oliqittaittrffi Mintitf,s, MONDAY, J.LNUATIY U. 1865. ROBIZIBOIf, Ifi'CLEAN & CO., Black and Exchange, Brokers, EOY AND SELL ON COMMISSION ONLY, ipooronee, Copper. Gail, Rittroad and OLI Stocks. Oa- G mernmeetties or allkin& on hand ram= SAND muntaet. • .BROICERS , - AND BARKERS" BOARD. (aiirititrtio ar stosurson.x , 4ll.xtu & co.) 1341.1773 DAT. January 7, UM& . ". •• • We'd. .A.sk`& Sales. • -:U µ B. Bonds 1661 109 ••••••—• ai% Icir4 . . 104011 ',101% - IMO4 Atteghtfir Gas Co ' Pecan lns Co . 411 I.lll,lsen's Bonk -66,011 MAO • --- • Mettbant's -Bank • ' at _:Third . . ...... t.. 116 Pohrth Drat Nottonsl Allegheny— • 'GB 01411 • 10 00 44Colutablis = • /leiag Gloptl JIM/ de • 1. ,25 -.Frani • LIS ••• • TPlt' arr, Story:NW, -, 1,10 .sburgh &Groat Westard 1,:15 1,20 • Pittsburgh & 1.16 . . 1 1.1bcry.Bun Cenra1:..:...... 1.70 , $,OO • Cherry .111111114.11ttibUrgh... 00 . Balmero,oo R. Y. ic West - Vs' 11,13. - 0, 00 Merchant's —7O --. Anuiny Ito & Mood .. .. —•• I,tio • Ohio Volley --- 1,65 --- Ceram* Ramo 1.00 , Fa itch Petroleum Co 2,23--- Fourth W. Allegheny Honda Third r• 90 _ ,Vionoa &Ivor Min. co Tack I'etroleum Oo 3,50 acid opened dull le "Eastnenllforket and Ls again 41ectining,though 'flovertuncuts without - f,artekeidelsegr . ,.though hardly on notch In dein:rad :The:loan conrket Ls easing up somewhat. • Stocks arndepreared, consequently we hare but sew Sakai° report, though the list of Board offer - -leyr to larger than usual.- The closeness of the money market Is to ,its 'tt: ct uyon stock operation:4=d esiwcially to this tie case In regard to Oil stocks. The demand for this particular kind of inradment, it Is well ' knoan, has been quite limited for Soma weeki; end . the value of conia really meritorious stock.' has been mnieriolly_depreciated in being forced Open the miirket by psrtics and In some oases compellol, t sea I Ire. It Is a notlceableyaet, how ever, that our people, generally, are beginning to rnictianotto a little, and instead, of 'going it blind; as was thb Care at one time, parties now deslrilig to in oil stocks make it n point -to Inquire attout. the •properties..of..the dbrerent companies, - ' "'where located; whethertbcy are in charge 'of hon . eat and energeUc officers; and being energetically develop& Walcott in true that some of the stock. on the market have a very 'lender basis, It in also, true, that there are a great many others, that hive W good substantial foundation, and it Is for thine, • 'who are desirous of Investing, to &scrim:nate be tamest the two. - • The entire businem community of thl&eity says • the New York, Independent, are moving with ex 1, tree. caution.. Prices of goode may go up twenty or fifty per cent. If the war Is prolonged, ' while: If we have peace, a great fall will surely occur. ID3- ~, „ deviled; a elate of facts, the only 'safe way; is to 7: • ormileo all:purchases to Immediate wants These "" WhO buy oa speculation now are taking immense • Asks: Some believe that peace will advance rwl.' - cos, as the whole South will be In the market for ' every description of merehandlso• This may, peed-. biy be the eaoo for • few days or weeks. Dot when all Europe Omit deluge the country with their pro ducts, . which will be rushed upon us as fast as „steam can bring them, then look out for a tumble in prices. All who buy merchandise now will went to sell them,end the result will be disastrous. The consumption of goods will bo great during the present year, whether we have peace pr war; but • no man however . ise he may be, can tell us that It la sa fe to engage in-any kind of speculatiocu ; A . . Annie the money market, a sudden panic, or distur bances abroad, may suddenly change the whale' • as peat of affairs. We are not looking for a Veneral • smash' . when peace is declared. Copperhead proph ' Ms and financiers will beigreatly arappolnted In ghat direction.- Business men 1011r0 ,msdo, more money the post fear years theaever before" during Chemin': spate of time, and they hare logrimil to be cautious. 11 the storm teems, they are feadyi ; The gold depealts at the United States mint fo -- the mouth of December were 0658,333 Cl, and th . :.• sliver *MAI 63, making a total of 48011,6n3 23; .Th ' ' C l io c ubl r OVA r Va t eerillt? ;IT ttratt e'r: most ) ; i . -bin Clullors, WOOL% - there were coined duringtne ."'month 6,610,009 cents and 4,033,003 two cent pieced - in all, °tenure opine, ten mithens, six hundrel and scr, sty. thousand; of -the - value of 11147,00% This description ofeoln, It will b 3 seen, is stea dy on the itergese, and - pet, strange to say, they fewer In circulation than ever. Where do they . ' She noaid if Blrectors et the Paw Oil C0mj,444 sty has& dealfired tbeirsecoral monthly dividend MI ' two pereent. out of the net earning-slow the month of Deceniber,paptbisotear of State tie, January , t The iothifliiiioSti/g4 116 Mrs the . m5844115:4. lid grata at Chicago to December 21, in OW ma, i . -,,- - , -- - - r- ---• •• _. ~, . 7 f. ~,-. ~.,14 , • 11311 • .• ; .it I Flour, bbls , 1,466,953. • . . tinkle& , `Wheat, bushels ... • • , 11,ticksi I • it,276,i17i . . Cont.:: ..... ............. - • • •,70,299,71.4 1 3 , 203 0 5 r t, 9,13a,.= 111,214,,13 . Sto 059 • :- Daols . . , , 1 ' 104,631 117 , ,109. -' ' ' • fth ' , T.. 2103-Llaltimare &Mamma returns, as glimile 4 . 13aitimoic - grin, chow; that itie:alet:kitletesof law past compare 00:(410W4 : ' _ '.• ",: ',: . • ' . Sugar,poUnds .31,919,248 • :40 'itt, Votive, p0und!r.13,T2t,633 . 1/410831, Allairthusitels - • ^8014,3t0 . - ,..31t,049 '. alicanne.. Kilian* .. : ... :....1,011,203. - , , . ;4114103 . , 1:1‘10.00,.100/ - ' ' lint - ~ .14 15 • ~ ,1 1. O. DrtnO.Co•, - Mena:Mile, Agency, report the • '3lthiterof:fallure. in th e Northern States :during • . .. .tha year IE4I a. 5.310 fa nutatterotial* B ,4 73 4 7 6a. - eboWN agreet;taltltt crow eatepare.t wlt;tit•eylaus: ytate, The Saltherleg: Is a easotietieen : , , Tiutabee.' - I.labillttes. ' tee rtt.tra Statea, 1W7..3,Z7 82.1:3,191.4,000: - “ • 1854...1,113 U.6.73,717 • : " " . 31,314,000 ." " "', • 18/Y3..2,133 i ~.81,77],171 a tein.=.l,fua ' 2.1.012,30 a .7,91303. x) 610 6,518,730 folio:wing Is the , eomptratlre st-ktealiat.et tetpOrtitof forelgadri toads at hew T6tk for the week eadink January 8 r . reett;e week. ' TEM. at the pat' et,385,607 "8tA0 1 ,: 5 1 13 S:StAlgt Theewe mkt-. 1,109,873 1,932,6 45 std;aat, New Turk natter. nvul Cheese lifakike. 'J. ..Better is In moderseeileronnil foroor itijaroice, ite agurc, for faneyState, ',3lVa - t9.i, for Western rerpotind. ; Cheese I Inqutidfoliit VElSllofdrpoor to very chofee,pegptund. iiiesfrs la. W. Stutng 3. Cu., notice Lid week , ' lindens - . in Suiterind.C s •revso, the= Isoliday-week has bees it blauk is the pro- dace Bade; and, ash usual, both buyers ftlld leas rs avoiding. tracteacticuie -until the lint of 'January etha plumed.- The market for Butter opened' with great firmness In the face of a Wrong and psreitent :Obit tobreakdown market rotes. The strength O( the market/aye to thelnown abort quantity to thew to 11th market and -the fast to now en clear that it =toot bottomed. The receipts -of *Bother • tblipolnt for the year ending January 1, ore lar ger thin three of the precedi• g veer; according 'to the most rellabk etathittea. while it Is well :knotor that la addittee to the "bort make of Battik emu. eel by the great number of baler dairies that were .absorbed by the newly-established cheese 6u:tortes asfueynthedented drouth prevailed througtwout the State, and edjcdning Statelier about.seven weeks daring which buslittle 'Niter W 4/ made.:-ate 11: so well known that the Weet la eoinparatirely bare et Butter, and we are Infarmed by a highly. reaper ted Pea nee house of - Boston; thattbe sureties . of Buttes of th e home lathe of the Ea stern , ait get Is eoasdined,tinstewit of having the meal 1134/411 Meek; and %het larger suppilth than usust will bavertabe drawn from ether sections. TM stock et gee butter new In this tawket Boot as large as gat of the Name period of teat year, and from the- Wpm datry districts of ibis Stale t and Pommies.: fawe are Credibly informed, end believe,' that the , ielit i t prt illocir re, =t i tg i w o a t y g trlan g d u in ania rte.' expert demand, the prost . for lower price otatic s for see butter is not vety,,,LaWring during the present. Theacarket for theseit dOll and heavy until the cloth ofthe weeks trade, when an natio Cleaned sprang up, rinsed by more favor:a:de 'Euro. waft tied and edrance in sterling exehange. The ,ctosing 'transactions for export .were , quite heathy., Our quotatthruk ere unchanged. . : Prof Won Maria, Jan. 0.. - Apprehensions of light crop . 1/1 the West. have tinned an advan rein preaS Pork, Bulk Nuts, Be., tehlist Bacon and . Lard,are held ilrmer., All de. aeritelous here are searre. Mess Pork=-We report Salartorlrobbls elty ?levant 91.4 GO DLit ;Western clout gets at th e <lose to offered, kul held higher. Bulk mesit.—.We quote'shouhlers, 1.4 dry salt, at 19 eilatt cents; de. In pickle; tat rents; 2l: cents .11atna. polo of. Go trcs,..lo dry salt, at 90:4 cents; Lige green do, II tents. 'Mena—Shoulders mg in moderate demand, with small salon at Berl% ets, fooglosstrildes rents; 11 .. 1 ; tents, _with woacgooro tel old at l a ' barrels. Lard—is grut_at 24% cents for Weatern la . barrels. awl city . L' relined hses agsuneed toga eer.ta ner DS. Venison— Supply good. "WO report sales of whole at" 111 earhs." - and triddler st grew cents peva.- Butter—So pply Ilea and demand good, - especial )y for fin e qualities. -We report 49 0 Pack.O. "ma t o,* at MOO eta for fair to good. and en eta' for extracholoe daisies • ; 200 paeksgen Western - Re aerie agile/PI cents, end Bodo Barr York State at etapi for good; plate to choice are 'looted at wet gm Masi Southern Ohio Aid amts. ' • , phonon—Remand fair and neel %toady: at. weft testator Western Cuttlugtdo. English Daisy 110 oenfa:Esstero Crating at -UU2.4 cants, English Dal. try do, _. -• ; " Yelling 4 *lets. ' 4fitairaikee Market; : Fikaril:Gnicianf &tot! sales oi.oonattsaprialt 'gates l ar nn It n,n tan eat o s d'4 V ptl , 7a"Gil .b eL l u iV t &K ia ilne, ! d = r o ltai,ably any*a this d chPikaralenna-41nanad warn but cloned dull;sales 01100 beii - Our pork at Itt,t9t liox) pity meal:at 0118,151631) brie eat=t v reciii. ainm . Passim Moor soisis , 210 as, as *NAM 5ift6,4115/0 - DAILY REVIEW OF virrsouriou • Fi.t . LO - ODAr,.S.Z"V. 11111. It most he admitted that the drat weeksif the new year has not been characterized by soy par neuter activity its buainess. There are, however, some good_end euftictent reason, for the present ' spparent apathy in commercial circles, and-Among ! others we might ocher tho oUtpLOalola of turigs. gluten, which restricts receipts; the inclement weatier, which retards oubslour operations; the • onscltiol condition of the gold market, and the I fact that our merchants, generally, MU engaged in settling up their business of the past teat: The gentvral. markets, therefore, are quiet and some what depressed, and while the transactions are almost entirelY of, a loci! and tinlmpOrtant char acter, there has been no change is values worthy of speslal notice. • (MAlN—Wheat Is qtdethut ann. with a good demand and very light receipts; we continue to quote from wagon at 11,0013.1,05 forßed arid a - 2MR V„l5 for White. Barley is still quoted liana at e 1,60 for Spring and 111,80 for Fall. Oats quiet and unchanged—small sales from store it hifikble. born '—.sale of I ear Shelled (old) atittAb—to arrive, anti tales of new, In Ears, at $1,30. FLOUlts—There le very little demand for this commodity at present, and, notwithstanding the market Is dull prices remain unchanged—small sales of Sacra }daily from store at 11ig,754111g6 It libl, sato quality.. llye Flour is quoted at 11,i,U €9,00 ft bbl. BUCILWILEAT FLOUR—The demand has fal len offsomewhat within the past few daps, and prim, In consequence, have declined; we now quote at1114,=0)4, 60 r cwt., from first hands,, and_ 4500 from store. PROVISiONS—New Bacon Shoulders arc add log at teni, and listus atlfe. pried Beef in quoted firm at M. Lard is steady and a shade higher— ttl.4l:Ge for *teamed and kettle rendered. Mess poik—no safes; quoted at 4fia42. SEEDS--Thert is conalditiabLe inquiry for Flax aced; and dealers are now freely oftheing s3,.entfgl,2l. Timothy reed Is quoted at 115,7806,00. Sale of 10 .bushel. Clover at bushel. BUTT/It—Thews la no 1 nprovement in the de mend and no change to note p sales • of prime Roil having bona made today at 40j10c. htltilf —Dull and nominal at 29-12 tOc. listre.-There is apparently, n slight - falling Off in deresr.a, and prices are a shade! easier, ranging front NO to taxi II ton. CHEESE—Ie steady but unchanged; sales of • Western Reserve at 21r, and ItembuTg at _3c. I.IIIIED FRUlT.—diem but uneLanned. Sales of Apples from store at 12H te!.4c, awl Peaches :tic, nod stork very light. PLTATOD,—Denuand.moderate end prices tort eharged—regular sales from store at •Irido,os per tbl, as to quality. • GREEN APPLES—Are telllqg at from 0,00 to bite ft bbl, seep:ding to quality. WV.EKLIC REVIEW OE THE Plitt.— . AI/ELPIIIA STOCK SIARKET. Ilsportml Eaclurively for the Patabto Of . Gazette. . Psi Lszvar.rnia, Jan. 7,190. Ttcre has been very little fluctuation in the mar ket for 011 Stocks unclog the pas: week. and the lid generally, has been steady with more dlsposb tton on the part of holders to realinT, and only a moderate business to note at the tamed. The out slOesales, also, have been lightand prices clone a lit tle off; although for Walnut 'lsland, which h." been in favor for a tiny or two, prices are a little better, and the miles large.. Sent,en trreke down to-day nod relit largely at 3, n decline of nif7 per share, from the Merest point temhe.l,-but went up anain to 43 , /d4n„ at the nftemobn hoard: The following are the closing prices to-day In comparison istril thou of risaturilly: • Jan. 31. ISS4 JAIL. 7, Vild. Atlas at; , 1.. Caldwell 7. 1 , Kscedilor 1- , t Corn Pinnies."f,ld 011 ("reek h. c. It. ild l'' Dairen 91' 9 Olmstead ll Perry . . 44 St. Nichol>, 4fA Tarr liomestcad....4X 4X liibbard 2 9 Cherry Run 31 3O Walnut bland 9- ni 2N Mingo 4.i It Phila. 24.011Creck.04 1 Rock 01.1 • 4 41 , ,, 7 - Densmore 7 . 0 , 1 hi l., cEl bei t hotiny 0,4 US s' ' ElJorsdo 3C4 , Slif 2,00 - 1 74 • PhiPipS 011,133112 . 1 gi a' 9'l Curtin 13,..f. 1l? 114C1int0ck.........914 ................... 6)4 .. l'Coble3g,Delanutter-10.4 ltff; .. Abuser• ill ' .- - .....r1", PTETiMiURUR PETROLEUM MARKET Sarkerriar, Jie. ; ISak , Thimaiket for Petroleum has ruled quiet and rather dull throughout the past week, al though prices have been firm, and well auatained, the ftuctuitlons In the East to the contrary, not withstanding. The stork has become so reduced, that It makes but little dtrerence whet the move -..noentiitOothe gold market, holden' are arm and 'refuse to make concemlons; And,le this het may be attributtol the verilight transactions tor some 1,44, - ,FA.4. For. Prude, there Is a- continued file ' , kg:Ur:sad shipplregLdemarciUt previous rates—WO ~3, 1 21P/Zl r rei, ard414640, Ws Included; sale of J/kta . A-or L'aced, to bend, there is no in :. ly lelfitt , ter, audio the absence of sales, we .Itvekeelifiliii the price for present delivery. For t etc c0",4 thpre Is a fair boat and shipping demand, 'amt we'nott regular vales of tie and 1 , 20 bbl -lots at 41 1 APholviqIiptlis ft flulr; but a ahode Meier; we tigtlnuc,lif quote at 10 cents, to bond, and 40, (eon ilestdunan unchanged and quiet at 41',..1:047,110 pet Riatti; • icT.w . I7I6RK PEIAOLEU.If atARN.F.T -.Special Dispatch to thrPitteliargh Gazette. i f . • , ~., • _ ' ' 'YAW : YOnn, Sao.; WZ, , :ib i t er, 4iiieklifrian 9 loeantinues dull and ne., r a illdilrVA ' eatliely nominal at Ed cents (cerement Ifelletor t : There were no teansaellotm In Finned, tither bond or-tree, and, the nominal i tiers on the eye; net 73 Mute for the fanner, and tr‘filki erntifor the latter.' For ENaptha, the market 4 : vrri- qt., nrd holdmv, ;E, , neently, am dommding '.hii her intereleelng nt blitEn (or Relined, Erre_ - Cold anted - this afterrimn at .2,27.42:27!.;:: MARKETS Ilk TILURGRAML Chicago Martet. sptelal ptspateb to.t l'lttaburih t:i ate t Onicaolo. Jan- 7 . We , . rt.0111 , .-Dtai and demented-turnip Ilona nitoolool. ; , (ilktiA—S9tiesri dull:dud 3;',.Cr I cent lower—closin% ot ti;f2g.4l,lu: Colt quiet and urrhatemi. Qatd %o—elosing dull at 154,tiijC.i!iti for ' llfo I. In folr demaod etd.steady. Now Boric,. golor iirol fully 0 cent. lower; sole. of'No.Y at and No. 291.1 at sl,4.„Ofgi,fol. - -4.lroifrivioir—The worts:62i market V extromels Out. wills a downinud,teridency ; Meta Pork—sole. 11 .ht,, at Pile 29 , 00 for ',mend delivery, nod e1D,50 for delivery tbniisti!ell of Pebruory ; Prime Meal. ,drOlnedZ.o cents itudes at 11...Y.0;41,50 for present "to ery, nod !or Pebruaty'delivery. Sweet . ood 11gLO sales, at 1:31,e. Lon' dull lied nrglectiil ; safer of Primo Kettle bt. Itoor—Dedined 23(430 eents. 4fintleivvr—Dult, as lel! , :eLooleA .at ;my,. 'Live Voce—lfencleed. 51,000; Allen or 34,0 A. Market, doll and declined 15c; prlmAl of Prime Mem Moo, of :TO to 420 r. emu wr1ght,1141.00402,121.4. nun Aelro rtl jao Ev and-upwanix, 0t1011.,11, clo• Meg inactive, with I.,noOutmold. Moo eATTLY.—SaIe* of 175 head, at Ocod C. In very ne/lve demand. with no Al i over of VAC. :ice; mccorts all awed out nt tall vice. _ New York Ali4et. Na Tent, Jar..l.—Cirrroa—buil and lower, at *l2O for Middling; . FLOCE.-St.te and Western thill,but priers gee. craliy without decided chnizgr.,at Mo,toryia,fid for 1,3. - tra State, if for 1t.11..0., 411,3 die WA for Trodo Braids—the mlrltek closing quiet. , Whiertv--Opeued dull and cloned a little firmer; . Western, efi,Vßl,l4closlng at two latter price. - • Gaars-Arrlicat dull,' - wltb drooping tendency t Ned Western, lr ,13. • Itio qulet, 11;12,V1.71 for- Wits:tern, Ckita quiet and firm, nt 41,92 for bilged Western, delivered. Baia dull end Ifiltdu 10,vCro ac 41,triddieddesterw Cluocarica—Coriee quiet. Sugar quiet. Prraohrum—Dull, at 61e...4 far Crude, 14.firrai for Befitted In Bond: and di erre for Befitted Free. Fooviairisasurork unsettled and the demand less active, but improving allghtly at the close dvdiT2 43,23 for New Merirliglibegll,73 for 180-1 do, c and regular way—el/wing at e 41,60 for m. 1 4 11 45 00/ *CU for Prime, and 1110ty.50,60 lort'rtma Mess; also ,11,000 beds New Illess,Tor February, sellersawl buy ' v , d'AiPtlon. at 443,60(#400; t7,inu bbislBo-1 Mesa, for.) unitary, Same ferm i -4{1,15, - Dressed • Bogs lees active. at.lGSi@t7c foe Western. bud heart, aI.4O:9I:FNIAV, mid email lets akg.eatder,e'l. New- York- Money and:Vtoelt Market.'. No Yana - ann. 7.-Ificerwr+Firm, at V cent; Sterli n g quiet , of I0104:410831 for gold: Outd dull and without &added cliange,openlag at "arki; do- !cliningLe 229,1, and closing It 36:41 , 11,11. Wo ecru ,ment Stocks active and firmer. , Byrom Exeocrra—Tbe total export. of Specie - - ' today woo $6C13,:00. --" The following Arc the - quotations At Gallagher'a livening . Stock Exchanger Stocky more steady. ;American G01d,147%. New York Central, 118 Yzle,63Agi Ill; Heading,. 117' tlentral. 114%; Altchlgan Southern,l3,44'llftnola Central,. 12714 s Cleveland and Cittaburith. 'IAN' I Cleveland and Toledo,- 509 ; Itdelt Island 7907 F rrferledritlr roft Wayne, ; Ohio 'and low gamberland, 116%; Alarlpoia, 504. troltb- - -asks altercall, • -4eincipinati .Iriiirket; • ' • - J9o. 7 .—Thera hai 5.5 fAit 115tl5bni• from ant. m aty derFlorrnt to,lry.' Flotir paddrAla remain so Mal quoted. - , r • • • truisur;-Diall,aard only Caeammll *al& was ilide at 4.crindera....tinnhanral. •••• • • rrtatorar—quira sod urafing; * of Al tio ma Abair w u•gur t. 4:0 'in s e rirtf.,rad mixt Jure; ma its , aped ir WIN oft•ted al M 9." H i rik Zrblif!' dull: Lint u'l a --Tact g• Ar :Oar; "040 yritalum. •Elr n kslt rather now. llooar Yhrmur, and but k. r e the mirk -t.-at art trains .14 Atom er by tae nowt 70,Ca7 orir.Lrag - *gala at nib un• ry Presped lb iv, •5, 5(0.5,155 Tortx, Jan 1 —ool4 closed ou ern ort:1, at blerlSaharriZirrOng flerrk Etchringr, at 2Z11.4. ALor th. oou it war Ana at =3;;-- eleselall4 Market. Mill, 0. Ft.or. v.—Steady and unebanpd at *Sao@ MAO XX ted_l2 l2 ,taft l l,os ter XX white, [aria Amoy Insets. wear—The only: sea **ported today was I ear ato: t Irbil° from statel2ol3 )1 (0 ; 2 red Was °Prod 113213 1 11at•the !detest figura sieleatd to rospaase gle=ailes UM' ti3itiltiiais 'ride Du aid ion Garold stalled fro= Atom 'At - • ' 1:147s .—lto *Mat, awl =MA Inn at atglatl . ,y- - -•,' . Ifteton Auction' 'gales; .., r - • ' iestir ,, ot iebooneillatUe Beker.....lialoLoss-4,1100 . boxes yrr,1101134F 230 MU 4 4, 40, 43.144.00 0 quAr S i ter do drs, ItS.PL SACO boxes bunch; *kyr i sew tilt do dc.k, p,oos 1,000 •duotter do do, g SOO ; bared London Ispr,111,10;1111' poke sun, 0 ..acig.tootuat.iiiskat onion Atusoatal, ..vey: ion‘oltrorcaati... -, , •,., - ' ii'.5,: , .-..t t, - , • Mee In New York. iFrern the Tribune of Saturday.] 'The market continu^s ,1111 ncd ttv.,:••ty Cal; It appear. lobe pretty generally bellcve4 that considerable qtiantltces of Illee are concentrated, at Savannah arid vltrteltv• ' ammo eatfroatec placing the amount at 40,00 0 or 61, 000C00 too., and it Is taelot that this erelong can be made available, and will be offered In ex change for commodltles mutt, wan. ted by . the realdents of that section of the countrv; the Cieorgiene have It 10 understood throughout the war shown considerable antipathy td Da vie chinpiactere," and now that the Way Is open to them many will no doubt be willing to barter them Mock °Mice, ao long held, for “Itreenbacks" er their equivalent In groceries, dry' gond., pro vls,ons, &cos hateter Rice there may be, the bulk la no doubt stlll in the paddy, as but twit mills ore chan ted at Savannah, and holders hove been fearful of sending to Clharlestonowing to the deiner of the tante there being destroyed by the bombardment of our fleet IMPORTS BY RAILROAD STATION. .Tan. 7.-119 pigs leo& Tll Nevin: 190 p produce. 11 Lenz; 41 sks oats. 6 dor corn, - G ic`.l Meerut; 16 bbis apples. 'A rnorkfor , t; 1 dodo, pkgs produce, 0 111 , 1 hice;72 bFe corn, hi Kelly; IS do do, Wilkins; 1 bbt whisky - , 7; P Chum; 97 eels wheat, Noble & Angel; 25 eke oats, Owens & Kezar-dirt. dressed hogs, 3 Smith; 2 cars hop, John Steele; MU bus barley, W W Anderson. ' FITTBIII3III3I7, Fnnr WArITE AND 01110AGI0R. H. highorines, Lambert. & Shipton; 250 pigs lead,' H Herb; h co; 16 cars oats} Col Cross; 100 ell bbls, Wm Hollins; 1 box butter, BRoblsoa; nabs' wheat, Fenton lc 00,5 cars metal, Saa Wood Co;loobbLa flour, Wm Dl'Cutcheon; 2 can hay, Patterson Is Altmoa; 1 car lumber, J 0 Bidwell; 3 cars metal, It ill Loomis; 1 car barley, Hitchcock, 1111 beery is Co; 5 bbla butter. J Kirkpatrick & Co; 2G doe brooms, It Robinson; 100 bbisbour, Watt 51116013;200 do do, Shomlker lc Lang; 105 aka corn, 'PanWallace; 162 do oats, Ilea Is Kell: t bbl 1. 11 lioigheb to; 18 Ulla flour, Dickson, sLarsuall is C0:23 Fhb; rye flour. Stgtanyerls Yoakamp; 53 bca oats, 53 bpi mill feed, Bingham, ptJrgvon htlo; to hbla tobacco, John (hazier; t box, boats, Child. Co. CLEVtiI.INII AND FITTSIIIMCII nAILIIOAD, Jan. ear bay. John y teele:l car pigtron, Ntmlok & Coo 00 Obis tobacco, 1 Megraw; 00 0617 whisky, .7 rim Tonto.; 267 hit blooms lron,Jottes, Boyd &co; 60 bbls end 26 bt 6 ORO cr. Burke & Bartle.; 1110 green lades, 10 bbts oil, .1 I ni.Laughlin, 166 carboys,la. Irwin:4l bels wil:ow, Win M'Cully; 18 doz broom., l;nit' 1,1 Obis apples, adrenal hoga, 266 bra oafs, Fetzer ik•Armstrong; 194 bg. oats and corn, Culp & Shepard: 218 rks vinegar, Shut., Son & Co; 22 bt h , green apples, Jan Feltwell;B7 bra, , Sawyer & Cd; 194 ilrd Iglr/CY.I) lawcelt; 6 001. butter, Potter A ikon & Co; 143 skis barley, Spencer & MOD tour, Graham &Th.:m.4;106 do do Simpson & 0n.:1(0410 do. Chas 11 Leech; 16 dressed hogs, I. 143'eight 6. Co; 22 sk, barley; 3 Rhodes & (I,t; 13 Wiles cotton, 'I boom. Arbuckle & co; 8 001. green rs.lia, T .1111.1nev; 6 pg. butter, egg., and lard, tht, Oriel/ apples, L II \'olght & Co. NITER INTELLIGENCE. o,r livers, under the recent soft weather ant commenced swelling on t3mttuday night and °thinned to swell all day yestnnitty, and last even ng it was still ritugwith.nearly twelve feet in the hrinnel. The weather yesterday was very cold, nd both the Allegheny and Monongihela rivers f oil of their heating ice. The former stream Is II cloved nt a point some attince above Kiflan . A dispatch ranted Irons 01101ty on Salt, reported nine Itches of Relate at thel, Oar, 1:e only arrival we ha vo to report to the lluelan et: einuat 1. She arrived nu Saturday after- The Nnvir.ator from the some point Is r. and mar he expected toalay. h • CIIIMISIOO In leadloy for 01:m11113,U and Lou tile, the J. R. Clilmore, for Nashrille. and the ye, for St Limb, Theae arc all cood boots. and c In chilly, at careful and core lert,el tinkers. he Pine tiro, and Starlight, Ivet , voirertliral lease Cincinnati for this city op eat inlay, nod wis advertised to (Aver on M.- Capt. Andy Robinson, recently Clerk of the Row. cwt. and an old and well-known sten mhoatmart, I as gone into the tee, fresh and salt melt business, at Cincinnati. • We hope that Andy may bein eve ry way surcesaful, in his new position. Captains ilithaison and 81,unsan left Cincinnati for this city on Friday night last. The Sate Robinson, while reroute from Nash rllle to Cincinnati, was tired into by guerrillas, at On cnsburgh, on the lower Ohio, but, fortunately, no person was injured. the Used euroute from Louisville to Iritsbergh, passed Cincinnati on Thursday night, u1:1, n full Cargo, he Cairo reporter of the Cincinnati Cemarre , oi, urdir date of January sth, says: It is amusing to seethe announcement. made by n.e of the St _Louis ricer reporters that, "the riv er is 'gain 0p,,, to Cairo," end in the same paper u 111 sppear dispatches from their Cairo correspon d. v.ts ennouncingjust. the contrary. On the sup ; critics that the St. Louis reporter knew what he ns talking and that the Cairo reporter did not, the owners of shout twenty•five steamers have sent ciewshere intake np their respective steatit e". to St. Louie. Their curse, on arrivirrr here are cot only "loud but deep," and the probability to that the river reporters from Cairo obtain a fair share of credence hereafter. There is no better timeshare the lee gorge above .lute Monday. On that day the whole mass awe , - et! down about a mile. The gorge extends from the upper ended Cairo to Cape tiirordea u, 65 miles, and ate:unbent men think It is from tit teen to thirty feet in thickness. STE.I.I,IOO.ITS. 1 4 OR NA lIVILE and all hater -. mrAla.t. port4.—The Ana steamer .Ll'.li I hdIORE, Dept. Piarton, will Ware a.a ay. nn TUESDAY. .tnnunry tOth, nt 4 o'clattc p. m. l.oe freight or panarn apply on board, or to JOIIN ?LAC'" Agea" J"' COLLINISIVOOD, _ . _ I'. ECM—% Tr NV REELING AN Dxi... Prrrsi:Ulaill PAGKET.—Tbe trw and fart:unpins passenger steamer G. ruRTER, Capt. T. 1.. Taylor; Ckrk, L. F. Beeler. Lenvee Fittsnurrh every TUESDAY, DAY and SATURDAY, at tY o'clock tn. Leave• Wlwellti . every ASONDAT, WEDNESDAY and 11111/.11, at o'clock a. In. All "ray bovines.' premptly attended to. Merin; dune at moderato l'nftrelght or Ontsage apply on board,or to JAS. • 1.1. MS & CO., Agents. Plitetmenh; or DOOM,' TTIILLE. & CO. Agent., Wheeling. ne7:tt - • 17 , F.GtLAR - IV HEM, Y PORTS -. mountN ADA DITTNBD NMI 11E2 CKF.T.—The fine Iteererer .termer GOLDEN . lIA, W.ll. Kerr, motter; W. H. Drynn. It.res rltteburgh every SATTIMAY . , st 12 o'clock. In, and Portemorith every MONDAY, Id 3 o'clock p. m. Ihe Golden Era make connect ,one et Porto- . . n , .,10.11 with the spit-Mill btramer 11w:ow. No. 3, fvf Cireinnal, sad will receipt freight mrsd passe-a grra tbrourb to that city. ttn29 MERCIIaf-VT Td 'LOBS 13,1S.BELV8 BLOCK W. Z NeGEft'i , . 10 ST. CL AIR STREET, Wool/ImM the nttentlon of buyer. to his to of gockls. It has been aeJetted with prat esro, and contahm all the :sr.v;r2 , r s - ryt.nz; 01 , fIOODS •to he found in Arst class houses. Gents wish/44 • mitt of Nether made to order, will plcsse call nod c•.olat. Our roods and price*. Also, a full sad con p/0.13 fitaik,Of R. 11. IftVIEE, Meicn As: Tmost,, No. 10 RT. C:LAIII STREET JIST RECEIVEi) A New Asaortment of 11 CS'S" Sl° 13 la X 'X' IS Clt Icl ren :4 - 0 core oats O. HALE it CO., Merchant Tailors, N. W. an. Penn ar.. S. 'Clair Streets, ! L itt INCED'IWEAT.—Just received a fresh supply of SPICED MINCED MEAT, ready :prepared Jot batten pnt ta glass jos, or for sale hy the pound. Wholesale sad Atthe .;Tandly Grocery Store of •- , • RENSHAW. jsY - ; comer Of Liberty ftudltand ate. 3.IRTUFFIIt ST 1.101i1N.Y.;- - -Just , received aeupply or Cora l:bite or Heiskfast Hominy. ror sale by the quart orbushei. at the rantllyGro. eery Store of „ Still A. RENSHAW earner ofElberty & Hand it.a. T/1,07t.T.ER LIERRING,--20 boxes of these eelebrided Herring : nicely smoke !just received and for isto at the kaudly Grocery Storo of ' TIYO. A. utwsun.w, .• ' 'corner of Libeeiy and Hand its. irwp IMLS. T Ulat EYB CitIOKENI3, • : A. remised and formic hs_ . • • - • dsli.gLNE k AMER. I,V BITE P.EAISS:-25 bushels choice y White Warta for..le try • • wElla t ,WILKINSOX, X 627.00 I,l*Rdi;uatt;'llitizTAT,. of a iound; ri0.17 Second street. joi4 S. OUTHBEICT h SONS, 51 NlarketAlt, CBEESboxe • • 6.00 boxes u. Cheeses .11.unhurg; ' • :169 :Forieles (Jl.4] 11(11 - 0 K,14-T CRITLEItY.=-A largo end tiali b ° lte ! e°G .t k AVls rt iV ed sarcigl Cg KESE—A.l.low.price. to close coosige. neat. ,For aatoby. • • • • sew WEND- a Neltscorsorr. A PPLE B for Bale No. to Bmlt4fleld s. City• TAR CIORDER,. , :8 - ILi for TSEV--- t7 The bestamortaintliiiiirdti • tan iitritrit. Inwood et 25 lads; .firosio.lrultilblo for • GBrAthiss— ratzrm. sox, °G " - Nub ' Ant7t.Witter street. —4' dtB 74,1 MEM 1 . 161..LAR bA.V tAGS BANK, NO. 54 1 -• FOlilla 'Sms.r.t. • Open daily from 9 to 2 o:clock,also en Wedeln. day and Saturday evening, from Nay lot 1.0 ember lot, from '7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let V) May Set from a to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all auras of not tenth:tit One Dollar, and a dividend of the ',milts declared twice • year, In June end December. Interest has been declared smut-annually, to June and December since the, Rank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. II year. • Interest, if not drawn out, Is plated to the credit of the depositor no principal, and bears the same Durrett from the first days of June and Detetutier, compounding twice a year without troubling the mi....dor to coil, or even to preccnt his Imes book. At this rate money will double Ln how than twelve yeare. Books, containing the 17h:trier, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on appiinntion at the ofllce. Peentomer—GEOßGE ALDRED. VICE PUEAIDESTd. James McAuley, James B. D. 'needs, John H. Shoeuberser, Wm. Douglas, Isaac M.. Pennock, / James iletdman, Peter A. Madeira, James Shlille, • William I. Anderson, John R. McFadden, j A. M. Pollock, H. D., John G. Ilackoten. Calvin Adams, John O. Blndley, George Black, Burgwin, Alonzo A. Ciazler, Charles A. Colton, John Evans, Henry L. Illng•walt, William E. Schmertz, Benj. L. I , 4ihnestoek, Alexander Speer, John J. Gillespie, Alexander Tindla, Willlam'S. Haven, William Vankirk., Peter IL Hunker, Lome Whittler, Richard Hays Wm. P. Weyman, James I). Keay, Christian Yeager. bzerrery sad Treasurer—GßAS. A. COLTON ruhlbdaw IDLE SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO U 110 SIUTIIFIELD STREET, (opposite the Custom Maule.) Chartered by the Legial.t.ire. • OFFICERS. ,Preedria—GEO. R. SORES. men I' lI.T.TDISIVIII. • Wm. H. Smith, Dmhim Rhode., Thee. D. Messier, Alex. Headley, Frnncis Sellers, A. Relemma, .1..1. F. Jennings, .leseplt King, hos. S. 13lair, S. 11. Ilartumn, 11, nu Lloyd, F. 14:111.m. TCU,7.1,. .Innies Park, ,Tr., N. 8. Fowler, 1). Long, L At.'firronn., I , r. Jas. (!ltrothera, IL F. Jonei, A. el. Hell, i'. 11. woitr, .1.3. Duirnrin, IL 1). Coale:tn, I.l'ns. Smith. W. A. Itewl, .1 W. 11'ounwe11, W. H Phelps, It. t'. Set:me:to, Is. E. McKinley, .1 Mel , . CronTinain, U. H. ITnulcrin, IL T.I. Smyth. ;filen!. St nekrath, U, Fullienubcc, Alfred Slnck. C. Zug, Secretary and Tirariirre—ll.lllllTlClNLEl". I:1 en tinily, Lem 9 n n. to ?. p. tn. Also, SntLLr d. eten inr. from HI. H 1'11,01 , 11.1, I et! (lime :not ttptv.trds. Dividends tionimet: in I/noon:6er slot .111M1 (.3( invhierols sliotred in rensn 1 n Ire pinend to the et.I.L of the HI I.,rxttor Hs prow :pH!, and Into inter est tints conipoundinr hieoks eon•Hti.ir:; Chnt 11) . -1,(1(3,,V.P., fi11311.141- ~: at the °thee. xr,d- This In.t it :Mon offers. espeelolly to thole o: ratans who, porn togs ore small, the opportunity td seem:mime, by smell depo.At., coolly eared, n tom which ndi be re...orue when neet.si, their merry not only being o,lle, but bearing interest , instead of remaining unl•codttctivo , NAVY DEPARTMENT, Br oxiu or STriAll Csainenniso, ? Deacosbor 9th, th6L esied.Proposals will be received ,t this Bureau ttl oseridtan..laniisry lOth, 10th, for the Irsci Is srrib.ai In the following classes. Each bid moot be insect for an entire ellsri, and the price to he a round sans for the class, delivered at the respective Nat) lards. No payment will be mute until the ishb.e Is dcliveredidellvcry to commence In twelve days after notllicat iOl3 of arceptance of bid. to pro ceed continually, and the whole to he dalivereseln two months thereafter. • 'the contract will be awarded to the lowest re span/Able Lidder, the right being reserved ot ieject ing the lowest bid ft it deemed elortitsnt. Its usual guarantor will be required, aul the (attract will be stated the day the uotire of accept ance le given. Crinttil relesittles and instructions can be obtain. ed by application to thelittreau. Proposals must he directed to tie Chief of the bureau of Steam reeineering, andendorsed "Pro outdo or Iron," that they may be distlaguisli ad front oLer business lettere. • 1 he tollowlag are the dune required at the ro apectivle Navy Taisho WASIIINtITON. • CLASS I. bb plates Boiler iron, 1-18„ IA l' 74 Inebea, 323, 51 by 65 28 " " 14, 43 by M " 32 " " 14 43 by log 45 " 3.2 Z, 39 by 110 11 3.8. 30 by 1211 " " 616, 93 by 96 •• " 1-16,33 67 ICS u , 329, 33 by. 109 •.64a, VI by log 616, /6 by 69 " 38 by 46 " &A, 39 67 CS " 116,01 by 111 1-16, 61 by 90 116,43 by 43 611,17 by 111 64e, 15 67 120 " 618,/1 by 139 3216,06 by 68 " 6-16, SI by 01 ••• _ . 0-16. 43 by 10 •• 7-,16,00 by 111 31, 33 by fa •• 341, too .7 100•• 5-16, 41 Itri 1-7, SO by 1 - .!4 " 1" " " 6-16. SS " Tto abor• to be of tbr best Ankertsast flask."' ir• CS asks X4..1. • • - kb.* pounds best Asberl232; wobtra bAr truck. 12... b. 2,b0 inlunds best Amerizari squxre baf Iroa. Web. 2,td01) pounds beat iric-ricatt wpbsro bar 402, iy inch. yes unda c-ct .4.21221.12.1. daa 1.2 r iron, r by •, Inch. 5.t<13 round. best 21.2bellotin Gist bar Iran, 2 by 7 y 12 , b. It A pearns lot Ancerib22 slat bar irg.ri, 2 by tj I-cst .Accerlvin 6•t te.r Iron, 3•. oi.d3 Inn.l."ltonnerinan rannAl b., Iron, Mill!E!IIIIMIIII Itch. ,003.peoluis Left Ametlenn rantrul bAr Iron, 7 1.01. • In letmitLanv =ay 4o requtml WASIIINOTON (AA*, NO.. 3. 40,t00 rounds 14.1.. k me tteati T trot, sky by 4 Waal, IC fe-ct loss. Vi'ASIEINCITON. /1.14 No 4. Lan potl r Es r1,e16 -1 4 .;, by 11.16 ir.e`a dtvacter. 11-16 ik by 11.16 by 11-16 Clirinz.OrroNy 1.0 , 0 p0i11.0 , 4 !art/ Americas holier nan from 646 to men think, An libeeta or such 4 111eLiloral sr may be requiem'. CII.II2IsESTOW Y. CLAn% No. Y. IGV-cacr cis". . . &Loco pounds hest American round iron, from loch to t!.., ismhOlameter, In le n,311 as may be required. CHAULESTOWN. et..aas No. 20,tee pounds best American T iron. 3 , 4 by 4 inches, the 441.n0b part to be : Inch thlelt, and the .tech part 7 loch thick. The Imeths gummy be required. 011411LEiTOWIt. Maas No: 4. . row pemuls Donee Rivets, 11, 1: ,be long and Inch Demeter. dele:larrdler __— • - 0.0A1171.1t1f A/31 . 1:1Ve Devoe, New Ax.seeir, Led., Dee. 30. LALI , ..D PROPOSALS, IN PUP ATE, will be received at theince of Col. O. CROSS, Imply gle,Ur. General at Patent..at, Penn until In olelock 11. TUESDAY, the 11th day of Januar!, Ned, for furnishing., In god.] hosts, cuu.ooo bushel s of good PITTSBURGH COAL, , ltell nt Calm and New Orleans, et any time be t wren tte tiny above Mentioned, and the FIRST DAY Or3TNE, PEA Proposals to be for tbe Coal in Boats, without pay for the boats. A bowl with approved security, etiolate - one-third the pace or the coal to be deliv ered, wilt.be re.„Uired. Toe atiderslgned reterreethd eight to reject say, or all th e blds, foe propero JAMES BROOKS, Jet. Ozaptaln and A. GRAY & LOGLN, CITY SOLICITORS rIIVION, eitttsbussr. Des. 20. 1984 f '`VIDENU G rt O OE tT 06 e e.. EZ, .A p V po E t i n NU 710 BM,o Onneells, to Reillesa the damages for the widening of br (lento: /leen., h. been left at my alike. All persons Merestedare hereby notified to call at my Islesand pay their assessments within thirty days from this date, or . Lela, will be. Sled iii Dour[ for thn imne with costa and fee.l:s. W. V. WHITE, deto . 2w Oily Solicitor. 106 Flax It. \YEW E — CEflttb • j-LA THIS RAY= • 6 bbl.. Fresh Roll Rutter, 6 boas+ CholeellollEgtter, •6 bbla...Freah . I boo. I/remind 'Turkeys, .10 bbls Beare(, • 7 Dressed Hors, 40 bbl* Old Westmoreland county lllghwlnes, bblii Oxen Apples. ;For sate by, H. VOICIT CO. ez, PIITSBURGIL Ti1 . 0N . 131 - GNDIEINTB. ',.-, 200 bualieta Prime V7hlta Beans; 140 bukYrime Dry pples; . a bbla. Rell.Butteti • • . . ! ' 'DO bbla..3.lheatutas t • . 1 200paeka6ea Lake PIO; . , • • 10 bbli. k testi Ea pta I . . ED baxeaW, R.. Cheese; HOD bbla. prlme - Green Apples; lust received atelier ante al P O. 360 Liberty atreet deal NITTEIt.• AIKEN lc SHEPARD. PRIVATE DI.BEASES. : . : . . . - OrntA 25a PENN STNEEToIear Aland, • Pot the cure of 'all dilemma of a privets nature, to from twn to four days, by an entirely new end safe treatment. • Also, Seminal Weak [MM. and all other diseases of the genital alumna, and their proveAUels. A aunt warranted or money refunded. • Addreskletten W.OOl Penn etroot. ' poorjatAqE AND SALT. • 140 rieb, _Lard Tierces N. 5 1 . Pork /lambs: 117 senond-hand Lord Tu.reee; 100 bap Turkish leltutd Salt' For'tale by - - CH/111. L. I.laumwELL, )1, CIiNFIZLD SU-tailEs •-430 b us h. Ch er -000 dozen heW ~g~ = '104% #4O bblsfresh R°l ; hd for with:leo Amt., gakntx. 1171151 4 iWiqENT ;.• $OO „bilab S--; ial flora; , • , , ! 200 lbs. Prints • fir ; 1 ! - r!"1,-, 7 ", - -144 , ~ weak ~ tvtrxirisoar. R.d.11• 4 TIIIISTEM. Henry J. Lynch, Jobn hinrahall, - Welter P. Marshall, Jobn Orr, • Robert Robb, MIZZI AtiL-20 woks tbz sale by Lk .4ANELELit KME 11=11 ,Fl3ll B.ILE--I`oll Volt I , ALE— I N. very rultial.: YARN in 1 1 Derry townelsip, Weitraonaarid counts, P., containing about 185 amp, well improved, and in Lig% state of cultivation. ro. FA ELII OF mu ACIALS, in Fairfield town ship I,l.izetry,,o7dl.l;nl.lcount tiro 1 3: ;.,, P q a ,i Ir y p . %Await freestone in abundance. Also a FARM OF 114 ACRES, In Perry town ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., imramilately on the litre of the Perinsylvanm Also, n FARM of ib7 ACRES, in St. Clair town ship, Westmoreland county, P. Alan, a STEA3I ENGINE, for Saw Mill or other purposes, with the castings, machinery, fly wheel, az. -The cylinder to nine Inches In diameter and tuur4oot stroke. Two Boilers, 17 feet long and .14 inches in diameter; all to good order, and will be sold cheap. Also, a rAnm. of 400 acres in Welt Wheatfield township' Indianacounty, P., about three mile. from the dude. Railroad. A ' Also, FAR3I of 126 acres in Conemaugh town ship, Ind county. Pa. Also, beautiful FARM of 106 acres, with a large RELIC ROUSE, with 12 rooms, ilnialied In mod ern style wash-house and bake-oven attached; n large spring house, bath house, smoke house; n large bank barn, fruit tree. of every description; church a nd school house built upon the farm. This farm /idiot,. the village of Louls•Ille, and In two- KM-a-IMR miles from the depot at Livermore, In Westmbreland county, Pa., on the Northwestern Railroad. Also' TWO BRICE HOUSES and LOTS in Elizabeth borough. .For further particulars inquire of G. R. TOWER, Real Eatate Agent, No. 166 Fourth street. BROKER AND DEAL= IN GRIME AND RUINED OILS Perry Mork, Ducinevne Way, Pittstech A3 - .Sitesial attention given to the SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM and its products. ennsignments respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh Agency fur VENANGO OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. OB-POST OFFIUE BOX 142. del_ - FOR SALE A err,STORY BRICK HOUSE on Penn St. Dear Low o.l.lpied 611 a Drug Store and Dwelling, in offered • EEC= Broker and Insurance Agent, No. 199 Fourth •treot. IZOR SA LE.-A N EXCELLENT FARM AND COAL PICOT ERTY,—Sltusted on tee tiontlf elde Or IN' 9)110 Nun, 0 we milet from Hoover nod one-hell mil.. loom Industry. Containl lin nerve, 00 of whtelt In elenred, bnlntsee good timber; lint nn extensive front on the river; its notes are underlaid with two reins of tool, (1:4 I feet,) of ex cellent qunllty; Ittrge bed of lire cloy nod limestone, wit 0 two dwellinxn nod of her outnoildlogs. This pinperty in well worthy the nttention of Canters nod cool won, no it le otferell nt n tetrcsln. Apply to It 'nicht u jun No. lox, 4th street. OR SAL} Third Street Business Stand. ratr. , r for ark , flint tlsrer-rtnry DwEr, NI , 111 . > T.% II: ANL' r.o.o.lltett, No. I'll Ntreet, twar World. 11, lorntl,•:, It n goo.l one, oft! ILr property wlil tot rt.:L. at n (011 k.rler, on e coy /mot. S S. BUY AN, Broker and to ..cone Agent, dc2s GS Frmetn creel, (Burko's Building.) 1,*01: SALE-A FARM OF 165 ACRES, I on Big Sexy:tidy, three miles from the railroad .mina, lien improved. Prl,, 5.10 per cern. A M x((I(; I ABM PO Kithilek, tf, miles from heath le Stet:on, on which to s Galt ttlil, Store, Bonk, and good improvements. Price, 1 j it IiNTI LOTS, on Fremont and Tremmit )[nuts, Seforiii 'cord, Allegheny. t IA I , ..'llnitek at. U Bluish. Station, .mtlipirm nix to ten semi. snie S. T. SA7.IPLE, Beal Lgiate Broker, teiiersl ui rect. Allegheny. ocB Nlt SALE. ONE GOOD BRICK HOUSE, tree:int ty • itnete.l In the Fl nST W AHD, ALL& 11 Lis Y. tine Kitchen, Dininu Room, Double 'odors, unit Litre° ()bombers and Ilan. P01.C.331011 April lit, ISM, - For pArticniara enquire of ft. PIIInfrOIL, Boller Ynr.l Othce, 26 Penn et._ SALE—Tlime nett . Stefan I built purpontly for oil. wells; Inch cylinder, 1$ le.et, 'stroke; ♦err strong. Ens Inc shaft, evink and connecting roll of wrought Iron; best of bra. used for boon. . . Rolb VI to 16 feet long, n inch. diameter, with IWO 11-Inert tines; chimney td In. by TO fret: hot end sold water pampa. Y;Teryttking complete Nail rendy to ship on sight. HUGII 31. DOLE. l'ittshurgh, Shop, corner Point alley and Duquesne street, bank et Allegheny river, near the Point. dellDtf VOR It N TO DAit EITS.—A good basin:we at and, et Prreent necal;ind n• • bitter', Is olefin! for tole or rent. The premises are a well built two story brick Amite. to goal repair. • goal lot otinnerted with It, stable. fruit Dere, grape eines, tan To sty person desiring to purehase or rent, a good op portunity Is offered. The baking implements:will also be sold to the person buying or renting the above. For further partici:Lam inquire at O. L. WVL.7ll.l'iDif.lol,l)otittet, Jetted 1.14 Sua hfleid ti, Plttsbur.;ll. I.Olt SALE On, EXCIIANOE Fun, A A. FARM_ —Eieren small Houses, from three to fire rotors sorb, situate In Pitt tows:Ono, earner of Wet and LoeLat sta.. between Llpeneott'e Fat , tory sr.:: the Monongahela Inver. 'The location is le anti Cul; neer two Dolling Mills, Mass House and Store/ lartery. For particular" enquire of JAS. lti F.ll, on the prcreles. I; OR ti A LE—Ai. desirable THREE BTO- A AY hltlCii OWEI.I.INti uousn, contain. Lag Eleven Room. with an th.• magma liciprovr meats: aoch gla Rath nod Gas. Situal.. on Hay IL, r car Penn Will be sold at a bargain by applying irrincdiately to the undersigned. JAMS W. ARROTr, ),Tots n PHU street, Pittsburgh. • • I ;0It SALE-TO I'IIOTOGRATIIELLS. —A EttrYTOGRAPII GALLERY, newly tltte4 , • ltlnoll the C• 123.011, at No. 6, tElley Wtn rt. soy n ants to lento the bualneas, be ran hate the etinnce to learn cheap And start wan a small capital. Ede portioubui call at no athlrefo DANIEL SHEETS, Pittabureh, Pa. 1;ort III.;NT 11 —TOsE TWOFIRST .ICIASS wn fLtn7l6ES, 1 7 . 1 and 1 1 / Wood at , or: upend by (Le unttersluced and .1. 31.1. • o.'y h Co. Ito • pen... ut ye.", 114 Lae prusc%• rut.. of We Produce and iltocery bovine.. Fisch 00 feet boot by 'fa feet to Church alley, wttL excel. trot crllat. end vaults uaoer tar whole. tdilt be tented fol , , rAtely or logether acid poare.ion elven Irt of Artll or Poorlor if required. Enquire of /AS Mrttt(t.t.Y, 17/ and 171 Wood at. I LOT FUR RENT:i. 'Licht, the "IRON CITY HOTEL" 011 Penn street, near the Outer Depot, Ninth K'.rd, containing sixteen rooms, end doings good business. There Maniple Yard room, with Stable acd Ice Donee, and other conveniences. Paw. 0141 sell! beeves to mitt customer. For terms and other particular., Inquire of JAMES NAASON, on the premises Jatiattd. 11)E SA LE. —Via Howe and Lot now . occupied by Mrs. A. E. Oakford, No. 182 for cork street, Allegheny City. It is a substantial Ilibik Building, modern at le; front and hack three stories high, containing fifteen rooms, atlas with reratrr and gas, and bounded On side and rear by pored alley". Mill to desirable property, as It Is In tiod -rat order: and located so centrally that It Is easy of actress from any business portion of the tell co lee IIIEFFETT cs OLD, deOI dfUri nest otrcet. FOR SALE, 01 four roam. within One end &hell inittres of the •treet cars, In Idanchcater: Good water and every thing coorealcot. l'oaaceston given ttnnlettlatelr. lee tertn• airplyto flivearn Federal street, or at Thorne, Harper'. Wagon Shop, Bearer Street; :kleoviles.ter. nottlf TO I.EI Tim Three-storied MUCK DWELLING. Nearly new, containing eleven rooms, with bath house wash liouse,,situated No. 111 Mations s'i't, Pittsturelt. Possession given on tho Clint of o2tl L 14. 1 14 17.NItilr.Vo o . r 103 Filth street. AItEUOUSE FOE SALE No. 215 LIBERTY STREET opposite the mouth of Sixthxtreet, next house to the comer of Irvine street, occupied at present by Mr. li. Bard. Inc particular. Inquire of - Mx. L. ILIDDLE, jx4dt . NO. Vet Liberty street. • On BALI Businesa Stand. TM desirable liusinews Maud, No. So SMITH. Fl ELI) Kr IiEIT; new corner of Fourth Street, na which is s substantial Brick Building. For terms, . loquire of BALLET, FdllitELL la (30., dri 14f• .* • No. 111:1 Fourth street lolt SALE.—The unexpired term of a Lease orb LOT OF 011.0UND, - Itithe Ninth ' ward, SG feet front on Liberty Strad - and 100 fret los Hush street, on which is n FILtSTE STABLE, with stalls for 100 liorscs. The Stable could, with' 'small expense, turned Into a 'Cooper ;Thep or 'other maaufartorv. For terms. &u. appirat • 01:0120E WHINY'S Feed Store, ja4:Swd ' Penn street. near Mist, st. • ri 00 SE FOR SALE. JUL ATieree-sieried Brick Dwelling House No. 13 LIBERTY ATREET, between Rag 'and' Marburg streets, containing thirteen rooms, with gas and bath room. Enquire of • - • , • AMA na DI _: A. LORENZ. En Water street. VOli . SAltlint fame . 7111i1111.14TORIE - 1, - BRICK DWELLING * HORSE, No. D 2 Fourth stre. t, Pittsburgh. Possession given an the lot of Ayril nest. Enquire of .TORN W. RIDDELL, Attorner.st-Law, • de2etti • No. LID Fourth street. .4fTTOR.W.EI'B. =IIIMI ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, . _. . . ... . All Leisillusinese promptly attended to, •... :. 2 ea- O M , No. PXI ‘Oultitt STILLY"; near Gist,* Pittsburg. Ap21.3011111. a. C. RAC litt.L ' 6..A...10111/1011 AC 'BELL & JbIINSON, • • Al _. ATTORN h.YB-11T-LAW, _ • Dinsaxam: : • e ' Wm. vhillips, saraca .I.k Verner John Watt, , Capt. Mtn L. Ithoadt, Wm. D. Maya, Sam* S. Sartre:a. Joba:E. Parke, •.- Callas P. lona; Charles '..Mamas Love • Wm. Tan Elria 1, Charles A.rtmak i• - • • WM. PMILLIPS, Pretident. • - • ' • • • .1011.11 WATT, Prertdent; See n".' _ U.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS CLAUS o6ENSD , A4' • Bounties tor Wounded Soldiers solleoted lugs ea to * /fir OrOce o. Se Gauge ITEM, PiUlbirO. Call with discharge and taro witnesses. dertly 1, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No.lolPorrs ints!,u.igh i dm= ior PENSIONS,: INSINPE,' morfEr. 8 , 04 TisorguarrProfic!gtll; BONDED WAREHOUSE OF . Phenix Warehousing Company, Fcot oI BALTIC & HAsinsozr Ste., Brooklyn REFINED PETROLEVIII, In Tanks andßarela[ S‘q. Circular.] mace, No. 95 BEATER STREET, New ToeS. 0e3.17 JOHN It. IVAI.LAG/I WALLACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND REFIXED PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS. Pre. 134, SOUTH WHARVES, PIIILADELPHIA, PA .116 r Storage capacity (under cover,) for 13,54 barrels. Also (mordent reedit!es for shipping to American and Foreigh porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill Meer, near the platform of the P. R. R. .2%1y JAMES WILKINS, rnil2- y JAS. A. iIItSJION, as WM. W. lIERV.ON - 11ERRON & CO., Office, 207 PENN STREET, (One door below !land,) Commission Merchants, And denlera in Pitt3burgh Manufactures and CRIME AND REFLITED OILS. tibnrnt ndvannr. made nn FLOUR, GFt,%IN SEEDS, nod GREEN AND PRIED Faun's. IRON CITY OIL WORKS LYDAY & CHORPENNENG, I=3 Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, Crude Petroleum e"1- Winka OPPOSITE SIIAItPSBUIIG. Offies No. (0 HAND STREET, Pitt burghers. /1111-Gt4 QTAN DAM,- PETROLEUM REFINERY CLARK & SUMNER. I=2 O.T.ce In Pitlehm - gl/, 24 WOOD STREET There works being of the largest capacity In the country, are prepared to till lar,ih orders. The branil etuala the 111;:lie:it In this country and In Eu rope, for nu/ally and fire test, and the oil le put In Well reniolwd barrels, preparcireepecially for ex port. iletnny BREWER, BURKE Cu., COSI MISSION lIIERCILINTS, POP,Pd OP TOP Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal cab adveumea made on conaignmenta of Refined or Crudi Petroleum. Car. DUQU6•SNE WAY and HANCOCK'S:a., PITTSTIURU Pa. 118.S121" X. /ale jf.2111, SLR. INAVY:If IVA.RiNG Ak. KING, COMJILSSION BIERC,'HANTS, AND nnontrz rN PETROL= AND ITS PRODUCTS, And cleeders In Refining Itnterialc ar.21.4r 220. 33 27.4.12KET ST. Pltteapit. W r, W 2‘. ot. 11M! IEWCN JAMES IR WLN S CO.,' ItANIITACT4IZUZL 4 07 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 MARKET St., PA. I.:CENT OIL WORKS. DITNCAN, DUNLAP & CO. suass.acrtrusse of Pare White Refined Carbon Oils. No. 19t LIBE:NTY STREET lUR.C.WILIE. citAitTEn 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Almel• on J I. MS. 83.437.619 • espitsl Accrued Premium.. lux tert...l Premiums Income for Ibfil Mu,ooo Lo. Paid since IM^I 5,030.030 l'erpt:tura And Temporary PoUlm Ul2 [Vera! terms DI o : Charles N. Drtneker, lan.. Lee, Tablas Wamier, 'Edward (J. Dale, Famue/ Urant George Vales, Jacob D. Smith, Alfred Paler, Oeorge Rivhant, Fran. O W. Lewle, D (111 LI DLES N. (ANKER,Treahlent. EDWARD 0. DALE, %lee Preaideat. 71d. W. AteALLISII.II. Sl(e. prn. tem. ,l. (I. COY1 , 1:1, Agent, corner Woml end Thins Arent+. l; 1RI: AND MAItIXi; 11211TalICO Co. of North America. rovieff4lo3A4:oLll liartford Fire insurance Company. air-Protection can be secured in the above named and reliable cotenant... W. P. J0N11.3, Daimlers Buntline., 87 Water It. iIifEI3TEJIN 157:SU ItAN'OE COMPANY vl OF PITTDIJUIIOII, rifILLER, Jr., President, F. DI. GORDON, Secretary. °Wee, ro. g: Water street, Spang Es Co.'s Ware house up stairs, PittAburgh. Witt Ware against all hinds of Fire and Marine Rats.. .4:-Horne Inetiltdioa managed by Dtrertors the are well known in the cows meaty, and who are deter , mined by promptness end libetedily, la maintain the charade> which they hare accursed, as offering the bed protection to those who desire to 14 Anwar. ADdreiV Atkin?, Alexander Speer, David fot:Lonir Brea ,J. Tbotana. Benj. Bakewell, John R. McCaw% 12; MllleijSr.,. Sfattoollel Holmes. Alex. ltilmiek, George Dank, exmobellll. Berton, V. W. Ilrekelsou, Goßpm, SoctetarY LNSUILAYCE COMPA-NY OF PITTSIBURGII.-0111ce, corner Market and Waler streetsi r . t..ci a rr . d l l 3 lrAsr. A.Ltir, WM. A. SITEPARD, SerrSery. • Insures 'Steamboats end Cargoes,. Insures sgitinst lose And damage In the issviss- Oen of the Southern and Western River", Lakes and Ihyoun, end the navigation of the Sens. Insures 4:dust loss and damoge hq lire. . . . Wm. Dagmler, S. At. Kier, Samuel Ilea, Joint ShiPlon, Jas. Park, Jr., James AI. Uooper, - W. o.,Tahnoton, S. Itarbaugli, P—Tonee • T. Caldwell, Jr., Hon. T. Ai. Howe, • .Tolin S. Dilworth. Barclay Preelon, Wm. A. Rodbon. Ueorpo Bingham, . - pEOFLES' INSIT COMPANY (Mice, 'N.Y. mistier of Wood and Fifth Sta. FERE -.AIM MARINE -.INSMIANCE. ,LEGIIBNY INSURANOB - 00ALPA. lirt OF PITTODUROII.—Oface,ATRIA • .. • Ina urea against all kindi of Fire and Ataiint kLk Ls/Led .iorris President. • Joux-D.Broduk, iYci Fres*rii. , John.D, M;Oord, •Taaoba, B. t.latVila. an . 'R. 'Maim*, • 800 Darts. _ u‘n..yuk, ri t, " • a.,411114,194. , , STRICTLY PURE ARTICLES Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT. JAMES McGAREt, . (Sticoomor to TORIIEITOE Is kteCtAltrt,) Filmier, and Domestic Drags, Medicines and (Them lents, Dyes and Dye-Stufrh, Alcohol, Per. (ornery, Fanny Articles and Toilet . Soaps, Wines and Liquors, To. been° k Cigars, Paints, Oda and Varniches,- Support en and Braces, Pro. prietary Medi. aloes, frn. TitUsisES : TRUSSES: We manufacture all the.late styles of Improved Trusses, and keep roust-Imile on hartd Marsh's, Fitch's, Ritter's, Chase's, Flu!l's and all other manufacturers. ••• • • • In easeo requiring anr peculiar style of Trim, or when parttea desire it, we will manufacture to order A111)0MINAL SUPPORTERS, STIOULDLIIi BI ACE.', ELASTH) STUCKI:IGS. Dr. :%24 . - CIARR nl lrndr perennelly to the appli each. of True:tee, dr. , uz d Lo the truntrucut of Rupture. Physician's Prescriptions CAREFULLY COAT.POUI4DED Our Prescription Department is always la charge of an experienced Pharmaceutist, sod all Articles used In compounding psi ncriptions,, are selected with regard to purity, freshness and strength. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all boars of the night. Dietetic and Culinary articles Pure Cream of Tartar. English Bracing Soda. Greta and Powdered Close., pure. 6, Pepper, .! fir ' on." Oswego Corn Startle. . I.lox's Golettne, Price's Glycerine, Decker's Farina. • rare mod., for cooking purposes, Burnett's Cooking Extr.scta, Caraway Secedd Leine . Seed, I...lorlinder Seed, . Mate and Nutmeat,, Selena., Pear/ Aeh, . . Ike, &a DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Our stock of Drug. and Medicines are selected semi-annually, with greet care, by an experienced pharmaceutist and physician, and we guarantee all drug. end medicines we sell pun end exadultmuted. Alt oor American Oheroklale we boy hamthe • celebrated house of POWERS & WEIGHT:RAM An Inquiry of your featly physician will satisfy _you ea to their purity. DYES AND DYE STUFFS, Our own Importation, we ruirantee fresh and re. RAM. Annetta, Alum, Blue TUrol, Brazil. Wood, Cam Wood, CoobinesiXopperas, Cudbanr, Extr. Lo,rwroed„ rustle, Indigo, Lao 14e, Rogmeod, Blab der, NM Wood, Red Tartar, Sl.p Sumac, Tunnels Blue Vitra, Foreign 'rums, Brandies, Gin; Uglier& For medlchtel use oaiy, vie Mend, Envoy A Co.'. Cognac. A Fine old Rochelle Brandy. -- Pare Joke of Orepe Port Wine. Pure old She Wine. Pore old Mader% Wino. 1-sure Holland Me. Jamaica /Bad St. Cram Rums. PERPETUAL IMPORTED CIGARS. oar stock eat One!, setae of the feed treats o Memos Cigar., Tie : , GabanAu4 Preasibe, • Itoperietti, Brttantrao, . ' Loudres, Stelt.ii". E AT S dit 0 . I 4 I 1 . DOMESTIG CIGARS, klenufactuml from traported tobacco, tit: Espanol., Sobtinas, , Jockey Club., Elegant. And a variety of brpnda. Our stock of Views:was purchased la 1003, and we are offering them to consumers at a slight ad von er over outpaces before the tax law, when paw eband I ...Elea of one hundred and upwards. ROUSEIIOLD ARTICLES. 51.500,000. Concentrated Lie, Pure POtaaa, Sal Sada, Alum Silver Sand, Bath Brick, Tripoli, ara. p 1,253,000 !Temp Seed, (Mosey Seed, Espe Seed, 134 Bone, be., tr.e., !to, Maittailamrs7l3.-46.6emscry For all reliable Proprietary Medicines, vi:: • Di. D. JAYNES'lkcpectomot. - • ; Alteretlay s . Oarminalffe. • • Hair Tonle•end liar Dye. • " &mince POLL Dr. J.O. AYES'S ebony Pectoral. • Cathartic Pills. Sarsaparilla. Amse Cure. RELMBOLD'S ceiebrated Remedlea. / Moho, for Rose Wash. She blood. Sarsaparilla, for Impurities , ,Of Dr. ROILLOK'S Scandinavian Blood Purifier, Pills. Sitters. . SCIENCES Fulent° Waren. Sea l:ti Weed Tonic. • . • Mandrake Pills, • KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. 44. Saltitheum Ointment. - WEAND RIGHT' R S ceIeETIPS Pillbrated s. Indian Vegetable Pills. S Dr. It. A. WILSON'S Pills. SOSTETTER"3 celebrated Stomach Bitters. - DRAKE'S Plantation Bitters. CUTTEB.'S Neririne English.ilittern; an autblot for Intemperance. And nil lila reliable Patent. Medicines oftthe day. - Points, Ltails, Macs, (fedora, Oils, Varnishes, litriabesi Putty, Tube Paints, Fold Leaf; We bare facilities for Curnithisur these articles at manufacturers prices: TO THE DENTAL PROFESSION, we ate a large awl carefully aciertedrtook of " S. S. WilltePs P Teeth. trn .. kn i t s raztri . iglatys Teeth. Neal, McCurdy P. Weta Teeth. Johnson ar. Lund's Teeth. Postal Chaffs, Dental Latisea.TorooPo oGL Mar. oaniuno l ilTd u rna al a v v ar a l eio O Q" Gold mid h. 1111; FoLls, tol lifologlols of MIT delas:101 . am. i►Wogues io lied ea applteaeles4 DRUG MOUSE, Corner of,Fourth la librketStevetil I=NAMIro '4‘lim • .TI Et) Ze..IL cnEaucAm. IN4 s LIN: NEW Toil! li Boars Man Pits , • VIA A.L.1.V.3 . . , .. ~ TERM: TR Allial "r.:' i Leave PittabUrgh 435 1 % 1 1 A T4 ; ~ • i 4, ... ... is '• 3:03 a. nt. .4 1•, ' . ...-i. The 4:35p. In. and 9.til p. r, Xt. ittk via Ilarrisburg nod Alle Au rn,W.i . ~ ~,•'; ears. The. 3110 a. tn. triln c i rri Ist ,. ~. 7: ? ." . ; mush only. deiGam Oa. Ticket 405 . Vt .7 ' '.! A LLEG 11 Els I 1 7.71t i * 67 .1 4 .'LEY it AILROA D.-- ' .. 4311ANOE OF TIME .—On an 4 after' May 16th, 1854, the following arzartge9o will take effec t. rs.:,"!• , MAIL TRAlli.—Leavea Pittabligh '9l. u l t •-: arriving at Kittanning at 10.04 am. .. tanning at 4.00 p. m., arrivos at sittab P. m• EXPRESS TRAIN —Leaves Kluane[ , • , a. en., arriving at Pittsburgh at 9.Z a Pittsburgh at 4.30 p. in., arriving at • , 7.3 2,BOL I MMODATION TRA .—• Works at 6.30 a. m., arriving at pitr,i, .. M. Leaves it at :AA r. py, % Soda Works at 6.00 9. In. mylo F. WRIGHT, Super lila lITTBBURGII, WAYNE & OHIDAGO •s;4' RAILWAY, AND WAXED AND & BURGh RAILROAD. WLNTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after December 1811 t, 1561, trains will t de follows, viz. Leavesl For ' For 1 For Plltsburghlettiess, [Cleveland :I Wbestlie Express... .... . 2.10 0. m.l 2.10 a. In. ILO a. •,.• Expre55..........p. m.l 9.56 p. m. LSI p. Express !AIX. p. m.l 'II 40 a. tn.l 0.90 a. a . For New Castle and Erie 0.14 a. mt. inzrizitnino. i arrivo at Allegheny—P. F: W. & O. Halt. at 1.30 a. m., A3O a. 00.1 2.40 a. to. and 4.46 p. m. U. & P. R. R. 10.00 a. rn. CtEORGE PA Union rasgenzer SI A. Q. CASSELID oetl9-0 F. R. ml-Em 1864 5 —l' LV N • SYAN CENTRAL R. IL—WJNI —TEN DAILY TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, trill leave the Depot tin to ! FAST MAIL, dolly rues stopping only at prinelp: direct connection, at Ito Baltimore and Wanlilu;t4 for New York., Renton am HA RR ISISURCI ACCO cud Sunday, at 6.20 a. to. atations between rit:nbt making clone connection Dan ncb, \Vest Penns) Ivan Creston R. IL and Itollkl FITTSSURO'II k ERII cept Sunday, at 1.30 p m. the stations between Pitt' soil snaking connection a• burg and ewsson It. It., I R., Tyrone nod elearllel • cept Sunday, at. 3.C0 p. m., stoppirn, Lions between Pittsburgh and J ohnstown, and fleeting at Blairsville Intersection with trait the Indiana. Branch and West Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, daily, at 4.= m., stopping at Latrobe, Vonetnaugh, Golilts! Altoona, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Ftifllln, Nti port, Marysville Ilarridburg, Lancaster, and Dovi ingtown. At H arrisburg direct connections made for Baltimore WaXhlngton and New Y. I .t Philadelphia, for New York, Boston and Intl , Mediate points. Sleeping . Gars run through 01114. train from Pittsburgh to Enitlmore,Philadelpl" ,, end New York, by the Allentown route. FAST LINE, daily, except Sunday, at 9./0"4 . stopping only at Conamaugn, no, Huntingdon, Lewistown, =lnn. Newpt . Marysville, Harrisburg, Middletown; Elizatdi own, Mt. Joy Landisville, I..ancaster, and Ingtown. Atliarrisburg 'connections are- maned New York. Baltimore and Washington, at Pt, , . delphia, for New York, Buxton, and intertnerV points, First Accommodation Train for Wall*. Mali (corm, daily (except Sunday) at 6.30 a. m. Second Accommodation Train for Wall , . 3Di:I leaves dolly (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. ra. Third Accommodation Train for Wail's St. . leaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.40 p, m. • _Fourth Accommodation rain for WalPe leaves daily (except Sunday) .t 6.03 p. m. The Church Train leaves Wall's Station (I Sunday at 9.03 a. m., returning leaves Pittabts at 12.40 p.m. Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as folloi' t Pittsburgh h Erie Express 11:60 p. Baltimore Ex _press 1.10 p. 1 Philadelphia Express v..... 2.30 p. $ Fast Mail 1.Z3 a. d . Fast Line 2.001. i, Tohnstown Accommodation iiiiiiValPsSFaiicTnA;eo;mod. Con ... 7.1; 17..4 Second Wall's Station Accomusliation 8.65 a. al Third Wells Station Accommodation.. LIO p. Fourth Wail's Station Accommodation . s6 o p: a. Baltimore express will arrive with P IphY Express at .P-30 p. m. on- Mondays. • - Y.OTICF..—In case , of lass, tins Company vftl hold thenisclres responsible for Personal haddad ewi, and for an =mint not excel , ding MOO. At the Pennsylvania' Central Railroad - PAW+ Station, on Liberty and flrant styeeta a. SILIP.PIMG. . - CUNARD LIE .E.—§t.cam from t L, LIVEIIPOOL LND qtrEigNsTowN7 IS In eoui,. or Its equivalent to currency: FROM NEW YORK. CIS La euueaq Salle etery week. Apply to THOMAS TIATTIGAN, Agent, Smithfield street, between al end 4to', atl2s.Beeiv .Plttebbeeln • STEAK WEEKLY TO LIVER -A ••••., rooL, tOnetung at QUEENSTOWN,:e/C (Cork Harbor.) The welt-Coo - rim Steamers of t Liverpool: New York and Philadelphia' Steamok Company I.l.nroari-Line.) carrying. the Y. S. Alai ere Intended to esti as.folloors. ETNA ' Saturday, lan. 1. .IIONBILUIG.II Saturday, Jan. 2.t 01TY OF LONDON Saturday, Jan.ui And ereryaucccodlug Saturday, at noon. from Pi to North River. ILLITS OP PAPP AOP, Payable In gold, or It a soots:dent in eurrenayi Pint Cabin 080-00.btoeinge ut to London... SS cot to London D iv " to Paris .95 00 , " to Paris....- " to Hamburg 90 os! If.nburt to Fraire. il k4f' Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ice, rat eguallrlow rateuf Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown-Ist 885, SUS. Steerage, $36. 'Those who wish to I for their friends can buy tickets here at CI rates. For further information apply' t the Oompo Office. JUILN G. DALE, Agent, 161d D. roadwa NEILLy, N. O', _ Foreign Emigration Ageno ocil No. ee Smithfield street, Patsies . O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EIIIGRA.TION OFFICE.. PITTSBURCIII, PENNA. ( SSC , . . - Sao. • Sai• Passage from the "Old Catintdeel The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia`, mao,) Steamehip Company baying appointed •undenignial their Agent here vice ]lr . Thourps deceased, he Is now prepare d to bring out oi w home Paasenger• by the Steamers of this Lind UNUSUALLY LOW RATES: The Steamer* thin favorite line leave Llverpoolevory WENN?, 'RAI, for New York,touching at ttueenat ow are among the fastest, safest, and most ma.m.s q -Teasels afloat. The undersigned is also Agent for the Llverpl and Londonderry Line of Ntearacrs leaving Lin pool every TIIIJILSD.I.Y, and calling at Lend deny for Irish Passengera and Nails. • • .The ste en of this lino are built In the strongest man and furnish choice accommodations for unseen lie is nice agent for TAPSCOTTN LINE of heated Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving Liverpj for New Nork twice a week, and the , OC , Lin London Packets, ' leaving London every ten dai • The ships of TapseetVs Line have long bees . tett for their quick passages and the excellence the provisions furnislabil the passengets,'and in kind treatment while onboard. Parties Wks wi their friends brought out by sailing vessels,.eker4 by all means patronize this line. _ .• . - Passage to California at greatly E.o4lloeall ift SIOIIT DRAFTS on all parts of Europe at the lowest rates. . • • • • • • Apply to • _ D. O'NEELL, ' 'Foreign Emigration i noeit • VG Smithfield WIDENING Or WEBStER ra 5T11.41 Y —The Report of the Tiewe appointed Council. to eases' damages, ece.,,itt the wide Webster street,between - Waehington and Chat street., has bead approved by Councils soil lsR my orrice. The *lowers .appralsed the damagesi Wm. Cooper at 9755, and made:the follMeLniy - statements to per that amount, triwita tt L _ On Property of Mrs. E. Gallthue• James Brady .• W. 11.. Beanie • Jane Magee • • RC I E. Love • - — XL ! • C. Magee " Wtn. McCandless. • -Wm. Cooper u• • • • Wm: McCandless - Will Black . • David Reed " . Wm. McLaughlin 4, Q3ticklc'a Lein!... Mrs. E. F. Denny 71 $2135 The persona above named am baldly uotilied t, vat nt my calkf and , pny 'their N'EpectiCA AAA!, tnento withtn , thirte*tyn from thIL ante, or timed claims will be Media tha Prothonotary t Ware a. limner with coats awl Attorlwy , a trot for collect • - J. W. F. WR.UE, MY Solicitr, • tict7.lw • 100 Fifth unmet, , rro ENTERPRISINGAND INDUST OUS BIEUHANICS„LA801111411. .NEN in 'others. 11 you wish to'becomo freeholder„ • secure homes, oow Is your time, while labor • money is abundant. lam now selltruelote to , • locations Wilds borough, for 0600, 01100 and • • no payment of MOO, balsams Lulea years,lf•- by this plan yOu can apply your money to • • log, and sole your moans Ind teat*, whllOthe to terest on the lot will he but a little rentole y• will enjoy the rise la real eatate:• _ Apply at the Beal Estate and Insomnia. °moo o , deli - Butler Sizemt,Jmnencovills. ;111tE6ia - ...84,rn i 4, mx.4012. . - toot. , . . • Peepers F.I2PLIO DRAWINGS . and SPEC!. VILATIONS, for all !Want huildistalkand Ingo intends their erection , OW reasonable term. Sir When on AraemesolusrnErr, healer . ' Lanark and RohinsonlASeahene TATES:--Oae - Fonda by I . ‘• e -4 : .• : . 110 ...'A 10E 20g 10 F -4 43. 4.2' 43;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers