Vittstagit tiaztftg. MONDAY SIONNINO=:::::JULY 18. :180. COMMERCIAL AND MARL% PiTICSBUnGIi MARKET'S. peparte4 tputtaly Lu tba Plttab=gb <7asett4l Braman', Jell 16, M. WOILLT—rho oferimoe of Wheat , c...irtlauo very light, and while •m' jet, prima are nominally an. changed, dm/ma . do tat hem ao willow:to bay, and tome of thorn anticiptto a deciico. lr. the absence of sale., however, we continue to quote at 42,00 for tool and 02,4na." 2,18 for Wbito. CO B.ll—re Maody with a fair kcal demand at nu changed . EmaTtaalit of pima Yeldoi from store at 4.5, ,the arnipts coutant ilea and the ateek o die thiated. 1.3 '0 tie r " deasaxid• IC fair 'gad the market la, gage Rh mill earn sekerortm it rata, 81,00.1,03 ftnm de ot, and $1,05a1,05: frost rare.. It /a hue .proper remark however, that 'rhea° prima coned not be zed hat for the-Lot 60 f.hrrrllpply.l q . i almost a nted. FLU ll.—The market, under the Whim* et th e rated &dins, la gold gag the continued maravor. able adtlces from ateoad, wooed"' dolt and neglected to-day—la fart there was not anomgcbtaineta done to eetaltsh quotationa. It to Rata to jay, however, that lugs talcs coma not have poen affeeded,tooloa at a material conemalon to prima:L.llo mock In thle market is Oahe and the receipts are Milted. /14.1=1—,Salo active and rather dMil though pri mate without onotahle change. Vio months]ae to quOleat 14 for Ottonideem lelialC%for Baas; 1949% for riain Flamm M for Plaid Otto vamod,. end ZaTI . tor Mogan Cured. . . . .... MILL-TNELIB-Bteady with a fair demand it 'ITO, changed rates. Boles or 2 tons Shorts it 11,0;5 Was Sectemitm 8 t.51. 4 1 and 8 tow comr.ra Middling. at $2".. (1034E.97...-I.ria good local demand, and prime qoallldas nil a tly at tbs adrance-I.lx. Ito stock In ill. market Is light. 6800.8.lt1E3—tinger Jr Ores and prima a$ well scistalnad. Cuba is tired at 250, and New Orlcatut at lte to "a, far fair to prime. !Idea= may to Bnotod Him at tram 111. Z, to 5 4 25 . C° ll . Utc. ' UP34tlc i i to quote osnaotly. ItaY-11 firm with a fair demand and primaa are fully sattainod; salt of 10 toad. saga to $4O per ton. BUTTEII—Is scam told wanted. Good Packed Butter could command Magi, and pritadl4 mai reedllynt2l3.9s. EGGS—Onder the Influence of liberal receipts and a' very pitht denund, orations extremely daft. and we now INA, nominally at aoc per don lidla—fs firm but uucbauge4; tale of 50 Ws No 1 Extra, from depot, at 14,Cai per Lbl. L.181:0 OIL—It held firmly at 51.G0 (or NO 1 and 11,51 for No S. Pittsburgh Petrolet= Market. Jolt 10—The msrket for both Grads and Bel:Used wm onorrally quiet nod doll towlay,le prooroiwidel, we cm ny that, after making dlllsent inquiry, on 'twee unable to hear of a stogie epeeist:loin. There ap pears to be but little Inquiry for Crude, and notaith studies the receipts are light and the ropply on hand is very small, the market it a stmde sealer, and Ire heard or several lots being altered at *alight de cline, without finding buyers. hafted in bond la held pretty drolly at about previousredes h nhtlo ant ed°. lots, sed um. city Erands, of IroW o are being °Crated at a thsuoial eaeltea There is a good &mood for :Residuum, at formes quotations, while ./lapthe, is doll and a/most uitircli neglected. The receipts by the allagheay river slow our tut rrport copprise 150 bbla, as tallowy 105 bbls for Dust. awe a thilliams; and 45 bb s t o b D Cochran 3 ca. Dividends Declared. Tho.."2:ew York Oil Tads renew" - palastua the dividends of the various all coarsens, among which we notice tho 'Malta Petrol.= Co." of - Phila. declaring 1B ct. for May mull ct. for Johann the welted stock. The par wins of ail Meek is SW per .1. e, sad the market mica on Banorday Philaael. phis IMO 6j5-boring advanced from VA abate Mon day hot. 'Vie know of no company now organized which promises • bettor investonent than the "Dol o l," which Is baud on the =tensity and very piod farms known as the Hey. sal 11claltramy Oil 011 Creek. The - Noble et D.danytcr Fero team Co have de clued dhlderwl of ton per teas !rum tbe eiralug• of Jane alone rho Allegheny S Pitogburgh 011 Company one of th, host all COMparik% In er.latenco, r a. paplng shoat 9t par.. per annuct, free from all taus. Now York Petroleum Market. dp-44 Didpatch to to. PittebtuTti Gatetta Thy 1'0x,,,11113 , 16—Tbera is an improwd dadurd fir Crad, nad ptlota are a ebada Idganr, t4oi at Van 53, na ttCo opt,t, and 51 far Adaast. tadadd La Load 1114m,"-. to batter and a elaade laltbnr, alr r lag at 7. at MSS, ca tl-on epos. Review of the Bevy York Grocery MarZet. (Fscm this . slll;vlng Las.,July,lo.) CoCre—Tbo dmllme In tic/urge thecke4 th enact 4.4-14;i;; the laqulu for bbm. ase rpm loam gate, Prise itra win 1.07 n.tirwr though . the Lxge' , Vaasa of Et, by 'the One. i- a - Wan. th.i,f.ll 1n cold 'We remelt precloeo quotatbet, bet, in, the preeant ..rite 0 , the market. they are mere or nominal. The Bolsters. 114131,0arbage 111, to Gertaretornt, Cl dleg..t.e. in certilbatar; 191 -do 4, less I VI cent 0.0 says; Jamaica, 45; 'l5l Pt Domingo, 42.4128 , cash; Diu do 1100 lila, and 1000 Lain/tyre, to Imad, for ex.- porton. tercosnottrazaphed. &tgar—b dcollns la gob 0f„2.5.55 pit cent and a compponeing.llllingo2lneynbange, has canned the withdrawn:of alepia C Iron She beret; and:with e combo:od nad . screra .trlngency la druincial option, 4btrinquiry for hinne, tee ben bocce. gpfte Ileated, and prices bare given Ray, ,;(,..?.4 cent' par lb. At Ile close fair to good reAtdog 1.:c14 irsw:qoooA 20 a2to, belted deer-4101oas are sae doll; nod a =la lawn. We quote ob.. than fltoarei Efistd White • soft do2naMX; and jelloll, 7 1 127 1 4 net. The .alit of raw are 98(tdada taitia od .11....M3i , c; 171 do In bond, 15y . ,a1*.Sntall; do Porto Elea, 23,%anttA; 167 do and 190 be do in bulk, 13‘ (cash ); 87 lane Identnlque 20} , 3.=; 71 ;Sei.Orleasis, t. 1%; 331 Lens Haven. 22kin, Croon; and 199 Lid/ Paha on private term. At the Ere In Ettwkl tt Yesterdal about 1000 htds and 200 bets were destroyed; he stock last evening was 40,713 Ltbds 4.4,603.btea and 18931 bsgf, and 1 / 3 3111dads Elelndo, Molnsacs--Tludcbandhnatallsn or, aid prices are rather in buyers' tarot flu:m . 7h to .nnaboble decline Ise taken place. Tho males aro 3:37 bras Porto Elco Let 51,0341,18; a cargo of 11.1.1 Ands 4 - 41 . 157 toe cloyed Cabe. In bond. 30e (ashy; /0 Inhde cub, US; 149 Ws I.oasthan ono, 51; CA do See Orleans, 51.184,3 4 ;nor, and 417 blots English Island, on tenni not made public. Else--The stock is valued; and IWltat IA now eery little offarleg out of band; price. rem 11 fru; see notice aim of 300bagr Patna and Pais et 51615, and 5006. Para Paddy on private tersoL New York Wool Market JCL, 10—Boxinces hie hornmodern*, the Mtn , pricy In the money market soriontly Lottrfering with • the epeculative ritswernont to &acetic recently inatt• gusto!, and it is understood not to be Improbable that - lane pare recently bought up biontfdle per' floe for turtatnunt rosy soot CAMS apolvtba =lees there be a steady case up In fhtanatal metier. Anus bush:out there is In progrwo * confined to dern.tio, tho Net wet of foreign reader the new schedule of import duties forhiddlrg sales, except at —l6 lots to imiprtera. The ktock Of ',raga hie accu mulated, and•eosoe holders, It ld sold, contomp:ate - making shipments to England. - the current run of exchange ensbliog them to_do so advaotagconely. indeed, caul voke°, IS3 tJosdalreble pordors bee boon gapped to Lleerpool by Nkomo, oleos our last. The sales comprise 215,1:00 m domestic fleece; anted, Mate and Ohio, part to antra, ar.51i1,06 4 and ye WI. paged...a Ellal,lls—the latter au extreme price for very country. foreign co a him no sale s of itopoifinee to report. An invoice of tCS) bales Cepa wen &arrayed to, the flreatlackson C Wmd nolle's stow, Brooklyn. - - • ; Ptaladetptlia 'Wool blaiket JrFf I G -EaPtillee contlarte to corm forward very slowly by nit , Pannaylvants railroad, and they bave eetaiid the Italtlatop and Ohio rillroad. The 6, `stand tam been leu acUre, bat ate Late * advance boa bora' well printalned. Among thi. aalei Ais no. gear— tl,OOll Am tub and flocca cash 2,000 Ibe 1,24 37.100 Ms low 30,000 Ma medium 85,000 At Arm 6a1,10 /50,0001bt mixed 11 - 6eCo, common to f4ll bbvd..l,lo Clevelsl,l4 Market. Jo9.ll3—Ploan--Noeakel to-dey. Yesterday after: nean2oo Obis Southern Ohio X.X red, at 110,0. Wbeat—Dall and lower. Pales o p tnabele nel. tree da Weill, .Wll,BOO ambertrack, al MIA Cul IMP* on track, at/1203: 3 can ted, on oaao track, at $l,lV;}-car an thtr tack, at 51,90, &Arend at elevator. oern—Dl3l and lower; irate 1 ca.r op trick, at Oeba.Dlol and Puck.; sale 1 at on trock et 90 cents.—Reee?d. imports by Railroad. . • CL arm Prrreacerna Bartaoso, July 16- - I.' 3 L Masa% 3 do' do. John Chau - 6 Iru . ,It SDarir, CI b.. mina, Jobq nhaler . 9 ' pkt;il . 4 Hanrictosi; 29 DL tobacco, 1412; a ir Vim 145 I Ida tote.cco, Jahn Falk:ton, 195424 aro, 2112 a Knox; I Car W. 6I Hooper a co; Ide do, Darrlgten - A br;ltrlbldraallanunatt & Zama; I bur, viaddlng... Mann= & Ban id bits patior, Barr & 21yon , 302 • do do, 19. McCullough, jr & co ; /0 bbts mtprina, II A Falcreolock at co; I car saIII-tad, Bos & balk 22$ Nils paper, J 11 Waldin; 149 aka, corn, T Ben; 200 latdra. Obrarnrct - X.Dolangs 3)3 do do, .3- T 21aLaugailt; 3 bozos Cl.l 11 .23eLlera & co; 19 brzei cb ;al ni Iranktn; ILO bp rye Thos Mooriark tons ma 141.161 a col 630 blame.: lart e W 411342 4 n; 1991, 1149.15 firgernpar A iferkatate Ha bp Cm, T Brll on . • r/ r Ft .41 3, Win!. A.'ll , Cotoioo ir. c, joIL 19 10 bb Bator, HU beano:matt 139 -11294, 3 1 Xio • Lor INI auk collat.; Brio., Itkbarda * cc;l2 bb's typp. kat Talks A =I • 23 do do, CI A Franco; 15 pkgs coliVr. Pak racCord9 & on, 44IbblantabwInci; .2• boa, ellptcra& Ca; HO dodo. Oro W. bcaltb;lo aks ...,,,,," un au oab,'Dmi Waller* lA. dry app atk L H Volga & co; .1.9 bbla polaris,.) BearZeld; 39-bides, babrolds a co; 1 bbd . bass, F .rVactorder-, 13 aka rap, liarklc & ce; 2 bbla potallntl A tantante;kano; 25 aka rags, Godfrey a! CLarkrl =Lay, J Bind. ",- acn; 20414:140n ars; 11 A Yabliati.k & co. 'Bustronnr . ....' 0rtrt0*...,',704 - 15-8 . 2 Eta cart, 4 do' tient, 2do Ilasarod, lii onion A Knox; 13 sks fisx ...,,,secd. Nttibit as ero; ,a worms, tiosara,a cot "k . trell; 6 bbia eggs. 12 Lena; 2do do, z Bobackos; r 9 ,&, :doh 2 do tortor, 539 ley and NY,iaror; 3 3.. b, ti, 211. - .'I.IsTI4 do do, LL Berk; IderdisaiGlttconl7 doll paint. ''-: 4 41 1 10 iap 88A6 1 94.29 do d6;' Groff & Li' it 81-pklg ..~.AF.J4"TIB3Rf3"i _.Tosall.-ADAMS,, Dentist, Coruiolli!' ILP corner of Dlaixtoad ea 4 Brant moots; Plukurgb. Bcrenean--Dr. Ji.ll. Polka. Pr. BA- P* Meats Bobble* Baud ILlesU7 ate • SMIJPPIXG. • Ia rOBEIGN EMIGRATION AGF.NOY, Pitt:2lmm'. Penna. Cheap Pastage from the " Ohl Coantry," 'ay this not dm C 1 d. bulltateenurn or the Liv e:Tool and Londoludirry 'Loyal Mall Mae, no %Hose El itecetau. vgtra tots Nerve, 3:otlsti -1 200 tow. 7unt.-.-..........1:100 ions. orcortan...--.2,1100 tom Deneegions.-.. VoTI too. Vra ortea--....2 COO to.. hi Apterkan-1,800 tone. relglen. -......-2 GOO too,. I .x. I , esOikaaer,l4. Llve..,poole•ory T/IlleaDAT, teaching et Loodohdarry for the Irish .d gootah pp.m.r. sag the wally .nil Lave unauroserdi no ~,,..1410 . 1 for psreergerr rare from Liverpool tfr Longoldsocry to Nee Ica. gyg. Ta.MCOTTIi . 1.1.3V0f celebratad Clllper do brg Packets, Lester Liverpool for New 1 twit twice • week, sal the "X. Lim cf Loudon Packets, laming London for New V,. k every tea day.. " ea ovvlt% Llvtrgael hblatrasyrusre the following ehi F .e. Tone. Tone WM- TitALXltt .- Allal 34.nad1.1.__..........2,603 Gratlttchs--...-.......2,1i00 Oonstellatlea-----k6CO liOdarnlnJidaros .4,011, ktincennore --A -_OOO I linclerwritar.--.-.-2 000 E. b1ek1y....... --2,e00 Menorah Of the 80a.....1,00u Caravan __-_—.2 000 Oreoeuxe.. . -.„.4,ooorecreld_.___ !,,,,jr OO Ilrebelmeright..."-.....4.00 Victory - ---14000 A1b1a5...........-----I,2 , loloeuerel tticOtellan-b 003 Aume..„....,_,._ oVI he Plus Ultra.-4,600 Yohilostol .vvr......- , 1 0,0 ram in =money to tier Tort. glb ; through to Plttabargh, 111 50, Fannon holed through to . ' ant wt of the United btataa or Moeda+, woes recairod. Two of thee° .Li ps leave Ns II Tod. far Liverpool every week. Pawauwers an the ontWardoyage are feed en ervthln g. lira from Haw York to Llvorpoel $2O ... - 810:111T DILMIT:3 on nit rafts, or Europe to sale at the loWast nate Apply. to • • D. VISSILL, .Ereniag chronicle itultilag.. Tifth street; AM; r*;•smithileld street. Plusbargh. STEAM WItEELY TO LP7-• soool.,teuthips AS QUEZSISINSins, (Cork. I/Arber.)• •The sreo known Slimmers cd • Ides:pool, lie wlfork utd l'Alladetptua Steamship Osiapons (ingulis Liao,) aro Intended to sail se CfPEY Or 114,TLA10511...........Patazday July 16. - STNA..4 —.6atmlan 99. • ZDEHBURCIL Ju1y ..........-----Sattuday. ME 30. Atatairary taacattllng itatutday, at nom, Tam rt. 64. North —tam dr ream.: - Payable la gold, or lb awl:Jl,l.lmi in camera : i.BBollitetage ... —s3o 00 to L0nd0n.....; SS oo .. to London.... St 00 " to Part_.`: 06 03 " to Parla—.... 40 03 to Hamburg.— 00 00 . " to liounbarg— 07 00 oleo forwarded to H, Etreenon, Rot. tarlathunr are worp, eto, at await; larratea. Farm from Liverpool.. Quseattosnt : Ist Oabin. rai $ B3 . 810:5 &sem" 036. Th aw who with to eon fin tale finds ark boy tleata bore at thee. rata. Tor helm . Infariztadou apply t the Oomz s tet Oman. /011Z1 O. lIAL &am; L 5 Broadway, N. . • D. (MEWL, r - Foreign tialaratioa Agency, .jol, _ Na. ea gr‘ithisme atraea. Pluaboratt. ruNAR,D torta I=Ml EM2MIEZI "a wzovratrat I=!! etaiii4Dit/a/flls 1864. — S4I. i' V ' ATIA. "7' 01011111 a IL-81:131- ityrt AiluzirnetjapV-:Nlbit DAILY 'IImINF Ltk.tatuat sEalltioth ate belts aids_ So the .;n4,.. mut of Mb - exatheut &sunio trs4s otd rspro... routs, *ad curry pesdhte assa CU be everalsat lot the =Rut of phaeopa sad rapid zaceralrat Tight. theme will !twee too Depot to PltUtharst us tthotat • The TEBOUGH .5.01:10.7111‘).D1ITIO1Y Ta 4.13 Lee thermion:a BWIon daily, (expreet an FAO a. et, atopplaa at all Stations beta., rltts• lamb and Phtladelphla, sad ranking iltur omear Um to Neer Tori and.Philnd , qp , ain. .The T 11114110.13 MAIL UAW lessee ;ha Paa ',eager Station every inarelne Cencre4 day,) s. - co a. In n rtoeplas only at pricdpal siatkot,and malting dlract oannamloa. u gatztahtme ter Bald. /non and Warder:am, and he Saw VCA ria 'Webb. Tbs iaIiJOUGO 13XXILWA Lams dell 7 at 4.1.5 IN Log, only at prluti,7sl e tat iota, casktoz dirsr.t. st lagtos rhtooto:p.Uts. the r.k.S7Li 1-A - re4 tto dal= (r.r.uvl 5T. 4 30 a e ,{s ro-.ltograg rser u_princlNl dors, 4.7 nolthnore szut Vrothisr=o, and "co, York Ailtotryrz routs, rtbatit 4 to--r.lis of oat"; silo, at rhiladolobir !Or 15rew rwrk. e..ooClatiettATlC.l T 11.61113 •- Jaasstaaa Vt - - , -V.ScattO stunt.% at all 8 tat ica and ma:An at yt w GuaT:ta , ch. Sint - Aconsamedat:va hr Wati4 * UMW aany (>cetzi 6=44) at Ca3o a. sa. Iltuts fea 17aTt tams daily (ax.wpt extie-ay) et. Third Aida dada S-a;z• Lr Wee; case da2y. (azzapt Snaday) at tCO ay north Ausar.modattua. Trata fax Wera fitsVaa lain" LaCy (cunt Eamutall al &10 Tba Caarch Tram a.apat Watrs Basalau ofra7 btu:- day at 9:03 a. c.; Wanda:, lnrrai ItitUartrz .t :a p. c • .”•^Ca;al ... Zs a :nita fladtbion rbi1n46.10.17‘7. 1...t0 Throve, 11411274.1.- 4. a Accomatoda4l.—. 4. a flirt wars 8:44... Acccamadati._—.-. BM 4 rx, amid Wall's Station 6:45 ra. nfta War. M.= 6...ansolstion____ 443 E p. . ?arr. Warn SWioa 6:53 4 a. Bal tl=au_rxrau trIII min oft] PL1.14.1440b.ta I=a: 4:4 1 1 filozpv. stile Inceructinn vricb Thod), dutradnalatlua Jobl.osnm 444 n o - re. 3 Tat. 124 st, and with Badmr.e Lipenu aid Amur.. .3444.4. Was. T.zt:a ha' r.thibm-g mSnv-2a3 Orsion with V& pram Traiza sad T••• riVe,arld with Ttactigli setwatistatetitm tzalliszom Troia Lut. Tri To Bow VOITo Baltlmara—..-4,10 CO • TO ratedsdpbtr:..... 10 601 To 13 to To Ilsnlabcom.—.—. T _CT* 3 tO 1: V - Ve t . cm ' ud P . end Biorr Ts*. Pax-- pus. tratra to Mr ty otn =an cream a-nord :o thodithaterdttmveled, Wm tn the rtatior rater, extent from rtittara vitae the ecrapitu ban ro went NOTICIL—In eye cd Le the Contpartr vin Lnt! theme:Wm reepaarible for plarronal bltagssa cc 4, and fer =want not a:.l6ra B. E—An Cial4tba L/ae lua teen ployedir conrir parentgers and bower to and the Dn pot, p o t , a them act to =cod 3 cenb, tor each tua asgc E. 41 barrgatfa Tor ticket. apply in erXAST, Arra. LI Me Central Bagrond n Stetton. on ertl and Groot erth& aute 1864. 1864. t , COSTAEVS" UAW, ROA.OEI, 6t., EX T ER MINA T 0 RS. 15 yams eatabtlabsd In N. Y. City: . nOoly Wadable rantadlat known.. "Pm, WA Mama." "Nat done:ow sod:a - Mtn= Patatly." "Bata o:tom otrt of Maga holes to dl.; Bob! by .11 Drutena avoryarbam Bzwaso I 01 all worthless baltatkna. tiostatea Depot, N 0.453 Etrzothatty, N. Y. mar Sold by B A. PAIIIifESTOOKB, 808 800., and R. Z. BICLLSES , Wboltaste sad Ratan Aasatto, Pt:taboret, Po., lILNItir P. SCHWAB:IP, Wholes. % obd ltotalt Ageat, Allitetany Otty. irtb= B • F. QUIMBY h CO., Conan Mien Merchants, Va. 1X MIMI WArn BT., 01130600. Gin special stiontloo W irtrohadOlt Flour, Grain,Proditions, Jaz Lumen ma:Qat . r. 1 / 1 773034—...*....—GE0. T. MOWN Entaly i ltwinous MAASLB WORKB, P 23 41221%17 Lulatitts! Rai 'WO muuME'ITAHTELs, gonaments and erave Stones. 1:03Z17.19LL7 AMC 169 6% ERTBSCALBER, GGISZIT rcra Jobn - Malt & Uo.'s Soda Astt, Is coturtaxily - ric.m.4 the .1131121 y Irticb ba a3l sin tho tweet lemonade tame. This • Leh ta lady adopted to the roonotacture of Glate. C. W . . aCIIRCHIMIT, afitiOUTE F/KniT BTBErr o /M 11240411.. CENSAL DRVG STORE, . opii-ovou;4rosmaer..,,anue, ;SCI , . A. KILL?, Pr:3OIMM _ei Vi?&EIJE.LITt S ODA IVATSB, La`IIDICLIS22i, • . •. 0 1 . 1 rITAInla,' pipoarlptiess aorta? 17 o-oloopoong ealralvaar Laosz TiOT. ,Preparticranatnr.,.mod,; eal-D fie . - sadrtstradi stewr ettettmi ttatanxibl• tams. Maas' sm..itzuleatedt- dame, thavieusi nn ma aud Betttlint 11=iitiOM**27 atty. GREAT SALE OP SUAIDER DRESS GOODS, Of LI kinta, Bilk and °loll, SACQUES, CIRCUL SUMMER SHAWLS, Sun Umbrellas and Parasols, J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, his 39 El ABILICT T. CLOSING OUT SALE OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. GRENADINEt4 MOZAMBIQUES BERAGES LAWNS, ORGANidES SUMMER SHAWLS SILK SACQUES LACE MANTILLAS & POINTS. NOSTRUM OWL. YOURTII a MLSKIT OTS. CLOAKS, CLOLKSI Tho bal.. of oar adroit a SILK CLOAKS: 617/11=11 puma coops; OltrrAZl DI IrOCLAIttn ; GBENADIATT.3. All of our Thin Dress Goads REDUCED IN PRICE! ALBX. BATES, No. 21 I:1E0s !rota...A, LIU B ARGAINS I GOODS AT OLD PRICES Ilerchacta abraed vr1:1 0.4 to V .< CraIIMPT,LN CU. a call, 71,7 cti•-• t. a:to ParsuylYas., Zaf coat Essa, v l - Iloware of all non. r sl.s3 LarAtey oar trse...r..aric--el 1.% Eli EY., t ELL rsIACRUM & CLYDE'S I --al ...cort.l by No. iS Market Street, Whole,eale and Retail Elvin bought cur scads bane the =cot beery adT \UMW, we offqr at, Talons carat:lmb' y ha than can bobunghten)when to the Leer, • Levi, end well Seasonable Hosiery A - Gloves Of the best tonelgo ant Sotonatle mannhotars. A grftt variety of orate Trlaseelagg, silt .ad 13. e. GlApe, gat Tamale, OrrAmeente,, Velvet Ribbons, Ha& and Lace linfdlog ; Jet, Silk and Bogle Dress sultana. A gm good aeenruntent of rick Oalpare B,, L4n m l br reldw tn. Wags, / &stools, UAW and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, At 4 11 * 4 .8.3 az.3 bat stoat a Fancy Goods, Notions, and Small Wares, To be Found in the City- CALL SOON.-sz 3.25 GOLD I GOLD Great Excitement ! • &DWG OD GOODS OYES Sh PER Cu?, EATON, MAGNUM & CO., Mimics sealed hugely to theirs:oat baton the recent Element .arena to the prim er gold, tr• Pre. pared to agar thetr goale et prkee Much Below the Market Rates, Of New Tort and PhlieGOlPhhe. natOIIANTS LSD =AL= win et °roe we the seluntage of beyle it In We market, .o long IJ the prevent .rock. remain Wt. ' . - EATON, ELACEIIIS & 00., H0e.117 AND 1911) TH STREET. 77 AND 79 MAD KET EiTREET. Utiles sdurtntand lanstug the city tide mums ulu Mad this I•insurable opplittridty for supplying themadyes atm ?rsca a:Wm as tin may idol In EIBUCKEZZELE3, LAOIS; FLTIB, ZDOINGPS; Baum!. LBEEBTII7O3 i /31138 COLLARS MID 8318; EIAZDICEILOMMIttI; PAIILSCiLEI,-1117E 131111IISLLAB, COMETS; HATS, the Wad styles LACE oomana, WM and irnara 1114111L11510 BAGS; E 02114816.19 LOGY GOODS: From the hrg kW& la Mio day. We beg tam to um tbat our obtortmeat has SUMP boon [vitas, and to jail iamb • lamas will moor the togalremoats of a Ant clam city Indo; and Mind ad Debts as 1010. admarm. will IMO them much lowa thou Stortgra.goiow.. JOSEPH - HdRHE &CO., ui rr re 79 atallfri ISTEltit DRESS TRIMMINGS. R , Mum _ _LAW& G GOO! razasous. N !I=B CAELHIC3 =aura, V/OL'ORIA AID OWIBB LISEfli, SIULLIA MIL Baru iron 1311/Iffe COLLIES LAMAR ZION if ofinurs. anziaDysomen.- 14,2 saasfaigat of ' mut, mam; 0113131AZD 41/41. rot 12•41•• sad Gat, UNIAL 40. dOOB.lllO DEIII6OII# C&1. Ei..II=I. Boool2iareah Ball Batter Ji." tice 4com tradia ;4o 20•4411 b r . =LUG 40 baxmitlaut Ora= %wan Bow mehlat *Tole b/. - H 9 U. SIDDMS,I33 Marti street zuzatiz.`tlrßous. AJOINT RELSOLUTI'O7.% proposing cor•1•: Atuatidatatti t the etcstitto ton. Be it resoloeit by lb, SneL tu:4 Bows cl I.tare.telaa. Us= bf btu Maneumb.....cbi of Pt., yloccala duna.bly w , The" :Lc t,.; to prupcima ttul sten.: gA m0c..4.1t1, to ary-vresaby with the prat:A:Fry:a t i rab vtfcls thereof: There than be an additit,hel rri.tiori le the third salleProf the Conn(lotto, to to urct,m'P.l of er: Con four, as follow.; C.xxos 4. Whetherer thy of the cua1:24.1 b!eo. tore of this Commonwealth obeli be It auy ahtnal military service, under a regal/Arlon Irom bl.a Pi be- Meth, or by the authority or f hi, (Lsmoowra:t h, such. l-aturs may trerhise the right of •tr,:rage in a,. e d,. e bi gu s by the hair •os, othe. th, h ,gulahnia are, or shell be, prescribed by :a as fully as if y were prpresent at their usual h n, f 1...• Bthrion t. There thou b, two a:0W..1 be, ti to the eleventh crude of the Constitution, on igna.e.l as sectiuth eight and anal, oe follows: .• • • ...Scan. 8. No bat attail bo pottond oy tho Lasts latnro containing- morn tnan one subjont, shall t o clearly ottpressal la tha Ml°, tamp: opprn yeation btlla " •• 131C7102. 9. No bill stall bo, tamed by tLo L ala- Wme granting any tutors, or privuovia in any AM, *here the authority to grant coca pawed or prlnl-gel ham beet, or may heienfter be, centerrad apan tae Wert. of Ibis LommOnmealth.' HENRY O. JOE SiON, lipehter of the Ileum, of Ileprteeofatives. JOHN P. PENNY.I", Speaker of the Senate. (brrlos or SICOSAVALT Ot 'Mt Connorrargeumn, I brarrirbung, Aprll ZS, 1861. f Prnssytve_NlA, ss. I do hereby oertify that the forego)AS la • full, iron and correct Copt of the original Jowl Heaohation. of the thrornal dascrobly, entitled ••A Joint Iliesolottoo proporing certain Aniendinoutr to the omuglitatton... MA tho anon romaine on 1:110 in MI. °face. Ia teatturauy whereof, I hero hereunto let my baud and camped the said of the &al:arra titre to be eared, the day imd year above Written, YLi bLIFER, &cautery of the Oummtuweelth. The above resolution hawing been agreed to by a majority of the member. of each Limns, at two sac man madame of the General Amodtbly of UM Com monwealth, tore proposed amendments will be =e mitted to the people, for Oleic aolophon or rejection, on the 'LEST EtillsDAT OP AllilittoT, In the year of our Lord one thaticand eight hundred end eisty font, ecooriernee with the provision. of the tooth article .f the Constitution, and the ant entitled "An Act preecriblng the time and manne• of eubmitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or refection, the propoeed amendments to the Conettru r.,. vp.m.a the twenty-third d. -of April, one tionma eight hundred and eirty•four. ELI PLIPEII, mylifklawdid Secretary a! the Commonwealth. SILVER PEARL eCIAP ORUMPTON & CO 307 Liberty Btte•t, Solo Prvprielors and 11.0.1.... :or Vrentrn Permaylv.l•, OWo, Indlnns , 1111.4 .41 Xlasart. Aka, cranciactnamra of • 6upe. - m. •.true Palm, Oerman)live and Rosin Soap, 11701.1.11 GT AND IPALAOT 110A-Pll. Of our 81 - LVEII PEARL SOAP, which we amid. den:l,6lly roceadoend wi better for general me :her my other Wore the public, Mould be bum* to mind hen neither Potnith, Salt, Ltme cr Hoete., et my °shot minima in Its itteuttlacture which can shrine et Ware the Meet fabric. risconti end 'Sweat . cm. be method with the of Outtnn o 1.11.0 r. Olenhos washed with the 811,771 PEARL SOAP do not require Lolling or halt the nabbing, which of course nem the wear and teat. 811PKE PEARL SOAP Bottiove• arca., Dirt, Tobacco Stalca, Ptintora . al., Smoke, 'ad Cho worst Belga Water &calm ho. modLataly, lay applying tt with moiat Ppongo, thole protecting Windows, Carlon. , nd Ttrottor• Mem ends sad slop. it impart& a brilliancy to Pinto, Jinnill7,filaccorare,Ennima Pecintbigs and Patent Loath.* lmmolLtel, . and for desalt% marble sod diner Clio It ban no ay.!. For the. Both, and piaci, Warty Mr libampoontild, tb. BIL VDU PSABL POAI ta a perfect Itrro.-7 In a varo.cill ?rho have tried Ita =parlor quallitoi, actin:n..l4. It the groattat dboorcry of tlio 114 c. Tido Comoany to) • trial Mum .11 who •re Intoncted . not g boa:, and to i.v.ry no.. r.lll nfund tba price of the should ii fall to acootopilan moat as dal, for If .ol aciontog to our directions. Sold .t lirE 07:1 , rd pr,..und Fn.+, dedtsr.4 w the ,3ri or toot, Is t oheny. Illsnotuvenen and ody nlidencre to-: of dour,. Dirce•ions ter C.. IJ!dn - s1 discount to the trtult.. y.thillUN ABLE DESIRABLE GOODS,, GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING 51.A.D I'O )12 D EC-1-1 IN THE BEST STYLE a MANNER. R. B. NORRIS, trzr.cas.2rr Te.ILOU, 79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny de to 04w, // CORNER PENN & ST. CLAIR STS rirranunoa, FA The berme. cheap.% wed meet encceedfcl ilustnesa Alan's College In the thdtnd Btaks. dtadanta enter and renew at any Watt CIIICCLUtB, coatatang t U Intormativn, mat rm. m 5r..7 addrses, cm application u tn. PrLacipa/ J7GalilMb £ =ITU, Plttabargll, P. 'MAC LTAIIi, C.)ll.7lr.Larr 0.0.V4 AL1.L.,1423 tLLSNEINTOITT, • Loop. enustant!l an band • 1.-0 end thorongSly sossoned eat Of =SING. BOAT AND BOTTOM PLANE, WINDOW !NAME ATM'? LINTLLI3, 11011411.14 JOINTS, EIPOIYMNO, LAfiKl , 1 . 41•• OM, an., an, Ito. Us grill CU =lc, for SAWED MIT wEll prolaptos mai al Islr rat.. 0.13. Paw. Iranttn LONG FOP- Lilt ars pew guts 7 Invited to st=oln• his .4*. wpm.. 4..kaLt stlyst, cow Ettl•son. utllertf HYLAND, WOODS &CO., BILEUCILLNDISE 1111.0KERBI LOMBARD STREET, BALIILIORE, W. Orden for ;washes* of CODYSE, noen, del 4ltftfell7 assented. special ettantton east, to .lalpptng. Referringby psi:minion, to: SITW I tes . ler dta L ., C°' s"r d T i "I" 5k.1,14y. Itlinford 6 Co., du Dongherty, Wood. Geo., Baldpate. falgardeohl A DMINISTRATOItS' Lena Adminintration on the 13:inte attompaan, late er Pl.taburgh, Allegheny county, dammed, having bee. leaned Co nte nrolenngated, ati persona indebted to said estate aro Mailed tCf MUD immetilat, payment, and henna 0101ma rill present them, proparly autherdinated , ter lintels anent. ga,l2Ant2/1 LSAItY TD.QMPSON, jeliLlsodOw Administrator& UrliHtltdo, Letters. or Ad.mitLuicr,don of the relate of Geer. W. We're., ems...l, hate been crewed to the eatscribsf, all yareocs to darted to Utz mold estate are repeated to melt Ina medlar. payment, and shoes beetng date. .gete,t the eitete w W drmsent the same vtthosit tieley 4 to W. Y. WLYMAA. corder of sfhtlet .41:Smithfield sures. Pittsburgh-Jane net 18114. • Je41.111.4. E. .iXECUTOIid NOTICE..---Lettere Tee -4:4 suiensire on the estate of Liza D. Lets d the City of S,llesheng. re. &awed, be, lag beta granted to the toulorslgh4. aII I s dented to red state will pima mike pe,vmeet I m mettatoly. sad those Laving online endemic& Inn uremia them dedg sumbanneetta ter eettiem.sta. . 137 k ' , nit D. r hasold, Ezeontor. Al:lnedew. pax..:ED /IND rD COMMON BRICK CO O 140,Y 072te; mum On 00112dObt mum On bandand ict isle by - • -DAVID 111PrOtabotl. • Boyd'. MU Ong Wantki.4 TKE2t3 1100Y8 for oh by 71.11X9 DOWN, In Wood gt. CZEZ, &e. J A'' NVILKPCS, allow En 4.15 D DE.LLEIt. Id CRUDE AND REFINED OIL r:uay LILACS. DrQurAsE Nr" attotol, given tLe SALE AND 81i IPId aNt of PetruL , e , o and Re Pment S. CusOgeLtueste ren.e.rttclLy clicaeAL iltts , ll.o A -y for VEN AS (RI OIL AID TIS.A F511 . 011T 10:, 0,.t1 PA SY. NAT OMIT BOX 143. a- 1, W RING K 1 ii I=l Petrol. rum and its Products, &tier* In anflolng 5.11:4 01 AILS= BT.. Plitebargh. MI TWILLIAM RO E A PEAI(SA Lame uatastost noraha." b Drotart 1211=1=13 Petroleum and its Profiteers Fur export .n 1 boron c , traluptl.a. a .i.e !.CU ties rue Corn., at reeete/aUte L:borzi ettvaucue made. BREWER, BURKE At CO., COMXIIISION MEJICHAITS, Amite et le OLOBX, PACIPIO' ASI) LLBEILTY OIL WORKS. Liberal mob oCeuoa mean au oa.Launeezta at Refined or Crude Petro/cum. 001, DUQUISHE WAY 61165000 E BM.. hrrnoctry. P. RICHARDSON, HARLEY Ai 00., ‘ - 051k..1 , 351011 & COUWAILDILIG rarrumArma. Crude and Relined Petroleum, TE WIN 6 - razz - T. P171"E11r 39E CM' 1.11,c1-el Cash adronc. or. ~.,, u slr,annts Pitutocryh or Caetoru rmsacnue uncaca Messrs. J. S. Unmrin - M 0,.... bprhagur lisrbannh. Thompson b+4'aL mhPhern lituiv WTI" OIL WORKS LYDQY 01101WEIVillitd, Et..A.a.." .1d V.a.sra (....1-U/30.1 UL L. SZLNI ZIVS i t. LOWSIOATIBG assien Cita' DU. L':CTICULLrUM. SbAspeber,. Ho. ISO 111.15 - D BTILKL - T. spll:6m uam. weLiacE C'ommission YLeTck=nts 4...1en la CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, E=l 1:4 1:1 V PEI LA LVLPIILL 3 8 .. , 45 . ..y.d , ./ (ander rf.r.r,y wt L!.....^3 nLu Al.cexcello4t. factllL. for thippir..,, to Americe. roro4r. p,t., on, wharf ock (.1. Schuylkill Girt, pot, the plcforrn .4 I' R. a febly • TACK & BRO. Crude and !leaned Petroleum :=~1.1~c.. s ••.n t.^ I romp: I,reo V , Aloe., ittchu - dr.r., F.arlpy Brewer Burke .1.• ead Ilrgleller.4l & De..te, Pltmt , mrgb Tb , w....!znltt4 M. Pr, Dealt bi A.; H. L. F oikto IC.. . au&Ay ,te CA I,I,F.V)ER, OIL P.II.()KEIRS, 217 ard 413 South Water Eitroet. azras Oboriennaug, In. uity Ott VI Jec..l, Pointer, of J. Palraor 00. It. Spent, lialtsat WA LEF, WETMORE Pc SHIPPERS OF PETROLEIIIII, Lt ZL&ILEI 1.582, IXW YOLK. /apple beilltiu for STOU.SOL AID BRIPPLISO at their yard mu! .Hart, Ras Hr.". CIA.BOT, PEMBERTON &WEBSTER General Merchandise Brokers, 112 PIAUI, 5113.17 LT, Nov Tort. Also. LW OUT MUST BT., CRUDE It REFIRED PETROLEUM, CAUSTIC eorba, Sone ASEI, BETYLEMONg s DRUGS, OILS, A,, Az. Orton to tray or sell pm:aptly aasaded ta. .41 :ly D. L MILLER, Jr., Amor!, 132 WALNUT BT.. PIIILADXLYIELI a. CRUDE a REFIRED PETROLEUM Ott Oammfslmt asclualnll. 611 obargaa at =oat 5T0311.03 7011 BMW= Id cool collard. ►or MODE. coder good ado& _ PutlnnLr i2Trjto TT YOB EXPOBT. fos But—ft!3IC34DA,BODA ABEL, do. sul:l7 ALLEN c NEEDLES, OEt 3,L5,310 MICW.4 : hdestc, sitautlon p. 4 o. COUlliztiml lab Crude and Relined Petroleum. eT I.4l4lsladvao.• amd.• eat ly ENOS WOODWARD, (Lola of W. H. Woodward k rak,) GENERAL 001121185103 LIZI6C2I2,Err. Bipedal atiant.aa ghoo to tha 6.1. al Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 111 7300T11 ISONT /32MMT, ooEft•Ilzo R. HOLDS= WOOD I. I • • OIL REFUNERY. GEO. W. lIOLDSHIP .. CO., Alana/164arar• 01 BURNISG OIL AND LUDELIOA TINO OIL. Keep cattatudig as hood the very bed amlßy at DURBUNO OIL, altar uld wititoat color air, • good LUBRICATOR pays WRITS DEN. ROL& 01,1 OAR GREARII. °TAN order. lan at No. La MTH Back Mock, acoad floor, will be promptlyM to. oc6ll ROBE= ASEIWORTB, 1 DT. 01.4.135ZT., ri":72l. urea, Forwarding & Commission Merchant ND onaidzo so OIL& IDs' I LL PILN6I7II4G, WIDIIICATINO, CEO DID PETBOLECLI 0114 6e. . aoaelarktly cut hand sad ' for eels at the fewest market prima Ootteignmehlk end enters eoltelted. ap7Aro JAMES IRWIN, Oil of Vitriol mad Aqua Ammonia. ord.l:, Jet ]ram Poretreeld sfb 'l5 CS:le, OM of .11,SICELFA . AND irtEST.BTIVICTE., rill sen iserx nboall & co., amixiallon mimoaeinti. riIIiSOLUTION OP PARTNERSfiII'• .1.1 partatratdp barototors sztatttg totem, tlm artularegrot, cider thesta . lo•a v Vilt. O. JOHN 6TON C.).. to oratinate to MIN. troolthis data, 1210114.11 a) RIMS° rottrlc3 trots do I= Ths testate eta to ecaratol as tx=tr. In =du its style al- trnototoro • - Witt. G. Jogs - arm BAWL. 4. _ NOD ALL 4 CSltt oibtaft hzusorkrits.. l ratal. =O, Pa. last, tut for the do 5 (trade and Relined Petroleum, 410 MUTH DZIAVISIIE Ara./r UFACTURERS, Arc ..rtu• Castle, Pa DI 111111 DUE 3: CO., Propotat's moat Lte ord-rtr-1 ' f 77= t•t•r t11,....rt01tt tor uv I..rJ,' ttott =rty tw dis• tt.,,LaD0..1 m.a crlt, L It tut.. or.d. tut 12-,1,..1 trt.rtto. 0..4 I Pres.att chartgoi [nor/. MORIMMII IttoN. N .4NI) ja&k.l” hBW Laerce.r. DUQUEYNF. WORK 2-1, CADMAN 6: CRAWFORD, ItlE5l WOK:: roil eTtAm Olt GAS 114,:11ININ TS. AND COPPEJtSMITIIB. CUASS CASTINGS, of all Marr +omk to order. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND OAP. HITTING, md promptly etroudocl to. Particular %Mutton perol to fitting op BEPItiE nILS POE COAL AND CANDOIi OILS. Sole Agents for the Wader. District of Pear • sylvanis fee the vale of MAESII, LAPtiDELL & 00:8 PATENT ISPRIION PUMP, the best ...tor ir• rented. Bering oo tole. It is not Itnble to get oat of order, mad will throw more aerator then slay pump 03 twice it. cite. nuts cr.a. I R O. C. 1_ 111.t.CHINTOSTI, & Corunr of VIII° , cad O•Gars r •rd Pike and Walnut Streata, itroulacturers of matlcoory .od other ENCIIIIRS, ROLLING MILL CASTINOS and lII2.OIIIIiRRY, of MI klodr, end general Jobbers. Prompt otteratan gheo to ropshiog ROLLING MILL MUMMY. d.30:1, ROBERTS, BARNES A. CV, Ro. 8 9 Third St., rittnugh, Tll, eliD IRON WOILIMIZ kod t.ory of We are now manuf.turing and hare on hand Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Wars in Sotto, Witter Coolers, Grocers' T. and Spice Oardsters, Cash and Spins Boma, Tumbler Drainers, Spittoons, do., do. A large lot of Bird Cases for mule low. Oil Cans at Midsea and patterns, Tin Bonding, Conduct.", +sad all kind. of Jobbing .Fork done to order. pATENTED OCTOBER 14, 1561 L IT:IL:Da rb P 1.71.7 7' UV AL LAMP CH IMYE YEIP/T GLASz These Cblisalops ass hatecde4 fur the fait Awns, !wallas all parts of the s✓ equally, doss cat o.pasa It to cracking. E. D. DITIII/IDGZ, Port Pitt Glass Worts, Wastarattan ea.*. Pittstatrch, BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, rmItzVEGE, PARR. BROTHER & CO., BEST QUALM E.T.3151120 ce..6r CTRL, and Ortacon, of ell atm. Wart ax.:l acr9 to any batarrted or caau...Sctarad In tidy cora • try. &IT OM. aad arandtoaaa, Lim. 140 Lad 19 aad sad lyo /i9X1141/ aTILEETd, Ntatt-argh. 1411.1 rd ALLEN M WHAM% CO., VAttrr Forspct, PittMorgh, P. ii , irlValvhccm, MI LIBERTY BTHEST, filmnfacturere of GOOK, PA1:41111 AND ISG STuVES, PA.131.011 AND KITCLIKIi ORATES, 1101. LOW WARE, eta , Yteel end Gloss .11oulas, Roß leg Kill Cast-tugs, INi Gearing, Ga{, Water ma Ar t:g.. dm: 1rr...% Ws,cuo Doze, en.' gar E. ot Pr.liera, Dm gam, W huela Oml4 ta t re and A1r.c.,1,1,t,n,,- ma Machin • .11,1,2 PS/g tch cram. rztected P,rtabl• ••- rows. a1:44.6nel L2II):'BELT METAL WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT, hturzeisitturers of CIXTOGi 711-12L1V3. tear SUBN's SttlN and LAX, lINAPSTA generally. Also, TIN LANTERN Till taLLNOd, PEWIT lAN, Aa hilatinetsibrers el' Collins t Wright's Patent TIN JCO TOP. N. 1 Second street, Pittsburgh. L)ENN 51A(1.11NE WORKS AND L PJt'NTUY H. WIGEI*MLAN & CO., CSIOINE AND Wax,. Brazen., bz , tsreen Federal and 6.drulki ALLEGHENY CITE, PA. Itarmfastumn of WIOLI A-19 . 9 PATENT POST ABLE uNALLATINO ESCULILS, net Ins. Pullers, ler— Lop.lring &LI kinds stutded ittiON .FUWNES, (late of ttio firm of NJ lowna, AIJOHN 11. HEREON (Late ofUt.hca. MON SOUNDrar..S .ad OTOVZ INl.enufzeter,s, ALLLE7III6I:I" 8T &ELT, Nlath tP.rQ, Plttsbargh P =r2:ly J s. OIIN B. H1P.1105 A CO WELLS, RIDDLE & Co., No. 215 Marty stn. oasnufactorors of W t iCR 4 Ll.l3 . ll 3 =l and P BM h : ES. ZS and arary doocriplion of LEATH - LH BILUDSD WitE. Orders senrited Qom the tracts. and goods prompt ly id:Lapped sa per truorocjtons. Sotta7 Q. SEVERANCE, Na 53 \VAT= ST. Plttabrarsh, manntactarar of BOILER =YEW d pan- I Partloular gland . shaped gIIZE:6B sad large or m.ll, made to order at .Fort notic4s. r k Rood aamortmoot constantly on hand. ary2Onn D/k. W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of . WHITE STONE CHINA and C2X/ilt 00Iy Ott= and ail 11. 14 /11711 EITIISZT, Pittztarg. mMfrly TTOR.IrE rs JAMES-LA.F---F-111-if ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AO Legal Barbosa promptly ottooded ta. Oft" N. lb° rocBTII STILLES, near anal, Nteebtrgb. ap2l;atair AVIASTER. s (JAZZ A Atii LAW OPTIC EC. No. 98 GRANT STRLIET .pro, WM. u. UALBRAITIi, Attorney and Counullor-nt•Lanr, ►SESPO6T, Anarrsoxa 00047 T, 00110.1., O. •OBOSIE Q & S. O. SCHOYER; Attornoys-st, ko. Office, N 0.1.42 Toarth =at, ri tuburit , eel? OILS. arc. RIDEII. ut1U113 4 3;. , :i ..crictsta I=IIEEEI r*trolorm and, its Products, uth l!ilil et bIIUAD Ca IVATEIII 6 IV. raiEST &,, , ents q3l she 1.0 Net LA WO r.XtiCbEVL Olt .tuIIIId j LiZW PAIL, ITLIA DANDY'S OUCPL.T, uaLrat_a, Wiles A 14 ots. L unr.. WORIL4 7,1 SATILAS? CZ• 61:t S. E. POUI:MY, Crude and Refined Petroleum. dco.. do. td TIELEJ) BIM% Ritiabtrgh. Pa. apM..9.m D15501.41710X73. 4e, PRoPossir,a pROPOSALS "FOR Tr.! BLit A_ND Lrzr..1..v . ..5t NAV T u - rr‘ar,r3r7. D----.r or Cc... - 7r , 5503 ♦ND Jr.u- 1,6 t. 8::ALL11P80ra.511.,...:1.,E1. Tim., end .11. n. tl-c IL:3ly, 1.4 1,4 :1 Ca. p ,udir43. le.V. ton rte: . .,C Cr, " C 4,14, and Repair ` unUI it, t. 4.: 1 d term et ert: 'iii .omcortica.t. TLe tar...1161e and ertie.r.bra,d isthc aao~t am pr,:tculer, deac43Led in the rr , unw.l mu., of o auc,. Andre to uC.r. Ltwauluatna.. ;b.. rbeirctore y a , ) AM". 1111 1 /kr• rat Ittvrute, tht,sc oi up u tion to the Daman. ./311. di.hlnn tCIS-,,.. n:ag f, the enorrtni. hn. or atsi.. :a sash, seen elmso. only wf t I r. 111lItad 113 a, actually r..tairca fur t, Tn. Coo. u.sdent and Navy g.. 1 - nntiod, in addition to the tote rut. of dn.ea Cr th. !aro ,e s espy ul the rchedulos of tut htL.r Yards fur ....instr. cooly, Ira= vi.aoh may tro jutigt4 whotbar it vial to Cf,brab.o to taste ttpOies.. ious toe say we the etas..s a( theca rarcto. Si! other thing, being ...Intl, prt Terence will be rte. re de. o'simennan ntsuatactcre. Oflen usort be made for ate srhnle of Ito clan at any pod, c.v.o one of 121+3 poll:bed ethrO.rber. or Ia etre, eldurrfl. c4unult) or Ibey “bt, be tea Upon appllestlec to tle Da:000, ta, tl.a (valutac d ant of sty 'era, cr ILL) Lary Kawnt, tho form of I,l 'r 01 ' Ebbeao , y, arta ,teer necea3,y la:armed.. rt.pbctu a t tee rops..., abl furnitalndo The ettarse3 will be owszated to thn lowest Nth dtbp• gbanbtb..., nolatred t y the taw cf ingest 10,1,11. i, the Navy I,partreent re tearing the rte., riot lowest bid, , coy widen may to 4005/.4 zerl,tabr, Thecottratta will bee. date-Lb t , a)l.l.t.b.ulltleeil.o la Or. and dullveriat can be 400t4t04 Era that Buretba to the fall a:meant act I to ropar , d to sign the contract, and their roypens.ble:y cc:tilled to by a Cattd &lava Dl.tnct Jeep., Co.tca etatea b . .trt"'• Cwheater, cr bray £gent. ea ad dttl-oal sec:lll4y, twenty ctnturn wilt co pi •11 hold frum the =o=l c 1 , be tall. until the ccntracta abaft have been complete], and eighty per centam of each Call, approved in by we corratcandtzt• cf the respvctiVe jarta will be paid by the Navy Agtocts at the polam of &Every, In funds or email owes, at the option of the Coe, ran:ant, within ten da's alter the ir-rzent for tie mace ehatt here I:, en paewd by the Ceesetary of the Trtnanty. The following arc the dam. reaulrel at the Nap c. Ito navy yarde : Close No 1, Irbil, oak logy; No 2, white oak livid Sod booboo p 1..; No N 0m:to oil era - . Intl , I and kites. N.. 4 white obi plank; No 6, yodil. pine Nov; No 7, potion pea., bouts; No 8, yoi.lov pine Swats and spar tlaitbii; nail. , white pine plank, and bards; tio le, wane pi:pen! nll: Lt. dell; plank; No 13, ash log. and plant; No 1 0 , tab can, No lb, 01. tiny Luc., No 17, c,,,lur boarded No 18, locust, No 111, white oat stave, bud ht.lllg; No t 0 blank orrice. No 08, klgus.l4l,lst,l; No 81 Leon, eonr.d, flat, and , mare; No 2', 5:0,1, 51.„ 17, Iron opikia; No IN, Iron nail., wrong= and cut; No 80, load; No 81, tin and zinc, No so, napalm.= No 04, tools for blares; No 31, a Nile lead; N. 77 , n:ne palate; No 118, . 11 !. 7 . 1 paints, 4070 r; No 38, tarpentina, randth; No 40, Lai:mood Oil; No 41, glum; No 44, ash oil; No 45, Tallms, Soap; No 47, ship chandlory. Chun No Lost.lto oak logs; No., artato oak keel p.m; No 3, white oak cureol eidlue, I:, ot:,, oak pizza; .13 0 6, yellow woe logs; No 10, white pine LIMA Mad vat tuoDer, No 11, white pule log 9, pant lane/ /saute; No li e eelolen 02,0 deck and etage /so Lt, ash tugs and plank, No 14, sett oars; c/o 16, black, a - alaus and clergy; No 14, locust; No 19, atm. cak :taros and headings; No . :0, blade epru., No 25, Ltiosarathu.; No 25, iron; No ra , ataqd, No 27 lOon spikes No =, Iron, mils, wrought and cut; AO 70, lead; No li, erne, use, and colder; No 11, lord. were: bo 44, tool. ter elome, to. No 25 white load, No 77, coo paints; b,, an, pelisse; No Z 9, tor pentiuo at 4 arolds; ho c9l 41100; No 44, ertede oil, No 45, te1,09, coop, an, a weet No 97, :tap chandlery. MIEMEMI . pU oto; no 'white cat c.a." tl ! tor No 4, vette oak S' s " . ; No No 7, P -1 " . ctrzuotas gnat Din tnae mama, Na yahoo onto, coa.ot 4,0 spat , ; , Nu 9, wane oak toanta and peck; \,. 11 • ate pt. WA; cote 41,1 all'oad•lt of =Dun, nth atn, bar and loo ' ho 13, so. a r k; No 1:1, ash oors. [ea llllloltir.f... of the trine, 3•11. .neoulea On Nol3, lakkos7 bass sou aunt .!.tan: 3 tr 'ark afootin.,l coon', No 17, cedar, No la, loner.; No I 19, 041. 4.1 a a, a .1 et-x.1117g. No au, ,a,k ; Maddox, Et. - 1,1.2r0, Grant, Ghat, LenartLenartha, and to ladl ] 6".0/1 It6thk, ~ Nu *Epochal,. r0d , ..-,aleadeotta Lk:esti...ea of Ms= /Ulna 23. ltoo. tooad tat o-dl , l - 4 , .. NJ kh Etta!, What. .11,,re an the ofd useMILE O Lam •ptlnr, :to lal' 'a-. eata, cam NO had, ho it-^; No 13, s baraw•-e; ho 3 t; i fain , 12 = 1- d. I', .tora, No at u . L.,.* :tad, ho 77, rato. " It I. r,-;aded to a htt.hl3 . e:r.houtrated form. ins N S' “" r " ";".'"'; to.aa h c•tho ha= ,he t t••,, ,, kratallattlat• Hake tt-ted on, :to 1/, Flan, No 4 brutt 1 , 14, oil, So 45 tab, 0, IN, 17,10112 0,1311,, • 4131.1...1.1deLPE.1.1. It Is Uturoctlt t.,„d .It,ott iNo in it. aeller.l7lll.- 1,1 eleanging 24., Wood, arelng It tenter in No. 1, I.Llto 2, v. it. , ~ or. th ,„.„ =o „. th,ohda bel (Aran wta,e curvet: , 1 "-lael " vriatto oak pant , N ay.! Naar perytidt-r, Irklz-h have Leda* tilt Ler . 4,11, wt.:. a, IN.La, :••• 11. ' . 14 Let. •l6. ' 4, “" IT,prn, oad sat to tial cair.-altm Eeroady, and sheeld to email rOctee , • . ; No I e-alenerLe wlth that eardlctee Li all cure of Gerk 1,, , a f,,:„ ..T ' 5 ," .. „ ; 07re,.. G lee [ , Steer sibr. or wrarox. Ito retori • sys,, cyt LO, lead; No 31., nee tio end are Les!trg, nothing end don/stet removing 1111 33, 24, tool , ; r beet, chortle-a .d pato, Instead of the 3e, whfte load; No t 7. eke punt.; No 3e, cciortai ; , ; 4v, llwa.d De-/31as. end anee.darzbie pate that Is exp. ea; No tl, Owe: 22 b oil L•n°.• rmn, ,leaned eitti nearly Wills ettea2ganek irdeette22:: - . oil; Nu 41', cnen.l;er; ; 4,, cal van B. the 01-c of the CELLILOELS, n':lf7:LLlr and Be.-0, 406.,4 copper. CHLT.0.6.E.1 nurcnos—the 11 - 2 niAbelie 111 the tame tine-all improper &Inbar/1112e Mie s T . id, and the grat--rled or--te..-e are epeogry motored •io sod eeterglL. • for fell perti.lere, get or., pe..phlet rtam any Dreg Store to the cocntry, or vrt-tta In, and Ira trill mall Lye, to nay address, • MD trestle. Prke, onFacosra ICIVISZDY, 12 per Loth s, et three bottles for 15. Prlon, atraost.r. LNJICTIOIi, 12 par bet*, , throo bottles for 14. I=l Cie". No 3, white oak lane.. j,r-m; No 11, while pins plank boards; No 13, Judi plsab; No 14, sch cars; No 14, blask walnut, charry and nr11.1,,,5n1, No 17, cyprias; No 171, spruce pine spars; No 23, pop lar; No 25, tron, rotrid, tst and equate; steal, No 27, spilt.; No nal, No 30, lead; No 31, nine, tin, rad solder; No 33, bardsrart; No 31, tools for stoies; No NI, white lead; No IT, zinc paint; No 33, colorcd poluta; No 33, turpentine and semi -h; No linseso oil; No 41, glacr, No 43, tallow-,soa 49,p, de, No 47, ship chandlery; No IS, oak u©; No - tank Iron; No 50, ingot copper; No 53, poles; No 61, hellcat,. jyrkYwood pROPOSA_LS FUR MORTAL'. SHELL. 01/InA.S. Crncs, Wan Dtrar.ramor, Wastioreeen, D. C., July Bth, 'EEC SEALED PILOPOtIe.LB will be received at tbir office nntil MONDAY, tho let fay at Anenat, for 8-ItiCIL HOUTZ, ft SHELL, to he rallrerrd in the following quantities, at the ender-named Anwa tale, its: At :1 raTr • i 'L77 ' 1 At the New York turnorkl. turcroork Luna, rs 4 erk. 20,000. the Allegheny Arsenio, Pittsburgh. At the Weanlngton Arsenal, D. 0. , 6,000. Thaw projectthe are to be made cf ,be kind of met 1, and intrpocted after the red. laid down to the Ordnance Manual, the tensile strength of the hoe to be tint low than 14,1130 N. per agnorn loch. They are to be made In accordance with thelnatructione glean In the Ordnance *Loral. Draistugs pa be seen at any of as Baited States Arnmala The yowjectilos am to be Inspected et the Bounds, where cast, and am to be delivered at the Aressala free otcharge for handling. Bidders will state the rate et which they will Wirer. Indium to make dellreriet at a tpecilled time eel su blect the contractor to a furfcitme of dm moaner he may fail to &User at that Lima. Bidden will mate explicitly the Arsenal or Arse nals when they propose to deliver, and the number of prop:mike they propose to deliver at each place, if for mom than one. No hide will be considered from part. other than regular &modem, or proprietors of work., who am known to this Departuunt to becapableof executing the work wormed for. Should any part) obtaining • contract offer shells other than Mime cut in Ma own fosuzdt7, they w4l hr Netted, and the contract rendered null anti void. loom of till can be obtained at the above-named enemata Proporals not made oat on shit form will Rot Do conaldemd. The bidder will be required to accompany hisprop osition with a gclarsory, slaved by two respsoslble persons, that in case hi. bid Ls accepted be will at one execute the contract flu the Name, with geed and scricinnt =reties, in • 0000 ogled to the emotmt of the contract, to deliver the actin, pro posed, fa canibrintry with tho lemma of this ad• settlement; audio Quo, the sold bidder should tail to otter into the contract, therto rusks goodllt• direr. ence between the otter of said bidder and the cent responsible bidder, or therms:di to wham the amtract hay ho awarded. - - The respnwibillty Grilse ircammtnee of be shown by the telcial certificate of the Clock of the nearest District Court, or of tUo C. S. IHstrict Attorney. Bonds in a stun equal to one-tenth of the anmat of the =mut, signed b 7 the contactor and both of hbaillarantors, will he required of t`c .._,. n om bidder or bidders upon dgning the contract. CftltatarTlEL We e the nahrshdoodosbeidente of in theconnty of and St:sect leseebn Jointly and lemma% comsat with the United State', and gostrantat, , t tn cue the foherey groMg Wed bortoxiMed that or wet 4 within tea Qi dale after the socepteuene o b f e said bid, exe. cat* the contract for the ma= with good and rad clan* sarette% In a nun mina to the amount of the contract, to famish the article proposed In con farraltyto the tertmcf theadmutleement dated Jane it.lg64, ander - Which IS* bidtres made; snMin case the said -- ebali fall -to enter into a contract., aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer by the mid end the next tome* reeymesibie bidder, or the permt to whom the contract may - be awarded- Pittneca, WT. micro= Mods amtmab of —, 'l'o Ws gel:antes malt te appended the cel el et-milt:4m above murVened. Etch party hie totog coatzsa ta obllgod to rater lu w toa, itlf3 ap:ruTed sarot:.,te; i:s fat witaT tree. • Upon ebe aereftl botoz nude. sooeeofril 9.d.derf andbe no t.ted, end fundetcd fore of oeutra,.-1 brA boed. Th. Departm•zt .rstrzrea the tight to reject only or all blda. If not darned eatle.3ctory. Propmats erfli ta.arlinesraf to .93r1.1 er Genera] GEOPeteE D It ANtd.a/, Cb!at of Ordartroo, Ington, D. and nadnrerd l'repreate for R-inolt Elort.“ 81,01." GZDZOS n. ELIZEST, Brig. OPEL. Ohk(L OrAneLce ELIPJ.) STREET FOUNDRY. ALFRED DAVIS, ly Emmen afAndereee b MD") reap...- t 'rxforezz by tetafla and the palate tenerelly that tolnak-s?craa a Fonnary at the comer of Third stortAriaMlmgart kut4 QPX.II. Ihttom ' e trots Iffl lL ight ln c r • L7 w tdaa latle c 7 rgo, we& L ' TMAK — SpecI ntfen leee o Praben • mylthers meßvwssunsani,osacKEns - 1441 e at Ba:e4 /minis MUM. • • N. IL—Myr:dont tostkei so to larnlth Mutate mtetfor to say . tuck Toot al to Moo, . - : e. &ie SWIM r=e, myttlyin Y. -21EDICAL. Uh;DICINEa --- CHEROICEE PILLS. E VGA It-COATED rELL IMOULATOIIi I:= 8.. r the MOTS! of Obstructions awl Me of 11.2 rt, aartry to tee B.r.mmenoei of t UcritLl7 PeAods. I=Zl/552=E2M!MI erpriag from tr,g,latity by rt....morbty bbb Irrogbi They cane 3cipyrezedd, Escalate* wad Pataftd Tbey ctrctirt.l. Etlckretss (Cll.-rods.) _ They oar, Nervous owl d'ploot ¬ions, Popdc_ !to and lover parts of tb.; Body, Elooldo* .r. aright °sextet, Polpf tad= of tbst* . wrrlaces of apt.-fta, Ilyotealta,Slek lissdactoi, OIMI sea, dr. Ina ward, by re...nrateg tbo Isralfelfleffl a " reMOVI the mom, one lettb it on tit**, that spring from It. Composed of elmptc env , VAL, extracts, tie, coa eothiss deleterious to 00 ter-Stitieries, Le*. ern dultr-oto, their reaction toeing to nabstit* ese-Igtla 15r erea.ka.u, which, when properly they .ever tell to do. ihsy may be !tardy rased et any us, •=d M my ;n.rioct, tansy f-st QM. 010 WAS. dining which the MI falling rat.. of Chair Utica aodtrill- at.IIILIy I.3mat yraprazci A.lll6jters tnfortcatlan or a. 4,1. wIU-b promptly, freely and Lizereetly Tall directions accompany tad, Price Si per box, or at bon for E. aent - by sail, Doirof pcatage, on receipt of prtdi,, Sold by all revectable Droutate. D.E.. W. B. =MTN a co., Solo Proprietor/1, f..a Liberty e.reOt, Now Yor Yor r-te to Plasburgh by Dr. 01.0. H. Ellal*, Sc. IP Wood atrce., and N. Marnaages corner of the Dissond and Market Knob. mhll . A I) NEWS! • ?Olt TEM IIIirOZTULTD I InE LOAD SOUGNI FO DISCOVERED AT. LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY CrSJET.OK.ES INJECTION tk Boots, Dark. wad Leaves. `oat by exprem WI., Wren% o th reoapt prim 4::!:.1 by all dzo=lata oterywheze. DB. W. IL LEERWIN a OD., Bsis Proprietors, Law Liberty .tract, New York.'' Yoe gals in Pit:abrzgh by DIL GPO. ELMO* No. 140 Woad and N. Wf...&.IIUAN MN corner of the Dt=2.l end Mda streaL tahl7aawdalnsoarlf ELrx - IR ri.TYCM, I Da. WILIGLIT,II REJTJTIMATLFIG MIXER; or, rszonios 07 Ll7l, - v=Pare Veratabte Catiecie, =bawl .thL, 4 3 txdurttra, to ez mat: dalloats. The Milassaatlag Llt..r la the rasa& of malaria disscrrertes to the eesatablo ktarkaa, betel so Si', efxetf sear iced abstract method of care, of all ths 614 mass= =a maid= hum hcer.. tested by the ize3el cotta, mettla.l men of the Mu, sad by the= preacarced be one of the greaten meacal dilexmaries of the age. One battle will care Others! Dchility. A Sew d..wea care. Byte:lce la famelee. • Oaa buttes cum Palpitation of the , neut. A taw dam restores Oa term of paaraltlone • Train on, to throe toftlas neon* Ow troall.4B 8.1 fall alga, at Math. . • 18. doers restom tlia appetite. • • Tbsco bottles cures .114 wcrst ase of Impotency.: A fen doles mum the 1 4i:lW. Om bottle mato= sele4tal. 2. r dams thi• ram to the cheek. T costbdos rectum to mealy =par as= robt= Molt& Lte poss e debt/Wad e Irom.down sad QM coshing Wow daeritata plaunts. The uene...assystad .1 0 = 1 : 1 . the mr - tibikad *a s &lumina; the Vali= of tor Teas depricedan, or *A 41•Sanal cararlaz tram jpLueral &Wl*, or hop winters. of • Jingo otgur an find immadlata and pezzaskent WWI, the as of this/11=r oc woe at 1.41 h. • Prima pet tr. t. 'ls, or p.m lgotiloo tor 55, azi forwarded by units; ona: molt: 0! =Fn. to oOf sddrom nna II a 1 dr , Z!nll orerdirdsro... W. 31..WEIIWIS a 00., Pak Pri2l6U2ll, to Lidorqdtroot...Soor Vat. Eor adle ll Pittadrgb by Ds. O. IL 90.11.0 Wood Woof. .., W.. 1n0C../.48.8„&ga corner of oda Dlrdoond ond Wdrki L l UMW. coo CHEROKEE OIMIT INDIAN ATEDIOrgE: Dab lad Urns, :" he =Mang care .kr bliertesiorrhm. tirmlnat a, r.-.; liontornal Pantatimee, and alldbeeellr, eac-ad M telfoollatinti. inch es Loa of .m.mmy.: Universal r...(1...Pa141 l* the o Thrum, Premamm. Cold Atre,_Wealr or ftreathing, Trembling, Wakens fin:Namur on the Paps, Pala Connteaante,lneadity. do, and eal the dtrefel,complainta cansed e' 74. r.arting frem the tech of tutor* . Tide medicine le . ramp% vegetable extract, mid' one on 11161.1 ell can rely, as it tea teen mad In axe 0r ... d0e f or moo ., Trorsoild with theemotmi treaMil. it We not tallad itt* slog% teatime: Its eveze..... posers have bee* entietent to gala victory mg the; most stabborn To U.* who have trilled with the omit that think thentailnat beyond tha mxs = me.d3rei old, see woold may, /*pair. mit Z r Chettn. tee gars *III redone year halt!' end and alter atronsck doctors hare fafted por dm: u. ran particulars get. a. from atm Deng State in the coontrY, oi• te the pl . ...rioter, who - sill mall toe to 'any onh feeirint the game, a folk ezetabl b tabivhbt ' Prkos 11.1 per bottle, Cr Wan botfM.ftse surd. fOrlierfef b 7 eaffem tO recta of thelotia. fold ty all respectable 4!llri::m nl eyriThiere. B. W. 4 & CO. • 111111mrk.. Per ash. In - Piltsbnighly DELGT.O Fl ISO WOOd . lareett sif a fag - comer Diamond and Xlilitt MOW . mhlrehavaaresur .1 I,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers