.4..,...,__. . • ~,, ~ , . , .„,,.,....,,.„ ~ ,~.. .. sp - VIEBPAY lICESIBIk=== AIM -AD ','. • *pi tf Two Throe I 751 to 125 70 1 60 9 190 11 6 220 180 960 160 SS 260 6.00 880 7 GO COO .11 25 CO 119 751 7 CO W 7112 00 27 00 LS 50 1 23 001600 Sire aieee Twoereeks.... I Three yntivs..,= et. caoso-h Two ehreaths.....;.“ Three coatta...... Onementbe........ ' I:4:j . I • •• Bar out • iL_A. Mad to ths =7 aradvartlat Ozte iacnz. $ 0 251 SO COI 5 4 701 II 00 Three 20021174*- 17 20, 11 43 SW 00 Blx maths 24 00 11 CO - .18 lO GO ,02,0 40 00 •22 OD - Eli BO 'l4OO Yt'Ybt cokes dipubliothesbanustes. .I:oesth 60 mita. Marriage Busabcst aft:elm:mu, per trip.-..-20 00 Xxxongurs'4:242anktratoteaaticsi.......... 2 76 AND SUBURBAN: Utcrnipng .. . . .... The submitting business was not CO brisk yes terday,/ Ili maxis lost we*. The Fifth and 'NW& 4 ds bed hip ;committees uothely ea :Annie in canvassing the, eiiff ft4 .l :ii, iniana ii they. the Sold to thenualvisithey met with Mnaidaziblentgetis. An impression appliatid to garmil, that the daft would -..be postponed sho o= ifetittri hot there t is cabling to want l nz antieept that the neeessary c om ber of men or. retied 0. Telunteer4g., Th 0-vemment wants troops, and it din i care ho thoy me raleek'thnuitil it *mad doubtless prefer them by voluateeMod, both kiMase irolunteore are likely to mekeihe beat soldien,itind became the fforernmont would_ llke to mold ibe • necessity of enforobsg a lira! 1 npn the people. The - boroughs of Law• rennleUle and ittnninglismi togother with a - number 'of townships, heist still their fuagnetas to our., and if they - intend tiling any notion to . wards seeming volunteers, they should Cala' Eames liamodlatidr, as a draft will Undoubtedly • be held in - distriets which havezegleoted to istse their esentsTements of men- ---•- - -. ' • The di ff erent wards of the city of Alleg heny . haws filed their . gtiosis, and a large number of the towns/310km also •Mut of the draft'-' CePt. ' frisker and his imps of militants ' were busily Untried het swab% iri settling thetetrounts and preparing fat thi - disdk Coe-hundred and. Linr men were secunitedpolothod and mmterod in 24 ..;:Cap}'.ipiker 'esti:day. .. Report el Ettbilotence Committee The' Pittsburgh , Subsistence Commutes hog - tin must the following .report of _its ilp- Oretiens, tor. the month of July and Augusto: At Oily Bell meals bare been-flitrohted to One tido tun - patient throttitt itr tit/ out Iluldi o tit • Sadie* Howe, Itelooldiera hits ben bet, •L'autiflll.3BB fortilated with Wind, inking 031.117 du:- ".fns Me pen tin lllG2lttll. UNrtat at aces .tertalnedatthe Soldiers' nor% *are Oak to wounded end reitand median one andatteatlon. Ta ahead to their anti, end eapYly then wilt sorb article. to 'toy not 'rld, hat filtrated , targt altar* of - e sr Itmda. And es there writ be dortai the ernalortatanfts a lergnsninfter .04 sick peedo g threafil treially. int meat ask one. Mends for • on tin nation of, the *Sterility India they tan shown in the pest Oat !spinier dattio 11a7patt two aioataa hate Ow, 17,940. I; :a ortinton bas. bens hinhated to 41 sick end Mince been int to flett.ll 3 Gavial bevedad at the 11=e, the bodice waosa into liwwarkd to ttottllionta .Tha followlaw outtritattlani lune been:netted der infttinlytald dkattlit " . One tenth nett priceeds of Bialtaty Telr-330,000 00 A Illnatsainag Ofbrring*-- 930 00 - Una amino 105 ao Q Book 16 QY ' 'P. .01 - 3 ce 4l6 , 10 03 Bag 62 36 Mrs 11 gy 13 606 t,.Coinarl cT 14 =Z= B 6 E 6 ll, =Mg 660 _ - ! - .11166 Casts. CO Also co_atftbotlons of frolteastl vegetableefrato George _ Bione'Llf H•0ltosock.II $ ffolColght, Hobert NM sleet, 6 Cocamlor,lfr ItLaralock, Hefeva , radar jr =mho? of canttibutFoleleft et. the •! Wohl,ll Without mom .Lsrgl lot of medicines, clothes. belhhefell; ;rats 4o froth the chriftlan Cleoestellon , . WNVILIN.. • ,Joterst P. H. IL AT you. Executive CLO2solttee, PT7Y* jVI irjj On limuinriftemoon two, young men, named - Owes Sewage and James Hervey; etallededthe . Petra of Mr. Spencer, on intend itreetiand gagsd bograltig, They stated -that they had aullided; but wredd not ge Woe:Opfer some days, at they tail tome -pirate baskets to attend to. :Tastorday afternoon a thuatanmald attested to ./ Übe., bete, noticed the, newboredaie! prying -arotmd the sleeping apartments, aud,,notillei t !dm Lipenorr of the t. -...d watch was put upon thels.ssovements, and- they weer cooed: In• thr sot of breaking open a boardees eunk. The pont. ware - :sent for and the - young men' taken Into oneiody, whin it was - discovered rtat they 7 • hatent open three carpet seeks and broken op= -» two -Oarlew- One of the thieves shad dotard a Ism Ault or clothe im/orsging to the barkeeper . . of the bid*. They were taken to the Major's . dare and locked up for a hassiag. inotorrti tne run P1114311M/SIA Itknown . I:in Thunday . ..inning ieet, a boy about eizteen , pests of age. son of ilenry Vi'. Snyder, of Altai)- . _ns, &tempted -to Amp on the Pit tine, II It =--was Whltog hp through tho yord,ond missing • '. pie - footing, - fell upon the trnk, with ow foot on'tbil rate , A ell r wheel - lan ova K. erablng ~ :go foot ankle In rub a manner that inn. , potation tendetod wousary. - C. Gonghow, of Conemaugh township, Cm . Aria onnotap,ires run over by the Fast Line on the Penns, ivazda Laiinand, Cu 'Saturday night venni, and Lutently killed.. .. • - K Peouresse and interestir.g feature of eB .the Sanitary Fairs pow being held, Is the Per la/nary Department, or Hall of Fragrance,. The Hmiziesn'agents of " Lubin's fibrillae have added greatly to this 'mores of display and profit, - "hp contributing. in many instanaeo, large gum - 41de. of; this.elegent toilet oilloriline" is, par exce/knee, the tonsorial and Odoriferous triumph of tho age, and every par - 400 of taste and fashion eitoed add it to their • Jilt of: toilet iZZTIIit3. It ni i 1 ksep the hilt to "., nay dcralmd position ter nap length of time. In beantifally .eonbollited cartons, two bottles waoti. Try one. - • A avALCiiiiii•LlZsice Dap, Provost &Dinh- Al of the State, has just completed - an examine • aim et the various naval lallstocests tn: this -13 tote) and reports the following credits: Total audits to towns, and dill's 2,714 Total credits to Hcato st 4A9d 7,t13 A Urge number cf entiotnzonts for the 71617 harshen truidei in this city within the_psat ten due. which are not emoted in the above *tat'''. - ticasoor. _Boon —As the varions pthlld and -defect schools of our city are now open, it Is of moment for the ,palllo to know where they eon primps the different tort book' thole children need. Me recommend Mr. Mellor, ea hay ing • throploto stock of all tho hands that an wed In the Publics lifigh School Female College, University, and the: various Select Behools., His — estalbliment Ls worth Nblting - by those, Who have to purehsee school books. Remember No. 81 Woo& easel. • __ _ - . Winnow' Thtsvituntr.—We . rejoin) to *new that the Western University har etnniscnted its 411Wfidir: Wide thirseestlratifilliganrotesi. The Paenity fe lam and able. The nnembrt of stadentain attendance/a larger than ever before. We enattond tbl IneWntietrto llioniwarents -who have eons to be will ednested. , belltnrinw thaaPittabaigh note drat advantages oval 10 the very beet that mut be obtained alms& Alla= DlASErsouCatosoreaL—We regret . --to bun of the - death 'of Miss Wields Miller, donghter of James tinier, Bee., an Interesting 7qeoo lady, whioli'deeth oecntred at Washing -406 PS., DU FeL4O last, from the. titmice of .ehloreforst, administerah to deaden pain during a dental operation. This is the peoond owe of denthohlwo . forin .whloh - huloceuired to gwidenti ef Allegheny with the past fee weeks. Drionnoing Osanionr..riktre. Room, an obi r.'nfongee, 'was rarreited - Leskirrening by anew Robert Willeani charged with • breaking the doors sail :windows of he neighbors' bons!. Eike fun Ai betting Mir Esernlng. Trweas .. ,, Driiiyborly% Friend" wee pre - dated st the Outs. lest erming,,And - was wail received. :It will be repeated' to-cirikt. 1 1 ~.: 1. Ann" IN TER Cnrr.—Amunber of Abe mem / 7 , 7 z . - bus et the 1021 regiment, who did not racialist, t.eizilvedla theietty lateettej aftenommi . . • . ' ^.Vitit.owiTho•public eehoob of this city ..ssa dlloghtey_WlWO re-opened 'tidally. after - MOOlisitlT a vacation of two months. orEialantadtoo,Ftwelsughttiani cto.„' et , eta Aa :If- Yal isxo:4Tar B"t• Atter watc:efmmintali en stti of'Srtrten 44mul'Ae. 11!DayD mr312100 the/it t4'°r• BRIM to • A. rano, _ Odobar • A 4 Andstani., -Wm Bedenhamer, Ttpraed trelti Bedfor4 Sp iny, Zr.,he will Walls w.lids practice 6t him ea», 146 T6lrdttireeti Picts- Venutie - tenimitties it by the "Via oroirovora: Waal-41W Orfila, W B Winter. &lie arewv. is liaddidre Than raw, Gawp Wilms, tame* Atraiters Yrlff. • Weeded H A Weever, JeteobEittarck Mewl win, William Ptallm, Wiz Owener, Jr, Joon Dr., Wm Woofs. Third Ward-10, predret—J 011aeltairenEe, - 8 W Clerk. ey. Ake Illunds. It W Hoarse Jacob P Diehl. Des ul Plar;no Cat L UcCo, Slap on. 2.1 preeleci— J Illebened4 Jima El McClelland, Joseph Abel. Don' .1 Smith. Henry Haley, .1 El Hobinson, Thee Deughegatt, 151 Palm booth Ward—John Et Here. J 1111164 (Poonuor, W Epees, Wm A. Tr milneee, lona W Chalfant. or .1 H Dlckun, John litenore, Mali Hays. Dr T W ethos, Fifth Werd—OGl F C Peery, J.srph halo, N W Ph. tar. *teeth Freud:, J W Con Osegh•y, G. HllAlcserhEtye, Diehard Thorgpsotratitta Meotlettek, Them" Maria. Sloth W....1—J A nutter, lase N Cerullo, Jared Id Pinar, Joke Phillip', Dr A CT EleUarillase, Jta Uwe., Col James Liming. Samna , Word C llcthrthy, Henry Sagely, Sam% Ilimerklei, El Fredericks, a K UOJTheld, Jima BOIA Wm hi eCa citron Eighth Ward—l k Pageant. David Hutchinson, Hall Piu wean. n.gb Elchreeeeer, II H Wage, J Htloa, end Jose. . °Stetter. 1 44 200! 200 9 73 0 445 00 1 0 . 00 10 70 1 "1 201 2 101 4. CO 470 800 l 0 'JD 12 1 19 1 13 II 00 6, II 4 09 6 18 am D nth Ward—D 8 Anderson, OW Ontrall, W 0 Darin, Thome D Glllerpir, James Irvin, Wm hicKetry, Junto Song. tfronap tlmesil wealcia Taal week. Itrst Ward—Jobe T Jennings, Elamitot 'Midis, Wm McKee 0 Ingham, Juba Dyer, 8 Butrord, Chariot Itegers:Thremee oostainagna, D Johnson, I. Bred. becond Ward—John Brown, Jr, 8 U Geyer, Joa Kirk. patriolt, Joseph Bo bow!!, 0 orgo 8 Karts, henry eat -o.3er, Wm C.Lbembers and WBfam end-ram Ibtralrao2-:-A. 0 Alextudn, OrorQo 0 ad. 0 08mIth, 5 trarttnert, James Th ru, James 81:101sts, Bohan Bay, 61,4 'rut Dabinton, A B. Do= art. Prerth Ward—J O Pattmum. it El hunch, W El Pur aisms, I.h•L Boot, John Elata.l, Wm Dmicksr, John Wright and 0 0 Tayim. tworraceoUla—Thomas ammird. John W Bidden. J Con rt, tiro W Jr. La, 0 B Bostwick, Jonathan Long staff, Jain Callen, Jr. Stanebestirr—Allen Mena, A Patterson, Copt Jam. )111! r, Wm 13 Boa, B. D. W 81, Thomas llaper and 0 Tempasocerille—Phillp VierhoGor, I D Blehardo Wm J atchordson. 0 Warden, Taos Feranson, Jahn Smila, Geo N. Gamble. Booth l'lttsbara,h—D Brecht, J enjn.tine, 64 .and Eprong, .1 V Auth. erattb Plttabargb—SW Paul, W H Barker, Va2autlaa Lorene. henry Laoskamp, Dr W W Denny. Dlnalcsbato-11. B Carnahan; W Badlak, Paws, PtollpPfull, Geo A rooreil. J nick, J chichla, 0 Volo . y. But Bhrotaghom It Sagan; Augusta. Immon, D Hamm. 31.fizalteth...Dr Shaffer, Elamuel Walker, Dr. Moffitt, 'Jobe Walker Jr. Dad Tower, Thomas Witt. -Wed 51.1sahott.—Dt !Wear, W Llsmh, Wm W ife 111. • . . gtewOkloy—Rob.,rt Broom, Robert Manor, F II Nov in. 8 Gaston. sießeerport-4 Stoat, Wm E Harrisan, Jar II Ber• Tyr, J WYetterno. W D.Wcod, D Trich. Duquesne—Wm Eretw, Henry 8 Lyon, J I 0 A Barrows.. Wat OMIT. Shardebarg—.l 0-Ortnetork, H Lewis, I Corotie, T Cabeon, Wm Stewart. Tatentuar—J El Porter, J E Hamm, George Harri son. liftnoneeLea.—E khan! Perry, norm Bruner. Pitt—W A Herron, I 0 Gray, Major Allen Dram, Henry Lamb:me, W. H. Benison.. Conlin-40bn H Btewart, 0 B Soe/y J R Nasky. Dr Bober: V. unseen, W P 11.111nr, II W Thom.., d Oise, foßl. . . Plorn—Tbatons Slog 11 Ifstaanlilln, Cbas nollean, P W 14C , 2. ea Biome, finitely, Beni Kay, David Calnerna, Iris. Elizabeth—l Patterson, T. Edmondson, Frank Pat- Immo. Wm Er s lI.M, slat aloClara, P J Ciardaer,Capt Eels, A Vankirk. Elson—Wm II Ocry, Wm Curry, II DI Snot*, J.Jim ry, J B Mao•l4, Jacob Sam. Baldaln—B Wilson, Wm Moors, P C Devita , Joslnh McGinbory, hand. Wtlma, Idslor Mahar[ Ma Sae, Mame? Ebner. . . Bayne, Wm Pam, D B Quail, John Blair, John Drown Jr, Blzlmul Strew, Samuel Watson, John M'Entgh.„o 0 Llgbtoop, Jf D Poabloo. Il`Nndlm.--Wm Dutchman, B P Wallah, Andrew Ombra, Jezces 11'0,3Jor, Wm Hamm John Unwell. Una Iker--ilalamin,J U Bunting, .1.13.n , nd,y, Jae ndszoon. • • Weal .Door--Allan Aber, John 0,141 , we11, Min Ka. gill, J Hazlett, Wm Porter, B °oily. upper ti- Oltar —Dr W J 011 mare, John Fail, John Yllttgan,Dl2.ll:4l Bch . Win & Shards, J. B.Han• Eitani . . North Fayette—Ttocont Bltlter, Bobort Boyd, Bon) Mota Jr..l.rrßarror, Jotui biattiunrs. Shaler—John Born., Alfred U Wall John Smith, John Mitter,l3 P Thomas.. tinioa—J 0 /Motor, N U olbnore, John Ensobkr. • "teott—Ool Wra den. Thomas:l. Gamble, B F Smyth, Bobt Long. Haniten—°.nauel 0 altars. John Bran; O B T H Brock. and Shoo /Item:mu. Poebbm—John Wunimb, Jr, J 6 Woad. 8 8 Brown, Jan B Baum, Fidlllo4 Job. Vm , d - mxft- Wllins Gordo., Jo W B GMBlie. 'Wm Balsalmim, - Wm B - amtisso, B Cangston, Sher.,(7l =ltes—J . 8 Stewart. W A Shaw, Thomas Jena, D B 11`QateLens11 /a Wood. James J Lade.. Clhartteri—J b Lawson, B DWood, Jams IrOontgle, A It'Clerthy• • Irinley—W J Armor: Jahn Harper, A II Burns, Judah Goy. Jr, 8 J Byers: Obto—lrrank Due, Wm Me.rhoon • Vreak Little, John HuLdera, Inas Wends. DM B,=,,,e—Wm Bees, D LO-chrleg, It Denver, Jenne Dexter. Adam it Wk., 0 emelt, J G Lane lAA Vr KittlT. • rnowden.—Jaerph AlBor. Eel, II 11 Murray, B B EcOol kle, John Wilson, A. H Sella Plmo-0 Andersen, A 8 aleoorl, B Kienes47, A Bait- ILO, J.. Plenkhoton, Jobs Omens. Indians—Adam Walter, John P Des ty, WlLson Ma ry, Wan Hanlenr., Gob= McPherson. _ leower CUB —G Beilte, Newer, D B reran. son, L Pelts. :Dew ek , ey— Wstano. Hada Wilkins, Ham Ds., theme IleUsttle, Wm Seeley. D LWilsw- Drescroal—Jamad EeeJey, darallten, al Lore, Baurml Farrar, John Hanallon, 2 McClelland. Iltu.ltue—, Small tam Barton. John 8 Hall, Ja cob Inns, Nichol. Mier, X W Cook, Elanhall-0.-ge Heavy, Jean°tar. J L Wheeler, Wm Zortman, Wm Andersen. ~lefienonJoblo J Oran, Elngb Donaldson, Panan•l Ommterlin.A. M Work. &nth Fayette-41 I Coulter, Tim Alt•remder, Jr, 8 Denudy. WA Denial; WmJ Bending, Levi Gregg, Bobleszoo-4 Ittm, El BAD, John Tenni. Jr. , Darrans„ A Parker, Dr Here., I B Nubs., alchard morn.% ' • leltalue—John Wlil.ck, u Gallus., John I Drs., John ahher Wm 0/11....rosidi Preakts—fawn Neel*, Debut Wilda. Ingo Wika 11-Id, Joha Donates, Acttre• Roseate:lL Ifaropt , n n Ni,,,., D Robert Sample (DJD , r,) Muir atm.,., Ephraim Tri sable. D. O'Sma4 A. II B.ws. Ohalrenan. 15suet sem. AL.. Drumm, SPIZZILLS LOC "irarions. ?Kona Pam, Plain and Ornamental 13Iala Soder, and dealer is Pennsylvania and Var. ant slate el the beet quality at low Wm. ace at - Alen. Laughlin% am the Plata Wadi, Pittsbargh, Pa. groom Nomoz.—The attention of oar newton Jlmeted to the brilliant assortmentofaprtel Ail Gamma Goods put received by oar trim dr. John Weier, No. 12! Fedaml street, Ails- Ebony. Ills stoCk comprises • great variety of fancy French, English, Scotch sod Alm:lean OatuAmaral and Cloths, and flllll Silk and Oas thane Vesting,,-41? of which will be made op to order in the latest styles and In the beet manner. A Motet, selection of Famishing Goods 11,0 on hand and for sale, together with • toll tzak of Ready Made Clothiao, wall and fash ionably made. • Ilreovne.—Ctsmnel Graben+ Merchant Tailors, bale removed to 73 Smithfield 'trust. We are Just receiving our second imply of spring and summer goods, and would moat re speattally invite oar friends and the pnbllo in to examine our new stock, 'bellorving rto a te one of the driest stocks of merchant te n orgoods to the city. Avon,garment WU. ranted to give full satisfaction, in both prim Ind quality.. give as a all before pzrehasing sad judge for yourselves. Ausior 11CcOathasza. flan:haat Tailors, TI 1 tabloid street. To Orr:Cara IA TEE Altity.—"Drown't Bron chial Trocher,". or Cough and Voles Lozenges, contain ingredients acting 6psoftlaally on the as serts of the voice; they have an exuaordinary efficacy fa ell affectionsof the Thmit surd Larynx, restoring their healthy tone when relaxed, either from cold or em•exertisn of the voles, and pro— duos i clear and distinct enunciation. At there are imitation', he slue to oltoie the genuine. Bold by Dreggige generally. Is you Tabu • good, healthy hitsd of hair, or wish to prevent you hair from terning grey, or, when grey, wish it restored to its original oolar, yon mast use an article oelld Barevireatua, as it seems to be one of the greatist moo sssss of the present thus. Sore to render satisfaction for the above purposes when all other prepare eons have failed. Sold by Simon Johnston, ear. Suilihrield and Reath streets, and by allsolvant druggists. _ A FM Tama lea YUJI Timms—The fragrant flekodont hes • taken a very prominent play smug the most approisa dent M:era the day. It is a Tay popular article for the toilet, highly reeommended by all who hare toed It as a beau tifier and reserver of the teeth,' refreshing the month. sweetening the breath and arresting the progress of &m y. Bold by Daig#o. OMITS fnd einiagewollowtOhktatea at the Ownlbw eZeo, Ito; 410 Penn tbwet, dq or ntEs p i zp Gram loft at the above plea will b. l PrCinPUY ma sse ,4 to. Ail calls m be ot Ws a Wane,. a Ni, Broca Nnamdfuns GObDll—Como and lee ittem I &Wish Costs and Panto told rm. 60161616 I R. "Ifierzurms, 6081. Olds it. Pin DEM : —lol6ol—Orifmthor.. rspustotstr 41b, of tD;iota* p. a.. Era OSTBABIMM lAt G. TIM AMAMI Mint*. Dims on ?M.A. Ms 6th tai'., _bus I.tosstatdmosSl her brothsts-tsw, Mt. Oerrs. pamtl6l3o. T Mandl Mom, tillogbeny. Mas Moab dtbs Willy are tayeatalky tits to Oland. TOTIMEissOn I[attd.7.&7tainb.r atb. tk. yo,,,,rat as et Wm. LOWII Mtn Toms, sod 11 nxitas andlThiss. The f ial nd win gam piece rat largar, tbs 6:1 but. at two o'clock. The trawls of the !wake are rape* tO Mtn& ' " BEAII, . TIFILL PRESIMINTIAL CLIM PALMS KILDALLIONIT„ flfe pidoelph Maws of tom rATOBITX 0/LlDtranc* - • win es wit fres te siy - adiniss; ieciaptof /Lamb Om agape:lyr sty:a for !a mac Dfflabbre gaPPU..• ' JUISCi GO)" WIN 6 00 sate Brostway, poig MOO Z. O. THE LATEST NEWS BY TBLE4IBAPH. FROM THE SHINANDOMI FIGHT NEAR BERRYVILLE, The Enemy Driven from Their Intrenehments, A DESPERATE STRUGGLE Our Porten Occupy a Strong Position. HEAVY FIRING HEARD REAR BUNKER HILL. BALYINOILE, Sept. s.—The following rpecial to the American It furnished in &dream of publica tion. licadquartsre, Kiddie Dawson, near Derry ilia, Sunday Sept. 4th, 7 a. m: General Torbete' cavalry °rips which had encamped at Iteppon's Store on Friday night, proceeded to Berryville, reaching there at midnight where they eientinto camp until daybreak next morn hilt, when they moped out through Berryville oe the Winchester Pike, taking the road to the left, about 7 miles beyond Berryville, and were still advancing when last heard from at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, meeting little or no opposi tion. The infantry consisting of Crook's cons. mond, the 6th and 19th corps, broke camp at o'clock yesterday, a. ay. and moved in three parallel columns, towards Berryville. Crook'!" command wee on the left, the 19th corps on centre and 6th on right. Crooks reached Berry. vine feet about 12 o'clock in the morning and rested in tine of battle with arms stacked fora couple of howe, while pickets were being posted on different roads leading from Berryville. The 23d Ohio was sent one on the Snicker's Perry road, end the 30th Ohio on the Winches ter pike cunning to the; right from Berryville. Crook. commend went into ramp, end had jest feniebed pitching teats at four o'clock, 'Mob hoary skirmishing was hoard on the picket line. The Whole command rapidly turned tent cud was formed and moved forward to support the pickets, who had' bean driven from behind Dome intrenolunenta which they had molded. The 36th Ohio and and Orb Virginia were formed and charged the enemy, driving them cut of the intrenchacents. A desperate straggle now ensued, tho rehab being determined to regain poesession of the Intrenchntenta. With this ob jectthey mimed no leas than two division. and hurled them with their meastoened ferocity against ear gallant little bind, which Wes ono perted by both Davalre and Thorbarn's diet alms. They wore handsomely repelled each time. The confliet lasted Bit long after sanest, end the artillery firing was kept op until nine o'clock. The whole army has Leen engaged all night in digging and throwing up breastwork', and now occupy a strong position. The whole of the fighting so far has been demi by Crook's dom. mend, which captured Are hundred prisoners and a stand of colors. Our loss will amount to about three hundred killed and wounded, while that of the enemy le at least one third greater. Heavy firing was honed, yesterday in the viclntp of Banker Rill, and it was supposed to be Gen. Averill advancing. • M a a Recommendations and Orders by the gresideet. Wszamrres, September 5, 1854.-11 a. m. —To Mafor General Dir:—The President has issued the following recommendations end orders in relation to the recent sextant of the United States forces at Mobile and Atlanta: (Signed,) E. M. Eirstrroz. Eszctrrroz Marszon, lirssaricaost Sept. 30. Tile signal mums that Divine Prrvidenew has recently vouchsafed to the operations of the U. S. Net and , army In the harbor of Mobile, mid the reduction of Fort Powell, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan, and the glorious aehlirrements of our army under Gen. Shaman in the State of Georgia, resulting in the captain of the ally of Atlanta, calla for dovoct acknowledgments to the Supreme Being, in whose hands an the des tinies of nations. It Is therefore requested that on next Sunday In all places of worship in the United States ' trnornagtving be offered to Him for his mercy In preserving our national exis tence against insurgent rebels who have been waging a cruel war against the government of the United Slates fer its overthrow ; and also that prayer bo made for Divine prem.don teem brave soldiers and their hada?' in the field, who have so often and so gallantly perilled their lives la battling with the enemy, and for bleat ing and comfort from the. Father of mercy to the lick, wounded and prisoners, and to the orphans • and widows el those who lave died in the service of their country, that be will continue to uphold the government of the United States against all *Aorta e! public enemies and secret foes. (Signed,) Axxast.s LIJOOLI. Executive Mxismit, Sept. B.—The national thanks are tendered by the President to Admiral Pennant and Mefor-General Canby, for the skill and harmony with which the recent operations in Mobile Harbor and against Port Powell, Fort Gaines, and Vat Morgan were planned and ex ecuted; also to Admiral Parragat and &Na tion:mm.l Granger, under whose immediate com mend they were =ducted, and the gallant commanders on sea and lend, and to the ;anon and soldiers engaged in the operation, for the ability and eourego which, under the blessing of Providence, have been crowned with brilliant mom, and bee wei for them the applause and theillui of the natiori. EIT.COTITZ MAXIMS, } Ctir, Sept. 11, ISM. The National thank. are tendered by the Pres ident to Maier Gemmel Sherman and the gallant o fixers and soldiers of his" oommand before At lanta, for thisdistinguDbad ability, desires* and p11110,11 , 215C0 displared- - in the campaign in Decry* which, tinder Divine power, remitted In the capture of the city of Atlanta. The inarebet, battles, lieges and other military operation' that have signali.d this campaign, most render It t.mom in she annals of war, and hare entitled thole who have participated therein to the ap plause and thanks of the nation. (Signed) Allillaa.ll /AIRCO/el. Exeunt's,' hiawssow, WASIIMIGTOO, I Septembor a, 1844. J Ordered, first, that on Monday, the am day of September, ememeneing at the hour of twelve o'clock, there shall be given •ealute of ono hun dred dune at the arsenal and navy yard at Wash ington, and on Tocadayethe 6th of Septatuaer, or on the de, after the receipt of this order, at 'Job arsenal or navy yard In the United States, for the recent brilliant achievement/of the Beet end land force' of the United States In the bar b.r of Mobile. The Secretary of War and Secre tory at the Navy will lieu* the necessary direr • Some In their respective departments for thesis*. cotton of this order. Second, That on Wednesday the Ith of -Sep tember, commencing at the. bony of 13 o'clock, noon, there shall be fired a.sabste of 100 gone at tLe arsenal at Washington, and at New York, Dorton, Philadelphi , Baltimore, Pittsburgh, 'Newport, Ky., and St. Louis, and at New Or leans, Mobile, Pensacola, Hilton Head, and Nowhere, the day after the receipt of this order, ter brilliant achievements of the army ander the command of fen. Shermanin the State of Geor gia, and the capture of Atlanta. The Secretary of War will lime the direction for the execution of this ardor. (Signed) A Bikini( Luroota. Rebels Reported at Chalk Bluff no Si. Lours, Sept. a.—A Malt was simulated on oreditabte authority at Cairo, on Setorday tart, theta considerable forte of rebels tulder Shelby appeared at 'Chalk Blab, _twenty .milse from Sbitrlatown. One pert of them, it was expected, would attack Charleston, while the remainder demonstrated against Cape Sillabub Thum is doubtless Tom Freeman's gang of guerrilla caking en extmrsion into Missouri, as lest so. counts from Shelby planed him in the vicinity ot lieleas, where he has bean operating for some time peat. Rtbel News Wasnmeroa, Sept. b.—Richmond papers say that In the battle near Atlanta our troops were at fret repulsed, bag nosily drove the enemy back with hem Jose, InelnAlng three Generals -rdederson, Patten and Bards*. General Lea. Wallies, In company with General Grant, vistaed General Warren at the trans yesterday. flamer ems General Wallace an Important oonamand In that Department. Prom Panama. •Thpr You, Sept. S.—Advice, from Panama say that , she Chilies Chamber of Deputies had resolved that - the Minion Swim ought not to be recogaboid. The coast traffic of Chill has been opened to all nation', A motion has been primal In fain of as MD:salve and defensive armament between all and ths Americas Depubllm. Arrival of Prisoner Porreres Matzos, Sept. 3 0 .- The flag of trios stemma New York suited from Nerds, James river, lest evening, enth twenty 4re efloers, - ten capons end 400 enlisted men, in abuse of N. lltdfdtd. nay left dazing the night for Annspolh. The Draft. Fn You, Sept. 5, 1854.—The dreinesssiol Alivertiser'e special up It mill requite Went ilaye to anzap the credit* ea the quota, of the mord atones, and thank's, • dents cannot tab InLertsung • Croat Were Orleans, New Yonic,lslX sissener'l3iiiiirbs tsardifileilnitliiill4 , Sated 04 Ge a Asnogig itsseenprs fir Gen. ne117.; r g il Ifiefetr tad fehtrasd trout ad expedi tion to Red Wood, seventeen raise from Baton Rouge, on the Clinton rood, where he hod • tight with the enemy, inLioting s loss of 1110 UM, barides destroying surge amount of stores. Oar loss irsa sisdint thirty killed and wounded. An exchange of about lOC prisoners recently took place near Baton Rouge. General Granger hos tutted • letter of as knowledgement to the army for the part they tork in the redaction of forts Morgan and G tines. There was not s einglo one lost by oar forced 111 the lut attack on Port Morgan. The army worm is making hotrod in the cotton near Beton Range. The rebel coramondas J..ok Soot4hie head quarters at Clinton, La. Ile cam ads about :It (10 cavalry, and le supported by three batteries, two of four guns and one of three. W. D. Mann has I can nominated for Congress b 0 tho Free State Union Association, at 84011 Brags. 1, twat 4,600 volumes of the lost works belong ing to the State library, have been recovered from the place where they were teareted. Governor Hahn returned Irma the North on the 211th, and was warmly repaired. Washington Items WASEITAGITS, Sept. 5 —There Is no truth is the pnbllshed report that an Invoy eztraordln►r7 from Emperor Maximilian has arrival in Wuh ltirtnn. Bracts! Monedar, Plenipotentiary from Vin• tuella, set I today wu formally preeettod to tha President, The ulna assureinosi of friendship were exchanged. Ae 0 .dinst to an °Mobil statement, the amount fr °Hanel =mono, In dreralation le twenty f.nr millions of dollars, an lacrosse of nearly one n within the last month. Sopsaribtlont to the 7 20 loan u reported to Treasury:Derailment to-day uxonutod to s7la,- 000, and to the 10 40 loan $72,000. New York Stock and Money Market. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Osastta. Nair You, Sept. 5, 11:44. The stock market continuos dull and ratea l thave atilt farther deollned—Plttiturgh and Fort Wayne, 108 ?e; Cleveland and Plttaburgh,llo34; Oevernment Securitici-13. S. Sixes, 1881,107;4: One year Certificates, 94; 8.'4111. Thirties, 119; Five-Twenties, 109,Ti. Gold la very Irregular. ftuotuatieg between 138, and 241. From Fortress atonroe—Burnlng of Frig ate Brandywine. Voir Morton ' Sept. 4 —Steamer Cambria from Wubingtoubotuld to New York put to here to-day;ehe will be delayed but two hundred and three dap. The mail boat from City Point last evening, Ire:right down 100 rebel primness who were sent to Wallington. The distraction of the old frigale Brandywine by fire has devolved upon the Government, lota of over $1,000,000 In naval atom and clothing, origin of lire has not been ascertained. We have no newt from the James Rita to day. One Hundred Con■ Fired in New York.— From reternburg. Nsw Toot, Sept. s.—One hundred gnat were tired at noon to-day in the City Bell perk in honor of 'h. rapture of Atlanta. The Post's Washington speotal say:: Every thing was quiet in trout of Pstershiug up to yesterdny inoroing. The rebels an *rooting strong works opposite our position on Ike left. The work on Datil Gap canal approsohes com pletion. Firing of Salutes. TWITON, N. J., Sept. 6.--Novarnor Parker has ordered tbo trir.g of titre-four game in honor of the victory cf our troops at Atlanta, to-mor row at 12 m. 100 tone War. Arad this evening by th• loyal cdtizesui of the city in honor of Sherinu..l victory. Death of a Rebel MaOr la Vt. Warren. Bourn, Sept. s.—fdejor Bald Senders, of the rebel .rnty, d.ed in Fort Worm on Saturdey, at the age of 27 years. Danued wu a son of Gouge A. Sanders. 'Waiting Oyer the Late Victories. WarI:IINOTON, Sept. 15.—A /Amu. of 100 guns woo fired to-day by order of the ?earldoms in honor of the victory at Atlanta. M Malt T S. New York Market. . &vv. Tea, !apt. 5.--adtton toll or 111,60 far NH dllug Uplands. hoar--Sta. and Weston; doll • %brat decided change' Ur . 2.5010,35 for rrtro 111,1.501L3 /dr firm la IL. O. Whisky own snood • ; illemtero 1L601.61. Wboot mots *Wad,: 12,20 for Pair to Cta rpriag.,11,4113.G.41 for ifort. sllcdl nd 40 far irool %frau. Ited Wrote,. Cldm nil how d•rAdr,l rbandk O•t• drm. Port firm.r sod . • In .titre demand; 5t.13719.30 f Dem, 141@i1..50 tor No.• tin Um. Luther bunny and ir-• Llain4, at .67. 3 21,-;:. Duller Urnl .ad jut L. Stock and Money rlarkst. use Toss, Pspt. 6.-119.9 Ana st 7 par end Fish Ilag to fslr must. st 109 Ss geld. 9019 lagslar, opla.l-9 91=1. 01.00 g UN Golan:m(01 /lack§ ...1, ; Trossffry 7.91., 11094 ; 0. r. t'• 649 00astans 110141 du 1911Ossposs, 107}4. Stocks (wow: E. 111 P. Dao .f• 18 .1 -- 1 O. ao. koio;57;1111 P Ft. w. a htR.. S thorn Trre• lima* —. C6' 111. Ode * 0. • P . 9•l•Torr a 6:6P —it' O. 6.**64---1t 4 Quletallver c(„, O. M. Oestlie —" •••7—: I 4 ,231. New Tort Bank Statement. 15x. Yonc, Sept 6 —le aro, 118 , 414.. , 31 (ammo ; Bp,elo, 5351,566 R; 10cr.aso, 1c,,13. 01r nlatl,,lss 'i.00,960; 6. a r.urn, $55,11:, 7, Dryad Cs, 5161, uu5,14.8 , desznate, 55 013 M. Philadelphia Market. rittraerbrum. ✓Sett. 6.—Trade mach d premed by the tn ymency cf the ►e.tbrr .d • toMber dee to fa tad. Thu , finial Pulaafine no. Wllnet do I bat belt firm. Old 32,5 n'42.63. !few Perattylvenl• 12,6 , 0 270 for N. d T to. Wltlte. Oulu —.Wised SI U. Oato men enure end tam . b.. fitrrlfir. Pnatel be steady. Petroleum it .cbanged. Whlaky $1,11.(11,t6. Chle ago Market. Ortddoo, g t 6 —Ylont drat. It Prat ; ulna at $'242,05 tut Land $ I ;or No Odra active. aalea at $ .216d' n No I. ant e'...30 or Noll 0 OA, Brm st 6n,y4.t70 %lathy dni; .t 11 ; 76. PrJNIA,IIII doll. • f;ulslstrr tall ; Es to BOW, Enssoists—o,..b-0 obits Whoa . , 61,(KSJ bush Wheal, 66,D00 bush Corn. 117/.49 bush Oa • rfblprarnb.u—AX , bbla Mut, 100,000 busk Wheat, 16,0 W bush Corn, 85,6.9 barb Crests. St. Louis Market. Es. Lortt, , 'ert....co declined I ri„„, rrler; 11 , 9 7f.e49 vn her Riegle Lairs, $lO lA/ for !Maas got tennlioz downward; Prime to tow IS, Choice SLlElent iG. evrn .temiy st MAsept.B7 Ont. active... [um, st 94a9C0. bran atlfr, at 213!.30 or .6 'Alden tiesed•Fe• RIVER I NTELLIGENOE. slue fal erday Light the weather b bean dee Welly er. t. tate hart - g halm .lm-wt graideciwaely, aa4 tee co wyci• ace I. that the river I. Kahn rtolog Slowly el~h about et Alt bet water by the pier mulct. The pi onyet to a..w for • coal lewt dee are excelleat. aa4 on . , a Lae:her am pre, ring to leave. The rise thee fur la oat of tbe froactigatela, bat • coari4orato • ri.e 1. ,Eptcled tat of the alLeghony, no henry ulna have fallen all slug }ho ulnas of that lament. "'rut the an of lbit meather last ..onlog, It had mot in foe • ~00,71..ra1a. - I, tottrognenca of the lncl.m.ot weather, basins. au eery talniti reetrlctml at the wharf. Seers II net Muth Ifyolikti‘ffiring. and etaamboat men me not very •011 phostd w 1 h their prospects. the Eliilla` Cubans arrived yeetinlay from Eanm- Ule, having on board a good trip. eh. will Imes on bar return trip the evaning .1 ton, o'clock. Capt. O. 11. PUB le In command. The Lizzie Wardle from Wheeling and the tool L•tf from Cluchinatl mom du Isar. mitt, and mill without donbtbe Lamed at the wharf 'Mb tlarClin. , The Illnerm for Wbeellrg was the only depnitire. The Urildir arrived durnt the day tram o.lllpulle, having among other Mans 900 bomb of deur. (pt. Saler, formerly el the Cottage NO. 9 bee purchased rhe coramandlog interne., and wid place her In the AIL. shoo, river trade. The Amer!. hohrg retired from the Cincinnati and Irlayulllo trade, will lave Cincinnati tads; for this city, and will arrive hare about Saturday next. Ste has already, we an Informed, • considerable freight ea. Aged for ht. Louie, and will probably Leave about Wei needs, mot for that paint The atannch and reliable Delawann Capt. Stevens, Will pod:hely leave for St. Lords this analog. She .MD15011.0..1 on Than by by Ott Ma,gle Liam Capt. ilendrickson ; stud on Saturday by the Armenia, Cep'. A.. O. kit Callum. Ate .111 be seen by card, °apt Jame. Melon, annorm me Ms new steamer "Onward" fa Cloclnuatl and Len. 10.1110 on Someday Otpt. Mellon le one of our mutt popular and enlcrprlrlor etaambett men, and we hope he widget et he dre-mes, a drat rat, utp. 7he tonna Graham, NM. 0: /L. Stall, la the regular packet fur Zenetrille. Lanvin' promptly st p. nt. .SXUBEINE.TTIL O.PITrIEU3IIIIGH THEATRE. lasm sail- Manager— .--.WIL MINDIEI9OI9, TBIB (rcirui.) MEM% .111 t• prower.t.d far the inn Moe tun, the ottilnot oom d7b'btbUOg &Too, entltiod EPER PROD,'" S FRIE.TD. Mr. Aft irsaarzirr Wantrratb.. Mr. Itebrook—..... Maus. Myer ilhollagten 0. Batton. Mn. rcrordorm—.....—. --tants Startle • Deubir rocs B,lveskr awl Jana). To conclude with' ELSBAT OEINEWEILD. FRUIT WAX, FRUIT WAX, 7011 MILLUIG TB OIT OAVI, 81;017j•Dlat lIILKIVI, warrsatal to nth*, TINA 117.AVOISHCI urilisora. OFIRREFOI3 AMOUROA FOR IRS 11A13. HOLLOI/Al.B ruaa uto oral . on shrwri %spew's:id as GIL a. mars cmirrm Dam nolo. eat. Obb sad Wail di. fillpillmq, ti k iwtal Hone, AiblQ4lb 0/4P 14/Mt. ~',„:, YOB 9.1", ZElrarrinteri I THE LOMB lOURRT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAN CHEROKEE REMEDY OFIKAOSI:A lII.TEOTION Ociapmzdt4 from Boot., Barka era Lama ITHIEBOILTA lISEILIDT, the treat Laden Dlnzetio, =tree all disseaee of the winery organs, sr.th an Loon time. of the Drtng InflarameStan of the Bladder, In. fismatloa of the Blaney., Stone In the Bladder, St:to tem GreveS, Glob:, Gonorrhea, and Is espxtally wan. roonded In those cams of Floor Lib% (or White. to fesseles,) where all th old asuman medicines have It I. preparod to • highly aor.outtated tons, tLa &in Wog from one to tiro totopoonfolla Mr*, tit:toper day. It le dturactie end elt^ratirs in its action—notifying ant chewing the blood. enuring it to low to all Its original purity and vigor,thns lamming from the oats all pernicious causes whlct hare Wanted rheas. Cherokee Injection I. latended ss eo a/ly oo theentut to the Cherokee Ltettredy,,and should be used in Glynn• Non with that medicine loan awes of Gononites. Glee; Mos alb= or Whiten. Its elan an haallng, soothing and demulcent; rainortor all scalding, heat, chords. and pain. Instead of the horning sad amain ®ea• dmably gain that Is erperienoal with nearly ail the ohospqr.ack Injections. By the see of the 011E110ENII :11IIIILEDT so CHC6OILSI IB.TICTIOB—the two medlar. at the eazos ttont—all improper discloser., ere =lora& and lb. Intakoned organs ore speedily restored to toll vigor end strength. Tar WI porticalorkitot 00 , PomPhi.i fr...... 1 'YAW Mors ha the px.117. or iirlita O. sZtd we Wal mall trots to any aAAta>•. a foil Comtloo. Pdoe., OIIZIWILEII SLUED!, 111 par bet** ea PTION CESILOILED 1N.T1501103, W par Datil., or throe botilaa fur W. Boat by apron, to any addrms, un the rocalyi o prim, Bald by all dzuggLab oyerywhero. DE. W. R. DM:WM 600.. SIDIA Prowl:stan, No. 50 Liberty area; Nos York. /or ale to Pilbibm-gb, b H. b 10016.83621 A (XL, mirror of the Diamond and drool. coldthrodatroovir ELI, Du. WRIGHT'S RETUITEHATIXO SLIM:Et ; ZSBXFO3 OF L. Trorared tee= Pore Twist*. Extraslay=l ~thbi tajaxlnus to tk magi She ltduentedni Kalb to the mutt of • =yeti. In the vegetable binctent, Whit et , Crow end iebetrul sunhat of eare, trreepeahre et I=l Mb =Woe to. bees bated by ft* toed otodleal woo of the day, sal by tam prontoataed oat of tho greatest soalloil dloomrtad of ttat ado. Otte Waldo will ostle amoral Dainty, 2, Ow door our Hyoteoho testtateo. Mho loathe cam ralottaddox of lbw Hems &On dam rattan. lb. =Woo* of mention. Vas ow to three boffin aortas the mallow, itfl editor of loath. • try dna mamas the ayttrqba Muse betties cam the wont..we of tamotiofty. • Am dams cum lbw low (grits& Otto Wile radicals coastal power. A low doom NIX*" th. IMO to fh• 400 - T ho medicine teeters S. ityar dad robo totaltb Ito vat. dohtlltated, wora-dowa sad be • Int de - votes of aworal yt.sstra ! .Oatlesm,.enrett d rm.; Ito onwr-tatkal laza buds... Cu vietta of terms dapreadoa. or tad nail elsiforhog Qom enamel tblbnlhfo ls ff.= ..ad was of a aloe. arm; .11.1 al fool latraodlato otatwal ,lief by du ow of Mb Mat, ar LAO. Race p por bath*, or Mesa battle* two 1121, ..rya by comm. Do nimbi at MOM, la Sol 4 ty a drcuir....tritar. DL W. 8. NEM= 1100, lkoh. hoprietorn, • tic, SD lasity ybrYst, Ibe nal. la Pltlybtrib by tl. ElnaLAlaffall ag W. arzur el tby Mama sad !total amble. CATARRH i DR. IL SOODALE'B 0A T ABRki REMEDY. 11 panatrataa to 1.1. 'wry mg of MD Writ& ollorama, ao4 ettersolaato• 11, roof aid branch. Damn. Dr. GI/OD/LLD la ths Slut and only wawa who awls Widths roved what Catarrh molly no—whan Iraornatorme6— and shag owold oars It. Dr. GOODA.I.I nee sprat . Wilms to battling with this tall Dram, Imploring Its bona ambush and nab bing known to the world Ins Net that (Want. arttleb hyll, for rare, datied Ma skill bail meaty o 1 medical met and sloth:yrs In Ibis oornstry and In lamps, an sow to =red, with the sam• uniform oartalnty tbat morning Iblbasm night. Tharmande oho ham trial • eery Imam rare in vain, bare been parmanmatly owed by Dr. GOODALra 06SAD3D 1111111ZD7, and am prstio It to the meet estmeammt berm 01 paha. Cell as act neatest agency. or mall a stunp tor a .paropbtet. Devised and prepared by E. 000DLL1, M. D., Dew art ..14022021 i CO. Bala Lents, Et Broadiray, Hew Tort. GIL GEO. H. KEYSER, Bus Aaiun No.llo WOOD STBSZT, Flitabryk. axial BRIDGEWATECR. 17150. COMO! MIL e3OUSD 121 MO LINEIVILD on. Biz =Rad Drab Modal, tat OUTTAGILB, maws, LULDDAD mon, age AYq " T tw ati c triorIN ABE IIIIIMIT OLIO, Pa CIHEAPIIST PAINT m TEM NAHUM 80111111/Ar 12XLYNOLDS. Omura! /limit, TI Ilea Lank New Tali utlblisod gpownworti HEADQUARTERS, lie WOOD MEWL DA -auras DOWN Invitee tie Wootton al Sports:ten one others to Id rplevella nook of 11=8, PISTOLS, tiAltll ILIOB, POWDEII YL&BM HUMS PODOIITS, WWI 1111.11S8, en a ct ear manillas af every kind. Me stook te the larked ma homed to this market. eon (:rE TPAR MEN. NNW ORGANIZATION Local Berauty— rattanal Nasty BIDDIJI IMMO Roanltlns Maw mean Its fourth ofroil Pluabirsh. lyll.4l.TA.itY &Li=TOWN. PA-, Ilift7llllles trete Mahe%lpnts, etnntenri btw Mate. end offesins *tweeter odirkstettee rot • Itionanin auk.. ils11; Osettal end 1111ttuy 11.6nasiton. opens session Eept. 6111. Toe Otratilats addria HOlpAap, A. 111.. President. saki. INDIA RUBBER and Onio CLOTHING ahr.ys gm land and ter 'Os amp, at the India Rab bet Lopot of PHILLIPS, Ho. sad Si Ste Mar stmt. SINGLE AND DOOM'S HAMM SHOT bed stall in Ws atty. dorsals too sed JAMES WWII, Ltd Wond dna. 111111VOLVDB8 AND PIRTOLS of 511 AS Made coostoatly TI land cod Itrr We by JANE! 80WN,130 Wood dm!. (IOOPER'B CAEPENTRITS TOO NJ Crania by JAME'I DOWN, DLARTBR-40 bomb, f 0? egs by J. at 1111.1w3 13- Ota.nirk WO 1 LARD 01L. , -450 bbla. prim, No. 1 .L 1 lard Oil cis band sad Ibt rift by MS. DLLSILL it SON, Maul Mints, davel LEA NI N-100 Pigs NO. an t Gaimi z e n. uoimits: JffEDICJIL. HOMICOP . 4IIj . i,P#IPIEBI TOR IFELIS A Fzesh Supply Just Received No. I—Tar Tams", Congeetton tad 1.a•,....ap i Sal t Pain, ao. Prfas, 56 cazda o.l—Tor Worm Arm, Wcrm Calto and Voradvell Apprtite. Prim, 33 amts. Ho. B—gee Ooike, Tsettarz Crying and Wakeful." Blow GLowth and forblonao of Indust. Price 35 mots No. 4—Tor Thurber. of ChUdrea as Admits ; Molars Isantstm. sad Emma. Oorwl•lot• Priam 341 emu. Ho. &.—Tor Tkratotory or Bloody flax, Collo, Grip. plop, Mons Guile, Tall Didntary. Pew SS ors. B—Tor Cholera, Cholera tilt.rtrae, Blames and ire=Wag, Asthmatic Breathing. 19.5 No. 7-1 , 05. Corwin, C 0156 licersanco Sivalcahn, rt.. Coon. aral bore Threat. Prlu 65 team_ 8-1' or Tooth-acheOrseoeche Nemec Palms, Denials - la and Tie Dolotees. Price 2.15 wank Re. 9—Tor Heredeche, Sick Headache, Vertigo, Eitel of Mood to tile Hoed. Price 85 cent. No. 10—Tor D7>•pepala, Weak. Acid or Dorangrol storm% Conottratioa. Wm Complaint. 85 unto. Do. 11—Tor Bog riaieid Mew.. or Sanity. Pahabil at Delaying Green &Anita. ZS mate. No. 111—Via Leneorrheaor WLttu , Bearing Dn.u, toe Prrit.so Litnees. g 6 ovate. 17 0 .13—ri,Craap, Howes Ottrapy Oongh, Dttllcalt sad Oprang44 mate. ao.l4—For mat BCaam, anuay 11=pflo.., zr7d9. laN Scald awl, Buten' Itob. a conta, 16—ror 111mrcuthrol. Pato, Lamonses, or 19m~ Amin th. Qirt, Back. Lai. or Limbs. 56 cis. lib. lA—for Freer sad Ague, Intcrerdtteut 'revue, Dumb Ague, Old luvederate Agues. CO coats, 11—Tor Mee, BlLtakor Moodll4, Infarnat ar Me. toraal. Lomat or Obetinata. 60 oun Sw 11--For Opt.lathalmia Weak or Itfamed Zpri asd Eyelldr, Taillng or Weak Sista. e 0 asuta. No. D—For Catarrh, scats al aluoala, dry or Amy Lag, Cold In the 11.4 Indn•a:a. 60 maga. Po. 20—Tor WitooFing Coneyshortamatog awl ?alb& tag it, or Opeortsodlo Cough. OD amts. Ile. o—Tor Artlnn, Ownuaed, Difficult, Laborte Breath . tog, oough end Exkuutatution. Mat, 60 cut, ISo. 25—gor Itar D'arlsrpoi, Noise to the Thud, La pr-trsd Hearing, Earache. 60 anti. No. El--Tor B.rottls, 1110.1arged Gina., end Tans* evening. and Old Mews. GO coat.. No. St—Tor Gmeral Debtl.4", Phydcal or Banos So. t6-riad Aswanlutlans, 712 Swellings, with Ei.ati Secretions. SO cents. No. 45.-1 . 01. rer-Sletzma, Prottratlon, Tardy, Etarsos, Vomiting. GO aorta. 80. 2l—Tor Denary Mamma Banal OancolP Diflionit or rdinttd Urination. GO mat& Ho. ES—Tor Seminal Emindona Involuntary Dia ebarms and coonequent I..stpatlon and Debug, Rlws (x 80. 12—Tor bars Mouth . Blamaa, Oadkartl Ilcroth of Adult§ at Mama gl CO. N. ISO—War Urfa., lawnliztanes, Watiag Tin Bad, toe trecanat, patufal or sodding tirlasticen. Pries til CO. Owe of le via* camplsta.—- FLO eel* at 40 nab; aampbae, to morocco, Lad boa-. T Cher 0f40,14/4, sad beat, plain -, I Om. of ID numbenel bozos, ..4 book 4 Owe of 4 bora% numbered, end Book ... I BM& numbarmi boo, with d1nerd1edm........-...-. Slagle lettmed boos, vith directions.,--- Lamm ame'of II on flab, tar planter• and Owe... 41..0.• lll CC 0173 3TICEDII2I BY Elll.ll. Look ow, the list, mats op a erns of .nut Idlnd yolk <know% sad tneloas the amount In a =moos nos* a 4=l" by mad tae Etna and tba slottletw ink M duly 'Owned by dug at siva% tna og atka4s. J. 8 ',TILTON, Virus Stmt. (Noma Baena Wliobogs opal kr PltAttrargll Gad 'Sanity. cal pITTL 4 BURGH COAL COMPANY. —_---siso,ooo 3,000 MURES AT 350 EARL DUIZCTORJ AND TIVTITX/1 i 'Out. W. llisketios. Pe, Phillips. wee. Rage./, J ohm V Mt. ',To.b. Bla4oll. This caingany bald. t►. fro al Note of hilvf nem of bad quality OW Land, Waste oa the glearnagatiels eery Vas cast of mid led at itt6 per acts anioasto ro $ :Ca. Iha rai.airssig itt 2r5 of eh. capital dock .14 ea teed la building ..hart ragman, wasting Clod Tiyyliee and Otb, OfteVOTI iminroinirairsts, todentoris the rein. ...lot atm entanany. ?be <thiamin. tras the ch., book to ths coal already <period I. bat glty feet. Ai . /Olt .tag. Of the river tbris .to Lomat) Yet water at Ins °snaps- Wee Coal If lan. From De.. Date the immure and Directors ham, fro doubt lb I Mb proper enwrgy toe stock of th. eomtr .7 co. to miry mete bietly nononeratlve TWAY ter coot. oe .stroriptione real be oallid peTehl. oe sr Wont the lith of Septatrabor, U '4; bslacip of le dal nm. es mey b. ordtred by the lirtretere and Director. ind m the coati:ivy require. Iletiks and willvortptioa efe opened at the fodoeleg plede : Am Bageleilt, Da 27 Woad WM, Plttetimrsti. ilier k Dicke.eon'e. Doe >SI nod 237 Liberty Wee. loathes Ithod.. • Oo't, Devisee Way, mere Irwin otreme. Irentrance Qtropany, carter of ILPtia and Woci rireete p 1.12 W.,BES 0, • Otto &nd Steam Fitting, Its bisa.b., can luny attended Lb, by azpwEn p...-L.A.I workmen. • TALL, nourtansat of use IIETOBBS, BLEBS. BATT! TCTLI, ROWER BATTON WATER CLOSETS, FITDEARTEI. ha. Ocasi.utly on bawl and made to order. TATS A ISEVILL/S. Ho. 62 !SD HEAL =SKIT, Uloghom end LIBILWIT STBIZT. Pittabartd 1ab.11:21.1r dl TO MINERS, MINERAL WORKERS AND wentra&Le DBIIG/9IBTS.—The Sorsa 11 thing and tlannfactortag Oo haring aractect Jetsam lesls and O•cteher, at in Boron erew ready to arras contracts lot crnehind and powder no ing quer and other red, of whatever rlare, by the ton or by the thearad toot 'lb., shorty be prepared, upon the completion of their derlptinett teg and molting tnrnaw, nee la pro. re* of erection to contract At roadie;, Ira eillorrf' s ll and relining the proctor =Lab, gold, eilver, copper, 'to ile% Don U. .0111 gr eat of Whelphy a Storer% recent patere Or the treatment of et fresh and foe the poworclne of rind tobeteaces, r roe, rel. fro clay, neol revs eatery, flint, feldspar, matiganne, rap, dynettiffe, fa., , they ear for rho Patent Alghta and mrchlnery,f r nee. SAMUEL STORERTrer, an2relmoed 15 Merchants' a., O "11A3' 'S COURT BALE. —By virtue of no order of the Prob..' Wart, I Will sail at Palle 8.1., at the Oort Rouse, to the 0117 of Mts. b Alal h gl l PTßOelik k a ' araffir t an te ct ' orle e ;for " m= the felidSl.l of Solari King, deo'd, on the Baltobarg nada In Plum township. Paid property has thereon one barns Dinning Rom, nos Barn end oatbrilidlngs, An. Orchard, good Springs, OW think, sod the whols in good ord.? 1 . bo ot TS wee cleared, Want* In Uinta. Tsasca—Oris•half ash, balance In olio and two Jonm. •tth Interest,. bond and anytime, and porchasar to I.A aft lZ" and ‘t.I2P' BOBZBT EL DICK'S!, jyl.sllawdtd Allegheny Oily, Per P. l llsoia AT VERI LOW PRIORS r °nom. BOOK , BOONS 1N GIONBAL, TANEN WINDOW BILLIONL BOSTIC ILLINDIL WALL PAPS% te.. ologla wad mt.% at Um th.l Gaeta= Wee. B. 13.—Cloh for bp dud Paper, at Ho. tot World stmt. Allegheny. sal T. L. WANNHAN. TN THE COURT OF 002010 N PLEAS, 1 07 ALLSOMENT 0001:ITY. a.. sac of Kara Sam. MO. porrosnon cr order of saki Octal. I her ern notice that OICOUGZ ALDO= ha. rettbitad an. 610.1 daunt or tkIallICD B. DUEL. rod. sad that said scoo=t Inn be alloyeal by the Court oa Ow THIRD DAT 01 1311.11111111114 A. D, 18G4, %Wan nom be &own to Ow contrary. salt to U. ELTON. Prothoaatary. der JAN6B M. BAUR, •BOHI TEO?, =ltleremze Dzaernme Ilevaarneaos. bt of lell4linp, emd flatland/ WI" cacaos on 'Namable lama. 011/ft ANSasee dart, between Limo* and Bobbins Wean. AllledenT elte. DELB BY BCUWEIGS PILIVAIPIA Tor the treats oort of mute= OP TEI ISEIII LED ffittIIABY CIECIAISTS. 1141 P.oood Annus, Now Tack. Horn ot consollottoo from 8 to A o'ciprk p. m. oximAota W K. bteCLINTOCK, Jobber end Retail T • Drier to EOM. BUM and WSW. o' ofm docitptloa. lle. N ldral otrost. &U. 4,* I Ou,. QTEtAY BEARIL—Went astray on Wed -1...3 reeds; ol•bt, from the Stabil. lo Oneletth, • DCIIB GHAT NAHA large dm, boon and web befit, Allem /made hlg4 ea shout wire ram old. Ara teo - glo knowing of her erberraboutt 04l arse Imm word or briag . ber to the Pittaburgb roundly Wombwell,. No. 110 wealthtlead street, when enceemble theme. shl to pats eep fat PAPER AND BAGS— We are .Paying as* aid pa woad son lor Sass than Unto .ad Os blgton vino. f OLD ammonia, OLD 1500111 sod bi... 418 dr. aomit mai _Won raPer atc" beast maw. tiogag innit. amis pp' 4 11 ter) 1 Twenty Years Standing; 0171C1311! ado, orlll too Itocal a cortifkialo Ile= or, of flu moat • I:antablio otttontl of WElkiza tennahlp In recut ti, Dr. Beyser4 Liadsera mood flea.rittmal rt. Doctor'. arettacatal an ertlbla essc, ea no At use Do !Wafted to reprd lo Ids y0tp131115201 D. G.. B. row: 1 Lemma 'Meld with pII* .boat t.r..tl Pon ego, sad oval par emy env growing worms ols • adds ma net rsrxl4 ..moth bad that I could not do anytlllax oh acorsat of theta 5h. 7 ..... act oa me am LnrEo as • hickory nat. I had tried a mat deal of mettLdm for them. I to CV and tato arbataver I could b.r of err mad of to siren• an and panspldsla that 11d1 to my ,J, bat I amid not pt cared ; tosnethuot they would do nor some good qt a little chip. but afbtrentrds they wed rm. mita at bad at ma. I also applied to two Doctors, who eh. Ited me at soy holm end pas ma sostreatodichor, but 11 could .11 do, I weld not get cell. Omar • your ago I got an edsertisementuf your Ittodsay &Blood &archer, made by yourself. Wis.,on sold to my= told ma Doe bottle would not curs me, and that my solo Wt.= could bees to be reneurd by the undid. Wars I got well. I bought ara bottle mad took It hoss atilt ay and need It neeordins to you, dkoctions I than called to we pm again, when you said I could WI milted pooh benefit from one bottle. I bought ft, .no bottle at 6 time, anal I had resod toe Winn. Alter this quantity had been used. I was entirely well of the Mee, which had Whored ma tan twenty year. In other teepee :my health to troyloved e and I am eel Inn as could be az peztad or one of my age, balsa dal Yee. pest. I 1 .1 1 bees well Ewer for nix months, and there Is no appeal 10.111 of • rat= of tho disease. I mat de my land Imam work now without as Pate condos down mod hortlng ette. I tan pitob bay. ahoy mood, Illt, or do any kind of work which Dame coed to hurt ma. Whin I frond oat mom Blood fOrarchor I kept Co taking It moat I got .usttraly moth I consider ft MI 'MAY Mnob my ease 'mown to the tomato Mr the Imola of oat= who mop to suffortnd as I Ina mod do not know the ralas of your otallelna Too may paha& Mb If you Ilk. I Ilve to Wllktos towtattly, and Ida be ylamid to mart - any owl of the Math of Om cerlaktate If they IA& to call ea 00. 'ELLIOT! DAV= Mr book oat Om the name of Dr. avoacni H. SIB on the tame of the bottle and petted ow Um omit; aim for Wm stamp o• the Dotted States Mamie on the top of the beat., to prevent bete[ hammed upon by • spat= artiol• wbkli b to the mutt. rir Bold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Street, and by Brew! Jourreros, corner Fourth and Emit hold otroetr. labY HERNLA. OR surTußs. Hernia er Bursters cured. Hernia or Rapture cured. Rends or Rnotare aura Hernia or Rupture =rod. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture med. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Bernie cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured: Rupture of Hernia cure& Hardee Radical Cure frau. Ritter's retest Truss. litchi Supporter Tram. Belf-Adjuting Tram Pile Drops, for the emppors sad oar of Files ifiastie Stockings, for weak and ear eon veins. &esti° Knee Caps, for weak knee , °intik. Ankle Supporters, tor s weak knee Anti. linspensory Bandages. Self-Injecting and every other kind o Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapses Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. E S. Pitett's Silver Plate Sup- porter. Ds. Kamm will give his reasons! at tention to the application of 'penes in adults and chfidren. and he le satiated that, with an experience of twenty years, ho will be enabled to give satisfaction. VirOffice st his Drug Store, No. 140 Wool) Gramm, sign of the Golden Mortar. Perrone tmtg for "Praises should send the numbor of inches sioand the body immediately over the rapture. mta NORTON'S OINTMENT, YOB !AL? SEBUM Aim saaorinu. thimoithibe oars' T. Ocala Heed, Ittosthriai, cul all Ibibto" and II orsios Opp the throat= of for CM nth Obthema wroth* So the bath Of the db. lea to Ise ray Boar oe—thil oars ft from the orb booms% bi thy this as tbil scribal Oman CP pot ion of Or Olathe mi , thrti rod Ifila WM" at fl II draws* throagr mama; the meths! the OWN. "Forayer' host the Mb; aningmegr, Dan Sate so rga" =MOM a OD.. en mem DB. lIUEL to USIA CHEROKEE CURE VIZ 011.111 A INDIAN MEDICINE OC.M.WIded from /teeth Barka cad Lawns. La Waling can far Bparthes, Semi= Weaker" Neetoznal Mebane, and all &imam ems. ed by entbpollution, mob ee L of kbonory. llWtQ ed lomitette. Palm In the Back. °lmmo,' 'Mks. Pteouttare Old AS., Weak Hence, DU:Welty of Breath. n& Tomblin& Waketelneob IMO= en the noe - Pala Chnotanacm, toroth, Oonrelatlon, sad all the Ahead complalate ouseed by ebtrottnd foon the Path of MOM. Tido medicine is crimple vegetable eannicte and eta m Mdnb ell oen mddeee It Imo been mad In old Maim or many yam, and w Ith &beamed/ timdale tt. tem net Gibed in • single Gaetano. Its maim pone= Um bees mttncient to pin victory arm fht wet etai►oa coma To time who ham Wiled with their camitilartinel, let . 111 they think tbemadver blond neat tit M magi w wd m y. D.giv set f the Oberedmi Cate wit reams ions beside end vigor, and Ma all !adore have WWII _ ca particaluil get • cheese troat.at i Ihreg Eton In the coostry, or vette the pmotmletotiMho c mill free to sal eat daelitsk• the mot, shill Intake to posaphlat tarsus _ p r s. p par bottle, or Wu battlal tor 113, aitii tarde4 pi.ipiaa palm* sit of Wm maid • Bold t 7 desPimiabis &assists sioyabers. DB. wattalco tco; • . • • Bola ronsistany Nage Lll2Ustrost,' Now lota. ' he WA Is PlttstrsesS lts 11. kw ) A 430. sonar Mused sad N.ibs alai. iithlllawdayso Soli and bbls. 2 boo. icr-R,MFOOT.'Y -pgpl Kautz • 1100 , 1 4.111, MOS& k - "th*TuTbasevaltr , all ncesat.d.awt-ettbe sagila Iniatifiatsrefor.tlnfailatel7l6l3l-"' GIVEN the and yerixt uditfuLlast to nx maw= NANO. OM Thew srperler pods ars may ctrast AWAY. sad an .amazed eltirg 10 Mt.Y Mr..% 111 cenia.lll bay the top • pair of 00560,14,1;, NCERT HALL SHOE EVA NO. 62 FIFTH STBRET. Next do* to 1401111 Ca& Viholeulo buyer. enUcltzd. FOR EOLDIERB. CAVALRY BOO'BB MARCHING SHOES. IiTLELLAKDI AUCTION HON% si PIPTII STREET. W.GQQD N EW coons. J. H. BORLAND Hu Pat rettetvad CLU ctukor FALL LIM WIUTEB BOOTS AND 111101:14, . . . the I.tar: styles Gersitlealael Ala Line imuz, vtaeli he 11 SenlaS el a Te 2 .7 COSSU - - - - ••• • • Call at No. Ea KLEE= STBErI, mond doQt teas VII Lb street. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS V' • wi two jut iltalTiai ate BP 1 1:91 gulag BOOTS AND BMW weica Kate. th. ',owl:stoma:tram:ft wo ha. Um larpri sad bent Waded stock af • neu , s Ras Calf Ilquare.tosill BONN To be timid to the city. rai.Drss. LL!! GAM= la abazdavne. Qin us • call Jas. mty 69 MAZE= Crlllier. THE 'STAB WORE! roes ascarrnro DT GBO. AZEMB. COB es Ca sae Yd 7. SI ern= Ittre sal ITlth , irf , Seleart i Ceti:re:Ms Gaul 8t Wrests. Thaw pals aro m a a. to aux ialintilardit, _ Mt canted ozevallad contain rack. is2s A NEW RIPPLY Or HOW um caaraziant, Boots, Shoes and BMW No. 54 Blibrket Strecal aims 4i En= CRUX MOB STORK IMMINBIC STOCK OP BOOTS. - - SHOW, GASTEII3, BAISOUrai and ISLEPPEEN !HOZ E1T024. VlTedaral sizrt I):ftt Oarl ad use tin gcods. JOHN CAMPBELL,- , Raztufsetarar • BOOTS AIM MOM, at dear desecipticra "134110 34 euatatew PittOonlit6 7,l!Cdt?a7 FASHIONABLE AND : DESIRABLE GODS' sos GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING.' rar.A.roir. Tr) craimat;i IN TUE BEST NMI AND itIAIiNEL; R. B. NORRIS.: 113010 HAST TAILOR, ID FEDERAL, STREET AllegitaAy; B a r FARRELL-dr co., ' • ':- • * ' - ilii 1: . 1 ,, .: ? -_ , ~-, I ii,•.l • • -..-...-, - ei•.l , P&&OTIOAL PLIIIIBEM.;• . 1111:i . 111, 1,5 i 1 -. ' ." i IP' , ; _ :!11 i Ll';Ili GAS AND STEAM =M. - Al ;; . _ -.. ~....i Wore always on hand • huge and wen samba stalk d 1 . pr, Pomp.. 113dxsztts. Wawa &ens. Estik Tltioas• Illtd. . '! ":i i . . :. . toles, RCM. Lead Pipe t Una Lad, a., iddch ..,.. 4n ,.,,„.,. rp in th• arse adadrab4 runner. Weals. Use '!.1.1 : " tom et....., T.a., to., wigutel th e 601111 d ". k 4. . , Itj .. .. ' -. 116 71.. '; DAILLY, IPABILIGLL di s 2 #4 - f r e ll -.4 .i.:. adi - '. - '.l LuromeraffrinlS .-- 1.,1 . ' lEil'. GR&TEI PATIENT . i[*' Ira': n, -.! MOLDED COLLAR& Are =tat:apt, flat plena of paw cal la CM - collar but on Broidainad Vow/ la ill As ank- ti ollalf Len corn ,fra. /roe coats or blab, ankh aIPI by our patentod monk which alto MOM sal Aber aganona por/ ea No - canantiorr-,b l l= far Ad, Chant In thatanolovratrls. tba Wilda{ =, cocoa' &atm Croat portarmsealburtbk ccatoon ana darabEnr—suneollie‘ 17 7= a t e: na or no toratr l =alzot= l 4 ma lbw ban% of 100 nob =Ow_ lach,—tha Uttar a very bantr Pwrogio s3i &PET= °OLLIE Is damped -"; ' .• Gray's Patent muted. COnarnew Sold to all ratan dearm tit Ilia's am mid..ia?Pibd b 7 ven DZ01211.50101111114 eX east tireetS saa J. 8. LOWRIT . !.. - • 11/Mils seat. aaa gad' &II& Ifooll. - 'Ol =UM On as ionseungssitari ' x /AL WOODWXiai: . 17 min Tided streg• rat sizaztatima2ti . ,•••• YONMCNIMIAL, - - .17 DIFORTKIr, .11-a AND Dian b rsoa lbw szi 'mat bketbasidb - Mg. CEIZIMN I 'HAUS& c,_pg tbs. - ntMING AND 43113 W in - TpBloo9i.C l l4 mar uszascamna nrievrlT.Vl.- trokisinpiaisticsi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers