Vittstrurgh 6autte. 21:TrADAY :::::r.226::T171.1( 12, 1864. NATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, or Illinois. ToM VICE rIMBEDICIST: ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee N'itn think we are safe in saying that Al legheny courtly will fill her quota of one hundred dark' men within the next two days--certainly by Saturday night. Set Our local columns for information as to what has been done and what is proposed to be done. Border State Oonserrathsm. In the earlier days of the present fearful struggle, no class of men seemed to have the ear of the President so completely as the Border State Conservatives, and nothing was so hart to bear, on the part of his more Radical friends, as the all-preserving influ ence which these men seemed to exercise over him. At one time even that arch traitor, WICRLME, had more weight at the Rouse than many of the President's North. ern supporters, and reposing full confidence in the sincerity of their professed devotion to the Union, and anxious to secure the . Border State element, he shaped his policy to suit their wishes, and allowed them to abase his confidence without' suffering him self to anent et their loyalty. But time makes all things even. Wien, curt, who, less than three years ago, was among the favored ones, of the only gent ine true blue stripe of Union men, has changed his. skin and stands revealed a Copperhead, whilst his other noisy and foe By coadjutors have either shown their sym pathy by running with him, or have fallen into suspicion and disgrace, like Enessos Ell/MUDGE and the editor of the Louisville Journal. The President has been gradually finding them out, and now wo see, by his Proclamation putting Kentucky under mar. tial law, that he has lost alt • faith in them and all patience with them, and that he has, at Last, discerned their true character. Thera never was anything sincere in the so called' - Unionism prevalent among the politicians in Kentucky. They have al ways been for the Union with en if or a but. They were for the Union with very, but against it without. Their devotion to the Union was immense and intense, provided they could be allowed to keep their negroca in peace by staying in it. in their talk toe Union was always apparently first, but Samba was really always uppermost. The Rthellion was all wrong, : but Aboli • tiooism was mach mdreavrong, and there • fore any step that looked to the abolition of Slaveiy was to be resisted, even at the ex pense of the Union. These men have been etch exercised, of late, at the determinati n of_ the govern ment to enlist the Slaves In Kentucky ,Lts soldiers, and they have been quietly but vigorously at work to resist the goiern raent in putting its measures into operation. We are not aware cf the particular steps taken by them; but the danger of a colli- 1 8100, with them must have been great, or the President would not have put the State un der martial law. We hope, now, that -every able boded slave in Kentucky, who is willing, will ''be . put into the army. Their owners will,in that way, be compelled to contribute something to the support of a Union they profess to reverence eo much, but which they have done so little to sustain, and the State will, in the end, find the way open to get rid of slavery altogether, as Maryland has done; Conservatism is played mit, and Kentucky conservatism particularly; and if these border State demagogues don't like it let them follow their true leader, Barents ninon, who acted logically np to his con. viaticum, and was too manly to stay in the Union which he intended to fight. EiMil Just now the—popular heart is anxious, without being despondent or disposed to panto. Men everywhere seem to have learned lobe philosophical, and to accept the inevitable without murmuring. We believe that the determivation to conquer the Re bellion never wayo strong as to-day. De feat and disaster may come, but the war must go on. From all quarters comes this cheering assurance. Neverthelem, as we have said, men are anxious. They feel that, if the war should not end this year, it may last for many years to come. They feel that, the lonve the war lasts, the greater the danger of an open outbreak with Eng land and France, whose sympathies the South has all along possessed. Tbey feel that, if the war does last two or three years longer, - our finances will ba in a Mate of partial, if not complete collapse. And they feel that, if the war shall not end soon, the industrial interests of the country will be paralyzed by further drafts for men, and that, by reason of high prices, there will be In - thousands of homes a real scare* of the necessaries of life. All this the people wish to see avoided. A great victory over Las or Jounarox would enable them to pass these breakeis Is safety and to see the haven of all their hopes this yet?. There fore, Wanted—a Great Victory t And why should not the natien'be made to rejoice over a great victory ere many days go kr ? In the East and in the West the situ ation is most favorable for such a result. Les, by dividing bia'artny, has exposed himself to the danger of being beaten in detail, and IT= of having large numbers of his men captured. If beaten, Richmond certainly fella. In the Wes', abhough the situation isnot to interesting, it it equally hopeful. Since tho retreat of Joustroe's army from llenesaw, and one coat:potion of Marietta, it is generally conceded that the' llebels CSl3.make but one more standbefore fallingback upon Atlanta. If they stand and Sght they are certain Mien worsted; if they retreatto Atlanta, witbtintn fight, the great workshop of the Confederacy will soon beinvested by Suzaware's powerful army. And there are inditations that they will retreat without making another - Maud this aide of &Meths. Late intelligencein forth! us that our army has, already readi ed the Chattahoochee, the only remaleing natural defense of Atlanta, and that the main Rebel army has crossed the stream. Itis only twelve miles from the Chattalso chee to 'Atletata We would not excite false hopes in the mindi of our readers, nor will we be tempt ed to prophesy what will happen. Weton tent ourselves with affirmlog that all the indications point to at least MU substantial victory oval the 'Rebels before many days aro added t,o tho' waning life of the Rebel lion. And with victory will come the dis sipation o' all fears of foreign complica tions; of the war becoming chronic, of financial enttamassMent, af deranged in dustry, and of startler inflationli pikes. • Let, all good:saeu, then, pray for a Gnat Via- ....;i,':.~~.J-~ ~.s. t'T '' ; ..- tom` ~ ~~:....~~~-. Sa~ : ?""^.t. _ ,p_ :-.+ Representative Recruits We are pleased to notice an advertise ment in our columns for two representa tive recruits by a gentleman not liable to draft. This is a step in the right direction , and praline that there is as patriotic a spirit in this community as elsewhere. But individual efforts will not accomplish as much as united ones. In other cities, gentlemen willing to contribute of their means to obtain representative recruits, have combined together for that purpose, and found it much easier to obtain recruits in that way, inasmuch as they so avoid coming in competition with each other. We hope to see a similar movement here. In Neve York, the Supervisor's Committee obtains the recruits, and tarnishes them to the Committee of exempts at the rate of $344 per man. Now that any one quali fied to volunteer may be taken as a repre sentative recruit, the price is much lower than when it was supposed none but those exempt from draft would be taken. In New York, Cincinnati and St. Louis those who have moved in the matter have thrown their contributions into a common fund, and appointed a committee to see to its faithful application. The amount fixed for each contributor in Cincinnati is $400; and this, in addition to the Government bounty, which the recruit gets, will un doubtedly obtain all the men needed. Are there not teen enough in this city, exempt from military duty, to form a move ment of the same kind ? It is a good work glad one that should be pushed forward vigorously. Let our patriotic men and women, who are able, join heartily in the enterprise, and important additions will at once be made to the army. Men are wanted, and the way proposed is one of the best, because one of the most speedy for supply log this want. Personal and Political Items Ir is proposed to nominate Hon. Sstatett P. CILASE fjr Congress in the first district of Ohio, of which he is a residenL It Is given as a precedent for synding a oitistn of hfr.Ca.tse•e position to the lower brooch of Congress, that Col. Besros, after bav• ins been thirty years a Senator from Mis souri, was sent to the House, and that Jous QUtSCY Anias was also returned to the same body after having been President. The first district is now represented by Ono. H. Pest:me - Tom, Peace Democrat, who was elected by the akin of his teeth two years ago. Vl= rtiIIDEST ii a high private, with,all the honors of that rank, in • compa— ny of State Boards, formed at Bangor, Me., which went down on the 7th, one handrod and three strong, to garriion Fort 26:Clary. The example is worthy of imitation, and highly honorable to the Vice President-- Exchange. No, it is not honorable to the Vice Presi , dent. A citisen occupying the high posi tion of Mr. Ileums can be much better employed than in playing at soldier in a "fort" a thousand miles almost from a rebel picket. The editor of the Nov York Independent says thst a lesdlng citizen of NowTork, ''s noble and unspotted lawyer," hod address ed him in these words : 'The Fremont Meetings in my district are held in the same grog-shop out of which, last summer, issued the rioters who eet tiro to my house, the audiences are the esme persons, and the speakers are well known Copperheads." Taw laborers on the wharf at St. Louis struck for higher Wages on last Wednes day. They,had been receiving fifty ents an sour, but demanded seventy. They did not get the advance asked, but many of them got advanced to a 'position in front of the Assistant Provost 'Marshal for interfe ring to prevent men from working who were willing to work for the old pries. Row. Sens Covent, who has been on a melancholy visit to Gen. Oasis army, has had several interviews with the General, and reports him very hopeful and confident of ultimate success. Onst. Gnomic P. Monists, recently deceas ed, was born in Hobert street, New York oily, and.not in Pennsylvania, as hos been incorrectly elated in the newspapers. Gnu. GRANGER, MCCOOK ; EIIIKLBC2 and Darmson have been ordered to report for duty to Gen. CANBY. This looks like bnel• nee& Tat St. Louie Republican, the leading Demoorstio paper West of the Mississippi, last week ran up the McCutuals flag. Tnr. Two Million Volunteer Luta in New York progresses rapidly—ssB9,4oo !mein been already subscribed. Recruiting in Rebel States The different States are authorized to ap point agents to go through the South and obtain recruits for the army. According to law, these recruits will be credited to the various States, and save the people from a draft. The Governor of Massachusetts is making efforts to complete the quota de maaded from that State, and we see by the Transcript that it is expected that several thousand men • ill be obtained In that way. We see, also, from the Cincinnati Gazette, that agents for several of the Eastern States arrived at Columbus on Friday last en route for the South to recruit under the late act of Congress. What is Ponnsylvactia doing? Shall we stand Idle while Eastern States help fill their quotas by enlisting men in the Rebel States? We need mon to fill our quota; but unless our State authori• ties move in the matter, it is very clear that there will be very poor gleaning at the South after the Eastern agents shall have gone over the field,. What, we repeat, is Pennsylvania about? The Case of General Sturgis. It begins to leak out that there are likely to bo some "extenuating circumstances" to be considered in perusing an unprejudiced opinion upon the generalship of General Grunum, who was so badly defeattd at Grice's Cross Roads. _The Colonels of two regiments engaged in the battle have pub._ lialied letters completely exculpating Gen. Sweats from all blame-41firrainithat his management of the csrapalgn was judicious, Mod especially commending hie judgment In wishing to halt the command , et Ripley, the day before the tight, tt . emormi- whieh positive orders from his supeelorliefficer, Gen. Wasunusala, prevented him from adopting. They also deny with much pool. Geeness that the General wee at all under the influenced liquor. If these statements shintid be verified before the Board of In iestigation whichis now in session at Mem. Ode, someboily else than Gen. STI7EOII3 will . have tobrar the chief responsibility for ene of the greatest disasters of the war. Tur. Copperheml papers are ohekad nearly to '4lnogolation, by the victory of the Sesisarge over the Alabama. The idea "that sa Amerloan ship should be shown, in a fair ilgh‘.to be bolter built and Manned ancrarinek'and fought than an Angle vessel of , the aamirelase, is a cruel Mortification to American Tories: The Cop pinhead newspapers have no space for de- Mils of the Victory of the itearearge. If the Alabama had strilsthe Kearearge, they *odd lave issued extras, and left out ea. torial mate; fa order to give the full par ticulars IsiadvtiOon It is s marveled!' thirti; this 'tremendous immigration from Europe at the present time. The people there are told by the spavined writers and speakers that our poor country is given up to universal an archy and rain. The dance of death and the wail of despair are commies) through out our land, and ,bid fair to have no end ing. The heavens are lurid, and the soil is soaked with blood, Taxation is crush ing, bankruptcy certain, despotism euro ae death. They are told that if they come here thelwill instantly be forced into the army and marched to the front, to be butchered ty the'rebels, and their carcasses given to the vultures. But still, and notwithstanding all this, hitherward and steadily the, march, ten times ten thousand in number—with a sublime faith in the glorious and immortal future of the Republic, with a firmrassur— mice in the triumph of our arms, and.with a fixed faith in the endurance of oar liber ties, and with an unioubting oertainty that here they will find a prosperous home for themselves and for their children, and for their children's children. Such a faith in the star of America, and in the Republic's flog and fortunes, on the part of the hopeful and yearning yeomanry ' of Europe, ought to put to blush those among us who are doubtful, and timid and desponding, and who cannot, beyond the darknessfor an hour that enehrouda us, see or forme the luminous splendors of the coming Y Times. Newspaper Publishers In the smaller towns weekly local papers are given up entirely. In Boston a weekly paper that began a few months since with bright prospects, has announced that it must atop under the pressure of high pi. ces. In our awn city there has been a movement for inereaAng the price for the doilies, and it would eve been eoneumma• tad before this but for, be unwillingness of a single journal. TV weekly papers have in many 'natation already advanced their rates. Printing paper fa enormously high, so that only a few papers can metals' the burden at their old prloes—Round Printing paper is now double the price of one year since, while the prices of journals are the same. One thing is certain, that the price of papers will have to be materi ally ium,eised, or the publication of one half the journals of the country will be suspended. Only those thoroughly well established can go en and hold on, even with an increase of price.--N. Y. tprezu. PerLls of Correspondents. I was writing In my tent yesterday, (says a correspondent with Bhergisn's army,) when a minie bullet came whistling through the canyon, passing jest by Capt Bradley, Capt. Taft and Veal. Dawkene, of General Wood's staff, who were sitting inside. It completely disturbed my ictleolive powers for the time being. Another struck me lately In tho breast, passing through my cost and vest; but, fortunately for me, I had my portfolio full of paper inside through which it also passed, but did me no serious injury. Mr. &aerie, of the Cin• oinnati Tanrs,had his portfolio shot through in his hand; and Mr. Fnry,.of the Cincin nati Gantte, was et supper, when an un ceremonious shell came and took sway his candle, leaving him &dark subject. bl.zzlnizus and wife catered the oily of Mexico on the 12th. Before reaching the gates of the city a cortege of about five hundred citizens on horseback, and more than two hundred carriages, belonging to ihe principal aristocratic families of the place, met them, who alighted to salute those who welcomed them. Juarez was still at Monterey. The son of Governor Vidaurri wee in the field, with some pros peel of raising a formidable force. A rev olution was prepared at Bettina, but Gen. Negrete arrested the leaders and had two of them ohoL The Joarist chief Miles made an attempt on Chiquahrtapan, but wee re pulsed. It is reported theta body of Gra ga's cavalry, two hundred strong, had been surprised and captured by the French. Santa Anna had gone to St-Thomas to real ize on his property, Ita PUBLIC XOTICES. Kr A MEETING OF TELE CONTRIB IITOIIS of tits Boxed Mari (Allesbeny,) Banat, Fund. sill DY-hold at toe Feb.! flame, au TUE MAY EVICNISO, July lab at 1% Belo k. Pmetual sitauduno u nquallod, ae booboo of i6l. portant= e1:1 Co trausseted Mit ---- ,-COEINTY ONION CONVENTION. —The loyal voters of AllegbanY comity who stryport the nomination of Allithllaid LINCOLN and ABDBEW /0111780N.and the plea:mar atria. cip'ea atoptod by the National Union trenrmation at Ila:timore..4l adhere to the Union party. an re. Berated to seremble nt the usual places of holding amino* to their Wa do. Bornalthe, Toermhips and Mention Precincts,, on 21/11UltDAY, July MY, 1864, and elect taro delegates to represent each district aforesaid to • In4101:1 002211.12,11T1CN, to be held at the 0012 UT UMW:, to Pittabargh, on WZDNE.BDAY, ilitgnst Si, 184, a the PerP , • of mminatiost candidate. for the leveret Mom to be Mal et the clientag October election. The elections to tbs WarJs and Boroughs shall be Nllot, between the boon font d amen o'clock p. , and to the townships between *shears of three asrd itz &choir. p. m. By order of the Union ittaan. tire Committee. A 2d. 1430W15, lhalrumn. JIM, U. firmware Pecretsry. I.x td 71:;71 , NOTICK—A meeting of the Stook -r'i, holders of the ILihoning and french Omit Poolroa4 Oampany will bo hal at the BOLBD Or TB /DE 11.0091.0, In the City of Pittsburgh, en tha WIELD WrDliv BOAT (`prn,) OP YULE, 1884 at the hoer of 9 o'clock p. 0., for the pupa* of bidd ing the Plat d.comal Kimilon fa• wen Kungen of mad Oompany. Samuel M. Bier, J. Patton Lyon, W. M. Lyon, nos. IticOnlionah, Jame Park, Jr., H. L. B. D. Dudley, George Blue, - Hobert Orr, Thomas fiakeifoll, . James B. aim, Wm. B. Broom, Richard Irwin. Win• K. Blotch, David Lawson, B. P. . .. Yasuo B.eakley, jeArd k milotity of the Oimmratore. 10.71LECTION NOTICE. —The btock hddeas of the Little Ban 888 Ban B. B. 00. are hereby nottfteel to meet at the °Moe of the Com pany, In Remporeneeehle, on 101CaDAY, lb* 26sh day of hay, tufty .12 o'clock it. in., for the papaw of electing ono PreefMnd and NM Dunotors, to 'errs for the malting year. KAA4 Wll. 111..H1311iLL, President. nONSIGNMENTB -2o bow factory Met.; 100 balf esholo Born. • 60 do Mato Veoh; 60 do White Bur; 75 rockagra asoortel 75.1r.r00l ; IMO pounds Cod Stab, rocoired.4 for de at No. sto Liberty otfrot. 1 5 017 Eft. LIKEN 4.1317E.A1171. VANILLA BEANS.—A. lot of prime S.M. Hams, f.o flavoring: the, s (rah say. sly of BorneWe pore Estnct of V.llts, floes, Or. rugs, Lemon, Peeeh, Re., for flooring Ice Orestor, Puddler, Blase Slap, as, tor sale by the doct or els;le bottle, by /01115 A. 11.8.11913. AW, Ronny Groo'. 50 BUSH. SEED BUCKWHEAT. 15 bbl.. Kan ; 1000 bull. Zu Dorn ; 1500 do Gat.; 100 6616..1.411 Wile limy lu store end tar silo bs PATITISBON 8 62661016. 716 No. 6 Wood otrret. ALMOND AND GINGER. CRACK- Xll6.—Just :received from the bakery, fresh Almond and Ginger Iteate, for male b 7 the barrePor Angle pound, at the Fatally /carom Stare of JO3l/ A. 81121813 AW, *news TAlrrty and Band atrooty QI?ICW AND iAIVX °Ye/laid—MO 9.7 doses BstgY Spiced azd Owe Oysters in laud 9 pound caw, Just if.Ctiled at d Ibr sale by ESTELLE 6BUN., Not lliEl mud US Wood street TNDIA ituaßsic PIANO CIWEES, i with nook name, so entirelr nen and Damn. Col uncle, to Miro Ind oolois i also, the plelo bad color rabbi, newel, all slur, et the Bobber Divot. nd .T. • ELIIIILLIPS. NO. 2 LARD bbl!. pri ma No. 2 La i d i2o,'im band and to W. DALZELL & BON, 60 wad 70 Water allot. ANEW MOM urr, of same sort, wlll sell chmp to close comlgnment 4.5 bah. tool Backithsai. 1.. 0. VOIGT a 00 ,fi QI'ICFD ibTEllB.—Maltbye dpiced pt 4 Fresh Oysters, pit Op in one and two p:mod Pak hermetically seelodi tor gals by the dm= or 41113, at antifamily OTOMIT Store a dOIIN A. it BB y. 111110111! LIBIELY .LIJ APPLEB, to atom and lbw tea by BUD 411111117.41.113. a4a lanai atavel. Plltaba rab 91RAIISPA.RENT. OttERN OIL OLOSEI-11 worth, quality pat trout lhetar, at the Oil CMS Waren:am, 25 sad 210 L Olidret. 1 J. t H. FREt3II Eoo6.—lteccived tate day, Mr "P TV. 7VlNtit:nt LEMIA--S(X) pigs so ft Wens bead just rsaillos sod e x NY by • - f a l l J. B. OANIRICLA PG3.-26 bbls. fresh Itgge just reo d upi ta $ i mem ergot 11 POITEII,.IIBIBi BUZPADIr. EMEi33iEffll - A LC01101. , .40 bble. fast meivea and 11 emote =sat a. mum: rrzir .4D rEJEITISE4f/E.. TR. RE3iOVAL—Ctru. & Eiirvino, Gen oral bomatlateott Borchvato, have lammed hom 343 to 3.7 I..II3VAITY 13113 LET: J,13.3.f AA C 4.R D. —A gentleman whose timo is not out (rely occupied could dell.. UNIT.' throe hours • day to welting. Any cal Irtablog to cm toil bleu may &db.., Jeltilm EM=IMI • DIVIDEND.—The Trußteee of the PAtttburghOu flompany hay. sh • day da. cLumd • Dititend of TWO DOLLAIiii &OD TI BIT PXII MIMIC on the Capital kt .ch of oh, Comp.y, moth , ortforlib. • • JAMES dl. OOBI6TT, Tma orar. OMps N Pitt•brirge Gam Company. July um. Irfrt r 17`2,9t LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the lad% Wilt a John /Ludlam, lite of Illzabeth Merl:whip, Allegheny county, Pa., deed, haring beer, rooted tothe undenlomi, all Imams hating Clatma ag•lnst cell eetate potent them for re-Manua, and those Indebted will make payment, at my mil dewce in mid tomghlo. JOarr neNzriiar., Orner or TUC Atcrattelm remosancr C 0.,/, July a, 104. J D IVIDEND.—The PrEsidont and lii mewl of this Company have do-land a DiTi• lend of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE, out • f the profits 01 the past six mentlia, pa)able to Stock. bolden on or after MONDAY Johy 77th, 1887. jytalbr D. AL BOOK, Secretary,. PSTRAY.--btraNed Tammy from the wobectiber, h Indiana tp.. • 13• T Slang CULT, three Imre old. erhi.e Oar to forehtad, blank lep, inane and tall. The toot beard of hoc vela near Shawl 01111 a Ant one returning maid volt, or tog Information that .111 load to It. recover), ;An betly rewarded by JAMES airroinsoa. jyl2.3taT Harmaravtlla, Pa. OR BALE—Near Oakland, a neat F two-story psi k Dwelltng thaw goal ireli or water, pump, pal shod, ate., two lots at ground, ouch 60 tat trout to , 160 deep, with an alley on each ed.; large pada., 16 peseh tam 19 appls teem 4 pear trees. 2Xecnriant and goeseberry 1.0.0,, all well feared and in pod order, pleasantly situate. Prim.. 9=o Azle to Jyl9 H. CUTHBEItr & 8b1i9,51 Market at KNABE'S LINELIVALLEI/ PIANOS. I ABS, BETON!) .1. DOUBT TUE BEST PIANOS MADE! Bold by tatiLDIOTTZ BLUM& 49 Milk rt. Jytil Bole Agent fee Pittabnerb an 4 Wee. re FOR SALE.—Tho under4igned, wish tog to retire from bneleen, ore" for uln a at a targets,. hi. 8031 E , Tte.D, eon:Toted of a Farm sad a {tore. The farm contains 047 acre., to high state of cultivation, haring thereon a I age Erica. D toe, lenge eprleg and brick wash.borrea, ..d Immo Dank Damon, gore limos 40M0 Cellar ender toe whole. Granary and other outbuildings, well fitted up, and In a emd plum for businem. Will also sall at a bargees,, under et) rat:tett. entire Moak The property Is beautifully .Rooted, mar to par ker., mills. school house. and churches. For norther partimo'ara ingel.e of ANDREW D. 6LOAN. bid EmwT Clarksburg 1 odhom mums, Pe. RocLem&TION BY THX, MAYOII. P —lu accordenoo with rcitultdlor.• paced at • INV meeting of ti • nnchants, nesnufecturent mad bonnier men, bold Monday morale& I hereby re• commted that, fa Mew of the urgency of the roll foe voluntemo to defend our °commonwealth from hoes elan by the noels, the Madness bOO4. 01 ail oily and susattfac•uring establiahments be closed until the quota of IWO volmteerra to enlisted for one hon. died days' ando do also booby notmotend that every loyal citlsen espabLei °elm sting arms will come forward pt motly to aid to farming the regiments now trios ornatOmid• is also sornostly recommended ttiattbe proprl stint of all the public houses HMO Oats boo. dudes Tuesday sad Wooneetsy,, or snot the reglment• now being formed are Sled. JA.IIIEg LOWnT, Jr , Mame. RALLY RALLY I lIALLN I The danger now flu - catering cur Capital appeal. to the patriotic= of vier, chant. Every Citizen Minn Turn Out! All peals. recruiting Squats, Comp.lea Gettsl. lone oz ftermente. for State aed ti.Uowl Wet., ceder the Governer'. cal for 24,1141 , cue hundred dere' torn, trill report lotreedletel (o the 31111utry Executive Gortuntrtee, at Wilkie. Hall, tor the pur-• pose of abode:4 the orgettLeetiona. The Cloomalase will be In Milan n'eht end der seal feather order.. • " • • Os •t. JOUN IMBLoir, 17 • t .• P • JAMES WILKINS, - 11GOILES LIM DVALRIL IS CRUDE AND REFINED OIL, PLIIIIT BLOCK, DINNICSBIEI Wslir, prrrsatruainTA Oprclal attention given to the EMUS AND BM PRI IMP of Petrel. um and Its products. Con*lgacrents respectfully solicited. Ir Pittsburgh Ages', tor VSN &NCO OIL /USD TILAIISPOIITa7 toa COM PAN Y. total, POST OPTICS DOM 142. N OTIOE TO BUILDERS—SeaIed pro toasts will be racelerd up to the Jca of July, luitsat, for the trullfang of • good tatutaallul BRICE CIIIIRCII EDIFICE METHODIST EPISCORAL CHURCH, In Franklin, Venango Conntr, Pa. Huildleig to ha axty b 7 otoe!T feet. crith a bloareent. Plan and epertneaciona can be aeon at theaters of Kiel. s, to the trrongh of Franklin.. Hy ordorpf the Trounce. 1,7n4 J. Ti. 87HHYk& ameba/. DYSPEPSIA. AND FITS! A SURE MHZ nu 9 hem diatromtog complainhe to now made known to • TlOl2llOO 012 amigo •1:10 native 'herbal Pamir. Dom, pabibhel by Dr. 0. PtILLPB BROWN. Tree mum tenon oral inothohed him in meth s• ptoilde2- MI manner that he cannot onascientimuly ratan i to make it mown. to It has cared entallacaly who and It, newer billed in a ethyl. me. It I. equally sate in mew of tits at of Dylpepais; and the ingre dients may to Emma to any Crag dom. Sant tomyto anon the receipt of are root., to MIMI portage. Adam. Dr. 0. PHLLPS BILOW2i, Do. In Grand steed, Derrey Oily. new Jamey. lyttatteot Oren oounmon or lwronash flathalroa Pito tioatatonon Dimmer. Pa., Pittsburgh, Janet% ISM NOTICE 18 BEREIff GIVEN at the ALIPSVAL LISTS or LIOIIISISICS AND 1D0031.111 TAX LEI, under the United stain /SIIIMIIIII Laws, &renew In this dam and that payment cunt be made between the ht and 80th of July, otter• was the penalties will be strictly rearm!, The hibll for tht city of Pittsburgh, borough of Lewranorrilleand Pitt township will be paid at this office, and of the time and vans of tr.DecUooe for the other borontha and townships of this District, due notice wql be glam by Deputy Collcctore W. tl, lUD risen and Joint A. Sergesol. W LTISLIC, Ooltector, 117 north stmt. FONTISSIAGIPEINCEPS. 101OIIVAIS SODA, ion oDEAD SODA, 101 011SAIS SODA, Drawn from Dam' Earble rotia!AlA, Drawn froa Dava Idarble Irountsip, Al BOWS & &I.AOBIIWILVII, At BOWII & AtAO/M5r113, ae den! etreet, Allegheny Olt). Je2.530t 65 federal .treat, Alleitmuy 01 ty DEJUVENATOII , —.-Will positively re sem GUT BAHL 10 1155 011101 HAL 001414 and , • . ENT seta nom IraLLIEN our. 01 tha many hatalrede of heir rutareri. fhb le es oat, one yet &wavered that Lb haute eatlefectles whoa the directions are followed. Tor No by &WO , vollbgrav ow, DB. OZO H. HMCO, •• P. 111e0babBatl f 00., JOS. mins% lie Gila. A. !CULLY a e e, U. B. INTEREST CpIIPONS. .10.401, ens td. ISZPITZBIR. 5.205. d lrt NOITSMOSIL palatal at Drat tat rZI7PLIO 6 JOEtZB, Itattirri, 1.1 =i=M MIN A. OACISMAT. 16. MILT GALLOWAY & CASEY, • 130031, SIGH MID 01014111LIMAL PAINTERS, HO. OS GRANT wrarer, war Tlfili PITTSI3I7fif7/1. PA U. a 10-40 WAN, flatatripitons to soviauseuess• 20.40 11.1.111111, Rewired et nu c;ffLas or tikfill/4 BAIT a od Wood amt. . .bicker /01111171 DIVIDEND NOTICE--offieetof the People's Insurasee 00., Pittsburgh. July Mr yam rue lissrd of Directs* sf this comma) tilWe Me day declared s dividozol of roar Dollen, per! Oars five of saverusient tax, cot late preltest tbe tutefaolrmtb,pankla Grthwlth. • ' jyt/Irit Y. GARDSMILP9rersist7. Y µ lNAhtELL$v OIL OLOTIL9, - 0 ...1j11.11.2 Sidled goods, In Mack, boors,' mpg sad <gob, et PA and Sti Sit Clair stirot. La it. PutiLes.. I ASSET WILLOWI3 —BO WU. no I cot , to antv• toray ' da mita MONET st Tl=• ED 0111-10_ bbla, garrott J-A WO NA *efts, tartars Ed brig. by ZAR 13) 1,, : 10(1 - lble. g tejust received anerorabibr J. D.CANniIiA, ..rair-4u3rmirisExE.lrret. O 'rEtL~ FOREIGN &MIGRATION AGENCY, Pittsburgh, Penna. Cheap Passage from the , Old Country." By the first clam Clyde built steamers of the Lir irpml and Londonderry Royal Neil Line, as Iloilo.. .1 attannlan..-...2.600 tam. Noes Scotia -.2 2CO tans. Jora .--..--...2 200 loan Permian....--2.6 20 tam Damascus. ..... .2,200 tom ttoravian.....- 2 OM tom. N. American...l,SM tom Hole.. _ 2 GOO tons. "Tee.setween leave Lts °Tool erpry TEUABDAY. touching at Londonderry for the loin and Sootob pamengent and the math, and have orneurprmed wn• urnonodations for passer gen Tare from Liverpool or Londonderry to New York, $25. Also, by TAPSOBIT'S LINE of oelebratwl Clipper Bening Pickett, leaving Ltrerpool for New York twice a week, ant the "X" .line of London Paokers, leaving London for New York every ten days. 'r sp sratre Litt rpool Line comprises the followlog eltpr. Tons. Tons Wm. Tapsoott ..........21500 Emerald Is'e..-...-2,5f0 Gratitude 2.100n5te11ati0n........-.2, 500 Beriamln Adam 1......2,03.0 Atmosphere .-.....-... 2 . 50, tindermitor---2 000 S. Sickly.--.......... 2 ,500 II march of the Soa-lt.oou Caravan .......2 WO Cynosure....-..........-. 2,000 Imerald-....—..-..2, 0 30 Drealnaught..--.2L50 Victory ....._..._._..2.000 Aloion .-..........-...1.240 General litoOkilan-.2 ILO Aur0ra......-...-.-2,159 So Pins DI ra.-.......2,1500 Yangnard...-.....--...2,0L0 Pere, In currency, to New York, $35 ; through to Pltubwati. $4l 50 . Pansengere booked throe = to sot Port of the United Mates. Canada. w ten 'winked. Two of those ado leave New York o.r Livorno:l every week. Pamennera on the outward voy•ge are Lund In everything. Yam Pon New York to Liverpool $2O .;;BIGHT DitAtTd on all plate of Europe for eats et the loweat oaths. Apply to D. O'NEILL, Evening Chronicle Building, Fifth street; jyl2 or 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. • • 1864. 1864. ...COSTA/WS" RAT, NANO Ac., _ EXTERMINATORS. "15 perm ratablistud in N. Y. all." .only lefallitds famed, known." "Pros from Polecom." "Not dangerous to the Einem Family." • "Bata tome out of there boles to dia." Bold by sll Dragslas srerymbela Bcasagt of all wortblan Imitations. Goatees Dspot, No. 483 Be. adesy, 24. Y. sir 8014 by B A. lAtfllESlOugh, 609 A CO.. and B. E., PIiLLERS %helmets sod Basil Agents, Pittsburgh, Ps., lINNBT P. SaRWARIZ, %thanes and Bata'' Agent, Allegheny My. Jytfao BAILEY, FAURELL & 129 FOURTH STREET, PITTISDIIRGII, Jim c.onstanntly on band . large sanortment of ydraula, Pumps, Binkf, Bath Tube, Wblch Ir. at up upon alert a lice Wa are prepared to Um AGITATORS, OIL TANKS, Ito With Lout without the to of wilder, abd worna an trAL CORNER PENN k ST. CLAIR STS PlT7o.3ffol[oll, PA. The Liget, cheapst sad mat rocaated Business .71an , a Vale,* La the United Stew. dsndesda War and mls, as any dm. CIEMILAILS. cantsfahag tan Inforzastpa, seal tea. to mai sibblet, on application is tbs Principal JaiCONLIZIIS & SIIIITEI, EZMIELLZI • HEADGUatorEttli, • De; wine- t of the datageohanteat Harrisburg, Yet, 6th. G' NkRAL, 0 aDEfiti NU. 38—In ac cordance with antitoxin of the Preddent of the Vetted State., and the Proclamation of the Governor of Permaylvasia, dated !banisher& Ad, Gth, 1864.1 hereby call for one thousand (1000) mounted area for epode] envies They moat be good riders and gsl• lent into, and must famish their own home and rqulpsents, fur therm of width receive forty cents per day, esch, and hoped tor theme eau. ally loot An the service, at the peke entered on:the mutter rolls. Tne tinned Stone government will terabit el:thing, subdetenno nod forage. All those responding to tide Call are coquetted to assemble or Harrisburg ,vitbout delay. tn. company and regi mental organisation. Application for transportation most be anode to Gape. J. G. /011513011, A. Q.„. M. and Mat Q. M. of the Department of the ilnvqne• hems. at Ilarrtabury, Pa. Ineommand of Meter General C 31701. Jy9.31 JIIU B. 130.131:1Zr. A. A. G. ELECTROPATHY. NOAKES LOSERSAN lIID CALDWELL uses opened we aka rn the corner et Irtftb and Wylie atnela ntrance 14 MTH eTascr, tar lb. pesatlce Atedlchte. They are reenlar ipsdn• atm, sa4 here thole Laploam on eahlblt ton at their ales. They are prepared to treat .114Wssy lu s sclentlte 1:611111M. Merges trsionatle end calve pertain. They Ma the pabUo to the following mosnmen 2sitan "Dario; ditymiod of my &Zoo and medicine, to Maas Lannon • On!dwell, whom I ban antenna to barn. are :gradunixe to the basting art, I do moat cbserfolly mccomnand them to the afflicted, and to the pobno to gamma. se sew way 'earthy al their mind/mat aca pat/camp. D. WOODABD, 11. D." Plit.loann, June 14lb 1804 jellktf WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Vi. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Man AUNTS, O. *44 Vaurth "tract, Pittsburgh, Atr preparal to collect LIN 8100 Bounty due Wounded Soldiers, 147:zia PTTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & 01110/iOO RAILWAY 00.-802103 YOU PBOPOtIALSI. Proposal/ wM be roonved at this aloe until the 16 rfl DAT OT JOLT, mat, at 4 p. m., for Gradlag for fleoond Tram on thO Ball, Between Bothnir and flew nrightem, abort 3 mh. Tlosuawood and Tomer elmonit, •• " between lhottabad and Canton ^ 3.5 " liambald and Ormtllne, and 1 . 3reetlbm and Iluortul, " 25 " Ingmbatlon of the character of the work, and foam ar contrarA and propos% may ha had at the oglce• of the Dlvlalan Ingheere, as Haw Brighton, Pm; at Var,ton;Ohlo,ana at Boum, Ohio, 611 arc after the Uth of Jely next. JOBS 13..11111V111, Chief Erglneet. Mee of thAOhlet Iteatneer, Yinatemeb, Pa , June M. 1464. I pgraw jwr BECKEVBV. • Wirharthl Tit. TrO• Tar tkre.lo. lAirkarts. Drepopde • Urger'. Oorowan& Spew of Liverwort & Tar. Hothodyl MallcallAsconry. Cos 011r.014 for table tee. Baku'. Pore Clod Liar 011. Hrs. LUNN flair Bertoror„ • • Tine Glycerine nod Limey Soap. letorllnir•• kmbrods. for the War. Heir, Nal and Tooth Untrhon. • Mike. Ittsolubto Ormoot. At tho Oratral Dro& Store; corner Tolland and Ohio sine% Alk&k. o 7. ¢OlO 0. A. TILLY A bO. T'OS .. T STOLEN OR DELIVERED IN .Lo Wee Black Bonnet Trunk, eentalntog tsetse etlietiog eppard, erne mtesed from the hams Brom Moe on the 4th of Jolts, a ßtet istd:Bard ddrresett on • card. Mho E. Onterfadrgh , etre of ,113 Liberty . ' On the emets of trunk we p street anted " J. Etteb K. a Cra.wford, Bete angle, Pe... A sult•ble reward CU be vett for Ca return of sad tnzek, or for Information which wlll ter.4 to Its recovery. Oltttllol DlNauaay flitter Arcot &Woe' gsprees tiosopsny ARVIN'S HUPERIOR CRACKERS M Abdo st. no. CH 701:111131 6TH. N. IL—My patent tad e'en enable* as to turalah Crackers enpetior to say pude wan of he Mau, tatinaT . LELMAIIIMII. lto. CI Fourth street, ewralens Ptettinarson. Pk. StISZ hl,Cztravoniont noor u t l a irm. S I TIO A D 27O.B,O LIN R O T R U B O Biez Veit* flimpioporty Wel• stmt. J. n. MOLLINCIA, • • .lItA !datanmt and 13zotar id. • • Ho. 107 Tooth dont, nom Illadthtt F'N" REMOVAL., '• • . JOHN. HA1.1,..100. Ilvonunoool Chair Plat WASITIOME to is iss, cozier PM and Monty 11tan - • • °Min: von NIA oula (at law rg 4 S) cbAlAnn , InlkaamA itcogages an car OT CCUatil ringing from' cal to Soo avo; Om frond to bait. Awl? to ; ti. WAIN a ca., laila•carth ZOIMIIia 00 XEii' rEILTIS - - pROPOSALS FOR hIORTAR ERMA,. • Ontlitaact Crete; Wan Derseneser, Wasituronns, D G, July elk, 1e64. SEALY]) PDA)Ptleal ti will be received at this oil." until RUMMY, the 1-t esy of Anott, 1004, for ft-Inell DIOBTeit eiIELL, to be delivered In the following unman ire, at the under-named Ai...- nate, via t At Watertown Ateensi, Hee taehesetta, 1. 0 U. At the Watervliet Amnia, Hen Ydrk, ID 00U At the New York Arsenal, Governor's Island, tri. Tort. WAS% At the Allegheny Anna,, Pnlabursh.lo,l2oo. At the West:angle° Arsenal, D. 0 , Atm. These projecttha are-to be tondo of the kind of metal, and impact.' after the rides laid dean to the Ordnance Manual, the tensile strength of the Iron to be not tees than 14,000 INA per square Inch. The, are to be made le %montanee with the inetrucitcrin given in the Ordnance Manual Drawings can be seen at any of the United States Areenals. 'the projectiles are to be inepocted at the fonrolty where cast, and are to to departed at the. Arsenals free of charge for handling. Bidders will elate the tate at • Welt they will deliver. Pallor* to make &Beetle. at • apoolled time .111 nobject the Contractor to • fun:items of the taunter he may fall to deliver at that Ulna Bidder. Will Mato expllcitty the knotted or Ars. ofwhore they propose to deliver, and the number of projectiles they propose to deliver at sub plane, isn more than one. . No hide will he considered from parties other than regular founders, or proprietors of works, who an mown to this Depertment to becapabisof Matting the work proposed for, Blamed any party obtaining •contract. offer shelle other than tboes awl In of rend they Is rejected, sad the Contract rendered null sea void. Forum of kid eso be obtained at the .have named anertals. Propoeals not made out on fhb form trill not be considered.. OUNIi&NTEL. The bidder sill be required to acoompany his prop. orition with a guaranty, rippled by two responsible persons, that in case his bid is accepted he will at once execute the contract for the same, with gad I and milkiest mreties, to • sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the article pro. towed, in conformity with the teems of ride ad. nerrisemson and louse the mid bidder should fall to enter Into the contract, they ta MU good the die o. Imo between the otter of said bidder end this next responsible bidder, ar the person to wbompecontract may be awarded. b;fhe re the miedbceUglof the cete o pmtax IL/1r ahem: Diarist Court, or of the U. B. District Mr 4. Don& in a mm opal to one-tenth of the Immot of the contract, signed by thecontractor and both of his lemaraiitoss, will to; s a a r nlxed of the esicaschil bidder or bidders upon riga contract. ntrect. • S.D. We, the undmilmnid, residents of --., the countj of --wand d tate of barely, jointly and enmity, covenant ,erili the United States, and imamate. in case the foregat hid of be acceptol un that be or they oithln ten &platter the atom ce of said bid, eve. mite the contract for the same with good and ma. dent nettles, in a sum equal to the anima albs =tract, to rural& the article pooh in OM fonalty to the Prima of the advertisement dated Jane 11, 1801, under which the Warm mode; and, In cue the mid shall fail to enter Into a contract aa afemosaid, we guarantee to make good the Maine, between the offer by the said and the next 'Met respomible bidder, or the pereonte whom the cantnial may be awarded. WU:ma fGram miaow him& mamas 1 this —day of----;186, To this guarantee mart be encoded - the ail certificate gam nitnConed. Lech party obtaining f contract will be obliged to enter into bond, with eppretod sureties, for Detail:k- W esecitiem. Upon the mad being made, succesaftil Mahn will be notified, and turniehed with form of contract sad bond. The Do partmml rime" tbe right to reject any or all Mds, if not deemed mdisihricuy.' to will be dressed "Brigadier General Olttnrilt,.ill ad D. ItikEISAT, Chief of Ordnance, Wash bean, D. C.," and endorsed "Proposal, Der B.lnch Marta ilhelL" OZOBGB D. DUMBLY, Orig. Cm. Chief of Ofttilfloo. norms Diasatuc's Orrice, Rare Dtsr, 80. 118 Fourth Street, r Prrner acu. Penn., Icily 9, IDA VXEM.FTED FROM DRAFT.—In ha -1.:8 =Mann witit orders, I poblLdi the following 1111 of , persone exempted from draft by the Board of Ettnibment Ia dd. dixtrlct to thin date, with the reason cf their existiptimi °onomastics. William Stroll., Birmingham. Ilene Nand, Verstiats Albert Miles, Beat Birmli 'tam Wm II Blnll, Tensilles. Dare* R Millar, Versaillas. W El Haney, Vcreales Dean Smith. Peebles. licibadle Boeteede, Peebles. Jet O. natter, Peabloe. &Mortimer. P.M. Dann W Caro, Peebles. James 8 Kelly. Peebles. John Zenner. Peebles. William Wieliftr, Pestles William x.ur. Peebles. James P Ward, Peale.. Michael arsabon, Peebles. Jame. illallagber, Peebles. Jobn Belland. Peebles. John Welch, P.ehles, John Long, Peebles. Chriet Keenbrourn, PILL Kane Joan, Tilted ward. Peter McCoy, Pitt. Andrew Miller. Mot Birmingham. Jane A Sergeant, Zightb ward. William Lyons. teat J J To Ekes, East BftmlnAsin. John Meals, East BinalnOam. Frank Stowert Ettrutingbam. Peter Slaoe,lllradngham. Wallun Miller, Strammitsm. Henry Klainsid, Birmingham:. James Birmftighem. Thomas Eloward,Binninglia. MMUil a .o John Pet/am; Temponanceeille. al Thames l'Harehberger, Tomperatostaim B&W Herr, Vempessiondlle. .• John Berge, Moth Wird. Bobert Jamison:Thbrd Ward. Saimel Alter, Willing. Wm Sawyer, Wilkin. Abrams Puler.. VerniPme. James Ofticey. Verna Ise. Crash:rd. East Birmingtera. 111:hard 0 Smith. lacKesepoll. Andrew Herron. Est Birmaighim J ,ho merman, Pitt township. Bobliser, Pitt townshln. Wm Limiest. Milian. Thome McCain. McKeesport. Jacob Miller. East Mrsilogbaus. G.orse Smith, East Slnningbiro. Wm Shepherd, Peebse. James Winter., BY:thighs= Petrick Conny, Ni,lh ward. John Deena Hasillan. Wllk'ns. T. C. Shallemberger, Wilkina Timothy Doran, Pitt. James Ors emelt. Pelt Samuel Bane, Peelle. Wm Hilluath Plot. Pester Mad, Versatile. Blab al White, Versalibm. Jam YTaylor. Versailles. John Miller, Versailles. c August Abell°, Versailles. Jan Mackey, Versailles. W., &aware, Vermilion. C F Vermilles. Versatile. John G.M. V. John li glop, Varesilles. Alionp. Chrld Shober, Peebles. John Jam, Peebles. David Jobs. Peebles. John Tiller, Peebles, Cariet Slaughter. Foibles. • Andrew Giles. Vermille. John Ogden. Vantaillese Rheum Slciinicken. Vercalles. James Parke/ton, Veradlle. Owego McKee, Wilkins. Fronde Busmen, Vanidlles. Inched Herron, Lawrenorellbs. Diertbany. -Menne warner, Peebles. rap Ballry, Janis Beielde, Versall'es. /cohort Cornell. Vemaillea, WI Haw Muhls, Versailles. Jam alluvia, Ventalliss. Ceemer Miller. licKwsPest• Ore" Portirfire TM, Jacob fistain, Peebles. Chas Shielft, Verial ll es. Micheal Hackett, Lawreneerille. Christ I:Minuend. Peebles. John ItAltison, Yemenite. Wetted. - .Ps. I 0 Bur. tnal(l l l 3 ll o ter t si r s o r z P B Onit. sad Pranst )antis'. MI Districtak t)Tnrtar J M. aII.DMIIST a Bore, Improved Marmonle Adraey.lB! 80 tth et,. Pittaburge, ra., Jane Ttb,lll6l. riIIiATTENTION OF ittERCHAIi TO, E r takers,Alaireactrume, ra ea/led to the feet ti at to hero SOT to pram and will lane oti use While, of Jed:, the Ylftorath Tolcuae door COMMERCIAL REPORTS. Tbis wo+k be, been couvrally and thersughly ta. tind to dlatc, and cottuln Om Forty Thonsaad More Names taw CAW January tome, making a total of about 350.000 NAIVI*,E3. °Ullman; Merchaats and Mantgattunts In the United Mates and 11110th Proilneat. The forthcoming volume . Ell alto contain the Noma and Baguio in Naiads Territory, of Virgin!. Oily, Weft Out, Gold Htl, and Silver OW; aim In Calhornia,' of San lthancisco, datzemento InOCUO and Nardlivllle, and in Tenni:thee, of Memphht and* - • TEUMS—OND NUNDRED DOLL AMP= AN NUM, which entitles the antacrletir to the cf the above meatloned volume, end aim to Voltam ZVI, to be Lord Tattarg, The thulium Commit, will beer to egad that .• hoe Two Volumes par anntim, and sloth:Wall all .3:Matti:berm with • *- PRINTED WESSLY SABER OP CORRECTIONS, can taw n sattmporearac=eat owar ammo. erot th.caantry, endue o f .Petal inounin at ter °dice, anti melt detail reports In wetter, ooneereina Menton ding of testr etwlnmwe Indica a:trite/tarp.. It a Tor the coneanienee ofitetobante and tbant doinchatintai In Uri Weirton Mates, the Wedent wife& of oar 0011111BCIAL Pußili It bound lac repaints volume, end'will contain atop sm. bar of new Lures and plants, met Ware printed. for the pnrat b eg . .r twins c this nano* will no. rata es (PIM DOLLARS !En Aid- WM), widettarill =Ws the eubsoribart to tint,* !minus pa susuala, and MI privileges of Um cam' Baas and Hankers will ncedle,onoe 1 week,, a list of Judgments In this eoantt. fuldatlters entitled to Worm SV (Widtin) can Mate the same on aWialri t iour BRAM fir, BON. jr9.10. WdIXTB W A b N d T ,n E c '; , k— t 7 , l3 0 ARD a ERS— .ud .1 11.2 b 7 4 of !founts' and sell footnoted rooms, at tbe lowan prices. Can soon st f 7 GRANT ISTRLET. legal WASTED -A GOOD HOUSE, SUIT ABLE fur • lair., rerlf each, Oa PENN eaIIICIT, bet.. Pend Werth Adlrtn w th LOWSIT BILKS. run OWL, BOX 798, Pitt. bwrith, P. O. WO. VIVA NTE D -TWO SUI3BTITUTES, VT BOT LIABLE TO MOT, to eater the we al. u r•Pm•ntatbrea, in atre,nte of the newt draft. & Wawa' bounty will baladd is addition to the Gov ernment Down, offered. dddrcia 81.1 XI, Pitta• bomb. P. WA, WANTED. MORT PAPER AND RAGS Worttdcor Boots, with book. restored; Panrybltb and CI agazinea ; tiawrpapera, witn'a. or torn; and ovary scrap of pleated or saartascipt raper, aro all arallsblo, and •M brio; • fiord price at the Boot • Btoraof T Z 1711 F•def;ilMeo7..l.Neigisiy WANTED A fiIIPERINTZNInfiT can I'AATISON Tor ttto •• New Bnie Route. Pot further partionlars loquiro of PLUELISNLa alt.ablift, EN, at Kramer k klahm's No. BS Fifth street. PRANK B. IsELLI.B.S, jaPatto _ Secretary. UT AN TED .-- $6O A moyra.— BUZIES, V and-thi4rteen TINo other l new, maul and A cu rious Whim Tateen drenlase semi mtg. . adar • Addres, J 01123 M. LORD, Bta &ford, Mat.. 4.3trA WANTED. NOW MHZ WHITE OAK STAVES for 011 Barrels. Apply to !MINNA. SALT KANITTO. CO.. JelL•tmrod Post of Pat street, P.tubarg WAN I! tons of old books, 'Mb buts rumored, old nempapers or may Mug that ham mot tern writing, or printing paper, Cor which th• highest price and ba paid at our Papas and Rag Warthouse, Ho. 318miehtleld Street Walla 0. P. MARBLE it 00. WA.NTED—Agents to sell the EWA all HISTORY Or THE WWI. A rare chance to mate money. Agenbk ens cleating from WE to L peir month. 100000 ♦otomes already wild. Bend for cimlars. Athletes JORES. BROS. A 00., Publishers, Baltimore. MS. )025:1m WANTED—BOYS—Two boys to feed ppTTM ere i otreistely at the Chzet • aloe. Thom .h o tha gnat preferred. Apply personally la•morrow. Good Oven. 175:t1 y y ANTED—A good pliontss BLACK. Barra AND DSLPICII. Abe, • few good ILLOELLISISTI3. Ntgbest sows psa to good work &en. ?moll.. of NUM M. BOLA ja27af Cor. or PointAley and Dogmas. Way. WANTED—Proilt,w‘ry Notes to the =MI of =MO. itlSlog from GO dAys to 6 months to ram. Apply to Jett II CUL& IRA, 00. WANTED, A GAZTINIZEI. To tats an of agbod garden mar lho oUr. rtu blvd. at THIS 01/103G. SEWLff'G .11.SCRIArES WiIBELECE & W ILSON"r. BIGILIST FIIZIIIIIII LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES THS canthrist . 81111PLIST END BET. Prti4al 0120117irholenaLs tErvrtz.—, A1o:11 'MTH ST Thrso tioon below Za24Blxk. wt. MEM a ao., 171171111E1 AIM= SILVER PEARL SOAP. ORUMPTON & 00.. 205 Liberty Street, Bole Ploprkents and Diannfeaterreas tar Weatern reannyhards, Ohio, Indiens, 1111noli and Eltennarf. Also, =nit schism of s avatar &lids sl Palm, Gamma, Olive and Botta soap Med into= 11/011.1C7 I,IID MUMS SOAP!. 01 ma• IMP= PIART. SOAP, which issi cool• danlaily recanntaid as hatter o* for mend sae than otbar bons* pol, or in mind baa any naltbas Potash Qs , Sal; lobs Lima =Mann, or manta= In its Esszushatins tibia can n!ktfr blare MI Sant rshrldh—ttlaratitasid Woolens ma b. writhed with' the rapidity of Cotton or Moths washed with the BILVPB FILM 606 P do not !Mar* boiling or half the rubbing, which at worse tanwthe maw and btu.. SILVER PEARL SOAP • aalaavell OMANI, Dirt, Tots= Stab; PrAnte& Ink the =nit Delve Water BM= Im needle=e, applyhog It =lb • =lid Bpotore, gootactleg la dove r • Ciro.= end ?malt= lems wade mod Top. It =pane • belhlesty to nee, imelry,Gleenrare e ,lt ly emmelled Pelrdlap end Pet= Lest= hamedlst; sad Ihr Cleaphlg Marble sad hoar UM It hat Ir at the Beth, and putt. =eV B. abampooobp the B/L MIS NV= SOAP It • pal= 1F. 1..N 1a alio= all who Ism tri triedlb most= athmendelets II the greatest Shearmy of ass. This lkardmay ask • =el Irma Li - mbe are fatereeted la using Soap, and to tem win Mt= the prim of them= should It 611 to actompl= What we =Ma tar Lt, If teed soxedlts to oar dlrettloas. odd as irms mars NEB .1.01 M), to Illte =leash =hired to the ems or beefs, or tu LI Illaalastme sad city =ldeates tree of dune. Innettlems to the tteds. am ma id peckers. 'Mt= awe= • Northants nom Omuta ifft do veld to gtri 071IIIILITONIt CO, a .al/1, 357 Mut, 'tarot, Oppo site. rottonituda Rath. Poweagar Depot. 411iir Biome until banal:fans nom goordno vilest Warta( Iteadoonstio—ddLTDß MILL =ILL oectrod b Nattooaltkpltight. BRIDGEWATER 1760. COTTAGE DRABS, asoom 111 PUBS Luis= on. 61.2 manta D Stols, br DOWAGERS, muss, RAILROAD DIPOTB, Aw Aba, DRY Om ROOllll, RLIIVATORANA. ER CLBB, to ORELMEIT PAINT ill 12121 NEW. Maur, 110=1.117 WCYAOLDII, Genera olledt Aged, yi ILIA= Xmas, trey Tor!. md REECE, HEAL & CO., WOOL Commission Merchants, ail LIBERTY STREET, Corner 'of Wayne. prrresouou, Ps. eip Wool !lonia and sold on Broksms. 2fam B F. WWI /4,01)., Combhelot Merchants, N 0.1301301313 WAITS ST., CA7.CA.aO„ Giro *acid attention to purr-bating Flour, Grain, -Provision/4 4c., B. T. .4110, T. BROWN mh3:1.7 GRAIN, SKEW, RAIN, POULTRY. ZOOS, And all Afful.; of 001:11WRI mower, fold on ootoadolion, Sky W. C. COPE, 80, DLO MATIEET STREIT, PhlWelphla. Prowl pt. nklatu. Uelarszaa. eh& 6:41n2. 1:1171. HENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant; no, Wait= WaTE3 BT., IntlektiO, 11.11noti. hottetelix tiloattowpatct to 211Ing antots t:r • luWatt=ainirtras. PROVISIONS, noun a GUAM: pupagitw, AND COMMON BEIM iso,too mum= • and _ 4C0,900 00UNOZI bun ; - 01k Land and Ibr ale b DKVID 110-Tofllsitni DRY GOODS CLF.ARLNG OUT SALE OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS, J. M.SURCHFIELDiS, N. R. COAEII 4 1 11 AND SAiIiBTSTAREII. ON MONDAY, dULY II w. p 1 l co-nottoolco eltriag oat tie. Uro Wok of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, REDUCED PRICES, Tt.....gt0:.-k of DIII:59 GOOD?, [lds% ONE OP THE LAHOLTE AND iiksDSOSIEST /NITRE CITY Tbl.. too the lart op;.srtcmity Thal goods aro fradlly adranring of ruchmlng good' Mb. prima JYO GOLD I GOLD r Great Excitement ! MANCE OA GOODS OYER: ti PAR CUT, EATON, MACRUM & CO., /Wing *Mad largely to Wait Wore there:MA anormone advaxm In the pr gold. an rum pn pared to °ger their goods a t Much Below the MUrket Of Mir Y0rk...134 rnn . aap,,.. • ISIECIIILIVM /M DZALIft at ono sea the advantage of twins In thls let, so long as the present stocks moats full. EATON, 7AAORIIII 4 CO., . N. 17 AND 1$ MTN MAW. ALL OUR SUMMER DRESS GOODS aItrII6ID 20 PIS MUST ALEX. BARES, No. 21 Fifth' Street. " BARGAINS I GOODS AT OLD PRICES. PAACRUIVI & aLYDE'S. N 0.78 Harket!Street, Wholesale and Retail. Having bought one rob Wm, the recent linty advances, we est at peall onaldarablyiene thin can b. banght =Takata In the Zeal, • Wan and - ~• Reasonable HosieVy If Gloves, 01 the beet fentan and dnentede pea misty et 1/1.11 Bak Glette, Bilk Tamale, Onisesente, - Yakima • laboni, Milo and Ines Ilatttng; /et, din sad Dies Dna them= A ete7 good easemant of deb Getput• mbraldeefis, E heap, Panto% Silo matt flentlentat's Fundibilig GOO, Ale Ms wield ana belt stock of Fancy Goods, Notions, end ' Small W 1053, To be Found in the City. ~,%?/- CALL SOON.-S 4 CCAMENCIING TUESDAY.TIATY STH', GRAND CHUANG SALE ! AT J. W. Barker & Ca.'s;, 59 M.A.,WIE.T 11$TBEEIT, or Shawls. Cloaks. Grazuflines„ • Lawns, ClZRandleg. Chintzes, ,Tanonetz„ Parasols, gun trzabze/fas. dad ~lltlnitil of ••' suisermt ons#ocoons. • Many at Mae till to acrid itiager asp. MIL MOAT BABIIAI6IIvm 'raft. !. Jfl 77 AND 79 MABIIIITI LiAka shci Intend lamb:4%7s cttithb mut dad thlr • Waal. clp.ainisity for lomplArtsg rtuaziratvra wan mat arthice sttf try may seals reraliomon*, ut4;4l I • PANS, ED01103; ssisre rissmarnsza; I t xammi ocasess Ain) flela; . F I PARASOL:I, HAW,the Utast stdlds .1 , ; J i 1.404 DOLLAR!!, B=Blat Irina% t Takratiwa BAG 3; 1 - .._, ... i LipTIDES ANDTANCTY Mitt . .• . - lima the lama macho 014.- 'tie bn kir* to say ttat anr anarttneat nrren-teen better. and is Jett imeb • atom. war requicantaste oni ant am City trade: And 'di lean parable ed Ware tb• late adesnow lOW them:mip lover than last= grckek - .1 " JOSEPH HO Eot CO-- jyl '. , rt ani wr IMMO- DREES Lana 0/110D-C4 PA3•BOLA amilsoos IO6IEIBIO mosiaes t VICTOBIA ABD BWII3B LL.IfIII• • BEILLIA NTS. IaraZONS. ISHIRTB. CULLOM • =MUM BACA, FLUSEDEBO/113ii5. • foil umetimigt ILLISZN IMMIX JEAS KILEIMIN - ILII2III 4WD ELLE- •• • rawasaaaluire. tor Labe sad - • HOTIONSI. ft„ .. st: 1001111111 D, a _ „ opiamar mart' w MoCLlNMEGlolterial Ss .1211 Deslat b 1604Y75,1113 r =4 of max desortpt3ol4 No. se Iblzi VW!.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers