C== filttsintr mite. ::::.ITTLY 16. 166 1 1• SA. e u ttUAY::::: ON. NOMINATIONS. ritlialpgrt : A8RA.11.6.111 LINCOLN, of Illit,6lls. you von rosin:43"m • ANDREW JOiieNSONI, of Tennessee The t onstitntional Am.-I:Omura. ti We hart leoked in vain through a lane number of the Democratic , pape of the State-tor a paragraph, or line, or w ord ar bortitg the people toattend the epecialsdee 'ion on the Fist Tnettisy of August and cast their votes on the affirmative side of the qovvion et heater soldiers are to be permit ted toevotn. : We bare irked in rain' for the appo.ravee of a manifest , from the D,mop t otio •Stele Central Comm.t.ee, set. ring facie the Democratic idea the' all men ( cigge.s ar3- pied) should he alloseetito vote. Thmocra. m edi,ors and Democratic Cm. acumen:on aro duath an oysters on thi sub-! jeot. 'ft linot their habit to be silent when a mrastrin le pending,-or a principle Is In volved the sueoese of which they deem ee senttal.t., the relfere of heir ‘• party." Again- it hes not. been forgotten that, in the Legislature of last winter, end in that of toe winter before, Democratic members oppoeed the proposl•ion to allow the soldiers to vac: - These facts put together lead us to the conolusion that the managers of the “Derceratie party at the present time" do not viol the Coratitalion to be eo amended as to permlt solder s to exercise the elective (ravel:Liao. They- fear that those soldiers, ors,: least a lo^go majority of them, might not vote ra...se fa alsitain putting them in office. , - ,;', - .'f - , - . ii - -:.'".. , ;.,.. The ',:lifttlfirs patty LOA favor of granting to al .solliere the privilege of assisting to °heckle theimultra Ire representatives in two enCroesl4e - Stare LOAlslarares ha - ve ettality urged and consistently voted for as amea.itatzt to the Constitution which won'd make the niacin or that privilege possible, earl the Central Committee of that party has' redently levied - a formal and elaborate address to the Union atoll of the State, tinging them to go to the polls on f.b.r. 24 day rf August arid vote for the amend-' meat, and every loyal-paper we receive has made tiers:4re appeal to its loyal readers. The retW'Of'thellitnion party is therefore o nqallilito3 7 is favor of the proposed acte,dnet, Until:recently we bad thought that the Dentourntic politicians, for prudential party realoos, not continue their opposi tion to tho amendment when the question it iov...'vcd would bo brought directly be fore tha people. But it seems, from the evidecce to which an have alluded, that the devotion of the leaders of the 4-Dm:ac t:rade party at the present time" . to the ietereala of tholuthere allies has blinded them to the impoltcy and madness of interposing my further opposition to a =MAC rigoteloa ant patriot a measure. They will toy to defeat it at the ballot-box two weeks from next Tuenday, and tb.y will fail ntterly. The talon men of the State-- those who apprceiato and are grateful for the services of our soldiers-- 4 1 1 l take care that the proposed amendutent to airrptsd by a majority that shall be whelminr, and that cause dismay to adze upon the lAge rtci cf theaa who (trawl 'ripen their nt the f-et of Southern Rebels. • L5e0818,•981,10 R. bets. It is a fact worthy to be pieced on record , and to be remembered by generations to o .me, that, du,iog the recent. Babel raid tato Maryland and be District of Colactbits r 0 a sinele Copperhead critter in this S ate urged tie radars io"nrepond to Governor Cumin's taqs far velvir.tccre to defend Visetarg Geme erineat absolutely re /wed -e .lo 3.,0' ! 1.08, poil sly leg .est:d in a citeulst"frcut. G-3 Corea to assist to C . 111• let ea the • Mill is of the State. Twit editorialeoishich can be quoted if neoeesa ry, .stablish. the truth of this statement beyond a peradventure. Before the Capital of tie lia , ion should be eared by /kir as eistance, they virtually put themselves on record as willing that it should not be saved at a 11.... These men and their strooicten and their followers ore thentr•ires Rebels. They would bo in the Rebel army to day if they' , were not the cowards they are. They wou'd have „rejoiced to etc the enemy cap ture Washington 'and cause the ?resident to btcome B 'fugitive. We are staggered at the thought (hat this last raid should have developed the existence of so many of therm And yet the dastard' prate of the tyranny of the Government they would not raise a hand to ease ! If the Government were true to itself it would treat these men ea foes and not as friends. It would not permit them[ to vent their treason in the pretence of loyal men and to the encour agement of Rebels in arms. TOe Late Bad. It is yei d Eour. to esAmate correctly tho etrcogih of the rebels in the late raid, but it would appear to be certain that 'it was not by any means so contemptible as some newspaper - a and newspaper corre spondents have represented. Many indica- Cone go to prove this. The rebel loss at Ilionooscy shosis tbs.. they bad a large force in that affair. The fight on Tuesday morn ing and Tuesday night in front of Wash ing•on was partiepatc4 is by at least elz regiments, es prisoners were taken from as many organ :stigma The loss of 300 kill -ed sod wounded on our side is the two engagements of that day shows that we were opposed by no inconsiderable force. Prisoners taken steal that two cOrps, cons. Mended by Lassa and liar.csusatous, bad crossed the Patomeo, and Ohs names of zee eral heigede commanders were given by 00173. The citizens of Bootrille say that the /kW column was "all night" passing through that allege. It must he seaters hexed, too, - that, while a portion of the ens Toy opposed Retracts at Menocacy on Sitar day and esenactd Washington on Tuesday, d tachmeots were emoting the country in all dir,c:lone, cella° in; horses sad cattle. Is yet VI- be we stewed "hethes the raid so redly is , et d d to ca.ptur. Bahl more iv d tP .ekingtero. Oa° thing, bow..ver to eert,in vtey maid have done so if these t0 ., i00 hvi too been releforced by vet es , n troops Icy the it,b,ls messed lb. Petomas real panto In Tner.r. are ey mprom, of o the one rulrkot. 0 Id boa soddenly do ollneei to 247, polle i bas fallen coven donate barrel, bees dropped a dollar, sugar la down. petroleum is down, whisky is ckl of all ktods are heavy. The truth in, speoulsoo.. has been within the knot few wt-eke, and a sudden check was !ot.e eptcded. Mauey—thatiu green• backs--bas bzcerno soarer., and operators nos Dud it uphill perk to meat their en garatoetats. ccortinwiat:ooo can ok for ta . f oAly ur, hod of right per 031:11. Oro lo including rld, end Cher declioe 10 prioee, for the sows df m ore than one . Meng'. failure. Vag COD CoNSPIIIAO-11S TRUK VEIL [from Wilkes eptrziot The linen. JAI, es Forbeexanee has Its limits. Gold it at s preellam of two hendeed nod si2hry /our Forbearance Is the germ of retribution; and It is, pethaps, to be regretted, the: thou. who oorruptly trade against its temper, hove not tail Means to Jerome the rising heat, aed koow juit when °adamant ;will cease to be anirtne. (laid, With its etarvetion trek, may aeon be et a premium of Ayr hundred end eighty , four I Its fluctuation is with a handful of padlia enemies in ; Wall 'anti--members, some of them, of thUopprchead conventions; end age - it , ,. others .Of them, of Earopeon banking Jews---who ate the patron of the sneargent came, and of the Confederate lose. rh o ,. worthy Operators, who had long be grudged the Federal Seance' their oul orhrt _lna - , have united to -c weer' the whole oinket stock of the precious me al, thee obey oey dole it out, So as at once-to gorge their ,r.ed, end depress the publia ends, The recent rise Le gold, therefore, is not the :omit of "the natural tears of teed." we beat. .13 much aeon; nor den it represent the ...unto tedious-Iton of the currency. Ir. Is simply the recall of a conspiracy, by which e knot of heartlere Jew, In the Robot Inter have hired the slaty or seventy millions ef teark•tabli colt!, that they may eseite the p.p. by starvation prinee, and etab the °red tof the asernmene To cover their designs, thej hare deemed the Treasury, and *barged aeon it Minister what was the result of Were own er s imbial device. Cloogrese, Leonard by unlooked for rite In gold. igooreutly at tribeted the inflation to the faros upward batting of the etude Elenage. They did non r. den, that chit eittistien wee courtly bided:toed by the rqued effort of then, rho mi nted the eouverse el the propealtion, sad who lebored with like internee to heat gold down; nor roe that three tartan files had nothing to do with the Infnision of the.wheeL Their legieletion, therolote, was a lugubrious faltnce ; and the foreataliers at the hub were etiebied, through, their orators teed Joarnelt, o metunenother outcry against the incapacity of the Government, and to ar.ruse the Aaz against gambling in tionsales as "an ireex fererme with the natural laws of trade?' Doubt:leas, the sadden stopper) of .gaols- Bona" favored the scheme' of then who had hived the treasure ; bat gold would have risen all tee came without the Treasury Bill ; and tt, was rehear piece of look to the conspira tors that they had acquired Ito can trot eta wore prepared to "put It up," just at :be bill agaleA time-tales happened to be peered. lie who has engeged to deliver CO article on a given day must, if ho have note, 'bay of thews who hare It; and if those rel, have ball all, the buyer, Instersinf a t ar chaser, tines:c:a a victim: aunh is theater!!! with gold to-dray. It has been ortfully withdraw!!! from "the natant' laws of trade ;" and oaten some remedy be devised to chock the deelpase of the nefarious eseentretors who meonge it, it may be "put up" to 400 and while the Goverement is reek In debt through onormoas purchases, •he poor man's, paned of.meat will curt him 80 ante, Lis ten .cent lee! will shrink to one third Its former ails, and ten, rod °afros wil he known to him only through tradition. These being the foe e, the reiestion preterite itsell how long the pubic will endure this joggling with Sts mleeries, and how long the tioferStillent will suffer such a enneeirecy against its intenet It L manifest that the, canon cannot ho resisted by oreiaary logiel tiers. Palliatives and surf.* 'remedied have been tried without offset, so ere most mail to the tesipel and extirpate the cause. We do net mean by this that ere should bang the forestallers (which the exasperated People will be apt to do themselves should gold be "put" much higher). but to annieileto gold itself, to for as It is a medium of trellis, and dlow the currency to healthily amnia° ire plane. The only real canal we hare for gold, et present, is for Importations and fur duties ; let ne, then, reform our lento polity, eel pass a Non latereocrse Act against all ler alga poem who are not reedy m.eillovr us so reiii•••111 . oJllttlierrft by Ito Altbelrot - sl tram she Rebels of badger.: rights. II thoae powers niece, and we are to eentleue to re tit quish or oemmeres threvee each Ike, let M et larva make an cff.et to the oar rage, and save ourselves the vital drain which .be emeased•d magnetism to virtually left st mg As the Cate stands now, we prevent the strange epeetacle of a strong man Opening his nines to tee bow long be can live eisbout blood. Nearly all of oar gold goes abroad 'or Walesa kV:Mb end the reunie.der Is re quired et home to meet the deans on anicies watch we had either better produce for our eolves or do without. La is through the de eland thus created that gold is fern d up, odd prices trebled on every exceesery of lute its in taeeed to reproseat. When this taster evil shall have exceeded the limits of forbearance, tbe time mill here cogiefee she remade to be applied. li, there . tore, weenie not to in allowed to return , car eroincecree, which of nee!! tr. ell lovigorete sir fe.sooss and restore cur credit, we storald cut Forts doable taxes, and melte coo ley therm!, mediate of purchase Prices - teen became anlferm, AA geld being do naive use, would remain gnieng to auk, erithont • market price. The geld re' quired to Meet the Interest an the rub,io debt might thou be easily ob - sieed. Tee supply from California, to ease of a sot of non-ion portatien, would bo largely to sense. or it oonld be procured by loan from Evers, or other friendly Pawns. This is the only en, sibl4wbe to dealwith gall- Agivolla prefe r. ones, in ley shape, over the rlovernment our and loft at once exaggerate he value ; and all the laws, end all the Ohms and Bernadette in the Universe usenet prevent that inequelly from disturbing prices. tio long es is has a epeeist use meal es, it will be preferred to the currency, because of that nee. Ls ram will consequently be advanced, Feud 6 similar adrance will be levlesi open all sotaal Values; and all the ceenearice of the People. The true remedy, therefore, ie, the resumption of our commerce upon the ocean, and the L iminsequeut payment of daties with the arrrrentry alone; or, failing that, au ion' mediate non intercourse act, II the honielne Babel corsairs should be sustained egainet Of the two alternatives, we are free to say we much prbfer the latter. It is the most thor ough and most nutty; and it le also the most rapid way to recover cur prosperity and nit retrient., It WV be objected that Fusee sad Eng land might, in ntaliatlon for non.intercouree, tocognite tfie Confederacy and raise the blocktuie. It ie not unlikely that they weuld; but deep any one believe, in the fan of the experiencee of this war, that the rebel. would be benefited by inch a course ? Their porte have alreedy been !sufficiently open to enable them to obtain all the meterisi at wer they want; and they have put more cruisers on the tea than we have had commerce to feed their rapacity. dee only effeata ' therefore, which would follow the reeeing of the block , ads .odd be to debauch tbe rebels with an enervating luxury, and deprive them of that Tigololll simplicity which has made every man a !soldier. We have bed our ports Open; and 10l the vital drain, th• false prespenty and softened virtue of the North I Doe, soy one dispute that we would not have hewn our way farther towed she tent of the rebellion If our ports bad been ciond, and we were sternly depending ourselves' As to any war *bleb might remit hem a declaration p ro o InteroonrSe, wo can all;rd to treat thepect with contempt. There are always two sides to a war, and the ills.st !penile's of each party le—What do we risk Oar answer bethet whenever we make up our minds to relirquieh commerce, France and Eagiend are practically at our mercy. Well, our commeree Is already gone - ; and it minuet be restored toetil Vrauce and England, anti the other European Powers, which need visedly follownd in their wake, refuse to give farther refuge to the porting pirates who have either barned or affrighted It, from the ocean. If fess thou italf doasu earesirs have done this to oar enormous trade, let us ask our-- eels's, what Would be the fate of Frerneh end English eczenterce before the coolness ray. egeouf nor Innumerable privateers ? It Is , welt to remember, also, that . while commerce is • vital Interest with Western Europe, It is te a matter of •sseoadary moment. With megiand eepecielly, it is the very breath of ' W e , end no flrPfsh Administration could re- moan In pewee three months, whlchosused its plose; through a war with a great mealie pewer like the Dotted States. The Br t itt m :h Ministry have nt.'s erten!d a rounens ens of this ; and ao the very time they were I , greeting beliigareot tenter to their env.. tilde., sad threatening war fur the eeisure of , she Trent, they were shokieg wish a r•eret deal that the Dotted !States would make war msg./sm. Had our G ••esereeDt, on then es tutees; threatened nee interceree as an al. terns lreply piresey, and gretedßritish f ran tire In reply to Britlish Me e ster, nualry would have been out of It, troubles long and , lon ago. A g gain, as to foreign mar, let us imagiell all Europe In soeord, and endeavoring to ettaor 1 as with an wily of three hundred themeand I men. To Ind that number of effeeti ye weep!, would reclaim the embarkation from Earor , In the way of sailor', testeelers, navies, tau pore end mines, of some 690.000 men. The extent of their lino of CoMMutdoetton with .rourtilsealtiCh woald bo heir base of tap. plies—would be, at karst, 6 t ,000 utiles, end be liable, always, to the assarelte and iwentip. Nolte of ooz Basta Bet admit such as am, to he leaded, what woul4 Weems:Alf It before the bolts Whlah a thoroughly blipined poOplii would army against ft? Opposed by the new baleen of Irartherlibile deems. we Mmo not yet made car march' to Itiolunond. How many milli, thee, olibtilids banding force hope to penetrate this land against the misormoe of a matted North ? sOs to the danger of our yea-coast cities gat makee the lightest call of all, on our concern. Oar floating batteries and harbor rams would have an immense adeantage over soy iron clads built light enough to cross the ocean; and we have bat to remind oursol•es also, that against the new methods al harbor and maritime defense, we have riot yet succeeded. in burning or capturing the thlravete pee -1 coast el-100 of lliilmlngttra, Charleston and hiobilel Small fear, therefore, fort Boston, 'Portland or New York, or even the fee blest harbor on our oorditl Thus wo have in our bands all the advant ages of •ggreedoe, all the superlerities of de fence; and yet we sit tamely down, enduring the at atrocious wrongs, without any rale , late effort at retaliation. We believe, there t,,re, that forbearance bits reached its utmost imit; arid; hollering, moreover, that the oper ations of our Interior trade, and the army pnroossu of the Government, cannot ba con tinued under the bligh dog machlnatioes of the gold conspirators, we propose to adopt tie only temedy that Is really equal to their fall correcrion. We propose, In short, that ho secretory shall &maitre tee earrency re ismlthe c oune for dut try ies, for an.au pp and aeal to te patriot ofditlonahl loan. We next propose that a demand shall be made on f,reign powers for a withrawal of shelter to the Rebel pirate., on pal d e of a non-lair coarse act against them ea allies. We might say to those f• reign powers mildly bat fi•mly, that they doubtless invests d the Rebel. with belligerent attributes, under the ,mpreaelon they would be able soon to a "quire prize courio and establish a maritime slams of their eve ; b at it betting been demon !grated, through three yelt.ll of effort, they owe their existence solely to extraneous pro tastiest, and are capable only of robbing and blaming peaceful traders on the sect, we must insist 'het they deny these homeless corsairs continued ree enttiom oral further ha refuge in eir poets. We might add tt, though they possibly acted unadvisedly at the outset In granting these rights, they could not now be tgnorant of the true natured the straggle be tween the Federal Government odic i.e re cored eititins or be unaware that the an• thority of oar lineman:mot would be easily re• stored over them, If this foreign rungo•l of the Rebellion be Wlthdrawn• That, in short, we could no longer besitattitoregard these belligerent privilges arid support of 'an lost:argent, who had not even, in three years, x•quired a legal maritime existence: , as In actual participation in Ills aggressions, and, In fact, a covert war. It this ',lSt protest antilop peal shall not obtain justice at tealr bands, the kelt we can do will be to turn our back Imola any of these pin Vert, just ere any self rospeatl Ing gentleman orseild close his door against a f ricer associate who persisted open keeping it bl.egustrii In his company. We Insist upon is that less than this we cannot do; and if we de not do It epeedily, see shall and that, in addition to the °elution'd prostrat on of cur commerce, the Rothschilds sad Edinger, et Enteric, through their titan elal Wall street agents, will fight us In oar vital, with exaggerated-gold, and, while alas exciting our people with cur-radon prices, platiga oar over•tasked national finances iota ed.:, min. In ltief, this gold conspiracy must he quickly checked, and bread reduced to reasonable pricer, or society, ere loop, will fall Into unutterable chaos. The Government cannot seize provisions here, as ia the Souls, • and award its own rates of purchase; yet if it do not, provisions will soon rite beyond its purchasing cipacley;unleee. Indeed, It deprive gold of ire domineering attribute, and stop its leak by etp , rtatios.. We have not been in favor of the foreign pulley of the AdMinistro.don; but we will to glad to support Mt. Llt Gila, if he will prompt ly demand trom foreign powers the recall of b l eligeren right, from our revolted eitiseus, or if he t declare the altemative ol Non• intercourse, In ease it ho rehired. If att. Llrcisln will not thus vindicate the nation and exhibit a dignified rieeotnient, we ari farany Unica candidate who will. Ilienatami is in hinting tins; and ebocild war result, as leo • re sure tt wilrunt, from our just demand, we could call CUT fsi. , tes home, and thrones an .1114901 sEensive and defensive with the Damizioan s.td Mexican Republics, expel • monarsay from this continent, and sweep the - British and S ; sottish West Indies Into oar fold, where th,,, bcisrg. ConTesslon uf a Copperhead. Eton. James BrJoan, editor cf the New York Ecrpren, Is one of the most nitro op. pout nks at the Adruitist rad, la, and a Ctp perhred of the fist water. In a rem tat letter Irma SSaohia j to Lis pipit . ; ha es ye B.uvery came! wi.h it its own putieh meat. It it a dead drat: to the body po,itie It to impost tde for ritiv amonity to pees our with it 00 im m The sfdtotiun I boars a. heattly on the maser as upon the elate. It enda , gera 14a peace and bopp. area of trio robe the elate of his (recite: ace hit btrtnrigh- As to pros p-itty and aecoustdatton of property, it keeps the mutter la the seer of Others to simattua tr.ropt from this evil, and tLuo depri•es him wirer, it devotees tve stras.of. it to thtnonstrobl.., in my opin ion, that !Lot con.ouotty of ryti•er, mkt,. Su 114i4i0 , , pt Doper run and richer, wheto 1.05013 ie pro/obit ed, thai whets It to allowed. • MILLIOSB Lf frth in the Ohio canal bar been poitnned by the dieoharge or refits from the eztenei•e distilleries Bt. Troy and lodge along the backs In each number to to cause an intolerable stench, mut threaten a peetilonce. If the refuse o Oblo *bleky carrit s snob tiewb to animal asks a lisp, of that region, *lilt tout tb n bitiy ito.lf diT RE LIG 10E14 Artri DUE g EU.PREA4 ING ISY 11K LATTER DA Y FAIN very .b ., 1211)%i DAT, at 10% pa an 12 P. m, at INL.3 FY HALL Dauer a.l L.Fax k and tauccok r Firreta, ea.e.any Clc7. Ile pablic ar• tn . tte t aq.e. d. plklt O...DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, (Au. -- 612.7 (rrr,) CLUES JOB EPII ICING. F. ca.t In EMOELSIoII LIMA, corner of Fed.. 4Le eta. Prc..L.g ..try x.): j LOWY:3 DA . T,. 1 1 - =, Itat Pith L - IC .IroTICEI._ UAKLAND h K ur. Tr Jeay Mb. si 4 e.l. , ck p A TROTTIICO MATCH EittLY HA WE and DDT WILDOE IDt o—Gtst 11..1 to *tog n, Dot .. to Iv E VOL tt. CI otntl may o. • 3, clad. LIJNVISNTION. —TOO loyal ...re of A limberly cemoby to apport the Loo.t , etio or &LOLA El id LIhOOLII and A t.DGEW JOHLIbO CI, add the platform of pin , Gip am wowed by the Itabeeel Dolton botreentlon •1 Bs timory and adhere to Um Or.lon party. ant r nt, ated to eaeonthle et the bens' placer or '-kilns el. 111 .h. In their Vitt do, 800 eghrs, TOIN.II,pII men D.Litt. Pn It Et*, MlOllO ttVtly, o ISAII.IIiVAY, doll 04 18 , 4, and el. ct tee , d.iegtt.sln repo.. each d so tdt eforbaled ton U LON LVOV ENTI , JI9. to be held et the Wahl' HOD it, lo Hittabdwgb, WEDNE3DhIf, August SI, 10 lot b. perpo of unktlnstLog caoddlawa rob the aloes to be flltel at the aliening O.:Leber elortlon. The etact lonaend B 'rough. shall be helot, betel.. the boars for.r • d Islet o'clock p. , sod In the township* between the km' re of Orme end ea n' I ,ck p, m. DS order of the DIA. Zseco -11•0 COLIIMIMO, A M. UHOWS, lhAlf61111.? 30011 It. Seer 1000. Jytt.td )7 meeting of the Stook ^•-% gulden of the Blohoniag and french Creek gmlrosd °Mammy •iii be lord or the BOARD 07 I lista, bofilda, in the city of Pittobraiih, on Om Ttff BU b .BDAY (Wry.) 07 JUL 7 , 1864, st the boar of 3 o'clock o. in., fur the pa-pone of hold , Mg tb Mat &urinal Elora,. tir atoms Marmara al weld Company. limning M. Farr W. hi 1400, 3y144. Pwk Jr., George Black, Thomas nake , tell, Wm, D. Drown, Wm•F V. Lacs, jeMild ELECTION NOT —The tit.pelt.• tio!dere of thnLittle Baer Ifni Ban B. B. Go. ant Wee, heti tted tat:wet at the 012. of the aem- Pail, in Teomenweestiln. on TIA.DAY, the 215.11 el Jill, ne.t, at SI o'etock p co„, for the p apse rie nn¢ em land ett Dacatori. to sot* , r o , 'he e.qt y ear. ,144.34 ttern WM. M Oreelf %Et. Hurt:tour., Plttob .rgh, Jo u? 12th, 1604. [O2'AVE A, GT"011; ZET) By THR Irlo.non (‘.l2onht^o to drat . a boo., ot Tk Ltiry-r,v D0L,10.8 to 0.00 oton tot the fort ..pentes on - 00 4. 3.4,1,1t8 8. STALLY, Hont , toon Hll.lLary Uotwoltt o. Joao H., 9ithOTY2t, t,coot 47. ylJ•tt $7OO Doman A SUBSTITUTEL—A. gear *h. it sms rzaf:oFE within e 10 p• • to. in, th, will give *EVEN FILM d -Latit D L .All,B ocooptobto 'l,torsti ..zwhite or colored, to =DP for Stns )earc Et quite 141 124. 142 BIIIIIII4IELD ST . PI t tur,4 2711.144 CONSIGN RENTS bbIs. trrixe Rmitt Zzga ‘• dolt. Whit. Boa. 1 T. base. 'nub tomato; last recant{ sal far sat& at No. tat Lfberil stmt. 1)14 PO4' , LI. AIKEN di rifilro.N. D. A 0 &RD.-..—Lgentlemeen whose time le MUM, acenpnal coda ¬e nowt Ono boar $487 to writing. Any nna wishing to con. nit blotting Wrote 771218? L., GLIM. OrrieL .NEW Arirgurmaumrra. rft) LET,—Three fine commuticwinz ROOMS I , LET.orl r. Fluat. tan lam ,eln, •tatatplp • ri.% atm Vcathcoll tor 11 wout“l. of =f l - /CISIC Nitrt•lC.t t A <holm IA Lf tho L 4111,11% .4 re- pr.ler Soup., stno•lo and %maim. , tali alas the twew ALlonshl • Ow:epos...i. e r pul co, ant At 'Jag porposee, rocel red an !er •nle IL KLF.O EA .1, Bao., 1•1 P 1t 1:2 Wood excet. -- - THE PF.EIs LESS STEINWAY lIANO9. & vbri ebbed , 7laco, of that bob: c. cacao rocelnd for tule by &LEBER& IMO., &ge Agpbt& s fo o r ,tlhk; t Rolt CABH A ftr t MEWDEUN 5.,7 Jm recalvert a flee lo: or It E , NS, from the fee ory o , the tlenowl f. , v u, re Cathet: a Eitel. beet. N. w Turk, eareprietrg 4 4>c .84d 5 ctarr, porm ,, l , rut, ea kr..:lek trace style ran, is I. 6111• its sad double elope. LPL too.. •r st , y the fleet: toned and moat drtre:ole Inktcric au • f tteir They im• known bare tech 4.1, in Lit city f neu Peen ear W•rtanted ettpmforto H. KLK-te.lii Eno., ale sputa (Jo Orrhart'e Mel w our, 10 Wood et , ellett t. tut. G Nt;t:' t!cro GIO SNI.I.I"—AG ,O OD INS S I :it I: she !Weed thee .eek.teg e lecet. d to• CULITILS tiEAT ASO FtItCT FAP.3I Now olotod f r vale, .1t0rt..4 11 , , mll.e f:o - n guen; City, and .at cal • fro tot Ptr.,•..11e r Toe propel ty In thee . ..hi lcuproa• d o' trkk arrloatt tiqute,l4 *ti.n .re 11,tat,sud other oattut,ol to. T•tlr 'ra• o• Out 1..“1 tiett of ailalork d, of ebt rel• - ttoo ur Gait, ...I ver, mute[; It l• 0 eof tool. t lott , fur ors e.mtc.ty; 1:4.0 e‘t coo.. c add h ere tio• he•ritj For unbar pertielnere apply J.to hIC 27 Pboeptraobtr 1i ri th et.eet. PIANOSi P1A1,03! .0,10.• 01 A very obo!o• et.och of sopnior I , Pianos !WV r.catring, oLmpr:ollof OALENRE6V 4 N. OANL♦RI N. T do. lauS. s NON'S N. Y. dJ., ct e Priem Ranalog from 19300 to • 19500 WA rta ANTED POE 1I EYE , Elt FL KLEFIZF. k BRO., Soia appatz brat, above r4ru, I:sEwllj Cia •11 PaLabarg',ll.lo l Legal Blanks, GI all dvsalptibca Blank Booh Stationery ; Albums, &c., &c MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., LINCOLN .1. JiIiNSON JOUNS , IN LINCOLN I JOUR.? ,N LIN.7OLti Q JOrin.':.:4 CAMPAIGN SONGSTER CAMPAIGN SONGSTER CAMPAIGN SONGSTER NOW It 1-)Y BM= Stalled Vat -paid, cot no.alot pl. •. Addrosa ❑l tr..... a, to loran pr.rr..t It... Lion, to JOHN P. HUNT `.x'o.:3 il7Cli SIB.ELT..EIAtONI:'II‘I.I. ZIEVKNITLI LIST OF A.?F'LIt,A ;I iNs 10 fix oath:4 Ltqu4n, Med la the Clerk • Oflace up to 31,17 id., 1101 Noose. /EMI. Firma John Oolr, ist .a. 10 0i...d i o oi.orgb. J• pa Mrs, , ch.& ipsrl , do; sarml U. Stewart, tars. is, 01 .5 F. W. Grire,ll, is .., dot O Juba ryer. railiat train. di 'slued, ritt. , 66. 0 ,r., 010 0...1d, Laois's, Li .c.r i, i 1...b.:x.0 Patricia li•r , c ktroberl Coll.. 5 II Wsts o • C 11 II•••rs I Li ma sit" a tarsi., 5.1.....5... J ca. Su ieb, 11, • %arise 01I0ai 1, do, &too 0 Davi., do, 6111 .ard P.ii or. L Prod k Halsor Mir., goers Eta 0,,,r4,itar , 1n , K' Poser Ls.umbuns, eating ti.ow, d ; ml bass s c.o.d. do, es; 'Er M °root. lamr„ lc ma i •'irgbues L.v.,•r. 11 , air, 0.., • t.l ••• , 4, Z. , 1 g • • Ft.r• tVietsooirtr,abl'a 11,3*, I.Ssa -1 , 01.1. , • t.•, • E. S • Ult. tartra, do U...., •t 1 Handal, d.. du. O. lisdrobrti • Era, • 1 , .. C. ,4 .. 0, -. Peril It frattor.tou rata.; boo o. d an. n —sassy ta•cra, Wu red b•srmy, do, 6.5 . 1 rR• ri (Plus., mittng /soma. Ls .'rinsed I- Thor. Ramo, tiisto a, did IL ti lore, 1... du ; P.m , D bla, rat•r g boast, 66 1.2.1. , Oro; tlecov• I ruellik, la ••11, lire. J I karma, ~.b.O goods, 11, 6 r•ouri; ...Os Moilins. co, tir,atla P.tt.blrgL Ortd•oeto • I lir, eatYng [cilia, Sang ratt•“ini, r.lll Oar L.rbla, 00, Tait atom, .1.11 110. risco, t•.ordi• 4 ; Jo •11 kis., d i'lear-Irn to s-arlii, , Stijab Marshall, do, E.odlsy d , lei I regirdsa do, co d.; OD. lingua, dam, dad lair do. 0... F. Tbcoms, iM, do dc.: J kro licLee ,s du, U.1:61.0 dal Jobb EY inlay, do, Fouls d•, /area Digo•o, do, Yeablri 4c; Patrick Duffs, d., 160010 c• to; 61a Ann. works}, do, 11l bland do; Jamb Kamm naMigar, d... B•itor.• do; C SI-hsoiriab, do, Esalor , d ; Oro Mtllll-r, 00, L 8. CIAO di, Lobelia 13.11, do, 1 1 . 16n du; TO. Ooort will meat cm WEDNESDAY, July 17 1., 18e4, al lb o'clocka Oa. ILitkoratrakttra moat tri 161.0 an or r day. • Llamas. mast be take. out aftrr 6 days, and riebbi 1 5 4.1. OM. Wog arsorsal Of tbsy iriti bg nivokri according to law. Applicants will briug Osidr bond[ to ray &Nos Ware tEr day of bearing. fele:Sid W. A. HERRON, Clerk. 126.8.G8 ASSOI4TMENT (,)! BO iTd, SLIOEB AND ciLIPPERP TOW CM., ➢14.*., Dupe Ctild kieellntock's New shoe Store No. lie rr.DERAL ST, 1.11Nboa) C', N. 11.-8•• good. arslvlng retry dn. 1715 ARMY BLANKETS I. Patton Lyon. Tins. IdcOu lloa:b. II A. B. D. Dadl,T MINTS On James 8. Myers, Et hard Irwin. David Gateau. James B Jruy lb. tk.rmratarz Ornas Ootaauroa or lacceo.l. iSar.eos, 230 Outheorma [lmam e. PA., Plttabur irate 10, la d& NOTICE IS BERKEY GIVEN tist u.. Ab•rAL, I.leTi OP LfOrYfElita •01 , I2IOObIG TAXIS, under the truhed rtetea • wean.. Lam, are note la thin odic* and that pay moat to, be madebetween the Lt faod JODI of July, oat, dth. , the rhn.tia. will be /trimly enforced. The taxer far the city of Potaburgb, borough of tee renaorille and Pitt totreablp will be paid at Mt. o gp," .4 of ,b• thne and p ace, of ontl”ctioue for the other tairoaho sad trmuthiprot 'ht. Inetrlct due not., V. glean by Deputy Coliemora W. G. Thar. rime sad John A. thogoaut. W LITTL, Colleetor. ft , eooreb .0,..t. tans. or 1 .0 1 Of 61.11 j Pittsburg>, July j TO PAINT N, 11.4.—reafed Proposala .to he rarelend at ttde oldies until the Were INSTANT, (nr palettag tn. Ila( and pop , aof tha aen House tired t.O. paittod Lb Lbw() Oh and Venni. Ural or Winona raint tee Cflada l : nn I lane d and White Leal. By dlrenthrn. of the Connty (I,arntretn.rds larval' LA, "nRT Cron, _ . _ .totillATE. I'O.4I , ESSION —A. Two !hid, jgglllrg Linn lot zeo, ploguot IVO nut». t•m the flw Ilwa• gig 04.1- Ipud ; two Mil at ground, each tO toot font Blau .566 p; womb, 1.0 .vl6 at 6 pow tam•, too mkt 00 , 0 04 *al tom A or.lot ; 01 lizoOlett et. el b. pump. boom. It Price 115121:0. +IWO,' to . ODTBII6IIT a lON. 511161 6 14 it. PS BI ABEL--50 cot h& Igo. 1 itt a tore Kat* J. B. OaailinD. - -------- . -- - PacTOgY Idartallar:ll 0751C14 %Id Iltera.. Pa., 1 . a. 44roillat ITT, J 4 yl5 ard. lr t 1, j - L - I.XV.IPL' FRUM Dr<AtT—ln Rec.:- 1j Ganda vith order., I pab ish ilia fo losing 11.1 of pars... ateropt crow toe draft of Juno, 11364, by V,. Board of EaroLhauct of this Dhrliht to 11.6 date, with tee came of rxampll - a Inn 4 car ,. FIR.-FT WARD, ALLEC; U ENT CIIT. Firal $340 Corarrtur la a Ifonr,,. 1011litro Cr Stubs ,Parld Twe's Jam.. 8 It ...ry .7h. roar 13yd e aobert Whit. J. bn 811 1 anbarga Irwea Da.ldaun 1 ho G '.7elllneet Go re .bur.. i lliabert P Getty Berry Rawls . Larva rat• I daws/ 1 1 alcOrtalor 12e, 1 0., A liotchtbre PeAt , 4. th ri 117 L. ar l al4 a , ban/bertha Bo Jcarph 11 wan b , rt 11 Cow J tr. . arch 1 td.l.•ln Bakens: n J.. • Boat, IJohn %tr., a. thaw y t o ' D:rtd f'aniptiJll 1 4•lttlan 11 cl I.a .., Kra 11 acbrohlt boo i', nr. s.. Dlcliry Jorwiph C Young Brq, wld J watt la m e Bran. A be Iteenefr iMeiehlet CrtMlm'm FreJt rIA Letylet J 5...• 01 1,1 LOA," John tel , Farlan.l Cu.: g ., W Lyou MEM 3,..{.1) St.:a J 111.1.1.: °sal{ /A SeTle ,l l hen Junes Greentr,el IH nrs t akor Sow.lladres. J •In el • lean Dead -Dad ,fie• J. h.. X eLt tsh .1; lah Home. a,tchlnsai George EECO SD WAIL/4 ALLEGaENT CITY. Pod !EX Cleavenla...a... Mousy. Rtwnhf .3 11 Otuer J tree J H t re Doles t Rush II:toter& Hun er !LOW . r 1 Ha- th. r Donarlj Illiern lhanbers J..mee a Welsh Adage Ho •w 13 buStlth • li.d.ey Io h . • rg,er Y ry .J•naee E eteronson Hugh rd clew .. • W liacubsie. El•PRI•12 Pt pm Set ree.er Caldwell N 11. d :run Le .1. Usw and lJohn Jacks. hleasuder Ala Start, !Job] Wll le Henry McCeeb Her J t lateen Jaren,r.h Holly George W Morton J.ne.H Ludt. lei 11 Lan !Luce. wn X Duel: J , bo Tl , wr, Jr J • Murray • .r.d, ck Dey.d '-v • r, lcuu li tcy.t o.rener a. ry 11.1-y 11'1: t.m IS:str.s MEMO= Jaepb l'hambert itcH,nry Ls=l. Wdi«rbull TEL ND W %ED ALLEOrI EST CITI John B E..ran .04,1rge Smith , nruael . 0 Vars. Jahnlast. t.asta B r ham Bob'o ph Art. II ury r, uklntAA i Nugt.t Weigand Unary Ottell, Willi 312 Bey tot& 11101100 0 Catlin ,Or.r. - y Meyers .5021 Y I Wlid • , • 10.4.• B. Voestley 3,141 h,hl•rett Jamas Crown J.y.b., 00-...1.C. IMlalt h. sr • n•lnr..ch J nu ti Ito.br_rt. :Ara •W tart. !..ht B a t 3.11 CI liarrt. , 1.,.•• 01 it,, Bobo t an drl I It , I . tlu•lt Jam.. Z. Itarneny Cyril. P.... son Ll...ary tl.artvi.l 1... rt Dalt II Ilnufy a. I a lirmr,e 11,clanr.saa.k ,31ishnel 11. , ..g .1.0 • ulorsan C. are.. Kill Lew.. T.shrtaflaws BA. , hn• to . 15blataz , hs• Ins Stnerart Jtoo.ph 'Mitt...l.:eq.. rt Endres. PAssre: a UctELI•O 31 I er I, I•hana Nck 41141.1 - 21 rl, t 'Ll.ury lis,peohydar Jam, Ft II 11, A leash/3.r i...+13 Leah , Ilt 'warm. k....bra 1 By. oily ...,, ("rat, , • olbroac tled r E1...h-a a It. rlah 'George erhaffer lit ....•• El. I A ndre. Jseitmon . Will •131 ...Album Jas-. Lep,ua sr her Hopper IN - 141 s. Ciolavr node rtck etcalth ,Chriati a Gent Jvha D.ld If Philip Grrausugbar 1.,0 Odenwald Phl!ip Muir', ..,r BnLry 14e1s 'Henry rottlaer Poo not Ilcesui , 7 irate, Grosser I sq.b Erct I Th. tAul 1a,ab...!, Worhloaton McCall...ugh II•or, III ,, h1s• L. Phlqp Eat, Ilona /I Stutz ,churl B 1.1,4 I a. • , 1 , 6" .•••rn us: t.astry VIA. rat at a Lao r••-ns Im. •h I G.K.,,• IN Irunr ..,ht B 31r.s • ,Er,s tl 2{.-1.101 tobt E. at.isn 1 0.01.110 t. Kura. .11 lens... 2 aschstsr Rotor Mart. Jo-apt Buhr 'elf .d ~tests oh I +hart -apts. ohn 1' Gary I. re: .t . Usgse 0.111. m tn.:tau J hue ¢0 K Paha ..1.. I Pio gad. r 4.1,zi titan.. FrKt,lCk Etenuatt p • rt.. Purl. • Ch..rles J Illcha.2a flu. , Fist: /1..0 tchaab.cher 11,,r, Mlles.,' ' sarrnao•Wlr.b F,0.,1<0 WurerlTronk V-the no). Oskar ITt.mAa E to nervy If ... Smith Is. jeoursd C 1, 4.a:111 0 ,7 G ...A ,r I:ha• IJAA .. B I.l.sclatArJ I..hu ...In,P.Ar- P .1, y Le.. liAuftuan 1J...0h e f, o.twitbrt Pater .t. tla , Orr Tr ts. r 1003+10ai* I•scu 'Jahr. Blot 11. ory ath r.mp i a.. 1 ta auyi.:er TITIZ ..LT‘l7:rr FIFTY-EN Flobo• - 1 t 11: , 111 to / • dell 0..‘t0t.1 Lott R t.rt A J C. crwl 6 1 , 01.71 El t vv. t (tar kr d rks n: ti 4.1 a It ny Dud—Prod :fur IN - olnall. JO, 91,r Itan .1111.1sal Kbo Jan,. 11 Morey 01110 TOWNSUIP, LUC!: Y. /Paid 3 AO Cocrunstatwn It tau, I'n7dcr roma:les dtolth Son•B•skiefst. Jct.:C.ll'f and GAITERS Olt BALD BT WHITE, OSIR dr. CO. is. Is rum" erszeT. Liudou Ilam II Cirri lion Teals 1* •• I 1.1..1ry frwuk PART ow. d Jobn 8a ml-I J. tip for sr , Donut Lam Ch.!. Letalar Sarni, 13 Fm:t3. j:.' 0,3 ,5 11 . 1 pi, r•toi.ol2l ESE qc 11X: !lan 'lv, EM== Mr= Ml= DiscS F„ pert IWI I .rn 71 HIII Bugh s.e^-7 ky.„, oul,ma•-12 to 3,lck mith ;A 1 1.3 0 Thar I rul,cl SCI m. %outs. , %Nis. 111..tq AG. C Connell • .rt zda! to 0 e• Cga“....l4aer. Ad•al tIL•:1 Bet.; .allo !Abel las-owe P•e I b et tt Dean :c -L. rile, D7,,,xt G. rge e aareCe twurat!eses. c Ago iwysidked box64aiw:+. Tayl,r dcaANLLE:I3 T .W/NBHIP, ALLTOSTIT CO. EZE=CI nB~wu:i D4.bA:fy D. 01.4 Gm , C0.N4414.6101 414 tat 11 Gelmr BH A.LE a 70 wNsti IP, ALLEGUENI CO. 7..ul 1300 02....utt.. Oeotgs Balder IDaut•l W•gootr Jace... H. Wog, John Finale P.ter E Impt..nalth . ii•to 51•Ntold Ina.c a thuatlci ,frAucla PlUnket J.hu 4 tog Phat hal Lurdo.l4. Frodulck Ilimkt. OE= Charles Elchertlaoh U..mitabtir.• oJYto•. Jain Eterksaraader RESERVE 70 A SSD IP, A I E7M/lilr CO. Pa 1 - I $.30 fkosinutat . Mo.ev. .000 o Pchr ck l,ho Irshas. thsper DIA.. Wllllam Pimple Ir‘a.tter Miller Phi te Or.ver 'Casper t Lassa:Park ',Edward Pees er ' , Art" II eta I 'David lilastif. las nand el; rlr.r aurae Kola rly Marie& ! Sees Henry nesher Jahn Dell 1F1.r7 0 P.lmEr Chrtstlaotesty Iltradertalt Mohr armed Kett. ,Peter derider Itham,a &Prep Wlllium 0 it Thum.. .Valenti'Mott At Henry Irbbe itar nAra. Mar in Byti•y H. awed John l'undon !nob M w'rred Joseph n ningh r Jceryh ['rein Conrad P.hr John Lourenon Ibiarn I.lo.linr: Jacob Babb Jame , Bost, ' dorard h, o YhBID w• . Unary 13 1, anor John Born Andrew 0 Eirolo'ph Frits 1 nick Christian Water MIME 6..aree 11.1mauelda dem £m. h Audr w L.bach .713.1-• St a IL, r• h Jos ph l.rp r`-r 1.. h. . 0 o k«I George II ma 0 t ..11, Hang" tan b ad , .0 Hoi , rt A Bugle, sd. Ipb Wo.tty agut Pe It Lassen bolder • of Aix. I:jbark• Darker Jatoa. Dia larsolch Edward Baal. obs I olt J M ll obs 0 J camel • upon !land • Wendel boson hart 111%,,,ir0d• 8•r. km , 8114 - total Pe;er ileuter Josrpb Pnr:Jer • V 3.10 ti.bo J 41,42 Writt.er °albm ebr-ngsl [teary boatel ta, Sheri, 151,102.11 Ccbtrk Ger,rga Elnama fulkalva. Ham ► Rzed W.ll Nob aßacnct eri•tao Vcastuo t Amt Osarg• Hata he. D-oped omr• Ps t George Patterson J. W lIIBECTE, .t b1an,4423 , 1 Wr I< Ont. au±Prue• AV IL MoCLINTOCK, Jobber end Ho -T . tall Detain la DUoT, IlfiUti aue. 061XLI1/3. Cf 410 Mce.l Ibtroot, igbra.l gam iF - -I -11FS W NT . E.,: .; k. n. take at I . [ZEE !•y y •Ulig 111.3151 ~••• •• • 1. 11. • I , ,rt e. A,911 13 ... Neyt. f th, c[ l . l Y • V " T 1 of glx 4 r E I. k I =El= young married .h..te, iuc. t..! A v. I At. re , VANTF •ber. ..: lAbt gt , n. ne , ! Cl. . I:at MEM & TiN \i~:Si ompeteral W tnIK ehs - o•cf s 1,- th p, can tHor ut n ,o,d alt . latitn by %I", J) 15:1, TH ib -Ft I 'Ft WANTIW—Ity n..young, man, a c:t.a :• T T ti n - un light sod si.pss s• Hassoros teptt‘l tut do. hot pressr.t. rues ri,hilltsztt Ls thud It< ulz .14 r 111,0,1 w. ter on 11......111, 0,14 , r. JANTE.D—A t the II nuEe of Hefnze, A 5/LE 7'Arsoaa C tOr!n e tb; pea 'lon cna have to tat,- .. la • tko COparin en.drul, , 12..er10. Oppth.aq tetth mit:et/A et ., to he l• it at lb. Inc°,o ..mt. ott TiltiltSitikl, he, at 2 ' ca, st O, .I¢ , ILEA plant they, tame. oe 7'JY:7I F.l, ‘ Y ATA,Nri.n. t PEIL atLIS 'For:OI.A gwl. %with bslit l 4.; , h , .ag }i,•!7,4111; • • 01. ; nr.4 el wrap r.octd La 0g.....5cr , 04 I •..r. 44 4 •I' 4•11•ble, briud d no. 4.4 the 13... k tore of E NAEK , AI, .1 4 4 YeZo4J 4 , 4.4 t W TLL, .T ..Nl.. r.n. the • 1N.., Bare Dorms inr further preql.nlyri lcqvirs of 11.011 E N, KILAtIER, Eac., bt 6.1‘.7.ner & Ms Cal meal& 13.bILLt&i, Bocretnr. hl A T D - f. 4 ,0 A MAIN 1 v imat Aocsa. at tic • touutttsapcuste patt, orl; Welt LAST t tiG , OCIVNTA L L C LINZ tuß, and thirt,n cum, canfttl and co M.. of rcuLro rout vs.. 'Adm..; RAIN Y. 1.13 , 1 D, Eaddsfard, Mums 401, ESE 70 IL IT, A SMALL 0008 E, Pittrborjh or AlLrghto.y. stre,le ddrewl, BOX 1111, TBBPTIGII kf ANTED —T Ns 0 CUIs6TITUfk . :6, V D T LIAD LC TO D GAIT. to out, the mn vice u rprts otatlvev, lu tottmo , • ul t4o u•vt oralt. ,A Lard Ooloty alil o•pald lo additi , n to the Gov t0ur044.1 Posecity orated .Addr.a DAL M. 7, Pit For Po. v77tf A : s r I T LI E I LI STO A I , I S'I g toTileZell w.s. th a el a r n . d cha Aao ta make mucey. A,ente kro c . .erar1.1.4 V,lO to IA) o. Zoo 000 rclttmes alroad s..n.d 1,4 mr.Llsra. ea J Bleb: , Asa mnre TAN fli;1).-100 tons of old books, •ith books niandori, old uorripapen , or soy rig Mat bas once been •riring, as printing pope:, r th. I:detest prim paid a , our pains Us, WnriLLVlks, Nd. 33 drodritti.ld West. . s C P MAUR d (N. WVNIE.I)—A good rt1.1.01311E KL.toa• ftd.ltTli Ad LULLI . La. Mao. ~•ofr goat ttel.ll trs,el pead to good wort. =on Iraqtdra Fa OH M.. b01..E. af t 0 I•cinl Laity and III,I3tIAPP IN ay VANTED-- An ectira, i,vittstriou.s ju,ll), mea, a 1 LESIILN. tract come 1•11 m rerasuend kAd•elost ALTO, 4•Errra Orrice, 1.12.111121 LE.. earn r.•. ww,l rahitst ram, ib. clt TOIM "1/10,,'"F tl [I'OVID V.ND —The Board of Maoogere 1J a tae M..oonge.hols Nit.tcar.oo wmp of Pete <nu tisy dPr.-ht e 4.1•• Villdasd faf tW../ DAIIS AND gtl fCZ YTr & tV.lt, , Pea f • NT., of ate prt.fltz ti the emnpauty for the .rtet t,able to the Bto.kt.oit).••• the,. p es.otstivrit, forthwith st the Ctffioe of Vt. No. 7.5 •111 .treet, P nut .olget, e. (toter t.mcnt ty the otepatti. H. DAKEWLLIa Tre.aurr, icily 140, MIL .tyls D iviDEND NoTicE. OULCIIS“ lt 0011rai, Pitts ,nrih Pa, Jcl7 131 h, 1.64 I ........ bo D,ract...x• th'• („in.upan, the dal de clar • DlTtdand FV if (0) pun CANT. on th Ftoct, ~nt tl,• yr aOf 14.1 in min, pa, • the . t..‘” lla.rs yo a.l:, 111L.nSI. , • an• lite, tut. u the B d Li F. IV Si V. LT .--•t•rT I tyluEND.—The • Truet.ea of the LI Y.tt.burgb O. • 'on:Li:nay oar. lb'. dal . 6.• ci.r.-7 • Dlvldon-1 TWO DOLLA.bB AnD Fir rs P.Llt nM A EIS on a al. Com e lay, yaj•ble nrtbi.th .1.016 , 13 LL. 05 611 TY, fre.nror. 1 i'llubtalir • U. t ogup.7. Iltb 1 B 4 Orr= or TOO ht.Ltaketter Lesoeut. 00., Y 11 tairgts, Ju 7 A, f n iv,DEND —1 he t'r. endent and Ui 11.1 not •••• of this Compartl t•eve de 1e.r , 1 a DOA. ol THREE DOLLAR. PER 6/I.S.R.E, oot • the hrof,a o. the peat. ta ea.. 0110. ps3able to Sto.-k trol.tare 1-1:1 or after MONDAY .111, I , th, D BOOK., hecratary. II) EN 1.) NOTlCE.—Office of the 11 People'. lc n`n,.P., Plttatoaph. Jul Pia lean. Ton Board ol Int-ectoro of ninon =party hart OIL dny l•red • 4111 teal al Poor London, P.O titan, fma of g-yananaun tat , out of ft. prolita of lb. mot .1 I month, Ibln fnrthr•th ni `O' P CIA Kinni NIL P•oratory. WILSON'S LLIQIIGST ruaarcr. LOCK STITCH SEWING NIAOHIN 03.1 LA ?Let, 81.1111.Z.r AHII7. Intr. tmportc M 0.47 VlOTfil ST .::.!ow Ba.ot Block. surer SE ct. ea, wyyrmizi &azsta. EME=I - - u. WILLIAMS CLAI'SICAL AND COlatlEll.. 1 I. SCIIOO L, 23, 81. Clelr street. Terms $ll Poo=huller per quarter u; 11 weeks lusdranca. Hours of Tuition from 11 a. m. till 1 p. m. TESTIMONIALS: ri.na-rlO7l-1 Saks ploarare I. saying that Pnif. WO:lime is euilu-ritly quWifleti to .eitoply acid to teseb the art elites:ling and npeaking with awe. to [wows:, essence, energy and impreaelve effect. II BT. H Drofessar of Elocution. 8001-Kicl.to P.2lANsair.—As teacher of Rawl, eeeplog sod Yensausghtp he has no sups: We. CHAS. II ISRAEL, ben'y Lucetwo OH Co. A.J. LIE, of Atwell. Lou & Go. These who desire wiPatifie ea well w: thorough ly praotinel knowledge of them t syeteme or Rook tueplue ecoutirew can no where obtain that know n lege in a superior mariner Gun under the tuitio of Prof. Witliarris Oept. SS H. TAGGART, Prof_ JOS. H. MONTGOMERY, GE. s W I Zook-aware ter Z. D itbrldga JOUN O. DERGObON. •Worney et Law. Ha hes, In my opinion, no • upertor u a teacher, sad to him mo. ete dos then I cwe ter repla O y. M. REYLDS, Dook.ksePor for Prawn, Preston, be. ap.30:05. 01 7 RKEL V., SEAL & 00., WOOL Oommission Merchaxlts. 841 LIDEUTY STREET, Corner of Werne• Vir V 4 . 4,1 b./4bl and sold on Drokereg:. strrwicß., POULTILY, ZOOS. loud .11 kivt C,CET37 PEOD1:108, ;old 42 C41321111.6bni, by 13 maraca sruzsz, ndudepta... m Plciapt mturns. Ilakame• Orem It astr.d. iltamd ------- - FOR SALE--FOR OK '3. A L - •:FA'r T . SUN 48.'d Ait I,L-RE.Otl 0, z• fro' tb• city, on the old , na. •41,1.1, • A , ti I.r.prove,n-r. •. leo se I.e I Lor, i uro I - •r.. 0, 4,1 • ..• et, ' c•re3,rd ,r; thegeragrler-rt •rUfe. CT 11,1 , 11 11, •• wi•.) ....I,IOSIZL , 3. . •.r: •ni Ing Ila k.n r. d t 1. , LOU lir,. re," ma , p 1.1 g 3 .00 0.. R T.e. —1 am: cdel . 1 , ..4e, p..' I', a .13.3,1. r 1 tAkr ratrir, Iry • lir •tO , Tr. 4 " ;do ideeno,r.•, WI • • 10'4.vr I• • • mm... 1 , m •••,, ,a. J)1.5 _ El M' . 1I• ..i ';,, . .. . . 1;4 , 1i SAL' -..-UW.I.:,;AN : , yri., ~,.. _ L ' V ILLAGT. 1,d'r..., lic• I.v,- 1,,,, --1 - , tt... L iIYO neics riLch,kl.t.r.lsl.o , l c•lr i , ••• ,-,-- ....1 .. ... ..: ..t t. Lr 'VI A nioucm.s.r.ll4, :Iv., art 1, , LI) . 1 1 :+4 1, 1 :or • t: a (rout sa,t4 trcm -Yl.•to two becdrod lni-d, ~ AL.BIO , Whop. Wart nA liCaLuN, > 11 Li_ 1.11-,a , N, 7. I. Ilt'ARI , l5, ilre, tura. FOB. it La Missouri L 11‘ A ;AL 1 Li. 320 arros of tr.ouit. ,, :0t0t . .1 vain., a part la ltrot3or, la, alit" from 1 onia. ett.tttrutc lb. kaclac la t fforcd t.tr On f.O rot le to . m , . Goof for iarMliqt Lt.,l ~ grir.. K. Led le It lota on thle Fcrraundin. Mood ...d voter 11. oty. F.ve ruttut t c.i ,eams ae tract. aid.: opt/3.1.11 u S. S'. BRYAN I:r.kar an 4 /Asa A ;.At. TU wronirrn sr. 13,,,,,cruncti-g i: SECA/dr wro N.1•o, • is= cf 149 r.rio• n6 1 1. L11110E217 ooloray. taw, • , etrya twc no •T Lot in Burvoll V. •••• gals•ball. • 1. 0 , t- A nm,r ItB a(' E•S, in Ver‘r• o •Ile•bea• 01:12111,•471111 •of a br_lt c•at .t toe 4.rouitl 4; 114. • & 1. lao, •• ry r.,cm'aLe Y '!1 / "s'r ship. IN•strao •la. Acty, c•cnairtreE lse, 12 BC! LD/NO L ill wre« Ti to the borece,b wl Wm. Llizabetu, CU by 12u f L Fw parcic-olms lcgclrs ett 31. lEI i'vcrth strre 103 0. fi !Ind it4e4 A :pp: F 3 to: - Furnace Prop*. rty The 011.1/011.NIA VITEN ACE peleTt;, near tmagellemoire, lu Wit mirtlaso c,unty, &mors -1-g aAI • r.• of rind, with mansorn tamer, mans pit bow, d•roll d •t iod • Platt rator.. for tomants In We[ o vr• soolloolso es bort, tom of Obi Ciro Terns, Out Rent, W.:41 . PO. t, Llorisroni, de , appl,r to Brttk. Cat a ics.nr. co Arms. Jyll t 9 Pl'., Dortn'- • SALE—The Country F•ent of the iat.!•arotel Licari.o deceased, altasied to eo - 1 Una township, one cal e item the Allegheny (Wm, te y, ount.ning, sweet. sze,e In • tun state at °salvation, ag • dated stockeJ ,7ttla Item shrobbery. ttn.. sad partly underlaid with coal. To parte" seeking la p-ovtd pronerty, combining ad vantages of oar access. wenery, tiordth tad gad neighborhood. the en , . istordi s tam nap. , tenicy of .iteneng sienna I, the t0.J.g0n....ts el a tr.ral hats.. Par tarthrr rmrltenlars IDqu otEee tikCat' 3to e.N & uvt; .LAS, h.,. fa Y-ao W:3l A.S. 1-Jl'OR. EL'. 15 loch Inch aarcke, co h. , : loaf; Co!shoo valve governor Jon 13 Inch cylioder, 3, lr.rb =woad-tau relt a4l tc as gaad m now. 011.7 Loch cytio.lar, lo: h. rti.ke, or a h. " " 15 " . Toro Cy!lador Bollrra, Throe " " Two Wroc;..ht ?nn A-berb 71.7:13 ffot.a 11,,,07 e. Oben tor ou.h. IL L • oiht ah.ahoL. oaar rho Parrot. 'OR Sit I.F—A rarm of 50 Acz 1.7 r I. °gory: at I.or •.* e•l• rot ILb Scat .1 Argo', • to-% ti t tit Hid. will b• •01, pucl c brut ,r. pert) , C. *411..4 lc Macs y. ALl•glleng ctratg, twb.l wcte - rd, •al • g..0cl rti• of IDtboaltaorts Oo•1 under tb• Lc., The balding •re • I°l f acne bars cud frame D•ralluag Ito farcbor pa la , ,,car• Ott tb• grew Is,. or • g IS CU. ti Drug 0t.+6, - C...auer of b pars mt• Wyl..trrets. It •corgt• or at Use Pro tboro-tax3l tr. Adrolole:rawr of Zl•cgcr gg•tr. joIS IsTades'• I t t•EYINIMT.—The olte-trelf or whole of ma Olt licacory and ht.= Bitor BBL *telt ton gad cab-tult acros or ...mood et ccod the , lob—ratr.oopea and be wort., ottnato to the Alloghouy L. V. n. 8., bo4 red tor eat, aoteary aaw and cf eutdora build M. Bow billt ts tploodid order, et It wall tbs. abed, hug:: • crook runataa Craw it to the Z 177: Cjud hroottity hr balldtng boat. POT Zarticr2m otll etc eta for tTDLI CIIOB.Mg BLOB, Bt S. /Lend exert. Mtg.:beta, P. ‘7 • LGABLI RIYLR I'ROPERTI? V FOIL BALL., etruu..l ktotougshale Laver, el.oer the net LuOL,' teselal • hunt an tat rivet of 927 tee, fend extandlos luck to udiolutug 'the Oottrults,Ple Tistlroad, cur, teireleac 4 acres lend 77 parches. Mb x.. 4 Lle locaßou for tcauctacturtug, purpose', haulms the river to trout and pobUc strect u Jived Be the rear. eud Baer Mitt sud tolidtatts Beer.. emoted. For trume, apps y ter MAYS ANN l'UtiTtli, on Lte preets, or to tr. a eucarnareuou. 111 Dtamorot tem., licetturuce. rel.14:1( Fait SALE—At Aladdin Oil Works, 35 Crude Petroleum Tom, in prime order, subananttalli Cant of prime dinner, not Ling in no and Ira' ennie r&. cad, Appllcat ' ion own 3 be Vas Benner) • &ruutrong Co. az the t..111:1. tr. Pininii.nret. BRIGILLTON, JOBltnToti it ILE:1:11n. znylitrif OR ,LE. Itsantrally .itnatod on ICr.uncry rnn. dlloghouy r (pin of J ; 15 lw VOA SoLLIf-20 Loth in Allegheny City, together baring a (runt on Pastore Lane of about Leo tee; and run bank CO C 0.,: befog lota nnerbered from eto e lmotte O'llernhk ;Lao of Las, betas the property o rood my liree. like lota be *old sparatety ifr la a body. nor torn, &0., apply to yfrtf y. 101111th etreo. MIER stvz BOTISEn,;n Third Ward, ennb.r. TIYE Jule, in Ist 'Ward, Lien, on hobecon sL Vitt 1:31‘1.11. UL s~XUli&t.fits 10h ./2 CITY PHOPESTY.—TL'. IJ.IIOII DIV ELL• Ilia, with hounds attached, ou,Caruou aka; far merly occupied by Obsidian Ihrus.o., late oI,1•51 roar Illtualgtuat etabllng and oattomlldlup In the of Ulu Ihrolling PILED. L. IgIIIEB, toblllAt 1W Yourlb street. Pitteberricll. Liar. BALE-!-A F.a.r...m or 110 Acaia, l to le•ucmy tueresblii, Bak.. eackag, and tlve mho. iron the t. hie t Iver. which Is erected a r Aefirtable bows, here &a About 50 acres dear th. aod good troll treason the plve. . Tor particulate er.qatre of O. ittlliloot l l, 13 No. 10 Mama:Le, Ilegh.nreity. Leo2i nA 1,11.--A Loa of Ctrarrssa, at the A' =roar of Hoolllo atol Llornarny fittooto, In MI , flomench of Blradostuan. &lan, ono on =not of V. tirukt. axelLoctul tux :0N fig_ ser‘L, lamas easy wao title Ind=tlo. .12.10311 VLOYD 4 eV' f Bose arta ronvth stro.tz. !!a lit cAldt--E.Ntil ASD 61.)11 , 131t. —k tea bona paste &nee*, witb ear., tb , ule. May be sea In 02.1 . 104. 1 by'VA.Uri at or cair ting Oleo mg fl, /4 , 03 thilagt, MATCH ND hiLlK.b.Ekt -- 1..: °Le par Mown matched carrtaa• c0nc0.. 1 . - tacitds high, broken t ottegt• and dacha. ttax• cud, fan for .ale by DieDUEII4I, A RBPc KM?, teit and aft Labe,. et.e. WO it 1.4 Lir—A (100 9 KuuTit on th [VENIno cafArln. Sur fartbar part] • t • h quhn at this •111. A. bomoo tce buon.f :a.. 0 • ],Ft p tn. . Jy7.lf RAY.—frame tha preinisos of Lb. L attatatallta, a th. tte La) 1•A, • DARE. MAY COW, ran abite to t, sad a aLlt.opoi ot, the head luta on bob att.. Tb• pro ptiotor o take b.• atral tl p•ying awe. PETER f LECE , Dear V °Jay's (March, i. 13 onlo .t , . c, Aapvlony sj'itAY COWS.—Taien up, on Wen rowrlrty night, tru/Sth rut , 7 8 COWO— ume or Ir rick u,lor. cse tad, uyate brimlefL TYe orroor or 0.6 , 75 VII elan d to Coma ray chart.. end TA , . them asst. ~I& it e•teLVEL TANG, osier or Ponce, EVITSHIMQ3I, PA. -3114.E.151.. VA LS - iiNgj, 11611t)V.6.L. JOHN HALL kl 00. Eau removed their PLOW WASS4IOI:74 Na.. ISI 6 133, =au ss4 Liberty HS W. C. COPE. li.Eumar.D, Gen- Jai cal Comalotion Iloialtsots, bsto remand tram 5i3 to NT LlBilitlß t3TEIZES. 13,1231 lIRF.SS GOODS, 0* le! IncJz, /ad Cloth. SACQUES, CIIIICELALRS, SUMMER sEals, Eau Umbrellas and Parasols, J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, 11,0 iiLl,l CLOAKS! The 1.1w:co of cus str..l cf SILK CLOAK!- Thi AL:: X. BATES, Q. 21 :'ii th latrest. BARLIAI cs 00D3 AT OLD PRICES. ACRD 9 & CLYDE'S W holesale and Retail S. S. BRYAN EiSTiI4C bought car roods before the recent boa 11 tidrnactit, irr% cart. at prices cousLierably ten thew can be bought ashy-where In the East, ato ad arell amerced stock of Seasonable E'ostery A' Gloves, 01 the bar foretpt sn l deo:meta zosotdisaturt. A gxes . .. , atety of ,rt.S. Trimmtogs, Silk wad WEglis EIS To—s-'• Vslsve ll.lbbonA s 114. M og , Jct. SEA .d Bogle Dram neta.— A •-.. 2 •.: of doe Gulps:to Luso, E .412 Parma* Itain and Sun f..bretbe Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Fancy To be Found in the City. COLS SOON. ifgZ. je,S CLEAR NG OUT SAL& OF J. PA. BURCHFIELD'S, H. E. CORNER 4th AND EAREETTCREPL ON NIONDIY, JULY 11th, we will comse.co clue.; out the entim Wok of SUMNER DRESS GOODS, .tack c! DI S 3 GOQD3, b,iag This will M the iset opplit-avit7 whenpada an Weeny adranciair of pitichiwing rade &thew priata. GOLD I (iULD I AriANCE OA GODS OVER 25 PER Ci C 61'7Di /ORD, uo .ns realism I:loving added torply to lb* stock boltare the mint eperntJue edrento in the pries or geld, ere WM itts. wed to otter Uta:r pods at takes Much Below the Market Bates, EILEOILANTS AND DIZAII:I33 telt at trza sea the advonteg. of buytat to We =het, so long u the , prosent etock. re Mall MIL Fo. 74 Itearer erre% Allvsbery 77 AND 79 MARKET • STREET. Ladle. VI ho tr.toul loaeing iSe eity th,la =maw Irlu flr4 th • favorable 43;partztatt7 tx riaplytat tt.ernelves Iran ram Art..tr-eakes 0,7 lzal cod la er f 7 .InFitorr . ow A a ME= rrerearrKort.'M 59 IT ARILIZT ST Dagl9 500D9 IBM= EiSEMEI EMIT zvs Go u.ad REDUCED IN /RICE! No. I'S liarket Street, A.L. • ~,t4 stuck of otlona, ar.d. small Wares, SERER DRESS GOODS, REDUCED PRZCES, o.lill or SHE 1,26.1141197 SD 2ANDSOMEST fq.. THE CITY Great Excitement! EATON, MACRUM & CO., Of new Yak and Ptdise.cqpbla. EATON, lIACRIIII & CO., v.. II /ODD ID TIM MM. VIDHOIDEIOIO, L.LCLB; muss, EDCII2IO3; SIMMS: I:69==cm L.I2I:ILN COT T A T . 'l AHD WITH. HALDEEB.CIII3I S PLEILDOLE. EL - 151 =fawn. ii/M, Ms I..urt.rtylea 1 LACS COLIAIIr, , E.EtB u•msrsi, 171AVELISCI T G 97 SOTIIJNIS AND 7AI;C: Q 3 Ds; Fro. the target atrck in the city. We tetkisee to •a, tLat our =wisert ho sac tees Ostire, • ace. Is rot and, sone as will meat the r..11 - ..lnrbeSU ? a Ora: class city use/a; an 4 ha' ins two til 1,-f, re the late Wesson, .111 Ot4 nit= tuna loser Lb. Easters JOSEPH HORITE & 00., 77a 79 ft kItKaT Mawr D llass TILLIOUSGS; LaOD G001)3, PA.BAPOUS. 5 - 17 Z 1711211.11:LIA8, IS 61100 4 AL a VICTORIA. AZD sivra, oAlll3ll.lo LAWNS. MULL is ll.lB Warm BUMS, COLLA7a,_ /1038, LZATIII I SAW, 1102111:111, 11ASIDEECH 1179 . A fan smarlimas • LlBlrti J Lea. IMMO. GLUM AND BILK: . . 11 IL " 3 " 3"C11 F Tar Ladles sad Ctata. . H 6720821, irs., 47.. as 1100ERIP, DENSON & DB./PT/STAT. TOQRPH ADAMS, ..'.ThiatiA u 137.2d15ig, ixastx Dlimsod sal amok Ann* Wassx•—Dr. 41.2 L Ink ThsoSon soma so% ig .. :~~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers