•i • , , , • . , . 1 . ' • . • ~, . .___ , .... . • i .... . ~- • _ ... . . . 1 .. ... . , . . -,...,--...-- .- • ..•-••-•-•-•-•.;---i—: . 7 - 7. - - '_ - .. f" -- f- -- : •'` . . --------- • --'. - ,-- .. -.: ' . i ''; . • - - ...- ' 4' . , . i .-: 1- ... '-.1-, --:• , : t. , s . . . ViUsbmit Oaat, TIMDAY MOR114i0::11M15,p,11. iOiiIAL AD !IN!INIIIAIk PITT9BLjBtiU *UKETS • • 15T°744,e1;64"14"tig Mo=lolo4°4 " • •,-", 3 = 020 . 136 1. a ern she. with Spied lead &sued de matt rules Ana and Pdom ai weil, mtatutd. We tote =ell Waitron gat hatolest.tmoszlied $1.6 5 a 1 -, 7 0 for Intl& 0011.11—ligidet Andrea's' but themaitet, nebtriliales, ie em and yrovioniziotationsatufall.T ftlyYtert o d- Its tecliStZ a:mill:me light widths op. ey, JittbOggh fiar lite meaeub demand, is ;-.oltZttailathottbna with inual Wee fitirietore at 10 to elk. gram drat hands, quotation! mei be fairly glue atithEft • 13SOON—le Ito with s fair 'demand and plow am firm but urchatiged. it ode one Ude of themkl en—te go out or the market—fres reported at 13,1 A tildes mar be quoted at 11.14% tar Bibbed cad 1$ ale far Clear dm 171073 g tor ruin Munn Itri 2 Mtn anger Oare4 =Mob= for Cannata . ' LAUD—Threls madderable Inquiry tor prime city rendered Lard, sue we note azalea( 25 ;a st 15%; alsoonnall oda at 15y015. eonntry Lard is PLOtift—layrime with et felt lood detnand, bet the treasectlas &reeking entirely of doodad, aurae tar. We note mho to the autwit of NXlbbla et 1111, =25, for. ping and winter wheat brands By. Slouch; Uhl drWs VAC:l 5 Oer 111. 411400511182--Suger is can with • fur Jobbleg demand,and we nom Wee of Cabe, at lealt, ass New lithium at 1242.1 Coffee le dull and In en the notaisal (notations it 4.43 i to 45%. /dolmas arm.( ' giAttai,t2 to New Orleata-woula holders asking 51 13 1 1 5. XTTE—Parlad butter Is In good demand and sells reselln at 21621. 801 l butter la tin 7 doll end PIMA be !motel storeb2o. Illefei—lieet wither/tidy diunand and the Mpg, I R. We not* asks steah2l. par amen. MESS PIIN.-43 held dimly at prmiolui quota tions-4= Morels some inquiry ea eastern an. comm. but the Load dennandle fay light. • POT sItSS-41eady with fair demand, and we ee - note W 11 1 1 ,2 0. 13,50, SI 75 and 55.00 per bbi— the tater enure for yelaw , •Peath Ekes '^ 111`1—.1* less *env. and prima WS saliadel Jaya. conisales Item'teaks at $3O to Mira. no DOSE Si. raw, r—x, dull arid neg though IMRE Weekly Reilly of .the New York Pe -1 • :Arent= !dirket: I..o.4r#P)Cleet..•ffsli 415 r perste: •••• , - llser.:Telic,lgne 18i • 1 6.0:00,61ammt !mite& lial been etarecterired by end hi:aying , dude theoaUia erect, end 'hive !to note - a farther lerge whines: Prime im:1941-644 ermidey.' The &Mimi tee - been very setive—bnt glared tar apectdation —and the greet bulk of the Wu hare crulsted of cant:nets for future dellrem--whtiht have Uld ortr , and our again and each tine it a ,hlgitar Prim has grout =ore I¢tean With our, coding dey—and grata • large Deanne irribartl t0:433-44.:mulia thing for 13atbnirMat .... - highliptinst than have beisie bun pill. cbam are: ..fuln l f. ° , "" :l— th° rebnir . dal= I, " =Wraiths; Minnomuidegree attention, and bnybag odds and eads : which they pir.kep geeeraby as - Milder4thernanaf pr--very lace expeled , at the.prending tricee-r - that Piet war 4 Wing lxeci AVU.g. WM. rowan of ends comprise about _ 151.0c0 8443 .to ttio Cl the rpot—trat oi we inn OW hide for fame delivery it to -L . I. r Jot ind - bugart—clealeg bap ent and Arnt s t . !or ed theieleeirmiCerttler ty-• about gum bids at 45 ton on the SPf -.• 'Which about 10.000 tar Ware delivery „nt very lere , -,- Viler prime- Tperaleetaday warm% oath., spet,titarlals zad7s tor - ,In uneedirwoe eace i wwe ant rwe Vex' b abotu t b 13 3 1 VAL elf i i. t t e .o it t: cfdi awing. isn Urns* of nine e Tian= rl ' • nadey rrers'atTreilil am the vildi. Bo cl - tr=yend 02t93% for Acco st - . i i!7§ A bout 1.. 0901111 ou graistyir,......a, dm 33 toss—com 4 Awns' le palsied 1 414. 0 11 t Ft= • Pittsburgh Petreie!am. ;11eFket., Sore 4There wu Winn mono:inquiry fof Cm& todayt and, with light receipt. ind `a earl 11:61.11p1pplY 00=4* ruled drin =lan adritca of iliOns I to Vs:dive pilau was eirtibilehri. .Ttier yrritt , MO bids, in . tenki.st /Se! Dide—bblaufeaDi4i 44 ind 3E6 and 325.446:: itulitidirhoteng tridat eaditc. tfissiank'oft,: due retinufl,in, waa benghten mubiatiin:jcit iaboat one year ego, at 25 cis, we. believe, eud, baraDeld bire ern. eines wall Oglay,witen fierce old at handrewritt Utile bolder] :seitOaeuttoe. • but s mi a±.l4fla ari4bia. iu 12.44 if togs eierstiena, tent, ire , 104111711111•0 0 = clue ,D. Ind --1611.111 c f thus fir di 4 ; nut maattn iStecied, in Use iternsnief :tam maybe tucla M. 1% is an . iboor4f:arel Mein far atay. - a... ..tyre.;. Tree arm arid idea* city brinde ire *: ,, bdd on the mot. : Woof 1100 tater- salserr •: . ..briads on the spot, it , !bare is acdDlng whatever ''. ° in lianthe or ilealdnium, and there boo by the ...Alitg : harm rink dmizi the :'''fotirelght 'hours team thla avanteg, -era 4.1 . ItilllVLafterty Lindsey .• 33 . . . =MEE • ,ibtatriamber of . - lieriv York P - etro'tam liarket. . . - •. NpicLl Dl p►kh to the Pittitedrgh Gaiettr Err Viz, lan iD-Cnide it rata, Witb • Le , :? • : d ktit usxbiage; gala at 47 antis via aodbl Augai llso nano:rats character of . 1 .1 • " • 1 PSI; ninnies adskes hod a . &Trento% el net oniha ". ' ' market for Retina Lo bond, and plias Wen Ostia ': - Sil; saki it tun; on the, spa, ea 76 for nova ddllnis;ni Elie's; *Olen. Tan is a nocdssaii dv • • mind tor, Tres Oil, bat Frees are s as& loser ; •• L Zino is Tisintion snip spot. and 000 n, Ps Anon. ;;.• . • • 'Thins is ; nothing doto% in Navin sa prices as __l ~;.•.; .., : ' :"'NOW YOrk Mondry and Stott li lila.. .. . ..- .. ', ... ipechl I:Zeal to Um Flttabaib Claratts , , • . . Nay. T . ions W-ibo zdoady inszkot °mita-. :'... 'J ant/01611pr ant. ,Gold. is wear. towns ea , ~. manotto t ida: Sacks ~.over Cbmdsad & .Pltts. blush. 11.1312.115%;Eltubarib & Toll WaysaTirrts. ill: Om *rat Certlicates, 10.15 . . Yin Tanga 106; ... , tr. EL 151":3831,6Mp01i5, ID3, Eriliderld,llN. .• ---...------- .:. , - - - oitgll Dry _Goods illarket. .. :ins: li-nio aselhamec la tho roarkst for cotton '.....;.-* , pods tti Men en forthrr .tateadlled by Ito midi • upward isap of to. nor Material dating the put ' - • ma: .std st Oa clots It mil to add to named to a , " • - yrs act Mono • Patidamilsa, oboes shlrts us the vase 1 Tsar Is ramaanyi alarms& 4 thsciromml .-- Of bevy Yrelbldiridneedt4 an aboyfildalcoadLtion - .C 4 tits sad styli of slothlai; to tau always bona • •-- . '.., r• - . tanglioc,f4aballorra Mat matim sad drill:ration w - • forms, End !nap hombre locostlev 00-• . , • to arm or dry mxels to as ..he. dm mat. '''' -- ' • - •' ' '4"-ter, 'Me torsos?, estrtdoMs ',mailman:, tors to .- • •-...• -' - • .., •r• - ..nolikddin, and L ta. tars to Ms tasantman day :•, :. % -' ''. ! scent. slam Ma totieldet tread tons atuartats co.ohs drradtul truth done* emnandsoMmi 3 . • _ --bra rood ody 4 VIM gamy co netters • resengin. - -7 *- 1" .:-; "" - - Ellis sod rsans May to hid In mandansh solitlY .. , - • ~ comyrottreel y Con Wm. lot nobrat t o r ten bdt ja 1. 1 . %1 „ tbild‘ I* vd TgOeicta . 4. af k - 1..4 - samosa. all-cato. Praia t. danib It br iluvidMrs In . ernes bad II:ben:do with mg, 4 . ,- - . ' -In raid Alm mina for miens tsarina TO - ._ - pa* so Ours Moo monad. T ri ms an .o sa ,-.-' ',• ',1,1..:.',• ; s '• '.••• '... 0 1,44 tual "ad mots* that It la hayoughle a• ,!..' , ....:111.. - 4.'ii: :gel. , 'ldea sr* allablonnot for an boar. 41 l::.7 . t . f . ; hayarl Ical Polo= In smais pods at almeat • ' calm s& akm to name • Siam ••••••'.;'-',47so7Alisoltsurso' "aphis i trlttdo tosseashls ss • '-A , A.:Vogt" nor nothMtbsa to repass. - their storks Id • ...: ' ,'.. ": yr 4dtbdr blyivlladd , • Wel/Jobbers and 1 saat fromto "'""' ho s tlrtut i == Lugm " .lf.:= . ._: . • ....., tan 15it' L. .,..th5 .... 1 a n= ;:i b l , : tu tsi:.Me a tl , ..... 7 l y.rz! - :- . Lm, oda gm lattn pursommtly tarom /Mars shoZ, - 1 - •.' ' .• mon fa a day, am pt as mhos. Modal It ammo • " cdbls to hay np thole : ..•' !. ....• . v- m a n n ly :ally d ross m a myl'sth aorf. n m e a ilte.aal4' , 11.1 .- . chemdowedyownal*py a ouch It s , a id to irtasi. beery atmillog sad ablribbbi Mme ..-• . 11 ad lodic • aloes oat tat, and naadasis won al Oa, net cub; olltormader 1.11 pro past Ids Sad . - • se ybefixdby ws• • bandy; mad bdebbo oblinay - rctobed.d, cm Moot ils7 mi lers, bid Sid.. P , ...I Wm* • , tbbor Flaw Witt "byre of lms mamma task ! - - - . - ' ii amy eMsgr Cho atm' o o MVO say omo sag, ,oil ! - - hg. en raps.'" 'Whined ;Ws' am seamed Y trona ' lsr to, - tar jobbtay &rads, and royally tawini Ma &pats Intar no Illsd plias tor red •til.r, tot Web plat clogtollsams at Ma for 1 xbolos Imolai - secant M pay.* limp adrands upon mar latoly MN • ' • its t. Teo mid {`for Icii imam • ovingilitillhasspy :IdT:EVlZlithbe.ati°l* - Is& alrilloVii onsibilly id room crr bow lotmorracro II IS pdpa.. Cotioa. imp I : i • - -. and stia.ei , ..r • is c•sof &swig, lid Um bettor 1 • - is -.' . 77 ''. 7'l: ... mitsc Mai tudindnem. Ms . ; olso hitcher; l3. tints obis ..' ' " -: ' ' ' . ‘ .; " babry bouldv, closable,. acosklas oat flamed, MI . 11 .' --, - ' ' •' ' tars a Clara byroad Unodolicy..--0.1 1 , /babas . . Ss9 and Coco Craps to lllehlg.n , if: '''',.,....; -: '''. .•- , . -.. [TresattraDgroil Pros Pam.] -- ' e •„ A .._.., . -...-, . .... .. ... - as pats et0r1..41; I Dererlillarptiberstkir ter=srt mbar. an •Tersde, =opt bilaithe dolmas,' tined ".' •••• . : I . •'. ..-:', "- 17 the" Were Maur: - 97 bin to alOll dal In . :' • s- '`.'s ..- '''.... ' . ' r " "- .• . many leCilliltil the darahas bsen mricoskr MI em& , .... *. .„ .e. ; . . „. ._., ..,._ ..b.„..ip1." Luxor., hat tha Mari mhos la- too early , .. • ~.. ..-., '' ...., ~ 1. ...,,,;_z_ . -.•- . lama Ma mossia MVO= al th solemn: liberal t 0 111 Mc am a pod rdbp. , ' - 2 --' -;.' ' .- • ":4:V.bil: q u Own; . r op of lb*, bdardil irlUsyrobstay e. rob • : .. :. ' .-.-; ~ • - Oda sitneasv tat AY from IllinOPOltons. In 110 a ' teatl&4l2lo.l. sad to ma bad tn . ••• • ' t :.•,..'• '• !- ''' ‘."-,• ';caps or roan to , t ?brio'., and Id* =by russMl * • , _,., +.0.1,. cf.., straw. tosathar 0110 Ma eurrartathon • a f g - 7 - - 031p1117 Molitor w Ins-srst, the todtimils dans 1100 ."... .i,'-'-, -: . - :' .-...., .• ', too ToM t s . y: . n lows m ou ti r si nl t i la n a tolo r m g.., IVA tzt: . : • - ' - J ' ' . %lar:Pat it s faren f emeny aoriop M i i n ab ut tat li ara lobOr 1t Mlinli , .. '...1/-• 1 ....._,. ,' - r , rkt - i std L e ib 2:60. off 1 010 0 sari paßrlt tbik p.• ... ---:- • -- . loba pa ado prism 1 . ~' • - .c- - -,F• ~ .-. . 1• • . 1;1;,.- . . • -•-- ' ':- - s'aar of hot mu Inds. sslaintothhilitl i...,.....z.:-.... , ISMS ram madayny pxrly ag • pasnd Vdoglli . ,. ' i 7. , i ', '' ' '' .l • :.l . ' .-laiiiir.v.=.l..o.. w. =rtrai ,--,L, , , , ..... _ ,- :-. : trolaustr -*toot ma. anal. ngir 7 ,43 / 2 4 5 eh. I ~,. ' '7' - ' - ''''.Z.•,..„ . ' :„, , ...01,11.dttrab.1,112.t„,,..t .•!,?s,i.,,,=.3.,itiaini. . . - . ......, , ---,...,„ tin , attar portion" o — l .... inraorry, Jamadllo i. ~.... ---,.....----.... .n•gros Me; t 7 sceePlantinilPnasssit. • ..... .. , =ME ..717'. A EEGS '' . Mir York Wool Market. ' .-.. Imre 111.-"thio, activity In 0051 tie noted at this dots-or our Wt- lea continued, though busirmse an d inniewkst noel:kw - by nee paucity of supply. end asagnizions of holden: The trade in mann Is beginning lobe diverted to woolen; '(whiclizei relesonchcheepeirtes a consequence cdthe alargintrUinliill itiptica of the raw Eater isi of - , the Omer, .: enel :insnefactozen 01'1,001 ere etbilently becoming - mire iusztom (0 some • supply eatitatent "thAtherintetthern against say pondblis Menthnstai tilimsch tile so the new ellp shill be artilibil. home the act:Ditty this week and grade -1 ellibudening apices. Shen Is elm tom ntry IteSereign.butthe impaired , mnrillinimiess of bolds , 1110-Inbet bairns - at - Ist* places, Mite tninenctithe to Went, The Weis el western dealers appear to bes good doal olwritrd; tiro as k ing prima to some MOM betel gottersill from: b; to it ? cent OM ' them carrent j . itts un-' Pederr th ese cironmstome, Os. accessiems to GOMM in the mahout markets ens not likely he mulluss far sometime at yam. nal otarigni lost burn 250,00015 e at nor% - toils; sago no ourk4illl ith bales Oslifornte on Firito WWI LOY) a -en** MOXins WA__ _ .: al Atticsii, VD bats lissacilis. Put mom: 40.030 its low Vrontnn, =PAD bobs do . PM do'bn washed ibeth'fislcatcl4-400 do linthirs,ll l 3 do Bents thus Island; Mid 25'do Ithsztan, on terns" not Om* Wi34,....137 - audio:4lolmb' O&M dx*led• i r . omit 10 1 11cdtzedo, D.S}c4casb. ... , ... • , Batton Flat Market. 1 1 '' Jun 18.-The rrecelpte of row Cisillsh lume Wen coneklauble of Leek bat th e market roman" stonily lit pervious rate. walk arr.p.pth. soar tar=se.tV4o4.sAnike,g. 6; 8 a 'a VA packed, ,ut Glasimeter.: WO Ole Georges obi et ne,1114th„.91.r Delos of Mato et $30,25; now Haddock glk .. '244bo;'Pellock Wit itti- . • - Ilecketed an ml dam. , with irdir lanced stools of old, end the Malta at empathizing with the high prices of piekled moats. Scum of the southern fleet an bee:lnning to - mien it Oka:muter with good farm Near Hairs era sellizg then st IID stOper bbl, end bens 0x58.8,20 fa medium. and S ID n 10,23 for tags. In old, awls of Po. I enil7Do; No. 2 ImPID,EO.I4 and medium at bat. Atomlites are warm et git il bbl... Pickled Herring en selling at IP,bose.so for canton end , Labrador. • Cleveland. 111100 -June 18. Irlour—Firm and inadarately actin,. Sales 305 bbla XX rad at 18000 bblx cbotco do at 95.35; 100 bbbfalrdo at 17,75;75 Dbl. extra at 8.10. Wheat—Lcaa active but Ann anacocchanyd. Balls 900 bra red tree on beard at $1,0k3 car on track at 91,50; I cardo at 11,6171 az vtdin on track at 51,93. Lemn , -Dalland eacclttal at 51:2111,35 from dam • ''Oati-1311a I ear on track tan% .Pork--llrin and Wady at ill torheary Mos, 950 larltget do. de di nt Olarice: L.— t Ann and quiet at 160 for city ren envl/anal ImP°lll/ britAU`ne. Promos= FT WITIIII4I,IIa BEL lona 20— ' DriMano cm ruow, Isaiah Dinkel A no; 790 212 s Pad, B A Tamestack At son; 3 cam Amber, L lauighsM; 9 do Meal,B O LoOnitr; 2 dodo, Geo S Brian!. & ea; 124 oil bbla, fisher A Bra; Harm stares, ass Wu; 36000 Ere bricks, LIM d, TWA. 1! cm 2 can Srsday„ SW, Glover Arm; 513 0011 cabal! oil. 160 on bbli. John A Caustic,: bets *imps, E , bakkalelos, Wm Ylacens; 1 tor mares, 1. 7 dal 11; Obatparang; 103 bias Sow; 91e , Eeow -binksrA - 1110 do de, Crap A fibsphard; 1 0 . d stubs. irastebeasdi; eta, RDalotll & co, 7 do d 0.13 Sant Ado; 13 dodo, WUllllpatrl.k A, to; 14 do do, B Bobb.abli to; 10 to do, tbriin2 & Lamar,l2 do tchoznakez k Lang; 2 Mir Cm' John li1oyd;111 sin rips, Godfrey d Clark; Isbx. soap; B L. Palms. stock • cm 0 do - do, 10 Itesslaten, 10 dodo, Hamer & :pro; 10dos. *MM. Wibison A co. ) Caizusi. asp ,Preessalau 11•11201 D, Joss ;IC -100 la starclPX Jack - A co; 60 lb do, Schmaker tact% !Ws iron, Hailman, Bohm & co; 40 tdds rind; 111110 ,11 & co; SO do do, Batelrell, Paw A to; 3 Pkgs.:lsh; Potter, Aiken • co; 21 do do. Breen a McCoy; Ibis tobseco,Lidle A Trimble; 15 bus starchi - 13 L labnestock a m; 60 do do, Z Ilcasletazo ' 25 do do; W 11 Kirkpatrick; 10 dodo, B. E Setkrs; bblirtallatird; .1 Daub; 15 bal ebene, B W Rankin; Opts,' fan:Dore, B A Balser, 100 bbli dour, Bart man & Bra; 151 alts corn, T (3.1•113 & co; 1.6 0 1 .41 9 rya, TM* IlcorMICO do A:4Tbm Bell; pkbi produce nes Kell; 106 ski corn . John bilustudl; 4 du! raps: Godfrey A clack; a bbl. Am seed, L IrPoisht; 4 rolls knew, .11mcos, & cmll do do, Seibert, Zeller. Imo A co; 40161 s• tinir,-311cSeMen lanbart, pkgs p JD Reynolds; 20 bbla *Maki, D : Wsllwe,l car earn; D kl Conmw; 1 dodo. Denim:ton & co; 3 . I kgo' prawns: 11 Biddle; IX tom theme, 1 bbl ens, h AiliWc•l4 7 . Expires, Am. .01-10 cks riv.ti, W - PTonatsind ; bids Door, P Pelalseins;33 its !rhea. sTKopiudi Bros cionlamber, Phelps,Park & .1 car, aisles. „Gregg' Alersnaen 139 .13 oats: 1311p63A001.,S Sao.; 459 its wheat. Bala A Angel; SO w 42 bip flax seed, Xl3 :O A S blds Bw Bradle2. James &nano*. TE Op nJa. TSuydam; co; 4 bap bolWand ego, SAW ea A to. iMPOrB B 18 2 EU, vdr• • ZHlLliinnidre-Ills: G lusts isnam-21 rolls of tenths, tibia mdza;l3 bbla gigs, 12 kg. tddrar,ll 611 sad lack d.bpplat, 32211 sad 13 dm dim mad.. 200 2210 door, t bbl WWI.. 7 in boil . 8 .2 7 . 281 R" 8 badl CUrbits co; 2 robs, 7 obis ea., 1 bob butter. 4 bb'sdaxasod. 6 do 47. •Pples, Yam. .AsmorooniOlitka feed.•Vositley SO% 78 rolls leadher, Itartlay Zabox2:ll..g.d bo 4 m B Gedsbobps7 °EMU, W P Wooldridge; 2211 tit.. Xmas di 001E23 oil bbla, A Lauldidattkabbl eggs, Groff, Noma ordlC.-dcs broom.; Atwell, Los it etil6.k. shelled toto.l2Bm 71eU dm; 43 sb corn, prridoci EeW earth., 7 ljams. • PABILEBI3)3I3IaIPhOIUtT. — Th Ana Min= ZETBOW.A. 43apt. John tam ,Pittihtith,thr emzy lIONDLY.. WIUMLSDA •101 WAT,. making -dam ma, melons with tha intahai mat Parlv - k • • eta Itaturnhm. lama Wbsellag em 7 DAT,Tatißmay, gsd,OATURDAT. PommgaM ma freight recelptattamea nrkoll'unr. . Nor 01.101.4 pisep_a am baud or . , . , US. 00=53 d. CO., Oallharf Baskat th• tat atWoot dna. a WILMS VOIMBEELINA_NLABSET ; b 4 , , TIL LANaM.LIL—The =r ui rlawsit swim °smug. mss, IWO Vittatomils 4mmy TII72DLY, s 4 m, 4.5 48800438~7 _rIIIDAT, el o'clock mom-1 . 44 enr disaisr Cosi. us,. PUSIbEre, PLTUBDAT, as 4 p. m„ 4.48 Za848418 miry PAT, it 8 s'clock ►m. Vol thighlos pomp apply cm booed et 48. i. D.MOLLINGWOOTAUZ j. a a. imam li4ZArk, 01114 BLl'Mdlll4li TAP. • CIRIMPTON & Ot) SEM Ltairty 8010 Proprintofi an& Es=lleums for Wooten Ps:MtToni* Ohio, hifacto, illtoob gild Mom% fossoofociaron M o superior ostiols of Gamin. Olive and Rolla 8 osp, Lad "Wow wouarr AND may cm. .• - _ Otata IFILVZB MAXI: BOAZ, which,. us tank.: I dentially nrecennand es bettor ha gamma s . Man aoy other bct,re the patio, Monti be borne ia sublt. 'ha. rank. Potas h, Ihlt. Lion, et llesta,er set other • =loan= in its nianaLeteurs ebb ten shrinkage Ware Oa mean tabtka Thimble , sad Wakes ono be weaned 0110 tin, rapidity_ ot OM= or Linea Moths waded arida ttis 817,11/11 . YEASI. SOAP doaa require telling or' belf ths rithkrake whiek 'of mane mates the met end hr. • ELVER . PEPLL 130.6.1' . . liesstaas 13nosa, ' Tart, Tolite;; rA.tniv bk, emolie, and the want }ltlite Wear Maine WI. ty spelylnstt etth a zooid Dram time I makvitAg W iz4ol/1, Guying lleiniltana tram mai and slap. It Impart. se a:Wawa) khaes Jewelry,Oleiaaratth faannaed ated pawn Lail= y and tar ideisalutaarbte mat that filo It tam no NW. the stid_parita Wartytta thaxpootalk,thaliflLMS.P 80,tk le • paled loxx si=ri s t u Lu ta*. trtrd g etoier ri Vitlie selailf".2lllaCtakeutiatti a Xt. ' : abo at ha/rutted la "Etat &Kt. gad rtnl • ow will refuel the prima the sunk attcht it aeocootheie what we stabil Ittrike oar sre. ass mai MTS. tNinigt, to 64 tame, 6011111 , 4 04 one. caw, or (a 44. ' EinalArt.a - Miter IlliftbActi Idbalohae,ol' deans; Directional forte* OD 1119111 1 11 W," &mans to Ma trada. • •_ f. a': • .T.l e •i• • Sterchents trona abroad latin *Vat ocraursott • at.. oak tat sesitiotatik wpm die riounutresda 2.idrutmeacetDegot. gar 13eerate of ail Whitlow; Mai_ 066:104 om 13116.11112WASILTZ6PLEL Mg& 1 —.ea mania tallatift* 0097,4" (111008R1Ed,r,...-Qi . • - Ur =tau. v. sviain.trig ibi ertzet - 10014,11. WY: 0111 tirapgi wpm.. AO. do cimee. P0•'4,1 a Cbtbillate7; 450 tap good to ic4 Rio Gag 450 ILL cuter -IL ,D. /,Imp. it CW001171114 '. • do do 4spat Tay ' 103 bbld..== tut -- lea Ma Lk, Es dog sad W 1041110; I,t 00 bb la. dod Bt. bbl.l.lLsclidni.mourtid Nt4 Era Boa. sad 9 tisokons4 .) . sin" "1117:a LAZIAtii Ti Ind 59 darthlldd stmt. nOlthiletllON PICODUUE--Now •‘...1 eon obi small fs i zur ft* Lotter; r 600 dp cl ig f r. rig Etat, 1'64/dom. 60 ,do .c.h0401 prime 6001.•; 100 bath. prism Drtal Paba.o. 76006:L Coattry Clnt Lios 0 Hamm ••;: 4100 • 4. abelliaUT, "..- (4;..:;'''?.1511141..1±0r1i.1b•13. • .10 AG. &Wall . , Mmio•lMHaaart • + 010cr; • * - 100P NALKI rotator; ' SAO" , EL ',OWLS OM OK MG E PRINZ RIO (MYHRE. , NU WhiffobostwOrinmllladk Oomas aigeallit - ISO boom latootmoll • ; : 10 do, doom Yltdd4l ' - 15 ltoshboord.;; • 15 WI Mob. VGA c t 'kr • • 1015bliGifa:11•1401:14• I . , zana. Elyropt nod II: o.lroUd•ido4 • on* Tat mark' • •:". • • : .`,4, Idialr stoat. FhLEI-='so halt bbta. pica 3 . 11= , ir- it4ol, rf,.. • :'' , . - - , 1 or : - r. l Ipe..f O , S -........ .4 ,i,t,;,....,Y1ati1E1164 LA, • SaTtelgt eit , K." ". .. 411141brals .:, . 7. D. OalinlU6-.2 . ... • - ,1 ; , ' , •...Z. V. 4 64 ... V r: , - 1. . .21:1 1,14. tiiihalata Sh‘la . l:7 . i ~.1..5: . - - 6ri 1114:14Pakli WM Pcacthou ..f ON-,. Aoilfecissi 11 , .. • .L. 1 4.'_arr , ,r‘,_ TI. .-; .:1i . 4.-,3,-;= , ''' , - ,, .. ,--- ' --- ' '''" , . - ~ . 11111=11=11 J.1:1" -, ;:i..4 . , 1 - ..-. 4 4,;_ . ‘ 71 . ) ' liiJit, — 13Z1113110 BRAf3B - 140 . . , - : . - CADEME & C"114170 1 BD, Ifisuzfortorotii of ma iirtity it lintrhail 8.. . . - , , . ' I woitie roa. immune smut o's On 'Trams, itectritris* . e.an 1 H 1 _ , Jounreakuras. SILOS S it of all docriPtionocktada to I order. ateratzoLT .wousi sics Ali klip O A I6 irrrnsa; and =paw4 proalg— to. Particular attention paid to at ol? ItEn/nr• Bila 70a0011Z 11210 0d203011 011 8_ I= f lo br Atictu i t LI W . Arrallithict . LA re = 70.13 - PATICEIT MHOS " Writi t ;th• twat ow tit! -tooted. Barba Ito rstroolt IrDOt rill. to tot ors aortae, and wait throw atom water than an tom or twice Ito alsa. • . • On IRON im CITY WORM. stare. lIMMIATOIgh usenprinaa. & cq . map= ascaniners. Owner Of Pllut!isad oMarat 'Pike lad Strasis, parr ClltyWater • Ilaxesdnran of hatkmar, ea <gm ZUGIN/A soma mu: camas :IL i titt, of an limb, sad general jobbers. Proznykattantion gty.m . to sown NUL sums:By. away RONERTS, , BARIUS a !CO, , N9.TIAIr4 6t., Fittsboxih, • ,11.1 AND 511XE5 ISION OBEXIIA, J.A.m*ArrrnED ^rug vrAilac au now mannewtoting and ha' i on band BatWng Anima= (doll Wads, Toga Wats to satta. Water .fto Gropere Too and SploiCanittors,Owb and Spice Itozei.Tninlkt Drams, Spittoons, to, oa: lama tot of Bird Owes tot oda low. Oil Cats of all atm and patterns, Stn Boodu, OlOndoolota. and aII kisubt oflotadngWorlt do a to ordar.. 800 tZ if:f Ala XSZlaid=rl BLACK DIAMOND MEL WORKS, I i2SS Imali.o- PARR. Blt — MED; a 00.. ! Isitiot • 131:32 Pl*LrlTsiornizi) 6AET aim . i SPAM nit sod OHitino. atoll *top. Wortanted 0100 l to any It vatted ct maantroa hied' cam • . - 1 %IP' 1200 WttleAo = hsto' to DT , II al, Put t l i 6 t l rt n and tlyd , : SZOON i . p•AnN.TED ocm, 8, 1861 DITIIIitDGIIII L.A.P.IIEP ALKII.MMMID XI /LINT CLANS. Thom CElttwiels ato haoadod; torttzt Wu% em kapott& of the ilso moat. doet hot gala. it to craeloing„ L D. DITLEDIDGL rod PLUGDo Wotby Withfait= atm; .A.lamnroosaufm & co., vuswir I TOODIX, Pittibiagli. A. girtgardmiss, ssi LIDMY MM. • ' lisidsdurers of 000 E. PABLO& IND =AT tga-STUVltlitrOlt AHD arrcariazims, HOLLOW W do.,gtool ing glue Moeda, 801 - M01 ,Iglil Gairtogl Dos, Wdot sad Az. tison j =l34 ,l Dog Wagon Dm* 8 . , gp: .it„ Calliluda. Ocrozdtop aad Gad togs . Jobbing sokliaddoe Portin g p to,,arlar. Pattiad PNiable UM. lath gum= at lions Amor. - I goltegul RrrA/MA, fIi , ABI LID mon - Azintrissierrr. Iltanfittanti of wroursrars 'PATIOS? POST. anz vacimu-nuo = NECaIIIA Shan. _ rug of Melo to. C of the firm of limas& Malaya JO BXBUON Bala of Jfitetaill, Barron At C 0.,) IKON rowsexes and BAWD Ninatxterech Aza=al:u frEmEr. WRIDDLE 'to CO., No. 215 e; to Sue, Pit osoollhotofore of LAB= sad 611 V: 10, amf 'miry dectlytioa of ISATILLB* MUD= R ord., medolclted Ova Stir lisdq mod goodm mint. Mr atlpmod r per thstroctiood. 07 - CLAIM dielanff'fl. L AW . OFPICB AGENOIG J. & HALL PATTERSON 44 mirth tarns id lear, errzrotmia. rA Pir.l4ll:lli3 , i(11111171£1, BEI PM • otzw an . • °wimp...sly sir H. tbarts • wig &JOLSON, And IL Ucale4 so= acums, inn num v.. • CLAW-L BOUNTIES, 11f1 v inuM saw sad *ear : 11 1‘ss, basted as the ed. eattcr, es the Pleadeee cs) alas dew 113 IU • • C. . TTl.W i Atvang at lever. - . I,, Anr- • V. 13 erste treat, Plt~. Pi • 111;.•11, elgusweth eseil. II the dame doe ma 10011111114 r ltalbrrnttai ens mak evely Se: 1.90.1111 1 1* 4 initakosb.e.. 7.-11..W!•T-P7e 04. I , Zr soanifir:;;; , BcrimTum T Lllo' ' dirt . - -± 111 ! a aiaala! l + rat". 10111.6. Pa' .oga, 'se. 1111(814 Petroleum - wok 1140, products, OU R . iiittat' 4 .. f rota. . 116011;';0 . 11611 1 _,....41*.tai1• • 1 11 ..•11;41all in . nr illiiii4171 1 r1L 1101130100thion ^,•' -- 441 . - SST - 7 101 .... • 1r1115"ils' 'T t ialiaAii; awy,j itai _new giution"l'obi: Mt Ltinmr. - _ 1 1 .- 1, 49 . :g9P , ii - goi i 4. • ..mi!..E , ?no r , r -,:,- - '-'-' - • •-•'• .:.• -. IA .i '• --- ' t -VP 1..- • ::- , :,'.:,... ,1,` . " , •.7 Mlle': imieitTfinOletroiel ' -- iti sovtaltikaW l Ate "-' - '''' ..• .11.<6 1 14111113 I • : 7 1: 'fatuz; dr; et , - s _ inhot,intrlcua, antßoyl • ---,. ;;;;;;,,,i, l ; no, aim ew seN ! lioc.: • otaindissi ots w in at**. 11 % " id IgAl !01.=, 7777 .r'; ' 43 1 #4•4k , ..%0:(-•ra - Prg e. : 1 .0 344 1 / • f`W ,- '33titlM X0...*11711N01T1 L L 111n1in7*:•••4;•........1...E01317 L ILECI. WARING /c. KING, [. ocanuatnox micsottenTs, ME=EI Petroieum and Us Products, Asa &elm Lu actuatn4 ttlatestab Delay Ho. as zu,Eum . BT.. Ellitsbgre6 vrtilli mat. u.. ROE & PEARS A LL, ILILLeIIIIII3I. Osiaslailea El•raaaatl L Brolam. Petroleum and Us Products, Tat export fad bums cansampttaa. um* tufa- Om an storage, at teuoaabla este& • Ltbaral adman, made. • ladzly BEFivER, BURICE & co., COMMISSION trEnCIUSTB, Spats of lb. moss. num AHD warm OIL woisa. level emit admen gaols ea cossignmenta et Refined or Crude • Petroleum. E. DUQUatil W/01 I lIA.BOOOB EMS.. rummy PA. RICH4RDSON, HAELEY & CO., oonxisatoE a ronwesimma M=EMITB, Crude and Relined Petroleum, 210. le TWIN stems, PlTlMlnnitell. Mr Masi Ossh gnaw* On € 042 4 02111 4 ti ar Latent Ilartsto. rzwrutroott tom : Mem J. Dilworth a 0 3., E = llM. Efferrnirget. Owomerotol Hook. midtram ptoN MIT 011 WOlOO3 MAY A 4311011PEINNIN6. Ymntactoens and MUM. of OLIIItOI9 OIL. ONO ARD LIIIIHIOATIISIO OILS, and &slab b CIELUIDIZ PIECTELO • Wart; oppodta tnuirp.bart Ofles, No. 61 HAND STEW. ne,E. .KWlCtrimm WALLACE & CURTISS, Clommtsaion March nista. &ad &am" ts mina es ammo PETROLEVE BUMS &SD I.I7DBICATIIiO OIId Ye. In BOOTS SWAB ITS, PIinADIMPILAL 1111.8torsgotertuligmodsfmtr ICCO bbir stal Iforelga dLo n porta, at Pox 'Marron the Scloglklll lam, war the platform of the P. U. IL faMlf Tecx. a BRA., 13041X111 LS Crude and Relined PetfOICUM, BETI7XLS`E., &c., wasna ex, rmzsnstirsia Mews entrairts& to ear anuSl3 nod,* our Bs rang attestbn. Burks & Ca.,4112::1=L1M.4 Pittsburgh ; ribt.e=tls.Proirt, Bulk N. L. H. 1.. l'ogss MoCOMCK j CALLIENDKR, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, . UM TO . WO ChopmextrZWllWcats. lamb Pests/. of a • Joo.B. Obalfsat, of Span& Cbgetal 0. biaa7 VENANCIO OIL AND TRANSPORT mown, OIL GAIL'. .P•ina... Aro moored to motto, Oro sal 0011 Crude and Relined Pato/tuns on Lb. ma nownad.a Loro rustl to mob* Mond ottroacia. L.. IL COINED, l'rectibrot. 0r..., No, 13 Pito week Ziov Irak. 11 1,.130Wi AL:7. al Boe csaar r. 011 Cl% ltun ou w A art. ah.nr 2 WILEI.II3, b 4 .1, litto b. ' Jar Coosirazorota, eta ProbollraialsOrotrol,•bitl be gond It Coo Cboopaaro Ittro.proot trartbobob co Itobokort tide of rttrr. rob: - .3/ WALES, WETMORE It 00., oonKussoa arvazaKTK 'I'M OF PETROLEUM, ui NASD= LAW& NW TGM La* titilttlie b ISTORLITIII &STD dul■ r:. .CABOT,PREEERTON WEBM3t. Getterist iderohandize Brokers, Ica Fran =UM, 21.• Alsay 135 ISCirin FLOW! ' St,. ORITDE & MIMED PETROLEUM, 011:1151W SODA., 15,0 Di ta. Enamor" DUMB Fla;aOrdeal* bey ar rq prompti, mtmiled SO. ently L. m=n D MIILEIIo.b., rocs*, . • 1113 MALVIN Ft, pfnaDitnuA. CRUDE & REPiEBD PETROLEUM . cr. ostaii Iladoirtli.! All chsrpi ft _sod MIAS FOS Ilifflitt Ss soot WWI: roe & twitst good i • • P OM srtssisr eWatlof patill Olt YOB F3214M. Fos Iss.a7CAL ll 7 lO 804, SODA ASH, &J. Aiaa'g Crude and' Regard Petroleum. I or Masi &Imam sob, ENOS .WOODArAiIi4), Gw. Wm.& WTavare a ChaJ am= emiumnOt . imams% 'saw littaUi , evif Crude 'and,,liedrie,d Petroleum. Ira U pourn MT! ' @MUM MILL. no. V. vaisatv.—..—...--..rarr votscra. WOOD:VILLE OIL r.IIFINII3Y. 080.:*:: 110iketilni I CO., , , • OtormlSciorcro Orn.2IIOCI °MAYO tOIIIIIOto MO OIL. la of ir mommotry bood tba ray bat (oar ot SO=NO 0114 door oad %Pt Mont color ONO• Pod I.IIOttIOATOIt, 9numitat • l totiannwtanaunt. I ' 4l ' • aninciat vrrtit raw, inocsornes too l .41 b. promptly otOrodo6 o*.tt i •,,-;':*.A f ti*t."... . . ' ' - . . . • • . • • • , Porneinielk on Margant rialumiia lir:niiiiiiiiiar • L tsvin. nraoistra mai se.. al " 4 *fide ites lanstssubtopderl. piliftinurt* will coders WNW.. . f:,...::......14071eM === FOP" - • iurvnivaart 1 Lizegr, t woßKs. - - MA Wain' It.,_DIFJW" MID 1 1217/441/ 1 14:1._ SUM 014 i : 10RATT -. . .01501.,110POROLZIELLII0 031.1, ► - NATIONAL BANK, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Cstica or Courrnor.mra or Till Cragnal; W.bbirkM City, Ira,. 17,1864. WasatLS, By satialactory evidence prveente to the trodenigned, it has been mule to appear that. the THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH. In the Oomrty of Allegheny, _and State of Ponzuryl- Tants. Ms bear duly organized reader and eemtdi vg to the trvildremente of the Act of °engross, radltied "an Act to provide a National Gummy, encored by a pledge of United State. Stock., and to prorlde fbr the circulation and tadomptbn w it h prored lebnury 2Stb, and has complied all the roltliOni of said Act required to be oompiled with before oommencing the Meiners of Banking I Now, therefore, I, Hugh kidded, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby _certify that the mid THIRD NATIONAL BANK or PITTSBURGH. County of Allegheny and State of of Is authorised to commend the buzinessof Banking an der the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witrwinly bud and seal of dice, this Yith day of February, 18M. ..Lis• 1 HUGH McCOLLOOI3, - Oomptruller of the Currency. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK Mains organised under the Zfatlona Otasoneg Act, L now psep•md to do • General Banking . Business nai , osrrs RECEIVED, Exchange on the copal cities of the Eaet end West bought and told, and collections made in every antnastbl• Pert of the nonntl7. Milos for the prmout, (mall lbe completion of the No. flanking Home, corner of Wood street and Virfi(ia alley.) In the Ilanlclag limn lately occupied by the 01T1=N8 BABE. N. W. oor. Wood Bt. & Virgin alley. . . Wm: B. Sckmorls, A . Hartle. A. B. Bell, Abr. Holstein, 8. H. Hartamt, Henry Gervig, L. /100PE.N... B . G"'". ADAK Eltatddli, 1110. B. LIVINGSTON. Gambier. rr.L9*m DOLLAR BAVENGS B. ram &ruler. ODASTZIIID DH 1655. Open dally from 9 to 1 o'clock, also cr. Wodneeday and llntur 4 .7 =minim Dom My let to lianimber lit, from I to B o'clock, and tram November Ist to MO let from d to 8 o'clock. Depodis recetrod of all nuts not loss than One Dollar, ands dividend of to. ;sotto docissoStoricu a poi, In ham and Doosmber. Interest has tom de clared neal-anonally, Joao and Deaembn, the Smile less orgemirsd, st tho este of Ms per cont. irt;rost, if not drawn out, to plausi to the credit of tlui depositor pencipel, ® s bears the same M ara from the fleet esys of June and December, an. lag take you without troubling the depor t. =call or cm to anent him pas bout. At this rats numle; erlll duals In leashoa twelve yam. Doak containing the Cluster, Bras,. Ras and Relloilak.s, furnished gratis, on egylicetion et Ws °Moo. Pm:tam—GU TICI rat Jemee McAuley, John B. Bboenberges, James liordman, Peter A. Maths, Willi Poll oc k, - A. Ll DI. D., P1T11117140 1 4 DOrtn /OMB, dairy J. Lynch, John O. Illndloy, I John Blarahall, Ckorga Black, I Walla, P. Marshall, 11W Deroplin, John Orr, kleAto A. (larder, Hobert Bobb. Oluarlas A. Ooltan, I Henry L. Marital; ohn Wi ll iam E. Bi..orts, J Benj. ranortock , Maunder Spoor, John J. Weep* Alexander Valle, Wink= 8. Clasen, William Yealtirk, Peter 11. Honker, lasso Whittier, Eicher!' Hay; Wm. P. Woman, Uwe D. Holly, Ohne!. Yeager. SWIIITAIT TwunrsAA.—MlA l3 . A. OOLTO3. attildar SEOOND NATIONAL BANS., °format" 120131 CITY *lre COMPANY Oaptsid, $300,000, vith prldlege N tacrwr► The moo CITY TUBS 0011PANY haring o faulted tinder the National Currency Act, odors its serrlate for the trancactin Ge n eralt G Banlriag Business. Drank bon& t and a, received on Detest; end Celloctlans made on all parts of the lconntl7. Jamb Mum, hk. Hill, o.i. Ifinairi Wa Ooover, WIICGIGO. JEO. E. PATTERSON, Coil Ear. 1.20;1m MEE= PHILADELPHIA LAM. OD J•ltri 41E64, 8:6467,642 116. 0.0 cal—. Ace:Nina:l Stavlcs—. lamno:1 Proado Ctukerttl.4 hum* far Um raid since Inn- Pssinnstel Testis DI Curies If. Veneto, Banos! Omni. Jrcot, tt. emnn, VITREUERN INSURANCE CONIPA. Y sr or ermounon, U. Jr., Ns./:W. T. Y. GORDON, B,Yrytory. Otto. Ea 12 WIN* stmt. 111*.a Os.'s Way bm,%‘,:p stars, Plttatargb.. FRU Wore twirl aD U. 46 dl Pro ed Marto WY.* t Throat latitude.. itarual /4 , 013 r• wb an ma P.m fa Or corwarest%r, sed 010 aro &kr. Wart, by smog.. we Orrel4k, k wrinkle Or chonskr kik& Lir, iktre *mond, u eferba [Wiled probe:km to Oars oho 4m kb* karat • •••••• INSURLNEZ, FIRE AND INIXID. Maumee Co. or North America. OP PITTSBURGH , NO. G 3 .SOS ALDDEL • worn : J... D. D. Mee& Wm. I)4mglon. bane M. Teaneck, Jnalen bhMle, John D. Mande. John 0. Backnten. • RIM 1 OF PITTSBURGH. to g 1,000.000 mom= : 1 Ilobt. Itobloon, S. Boashmaa„ W. IL Garmly. • Gi. E. WARMER. PrnN*Dt. I.lrStlit4JrCE. 1829. FRANKLIN VIRE ISEIANCE COMPAII --.....5100,00 0 LOS .103.000 Iparsry Polka. ea Mara vim. 013201911101 ham L.ew =tl=l VW= • - • -• • • Aida%rifler. Tr*. W. Lews, 31. D. BLIICSEII, Prooldrh3. 1141.1., Tice Praftdest. 3, 800. Pro. Thou I. O. 001111%, Alßork Wood and Third Btratte. Oso. W. Blehartis. C 11111.13 H. ID WARD 0.. Jlll , , W. IIeALLIDTV oncmar Aubrey Ackley. /I.l..aador tipan, Dalnl 11. Lon& Bea J. Thapan. =Ell Imos 1114Autry, i 1.1021. 4 tbrz.llltmlot, Peaj. P. flaYnreU. Jahn IL mums. Gang Dir.WN Osoapbell D. Derma, C. W. Mete boa, GORDON. Fier PDILADDLPII/► ..... Bedford The lonian(le_ • . . . liarPrutikilon can be eicarieS le the above caimid QM lag reliable Comps:tbs. . W. P:1011EB, AGM, 112111 7 . itaireilkctiaiabiphiß *raw end. rerizErremsug:e4pE COMPANY N.j . oir nrrsumut.i vaice..T'Ts! Market. ad. Wan iikett,ts, ima,dSOOT I • • . • WIC XIAGA.WiII. nilailig.'. 'I bi IASTINII II 2 II , SignotA rx .. !warm ' airaloat too on &martin tha caltgittia at Ito &Wham sod Wooten utrana.l,akea and Doom. sad the navigation oy the Stag. pintos Ififtli !ISS and ditlasge WM% ' . - D{IWM N Jr _ I. if. -' Blot W. . : - ... Ju. Par ,Jr - •, - , lota Bhlf,tott, ,::..lif.O.Jo ~ h010t11,'.,,, ‘,/all.tirlil .ortoroaarh . o lAi. ' - ‘:'-'‘ D. IL . , ' . ' , Dail Dann k c• ..,-'''. ,O. Caldwati, J r..' -,". ,• , ,- Maul. IL sow*, . , _ , John B. Dilworth,: ::1 ,' r,. Th,,,,,w Proton. ' TFPU,kI . I. 44 I r6 ,I, Goo l ia Dtaaham; .- ....: .r , .. Marl: ,-..:EDEOPLESI.INEIURViag,, COMPANY, ~. 9114e,**c(Pn41;iiracia a Fi ft h St.. vitiiNDittaiiii:itiiiiiiiikoi 7:.: 'a , 4.3 ,- ;.:....x, 7:l!'' ''''. -.' .' 4 1.. ,• i ...'.." I, i '''‘llL' kilintilf". r. '' ' JAMS D:Tenum '..Jolor .1N0tt,,,: 'io 01.,, . ti l t Jaw L. awdalb v .. IL nos , ~ - . - al P. fibrilar'. :. 1 'lob. 3, - D0iha, 7, .. , r.n 3 oroz Joan n ,— ... Woi..yahitith; - '` . -c C ha?!fl' Pb L ot ,4 ` `/111.7..1.P . 1i,.iaa ' 11ift, , C :' vg, ~.• , .r. floe Rrarakar. ~ - ' , .. .. taltly_ ' Witl• P. • • 30115 AIL It. CLIMB!! XII. B• A • c :t: , IN• ORANGE AX/M- Jrk. puff = 07- 1TM5Z1171 . 11,.. 04. ota ck n 0 .,,, /Mb spud. Bulk Dn*. . • , . • Icizra against al ktaiof Tliisid Iwo um % , . .., ,_lll/LO.IONTAI, Presida4- , ',OM D. KpRO, Via Pretlinsi. D.Z.BOOR. MNINIIDA_ ... _ . DDAD. Geocrat stpri. 1,Li0• 1 0 01 . Izv: , lobi.D: llos k ( Ang - ~. K. li d „r.gr g '' . • ~ D. (kW .-, ; - 01 1VITTA. Dam ' , P 4 lx3o. Ir..lLMOnsw , 1 'IL IL'llßswA , AM, 11. Dalt& , ---- tr. " , MCI —111014....;..:*:. ....t.3131 iirld I! • nos ,, AND aaeut.-sa annia 015ivili 10. !wow M.W. sutonnb. ft. .' r•i--.-- • - s .. -',.'"..' .!‘ • -tc:'• :i.. "-, CHEAP r&SSA6E FEOI4 THE ,= OLD COUNTRY.,) LOWER THAN TRE LOWEST rte undentgemi !. DOW pzepar64 W Maim :It pia saigen by First GUIs, 'Royal dist" Steam sr., dire, « New Torte, or Pittab-,gh from Liverpool, Queenstown, Londonderry, Glasgow, Galway, Lower Than Any ether Agent Hera. OnII and gel the t o and be gurincr.d. eot daemon enll twice week, and pa...el:lsere ars roma sleuthing. Ths nndereluard t .!w Ainnt tor TAPSOOTT'S LUTE of d fav for tarlta he Lfserpool peckete , oelf2g tube s a mask, Inl Liao of LONDON PACKETS, B i rG/1 " T D b rA ir iTb ht bazty"l-bipar:Vearopel" D. O'REIIL. rroLL:L• litto>. No. 70 TM amt.. swift= wlO p. m. at 68 Emithfleld amt. Pitl.4 burgh. QTER.II WEEKLY TO LIV EELPOOL, tonaring at QUELNSTOWN,,at ((Cork Ibubr.) the sell known Steamers of Ins idworpool, New York and Pans&lab A Steamship GOmpany aro Intended 4.1 calla, follow.: ZDINIIIIP.OII-.--....-...--Sotnrdsy, Jane IP. CITY OF WASHINGTON.- .Eoturday, Jane 25 CITY OF 2.l.A.NCHElTEll_....tdstraday, ley 2. And emery mestdlng Hotrods'', at noon, from PI 44, North Hive, BATE/ 01 FLWOS Payable fn gold, or Its equivalent to currency : Tint Cabi.....—.PPo 00 Stestrge ..—,. VI 00 to ado.— 15 CO .. to London.-- 34 CO .. to P t• 95 to' , to Pad-- •.—. 40 00 ' to 114mberg._ 40 CO " tl Hamburg.— 37 00 Pacboagen 4111 J forwarded to Bane, Bremen, Btu trrdam, Aot weep, kt., at equally low rates. Term from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cobb. 1170, $O5, $lO5 Oleo bp, 37.5 Thom .to wieb to awl f-rt their triton. MISI boy tlegets bon at thme ratan. roc farther Itt(OrAl•tlJOpp!y at the Company -of6ces. JOITIN a. HAL'S, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y. D. O'NEILL, troigt.tto, Agency, el No. el: Salim:lC.4,ld argot, gittaborgh. 1,IINARI) Labia-Bcup% 641 2 % 1.0 - 10.14 AR, &NH 4111E119r1V4, In Co,. C 217 211r3 GOl4 caw WEE. SIS tIA =rya. .ATT...I aLialdtithdalla _ - 18 6 E syvexis =STEAL H. trn muutiospnrarrb • TU.& • tkneteint addittens are beteg cam, to th. scurry cunt of thia etoutiont double track and ay too route, and every pecan'', card will be exeritivd fox the oninteri of pemenioni end rapid movement el freight. Trani will leave the Depot In Plitstetrdl as Pillows: The TILHOUGII &000rett1OD&TIO3 TRAM leans the Parzenger &Mien daily, (except STOSily,) at 0.420 I m., slopping at all Buillordi between Pitts burgh and Philadelphia, and makbg direct comae tirm for Vow York and Philadelphia. TIELIODGE KEIL . TIMIS leans tn. Po mug , . 0010.1. every Deming (unapt Smiuday,) st MC. a. m., avn.plcul anty at principal sintion& and making dime. oniumetiene at ilarrichurY tr. Uti ca= and Wanhiegtoic, and fox tie. York via Phila. a*hs"— hike VMS= ESISYMI IMAM inns Stant • direct. topping only at pricalp—al station% staking oarrantion at llturisharg tor Beltincria, Wan ingtun and Striladalphia. The FAST LIKE lams the Station daily (erregt Sunday) at 6315 p. otopping only at principal sta. ttint, ennorting at Ustriezarg tor Baltimore and W.ahbgt*i. and tor New York Till Allantown nista withant things at cant al for New Yak. AOOOll/NODAYIOI2 T 2.141118. The Johnstown ^"a Lion Train bans deli) (Inapt Sunday) at 9:10p it z =r-g at all Stations and rani:Lug at to o San That tircomintadation Train tar WIN Statics lama daili c (l3catdar) at Gin a. Sunni "ftin for Watt. Eintica tram day (nand Eraday) at11:30 a. n. Third Accountandstion snn mr Waits Sintint CMS daily (nol.pt ficinday) at 4100 p. Tooth Acanincodanoin Vain to Wars Stein bans day (czcopt Sundar) a&10 p. The Church Inn naves Wall's Station areal En do at 403 a. in.; r•Anndrig, bans Pittsburgh at 1215 p. m. Satan Trans errin Yittiduiryth as Slalom Italtinkin p. PhCadaighlit 1:00 p. Tart —..----. 1:00 Through 60 a. in. hilnatown Acconsinatation...---- 10 : 14 a. au Virai Wash Station hoinnuatodarini-- 0.15 a. in. Second Wall'a &karat aticaniciadation— 8:45 a. or Third Weirs Station tincuannenicm-.- 2:05 p. (truth 'Weirs Station Ancorrumati•c• =ntia. lialtincra Enron arta antra with rz 12=1,00 p. ca. on ItanSars. a Car Sialrraa and Indiana =mot at Slain. Nb Istranctian with Through Aixontmadation Joinurtown Accommoistion and Poppies Train Mat, and with Balthcon 134 - naii and ....o.oirn Accurio =dation W Trent int E est. lionnmy =non at Cron= with litx. • prom Trainaand Tmitt Wat,sind with Ttirocalt Scortnnodation and racnata Train Put. 11.81118: To Sew Tark...—.512 IXSTo nattletoca......-41 0 00 To Ptillatalphta—. 10 801 To Lacoste 880 flarrtatran-,.... 7 551T0 II 60 7180 . eg0 ceats] to all Btnttana oa the Pannaylva. I eds lbatral Railroad, cod to Pkttalclplda, Ualthitari and Nag Tart. Tiosengeni przreatalni ttclata to tho =cl vOl Its ftWan axons, SCCollthg tbadlatanco travolad, Itlon to an AMT. ntm. ciccpt 00002 eating whore Om Company too oo agent 150TI0N.—Ixt arm of tam. the (kaopuoy VRI hold tba=cattrea cipanatbla p•monal bums only, and tor an ano.ant Dot 4=.. 51CO. N. 71.—Az Onadble Lino lon teen ao7BscTed ta oonts7 roarengani and to and *bob tbr oat, si aohateanot to mooed .5 canto, Iv each pos. imOIT add temp. for tickets apody to 8•6,8 T. Adent. Alt Panrayhanta Mould 11.111 road nuongtt Motion. an Mont and Orate stmt.. noTZ U) f ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DSPADITSEST, Wrinnwerrox, D. 0, Joao 11th, 11c4. HEAP= r8nP056.1.9 will be received at tbls aim until tiONDAT, the nth dey of Juri, 166 1 , far tt.PrrtlNDLit and 3.1 , 0 minim BUELL, -to to &Mend to the fallowing quentithe, et the on. der-gamed Arsenria..L.: • EPPOCCIDEIt SHILL. dr the Watervliet Annul. Now York, CPA At the now Pork Arsenal, GOTerstael Lela, VW lark. MAXI. At the Allegheny Arionei, Pittsburgh. %OM. At the .Wriniarica Among. D. O. 6,000. .1:- - Poinwin snarl. At the Watervliet Arida], new York, S,On. Al the Pow Yak Animal, ariernoe. Wand. Hew Yore, to At the Allegany Ammer, Piiriburgb. 6,000. At the Waehingten arsenal, D. 0., 6,000. These projectile. US to be made of the kind of motel, and inspected riter the roles laid down to the Ordeene. tionnel, the termite strength aria Iron to be not less than 14,0:0 is per spare MM. They are to to made, to eccorianc* with the lastructions pen In the Ordnance Manual. Drawings can be own It any of the thiltod Stars Arsenals: • -• • The projectile. ere to be inspected et the inuitary' where .0g end ate to be &limed at the Amanita free of charge for :beano& Dtilreriti most be made at the rate ,of .not Jest than onerinth (1-10tb) of the whole mount. can , it per week.: the first detrital to Denude on the OM day of July, 1604., • "Pallure to nuke dolrierbri et S rpecidetitirie wal ribjectibe contractor to et:whitrue of the number he may fall to deliver at theit time. • &pants precoule matt be wade for each calibre. Strider. will striceriplicitly the Aroma or Arse nals where they propos. redeliver, and the number ofprideotilen they propose to deliver. at each prim,. If Mr mote then one. - Ito Olds will by considered from puttee other thin regular founders, or preptieton of works,•lbe are known to tbriDepertmont tobseepableof exririttig the work propped for. triorild any partynbtrinlo econtreatofterebell. other thee these cut -in his own Mondry, tbey•rill be rejected, and the contract • Tendered null eau Pride •' GUAILSNTtr , . ; Tie bidder rillt be required to isecompidriehis prep. oaten with a' iiteiratrir• iedibed by two riWoringi persoror, chit in ceee his bid la accepted be will at once ezecute lb. contract terithe end-traria - at ritretice, to a 'gam equal' to the' amounted the centrum to dellverlbe - artidlert. , Virile In conformitp-ritrip the rirmsent: el. verrisement; =di/trim the sea bidder oixAMI bale, enter tatirtbe oontrict, they Lemke good the differ betioen thereto. of erid bidder and the next rirschiriblebiddef,or the gererir to wherithe mat:tact a tt, He le rigene avird l a billty_ "" olthenstairtbeidand el the 0=414 .certiAcets'or the Clerk' et. Oho neared District Court, or of the D.S.Dlitrict Bemis lee rim equal to ritontlieuthe enitsari alias contract, idirind by the ixectrector indheithof his fgartranton,• by or the eitederifld bidder or bidders oponed Me Contrritel , - ' - G11i3:14321.3. . . , • . We, the rmamtlgaedr tomcat . a Alone:pay of .-,----ri,indfitahrefe•riee - writi berebt jointly and rivendige comsat with ihe Halted BteWis end guarlintes, I n the foregoing ..tddef "mote, that be Cr tho,riA within Wasp after th e poteptme• of said bid , sae. , sari the =tact Mr the time with' ccd and . stifne - • ' cleat etiretWn W _sum 'Snug thesmornit Of tire 1 centred, 'to thrni.a . the -ri con , Rarity ter thelean.ettbadvettlsementdatedione . lt,lBdhander whichthe Weatridet =Ma WY the erid Khan rill to trier Into* Contractllla' atore.eld we Oaten*. to tasks good thecemeeseek between ateyorterhpyO _the said Ater an=t lariat riePtrioble - bidder. Or the primate than; the contreet mobs strerdcd. , ' • . • ,egenilmacrfer tea& ige31 1 44 1 .- tparantoe most he OPP• • o - Terilbeeto above motloeed. criy obtrintrie centrict eider to triode with aPPri"a. Upon the ribilt rriOe.sti isat44:4o .fornigod 1 1 114..4 3 . 1 74!0f 2 cacitnki ' l L,Tgegmpaiterint Priem Me right to rels . st, yf all td4...0 " tdc anst Pretoria. will tee add to CITOIOD ixitallisAlri - Cateraf Artusaw:er.Wedt , tows,. 33; ,, a4 . 34karerieloteed torintrid i 5.4733 giturider d ßlittle' r e - .L. 40 1 . • L , - Fx•g!c i r + w . OW or 9aWw 4: : ,- . . outpany ~ , ~~. :, :aß=r~+`+~:.:::wy>rs~sr:.,s..u. w~u+....<x:»asc%.+~l JfIEDICALL. Pr'' Twenty Years Standing. CDRED! Eslav will boo found a ceztflcata from one of Its frcOot reopoctobto tlticers of Wattoo toy:ship to Mond to Dr. Keysoes I.lloulary's Blood Seaxohos. The Donna's millAntal ara within reach, mi one rund be deceived In regard to We preparations; A. DM , Er /Doerr: 2 became afilicted with pile. about twenty years ago, and may year they was growing worse, to es to trouble me very much. so mach or at Mtn so to aunt me for work. tome Berea I was eo bad that I could not do algildig or soconnt of them; they come eut on me as largkaas hickory nut. I bad tried a coat deaf of mailable far therm. I coed to boy and take whaterer I amid hear of or road of in circulars and pamphlet, that MI to my wahbut 1 could not got cooed ; moment= they would do me some good for a little Indio, but aflame" they world rat= ego'n or bed so OTC ,. . I also tinned to two Doctors, who suited ma of my hot= and mow =some medicloe, but It world not do, I could net got well Orel' a year ago I got so advertisement of your Lindsay's Blood ilearclua, made by yoromlf. Wilco yea sold to me you told me one bottle would toot mare me, and that my whole aystem world bare to he mewed by the modleto before I got roll. I bought one bottle and took it home with me, sod coed it according to your dire& Dons. I then called to see you stain, when you old I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought It, ono bottle eta time. until I had used Ire bottles. Alter this quantity hod boo =4,1 was entirely well of the Pike, whkh had tortured me fr, twenty years. In other =pacts my health t, for monad, and I em as well se could be erpooted for one of my age, being Mfg years put. Ilan tmcn wile➢ row for aft months, and there lo no appearance fit • return of the; disease. lan de any kind of farming work row without the Paw coming down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop 11 0 4 g do any klod of work which_ before teed to hurt me. When I found out yen/ Blood Beard= I kept on taring It snail I got entirely well. I aoudad/ It my duty to make toy cue known to the cook!- • the benefit cr.:thus who may be entering en ethe, sad do not know the nine of your medicine. You may publish this you like. I /he .m Wilkins township, end will be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth of this cesthiontelf they with to call on, lIStIOTT DLTID. Deo6lllberBlt sar IDA Oat tor the mom of Mt. GEOECIE E. KETIST.II On the cover of the bottle sad Petted °Tot the cork; also t h e Ms stamp on the United &stet ea the top of thebottle, to prevent I to Ito- Pad open by mak= artlobs er blob II to the tar Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Street, and by toms JOEMMION, corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. mlet HERNLi OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rapture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cnred. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured, Rupture or Hernia aura Rupture or Hernia cured. -- Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cure Tsuts. Ritter's Patent Thum Pitch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting Truss. Pile Drops, for the support and cure of Piles . , Bent by ezyrres, to any Iddrars, on the recatpt of cotes. Bold EY all &MOM ectarrham D.E. W. 73.333101141211 00.. Eels Proyttatonh Va. Bardbett) street, New lett. Too ago 'nl4oo=o byIOI.O3O.It.ILIMOM 8r0..140 Wood Matt. and H. MeoLdnBAHJti 00., accouter the Monona and Market drat. Er.blTirflawanil Elute Stockings, for weak and nes. I Bialani =RI icon veins. Marti* Knee Gap, for creak Wale. !Lakin Supporters, for Ina knee ajar'.' Bniptaisory 'Bandages. Belr-injecting oad every ether tin 3 o Bytin gel. • Hard Rubber Byrkgei. Bracer forßanning's Lace or !ads , Mace, for rho owe - of Prolapsur Uteri, nes Codcmun* al and Etitusl - Weakneases. , Dr. B. EL Fitehi Silver Plat,. Supporter. Da. Emus w .give . hie personal at tention. tellu3,app4cation or Trusses iu adults and and he is satisfied iltat;with an merinos of twenty lean, he la be =Naito give star set 72 Woos Officio , Iltug 'Store, No: T4© WOOD Bum ihoorof the Golden MortOt., Portions writgigltot Vowel should send etti: irtanbir of Inches: around tho 114;4. immediately OTekt tit° rupture. • - • _ . Cl"," 1 1 } . / Dit. R. GOODALES CIATAftECH ;' REMEDY .11.piticitratas to ilia Vary seat ago, sad hatmolostas It, aver sad bzsar r h, IhrOar. pr,,IMODALII lathe dot Lid PC= et o star told the gorld.vha:Caarel=ma—whost! - commono ghat mold Om 0001)114 . by Om!Utollag4s. arfth thts 141:411111111111soploOKIts secret= laa!hoddar komm to the world the tact c a r tarrhi , Old , hue teltlin, Wed !kla and_ mush at asollast osa ma Tab" th * ekti o . wain , pro* etai bi== !Whoa coaxial? -that thatiOmb law Mae srol l lm ,rm aiz e cors oop la a % I tl i a bec iEtnt&k =Up" , Pla"." - - In ." . lama axhaasglat tomar prh at oar mallstAr . O . 4 sr sao r_ IV* iltfina tin, GOOD - • 1117M2ric. 004 deli dtn~e, - - - • . 0 2 egazgaarzen,, . , 4 11..u0 vw,D en=, inttamoi* NOSION'S OnaldEF, 77;19-41.e.aq.zff'.113/qsnt4l3lo7l ~ :iiriii;4lll4dltiTdisiig°o 11"44sidx21411"'"pti...; ika•intalaig.,,...,!Le/.., . --.- - to . ta, bull of 4'4 - 11_ -- .7D°1 , 7417 t r r: " wucc,....ua yaxes4). Vw tuoe l Us. ll 4 l * tk " "lei i .* 4 .4 4 . 4 , 14 )1 04 - ii i 4,4 0 42.4,-.smOrrers. ' arsii th iwiolo,i4 Oirtiqa:olgOari* t. Eh. sedil ars . Sliablealilsl.l2r!" 4psnalgr• - 4 4 4 .*• cl it co.:coptvionybiL,li.,... '!Vil'bY ,-.• -'.. . - -. • ' ' ''' -- -- . ~..1 ...': - utkircid!sciss.l atIOCINES. CEEEMOKEE PILLS. euGuaixon=o MIAMI szcamasos. CaS2LIS ASSD RAIZ. For the Eatocal of Obettdended end the Inamme 11 % - darity In saa BOCIIITSISC• at the lllmolai !aims They et. er OYU. these natant dWials spring fraa trregclesity, E 7 *earring the trteguleN , Ity itself. nay ewe Eltffroured,l4.mestra sad Palatal ZIP strut:Son. ' . • They crate Green Wok (ftelorcals4 They care &mins andßenal Affection; Alma la the Back end; lower part of tho Body, itioaltmea ' Teaks* on alight crantian,Palpltation eras Mart ovum of Etpittte, liyatorL,Btok Headache', titddf me, do. In it wad, by trimming the treoplarity, bay ranters the mate, and with It cat the:dhoti that wing !con . . . Composed of oimido rabble exttnotsalry can. fain Lothian delet€1100)14.?: any annititalloadior. am delicate, their llnnetion balms to nabatitnia drongth for weal:am, QhicL, when property ma, • they never fall to d 0... They meky t 4 este4 used at any sis, and at an period, co* &elm Ow fief Ara molar, alba which tku trota llng. nacre of Mete Wl= would he fallibly pram: prigam . loy. • 111 letters wafts Or latietrbin b promptly, freely and.dlXteilly =mete. fun directions soadetpS4 each box. Price 21 pfa , box. ot glz boxes foi 25 Boot by roall, eras of postage, aa reoelpt of - Etta • &11.1 by all revaitable Druggists. DB. Pic D. )I:CriTLEI .1 CO., • • - 1 Sole Propietzts, 15 \tElo.be. Marty street, New To rt . Tor Ws la TittidargtsbylDr. GTO. A.SIITTITT, o. lio itroed wed, Alta li.IIOCIASSIX h 00 0 on= of the Dboitonciami 211.1rtei drat*. mhlTanirdasteart ' ~ _ GLAD 1.1-L'Wl3 7011 ISA IIfirIiTIISATII THE LOU , SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED ATRIUM' 0 HEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE INJECTION Oamprandal Crum Cacti, 13.13 snd amossasi B/E1031:01r, the greet tat= An ref% csuis all &owes of the veleaty aqua, soolt es tamable= of the Urine, Latteetteenethithe Bladder, jadammatltra of the Kidneys. Stone to tfi Bladder, Egartscre. Grind, Meet, Gestarrium, tad it especially recdroomeadat fathewaee ot Maar Mb= ter Whites fa theidee,) vitae all the ea amerce zdedialati haw. tate& ... It b prepared in a Wily oxibisarstad 441111. the does being from one to two tosapwroßile Chree tines per day. It Is Moretti. wed siteratirs in Its actiont-cd* Otos end cleineeteg- Cis blood. catedlig It te BOW to glib =label pmityand vigor. that incnotlnstro= the Mtn° au prnitions mows which have Wood Macke. Injection Is latended se en any or midst- • ant. to theCbeigkos ilentedy;and &oda be owed Ie 04,:metka trim that Medians In all cows argon. antes, Meet, If= /Mote or Mato.. it. abet aft begin& soothing and demulcent; tsitorbig =Wag, best, Wends. wad. Pain, bOtteitt - af the borates and adreatt oreradandde pain thitbi ape. deuced With nearly all thaahmpgee& tojections By -the cm of the 0112140NEEI =Et=EDT nod ancacaxa MBOTSol4—the two ttellednei the mane tirol freito*diechazipts azl removed, sad the wittiltenid otgent are speedily rsttonid to BM VS= ittidAtwogfh. , to full piatiod*l; get .nr pamphlet from any itna Sim in ths country, or writs tie, and mattettli,io any Wrist,* foil braise. 8tie5,11=9.137. 52 per bottle, as Ores bottled Es. carsatomanersincrnos, $2 per OW., sit Om bottles for V: • • pB..iAMx9liT , B BEIDTENiaIIiG ELIXIR; • -.T . Or, 18.93301 OP urn PiCAVA tMla i' VeCitit:3 .fttnett: Malian . - ^ COU!111:tlgtleggll to - MI mat delleala, iiMiledtrinnating Ilatcli la the remit of maim : disenarien In the tomitabli kingdom, S. Bank- .tirely now aan abstract method of onno. , :.•.. doll the old sad wornoit minim. , • no minliolzoliis ti me tottedt7 ins mot MAMA . - icakilogrotnol Um dif,1,1311 by think mamma to : :- im (Inapt thoirtatoridie4ml &nomads, at MOS& --- I ; . Ono boitio ; ifil card iiii*sl Debility.' . .. I - A grir dam Mont Ey ..M... tic Moles: - Ono bottio_cur!Oto Un at Ma artok. '' , - AAm dung :totem tkiiingiOnot genoistkon. .-, : From me to torso bottkil adding thi =Owe :.., szia fall Oigeo er yirtto...- o . - • ' f ~- Ater dorrirestores the appetite. : - Ittilreelandolii , oliice the most MOO of Impotonti.;, ,, nrAtini.datiemine • nolo , ' Ririted. : , - - :;, ..- Ow Was totScst =Ada-rim: ,? :OW, .4 , ; ,, ta. t0F.A 0 A4...9,1 18 ta t hs ato l . -IWO stoiLFI2M Mtn* taaltati ttina. lol4 Mao health: : tic goon, dokilitito; imerodotin and di. tiladat &roue ot maisial giloarsmi. Um listlatoalmatoilymitb,lho oter4mbiligin ',' afbastmet, too TlithidilellaeldiPadcac or la• :. edam& mewing 4oiki riao=ral *Mir as Ott-'.'. manna of* singfim;q4:ani In la laala Ust. -' . . azukperaiiiiiiitael " by theme of tbatirdraz Zip -..:. - inns alai: - _.• .. -- 1 ' • - . Rito4ilpft •tO t3K . ce iltree batiks'. l 113, , im_ I and .-: lairgao br 433Pie"Aqt,ipeelps of saiya, to ang.. , : ' '-• . ' tkadt7- 11 . 1 =wan a . DIY"' ads ireprittorl. .110. Ea- litarliatt. Por U. i tc0 „, v ,,,,•,, t ,„4 ,4 SoCILLEIWI daub. ourt*Wwww, tigg . o. B gh .jr-m INDIAI~IIsrEDIOII 4 I4 annouutod fiv. r.oti. Bak. *ma Li m& Ls" lb:Wile& tare frr , Itealmtwa , liottortiat-Emladoss, and sIl dlsosst osasedthy telt." soth sots Lo of IllessoaL liottersalUesthsla POWs to tbs Bask,Dtanwer irleosi, Proust= 03d liptWeak NersosiDllbeolly. 'of Breathing. Itseeblblf. Witlrefolnew. 3017 0000 - oa the weoa Psis Oematetes nes, Irearan fkl= clan, sod all the dindal OWmplabate" muted parting from tbsfatttofostors;: ; • -- This tesdlcbte Is • steeple vmtabla Wad, ad • ono on uhtchiacan roliouat has bets cud la sot • prattles to. maul Pars. sod with thousands t011te10: , ' Dees fifir Wad In • Ideals butanes. Dr ests=," pawns itars hen si4detit to gala Tide* ma bs =oat stubborn esse.'.._. ..• To thaw wbe tars beat Id* ther Wan. thy" think tlussititss beyond m ' alcall " " 11 " 4a4 cal; DM." toff the Mato. • kat Om wilt 'raters 7oaor harsh sad TIM. sad :r after alllock tostogsloonl failed • - ror ft.Mwsrttonbus sat a, etroulsi Po sty Dui:; lost.batharottntry, or _snits tbe profelster, orbs .will 17:011; free to sap oss &thetas thy sassy ;pa-. truths In pmpblet ==. TA= par bottls, , aribres Wesel* a, sod ; forwarded =Rea Wet ports albs wcabL . ' II • 4 L.W.NAIMSWEIt - ' Tangs M ino.R. Nat& Wocd dna, vaa.2I:IIdII44FAMICS4 emir Dtosob4, ithd iff4lol3- &LP Lcsiaiie 3.: ; ;;I - f,' , : .:;. ; , , ..,: r ,: ; ,._; . -,F:•, • , - ,.: , ,:: ~0. .;:, * :g.it4'._:44A-K?f- ' ,'., ' '''.':. ' '"-''- ' ,:._,.,...,.. ~.....,...,:,.,,,..,, ,''~io~a~nss _,_:_:,:w: r~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers