n , - . 4.* "Ft • . t • :'a-• r fittsiburgit Onatte. et/BLUM= ffr MEM 11511E11G ABSOCIMIOL iNII OUR BU Boca' ;no nindoreigned, yablf.rbars of Pittibargb dady ye, 11451' Mn 5'052554Y Woof to thugs, the prim below aged fee tbth retpective lovrelehi. on and titer ;LORDLY. ./.5,03, nes 95f115 ahrEars. ilotulag 55±Ifion, per wade, dellvered by co,nPier• 25 " wre by ceso, per year, In ad ann., gall 00 fur BiN =oaths, to advance.--. 5 00 " Osr throe month., 250 0,05a02 Idltina, by tenter, par 15 by =all, per year. in advance— $6 50 e. . for an months. 666 " " for three 165 SZE 1:113310NICLIL. 8 r volt, 1415960195 by lON par, In 69414i.41; sat by 00 00 Six months, " " ..----- 460 794941segratba, u • " " 905 - 1 73:n3 oommutoteu 1r 1496k,-doltured 05 Vat yam la advance, seal by 55•11—..—.--9 10 00 4941 mouths, " ~----6 CO Inotabs, " " —.----„ 960 411/I.2ETZIL 6ESI?C I / 9 1103, _ crtemss 910:5115TOLIT, Pobliaber 304651n6 Clbroulds ivassintan zawsrepss PRINTITIO 001LP/01 311, Beading Natter from Yesterday's Evenins Gazette. Atlarita-41tescriptlon of the City. Thocdta of Atlanta contains shoat 20,000 in beiSsills, 5.000 having been added by ref igen and Govarmint officials since the war begirt. Being in the beta of the Golf States, it was sup posed to be peculiarly esfe, and therefore well adapted for armories, orfer.als and cipply de pots. It was moreover the centre of the railway - outera Of that motion, whence man and moterial could be advantageously distributed to all points. -Thies main _railroads. diverge from it t the rand to Chattanooga on the North; the Georgia road, miming Nest to Charleston . an/the road on the South,. Which forks Into that loading to Meet gentry and Pensacola on the Southwest, and into that running through Macon to Savannah on the Southeast: . - The city Is laid out in a cliole, two miles la diameter. It forum, save a recent refugee, one vast Government storehouse. lime are located the machine shops of the principal isilioads; the most watensive rolling mill in the South, loon. dries, pistol wed tent factories, Bas., ko. In ad ditton the Government have works for casting shot and shell, making gun carriages, cartridges, cape, shoal, Clothing, ke. • The steady odranco of Sherman through 'or small/ ttrongholds of a gmatry enterior Dater° bas doubtless compelled the transfer of much. of the machinery and warlike stores °blowhole. • 'i,..liarlogoaptured and accorded the place, Bimi ni= CID tern back end administer a revere reere thsubing to, the enemy, who now emu tairoptho oimmenlersilon near Murfreesboro. ' • Vs nitro - Sr TOe cillYeds. atinsciatinims fihsemon 7 Wea - toM In Len tutu, Ohio, February 18th, 1820. At sixteen years of age be entered West Point; graduated the sixth in Alachua fa 184.0. young Sherman as once entered the service, on graduation, as second lieutenant in the Third Artillecr, and -tarred in Florida through the eriaters of 1840asid 1811 In liovemtar,lo4l,lm_ wilt.. promoted to a ant lieutenancy. He was afterward stationed at Fort Moultrie, Booth Car olina:- 'ln ISM he went to California, and re mained there In the service all _through the Mexican war. having reached the grade of cap tain.. in .1850 he was married to the-eldest daughter of Hon. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio. Uo 18512 he. tedgited his commission in the army, and took eharge of the banking home of - Loms, -- Co.,ih Ultra Franeisco. in 1880,lie was the - Preildent of 'the State Military Acade my of -Loilsians, and remained In that position smtll the antbreok of the present war. -., The 17eged Rosen Scretos Magazin' a says • lo nged eiddenee satisfactory to his own mind re- the Ant shot was fired on it k r that war wu inevitable, and thereupon g prompt counsel of boner and patriotism, iv7te_ end deepateled the ,following keen, but bons manly, straightforward sad loyal letter I Jaatety 18th, 1881, em—As I comp, a rued -military position n t-, elienthlit State, • I deem it proper to ampudat }oat that I mooted such position when firlaitlillS eras a Stahe in the Union, ead when the motto of the Bentinary_ Was inserted' to marble over thstaain door, -the lihneddy of Its (Lowed 47oefreesost °caw United Sfaks The Unfelt • rem •Perpotua. - - • Bement events foreshadow a great change, and • it 111 men to choose. If Lortistana with diaws tronithe Federal Union, I meter to male min my allegiance to the old Cotitatlon as long es &forme of it se n seds's, and my 467 IMO IVALLd . pe wrong in every sumo of the end. In that eenmt,l beg you will gond or appoint acme authorized - agent to take charge of the arm' and munitions of war here, belonging to the State, pr direct me what dlopotition ahead be mad* of them. And furthermore, as President of the Board of Supervisors, I beg you to take immediate eiter to_i•el __bmine as superintendent the too , • runt the Bleb sletannieme to secede ; for on no - earthly Usoult.wlll .l do any sot, or think any thought, hostUrfo. o or . in defiance of the old Gov erment of the Vatted Status. , . With groat respeet, /s. • _ W. T. Swains. Ws resignation bang seeeptod, he removed to , f3t, Louis, and ehortly before the attook on Itort Stunderc repaired to Washington. lie weals, -• 74onielted at the apparent igncraneo and ineridn •- •lity of the Government in reseed to the real eon of the Boothe:a States. He declared that • 7 . the.nien ID authority were ;donning on a voloaoo, which would merely burst open them treprepar•- ' ed."-Filled with this idea he adiremed stetter to • "thS Secretary of War, etating that, as he was - 110cated at the 'expanse of the Milted Stotts and owed svertithiag to hie country, he had come to tinder herhis military services. its warned Mr. Vallactor(in earnest Unpin that war was in • wirwero. no. torepaiott. He al -40 east upon the President, and to Like 111841- - niesetated his views end tendered Isis services. ,ThwPitsideat jocularly - replied, „ We shall 'not • -neektoony many, like you; the whole affair will - ttoreblqwever.!fr He was then urged by his efilands to go to - Ohio and take charge of the or ;natation of the threw menthe' regiments. This Mao did go thelierve to melt trifling egodlents. •Ase deoLtrod woold'be as wino to ' . .,‘Anclittiket. to extinguish the flames of a bunting .beilding with a squirt-gin as to rot down. the • rebellion within throe monthz. • Ine pica to to - t organise for a gigantic ever o tali cut the "whole rallttary :powered' the corintry at once, cad by the ILIKCISO Of tilttailtiblo 6100 to ants br the TO% It, intipioney. These T . lOlll were is a/vanes of the times; In' 1851-” ha anti sopobited C.ionoi in the rogolar . puticipotod liXthalrst battle of Sall • :One fact In the battle has hitherto escaped - rpititntr The oidenrot Tyleressilvlsion were apoolbrilllllll, when pessible, and join limo -•,fm.enikerigbt..Ttds was dette,,Ehmmeu beeoung , with thwatxtpt-alnth.tiew.York ,I,usistemmamtus A partyot the ,eionatratteat clatter of .14astetutut!Cleteuei ,Baggetti, of thellistic *Ghent eases, rode ever to Intercept th boa Waeshot dead ISlflut.ettemi. ma at Ids loss, the Slaty- th -*mpg forward and opined; • wldch rat- rettttned.- “Bat," lays Sherman, . 1 / 4 Younogicoa to erect *injunction with ter's • division,' ordered thanes , ' to tease, .na pro ' needed with caution toward the field, whom we - then viably_ law opt forces lnwood." Virileg - to Colonel Bentsides official leport, w F 1I 2nd that ha was at this tens overwhelm : /oily greeted by.the enemy. It was a critical juncture. At length Major Byko's enem y n of g eoularCetamil up, and staggered the, and . _st the ,came moment Sherman elms marobing - over the hill. "It was Sherman's Brtgule,". says •••- Nertmide "Gat arrived at about tireiveand-a o'eack, and; by arrobst deadly are, assisted lines." So muoh for in blealagihtl'eneW!'sdierly 1 t °badman to prompttmot sad str ,t'clfs4:44ll..l,Yrtkol-tfut.col or,lthwh l a hBhatmap foughthls + taigadoitaw tri 'Tatou regiments and one • ` • --Euxersd-smd-twiticilled,- tarc-bucdred and two wounded sad witictribmirtutd ed et relitfee,iitti eta killed and.three woundedin tizati%afy;iscaking a tong of der hundred and - • toluoto division Wing; eight hundred ,1611114117-311nee • The AOlll Of the wy, 'mauling ortstntateald-atragglerz, Lwow , computed Altus: -.R,Wo,t;fotrltuadred and seventy-ohm; wend' ~ .... 54,101uctaatulttt eent d...aud alaKtaLtatig _tat ? . opa _allot/7 en .7, 'odd dada brae:mu tea become lumewp, the LaVongrets wasn• to urged l" emotton, , .. Vanes coolly retied, stud • • r ` the : Edit ifau US: cOalaigled ei brig • ell s o neat volantoers. osepoa to the de,. inetiNdi deta inJoo_ • all a otacxrarlAertritti was at liatr4.l6 '"—la Ili: • lama , war A..et,tbsesto Inn= , .00 • t•-•17 , % 1 """'stabed,,Withi Woe pate sates teae wooidol Teltratema acid Sea ..' as ,Pdtitttrangtata: ,fattik'k hems- to p to • -• theB4l Of ° November be telesreptted Ali% o gintion; a tilling the petition an, ntria o - • rte tre ' afretral forawshowing e i " t at one b fed; m etell With t 0.4 waiOnd di, sou flail to 411 00 4 ratuafir m ° - Sok 'i.l - -- : .7 - DAILY. • -PITTSBURGH GAZETTE., le leanly,: Gee:: arise, " Bop long could McCook keep Buckner out of Louisville, Vellrofed, with power to destroy it inch by inch ?"—glvleg no hint of a purpose to send relefereemexte,:but looking to the probable abandonment of ileetachj. tervi Pre viowit ni to this, Gen. Sherman had had an inew h Secre tary Cameron, in preteree of Adjutant General Thomas, at Lezinsion, Kentucky, and fully ex plained to hint theeltuatinn of his command, and also of the armies opposed to him, and, en being asked what Wee Fran necessary for. a successful forwar.imovementin his departmeht, answered, "Two hundred thousand men." By the let- of NOTennber, AAllinlina•Conorel Thomas's official refiert of this antiveristtori, in all Its details was published in moot of the news papers of the coimtry, giving the away full knowledge of ninny important facts reisticg to General Shormun's deportment. He was too week to defend kin line,; and the enemy knew it.no hope of reinforcements, and, withal, was e vidently in discredit with the War Department, as bang too apprehensive of the Be, pow er, therefore, sr eng t f h o ' lt a h n e d could 6°° t " tu t ra h :lntl; e co m t y s: duet the campaign, and Raked to hi relieved. He was succeeded by General Buell, who AU at lure reinforced, and enabled to hold hit defen sive positions until Grant, the following Spring, ahould advance down the h.tisilisippi and up the Cumberland. Gan. Sherman was now set down ss "crazy," and,quittly retired to the command of Banton Barracks, near St. Lout. The evidence of his sanity wee bit answer to the Secretary of War— that to make a mete:shit advanoe against the enemy, then strongly posted at all the strategic points from the Mirriseijipi to Cumberland Gap, would re Dire an army two hundred thousand strong I The &newer 1,0-0 the inspiration or the judgment of a military genius; bat to the mind of lie. Sntretary Cerfieronit . Was the prophecy of a false wieerd. But hirers! Grant, who bed learned hit on parity, ordered lam into aot.ve service, when he made his advance on Fort Donohoe. Sherman saved the day at Pittsburg Landing, as Grant acknowledged in • feblie letter nt the time. Again ho viral "To his individual efforts I am indebted for the names of that battle." Shaimass'esubecgronst clever is well known to the public. -Howle in naelazotion with General Myelin:land capturedAtkarau Post ; materially aided Grunt In taking Vtcluburg, and afterward itorMing fdlinlonaty Bldg. ; relieved Burnside fronChin perilous petition at Knoxville; desole ting fdleilielppl in the great expedition through the heart of the State hat spring, and was finally pieced in command of all the western armies cent of the hilsoissippi. When Grant said that Sherman was " worth a thousand dollars a dsy to the Government more dian any other General la the service," he spoke no idle -words. Mews Items Tao order of the lOW of Liberty has been ez• porodin Detroit. The military authorities eels . ad thi.pipers of dor order tut of-the ear* of B. Dow Elwood, a bookseller, and President of the Com:mitt Guitotiir and very temp tlyst-suetober of the Demoiwitic State Committee.' Thy sheer, like those elsewhere, that the object intended to be attained by the organisation is utterly hos tile to an ; liatleiatiStsternitient whatever, mid completely friendly to the rebels, and promotive of their cause. "Pre naderstand says the 531- vac 'altar proceinifinge In .om:riders& Court ag;ittet la. 'Mina 'Mein" ()Oast:ligation, based upon a recent acetate . making it punishable to conspire against the Government. - Tits - Raw York Herold sires it op already. ft one : "As against the forlorn Demeera&y, Abraham Lincoln has the majority party, at his back, and tho balance of power in his hands. Hu r.-election, therefore, which might hate been defeated by a hiw trolon party 01621111Z.S• lion otalltius opposition dements. Udinct be defeated by the demoralized Democracy, ands= their chant-Der-shent and Aegeney managers at Chicago. In this view McClellan will not wise. -Iyin-deellning II DOIIIIIIIStiOII which, if made and accepted, can only end In his defeat." A WISCONSIN paper stays, on the faith of e private letter, that times are awful hard in Cut. ado. No baldness done, wages notwaticiant to pay beard, and almost impossible to get work at anything- The etuntry Is overrun with skodad dims from the United States and the Confeder ' Soy, while thousands of the Canadians are losiv• leg for the States to procure work. ' A Bolron man, Sao has already racoessfully introduced many improvements In the manufac ture of fibrous and felted 400ds, hes patented a roma 'for maltiogi payer stook from flax, wool or other fibrous materials, by which si is claimed that one half the chemicals now wad will ' be saved, and that good stock may be made for lass '.than Sik :Was per:lP4B4. _ A CGDRZIrONDINT, from Mobile Bay, writ= that all the men, Women and chlidren he saw , around the. bay, were barefooted, They did not seem to Poetess boots, shoe, or stockings. Liberia Cotton. Late intelligence from Liberia represent so ex isting these every sign and token of progress and improvement. Among the productions of the country which recently reached New York were several bales of cotton—two of which ware from the plantation of a Liberian on the Ilisemado Vet, 11057 Monrovia. 'The quality of this cot ton ran be Judged from the fact that It readily sold, in the canal ,way, at one dells: and forty • too cents per pcnnd. We are glad to learn that an enterprising nun in our immediate vicinity purchased this lot of cotton, and having worked hap by itself, have given the annexed letter as the result. They have allowed its use, es as to further the Importation of so valuable a oonuned- • ily. West African cotton hu ruched England for several years put, as high ea half a million of pound, having bean received in the coarse of a twelvemonth. This woo deemed clued to what is known u .4/rialtos." Bat that consigned to ear worthy citizen, Mr. Z S. Morris, is the first beyond what may be termed • sample which has reached any of our porta direct from the go ahead young negro republic. PHILLDVLPHIA, August 30, Ibid. Elwin 6. Monte—Doar Bir•. Haling purchased litre you the fast lot el Liberia cotton, whlob ever found its way to these chance, we are happy to give you our testimony concerning It, as fut. 10• ff Re worked 11 alone in our mill, to test its quality, mod can Bay that we think it holly 'pal in *very respeot to car own Amorioan tapirnd cotton. It hex as excellent fibre, dyes well, and eon be used In manufacturing cotton tabrtm el all kftlts. The only objection that we have agelist it G that it woe somewhat stained; and thir,lre think, Might be obiuttoll by picking It earlier,lont this did not interfere wi.h the We we mode of it, which was to manufacture It Into K °plucky jeans. Yours, very truly, Plournenks, 61101.1 .1c Co., atelsware Or., Pa, North American. Another Butchery of Aegro Troops. The Louisville (Ey.) Jourect of Thursday s ye: "Jesse, the snenals leader, who aspires to the rank of colonel, was almost dere! tod by its band last wash; but twenty-Eve followers remeined tree to blot. By some strategic move he tr.lntecreded In belng"reinforeed, and, at the hoed oVone 'hundred and fifty men, has startled the public by a bold. and dashing raid. About eight Veleck on Monday 'yentas heap • peased.ho Carroll county end , pushed boldly for the battles of the Ohio river. Trion within • few. miles if Mbent, be cam. upon a squad of thirteen negro soldiers, who weri returning from l 'rearniting expedition lnto the esantrY. The negro,' serrendered on the Ant demand, and, alter being deprived of their erms, Were placed to a remised deliberately shot down like wild boiste.-:.Their crime 'was in being famed dressed in the uniMm of a United States sol dier and beating arms to Ag,ht against the Btaithealt Confederacy. "After committing this wholesale murder, Jew melted on Ghent and ramie art easy eaphue of it, as it was Weeded byndirgular troops. !Tee home guards it Vevey, Indium, on the mmo du,r,a. 0,0,w...with tare brass els-pound - ers; at orate nommeteed thinning 'helm across the Ohio, and before .the store could be plunder ed, made the town toe het to hold the maritud tug gang. Ghent was evacuated In hot haste, as Jessie has an utter aversion to anything in the shape off arfare, espechally when thwre is a prob ability of somebody getting hurt. lie marshal led his Lend for another movemnet, and when last heard from wee travelling 1n the direction of Warsaw, Gallatin county. This ?Imo is gar risoned by negro troops, and if captured we pre sume that an indiscriminate slaughter of the I blacks will take place." Terrible Colibttou..No Styes Lost, but a tenon' Saudi-tip. The ship General McClellan, of Chicago, an der commend; of .ono Seymour," came Into oal lidos with the ship General Sherman, of the incited Stem, commanded by Abraham Lincoln, i d o x news Atlanta,'-a• The Gestalt! Sharman Wae not injured at ell hat the General McClellan hid ono of her principal plunks kneeled out of her Wplattozwir womplwly ithireeino the 'bole err Sheba& onlboureat the dam of the eollialmt a Unto s ionftedno Pirtl oi 'trammel, owl* jAen, kodeOP*OrdO; who were thrown into the greaten earientltion ita grist fault le found with Ake oraintandoriof-tas ,lioneraLßhermio for no%Meine Avoided due!oollislaninitil after 2.tholionoW 'had,got_past Can dol die ood Ailliddirfftireffletohorilehonjoi ionidAm ateniiid, with hoe .err Ulm . Miff lin& to rob aerlona Wary. , , OD the Gan.fihernin ar4 , „thea 06010 o 1 tin& flip hits mW e thine ftm- tha t - do not lam that thire via insusinhe on the fifon. SECRETABI STANTON'S BULLETIN, TEE CAPTURE OF ATLANTA. SIIERMAN'S OFFICIAL REPORT. GENERAL ATTACK AT JONESBORO THE ENEMY'S WORKS CARRIED. Ten Guns and Fifteen Hundred Prisoners Captured A REBEL EIAGAZIISrE BLOWN UR ATLANTA gTACI \TEU DURING THE NIGHT Wan Darsaruire Weensisoros, September 1,1.6 t. j mO/0e Oe.o ;0/ DLe - Eiberman'i oftioial report of the capture of M lents has just bean received, dated 26 silos south of Atlanta, yesterday morning, and him been detained by the broakiag or the telegraph lines, ea already reported. Oar army wthdren fres Atlanta, and on the 30th rat, made a break SD the east point road and reached a good posi tion from-nhieh to strike the Mason Road. Reward woe on the right near Jonesboro, anti Schofield an the left near Rough and Ready. Howard found the enemy In force at Joneeb,ro . end Intresched his troops within half a mile of the railroad. The' enemy attacked him at 3p. re. end was easily repuleed, leaving his dead and wounded. 'Finding etrong opposition on Om road. I advanced to the left and centre rapidly to the relined:Mid made agood lodgment and broke all the way from Rough and Ready down to ilonard's loft, near 1i:410.31,er°, and by the same movement I interposed my whole army 10- tween Atlanta and that part of the enemy in trenched in and around Jonesboro. On the flint we made a general attack on the enemy at Janstrieetii, the 14th any], Oen. Jeff 0. Davis, carrying the work', with ten guns and oboist one thousand prisoners. The enemy re treated south, and we have followed him to his hastily censtruoted Ham near Lovejoy's Statloo. Rood, finding me on the only road that could supply him and between him and • considera ble part oliria army, blew up the mwelsine In Atlanta sod left in the night. The 20th carps, (en. Sleonzr, took porteesion on the 3d. do Atlanta is mars, and fairly won. Since the sth of May we have been In one constant battle or ekirretsb, and we need rest. Oar lames won't mood 1,200 men, and we have ever 300 rebel dead, 150 wounded end over 1,600 prisoners. Signed, LAM DISPATCH /SOH CIS. SLOCUM A later dispatch from Gen. Slocum, dated on the night of the asiltuit.„ at Atlanta, says : The enemy destroyed eleven locomotives and eighty one care loaded With ammunition small arm+ and store., and left 14 pieces of artillery, moldy uninjured, and • large number of email arr.'s. Dorcrtera aro Constantly coming into ear Lines. [signed.] M. M. Braaros, Bevy War. ROM BEFORE PETERSBURG. -Signal Staten Captured by the Rebels. HEAVY SKIRMLSHING ON FRIDAY Now lose, Sept. s.—The Elayolif t r corrernon pont with the ith corps, Ay': Grua Wednesday, Airgust Slit, a riled diversion wee intended. L. Clark, of the signal corps, attached to Oen. Worrell's iletdrintrthmi hid established • station for the purpose of watching the movemenu of the enemy. This station was situated shoat two mites to the Tight of the sth Corps' line, ens was especially obnozions to the Johnnies. At warty day they determined to break it -up, and earls e considerable force for that purpose. Oar vi dottes were driven ba' to their ports, whieh silo fell back, to the Dents House, there the enemy made char This attack aoa iscinev-fal, they wer In tern driven bash to 10104 diaordstr. Failing beck but a start distsutle, they were rallied and made another charge, (do ve); 01 to fat back, and leaving the trams and statics In their hands. It was, however, • bodt. Wu victory to them, as all the Instrameate, nags, he., pertaining to the signal station had bean ramoved. Now Tear, Sept. s.—The 11.4.1,1'. sth mope correspondent Jaye: A movement was set on foot at • very early hour on the Sod tar the pur pose of striking the Boydtown plank road tram Petersburg to Stony Creek Daperbon which it was reported that the enemy was mbring heavy wagon trains. Onager division of croisiry wet ordered up to the front, where it was formed by Deeded n r di s tance , ion of thmeeting e sth corps, and pro 'Atwo regiments. Cavalry rkirtnishing at once commenced, and the enemy evinced a strong detsrminat;on to hold their volition. Finding that the mein body of the enemy ware further in advance of the road, and not trlirking . to bring on • general engagement, our forces returned to romp. INTERESTING FROM EUROPE Tte Pirate Georgia Seized by theFrgaeAlgaa. Frigate 'Niagara. RI:lf; CREW PLACED ON BO!Ri.) AND bENT TO NEW TURK.. New YORK, Sept. S.—Latest by the City of Washington by telegraph via. Queenstown. ll,ttion, Aug. 25.—The United State, Mots' Niagara seized the rebel pir•te steamer Georgie twenty miles off Lisbon. She put a pri" crew on board and pent her to New York. The Nia gara landed the captain and mew of the Georgia atDover. The Georgia, when seised, wee under the British Rag, and her captain ent e red • pro. test against her relieve. The event excited cinch controversy. It Is rumored that the capture wag effected loader consent of the British Government. There ouch difference of opinion Ike 1.3 the legality e• the capture, but generally setisleation Is en veered. Lirepool, Au 9. 25.—Cotton Is very dell, and all qua/Bios have slightly declined. Breadstuff , ' quiet and steady. Pf,vl,llool dull. Lard fix... Produee quiet and steady. Petroleum firm. Leaden, Any. 25.—ConsoIs closed at tivficil.,.% for money. Pesor L e Stores—Rattroad Accident. crlicuisan4 Sept. 6.—There was another eery severe thunder storm last night. The down train .01 the Indironspolli Clineinnsti railroad do haze yesterday morning, ran Into a lend slide, tent) miles from this City, and was thrown from the traok. The engine and tender were badly damaged and the Area= slightly blalsedi no one else hart. Latest from Europe FAXSISTIS 'Poo?, Sept. 5, 1864 —The steamer SeWan from Lteerpool, Aug., 25th. and Lonooo - !Gib, Passed haze law LW night. No news of Importanne. ii.erpoul, Aug. pi t 186t.—Ootton dal; &Pollan VCei r d on AMOTlefin j 0108114111.12111Tjanoltanged. yteta of bread/n:1ln quiet oteady. PTOVlllone doll and firmer. °mole closed at SPX for qiern New Collettor—Trommre from CMMr • Fn 'goat, Sept s.—The rraum osyt: 810.1 eon Draper has bawl coiaraintionod Cullootor VICO Balm, illigned. 4 The steamer Oasts, alas, from Aspinwall on the 26tit alt., has arrived with 060,000. DRY' Goons, tfc, W 3OBll ILSON, O&M doCO., (La* WU% P.P. • Ch.,) Wholesale alders hi 7081[10 14 AND DOISMOTIO Dnl GOODS, 14.94 Wood Wawa, third !muss abors Moons alloy, Pittsburgh. VATON J VACRUM Dear d la Wail Dealers Ls Tattorms , Kicenogi sad Dia CIOULS3, of mug descriptlou, Nat. 17 we IS rtm street, Pittsburgh. M _ AVarbi srs GLYTYE, Wholesale end WWI D.el In MANY AND trraP lA.DaT GOODS, TILIVIINGS, do, No. 7S lasticst dield, bet Imam Dhuizactd sad fourth, fitts7 7 l7lS.• • PALMEAAo. 84 Wltod Street, Dealer in 130., BMW rfLIZI NM GB, and EMIAW GOODS EgrAllatT• • T BURCHFIELEA'WhoIuaIe and u • & dial De•Lsr In RTAPLX AND /AHOY, DILI IHXYDD,Northeessiescrsar ILLui/s Magt• 111Langre6 . _ .. . „ . loitiluEtoll2oZholosaliand Itetail evneititt ft ill kbaditof IMALIIIO4I 7 DRS "op!, ke.,1799.7 7 and 79 IkLultd street. . , - , 'CO? nalors. itk kinds of DRY 'GOO DIN tartil street, tra.. .an Mari awl Amity fittibaria. CITY 4-ND SUB ÜBBAN 011 Stocks The Philadelphia Commertiot Lie publishes a table of one hundred end five oil companies, re presenting a capital of more than fifty-two mil lions of dollars. The editor says : The. far only twenty-nine of these eompeeles ha,' declared dividends, although some of those which are backward have been on the market long enough to have paidtheir stockholders their full investments over and over again if they had the real merit of the valuable companies. The feet Is undoubted that .nly— very rosy of these CO , l oar • an rndotstted rsinci/cer, while t a consid erable portion of those organised will never do more than pay expenses, leaving the stock rela ters to holders who expect to be able to dispose of it by the attraction of big dividends. The taodus oproli by which these sham corn. panics are organised is as follows: Two or more sharpers purchase a small ;moan: of ground la the oil territory, say for filo,ooo or s2o,ooo,upors which there is one or two wells producing a few bemls a day. They jut up two or three en gines, commence boring a number of wells and make a great show. By the time that they are ready to operate the ground and all the ap paratus of the exhibition has east them ray f::0,000, either in cash or In promises to pay. Having completed the first net in the drama, tl ay are now ready to begin the second. The parties in "the ring" organist them selves into a company, and fix the capital at a respectable sum which: will canoe green tarot to imagine that it is going to to • "big tLing." A half million of dollars is a very re rxect.thie SUM for a capital, and the figures look well upon the lithegraphed or engraved certifi cates ef stock. Half n million is therefore the capital, and tint is supplied by the issue of fifty th:nsand chaos at the par value of ton dollars each. Tire musk will cost those "in the ring" but one dollar a share, or enough to pay all snit of the investmert, so that if they have ordinary geed lu'rk they cannot fall to make something handsome. All that they have to do is to stimu late the marker ' and pu ff up the supposed vaitto of their stock by means whtell are we!' under stood by the gamblers in the Stook it:change. If they calr succeed in getting off their shares at a dollar and a half to actual purchasers, they make $25,000. If they can rem It up to too dollars per thare they make $200,000, 5 o ter all :super:EU And why should they net do so I In ordina ry times this would be a question that :maid not he asked, hut at this period of unreasoning it may well be put, without expectation of receiving a response from reason. Why should they eat get off their $50,000 pea:these for $250,000? The obstacle of their want et confidence in the prospects of the company, the objection that :them is no produotion "Meth gives promise of profit to the stockholders, ate at this time of no importance. Individuals go into these arlairs because others have welted blindly into them, nod have stumbled out with no damage, but with their pockets Kennelly fill re. What one man has done another may do, gad tome people w , th full expectations that fear ful losses are imminent, expect to slip their lists upon other shoulders. It is our duty to sentient oar readers against submersion in this vortex of speculation. While there are many Oil Core pantee whisk are yielding rich returns—while there are others nearly reedy to go tate opera tion which will make handsome responses to the owners—there are many more from which the final reply will he misery and rain. Impromptu illecting—Enciting Scene. This afternoon, Dr. Georgo L McCook, Sr., In di•easing the war new,, got into a dispute with acme Dille* on Path street. A crowd soon so:hated, and the doctor mui called anon for o Breed, Fie »expended In his usual spirited manner, and gave the Copperhead, a »rare scathing. A number of 'oldie» were present, sod the sentimente catered pleased them so well that they cheered lustily for the epeaker. The crowd, to a short time, swelled to the .11 - mention. of a reaprotable ao Sande, and at the eats of the doctor's remarks T. J. Sighno, Han , wee loudly called upon fora mooch. Ha mounted a chair, but bad not proceeded far when some mean fallow attempted to pull the chair tram. under Dim. A. soldier who happened to witness the attempt, etruck the fellow a severe blow d koookedhirn down. Several <ahem colliers aid cittrang, rushed at the man, bat beyond pries him • few »rare Make and non, did him no in jury. The excitement ran very high for a few moments, and • general dieturhaneto was appre hended. Oar or two shouts for MaCtellfte were heard. hot the Copperheads unseat acid it mosvesterot not to presume too far upon the teAper of the mooting. Mr. Bight= reviewed the Chicago platform briefly, and was quite severe upon the east of treason-rytopethistre wbo framed it lie also made a good rostra in Waren» to the vote of the "Dentoersey". against the soldien' right to vote. Be was loudly cheered, and wee "let oil" on promising to speak at another time and place. Vangsorone Amusement. Among the eporto resorted to at Corny Rey nolds (ii sport it can be called) lethal of "pitch ing men op in a blanket." Twenty- drs or this.. ty men get hold of a Moog government blanket, 001 ol'r stretching It by pelting the edges, to dace somecentursome greenhorn to get on "for tool," 0000 on, the poor fellow le let down to tSe ground quite gently, but by a sudden jerk of ell band., he to sent ten or fifteen feet into the air,caught upon the blanket again, nod again nest sprawling fie mop bellow In vain to est eff, no the Jokers will not relinquish him un til they become tired plteh , ng him - -op and laugh ng at his awkward descent. The anntement, of it very Itialtitff, bat it ie ttleo re!) Mar - gert.t., litridOnitht to be prabibited be the all sets. Borne time .11,0 • Cu. had hos stiller b. re broken, by being sugared tc come In eon • tact with the ground, and within a day or two nest soother soldier had the ”bite knooked out .r him" by S StiLliar aooldeut. ll olay epos, artily Melees for several mieflea, and althoUgh ec bonne were broken he was severely Inj rad. tran are pitched up tio high that they fre • quentl y torn ever end descend bead-foremost, ey that tb•y are it militant danger of having their reek, broker. We are ewsre bow veil dallrult it is to st,ittrol men who Sr. neither or gardsed nor disciplined. but an order prohiblOog the dangerous sport alluded to would Psrhaps end the wetter. If °seduced, we may be pre pared to hear of the death at some soldier from that .151 C. The 14tnte ■nd County Taxes nose who have not yet paid their Ettate end County taxce will bear in mind that the time for reaping the adrantagel of the five prr cent. .11. count for prompt payment to rapidly expiring. indeed, It has already expired In wee of the ofetriou, and in thirty day. alter the expiration of the afore for L.:lrene. payment, /.4 per ..et. lE1147,1111•L will be 1,01/.7024. In M .ittip over O. month, therefore from (hi. date, taxas unpaid will be rolleetel with an Ad'. tier, of he 1,7. rent. The penalty aced to be bat to, pet neut., hot the Jew we. altered lart win end the penalty doubled. After the expi ration of the time specified by the Trees o'er, the tax payer has thirty daye in •bieh he will get off by paying the whole amount of bit .10914111e11k. but If he all Owe the debt to etand a single day altar that time. he will certainly have to pay the additional ten per ant Thie matter is sufficiently important to command the prompt attention of *Tory tee payee. Don't put off payment till the 11.1 day, either; am you may then be "crowded otit." The Treasurer can be found daily at Ms office to the C411;111 gout& - - Pollee Officer Severely [Ware& Pas, night a difficulty warred at •honse to the upper-pert of the Third ward, Allegheny, (kept by a women named Johnotos,) between a otimber of young rs V roan, and • general row was imminent. Officeanhore and Green, of the night watch, hearing of the disturbance, went to the bens, and endeavored to arnstlheriolorl , when the crowd turned on therm andl , ext them severely. Officer Vauban was etenck on the forehead with tome blunt instressent,and fell In • sensibly cn the door. He wee taken to hie res. 'deem in the Second ward, where he Oil lies in • critical condition. °Meer Green Tsi also knocked down, the did not reocire any lotion, injury. Ted the doter', cameo JAB Gabby and James Davis, were arrested andAaken to the Mayor's ,Ofiles. d isorder ly fined these ten dollars and posts toe conduct, which they p iaci and ware discharged. The person who stniek officer Vs:thorn Ls keswn, and • warrant has been hatted for Ale errett. Fatal Accident. On Saturday evening, about fix o'clealt, an aceident of a fatal nature occurred to I Outer named Juba Corbett, who resided In In alley hotworo", TarueshUi and Crawford streets, In the Sixth Ward. Ms bad pa:eased a bale of hay, and driven to Ms stable. It It 'apposed that, in Ttleodinq the bale, It bad fangs upon blot, and ".I°"Ci" to that be could not ere, and while .prostrate the bone had tromped upon WS face. Heim found beside the cart, the hay lying:tlinit the ground, and the horse 'till unhitched. tit mos obi* to 'peak. but mild give no sadaltotot7 • amount of the aaadent. Thu mark" of the horse-shoo were Plainly visible on ht, face, tat he oomplubied most of an Wary to the spine. ge ungtrad until seven o'clock Nun lay morning" hats Ito expired. Be loaves I wife. _ . D--17 • COND • I3O.I . eraldtalla MoirMoll 'fisisted ED Yueartiay; on oath at Hr. lo o m . H o ping, Owned with disorder!, eandmit in l o ff et cn6, This MOTIIIIIII bisyor Minot' - dpi find Mai Afton dollen on 4 coots, and tn dolatit '6 ! tialuwat 00Mtnittod him to Jill for Afton days. Tax Liegeipte Not Liable to Stamp. Heretofore no little inconvenience has been experienced by County and City Treasurers, and other collectors of taxes, in the matter of stamp ing tax receipts. In both Pittston - ea and Alle gheny, we believe it bee been usual for the Trot, surer to stamp these receipts when request ed by the parties to whom they are given; but if all the receipts ware required to be stamped, the labor of putting on the stamps and cancelling them would be consider• able. In order to settle the matter definitely, as whether tax recelple rue required by law to be stamped, our worthy and 'aslant County Treasurer, David Aiken, Jr., Eiq rooently dressed a letter to the Internal Revenue Depart ment at Wnehington, and received the following eatlefaetnry reply, from which ft will be seen that receipts given by tax collectors or treasur ers are not stillest to stamp duty : Tunasuav Deckers's:re, Circe 139 ISTRRIELL RINISSIge, WASIIISGTDI.I, Aug. SI, 1864. I reply to your letter of the 17th inst_, that the tot of June lot., 1555, does not not Im pose a stamp duty where payment of the same would became a direct charge upon the Treasury of the United States. or any State, scanty, el:7 or town; therefore, reeeipt: of tar. collectors , r treastasra nre not subject to n stamp duty. Very rerpeotfully, R. A ROLLIN/, Deputy Oommiseloner David Aiken, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pine Peaches Messrs. L. R. 'freight Cs., the well known and extollere produce dealers, Liberty street, have just received by express from the east a car load of the finest psaohos which we hove yet teen In this =riot. Ttey see put op In boxes, add &refuge, lusoiont to the taste and beautiful to the eye—jolt aura poaches as airy house keener would be pleased to serve or preserve. Motor,. Voight i Co. aro deserving of greet credit for their enterprise, es they will suable many of oar citizens to ebtain a supply of ilia deli:done fruit, who would otherwise here hod to forego that pleasure. Coll soon and prorate box. RIZICISID.Mr. Wm. Bowden, Chief of Police of Allegheny, tendered hit reeigeation to Mayor Alexander this morning. Dlr. Bowdon has ea cepted the o•itlon of Viral Lieutenant In a Beery Artillery company which will be connect ed with Col. Oa'tape's regiment. Offloar R. A. Clark, of the day pollee, hie alto resigned. MIL. W. A. GILDN.FISIIT, No. 46 Fifth street, has received the September; number of Madame Demeofest's Mirrors el Fashion", and also Frank Leslie's Tan Cent Monthly Magazine for October. Toll Lafayette Jouraof says that nearly all the trains that patted through that city on Fri. fey last were loaded to their utmost capaalty with Copperheads on their way to the Chicago Convention. It also awls that from the cheers for Jeff. Davis end the Southern Ountedornay, one would naturally have supposed they were it bet prisoner. Tun New.lronsidse, which has been wader re pairs for some time past at the Philadelphia N•vy Yard, has left that port for active duty. ED UCAT I 0..r.d.L. IRV I NiiCOLLEGIAT E INSTITUT& A EXLECT CIaSSIOAL 60BOOL, F'O.FL V OUN C 4 L.A.1.111013. Porter at Besot, Benet sad eta -Atoll evetle, (Barab Coausaa) •LLLO an! OITI. PA. tilatb Petal insoal Eg•ecre cogoageocoo KOH- Dll, el-pt. Bosomgal I. mgt. largo atul p Ugh. Wit. C:hieroTti'vo,";4l.lU....4 Modem:La and Ur oaooatal linacheoctaogtta. Eptclal *naafi. to Flood tog. Writlng .4 la ceposlLlon. or Drraarac. too Maga for Circulars or in applg tot .19:2•1 L B. A. 661 ITEL • s . . : : Il 014 D Alt , BTPlThrßril 6th. Tonne—Per emelt.e of tee smalls, In the Junior ttretlo, NW; In the &rotor. po. so oatra charge for /moth, Osman nod Irmo - hag. Tbrloelpala my too tee at taatr moms daily from A • m till It .l a , after tla m s tt.l J. LL B SWILL and IL A. NBA ALL. Irk olpsha altl9.ltr TOE P I o d TO LI LADIES ADD DAVIb' F.OI3OO T L DUI tat t. et tb erood II of Otte a mrteb.as froftltattoa ottataaan• Oa , altPTitlal3ll6/sth dues.