~~=~=~l ~ liii. t hlutrgit 65azdte. MONDAY MORNING: ~,, ::IDLY 18, Mi. CITY AAD SUBURBAN. 'ttonntv 101.,ney Wanted! 'We learn that there are now nearly two hundred men, ready to be mastered into the Service, bat the Fmaoce C,meeqtro Lave not the means to p them the pre miee d Irrunry of twenty tiro Collars each ! All the te,ney railed has alresly teen paid out. This Is too bad. Shall it go abroad that recrnitirg In the populous and wealth; city of Pittaburgh has ceased, before her quota has been Stied up, }collate the paltry eon of taenty •leo d Mars b?inly oautd not to raised? In Allegheey , ety neary as many men have be n vibes t, and the bounty paid is fifty oilers. We hope, for the credit of our weal thy Ina chants and manufacturers, that they art/ at once bestir thomseiree in this matter, and follow the worthy exteplo set by the fast who have already contributed to generously. Ttiere are hundreds of ,mon, who have meets thousands upon thousands since the war be get, and who have yet done comparatively little in the way of sustaining Lb, govern ment by voluntary contributione. Thera ero many individuals who could afford to pay .bonnty fora whole eattipany, bet who have not yet contributed a single dollar. We tear of other. who, instead td oncocroging recruit- Leg. hove been offering inducements for their workmen to remain at home, that they might moils by their labor. Such men, it is need less to say, are indirectly helping the rebel lion, and show that they care more for self than they do for their country. We are glad to learn that the Mayor will issue a call for a public meeting, to bo held on Monday evening, fcivthe purpose of devil • lag a plan whereby sill•nient hods can bo raised to nay the bounty , , not only to thcso already enlisted, but to no more a, may choose to volunteer. Eicltsment la Alieglien3 —olnetzen Boys Arrested tar tlathlng In the During the "warm term" the boys of Alle gheny have Loan bathing in the river during the day, contrary to the provisions of a city ordinance. Yesterday afternoon an unusual ly large number ware enjoying themselves in the In fall Clete of the Saapaaaioll Bridge, when the Mayor, being apprised of the feat, dispatched his police to arrest them. Upon the appearance of the of :era, the boys swam out to the piers of the bridge, and ian• eying themselves secure, coletlattod their aeouremont. A skiff was procured and a do. tadhateut of the police embarked in it, In tending to drive the,boys to shore, whero a Mang face was in readiaess to take them Into custody. This matte tyre war apparently unlooked ter by the youthful transgressors, who collected in a body at one of the pion, and seemed to be discureing a plan whereby they might escape. Some pentane on the bridge euggested the storming of the skiff wad throwing the pollen into the river, but the boys ware pparently not prepared for such summary proceeding+. Meanwhile the polio. reached the pier and the boys corn - manned scampering elf. Nino:eon of their number, however, were arrested and taken to the Mayor's office nod locked up. In the evening the Slayer gore them a hearing and ass 'tied a flee of one da'lor each and costa up .n them, Tao on lors, not having the cemetery funds to poor their-fiats, were held In custody until their parings or Wend. arriv • tid and Nettled for them. When we lilt the office, about one half the number bad been released, and the other. were lacked op. The Mayor is determined to put a step to the praedoe of bathing in the river within the oily Amite, before dark, and announced that tholl hereaftir would be Ave dollars and COM. Siabistitutes t)btained F.lsewhere--Can. tuderatand that labetitate brotere aro making arrangenante with dratted men here to pat in enbstitntos for them in Baltimore and eta. *hero, and aro requestod by the Pro vest Marshal of this distriec to state that sob. 'acute, can bo antis tod elm where only In cases I:co:lag clearly wichin the provisions rf at, enlar NJ. 23 or %ha Provos: al srsd.k blenerst'd Bureau, and that only 1111 d, lii provhidle Wat draf ed me, be oxscapted for patting to sdbilitntes fdr other dlotriots. The circular is as folio cat Wan Drveurnsor P/LiTtrr itlit.slltl. Gee- W.,sttiltoroa, 11 0 Juas 11, 18%—Circa ktr. N.. 11, noted goy 1864, Rao 1154,01.1 to aettgatutdtte ptrfout absent from their resit:Luse., sod oho, being themselves liable to milli., duty, might de lire to tarnish ranstlustert without being au> to the tosonverdence of returning to their Gates or home. in order to do so. It is not to bo consulted or used as autoovising ro an:Gang for the array, navy or marina corps In one Sate far the credit of ...other, through brokers or others, not for any other purpose than the one ao herein explained. Jon. B. Far, Provost lirashal General. Attempted Wife Murders. 01,8nturday night het, night watchman &nary, while pitroling his boat, in tho sev enth ward, heard an tusotsual noise In a hothe ,00mpled by a =unnamed Wm. IL Brans, and upon looking in the window, discoverod that Bonne had a r•volvot in k i s hand, and woe about to shoot his wife. he carer rushed in, lemred the pistol, and took Evans to the look-up. Yesterday morning lire. Evans ap .psarect before the Mayor and entered a com plaint against her husband for amault and battery wghdatent to kitl. lie war also held one charge of surety of the pease, and was lined SKS tar disorderly conduct. In default of bah ne was committed to jail. John Bracken, of the Fifth ward, arras ar vatted on a aimiler_eharge, on oath of his wife. John went home drunk on Saturday night, and commenced breaking up the fur niture. Upon his wife remonewating,with him he seised a largo knife and endenfored to kill her. Ile waa committed for trial. Explosion at ilartley , s Coal Works. A sad accident occurred on Thariday last at Hartley's Coal VI , Mks, on Saw Mill Bon. It appears that the day hands had jut come op the shaft, and the night hands arrived at the mouth of the pit for the purpose of going to Work. One of them, named William WII. eon, entered the bucks; had lamp, a 3 was the custom, sticking In hie cap, and had nearly reactsed the bottom of the shaft when the gas exploded with a loud report. The %teammate man shouted for help, and was being palled op when a second explosion took place. In Ole eagerness new to camp* be commenced amending the rope, and soon reached the mouth of the shaft, but he way so badly burned, both Outside and Internally, that death soon afterwards enacted. Deceas ed 11/11 a doe, stalwart sofa, and only a few days ago was joined by his wife and a little eel three years old whom ho had sent for to the old coantry.,,, Dlibbnest Employees. A westward bound insight train was a few days ago thrown from the track of tho Clore land and Pittsburgh Railroad, neer Dry Run, about wen miles frotri'Wellsellie, Ohio, and Seittilot the can badly wrecked. A train Wag sliepateitedio Dry. Run to look after the wreak, and during the mornieg it Was to mere! to a switch at some digtemol to getout of the way of the passenger train, the boss of the track hands being left in charge of the goods. ...Upon she return of the train it was Reflood that some of the goods:were missing, and assreh was made, *blob resulted in find• lug about two thousand dollarsworth of cloth And drawers, batted in the sand near by. White at the hbuse of a farmer in the neigh borhood some of the goods were alto found. S? boss and eve of his men were errvatcd . , grounder bail for larceny. Movements of Troops Yeeterdayaftemooaabout too o'olc eh, the ionetb Regiment .or the Vufisan Reserve Corp arrived to this sly in a special train from the West Thoyklave been sta , ioued at Risk lelandilor souse m nths, nod are now °a their we" to Iliablac , ses Th o commanded by Och Leobring, ens oom •ben Are hundred and fifty mon. Tho 18th -ladinha 'Veteran lofautry artir adiatbecity lust 4:vet:ling about dusk, from the West. The regimoot situebere four huh shad and itty men. and le under command or OoL Weehhare. Mk the ref, imouts wore provided with substantial mss, by that ;en • 'roue *MI patalotfo orgaz:safien, the Saheb leatigesatalttee. Qliliii Parioassa.- 7 11. B. ficergo add)!odd& sad Bassud A Dcagb.rty, all prosalaant e.d arlsberetio iq pmu,;ot Mmberland, Lid., wera erreeted by s easy of Gan. Hunter Ira distal al q, and 'mat to lb•Albasaraca. atiVar.allac. Thoy arrivad Ts add ally on 111 day, ead were pisctd In fttallimadmad. Sl:meting Affray in Brwentatercrtr..Rwo Nen blared, one Probably Fatally... Deagractfal Riot. Oa Saturday evening a shooting affair cc marred in Brownstown, within a few equates of the terminus of the Pittsburgh and Birm ingham Passenger Railway, and a man named J anti Pagan was shot, and injured so se verely- that slight hopes are entertained of his renovery. We visited Brownstown yesterday 'afternoon and collected the following partic ulnas A "Moonlight ?tads" was hell in a grove adj4ning the borough, which was fa • ',mood by a large crowd of both saxes. Abut ten o'clock, as the picnic was breaking up, James Pagan *area involved In a difacalty with Martin Brawdy, Jr , about an arsocla • tion of young men who cell themselves the "Dew Drops," (an organisation similar to the '•mad Larks" as this city ), which moulted in Eva between them, during which Brandy, who was getting the worst 01 the battle, drew a revolver and shot Fagan twice, the balls taking effect in the abdomen, inflicting two wounds wbiett will probably result fatally. Immediately after firing Brawdy lied, and the wounded man was tarried to his honse,en Caren street. The affair created great excitement ameng Faxon's friends, who assembled and marched to the house of Bested?' parents, with the intention of capturing him and inflicting summary punishment. When thiey arrives at iho hose° some person in the building fired a musket at the crowd, the ball Coking effect is the leg of Joseph Fagan, a brother of James. This infuriated the crowd and an assault was made upon the house with stones, breaking in the doors and windows. The crowd then ruched Into the hence, and being unable to find Brawdy commenced destroy ing the ferniture. An elegant plot glue was demolished by a chair, sofas, bedsteads!, duhee and every article of any value in the house was broken to pieces. A trunk, con taining two gold watches, some Jewelry, sev eral hundred dollars in greenbacks, and fifty dollars in silver, was thrown out of the house and loot. The rioters, after wreaking their vengeance upon the effects of the family, • dispersed. Mr. Brandy, the proprietor of the boner, was charged by the crowd with firing the shot which wounded Joseph Fagan, and it was with great difficulty that he was reecued from them, and handed over to Esquire Salisbury, who committed him to the lock-up for a hear ing. John Walls, who was in the house when the abet was fite,d, was also arrested and looked up. Your men named Washington Hultman, James A. Brown, Antoine Lippert and Wil liam links were arrested cad committed to the lock up. They are charged with being concerned in the riot, anti will hove a hearing helots: tett. Salisbury to-day. A warrant has been issued for the emelt of Martin Brow dy, but ho has not yet been arreated. Chief of Police Long, and effects Reap cad Culp hove been searching for him since the occur rence, bat he loss, as yet, managed to elude them. The iejeries received by James Fagan arc vary 'attune, and Dr. Kerr,(late Surgeon of the 621 Begiment,)antertal,bat alight hopes of h. recovery. The wound. received by hie brother is not 'apposed to be serious. The Brandy family resided in the Fifth ward, in Lbis city, fur a long time, where they kept a drinking house, wkuoh was the resat of the vilest characters. Thsy afterwards located at the Point, and from there removed to Brownstown. They have accumulated come property, and are said to be in very easy circumstances. From Yomtjea Battery, Fear DZIA.RAZI, loly 14, 1584 Tdorront Garsrve:—ln tho Gorilla' of the 12th lost I hod .It is not honorable to the• Vice President. A citizen occupylog the high pool ion of Mr. Hamlin, can bo much better empnyed than plajing at soldier in a "fort' a thousand miles almost from a rebel picket." We arc led trent thin--to judge of cur value at home, though we art not ;lee resident', What do you say—what will be said of c.e— what can we say for ourselves when we shall have wearied out our throe sears of gaol keep log. On- battery CAMP bore or three wow& in etruction is brullery tactics, and then to be seat to the front, but now two years have elapsed, and notwithstanding personal and representative solicitatione and implorations we remain here, in .tow goo owe Cellar., with • hearth and strength, semen, to our ;ware in act:ri.y behind one walls of a • (A,' miler away from a rebel picket, is a daily reproach. We feel Lon bet nioseil of your remark sad its applicability to ourselves, for we incur no danger which prieerjerie cannot defy. Ii not can and Intl par friends do to piano ns where our maatres lead and manhood b.:4- MM Our Life has well nigh become a dreary resignation. We have carious ♦teas here sometime; from preacher relatives, who do not fart to give no the benefit of an exhorts 'ion, which we try to appreciate, bat when (as they do invariably) they give thanks that re are so well fined in a safe place, there sre no responsive amen., and the parson le not esteemed of the church militant. Oar com pany 1.3 composed of representatives from very worthy old eitilren tisanes of Allegheny o:enty, whose parents one day (and whore children always) will regret the personal se curity which we do not erjoy, but for which their mistaken pareqtal sohcitudeill gratified. Yours, , DAL. A Terrible Calamity—Roar COlidreri Smothered to Death la a Chest. a man named Andrew ScrogerAllying near Rivard's tavern, on the Kinsman street reed loading to Warrensville, Ohio, on Wednesday afternoon, accompanied by hie wife, vent into the field to work, taking with them their old est bey, and leaving four children at home—Oharles, aged „ten yeses, Mary, aged seven, dohs, aged four, and Catherine, one year old. The children ware told to go to the core-home and shell some corn. Oa the parents returning from the field, the child ren could not he found. Immediate search was made, assisted by the' neighbors, bat no doe to the miffing little ones could be had Terterday morning the search was resumed, and another visit was made to the torn-bonito:l, In one corner of which was an old German °beet, the lid of which closed firmly with a spring lock. Upon oprelngit a mom horrible eight was presented—the four children lying there dead, their faces black from suffocation. In pla7ing, they had got into the chest, and, either in sport or accidentally, the lid was closed, shutting oat forever the light of their voanu lima. This is a terrible realization of Rogers' favorite song of uGentrrra." Wounded In Defense of Washington. The following is a partial list of the wound. ed in rygiments from this vicinity during the skirmishes In front of the fortifications at Wn.biaemo, an July lith,l2th and 18th : Sixty first Regiment—Henry Strader, Com pany B; Biohard Fairbanks, A; Frederick 2,lot:war, F; A. Moore, A; J. W. Hay, D; P. Toadies, A; Sergeant E. Seaman, J g Sergeant H. W. Wae. J ; I. H. Webb, A; P. N. nbeffer, D. One Hundred and Thirty. WWl—Jae. Hatt, Hammy ; Wear Bpang, 01 Hash Hig ley. H. , New. Counterfeit. Feld k Lare, of the National Bath Not. Be ports, send as as extra gontaining the follow ing desmipties of • new and dangerous coun terfeit ten dollar note on She West Winfield Bank, limitimer Comity, New York. Vig nette steamer and other vessels—blacksmith erect, 10 en die above on right endeallor erect, leaning on capstan, State die above on left end. Tim note made Its appearance im mediately after the delivery of the Reporter for Jet, L.,5. a time when env notes are gen erally drat:Listed and many of oar storekeep ers were victimised. Tuna's.—Dapres Jr Green's famoug min strode are to. remain at the Theatre two even- Inge more, (pig Mon day and Tuesday even. log-) introducing as extraordinary new pro. gramme, which eannototherwise than help to please their extensive patrons. The feateres of the bill are new ballads—" Wake up, WC- Hann" "The Rivalled Duller , ' "The Boat Raw Burlesque," the unequalled "Firemen's Song," sod tee "Rescued Mother and Child from the Burning Blames." Secure leeriest g &Eclair the day. as there will be a rush each eight to see the last performance of this re nowned Moan). Woos, Nos PAT —A young man named William Cross entered Schsteio's tavern, In the Fourth Ward;Allegheby, Saturday af ternoon, and after drinking • a quantity of beet resoled to pay for It, and upon the bar keeper remonstrating with him, commenced throwing glasses around and breaking the Inrultute. Cries was arrested and taken be fore Mayor Alexander, who titled him fifteen dollars and coats for disorderly which he paid and wu discharged. PlGies Saoarrso.--A &births match came off on B:turd.; afternoon at Oakland Park. Hr. J. V. Hon, having killed the Larsen number of pigeons to a given time, was de. eland the rioter. -The coon was a. follows: PeouDoe.lllolll.lllollllollltoool.ol.oMlolo.Xl-19 Whoa the score roaqted all 'Awe. hir. Pen. ategtan gave up the contest, Th. Snare were H. HeAloo and 211: gager, with A. L. Jones as umpire. SPECIAL ISOCAN NOTICES. ii111:41•4 P. 211.7, Plate and cirenmentalblem Beam., and Seal= fn Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the boot quality at low rates °Gip at Aloe. Laughlin's, near the Water Work!, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gatti Psi has already sacrificed some of our best and bravest troops. Soldiers listen co the voice of 11,1.41,3. supply yourselves with HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Tte PlllO purify the blood and strengthen the stomach, while the Ointment removes all pain and prevents pit mark. Holloway's Pills and Ointment ore now re tailed, owing to the high price of drugs, Ac., at 30 clnut, 75 cents and $l,lO per pot or box. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Fehr., stock & Co. For sale at Fulton's drug abore,Fifth street, Pittsburgh. For rale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal street, Allegheny. A Datacirtrrx Arrictz—" Lubin's Hair Dressing Florilice." Tall to the ormpareit of toilet reqnisite. Extracted from the rare fragrant "Principe Fiorette" of the Soath of France, in perfume It excels all other pro dactions of the Floral Kingdom, and having none of the oily nisplenitantness so common with Hair Tonle, it is destined to create a re volution in tonsorial science. Samples fur sashed on application to Messrs. Drake di Childs, 101 Liberty street, who are Professor Lubin's agents for "Floriline'" in America. Runoven.—Sameel Graham d CO., Mer chant Tailors, have removed tc 73 Smitheeld street. We are just receiving our second supply of spring and slimmer goods, and would most respettfully invite our friends and the public in general to examine our new stock, believing it to be one of the finest stocks of merchant toiler goods in the city. Every garment warranted to give full sotto faction, in both price and quality. Give us a colt before purchasing elsewhere and judge for yourselves. Gamin h MOCANDLM, Mereloont Tailors, No. 73 Smithfield Onset. SPIZIAL NOTIOL—The agAntlon of our madam to directed to the brilliant taLlortmcat of Spring and Summer Goode just reegived by our friend Mr. John Weller, No. 120 Fed eral street, Allegheny. 13L stock comprises a groat variety of Fancy Frmch, English, Scotch and America,, Caesimarea and Cloths, ■nd fart Silk and Carsimare Vestings,—all of which will be made up to order in the latest styles and in the bast manner. A ohotce se lection of Furnishing Goods also on hand end for male, together with a full stack of Ready Mad, Clothing, wetland fatitiottably made. Di. Mowry, Dentist, No. 161 /fourth street, Eetireen Smithfield and Grant. No inducements held out by offering low price.; but an equitable fee be charged in every ewe, for the best material, will be used, and all the time and skill tieeenary to ill- Clif permanent rvitats sht.i . 1 be eppliod rainfica COUGHS, Hoarseness, and the ration. Throat affection. to which Pubito Speaker', Military Officers and Singers, are liable, re• tiered by "Brown'. Bronchial Trochee." Having a direct in flaenee to the affected part., they allay Pulmonary Irritation. Bold by druggitts everywhere. THY Si uctsi. Et.scrzos.—Tickets for the special election, to be held on the 2d of Au gust, are now printed, and can be bad, for use in the several elmion districts, on appli cation to D. B. Ferguson, job printer, casette Building. Ouizva and cantata calla will be taken et the Oixtzubut o.Tice. No. 910 Penn etroot, day or night. All orders le't at ttu above pine Will be promptly attended to. All calls motet paid in ad: once e SCDOZONT, tho most popular Dentifrice in exittence, used and pried by everybody. Sold by druggist. everywhere. atmod Sate of Clnthing and Drosses tble after roan of 2, and In the el-ening at B o'clock, at McClelland's auctinh, No. 65 Fifth 1. trett. Doutut, 248 l'euz etre, t, will a to a!! balir.ast ol bte prcle:e!- r. ELzzca • •••••, ~t, Br - r Matvv.e6 enperior Crackere, No. 64 F..nrch etro.t. 34 Sc I.TOF So. oar mortice., July 1.115 et 11 "'door, 1 A 711.1 13.415 t F. et LLTUN, lo the tlth yos, , her ay. U Lila std ht.. Totk papers flute Top;.; Tb' Irtenes of the fit itlly ars rcanect it If tt.‘ll,C4l 1 , Sit nd the 'tetra!, rota morns., ai lojy o cick. fr tbe T s a i lett, of ha huboad. In &tab PlM bunb. Cut isg.s nl,l leave Cals.an A r'aneoto's. corns' reset:oh sad rtnithil.l.l .trcet•. at 10 t: ,1. rt Da —Oo Eartarday atterno.n, JJEIr DAVIS, Sr., In the 74th year of We age. .Tke tones; will take pixo from his late scohietce In Collint Totrvi fr, tete ..T11.00.1, at 4 o'clock corrie,tret all: Irate Taira:tan A t‘asue..o'r. Coderte. corots oi Smithtleld a^d Sesenth streets, at 3 o'doek. IM:Mi. —Ott Sett:achy night, idly 16th. HEY• HI KIT • , relict or the tete all ei W. ➢tut•, 51.1 dan¢at•Sof Hon. Wolter roman', Le eased- Femoral ',Ube moot:need In evening paper, EOOl7 —On the ever Jog of the I,2th of !Wt.. at McKeesport, J. If. 813(17T, eon of 0.1. Jet. emit, of E:ltistteth, In the 21th year of Ma ago. OLIN - Bd.-0o Vaturday, 16th Inat , at 9o'clock , JAMES 01851 DY, infant non of Idlth A. and H. W. Oliver, Jr. ULATII. —in Mitchell, factlans, July 13‘ , . Mrs. MARGARET isLB.ll/ 4 wits of L. J rrePOTEI ...Iry •UUDIS. MEN 8 Congress 'Gaiters, CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, 82 Fifth Street. Ga . A l l ataa itaiids pmporttaa, uva emery pair warrantfd. J 7,8 T HE '• STAR WOES I .1115 T ItDCEIVED DT 080. AIME, 808 ik CO., No. 71 WOOD LTUEZT. Boy o' and Tolz . t.lo. liF . 7 . atzf ra ores. . Kip 13:otem Qilldrenes Goat InjA boat. These goods are ma's to oar *metal ordar, and warranted nnolnalod custom work. 1.25 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I N7c han Awl =dud trozr Inniruir stank of BOOTS AND SHOES, width yell M the LOWEST OASE TE/OE3 Wo hamo t h e lariat hod boot ooloote4 stock of Eliga'r VIE. OW' Bquanwtood Boot., TO be tontelin the city. LAMM' LAS: GA1T1735 in atm:4=m Give nee call. Jas. Robb, 139 DI AEA TT ormisr.T. JOHN CiOLPBELL, Manufacturer of BOOTH AND 81.10FZ, of esery description, •t N 0.54 tenithdeld arson. Ptstsborith ELItCTBIGITY TRIUAI PLIANT-11T te ORDERS AS A THERAPEUTIO AGEE r lIR HYSTERICS RELATIAG TO 0.1031: AND MBE OT DOMAN& DR. J. A. ttEliraDDOLl•Deal Meet - rid.. Claw, Zal PLEB SMUT, whom ell dlaeosee are encased!, treated with Oslientem, Hacnetteel, cad other modiDeatious of IleotrloOT. SocteHdox rm, true and Imports:A. .Bee circular; gat Ow at the aloe. lio ottArioa for orrosoltstloa. Omen tetl22l.lted law desired. PTORetood LYON ARNSTHAL, EMPOWER JJ AND DEADEN, m tba toast 'oleo! broad• of .ONNDINE HAVANA 010 ASS, .ad all kinds of SMOKING AND oinswnso TODAOCX), SNOW, PAJD:IY PIPS% TONES An...te., ta amt=ot 4 ylfl:DEß THE' ST. HO. , ff,,U pi , P. N.D.—no *la tom 1:1 1 ,41 BY TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispateli,'F FROM WASHINGTON lIE LITE RAID AND SIEGE. S,retping Cali for .71en Fore- ahadowed THE FIGHT AT ROCKVILLE. Capture and Escape of Brad!” Johnson DESERTER AND SPY SHOT. Regolt of the Raid-84,000,000 in Plander. eptriel Dia - petch to the Pittabtergh Gstette. W•surNoTow, July 16,1664 The raid and siege still continue almost the sole topic of dispassion. The war rages as to theiLnumbers. The Chronicle, speaking for the litary authorities, says, in the coerce of a long editorial : " We do not agree, therefore, with the No tional Intelligentirr of yesterday, in that part of its masterly and malignant leader which In timetes that the Federal capital was laid under siege for two days. "with ten or twenty thousand men behind its defenses, by five 'hundred men;" and we are somewhat sur prised at the otherwise acute and recondite editors of that paper, that they should to far weaken their article as to make an assertion open to immediate and fatal contradiction. Tho truth Is, Washington city was besieged by a large army, an army of veterans, an nrmy advancing to the capture of the capital of the country upon information famished by their spies and sympathisers In our midst; that we had no disciplined and seasoned force bore to resist a sudden assault, and that It only required a movement of such celerity its that lea by Early and Brockinridge to con summate the dream of Jefferson Davis,and to lay at his feet the metropolis founde d by the " Father of his Country." Hence, that a lsrge army threatened and assailed Washing ton Is, we comedy., beyond dispute." On the other band, the faeciliyeacer analys es and dissects some of Wilkeson's evidence that there were 50000 in the rebel column, and concludes finally in a simple reply to all this array of statistics: " We beg to suggest to our readorelhat the presence of 00,000 men In any quarter, oven in the vicinity of Washington, where there appears to Iw se little military enterprise or curiosity, would not require to be substanti ated by inferences. It Is Byron who singe: Lebi • sieve hMgobltsi's ementile should resole more tear than a whole tweet'. Men City." And yet witness the alarm created by 'nob •hadewy nonentities ad Mr. Wilkeson pro ject! co paper, making them mere terrible to nit earl than 50,000 rebel Itinntitien. Fifty thousand men would Do likely to make their presence felt in a way which woull leave no necessity for retort to conjectures in the face of curb a self evlient proposition. All eiah nratcd paper ortimatee, like three of Ole. %%these°, ere really the strongest Ctinarnin• tine et the lath teat the nfleged nnagnitudr of the recent raps:it:ion hod no foundation In fact, but it purely a figment of imagination." To another article the fetellajrneer says, ei•lt Cif:ranee, ir tandertlac,l, mainly to W. are lot cf thorn who boilore tLarthis o.ry was over in any peril from the nosgt.i woe of the force that recently inraded Hs ri land. Thai force is now known to have been ttintecaptibly small, and niter mat nog due nth, Wanne 1.. r honest ignorance, nothing but lnalrostrity and misrepresentation, which may seek to bolster up official reputations, vivibty sintirg under bade of an haw for obis humiliation, will.'eager undertake to iticou tato any apprehension. on this ground, bat we do believe that the city may have boon in danger from headlessness be. ford the approach of the enemy, and from its shittlesvuees after that approach, when tinder yir.sure of a autism emergent', it lost as It did all presence of mind sod all eftioi cosy of conduct. lilt quite possible that the few hundred men who held Washington ander siege for two days, on Monday nod Tuesday last, could, if they had sufficiently presumed on the reigning want of vigilatee here, have. quietly ridden into the city, under cover of derhaere, before any alarm had been raised, seized the President and his Cabinet, blown up the Capital, and retired as mysterious end unharmed so they came. The Chrolti , /e formhadows the filet great reenit of the laraelon as "weeping call for more men, and It. edlt , rtale are ilsafinant. It sap It is evident that the rebellion Is upon its tact legs; and the audacity of the late raid or invasion establishes rather than refutes that notion. Would It no•, thereon, be wise, In every point of view, to call out a large forte, tufilelint, In addition to that now In the field, to overwhelm the enemy at every point? We think that web a tours* would prove economloal of time, of money, and of human life. If the Government hed now three or four handed thousand met under arms, In addition to those In the field, who doubts that the rebellion could beerushed, and the war be brought to a close In three months! Then let them be called out at once, for a term not exceeding twelve months, and the public mind will have an undoubted as uranee of tho speedy restoratliin of penes and Union. Elvxdal IV4patch rote. Tittannh c.-elu. 19kenrucTos, July 11, 1 555 THE SCIIIIIIIISH AT 13.0CETILL1 It Is netted that In last Wednesday's Air midi at Rockville Bradley Johnson bad hie horse, 'hot from index him and be himself eras ceptared. This Bolen troops, however, did not recogniee their prisoner and he was sent to the rear under riled, but the rebels mode a desperate aharge and recaptured him. A 'older of the 67th Now York was hung yesterday at one o'elook, near Poolesville on a charge of being a deserter and epy. Ile had Jumped throe bounties and duetted to the rebels, and afterwards egsbit appesred In the ioderal Liner. It wee reported, yeaterday, that the rebels were using tho Manassas Railroad for easy and spendy conveyance of their plunder. This Is hardly probable, but there Is no doubt that they will carry off as muoh of the Iron work as they km* can, an Iron Is getting rather mama with them. ~I I$ The Secretary of War has removed General Gook, General Paysts and General Doubleday from duty In the Department of Washington, and General Harden has boon ordered to as some command of his dlvlslon, garrisoning the defences of Washington north of the Po tomac,. THE 841 D-44,000,000 07 TIMAD/17. 'lt is paported that Breekluridge and staff were 1 Lbeabtarg on 17ednesday morning superintending the movement of the enemy. Numbwrs of them, stragglers, bad been pick ad tip by our troops. It is estimated that the plunder carried off and the damage Ir-dieted by the rebels, in Maryland, will amount to font =Mots of dollars. 01.0200 IN WallilNOToll lICEITITAII3. Tho followieg deaths of Ohio soldiers 00- oorred In the hospitals in this olty to cloy : 179th, D. Martizi, Samuel Joloo, Daniel Rico; 139 d, M. B. Dewleo, Wm. 11. Gerhart ;'lloth, Jae. 11. Carpenter ; 100th, G. 11. A. Collor. 1ALS11101111•3D oaf° SAILIOAD I am informed by Superintendent Smith that tho trains. will run through on tho main branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to morrow. Tha damage done by the raider" to that road SW MSIOI leis than at first eappo• cod. Exchange or Texas Prisoners New Yeee,,July 11.—A Herald Now Or leans correspondent mum About eleven hun dred Union prisoners are deny impeded from Texao, In exchange; wader the yew cartel. They were endured et year and a hall 680, at Galveston and lirsaber.r City. REBELS lIAKLNG FOR WHO% A UNION FORGE IN PURSUIT Gsn. Bradley Johnson Oaptureo and Rescued_ GENERALS RELIEVED FROM DUTY. The Rebels Not Ruining Tmica to Manassas. NOLDIEIt HANGED AN . SPY KOUT G:EP.RILLI , ' NEAR ALEXANDRIA Regulatious for the Marine Service 13:Mtll!M3 Wastursotax, July 16.—The So.-extra :aye that a force of rebel raiders, numbering be tween three hundred and fifty and fire hun dred pseud through Little Wuhiegton, Sporyville and Creighortville on Thursday night, on their way to Madison Court House and Gordonsville They bad one hundred and fifty horses and twenty-fire prisoners with them, who were mounted on the cap tured horses, which were led by the rebels. The rebels parsed Creighersville about 6 o'clools, and in about half an hoar afterwards a small force Union cavalry force, came from the West, who marred the Shenandoah about Conrad's store, made their appearance at the earns place and proceeded after the rebels. Tises. latter gave out that they were making their way to Gordonsville and then. to Rl.ch• nalnd. They seemed to be he a harry, having neared information that Sheridan was be tween them and Richmond with a large cav alry force, smashing things generally. This rebel gang was, doubtless, Dart of the rebel force lately operating in Maryland. Gen. McCook, Gen. Payne and Gen. Doab• leday have been relieved from duty in the De partment of Washington. Gen. McCook will report to the Adjutant for lastructione, and Gene. Doubleday and Pa, no will resume their position. on the g• ntial court martie.L Gen. Madden has been ~ ,dered to resume the commune of his division garrisoning the d0t...0f-Washington t...of - Washington r.:11 of the Potomac. WAMT:MIOR, July 10 —lnformation has been received here d,t4n: from Loudon Val ley to the effect that the rebel force, on its re treat from Maryland and Washington, Is moving down tho valley toward. Gordon.• rifle. The rebels seem to be marching rap idly. Oar forces who are ,o pursuit captured Gen. Bras Icy Johnecn near Edward's Perry, but he was subeeqnentty rescued by a bold dash of hie own cavalry. A soldier of the 07th New York regiment was hanged yesterday at Peolsville as a spy. Persons from Monsssas eay that the rebels aro not repairing the Manassas Railroad as reported- Al qaiet in the Arta" ;he Potomac yes terday. Waentenroe, July 17 --Mo.by'n gsterriliao, about one hundred strong, made tioeirrappear ease on Friday morning near the head of Warltington4 old mill rear, eix miles from Alozo.ndria. The Alezendrit J•mrnn( ray, thzt, with the et :so exc.iptioh, toe 'parr Iles wore tower more vault th.t4 they hate boot daring the p.t ten do 3 The poomsl•ns of the r•- f Congress Gl;ng certain rules and :mull.: far preventing estemietiou on the • et., am to take easct In th• N.s•y Depat,u, oa tho let of Auguet neat, nod p - •-': tate orders have been lesued by •`- 6 . y I/s•pe•tmer,t. They hare allot I. th o marital service nt's d• par..et.t , a:4 • failure to t el. h them on the Flirt rl master :•• if boon by too 1. deed •.s• j . e . t him t.t dtt T 1 .141, sad i! . 00 orratteted, suclt ba i. cb,:er f.r over • Gat of nz.e dat:, WAoutotmix, , ,,• i —An officiol rev. to Pact Officeshoee that the ¢.1.1c for men • . c rit ffereut eitiod wore arced by the: ri.inpuieder bridge. The mike.' art Wssll(c,g . ya, tote churning for P.. A direct. ‘Tatiintarox, 10 p. al.—There is obbfir.t.erton •. a la aal the ror'll that rho rebels orb 0.10, op to Man.. rae. rio t city h. o' ~umed its usual quiet, but the oh Inereued tot itory watchf c.. I itere.tin iL•c. from qr.tt's am r ac tiripatod INTELIESTUNG FiV,l .1 EUROPE. THE fl - .IR. I.r DEA-014RA Minutes la CCllltiladd of Another Vessel TH IC New Tote., uly I.; —The steamship Amer ica via Bouthau-pisio tad this morning. The Sazonlaarrived st mi.!. on tho 3t.h. The Belgian arrived out :he doh. D'lsrael movo.l ih. tuna of confidenoe resolution In the flown is Commons 011 the 4th.. Gledstone that England's Influ ence had been ii.werr i d. An amendment that England's policy was for peace, was of fered on the 6th. C spoke at great length in debate. A'j Oa the 83L-rd l'ldilmsbary will more similar revelation. lb the Bonn of Lords. A Fteneb ps i ,: its.< a that PrassiLka, and Austrian troops, In ths Daebics, have keen Inersuod. Prussia intend. I,,essing all tho Danish Islands, and afterwards to attack Copenhagen. The Prms says, Kiog Christian personally .equastod Napoleon's proclamation of Inter. ♦aptton. Lmerpoo/, /say .s—p. m.—The cotton sales for two days were 18,100 Mies; market firm but unchanged. Breadstuff+ upward. Float firmer. Wheat unchanged; Winter Red, Fad 48310. Corn buoyant and advanced L ; Mixed, 30313dg315. Provision market firm. Beef firm; Pork firm; Bocon steady; Lard Arm, with a alight advance. Petroleum dull ; refined, 2dald, nominal without sales. Began dull; New Orleans qniat. LONDON, July 5. Excing—Consols doted at 90!4(;9514 for money. Souttlosyton, July o.—lnformation from good authority loads to the belief that the rebel pirate Semmes, with his aflame and part of his crew, have obtained the steamer Rap pthannock, and inlaid to sail at an early day from some French port. It is stated that they will attack the Nthrearge. New York Hooey and Stock Ilarket. Lipectsl Dlepetch to the Plttebargh Gaon. New roan, Jaly 10.—Tho stook. market is dull, and rates aro I®l, per pet cont. lower— aloslng> shade firmer ; Pittsburgh and Port Wayne, 113; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 1079<. Money is in active demand at 7®03 per cent. Government Securities doll and lower ; C. B. Sixes, 1181, 1023 1 y@103 ; One Yoa4Cortllicates,;o4Y4; Seven Tidily Treasary Notes, 1043(®104X; Piro Twill:Ales, 103® 10301. Gold more active end higher.—opening at 25034 ; deollning to 248}4; advancing to Nil, and (dosing dull at 253®354. Sempleleas steamer Mailed, POITLAID. US., July 16 —Goy. Cory has Information that the suspicious steamer, Puna Goes, which sailed from SL. Johan, on Wed• nerds.; last, pup nrtiog to too bound for ChM., Put into the porn of Cutler, In this' State, on Thursday night. The Custom House °Metre boardad her, and found aho had a regular clearance for China. She was deeply laden, and pierced for six guns. The next morning, at are o'clork, she nailed. This information has been commnolonted by Governor Cory to Secretary Weltes. Sho intends, doubtless, to run the blockade, take on on armament, and =tar on the emend a cruller. Guerrilla. near liaahvllle Nianstims, July 16.—Last night a small party of gosrritles, representing themselves to be of Forest's command, came within Ilse miles of the city, on the Notionstile pike, proceeding to the house of on old lady named Battles, about eleven miles irons the city, for refreshments. They were pursued by aparty of Federals,who, after ordering the inmates to 'oats, set fl re to the house and outbuildings, which were entirely consumed. The river Is scant two feet andstill falling. Reported MAW, Raid Probably Un. founded. Br. Joan, N. 8., Jnlj 16.—The repotted raid on the Blaine frontier Is looked upon horn et entirely without foundation. Fire on Long Island. A terrible firs is raging on Long Island, having commenced on tiso .14th-inst., our Lakeland Boonton. ' FROM FRONT OF PETERSBURG. PICKET SKIRMISHING CEASED Visit of Senators Wilkinson, Chatd !er and Sprague. BEBtI, RP/OICHIti OVER TRE R&ID CI=IM!!1 Nair Toes,ly 17.—A Tin,. correspond ent, writing from the front at Petersburg on the 14th, says: The arrangement between the Fifth corps and the enemy In its front to stop skirmishing while doing picket duty is e great relief to the men on both sides, who are enabled to walk leisurely shoat. The enemy are constantly making now works an d strengthening old ones. Deserters continue coming in. Senators Wilkinson, Chandler and Sprague are on a visit to the army. There Ii great joy inside the rebel lieu, perhaps on amount of the • rebel raid. They are grestly mistaken if the', expect Grant to rolesso his death grup on the throat of the rebellion. Dispatches from Butler's headquarters, say the rebels continue to Ore on the tranrports froit s moving rifle battery. Oar ipanboati follow the battery sad shell it. Otherwise all is quiet. LATEST FROM SHERMAN. The Rebels Fallen Back GEN, JORNRO?i REPORTED WOUNDED. ATLANTA VIRTUALLY 1 I ELUED New You, July 17.—ddrices from Sher man's army Mete that throe of cur strongest e rye aro loath of the Chat t khooehie, urea giy entrenched in:the rebel abandoned works. It is 'rumored that the rebel Gen. Johnson is wounded. The robels have fallen back to their outer tortifiestions at Atlanta. Throe miles of the. works are ver7 strong; with 20,000 militia In thorn. The rebsls are moving all supplies to .Au goats, foaring a flank movement and capture. Another report says that Johnson has fallen back to Ceder Bluffs, eight mils. from Atlanta, than virtually yielding that stronghold. The Foreign Loan--Bank lean—The Fsv Tone, July 16.—Secretary Feseendan hu been in coneultation with Mr. Chase to day rotative to the proposed foreign loan. The Poe Buys At present there Is not lunch prospect of Its negotiation on /1141814o tory tonne. Tho roport that the associated hank. ;e -rased to make a loan to Mr. Foam:laden, except that they be male general depositories and final agents of the Government, i. not correct. They propose to loan fifty millions of dollarrand make payments tho cameos In the groat commercial countries of Marone. Sectossloolsts In Baltimore say that the re cent rebel . ; Invaelon waa only • reconnols lance, and that they,will receive large rein forcements and retails with Lee In command. bloremews of the Raiders PPILAD.PIIIL, July IC.—The Inquirer has the following special from Waseiagton A portion of Motet,' 's command, about two bun• dred, pasted tear Leesburg at an early hour on Thursday nigh:. Each rider led • horse. They ware driving before them nearly 10,000 head of cattle. When lass heard from they were making for Ashby Gay. Another portion of rebel cavalry are known to have been at Chester Gap on Wednesday The envalry of linrry Gilmore were the last tf one rebel t,co to moss the Potomac, which hny dtd a little above Edward'. Ferry. Af ter crossing, • mail force war detached from his mole tommond and rent towards Soicker v,lte, when the main body mare! directly for Ash by'e Gap. Ls.burers littled by Guerrillaa L3GIIIT !LLB, July 16.-0 o Pri.iay morning • train 'rem Nashville for Johnsonville, when six miles out, was warned to return. A guard was obtained and the oar. proccededro Way. arty, where a party of twenty laborers had been attacked by a party of guerrillas that morning. Three laborer, were killed. The eurvisors were robbed and drawn up In line to be shot, when the guerrilla chief liberated them beemule they were only laborers, !saying that if they were soldiers they would be mar dared. The guerrillas set lire to the tents and destroyed the camp and then left for parts unknown. Mexican A fairs. flaw foss, July 16.—Ths steamer Harass tiring, Mexican news to Juno 30th, its 13. - Tans. Maxim%Mtn had Invited President Juana and other Liberal chiefs to the City of Mus ice to' consult together on a plan of restor ing the erm establishment of an empire, guaranteeing them full protection and safety. It is satd•they refused to hold any mammal cation with the agent of Napoleon. The Emperor has taken up his roaidemes at Chap:deeper, twenty-11re miles from the capi tal. No minister la pat appointed to thaNnitsd States. Prom Sherman-6,000 Prisoners Re ported Captured, ete. Lectsvu.ca, Jooy 16.—T0-day's Nashville Timm says : At the but Recounts our forces were gill strongly and seourely intrenehed at the Ohattahooehle. There has been no pursolt of the rebels and no advance from the books of the Chottshooehle toward Atlanta. Pusengers on the evening train state that ramors prevail at Nub,"lle that Sherman has captured 6,000 prisoners. The time and lo cality L not stated. It is reported that Sherman has ordered the correspondent of the New York Times on* of his lines. Ilavana Newspapers-. Yellow Fever. Jaly 11.—Tho Censor, Dowell nar Do Lem, who to interested in the .thera Dela Marva, Wends to dutroy all opposing newspapers owned by slave dealers, and ad vocate to the extant he dares the odious slave trade. Mr. Daniel Bongo*, the agent of eight new/mambas made a formal protest mainst the proceedings of Mr. De Leta, refilling to 'Submit to De Leta's censorship over his pa pers. The yellow fever (sootiness its ravages, and is rather on the increase; the heat is also on the inmease, and the rain storms continues. From California 6,./1 Faazouoa, Jly 10.—The contractors of the Cams:mho have sixtpuine men at work putting her together. The materials have been libaed by wreckers, for salvage" but the work will probably not be stopped. The °atom house authorities have brought • suit against nearly ail the heavy importers of cigars, charging them with under valuation of invokes for the purpose of evading datim. Rebel Rear Guard Rpported Taken.. The 650,000,000 Lean.. Nis Yoe:, July 10.—It is reported at Georgetown that a division of the Sixth corps raptured 150 or 200 of the rebel rear guard on the river road. The essoolsted banks agree to take the fifty million loan, ettlthr on bonds or seven-thirty [remary notes. pIIBLIC MEETLICO. BOUNTY FUND At the relent of the Memo Ooto=lttee oo Tot. tweet noluattra, I hereby goo , tam, that ayoablle meettte lir 111 be held "ariV/LIC 0000 hALL, Itt IS I SO, Monday, Jaly Ito. at 8 o'el ea.. te de. •Io_O3OIIIIIITS fir rattling ealdttlormt mono: to tar th • bounttee spool to fur aut.teate, totter the tete tall of the Otteraer. Ai the bounty 'nod te now a:Owned, and but abut ala tiondred man, Can tern mastered in. and as • large number are estrotted mho cannel be mat. gated In anal some mortal= ha made tor the ray. meat-al Vial: !mantled, It I. coped that every sad patriotic ol Mon, V2lO bee the orseerratron or oar glorious Unkat at hew, .:11 dnth .tan impr a Aire -daty- to attend and aid la contrimatlng to Ms moat neommry fund, trlthOni width the ttalstmexisa meat caw. Dalt JAIIBS LOWItY, Jr., Warm. CI I A s W. SEVILLE & 00., - Grinder, wad `Pallzhers, . . (fernerly Torn Or acting nue 11Speens lilop„) In an alley maim tn'a Pifth stress to Dia mond alley near Wood Arse, Pilses/n'lk. Beam' Oleannr, Elanaws, Straw sad Mingle lining Oarpartten', Coopers' and Tanen' Too* astnoni, Ease; Tailors' Pans; Badles' Ulna, Mowing Illsalens Choldes, Pad Urns, "tn. 611 Grinding andr,Porishing promptly attended to. flandens IT J. ORR ik CO., XX PINE TAB, ta =Name =roli taci r a 5 i 11tfa 3. 144. - bytheftc* =lb bureliard balm. =To. 139 JThar 132:11M, Pittbcryli. MARKMI'S. Now Y.rIC -Market Noe Toni, July Vt—Cotton quiet sad vitturut material Orange, at $1,21131,0 far Ilidd•ing 'Uplands. Flour more satire. and 75c ilo,ttSolo,6o Itztra tto r, V 0,75,1311.25 for gotta IL u. 0., and $11,30012 far trade brow.; • included In the Wes are 1,1.20 bbl. fiztra blau, deliverable In Amoost, at 510.f0. Sib Way • abate firmer 01 b1.g.:(41,65 for gt q u, and 111,e.931.05 for Wurern. W b.st 10 0 150 bio 2 g; V4O for Mingo Spin .P.... 22 i. ...22 tor gal 2saubee tlub. $3..40 for No. 1 11111raakee, F2.b031,53 for Winter tied Wooten,. Cora love, and lower: 31,57,01,693 for New Sized Warren. Oats heavy at 06/59Ta for Western. Petroleum mole.; Wes of nveral cargoes Oonde for eaport at &Vac, &dual lo Bond at Wale., Itedirsai flee cominal at 67attk. Wool 10121, but rather mon steadg. Pork higher 2.nd cosed more setiret VS for Alva, 13901 u for Nem. (I day.,) rs,gsa for Prime. Etat date unchanged at IMO'S:. Lard firmer at 15X3173.¢. Stock and Haney Plarket. New Tong, July 16.—Iloney attire and farm st 743 hi ;max Sterling dull atlifeX. geld. Gold more active and Comer, opening at 250%, declining to 24, Y0 advancing [algal: aml elolng dull at 2334034. The total export of Spode to-day was 333.73 0 Government Monks dull and drooping; E. S. Ca MI Coverall iterz.gics: 6-23 t Coupons 103%0101; 7-30 Tttearn7 Not., /chrome mad Angus:, X 0144. Ballato Market. Sen.°, July 16—flour firmer. Wheat firmer, but quiet ; Nog Chicago Eyeing, 22,080210 Cu No. 1; eyeing le held at $2.30. Wen quiet but elexa; No 2 11,35. Ow dull at 22e. mad No.l Chlelge la bald .t 00e. Whisky dull at 5463. Gail Freights dull to New Took; W ..t I , e. Coen lOu, Oats 10e. Lake Imports—Flour, 7,C03 bble: srLe.t, TI,M) bash; 00rtt.77,15W bulb; 05ta,57.5e4; Casa. Omal Erporla—Tlour, SJ to.. 11; Wbeat, GG,IOO bcolt ; Ooro, Ice.,Eo blab ; 0.12, 4.1,560 blab. Oswego Market. Oswroo, July IQ.—Flour uncoiled. Wheat =- settled surd quiet; Na. I Spring is hddot $2.01, with no salts. Own ; No. 1 is held at 51,45, ard Wes of all lots at $t,47. Otter Orates are scarce and the quotations aL Philadelphia Market. Pau-stairoma, July IG.—Trade L at &stand still. Irlmar tow a declining tendency; small sales Ited at $2,45(42 50, and White at 12.0342,85. Corn dull; as Tallow at 11,10. Osta very dull at tee, Whisky Mill and nominally lower at 81,70. Ramiro= nom inal ; Kale. Crude at 644.58 e, argued in Bond at MO 880, do. Tree at 9343,95 e. Baltimore Market. BALTI.OII3, .7114 Id—Flour eery beary ; Etmeard Blireier Super/km pl, Oh io !arra 011,60.. Penrre lons drooping. Ni - biskp dull at $1,7001.73. No Grain in the market. Chicago Market. Jedy 14—Incm• Arm. 61 Kett active; salmi Red from g 2,10 132,a1 for No. 1.52 02,81.',10 for No. ran 2, clralng dull at 52.17.32,13 for No. 1, and $2.08@2 ID for No. 2. Corn In settee oarnanl, prin cipally far No 2, at 11,30%0111,3L Oats quiet at 76 Eina. Iflghwine• dull at 11,6431,64%. 0" ONE OF EITNNSWELL'S GREAT REICEDM9.-11 USN ICW ECLECTIC PLLI.B.—TILE TRUE FORM OF A CATEE•RTIO.—By the application of trn• Efxlica Laws, both character and economy am combined to tble most valuable PM. To prevent putting Into the stomach much quantities of indigestible and inju rious drags tonally odained In Pals that regains from four to six to get a decent cathartic, and to prevent the Cedes Pain+ m erroneously judged to be edam" of Mu :actor. was the etudy In this de velopment. The dose seldom exceeding one, and never mom than tor, Pills, settles M• question of economy, and confidence to asked to Mot their tone character to Dysposla, Costivances, Liver Complaints, Piles, all dersagements of the Stomach and Bowels, and as • true Family PM. for Worms they ere • sure cure. For de by a/1 Wholesale god Retail Deems. ,OUR L. ILut.ncw CLL. Proprietor, Practical Chemist, 80b.,0 /1112. For de by Ice. Mating. Coo. EL Keyser, B. A. Fahnestoeit A 00., J. EL Fulton, Agents for Pitts. burgh; Coo. A.. Relly, W. J. Dram &a Dr. James Crown, Agents for Allegheny City. SUEGI.ON GENERAL:S OkFiCE, WAsereceros, 13 C. 3.50 SD, 1804. fsISTED-BGbOECNB AND ASSISTANT el.B ODINN 1011 1.01,011.11 D TIIOOPB - - andldats • must b. gin luster of come rage" Medical Colley.. and must no examined by a Basal of Medical um cu. to be conversed by lb, balloon General the Boss] will deters:obae wh. thor the candidate cal I be fsrpo nted burgeon .r guralstant Sorgeos, so:carding t.. moot. A3plicatiros, a.ompasled by one or more leclmooLato from reepemablo tenons, as to antral character, dm., •sonld be adds:sited to the Yaryan Cismarsl, U. 8. A., Wast.Loctut, D. C., or to the Asebtsnt burgs. Gem so], U. 8. A., Lon.. rills Ky. Boards ere now In tension at Boston. sew Tort, Wa.anlngtoo, Ctsobasall, et. Lenin and New Orient. A.., w.n.d. EiGeDITAL MTIWABGB T3B GuLODI o AEG I [NTS. Candid... mutt poososs a fair Sur Bah education, and be laud far with the c.maour.ding and elspertabm of merichus. Anal. eat. te mud be male aa la lbw car of Bergsma and Assistant OW eons Compenestlat from AM to $33 per month, wall clottalag, ratans, feel and eprerter JOB, H. RAIIND.3. API log Nonlegal GlauferaL FILUNIBLNG,, - Gus and Steam Fitting, In all Ka branches, earcully attended to, by expr deuced, practical workmen. A Em worn:tan of GAti 'LETO SES, EIMER 134" 13117 1 AB &MB, WATIB CLOSETS, HI mums, a-- Omuta.* cm band and Made to order. TATE Cc 83NIUX, No. 69 ITIOXIIAL 61:13113, Allesbany; dad Sr TABU= srsarr, Pittatraar,h. mall avrdL., • BRIDGEWATgit. COTTAGE DRABS, 011.0111 ID 111 PM= LINSEED OIL. I=l OVITAGEB. VILLAS, HAILII.OIIII DZPOIS, to. ♦4e, DST lbr DOOMS, lEFATATOBB. I MIT OLDS, to. WIDAPEST PAIN? LN TIID HAREM Addreo, ROBZUT FIJGYIULDS, General Agent, TI Had= Lam, N. Met. mblkered Falb ITIMS 042111 •lID WOOD QUITE OLLIE/ 037 Al LZINTSID num WIIOLESA LI 011 WWI.. JAB. W. WOODWEL3, 07 cad 93 Third =reel, mettle I. Lim=Slam & Cc.. B . ENRY WALLACE Commission Nerchant, ao. 1808011TH WAX= Bt., COTICIAGO, 1311nots. Part/mar attoatlon paid to ISILLog orlon tor PII.OVISIO.CD. mous a QUIN bl7:fiab DIABJES, A large soortment of POO= AND 001H71140 HOU% DaBLIS, f4t : tl r llZtri „ meallie.., with gilt wipe mei with marble Myr—with tuck meant chug.. eiretio &starlings. All slam um from the coanomast to the vary b s rate by. eet. 70; 'Os a! censor Wa WIL O. JOHNSTON & CO, feationers. orlairla-wrea Si Wood rarest pATTERSON it BROS, Dego. t. Youghiogheny Coal and Nut CoaL Orlin left at the O'doe, oa DABSAGS STIIECT, tosst mp Bradlee tly@ Woolen Factory, Allegheny atty. pro sthmded to. nOrWeetara wine promptly !Med. ashlCawdif • MaINTYRE, MoNAUGHISR A 00., Stone and Brick Paver'. I,l2dara 017111010'911, PAVLUCI, GRAD; I=ythingoor Ital., pevmptly attended to. BOX 140, atllegbotry Post Odes, or J Kai 41101=3„ 44 naming street, .011•Irlatty Otte antO.Srit HAMS'REEF AND LARD. 15,000 Ts, 'Loral:odds% Bondy & Co.'s Ow sassed B. O. Haar, 1.250 ms. Mingo Qualaned.O. O. Eixag 9,250 Its. 0. F Dads &Co %Mao. Du Dean .50 dames abates Loaf Lard; Tor ads try 11011 , 1141[410 4 L 4140. 9 ATTKRSON & AKRON . I.M. • PLOW; AHD . i7EiLlti, mural PRODUCE . detr i Vo. 6 WOOD Pittabwrily PL UNIVERSAL CLOTHLS Egg,—Another bogs supply of the but wrizim In i t . co p ri t r y, Art remised al the India Rubber Deript, Sot S 6 wad 1:9 St. Olelr dust by JAI EL PRILLIPS, pktfl Sole Ayala far OR manly . INDIA ADDISEa .PL NO 11)017K118, 1 with Bach m i d calm lieW awl basalt. ita wad.. t; a t tha plan lead cola =blew acifice, all sista; al the Rabbet Depot. S.& U. PRIMUS. QPICED AND COVE b ' 8-450 doz.o nattri, egad -bad Oens eyrtantla land pound cant bit twitted b.d tor ado by ME .11 BROS., Jr Nat 194 sad ER Wcod stmt. QUO' t The t 1.11 itxk Ls Ude ancrkst. for sa: JAKOZOWN,IfieWoad Most. sPECLIL Jro 470 ES. W• IMCnoe. Oct t he ttt,....:A4k1 at U cnytking.• Yen= Oftix•X•••=o and • cm , nspondentat extexullng throned:at •121 coasnal. Med of habitat& glob*, iiwn tommd tbs. ce!•• Into facto arA odablkb ■ba.l. from CrUith Elitd not OM VII in cot EtT*llo.. at ansb " tb• rono•rin•-•ittomsb wbo writs them aro. W• boo.. the per - mob feel • libtott7 to la ,A L • " r t ~ rim. Ey iftL.,. "D. be, I Imre -c many pan wan anon powkstint ort, . • rnmJ lotto. mkt Out bang* and • gomtrol Co..ordr-ad system Pkyaiclana and tcwiletuts naiad to oat. co. Yalla• 'UNIFY won• Wands in New York who intr. ming Planta tion Baum they moaned upon km to toy them. I Caattllettocd wttb. • small wint.classlnl etzr haling bettor by dogma., In • fa* days 1 no. Won. Imbed to Bud tb• coLlacm sad maim. bad Gotta* left toe, 5... d 1 could ale* th• night through, which 1 ham not S u Be years.. blot iin..naoth.r battik. •PPalt• stmodth hail.llo- greatly Li:lamed by th• nap n• Plantatka Nitta*, .1/4....Toottany, Stili&ra• •Pamoicamcr, W flopt. 18, 13C1. • • • • Ibas. bona Izt the hospital tot tomb,an outnib•—•mschlem gad dad. At Alton,• 111, tag V argo me • bottle Plantation Bit ten. • • • Vargo battles m =end me. • • • A. Agrats.2 =1:Lo following la Erma the 814x40r of tto Urdon, kW= &hoot tor O. Chitanm Yotanteceti "Ef.aoxxrraa -- nlaxtnOO, - 63 ' tb - Sirsd.l Dow Turk, Ararat P.. If-G3. A. Dna., Your of ca Plinsillon hart bora ca cur Utile caltdron lag Crsoultaknos and moat Snap arttb oust happy dont. Ono UM. sat surttcalar, oath pails to bar hood, los at appetite.dusd'eatr wasting Mr' RIZIIPMEL Wixom W sodical bad boon s - basted. !tam boon entinarrogured We succoured with but • toorpoontol of Bitten toy. Us Iwo- Me and otranott madly Incresord, and oho la nanir Bosentladly, Es. O. 21. DEVOE.. 4 - • • • 1 ors arw....lt to pm, la roily tellsvo rdatatton Bitten holy swot 12y arn. • liar. R. U. WAGCH./....13111 4 Iloteid, N. Y. "• • • Te. mid M. 111.9 bOlt.ke Bons o thy Pimltatlon Diem. My Irttirbms ben, great" bend uAI by thelr cse. ?by trtmA, - 2,9 A 170118,TH, P4l4l62lzlpMa, 't • • • L bale been groat tSlFenv b‘act pepsfs, and badto stead= prtnK , Mr.g. • • ' nu Phmtallon Bitten Iwo curt6l9. Bev. J. & Orfaliali,itobausr, B. T.. • • I Gary often the Plantation Miters to hossdrede of oar disabled eoldlees with the men ••• totdshing elect. 0. W.I. AbDEEWB, dapettatcadsat Soldiers Boma Clucteratl, o.' " • • • The Plantation Elttini have cared me et Um. Onaplaint, of which I Wu Ln4l TIT prat. trate, and heel to abandon m 7 totainea. H. B. EING , H.XI. Clotoland, Ohlsk." •• • • The Plarlstles 1311tosibats aced tea at • darsagar-ent at the Irldneystizal Orbs:7 O. cos that has distressed ems ter yeast It seta ICas s charm. O. ILOOBX, Nes 264 Ifecodaray.• Jtea, 4kea, The Plantation BltLv• ruin theism:. strong, the bunredd brilliant and an exhausted nattcree gnat rammer. They aro oonspcond of the celebrated Ca nape Bark, Wintergreen, flanattis, Bouts, arab, ix, 6U pamerrol patectly mitt. Urals Bnra 8. T.-1880-X: Persona at sedentary lishits, tionblal with wthk ma; loasittala, palpitation of the boar; lath of ay paite, dlatreo after warlng. hee.httt• Con, &a, downs to thfrer it they *ill cot try thew. They are raccontowidad by the lalgtest mental dnthwittee, and are warranted to:Produce an mow. ane bona:dotal effect. Miry wactsoe4Lagly wow. Me, veracity-pare, and barndas.. , - Nanca—day pwson prawn:Matto *all Plantation Macs to hulk or by the gallon is a OttruTwr and ito. II la pat up may in wth Jog oath both.. of bona. raddled with lioltallon delsteliora stuff, tor which withal parsons areadready m prim. See that emery haute bar. oar Caned dence sta=y aver the ortrtg nethanteath and our *loathn on nee ;Ws aide lataL hold by rupecithle drab= thistighoth tha Wits • bye P. H. Dtd.diS • CO.. 665thaisalsraav ICI Insadway. H. T. O.DRAJES'S PLAIMATION BIT Milk the amine arldr-li. Co. vain ly 91111014 JOEMSTOX, Corner of BmltbScl6 ar..3 ifer.r.th arave4. fe73:Emnod-Ra• w. arnano, ooze !tanner for Aitrpin , . 4l, a CO lILMILEN (late of Chao, Ef ablaut a 0 4) 11.1.1 • WSW .. - 4; - - , -PITTSBITROR SAW WORKS HUBBABDS & LONG, Eantdactterert o 1 PATZST 40tairi mem- LAIIB, warranted GUT =WEL fiAWEI. of Iraq &script:ton ; Uul, Omni didt, Olaf and ad other midde. Ad Muds Of 8r1919 a SPRINGEI, made from Shaot_Gut MAIO; I:trdzi titled IIZAP CB &SD Ildcodifud;dramZe.S. , ; Sfinkome awl Worts, ecc.WIM d t3710111,' era, Ptaatittfidi. - Particular alined= ;dm to listo*ditg, Chum:an and Btrilgtdadng Cdrallas Bsyti.sifo mato of at Pscieldng and Drilling, dare _ at _resoczabbt rate. WM, rELLEE ROPERIOE COPPER MILL & STMLITING ViTIBP3, Prrecrtrooz. PARK, RECCURDP do CO., flazonlelaners at BibLiSTIMG, lILIZITILS' AHD BOLT OOPPLIEL PUSS= OOPPZD BOTTOMS, BALMS sum. norroxs, E.PAPEM &MOM. bnportars and icsbas ILE2SIB, TES PLATS, SEM IRON, WIBX, ao. Constantly as bond, UMW' WMCBMIS AHD TOOLS. Warolionso, Ha. 140 =ST & 1 MOND SW., klitsbargb, Pa. Special nnfon of Onver cot Win) , dedral W. OMEN CONFESSIONS AND EX MUM= 07 Al INVALID, published tor the bewelltatid as sirauteg audawatbzu toyer useu who =Mir from Narrow AMMO, Pnms=re Dow of ExidoxiL sta., upplyingolt the ante tins, NA 1,11=1114/ eel/ ears. Dims who bsa axed himself after blot pa= to past maxi Cad Injury through =Cod pmt sad quackery. By sadoetog a poet -pal adgmseed autelope, slug* CGAIS nay b lied with. =Mar, HAYED37XL itiasteru., 744- Bedfxrd, h* camt7, S. T 10 , 10 33/IVOIIB EllariUMEBB OP ED= Eltrl2l.-4 rotontei tomilooten %An tos teen teetceott to hcalth ma Inn[ dart. after en okritotos art the anal roar:toe end kinder am thre mode of ti* t. without tnecon, cotes it hit secrod duly to cozonocoleete to tits "Mount =ow creetcret the meant of cue. Hem; on the magi of an addressed lIITADSM, to TIU ent4free, It copy o! tiro prectlptton =ad. Moot "fro Dr. /ORD D. DAGNALL.I66 Policia Introit, T. ettattlnitn? °WI. HARNBILLA.OO., Box DWI= LED Blint 'MOH WOBL. Penn Bt. Zica. IS. =lna& OS. Bann to =rod a largo yarittratsbod Itirttb tba awl tm rowed otodlosty, vsAts mislaid: to ationilketoo a wydeacetpd®of SIAM% to *to tort tosooot, and warriatoi Kul to any stoic to the totottty. carmsrsta, BRIZIEN, MIL BEDS, irttletX P 737.8, LocomcravE BOILERS, t EDEBSEBS, SALT PASS; TAMES, OIL 52:=0; AGITATOES, surnaNc; PASS. BOIL= IXOYi =DOM SUGAR PASS, and tole triotttiottironi at BABE. anvil PATEST 80/L334, , itcoo as the thartant soda. r. acraool —lra. sta. 11,41981E80N, BEL & CO., (nap moors Co Zonacsosarms au. ias) WAEOILSO TON WOHN9, Tam= Is Maw, Pttfabargb., Tlanzlfrtmma 40 BOAT AHD .OTATIOEUT TEL =um, Bun sarbarse, tau 111AOSTNIEB7, assn MOS. dal deperlptima; OIL VaiX9 & STILL& BOIL= AHB isaarr nunt kgrok anTAXVII 1:14.11=011 TOB inSEDITHI BOILER& - 611010:15 D. r. =mix. 0. LA BULB SUM: Wall sErrzu a ems Savomon to Dalkon Eart6llll kCa IDAnegettlarl of WM ME M. SPIIING, PLOT AND DLIST.LEt MEM; BPSIHO9, A=LeM. CILDIADAES. TiOzluo, 71:842 WADI), ai.froesi cat :f. P.O. A . ddran. pnwißuicau. Ditty 040113 COCIEELar it . BRO., Mau. &actuate ,Fr run' num. lams 46(17L211 AND Vilt74" IVONOt WINDOW Ant; -:),- ~ rem, waspow OVANDO, 2a.. Lief. GI SLCOND • ••', - and ea 21118 D t3TENEt Ult. Wait/land Market tars on band ararloo ot new %it o;cas t fora and Wm. Imitable ea all maw& , -.--. • • particular at/Oak* paid to actioittcs 11l ma Icts. dobbin:dons at abort balm. ~ •,- .r ann ~ 10.3. ROL= 4. 8M Etuams_ . ...„__ 41.0 YOBILEGS ADD DO 0 81. 01 Eicalson, inaranchtaa or imam. pen No= AND EPDGI7 &7 MILS= EctsizszPuterano.n. • 11GrOatectiza toes al AD thie jpitielpel Mee thistahout the rutted state...-.:.+e211 DIBLISIiS VW snavous, - ammusi„, =roar Up guru. BEIZILO—cww scrci nag& tzeitie*St Eaves dila Howard And it esiOsisto mad Littatinitavo,fraiidatazze. ,A4themil./. 83326 ' LIN HOlTGlNTOH,Eceirddsambitka; NF,S /keel Ninth stmt. Phitadatots* 14, tniattlY o.lllllllll' 11.0 °OLIO% FO 2 WAZD DM LIM 002111113811)111132X0WiT rad irbdisCa &an ttt! GRIMM ITTTII2, CyrDs int p.-cd-n.: magi). xa t 6 W_Olt Eft rusibees.A. 41/ _ `~=~ ~: :. =~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers