4.i 3 Olbigit.,ioaze*,- TIIEJIDATI4OMMCh.^.:FJUNE 21, 1864. CITY .AND SUBBAN. The Pratt In the 22d instriet„ . ..m ca puiy more a ra at ten o'cloek the draft in - this distrMt was risusasSf.at Provost Marshal Poster's offse.. Watt Pittsburgh; idostenge . hell, and Beath Pina:mil r himing filled their quotes,- the. TitituOlib . of Pirminghem came nein W4cle number enroll' ad, 830; number to - be drain, 72. B hornet fo oar etus! Trailer Adatn il lr v oarster ardd - Lavin thrabaeser - JOiophltaander. laborof ..ru Wallace norpb Winter Jecob nalkok Alczeadat McGoningle) :Conrad Clh:runnota • :Vadat& tenon:lla ' • :Oswald Keller '• Dart. El loestlne • -/ndward }Petard • :Adam Weidman :done Troll= Intlph 8 Cullicnnon Cutter Hanry Monad lldic Dis hial Hombsck til:leder Angiut. Ilardek--- Nkbalas Race John 311 Mader hisepkeloyar !Samuel A erazdar Philip Fran d WM= Wray Joan Wytick 10earge Alblights Edwin ila Malian Jahn Walters Franklin Morgan Henry' Sabin /multi II Bradley Barb llama David Earl Bet,. Blasts Wahl( gten Deck Jacob &redo Jobn Ackerman /asset Whiten Optic/lanJ Went ttu4 Mokanbangh Janet NZ McDonald -John L. MOW/ ft/robot ' , ____ iiniter - 0 naby ' • . . Aintree/ MM. Peter' E Metier Granville Damn/ • Lreioi7 Gantt . • ' Vendee& 0 &tiff Prank J BlaWart reavidildidands Pnencia B Someph.Risbi all nt tellchaol'Entnaer - Philip Genies 1111chaellirebbe isizeinami IS to Ixedrawn. .- r a allea Gordster • ro leollartunst .rT d Lomb., . a I IA d.lph Ribber . •. - • Peter Bobid'emantie ' Gaspar Ctisdle G :girded Muting Jobn Carotids, - • • IGoorge rink . . . John It Gerson 0 tleiti Garr m Thomas, Adams Willlarn - ißlerJusin . Like Atclotyre 941:11 , 101 Idinisay WillianilleeT J. Predetick Bider Chu J ElliaresTarlor ernal's ananaters Vappbsa Andres, Jacob LorlOMillar Glen n ph A io be John m le on Philip -Leiner Frederick Peters Monde Porter Garbs Becktoldt Jobs Hoffman lobo Youths SIM Crawford • - • &battlers Nondaran . , • - Nimrod Berartsweldei toornenonBtierr • Oyrna Eteirart : .. . Jacob JohnW taard] llier .. , - —' Frederick. , N - otte .10.1311 W Me: Patrick Brep y Patrick Saga . 1 ' . rosameli moro nlt carport 'win be di;We 8 Humor Harps • ,Divid Capps • CbtlAtlan Barna' , _Willi Zimaterman . . Maiming la the wheel, Phitip Hanauer 1 WMlsm Barrett- ' Letts Blookllnzer rhadsgW , Bomlmld Amin* Myron clobber:l' Jain TWA, _ WUltam. Gavell. . . /ler thaw dmith Wm HHmam • OhistOmmim - .. l ogacumWoMfmmt John Floc HUI Limb Ullman - John -Jarrett - - • CMADemlahift • Altus tIMMM Jam D Davis Lewis WlVistas • -.lsmai (la!direll Gezris Geyer Mang Um • Itttoodara Ulan ' Joint Maga Pssak Ituskse Norge Wbsellas Obits: Mitebtlag Impala Ottanr 'Emma Haan ; • !patios .gtet Ignatius B.osr Took' Pluukatt - Oeor WAIL.= Lyons Haar, fituahlas August l'eldlet !•-• Hoary Knitter • The dos% wI4 be ..ing at tea z'okok, who drawn. Two Dora and a Girl Drowned. ' on Mindng afteintun between twelve and one O'clock, a boy named Charles Vance, eon 2, of . Drs. Jane Vance, a widow mudding - In Beath Pittsburgh, was drowned In the Xenon- •galusta river, while playing upon: a raft, tabors new' pion of the Steubenville Railroad bridge; 'The bodj floated coder the naft, and --, ,soneldtirableexcibtment mai created by the melancholy aocident The deeeMed wantonly ~,- , ,;•sighayeare old. • .- • Between five and sit o'clock, a La'named Long, eon of Dora D. Long, uf. the ilinet of Long tt DatT„, was drowned in thit'Al. ,-..lagiteny river, while bething. /fir had - gone out in a skiff, with route of sho trite; to , the middle Mier of the Be. Clair street .bridge, tank to deop water. A. joung ebmpatt. Itin,•astang the body, Bind under; and Esishais ' • try:the War of the hoed, atteceefied la bib:. lag It tithe-surface: intaittinie,the father et the boy, who- resides on - Panel street, wale mailed. And got dein to the river in 31reat to SOS the,lay. of his inafartainets son - ,dissmd:. ashore. :The boy who, Secured it, the - water, 'holding on to the ~stern of the skiff with one tau% and the body, with thettther; Mittio hie "oompaniens piled ••• - Rad:lß:to; the dame. pays,kiain was speed,: ily4eittaitionod, end - efforts were an idaTto emu - a te thiChey, hat wlthont awed,The- de. :.•cmased was thirteen yeas:told. • • ;On the eame afternoon, about three o'clock, -little-'girl 'named Mary Win Wrieht, &tighter et a widow residing In Meat Pate ; basal, wit drowned:in the Monetigahelarivoi ,as raurestock,,iiisoot_OVe glAsi him; She bad been sent to . , the- river fot a • boeitat of • • 'wrier, and it le - supposed that in timmadiag, the Steep embankment she either rin or felt '•7- into - :the water. The boar was neer •,--aretd hsliftese or twenty minutes, tutor course .••• &N em extinct. The deceased was only six :in' Capt Oldham, This Gfttyaburg Battle A permanent organisation of the Gettyr - *biz/ Memorial Association bas heels effsoied, by tito,eloction of the follow ing °Mors to serve for one year Pri-t•tirkst—Joseph B. Ingersoll. • Diratorg—Henry 0. Carey and Elmtrod A. Sender, of Phliadelokii; David A. Stewart sod Was. Ed: Hersh, of Pittsburgh; A. 0. • Meister, of Harrisburg; H. W. McAlister, of Billfonts; sod Rev. Dr. •H. L. Bangbar, T. D. Clarion. D. PloConattgby, J. B. Danner, R. 0. MoOrtary, Janus 8.. Fahuistook and Georg* Arnold, of Ontyebarz. • • • lissoltitious ware adopted reetimatendhog the appointment by the Board, of the Govern ore of the loyal Status, and other gentlemen .of bothrance as Honorary sad Advisory DI -. ••• fetons--. the appointment, of Honorary flidtdtatioa in tlut cities' and large towns, and '• the arryaintutent of an Eserative Committee of seven resident Dire:tars to do the active work of the Auoulatlon. subject to the sp. .• prowsi of the Board'of Directors. The Board has organised by the election of ' e.: Bey. Dr. H. L. Baugher as Vice President, T. D. Canon, Treasures a and D: biollonanstry, • Thst Aisociatlon'hit Waits obtlijned titles '• ter steeenty aurae of 'the battle.;Asid and has • negotiated far toori;niod comment its work • , maer the most fstrorableustspicer; • Court of.laaanisildeaulipi,, • -Beton Judger bfellon add , . /dot 20.--Chest si isVoll•on s thinsof tumult sad !unary preferred by Merle Enke. The July iea • dared a isopilci . of not gisllty, qie prosecutor to pay the costs. ; • • Joins Lama= lad Jetues-Vaillsan wets diced tea dollies each and costs for Rains Ilqtat without limas. Gorsumharisslth TlN:James Mks and htanutny, Imitated for eamplracy, on oath of Esnjam.M Trimble. -Om readers will :imam larr that some - menthe' 'Moir s.oan l R t faun mod Wilson hind a oilko from, Kn. Blume of VIM stress, and aftmirsrds sold It to Idr. Trimble. Wllson Loh the dry' and his not him* been heard from.. The defendant,, it armiellased by the proseoution s here sonnsmad with a swindle, aid tM shit wu brought on **Miry of conspiring. to 'defraud. • . Dialog .I.bs 'tear •rldonoe has addocad stowing that Mr. (HUI bad reeelsed us from Wllson,for selllng the plaza for vas dalad by the. defonp., ands melte Marla' °Ugh], city was Oallid, who- trained Chas It was customary for utheisisas to thine kw Ste per mutt upon a pianos sold thrOtth their recommeudeis. White on the hettnens, eland Mr. Trimble, stated tbta ehf gum* via CUL b bhp posseealon. Jury Das'lt rust Tattda.4en big tart, Dr. Shuman; who has charge of the ibliTatal at. Grafton. started to take a hone .baek, tido with his ware. from Grafton td. Web stns.% They' had' gone 'hot a short distances • than Mn. Sherman dropped from her Ism* In s .of atoplexi..:Sita wee conveyed to Grafton sad died on Wedassday "afternoon, Ware fuming spoken - a word 400 s the Dna; she was 'ablated with:this Tax • Peansyleenle dude Medical. Sees)* held its annual meeting In Philadelphia - lest week.. The fspe?tir ot the county exist'," thew spotted four bed eppeared is nasty ••• Oriel collet, .121 thli dugs, mid that during mat year seeelet,rever hod boon stoirualy and Ideenllielia I leid• extent= . Otte Oda . _Atiatkettrit'ppitopor.i an dsperied td ertlre In ?paie 1 .1,64.-Altasne till ii of -Rosati, Rifftioon sold to I,lt. Will Lost Bakst, of • fof td!liti n _giolassadiousta. •, • . IZEINIII 7, ' -. .47.7"':''''''''P''''''.7 l •:::i. -- ,7 . :.1.: . : , . ,,- ..:1*-;:X-'.. , ..-2 ' . 4 . • - - - :..ii°.?1".-1" . •'• ~.. ! This Pitts COWL ;The eel= whiehirere contorted for bybal lot-Ctihe annllary Pair Were awarded to the 40th Panasyleanlay eat Orginteit having re calved 1,000 votes more than any other com petitor. The names of the contributors to wards the racomofol regiment, embrace nearly all door molt prominent bullies! men, none of whom subscribed over twenty dollars. This compliment which has beei paid Colonel Portia and his regiment Is well deserved, as no braver body of men are now In the Held. Colonel Ponik May oongratoilatehbasell' upon having mewed the well-wishes of out citizens, which exhibits itself in to substantial a man ner. The following correspondence will , Ix- plain Itself : Ausamorr Crrr, June 8, 1884. E3Q, Hir :—Hareerith we send yen thesidk deg donated by ladles of the Lt 11. P. Church, (Dr. Prosily's) Allegheny, to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair, for the benefit of nick and wounded sadists. Yours, respect fully, • Mu. M. &mare,. Mu. A. 1. JAIII50; • Conn:nitres. llsennuesswes, Pirtammaa 11.13. Emmy PAIR Commenoir, Parer:man, Pa, demo 18, 1864. the'lmlles of die /Ira IL P. Ckureh 9lonY a% Pa: laraks;—The Flag which you .tutde and goneronsirpmented to the Pittsburgh Sani tary. Pair for the sick and Wounded soldiers, was allotted to the 46th Regiment Penn sylvania Volunteers, that regiment haring received 1252 votes. It gratifies mete state that the nag Fodueed to the Par fund for the raid of sick. and wounded moldiest,' the handsome 1nin.018793. It may be interesting to you to know some. thing of the history of the regiment which is to bear and "Bally around your Flag." The AM was recruited immediately on the return of the tbreemenths Men, at the beginning of the war. Two companies, commanded by Captain' Faulk and Morgan respectively being from Pittsburgh. - Prom its tall cons• ploment the reglinent was: reduced by losses in battle. and the - fortunes of waroo about three ; hundred Men. It was strengthened - again by the addition of three hundred men from the fiat draft in .Pennsylvania. It pasted Creditably through the battles of Win chester, Cedar Aleintaelne, 2nd battle at Win 'cheater, Karnatown - Antktion, Middletown, South Mountain, lappahannook, Chancellor vine., Gettysburg, and sundry skirMiaties, while spinet the Potomao array, and was then transferred to the army of the Cumberland, where lt ardvedin Oa, '6l, helping Sherman to drive the rebels 'from Tennessee. At the expiration of its term of Service the regiment hail again been reduced to about three hun dred 'effective men. True patriots who en listed-almost to a man. The brays three hundred returned to Pennsylvania and re aralted to the fall compliment of one thous and men, and • again returned to the Army of the Cumberland, where it is now bravely fighting the battles of Union and .kiedom, egainstrebellien azdalavery. Thorns:imam mamba has again bean reduced in the recent' hattles'of Renee, Dallas;,ite., in Georgia. XOur 4.11 is,doubtlise in safe hands, audits Present owner' -.. together. with ,- all the; brain soldiers of theltnion, are acting on the motto - of the streamer your-taste attached •to it; "God loves a oheinfal - liver." Truly are they giving their life's blood to the ammo! God and their eountry. Let our prayers go lip to the. Throne of Grace for their safety. and amen; and let us freely give of our Mean' to help these who are lick and wound ed In the holy cause. With.lll,o regards, . . Yammost ob't Mir% Faux B. Betsey, Chairman.. Mrs, M. Brim, and Mrs. R. 4. TLYTholf, Cattiaitinee. RiAD4I7 1111, U. S. alarms Coinnuros Paul, Pittabstrth Pa: Jane 1864. MYkl 46th Sept. Dean behalf of the Orarautire Committee of this Pittsburgh Sanitary rah, 'and the blends of the Regiment, Ihave the tranor to present through you ni 45th Registrant Pennsylvania Volanteers the ,att oomtranying Fag, ThoSleg was even to: the riskier the renal of thaeiok ant wended soldiers , the- Ladies iof the Ist, U. P. Chireh;in Allegeny, and vas Tetrad for In the Fair to be presented to that iiegt;ent.of Pennsylvania whin should main the high est number of votes: thefrindlY °oaten the 48th Boement-teratind 4,2gtk.rappood is entitled to the Flag 'Ategintent ahlah the lietiiimis tiara hie twice lien radioed 'fent - nashouns to an Effective force of -- .caly x three' hundred man, and .urldeb.- has braze its Pialibrarely through fourteen battles, - , deserves tOhave new one. -. That this h eratnutted- to ;raoritiy. keeping - no one eon doubt. ..biay year regi me/alum the honor to bear it only in 'W eary- and - each victory as will bring l the no. mien of the country to speedy submission, and may L yon soon be permitted to "Rally road the Pin" and thank God that the slaveholders robellionis wished forever. With sentiment; of high regard, I am,rery respectfully, your obedient 'lomat, • '- • Peru R. Banco; Chairman. Ptrrsatmen, Pa., Jane 20, 1884. 11; Hr. R. 8., Bruno. Chances .Erscsffee Oie. csium of the reasicol4 &mitalir Fair: DLit SLI: I am.in receipt of your letter of the 18th inst., on behalf of .tbe Enmities Committee,presenting to the 90th Regiment' PentisylvanMlleteran Infintri, through ns, the colors awarded to it at the Fair. It will boa source of great pleasure: to me to convey to tise regiment the colors as a token of the high regardintertained In West ern Pmmaylvaula for It so a regitnent.' I thankyou so on behalf of those tried Tea -1 ram who I em proud to represent; and mime, yea that mark of esteem of the citizens, particnimly tkoseof Pittsburgh, will be prop. erly appreciatedly them. Each soldier will thank you— all the mamben of the regiment will thank. you. 'lt will remind' them that they are not forgotten at home. r need/ knew them in any of their hard fought battles to do argil:dot *lse than their thitY, seen when that duty claimed their lives for the protection of their_ country. Ent, sir, when they ardrettiladedly this token et the regard In which they are held here, and Mat their - conduct Ally appreciated , it will ?OATS them in Mao, and it will be a pleasure to thaw: to know that in offering up their. Ewes for. this skidoo Union• there am many yes,xery many hers at home, who feel keenly. their trials,llllll-that although abseht fightlng the battimof their oottstry, they intrennn. nese Calera soon. be otimayed to the regiment, 'and' alto the klnd renege enter. _Mined fat the inemben comprising it, and, ass on' very kindly -remarked to "jour letter to the ladles whose geneionsly donated them tolhe Pair, that they.en .Moubtlets in good hands,•!- , rtrill:aniwer tor, those. triedletAr". du OA they'll; keep good your assurance o theastladies, -r c s In eonelnelea, permit. ,mo to again flunk you end the many ogler= of Pittebergh who mho coatributed so liberally sad getercouly through the regiment, to se Lusdable :and iireireworthy an object. ' ' • • ••r , Most cordially and faithfully Tont Ob'r • , • W. L. ForuF.:. Li. at. 46th Beyer /him niece 'Alexi*. Wales 17olveritty. . A mooting of tho Atoroi of tfla;,WeEonn Universfry . of nanolrani& will bs hald the Diskronlty building, Diamond itriet, on Wednesday afternoon, tho 32d Inst. at 2 o'cloek. Tha object , of tka.nnaatlaz fito or. pain an Allnial Association s In aosissotian with. Um Instlinthes gaol amodations strew tho adaistilein for and emus them to Ungar around the Jibes' Mao. If Lto Ea hoped therefore that the meatiog will bo good ono,' and vitl ham a foaming 'Get on tlno Unlrsisity which ts now in mot a d ourtsh aosulltkins: . . • • .°l?Antissul. ollootonr..—A loan tamed Bar. foreman In Stlas • Mosobant'ir Iron foundry, Moreland, lathe' mining s hoary tasting of metal, on Tboaday hat, was serest) Infused b 7 the implosion of the mould. •41. kettle of molten boo which bad been thrown Into •the air b 7 the explosion, fell to et Obeyer upon Mr. Lorton, and Also upon Mr. Murahant. • Both, men wen danger amity botat, sod the.forernan lies la a vary attics.) itoodltion., . Paacrunte roe Rics...-4atnouil, the chat:aeon canzan, has _burn aractbdne daring the past few sesateirs. for tat aerates sculling rue with Ward; which will take also* stect month. List netting shoo t dnat, he mired up the Ails Shen y liter lee beautt• fel little =ft, anttecreated moth deity= nt among the persons on ate brldses and on the ahem - • .Amt's Paszrr Wool, COMM OIL Das• ! asas.—ldatars. C. Pi' taw k Co., hays vadat • large atop on the wpm of Dscraaysi Way and Wisps: rtnst, far Ms of insanfactaying &Lea's Pa Wit -0 • . haryala an Medi nos4all4ll4ar.by . those SOLD hays sued tiara. Wir wkailtvidas "to Welt sdrartturarnt, vhloh nal* [stink la mother *ohms& • • • . Ditar.—.T. S. White, at its B.Oth P.s i nijL gitaltinvitttunt, dl.d oz the 14411 tztt.,.‘t . Skatuptosiimital, 79rtrio Zi arc*. .. J i . ' eleptAntfluit 13 tigult3r. Among the attraetions.: of ;the mammoth establishment Termed by the combinallot of Thayer L . Etym.' Circus and Van Am burgh's hiensprie, is be mentor elephant; Hannibal, need* meaty 7eari old, and laid to be the leagent!qtuuldipsd ever 11011114 either to Europe or Ainectica, - Within the memory of man. Haindhal is somenriat celebrated fox Intiulging, at; dim, in little eceentricities of an =amiable 4haraeber, such as tossing horses and wagon in the air, tearing down barns ' end rating the socket Nicholas gene rally,although, we believe, he has conducted himself in or rade orderly manner of late jean, u hemming his bureuing age. The "old fellow is Posiossed of his full share of sr gutty , which tej often exhibited in • mote -1 worthy maaner.i E'er instance, in re edkat Of hearing of is Squalls, exploit on his part which will bear ' relating: relating: A few years ago the menagerie *IJ to auhibit at a town in the interior of How York, where, in eons.- queued of an unsafe bridge, it was neceszary for Hannibal to 'intim a river. The weather was excessivelyl arm, and the old fe ll ow en • tired the water with readiness; but when fairly in, he found his position so comforta ble tat, instead ' obeying the directions of his keeper, ha co eluded to remain and enjoy the refreshing s Deadens of the bath at his. leisure'. In vain did the excited:bowmen shout, threaten and- , prny ; the huge beast paid not the alighted situation to &hot:ales, butrolled his vast bulk lazily about, at times sinking completely out of sight, and then rising with &dirge spouting like a whale. The manager, becoming imrettient, procured a gnu, loaded it with sae diet, and, taking deliberate aim, discharged it, the shot taking effect so far as to make the-brute shake his leather apron em a little, u it She files troubled him, and nothing more, 'The gun was again loaded with cosine-shot- i and again discharged, the load striking tam:fairly on the rump, causing him to blow a blaht upon his trumpet which might be boa.li Ora mile, Matters ware now becoming too warm for his elephantine high ness, and he defied for the shore. when a sudden thought apparently striking him, he abruptly stopped, suffered his enormous body to sink completely out of sight, with nothing but the tip of hie trunk,lhrough which he breathed, exposed, and there he remained for nearly two hours; in spite of all efforts made to drive him out, ending himself itroatly emus in his sub-aquaoue position m all assault, from stenos, ebbs and - shotgems. Was not this very like reason Tirsants.-12 chard and hie wonderful performing dogs are still the centre of at. traction at the T estre. Tide weenies three excellent pieces will' be produced, far the names of which lee advelktimment. Mr. Harry Ovcitington, the popular Treas urer of this utahliehment, will take a bene fit on Wednesday_erentag; and a fine bill will be presented. Mr. H. bee many friends, and or: o doubt net that the house will be crowded I - . Etscraorarar il tbledame Lonefgan and Hiss Caldwell TO MN/MOO th e stook of Dr. B. Woodward, and have opened an once on the corner of RUCs and Wylie streets, for tbelprectice of the medical Imre:Hon. These ladles are regalar, graduates and have their diplomas on exhibition at their office. Per. TOMB needing =idlest advice or attendance will find the new Arm competent to attend to their wants. Bans= or Alta Tax Laws or sus Sun. —On the lstof :Jag next, a committee of the House of Representatives, consisting of ?deism. Read ana Smith, of Chester, and Messrs Barger, Coleman, &Mason, Sighs= and Peaking, willmeet at Harrisburg for the pmposi of preparing a new tax bill, to be submitted to the Legislature at the adjourned settlon in August; Durtionsturn tit las.ll2lllll%—Yotartliy afternoon, het 1 beer Jollification was given eta tavern on Ohio street, Alleghenyolusito which a dirageeemenl sprang up between the participants. th e police interfered and 'r ioted three of thil party, evhdprere taken to the hiayor'S offirnand locked up. Toms Son.+Another mam oth West India tnrtl. inl a y. 'mired up today at Eli Enures Sinn , earner of &Wilbourne, and Virgin envSoppi sod oteitinan be rotund it tin Exchange from tin 'Vole& a. no. tillalenroa P. m. Panto foidllor can an 6 supplied. 'that any qtrontlty Brinufaon Pi Anisorro.,-The follow• Ms aro the a byttio 6taamb6ntCrommli. toe of the Sand •Pain! Colors, irrn_prlir, sumer n Ei 3; ftlso Fel Icon Info, Long 21. earn ;manfully •andeaSt in, Mimi with _ _ dded, . itttn. them. The `misale should bo - held two or three feet from the worms' mai. So Wary N done the tree,• a the effect' is complete. • . , My making a au b; at sued. Our Tar; JIIIIIII aro about carcustetteing to oat dowses; heavy crops of gem that adorn the meadows) end folds. It la Said there will be an abundi acme of hay made this scale tt—a fact that mast be very gratifying to farmer,. .Toat P. Scan ' Tea of Beadles, An Elementary 9 tugs. 'obi& les •• Isayeana and attar instructors. 11SODICI ilin, lanai us No. du of Mum Tilos. Also, sr of the Pnach Lat hs he intended for gallon, whosre wholly their own FATAL Accintrr.—On Tuesday Last, at Lridge N 0.12, nesi Tyrone, Mr. George Nat ters, a ailments?, vas risn'oeer h 7 as emi grant train, and his right Lig eras emshad from the knee to the ankle:: h e died text morning. • `. ._ ; ; Srorrel—ears- riltat .Elna7l.-.4ttaatlon la celled to theism lista of stocks tots sold tbla °Toning by A. blerralne, Attotloneer. Also the Improved St& trward property, *blob !a a deal/ebb dump er inristosent. , FM BUCK MID CLAY..-4JUt iron rout tifootarero and alums aging 0.0 brick and clay con bo supplied by loarlog Omdrordors hti tbo Varnish and Pant dor* of Mr. Coalo, No. 63 Wood ofseet. , I • sPiczAslipcAs. nanene inessigaiNnu, Plain and Ornamental elate Roofer, sad dada in Panneyhanist end Tor. • moat slat* of the • I best quality at . low rata Odioe at Alm . Lughilee, MP the Water Works, Plttibmlt,Fo. • COlll2, 802101211 ;and Dacased Nails Da. Rinniti--.Thls anloeuttblropodist, who effected any c a res 9f corns and bunions, le again among 0.1 *nd I. lasted at 20 Fillb west, over Andriw's tai store. Ills opera- Neu are efficulcus,lpalniess lad speedy, and knowing, as all Avoid that comfort In walk. log li essontial ea hialth, thou afdleted with* theta troubleaome.pats would do well to give the Doctor a call. ! hfr../fil Tong, and Mr." Jams. illillinger, well known In this comma ally for .yetrs, were, aEllatis d with both corns and auslone for a lops time. Mr. EU Tomos gays: Dr. Randall most raooeulislly area some most painful corns and. bunion' for me. Theatre is cifectuel.indl oonsidor I mull an excellent Investment. Mr. James Millings, satin:-Do.Randall, a yearage, removed a son palatal oast from tutder One of my Yoe Mails. The everition wu perfectly etcoolfu4l To-day he has removed others, sad I have no doubt with equal m oon, for which I hid undergone areal tut tutewasful operation" at the binds of other professed Oltirepodirts.. Oars boar* from 10 to 12 a. at, and from I to 5 p. m. I . • Pion VOX flotnni.u..-Throughout the In dian and Crimean aimpalgos, this only medi cines which proud: themselves able to cure the worst cues of Dyeenteri s eaniTy_end F•• Vey, was SOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Therefore 'stater, Volunteer pa that he I, applied with dui. Dolloway't PILL and Ointment an new re. tallii, owing to ths highprioes of drugs' at 80 ma, 75 ants and sl,l(Sper pot or Wekii, For sale in Pittsburgh hit D. L. Fabaer r. Poe oils at Poison's drug spiaSPlllheNtill i s Pittsburgh. - . • .. ii.. , I , .. , .-.4. • Pa side also by goo: AAftilly, Federal "treat, Allighony der. ' • • .. • Wry Bona fluids ix Amami.l....oor ;Aster city of AUeshiny has long felt its wait l• i IA vs, fiat clapdlnlog-room, where' meal" a me mid be pre and at all hours, bat that want las it bat been folly (applied by Hr. llothib Fus, who hu - opand an establishment on 'Tourersl street, adjoining tho Ballroad Depot, which be hu fitted up in :an stigma mainer,. • and is prepared to supply the ratio with all. the übstantials and Ullman of ths season.. The now saloon has bun ELMS I . The BrocuN my." OITO it 6 C 41.4 , . . . • Berm on Hai m-Thu rubieriber wishe d ii t sub, telsfall the log 'of the Ocwne that liskitligi &fa', . oldie justly mlla ' • sed tat mom: : , whoa etas! gatering gay halr . Its original color, man hair (run ,Willi cot, rem glantrug, get, fairly L entities it to be eianifg;the greatest atocuset of model am: Man Johnston, sole agnot, *ova 0381002difd an d Fourth struts. ant dir t : Vr . ' *- - - i . ' • .' • ..,r'i , .. i - ~ ' ..."..`.....1-1. - .:,:::,...Z. ~..1.-,......,...,-. ... ... ...... .... ... . ..,......; : :: : : 7 .-..j . ..-i,i , ip,'.. - .' , .; , ..,:!.t. , :.: - .:•,..:, ...... '' - :-..'',.'.., - ,•.':':..-. 7 "":IZ-.-..;.,:.*.-4'...--11-:!'-'-i,.;,.- THE LATEST- NEWS BY TBLEGRAIIL OUR 'mum DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON OPERATIONS IN VIRGIN! Desperate Efforts to Mold Peteraburff. SEVERE FIGHTING ON. FRIBA IJNIONATTICH ON LYNCIIBUBO BX ?ECHO Clase or Don Jose Augustine Ar guelles. WAWA DISCUSSION ON ENHoLIMENT AC Wileon's One Year /mandated Bakal EXEMPTION MUSE IN THE HOVE Ac., &a., &o. Special Dispatch tathorlttsbarah Gazette. WAisentozoi, Juno SO, 1863 ♦iPAIBB it roost OP prrOisavao Binge Fddity there has been no fighting worth, naming . In front of Petenbarg. On Friday night Bl;ney'edlirbdon of the 2d *nips held a hue of *orb within Wes miles of the ^ • The reported creptcure of Peterabarg and ea =Fallon by our troops of the railroad between that city and Wan:Lend_ Is, of courts, puma. tare. Crittenden's division, of Borneid.'" corps, suffered very severely in Pridsj's battle. Lee is evidently intending to make a des perate effort to hold Petersburg. If he falls there it Is doubtful whether he will retreat ' toward Richmond. He does lot seem dis posed to permit Grant to get loath of him. . The latest news front Hunter and Averfil comes through rebel /10117011. Tb. letter Is said to be in the vicinity of Lynchburg, and an attack on that plus was hot:sly expeoted. The steamer which left City Point Saturday noon bring. • report that oar:forces were within ,ix hundred yards of Petersburg, and could, at any time, destroy It. Firing was heard on Saturday morning, but It was not believed there would be a general en gagement before the tint of this week. 71111 Olga OF Del JOllll abotirrial ,A101:11LLIB., A message from -the President . boatmunica. = ted to the Senate a dispatch, dim date of the 10th Inst., from the acting Count Gener al at Hama, Thos. Savage, illative to the cameo! Ifortgose Augustine Argtedat, and the idatatneitt that his arrest was sought because 'of his opposition to the slave trade. It Ie sheen that Arguelles captured as expedition, as it was his °Halal duty, but that instead of intrude:lug them to the GoviinorGeneral, ho told portion of them and aextrat. ed farem as having died ,it -small t i pox, an been bunted, and bribed the Path Curate to attain to It. Ma testimony chows that thirty.eleht were sold to one man. twelve to another, and *Lk: en ware distributed in a similar wayt Gen. Dlce,papt. Gum; so bench abused by Arvid es,.luse beta *sty eficient in cap \ taring ela er expedftlinsii, njeleA,r that but five have • caped him daring his ad:anima. Goo, white many morehave ben captured. Sang* f can us that - the itsetiment:of Arguelles lie's presence in How .York ti not true, d that the women referred to was nottle wife. Bs repreients, that these cap.. hated Anne, when emendated to the GOT. eiiior General, aro termed emanelpatort, and a ititritot lith planters at a nominal rim li made for titAelt temporary Orrice; but that great fraud' ere perpetrated bn them, a Com mon one being to report a Portion of them dead, or, when othir slaves die, to testify to the death of the entanelpators - Lust*, and thus retain them as slaves. ' ' tun mot:wort 'Aar. The Senate spent most of thlsafternoon on the bill to .emend the enrollment" Cot. It elicited some warm &suasion: If,. Suds bury mad* a savage anti-tee speech, in which he stated, end, quoted the Intaligeacer es authority, that the oloveronient had al ready been furnished with two million Are hi:Mimi thousand CUM Mr,. MeDengai offered an amendment to strike out the whole substitute elute, so that every man drafted mat enter the service, Rejected,. by a ma jority of 25 to 6. .- Ifs. Wilson's amendment, to pay one bunked dollars bounty to drafted men, was also lost,- Ike bill will be taken up again to-night.' ~. ' 1" . . - F ;' ' ' inn - $lOO mums lot cutting. - ' The Boni. CloUligitiCt . on gli.itili Arian bad under consideration - to=bsy: the ques tion of repealing the 1401/ exemitton obiztio. They determined, boleti therY 'took difiblie action, to coney with thellenitieliMitary Committee.' *joint meeting* been called for to morrow, When the matter will he linal.' ly disposed oleo Ear:we the Committee . ` are concerned. It If donbtfal *hem it' will pus Conant' at this melon. 701 l'lx ins.. .The Conference Oomroltbbaou the tax biq winain session to-day Sirivierdi of lie bouts, and 4ispoged of some Sixty "'fileigrardog emendMents. They meet again this arming; sad thiy expect to finial the to,ximizolisit will report it On Wiltheida,• .toiidedissa to tare the disputed polati bn whiskey rutin thi usf 'Wag. ' The impresslin is. that thiy.will adopt the suggettlorts of Secretary' Cbasorlota ptetbste tat of one &Mai and sfty cents after Jaly lit. . ' ; stu. heronry) iticiaantad =jaw 11111W15. I Mr. Monti, from the Jidiciary Committee, repotted o bill providing for ball in MOO of =WWI 'errata, made under the law of July 17,1847, to be taken befiire any Judge of the United States Court, Chancellor Judge of the floprime or Superior Court, or CIL fJudge of the Court of Common Pleas, eu3 they also Bale Signed by the Pieildarb .. shall exerelse thidr discretion , tequilas the. • Wassnrorow, /one 40 "-ThePhallist:alas nature anel:cirranataness of the offense, and sP7 7O Tod end signed the bill regulating the Si Id etbi, ands of V. ~ . .. ooutlng trade, by which , It Is provided that any boat, SIOOD, or other yessel of the 'Jed 6 AfTOII7IIIOMI CONYMICI). States, palpates the waters on our western Col. Wm: P. Bmtletti of t h e mu Id w . or north-western and itorth•eastern frontier . V 01,., to be flag. Nowt i Ca. Elliott W. °II , "Zwirl than by ' 61 4 shall be enrolled and Itice, of row*, to be Brig• Genera ; eh.. P. mt i-i re in il IIT form 'P' °dn' 7 eatese libloh .. • an !Janie dal enthalse th em Potter, of Wisconsin, to be Coruml Ceara to be engaged either inthe touting or for: for the Balla North Aineriown PfO*lllael ; ulgn In" OW thole fraaters. They an In ..Tbelou' iatkpetrlski of Kew Tort, to be both us em r h i ll lia mo b m il ti o tbb ra lasti 4 effulsg"la genial at Nalew; Hsu/ W. Cadirell to be tersd P ent ' lin s ennet ?tsar. • t°l,9Te - c'tglit. I y i A. . r ddge fet . th e ...di t tekt. of Arkamils j The President hasalso . gitei - eid'airnWerl I Thom., Steinberg to be amino! of Intsrsal Ih.,Aatto o Vibik, 1 'about told and *toads for ata disytat k &Oils. -- : i ll:I:t aw it c .' b ra j p=o 4 t t g i.Th ola l in 7 -- mann stomas eausii - nkrll7llD. - . goals, truer. and Afx P ate fo l hg . . The fray Down:au:thee feemee4 w e nt. antis, are imposed` .324 which ehall w have game of the , oeptnrent du Britlik.strarner bm IA 8*24 for - more than one year . . Siam off DOOdOCT 7 ,NOT ,CPaligtir , 1 1 ,Utt ,A la te:a d d lo u r conaun thm"tu ptlon; Y : e l'i n " ebo uLa teffi r mue bs eella ta d . eit ,.o a r,G, TO -,,, , b o p,i, , piim,,, - kijo, k.,. at any Coo" before Saitember let next, OD ErbiNw ca ptured- b y tb. thgba stet. ew e , Mina , of duties end . lamps actevding to by ffiyetono State, Commander PlaurCroolsi : 1 7 1 ,1: "if,Przfit the ~tll. the good s . bill ho The Fares il an trot screw stramsr, satocifer. - • ...... ,---,-,---............--.., ' rigtod, and of eighty-ion: tons bur then, end oonsaulded by J. W. Pensatono. 5 " "Mi C ote.. ISOil 200-4111 New. . York Erpresnman - 4 0 3 Eaton via ft an ann.-y0 Aunt cmrroir.actran, TILLIITZS. lc- hod this noon , when . i, no r th ift Ifs.Marrill also Introduced a bill, drabal ' met with . an 111:144ot;' n 4b - ii 1 : 9- - 4- rs 7 4 :titVe B•Critlfy of the Tresiory, au thgrising the info ewe thrown' frouttlik w =doery aft:_ the 'ple of cut= booms, whams, docks, ° „, * .. ult ' L z an u, 2 ,...._ 4 An! badkit broken up.. bomb "ad naval hospitals, sad tthe lands on which iT te r , .ZZor"' s 11174 reported : td be U tley were located, when ;nor itsatar for 06; ' ' - - '----i ' - t • d al us. , , • Etsuroortd. Ceptrin o f an Entire Dili. - ' 14.trof&L canzu. , • : - ,don d e . -----t-. , y " Gairtronad Q . chummy b i , c it scad . 4 flew You. Joao 30;4:41.4 New Yak a.a that, under indj*f:tra:4l_ D CVO& a the lntto " * °,, l ,Liiv etlihrit:tettlergTrAwAslc -1266341ff WatlOl4lolitlenal 'at; every Se- tared an indite diviorilro a To Y eec7nTeits7, .. °4 7 • ...„ ~ ••'', ~ ~ :!, ..:t.: l `;-7`;•:;-!. ; , ~1 -. ,- :, ,'' 1 ;,';:•' ',.. ' '.-- '': . . , .. . ..s:.,a ~~..~..W..... ~~ ~ .._~.,.~._ _......~ Y :. ~ t ~~~_ ~'~'4 ii+~.^r~ ..`.'. 1 awe ~: : : 1 - .. .. tiordal bank, *hose arganizetion eirtidrats dated prior to thdlnaltionday in Isdikettell :dad quarterly report, 4hathei Isiah bisk hal commimead ;boluses or not. Blanks for ths requisite reports we now being forwarded to the banks. The Committee on Elm:Cone will meet to morrow for the purpose of taking action apoi the cues of members from Arkansas. The Committee will probably report the matter to the Home and ask to be disetwaged. =II KU •DOLIIIIIIO 6/ORITATION Dming the availing 'tintitill In the Sonata the bill to abolish couimntation was dlicrused briefly, and so many conflicting opinions orb- . ing sad beeoming embodied in the amend ment tho bill was recommended to the Mili tary Committees.. =l3 A committee from the General Amiably o New School Pieebytarlame, headed by lin Hatfield and Crii,eby, aniced in this city to night, and will wait on President Lincoln to 1:11717011 • DU= WABEIIIICi7OII noarvuu. One thousand and flfty-two ;deaths ha►i occurred in the hospitals In this city since the, first of Juno, arerazins orsr fifty per day. OXIMIAL APP2OPRIAIIOI . BUJ,. The Hoare spent the evening 10/liol2 as well 13 the afternoon on the General Appro priation bill. InLYON'S ON tatll All liploll2Wr IMOTID Mr. Ineotes emendemet to rodeos the time 11111171C21 to cro• year lestead of throe, me Lill= 764 U 911.0T'6 AlkT The latest intelllgenea fast received from Grant's army, Is up to 11 o'clock Sunday meriting. Col. Chamberlin, commending a brigade In the bib corps, tau badly, and it is thought mortally woundsiiin thelido In the battle of Saturday. Gan. Milts Division of the 9th corps got to within one-half mile of Petersburg. They fedgbt on the river road, and curled two limn qf this enemy's entrench month which . thor livid , end cap,tured over. Ore hundred phonons, end three cannon. Serval battle Sage were also taken. On Saturday night only lire of tho enemy's works remained to be carried, and it was thought that they 'would be manned on Mon day. Fighting had not been renewed when y ihn but left on Sunday morning at 11 o'clook,", LATEST FROM GRAM MY FIGIIIIIO BUM MUM Our Loss in Two Days 8,000 Billed and Wounded. TWENTY-ONE PIECES OF ARTILLERY CAPTURED HON THE MST. Butler and Ewell's Movements Ast, Berearme liosteun, Juno 18, oia Ed more, Jam 20.—1 n all, twenty-one yawls lif lery ham been espterod from' the enemy In Our assaults walks works at Petersbarg, beside!' hop !Ipalbar c( prisoners. , • Whui the Asory withdrez his forms in front of gen:Sutler to reinfdres Petersburg, G en ; guthrimunegiaiely sent, out slopes int der thnieraliVerrY end Trumer,•widei moded in destroying an important bridge end mUes of -the'rellroad Ora near Walttiall /unction. Bakes (late Ltagstesist's) corps eromeatlse James firer new Drury's Blatt Matrons taros, sal, was IV^. .414.13 down Oa Patanloarg remake aa (isperat. Batter's torsos. entered tksir works. • Lut evening the dispatch steamer Amanda Manse whnolistsing N'lleos's Wharf, tram Axil Wm . 444 thttserthVolectrthaTagme flyer; by a rebel . battery. .Ten shots were lima at her, ore of which nested_ through her hall near the water line. No ore wastojured. The J ames river is blockaded strar Who below Diary's Rhiff toprarent a nutrias from the rebel runs. Ifoodiroarriro Arooy of der Potomac, Istee /8. —General Pierce 111.1 escaladed while /Want. leading ids brigade In a elute. General Martindale. on the tight, *Zincked the am, and succeeded b advancing his lines and With( a few prisoners. fits loot Is reported at about 500. 'Thy Pblri Corps did not lose heavily In their advent* In the morning, but their loss considerable in the afternoon In their at tack on the left. Our beset during the tut two days will reach 8000 killed and wounded. The lose of the enemy at some points wu greater than ours, but being generally bolded Gab en. trenekinents, were not so much exposed, and of emirs* suffered less on the whole. All the prisoners taken so fa:timber about' twelve hundred, of whom about two hundred came In yesterday. They represent them. mares as being In Desaregard's army, Ii le not believed such ► resistance could be mad* without his presence sod the el4f Ida troops. There Is no reliable news from General Batter op to the present time.. General Ingalls has beau designated Chief Qamtermastss of the combined armies In this vicinity. Be la to be stationed at City Point. POSITION OF THE PUBLIO DEBL MPORTANTSTATEMEBTFRONSECRETARYCNIIIE, New You, Jane 20 —The Ants tant T 71114. urn this afternoon received from the Secretary of the Treasury the following Important state. meat of the position of the publll debt, and eircalstion : The amount of debt, Including all legal Under notes and onpeldrEptbdtione is 61,919,395,163 68. .Tbe amount of inter* set testing legal tender notes withdrawn is $08,890,000 00. The amount of ordinary legal tender note" withdrawn sod placed fa memo is 617,258,872 00, , sbow Lag &redaction at present of fetal tenders of WI deseriptioos to be 660,147,03 00. This statement than the Aetnal mint state of the debt and &olds. den. ' Of (mine it. *lll be necessary to re. pplea dote w eist i on of the Ostrr s ee e nt. legal ee rot. • piltaed] Pcnaid 144 llx per B. P. Ostime.. - ••; Cisco state', say. the • Cbtuarreied, of ammo.. from the Secretary of the M °uil . i niry, that It Is not the purpose of Mt. Chu, to Inv* an amount of the oompound latirut of sla per cont. equivalent to the amount of legal tenders thus retired, bet to contract their circulation as muoh u possible, and to regulate future. trues of currency by the strictest necessity, There an the highest odlolal usuranue • tea that thou are Mr. Chase's future Luton Hanoi ' =6=lM=2= CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. • Wealtatordsr, June. 20,11384.. Hour..-54 bill was Introduced, and refer red to the AM/lel:cry Committee, to prohibit leterAllate slave trade. Wilion, of lowa, autvedtho appoint ment of two additional oonuaittees-.31:10. on Inuontal RISTOnnO end One On Banks and Banking. Mr. ?sloe moved that the Jadlelery Com mittee-report the bill to repeal the not com pelling .treet .cars to rum on Sande,. The Speaker said the Senate bad not yet sated on the bilL On motion of Mr. Cox, the enbjeat was laid on thetable-60 to 35. , t49The Committee on Muttons reportedthat /Mos G. Scott was entitled to retain his seat for the 3d Bizerte: of. Missouri. Laid over for the present. The bill providing that la waiting lands to aid is unuttectlog 'railroad§ end for other purposes, mineral lands are to be exempted and resorted to the Unitedßutes, was posed. On motion of Mi. Kinney, Delegate from Utah, Use. Committee on,Post Ottees and Roads 10' instructed to worth* Into the ex. pedienoy of repealing so much of the existing law as prohibit, the carrying of newspapers m and' a ther printed matter In 'the overland . , ' Mr. Ilms,,of Illinois ' offered a resolution that all persons not In the military or naval service who have been arrested and Impris oned without promos of law, quid relieved Withoit trial, are entitled to thesanse pay and nalleiga for Being deprived , of their liberty as membem of Congress and the Commit tee on Milani are hereby Instructed is report a bUI at an early day for that purpose. A debate arising the resolution went over. Mr. Ingersoll, of 111., offered - a resolution' that bile opinion of the House all permits issuolto any person or persons allowing them to tradetwlthin the limits'of any State now, Cr heretoforcyin rebellion, should at once la/re voked and no more issued. The, House eeconded the previous question on its naisage by a vote of 85 against-40. The rote by Which the previous ',question wan seconded, MU reconsidered by tan majority. Mr. Penton moved to refer the reacintion to a eolith tiammittee to Investigate the affairs of the Treasury Department, pending Which the morning hour expired, when the House went Into Committee of the Whole, making appro. prlatiou for certain civil expanses of the Government. Various amendment were made, including one providing for a'marbledleor for tbelita , Hall of Itepresentatlvea, satiable structures and reilieg, which is set *pallor Saturday. The President is authorized to In. attest! the States to famish Marble or bronze statues, net exceeding two of them from each Stitm, Of deceased citizen', moatlllustrius for their military or civil son kin. Thelbuse took a reuse till MO. Eliesisg Saute.—Mr Stevens, from the edommlttee of Ways and Means. reported a MU =Atop= appropriation far certain mil eallaneens expenses, the consideration of which WOO postponed midi Thursday. Mr. Brooke offered a resolution that, the two Houses being unable to agree with re. apart so Act time of adjournment, the Prat , dent bie'vegizested to adjourn them to such 1 time so ha *hall think proper, that time not ant/agog beyond the first Monday in De ' . Mr.Stevero objected. Mr. Ashley asked leave to offer a emu:dollen declaring that when' the Inhabitants of any State have been declared In a state of Maur nation by a proclamation of the President, by force and by tattoo of the eel of July, 1861, they shall be Incapable of cesting'any vote for PresideaVerVice President, or of electing Senators op lispicsantativez, until said taw .eeotion is supprested or abandoned; and said Inhabitants have returned to their olio tonic 'to the Constitution and the laws. Ob jection 'was made to the introduction of the resole . Mr. Wilson, of lowa, made a report trim the Judiciary Committee on the care of Wm. Yokota, tancluding as follows: ire appears from the faun reported that the : 'proccedines in the case of Yoko= were rop ier,. and that his Imprisonment was the result of the sentenced' the Coon which tried hint, and that no ;ardor' was ev'erisrued to Man, aril that hie untinuedconfinement/a In con fatality with the sentence prom:dm:od against him by the Cont." The Committee's& to - be diseherged from the further consideration of the subject. • , The HOUle i in . Committee of the Whole, re surat, from the morning mission the amid station -ottnts hill making appropriations for outdo Atli expanses. , • It menage from the President war received communicating leticiaand pipers relative to Maximo. affairs; alpene °enchains a stale. Mete - from Thowth4arags,:itioetYoteml Gen• erer,a4littona,:in-tgaril te:the Amizellea . IKr4arrell,lrout the . Committes on PAnt. losireporrail a resolution foreties 1,550 copits of the Dinionarp of Con pi gress, pre. pared by Charles Lamson, for the use of the Senate. which was passed. . To-morrow AFTsniait via. ist 'apart for the considaratlon Of Zistriot of - Columbia bust- Tlte joint rootlet/on for the relief Cormlek end games, ern mace np, debated sed told The bill to eneouritue and facilitate tele graphic communication bulimia the Eutarn 111:14 Westin Continents came up u annulated buintu. Icir,Daollttle offered the following amend mutt,. That the rate of charges for public or private mumps ehaU not exceed, on said line, the average usual rtes In Europe and Lamina for the same advice, or ouch rates as shall be siscartebted and fixed by a Conven tion brareat Bustle and Omit Dante. The father ausidaration of the bill was postponed till to-morrow. Toe bill to prohibit the discharge of parsons hew. /labWg to military duty by reason of the pigment of money, was called an by Mr. Wilson- The question being In the disagree meat that scary person who shall be dratted and sane honorably for the period of one hear, shall receive a bounty of $lOO, and an onorable discharge, and a similar bounty woratinate to his term of orrice from it less perlott The amendment was rejected. Mr.-Brawn olfored the followings+ an addl. Donal notion: "And be It farther mated, That to any draft which may hereafter take plus, all Indian tabu with whom treatise here been made by the tralted Stites, who an natant annuities from the Government, shall be required to funleh their quota of men ; and that the duties of enrollment and aseartaintag the approximate number of said tribtxtball, whenever the same is neoesnry; be parmad by the Indian agents as 'part et thafr,appropriate dray, without farther oom. penutbin -or under further instruottona from the Prorost Marshal General; end In the „ that a • tribe .resolving annuities, as aforesaid, shall refue or fail to famish Its required quota, then, and in that event, the whole t ar such part of said ennui. tilleckg- the Surreary of the Inkalor shill +lialiadequie to brearre substltlltes, shall lA:withheld from thee:malty payments, and shall be.plseed in the Treasury alias with the commutation fund heretofore paid for • like purpose; and provided father, that the force thin raised may be employed by • the Gorerna.ont for the purpose of sulatainine plan and protection from hostile mess. notion of Indians In the territories, and of relieving such troops an Are now II Rimed la that duty. • • ' ' Ailditonal from Europe per . North American. ,• , . Bow You, June 19.--Lstror via Demo: coat.—Liverpool, Mow 'lee—Cotton , had ad. rattOrldiXd for American, and declined yd for common qualities, elpsing .quiet. Mid dlingoatisane 29,;(1. It rearbtnel dull and: dowellard. Whoa ,t easier. Intnots Central Shane 22(,70. Esielthares, 63.355. , In the hems of Commons the questlim. of Pedant recruiting in Ireland was being dabs. bated. Strong remonsloancat had bean made spinet %and Sal Buse& complains d of the non.attentiaa by the W1'4.1,614.1. Covormosant to the lepresantatlons made on the'subject by Load Lyon". The Conference had been extended to the 29Stat Jllntio . .. ; So advance bed been made toward a settle ment of exletlog &throttles, and it is trin4 that hostilities will be nonmed between the Danes end Ilettosne. • ' I Prom CalroTtre. Steamer Progresi 1 . .flarattfeeStorx%'l4 ii. at Cello ;Zone 30.—The stealer Mollie Able, from NIIIIVetiIiMJ the 15th, arrived to.dsy. The steamer Progress, wag burned Lithe water's' edge at Dud Meth Beadi Maio; dogteeth on the evening of the 9M... Ma e tine cot of }led Slyer with I cargo eintapris , Log 1159 balsa of. cotton, 600 of edited may b sated. no cotton wai marked Wm. But ler & Co., Cabo. ' The ;host took . Are ftom • lamp In littirengine root Zio lives was lost. 'The cotton market is. active bat efforinp itewinkildd/Lng,107a1991 :ow zulddllag, 108'105. There ts a good tuqdry for rigor ; lad toolowe, with ll ttbeoffetieg. , .Thces.buildthge orate blown amen in Calm ildialternorm duting• siren mill altevillid' storm. One m a st was killed,U . lkg!:rdiptill. in th• rains., ' ' 1 , ,,,rtor :".o . rt ... '. 4 " . -- Wairal-4: iiillll :,.1:;: . ad ij iwi t i Vi Orly ittr m enu Ot-16 4 .1. .. ' IMAM 8 Inducements Orly et the - ariglipa — "ilFrpony' IC: - •,,, T . - .. ~........................."1 ' .....' ' .P4kft4 beatiat49l Ala iiiiidO ird so. 1 1 40 11 *Inibuilli 4 kr F.°14109V MEE ..~_'j. _ ..~.. '..._~'~"_ '. _'fit _'~' ~_t s'-~x-c-~ ?S . .I6C43M3EMS: , - A.'.... - We lark Marketi , Na, yoky.,lntlar 20.--Octtrn odd aterstitkon/ &dui clan, far Middling Uplands Flour 1 / 3 10:1 bettor and mote dcdnlt -4 / 1 1 - 29 068 35 to Extra tram, 10,59075 for Salts a. EL 0 . / 3 ,900.9,25 for Trade Enna;lb. market dorbt trniat and holders a Male toirTsdeposed to collie. :Vlttbkfactive sad lirMar 7 1 11 , 10 3 1 , 6 1% . for 9901 /r:11 1 5 1 9.34 51 far. Waster., Wheat li=b a etterand ra th er snore data; Mona /X for ' aPtteg. IRNISMO if= kiniellik;re Citk,ll7,lP.ol, for Wiotar Ned Western; inctrek4 In th e sake are Cucuta fixing at $1.763480 , the market dosing doll land marmly_so eras. _, Corn 'a shade !inner at 11,48 for Maud Weste rn . 84 4 1%4 1,43 for Unsound. Oats more active at 91c for.Wvata ern, inchlding Western In store at Zak.. Wooliirmar . and in mciderate Inquiry. Petroleum 0557 ostlet; Clo for Crndo, 680 tor Defined in - Bond. Pork ex cited and New Mess adrancad 81.25 par. ill other hinds more or It= nominal; 1 / 3 96536,60 for Mau, 836070,60 for New do„ clotting at the Item pros; 131031,60 for Old and New Prime, $37037.10 for Prime Heat. Beef firmer at 20,62313 for Country Mess 66/17 for Country Prima, veva= for lie. Danko Mem. $73;6525,60 tor Extra Mem; Prime Mess quiet. 14 and%l nominally unchanged.l6 so6% Cut Meats tamer; .Isllll for tibmiclera,c for MN dal/ and nomirtaL • Lard - randy at Dams. If4 Baron l6%; also 600 bids,. buyers' option. 17%. Batter very Arm ; 236340 for Ohio, omits, for Stets. 1 Cheese in doss demand; .1081.00 for Common to /trips. Stock and Money Market, New Year, boos '20.-Ifoury steady at kW per amt. Sterling selling at 110. . Gold active .11 Arms, *perdu, at 193, advancing to 108;y$, declining to 197 0 4 rnd ckaing rota at 19/04. ..Government Stocks Om ; 11. S. - fa 18.31 Coupons, 11.3%;49 , 632C0nif0n5,105%.:31.06. 1 . Works M . aly: . . 1 Year caritas:wan-. 92%1Eindson-'-...-.......112 at 0.0 .cettokatot. to% a...nog— ..-ItoM Canton,- ......-. MITS Michigan f antraL...149 0 ,7 I A..L T. H. 01 72% Michigan toutbarn- 77, 1 Nails Mali--... ** -......265 North 18 efts.; pfd- 89 7 4 New York Contra L-132% Tokdp & Wabarn..-148 Erie -.4..................113 0. & 11. 1.,.............,..11.3. Erb pfd.-..-.......-.110% - . ~ . . Mabel, Market. , .. 1 • Darras°, bons .111cor Armor, opsolug with s fair demand and elming•quiet. Muss late better; No:1 - Milwaukee Spring, to arrive, delivered free to - Swab, at/1,73 No. 2 do. $1.70, Nu. :Chicago Spring 1146 L, Gars..;-No. 2to arrive. 11,30. Cara Inactive sod raminal, and held at 6335304. °the; Grains are nominal.. Whisky .. .747o better, at 01,4701.50.. Cans/ Prolghts dull and .unchanged. Lake Impatta--170or, 1,048 bbts ; Wheat, 51,:;44 both; Cons, 81,018 hash; Oats, 84,000 burn ; Pau, 3„,337. Canal Exports-Floor, 1,063 bbl,; Wheat, 08,678 turn ; . Corn, 67 ; 750 bash; .osts, 85,400 blurts. , Onvego Market. . . Osensoo . , Jun , 25 .- Floe( unCheaged. „Wheat Tadand in rad. demand at an advance:. Mil- Tacker, $1,73; No, / Winter Ned Indlans. in,&so. 1,89. Corn and a th ar . Grahuvvalet sad scarce.. Ths market b quiet, ... . . Cartel Freights higher on 'Grain ; Flour aft, and Wheat neininally Ito to New Fork. .- - Philadelphia' Market- • PtivtiAntartaa, Juno' in—llona active at 28.27 1 4 (42,50- *heat active and evivaecing; *hit. Vol, Red VAS. 'OatedulL retroletnn steal:mien and Ir flrm. rro 178460 11/113112 excited. lan! buoyant. Wahl,. at 14- Philadelphia Cattle Market. PIIIIADIMPWIA, ' Jtme 91:—Th• Cattle Market fa very dull , and declined 2o ; ages at $17,918 for fair Good'to '51601E1 for 001:11310n. and 812414 for Infe rior. Sheep dull and lover at 58734 e.... Veva dull at It3.edull.tvista l:lUmore Market. Haverwass. Jime W.—Pleur qutot ; Ems Street enpertdo staggs. Wheat wile° and ere ; Soo - tacky IRAS m ednectoe; had g1,48at,43. Whisky dell at $1,11111,48. - New York Bank Statement. New Year., Joao, 2D.—Loans, teireue, 5337,761; Spews,. &seam, 51,125,4111; Circalwiloe, &creme, 15.018 ; De alts, deems. 13,091,418. • Pa. v ASEIVALI Kamm Graham, Zanar?la =MI retrol.ls, Wheeling. 'Rd, Ewa, 81 Louis. The river continues to fall steadily at this point, with about twanty4dx Indus on "Ohm Roma" bat analog. The woatherytatatday was cloudy and op• prosasely hot willesay appearance of more rain. lioalom is almost entirely responded at the wharf. Then ta but little freight ottwing for any point, and boaldot, the liver has become to low that a boat to:t oot take more than one-tlgni of a cargo. The only antral we ham to report, la the Lulus Graham from Zanenfrfr... The Emma Graham., vast .datatned soma three houniatrOlan Hons." idtlutugh she was only drawing - twenty-tonr: Loam The Patrons clawed I%ITV/heeling at noon yeatarday, and tn. ids Ewa wet making Nips:afro. to Ism for Bt Louts hat night. This Cottage lie 2, from Cincinnati, dam dna hat night and will probably be toned at the whiz( We moret ThaTouta Grahaun - ,Cayt CY Stull, is the regular packet for Zanesville. to-day, -leaving at 4 p. m. Manz Hoge and howlandatouspydated together in tho aka Tba Sato Robb:sem, Copt Robinson, is advertliod to leave fir Clacionatl and dr Louis to-day.' . • . The Leatisvilla Rama! of Olt:tidy says: The river •at this point fa flat itit 'slowly. It has risen 11:rtrriashe• ddrlng the Sweaty-aoar hours end ing tart .evening at o'clock.; TV:moment an tot ma loch to the canal by than:arks, and three feet boa lash to thalrullsa_Chuta over the Tells.. Th. towboat Little Elars,...lbot-Pittabitrah; mina to with W bWitertn. tow, to with tl.toog railroad lrcm. .Thalliaiit will return to PlRA:burgh thie area limarlth tho ham laden with 2,000 ski of wheat haat The, Raw Toekeamer train Plitobtrrgh with • big. ;rip. Rho bad &hon.:it:Vow, laden with Govern:bas . atosioer Paragon, frort Et Lquia, was at - UST serwrith on -Wed:nada .-' On her way up.- nays the 2Ymar,s tram thopartlealoreof which wa baronet loarnsd.faribeethaa thatit, resulted. ia the tillLogafona oftbe heads by thaepok, whowasafttr ward. takea sabota by some of the pas/angers and- BIAIU!.IqED: OINSON—DETIBT.—Ou iha !kb Izatant, at the tulle= of H. Dnuly Wtum. , Say by the I 1 t. D. Tao Dues, D. D., Nape 1.11011.18 ainsov, of tha,lattl Parma Caral.l7, sad 31Iaa JCL= IL DIM, daughter or the late R. 11. Danny, 11. D. No cards. LONG—By drowning, at Malay, irst , at 6.~0p. a... MUNK, third acia of Nook! M. and M.abili V. Long, In the lita part:RM. age: - trtan funeral fa insniarpipors. •.• srzcsaLL - "E - CLIPii, STARLET . & CO.'S opticu eed POLOPTICONOHAZILA. PILIVAZII DISK/MIL Dr. Ludlam'. Spec:tido: . • ts the all renal:4 mady br amens 'crib* atria 01 gausr...Lo2. It b tha Atm.:ovary of rak ashsosl rtirdchus yam. ilk was 4eiotod to tin boillatest a tido cao of dboasat. sad itlen onynattlsodad boo. br man than ttiOntt years: It to paititadion b r arcirtoz on Lalacttcas, and dtdattorettbakt tram be diktats make and be tortotroos worth Ito temp:cab oeormt to tbo ;teak. It to szottnil7 nyttatils ouzi putotll, ma, It octo do cbsr=. - still Imparts Mural tad vizor to too tlemotl rl4. .trztv.--Itil groat mates of thlr si• bellis roil:want errs billed to Its bstos lmltaid tq itTolzictplool tun, Obol;,k tblit Cs olgtutsiv of tbs proprletor i snett srl bczatctos aura ts itecatu. Ittresrodca, • - • • • • WE F. DAViiiBoll, ginl o r 1m 1 :?!. -0 , . rwt sold tryl al Dztr. PticSflt • .. . . garzsr nu as Tuaday- tr,axs. Ferti[4. -OP::RONIEEMILL'O. "'• in= armxprEs-410uswaLla lIITIVKWAL CIDITGLI SETEEDY.—The badibt iroadortd pnwsktato, ?ow of rter.b - inaitsh.. ad celebrity, b% etudam fr omaver t cosoyomatioa oulaud to . WNW% and by tlatb to ilitow tbs pontad tnedoma eu, day or r....abt, 44 tba Only ern . 4.b.:7 mbki. Tbnal .414 Lang Omplatato To graven% aaklc= ittsattsa b Liag ktarked great. was; abets tool man make iskaarsaLl sack oom• Naha diem= bk *Zeck I small ask 0911160Z08, ValCh Via b ascrekta clods; ondis. nnri.a."3, Bats nava; Ittaarklat Sad Akttasatko Cm:aslant& ikkooptok Oase, and to 11l ibrsat 'Lad Musa Cosa. plant; •fie whaa !miles:W. and to Coast . =paws. Matiakaaiala truss rayskaaa at ttss LliOsat respect. akUlty 50d track tavall4a, can OS secs at say of k7_0113?"?4°A.---: . Basal. Or ell Wboleasle sad Bedell. Dealers, • JOHlt I HUNSVINZLL. freesietor. • ~.l a may Jct. Iffarralng. Geo. EL , 11(sy.tr.• V. A.. lfgarfatoik • co., J. M. at toe. Amur f Pltts buro; Geo. L. 11.104,P. J. Ilreasand •Ir. - Jassis • APlalf 11 117 Oltf• • r gWonill CONE7IIIBIOIIB ARDEX ' PSlttillB OF AS EMMA InUtotid Ika Pe bowel and varlditss4 wake tera4 . 642 w r 412, wait?, .hiarsun !Nag sto, rmljin,g; at 1:9 . • Li= UAL% Ms lanai assjl art. Ity ono %boa hob carat hioneti after betas to Plat ttSPIETt g=t l fit: eirt;Vtak . ..ittgiltas putlata addtaestel rmi epert xvilidixte illpilfjeig UNA of the =awe, • A. r .7 r. at , ,lneurna,i4iaritfCZ' s• rlogkomytyrr.'l, ONTOISKAVOVIIEVITERSAttOO-1 I. .mnanxxst..„,imotoo l lotkrabyt; utbikielmato: . .hausici.soltozi. atti- sus dreplig an sumultiialiwiLs4 orenikici , rho sic& ottnettnou vitthart Irma; boAdes t ._ 1 ' itillisillicta %Eft ---- -:--------------- tdones 4 , 4 , go Magmaksi• , WIIENIiz ivOLLINEI roptizp awn= tienotametto% vege.iza ibstiiell" A .• ' ' 1 or•whsos.n.Lo96,loAostotrati.;**o - et ,t`- I : 4 4PrkIXIMILSBO3 tatZ,CELOT 146 = 4 ** l lktd/Araet. SAX Lt z, —*Vt:Flart% aimm ammo • stossAmaispdtikiii*ar,,L , , , ,q ,- ,. , UMMPII OM, tiMr!nlii NO. is WOOD ez . ' 42114141 " 10- ''';• ,Y,4,, , -14., -e , t- , - , . f 6 " , .... , • ,-- 0 ~,,...,, - : : ~ ~,-.. - , , ,X ' , ' ,.... ...k , ,,.' , 5, ;... ,,, ,:,5 .:- ~.;:„;;,5.4.1_-,, ~, 5,55..,A , 4 , • ,e 5-. ' . 1„5- ; _ RPECML Jrorierß. O;pLYOVB luvwmoN. ;: urtavu lLithsticen the t teeir. 4.s ntri4E .te niitric 4 ' restun. 13 Witt Its wail P ftier ilii&MinitmandinlatifTing tip buiniui•idt Om mat remartable preparation in Use Sheer :_ et•illairnalunigni ¢Vly tor, andinnairmado with ins man cam akl3l ••••••.- ppee~sCantina cm it ciao of oracle maul Dir, Is • son It aradladeimnri IS eni taps tt.cinktt. It =km the It 4,4 paczey. ; It patent the 1,.., and twain* Ern. IS restorestair W/W715100? ;Um,. at , oislari • beardintisena ...tha m . it la OM, ca.d at=r ll)°l r! i*Da wmblL 5a , "114 DIMAS & MMUS& 0n.., &qv Tat& - isimitable 'Nair Resloratite al NOT A DTI, hal rate:row &ray lair to Ito ottelo colon by the atplUry tubes with Dotard rattasaco, by error atoms. All U./Ws-:'-a;. "2" dye lii ootopcood of how wage, dtatsuth.q.: the TtUllty sad beware Mei hat; ArA Acivitof l'itt=e oatteonodruolog.' Rolaptroot's talroltoileCol natality rettara, holt to Ito Datong Wet t 7 su!oot protest, botitoStbe hair& at Bsaaty r goo %Irk proronts follln&c.ffors wog pleesaatuen 142,U. , ; It boa good the testa( time, bolz;t1zo offitoot LIAO Goloring, sad to constorati incrtoto4 to ttitd byboth geo Oo= iontladkoh It is oopl cll. ri 7 • pictobLithataro,or precorad!T • cattooortial agontrd). con 11.13 A lezt rthO'lttiliS & CO, "45 8r04.! t O 7, now York: Two. 104010 cents and SL BAGAIIII...IIAGHOLIA Thleb the Moat cht:nl and extraordinary do wear dbcceertal, damp* the emo•barnt thea t ad haadetospearly ado texture of ravishing bran, g the marbleparity of the and Sholtit , - ..• .Mora appearance I* invirlog in the city balleof I. It nmarrestaaareeklet, pimple:sand maAhheas frointbaskla,leaciagthe complexion fresh, tranitw,. maenad smooth. tt =taloa no ma serial injurious to Omsk:W. Patronised 07 =room and UporaPint; elm Ilia what emery Lady should bate. kola stem. "tare. Prepared by W-3. - BACIAIi, Troy, It Address all orders to- DEELAS ii. BAIKTIS SOD.. Noir totte r .: • INEXTOAIirIiIISTAN .. G LINEISMAZ The parties to Bt. Ueda sad Olcurnestt, who tin , beim oczetterfelthes the Iturtaag Llaireeet under* • pretense of pmeietecthip. hare beak • thoroughly leaped by the DeactL To guard egaimet farther ka =on; IL Una procured- team the Milted Usk, - a private eteel.plate roreaao stamp, ertele fa placed ow the top- °teach bottle. Each *Drop beets She foe Wade -of an , eignsturs, and wale:tut which the article b a counterfeit cangerons warttdear taellation. , Serwales eve.y bottle. Unfreeze be. been fa coated groyilas to fawcular man? Taors. Them bardlrExie.* harn/et ca-the . habitable globe that does not cos urn erideuce of its;;;. voculerhel effects. Itte the be emcdest lathe ..U. Wind* prerat improved Input en kr, altercate *Di • Mu awl beast aro perfectly romerkablo. gores am r bealee_, pane rellerted, Ilea bail, saleable ealurnia- .'- - made nestal,- sad aztold file imaged. • /CT :Otter,' b spathes, rbamaatfue,:evellhegry bk., rnate.; caked slatincd beau, au, ft is a ileinzelipe ,- Bawdy that. not be &mewed with. Stake= 'l. be In nary bratty. -Bold by all Dregglets. . : '• • -.-• D. 11.; DAMIDS, East • IbtleSerneetcuew • Oopp ABOVE-LETICLES .atra FT _ fipSON JOHIISTGWING, bit Orr= at aulitalatll ar.a rb.wth C. v; Ettriusi, (laicltatzter far Lippt...Cott a. am:watt, Otto of Geo. Hubbard t CO.)" 4 . 111,12. TAVO 10. -- #4#413 - EGA SAW AMES; eiIBRABD:s at LOTtG, zurvichave. at PATSNT onotrio Oil s 14L$, .a-Amato OUTIPTEEL WM, at isFeko dercrlpttoa; 31514. /Inlay. CMS that, canna all *ear widths: 411/thasormalrs t spiasn-' mat fmaillatest OW Stall Etta Dana. . / Mo , 4' 121- ArD Nowlx . a.• 1741 ' 040.10 t . „ . Worn, rot. W4=l3 tWOBT Plttsbuivr 1121,1calsz attantba &elm Astoothlng, Qa.tunitir Cut Eltratibtattng Cfroase essa; also ropers a/ all kl *. buihinguitt.p2tlll.ng dons st resioratli . t afar:• ' • " ar3.511, omr.iiellainz.& co., Box a , ' =sum MOND= IRON Nora: Y 29, Pew th., Sol. 404 112. Slane it. Itertia cared large laniard Ihrmlahed It aith the ant tar '.;,. ;mod tractdaety, we ere prepared to xonardectarit-:. evtridimortprlcot of BOUM& to the tea manna,: '; ;- end varrearad irald to any mad, to the coachry; C111113=28, Irltlolll2t, /IBM BEDS, ST2 I / 1 11:: • :, PIM% woollen - yr. pprumß, cosiassiesi . SALT PAM, TABILS, OIL STILLS, SZITWSG rAss. xtoiun imou BITIDUER; FM= PIM. and tide' ouronfootarcra of 11A1Z...:: PICI=T BOUM& r<pgring done 55 fhe ehortiet notice. KLA/LB SUPERIOR COPPER: • MILL SMILLTING WOWS, Piranncns. : PARK, 'MCI:FEDI( s CO4 - 7*7 Mansfaclnrara at BIOLMCLNO. I P , ""PA . Ark . _ BOLT ourts, PALS= COPPER zonaus, BALITDSTILL scrams, EXALTER BOLDER.'': /Up, laimatars"and' &Nap In AMAIN TLS PLATAwort non, wpm ea. comswaty 05' hand. ratans ILActrtents Arm TOOLS. . - : waracna% No. no TlBsx k 1.0 szcon PittattoityPa.. _ Itpoolat ottlm Ooppor out to cay Ad rat pat. tryttayilawr o`.l MYSIOLO MCA/. VIEW OP stuliztay, 334:21 7 sco and 1 flrea 2100 and Sop:ravings of the soattasj of tba Hamra (Irma b s data of Boaltb and ••••• WW2 • Imam cal zany Errors, tta dcpo.o4 corawyorscase own Oa WWI awl Body, with the : artharl plate of twatooo—the only wittoreal • moce:a ma. of =kw. !hoax h 1 th. report GSM. mated. A trathfal: advisor to Its =Mad, ..o them oartarehlatiag hiarrt.„o, who =torte. ettehe of their Antal coreeltioa. Boat Dew of portago to a., ad draw; as rocept of 23 coati, ta 4 rtwooo or portal corrawy, 27 alirodr.p Dr, . 3/ Madan 400, &tau, Y . .; va. • ' • vas. y. swain : zimx:cm. aii3OBLIDIDNOLSA it CO, Out,— to 11.oxix1O4 nkUlltins,) i"6.5.11:114 I TO WO 7385, rOrritinpilt nactriccrry Pitlabvitt. ktuittpclavisi .V . 2 9q AIM OTATIONZLI ernAn Z11G181 2 4 .- BLin rzsGmls. Hitt • 1 rthotanzr, 0141:1480OCCLA7n30, CAM,' * um.% aim dwiTtiiwq.i int Teams t virus !tortzsAND awn LEON • Apide,tarl UMW! PA= .13,12C1VC: 1 1111 =111"...—....1. DISOLIZAS: 0 7 . 3 f. LA ' IiTEEL •RELLE.WORKS. itEarzi as co., ti • ccawoort E•lier II a Co, r.saattittrers cast sar.L..inastp. PLOW ,L.N7) BLISTFD. SptLl4 13 panros,•Auxs. c toMuir.s . , re. Warts. ra:re trABA-Annturu City. - P: O. Addme. przaceraart. pa. mei. 1.-.90R8 000/0114.11 *BRO.; h1.1:::-. 1 4 : outtr.• :iii :nos Baniso, Jaw VA177212 AND VA PM 1:100113. VIXDOW Burn• 1173,1118D01if QUADS, to" Nat. II SECOND. I n 4 E 4 TIRED ,6753 CM. bet Wood=Al Mate— .: ! /7....11 haul immiltr crrov Paiterag,6azie7oll' . { ally saltabli kW sil partessa. rtrunzatr Mach* %Waite ezdzcAr Om , ' -144, .. r ionise aos• aslant swam. [wilmisttara TROCHES, FOE „ evx tt 114vielies s Ottawa Dlawnes. 4a.• v.; qadaltr ricoattandea Sty" iusd Sew= arboseborattoe( tails ttra:s to speak la pub.: at. Eaattletc*l only by 0.. t. Bari 'WM &Ca, rfersistirsi; Pa n to Inas all sedan abodd to ad -3.15914.14 am7"."- • , a h.. LIANS9.IIO4 CO.. filr allEtier TSE bIEBSOUti, fICIUNAU,I7/TailllT *3D altar, iiiirriaCk+lo4 Vid AMON* trentotant—in Begrati dreaseirans issairez. act 1,1 =us combo 'fribomisidoptiteKerWoe. Aiarroip;.atu. 71 0 14ED*6omova narorsem,lta. 2 avAa Pa. IrWlanlaigt4l4.Bo2ia... DsAss.3o,, .britliitcrimuo Dorrrsrio LULU U3' • • Uttiirl.X'lmartritarn or Drpozr. E,14E1-103W. rtgAria; bf MUM rrinarmetaanoy, OAKUM. tokragli retat - Al esti" anew:boat ear Warl Mates. "15,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers