a' t ttrg, a . it »::JULY IS. 1854 ONDAY::::: ATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. Too rumen.: ABRAIILM L! OLIOI,. of llllnols. SON, of Tennessee. Fog viCt i ANDREW JOE SPECIAL ELECTION, TUESDAY, AUG. 0 SHALL SOLDIERS VOTE:? 8011 rte The Military SI uation--The Duty of the flour. There is much in the military situation to encourage, the hopthst and ohm: the deepen -.‘a,ty, • dont..The - Rebel raid has - proved to be an utter .fallecre in its leading' purinita, which *t, was, to !edam @neat to al:Meant to Um de fensec of Washington a large portion of the . army in Croat of Petersburg, which movement wauld bavehMithoefftetaf relieving Blehmet d and possibly terminating the prevent Gaul 'Dalin: Bit Gttagr-was not might ;napping- He informed the Government of the Rebel plebs, ritlitly sent a fed thousand veteran. to Weanington, and held on to the throat of the Rebellion at Petersburg. Las's plan. • hale miaosmied, and he has sow the avian al raft -ming That hi. last exhibition of strategy will have the stet of practiesily re: letterenag •itlaln a week or two with • 30 000'ar erf,loo fresh troops. The start of this heat, reinforco nernsmast tell upon Lea's Wafted ceitomne in trey that will make ev ery loyal heart pulsate with a joyous emus tlok t; the ;Peet Sesames Is rapidly accent pli.bing his mlmten. He baa 11.nked Jousts toy again, and his whole army, on Conde, • of!, timers the Ctrettahoochle ant within flee or biZ miler of Atlhota. There is a report :that, he la really ix the city, and Ilea captured eight thousand prironers, and we do not see why ,he fast part of it should not be true. If • Jetsam's could not bold the mountains • ssaleet. Eriaametr, would he be likely to maks a stand =Pon, the dead level which reethes from the OnaMehoochte to Atlanta? It if not probable. Aud if Jogger:ow could not pie tent &manes from odm_ips to Atlanta, eve think it equally improbable that. he would pen iota tilmy within its ratifications to be come, stoner or later, prieouors of war : to - the Yankee harmiers." There is much evidence Is chow the," Jou:Doe's army does not two , Icor own 60,000; Sn gen art hat Velem that num ' her. Coneidezieg all the feet, and ptobabil- Ides, we era inclined to believe that Atlanta, • if •not Otlf 3to day, soon will be, and (bat Jossatos Still make his next stand, if Bega wan 16C411 proper to follow him up, at Cedar Ethan, a strong defensive position:eight !enth of Atlanta. Bach 11 the military situation. Considered in cow:cairn with the fact that the Rebels have ail along admitted that ItlohMonß and Atlanta ere the keys of their Contedemay, we do not thiok it beyond the Mends ofipossl bill:" that the President's day of fasting, humtiletion and prayer should be converted into a dal of thank:giving for viotorys But,' quit it ebould be so converted, much depends upon the alacrity with which our people re mota to the tall for hundred days' men. Let them be cant to Vathicgton at once. And let all who stay at home, show their willing noes tnteinform Ggearr by contributing to the bounty fund.. The Rebellion shows many signs of tat:intuition. Let us all assist to give • eta death blow Ih4 evermee. '• The Flnaileial 51us3llott The Yaw York Tribade money article of Gotartiay morning sal a that no result boo been I : coached with rcforenew to the proposed loan to the Governm by the bank,, of flay million•. lund tho Goottr.troial Atlrtortiarr'a article of Sat twieraveniogenyo 'bertha bankscannotallotd t 3 take the I-an, and intimates that they will alt do co. Tee retain: of Mr. Fessanden to Washington is therefore detayed. The Beers. turynioes not appear to be in as pressing need for money ra was generally supposed, and dirposei to whit natil he sees - bin way clear y bofore enosonittlog hioneelf to any r M • g other, ho Corer, from our reading of the New York papers, teat the Secretory is likely to appeal to the people for aid, and that it la not . his perks , * to .14'1 further inflate the corms ey by issuing more greenbacks. If he bor rows from the peoples be will do to at foil rotes of Interest.--11 policy' which will have She egret of rendulog Government securities : akorepopular thou they here hem for come tiro.. To refuse to Issue more greenback., and to borrow largely, at high notes of inter e•t, front Gm holdors of those now In olreula— Von, is, irtaslty, m enema:et the eutreney and t lessen the dliforenee in tke market vale. of greenbacks and go'd The valeta of Atlanta to our arms i 1 to be estimated by a glance at Its location sal by • knowledge of the imr.ortaace the Robots hove thew:sites attached to it. Much of the im portwore of the pines is primarily due to the 'foe', that it is a gonerl focus for tho railroads of the Southwest, and it nay bo said' te bo, from tbl.t etrenzstaros, the heart and mintre of tho Coofedor•cy, from which railroads ra diant to - rdtairth.lons. fames for this reucn, as well as on ocaonat of its remotenoza - from the frentiers, thot it use eolected es tho :oat for. the rueonfeotory of arms and other mu nttloos of war. It at core erjeyed easy-and . speedy commualcatbn With all parts of the ptrpoted Ckniedernoy, while it MU believed tai - be beyond the leech of an favadiogoparey. To bollde, therefore, was ma ivory soooont • thing of the greettat Importance to the Rebel li - was at the geographical centre of their sistota; IC IRAI the joaction of all their. • great limos of railway; it was the seat of their armory sad military work shops, audits up. turn will bonne of the severest blows which Mate yet boat dealt them by the armies °tette lopublia _ , Apprattntstd Bald la Kitanclity A delegation of Pfeatoohiens has pissed iblaugh this our, fa route for Washington, to iv li ley t tom the entioritks the prerilog de -- :,f,r431,il fitr _Federal troops he that Stale'to &Ise ... out *nine!, nowao sumeroot to all parts of Taistueky, and - One devastation Of prop - irty4ttploaderlyg here booms so intobsr -,41e Lon frequent that, aloes something Is speedily done, Kentucky 'will soon be in • stato of eacitemout squid to that which remit ly ..listed to Maryland. Cinerrilles' eirerr orlere promise that, during the 'present hal• meet, ivrobal force in lam numbers will be . ~, :'Alitlattd from J08387'03, with Fonarar's sf. s ,theita!e and Slosuares Dirisionv, to elate dui, Effete. Tits Olaveland Simla etatsa that, so far •ae Its 04er:talon goes, there to net a sires Garton Union paper Olio that supports Fremont and Oudhranc. The T2lelci. &pica, the last Otrman payer la Ohlo-o , itivenate Fremont, use tkit .stnlty and loyalty,xtnder enhtlng CirOaMitsmots, pre !dent:l444' . end It theratoze rude up the Etalttmofe banner. TILS Veto:oil Tcaoaere' dinociaiiott be held at OidenslanrE, N.Y., AngnellOtb, to continue Unto - dale. The rail oade: are generally stFutdloa liberal faelli.Xee tor'nt. tendstee rail on the late may also be =reed in the.prorrahme. • T 1 WIT rut Heart ttoitt;rSla4tha int day of Jima**, het $29,658,659•ia• gold boa titan slam d from Ms eouttyC ta*Earegs, Ortrs2.lo,ooo, woo. Mart out 9a dattaday. • Ez-Grovsma - Stumm 43f Blob 1114241, dlepithis Issidoce,k3 tbillitatcion Wedzse led a.. 7 last. Regulations jor 'Recruiting In the Rebel tithittn" for the Loyal ntatee. iVis Dinurruggr, noterreirr GgsteAce Orr lca Platoons Gins, July 9, .1 884. General Orden ifs. 2.27. The toiletries regulations are established to Miry, out arcLiou 8, of the set approved July 4,1884, 'further to regulate toa d pee vide tor the carolling oud olltug t the National forces: " 8cc.,12. ,eind is it further enacted, That it isnalline lawful for the eloautive of any of the those to send recruiting agents into way of the names dolor d rebetlion ex opt the Stems of Alkalises, Tennessee and Lsolotens, to recruit volunteers under soy coder the prosisions of this sot, who be credited to the State, and to the Wettee enbdivielons thereof, which may procure the enlistment." 1. la order test recruiting agealti may be encircled proper feelliiiee'by one Untied . dtatta aurhuririeS, they must Lave a loner appOialment from the State E ceeuttre, inet,fl,d copy of which must be Sod with one Provopt fit metal General, itni too com manding officer of the rendesroue cseab- Jibed for the Militia in which they are rectal'. . Toe particular field of •litiate 111 Which eatit riphi.t,iS to cpirttio gloom be epecifil din the letter of appointment. T. eirgyt; cantusioo, tea number of Seats should not bo Experieccohas she n that these egetue ehoutd Lot. t e paid for viola notate, out, that they *Leonid been a axed Compensation for their torso:me, other- VISO fraudulent practices may be rreol , ed to fir tee p,otheery boon' of the aerial, to the greet pr.jalthe of the SAM, sad the military BerTiCir_. 2. It ehill be ilk, duty of the recruiting agents, booze eulertug UpOrt their dilute, LO report in pent)°, lbro.ign the concoono• cog officer of the rendoirous hereto d.alg • nom' nor the States to Wl:doh they are to Gptritta, to the commondlog officer of eh: military district, department, or army, in order that they may have a proper plea and protection.' All recruiting egents well be mullet to the rules and attunes of war. 8. It entail be the day of toe command ing ofneer of the army, department, or die. trio, in which recruiting agents oper-tc, end of comoccindiag tlinciera of reedezrour, to order bath to his State (or arrest and bold for trial, as he may doom bee) &by reeraithig agent who ebeill commit [rands span the Government, or leorat ,, e, or eb.il violate the inetrnotioos leaned to govern title recruitment, or be guilty of any of• fence against oullitery law. Rein:king asents will be held responsible for the con duet of all persons who act under their authority or direotion. 4 No man ebalt be recruited who is al ready in the mitilary service. ea soldier, (Waster, laborer; guide, die., its., or who to eo employed by the military euthoti he se to be of Importance to military opera tions. b. Beernite procured in ocoordance with the act quoted must ba delivered by the re - arable:is agentli at ono of the following slimed tend=lrons, .be Camp Casey, ltoeleit Won, D. C, for N.S. Virginia. ;Camp---, near Fort Monroe, Virginia, far B E Virginia. ' Camp -, Nowt:arc, N. C, for North Onvolina. Camp. Head, 8. C, for South Carolina and Florida. 0%10 —, Vwhehueg, Miss, llissia- a pp • Camp —, Tabu, for Geer gin On& Alabama. When received at the tendezrons, it shall bo the duty of the United Blame offi cers there to have the recruits promptly examined; and if accepted, to have them immediately mustered into the United States service, properly preeldid for, and gent to the regiments for which they may hove been enlisted or assigned. A certi fied copy of the muster-10 roll shah bo given to the recruiting agent whenever at least ten recruits shall be mustered. The aforesaid rendezvous are regarded as military posts, and will be eonducted as each, under the immediate orders of the 'War Department, as Rived through the Adjutant General's office, but 'department and army commanders are desired to ex incise • supervision over them, as coming within the limits tf their depsetteents,and to make any reports to this office concern ing them which may be deemed ettivieible 6. If it le desired to put any of the col emcee 1631/1 1 8 obtained under this eat into service ea substitutes before or after draft they must be sent without expense to the Government, by the vecruiting ag- nt to the dtstriet in which the principslie er, roller, and there be mastered in by the proemt marshal, who will issue the proper substitution papers. It :a made the duty of commanding officers to afford to recruiting agents all vueh facilities no they eon provide, without detriment to the publics service, and to pre vent recruiting by unauthorized partite. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWSPEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Gleanings tram our Actieugers. Tus following was the disci )61 , 1011 of out tarot. in the action of Tnendov. July 12, introit of Port Stevens : The 81st Penn sylvania and 48d and ]22d New York %Me Grown forward as skirmishers, the main body cot:misting of the 784, 98.1 i, 1021 aed 189th Pennsylvania, sapponed by the Pennsyleastio and 49,h and 1821 New York. The 87th hisesschusette sal 281 Penneylvanta formed the reserve. Tee - enemy were driven one cod a half miles, loi• sing thirty prisoners of abode's and_ Unr.. don's dietetics at Eatelre corps. The President'end Um. Limits, together with Masers. Wellea Blair, Crittenden, and Wsio witnessed the aotion. Ilaorox OnIIZAL Joseph I. Raynoltis whe has just been appointed to the command of the Nineteenth Army Corps, was, paveral years aga,Professor of Natural History, to the Wisseingion University, St. I,ulr. He le a native of Keeled', and a West Point gradotre, the course in 14 in the same class with General Gran B t. B, He was appointed to the artillery arm of the service, bat resigned ib 1847 or 1819, while' be wet a firm lientenaut Ho was coma:life ' stoned trisjui general of volunteers in November, 1862. Twee who inquire whether the payment of $BOO commutation example for three fall years from ail drafts aro Informed that ouch payment, if made at any time prior t 6 February last, doss so exempt. la Feb ruary the law was (swinged so that the pay ment of $BOO thenceforth exempted only for the Impending 'draft; while, since the panes° .of the set of this month there le no commutation whatever. All who are henceforth drifted, and We found liable, duet serve in person or by subetitute. Tessa are reports moven military men that the Army of the Potomac is again to piss through changes in its organisation. General Meade stolid, of coarse, retain the, OCattion which be has so long and so ably filled, bat it is said that one or, two of the former eery? commanders will be,remsign ed to duty in the Army. The severitY of the eampaign, and its exhausting effect upon to many general dame, to believed o . l2e ggesitsts tospeetatit changes in COM.' mends.—Army and Nary Jown . wde Tax Boston aarrer,mslos tenet a learnt. ed disquisition ',in the Philadelphia Peas upon the pronnociition of the name Seer Barge. The Press expresses it phonetically la three -isyllables: reravisergee (with it bard g.) The Charter soya 'it is amusing to know, in the face of all this erudition; thatthe people who live around the moon ,- tain In gelation knelt it only as Saar amp —premoorttled in two syllables, the ghoft an it is _ . JA.con &Irwin, of Brunswick, Rearmsleer eonoty, New York, was drowned on Vred• nes lay of last week, under randier eireum , stance& Wnile at • impels gon hie farm, in Company with an idiot son, adjusting the door tweeting it, he fell foreistd Soto the water, which was about three .feet in depth. The idiot .sprang forward and closed the door down upon bictt, preventing him from eutrituting:hinuelL Wet learn. from the Arison• Miner. Of play 25th. that the place selected by Gait Granite for the :capital of Alitqllo, Crest, 11 to be oiled Prescott, in honor of the great hietitelan. The Dowe -1 or his appointed the' 18th day of July the 1 der for In ItilletlGll for a Delegate to Congress, and for *looting members. ttf the laitidatire Anstroably for 00 . fury Waitain romans lilts *mob annite to eicrnriitozekt to 'realise Wlooo,ooo* annum. Oar reruns em probably less than $800,000,061 , What sane man thinks sny inherent necessity exists for the pree , 'out scale of high• wines? Whether the matter will change or not for the better, in the coming three mcnitte, we cannot tell; but it ought to. SEE A:TOT, F vl4 ER IT ER on the train whioh the rebels captured at Gunpowder bridge. Fortunately for him be was not recognierd, or be would have been con demned to sharp the captivity of General Franklin. The rehele would no doubt have exulted over the cowure et PO eminent a champion of free lab,r.— Mrh_ Chronicle. TUE Salem. M 4139., Gorat , a says an osso elation of ladies has been formed in thy ally for the purpose of taking the planes as clerks in the stores of such young mpn as enlist under the hundred days' call, hold ing the places for them until their return, and having tho salaries paid over to them. Solis of the Copperhead papers ice corn paring Stowe, the pirate, to John Paul Jooes, oar Bovoltntourry noes' hero. The oifforettoo between the too is this : Jones oapturel acme, and Semmes chronometers I it Is the d.ff•rence between a warlior and a highway wan. — Tnc Drtoooratio lenders wbo now sneer co. Mr. Lincoln as a rail-splitter and Mr. Jottneon as a tailor, nerd, In 1660, in pa r.dee of their `"Little lattrat. Clubs," to rep resent Mr. Dauklas at work at his oarpen• ref e bceoh. be haring followtd that trade in early life. hl re. Eusta WiLLAISID, of Troy, who was on the tr.itu captured by the rebels at &leg calla Bosnian, and concerning whom there has been coaelderable anxiety felt by - friends, has reached Brookl7 n. Ton motto of the Alt:hams was Aide tai et D,eu C ciders: '• help yourself sud will help you. She helped herself, but it was the other gentleman helped her, in the scd I Tux word " raid" is of Scottish origin, and, according to Sir Waiter Scott, meths "a hostile or predatory excursion.' Web• stet adopts the definition. A Piteous Cry tor Deliverance. Thaluaus (Georgia) Appc.ll of tho ith of Jul, just reetured, says: •t A. more probate e solution to Den. Ether mon'spolicj, is that ba mike a detour southward from Marietta sith the vlow of croardeg the river sod raiehing the railrood romoshrra retwein this oily tad West Swat. Such a movtihent on hte part would compel Gen. Johnston to more o the left a , d thus leave Atlanta uncovered "Bat if such really be the design of the wily Tankte commander, wo here en abi ding faith that be will be foiled in his pnr poees and be bought to grief in advance of tea AsOoMpileheleut We areal:tot , wiinout the bops mcreoter, that reinlorcemerrte will yet come to the aid of our army in suffiaient etreogth to enable It to drive beat the invader of our suiL "The trans Mississippi army is now lyit g idle, with no enemy to annoy it, and there is no reason why it might not be transferred to thin side of the near, where its services are so much needed. White the enemy are concentrating all their farces, it behooves ne tads the same thing; otherwise, there is no alternative left but to continue to stirrender the country to the domination of the invading foe. Corns Geotruto 1,1 PRA. Misoa.—A Smyens raper states the iitt cotton crop of 15000 bales of 482 pounds ea* will be secured le Anatolia title )ear, while the crop of lost year woo only 50,000 bales. The asst of raising this cotton It only £.lO per bale, and it sere readily ►t Li() per bale, thee basics a largo prtfa. The same paper esys the totemr is becoming rich by this culture, and "we base no bee itation in raying that in a few years the *tants of Turkey eaten will equal the Amerioan." PUBLIC ArtrilCg.. WUREAT it ,1C ir, AS COLLINS PAS K • A lrtsl o' prod. kr "& PIIEISS OP 1100, rill meal' allgtara Yeah, On .11onclay afternoon, BO waste sett Lurrtie Uri Step, — • crnt hors. from Washing en r sowed ty Mr. a che, ard • b y bsrut yew Melts dru., Va. eh end by J • 0- tt er. Tbs caLtbi d twitters, •d, 4,1 stew t th.ir put per ormao-•, sod lb • !Ut lb.t th y sn o oar m all rue wilt lee um of the matt Inser.ettay re. t ba ••r onme • if to this 0-I,chbri hood. The b rut vat unrt pr they Lt three e'..l oh. Adz. rt, SI O. yytle O...SUB , CRIPTi . oNS TO iur AL- L i 0 "ENT o.ry bounty toed leo. ised by 11 na. Ham Moo, Timanycl: . u e c ,,1....._.4 b....u.J•1 Oraham-.—, 6 MO 1 JAu be.m...1. _. 11 0 , . A Kammerer._ 10 VJ 1) •t .ll.. h .._-__ 6D. 1,41> Par • ...--- 1.1 0.• D ..-_ -_. 6 ot. j • [03.••• & Dr...._ •8 on J. maism••___. 16 . Do• blo•r1.--. 600 Hatemml l4 Goo. 214. Do I ck vorgssy__-:__. $0 O. Sew ii•ll,—. 60 00, AII bacm --. PO 00 asam•• ___ 10 001 J nactualy-___ 00 RDA*, ODD,— 6 CDIF Botmadmyfer.... 00 Ja• Ettevart.— 6D.0 W P limmtm.. 6 . D.... Matas, ... 6 .0,1 Mo Distal -. CO Ji , b 1 • 6601 it 0.. 10 0 :Cho 0a OM a. - ----. 0.0 Dll •Marry a _.-- $ . 0., ••••••• &Matt ---. CO 7' Patamr--_. 10 40'J BID ,01.•• -. 00 Wu. E1•nu..D....-..... Y 6 till:Au 111.0•012.-- DJ J.l Ir.rl•____,. 6a. Nob .......-.....* 00 W CL e1t•Ce17,•y........ E. 00.6 I' .....21.4.-- CO wm Plygbam—. 800 IC ...50r...i......-. • W W D•li -- 10 0 6 .0 F.r.....-.....-..-. 00 PB. 0011-- W -- 6 W.01t.1, it Hopp._ 1 00 J 1/...04•11.-_-.- 8 MIT .61.20•.....0., *db . . 1 0... J. WIl 1 •ro•--- IGO . - II 010010 m11;07. OIN Prttt,..ol, ivorvch. 07150110 E. -A meeting of the Stock. holden at Cab ND N 0 AJST Lr. A riusit• Li et a ILL ito&D 0421? a FIT will be bald at the 4.15/15 al Mu Om/ Oliatla a,d Dewar Tally) Dalt totd, la Nom Osal a, an the tern DAY or JOLT 18.51, f• , r Um pdrame al olacatas• Ptutlelent, V:c rhatat..t .4 filali Direotms. Oeo 0.11,15, J. W .lll.chard, 8 Q. Dr ,*r, David Cloarlmay, 1 U i.e., Wm O. Dialog, . J. H. BoPlamal, J. Main, Om W. 0•••, Wm. D.lmatb, Wm. Eitsmar,, Jade , /taw, A. L. totaatio d, I •ams• K. Kim. . las H. Karr, J. O. Mona, 13riaaer Hari:ma/0 , , I W. 0. 11.3., J, IFfief A m•inrite -I I. rnm,..1......, UNION WV VBINTION. —Tbe loyal vote. of Allegheny erornt7 _mho atypord the nomlearloo of ABBAllallf L 114001,4 mad &SUBS lY JOlllinoll.me the platform of lelo tag aropmd by el. liamooal Colon Moneyed , Co Max... ant adhere to the 01.1. Dun, ry o quatod to assemble m the rmal OAP., Of t.-inns In awl.. Ws 4a, flormiha, Tolgoshlp• gimmyy Iron, 7a tag. I, on bac UktUAY, Joly CO, 1114. nod drot two it.logsda reprdrent mon Weld afar-said la • •10 a 1304.101114 75 . to be held at the MOO 00010,1 n kittabergb, wEntigaDall, anyne, al, MLA, for l b . pen* eof nomlamlog owed.. err ttommeral Mama to be fillet .1 the manlog Ovlober .400011. 7be &e.t.a la lb. Warm sad Berragbe .ball be takes, bete.. lbe Imyralfoor 4 Woe dalock p a; , sad la um tooroallklo. bemoan bo.rs of three nee pr m. By order orate Colon lama- Ore Ooanaatee. 10. UZIOWth r Jaen U. YMoganY. Poem tam pew-MI NUM —A meeting of the &oak tadm of cbolistronlogoa rrerath 01 . .4 &inroad Oombany b. hol d as Os BOARD Of I - B hOOtdd. la fps oily of Plrtobnrgb. on rho THInD WICDII.BDAI (30nr.) Of JUlrf, . Md, cl ttn boor of 3 o'clock o. Infor too pinyon, of bold. thl> find Annual Elora= fa saes Idanigoro of sold Company. Samna M. Star, I N. Id. Lyon, Psok, Ir., George Slack n4 cr . a ft. Win. A .11= & 3crus, j01:936 jra.CIAIKLA.ND PAktS.. wmr . On iIIESDKT, 30'17 Ikb. at S cecioa p. m. TaoTTiz MATCH, Behnwn 681.1 r HAWK diud DOT 1 1 71/0011, Ilatt.t—Gray 11.1. k to worn, Dot .Wifoor. to too a droiodoo, ObE DOLL/LH. It - atcoio and loyll con. t..t.d Tie. ma/ '+.• so Wei. rrBLECTION.NU fIOE —The ttpek holder, of the tombs Saar DIM Eno B. It, tka am hash , / notifled to meet at the 019.-• of Ito Cbll. pool, to Tempe...tamable, on TUIL3Da4. the 2.lih a.? of July, test, at frottinok p m am the plrpcee of el. Ups, IMO Prin tdent and etc D7rtatore, to tern for the coming year. J , 24:td • 'WI. meant kt,T..i.mm-nt. Els•r•tl•••••• Pittsborg•, Juiy Igth, loot. 07ANI•AtiOttaiSD Y ' 111.00. (101. UT 0fIltm to en snbetit lHE y of I.9I•INTT•TIVE DOLairt•O awn man iII• a's"As°"2""". .1111 _ IrB 8. mow. MEM;ggEll W Id oOLINTOCIi, Jobber and . tall Deliver In BOOTH, 6110 Fill sad Gal MO. 61 aritj 6064461. 199. 96 fad.ria itt.". nit. trim laanat AND . v raw. Valia• nlusse r .r.td,•44 , p 04 _ , trA cr attLi Cleatz .4 'sr• pga ^fin 4;.11 ura: Viio.l l 7 - 0. •. , •ZTOZI . k C 9., TIVW oraalsvorral W=llo, MO LET—Three fine commucioating 1 ROOMS LIST ea I ..cor td,r, and fad tr• tun roc sste, .I.ltab , e far • Pb, Ordan ddraParns IM If rdl .d [TRE ?dr. J 1 IS 21 - QTRAYIiD—To tbn of the en de•eito , ,l. an the 10‘n or J LION" n•o 407 ST LATI .hoot f.,nt ...a, • Tor r 01.11,0nn , forvranl, prJva , ;or) , c , ..argna enl take Om ow.y.t. !` M Ja r. .11c.•11. It ..d. OST —On-t.'atur :ay even u aLE LJ T 6. C . 30,1313111, 0 I IS I. 1 01k ; tl. k t tr ••••• Yo k ealatargb. rbo Irt tr wo loot...•to.vrh • •••:• Pipe net, Itro•rootowa, bb) r r. n'°'"° ret rbb.rt .1 to tto la- 1 1., tr ont. tl.l t , •.r Itit• "PINUP:, vtll b r.waldr.l 101tirtr 1..,.ab • .1,1R.31 L' OR t LE—On Pina •trew, a 4 o ory fame bon, o el.ht ru.us ur i•l• • • 1 • 0 , • tw • hurry I riot eels. • 4 l• t or .r. u 4, S 6 ee frees ey • I de I, n.O ten tag for 12 0 1.4 ker Pr e#o.. Ya1u 1 .. 5 I. bet 11••• lo.e lu B r g a'm f r Wt. • i• s 1 es. .1.,p • 7 ; • 18 1) rHfl I' I s, AL'AILIENY C. It: Y . --eat lc tbo O.lAm urt o I.ld c , .1 , 7• • • • • - In she Ina in a betot at Juan eltu. .nc 1 , 100 En-tutor of .ohn C.nar, Aria td, hl. dl Joch• 4th, 1101, the Conn ont'end roll 'e treal Pt Von to o- n If theft r pante.. v. ' I• Mb rib Week!. Gana., .00 tnnt cot,. ran e • tat cnatt•rj b- shown au Ott int tha ltT ILO la +I Of 001 On ID, cc, , , Oe no>, of •ald timer be tuttd, mt. •Ittue , be tfl• char t ed ro t a L.er d and 110b111 yes rott.utz al J 'ho 0..0nt0, • Alf ILL .ff tT. Attnxt: 0. v tletD. •E GKEAT CLOSeNG UU V r.v.r u.k limper Boots, Shoes, Coitus k Balmoral♦ lILTB AND Nll5 BONNZIN; AT 23 PER CERT. LESS TIM EASTERN PRICE U. lure end call boron bojittg ytt It.to annoy. Lose early to•day to alai thl crab, at 13 It Sft , nti door figtrn Tire, ~,,,. PAWNBFIOKEk N PALE art cLoni- INO AND DE US 0 , .006-00....nonstng on 16.05 D Of, at ecloct, and ass:sing at 6, •id i. • ad. at sub Unit At.tion Anna., 65 Filth Was., a largo q0a0.... of seasosablo sl• asap:hang Coo n.act. loch Lira. Coats, ltr•b Wlen do; a Ipsces do; Unto, lotA and Bono. r do, C. ohms. and 8 :smear Pant.. to non and boys; Cloth and ..utuma: To • ; Jatists; Whlts htria, liandksrchi , • Taut 6111. and Suctso, Ives as. Chtlersnls du 61.19 and Lacs llapes and Neostoks ; .9Saals, Ihul lissods &v. cpeciAl ...fel:Aloe Is refloat: thl..al at the erlll tos sold est,ot nacos m,r• JJtg paicEi RP:DucED WIIITE, ORE CO., No. 25 Ir I TY litim.mEn DRESS GOODS AT WIT ATLY EED7CZD raw's! 1714,1 I,O,SULE-AU 01) INV.ti M L lb. stun:alai tf'thoT roltog ktobutry boon 11 Cala Li to a GOIIS TILT SEAT t D FlctuT SA.IIIII At How oTtoved r r vile, eltuated three mlltat from "0., City, and _no =O. fr. , a If. Perry•etlfe ph.% rotd Ti. props. ty Ls tboargeble Impeoe.d o Crick noose, errtadefloose,lill able. I. !lacer, • and other eviterntsdl. Twelv eoe sof Toe teed eight of which I. nrch• d, of t-r b•• Nelvetion Gott, of every veritty le •of t be.t ette• her Ora r• tn the array; bat view elomty of owe, ....ha* of It are Do • G.. Tty For !Intl. , ' Z.srticcUS , .11 ,1 1 tju. W. W 46 Ci • 19.9.. PhoNv r." 4-4.• is rt LAI: h ASS( tftl M fihT uw C#A - ITEES RO. - T6, SHOES GAD Eurri, La:..', C.., MAs., WS• Li2l.,r, licellOock's New Shot Store Ba f 6 FIDCSAL bT., dnt,',..xly Qtp N 13.-74.• roods lor tr'es E.... 7 day. Mr!it ,V KU CITY • K. AT • ORPci %I% rAIE —De TUZSPAY 4.7E616G August Val at 8 o k tr.cl AtoJ 8 , rho ..0,5r01. , 1 6.1.4 it • to., 6 , I"l . tb •rt • b, ~rd•r nl Olenctca' Cter• I tr e•lt,to • • p.o•rd city p °party, be.aa r l g to o Mote, B. e eh a• 1111- I nu , Cr •1' !levy ,tr•rt sed rtr•ek, at`ey ',oat. •/5 &et ou t t rt. •r• •uti renal. be 1, to 66.3,1. • I.* • r on tarot. ed two o,r a r, ~. at W'S a, IL ytk OJO twit- 1 t .••• ore.• 1 5 . 1 •• Q. ry end 4.. brr bet •,• fart .• • r, . ertt, au ••. r••• Or, p et: t• at .her.. oit 01 5 60 d • t....ree• •te••• ea-se, • Si Lein • - .{..tdr . rad. ' Tema or Ital•—th,• tbild • rob. and the 0.1•000 and sod two ,r•-•, vitt, tut , meet, corrn.t.. by 4..4 n mer••••r. J•cl.• •••tcl • 1 4.-,1. 00 'll.e GO TO U'OLELLar.D'S No 65 Fifth Stiee, GAITEE.I, Boots, Balmorais, Slippers, la. 506 0 ..., 1,419 BO vbr.; I:TI• ttoct of Dal' °JODI 1)18 NEW BOOIN, for halo by KAY & 00 , So. 53 Wood 5`...45.- Poetry of the rip of Pablo. By BoVut B. W►ter Babies A retry Y.I. for Lend 8.6 f IrdnesHn ck•rteeter. elerrsidseditn Haunted twerta. 11, the oath. of Larnprghtrr. Duane. ►od D.yilgbt. By Mn. Hot. s. Aran House ►t Attune o By Anthony Tto John Elena: By nue Hole.. A Lib fora Ufa. Br eft. Moloch. biumbilng B Aloe By 0.11 fi nomad ►od oouttort. try tee Pent." Seven Etc.., erten Cases:rut .od reL Sore 7►arrx boy. the doldter Boy. Tb• Prrry . ll Ob•Orber• B.tek of tb , yt. 2 0p... Mayon'. IllsOntrd Rune WlL•mairurcoot. B•yot•rd'• ProOdeat Lin wlor'd Aotal•LSOOlon. Genroral Ors t 00l Ws Camp tbs-as Arnerto• and bee Orromentat as 112 Toobermaa. Al.. • Ellsokry of the Do o f • rotor, Lir. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING Tha nadenign•d. hallos envy pouf e :Faeroe., In tb• 2; al kinds of PLUMIIIIBS , WORE, On Ur Moot approrod Om. Yuri dercel2ll,n of Gas and v. team Pipe Put up lu ►lmlrsble msaulr. .4 It sates. ell warn wat.tuo, by Fatton yon, lUD idaCt L oDantb, /1 4A D. Dadl*y Dabert Orr, Dams D Elms, hand BAILEY, IifAIIRELL Doll Lamson, /atome B eakley. el, el 'b.. On.Amrsten, jje. OOLLECTOE'S NOTICE.—Hav:. s melted the Salami 'Micat Meow: Tam in frawrow, Uarriagee, lat., do , 00, dot the d. Isseraal Ramos Leas, for G or e n DV. eta= sit theft/4 Pa LS:v., marling I.chf o' B.rwtoebsw, ifset B reo.egham. !oats Pl. , burgh. 11.00CW•h• • W. , t • t.turgli Tempiht arraltne. aaa Cm Tamable. of 8.1111 , 4,V11 .d..! lenns tit Olatr, Upp Pit.. Male. Itoot•OUnt*, • h.' , dee , Rostmooi 7.l.tte, Iflaby, Boca. Cheap at end Be 814 I Viand for tale receletag of abet 7 asas, te., •ha omo .1 B dtistaaso, By , Blemiegbam, Wald 11l aaa fl. 83 •recy.w.,) keen the b Ivy sm. 1,11 the ad or asl dm ire botlre. the boo 01 r. ht. A l t ar We. [Malting places: 7.1 1.7, Aegean Bib, at the were of J bo flabitte., bb. a I. Ova i Steaday. August /Ito, .h. btu* of 3. b. nabel b• button rewLeh , pi am bay, AU 4. 9,11, at thetas.. o f ,IL•0 ribreta 1 In ttletab e'• teach', ragout lish, at Bob), lora ; Totratay, &was lift. at tta bongo of ;Naar B •yor B..aarlen tairrahlp; Ban ay. Aare t Ifab, Wore it.a...0f0 W 8.74. go roSi. Opp r Mak 00.0. .hlp. grtdo. ads, sod Tborida,, kuvau 7 W41:14 Seel, at eh- who. at Dae.d Bot4oam, t villa. 1 aim attend at to • ofdes of the Oa I clot et Internal flamenua. 80.7 litaritt .. - pet, Pittr bAigh oatiburday. wiell the Bibb of Anittet,ra Oa al ta p. ale atoch tia• the p. osltke prercribed og law win ho nrloll7 wereced. Parma) toms ow mad- In LI fl. money. J .11 4 A. lig BelialtT, Davits Col Wear. dl Dirbdati. 3.14.1115tn0t.. Loglawa•weaT t h Ey h ier2Tl , o:- -- . i!ert , ; zpil:l lama% an aid go. *MN MIL pit) DOLLAbS la an swcoptabla ebtbitit.4 num& or selao, whoa ce ocanidoto Ow ft*. st HO.lll iffiIIITIELD SS. P. bergs. jyltaw Fr 4DIrERTISEZIE.V7II PROPOSALS . FOR FLOUR—Sealed Pruposals N Invite:LlM be Itar of JOLT at 12 &Mock tor fur: ailing the butateteate De. partmatt with TWO 1110138 AND (2,000) BAIIIILL3 OP FLOUR. The proposal. att . La I.lr watt Imtcrset, et thle dr rw.t as 2.a 1. 2 and kod 011 tre eutertatoed tor any quantity It than the whole. Bide tuust •Itytoat., who l e . each Krate separate *boats of pup,. ~ with , t, [he de3Very at the floor to cowmen dse daja from the opentt, of the ah , t .nu, I:nottttes, 4.113, ea lb. Ch,e,oftwat may dlrect, d. i•ered eithet at the th,,,auterit ar. L O ~.ttp.two a, at the wharTee, or at the rrillroad depot, utilu,ton, D. C. trd tne .I.lisr) of all Pion, %warded tn c...thyl , bath within taot, de,e. (min the openin. et the Peirueut will be nude In cortlficwice of itelobted. or ti other hunts ws the Oconerninent they WIT! o tilabnraHruent. The Lunkel tio,ortanent impection will be made just eett.re the d o ur It receteod, end none a ill be 6... e q. to which Oct .ronh grodu.t. On math of allegteutro noel encominani the hid of esti, bet Rol the tlatv on hie to this 'Shoe, end ho bill will be, entertained troy. part he et.. hr.. pi to trusty 10.11,1 to ..on.ply • tth their or (rem bid.lers not present to reepood. rioveruutent rworerres the right t< , /YOKO. •ujr Bide be sair.luedi so the en donor et 14, at GI stnal, u.n.nd ton, I'. wrd " rrot. gal. tot Flour:' N. U. GREEN E, `l•tn aud I; K. V. ,Vnettoirt"tt. I I i• Ajoitli l r . AL. , or Ma - C 11. M ILE LL liE .CE• 1% , ,LE T •' 'c et 10 0 . -oc4. ell be • It , to L ~• I t,e L nGr oc•Onre Pato !Li ktoreeu,n L•syre ne.ti • e. lone old Itlslielni Le ett sLbl.l3 I Li landryldied CI. rte ILlIa• leg 11niirlin, oxen, intantal t_e Gremsbneg boil Le. rrlOr .I.r. .4. L t 9, innt front as the tike, nr. , own - indite 0.• twiLer t int lan, 100 fent i7S lunhot no , don elde a .4110 n lt% In I. to knottier. er - oite i• wanted the late. and eutietenttel Brlct we.] Int known to the Lee-L a... 1 to 3 Lot• etch 20 foot foot on the Dike, .td exhatd -00 tneck 1.3 0,1 ot Irvine alley. 4 Lit. each 24 fee t trout on the g Ike, and Wend- WE Its k No.] tt ewt, frt. 64 ti 110 t. tn depth. 1 Triedig •• Lot BO test tiout the t.tri, es tit dl taa k 64 'nit it locket nod it. tow 97 fret. 16 tows each 21 het froth on Lou nti,i I, an d endwgtu - k to •20 sot 077 .10 0,1 to deph. I 0.,004 feetlo to front on Denrt7 re. 0. en. stadia; Loco to Vat •lee •Ilay.isneb 77 to -t tr% mans on ono id. and 5.1 1'• . ; Inth,a cn to niter, hting 39 feet to the rear. 12 hoo each 24 tert tratt on Dotty etrert, and rat hdlow 1. k to Pert a•lny 1 - 37 teat I Lot int fret u inches 0.00.4 on Penny itne . , and rnoind log bock to Park alley 107 In 4. Plea. on he obtained at tho iktodon 11com1, No 51 rihh etreot. TOOO9 Or Sat_--Ono third cob: eidetic. In on, end 0.1 owl rears, with tutor - tat, encored by ttrwi mnr 7 k o 2 , I tawrd OS IItSIIET EITSEXT, NATIUNILITT F.VRI:7I I ar.LL • vurt7..l , :v I:5:D EZivtGII• Our National Embi.m., Eng-It's, Shields, Stars and flags, P.til.AA CARD COUPAISIT UNION PLAYING CARDS Ell= VeLO3EL, ISbTIAD UP rum 00DD75 i Of LIBEIITY INSTEID 07 CI 1: ;1 Lt JOE. LbisTe:A.l) I rnicn Cards art put a; in n Post bus JOHN W. PITTOCK'S Flv7i/ ciTL.Ed ',UP;tO.IIC Tll7. 041 Follit r 4 EVENTII W Ito FAIL";O4I4 AP Itd.44CON 2.1. • 2 u or sold, ca the t.r.o3teo, colv• metro-ca tot . coca ,1 P, • A••tin, tte PP cr tt .4 L`note, ocrn r DID Alidi • iltroet. 1111 t.l'ur la. va'n4l.l. th too nreo•h cultv.l• cid d m it! • wc.l k n .no Ll;,u• o,f r.ropt rt. 7 1,011- nt n Vent., •••.I. •• 2.1 to 21 et (rout. a eratchdaot or 4 19S ten t I 4. .I. 74 Sl/1 10 r.. 4 [root ant, on I•4•It Yt •a. .tans 101 fett In .'epth to . • I 0P.,. 114 1. 04.14 21 .cet on Wt. k .tioet. and I . d It' .r ....I e•ch 21 •ca: W1.:14 et ett, and f ..rt to 44, t• red.,. sr. ti :II to :II alt .r .nt Wien str.o.t. h ., 1 . rot trust o IzlALre s• .tcl• ten. OA k Ifn fr. rc 411. k .t 91't tr.... 1/.n 4.14.1. e tt old cavecd •clt 44 to t k 4.. .I.a• 0,1 Au tl N LI T.( h • tr Invol• c•sh btlenoe lo on. •ol two ycicr., 4.4411 luln.rcu 07 hood slid mart A M •• 1%14 4n of Liu 1.3 'elf* Clter • 1.0 15- , P.t 8 , 2,E the • r •tGlac.lam 1.. IS 4. 11,C15..P1.9 "*lttp. - 4.1.3 ' , "•auryt ll awe s T-•a l um r t. 3 I&d-..t".4. 4 tO •' la u.tam , Bap-u 5 •tkc•., to—. 557 13 IN roman Bur:sr !IrTLWAINE. Altrt, Q 7 S - 1 - t - F, - N 7 AND KN AV LS =ES] t eg.stz tSe Setie to the NEIS DEPOT er, r . a .4E, ba , . t a 2 17Su II j. 0. E . , t.. 2 6., ~,,da:ors A it.L.M. BLANKET:. FOB BALL 13Y WHITE, ORR & (0.,, So. u rl7lll srasrr j Ut'T Lk:CH.I 3 IED. U'lrtlarCe ?Mu 'Tr., Sat Cor.llal. et - tenon**Cyrpopela Tian Sonar'. Compound Syrup a Lleor nor ATo fiemnerdyn Dlemovery. Tone Olive tttl. Nor table ma e Pure Oral LI., OIL `fr.. Allen'. Halt Calton,. lino Olporrlne and Honey Swop toottlatre A.S./eta, tot the est:. hut,, Nall and Tooth Brannen .:ulna'. Lneomblo Conmtot M. Om Cautral Dme 13tom, wrocr ►eder.l •od Olail rtre.D. Allegheny, inv2o IM:2=:= ISiOLUIION Oir PAKTNEbBWP. D —Tti• Ora beretoro a exhillog ender the able ra BO 0 1115011 d !UGRIAN CT, Grower and P aloe healers, ham t eel thl- eat di poled by ontaal con tent. Mr. IthtlltiBON ba.tthotlsed to a0..1e op all the scoonsits doe to tee dm and ail claims against the soli fir= will to settled by ow. J. r. KOSINIZtoN. J A.MZ.I GloalNh GIP7.NERSEUP NOTICE -Mr. 808'f 819, ( to 01 the firm of Hotda4/0 00800• r ) bas tot day oa .1144 old. blot Mr. j Apowoori, odtot 110..tyle 8081110015 880 . lb. 0001./ 4. 8 P. 4 .0 80 01000 4 Ohio et&o, , ' Allegany Qty. 341 y 140,104 Li°riot: o BUlLLaitiB-4.ealeu pro. e me-4.0d op to th• 490 .t Julg, laX t, far taw building of • good ordatauttal • 'BRICE CIIIIRCII EDIFICE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, la Trattki Vanango County, Iha Dahlias to be sixty by nlbe. y lest, atth • bese..ut. Flca .d speclii.tlone can to seen .t thecace of titer. i Blnwac, In too rough a Franklin. By nyder of tho Trask,. J37,t11 I. n. ILITINT. Secrets,. DYBPEPSIA AND ?IIS! A Strr t E at!U Iron ' , hew alarming roterplalnta It now made known la VW!. on I otelgm.o Native Herb.! Frew& How, pabAthet by Dr. O. PHELPS DROWN. Tna Prow , JO= no fora abed Wm to such a pro Irldao• dal manner, that Le cannot oonsolmn leanly refute to mats It known. ma It has ctn./ ertrlbaHr ago wed 1., now r falai to s slntla maw it in sgoally mare to Goma of ails ►a of Dyspepdx; awl lb. lire. dicta may (011,4 In any crag to nu Sent the to all on th• receipt of flys (loofa, to pmtpar test.ll.. maitre. Dr. U. PIIOI.PS BOOWN, Do, lb Or tnd ahead, J•we. (Sty Now is a•r. lye:fib o Jun a. a. LAM /11.- -.Dana a. WM GALLOWAY St CASEY, E{DUAS. BIOS ASD OIIAALSATdL PAINTERS, No. ga 017.11_NT bTLKEIC, near rum, • Units Or 1 / 1 0700[1. 11 or Lt.s.sottuTY tio.,PA., Pltutburgh. July la th , 0,66. 110 P AIN T rropoen.'e wW be reca brad to this *Too 66E11 the 1016 INSTANT. holt:L.4n, In 'slating sue No I uno Cap 46 of WI o.on MONO hoof 16 be Dalt WI • Jai [towed oft and V 61211364 Nod or hf loon! nazi; ,in,pats with I low/.d Olt ard ITlllta Load. /11ndlreothx• 006 County oouttaladuarrs 16..ut ITR2iTtY. I•AatU.NT. CoolTA". A&RD. -A gentleman wing) time Is cm' c.c0r.0.1 &old dM tor. or thies bows • day to 'Mang. Alm cna griotaog to wa• outt Wm EV4 Odra. 171241.4 L, GAZITTII °WC& csake Nu. / in store a. ft. Cittillla.D. topLitu s sigl for saLit* ravran Vg er.ll , I 0TT1.., 220 Da?, Pe..l . 1 117 AN i .1 , LI —Sevrrat good Pa Ti' RR'S H . V. - ..i1V.. , ?Al 21.1 C At-Ii.E.WE Ii 0 10l Fgartb Stmt., 'V •F^ ToYkY.F IliAlklten et .10lE I NAB , I"."'''' r'° o . ''', 141!6/. isa ALL a lu.': , . Vragiwn von a,.ry, •I.toau d, • EE.M PTEI 'l . Ft“ , Nl. Ilk 111 , C.--1n ac- ..,.,.., Bat.e4yd Lel." etree.n Isle Ile . .X. comency witll o. •!e -t. I pubfli.h the following I 11,4 of ',mine eyecup, fo.yn dnet by we Duard of Eorullcurnt to 0,0, ,t,•tr kt M toa. dot, ..,13 the maws of their espe,p 1... n NC m Snyder, , -I sty S C,l, J... W.,. L Tarr et C. 1 ,, t0n !milt by." , n0w.. , . rrnr, L Cl• r. o • CUL b, • ,t,•, r•t liar. 13 L ••..r bt (;:mi < Ann w. Lovr..r ()Dri, vs 11, min.D. Id di dm. • LVi.ll. Y. OIL cu. Tea Julia A 1.4 ions. tuctivrs., S.llltarn At.dary., Kme•b..,t John i" I V, %....rd War. tul9'n. .1111amn, 14.1 d .bn• p ''Ultra. Jstdm lIJITy. DI 01 o Ad sty .1 Bin Jout tiaitOr.Sr m tin. Icll Otto, e+ttn , o. Os 0. Jobs Str.ber, DI-10ta r, • user S:r I.ho s. Loan, 91. Czelr. J. JszA.., Uau lar.d, Lower t 9 I.'r , d Da 8: CLI.r. Coo 1.,.• tr b. Otatr. t. m aces., weer eg Clam T. , spar 15{121.bir Chtli Low-rr St Pnlllp Ir I.nr, I,vw. r C/.lr 2r(ut nn In .er, La •er Cl-tr. 2rbn li, feel, Lortrx St tllttir. t tus Ala, Lorre, r Geom.. a I.errni, Leswltt RI Mat Them,. 1tr0......p. , vrer at Mort. Heart «,r St R. bat Yaoay, to.cr et John Moire a I. , l•trr St elnlr. ttlehnlut Iron % I,wer St 0.1, Fleur, u.ntcn, p.vrer Sit Cllr Tmoodorr. Ktiar.r. Lave, as wl,tr. Ctrarlm..l.4lo-,•l,imer M (.71u. John Third guar. il'hrtlitupLOr It tilt, I.mirrr At CiAlr Lr,orer 14.1 r Wm Ack-rm Coate <1 ilalr. tiaioriing.:Luvrai Bt Clod r. A ogidi . tria Ilaari,.let war St t Daniel llorerd, m.animi Wild um, LAI,m, rr. P.rd ie.' El 1.1..1,3-. J,t L if.. PLEISta JSt•tson, ...IDn. J tam. P PIM aSer. 1 , 110;m. Jana Galtow•y, ELM: , W.lll.tn 1102alaa, St tflt, Plano'at ttlern , n,lto. J,hzi La 1, Id Chu. AS 110. 11•Itcl, 1... ET St. CLOY. Pet, A, mold; tower bt .11Jr. t.ter Cuartet Low.' St Ott, jta 7. Lo Pt (Parr. 11,41 rbemele ,, , Uare• An.lre Youck6 thew.. J .elee UPlun. !ems, McGentle, (MU' ten am- L.. 00, Ell Hyet4.oebseot. Non-Berktena James A Rhos:law Levant& Qat, Cart. Bat at better 8 , Olair. 'Vow. arl•br. Law, e) Olstr. AlLed kle , ll4.rdr, Chamere. Atka:a-a Stontel Setb'one. Lawn. I are., is taw', Upton ilam Wirth:wen, Union. Preirt k L owe. et Clair. W Mn an, Lwow et Clair. .1 Ito W.ll a. Cr enter. ea it Lora HIM in. eon adzes., U. .11 Po. Thews. OPBOI3. Peon. nauwer of CI Jr. tro'n t3earker• S.t Wort.mto, Cenni wt. Diaabaikr. • GetßlartLel, Gram. Toed mares,[ Lao. Lath a Sarum, Union. M-ott. ()waren. lower St Olair Jahn Montan. Lower Ss ear. let Ma • owatio. Melt.. put. ow H, Itr, Lower et Clair. •LOa Deeper, Loner St (LAW. • !Mahood Bannon, tower St Out, J -he Tom , lns , n, trolcu. Vase ate), Maw-tier , ErernemaJe BenrinwL Pere) Saeger, t.hnt tl•rs. J. HERDS rosraa, Otot nd Proem% irlarsat , , tkl District. Pa. Qk V ka isi't H LIST OF APPLICATIONS tO for aelliug Liquors, Sled to ths Clerk'y OtSce up to .1 ily . N., 159:1. Naos. Mad. PL.. loth 1.0 , 10. 11,0, n, let wa d Pittsburgh; Js ph It,. ' 0.. 64A*. do; .he U Stethrt, t....n, de; Y. hi . Gewalt, do. J. ho Strq.r, roles boom, SI ward, Pltt.borah; v., oi. oea •I. .suru, Id wart, Elriabruah, 1... , r0tt twr , , 0d0r.., an; II nissel Calls do. d'; 0 li .... n A C 0.,, th a ed., ith ward. 'iambuses E. Ti Slayers a io n d.', do; E I. MA 11.1, tavern, 8. ward, Plitsbwah 1 on. 8u 11h, do, Ws; 1:h •rl.s ..11. 1, do. d o Raw. a tout., do, til, ward P.tistrsah P.so It Eat.cf nth. acs's. Soh ward, B.tabli Eh ...Sr keeleatte. no, est mg beam, do. 111. 1 , e., .......5..1. der, . do. Faos Giant. la. ro, Mit Wa•d. Sollskitets, L at.p.• li•oth, dn, ai Iraqi, All a esy Peer, trocsmiyur, seVahousn, ith ward, Allaattopy E. Se Ira, • case., do; tiarai•t, flw,Sel, d., do; 11, firet.... on A Sun, nther ra.,, e.<4 Pool li roattar.iwt, eating hors a, .1 ; Ant ht •tav, tihrohn, al; Will red a...1y, do, del II ...au et (Pitt,, eatteg bows, Lawnsaisretilo; Shost.a Dation, tamers. do; E. 8 to n' ca.. do ; Nary 111,1,,, not•na bo.:, Elwacteids. C.oe r r.. smell., to en, • do; Era. J lloossi • oa.. ~;..e., 2110K....0.11; tlhArlt• 1131,1111,1,Ch, eon. Patsburgh; o.oj - inalu .11 ire. rating Louse, Temp rstaoavillot Ells aboth Zsenta,ay, Tannturn; Jobe Noirtern, taynna, do; Jo,e I he.. do, rhartless tr.....ip Elijah Marshall, do, Findley ; Dwriel Ca. ausea, do, do 4D. Ells log, do, leas.. do ' . 0,.. P. 'rt. ma. So, So do; J he .11-Lars, do, NIS. do; John as sr, hy, do, Peon do; Ja • . Dig. 0, do, Peetilso do s Patrick Daisy. do, lloblu ail do; Ere A nra muley, do, DirtAsaad do; Jamb Flmw uwairr, do, Bastor. do t L El-hewauD, do, Scaler do; G. Itilitse• do, L EL GUIs do, !..tats Bell: do, Pei. do; The Mart wit', me. on WEDNESDAY, July ilk, UM, at le o'clock ama Dcorwastrattorw matt be Sled on or Ware that day. LI/snots mustbe taken antra. 8 days. sad arlthla lb days altar Laing c.o.d. or the? IsM De Pirraked somrding tolaw. Applkanth will bring their bonds to my id. tonfore the day of W. hearing. jei-4:nd A. HEREON, Clerk. ELECTROPATHY, MADAMES LO3EESAN ADD CAUDELL Have opened an office on the FIF corner of Fifth and Wylie stmt.. entrance 145 TH STRIET, for the cyanid. of Medicine. They ace Miniar grade ..., and have their Diplomas ou exhibition at their office. They are prepared to treat all dim.. in • ecientlge manner. Merges reasonable and nine. certain. • They infer the public to the tanning nealamsa. 414 I .Elating die - peed of ray office and medicine. to !dime Loner". A deldnell. ahem I have evidence to holier. are 'Tallest. In the . healing art, I do most cheerfully moommend them to the and to the public In general, se every any ert a riyt their Madan. end patrons., D. WOODARD Id- D." Dittetmuh, dune 11th 11184 Jellhtt REECE., SEAL A CO., WOOL Oommissio - n Meroha,nts. 541 LIBERTY STREET. Corner ne Wayne. 4n- Won' bonght .n.l sold on Urnlump. urvii:me Ort,cs Oorlams or.larrteest Etricros, 42a Ontaserree Daroaatt. putsto,reb, Jon. 80, 18k NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t car. LtaT3 Ti th edOSl AHD W1C0260 TXES, under the atetes e ar 30 alawa ore acta to tido off.co, sad tbst , t o paymen roust be made. berm., the 14 end 300 of .714 ther els. paraillos wal be strictly enforced. The Taxes for ths city of Pittsburgh. bortenth of iworencadllooad ad toonshlesslll be pad et this' office, sad of the time sad Vs.* of col for the other boroovas and Ilwroshfla of this Dietslet, toe b. gin. by Deputy Colbourn War. Hu. rbon and Jan A- fervent. W 113114,Ockibntor, er Fourth stmt. U. S. INTERINT COUPON& 10-40.. Ccm Lt SZPIXOLEIZIL. 5.205, dm let Nortmsra. Batvzht be beet rates by dIENIPLE ‘f ]OVER. ECM. NOtICUL—The Viowera appointed by 1 1 Cowl. dim 0 0 . 0' nweirtut AVM! , otr. ott be .ota otd•otta ...t of 11'..0011 An.t..1,1 Mkt for Om wpm. Oh. pdaisea•. 04. uEs.q.lt•Det. J.lll StO 1864. at 0 0 . 0,14 ct n. en.oa groutd, *ben pant I Intertat. o'ooo4. 0. U000W.19. • 1.14.01 Ttienrdl.• U N. 106-40 LUA.N. too:avant. CO VNILAINNAT 10-40 LOAN ocin of HA MM LIM? • Mk 1N4.1 stmt. ==a 7_l CO. - .8113101E1CT13- . blol. crizeirresb Zrip ; 10 " choke Whit* Reim; • el tom trua Loma .1[... - trztand sad far Edo si Zia laberty street. 11714 POTTS AISLES • 151131Plial. iv 1 g, TONS es PRIME BALED EAT for sob XcIUXII/11 Jona. IMM FURS-Tit-I'ES A Fresh SuPPis Just Received. 91ch.a' tor: p:, E.Wy, .1i Nu. Slt,rant 6t,et. tit Mc , I•r , TE . I d 0.7..+Vil 56.1—F0r Fe re; OnDgrial6ll and Inlatel3l6lll , ‘4 . 1 MS: 1 ED—A roof l•uccGisT good " morel u 1,1 .../ ou tsa..t.. •L. .6.• ibnr v. 61, f•ta It r It, al. I. Wig 1111 d Gem Fam6r, Wortp Claw 5 ,,„a Ir cr . 1,1”,1 u.nnt • aood aud • Appetite. Prlc6„ 3 , cants d up 66 de. 0.. sr:4o ..o.eteurra , a pr, 30.5—T c., to or C 6116, 'Nothing, Cyth,g Wabard. I•:/ed. Aug. CrlO t. 1: I 1 5 Yrll Ea, ,1101,t5 , 1t farsArtt an d l 6611.1.pc5a of tafazta. , • t •t , I ru g et', SOFellta. r. ,ote o 1.,•• WAI rto—ny n p-rn r , , gn i aro' ta,,c•l• t.cc In I ....V.V. a 1. IUSZ Ott 10. Until, I'u Id c.or Bo t.t u4l tag* sc iblerc.l I. • cue nt ~r n In<bu !are, ...cc, t•c cc,' cLe be: ..na •II C•i.L.4l t. 1.1 s geicrct..co g•ten 1 requires. addrtra at J., Gll.l^/C1 ,, r . " . 1 - V,VAN'rhD— active yuzr.g V 1 or go - 4 I egcht, w'abih. • •I'owth.o Q rr lo • r.ct,) J. I. w 50 a Ae.Clposl,o Endo , Gt. ode B on h. opt. g thort 12.01 f. v.r.fut rat h zarrhs, 1,1',. ", WANTID. 'aolateat t , tat, CLIL - Z• v , • lin : Sha , t Iron lD p. C.l htttr at La n I,7 ea lap. J 7 Ca. TiltS kFt 1:. ANTED.—At the liou,e of- Itc fuse, A ttl A LTC TICACIIELt. ..Persons thsielas the pDadton oo btu. ut .rtsr- Tie •ttn the doper. omi. t,ttoe Is Itypllh.tlene. with rofertdoee. to be 6.tt at be aloe, No'. 67 fourth 06.066, on TLIC 1:51 , Ju1, 2lee, at 2 cid st torloieh Mae end ithse then} , pllosett wait oppose. - J 06:0 DT 016DE•II C•0611117-7Ert. W 6 1 4 1 rED. ISSOIIN PAPER AND DAGB 1 . Worthing Boot., with backs rere,d; rarophl and Wagtainn ; Norspap.rx, erbon or tan; sad ever, 347111 p priOlid 41.11111Cript 10'1.11 seall.bbh and nil briny; a good price at the Broil Stare el T. C. WAKEtidtll, . 5.. I'4 roder.l atre.t. dnehohi. WANTED A SUPE/LFTENDSNT ASD forthltlartloolor• Neyollo of 51.,'"11222C2 12222.21.1211.17.1., at Kromer a Bahtn'• No. 25 7132 ea t, /2..52i1i B. tELLIIISS. Soc.otory. WA NTED— SO A MONTE : T au 1.76.vntr00 I=a,-rolpaid BUILNIIO, end thirteen other new, useful Ind co rketta article. fifteen dreclue sent rhot. Lanes, JOBS F. LOAD, Biddeford, nat.. anhenthode-ef TUrANTED —TN% 0 h•Ci riSTITUTES, TV No 2 LIABLE TO 012A1T, to attar the tor• id& rpers-n••ttvas, In tot, .o of the lost ordt. A liberal bounty VIII totboid In tuitlltt-st lo the Go , ortnnent bounty offered. Addnoo Mo. bur. b. P.. WANTED—Aegente to hell the t-t...nd sod HISTOTIY vT THS WA& A Toro etooom to auto moon. Lome* are r.evirtlf from $lOO to $M per m00t5.20.. (c volumes already void feud for araalar. Addre-11 JJI.F. 1. tlttl33. 00 , Priblhatmr, Balt. sore. !rt. , 1.2 , 0 na WANTED. -100 tuna of old books, T sub bade moored; old nowspnper• or 0 thing that has once born waiting, or pruning paper. for ,which Oh- highestortoe • 11l w pain as oar Neer aveltai iliarelsa.unt. ha Psolthflild strait. felolto 0. P. 111AriliLS Et 00 WED—A good NlAcansle BLecr.- AND If ILLAYIEB. Moo. • R. good HAGMAN tS. highest groom gold to good work. RU GU C.OLE. lm of l - and fOldn...me Way WANTED, • oenr.rirE. To talc* care of • podgaze•o um , lb* Toaaoln int Tuts flrrtoe DI I^IDE.XDS DIVIDED I). 0 etca or AII.tOrILST .t TM'S Go " It. , /kt !MAIM lhtta et., I hilt.. Joy 10. 1,4. ^he Diretter• cf the All.oh cy a r...t b.r.a.. • Comp•••• 7 Lore th • e• a, na•cl. tt.d •f 1W P•ls ottl oo the • Apitzl se• k the •••e•ntll • Jo•et, free of tax, y y••••• ••••.nd slter tae 15 11 10,• 10001 LAMA rev 614:7. the= or 001 Fe vaatzo. trt M ,INSI •s 0 I 010.00 b.ell.W.T Tltta,a 'at , ra . Jo / of n iviDENt.).- be oard of Direct,rs 1-,9 of tbw Co.paay MY.. • day clArexl a Vie- Ideal of Pa COOT on th• eases. of the cer 41- oal U•pitt. Sun, of the Cotettary, pay e Imo ot Jew, ta.vt ta and al 01 tlu OW Si tf,ttef Frontal, at the • m the (Lon,. t .2. CA!, .111 IL. 10.1.650.: •aft 7, Whale. , Lea at , 0. 52 1 ..0 to lao d te, at ter-feted at m. nriott t.. t . • T.•te're eks of vLe Uncaps ty Val Gil,. .1 the 0. LAVA 1 Itly, lasteat, .19 ethalt p atti rt=l.l.• C UM tin n.l ef /.11.71.1 V. eater. Bt velar of lb. Beard. 'lyln twat W B Be 11,1t8 9 Fe. retw7 ntVIDILI%D —The Board of Maangere of toe hicoongsheht hrtri.itt ort Gump ory tra;vo Lbw de" drcht to • trt•lrend Lf (Wu 0 , 1.- Drias 65D TLFr f tErtl , A BdOBR, or FIVE; ryas 0 ore, of the pr st. the (romper , ' for the met six mortte, trayahle to the Stockholders Cr. their !mei r prrerotatlees. forthaith at the 001 , ., Vas Choupauj, No. 75G eat Irtreel, Pam-met, P..' CrOVIIIIIMIMIt Tax ptodthe p.p. W. y IthrirEW that.. Venturer. 1715 3t EMEZI D IVIDE?: i t NOTICE. CoPram Citarirr, Pltteinigh, Pa, July lath, l h 4 Capital nark...* -- _tab tahi. Bhar .--LO,Ctit of EAbu,ON. Stima Th. Directors of tans Oostriaa• have tab day clam!' • Dividend or F,Y/1 (6) PEtt CtisT. an rh Myna] Stock, oot of the peal • or 10,1 m mai, ray esti to the dtarkisolderealsir lllCdl•lDA Y, the Hai Mgr. By csdar of the Bawd. jytailar P.. WESI CeVwLT, Biritatary. Orr= or zas JOltsoocor Loorrooser. Co, t P.tt.burgb, Jai) 6, Met. f DrMEND.—The Prisident and Di r V ect.ro of Mb Cosopasay bosi de 1..4 0 DM. Coed of TUB.= 'DOLLARS l'En SHARE, oat the profit.. of the pat..: mulatto, goad, to Ertool boldete Co or alter B.IOSDAY Jell! 11th, 1861. Misr D. 86 1101311, SocrotorY. DIVIDEND NOTICA—Ofhee of the People's lusurarate Go., Pittsburgh. Juiy 6th Wt. The Board of Directors of this otmpaity bare et& do; declared • dividend of Poor Doders, per share tree of government tax, out tho 'tattoo! the WS air months, payiable fartbrith Witt F. fit oDaitit. Eiscretarr. (NAL RE}.lO VAL. Rare recurred their PLOW weal:Roust to /AO& 121 i 123, =mar NU akzul Llbezt3 SU. RREMOVAL—CULLIMPART), lien r.l Commis:eon Blenus hts, Lars remove 4 qui. 3 13 to 6.7 ta BLS ry BTIBSVT. Ay IVO QTRAY COWS.—:Tnien up, on Wel k] nerds, night, the If th' test , 111.1E11 WWM— one at hea eclat, .me re 4, Ind one ['Thule& The manor= owners ue dedr-d to come Lrsa.d, Fq Ames end take then nee I lel& It [l. Lr 21(1 V leaf polio, WESIELKEL WILEON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES nal ausiassr, ennum urn atrr. Pr134;41 01903 a.l, ILVAII.4 Wo. 21 WIDTH ST.. natio dam Wm. Beat Er.. k. V - 731. GUNNER a 00.. 1/13=13 66317e1. wraiiisa WAIEJJ dr. co., CM=_=l Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, How now in am the lorzew one - mot noinaoto Dads of goods tor Itostatrett Lulb. mgt. Lloiobstitt to atootu:1 1 to tou fowl ovatittat stocli,.blott Mg nni" 1 3 lan.we la) - • GEani, • MIT= 3 rOxfxd:ray, maps, •- • and .11 tintset 11Y MODILIZ, told inn ccmscd.alka, W. G. COPE, 14e, Ins ILABIGT STraTZ. rtibedjohis pip. Eatersr.c* ear-. 1 ir 4241,4 50Z..440r blarrboo, of Childs. or Adult. i CO& tea lolantr" mot o-mamor Complaint. PM. $3 F---Fur Printery nr Bloody Tlr3. Cala, Clr plop, Bloons ~ ;..11c, tail D7,...n exl. nice a Oa. No. 6—Nor Cholera, Coolers Korb., Now. SII Voto...toog, tot oroxllo firtatting. S 1 anti. rr'o. 7—for Coust.s, CoVA llo.rseara arsrderhls,t Istvan. slid Sore. Slums. Price SS 0661. No. B—For Touth-ecbc. race-ache. Nem= P.l=9, enmlgla sad 11. Dolorecti. Priv, 33 mat. ELooil.cho, Elck EroadaCkko Vag of 111-44 co the llral. Palm E 5 ckut.L 10—Wor Trzpppsia, R'emh, Acid or Dorsagod ecomaoh.'coa , nnanuo, L!rer coxyiilna 5.5 cutlz. 11-4" or Suppnotooli Yoe/m.l, or Beeoc7, rolntot Del/171oz tireen 61e6re.w. rti cmis. L:--Tor Loaccrrheanr Whitas, Emulas Dorn, tm Profs= :des.. 55 cant. Hats—Tor Crony. lloarseeraupy Cough, =kelt ..d Oppressed If roattnt-ng. 1., mesa 14--Tor Van Ithearm, or.ty Ercrtioss. S./ cipc.ca. ectld !lead, limber' Itch. ES cents. No. 15—For llhramatism Pet, amenama, Samar., to t.. 140 C.2kost, Rack, Loinsor Limb. 36 ea. 110. IS—For Fevor and Agee, intermittent Ferro; Dumb Avon, Old Invotoraco AUG.os GO moat. No. 17—Isss Piles, Band as Bleeding, Internal or External, Recent or Obotit.a. FD cans. Va. 18—For Opththababa, Weak or Int Lamed 74. , Eyelids ; or Weak Bight GO coats. ro. 19—For Catarrh, acute or chronic, dry or EL.raing, Cold in the liana, lallunna 10 amt. No. W—For Whooping Mush. shortening sod Ilatlcs it, or Elpsvoodlo Cough. 00 cent& No. 2I —For /Lentos, OppromediDletera. ro/ Brmthing, Ccogn and Expectoration: Price, Labo 00 otah Au. 2.2—Tor Ear Dlechargee.llol.v 12 the 8.041. Impalrtd Itroting. Earache. 00 No. 23—Tor S-rorll6.slatigod 0166:116 and Ton I Swellings and Old Gloom 60 cora. No. 24—Sor Ovneral Debility, Phyriall or Dor • CVE,oknon. GO iont. 45—Thild Accaardalona. Inmid ErmaIIID/06, with ficsati Becret.lo.. 60 Oenta. No. '!--Tor Sca.Fieanosa, Prostration. Veziagv. Nemo,. Vomiting. 60 nano. • No.l7—Tortrins-y Disertsn Grant Bakal Oaa •q, Difficult or Paled Urtlatioi• tO costa 2S-4or Evalnal MaLsslon.:lnvolcatesz7 Db. cbarg.e and ccmacqq , at Pvoßtration eladNW. Price Si CO. o. 2S—Tor Pore Month at Eitcatea, Goland Mouth of Adalts or Obadriou $1 00. No. 30—or Urinary Ineauthr Welling Use Tied, . too frequent, gainful ar stalling Crinaticas. Price 51 CA. Cone of 28 rid; complata----.—..--220 69 Case of camphac, to aloronta, and book. 7 00 Oast orl". 'Oat, and book, platt.—..* 7 02 Case of 13 numbrred homes, and 4 CO Cue off hewn, onmberod, and .0 Single namt.cred box., with dlrectiona----. Elagle lettarrd boom with 4th...thaw* Large rase of 2 ea vials, for planters and 07. 16 07 LUe op a case of mhal you chease, and Inclose cbe a=ocnt In m crament note or .ramie, by mall to my addnis, mad tbe mmdldom veil be duly returned bp mall cor express, trim of next for Pitubunk Auld .1- 1 107 Jet? THF. NEW RAM PREPARATION -. ' ror.. OILING, P1111,351NG AIM sza.vrrrnase •• ,: - ...7 , 1 ',.., - . 7 .1 i .. 4, - 4 It scruis =A Ora tbz wad era' It • Deno& mat ems, which It retebn dip tdtme c,L.il; It ' • tr.,aV4.1,.; ext 4 scr,maL - .2 Me Crow M of the I -• • B 8 Tad r. ZIGHIST PEL113111:113 WbaliWn 1u esALimi. OM 11Z106D17.5 BY DLLIL. L EL Elvroa, Filth Eltrciry (D..paidl eat.) Bond door bolos tbs Poet Offor, LUBIN' t'A)CO&.NIT c3EA3i, LIIBIZT* COCOANUT ORZAII 02..a .- 14Cer IC 6173.1%.&5XD. So Rots. preparation possoroo tberooallor proper oo usentielly salt* tho tratooa bolz Mr THZ COCO-Mir/Tr PRZARI • It Presents tailless . oxiLoos of Thar. It Prevents Boldoxso and Lois of Soh. It Prevents SsMoues mad Lam of Hal& It Prerteato 13oldacco and Loon of llotr. It Ls an Wasik:A Perhum Is su okkgant Palmas. It la ma elegant Perft.o. It Is ast elegant Postims. • Oxosamt &ma pawn. Madre:. Occosnat CO= mums Deadnutf: Cboosaer. Crown. mono Deana. Coccuint ezazesecrns Thiarta It Is the cheapen Ear /Inning b tb. Wade. It Ia the cbeaptet Sax DT anirtg In the w o r ld. ItIF the;Lespoet Hair Droning In the World. It Ile the chtsport jislz llneennit m thalif with It eves th, Eats as Oily Aypeamor. It Om tly Hair ea Oily Animism' It give the Bab oby APPOICIWi It ghee tln Hair ea 014 Appossiace6 xevotte Gray Man. It prevents Gm ,Hahn. preVents Ong pans It lATISISIii Cirsypelts. It yracootaa Ow Growth otthafibk IC Fcencrue tb6Growiliof tturnst4 II ;camas tba Gmythat OAR*. It gramoDos La Growth at the Bak. • It pre.oree the IttrEett L. It protects tho litlebest Leman.' It prcducee the atchret Lucre. It miaow the k Leetre.. - . , • U pumsala Hatir thou TaulagtUspr. .. U plonnota! t ßsie from Tands:4l92 , 7l' :- It prirmtall'atz tram Teraing!fnob It vwrcattillaU flora Taming an* Tor Ofiteg Whiskers ft It i l; so rse, . - -, -, • Tor Oiling irtlebere ft eve. . ..,... ..rer Oiling Vadakers_ It 4 , s = l, equal. 'Makers For Wins to . ague ... . :1 , - ' • And It rote= all Ile ter etVytaft td.leti ; . Add It rear., %II Its Besatltymit feertil: .. dee It tetadasell Its Bezaktrylog delete And It est. llat4lits - Basatifyilos VIP* -2 Tor &Lys ear arms It, Tar dale aver cubit ft, 1 ... . ; .., • Per data agar nein it, 1 - , .. ._. /or days atter &leg It. , . 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