She - j . 11 AOC- ?LOMAT monaprei=-ofun. 12, 1054. OVIRCIAL OD MUMIh . t 6 ,Tiv DABS OF STOCKS AND BONDS 11****IfitikktiCOOKilitillialiar. BOODISOB MALMO & ON, Moak ` and -8:444444ige Eirolsors. 21 0. T 5 7011=4 Milt . , ‘41K;1;4;111;4 4.fts 74ii-imirsdpiol &OA Wok. / 454 . rota. Oapper,Oas, 14511m0d ad 0115tocks. flowrozoot 15614141ies et Wads on band. . ift ,Iftilll OW Amid Bats DIV.! '50Z.6614555,, , -- ,— " , AN," BD Pittubtrgb.........- -- 44 % : 4 : A =4* "."."- ....:4" --. ..• 7 --- : 2 : 50 Mk 1L....... .......61 .... ta " 4 StKo i tfil a ,L , ...2 ---,-,"'."-"" . - ----- 13 1 6114- =. l 4at , ' - - .....-' YourtbNaticaug.......= ~.. l at 11.441144 , 8114 /14---.....,-r-, 110 SY: O a NEmtlP!t.:4.-14-ict,t, Illier;umi. :Vilem • Tliio ., - , -I , 4ht . -- --:= , - tt II . Oossellseilla ' --• 3 C-1 arrra• onteran ....z....-11% , IT ' 7. - , —.. , - IStrEtrylliltatcheitar43 .....0,...........------ . . mt.. . ,-....,......, t e ,7I •-• :f C47:0 =':,,,,,,,, •-• •- ' 111,50 Ss ffi tkahogual 1111 mat - . zmnukci. _ viakind• ?—••• jaw 4. 0 . Yom _ r , 13 4 . 463 • s leo OD Units -t—hag 4 161/I 4 11 1 as MUM' -; • - taX 4 tl et Ith 04 114 et BO gad 40 et 54 lledlisaia Zlegeb444= grkizoimisoz.. mam" etc 20 Mogi Alos i• lhohott • 17}i ot. IDsborbeel andatt. sites 45e 111 T cat tom qty ...*— 3-- • 1134 . 41 Mint Ui SD 110000., vaankr 6111•0 , --.4— , r• ' 4 floegalTooo Tem— d .1 Ablent r al wiry ou r 'lid " '..- atkinialldrW' Meitr ;—. l e ~,Ettevento,tkptlO,U6l. 41- 7 - 1216 :t0t/ 2 4 ,16 ;;; 4422 4 1111 * -11 P e t e ear onto taw 011 Cemple7ii.lteittotediv Ittendt. Tionhig4.7le;l4 Apnea lath E teneold throe themotaing—e Lip ofusaiiorshirii, of Zan t to WOW eolecdtets. Ddmll KM wimpy a guts. thorn lebohnt potiMilhaeleoi" The notesektot ghtbk prepteet torthor lin the Odd natter. (kottaned tottglegivith at Rttleh the Ney Loan hair lion tokan to hat ddd 20 4010407thareepeoh.. Tommie; motto gnifhei' "••• ~, 1 , " The Naiiirticat. eas rat 11 farm, UT" thot 4 1 7 120 4. 1 4:: ettg,. !tenor, tottlllestot of dopodt is the tteasegook sa swept, or tohmtl million of n gads Moab* degoetto4 ttrf j h totetabonh. heoli c ioi) :k•-ho. - eae CaOlpstent to two certifottrtotbeemsdabo— tomb to as to Amin tom eottleinents.,P I hs' e tt eW 4 4 l rAickiisTrolaa, dt; accaraduriartiirliarci ca• anas-acticoit itharawal of that departs. It :b &Meta 'to orient the beak matsol . 4l4 Watt lip cam Qat Tug for Spa cent Worst cm up,oco, Ote of fu *al, Pat eboilfora oiorirattitionc . g In too our. , The Itelatiosokil goring thi gest tom seam than 53 pet ant In sad to. price In pH hoo tolototolflotoooo.l, o s • tamegri thottionoolon us 7 ; holott Arad mm' by the liegooel and 001 4 002 u 60 9 0 Odin 4 00-1 . 7002 . 1 7. 1 L 1 it.-"asAcitaiifat'un'tfalloaaWah eriereloogotoootragttot• otstscoa Cam theta," biolailittoin , log epos , the market, Wieling picas end the Trustily to p. 7 more to every &TWA geoppitos porchloot r New York Horse Market. Oars ll—Wiebaseasseressalo kw hams bet • Va gina asts stablei at at OteettaL tab • • la wearernof. half the number would mace. flowers 2 of &tuatara. &pOB ho itiefiferYiwibifindietieddoslildhp 4 , ea*" only th ey sttnieitie rdt.tesai itzg. hoods - thin ass soros 'lndications of ao improvement, ew• retails la Otrelsit=d far clit/s0 hams and as the 'plait - at; it 21101010 . Long Branch. N apart, sad othaFewstettagalllbie are resuming to the city.' Watpelt - mg t-. . Weeded to go throttgletielthiniblie &minuet trail- , ...secilona, that it/estates octudderable nun, to path • tracts to Ps consplet ton. In the dent glees, all maws wee Mated. sad !slakes ghost sena hems ge amount logl,ooo—theloweat script llettedlor bct , :e after welltuetalSl6s for unity !tones, sal 102 tat attliiert, and getttut the redid. OW has to be •old at 920150 on Wu dollar to realltegled aioney, witbstobe to-- speedosby *bout four different parsons, deter. many from trying to dal with the Goverameht, though It m anse etholent horses for thowerheec ~• ,-- Shen Is dawn rwthlss ° in farm bonma - sid the same my be old of speed bones, though • trotter I. occealccallyrold et ahlgh. true., We Potlewl ene Hun • tbkdentan bey horny tieing at ten hands tag. reputed So trot • tulle to II 60 minutes, held et POO, lad • • pair Of by harem Werneslawl•ht PAM. • hie —••• S of Sr:manse bedolle fa edstsge • • • I.whlfft ant meld at IMOLAltandliwolwi IMO each. an cows • • node Is mitt ofa harry track begat se IPSO end 5250„ dooms. flans 5200. Deelete ate itaildtlng • ante Of tar Isms by the first of October, though they, do 1 look Cr ellesly trade before sprlag--lee , . '' - -- wmile - iii the . .1 2...-:. „ At this went writing (Sept 0) bap, II wig WW2 etteu,ste truth 12a134 gAz palm!), satgleatt: tr end atm tittle Est Natilegi citt Hudson 'Elva beau • . IDO to ItO potads,Ateeetd, have hem. AA from boats at nupprroner; ass . inpsut. .".Wltti 'thew 9:JOS., . scutar Ulf so mug It , * as coin to ite are wanted rig tits petty veleta that that - tut ta HAM the teen - try ottg?'"lliti gateilitiiii iiom tfiv of tut gesi, and sne eder-pila. eisciitrai,•iimiia.toiraiii vs *liter Anita titiiilstql fiiiitidiltaiTik hilkstteitek 'Millet' ger at at was . odr...siveettice psr re ta , -hida 'to se active ta• tight *Thrall faillto . manly. Zateasin ..tatattg...l4gaisaLan gat; the .Wett - . Ammer; sad Olt fa tairceastog the "lighgrecistals a l* 'teat. Oar agetaetetematbuteg at ita tom aptunt p las tatbsylksatitlit 012 tor shirr Ag Tug Ow, paitas-uallt ' Ad*. the war TM atattuatrat=h tt took. dm Valk wkpries ar. mckpqrk sad 11 bap.- , I • •- •••lit t -I I t . - - anchtsiabli - Tarte.' -- 2ars th• Omar, mai^ lamb seen at wadi miteicted ea Wain - Eta* I, Warm awalisallt at thaald roSaatatloitaitta.Th RaPtig WiNitato for Pot 0 4 11 f, pat; lithalo torah* - OWN Lit 1 seath affikffi 41V - nittuir 14404. Select- Ccatalaads 11.. Malts BMWs is la =that beWar . , 12 1 174 1 7. hat Wiltktidatttat 11 0 akt Th• TralhiCtot market aas. Fit* tatapWWll urtaia Try fit Slaw-Taritipirtsioday,ind all speadattre Us. Was chilkdi race Warm passallytattid Wan the saastatortace a r. 7 bids at atialtaautda, thal way pa• wily Whig* Isla quotallora not mesa than Aso , law Idel-thripad-altal•. Saha. et eacals-pat 67 Iles =pica at sit suly • What an wart* be quoted. Than an ito barn al dicks Itad ahem 22 nor 0:1397 at that. k mita or ..ipchas Wititeadd at kJ*. Holders what ea the mutat, at• ttm atitlagliak ffslitbb egata., - • Cans N rather. beasl; haidinfrarraddati MOM 22. am; bat conscalattrof/Wida• cis mad •2 that is taltdballe2 rix la alersator. Otte ma ta pod nic. hat Theft basked. ST•tasifteissit , -,,thit=l.•Wdd Maim • iszti2 la quiet char. • . Testes:kat tar Wldakivau *gain maw at $1,1 8 ...bus is ILL sup dna at that tsars, sad OINSPilin TOM /04 I l ieltiarl.toAikitatudilaterist as satiertatiu d. it tri et buyers. Isaa,LW Domfattdas aupia packed. jell at tWaidl b iat a / tuk•hastata s nada • •• Bulk Oki* hcpallittitatastkealastielwa its. Ihipa Ass aaosiks as -no Ws ribbed, 22)faCkkarsaber rib; aaa sokcd Kreb s 1/11li hearLii., tOdOrtli• • tyltnba - r 410 PUS el that ;rare - Was Pork is nesdaall7 ;WWI at 214 ChIMCO Man"' • sans-;flowr7 ;az ,exile %midanme ibV" ost ktugfiyaft, fastlyst' • 1 * I 63 /il';tl74,elG, 044 • A Oa; l i a wttO Ina Wei, bb „ . . .. ' • AWN, iiioaVitinOt• s e.lllJl4eltThrko=lll3/lalie. •wrff b iota4o m0i5ig,(4.0.006 • ; • • .., t.:-..Vf .I', UM a 'flitionedraddsli!ordbasollillit 1010 0 . f 71*W0TliO*13•Itblk k atlatin hipronteant t nibrietpuicticriesi swar,- . 2 , 0 0 a wgiew or lir falpertmoor, fiat at thing tort.l4WO/ any Winotiowom, tam 1., es a matter of coa rmi bit Ms ctog fn ths way of oats. MlN—Wheat Isle eat descoutd and Trim, •Tilimmti Irate rlo 01 01 1 0 0” 04 ; O 6o pf 4,00 s Who* -SOMA psipsi mr4 . 11arloy , acid from wagon to the Went d rio3l3otrOah•laPfi. flab doll snip:dm ars Win*. doientilarikareiregiote at Wan, by the ear Med,artil ttti 93 from stars. Own my be quoted dull sad nominal at et WO OW ad, sica . sl.ftem for anion late nOlTlMilkr# bra* jobbing Unhurt for Odi ar. ibizurzint isnot by; .nz Mee= wa ina .4 otipt wkprbilo tan UM but intohanamt. , We note Wofyatore FLO :or Tatra, sad klatf;3o for • • • BAT OEWSEare is • onifitioed City 4 'contri demonittallhooldore., and Bides, whtti tr. Philo Hutu are very dtic End thi abook_ la comparatively tarp: -MOW Mm ,e9anret VA Tata mud tot would not owe 41,60. W or oba 4 5 ,d WO" !Wang In • ititz-rnalL4teaft tnit littalagaLl "11160 . Of lialt lit aj 3 % fte . itZtr 1 VW for Secondse, ,WartsitillTirstiorsdnumed; isles barb; bean 'per doom Boomfp3i toattnas tight • ma litj e atodt tiniTted. b 1119 -WWW‘ the ibmazia ba.laa nor of , antievis4.ntalpicailsmaln anohati to' WO for mango* tipritnir. GHBUT- , le Ttitsfigituati,igut fu as i w itC-bi nal = ll """ l izi bra* " th;ttii iroada. It la quoblif *tiro= 133 to t 3 per too, Tor 1109 s, irfor toll:idly prime Timothy. BALI of bbLe s fr oi ae depot, at 13 pertain aro, mall nliallanotre IS ISOM MOW: mid good Tub. , 'arts; fa good condition may bo voted arm at 112,00 per bbl. si P t t 4 .%l3p=s sad rti3964 WTI wire f at‘hy.s et Laub—rteedy .1119 molar We. of mime city ma dared at 200230. Pittsburgh Petroleum lisrhet. . Bxrr 10—Tbr dad Ibr Omdscantlnnt• Via itrbt, and Mu:larks' 401 bad drOpiiia; 41;er:ft rre am tnedintr 'doribtrirtli sssibs Llrb jet= at gro, bbla sauna% and inbbli tbrintad. There was sot • Ater agrittrit' ii,taidlitar of. Band. tik• Crude. It frfatink libirda, with tut ,dartand from 't qbartar.,9Catlo4o4 linen no rittiltot steitthra. I•l2lo•ldtatilitir•Viditlfts. Nagh*b tolling In lanall late at 380734, bolder. generally inking Mal& ittotttnton linstirson MentlYir I Int 'Mt Petrolts,a4Citartet., pc iica . kittibma Gloms. Ninullosmesyt 10.7twisitrient for FOAM:" Wit; i'illear46o:l)(6l4; alth and 0- ". ' rr trariittliWilker 4,rltabil. Oudot stoke twain. =.• 00, 7 at Cs cm the 'pot. Entztel In tend. :Nand Md. tall*lxas qt say Irak. stock and Wo*ey thrtet. opiatujiich to s ths Pittsburgh Cistefte. - trfrerolic k Sept.ll.::lbbre hae l been , * ItcKtfil . . $009 411 OzOwt• - - e4tAgrolroffortn. sad putanuatou:- g•••=iimmit 1•• tirsisii,usqvidottit,wit, ihaufauli 4111-lasiitil torthet detlmed elcalug this laud" SIL r 10- a P . r OKOrtailY lainrind4 i t, , PlOffilllkalit WAXEN ILLS mass It 3,00je. 145.1 s mina, ham ikanir OA" _ 1 0 111 1 I oil, II L 'Unfrock i ofr, ISO ten °UN 1 . 1 . roma Is ne;lsolMau, J Y NeLarahlts; 100 Pumas I Haag Gyp bp bola, I kb:4:K los eon's J I EA. jig lea •=0,4 - John Noptund: 103 Obla lour, Mains if luvi =r• /Wm; 60 do Rod * ~ 8 pkp butter. 1 pbl UM" IIII•11 04 . a usflenriscinotticsla .•cPtolly'lso calf I/ 4irland k fa; Moto barb', I RUE* 1 IN four._ oldln A &Inks; V klor,l II Seat®; II dos ipniln, Elkelfin• I Lusa; IS do W II Qmnly;111 do I II Kyrie a on. 1 CUtiktisli Pirminion, UP llonz,BopflOst I.p- ISO Ps Ulak; Milton & En_x_ ix•do x..a.ay a Vgi. fl airs= j ksti, ' lSO t&mi ° lt ta tk va; Fr 0 collittlf "Today, - "ohnst.n It *Vamp, AAP* Lawn" b sit t. . 7.L a 0 Is AO *at WWI; ebOTatker a rani a Mk cludessasc, • kulnksafla low okilno:PIIIII lIPPIoc.PO4O, I 4*B. * M.,4 labuckaas, g IMO* sWs potstass, Webb I •Ww; it* JOIN' scersa„ 0 0 Haan kso glis Palm kroonntp a C 01111044.0014 "gri ca % 1 . 43 "/ *m; 13ftcicoor„ AcCtzteg a ea, 56010oplat ofy;111M k ea: i I AIIIIIturI lIIMI/lieopt iO.-2 cup dist, grand, k bto:1 1 / 1 0 Unpin e Sur, 10 ply sPol.110olaman; /0 0 kaftan:47lmA, I &Whim Jcs Cola 1 pIqPIP, ...I l iZoll" .. . lira i ikkbannl . l 3 oto 3gai lln r. air l = Ws stastassliga i takfts*• leassassdas alas OM I. Cr '11.1.4 . II boon roook Th. 111 too chop, lilin - 1 con PPM 4oUilosa. 0 , mar% Inlevecniti Ike ofeha 1550th155 , fe ,Wll-05vasoli IDO fa apex fLaEaf 1.5 V di dm; 'fart; foe ceddlailobwe. 5 ebb gni 413 sts itia t OhdotopowNClutoto. 1355fiffittahlaNif Tema -445 etarlim, witAs tthisettortmastaits Ireole.ll itetem= t .." -Nwe rtit kt airZr Sb 4,l7.lotXteleeei, lin ovilovoolVolito Lao " 1 1 VkidditliVirsitoOkr tkli lever 7 ' _,l9 z Cobseef, 0 k P o_lllloo fgelfeee4 lsssso 61. M av-irbiat, Wetly befafta, effglr lola it:o . eletorif, 55 ttiontoi;is &Am dook,ol,lpourlxmon MAO* WU/ oVo orhoo4 2,V Monody Is Von 02 o I embiliKeel 1054-fkurfeeferpereeler. • .1,44 nauni oath of 4 aim mat; 80Ar.r: , .. I. ! l : w cino.N:..s:, 00..:: • .i„f...„:." ! • Pregiettert - - "3..1... :: tvr Wert= Axe. • Annals, OW Indlats, tam* sn6_lgsoee. illim. inuarttatFr of iqßpsdat atiltir* - Pialitl. etti11) . 22.. Oliyaind Rifkin Boas "I L . or &LYZB rrssn 6062, - arbfaiivordasatai. tally nocas surotes alad , u borzoi for imam! ass thaufahsolhar bakes tbs ShatLd' basalts bf W has sadlidif l'opodiAlaft.Lhas cribalsostisarattda ad stbnioasslathi sasonhastairs which osa abrialc attains, liminess bs• Salm Ifsassfs sad Wash= mobs esslisdLsrfth salltdq_ Gatos so MO= °Woo "wasboi irttb tbs -ea V 75 PEARL 801 P do oat Dodds. boning at half rabbtag, iristab of cam moo the friar and tow SIMS, PRAAIL SOAP i roma - arena, ftvrobsccri awns, mediae, ildr. Sntikik Ind tbaitourt atlgsWataretalas Immedhadl. t gtii* byr; .Itirlth 'lt ma* Scow, erto motmtlag % f - *3 1111mItam itammds ant slAp. It i .M nut, _swag% 4:.ii.g•fria. I:, WI Matt IlielNinaMaq al Ihr.aleaalas aoslllawl* It tiottwol*- 70 tturitift._ L. merr Ibrinum**l24:lM 8.69Z317.WLAW11l te PoldbMlarttry: tin own; an 4 1 4 . Mt lIRMIONMIMIA. IOI = I,III4I* ii 4 Aim ThiIIIUMPEII7 Mk sM K 1 7 i 9m , x ,rafigtd *EWE* a Atm mam itamitl ft tail =11,34-intor,tt,lll4 alWts,,ifrostr, _llialk .l4 - e° m.ahciO v Pair-Wm* ei1VAM4. 4 . 01 70 7".11 =4 0 74= 21 " 83.1 tambi .mer b 45111.30 oat], , __• ' - . .., .. . rni . iikitiP . . crniagits-s. it ST. .14 big anosile,COkto.ll),OXlondeb sei be -btaMs iii=to toned bk atm ask WA. emu botroac- Si le glow t.otbs• silk • no ouunfaenuee. intb Calms anode CT d'etS Se So essiSalbel• 5 be engem WO tarp expeitene le We city ••• wet iel tooth of nin, ewe, *Anon to seu themeltbelbenellellonibabbine part of tb oesesas. No Odos iseliMentrobe owe* foralsti • trieosable popmetini Oftki , ceptlat retelnetbr Vie seen seem Wu afebbeinelco: std 'Minot seines nada of , theiossalbetartos bootees be propos. lb* peril be :aotinil toomblothevAilvieflier, setliteetoti reknit*, vlll be nimbi& Witte 1191. Ilk P.i9,: WIC real Aisne ninedebekr, T : ,-- ~ : . • OPOI r. pIIECTIV f3TBEKT. UPEWLOTHERY, ag. as NW= MEM m W. Its Nebel: now aimetbetoseintsii. «multi al Ma"Voulrrhato th o ictsPolVilat F.l6"mairrtemin k raLlisaDieri RUBIO ad VIVI= M _ • stlyntlea bglirsa O areal tpr !"4"""brullanifii6r. I:ll:OtiMati:NOr. MOVISed._ •• - 1 141 . 'IMMO rob** • gat obit so • 1 0=11 1 11r-' sad I" sv the tad cseltly.eadobrisoffs 14). r:!? to ,F All ads= attonuad oa. tk = =DIM •1824111*, Alloghsal, IlLullocaparnim Iwo =Auk crenuarir SAW alfitelhak Utliatfitar mn NAPI ilti• Num rtgarr rnM ....„. .80h!t. AND • 11 lairM ar kpn ie .Min t g ig . .asett/Agialia WilFotO irs 21111101 EOM zat-areafiraswirrnalriniii is:=4=ll4 Isldasi. sideu pis mi;txm“%ww 7 Via testa sIL tudr,:jallt:00.11111 ' NEM &SWUM? "IMPII•CILMEI aLLIOWAY OMIT, ' :* SOW 'UM liaCaliillol26l minium; cuwarmluz•gai* c 2 OA. a -Aft 7 - , law* °run mama MAUL liausszw. /Vac" aS the' ATI - alslllllS . of itio • Cbairtss- [Puma —No. 187.] „ As Ad to quiet the tabus to hinds within:the Bunch* Lopes de Santos Celin in the State of California. Be it added by the - Sends sod Sotto of Ztp rinstofion Of she 'Maui &arcs d dreerice therm assembled, That it may and Oa be lawful for all purchased from the grantee or their aniline of, lauds within the Binh* Laguna de Banton Calle, to the State of dull fonds to vile, within twelve mouths fkom the passage of this act, pith the register of the dud offioe at Blannvilbs applications descri bing the lands so probated by them 'Meese- Lively, with panel of bona M. parches) from the did grantees of their anigtuglied, upon each proofs beingfotUrdsaillAtatary, the said purchased shall be psi:titled !center, scoord, tog to the lines of the while stredys, et cue dollar and twenty-five*4fir, ,Dge sem th e l i lands so purchased Within thclimits of said Rancho, as described in the Wain prostate ed to the board of commissiblred.undes the act of March 8,1941, entitled "An act to as certain and settle the privets land claim Co the State of California," to the Intent to which the lands eto pttmluteed have been re duced to pone rata and see new held by said purchesere: Abetto4 Thai my perston who :shall avail himself of the provisions of this 'act shall be thereafter debarred any further 'claim under the grantee in the event of • 'final confirmation of the grant. 800. 2 &Oat iffurthop aussfal, That where any additional =rye's may be found moss dry to give full el/eat to Ibis act, the Commis sioner of the General land Office shall cause loch memo to be nude at ths cost of , the purchaser% es provided by the /oth section °tile , sot f1i,, 1 47 .1101 / 1 /dret Ito redtioe Tao expenses orthe survey and I elle of the rioli li b land s of itiellitlood Stade NOW , folt ThAt: l 4l entry of mineral , lint el lends reserved sailltari or- other pabliq v }ace WOW prielo62 un is acv, nor; liequired aebr,thi pm-amp elan laws of United /tatesßpdlellewted See. 8. And As it &rater atrietd; Thatlt shell be the duty at.the =gleam and redder Ig the proper lint office $n cases, presented und,er col, pturusztt to sash instruoticres as pray tAim dated by. the liemeitseionitr of ',the ImdAffioeb andtboadjudge all awala aegis as preliminary, to • Anal decision in due coma of Mr. Approved, 7417 2, 1264. CPUBLIO-NO.lBBl ACII to authorise inalostdatei rank to NC given to the wormint 'allure of the United Suttee nary, - altd for:ol l o.mrSme 4 ' Bet/ saw/ad kith andmotus of Awe , austation orate Mated &atm 41' Aar/ma to Cbagreu ntensibte‘litat the Pr/leant of the ltnited-Btadivis hereby antitotiitid, it is ids keiteatut it ShaMesomincirer to Metatar sal of.tim sondes, to she ussininlited rank to, the wartant. oflinert'of 'the 'mien es boatswain, ittpays,..caryantenh and sail =Am, as follower Alin dire - ye ars of servies to teak mith - thwertatimmmadmfMr ten - yeirs' envies to rank with master. • 8r0.'2, did bo it bother, touted, The from end sitar the passage of this:sat, the ellen/ named,: in .11toi procuteding media shall be known at 'lir - stung officers In the wales?. Sloe of the United Bates," audible NU *s teed Ilan the lima Raglitter. Bth S : 'Awl he it fortier inexted, That in all mew where 41 hair heed, or may bey fotntd nrcenkry' during the paint „war to detain in orafinement-persons found on bard of capture muse* the mows of the &ten t *flea Daisoluk - mhan net - chitigeibit to of prize or other fond, del bs cold "i the appropriation for danytuf the - nroonn et sets id. which the llatiltd States ars concerned, andthat , the expenses of pnionem sentenced by Ural otrervemrtial se confienurnt is apenitentiary,shell bedew ed from the same fund. Sat 4. Asd ha it frriker mented, That the following addition be made to the clerical ntoe •now outitorind by law in the Nary DePartetent • Bum of Pf0•13113II and Chang 11/11 clerks of the third alumna two of the drat I stial. Daman of (Mance, one stork of• the • skirl obi= Bureau of Eiulpment and 11:ornitleg, vas stork of those:Kind oloao, sad oacalook of am ebt• ohm .4proirol, 701 2.13641: [Panto—fie IfM.,] ' At Aar for increased futilities of telegraph anthentaintion between to Atlanta and Peelle States and she Territory o! Idaho. Lffe it Sionesithythe Zeman callow of fig., reisizesthecter thensitral Stares' el America is Obagress ersersb4ed, ,That MC United Stake Tsifilsidi Caiguialaqind 'thele;insoolatesi . are hereby outtinutised to ant a line or lines of rosgastieUmeraple between tbitifizionri rin eattlicreity - ofildillestelitio, in the State of CalifaittleMSinter redthrii they May Itelao, to'a onnWNeitli - the' lines of the add ilnitei SOWS Tikipiph Caitipaity Doe onettectel said being onstructed through the States of the Union. The mad onopany shall have the use of such ,tuittentuplel land of the United Stake si mg, be necessary for the=of of way, and materials, and far the ior Of stations along said line for repairs, not exceeding at any station *us quarter notion of Land; and such station not to seemed one in fifteen miles on the avenge of the whole line wens said hiride shall be enquired by the Government of the Vatted States for roils al or other ;Deposes: doliononded, That no ries'. to c i eLi te t c r i ti s i t a moi s d h ln i eL r u a nte r s t a i l t: le o 0 7 1 ! pOry or . their agents, or any o th er person or persons whatsoever. See 2. And be U /satire le:...xtei, That the aeld United Suter Telegraph Company, sneer the demotion of the President, of the United Bitten, is hereby sutherthed to erect a line of telrgrepit freed Fort Hall, by Walla Watteau! the Dalin ant Oar co Pmencle, WWrithed, in WI Etuite:'gr baton, .0411 fora Pen Ball to Bannoth. , ind Virginia City, , is three of 'ldaho, with the lame TT/04f= tight of way and to forth, te le provided in the ens section of this set; the Unite! Matte to have the priority in the and said Ilea tf telegraph to Oregon anti Idaho.,. Sec. 3. And be it further careered, That the . aforesaid compile, Is anthorind by this sot to rend and receive despstchee on paymeot of the regular charges for tranemiesion of des patches over any line thst may now or here of ter be constnisted Et the anthoritY or aid of Ocogrese, to connect with any.line or eines authorised or craned by the hessian or Eng lish Governmentsc and that all despathees te e teed by said tine or lines shall be transmit ted in the order of their reception, and the answers thereto null be delivered to the Uni ted States Telegraph • 4:forapany for trammel. even over their lines, ,thlhe of whense the original messagevrassent, whenever en direct tot by the sen de r thereof. Bro. 4. And if it ' farther cesded, That the several railroad companies authorises by act of Congress July one, eighteen hundred and sixty two, are authorised to enter-into arrangements with the United States Tele. l e gr Ix Company an that the line of telegraph bet ten the Missouri river and Ban Francisco nth be made upon andelong the line of said no ad and branches as hen as said roads an branches are built; end if veld arrange ments be entered into and the transfer - of ithid telegraph line be made in accordion - therewith to the third said railroads and - Inninohts, inch transfer OA for 01l purposes Of Onset referred to, bo held and eoneidered re folfilment On the pendent!' reibied elm = plains of the provision of the sot In regard to the construction of fe telegleph linfel and, In nee of dleagreedstit,' Mild " telegraph com pany are authorised to remove their line of tel m ic a ph along and upon the lbw of railroad oontemPlAtied, without prejudice to the tights Of ntheilinad companies. pproved, July 2, 1804. 1 VALI:TABU tII9.O4LABTS 808 BALK. i l 4,,...„ mo,=.4...its t: lr d ritbelar . a deb tx . Wm ators fie 100, I! abal tba• lOW tem 7carr_ i i tallarkS4 via coil of the besl 5 sesidWorisorillUMl Was hived am-. ememblllsiltihrillbeirlOsnwsz pd, Itto TAM WO; otabiros Of VIM 11 . 0 maw , bi oil*,'. a i =oda thil ben (taller irsjµqa. wisinomigsmesnla•sto MOS% ta• tattli..,.zu,_ . in te• *bark arnuoull - brik• At of ....wg i c. Mr& WIWI' Vie.boll64ll V:. esuA 90 Ilk So perekviarsi .• toneigrAL.... 1; ~,.-; ; i . JOa m l VIIWKSTVWIII2I2 . y.cart . 71,!ki A _... 114"rif:;;; 114- ;ri; :t t=ni:n..7 " 1 111‘...' WED ..: . • 'Ka • W l Zl 9.llall inzi t y *,l M Mg• •.•- ' - ' " 1.1..... , ..4.1.: ' • iiikar4e , lui4 Wet . .•. , X . l.1 04 1R1ft41141.4.• 5 . " . .W Viiilij.o4.,l ... 4. .c..-- ....air e A:ll,"Q•anliti F08=0.440:' eitu ri, lll llllllll. Anonlts. r ab ' T w enty Teams Standing; SWARD Dam Ida ke bawl Saletlikslao boat ins et Um nag • pedabbi .n Of Waidara Imsidapb essisi Dr. liCaysarsLdiailsers Mesa Nazabelei TM Dodoes arttlessas us watt nick sal so au now ii•owatoted hktwirgllo bpi promums .41r., 124m6 11. Ka writ Dimes Masts& with pt. oildof fororaq Tors WA Orka oftit, par Ow tin `}Ad viFra. • • oa th fifir,7 sunk sowed% . 2011 . 11 iIM sOill to Omit as for amt pmt Iyr 411;1'4 ' 0Si lirOal6 not Cosortifoc on sooroolof Om thoTfloono ref rol ow os to mil idokorl - att. I had tri4l4ll CPO dials 0110:111111 tx tam tomato boo sod tots ofbatitior I lord boa of or nod of to - drew ibis Zoo' fornoldsts dist RII to to No. bat isocilll not r it cias 3 l t0:0246w the would do as soma goo4tor ; • klttla utak NI atisiwardo INT roar return scats 1 , sii tWiaii oviii: I moo iptollt to two Dootoit. ;itto ofo ! ' ;two too 50 sic boois sosd pre tam sossizsollofits, bat li visap sot dl. lood4l act &won. Om 5 lase Igo I ,togs sdoollosoorol of cm Idoobiy Mood Ossrobsr, ,codohy caursoll. Ilfluirsoo sold to sitcom told ilk ion" bottle would not am mood COM actor& who i woobillono tote noorwal la Ols madam betas I cos WI. , Itorogot ono - battle fall , WM ft Som. 50th us, fold sod II ieraraile SO par Mile/Om I this eels! I tiorwrxisoda. vim jon pal Nalind aped no& Mod% bora as bulks. I booalu lf, ass bottls .ss • eats wood kw. _scow wok this tonotn7 g p g . . .. Pi 4.; r*inurAtvt4ol tarn/stoat* , _, krtratuwort boon notpootue 11, “ . . 'litontrodirwlit or weal @impala tw ing• ' I • paa 4 PFT.. PdPAAWIIIIMPIOS. Alum 1 • eST#S l s...gt9lAktio* Vow to la:..:oopu tow, ~ hrtri.r6PAttige!Fit ,, I motto say nos r . .. roii_itc,,tTubmA.F.hilniseozatos Owns at kt i i tilzr d r , bz ,,,...... 7 ~7 " , ... , ~ itlitA l76 l/ 15 cd 114 dIrt ,P* 1 4 , Y 1 it pat; I*A ittfitahool. i RWIWW Aims to tor'biontry itir tie **hot onion actiotorifog sq wro;sid Ap **beim Um risi*Aktcii.' ion oil ghtudi this itcos - ' "f *Ow*** liin:4*ozeirM biokwowd 'l,ooriziors of lis both of Ws 9eiglkosfs If tbsy — to soli milk" ' ' - . .2ffirrkW44lll., Doomlorflta .-.31. ' 'drum tat wart& Mai dDeallOierlf. W. 3101•100WW•011131•1•11Us bad *did lifitzttra melt stoofte MS stooff Mk thol7affsi 11401 gimp Cai UM or of the WM, to *void Ostia lop* s pats • fplattono Olibis litkil b twitil Malt; ' . SIP&ld by the Proprietor, 'No. 140 Wei:4 Rivet, girl 14 'Ewa Jettreeo2, tomer,. Pcenth end lEtedibleld streets. Er Z 414 On HOPTOBB. Honda or Rupture mot Rends or itortorooureL Herds or Raptors mod. gaols or Rupture and. Hornig or Iloptorsiored. Hada a Naptarinzed. Hernia a Pagan ant Rends a &ears awed. BMWs a Wads mot Batas a Haas and. Zaptai a Sand arid. Rupture or Honda awed. Rattail to Beads erami lititnis as limb. wet Raptors a Bads mat Rapt= or E4rila mod. Zanies Earlisil Can Tram Mal PidePt Mies !hippo:ter Tram lialfbAlurting !Pilo Dupe, - be it's support sateen of Mantis Bteeklngs. Co? meat and lose veto. Mutts Inas Caps. for weak keas *O. Ankle Supporters. for Irak hiss Idols Suspensory Bandages, Bdf•lgjoeiiag and fray other kind el Bsrringes. Hard Rubber Brings'. HeLao. - or Body Brass, for the ars of Protveas Uteri, like, Abdominal end Spinal Weaknesses.: 2r. IL Over Piste tap- tiros _pm Ids Mewl se tea= pthe spyl ot, Tram fa adults sad' &film!, Wails muted this, with an to of *OO ram be will be mbldd to gtitlitstithictsma, 111/"Offloo at thrl7rong Stor 0, No. 140 Woos Eihilose Amid the. Golden Mortar. i'orsons welts% for Times should send the number inches mead the body Inunedistely over the rupture. Ala N oaToN l 3 onormarr," , YOE UM ZEN= .an SOMMI2.I. :Rtiestrattt ham lotto, Beat UtehOlgesteil. um PAULL cal 11 14 11 41 Sono owl AMPM thi rids. WI Miami perttst. to the Witte nod& rh-theirls the ell lehes hoe-eheel orricii **Aar pad maw& is uld dh gs outioiiftevia ha leF. wo el the Moo whet, and nay prellche at 11 b. theeharpil rOlvsgb tailor Otos& al 12r elm% enottedi boo 11L. tads untasqemttt, Lbarraiato pe. r.,41,P01L n0...r0m $ 00., w osomavar, a. a. DL ISTIEL CATARRH I Da & 000DAIX11 CATARRH REMEDY It mama to too toty lid of this torttbb Cur% as 4 ortonabstim It, tool affil team. Dante. AIOODALfY WDal oaf piembo tank ,Lt Want milt lirtionl It lOttiMPlidok 4zeberbee would cram It .ret. O n kas wed alltettait= lepb M OB Iteleeb, expberbes Ito amseet:: Mai Warms to the meld edict alar m..lbst itel lee teem abed tbe WA saw eilactif ofidettail sad =Mare to tide einuetti Lett tbitz4ie,lia be med. id* lbetems• usilbrei meant/ Oil ',lllKuldig UM apt. , Thowalsob ,1114 brit- tad ‘ f liNsify known olos he tete. • becepereesuettLeeM/1 yonuarr cumalll.lllll2DY. tot eat le= le la the mad sztrempat swim of *aim - el ea boated ebtletth et Met a 'tamp tor a imeetplibl. i-, Wiest sag mini by IL IaOODALI. 11. D. NA Vb. :elloll2ollloo4llabe len% gut sioitiinj ! sn Toek. DR. GEO. IL IRIY . 1111111„ • • Bata Amory— to LW WOOD Mall% PtitamiD. ggkilis,4rii WILIIANT OTG - 00,—Booko o f a li bi V I VO* rimgr a.ll.3 •l lll. B. t orbs atm weigokta 111GrAday, MirurStZt, 188 t. auch . 4tadmaistsarartptus . papas MA by the ammo; casiaa bad at the Rana %. , a lf aa aad aft" the 4 th a want. JA 112 4 - M 1114413, ICOINI AND MIMI 119 MDR AND 111:711M BLOCK, DIKKIII rim/Incur. PA: sft roa tk aaT ' tti t6the 84345. LED 5111 P oostegoments revectrully nollateL ' eyda IM MO OIL LID IMLBI3I I MMOrOOIIPANT, eabt.:l3 , POn OPTION BOX 141. RICHARDSON, HARLEY a 00, . ocnimmaium arowarsionta inounialish Crude - and Refined Petri:4oM* Co. U 11WIll mamma Mord Cfaikivlrmasoes conftuttati bt Pitts icrgh at Utters Markets.. 4rnsiblis somas= s SWIM Dilworth al opo., .11~a Ilatbsub, Try., Hall, Prin. Oesourcial TAGS &. BEA., Crude ,aid Maned i!etroieum• 'BERME, an; On was= at. P Mmmat %ozted t 4c ilal""qmco l ll 4ll4° M s pinions! unentice. attor to Mom. Ittdotgoo*„ Eulay * • Os, Wows% 'Maks • 00., ma Noolallonitas Dr* Pliftlyttrgh; WO; Taq..:Prett. Bina I Li L. lottot a 00., Ph ili•dpbta., KMNeFI ( a.IS C'IN/)135k OIL BROKERS. 1200,211 and 218,8outli Water Street/ eatpiao. oxitypromiss was a dbmpalArb., W. Jasof J. sintgr lugultof i!peor, Cluglit! I CM. WALES,WETMOBS OM, oolivaamin intinatts oir imanimult, • nj fuss* iais.azu visa: afipt• eiettkiib! lITO/UkfM .11ER , t1111PIII aita wiles las wits Sun ern Ofl won= . MAT a IMORPENNINO. ItgastichEnn orl Edam do U= on, SUIr. an LID LUIRIOATESCIou4 "saa biles fa _CUSILLDEI X ETR OLEGIIDIL Indoktsiddie aim*. a am ann. saLlha Prreirsemoz,Ps. MN IL .1:1,11LW WALLAOR (=FM, Closinaderical Disvoiuma; • aid WM It ORUDE*ILIFINED MUSLIM AMMO MO ,1411111=2111111 CUM. /b. w /1001/14/7=Thill PiaLLOWEUL sera t eriedijorearp t ryibrlAPlXllbAlso mann IMaa skin Red, of WI whirl ea Um: l ab:rid Elm *dons of Ur P. 11; R. • Id& WIZA, MUM is OC4 .comoiszow =was= (um. iacalito •an imam= om UMW! up &Mole 111116111 S 10110Pallide all • • or . Omits Petrotrook Wi 1:001911111 W&T • HAIM* SIN ENS: WCK)DWABA Nib alba. U. Weatnall 00.1 isamuk aolvszemir imam= gamma dasiamos pis is or as at Grade - and Baud Petroleaun. tv UI Boma IiONT eau= MEWL iseedtak - OIL rg r 0 n a*L'el g 6i 6. w. nomutu. • co.. IlbstibetelMO MAI= OM AID 11:138101. SUIO Haw am co Mod lb• bid qui it> El 31711.111110 OIL. amend vitboat yokel LibNP. • goal GAB ° BAL LEBBIOAT01; gam WU= BEISIOLS atd *rain tal st SaJirrn Dint Ittbek. Newil Ikon will raosptly stuaggd 146 •dett CABOT. rizawrros & wo= w Bei:tend Mccohandize Broken, mar. war, MT Tort. Li" 112 , nom rsoar tfir fligaileptdihTL ORM 4 UM= YEISOLICIM Taro mogt cras r o nA ma im ccuotolla *tun §4/ fit 11. 13 Zitl&lband r. edgy D 14. ILILLER, Js, AQU?, WALIOT 11 4 1/11.12110111: citural a wow rallownr Do OmYAoa maw ► /• 11 dans ot mot Mr smut& Istr. 0.1110111 . 01 1011 goof UM= to mod oasis. Re 011 dodo. Irooticator stoma , . pow to OIL 101 WO= I,.41,1:JP•41T1171014, OODA MilL M. AmA LLIIN a NEEDIII23,, . '.". 'acuragisWg fraioaisla Vuthaftritttertielleff ildidtalisitti it Cridi anti , Seined Petroleum. air übirsoftwiesinits. may ROW=HWORTII, In. 1 R. QLAIS 17L. PrrnaStataL Forwarding @ Clommisdork fforchaat AND DW.O O QL& arrimaninntax metonyms TILDLXOI I OIL& ext., ow ti Z l ig i t kia4 Eel Ilar We knrul maAst Opilpl,ol, sad =dal PAilj EtQUOKA ocamiturroa suatalliree, Tor the NU if ()fool(' • and Bennett Petroleum. -01 so= DAL wAsa mita% Wow , ricsmusm, WARING A ip:Ne s , =motor istlesokaa tit Pctroleins and Us, Products) b , 31,.t1111141 141140, Parc)Benin , and Us Prods" 'mak idg2oo , Twearawnr, Oji minceihk amiolaid sairrmiagral., isdraziorr Hil l fame Mona on JOUNTVIPACTritiIitIi. Ilia IeriLMILTBOESWO6II4 atm, cassia. Po. R. a. MEMO 11.1127Mah DITIIRIOGE & 00., IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES. Pram, Flow =llse to thaw'• of tbs imairst. J. 30.30 NSW OLEITLI, LAlrmsFel 00.. Pa. lIQUESSTB BRAES W 08.1113, 06DIFAN griWiriOßD• Maoltatisem of ew Relay m Aniatked BILLS 3 WORN Ilt)BPL MILE OR OAS FITTIB3, MAO 3201.17 a1N 1131. AND COM 88.1.135 CLOSTINGS, ef &Norf. p nous, - ourde to or der. STILPIDOAT WOitYr;IITEAII AND {Mari/. TENO, sod 811PAIED10.4nomptly attended to. Particoder ettonticor paid to fitting op •CIL9TILIZ9 roil GOAL •88_0.3.8202,1 OILS. Map, 30111 Avatilbr I.ll•Wertern Dfstriet of Pennerf raral,kr the al• of - 111•3131{, LAUSBILL • 00.'3 LAME= 132PR09 PUMP, tau beet ever tomited. flaring no taboo Ma not Ilablo to get act of order, and Intl ems mare *stet 'Memory iroasp af brie* ltietoe. eon .4 . ;71:W0RK13. SIZACIUITCIBIII4 Ilfia La & Co., romilisse ASO raM3M4 Closter of Plk. an/ crummy ens alai City *air Warksj Ifoauftoirtrors of dattionary and otbar.lNG MILLING KILL 0611111 Off Ind muranagaT, of Jobber. Prom tlou siren to roOstrtn[BOLLIII9 I ILL 111.! daftly ROBERTS, :AILNEIi a 00., . MI6 UP =Lint It., Ptttibargi, Sin AzD'inciarr IRON wocram • ~ . And Ilf.w.tectarati at • ,ICAPAZINNIDTIN WARE 11r64niisoir'imitialSetartog ariE 3ai. 6u land Bath. I AppixatmL*ll Tone. Wart la.A. Ka, Wave "deacon' Rea La Onnistara, Closh and Elp BOiwi t Dram" Spitteoni, &a I law kW Bird tog sale low. Oil Owl of on dm , Cbodadati, sad on kin& of Job =am to FATErrna 00TOBZB is xanucuxurs 1:4175/12 M‘lP.'erM7Tn7rl7 - r74 II 1/111131r1 0111111111. firaltimasyt .n tartoodod dat dam. boot ing all pr-tti ths glom ottoily,D. D dans not max. CriCkb4. & u to hot Pttrabot Watts, Woahtutto 1011 rinnb,2o. P 031116 j3141.01C DIAMOND MEL WOBSB, Frnittnati. IL PAUL 4 3 : 1 = 1 :14 Oat listsrsietengeor .asyrrimaris unnigini OUT ffnUno sqoars, Mot oak °atom •es an dm lrairsatitl egad fa any tmportod or roorodhotarod la MU coastry. sir asse; at 4 adlti run sad Ito nd MOND Pittabargb. kLLYS IWOINMICK k 4:10.. YALLIT ACM. Tectils.PDlOVA i ! lllWWwslass. SU =um , Karefigunirs.o4,ool. rD.LOB .IMCD RIULITSIG noil alW..r.tiol Az il a La ur g a tm .a l4l s 4.l m oMa a LOWM d O o.lM = . l r a i ztza. irW.4oiMr:.. ih-a;lr, k b...==.'"Vv .- Art. 'names sa , w, lUD. with Iliarm = rOrli. . :A iwa, PENN MACHINB WORKS • IND SOIDEDIIT. • - Et. miasmas a CO., =QM BEILDIEW £3D ILMMTEIM, Gazocs Ihm* Wens 1144gral sad eleatasky, ALLIBONSIM CIM A lExosilleteren orsrunmurer&Vitre mamma °eat:mons° MAN UM" Eltattmg. Mom llPlartos of all Ida& 4tesibit its. THIRD WREST FOUNDRY. .A !*1 PAWLS. formartr Swam 4.4•llerma t MIVD=rII. Woes kb bligivaCtli• pabll• Cat •Me veal • Irosoktry the comer *MLA thwt put Ukaseery mantle Tafloes nem Pwandry, tb•pse•omt umptaldwft LIGHT SUOMI:II& AT .4LISTINCI3. - QUM KOMM, MAIM ba pad •Watlon item to thaityn mark. eill0•1•1 smsommes. ra. Mvowxsai ams. of the firm of . a meal.) 10111 A. =MON 000 at rionbal, arra O&. ) IRON IFOUNDIIIII sad Mandocturem 1.2 . Wall, Sulkers!. Ps. JOIST O. 0111:803 00. WELA: RIDDLE a 00., No,' 215 iamwt. opposite etas, PitLb~f L. martictwan of WHIM LAMM mad In, sad ono drtatiptke of LAMM =MI6 WONI. Orden .211albld fras the Wads, mall goats ii. preMy alappd MI tratroctlar. SEVERANCE, No. 53 Warms Be. sootastorto of DOILIB 11.1=111 WBOOGIHT storms mad railroad. of trs*7 Soo rattAtrot. rartlestor sled sr bpd lITIZItS ud torso or small, mad. to trolorr is than oottos i = soortmoot CalildinUT OD boa& *Mao D& W. BEN Manufacturers of . mime MO OBllllm Lia CHILE oozes, MD RAWL Ms sad Wanda 's. IS 1/{a. id VIM MN= Pandered. BLANDY'S POIITABLB STEAM SAW MILLS had BLAQI:4I • ?OWN& mail. SWIM. XlO 11s. OILAIIDTS ammo lotto Wotl9.9hosulQ 9 . Dila rbta.V4stts,Htlratßo. Stlrtrts iMillftt tat Eke mak= ma/ ittlittUdtr; Mrs Itatleasl Tam thr. oltty ostpped [sr oporstkos. Mit Nat uality of Wa hl.. Was 11. Qs % M inbar% Fs.. sat IMO he Wart d Ky. UK !Kasen tias short dos of vista. , have 9. Shalom Lowthe ns& cd SACCO SO Stoll to three sooths. Josh 1J 4 , MOM be oat; t9th Jene-16.030 bet oak. Mated ttstordttpos Assi emend stoma pt an be hidul Ibr Nnitrated eiraQdr, hith Assortptioas and tootle ot orottors. Mario , •H. & Fr BLANDY, I,e E....nub. or soh" Ohio. QM" stets sad coosocadosos witched. gal:ft ousra, PATIEST . . _ MOLDED COLLARS Ars set amply ball plane of pow get he Da 10V01 et collar Sin are NAY ant Dour Is p Clo, mak, Itints tdimal earn tow Msansolo a brag; erblob le oto by Mr patented groom; woe it waren as ether bp se erlireslbar,tta o ammo /or U.= ra= a r i ndowast" Os bulbs 0 7 which Is =IV =oath gaffes trout psetargo_= t tlols we. nesting, and duratitliti They 170,50 a to re wadi to tarsodairs stile t to dos trotell ts 011210L11 tram 13 to 17 Inns; =47. 74 77 Deal Mu boxes, of 100 la mei of 11 •774-4 L . latter I en7handy pselage for travels; strip and navy alms. air MILT OOLLA7/ to stomped ss Gray" Patent Molded Collars's 5014 b 7 atl Matt amain Is Utah PandstbayNtaila 1154a,a04lillat • fat by DIME=110161X1:11 4 00., 1017 'Etna attain, rtilbutelpbV l 1201.1. Lowaira co., • • •7 Worm attatdatsal TteL ba:1111401 QDA BTERMASTIFIV GENBEEtiL 0171 WI. „ . - • "Mai WITIMOII, Wunsmn,p. 9, Ilaltaabor MIL J NCltii as at ?MAU. &calm, to the Metaat IA4A/4 at eattlwassaalwas masa Wow, via tut, Pa Aanba7 N1A,15,11M Meow Mina:May Ikpa labasmiora ,TAarmiai.eact 912, uaq TWO UUU3LD OANALAY Roam AT ILACIM ' . Placa. 'Peel lase heti hen caukteheil so WU for the I Tsll7 settee °Ma Oar.. 110 e rick iiedDrsicti Wren{ may goal Dugan I What.' Boas DM Itoer. Tom mask ha DeJlei Wake termeel. zy °C4er o3 th a 4 ,l ' 4ll, '"Yr u nts a Lua u giedAr ..pianat,442lPThet Melts 4. D. D. . .1. guittatEt ! ',' • Awn urraYnaiLl!t4 iu►rm►AMLlT, 00 "lika MUM ammo** rn ignang:=Plitsiiittif li ="..tiwow t ____• wakei r wrs iblu ata l • .1 , Atirtuse=tiagz•AtTOtaltre, .011110111123' riii=estlMErriM writ - OW • IL IL TOW k 00. 1: uoa tiitaß-45 shires Oduals thi 4 OWL atiAT 04 D. WAIN 0 00, 6 . kinepp . furz9, pazonuoz, ifc. Rau'arate.-...atenitna A. IMMO AIKEN- a= SEMPLIAD Com Nwittit sad beaks la ilnaelipi ea/ Det tonatia 1710179, FLOUR, norm., cri4: ll ;ii/N ,, lim_ POTATOZA, usi ?roam tinectll7, Tib. oPticalta Paassnacc Dnitat, Piandep. 4 - 7. a. bEhrorat Ck, %eta I Goan, CaAp i • ~e ids AttrnlT, late a cb. Aittn Graeae, l'ltnnbuib: Rio n feDotteti&Etronn a co.. rhilada; Treats attanwns, at. ; ah;dur • mbar, Nay 7 =kt Stanford i Lanett. Cincinnati styli, FUMEvAi GORDEB, Produce and Commission Merchant, No. 1.0 BMW, coma Wm: Dool.rto MOUE, EVITNILBELOONN MTh!, LARD cazir3r., POHL DEM AND NNL*.N INUIT . owl P Mtn . Mb 'Anew an anal =At - 611 cts C AdatEamY, , Produce and Commission Merchant. IS. lit LIBIETT STREIT 19t. asellitaZinat KEltallatiDl/111, BROILES, And witind. or 00IINTIIT HENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, N.. 110 8017113 W.&ZZE If, Damao, nib. Partials: attsa paid b EDfnj arasta tar RaGHWININ, PROVISION& rLorrs lablT:Cm R T A W-- . * INT a. s. Arm. COMMISSION Asa Malan In finvin, orals asul'Prodttes, IRiBEOO ST, t.t.k.n. Wood* &gamed, VITVIBVIIGEL. THO 4. L MoOLELLANIN sec ok to 4441,41.124• EVIA;) 9Fm.14. mausEags $l3BO/1119T igsratis and" rrinlsions. cat eratum .l v i mee mktm• awl lib of rsrso vo. 9T Imp nusburgt.r. re F. QUII&BY & CO., Commission Merchants, No. MO ectITM WATII3 caloiLetci. Oh. .p stteation to perabaltaj floe ir &rain, iirovitsioni, itcn ...—GEO. T. wove. r:conidat =mu SMM7I4 anon= Aro contermsren islagma,lo:#,„ er., ' rtillanitatt. *OF IT sada ba;l7 : : • .vlr. Adm. e• . Olgrj&tettiEeMaWAr ibe agabrated Indontorn CINIMNS: • Sennat and 146 nut Wens, taws Wooddad InKritslikteAst • ' roma.. 11EAD & KEMAL); Grooand Joi When' dare isms, &Ala( Janda o 1 Counia Praloce aul talbsegli IbuanAbotio. SW Lawny atm; %vets Pi best of Wood burgh. WAY VUTMB.AL _ON, Commis' sion Wbdemals Balm m IMMIX 811- Biavir Dunto samxe, airrrza, soak OBAIIIB. sad rodlcat Alaci, MATZ% VIVO, OIL& tIT Mace strost, rigiburgb. iarostharameitszsods.ONagansmai mikado& 1•11-G=.1 lI3X=! N 185 Liberty WM. P. BECK & CO. TV Street, Wbolsiala Omen, Otax stinkalfferchaats, and &Won la 00IINTET PRO % .PROVISIONIAOOI9, LARD c il rls 7ll, OHIELSI, Ars, ?PAM FLOM 9 . 137493, 0 AND DRUM 9a. 9ALT ind,Ll93l. OEN- B. cANFIELD, 001113071101 AAD 1161,10/V a irtir 10141E 4, gA OOli. IMUI a I 2 , MI 6 EMAILUZILItd. 1)1111ED Mtn, and Produce geoarall7, 71061.41 and lad Twat ¬ 1901.10ar61a K 7 . ncc LITA4sI: amts L ITTLE TittNrwric whoinge Gro. . cars Ana Clawahcka Esisslaswoh draws te 21.41V u Lat i lk.Ita f r =a sl 9 , 3= UMW, claastaatems paer . "1,17.141 sad 114 rasa dirt "ONa%. M it triefitiEl l tinoCe= * joN4 . EVIT3. AND 8/1000.0A NM MLR& Waß l . l Mka,. l aa Wood dzsg. Acne SUM. Pluaßluts- 171017 TTERSON & MIMON, ODKNISSION NIZONAND3,' 17.01 TA AND OWN. ,sed glows] ,PBODIIOI Sohn, Ns • WOOD I. ritilberlek. 1:1:4:.::: - .1;43: 1 .r: —.: A' : • : COLLIN% Strwarllbr i A ik Omosbaion Martha& M tug data Is CHU B nodal* •,. 1 , N. CI Wood street, 11172 TLOTD WILLIAM runs • "WEN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale tho uen tad Ocanadadas Karebants, aa, m Wood sad ins ['CHARLES L VALDWELL,(Buccessor to V Jam. Holmes h 0o.,) POWS PAOK3K sad dinar to PROVISIONS, °mut of Earkll and leciati Pittuburgh. WU. EIHEPHARD, Commend C l Yestammtead &milers l 7LOES/14ILLICH PRODIJON„ N. 137 Liberty street, Plttebergk. Choke brands of Mar I 0 Wars and Family zies era etently eatmed. Perticuisr Magi= paid to Min Wan bee Iterchendlse morally. oetktily GTOR IsTISEND, (ourontsor to Lulls= Tornaeada PORK PACIIII3 atat &the to PUOTVUOVB. U.» Na. 13 I Fara street, me Lamm, Ptttskaak. . . tuat • ' U. YOWL VOIGT lc CO., Inaccoesaarato L. G. 14 a CNA no AND OONNIBIIOII CIUNXI4. 2 NSADRN dm; NNatagth. , swam • DALLIni, DEra . ,DELL k, CO., Whole aromas, Ocnarilastaa and romaxama K& thuds, sad dmilus•la•Prodara and Pttlabargh man abacus, Lib strad..Pittplguil ' . 11 WALL/LON, Coat:6s6lon Ibrahim; as . id Wholes:to tit* is FLOUR&ad CLita Posampt Depot Pittsburgh, P. Worms Wan. bow, comer Wank° sad Penn Wmets. on17:17 131074011......--.11. CI 'Mail AIERERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whaler 1.1 Ira* Groom Yoram . Dealers 111116 a 1111z11 en. 4, Pittibash: Ted DICKEY & co:, Wholpoole .I. 43 Oomodestos orobanta. anal alas la PU0511502. o. Wotor otrukt and 65 Stoat dm% of ttdorik. . aragluratinc. wimArsas. *I KIESPATRICIE C.l • moat •la 'Br tricksy 1.74 HALM, 0110010113. Ma. 181 NA UPI Ll:batty 04444 rgiO/Or• RU) 901 oFEE—Jaattociefted 0 FEE—Jaattociefted • NJ dna. tad ofidia}wBbtbto; Jo prime whitiLid.. gasps and okl Jam Mew Tor ego at the tamlly gro. dr) stud of 101119 A. =MEWL ' darner Meaty and Hal l GOMA JJews DALZELL a SON, Mamma Mum of LAUD OIL, sad Damanlea Nor abbots for Oa pazaaams tad cola of COMB Alin SUMO PUTBOLZOId, Nos. to sad TO Watt Wawa PluabaraL. Advances toads oa “astrameata. 1. I. JOSE LE•3IIT T E. LIGGETT k CO., CITY FLOUR. 1.4 . TEO INLILB, some Liberty Adam end and% IlirOspacits, 400 Wads per du. gni Lase' WHOM A Wrell LANG, COMMISSIOX A. 7 Meselaleall sae wholesale dealers te 011.0018- IA nous, GRAIN, PRODr7.., t0.,1404= Meal/ eased it bbl: oat " WATT 6 .WIWN, wtobssie • Oro'.' mi, aom li *foil Xerduate, and dales m rn =4 nnowin - Be: tad MeV strict Pittatargh. Q LINDSAY 71g.•& BRO.,%Wholesslo and iJoßsten 011003313, WWl= AMTVPRODUOIED nip 2114; t 1r1 Mai" itrW.Atbsriar (IEO. ALBERS, SON'& 004 - WholoBl4 N. 71 sad Natal Do BOIYTB, INA eml /earth stmts. Pittibscrek . IaIDGERTON & STEWART - Wi bi3n eliislci asXIM3 Mar 0011:11331Thar 41..10/ Awl nuestattlamadi, - :*; %WU., TIOHN LHOTINWh 43E0. .C 1315 MVO Tult entadedliet MAR W&Witroiltaltistrameu _ 1 13A83IMY W " 413 " 1134 /lila *Jot 1 : 1 i n44(loonwil, 11 ` :t•:. it I N U 9l l 2 o l " M li i mu ito 4l.4s l. "" 3 1 ' I:r a. 19Aritic —Ul nts. W . ! • e Quypacßl Onll nigiNgt-- uxusais ram 31 ""i r los. A it ri a , AAA s ent T. vili aClifi. Wood 21•411Tikh aai 4timaiPi•s. Itabbiellmeed Ow sad Min_ apeig aseated. am.„ Wuris • NW. Pod sad Sao ?MG OM% Mx We ter LIT 4 00.51 land. ale n fkrogt.: , 44 -1.86t - ,711w& •.. • • h.:, aisalrasiszerf"W 9 ,6 44 CwaWattiddlkakiaw .tai nt wrapaine tlkk rmalkal Coeds la* sad mart'. Mb. ea 4z may patatbie can lOU be awedw4 kenos pumas =Li wwwwseal oS IWO& tn i to-.E. b.ww risp* to ~IWO Is KW." Tbs-ITLEOI3I3.IIAWOIIIMODAT/ 0 / 1 f/Alll • tbilinswavalitalka (arollDi &mean , ate. s • • atiOnftig el all ataitcw...;lowasa Eltwiewei eke MAW/0W tad suklar dbwli Iwwwwwile !p?, , Tara nI 3 .O I •AMN. - • - - TIMOUGH 111.11110174,111-lapas moron; ie =lsa) as kin t i v o:. :p legivebbewt br Baltiaasa=ablat t s ao or Tim Tack .tialktlis Inta 11330170/L Ertit=l , l.o;diciatit . : a As. stoPftagc° l7 sl.debtint. Aratla t fl oi tattE aatioratiaa at 110124.1 1 Fal 1 011xlm Ts.. PABIZMEiIIms u.staticn billyouwia4 day)!LkT s l. kte9Pbak =lisrtb 4 n Wolf ~ ia 07::802Willre Tekk Atiltatets - raw goat. of_awil 41101 fkrlallk 4 4kbl kW Ns, 16111,.,! , • - t.:AGOOXIS2OM I I= O Z irilltkniljell4rA.l=2Pbk al an etatitat wit r=4..ll.ixamaxWltzwidenatt Train M wan ati= dikr(szewpt , 1..m4 AdobaswtellOs T4a#l artWaiPt e l jgd a Tar=gt - tarWall's Mona Wail eat iccapel 3 . o ol"kl ii/ t * " Ircarib - s - • • •• .M b.* GllaralVressn mar oil aira &atom Arrta Oa Is WS t. Fa.l tataratati;bitat:MUlPOSA iL *fibbbili iibihrslr "•••."...19t 50 1 1 :: r 12:60 ; 1243 a, da l •4.10:1111e. Oki IL-06 AE,' sais, bi n ) . 16.1- " a1a "; 04 " 717 a 1 .... rod LID. .1 1 ,Tntt.—..::: . .T•Akect=3:7s.l.e.-10:6:4-.....6:—., ittlf ~.W•Weltiodtaa seasatodsss-- limas WW;i6 , tatiss Aoccamodsztas Thred, , Balliss - Aessassalaika---:-. . .. rasaa,VlC6666 6 ka Acesiaxastaa... 4----1111146 NVI "BelOrocro 'a• T niiirrin i n i Plll3a 4 .4 "itet , ' Tate peord 11650visoil• Ntliti3t keglafttunplanailociacareCitßlitriet Di - Irak Tfaysgb Ales=kstales lams sad assrsarTrate Not sail walk -,.: taws Lams sad Jobastosa Alsawasodstka V Tramlialmitalv as _maiso a% Oren= .66 bap* Tnau sad lasaTraa wa6,16. 1 6166 Tlataalikaam6p: tTo TM T0rk.........11.1 ars Mali cr5.....;... 1 .66 V1LE664616‘.....16 fa To lasolaese, • _44111 , ; To Vszatharl--..... T 66 Ts Ansel 5.L..........: ...T lit• , o =ar e as t 4 l l.l6 ell Hatkas asst 1.652-11 Sad ThEgahris, Iblibilt M. law Tart. i Passopt6=tiekas: Is ass tail ,iiel tl, =1 2 3 Lbststatfas -Ista,V*taailArrilia 4 I ," ft& ~ ~. ~ .. tai;Cla, M AMMIII d las.;lter . qialwitill 205.11 The i4r 136 *a P"NOI:OMPIPAINFO is as asnaatto6 szoss6r6s 61CO. .. , ..-..,, , R, 11.41.-4 a °cabs Lbw ass bed Inftopil :* limicgarrial bergap' lio sat acatlis , Dll94- amp sat 66 taasso;66 ant} la ssolsPallolla Imam* "ix 41***22 1 .7•Pc• .._ _ v • turgeassiesabou • ea Misty apianar, i .Ai nears, ",-- .• 1864:-.TZIPAtlt Y WAYIEWIAMVAIL ."' WAY sad (=FILMED.* TEMIIIIIII , EDAM . _ einimar. =idle' • (hi smi latr ILLY IfiriVe4, l o l ls 2l ran ~ Ptesibsth Ctdc.r. ;',: 1 11",:1111 1 4 - , 1 4 1 S2t 1 "' o. trlOTir 5t..10) uotTNI p. COOMIDDATWN" ThAM--loami cel l* /Maws. ratilini, H. Pr Mar Cl.lla , ewers hlO poi). alls a.' go, lap. B. • Arda . kw:lT:its «mimeo /mi. ttetiektpt Coo Ituranotossistra - ••• , ' • luta a f tm • ll4ll,l7 _ a.. ado a: c 0.4 tap. iat 410 kg!. . 5 01:01143 PAZIZIL %MAI - Duffs brochls._ • ! ' A14 4 0,T - -ci•taa:c ER..4 A b //11 - 41 ItZ' • emiruzitT zastimatt • i t • ...CtahElß ON- ' 111.4 ARM atommtroto seraatimegtot team tab mom NAIL max.—room TN:two dttyl maiscstar et 118 18.• !..Bhivi. lift* itakerwriVir 1835a thrhoatarlirmais4 OrMOM* et p. o.„prehlat stsuattits sit UM MIODAISOM TEII3-..lastris hub pEat. M i t Zadelar, arablanda anal: IS 10014,,, 94130 tr. etaihrtf„. l ",. ‘ll:4B2.lllliii•V'' 0 1:41 : POBRIGN MIGRATION AGINcTIR , . Penh' attar l ud o trwtke a End CEtiii"s i 1 . . ~,,,, • , El the CM alio atlo Plat Ammon el Ow M.& ' =lLabib so7ai NailLe=l ,.. t% xi relut wears zais - ......-1010 tem PernlkaaX o Dianimm tais. itamfaa.........2001 Ir. Aardww—istKO Wm Osiginiella Oa 1- i !Tim dam= Islam Limpid. wary TITIMIDAT. *wising at Lawkwasery kr the Tel& owl akszkir 1 I own olut lail sat% sad tam vorarpoint . _, B totioas tor =an. Foro boo 14wiqpoot so ~, „L ., I II i sh in iPTAISCIAI 3S 6I II 7 . .84.1wg TwArats,halLiteKow To!. -,,,,:. i =Viz% 7,,,* *;6 , VIST= pool Littotwatgoim Ur talcum; .i. ' 4... ...—...iac"mras mu............i*, cboo.u.slace , . azdar0t0.........11,211 .8 4..... . Kama attiottlaw.-.11,T0 Mama Dloodsoug,ht. inotair— 4 ACM1Lg...............-2.250 No . Phi , Vang00ra:............:Acce ' i.. , , Ton, Kourmtay, tallow Tait. 1151;r liumal' itttitaggh. ill SO. I' ,, . , Tionsgwobxkollthroagh to ffiiij part d Cholt Biota or °madam wham rag - dm& Two of Iwo ken How Took kw Ithorpoct imam* tawatr a at tlto outwore Imitr a wfboad to ampittog. • ' trow Now Tea to SU _ r.. . 4 iIIGIHT DUMB= vatic( Zarapolow ,t it It .__— . toV 11111XLL. b! SNOW Chroaktr Viaft& VIM ittest.l : az VI VaaliSeli 4 _crux, WHIKICIN TO - . LIVES: rk.,7 i'lX4/. toootting atlanitatraM ( rala Harbor) no wail boon atoomers or tat cas Soo York and Phrlatolobto-de . - m a Llaa) Qs tutisualoosia as sonel a a .Dreinnott 4 . o lzdah 1116 1 1, _A. "p. ; ftrror WASHINGTON....—astirtm - • - Dirt or iwicassvm, J. -ammo, sow= ,t -A'', and VIM macanittaa tliatotortrit ma. al= lat'i Ili' '. . "" r : al2loo.o.tiot . _.:_ _.__ Ilayablo wink% or Ito orttrolost is masa 1e.,..'. _ .-: t • to 10t0t01..... - .- . IMOD . • ao loarba ... - ...041 - 11 '.'.." • lo ram_....... pa 00 0_ .to a • tollamtrarg—.9o CO . 0 toEfaratocra-- 4a , a hilmalgaishe tororstatt to Hain, ifiroto, iallakt..l dos, •AatlPK•b, Ab•OallqultY low Them iil.hum ! , . .:,t, ram tem temp= or frotoolltors I 11l ii m, Buinch lai Thom lobo Atifttill i' ihdr aisobtoma M7gelato Los oi illa 1 -,74 itos. ks. . J , rot Mad . taftwoottost 14,911 _lija* .R. O MOIL ' I g.' a. ' - , 1 . " 11810 ' 1" =.. 1 4 ..- ~.., : -• " s'.E„ . MI Ha. ilr=iti= culsAlw LThraak.u. tro n a m. 0.. Li, tii7oo:tnan vs suresess. Vl= MEW TOIL US b =mom - tsaa woo sea. WV:* 41. atteMitrist ATa r mi amiase -aasea. II Dar GOODS, 4c. nisr-Artumc--rim - voulug---uni ;„: . WILSON, GLIM tc, CO, ry • t•p: Vote 'Fib" Pep, t& Ohl g. inltage444lri oTOBEGs Alm ixiiimmq ink •43001='ood street. tlartl loan gan • . . Finovacsom &co Ineeetaia E.t.a ta mmomms, sannwarans - and DST GOO= at sew dactiptioty IN* Wail, • rink Awe; Miburlith. _ . • MACS= & GLYind, W11.018liabi;1 - 1111 01 Dealsrila ki2lol ISTAPTAST 04)0D8,15/3131Th011, 7111 KaatmA 1111 F I wen Diamaad sad Tooth. Pittamb.. • a'PAt .015 1 5cc84 Woo& amok ice. Baler la BO =Oh sad MAW 4;10Q I=treFfifir".' BIIEDb 9:1 Al •TJ Metal ,Dpi In EMMA AHD TAN g e l / 4 01X, - GOOD% Noremiskixener, Warta Ind Zaz!MII, 41- 1 --LbuiemL.'. ' i. '°3 i t Oahx,ftig-7,•'` ' l 6r 4 -tfilifoost JoudisiPß ' . rmtim l44 .r. Turf '..,. 1 , ••', : DRKG0187414 . " - ... . 3 =" ^-'4 i; g . 1 .,,,Y t o , . z sa saa niti= r aelleAli.: 2 AM WOW' ....-* ligiaf; k n. ..f 3.'"'" -- _ _ tll=oAer' gici A niMluna a rp-,40114 - = ‘,400, 24,4 - Tom „a othoor ,chmo rtio IdreilitrAgare4 airifll , 4l_„ , et Inumstagiar -- arr =Da ra 4 14 0 1 " 011 '7- ‘ 4 "'" 1:1"111F.'-:" nR. GEORGE a ICEY:F.R, Aar No. 110 Wood 'trod, cat= et MAIM, littsbugh. ".T1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers