ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ittsburgh 6aztitt. PUBLDRIED BY 11141111111 - ffEMG LMOCLitIO TERMS OP PPE 4:411p1 Kaman Ittodatfenal; per yeni..-413 CO. " eagle S. Immo rove, 67 man, pet 4 GO. •- • • finals aapka.--- 1. Wilms llkasiasodngla copissaa rar-; 2 CA • • Aida af loin, ..160. • • dabs of Mir more • -.190. tiad 011,2 sctes to the gart7 sending dab. Par s club of dttera. its will send VIII Ivinuma °warn Its-. slab of bratty, are win wad the Mamma Gateria . da Str. .1312220 pigging. mtg. air An iita.toft. **ay is sawn; sad papers alirsja stoppal vbai the flan arena RELIGIGUN INTELLIGENCE. The New York Observer of tiilaireek con taini two editorial articles on subjects that are attracting attention beyond the pale.of the denominations, erp. el:daily named The first article is a review of a Presbyte rian Prayer Book, prepared -by the Rev. Charles W. Shields, D.D., psator of n Pres byterian Church in Philadelphia, which thellartietie have - just published. It con. "rinses Book of Common Prayer, se amend ed bz the Westminster Divines in the R 37. 111 Conuniarion of 1861, and in agreement with the Directory for Public Worship of the . Presbyterian Church in the United Statel. In this volume the history of the Book of Gammon Prayer, and the relations which the Presbyterians and the other non- Conformists hustained to it in the Old ootmly in early days- are presented in a clear manner. Dr. Shields then refers to the history of the Presbyterian Church in this country, its tendencies in dash; er ohiteoture, form - ofant worship, and con tends that the tee of a Prayer Book is con sistent with the Directory, and, that every pistetfujimulaitingworship "glides into a envies almost as stereotyped as the dreaded liturgy. It he thathing Without the name." The Doctor claims the Book of Common Prayer now Weise in the Episcopal Church to be more Presbyterian than Episcopal in its scalene. The article closes with a ref erence- to the tendency in the people in particularly to forme of worship that prevail in the different communion, and says, we have ban told repeatedly that merS 'families go from the Presbyterian to Episcopal churches than from the latter to the formes`.' For this there must be a cause. • The "Tendencies of Methodism" is the other artiste. Bach are the assimilating tendencies of American Society, it is stated, as lb render it extremely difficult to re tain the marked peculiarities Of religious denominations, and in no denomination of Christians are these preeeeses more strik ingly developed than among the Methodists. While they have been peculiar in theology, in preaching and in praying, in organize,- lion and mode of labor, and even in dress and manner, it affirms, "the history of modern Christendom has no brighter page than that widehitcordi their :labors and triumphs." Bat like their brethren of other names, they hate felt the changes constantly going on in American lift. Beaten& Is then made:to-the ervelion of colleges and Biblical Institute; wealth of the members, costly churches, organ music, extension of minlethrialiehate three years, and tend anti to a settled pseturate, and demand for the laity to lake part in the Conference deliberations, showing the inimitable trate formation of • the Methodist driamittalion into forms kindred with those of other de nominations. We quote some of the &s -ing words: "If Methodists, are leas Metho dietical from loss of specific character, we fear the world will be the laser. Their or pushed firm, Elected by central fame to recognized ends, use been immense, and the desert has blossomed under their labors. There is reason to fear in becoming like ether denomination, in spir/land in mode; they may beeema like them in 'neglect,— creatingthe nesessity of a new' Methodism to spring up under a 'aty Wesley." If will be remembered by many of . .our readers, that a Broad Chtotob, designa ted the o Christian Union," has been organ ised somewhere in Ohio by - Dr.illd, of . Ft. Lafayette naterielp,aid . oiliero, because of alleged course of the Abolition churches, In preaohing . politics. It was resolved at their first Constuitien, _licit iheir Cqurch -. ergot:lntim is not of this world, nor his it anything to do witkeds,world.-..T0 which world, asks the" *Orient 01eis6an Advosats pray, don thiccongregation belong? . We humbly,beg lease ; mos to suggest tint, as there are but two worlds beside this one,' , the Patti :elletilf: be - sealed; Al it has nothing to do with merely secular affairs, and the blatant' if this world is mostly of this Eat, it , is very appropriate that it should aisle" another sphere. Ths Episcopal clergy of New Jer sey are indignant tit the act of Congress for not exempting the clerunten, alleging that It is contrary to the laws of ether air• lliud nations to require minister' to bear arms, and that to procure substitutes will impose a tax which they are unable 'to bear. An Lellaential religious journal comment. fug on thisaction, remarks that if clergy MPS willuceept the honor, usually trudrib. rated among political men, it can hardly be oxPeeted that political men, in making laws, will exempt clergymen from fay bur den of State. —lt is anthrted that Ser. Dir. Wise, son of Goy. Wise, a . yodog Episcopal Gird% grmanal ftidim:nul, 9s, preaches without mise r Maude priestly babillamenta, and appealable ordinary dress,noteven wear ing • width csseat. Re Riegle fearlessly to alsetholden about their Miens dating to thole envois. Tha.Now York Chronicle, (Baptist 1 4 ,1 11 0 gbns gto remarkable fast that in the entire State, of lb* Jersey there are any two Baptlif Churches, composed of colored persons, . ctue is jocatel et Cam den, and the Mir at Burlington; mem bership feeble —..-Iteasnt Intelligence from blaiogssoar in 11014 interesting sod enconroging, as to regards the progress of saki:loner, ef forts In that country. Fears entertained an accession of the Queen hoe° in a treat sawn passed away. The Deo Presbyterian, published at Lentisthlet, ddikeltrownlow, Bomber, and beet entidge i three incarnations of thsibisiL Thlspipw professes to ho strict !, • nligietal shoat, end. yet arms of Its natter Is of the BllMigsgote style. It Is proposed at the ,approaohPsil Chntsnanr cd'Ameitean .blethodlue,' which , t/t • Gemesal Cerbrenoe has dl acted to be / 1 4 3 4 11 t thatlitand of two THE DAILY - 7 - 7 - ITTSBURGH - GAZETTRT: milliems of dollars be raised for education and church extennion. Grants of books were made .by the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, on the 7th, amounting to 74,220 volumes An earnest discussion took place in regard to printing the Arabia Scriptures, bat final action was deferred. —The Protestant population of Great Brita`n, which amounts to about 23,000,- 000, gives annually morn than double the amount for foreign mbisions contributed by the 182,000,000 of Roman Catholics. Tho total amount reported by all the Societies in London, at the recent an nlyertonies, is $3,352,310. These results are only approximate, and less tnan the truth. —ldol gods are worshipped by Chinese in two heathen temples in San Francisco. Efforts are now making to area chapels for the Chinese." At the recent annual meeting of the Canada Presbyterian Synod, lima resolv ed to establish a Theological Hall at Mon treal, with two prefessors. —The Trustees of Tarentum Camp Grotmd have resolved to hold a Camp Meeting on this favorite epos, commencing Wednesday, August 24th. —lt — has been ascertained that the whole number of doctorates cordoned in 1863, by 44 of our 220 colleges; was 131. How Mr. Lincoln Acted after the Res 'platter' of Mr. Chase He thinks .I.IIe Lord Never Yet Deserted' atm. Sap the correspondent of the Springfield &publicus: The President was very low spiv. Hod on Thursday—the day on which he sent In the nomination of Dave-Tad. He lean to have been deserted of his usual good sense when he sent in this name to the Senate.. Tho feeling was minimum in Congron that- for inch a mast to noosed Mr: Charrerves nations to the finances. On Thursday night Godernor Tod sent in his declination, and Mr. Linooln wait to bed upon it and, as he says, before matting was satisfied that Pitt Fessanden was the into. Early Friday he ordered the nomination to be mode out, and 'Major Hay took it, to Bus Senate. Mee minutes after ha had bit, Seriatoasseenden entered the Pres idential apartment sad was soon disettnittle the wide:union. Mt. Lincoln • diltroietell him what he- had dope, but 'diacrased 'Mr. Chase's resignation far a short Buse, and then said: "Mr. Fessenden I have made a new nomination thbrmarnhog which I trim! you will approve; I have sent your own name la 1" Feuenden was greatly surprised and amazed. He replied, "Yon must recall it ; you can overtake Hay with. messenger now if you will. Pleasusend for him at once for I cannot risibly take it. MY health will not permit me to think of it for fora moment." But the President was Ilan. "Ton Mist take it," he said, and Ister In the day he sent word as follows Peasenden to nick." Mean time telegrams from all parts of the earotry canto pouring in upon him, congratulating him upon his admirable selection. At night Mr. Lincoln wee in line spirits, and he en • claimed to Mr. Seward who was present : 46 The Lord ban never yet deserted me, and I did not think he would this time." It was Dir. Lincoln's intention to send In the name of En-Governor Bootwell if Mr. Fessenden hod positively declined. French Opinion of our Fighting In the leading artielee of the FreestCpress the greatest astonishment is expressed at the imams= number of forces engaged, as well all the courage lad mduranoe displayed by both sides. The general tone of these articles may be learned from the following extract from Le Prose : The two great parties in America, which halo been -contending for three consecutive 'earl for Union or Secessiqn, hare at last suc ceeded fa attracting the suctronsi attention of the Old 'World by the magnitude or.shei t struggle, which surpasses anything that his tory has made 1111 acquainted with. Xerxes and Darius bad under their command large armies, but nmr did their troops conteced for an entire week without giving signs of ex-' hanstion and discouragement. We have examples of battles kiting three dap, but In no one battles endured longer than that time withoutthe combatants hating ehangea their position. Zither one or the other has remained muter of the UN by the flight or destruction of its enemy. It has fallersto the lot of the OnintdStatea to give to the world this opectacle,aa if to prows that la vu, as wall u In other repeats, she Gael( the le ad. Whatever may be the remit of this contesti It will leave behind it memorable proof oP the indomitable courage of the Americans No longer can the absurd reproach be rai • against the Northern army that it is tempos d of meroanazies. Mummeries don't nab battles lasting anantire weak. it To Prevent Sickness In tho Army This short article may save the Ores of a thousand men. The valley of the Jima" is a mahuions region. north of the tfopia the three months in which malaria Is contract ed are Aaron, September and October.. Of all the facts in the science of medicine the one Wet established is that Peruvian bark is a preventive of =Wins disease. Three years ego the surgeons of reme of the reel• merits in the army of the Potomac - • tared Peruvian bark, or ',lto extract, quirilne e to all of the eoldiem in their regiments every day during the three Maki, months, and the published statistic; showed a remarkable ex- emption from &ease in these regiments. Lot every person who bat a friend in the army send him a dollies worth of quinine, with Instructions to pates much as 'FM& on the point of a pen , kali* bible cone 'moment in, and the probability to that he will es. cape fluent° diarrhoea, fever and itgasOusti billions Serer.-Scierififk Amerkts. MAXIMA OUZO WT A SXIPLI P..macor,— Kr. Lawson, a Swede, who has been sateral yam in the army, and, haring been woimded, is now attending the tick in hospital, wishes ni to say that he has erred numerms was of dtarrhea by a simple tee of blackberry roots. We can fully indorse this remedy; and as it is within easy reach of many' soldiers, we earnestly advise them to try it. MeCLellarg• Friends The/3mM hada oorreapendent—Mm Ohaa. B. Mannam—on one of. the Baltimore rail roadfirwine captured by Harry 01banes raid. en near Magnolia station, who write, that "Daring the few hours we remains d is their muted, tarsals Several times asserted thyt their only object in continuing the war was to win their 'liberty and indapandenee end only mated to be let alone: Armin g the engross was a subject of much comp laint. They raid it area all 'Old Abs's doing, and U they ever caught him they intended tying him to • tree and making him kin a nigger.' Gnu. idoOlelben was spoken of with mach re spect, and they said qie woo tie owly Stiore arneral worthy of Ind any one ever meet a rebel, whether of the fighting or the Gold gambling 'Stab Guard' variety, who didal think and ;peak well of ale Glean, and think we made a groat mistake in having any one else to lead our armies ? We never did.—N. Y. Ira,. Dtraarron or SEM Went—The oecessionist Englishman who writes from Balthaera to the London Tines begin, orto of his letters thug: " A etory is told In Iteltimere by a gentle men who wag recently inittehmond, that the Southern President was flaked in his presence, how soon he thought the nu would end? Piscinghis hand upon the bend of • ilttlo boy, not five yew of age, Mr. Davis replied, 'Sot till this child 11 an old man.' " Fraute Conrosrroze.—The Dansrille /br aid of tut week says: The present Rumba of the Iftotad eras pot in type almost entirely by two young ladies who six woeki antes had never been halide of a printing effoe. The fact demonstrates the practicusbitity of inn • playing woolen ea compositors. Is the midst of the doubt which prevaiha on Wednesday concerning the safety or Wash ington a report extensively prevailed In /iii York flat President Matta had arrived at one of the hotels in that city. On of tha principal points made at • teal la a Coati of Probate .in Ens Land to prove the incapacity of a testatrix sPd doildP three, was that althea .ha Oland VW/ -via ranted, and tamped her putou t s hate" ITTSBURGH. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 1864. News and Miscellany TEI British Army and Navy Cautte, edited by Russell, formerly correspondent of the London nem, sears the sinking of the barna haiproved the superiority of the Dahl gren gan over the Blakely, with which the rebel craft was armed ; thinks the conduct of the Deerhound Involves Erode considerations' which require Inquiry and satisfactory planation, and censures the proposition of Admiral Anson to present Semmes with a sword;as likely to increase the bitterness of the American people toward the English. The London Telegraph, a paper which has ever been friendly to the Union, la still more severe against the sword presentation scheme. It rays there is nothing heroin in Semmes, whose business has been "to pounce down I upon the unarmed and defenseless traders of the North, and to make himself scares when any of their heavy war ships hove in sight." The collection of guineas for Semmes by British officers is simply mischievous and meddlesome, and, says tho Telegraph, , rwe should benelther displeased nor surpHsed to hear that they had received in their capacity WI "errant! of the public, au °facial rap upon the knuckles far their pains. We wish bail pay commanders and Admirals had somehow iness of their own to mind, and would let other people's alone." A Toacorre, Canada, correspondent of the New York Herald, say. that a new plot Is ap iroaching maturity in that city, which hu for ts object the release of the rebel prisoners at Johnson's Island and the destruction of Tort Niagara; that large sums have been sub earthed by leading Torontonianz, ani the ser vice" of every rowdy in Toronto have been engaged. The plan most popular among these vagabonds, is, that on a given night, to be understood between the prisoner" and marauders, the buildings are to be fired, and the prisoner', being furnished with arms by the Canadians, are to massacre the guard and the offleon of the garrison, and then escape In boats to the land of the neutral Johnny EITII4.OBOINAIT T121621.--it lot of &mice timber; such as we sometimes "read of," bet seldom see, hu been lying at Use Michigan Oolrtoal Do ck, Detroit, awaiting shipment It is princippally> black 'abut, and was cat in the at Downie& One of the sticks !I 67 inches Square and a number of other, ate verretearly eq ual in site. Owing to the formidable aise of the trees, wood-chopper long hesitated about "going In," but &tally, ander the temptation, we suppose, of the "high price Of gold," the monarch of the for erSwere laid low. They afford • fair exam pla of what Michigan can do in the way of native productions. A Loves. Torte.—Spooner was arrested for drunkenness and ;waxed indignant thereat. Spooner is loyaL "Now, I axes," says he, "if it's right to go and arrest a man for sup parting the gudment, Farm drop of ticker ..swallows is taxed—taxed to support the war. S' so all as fors was to stop &tinkle'? =wily, the ward stop, and the Ousoment'd stop. That's the very reason I thinks. I don't like grog;' I mortally hates It. If I tottered my own Inblinstion, I'd rather drink butter milk, or ginger pop, or soda. Bet I tickers for the good of my country, and to set an example of loyalty and virtuous resignation to the rising generation. Efuluca's retreat to the Kanawha opened the Shenando'h gates for the rebels, 'Autocad no obstruction but Gan. Sigel, with a Mendez force. That Gen. Heater misman aged his *expedition, failing to gather the traits of his victory, and displaying indecis ion and laggardness when the opposite guil tier; f were demanded, in his advance upon Lynchburg, the soldiers who were ander bit orders toothy. Gen. Hunter's "vigor" has been manifested chiefly in his proclamations, and in house burning and in other perform ances of a nature that no true soldier could be guilty of.—CM. Coos. A sau.sar eel le said to have been perform. ad at Macao by Mr. Lamb, the mate of the Liverpool ship Sleek Seneca. Some boys be longing to a French man. of-war were bathing, when a blue shark, fifteen feet long, made for them. Mr. Lamb, arming himself with • large knife, jumped overboard, and thoeherk turned away from the boyst•to the arm comer. Mr. Lamb dived beneath the monster, and Imo eeeied in stabbing it. This he repeated several time with success, till the ma was literally dyed with blood, and he then gave up the contest The boats had, in She meantime, put off, and the finish was given to the mon ster by a harpoon, and It we, hauled on chore. Tin custom-house *Moen of San Francisco have discovered a very ilagenious Chinese taiek, which led to the seizure of a lot of smuggled opium. Among a cargo were 400 tubs invoiced as eggs, value stated at one dol lar mei. The eggs were coated with a pecu liar kind of varnish to pp,xsserve them. One of the offiums, in esamisingthe eggs, =aped oft a little varnish and disclosed a metallic eaty egg-stupsid, filled with opium. Evils metallic egg Is worth $ 3OO . Thor• was • thousand of them. Tsui CHILD'S Was Tnum.—The other day while I little girl was muting at full speed on the side-walk, she had a sulk= fall. Knees and forehead were very badly bruised, and the thin pealed from one um. Tbst as she we. being undressed for bad, she look ed pitifully at her numerous wounds, end sorrowfully exclaimed to her mother: "Oh dear! what dreadful times these war times are!" Jona COCILILLNI (and who hoe a batter right to know?) asp that " Hremogt and McClellan are two oherrlae on one item." That they are, and we shall accordingly be afforded the opportunity next November of takingg not two Wee at one cherry," bat two chmria at one bits. Hoe. Hagar H. Geese, of Flint, Republl• can Union candidate for Governor of Michi gan, will undeubtedly be elected. Ho is an able and upright man. Since his residence in Michigan ha has been Mayor of Flint and a State Senator. ' it vu currently reported in this city hut evening that the pirate Florida wu conk off Caps Key by the frigate Ticonderoga. After diliguit inquiry, however, we bare been unable to obtain any confl;mation of the tits. Press. Ter ladies continue to keep up the military spirit to their dress. They are now coming oat 1n atoccilder-straps, embroidered to black on their summer capes. Lemma Jettison, the "Tonnessee Tailor : Beady to sew the winding-sheet of the rebel on, and to repair the breaches of the r MOIL Gat Rebel Women In Baltimore Do. The Baltimore eorrupondent of the Lon don narta a t erritlng under date of Jane 20, toil: "The military autocrat of Baltimore, who rules se stringettly as Butler before him, though he may see treason and disloyalty In the expreuton of sympathy with southern captives, has not yet deemed It expedient to say ED,: or to prohibit the good Samaritans of his utrapy from feeding the hungry Cud clothing the naked, even If the hungry and the naked be the enemies of his government. The good Samaritans, thermion—all of them ladies—having full command of their has bands' purses for this object, If for no other, no groaner hear of the arrival of a detachment - of-southern prisoners than they meet to ap• portion the wants of the esptives among them: and to provide them, each according to her cream, with the clothing and other comforts they may require 'to render captivity imp Irksome. One lady, three clap ago, dollar one demoted priavatrs at her own cionre; weather provided for /,Ag, =oder /or twenty, arid wavy cross provided far two or three. They were not allowed to deliver their beauty personally, but were permitted to receive the epistolary thanks of the recipients. The letters of the prisoners are In every 'tile of composition, from the ungrammatical to the:correct, from the business-like to the roomette, but all convey the tame manly gratitude and the same unwavering conddenee In the deal fri. umph of the mese for which they have suf. feted so much and are readrto suffer to the end." Ingenious Sictrlndia A few days since a woman entered a gro. eery =aro in this city and called for a pound of coffee, which, when put up, she threw into anearthen jar which oho carried to her apron. Upon looking for her money, she could not and it, and apologiatngly,stated that she had left her pocket book at home. She would leave the jar containing the =lee for a few minutes, however, and return with the money and pay tho bill. After :vridUng & reason able length of time, the proprietor looked in to the jar, when, to his astonhbment, he dis covered that it had no bottom I The coffee had of course dropped into her apron and been carried away. It Is needle= to !flats that she did not return and redeem thejar.— Awark Advertiser. A NCILI Wore.—There Is a widow My living In Depart county, In this State, who hu had her two only eons in the army from the beginheg of the War. The time of the boys' enlistment expired a Short time ago, and she entreated them to again enlist for the war, which they have done. their mother meantime c arry log on a large farm. The bulls are won educated and to oomfortsble TELEG RA M 9. THE REBEL RETREAT Sharp Sktrinlsh at Rockville,Md. TER BSBEL FORCE ABOUT 23,000. The Country Stripped of Horses and Cattle. ACCIDENT TO GEN. GILLMORE. eIigNONADING HARD NEAR MEM The Rebel Columns Continue their Cl= Special Dispatch to the Pittebzugh Gazette. nocz maxi, MD., ON FILEDNRICE ♦IIa WAININGTON PIIIN, July 14-10 p. m. On Toted.: night the rebel advance reach ed this place; on the retreat from Washington. They were maroltlxig through town all night. On Wednesday morning, Col. Lowoll, of the- Itthlarssehutetts cavalry, numbering about five hundred, came upon the rebel roar guard; and a sharp ektrutish ensued in the stroeM of the village. Our force being outnumbered was compelled to fall back, having lost only two killed end a half dozen wounded, and a num— ber of prisoners lost. The robes leftels pliMe yesterday neon, which Is only eighteen miler from Ildward'a Vary, and they are, of course, all acmes by Ude time. Alter retreating from Washington their Te ens columns united at this point. The ch iles' all agree in maylug that there were about 25,000, 8,000 of which were cavalry. The entire tome was commanded by Early- Breckinridge commanded a division under him and Ransom was in command of the cav alry. The rebels said they had accomplished their pnpote, having obtained a large amount of forage, homes and cattle. Citizen, of this place say they had large, droves of these with them when passing through. Our forme are aloes on their rear, but car.- not do more than pick up stragglers. The eitleene say that the rebels robbed all the stores in this place, except one, which be longed to a rebel sympathiser. They oleo stripped the whole neighborhood of bones and cattle. WURINOTOi, July 14.—Up to ten o'clock this morning It was not secertalned that the rebels had recrossed the Potomac, though they had soot over most of their plunder. Am extra says that information has sesame lated which strengthoo• the conclusion that the robot force seal 8,600 strong. They en tered Mary land with 34 pieces of cannon, Many of their troops were dismounted cav alry: Gen. Crillmor• was this morning thrown from his horee at the hand of his troop., now following the rebels, and severely injured In the ankle. Gen. Augur has temporarily taken his pls.. It eras reported that tho rebels yesterday wore crossing their main forces at Seneca and opposite Posiesrille, sad thoir advance eras this site at the rends to Loudon leading In the direction of Aishby's gap. Cannonading was heard to the neighbor hood of Seneca early this morning. Oar cavalry have boon harressing and an noying the rebeirsar. No definite malt of the operations has yet been received, other that the number of pia • osiers captured. There is bathing haowa hero of the oamp► ion of Petersburg by Greet, nor have we y latelligenoo es to the Intention of Gab. The military authorities have information that the enemy intended Cu tdonday to at tack the weakest point of oar Lines in large, force, blot abandoned, on maezpsotedly find ing veteran troops. The rebel Sinners.' ilolutes, Tea woended severely at the battle of hionnatey, on Sat urday. Na► Youi,Jaly 15—A special to the World from Washington of the 14th, say, that the rebel columns have continued their retreat upwards the Upper Potomac ford, since their abandonment of their position in front of Washington, and 10010 of their forces are re- ported having croued into Virgin's, though the indications this morning were that the main army seemed Girl:teed to make a &Land between Rockville and Pottsville. A Herald rpeclal dispatch, dated Washing ton, July 14, rays: There are probably, to night, no rebels In Maryland. This morning thei gtwd wu at Rockville. Buricient time has mace elapsed to enable them to safe ly rectors the Potomac. Ow troops hare, doubtless, reached the ferry by Ohio time, and nay here been In season to attack the enemy while crossing, hut of this nothing definite is known. The first intimation that the rebels received of the presence of the veteran troops was given them on Tuesday evening by a charge of part of the Sixth C:rps at dark. Their wagon trains were started back ID great haste. Their badly wounded were left In houses along the line of retreat, and many of their dead were abandoned in the raid. From facts In our poseeseion there is ■o doubt that their casualties greatly en rood our.. There is little doubt that had the enemy attacked our defences proving., to Monday night, the works could have been taken comparatively eas7. Paw Yule, Jaly Tribune Washing too special details the information received in Washiugton concerning the invasion, from which It appears that on the 6th, received an Interupted letter from • rebel Colonel, saying corps, with Hamp• ton". cavalry, making in all over 60,000, is ordered to much to Carper', Few,. Wash iogton Is left almost destitute . , eepocially u it ls defended by only • fe• militia.. It le thooght out foraeUample to take the city, al— though orders hare been leoeived to much to Harper's Ferry. My own beliof b, In will go more directly to Washington. Washington was to be attacked on flanday night, bat was delayed till Monday, when Early received ouch information on to make him abandon the attempt, outing great die eatiefution among the subordinate °Moen end men, who believed everything entirely safe. The Times' Washington special says : Wblla toltitsry m n estimated the rebel force at 10,. 000, a Union scout avowed•to Beeretary Bran. ton that ho slept the night before In Lens - street's camp, and his tortes 1/0141 encamped nisi Manassas Junction. The Washington Star yesterday lay; Our punning forces were In Montgomery 000nty, Id 1., near Halton Oros' Moeda. The rebels were crewing the Potomso with the main force oppos Ito Poolsrills. THE POTOMAC AItMY. Heavy Firing tioitii on Wednei• day Morning. REPORTED REPULSE OF OUR FORCES NEAR CHARLESTON. New Yule, July lb,—The latest hem from Petersburg le to Wednesday mernitie, *hail heavy Ping was going orb Wets! dlopstabes from the rebel lleherel Jones, of the 4th, reports the repulse el the hiderill toms near Uharleston, with 6 loot of Os hundred wee, and oeblirme the oeytero of the rebel guar, but states that the rebel I,l.ket line 11 re-established. The Pe/Walsers ham• tily rallies balk. The Molten, and guo• boats were in the Steno firing on the rebel Ilea heavily. WA/Ml[olof, Jaiy 14.—ilepatti from the Army of the rotomse, say the rebels hare manoeuvred their troops In iff manner which seems to augur an attack upon oor tear. Ytoto the last account, hill's corps wu massing around our loft, with the Intention, say mili tary num, of getting in our rear. Tuesday morning the rebels made a demonetration on the Jerusalem road, apparently for the pur pose of attaching oar troops, but being con fronted by en ample force, they changed their design. Destructive Fire-.-Biz Stelunbuatil Bonied-.Loo Probably $500.000 Bs. Lome, Jaly 14:—The steamers Wel come, Glasgow, danshiae, Obtrokee, Sorth ems/ and G. F. Dl:, wero burned at the levee early this morning. Loss will probably ma& half a million dollars. Particulars NOD. Piro In firootlyn. Nsw You, Jalyls.—A largo Aro Is now SIDS ID 24 00 . 11 4 n. In tho now stores on FlLM=hif st, ootwcon Slots and Jorghnuon stmt. CITY AND SUBUBBAN. The Dealt In , e 23d District. The draft In the 23d yesterday. The folio Armstrong county; District was oenellideci wing 1 the resalt trt • 8.0. Peter Ricker Jame% McCutcheon John Snyder Michael Rmerick Mary Ruble Pater Wier David Aoki= John Ray Peter Millar Simon lllles Koury Burke Goo Edmond. John Cray William SummersLlU Jcomph La ! Wal l a. er l Mathew Campbell John Kline Datil Toomey Philip Rummager Obudotian Sims John Bloom Alfred Hollings John Chrlstasou Thomam liculooy Levi. Lewis Jonathan gorreingar Hugh Mnrrin leGensed Laughlin Ebenezer Chelay Isaac Kirkwood John 0 biro George Rona John A Brown Levi filanglnturnpt John Relertch Johnston W blyen Henry Robb Larne Harman George Elton A. W. 801 l Demlid Griffin David Moorhead Ohaniberm Temp/don j iran h' c il le= Adam Rill William P Smith PhltpDOaroer tilmos Matt:war Mahoney • CU., Iwc Ilona John K nodlay Robert L Luke !Alexander Walker W Haartch lEckard Roark Andre., E Starr !John C r Kl i n .i g !Francis Marlin George Sackengoat WElL=McKnight Gaorge Baer Isaac ?diner lhainuel Chat k John E Andrew. Mcllirogigor Leonard Keane John B Bowen George B Vacating Ovarga Bttnay araeph Watt Joha C.fry W (Elam B Xlamsey Pater Wapmon Barra. 11 Oat Pan Chutes H Gallaher Italia Kilagolamith Christopher Has* Vitas 01cOolLtitcr Jahn Hoak.. Georgo-W Stink Micheal ,TrIo! Jcseyb Gkliaher Jain asneetzner Lori Tampon William Peoples Philip Duamlry Frederick Baum Theradem 13 Moen 119800001. 'Beery Flea IDYL 1 3 Weir Jam_ By. A Geitort aleshart Wearer limed Mark. Cluck. Brqdat ) P Pennoy Jobs Shoop j I David Kehler 0V Oat J II Itsbura Joeeph Baum Lena. router Alvin RicGrua W McClelland Wiliam McHain • TORLSIRIP. j2l I I toe B Mon - Loon IDoald Dopler Borland O Lalrd Edward Morgan Jcarch Rodgers Thomas Jenkins Juno. McElroy &lox r MeGar , oy itiaory McDonald David slog Jowl,ll Bolder rlll.ill Fouler James El Patton Jacob Fowl.. Janus Bro anfield James Lecey Jahn Dickey Jacob BM Jam.. l'ernplet.a George N....el 1L 1 X DSDII2 "DIMWIT. William Show! .I(taald Watoon Joao Olt stone tacob retermao (of Al thars. 6. , y0r (of (It John !core Utgh L Ltnentealer oho Stewart ASIIINGTON TOWN. IP. 1.1.0 b Elder ThArtar D at (}aeon V &lent Ise Dowser Ilenr7 s Cessoar Joni:tuts Davie cc:Tr s.stswriguat acrarcrutr, Patterson ElTeri kr abony A Callan. rn Batal timialx John M flomeck William J Balm Jzseph Elgin •CI&LLL SOVIk. I?. 11.37 Dart. Put. gubb Am.:. A Itgion Joseph Dock John Evaus Tooma• D Stant..ll Frederick Belly 111.rUck Wagoner The drafted men of IS. , pmt and Second wards, and from No 1 to 12, inclusive, et the Third ward, Allegheny will report on the 20th inst. The remaining men the Third ward, and Boss, Ohio MoCandier, Hampton and Shale, townships ' will ret,rt a the :oth inst. The drafted moo of ilosorve townehip will report on the 22,1. The drafted moo Cutler county will re port at the eoitri he r eta Butler,aa Bo&lo and .1 +K.. 311,townshipa,Easonbarg borough, Scuteroit, +•onter, Donegal and Con oord township+, on he 26th of Jaly ; Cherry, Washlugtan, Ps+ tor, Allegheny, Venango, Marion and Atom r townships Jaly 27th. The drafted Ja, a from Armstrong county, will report at Orr ot.ust house la Kittanning, as follows Parry, Brad 's Be I , Sugar Creek end Wuhington tc j. ushlps and Freeport borough on July 29th. Blikeadnetes, Burrell, Plum Creek, Valley and Cc...stutter oo,k tsmuship, as July 30 th.. Enrolluie,t f the Militia. A pstblia meeting vom bell at Wilksobarre % Pa., on the 11th inst.:at, by citizens, la re• gird to ehe enrolling of .ho militia of Penn sylvsnia. Tbo 10'10..111g resolution. were adopted : Whereas, War has existed In our country for upwards of throe years, daring which period there test been no organtration of the militia of the State of Pennsylvania ; and, whereas, each a (*edition of *Hsi. is • reproach to the State Administration, to the Legislature, and to I t=le themnires ; therefore That we call upon Governor Cur tin at once to have the militia of the Common. wealth enrolled and rganitod into compan in, regiments, brigades, be ,and regal:cinch drill and murrain or will tender the military power, of the State p; out pt and efloleat. Revolved, If no Ice amsta for such enroll ment, •to., we call tan 3 the Governor to von tens the Legtelattire at once, and urge upon that body prompt and immediate action Resolved, That we request our fellow citi zen. throughout tho Paste to unite with ue In publio expression of their will and desire upon this vital tinortion, Involving, as it may, tho very sinter.. of the Commonwealth. Prol.e./011p Accepted Tho it.,. A. A. Hodge, D. D., has accepted the Professorship In the Western Theological Seminary, to which he was appointed by the last General Assembly. lie expects to remove to Allegheny In August, and will enter upon the duties of his class at the beginning of the next session. TO. Presbyterlen Banner says: "Dr. Dodge issdready well known u an able theologian; and 'his reputation as a popular preacher of the Gospel Is of • high order. Ile will receive a most cordial wedoomein the new fold to which he has been called. Stu. dente will find at Allegheny a fall Faculty, end all the departments carr4d on with vigor and coerces folly equal to those of any other Instinallon le the load. The arrangements for the inauguration of Dr. Dodge, will be announced coon. It le expected to take place In October." IVounde4 Penneylvaulatia. Two hundred and thirteen wounded sol diers arrival In Phlladelohles on Wednesday morning trrm Alexandria. Among • them were the !allowing from Western Penneylinw. E, lei Jas. N. 111111er, X, Ali Jacob Yuma, 116, .1, 6. Oeusgbell, G, 021 N. Ilithehman, ht, 111, John Smalley, 0, 1401 Win. Alolotyre, 01, 021 Madison Moore, 1, 1 401 M olll ror, A, 100, J. Carpenter, 0, 1661 Nutlet Welton, U. 111 Jae. Drown 11, Veto.lll oo loii, 11. WI Nanlel Conley, Stret. 11, 1141 °hellos Toot, It, 1111, Thotnu A. Iletelltoli 11, 1101 John A. Shirley, It, 100 1 /toga 6,1 301 John Sou, )1,0001 John Vol on, I, litliJosleh Soiling', Corp. N, Ill'org No .41 I(, IVOt lettiO, 11, lAN 10000 mono, 11, 1,10, it I I, 140 1 Jere Knepp, 6, 11, 1011 , 01 - 1111111111410 r. the f,ll.wing \IIO 1.10041'1N 1110111. Ind , Uhl ?Rl' lee t)041.ir4 iir r•okt Plt-tenuene, Pc, Jets Mk, /p&p& let, 0.0, S.l*Rtd P. We lea) Old fleglintßit, Pe, Pole., It hotsby tellemt Y. Provvol Mir phel thmittlititdeht otitis pIIPI or Pith. butgh, PG oft etteuiitit of the septratlon at term et tattioe, 7. gamest 1,, Pnittood, 102.1 Bea Pc Voto., wUI saanmettm dutlea of Proton Mao anal and raft Commandant of rlimburob, Pa. c afttll dither orders. By oommand of llrlp hn Itowmar, Jso. T. Casamton, A. A. A. O. lames limas.-0o Thursday afternoon, a eat on the When'. Possenpr Railway nar rowly escaped being crushed to phials at the railroad coiling on Penn street. The car, whistling crowded with paseengen, was com ing down the street, and the horses bad Just reached the railroad trash, when a locomotive with a freight than moved out of the depot yard. The driver gays his horses a cut with his whip, when they started forward and the rear end of tho-naronsr grazed by the engine. The conductor and drPror allege that neither the alarm bell at the erorsing, nor the loco— mails hell were ringing, and oonsequently they were not avail of the effroaehingtrain until it was aim oetuF ne them. The purist gore were t e rri b ly d, and their arespii seems almost nsiract out. kow,slinguiclmpuweroAMMln. took•, 96 federal 94991,1h5aY• Summer sours Physiological rests-nth, (cape Dr. Hall) has fully established the toot that acids promote the separation of the bile from the blood, which Is then passed from the system, thus preventing fevers, the prevailing disease of summer. All fevers are "bilious," that D, the bile Is In the blood. Whatever I, antago nistio to fever is "cooling." It is a common 'tying that fruits are "cooling," and also berries of every description ; Is because the acidity which they contain, aids in separating the bile from the blood, that is, aide to purl tying this blood. Hence the great yearning for greens and lettuce, andsalads In the early spring, these being eaten with vinegar ' • hence sago the taste for something sour, for lemon ade on attache of fever. Bat dile -being th ease It is easy to see that we nullify the good effects of fruits and berries in proportion as we eat them with eager, or even sweet milk, or cream. If we eat them in their natural state, fresh, ripe, perfect, it is almost impossible to eat too many, to eat enough to hurt us, espe elegy if we eat them alone, not taking any liquid with them whatever. Hence also Is buttermUk or even common soar milk promo. tive of health in summer time. Sweet milk tends to biliousness In sedentary people : low milk is antagonistic. Long Dresses "We do not see one lady in ten walking the streets," says an exchange, "without a con stant fueling and fidgeting with the long skirts of her drams. Some pin them up at regular spans, giving them • very rumplod appearance; others wear 'pages' or an elastic, cord just below the waist, pulling ip the dream Jut as our crand-mothers used to do when they went to comb the kitchen ; others frantically MALI) the side breadths, holding them In front, having the appearance of • desperate determination of sitting down the first convenient opportunity. Some walk on letting their dress hang till suddenly brought op on the front breadths, stumble ' flounder, pull up and again. Now all this could be avoided. Modesty and respect fgr the opinions of mankind, demand a reformation in this matter. We have only given a fair weather view of this matter. If ladies would put a quarter of a yard less in the length of their dresses, they would cave the amount the goods cost and much publio observation." Ltassause.—Mr. Ira Slants, of Tramball Ohio, states that • tree, standing at his door, was stqls•-by lightning during a thander storm t Sunday, shattering the tree and window while at the IMMO time there wu a good lig.- • Ing rod on the house. The con clusion drawn from this, that lightning rods are humbug. If Mr. Slater would ex amine h rods carefully, he might find them useless b cause the rods are not extended sufficient., deep into the earth. To render these et • doctors reliable, the ends should ponetra •• the zooid earth. Tsars ■ ACCTDILIT.—On the 12011115 t., Wm. Rea, Eeq of Adams township, Butler county, while on gad in mowing with 'machine, his team be .1 fractions, ran the machine against esti:lmp, throwing Mr. Rea cif in front of the knives. tis reported that hit left leg was taken below the knee ; the right terribly mangled bore the knee. In consequencie of these fe al wounds, It was feared that he would I,l—d to death before medical 111E6- W:we to• d be procured. Tni GUSH LC7100141 O, IIVIIZGATIOB, It. 1111,0 have secured a lot la the cen tral pan • f the city, at a cost of twenty thou sand dos , for a site for a now church iod ide*. It s cot their design to build at the present e, Mat to have lamed to them a favorable onation upon which to do so when the exE , • of improvement will be leas, and they • have suflrient mans to do It with out ban ! g debt. Oi It • ot t sable o ,; 1 1.1 b° . ~.., i BID C wrossrena.—An old lady suggest, that thos who are not ebemdantly supplied with be d lonics should ear* all their news papers, and make comforters of them to put on their beds in the cold weather. They should be made up In layers of tan or more tacked In between muslin or calico, and will be foiled to answer the purpose better than cotton batting. KILLIO un WOUBDID.—A dispatch from Wuhington, under dans-of Con 14th boot., an nounces the following casualties, which, we presume. occurred In the ragliptith the raid ers near Washington:—Eton 61st Pa, tilled; Major John W. Crosby, 61st P. arm amputated ; Sergt. Campbell, 102 d P. V., wounded In the leg. Tee break In Freneh Croak Feeder, Erie Estelle Lou Canal, will, we are informed, be repaired at the close of this weck. Although the depth of water In the Canal to lase than tistuil, yet navigation lc not, and bas not been, interrupted. Taa Srramt, Ezzovion.—Tickets for the 'pedal eleotloo, to be held on the 2d of An. goat, are now printed, and can be had, for us* in the several eleetion dtetricts, on appli cation to D. B. Ferguson, job pinta, Gazette Building. A DM was captared near Clarion, on the 2d Inst., after a most exciting elms. It came Into the streets of the town, very mach ex hausted, and was soon run down. Its life was sparod, and It will soon become a Tillage Pet- Tau LADY'S PIIZID.—Mr. W. A. Widen fenny, Fifth street, ham jot remised the Lad;'■ Friend," for August. The number Is an exoellent one. Carr. J. B. Loons, of the Eleventh Penn- IlylVattia eST•iry, and • resident of Clarion, was killed In the late raid. ander Wilson and Hardt. He fell planted by are rebel bullets. COL. Dan. MgCool., who was go dangerous ly wounded in the attack on Benanav moun tain, ill now at his home in Steubenville, and reeovering rapidly. LATEST FROM OEN. SHERMAN. THE REBELS AGAIN FLANKED Chattahoodie Fort!Hellions Abandoned. OUR ARE! MI RIM FROM ATLANTA Ni, Yogi, July 15.—The latest news from Sherman Li as follow': Mottooove, Jaly IL—The reboil burned tharallroed and common bridge acme the Chattalmoohle rim yesterday. Sherman orossed strove and below the bridges, and ef fected a same lodgment on the south bank. The rebels have abandoned their among for tifications on the flhattahoochle:hights. being nein effectually flanked; It is uncertain what direction they have gone. Our communica tions an In a favorable condition. Waenzasvos, July 15.--. A di/patch receiv ed lut eight ancour.cor that !Merman's army was within aLz miles of Atlanta. Cruelty to *tamale, Something should be done by our military authorities to protect the bouts of Mardian In our army from the eoandalone cruelty of those who here them to charge. One writer says on this subJem iinto most return, eight in the %My and In the 011111p11 about Washington, ti the oboe, of hones and maitre. It would be a mercy wore toms Competent author to writs a plea to, thus InJurut oreatunse, to be circa lewd timing onlcore and etildlui. lem told that tho among, enduranto et the horse, to lb. army, le only !bout throe montht. Thiele owing not to legitimate ferric*, but to abuse of um., kind," Another wittier says, that In a number of Intostigatione tuto disputes between mules and their Moen he bad Menus found reason and AMIN) 161 well aa humanity on the side of the mules Ws hive no doubt of the truth of these ta rnish& In ulnoy-nano cases of every hun dred whore an animal Is enmity dogged, the brute Is at the butt and of the whip. Da. Tuoarsoa at before . being created Archbishop of York, had the toothache, and, greatly to his wife's horror, tued chloro form on haring the tooth extracted.• Shortly afterward he received his appointment, and, In an oxcitod manner, . entering her apart. meats, said: "I am Archbishop of York l" The poor lady was madly disconcerted; she felt scoured that he wont jeers were realized, and that he bad become affected in his mind. "Ah.," she exclaimed, "I told you so; I knew how it would be; that horrid chloroform I Go and lie down and compose yourself." A LITIOUPOOL Magistrate having Imelda% to giro ID opinion as toe matrimonial 4112- =Hp whit& cane up before him, toneltod It with lensedie when he ooze:laded his remarks with the following opinion tle always I bad arrangemenkfor =MS People to bon nlativulhing fn the 4 11111111 hems with them —'whether high orlor•litit or poor, It vas unwise to We • wites ester, of • TIM/Ws Of other relative living la th 6 samehooss with them' " VOLUME 1001-VII ErAwiugAlaW i t i lk i POSITIVELY SIX NIGHTS ONLY. nonds79 .l. .dtday. WoduesdayTburS, day. Priday rumsday. Saturday. July 11th, th. ILS try la4th, 11th, maul 16 th. Ora ATorited sze soda earning with now altrsatloas. MODEL TROUPE OP THE WORLD Baum of tha glipustis sad famous DIIPREZ & GREEN'S, ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS I.IID ai:TROPOLITAN Burls sgun Opara Troupe and BRASS BAND Of 24. Renowned, Pordir end Ilfilllant Stan. THE LARGEST TROUPE IN THE WORLD, SueTlizq and Defying Competition. Tor !all particulars, me programmes., pieced/1 sheet, micas bulletin beard.. and the %AEGIS? ILL MURAT'S?, DILL PRINTED nt THE WORLD, the first hemdred of whirl ant sl,too. GLUM ILLTINKS en Saturday arm:moon, Jai 16th, nosoznamiag at thraa o'cloca. rvenlogCann irely.a, dateopen at 73C out manning at prac Priam of en—Parqnatta aad Dram Otral• Mahn, 60 mita; Single Seats Lo Prirata Boxes, 11,0 e r Prints Bona, PAO; Third T ier, 16 cents; homily Chris 25 cents i Miami Beam 65 canta OHM. H. DONIS:4 Ituusgst siam POND. t TOO& 0. OBIECH, --" s .tbd.d Agnte. Wit ry.CONCERT HALL LAJ3t BIM KIGIIII3 Or CARNCROBS & DIM'S AeclN - sa-B.,m_ps, Wb.coe extraordinary eatnlainsnente have been the theme of probe by THE PB.H.SIS AND PUBLIC. THZIR srscnco, TELEIII WITTICISSIS Have made them what they are Jurtly annual to, the name THE MODEL TROUPE OP THE WORLD! Daring Ode week, a change or programers vrill be even nightly.. Adission. 25 =is Reserved meats, 60 cents. J L. 0•1212080:111, Hanger. 4 UCTIOJr BALES A DCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED /08. A 111.1EALS. WA. Dcreirnemcr, Civet= Buraier,} Ocoee of Chief Quarformeeturt Weartreonon, Jut, Ttit. MSC Will be mid al Public Andrfoo, to the big nett bidder, on TUESDAY, July OM, 1864, at Oleebaro• Depot, near Witelabditen,,D, 0., beginning at 10 o'clock a. m TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. Share bones here been cnt,darotad am unlit for tit davall7 screice of the arm). For rout and fanning purposes, mut, good bar gains may be bad. Homo mid a ugly.. Tenn. cub, In United Stetes tttrrency. J falEEt A. AKIN, Lt. Col. and phut Quartermarter, ,1,12:61 Comity Bares. A UCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED .Enla 130119r3. Waa Dmauntras, OAVAIST Brazau, Offles of Chief Quartsrumter, Wasauscrrau, Ray 4, 1444. Will be led at. Pubis, Acted., to the hlghad Id d., at the Ulna and pima named below, Pa.Thrusiday, July 18th, 1844; Ilsailug. , Thursday, July 2lat,11014; Elarriatu Ps, Thursday, July Mth, 1E44 Altoona, ka.,'Thorraday, Affirm 4th. 184 i, Williamsport, Pa , /mutat llth, 1814; Two Htusdn4 (L 0) Cavalry Bones at mob plum. Them Houma ham been condeuuted m malt for the Cavalry &nicest Um allay. For Rand and Farm parpcsai many fwd bargatne 'ty be hasi. oren .old absuly. Terroa—Caah to MAW States carrease. JAMES A. MIN, LW:derma %lona] and Chidquartarmmter, Jy9:taull grain Ihusau. AND BUILDING SITES [N J-4 PITT TowNemze-o.LIATTIIIDAT AITEB NOON, Jaly letb, at 4 o'clock, mill be mdd, on the ontolves, to Pitt township, consmancbm at corms of Psunst Innis oval. and &bank street, no. the Toll Gate, tsar 7d Loll to Bummed plan of the city sstomion, commlstoa lots of garb= alas, fronting an Pennsylvania ILTI9O/11, and on Brady and Brad. dock streets, and an t. Boisongakela river. Liao, 19 Braldt. Bits, dons sad to. acne owl, mitosis stove Pannsylvszda wenn% back of tW old Qat.= lms M mansion, frontl. ma Bobo, Allaquippa and caums, Ln clty distsict. Tans or assa-Onathtrd auk; balanas to one and too years, with intormt, ylocctred by bond and Plane can be obtained at the ►aa7ua Ilcorar. Ho Ed firth tine; or at the cake of W. ffi. Wan, Coq., LIT Fourth street. b 1 1 A. IiaILWAIITIL dace, pAWNBROILENB SALE or CLOTH- L. !NO AND DB= GOODS—Commendsg on HONDA', July 18th, at 2 o'clock, and seeming at 8, will to sold, atliatonts Auction Noose, No 55 Binh stress, a large quantity at somonabla Cloth ing, ootoptising Ana Blank Moth Dress Oasts, Drab Woolen do; Alpseca do; Naredlles, Ltnen, Duck and Bummer do; Oesohnera and Summar Pants, the man and boys; Cloth and Bummer Veva ; Bow , Jackals; Whits Shirts, Natxdkarchista do . Ala, I galas' 81Ik and Boromosr Dome., 011litran's do, ; 811 k and Lace Chwas and Barques; Shads, Bed spreads, do. BuxtN attention to called to thh taboo tbe good. M add without mane. Jyti Y. A. EIoOtZLIAND, antt`r. JIIERCII.I.7rT TWILORS. GENTLEMEN WINHEND FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. In Ms EIoeT VABHIONAHL2 and 1...A.W.Ef3r STY - La:CS. mall do won to call awn 11. O. HALE & CO., RERCEART TAILORS, ODIUM Of MN LIM aT. CLAIR BTBILTS, &dm pnramaing elavirbare. BIESEIL'S W. H. MaGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET, Word! csll lbo attrattbra of barn to his deck of dards It boa born erloated vita part tats, and mutat. oil the need rtrka of d'oodo to bo tot" to tint ciao home. Goats visaing • salt of ebattre made to order. will abase tail sad exatabo oar r of oods and prim.. Ala., m fall sad arplsto stair Furnishing Goods W. 11. 111412:13, Math= WA; Na ID ISt CS& stmt. A ctIO:CE LOT OF SIMMER SACK COLTS, For young dents, of FLANNELS, MEIITONIS. NOTCH AND 1,1111:1110AN COATING 3, And MEIEN[4,- GRAY & LOGAN'S, 1.22 776. 47 BL. CIZAIII yr. HOTEL& UNITED STATES HOTTE, CAPS IBLAZD, Nov 313.231. /01111 WEST ll WIEN =Ark --- Pla•loomo, B. lame to call the 'attention of that, Mende and the pnblle to the atom mageldeent establlebment, welch will be irpealbc the reception Of elettors en the 15n 07 JITIIII. Collie. • 'pack= Dtntojnall 'and Pada" It ean , lake it. animal memo of tortl2oll matt: lid Ed Looms, al lasidootoq WEEE*4 lath coo Thu pcoprtOtoco Edo lotiblialtonst rpme no aro or mace to mug EA wants or glair Mast/ 10g44 to quo) tthaolli la Ids po. eppoatt9atot 20000 mu& to lb* stbicatts, t: iotter to Opp LELA itill ncerl i rma tollw NO. 183. PlA.ros. 4e. WAIdELINK L BABB, • No.I2,RIBSELVS BLOCK, R. OLLIE r. - rAtr, Belie Agent's :la: 0. • Colebrated BILADBII an LICHONACILEB. 041'8 V' X AL. INT 41:::10 ! Ohs... wad irM mare kis Man, tbas otb.,t Pi.. manafactozed La taw coautg. S. D. & H. W. SMITH'S Harmoniums and Melodeons, And PIZSULLL GOODS glaasalr, at Uri knirele Lagoa one Priam PLUMS Po LXT. Taxing aid liapalrtoig door at abort nodal. SW non Nada boxed fa ear J. 24 SECOND-HAND MELODEON. A 6 °CUTE BOASWOOD PIANO liITYI.III LODZON, doable reed, tyro .ter., awls by Hasa tl wlenAU tuntrmutent, arrA la Orrst rule order. Would answer wan for a small Claturlk sr OHAB. C. MELLOB, 111 WOOD MEIZIST. KNABE'S lINBIVA.LLED I Maii E•LA2gOB. ff AILS, BICTOND A DOM3T„ THE BEST PIANOS MADE I SLIME. 48 ?Mb et, 1712 Bab eipsat Or Pittsburgh and WorL Pe. $3 O 135, $4O, $75, $BO, $125, $l3O, ' 17 .135, $lB5, $l7O, OM, $215. 1; PIANO; AT ABOVE. PRICE& Ton ale by ORA). O. Eund.on, perms i•--7_ 7 HAI:010811M8 1 so s il l' EILLODZONO I lerg: m aa t ra . otZ bl thtae, sad 6/3 of Mmfmß HOFFMANd, 80123 M • CO.. jylll go. 63 BIM Btrut, MOW& old stand.. C..1/I.PETB. OIL CLOTHS. lfc. OANTON• MATTING Pd'Farland, Oollins tc ! Co,, lion. 71 AliD T 3 ZIII2EI rrßL@l•, Nat holm to P. 0.. soxcd toot Ham prat received a anvil Invoice of PRZWIC TON STRAW HATTLYO, of the oelebratol H. P. W. importation.. The quality of them goods la am . ble by soy other matting Imported, and the quantity madam them vary dedrable.- Wel.. a 6 00., have also Jost reannd • 6rlr ramelhotty nos, and bamboo= dyke of IPUNCT PZILD ILITTIZTOB, all or which bars kit War larcial, and an, Cher. Iris, the PRZEZEXP . XLITINGB ZN TrIZELp. 11:11T. Ow roma rock a Loa* la WU awaapused edict or misty, and es at al alas WSW oar pl. Own theiowa plod the mar tvIQ alba SUMMIIIi Goons, CHEAP CARPETING, 31,2 A. TTING-S, we have mew open a rplendld eaentoeent of MUT& DEEM sad INLISCIr kt&TTUMNI. at prion Inns than the linattan Inarkstrannu The attention of the public to called to thrsku Goode, u they SIIRPA.SS, IN WEAR AND 137-3/1..1% any other CHEAP anzmstrao In tha magical. OLIVER lI'CLINTOCK L CO., I3RTH STREET NEW STYLES WINDOW MAD =RPM Tall DAT. NEW SPRING STOCK or CIL Te, 1 3 HITS, WILL SILIONIT) OIL .OLOTH., AT ELVALLIIMIL ARPET STOR No. ft TOM= MUM. C.L.LLIS AGEJrr& WOUNDED EOLDIERS, W. J. 8 HAU. PATTERSON. CLAIIi•MECHTS, • Mo. 144 Fourth strut, Pittstrnrilly itro impanel to collect the 1100 Bounty due Wounded Soldiers. KT= WOUNDED SOLDIER:. $lOO 8017111 TY .111. WOUSTIIID BOLD/LBS, h iaf heft ; oak etth No chop made= mmoT to cahoots& camas DA Laosorod py T. & 00111113211:04 T, N 0.103 PM the& to third door ham Chthoina. torklysi Cl /11.1161:1113i. • MACKEELL & JOHNSON, a. Ammo• • ASIP3'OI4II76Y&I.AT.LAIIN Ana O. 8. Lizawd BOLIN= MAIN .10Z1913. XS. n GM= Frarift. Itrmaramt. Pa. MIPPL Y ilmrawss, I VII:% cn LOUNlTYi mcaavin mums a atecelpti64463l3K.4 bribe tab. wiwr. st th. Was. viz: Natio= go 03 all °Um elabasill &V a. O. TATLOB,4IUawy at N 0.73 Glzzat street. nofti 0,, ft. H. B. 110 ammo an ma& if ths data dam *A soma& sad all Inltrmatke OMR/31M 6644T NOAH W. SHAPIOI,, Mu 106 Fifth Otriosti Pittabscrsti. P.. Gauzes= manors. tours% rrasn Ina ZY, Ataolgarouly lame.ted. bins SOLDIEMP CLAIMS, 80T1NT113:43, PLEBEOIIII LAD 11.887.11321 07 PAT himptly atbateAt to lb. 4051112ai150/ta Amu and. tusibusk. 2%,
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