorable opinions already enameled by gentle.. men of ootopttent authority aro well dammed, earls y properly bestowed' . castaxs 1L tactrPi. rLEOPOLD ROBERT KELLY, Epeeist Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. [Extract from the Miantee.] • • • PROSPER AL WETMORE. RemboT. !.Your Committee onaalmomlt wooer to the opioloa of Om utility of the! improved method of Mr, Don." GORDON J. LEEDS,_ . Becordin Sec', of the American Institute. N. • the only two" cubrela d of tow, Ins to the ekes see dew:dam .' J. f. J. dt.T.ltOld. lolllllli, Clett o the 'teener riAtil3l% .The ELM patfeet *yam of Itteester's Amounts Id toe." 0 di. Inileltd4 lona Osptel atrater If athelttoe • THE EWA' ATM zaussozu sorrioN Gr Dien Sleataboat Book-Weeptsig, Just pobn bed by the author. !hie $3. Bold by look. • - .eMmomrsdr. "A Whet strew 4r lhotAdhlt .reld !mkt Rid SO. tcrtado."J. tlAtiOr X alt. Formally fethlor tetra:do' Butt or Pit.abaral6 la • rabid alone to worth Vie prireof the b00k... r . Late t' le k at daunt Roma Venni. essethe the tool term of the !Steamer'. Pretest so veseehls, thet I Lose leave pest seltlrsht • copy elves boosts heath:" • ON WM. H. • DUFFS- PENMANSHIP la FIRST PitEMIIIIIS Far beet Bodnar* .na Orttantental.Pentainship, am:ne ed our prwant Penman,' by the United Bildt. Farr, at Cincinnati, In__ _jam, Tenneyise.nia State Fair, at Wyoming-. Western Fonnaylranla Fair, abPittabargh Wfttern Virginia Fair, .t And the Matteis Fair at Cleveland._________.lBML Ali of which ►a exhibited at our Mika. ••Perfeet gems of the penman', art."— finotuseeh Nat. perfarmancee can may he easelled by the n• thor."—Firtsherph Goad*, "AU hl. :ornamental designs or new and rettlarkable perlbrmenets . —Ereatuir G'srele. ' "Th. late Western Pennsylvania Fair awarded him ea Fluor Paestum In all bnusclow of the art.-05ia att. Armed. ova TEIIXFS Tor the Graduating Canna, the sedimitad.-.540 OS Blanks and StatiouEry, (costing r7.eluexh 2 .-.).-... . 2 22 The enlarged edition or Dutra treek-Keeping.. ..... 1 71 .Our Blanks are made of tint extra aim gaper, ruled complete, with telltalt or marinate. vie tbentore arrant the oxalates dadent with limb EGB. IMPORTANT ADVANTARIRII: . lat. We h.ere tha boot penman la Oa Watt -peatap the bat IS the tut.. • 241.• Darillatiox otAsst-kaaplail (sanatlonel ay Ito N. 'Task lbaabettt Oomaserai) taught bs.ttr anthe. i. (Me tairogrel Namur w eight *iota In trowel aradg, am A mum at tba rulesuman at meta Hat: ate. •• peas al SO obook; lad annsaarg • ' sob A dial:mattered by ow to lan aad aofavotably hnowa Ls 6 pawpaw. so as slaw, as no aamslestit. ta a osasatmat • • Mr for 1411' portlOaters seed tor our ologuat surir Cir cular. pp. Cl. with magpies dour Pe maws Bartow Lid pramoomtal itudwittut 15 onto • portatuOs • • • MIFF It 13011G.Pitiolpals, P. • , • tyrratnum, L 11: I 'I4:TISE.III4'..I*T.V. • Co:a L AYMPA_Nr OF PITTSBURGH, PA $150.000 - &1 0,00 610,900 Capital. Sharer. Each. Working Capital The Organizatice of this Company is based upon the ownership of the coal under 800 acres land by examinatiena Made by boring, sect, it is confidently atallnied that the entire tract in underlaid with cool,) situated on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, thirteen milea from Pittsburg,h, and having a front ' of one-half mile on the Allegheny River, with the use of all the surface between the beer of the kill and the river line, through which the track of the Allegheny Valley Railroad rune the entire dis tance affording suMelent space end excellent) necessary buildings belonging thereto, minerel houses, he., for which outface a yearly rental of • 100 is pea ' The total thlckeese of the vein of coal is eight feetthree Inches, mud eller making liberal allow slice for bearings in, slate seam ain will leave about six feetpure coal, which will preiduce a much larger amount of merchantable coal to the acre s then is usually found in this vicinity, where the Inure vein rarely exceeds five feet In thickness,' 1 1 one is frequent iy less. The quality of coal as as certaincd by actual trial, and .also by chemical analysie, to of superior quality, belug free from sul phur and other substances usually found with coal, and which areohlectionable. The following is the report of Mr. OTTO Watt!, ' of this city, of eth analysis made by him of coal from this property: "'Contains neither sulphur, phosphorus, magneala nor alkalies ; cokes well, and is to be considered a very superior coal" for manufacturing purposes. The improvements now made, and on which have • been expended some $O,OOO, are a shaft sixteen feet In diameter, with all necessary machinery for hoisting and for draining the mines, with an auxil iary engine, Ae... to guard against accidents or eon tingenelee which might arise to interfere with the operation of Mining. Entries and air courses have ' been driven, pit tracks laid, rooms turned, and everything . Mauch state of forwardness. that with in it very few weeks a very largo amount of coal could be taken out daily. Pit-care. and large cars for the trensportetion of coal to market, with ne cessary side tracks, tarmouts,.&c., are completed and in daily use. There are also eight houses for miners in course of construction and nearly ready for OccUpany.„ There le, atthia time, a considerable quantity of cool being taken out daily, and a good market is found for all that can he produced immediately on the of the Allegheny Valley ReUroad and the rapidly increasing dumber of inanuiacturing eetaL linhmente and glowing population in the part of the city end adjoining districts, through which the: fora puss - N, will cOntulue to amend ell the fuel Lich Can be produced in the. Valley of the Alin- gheny. 1 he eapseity of the present shaft...tr., is estlnut.- list at Itt , out 10,000 hurt:els daily ; which, with t,OO additional tiosfis end hut httle d tiounk en. pence, could .be increased three-fold. The close proximity to lender, with gent hsr.• hors. oiler facilities rsrely possessed for loading ctml Into lints end barges. Bocies run St:ltsclllt‘TioN to tile Capital !Sleek of the Company are now open at the follow ing pieces: (Mice of KING Sc PENNOCK:, 'M Wood street. P. H. h. W. MILLER', Cur. Third /a Market Ste., t'd story; and with MILLER, Jr., at Western Insurance Comp'y. jllO4-IW. JAMES Wrote:sou, e. IllittaoS, President. Csahier, (late with Iron City Bank.) FOrerrt NATIOXAL BANK or PriTSlll.7llOll, I.'. S. GOrenmellt Depolitary, January 341.1505. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RE , qUIREIVIENTS of the Act of Congress, ap p. °red Juna 3d,1661, the following ()EARTHLY REPORT OF TH CONDITION Fourth National Bank of Pittsburgh IS PUBLISHED _• DIAMLLITIESt . enpital Stock 3 200,000 00 Circulation 200,00 00 269,159 80 Due Depositors Dividends unpaid—pa able on demand. 1,820 CO Surplus fund uired by law 3,513 39 Fs.tra surplus re f q und reserved by order of the Board 4,030 00 Profit and Lou slums Nor. 18th, 1564.. 8,1155 51 41,270,707 %O ASSETS: U. S. Untie and Dim:aunts $ 615,191 1$ U. S. Treasury Department • 2,1 64 Due by Banks 1015 00 U. S. 5.20 Bonds and U. S. Treasury Notes 87,300 60 Drafts and Cheeks 47,1X6 00 (Sold and Silver CoU3 02,420 Pa Legal Tender U. S. a.nd Bank Notes... M5,4%1 , 70 Personally appraird before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and morn, S. D. Herron, Cashier of the Fourth National Bank of Pitts burgh, Pa., who, on oath, deposes and states that the nbcree statement is true to the best of kts knowledge and belief. Sworn and aubseribed before me, the day and 3 ear above written, S. S. BRYAN . . NotuyPubfle. S. D. HEREON ashler. Prrrerrunon. Ten. ad. indS. jatlite JANEO Wenn:ion, President. •S. D. HENSON, Cashier. aide with Iron City flank. FOURTH. NATIONAL BANK . 1?1, U. S. Government Deporitary, PITTAIILROIL instu.sry 3.1,1865. BY ORDERS RECEIVED FROM 110, WM. PITT. FESSENDEN, U. S. Secretary of the Treneury, the subscriptions to the 11. S. 10-40 GOLD BONDS, ..M.rtor a'ssaxeuary 7, MOGEN The 1040 loan will be wlihdrimo after that data. Tuis BANK AND U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY la authorized to reeepre eutwertp tioos Up to and Inclusive of January ith, 1865 FLIT commissions will - he allowed All purchasers of tads desirable investment. THE 7-30 LOAN, V'. EA. Two convertible August 16th, 1967, into +II PER CENT. COLD BONDS AT PAR, art now for sale by us, and islk continue to be for ante. The . 7-801 after January 7th, 1E65, will be the only Government Loan in the market, Full commis sions palate all purchasers of 7.303. S. D. 13DRRON, Cashier 'HOLIDAY GIFTS, WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Lock Stitch Sewing Machines WM. SUMNER & No. ov nrra Sumer A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT 0 arrottAN coves. Is Tufted and Bea d d Work. SLIPPEiIS atilt. Also, m elegant •3si=Leirest.l2 , Russ, in German, Work. SQUARE SILK. VELVET BUTTONS, in all tolms, besides every variety of other Buttons. PRESS TRIMMINGS, LADES, HANDKER CHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, BALMORAL SKIRTS, STEEL, AND OREM SETTS, and SLEEVE BUTTOIfS, of evevy . style and variety etc., etc., will be found at ALICE MOWRY'S TCEM3IOI:I MBE, ItEJIIV4NATOR, FOR THE IiME. • 11, , Le nature's own manner, restore Gray Hair to its original color. maknit grow on Bald Heads. • Will restore the Natural Searetions. 'Will remove all Dandruff sad Itching.. -"Will make the Hair Soft and Glossy. Will preserve the Original Color to old age.', win provent the Hair from Pealing off. Wm cure all Diseases of the Sc. Formile by • sintox JOHNSTON, deb comm. Smithfield and Yv•orO. layette... B. PATTISSOYrATTESSOI. pATTERSOIVW . LIVERt STABLE,' 8.-PATTERSOII & B 110.; Piopetelors. .Hones, CarlUrandi Hatesfor -Mrs. -Sarre* nen RIME, between Ilatibletill sat - Griutt,, r • jatit. prrrsauwas. QTUCCO • VORKER , -,TAS. ' OWENS, .I.7 , l3tnesto And Itastio Winter,:Pa itaga• and. Plasteres; Centres' and 01 , - atall.lrlints fursdahed on stunfnotlen: Orders:least Si COI( GESSEMilter,_near Viallr at Palmer , ' ra. pn. MOM No. SI WIXTBFIII , IIZITOWI4 be pevapt, Irstkviettto • • - • - ME=M .11)P.'1' GOODS, Se ' t A 31E - RICAN 11 DRY, GOODS ! I' 1' CLOAKS, SHAWL, DRESS boors, 11 CLOTHS, ALPACAS, • PLAIDS, DE LAMES' °ASSUMES' coRSLTS. +7f klnd o[ American Dry CiP~~ at OLD yx4r BATES, ifttL Ett. 11ANDli031E P tr. For the lion CAN BE SECURED AT MACRO a GLIDE'S, No. 76 MARKET STREET, Pinot:our We hate now open and era yet netting, dui expretuay for our 3SE 01, X SJi - sr ES X-s A large and benutifel assortment of goods, b ..Out and ornamental, comprising Breastpins, • Ear-Drops; Ivory, Sl.ell and Bell, Tuck and ' Side Combs• ' Pearl, Steel, Jet • , and Gilt Belt-llucklest Belts and Belt- Rilibons• Cashmere and Silk Scarfs; Bead-1 Dresses and Nets; Lace Veils; Lsce and Embro , dered Collars and Handkerchiefs ; Worked, Slippers_ and Cushions; Work Bold, Ladles' CoMpanions, Portmon. sales Satchels, and a very lane assort , • merit of Phctck&i•uph 111:: • Besides our visual hoary Mock of Romer', etto, Tritamtzge, Notloos ad Small Ware., AT LOWES2' CASH PRICES. del,. CLOSING OUT SALE. DRY GOODS, J:' M. BURCHFIELD'E USEFUL pIitIFIMAS PREMTS.I FTGURED MOUS DrIAISTES EMPRESS CLOTH. POPL.TRS, Plain and Plaid; FRENCH DIEB.MOM plabauadlgartql. 'BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. i COBURCIS :AND I'ARMETTAS; .A.T.,PACOAS, black ant colored. t $1,276,7,7 TD SHAWLS AND CLOAKS: CIASSIDIEREEIJor Ater and Bort • t SOARES ' BALMO-AtIKIRTSt.. ammi • zassoragrzcsovs, . . .9rVISSOLUTION . OF t,PARTNERSHIr —The businew connection of Hollmsn k Us Aeon, and of Bailsman, Garrison ts. On,, was solved on the lit instant, b 7 the sale of the Intel.; •ofl. L. Holtman and•G.• He ll man: ° t. 'All settlements Will be attended to at the office, the into firms, on Smithfield street. I - IL L. HOLLMAN, A. LSOIL , 0 FaIG ARIIh W. HOLLMAIL JOHN IL IiIO.ILLTSONi PITTSDITIZOII, Ta 11119.17 3, 1863. 7. .„• In retiring from the above the subscribers woq express thanks to their friends for the patrons( given during the long period of their business, a, also take pleasure in recommending their suocms4' to the public, with the fullest confidence that evel effort and attention will be given to render sat 4 faction. H. L. BOLLMAN, GEO. W. BOLIZIADIi ' Pirmuruon, January PO-P.A_RTNERSIIIP NOTICE. • PITTSBURGH FOUNDERI A. Garrison having purchased the entire fo deny property', stock and :uslness of the late ed of Hellman b. Garsison, end Hellman, Garrisce; Co., and having associated with him in busiN , John H. ITJeketson, the undersigned will contirt 'the business tmder the name andstyle of A. q risen& Co. A. GARRISON, _ JOHN H. RICKETSOL Prt-rammou, January a,1865. • TIMSOLUTION OE' CO:PARTNII satP.—The Partnership heretofore exiC' between the undersigned under this day been dim under the Arm narm Pearl CROMPT sod ON & other Soaps, for the Manufacture of Si, e; by mutual consent. SAMUEL M. BIER, 'JOHN 0. ORUMPTLP JOHN POSTER Pittsburgh, Sept. fith,lBBB. 14Otos, ?MDT .Wl2. XER - I{l3llY & CO, ucccu X.USUPACTuZigt Silver Pearl and gline rick RositiSoi ter LIBERTY STREET, PIT RGH. delJyd 18SOLUTIONis D tofore 'slatingbetween rf PHr and HENRY PPIT,TIP - 3 is the Oil Olotb,t, Rubber, and Pointing bitable's, was dhisollts the death of Henry Phillip., on the Ith .01Auli Plef. The busineu of the late Arm wilt be sec 3 , by the undersigned, at the placcor business of, lets firm, Nos. IS and 28 St; Clair at., Plttsbn. The businems will be continued front the Id de, January, UM, by JOHN PHILLIPSOLEiIItIi PHILLIPS, and. A. li. DROCOURT, under firm name of J. tr. 11. PHILLIPS. JOHN PEqWelf,'S, A.H. DIIOO6II - 11T. Executors of Henry Phillips, ditx TIISSOIIITION.—The Partnership WEY2dAN & SON la- Oda dayAilmoir r .GEORGE - WEYNAI . W. Hendee dirpored of my interest intim Tos Infanta' to my-eons, W. P. and B. Fru* War I recondite.* them to my friends Awl farmer ei men. . • . - . :GEOBOS WEYMA ANM MAT BYMAN. & BRO., TT I onceessoto to Warta= c &aka I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO !AANUFACTUN 1e0a.79 Ana smterateid Jaaw 00.:PARTNERSILIP:—Vre haleahfE associated-with us la the Etsulring tt_u JAMES mr. , DeVnT and ICILIICII.HUAM • . . • Ii.IIAMEII, 8,A.11 _Prrszunan, January 2 , - • - • - • . _ ALLEN KAIXIOR,ED. RAMC. I%oll=ol J. W. Divrrr, PlL.Huaxmos. MUM dr . - WEL, BANKERS ands urciimateui - Nu. 35, Bank Black, Plclktilred. P AR lAn T ga ße' vear;l4_ OTlC it.o: l :lL he Un r.t. 4k In the " oil Cloth; India Bubtut e red r, anu n oasu a ti-U dlie . , ern under the - firm name And style . Of J. PIIIISLIPS. Factory In Wilt= toirnoldp,t leglieny county; Warchouro and tHaco,.Nos, 46 dtt St. (Nal: aL, Plttabundr. - JOHN natty's, 1 • • HENRY:ILPHILLIPS A. It. DROOOTJUT. riTTSarnotr, Scenery% 180$. jn4r3 00-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—I ht thls dap associated my brother RICHARD HUG.IIES, with me In the WALL PAPER Al WINDOW SHADE business, which wo will Orme at the old stand, N 0.207 market at., the Arm of JOS. It. HUGHES ft-BRO. JOS. 'ft. HUGH ASA PITTS IIVILOTI; Jan. t,1655. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SUL JAMES CLARKE'S ' FELEBIIITE't ETMALC PILLS Prepared trout a prescription of SteJ. 6101[4 11,.Pbyalelzua F.:tutor:l4lw to:the gueeml ThlHnue and well .re, ,kno wn remedy tedil for Female dlAooltlee r Obstruetions, from nor estems.6 . / .7. .." d ,; • mow, powerful rtrneg M M kg hurtful to the ,e yer!en . :. l Ladles It Is Perfectly suttee. 1 ;iv, in a time, bring on the monthly Pl od .__ wato - t z i —tni i ii • These PAU hate inner beell_tni,• .. ... bhiet , 'the directions on the hags well observed: ' Yoe fuartleolsrs pAmphistifree; Ogleg& 7l per all ho sole RuitS yOB :• Cehadt s -..N.11,41 snail pleno urt e l " 2 *%,T l ' authorised scent, .... . • oTer GO Mt. re!nt't mall. l ll iiii - 1= . e 1- :- i - - - ••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers