ahemqii.„.,.........„..i,,., in* * , D, FIANCIAL 9 OD STOCKS AND BOND* !LTV! 3, ?i act nrromuna a.nrerra irr ... 494115602 i, McoLBAS k co., .111 took and lazahange Brokers, NO. TS FOURTH BrILIENT. , 1 who by and eons ou commludou only, Dora, Than. Corm, Gat, 114Groul 011:stocks. Government of all Linda on . , ' L ira ' .it era .selhetz4ll.- -so thm,....:_' ...... .150 P ttibingh' _ thy .. 4 .050 • bony...—.— 1 o a 60 14u.. * . 67 . i. 0544 inutelty......— . 0:1_ . ,Allib IV., - . Go —. GO . II 3 )5Wi ViAiIIIZAT" ".. IIO • .:.:. -- ;ma pa 8405ndliatIonaL—...110 U 0 Third PrationaL......— ee Ire ismethmissosto ~- -100 71ratIlit. Dk.'l.7-- -5 110 P. O O 441031111400zstur Saving.— —493 a 4 ilex eMt. 4:4.1 It/ TLltill [ll ' - 3011.11egbeary Vallery—.-- 13 . 150 , 11¢33$ TiNt, . • • - . .110 Tort Mayne. 11.1 lusi 14 Cloceeellnille 111 3.1 {lc• 03u5e40.---11% IT 151.21440m0rt115......”----. 13 W any a Ilancletter.Gs To es Si 4134 50 96 3 1- L LOU • 31% /I la cent. nteuttifint. 01 Jana 158,00 M% May 2,60 iY iinumpbes. M 8,00 00% 4,00 90 Pfttebiag4+..— -- 4,00 :554112-01eay 27' . 3,00 2lr nicipa'a - .752 2F3f, 4.00 fe mwou 58 11ceenagshile.--- -- 1.5% 4 81 et. .11,8t..(11,0sBereeL-40 514 et, ~ • 60311814 Etreet--.-- 50 5 V ot. 4-- 150185teculea4eet—..— SE 1311adaghaat.--- 51% 5 , F, et. OIL 00/Ll'llit/11 2111.5 Otalik - P...4.... £7 ID Notttrifts— 5 1D De1i5a....... --ISt 13 /ig 119 cf. 3D 8 11 .0558 And Putts— 15 11 81 et. a 100:thun*--- 08 100 II 15 t. 8 trol pelf. 1 ty..—..— % ~,4;ll.3lone;fieck—...- 9% 3 ..., • ledael= 2yi 40 Amu 16 4-Wldlll6 3 Irra - llood,praiin I 6 601100. 4 74 e6 0 7=t7d! - -- rittabiugh 7 0 - 07 °l i la-- IC° To 11.11qter21.8 r o 6); 05 1/660...R. 70 Vyoo.:Basultf OGYa AfA t ametatiKtln; demand belowthe rapply. Buy Wien 'slung to learn the effect of late saw On Iths nun= market. We learn of no trnmgc taii Soy in our I=l bouttearstockc or rho Mater olios. And °find ed, transactlone In OIL, not aunt& to onto soy change of note In oar ytionottans. WWI bald firmly et 12kalS, no calm Scam trance.. ,00 (not ,yet On oar Pot) at prizes Mitts from /11,047,90 per .hare. Allesterif Peg* Nook attire d U iB, mini:out tinning buyets. 1, whot we turn of Out condltica at the Bost that pttOS bolts oliOagirtbr the gook. Iva l i arergn"Ttioneand Minion Loan' continuos to ' • campy coneidirrible attention. Though the report tilat "f x ' spina:gal fur eg lean of that anomie from Hamburg, but been repeated with troth explicitness, financial sten ..,--gleancally florist mom much faith in it, regardnarthe aliagiant of the loan se altogether grepsotennia. Mean. mtgs. usi are frothed to credit the report, espesinliy se ontala cirFccoupuices connected with our public Boos. rake, which . hi**. Tata" , trattrpired in a remote field, would seem to raider eireh an mat not altrgeth. pro. Maly, and . ehell therefore await with anxiety, pet atimixed with oidly, for the reported forthcoming ollay44sppaldies,Fhkb "ball gin an authoritati.and • apitelt I=6=2 et the propoeition from the Hardin& capitalist, in nose any 4usee bean mode. It Le, of mune, non forgotten by ths Viva., of no getpryive 1.4 t, eat _':`ALL Dap the greaten activity in American t3ricu. *Ulu to acetate part. of Europe, of late, bet evpscially ;,,Wl . :lftteduty..•:Wa are reminded by every aucastivto • • ' Ineafter ham larope, that the great atom! for ' United blithe - 'brand Carmen capitalist', Ii on the legman; and this Lot It the mon interesting *ad bleciilmant ea this particaler Juncture, beam ofrths lloPoribtrimpated by Carman esipitelisis he the Eirm ' Chloe! • bum 01 • thomend millions at a low rate of fattest. The London Tinto Is greatly panting by the nutbeinded coulldeuce which Is appeal In the United asks Governateat hytheGermans, yet UM commaitual ,r.. , :figatignalt the eagemeas with • bleb miry froth arrival le • tuba; - 11 ,, equotta—.The puma brougelit to Loaded, by thatraekly italatttlif end Omen:lilted to frankfort, - are abarbottagfaat as they arrive, at pram which yield • •At-r, savor - to the importers. Ranh ettimessive lall mama el lop' ad by the etatellng bolder. almost • ith grat- Ivalltathatiesteadordluntly„ alum they apparently enter. doubtafrililmata mama in tall, and mew .at siOliMeill4yeataid.r tbareach decline 'lmply enables them L.,,,•••itolacreine their ar4olatilon of SecmitLs furmd off by '''' - miliaria at a treMiliniOne man from the mom ''sata a ry promo, or drCtictsiaic . a. The, rely that _the I - .:7...lkadsartiltelarenUy wraith par, and be who Invested at the primal Co, remade • decline of 40 but &sae eimml hat opportunity to buy more, so ea to snake an average • plotter 50 for • holding which he feels couviocei will to a Moderam lime bring lam back 110, in the present ~1, , of them harm:ass, • fall to 30 or hl '..7•4(41= Amara thzos.D. ants:creme to raid. opportunities: . It teillbe remembered that. according to the Waal:dog tan telsgrarri, implant nor the Loan are to be ma,— ftwanty per amt. in win, tr. per wait, In Coped Mateo i.....743grgegawasa attali, per rent, in ontganditip angry:Jou lY klinrammay IN the ern.er which so 101:2*Ine the Loma t, Times—to wir, that oti fall of 30 or agger omit.''—in heard nlntes Secnrltiee — . would only dealninctante'claddra_Opportonittoe" to the Or e n.. capitalists. In cae ibey boon In cobtenpatton th ne _, mutation. watt the United Itaiee Gov, mamma of • to lb* mid. et Which tO be paid in •`otttiltanding obit MUM cf the tufted MAW. - it weal he tut natural anal they Monk{ Mud • decline el or 3J per cent. an Mime emmtalea m • goLlon c ppc mai ty. liblguria Wide 'alarm, of opinion as regards the =re of tblk or my Foreign Inet, but the preeent raters of the Government ore the bed Jades at Ible, a.dthcy wiltmort undoubtedly he o , ctrolled by their Own Judgment. The nevtiatiun of o Fondue • flhorgang Minion loan, at 3 per coot. interest, would ettehdrd With runsequenam et to laiporteet .'"'aolferscher -the offal upon financial 'and Commencal notni..d and_ so._ what, Abet the =Weals -worthy ot, the gnarrst coosideretion of the egennament; and we may tskelt for granted that • , tent s Mb, if.takno at all, will ha taken only Ohm Mmtunikannalats,llesrawhile, we would main urge upon the people everywhere, aid especially those who legend' l'Fore.gn" loon with dhsfavor, the cermet, of been tp , theAttearratent every amiable dollar, by 'Welling - the atttecriotione to too favorable loan. 'spy telhaing looretary resseuiden le now in the market 5 - r • DOW lam—tes balance of _the teventy-five Fa. an Thirty Lean 1ata1y,..104,-sen we trust that the , teaLleastoustat Patakch &lately prim. it maybe .-;- f alkitt the jorporae of the People to this loan will - deal& Inas of the :.ported rennin; Foreign loco.—N. Y'. pop* tad Comeseveka Boo:on Wool Market. The rtnekr of wr,of, &mastic and fo rode!. we ...i.,:-‘1144410, cons/art:4 the probable demand if floe loaf ln4f;allsonlaawaruscliwrdiar. If Ws ma) 140.0 la* Ind In rabrlllao, vas will continue until their heaps.. dram 4 treeguized, a period too far distant for wood. a .r oyslana t?.tasennveatlars on. They are nearly Ilasalmoihifeab bin and Is lfair - Tork thee the ripply of dasitallo wood to any event to below the entail :a -;74=41 friajeaneshl inumunirtion, and thorefonf Manifest no "'erode from puma sum 't two was, Pubsix4). Unit •ftore dears sang to= of the Importers to leallzo on foralsn Tool Is the aatly 9. o;hthof Atoomooh o .ho ththntal PS aching, wore bone. t....14:4fich Waitangi; balltonifilontagohtbso oltoody mad* UM CUM einem. Thou .ho hold wool on In. '....0 tolltitZtht Sthniatiatheit lieltr, oot-atleLl.that an the i......'''flthiptlioactl barid irnlb• troika at toll prime. 7,,,: . :'.-Tholti` iill'aciiiiiind ' goad ocrossat4thia dialthd fn. - et , =' ," 4:ll4llsbt, 'blob la relattvaly the' eLeatest, both toot .7,,Titatittat ;aorta baud; ant peke' Taman mous lo the 4 - ...,,,7...-1111okot..tha deaths, in got& With a prorpectio a f tto t a ~ya top .thd th e oiaatealtz o f Large Importations o ' - - 6 - 4,00 , , befar•the aim °like ammo, taller nu ~,,..,'l i .'"Fiksawo. taillt.theithotruitloin to rid mita Ilhl. -',"" 4 '.... la 06.• .t, to Rabaul, affect the wool thaskok though sg a I E- 7, .."j 0 y - - sitprolthatiloo Of commercial vile. to • IdaTdArd voila; of coarse, be likell Uproar.. a ' . 41= Iferectluen this etaple. •••IL • figaWe.:.,l3 fall faith of • further advance In . . ' pingn, ennunips to hold through Welt tata Wu. theme V ,. .4ll§sent markat rate*, FIJI, th aw wbo nett 'rely al - "lbegiMaleare luring aired !rarer Poi :ma, and are , - ATlPidly. wthielog their •tocka The po li cy of Ithilling '''' . .llltharatiatislon attathaitth, bowled., tibiab to practises bp mow Western °vibrant's. Sea-bad orb, Win rn.et ..4111alataRtItiltafartanataly to the latter. ~o. . Maa OrOdOra ot. dentee cod t k trgo . l v fort the em ,n wo o t i th foot tT e stia d i u :, triltb i t abetstp tropottrd to the °calm.: 4 - pithilenlaitelOargt. She boos pc. •vortlng to bare made Oa oath wear. bee ced to dlscoallt. the trauthotlons ...... , r-weadditawasayot Up. , ,s" pee voial, for doope and :. 113,10.1.0 for raper sad extra pate.. Loebodid ars - ova plaada Malawi meatus skies at 111 at/ lir OM do abysm. eelected nere , e, at SIAS In llama% Wet imp moose oldboary twee at 51,15. In foreign. tbs palm bats boon •.7 light. tholaileg magi lobo? owe. T6O. and Nestles at SDaSSo por pourel,-(betptorctol aatigh 4- /Mileage Riorket—Plair Report. _lpeee.L . -Stuo was-qatte Marra In the Grata teat , '1n1idd4 1 1 1 70: 112444 h 1 the tantnot et Atlanta and the itaaattled data of no Gold market. Wines ter steep t aw , ing „ 4107 wesidat at et decant. on nantrdarn catAatloni," i ir' 3 M eat t n uket.aia Ipanithl at the enentas...o 2 Irirfiiir doin t 01,96; rablegnentle,rallled 4., ,, x',14.14114 1 .1ranntdiP d,00a2,44 bat dolled gala avt,t?. ire; .111teing vie qulstnnd sneattletts4 2,014,07, aktring 2.03..-Whater..atheat-arna Atilt at2,olllorlSd 1 Bed; • for /34 walla 1.44a250 ft;' ll 4 ,o t4 Hod. - ;14,-Altbilaszksawaa..nentettedrand mdtud.. OntelLia .arletent , der L ead , No dimmed all - ea wry ham aa jf , 4 1= , was nothtog r.~aeaia tee E!.7l`,lltada wen. /nadir dams4i ftet Oita.tat, Cie market a t ethod Watt nailer the generel4epeaslyn, and c4 o se2 .. at enio %Wing 21221134,04 was. food rename abl tape, bad the aka OM a decline et lane cat itteterd_Jl van. j c ,” at* tab ki6 r a t AT: lagtligilbfralloitli' , tarter =Void • _ , ' N a Amer feeling and mats activity In the . ' ambit the inainwlses. and} len of pima tanuttry and paettra Toro was ii I,R. • Clam"id lIPINTS arta. mom. %W W 1 ,' Emile, bent.ft, Than wee bat any tlttis butane tanactad Mrr nallirnnlrantnonsintOrr of ttre vri lbtr, bat facie pirttettlarty to the het that Chem Amon to tam badmen to an. There's tse speculative demand for.), of the leadlee articles of prole , " and the asetfoy oonneceptly ass antral, /mat and onlmpor. being waned altogether to the wants of the home sale. Another drawback to tradejma pow Is the an. mated condition of the gold market, for while It thso- Mates as It hos for the past ten dar—odranetug and receding o much ra 20 cults In one day—boodohas must nacesnarily he at a stand 4111, and no material improve. meat need to looked for until motion boromo mon set. fled. CRAlN—Wheat L eoming In very slowly, and with a g - wd demand, the market maybe quirt tal firm at 81,03 far nett from mcgee and 2,10 for White. Oatodull but nom. b.agcd—b2o c I. rom delta, and 0303 from atom. Barb y wilt readily It 200, with but very little ,ft,,e1,,,g QOM I. very dad end tasy be quoted Dotal*. tally at 1 an on tract. YLOCU—iriquiot hot steady anh regular noun tales from atmeattgl,Salo for Extra and 10,16a1t,25 for B.a. tra demand oantluties eery Light Defog re,tricted abnost entirely to tho want. of the loc. trade 11A0011—l. Steady with a fair jobbing demand and the matitet Is firm, aisles priers ar• tally sustained. W. continua to octets at 16)Isilfic Bhoulden; 200 for 1110. hod! Idea; for Plain Hams; 2.3atie for Pith Gan vaned; and 27a280 far Sugar aural. LAIID—Ia firm with rem. ler sales of prime city rep dared at tOo. Block in this market light, IdEell PollE—Sake to goverammit of 25 bbk Mesa Pork at POT, MOLT—Pmehrs in good supply and prksa a shads lower—ranging from $2,20 to 3,25 per audio!, =only at 3,00, Appleireery dull and seminally ranging from 1,- 60 to Y.Ar por Ma s an to Quality. EGGS—Steady with a good Iceal demand and maim sales at 17•180 ter dozen. Steck light and macipla Um. BWELT POTATOES—Pt= with ealos of "Now .Irer. ey . ." ett. 68,00 to SAO per bol, we .rding to quality. OBSILSS—The demand le air and the market etoady ith vacant saes at 2101 to for Western Boserroaod 24c •r Hamburg. lIAI-80 change to note to prim.. ' ' iliTTElt—Prime fresh paokod Butter, In area pack agoa, It quotoct at 113.460. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Earth—The narket for both °nada and Itadned, con tinues dull and deprecod, and, while, as yet, tbere hew Neu no marked decline, the tendency la toward lower nice. Thera fa Stair local demand for Orode, bat buy. ers are holdingoff he anticipation of lower prices, while holders-11a the arch bllsbt and Me receipts are limited —do loot manifest a diepoation to force dos. We con tinuo to quote at Pda67c bbl. returned, and elan, biol. included; aloof 260 bbl. In balk, at and 51X) bbl. at 37c, bbl. to be retoneed. There is next to ootblig doing In Rani .d, the only ea. reported being 60 bar free, at etc. Botha may be quoted at 78e40e, and very doll, Residuum Is still bad at 67,50,,,8,00. She receipts by the Lliegheri.Yrirer during the forty. eight hours ending this evening, comprise only 481 bbl. —271 for Strickler • Baxter; mid 211 (or Jr. WI him. flew York Petroleum Market. Opectel Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Garotte. Nu Yoga, &pt. 6—The market for Ora& continue* driagrid prkes are nominal at (Wale on the spot. and 6Y6‘e for all the month. Ratlnoti is bond is dull .ad nominal at UV*. Free 011 is also dad and neglected. the ni adnal ratal. being 67aDio on the .pot. Nothing of ottrognenoadatrig In Depths. Weekly Review of the New York Pe troll= ElarkeL (Baportol Expressly for the Pittabergh Oszertta.) Nur You, Sept. 3,1864. She motet has been very irregular. Both °rads and Refined hate fluctuated canalderahly. She trade have been sampled by settling contracts; but time are many contracts which will be settled Only after • Lew salt One of the leading speenlatore has lett saved himself from fallen. by monetize:Leg a large amount of hie obll getloruk sad sates' of the dealers b►ndebbed together end made corrimcn came against him, the differeame to be welled by law. One of the lancet and stanochest of the regular dealers declare that he will easel* the de• Ilnquent .peculator to disgorge, if he *ponds $100,006 In lawsuits. &large amount of oil ban been bed to [tn. der on the coletracts and sane have been greatly mulct ed by thw fact. There ham been only • eery mindarate demand for az pert. owin ta the noetarkable ductnations in Gold, which he rolican to the extent of 20 per Dont. The re ceipts have diem very light be sales of Crude comprise about 23•24.0:0 tittle at tram 60 to as an the 1110 i. but Inchon.; 7,00 Q MA r for Q September and October at 63,04. The marts. to day vas steady al 61c on the spec and 63 for all the month. The salmi of Refined to bo - d am only 8 MO bbl, .t from 00 to 84 Uinta, doting trOminal at Oak. Of Prat, th. Wee ate =flood to 9,000 tibla st 88.00 r., but ehltdy at 8800 n the spot, of arttich 2,400 far all t h e month at u..se eating nominal at SUM. 1800 gallon ln tin haws sold at U. 104,11 to bond, wad SIAS rrBo,lBo bbla }Saida= bure sold at 810,60 (Iron ) live* fs nominal al 60a550. .Imparts by Itallibad. Prereasmen, R Warn am Ohms= B Sept 5 /11 bider, Line L Stsrartll4l 411 c. 111 7 =at, LII Veto & co; ISO bbl. Sour, Shomaker Laud; I es , osta, 0 B Desch; bbl . Toeing &om 47 pkga ao• bocce, J A Itssmie: 3 bbl. tallow oil, lastsb Dicker A co; 23 btda lard oil. B L lehnestock & 0,; 4 Was hemp seed, BA Salem & co; 24 bbla clay, B l car lumber, L Labgham, 1 car 1114.101. L Ls rum 742 aka o*lll,Datt Walla/3U 145 to 131tchoock, ItloOreesd • co; bbl wine, Frank A Boaaaberger; 200 bga barley, Jut I“ugarisch; 123 bgs wheat, J S Lig gett & co; oby 10.. mils aced, B II Jack & to, it dos washboards, LAris & Ilitchard; 10 do deice Kirkpatrick A Bray; 25 do do Sh • r a Lascier:23do do /Aug &Dee; 10 de do I H Ilyan & co; 13 Op yarn .to llGer.lg Acc. ChArataso & 1132202102024 Ban BOsD, depteMbess - bbl. deur, 40 bgs bract, no bkl; 7 pkgs rags Inv Taylor; 110 bp wheat, 243 bge oat., &impact, & Hues; bbe apple, Omp Shepard; lA, lay, Hitchcock, McCreary & 0N 030 plate cropper, 0 0 limey & co; btds as rag pear a ls, Pool.Alio* & om 100 bides, 13 Llarbaugh A cm 13 .1 ALMILMIT Starms. 6.133 3—u ebb ficw, P Petenr2; 31. Red, M B Suydam; 3 cars Martin. 43 gadu corn 83mijogoa A Knox; 30 bblo floor, A Marti. Imports by Elver. LANUTIII.I. ru San G... —3Bl bbls dour, 213 sks wool, 100 der. wash Ward., 1 chest tea, 1 bbl eggs, 151 kegs butter, 136 rolls 'estrum, Clarks & co; 7 pkg. , butter and eggs, 151 kegs butter, la bits ego, Aduns tspresm 1 boa cud., 0 A falmeareck; 1 bbl eggs, 1 keg .crop iron, 1 bbl do. I , amr & Armstrong; I pkgs egg, Vangosger, 80 bbistionr. VcagbUy & K appp, 3page 0 1.1ndo; 4 bbls eggs, Kamm & Ouffa. 100 oil bbls Wooldridge & Atwood; I to. tobacco, W 1' heck & co; 8 ale kegs, J Rhodes. Gocuroms rasDarcoo.-9C.0 bbla floor, 9 aka wool Cork a co. Flottrand Wheat Receipts at Billwaakie We am indebted to liners Cleo I Jones a oo of 1111gratt- Me, for the falloarlag gegen:amt. of the Haar and ant. Receipt. at ihatpart. Theerports of Flour, .iota the oreclog of carlgatton are 283,333 barrel., mg follow., To Buffalo, 14,173 bbla; to Ogdanaburg, 3.1% and to Canada, 39,663; Dr D a M riaLfroal, 2.0,421 bbla Be ceipta fa. tar "tort, 3,774 tibia spathe* 9,370 bbl. the tame time last year. 7be rocelpis of Wheat have be'n quits moderato cord- - pared with last year, and will,doulth es i.. 1 ,140 vary material/3.es sOOO so berme opeadetlons us completed. Thence, wheat arriving Is sell! mostly mixed SRO old, and the latter toms by far the greater part of the re celpta, The deck of ail Undo of wheat la atone Is NMs mated at abort 300,000 bnthele Receipts for week 81, 617 busheLy again.[ 253,671 bielteh a ems time lad year. Tb 484 . 41 Pw 4 1 004 Jahheil let egieccipete 8.9]2 644. The shipments for the week tom up 183,703 bath and since rho opening of nrelgation, 7,167,498 both as follows: to 8a1he104,4519,488 busk; to Omens, 445,t78 do; to Oanada, 1.940,183 do; to other porta, 255 600 do. 864[ ------ 61 1XISTAIVIP , SAT, 11.11%011. disa, EN . TERMINATORS. .011 estahlishisd hs U. T. 01ty." labililblarsouslbs lirsofras" *Trio hoz' Poisissub. dasugsraos oL to the Hens •Wolly." nista saossoug thoir Ado t• db.^ gold by .11 Druggists mryirtsum DITA.It 01.0 watublan Ignitatioos. ONLY' Door, 1t0.i182 Bruatrar. N. T. 1141•1300 by 0. 4. UN 8. SOH • 00., ssul LZ. MLYS=A 00, Wholassl• maul HAW = Pittsburgh, Pa, 1311148 Y P. SCHWARTZ, W sad-Botall.ggual, Allaghoug Otty. purr AI4DISII4DI TREEts, EVERGREENS, Ost. Of AMR is ban =OlOO,OOO, oaf of CI beim& tog verletbro moireprofitable for thislosetbel. WII men fine tow, se Ralf Harriet, /Matelot ltioeb.,_ lead Plate, B, eta, Tellograter, Oster, Ring of Temp. kir 00., abode Wend Orem BC= Desel7, }Limbo, enookerhaose, Telmer Owed, emitter Mar /m 4 rIAII. ..r m aM im sockoll i flTfr it tiV i ta BERT, fiNNORMOI7BIII ha, Ea. fa oar docksus odor gross barloormia•to pluton ee irWle, • Orders loft al the Green vromAr urome,, C or Cittabri , Ok Pool Ofiltas, VII be " ' ,•Jr., ./ RIIRDOOII ? • 111/41/1/1 . "Ittebbrati sod ORN Oakland Hareerfie, WU:4MR UNIVERSITY, . . . . . *nor of BOW AHD DLUKOZED =MS. ` ifaotd . ' ti.—Oterne Woods, L. V. Preildent saePro addrie Mental and Moral o:fennel Joer.V. atom M. Prolbaserof the Creak antlltteretnre Willtses, Amor of" lead Bytrattei Barnhed_, o.,_Pxydkeede of Eatt , , lt = (harp F. Barter B. Pb. N. A, Protestor adamed-Dontlle Libby, A.S in tpalotPrevatstos7 Detartatent, Bev. A W Iretenatt and Id ; Boy. IL • ttenle illi. L. L.lM " ftesorePhystail Tintateg„'Anee. No_ Phydoloo and Bygienat Alphanse 1). Dann, Deem of the ersaoh Latorama Itredlidt e heonharte Teethes. of Ur:eat:man Lang: aim The bed adeketagee are Onallei ateleals to the P "DaMileathlh. Gleaddle Oolleitabe led Ideated 405761, una win 110AUllatif WM/4 'mammy TaluitteHANT.,-42Air . Alf VANDEN AB A THEILAPELISIO AGENT-1 1 11 =1 1 / 1 1113 =LAMM .TO VAVAM AIID VINUI , e.-tuct_ _ maw risetricuo. • • CiAlAh ASI PIM when Maws in OA 0W414 trouseopta (Wm:Lay non dAat , enkilikebmactAugesda.. pirw, teas sad hopeetant..Ata Almiia3 pi ow mat* datts. asap to Amottatbm: . _ -- -ClosariumussaatiakdAA. ' =mum 3TAXI 1.9 0 3 " keg' , 48rorted eine Na il s for ' • IttaIPILTRICIE a =O., iri.aa I= Marti stnsok ABD-40 tieroes Prime New Lesf Lsrd J-I steessol forsake Inu -a. Walllloll, to Liberty stmt. uvrti oi 'Tits tninzt IMAM Ana a agt nag -ten les s. ail Vitt' eighth Cbspra [Pen= Bascrsanrroz—No. 60.] Join amour/lox explanatory of a Joint ram lutitm relative topay of staff officere of the Lieutenant General, Resolved by the Senate and lbws of Relre• senfatioes of the United Stake of America in Congress Assembled, That the Joint resolution relative to pay of staff officers of the Lieuten ant General, approved May twenty, eighteen hundred aid sixty-four, shall be so construed as to entitle all the staff officers of the Lieu. tenant General to receive the pay. emolu ments, and allowances of cavalry officers of the same grade. Approved, July 4, 1864. AS ACT makini appropriations' for the eon. eruption, preservation, and repairs of certain fortifications and other works of defence for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty•tlve, and for other purposes. Be it enoete4 by the Senate and House of Rep melanin-ea of the United Stoles of Ametneet in amgress assembled, That, the following snots be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction, preserva tion, and repairs of certain fortlfiistions and other works of defence for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five: For Fort Montgomery, et outlet of Lake Ch.mplain, New York, fifty thottefinnol lore. For Fort Knox, at narrows of Penobscot river, Main, one hundred thousand dollars. For fort at entrance of Kennebec river, (Fort Popham) Main, one hundred thousand dollars. For fort on Hog Island led ge, ( Fort Georges) Portland Harbor Maine, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Preble, Portland harbor, Maine, one hundred and fitly thousand 'dollars. For Fort Boemmel, Portland harbor, Blaine, one hundred thousand dollars. For New Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, harbor, New Hampshire, one hundred thous. and dollars. For Fort MoClary, Portsmouth harbor, New Hampshire, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Winthrop, Governors island , Bos • ton harbor, Masaaohusetts, fifty thousand dol. lama. For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Massaohu sops twenty thousand dollars. For ses..wall of Great Brewsteis Island, forty thousand dollars. For repair of sea-walls en Deer and on Lovell's island, ten thousand dollars. For pormamant forts at New Bedford harbor, Massachusetts, one hundred thousand dollars. • For Fort Bchuyier, East ricer, New York, twenty five thousand dollars. For fort at Willet'e Point, opposito Fort Schuyler, New York, ono hundred and Ally titoinand dollars. For repairs of Fort Oolmobits, Oastal Wil liams, Booth Battery, Fort Wood, and Fort Gleam, New York harbor, one hundred thous and dollars. For new battery near Fort Httollton, at the Narrows, Now York, seventy-fre thousand dollars. For Fort Richmond, Staten island, NOW York, twenty thousand dollars. For fort on edta of Fart Tompkins, Staten inland, New York, one hundred and thy thousad dobtra. For caeemated battery on Staten lellnd, New York serenty4lre thousand dollars. For repairs and completion of sea-wall at Buffalo, tblrty-seren thousand fire hundred dollars. For fort at Bandy Hook, New Jersey, one hundred and twenty-bee the attend dollars. For Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, Penn eylvania, twenty thoultand dollars. For permanent work for Delaware break water harbor one hundred thousand dollars For Fort Carroll, Baltimore barber, Mary hand, one hundred thousand dollars. Far Fort Monroe Hampton roads, Virgin* lay thousand dollars. For Fort Wool, Elynplon roads, Virginia, two hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Clinch, entrance to Camberland sound, Florida, one hundrad thousand dol lars. " For fort at ship island, coast of Id iuisalpp i ono hundred thoursnd dollars. For fort at Fort Point, Ban Francisco bay, California, fifty thotiand dollars. For fort at Alcatras Island, flan Franoisoo bay, California, ninsty thousand dollars. For land defences at Ban Francisoo, ene hundred and seventy-seven thousand dollar": Provided, That no portion of the same shall be expended on other fortifications no• in pro gress there. For defence in Oregon and Washington Territory, at or near the mouth pf Columbia river, one hundred thousand dollars. For repairs and alternations of barracks, it briers, hospitals, storerooms, sod fonces st pin matelot forts not occupied by troop fifty thousand dollars. For construction of permanent platforms for modern cannon of large osibrie in oxisting fortifications of important harbors, one hun dred end thirty thousand dollar. For tool and siege trains for armies in the field, two hundred thousand dollars. For Imago trains end equipage for armies in the field, fire hundred thousand dollars. For contingenciee of fortifications', inclu ding field works and field operations, eeven hundred thousand dollars. For providing obetrucnone to be moored in the Potomac river to render the saore bttte ries more efficient for the protection of Wash ington against maritime attack, three hun dred thousand dollars. For completing and rendering more perma nent the defences of Washington, three hun dred thousand dollars. For eurreje of the northern end northwest ern lakes, it:wit:ding Lake Superior, one hue dred thousand dollars. For engraving and printing chart of lake aurvey, ten tbonsand dollars. For purchase and repair of instruments Stleen thousand dollars. l'or surveys for military defences, and for purchase of campaign maps, manusorlp notes, and maps of eurveys of railroads and canals, ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Approved, July 2, 18fA. [PUBLIC E.X501.17T1014—N0. 181 ] Air ACT to authorized the United Stales to acquire land in Wallabout bay, belonging to the city of Brooklyn, and to sathoriso tho - --1864. exchange of otter lamb therefor. Be it averted by She &nate and House of Rep roorritatires of the Nita Stator of America ua ant rere atteanbkd, That, the Secretary of the Navy be and he in hereby nathonsed and empowered to negotiate with the oily of Brook 1.41„ In the State of Yew York, and to effect an exchange of Lando in Waßeheat bay between the United States and the said city, and thereupon to make, execute, and deliver good and soloing deeds and Means there for. Approved, Jiffy 2, 1881. [Pvimm—No. 182.3 As Acr granting lamb to the State of Orekon, to aid in the ecnitriotion of a military road from Eugene City to the eastern bonadary of said State. Bo tt meted by the Senate and Hoene gl Rep renneativee ht the United &cue qj America to Cegress-cerembkt{ That there be, and hereby is, granted to the State of Oregon, to aid in the consbuotion of a military wagon road from Eugene City, by way of !diddle Pork of Williametteriver, and the most female pace .lin Cascade range of Moulataine, near Diamond Peak, to the eastern boundary of the Steno, alternate sections of public lands, designated by odd numbers, for three sections in width on each side of said road: Provided, That the lands hereby granted shall be exolasively ap• plied to the constrnotion of said road, andehall be dirpoled of only as the work progntssetc And became shall be applied to no other pee ves° whatever And provided, foray, That any antlidi lands heretofore reamed to the United Matta by act el Congress or other competent authority bo, and . the tam ran, ro, served from the operation of this sok except so far as it may be neetnontry to locate .tho route of laid road through the same, b Which cue the right of way le granted. • Bao, 2. And 6e ittifirther enacted That the said lands hereby granted lo said State. shall pq dlitosed Of b 7 the /SWUM thereof far tba PdATeee' eforesaid lcm no Mho* and the said road eheil..be toed- remits. a pal* highittr Satire - of the Government of th e United table, free frdin Mlle 'clothe; charge oposr , the trantota of . any primly, troope r or malls of the United Beata. att• ftitifte9 mated. Thit said road,. AO - .be oesitnieted with inch irkith,, Vidualien, Mad;brldgekne to permit Ipf its regular nes as a wagon road, and snob oth er epeeist roanner as the State of Oregon may prescribe: Sam - -1.. And be it Ibrehzr meted, That the lande hereby grouted to said State shall be disposed of only in the following manner, that is to say: that aquentity of land not ex. - tt• ormlgiuL. [Panue—lio 180] ending Dirty mottoes for odd road may be told; and when the Governor of said Mate shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any ten continuous miles of said road are sempleted, then another quantity of laud hereby granted not to raorAd J irty torture, may be sold, and so from time to time nail the said road Is completed; and if said told is not completed within tee yearn, no further 'isles shill be made, and :the land remaining unsold shall revert to the United States Approved, July 2, 1864. [Pc - titic--Ne IC3.] AN AC (0 eutablith Colfax street in tte city of Washington and Diatriot of Columbia, Be it enacted by the Senate and House qt. Rep rew,mtireo of the United States of Arnmita to Constrem assembled, That from and after the passage hereof the alley, which is sixty feet wide, across square seven hundred and twelve, and which connects L and stre.e:s north, and the west line of which is two hundred and twenty feet east of the east line of First street east, shall be known as Colfax street • Bet 2. And be it further enacted, That Can green may herraftor, at any time, atoead or repeal this aot. Approved, Jaly, 2 ISEA [Ponmo—No. 184.] ds ear to provide for the more speedy pun ishment :of guerilla marauders; and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Am-rica in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the twat ty-first section of an not entitled "An act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes," approved third March eighteen hundred and Sixty-three, shall apply as well to the sentences of Military com missions as to those of eourte-martial, and hereafter the commanding general In the field, or the commander of the department, as the case may be, shall have power to carry into exeoution all sentences against gue[r]rilla marauder° for robbery, arson, burglary, rape, assault with intent to commit rape, and for violation of the laws and customs of war, as well as sentences against epies, mutineers, deserters, and murderers. Sec. 2. And it it further enacted That every officer antherized to order a general eoart-martial shall have power to pardon or mitigate any punishment ordered by such court, including that of confinement in the penitentiary, except the sentence of death, or of cashiering or dismissing an officer, which sentences it shall be competent during the continuance of tho present rebellion for the general commanding the army In the field, or the department commander, as the case mar be, to remit or mitigate; and the fifth eection of the sot approved July seventeenth, eight een hundred and sixty two, chapter two hun dred and one, be ►m the same is hereby re. peeled, so far aa it relates to sentences of im prisonment in the penitentiary. Sec. 3 And be it further enacted, That when a soldier, sink in hospital, shall have been die charged or shall be discharged from the mili tary service, but shall be unable to leave, or to avail himself of his discharge, in canes• qntnee of sickness or wounds, and shall sub sequently die in such Eespital, he shall be deemed to bays died in the military service, so far as relater to bounties. Approved, July 2, 1864. lA , II lIR.AXCEL. 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE INSIAANCI COMPANY PHILADELPHIA: Amt. on Unary 41" minfrut 05. • tat ---.. WORM 666166 ed Invaded Preathuos .......-1,064251 thrsetzlod 4416 803,000 Ismana for 1..4... _5,030,000 Aarpe l'" P"°' 1829— igiew on liberal tame tual imd SomP. ..7 Mae. N. Daackse, l..se Lama Tobias Wagner. Edward 0. Dais, B.Sisal Grant, 0.. Tales, Jacob R. Malik, AM. /War, Gra W. Riclum tr.. W. Imes. N. D. CHARLES . RANCHER,Traddeet, EDWARD O. DALE, Tie* P.M.* JAB. W. Kaki/JETTA Flen. Pro. Wm. J. G. OOFTLIN.Ambi. earner Wand sa Mara alma& .pssii MACHINE WORKS AND FOITEDRY. IL VITIGEITIMAN =WM BUILDBRS AED LILO= Bra Qt, between Federal sad Easdasty, ALLIKIIIEFT arry, PA. Masalistanam of WIDE/TEAKS PATIRT PORTABLE O ks. SCLILLATLEO MIME ZEGIBES, libaftlag. Paßsys, Rap/arta' of sll ktads attended ts. Islay Insurance CO. or North ABlenta. I THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. INITUNANiiis, IN FIRS AND LAM/. T,DILIDILTII♦ IM=EM!!!!ESIIM Hartford Fire Insaratioe Company suemto. iiiMeleotion eask be aeoand bi the above named alit and tellable onapaalea. W. P. JONES, Aom, 6417:111y :Daggers Bzilldtmits, ST Wd stmt. W ESTE RN INSURANCE MIR& PIT OF PITTSBURGH, MILLKB, Jr. ProiddisL V. 11. G4MIDON, bdoreddry. Oflod, No. IM Waterdtreet, /pug •00.1 Wate.tionde, op stain, Plet•bargh. Wads y Pre ad Madded Stay Homo hodziadtad mayaddmi by Ididorydra ham, moll bad= 0 . o.eo+mar Wed rel oti dbieredised, y prennteer ed hberal4. lo iddisimeads Oddsherda. which they il6Of doodad, se dieney Br best prommgy• to Moor ale dairy io bd daydral. DIASITCM I Andrew deNey, Alexander Om, naiad ll_ Lend, B. Miller, Jr., Jew McAuley. Hatbedeled Hoinue. A/on. Nth .l, Georfp thropben B. Herron. O. W. Waste., 3.1.00 se 4. P. Dskr;inlh, John R. Wlhntn. M. GORDON. Owrdano. Gv ITIZEA•d INBURANUE COMPANY Or PIRTB73I7BOEL Oaks, verneer Market aid Water arrests, second door. WM. IttnOLLIII, Prebbside SAMUIIL UNA, &creel, Insane Steamboats and °anyone. bear& against lee and damage In the naTtratlon al b. Bootless, wad Weatere alsors, Lakes and Aarn, We nasfyrativo of the Soes. llama nand loss and damage by Ira. Vim. Blaimdey, J.. Par, Jr., W.Q. Johnston, B. V. Jae. Berme Orrfra, Woo. I'. IL Wars, Dare/ay Presto., CrKulp. Bingham, N. Y. KU, John Bh lpbq Jam. Y. Ooopsn. B. Ilart.no fl ~r i f ro .O hz nl ii. dori t Wm A. 80de.% PEOPLES 131131ThLiNCII COMPANY Office, N. E. coiner Wood & Fifth SA. EIRE AND BILELIZIE 1311IIRANCE. Aunt* D. Verner, Opt .loLu L. Dhaftlik Baratta' P. Elhriver, ,C7ll P. Jonah Wm. Phillip% John Watt, Wm. 11. Dye, /ohs 1 Parke, Marko B. Blsel.l, Wm. Val WA. r‘oihswlii lIILLM Arnlidad. W&Tl', novhsk4•4 piltly W. 7. GMIDALB. A LLEGHENY INSURANCH COM JCL PANT 'OF PITTBDUDGB.—GiIra, N0.:7 NlO4 Was,. Dank D:kr k. Lynam nexus a kb:idiot Tiro and Marine naa. MATO JOINti, Pre:ll44lu, JOHN D. BI'COAD, Pronkraal. D- ri. BOOE, Egyviary. Isla James. 0. 0. Ela.say, rfax.ey ada. Oht.f... a. C. Orey. John Irwlodr„ IL L. Irahnoev ch John D. Cord, CARL ♦daa Jacobi. D. B. Starling, Capt. W. Dena E. L. BlGOnoar, Eclat. IL Darla. THE W AsIiLNoTON INBCALNCE CO., 1 of New Taft. Clapitsl owl TEISPEIZEITI mon kNON CO.. of New York. Clipltal and di5at5......—.................---...starajaj ELL BAYLIS Avid 159 loutsl3.l. liallaL4 I ;a: W.F t: OHEFE IBETI7 ! A CADELAIYAnd WEST CHESTER. PA-. W. AMU, A. td.,, Pthretpol. • i tto 6. guar= wousALL.A. N., Pb. Lewd. rtpek, • The otholartle of tea month',ertllpommma.` oo the I/IBBT 71111 DA T, the iStat of September awn. Tb. °forret 'Of litettachlos te. thorough sad ehterurre, do. dt hole and =roo tar Oollegeor ostaan. crteeh t? Trench, 13pantth tad UNION •tet — Li7hl eaatht.i. mitten taaaturzs. Tka• WV;axlder 11. the chimed( ithJOB tho Miter, Bowie tendoet. Ltietthoirm AM to* to elthor of pi, Yrtnalpsh _At Wait Moo" Pa. The; Prtoelpit WEI b it the 110/0730/XIILL WPM 1a Platttnth from hotpot 6th to hightt theilidny lbws lm tOl b• happy to thrthlt teams. mass animalistic,* bona s. m. so op. ts., sags. ('OLD PENS! GOLD PENS! - WIMPARTPD.IIII OLUATB tea. Prigai Oe'r,Sar. 4%1,4, I, &OAT, w il l. or *theta r r 14 ► hams COL Oelg .. ice Pea& &gager recoil 011.0 aad 1101g.r,goig magatigl. ral&M. Warren & Brett Pus gad tug Preen Our. • Per rola by KIN& 00.06 Weed stmt. PRACHES, PLUMBS, r AAVIM Itoottstop daily wool towtwo 'Mafiosi boom et hem awl Dotswars Pb.oteo flow II Mr UM m lay op sr state. 1.. mob lw sun L. H. VONT a 00, iItiIIrUP.deTURERII. *l. LAWAIENCIE IRON WORKS, • .rcw Castle, Pa. BITHMIRM A 00., MON, NAILS AND SPIKES. ?meat prices subject to changes of the aarkst. NSW CASTLE, Lavrascs Co., Pa DIIQUEKVE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN CRAWFORD. tratallactiacre Cl wary 'meaty of intatud BLUM WORK FOB PRIINBIRS, BMX OR G AH TITTERS, RtAORINISTR AND OOPPERRNOrtIe. BRAES CIABTLNOS, of all driorriptioriA mods to or dor. STEAMBOAT MOSUL, STEAM. AND GAAITP TING. mad HISPAIBING; promptly atioudod to. Particular ortantioa paid to fitting op ILE.FLIIERIES FOB COAL AND CADMON OILS. Also, Sole Agents for the Weetern Dletriet of Pintaryl. rants for the sale of HARSH, LAUSSRLL S CO.'S PATNNY SYPHON POMP the best !ma Invented. Having no velem It le not ltahle to get out of osier, and will throe/ more meter than any pump of twice Ica aim. .18 IL W. KW pON CITY WORKS. ➢IACH.IIITOSII, lIICIIIPIIILLI. 8 CO., 10t171DER8 A.ND ILLORINIIBT3. Cloranr of Elk. and °Mary and oonhtetarorf of statfortary and oSher raffflNM, ItOLLII3O MILL GLI3TENGS and ZadOtalirar, of all kind; end gem.-LL Jobberr. Prompt itttontlon Elwin to repairing HOLIAINCI HELL deathly ROBEftri, BARNES t CO., O. 19 Third It, Pittsburgh, TIM AND BERM' LllO3 WODSLCIta, Wo are now manufacturing and have on band Bath. log •pparatem of all kinds, Toilet Ware to Setts, Water °oaten, Grocers` Tea and dpi.. Gaoled.", Oash and Spice Bores, Tumbler Drainers, Spittoons, &a, rm. A large lot of filed Magee tor bile low. Oil Cam of all edam and pattona, Tin Mooting, Oonductom, and at kinds of Job bing Work dorm to ordor. pATENTED OCTOBLE 8, /861 OVAL LAIXLE. OFEIMNECYI3. XX /PAINT awes. Maar Ohlmam aro Wended tar Qs Cal Mum haat kng all parts of the g ia squatty, dos. not exixama ft to cracking. I. D. DITITRIDGIII, . Toes Pitt Moo Work., Wm:tan/ton meat, awl? Pitts/mat, Penns. BLACTS lILUSOND STEEL WORU, PITIBBORGA PA. PARK. BBOTHIR a 00., Fairfi ISt= QUALITY ILINTIMD GAIT RILEY sp." Ma omd °any., of all ohm Warosatal equal to aay Imparted . mama:bound In Wm octootry. ear Office and mush...maim 10 land 151 Vl= ..d 1.20 utdto aLOONDSIBIE6II3, 0:11:441 A LLEN WOOE3IIOII & 00., VALE.: Toornag, Pittsbargb i i's. INP - Warsito SW s, LTD TT lianulbecoson or 000 K, ABLOI II M RIASDIGI STOVES, PSALOD AND HITCHED OILgTI:S, BOG LOW WARN, sio., Steel and Clam Moslem, Dolling lUD Ortkogs, NW Glaring, Ose, W. and Arden Ptp.,. Da Irons, Dog Irons Wpm Derma Elam EstUss. Pnl Z j . E:L =obnag Osmlng. ntol . to or. dm. Pmeated Portable MIU, with Stamm or Hone Power. anitbers4, hymnody done= al Andersen • MIIlpot) racoottole inhotoe his Mende end the public cenerally that hes owned • ;foundry at th. WSW{ of Third etnet Ohanceo of oppatte rnhon'e Bram /monde], et the ;wpm. of manabetnting LIGHT LIACHIND BY CIALTIEGB, GLASS MOULDS, Plll.lllll, dee pedal anent:kat glee to Matson work- meld ..—._.a.®..oea POWNES, (late or the firm of e i le es • Bala;,) .10111 B. HIBILON pet. ktaabell, Hama A Oaj 12019 TOUNDI/18 sad rrtrea leteateetereak 101«.' Ward, Pittabargt,,Pa. a1y2:17 JOll3 D. ITLIIIION • 00 WELLB, RIDDLE & CO., No. Zro Literty Myst, oppeialts ninth, Pimburgh. oasnixfactorers of WHIPS, LASHIO and SWITCH: LI, and Amory description of LEATHER BRAIDED NOES. Orem" solloited from the traits, and roods promptly shipped ss set WS shipped May SEVERANCE, Na 53 WATHR Br. S Pittotrorgb m aanmottuer of BOILER Rlvrre wsorcart SPIELS, ocrtnloon oad falbpd, of over, do ocription. Particular deed or .Papal EIFTE.CB lam , or mall, masts to order at abort notion= wourtnarest constantly ao hand. Dii.ENNETT, Manufacturers of . WRITE EITORE OHCEA =GAM MILOS. ED WARE. Mond w.th0..... a lie. 74 FlFTH snuner, Plnabargb. inhlikly SILVER PEARL et.U.P. -- ORUMPTON & 00.. RI Liberty Itregit, der Proprietors and Idennskotaran for Wartarn Penn okras:llN Oblo, Indiana, 1111siols and IdJamul. Om, manabotvers of a sup•rior loads of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, VOILICW AID FANCY LOAF/ al mu erivxn FLITIL SOAP, whin% era conlidene gelid remain:eon se better for genera/ ree than and other Wore the altos:Lid b. borne to mind bee anther Potash, Balt, Lime or Hc.lo, or sad other eniatatioe in Its mantifsature which can ehrtnk mindnre the Must fa brics. Timm& nod Woolens canto naiad rill the rapidity of Ootton or Lima . Cloths irashod with the 8/LVF/1 PEARL 804 P do mat require boiling or hell the ratting, which of ammo mere the near and tear. MINIM PFAU SOAP Demarco (Immo, Dtrt, Tobacco Blaine, Prlntere Ink, Brooke, and the worst Delp Water Mina Immediately, Vhaera tib it ib an: =ltr•Tecertde Prate 12 Impart. • Illarecry to li'late j impart, Glawewars, Enamelled Path ma sad Patient Loathed Lmmedhltely I I for el eaning marble and don tits 12 has no gush Ter the Bath, sad portionlariy fin Ettapeordng, tha 011988 MEL 80434 • parked Imam . . In • woro. al who have tried Ha mperior qualities, acknowledge II the greeted discovery of the egg TtdsOompeny I trial from ail .ho od re pric edlntereet to tuft/ Soap, and In fmar cam will reta the o no corms ehirold 0 fp what ono dol= lbr clod sooxrditoi to oat blorriumte from abroad COI do Ingil to `an OBUNPTO2I * Of). • call, EST IS= Mont, orpodbr Patuaryltsala Bathos* Pasesoosr gyp Beware of •13 Imi—SILTZB ne gumbos nabs booty oar P EARL tordo-mart ß 58114 - -1. wound by National Ooyyrlght. , • BLAND r E 3 PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS and BLANDIrb Patented Portable Mama relrhola. BLAMER'S Ream Rexlne Works, Zane.Oa, Onke 111.ANDY11 Newark Nubble Warta, Newark, 0. Yke mat skonereal In Um world. flm mod= miry utdblllon. at nate and National Fairs. Par. to . co Ayr forg b. . , cpeavt. Onktinr , ou s irrllty In noun month,. ending Ney7l4. Including ilk, abort depot winter. lamas 0 Keehn., Lewisburg, Penns. at 680"0 bet dank In three months. In Jane. WM. MOM bet ea/0 49th of June MOM Awl wk. Printed Inetrantinork and enamel ground plan NM and Nnirlnn. fiend for Illstrirotrd drools, with dokeptko. load ropcola of operskas. Adiros K & F. BLANDT ' at &arMo. or Bondy ,3hto. _Oroors, ditto sad carrofrorlarro Kariorri. outran LAMP BURNER, AND lIHI2AEHL4 WASH ILSMOYAOTOMT. COLLINS 4 WRIGHT, Manufacturers of all Lads of LAMP BIIIMMIA trtna of ODltul • Wright's Patzat TMI JOG TOP. Pakat TIM INS TAMD TOP, PatooteoßMW ritepaa Tot ha, 30 ammo! afoot, Pfttaborub. • en! VOS. BAT,V,--FARMa_A goo d • of 175 aort• for KW vith awaiting Iwo., bank 104 ta urn to oultlrattoo, nanatodar goal ttmtaz, arattirstand, drama on lb. inialtarolo nark Ilantea bolo Beat Idtertr. A farm in SNOW .army >tr Bala. tabro •me r.m mar lelmatowa. war, a OTIMBIBT • sox& al It 420 PIGS LEAD, &Medi 10." Mtn a arrly d Hu ale by J1N1.9 B. OAN/DIM as= Now WOCd• iSEI Ptka and Walnut Inroads, Mew City Wets Warts.) T[N WAKE DITELUEDOWB PAInIME ALFRED DAVIS, ALLICaIaIIT STS, I=l==l OROCEELLEs, PRODUCE, A'c. •.111AS POTTEIL— _"OE 1.11:25 ....}1[1.1112 L. C 1.11,11.12 . I:KinRR, AIKEN SHEPARD, Qom :slaTion Aretrittoolad Dealers to Toloolgal and Do coact° 17/17ITS. TLOtr, BUTTIS, OHNFSE, RUGS, TOTOLL, wad Produce gromerally, No. AD Lilesrly street, appall.* Pimento, Depot, Pittab . glL J. S. Dilworth &?loam & OoUu, Culp & Shepard, Atwall, Loa & 0., litho Grayer, Pittsburgh; seism & Boa.. MoDowelleWart Brunt It 00., Philadu.; Treaalutt & Sitnenona, I,als ; Sinclair t Groot, New Pork; Stanford t La•all. Can. innati. aayttly FRANK VAN (BORDER, Produce, and Commission Merchant, No. 10 B.II77IIZIELD STRNST, carrel. ?int Dealer in FLOM, ?TITER. BROOMS, SEEDS LAUD, ae CH EFF Y., PORK, DULLS/ AD 11/CITS, and Pr Libural c g.erallz adly van , . onneignmenta. ton C.IIA.RLEB C. BILLSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant, ELSHORANDIBII BROIEZB. Led &m/yr In II kind, al 0013 - NTET PIIODUCZ., Pa. 179 LIEVITIT MIER. sab4:l7 147:11201.11, PA H ENRY WA.LLAGS Commission Merchant, Pa 103 BOOM WATER BT, ORICAO9, 1.1 HIGHWItin, P 110171810198, IPLOIIII • mhl7:6m M'BILICE & A_NJER, COMMISSION SISSCHANTS, And des/en In Flour, Grain And Produoft IN MOND ST., between Wood b Flonitbdeld, THOS. L. McCLFT.LAND, (9etecosor to It oCUltand a Davi%) CIMMILIAL 00W:tile/OH 1i.2110131097 111 Flour, Grain and Provisions. ora'. .tt rarr en to the o urotokoo ontl tole of ion No. W WOOD EITIMET, Plttatmorh, Pa. ja&ly B F. QIIIIIBY & CO., Commission Merchants, Ho. ISO SOUTH WATIIII CallthlLGO• Give itp attention to purchaadnit riour, Grain, Proviainiu, ac., E. F. QUIMBY mittlar Oriel" mt.. • no. auslicsta of the tato Orin of D. &D. 111 . Doriabil Plttalnirtih. a Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) A'DONALD AILBUCKLES, Wholesale Grocers, Produce sad Oasittlealon Marchtuilsa =arm for °OFTEN, N. 0. EIIIGAJI and PEOLABNINI, Better, Egr BOGABS AND STROPS, FLUB, NAME, Potatoes, TEAS, ETON, OE NEEL, SLEDS , Not. Lead OIL Liberty Pittsburgh. ilex end Gram Bente made on Gnul,rn Om& .drencermalio. 227 Liberty eykly sagivEß et IA 7R A R, 'noised. GBOCIIIII can Cknedlißliloll MEBOLLA.B7B. Na. tr .1 417 PadITEUTILLD 85., aor. &woad. War PTITSB rdiA RIM B. LEECH, FLOUR AND Ciamx ‘.../ rums Asa 00111X131101 ktaacasscr Oar tho eels of 011A121, !MIK 011 MI, PRODUCTS, an., and mat 03r the celebrate] Uniontown CEMENT, Noe Ile Bocond arid 146 lint streets, between Woadand flualthholl, Pittsburgh. eel MILO/ I. 'HEAD k METZGAR, Groaera and Com -111321010n Marchanto, and dodo. ID all kinds qf Ooonto7 Prednoo and Plclaburglo Maud. 901 Liberty garret, ioppoott• hand of Wood =,14 10. Dr Dumb. WIBB & WILRINBON, Commission sseasnts, Whole/Baba dealers in WESI4III3 811- SLOPE CllllBBB, IMIND /111711 N, BOWL% EGGS, IMAMS, and pro-Ivor generally. Also, LSATHICR, HIDES, OILS, L. No. Zl7 Libor* tryst, Intobargla 0 , 4 , 0.5 h adsoncorcreaat. mad. Cs sonata& hl9 sod P. BECK di; CO. Liberty No. 185 Wftreet, Pitlabargts, Pa, Wholeaele Grown, Cote mbeitm Merchadts, and dealers le COUNTRY PRO DUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGOS, CHEESE, FISH, te, PRODUOL FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED GREBE AND WILED FRUITS, Re., BALT mud LINEL i7/6 TORN R ueNFIEILD, Con/mum AXD EP ltrawaanaro Mammas, .d Con/mum dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CLIME, BOWER, IJJ11), PORE, BACON, FLOM. FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALLIIATCS, LINSEED AND LAID OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, NoLl4landlE3 Trent street, PlLiebergh. eel naw UT21.14 L,ITTLE &TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gra- LI oar. load Onansalasion Ifintoshanta, dealer. In PRO NII%raittIIXBVIrCIL4, g1afrt3, 2 6(12,70=1 TAILKB, and Pittabazgh sousetacturee generally, US and 114 Ssennd street Xittabargh. P. D. P211[131.. UP/ HEWER I BROTHERS, (successors to .I.ll.lleraer a Anderson,) Wheless:a Dealers la 11 . 016. ZION PEWITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CONFECTION ERY, SUGARS, TIDE WORYN &a., Nos, US and In Woed .treat, above Ftflb. Pittabargh. reTrassaa, * pATTERSON &. /LESION, no. 00N111881021 IiEHLTILANTS, PL0172. AND GRAIN, and general PRODDCII dealer, No, 6 WOOD 11781411 T, Piteeberrgh, P.. enbl:l7 CHEESE WAREHOUSK.-LiENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding sod Comm Luton Merchant and dealer la CHLESE, lICTTEIL and Pradtas • genandly, No. ZS Wood etrteLabovo Water, :Plttairargd. oty2 101111 FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Oro !) as .4 (koala'. 'Heal:oats, Nos. 172 Wood 224 =7 Liberty moo. Pitaboah. JIIIO nEARLES L. CALDWELL, (successor to Jotem Hahne. k C 0.,) PORK PACKER Lad derdor In PROVISIONS, comer of liNrket and Prontb Plitabazth. 1.0 OULP & SHEP 11 AD, CommissioN Miteznatrne .od deals. to YLONII,O I / 1 1.N AND PIIODUCZ, No. 347 Liberty street, Pimsburgh. Oiolce brand. of Flour for Baker, and Family um oon nanny onhand. Particular attention paid to filling order. for Merchandise senerally. octudly fl J. TOWNSEND, (surocssor co Jackson N.JI • t Town:mu:id.) PORK PACE ER and dealer in PROVIHIONK ta, No. 19 Fourth areal, atm.,. Liberty, Pittatedarh. uoST tirr. Huu . VOIOT tr. CO., gnoooee.ore to L. CL Graff, PRODUCE AND 008111391011 MED (MAIqTS, 247 Liberty rinmt, Pittabargb. R • ••- OBERT DA LZELL CO., Whole sale Grxwers, Oonsalleslon and Forwarding Ma chants, and dealers In Nuance and Pittsburgh man ufactures, Liberty creel, Pittsburgh. DWALLACE Conuniceion Merchant, • and Wholesale Dealer la FLOUR and GRAIN, No. 930 Liberty .treat, apposite Perensylvanla R. R. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. Pa. Storage Ware house, corner Wayne and Penn streets. n017,1y o *ALLA& 3111ERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whole- J—l sale Orooong Prodwe Dosloi., No. 8 Sixth Knot, Plitaburgh. 1•18 ISAIAH DICKEY tt CO., Wholesale .s. linxers, Cloroatteeloo liexehauta. and dealers to. PHODIJOI, No. 80 Water 'trod sad 86 Trout .treat, Pitteberel. KIRKPATRICK a: BROTIIER,_emo . meson to Drown k Kirtpatticks, WHOLE. gALL 01100IIES, Nos. 191 sod 193 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. sp13:11 OHOICE RIO COFFEE--,lust teoeifed a Vv Matt let echoic* Bloßeel eiro prime vWt. L angres mad oldJeteßm. Tor sala et the toady aro. eery more of JOHN A. 811118/141W. 17g 9 comer Liberty aad Iliad Manta. JAMES DALZELL it SON, Manta: — toren of LARD OIL, and Ootatalu too • chaula 6s- the purchase and ads of OHO DI AIM MIRED P =DOLED; Nse. 69 and TO a. R. lOU UNIMAIN. S. LIGOVIT & CO., CITY FLOUR. MO MILLS, pores Liberty Atheco and arum% PlPabergh, Pe, INlFlDepaefey, 400 berste per data. w cattozaxwa— . • .. • SQHOMABER LANG COMWMION 111wwzAwn and wham& &Won In GROCZB- UtEl. FLOUR, IMAM P110DUC1Z,A=.116.359 Lamm dreel.PlUabzwigt. $019417 WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Orr; m lL:c i n i .l=nn kinchnnt....d munhctuey . &ea. In Pm *net Pitateosh. iso. MI Liberty J 0.45 Q LINDSAY JR. ib BRO., Wholesale and 10.1totall 0 RAMO" MOUE A.ND PPODUCLID 7/16/. 1.1 tern Arse% PlUthiugh. CAE ALBREE, SON & CO., Wholesale wld [Mahn Ist BOOTS, 8.110X5, Ao., omi word sad toscrtb amts. Pfttaburgb. LIDGERTON &, STEWART, Wtalesale 4t1001193 *AD oomitiesiox himcuesit, Ma. lVt Wood stmt. Pi sat:ban:b. JArm' r: WIN L HOl3Bll & Co.iNttoreerale PRO. OM AND 001111.155101:1 IMEGIMANTSi cons , arimithrlord aroi Warn emir. Pittenuut, wp,LiAM JUGALEY, T T tadOilt; So& 111 awl lb? Rood itise; %OA Whi: G. rJOJINSTON ft CO., Statio ner T T Mak !Wok klanatisiarm ma_fa P. n 47 47 VeyPßisbeens-td • NO 2 LARD OIL-23 bbla. No 2 Lard 011 cm land sad Ibr Ads aasa try JAB. DAM S:ILL I BM et as IVOR room BEr Ellen , OIL CO.—Books of Buh =lotion to age nommain. OIL on. till to op and at the Batting Bourg of EMU* itA 27 41, OIL. MUM Mini sad Wood Weds, oa Monday, Angturt Bth, 1864. P•aphleas eontstahts • det=tpties of tha pmyerty bad by the Oosepeay ma be bed se the ism Owe, on sad sner the 4th of Aasset jyVhtl. JAMES W ELKINS, EISOZZII AND DEALECII 13 CRUDE AND REFINED MU PERE.T BLOCK, DUOIMBK Mr Epeeist attention rtron to tke FIALX AM KW iNT of Petroleum and Its products.. Oecelicontecia reepoctial4 solicited. WO' Pittsburgh Agent, for VEINLIRGO OIE 691) TEA EIS PO STITION COUP LST, osh4ly POET 07710 Z BOX 1412. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., COMMISSION • POHWANDISO MIS aroma. Crude and &lined Petroleum, Mo. 1.9 LIVATIS 14131ZET:PITTRERThall. ear Liberal Oath alma,. en ixostroaumto Oat MO- W:rex or Laroorn Ilutsto. petag., Ilarbacch, nampoun Ball, Paq.. Prst. Oasmacrest auk.; rado:em TACK & BRO., MCI= CI Orude and Relined Petroleum, PRTUIVEGIL BENZINE, an WALNUT ES, Bagmen mtrosted to main will nmetnalapeolap pononal attention. Behr to Mean. Blehardaon,' Marley B Co., Brawcr, Burke A Oa, arid McClalland Davie, Pftlaborgb; Thca. Smith, LK., Brest. Beak N. A. i B. L. Wader & Oa, Fblladelphla. uu3:l, mocosaaxa & auaapirma, OIL BROTtERS. Noa. 211 and 219 South Water Street. rr.................,_.. ~ Lyday • (Tharpannin= , 011 . 01,1 path Jacob Painter, of J. /no. B. Charm; 01 Bpang, Oka/4a ike jytkly WALES, WETMOR A 00, urs GEMPPEBE OP PETROLEUM. 11l au mla WAIL zorw fWIN Ample ballttles for OTORMIX MID Man= at that+ prd sad Must% aim Boaz. mitt! TRurt uITY OIL WORM LYDA! do 11108P11511111114 Ituatheteras sod Edam of 0.6.3110 N 011., ism £3D Lusaticwrosa one, :ma helm e COEIGUEOEC P r iLICELOILIMBILi Wadi; appzite fibuleberg. Ma, Sa. RASO IMAM spike= Prrracrias. Anil L WAIL WALLACE .t CURTISS, vadram memo. CRUDE& ILIEFISISD rimioLzum, Ea IM BOOTH witarrns. PHILAMILITILL sur man. ognor,)ItallkCOOtoblo 4.40 imoollont IkEs far fete timorkas oad Vargo porta, at oar wborf ondr fickvikfil atm. maar,:tio platform of tho P. R. B. Jelkly BILEWKR, BURKE ?A, COZEIED3SION 2131110HA1T13. Aglaia of QUXMR, PACIMIO4.IID LIBIESTi 01:6WV/C0 Lanni ash adman' mal• ea caustzummte Refined or ode Petroleums. COB. D188=133 OAT k ILLHOCOL On. Prrazokm. je951.7 ENOS WOODWARD, (Lola of W. H. Woo:twist a 004 Itptetel ottatttloot I.i. to too eats ei Crude and Refined Petrotenni. Ha .sorru mow Erman, MIA. 1.2171 WOOD I TLLLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOEDSEIP Ai CO., nanefectancre of BITRHING OIL AND LITBRIad.. TING OIL. Keep constantly o hand the eery beet qua- Icy of SIIHNTSO OIL, clear and wthhout color; also, . good LOBEICATOB, pun WHITE BZNNOLN and AS GUAM SAS ordare teR at RR 88 TUTU OTR/ERT. Num Slat, esmomt floor. will be promptly attemd,d to. CABOT, PEMBERTON a WEEBTER General Merchandise Brokers, ILI MULL BTRIEPP, Era Yost, ale, ISE 6017171 111,01/Z 81., Malahstas, Pa. CRUDE & REFIRED PrtROLIIII/1, OAMITIO 1301 3 1 1:108 13D i t s, 0 . 1:1 4. 1181111111)54 Orden to Ims or sell prom*, seleads4 la. salas D. L. kt a:, AGENT, .}S3 WALNUT a., prawn:mu: az - DE dt • BUD= PETROLEUM ea Dammam atuttothady. AD dolma al mad res. =maga ralmA STORAGE YOU /11111THED to coal oallara, fat =UDE, under good abed. Particular attention paid to art POE IMPOPPL too Iiata—DAUETIO 80DA, 80DA AWL ara. MITI) ALLkai a NREDLICS, PEILADILPHIL: COMM=Od ILIZCOLIZIPIN 2.Parliedar Moats pal to acadcatists Crude and Relined Petroleum. Nor Mad stemma eista. =My ROBERT ABEWORTR, Ma s IL mann, ernsonnem Forwarding Commission itiorohant 4373 MULE" m WM arnsummerrelcummaxaMlG,OßllDEPS- MlXON OMB, ft., constantly ma tra m mut br sly •1 Om lowan Lazio Wow Oanegnmenla and erdm td Wrenn ISAAO ROUGH a 00., lot CM Nolo of Ortide and iteneu Petroleum, as OUT DNIAIWAIII Arnim W&ItiNG & KING, WEIEIB6IOII MMlwn% Aid *Monts - Petrokum awl its Products, &dm b Subtbs Naturbb selay as cum= IT.. rturbanou ROB A PEABFALL, 3101 .0 ritroiritnes and tEt Arsed44olll, _ . Its apialand Imo lis IWO ranamolps. 1011Riat necuab ft* - Wl= 14,Mig Mlle 7 - Lair JAMES 011 Vitriol ' and Aau Mega& aOrdins I t mt Jabs farcartrim t %Al flm, tarmac eimIMA2III2 &MD "SW 09311113 A Val donslA /*VW OILS, IV. CIZZIOAGO. on Dletrabanlini QTEAIS WEEKLY TO iso t4 POO to L, tomato( at QIIIIXDOPTID Hariaa.) The Ira known floraasaid _MP Nay Tort and Palladdatra E1... 2 Malt sun Una) are tat:aid to call am ZDINOTtEGH -... - 49ataidaL Ibit 01 .. Sig OT irsiil7 i 3lt'aMlT :Litt Lad arm saocarritea &lardy, IS Digli, arcat Da 1 North Lim. woo , a/ Paws* 1!., ~ • . - Parable ta goLD, arm opdralaaf ta: I Ttettattati....----XBO Otletao9P4.-14.....941, bs Losaais_-- Sr ap . so ImMan...lol 1 • Sr Part 5...........; 9,5 Sr a to i to ll A a to Rambarg.-... 90 OD o to g aolhoi • ld A Paimalorra LW azirardera to Haar% - IMP data. turtamp, Lo., at *quay low ram' I ' • - _ , Pam trom tharprad or goaematoriallitaall ado. $lO6. Human., pa Thaw whart.atadt-to Z or it& Odra& can Dap ricked@ hare at - 1 Pro Rabat latortmodm apply aiM ":". rl=l Ms. - JOWL itcart, D. 111 ZadditaapilL LI 4 O'NELL, bHo. se isaftltl4=l=lis; CITZABD LlNlL.aseuk LITXBROOL LID - • 4 ISt' pea, U to swarens ntox Kw TOM; Ea Ma gen en% RAO , . cvsonalmimi I Art . . a Eanlibreidgeici.tstvek NW .11 -,emboodb RIDER ik CELAIUrst n tor ' IbrAINLPORTIGA ROBIVIW P1.34.177111110/7441 PLUM • w. a. annEA isms, • salmis issails;4l r LurEINT OIL WUMESL • • mamas, mum , 4 ft; ussidweem lii rers lei e Uhl* 144ifik Of* OCCIe. s< d Lam?) MERL r-1 ";f4 priaroluunts 1442 eattmalinuatommiki MEE. . o rr ig t e e* ol o ll 9 l.lllo r4 '143 ,LUDlZOTatigns, et Neves . • leirmartmetaan, priln rkilt4l;sl,2o . MAIMITO KW* 0 * Mtta, 3 - 1 salaistawstrormentim :1 X. 0.-14 Patna leti ens =Mid yts it Calm. lI V! W r 62 W !"" "14 9 1 .1 : 1L 0 . 0168 i 70 010.066101000106 ' itossit $lOO PER moirra—Actiirscl bbAgerstetlis A tztdd mattean tin ta my Witham bunny atudddit via 1 io • . 1134 MMilem es apply to T. Am gutrifir,„ teddiert4, .1•4 • iLiffLticx4Pr. TEAL B. 11.-111=131 - LAWIGINEHT.-.511511 HAI L I C 2 91110.114EUM1 1,1111%. 4;3 WOW Mtn. at tbb azdara ilimbia to& and_scsom nreir tai card yin og Ida Ike posayass asul nipl4 asodonaull 1.31=1„ . iggsd Spa vtn ludo tam Depot In PI THIIOI7Q3 sicorkral i ta4t. paomga• 13adrou 44, (runt .1 •I •a' el Stara. .brarsaia Ilthiliarga do. pktia. plt dad mikado rand olakkactlan for lb' York dud Tad THIIOUGH I4 I&7, THUM kikr. tkd roam Hobbs. nurl uuntluid Orsiaid ..)11TH/ dank los? si dlik = luktaS at Harrisburg furrol Wasktrit Cn, dad Mat York ira Thirogeboy, Tbs IMO= LEP= IdHani miug ' i tird p_imotopplryolo7 dayrbudYsl. l . ll ark 414.0 . dostrectlata Himin dor Barka" dig cad Fibilararala. Tlro ir.ken,m, tarns tbs stamoi Lay occays idgoikag ant/ 11.1111roffed atatkrite tionaeurog Harrilablug dor BalUrdadd and Hulks Wry o.t for Nov York ell_AlK 2 Mil.ttlia. Meg ojinozo of Call I dig 111 rr-U Tali - - 41000NESODATC03 TO Toga lima ..-..-- onot S'Vist MO P.cu.stoiSdoS ak!ji Sinakea no waning as nit le 00.6150a5te3. : ~,i,_ Hat dassosnodstion Trott fa' lit(Wo Rothe hal doily (crisr. A,= =GLlKl I. St 6 . - 41 dossad Train its ViTA Stith:Wept otaittor Snow) at 1L.40 I. 5t..jj1..;1 0- W Train for W,qo MULLINS tally (anus Sunday) at 4 50 P. 19. 'it f Fourth ~.-.....t1 Than lbartig's Etilka big" dzi Th l7 . (asai ot,,h pt 13=) ai1..004 u ES. ~ etitt. .r.l miatiA as km a. ca.; sass=s. lasso Ittildnogit Mt ' Otii • O. E' Trona wen ta rtlto)ta° u fem. lialthoots ' T rP h u h r n o t soLtgiwnheo . d =00dati0n.............. * • i ':. ; .......-. IPSO p a a 1 1 ,- 1450 p. m allTri 4Ae..- MSa■ to -t .- win as VMWan Station Aconodatt-....- 1 L l; Second Wan Station AL=sktestgat....,_. , , ....., ankh le Third WalPa Statlcto .iitiolattott4.....- LIS p. n !mirth Wan Mallon LocontsoodatkeQ....... itogigi al lialttwee Szatwie gill antra oh ,12,144.04,..„ Prgat 4.t.50_p. tit. wo Notidasa L... atogformanssweandlottlanaltUtton latasectism with Ths=gil d , ••••••••*.A , 'a Janitor Ascogunodation and Ingram Than WO and with gal lima. Worts Telles be amend J ohnioan. d ee dlgndgnkind I a t l i l l l e a bibgatr2l.loTainWa w l, a a sl m a m i ntxatbna and Mons Train Ezra. I' . -IZ --- SAAB !4', I _ , Ito Hew Tcat.........g12 To itaittgare..........glil 11( To Philadoirdda-.... IQ do To Lenteitor • Pp To Thwrisborg.---..- • 7 S 5 To ditootai.=:;sl i =lttiall titettoni_. Oils .Penaghttai sad to n.U.a....4lSthlnglag New TocIL R. L. S A Paricarei =aid= Waite thelSo MIMICS =an Santo . to thadtitenta httedala I to the sloth= nlah aces 4 4o;bitatintooll the Ontoping.. bat no M O 4. .:ei .__.., L. SOI:101-I rata of the =Man mid Shoonattot espossible gm pasona Z wi ftlillt Attica tonooat not asseedlng R. 11.- An Catoofboa Line laas boon Wen no and tamp la and Song .Slepotoia Amp not to mud 23 maga Ow , ~ gagnspe ag baggaga. Az *Ma apply to ".- . LW= er t ian At thsPeentsyleantaasatoalltaltonel co Marts wad Grant screen - L ..L'' f , .., -wig ; 1§64 71tr E ZEM w virs i macaw new • WAY awl CLEYELAND i PYLIMIDIES, ROAD. mum Anatanadir. Oa ad attar ILLY 11:=01104 Os I l'or I Las's'Pitts:bare' co.hicag 11:11old.1111willai iNgre..............,.....1 1 1054 i e ll libpi. a pAp_mm...l 1:10p.:m. ?Ilk 1:10p.a Ma —..........-.1 guKtri. , Il * Fil .....410.1 Attire et ittlobargh—P• r• W•i a.: , '/.l° 1 WM . P. &IMO 1PT.1041:50,4114 o.* .1.11 Aooo2oloolrAlli T ''' hagbakr, Etc 011*001,IP'ST:iw in B. m.x.p... rxr. fitan" *lO p. sn. I kW a. :a. i $4O p. ski.a 1400le am TS.O s. el; MI, • M1p... , kW Train eonautt at OW I _ Irrir ,astl• =4 ral.. R.•brdeo. 1/ • Ant". at ADerbeity—P. 7. W. O m. SeaD G. co, 225 p. o.lArl p. PA; exinai PASEIS.ft Uolon Psamenger Statics' • A. 01. g' ikr IL B. PAYSON, -_• • Cm. Pr. Vale 1741117.7701. Om Titbit Awn* Crt#!**o6. A LLEGHEINY VALLIT ILLITMONItr -0111,501 07 TIMIL-0a L. - atot ear 110141N17, Itat / 6 thdAir • ' it ;swami of tratas wlO 11131 , •-• BUM 71/6121.-Learta PittabitrAX__,lo saw deo. at, Elttatuthtt at MO a: isk alatf i r s t mire' annsubergliit ana ytUa..l TU.M.-rearts Itlttlathig.st= arching at Mem& at tat a.= Wan at tatO a tra... =trims at JEtttaantalt railtdo IFL a. ataX/70110DAVON TItAIN-LoritaiData Inds IMO a. arttrtaa Iltlatrargh at UM a. in- woo .P.mo•=o LOO - p.. ma. saistog Weds Wain oi tory oarld• I • P. WErari; fitotralesauf. 0 20OILL'B 4: PO$P. 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Ted of ars ibip Iran Bed Scd. Ibr Limped Mr, what ineespg nomauterard romp an towed tu al efiled. Ille n Tart to Ltrerpod Shb. ,', BIGHT Dlitantor. ad parts of lot all. • too leered rata. 407 to D.LACIIIa. Erman amok!. Balbllaz. "dui emelt 1712 or if, Emilthbohl MOW - .. 0114, 4c. Ii , aid Ihts:ta Petrels= a9d It* PrOIII•Callil luisptsota, /wit • - ' SWAB Witit—tais; 1 w IMES 111:1111102117 113:16...1123.00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers