. k-4 'ii;'• , '!tts' - ' - ' . 1 : "••••'' : :' ,.-. ':; — _ , :,: -, : . .:2.. - . , .::::::::::...:7-;: : t. 1 , - r - . '. pifisturgit dnaitt. TUESDAY MOBMG:=JULY 12, 1864- . . _ CITY AND SUBURBAN. Reefing at vitaiies' Ran—Patriotic • Addressea, Progress of Recruiting, ( eta, eta. At eight o'clock Monday evening, an ad journed meeting Was held in Wilkins' Rail, for the purpose of encouraging enlistments to , fill up the quota of Allegheny county ander the eat for Hundred Days troops. , Mayor Lowry stated the object of the moot -1 lag, and remarked that things looked muck more encouraging than on Saturday. Meet. lugs had 'been held, committees appointed, 1 the machinery iris now in good working order, and he doubted not it would work most silicesefully. 0 Introduced Genera Howe, remarking th e that dbtingabhed gentleman 4 1 would favor meeting with a speech. Gan. Howe' al called upon and remarked that the May r bad promised too much in pledging him o r a speech. Ile was not th ere for that purpo e, but to lend his aid in making a prompt rex se to the call of the Governor for. troops le defend the border. HO then read the last cell of the Governor, and asked what more the GoVernor could do. It was - now the day of our people to resort to arms, .and uphold the honor of the State and of the nation. He gave assurances that the fami lies of those who volunteeredmould be pro vided for. The call upon Allegheny county stas for 1,600 man, but the number due wee rosily but about 1,000, as a few week, ago we had cant into the lied a full battalion of four hundred men, under the gallant Captain Snap. (Applause). Could not Alleglosn, county new make up the additional one am end at once ? The meeker was perhaps too old to enter his name upon the muster roll,. but he would do what he could at home, by esaiting in organising troops, and contribu ting of his means to provide for the wants of those who volunteered. (Applause.) Ho con cluded by expressing the hype that our men would arouse themselves at once, and, be tween the army of Grant on the one side, and the army of Hunteron the other, grind these rebel marauders to powder. ( dpplaaso.) Major Prow was next called upon, and made • molt stirring and patriotic appeal to the meet g. He would not appeal to the men to - go, but to coma. He wad happy • te Inform the meeting that the 15th Pennsyl vania Militia, which he had the honor to ac company bathe Maryland line last stunmer,was re-organizing, and would be ready to take the field : in a few days. (Applause). He vu also hippy to announce that the gallant Col. . Clark was at work, and woad accompany the - regiment. (Applause). The speaker felt mortified that - there was ouch a lukewarm 'feeling among the people of Allegheny coun ty, but he could not believe the spirit of pa triotimuras dead. The- day was dark and gloomy, but the darkness and gloom would give way to mere bright and Joyous times if the mem of Pennsylvania would only arise and &aka off their lethargy. Mayor Lowry announced that Capt. Wright had telegraphed Gen. Couch to the effect that Capt.- Davis' invalid company, numbering some !sixty men,.could be stowed, and that they had been promptly arceptod. They were expected to lave immediately for the field. Gen. Kegley was observed in the audience, and was loudly called upon. He made "stir ring speech, paying a high compliment to the valor and patriotism of Allegheny county sot diem. He hoped that the credit of the coun ty would be sustained in this emergency, and that her sons would rally as one man in response to the calla 'the Government. (Ap ,plausej .. . - Itly.' . .Tenies Prestley, D. D., was next call. tid npon; endives requested to take the plat farm. 'He did to seed hearty applause, and made a: most vigorous and telling speeehs He remorked that if his health had permitted he would have been In the army long ago. He'never felt like eaying to men "go,' and • yet he could not say "come." loved heard men whore he rupee:id and loved say "cols," ha was almost constrained to respond, ' "Tee, - come bop, come, and hurl back the vile Invaders from our soil." Bat while' he could not go himself, lie was willing to do what be could at home. He was somethinglike the man who was asked to go to church. He replied that he had never been to such a place his life,. and did not know whether ho wool like it. But on being importuned, he fin remarked: "Well, If I don't go my. set r scud a hand In my plea e." , If the *esker did not enter the service he would en dearer to ”send a hand" in his place. The ' Doctor's speech was well delivered and hap. piljv received. Col. Childs was called upon, but he declin ed to snakes speech, preferring to give those present a chance to elgn the rolls before him on the table. -Mayor Lowry announced that the inciting would now adjourn, to assemble in the same place . - this evening. It was intended to keep .these xi/Catmint up until the quota of the - county 'was filled. We learn from Major Banes that recruiting •on the south side of the river is progressing favorably, severaisqnsds having been enlist. ed, bat the numbers was not definitely re ,ported. . Col. Pon& states that at least one company will be filled up to the minimum number, in !Weltyto-day, and may be ready to send forward this evening, We learn from. Capt. Wright that the Do pt rtreental troops belonging to this diztrfet have been called oat. They ' comprise four compinles—one at Pulaski, Lawrence county; another at New Wilmington, Lawrence coun ty; a third at West Alexandria, Wuhington comity, end the fourth at West Findley, Washington county. Captain Wright also has information that Captain Whistler Is organizing a company in Mercer county, which is expected hero to day. Lieutenant Bowers, of Connelleville, Fayette county, has also a company nearly ready to be forwarded, and has telegraphed for trans portation. . Transportation for Captain Davis' company of Invalids, doing Provost Guard duty atthis post, was issued last evening by Capt. Wright, and the. company, numbering sixty-Ave men, is now on the way to Harrisburg. • Capt. Wright is authorized to clothe arid 'fillip all troops reporting for duty at this place. He hoe ample supplies of clothing and equipments, and tlipse volunteering here will go forward folly equipped for service, without delay. E.temptloa from the Draft By si maid cinder issued from the Pro vost Marsha Generari Bonin, It Is Mated this all Who elsim ex e mption on amount. of &wog the canna specified in the emended enrollment id, may now . prerant their claims to the Beards of Etholtment, and have them decided. Any carolled peroon may therefore know at once whether he must fornhh a catenate or be liable to be cent himself to the bid. Calms for exemption may be made for the following antes s Ist. Abeam& Yd. Non. reagens. XL -Over age. Gt. Permeated physical disability, of inch degree as to rem. APT the person not a proper 'abject for en tailment under the LaW and regulations. stb. Hating served two years in the military or natal maxim of Um 'United States during the present war, Which Is rwoogaized as having etnamineed Aprit 15tb, 1851.. • It will be Muth better for those intending to -" pawn claims to exemption, to, do so how, sehne thi Boards of Enrollment iro compare. dolly hbrore to attend to them. If do. = Ma i'draft, there will be s press of before the Boards, and unavoldalple loss of dm* and *puplaxity to ailments. obi( whoop, idergymen, and other proml -melt attisens are Invited to appear at all times ' . beetsthe Board, to point oat errors In thy Bits,and *to glv,p meh Information In their pcigetteciri: as may aid in the 'correction and seWelon thereof. Suppression of a Wheeling Paper: Capt. Orar, *commandant of the. pest of Wheeling, reocired telempbio dispatch on Saturday but directing him to suppress the Wheeling _Register, a (uani-simesh paper pubilakedin that city,) arrest the editors and .plaoe Sum in confinement. The ardor was tuned by order of Can. Mater, and was promptly Assented. The aim woo seised, and the editors, ileum Long and Baker, leers committed to the military prison. Tho ' Istigligenetr Gaya "There are sundry conjeo sue. es to the CILMIO of the arrest, but at =we shall not attempt to tire anymore lion open the imbieet tae L already known to the dolly readers of the B ei m., We aincerely regret that any nommen, should exist for each a peremptory proceed. - lag upon the part of the military authotitiee, andireanxiously await the farther dorolop: *it of the essa" Gene 'Rowley at fingetstoWil.. ' The folloorlig is a copy of a disputa' ret.• wind yesterday at the headquarters of the Renonpluda, - In this' city : Cm. J. T. Dustin' Gen. Rowley's teireye nompled Hagerstown ce Saturday. Toiddrattr - tunning no usual to and from lla ""pratown. G:A.llanzator to A. D. 0. 104 iimusiv cant will to taken at Oztdatialka i no. 410 PCIII2 6illlllt o day et . 2 1 8kt - f4Watlitta let at tho above Own Irak linajUl*l 4 44l4 to; All calla taut .~.._.t 0m •"`v.....:+~ , cae - w-~C w 'i..~-. - .:li'"..._✓ :J"::~i:-: ~...~5... :...::+tint • - , w.r i-y',: Elate Meeting In Allegheny City to Aid Volunteering. In accordance:with the call of Mayor Alex ander, a large coneerrne of citizens assem bled in Audience Hall, Allegheny, Met eve ning, to devise measures for raising volun teers for the present emergency. • On motion of Mayor Alexander,James Park, Jr., Rsq., was called to the c hair, and John Brown, 7r., appointed Vice President. H. E. Davis, B. F. Francis and the Reporters present acted as Secretaries. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. A. S, Bell, of the Sandusky street Baptist church. The Chairman staled the object of the meeting, after which Col. Clark was call upon for an address. The Colonel responded, and stated thistle considered it the duty of old Al legheny to respond promptly to the call for men. The warship:miss and workshops of the city should be closed, and every ontrehould do 'all in his power to aid in the present It bild been stated that the veterans who had just retuniedshould both. Suitt° answer the call, but the speaker thought lotherwise. The veterans had done their duty nobly, and we, who have not teen angered particularly in the straggle should now come forward and devote ourselves to the service for one hun dred days. Oar rich citizens should ea, to those disposed to go, "we will not only assist you by our sympathies but by our con. tributione." The speaker was willing to reenter the contest, but did not wish to go alone..—he wanted company. " After the Colonel had concluded hie re marks, the following Committee on Resolu tions was appointed: Meurs. T. Seandrett, Josiah Copley, Ron. Robt. MoKeight, Henry Irwin and George Hutchinson. Litho absence of the committee, the Rev. Mr. Bell was called upon to address the meet ing. He stated that he did not see anything in the present emergency to discourage—he war rather glad that it had occurred. He had unflinching, unwavering faith In our final tri umph, and that our country would come out of the contest renovated. Our sone might fill soldiers' graves, but they would not have tiled in vain. Let us lay aside party feelings and prejudices and be man. He who is not with his country now is no more an American—de serves not the name.-• may invade our State and steal oar nettle, but he will also stir up the great loyal heart of Pennsylvania, and contribute to the speedy downfall of the rebellion. Mr. Arthur Kirk wished to snake a sugges tion. He did not think It fair to eat men to leave their families at this time without re ceiving some direct compensation from our citizens, and would thirefore offer the follow ing resolution Retaved, That a Finance Committee be ap pointed, whose duty it shall be to canvass the city and secure subteriptions to pay $2O per month to each man volunteering. The resolution was unanimously adopted, and the falowing gentlemen appointed as said committee: James Park, Jr., Chairman. lira Word—John P. Jennings, John At well, A. D. Smith, Josiah King, Wm. Smith. Snood Ward—liendrson E. Davis, William Chambers, John Brown, Jr., Wm. P. 12111, Henry &amour. Third Ward—Arthur Hobson, John H. Barr, Wm. Walker, George Gent, James Mo- Brier. Fourth Ward—Jame: Math, T. C. PM tenon, H. B. Francis, D. M. Book, Arthur Kirk. The Committee on Buolutiou reported the following u the result of their confer ence: &solved, That in view of the present aids, and in obedience to the call of the Chief Magistrates of , the nation sad of this Cons tun wealth, we feel and acknowledge It to-be oar duty to do all in our power to all up at ante oar quota of the twelve regiments et one hundred days' volunteers called for. &toted, That to this end it is essential that we met cordially together, each min do ing what he can—employerrextenditig to the men in their employ every facility to go into the service for one hundred days rescuing their phases for Chem on their retain. , Resolved, That those of no who cannot go in Fenton, pledge ourselves to make adequate provision for commuting these alto do go. -.Resolved, That we recommend that the subject of giving &jut and fair bounty to the men who go, whether in the chap of prod- alone for their familial er in any other form, be Lift to our Executive Committee for the county at large. Resolved, That a committee be appointed on volunteer organisation for die oily, mudding of five men from oath ward, whose deity it shell be to old in Ohio work, and to act in con junction with other organisation, of a similar kindin this county. Resolved, That the Board of Enrollment of the 211 d District be requested to postpone the coming draft for a few days in 'Lew cf the im portant work now in program. Resolved, That every aids= is expected to contribute liberally of his mama, and devote at least one day to the work of recruiting, and to this end that the badness Imams of the city be closed on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Bon. Robert McKnight, In answer to re peated call,, stated that be did not feel like making a speech. Ile had been more do pressed within the last few daye than during the previous two years. While Gen. Grant was on his line before Petersburg, Lee was making a now “line" in front of our National metropolis. This was the time to work, not to talk. Volunteers were much needed, and should be raised immediately. On motion, the resolution fixing the prem ium to be paid to volunteers, was reconsider ed, and the whole matter placed in the hands of an Executive Committee, to be appointed by the officers of the meeting. . The following gentlemen announced that they were recruiting companies, and would have rolls open to-day at the following places : Colonel Clark, Mayor's Mike. Colonel Gast, Audience Rail. Captain Tyler, Ticket (Mee of Sanitary Hair. Captain Crow, Audience Hall. • An invitation was extendedto those present to step forwsrdi sad enroll -their names in the various companies. When we left the Ball quite a number of voles bad been obtained. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet in the same place this evening at eight o'clock: Duman or •Fsecifiga to las Freer Weep, Prmencrion_—Prinettral, J. W. Ogden; Oma n= Department, Misses Carrie M. Eaton, Mary F. Baton ' and Liesie Intermediate Department: Mines Mira Msson Banish J. Bell, and Amanda M. McKinley. Primary Department: Mines Bells Moffat, Josephine Irwin, Albs Patterson, Catharine A. Carpenter, and Miss Jano Cooper. FRAGRANT Bozonorr.—biessis. Hall k Buck• el, wholes° dmggists, 218 GreenwlchAtrset, How York, send as asample of Van Thultirk's Fragrant t3osodont, for clamming and presera. lag the teeth, hardening the gums, and re moving tartar, scurf, and all discolaration from the teeth. This preparation is highly recommended by many eminent physicians and chemists, and will no doubt moat with s lugs sale in this market. Staerrwur PACT.—Rho whole of the flit stock of "Lab ' "Opottad by Meson. Drake .k Childs, 101 rty erect, haft been engaged before delivery, and these gentlemen have duplicated their order to the great 'Parisian Perfumer. It is the fittest Dab preparation in the world, and will un questionably meet with a rapid este in the country. Iniaoven ALtasawr Cm PoorzarT.— This evening at olght o'clock, A. Mellwalne will sell, at his Auction Booms, two good brisk dwellings, the lots fronting on Robin son greet, near Sandstaky, and running to Bose alley. The property is very desira ble. 800 advertisement A list of valuable 'woks at thetas:cut tints. lIPCPAIL LOVA& NOTICES TlLOgla Puar,Pb►tn wad Ornamentaltnate Roofer, sad dager to Penns;lmola and Ver mont slate of the beet qaallty at tow ram Mee et Abu. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittstargh, Ps. SMALL Pox has already, saurifkred some of OW but and bravest troops. Soldiers listen to the voles of reason. supply yourselves with HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND. OINTMENT. The Pills purify the Wed and starongtheethe stomach, while theVintmant removes aU pain and prevents pit niuk. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, owing _to the high pries of drags, &r., at 130 cents in tenth and $l,lO per pot or hex. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Fahne stock k Co. For sale atFulton's drag store,Fifthi street, Pittsburgh. For sale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal street, Allegheny. Bin ovem—Eleamel Uhl= & Co. ifar• cheat TeMae, have removed to TS Smithfield etreet. We are jut receiving oar second supply of spring end summer goods, and. woad most respoottally invite ourfriends and the . yablio in general to examine our new stook, believingit to be one of the Awe Moak' of merchant tenor goods la the atty. Every _cement warranted to give fall eWe fection, in both pries and Treaty. Gin ns call before pmv.Ang elsewhere and judge for yosurseives. • finmum kilaCunaunis, Merchant Tailors, No. TS Smithfield streeS. The War In Arkansas. Wsma Ems, Awssas, OrP OLAWINDOWtiIIe $B,lB6 4 4 iturs GruOte Deeming some reliable Information from this put of the world.would be interesting to your many readers, I have seised an idle moment to jot down the Par ticulars of the recent desperate fight cn White river. By this time many reports ate doubtless flying around, but as I was as eye witness to a greater part of the affair, you can rely on what is hero recorded. A state of affairs has long existed in this Str.to not warranted by the energetio action of the government in other parteuf the count ry. Here the enemy have been allowed to roam at will, and you may be mired they have not allowed a habitable corner to escape their eye. Prom every direction come reports of the presence of squads of guerrillas who have been gradually concentrating their for ces, until at the present time at least two good end rebel armies occupy Arkansu, bealdis the one under the Immediate com mand of Price. These men have enriched themselves by plundering peaceable men and woman, and taking from them green-backs cotton or anything that has a marketable :slue. They have succeeded in obtaining from within ear lines a sufficient quantity of clothing, arms and ammunition to make them comfortable and dangerous for some time to < tome, and their boldness, which has been daily in creasing, at length calinineted in this last daring attempt to bideksde White river, thus cutting off• all supplies from GM. Steele and compelling him to evacuate Little Rook, which, thank! to God, and the energetic action of the gunboats, was prevented. The naval authorities have been unusually alive for the put two or three weeks in anticipation of such an enterprise, and had there been suffi cient cooperation from the military pommy, the Hewers of. the put for days might have been avoided.- It was well known to the military anthoilties that Shelby had crossed the Arkansas river some time ago--that he had afterwards crossed White river, and had entire possusion of the country to the bor ders of Missouri, and almost to Helena, on theMi ippi. Here he roamodunmelosted, gathering recruits and consolidating the dif ferent bands who have retained possession of different parts of that section ever sines our Government has claimed to have reoccupied Arkansas. That this has been allowed, shows a lack of management emnewhere. I notice thesof facts merely to show how easily the following events, which name co near real ising the fondest hopes of the rebels, might have been prevented. Now to my account. Early on !the morning of the 24th Instant, the 11. S. gunboat Queen City, which had been anchored off Clarendon for a few days, was. captured by the rebels under Shelby, who ef fected a complete surprise.. Shelby's army consisted of kino mounted men, with four pieces of artillery (le-pounder rifled Parrots) who entered the town about two o'clock, a. en. They succeeded in obtaining the exact range of the Queen City, and before the gunboat ! men were aware, that there was an enemy . within twentymiles of them, they had opened up a destructive fire with their field pieces— ! every shot told, and in less time than it has I taken me to wllte this account, the Qasen City was rendered,.uselers. Her machinery was I shot away, and many of her crew wets not tend deed and wounded over her deckle— Is this state of affairs Capt. Rickey, her brave commander, would have seuttled or burned bar, but for consideration for her helpless wounded he min-radon& Alter the consum mation of this act, many Mouse and then jumped overboard and swam to the opposite bank, thus escaping imprisonment—come of them with - nothing on their beaks but the original vestments conferred by Dame Nature. This relit were nearly wild with Joy at their capture, and did not wait long to take posses sion. They were pretty well paid for their trouble, as they robbed every person on the boat of money and clothing, and kindly pre luded the poor fellows with their own cast off rage. On that same morning, the gunboat, Tyler, Fawn and Natunkcag 'tonal early from Da. vall'e with a fleet of boats, for Arkansas river. When Within ten miles of Clarendon a few of the escaped men from the Queen City were picked up who reported the affair, and stated that the rebels bad taken two guns, • 24 pounder and a 12 pounder from their boat and had them planted on the high ground. The gunboats :stance formed in the following order The Tyler fi rst, next the Naumkeag and the Pawn bringing up the rear, and steam ed away for Clarendon, whin!} place they reached/et 2 o'clock, a. tn. The Tyler at once opened up the ball by sending • eixty-four pound shell Into the peaceful village of Clay endoni this appeal was at once answered by the rapid discharge of the enemy's artillery, which was veryeffective , as they had obtained the exact range; the fight continued briskly for three home, when the enemy were com pelled to retreat on the doubts quick. Their loss was quite heavy in wounded, which the Gauntry peop'e say ware carried to the rear by the wagon' load. In the heat of the battle all the men wore driven from the 12 pounder, before said to have been captureditrom the Queen City, which Capt. John Rogers of the, Naunakeag seeing, ran his venal into shore and recaptured in the fame of the enemy. .1 must here mention as groat bravery and eaolncel of a rebel Major, who stood alone at this gun and actually loaded and fired it sev eral times before giving it up. And this, too, when grape! and canister were flying thick as hail around him. Thin::engagement was very some on the gunboats, every one of which was shot through In many places. The Baern,.T belleie, suffered the most, she having received six shots In her boiler deck, four ex ploding. One shell exploded on the pilot house, killing the pilot. Th,ro were nine wounded on the Farn,„eleven on the Tyler, and one on the Naumkesg, of which four are mortally and, thereat are anicuely wounded. The ofilcers and crews of the different Teasels behaved with unexampled bravery, and al though it we, necessary to run the battery both up and down not a man flinched. To the =cross of thLs engagement must be at. tributed our continued occupation of tide State. After the fight Capt. Bache, commanding the fleet, proceeded to Duvall's Bluff and succeeded in bringing down a military force under Gen. Carr, consisting of about 3,000 men. After disembarking and before the right of the line had come to order in the town, the left were attacked at th e edge bf the woods by the enemy who had posted laudl for a fight. They &CM. :xtand long, however, but soon gave way, and hare been retreating vier since. We hove captured two pieces of artillery, and as General Carr Smuts determined to follow them up we may clean them out intirely. The weather Is very hot, the thermometer to-day showing 99 degrees In Gm shadiest place one could find. I may write the finale of this expedition, as well as other things, soon. A. Corns, Bunions and Diseased Nails Da. Itsinsw,---This eminent Chiropodist, who effected many cures of come and btmions Is spin among Ul and is located at 20 Fif th street, over Andre w's tea store. Rio opera lions are efficacious, painless and speedy, and knowing, as all should that comfort in walk ing is essential to health, those allilotod with thesi trtilibleionte pubs would do well to give the Doctor a call. Mr. Eli Young, and Mr. James hiillinger, well known in this °ammo nity for run, were allilebW with both min and bunions for 111 king time. Mr. Ell Young Aye: Dr. Randall most suoceufally cured some most painful corns and bunions for me. The care is effectual, and/ consider / =aeon excellent Investment. . Mri Tames =linger writes:--Dr. Randall, a year age, TM:IOVA a most pgafal eons from wade one of my toe nails. Tfut owustlau Was perfectly traticesfuL To-day he bas removed ethics'', and I bate no doubt with equal no on, for which I had undergone several un snocossful operating at the hands of other professed Chlropoillsts. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. Grimm Aorm&—The attention of oar readers Is directed to the brilliant iusortmatit of Spring and Gammen Goods Jest . received by oar. friend Mr. John Wales, N 0.115 Pad ova stmote Alleeny_. Els 'took coms * great variety gh of Panay bench, Eng prise lish, Scotch and Anseriesa Chuslineres and Cloths,. and fine Silk. and Casalincre Vesiirlor—on which will be made op to order in the Utast styles and brthe best manner. A choice so lecidOsef Eiimlshing Goods also on handmaid fort her with a foil stook of Ready Made Cloth, well and fashionably made. Ds. Itionner, Nonlife, No. UN Fourth atreet,.betwere dmitbleld and Great. No inintatinents hold oat by offering low Woes; but An equitable fee will be charged in oters case, for the bast materlais will be used, and &Nibs time and .kill Reaftwor to in. eire PenliaMMs .hall bs applied mIT:COn . Cocoas,. Homeyness, and. the Talioni Throat affections to which Public Breaker', Military Officers and Bingen, meltable, re. Herod by ,fißroim's Bronchial, Troches,' Baying a dlzset influence to the affeatedparts, they allay Pulmonary Inflation. • • Bold by druggists everywhere. 0. BILL, Dentist, 248 Penn street, will • toad to ill.brisineu of lii• profession. .1011.17 X attkrntry it Law 1/8 Grant 'trod. dais ~-~eYi.C:a.~:,ay r-;-4 :~.w,M.a~gnv~-s~{~ ... THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. THE REBEL INVASION. EAT EXCITEMENT IN PHILADELPHIA I OMMUNICATION WITH WASHING TON INTERRUPTED. General Cadwallader's Mansion Burned by the Rebels. LOSS TN THE MONOCAOY FIGHT 1,000 Trains Captured on the Philadel phia and Wilmington Railroad. ALL OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS TAKEN. Maj. Gen. Franklin Captured 1 PASSENGERS ROBBED AND TRAINS BURNED Artillery Firlag Probably at Blob A CITIZEN APTGRED AND CARRIED Off. P9IL•OLLJ•IIIA, Jal7 11, d P. M.—A dis patch received from the conductor of the sec ond train captured, says the Gunpowder' Bridge has been destroyed. This information he received from the rebels. After firing the train they . started bark and It went half way over the b adge, where it stopped, causing the bridge to tako fire. Philadelphia, July 11.—The rebels got pos senior' of the wires at Magnolia, fourteen miles from Baltimore, and intercepted a large number of dispatches ' among them one from Secretary Stanton to General Cadwallader. We have no communication with Washing. ton, and thane's the greatest excitement here. The Bulletin has a special dispatch from Wilmington, Delaware ' which says The !sport of the horning of the bridge over Gun powder river, by the rebels, Is not believed. The mansion of General Cadwallader, at Magnolia, was burned by the rebels this morning. Hares os Gun, Md., July 11, 9 r. u.— Abotrlloo caviare, under command of flurry Gilmore, appeared at Magnolia station about eighteen miles south or this point of the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore rail road, and captured the 13,30 a. m. passenger train from Baltimore, by firing a volley into It, compelling the train to stop. Tho 10 o'clock express train from Baltimore also shared the same fate. Oondtunorliryson, of Ileums' train, was robbed of his watch and money, u also was the conductor of the first train. The rebels tired the trains and also the freight bonze at Magnolia, which were consumed. One of the train, was bred, the engine re— versed, and started towards' Gunpowder bridge for the purpose of setting fire to that stmorme. It is very p.robable that no dam age resulted to the bridge from the fact that a heavy gnard wet stationed there to pro but it. The following has been received by 11. F. Kenney, Superintendent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was conductor of N 0.17 train ; the reb els Attacked the train at Magnolia; they went through the train after we had , stopped, capturing all oilicen and soldiers; among them Major General ;Franklin ; they went through most of the passengers pockets, cap turing watches and money ; they unloaded the baggage and set tire to my train, burning three first-class passenger care, one mond class car and engine, also one freight Oar and a Northern Central engine that were on a aide track. (Signed.) J. R. Mmtanowira." The rebels started In a Southerly direction, toward, Gen. Cadwallader's residemea, a few miles south, for the purpose of 'destroying it. This no doubt has been aoremplistusil. Passeigtia are arriving here in every „kind of vehteler,_and many on horseback. A battery and a half, of 9 guns, from the Navy Yard, arrived here to-day, and one sec tion proceeded to near Magnolia, where the rebels were direoverid in force, causing the emotion to return. It is now ascertained that two trains were destroyed upon the Philadelphia and Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad. Th 6 en enema of both trains escaped, one of them, however, being tint robbed of Ids money and all his clothing, except his shirt and pants. The fireman was shot dead. Thorsen on the early train was taken from the car before the passengers and divided among the captors. Nothing has yet been heard of the express car, but of course the thieves did not over- look it. No apprehension need be felt in regard to the regular train whiob left Philadelphia this morning, and the extra train which left an hour afterwards. They cannot go further than this side of the Susquehanna. What thetuture intentions of the rebels in this neighborhood are, of course is only con jecture, but ,the general impression is that they design to retreat under corer of de:h i:Me. - The steam fem-boat Maryland Is Jere and the town and ferry is well defended by the prance of the gunboat thetritnek, whose guns oommand the approaches. 'kluge force of troops end wadies from Philadelphia Nary-yard are here with othei forces, and the country L scoured by soonU. Rstnnoaa, July 11th, 11 m.—A rupee,- table citizen residing near Keyedlle, reports this morning that a party of fifty rebel cav alry passed hie hours, making for the rail road an the turnpike. Al they paired by the house of Mr. Day, an enthusiastic Union citizen residing near Bayern's, they noticed the Delon flag flying, and come of them stopped to burn hi, barns. Mr. Day made no resistance, until they attempted to tear down the flag, when he fired upon the rebels and killed ore of them. Mr. Day has not since been heard of, and his fate to as yet unknown. The rebels are now operating on the Philedelptda Railroad, and it ts expected that the wires will soon be cut. Great excitement prevails here, and the citizen, are arming and going out mounted to fight the rebels. Paitanztrida, Jolly 11,1010 r. train from here tide morning went u far u Pam marintle and returned. The 12 o'clock train went only to Wilmington. There were no lips of rebels at the former place. The ns. turn of the trains was merely precautionary. Our gunboats have commenced firing on the rebels at Rushville, on Ruh river, the river nearest to Baltimore. The mond Ueda was about pasting over Gunpowder Bridge, when it backed out and woe then captared. Lana—Oar gunboats &ore the rebels back at Brash doer, recapturing one of our engines. There are yet some doubts of the entire destmotion of Gunpowder bridge. There la & potability of telegraphic Comma nioatlona being reopened to-night with Batt. more. • There fano truth In the report of the burn ing of the Cononingo trildp, some ten miles north, spanning the Susquelumna firm The telt grapn south of thin point is badly damaged, bait isnot thought that Uhl dam aged to any great. latent. Major General PrinkUn vas captured on the trakm destroyed at Magnolia. Gilmore avowed Ids intention of going into Baltimore stealthily by to-night. Artillery firing has been heard sines eight p. m., in a southwest direction, perhaps at Huh river. Nsw Yon, July 11.—The Philadelphia Ix. Tara oorrerpondent estimates our loss In the dyht - al the itonomey at I,OOD, mostly cap tured afterwe were flanked. The rebel lop In killed and wounded Is believed to be inky as larke as our entire loss. New York Money and Stock Market. Special Dlopatch to the Plttolousti Gazette Erre You, July 11, 1884. Tho mosey market Is unchanged at 7 per oat. Th., stock market II dull and rates lower; Pittsburgh :sad Port %pa, 111X1 Cleveland sad Pittsburgh, 109% ; 11. El. Bllis, 1881,1040104%; Oa* Year Certillestes,93%,l Bevea-Thlrtlis,! 108%0104%; Fira•TweV ties, 1040104% Gold has spin advanced, dosing this siiernoon at 282. Arrest for Denouncing the Govern MM. Nam -You, July Thomas Jaffa. son Stanton has ben misted by ordsr , of Guard Dts, at Newark, N.J., for damn ttlng ths %rummest; sad brought to Mb attr. The Blorhle. Nu. You, lay IL—We leant from the Machu* News Room that after burah_g a Tenet, ott Sataday, off Ow Usury, the Mot-. Ids Wand In in oaataty dinotbm. ~3+~=~t4c>..,.-c~.3s"s'iw. ~<a~.rdsiva4.''.s~`ur~-:~a5.~;:,,;~",::~crn~s:»- INFORMATION ROI lIHRISBURG. UOICHUNIOLTION WITH WASH INGTON OUT OFF. Eight Bridges on the Xorth ern Centrai Railroad Destroyed. DB DUMB ABD DESTINATION OF TII6 REBUS STILL BURN. Morgan and Imboden Not Follow- ing Hunter HUNTER'S FORCES AT MARTINSBURO .Malii-@ady of iheliebels Demonstrating otiMaltimore and Washington. HARRISBURG, July 11.—Tbe headquarter' here ars no longer in communication with the authorities at Washington. The depart ment, several days sines, telegraphed to Gee. Couch, insetting him with ample power to meet such exigencies. It leunderstood that at least eight bridges have been destroyed on the Northern Central iialtroad holstein Moncton and Catharine. • d rebel deserter, repretenting himself to be native Indian, states that the rebel force Invading the North is very large. There are three brigades of cavalry and Breekinridge's and Rhodes' divisions of Infantry, and their movements were kept a profound secret from the officers.. The general impression was, however, that their object was invasion. It Is believed to be the game force that drove Ranter from Lynchburg, after which affair rlarge reinforcements arrived from Richmond Andvari:relied northward. Gen. Kelley telegraphed from Cumberland, Md., to. night, that there Is no truth In the report that Jno. Morgan and Imboden are following Hunter's forret. Hunter's fore= occupy Martinsburg, and ;another body of oar troops hold Hodgenville. The rebels still campy the Booth Mountain jams while the main body demonstrate on , Wuhiligton and Baltimore from points be tween the Monormoy end Baltimore. REPORTS FROM WV YORK Grant Reinforced with 25,000 Troops Under Franklin! ?DE ISTB AND BTU ARMY CORPS AT simmosk The Forces tf Rutter and Wallace Fighting and Driving the Rebell. Naw Year, July 11.--Gold opened firm at ;85. The report that Gen. Franklin had re .lnforoed Gen. %rant with 25,000 troops, and :that Hatay Smith is at Baltimore, eared a - ,daeane to 200. At three o'oleek it was 281® :282. . - . Thi 84th regiment loaves the oily to-morrow •for Washington. No further order' have been issued, and the time for the departure ;of the other regiments is not yet fixed. • The following dispatches ore printed by the Coisesercial Adtertistr. They are siren 'for what they are worth: PAiludv/plia, July 11.—Tlie telegraph be ,:tereea here and Baltimore b said to be in :tternided, but we have jest received a report .that the combined form of Mentor and Wal lace ire fighting and driving the rebels. The 18M, Beldy Smith's army corps hes Mineral here this morniog. Bedtimes, Jury II .—The 19th army ocipi, from New Orleans, has reached here. NEW TOM CITY REGIIIERTS. Protest of the Mayor Against Bending them out of the City. New You, Joly 11.—Mayor Gunther. to day, rest the following letter to MO. Gen. )3anford: • fdaYos's Orr:cre, July 11.—Moj. Gen. San • lord: Sir—ln these times of general and /octal peril, enlightened aelf•intarest is am phatioally a synonym of patriotism. The par *MOtlllt duty of all those in authority, aheth we civil or military, Is to enrol:ally guard the liras and property of their own citizens. Nue in New York, the greet: centre of cote • Mere. and wealth, it is a consideration of the first importance not only to ourselves but to the general publio weal that we should not :by any action of our own, place these great interests in jeopardy by withdrawing our le• gilimate militeryprotection. This protection -in cue of , riot or popular outbreak-is especial. ly reposed in our organized city regiments. entertain grave apprehensions that this :withdrawal from the city at a time when the ' , depreciation of our currency is bearing heav ily on the mass of our population might tempt -lawless and aril disposed persons to avail •thetoselves of what would seem to them a fe vers:hie opportunity for arson and plunder. - In such an event, which, in my judgment, I regret to say, may not be considered Im probable, I fear that our exesUertit and pow -still polioe would prove inadequate to our ' protection in the absence of the military. I 'therefore most earnestly protest against any lkaterial reduction at this period;of our or ' gentled force, especially when ample sup ' piles of troops can be furnished to meet any emergency from points where no danger can be apprehended of the character above allu ded to, and to which the-city of New York is so exposed. Ihave the honor to be, very respectfully, yotir obedient servant, 0. GODYRIT FROM NEW ORLEANS HMI RAIDING UPON PLANTATIONS, REGISTERED ENEMIES SENT BEYOND OUR LINES. , New You, July 11.—The Serald'. Now Orbawl correspondent, dating July 2d, ssys A large force of the snow had for three days been reldieg upon plantations near Like Bt. Joseph, between Viekebstrg and Vetches. The plantations were robbed of their steak laid the farming implements and cotton de stroyed. Bever►l pleaters were taken prisons era. An order tun bun timed sending &Unsta ined enemies beyond our lines. (land, Jat: 10.—The steam Mary Amu, from Now Orleans 6th, has arrived. Neu unimportant. The Youth was celebrated with no smunal arromony or turthnslann. The stesnualp 'Evoning Bras, from .New York, had arrived. Among her puniness war Gen. Gordon Granger, commanding the military division west of the Mississippi. Ile has caned upon the Department of the Gulf f0r.2,000 horse. A fair amount of ootion was offering at SI 35 for middling. Sugar and molasses had adtanoad. PlCTilliOtli and produce of all de scriptions ware TOO - Arm; good extra Apar $lO 00. The steamer Balls of Bt. Lop% from Mem elllihriap thirerare bales of ottoa for. fit. loirris,aad fortlfor Cairo. - Memphis oottoa market has slightly deolin .o4; good middling 1 4061 42. OPERATIONBOF THE PIRATE FLORIDA! VESSELS 'CAPTURED AND; BURNED Con Mir, July 11.—The Captain and crow of the bark Golconda, eighteen to all; also of the bark Baty, thirteen In all; also of the bark Greenland, thirteen to all; also of the bark Sellndie,twelre in all, left at 12 o'clock to. day for Philadelphia. All these Is were ceptared and binned slice Friday last bre* pirate Florida, off expellent:. The Barone Golconda, Capt. liVashbiiiii of Saw Bedford, left Lothnoharen; Agog 19, bound home, with 18,00 barrels of oil, principally freight. Ohs mu captured hy thrillorids, en the evening of July Bth, ht 37:30, long 12:16. AU hands were taken onboard the Florida and the weasel bansed. Blzty two met 0171111 ashen &Wisps Island, N.. 7., being 'otos of the eolmoner.Afar. poet T. Davis, from Port Royal for New York, andfour barker theareenland, London, with cost bound to POLUISOO/14 Gen.. - Bery, loud to Fortress Monroe with hap, and the . Inland, with lballast, from New Orisons for Philadelphia. AN the men were brought in .by the schooner /01111 . 1 , laden with fruit for New York. She Ina reflood 'by giving bends foe $6OOO, `and 'bringing the eepWed man to Cape laud. From Europe. Mrs' roar, July 11.—The steamer City of Mewl* artlied this morning with Lisamool dates of the 27th. The news was rialaky anticipated. The signs recommenced attacking thi Alsett-Wfintinne on Sudsy. Two Ger man steamers had passed Eider canal. Order and Proelanurtton by Governor Seymour /daisy, July 11.—The Governor trill is. sue - an - order to all the military of the State to hold themselves in readiness for service, and a preelarsation urging the citizen/ to volunteer into National Gourds. secretary Feeseneen In New Tork— Probable Loan Now Yostc, July ILL—Secretary Feueaden hae arrived horehind it is !aid he willprobsbly negotiate with the banks a loan of $75,000,—. 000, which amount s needed for immediate use by the Terme:Ty. liZra WAN ZA :AP ail 114 Nair Toot, July IL—Ootton quiet and very Orm at 111,69 for hildthing Uplands. Flom 2.50500 bet. tdr ; $11,00a111,92 for lava Bette, 512412,23 for Extra 11. 11. 0., 51242126 D for Tredrellmnds, the multet closing null with no buyer. at the eatable quotation.. Whisky dud and heavy nt 51,20a1,72 for State, and 11,72.01 75 for Western. %Mut In betteroemand; 52,4082.65 for Chicago Ewing. Corn opened quiet and a hula Comer, but clawed dull and drooping ; 51,001.66 for Inferior to Prime Naw Weed Western Oat. doll at 99c351 for Gameda and State, and in for Weirton, - Cake without any thing doing. Sugar firm and in-Mode - We demand Petroleum Mead); Ornde 620, Refined in Dtmd 920. Wool gold and firm Pork Omer, with an active demand ; 542 for glen. 5t8,60817, oath, and 147,2.5 4447 60 regular way for New do. Beef quiet but firm. Lard higher and burets domazolt, at 20,ii8223i. Bet ter a little firmer, at 298400. Mock.. and Money Market. Pisa Yoea, July IL-Money active and ,tamely no strong. sterling moderately active at 311(8206, corrancy. Gold opened at 985, and closed at 877. Eiorernmant /Apart steady; 11. S. 6s 1881 Coupons, 161; 6-200 Coupons, 103)4@104%. Stocks lower, 8. 01'81 Coupons.lol 6-83Cloulaim-...--.104X Reading —.13131, do do rgtd--.103X. Michigan Ceatral__l33 Treasurlea Coated Serip-.12.3% Tenseniee Sixes 'BO.- 67 Weldon Southern_ 81% kllsalouri -69 'Toledo a Wabash--131 New Took Central-MI% P. Ft. W. a 5.-.—.11.1% Chicago Market. Cuicano,Joly IL—flour quiet but firm. Wheat active and the market la unsettled and anclted ; Wm at $2,23132,30 for No. 1, r2,24a2,23 LT No 2, clmleg no 22,25 for No. 1, aud 52,20 for No. 2. Oorn Wit.: 01,4E161,41 for N. 1, 81,27,59a1,88% for No. 2. Oats arm and *Amami 2c; at 226 1121ro , io. lllsherinca dull and lower; Wes at 111,5da 1,6 Prtalona am. All descriptions of Lien For are held at 845. freights dull. Item bbl. Blow, 66,000 huh Wheat, 93000 bash Corn, 65.0() ougl Outs. Blelpreento-4,E00 bbl. /lour, 12,500 lamb Intent, 78,1X10 bush Corn, 53,000 bush Oats. Buffalo Market. Berman, July IL—Floor arm; Taney St. Unit 511314,10, Extra State 511, Chicago and Indiana Extra, from Bed Wilda %beat, 511,60,311. Oats 11@920. IV /nay nominal at 51,71, Waal Prehttda to Wear York—Wheat Zoe, Ocro rPhe, oat, Ite. vete Imports—Flour, 16,470 bbl; Wheat, 167.267 bosh ; Corn, 686,600 bush ; Oats, 136,767 bush. Oanal Exports—Elonr, 145 bbl.; Wheat, 176,672 bash; Con; 62,644 bath; Oats, 22,038 bosh. SOW York flank Statement. Sr. You, July IL—Loans, $1.996997 42; $1,619,720. 87.80, $21.091,917; decreash $1,217 68. Circulation, $4,690,197; decrease, $56.810. Deratita, 1144,725,977; lacmuse, $973,613. Philadelphia Market. Pituanutruu,July IL She newt of the Invasion and the rise of Gold to 220 two brought things to stand stilL Flour Arm; Extra cod Mara Family $11811,60. Wbest Arm; Ged 5 9 60, Hentoc 9 7 White $2,23. Coto 0r... Whisky cteay st 01,80 31,621. Mining Stock. BORON. Jul,' 11.—The allowing are a. pricto ot roll:dog etocka, Did to Bottom to-day: Cesttral.----GO ...... Copper 1.!. ftoyaL.--....----22 RPCCIAL ./rOTICAS. CLAPP, STANLEY & CO.'S POLOPTICONOLIADIA.. ape:Taaxt PRIVATE DISEASES Dr. Ludlum's Bpeoillo Is tae only indlatils muds fax &maw of the argans of purralo. IS I. tits dllcovery of . calneul Phpiciala .lumo Lth • - oa doTotod to nu teestownt of Ude dna or 411.23., and with crirecoCanted far anal, tine Meaty years. It te per:acaca bud', reaplrLui .1 Injoetlots, .ad ellerartng exactly trbaN the mistakna practlas .0 t.• 11craeroas Iterth tea tompottcd• orerod to the public. It If lecartly EiMEM=Wial L7 - •-,-1711L BAINJLL & CO., Boum, • - MAKERS AND' SHEET IRON WORK ERS, Po. St., Sim W, 24 .d 20. .1101eg so cured a large yard and furnished lt eith the mart ha peeled machinary, me ere yawed to nuungecture every dowelptical of BOILERS, In the hest meaner, and werreuted equal to say nude In the country.. ORIMNETS, BBIC EN, TIDE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENMELS, SALT PANS, TARES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON DREDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers of- BANN sta. Ery,,,,,b0,2z, Ilecl nn ut , 0. I BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. EcTelrltur dune au the ehortcot notice. aslB:tf Impart. iertmgth .3 rigor to ..114eshad claern,—Tbrgrest =EOM of Mb nna.s4 to a le...tag cermaamt was Ivo tat to Ha being imitztOd dg .turn Of du stLyrktor to axons& soot, @Car 6 yonolno Proparod only by VII F. DAVIDSON, &ILI bl gi Drxggliglx. Price, ir par Lox. etir Tor gal. It wbotteals by GEL:. 11. EMIIIR, BO Wood stmt. lekklydina 10' ONE OP HIINNEWELL'S BEA 2 BEHEDI EB—EIUNITZWELL'B TOM: AHODYEIL—EIdepret3Y celebrated prepara tion, which hag so truly earned the name and Dm of • a liine Anodyne by moults which bad baled every other altanyt at mum or relief In Neenah*, itheumatirm, Gent, Earthen Headache, Tooth and Earache. Cholera Morboo, Paine In the Stomach cc Bowels, Hysteria, Dierren alter Eating, Lott of Sleep. General NOSTOIII Debility. Paroxysms to Asthma and Whooping Cough, now declared to be largely nervosa, and for the pains in Monthly kart. etthation, elm declared to be one of the mart Into portant points hi metildne. .1k lady writes from Hew Tort .wore lt tan dollars • drop, I would not be without It In my banally, and no ono should be with. oat It. For sale by all Wholesale and Retail Daabsta JOHN L. HOHNZWILL. Proprietor, Practice] Ctienstaa Deem. Pot rate by Ja. Fleming, Geo. H. Raper. IL A. rahneatoak A Cia, S. IL tolMn. Assota for Atta in:4h ; Geo. A. Rally, W. J. Ma= and Dr. James Brown, Agents for ARRA • say City. niblibtabde en THE 1313BSCIREBER, A01761T 7011 John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, Is constantly reeetrlng tha mama, which ha will an tha most favorable terms. TWa Ash haparttou. laxly adapter to the manufacture of Mau. O. W. CHURCHMAN, - mourn Yawn =mar, PhlladAshla. slant:Gaon CHAR. W. SEVILLE & CO., Gib: aces and Pollzbm, ormaly Young 8r0..s Gslmams and to • ars) In i n aka amass from Ittth area to Mr • and alley, near Wood street, Pltlebtuytt. latetras' Oltterems tansese, Straw and2geligle sus aszymatuf, (bolas . and Ttnners' Toar, 'Ma" Eason, Tab& tatteen, Sailers' Ezra% ... • Matins @lda. Bed Imes, ad: t aterats analog saYeEtttlatlar promptly attended to. myr T J. OBR a 00., Malan la • 2E2C. PINE TAR.: Prepared earprenaltrot ezLll9. Pia op t, In= One canon Iron bound BUMP= Forage y or an 141,bartglitirimixt z .n. apdAm OR Rtrii L CALDWELL, Mamma to Jaass Ramo it OW rOIIS. -PAOBII/4 Mak: in DAMN, LAUD, SUGAR M SD 11A153, SMOKED 111 SEE. ach, oonara tux= AND niter ansne, aims Pm:lrma. PA, MeINTICES, MaNAUGHISB, & Stone and Brick Pavers. All orlon ibr CRIBBSTOZIII, Sines, GRAM PURnrs ahi as/ loomPt l 7 &Headed to *gum OVX 114, Alleighosp Post Ms, or J 46 Mmiag moot, Atle7l=7 011, a1)2024. BIJTTER-2.000 tbs. frpfth RAI -pt utter ralL*4 MU nenu.. Nov noshtos srul le els by Cram 4"Ph taa, H. 1110111,111. 'MI Libre strss'4 mums 1::M- 111UL A/telless large mote Of the beet lirtteitsrla tee matt*, Nit reamed . at the India Sabha plpot, Kee. KIWI ItO GLOAterMy J. 48. !wedi Arai Ibt thtil ESPECIAL .4'07/CAL W. hats loormed noS to to ostonknoa as mein. Taus of itttorlento an , nmsn4noco astenlling thronipot - illnationd• Woo of the batabb. globe, ham tamed the. odes tato togs sad estiblith a basis trom a nod eat sit. liVolsto ant =grind at oath Atom so the talltrotoz—attoop fhb boas into s-stU them are. We may the parkma and tireceretances, tuce tad ' tllbertd to hippie their ••••••eta r " Nre - -Brosain, Bor•lipli= "Dior e,sr: I bare bran aillkted roan, pant with severe prostrating cramp. In coy limbs, told fast and bands, sad. general disuiered aptent.. Physicists and medicines tidied to relieve ine. While visiting tonne friends in blew York who were =Lug plants= Lion Bitters they prevailed nix.... to try ep, commenced with a small wine-glaocto.l ilia , dieter. Peeling totter by degrees, in a new day. I wee won. !shed to Pad the coking= and cramp bed entirely left no, 1.4 I. amid sleep the night through, which I hare not 3.110 Or yearn I feel Like another b.to2. idS appatits trul strength hare also greatly improved by the no ofto Plantation Bittern limped:rally, JUDITH 1113$911," .41tEcdsccor, Ms, !lope. le, Ism • • • • .1. hose .been lu; the =my hn•Pil4 tot fourt•n Inouthu—ilreontdcas and nearly deed. At Alton, 111, they gore tae► lx.ttlo of r otyttoa HIS tars. • • • Throe bottle toototrd .ay .eeh wed cared me. • • • . o.e. el.!. :MU" Silo fallowing le from:Wm Menem of the Dolan home Bobool for the ()'andrer, of Volunteers: .111fricstrxr, blames, flth litrect., New York, Lagast E, 1103. f Dr. Drabs: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters hero boon glean to soma or our little children miler- In from weaknow and vest num nth most haply elect. One little girl in particular. with palm to her bond, Imo of appetite, and doily 'vesting con. =piton, on whom all medical skill had been no. busted. ho bean entirely restored. We commenced with but s tennoontol of Bitter. • day. Eon oWn dte and Fannon rapidly indessed, and she Ls now well Bmpectfully, Mrs O. DI; DEVOE." " • • • 1 cam much to yon, far 1 yoray the Plantation Bitters ham mvai my urn P. 44. w. H. WAGOONLII,I.I.a4zII, H. Y " • • • Than wilt send mo two bottl. more cl thy Plantation )Elltterh ht< elto-hui boon greats) benoiltal by their ma Thy - friend, LSA 013BRIN, Pbffadolphla, /1." " • • • I have been a giant imifozer from Dye. popila, and bad to abandon presetting. • • the Plantation Bitter. have mod me. Elev.]. 6. CATHOIi.N. Umberto; ti. If." ..• • • I have 'Own the Plantation Bitten to handle& of our &tabled soldiers with the meet sr told...tang effect. 01. W. 11. '&191:111EWO, Paparintendent P.oldiets• name, eincintual, O." rr • • • The Plantation Bitters ha» rand me of Line Complaint, of which I was laid op pros trate, and had to abandon to, tratures. IL B. E.I2IMLBY,' Cleveland, Ohio." —• " • • • • The Plantation Bitters have mind md of • daranigemmt. of the Eildruya and Mina:, ON gana that has dist - rowed me for year. It acts ilk mi Mann 0.0. 110011 E, If 0.2 Broadway." , itts.j The Plasmic. Bitter. make the peek .trans, the Isaerold luilllsat, sad are extuosted nerare's mat restorer. They ars composed of the celebrated Ca. Mays Hark, Wlntergreen...esetattes, Boots, Berta, So., all proserrof to perfectly ore Bt. Crate now. S. 5.-1860-1.. Perseus of sedentary baLite, troubled arta weak neat, beatitude, palpitation of the heart, Lich of sp. petite, Metrea after eating, torpid liver, conerips• Lion, an., deserve to suer II they sill not try thew. They are recommended by the highest reedkal authorities, ana are irsztantal to produce au face. digit beneficial effect. They Lee examtingiy lovea ble, perfectly pure, and Imrinlew. Honor.—Any person pretending to otli PLlntatton Bitters to bulk or by the gallon le• mind:Ler and ink =lt to put np only in our Log cabin bottles. of bottles railed with =Batton deleterious mu; for which several persons are already to prbw,n. Bee that ovary hotUa has oar United State. nanny over the corkesemstiln.Wel, aid our einnatrus on stag plate side label. Bold by respectable dealers ttsunghout the habits• ble globe. P illtait a CO., feWemeodaniew = Broadway, N. Y. 10=DRAIIIII PLANTATION BIT TITS, tba partly* article, ftri can by SIMON JOHNSTON, Comer of Bmllb.fsld W. Fourth .tram, hatailtneod-dray w. arses, (tste Ramer for Lippincott G 0o.) I. n. =musty (Ist. of Gaza Bataani a Co.) :7:1 - -PITTSBITEGH SAW WORKS HITBEATIDS & LONG, bianufuturers of PATENT GROUND Clatat- LARS, warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of ovary description; UM, Malay. Cron Cott, Gang and all other varlatios. All kinds of EBIVES II 8P1115G3, pads fro= Sheaf Out Steel; Yatra Refbood =AP = AHD PLOWING, 8111 , 785, tm. Warehouse and Works, cos:. WILT= 4,BHOILT UM., Pittsburgh. Particular attention glreato Setoothlng, Clusualieg mood Btratglitoning Oman Salmi elan main of all Made. Proothlig and 'Poildlug doe at reasonable rem scP.Atly riT-i-LASE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL 8 13.11XLTING WO/1813. ru•TErma. PARK, MeCIIRDY & CO., Plnaufactorers of .913311.TEn20. OB A7lPny• Asp COLT COPPER, PREMED COPPER BOTTOM, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, bPSLTBII SOLD= Alm, Importers and dation 5, 211.-31,3, TBt PL&TZ, SEW T 8027, MILE, 64. Oonstantly on hand. TIMIIMBIr 1/1.011112 - ES AIM TOOLS. Warobonao, No. 140 FIRST 1 120 SECOND Pfttaburgb. Pa fipstial order, of Ooppor oat to any ddrtred pat tern. roy2B:lydaver OMER CONFESSIONS AND EX. PKILIZHOE OT All INVALID, published for the benettand an stroxrdnaltadmation toyer:4 men who mike from Hareem Debility, Premature Decay or Illahood. eta, capphrtup, at the lame time, L. mama a/Wawa - By one .ho hue caied bia.ll altar Wag pat to peat expense mad Injury through malted humbug sad qmckary. Dy eacladug • pact-paid eddneeed envelope, &Mee copies may be had Of the author, NATHANIEL X&176.13, myndydzier Elmiford. Khom oocmty, N. I. VI. 831A.............................V. =MT 143EDIMIL )70°B4OBERBON, REA & CO., (m 0.... .... fp Zosursig, Nuns d lausna,) WASI3INO TON INOILTJ3, Tomo= 6 Nicaroaccs, NObbatlib. HastiSectoms of BOAT AND STATIONS/11 STEAM ENGINES, BLAST mem, BILL ISAOIDITZBY, GEARING. SHATTESG, OAST• LSO, of an derail:4k= ; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOLL= AND MIZE MOH WORK. Arab for GD7iralYB PATEST 114.1=T011 FOB YEICTING DOILIES. D. IaLII.. 3.1. upwaAs. LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. nErrmi a co., Soccessort toLthr.liartmaa • Co., mono:mamas of OAST STEEL sprnsro, PLOW AND lILISTNR STEEL ; SPRINGS, AMIN, CROWBARS, L. Works, lITIIST WARD, Alloghooy City. P.O. Addis, PMERINIGH. P. - 040 IfilliVOITS - 13IIMELEBB OP 13012 t 87:021.—A reverend pritlserutn hav tns• been restored to built' In a Oser dam after on. dergetnis all the area roues, and ttergalse cgors: , dee merle of trestnient. wittusnt sacra, camslissis hta se tad duty tstostanureScate to Ma aelleted Mier erestares the coasts Of cars. Ifenee, on no receipt of an addressed enselepe, be erffl semd.free, a tan at the praserlptlan Steed. Dined to Dr. JO= If. DaIiNAIL, 183 Yolton strtot. N. Y. ' fra.loß3 COCERL &BRO., MD. dactaxers .of IRON aurztra. reols 'men AND VADIT DOORS, WINDOW iLturi TUB, WINDOW GUARDS, as. Ma. 91 SZOOND mad NI THIRD BTRI:ST. b.t. Wood mad Mao:, Ilaro CM band bowleg of war pattiens, flimsy Ind do. Indian) for all p paid uma& Particular *Moll= to dodos nr.e Lots. Jobbing dons at abort notice.= a • ao9 R. HOLM ES it SONS., Daum= m roams AND DO 1135220 BILLS br turaasos, (331717104,1TEC0P DEPOSIT, BANE EOM Arr. amme. In; 157 NAZE= IW'OotLectione mat cm IU as, 0.' 1 74 alone threazaboateui ttuludetrts. c •:.::.-. . OF THE NERITOI3I3, BEMINAL, ITIOZAHT AND MUMS, lIIIMINNB--mv &lad nallatle trintze*WA Itep3rta thetorard laßoOdlai. Sent blmaBtastaid later arape, nes of clisw Alums D. J. 8116 110IICIIITON.Ecreari Nth.th dna. Pb 4541101114. p.. iner•1112111Y It. COLLINS, Pozwerp " ma AHD . OOII2SSBSIOS Illatall.6lsT sad atioleabla driaba fa axe" stmiut, anis no. ynt maw parrany. 16. U WOOD gr. Illteinttra• BOOTS JIXD I SPOIL% ioca , BABiaAINSI _ AT CONCEMILILLIIIOE STORE, ALL THIS WET - GREAT OLOSING OUT SABI Sutler. Goode A haw Given Away. We m.st make room for the lumen!. rall stcst not, tabs soanutactomed. UZITEKBOII TUJ =MIT, 62 1T.1.L- O. JJEE arai 0000 70 PX.PHS`SOTIMIX. war ia.ak out for tha nreat Bankrupt Bala of snick du n‘tico em to gins it 4 IMME.NSE STOCK OF GAITERS, Boots, Balmorals, Slippers, &e., NEW GOODS, AT BI'CLELL.A.NIKI AUCTION, 65 fifth street. /Mr H. B —Goode et PRIVATE BALL Lo far came and emzibar g.b.va the t oor. 1)9 B°° B, • suor.s, GAITERS, For Ladies'. Geo% Itioca, BAR and Children. A Good article and at eery low yriona, can be found at McClintock's New • Shoe Store,": 0.3 YRDZILLL ST., Allegheny City. /1 7 A NEW SUPPLY OF CII;STLIZEtTSB ifLSSE3', YOUXEM, 1307/13. AND OHILDBIZiv Boots, Shoes and Salters, No. 54 Market Street. her MATINS SOUTH. NEW GOODS I 'GOODS t We bs» „Nit :mind Spans shah of BOOTS AND SHONA Which we in sell st the LO I WEST CUB. MIMS We beee the Wawa sad treeti Valeetal asek e ' IWO, BIM Calf Sqaare-taed ISoota, To be kated the city. LabIICES IsSISZ G ISMER h 2 &Madam QM se s as. Robb, Clhll_ S 2 STILCET. THE "STAR WORILI JDST.BELZt ED DT GEO , /MR= 808 do CO., No. 71 WOOD TIIKET. end Yo!tlea 11!1 . Ealccarsl r i. ~zfmd Children's Galt High ton. Tess gt.g .l e = oars 'ne special order, sad . je2s crmARING OUTS. EOF Boots, Shoes, Gaite4 and Balraorals, at Ices than the cost et IZ:;IMM!! T AM RECEIVING U ARS A FRES mock of Ladles; Wm& and Cat Odi n .; Boob. Qattara and Balmoral; vrtuch 1 rill tell at a alight O vum. on non, at BOBIABP'S. 98 Hotta street. JJOINCAMPBEI4 Ilannfactorcr of BOOTS MID EIR01:5;or mar dtecsiption at tio.St Smithfield Meet, Pi tsimrsh «2E4 l E +! FRUIT AND E332:CE Of APPLE, ars hare manLi 2CO,UIb, and Of an the Et T in loading raziatiss most p Ms for this kestion. Ws hare awn feta neck ma Early HAM*, Maldera. Blush, Holland Pippin, ft.! Eskasater. Onus, King of Tosnykins - Go., de island Orion, Soma Bounty, Rambo, Smoke- cruse, Tolman's Sweet, Faith's Odor do., 'data r large stockaf EWA MERRIL rimnt, num moms, MADE TREES, HOSES, 2104413LERT, GLEZEHOIISE PLASM, km, An Am our stock Is large, we offer greatinducements to plan or arholeasle mar sets. Orders left at the Clreenhouse, I' alma, of Pittsburgh Post Doe, wffl ke promptly attendal to. JO.: MIIItDOOII, Jr., Iskledro7 Pittsburgh and Oakland Names% FURN max _ .: CEEEE! WEIOLVILL3 0 CR and 90 Third 'trot McCORD Rats, Caps te, nom gtect of pada for - SFR; Sao Ottgool In the to call and oltsaant 111 7tals eaten. .r v ICIJAAUtr/ ;Mai= tuant] lionuments nu= , rmu:itc TC''‘l 11SZULU • U.KIIII OTTWILIS EFM PLAIT W/.1005" . _ JOINT% eroffurci, IS PALi' 28 LLB orders . WZD 'HUM SIM E.A Perms wfattog HO 7114113118 c. Pk. LLD are patkula.-7 firvitad !a truth* bfe MO. 4. • urOfflcis o.ral, H . nhiseaa. -; MOW. j 4 9 ,1 E 5 452 . .PALP •)10111 NOS', tor al Undo of Itatictrap, and !pstiatetds 4641: , on taulareati bet.sins Losecoek .444 IPGATTREMN ht - T OMXISSION ILO= ADD OHM *MK II WOOD • =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers