She Vittsburnit O'nutte. 1 4. 19EPT. 6, 1664 mom tilON NO ONO. von remount ;- -- 118,HAHAVLINCOLN, of Honda 'noe, woe nunnsies JOHNSON. of Tennessee. • , mizolt couzrry TIOSET. • • - •0 0 1 • Durreurrr : 'MU K. WooBILLeD, Pittsburgh. • CORGIMUI.-TD DISTRICT : TOOWSS WILLIAMS, Alleabrzer „ , XIIR/Poi J. SUWON, Lower et. Q. ;o P. atm, 04. JR.JL OOLVILLS, OUT. - ALTasst a taxa. AwsiLcay• ' -- - MLI9II anwincrE, -2,, , - , WWWIO/ 1 T. MEM& lief forth:. 41/WXInWILD. PILLOW, Indians. PIROTII01101 11 T: ni.ooß It: VALVE, Goy. • • 001:011T11: y tL CLAWSON, OW. SAL DAVID, Soiletley. General Sherman's Official. Report. -;•"; teeterday brought us Gene* HitEDILLYS • '-dll4llreport of the capture of Atlanta and ' , defeat ort Moen. The eighths' took place on Thursday of last week, out. • the fern/adore of Atlanta. It to have been severe, butaot of that des leSure the importance of the issue led A;:filte country to expect. We captured on the Spjdtsa:gnne and fifteen hundred prisoners. left their dead in our hands and • slimy wounded. Finding himself defeated and ,'r army cutin two, HOOD evacuated Atlanta 'ran Thertailiznight, drat destroying seven lem Slionuitirte end eighty-one oars loaded with ; eilimedsition; email arms and dorm. Be also laftlourteen Pieces of artillery, mostly unin. • 1. Suriii, and 4, large number of fire Irma. Gen -. .til. F,:ersto,ousz, whose corps entered the city on ~ - gridity atoning, telegraphs that deserters are ,;, l aenatisitly coming Into our lines. completely outgeneralcd. Has , • •- , :falt thinly savored every railroad cow. 7••xituribiedhilr with Atlanta except the Macon 8 , 9:111001, on the 20th of August., with twenty days' retina, cut loose from ' his • oink comosruslostions and placed his army pcnth of-the city on the Macon road. Roca, Itnowlag thal,•if be lest that road, he lost ev. - • Arli e :l24loz by no other route could he ob. supplies, had previously posted his army for ire defense. The result is given above. nisriiiication must be great, but that of JUL Dsva matte tenfold greater. With the characteristic impatience of our people, the questionle already asked—What Mill flumuus do next? Think a little, reader, before pots ask that question often. The ar my sf ,fleaersll3l*lxA2l-Itoods rat. It has -been centtnmtfly it work, marching and fighting, since the sth day of May, just four mumilus, and a glorious record it has made for itself. There IS no brighter chapter in the his tory of any war of any. age. From Chloy . honk to Atlanta t The world knows no each aohle of Military genius and soldierly' valor as that which those two words read. , the heroes rest. The nation owes them that and more. They have taken Atlanta The President has very properly appointed • Zell Sunday to, be observed tthrougheut the --United States as a day of thankegivlng for .4 the glorious 'victory achieved by General fineeffan and his brava army. Be has also • publieirreturned the thanks of the nation to General Sissies and his army, and Admiral issitecar and his hearts of ark, for their achievements at Atlanta and Mobile. Orders have also been issued requiring an. 'Mond salutes to be fired'at every arsenal and dairy yard in the Gaited States, in honor of this awe glorious amnia Soldiers-in Gabel Prisons• petition. is being circulated and, we anderstanik namerotuffy signed in this oily and Allegheny , preying the President to use everfluniorable effort to secure the deliver ance of the thirty thourand Union prisoners equislarti,,centineff that loathsome cattle-pen it Aadamoriville, Georgia. We quote I couple --tit paragraphs from that petition "A hundred ou:wend cad and broken hearts , are eating—gla outliorernment 'saltless in this - anatter 'l' (With the sin of the Rebel aortas -.,...ansurtutitheryou nor we have anything to do.) 'ls there any ineuperable difficulty In the way of their liberation T and if so, what it It r They know ha!disputes is to numbers have arisen ; they believe that the Rebel authorities have Ili de unreasonable demands they are, not Igoe , , lant: of the Tanta of those authorities to ex :chugs colored men ; hat do any or all of than ` -,- ;counter% an upology that would stand the test at th e bar of either God or man for the °oaths- MOW of a little of things so horrible as that which new exists? The stern soldier and the matechitingotatismari, may soy Yee ; bet the agonized souls of parents and friends, and great heart of the nation, say No.' Aoy nonoesslon short of dishonor, any sacrifice short of national min, ought to be made rather than lore than noble men In the condition they are .-_-..: , ..5k-Peopfe, In theta ralamiteas dame, think In ----,',4ll4teit and -profoundly; and they reason and aiatetferdiktiiiloginatly.,:An.d'severeiy. They are ---net - Mid - to. the-feet that men , in high Omar *km - rerniiiiritTitere fade and obstinacy for honor salarffrnillear; andtbroonelosion to which many them - hhisi arrived, that cams nosh mistake his Siatitilittlien ills roan the exchange of - -- Astitimars; is net ealealated to strengthen the thrsentment tattle terrible hour of triaL They a.Athink too of the"awtal cry at agony whieh is perpetually-ascending to Heaven from that slaughter-pen at dudersonailla—whether tared in prayer. the language of Belch and Mopes or in groaning' which cannot be uttered, or to : 't e n and blasgismy, the ont-bursting of load despah—end ark themselves hether that my is catimdated to bring down 'Awn our Ocreinment the favor er the wrath of Bed?" It's netts our readers are aware, our hal?.. it to instruct the Govorxmat in its duties, but WWI be permitted to add our earnest - Jaye that, If it be possible, the prayer of the --Tatßth, aura may belied- li the Babel des potism at Richmond will agree to an exchange trittoneh, ham for inert in Rod's name let 5.. the exchange be pado at once. Let all other ~.—.‘qutathuaretualn to be =Wed hereafter. We "can afford to let - -theta be held In. abeyance now, for the end of the Rebellion le neer at hand,' when every knotty question will be cat with the sward of GIIA.HT and the Union- "". •• -The -Dratt aria its Postponement. The draft is not to be obasubmrd by the tloieznmrnt It could not do so without lay tho charge of-cowardice and ,:inslitoillty. It could not abandon the draft 'Willful doing greattnjustice to those districts which tate labored so diligently and patriot. tcelly to their quotas, while other districts ‘liste done nothing. it would do injustice to - • -the Our, too, by not !Ungainly the number of a — snits nettled to 1111 up cur 61111i011 to Qs stand ard required by General GRANT to subduaithe _Rebellion. Secretary Braaros says that two ' *twine' thousand melt,' tare :volunteered underlie last call of the President, but, after tislng fon till naval.enlistments and other ;Credits, at least - another hundred thousand • mast he famished.: These mist and will be •ebtained by draft, toiteu those districts which Vire not yet lilted their quotas at once bestir ,thtritelifer, tii'eorepy_ with the just - demands - ; 3 g the Goyennuent. VA thedintliiotuall7 ... - • ardereitin.any given district, It is understood that the oppottunity tem It q u otaqowith vol. Mitiertpl4ll, 81111. tented* Unti hat time ;4.1 Gimes:anent Will oorthnue p y the . 2!1 Ono hundred . delimit' toiolunteins Vriiiieyeartf Every Rebid . ; therefore, Which •11114.117-sslslies to mold tie drag will Epp no *mike and no expend:llin of FLOM to fill. . . itaknota Witliyoltinteens. • Andlet the Work oft at once, for the data grate! new .770/brited 'Ansel the cater s of 'thinks. ho foog continued. Mb. • - • - -01 May expfna tlltb the 2 .1, • C=:=D • ~ . i '• ' aw' Yogi, eitaverghwiiiknoWit . rulad 'bi.: the Denummey. When :the news Mime, a 1 few days ego, that the Chicago Convention I had nominated a candidate on a platform which wield humiliate the nation at the feet o f the Betel leaders, the City Hall and other pn No buildings were atoned with Saga. W e a the news of fineamter's simian!' cap. of Atlanta tilled all hearts with joy on Ba y last, and when from every house top on Broadway the Blare and stripes were joyfully waving their congratulations on the • gleidatm victory, tAe . poles on the 01W hall wars standing insultingly bars. This outrage watt committed by Democrats—by the men who support INTCenenas, whose hopes of traceess noteriovely depend upon the defeat of the Upion armies between now and November. Ills New York admirers did not hesitate to show their mortification upon receiving the news of Bananas's splendid victory. What la the use in the Democratic party asserting any longer that their sympathies are with the !Dion and not with hurl. Davin 7 Nobody Ibelieves them. Their sympathies are just the other way. And they can't help letting the est out of the bag upon every occasion that TOZAIONABLE speeches were not only lit tered in the Chicago Convention, but there were proved traitors holding seats In that body. aIIJAXI3 HARM, of Maryland, was there, -4tio said, in a speech in Congress last spring, that "the South could never be conquered, and he grayed God Almighty it never condi be." Worse even than this minion of Jeer. DAVIS, w as WASELTHOTOIS BRADLEY, of Harrodsburg, KenWelty, who fought three years is the Rebel army, and then went from Kentucky as a dela. gate to Chicago. The - people are asked to support a ticket presented by a Convention in which men who fought against the flag, and n6en who sympathise with those who are seeking to destroy the Government, were delegates ! But the men who love the Union are not blind. They will rally round the flag which is held aloft by the brave at. mice of GIUNT and 1311EILMAN, and they will trample in the dust the white rag which pro claims 'submission to traitors, sad which is upheld by such Democrats as lanais and BRADIST. Tux Pluabargh Pow will have it that General•lit CLILL.III4 woo instructed to arrest the Maryland Leghhum° but in the same breath claims credit for h is "vigilanoe" in detecting the dark conspiracy, and running, like a faithful messenger, to "his own Gov. ernment" with the Information. All of which shows nice discrimination in the Put. Bat, more wonderful still, it goes on to say that I the arrest of the Legislature was "right in every particular ' " and "all parties connected with it are to be applauded." if se—and we agree with the Port for once—why In the name of common Isonzo has it made such s faze . in attempting to shift the responsibility for that onset from the shoulders ot Rain- SAM upon those of Mr. 1.13001,11? Gen. Sherman's Plan tor • nceaaationnt There is an impression that General Sher man's defeat of Hood's army and capture of Atlanta was not reckoned upon by the sages of Chicago as amongst those "immediate ef forts" which. they "explicitly deolared" ought to be made for • "cessation of hostilities." Gen. Sherman, we fear, acted in this matter with his usual headstrong impulsiveness, without consultation with either Jeff. Davis or Vallandigham. &oh dation ea Sherman, Grant end Farragut are den garotte men,but one comfort remains—whatever they take away from the enemies of- the Veen between now and next 4th of March, they will be made to give np then, if--es our friends of the opposi tion assure us will be the case—the Chicago candidate end platform are, eueecedtd In the approaching election. Lest Mr. Davis should Ices his temper, it might be well for the Chicago Convention to bold a special meeting and pare a resolution assuring him that all such things as Far:apnea capture of !Stabile Bay and-Sherman's poaaession of At lanta are mere temporary matters, which will be rectified as soon es the Chicago Conven tion's policy goes into effect—wheneverthst event may happen. No amount of argument Could show so clearly the absurdity and the wickedness of the Chicago platform, as Sherman's capture of Attune& The poll-Wane who rule the op pveition gravely demanded • cessation of hos. Witte, at the easy moment that one of our great snake was marching to victory; they declare the ecuntry humbled, weakened, una ble to continue the war at the preoire time when our soldiers are demonstrating their superiority over theorem! iu a pitched battle in the open field. They sue the nation's bit ter enemy for a trine, and their bumble plea reaches Richmond on the same day with the news that the of the two great rebel armies her been defeated and is flying, and one of the two great centres of rebellion has fallen into our hands. When Mr. Jefferson Davis held in one bend the Chicago Convention's enivelleg eeeond resolution, and in the other Hood's dispatch ennonneing his defeat and the lose of Atlanta, be meet have been the wont przz'ed cf men had he not known, •of old time and by previous experience, that the politicians who met et Chicago, and those esitecielly who managed the Convention, do net represent the epitit of the nation, and do misrepresent its wishes, its strength, and its determination. It apparel. from the scanty news we have of Gemmel Sherman's last movement, that he gathered hie mein force to 'the south of At. tante, open the Macon Renewed, the only line of communication remaining 'to Hood. The lotteee necessities forced him to come . out from Atlanta and give battle to his opponent; and the result of this no doubt desperate con test was the defeat of Used, whose army was cut in two. Meantime General Slocum ap petite to have taken possession of Atlanta, when liced'e army marched out; and thus muted for Sherman's protection the strong works in which Hood had Wafer some weeks. Several circumetar_oes combine to make this capture of Atlanta of extraordinary im portance. It is generally known that the people of Georgia have been alarmed and die satisficd with the p r rog resf loa t h e t w e i — n t t h h e South ; they de bulk of them, probably, would gladly lay down arms and return to poses under the cafe shelter of the Union. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette wrote from before Atlanta on the 24th of August: "We ,have received the melt substantial proofs, that in the very army which seems so obstinately to confront us, there is • wide spread and growing diesetisfacitdon with the rebellion and the rebel government, which confines itself no longer to thoughts and Words, but takes the form of plums and sig nificant deeds." He adds: "Let me not be misunderstood. We shall bava battles still to fight;. The leaders of the rebellion Will struggle fiercely as long as they can put a legion in the field. Enough pill cling obstinately to the felling 'Confederacy' to make it neceettary to dash their power to pieces by the weight of battalions and artil key. But if we continue the pressure a little longer—if we sternly and firmly fill up and puoh ton our columns, three-fourths of the strength of the rebellion will melt away and disappear in a manner of which some of us little dream." There is no longer reason to doubt that a large part of those states ettll controlled by the rebel leaders is ready to o return to peace and Onion at the first Opprtunity. It has already been pribliehei, that a Georgian rived in in Washington eon= ten days ago, to consult with the authorities and make sr rengements for the resumption by Georgia of her proper place in the Union. We have reason to believe that this gentleman repre sents certain of the leading men of the state —among them Alexander H. Stephens. Gov ernor Brown and Robert Toombs; and h is also asserted that these leaders, speaking for their teople, declare themselves ready and anxions to cut off from. Jeff. Davis, and to h oist the flag of the Union. The events of the lest few dap will con firm them in thin resoletion, and will brin a ver to their tide many who wavered and were in doubt. The optima of Adults after all Hood's busts that he would hold it, will <templets , the disgust of the edgers id his army; widths moral effect of this victory is thus not unlikely to be great and extended as to go far to finish the war in the southwest Fanagut and. Sherman will shortly form a connected and deprive the rebel armies which remain In the field of a most important agricultural region; and thereturnlngloyalty of the Georgians mast prove the beginning of, the'ondiffolution ref rebol CoafelereoTt sea reisforwrotowts Into the told ituflialeat to follewup lour 141111107 accesses. ESE= ÜBLIC .rOI7OBIL _ _ 10. THE (haw on, comPANY— Harks of robwrlptios to ttio data th. GLUM OIL 0011,12 1 1 Aro sow open al Um /Am of Wm TIOWLIB' lABCFRABOI CO.. corm: EBB end Wood Anew. 11. L L —Tbe County Council will L.CT meet on StIII2IDAI, topless - ter fith, at ten o'clock a es there= over the DIAMOND Halt oecapttd ty the Yinoneca's association. d taU attendance of delsystsa trom ,1 the keel usonclis L de nted. as tresiints et' the pLat , importance awaits ea ilea (5e.139 Hy ceder or the Previdest. OrrICZ or TOM Lreinao On. Ca., Ao. 11 WOOD Vt., Prrnsaracn, Sept. IBM OTifEDTRI3CTORS OF 1110 LII IZCO OIL CO., bare thts=s dselerod dirl• dead of MAST. DOLLMIS PEI 3, SII&BE out of tho' profits albs last .I mouths tovOissas 0 11. MAW, tilseaoturp. THE DRAFT—First Ward, Pitts. burgh—The Zieentlee Committee of Ws enrel were !attracted at a meeting of the eltieenn held on 71,1 DAY xyjninia ha, to protect no enrolled maw from the draft hereafter for • les roc than FtliTT LOLLAZAL All man under Ilft7 dollars will he re. .---, -- PROF. 1 INDLEY'S CLASSICAL AND INATHINLATIOAL SONDO L. wirl oPas on TIONDAT. the 6th DAT 07 BIPTIUDIN MITT. Number at pupils limited, Atter this dste, the Trio. clod will be found A hlOchool roan. No. 2 BT. Oh AM STDILIT, Pltubureb, every afternoon teem hslupset 2 till 4 o'clock. MT. BILEIDNI, faittLlT, ant9tlerd ennova ri= l j.NOTlCH—Tliere ll be a meetin sti de. tan end twelve wi in id ch M Wier% g onof TUESDAY, 13th Inst., ♦T TOL EL DORAD O HOUSE. mirror Stith and Pridtbllald Mmes. As Gann In of a part, ce •I I be laid before rte meeting imaginal at, tat dance requtand_ Prla.l4Y SOLLEII9. et b.gtil • •._ MIERCEIANTS' OIL COBIPANY tltY 07 PlTlSBl37oo—Satamth Mtomest ck of tae stove company, are hereby omitted that all eubscrlia Mons merst psei to the Treammer,t 3 B. 1108007, Vsq., Efo. 753 LIBIRTY STIME on or before the ea, temont Any sammtpthmeremaLln,; mspatd. attar thm cote win be forfeited t r the company. By Omer of Me Itcardy__ 11117:11 JAIL= W. A.BOTT. &annum FBANKLIN CO AL CU —B.)01: ,, for • rabwripitcs to the Oepltal 6mek of the Von t an WI Company, wer nt.w opened at the warehome of W a. Etta/AIRY, No. 19 Weed street. Thelande of the rnatnas7 Temmitu 0 .1 V., miles from the Won o• Franklin 0. .1 from the rant. will 011 deUwered at the town of Tritatiln by rail. read, whets teal Mtn large demand st Ott:tic:nuts per boatel. The crospaite are Sealable fat 67.111• higher pt , cw, Vie supply - e not e I • demand la thst .101.1- t. ,the bretnees "mid elone ',gelded room to this Com o•ny Maths The omits' being em th elt, the pre. ;a ate for lirge dlyidenii• growing oat of th e bus eel lw h:me of th• crom.any am eery feeoreble, OIE FIRST WAY AN Y co ti ONE tt ZA.B.—Letrae ludocaaerts olored to 060 Year,' 31. --Deptalo Half barley reornlted • company for 103 days and the grader portion of which Imre already of. Wed to eollat - fbr ono year. ho hoer :Hen to all men d.e. dry= of entllatlng Dor that or his company wooly of THESE HUNT RED DOLLARS- - TWO HUNDRED AND =lt-TT IX/LILA-RH AND ![PTY 0131TP, HASH 1551 HAND. Br. George W. Leonard, formerly Cl2lOl Roemer of the Ylre Devartous— dolly Llentmant of Bala company, ea 1 re: be found daily at WIZECUSS FULL, from wbota • calory information 0117 be obtricei. 13. R. lIAL4 Copt flooad'a Ho. A. One Imre' Dec. VOLUNTERIII3--Voltinteers will be accepted and counted 012 the votes of the pronmt .11 up to the list practical moment before the drafted men are aceepted,and 'eat to nandeavoue. lownaltipa and tub districts which have not filled their cu.das, are urged Lode ate at mace. Atl time that can penal, be even, will be allowed, bet the Dealt will commence am soon after the 6th of beptember as pxses/de.V ol Oeudinteer. will b. aatpreludes/d e. Then. n given. and Garr ntmen rdert beauty Raid to u ot By_o apt. 1110ffitilft Me O. B. lamas, a. L. P. U. Ckmend. J. W. KIBICZR, Captain and Pnarod Marshal, Wd Dist., Pa. 5e9:!..1 • - TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS n'''oe THE CITY O 7 ALLIEMZET—Notice Ir hereby glean to all wipes who hare not pate their texce,„ratee, holes or seacumenis to add city of Alle• that they IMO xquired to pay the ewe on or to tems the PIBST DAY Or OOTOBYS HEFT, and if the same in not paid aa or before the that day of October next then FIVE PIS OMIT. wi I be adW to and mule payabla thereon, and that (late nom be not paid on or Nehru the TTIIST DAY 67 BOVEILLBEI/ next follow log, warrants will be directed to properly qualified per- DOlnl, ocannandleg each of them to lerylor sada with ail code sod charges amtned thereon of sal goods and chatted. of the delinquents wherscareAr towel, and to mate sale Move, alter sdeartiseetent, as in we of &Arne for rent. D. HACIIIIIRON, roller Otty ?MM.!, I:CVICTHE ENROLLED MEN OF I TIT TOWESCIP.—there are over three he a. dred of you that ham not umuibuted to else bounty rned. If you di thrum &stay on tbe Treasurer, W. hi. GOIIItLY. 471. Liberty onset, or the Collecting Com mittee. and entecrlbe your fair proportion. your Com mittee .01 guarantee to clear you from the impendlog draft. If the amens is not made up the wildcat. , of those aimed, enlisted will te withhold for Om benefit of the salecribere to the fund. Your Comnalites booby pledge thentaelves clear every subscriber to the fund from the coming draft. Thom rho do not enbinelbelm• mediatory till bare to take owe of thrumming. 56.11L'ILLEW&Rt, T. 0•851 DY, MMUS W. CLIPS% Itecruiting Cummins. mTO VOLUNTEERS-- The under ad dttected to outtlitt ttui fellowtsi air mita (MN diao4 Itartttrattl lll. Prionot Martha; 224 District• Volantern! wctl b. accepted wad wanted on the ow ,Y of the pet set .I 1 up 11 the lot prudes% element, Wore tte and d WIN accepted ervd have met thae. Teorns , tpe and settodb..r!cu which have a cre urged to do eo at anon *lne that the patio be 1,1,012 Whored. but flu draft veal rumen. u I af:er the bib gay:ember al put/cable. &edit. • ill be Oren and Government Bounty ptld until further rdue. tT °Oar Captain 11.108AILD L. P. 11.. Chnstat. LOAN OF 1841 PROPOSALS FOR LOAN Teizefrint,dusost IB6L Sealed offer. will be remised at this Department, der the sct Starch I, ants moon of Department. the fob of reptenther, 1804, for bonds of the finned etai.s to the amount of shunt , and half million dolls", being the t moot of anscorr.ted offen rertepreed of ander the coil. of Playmate tot Loan, dated Etb June Wt. The bonds wilt boar so anneal In terest of t. tee ce Wenn, peyable ertni.lainniely 111 calm Cu the first days of July and Jectiary of each yew, cad es. detonable aft. r the 80th of Jose, 1661 Hach offer must be fee fifty cr one hundred dollen, or mime multiple of one handred dollars, and meat eta, the rum, including premium, offered far each hundred dolts, to bond& or for fifty, wises the clear le for no more than any. Two per cent. of the pirated, °rand. log pm slum, of the Whole Meant offered most be de, pcei , ai, se guanine, for payment of subsaiption if sc. mpted. with the Tresemmr et the United States et Wathingtort, or with the 1.111.1t6De. TeOlhawref at Hew Took Boston. Philadelphia or Et. Louie, or with the designated Depository at Baltimore, Pittsburgh, OLo ciati, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffed', or etch any battened Banking Association authorised to rem ire deterelte which me) nommen , to transact the bra. tans with charge. Butpllatte certificates of deposit will he br eed ned to tape by the officer cr samotatioa nueletng therm the oricimeas of which most be for. warded with the °Mos to the Dapartinent. All deposits should be made In time for ads lee of offers with Gotta • rater to reach Wathington not later than the atoreilg, of September 9th. Bo offer mat smocommird by Ito proper cart illoste of deposit will to considered. The Coupon and lieletaterS4l Conde toted will he of the der. cr.insticp. of PO, $100,030, and $l.OOO. Beg. Waged Bonds of o,ooo,and $10,030 vat also be ionsillf An anti rizetvtd will he opened= IrrWay, the OM of Beptenter, The awards CU be made by Me Samar, to highest oftrers, end mottos of aneeptance or de diction will te bomediately gins to the yespsetive offerers; and, / la ere of acmptance, bonds of the 6. scriptiona and d emminetkais profrerrea will be seat to the submitm at the cat of the department, an Ana meant of instalmonu. The original deposit of two per ant will be sectioned In the last instalmsat paid by sncznabil offnen sod will be Lnimgalately waned to those whose offers may got In weerpted. The mown of accepted offers meat be deposited with the Treamnr or other grazer as euxiation stutigriced to act under ihl3 notice on advice of acceptenn of era, or es kilo= t Onathird on or before the 14th one third mar Ware the lath and lb. balance, Loclalng Me premium and' original two per cent. docalt, on or betas the 24th of a eptember. Interest an bonds will begin with to date of depaelL Peru as preauring may pay the sunned Inbred from date Of bond, Poly I, to Cate of &posit la COlll. Of ..o =idler thin notice alundd beeudoned "Offer for Loa.," sod addremod to the Secretary of the Traeger,. 7 he tight to &dine all often not oomidored advents geozs to teserfod to the government. W. P. DISSENDI2II, Secretor, of tba ?sawn. 7be Bonds for this Loan an reedy for tattnediste do. cob 71 livery. MoOOHD 00., Wno►eeu Deauri es flats, Caps and Straw Goods, Him maw ta don oho toted tad mot tempLtt. Wet of toxoto tot ISEMENCI SALIM:S. Dlte ottiosd Is the oast Itoroksuts moutot to Ca la swam out Ma. Ittla wink 10 " atn e l tow Wow ton Ist Wool St.. Pettstoorgt. T J. OBE Et ON Deeps to XX. PINE TAR rrivaa4 eepreedi lee AIM= Pet ep am papa , bee limed 111)0ESTIV lee Isle by Ins ea ha Varela ea barge Mee No. ISO InST OMIT. Pltiehatle. seletm (AM BABZEL TERM MOPS—For sae A. , I* • 3Lllls sown. in Wood •tn.L 1314116 100 bbla. Calointel tor soh 41, , BEIM BMWS GLOBE lIITUAL LIFE MEM RUM 0011EAWY, ow New You. PLTIST TEEEISI Pawner'. Lame lion.Yorklting Oduttava Life and Endow. de & t p e tide& also. PoMira= all other popular plena Se other hind of Pones can oar anal ninety. V. WOODS, Omura agent Oflthe, 116 70DETE STREET. • ',may c. v. oveolovnAlate Ileossirr far Lippbunts it 0o.) . n. nonnuffo,()sto of Gags, llobbard At Co.) 1.011, =GO. i.I7PITTt3BITROR SAW WORKS HUBBA.RDS ds LONG, kisnutsctorers of PATON SWUM MICR:MAW warranted CAST BT ERL SAWS. of every dasaription. hun. litany, Cron Cott, Gong srel ellother varieties. An kinds of E.Dri'Efi A fIPSIZIGA, made from ghost caul Reed; Sans Defined REAPLII ADD SLOWING, KNITEA, Ao. Warehouse and Works, oor. WANDS A SHOW! ITS., Pittsburgh. Partin,ln attention given Itstooothing, Damming and eitnightening Olronist 6.001 eyeo replan of ill kinds. Punching .od Drilling dons st manuals :stn. ap2say 11 - 74 - , BLIMILL & CO., Bonus mcaw. LSD SHEET IRON WORN, RBA Penn EL. Ha. YO, sz 24 end 24. Having e. =rod bass yard sod trolstied It with the mat Im proved machinery, ere e rr lowered to matintactore sient7 de...dation of BOILERS, to the best memer, deo earrented Noe/ to any mad* to the cotottry. NETS, IMICHICS, TIRE RIM OVUM WES, LOOONOTITIS BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, Lorrwroßs, SET TLING TANS, IN•ILRII IRON BRIDGES, EDGAR PARS, and air, mancoectmers of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Flopeirlog done on the shortest nottc, 1:041.0B13180N, RSA & CO., (nooes - - - • - ooserora to Roarmras, lama A lamarts,) WASIRNO TON WORTS, Pommes Alitaasurnm, Plttotoons, Horadoctaren ot BOAT AND STATIONERY TEAR ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MA TEAM SHAFTING, warrusGa, of ell deocatalono ; OIL TAKES A STILLS BOILER AND MEET IRON WORE. Asmu for CITITARDT PATIENT INITETOII WOE FEEDING BOILERS. ‘T - Ti -L AXE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL A BELELTING WORKS, I'm.- PARK, MeCURDY as CO., Ransfsetsasii of SHZATHINO, BILAMOMIS' AHD BOLT COPPER, TRESS= OOPMEL BOTTOMS, BLUED STILL BOTTOMS, bPLLTZB SOLDER. Also, Importer. snadaslars to IfiMaLLS, TIM BMW MON, WIBI. ith Oonsiantly as hand. TIN. NESS' ILLOHINMS AHD TOOLS. Waratonsa, N 0.140 FIRST & ISO SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Brats! ordara of Ooppal cnt to any dosfrodd Whim. mayilklydalel ONE OF RONNE WELL'S GAISAT BLIABDITS—H DNB EW EL UNIVIIIIIAL DOUG 11 BTAIIDT.—The buds of this truly wonderful preparation, now of each welleearned eelebritSis a freedom from every component calcalated to &Mast" snd by such to allow the greateet bee• dam of Mr, day or night, se the onlytron than by which Throat and Lung Oomplaintecan bs effecualu cured. pralmt mkbig stientlem to long Menial of great emu, when loud muse. auks shrew& all each ann. piatnb dilllizeht m eilmte 1 woold sok conggenoe, whklik will to sacra, to Ooldo, Danglog Hearmsam, Son Threat, Bronchial and Asthmatie Oom plain% Wleary. • tog Dough, and to all Throat MS Law Oomptants which. atom narlectod. mad ba Ocusumption. Teatime. aisle from rnyckfuta of the moon ro.pooubility..a from troralide, can be seep sttoy olßoe by all interacted] Tor sole by all Wholesale and Eaten Dealers. /OMB 1117141111 WILL. Prourietar, ~kW Chemist, licaloo. Wes. Tor tale by las. Iftionlng. Gem EL Beres, 11. lfshinamel OA, .Z. Talton, kg.Cll2 for Pittsburgh, Gen A. Batty, W. 7 . Maw sad Dr. /mos Brew.. Amu for 21Doerouy DOS. iblib2sl— WIER CONTISSIONEI AHD EX• 110=10 1 01 All INVALID, pobitabad tt boolt bad so womb.' sad esatk°a to roan • s t too ® a wbo wstbr Iron Ilarvoto NUM, Promotes* DOOO7 of tlsolzood, to froI7PVAL 00 •• • tf aura By ooro Irian Wu mod lalsaooll altar Wog 17 , 4 to vest ozgonloo sad Wary through madloal hew btqg tad trucke,. By sattottog • poet-pat Wt.:mod ozodopo, itotto cop!os Inn to bad of the ort.Nor. • NATHANIIL NAV/LIB, Vat. lloNord. Klac. avemty, toISCLIIW ,I7 [l7. TO NERVOUS 8UFFE31333 07 SC2I3 1111111:11.—A nmstonAl palls:au lsvtot tom notarot to boatll to taw dap, on.torgotati all lb. coma routine awl Investor attonotwo mods of troatomort tAlttmat otoomot aosorldoso tt tam .nod duty ....dew to tab oßLlctol tollotr Greatly.. Ow maw at cots. fl.aos. as the rocolpt of so oddrooood onvolore, tto .111 mud, front • my o 1 the prooatotlos toed. Mort to Ds. MEM 11. DAMS itLL, let Id eas east. H. L. toblltlydool W L.& BELLE STEEL W OAKS &BITER a CO., deacemors to Bette, Itortttom • On, ot.,tretrturors o CAST 67/261., 13P8.150, PLOW AIM OUST= wersi. sPULT3O9, /MIMS, CtIOWILLREL &. Worts. ruar VAUD, dtloithotty 01;7. P. 0. Lddr.. PITISPIIPHGEL P. flatly 11 -JOHN COCHRAN & BRO., R&D clam-wan of LEON //AILING, IRON VAULTS LED VAULT DODDS, WINDOW lIIIOTTEIO, WIN. DOW GUARDS, LA. No.. DI SICOND and BO TUIDD STILSZT, toot. Wood .od SWAG Ra.. oo band a va. riot) of non Patterns. taxon and p an, soluble tor 01l Partlevlsr oitteatlon paid m antdostag an , * Lou. Jobbing dame of evert uotlce. sal ;7)-DISEASES OP THE NERVOUS, saluxiLL, OILLNALT AND I.IP.X.UKL ['PS- I - CND—ass sad ralifYbb. treatzoest—ta Dorm. of Das Hod Juspdstberet. Beal by susll le mated letter anYblbps, Ws of charge. Addrea D. J. SIL/L1.43 EIODGDTON, Dowd A.s.blation, He. B Boot] Ninth Pbilad.lphis, yab2StlP HOLMES & SONS., DaLutaa FOREIGN ADD DONESTIG BILLS OF II (THANGIE GIERTIFIOASEN OE DEPOSIT. MUM NOTES AND MULL No. IN EASE= STREET Pittabargb, PO3 Ilsotions muds cal all Ulu plantpal ottlea throughtnat IS. Rutted Buda 1117.7' . HENRY H. COLLINS, FORWLSD 11510 AND 0011710831019 lIIBABLIST attel wholsole Ilaththr to 01=311, BUTTIII4 BIEDB. VISH, tad nodose psrreitio, No. I WOOD ST. .4•1 P Ittslatna. to PROFESFOR WILLIANW CILANthCAL LSD 00M/INILOILL FICEIOOL. No. Vs fit. tru t. Terme •u per ■thole I per quarter of 11 w Llsmre of Toll los from e a. ea. till 1 p TrirnSalriatoo— boa olater of PrOfeßSOf rldd to Er. Williams: .Wrlte era sauterne you would is Whore sao say of roar abillts us a radio, and your riohlik•tiosu en • telefax of flooding and Emotion. oat I will radon. It with plasm... Do not permit you milady to proratt frommakLng th• recommenda amain may raged Ind wise. you woold Ulu to bars U, la 1 an avian It will noTelessed Dos any ismrsbls °plink= I ostutals of your sality to exemplify wed to bomb Um art al reading and smoking wit saso, distinct. h nro elrgano• many and Improsdre athooL rich natation will be followed by hem eve to too minutes monism In Gyronsatia or Vocal Koala, thus a mbharg pbssloal with mental training. ID sob g thasai—lLlocatiou from ItoBp. m. Phil , =1:131 1 7 Ito I WE LIVE NOW RECEIVING OUR TALL STOCK 0 CLOTHING SOTO. Ten " ss ths , wed Children on . . of 01l sow the aomo OBVICE ALLITAIDINY OILY PROP \ -.1 VITT TOld PALL...Tare new, well built, Wok DA Z 1,111610 110138.E3, tam &otos ball, two psalms, four chamber room., flniatted attta, , dlnlug ro,m, titan ea and caw, yard, eto , son lister daturas. hot 26 teat boat by 100 deep. ?or sea and terms apply to 11.01/TWILEV! sosra 61 liarkeest. • P. GENGEMBag, • CIVIL MID IDECHARICAL MIMED 00155011 1 . 110 AND dbeL2^llo•ll MINIM Cam sad Sanidmap. It HAT 151=1111k near Pam 502441, rriMOTHY slaD. .L 103 bop 'Primo Timothy flood. b' ood it"" WI f""1. by J. 11.10.KPATIIIOY d HBO BELTING. --lam sad Loather Bolting; gm Haw, On rate, on nand &Jahr ado et the Loan liattnw Depot of J. a H. PHILLIPa. IS sod set. OW= Wed. IWOA NU 8-2,000 fresh Cocos Nuts ncalud no daY sad bit iiie by_ 113 Tbs 111 sum, LPdOl4l3-40 boxer prime Frenoh Lem. 1.1 ens jun racered sad ear wt. be 1117111 R I BROS. Hes. US dad ul Inca first. tjhri Ist ", _ _ lultlNEo'B,:. TEN OEN - T NOVELS.- bee ;Thew puldleitlons tarn...aka • poputerlty ea.( bee arm bean Knead in the =coup= of time. The pnblirbeve recnlvsd rrcitt the rte.t bo warp , . s rhe— creel, llterstureompen kw to nay thsthakitherte Men to the enerbet. Being thetrovn Pages of tha.tort-s they asa, nottdagreally goad ke rolected, became of the elan or e vy et broken knave editora totAhe authors. othr head, nothing.= as Waned upon the sub lishaire.= too efunt heppens wheys they an not their sr= Judger—. =we It u.nsum ft= cert.= quarters. fleeing say= conviction that merit thin sweet Iteeif, Is erite of 1,11 opposition, they ere nothing but the very best =eke, Ihe fol'ovin,y II s Het of their novels, which opesk for then:wears, 1. The Hunters; P. The Trapper's lettent: I. Ihe Petrted Highwayman, t. The Hooted Utioelet; The Track ef /het 6. The Men Ester, • 7. 01,•notts Temple; L The Death rat. 9. The Ind= Maya; 10. The Turin. weber; IL The Hunter'. Triumph, IL The Ocean Revere, 11. Tee Tory Osterieted; Zone Sternum, the Llorb hearted Samt; 15. The &none of the 8osq; lii. The Captive linMimi 17. Len g lewd Joe, or the Demon of the Words. 18. The Wild enont of tho Mountain.; 19. lb. FOrf•li Lodge; 20. The Scalia big /tangelo; 81. Battle Bunko/lick; or the Winner of the Wigwam; Them tmoka am for sale by WI Nesse Agents .d nookeellers,.d sent postveld on remipt of price. Latest terms to Awn{ OYOUCIS HIINIIIO A (39.• nefail No. 137 Wilt m street, N. Y. SCHOOL SCRAP, Will Wade cod to the PUBLIO SOHOOLS. sad all ether schoole le the al y BOHOOL BTATIONEET, On"'Priam as Inn u on ue stfordsd OHAS. 0. MELLOR. 81 WOOD STREET Ittolovesnace Buten Courts', ! September 2, lket. TBEPRESIDENT AN N I) MAAGE tifi Pil•neogeh.le Bridge Company hare le day declared a dividend of are per cent. on the Capital tn. of Otiveronont tar, ptyable to the Btu • aloe., or ONTO legalrepresenta tives, at the Oankkag Hems at Eloltnea Scova, cn ant Oar tie 12. h Met. st6:ll 5. BOLIIII4, trtlainrlff. TILL BE ADDED to the Limti of Vel TT noble stock. al re ady advert {Ted Co be eeld on Toes day eveolog, St e t' pt. str e et, o'clock, at Oomatercial dale. lloonim, ifth 10 shares All•gt any Lent.. Co. 7.5 " Pittabargh, Allegheny and Manchester Panel:tor as liroad to. 100 .hares Phillips Oil Co. 100 " Eldorado do. 100 " lien City to. A. M'ILWAINP, A actioneer. FOB SALE—‘..S allures Columbia Oil Stock. Apply to etc On STOCKBXCBANGB—HAVING °mad an oft es for the porch.. of OIL BTOO6B. I otter my services to the pohlle. JACOB GLOS3IO, Ofßoa, Oa 116 VOORTH OTHEZT. 5.6 Of WAISITitD-10 'Coopers Wanted to Eda4o 1 1 rant Nandi from Itachla• , t vas and Heading. ate:tt N. T. ICTSISMDI • HBO. 1T WILL REQUIRE OVER TOO 1102 o.w to pot op toe Poaches L, D. VOICIEI t . t 00., are receithtsg this day. r bad I etter look out a..e thew tottai thee tale suotbee rig. mod 'DRACHM. PEACHES. PEACHES. A. W. we tsshtng to Oaf by Lbo Atdtrood Tut Trolgta Lioo ; ow , e. load oho , . Dela. wore Poootooo, .bleb on avow:nit of low freskt Ire Xll be .sat-441 to soli chomp. THREE. ABLY6-BOBIED SUBSTITUTES NOT LIABLE TO DRAFT, owe Do bad Ter pa:41,40s trignire It SZLEID"3 EICIDLISGT,Dtoneend, Plttsbangin. ses:3l Ql3 BSTITITTES— Gentlemen lo to I.J - draft lc an tof the State, ran b e t red dud trlth Shbetlttstee, andhays them snaatered tato the Ler nlca Pltilad.lphia. end oreeited to their own die trkto by %piling •Ith certificates el endo'necnt to Wit. L[TTO SD late Adjutant 29th P , ID South 1111 rd street, Philadelphia. F O/3 &Nur. A }MIST CLASS ILESIDICEME, ta gear& Ina dabltvg attached, eitusted ee the foe of the leach... 4w Street Halal to Alloittany, .ti.reel for rata. Aptly to yeektf d lISSISZDT,IO3M cod Met• St) IWTITLITEB Of FERRO. by ;mond:4 • RCBSTITTTI..birb b. 21 a d'b• b manly nub ase andarsign46 et No. TOOT?. bTROCT. L. T. WOMB. SAI.E-lAND tv ALLEGHENY ITT —Hy virtue of oo order overt Orphatoi o -, r s. argl as la. Polgto bola at Oa lb* f Plt•stm - go on II &TV FIE • 11, teptemeor 114, WS, a lo &Meal, a. m , W that *atom lot of ground ed t oleo 0 - • cabal one trio • Oroles 11111., b If itorthattedla by Kllbutk a reef, eastmardly by loved. amen, aaothmted y by thy Allsohyuy Meer sod west • ward, tor , el I. Ifo 32. having • (root on Oh. AIM sh oy floor of .boot fm6 fa t, sod a depth of stoma $4l, sea L•TiCig t olas• stock& what Is cora *only Itnewo of edila'•Wtmel. half -ss•h and balate• to too oval T. nos coati, m om - oo t pay moots. ram hoses to psy og • coal asse)a-aing. MODIUT JOllll , VITA O. ltlhP. 4.7. a Er..:ots ti J Am troth, doe 4. ~CFCiTTI`R K SALE OF EAST LI RIIR IBS CC IIiTIIY BZIITS ABU BaniffNeVILLIS • e Jornes Y en., es ardor ;to clan up the sane. •der f.r osto thirteen:l.ra On the cid. .1 , le there Ovalness houses the ion oro3t.d, oeor the le env. r stern of tte Penney tenets rwlrowd Toes • e.dc enter, or n•• ttrAti to omit porchnon Most of the laud I. ylontsl with choice fruit trees. Ttito deleratte of owed oewl by otr rtneturste Mau Batton anew lie it,. meet U affeerdee Mt. for Weapon corm try west , to the country. Also twu lot. 2t by fat ose Market newt Brow. - •11/o layette wine y.oe whim U enented • Wes otory !rest 4,. Ins, •ted ore •h* that • ersrehentse. Th. tatlu to he wbal. Is l o de`utouts. Otesthlrd the t than nade., nay rom tared no vocals., unlit the eesth .fr 11n. Joan. 11 oat oollbofors, ~estophe tent Lt., ty proworty .11 bo affrred st peddles TIIIIIWeDeIY, the Yen of October. a& I p. tn.,ou tin pr..1141•0t. togolro of DAVID MEIN. 0 onty Trssounes tor, curt lic.oai or of Cstossioo. J Jors, Ifot Lthorty. r.O 1. J. Dlghaso, Nom! Woottlapos. .44.14,41. t FOR RENT Law, or Printing Otllorn; Book Binding or Idoobankal prop:Ars. clan Do twrolrhed with suww power tt wanted. Will be mown m rlagt, 4,t6er win tt nor/. Apply •t GAZITTZ OTTIOIL • AA Litt GOAL LAN FON BALE. V —Th. Ramsay Warm baying been withdraws from tha rourksd Woos. afforest for sal., bald land octuiftl mil.og of eighty thew .ore,. mom or leas, I. shoat tbs.. In. Jou.' ,f airy. underlaid with cost of th. bast quality. The Improvement. thereon Wag la good con• 61000, COnliti/LIII of dwelling haus., barn, granary, and m taro floe fruit teeing °retards of varlorm tinds. broo In good rdor, and all ander th• beat Mate of enitlealica. Wadilogton turapike runs through the hem. IT the abr. Is not fold by the drat day of October po party arid t••fded •ad 1. 1 0 , to milts pvchasts. For te ros 19 O .23 rms apply to, Wood stree 1101:11ST HANSA!. if ramitors, go. t, miatf TURTLE CEMBIC BUILDING 6ITBS. About leo eons of cholo• land In the lillreenei rise ley of Tara. Creek, dirtied Into lots of a co:mutant rise tor. basin.. men datiroas of monring a boos away fb. m Medan. and moults of the city, la °off ofternd for sale t n brine tonal lower thao altiaar yr.oarty ths neigh borhood has lately bon gold for. Tied goty train , on the 1411111.11,71Ma1. Railroad .t• fora May more@ to the plum Also, two 'dwellings, e10g..35 end 17, Rom street, ars oared for too GRAY & LOGAN 47 et. Ohl" atm& Dm-r1(1.11,10121-Arri•Oiltall..11 orreia,ll. 8. • Pittsburgh, Sept. U. 1604. SF 4d PRO,POSALJ vrill be received this dike anal 19 sio ock tha 10 DAT Of 8021119012, tea. far fa:rotating the 0. O. General liceptio U t'oir triub 11800 boauele 01 000 D man -011•11TnBLII COAL. more or bur per mouth, .rog, the Ist of 00T081,13, 18 , 4, to tha 30th of April. UM. The ormarashil bidder mill be rioutrod Me toodin the sum of 35,000 Lr the fsittful fatilllm 0. entoooo of tie Goa. 8. mlarl Ural. 001. and Daputyfa. IL 0. °Mel or TM ADAW W. = Kamm 00.. Prerszusax, ad iijonUF , TO BHIP.PIM BY EX , .121 1.1385.-0 a and agar VEST POCKET EDITION. NATIONAL TAX LAW, itirpmceil /nor Wth, 1144; Atpluktatteally milliard and of consonicall also for carrying lit the pxliat. Pato. 10 LINCOLN AND JOHN-EON B. hicLAIN • 00 L. H. YOLIIIT & 00 Eltill uwottur ohmo• TO OZT OUT OT TBl MUM FOUR ROOMS cmcsim:i Brant sad Insanulce AVMS, file 101:18111 BT. Borto's Bnildkat. DICIWI:I2tY, the 92d in uotbfrot but par !Duda will be rxatood tu paymout of yrobrbts, tab= lit the at or or by the Vallyery Prim% subOlts OW. BINGHAM, Avast. t iv rommor FarEND 130,0-20 bo l ns 1 V pads. Genskaa Dowdve Sow,! isoalvoould itr via by Os tir r looz, .1033 siaßtaMk Name Moro sad Used AM... 0.0.0 13TONE-40 Darr elsfor sola_ty_ sa. DAM 6,00/44161. REPUBLICAN CAI:PATON SONGSTER, ratan 15 01251'3. THE SHODDY EoNGSTER, I=l ISIZW AND porn. LE BON7B or TEL: DST Petflotle, dettluen'al, Ocsnlc, Negro, Igo 12 Invo. Illuminated Pap., Owe, PH. 25 .0 molloi post-paid on met pt of Fri.. a llUral ditcolmt to tho Add:tot oil cr... tolosuro prompt ottani.. t, JOHN-P. HUNT. EMI= STATIONERY is N VELOPisS POOKET BOOKS. Note, Draft and Receipt Books BLAME. 11001113, of all devlptioos, LEGAL BLANKS CHECK BOOKS ON AU. PITTSBURGH 'BANKS WIEBS, 130HOYEZ & CO., No. LO TIIIII Biqa= RICH LINEN!‘, Sheeting Linen, Pillow Linen. Shirting Linen, Shirt Fronts, ►or Ws by WHITE, PIO. & 00., Ho. 23 117TH STRUT Nce.,OARTER NI A BTER GENERAL' 021 , 11. E. PhiST DIVISION, 1 . Wows... D. 0., September I, 1854. f Will t. Baia at Pobilo auction, 10 the highest bidder, tt. th• tine and places or l2lllllei b selow, t o York, Pa., Tboneny. Sept. ~ ISCA Altoona P.., Thursday, Pept, 22, : Letacon, Pa , Thur.lay, Sept. 29, MI; TWO IN SDPIPD CA, •1114 L HOMES AT P. 5.03 PL &OI - - Theta hen. bars boon'oullorozed al milt kr the cavalry service or oa, /or road sod Wro lcg pnryresor mury good bargstna aloy tood. gorses *old r10g . 7. Tomo matt, to United Elistal CIIITOIICT. DI ordss ttro Qom tormooter ;AIM 1. SKIN, nolonol In charge Tint DITI.IIOIIQ. X D. FOR SAL .--51ANCLUOTBR PAOP.6II- 11--s two atory - - - _ BRICK. DIVNILLI2IO, •olaltiliwir. room. on Or•rtlen and l'arett• Oirsets, rifle • lot baring • front of 41 het by 195 Let deep. co so albri She above trtli•old chimp frea b. Mogul" , lk (31 .04. o fß. 1a.5026413rth PraCiblei 00 to 13 fai) ST W ABM, at eDeIN. VSTRAIT--1-Strayed Erma tho residenee of th• oncerslgord, Ho. e 1 no3o rtr e. 4.lle glow. oo Monday. 6 h 1.6.0 I, BAD OR 168/111) ofor- LI; 20W, stout e 40f ?ears old glOnir milk. Any l =orlon conorrolo4 lor rateresticio will ti• teri.ikhdly rwortvcd f 7 Whir. 8.. A A. CIABSISIS , 11'.4..ral Amps.. Alvfb•AY Sti.ioLnA BOUKL , . SCHOOL BOOK& LLL ¶ll SCrIIOIL BOOKS usocl In A* rx - "ILI 0 LIM) PRIV LIM SO/100W I .1 PITTS/WHIM d .6'd" "!* bi DAV 112, CL • ER. 73 wood stre.t. VOR CINCINNATI & LOU U. , .- 1 jr:44o .L' YILLZ.—Ttu splendid steam er OS- ~'''.'.',,' WADI), Opt. Kill a, 'sin kit.. Woo on Ss.NUII- DAY. Inst. I Ward sr to Poi !nag" or Plffrta/tIiINOWOODI Agents. J 0112.1 FLACK.. • VOR ST. LOUIS.—The fine o%it .12 W.:TM AOOlll •YS. Captain II ar • wiU Wawa w. labors ..TEIVISDAY, tea ata Ter freight or pt=PVUZ,Kbeard. " • J. L. COLLINOWOOD.I4"'"' FOR ST. LOCTIS.—The fine lag 111•11/1 art. 11cOalhoo, •al 14"sorMrabove E.JIII7IIDAT, the 10 lost. e ard or to g" fr"gb3" rly ou b. CULLING WOOD, JOlll4 VLACH, Ti TNITED STATEN INTERNAL FLIKVE- U NUS TO,XES.—The Annan] Llat for OM, being or the omen nnentned oo CLEM/AGMS, ILVIII. PLATE for the Assmenteot rem, from May, OA,oo My ,1104, and ltiCollls for 11(13, for the 1:68 DMWtot, Pa., tme b.. remised from the Asir mm, mad said Mace are woe doe. Tor-papere Ornated in that part of heal 000nty ncrth of Me Ohio and Allegheny rileTS. (inalntlieg Al. Ingbeny c a te r ) can pay at the loternal 21.0..1.10 Urdoe, 160. 67 Water street. three dare east a federal strem where &trent to moose odd tams mall the 60th dm of Boptemox next. After old dery day of Mepurnber, tot par emL. .11l n0e..1 to all taxes on Limaant. Cartinces ma d ;liver Pieta, end dm per rent. on all tax.. on /04.1.. dd. Tar the t ilt al tax-payers to th• ~tern part the oonnty, till attend 0 the tome of Km Brown. to 4~.•°ta l ® it., Beet do , Itepumber, between boon al t. and 4 o'clock tr. fo.. I will ado J ohn on the 1.0 day of b ite at the Mr. John Wefy, to the Borcanh at ttley. Cr, o'clock p. f. Tax-p• Fars ara •41•11•41 'tot to put off p•ytDe st day at It trill It• ottarly lone stale to • ors than • Inultad number au one day. and 2 over carrot ew.a4A peaaltlaa. DO. ID 12 WHITS, Ooff•ctor. Bllogbtuy. nypott 22,1284 att2L3B wysT VIRGISI& OIL COMPLNY— v7 This canna:ly has hem °mantad an• ond, the general totoenttoturlog and mining Its of Y.nsy;wawls. sod • portion of 111 stock 14 005 ollerei for gels. The coniptot has Lce sem of load In N. simple ln whet Is hollered to ho ono of the loan nilN trier. of of the ounovy. eto occopttot. pert , .frort floe • chow* for profttsble Inventmet. It te &aim] to bate all the rtJck tat. In thin city, and • lbw Qty. will be given roe enbectlptione here b.f.* It It offered elte• •bt re She btxr• are at the onion of th. undorclgold ft 7 10E11911 STELE tT, where sobsorlpttent are wren.l tcf,ecoo con •Imo toe msde to J W . B. Wlttte, Aber...- Th der Batts, jeptt home, Vault*, and eo botowden. OW-9,0 J. B. .0 BLitt. Tr.'s. QUNNY SIDE FARM FOE ELLE—Situ kJ ate to Chortle.' Walley, 3% mllea from the oltr, and ,4 or . tolls from the P. and - 8 I S R. con taining 130 acres. Macres cleared halos.. In Ins for• et fhaber. Tha improvements sfe three tine dorelitup, h I.rge barn, aoi stabling for ton of stwt; three or chards of 1,0 , 0 to 1,400 tr. e of the beat ealsotion and vw Wr, hug. rs-lety o f noel' ha l. and o.ra/cheerio. la alworla as t • waryani of 870 cane slos. Toe load It tido, nee Olen uwel at • Dairy Tartu, aod was of tho moat defigetful country residmora toot hat berm Oland to the yoblie for low.. Would arid. well low 3 coon. try rata with • donee and an orchard to wash. fur Rather partlatthas apply Va TWO LOTS IN . LANUENO J ...II .dead to MANUFACTURING. d erFully nisirsi4 for residence sites, ere eland on perpetual laws or tale ea easy terms. Th em lots are 160 t2O mid 60 b 7172 Get, Issvlng each ttuve HATCH fronts. , En quire of N. B. 0614..18 9 Penn street, Pittsburgh. B -----L AST FUR NAO E M A. OH INERY FOB BALL—Owe omelets hot blest 0f421 straigh tOt pipes, w.tb their coonectioos from the tonne' hoed iradds, all gocd order. Also, one steam envies, 15 hich cell:4er by 5 hot Woke, with hot and cold water primps sad copper /Ape coonectiog. Inquire of JANT.SI ILAESUALL • 00. NIVERBAL CLorflEs WRINA3ERS. L., —A tug* tot of duo shove usotot arttolnAtost re °elm] wed for EA. at th. tali. Bobber Dept, Non. 46 And VI U. Clair street, by J. i H. Mt. M% - 'S 8010 Mont. for Allayttony °aunty. CRADLES L. CALDWELL, to Junes liolmai OW FORE PAOLI& *taw ta DADON LARD RUDA& OIIRAD EIAZLA, 19116RLD Ara, *a, yew=XABILIT ARD FIBS? ATBSIPTS, ?EMMA& Ps. 111,t1A7 U . B. 10-40 LOAN. iIOVEILIBILICI7 111-111 WAX Woe:trot II as onto of ELEM. HA= • CM Wood Oal. obedrOf Segel ._AWIdt. M SR EwARfr ghat Cram the atlas of the unnottlined ease or ea LAMB notraTioanioxllMlX 3 tae above toward will be pia har the arrest inn con atonal. of the WA Apply at the atm of the 8?*. DASD OIL 11.111.1113 T. Wooden:alt. son In - W. 0. TWIDDLL /PUB FACTORY AT PUBLIC EIALF. IN A. SPEW MUGU W ON.- 1 / 1 31 be oareassilld at auction cm ITlADA.Y.6srptem 601 b. ths sids4 ousel:MA of • largo Wee Ma bar ri ain. with amstaat water power. iptsmat it prim of sod mass : wear paw/ dc•trahas 4r maaatartmirg p parent tartbur talbraustas eat e5=“21003.13. No. 63 Wad mast, wa as saasnerm4l at Now /13106111, Lipitt4 'sow auh DAT 000 Di. FALL DRESS GOODS-. •T J. WI. BURCHFIELD'S: BRIGHT CASHIERS PLAIDS, PLAID LUSTRE'S: WOOL DELAINTZ, BL✓ICK WOOL DIELALNES, Parnlettas. Coburg,s, DRESS GOODS A 'IA of IIIItHA NIS cheap DRY Goo -Ds, ALL KINDS, J. W. BARKER ds 0011; Cons trl merchants ehonld ma our stock Wort bcr NS. ma FALL CLOAKS, FALL SHAWLS. FALL DRESS GOODS, NO. 41 MTH STREET, BIERS, SILKS. FOR FALL TEtADE. WOOLEN YARNS 1200 lbs. Blue Grey K. Yarn 600 " Fine Eastern Yarn; In DELA AZlllania, SITAIBOLT, acumist, 80L 1111:8130, natd atm 4u4at:an edam i topttlar with ea Well Selected and Assortedlied DRESS TRIKUNGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &T THE LOWEST PRICES rOR COIL GET THE BEST MOULDED COLLARS THZ BEST COLLARS Iria3 IEADR. The edge br e ► berfrat corm. which dam not break tato corners noticed In all other collars By the esooldtuf of three roller the upper edge b thrower off from feu neck. them svotrthag chafing both of the neck sod the edge of Oho collar, besides Gaeta& Is from defacement by Pembhotloor ohne Ob. °ea. le grossly Mrengeltesedorod ortll 0 , 4 DO= break brim. so mu, mum the romelppbmearer hem obottmet beauty of ousttne, ease to the Mihrer, and donablltty. Thom cotters am peeked to mall Immo of ton-4 oonvanient package br the tray err. and gett 1/141 for • month'. !assns►. Bold Wholesale sod Wall, by FAMED GOODS Somata to Massa Moro sad boron vattalts. Olt goods at low tutu Nov 'fork res. Lbssa Itsadkorchtsta, plata bonitos sal Itso attattod, boas tow= sot risottos& la We. UOIIS kdsh as bats .otlsiob lob to oda ot dadlod Illsa's Tato asottsb=tattt, Ids= Dvorak Ina Magri sad KM Shirts, Sasptadana. Koalte Bbirt sod Oolloco. Dal sinks of rapta OOff.o t ta grays sata ,es. sad Ctalldrat's Gams Undseguas, Bantu cionoto, Mph: Mrs, Erboasi Wad Nola Elba.; Bead Gimps sad Bad& Roams. Gin it Lag sad Volvo* Stbbons. Boa asedrrellry elatoy vat tamp. 3 /% 41214 OdPoot to gint ratans sad B natant 4 00 WHOLESALE BOOMS UP SUIT S air liderdadm and Deans are tatnal broub 9111 Hotta dad Tartsty Modesto*. TBMIUNGti; tAtla GOODS, F•11111ATI lUD 11:1111311MOI WEIS= ROTOR:LA AND SWIM BaiLL1•81 1 5, ULM= WEI= MM . ILlaTtuus IIOSIIM. Ii•MtnaCIUM IL • toll asiortiosal of LIMN KIM= flabartptioal I. PODIII I B.I Alpaecatil Merilloe9, A foll amprunnit of 159 MAILIKET t SUIT, A. BATES. M]IUNOEL NOTIONS, and SMALL WARES, WHOLVAIi ►3D EFT .XL. ILACRIIK & GLYDB, Ha TB BLatitETT Bra . GRAY'S PATENT &HZ BY )AB BATON, DIACRIJK & ttCL. IScs. 1T sad II TITTH I=l3 EILLEIG 0111a7 AT Tr and 79 Market Strict. JOSEPH .HOBBE 3 011/,; r Aarktruaszzt JUL, Sao. QEMEII AND CELL SIEEDIELICIUCILSTI fur Wks ud Onto. IRYZURE4 ft. au 11111111010. °MIMI II OVS, p maim PERMS 808 BALE. 081 ADAM" Ems: ram, pima ch i d. Ischo 311ns. TAYLOR 0711111DZI, bed =NOD timbal. On TAILOR DOUBLE 471LIMDIM, boa Otani bes. tu an to goon watts raw.. WM 14 MU et a *VW awl» at mddras lOW _ Mean. 200 TIBRCII23 PRIE3 LEAF, LARD stare mad Es als try • gat RAILLOIL. fIAMS BAGS, SHOT TO3l4B,l"orms, NA LA Punter DWI 119 81111 Pk' W ANTED, to purchase for cash, a cey...r,r,i2 A 7,41 r, k or tram., with pommel's , fhb , fall, to thin al, a ',timbal*. &Wren 800 111. aas:ll. WO Awes N. NIL a w , Bmiz 1 do CLV..ene do 6.20 U. 5. r...a.-tagnen Ficd lOU tiLLl—Aliesbe 0ri,,7 unload otxac Suodmmille do ConosllovUle Bond.; Da17:11, Denman, and othac Br.tHISS soccts2l 73 Ircartlt area. WAYTED—The attention of the inbto lb to cur stock of S'7EIOOE, WOKS, en the test Soots tcqut let It Pnteto or sthr.t. School', Pewits:lo', Ahoe2ccalts eni Wisps, always cut fund. so en Ciro. Wan Npar. WiriaCm 81.1.3... 11l at thAleT. T, WLEIIIIII.N..' 443 1(4 rodersl One, Allsesomr. WANTED --A situation es Book-kestier , TV Least:at Wok-keeper. or c:ert., In some mama:. torlag eillibllaluarot, or wholes grocorli=nag ma.. of vodeducation, •ho Gal bo on NA. fee maualuturlag eatabllahment tor auroral yew.e . PM.. But of retureree mu be even. PIESSO addrrea Dos at bomb P. O. au30:101. or Vi7AI4.TED—TE .% CHER WANTED f TV the Tomo...sac. Tot Hamann echool. APlAlaula fcr rho etradion 'rill coat 1.110 Board of Blzettoro on abIaIODAY SY FICISCI. at 0 o'cloall. al MP Public Botool Bor. lasi Da orOvr of da 1/00,100011. WAFTED—SISO per It:data—We want . reliable Orrivaracr In am to.. NA 0 61 1ACY. we hate stern dr.rt.g /150 par moral, which IV WI yievra to gory drobting •.0110.611,.. Laren, 30.4 1312011E8S 0111, Siaara Thattraara. It& MIEDIAIRLY-20- vocl. DA reliable mu to owl at Qs PDt- Ext. quite at Po ADAM EX PUS'S 0 MUT, sth cr amid oszost. OEOB4II bEtiOSAM. WANTED—A FEW GOOD DARREN- Tim to whom the blithest tragot oad 14adi work will ba ewe. E o/ airo of J. EL LINDSAY & CIO at Now Itollitta 13 1, Woods' EaLa. WAIMO—A good Idunronl BLWX TT EMIL AHD nsrses. Alw.• Orw good XI. 0111:141)3M. Highest vows paid .2c. good I.Atoft. Cogiam of FMB H. 804.11, lalfitf aa. M Pain • oiloo awl Dave= lig Armes), EtANDS.--Any number of VT carpenter. treated. Highest vetpn en be Isfj .wwP"m'S A ll 'i rdi l L i ALIMARDER. auttat Lew& et. between rederslane Sazidnalltje WANTED DIMEDIATELY—Two_pod v. /LUCK arid several Ps BR SHI P /ILISIBS, d. se tha Weird M P /citadASel.S it WOW wars. UM pattern maters. Rib & CO.. "hank Ua Tonn* °l corner ! Ater Fri FifthWardaltts burgh.acCO:(4 a ---sEff-Lxv Amcni.Arzs _ _ - rNsTiTurs , NEW 'Y OUJEL. ILIPDESEI " that Mn. ViIiXEMS II WILSON mak.. the 'LOGY 6210054. mcdc.c tdaimn, • woad cd dastlelty. per=auzcs, "pact, sal mono destrsignsess of Um entOritag whoa dots, awl ths Ws Mi. ( It tta THE "LOOK STITCH! onfreffilly acknolledaM ea the nal bid tz el kW. 0 w111ni• U makes ca eashelt the ■mmf Thread ix Bin testis coasastedbi CM "Wain Stitch . ' liaektos, Ihumakiss a solar, of BO CSNIS to 111.50 , DAT. 11u WIESZIZEI at WILSON the *ray geschtto using th. MIME UELFBO , I3ISI2IMTS. Uel aid mat- las them, st the Er Baticwom, lgo. Tr TOTH VIM= lt t WOL SUMMER & CO., Agenti• .., tiOasaldr IT i t .dUCTID.II" Lindell. 1 A lICTION BALE OE CONDEMNED i.l . .g. ADS. HOBB , • • , W an nernerniarr, Mena! SW, ri =co of Chid Quarterataalar, t_i Waseltnetne, Anima a. UN& wra be and at Public, Anatol,. to the hdetwe hake n si Or aim sad place. narxd balm, Viet _ _ . -,. ... Um:lM Fn. Thwedeh Aldan Wth Altoona. Pa.. Theradaydlnotat MAMA Lebanon, Pe.Tharsday. thSer tan lON l Harra _Pa., Thunday tar Ith, Ina% ' Teo 111'.1 (WO) 06..117 al. pl y .....I Skew Home km bee ornalassad ra nada be be _ , ibeeleybrrlcard the army. ~ I far Bond Lan Masa purposes ENO gocelbuipbe be Bona fold &WIT, _ ' Tozord—Oash La - United Maar carwrwrr. mum A. um,. • !' , l usitmans wawa sad Calif Waertandwiltra ,' i sod:tot Goat" bezerk , -a VIABLE STOOKS AT AUCT(ON.—.I _-on IOZE9DAY 119/0933100•Otgonba 11. it 04 o'clock* on .wand hoc a: Conono=inl Babstll9l=l.s.lo:i 5 at nth erect : 571 VD sham Dank of Pittibnrgb Stook' , a) do rittnorrgb a ataabarrala B. B. 00. ....r, 102 do 10•4:11c41 O.; ; t 5, 109 do Ilisollng A 111.4 Tana, Oil Crook: Port,lecon 011 0o; la Sall. On Ca: ~ 1 Borsorock Oil 0o; : , 9 Tod. al do , 5 Fayette. do dpnensoy blvor fool 03 On. . IffelLVA.loll, UIILL BE ADDED TO FORMER:LIM a vaosta. Blocks to be PAC em TUMULT.? LVI2IIISME Seem:ober 61:/. et Ms Commerata4 Wit Hoot's, M street ss •berrs Olrattogtam wag. cb: ' 100 &arm Allegheny sad Pitinburgh Ott 00. lee v e.ItaLWADri, /Wore. • PST—$5O REWARD — Lost at the Pak Lßailroad benne. about i 34 delootte on. 'UMW DAT Meth a POOKOTIIOOB, containing SUS. On" IRO nth oath!. Beak of PittehurnO, and the bolus* reeobaelts; Cheek for 1270. on X. £.. B ee nar. IS eoteenset ermEttf r rdsb' to Get. W e itethed with ralasble private r.prro. The pubilet aseterrelic motioned not to negotm , for sold obeek. pepnaio . Wen idoppel. The steam reward mill tee paid 114 the tete= of Los Poeket-book and contents, at 'Junto aro. swops amt. sel.3t [Made township. Boaerod ao.141:!: _ LOST—Neat the corner of Rend • Non street, a tarttia. Wrest:4 to lAtee TAY:DEBRA JUNE, to Boy, Genesee county, N. '76 . oonteletng • check paynt le to her oral; for Thtildt nollary, 'lt. Ender .111 °Defer • tare by las utt t. . my • nartertrotetsr Genorari ORc4 Gl' &mitt" T .44)6T— BANS. BOOS-1 oat by the ell meter col WILDEVIDAT. Sl.t tvt tie !IL BOOS. aft% b. bdt tbo Thanking Homo:4N. Hod sons, blarbot strool• reward 1.111 b•pnbl , It. vow/wt. Call at Ablormso JObbe Youth ezondi lEZZOII9 CONSIGNMEN TS— T . Taylor. Late Wm dog; 25 do do Piazze% 10 Gwrele Ztip; iF 20 do intim Beam" • W. do inn Family Mari ii ! tO cub Plola fluor i=j SO tars W. R. sad litzebon Moo* .1 65 Oscrols 111gb Whoa; I'.' 10 do Dry Appkt; 12 atom sad kit Nilif Ha io &ahead street. r. TAB GOBDI26i. , wit BETTER THAN WINE—By using watts awn= or tun. OWLS 14P. Opt palbettr meet to mai begat at Use. Tbe e ttaa pT T°Qr rapuisr fa vialtty m sm7 kraalg ebb, vkielb as um es apositm /or Ws. wltd etatkcial beg" II MOM /011:33TON, ihizatot, ; 1 tamer IbittaiLl .mss. FAME:wow BROS., ; twos ta ' iougtiogheny Coal and-fint COL ~•; Woo loft al VA Ofte, DAHLIAIIt fa** r2i mit 13-malirs Woolen IhetaryAllegbalay ti ty Wmblt ooded to. Wa•Wartara tt mists froarytly awn. - aml GROCERIgg— ' 1 . , ~ 40 Ws 001,9 Snit; - 1 : 1 1 • L t '' 96 “ Ports Um; ~p I ' 1 - 19 . Rev Orleans 119 pr; ': ' 1 ' = 110 bags 9.1.0 Mew. . i ti=: 160 Ebb Chaim Wow Orleasi 19010.100; .. A ..... ~..4 .. 100 " " ;or raVil srrh lolE ilgT, - .. .0. b 7 111 sad tss übserroteNs. - - ..,- ea . _ r., , AND TOBACCO-- 60 Italf elustiol:l4oo4lo34 Toy " . 12 =4. . ''' ft. 0 0 4 i , 1:i. 00 0 0 bus amsr. - '4 :- , 4 '.' 'Ol Ixrxes uszial stsualiatared Tomorzil , .. •1‘ t 13, tO kep 414,114-9 s nth by ' 'HI .- • :- /05.1bIbLURYSICIL i 1110 k. ~ - ,,.. 4: al 191. 5a6141 Moil stmal: -1-.‘,..,' PEIFICICS Fll5ll PICEILINH)= 44 *st - 4. cot new% Okapi, Ohsawas, Naas. t,-.1" , ;1..4 wart, &a., cm& awl viol& Aba, NM= War , , " Ez , ` Vt.ega for sale to' ilea halm. at Mall** Nee ; Qtaoc yEmta ei MA - corm Libmitt WA EWA D ISM/PRICK BAJLING • POW LI • nett rims ore& Watt " l ;-' pat ap Ist tin au earl Dew pit:LUPIN sas ks nb Wielliab se mAssiamg ft,9o uatad roan a. gotn. rs sans tansy =M al WkiBBITA Olt ITIONICS. AND •-x 12, tor ego by • MINI 110.111., VIIIEvegME' ~: ,`~~ • • i.; • at -4 4;l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers