terAiILISHED IN 1786, itisintrgit Gazette. - PUBLISLIED TIPI yil4lBllllG ASSOCIATION. • TERNS OP THE GAZETTE. ammo Kerma, by , per yeer— —.fa CO. bicaith-- 13. .• e be brute Lampe, b mil, per yeez.--... 1,60. . • . tingle L Wayau.r-Eatiatif, alagle =Om per year— 804 a • . 1 dabs of 5ht"...160. . ..„ Oahe oft() ar more 1 25. .4adatur attia tD tba party satailazt dab. Per a doh Pf Maw, wo will send the Eirranko Ganrn rda.ll7. ;kr. I. alb oytwiaty, we will wad the porn daily. Single copies, 5 mate. or LB talaeriptletta thinly la *draws, tad mare :alms stopped when the this expires. Reading ?Utter front Yesterday's &ening Gdzette. The Emergency We have been unwilling nzttil now to be lieve that Lis had detached any considerable body of his troops to operate against Balti more and 17-ashongton. Alnovement leforce akalnitthiseeltiei seemed to In SO foolhardy AM ISO did not think it passible that Lea 'would he-tempted to divide his army In the face of ttus s faot that Oases with a foroo larger thin &lief. We combined was thundering at - the gate' of the Rebel Capital. Bat, "whom the.godisrlab to destroy they fret make mad," and it teems, from our dispatches this morn+ lig, - that Lan has cotamitted the greatest blender of his life. Re has rent no't loss than 20,000 men Into Maryland, who, at last se collations* advancing on Baltimore. They hive eat the Northern Central Railroad, de feated Walt.sca at Bionomey, and seem to be intent on the greatest mischief possible. It doei not appear that it is a part of their plan to bits& Pennsylvania, farther thanjo send .out foraging parties at safe distances , from their Hasa march. They aim to sttike Ital. timers and possibly Washington. As we have guidon think Lea has grossly blundered. By weakening his tfnes . in front of GaAsr he renders himself liable to bo aziv. on from hii strong position at 'Petersburg, to seohlenrsoy.defosted, and finally to lose bis CapitaL Tho column in Maryland cannot possibly succeed in acoonsplishing its mission, if that minion be to take Baltimore and Washington. The forces the Genrernment can rally to the relief of those cities, added by the gunboats which can be so placed as to cover exposed positions, will certainly avail . to prevent the reallsationof the Rebel hopes. In Innis OeSei: army now in the rev of the itebel column, composed of Hog era's and ilows's commands sad the small bodylander Conon, which alone -will give' the • Rebels serious trouble this week is Over Intention, by mating this elosoieg deco. - onatration at this time, his is, to in ' duce ( la to weaken his army in front of Peteratun by sending a portion of it to do fanclyasbington. Bat Grum will do noth ing of, titakind, nor be necessary that ha idostill We look,. on the contrary, for (turf to more upon the enemy's works in his immediate front at once,and forth, Rebel emitnin , now menacing 'Baltimore to be in glortomly vanquished. Bat,: rldle we are thus hopeful of the most favorable emmequenoes resulting to our cause from t.ida lost Rebel invasion, we would not be doing jtottlee to our readers if we did not urge upon them the immediate necessity of making issarance doubly sure by putting in the flakier encess many hundred days men ia:s . the President and Governor have coiled for. Theincusquickly these men aro raised, the sooner they will be illative, the sooner the Zabel invasion mill he over, and the tooter 'l. ;Gain!? Will tike Itiobscond. • Therefore, we .., , glibraiealLyoung men—we entreat all those haveisen service, and are skilled in the in of war and Inured to hardshlps—to rally . . , forthwith to the support 'of the Government Of our bravo boys i frtmt - of Peterbarg. There Lao oceasion for panic, or undue ex citement, but let thereto action, action, action. The French Preen and the Alabama. . The Torms says-1-- “We agree with the Constitulknin'd ; we Onglit ilitais to sympathize with the weak and - feel:adinitstion- for unmcceesful herc ism. These sentiments, innate in human nature, neutralise somewhat the tumid theory of the fad sweatily!: end the immoral glori; Bastion of atfecus. Bat nothing ought to by exaggerated, and we really think the seral edictal press goes beyond all -bounds in its gloillicatien of the Alal;ama and Pa captain: That Captain Semmes fought and yielded like a brave caller, every one readllyrecog-:, nice. Bat it la too - ..ninet to makes martyr of him. The adventaroue, career of the Ala; banes has been, in fiat, more fortunate than tarok!. ,In the whole course of her career sho has init. , only two Northern-war vessele—the Hatteras, which she sunk, though the Coaiti. tationesi expressed no sympathy with the weak op that r oecusion, and the Bearsrzgo, -whisk stink her. All her ether exploits were "confined to the capture of merchant ships, and Captain Bowmen has taken, on the whole; malty more.obronometem than cannon. The dithy rambles "of 'the xemi.ollicial press are nitaeoxer:ell.. the • more astonishing, because they imply the most complete forgetinthess o! titeptinciples of maritime law professed by Franey, toter great honor, at, the Congress ef 1856.” The Sleds me : °The' Cbcaticaioccel is fond of irleaggerrationl; it display' it every where, even in its account of the navel en gagentmarwhinhhas jest talumplice off Cher bourg. - NM content with admixing the bra*, . oti af thecaptalasuld crew ol.the Alabama, :the ComtimiCand sneak' otthe .ttend put al „ —played- by that ship for- th st two - rum To .telai .pemefal marchin - and - to db atroy thelreargo when there - no poesibil. ivy of Dolling it in the nearest port, each was • the part played by the Alabama for the last two year& Wheals there ao very grand about .1.11 - :11 we, may. believe As .Cicscdta ' gonad, ltiii by an abuse of bufgiuiga that the tams of privateer has been event° the All- hems; that ship was not a merchantman arm ed for privateering; she was a ship built at abeilfshmond 420T4X11M011t, and - she belonged to the Navy of the Confederate States. So nmelt - theWorse for th* - -Alabluni if it was so; forma s ship of- war her career, has not been brillissit, and we eaainieghte that - she eager! lyilleed the opporttnity otredeeadag her character by tacestulag, Lanett with the Itlinatife - - ' ' ' -r ' ' • Vegetable" for the`Aimy. • TheßanitaryCommlsslonconthatesits good work- of sending regstables to the army, ta supply the healthy as wallas thssiek; end ft* to present :as well'is to aid in the care of disessu. On Yrlday the Cozad:den sent two ship-loade of repass efffra Baltimore and 70 1124 e 1 Phl‘ead •thiritestutif. Coutrunder, ishlehlook / down Ontlut James oil the Hoard' :of July : supplies 'of onions and other root& bin for otrigallant soldiers, e ails d o no more, laden with , 400 barrels of potatoes,loo bar rels calms 50 barrels saurtrant, 60 bevels beats, 200 :dozen eons _tomatoes, 100 dosen eau. eendenzed =ILL -The soldiers in the Out hue' their Acre of these supplies u wall u the sick: _ . W. songs recently published is the Treater.. ZeiWwp. to ,been , reeetred•..with p ' rum' outhantoirwleked merriment in Italy. The delay which tockpleos intheisppeitraxice of apart of theltustriirribet . -112 the North-6es Ss szlihtined by the .ctreutistance 'chit "the whole-crew of lite Balser, with the exception 1 of aboutnhundzedxcen, Were laid up in the I Adriatic with's& sickness, end consequently - amble to proceed on the voyage. ` With .the -.sweaptlonjast made all hands on board of the Kalseg,ineludlng the engisteenr,, were in eon staht over the basins:4a a consequence ~ .of•• this, state of things the Kaiser was badly isneokad abotttew4ltewoyage, and bad, to put iskaishon for-repairs. , It Is addedthat the Inn atoll the ireuels 'displayed - the men emurimonl4 Apommumy and -wars sanely 4 11 !43. 91aan Wit Vint. THE DAILY Bow Taxes were Levied in England. If we wish to know how taxes wore levied in England when engaged tails AM spinet Napoleon, and also to draw a favorable con trast as regards oar own, we nosy road with advantage the following Interesting =treat from Charles Knight's blegraphy, just 1)0- 'lld:tad In London: "Tho people at this time, mum at Windsor, grow gloomy and discontented. Publict af fairs: were unprosparons ; parties.-ran - high; the taxes tncreared•with the expenidsOf the wdo end the yearly additions to the Interests of the dept. It was not only the actual , amount of taxation of which' the middle elisses complained, but of the oppressive and log mode of their assesement:" The exeielada ' trader had too long been familitirind with the presence of the revenue efflOar to domplaba. He walked into the.tallow-clostadier's work shop without ceremony; put a seal upon, hie ;sipper and his dipping cat, end loclted up VA moulds. He looked over the groders' I wares of tobacco, pepper and tee at his good pleaettre; and thin, proems, which he called taking stock, was insulting and troublesome to the honest,- and no zeal check upon the fraudulent. The lignor.merehant did not dare to send out a dozen of vine or a gallon of eplrits without a permit. The Weenie tax was truly inonlattorial, for the local commissioners had,notesitation in ordering a tradesman to prednee his ledger and cash book. If there was en error in the rat= of assessed taxes tho resident officer of revenue, called an Ins epeetor, immediately made a - surcharge, which It was extremely difficult to get oft by appeal. I was once horror-struck by withers tog a scene between an apoplectio inn-keeper and the tax-collector, who had no-alternative but to !mitt upon the payment of a confirmed surcharge. The unhappy man, doubly red with passion, slid out of hie arm. their in- the bar, and falling upon Ids knees, cad:dried, "May the curse of God tight upon you all l Now I'll pay it." ' , An English Opinion of Con. Grant) , The Loudon . Daily Tefegroph, edited by • Thornton Unlit, amu who during the pres ent rebellion has omitted no opportuniti to ;scantiest hie hostility to the Federal Govern-. mu t, speaks as follows of General Grant; whato the writer a year ago considered u inferior in military capacity NO vulgar man, no mere Idol of the hour, le this 'Ulysses Grant, who .by sheer bard work and honest lighting has raised himself from a position of obscurity to ono of almost un limited command—who her, if some reports concerning him be true achieved that rarest of all victories, 6 maste ry over himself and his desires—and who, (a virtuenot often perus ed by the milltary-ulelarities of the Gutted States) is still modest and unsainuake Nor has he yet in any way conspontised the rep utation which he worthily earned, alike, by honorable service in the field and by exam_ plary elate conduct. A man of merely ordi nary calibre would ecaroely have dared to accept the glorious bat terrible responsibility which Grant bar quietly taken upon ideated as became a good soldier who was bound to fear no peril, either material or moral, in his country's cause:. lie was war prudent u well u bold ; the splendor of the offine did not se duce him ; and only on-his own terms, which were wire and well • considered, would. ha assent to assume supreme command. ilia would submit to 00 dictation fromthe amateur "Lao catincillois of Washington; bolding himself responsible for the issue of the cam paigni lue'wonldaot allow it to be prejudiced by any undue publicity being, given to' his plans; he kept hie own counsel, allowed the gosiips to talk as they liked, and at length, strangle; the conlidencti of his troops, and with the whole. enthusiasm of the North to pack him, he, set forth en the great march from which he had determined never to re turn except In- triumph.' Bags and Bandages Needed The following dispatch and letter to the Christian Commission, we think. is all that need be said to 'rinse .eur people to their duty. Our boys aro eiffering for rage and bandages. Let one ladies art promptly. Con tribistions can be soot to the Christian Cans missionitoomi, No. 76 Smithfield street, or to City gall Wednesday afternoons : A dispatch from Bev. E. P. Smith, dated Nashville, July B.—" W. P. Wryinen: Sind the rags and bandages yen can, they ire very much needed." Later from a Pittsburgher in Nashville : "The demand for clean. rap and bandages is enormous. W 6 cannot supply more that one half of what - is asked for: To-day secant surgeons bare been to me, and say they hire not. been able to int a Olean rag or bandage for; badly mounded patbsnts: Think 'of it, Wave. boys atiffering for Haan rags,) and then teasefrall the old stains it town. The soldiers, meat be4ept cleat. The ladies. in Cznittarland Hospital work bravely, they have often been compelled to sew on arm slings on Sunday, so great has been the de mand for them." Pastors are requested to read the above notices to their churches on Wednesday eve ning, or on Sunday. Ladies wishing can pt material for-arm stings at the Christian Com mission riatiral, No. 76'Smithflold street, or at qv- Hall, Wednesday afternoon. Metre items. ODDING MCC TO ?In OLD FOLD.—The re hellion rode roughly over the churches as well as everything eisein the South. In 1861," says ;the Nashville Union ' , the Presbytery of Nashvllle;following the ' ternielosts ereso - ple of the politicians, sdopted resolutions cove t:Tits connection with the Camel Assembly of the Presbyterian Camas of Am Erased States, and formed a connection with the fien erel.Assembly of the (so called) Confederate States. On the 2d. ultimo, llie Presbytery held a meeting in Nashville, rescinded. the above-mentioned.resolutionv, sad renamed its connection with the General Assembly of the Presbyterian - et thy United States and the various Boardemf the gammas form erly. This war_matsly ; tad we trust thit our other Presbyter's* mill not be book ward in the confession ofn*nr; and returning to the old househOld." "Tun Oinnir TIILLII*III.."—The Gettyi burg (Pa) Star art : Mr. Lam Osborne, of gtraban township, has brought to our °See terrapini which has lived on his plantation for • period of one hundred and fifiy.fouz yciv .,„ eitn a ng t o • Lk/ bid and date carved on the shelL It bean the initials "M. T., 1710." It has-been frequently plaited up dozing the last eighty years by Mr. Osborne, and by Ms father before - him', who Int settled on the place s end it is known to be the lame Identical terrapin. It btu always been found nearly on the same spot—never :Wandering more than the &stenos of a few aerespom thoplace. Coors n Now Jsassr.-Ztb stated that the wheat crop of New Jersey promises to be larger this year than walkover known before. Throughout the cadre State immarme fields of ripe waving grain can be loto seedy for, the ears, though oonsiderible'difteuity fa 63TO :fenced in procurivg - theAllnatissy help to gather the crop. The inatelisq, Me year of wheat raised in the State will , be plater by several kindred thousand bushels than was over known before. A Fawns, published in London this year, containing a narritlye , of :the cimise of the ti.tsbams,.by one of - her. arm," gives a list of, man on board of the -Alabama, their CIL!, iambi? sad othes partimasm. It rpooldei fottralle lingliatuneajatid 'eight Scotch and Irith, total of ifq-lomm BMtlsh subjs.:to; of :whom Moo - ifirow -Moy,listriorniona and eighteen belonged to the Royal Naval Be- Tsai drouth in some parts of. New York is mire serious than •liits . bassi reprelezital, wally in the 'cordials and ,contral parts of the', Etats, In 'Oneida county young frail trees have Naomi severe% mad tba firm nail hardly pay for cutting. The rein last week wag not sufficient for this waste of the neon. Tay fight between the Kearsarge and the AlJabstais Is the leading topic abroad—the Act that it was a fair light between a Brit, lib andAmericun thighgeattrallypolancent ed apoh in European Circles, and the John Btas. feel'all the • mortification Incident to defeat. - Tam pirate &aunts Is said to express him self very bitterly at to' the biefliolsoq of 'British guns sad ships, end be Is not so cons , pill:lei:dam regarding the trained gannets of thalfritish nary as he 'wan. A s saw volume by !Tennyson it announced for immediate publication In England, and in Boston by Mews. Thames & Fields; The title of the POW work is " Idylls of the Hosztla." Tam price of newspatorn in London during the Eremeh wars was fourteen ants nit, anti the tax on advertioement , was about eighty -601,11 and • half Okitil Joint A. Plum, Esq., an minent member of tbo bar of Ranisburg, Pa., died taw day' ago. Tux best vinegar used in Prance is made froIdiSIVOTIO Oaks. • .~ ~ ~ ~:~~ --- ~ f : --:. µv . i .r ~ ~w - +.~;~ .:,t„~ '~ <.~;t~~~''%~%~=73~'~.~-y~...:ti",.~= 5..=~.zi:.~.F,~..: - t,.,_;z?= , . .r:.J F - ~::.~..a`._rs::trL." - ix..,51+.... ~,,_,y,,,.,::5. _a. x:.,..R..u~.~,~ - t k~ ~~.r+.,.a.. ~......~F..f....aw_ ._ ~a~..--s~-x.L.+.....,~.raw5d,..,- PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1864 CITY AND SUBURBAN. THE HUNDRED DAYS' SERVICE, Meeting of the citizens. to Encourage Volunteerlns&A Bounty to be Paid-. Badness to bell Suspended on Tuesday and Wednesday.. etc.. etc. At ton o'clock this morning a meeting was held at-the office of the City Controller, to further the object far which the meeeng of Sat urday night was called. Oirmalara bad been rent: to a large number of our beelines' men - , requesting their presence, and the attendance conecquently embraced several of that clue of our citizens who were absent on Saturday evening. Shortly after ten o'clock the meet log was called to order. and on motion,Mayer Lowry was culled to the chair, and W. W. Ward, A. O'Neill and F. H. Coolley chosen Secretaries. The chairman stated the object for which the meeting had been called, and urged the necessity which existed fors prompt response to the cull of the Government for troops. He had received dispatches from Gen. Conch urging that every available man eitenld bo sent forward, and be thought it. the duty of the people, under the oir cumstanees, to make a prompt response. Theidayor stated what had been done on Sat urdey night, and expressed his opinion that the quota Ot the county might be easily. filled if proper effort was made to turn the feeling now abroad on the subject into. proper direo- Mr. Ward spoke of the number of men to be raised, and thonght that with the proper effort, there could be no difilaulty In raising them. It was but a short time dace four hundred were had for Knape Battery within o few clays. There was no such crisis then as now, andhe felt satisfied that if proper cups were, taken, tho men required might bemired here in a few days. With regard to the mode of organization, Mr. Ward stated that the organisation of the, Fifteenth Regiment State Militia Zuatined Intact, and he thought the speediest and moat effective mode of filling Cut quota was to join this organisation. A gentleman present stated that nearly all the 1 members of this regiment had already Joined other organizations, but Mr. Ward thought differently, and offered a resolution that a those willing to enroll their names ghoul. lolls the 15th regiment. The resolution was adopted without debate. Mr. Haswell next addressed the meeting. He did not know that it was his place to take part in the proceedings, at he belonged to that clateltho were incapacitated by age and debility from giving their services themseves, bathe corgd not deny himself the opportunity of offering at least& few suggestions. It was the duty of the people to furnish the men re quired. If not, he feared the worst result,. The Statetsould be placed under martial law, and the fang of the requisition made oom. Putter!. It would be moth better for all to meet the crisis fairly, than that such a result as this should follow. Those who were not able to go themselves should come forward and aid in sending others in their stied. lle had in ids hand $5OO, the balance of the fund raised during the late Invasion. He bad also WO raised eicluilively in the Second Ward torahs men to meet the draft. These means, he thought, should be applied toward.. reek ing provision for the famillee of volunteers, and an organized and general effort shoeld be made' to raise other funds for the MUM purpose. ; It wasrso time for trilling. It was our duty.= well as our interest to raise the men,,and they ought to be forthcoming im mediately. Bon. Begley was ealled upon, and gave his views as to the best canna to pursue. Be wu surmised to find that so little had been done. Be would proceed at once to *grudge companies In the several wards, townships, and boroughs. These could be subsequently formed into regiments.: He believed the men could be raised it tbs- necessary eters were taken to effect in organisation.. There wire enough returned veterans to form a regiment, and the only thing needed was a proper start to encore success. The crises called for the greatest exertion on the part.of the people. This lastAnovo of the rebels was a desperate one, and we should raise a forte sufficient not only to drive beak the rebels, but annihilate them. But he would say nothing more. Bls business was fighting, and, he was glad of the opportunity to sere bill.o o untsT accord-4%8 , W hid vocation. Mr. James Rees moved that a committee be appointed to prepare resolutions. Adop ted. The Chair azosonsteed Messrs. James Rees, Joseph Dilworth; Wm. W. Ward, J.S. Nee ey and Thomas Balmy*ll as Bald committee. Mr. Eaton (of the firm of Eiton,Mamum Co.) stated that tan young men, connected with his bowie would volunteer, and that the firm would continue their salaries during their aireence. Ile suggested that other bud 4 ness firms ogee eimilnt induosmenU to their employees. Mr. Ff. A. Waiver moved that all business man be requested to 'periolt as many young men enlist as they could spare, 'during the present emergeney, Mr. Eaton moved to amend, "mid that their salaries ha continued." Mr. R. B. Bulger movod to change the phraseology, as the briefness men really bad no hands "to spare," but they smut do some- thing to meet thocall of the ipreernment. Capt..l. B. Moore suggested that the bud note men be requested tows/fat, and take their young men trid 'them. There was too much talk about business men contributing money, closing their holism, eta, but he wanted to see some of them s houlder a musket. This was the most effective way of Ming no the ranks. Mr. Wearer than submitted his resolution in this shape : Retained, That the Imeiness men of this community me their Influence to send all their young men to the 'field during the emer gency—their salaries t whits absent. to he continued, and, If necessary, that the busi ness men elate their stores and go themselves. fdejor Wm. Frew wanted something more dermite even than that. Xs yea in !war of enspending bush:ices for some days that y 21Ig mon might be able to meet and talk. over tie matter. Ho was! willing to golhifuself, and use his influence to get Others to go . ; but the peat trouble heretofore had been that every man was too much absorbed lemma malting to give proper attention to the calls of patil otlim. This feeling must be met aside, and the country placed JIM in the solidi of the people. He seepage& that all Ineiness be inrundad on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Eaton objected, not from pecan err condderationt, but beettuso he had learned from last summer's experience that thegen. nal suspension of the retail business would accomplish little if may good. Major Frew remarked net snob feeling was neat rendered all 'efforts' inedeotuaL They should quit Money-getting, hold bushing con. siderations secondary to thou : 1 1110f the coun try, and by this Means they would mate 'bort Work of the 1111111$1011. Mr. Eaton remarked that he did not wish to be misunderstood. He had stated that ten young men connected with the house which he represented wore willing to volunteer,and . end that the Ilan' would continue their sala ries while absent. There was a neoessity, however, for keeping open his store, net for omega Apittlng,tut to ruPply - the de:hands of then. ..and ibeLtertsinest would be eon doWN nothalty byiefenboi and cripples. The further consideration of the subjeot was postponed to hear the report of the Com• mince on Haeolutions. Mr. Ward, on : behalf of the Committee, then submitted the following report; inflntats, Our State is Invaded and the Capital of our country in Imminent danger, and men are needed at once, to assist in re pelling the invasion, and destroying the ene my, who hay s ventured so audaciously. within our borders , It Is resolved, 1. That military organizations be per fected at onee, and that the Headquarters be at Wilkins Hem • 2. That the manufacturers be requested tratop their works on to-morrow, the 12th nee; until' the organisalloos be completed. That imiaires. houses suspend &Linen as farce and large their employ ed to Anita. i • • 4. Thit - all ThatMtn who cutlet shall have their sitnationi rezoned for them on their return. That a committee of two in each ward, township and borough be appointed to 'wait upon the citizens and solicit - their pionn co-operation to devise means to fratherenllat. meats at ones; end offer such indnoomento to veterans as will Imoungre enlistments. .6. That. nommittee ebthreer be appointed to watt ono= ,nanaufeetarere . and merchants and heire• th era put in 'foto ,Hae,seporld and third clause of these notations. Mr. Weaver then read his - motion, with the remark that the suggestion as to the etnticia; anon . of:salaries 'might be Incorporated . In the'report ; of the comidttes. • . Mr. Ward objected. :The sum ought • to - Cud, coy one dollar p er ••day.• Many men were making from At e. to sight dOilors per der; and the 'parties employing them void not afford to payee bighatlgur• during their absence in the service..-- - • Mr..Dliworth :stated that ton of his man made eight dollars per day; and he csult.not PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. afford to continue to pay them at thatrate if they want intothe:sersice. A boast, togas& man would perhaps be the but plan to adept, but to pay each tun one hundred dollars bounty would require a aum of at lout WM That amount costa mule mind with out taxation, and in the present emergency some other means wotild here to bo employ ed. -8. F. Von Bonnhurst, Big,, suggested that matters seemed to . be in rather • credo condi, thin; and, if it would meet the views Of Dim preterit, he would move that the whole ebb ject be postponed until the evening meet g. The Committee could be continued; t hey Gould digeet some plans confer with the mar chanti and manufacturers, and report to night. Mr. Dilworth remarked that the men would have to be raised in the cities. and vicinity, es the farmers , were now bow, gathering their 0/011:4, and needed more mon than they emild got. The manufacturers would have to fn.- nigh moat of the men, and he wished to have them consulted before definite action was taken. Mr. Ward favored- immediateaction. There was no time to lose. Mr. Bakenall moved the adoption of the resolutiene j ea reed, which was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Ward, the following oom- Mittet of military men was appointed to take oharge of the reuniting brtainees, With fail powec.to act In the premises : Gen. .T. S. Negley, Col. L. W. Smith, Lt. Col. W. L. Poulk, Lt. Col. Se:Agrees. Mrj. C. Barnes, Maj. G. S. Gallops, Col. J. B. Bweitzer, Col. J. B. Clark, Ittlej. Wm. Frew, Capt. J. B. Moore, Capt. H. K. Tyler, Capt. Ballantine, Capt. Taggart, Capt. Barbour, Capt. Little, Lieut. Mel'wens. Capt. 0. Phillips , . On motion of Thomas Bakewell, Big., the Mayor - was requestsd to hays all talents and drinking saloons closed during the suspen sion of buinots. On motto* of Capt. Batchelor, the balance of the Fortittostion fund, amounting to $5OO, •ea ordered to be paid over to the Flamm Committee, to form a part of the Itcorpitiag fund. General T. Sl. Howe stated that there was an unexpended balance in the hands of the treasurer of the Bounty Rand , Committee, which he had no doubt would be transferred for the same purpose, if a request woe made.' The following Committee to wait on mer ohannl and manufacturers was then appoint ed : James Flees, Capt. C. W. Batchelor, Robt. Orr, F. B. Eaton, Edward Gregg, Joseph Dil worth, George Eloltzman. The followitkg Committee on Finance WU announced Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Frew, C. W. Ilatohnior, John Fleming, IL A. W [This Committee Is requested to meet at the Custom norm, at ten o'clocit Tuesday morn ing.] Toe meeting then adjourned. The Call for flundred Days , Men.— quota!' of the Several Counties. Bram the followlug circular It will be seen that tie quota of men required from Alleghe ny county, under the late call for volunteer militia, La a fraction under 1500: HXADQUAB.TIIIIII. PILIIIITLT•Ila MILMA, 1 Harrisburg, July 9, 1964. To supply the troops reqntred from Pennryl- Taiga, by the late call albs President of the United Ptates, for Twenty four thousand Vohs.. tee, /Vino, to serve for One hundred Dais, unless sooner dlselutrged, In Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington and its vicinity, the Quota of men which will be required from Sash county of the Comtdonwealtn is hereto annexed, vim • adarns--. 230 aremirong..— Bearer..-.- 1.43 Belford-- .... =7 T 77 Nair _ 413 Bade.-._.. 621 279 242 b. tit Jantnts.—...— 134 Lancaster— 9611 Larroace,---.., 191 11.9 Lehlgb---- 404 Laserns.----- 310 ZEL; - ::== SfOT ROW pa [ooP Ithumour.— 109 Nortbasuptou--.—. 897 Nortbulubcrlaud. 839, Pony 189 -111. Potter 94 Schuylkill 12 745 Socucnet 175 Mater —. "41 1.11 11M Cum4rlantll.-.... 331 DaFphln...--... 401! SMMM It? 2011 Warren ISM 1321 :49 raltort--. p==emm =MEI Cr 11415115gZik 5113 Wegtaaarektani4.—...- 440 150 WlVlDiff; 104 Jetroson..------. 141 York .---- 651 Transportation will be famished and troops will report to the Commandants of Camps of Rends:rota as directed by Circular of Major General Conch, hereto attached. By order of A. G. Corns, Governor and Commander-In-Chief. A. L. Itrassan, Adjutant General, Penna. Lithographing In Colors. L. Prang k Co. bare hounds new SOHO of lithographing in colors for the album, am bracing • choice collection of flower pictures- The sett.; previously published represent Autumn Leave, Landsospes, Rattail Lea and liumming Birds. No one who hornet exam ined thews card pinions OLD realise the per. fiction which bus been attained in the art of lithographing in colors. Some of theta eg ores could hardly be distinguished from the Onset productions of the pencil end brush The coloring Is even and natural, and the arrangement is artlstio and Issaudfed. They are perfect In drawing and coloring, and are exceedingly attraothe for the albant.—Boston Journal. Western University We ore glad to learn that the endowment of the Weitern Tin'Varsity Li going on sue eesifully. About $25,000 are already pledged, and it would be strange Indeed it our wealthy and liberal citizens allow it to atop short of $lOO,OOO. The City of Pittsburgh 'gas money enough, and It ought to have an institution of learning, liberally endowed, that would rank with any of the Colleges of the. Eut. The signs are hopeful; and with-the tutorial taken of late by ouinommunity b the . 'West• ern University, and the untiring aorta of Its President, the full attainment of tble great desideratum cannot be far in the future.. DISOIDILLT CONDI:DT 111 a Brawer CAL—. Two men, named James E. Fischer and John Donley, were arrested In Allegheny, last evening, on a charge of acting In • disorderly manner in Car No. 21, on the Allegheny and Blanchester Paseengerilwry. They were fined fire dollars and costs by the Mayor this morning, which they paid and were dis charged. - Jona P. Ilurr. Masonle gill, Fifth street, sends us the Waverlay htairseine for the pre mat week; the hind Derd, or the *stay of Melrose Castle, cheep novel; the Ametteen Union, the Phil of ourUnloe, and the Novel ette, number 96,, eontalnlng the Story corn. plow, of Sir Ileshleigh's Secret. LADILI . kid, velvet and caned slippers, at 9t Fedoral4treet. LADLIN' , IItIIIOI . and eldldran'a gallon, at 90 Pederl (treat. Boon, shoes and gaiters for everybody, at McClintock's, 96 Bound street. Soldiers , Home at Duvall's Bluß Me,Nell and Lee, etc. I Br. Loom, July H.—Adjutant Otn. Them= ached yesterday. The Western Sanitary Nunnlssian trill soon eitisblieb a Soldier's Home at Dann Altiffe for the accommodation of toldim. The Com• mission an: now sanding large quantities of sanitary Mom to Sherman', army, and also to the hospital, at Lulu!11, and other points. The Danoorae learn that Gen. John MONIS, of St. Lon% bu been assigned to tht mind of the Federal forces at Port Hudson. Gen. Lu, wlti mu relieved from his unity coMmand by Gen. Banks, has bean restored told* former position by Gins. Canby. • Gen. 'Davidson, now at New Orlunt, bur command of the Cavalry Harlan, both of the Deputment of Missouri smiths South. AN Englishman who was abusing , this country. in this city, the other day—tioisting of his British blood and insulting Amnia= citizens-4as knocked down and thoroughly thrashed. The Dayton Ewpire heard ox the cireamstauct, and mourns over the depravity inßbsehraati thatcountenanoes an Amadeu *Man whipping a British blzolconi._ An American Tory, of the Empire stripe is, of course, In full aympsthy With British Tories. NNW YoulJalyll.—Almt two o'clock Nds morning s are destroyed the stouser potter, at Nor No.l, North rivet, lad dee troyhtg prepay •slued at $250,000. rr • , eibi Sa tatrots s o th d il so u d ° ;ti t . s P od lair by ovary l).l edy les , l3l : Bold to , &outfits ororywhao. TELEGLIJL& LitT&T FROM BALTIMORE. THE +GOVERNMENT WIDE AWAKE. Large Reinforcements Sent to Balti more and Elsewhere. THEMATIONA.L CAPITAL AMPLY DEFENDED GEN, GILLMORE AT WASHINGTON, Ile Takes.an Active Command in the Field. AFFAIRS ON THE POTOMAO ALL THE UPPER FORDS HELD Bf THE REBELS. Large Numbers or Cattle, Sheep andllogg Carried into "Virginia. GOV. BRIMMED'S RESIDENCE BURNED Rehel.s l Operating on the Phila delphia Road. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS REPOR TED CAPTURED. TILE CENTRAL RAILROAD BEING DE STROYFD. The Enemy Concentrating in the Northeastern Part of Maryland. 10,000 VALUABLE HORSES STOLEN Wottntsoros, Joly 111-8:30 p. Hove all seerssion rumors of dangers and ter rors at Washington. The Government is wide mate, and has been in. For days It has been reinforcing the troops in Baltimore and elleethere In Maryland most abundantly, and the preparation' for the defense of the na tional capital are ample. lame reinforce manta coached Baltimore this morning. Hun ter Is supposed to have arrived at Harper's Barry last night, and to have made a jazotion with Howe'. forces. Travelers from the north need have no ap prehensions of :injury to any pottion:of the trash or bridges of the Plated,!phis and Wil-. mingion Railroad, &emulsible to the gunboats. SsereAary Welles has done his duty to the pi:bills Interests exposed to this zaid wherever it ls possible for him to do so. General Dilaters, who was lent for by the President, arrived here this morning and will be immediately assigned Wan active command In tha Parties who arrived here this afternoon from Roekville, Maryland, sizteest miles north of - WuMinton, say : - Early this morning a rebel cavalry force font or eve hundred strong, dashed into Darnestown, a small hamlet f 8 or siz mile, north of Rock ville, =defter plundering stores and stealing all the cattle and horses they could And, left In the direction of Frederick, but before they leftthey sent to the Virginia side all their plunder. People who came from the upper fords re , port teat the rebels are oonveying large num bers Of cattle, bosses, hogs and sheep, etolen from farmers along the river, across Into Vie ' ginharam-driffoot every ford le held by a email rebel cavalry force and sections of batteries. It is estimated that they have already carried off several thousand head of cattle and from 8,000 to 10,000 valuable horses. The »bob plundered indiscriminately, making no dis tinction between Unionlota and touthern sym pathizers. Nem loon, July 11.—The Honld'• special, dated Washington 10th, says : Prom the latest information It appears that Breckinrldge creased above Efarper's Ferry and operated at R&M's wag of South Mountain, with the view of driving our forces In that direction, and to enable Early with his main body to cross Edwards' Perry, yo as to flank and cap tare our command advancing on Breekinridge. Palling In this, the whole rebel force =hal this eideof Frederick and commenced opera.. Lions towards the line of communications to and from Baltimore. Nothing has been heard from the enemy in Fairfax Ann yesterday, our obesity coming in today from Leesburg without seeing any rebels. A few guerri - las ars reported to be prowling 'about Fairfax, but no further an. uoyance has been given our lines or to the people in that vicinity. Many of the loyal residents remain upon their farms without molestation. Baimixone, Jell I I.—A party of rebel cav alry booed the residence of Gov. Bradford, thle morning, only four miles from the city on the Cherie, street road. A squad of ten rebels cacao to the house, and ordered out the family, who were only permitted to take a few valuables, then tired It. The Governor wes in the city at the time. The rebels are now Opersting on the -Philadelphia road. [Norc.—The telegraph wires here Rave out, probably swing to rebel pressure.] Lanz—The bruit in the telegraph wires- Is understood to be at Magnolia, seventeen mike ,hie side of Baltimore, and nineteen fronvilavre de Grace. Between the bushes and Gunpowder titer, communication Is also out ofL A Passenger train between Barre de Grace and Baltimore to reported captured. PIIII4DiLI9IIk, JILTIO lipOcial to the Biaktin from Baitfusers this morning says: There is nothing sellable about the move ments of the rebels. Rebel sympathisers are believed eqbe at the bottom of the burninglot the Gov• •• r4 mansion. Business trans acted as • std. Citizens and soldiers are on e fortllleations. The telegraph on the Susquehanna at Port De- .eon ant. The others along the • all right. Purcanm.rata, July 11.—A train 41 which left Baltimore at eight 'Magnolii Station. It Is !oared In from Philadelphia Ls also asp. posit bsd railroad LLTUT. fraa oapta o'clock, at that the tr tared. Itaxims• Baltimore tinso, July 11.—The Philadelphia, nd Vilbnington road is still haus g• to from Glenzook, on the Northam ,tpla morning, states that a body Medi:dant:7 and eavalry, twelve drod strong, us destroying the toilet south of that plum, and Alward. this morn A 1 10 . Central ro of ratnl or Anson • road dttao !mar to hare retreated from land sad are eenoeotrattag to earn put of the State. tiu) North PETERSBURG. ttempt to Erect a Fort GLICT CO .11DENT OP ULTIMATE BLVOESS. ia.r 4.., ac Nue Pwrimminao, Jaiy 7.—To-day the enemy were discovered erecting a fort in front of oar leftand centre. A battery of 32-pound ors, recently placed In position, opened upow, them from the line of the 6th corps. This suspended all operations at that point. All day our gang bellowed forth their thunders and were answered by rebel cannon. Most of their shot fell short. Bar a season this de. stroged all harmony villeins between the two opposing armies. Richmond and Petersburs pavers atbjutd4 lent over the eseitsmentthey imagine - their raiders MI creating-in 'Marpland. 'No inti mation is given Its to the number of troope &tubed from We w my : or: m by - who oonr mended! • ~.. Now You, Zoiy 9Viser Epeeist, dated Hrashingtonat midnight says: The telegraph cable to Farkas Monroe was eat test night by si dragging anchor, and no commutation has been bad talky with Grant. '. Hon. Jim. Oared. returned yesterday from a visit to Grant's headquarters. He had say smkinterriews with t e general, and repots I Grant eery hvpaftd, and exmassinglimself with the titaleet - CalaildPl l C o In, revul to ;a mitigate immess. Shot did not attach =oh important* to the rebid raid into Maryland, am be did nOt WIMP Die "mad detach-any *Melds:able form from his front line% before , . ' Petribillt ' AJfITIREIIMIr'ra. O'CONIJHRT HALL CIRNCROSS & DIXII 9 B . MINSTRELS, Wynn azttscrdinary eaeraltuaratta Gave been the tbetrare pr.'s° by Tan PRESS ANL, PUBLIC 'MIELE 8117011 G. TILEIII WITTICL9IIB, TLIEIII VARIETY, neve made them whet they ate joetly entitled to, the memo THE MODEL TROUPE OF THE WORLD! Daring this week, a change or programme will be given nightly. Admbiehm, 25 mute Reserved testa, 50 cents. Jyt tnt J L. OA.B.NOSOBB, giemeger. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. POSITIVELY'SIX NIGHTS ONLY Monday. Tuesday. Wadneeday,Thura. day. Friday and Saturday July 11th, 12th, 13th. 14th, 15th, and 101 h. Oar tmorital are again e mini with new taint:Corn :MODEL TROUPE OF THE WORLD Eotona of the gigontlo and famo. DUPREZ & .GREEN'S. ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS •ND METROPOLITAN MINSTRELS, Burl( qua Opars Troupe ud BRASS BAND Of 2,1 &summed, Popular arkl Urllllant slam THE LARGEST TROUPE IS THE WORLD Exalting and Defying Competition Par full particulars, we programmes. placate! 4184. various bulletin bard•, sod the LARGEST !UM - NAT= DILL PRINTED IN TIM WORLD, the fleet hundred of ertilchat.t 61,L00. °BAND /If MOEN en Bsturday atones El, 101 l leen, oommenticg at three o'clock, tvalleg per/onstusce, dare 01/00 et th. coni. manning ad Ali precisely. Priam of Admission—Paquette ad Dross Cir.ie Chairs, 60 cocas; Single Bata to Privets taus, SIAM; Privets nOlll, $5,(0; Third Tier, 11 oestl Family Circle 25 corm ; Colored Doses, 25 CELLA H. DOPBV.., Illemessr. DAIPL POND Toros. o. osizo, Advertising Agents. JyB.ll BOOKS. ALBUM& NC. PAULINE, THE SPY—Her !Avon tues—ostly 25 amts. CO and get ow. AS MVO or OIL WELLS, the !gnat Pond Pratt to Call and aro them, AT HUNT& All the DIME VODICS, AT 111119713. At Are conts—t.t. ISLIP TOUR LEDGER, AT ntairs. 'At ens oW prIces—HIIHTI ORION HT 1710 E. HUT PORTFOLIOS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBCH9 and CARDS, . . sT LIOISTS. . 4 `l • @TATIOISSIIY, all kind., AT EMIT'S. SOLDIUS . WILITING OASES. AT 1113tir13. TEM Taliksa. Bair, lib at pan. Grant; and .11 arbor at floaki and labs pabllniklona, AT DUSTS GOLD GOLD PENS—the ban Nast vs made. PLZEN'S, Ice July, cut as4l AT mown, WAAL II& p$ and HISTORIES Or SHE WAIL Tali.. kinds, et 10=1 69 517111 STRUT, MASONIC) HALL. LINNETS TRIAL. Di 8. Si , outboreof of “Ivlco boo. Uniform •ILE “1"..vol." 1 vol. clods. OLIO. "If you went . book that I. roal—lf yea need • book that IA refloat wad satisfying —a true book, not filled with dupery and deception. take " Limars TILIAL" bona, to read it alike with eyes and heart " , Beep elf the shell of the story, sad mucosa 'm ules adadrstloo for the etnedilast soul of the !writer, loyally strielairto strengthen weak toads sod mire Boom:true in weary, orerbarthemed harts. "There to tea endllog Incident la "Lionel'. Trial" Lot"; Out for truthful studio of character, from the charming rustio thee to the (Wished perfect wife Lenora, ineladleig to wry /Casa.h and saMsh Brandon, with-V.OZ who Iv not quite =Bless u • hero, we may oy the book is the twit attempt of the •uthorr., which i. quits room. noendation enough for those who haro be.. fort.- tole as to here nod Twice Lot ' " The Loudon Studer sops of It: "No one will be disappointed with this charming tale of home life and home &Melons. It is written wilh rare beauty of sirs—awry and piquant. .The story is divided Into three parts "Betas the Wedding." " Before the Trial," "Bow It wee Borne." %be characters are various WA well drawn. "Breeden, with hie agreeable elf-conceit, his pleasant andanectionste ways, good sena and gay temper, Is well ettod, with the odd of Bow, to the. thin the light emoted, of the star:. Then for the emsthtianal elereent. or deeper Interest of the tack, torn to Capt. Were Torester, and hi. sweat bird of eong--hia bernotlhil LlnnaL the so cereal:re and sympathetic, both restored and mlf.contained ; she mo intholstra, hem negate ; she so py and royal in temperament, he so mond sad solitary, but cherith- Ins to motet a world of tender and romantic mar , once for the woman be loved. "Shortly after their montage : the war breaks out In Tod* and Verek regiment I. ordered there. Lin. net's trial hat now come. How her trout and faith Cr. tried end rrt found wonting Van bite oat, and returns to her with bit honor milted by ► nu. thetdch he wfil not clear i on end bywho , . except by bin trao and faithfol wife. Her revel lean •Ls the wcaldrma charm of the whole book. Linnet b like en alabaster me only been to terfiction when lighted up from with in.' PHI SA.LE Bi HENRY MINER, 71 AND 73 IrIFTII BTIIErr, Next door to Pod omen 4TH OF JULY SHALL PILIHTZD FLAGS. LEGLIIiII DOBTI6O FLIO9 BZWZD 11178L111 TLIGS. 13=1 1 2 / 4 111 WITHOUT BTIOKS. YLLG.9 WBOIJMALIt. . IT TUE Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, PITTOCK'S NEWS DEPOT, EITTE STIES?. OPPOSITE THE POET 031701. les NEW BOOKS ( NEW BOOKS! .1.74 BIER AND PROGRESS OP HONDA! SCHOOLS biography of Rat. Baikal end Wm. lom By Tobn O. Pamir. 1 voL Prim OD. A MANUAL ON RETRACTING TIETII+ rounded on the Anatomy of the parts Involved to ilse operaikm; the kinds and proper ooratturtlon of IMLs, kn. Ivo!. Alimo. ATEN. OUR HOWL I voL L3no. DARING AND 5117711NER1. DJ Lieut. rotten. to A tarp apply wttbs latter work Jat received. lad • J. I. MAD, 7$ Toth stmt. STEW BOOKS—The Two Commie. .4.1 Alms'. the 114 - cetelkal and the Evangelize], by in. Dr. Jankin, price SO cents SW Soo or Om. or ea outookded In 10 0 1 tq the Weitmlo biter Dlrbuis; edited by Mom bhlelds, D D., 13A Cetlytellfroinitt. the Great. vet- 4,11,71; Nbteteesbeautilla yin" SO ma* HOD= Wino; by Diadem Omuta. Ford* by. - DAVIS. GUMMI 00„ lee - . , W VOLS. OF. %REPORT& • WA Zapata, fol. EA, Oraot'a N Bgporla,-t01.24..==-7. a* POStadolvolObagela.3oL3 a oo &WO 11. S. 0110li Hoperft- vohr.--.. ei —ll OP.- :rasaleas - r a oourcr, 66 Wood Mod. VOLUME LXXVII---NO. 179. FOR BOLE--FOR REJrr. FOR SALE. Missouri' Lend. tra.t of Oa) .ores d ev..llen md y prairls, • part to umber,! two miles from tat fa, men fallea from ths rsalitc Ballrud, fi crered .ate OP foam-ails terms. Good for farming dol gracing. Land In mined on t In rezd MOrramfding arum. Wood sod mat.r ads plant). ft,* running dream. to the tract. S. S. BRYAN, Licor, :W. ieep - les , C ly.os; 9. Inn H.., I box; 10. J. P. T.: WO L bt, 2 wed wren and 2 btlex; IL A. Bradley, 2 .111334,a tuchmet; 12. Wm. Kelly, like's Loorg,1:1mot; . 12. Wightto..2 A., boinin U 14 . Nro:d, Alp 11 Cu., 1 box a.l bole matt; 15. J. D. Dl...my, 1 halt Carrel 0112; 15. Then Lenny, 11. J. 21. Yornotpr, !Ira.; la. A. McCartney A Co . , 1 place extllo2: 19. A li ce Corm, 1 box; ' fo. Adam. d 00., 10 trim 011 beanh'; 21. Olvoo d Bro., 5 bolo. tap: 2.51 J. Say, 1 1m tba. Ws; =. V. 11,11mr, I kegs; , 2t. J. Hugh., ? k eg; Broker andlrnrosco Am 1 . I t 3. I. P. Pon., VOINITII ST., Dort+'. FO it SALE. F uranoe Property The OSLIPORNIA 1/13j1NAOS• property, new Laughlinstowo, In Westmoreland county, compris ing rB3O acres of landortth mansion beve, mum* gee's house, dwellings for twin, saw m I and other betiding., is offered at a TERI' LOW fora particular description of the Ccso Te.o Ors Banks, Water Power, Limestone, to , at ply e S. S. BRYAN F 9 FOURTH ST, Borko'• Blinding. VIOR SALH—SUBURBAN SITES ex - D VIL LAOS LOTS, ataa Four Elaanow.—The adsralgued„ Luentors of the estata of Jain Hee. ha, doo'd, offer fur ale n number of Lots, from cow l , to two arras each, atonal near Fort Beam, and within throe minutes wads of the tamlnus ul the Pittsburgh & hltnendLo Passenger Daiwa/. the above Lola are twastlfelly located for palm* reddeuces. , Also, • camber of mall Lott fo the .(liege of MA nersvlllo, fronting an the Pentangtr Hallway—thug to atzty feet front and from one to ttro bondtat feet deep. trot leormettron mantra al <1 thtr of the under. tinned, or W. A. lIERHOS, Clark'. Offlce. liar} dorm. WEi.A ILFKapy, JOHN D E. O. El leliStal, P. J. !ISILEON. rxecntors. I'OR SALE—A fnim of 118 acres, in .V St. Clair township, Westmoreland county. Pe! Also, germ of LW ems to Italaabeth totregdp, Allegheny county. • \ Alto, a large ttroatory ggrlr norm and Lot la the Borough of West tlizolboth. Also, • Brick Moore and Oat to IllisaLeth boroogh Also, Cm lots adjoining thehomagh of Mel:raver port, In Jam A Petty's plan; Nos. 6G, 67, 68, 61 and SO. Also, . vary valuable tract of Coal Land, la Pool No. 1, on the Monongahela river. Tor persica= inquire at No. 166 booth street. .7 19 : 1 Y O. U. TOWTR. aml Istate Agent. FE SALE—The Country Sent of the late tunnel Mug's. deemed, situated In Cat lips tovenship, one late from the Allegheny Oeutei toy, coetainitig eleteen scree, In a high .rata al celmation, being .ell snicked .tth fruit trees, shrubbery, Le., and pertly underlaid with coat To parties seeking to pored ptokerty, ccrublutug ad. vantages of sate sump, stutierl, hoslth aud good neighborhocd, the above ad.& • rare opportunity of nitsreng et once to the .I , p:cents of • rural h ems • • For fordor particulars inquire ai tbi aloe cl aIcQULWA.7I t DOII7oLLS. No. 67 P.tuu street. Je.9o.3erd 8. It PODOI•A8. FOR SALE.-1 am authorized to sell beta= two and three acne of land In Man. chrstar, adjoining lands of Frederi.k Goss. William% Eckert anti Mr. UPstit .e • It also adjoins Fort 111. s, Use. There in a number of apple and cherry trees no the lot, la beatiog eanditlon. fl, le: would bel valuable ior gardenias purposes, or world be desinsi bid for 111C01:12tX, reeldenoet. A street owes along one cad, and a public road alma the other end. If not *old by the 92ra DAY OF JULY. It will be offered at public sea on that day, .1 3 oiclotl, on the grandma. 11 For farther particulata call on the ratmtliber, as the Yost %Ince In Idamchester. feiblawdawbillY WM. D. DOM. I, l `OP, SALE—Ano new Steam Engine J. 1.6 Loch cylinder, ?.0 Inch drake, on hem trot bed : balance valve governor o.ee 19 Inch cylinder, 80 inch etroto, conond-bendi coAt will be as good as new. One T Inch cyllndar, 90 Inch etran, now. Once " 9.3 " •" . Tyro Cylinder Zoller; M in. die..., 30 feat Long. thew " 80 " Taro Wranght Iron Oil Brills. Attu, none Sets ofllorlr Trot., for 011 We Oneep for csah. tullelre of H. El. DOLE, .sp22 Allegheny litver Lank, near the Point. ("OR SALE—STEAM SAW hILLI: AIM OIL IrETIIMILY.—The ono-half or ; whole of ma Oil P.ednia7 and Steam Paw bill, erithi tan and one-half aorta of gmand; an abundance of, coal on O. lot—mtne op= and betas worked, eltuate on the hgestrury Hirer and A. T. XL FL, la °dared , for eala The Reentry la any and of modern build The Baer Mtli le to splendid order. and la roll Wm. 1.4 having s era* running from la to du Good lonallty for bonding booth Irorpertioulara cello= the anderatenot LYDAT a OHORPISIIHING, Whet Ho. 69 Band erect PlemburgL. Pa. 'TAMEABLE R IV ER PROPERTY r von BALD, encoded on the kfonongabals Wear, above the Irst Lock, baring a Loot on said river 01921 bet, and extending bank to Braddock etrest, edjoining the Conneibrville Railroad, con taining 4 semi and 77 patellas. This le .e admira ble location for maaatactnrfag pnrpwet, baring the river in boot and pribila airiest and ratiroadin the rear, mad bac Mill and buildinge thereon erected Tar tar, &a, apply to KART ASH roma, oa the premfea, or to W. C. &lIGEDLNBADOR, Ho. Diamond area, Plttebargh. mbltdf pOR SALE—A Coundry Seat and Fran, 1. )srm, containing 14 acres, endowed mostly with paling firma The lend 10 rich. and planted with the very choLmet trait Imes, all In bearing condi tion, with a Cower and vegetable garden. The braidings ars • mat catty built bones, MO by 40 ft ; new stable, large barn, well watered, situated fire miles tom the city, on the old Washington road, near Clokey's ()hutch. Tias property Li worthy the special attention of parties wife an meting a comp tri , binne. Tor particulars apply to if. Mrt.eur dt CO. FOR BALE—At Aladdin Oil Works, 35 Grads Patrokrasot Tanks, In prime order, onbrtanttally bunt anti= thobet. not long in cm, end trill contain some 2.50 Larval each. ARptlcatlon mar Do mole at the Irtennery Armstron D gg Co, tits UM* in Plttobarigh. ZI.JIMSTtgi a vt tnylLtt DIOR SALE-20 Lots in Allegheny s: City, together hu'la': • treat o Feature Lane of sbourloo feet; end tanning back 4fo fool, being lota numbered from otosl In Job 011ienea plan of lota, Wog the property when dim Ford now Hem the lola will b• mid ireparataly or In a body. Yor terms, 5.....0mp1y to orrant J.W Y. WHITE, 100 Fifth attest. FOE SALE. A DSLITNIOL LOT OF 9) ACHIS, Eon Birmingham Otation, nitable for lir &rang pure n. dko, nambor nt Lott at Glennalte !Ra tion. Magnin of • 0. DIIII.DGES, . 80. 10 Diamond, Allorheny. I' OR SALE OR EURANGE FOR CITY PHOPIMIT.—That WIGS IIINVILIe WO, with getout) attached. on Carson strtirt, far. nearly oconpktl by Christian Mason, late or Lull Illrclitighenn. Stabling and ontbnillinge h thr near of the Dvellheg What. YAZD. L. LIMED, mh2htt . 10i1 fourth street. Pittsbargh. wfi SAL.I4--A Los at tiround, at the I: corner of Erlll. and Harmony aorta, In On Borough of Iltradagtocon Also am on turner 01 Van Brawn and Lomat strata, Lob th ward. Tenn. our and tftla AA OH TLO7D, vet( Oornar Ram and Fourth asnorts. FOE etilLIS UK 11,15NT—A Farm of 82 goad land, in Wiliam township, foin , Peter Porabowntond withln • short db. twos of the Pennsylvania Unload. Terms rossonsbiw ars of WB. WAD, First door from MI6. cm Grant street Olt rIAIAI-160 Acrca of choice 1. tombs tend. oltrrattd la Wright went). 611*. watt, 4 offered at the los pries dirt°. 71:4 above WO woo located 60r6 mu ago. Apply to Je44 H. Ht AIN & CO. VOR MAIM, 1111.11.11 ED 111.11KbES— az co. par tusnro snatched carriag• Wince, ttr. tact hands high, broken to singiso and double has assa for solo by Lair-DONALD • ARBUCKLE, andbi DO sod 9141dbarty stmt. bALIS--NNULNIS AND Bollfiki. ten bone power Ihstne. with Sonar, hi tale. Kay In own Itt opt-What by calling at ant orktlng helps WW a. JOBIPMI9 a no. p:uic (AMU ROUTH on the MITERING GAZITTE. Tor ftwilaw putt= wwpalw, *Mt. °Rice between its hound' two aid fits led** p. tg. haat cooa BALE—Ono No. 4 i• 11 MU!, tia vompla. order. DLVIBA rinLites, 110 Watit stmt. .sTrolur - Ers; LAFFERTY, ATTOUNICI6•ATLAVI AU Legal .Ihuslisam promr4 attended to. Pittsbur Office, Nu. les rourang, STUNT. trnair ra o=l gh. ' • Uirtaturr McMABTIIR & 04ZM!t13 L.A.W OIRV4C'Et. No. 08 GRART STREET. spitthig WM. G. GALBRAITH, Attorney aid Counsellor-at-law, InIZIPOAT, Alatmiosp Onirni : Pranorimisti: SlOBOl,ll, - a. =WILL 11 SCriIOVER, NJ. Lair. Oas, H 0.152 Vcritt Val ~:.~:~r;~,~-~~s~t~;; _sue:=:..~,::.~:,~;:~--~.,~ .IUCTIOX BALES UNCJ.A IMFD EREIGHT.T—TIIIIES DAY 110115160, Jaly st 10 o'clock. will b. sili, orthoOomxnereisl Wl* Roams, No. At rro., to pay freight .1 charges. thairelloering un claimed trafibt, labia& bra br.a e madarlth B. B. Floyd & Co , 31D liberty tOhazgh. Qua allotaaad Pittilycrab P..: Tlttabutgb, foot Wayne & 1.71•Ielgo Belo I.tttalazazia & Coanallaville No. Mork. 1..1. H. 17‘61anana, `I Julio 13•Irdea I. David 11e-Lattri, 1 .1; B. Adams & 1 ao: Glassware, H. Emma, Alleahaay; I bump.; B. B. Williams, Co, 1 box tobacco 7. oth Brews, 1 boo 11 1 lut gag hut m; MI. Wm. O. Hari. 1 awe door, 27. Lgdsy k Chorpeunlog, 1 bum 2... A 0. fgardscm, 1 Mast; 29 McPhilemy..l bytmly, 1 pl.u. teeth,. 30.3.0. Woobldg., 1 iron barrel: 31 Mary Ounrdngbam, 1 truulbbookg 32. J. Jl.M. , ann, for Rk McGowan, 2 greed carte; ea, E. Mathieu 45 . .. Ca . , 1 boa: IL Hugh Chain, 1 keg; 3.1. Daum et Williams, ! bbl and 1 kr. bbl; 1 half pa=l; 1 keg; 1 safe; 1 half 11,L =demi. .tE, G. T.; 3T. :atm ➢U l:^., tS. Goitacirn, SO. Do. 40. Deoll4l ac Nor. 1 three/dug sasatne 40.2.24vrtd A. D.1.01L WAIN E. A ctot.r. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. Was Drraarater, Cssataf Braurr,} Office of CtlMlQuart.rotaster, Wasenrotos, July, 4, 1864. {VIII benokl at Public £OOllOO, to the highrst Ud der, at the time and plume named Wow, via Pa,Leblmon, Tharaday, Jell 14th, 18 61; Pealing, Pa, ihnraday, Jul, Vat, NU; Banisturg, Pa., Thunrday, July 26th, 1884, Altocros, Pa.. Thuntday, A ugust 4th. 184, Williamsport. Pa, August ltb, 18E1; " Tiro Ilundrad (BA') Cavalry Bones at each plate These Bortabllaso DO. 000401.1(.4 *Bunts tor the Cawley 8. nlceof the army. ltcr Band and Farm purposes many tvod bargalas may be had. Horses sold sluglY. - Terms—Claah to Celled Plato ccarfacf. J£311:3 BEM. Lleutenank Colonel and Chief quarter...tar, JyB:taull Caftdry Bureau. 1 . OT.I ANu BUILDII , A( pIVI S IN 14 PITT TOW ISEHIP.L.-.on BdTMIDAY NOON . J ab loth, at o'sii ck. slit to acid, on the pr,misie, in Pitt tovroillp, conseresectg at corner of Penns, leant. auntie and &beak attest, near tea Toll GOO, over 7J Lots it Glistzsm's plss of the city eltenalon, a:mortal:l 4 T lots of vatic., elms, &anent on Penns) hauls avenue, .109 Brady and Brad dock streets, and on the hlcarcaLidlela river. A 1,., IT. Building Ellice, atone and tyre acres es., eitnale above Pennsylvania anon% task of the OW Oars= mansion, fronting on Echo, ilequipps aril other et:rents, in city district. Trans or Pats—Onaillnl ash; halance la one and two years, with Intersect, wand by bond and 1:12011$11gb Pl.s can be obtained at the docile. roam. No. 5t 'nab street, or at the ofßoe of Win. li. Ebb.. Erg., 137 Frarth street. 0/1. A. MeILWALEZ. Axect'r Ildi'liOVED ALLEGHENY CIT Y -L. PROPERTY—On TUESDAY 7AVINIEG, JOLT 12th, at IT o'clock, wlll be Bold the Comma. clal fake Boorria,64 rifth &Least, two trainable lotain Allegheny City. each fronting about eighteen het on itobhieon strut, near liandtw b Vtreet, oypo• site chillett'n Itow,wnd extending 110 Get to &See alloy, whereon are built two two atoll brick dwaßla containing reran none each; thing hue meat kitchen and dining room, double parlor on 11. at door. end two bedrooms on amend SW, wittk Onteh• ed at le; enaclona bele throughout, porches, front, and back. hydrant lama, de. Torell of eale—one balf oath; balance in ant and two year; with inter. eat, mowed by bond and-mortgage ITS A. Met i..WA1127., Anerr." TAiitsu.,& extmea PtittPtllTY, .1 12 [Aft FIDILHAL —On TUE3DAY EVENING. July 12, at 2 o'clock, will to soli at the Commercial Salo, Zooms, 14 lllth street, the two Lts en latent street, near Federal, Allegheny dry; In immedtate rear of the Emmet Lintel, [renting earl ia) fret en Isabelle street by ES foot to depth, 11 , 14M011 to metal enter ere stabling. Terms of Sale—One-thlrd nub, mull the balance In oneand two years, with Interest, wowed by lend and mortgage. A. 111 eLLW 41L4E, Acct•: VALIDAXLE KVA:ISIS AT ,AucTiuri. —On TUESDAY EII:SING, inly 12th, at I o'clock, on woad don of Oananarclsl Elan Boma, 6 shares German Trust and Savings' Bank; 80 do Allzsbevy Vapq Ba. Woad Stock; 26 do ,Pittaborgh &CannaUrsine B. B. Co.; 60 do Pitt 9 b 9 rTh 6 StenbeneAg. 064 9 do Monongahela Borings k Stook; b 9 A. MoLLWALNYI. Anct'r. rl.duros..vusic.rec. WAMELINK & BARB, 1 No. 12, BISSELL'S BLOCK, ST. GLAIR STBEZT, Bole Agents for the Celebrated BRADBURY, and SCHOBLAOIIBR & CO.'S X .43.. INT C 3) EU Cheaper, and arlD rtutdre Ice tub& than ®y other Panne manufactured In the coentry. S. D. &H. W. SHAH'S • Harmoniums and Melodeons, And lISIDDOAL GOOD 3 generally, at the loveat Paatem Oaeh Prima. 0.1.6503 TO LIT. Tuning and Dena/anal dont at abort notice. INI - Inces Noah bound In any .1)11. • 1e24 SECOND-HAND MELODEON OCTAVE EDBEWOOD inesro STYLE ME LODEON, double reed. two slap, male by 'Mama It Estella. srpleoEbl fastrameat, add t lind rate Oder. Would Lamm a 'I Otarcb Sabath School. • .b - CbEr. S.A.LAIC ' - CHAR. C. MlOLp3ii, Jon 61R I 830 $35, $ 4O , $ 75 , $ BO , $ , $l3O, ;135, $165„111170, $1 , $215. 12 PL9BOS AT ,ABOVA PRIORS. L 1 O. let LLOR, 11 We D STUMP. VIE BEST PIANOS I _l. 'HOFFMANN I HOENE CO No. 63 113TH /3TII . ,I . . Ass the w 131 ci A ata toe DECTICI6O:3 = Z6LEBEATZIL PIANOS, which by the beat m &Ili so. knon ttieon dgad to be ireperlor.to all othe l vitbant any exceps. . . 114 C 1.41 . 72 .IGEINTS. FL Cr. , * ...L....1 a. roximona MACKEELL & JOHNSOZ, ATTOIMEIYES.AT. IV, And 11. Maenad GOLIGIBEr n S AUNTS, Yam G ' IV[ILITARY 001310378_, riarsion SAM PAY sad RILITARri • CrlaLls orawry dewy. ?elm, the dab , scriber, at tha tbllowlaig rates, rigs IRO 003 O. O. TArLos, as No. 70 01111 t otreet, taUrgb. IL No thanes aro mad* If th* does hod ramaal, and all lotbroaatloa end ta. GM' NOAH W. SHAFKEi, ATTOBNITIAT.LA ago. 106 vita Street, 31:2 * Qat= tar VIMIONS. DOBETT zr, sa..llvmeas sfteecaud sal" OOLDIEBS MAIMS, - . FX38101:63 AND ARRRAP9I Promptly at tazdad to AIITIIIIBEI a 1 EIDDILL, 'ltMaria, Ps. E!!2IMI;iN WOUNDED BOLDIRRS. - • • lUX) $ SO LLL WOLINDID BOLD Pala; oaN Di"_ No dune ondlomatil law morn --I.lvarrza NAY Llotorri)i Om & Gorornmelt,: Ha r" ihlrd door below crifudrA*."! rinoutia, -040,140 ID ETHEICT. : * MULES, la star talug
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers