s•'-„~`".: s ue ,~- -~ r Y ~ v _ Vittshunit 6azettt. PIIBLIBICED BY ,PUBIISIIG MCIATIOI TEEMS 07 THE GAZETTE. tionaito tonsber., by mail, per 00. c.cutb— TO, 11). " Dingle A 'Avrao Azzzum, Dy.mll3, 7car aT. ., 14. Wow. Itornos, dada coplos, par yesx4 2 04 ate of 5 to 74 51 claba ofl.ocmcce " 1 ILL —414 au IgLIZZ to the part) 555d.tig tinh. e deb' of Man, Ire win mad the ETI:2IISCI (}assn . day. Por a club of tmmty, we oN wad the . gOlittctontstiens daiy. thrula copica, 5 onttc - jar An aubecriptiorx gerwy to 44. - 311., sad men eitiertelcipett when the tiare expfm. 'Reading Inner from Saturday'g Evening Gazette. Ilmoica with us, fellow citizens l that the -bloated, hollow fabric of speculation and ex: orldtant prices, corjureclup by the joint of forte of avarice and treason, pithily totters to Its fall The preminm on gold took & heavy lee keit y6terday, and the Fires of pork, flour and most other IIOCM arie3 of life, - tumbled with it. There never was a tolera ble reason, a plausible excuse, for carrying gold above-150 or pork above $25, or dear at wholesale. above SS per barrel—and other staples in proportion. All beyond these rates . was a gigantio babble, blown by treason and npsafty r favored by cowardice. Had our great Wake and leading bankers chosen to feed:the market with gold, even at the rate ofjzte million per week, for the lost ten or twelve weeks, the above prices need not have been exceeded. With ten a intone deducted from their gold and twenty millions added thereby to their greenbacks, the banks would have stood stronger than they do to -day,•and been better-able to resume - specie payments whenever the waste of war shall be arrmitod. And even now, if the banks will brit loyally and fearlessly take the part of the people and their government against the gold gamblers, pork-gamblers, whisky-gamblers, and rebel. conardrators generally, we Abell very coon have a fall Treasury, a paid-up army, iiiat and deaf at reasonable prices, and the coun try well on the road to peace and prosper- Gentlemen bankers I if yon deem it your interest es booker• to side with the'specals tars against she people, you do indeed !mis take w_oat grievously. If you 111 T the pathless of. theprodetto-gamaters in their esbemes of tr!iian and rapacity, why that alters the case. —lir. Y. Trib. EAIL Brom, in a recent speech in the liatue of Commons, anted that ono of the regions Why ho did not far. the cotoed inter vention of England in tho Dnnish-German question, woo tho pent power of the United &sus, and tho danger of our nary to their commerce. Ire soya "There are other paris'of the world in which our ierorests may be as deeply Involved, ant In which we may have, some day or other, to mednudis the honor and interests of this country. The cavil war now raging In Amer ico, ending how It may, whether by the es tablishment of an independent republic in the South, or whether it ends most unexpectedly its it would bo to me, I confess, by restoring the Eaton, still the Patted Stens of America, or the Northern States, or whatever, they may bo called, will then be In a totally different position to that which they were in ri; few years ago. A treat army wilt then be man. Mined by the United Staten A formidable navy will then be kept ap. Cur reletbmis with that Power are liable at any moment to in terreplion. I hopeand treat that mu friendly relations may be maintained; atilt those fziendly relations most ho considered mad kept in view as well or our interest In the 11:1103.11t0. stance of the balance of power in Europe." Europe bus now to drink her own bitter cup of humiliation. If she had been Mtn to America in the beginning, she would not hare been degraded, as she is, to the 'teak of a third-class Power, by promising to prottct Denmark, stadia the hour of her peril aban doning hcr to her fate. The "balance of-pow er" ilaaropshas been transferred to Americo. —Phil. Prem. Rumors Versus Facts. The Charabersburg Repomitory glees the fol lowing synopsis of the number of rebel raiders according to popnlar reports carefully col, lated : Sunday crate.' at Willissuport-. 10,000 At Oxon:ch.-- 3,070 At dui nations 4,000 Infanta! How's 10,c00 At Paint of 8,003 At Antietam MOOD Ronda? -Cr ooned at likaristrung--.. 03,000 At Winona 1,000 At Mem 4,000 At North Maantain 1,00 At :lint of Dicks-----.-...-- 17,000 Toads?-croesed at=6oo At Hancock- 1,300 Ehauninirg 12,000 'At Point of 10,000 Wedatoday-crosoi at Duo No loge Jan =say to 350M0 At - Point. ofltocki--.----.—.. 00,070 At 12,000 14,000 ilutroloy-ctoted At llatfetsta--...—,-- 04,000 At Mao! 41,1 U Jon nods to 40,070 At 2 LW At CUM 1 41.0 'AtthoDaini— 0,030 mpoo Witching for 1 0 . 000 47,093 . . Mai:tabs about 300,000 men. reported la 'havitigetosser.the Potomac into Maryland, betides newly 90,000 looking tot Bigot and 'lltniteirandnanrchlagepon Washington: The Z 4 2 oB l lo 7. oo ncludis tint In ail about 25,000 men elltintinally crest the river. Rebel GraUtude. They NOngtou 6tdr says that the preser , , • VIAND Of the TlllllOll cf Mr. F. P. Blair la I des to the interference of Gen. Bteckenridp, who war no donbthitioinseed -by the friendly raja= formerly existing bestows himself . and the eminent owsor. It hi art intoresting 1 fie;lhat. at the time of the threatened duel :•:lttween the Bon. Francis B. Cutting and einteral Breckenridge; the latter repaired to anew Bprino where he was hoitatibly enter ' Lauds said kept ant of the woof the *Mows of the Lev white Shp =elates irate pending Theatre passed part of the time in the nee of Path% In which both exceL Oen. B. fre- Gientke mimed in grateint terms to the -Gmelhen paned under Mr. Mates roof. The pirate pipers of Dir. Blair, composed of cor respondence with Geary Clay, Andrew Jack son and other men of mark, hen not been destroyed, and his plate heabees transferred to the residence of Mr. Wilson, with a note to him by Gen. Breckinddp. They latter is de scribed as havlog become mach atontor than when a 'Federal offlocr, and 9 .1 1 1 3 qbblepri and isasstscam . /2 IS not harp b I that Gener al Aber. I ma is now in pommssion of Atlanta, though it, of courao, is not •nalain thLi be is. We have adviocs from the front np to Monday. -01-1311turdsty"nizht liardee's corps, the lett of Johnston's army north of the Chattohoochs, crossed the river, and destroyed the bridges. Two corps of our army rem mimosa cn etm day, and thelemeSndar a our army were following rapidly. Beadquirlers would be sculls of the river au Tuesday or Wednesday —atriums would Stuns 'push .fer Atlanta. The tUdifitesamen moving In the dirtathil or Eitogi Manntain- There wan an impression that John:ten would not deliver battle In front of Atlanta, in deference to "the Wishes of the Inhabitants, who teleran) . deAre to save theltsiti from destruction. If. John ston than decided, of souse tbero was oath ,ingto priniant mir 'occupying Atlanta; but if, on the other hand, he makes a stand north of the - citY, Atlanta is not yet ours. It would neoesurisily mains preparations on the part or :Gen:Blierman beforeSn attack could be .1,/tOsitild Moms weadd require deco. But our Ptficrnis steady and mare. The "trap" so mien talked about bat not yet been sprang, rlt AinLtlme the bait la dliiPPtartil• THE DAILY FROM CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS rder of B.otecrsne Respecting Et 'Louis Harbor. BLOCKADE WIENER ESCAPED THE MOBILE PAYERS DESPONDING Br. Lam, July 16.—8 y order of General Hos=ins, two tugs, one to be furnished by the underwriters and ono by the Chief Quer termaster'e Department, are hereafter to be kept in the harbor, with a full toad of steam on both' day and night, to tow burning boots intd the river, end-all boats not receiving or discharging freight aro to anchor in the amain. Also, all skin, yawls end other magi crafts are-prohibited from being employ ed in the harbor without proper authority Capt. Ford is appointed military harbor-etas- ter. A dispatch from a tailltary num at St. Jo seph, says five companies of militia, most of which belonged to CoL Moss' old regimont, have pretty much all gone over to the rebels under Thornton. The steamer Von l'hel arrived at Cairo last night with 200 hogsheads of sugar and 200 barrels of molasses for Cincinnati. The steamer Magenta was fund $5OO by the military authorities for falling to report at Cairo on her down trip. The Mobile papers are very desponding, and great apprehension existed there of raids by east and land. A steamer, name euppressed, lately ran the blockade with an nanenally valuable car go, including a large amount of military stores. • • . General Lovell, formerly commandant of of Now Orleans, has been restored to :he rebel Roraima Valtandlgnam, Morgan and ate Guer rillas. [Fr= the Frankfort Cautaaturralth We have stated, as a fact established to out entire conviction, that there was an under standing—an agreement,—a contrze, ins between the pseudg•Confedcrate authori ties and Vellandigham, by which it was agreed that Morgue should invade Kettuoky, it a =rain time, with his guerril'a band, while Viatendiglam ehoeld appear at Dayton at the same period. The loading traitors and rebel sympathizers of Kentucky and Ohio, were fully posted in the matter, end ready for its announcement. Since we swiss that charge, cirotttestanaes which have been developing .in both the Spttcs named; and continue to develop every day, fully demonstrate to every observing mind the camplinity charged. Vallandigham was in Canada. under sentence banishing him from the Gaited States; John Morgan, at the head of a rebel force af thieves and robbers, was In-Western Virginia, awaiting a favorable opportunity: to enter Kentucky. Both Vedinr.digiusm and Morgan, we pro. same, considered the oommareeneent in this State if the oulietment of negroos by the United States into the Federal army, as the most available time for the one to enter the State of Ohio, and rally hid rebellions friends • I &round him to the number of from 50,040 to ieo,ooo, while the other should enter. Ken tacky at the hood of an armed force, moire Frankfort, Leningten, and other points, apd thwi produce a complete, revolution in both States. Bathe! theca iin4eradoes were act ing upon the-be"ief tllat Vallandigham would be arrested so soon as hei made his appear ance in Ohio, and that his arrest would im mediately rally ell the bd con of the Sato around him,to defend hint against the Fede ral etficers. Bat the' Government ignored the presence of the exile' who had been-wail ing end watching from over the border, end turned hid over,to be dealt with by elESta bles and magistrates l And thus all his hopes of rasing an army in Ohio were blasted in a moment 1 Morgan, not knowing of the utter failure of his confederate in Ohio 'to early out his port of the programme, boldly entered Kentucky, and marched toward her cdpital. .General Burbridea force killed, wounded, elaptured and dispersed his band of murder eis,-rebbero and thieves. And thus for the present ended the campaign of these outlaws and their wicked followers. But they are preparing for another cam paign, and hdpiefor seem's. Many of Mor gan's men escaped from the Federal forces; there cfe now In almost ever/ county In this I "hem State some of the leathered forces of the great s- th ief and robber, and their friends, who ease home on recruiting expeditiono and tack the amnesty oath, are Joining them. They am hiding in the houses and berms of rebel 'sympathizers, in caves, sink holes and thickets, awaiting - farther action on the part of their leader, and hoping, to re-esda. undis turbed by tbo Foderol soldiers until they can be reinforced and obtalnarnut and assunemition, whop they expect torob banks, burn bridges, warder private citizens, and lay the country generally inreine, according to their original programme. Viallanntoniit returned to Ohio to obtain renewed lustre a a first clan martyr, by re arrost. In able Ise hasp so far o felled, and in danger of losing what little lutanist at tad's& to 444 in Canada. Ile is of no more consequence DOW, than the mummies in the catacombs. Ilia only _possible shame of-TM:ening his peilsonal-COltrequenni b to reborn to Windsor vniatistartiy, and satnp for unittyrdouregain, andir pietense that the or der far his arrnst Ohio Mutt end that to'rentain in Ohio intolves too mach porional Shill. We charge nothing for this sensible advice, w eb, if acted uponjwompt. ly, might bring down a Veteetibing chewer of dime contrilmtions ; and- saltde coniptcultY, at the Chicago Convention. His vacant seat In that body would be morn eloquent then his presence.-( e. Corn.' COLGAIii R. D. Num, commander of a colored regiment Sn Nashville, refusei a per sonal invitatlen to jobs the Fourth of Jnly parade in Nashville because his regiment was excluded tram the pundit. In an indignant letter to the committee he says: "I do not think my promo would be 'pleasurable' toyou. I knot s yours would not be to me to long as you make .distino done between the demssicion ut, their eountry, width are alike discreditable to your human ity, your 'patriotism. and yen/ Christianity ; distinctions which sheirriustri do not know the letter. nor-cc rupirehead- e spirit of the document whose verification you propose to celebrate; or that knowing end comprehend ing both letter and spirit, yen designedly Ig nore the one and violate !heather.' &VOLSCI itturour.--Oltarles Oita:: minor eon Mof William Oates, otriffe,Mass. tabbedto , to enllit, this* years ago but his p ate ob jected to it. One morning helent to drive the COWS to pasture on his way to work, taking histlinner with h im. But at tight he did not acme back, because he had ran away and enlisted In the 10th Regiment. He re rosined through the three years without a for I lough, and returned with the regiment un banned by rebel bullets. lie arrived in the old pasture at home ode night last week, Jot at' ootr time," and he leisurely drove up the same old eons, as Lf he hadn't been away for three years. Hie "reception" was ts Joyful one, none the less so es his coming was oompletevurPtiae: A 10010 ailailed lady traveling a few days slam from New York to Spume. and lag from ccrasumptiqu, had bean hid oessfulip on a pillow on the Gam by. her husband, while her links girl rambled by her tide. At Lit tle Balls sike fell asleep, and the obild'atim. =need fanning her, ss.ng 111 &lop ing. A piste:gee, however, noticed the pe miler whiteness of her Ups, md. 0* balling closely at her, diteoeered that she woo dead. Ir is related that • colored Feather within our lines, rectutly-felt-ccustrained to preach against the .extortions of the sutlers, from which his loch had suffered. After:much de liberation, he azammaced text ai follows: .0 Now the serpent was more sutler MO 1:17 beast of the field which the Lord 'Ol had made." . Lama from Parts, in a Berlin paper, amiable the suggestion that tjte Garman pow. en should at ence IS some Uri ; steamers, each one of them mood with five or sin riled gays, to the North -American pot% to prey upon British commerce to the eventaf a war. Is le 5 little reatarluble, and we bow Ilttte tho gold znatket is greeted by,war newts lately, !lad .dzdag all - the excitement sad panic oszelatted by the itivaelpa of Maryland, gold bas itaadlly dtollaed,. 1154 from 295 is cow under 290. - • Aer attempt nna mode WV: Thursday sight to rob eta atoning home . of Cop tsln Whoi lov, thehero dew Eathroorgo, stilountlfor non Mee, Roxbury. A son a the .Captain staztad the midnight intradM off. TELEGBAMS TEIE LATE INVASION The Philadelphia Railroad Again in Rimilig Order. • REPORT OF REBEL CAVALRY NEAR RAI TIIIORE INCORRECT. Breekintidge and Etaff at Leesburg on Wednesday. DETAILS ON JA MES OF A LATE RIV UMER.W RAID Return or Shafer's Cavalry Expedition. ITS OBJECT 3 ACCOAPLISIIE D AII.4IEAL LEE ON A TOUR OP INSPECTION Vettela to be Sent Af.er the Florida &ERE ir LT SECESSION ST 11 P LTH u., a..., kt Marmots, • July 15.—The Philadolphia Railroad Company have made arrangements to CCITLIIIIMCO running over their.road to mor row. Gunpowder bridge is not yet repaired, bat a fret bridge has been constructed around the burnt portion. so that parser gars can cross to the train beyond. The bridge was more seriously damaged than at first reported. The report to-day of rebel cavalry being near Baltimore is believed to be entire y In cornet. Oar °avail . ; have made a thorough examination of the country is this vicinity, but could not find an armed enemy anywhere. It is supposed that the pretence of some of our cirlecu econta, sent oat from Baltimore, ,voro t hen by the country people for it.tels, and hence rho reports. Waasurcron, July 15.—1 t to not positively known whether all the rebels have messed the Potomac, reports being contlioting. It Is curtain, however, that small parties have re entered, and aro travelling with their plan der over various roads loading through London county towards SnickeeKand Ashby 'a Gaps. A large force of our troops are in pursuit. It is is reported that Brackenridge and staff wore in Leesburg on Wednesday forenoon in. perintending the movements of the enemy. A number of their stragglers have been picked up by our troops. New Tux[, July 10.—A Herold eorropond ant gives en account of the marine raid as follows: :cm. Point of Rocks, ~ July 13, 4a. 0.. —On Monday, the 11th, Lleut Chambers, of the 34 Penna. Artillery, with 130 men, crossed the James at a point below Dutch Gap, and above Gem Footer's pontoon bridges, far the purpose of auacklng a force of rebels station ed in some mills, borne and honso,_situated on the place known As COX% farm. The force landed at a designated point below Dutch Gap, from Stestmea' Stopping Stones, and re mained there until near daylight yesterday, at which time the commanding Lieutenant de termined to make the attack. The command proceeded quickly up the road to two column's, end stealthily catered ern the attack. The enemy was now found to rtrong force in the barns, milts and hearts of the farm. They consisted of three hundred troops, count:andel by Lieut. G. W. Deming ton, c f South Wolin.. 'she was within , AO bandied and fifty yards of the buildings. The enemy opened a brat Are trial muthetry, resulting in no Injury. When the discovery mot made that the place could tot be •-• 'tun by regular r.ttsclr, I.louteusat Chambers or dared a tharge, he aauto It leading it mom gal lonely. Ho captors'_ a Ltt'otrnntr, a Serge:Lit badly wounded, one corporal and eleven in, Yates. The command was accompanied by a .firing party, whim, upon arriving at • the buildings, smoked out tho rebels, compelling them to glee battle on open ground. In the engagement which immediately fo'lowed the rebels salfcrod severely in killed and wounded . Oar loss was only one man. A torpedo, together with a grannie batte ry, end a argo quantity of powder, small arms, ammunition,munP egnippagt,ftr•v• cap tured. A large amount of rain, grist and saw mills and machinery were destroyed. The Berard correspondent, in the Geld, July 13th, 7a, m., says Captain James Shafroth: cavalry expedition has just returned to ramp, the expedition having for its object the open ing and sthintainarna of communleation with Suffolk and Bowery.Llßl and thit region of the rebel country. The expedition left hero some days ago and has fully accomplished its object. The command met with little opposi tion either in going or coming, SATO from the guerrillas whom they effectually witted out. They also captured a rebel qaartermarter. They encamped for a period of two days just outside of Suffolk withoulmolestation. They returned solely without loss er unlous damage of anj kind, and developed the that that the greatest possible destitution prevails in Saf. folk and throughout the surrounding country; eon, for instance Is-selling at 0300 per bar ren ended] other necessaries In; mope:ton ne expedition brought in seventy horses and mules and quite a number of negroes. Two rebel oftlerce were also ea toned at large and two enlisted men belonging to the signal corps. The World's special says: Advice. from the ripper Potomac confirm the report of the retreat of the rebels into Virginia. Our ar tillery shelled the rebels' rear lost evening. and some stragglers were token, but it was impoesible to intercept the main body. They had, when at Wilson's Farm, 576 p:lsoacia, taken at Monocracy. The Tribune; Washington speeLd says. They estimated that the rebels had event-A 10,000 head of cattle and horses, betide,: droves of sheep and hogs, whtoh they got smote the Potomac while threatening Wash ington. Brief as was theca/al:tat before Wash ington it was bloody. Their killed and wood ed mug have been Ave hundred. The small end wasted brigades of the o th Corps of veterans made sad havoc among them. The Heralds correspondent says: Admiral Lee, of the James river squadron' has gone to North Carolina Sounds en en inspecting tour. Two representatives of Napoleon are with the army AS observers. The Tribune's Washington special says: More vesselsauto be sent alter the Plorid.s. Several promilent secession sympathizers have been arrested at Bladensburg and sent to the Old Capitol ALARM ON THE ILN VIGTO N. GINIA BIDE OF IVASI The Rebels Reported Running the Manassas Railroad. WASHICIMS,Iy M.—Additional alarm 11111 ecualioned on the Virginia side of the ,Potonuto, yesterday, by reports that the rebels were running the railroad up to Mlill/Ma&l. This Is not yet verified, but it le not thought bnpoealble ; and that the &algae of tborebele itare to command the gaps and keep open their conemnnteations between Gordonntile and the Velley. 111 FLORIDA PROBABLY INCOIIIiTERB Heavy wiring Heard limyrrints, Jody 16.—A vessel arrlvod at Fortress Monroe, and reports hoary thing on-the-13th instant off NT South Shoal, hearths noithereet.llol.l the mein. neon twenty guns, whin try sound wee judged to boltrealy-foti miles west from the tight ship. the 14th she wom spoken 14 the U. &mintier Ticonderoga, whin confirmed the above. it Is eurmised chit sotto of our 4 , 11• seli rosy haver eneoratteredtho Florida. Geo. Lew Wallace Relieved o Ins command. ESCAPE OF PRISONERS FROM FT. pIFATET Wasinnnos,Jali 16,—A Vases Weeblng ton ipeeial nye •Goneral Law. Wallace }me Wen relievedof Ide eonunand at Baltimore, I and-thal, Gen. T;lar trill take his plane. - It is reported tbst eve prisoners escaped from Fortitafs)otto on Thandarnipt, ribtr ruan — lng the glarti, nine others making the attempt PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, CITY AND SUBURBAN 1=11432 7:11.1)a tho attack on the rebel &femme before Petersburg, Jose 17, 1044. Oapt Leander Condin Morrow, of the 100th Pa. Vet. Vole., In the .21at year of his age. Daily there falls some patriot in the defense of this loved country. Daily sad tidings are borne to onxioa. fr.cods, who weep for tLo of one whose place cannot be filled in this acrid. Shay fall, the noblest men of the eon:all and world, samiloes upon the alter of their country. Captain Morrow was among the first to on- Ilst under the President's requisition for 16,- 000 men, in April of '6l. He joined Capt. Le-SbEllfel (now Col. Leasure) comltatty as a private, and served his term of three months In his company, which was attached to the 12th Pennsylvania, dol. Campbell. On the expiration of his find enllstment,'Capt. M. immediately volunteered to go with Captain Moore, who had authority to raise a company for the Round Head Regiment. Ho was appointed a corporal in Captain Meares company. A vacancy occurring in the first iergoantoy of his company while at Beaufort, N. 0., Corporal Morrow Was by his company Gloated to MI it. Not long thereaf ter another rnaaney occurred, which gave Sergeant Morrow a commission is second lieutenant. Lieut. Morrow afterward(' hold the pogdon of lint lieutenant, and Woe for . o long time acting aid de camp on theistaff of the brigade courasulder,Colonel Lenenre. In . Mardi last Liett. Morrow was appointed captain of V-. vtoo Ross, rerigoed. Capt. Morrow plasod safely throffgh all tho battles of this memorable' campaign on ha-med, =tit the lost attack of the corps on the enemy's works, width was ruceessfaL lie served his country faithfully in South Oar olina, in Virginia undor Pope, Maryland an der 61cOtellon, and again in Virginia under Burnside, in lior..ucky, in Mississippi, at 'Vicksburg and Jackson, in Teaneiceo, at Bien Springs, Campbell Station, and during the solge of Knoxvillo. In all of these, none conducted thoraselves with more valor than did Capt. Morrow. Young in years, he is mourned by a mother, sister., and, still more, by his young wife. They lament his loss, so. I will his many friends in the army, end at his home in New Castle Pa. The Case of AldOrman Kelly We hare already reported the conviction of Aldermen Frank Kelly, upon two indloMatute for misdemeanor in ofSee--the first to taking " one hundred dollars as bail for the appearanco of a defendant, and refusing to retMa It ; and also for neglecting to return to cont the in formation in the ease. The other charge was for appropriating to his own use the eproceede of a judgment amounting to ab•int eighty dollars. The defendant appeared in court this morning for sentence, but In the mpart time ho had enlisted as a volunteer In the Fourteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, and had been duly muttered into the service. A mo tion was pending for a new trial in the LIM= case, but it wee withdrawn by his coshed. The Court, to passing sentence, remarked that, in the firit case, there war very little of which the Court could take cognisance. The retaining of the ball money was altogether onside of his powers as a magistrate, and the indle•ment.was not regarded as valid. -The refusal to return the information was en of • fence, but nothing sedans had resulted, NI the same defendant had bil'en =led hafore another magistrate, who returned the Information, axle stood his mat. Tha motion for a tow trial, however, having been withdrawn, the tae reeled upon the verdict, and the Court im posed s nominal floe, and ordered the defend sat to return thy money sad ;a, costs. In the other coo the amount had ti ea re I !nodal and the deten inn, was let off on guy menu et a doe of fire dollars and outs. Tte partici tarn the Shorth's oCe• for the porptic of codling lap reitilites-UL'Ar width the Alderman srvuts he firmislied with transported , n to his regiment. I.he Case of Alderman Vlaurgui This vss-toicv in the C:net Qr. - ter o•c. 'taw, fr a the rasa of James E. neaten, in f 'to Seventh ward, convicted or receiving sttlen goods, with. drew the motion for a now tie:, and the de fendant appeamd for sentence. It will be recollected that Alderman Flans:gin got into this dila:laity under rather peculiar citron stances. IThfle a train was about to leave for the east, with eon, troops aboral, a °al ined man neared Edward Lewis was entrust rod with a hundred dollar note, by a colored soldier on board the train, named Beverly Peterson to got changed for him. Lewis took the bill, bat did not return any part of the money to Peterson, slinging that the train went cff before be could get back with too change. Lewis afterwards fell in with Finnegia. who approved to have been ender the in:lnenee of liquor at the time, and when Flanagan board of the mans ner in which !AWLS bad become possessed of the money, he arrested him, but he was sub• inquentl) released, the money was divided between them, and they spent most of it la dissipation. The facts coming to the knowl edge of Capt. McClintock, he instituted crim inal proceedings °satins both parties, which resulted in Lewistising convicted of larceny, and Flar.egin of 'receiving stolen goods. The Court sentenced each of the defendants to un dergo en imprisonment in the penitentiary for one year and eight months. Soldier. In Trouble Wt taro ►trendy alluded to the strAtehing of the show window in Ltaffs►n's hardware store, Wood street. Two mea noosed George Dickson and George Wilson hate teen &neat ed for the act, and admit that they are the guilty parties. The only cornea they offered was that they worn drunk. They are tow In the lookup, endeavoring to raise tho pries of the glees, two hundred and twenty-Eve dol— lars, which, If paid, will prevent their being rent to jail. Dickson belongs to Manchester, while Wibon Mall from Philadelphia. Both have served. throe years tho army, in the 2d Went Virgtui2, Logiment. Sentence at Andrew Watson In the Criminal Court this morning, the Die. trict Attorney called up the moo of Andrew Nir shoe, convicted of fornication and bastardy, on oath of Margaret Harker. The defendant appeared hi court, and Judge Mellon passed sentence as follows : "To pay $5O to the Poor Directors of Allegheny City ; $3O for "lying to" espouses ; $3O for malcitanaeoe of the child vp to the prosemt time, and the gum of $1,25 per week, for the perlod.of fife years— and to give bonds in five hundred dollars for the faithful observance of the sentence." Pomo* Arrorsvirandes.-7 1 an following ap poinonents were made Police Coto ratites of th e AlleghenyCouncilu last even hog: Lieutenant of Plight hic• ' Chesney, vice Robert McKeon, removed. Day Police George Strain, Ambroie Lynch. Night Police—Samuel Liedger, Richard Batley, J. Battle. The appointment of Mr. It. A. Clerk, ae Chief of. the police, Mil not confirmed by the committee. Mr. Clark will, however, officiate for the present. PiIIINISTLVANIA WOUIDID.—Among the list of casualties et the hospital near IFaehidg• ton, we find the following: Major John W. Crosby, flat Pa., arm am putated. Major Crosby was wounded in the Wilderness, and had on Monday night join ed his regiment in time to tube put in this tight. Sergeant Worthington, 156th, inn strna. J. B. Range, Co. 8,16 th Oast" ad In the foot. Tam LADDL!! tfr T A Heart's MOM. By Amelia B. Edwards, rialtos of ' , Barbara's History,' "My Brother's Wife," Published by Harper & Drothors, and for solo by Hoary Miner, 71. and 731%th - street. From the brief glance we have given this new can. did.ate for the favor of the raiders of Lotion, wvbe.yo formed a favorablrrimprasolon of Its merits and a good opinion of la moral. Haw Parra—We have reoelyed munbers one, two and three of, a new evening paper stmc.l r e . L:blielmd by the 0 1Dionatals Company." Sstd paper is celled the ' , Cleveland Evening I:Septets," and de about as large_ as a echooli/00 thnnolt•PlPar- Eat it is neatly printed and Welly edited. Long may it wave! gars OUT on.—Wm. Sinitb, !eliding near Zattemills _Ohio, lutl.bla baud ate by • mowing :Maine, on Wtdnalday dart. Ii baeame nedenary to amputate the um below the elbow. DrszTreas.—Tho toll...sing name d soldiers are reported as having deserted Prom the army hospi tits in this city Joseph King, L, 10V. Pennsylvania; Henry Deane, I, Stb Pennsyl vania; C. Fazgorald, I, !' .l Pennsylvania Ar tillery; John Smith. C, IlYtn Setinsye. ants; Wm. Watson, 12th Ponneylvanis. Ur? on :EL' Asir.—Capt. 'Thomas Rio- Lnughiln, of Company 1, 1021 Ponnsylrania Regiment, who was soworely wounded dosing the battle of the Wilderness, and who has been at horse for come weeks on a leave of absence, started for Washington this a,ozaing to rejoin his command. 11Asteca's MAGAZIES is ont for August; also Polloc's and Leslie's 10 cent Monthly, et Pittook's,opposite the Post dace. Rallrond Colltston—Orer One Hun dred Rebel Prisoners Killed and {Pounded Locul - ran, Pa., 3nly 15.—A train with about 850 rebel prisoners, on their way to Camp El. tetra, collided. with the Pennsylvania Coal Company's train between :here and Shop°la, this afternoon, killing and wounding a large :amber; reported at over one hundred. Vetettine Hetnrnlng 00111 C CLtno, July 16.—Thn Ninety.fast New York, veteran volunteers, Lt. Col. Taken, firm Jackson and Now Orlonne, arrived hem lust nigtit. They Jouvo for home this morn ing by special train. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIM ED In the Poet toroce at ilkghmy, State of Pennsylvania, the 18th day of July, IN To obtain say of thorn letters, the appliCant most ' cell for ode:rased letters, entitles d+1148,44 alt. lliti end pay 0411 cent for advertising. ... , A, .., If not called for stalla ear torn'M they will be rent to the deed letter oillke. Tree de ve of letters m rc*: x ofownen li m y hemowed b yo.... e g- :4Hllrear toll lff r i n o g e rake: I Direct Ictioru ploitly to the strut and number as well as the pout office and State 2 lined letters witk the writer's post office and State, areal and number, Itign them plainly with lull name, and request that amtrom be directed amord. tally I, Letters to strangers or tenement 'biters In a town or city, whom wheal all...gamey be turtmorm, Heald be marked, to the loner left-hand comer, with the word '• trarteleut 4. Place the pmtage sump on the ripper-right hand corner, and leave 51.0 between the stamp and aireralou for pet merloou without interfering with the writing. N. B. A reopen for the acorn writer, if unclaimed within 10 day. or printed with the writor'a name, State, germs the left-hand end of I the fee side, will be complied art pre-paid rate of protege, payable col dillvered to the Iter.—See. 18. la Ana? Annie I Ford Rebecca Al' Alexander Ina , Plebe Pete, Arbockle T 'Plebe Ruh rt Adam. Wm I G B ililleapie Eatiel. Balton Alferd Graft Freda. lob : lloy le Daelol Grum Harriet Beynon Elialcb Graham Jae 0 C Black Fred :Grubbs Joe Wail Bond George J iGravm Mary A2l : 4888,alay B W 2 Orita Ram Bell Samuel Il Graham Wm If 2 Baker Sarah J 11101 Wm if Bennet 8 , Holmes Ate! a I, Baxter John 1 I II Frienea of 4 211Letrolt Ate 1 Boyd JSi lion Devil 1 Brown IT Illmcock Phu le nogcaßlary E ;11-urter Eliza l &Land Mary !Hamilton Eliza Bradley Henry A! Hallett Ella P Darkly Wm \Elarrlsou Ile %V Bradley Wm Hare Ere and Dinky Wm Henry Esther Bartuo Bobcat ,Illaiett Gs. r... 3 Bradshaw II J 'Hamm...AK oet I C- - , Hates! lies t . ~. . • of a totter to the • or tree, written , pad raw, awl the oheelope, on th at the nettal hot& tho letter It 1. le of YOWL Mercer Eonstat Mahan, Sas. iseemor Sarah Ma Mg J 13 Martin, autos 211thonald A liana Deus I.9claroy Edvad ItoIKE= John 11celly Jan , IltettuAletal IllfeCturcoU Ltd J ,Dlcerosob 91.- A itterlke J 9 Smith U iti atlth giiat Stewart Geo aastaimmill G. &tails Hannah tteteaeou 1 LI Sanas-lota Iraltb ita awl Itebema alacta , r i t ta. unlit Her %Ta/ , r T Tartar Chu War Ttaaa,:aiin cat L, • hayet. Ito). it 1 . Circ. won Mary Tooaaat Rau sa ' W al'ers alma Et r Adam ilc Ball. !HodCr ditto o:e . 3 ..3.: Cbaatrtok Armla 11111 I•rn! , Coiren Hilts Ile: , :c... 3 .3. It Courne It. Bork t.. 33.- Cortese Drury et LI,J ,I. I' 'II.I.TAI Ilerry ili... .1. I 'ailnry J•4III 11.,... , ,'.• 1011 i. , J. 111. - • t. , t0t1..... Joo P , II .3”.. II ' ‘ Nuton lt, Jr. ill u r -, ...I.t. er ! COIUIDELL lettosela Hon 3. . Ct 01,3 l! .r 7 Ann Il..• emotes 11ec.01.1 131. e .3 te ... Cott lo* iteulon 'II tot. ..-ril Vito -1) • Ire Dr. -r. Wriili to Jlociett Alfr,l 111 3 I .r. t Wet, I node I.lrelo blre Doi. Prerellto .6.. 33, 11... G Dai,34 , r. 2. I}: •• rII N 0., 41 Il• Joe IF ^I. u .. , 3. , erelit...J. uo ~ J re. Le10..1: hire 31. .. o , J. DootrOrrty Iler t 14 1 . .. ' ..1. flu.tao Laaptaln I L. Leualtato il. T ' • Is! NI• . rt I Ltag,,, tin Drl.lgt Lht li'm 1 . r 1 nil,. I II rlnher ?arabllrlre , 13 ' , 1 , INAtter J. ' , I , 4 •,, Divelel.l F..ran lilottsel I r r VI...At Toy 1:111ree 11trr.... 1/ell.l /I “1011 2.7 r 15.:,......, 1 i 1... FNIIIJNI. lIID 0 DI t1... J ... 11 Mato E i Nr.ner War A. tounki. I Tiraaf 174r,1er J. LE, POrttiMilter. :TiERCII.4 ,VT TAILORS (4FINTLEMYN FIRST CL.P.23 GAIIMENTS. L !":.17 YL 1.1.13 wm2lll d. , II to ...II 13p012 11. G. RALE & CO. ligßcilANT TAILORS, 0n.74 tr. QV CLAM uracra, 8452 n. siamtur• BISSELL'S ,CK W. H. cCIEE. 0 ST. CLAW %TWEET 'Would sell the attontton of bard - . to his .tort of pods. It hes been telocool edit, smet ease, md cmtains all Me mews asst. at sco.t., to be Woad it dreg class homes. Dente Istehlos salsa of clothes mods to order, will ohm. call sod 02111:111114 ora good, and elms. Sam, • full and tmaploto stock Furnishing Goods. No. lu et. iliac . street. Plttsblt A CHOICE LOT OF BUMMER SACK COATS; For young Gents, of naNnEt.s, natiTo7lB. 'MOTOR AND ANERMAN WAVE* And LINCELd. nt GRAY & LOGAN'S, WEI No. 47 BT. CLAIN. BT HOTELS. UNITED Fr/M:S ()APP. ISLAND, 9cm Jnurt. JOlial WEST, &k 13 0 ,3 1-- -----rso;urross. Bag leave to colt the att.:chock of thdr Mond. • th• publln to the above meipllfteent 08%611.11mm; whirl .111 L. open for tb • reeeption of elgtoh cat the Iron OT JlTti Z. Madder, nArmtettms Dln(ng Roll end parlors, It ime. UM/ as mama number of large end •rell vaotlL t,A Dul Demo., all bendeemety furnlebod flak rope famltnre taroagbcort. P.TrletOM of this ertabllibMent wRI .poo noon. or ...Wow to mat the wienta of their poem. thereto, Lenin; to there Itb , r4l) In the nubile p.. • tronskl. tovu.tation for naps oo 1.51.110 1,7 btu. t 0 bland; rW receim a laol=ri toter NVEST 6 efc. DR. J V.PEER, 196 Pena alreaL, (Atce Et/ant T., 9 a La. aact to 99. to. I ,, alllng, La. D 3 TEDSHOL srartrv -21 uogij My, when ottlt will attenilal to pt 7 12% e% o'clock ditty- be my 21.4 DR F. BliffE, Burgoan as ct &aaonahOur, 11.4 BAIStIYIEI.fI t. AO. ha= 5 bal. DEJOVENATOR--Will ponitively_yo .llU earn .1/61.111-10_ OBINBAL WILOB.OOO • . . =T man Tim /Luisa corr. of the gigot board* emu rutorus..thia Le um only mu yet ilAemeared Mit wiltt were settee:U. vet Alb the directions Are farmed. .lor tole bJ • • 6ltiell 1013.16167061: GEO. B. =Tan, •11. MeOLABILULA OO.. JOS. mr.tuisch , 6 GM). A. SILLY t 70.. .I.VUSE.7I3E.IrI'S, PITTSBIIBGH THEATBB Dorm ,k Cam. TWJ NITS NOBS. MONDAY & TUESDAY ICYALNINON, Jr.L.T 162.1 AnD 19T17, 17E1. &muse and at rectlon taruqualled. Grand famell Connecta, wad hut appcorenco tbi evening end tc• morrow tlahl of :he stTentic rod femora D11PE..13 Z GREEN'S NEW ORLEANS MINSTRELS, introducing on each contdon the scat extraordl• nary end pleating bill yet otic,red, conetettng of the foiloreing con pm Wake up WlEllani Henry, The Great Fireman's dung, and the Corned Mother and her Child from the Bnining Flame., She TharronE Lim of Y01...1ka, The French National Anthem, Charley'. Bird lestructiorte on the Banjo, The hi • Med Derkrye,The lactiosque Boat Bac., and • nod of other pinta. Doors open at 7, to comments at E 3 o'clock. aduthalon—Drees Circle acs Pant... Ate, SO cent.; Galbrias, 2) cont.. DOM. BOOKS. 4L1117.1118, Cfc. LINCOLN & JOHNSON LINCOLN A JOHNSON LINCOLN 4, JOHNSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER CAMPAIGN SONGSTER CMERAION SONGSTER. NOW 12.11.A.L)1e ITIPTEEN CENTS 31•11t4. pont.pald, on receipt of prbr. Addroas all crders„ to Imam prompt and wcfnl titration, to JOHN P. HUNT, No. E 9 FITTU STBECT, MASONIC BALL. 11J5 LINNETS TRJAL. •6t S. EL , •athorua of ' , lines 1..a.^ :form • tth “P:iint." i vol. ltmo., cloth. 11-5 a .•11 you cant • book that to real—if polo need book that is r angst arid satisfying —a trna book, not filled with &pay and doceptlon, take " LLNISZT'd TRIAL" hum, to road It ale with ere and heart. "ntrip off the shell of the story, and coarsens gen uine admiration far tie rtmeliast scut of Use writer, loyally sit Wog to strangthen watt hand. and revive the mmnge to neon', owtrbortheued hearts •• Thar. la Ices exciting lorldint to s• Linnet's Trial" than "Sri. Lon". foal for trust:id stadia of char-aorta from the chrjriniog ratio Rae to to. dnished perfect wife Lenora, Mantling tbo v.t7 Coglisb wrd arid& Brandt., with tiara ho it net gotta multless as a brow, we may my this book la the bat attempt of the authoreaL which la gulls recces ormadalbsi:ouph for theta who have been so fortu nate as - read *Tyra Loot ' The Loa. Reeder as.. of it: "tio ale will ho ditoppeintad with time charming tale of tome life and la.. Ittestioue. It to wtitten chi ma booty of idyls—sharp wad iltpoont. ^The Mary le divided Into throe p ort Before the Voddira." " Before eta Taal, ' "Mir it was bor.." The character, a, Carlene sod well Moen .. ; "Itrar.drn, with hla evocable .11-concelt, hla picafant and adoettOnata araa, good Wan and gay terri.r, to woU Aired, with the aid of Son, to ens rata tee ll o ht cooedy of the story. Then for the t•tional eluizent, ornt, deepur tateteat of the bc.we, taro to Capt. Vie rammer, and hie tenet bird el worta—lais beantltal Errand the so erra.lea sad •••••••....t.,t3n, reeerwel sodoot meetatord ; she ea trOpulatee, heed resolute lobe. oe7 and rot al to t t emporamee., Q. to brood and sachet.:", but duals/1- , r , • world of teodar sad I.contic rater. care tat lank mama Le lowed "Pb raj ft.. Rhea morns.: the war break.; trot to Sod., aid V. ruk regPm.ot Le ordered there. Litt. oa ,real boo now coma, llow her tins sod faith • •r• tried old n^t loOnd watOrg Vara voila out, end retnrna w our with hit honor cated by a Ulfs lab.= he 1.11 u. t dem two.. aro. err-tee, - by tl.a who .•vrld exceptwoe sod faltbfal wlte. resat trtioca Li ihe woodsy. charm of 110 who:. Meek Linnet is hke am alabaster vale ordy 00 01 to peat...mt. slum lighted ny Mtn with. V.'l, , !lan F. 4.4 IVateock to•rirs Willlama V W wyli.Go • V , ll. II onry Wll,l Vl4l ti . I . avt.t Bars.ll Wible June T MIMEO HENRY MINER. N EW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I RISE LTD PROGRESS OP 51373 DAY SOISOOLN —A blovsphy of Rebt. Barton and Wm. Ton. By John 0. Power. Vol.l ?floe $1 00. - A tdANIIAL ON EXTRACTING TEEM— Wounded an the Anatomy of the parts Involved In the Qpollo3oo ; the kinds proper construction of instruments, Jec. voL IMno. lII.tVEN OUR ROUE. 1 vol. 12mo. DAIIESO At3rD SIIPTEILING. By Lieut. Patten. pr. .1 lama sant, of tba latter work Just recolted. d a p J. L. HEAD. 78 Tourtb 5t70.8. - - - - MEW BOOKS—Tho Two Commis- Wm.; the lgostalleal trutg.r..t, by, flee. Dr. Yantis. price 80 motet She ikeek. of COOl. =Oa Pram, ea amended la 1861 by the Watioin later Dieters, edited by them W. bblehls, D 82,00; Carlyle'. lerederi-k U. Great. ImL 4,11,75; Nineties beentlful years, 90 oentm ElumanDadness; by dladtma atoparia. Ter *ale by D GLAIIXE d CO., ducrlodr SALES. UNGI 'A 11.1 .1) FREIGHT.—THUSS DAT 110B171BG, J. 17 2Stly, al 10 oNdock, tern ber‘lo, at o'6oo=a-rola bola 1,...001a. Ba, 64 hint .vent, to .y freight sad charges, the Sdloylog rm.. otaimed Prete% which has ham noted wish 6, B. ' Illeyd • 00., 80. ED Liberty street, Yl•teburgh, by' Um ilerrelamot A IltailaTr6l7 B. 8., the Plitelforgh, Lott Wayiaa • Chichro Boilway, and tha Pittiburgb • Comulloille B. B. No. lifevka. • - dracka. • 1, J. 11. Bolf.lwahte.- 2 that' sod 1 box; ' . . Jones Bvde. u, " 3. David M.r..&tlre, boxer; bor, 4. Adama A 00., box Glum.% 6. A. H. Bowen. Allegheny; bampor; 6. B. Williams, do, box taboo" 7. Otis Crown, box liquor; IL W. 11. Peeples, . boar; 9. Mary nays, box; lu. J. F. T. Wright, • • I seed somas sad 2 bars; 1 1.1. A. Bradley, 'swop machitter, 13. Wm. Bally. Eke. Laud's, cheaq 13. Wightuma At A., on barrelx It. Dappold, Appel A Co., box • bib, csave 15. J. B. Danaaroy, half hand Bah; 16. Thos. Lowry, haws 17. J. M. Forrester, keg item; 1.1. A. 67.cOartaey • Co., I plows coeliac, 19. Alice Qum, 0. 3 i CO. Adana 0 OM. . 66 froa 01l barrelt; IL. Olveo & Box, baler rags, Zl. J. Bay, . lot tin Wel 23. If . lids. • , belPi al. J. Hugh" linsi 26. J. 11, Arica, . lot lemise:me; se: WIT. ILTI;e3, • 1 a - ais - em - M -'' ' .6 W. Lyday & Charpeaning, 1 hoz U. • CL Monism, 1 cheaU W. kLoPhilamy & nicady, 1 Waco castinil 30.1.0. Wonirldge, • 1 Cron barrel; 31 Mary Chwategho al, 1 trunk M . 4131 32. J. Alcamo; bar Wili'd McGowan, 9 grand cartm o.A.lLachler Co., 1 boa; 31. IWili OW° 33. Duncan & Virilliame, 1 D L ITan a 1 ht. 434 warns, 1 hall Darrell 3r. John 11111cr, 1 big; IL Unknown, I wawa 11. Do: 4 halt bbl. mackerel; W. Daniel Geiser, I threlhbi machine; JaWheart4 L. ltelLMallill. matt. A UCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED .0 I. /maw& Wad Deteernerisr, evader BMA , Otral et Chief Quertermuter, • Wesinscros, July titi„ 1151. WM be add et Public Auction, el the Mg ert bidder, on TUEADAT, July Mb, 1811, et °iodate Detre, ode TiludlOgeoti, D. 0 ., beglunleg et 50 &deck e m r TWO 111INDIOLD CATALAN 1100=1. These boned hove tam 'condemned es rain for the :crony genial ot the army. Per road did taming pommel, =ay good W eld may be had. gorses sold rage. Teems cash, in United Meld etareucy. JAALLB A. AKIN, Lt. Ca and Mist Quotietadetet, (litiobp Rood. AUCTION BALE or CONDEMNED HUMS. Was Drrastrarre, CLTAlMBnizatr, Mks of Mitt Qoaattratader, Waantaaras, July . a. 1684. Will be told at Path) Auction, to the blgbtat Id. dar. of tha LI/A.4a pima. abated Wow TI3 labarum, Pa., Mandy, inlyl4ll. I M4; /Widths. Pa . Tbaradl7. Jolt tilt, MO Illarrlatmrs. Pa.jbunday. llgtbL,Thek Altoona, P.. Platutday. t..nnattib. to* • Willlarturat. Pa. Angnit 1E44 ' Two Zundrad MO) Paul:7ll=r at oath Theo Hotta bar* beta oar.dasarted mount for Cs. Cavala &tufa. at Ms SM. /or Zndso.4l.Zsati pnrpcsar many[ood bargains May De bad. Hama *old sines. Torma—Oasb t 0 Unitad Mtn camency. JAMS MEM, • Llauttamatt:klatal sad laltianaattar, bibtaalr Umiak/ B'n.'"L PITTEnUlten. Pi 0 VALUABLE SPOOKS AT AUCTION. • ,451 =MUT 717141Nai sail 15 at. at 8 oklock,wisKa Sag . ; atAxatearlit Saks Itortas, 80. 88 Mu street: LL , • - ti gums Bank of Pittibin•; 10 do Itormagahtla Ba flank Stack: • ate y w daIaWLLISIS. Mar. FOR 14.11. F.--FOR RCA - T. .F 0 R SAL L--uitgAT LEBANON X.S.IIIK AND 1511113.85GY, situated 4%cars from Tot city, an the old Wiablactedi road- adjoin. lug Ciotti's Church. Ossins 100 ass, ah cudor foss. Tbe Improsesenta waist of a large lida Arelling, built in mod= style; .'.o obi Prams Arellings, Lthre, Padang . Renee • large Bank Bare, 40 by CO , with 4200E01 s sta4Lo ; orchard of t h e boot aelecrion of fridt, coctstelag COCO be treas. The farm Li well. watered, Vitik tare slur-gating spnasL Connected wsh the ahem tr the "Omni Lebanon Nustry,..corbyrisirg 130, , X0 apple Tow-1, 2, 3 and 4 years old. 32,0n0 r.x.14 zrar-1 7aarola 14,000 Cherry Tres-2 awl 1 yens old. 13,000 Pear Tres, dwarf and standard. 2,00 Quhue Tres, 10.0.00 Made Tres, sus tad. 20,000 Eve.n% rs. 20,000 Grape Vie 40,000 Seedling Peach, for budding. With a Lugs assortment easel fruit. Thlt Pars sad blurs., is offered at a law pris and tams wour, to which the tpiwlsl attruti3n of capitalists and nur serysen V listrarL uk tr l ply at the aloe of bib D. Me St 00 102 Tot- thetreet. pOtt SILLE--813BURBA_N bat 3 A.ND VILLAGE LOTh, sus Fos, tuos.—Tbs undersigned. Itzscutore of the estate of John Efer ran, dried, co da for tale a uttrober of lads, hoes tet. 1:41 , to two acres each, situated near Tort Ilerron, and within three intent= walk of the terminus of the TittAburgh d Lltsearflle Passenger Enllway. Ttu abore luu are beautifully located for iterate rerddrnres. Alm, a number of ®ell Tuts ba the eilluTe tll silla,froutb4 rd, the Palaengsr Ballwal—ttnrry qty lost trout and from one to two hundred bet 7,1. lateroistven mei:dreier either at the tinder. tippled, or W. A. DEEM 15„ Clort'e Office. Doan . Douse. Wikr. HMEIDOS, JOllle D. EraitlOD, • It O. lISIIBOH, DYSSON, Treeatort. 08. BALE. L mg, of no sae. cf ogoollent land. cuutly Pralris. a part In ttnaba. two mile. from ac. mit.. from the Pactito flattrcad, ..Eared fs ado on favoratlo totam. Good for tarating and grant:4. Land lc mined cm Ogg and surrmanding UAL.. IVI:704 lad WBlBl . IWO OM*. Frac mooing Weems cn the tract. minors deoeriptlon cam bo hod on appl!cotinl to Miiiii.ll.l.,:i:imons.mwsal , r . sM , '3Oll SALE—A Fnrm of 118 acre: v iz Bt. Clair tounahip. WartmorobLnd - Also, • Farm of 1411 sera baillsoboth 'v rur V okdp P' loghtmy want,. Also,a large two.atory Brick Rowe and Lad to tha Borounb of West Elisabeth. Also, • VASA or 145 AOll2B, In Vmaillos tp., Allagbany cminta,about one and a halt miles cara of tam bonne, of blahnosport. Also, a vary valuable Vaal In St Clair town ship, WastruoraLaad county, containing 110 aura. also, 12 BULLDOG m tho borough of Woos I.llzabotn, 60 by 120 Lot. ror vartlouLars Inquire at ISo. 160 Fourth street. 012 O. H. 2:059121.. tad Estate Agana MB SALK Hurnaoe Prop 4 rtY. The C 1 / 4 LI/08.11LL 11711.11 ACE property, mar Lanytillnycoara, in Weemoroland 2.mnty, eolnpria -1,,g WO arra of 1.4, arttb annumlon bon,* mai pia hon., darallinya Tor ttaVa, mitl Otkon . I. offend at a VEILS L O W YILLOZ. For a narticalar dzserlLtlon of the Ocal Veins, Ore Banks., Watt,. Power, Lime:Mar, Sc., apply to /YU ED r 01373311 ElT,Barke'sLit,g. fittlE SALE—The Country Seat or the late r an:MA Douglas. doceened„ situated in Ool• tins cm:whip, one mite from the lilleghaq y, containing Lite= not., in • bib state of ' craziest:on Wog well stacked with fruit trent, theablo7,4o., and patty underlaid with coal. To puttee seekhog peoesd procesty, combining nd. ratan , . or eery accent, eeme r y , health and good neighborhood, tlal above affords • r u n opportunity of enterang at aura. b the enjoyment, of e torsi tome. roe turthei particulars inqu're at the ofttoe. of DOU,L.en, No. 67 Non drat. 4.43 ad Et. 11. DOPOLdit Li'Oß SALE.-1 am tiethorir.cl t 3 sell between to time oriel of land In Man.' orester, adjoining lands of Frederick Gcna,_STlllJare Eckertano Elr. - Updike; It Woo adin,ur ro Lb Sao. These are a number of apple ited ant - 17 tees on tae int, la booring mndlileni. this lot would be taloable for gardening parpono., er would bede.::ra ie kn • counter rerideace. .6 atroet Pained igang o and, and ...Alio road alarttb• other end. end, Lnot anti bl the "- ^' a DAT F it bo offered at pate saloon that day, at 3 . o'clx.k. aa th•re-nsaok For p farther porticularo can on the sobenet-a - , at. the Pad OlSba In /dnachnter. jealandantilf ritor. SALE-One new Etenin Engine, I. IS Snell eylindor,lo Inch stroke. on tem Iron bed; Worm entre goweenor- Om LI Inch oyllndrr.M inch ettOit., remadelmeld., roll will be se good se new. Ono T tarlselltoder, ED itch Woks, now. Om " . Two Cylinder T3e . ilers,lB to. awe, 10 neat lam. Three " • BO . 19 • Two Wrought Iron Oil Stills. dim, Thera Bela of Boring Tools, for 011 Wens. Map tar cosh. Enquire of It. wiz, E nt Alleghony Etre, Bank. nom the Point. Nrst door to Port Otdos. .BICaBALE—STEAM SAM !ECU 1 1... ND OIL ItlinNXOT.—ltint ors.haiL or shrill of an Oil Badnory and alma Ban HUI, Vlth ion and one-half acres of maid ; an alonzienca at me ea On tot—inbanopsa and being worked, donate on the Llbiabsatt atm And A. V. B. S. is erred for We. The Bednws Unser and of modffn brad. Its Sao 11111 Is to Wmaid ordr.r. and Is well stirs soot, bathos • ores% running from ta to the good locallty tor building boats. Tor parent= call on the LION! 21 0192 '41- 151111361, Ito. CI Band stave. Pitirlizrati, Pa. TALU.BLB RIVER PROPERTY r FOR' BAIR Matta ea .ths Ilamavateta Elm; above EU IrM :.,main fronton mid virar or WI AM, and azteallas tack to Breadoeb Meet, elOolathit the Orameltwilla Mare= natalorr acme earl poratura Fth Ws head a s tmaubmtaring Forpcmcliattag tto rim to trmt and WAR areal n ivi the rear, end Sas MR and bott6tap therm% erected. Tar to apply to WARY 411911 MUM, ratan ar Fl t t. .LUG RIBBARGH, 1111Dtamand Moot, roteval. cittlait FOB SALE-At Aladdin 00 Works, WS Crud* Pittroleum Tank*, In prim order, rabstantlaty bunt of Firm tiestor. tot brag In CM. and trlll cantata norm 2to tweet. oath.Appliattionmay Do made it the Bodnar, LnotetranN ou lo. Ir m o:J.o3w In lltintrargh. 3, JORBSTOS 6 t011.E358. royntnt FOR SALE. SEVERAL LOTS, Bautinlly oltontol on Nunr-ory Hill, Alkitany Jjr;'ffr. o f SMNI JIVE nouns, la Third Ward, AUSer,bra7- 1 / I TE LOTS, bald Ward, Airy, os, habeas rt. T. Ma, pou BALK OR ELXCHANGB CITY PROPZIVIT.—Thst I.A G DWELL MG, with pocoatti Wad:o4m Oars= rtreet. for. =sly canpied try Carbtlasl=rj of "JW tn. wr of im ThaLl ' az lama s° i 2 • 781111 D ttrisstn aro racing:soot. mootrit, FOJI BALE-A Pali ov 110 Aces, 16 Zantog tonsuddp, ,Sestetlll7lMle. gin errs Inds foam the Cddo rim, on iftdoli is erased s contntablo ban% baroonn ..dbont Ed oast law.- d. sad good holt tram an du Flee. For particolais onqullo al 0-13111INGEII, /713 gra. 10 Dlosnond,Allegbrn7l3ll7. SALE-20 'Lola 411 1, vPmay Msittar Wen= • Irma m •Pastras Lou oral:toot am ta•Sotod ronatos_back 6:0 toot, bet.. 6 lota attottaaatifrota 6 to SI In - jolur 011ara's plan lota, binalla Wo6aty +bora Ida. Tord now Itrea Tlto lota sill batt,e re, or, bra Do6i. For trsoa,..-ft. 'to • myCarl .1. 16 - . W. WI Foli •.3111,1S u s x Farm 0162 Lad, pod load, in VlMien township. Wink. tug of %won thin .lei m. tants of the , , Tutu tossoag IliltSt door " Imo ititilo.na r Cot ' MI6 la 114.41f.—A . L0t of litoiLudst the cornaofThortlls aad Ha • ..mm Elciccel Inaigtms. Allit -7a corm Tan -neataadLocum th wrstL Term esa7 sad Ma Isatlntablah , MTLOTD, Omer Stasi and Vaunt, T AW e $ UIL HALE—RNOINT, Boum], tan ham pont Bello; *. r.• bill be teen opezz ll V by ‘...ellteg oar JOHNATON iOR eALE, MATUECiai - Ittikw.E6— Ono pairtrown vistabsd cirrbiss SbDrmly Ilts• 6,44 b. lB hidbarokaa tayingle: sad doubt. as, tonal* by ISIcDORALDARABIIIICELE , mytil litY . . • A ctoovr ItOUTB on the ..1 1 711211:50 wan:lL rot 'lWrttlinAtticti. and Imola at tido otter Wows: Its biota of two and Ars p. 127:11 IX BIRDLB, Nci: ; 18.3 thimunisp . Pianos lihtetal Instnamats, ruie minuatlr as Usatd. a Sus Femixiiezt of aza 11.111500, VIOLLM GUMS,' AOOOIIDZ. riT1(08, Ls, aides Ls iritt sal its. laSdia.s4 Missouri i . aai S. S. BRYAN, Brvkmr Insttena. Agcut, S. S. BRYAIit, Broker Imd Inrsessce kMmt. WM. B. Boss. & EITIDITOBD, . On the procaine. No. T 4 13saTer gnat. 1414044 T LXXVIE---NO. 184 IMMiM No. 12, BISSELL'S iILoCK. 1313,113 Sole -s.itentr. I.ir LI.. BILLDBITRY,.nd 80HOILICERII & CO.'s • Chomper, az.l .lD ergciro tra taxi g, thr- 2 an, att., Macs nicuataatared In the caantai. S. D. & R. W. SMITIPS Harmoniums and Melodeons, Sued ISTP3ItIAL GiN)D3 wane:rally, at tbs lamed Eastern Clash Priest PIAIIO9 TO LII. Tub sad Zepaar tug doue at short DOUG& CST am Diode bound la any styli, JeY4 -- SECOND-HAND MZLODEON A 6 °MAIM ROSZWOOD PIANO AVILA !SA LOMON. doable nod. two ate" ands to Mason a await. A sploa6l.l Instroamit, Ito trot mt. ardor. Wonld sz.vor well • mai quo& cr FOR sA.Lac CHAS. C. MELLOR, El WOOD BTRS.Li KICASE'S UNRIVALLED ; , ; , PIANOS, I '- ' f • AIM =OED A DOUBT, THE BEST PIANOS MADE! ELOZ:11, jyl9 Bole Lgait far Pltabrsilk cad Wat. $3O, s3s' $4O, $75, $BO, $125, $l3O, $135, $165, $l7O, $l6O, $215 12 PIANOS AT ABOV PBICBB rcy oyiy by calm 0. 2111CLLORt pIAN 03 1 BCCLODEOES I assactrmat tbeas, and ell other . I,lllcal lustrunsola far leale by 1101r8MASS, HOICHIC 1713 80. 63 Illtb street, Mabee. old-stand. - CARPETS, OIL czoms. 4-4. CttaiTON MATTING M'Farland, Collina & Co., Erci. TI &SD 13 Ism =Ear, Mat bonto to P. 0,. occtud C.ocT Eton Joh recohrod • otetaßlavolted FRESH ' TOT ,I.Tr.:4W MATTING. of as celebrated B. T. W. Lzp.h.tho. Tha imatti of tidos nob h s hopon . dolad th" 'C.d.ln/ her., LL d CD., bah. "filao iou tvMa f w ti: cood:agty neat and bardisosos thin of FANCY PLAID 11A17272!V5, AU of abieb ban foot been lauded. sad exw tn.., the PEC.L , Hr..32 , 7.1.111T5G3 IN THEI KRT. • Our geuersl docked &de Is Still ••• • - eztuat of vent, sad vs st AU that offer • • trove the barest plea the aorta yin eultard. ir • SUMR GOODS, CHEAP CARPETING, M..A. T T I BT.' We base mw open 4 Splendid ancetmeato WEITZ, CHLOE sad TAEOY et price lower than the Eastern mettel The attention of the pnblte Is ailed to:the aim* as they SURPASS, an, otha OBEAP CASPEnSEt to the OLIVES -NaasTocK & lIRTEI ST-RE 0 a NEW STYLES li g I P or 04 WINDOW BA DE .to 0. 1 it h. Q szcirmt frais DAY. 1 ri NEW SPRING STOCIZ , al 07 , - 4 0 -AL Ri -T 3 Erl i 4 WELL 137.6501DED A OIL CLOTH; 1 •E. AT BrOALLIThr: ; CARPET STORE. ao. fn WWl= 11T1=0. AMA AGEM'T'Sc WOUNDED SOLDIERS, W. J. & HALL PEITERSON, CLAMS &GLIM ■0144 Fourth strest:PitUtrarsho' enema to coiled tha, 8100 Batty due Wounded Soldiers, WOUDED SOLDTXI39. 11100 BOUBTX • . TO ALL 7.1, WED= SCT#IIIII9I3, h sair ate chirp made aattlmousy h th.thehd, • R WASS= Ti Idavrag by that,. B. Oareautrzak Sp. imrirt4arre„ WA *Soot Way ths Cata.dral. - sveilsaa, & JOHNSON; " mricni#z* . e.A2 , 44k -- " - Ar 4 tr. B.Linor.d scriargrar CLEM M 11011; gb.l% , COI= STMta,- AAILITABY !ClAl5lB,_ AIL EISTSIOND. SAIME PAY ea Mail= CLAW of gnu daratpUok ailleciad br Mali& wrlbren et ere takoruizg zwa5,74.11: Penegao rt) ail atter *hasp . • r TATi c.O.Alliat, Loh 2 • 1; • 730.13 Gnat MM. Meh , o4 / 14 H.8.N0 alarm ars mode it OA dabs dna =4 cocand. LIAO tolbrintlaa chscuriztJA - ' 044, oAll W.' SEILVIER, 4411:132116T-AZTAW, No. 100 .11U4L iFtrolt, PittliasV l / 4 Clams baIIZDEIWISIX - IRItRITT: ITIZIC,eOI sotanew mums, Boo r. 07 141 . 0 • ProP•o 2 7 441=14 fa tit z_.-7 creeds a itatit Fltle.irti t ladoslts7 . • . . • /ebrated Y~*mmtas.ra.
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