- alone rocinAl. No l l % r 04. 1 .14 asnrat. Ansgtool. Ibo rotator of the Inlkavtag seaffatyltabed Masbate Ler • bent en and Prof He-rut Tb Koala Ica Ennio a Prof. Pan, to atonal.; . camp .oIL for Latta. A Droned aware r cf pcpaa 10 , 03 be rooriood. so >l.9wrr \VII - WA RERAN!' S v v Select School. Wb• twirulor Tel Burton consuwanow MONTILT PA•twwnobre Mtn As the number of papas w 11l be .trot ly liml .d, studenu r punted torw<4.wr. the ownowe so porn u pawl W LIU. SUS rtO Qum-, on rut am..., Emu th. School lionan. VENN 1 NSTITUTK, ON H A.NC,MX Itreet. o:poelte C. 11. (Lurch, will open tor 1b .• solna say, • oo tlOll LAI, 6 th imL Th. Lemb-r of Naps 11J:ultra 7 •Itt ,ou 1112 1•• per q^arl. cl el...en week% Rrerl fic•llty •111 to artortir.l a rneb pepl3t u mar 44 to ettdy rlttich, Druslog or..tho• extra 1. 5.111 fit. Pratc.tpal. ERG E WORTH eEMINARY FOR TOUNO LADIZA, AS 196 W IeLLLS, PA. Tb• Fall Sosaint mill open on M. TIIIIIO RIONDAIt ocrlrei isic Tb, Not 41,4 10.0r0a.10 Mt... For ‘ortos, it woad AM', fora CIIr. BEV. a.. WILLI ..•. TTOItJrZYN_ . NIACKHELL Os JOHNSON, AirTO ILA S-AT-LA.NW , AnA U. LICIICNSCP BDLDIZILT 014.111 AO&NIS. Iteconies for Woonded Soldier. collected lo troca to heal)) sled• Or °tare. No. VI cift/e T rrnzeT, Put.b.me. Vali with Otecberee .ea two •ttneecce. ag.zikia Ew LAFFERTY, ATTOIINIEY-AT-LAW All I.IIAI [twin.. prompsly aitandad to. °floe, EfaI6IIIIIMITI3 OVUM, near Oftra, Pltt• apaamisla _ McktANTER & Gd17.,04:ti 1... .A. -vv °Frio -In. No. 08 GRANT ISTRRET n.Q. -SZHOYER, Attomoya-st• kJ. y am , omo, no. In Stara stmt. NlUDistet. LA'S UR.4I.IIrCE .112E.TTS. JGARDINER COFFIN, *gent for the . Ifrontaln, Pldlodelphis sod Balance Insarouloo Oompodos, Vorttoonot corner Wood Third nu. WP. JONES, Agent for North America, . Blau of Pro..ylmals. Nad Hartford Insonw• Oornp.i., 87 NC star .trrnt. S AMTIEL REA, Searetary Citiserui Ia rumor. Onoparty, comer Market end Water sta. FM. GORDON, Secretary of Western In . garwm Company,92 Wasar street. DM. BOOK, Secretary of Allegheny In. . comm. 0.12/9.7. mrift drmt. mtOGGIRTS. • SIDON JOHNI4TON, Dealer in PURE PRIM! am" ancismet.a, TAEGY GOODS, DIMMING name, el LS, renrumaut fIaSILY DIDDIDINES, 1,, of deal, prim. quality, welch bo CCM at i 0 pacto. Dornof Stnithol4 d Toorto Amato, Plitaloarg.h. Praeforlytkmo oorotolly colorponad - off at all hours. /L. FAINRSTOCK /c CO., Wholoeslo di sonfodtoron of WRITE LEAD t ti Ly t LITe xustHAMM, oornor of wood moll hunt offs.* Offe/ DruWst, Ho. 140 Wood Mod , . oanwc of Then *lei. ritbborget. Cal as W. 8 3V 11 4g &, Oal • oknitars avid lisUalters, (formor Ymms IL-0.1 Cird odd adireg qbech) tem% W e ei imaiitc from fifth ftliit DlSlS rta Olatany, OM Wood Mort, PlMabargh. Batehaf Cloavorm Own% eitnr• Sad Hahsi Odrponten . Ooopme wd Tinstitre TOD= PM, Bumf; 1111 ore iMooro.oladavra . Holm& tiindui ILsoldro Odds, dad Irooo. &0. 4.0 lobbing do to loft et 11TII & ESVILLVd, /oddest orrom, &limber*. '"WWI."."I lo.fu. 60 uaddtmrolo COLIDEM Ma:WA rLA111433 AVZ3II4 =lt Usasisfleml Inr Q uipgraft maw, a u2Lltzaigsab gjdzkiriutioisvtur. 7we, curium Boum egif4a, v .* i d an descriptinss. Abe, 'MSS TEEM far Hay sad Orals Sakai. sairr.saustrair rIBNIIiNT-100 1 barrd. to arrtire and for V ego by 014 BUM IL OMAHA CARPETE, OIL CLOTHS. olc. Cal'iTON IU6TT'LIiG, M'FARLAND, COLLINS & CO.. Dos. 71 AHD 71 fTcB STILES!, rio:t boon to r, 0.. a,oand acts, ghee Jaet received • wall Invoice of FRESH 0.1271 . 03 STRAW MATTINfi, of the celeb ra ted B. T. W. tm prelatic, The gmilty of Crate co-ads Le en. xptrratch. able by may mbar matting Importd and the Betted Quantity vendor. them vary ttestrablet tie P. . J. di CO., have al. Just received • 4rer az• teel.lngly nut and razdsobte etylos of Fancy Plaid Mattings, All e wtich bare twit been landed. and art, therdore, ;Se FP.TaiiiSoir M ATTISOB lii Yit ALLBER.I. Oar general stock at goods le :till nastirmated la rs• ter_L nr 'meaty, and we at all than other oar teatroes tha lased prime the [nark.' etll aercatL ellrte IiATTI NGS. Having pvircbaned beers the siaa in good. & large stag WAIT?, 0H11.012D AND /ANDY CHINA MATTINI3.IB. la all vrldtbs and Taa.Ltt,a, uo aro enabled to oCar The attention ef the ;nib& Is salted to the shove s...is Ythey an the cheapest carpeting in the market. b.ve also n larwe dock m Emd %dor. , Elatamrl •a 3 Moth Mow Clover; vadat we oiler as low na. OLIVES MoOLINTOOK 6 CO., FOURTH STREET sl NEW STYLES lei P 4 CY , WINDOW SHADY,Si I.,..teErrz.D TillB DAY i x SPRING STOCIC a OF C A- IRO PETS, WELL EGIABOHLD 6 ; OIL CLOTH. AT BITALLITEN. CARPET STOR No. ET VOIJECTII STEM. maul P14.111"011. MUSIC" 4c. WLMJILINE I MAR, SOLI LOIXTS 01 TU Bradbury & Sahomaaker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, A-N - I) sMI B 6c. 1:30.131 American Organs and Relodenns, BIBSELLII SLOGS, ST. mein SS. ifs Mks pleasor• In referring to a Ism of ttmos trli. 4s• pmetoosd these instrumento is Pittaborgn sad nfat Ittchard Bard, bot., I Jam =Lg., Oapt. P. R. Sellers, James Itneedl, LK, We.lb, Riddle 1 00... J. P. Saab, Wm. Bricks/4 D. 0. IL M. ElbaJourra 0. 11 Dana °ma St. Barbi CM. A. /loosened, Keg, D. Itt. Dock. Coq" Dr. D. Eloetestor, Dui J. H. Kerr, frarAllo, Pa. Illoostreds Pt dlooros'e LOidetily. Youngstown, Ihs Woe Patron Uterusland, Last Lawny. Copt. J. B. Oontras, Ennalngham. Ras. R. RopAlrou dlowlaJoy. Dem E. Delahunty,ldLur_dsrElle, Pa Oratmso Smtt, ttaul H. lben.tDeAt I.lverimod, D. Dammam Goa, frt.. Allognend Dm y. Wm. J. Lame, _ do. Pen Rem P. Mulles, dm Athalisaawr, do. n.Pim, Esq.. do. Dr. J. IL lloClttitock, Lost Llbati. Jona De:lords, do. All Pianos, be warranted tar ff. yawn A Lew OM. stoood.tmod Plan. too do and mt. APO SIEDLE, Na 1, Pianos and Rasical Instruments Easing constantly as band • flue ENV , TIAVOS, VIOLINS, aurruo, la STUINGS, whlc.ls lam mill sell tor law prima. Caro piesue a ITELODEONS - A wry lar-o 5 Doric of IC RABIC k 0013 And 1 , AIN Ea BO 'a CELEBRATED PLANDA, ro CCk 4111 th JOS • Da• tut al Tana, ha p A 1.4 , rptendld <0•01AMP 1 3 1 of PRINCE k go AO: A. BAC DUTII3I id, laro Ammar nt mor WIRTZ fIUSIO. CULIILOTIE BLCII S., 49 FM: I , v : fi so n s e whltb in ' , sort to taut, eooct, p r t.:Ow/Amoy tb . p oast Lott tiotlr .1.1 In this too:atop Also C IC stock ot clotapet Planoo, Lisrosoulacts sad iteltttooot. t 11 Icstrum.ts wtd at 11,1-sreat prin. poandbla. 1105115 A Pi 5, 1105.711 , • UV., .17 50. rtrth Elotter's old sued. Dvvrr I.lv•lnlawarrzn Orrics, 1 Fltutlarah, Jllll 7utd, PAC AETILLF.RY HORSES PURCHASED IN ()PIN 11l 0 will he glean Di the undaratgned, at rm. burgh, Pa., for good ASTILLEHY 11011 ,, E5, payable In .rtlflutee of lndebtednoes br tADL lon than ins hen.. Thaw harms most be well farmed, mitre, so fret from 611 defons, from 5 Fein old thlt spring to old. from 1534 to 10 hinds blob, sad to welfilat oot lea tbse 1050 pounds. Whit• horses sod mix. 1011 i,o caolodad, They will he eistomed 10 00mpolen1 Judas, sod 01 borer. premotted most conform to the above epottflcz. Woe. 0. 011033. Lt. Obi and D. Q. M. General. riARD—OIL AND MINERAL LANDS N.J FOB &tail 011 LE,,LBZ—E.BITI3,PSJJSZ 6I On., &Igen In 011 7 1.41 Territory 4114 111ner111 st• rowed ,o .11Whim 1101 ill:MIMI Of 111 , 11. tad In the oelebrated Or raglona of Burolop Sprier, LB. WBatawlaa, Hueco Bin e, HMO ook. Ball theek, sad ell o th er e t of Ireporteacw We Eave also a large amount arab:table territory H ttte w.B known all Intone of Wetarct .01007, Onto, and ether also.. Their West V ale hada are slat 101 tweadaz with abnadance of rat adaersla. Will well rcpay the miner Ibr We labor. Thaw laadewlll In told or lamed In quint:LW to raft applloaate, lad 00 reasonaak tenon For pertleolars eAdron or call on J. EL airra, Lt. terW at Law, If @sta.*,PklErFlß, tow aer lleacw/t excel aad Dupont, Way, FittabariL aallbalad to & W )1. IV9TE / E I NB oTdd. GA 7 60 AU m kin&et DMDtNf O c M iol F a B o r EtaaFtnlmlnlaiuttamemt,• MOW was ts order. Abe sum otansa& d.O keas, mkt* at the shortest oottoe. Ml.:maw loft st Wos. II sod St WALT= CTIIIIT, Libeedi, .01 be momptly Wended to. /a - The oMMMr• d gat Lrm being sesetisel meow ot main year? expsrlonce Mar buslnens Xol .v.to glirbanSidnekra In $ swet. W• We wota tor Oof d, cistatlOD ACWISTILLE POW', lor pumping Water, °reds Bekdood Welly J NO. BURGESS & CO., Oloccosors to J. • W. PLANEAJ Coauntealos and Forwarding Plaroldssits, OIL CUT, PL. Having purabiral the "B.ffit Warehouse at Oft Qt), aakd baying al. rooLo t atr a teraso m e ar e l t om W o l f r",,,,' " "dZipt and pyyttam tantalbotioa to all Rho May favor as with fogrocals. antabandagt pAprED AND ENV LOPE WARE 1. llllßlL—la=gmlaszo Oa of ilata car P&VNEIB. YL9 Is gree4 mind; coda; sof =fts, for onto tarado by W.C12219VA o. l'rs FLOUR -100 barrel)) mixt' Family Flour ha does wad for aids by sua3 swear esaithdeld sad &sou g:l7 SUOAR-135 hb&a. Ws. Porto Rico tad ado 'Bay Orlmam In iron snA sale by MIMS TILUSBLII, 44,75 lla. 111 WI U 4 134amd strsot. SPICED OYSTBRS.--Just received,, 6 in'fb 00 0Pil of If plod Orro Optool. PCS op to Of" and We poscaf...s, • ago bf - • sorma. nuffurxr • - onaajowevmull Rana <num 'KEW ORLEANS MOLASBIIB-225 +.ls vion...OMm It2:44talsr - &it Acs. WI sal Ili hood Met& ron LIILLE--FOR Blunt FOB SALE A Farm of 118 acres, in Bt. adz townshilL Wattinoraland county, P. Also, the beat Coal Works ou Ist Monongahela ewer, situated hi Pcol Ho. 2, rattan:Ling two hundred and b.rly ho, a eery valuable farm In Derry township, Wert. mord:and aunty. Pa , containing about ltb 1.11,4,111,0 lr.troved, sod to high state o f cultivation. Also • tract of land of *best 30 eats seseleing the borough of Eltrabeth, Allegheny county, P. also, . rant! or 114 3.131168, on the Monongahela Rtecr, in Iligaboth township,• (tort distaam Croat the bcreugh of licllecaport. Also, Tory raluable FARM In Si. Malt toarnbs, aunty, containing 1&1 acne. Also, 12 BUILDING LDTS In the borough of Wed Llizatetb, tO by 12Z fast. gar partyinquire at Oa 135 Tvartl street a, H. TOWER. Bag Sttate 21t0t. .VOR SALM— SUBURBAN SITES AND J.: VILLAGE LOTS, rata roar litaarda—The an. dersignaL Tavernen of the waste of John Barr., doled offer for Isle a tomb... of Lots, from orkebalf to two nom each. whorated nem. fort Herron. andiwtthin thew. =Lantos it of the terredons of the Plstaborg_h i ?Lb norsTtne rnr•ollgeT Balllnliy. The above Lob are beantthdly berated Be private residenoec Ala., a number of small Lots In the rfflago of Mixer. vine, fronting on the Pwaenger Fusilway—tranty staff foot front and from one to two hundred foot Ems. Tor Inforoaataon enquire of either of the ender• disred, or W. A. Clerk's oEles, Court Hohau asaaos, JOHN D.IIIIISOSI, B, G. HISHON, J. J. 1111111Hel Strmotsrs. FOR SALE A COUNTRY RBBEDENOR In the Tillage of 12anodlold, four retro front the 081. Lot Bo 62, containing botwoon all end moon acres; opon it it d a tor.f story trick ham., barn, math, and other huitilros. attract and walla excellent water, tour acre. of coal with bank opened and good wooklng order, will ba oold in ono lot ordloided to nil porn a sst. If not veld before 1312PTEfiBalt 10th, la on that day he .old at PUBLIC dALS, at 2 o'clock p. in.. without rotiorra. Title indlonntoblo and dear of allincutobrance. :Toms of col, will to mode known on opplioatlon to CITOIIO2I TOBBTELL, Tempor ooooTtiw saltl FOR SALE One new Steam Engine, 13 tuck cylinder, GO Inch stroke, =teen` tram bed balance 'lake governor. Om IL Inch eyttader. 30 inch stroke, aenandkiant rein •111 be ea good . nee. Onel inch cylinder, 40 inch .tote, wra. BS Teo Oylinder Bonen, 38 tn. diem.. 30 km Inge Three an a Teo Wrought Iron ell 8 - Jlbs. Mao, Three bete of Borba Tools, n . t . 011 Wells. Cheap ice cash. Ingenre of H. K. BOLL 1039 Alleghens Blear Bank. near the Pond. EEl3=3 LONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND N.- , desirable locations for ommtry rests orotund East Litman , le nom °Cored foe mate, fronting on 8461=0 Avenne shoot 903 feet, and containing el sera mare a Leo; eitnsta nasr the mildest* of Alexander [lndio, iW.sod others, and Is ensceptible of the finest Impress ment. There is on the plsoe • two story brick ham, eprhog hotms, tern, fro., all In good order; oleo • Ana or. Issrd of young trees, mostly bearing. This property, fl doetred, divided Into two, or four seedlone to mil maks. tern for terms, apply at the Baal Its and Inman. office of 0. n. 11hTZS llb , Butler street, Lavrrencedlle. WE BALE—The country to seat of the bee', &marl Donis., dome. iltsAtd &a lbs tourship, owe toile from the Allegheny thoosterp, co:m.llbn Osten save la • WO state of"Vi boln .tooted with fruit trews, ehrobbery= partly underbid with coal. To parties errett4 to:L yn:reed property, combtain •delostsiper dewy pommy, health .d good neighborhood, the al= bade • awl opportunity of entering at nos to the ea it-meat:l of • rural tunas. 'For bulbar pyttralorre Inuits at the °Coe of Nl* 40 •ta rat t Dv1:1040. /b. dl Pena area. ••11:1md B. 73, DOUGIAL F O R SALE—STEAL! SAW MILL AND OIL Errummr,—ret. ons.ball or vissis cd so Dti Ballassy rad &sass Bsa Dt ll . hhAlshasa bait scree al votiod Jui simians...it coal os tbs lot— Alwyn Wog worked, Moats on dib r k um , , a l Ether and A. V. U. L. Is cilbseal Is Tbs Is ars sad of =dam bad. Tarn Sex Sifll Is to Wl.o. did order, sod Is well eltosb4 bawds;• crook rt=toi from Itpuha:d to Cisa ys ri di as es, Owl Um cadsta locality ltßai. for ballAbog boats. Mu LTDAT • DEORPVIDELSG, gat, Da 60 Eland stmt. Ptttabso-to. Pa. FOB SALE, b 000 FEST OF PALMING .71.31.1110., Aye 13,33 6to 10 Ina. square. ragatre 011. ot:We of 111.1313 13.Plite13, wL+odtf.l3o. 103 fifth 61-not- L•OS SALE—At Aladdin Oil Works, IS Grinds Patrols.= Munk" in wt..* ardor ' cababautially alb alt Ma amber, no Wag !a axe, an erfll cantata core 1.30 beanie nth. Lprdlloatfon ray be sada at On litatatl Artaarces Oa. aru Oda. ta Ptt samazorrEisferoa a W/LE1315. 20.133-it VOR SALE—PENN ISTREET PROP J_' ERM—ltte tbles aria Dwelling, evatata• lug Men moloss, Ha Nsui 6treet, with los, kr6.4611 boat at Wiwi 6 Inaba% running back U 0 tad ta irtn's aim The abow, =u excaleat laiztlas Er assaafaotartni e rrl e ,,, 1726.-0 DWELLING HOUSE TO LET Three etdry Mick dwelling bows of hall ale. Get wide. six rooms, betel roots, large antall.4 ran gee deter**, largo yard, ere. The wadi are pate , 14. U. house to .41 olds, Pie tasatly elmate at the coma of Logaa s ad Colwell mere. Pose:salon Sept. lot. Rent $11,67 per month to April lat. 11.01ITHICIElliT • 1901111, - VOR SALE—Beaver County Farm. gitu• I weed io Dartlogien tosconap,nano from thw unit: ad contains 173 worts, stent tin acre. cleared. rod with cowl & rood Dwelling 11019‘ Stable rnd onaeroce entbal , dtAgs. AA orchard a 12 , 0 trees, of.in eal=don. Lpplg gb B. 111cLAIS • OD.. 103 goaren atecon. COUNTRY PLACE FOR SALS--Con kalning over et: one and a hall taller fro a dlielbwni City. near the Perriswille Plank Bud. with onaU trek. Lonna on it VOg SALE-150 Acres of Coal; also 120 .L' sera of front anal to pool No. t also one tract 0 ocal mu! railroad and °Ow lasposammenta ta good ort. tog order 1. root No. if ma trad oa the 10-...--ttionnent slyer and Connollarlile Bailroad. Kannire al {CIL LI! 1 woe Crrt door Irons Fl iE on Croat stool. FOR SALE, frog 10.007 15.000 Ms eel fLOOHINO• Inc Tare 0 sand= TOR SA.I.E.—A. farm containing 'll6 sans, stonsorof In Snowden township, Alhootoooor mr.ty, one WI, ...am Envy?. KW, m 0 ten mils. from Flttaloorrelt.. She hum to oreil ...tared sod In • soca o n of ealtlostlon. For further poorolculars lagoara on Um pr•ollses, no of the naboteribor, ens. 1-F.on. A.. O. erAP3O73. ti 4 OR KENT—A STORE ROOM, d.: lath Owe Ulm and Stale, bt shows ths Dias mond, on tedersl street, Alisesn7 et• P gight Lim. Formaly =vied b y NL woo. Apyty laMrtt JOHN DLO, L 1120,01 10. WI BALE r emend nand Circular Bav, 64Incteei. Good in now. Y.r.qulre FtadLlC--ENGINE exit BOLLES. 1 : AWA how imn. Fwd.. lingo Batlor, NM, May to woo to operotios Op callboo at a= pttettas atom. ft. 30117110131 CIEN SOLD IBBS CLAIM. AECY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON. LTTOBRIYS Da CUM MID MO% 110. 44 FOUATII: STREET. PITTSBURUH: larbaudnoproomV, Bowni, Met Pay Aid MN limey collected glared Um. pouible. WOUNDSJ) BOLDEBB3. ;100 BU STY To 4.1.4.. =MOM BOLD/04 lit soy tan pal rain with ' , Utahans" chap sada maw atom Y callsobal. S. WALT= DAY, Idoiasad lrym. U. & Gamma% Ho. 100 rush rm, rizaturra 4am bidaw Oithodral. aawlaus NO/3. W. SHARER, Arlolll/ZINIXAAW, ea is* rink its's% rutitags..Ls. ChinsA goroa tcr nrgoffs, 110175TT, rasa MD Etn.,str provestedl. AZT MILITARY CLABIB L BOUNUM LTA: rzEstorm ISACIN TAT and • Kuzma mans of ewe, dantsPaalk =Meted by' Ms gab- I. gainer st tb• tallawlad sant, ISA SIO PX, other cYimaw AO . CI. TATLOSI, IMAM, AS Lai.; Ha. TS Grant attent,Pistsb=d l 4 TA, El. E. Na Antrim axe mach U tna dasa dsea nat ani• Gad mods tzsrannanan than Trans. main SMDEIERS" WARM, BOUNTLA P um= AHD AIiZEMIS or PAM arm= zunr=34 lb. As twits stmt. rinegutX re; TWCR ORBEIE LUBRICATLX I3OI : 4-V "smokers the *on as ' , a 11,14--.a'.w r . inua iFrzitasary. Inn ili2a sin DA.LIMUL SOIL - WS - 91 istiolfster rasa. VOLUM BOOKS. Azauma, - - TWO CHAMLUiG BOOKS now, 'lead, and tar gala at HENRY NHNER'B4 THIS 'RIDI OF IJEONEa BT JANE, LADY SNOTTJI Tanoter-to-low of Sir Waltre Iketlo24 40 {11 d " Tbe Ilen-roxitoci Haabsad." FMCS-41,50 Ta r.vere; r 2 Ot& Tbra PSIr• or LITT, A Nova irr rein mare to this new ceibilablen beoldwr this I reel tar atom the ordinary isms it& tenmly hatorartbs, It fa easily std Imillianll 41000116 . the ob.:non:ma hobs web discriaile.r.a 44 . dmi , wt•h • vigaroth and &MI too th . tWatta called ..The Pride of me It fa e sikthilakpialla tion of th at worldllnthe that m promln[othrow' among the mere prosre. tote of mentbil skiv:NW end more eeperlalli to the Mika /MOW so.i.ty. The Inas= kills of "Inido of IldrUlXOf onkel regard for the woridl *With. of wribtleifiklbgb of tog, that !nude everfikkig mad sthribedeffithoki certain narrow circle as inferfur,Wolgars flgbiried on—are rebated with • pea of poorer;labi ft lads moat a marvel to in the* the sumo time thnk - Wind*. the contemptible nerawthe r ossi MOO= true-hearted sad elzar-elhled welter as The teary of the tale ocricome thenthrthliki r :•, area andexhillent girl, the dam ter of • ko• r. end hexed( tin artist of tomb, with • Kith WV Ole arfainefety batmen( tho Of; ferchlhee the lien's of the book, but la Art Lord arllogics. Lads Heren.hir.blogirridgil ll Anne hermit, bay has not cult= at - fLlty lie a' writer. bat her noblone sew a el t them weftne characters, noel] Plaotolth ix na and their th m chew. el. ere akar drawn &V proof of their effectiveness fa, that ma kitemAS thou from beginning to end, as If they watterwil The plot I. adroitly manned, and, as „ the work is theniniingty hatobittlay, - S. B. BET MI, PMESMI SIOGUA WAD & DOUGLAS, CI Pena street, Q. U. I'BOMOII. 11c,. It Nan rarest. CL41.111 49EJrT3. rrnr.y4 to by ! 4110 1 .: -,. • • : • . i , , . 1 :r - 1 1 .1 , 4 !:. 1. I , . r" s: XXVII---27 p. .225:°,- YLIRTA'fIONA IN FASHION.I.I3L%IuI3 aY CATECERIMIC lIINCLik#C S Author of •Testria." "Modern ecxmy • . , MICA-- £I.LO LH YAP= ir.li7 UI &ISE. , "Ilm author at Scuttles has dlsplsysfhoo ape ablity to this coo uork. It is COu of ahasb_ i tsf it = dots that only maks their appestat.. at 10C1 is the Moray sky. A work /lb this aasset fdlrlik leam Its mark upon tocisty, and ere tootip nd It to such at our rodeo .a lava li Obi bock. The author deals her blow tight 4.3 posing the deceit and artlitas of faebt..WO and inculcating kat= that star thasktut i ora h t . woando (5031 think hot tor. Thi s ll a books.., seer-and thou took, and ase is hish an Wes! tors epos th e popular tablet. Th. pu 101 l dam theft part literally, and in hat. Call at Clii b eadsoss.% sad bast ilsrea of it. Aft 014 . 14 0111 protest, day. ...—.-- • , _At , - Copies of the abets books sent by mselloc i!toilso co receipt of price. ir . /4rit - SEMI _t , ~.,.i ft 3, T'S virtu HT ass at to ib: 0. .ta* . t-,1 - 3 SCHOOL BOOKS 1 - 't - . STATIONEItY 2 • rizi •la rip smartawat 10110 Friwa ' • - JOSS P. IIImo!/, Whotersla lad HAMM Boot, fltall•*44o.ol:bitall Later Emporinspo o Irma sums, auxigin QOHOOL 800/C.5. WED II apt las, 1.7 neiscousax: -a4 litodanrd%Aritbalaq Itr-hdro mut licit dl silses Ceograk_ Nausea Gratimarr ;...z •-- Ceruces Pbridau; :131 Bay's iiipbrag ilicrotgeeslitsiccre - Gremlettr• Alltbasestai; 4; .101.stmeollikemsaw lad etscafilft • ' Demtk...es Dvamitle Eccer.7 cCilateck's Lain Eacts, - . TWOUllieliTteGiCa w.dtc.7 • .., GOMIS / t. 1.013.01tq sthad.inatf mum R.2o:r. Pa -3. floM10; ;; /Wail tassag, sr= ; MU& CL ILCitteDd. ilafrowe dark p:NN YSONI3MM moon AZIDES,II; / 1 thniu per.444aa. ; Just Reagra . s Davis, (41* 1i rio.; 604 iigk• NRW BOOKS.— • I. Tow:Judea I/Loch Arden and iarr P L O r. soll, L The Aleomstdo, or nide/ aLlibt*lstoi Gilbert. S. Et I(.li...critics by outlier of .111arliEtist rottaidt.T. Marian, by Harriet V. Prsmt. & Om In the World, by T. 6. Artholt. 1. from Cepa God to /Axis .4 by a. Kr Neale. I The Graf of Gammon Prayer ate Church, seuly revised. Per eats by 4016) RAT t 004 oWood stmt. SCHOOL COLLEGE AU t-1 Taziou. TITS BOOKS ANA ,Lith!TlLTaii. Ob. tat hhccis .4 ann.'s a ris46,lAo:- azdirtilidir. ,11 - r<44 Ai:A EAT A 00., j SCHOOL BOOKS at]) scaoca. stenortivr. • kteds. coastsat4 ea taxa aa6 wX als ai rousar able rams, by anD worm. OLACILII a woad* 8 ,,,.- AY & CO., Booksellers aV. Statio N 0.55 Wood great, next door Vo corner rt mars. tirdorrdt. Simoor, .ui LLW LIS tmata , dis ma Imad. -i , • • JrISRCII4I.4Ir7 ORB.• disSTLEffliii WISHENG FIRST CUSS OARSIENTS. asy te tam MOOT TIEB3DELABL4 - r.,AlzursT sirEt‘OL toold do EMU can *a ; I. CLIMB k OP PLIIN ABM JrrNer:: DectSrCliaragegge" 111X3 . B' '8 RINGS. , 4 1 W. H. BICIfIZAHO 10 ST. Cf TR IMBETAT; WooSS soil lb* 'Manzi of Urfa Op usZaidi 4 Dade. It kto been salootod with 6144. au% sill on{ tabos oil the Dowd Kyle of grilaCtoblh OWL thus lama. GaLts viditaz 111110111.1nda le ads, yin dam cal ud 057f400 941111 Was. Mao, • son sad oolop/o# 3 oook of irurniahing 00048. w. =an, .31Latawaldiw. ao. to et.ar4r striet.vwiwig, BOY& LllllO SUITE' White Datk Tests 1 A rate Brun Duck Vests 4ad roast • an , LT 3oax 2•4* e urlizocisah maxi °‘• *ion. EMMA - JOHN RAW OA; Ewes rigacm(i.undowir" sm. um .llk Int "DO ;We" _43tizari AN' a oamd.ka 10 11!cf LIBEMMOSOXPOI 25orsiAteutzlistas. f.pisiitiiir getotingurisogt li 4,,, - r i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers