- . OA c= z 3 =MI =;iM git (gazette. Vilis AT. atrein 21. 1804. ~L.UNION NOMI lONS icinoN rai tla,ilMIT - . . etigiNCOrak; • of Mitfurit.: Vol ANDREW JOHNSON, of Timmins. Coau r ros ran CONGBia3IOIIII. .9011161:=9 is AItiCITIOSO cotters' • has re. salted In rn flattering indorsement of the Printentiltpresentstive of the 23d District, Of which Armstrong toms a part. Mr. yriaime - majority in the county is four hundred and seventy-seven over J. B. FIN szr,. Beg, contestant. Allegheny and -ilipstrong having thus declared ,in favor ihe. renomination of Mr. llfxtzians, and }intl.; being the only othor county em brined In the Coogresslonal District, it is • to be presumed, that his selection as the candidate Ls noA, a foregone conclusion. Vaumdignam. , The government, we axe much gratified to notice; pays no attention to VALLA3DIG wiII. EIS return home, at the time of the Mori= raid into Kentucky, was intended .al a defiance to the government —a chal lenge to bring on hostilities between it and Ma adherents. It was sup• posed, as.a matter of course, that the ad• ministratian would -send' troops to arrest him; that his friends would rally around idm; and that in the conflict that might thus lie brought on a deeided diversion in Saver of the Rebels might be effected, re sulting in the enlistment up= the Rebel . sitla of all the Copperheid forces in Ohic, ludic= and Illinois. The thence of the pundeed day:mon from those States was re -:..nsaided as a favorable ocoasion for the :Jul:min:tent. The tbrestsof resistance to any attempt to arrest him, which characterised • - the speech VALLastuottau. made on his re• inni,backed up, as they were, by the reso . muttons of the Illinois Democratic Conyen- ticin, point conolosively to tills purpose. 4artutiately, the government had too much_ good'sense to ray any attention to this bravado. It . MI, to use a regimen pietelon, that VALLANDIOILI3I was c , plajoll ont," and that his return would do his party more harm than it could possibly do the • 1 . government: So he has been 'severely let alone, and the result justifies the wisdom of . the set. Instead of making a martyr et him, as the Copperhead Democracy fondly here of him ands leader by rallying around now they are In the came predlo -ament as the man who won the elephant at tab—they do not knots what to do 10th - him I Last year they espoused his . tines) in time to loee the elections. They • • have now made hire delegate to Chien° - and will, perhaps, nominate him for Prest dent. At any rate, bysffditting with him, - they betray their Copperhead proclivities, and that will use up their ticket: - His party friends about Dayton now tithe hie return very coolly, and do not seem to • feel meth joy over it, elate they fled he is not to he aide a martyr. They would rough -. rather, no doubt, that he lied 'stayed away, and so would. his Copperhead coal ' "jut= throughout the _country. Having - calla - so many tears.over his 091111tralled absence, they cannot help tusking some ado Mese:urn; bat their chagrin at the mi chief it wothe fa their calculations petit the Chleago - Cenventkin is not to be :;eitneelled.Y DO_ how are they to escape ftrotaitto:dilatims2 They rallied around him:whenhi came back, is the hops, hat - -thefgoverentont would help them to Make party capital out of the affair; and now • thtt they have been disappointed in that; the 7 tad that the sole 'result of their hosts - is to *make a: bad leader whom they ate bound. to fol Torr.. ' - - •• . - Systpnatic Lying. TILa Copperhead press -la bus* in giving currency to The story_Thatilwer ban lose - _lOO 000 melsinco ho crossed ino Rapidan. The, rim:ids-mu correspondenfa of the Von- „17., - ;don press, - , ill New York, Mot started Able :.etholesale lie, and now the Copperhead newspapers* are taking it up and giriog it circulation at home: A letterfront _ altuff,”the Paris correspondent of the N. -. Y. 7istur, ehows that there is iyidern in this lying. lie says; "The Beoessierdsta are constant, gaining ground. in their :attempts at corrupting anti Oottrolliea the city of New Yetk. %Inhere enoegli money and men of talent to • , 'Ade to Vane; thei rog hr4,7orkwejtaatematilly: dyests hate yea/ /mut for du putpots and " they p;efjs to htl 2 o; emri enough' to .totitretthreeoh' he prow tad Cos./tat/the po;ntkittiot a: •ty. Lyttn° e4gents oleo who are . 1111;ig th e /taro! peen press with false iepostt 'on the proven the war, and on the situation 'of Mlle at lb. North." The arrest of one of the lying correspott &its. of.thi London papere by Geri. Da i was doubtless brought about by kuoieledge of Ude plot.;.and-rieliope If the t aynipatld sars:llta t la e lly o krin Te7 ll . Thar . _ ab a ut "9 oil' bluta they are stent - foreiso ".." b aa moss abata dg that there s. - - • with blank anlir'dge !ham :,,,•... ~i..,_- _ -•' 41:f-FY...ifinau_- g i ost• i ' • .-• ,- Firitil the oomin•neament, othostilltlis the , "...r . . ,. ._ - Abolitionists have bad bat no motive in -c of.l ; :', "Protoontteg them,-the simple sad takeddr. Itrnetton or els.m7."—Pat. ," - -?-s - Thia Assutleryinterpreted in the sense -'` ' - i.isttinded,ti - the anther, lc i r cwicked, pre- Meditated; ushiple and' naked" -faliehood,- ._ nrithont enonso- or allow of inatificalion : ter, when the Peri * speaks of ~ A bilition'- ' fir*" linecanir the great party of the, eon.. , `• try which stands by , the EwerA:neat in It! tft ,t4: ', tintelno:the rehelllext: That party . •=_:, - to preserve the Colon by - iii*Lbag out tr,:art4iftt striyintto aecocepileis that ' nit; it recognises the fact :that:atmay L . . inAte key..; . Maio' it sixties at it on a (-,-- -, 1 'Cans of achieving ttie greater' goat. at ,-.;.-..,:,,,. t knows all this, and yet it..periliettrin .-- ,,1` the - tattempt - to faleifj;thie Meer&. ', The , 1- editor, we sopporp,isin &Tor of Incorpora! lingthe folio wii 0 terointlan in the Chicago P/ 1 .4 1 ' 32 ' -' . -' : : j '- , Rwokrd, That:* lir, well:stir* to, Is as good 151e0 tenth. , , ,'. i. , , - cr o ps sa suo west. . Au - I,llinois ioriesporident Of the if, Y. ,Nocifig Alt rvitts: ' ~,,, , 2 ' --`•-.---,-.2,, - . ,oero4osiog tor itaiD d wilest.prioottro, 4 '':-:: . ast4,ho*Lote, to bo fill, If iol. more ti at , ii,' #,*efasii:*ciop; la' Alissikte sad some :- . - - -L .ottlorcoar.iier, - 'with tiro':or three we lis of propitionriesther we 'shall hove izossasi , crop :of siiiasii; still, the ,sosson-is-losel,, 'orora.''' otty gra?"utpqnivirkar*atklias iv ,-'• ~. ee'raiilof ziiihD:itivic B of their Oun.. I --" W.)liii'lit4:l76lii.`42Wititer7 .ii:s*- IT.lnithetr-plicksis 3044 -orosk._, =Aiknot , ''..'Os, btoodtli-,tpt list, bis*Ul, .tliptod ma . -. .....f.: - . , ... sows k lhis:peir ISO owe."- - ~...; .1 - 1'. : , .' , i',;:.'.= . -:•1' - i .. .,,iiii 7 .AIiii!!Ti09'.,::PF* 0 !!ii,r17,, -' i'irt7liib-ii , iiiii.** 94o4i i:,l;ki,l:*;it s ii , ix4citif:a4';- 4 1F t '•:. :..-:..':.,:iiiitiV,-',::..::!,z':--::'..'...:::r..,...7:'_,.:t.:(;:i,..-.:V.7•,.i:.,',,' ..'•:';7. - _ - . ;7: - ,- •.,-7Fr'• , . iooldlera. Coagretta kadat lael dotie partial justice to the negro troops in the 'service. It has placed all enlisted glace January Ist, 1664, Wien the same footing, as to pay and air bovances (except bounty,) as white troops, and the question of law concerning tho pay of those, enlisted prior to that date is left to the &Olsten of the Attorney Gene ral. The bounty allowed to colored trotipis is fixed at $lOO. Tbe bill containing these provisions has been for some time passing back and forth between the two houses on igreelog amendments; but on Bab:lnlay the report of tho Committee of-Conference upon it was agreed to, and the bill only awaits tiro-signature of - the President to become a law. The history of this war has shown, so far, that the colored troops do as good fighting as any. ' They have behaved bravely, under -all circumstances, in the Department of the South, and that department is garrisoned by them now almost exclusively. They won honors at the siege of Fort Hodson, and lately, at 'Petersburg, their conduct under fire taus been most exemplary. There( cameo: also, a very creditable account of their courage at the fight at. Gantown, under the unfortunate General Brazos. The testimony to this, effect comes from officers who look upon events from a purely military stand - point, aid who have never ' been suspected of partiality to the negro, or even of an absence of prejudice against him A dispatch from Memphis states that be black soldiers who came into Memphis after firma& defeat brought their guns with them, while the white ones left theirs be hind. That with proper treatment and good offi cers these black troops .ill make good sol diers, is no longer an open question. To put them upon an equalityof pay and allowances is one atop in the eight direction ; all others that may be needed will, in the end, doubt- less be extoretd as this has been, by the bravery of those who are its objects. Grant's Last Movement.-The Military Aspects and A.ltlects.—TtLe Probable Wiest Upon the campaign. WILLIAM BITIVION, the special COSTAE pondent of the Sew York Times with Gen.. Omar; writes to that paper a olear. end comprehensive statement of the causes which led to the last flank movement of the Army of the Potomac, and of - the pros. peals of the success of the movement. We give the most important portions of his letter: ll Your readmit will recollect that in my letter on the battle of the Chiekshominy, is which I endeavored to recognize the. true military charafter void bearings or that battle, I put on record the opinion that Gen. Grant would make no further effort to pass the Chickshominy, and 'hint ed that his eyes were even then "turned away tenses and"combinations more bold than any yet essayed." Well, what could then only to thus obscurely fomhadowed, le to-day a realised fact Indeed, I may now gcr. farther. and state that from the -eery start, as Pansfer of the army to the rush side of It.chrsood has formed an integral part of_Gen. Grasses pion of campaign F and while the battle of the Clookahocusy wan still in progress, the whole question of the petite:ming of the James River was elate: , Maly disenased. Tao battle of the Chiekshominy woe en experiment made fora specific purpose—to teat the feasibility of an OtlektA,; on-Riet• mond from the northern aide. '').t was an experiment perfectly proper to be made; and it was ostlers's:pry. I/ convinced every rtikning mind that nothing wad to be gained to that direetion. TODe was obmous to every 1313 e; and every one waited to see what, card Grant would play next. But it was only those who knew eomething of Ilse beldnese of his military ci 'echo:ion, that =gild have ventutei VC anticipate a repe tition of the liiiliceburg strategy—the same strategy, the tame audacity, only on a far grander scale I • This splendid stroke, comparable oily to lloreau'is pelage of. the Raise and flank march .on Gino, etarldlS to-day an secom plishedtaor; the Army of the Potomac, token up, an in the arms st a skint, is transpott ed from the Chiekahominy and plantei month of the James river and month; of Richmond. Now , begins a new eat in the grand war drains. -We :shall operate. on now and unstteirepted lines, Waking to new and hitherto unattainable results:. I think there are few military mesivto do not feel that the present position of the Army of the Potomac gives us reason to indulge brighter hose of ultimate emcees than bee bean yandble any time since the war, began. - The south gide is the true line of opera. tion against Richmond looking to great odl. wrier results.L -Of the three cardinal prin• aiples of strategy, the Most important of all presoritss t , to'operate against the ones aiy;s trommunloations withttllemdangering yottr own.:" : ' ' Noef, • the: operations el. the I Virginia. campaign have been conducted 1 under Adronmstances that made it impoesl-: bill Jo apply' this principle. Gen. Grant) has aimed aesiduotudy to bring on a great decisive field fight with the hope of murk imp the rebel army. But from the nature of -the country, its prodigious facilities defence and the skill of the opposing 1 General, tide has been, trope:Lain' We gained viol:ries; we iteadlly pushed the enemy back, and in an unparalleled tom. paign of twenty-nine - clayey forced Lee from the Rapidan to, the front of Richmond. Bat no decisive results were itecomplished. '13,0 the present move a new order of op trattoria begins We not only threaten the communications of_ the i enemy,. we plant', nelyes soros his communica tions. .The dinunuaioationi of; ke label army are the great lines of railroad by Petersburgliand l Danville and their connections, ~ •• . , i 111ohinentt -as a- city; Richmond, as a military centre, is ; etricaly dependent on these 'lines for ite euPplies. Cut it off front thee* and_ you have. a tourniquet I &rennet its throat. It may have a months supplier, or the . a months', or. six nonths',l but Woe exhausted and it anise succumb. if Lax allow' himself to be shut up within 1 Richmond; therefore, the problem reduces itself to 'a repetition;of Vicksburg .orer - again.. Will bode so? • That is a question. ,fbiat this is thapitilses situation to which 'Lie le now reduced;. to stay in Richmond. and enffelthe fatal Hues or einmmirallitee don. to be drawn. yenta hint, onto .ointe out if ;Ida works and give' battle.'; - Notre, fair fi eld - light is precisely whit th e Army of ',the Pototnao invitee and neleomse-s,Jt will gladly give the .rebols Man itirn'tin; end engage to defeat them withal. 4-If Inn is Unwilling to atm • this-rill . , he retires within the dermas of Richmond, int; we thee: - hold precisely the tetstfone Add ate the Allies. to . '.‘i!apaisols (Weals, Paris la 1814. It: is An min theirAttettlot; consummate muter put forth a generalshiNthat reoall.i eefeht splendor's ot thelot nrstatltallari Campaign; in vainbe threw bit =USW pa th &rens points of the inves tee line, if Law is not l'botter general than lisrozans,` he can hardly hope for a muc'o better - fair: Wltirthe army of the Dotal:loci planted at or north at Feteraburg,;.we there tap the geese ..ssikosd , lino monnecting Illohnuind with theletlantiotemboard and Gulf &ate& Wien thine "Oran iniy:bo able to throw, hie leframors. the Danville - Read, and in tale' ease .'Richmond Is isolated. If hie Pm deco uckcordemplatqll3Teat a develh nimi opt of front , be . will at ' east proud. for the effecting thstreielion f the-latter road' . and thin, as welt as the destruction, of Western (Linekleitit) . Road itiod . the James River - Canal, will be air easy prey to env cavalry,' which, under : iho handl' et, Sheridan, hoe almost put therebil :cavalry out of existence. , The redetedion of Felt Darling art - Aneicletital Ideas 'of work, which Olt, glli4ly eionwidell for by.tiontif 'ottifoble, eegieeering heeds at the Army., .aribtratimisq,i J.4:ttle.keiAlifrarilroillvolk 1 'a -perfectly aware- and 'coast ea' N 15 464, iittaollOrlivrblett'l the frit* pntoilL23,lattly at White li a/a btefi, Tirsovitl4.,-7.',--it; ,-."--,..--:;:....i....4....,. Abitibi etiletbilCiipsot of czose3te the 'ltoniii;itids:Of ths Azzelh, Oink trei a of Thnt , ptitCtelaikip - . 14 y • •th - ..whole theatre- of witri hi 10 t higehaPartekt; ' - , '= ' ~. -,-. :-- i:: :7' .A.'" , :'• ::: then its bearing on theprobleno immediate ly before us. rt is a di7ision of tfie Iwo great rebel armlet, and pica it an interior position reictors to Lee in Virginia, and Johnston in Georg a It has been' reported 'that large deutonmeate of Johneton's army arerwl ready en route to reinforce Lee, and, if not actually under way, We may depend upon it that the able mititary heads that rule the war councils at Richmond, thoroughly Im bued with the conception of concentration, and willing to risk!everything to save Richmond, would willingly have eamitlced Southwestern territory to secure the great point in Virginia. Sat how does it stand now? Johnston coming to reinforce Lee would - find his progreis to Richmond barred by the same opponent toho'toppedhis jtazetion with Pemberton in Vieksburghl ..Tfe i eeonre this, therefore: lint, that the enesty shall receive no addition - to his strength, while our position effects s noncentration of both the forces of Butler anti Hooter with the main operating force. Forcigi items A Telma. of horror pervaded Belfast lately, caused by the !diseovery by a young man of a human body in a box under the bed of a room in which he had just taken up his abode. He vas, hed for the pollee, who came speedily.! The wretched land lady did not deny the existence of the con coaled object, and submitted to an investi gation of the box. !The "body" turned ant to be a lay-figure, which her husband, sn artist, had used years before. Every body laughed excepts the lodger. • Tws original prese at which Benjamin Franklin worked, Mi. Wyman, of the firm or cox & Wyman, has presented to the Patent Mascara in LOndon. The press was for many years in their printing office •in Great Queen street, and it is even believed that Franklin worked, in that o ffi ce, which is the oldest established printing house in London. Brener Coraesso is served, an the 81st ultimo, wilts copy of the sentence of depo sition passed upon him by the Bishop of Capetown. Dr. Colensoof course, dibpates the right of Dr. Gray to deprive him of his see, and the ease will, in all probability, come before the Privy CounciL Tux Oxford Dons have Intimated to Bir Rowland Hill, of Foetal celebrity, their in tention of bestowing on him the honorary degree of D.C.L at the ensuing commemor-. talon. The foundation-atone of the O'Connell monument will ba loid at Dublin on Ali gned. 8. The $3OO Commutation. The Washington, correspondent of tho New York Times saye A wide,difference of opinion exists here as to the probable Effect of abolishing the commutation chime in the conscription bill. The War Department is understood to fa. Tor It as the only way to secure recruits for the armies in tim field, which so much need filling up, and they believe that it would eventuolly bicome a popular meas ure. Others are of di ff erent opinion, be lieving that large umbers of drafted men would desire to furnish ealittitutes ' and that the "traders] in men" would reap enormous fortunes: France, after many years' trial, does our Government does not—receives comiUntation money and ex.• pouffe It in bountiex for recruit'. Citizens know what they have to do if drafted, and are not at the'mertry of substitute brokers. Wants can Jcitut Morgan be gologl said oce; "bacon's Stay kneel Kentucky." esolaimcid another as though he was surprised at the suggestion of a - doubt on the subject: "Why to Chicago. He Is titling to the Chicago Convention, and has hie delegates along with hind ' John La War Democrat. !am% ho a Democrat be fore the war, and hasn't ho been In it ever Cued the moss broke ontr TUE old iesuea co ItsCLlOnla ceirrenoy arc being diatilated dishonest platten, erho peel off the Oparett and neatly paste them on the one and tan dollar notes. Some of the letter bate that been altered to filly dollen.. The Untied State' Treasury does not redeem fractienal currency them ma• Wetted. PUBLIC! JruTICE.r. iCONTRIB TIONE srLEATHER TEALED3 A D TANIIIIB TO LANCIA . o'n , .111 i PAIR.--10 see saes with • , wilotlea pawl Fa • fase.leit or the then Omen sad Terthea of .Pittalugh sad All el. fa MVP:I:Pm of rehl.g treads far the hisitiry We, tees. Ireasarer reports ;the follorsitiohiltt ,e toransts as r.oelled 1 mama rizsekaaly re :led -........---a.044 00 t apps & W.05115-........J.......,...:i.....-4 160 GO IJ. u. L50pe.......-..:...::: - -.L....... 100 00 G. Wea5e1)........ '... .......... 74 00 Pin..hash.* Co —...... 1 0 0 H. delta A Go.. 1...--........-. GO CO EL & A rasa .. , .-. —. .00 00 &ham d llohlse.-.....4.-.................. 40 00 . Sehlesel... ,--.-- 30 00 Mutat • C 0..-. ..----- 24 00 D. Haas ....,..--......f.....—.......... 0000 ...--. 300 00 Pletatrargh, J 66,26.1164. , J441:1 4 O 'FOII6.1"13 8V W. ' D, ALLEVALKIs'Y. —The Commiaanern of the Bounty Fund Denby giro collet that they me prepared to Lunn Clatitcates to the contactual; to the Buntay Fund, and that they aro r4meted to meet at the ohm of the Tntasurer (at tbe Kasha= and Fenner, Beak In theDiantone)sa follow= • ElLeica boa. 1. 2 .4d 3 on Kandy alining, June EWA' N 0404 6 arid 6 VD Titsedicy arating,June 21st • Illoctalfos. 7, ft, 0 and 10 califs:bunk, orating, June 22d. Stools Neu 11, 12,33 and 11 on Thunday arming, June 23d. 1 3 , 1 0.1 0 and la on Friday evade& Jens 24th. Time of mectine from 7 to 0 o'clock mob evening . Block ar• mutate:l to berm. sat at the meeting 4f their reeyeuttve blocks. All persons not known to the Treasurer will come pre. puced era proptr ta 4r umber as cue cartilage will be leatedunbia couch fat bye =ember of " the com mittee to whew he belongs. These .rtifteatea will be tonvertible into 6-per cent, Interest beating bonds when- preeented legume offZfryMeli on vita the botutay tax ha. been 'paid to the Oily Treasurer, boats. Worths cortf neat bees teen Limed. 11y. order of the Butilt49 Oommtnioners. . , BLECTIO NOTION.-Azi 4 tie hold f..,r Ptrilieut, Dlnotaiu, 'bMuragohsßm-andO C o lu 4 l6 To lllHamohau a io d d Vito , Oomph ny, to liiratinginim, on MONDAT ia tit to 4."1!".P' ° I. d 71:111/130ll, Piuldbut;- AVeat Jam O. E'zis. sigma. Oink. • iollalli 07A faRE'IIINU UNION 111:9111:91TiV9 'OOMMITTITE, of Alltem, 0504, 11111 - be ,h 4.1 at the offlca of /lambalt • pro s a. fro. 115 7165 atreat, Plttitamt, MIMI& DAT Jaaa=s, hit at 9 o'altck p. m I 6. 11 1111111011, Chairman.. J01E51,11. 81119 , 411. T. Standup. 1519t9 TI7OLD OOMOSITIE 'tlHo —NO 110111.-11,1111ta ungsba of du 06 of Whip. ? make ! . Arms, 11.344 111•1111orlals,nt Loma, klauu:zip Carinthia 3D nalribital in tbs . .014 CluitAilly fsbar of •the 13soltay 7atr a» fa sal. at th. Bld Depot of Aktus - W. 11 "°"... price, 98 tab./ , . •AM:ft o*.NOTlo;f ii i—TlO , An 4 1113)31 Meetiet Of. a i d ( ktitli c tro.sln 6 g. ,4. 1 9 1 = 17 .7 = antIMSDAY. Stlita Ines , • o dxky. ' d. ll . ”7. AO, Secreta.." tr-4 pr 50 bbla. Calcined Planter cm doe e asavromuootaan. OMR 16110.14() bble forealo by ~,,, RC:MEDAL& ' CEMENT . ..7SO_, pba Jtralatit re' ..ettlead for isle by ". _ . jolt' , lIIDIIT 11. OOLLISI. "PNAMELI , gp ULUiTrs,attPtsin JIZI ad twilled rade. In Mack; brava, green and gran, at 20 ved 2$ Cloy mane. UC legt I La It. VITGLITB. LIMIMUNXLMS 0114, 1.1 , • prbno tree Tann loikwarsentad to gmie amettlaMyt en l2 , oral W De. 2 2 . 02 VP. 01 band and retitle try Thmzias, a aos, lost oh IT , Wator *trawl. V A XECUTOZT NUTlCE._—Lettere Tea - tamentary alb* astate at sun D. funds, late et the OM- Allegben7; rtidecakmA kat tag bead vented tor t =den gn.all peewee la doetee to old sedate etUl plain lasts payment be. avowal, and tbMs baring admit ar demands rel/. presint them. dulranthenticatedlbr aettlament. ./ ;mama.' JoUlawdeat Letteni 44; Ag.tainiastistioxi.: V :of thlt at Geary W.; Wqmao, decatiei, km, bra% gm Axe dos satiggpme. all persons ill• debted to tit nig ara rliaeeNG td make 103. mettle* mama, snd tigeo hob; :dam sigalso lb* east* cilioyot tbasaveidtvaat dzliy tb - ccar errt 1 ' 1%921 tra= trt:ol4l - 1 • s 4111,1A.daw N.EW 414,11213KA.M.Er41a B MAUL titeettoss from Jatimmy Ta y l or ; • -••:— n45 may saa Ileitiords. 14%, , 1ttew aritictu.,* I'6o if NerroN dalcaotilzr,4 - 11 '"r 41, 0 4 1 4 ..W , PIatPIPP 4 Ulna ItipriatTringt , Indigo irablk - ramify Quail Cettarreigul Sat by Har *Otos. ":111ait'll... Iti Itse. , l 6 l l staido ed 1140....:. 1 MI Irv* l& sot ISO - Irdsi tatibs.. 1 150 14141;9%65 WOCd Out dDIPERTI3MILVIW4 FOR CINCINNATI & LOU. LSVILLD —The tla • 'talc gamier KV= HODIXSON, Capt. B. Itobtason== I. above on IllroD6l, Jaw Dar, Tor froisbt or pump apply on WWI cr to Jai& Oot.LIDO •* Co . J. D CoLLINOWOoD, }Agents -I•EL JOHN FLACK. $3O $ 5, $4O, $75, $BO, 5125, 5130, 81135, ElO5, $l7O, 6180, 8216 12 PIANOS AT ABOVF. PRICES. Ihr sib. by GRAS. C. ISELL9II) EMCEES AIICTION AT THE FAlR—Aiielle of fenny articles will be held at the Lease. Be nue on Wednesday afternoon at two o'cl. Also. an extensive abort:meat of unalneware, Glasware, Harassers. to , at:Dialog A 1.,, at Ile banter Agracolcocal Isnni•atools , Iron, Steel EI anew Trunk, Turnitnre, It rdeata. and nab other afticiat es *hall be unsold; at that thus. rELtz. B. BIHINOT, Onalsmen. 140-2. t CARDS, PIIINTZB.S . mA4Eater.s, • Fl ROM LETTEN AND OAP PAPICIt DILL PAPER, BTATIONABY. MYERS, SCHOYEB & CO., No. S 9 vlrru ErSSLIES VLICTERITY TRIIIMPHANI . —ITS WOHOESS AS A TITZBAPEOTIO &MUTT— IITOTEIIIIO3IIELATIIIO TO OAI7OI ANO CUBE or MELO& DR. J. A. DEEM, Radial Zlectriclan. Office, DI PAWN STRAIT, wham all Dawns ant ancsashilly Dilated with Oalranbm, liannatuza, and other wedithatkms of Maarten 7. ddnatthina ar, tree and Important. Eke circular ; att one a the calm. Po charge far eca snltalltm. anew warrantad when desired. ja2li2meod SECOND-HAND II ELODEON. A 5 OCTAVE fibsiWOOD PLUM YT4LE ME LODEON, double reed, two etdils, made by lilmen Hamllo. A roleneld lestruneeut, and be :Ant rate order. Would answer well far a mall Montt or FOR SALES 0F1E../W. t==l/ CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 ROOD frBREIT PRICES REDUCED! SUM RER DRESS GOODS, Fa sale at Reduced Ptlees I warrE, ORR 800., NO. 23 117 Th (7111 MT FOR SALE. VALUABLE OIL LAND. Toe =divided het In fee simple, or Ono no • of Grand al stared on Homo -ck Ban. within a low foot of Brake Inallee. t ig well and intssallately adjoining the Mato and folio WU*, 00. at which hat bees volution far over one poor Tbb tract Is !sown aa the "Baiting Eisend erre " Beyond doubt this it the tad minable bact of Vi - ginta land now In the =what, Doing sarronn , ed on esich aids by god nal* and only e% WWI from Ohlaniver. Th. otber tuklivtded hail I. wood py IllosanG bull I Sarno of this c addass 6Xt2B, lrEht j jos ..S Plttsbriret P. • MEFOB THe FAIR.—AiI persona heve to head money cottulbMied for the Plttetatrib Bookary ratr, are nom rah to pay the tame to ot. ElOLlnatt, isq., Tre t eurer of the /Mr . All Mends of Mel:Mon barer* erooteith top*. their name on t.enatt of bettor math Maps who hm Weed oontributed to no..erotay. ant greed to n do mo at MUM •hi arms ratans of the relr two: ammut to IMO 1,000„ rot the vodka.= of ;be object, atm to. honor of WO dtY. tette Increase the tom to more thanr.lCO,Coo. an. 135 Is and cue•om of may that, menet the Yalr, man nevem and forth.lth, In order thet the bott om may De sled op at theta tied poritmentoleent. J.53:3t Yr 11 B MIMI ror'hel,..an. E 1 • LEG ANT Lai bE &if disLLta. E —Oa WE OttleiDAT, Joao 9 9, at9O Seleek a. to. and g and a o'clott p m . sll9 be e•de. '• 9 Om. oterr,tot B.lm Boom", 64 birthttorot.la Urge arid epbotdtd =nation of &a trneCall "Pun ot the erode, embracing Many Taitl•tolo Iltrittitt. • t resting to t eti ondts bboathology. t Limo. - hell Head.Dreasee. Pb,. Orsc.lete, bliperted from Tenter and ttoly. Alto; nett work *oleo, art t p gnat misty of hog iitten 01941:11.0149. Imported trom Freon. The attauttoo of lodize is partloulatiy halted to this de of toe betuthn and woodertof iba deep, adrot-d for eleganttooteeholdorettetobb Thename andoater al bit og leaf:ail to eerbithell. . Batts mil be condoned every der sod: otglit, will all are told. s. Idett.W Oar, Anoer. PROPOSALS FOB COAL; SLACK MID LILL. Wed Proposals, for tt4 &fluty la Ms Wtrks of rtes Patsbarsh Oa itkmpany, 3r0.403 bosbals of .11dotsalaoas Goal, 76.0a9 bashes of Slals, d kW) bushels at 41ma,rtll bo reostred at *hi Crass of the Oatauoy until lb. Stra L'fai Ont. !lack old Liam to Po of roet quay ud &timed at sack times a.d to auk qtutraltlat as shalt be sp. proud sad direct:L. Payment to be rude ctouthly, rstalaing treaty per unt. Is moults for tits prilarttatate of the outzsti. . • Proposals to to addrused to TLIOWAS AHL. WILL, lat., Pratateal of the , Oompassy, sad ma dams! °Proposals for ooal or Elsa, or Limo," as the caw Isar to.; • TEPAHON, Litteer. odlos of the plttsbarthOss C 0.,; Jou 1ith.1614. .jas.'td SALE OP THE GREAT SANITAIn !At& UtOLDllloll—bated op : oda for the =of Us Ileum, Dining Roam; Morel Thal. oat, Stecluentoe Mat. bletstOr Hall, • sad Ll . rt 8 Wet /NUMMI'. Or either of Um*, at sa mob per MOO test, beard ma'am to the; lumber nom Lathed tberele, Oil be usaiteed entlb,alittlODAl leitlDslAo,26.ls Jane, et t 34 rtnlerebe es • The Haildlop te taken down by A Wee purebeagi soon as reptant to do ga by ita. mectudge dam. mutes or the C Cbane ll s. . The bide for the 'Mate, Posts and - possele to be separete. sum OH eta ba melee!' tor thee:tgat Paper on the gereral•buthltep, to b. taboo ear, by the par. clam r tmusedletely attar the building ere sold. Bide may b. *damaged to Capt. O. W. BATCItte. LOA..ftedrukan ono Braiding Onamitteel marked Floosie,. or to tbe understood. Bias will also be nedvadrar the beaettret Pagoda to to. Dialog Hall, and far the Vlntareis'e Play Boom to the UMW Baser.'. A Witt $3OOll el. reedy ottand Or Om Cbtalreas Play Arno rettb lte tarattsur. -nwtx.s.rearintior, pad. ' onearmaul, OUNDED . EOLDIEREI.—dhs T log 13obliett, 'discharged bineenne at Ina/eat realm In battle, ere bath; nodded no all at able eta end dna the tonoltere for thate3loo •Reasea,' low data's tiering been tainted to bOydd let O. Wen. Divithop, Centatter, . Jetta 'T. 41. tell, Deihl Bog; •• Wm. Ornate, Wm. Ltrateay, tr James Bout, ,Yronit 8.147.• John - N.oy - , . Bernard Sitehor. . •rentelllttnt: ". et.Zehtiager, Utah Shelet;:. •1 Pence, 'Aland Stal. 0. Shortie, • 'Janus 01.11e:.4.. , 7' Boni. ahup, • aitenneienank%; Band' truth*, • •' • Jona Sephni; Bran, .. • tatobeet Ilttenan, • ' bud Butes. 'Jan HtIW Art tended &liners are now being ,patia,llonnti at COO, id lea, than - twenty logs tem theft. spljt, tag. Nothing aequirod but 7one • ; 'OMon at indents' WAL*II l*T; Pension sod Bounty Astute 'Mewed by the L. B. Clorernsiant. . F N0..10.1 rim • states Jenaat. Third door beloWthe Cathedral. ' ELICTROPAMEY.. t - . . MADAME IAIItEIGAM AND . MISS 'CALDMELL /Ws snood oftiCio•iti - thi 'corner: of rift sad entrancs 10 flrrn BTEZHC, itc the Mak& of Math:4W It* Ar• rarnibr Mao staimodid btstbek lllplocia, on othlbS los Maly., Can , no, In propindlotnst dletasta In • sobaddo °Urgs roasonablisid cunt nrials. tlon Thai rota :, Os subtle! to OW tolle,ths rointattP: datlfle dlipcseel of .vsi *tan Sid medic's.* t o MAW. ionstos 41dd!oiboa I has ondont to bellows= granites la tbs. luslog,szt,l do . 11104 dionfolly ,rocotoonad a t to lb, sdllettd. sod to the palab to pootid, at inn ISY 11 4 1 07 If Mgr endfdloto sad patroassysi a wooriAsriilA 1),? , -Pltfabortle. Jim 14th 1864. Jelktr Wo aro now I*y ...iv lag 14gber pricto tbsn'tritterci: OLD rarPtiPialt ; , • Ammo, iaiii.Corinti artoitia-a otkce" =I wefts ha cub, at the neat see Piiptstil,m, /16.10; Yid•rshuseti Alb - r'fds • - vironart-st. 100ri 13AGE—a7Acros of i.ap.d, nituikto • on • Oissoll of PeagiCtri4, tji antes trossi l' • littoicatgabalaillter, Bootetra torrwbipl • two, •tort frame 'boo*, Hama ••••.* tine ber of !bolt true, sad in istmellimt all/ stet. - .Ptise , dlra Thes, rattobotr W Act (root on t3tm lairs tree 6J LOO giro. Arph to :s - • kaa , ELCll34lThald? BOSEi ttstiet 1131 6 8.11.1'1).11 4 i51 ?2,1 131 : 11 : . ..",.. O d bblit._,._'"GLAl in"! - 1 • - lA' 13r..""M.."7:risinsOrt • " ' No. Weal strat LNG/ N AVIV:UN° —2ll biß. mamas sum Pemba Dania& la Paziatedari inttaadmitiatt fig al* tha at WWI. at ° '° 4s7 S t ,. Re it B. .s rata—NNOINJS Aamerallit, -4unaori. two was, "tie . to, auto Ws qm•bi.iterling et ter -WIC 0, MOM*. JrEW 4DrERTIREJCIEA'7B E WAShiNGTON Fire Insurance Co., Of SEA' TOES 172 Broadway Oetb Cap —...—.-14 0 D CO , Ifeb let, 16 1 —.....-----.—. ee2ece O. G. 0 Se.resex.rx, Prime. Ii Raze st Woe, V. P. W.li J. oul•or, Bell. W L. 9..eyre Ml. Bee. Tee Policies eutttleet to pardelpge recetve TO per met of the aet prelltu Pc 1p D ri •eade of 61 per cent, were male In 1881, 1.8f2 and WO. The Ph.nix Fire Instir. Co., of Brooklyn No 1 0:11:111f STISECT, Brookli o No. 132 BauIDWAY, Now To k .-.....500.000 00 Mt,ELY 20 hl.rch —...--$722,219 20 81W.1171 Clooviont, Pleat. Y. Pit tinonnit, Y. P. nit.namon I naf, S.c.ets+ y. I ant prep •rod to lame Poll. let In 'lnter o f the • tonuch and Popolar Compotto• on Ballolnno Ftm aboro oltaro-nnd trupotty pootally, And f-r Ilattno Blot. on lake*, Biros and 0311 d. 8. S. BRYAN, Plttabluih Agent, 69 Ponrtn .t., (Burke'. DoMing.) pI3RFECT OIL BARREIA ALLEN'S PATENT WOOD COVERED IRON OIL BARRELS, Will not leak, and aril' hat for yaara, a•a no herder than Wood barrels, and not ottnr on. Tor Railroad Station, Shop, Retail and Doraeatio me, they are trtmestalled ; near ter re ederwl In this wafter.. and well remora any prqadlee the atom of thefallureorothen) stalest lrtn barrels. C. P. WHITNEY & CO., earner Duquesne Way and Water *tenet. Ihruntrion, Jane V, IF6t. Nessaii. O. P.. Warner & Co--Ges We hen need your Patent Iron Bomb" f r wane ties put, and unbeeltarnaly pronounce them to be the but Ward far Petroleum and Ito p Gana. Ow an inn We ban never in our nee found one to leek • pullet% ar In any way bider. theta, =du • convenience for retalltnr, ko,. an not *Vanua. Torun truly, 1.11/1500.11, BALL & &manual Itartsaar, lone 13, 1664. Blau a. 0 P. Wntrart &Co —0 otemen I have tett. to a mart severe manner the "ellen'. Pa tent Iron Ihrrel",set to ea, and (mad 'taupe for to any Irma bared that has yet Come =Lair one notice. .Irourt, vary truly 11E801.1IT W O. TWZDDLIC, Manager. Je2l•lvr FRENCH COFFEE!. • To Retail Grocers. Thle J selebtated OOTTEIE, bud sneetneatinie ail other Coffee., for ha purity, its nutriment and health igiTLug qualities, eau be obtained at the iol. hying named Wholesale Houses in Pittsburgh, At precisely nANUEULOTURILELS , PIIICEEI ZdcDONALD & 61181:70KL13. Act. 244 and 211 Liberty 4traet; EIII 4 PATRICK & BEOE, 191 Liberty strut; W&ST &WILSON, Liberty stre,tt ; aosknatima a L LNG, 9 9 Liberty street; B. 11081N14.21 & Oa., 216 Men, am,: J P&INTEIS & Liberty swot; a4llll & OO. r 827 Marty street; • B. BAUD. 44, Pauly at.cat ; LIZZIE, JONZI, 48.1 Nan street. 7he tt.tall Gratz. win Ind that the FRISCH alren will ipso must estioloctlou M tbslr cus tomer.. It la pot up la Wretch paper, 'mind pack age.. with Gold sod Blue Leber. mud hen Cards sad Ecirnaings in each box. • waE IrnEwca cciwomm T. declined to ciente . too ton in the history of boortnetis. GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS An not simply ftst &vs al rupor cut to the two of a col:ar, but sr* Maid and Eho,ud m .fir tt. e•of. totting a ;other carve Pm Pars eorpe r buelre obith le obtained by our Wanted procen, which .ha secures anothm arivezbme poromed by or race endar,—rls Spars for A. osrar to the turn•done style, the inside of uhtch. Jr perfectly smooth end tree from porkers, making this collar—f, ear, rectors and ttonallity—onegtutlled. tho 7 are mods In tarn down IVO% to i tsa 7,00 . /I to 17,, and In 0/rroto from LS to 17 melt., Lad picksd In oast UM bozo, of 100 mat; eno to foxalltz ono' of 10 esoh,—tho tattoo a v. 77 bandy pickaxe for tfaveloro, army and sum 05re74. air ltirSlll' to ito70;00 . "Orari Patent !Molded Collar." flold by' WI .retall dosing in Mne's Turoiableg Coeds, lbs trade impelled by VA s DZIMEN, DOZEISIES a CO., G 27 Ohesrout street, Ptaladelphls; eel J. 8 LOWII6I d 00., 37 Warren Knot, Hew York. REECE, SEAL do Co., WOOL COMMISELIOII Merchants - 341 LIBERTY STREET, Corner of Wayne, PITTSW3II9II, Pd. , 4Er Wool bought sad sold cm srokerego..oo. preen Oirsaaes Orrin, Pittsburgh. JRus 10th, Mt I ATALERY HORSES PI:MCRAE .P.D 11.11/IEXT. SIGS 00 wlll be Siren by Ps undersigned. at Pitmburgb, Ps., for awl AETILLCIII /1011818, pirate to tortiftestm Inaebtodnoss, for not km Man ten hones. • Them borEd must be well farmed, satire, and free Tom al defecti. Age from a )eus old this Spring to Tests old; from 1034 told hands blgb, and to welch not less then 105 pounds. ' %nits berm/ end marts InW bo secluded. • They will to sarimined ha n competent judge, and all horses presented must conform to the &bore ape— cideaons. , 0. 011053, ' tsihtt • and D4uty Q. 16. Gen. • Oremar mmOortnOttsi or Alastossitz Pittsburgh, "June 17a, VA& j 1110 CARP ENTERS PL=BEEP. • Staled Plumage will be SO:10a at this calm on. to PINErr., indult*, boc T ao n Muir! rlryltt Ocort Scum t weed= Matto; of B.inch plink, 33 feet lon6,2lfeet'dca and to ho. obey tide, ad llued with 4 pounds of tour l 3 ad to' pa root ;Ala a, lack wiahous tame; tour Molt Impply MVO, "Or Latin eater tuluttoulhe ; three bob bon enpply pipe; fatc.utinils. with the caw W 7 clupeW.tr wait lo maks the Job complete. Particulars Puldebed•DOPOCWOn• By Onetime et Comity docurdericam - ' .018:3v llitbrar I.433llFiT,Zontronsu ' 1 - • Plus Tres Tar Oord4l Wbbart'a tryapaprla Pith: I = • • Oarapaarld Syrup at Ltrarrrori Tar. Kaarody's Ularartry. • ' 'Tine 011 y. Oil; Or Was baa, . Baker', Pere Mai Liver 014 :" Um Allan's flair Hartarar. • - . • lir rt aliketrbas sad Hooey. Sorik n ,, Bo Arabroodi, fortis - ear .... • .r/Latri all sad Tooth Brushes. . • 3 , - .llllrou'a loolabla Omani. At itteditTall DreA tittle, Gamer fedora and Ohio ittettAAlWitq. Otto G. A. Intl' • CO. NEW MILLINERY EITURE, , JI ti:27 itti idreet: Mrs. BIA,FLTEI won* Irv,lts the Ladlos t, hat wow 'tat of latilltuary Goods, , -Hide sod ISlraw Pans crape and .ink I:total:iota; • • ILlbbows, Plarwee%-vsaktbur., Loess and Plondee: , - capa t sinSfabr ‘',i;e1•!!"7.4 114 Corsets. aRAIN, SEEDS, mPri'SztA' ol) / 3 .T 9 z'ocgio A_ _lad kbt,O ;-- —"" • •1 • promp tiesdrid. • t, - , ltlicagy . • I.l.:otrittsbitrati that the Truworcr Saucy-Immo!, to memo alitazo datiataLla ofts—a.. allowing a discount of 6 par coot 4110, taatatbat, Dirt or tiefora Ca la dal 'at Jaus- text. .Tbe d to Itoreaotil•Ucesurs are like - Inm dro,. -- aa6 prat la ptlttberbre th• Lt of ?oly, ostri t au ti• law I T Pris'l7 '" 2ll °!..wlt. inastrei. Jose eta; ..J•G:tt AIALEGEOIIiir WHAEtr VOTICIRi inu out, co vartumilosTit4tsn; km: vat swat, Imo 41 %it goat FLOB, 202 OAST. MO: abadige.in4 'tot* it Paildn Star irg4 auktilie eat toytes CIVS 97,14.1n7, inifet.la tnodarvbseanttelt co. 'AU p,terams chindaild of CM OM , mit? pggo,al.. razobirsikatitiL JrEU' v3DrEATISE.ATE. 3 TS 9ff OF PITTS BIIIIG 11 FRENCH COFFEE. Tho advardscre are roomcfacturiog ahoioule the Celebrated FEE oCII COFFEE, made, ail in Pub, From pure coffee and c ff.e malt le a peculiar man ner. It has no drop to Carer or cut,: it dee. not affect the ben-as system, and Is extrem , ly nourish leg and boalthe,; tnraltd. Cr, fro, great benerit from Its us,; ft bee all th• ar. me end taste of the Jana Once Its introduction into the United cisme, • fear months ago, 1 has given onlverui astiotaction, and it Is sold by ever, prominent Grocer in alt the largo title. We are dosirons hat the Grccera of Fitt,- butith abovild t y this celebrated Colt e. Once thin try it they will aorever nee it. It Is no common anbatlinte. We have challenged all the coffee manufactarara in the United Emotes for t,OOO boom (the proceeds to be given to bmpital.) that the Erencb Coffee is toper - for to all other, It Is pure, nutrition.. soil healthy ; It bee all the aroma and taste of pun Java It is .boat one-third the price. . . The FiLEACti COFFEE does not require nitre to be mixed wt.h 1, on usion. &ancient pure coffee is mixed to its ma vufscutre. Its tine guabtles and ex treme economy will make It the basement of feAlilles on being known. The taming:aunts of in good qual ities ars lennmerabia. We give a few extracts: From the &Mnn* ktsse-iess: Chipnescad Gsuile We have mei the Junly celebrated Trench Coffee, and in Janke to she ttattufattursr, we gay It Is the bast coffee we ever need From Groans is ea York, PLiladrlp7l4 IL, Washin g" hi. Leafs end I..hieop.— .. Our customer@ are conch .upendslassedwith your Freeeh Coffee. t will certainly all other coffee when known, and ws de sire an additional supply." Atom Hospital. is Pei (wore end ireshi. elms —"We have used your French Wks lo our hospital(, and we an pleased to lotarn you that it glens gnat wa ttling:lon; In feat since Its introduction, mar pail ate will drink nothing else." The tonnutacturs of the FRENCH COTTEE fe known bat 9 ourselem. Any one tam bare It a. a lyr.of , ire preparation la •wondertul discovery. The Grocers of Plttsbulgh see rmpectlully requested to make s trial of it. El &BC rAOIIIIIIID BY J. F. BROADBENT & CO., No. fa R. CULVERT BT. Palemon. SIXTH LIST OF APPLICATIONS for selling Liquors, Sled to the Clerk's Oillos up to Juno oth, 11304 : Nora. Mas t Place. Bred...Sok Weise, tavern, lit ward, P ittsburgh; John Tang, do. do; Jrunes Metall], d ~i o; Jane litc.D.nonatt, voting house, do: James Crooks, tavern, do; Jame McPherson, eating bongo, do; Peter Willurt, tavern, do; • Want., Yeti, tavern, ld:ward, P Cabmen H. Modertgan, other good., do; A. Benedel, tam., do; Chat Robinson, eating bone, do; John Ward, other goods, 4M, August Charles, meg hoe" Sd ward, Pittsburgh; John &blamer, do, do; Wm. A. Have, torero, do; Patrick Mullen, do, dm John iinnerty, do, do; !rank 11.11erman, do, do; Bernard ftloStay, do, do; Patrick Hollywood ' eating house, do; John Harr. ,seem do; James !delay, other gaols, dth ward, Pittsburgh; John MoCationglo, do, do; Han & Mon, tavern, do Maurice Wallace, tavern, oth ward, Pittsburgh; P. &M. Hann Other geode, do; Michael Lang, tavern, dm Jacob Fos, do, do; 11. J. Weber, B', do; EL Darla, do, Eth ward, Pittsburgh; Hate Richey, •ating house, an, John Ammon. tevorn, do; Lonny O'Coaner,ot'r, y'ds, Lib ward. Pittsburgh; Hobert Edwards, tavern, do; Nary O'Hara, other good., do; Thomas 11.sarrorth, torero, 9th ward Pittsburgh; Schols, 800 & 00.. other ;ed., lot ward, Allegheny; Snouts, Dant. & Co.. do, do; Jobn E. Heinrich., t.vern. de; ?Med* drown, do, iLd ward, aJlegbens Devid Seater, do, do; Cow launder, do, do; Trederick Bauer, , 00, 3d ward, Allegheny; Leer-use rye al, do, do; Jtmeard Brown, eating heave, dm Egidt 11-es, tavern, dm Jacob Rinehart, other goods. do; AntenfWeever. tavern. 4111 ward, Allegheny; SamDDukes. eating horow, do; IL lonnewig, oiler goods, do; Co4nelms gloOlakey, tavern, etc; D. liccnire, co Hirroingloson; Y.E. &lemon, do,' do; J. A. Lippert, do, East Birmingham; John Jo u, do, Duquesne; • W Healey, do, do, Jon Bart, do, Lawrtn-erills; Jobo Ersomothols, do, co; Valentine Short; do, Ellsotheedor; llobt. B. Moan, do, do; J. Crown, do, Memoroph.l.l; Margaret-to Meyer, do, de; P. W. &preen. miter gmde, Booth Pittsburgh; &Walrus, Breteb, tavern, Pass Pitta n; John Schelltr, do, Tenopersart-4 ; Starr Hoehn.% mites brVele, dt. John Bascdor, Wein, ' do; 11. a-klate Pontine, do, Yarmatnnu 1 W m Janney, do, Belderla tp; Joseph Ganger, do, 0.1 Ists ts ' O 0 Jarrett, do. &nth, Tayette tp; John Aterrian. do, Harrison tp; biargvetto Power,, do, Isollana tp; t A. Alves Biller, do, .„ John Bertroso, do, Realm tp; John Taylor, do, Patton to, 1 Michael Onlar, do, do; Jesse Planknoton, do, rim tp; Georg. Elite, do, Pitt tp; V. ItOltenbatlter, de, do; Yerdinand Owens, do, l'"hbut,d Op; John Hainan sating Mona., Heservarp; Nichols. etirmer. tavern, Lower Et CUB; U. .BL her, do, Shale, tp; „Lawrence Winehol, do, do; o Yred l on l Vie r iheller, ' d ' o,' Dolt ; tp; Peter Perehrtmat, do, unities to. Tito Court will, meet on WEDNESDAY, June Bib, 1084, at 10 o'clock .. to. Herountstrances must belled on or before that,day. Lleenceemustbe takenout after 5 days, and within 15 days after bang granted, or they will be revoked according to law. Applicants will bring their bonds to my dace before tho day of hoaxing. Jelli:StriW. A. REHBON. Clerk _._ _— • WRRELLER & WILEON • ¢iO¢LST Plikkilt la LOCK STITCH SEWING • • DIG:HINES T¢:arkErrffr, BIELP AND MTS. Principal Or..a. and Wholeank. kmportena No. trIPTLI Throe doors balm Hank Mara. WM. NELMS ilk 00., WIZMIUN 101115176 agahinuer FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBIJUGH No. 55 btABELT EiTHEC7. (Nest door to 2). Holmes &Bow.) - Yin/oda AS Ferritand 11. IL GottesuatOt riepoiltary • forrtotts..] Tho ottostlost ofpars= minor tad Is yorpoet• folty calla! to the oatinot Vim the folloodaglottis °Tummy arras Von= forum, —,Tfotaf—Wotdogtoo, 'Jtmo lath; 18t4. , boa hhOtotal BOA Of Ptttobotah. . boa Otto do beta &Minted • Dopoottary of Public, Mote) o; (except - loom' Casforos,) sal ?tassels! Agent of lb.* United States. WI bao„tactoo quottflo• io ettatoo Dopootteo of Palk( gar, ko. aro. Pereoce ribbing 16 depoilt letoneysin- moot% Coverstesne Worts; Collectors of Intoned ilarcient4 sad all others Interested; am gemmed that every wager necVley .be given ttdi Bak to Qum u I dd. transaction Orbasteses jeleclee • • ISM'S O.OIPNOTS, Itsildent. BAILEY, FARREI,fr& CA, • . 129 VOtrirrif STREET, n, l " .Flt"t l ,7 °4-b:°!4 ,6 "-)PI Pampa, Wash Btaudai Bath In6s, 4ttp; tihti,hlr. Wo my prtAlla i? AGITATORS, 01t1'4151103, Wttta_lasd,r ithont all t sofa er, !azralat , . _ 19PiPSEISED AND COM4ION-BDICK • ziOooo ri:ieszn;_sai soooolicogtioy t.hicE; • 110INTS101 , 11111WM' : • ":' 250 btrus W. B._ m. 14C1.17 14C1.17 Caldir.laier.o o ; , ..121 bah. prow (harm; Jest taattislacd Ihr eats at No- 31,0 lanai; JOG = POTTTa.AIEZS Bu ca rma -9 00ofraiisou Button 40bassp Creoltphomms - DRI" GOODS B AI GAINS LN Circulars! 13asquines! t-hawls 1 Zicts. fir. Wo:bssa mad* gnat roductionu to'the picas of thine, • rpea!ally J. W. BARIUM & CO , No. 63 NUNKET BTILLETt T ah SANITARY FAIR Btraapn 'kiting the city •N Er-A at EATON, INACRUM & CO.'S, Nan. 17 & 19 FIFTH sinsrr, A large and choice aseortmont of Bilk Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Party Pans, Fine Lace Veils, Rich &saris, Fancy Combs, Hair Nets, Rich Ribbons, Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Rich Embroideries & Lace Goods, Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties, Hosiery, Gloves and lritts, And errarytlittma ele In Na Trimming and Norio= Um, ea 1,011.14 mkt prices. Merchant and Dealers are eipecinily invited to mall andromine the atockin WixdrasieZaparionant. CLOAKS I CLOAKS I A Lunen/let, at 41 pd.. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, From the leered prim. OBSHADINIS, 0114d3D129, TOIILLEDS, TB DEIXSS GOODS, Of all klsubl, at low prim, AT ALMS. 8A.T213', Na 21 Irifth Street. HIGHLY DESIRABLE NEW GOODS! MACRUW & CLYDE'S, 78 MARKET STREET, ttootived eery day by PaCtrced sod Irmo. Ladles should not delay to !ropily themselves with s now sad potty Parasol or Sun Umbrella, a WC* CEPP/7 ;tad aPenint• Paris Fancy MUM Vine Shall and 1v0.7 Quck•Comba =tont Jet sad Sitio! Pine. Hair lista, of all dadabb dyke. t Lett /trees Bats, s new ennly of Wartsll, *omits Idny•Day end Debi pattamr. BtrAM Bonnets, at Ski =doweled mina end nibs. Abe, Mos SIM Laos lletls, Net. toss Ballets, Outpure Leas, eta. Ws shall cantata to attn. the moot adtarttagoott tams to Eyes at WHOLESALE ABBE RETAIL. InrWhobnals Booms ay . Aga and In basemsd. 1041' NEW MOM GOODS. JOSEPH HOMO & CO. Offar mr sada • Tory comploto 'tack of Ladies' and Misses' Hits and Bonnets, smowans, awns% MILLINERY GOODS LIMO HANDKIIII AHD WHITE GOODS fa inlay Today, and allow pdcN Black and whits Balmoral Skirts, Dun= earns. oomms ixa az= arse, olnrcus MONANCIB. and beat soaker of Zoilleh *SUM iiiNnt% al sou& kr Woo BZW PR10315. t BIM Mk. ka Ootioa, Botch ma SPX title al6ll boo of 1 *R., .0 ,:* .74. vi .41,-, rot Nen, Women and ChEaren and . post _weal of AUTICLIEI, awl 2MTIOna. .wlemes Less than Eastern Prioe JOSEPH HORNE ec n AND TO KAIIICM* MEM. J. M. BUACHFIELDIS. PLAMOAZIIIKUES PLAN PLUS O6BBadiB3=3. rixoT clas owiarso oLo x pm ET•i/1135."1/21:6ABOAAT/IMni -1,Thra 0 : 10 9Za. - 1ff.&118133413, 1 7 , 1= 10 . `!1.11:li8 iailiexUrL ' !"1 11 BUT LII4EI4e, - ritatra chaalL a tugs -sane:not 3Ziff 31:30V011, ;-4 ,1 ,'• stir.fotaiigaltili“Orrirketatah . . . nREss VEcllgE`; 4e. mat 100 . 11* 4ARANYI4 .11171e1POMPLUW"' gianaoaSacannuto Mg8L1313,- ' noroau. moms LAMM, - • untwarain, Brs*lne,_ COLL& . . . 1 6 111 1MOIS at24 B / 1 083X14. - • - lint.Wl4 41488 eau 8 . • ' Parraeu:inaeea :z ElOVlA:_rdagnatAß4 it:4 UM72 eras* Tregxrs WANTED--BLACKEIMITH—A good Blaelmaltb ran obi da parrialunt =plop neat. inquire of 7003HART..1 nzw. Ziegjey's Bon, or tril Wocd atnet. CANTED--,SITUATION.—/L compe tent Book Beeper, to 'Ohm eamptoymtnt s mon of an object than Wary, vaunt • eta: Wm Sahmentary totwance fill Pb tuntithett. Palr.ta Q:l2. W,P. O. Bon No 711. RIMS! WAN T ED—A SUBSTITUTE.—Liz Haratad Dollars (VD3,) tral be paid to co so• eoptablt tatattarta tots &Idle] MM. lb. satatt• tat. ataft be exempt from the praisall sad future dreg. lava» ft the jelfat ausrri onion. WANTED.-100 tons of old boob, • lth Dada removed, old halraPaPor3 ar 6 a 7 thing trial has roam ban wrilLos, or priattos Earl; • for •htch the highest prim . flog, es raldal our per aed Rag Wamtao se, t7a . 83 Smithfield ate t. Jelmlen la: P. M&IO LL & 00. WAN - TED. A few men with • coati capita. to has • port Enteral,' En slant or ttartllng bashma, that pays 400 per cent. profit. Busmen light .ad pleasant. • Tor pull:mhos tall on or *Orme. J. 0. TILTOIB, No. 48 Reed street, Pitts/melt'. WAN T ED. TWENTY GOOD CULPETIRBS. The undmigned ars desirous of etoploylnk Ike above cumber oftlerpentrts, to work at Dwain Bridge over, Ira Menorgatrala Blrerl6l PlOoltargka For farther taforwatko apply at O &. to the Wolk Ward o n bent of Allegheny AM; hat'irwo Illottok tad Clyaerelreete. Jaliaw PIPEB t SIIITMI2II. WANTED. 60,000 PETITE WHITE OLE STATES, rae.,oll Barrels. Apply to PXI9JAA. BALT DI alitrra. CO.. 'AV! m.od root cif PHA stmt. PlUbtargh WANTED -460 A MONTH.i.. _TY I want Agents &MO a seal mzr Evrawarnso Pri r laAtritgligi 111111Nlits9, end thirteen other osw p useful and", dimsertlenin Tattemctrenlare wet Addzeo, JOHN P. LOED. 1114ddord,Nalas. ap3Oarrldima" WANTED. THRE GOOD DIIGLIIIS; To woo ibr 100 dap, LOKI:my. Artillery tattaBoo Also, • Met Rae.. Good Woe WITIM HAIL, A ret 'l lTtr Third e 2027. WILIiTED—To mehaae, an intereitt Yl' An • btaronnello or blonuttaturing Horbstik . by an actin sad exporkuced A/Inm S. 19, Gum( Orruz. J017:11e....1 WANTED, • 'A GAUDISIB, To take are of • good madam near as dt,. min tg Inquire at Mid OFTICOL BOOBS. art.LBO.NB, Dfc Aso= soya The Boy is Father to the Ran MONEYS BOY. TEE WEBBY BOY, THE BOBS= BOY, an 4 TB& FABRICS 801, Aaullum prospocts of roungsvas °Makin& of IPoyg bat ths moat valnsbla 1344 at tb. prsent t2IDs THZ TLISHIB BUT, bang • Life of Lt. Den. Ulysses' S. Grant, The Boyhood of Gem Grant is depleted at length, allowing now much of the charmiarlatim of As toy ats d,welopod to too man; and • coo:plata mead of hat military mew tnimm down to the mynas. Of ftlehmood ; whit Gltntra•toba. 1 vol., Ltmo. Sang cloth, tett bank, prim BLS& Sold a: lONS P. HUNTS waoment eirD RETAIL Book, Stationery & Magaziso Emperllllll, 52 FURS STEEL; 236130/210 HALL. 1.52 LATE PUBLICATIONS, AT HEART MINER'S. Balila ac:race. By tha alithrt, of N.argstat nd. Math-- . Bridal Eye. By Mn. T. D. Z. Boathirorldu 16? Hawed A labia tbe Old lititeh 11- T. Walwarth. Cloth l6O - IV.: Haunted Hearts. By the author of thalami. , .J.q Y. bran Ste+, D 7 1k HarraL 118 VI. Maclean Beni:SlM Teaser or, Sketches et s Old's Llfe. -60 Women to Black. By anchor of Manta Clrey. A comipotlia to Iyozoas La Whim. Cloth.— 1-BO -nu; Fatally Botta, By the ontlkot of Piqua. '<no.. 140 lona Coty:Coat to Dixie.' BYLbI. Kukla. I X. Stumbling By Gafflloadltoo. Cloth. j, :60 new Wccdt. Hem D.Tbtroan. 45 Raymond's Lb=lres imitaistratlon. Hy H. • J. Itiqmond. 160 Ifirtwo and Dayllea. .8711 i.. Limy Jaz" ' Eqpt.. 1 60 Otddo to rattails. — co& Porta Moo. , ' net: ItUm Lto/io. SD Ladies' Guido to Nadia Wm*. sad Embroidery: l 60 Oictb: Ploilasopby of Herbert Spacer. First Iliad. plus. Oisth 7 .170 EVIL FM:strati= of Eraisenal Program. By Bar- tart Byencor, CUM— 1 10 Huard .en this WEL Inedods at Riad WE.Mod. Clot FfA Patriotism and ctbar , -Faparo. By T. Starr ZL --. El Mtg. Emma mod Comfort.; .87 the OmmtryParszo: 7 Cloth 1:10 . _ i• Odle" Civ*: a TiWof XittTesulears.73 _ mars - , Datorlddri - Mat; tre.l3arare the Skala. " 1450 Woedbura: sairoeel:::34 thb Author of Perez& ry.Bom. 1.1:w Ten awes - iambi Practleal Wo* far ram= Com 1.60 XXV. itio'bropo sad Grape, Oakum. Py Andrew' ts rull!;* XXVI: Indortrfal Incigniptly. -By Sumba Baas, so._ thor of &lye and.lider • • Copies of tile dare boolpt matted Sew of peitaP "nedPt.dri". aCtatiMINNEI;.' - , jar ?land 73111 PS tt.. mit dun to P.O. Ate ' - - -GlirctrhotoarslMlL Albums. , Aabuzsts.- 1 '"r 4 0 3 ; 3 4 1 z 1 c - _ .rfa;zicet FLAGS I -17 LAGS Late 'nowt*: • • -. •Waffiger-Ir7r - ei4Os es Georgia. ,EriTtoznai fridilosllllT I si • -P tkw 0 .IC2-19, N EW WO 1 NEW BOOKS I _ alesAsz EIIOGItS33.OX STBDAT krugoßli u m movay .844.talkimrsza Irol/.. ani, D . rover." IToL;Iti 61 IPir' 11111111 Z-. Tooadedan tb3 r anstinty or-the, parts latoktidta *lwo:mutton; ktbdeactilimpor mutetztioa ix.crameata r ka. I 1 W.L.1.1440. =twat 01M HOWL 4 vol. I. . • pALING- ,£ WD nrYIITRI3I3. /3y Lint. Yittaa. pri S tarp mply of the bitter volt hertivatned. . VI 'creak ttreet. - - REEEDMATIBM Itiou xbn tAke!wzia r t , ea ./ a =i n _ lIA.TI-11d 14. liFialls..7oa must ass 7-- =aim ' Stu lofi • ~ , ' l4 " t 65 2- - Stkia by al I 2 164 3 =ID Cbrujr vat Matt/Add 11114'14.5. 124 41 7 1 Q . " D 'ziorelo says .1 26 lait 3 l o c'tdavumELL y9=•-;ursolux, _,104"0-04..zutgeoati. BARLEY 14ALT..:-Prizan Eel awl naszarritaxer, =knew czniatiaus mut; Ro:liiiibmvflert,puosik, --ors :s
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