~' ,.;SSTLABLISHED IN. 1786: ittsbur {tit 6nzette . 1 • PI7BLISIIBD BY TUBLlblii6 ASSOCIAII TEENS o THE GAZETTE 0033331 imam, b 7 33311, per year-- .33 OD. m0nth...... 79. work.— 33 • a. 41.11511,1 Q , n 10 .• 0 7 Tun, 1 4 r 7. 6, 4 6{4 • mouth— Ea. " 00 2 00 a. sick.-- 10, , **guy E 102062,01100 capiel,Ter yam:. 2 CO, dab, 02 510 10, 1 so. .+_ • : than 0210 or more' 1 26. —sad ons exti, td the party seadlag club. Tor a ekhof tilted; yeelTtll-aead the Eremso Dawn algT: 7Ve's alp 'of tiant - 7, ere vet aced the liourea 016C222211.6112. 81620 00 0 0 .. 5 ceeta ar An rabaißgloael allOpi stewed whoa the tfmo crplrm. Reading Hatter from Yesterday's Evening Gazette. In the &Wimps of oatisfantory information oncoming the movements of the main body _... el theßebeis who defeated Waukee at Mo . weedy otiliatarday, wo are left in some doubt sa tope' ultimata intentions of the invaders. - Dispatohni dated at lialtimore us late is 11 o'clock on Monday forenoon no - net make any mention of this force. It may, however, be regarded as certain that, they will not now attempt the caption of that city; the presence there of the 19th army corps, jot arrived from New Orbsaas, rendering the melees of ouch an undertaking impossible... Ca n It have diverged to Wash ington? It je not at all probable. A move ment l on Wiebieigton by the Rebels would .being after them, in too, close proximity for pißfoit; !lie fortes under NVLLLACE, hat also the 19th array earns. It Is only forty miles from Baltimore to Washington. The ally Is, besides', well defeeded, and o "dash" upon Its fortifications -would be decidedly naltealaty. Where, then, arc the Rebels? We know that a email body of cavalry, estimated to number. two hundred, have operated with some effect on the Philadelphia, Wilmington ' and Baltimore Railroad, .between the latter ity - and Havre de arace, and we know also ' that taveral bridges en ate Northern Central Balboa& have been destroyed, =cat likely by the same body of horsemen. The teat of the invading force we believe to be hailly engag ed beceilecting cattle and horses in the upper counties of lilarylaid, and driving them into Virginia across the upper fords of the Poto mac: The cutting of the railroads and tele graph lines, and the demOnstrations in the -Vielitity.ot Washington, we think are intend sPeitirtil occupy cur attention while the Prooniingetterses and cattle tar Lac's army is attended Ct. If the Rebel force is no larger than repre sented, it will bo compelled before Mb week --- it over to ielrace:lis steps into Dixie. The forese. under Howe and :Watiacc, • united to trio /Bth sr* corps, Will form en aggregate of not leis thin rati tfietoundzion, sten:lent to handle at any time an equal num be , of Robots. . Thera Mast bo some mistake in dispatch which we published this rooming, announcing the arrival of Biter SMITH'i cores dt Phila.- delphis. We do not credit it. SI xermaii.at Clmttahoochie dispatch (rani General Sherman to Gen ' Oral Webstar which we And in the Nashville `Vetoi,says, snider date of Wednesday eve . • JolY dtb,' 10 p, m. : 4 0M. army - rests its wings off the Chat-. tachoectill above end below the bridge. The main rebel army iaaerois ; only. one corps (Hardee'e) remair.a on this side,: *am:Tying she CCM AU pent - The weather 'to vary bad. Litre have driven the openly fromiltiK: strong : 'F..4ositimai at Eanesaw and Smyrnaptrrianp Owe miles-south of fdariathei WW have talon thoridand prisonert. Our. pickets Sate on the river bank at/reap', Ferry, and ' , the mouth Of Nickeiath." ' • Thil bridge rats:rad to to this dispatch is %the railroad arcesslag: and from 16.21101elitak la . frond -of it while she main wawa army has retreated across; It is - AP - 0V ` - .Zentitott 'there lariat be a straggle thara. It )102 be: . • co Is !irk, ,to fixhte -11 de is, and the one. faiorable to. as: Nieksjaek ' creek I, below sha railroad bridge and Pricer Berry above - it. •Thaso..paiitions appear to indicate -a flank maven:tont - of some kind la enabla Sherman to get across the river with. oat a WO/. But before he can do this he will have. to make a demonstration against In Nashville and . 4horman's :biLiarild that the. bulk of the rebel's tt•My* *cradle transferred — ll - thirtravbse . zt - deno it will accoantfor Lee's ineasioft of tiery - W; slice with snob hurry " —, titrtilaretintaiits.*OM,Gaorgia.l.ee could leave . leap. fort% Igahnsond and lava a for . addable/x*lr io march north.--Piri/../Y. dram, PretanUonary. •organs in Parte _ -!-,ratontema,,With _gravity, that Captain "tt. ' • • :•Serumee Will presently be in command of 2. • ......another•privateer; far superior to the dnutur . „ mistrther even go so for .m 1 to glean ••, delerlitierr_ , Ot sessid, prensely ' "'Agawam to" 'anti recently left . '-‘4l.oani.for Amsterdam.- •It -woold be 03 'Nat to belling; britie - announcornenti and aceordingly. •Oar Paile'corfeiMeitilent . pays that the bail tho 4'hatinel and will - posted-cif-the coast ofllol - to , ails , .phartho !repeated vessel (the "?. • Tedde) .le-gO r tog to doL _and the Knartargo Vitals Well,itefer:m -it gobs; but•ire :ought to have bther crullers" Ilona these—fact, stout, well armed ned—on the European coast, to dere watch a matters. 'The namber of - Teasels that the rebel! aro likely to obtain, or may be nemaitibg for, is limited, and it •is pea dbl. forum to have them all in ?trurveillance. be Uri inuohL'ihespertn do this than • to let them get oqt end at theiriWork, on the .."...: 7 .ll.gliiii4anditSenottimpt to catch wallandigliemPa ReLinn. ' dlepatch to the Now York gays • ' • "A key to the pnll cy of the insident to -.Vallandigham ha/. been 'esoentirgivewit o meeting between the BIM- Smoky: delegatinedn Congree, end Mr. Idn eche Malin to the case of Colonel Wolford. Ti do- Meer, it will , be remembered, was as hided by Ehneral ildthrldgo, and sent to ertuire'im.haii remained, ". reporting dafiit to . thiMir , Deptirtraent. In Jalwar to the rennet' that the'order of Oen. ••..Beiteldge-be resettled - Obi ineldent replied -,"••• 120,ftliAboold net 44krt tic: the pollerylw o d,conaiinut Ywilandigbam Mr. .trimerkeethatther Vallandighim or der vas tnoperali a llief _indlyidnal haying eeteria - fii Ohio, Mr -.Lincoln replied, in sub ' stance, that he had jiti knowledge of Villandighem's - reitam, and when kit." Pal;• Indigent made his psalms° known by ob . jeotionable acts, the Executive would be hliat p re -,.Coplcatd.Welrdwaenppcaion in faror'of grned." - , • , The; Alabama In Partlamen4 the alitze of Commons, oti tite.:s;l r bir aaked if the attention of the Uor - had. boestmalled to tho action be .- 3.-.4.- -- -"ttieewtheßeardergerend-tho Alabama: He the inqulietwliethai, in view of the expert . .... enc .. sa l t. 10 1 - . 14 ~that action, -Government • weal& .aonttnize building ehlps.which could - *either 14hr:tor - awing: -. Lord C. Paget raid the attention of thin Ltd— Wrathy hatibooen drawn to the light to 4 tlon,lnt •It had notfing to do withthegnes ion of tho vends to which tho inktdry rie• htred. colLthue following Lerd Paget, in •• 3 g7 fOne inquiry, laic that the Admiralty 4 - not think now:etary to fend en afloat tcieherbonig to cent:ileo the modo adopted eirengthen the sidos of the Ilearsorge in order to Toilet eheli, that .. InforMation having • . - lbeett:ebtalited when t 1) voisrl woe la 'dock Midland; - t'lltirgterredirigi and Opium. et .boiansal In , the ou6 Irk, hint Itittd.' the N. Parn reeenu hii decision till s, ;Iltstiitilarat,OrA4Plifj tt bwederettiod, however, wet baiter pnlnti lnvolved, to Aim 91 Eta, DU, e y < :. swy+Ea.»~.x:.nCwaik.ay_.k" ... L ~...~,...vt.... THR *.-DAILY q `' thsgla copies. The Situation. The painful interest with which the nubile has been looking for the reappearance of Han-f• tore corps in the valley of Virginia is aticngth relieved by hie sudden descent upon the town of Martinsburg, and the capture of its rebel garrison. of onethousand men. Slgers force . to within reach of itimat Ilntpor's Ferry, end mast by this time lutvibilin consolidated with Mbitorki army.br . s .. .diarch against the main .army of the rebels. Couch at Hagerstown witins force, else, and' heitoo; has no doubt, joined Bunter. !The enemy ate thus threat- Elnecl'ln the" rear hy a string. force, equaling anti. own. %MINTS,- so far as:ere can at' present learn. II Hunter moves with celerity he can gather up 'a number of email bands of rebel maraunefescattered over Maryland.l and 'do very great:injury 'to the rebel The relief of Baltimore is,now the objeet,lo be attended. o, and we presume that Hunter will at once march upon the rebel rear with all the toms the government cap tarnish him.— Mil. Nora . Excitement In Renting-.AI Reg . . . r/41.01210. Pa., Jai,. 10.—An immense meat tog waa hold hero thin afternoon, and tho or patinae* of it full restraint le &log on, with no doubt of &moms. - Auptitat mooting 11 now being organized In Pc= Raub amid great ontbuslann. Public oplniorrls overwhelmingly - In laTor of a sweep- Leg ocrautiptlOn *Tay num between the age; tirefintten: and - forty-Aro, to put down': the rebellion at once. Captfire of the Steamer Electric Spark hyr . the Pritratcer Florida. Nati T01i,5n17 4 11-.oa Braciay afternoon the 46earectr Elioctrier. Spark, on her voyage from .t: , 41 port - to Haien" and New Orleans, was Fettled- enditiken posses:lon of by the privateer Florida.., When the Florida.was first ditoovernd she-was distant about Arleen miles to liesnorthward and retaking for the ElactrieStss , h, 4rittelOptined - ma , her rapidly. 19kOnserren 41:ightroilindisterrt,theFiorida -English des, which no dy big tiatil within twelve baud* yards of the eheamer, when the rebel dolain were substita red, and a shot fired astern of the Electric Spark, closely followed by another acme her bows. Tho vessel not coming to imuosil• etely, a shell was tired, which, atter striking the - wator a few feat from thp,v d tel, pasted directly over her about ps. The steamer then hove to, and was immediately boarded by a - OR,' from the Florida, who took possession of her. They sent the up. take an board the privateer with his papers, personal property; be. The mall, containing 65 bags, was retained. The English ealaconor Live, hid been pro• viola:ly bearded by the Florida, and wee pear by at the this of the capture .of the Electric Spark. Both steamers; s4l.head ed for the schooner, which bore to until they came.up.. The captain, crew and pu• gangers, abort forty in numbers Irate then rent on board the Lave, which was bound for Port Lane and arrived here . list evening. The Electric - Spark had a very narrow es cape from destruction, being mistaken for a transport • Had she not "topped after the , third shot, a broadside from the rebel bitted'', which was is readiness for the purpose,' would have destroyed her. Colored Troops to be Accepted tinder 'the Governor's Call. fipwill Dispatch [clic Pittsburgh Casette, klunntaarzas Derr Bvenuentsattr, j ' Ratintenio, July CIS, j Colored troops will *accepted by compan ies ander the late Calle the ;Governor of Pennsylvania; for'one.lrandred; dep. Man will be - organised into regiments wheaa suf ficient nnmber aregot together': By command of Itsjertlen.Coneb. ' T. B. Boactsg, A. A. 0. Fire la Bt. Lonle....Order Regarding Steamboats. Br. Lome, 'July Olive &hot llotel.formerithlcutroolleasi, kept by Bari welt k Johnson was nearly destroyed:by are last night. Losses notlet a:Arbil/sod. Until farther eiders no steamboat 'eriG be allowed-to ascend' tho Missouri,. river is.bove Jefferson City without 'dadaist anis azittani amaltion and crew Competent to 41efend her spinet' the manillas . now swarming -the, oonntles along that stream. • IL -ill:Democratic monvelliJell• . igmArialmr.m; Jury 12:—The Damocratio State SoareraJon mot bare lhto morning. diteatha organisation, Joseph B. McDonald wee toralaMod for GoTornor, and David Imr% pie far Voirt.4Cfarornor, natio balance oft litate Makin, broludfas the -Jgdgo or the fin. pram: Moen, the presont - inaumbontervrars notatostod for - ro•oloottorr..:The Indkationii are that the platform will =eatbria a Moder.; ate war polloy. News and Miscellany The Kconernd of Vienna gives the follow ing.estilmita of the regale/ troops at the dis posal of the Emperor of ‘lderito:—The corps will comprise In all about 6,000 men, distrib • nted ea follows : three battalion' of light in fantry, a regiment of lancers, a regiment of hussars, two batteries of eightpiectet of rifled artillery,: a company of engineers and a am pany of pioneer,; The 'alma and soldiers are enlisted for six years. - The Mars will probably have permission to return with their rank,..after a certain time, to the Austrian army. The private soldier" will receive' 25 dories, and the non.commission'ed °Man 25 to 50, according to their : tank. After six years, the officers and con-Comptissioned 031-' cars cm continuo to temp or an be sent gratuitously back to Europe, or - perhaps they may receive lands and menus of sustaining themselves instead. Too Lassos or nil Fzenr.—There Id a good deal said of the lesson in naval warfare taught by the recent engaganent of the Ala. hams and Kaarsage. Bee:maths will un doubtedly be learned in • that, line, but one thing which our naval oliloere will certainly not forget, is never again to trust the honor of a British sailor present as a spectator. Some of that elasancight and probably would be honorable men, but the safest way will be never to trust them. Capt. Winslow, when he.fottild the Deerhound nulling off with his prisoners, ought to have ordered her back by a. shot across her bows, and If Chit had not proved effectual he should have glven her another amidships. Probably,he would hare done so U he had suspected either her charge• ter or phrpose.—N. Y. runet. The new—or rather the eusended--Cana dlan ministry is announood. The Hon. GIN Brown editor of The Toronto Mobs,' is to be President of the Executive Council, In the room -of the-lion. Isaac Bactiannan, resigned: the Eon. Oliver Mowat-,to'. be Peribm e 3 ter" :Genera]; in the room - Of - the Eon. SI. IL Foley, resigned, end the lion. Wm. McDoug all to be Provincial Seeretary, In the room of the lion. John Simpson, resigned. Messrs. Brown, Mowat and McDougall treat the same time garotted as members of the Executire Connell. The ministry' repreteits great Intermits, local as well as political, of Upper and Lower Canada. Trot British yacht Deerhound, which. hap• paned to be re opportunely, near the Alabama during her fight with the Kea:urge, and which remised her commander, and at his ur gent request took him Into a British harbor of refuge, is owned by the firm of Fraser, Trenholm h Co., of Liverpool, who am the rebel agents for that port, and that she is thus almost as really rebel property as the Alabama herself. It was not wholly aociden: tai that she happened to be on the spot at that particular time. Tao difficulty batmen Spain and Peru i• as— sailing a more Serious character, the Madrid Government announcing its determination to reinforce its squadron in tha Penillo, and to hold the Chinch* Wands until all its demands 1120 complied with; and the P 0111171112 Govern sent refusing to reecho an communication forma Spanish gunhant which, on the 3d of Jane, appeared in Callao Bay. and odered to Weat - for a suspension of hostilities. • Ur Comfit2llonel Convention of Louis iana on the let boat. adopted a provision es tablishing free public schools throughout the State. There are to be separate schools for the white and colored children. For the for , : mar whites, and for the latter. colored persona alone are taxed. - The , Convontion had pre viously rejected by a close veto proposition, confining education to white ehildrer4 and one recognizing no distinction of color. Tins pirate Florida returned to Bermuda off tho 18th nit., and remained until the 29th. She had recently burned the W. C. Clarke. On Thcgsday last tho Florida was off the Capes of the Chesapeake, were she spoke a French bark, asking the captain to take her prisoners Into port. .Tlio captain of the bark refused. The Florida is supposed to be is a bad mmdition. Au extensive, conllkration raged daring last week through. the kuntumtetrions of most of Um northern counties of .Wisconslo, do straying property to the - amount of $140,000. ' In some instances Valle Tillsites were swept off by the flames. the people dying for safety, loseing their cattle and - horses, which, In soma emu, were also destroyed. Hunter in - the Field. Debt to 14—.11abed. ITLE(3 RA ... _ ....~~.._ .—wu_ .n:..ut'.,, w. ~.....;~d:~1~..L~.n:.::>t::.:~v. , eF.. i ..~.•'w~.:f~a..u'.., r .~Caa u.. 0. I,:7::;~. , +'.'_'.ztc.'~ t :... 2v 7.S:~ , xu.ca4.i~e-.:.,iG ~v.~i.....,...._.i PITTSBURGH. WEDNESD • OLk h. I 8 I,: THE. INVASION Exciting News from Wt shington BATTLE REPORTED IN PROGRESS SEVEN MILES FROM WASH ' INGTON ! Residence of F. PJ Blair Re ported Burned. STEM OF TGB INVADING ARMY 48,00 Great Exeitenient in Philadelphia: TELEGRAPH LINES CUT BETWEEN . PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Donald; of .Etunters Advance on I ynehburz /4141110 k; July 11: Thenewe from Webb ington Is exciting. The Star says; Skirmishing on the Rack ,. 'We road totimenced at an early hour this forenoon, and was continued by the advance of the rebel force to ,point shoat - four miles welt of Tennallytown, then their progress on that rood stopped, and they disappeared in I lsome other direction+ Subsequently we hear,' of them skirmishing between eleven and, twelve o'clock tr and .around , the Seventh ) street turnpike, near Clagett faiin, and 'fie residence of P. P. Blair. /t is reported to, day that the rebels had burned the - residence i of Blair. vill 'T ere wee re were 800 Infantry encamped at g a lht. Back- Several panto .stricken refugees arriving to-day from the - trioinity of Edwards Perry,' report thorn craning north of ; that place, yea tetdal and to-day ;- oomolay 12;000, others 30,000. Breck inridge la believed to be In command, of their advance [wilds direction, and Imbo—' den commands the cavalry now hanging around the fortifications. All was quiet from our picket lines upon, what Is known as the river road. i Up to noon to-day the Star says The rnim hers and purposes of the rebel tovadingforce are confusingly coltfiloting. We give elsewhere , 1 the opinion entertained by many speedos that the rebel force Is not of a weight sufficient to undertake a 'crime attack upon the fortifica tions of Washington, and that it Is notthelr purpose to do so. Per contra, we have just received the following from a source of great intelligence and reliability, one that has re ported the Galilest and most accurate infor. mation of the rebel movements In Virginia. The information received from this quarter as follows: The rebel army of invasion marched down the Valley 48,000 strong, Including 8,000 cavalry, under Breokinridge , Imbodon and ifeCanstand. Longstreot was at Gordonsville on Tuesday last with additional forces to join the rebel army of invasion, and the purpose of that army was attempting to capture Washington by empire. The Virginia . Central Ranroed has been repaired and running from Rich mond to Staunton. Moseby has 242 mon In his command, andcts to have his force Increased. In the fiat Ales Illossby dap tared eighty-one cavalrymen, killed twenty, and copturmi o Major and a 12 pdander can non. Kincheloe's command, one company, Is operating near Pairfax C. IL and new 4/couquan. Lavine—Up - to a quarter put two o'clock the state eta/fain In the vicinity of Babbitt's Branch ,Pottoffice continues; to be about the] came as during the mormag. There has been no general _eevalry engagement, but skir mishing is going on at intervals. The enemy ' has not made his appearance anywhere within the "snags of our guns, and so far has shown no disposition to do co. No essuaidas have boon reported on oar aide in the fight this morning between Lowell and the rebel cav alry. New Yore, July 13.—The Presideat of tho Tuiand Telegraph Company telegraphs from Philadelphia that the raiders hare destroyed the lines of the Independent Telegraph Coq. puny and curb of the line, of the American Telegraph as were along the turnpike between Philadelphia and Baltimore. The World prints the - following extract Lim a private latter dated Lexington, June 12r Yesterday we marched Lions midway here, being quickened as wo.adranced by the sound of Crook'. guns engaged with Generni McCaualand, who held t.Mli place, which they defended with great acrimony, burning the bridge and playing on the hills at we came up, with shell, and besherhacking us from behind every tree. TM, was madness on their part, as we had beaten them before being joined by Generals. Crook and Averill, and are now able to whip them twice over. Some, honoree, think they are waiting for Breckluridge, who had been detached with hie division from Lea's army to drive us back, or at feast balm tla between there and Rich mond, or Lynchburg, whichever we struck tor. We tuppere the plan is to put broken brigade, up tile nailer wader Inaboden, Jen kins, Mudwall Jackson, McCausland, Jones, As., raffled together upon a dirislon of UV/ veterans, and then give us another try for the vall ey. This sierra& we destroyed the VirgloLa Military Institute. *ill move at daylight; but .ttire no idea y i n. wbat &motion. Oar skul -1 lion is preening but encotuaging. If Lee le act tally employed by Grant, he can send down troops en ugh, via the Lynchburg ral il. road, to ovary ann Cll. But if Grunt will hold all of Leo' torso in Richmond, this col— t:con can mak the rebel capital untenable within a few day?, by cutting off the latt Mahe artery of lnppty. MOST EXCITING NEWS Rumored Alltaek bylsooo Rebels on . the Northern Fortifica tions at Washington! P/ 11 L4DILPEIlliJaly12.--There are eov only two government nrlresvorklng month of hero. Boa ererall cif on &Una by 15,000 - rebels on the northern fiurtloeetlona of Washington, bit: cannot be ti ad to any definite smote. Then Is much ezbitementhere; business near all surpondod. A public meeting Is being bild now at Indeptudeaco square. Recruit, bog Is very briski and before to-night, a large number of mon gill be ready to lose° for Washington and Baltimore. • RAM pr. att,l4, .41y 1i..—.1. conatrnotion train I herelihis looming to repair the railroad and telegraph lines of the American Telegraph Company. Communication with Baltimore will probably be re-estiblished this evening. Belot:101a' Inte l ligence WU received here puler ay.thete at eight o'clock p. m., a fight was programing aeve2 mile, from Wuldng. ton, oaths Seventh inlet road,-near Chrystal Sirrin.. Pliz gs iatill from Blair, aliteen miles from here, report that the rebels were corning there last evening. There is lifk doubter the immediate neoeesity for heavy reinforcements being sent to Washington. • PidurnivlLlA, kid.,,,lnly 13:— , Tbn reporte. captare of Gm Franklin wee incorrect. The 1 mistake was made by a resemblanoe 'betWeea the General and a plunge/. This statement is confirmed by one of Gen. Wallaret'a ate: l •Pankenztrefe, July 12.--The Baltimore AMericon of Last evening say. that Gan. Tyler moped from the rebels, and had malted Si. lloott's Mills. Reports of the capturerof Ron. Franklin are conflicting. . • • BALI:won, 12—J. r. m—Everything quiet around the city tut night. A farce of rehab reed through Tonsontown, on their way to 1 the main .force. The. rebels .hal •with t ha n , Gam Faanhun and ataff, captured ot, Um Philadelphia road on Monday. out, one bridge over Gunpowder river, on the Philadel. Oda 'reed' IlitS , bitted: , -'Betsitioso was at • thind atill. liiiiezliall the . outlets from the illy are (dosed.; . ... ~, . ~, , . . PATC4I:IILIMIA, Wilton of the American lategraph Company, Bat timpiro, went oat last might and rnbnilt the • dastioyed by the-robe's, this reopening talagiotphio. eanuannloseon - hatless& "there an& Washington. • Trains now ran • regularly trete lieldwaretnikashington. • .ffsnazuman, tßoo - Jaw. wiyiltrarr of Pittsburgh elegram juot receired.l7 the (foram orsayi : 4..-LadriamylibelleT6dTirbWin-tha itatnadtt ate viethity eJ Wathingtonr No timeldlosn. Ifurty on the min 1 .• I J. S. Koolau. PITTSBURGH "GAZETTE. CITX t 1111 877BVIIBAN. /Zs Suspension of Builneu.—progresa of ;Racial Ling. Contrary to general erieotation, there wee not the slightest indication anywhere apoar-s tut thin morning, of a compliance with the ruptent for a general sup:melee' Of business. The stone; workshops, formation, roll,, GM, were nearly all found fill operation. In- deed, we do notthink atingle store was closed, tbillhap4 and factories ceased operations, Those that did Mot resume work in the morning;- at the usual hour, started. daring the day; finding themselves almost alone fn their Ridden, efforts to aid and fa cilitate recruiting. All seem too intently engaged in "filling 'outmode" to stop for a single du, and - the "emergency" will be urgent Indeed which induces a "general nu - &maim Of,business.". Recruiting in.thls city lo progressing stead. BY, although the response is by no means as prompt as could be desired. Capt. tine has -filled his -oompany up, and the men, eighty in number will be mustered in and forwarded immediately. Companies have been 'darted in the Fifth and Eighth Wards, end also in Birmingham and Tempetanceville. • If arrangements can be mafla forpayingthe men a bonus of twenty-live or fifty dollen,, we think there would be no ditabulty iri getting men to volunteer far the baulked-days. The ormponsation allowed by thn gevernment is not strateient, considering the:very high prices of living. There is plenty of work at home; at much more remunerative prices, and hence the necessity for providing extra compensa tion far those who arewWLg to order the gu llet,: riftwoic - I•ooriiiiiike up their minds to provide bounties in prOportion to the ser vice required, volunteering will not be brisk. ' Death of ZJeut. C 01.% McKean. Adjutant Harper, of the 130th I'. V.. re ceived a announcing from Surgeon S. F. Chapin, the death of Lieut. Col. James L. MoKeen, fete a resident of Arm strong county, op the sth of July, of billions cholla. Col. Malan served through the three months campaign as. First Sergeant in Captain (now Cold:Lel) Sliwell's aompany of the isih regiment, and afterwards entered the Army as Captain of Company D, 139th regi neent. Oa the death of the lamented Moody. as the senior captain" he assumed com mand of the regimeit, and • was bat late . ly commissioneeL Lieutenant Colonel. For several days prior to his death, he had been lick in the horpltal,:but had recovered sufil• clently to be abbe to resume command. He soon relapsed, hoverer and in a few hours succumbed to his diseeie. He Wu mustered into his advanced rank in the afternoon, and died et 10 o'clock, p. m. Caine day. He was a bravo man, and a good soldier—or warm and generous !invitees. In the battle of Spott• sylvanite he was severely. wounded to the hand, but perststed in remaining with his regiment. film body was sect to City Point to be embalmed. The Name Letter oleo annonaces the death of Sergeant Is t Pollock, of Company 2, same regiment, of wounds received at Petersburg . Sergi. Pollock was a gallant eclair, always distlogolohed for his coolness and conregs in action. The Late Capt. !Samuel A. McKee. At a meeting of the Jackson Independent Bluer, held on the oth hut, Jacob Kinkirbie George 0.. Baal, and Major Alex. Kay were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the foes of the company `ln :; the death of their late commander, Capt. S i p,- i A. McKee, who reported the following: Wasaate, It ham pleased Kim who d th all, thistle for the best, to take from us: nr late oommandor, Therefore, ' -, .. 3 . /kestrel, That In the death - of -*apt. 'Bacot A. liciree, INF 'Skit have been deprived of I on effielent officer, and the country, In this her hour of need, of a brave and gallant tet her; one who was over at the post of duty, and fell, as all brave men should wish' to fall, at the hoed of his command, with his face to the foe. Resolved, That we deeply feel for thaaf alct" .11° aad family,. of ens commander, and commend them to the ktod. PrZteeting enro of lllm who bee promised to be 4 - parent to the widow and the fatherless. Resolved, That these resolutions be pub. Iltdted la the city, paper, ' and a copy do- livered to the widow end family of the deceas ed. Death of an Old Pennsylvanian. The New Correa:roper/ars annoxoee the death of Chaska iSitilor, who, for forty.lre years, had resided in that city. Daring that long period his existence had been suede wretched by a eerier of failures upon every hand; and during the last throe year* of his life he had succeeded, by mneholiort, In preserving him self from !stone poverty. The Mier says : "This man-belonged to ai/torte family. tie was the grandson of Thomas Millie , a Rev olutionary officer arid, Governor of. Penney'. viola daring the emergence of that State from -the Revolutionary struggle. He to cousin to George M. Datlu, connected with the (coolly by marriage. He to One of these (regnant examples or Men sprioging from and connected with good stock, who in their failures, where their own kin succeed, seem to degenerate from their own relation's stan dard of ability. The old man le gone from among as. He leaves behind him no wealth for the living to pleader. Ile larvae behind nothing but his ezninple," which was an ex ample of hillere, of trial, of bitter, unsuo meal struggle and woe. He leaves behind no enemy. Saucy will miss him as a friend Is mimed. Thinners none to heap curses on the head that now lies low." llon re Liva.—We commend the following report of an experiment made by an eminent New York physician in his own family and Realise t lle sais from iday to Drostober, he habitually restricts his farally and all his petients to two ounces each of animal food per day, urging them to me vegetables freely daring the summer. Baring for - twenty years kept •rocord of the matter. 10 esti mates the motallty in the meat tilting fam ilies at about four times as great aa in thole 'couseholds which hare faithfully followed the advice. M. 411 Kruar..—A ma named Itebort Welsh was killed on the Ponstsylrazda. rallmad, a ehort distance below Tyrone station, tin Wed nesday evening lasL Ile was walking on the west track, end stepping out of :the way of the fast lira, ergiV caught by a fthight train and Latently killed. His body • leas t fright folly mingled. lie resided somewhere in the Alleghtny...lfotuntahas bad & wife Out no children) m2d was perhips fifty years of age. ilinriao If Imrssidarintx.—a nieeting of eitisens was held in Lasnsavetille on Mon. day evening, for the purpose of encouraging vilunteering. The people were' urged to close their pieces of badness • until farther notice, and,tintantleng win blithativid to Mllil ■ mac meeting to be held on Thuraday evening. In stoordadoe with the: &bowl so• Burgess Kier has called a nicatiog for this evening, at Robinson'. Pwrarturatiu Boni dame..-;The Poet muter General hu ordered the following: On the ilne from Philadelphia to Vardsburg, Penna. M. Irwilder le appointed routs agent in plan of WWl= W. Reitsel, re. elgned, :Game way.olsBoo per annum. Beate fona. Pittsbargb.to Uniontown, Joseph W. Blackinunla apjpinted route agent in pleas of Win: lo nom Jolts I'. nen, rduonle flair, Fifth street, ere have Gls day reeetred Harper's Magazine far hamlet, the Philadelphia Bat. arday •Erenlng Peat, the Beaton not, the Wide World:and the Tres Flag. • For gale alao by J. T. ' , Samples Pedaled throat, Alle gheny. Durrassanto.—On Satuzdaymomibili atnoet distressing' , aecident ocenned 'at gut— A littio girl, torenteen months old, wa 'tending on the railroad train, when car pissed slug, knocked her down and eat Mt both her arms. She isliko/1 to noon& • Joni W. Prrrooz, opposite the Postale; on Fifth street, areas Ira harper a Kr in. for desalt. Theinostinterestini er •In this amber is the sketch of the sifted .Theo dories the "only child" or baron parr. • • Mires woe Aram I—We hire retitled from W. A. Giblinfonni;is Fifth Create /fir ones Idsgasine for Augest. It contains the =nal variety, and Is altogether an fatalist. lay number, ' • Veit domtiiiiind:Valley trek ems acrtmah from. Helerattown, en Mande y. M 3 .rt.o l l4olet, that. nitighbogood. The excitement has abated to the vepey, to hcon lidorshle mtc t.•-• • ' :14112; di Dr.1116160i, at tuts Assoatata4tifoimad Chnich, - 410 a at hit ridden°, In Butleh-Pa., on the 20th alt. Bounties to Volunteers. We observe that various cities and counties are effacing a botmty of Uri dolice to each voludettr far one hundred days. Philadel phia hu already pused an ordinance to that circit,- and her agents are now traveling through the tuljacent cities and counties en. tiding men sad paying the bountY. The dilutes et Lancaster held a you large moot lag on last Bandar evening, and resolved to call on the Comm issi oner asking them to of= fer a Bindle! bounty. This Is all right and proper, and wa bops that a similar move say Is made hers. By levying a tax, and paying these bounties out of a common fend, a class of men will be reached who have heretofore contributed very little, or nothing, towards raising men to fill the armies. If menu could be raised without taxation, it would be very desirable to do so ; but the number of trilling contributors is limited, and they have been so often called upon that it would been just to impose this bet:than wholly upon them, An Infamous charge: A ghl named Jetolaut Hough, aged between thirteen and fourteen years, appeared before the Mayor to-day and preferred a charge of assault and battery with Intent to ravish, &Wand her stepfather, Frederick Shuts, of the Eighth Ward... She alleges that, on the 11th butane, and at.tafierle times previoue to that dale, the defendant had usaulted her with 'eriminal Intent ne was attested, and alter a hearing was required to And bail In the sum of eight hundred dollar, Not being able to and a proper surety, he was committed to ll to answer the charge at the next tertla - of court. Al CASH COMITY or TAIITT SITS COLLIS.— Gen. Nogley ham been authorised by the Pinanee OdintoMee, to psy a cash bounty of $26 to earl volunteer for the hundred day stubs. C.41/0/E713, OIL CILOTZEI. ire. SITSESIER GOODS, CHEAP C A aPETI NG SZE A `1" 1 1 1 lq 0- S WO here now ap® 11 g t,lartdld mortmstel LIMED TAROT MATTIEO3, at pritts lover than Ito E. 40111 market rat The attention of the ithblic L Caked b the stare Goats, me they SUEIPA SS, IN %V AK 41. ND STYLE •ar other miser oexpEnso to the darkst. OLIVER 11TCISISTT00K d: CO. C&YTON IL&n:MG M'Farland, Collins do Co. a. n AHD 7" I. Ffll exam= Nut bun i.. P, o...euwd lineej net mated r a ense I .a. tavola. co l d. RES CA N TON 6TRAw rts th.flue4 H W, Tha lit., of these goad. is an. approachble. by any o, ter mantic g lelport.d, and Us limited quantity nders them eery &iambi. Ver., & 00., ta, elno lad received fear ex ceedingly weal tow , knms sty he of FANCY Pl. ill) NATTINGS, Olaf latch hay • Ir.. !Kee tended, and ars. then- ZEIT bre, the !Wallah T If AMNON 1I TIES NMI.. our moral 11,1. pokit Wit owarinsw4l lo Waor 'witty. uel I. at an Ham offer our pla• n lotrut the mann ED afford. 177 OIT RT H ST NNW L WINDOW SHAMS ILECIA VSD THIS DAT. NEW . 41'11'1Na SToCli C .A. .P TS, ward, e. ,sotrsb Oil . 1 .OTH A T ALLURE'S: CARPET STORE mkt) 80. ST 70111111 SITOCer AEzteli-f..tv T4I4ORS. GENTLEMEN \VIiiiNG FIRST CLASS GARMENTS guide to Ms MOOT /ABEIIOIIAIII.III sad LATaBT STYX., h:ti, vroald do Intl to *I otter, B. U. RAN & COJEINEWIT fAILORS, 0011Zin 03 L' LSD PT. IMAM 6713=T8, Benin orrilludng pleenrhwe BLuti W. H. McGEE. 10 ST. GLAIR STREET Would call the &Studios of boyelk to Ms stock of goods. It hss bees helmets& of Os gnat slue, La coatktos all the sawed styl,i of goods to be fond to Int dam homes. Osats stishlos a soft of clothes soul* to ardor, out exam, call sad climbs cox goods wad pliOeS. Mao, a fall sad compkto stook of Fornisfaut -Goods. W. 11. MaGIS, neroltaniTallor, No.lo St MA: street. Pl. A OHOIOH LOT OF -SIIMHER SACK COATS, For young Gents, or IL&NISIELI3, ILMOOHB. 800 1 4 : 1 11AND•AIHMICAN 03ATI14013; dna LINENS, at GRAY & 4TrondrE JAMES . LAFFERTY, • 01.TTORNEY ! ..AT4,441in dJt Lepl DasizasitelpUy atteadtd 7 , 7 7 Mee, No. LW MUM 87111Iff near aunt, Pittsburgh:'.' ..4431mtai MoMABT.F4 & GAZZATWO pmeic. No. 08 GRANT EITIINET. 146A/7 :G. GALBRAITH, --Attoptey fuld—Cotiatello-ast4,— oar Azarraoia do* Ar, Mff,EM matonN 'macLe Q AS. O. 801f0Y1A - Attota= AJol. L MO. ew. LS9 north arm& PI olr 4111117SEMEJVIV. 11;=.1"ITTSBIIRGH THEATRE. POSITIVELY SIX NIGHTS ONLY Ilanday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs. day. Friday mad Saturday- July 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th. Our 4nnltl2 nre &gen elmlng vleb tow attractions. :MODEL TROUPH,OF THE WORLD Itoncra of the gigantic and &mat* DUPREZ & GREEN'S ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS •ItO METROPOLITAN MINSTRELS Barksque Opus Troupe ud BRASSBAND Of f 74 llanoiruod, Popular and Ilrllllant Rani THE LiRGEST TROUPE Ri THE WORLD, Excelling and Defying Cospeiltim. For MI partici:dors, too proaratootoa, pictorial elan, various boll. Ho-board...mil the LARORST ILLUMINATED BILL PRINTED IN TED WORLD, the first hariG red of which coat $l,lOO. GRAND NATO= en Elatarday sfunneon, 15th, carn.menclog U three o'doclt. suncteg s Neulogt 5 perform precise ly.ance, rlociza open st 7%; COOI y, P/1.1110 of Admitsion—PlUquitte and Dross Cir:le Males, 50 crate; Single Sects '/o Privets Doze. , g 1.00; pelem s Deus, 05,(0; TWA Tier, 15 cent. TamNy Circle 25 cents ; 001.0 Dews , 55 cents. BAWL, POND, OWLS. N. Darnsz illansger. /um. (mu ,. Advertising Agents. JO At 11 -- .7r(X;INCERT HALL LAST Si[ NIGHTS OF °UNCROSS & Who extraordinary aateriainmenta have L. the theme of palm by TRIG 1-.1i.1i - 549 .A.ND PUBLIC TifElll SINGING, THEM WITTICISMS, T EEM VANIETT, !lave made them whet they ere Justly entittoe to, the osme TILE .HODEI TROUPE OF THE WORLD! Daring this work, a change or programme •10 b given nightly. Admission, 25 cants Groomed seats, Ed coots. iyll:Et J L. CADAOIIOS.O. Manager. toOKB. Lft 164218. of PAULINE. THE SPY—Her Adven teret-only 4d ante. Can erg get dee AT nusrs. yaws OT OIL WELLS, the great Pend h.M• et, de. Co/1 and ice limos, AT lICRT'S. All the Buis BODEP, AT nusrs. At acs cents-43.c SEW TOME Emma, AT lIIIST'S. At the old pekes-M1.3r6 UNION BTATION EMT POSTTOLIO3, PEWTOOIIAPEI ALBUMS and WWI BTLTIONZIIT, an Liar, Al! EUSTIS. BOLDIZZS' WHITING 1111/9, AT RUNTS. TIIID TANNEU DOT, • Ilfi of Oro. Ge.t; and all other clew Books and late publbttiou, AT ErlltirfL HUNT'S GOLD PENS—the bed that a. mad. 217 them. NAGAZII3III, for Joly. cot and crlczt, AT EMMA. WAIL LIM and JUSTOSIES Or TILE WAIL NU. Cada at JOHN E., EIIU.NT'S, 61r - FIFTH IMIZET. MMONIO HALL, Ja.. LINNETS TRIAL. DI B. K., sathorm of '•Svuo Lon trafax. whlk ••P:gas." 1 vol. 12m0., clotb. 51_50. “If you went a bah that is used—ff yen need a book that is mei:test coda ittisfyleg —a tnap book, not finad Vlith dupery sad &Wean, take =Mini TDIAL^ borne, to reed it sake with eyes and beast kW; off the etiell of ths story, and mem& mt. I earn admiration for the steadiest .oul of the writer, loyally striving to strengthen weak hands end mire the courage In weary, an rburthened hearts. "There to leo sidling ineldeirt In "Marino Told” than 'Twice LatV; but for truthful .tames of Itutracutr, from the nkeiy g 'natio Ease to the finished perfect wife Lenora. nrluding Use eery English and WWI Brandon, with Vent, who is not quit* %tithes es ahem, we am my Oa book Le es best attempt Oils =themes; which is gaffe masa =wham enough for those who hire boon to forts. nate as to hare read Vence Lott The London Rect&ir sada of tit Fo ono win be elaaptadattol with Ms charming iris of home WI and httioatfeeticata. at le written with rare beauty of sire-sharp and ttThes etory L. divided Intel throe parte; !. it Ito ITeddhsg,. "Detre the Trial." "Hovi it west Borne. The auntie. 111 . 0 urinal; .and well drown. Brandon, with his agroeable sellocutela pleannt and seentonste wine, good mon and gay temper, 4 well tined, with the aid of Rase, to en. tarn the light comedy of the story. Thom Per the eeneagasiffreent, or deeper Lennon of the book, tuns to Get. Toro Fanner. end Ws sweet hint of tenter—his beautiful Linnet the so expansive end o rympatbetle, ba netend atd self oontsloedlahe imptilevel, luso motets ; eh* so goy and rol al in temperament, he so wood and saline, ' but aweigh: log to mans world of tender awl romantic reser. mice far their:l2ll4P ho land. '!barely alter than toarnage: ft. wu borate oat in India, and Tore's regiment is ordered there. ! nee's trial hse now coma. - How her brat and faith are tried and not found wanting. Tete min out, and to her with his hon. natal by a nave ten, indelible will tog clear away, and ccadonned by the whole world, asap by Ids true =I &nth,' wink. Bet omen intim, tune wundrons china of tbe whale boot, Linnet to Ito an elabaster nee only ern to perfection when lighted up from arth- TOIL BALE BY HENRY MINER. can 79 1117TII BTEEST, B.xt door to Po.t Offles. 4TII OF JULY 811 ALL PIITEITED FLAGS. ESIGLIBH IIUNTIIO iL10.9 I'M OILY ?LAOS, SEWED ROBLIN PLICIS. ABUT PLAGLI ON STIGIUL macs wrraotrr SYlaffs. r 146.9 WIIOLMILE. /1,&03 =TAIL. Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, PITTOCK'S NEAPS DEST 3 rum BTSZET,OPPORTZ TSB POST 01/1101. lea NEWW - BOOM NEW BOOICI3I ' sin AND ?zooms or EMMA! eanooia tdosTaphy of Bobt ltalkau and . Tos. Dj - lot= Poirot. Price 111 CO. - • ILIML - ON IaTILIO2/F0 TIZTI3 ronadodon Anototoy of the part* tuvoltsd tho opprotloni•tho Undo and proper conotroofloo of Itutrudemta,lae. • 1 ToL Moo. , MCAT= 01311 soars. ITok 12mo. - 1:1111136 sorrramisa., By Lind. Patten. tar.. A lees cooly of the lotto:L.loa* loot r=4 - ! L.U RA VON:rib XTEW BOOKS—The • Tvoi r Commis: AA :dons ; th . citalcal anithiLlmisuica. 1 , 7 Errilh:Jemikhe, pries 40 tune; :The Vont of Clom. mow Prayer. as amended t 0,1861 At Illfutadn tder.Dhinai. edited by (bas; W. Meade,. D Acovoarblievl hided* -the Greet; n 4.41,51.74 Nineteen beentited park CO mar; HtacLaa . or eels _ „... DAnvo • a at,. 1012. W• VOW.” ---_,.._... ilitglit's Tkportool. 8... ...:..........:,............Lsegio cinu ne+ cr ra i zz.-47:—..—r------ t &°, nudes .8. Court 11/P i cea Tv01a....:. ..—II % llbr ago by key a ooirAnT, jai 68 Wood stmt. FOR sazzo-roli: FOR Atissauri A Matt or gtO earn of slextlint laud, mostly prat* • part f. Umber, tom-apes from lerrls, cam! miles trota therrattde la Le tTered mk. oA taToratle OM= Qtl94 for tatmal•g add grazing. Lead l a e r i ze d or tab am' stitmoading Wood .so water wapiti:Lt. Trte mm.lng. Weal. tte (alma A mtmate deldripeon as td lad appEcall mto S. S. BRIAN Brckaeand Iczuruaco Agent, f rum= ST., Daike's Calldlng PasILE,• 1.-varna g e Propetro Tba Cliel/031111.& StIlill&011; property, .near Largblinnown, in Werennorrland tarnty, corapria irgleBColcrts of land,. add, tango bane, mews gar's house, dwellings lbw hares, Iwo gn Laud oil. Wadding", la otrand ata MY LOW I le I FIE_ for a particular dewzigtlon °Ube cent V al,Cre Banks, Water Parer, Limrsiono, 4c , 4kply W I S. S. BR YAN Drolvz ininitiatco tigamt TOSTRTII Bair.' FQIt BALE—SUBURBO SITES ern VILLAGES LOTti, mate Pon• MixOrt.—Th• undersigned, lix•ontolvol the octet, of John Her ren. dm.`d,oflar for mils s noinbar q Lot., from toe. hal. to two atm each, aituatal noar Fort Erma, and within throe minutes walk of iho terrain= el the Pittaburgh 6 Idinerarill• The. above Lots nro beat:offal], lod•tod for private rildences. . 1 •Elso, • number of all Letts to the calve of 1111. amvillo, fronting on the Plias:llga Fatilway—ttorty to sixty feet front sad from one to tan/rondo:a (124, Qom /or leormitson ermafro of elthoi of tho tadr. rived, or W. A. mows Warr. Offlon. Court Hooso. • W'M. A DTZEON, JOHN D; HUMOR, R. 0. HTISSON, 7.J. EtMEON. riecotors. FOR SALE—The Country Feat of the lota eamuel Douglas. &awed, altuatod to Col lins i otrothlp..ona mho from the AllellborrY toiy, ...Wang sixteen acres, in IT high state of cultivation, befog sell amted with fruit trues, Throbbed, &0., rod partly underlal4 with coaL To puttee sooting brprolisd proportyjcomblolng mintage, of max scam, scenery, health and god neighborhood, the above affords a rare oppot hullo of =toning at onto to the enJointents of a rural home, I FM' bather parikulam luipairs ht the once of IIIoQIIEWAN DOUuLdS, No. 67 Penn 'treat. J. 02. 8.9 DOUGLAN. ! poR BALE.-1 nm authotized to sell J: helve.a two and three scree of land in Man chester, adjoining loads of indellek Gras. William &Imre and Mr. Updike, it also adjoin. Fort Mo. Km. There are • numbe r of apple std cherry Irmo cn the lot. In bearing condition. Thin lot would be •Ounbin for terdeninntnrpome, or would be dales hie (or a country maiden.. A street panne along one end, and a public road along the other end. lr not by the n DAY °PLT it sill be offered atsold public tale or, We that day, at IZ- 1 o'clock, on the preminen. Poo farther particular" call on the ettlexsiber, at the Post °Mos to Manchester. jetelawdasstelP . F O3 111.1X—ono. now Steam En&r, 15 Inch dilater, 10 Irch tdrok.e,- on heary Bon bed: balance rale* gorrrnor Omen inch cylineba-,30 Inch stake, retc..ableand, vett sill be se good es new, l• Onc e " 7 inch cylinder, Minch etrolet new. • , On " J5O 1501 Two linder Boaere, 83 in. tilLua4 10 beet Two Wrought Iron Oil IBM j 12 s Alio, Theca Seta of Barba Tocia, far BOLL Cheap lb; ash. Magnin of Gen Allegheny Bleu Bank, near the Paint. FOB BALE---877,01 BAW MILL AHD OLL llMPlNfiltY.—The onwhati ct whole dean Oil Bettor, aid thew:lBlw DIM, with teti sad onwhatt acres of.grcand; tut abnaddeso at, cc on the lot—inhoo op= and being work-ea, situate on the Allchbony Blear and A. V. 7/.. r" to °Com! for sale. Tltetto to not and or malen bald The Saw 21111 Ia In oyteadld ardor. and la wed ,t n• ilhad, having a cri.at ranidah tram It to the river. eland tocaltholor haddlag boat& • For parting= cad on tha addertried. LTDAY d 011011036111230 Ho. 69 . Band street. Pidottw- - ' Pe. VALUABLE RIVER PROPERTY • YOB Weer, abater thetrst Lock, barter a float* said rim af 827 feet, and to licarttock savet, &dialing the Conne d niteraLtroed, con taining f, wren end 77 perch* This; is cue edalry big location far manulhetartax p hating the firer to front and *tad etre* ad It the nor, and Eats Mil end builpiln-s there* erected. Tor tar=s, W do., apply to 21Y T 11527.19, on the praolem, or to CI. nOCLUITiTALiatt, Sw 118 Dismendetreet, Pittelreagh. • , mhltrtf • VOR SALE—A Gaimtry Feat and Fruit Atm; containing is acres, enclosed manieJ y attb paling farm l'ha lead is rick. and planted with the rerrenoinrat trait /roes, rill In bearing condi- Mon, with • dower and vegetable !garden. The building. are • neat cottage built hone, ee by 40 ft.: new atabia Large barn, well intend; altustal lire miles from the city, cam the old Wataington road, term Olokey's Church, This property. . worthy the Riedel attention of forth!. Rho en Mating s noun tri.l2tinne. • its parUculare appl l I tr t a co. FOR SALE—At Aladdin Oil Works 38 Cried* ratraliniza Tanks; In Wins rem, substantial Inalli of prime limtei tot brag In nso, and will contain some CIO tams' each. Application may be =Or at the italnert armatrons On. or Ins linos In Pittatarpb. BILIDIETO.2I, /011142111 N VaLlil4B. myna - SALIf,-20 Lain -in ;iitlegtteny :n:, OUT together haatog a ts:o4 an Faders Lane of shalt JEClfeet, and monies bac% 400 feet, being bte ntonbered hose 0 to 31 to John 011 area plan of tote, being the gn,wly wham Ms Ford now Urea, The late will ta gold squaw" or to a body. Far teems do., apply to wgibtf J. W.V. WHITS, 'loe Ptah imam paa BALE OR -14 2WiIANGE YOB A: CITY VEOPMITY.—That Waal DWELL witb gmmods attactuld, on Camera .area for.. molly occupied by Chrbstlaa Ihroun, lat. cf F-rat Birmingham. Stabling and .oetbraldings b the max of Um Dwalling Bran. litliD. ratEhil In* Fourth area. Plitsbomh- LOH SALEr—A Lot of eiroct.t4, u Me_ comer olSorMa mid Harmony etcoets,ln the Borough of Btnot2stoul.Al = coa ou tumor re Van Oruro turd Lorust rorrota, hth ward. Ter imay non nib inalwtabln. OB /LOYD, spOrtOoreaa Bm and rourth Oman. I F OB CIALIS .111S,NT.-41, 52 A•a. good lardl.lla WllkSas tomehtp, Mgr: lag lar.d of Agar Porohnuad, and wittin aiton dtc. tcoce of Ma Priamilvants Terra rsooonntla. _ I WU. "MAD, Tint door front Tlftb. co' Grant arroL • tAldi—ENtilNE .Aso.tAILLE.R. I: -4 ton horse pow& Xmairm,;, with llotlar , ka blay h 'wan to op-rat:on by calling, at Tyr Pditiac tatam • , nns net, :a (01.1 i) ItUUTIS on' the tyrosisti GArriTr.: For Portiere puttee elno.lll/ at We oake betsten lb° "bone, of two and Are o'clock p. 4 177:1:-.' CLArlat 40E.irrs. WOUNDED SOLDIERS. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, man' acizziv, Fourth ' skeet, PltteDurght are prepared to Final tbo 8100 Bounty due Wotuidel. Soldiers; inumniuLT WOUNDED SOLDIERS, !no° BourrY . TO ALL WM:WM 80LDL688, it c paid 7 Atli irith ••Diallsarge... No dam made =UL U. mom a eal/Actea. ' T, WAM. DAY. • Lketaed U. 8. Gkryernmauf, Third door belx;a4thsdraLsim4.ll:7ll7lB 0.0. mactscr.A.— A. mums AA ACIZRRLTA &JOHNSON, I . 7l l:ntxxvs-AT-LAvv, And U. IL Idamided sopinins , cada ABET* Es:A (;; , iszm errmv, Prrissazall:•Ps: MILITARY, CLAIMS," BOIRVITEEC, PUISSIONS; HAtIR 'PAZ and ELLLSTART SILAIIIB. of every dismObtloa, collected by i fnb licribta; it the lbHaving rake, Hs: l'andopa $11) toy • all other clitseifd 80. (LTAYLCIZI e A3.L7 St TAWS B. Gnat nine, nnabscria, PR.. - it. D. Ed ' clutroon e , an ambit tbto claim dos nct notated. sad all lialtenation than trill. noltl.l N 1:162 . , ATTOIIIIIIT4T-LAW. ru;SLES U 4114— Plttatargty . ~. . • - chew un- nastorta,'DurTraist/log. B" Driga6 ". ,! 30 Y:t 1 T4 - ?. Ti, zsgoas Alp An n* 9 01PAY,- rnsottratiaalidurty_ I 'Annaiissia =ism. 11•30ted irTNDILS /tire Kota ; PULatlllat. pa VOLUME , - LXXVII---NO. 180 lEaLtro.st. JSUHIfi.Ott. WAIKELEST., lc BABB, - • . . . No, 12, BISSELL'S BLOCK, BT. mem ot 77 77 ... Bole Agents. fir ,labrated BRADBURY, aad BcHOßAttiliito.ll . 3P. DoT 4tP z rr quire leas toning, than Loy oller Plar.os loonnfactnrel in the o .. ciantry. 'S. D. & IL W. SMITH'S Harmoniums and Melodeons, dud Eaten: Cas hll7slC.hth Plitea. GOOD 3 hencrallb St the losaart PLL2I'O3 Ta - I.IOC. Tuning and Itersletng dons at short notice. • • • - wrEheettta#o pound Si .o stjic: SECOND=HAND MELODEV".C. AE OCTAVE ROSEWOOD Prato . irrms EIE LODEOI2y double reed, two naps; :sae by Ma&le & Damns. A oplentla biltrtlalertt, sadist Aryl rue order. Would =Ter well fey s teeth Cturch yr Eabbe4hEeboel. ' . bN:3B SALE CEIECAP KNABE'S ITNRIVALIAD hK T I KBE, BEYOND A EOM, THE BEST PIANOS MADE: 8o(d by O.II6IILOTTZ 331iLlIE, 13 Filth gt ;,ia Solo Agent for Pitbbsiott fariVresf. Pa. N. SIEDLE, No. 183 Extrziymo Er. • Pianos and Musical Instkantents, acne constantly on Baal a Ana aswitment ct lILW PIAZOI3, VIOLP,I3, emu, .icacamr 0N.% 13TIFIGI1, ',blob ha ',Ell Doll for low artare. .14.4.10twa $3O .$35, $4O, $75, $BO, $125, $l3O, $135,.5168, sno,tiso, $215 2 PIANOS 'AT ABOVE :Psicxe rc. Webs MIAS, Cs WS(. B. BOSS THE BEST PLINOS I HOFFMANN, HOENE S. co Ho. W YT n= smx=r, Are tbst nomad for DZOICEira 4 711MBILLTED PL&NO9orbich b 7 tho boat maalcbuof aro be low:Th.lod tobof obperfar to all yap% ertoytlono. - . IXB undrirce. caeurra 1829: FRANKLIN FM maga COMPANY PHILADE.LPIiIA. amt. nu:tarry 1.1244, VASTAii 85. Acernod terghta—.... Inverted E'rlunlz=,— Ilarettbel Income f0r.1864 LOU Pat- Id'boo 1829-.. Parpc tul !ad . Tom; Inarlm N. Baneker, Tabs Wagner, Bamakl Grant. Jean B. Erelth, 'Gen. W. Hlenard4 MUM= a: EDWARD .TAB. W. 1145.LL1M8 INSURANut, FIRE AND INLAND histinutee Co. of North Ann' ries. rHIVADZLPIIII, Hartford Era Insurance Company. =MEM /I:lrPratertian can be sem:crud la the *tots nanno.4 d and reliable coapardni. W. P. JONES,*liiti, faLdly BagaUr. HatkitniO, WESTERN 'INSURANCE COM:PA. T sYOrrirlsnvsau, _ stow Jr ., • a. IL CkIXDOIL Sterstom OZ., No. 52 West.. stood, Brzog Was. h°M2..."./irrlfirtej ,:rifottso i&b Hoye latatti y*.syaineyed by Ikrrecri iris are urn Snows is a. “eniangr, cod tea cry tteor. =AA btojtototOdost Aosdt buraup,... nadas a. cloxrootor war; Ago atossoof. so oferino Lis boss proteetou to asso sub dant* tro hootsi, =ars=t • , mime Andrev Ackley, Almada epteri Lang, Ben J .11soto Benj. - P. Baker% John B. 21"auta., U. =la, Jr., James licStlay, Han= Cita'Se Deeds, - Gumbos! R. Eternal, 0. llkketson, nrIIZEN'S DiSIINANCE COMPANY A.." OP PITTSI3I 7 / 3 011:.0fOcr, canasrPlitist sad Wafer st-oets, socusdloon - "- WEi.Bd9AL9L, PloeSts ' Inatres Steamboats and Rams modaselca and dask,e rne asowfoo of the Bombers sad Western glrars.: Liars end Bayou% end the nsrlgallon et the dese.- • Insures !gained 100 sad dazass, trf ITif • .. • wrOta it 0? Wm. WJohtzta, D. t. Jonai Ma. T. Ila Bud* rcnret. , Prestact. C6wge Bingbam, PEOPLES INSURANVZ OJAIP4NY, Office, N. a corner Wood it Sta. FIRE AND 21Ailia INSURASCX ... . • Win. PhIII4a , Jams: li,inniso ' John Watt, - '-' . . , Ckmt. John l. 1 ' 1.484 . Wm. - 11 . 111 916 . . . Emnnol P lot*, mr . John E. Parke, - Comp Pi . Monies a,EhonZI, . ,- O. Women Imo, Wm. TanE.Mt, - Can .nottoti4 PIIILISILimarst..-. , .WEL P. 0/431D • All i lorrnm7:-. - ' -:: ALM, A LLEGIIENY .INBI/13,LN08 rear: or rrxraurvist. 7 Dt#i rd M it ac . VITA stud. Mak Mock. . scant. kinds at Pim anami , tuto lIUk Lade° JONES, Praded; ' • ' • JO/04 D. arcoaD, D. N. 110074 • - 2r MGM GaiiriljAgeg. PTIFSICLILAY'S. -Oft: DR. J. 'R. SPEER' • 1 , 90 Pui.a.atrogrt, Pittatranks. • . • . 2 .I=l . 9a. tuamilt t 0,3 posi;=. - • •Diretring s No. IS*MIZELI.I. - 6111=2.1.1t elq-, Coos oat tell be attended to otlg, 12 - -Ogee** dally .." ' - od p DEL F. BEST, -' :GIMP= and Acdo l 44 6 74 r, Ito. Hi enrrancip 21 doci,heuv vr4a. DEJrTISTItr. J „ OSs ' kJ- ADAMS Dontaiti-Cciiinellys Bra Ming. conter of Diriasndazd Great atrota, Plttabmib. Rifersca—Dr. A.llt. PrZerl, Dr. E4l. at Theodore Bobb.fts. Btsel terste. CHAS. C. MET Sl wootisraszt. oiAzgos. ErrnErr. I=Mll ' 1400,000 e n, 8,416 301:1,CO3 ..rai7 P rs O = Wao . ral teasui. ancio : I /4" • . Edward O. Dale, Geo: Tales, • Altrod Sitier, • -- Prwo'W. Low% M. D. DlLL stat E, P PrwriEr., Preol dead. dcd, aw • Poc. Pm. Erma: :Q. COPPLif_ , Aunt, • cod sad Third otroola. _.r..:n;aaoooo. Water stied, IMT!tIMRI 'J3L .. ain Shipton. .f.- Jhroso on. & Thabst Jobs& Dn6rat; Z01uak1163214 , Capt.; Addm ;Tad% audit% WAt.. CNA' Led; R. Lair:Orrin Eat. It Dads. - mama* . u, ri: ENEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers